Top 17 Cleaner Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 21, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement at the top of a resume that summarizes your career goals and ambitions. It serves as an introduction to employers and helps them get an idea of what you are looking for in a job. When writing a resume objective for a cleaner position, it is important to highlight your experience in cleaning services, the type of environment you thrive in, and the skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate. For example, "Experienced cleaner with five years of experience providing janitorial services in office buildings seeking to use my attention to detail and strong organizational skills to ensure a clean and safe environment for all employees." Additionally, include any certifications or qualifications relevant to the position such as knowledge of safety protocols or hazardous materials management. By making sure your resume objective is tailored to the specific job opportunity, you will make yourself stand out from other applicants.

Cleaner Resume Example

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Top 17 Cleaner Resume Objective Samples

  • To utilize my cleaning and organizational skills to provide a clean and safe environment for clients.
  • To secure a position as a Cleaner where I can contribute my expertise in housekeeping and janitorial services.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a Cleaner with an organization that values hard work, dedication, and commitment.
  • To obtain a position as a Cleaner where I can use my attention to detail, time management, and customer service skills.
  • Looking for the opportunity to join an established organization in the capacity of Cleaner and leverage my strong cleaning abilities.
  • To apply my extensive knowledge of sanitation protocols and cleaning procedures in the role of Cleaner.
  • Desire to join a reputable company as a Cleaner where I can utilize my experience in maintaining high standards of hygiene.
  • To obtain employment as a Cleaner with an organization that will allow me to demonstrate my exceptional customer service skills.
  • Seeking an entry-level position as a Cleaner where I can make use of my excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Aiming to join an organization that requires top-notch cleaning services by utilizing my proven ability to clean efficiently and quickly.
  • Looking for the opportunity to work with an established company as a Cleaner while demonstrating strong organizational abilities.
  • To acquire a position as a Cleaner at XYZ Company where I can maximize my experience in providing quality cleaning services.
  • Eager to secure employment with ABC Company as a cleaner where I can apply my knowledge of safety regulations while performing duties effectively.
  • Applying for the role of cleaner at ABC Company with the aim of utilizing my excellent problem solving skills while delivering superior customer service experiences.
  • Seeking employment with XYZ Company as a cleaner; offering well-honed organizational skills, attention to detail, and proficiency in using modern cleaning equipment & products.
  • Desiring to work for ABC Company as cleaner; bringing expertise in following safety guidelines & regulations along with solid communication & time management abilities.
  • Applying for the role of cleaner at XYZ Company; offering exceptional interpersonal & customer service skills along with outstanding knowledge on sanitation protocols & procedures

How to Write a Cleaner Resume Objective

A resume objective is a critical component of any job seeker’s portfolio, and one of the first things recruiters look at when evaluating a potential candidate. The objective should be concise and to-the-point, providing recruiters with an overview of your skills, qualifications, and experience so they can quickly assess your suitability for the role. Writing a cleaner resume objective is key to catching the eye of recruiters and increasing your chances of landing an interview.

When writing a resume objective, it’s important to keep it short and precise - you don’t want to overload the reader with too much information. Keep it focused on what you can bring to the role, rather than what you expect from it. Start by introducing yourself briefly and then move on to list relevant skills or experiences that make you stand out from other candidates. Use action verbs like ‘developed’ or ‘implemented’ to demonstrate your achievements in previous roles.

It’s also important to tailor your resume objective for each job application - generic objectives won’t catch the attention of recruiters. Research the position thoroughly and highlight specific skills or experiences that are directly applicable to the role you are applying for - this will show recruiters that you have taken time to understand their needs and are serious about getting hired.

Finally, avoid using clichés or overly-generalized statements such as ‘seeking an opportunity in my field’ or ‘looking for a challenging role in a dynamic environment’ - these don't add value or reveal anything about who you are as a candidate. Instead, focus on showcasing your unique qualities that make you stand out from other applicants.

Writing a clean and effective resume objective takes time but is essential if you want to get noticed by recruiters. By following these tips, you can ensure that your resume stands out from other applicants and increases your chances of landing an interview!

Related : What does a Cleaner do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Cleaner Resume Objective

In the competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is crucial to stand out from the crowd. For those seeking employment as cleaners, it's essential to highlight specific skills in your resume objective that employers are looking for. This section will discuss key skills you should emphasize in your cleaner resume objective to increase your chances of landing the job. These skills not only demonstrate your ability to perform the tasks required but also showcase your dedication and professionalism in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in any given environment.

1. Sweeping

Sweeping is a fundamental skill for a cleaner as it demonstrates their ability to perform basic cleaning tasks. This skill shows that the candidate has experience in maintaining cleanliness and order in various environments. It also indicates physical stamina and attention to detail, which are crucial qualities for this role. Including sweeping in a resume objective can help potential employers understand the applicant's capabilities and experience level.

A cleaner must have mopping skills as it is a fundamental part of the job. This skill is needed for a resume objective to showcase the applicant's ability to effectively clean various types of flooring surfaces, ensuring that they are free from dirt, grime, and stains. It also demonstrates their knowledge in using different cleaning solutions and equipment appropriately. Mopping skill also implies physical stamina and attention to detail, which are necessary qualities for a cleaner.

3. Vacuuming

A cleaner needs the skill of vacuuming because it is a fundamental part of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in various environments such as offices, homes, hotels, and other establishments. This skill demonstrates the candidate's ability to effectively remove dirt, dust, and debris from different types of flooring and upholstery. It also shows their attention to detail and commitment to providing a clean and pleasant environment for clients or customers. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's practical cleaning abilities and their dedication to performing their job efficiently.

A cleaner needs the skill of dusting to effectively remove dirt, grime, and allergens from various surfaces in a home or office. This skill is crucial for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards. Including it in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has specific knowledge and experience in essential cleaning tasks, making them more likely to perform their job thoroughly and efficiently.

5. Scrubbing

A cleaner's job involves a lot of scrubbing tasks, whether it be floors, walls, bathrooms or kitchen areas. Demonstrating proficiency in this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of performing essential duties effectively. It also indicates that the candidate has attention to detail and the physical stamina required for such tasks.

6. Polishing

Polishing is a crucial skill for a cleaner as it demonstrates their ability to maintain the aesthetic and hygiene standards of a given space. It shows their attention to detail, proficiency in using cleaning tools and products, and commitment to delivering high-quality results. Including this skill in a resume objective can help potential employers understand the candidate's capabilities and dedication to cleanliness and orderliness.

7. Sanitizing

A cleaner must have sanitizing skills to ensure all areas are free from dirt, germs, and bacteria. This skill is essential for a resume objective because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to maintain a clean and safe environment, which is crucial in preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring overall health and safety. This skill can also highlight the candidate's attention to detail and commitment to high-quality work.

8. Deodorizing

A cleaner must have the skill of deodorizing as it is essential for maintaining a fresh and pleasant environment in the areas they are responsible for. This skill demonstrates their ability to effectively eliminate unpleasant smells, which is crucial for places like offices, hospitals, schools, or homes where cleanliness and hygiene are highly prioritized. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate can contribute to creating a comfortable atmosphere for people using those spaces.

9. Stain removal

A cleaner's job often involves dealing with various types of stains on different surfaces. Having the skill of stain removal indicates that the candidate is knowledgeable and experienced in handling tough cleaning tasks. This can make them more efficient and effective in their role, which can contribute significantly to maintaining a clean, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing environment. It also showcases their attention to detail and commitment to high standards of cleanliness, making them a valuable addition to any cleaning team.

10. Window washing

Window washing is a crucial skill for a cleaner as it showcases their ability to handle detailed work and maintain the aesthetic appeal of a building or home. This skill demonstrates their attention to detail, physical agility, and knowledge of cleaning solutions and equipment. Including this on a resume objective can highlight the candidate's comprehensive cleaning abilities, making them more appealing to potential employers.

Top 10 Cleaner Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your cleaner resume is a crucial platform to showcase your key skills. It's an opportunity to make a strong first impression and convince potential employers that you have what it takes to excel in the role. Remember, this section should be tailored to each job application, highlighting only those skills that are most relevant and valuable to the specific position you're applying for. This strategic approach will enhance your chances of standing out among other candidates and securing the job.

Related : Cleaner Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Cleaner Resume Objective

A resume objective is an important part of a job application as it provides potential employers with an overview of a candidate’s career goals and objectives. Writing a strong resume objective is essential in order to stand out from the competition and increase your chances of success. Unfortunately, many applicants make mistakes when creating their resume objective, which can lead to them not being considered for the role they are applying for.

One common mistake made when writing a resume objective is not tailoring it to the specific job role or company. Applicants should ensure that their resume objectives are tailored specifically to the job role they are applying for, as this will demonstrate that they have researched the company and understand what is required from them if successful in being hired. An effective way of doing this is by including keywords from the job description such as skills or qualities that are necessary for the position.

Another common mistake when writing a resume objective is using generic language or phrases that fail to capture attention. It’s important to be creative and use language that stands out from other applicants in order to make yourself memorable and show why you would be well suited for the role. For example, instead of saying “seeking an administrative position” try something more specific such as “looking forward to utilizing my expertise in organization and communication within an administrative position”.

Finally, some applicants make the mistake of including too much information in their resume objective, making it too long and unfocused. The purpose of a resume objective is to provide potential employers with a clear overview of your career goals, so it’s important to keep it concise and focused on only two or three key points about yourself that make you suitable for the role you are applying for.

In conclusion, writing an effective resume objective requires time and effort but can have great rewards if done correctly. It’s important to avoid common mistakes such as not tailoring your resume objective to the job role or company, using generic language, or providing too much information in your statement. By following these tips, you can ensure that your resume stands out from other applicants and increases your chances of success when applying for jobs!

Related : Cleaner Resume Examples

Cleaner Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a cleaner would be to demonstrate an ability to maintain cleanliness in a professional setting, while a wrong resume objective for a cleaner would be to make the workplace the cleanest it has ever been.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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Top 20 Cleaner Resume Objective Examples you can use

Cleaner Resume Objective

If you are applying for a cleaner job and need to make a resume or CV, you should ensure your objective statement is highly compelling to produce the biggest impact on the recruiter.

It is important to note that your career objective statement can make the difference in determining if the employer reads your resume or not, and so should be given a great deal of attention when writing it.

Do you need to learn how to make an effective resume objective for a cleaner job? If you do, then you will find this article very helpful.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Make a Great Resume Objective for a Cleaner Position

The key to writing a highly captivating resume objective statement for a cleaner position is to emphasize how much value you will bring to your employer.

But first, you have to know what value is important to the employer for the cleaner position before you can communicate it in your resume objective.

You can find this out in the job description and requirements posted by the recruiter, which show the specific duties, as well as the qualities, qualifications, and experience that the successful candidates for the cleaner job should have.

These tell you what is important to the recruiter on the cleaner job and will help you in writing a winning career objective statement in your resume.

To be effective, your cleaner resume objective should clearly state that you have the right qualities, experience, qualifications, etc. that the recruiter requires for success on the job.

To learn more on how to quickly make an effective objective in your resume for a cleaning job, here are some good examples you can study:

Best 20 Cleaner Resume Objective Examples you can apply

  • Proactive and hardworking individuals seeking a Cleaner position with Gerard Corp; to provide huge benefits to clients by deploying remarkable competences in cleaning; coming with strong knowledge of cleaning supplies, chemicals, and equipment to ensure client satisfaction.
  • Gifted and meticulous cleaning professional seeks to fill the position of a Cleaner at Milton Company; coming with excellent cleaning and management skills to deliver neat, clutter-free deluxe premises.
  • To gain a Cleaning position with Carlitz Hotel where comprehensive cleaning skills, certification in public health, and 5 years of providing sanitation services will be put to maximum use.
  • Looking to secure the position of a Cleaning Professional with Carlsberg Corp.; to provide clients with clean and orderly ambience while ensuring furniture and other items are maintained and are in good condition.
  • Seeking a placement with Crux Company as a Cleaning Professional, to deploy efficient cleaning services while maintaining professionalism in speech, conduct, and service delivery.
  • Dependable individual looking to occupy the position of a Cleaning Professional with Zenith Path Company; bringing wide-ranging experience in cleaning different surfaces and materials and applying various cleaning chemicals; strong ability to operate different equipment employed for providing the shine and sparkle that makes a space breathtaking.
  • Client oriented Cleaning Expert desirous of a similar position with KJ Company, to provide exceptional cleaning skills, strong communication capabilities, good work ethic, and a friendly conduct.
  • Result driven individual looking for fill the position of a Cleaner with Avery Corp. Seeking independent cleaning contract where first rate cleaning services accompanied by outstanding relational and administrative skills will be applied.
  • To obtain an Entry-level Cleaning position with Aritz Hotel where topnotch cleaning services along with interior décor will be provided to make a space not just visually appealing, but healthy and enjoyable.
  • Committed individual desiring a position as a Cleaning Professional with Canewood Resort and Suites. Coming with 5 years of experience in providing exceptional cleanliness that befits a 5 Star Hotel
  • Certified individual in hotel management looking for a full-time position as a Cleaning Specialist at Richwood Suites; bringing 10+ years of experience in leading teams to deliver exceptional cleaning service that keeps everyone talking.
  • Energetic and hands-on cleaning professional hoping to land a job as a Cleaner at ABC Company; to provide a unique cleaning service by applying toxic-free cleaning agents that are environmentally friendly and utilizing modern cleaning equipment.
  • Passionate individual wants a Professional Cleaning position with Lakeside Hotels; looking for the opportunity to transform spaces such as sitting rooms, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms, ensuring a neat, clutter-free, and healthy spaces.
  • Desiring to work as a Cleaning Professional; coming with a homemaker robust experience of 10 years to create a clean, orderly, and comfortable home.
  • Applying for the position of a Professional cleaner at Joe’s Residence. Coming with 5 years experience to effectively execute various cleaning duties, including dusting, wiping, mopping, vacuuming, trash disposal, bed making, and linen changing, accompanied by the capacity to work without supervision.
  • Enthusiastic and talented individual wants to secure a cleaner position with Howard Co. Bringing cleaning, maintenance, and organizational skills that will help each staff work in a clean and pristine environment.
  • Orderly and thorough individual with 5 years professional experience in hotel cleaning service wants a position in that same capacity with XL Hotels and Suites; to provide spotless cleaning service, good communication skills, and the ability to perform excellently in a team.
  • Looking to provide best service as a Cleaner at St. Louis Hospital; have a commanding knowledge of suitable cleaning agents with the ability to maintain industry standards, as well as possess an orderly and meticulous personality.
  • Seeking the position of a Cleaner with XYZ Corp; looking to provide a high standard of cleanliness and ambience, to ensure the care and comfort of staff and clients in the company.
  • To obtain the position of a Cleaner with Beeva Cruises; to provide exceptional cleaning services, including dusting and polishing furniture, removal of debris from pool areas, and laundry and cleaning rooms; waxing floors, hallways, and bathrooms.

A winning resume objective statement for a cleaner position helps the recruiter to immediately see your worth to their organization immediately they start reading your resume.

They will see the qualities, including the skills, abilities, experience, etc. that you are bringing to the table to work for them as a cleaner and they will be interested in reading the rest of the resume, and to offer you an interview opportunity.

This post provides effective ideas and sample cleaner career objective statements that you can use to make a great objective for your resume or CV for any cleaner job that you desire to have.

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23 Time Tested Housekeeping Resume Objective Samples!

Housekeeping Resume Objective Samples for CV

If you’re looking for your next housekeeping role, be sure to stand out from the competition in the application process by crafting an expert resume.

Something that will demonstrate your value to the hiring manager is to include a housekeeping resume objective statement, to express your interest, expertise, and experience in this role.

Below is a large sample of housekeeping resume objective statements that you can use. Read through and find the most relevant to your context, as well as some helpful tips on skills to include on your CV at the bottom of the article. Good luck with your job application!

23 Housekeeping Resume Objective Samples!

Housekeeping Resume Objective Samples

Example 1: Hardworking, self-motivated individual seeking a role as a housekeeper in a professional environment to offer expert skills of working within a large business.

Example 2: Seeking to obtain a housekeeper role to utilize my experience in providing cleaning and sanitation services to a small or large business in need of a commercial cleaning service. Attention to detail and a high level of proficiency in a range of cleaning systems are my key strengths as a housekeeper.

Example 3: Multi-Tasking expert cleaner looking for a new housekeeper role to strengthen a company’s operations of their facilitates and maintain compliance with health standards. Brings years of experience in the field to the role to ensure knowledge and expertise is used to the highest advantage for the company’s success.

Example 4: Friendly and positive housekeeper seeking a new position to bring residential management skills to an environment in need of high-level cleaning and accuracy in deep cleaning methods, everyday upkeep, and maintaining a clear and pristine working environment.

Example 5: Seeking to obtain a housekeeping role in a management position to take my years of experience into leading a team of cleaners to ensure the very best service of upkeep and cleanliness for a large company. Strong communication skills to ensure efficient workflow of at the team working with different cleaning tasks and duties.

Example 6: Desiring a new housekeeping position to continue to employ my effective household cleaning techniques and skills to an environment that demands high-quality cleanliness and order. Brings strong organizational and time management skills to take on multiple tasks at once and upkeep a large and busy environment.

Example 7: Skilled housekeeper looking to obtain a job in the commercial cleaning business to offer my skills in the commercial cleaning field of maintaining clear and ordered spaces for the effective functioning of the business. Works long hours and flexible in the shift times to ensure the environment is cleaned and clear for workers to uphold their tasks and jobs.

Example 8: Self-motivated housekeeper offers years of experience to a new role that requires an exert cleaner, space manager, task organizer and more. Hard work ethic and friendly attitude are taken to the position to ensure the space is clean and the communications between staff and clients are direct, open and allow for the most effective functioning of the space being cleaned to the preferences of the location manager.

Example 9: Looking to advance my career as an experienced housekeeper through obtaining a new housekeeping role in an established business. Years of experience working in a commercial and corporate environment with strong knowledge on procedures and systems of cleaning business spaces, office areas, large bathrooms, company kitchens, and more.

Example 10: Trust-worthy housekeeper seeking a new position to enhance abilities to manage teams and work in delegating cleaning tasks as a head housekeeper. Takes more than 5 years of experience working in team-based housekeeping, with management skills and ability to delegate roles and tasks. Looking to oversee the cleaning team and utilize strong leadership skills to this new role.

Example 11: Hardworking housekeeper seeking the position of a new housekeeper to utilize outstanding space management and cleaning skills. Thorough knowledge of cleaning supplies, products and space maintenance in a variety of commercial, residential and professional arenas.

Example 12: Talented, detail-oriented cleaner looking to obtain a new housekeeping role to provide strong organizational skills. Looking to enhance the facility’s functioning by employing new systems of cleaning and maintenance learned from years of experience in the housekeeping field.

Example 13: Energetic and self-motivated housekeeper seeking a new position to utilize strong knowledge of modern and unique cleaning techniques. Wide range of experience in different cleaning environments, with familiarity with cleaning supplies and products, including environmentally friendly supplies and toxic-free cleaning agents.

Example 14: Seeking a residential housekeeper opportunity to maintain interior spaces to create clear, uncluttered environments, assisting with the overall feel and flow of a residential facility or home. Friendly demeanor and discrete energy to be effective and quiet, where needed, respecting the residents and upholding privacy for the clients.

Example 15: Highly organized cleaner looking for a new housekeeping role to employ skills of system management, creating and upholding cleaning procedures suited to any environment, time management abilities to stick to a set schedule, and flexibility to work in the way that is most suited to each environment.

Example 16: Applying for a senior housekeeping position to bring the experience of internal and external environment cleaning duties such as deep cleaning methods, space organization, bedroom, and bathroom daily maintenance, and more. Highly attentive to detail to ensure safe and sterile cleaning methods are used.

Example 17: Seeking a housekeeping position with a commercial based medical facility to take strong knowledge and experience of working in environments that demand sterile cleaning methods and attention to detail every time to ensure the safety of staff, and guests of the facility.

Example 18: Dedicated worker looking for a job as a housekeeper in an office environment. Takes initiative to manage environments systematically, finding the best methods of cleaning procedures to fit the desires and schedules of clients. A unique and individualized approach to housekeeping to offer personalized service.

Example 19: Looking to secure a housekeeping role that demands meticulous work and ability to handle multiple tasks at once. Loves a busy and fast-paced environment to offer expertise in being efficient, without sacrificing the quality of cleaning service.

Example 20: Exceptional communicator looking to work as a cleaner within a housekeeping team. Loves to collaborate with others and juggle many tasks to ensure the talents of each one of our team are being utilized effectively to get provide the best cleaning service.

Example 21: Looking for a housekeeping position with a company that needs an expert cleaner with years of experience. Strong discipline to maintain cleaning systems and stick to a set schedule to ensure efficient service and the most clear and tidy environments to work within.

Example 22: Applying for the position as a housekeeper for a health facility to bring years of experience in the commercial health and medical industry as a cleaner. The exceptional talent of implementing regulations and policies for maintaining healthcare environments with the correct use of cleaning and sterilizing supplies and products.

Example 23: A friendly and warm individual seeking to obtain a residential housekeeper role to offer services of maintaining a clean, uncluttered and spacious environment for an individual’s/family’s living quarters. Works with respect to living arrangements and preferences of the unique environment and can maintain the entire household through cleaning duties.

To further your chances of landing a housekeeping job, also see my guide on some great housekeeping resume skills to add to your CV.

Housekeeper Skills (additional to housekeeping resume objective samples)

  • Experienced in operating cleaning appliances and devices.
  • Wide knowledge on a range of cleaning supplies and products.
  • Strong time management skills to prioritize tasks and work to a schedule.
  • Ability to lead a housekeeping team and oversee the work of others.
  • Self-directed and motivated to work to a high standard.
  • Fluent in English (and other languages where relevant).
  • Problem-solving ability and knowledge of basic repairs to household items.
  • A friendly and warm demeanor.

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My name is Lewis Keegan and I am the writer and editor of I'm extremely passionate about online education and what it can do for those to better their lives. I spend most of my time blogging, hiking, and drinking coffee. I also have a Bachelor's Degree in Education and Teaching.

resume objective examples for cleaner job

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5 Cleaner Resume Examples Designed for the Job in 2024 

Stephen Greet

Cleaner Resume

  • House Cleaner
  • Self Employed House Cleaner
  • Commercial Cleaner
  • Professional Cleaner
  • Write Your Cleaner Resume

Life just gets messy sometimes, but that’s no problem for you. As a professional cleaner, you’re ready to make sure the floors, walls, and other parts of a building’s interior stay tidy. You probably do everything from dusting desks to taking out the trash and responding to messy, unforeseen incidents!

But how do you show recruiters your ability to handle everything from basic upkeep and maintenance to contacting the right people for additional help?

Don’t break a sweat just yet! After years of helping professional cleaners like yourself, we’ve polished our cleaner resume examples so you can find the ideal resume template to get started. And to make it even better, we add you a cover letter generator free.

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resume objective examples for cleaner job

Why this resume works

  • So, if you volunteered for an activity that helped your local community in one way or another, highlight it and show your potential in leading others, fundraising, and rooting for bigger-than-you causes.

House Cleaner Resume

House cleaner resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Show how using WhatsApp, Google Calendar, FreshBooks, and more helped improve your performance and, in some instances, enhance safety and save costs for your clients. Most importantly, include evidence of satisfied clients and their feedback.

Self Employed House Cleaner Resume

Self employed house cleaner resume example with babysitting experience

  • The trick here is to use such a role to show how good you’re dealing with kids, keeping them safe and healthy, and ensuring clients have peace of mind.

Commercial Cleaner Resume

Commercial cleaner resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Go back to your previous roles and gather the most impactful outcomes. Mention them in concise bullet points, with each achievement accompanied by the tool used.

Professional Cleaner Resume

Professional cleaner resume example with 7 years of experience

  • In your previous roles, did you manage and streamline cleaning inventory supplies that led to cost savings? Did you help reduce scheduling conflicts, hence cutting weekly labor costs? Add all that into your professional cleaner resume to stand out from other applicants.

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  • Housekeeping
  • Maintenance worker

Tailor Your Cleaner Resume to Fit the Job Description

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Whether you offer your job skills as a self-employed cleaner, an in-house cleaner at a business, or via commercial services, you want to stand out to your potential employer. The best way to do that is to align yourself enthusiastically and creatively with the job description .

If the job description focuses on household cleaning services, respond with honed skills that fit, like dusting or your understanding of child safety. But don’t pitch those same skills in response to an industrial or corporate-level job opening!

Need some ideas to get yourself inspired?

15 top cleaner skills

  • Cleantelligent
  • Google Calendar
  • Inventory Management

resume objective examples for cleaner job

Your cleaner work experience bullet points

Remember: Your goal is to seem like the perfect fit for the job, not an echo of the job requirements! Instead of essentially repeating the cleaner ad, look for the problems at the core of the job description and recall times you overcame similar obstacles, like cleaning up after a water main break that would otherwise have caused extensive damages.

Recruiters love to see your skills in action and in context. Provide metrics for your success and quantifiable data to support your accomplishments as a cleaner. And set those numbers and bullet points off with active verbs and language!

  • Reduced work hours demonstrate your efficiency on the job
  • Dollar savings indicate how great you are at staying within a cleaning budget
  • Improved client satisfaction percentages highlight your top-tier work
  • Client retention rates show off your long-term desirability

See what we mean?

  • Utilized OrangeQC to track and report cleaning progress, achieving an average customer satisfaction rating of 92%
  • Tracked cleaning supply inventory levels using QuickBooks, reducing supply waste by 11% and saving approximately $7K annually
  • Implemented the use of Swept and ClockShark software to track work hours and tasks, resulting in a 12% improvement in customer feedback regarding cleaning quality and efficiency
  • Spearheaded preventative maintenance measures that saved the company over $21K annually
  • Managed maintenance schedules using UpKeep, resulting in an 18% reduction in unplanned downtime

9 active verbs to start your cleaner work experience bullet points

  • Spearheaded
  • Implemented
  • Collaborated

3 Tips for Writing a Cleaner Resume Without Much Experience

  • Plenty of people know someone who’s done some side work as a house cleaner for an elderly neighbor or signed up for a volunteer initiative that relates to professional cleaning . . . And maybe that person is you! If you’ve had experiences like these, they’re worth including alongside any professional experience you might have.
  • If you’ve had any internships that relate to cleaning (or even relevant areas like project planning or inventory management), list ’em! Internships that align with your job role still help you learn valuable skills that bolster your strengths as a cleaner.
  • Were you on the list of top-performing students while working toward high school graduation or a degree that relates to professional cleaning? Did you earn any academic awards or recognition for standout projects? If so, include them to show the type of dedication and motivation you’ll be applying to your next cleaning role!

3 Tips for Writing a Cleaner Resume if You’ve Got Some Experiences to Share

  • Don’t overdo it when it comes to work experience on your cleaner resume. Less is more. Include only your best three or four relevant jobs, and narrow your experience points down the same way. This will help you remember things better during your next interview, too!
  • Reverse-chronological format puts your most recent (and ideally, your most impressive) accomplishments at the top of your resume. Leverage this in your favor by making each experience subsection increasingly complex, showing your ability to grow within your career as a cleaner.
  • If you have experience points galore, some of the longer stories about how you boosted company profits by overhauling the inventory management system might look better in a cover letter! (Besides, you don’t want your resume to go over one page.)

Absolutely! If you have something like an OSHA or Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP) certification, include it to further reinforce your competency as a reliable, safe, and skilled cleaner. If you have several certs, give them their own section!

Only if you need one! If you have enough skills to warrant a resume summary , ask yourself whether they’d be better presented there or on their own. If you’re struggling to fill your resume page with qualifications, a career objective that outlines why you want the job could save the day!

Refer back to the original job description for this one! If you see any skills or buzzwords that are familiar to you (just like when you were writing your skills list), work them into your cleaner resume! Look out for short and long keywords when possible, like “mopping” and “cross-departmental coordination.”

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  1. Top 17 Cleaner Resume Objective Examples

    2. Mopping. A cleaner must have mopping skills as it is a fundamental part of the job. This skill is needed for a resume objective to showcase the applicant's ability to effectively clean various types of flooring surfaces, ensuring that they are free from dirt, grime, and stains.

  2. Top 20 Cleaner Resume Objective Examples

    Experienced Cleaner Resume Objective Examples. 1. Hardworking and reliable cleaner with 7 years of extensive experience in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in residential and commercial settings. Seeking a position where I can utilize my attention to detail and organizational skills to contribute to a clean and safe environment.

  3. Top 20 Cleaner Resume Objective Examples you can use

    Passionate individual wants a Professional Cleaning position with Lakeside Hotels; looking for the opportunity to transform spaces such as sitting rooms, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms, ensuring a neat, clutter-free, and healthy spaces. Desiring to work as a Cleaning Professional; coming with a homemaker robust experience of 10 years to ...

  4. How To Write a Janitorial Resume Objective (With Examples)

    Here are the steps to writing a janitorial objective for a resume: 1. Review job description. Take some time to study the job description. Janitorial jobs are important for many workplaces and types of businesses, so each job opening might have slightly different requirements. Once you have a clear idea of the most important cleaning duties for ...

  5. Cleaner Resume Examples and Template 2024

    Follow these steps to list skills for a cleaner resume: First, research the popular skills required for a cleaner job. Browse through job listings for a cleaner position in order to get an idea of the types of skills employers normally look for. Second, prepare a list of a few of the most important skills.

  6. Cleaning Professional Resume Objective Examples

    The primary purpose of the resume objective is to call attention to any relevant skills or prior professional training. Employers typically desire workers who have prior professional cleaning experience under their belts. Some of the essential functions of professional cleaners include sweeping, clearing debris, moving heavy furniture and ...

  7. Cleaner Resume Sample for 2024 + Resume Cleaning Skills

    Sample Cleaner Resume Template; 1. Clean up the Formatting of Your Cleaning Resume; 2. Start With a Crystal Clear Cleaning Resume Objective or Resume Summary ... If you're looking for your first cleaner job, write a resume objective instead. It's a paragraph that shows how your skills and your enthusiasm will help the company achieve its goals.

  8. Cleaner Resume Examples [Writing Tips & Guide]

    Good cleaner resume example. "Dedicated cleaner with 5+ years of experience in commercial and residential settings. Proficient in various cleaning techniques, including dusting, mopping, and disinfecting. Known for delivering exceptional results and exceeding client expectations.

  9. 23+ Housekeeping Resume Objectives [27 EXAMPLES!]

    23 Housekeeping Resume Objective Samples! Example 1: Hardworking, self-motivated individual seeking a role as a housekeeper in a professional environment to offer expert skills of working within a large business. Example 2: Seeking to obtain a housekeeper role to utilize my experience in providing cleaning and sanitation services to a small or ...

  10. 5 Cleaner Resume Examples Designed for the Job in 2024

    Why this resume works. One strategy that Israel uses in his commercial cleaner resume is tailoring his application to what the job description is asking for. You can see the expert use of tools such as Swept, UpKeep, Cleantelligent, and more that lead to measurable achievements. Go back to your previous roles and gather the most impactful outcomes.

  11. Cleaner Resume

    Decluttering. 2. Show off the right cleaning skills. In your cleaner resume, be sure to highlight the right cleaning skills for each job you apply to. This might include knowledge of different cleaning products and techniques, experience with specific cleaning equipment, and knowledge of health and safety procedures.

  12. Cleaner Resume Examples [Guide and Writing Tips]

    1. Enter the details about the job title you held. The builder comes preloaded with auto-suggested phrasing written by resume experts. 2. Then, just pick from these suggested phrases that best frame your experience and customize them to your liking! 3.

  13. 54+ Good Resume Objective Examples & Writing Guide

    Learn how to write a compelling resume objective for your next job application and browse resume objective examples by experience, situation, and job. ... Conscientious cleaner with 6+ years of experience cleaning houses professionally. Able to lift 60+ lbs. and comfortable working on my feet for 10+ hours daily.

  14. Top 10 House Cleaner Resume Objective Examples

    9. Punctual house cleaner with extensive skills in cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, washing, mopping, and sanitizing all areas and surfaces of homes and apartments. Excited to work for Mary Maids. 10. Trustworthy house cleaner with a passion to serve clients in a friendly manner.

  15. Best Cleaner Resume Examples

    In our sample resume objective for Cleaner, we highlighted John's tenure. 10 years is a lot of time! This tells the employer, John should know the job very well. It is important to state the name of the company you are applying to. This gives your resume objective a more personalized feel to it.

  16. 70+ Resume Objective Examples (With Tips and How-To Guide)

    10. General labor resume objective. "Adaptable and reliable general laborer with strong skills in woodworking, job site cleanup, lifting and carrying heavy objects, written and oral communications, basic math and physical stamina seeks position that provides steady employment and growth opportunities.".

  17. How to Write a Cleaner Resume (With Examples)

    3. Create a resume summary or objective. Next, write a resume summary that outlines your experience and qualifications as a cleaner. Aim to make your summary four sentences or fewer to grab the hiring manager's attention quickly and encourage them to keep reading. You can include any experience, skills or traits you have that you know the ...

  18. Cleaning Resume Samples

    Cleaning the Galleria Resume Examples & Samples. Perform various cleaning duties, such as vacuuming, sweeping, carpet shampooing, dusting, cleaning mirrors and pressure washing. Clean, detail and re-stock paper products in restrooms, Café and E-bar areas. Remove and dispose of waste and recycling items. Proactively stock all needed supplies ...

  19. Cleaner Resume Samples

    Stove Cleaner Resume Examples & Samples. Clean upper and lower stove areas such as grills, drawers, reach ins, walk ins, salamanders, hoods, ovens, stove tops, ceilings and deep fryers. Drain, filter and replace cooking oils. Clean hood filters and hoods. Work as a Pot Washer or Kitchen Worker as needed.

  20. Office Cleaner Resume: Examples and Tips

    For example: "Trained new hires to follow schedules and adapt to changing routines.". DO use action verbs to make an impact. When describing your work accomplishments or responsibilities, make sure you begin each statement with a powerful action verb, such as "monitored," "maintained," "repaired," and "organized.".

  21. Cleaning Technician Resume Example (With Tips)

    Creating a resume is a key step when searching for a job. Your resume is one of the first opportunities to leave a positive impression on potential employers. Knowing what to include in a cleaning technician resume and how to format it for readability can help you prepare your job application materials. Reviewing a resume sample can be a ...

  22. Free Resume Summary Generator (Make a Resume Summary Fast)

    Most resume summaries are roughly three sentences long, and include the following information: Sentence #1: Your biggest selling points as a candidate, including how many years of relevant work experience you have. Sentence #2: One or more specific accomplishments or skills from your career to show employers what they can expect from you if ...

  23. Using AI to Build Your Resume: Tips & Prompt Examples

    Examples: You can provide an example if you have previous resumes you're proud of. Let the AI know you're providing an example that shouldn't be included in the output. Include your cover letter: Provide AI with your cover letter and ask it to use the cover letter as a guide and support for the resume.