498 Words Short Essay on a market scene

essay on market for class 1

A market place is a very busy place where people go to buy articles of their needs. It is a centre of attraction for both buyers and sellers. There is no other place in the area having so much brisk business as the market.

I always find a big crowd there. There are several shops, all decorated beautifully. Big shops look more attractive. Businessmen come here from far and wide for purchasing or selling their products. The market is always crowded with carts, horses, donkeys and camels. They come loaded with the produce of the season such as cotton, grain, oil seeds, vegetables, etc.

Whenever I visit a market I find the hawkers shouting loudly to sell their goods. They try to attract the people by several names. Generally they sing songs in praise of their goods. They face hard competition because there are several hawkers selling the same article.

As the prices of the items are not fixed, the hawkers as well as the buyers do bargain. I watch these people who feel greatly satisfied after purchasing a thing at a minimum price from the hawkers.


The market is at peak in the evening. There is not a single shop where a big crowd is not seen. Everyone seems to be in hurry. There are jewellery shops which shine brightly in the light. Cloth shops and ready-made garment shops do great business during a festival.

The hotels and restaurants are also crowded with people. Some people are seen with plates of ‘chat’ others are seen enjoying cold drinks. There is flavour of all kinds in the surrounding area. It is very difficult to drive a car in a market place.

What to talk of a car or a motorcycle sometimes it becomes difficult even to walk. On the occasion of festivals like Diwali, Dussehra and Holi the situation becomes worse. It seems all the population of the country is on the road. There is great hustle and bustle. In between the cars and motorcycles, we see those carrying different articles for sale. They create great problems as sometimes they bring the traffic at a halt resulting in loud horns from the car-drivers.

The market is really a very noisy place. One can meet all sorts of people there. There is joy and laughter on all sides. Friends welcome one another and enjoy fast foods. Some people are seen discussing politics in the light of their business.

Our markets are quite different from the markets of the western advanced countries. Our markets present a rural glimpse and fill us with a feeling that we belong to India whose soul lies in villages. It is really very pleasant to move in a market, particularly in the evening.

I always welcome those moments when I visit the market for this purpose or that. It is a place where one can see the life in so many colours. One can get valuable experiences too by visiting market and buying different commodities.

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Market Scene Essay: A Deep Dive into Market Activities and Demand for all Classes 100 to 500 + Words

Market Scene Essay edumantra.net

Following is the collection of essays on Market Scene , written for the students of all age groups.  we have short and long paragraphs to guide you on several topics. Dive into the Market Scene Essay

Market Scene Essay 100 Words

A market scene is a very common sight in any country. It is a place where people go to buy and sell things. There are many different types of markets, ranging from small, local markets to large, international ones. No matter what type of market it is, there is always a lot of activity and movement . People are constantly bargaining to get the best market price. The atmosphere is usually very lively and loud. In conclusion, the market scene is a very important and necessary part of life. It is not only a place where people buy and sell goods, but also a place where people socialize and interact with each other.

Market Scene Essay 150 Words

Market Scene Essay 150 Words edumantra

Market scenes can be quite chaotic and overwhelming , especially to someone who is not used to them. However, they can also be very fascinating and provide a great insight into the culture of a place. If you ever have the chance to visit a market scene, make sure to take some time to wander around and take everything in. It is an experience that you will not forget anytime soon. A market scene is always a vibrant and colorful place. The market is a place where people from all walks of life come together to buy and sell goods. It is a place where the haggling and bargaining skills of the sellers are put to the test. In conclusion, the market scene is a vibrant and essential part of life in any city. It is a place where people come together to trade goods and services, and it is also a place where people can relax and enjoy the company of others. Understanding the marketing meaning behind each stall, we realize the market scene is an important part of our culture, and it should be preserved.

Market Scene Essay 250 Words

Market Scene Essay 250 Words edumantra.net

A market scene is a busy and bustling area where people go to buy and sell goods. It is a place where you can find a variety of things all in one place. The market scene is always bustling with activity. The air is thick with the smell of spices and sweat. The ground is littered with garbage and the stalls are crammed together so tightly that it is difficult to move around. But despite all of this, the market is a place that I love. There is something about the chaos and the noise that I find exhilarating. I love watching the sellers try to outdo each other with their sales pitches. I love seeing the different products that are on offer. And I love tasting the different food that is available. A market survey would reveal that the market is a true reflection of life in India. It is a place where you can see the best and worst of humanity on display. But it is also a place full of life and energy. And for me, that makes it a special place indeed. The market scene is always bustling with activity and it is a great place to people watch. I love observing the different interactions between the vendors and customers and seeing the colorful array of produce on display. It’s always interesting to see what new items are being sold each time I visit. The market scene is a great way to get a glimpse into the local culture and it’s definitely one of my favorite places to go when I’m traveling.

Market Scene Essay 300 Words

Market Scene Essay 300 Words edumantra

The market scene is one of the most vibrant and colorful scenes that you will ever witness. The market is a hub of market activities where people from all walks of life come together to buy and sell goods and services.The market making process can make the market scene a bit overwhelming for new visitors, but it is really quite fascinating. There is a lot of hustle and bustle in the market scene, as people are trying to haggle for the best prices on goods. The air is filled with the sounds of people bargaining and the smell of fresh produce. The colors of the fruits and vegetables are also very striking. If you take the time to wander around the market scene, you will see that there is a lot of variety in the products that are being sold. There are stalls selling clothes, jewelry, food, and even livestock. You can also find service providers such as barbers and masseuses in the market scene. Based on the market definition, the market scene is a great place to observe consumer behavior, as you will see a wide range of people from different socio-economic backgrounds interacting with each other. It is also a great place to buy some cheap souvenirs or gifts for friends and family back home. The market scene essay describes the sights, sounds, and smells of the market. It is a busy place full of people and activity. The essay describes the different stalls and how they are set up. It also describes the people who are buying and selling goods. A market scene is always a hustle and bustle. People from all walks of life going about their daily business in search of good deals and bargaining for the best prices. It’s a place where you can find anything and everything, from fresh produce to second-hand goods. No matter what time of day it is, the market is always busy.

Market Scene Essay 400 + Words


The market scene in my town is quite a busy one. There are a lot of people and a lot of noise. The market has a lot of small shops which sell everything from vegetables to clothes. The market is always full of people, and it can be quite difficult to find what you’re looking for. However, the market is also a great place to find bargains. If you’re looking for a specific item, it’s best to ask around. Chances are, someone in the market will know where to find it. The market scene in my town is quite busy, but it’s also a great place to find bargains on things you need.

The Market Scene

The market scene is always busy, reflecting the market demand and bustling with people. There are stalls of all sorts, selling everything from fresh produce to clothes and trinkets. The atmosphere is one of excitement and hustle and bustle, as people bargain and haggle over prices. During all this activity, it can be easy to forget that the market is also a place where people come to socialize. Friends and neighbors catch up with each other while they shop, sharing news and gossip. The market is a lively place where the community comes together.

The Bargaining Process

When two people trade goods or services, they engage in what is called a bargain. The bargaining process is how they come to an agreement on the price and terms of the trade. In a simple bargain, each person has something that the other wants and they agree on a price. For example, when you buy a cup of coffee from a café, both you and the café owner want something – you want coffee and they want money. You agree on a price (usually the going rate for coffee) and make the trade. Bargaining can be more complex than this, however. For example, when buying a car, there are many factors to consider such as the make and model of the car, its age and condition, how much you can afford to pay, and so on. The bargaining process is how you and the seller come to an agreement on all of these factors.

There are some important things to remember when bargaining:

  • Be clear about what you want before you start bargaining. This will help you stay focused during the process.
  • Try to find out as much as you can about what the other person wants too. This will give you an advantage in negotiations.
  • Don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal if it’s not what you want. There’s always another opportunity around the corner!

The Haggling and the Final Purchase

When you’ve finally found the perfect item at the market, it’s time to haggle for the best price. This can be a daunting task, but with a few tips, you can get the best deal. First, don’t be afraid to haggle. The seller expects it and will most likely start high. Second, know your limits. If you’re not comfortable paying more than a certain amount, be firm and walk away if necessary. Third, have fun with it! Haggling can be a fun game of back-and-forth between buyer and seller. Once you’ve reached an agreement on price, it’s time to make the purchase. Be sure to inspect the item carefully before handing over any money. If you’re satisfied, hand over the agreed upon amount and enjoy your new purchase!

The Different Types of Markets

There are many different types of markets, each with their own unique features. The most common type of market is the spot market, where securities are traded for immediate delivery. This is the market that most people are familiar with, as it is where stocks and bonds are bought and sold. Another type of market is the futures market, where contracts are traded for delivery at a later date. Futures markets are used by investors to hedge against price movements in the underlying asset. For example, if a farmer expects the price of wheat to rise in the future, he may sell a wheat futures contract to lock in a lower price for his crop. The options market is another type of derivatives market, where contracts give the holder the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset at a certain price. Options can be used to speculate on the direction of an asset’s price, or to hedge against risk in another part of your portfolio. The last major type of market is the foreign exchange (Forex) market, where currencies are traded against each other. The Forex market is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily turnover of over $5 trillion.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Markets

There are both advantages and disadvantages to markets. On the one hand, markets provide a space for buyers and sellers to come together and exchange goods and services. This can lead to increased efficiency and greater choice for consumers. On the other hand, markets can also be unstable, leading to price fluctuations and shortages of goods. They can also be susceptible to monopolies and oligopolies, which can reduce choice and increase prices.

Effective market management ensures the market scene is always busy and bustling with activity. It’s a great place to people watch and take in the sights and sounds of the city. I love how with effective marketing, the market scene is always changing, with new stalls and vendors popping up all the time. It’s a great place to find fresh produce, unique gifts, and delicious food. Whether you’re looking for a fun day out or just want to grab some quick groceries, the market scene is definitely worth checking out.

People Also Ask:

1.How would you describe a scene of a crowded market? Ans: A scene of a crowded market may involve people of all ages and backgrounds. The sounds of merchants bargaining and the smells of fresh food could be overpowering. Crowded markets are a great opportunity to find unique items at reduced prices.

2.How would you describe a market in your town? Ans: There is not a specific market in my town, because different people have different needs and budgets. However, there is always demand for products and services that meet the specific needs of the community.

3.What is a market in easy words? Ans: From a market definition in economics, the market is a place where goods and services are exchanged.

4.What is the importance of a market? Ans: A market is important because it helps to determine the price of a good or service. It also allows for producers and sellers to find each other and it determines what people are willing to pay for a good or service.

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Interesting Essays for Class 1 Kids

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Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay For Class 1 Kids

List of essay topics for class 1 kids, why should you recommend our essays for your child, how to motivate your 1st grader to write a perfect essay.

Writing essays is a great way for children to improve their verbal abilities. Essay writing for Class 1 is part of their coursework, which is one of the aspects that kids find most interesting. They allow kids to think critically and use their creative faculties. Writing an essay is often regarded as the most vital and creative component of competitive tests anywhere. Students at this age would benefit much from having their writing abilities encouraged. Writing essays teaches young children to think critically and helps them articulate their ideas and feelings.

  • A clear understanding of the fundamentals of writing will come in handy.
  • Generating new ideas and developing them into talking points for the essay are vital steps.
  • It is crucial to use correct spelling and adhere to grammar rules.
  • The essay should be structured with primary components viz. introduction, the primary body, and the conclusion.
  • Writing practice is important for developing the abilities necessary to write an essay.
  • Writing in short phrases using language that is easy to understand will make your essay more enjoyable.

Writing an essay for class 1 gives young students a chance to put their thoughts on paper and helps them find out how much they know and how well they can write about a specific topic. Students will be inspired to use their imagination and will be engaged in action when given the task of writing an essay. It is essential to encourage children to strengthen their essay writing skills at a young age since doing so adds to their personalities and their growth and development. Here is the list of essay topics for class 1.

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  • The language of the article has been maintained on the simpler side while ensuring its effectiveness.
  • To ensure that children can comprehend each essay, they are broken down into ten lines that are to the point.
  • For every subject, this article discusses all of the significant components of that topic.
  • To provide the most suitable essays for kids, our team of professionals in the field has checked all of the articles before delivering them to you.

Children in grade 1 might be given many possible themes for essays and then asked to pick one of them. You can ask them to compose an easy paragraph or a short piece of ten lines in the future. They will get a sense of confidence and can better recall the new vocabulary they have acquired when they practice. You may also give the children free reign over the selection of essay themes for them to write and then assist them in thinking of suitable words with which to compose sentences with significance.

The compositions for class 1 will let your child enjoy writing, and you can assist them in developing their skills in writing of this kind. The development of extraordinary writing abilities is a process that takes some time and may be a challenging goal to achieve. Guide them to write a perfect essay with the following tips.

  • Encourage children to read since reading will improve their vocabulary and language.
  • Please provide them with some examples, and teach them sentence construction.
  • Tell them to write short stories since this is the best approach to increasing their interest in writing. Short essays are the easiest way to build children’s interest in writing.
  • Give them some writing tools with sentences and specific words to help them with their grammar.
  • Your child might benefit from practising writing an essay, so encourage them to do so.
  • Permit them to discuss their thoughts.
  • Provide them with daily challenges and encourage them to participate in writing competitions.

Your 1st Grader will improve their skill of writing an essay with these exciting topics. Moreover, it will help motivate your child to be a better writer.

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The writer of the academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence. The beginning of the essay is a crucial first step in this process. In order to engage readers and establish your authority, the beginning of your essay has to accomplish certain business. Your beginning should introduce the essay, focus it, and orient readers.

Introduce the Essay.  The beginning lets your readers know what the essay is about, the  topic . The essay's topic does not exist in a vacuum, however; part of letting readers know what your essay is about means establishing the essay's  context , the frame within which you will approach your topic. For instance, in an essay about the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech, the context may be a particular legal theory about the speech right; it may be historical information concerning the writing of the amendment; it may be a contemporary dispute over flag burning; or it may be a question raised by the text itself. The point here is that, in establishing the essay's context, you are also limiting your topic. That is, you are framing an approach to your topic that necessarily eliminates other approaches. Thus, when you determine your context, you simultaneously narrow your topic and take a big step toward focusing your essay. Here's an example.

The paragraph goes on. But as you can see, Chopin's novel (the topic) is introduced in the context of the critical and moral controversy its publication engendered.

Focus the Essay.  Beyond introducing your topic, your beginning must also let readers know what the central issue is. What question or problem will you be thinking about? You can pose a question that will lead to your idea (in which case, your idea will be the answer to your question), or you can make a thesis statement. Or you can do both: you can ask a question and immediately suggest the answer that your essay will argue. Here's an example from an essay about Memorial Hall.

The fullness of your idea will not emerge until your conclusion, but your beginning must clearly indicate the direction your idea will take, must set your essay on that road. And whether you focus your essay by posing a question, stating a thesis, or combining these approaches, by the end of your beginning, readers should know what you're writing about, and  why —and why they might want to read on.

Orient Readers.  Orienting readers, locating them in your discussion, means providing information and explanations wherever necessary for your readers' understanding. Orienting is important throughout your essay, but it is crucial in the beginning. Readers who don't have the information they need to follow your discussion will get lost and quit reading. (Your teachers, of course, will trudge on.) Supplying the necessary information to orient your readers may be as simple as answering the journalist's questions of who, what, where, when, how, and why. It may mean providing a brief overview of events or a summary of the text you'll be analyzing. If the source text is brief, such as the First Amendment, you might just quote it. If the text is well known, your summary, for most audiences, won't need to be more than an identifying phrase or two:

Often, however, you will want to summarize your source more fully so that readers can follow your analysis of it.

Questions of Length and Order.  How long should the beginning be? The length should be proportionate to the length and complexity of the whole essay. For instance, if you're writing a five-page essay analyzing a single text, your beginning should be brief, no more than one or two paragraphs. On the other hand, it may take a couple of pages to set up a ten-page essay.

Does the business of the beginning have to be addressed in a particular order? No, but the order should be logical. Usually, for instance, the question or statement that focuses the essay comes at the end of the beginning, where it serves as the jumping-off point for the middle, or main body, of the essay. Topic and context are often intertwined, but the context may be established before the particular topic is introduced. In other words, the order in which you accomplish the business of the beginning is flexible and should be determined by your purpose.

Opening Strategies.  There is still the further question of how to start. What makes a good opening? You can start with specific facts and information, a keynote quotation, a question, an anecdote, or an image. But whatever sort of opening you choose, it should be directly related to your focus. A snappy quotation that doesn't help establish the context for your essay or that later plays no part in your thinking will only mislead readers and blur your focus. Be as direct and specific as you can be. This means you should avoid two types of openings:

  • The history-of-the-world (or long-distance) opening, which aims to establish a context for the essay by getting a long running start: "Ever since the dawn of civilized life, societies have struggled to reconcile the need for change with the need for order." What are we talking about here, political revolution or a new brand of soft drink? Get to it.
  • The funnel opening (a variation on the same theme), which starts with something broad and general and "funnels" its way down to a specific topic. If your essay is an argument about state-mandated prayer in public schools, don't start by generalizing about religion; start with the specific topic at hand.

Remember.  After working your way through the whole draft, testing your thinking against the evidence, perhaps changing direction or modifying the idea you started with, go back to your beginning and make sure it still provides a clear focus for the essay. Then clarify and sharpen your focus as needed. Clear, direct beginnings rarely present themselves ready-made; they must be written, and rewritten, into the sort of sharp-eyed clarity that engages readers and establishes your authority.

Copyright 1999, Patricia Kain, for the Writing Center at Harvard University

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Market: short essay on market | microeconomics.

essay on market for class 1


Read this essay to learn about the meaning of market!

There are two aspects of every market: demand and supply. We have discussed both the concepts in the previous units. In this article, we will put the two components together to examine the behaviour of ‘Market’ as a whole.


Image Curtsey: marketmonetarist.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/mvpy_lc.jpg

Market is like the nervous system of modern economic life. Producers and consumers carry out their transactions of sale and purchase through the medium of market. In the layman’s language, market refers to a place where goods are purchased and sold.

But, in economics, the term ‘market’ has a wider meaning. In economics, market has no reference to a specific place. It is not necessary for buyers and sellers to assemble at a particular place for sale or purchase of goods. The only condition is that they should be in contact with each other through any means of communication, like internet, telephones, letters, etc.

Market refers to the whole region where buyers and sellers of a commodity are in contact with each other to effect purchase and sale of the commodity. From the above discussion, the essential constituents of a market can be summarized as:

Market is not related to any particular place. It spreads over an area. The area becomes the point of contact between buyers and sellers.

(ii) Buyers and sellers:

Buyers and sellers should be in contact with each other. However, contact does not necessarily mean physical presence.

(iii) Commodity:

For the existence of market, there must be a commodity which will be sold and purchased among buyers and sellers.

(iv) Competition:

The existence of competition among buyers and sellers is also an essential condition for the existence of a market, otherwise different prices may be charged for the same commodity.

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Essay on A Visit to a Market

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Visit to a Market in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Visit to a Market


A market visit is a vibrant experience. It’s a place where you can see a variety of items, from fresh produce to household goods.

The Market Scene

As you enter, the hustle and bustle greet you. Sellers shout to attract customers, and buyers haggle over prices.

The Variety

The market is a treasure trove. Fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, and more are on display. The colors and smells are enticing.

Visiting a market is not just shopping, it’s an experience. It’s a place where you can witness life in its most vibrant form.

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250 Words Essay on A Visit to a Market

A market is a vibrant hub of activity, a microcosm of human life, where the exchange of goods and services reflects the broader socio-economic dynamics of a community. A recent visit to a local market provided a fascinating insight into this complex ecosystem.

The Market’s Vibrancy

The market was a riot of colors, sounds, and scents. Stalls were adorned with a variety of goods, from fresh produce to intricate handicrafts, each item telling a story of its origin and purpose. The cacophony of vendors calling out their wares, customers haggling over prices, and the general hum of conversation created a lively atmosphere. The scent of spices mingled with the aroma of street food, forming an olfactory tapestry that was quintessential to the market experience.

Human Interaction

Beyond the commerce, the market served as a social hub. The interactions between vendors and customers, often extending beyond mere transactions, highlighted the importance of human connection. The market was a melting pot of cultures, where diverse backgrounds and experiences converged, fostering a sense of community and shared identity.

Economic Implications

From an economic perspective, the market was a testament to the principles of supply and demand, competition, and negotiation. It offered a glimpse into the local economy’s health, reflecting the purchasing power of consumers and the profitability of small businesses.

A visit to a market is more than a shopping expedition. It provides a window into the cultural, social, and economic fabric of a community, offering valuable insights into human behavior and societal trends. The market, with its vibrancy and dynamism, is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of human enterprise.

500 Words Essay on A Visit to a Market

Markets form an integral part of our daily lives, serving as vibrant hubs where cultures converge, and commerce unfolds. A visit to a market can be an enlightening experience, revealing the pulse of a community and the rhythm of its economic life. This essay explores the multi-faceted dimensions of a market visit, reflecting upon its sociocultural, economic, and environmental implications.

Sociocultural Significance

A market is much more than a place for buying and selling. It is a social space where people from diverse backgrounds interact, negotiate, and exchange not just goods, but ideas, customs, and values. A walk through the bustling lanes of a market offers a glimpse into the local culture, the culinary preferences, fashion trends, and the community’s unique ways of life. The vibrant colors, the distinct aromas, the cacophony of vendors calling out their wares, all contribute to a sensory symphony that encapsulates the essence of a locale.

From an economic perspective, markets are microcosms of the broader economy. They reflect the dynamics of supply and demand, pricing mechanisms, and consumer behavior. Observing the interactions between buyers and sellers, one can discern the principles of negotiation, competition, and market equilibrium in action. Additionally, markets often serve as the lifeblood of local economies, providing livelihoods to countless vendors, artisans, and small businesses. Hence, a visit to a market can provide invaluable insights into the economic underpinnings of a society.

Environmental Impact

While markets are centers of vibrant activity, they can also be sites of significant environmental impact. The use of plastic packaging, food waste, and energy consumption are some of the pressing environmental issues associated with markets. A visit to a market can serve as a stark reminder of the need for sustainable practices in our daily commerce. However, on the positive side, markets can also promote sustainability. For example, farmers’ markets often encourage local produce, reducing food miles and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.

In conclusion, a visit to a market is a journey into the heart of a community, a living exhibition of its culture, economy, and environmental practices. It is a space where the abstract concepts of sociology, economics, and environmental science come alive in the most tangible ways. As we navigate through the labyrinth of stalls, haggling over prices, and soaking in the atmosphere, we are participating in a complex web of interactions that define our society. A market, in essence, is a mirror reflecting our collective lives, a testament to our shared humanity, and a reminder of our responsibility towards sustainable living.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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  • Essay on Favourite Shopping Mall
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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay on market for class 1


Essay on COW for Class 1

The cow is a holy animal. It eats grass. The cow is considered a mother in Hinduism. It is a pious animal that gives us milk and helps us make dairy products. It makes a ‘moow’ sound and always chews grass when we see it. They are domestic animals, and people keep them to support their living by selling their milk and making the dairy product sold in the market. We are providing essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic ‘cow’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay on ‘COW’ of 100 words

The cow is one of the best animals to be domesticated. They are cute and provide milk. It doesn’t require costly food items like other pets like cats and animals. It eats fresh grass and hay. The milk it gives can be used at home, and surplus milk can be sold in the market. It is very beneficial as the milk can be converted into cheese, cottage cheese, and other dairy products. These products can be sold in the market for profits. They are very innocent and peaceful. They don’t get violent or irritated easily. This makes them ideal domestic animals to be kept and maintained at home. Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our Essay for Class 1 and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Essay 2: Long Essay on ‘COW’ of 100 words

The cow is a holy animal according to Hinduism and is worshiped on many festivals. Its dung is used for many purposes, such as making cow dung cakes to be used while cooking on a mud stove. Fresh cow dung has been a part of the culture in India, where it is considered holy. Festivals like Onam and Pongal in Southern India are best at worshiping cows for the traditional impact they have. A cow gives milk for many purposes like cooking, drinking, selling, and also dairy products. Domesticating a cow supports the livelihood and helps people support their families. Cow urine is believed to have medicinal values if consumed regularly. Cows are believed to have 33 crore Gods and Goddesses in them. There are many breeds of cows available in the market for commercial purposes. Some of the breeds are Jersey, Red Sindi, Sahiwal, Rathi, Bargur, and Cholistani. The innocence of the cow makes it domestic easily, and it also serves various purposes as a pet.

10 lines on ‘cow’ in English

  • The cow is a very friendly and helpful animal.
  • The cows eat grass, hay, leftovers of agricultural crops, and other remains of plants.
  • Milk is a divine gift of God that cows give humans, and it is used to make various milk products.
  • The cow is termed as ‘mata’ or mother in Hinduism due to its contribution to Indian culture.
  • Cow urine and dung are also usable in many forms.
  • The urine of cows possesses medicinal properties if consumed regularly early morning.
  • The dung of cows is used to ignite the fire to cook, keep huts warm, and its fumes keep away insects like mosquitoes.
  • The presences of 33 crore gods and goddesses in cows make them adored in Hinduism.
  • Cows are great domestic animals, and it is believed that if a person has cows, then he will never run out of wealth.
  • Cows eat plant remains, which helps people clean their fields after agriculture without wasting bad crops obtained after agriculture.

Frequently asked questions Question 1: How does a cow look? Answer: A cow is a four-legged animal that has a tail. It has a long face and two horns. It has large ears and a nose. It makes a moow sound. Question 2: What does a cow eat? Answer: Cows eat grass, hay, leftovers of agricultural crops, and other remains of plants. Question 3: What makes cows holy? Answer: It is believed that cows have 33 crores Hindu God and Goddesses in them. It is a very innocent animal and also provides milk to humans. Every product obtains from a cow is of some use or the other.

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Essay on COW for Class 1

The cow is a holy animal. It eats grass. The cow is considered a mother in Hinduism. It is a pious animal that gives us milk and helps us make dairy products. It makes a ‘moow’ sound and always chews grass when we see it.

They are domestic animals, and people keep them to support their living by selling their milk and making the dairy product sold in the market. We are providing essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic ‘cow’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay on ‘COW’ of 100 words

The cow is one of the best animals to be domesticated. They are cute and provide milk. It doesn’t require costly food items like other pets like cats and animals. It eats fresh grass and hay.

The milk it gives can be used at home, and surplus milk can be sold in the market. It is very beneficial as the milk can be converted into cheese, cottage cheese, and other dairy products. These products can be sold in the market for profits.

They are very innocent and peaceful. They don’t get violent or irritated easily. This makes them ideal domestic animals to be kept and maintained at home.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 1  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Essay 2: Long Essay on ‘COW’ of 100 words

The cow is a holy animal according to Hinduism and is worshiped on many festivals. Its dung is used for many purposes, such as making cow dung cakes to be used while cooking on a mud stove.

Fresh cow dung has been a part of the culture in India, where it is considered holy. Festivals like Onam and Pongal in Southern India are best at worshiping cows for the traditional impact they have.

A cow gives milk for many purposes like cooking, drinking, selling, and also dairy products. Domesticating a cow supports the livelihood and helps people support their families. Cow urine is believed to have medicinal values if consumed regularly.

Cows are believed to have 33 crore Gods and Goddesses in them. There are many breeds of cows available in the market for commercial purposes.

Some of the breeds are Jersey, Red Sindi, Sahiwal, Rathi, Bargur, and Cholistani. The innocence of the cow makes it domestic easily, and it also serves various purposes as a pet.

10 lines on ‘cow’ in English 

  • The cow is a very friendly and helpful animal.
  • The cows eat grass, hay, leftovers of agricultural crops, and other remains of plants.
  • Milk is a divine gift of God that cows give humans, and it is used to make various milk products.
  • The cow is termed as ‘mata’ or mother in Hinduism due to its contribution to Indian culture.
  • Cow urine and dung are also usable in many forms.
  • The urine of cows possesses medicinal properties if consumed regularly early morning.
  • The dung of cows is used to ignite the fire to cook, keep huts warm, and its fumes keep away insects like mosquitoes.
  • The presences of 33 crore gods and goddesses in cows make them adored in Hinduism.
  • Cows are great domestic animals, and it is believed that if a person has cows, then he will never run out of wealth.
  • Cows eat plant remains, which helps people clean their fields after agriculture without wasting bad crops obtained after agriculture.

Frequently asked questions

Question 1: How does a cow look?

Answer:  A cow is a four-legged animal that has a tail. It has a long face and two horns. It has large ears and a nose. It makes a moow sound.    

Question 2: What does a cow eat?

Answer:  Cows eat grass, hay, leftovers of agricultural crops, and other remains of plants.

Question 3: What makes cows holy?

Answer:  It is believed that cows have 33 crores Hindu God and Goddesses in them. It is a very innocent animal and also provides milk to humans. Every product obtains from a cow is of some use or the other.

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Monopoly: Compilation of Essays on Monopoly | Markets | Economics

essay on market for class 1

Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Monopoly’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Monopoly’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Monopoly

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Disadvantages of Monopolies

Essay # 1. Introduction to Monopoly :


The market, form of monopoly is the opposite extreme from that perfect competition. It exists whenever an industry is in the hands of single of producer. In the case of perfect competition there are so many individual producers that no one of them has any power over the market and an; one firm can increase or diminish its production without affecting the market price. A monopoly, on the other hand, has power to influence the market price. By reducing its output, it can force the price up, and by increasing its output it can force the price down.

The word monopoly is made of two words; MONO +POLY. Here ‘Mono’ means one and ‘Poly’ implies the seller, thereby the literal meaning of the word Monopoly is one seller or one producer. Thus, pure monopoly refers to that form of market organisation wherein there is single firm (or producer) producing a commodity for which there are no good or close substitutes.

According to Watson, “A monopolist is the only producer of a product that has no close substitutes.” Changes in prices and outputs of other goods sold in the economy must leave the monopolist unaffected. Conversely, changes in the monopolist’s price and output must leave the other producers of the economy unaffected.

Essay # 2. Features of Monopoly :

(i) Single Producer:

There is a single firm producing the commodity in the market.

(ii) No Close Substitutes:

For the monopoly to exist single producer is the necessary condition but not a sufficient one. It is also essential that there should be no close substitute of the commodity in the market. This second condition would be even more difficult to fulfil than the first, since there are few things for which there is no substitute.

For instance, Usha are produced by a single firm alone but there are close substitutes of Usha fans that are available in the market in the form of Relifans, Khaitan Ashoka, Crompton, etc. Hence, though the firm producing Usha fans is single yet it cannot be termed a monopoly firm.

It is, therefore, essential for a monopoly to exist that there should be no close substitutes available in the market. This condition can be stated in other words as that the cross elasticity of demand for the output of the firm with respect to the price of every firm’s product is zero.

(iii) Barriers to the Entry:

The entry into the industry is completely barred or made impossible. If new firms are admitted into the industry, monopoly itself breaks down. This ban on entry may be legal, natural or institutional but it must essentially be there.

(iv) Firm and Industry:

Since in monopoly there is single firm producing the commodity, hence the difference between firm and industry vanishes automatically.

(v) Downward Sloping AR and MR Curves:

The monopoly firm is like an industry, and faces a downward sloping demand curve for its product; thus, it has to lower its price in order to sell more. For, it is this nature of demand curve that determines the nature of average and marginal revenue curves. Under perfect competition, we know, average revenue and marginal revenue curves coincide in a horizontal line. But that is not so under monopoly.

With a monopoly, however, the average revenue curve, which is the same as the market demand curve, is downward sloping. Furthermore, the marginal revenue curve does not coincide with the average revenue curve rather, it remains below it. Thus, for a monopolist firm both AR and MR curve are downward sloping and MR remains below AR as shown in the diagram.

essay on market for class 1

Essay # 7. Disadvantages of Monopolies:

Monopolies have their disadvantages as well. Some of the important disadvantages are as follows:

1. Leads to Exploitation of Workers:

One of the important duties and responsibilities of the industry is to promote social welfare. But under monopolies usually there is exploitation of workers. The industry knows that the workers cannot go out because chances of employment, out of the firm have been reduced to the minimum. It does not care about their welfare, which cannot be justified on any ground.

2. Arbitrary Price Fixation:

One of the characteristics of monopolies is that it can thus fix the price arbitrarily. Usually it is fixed on the very high side. The consumer has no other alternative but to accept the price. In absence of competition, the consumer also cannot bargain as well. Thus this results in many serious problems for the society as a whole.

3. Control over Output:

In monopoly situation the producer decides what to produce when and in what quantity. Obviously he will like to produce only such commodities which give him maximum profit. While deciding about the output he may or may not care for social needs, thereby creating social crisis at any time, by not producing sufficient quantities of the commodities needed by the society.

4. No Gain to the Consumer:

There is no doubt that monopolies enjoy the benefits of large scale economies including production of goods at cheap rates, but monopoly is not prepared to share the gains of large scale economies with the consumers. It wants to keep the profit with itself. Therefore, consumer is least profited by the gains of large scale economies of monopolies.

5. Wrong Allocation of Economic Resources:

Monopoly will try to have maximum control over the economic resources. This is itself a big distortion. Not only this, but in every industry, monopoly can provide employment to very limited number of persons. This has the advantage of new and well equipped machinery. It can place man be machine.

6. Political Corruption Encourages:

In a country with democratic set up, chances of political corruption cannot be ruled out. The monopolists, in order to maintain and strengthen their monopoly will always try to corrupt politicians so that no legislation opposed to their interests is brought forward. They will always influence that political party as a whole, by giving financial support at the time of elections. The monopolies and industrialists will become members of these parties and try to occupy important posts and positions.

7. Concentration of Wealth:

A monopoly situation can be created by those who are already economically strong and sound. Hence this situation has been created more money begins to flow in. It begins to go on concentrating in the hands of only few persons, who control, distribute and fix the price to suit their profit motives. Thus the rich grow richer and their capacity to exploit considerably increases which is good for healthy society.

8. Interests of Workers not Cared for:

In monopolies interests of the workers too are not cared for, while finalising the combinations or mergers. Those who are found surplus in the new arrangements are thrown out of job. Their respective positions are ignored and they are given new positions to suit the convenience and whims of the management.

9. Sacrifice of the Interests of Shareholders:

One of the forms of monopoly is voluntary monopoly. Before combination however, bargains are struck and under hand-deals finalised. In these only individual interests are preserved. The interests of the shareholders are least cared, and protected. It is unfortunate that those who invest money by spending in the shares are made scape goats, for protecting the interests of the few who control the firms. Thus the interests of a vast majority of the people are sacrificed.

10. Corrupt Influence on Business:

Monopolies try to corrupt whole business by using unfair means in the business. In order to eliminate local competitions, the monopolies fix different prices of the same commodity in different localities, thereby encouraging such economic offence and crimes as smuggling. In order to maintain their monopolies, they even fix prices below cost price in some cases, so that the rival is thrown out of market.

11. Apathy towards Technical Progress:

Still another drawback of the monopoly is that it shown an apathy towards technical progress. It is on account of two reasons. Firstly the monopoly feels that any technical progress or advancement is bound to create some dislocation, which will disturb status quo, for which the industry is least prepared under the monopolists.

Then another problem is that the monopoly feels that when their products are already acceptable to the society, why they should spend money on research and technological advancement.

12. Economic Depressions and Cycles:

It is very unfortunate that monopoly, which should have helped in maintaining prices, has acted to the contrary. The investors are usually motivated more by personal rather than by social gains. They create depressions and economic cycles in the way they like. They make the whole economic market erratic, irritating not only the government, but also the consumer.

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  • Monopoly and Perfect Competition | Markets | Economics
  • Essay on Markets: Top 4 Essays | Economics
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  • Inefficiency of Monopoly | Markets

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We are ready to help you with any papers so you can focus on what is relevant to you at the moment. In addition, no one will refuse the opportunity to get high grades in just a few clicks. EssayMarket is a company that knows how to solve academic problems and make students happy. We understand how difficult it is to balance studies, career, family, and social responsibilities. That is why you should not compromise. Let us do our job, and you won’t regret it.

Can Delegating Papers Give Students More Time?

Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​delegating papers. They think writing services don’t make sense. Why pay someone for an essay or other paper? On the one hand, such questions sound logical. But let’s take a closer look at things. How long does it take you to craft an essay? As a rule, students can cope with such a task daily. But what if you got a tricky topic and don’t know where to start? In this case, you will have to spend up to a week searching for information. Sometimes even this deadline is not enough to complete the writing activity.

EssayMarket lets you say no to academic routine and similar issues. Our writers can handle a lot in less than half a day. That is why you will have a chance to do something more important and enjoy life. We believe that people should not waste time on routine activities. Leave us the dirty work, and we’ll craft your assignments. In addition, you can get good samples and use them in the future. You will unlikely refuse such a format of academic assistance and a chance to learn something new.

Ideal Conditions for Achieving Goals

As you can see, the number of our services is quite large, so we are ready for any academic challenge. Moreover, we’re always there, so you don’t have to waste time looking for experts. Think of us as the fairy godmother who can change your academic life with a magic wand. We have spent a lot of time ensuring a continuous paper-crafting process. That is why you can order what you need in just a few minutes.

Imagine what prospects will be available to you when you contact us. You may even be able to stand out from the crowd and spend time doing something outstanding. It is not worth wandering the earth when you can fly through the sky and reach high in the areas of life that are important to you. Trust us, and we will help you with your academic routine. Surely you will be delighted with the new features, so hurry up!

One of our main advantages is the fact that we are always online. Our writers can start working anytime, so you don’t have to wait. You can contact us in the early morning or the middle of midnight, and we will help. This approach is the only correct one since we know that many English-speaking students live in different parts of the world. We want to provide you with the best papers, so our writers are ready to go 24/7. Also, we do not mind making amendments or any wishes in the workflow. So you should not be shy and clarify all the nuances in advance.

Who Can Do Your Essay? We Can!

The academic world is heavily dependent on crafting papers. That’s why students go crazy when they have to write something. Imagine how difficult it is for young people to cope with academic challenges. The fact is that professors try to give young people as much knowledge and experience as possible. Therefore, some paper requirements can be quite tricky. But everything will change when you visit EssayMarket!

The Best Writers on the English-Speaking Internet!

Here is the first feature that will appeal to all students without exception. Surely you understand that EssayMarket is a company designed for English-speaking students. But you should know that many people speak this language and have to craft papers according to certain regional nuances. That’s why we’re proud of our writing team. We gathered experts from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand within a short period.

Our writers have years of academic experience and can craft any paper on the topic. You don’t even have to worry about the details. Just tell them what to do and relax. Surely the awareness of such opportunities will make you feel safe. Now you are unlikely to face academic force majeure. Moreover, all our writers understand the academic and linguistic nuances, which will be useful to all students.

It is important to us that you can trust us, which is why we only hire professionals with good experience and an obedient list. We also pay attention to how flexible the writer adapts to certain complex topics. It is a prevailing option, as we understand that the academic community is changeable. Those nuances and factors that are relevant at the moment may change dramatically. That is why we hire people ready for all difficulties and do not mind developing as individuals and professionals. As you can see, we create all the conditions so that you can relax and delegate all your papers. It is not your problem; we are ready to handle all tasks.

We Are Ready for Tricky Requirements

Here is another interesting aspect that you should be aware of. Not all students know that our essay service is a company that is not afraid of papers. During our market work, we created an algorithm for analyzing all instructions. And we have gathered professionals who know what to do in stressful situations. Therefore, we can quickly analyze your instructions and write papers according to your wishes. That is why we never experience force majeure associated with misunderstanding customer requirements.

Moreover, we are glad that we chose the bidding system. Thanks to this option, we can offer hundreds of experts who know what modern students need. So find the right professional for your order and enjoy your free time. We will craft your assignments as if the fate of the entire planet depends on them. That is why you hardly have to worry about the results. Trust us, and we won’t let you down!

Feel free to send in files with important instructions, as we are ready to consider all your wishes. The more points and nuances you add, the easier it will be for us to create the perfect paper for you. This hypothesis should become the gold standard for you because we strive to ensure that you can receive exceptionally high marks.

Give Us Any Topic!

Here’s another benefit you can count on. Our experts are guys who have tremendous academic experience. That is why they can craft any paper for you. Your topic will not affect the pace of the writing activity. We know what students need and are ready to work non-stop to provide you with what you want. So say no to fears because our experience allows us to craft anything!

We will find out any details regarding your field of study. As a result, you will receive a paper that meets your expectations. Moreover, your professor will be happy with the final result. Surely you will be surprised when you get high grades. Our professionalism will help you look at the academic process differently. That is why you should not hesitate! Choose what you need and contact us.

Our experts are well-rounded and can handle even the most complex topics. That is why you should not be afraid to trust them with all your instructions. The fact is that we constantly conduct training for our staff and make sure that our experts can expand their horizons. This strategic approach allows us to compete in the academic market and offer the best possible service. That is why you should not be afraid of any details or possible failures. We never take on tasks that we cannot complete. That is why all our experts are so confident in a positive result.

Deadlines Are Not a Problem for Us!

Here is another important aspect that all modern students should remember. We are ready to meet any deadline. Take a look at the options we offer. Surely you will be happy when we craft your papers in half a day or even faster. Many of our experts are experienced enough to analyze all your instructions and quickly find relevant information.

In addition, you will be happy to know that the price depends on the deadlines. However, you are unlikely to spend much money because we offer the most acceptable conditions for ordering assignments. Now you don’t have to worry about the amount you pay for your essay. Contact us, and our support agents will help you find out the details. You can always find a writer on our site and say no to academic stress.

We Are Ready to Polish Your Papers

Surely you have at least heard about the scary stories about unreliable writing services. We know how students are afraid to get involved with dubious companies. That is why we have spent so much time earning our reputation. Moreover, we are ready to confirm our reputation as experts. Let us write your assignment, and we will show you how real professionals should work.

The main secret of our popularity lies in the fact that we know how to polish each paper. First, we write all the paragraphs according to the instructions. The next stage is the analysis of each proposal, the verification of sources, and the verification of all minor parameters. We work like sculptors polishing a statue. As a result, you can count on a masterpiece.

Bidding System Is What You Need!

Surely you have already paid attention to our bidding system. We believe that this type of choice of writers is innovative and the most correct. Let’s be honest: you probably want to hire the most professional writer. But classic writing services have no more than 10-50 writers. At the same time, we are ready to provide you with hundreds of experts who are well-versed in the nuances of many studies and topics.

In other words, we give you the chance to make the right choice. The number of our experts is so large that you do not have to worry about diversity. At the same time, all the guys on our team can surprise you with the results. We are so confident in our writers that we are ready for free revisions and a money-back guarantee if something goes wrong. However, you have nothing to worry about. We always comply with the required level of quality so that nothing threatens you.

We are pleased to realize that we are ready to satisfy students’ requests. It will not be difficult for us to listen to you and take your order. From now on, your problems will disappear like a bad dream. Let us handle your assignments. You will see how delegating papers can positively impact your life. That is why you should not hesitate! Contact us, and you will see how things change for the better.

Get Help From Top-Rated Writers

Students’ world is too complex to cope with all the difficulties alone. That is why there is nothing shameful in delegating your papers to someone else sometimes. But why is this solution ideal? You are not a Terminator and can hardly spend all the time at the computer in search of relevant information. You will need at least some time to rest and do your daily activities.

That is why our company decided to help students. Young people should enjoy life and not spend time perfecting their writing skills. Sometimes delegation is the best procedure you can use on the web. You should look at new opportunities and become part of the modern web community.

Why Do Students Need to Contact Us Right Now?

Surely you are tired of last-minute requirements and know how difficult it is to craft even simple essays, especially when you are not ready for such a step. But you don’t need to worry; we are here to help. Tell us, “write my paper”! We get to work immediately, so you don’t have to worry about the results. The main advantage of our company is the ability to organize the writing process within a couple of minutes! Most people have no idea how quickly we can get to work.

That is why you should not hesitate. Your academic opportunities have never been so advanced! You can get help quickly as we have been able to automate many functions and put together a team of professionals that will give you an academic edge over others. But let’s start with the most important aspects so you can understand all your perspectives.

Bidding System: The Best Solution for Students

Let’s say you want to use the “pay someone to write my essay” option. Such a desire is logical, given that students should not experience stress. Academic life should bring you the knowledge and positive emotions, not depression. That is why you decided to choose a bidding system for our company. But what is the advantage of such a solution? The fact is that such a system allowed us to expand the team of writers to several hundred people.

Our essay writing service can meet the needs of hundreds of people a day, which is a great result. In addition, we are more flexible when delegating tricky topics. Therefore, you can trust us and count on whether any of your papers will be written at the highest level. That is why we have spent so much time recruiting new members for our team.

Ordering Details

Let’s discuss the details you need to know to place an order on our website. To get started, you should go through a quick registration procedure. Follow the instructions, and you will complete this step in a minute. Next, you need to move on to the assignment-type selection procedure. Specify the number of pages, academic level, deadlines, and other nuances. You should also attach instructions so writers can understand all the aspects that are relevant to you.

The next step is choosing an expert to handle your paper. Look at all the offers and choose the writer you like the most. We guarantee that our company has a huge number of experts who know how to help you with your paper. Once you have selected a writer, you can delegate all your assignments and proceed with the payment process. Again, choose the transactional method you like best.

The Ideal Solution for the Academic Community

urely you will not deny that the ability to delegate papers is brilliant! In addition, we provide flexible conditions for everyone tired of the daily routine and wants to take a break. Trust us and write, “Do my essay, guys!” You will no longer have to worry about details because we will get to work. Consider that we are your patrons in the academic world, and now nothing threatens you.

You are unlikely to be disappointed with the quality of our work, so do not hesitate. The benefits are obvious, and you can stand out from the crowd. But the most important point is the chance to surprise your professor. We spend a lot of time polishing all the papers, so any college or university representative will be surprised.

Do not forget that the academic community appreciates punctuality, quality, and adherence to all instructions. We are ready to give you what you are looking for so you don’t have to feel stressed anymore. Moreover, we will allow you to relax and abstract from the academic routine. Now you have more time to do your daily activities.

Essay Writing Service: Options That Are Worth Your Attention

Many students are unaware that their lives can change once they open their hearts to new options. You don’t have to craft each paper yourself; we can help you. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Imagine that you need to write an important essay or research paper. Surely you want to solve such problems quickly and radically.

You should contact our company for help because we know how to help you, unlike many other writing services. We offer services that most closely match all your wishes. Moreover, we know how to integrate all your instructions into each paragraph to satisfy your professor. That is why you should pay attention to the options that we offer you in the first place. Here are the services you can count on.

  • Writing from scratch;
  • Proofreading;
  • Problem-solving;
  • Rewriting & paraphrasing;
  • Multiple choice questions.

As you can see, our site is a place with the best paper writers for hire. By the way, we are ready to write any paper from scratch. Also, we will add any nuances or exploratory details you want to see. We need to meet all your parameters to be as accurate and clear as possible in our wording. And we are ready to edit your samples, especially if you are unsure about the final quality. Moreover, we know how to analyze each paragraph and find inconsistencies with the original instructions. For each writer who collaborates with us, we can examine in detail all the parameters you have added to your draft and change those nuances that do not seem right enough.

That is why you can trust each of our writers and us. We are happy to give you access to many writers who can improve your essay or any other type of paper. We also guarantee you the possibility of ordering rewriting services. Now you don’t have to worry about any of your wording or certain academic nuances being inaccurate. We also guarantee that you do not have to spend time analyzing certain parameters and looking for incorrect wording. We are ready to eliminate all typos and spelling errors. Thanks to us, your essay or any other type of assignment will look perfect; this is our company’s mission.

Main Reasons to Choose Us

And now, let’s talk about the nuances that deserve your attention. We are a company that is extremely careful in choosing writers. That is why we guarantee that all the above options and services will be available to you anytime. Moreover, we guarantee the possibility of adapting any instructions to your requirements. That is why you don’t have to worry about something going wrong. By the way, we guarantee polished paragraphs, so you don’t have to worry that some nuances will not be considered

And don’t forget that our writing service is careful about selecting writers, so we guarantee you the absence of any force majeure. And our team is zealous about compliance with all the conditions of the order, so you get what you expect.

One of the main advantages of our writing service is the thoroughness of our experts and the desire to create the best paragraphs. We are happy when students choose our services because we are industry leaders. However, we need to meet your expectations, so we are constantly expanding the list of services that you can use. It is your love and support that motivates us to create services that are worthy of any academic community.

Surely you understand that compliance with certain academic rules is extremely important for you and your professor. That is why you need to contact us in time because we know how to ensure that you get your professor’s approval. The fact is that we are extremely conscientious in matters relating to professional assistance. Moreover, we try to meet all the needs of students by expanding services and providing additional options for those who need to achieve the maximum result. So you can afford to hire an expert essay writer.

Can I Count On Original Papers?

Original papers are very important for students and the entire academic community. The fact is that no one likes both plagiarism and copying other people’s ideas. But our writers work differently. Instead of copying someone else’s quotes or research results, WE conduct an in-depth analysis of your topic. We also use articles from academic journals and books to supplement our research. Instead of copying facts, we interpret information and collect the most important nuances to confirm your hypotheses or specific instructions.

This approach allows us to create papers from scratch AND maintain a high level of originality. Your professor will never know that you ordered a paper from our website. And don’t forget that we guarantee the anonymity of every student. You can safely order any papers, and no one will know. As you can see, this option will positively affect your anonymity and final grade.

Don’t forget that you can upload all your detailed instructions as a document to our website. All of our writers will be happy to see all the important nuances they need to follow during the writing process. We also offer to choose any paper size you need and additional settings. Each writer can handle your wishes, especially if you detail all the parameters that are critical to you. As you can see, we are ready for individual orders and are not afraid of even the most difficult conditions. Our writers are true professionals, and it is not a problem for them to adapt to your requirements.

Free Revisions

One of the important parameters that we provide to each student is free revisions. The fact is that our writers are professional enough to create perfect papers that do not require editing. At the same time, we understand that all students want the extra assurance that they can qualify for higher grades. That is why each of our writers can make certain changes if necessary. Therefore, consider this option as an additional guarantee that you will receive the polished paper.

Hire a Professional Essay Writer!

The academic process can be quite challenging for beginners. That is why third-party support is so important for many students. Our writing service offers unique writing and editing services for various academic papers. Based on this fact, you do not have to worry about the fact that something can go wrong. But first, you need to understand how our website works. Let’s start by listing the steps you need to take to get your paper.

  • Visit the website and create an account;
  • Select all paper details;
  • Attach your instructions;
  • Choose a writer;
  • Pay for essays (or other papers);
  • Wait for the results.

As you can see, all the steps are quite simple, and you do not have to spend much time. Let’s start so that you can understand the whole algorithm of your activities. First, you need to create an account on our website. Then, use your email to create a profile. After that, you can proceed to the section with ordering your paper. Select the assignment type, number of pages, your academic level, and any additional options that are important to you. We also highly recommend downloading a file with instructions to help your chosen writer handle your papers. Be careful and include all important details.

Once you’ve completed the checkout and added instructions, you’ll be taken to the writer selection screen. Please note that our writer selection system allows you to select any expert that suits your requirements. Click on the icon with the writer you like the most. Also, you can see the price you have to pay for your paper in advance. You can confirm the order and proceed to payment if you are satisfied with all the conditions. Once all the formalities are completed, you will have to wait until your paper is completed. As a rule, all our qualified essay writers meet deadlines, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Crucial Things to Remember!

As you can see, you only need to place an order and pick the most suitable expert. You don’t even have to spend much time, as the automatic selection system can do all the work for you. At the same time, you can open a list of all available writers and select someone manually. We offer freedom of choice so all students can use both options. You can also contact our support agents and say, “I want to pay someone to write my paper”. As you can see, you have many options to solve your problem. And you don’t have to worry. In any case, we will help you solve your problem. So you can count on well-written papers.

Is It That Simple and Safe?

For many first-year students, ordering papers can be quite shocking. But is it that simple and easy? Fortunately, this is true because we decided not to complicate choosing writers. Moreover, we understand that many students value their own time and do not want to spend a lot of effort trying to understand the nuances of the order of each writing service. And we are concerned that you can save time and do the things that are relevant to you at the moment. So let us do our job, and don’t be afraid. All you have to do is spend a couple of minutes delegating your assignments. After that, all your academic problems will become ours, and we will help you deal with all the nuances of writing.

Our bidding system might scare some freshmen, but you have nothing to worry about. We guarantee a high level of quality for every student, which is why we offer you free audits and a money-back guarantee. Whatever happens, we will be at your side and consider each case individually. And that is why you can count on meeting deadlines and originality. In addition, we are always open to your questions so that you can consult with our support agents. Do not be afraid to ask about certain nuances that are not clear to you. We are always ready to answer your questions and suggest any additional options.

Systematization Is the Key to Success

Our company believes systematization is the best solution for the modern academic community. That is why we have created clear rules for ordering and writing papers. This process is the most responsible for us, and we do not want to let you down. That is why we adhere to the rules that allow us to work effectively in the academic market for quite a long time. As you can see, you can trust us and not be afraid of delegating papers. In any case, we will cope with the task, no matter how complicated the instructions are.

Thanks to automation and many writers, we know what to do with your papers and will not let you down. As you can see, we have systematized everything that could cause you any questions. This approach is caused by the desire to help each student reduce the duration of the delegation of papers. Now you only need a few clicks to solve your academic problems. Moreover, we are ready to assist you and suggest certain nuances. Do not be afraid to ask support agents questions, as their task is to make your academic life easier.

Surely you have already seen the rating of each of our writers and the number of completed orders. These parameters will help you choose the expert who will surely cope with all your instructions. We have created a format for displaying information so that beginners are not afraid to trust experienced experts. We select our team those writers who can cope with any task and are not afraid to take responsibility. As you can see, we carefully approach the issue of selecting professionals in order not to let you down. This approach allows you to click on any icon and expect that your chosen expert will justify your trust.

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We get it, we all have doubts. Talk to our expert to have it all figured out. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority.

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  • Kids Learning

My Teacher Essay in English for Class 1 Students

Essay on my teacher for class 1 students.

Writing an essay involves a lot of thinking. Hence essay writing is considered as one of the most efficient ways to teach a kid how to think critically, use creativity, and jot down thoughts in one place. Learning essay writing at such a young age will help the kids to assess their thinking power and writing skills.

Here our experts have put their best efforts to bring forth the essay on ’My

Teacher,’ so that you can help your child in learning how to write a short essay about ‘My Teacher’ for Class 1.

Short Essay on “My Teacher”

A teacher is the builder of the nation and shows light to our future. Teaching is a

noble profession. They educate us and help us to become responsible citizens. I am a student of Class 1 and my favourite teacher in the school is Anita ma’am. Her full name is Anita Thakkar. She is our class teacher and teaches us English.

She is very sweet, jovial, and kind-hearted. She teaches well. We keep quiet when she teaches. She makes sure we understand the subject well. If we do not understand any topic, she explains it again very nicely. Her teaching and presentation skills are really good. That’s why it is easier to understand every chapter. I never miss her class. She guides us and teaches us good habits. She is strict but lovely. That’s why we are very fond of her and love to attend her class.

Sometimes she tells us stories as well. On any special occasion, she gives us cakes and chocolates. We also bring a cake for ma’am on our birthdays. Last year we celebrated her birthday also. I gifted her a drawing of mine. She was really happy. We feel very lucky being taught by Anitama’am. We are proud of our class teacher. A lot of her students are quite successful today. We also wish to be her successful students in the future.

I think the best teacher is a gift of God to us. We always thank God for blessing us with a good teacher like Anita ma’am.

Long Essay on “My Teacher”

A teacher is a person who plays a very important role in casting a student’s life. A teacher has so many different roles to perform in the student’s life such as guru, guardian, instructor, and guide and mentor who delivers knowledge about the value of life. He or she also provides information regarding subjects and inspires as well as motivates us to take education for getting success in life.

I am a student of Class 1 and my teacher’s name is Ms Reena Shah. She teaches us English. She is such a friendly and kind-hearted teacher. She teaches the subject in a play-way method that we enjoy in her class. At the time of her class, every student seats quietly on their benches.

She explains the chapter in simple language so that all students can understand the lesson very easily. If we get stuck on some topic or get confused she clears our doubt by explaining the topic again with the proper answer. Her teaching style and presentation style is very good. She never gets angry if we ask her lots of questions.

Every student in my class waits for her period excitedly. She also teaches us and guides us on good things and good manners. Though she is strict regarding the classwork and homework she is a very lovely teacher. During the time of Christmas or on special occasions she always brings chocolate for us.

Every teacher is a great belonging to our nation. That is why on 5 September of every year we celebrate “Teacher’s Day” to give thanks to our teachers for teaching us different sides of life.  I am feeling lucky to be taught by Ms Reena.

In my point of view, the best gift that God has given to students is “Teacher.”

FAQs on My Teacher Essay in English for Class 1 Students

1. Do first graders write an essay?

Yes, first graders learn to write an essay. Students of first grade learn how to write a very short essay as it is a part of their syllabus. Then they continue to expand upon their knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. They also learn the basics of writing like how to think about a topic and then execute it in their write-ups.

2. How can essay writing help my class 1 kid?

Writing an essay will help your child in many different ways. You should always encourage your child to write essays as much as they can because it not only develops their writing skills but also boosts their confidence level. It requires doing some research on the topic, that’s how they will gain more knowledge. It helps in the growth of their mental ability. Besides, their inner creativity will get a boost for sure.

3. What is the importance of a teacher in the student’s life?

In Sanskrit, we address “teacher” as “guru”. Guru is made up of two words - “GU” which means darkness and “RU” which means remover. Thus, a Guru or teacher plays a vital role in removing the darkness of illiteracy from the student’s life and en-lights their life with the light of education.

4. What are the good qualities of a teacher?

Some good qualities that can make a teacher excellent in the teaching field include excellent communication skills, good listener, should have empathic behaviour towards students and should be patient while listening to students' problems.

Other qualities include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

Kids-learning • Class 1

  • Kids Learning
  • Class 1 Essay
  • Class 1 My Best Friend Essay

My Best Friend Essay For Class 1

In this article, we shall look into “My best friend essay for Class 1” which will help young kids to write an essay about their best friend at school. We bring you a 10 line essay on my best friend for Class 1 that children can refer to while writing their own essay.

As the famous adage goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. The world will become a boring and dark place if we do not have any friends to share our joys and sorrows with. Here we have given a sample of ‘My Best Friend’ essay for Class 1.

Friends are the ones who fill our lives with joy and they gradually tend to become an important part of our world. Happy are those people who have close friends to share their joys, happiness and sorrows with and they are the ones who help us in times of need.

Looking back, every human being has his/her own circles of friends with whom he/she wants to share his/her thoughts, views and take their advice while making a decision.

Download PDF of “My Best Friend Essay For Class 1” for Free

My Best Friend Essay For Class 1

My Best Friend Essay In English For Class 1

  • My best friend’s name is Arjun.
  • He has a round face with brown hair and eyes.
  • My best friend is funny.
  • Everybody loves him.
  • He is very good at his studies and helps me in my studies too.
  • We sit, study and play together at school.
  • Arjun and I live close to each other.
  • His parents and my parents are good friends too. They visit us often.
  • During break time, we eat and share our lunch with each other.
  • On my birthday, he gives me wonderful gifts. I also give him nice gifts on his birthday.

Short Essay on My Best Friend for Class 1

I have a best friend who lives next door to me. Her name is Anita, and we go to the same school, play together and take part in competitions. Our families too have a close connection. Anita is kind-hearted and loves to help others. I have learned many good things from her. She loves pets and has a dog at their place. Her dog’s name is Bruno, and we spend a lot of time playing with him. Anita is a well-behaved girl. She speaks politely and loves to make new friends. We both have a lot of common friends at school and in our neighbourhood.

Anita and my family usually plan vacations and spend time together. She is excellent in sports and good at dancing as well. She loves trees a lot. We planted two trees together last week.

This is a Short Essay on My Best Friend for Class 1.

We hope your child can get some ideas from the above-mentioned “My Best Friend” essay for Class 1 and draft an essay in his/her own words. For young kids, writing an essay is always an enjoyable experience as it helps them to express their thoughts in black and white and also improves their English writing skills.

The above sample “My best friend essay in English for Class 1” is a simple attempt to help young learners to be prompt in expressing their thoughts in words. To explore various other essay topics , you may also want to download our learning app- Disney BYJU’S Early Learn and learn more.

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essay on market for class 1

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English Essay on A Visit to the Market, English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

A Visit to the Market

I love going to market, so yesterday when my mother told me to get her some eggs and other groceries, I obeyed gladly. Picking up a bag and some money, I cycled down to the nearest market. It was modest in size but catered to the daily needs of the people living close by.

As usual, there was a lot of activity going on in the shops, and the hawkers seemed to be doing good business too. I bought some chilli powder and a tin of cooking oil from the grocery store, then went to the chemist’s shop to buy my father’s medicine.

Thinking that I would leave the purchase of eggs for the end, I walked into the sweet-seller’s shop where a wonderful, rich aroma assailed my nostrils. I could not resist buying some hot jalebis which I devoured greedily. Then, wiping my sticky hands on my skirt, I went to the dairy shop and bought a packet of milk and a dozen eggs. Putting them carefully in my bag I came out to find that a man had settled down on the ground with his wares displayed on a sheet. He begged me earnestly to buy something from his colourful assortment of handkerchiefs, ribbons, soap-dishes and packets of safety-pins. I admired his goods but said I would come another day.

Picking up my bicycle from the end of the road, where I had parked it along with a whole lot of others, I hung my shopping bag over the handle and cycled home. I returned the left-over change to my mother, who jokingly remarked that since I had eaten jalebis my stomach must be full, so she needn’t cook any dinner for me.

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  1. Weekly Market Essay In English

    essay on market for class 1

  2. 10 Lines essay on A Market Place // Essay on Market Place in english

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  3. A visit to a market || english essay || write essay on a visit to a market in english

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  4. The market essay in english

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  5. 10 Lines on Market

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  6. 10 lines essay on market in English

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  1. Intriguing Essays For Class 1

    Essays for Class 1 are one of the most attention-grabbing sections of the kid's learning process. Essay writing is considered one of the most essential and creative parts of every competitive examination around the globe. It helps in assessing the thinking capacity, creativity and writing prowess of a student's talent. ...

  2. Essay on Market Scene

    500 Words Essay on Market Scene Introduction. A market scene is an integral part of everyday life, pulsating with life and energy. It serves as a meeting point for people from all walks of life, providing a vibrant glimpse into the local culture and economy. The market is a microcosm of the larger world, reflecting the intricate interplay ...

  3. 498 Words Short Essay on a market scene

    498 Words Short Essay on a market scene. A market place is a very busy place where people go to buy articles of their needs. It is a centre of attraction for both buyers and sellers. There is no other place in the area having so much brisk business as the market. I always find a big crowd there. There are several shops, all decorated beautifully.

  4. Market Scene Essay: A Deep Dive into Market Activities and ...

    Market Scene Essay 250 Words. A market scene is a busy and bustling area where people go to buy and sell goods. It is a place where you can find a variety of things all in one place. The market scene is always bustling with activity. The air is thick with the smell of spices and sweat.

  5. 10 Lines on Market

    Want to have 10 lines on Market? You are in the right place! This video provides you with a short essay on the Market scene in English. It is very easy to ...

  6. Interesting Essays for Class 1 Children

    Here is the list of essay topics for class 1. ADVERTISEMENTS. Essay On 'My Best Friend' For Class 1. Essay On Myself For Class 1 Kids. Essay On 'My Mother' For Grade 1 Children. Essay On 'My Father' For Grade 1. Essay On 'My Family' For Class 1 Kids. Essay On 'My Teacher' For Grade 1. Essay on 'My School' For Class 1.

  7. 10 lines essay on market in English

    Hello friends! In this video we will learn how to write 10 lines essay on market in English. A market is a place where people go to buy and sell things. It i...

  8. 10 Lines on Market in English || Essay on Market || Essay Writing

    10 Lines Essay on Market10 Lines on Market in Englishif you like this video, Subscribe to our channel.

  9. Essay for Class 1 Children

    Free Essay for Class 1 Kids. Essay writing fosters a kid's writing skills. Essay writing also encourages young kids to think and put their perceptions in words. Essay writing is not an easy job. Kids and elders find it's hard to think of a topic & put those thoughts into words sometimes. Creative Essay writing is one of the most effective ways ...

  10. Beginning the Academic Essay

    The writer of the academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence. The beginning of the essay is a crucial first step in this process. In order to engage readers and establish your authority, the beginning of your essay has to accomplish certain business. Your beginning should introduce the essay, focus it, and orient ...

  11. 10 Lines on Market in English for Students and Children

    Set (3) 10 Lines on Market Class 8, 9, 10. 1. Market is the place or platform where goods and services are bought and sold. 2. A market can be physical, like a local market or bazaar, or virtual, like an online market. 3. The prices of goods and services in the market are specified by the forces of supply and demand. 4.

  12. Market: Short Essay on Market

    Market refers to the whole region where buyers and sellers of a commodity are in contact with each other to effect purchase and sale of the commodity. From the above discussion, the essential constituents of a market can be summarized as: Market is not related to any particular place. It spreads over an area.

  13. Essay on Markets: Top 4 Essays

    In this essay we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Markets 2. Features of the Markets 3. Elements 4. Performance. Essay on Markets Essay # 1. Meaning of Markets: The term market structure refers to the type constituents and nature of an industry. It includes the relative and absolute size of firms, active in industry, easiness in the entry into business, the demand curve of the firm products ...

  14. Essay on A Visit to a Market

    500 Words Essay on A Visit to a Market Introduction. Markets form an integral part of our daily lives, serving as vibrant hubs where cultures converge, and commerce unfolds. A visit to a market can be an enlightening experience, revealing the pulse of a community and the rhythm of its economic life. This essay explores the multi-faceted ...

  15. Essay for Class 1 Kids

    10 Lines On Rainy Day For Class 1. My School Bag Essay For Class 1. My Garden Essay For Class 1. My Book Essay For Class 1. Essay On Mango For Class 1. My Brother Essay In English For Class 1. Essay On My Grandmother For Class 1 Kids. My Favourite Flower Essay For Class 1 Kids. Essay on Picnic with Family for Class 1 Kids.

  16. Essay on COW for Class 1 -CoolGyan

    They are domestic animals, and people keep them to support their living by selling their milk and making the dairy product sold in the market. We are providing essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic 'cow' for reference. Essay 1: Short Essay on 'COW' of 100 words. The cow is one of the best animals to be domesticated.

  17. Essay on COW for Class 1

    They are domestic animals, and people keep them to support their living by selling their milk and making the dairy product sold in the market. We are providing essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic 'cow' for reference. Essay 1: Short Essay on 'COW' of 100 words. The cow is one of the best animals to be domesticated.

  18. Monopoly: Compilation of Essays on Monopoly

    Here is a compilation of essays on 'Monopoly' for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on 'Monopoly' especially written for school and college students. Essay on Monopoly Essay Contents: Essay on the Introduction to Monopoly Essay on the Features of Monopoly Essay on the Growth of Monopoly Essay on the Check on Monopolies Essay on Monopoly and Its Forms Essay ...

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  20. My Hobby Essay For Class 1 Kids

    My Hobby Essay for Class 1. Here, we have brought to you a short 'My Hobby' essay in English that will help young kids to get a fair understanding of how to write a simple essay on this captivating topic. Young learners can refer to 'My Hobby' essay to get a grasp of the important points to consider while drafting a few lines on this topic.

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  22. My Teacher Essay in English for Class 1 Students

    Short Essay on "My Teacher". A teacher is the builder of the nation and shows light to our future. Teaching is a. noble profession. They educate us and help us to become responsible citizens. I am a student of Class 1 and my favourite teacher in the school is Anita ma'am. Her full name is Anita Thakkar.

  23. My Best Friend Essay For Class 1

    My Best Friend Essay In English For Class 1. My best friend's name is Arjun. He has a round face with brown hair and eyes. My best friend is funny. Everybody loves him. He is very good at his studies and helps me in my studies too. We sit, study and play together at school. Arjun and I live close to each other.

  24. English Essay on A Visit to the Market, English Essay-Paragraph-Speech

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    GameStop Corp. shares rallied in late trading after the retail trader favorite announced it brought in nearly $1 billion from a share sale program.

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    Amazon (AMZN-0.07%) has a market cap of $1.9 trillion. The S&P 500 index is up 11.5% in 2024 so far. However, the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index -- which assigns an equal weighting to every stock ...

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