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65 JavaScript Interview Questions & Answers to Prepare For (Beg to Adv)

javascript interview questions and answers for javascript developer interviews

Practice common basic, intermediate, and advanced JavaScript interview questions and answers with this comprehensive guide. Good luck!

When hiring dedicated Node.js developers , it’s crucial to evaluate their expertise in JavaScript. Use these JavaScript interview questions and answers to help you practice and test your (or another job candidate’s) understanding of this popular programming language used in numerous modern frameworks.

In this guide, we break down the most important and most common JavaScript interview questions to know into three sections:

Basic JavaScript Interview Questions

Intermediate javascript interview questions, advanced javascript interview questions.

But, we don’t just give you the technical answer — you can head to any JavaScript tutorial or JS learning website for those.

Rather, on top of the standard technical answer, we give you the reasoning behind the question: why is the interviewer asking me this? What do they really want to know by asking me this question? How can my interview answer best respond to their question?

And, at the end of the article (as well as a few places throughout), we’ll link you to some other helpful interview advice and job hunting guides.

Let’s get started!

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The following set of questions should test your (or another candidate’s) basic knowledge of JavaScript and some of its core features.

1. What are logical operators in JavaScript?

Logical operators allow developers to compare variables and perform tasks based on the result of the comparison. As a hiring manager, you’d ask this question to gauge the candidate’s familiarity with the language and its fundamental features. Your candidate should be able to explain each logical operator and their behavior – stepping through each operand and computing its output.

There are four logical operators in JavaScript:

  • ||  – OR
  • &&  – AND
  • !  – NOT
  • ??  – Nullish Coalescing (see next question)

The “OR” operator is represented by two vertical lines ( || ). In JavaScript, the “OR” operator evaluates the values from left to right and returns the first truthy value. If none of the values are truthy, the “OR” operator will return the last operand.

The “AND” operator is represented by two ampersands ( && ). In JavaScript, the “AND” operator evaluates the values from left to right and returns the first falsy value. If all the operands are true, the “AND” operator will return the last operand.

The “NOT” operator is represented by an exclamation mark ( ! ). the “NOT” operator accepts a single argument and returns the inverse of its boolean value. The argument is first converted into a boolean ( true  or  false ). The argument’s boolean value is then inverted and returned ( true  becomes  false  and vice versa).

2. What is the  nullish coalescing  operator in JavaScript?

Nullish coalescing is an addition to JavaScript that helps provide a nicer and more concise syntax for getting the first “defined” value. The candidate should be able to explain what nullish coalescing is at a high-level and how to use the operator when asked this JS interview question.

Nullish coalescing is a JavaScript logical operator represented by two question marks ( ?? ). Nullish coalescing is an operator that returns the first “defined” value. “defined” here refers to an expression whose value is neither  null  nor  undefined .

Let’s look at how the operator works.

The output of the code above is as follows:

  • if a is defined, the value of a is returned
  • if a isn’t defined, the value of b is returned

Let’s look at a few examples of this operator when given a different set of arguments.

3. What is the difference between  ==  and  ===  operators?

JavaScript has two ways to test equality. Understanding the subtle difference between the two methods is important to prevent misusing each method. The candidate should be able to explain the differences and demonstrate a basic understanding of each method’s usage.

Both double-equals ( == ) and triple-equals ( === ) are comparison operators meant to compare the equality of two values.

Double-equals only compares the value of the element. Double-equals does type coercion, where the type of the variables is converted to a common type before checking their values. In short, the double-equals operator will return  true  for any two variables with the same value regardless of their type.

Triple-equals on the other hand, check for  strict equality  – both the value and type of the element being compared. Both the value and type of being compared has to match to satisfy the triple-equal operator

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4. What is a spread operator?

The spread operator is a feature from ES6 to help unpack an element. Candidates being asked this interview question on JavaScript should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how the spread operator expands an element – being able to come up with the output of a spread operator.

Spread  operator allows iterables such as arrays, objects, and strings to be expanded into single arguments. The spread operator is denoted by three dots ( ... ) followed by the variable to be expanded.

Let’s look at an example where we combine two arrays using the spread operator. Below we have a  male  and  female  array containing a few strings each. The  combined  array combines the expanded  male  and  female  array, creating a single array with the contents from both  male  and  female .

5. Explain loops in JavaScript.

We often require repeat actions. Loops are a way to execute the same code multiple times. The candidate should be able to explain how to use loops in JavaScript. An ideal answer should include the pros and cons of each looping method and its respective applications.

There are two main ways to create loops in JavaScript –  while  and  for . Both methods consist of a condition to stop the loop and a “loop body”, the code that will be executed multiple times.

while  loop

while  loops are typically used when the “loop body” needs to be repeated an unknown number of times until the condition is met.

The code snippet below shows a simple while loop that prints the value of  i  on every iteration and stops when  i  is equal to 3.

for  loop

A  for  loop, on the other hand, is better suited for executing the “loop body” a fixed number of times.

The same loop in the previous code snippet can be re-written using a  for  loop this way:

6. Explain the “this” keyword.

The  this  keyword is widely used in JavaScript applications. It behaves differently compared to other languages such as Java and Python. The candidate should have a thorough understanding of how the  this  keyword works and how it relates to its context.

The  this  keyword behaves differently depending on the caller’s context. Let’s look at a few contexts and what the  this  keyword refers to in each one

Global context

Global context refers to anything outside of any function – global object.  this  refers to the  window  object in web browsers and  global  object in Node.js applications.

If you assign a property to the  this  object in a web browser, JavaScript will add that property to the  window  object.

Function context

Functions can be invoked in four different ways.

Function invocation

Method invocation

Constructor invocation

Indirect invocation

Each of the invocations results in a different  this  behavior.

Depending on whether you are using “strict mode” or not, the  this  keyword refers to different values.

By default, the  this  keyword refers to the  window  or  global  object depending on where you are running the application.

In “strict mode”, JavaScript sets the  this  keyword to  undefined .

When you call a method of an object ( getName  in the example below), the  this  keyword is set to the object that owns the method ( user  in the example below).

Constructor invocation is when the  new  keyword is used to create a new instance of a function object.

The  new User('Bob')  is a constructor invocation of the  User  function where a new instance of the  User  function is created. The  this  keyword in this case refers to the newly created object.

Indirect invocation is when the callee of the function uses the  call  or  apply  keyword to call a function. Both these methods allow passing in the  this  value ( bob  and  adam  in the example below) as a parameter.

The  apply  keyword is identical to the  call  keyword above. Instead of accepting a single value as the second parameter, the  apply  keyword expects an array of values.

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7. What are the differences between  call ,  apply , and  bind ?

JavaScript has multiple ways to indirectly invoke a function. Your candidate needs to understand the differences between each and their use cases. You, as the candidate, should be able to explain not only their differences conceptually but also their use case and the reason behind it.

call ,  apply , and  bind  are different methods to tie a function to an object and call the function within the specified context.

The  call  method invokes the function with the specified context – the function is called as if it’s part of the object.

The function  sayHello  in the example below references  which is part of the  user  object (out of the scope of the  sayHello  function). We can use the  call  function and pass in the  user  object as the first argument to tie the  sayHello  function and the  user  object momentarily, giving it access to the  property.

The  apply  method is identical to the  call  method with the difference being in how each method accepts their arguments. The  call  method accepts an argument list, whereas the  apply  method accepts an array of arguments.

Using the same example as above, we can convert the  call  method to  apply  by wrapping the function’s arguments (excluding the context –  user ) in an array before passing it to  apply  method.

Unlike  call  and  apply , the  bind  method doesn’t execute the function immediately. Instead, it returns a function that is tied to the object that can be executed later.

Let’s update the example again to use the  bind  method. We’ll first bind the  sayHello  function to the  user  object and assign it to a new variable ( helloBill ). We can then invoke that function calling it as you would a regular function.

8. What are anonymous functions in JavaScript?

Anonymous functions serve numerous purposes in JavaScript. You might ask standard JavaScript interview questions like this one to gauge your candidates’ knowledge of functions in JavaScript and the various ways a function can be created and used. The candidate should be able to explain the difference between anonymous functions and other types of functions and what they are commonly used for

An anonymous function  is a function that does not have any name associated with it. We usually use the  function  keyword followed by the function’s name to define a function in JavaScript. Anonymous functions omit the function name, making it not accessible after its creation.

An anonymous function can only be accessed by a variable. The anonymous nature of the function makes it great for passing in functions as arguments to other functions (higher-order functions) and functions that are invoked immediately upon initialization.

The following snippet is an example of an anonymous function that is assigned to a variable ( sayHello ). The function can then be called by calling the variable name ( sayHello ) with the required arguments.

9. What is  hoisting  in JavaScript?

Hoisting allows functions to be used safely before they are declared. This question will test the candidate’s familiarity with the JavaScript language and how classes, functions, and variables are interpreted by JavaScript. A basic understanding of hoisting can prevent unexpected errors caused by an incorrect order of declaration, initialization, and reference of a property. You may get other JavaScript hoisting interview questions, so study up!

Hoisting  refers to the process where the interpreter moves the declaration of classes, functions, or variables to the top of their scope, before their execution.

Hoisting allows developers to reference variables, functions, and classes before they are declared. Without hoisting, the order of the example below would need to be reversed, with the function declaration first, followed by the caller.

However, JavaScript only hoists its declarations, not their initializations. Referencing a variable before its initialization would return the variable’s default value ( undefined  for variables declared using the  var  keyword).

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10. What is a callback function in JavaScript?

JavaScript runs code sequentially from the top-down. However, sometimes, we need code to run after something has happened (i.e. asynchronous operations). Callback functions are a way to make sure a function runs only after the set of operations is completed. A candidate should be able to explain both how callback functions work and how it relates to asynchronous programming.

A  callback function  is a function passed into another function as an argument. The callback function is then invoked inside the callee to complete an action.

The example below shows how the callback function is passed into and executed by another function. The last line ( greetPerson(sayHello) ) passes the  sayHello  function to the  greetPerson  function.  greetPerson  then executes the  sayHello  function by calling the  callback  variable, passing in the  name  value returned by the  prompt  function.

11. What are Promises in JavaScript?

Promises are an effective way to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript. A candidate should be able to demonstrate a high-level understanding of Promises and how they handle asynchronous operations. An ideal answer would include the tradeoffs of using Promises and how they compare to callbacks and events.

A Promise is a proxy for a value not necessarily known when the promise is created. A promise is a way to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript. You can think of Promises as an alternative to callbacks and events.

Promises are ideal for handling multiple asynchronous operations, providing a better flow of control definition and error handling.

Let’s look at an example of a Promise that waits for a  setTimeout  to complete:

12. What are the different states of a Promise?

Understanding the different states of a promise is important when dealing with promises to avoid unwanted side effects. You might ask this question to gain insight into the candidate’s familiarity with promises beyond the high-level concept.

Because of the asynchronous nature of Promises, a Promise has four states:

  • Pending  – Promise’s initial state, waiting for the operation to complete
  • Fulfilled  – Promise’s operation was completed successfully
  • Rejected  – Promise’s operation failed
  • Settled  – Promise is either fulfilled or rejected

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13. What is Promise chaining?

Promise chaining is a common requirement when working with multiple Promises that depend on each other. A candidate should ideally be able to explain both what promise chaining is and how it is done in JavaScript.

One of the benefits of Promises is its chaining ability. A Promise can be chained using the  then  and  catch  functions. The  then  function will be called when the Promise completes successfully (fulfilled) whereas the  catch  function will be called when the Promise failed (rejected).

Each  then  and  catch  block can contain more Promises and be further chained, providing you with granular control over how each asynchronous operation should be executed.

Let’s look at an example of chaining two Promises that waits for one second between each execution.

The first Promise in the code snippet above waits for one second before returning a result of  1 . The code then goes to the  then  block where it executes the second Promise, waiting for another second before returning a result of  2 .

14. What is  Promise.all ?

JavaScript interview questions like this one might be asked as a follow-up to the Promise chaining question. JavaScript provides several utility functions that help with chaining Promises –  Promise.all  being one of them. A candidate should be able to describe the function of this type of Promise and also how it alters the flow of the asynchronous functions.

Promise.all  is a type of Promise that accepts an array of Promises and waits for each Promise to resolve.  Promise.all  resolves once each of the Promise inputs resolves, emitting an array of results in the  then  block. A rejected Promise in the input will cause the  Promise.all  Promise to also get rejected.

The example below shows how the  Promise.all  function is used to execute two Promises –  Promise1  and  Promise2 , with a  then  block to capture the results of each Promise and a  catch  block to handle any errors.

15. Explain async/await in JavaScript.

Async and await are special syntax to work with Promises. In addition to the “what”, as an interviewer, you might also want to look for practical examples of async and await usages and how it differs from the Promise  then  syntax.

The  async  keyword is placed before a function to denote that the function is asynchronous and can be used as a Promise.

The  await  keyword, on the other hand, tells JavaScript to wait for the async operation to complete before proceeding to the next task in the function. The  await  keyword can only be used in an  async  function.

Line 6 in the code snippet below pauses the function execution as it waits for the promise to resolve. Once the promise resolves, it will continue the execution, assigning the result of the promise to the  result  variable.

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Check out our entire set of software development interview questions to help you hire the best developers you possibly can.

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More Basic JavaScript Interview Questions

Before we wrap this section up and get to the intermediate questions, here are a few other JavaScript basic interview questions you might want to ask your candidate during an interview:

  • What are self-invoking functions?
  • What is the purpose of the  race  method in a JavaScript Promise?
  • What is a pure function?
  • What are  break  and  continue  statements?
  • What is variable shadowing in JavaScript?
  • What is an event loop?
  • What is an event flow?
  • How do you sort elements in an array in JavaScript?
  • What is a debugger statement?
  • What is a short circuit condition?

The following questions should test the candidate’s intermediate knowledge of JavaScript and some of its widely used features.

1. What are  rest parameters ?

The rest parameter is a JavaScript feature to provide a way to represent variadic functions in JavaScript. The candidate should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how the rest operator is used in a function and how its contents can be accessed.

The  rest parameter  syntax allows a function to accept an indefinite number of arguments as an array. The  rest  operator puts the contents of the variable after the rest operator into an array (rest parameter can only be used as the last parameter of a function).

Rest operator is represented by three dots ( ... ) followed by the variable name. The variable can then be used to access the array containing the contents of the function’s arguments.

The example below shows a function that accepts two parameters –  greeting  and  name  (with a rest operator). The rest operator on the  name  argument tells JavaScript to add any arguments from the second argument forward into an array called  name .

2. What is  memoization  in JavaScript?

Optimization of processes becomes a necessity as applications grow and begin to perform heavier tasks. Memoization is an optimization technique that helps speed up expensive function calls using cached results. Understanding optimization techniques is important to keep your code fast and efficient. Your candidate should be able to explain memoization and how it relates to code optimization in general.

Memoization  is an optimization technique that speeds up your code by storing the results of expensive function calls and reusing the stored result when the same input occurs again.

An expensive function refers to functions that consume a lot of resources (time and memory) during their execution due to heavy computation.

The result is immediately stored in a cache when an expensive function is called. When the same function is called again with the same parameters, it skips the computation required and returns the cached value instead. This process significantly reduces the time and memory your application consumes as the function doesn’t have to redo any calculations or computations that it has done previously.

3. What is  currying  in JavaScript?

Currying is an advanced technique of working with functions based on a concept from lambda calculus. You might ask intermediate JavaScript interview questions similar to this one to get an insight into the candidate’s level of understanding of functions in JavaScript. The candidate should be able to explain the concept of currying and how a function is decomposed and transformed following this concept.

Currying  is a transformation of functions that translates a function from callable as  f(a, b, c)  into callable as  f(a)(b)(c) . In other words, currying a function means the function takes one argument at a time and returns a new function expecting the next argument. Instead of taking all arguments at the same time, currying decomposes the function into a sequence of functions with a single argument.

Let’s look at an example of two functions that accepts three arguments and returns their sum. The first function ( ) is a regular function, whereas the second function ( ) is the curried version.

4. How do you empty a JavaScript array?

Arrays are widely used in JavaScript, making understanding their behavior and possible operations crucial when working with JavaScript. You might ask a JS question like this to gauge the candidate’s familiarity with JavaScript arrays and their operators. The candidate should be ready to explain a couple of different approaches and how they work at a high level.

There are various ways to empty an array in JavaScript. Below are a few common ways to do it.

  • Set the target array to an empty array.
  • Set the length of the target array to  0 .
  • Use the  splice  method to update the target array’s contents.

5. What is a  WeakMap  in JavaScript?

A WeakMap is a map where the keys are weak – values are garbage collected when there are no more references to the key/value. The candidate should be able to explain what a WeakMap is along with their use case. You might also be looking to test the candidate’s understanding of the garbage collection mechanism, so make sure they explain how WeakMap relates to garbage collection in JavaScript.

By definition, a  WeakMap  is a collection of key/value pairs whose keys must be objects, with values of any arbitrary JavaScript type, and which do not create strong references to its keys.

A WeakMap provides a way to extend objects externally without interfering with JavaScript’s garbage collection mechanism. Once an object used as a key is collected, the object’s corresponding values in any WeakMap become candidates for garbage collection as well.

A WeakMap is especially useful when mapping keys to information about the key is valuable  only  if the key has not been garbage collected.

6. What is  typecasting  in JavaScript?

Converting between different data types is common in programming in general, and this is important for your candidate to get right. These could be when receiving a value from an external API, a user input, a third-party library, etc. A candidate should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of what typecasting is and how to utilize the typecasts provided by JavaScript to convert between various data types.

Typecasting  or  coercion  means to change the data type of a value to another data type. For example, a conversion from a string to an integer or vice versa.

Coercion can either be implicit or explicit. Implicit coercion is when the type conversion is automatic, whereas explicit coercion is when a developer explicitly writes code to convert the type of a value. The latter is also known as typecasting.

There are three typecasts provided by JavaScript:

  • Boolean(value)  – Casts the input value to a boolean value
  • Number(value)  – Casts the input value to a float or integer value
  • String(value)  – Casts the input value to a string

7. What are the various types of errors in JavaScript?

Every developer is bound to run into errors when programming in any language. JavaScript is no different. Debugging and resolving these errors are usually part of every developer’s day. Identifying the different error types can significantly help the developer narrow down the problem. The candidate should be able to identify and differentiate between the errors described below when asked this important JS interview question.

There are three types of errors in JavaScript:

  • Syntax errors  – Errors that occur at interpretation time such as during the loading of a web page due to incorrect syntax in the code.
  • Runtime errors  – Errors that occur during the runtime of the program after it is interpreted by the compiler. Calling functions that don’t exist is a common cause of this type of error.
  • Logical Errors  – Errors caused by the code’s logic itself. They are syntactically correct and don’t necessarily cause runtime errors. To think of this in terms of a sentence in the English language – the vocabulary and grammar of the sentence are correct, however, the meaning of the sentence is incorrect.

8. What is  event bubbling  in JavaScript?

Dealing with events is unavoidable, especially when working with the web. Event bubbling is an important concept that is commonly used either directly or via a framework or library. The candidate should be able to demonstrate a high-level understanding of what event bubbling is and how events work in JavaScript.

Event bubbling  is a way of event propagation in the HTML DOM API, where events are handled from starting from the innermost element propagating outwards to its parent elements.

Let’s look at an example where an event occurs in a nested element where both elements have a registered event handler for the triggered event. Event bubbling causes the event to be captured and handled by the innermost element first. It is then propagated to the outer elements.

9. What is  event capturing  in JavaScript?

Similar to the previous question on event bubbling, event capturing is the opposite of event bubbling. You might ask this question as a follow-up to previous tough JavaScript interview questions to gauge the candidate’s understanding of events in JavaScript.

Event capturing  is another way of event propagation in the HTML DOM API. Unlike event bubbling, event capturing propagates an event from the outermost element to the target element.

Bubbling is disabled by default on event listeners. To use event capturing, we will need to enable bubbling by passing  true  to the third argument of the  addEventListener  function.

10. What are the different ways an HTML element can be accessed in JavaScript?

If you are working with HTML with JavaScript, you will often find the need to access HTML elements from JavaScript. Although frameworks and libraries have abstractions that ease this process, a fundamental understanding of this is important. As a hiring manager or tech recruiter,  you might ask this JS interview question to get an insight into the candidate’s level of understanding of accessing HTML elements beyond what the various frameworks and libraries offer.

There are four ways to access an HTML element in JavaScript:

  • getElementById('idName')  – Returns an element with the specified  idName
  • getElementByClass('className')  – Returns all the elements containing the specified  className
  • getElementsByTagName('tagName')  – Returns all the elements that contains the specified  tagName
  • querySelector('selectorName')  – Returns the first element that contains the CSS style selector sepecified

More Intermediate JavaScript Interview Questions to Practice

Here are a few other intermediate JavaScript interview questions you might want to ask your candidates:

  • How do you escape characters in JavaScript?
  • What are JavaScript Cookies?
  • What are the difference between  escape()  and  unescape()  functions?
  • What is a microtask in JavaScript?
  • What are higher-order functions in JavaScript?
  • What are the different types of native errors in JavaScript?
  • What is the difference between attributes and properties in JavaScript?
  • What are the main differences between a  forEach  loop and a  map  loop?
  • How do you compare two objects in JavaScript?
  • How do you remove duplicates in a JavaScript array?

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

The following set of advanced JavaScript interview questions should test the candidate’s advanced knowledge of JavaScript and some of its more advanced concepts and features.

1. What is a  closure  in JavaScript?

Closures in JavaScript lets you associate data with a function that operates on that data. This has close ties to the object-oriented programming concept of objects allowing you to associate its properties with one or more methods. The candidate should not only explain what a closure is but also be able to provide examples and use cases where closures are useful.

A  closure  is an inner function that has access to the variables in the enclosing/outer function’s scope. The closure has access to variables from three scopes:

  • within its own scope
  • within the enclosing function’s scope
  • global variables

Closures are particularly useful on the web because of the web’s event-based nature. A common pattern in front-end JavaScript is as follows: you define a behavior, then attach it to an event that is triggered by user input. An example of this is a click event handler.

Below is an example of how a closure is used to change the document body’s background color when the  targetElement  is clicked. The  changeBackground  function returns an inner function that sets the document body’s style.

2. What does the  instanceof  operator do?

Since we don’t explicitly define a type when we declare a variable, we sometimes need to know what the type of the variable is before performing any operation with it. The  instanceof  operator provides an easy way to perform a check on the variable’s type at run time. The candidate should be able to explain what is the  instanceof  operator and also its applications and usage.

The  instanceof  operator checks whether the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object. In other words, the  instanceof  operator checks if the object is an instance of a class or not at run time.

The example below shows how the  instanceof  operator is used to test the type of the variable  users .

3. How do you create a  shallow copy  of an object?

Cloning an object in JavaScript is a common task especially when you are working with objects. The candidate should be able to demonstrate a couple of ways to create a shallow copy and what characteristics the shallow copy has as it relates to the original object. A follow-up JS question an interviewer might ask is how to create a deep copy of an object.

Deep copying means that the value of the new variable is disconnected from the original variable while a shallow copy means that some values are still connected to the original variable.

First of all, a  deep copy  is a copy of an object completely disconnected from the original variable. A  shallow copy  on the other hand is a copy of the original variable where some values are still connected to the original variable.

There are two main ways to create a shallow copy of an object in JavaScript:

1. Using the spread operator

2. Using `Object.assign()

4. What is the difference between  Object.freeze()  and  const ?

Developers work with a lot of objects in JavaScript. Understanding how objects work is very important and can help avoid bugs and unexpected behaviors that arise from using objects incorrectly. You might ask a question like this to gauge the candidate’s understanding on JavaScript objects and its mutability-related behavior. The candidate should be able to explain the key difference between  Object.freeze()  and  const  along with their respective applications.

Both  Object.freeze()  and  const  relates to the immutability of the object. However, they each address different aspects of the object’s immutability.

const  creates immutable bindings. A variable declared with the  const  keyword can’t be assigned a new value.

Object.freeze() , on the other hand, makes the contents of the object immutable. You can’t modify the properties in the object.

5. What is  Strict mode  in JavaScript?

Strict mode is a feature of JavaScript ES5 to enforce stricter rules. The strict mode would cause code errors that would have been ignored or failed silently to generate errors. It is often good practice to use strict mode, though every use case is different. Your candidate should be able to explain the differences between using JavaScript’s strict mode and not.

Strict mode  is a mode in JavaScript to enforce stricter parsing and error handling on your JavaScript code.

The main benefit of using strict mode is catching errors early and making debugging your code easier. Common errors such as assigning a value to an undeclared variable would throw an error in strict mode alerting you that there is something wrong in your code. You can master the art of secure coding with insights into anti-debugging techniques . This will safeguard your JavaScript applications and elevate your programming prowess to create robust, resilient software.

You need to add the string “use strict” above the file to enable strict mode for that file.

6. What is the difference between  local storage  and  session storage ?

The web storage API contains two great tools to save key/value pairs – local storage and session storage. These are often used as an alternative to cookies. You might ask this difficult JavaScript interview question to get a better understanding of the candidate’s familiarity with client-side storage .

Local storage  is a read-only property of the window interface to access a storage object. The stored data is saved indefinitely across browser sessions. Data stored in local storage is only cleared when removed explicitly through the browser’s settings or programmatically by the application.

Session storage  is similar to local storage with the key difference being the data stored’s expiration time. Data stored in session storage gets cleared when the page session ends. A page session lasts as long as the tab or browser is open and persists between page reloads and restores.

7. What is the  Temporal Dead Zone  in JavaScript?

Temporal dead zone is a concept closely tied to hoisting. You might ask this question to gain an insight into your candidates’ familiarity with how hoisting works in JavaScript and JavaScript’s initialization process. Make sure your web developer know what temporal dead zone is and how to look for a temporal dead zone’s starts and ends.

In ES6, variables declared using  let  and  const  are hoisted similar to  var ,  class  and  function . However, there is a period between the variable’s declaration and when it enters scope where the variable can’t be accessed. This period is called the  Temporal dead zone  (TDZ).

Below is an example where the variable  name  is declared using the  let  keyword but is assigned a value later in the code. The temporal dead zone is the period before the  name  variable is declared. Attempting to access the variable while in the temporal dead zone will throw a reference error.

8. What is a  generator  in JavaScript?

Generators when combined with Promises are a powerful tool for asynchronous programming as they help avoid problems associated with callbacks such as inversion of control and callback hell. The candidate should have a high-level understanding of what a generator is, how generator functions work in JavaScript, and their use cases .

Generators  are functions that can be exited and re-entered at a later time. These type of functions saves and persists their context and variable-bindings across re-entrances.

A generator function is defined by a  function*  (keyword  function  followed by an asterisk ( * )) declaration.

When a generator function is initially called, it returns a type of iterator called a generator. The value is then consumed by calling the generator’s next method. The generator function continues its execution until it encounters the yield keyword.

There is no limit to the number of times a generator function can be called, however, each generator can only be iterated once.

Below is an example of a simple generator function that increments the current index and returns the incremented value.

9. What is the  Prototype Design Pattern ?

This is a different type of question compared to the others you’ve seen in this section. This question is more conceptual, touching on design patterns, instead of discussing the features of JavaScript and how to perform a certain task. There are various design patterns used in software engineering, however since JavaScript is a prototypal language, a question about Prototype Design Pattern might be more relevant.

As the hiring manager, you might ask this question to test your candidates’ general knowledge of design patterns, their familiarity with the prototype design pattern, and how it could be used in the context of JavaScript._

The  Prototype Design Pattern , also known as Properties Pattern is a creational design pattern based on prototypal inheritance. When an object is created, it acts as a prototype for other objects. You can think of the prototype object as a blueprint for other objects the constructor creates – the properties defined in the prototype object will also be present in the cloned object it creates.

The prototype model is mainly used for creating objects in performance-intensive situations. The prototype pattern helps eliminate the overhead of initializing an object.

Common applications of the prototype pattern are when you have a system independent of how its contents are created or when creating objects from a database whose values are copied to the newly created object.

10. What role do  deferred scripts  play in JavaScript?

This is an optimization question related to how JavaScript code is loaded. An understanding of how to optimize the loading of the script and its execution is important as an app grows and the delay becomes more and more noticeable. You may ask this type of question to test the candidate’s knowledge of the browser’s page load process and how familiar the candidate is with optimizing this process.

When a page loads, the browser starts to parse the HTML code. By default, when the browser runs into a script during the parsing process, it pauses processing the HTML code and starts executing the script. The browser then resumes parsing the HTML code once the script is done executing.

A slow server or a bulky script will cause a delay in the page load.  Deferred scripts  delay the script’s execution until the document has been parsed. This delay in the script’s execution results in a reduction in the load time of the webpage.

More JavaScript Advanced Interview Questions to Practice

Before we wrap this article up, here are a few other JavaScript advanced interview questions you might ask your candidates in your upcoming interview.

  • How does JavaScript garbage collector work?
  • What is a proper tail call?
  • What is the difference between shallow and deep copy?
  • How do you flatten a multi-dimensional array?
  • What is the purpose of  queueMicrotask ?
  • What is the difference between shim and polyfill?
  • What is the use of  preventDefault  method?
  • What is a proxy object?
  • What are JavaScript accessors? -What are the differences between mutable and immutable objects?

Whether you’re a hiring manager looking for the ideal candidate or a developer preparing for an interview, we hope these JavaScript interview questions help you through the process.

Keep in mind that technical skills and knowledge are only one part of the hiring process. Past experience and soft skills are equally important to make sure you land (or find the right candidate for) the job.

Keep in mind that many JavaScript interview questions are open-ended and don’t have one correct answer. When you’re interviewing a potential candidate, make sure to focus on evaluating not only their technical expertise but also on their thought process and problem-solving skills. 

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Read More : How to Write a Great Thank-You Email After an Interview

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William Juan

Web & Mobile Front-End Developer

William is a front-end developer working primarily in the web and hybrid mobile spaces. The majority of his work has revolved around the Angular ecosystem, including working with other Angular-related frameworks such as NativeScript and Ionic. At Arc, he contributes the expertise he's gained over years as a writer on software development careers.

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Further reading

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20 Spring Interview Questions and Answers to Know (With MVC & Boot)

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29 Angular Interview Questions and Answers to Practice & Prepare For

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21 MongoDB Interview Questions and Answers to Prep For (Beg. to Adv.)

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The AI-Powered Talent Assessment Tool – See Testlify in action

The ai-powered talent assessment tool – view demo, how to evaluate candidates’ skills with a javascript assessment.

How to Hire a Marketing Strategist To Establish Your Brand and Boost Sales

Finding the right candidate can be a challenging task in the current market. With so many resumes and CVs to filter through, it can be hard to determine which applicants are genuinely the most well-suited for the role. A JavaScript assessment is a great way for HR professionals to effectively evaluate a candidate’s skills and evaluate their suitability for the job.

Based on insights from a reputable study by the JavaScript Developer Survey, integrating a JavaScript assessment into the candidate evaluation process is a highly effective approach for evaluating candidates’ skills in this programming language.

Taking a JavaScript assessment helps to cut out the time-consuming task of sifting through resumes and CV’s, providing you with an easy way to assess a candidate’s technical knowledge in a more objective way. By using JavaScript as a tool to assess a potential employee, employers are able to test their coding proficiency and understand where they are at in terms of their skill level.

The JavaScript assessment is a great option when it comes to testing a candidate’s technical knowledge, as it is a language that is widely used for web development and is a great way to measure the proficiency of a potential employee. Furthermore, the assessment can be tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that you are able to get the best out of each candidate and that their test results are relevant to the job role they are being tested for.

Ultimately, the JavaScript assessment is a time-saving and efficient way for HR professionals to evaluate potential employees. By using this method, employers have the ability to gain a better understanding of a candidate’s knowledge and determine if they are the right fit for the role. It is an invaluable tool in the recruitment process, and one that can be used to great effect to ensure the right person is hired for the job.

What is a JavaScript assessment?

When evaluating candidates for a role that requires JavaScript (JS) expertise, it’s important to use a JavaScript assessment in the recruitment process to accurately gauge a candidate’s skillset. A JavaScript assessment can help HR professionals quickly and accurately evaluate a candidate’s proficiency in the language so that they can enter the interview process with confidence that they are bringing the best person for the job.

A JavaScript assessment consists of a series of questions that test a candidate’s knowledge and ability to apply their skills in a practical way. It can range from basic syntax questions to more complex algorithmic challenges, and will typically involve coding activities such as creating a program or script to solve a given problem. Questions can also be tailored to specific areas, such as DOM manipulation or ES6 new features, to get a better understand of the candidate’s depth of knowledge.

By using a JavaScript assessment in the recruitment process, HR professionals can quickly and efficiently determine if a candidate has the skills to fulfill the role. The assessment can also be used to provide HR professionals with a broader understanding of their skillset, which could be useful when considering different roles or paths for the candidate within the organisation.

As well as helping to evaluate a candidate’s skills, a JavaScript assessment can be used to measure and track the improvements of current employees. By taking an assessment on a regular basis, employees can stay up to date with the latest developments and trends, ensuring they remain useful to the organisation.

Overall, using a JavaScript assessment in the recruitment process is an important step in evaluating candidates’ skills and ensuring that the best people are being hired. It can also provide HR professionals with a better understanding of the applicants’ capabilities and knowledge base, and can even be used to track the skillset of current employees.

Skills covered in the JavaScript assessment

A JavaScript assessment is a great tool for HR professionals to evaluate a candidate’s skills before the interview stage. JavaScript is a popular programming language used to create web-based applications , meaning that having an understanding of its fundamentals is essential in many roles. With the help of JavaScript assessment, HR professionals can quickly identify which candidates have the skills they need and determine who should be interviewed.

A JavaScript assessment can help assess a wide range of skills, from basic knowledge of the language to more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming. It can be further tailored to focus on specific concepts, such as data structures, algorithms, or design patterns. It is important for the assessments to include questions that require problem-solving skills as this can help identify how well a candidate will be able to apply their knowledge.

During the assessment, candidates should be tested on core JavaScript skills such as variables, objects, and functions. They should also be tested on their ability to write code that is well structured and follows a clear logic. In addition, candidates should be tested on their understanding of asynchronous programming and their ability to debug an application.

Testing a candidate’s knowledge of libraries such as React and Node.js is also important. These can be used to create powerful and efficient web applications and having a working knowledge of them is essential. Furthermore, a good understanding of the DOM (Document Object Model) and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is also important.

Finally, having an understanding of web technologies such as HTML and CSS is important. HTML is the standard language used for creating web pages and CSS is used to specify the look and feel of web pages. Assessing a candidate’s knowledge of both of these is essential when looking for a web developer.

By using a JavaScript assessment HR professionals can quickly determine which candidates have the required skills for a role. This can help them save time and provide a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s abilities. A JavaScript assessment is a great tool for both recruiters and candidates alike, and is an essential step in the recruitment process.

Assessing proficiency and competency in JavaScript

The most efficient way to evaluate job applicants’ skills in JavaScript is to conduct a comprehensive assessment. JavaScript assessments are designed to evaluate a job applicant’s ability to write, read, and comprehend code written in the language. By objectively measuring an applicant’s proficiency and competence, an organization can select the candidate that best fits the position and organizational culture.

For recruitment purposes, it is important that the assessment is comprehensive to cover a wide range of topics including data types, functions, objects, and classes, as well as their usage in libraries. It is also important to assess the ability of the candidate to write efficient code and debug their own code. Through the use of multiple-choice questions, coding simulations, and analytical problems, an organization can accurately assess the candidate’s basic knowledge and development skills.

To help HR professionals in conducting this assessment, there are many online assessment platforms and tools that provide customizable question sets and coding tasks. These can be used to create a test to evaluate the specific skillsets that are relevant for the position. It is highly recommended to use these platforms or tools to avoid errors in coding and language mistakes during the assessment process.

Finally, it is also important to consider the various types of experience a job applicant might have. By tailoring the questions and tasks to cover different levels of expertise, an organization can accurately assess each candidate’s proficiency and competency. This will ensure that the most competent and qualified candidate is selected for the position.

Overall, JavaScript assessments are a great way for organizations to evaluate job applicants and identify the best candidate for the position. By using online assessment platforms and tools, HR professionals can create comprehensive and customized assessments that accurately measure a candidate’s proficiency and competence. This will ensure that the right candidate is selected and that the organization is making an educated and informed decision.

Leveraging the JavaScript assessment in the recruitment process

As an HR professional, leveraging the JavaScript assessment in the recruitment process is the key to successfully finding the right candidate for a position. With its inherent complexity and popularity as a core programming language, JavaScript is an important skill for any potential applicant to have. A JavaScript assessment is a great way to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and skills in the language.

First, you should establish why you would want to leverage a JavaScript assessment in your recruitment process. For starters, JavaScript is an integral part of modern web development and is a skill that is highly sought after in the industry. Furthermore, JavaScript skills are not restricted to only web development and can be found in many other applications. Knowing that a candidate has a good understanding of the language can be helpful in the recruitment process.

Once you have established the importance of JavaScript in the recruitment process, you can begin to evaluate the candidates using a JavaScript assessment. This assessment should be tailored to the particular job role that you are hiring for, as different roles may require different levels of knowledge or different types of skills. Additionally, you should make sure that the assessment accurately evaluates the candidate’s abilities in the language. For example, an assessment that focuses primarily on the syntax of the language may not be enough to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of its concepts and usage.

Once the assessment is prepared, it should be administered to each of the candidates. The results of the assessment can be used to compare the candidates and help to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each. This can be helpful in narrowing down the list of qualified applicants and finding the ideal candidate for the job.

Finally, it is important to use the results of the JavaScript assessment as part of a broader evaluation of the candidates. It should not be used in isolation, as other criteria, such as experience or educational background, should also be taken into account. A candidate who does well on the assessment may not be the best choice if their other qualifications are not match for the position.

By leveraging a JavaScript assessment in the recruitment process, HR professionals can more accurately evaluate candidates and select the best person for the job. By making this assessment an integral part of their hiring process, they can ensure that the right person is chosen for the position.

Outcomes, pros, and cons of using a JavaScript assessment

Using a JavaScript assessment for evaluating candidates’ skills is a great tool for HR professionals. They can assess candidates’ abilities and knowledge not only on a technical level but also their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. With this type of assessment, the HR professionals can easily and accurately screen potential candidates and quickly shortlist those who qualify.

The outcomes of using a JavaScript assessment are very beneficial. It allows HR professionals to gain insight into the competencies of the candidate in a standardized way, by giving a comprehensive overview of their skills in a short amount of time. This gives the HR professionals a clearer view on who is suitable and who is not for the position, as the assessment goes beyond what can be found on resumes or through interviews.

There are many pros of using a JavaScript assessment. For one, it gives HR professionals more control over the recruitment process. As the assessment is automated, they don’t need to spend excessive amounts of time scheduling interviews and evaluating applications. It also allows them to receive reliable data quickly, so they can make accurate judgements on the candidates’ abilities.

Despite the advantages of using a JavaScript assessment, there are also some cons to take into account. One risk is that the results may be skewed, depending on the difficulty of the assessment. Also, if the assessment is not structured correctly, it can lead to the HR professional making wrong judgements about the candidate. Additionally, depending on the type of assessment, it can be costly to set up and maintain.

Overall, a JavaScript assessment is a great tool for HR professionals to efficiently evaluate candidates, but they must also be aware of the risks involved to make sure that the assessments are structured correctly and give the most accurate results.

An effective recruitment process must include a form of evaluation in order to ensure the best candidate is selected for the role. JavaScript assessments can provide an excellent method for HR professionals to evaluate candidates’ skills with accuracy and efficiency. By having a standardised assessment in place, recruiters can assess coding experience, logical thinking, problem solving and other coding skills in a way that is objective and comprehensive. Such an approach is also beneficial for the candidate as it enables them to demonstrate their knowledge and talent in a safe and secure environment.

Testlify offers a range of assessments and challenges that allow you to gauge candidates’ knowledge, problem-solving skills, and creativity in real-world scenarios. With Testlify, you can administer real-world challenges that simulate the actual assessment process, giving candidates the opportunity to showcase their skills and approach to Javascript. The platform provides a structured and standardized assessment process, allowing you to compare candidates objectively and make informed decisions. By incorporating Testlify into your hiring process, you can ensure a more comprehensive and reliable evaluation of candidates’ Javascript skills, ultimately helping you identify the most qualified individuals for your team.

With our extensive test library , you can objectively evaluate candidates’ abilities, ensuring you shortlist the most talented individuals efficiently. Ready to unlock the potential of your hiring process? Book a free 30-minute live demo with Testlify. Our expert team will guide you through the platform, showcasing relevant skill tests tailored to your organization’s needs. With our support, you can streamline candidate selection, saving valuable time and resources.

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Frontend Developer (Enhanced)

Frontend Developer (Enhanced) specializes in advanced UI/UX design, proficient in latest web technologies for optimal interactive experiences.

GBV – Gender Based Violence

The GBV test evaluates candidates’ awareness and approach to gender-based violence, ensuring hires promote a safe, respectful workplace, thereby enhancing organizational culture and commitment.

Global Mindset

The Global Mindset Test identifies candidates adept at navigating cross-cultural interactions, enhancing hiring by pinpointing individuals with adaptability, communication, and strategic thinking.

Digital Literacy

The Digital Literacy test evaluates candidates’ digital skills, including computer literacy, cybersecurity awareness, and software proficiency, aiding in hiring decisions for tech-driven workplaces.

Business Acumen

The Business Acumen test evaluates candidates’ strategic and operational understanding, aiding in hiring individuals with the ability to drive business success and make informed decisions.

Learning Agility

The Learning Agility Test assesses a candidate’s ability to learn from experiences and apply knowledge in unfamiliar situations, enhancing hiring by identifying individuals.

Self Management

The self-management test assesses candidates’ ability to effectively organize, motivate, and regulate themselves, enhancing hiring decisions by identifying individuals with high autonomy.

Entrepreneurial Thinking

The entrepreneurial thinking test identifies candidates with the mindset to innovate and lead. It benefits hiring by pinpointing individuals capable of driving growth and managing risks.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment test evaluates candidates’ ability to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks, enhancing hiring decisions by ensuring prospective hires possess critical risk management skills.

Compliance and Governance

The Compliance and Governance test identifies candidates proficient in regulatory standards and ethical practices, enhancing hiring accuracy and safeguarding organizational integrity.

Visionary Leadership

The Visionary Leadership test identifies future-focused leaders, assesses strategic thinking and innovation, enhances hiring decisions, and drives organizational growth.

Social Responsibility

The social responsibility test evaluates candidates’ ethical awareness and commitment to community and environmental issues. It aids in selecting candidates aligned with corporate values and more.

Operational Excellence

The Operational Excellence test assesses candidates’ proficiency in optimizing processes and driving efficiency. It aids in hiring by identifying candidates with the skills needed for roles.

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Sales Aptitude SaaS Products

The Sales Aptitude SaaS Products test is designed to evaluate a candidate’s potential in sales roles, focusing on skills and traits essential for success.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer test screens for key skills like project management, analysis, communication, and ethics, streamlining recruitment for roles demanding a broad range of competencies.

WordPress Security

The WordPress Security test evaluates candidates’ proficiency in safeguarding WordPress websites against cyber threats. It ensures candidates skilled in robust security, Safeguard, and keep trust.

WordPress Plugin Development

The WordPress Plugin Development test assesses candidates’ proficiency in creating custom plugins for WordPress websites, enabling employers to Spot skilled developers capable of enhancing website.

WordPress Theme Customization

The WordPress Theme Customization test evaluates candidates’ ability to tailor WordPress themes, ensuring visually appealing and functional websites.

General WordPress Development

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WordPress Performance Optimization

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candidate selection javascript assignment expert

JavaScript Test

iMocha's JavaScript assessment test is the most preferred online pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to objectively assess developers' JavaScript programming skills. This online JavaScript test for coding helps you build a winning tech team quickly by increasing the interview-to-selection ratio by 62% and reducing technical screening time by 80%.

File icon with the JS extension

Online JavaScript Assessment Test

JavaScript, often called JS, is a programming language that helps to create and control dynamic website content. It allows users to interact with the client-side scripts, communicate asynchronously and document the content accordingly. It is also called the “assembly language of the web.” JavaScript supports event-driven, functional, and imperative programming styles. Online JavaScript (v6) assessment test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess the candidate’s JavaScript programming skills in implementing front-end logic while developing web applications. Online JavaScript test questions are designed and validated by industry experts to evaluate the programming aptitude of the JavaScript developer as per the industry standards.

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Test Summary

Online JavaScript programming test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:   

  • Ability to write reusable code in JavaScript ES6 
  • Excellent knowledge of front-end programming languages like jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 
  • Strong experience working on server-side CSS pre-processors 
  • Ability to integrate multiple data sources and databases into one system 
  • Knowledge of advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as AngularJS, Knockouts, BackboneJS, ReactJS 
  • Familiarity with asynchronous request handling, partial page updates, and AJAX 
  • Work experience with handling cross-browser compatibility issues and the ability to resolve them  

Our JavaScript technical test (v6) is designed with consideration of EEOC guidelines for online candidate assessment. It will help recruiters to assess and hire diverse talent without any bias.

This JavaScript developer test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

  • JavaScript Developer/ Programmer
  • Front-End JavaScript Developer

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Strings in ES6

The spread operator, parameter values, object prototype, arrow functions, enumeration.

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Setting the difficulty level of the test

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Combining multiple skills into one test

Adding your own questions to the test, requesting a tailor-made test.

Angular 4 Online Test

CSS3 Test (Cascading Style Sheets)

JavaScript Coding Test

JQuery Test

JavaScript is a type of scripting language used to create and control dynamic website content. It means anything that moves, refreshes, or changes on your screen without requiring you to manually reload a web page. Mostly, this language can be written right in a web page’s HTML and run automatically as the page loads. JavaScript is also called as a lightweight language. JavaScript programming allow client-side script to interact with user and create dynamic pages.

iMocha's JavaScript online test is used by top tech companies to get several benefits including but not limited to:

Assess & hire job-fit candidate faster

Reduce hiring time up to 40%

Reduce 85% of candidate filtration time

Assess & map skills level of your existing employees

Use iMocha’s JavaScript assessment test based on MCQ questions to evaluate theoretical knowledge of the developer.

Use our JavaScript coding test to evaluate practical knowledge of developer by giving them coding challenges based on difficulty level as Low/Medium/High.

Use our live coding interview platform ,if you want to assess programming knowledge of the developer in real-time coding environment while interacting with the candidate.

A JavaScript developer needs to develop front end logic and connect it with back-end services. You need to consider below key skills while hiring a great JavaScript developer-

Technical Skills:

  • Knowledge of Asynchronous Programming and Functional Programming
  • Experience in writing cross-browser code
  • Knowledge and experience in React and Redux
  • HTML / CSS Frameworks
  • Experience in jQuery, Node and Express
  • Knowledge of version control concepts

Soft Skills:

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Flexibility
  • Open-mindedness
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Critical Thinking

Check out these must-have and nice-to-have JavaScript skills highlighted in this blog.

Here are few important questions that you can ask to JavaScript developer to predict technical proficiency and behavioral traits:

  • What are the different types of errors in JavaScript?
  • How are object properties assigned?
  • What are the important properties of an anonymous function in JavaScript?
  • Explain the differences between one-way data flow and two-way data binding.
  • How do you check if an object is an array or not?
  • Explain the difference between classical inheritance and prototypal inheritance.
  • Tell me about your last project - what worked and what didn’t?
  • What is the hardest technical problem you have run into?
  • Have you ever faced conflicts with your team members? How did you resolve it?
  • What was the toughest project you worked on?

Explore our carefully chosen JavaScript interview questions to evaluate candidates' technical skills and find the right fit for your team.

JavaScript Online Coding Tests

Create and send JavaScript coding tests in 60 seconds, even if you’re not techy. Hand over qualified JavaScript candidates for your engineering team to interview.

Back to online coding tests

About our JavaScript coding tests 

We offer your team JavaScript coding tests that are both realistic and practical, providing an accurate evaluation of candidates’ JavaScript skills. With tools like CoderPad Screen, you can create JavaScript coding tests in just one minute, even if you don’t have a technical background.

Our tests are specifically designed to encompass crucial concepts such as object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, and more. They are carefully curated by our industry experts, ensuring their relevance to real-world scenarios and their effectiveness in assessing candidates’ abilities.

For hiring managers who want to delve deeper, there is an option to customize the tests and include their own coding exercises.

  • Recommended duration: 20-60 min
  • Average number of questions:  15
  • Type of exercises: Multiple choice, coding exercises
  • Test levels: Junior, Senior, Expert
ℹ️ Explore our questions bank and test our candidate experience yourself

JavaScript skills to assess

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Data structures
  • Functional programming

Jobs using JavaScript

  • Software developer
  • Mobile engineer
  • Machine Learning Engineer

JavaScript sample questions

Example question 1.

What is a constructor in JavaScript and how is it used?

Example Question 2

In this exercise, you have to analyze records of temperature to find the closest to zero.

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Sample temperatures. Here, -1.7 is the closest to 0.

Implement the function closestToZero to return the temperature closer to zero which belongs to the array ts.


  • If ts is empty, return 0 (zero).
  • If two numbers are as close to zero, consider the positive number as the closest to zero (eg. if ts contains -5 and 5, return 5).
  • Temperatures are always expressed with floating point numbers ranging from -273 to 5526.
  • ts is always a valid array and is never null.
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Explore Code Playback

Obtain a deeper understanding of the problem solving thought process of your developer applicants.

  • Witness their proficiency in building algorithms and evaluate their approach to solving problems with them.
  • Jot down feedback from different segments of the interview to discuss in subsequent interview rounds.
  • Pay attention to detect and prevent any distasteful actions.

How to test JavaScript Skills to hire for your team?

Relying only on resumes may not accurately paint a broad picture of a JavaScript developer’s skills and abilities, and self-reported skills may be untrustworthy.

Here are five ways to assess JavaScript developers’ coding skills:

  • Review their work portfolio . This gives you a deeper insight into the types of JavaScript projects they have worked on and their level of proficiency in the language.
  • Explore their GitHub accoun t to evaluate their JavaScript code quality, projects, and involvement in JavaScript-related projects.
  • Ask about their use of Stack Overflow or JavaScript communities in their day-to-day development to understand their knowledge level and participation in the JavaScript development community.
  • Employ the use of practical JavaScript focused programming exercises for JavaScript developers to allow them assess and improve their coding skills.
  • Conduct live coding interviews focused on JavaScript where candidates can demonstrate their coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of JavaScript concepts.
💡 To dig deeper > 5 ways to test developers’ skills before hiring

How to approach initial candidate screening effectively?

Some concerns recruiters share about conducting coding tests on candidates early on in the interview process is that it can scare potential candidates and discourage applications. However, proper management of the situation such as clear outlining of the interview process and why it is important will enable the candidates understand the purpose and feel at ease.

Here are some guidelines for you to ensure a positive candidate experience during early testing:

  • Job Ad : Ensure that the advertisement contains every step and expectation involved in the hiring process. By doing so, the candidate does not feel singled out and can prepare properly for the interview. It is also advisable to communicate time constraints involved in technical interviews beforehand.
  • Highlight Equal Opportunities and Diversity: Emphasize your organization’s stand on providing equal opportunities and promoting diversity through the testing process. It should be clear that the main goal of the testing is to properly assess the candidate skills irrespective of background.
  • Concise Assessment: Choose quality over quantity by keeping the assessment brief and focused on the skills required for the job. This is to eliminate any time wasting and ensure the candidates can attempt the exercise hitch-free. Ideally, aim for a test that can be completed within an hour or less without compromising any requirements.
  • Relevance: Eliminate redundancies by ensuring the tests oncentrate solely on the skills that are directly applicable to the role. Demonstrating a pragmatic approach by focusing on skills that have a practical impact on day-to-day tasks is appreciated by developers.
  • Feedback and Results : At the end of testing rounds, provide candidates with feedback on their performance. Using a tool like CoderPad Screen, which automatically generates a brief report and sends it to candidates, you can enhance their experience. This way, candidates who underperform will understand the reasons they weren’t selected for the next stage.
We had no unified approach or tool to assess technical ability. Today, CoderPad Screen enables us to test against a wide selection of languages and is continually updated.

1,000 Companies use CoderPad to Screen and Interview Developers

Top 50 JavaScript Interview Questions With Example Answers

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Preparing for a JavaScript interview requires a lot of work. It’s important to be well-versed in the fundamentals but you also should have some grasp on how to debug JavaScript code, what some of the advanced functions are and how to build projects in it.

Common JavaScript Interview Questions

  • What are the different data types in JavaScript?
  • What is hoisting in JavaScript?
  • What is the difference between null and undefined?
  • What are closures in JavaScript?
  • What is a callback function in JavaScript?
  • What are promises in JavaScript?
  • What is the purpose of the setTimeout() function in Javascript?
  • How can you check if an array includes a certain value?
  • How can you remove duplicates in an array?
  • What is the purpose of async and await in JavaScript?

Below are some tips for preparing for the interview along with some common questions and answers to help you ace your next interview.

JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers With Examples

JavaScript interview questions range from the basics like explaining the different data types in JavaScript to more complicated concepts like generator functions and async and await. Each question will have answers and examples you can use to prepare for your own interview. 

More on JavaScript How to Use the Ternary Operator in JavaScript

JavaScript Fundamentals

1. what is javascript.

A high-level, interpreted programming language called JavaScript makes it possible to create interactive web pages and online apps with dynamic functionality. Commonly referred to as the universal language, Javascript is primarily used by developers for front-end and back-end work.

2. What are the different data types in JavaScript?

JavaScript has six primitive data types:

It also has two compound data types:

3. What is hoisting in JavaScript?

Hoisting is a JavaScript concept that refers to the process of moving declarations to the top of their scope. This means that variables and functions can be used before they are declared, as long as they are declared before they are used in a function.

For example, the following code will print "Hello, world!" even though the greeting variable is not declared until after the console.log() statement.

JavaScript code printing Hello World using hoisting.

4. What is the difference between null and undefined?

null is an assignment value that represents no value or an empty value , while undefined  is a variable that has been declared but not assigned a value.

JavaScript code outputting null and undefined values.

5. Why do we use the word “ debugger ” in JavaScript?

The word “debugger” is used in JavaScript to refer to a tool that can be used to step through JavaScript code line by line. This can be helpful for debugging JavaScript code, which is the process of finding and fixing errors in JavaScript code. To use the debugger , you need to open the JavaScript console in your browser. Then, you can use  debugger commands to comb through your code line by line.

It's essential to know debugging techniques as well as the more general ideas behind code optimization and speed improvement. In addition to operating smoothly, efficient code significantly enhances the user experience.

For example, the following code will print the value of the x variable at each step of the debugger .

JavaScript debugger code printing the value of x at each step.

6. What is the purpose of the “ this”   keyword in JavaScript?

The this  keyword refers to the object that is executing the current function or method. It allows access to object properties and methods within the context of that object.

JavaScript code using the this keyword to output user name.

7. What is the difference between == and === operators in JavaScript?

The equality  ==  operator is a comparison operator that compares two values and returns true if they are equal. The strict equality  ===  operator is also a comparison operator, but it compares two values and returns true only if they are equal and of the same type.

For example , the following code will return true, because the values of the x and y variables are equal.

JavaScript equality operator code comparing x and y equal 10

8. What is the difference between “ var” and “ let” keywords in JavaScript?

The var and let keywords are both used to declare variables in JavaScript. However, there are some key differences between the two keywords.

The var keyword declares a global variable, which means that the variable can be accessed from anywhere in the code. The let keyword declares a local variable, which means that the variable can only be accessed within the block of code where it is declared.

JavaScript Let keyword for x equals 10

9. What are closures in JavaScript?

Closures ( closureFn ) are functions that have access to variables from an outer function even after the outer function has finished executing. They “remember” the environment in which they were created.

JavaScript closure code.

10. What is event delegation in JavaScript?

Event delegation is a technique where you attach a single event listener to a parent element, and that event listener handles events occurring on its child elements. It helps optimize performance and reduce memory consumption.

JavaScript event delegation code example.

11. What is the difference between “ let” , “ const” , and “ var” ?

let  and const were introduced in ES6 and have block scope. let is reassignable, and const is  non-reassignable.  var  is function-scoped and can be redeclared and reassigned throughout the function.

JavaScript let, const and var keywords with outputs.

12. What is implicit type coercion in JavaScript?

Implicit type coercion is a JavaScript concept that refers to the process of converting a value from one type to another. I f you try to add a string to a number, JavaScript will implicitly coerce the string to a number before performing the addition operation.

For example, the following code will add the string "10" to the number 5 . This is because JavaScript will implicitly coerce the string "10" to a number before performing the addition operation.

Implicit type coercion code example in JavaScript adding x and y variables.

13. Explain the concept of prototypes in JavaScript.

Prototypes are a mechanism used by JavaScript objects for inheritance. Every JavaScript object has a prototype, which provides properties and methods that can be accessed by that object.

JavaScript prototype code example.

14. What is the output of the following code?

JavaScript code console.log(three plus two plus "seven");

The output will be "57" . The addition operation is performed from left to right, and when a string is encountered, it performs concatenation.

15. How can you clone an object in JavaScript?

There are multiple ways to clone an object in JavaScript. One common method is using the Object.assign()  method or the spread operator (...) .

JavaScript code for cloning an object using object.assign() and ... operators.

More on JavaScript JavaScript Question Mark (?) Operator Explained

Intermediate Concepts

16. what are higher-order functions in javascript.

Higher order functions are functions that can accept other functions as arguments or return functions as their results. They enable powerful functional programming patterns in JavaScript.

JavaScript higher order functions code.

17. What is the purpose of the bind() method in JavaScript?

The bind() method is used to create a new function with a specified this value and an initial set of arguments. It allows you to set the context of a function permanently.

JavaScript bind() method code.

18. What is the difference between function declarations and function expressions?

Function declarations are defined using the function keyword, while function expressions are defined by assigning a function to a variable. Function declarations are hoisted, while function expressions are not.

JavaScript code showing differences between declaration and expression.

19. What are the different types of errors in JavaScript?

JavaScript can throw a variety of errors, including:

  • Syntax errors: These errors occur when the JavaScript code is not syntactically correct.
  • Runtime errors: These errors occur when the JavaScript code is executed and there is a problem.
  • Logical errors: These errors occur when the JavaScript code does not do what it is supposed to do.

20. What is memoization in JavaScript?

Memoization is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of JavaScript code. Memoization works by storing the results of expensive calculations in a cache. This allows the JavaScript code to avoid re-performing the expensive calculations if the same input is provided again.

For example , the following code calculates the factorial of a number. The factorial of a number is the product of all the positive integers from one to the number.

JavaScript code to calculate the factorial of all positive integers from one to a number.

This code can be memoized as follows:

Memoized code for JavaScript factorial.

21. What is recursion in JavaScript?

Recursion is a programming technique that allows a function to call itself. Recursion can be used to solve a variety of problems, such as finding the factorial of a number or calculating the Fibonacci sequence .

The following code shows how to use recursion to calculate the factorial of a number:

JavaScript recursion code to solve for factorial of a number.

22. What is the use of a constructor function in JavaScript?

A constructor function is a special type of function that is used to create objects. Constructor functions are used to define the properties and methods of an object.

The following code shows how to create a constructor function:

Constructor function in JavaScript

23. What is the difference between a function declaration and a function expression in JavaScript?

A function declaration is a statement that defines a function. A function expression is an expression that evaluates to a function. 

The following code shows an example of a function declaration. This code defines a function named factorial. The factorial function calculates the factorial of a number.

JavaScript function declaration code for a factorial function.

The following code shows an example of a function expression:

JavaScript function expression for factorial code.

24. What is a callback function in JavaScript?

A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function, which is then invoked inside the outer function. It allows asynchronous or event-driven programming.

JavaScript code for the callback function

25. What are promises in JavaScript?

Promises are objects used for asynchronous operations. They represent the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation and allow chaining and handling of success or error cases.

JavaScript promises code example.

26. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?

In synchronous programming, the program execution occurs sequentially, and each statement blocks the execution until it is completed. In asynchronous programming, multiple tasks can be executed concurrently, and the program doesn’t wait for a task to finish before moving to the next one.

Synchronous coding example:

JavaScript synchronous code example

Asynchronous code example:

Asynchronous JavaScript code example.

27. How do you handle errors in JavaScript?

Errors in JavaScript can be handled using try - catch blocks. The try block contains the code that may throw an error, and the catch block handles the error and provides an alternative execution path.

JavaScript try-catch blocks of code.

28. Explain the concept of event bubbling in JavaScript.

Event bubbling is the process where an event triggers on a nested element, and then the same event is propagated to its parent elements in the document object model (DOM) tree. It starts from the innermost element and goes up to the document root.

JavaScript code with event bubbling.

When you click on the child element, both the child and parent event handlers will be triggered, and the output will be:

JavaScript code output after clicking on the child element.

29. What are arrow functions in JavaScript?

Arrow functions are a concise syntax for writing JavaScript functions. They have a more compact syntax compared to traditional function expressions and inherit the this value from their surrounding scope.

For example:

JavaScript arrow functions code example.

30. What is the difference between querySelector and getElementById ?

querySelector is a more versatile method that allows you to select elements using CSS -like selectors, while getElementById specifically selects an element with the specified ID.

JavaScript code comparing querySelector and getElementByID methods.

31. What is the purpose of the setTimeout() function in JavaScript?

The setTimeout() function is used to delay the execution of a function or the evaluation of an expression after a specified amount of time in milliseconds.

JavaScript setTimeout() function code.

Output after two seconds:

JavaScript setTimeout code output after two seconds.

32. What is event delegation and why is it useful?

Event delegation is a technique where you attach a single event listener to a parent element to handle events occurring on its child elements. It’s useful for dynamically created elements or when you have a large number of elements.

JavaScript event delegation code example.

33. How can you prevent the default behavior of an event in JavaScript?

You can use the preventDefault() method on the event object within an event handler to prevent the default behavior associated with that event.

JavaScript preventDefault() method code example.

34. What is the difference between localStorage and sessionStorage in JavaScript?

Both localStorage and sessionStorage are web storage objects in JavaScript, but they have different scopes and lifetimes.

  • localStorage  persists data even after the browser window is closed and is accessible across different browser tabs/windows of the same origin.
  • sessionStorage  stores data for a single browser session and is accessible only within the same tab or window.

JavaScript localStorage and sessionStorage code comparisons.

35. How can you convert a string to lowercase in JavaScript?

You can use the toLowerCase() method to convert a string to lowercase in JavaScript.

JavaScript toLowerCase() code example.

Advanced Concepts

36. what is the purpose of the map() function in javascript.

The map() function is used to iterate over an array and apply a transformation or computation on each element. It returns a new array with the results of the transformation.

JavaScript map() function code example.

37. What is the difference between splice() and slice() ?

  • splice() is used to modify an array by adding, removing, or replacing elements at a specific position.
  • slice() is used to create a new array that contains a portion of an existing array, specified by the starting and ending indices.

Example of splice() :

JavaScript splice() function code example.

Example of slice() :

JavaScript slice() code example.

38. What is the purpose of the reduce() function in JavaScript?

The reduce() function is used to reduce an array to a single value by applying a function to each element and accumulating the result.

JavaScript reduce() function example.

39. How can you check if an array includes a certain value in JavaScript?

You can use the includes() method to check if an array includes a specific value. It returns true if the value is found, and false otherwise.

JavaScript includes() method code on an array.

40. What is the difference between prototype and instance properties in JavaScript?

A prototype property is a property that is defined on the prototype object of a constructor function. Instance properties are properties that are defined on individual objects that are created by a constructor function.

Prototype properties are shared by all objects that are created by a constructor function. Instance properties are not shared by other objects.

41. What is the difference between an array and an object in JavaScript?

An array is a data structure that can store a collection of values. An object is a data structure that can store a collection of properties.

Arrays are indexed by numbers. Objects are indexed by strings.  Arrays can only store primitive data types and objects. Objects can store primitive data types, objects and arrays.

JavaScript differences between array and object code example.

42. How can you remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript?

One way to remove duplicates from an array is by using the Set  object or by using the filter() method with the indexOf() method.

JavaScript code example removing duplicates using the filter() method.

43. What is the purpose of the fetch() function in JavaScript?

The fetch() function is used to make asynchronous HTTP requests in JavaScript. It returns a Promise that resolves to the response from the server.

JavaScript fetch() code function example.

44. What is a generator function in JavaScript?

A generator function is a special type of function that can be paused and resumed during its execution. It allows generating a sequence of values over time, using the yield  keyword.

JavaScript generator function code example.

45. What are the different events in JavaScript?

There are many different events in JavaScript, but some of the most common events include:

  • Click : The click event occurs when a user clicks on an HTML element.
  • Mouseover : The mouseover event occurs when a user's mouse pointer moves over an HTML element.
  • Keydown : The keydown event occurs when a user presses a key on the keyboard.
  • Keyup : The keyup event occurs when a user releases a key on the keyboard.
  • Change : The change event occurs when a user changes the value of an HTML input element.

46. What are the different ways to access an HTML element in JavaScript?

There are three main ways to access an HTML element in JavaScript:

  • Using the getElementById() method: The getElementById() method takes a string as an argument and returns the HTML element with the specified ID.
  • Using the getElementsByTagName() method: The getElementsByTagName() method takes a string as an argument and returns an array of all the HTML elements with the specified tag name.
  • Using the querySelector() method : The querySelector() method takes a CSS selector as an argument and returns the first HTML element that matches the selector.

47. What is the scope of a variable in JavaScript?

The scope of a variable in JavaScript is the part of the code where the variable can be accessed. Variables declared with the var keyword have a local scope, which means that they can only be accessed within the block of code where they are declared. Variables declared with the let keyword have a block scope, which means that they can only be accessed within the block of code where they are declared and any nested blocks. Variables declared with the const keyword have a global scope, which means that they can be accessed from anywhere in the code.

48. What are the different ways to create objects in JavaScript?

There are multiple ways to create objects in JavaScript, including object literals, constructor functions, the Object.create() method and the class syntax introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6).

Example using object literals:

JavaScript object literals code example.

49. What is the purpose of the window object in JavaScript?

The window object represents the browser window. The window object can be used to access the browser’s features, such as the location bar, the status bar and the bookmarks bar.

50. What is the purpose of the async and await keywords in JavaScript?

The async  and await  keywords are used for handling asynchronous operations in a more synchronous-like manner. The async  keyword is used to define an asynchronous function, and the await  keyword is used to pause the execution of an async function until a promise is fulfilled or rejected.

JavaScript async and await function code example.

More on JavaScript JavaScript PreventExtensions Method Explained

How to Prepare for a JavaScript Interview

In order to ace a JavaScript interview, you need to be ready for anything. It’s important to practice your code, but you should also be able to clearly explain how different functions work, have real world experience working in JavaScript and understand how to debug.

7 Ways to Prepare for a JavaScript Interview

  • Review JavaScript fundamentals.
  • Master key concepts.
  • Study common interview questions.
  • Master debugging skills.
  • Practice coding.
  • Build projects.
  • Mock interviews.

Fortunately, there are some basic steps you can take to be prepared and stand out from other applicants. 

1. Review JavaScript Fundamentals 

Make sure you are well-versed in the foundational concepts of JavaScript, such as data types , variables , operators, control structures, functions and objects .

2. Master Key Concepts

It’s also important to study up on key JavaScript topics like promises, asynchronous programming , hoisting, scope, closures, prototypes and ES6 features. You should understand how each of these works.

3. Study Common Interview Topics  

Take the time to review JavaScript interview questions that are regularly asked, including those about closures, prototypes, callbacks, promises, AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), error handling and module systems. Most interviews follow a similar pattern. Preparing answers for those questions will help you stand out from other candidates.

4. Master Debugging Skills 

Interviewers for JavaScript will often look to assess your code debugging skills. Practice using IDEs or browser developer tools  to find and correct common JavaScript code issues. Learn how to read error messages and review basic debugging techniques.

5. Practice Coding

To develop your coding abilities, complete coding tasks and challenges. Concentrate on standard JavaScript data structures and algorithms such arrays, strings, objects, recursion and sorting techniques.

Online resources like LeetCode , CodeChef and HackerRank can be used to practice coding and get ready for interviews. These websites provide a wide variety of coding puzzles and challenges covering a range of subjects and levels of complexity. They are great resources for developing your coding expertise, problem-solving skills, and algorithmic thinking, all of which are necessary for acing technical interviews.

6. Build Projects 

Take on modest JavaScript projects to get experience and show that you can create useful applications. Showing off your portfolio at the interview is also beneficial. In addition, developers can also work on JavaScript projects to obtain practical experience and show that they are capable of building effective applications. A diversified portfolio can be quite helpful when applying for jobs. Platforms like LeetCode, CodeChef, HackerRank and others enable users to develop projects gradually, starting with minor ones and eventually progressing to more ambitious ones.

7. Mock Interviews 

With a friend or mentor, practice mock interviews paying particular attention to both behavioral and technical components. This enables you to hear useful criticism and become accustomed to the interview process.

It’s not just mastering the technical aspect of JavaScript, it’s about your body language and how you explain your answers. Many companies are also assessing your ability to work within a team and pair program . The better you can explain your actions and thought process, the more likely you’ll be to win over the interviewer.

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JavaScript Assignment Help to Handle Your Homework

When you are stuck on a problem with your JavaScript homework, where do you turn for help? Do you ask a friend or classmate for help? Do you search the internet for an answer? In this blog post, we will explore some of the best ways to get help with your JavaScript homework online.

One great way to get help with your JavaScript homework is to join an online forum. There are many forums dedicated to programming, and many of them have sections for specific languages, such as JavaScript. On these forums, you can post your question and get help from other programmers who are more experienced than you.

Another great way to get help with your JavaScript homework is to hire a tutor. There are many tutors who specialize in programming, and they can help you work through your homework problems step-by-step. This is a great option if you need more individualized help than what you can get from a forum.

Finally, there are many online resources that can help you with your JavaScript homework. These resources include tutorials, code samples, and more. Many of these resources are free, and they can be a great way to learn more about programming in general or JavaScript specifically.

How to Get Help with JavaScript Homework Online?

Do you need help with your JavaScript homework? If so, you’re not alone. Many students struggle with this challenging subject. But don’t worry, there is help available. You can get help with your JavaScript homework online.

There are many websites that offer homework help for students. These websites offer step-by-step tutorials and interactive lessons that can help you improve your JavaScript skills. They also offer expert tutors who can help you with your homework questions.

If you need help with your JavaScript homework, these websites are a great place to start. But before you start using one of these websites, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, make sure the website is reputable. There are many scam websites out there that claim to offer homework help but only end up taking your money. Make sure the website you’re considering has been around for awhile and has good reviews from other students.

Second, make sure the website offers a money-back guarantee. This way, if you’re not satisfied with the help you receive, you can get your money back.

Finally, make sure the website offers a free trial period. This way, you can try out the website’s services before you commit to paying for them.

What Website Can Help Me with My JavaScript Homework?

If you’re looking for help with your JavaScript homework, there are plenty of online resources available. You can search for specific websites that offer help, or you can browse online forums and communities where people share tips and advice. If you don’t feel confident doing your homework on your own, consider hiring a tutor to help you out. With a little effort, you should be able to find the resources you need to succeed.

Is the JavaScript Assignment Help Legit?

The JavaScript Assignment Help is a legitimate online service that provides help with JavaScript assignments to students. The service is provided by a team of experts who have extensive experience in the field of programming. The service is affordable and convenient, and students can get their assignments completed quickly and efficiently.

The JavaScript Assignment Help service is available to students from all over the world, and it is one of the most popular online services. The service is provided by a team of experts who have extensive experience in the field of programming. The service is affordable and convenient, and students can get their assignments completed quickly and efficiently.

If you are a student who needs help with your JavaScript assignment, then you should definitely consider using the JavaScript Assignment Help service. The service is provided by a team of experts who have extensive experience in the field of programming. The service is affordable and convenient, and students can get their assignments completed quickly and efficiently.

You can find out more about the service by visiting the website. The website provides a lot of information about the service, and you can also read reviews from other students who have used the service.

If you are looking for a legitimate online service that can help you with your JavaScript assignment, then you should definitely consider using the JavaScript Assignment Help service. The service is provided by a team of experts who have extensive experience in the field of programming. The service is affordable and convenient, and students can get their assignments completed quickly and efficiently.

How Much Does JavaScript Assignment Cost?

When it comes to getting help with your JavaScript assignments, you want to make sure that you are getting the best possible service. And, when it comes to cost, you want to be sure that you are getting the most for your money.

So, how much does JavaScript assignment cost?

Well, it really depends on the service that you choose. But, generally speaking, you can expect to pay somewhere in the range of $10-$50 per hour for help.

Of course, there are cheaper and more expensive options out there, but this should give you a good idea of what to expect.

If you are looking for online JavaScript assignment help, then be sure to check out our services. We offer some of the best prices in the industry, and our quality of service is top-notch.

So, if you’re looking for a great deal on JavaScript assignment help, be sure to check us out!

Who Can Help Me with My JavaScript Assignment?

If you’re looking for help with your JavaScript assignment, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Best Assignment Experts, we have a team of expert JavaScript programmers who can help you get the most out of your assignment.

Our team can help you with everything from coding help to debugging assistance. We also offer 24/7 customer support, so you can get help whenever you need it.

Best of all, our rates are affordable and our services are reliable. So if you’re looking for help with your JavaScript assignment, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Top JavaScript Assignment Experts

Looking for help with your JavaScript assignments? Look no further than the top JavaScript assignment experts! Our team of experts is here to help you with all of your JavaScript homework and assignment needs. We can help you understand even the most difficult concepts, and we can help you get your assignments done on time. Contact us today to get started!

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As a versatile programming language, JavaScript has become an essential skill for developers looking to make their mark in the industry.

JavaScript is a powerhouse in the world of web development, powering the interactive and dynamic aspects of countless websites and applications.

In fact, 2022 marks JavaScript's 10th year in a row as the most commonly used programming language in the industry.

However, with its growing popularity comes fierce competition in the job market, making it crucial for aspiring JavaScript developers to excel in interviews and showcase their expertise.

Preparing well for JavaScript interviews not only demonstrates your technical prowess but also boosts your confidence during the hiring process.

It enables you to showcase your understanding of key concepts, problem-solving abilities, and coding proficiency.

In this guide, we will delve into the world of JavaScript interview questions, ranging from the basics to more advanced topics along with sample answers and tips to help you navigate these interviews with ease.

So, let’s get started!

  • What are some common JavaScript interview questions and answers?
  • What are the top JavaScript interview coding questions?
  • What are some advanced javascript interview questions for experienced candidates?
  • What are some tips to help you overcome JavaScript interview challenges?

Common JavaScript Interview Questions

Common JavaScript interview questions are a set of basic JavaScript interview questions that are asked by recruiters to assess a candidate's understanding of JavaScript concepts, syntax, and best practices.

By asking these questions, interviewers can assess the candidates’ suitability for the role and determine their level of proficiency in JavaScript programming.

Given below are some basic JavaScript interview questions with sample answers for your reference:

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

Sample Answer: In JavaScript, null is a value that represents the intentional absence of an object value, while undefined is a variable that has been declared but has not been assigned a value. In other words, null is assigned by developers, whereas undefined is automatically assigned by JavaScript.

Also Read: What is a good resume sample of a full-stack JavaScript developer?

What is the significance of closures in JavaScript?

Sample Answer: Closures are an important concept in JavaScript that allow functions to access variables from their outer lexical environment, even after the outer function has finished executing. They help in creating private variables, implementing data encapsulation, and maintaining state in functional programming.

Also Read: How to make a Node.js resume?

Explain the concept of prototypal inheritance in JavaScript.

Sample Answer: Prototypal inheritance is a fundamental feature of JavaScript that allows objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects. Every object in JavaScript has a prototype property, and when a property or method is accessed on an object, JavaScript looks for it in the object itself and then in its prototype chain.

Also Read: What are some commonly asked React.js interview questions?

How does event delegation work in JavaScript?

Sample Answer: Event delegation is a technique in JavaScript where you attach an event listener to a parent element instead of individual child elements. The event then "bubbles up" from the child elements to the parent, allowing you to handle events efficiently and dynamically, especially for elements that are added or removed dynamically.

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What are the differences between let, const, and var in JavaScript?

Sample Answer: Let and const are block-scoped variables introduced in ES6, while var is function-scoped. let allows reassigning values, while const is used for variables that are intended to remain constant. Additionally, var variables are hoisted to the top of their scope, while let and const variables are not.

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JavaScript Coding Interview Questions

JavaScript coding interview questions are almost always part of the technical interviews for developers.

Interviewers ask these questions as it allows them to evaluate a candidate's technical proficiency and problem-solving skills in practicality.

These JavaScript coding questions also allow interviewers to gauge a candidate's logical thinking, algorithmic understanding, and ability to handle complex scenarios in JavaScript development.

Listed below are some commonly asked JavaScript coding interview questions:

Write a function to reverse a string in JavaScript.

Sample Answer: To reverse a string, you can split it into an array of characters, reverse the array, and then join the characters back into a string.

javascript interview questions

How can you determine if a given string is a palindrome using JavaScript?

Sample Answer: To check if a string is a palindrome, you can compare the string with its reversed version. If they are the same, the string is a palindrome.

javascript interview questions

How can you find the largest number in an array using JavaScript?

Sample Answer: To find the largest number in an array, you can iterate through the array and keep track of the largest number encountered so far.

javascript interview questions

Write a function to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript.

Sample Answer: To remove duplicates from an array, you can create a new array and only add elements to it if they haven't been added before.

javascript interview questions and answers

How do you implement a function to check if a given number is prime in JavaScript?

Sample Answer: To check if a number is prime, you can iterate from 2 up to the square root of the number and check if it is divisible by any of the numbers in that range.

javascript interview questions and answers

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Advanced JavaScript Interview Questions for Senior Developers

Advanced JavaScript interview questions are specific and in-depth questions that assess a candidate's deep understanding and proficiency in JavaScript concepts, best practices, and advanced programming techniques.

These questions go beyond the basics and test the candidate's ability to solve complex problems, work with advanced language features, and demonstrate expertise in JavaScript development.

Here are 5 advanced JavaScript interview questions for senior developers along with sample answers:

What is hoisting in JavaScript? Provide an example.

Sample Answer: Hoisting is a JavaScript behavior where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase.

For example: "console.log(x); // Output: undefined var x = 5;"

Explain the concept of closures in JavaScript with an example.

Sample Answer: Closures are functions that have access to variables from an outer (enclosing) function's scope, even after the outer function has returned.

For example: "function outer() { var x = 10; return function inner() { console.log(x); // Output: 10 }; } var innerFunc = outer(); innerFunc();"

Sample Answer: Null represents the intentional absence of any object value, while undefined represents an uninitialized variable or a missing property. In other words, null is assigned by developers, whereas undefined is assigned by JavaScript.

How does event delegation work in JavaScript? Explain with an example.

Sample Answer: Event delegation is a technique where you attach an event listener to a parent element instead of individual child elements. Events that occur on the child elements are handled by the parent element. For example: "document.querySelector('.parent').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if ('child')) { console.log('Child element clicked!'); } });"

Sample Answer: Prototypal inheritance is a mechanism in JavaScript where objects can inherit properties and methods from other objects. Each object has an internal prototype property that links to another object, which serves as its prototype. Properties and methods can be accessed by traversing this prototype chain.

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Tips for Answering JavaScript Interview Questions in the Best Way

Answering JavaScript interview questions in a good way is crucial as it provides an opportunity to showcase your expertise and leave a positive impression on the interviewer to increase your chances of securing the job.

Besides, you only have one chance at interviews. Therefore, you must prepare well in advance.

Given below are some tips for answering JavaScript interview questions in the best way:

Understand the question: Take the time to fully comprehend the question before diving into the answer. Clarify any doubts or ambiguities with the interviewer to ensure you're addressing the specific requirement.

Structure your response: Organize your answer clearly and logically. Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps, and provide a concise introduction, a well-structured solution, and a brief conclusion.

Show your thought process: Simply answering JavaScript coding interview questions with codes or formulas is not enough. You must articulate your thinking and reasoning behind your approach. Explain the different options you considered and the factors influencing your decision-making to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.

Provide examples and real-world scenarios: Make sure to support your answers with relevant examples or practical applications. Illustrate how you have applied JavaScript concepts in previous projects or work experiences to showcase your hands-on expertise.

Be aware of best practices: Demonstrate your knowledge of JavaScript best practices, such as writing clean and efficient code, using appropriate naming conventions, and following coding standards. Emphasize the importance of readability, maintainability, and scalability in your answers.

Also Read: What are some excellent interview tips that will help you land your dream job in 2023?

FAQs on JavaScript Interview Questions

How to prepare for javascript interview questions.

To prepare for JavaScript interview questions, start by reviewing core JavaScript concepts, such as data types, functions, objects, and control flow. Practice coding exercises and solve problems on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Additionally, familiarize yourself with common JavaScript frameworks, libraries, and industry best practices to demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of JavaScript development.

What is ‘function’ in JavaScript interview questions?

Function in JavaScript interview questions refers to inquiries that assess a candidate's knowledge and understanding of JavaScript functions, including their syntax, purpose, usage, and advanced concepts like higher-order functions and closures.

What do you need to know for a JavaScript interview?

For a JavaScript interview, it is important to have a strong understanding of core JavaScript concepts such as variables, data types, functions, objects, arrays, and control flow. Additionally, knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, libraries, DOM manipulation, asynchronous programming, and common coding patterns is beneficial.

What are HTML CSS JavaScript interview questions?

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript interview questions are inquiries that assess a candidate's knowledge and proficiency in web development, covering topics such as HTML tags and attributes, CSS styling and layout techniques, JavaScript syntax and programming concepts, and their application in building interactive and responsive web pages.

Wish to prepare for your upcoming JavaScript interview questions with professional help? Use Hiration’s ChatGPT-powered Interview Preparation Tool with 24x7 chat support.

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Advanced JavaScript Interview Question To Hire Experienced Candidates

Advanced JavaScript Interview Question To Hire Experienced Candidates

JavaScript is the world’s most famous programming language. It is well known as the programming language of the web. But some non-browser environments also use it such as Adobe Acrobats, NodeJs, etc. The main fact that makes it so popular is that is simple to use. Even Facebook and Google use JavaScript to build compact and desktop-like web applications.

It is sure that JavaScript is simple but that does not mean that the hiring team must be full with the knowledge of JavaScript. It is not mandatory for the HRs or hiring team to have a grip on JavaScript. So what to do if the HR lacks the subject knowledge? How will they hire the best fit for the team?

Do not worry! You do not need to mug up the subject. You just have to go through some of the advanced JavaScript questions. Ask them to your applicant in the interview and just mug up the answers. You might get closer to your ideal teammate.  

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

Hiring your JavaScript developer just on the basis of his/her resume is not enough. Of course, skill is a must but more important is to check if your candidate is still updated and experienced. So, here are some of the things that you need to keep in mind while hiring a JavaScript Developer.

Understand For What You Are Hiring The Developer

JavaScript got popular due to its strength to build applications using only one set of technologies. But not all developers can build your web app from start to end. So, depending upon the application you want, you will have to hire your developer with any of this required expertise:

  • Front-end Developer: A front-end JavaScript developer is an expert in the design requirements of an application. The user-interface side of the application is developed by a front-end JavaScript developer.
  • Back-end Developer: A back-end JavaScript developer builds the database structure of the application. This developer is responsible for any functionality that runs on the server.
  • Full-stack Developer: A full-stack JavaScript developer is the one who will handle both the responsibilities of the back-end as well as the front-end developer. This developer will be responsible for the functionality that runs on the server as well as the design requirements of the application.

Look For Experienced Candidates

Besides looking for the skills, you would have to look for candidates that are experienced. Because experience is a skill that cannot be replaced by any other skills. By checking out on the experience box, you will help your company by hiring a candidate who is sure to work wonders as per his/her experience.

Check Out On The Developer’s Communication Skills

JavaScipt is a bit complex but it is necessary for the developer to possess good communication skills. This skill will help him/her to interact with the clients or the team with ease and express his/her ideas seamlessly. Issues and problems will also be communicated with ease.

Test The Technical Abilities

Make sure that your candidate is not just a bookworm. Just check if he/she is technically sound or not. For the same, you can take a coding test of your applicant on any good online code javascript sandbox . This will help you in deciding if your candidate is worth the position or not.

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

You must check the technical skills of your applicant by making him code on any of the best coding interview tool and also place your interview questions before him/her.

Here are some of the senior JavaScript developer interview questions you need to ask your candidates:

  • What is a potential pitfall with using a type of bar === "object" to determine if the bar is an object? How can this pitfall be avoided?
  • What is the ‘Strict’ mode in JavaScript and how can it be enabled?
  • What will be the output of the code:  var Y =1;  If ( function F() {} )  {  y += Typeof F; </span>  }  console.log(y);
  • Explain equality in JavaScript
  • How to empty an array in JavaScript?
  • What is the significance of, and reason for, wrapping the entire content of a JavaScript source file in a function block?
  • Explain the difference between Object.freeze() vs const
  • What will be the output of the following code?  var X = { Foo : 1};  var output = (function()  {  delete;  return;  }  )();  console.log(output);
  • Consider the two functions below. Will they both return the same thing? Why or why not?   Function 1  function foo1()  {  return {  bar: "hello"  }:  }     Function 2  function foo2()  {  return  {  bar: "hello"  };  }
  • What are the differences between ES6 class and ES5 function constructors?
  • In what order will the numbers 1-4 be logged to the console when the code below is executed? Why? (function() { console.log(1); setTimeout(function(){console.log(2)}, 1000); setTimeout(function(){console.log(3)}, 0); console.log(4); })();
  • What will the code below output to the console and why? var arr1 = "john".split(''); var arr2 = arr1.reverse(); var arr3 = "jones".split(''); arr2.push(arr3); console.log("array 1: length=" + arr1.length + " last=" + arr1.slice(-1)); console.log("array 2: length=" + arr2.length + " last=" + arr2.slice(-1));

candidate selection javascript assignment expert

These are some of the questions you can ask when you are interviewing a senior JavaScript developer. But you have to make sure that you search for the correct answers before placing the questions. Live interview tools will also lend a platform to you for checking your applicant’s skills. Make the most of these facilities and choose the best out of all the developers.

To make it simpler use a two-step process to choose, sort, and select your ‘best’ out of all the ‘averages’. These two steps include:

  • Test them using JavaScript assignments
  • Ask them the Advanced JavaScript Questions

This is the best way to choose a developer who will fit in your team well. We hope your problem of deciding what to do and what to ask a senior JavaScript developer is solved after reading this blog.

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JS Tutorial

Js versions, js functions, js html dom, js browser bom, js web apis, js vs jquery, js graphics, js examples, js references, javascript assignment, javascript assignment operators.

Assignment operators assign values to JavaScript variables.

Shift Assignment Operators

Bitwise assignment operators, logical assignment operators, the = operator.

The Simple Assignment Operator assigns a value to a variable.

Simple Assignment Examples

The += operator.

The Addition Assignment Operator adds a value to a variable.

Addition Assignment Examples

The -= operator.

The Subtraction Assignment Operator subtracts a value from a variable.

Subtraction Assignment Example

The *= operator.

The Multiplication Assignment Operator multiplies a variable.

Multiplication Assignment Example

The **= operator.

The Exponentiation Assignment Operator raises a variable to the power of the operand.

Exponentiation Assignment Example

The /= operator.

The Division Assignment Operator divides a variable.

Division Assignment Example

The %= operator.

The Remainder Assignment Operator assigns a remainder to a variable.

Remainder Assignment Example


The <<= Operator

The Left Shift Assignment Operator left shifts a variable.

Left Shift Assignment Example

The >>= operator.

The Right Shift Assignment Operator right shifts a variable (signed).

Right Shift Assignment Example

The >>>= operator.

The Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Operator right shifts a variable (unsigned).

Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Example

The &= operator.

The Bitwise AND Assignment Operator does a bitwise AND operation on two operands and assigns the result to the the variable.

Bitwise AND Assignment Example

The |= operator.

The Bitwise OR Assignment Operator does a bitwise OR operation on two operands and assigns the result to the variable.

Bitwise OR Assignment Example

The ^= operator.

The Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator does a bitwise XOR operation on two operands and assigns the result to the variable.

Bitwise XOR Assignment Example

The &&= operator.

The Logical AND assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is true, the second value is assigned.

Logical AND Assignment Example

The &&= operator is an ES2020 feature .

The ||= Operator

The Logical OR assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is false, the second value is assigned.

Logical OR Assignment Example

The ||= operator is an ES2020 feature .

The ??= Operator

The Nullish coalescing assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is undefined or null, the second value is assigned.

Nullish Coalescing Assignment Example

The ??= operator is an ES2020 feature .

Test Yourself With Exercises

Use the correct assignment operator that will result in x being 15 (same as x = x + y ).

Start the Exercise

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Answer to Question #295112 in HTML/JavaScript Web Application for chethan

given month as an input write a js program to find corresponding season using switch statment

"use strict";



let inputString = "";

let currentLine = 0;

process.stdin.on("data", (inputStdin) => {

 inputString += inputStdin;

process.stdin.on("end", (_) => {

 inputString = inputString.trim().split("\n").map((str) => str.trim());

function readLine() {

 return inputString[currentLine++];

function main() {

 const month = readLine();

/* Please do not modify anything above this line */

 // Write your code here

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