Examination Permission Letter: 4 Templates

There could be multiple reasons why you could not sit an exam. From having different unavoidable commitments to health concerns, students often tend to miss out on important examinations or tests. šŸ§ 

In such a context, how do you request a re-sit? Or a different date to sit your exam? šŸ’”

An examination permission letter āœ‰ļø

Keep reading to find out the perfect format and tonality for an Examination Permission Letter with some starter tips, to begin with, below! āž•

Table of Contents

What to Write in Examination Permissions for Students

Writing an examination permission letter includes keeping the tone in mind, language, and structure in mind. These are the core elements of a letter of this nature. šŸ‘

Ideally, these letters are written to an instituteā€™s signing authority, who can make a decision to help you sit for or re-sit for an exam.

Since it is a letter of esteemed importance, there are some tips to keep in mind on how you should write and what you should write. Below are some outlined. ā¬‡ļø

  • Ensure your letter is well formatted and has a formal tone to it. These are the building blocks of a good letter. āœļø
  • Ensure the letter is concise and highlights all the requirements, including supporting documents (if available), reasons, and results. šŸ“œ
  • Instill a request to write the examination and ensure you communicate your regret in not being able to take it the first time. šŸ‘
  • Ensure you ask for a follow-up call to action and a response as to when you can expect to hear back from them on the next steps ā€“ after sending the letter. āŒš
  • Ensure you start the letter with a salutation and close the letter with Regards. This shows respect for the readerā€™s time. šŸ™

How to write an Examination Permission for Students (Tips)

Here are some great tips to keep in mind when you write a permission letter to sit an exam which will enhance your writing! šŸ‘

Great Introductory Body 

Ensure you mention salutation in the body of your letter and provide introductory context like which exam you missed, and the institution and class you are enrolled in, so the authority gets a gist of you and your request. šŸ—Øļø

Concise and informative language 

Focus on writing the main informative content and your request to re-sit the exam. Keep the body and language simple and concise. Long messages take a long time to read and understand. Ensure you talk to the point. šŸŽÆ

Reject ingenuity 

Ensure that you are genuine and honest in the contents of your letter. In a personalized manner, express your feelings about not being able to sit for the exam to the authority. Ensure transparency and genuinely provide the context. šŸ””

Attach supporting material

Ensure you attach supporting material in the likes of doctorā€™s prescriptions or last-minute emergencies if you have to miss your examination due to unforeseen obligations. Also, state that you will provide the documents required upon request. āž•


It is helpful to let the recipient know that you will comply with the required needs, rules, and regulations or procedures the institution must carry out for a re-sit. This creates good rapport and shows great character. šŸŸ”

Acknowledging efforts 

Ensure you thank and acknowledge the efforts of the recipient and institution in letting you sit for the examination. Express your responsibility and willingness to cooperate with the requirements. šŸ¤

Closing information and contact details

Add closing salutations at the end of your letter and request to hear back for additional information and the expected next steps after sending in the letter. For this, enclose your contact details. And you will hear from them shortly!

Examination Permission Letter Templates

Template: 1

Application for Examination Permission Letter

(Name of the sender)

(Designation of the respective person)

(Name of the address)

Subject- Application for Examination Permission

Respected madam/sir,

This letter is to inform (mention the name of the person) that I (mention your name) student of (mention the name of the college or name of the institution) would like to say to you that I am a hard-working and sincere student.

Because of my health issues, I was unable to attend classes for a few days, due to which I have been debarred in a few subjects.

I am a very dedicated person towards my studies I was physically unfit, so I could not be able to attend the classes.

This letter is to request you to please accept my letter and grant me permission to sit for the examination. If I didn’t attend the exam, it would be a problem for me in the future.

I would like to request you please grant my permission.  I will be highly obliged to you. All the documents related to my medical issue have been attached to this letter. Please check the attachment and grant my permission.

For any further information or queries, you can reach me at (mention phone number) or through an email (mention email address).

Thanking you

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Template: 2

School Examination Permission Letter

Subject- School Examination Permission Letter

I am writing this letter to ask for your permission so that I can be allowed to take this yearā€™s final examination.

My name is (mention your name), and I am a student of (mention department) in your school. I have been a regular student and also was in the top 10 of my batch in the previous year’s annual examination.

Previously I had written a letter in order to skip this year’s exam; at that time, I was not prepared to take any pressure, and I thought that I might fail if I sit in this year’s examination.

I lost my grandmother 2 months ago, and it was a huge blow for me. She was the only one who listened to me. I had spent most of my time with my grandmother, as my parents were too busy working according to their routines.

I lost all hope as no one was near to give me any motivation.

But my grandmother always wanted to see me on a bigger stage. To fulfill his dreams I have decided to give my hundred percent into everything I do. I changed my mind.

I discussed this with my well-wishers and my teachers, and they suggested I sit in this year’s exam.

I am hoping to hear a positive response from your side.

Yours sincerely,

(Write the name of the sender)

Template: 3

Subject- Letter of Permission for Examination

With due respect, I want to ask for your permission to appear in the term examination.

It is stated that I am (mention your name) a student of this institution of (mention department), and my roll number is (mentioned roll number).

I penned this letter to inform you that due to Covid-19, my father’s business suffered a big loss, and at that moment, it was not possible for me to submit my fees. I was issued many warning letters and penalty fees.

But I was unaware of it as I was not attending online classes, and I was not in touch with my teachers. We were not capable of carrying Internet charges. I was continuously and confidently preparing for this year’s exam.

Today I came to the Institution and brought my fees with me. I beg that you kindly submit my fees and remit any sort of penalty that was charged against me.

I will be highly obliged if you find my request considerable and do not charge me any fine.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Template: 4

Office Examination Permission Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Name of the Office/Company] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for Examination Permission

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to request permission to take the upcoming examination for [Certification/Qualification] on [Date]. As an employee of [Office/Company Name], I believe that obtaining this certification will greatly benefit both my personal and professional growth.

I assure you that I have thoroughly reviewed the exam schedule and have taken the necessary steps to ensure minimal disruption to my work responsibilities. The examination will take place during my planned vacation days, and I have made arrangements to manage my workload effectively before and after the exam to ensure no work interruptions.

I understand the importance of obtaining permission from the office to participate in external examinations, and I am committed to fulfilling all my work obligations during my absence. I will make every effort to prepare for the exam diligently and successfully complete it.

I have attached the following documents to support my application:

  • Name of the Exam: [Exam Name]
  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Duration: [Duration in hours]
  • [Attach any official enrollment documents or confirmation of registration]

I assure you that I will cover any expenses related to the examination, including registration fees, study materials, and travel costs.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me permission to take this exam. Obtaining this certification will not only contribute to my professional development but will also enhance my ability to contribute effectively to the growth and success of our office.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response. If you require any further information or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the provided phone number or email address.

[Your Name]

Template: 5

Request Letter for Exam Permission

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Name of the Institution/Organization] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Exam Permission

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request your permission to take the upcoming [Exam Name] scheduled on [Exam Date] at [Exam Location]. I am a [mention your current position or role] at [Name of the Institution/Organization].

I have thoroughly prepared for this exam and believe that it is a valuable opportunity for me to demonstrate my knowledge, skills, and abilities in the subject matter. Taking this exam aligns with my professional growth and development goals, and I am confident that it will contribute positively to my career advancement.

I understand that obtaining permission is required to participate in the exam, and I kindly request your consideration in granting me the necessary approval. I assure you that I will comply with all the rules, regulations, and guidelines set forth by our institution/organization to ensure a fair and standardized examination process.

To facilitate the process, I have provided the following details:

  • Exam Name: [Exam Name]
  • Exam Date: [Exam Date]
  • Exam Time: [Exam Time]
  • Duration: [Exam Duration]

I have completed all the required preparations and have obtained any necessary study materials or resources. I am fully committed to dedicating my time and effort to succeed in this exam while ensuring that my regular responsibilities are fulfilled.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter so that I can complete the necessary registration procedures and make any required arrangements for the exam. Your support in granting me permission to participate in this exam would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to a positive response and the opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge and capabilities. If you require any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at the provided phone number or email address.

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Leave Application for Examination: Format and Samples

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 12, 2024

examination leave application

Exams can be a stressful time for students and employees alike. Balancing studying for your exams and attending work or school can be challenging. Sometimes, you may need to take a break from work to focus on your studies. In such cases, applying for examination leave is an ideal solution. In this article, we’ll discuss tips, format, and a sample application for examination leave to help you prepare for your upcoming exams. We’ll also answer frequently asked questions to help you understand the process better.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Purpose of Examination Leave Application 
  • 2 Things to Include in Your Examination Leave Application
  • 3 Tips for Writing an Examination Leave Application 
  • 4 Format of an Examination Leave Application 
  • 5 Sample Examination Leave Application
  • 6 Important Points

Quick Read: How to Calculate Percentage in ICSE Board Class 10?

Purpose of Examination Leave Application 

The purpose of writing an examination leave application is to request time off from work to attend an exam.

  • This application serves as a formal request to your employer, outlining the dates and times of your exam and the reason for your absence. 
  • The application should be written professionally and politely, and it should provide all the necessary information to help your employer make appropriate arrangements for your absence.Ā 
  • By submitting an effective examination leave application, you can ensure that you are able to attend your exam without worrying about work commitments, and you can focus on achieving your academic goals.

Relevant Read- Leave Application for Office

Things to Include in Your Examination Leave Application

In your examination leave application, include the following information:

  • Date of Writing the Application : Write the examination leave application a few days prior to when you need the leave and mention the date on which you are writing the application.
  • Write Salutation : Use proper salutation such as Mr., Dr., etc. You can also use generic title like Sir or Madam.
  • Mention the Reason for the Leave : Clearly write why you want the leave. Mention the name of your examination.
  • Mention the Dates of Leaves : Include the start and end dates of your leaves.
  • Mention How You will Cover Your Work : It is important to mention that your work will not be affected by your leaves.
  • Mention Your Contact Details : Mention when you plan to resume your work and provide necessary contact details.

Tips for Writing an Examination Leave Application 

Here are some tips to keep in mind while writing an examination leave application:

  • Start with a polite and formal greeting, addressing your supervisor or manager by name.
  • Mention the reason for your leave clearly and concisely. State the dates you require the leave for and the length of your absence.
  • Express your gratitude for their understanding and support.
  • Provide contact information in case of emergency.
  • Close the application with a courteous and professional closing.

Format of an Examination Leave Application 

Here is a typical format for an examination leave application:

Relevant Read- How to Write a Leave Application?

Sample Examination Leave Application

Here’s a sample application that you can use as a reference:

Relevant Read- How to Write a Letter: Letter Writing Types and Examples

Important Points

These are the main point a writer should include during the writing of a Leave Application

  • Start Date of Your Examination
  • End Date of Your Examination
  • Total  Duration of your Leave
  • Any other Leave Request.

Related Reads :    

Ans. The amount of examination leave you can take will depend on your employer’s policies. Generally, most organizations allow a few days of paid leave to attend exams.

Ans. It’s best to apply for examination leave as soon as you know your exam dates. This will give your employer enough time to make arrangements for your absence.

Ans. It’s always a good idea to attach a copy of your exam timetable or other relevant documentation with your application. This will help your employer understand the reason for your absence and make appropriate arrangements.

This was all about Leave Applications for Examination, if you want to read more interesting blogs subscribe to our page Leverage Edu 

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Aditya Saini

Aditya Saini is a content writer with over a year and a half of experience helping national and international students navigate their journey to work abroad. His expertise lies in ā€œjobs abroadā€, all things practical, from writing articles on different topics such as part-time and full-time jobs to understanding salaries for different and highest-paying professions and securing internship programs in different countries. Aditya's passion is ensuring students have all the information they need to make the right decision about their career journeys overseas.

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How to write a Letter of Application? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

application letter for school exam

This article provides information on how to write a letter of application and what it consists of.Ā  Although its content is mainly aimed at Cambridge exams , it can also be used for other purposes of learning English and writing a real letters of application.

Letter of Application: Definition

application letter for school exam

Letter of application is always formal in style unless the question explicitly states otherwise. Its purpose is to propose Ā a candidate and outline his suitability, for a particular position. Description (of a personā€™s character and strengths), explanation and justification are important functions in a letter of application.

Letter of Application: Structure

Fce, cae, cpe, practice, write & improve, letter of application: writing guide, 1. salutation.

Dear Sir or MadamĀ 

application letter for school exam

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for letters of application.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Search Committee
  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear Sir or Madam

2. The Introductory Paragraph

Begin by stating the job for which you are applying. Briefly mention how your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this will give the employer a preview of the rest of your letter.

I am writing to apply for the post of Fashion Shop Manager advertised in the ‘News Shopper’ of 14 February 2002.

3. The next paragraphs (the body)

In the following paragraphs, explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting and explain how you meet those qualifications.

Please see the example structure below:

(2nd paragraph) You might go and list your experience and relevant qualifications:

(briefly introduce yourself first) I am an ambitious and creative 25-year-old who have worked in the retail industry for a total of ten years, first as a sales assistant in a department store and for the last three years as a Section Head and Deputy Manager at Jones the Bootmaker.

(3rd paragraph) You might then go on to mention the particular abilities and skills that you have:

I believe I have all the skills, knowledge and expertise that you are looking for. I have lots of retail initiative, can schedule and prioritise tasks and can work to strict deadlines. I also work particularly well with people and would enjoy leading the team and working with clients and customers.

(4th paragraph) Say why you are particularly interested in this job:

I am applying for this position as I am looking to progress from junior to senior management. I have always been interested in the latest fashion trends and developments and I believe your organisation is a well-run quality fashion business. I would very much like to work for your company.

4. Closing paragraph

application letter for school exam

You might close the letter with the following formula.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will be able to invite me for an interview.

Yours faithfully XYZ

“Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully”?

“Yours sincerely” is typically employed in English when the recipient is addressed by name (e.g. “Dear John”) and is known to the sender to some degree, whereas “Yours faithfully” is used when the recipient is not addressed by name (i.e., the recipient is addressed by a phrase such as “Dear Sir/Madam”)

Let’s sum it up…

Letter of application: example answers, letter of application sample 1, letter of application subject:.

You have read the following information from a British university, and have decided to apply for a course:

The university welcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students. Please write to the Admissions Oļ¬ƒcer giving details of the course you wish to apply for and why. Your letter should include an outline of your qualiļ¬cations and any other relevant information.

Write your letter of application

Student’s Letter of Application Answer:

I am writing to apply for your two-year degree in teaching English at the university level. At present, I am a teacher of English and of Computer Science in the primary school here, in Lutynia.

I am keen to improve my English as this is not only my hobby but also a strong need. I should add that I am already half-way towards achieving my goal.Ā Ten years ago I was a university teacher of Computer Science. Up to now, I have specialized inĀ both subjects. I graduatedĀ from Technical University of Wroclaw, Department of Foreign Languages and the Academy of Economics, Department of Computer Science withĀ Masterā€™s Degree.

I have a great deal of work experience that demonstrates my ability in languages. I have undertaken a number of translation projects for doctors, scientists, computer programmers and travel guides. I estimate that my English is at an advanced level and at present, I am preparing for the CAE exam.

I am particularly interested in completing my degree at your university as it is famous all over the world. If you wish Ms.J.Forde can give you a reference.

I hope you will give my application serious consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully (your name)

Letter of Application Sample 2

Letter of applicationĀ subject:.

A restaurant in your region is to open shortly and the owner has placed the following advertisement in your local newspaper:


…For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a number of vacancies available, including: Junior Chef,Ā  Waiter/Waitress, Restaurant Manager. Hours of work: 6 – 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Please send us a letter explaining which post you are interested in and why we should consider you for the job. Interviews will be held a week after the closing date.

I am writing with reference to your advertisement for the position of a Restaurant Manager, which was placed in The Guardian on 10 December.

My reason for being interested in this vacancy is that according to what is said by the executives of the companies I worked for (please find enclosed their letters of reference), I am particularly efficientĀ at being involved in projects requiring a great deal of physical and mental energy and also creativity.Ā I would be able to bring to bear these personal qualities of mine for the benefit of the restaurant.

I am sure that I would be successful in this post as I have now gainedĀ managerial experience having had work as a Senior Manager for the “Little Chef Restaurant” for 10 years. At present I work for the restaurant mentioned above, where my responsibilities comprise dealing with suppliers and corporate clients, recruiting employees and checkingĀ the financial statements of affiliated companies.

My academic background (a Masterā€™s Degree in Tourism & Hospitality) would also prove valuable to you.

Please could you send me an application form and any other relevant details including those ofĀ salary, working hours and any additional benefits (such as private health care or social facilities).

I am able to attend an interview on any day from 11 a. m. Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me on 222333222 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by email atĀ [email protected].

Yours faithfully, name and surname

Letter of Application Sample 3

A tourist company which organises coach tours of your home town has placed the following advertisement in your local newspaper:


Are you an outgoing and sociable person, who has a good command of English and some knowledge of local history?Ā  Take-a-Tour is setting up a branch in your area and we are looking for tour guides to accompany up to fifty passengers a time on our coach tours. Your duties will include welcoming passengers aboard the coach, giving a commentary about the local sights, and taking small groups around the town on foot.

I am writing to reply to your advertisement forĀ aĀ tour guide in The Tokyo Mini Times on 13th January.

I have always been interested inĀ working with tourists and this is one of the mainĀ reasons why I am applying for this job. I actually have some experience of guiding foreign people around the town as a volunteer. Therefore, the city council sometimes asks me to take people to some historical places and explain about the background. Once IĀ organisedĀ Ā a sightseeing tour that thirty people took part in. Every time I have a chance to do that, they appreciate my explanations. I think I will be a competent guide.

I have been living in this town since I was born. My ancestors came to live here two hundred years ago thus I know how this town has developed. I think I will manage to give a unique speech to the tourists.

I passed the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English last year, which I believe endorses my English ability. As far as I am concerned, this level is suitable for a tour guide.

I am available to start work on 15th February. I am also available to attend an interview in the afternoon on Monday to Thursday.Ā Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

I would be very grateful if you consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Letter of Application: Writing Topics

Letter of application task 1.

The university welcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students. Please write to the Admissions Officer giving details of the course you wish to apply for and why. Your letter should include an outline of your qualifications and any other relevant information.

Write your letter of application to the Admissions Officer.

(CAE 220-260 words ā€“ CPE 280-320 words)

Letter of Application Task 2

RESTAURANT STAFF NEEDED… …For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a number of vacancies available, including: Junior Chef Waiter/Waitress Restaurant Manager Hours of work: 6 – 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Letter of Application Task 3

TOUR GUIDES REQUIRED Are you an outgoing and sociable person, who has a good command of English and some knowledge of local history?Ā  Take-a-Tour is setting up a branch in your area and we are looking for tour guides to accompany up to fifty passengers a time on our coach tours. Your duties will include welcoming passengers aboard the coach, giving a commentary about the local sights, and taking small groups around the town on foot.Ā 

Write the letter of application.

Practice Tests Online

Letter of application: useful phrases & language.

Iā€™m writing to apply for the post/position of…..as advertised in…….. Iā€™m writing with reference Iā€™m writing in response to your advertisement which I saw…. Iā€™m writing in connection with your advertisement

Qualifications /Experience

I gained some experience while … I am currently working as … I have been working for … for the last four years. I worked part-time for three years as … At the moment| am employed by … My qualifications include … I have a diploma in … I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in …Ā  Please find attached my CV As you can see from the attached CV …

Personal Qualities

I see myself systematic, meticulous in my approach to work….. I have a clear insight of……… I value time and not squander…… I tackle a problem…..

Closing remarks

I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience Please contact me with any queries you may have, I would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient I look forward to hearing from you in due course….

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application letter for school exam

Formal Application Letter For Exams: How To Write It?

Formal Application Letter For Exams

In the present time, it is often the case that people need to write an application letter in order to apply for a certain job or participate in a college exam. In the past, the habit was just to send your CV or the resume of your profile to the employers or school headquarters. Now, it has gone to a different level. Students have to submit an appropriate application letter so they can be a part of some exam. But what is it? Well, an application letter , also known as a cover letter, is a document that consists of information about peopleā€™s education, skills, knowledge, experience, and activities. It is usually used as an introduction letter. Hence, letā€™s focus on how students should write this letter in the best way and what methods they can use.

Reviewing Of The Information About The College

Students are finding it hard regularly to write their cover letter properly. Thatā€™s why some of them may turn to the use of helping tools like Essay bot . Even without using those tools, you can write a good letter though. If you are a student who wants to participate in a specified exam, the first thing you must do about your application letter is getting the right information about your college. You just need to make a good review of its staff, what levels of education are available, possible projects, or any other info you can find about it. It will help you to see whether you possess the appropriate skills for that exam or not. It is highly recommendable not to write an application letter without knowing those data as it can affect your result at the exam badly.

The Use Of Headings

Every application letter must consist of headings. Headings are usually used for providing basic information like your name, email address, phone number, the name of the college you belong to, etc. But when you write it for your exams, try to be as professional as possible. Many students could be thinking like this is some irrelevant part of their cover letter. And that is where they are making a huge mistake. Frequently, the first thing you mention leaves the biggest mark. It is related to anything people do in life, not just about participation in the exam. So, donā€™t be like them and make a quality piece of the letter instead. By doing it, you will leave positive impressions on yourself and increase your chances of passing the exam.

Use A Good Format

It is not rare that people forget about formatting their texts when they are writing an application letter. The truth is that it is probably more important if you write it for a job application. But still, it will be a smart choice if you apply it to your letter for the exam too. Students are usually liberal about everything and are sticking to this approach to life. Thatā€™s why they are not paying enough attention to the details. Sometimes, the exact details can be a turning point for your application for the exam . Therefore, use a professional format when you are writing your cover letter. You need to be aware that you are not writing some postcards about your trip. You need to feel responsible and make your letter be the one to remember. Give your efforts in it, make some spacing, set the margins, use the appropriate font and size of the words. It will pay off later. Just donā€™t let your application be too long. Instead, keep it on a single page but with enough details to stand out your qualifications.

Description Of Your Interests And Goals

Sometimes what students must acknowledge is the value of their interests and goals. This is truly an important part of every application letter. In the opening part, the best solution is to state what are your goals, preferences, and interests. Without this information, people who read your letter will not have a clear picture of what your intention is and can misunderstand you. And if students donā€™t like something it is definitely being understood in the wrong way. In this part, you should stand out what you are aiming for and what things interest you the most. Try to be detail-oriented and write everything you think is right. Just specify what are your best experiences and why they can consider you as a good fit. This way, you will get noticed by the ones who read your letter surely.

Introduce Your Characteristics

If something bothers students, that is being open-hearted. The majority of the young population are ashamed of introducing themselves in the right way. This should be the opposite. If you are a shy person, try to get out of that barrier and let your thoughts and feelings overwhelm your body. It can be beneficial for you if you introduce your characteristics into an application letter. Quote your personal description of your true self. It will be best for you to show your personality to the readers of your letter. This way, they can see what your character looks like and decide what they can expect from you. There is nothing wrong with writing a little bit about yourself. For those who are not afraid of introducing themselves, this will be a piece of a cake and they can use it as an advantage, of course. Specify what are the best skills you are possessing, whether it is communication, hard-working, honesty, willingness to learn, etc.

Donā€™t Forget To Write Your Appreciation

Before you put an end to your cover letter, donā€™t forget to represent your appreciation for the ones who will read it. Expressing your gratitude will not bite you. So, donā€™t hesitate to give it to the people who will put their efforts into reviewing your application. It is just one way of showing your politeness.

Application letters are truly an important part of students’ time while going to college. They are sometimes the best way for them to express themselves in the brightest light. These texts represent one of the vital parts for the studentsā€™ development throughout their college time. Hopefully, we managed to help you in understanding its value and show you useful tips on how it should be written.

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  How to Apply to Exam Schools

Admissions process info sessions.

Students currently in grades 5, 7, or 8 and residing in the City of Boston are eligible to apply to one of our exam schools for September 2025 (Boston Latin Academy, Boston Latin School, and O'Bryant School of Math and Science). Please review our past virtual events to get additional information and details on the new admission season.

Exam School Admissions Info Sessions:

Wednesday, April 3, 6pm EST  | Zoom Recording | Slides Presentation

Thursday, April 25, 6pm EST  | Zoom Recording | Slides Presentation

Info Sessions - Flyers

English | Español |   Ų§Ł„Ų¹Ų±ŲØŁŠŲ© | Cabo-Verdiano | äø­ę–‡ | Français |   Kreyòl Ayisyen | Português | Soomaali | Tiįŗæng Viį»‡t

Boston Public Schools has three exam schools:  Boston Latin Academy ,  Boston Latin School , and the  John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science . All three schools accept new students for grades 7 and 9.  John D. O’Bryant School accepts a small number of new students in grade 10. 

The application process to the three exam schools includes an admissions test, student GPA, and Boston residency.   Students must be currently enrolled in grades 5, 7, 8 and reside in the City of Boston  to be eligible to apply to one of our exam schools for September 2025.  

BPS students in grade 7 attending an exam school are eligible to apply for grade 9 admission to a different exam school, if they wish.

Please review the action steps below to learn more about our application process and important deadlines. 

Step 1: Test Registration (MAP Growth)

Students have two opportunities to take the MAP Growth test to apply to the BPS exam schools - Spring and Fall.  If the student takes the test twice, BPS will use the higher achievement percentile score in each subject area (Reading & Math) for the application.  The student must complete both sections of the test in order to receive a score. You may access a MAP Growth demo by NWEA, intended for students to become familiar with the testing platform, here .  

Current BPS students in grades 5 and 7 will take the admissions test in their current school between May 28 and 31, with makeup testing between June 3 to 8 (no registration is required for either week).  The school will notify families of the exact testing dates in advance. Please follow up with your child’s BPS school if you have questions.

If your child is not currently enrolled in BPS, enrolled in grade 8 at a BPS school, or enrolled in grade 7 at a BPS exam school, the student is required to participate in the weekend test date on Saturday, June 1, 2024 .  Registration is required for the weekend test administration (no walk-ins).   As of midnight on May 5, 2024, test registration for the June 1 test has closed.   Late registrations are not  accepted.

Step 2: Residency Verification for Students not currently enrolled in BPS: Private, Parochial, Commonwealth Charter Schools, METCO schools, Homeschool

During the fall of 2024, parents/guardians of students who are not currently enrolled in Boston Public Schools are required to verify their City of Boston residency and submit their ranked school preferences as part of the application process.   Please note that the Boston area Commonwealth charter schools are NOT part of the BPS district.

Translated copies of the BPS Registration Document Checklist are available as follows: English | Español | Ų¹Ų±ŲØŁ‰ | Kabuverdianu | äø­ę–‡ | Français | Kreyòl  | Português | Afsoomaali | tiįŗæng Viį»‡t

Students who must complete the Residency Verification Process include:

  • Students attending a private school
  • Students attending parochial school
  • Students attending METCO program schools
  • Students attending Commonwealth Charter schools (excludes UP Academy, Boston Green Academy, and other “in-district” BPS charter schools)
  • Students attending schools outside the City of Boston
  • Students being home-schooled must demonstrate that both the student and parent/guardian live in the City of Boston 

The residency verification must be completed even if a family has other children enrolled in Boston Public Schools; a student is receiving special education services from BPS; the parent or guardian is a current city employee; or if  the student was previously enrolled in BPS.

Students who currently attend a public school outside the City of Boston (excluding METCO program schools) are required to provide a letter from the respective Superintendent of that city or town acknowledging the student’s Boston residency, as per our requirement, and verifying the student’s enrollment in their public school. The letter must be original, notarized, on school district letterhead, and must be presented to the registration specialist with the BPS required residency documents during the verification period.

Step 3: School Choice

As part of the application process, families must rank their preferences between the three exam schools (first choice, second choice, third choice, etc.).  Students will be considered for admissions based on their test scores, GPA, and ranked order of preferences.

Families are encouraged to apply to all three exam schools for grade 7 and 9; however, the parent/guardian must rank at least one exam school to have the student considered for admissions.  During the school choice process families are able to rank order the three exam schools, as well as other district schools within the child’s home-base.

Students not currently attending BPS will submit their ranked school preferences during the Residency Verification period.

Current BPS students in grades 5 and 7 will receive a School Choice Form from their current school in early January 2025. Families may write in their preferences and return the form to the child’s current school for processing. Families with an email address on file will also receive a notification with the option of submitting their ranked school preferences online.  

The parent/guardian of grade 7 students currently attending an exam school, and the parent/guardian of a BPS grade 8 student interested in the O’Bryant, must visit a BPS Welcome Center in January 2025 to complete a transfer request in order to submit their ranked preference(s) for a different exam school. 

Step 4: GPA

A Grade Point Average (GPA) of a B or higher is required to be considered for admissions.  The GPA will be calculated based on previous year and current year marks. Students participating in advanced courses (honors, AWC, AP, etc.) do not receive additional points. 

Students must have grades in each subject for the GPA to be calculated.  Students that do not meet the GPA of a B or higher will not be considered for admissions and the application will be closed. 

To view a summary of how grades will be converted for exam school consideration, please visit our fact sheet . 

Step 5: Invitations

All applicants will receive an admissions decision letter in late April-May 2025, which will share the student’s status (invited/not invited), composite score, SES Tier number, and waitlist if applicable. Please note that exam school decisions are final and we do not accept appeals.

Applicants that receive an invitation to an exam school will be able to participate in a welcome event in the Spring of 2025 hosted by the school to meet the staff and learn about course offerings, extracurricular activities, and ask questions. 

QUICK LINKS (click to access):

  • Additional Points List by School - Admissions for 2024/25
  • BPS Tier Map
  • Composite Score Fact Sheet
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Previous Year Data Summaries
  • Questions or Feedback? |
  • Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated) |

Sample Filled

How to Write an Application for Not Attending an Exam

If you are unable to attend your exams (or) already missed the exams due to health issues or travel, you should ask your principal or teacher to exempt you from the exams. To do so, you must apply for permission. Students are allowed to skip exams only if the reason is genuine.

Below are examples of leave requests for not attending exams for different valid reasons.

Application for Not Attending Exam to Teacher (or) Principal

To The Principal, School Name, Address.

Sub: Unable to attend exams due to health problems.

Respected  Sir/Madam,

With all due respect, my name is [your name], student of [class] with roll number xx in our school. I have been suffering from [health issue] for the last 15 days.

Therefore I am unable to attend the final exams. Please find the enclosed medical reports provided by the doctor.

In view of my current situation, I sincerely ask you to excuse me from exams and promote me to the next classes.

I hope you will understand my situation and I really appreciate your help.

Thanking you.

Sincerely, Your name.

Missed Exam Due to Illness Application to Principal

Sub: Couldnā€™t attend the exams because of illness.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am [Your name ], studying [class] with roll no. XX in our school. Last month I was unable to attend the half-yearly/final exams due to Typhoid. 

Due to my admission to the hospital, I was not able to report my leave earlier. Please find the attached medical reports for your review.

I will be truly grateful if you reorganize my exams or promote me to future classes. 

I hope you will understand and cooperate to a greater extent.

Application for Not Attending Exam by Parents

Sub: About my son’s /daughterā€™s absence from the exams.

My name is [Parent name] , father of [student name] studying [class] with roll no [xx] in your school. 

Unfortunately, my son/daughter has had jaundice and is not in a position to attend the upcoming final exams. Full recovery will take at least 15 days. 

I am writing to ask for your permission to exempt him/her from examinations and to rearrange the examinations after the recovery.

That would be a great help to us.

Regards, Your name.

Missed Exams Application by Parents

Sub: About my son/daughter missing exams.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am [Parent name] , parent of your student [name] , who belongs to [class] and roll no. xx. 

My son/daughter had an accident last month, so he/she did not attend the final examinations.

It still takes one or two months to recover completely. Following this unfortunate event, please promote my son or daughter to the upper classes. If there are tests for this, arrange them once he/she recovers.

This helps him/her not to miss the academic year. 

We hope you will understand our position and help us in this regard.

Leave Application for Not Attending Exam

Sub: Unable to attend the exam due to Covid .

I am writing to inform you that I have COVID and am getting treatment. Therefore, I am unable to attend the coming quarterly exams.

Please find my medical records enclosed for your reference. I am truly disappointed that I can not attend the exams.

I request you to please grant me leave and rearrange my exams after my recovery.

I would be most appreciative of your assistance in this matter.

Sincerely, Your name. Class & Section. Roll No.

Missing Exam Due to Fever

Sub: I can’t attend exams because of a fever.

I am saddened to inform you that I have suddenly a fever, and I won’t be able to attend the science exam on [date] . The doctor said it might take a day or two to get better.

I would therefore ask you to please reorganize my science examination. I’ll do my best to take the remaining examinations. Otherwise, I will intimate you in advance.

I would be most grateful to you.

Sincerely, Student name.

Application for Not Giving Exam due to Out of Station

Sub: Unable to attend the exam due to being out of the station.

This is to inform you that I am going outstation due to my sisterā€™s marriage. Our entire family is moving to [name of the venue] for wedding purposes.

Therefore, I am unable to take my unit tests. I need your permission to miss my exams and ask you to reschedule the exams.

I shall be very thankful to you for this favor.

Application for Not Attending Exam Due toĀ  Illness

Sub: Unable to attend exams.

With all due respect, I want to inform you that I have been suffering from a severe fever for the past 3 days.  Currently, I am on medication, in this situation, I cannot appear for my Quarterly/Halfyearly/Unit Test exams.

I feel very sad that I cannot attend exams because of my illness. So I would ask you to reschedule my examinations.

I greatly appreciate your help in this matter.

Application for Not Able to Give Exam  in College

Sub: Unable to take part in examinations.

I am [Your name] , studying [Course] in our college. I have been suffering from Jaundice for the last week, and I am currently on leave for college. I was hoping to recover before the semester test. 

However, still, My health condition is not good. The doctor said it will take another 10 days to recover completely.

Therefore, I cannot attend my exams, so please reschedule my exams. 

That would be of great help to me.

Application for Missed Exam Due to Accident

Sub: Missed exam due to accident.

This is regarding my absence from the Science examination conducted yesterday i.e. on [date] . I had an accident yesterday. I was hit by a car on the road and immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.

So I couldn’t attend that exam. Now I can attend the remaining exams, and I ask that you please rearrange my science exam to another date.

I shall be obliged for your kind support

Yours sincerely, Your name.

Excuse Email to Principal For Not Attending Exam

Sub: About missing my English exam on 21 Jun 2023.

My apologies for missing my exams. I am writing this to inform you about my absence from the English examination held on [date] due to the sudden death of my uncle.

Our entire family went to our village immediately upon hearing the news. Although I was quite prepared for this examination, this sudden unfortunate event changed everything.

Therefore, I request you to kindly reschedule my exam. I would be very appreciative of that.


  • Sick leave application for school from parents.
  • Apology letter to the principal for the mistake by the student.

2 thoughts on “How to Write an Application for Not Attending an Exam”

I need an application for nor not attend the scholarship exam due to not prepare the exam.

Unfortunately, I can’t write an application I can’t understand what matter should be written in an application

Can you please helping me in this situation I’ll be highly thankful to

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Date]

To, [Examination Authority’s Name] [Institution Name]

Subject: Request to Excuse from Scholarship Exam

I am writing to inform you that I cannot attend the scholarship exam on [Date of the Exam]. I am not fully prepared and don’t want to give the exam without proper preparation.

I ask for your understanding and to excuse me this time. I will prepare better for the next chance.

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Address].

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Application for Re-Examination Submission (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for re-examination submission.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Re-Examination Request Application

First, find the sample template for application for re-examination submission below.

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Re-Examination Submission

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], a student of class [Your Class] of your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to kindly request a re-examination for the subject [Name of the Subject].

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to perform to the best of my abilities in the previous examination held on [Date of Examination]. I understand the importance of these examinations towards my academic progress and thus, I am sincerely requesting for a second opportunity to improve my score.

I am prepared to follow any rules or procedures that the school has in place for such situations. I am also willing to accept any conditions that might come with this opportunity, such as paying an additional fee if required.

I hope you will consider my request and provide me an opportunity to prove my academic abilities. I assure you of my best efforts and dedication in the re-examination.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your favourable response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number] Date: [Current Date]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for ā€œapplication for re-examination submissionā€ that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Re-Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

Application for Re-Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

To, The Principal, [Name of the School/College], [Address], [City]

Subject: Application for Re-Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

I, [Your Name], a student of [Class/Year] and Roll No. [Your Roll No.], kindly submit an application for re-examination in the subject of [Subject Name], originally held on [Date of Examination]. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the exam due to unforeseen circumstances that arose on that day.

On the day of the examination, [Briefly explain the reason for not attending the exam, e.g., a sudden health issue, a family emergency, or any unavoidable incident].

I understand the significance of examinations and have always been punctual and diligent throughout my academic journey. I assure you that my absence was beyond my control and not a result of negligence or carelessness.

In light of these unforeseen circumstances, I earnestly request you to kindly consider my situation and grant me permission to appear for a re-examination in the subject of [Subject Name] at the earliest opportunity. Your compassionate consideration will enable me to complete my academic requirements and maintain my academic performance.

I have attached the necessary supporting documents [if any, e.g., medical certificate, police report, etc.] to validate my absence from the examination.

Thanking you in anticipation for your understanding and cooperation.

[Your Name] [Class/Year] Roll No. [Your Roll No.] [Date]

Medical Emergency-based Application for Re-Examination Submission

Medical Emergency-based Application for Re-Examination Submission

To, The Principal, [Name of the Institution], [Address of the Institution], [City], [Pin Code]

Subject: Medical Emergency-based Application for Re-Examination Submission

I, [Your Name], a student of [Department Name] in the [Course Name], bearing Roll No. [Roll Number], kindly request your permission to allow me to appear for a re-examination following a recent medical emergency.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the [Subject Name] examination held on [Exam Date] due to a sudden medical emergency that required immediate hospitalization. The nature of the emergency was [briefly describe the medical emergency], and it resulted in my inability to appear for the scheduled examination. My absence was not intentional, and I sincerely regret missing this important examination.

In light of my situation, I humbly request an opportunity to appear for a re-examination at the earliest convenient date. I am enclosing a copy of my medical certificate and treatment summary from the attending doctor as evidence of my genuine medical emergency, as well as a copy of the official examination schedule highlighting the missed exam.

I understand the inconvenience this may cause, but I am hopeful that you will kindly consider my request and grant me the chance to make up for the missed examination. I assure you that I will put in my best efforts to excel in the re-examination and maintain my academic performance.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and support.

[Your Name] [Roll Number] [Department Name] [Course Name] [Contact Number] [Email Address]

Application for Re-Examination Following Incomplete Initial Attempt

Application for Re-Examination Following Incomplete Initial Attempt

To, The Principal, [Name of the School/College], [Address], [City], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Re-Examination Following Incomplete Initial Attempt

I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class/Year], Roll No. [Your Roll Number], humbly request your kind permission to allow me to reappear for the [Name of the Exam/Subject] examination held on [Date of the Exam]. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to complete my examination attempt and had to leave the examination hall before finishing the paper.

On the day of the examination, I fell severely ill and despite my best efforts to continue with the exam, my deteriorating health made it impossible for me to focus and complete the paper. I had no choice but to submit my incomplete answer sheet and leave the examination hall to seek immediate medical attention. I have attached my medical certificate as proof of my unforeseen illness.

I am aware that it is not a common practice to provide a second chance for examinations. However, considering the unexpected circumstances, I kindly request you to grant me an opportunity to reappear for the exam. I assure you that I will put in my best efforts to perform well in the re-examination and contribute positively to the academic reputation of our esteemed institution.

I am hopeful that you will consider my case with empathy and allow me the chance to prove my dedication and hard work. I look forward to your positive response and the possibility of rescheduling the examination at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name] Class: [Your Class/Year] Roll No: [Your Roll Number] Phone: [Your Contact Number] Email: [Your Email Address]

Technical Issues Necessitating Application for Re-Examination Submission

Technical Issues Necessitating Application for Re-Examination Submission

To, The Controller of Examinations, [Name of Examination Board], [Address], [City, Postal Code]

Subject: Technical Issues Necessitating Application for Re-Examination Submission

I, [Your Full Name], am a student of [Course Name] at [Name of College/Institution], bearing the Roll Number [Your Roll Number]. I am writing this application to bring to your attention the technical issues I faced during the [Name of Examination] held on [Date of Examination] which prevented me from completing the examination and to request for a re-examination.

During the examination, I encountered multiple technical issues, including but not limited to frequent disconnections, unresponsive server, and inability to upload my answers within the stipulated time. Despite contacting the helpdesk and attempting to resolve these issues, I was unable to complete the examination within the allotted time, affecting my performance and ability to fairly showcase my knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

I understand the challenges posed by the current situation and the need for conducting online examinations, but I strongly believe that the technical issues I encountered significantly impacted the outcome of my examination. I kindly request your consideration in allowing me to reattempt the examination to ensure a fair evaluation of my academic abilities.

I have attached a copy of the error logs and screenshots of the issues faced during the examination for your reference. I hope you will understand my predicament and consider my request for a re-examination. I eagerly await your positive response and assure you of my best efforts in the upcoming examination.

Thanking you,

[Your Full Name] [Roll Number] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Date]

Application to Reschedule Exam Date for Personal Reasons

Application to Reschedule Exam Date for Personal Reasons

To, The Principal, [Name of the School/College], [Address], [City],

Subject: Application to Reschedule Exam Date for Personal Reasons

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class/Year [Your class/year], would like to kindly request a change in the exam date for the [Subject] examination scheduled on [Original Exam Date]. Due to unavoidable personal reasons, it is impossible for me to appear for the exam on this date.

I understand the inconvenience this may cause and I assure you that this request is made only due to a pressing personal matter. I have been diligently preparing for the exams and have maintained good academic standing in the past.

I humbly request you to consider my situation and reschedule my [Subject] exam to a later date. I assure you that I will put in my best efforts to excel in the examination and uphold the reputation of our esteemed institution.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Roll Number/Admission Number] [Date]

How to Write Application for Re-Examination Submission

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Address the application to the appropriate authority, such as the examination board or the head of the department.
  • Write a clear and concise subject line that states the purpose of the application, such as ā€œApplication for Re-Examination Submission.ā€
  • Begin the application by introducing yourself, including your name, registration number, and course details.
  • Provide a brief background of the examination in question, specifying the course, subject, and the date of the exam.
  • Clearly state the reasons for requesting re-examination, such as illness, personal circumstances, or errors in the exam process.
  • Support your reasons with evidence, such as medical certificates, emails, or other relevant documents.
  • Explain the impact of the examination result on your academic progress and future prospects, emphasizing the importance of a re-examination.
  • Be polite and respectful in your tone, and avoid making demands or accusations.
  • Provide your contact information, including email and phone number, for any further correspondence.
  • End the application with a courteous closing, such as ā€œSincerelyā€ or ā€œYours faithfully,ā€ followed by your full name and signature.

Related Topics:

  • Application for Rechecking of Exam Paper Submission
  • Application for Examination Permission Submission
  • Application for Absence from Exam Due to Personal Reasons

View all topics ā†’

I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write ā€œapplication for re-examination submissionā€. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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application letter for school exam

  • Letter Writing
  • Formal Letter Writing In English
  • Leave Letter
  • Leave Application For School

Leave Application for School - Writing Instructions and Samples

If asked about your memories of school life, you will definitely have a lot to say, but there would be one common thought that all of us share as school going kids – the plight of writing leave letters. There are many who just avoided taking leave for any reason just because they would have to write a leave letter. Moreover, it had to be signed by parents as well, so writing leave letters was never an easy task. Draft after draft after draft, it never ended, right. This article on leave application for school will explain how it can be written and thereby ease the process of writing leave letters.

Table of Contents

Format of writing a leave letter for school, leave application 1 – leave letter to principal – to participate in the national level literary competition, leave application 2 – school leave letter format – sick leave, leave application 3 – letter to principal for leave – going out of station, leave application 4 – letter of absence.

  • FAQs on Leave Application for School

Leave letters come under the category of formal letters, and so the format of a leave letter is the same as any formal letter. When writing a leave letter in English, see to it that you use formal/professional English language.

  • Begin with the receiverā€™s address as it is mostly handed over to the concerned person directly.
  • The date should be mentioned as it indicates when the letter was written.
  • The subject comes next. It should be as precise as possible.
  • Use a respectful salutation.
  • When you write the body of the letter, mention clearly the reason for which you are applying for leave and the time period of your leave.
  • Maintain a neutral tone throughout the letter.
  • Write to the point. Do not use long, unwinding sentences that might confuse the reader or present the content of the letter as confusing.
  • Proofread the letter, edit and correct spelling and grammatical errors, if any, before you submit it.
  • Attach any additional documents if necessary. For example, medical certificate, on duty certificate, etc.

Some Sample Leave Application Letters for You

Have you been asked to write a letter to the principal requesting for leave? Here is what you have to do. Be brief and genuine when you are writing a leave application and provide enough information to quote the reasons for your absence. Go through the sample leave applications given below for a better understanding of the format of writing a leave application for school.

The Principal

Holy Angels High School

Bangalore – 560025

25 th September, 2020

Subject: Leave application to participate in the National Level Literary Competition

Respected Maā€™am,

I am Susan Caro, student of Class X C. I have won first place in the Elocution competition and have been selected for the next level of competitions that will be held in New Delhi. The National Level Competition will be held from the 3 rd to the 7 th of October. I will have to report to the venue at 9 am on October 3 rd .

I request you to kindly grant me leave for a week (2.10.2020 – 8.10.2020). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

DAV Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Mysore – 570045

May 6, 2021

Subject: Sick leave request

Respected Sir,

My son Keshav has been admitted at KIMS Hospital due to severe food poisoning and fever. The doctor has advised him to take complete rest at least for a week. He has become completely weak and anaemic.

I request you to kindly understand our situation and grant him leave for a week from May 7 th to May 12 th . I am attaching the medical certificate for your reference. I will make sure that he completes all the assigned tasks once he gets back to school.

Yours sincerely,

Perks Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Coimbatore – 641056

Subject: Leave request for going out of station

I am Adharsh, a student of Class VII B. As my brother is getting married on the 5 th of August (Thursday), I will have to leave along with my family tomorrow (3 rd August) to Kerala. I will be returning to Coimbatore on the 9 th of August (Monday). I would be highly obliged if you could kindly grant me leave for a week (03.08.2021 – 09.08.2021). I will make sure to find out the lessons completed during the week and submit all of them in a weekā€™s time.

Class VII B

Roll No. 12

Nehru Vidhyalaya

Malda – 732101

West Bengal

Subject: Letter of Absence

I am Dennis, father of Renita (student of Class VIII C). This is to inform you that my daughter met with an accident on her way to school today morning, and she is admitted at Hem Hospital. She has been injured badly, and the doctors are doubting possible fractures as well.

I request you to kindly excuse her absence from school until she recovers completely. I will take the help of her teachers and friends to keep track of the daily lessons and tasks. I will also provide the medical certificates when she gets back to school.

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions on Leave Application for School

What are the details to be included when i write a leave letter for school.

When writing a leave letter for school, make sure you clearly state the reason for absence and the dates on which you would want to take leave. You can also mention the date on which you would be returning to school and assure to finish all the work that has been assigned during your term of absence.

What is a leave application?

A leave application is a formal request for permission to take leave from regular classes or work. It has to be short, to the point, genuine and should state the time period and reasons for absence.

What is the format of a leave application?

A leave application includes,

  • Receiverā€™s address
  • Subject (Purpose of the letter)
  • Body of the letter (including the reason for leave, number of days with particular dates, date of return)
  • Complimentary closing

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application letter for school exam

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30+ Leave Letter for Exam – Sample, How to Write, Templates

  • Letter Templates
  • January 23, 2024
  • Leave Letters

Leave Letter for Exam : A Leave Letter for Exam is a formal letter or email that is written by a student or their parents to request time off from school or educational institution , in order to attend an important exam. The purpose of this letter is to inform the school or college administration of the student’s absence and provide information regarding the exam.

Writing a Leave Letter for Exam is an important step in ensuring that the school is aware of the student’s absence and can plan accordingly. It allows teachers to adjust their lesson plans, ensures that the student does not fall behind in their studies and enables the school to keep track of the student’s attendance.

Also Read: Leave Letter for Stomach Pain

How to Write a Leave Letter for Exam

Content in this article

When writing a Leave Letter for Exam, it is important to keep the letter concise, clear and professional. The letter should include the following information:

  • Date: The date the letter is being written should be included at the top of the letter.
  • Address : The letter should be addressed to the school principal or the class teacher by name, with their designation and the school name.
  • Reason for Absence: The reason for the student’s absence should be clearly stated in the letter, in this case, to attend an important exam.
  • Date and Time of Exam: The letter should include the date and time of the exam. This will enable the school to plan for the student’s absence and ensure that the student does not miss any important exams.
  • Contact Information: The letter should include the contact details of the student or the parents so that the school can get in touch with them if needed.
  • Signature: The letter should be signed by the student or the parents.

Leave Letter for Exam – Sample Format

This sample format of leave letter requests time off for exams, specifying dates and expressing commitment to focused study. It conveys appreciation for understanding and assures catching up on missed coursework.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name or Designation] [School/College/University Name]

[Institution Address]

Subject: Leave Application for Exam

Dear [Recipient’s Name or Sir/Madam],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from classes due to my upcoming exams. The examination schedule requires dedicated preparation, and I would like to avail myself of the necessary time to ensure thorough and effective study.

The details of my leave are as follows:

  • Leave Start Date: [Specify the start date]
  • Leave End Date: [Specify the end date]
  • Total Number of Days: [Specify the total number of days]

I assure you that during this period, I will diligently focus on my studies and make every effort to cover the required coursework. I will also ensure that any missed lectures or assignments are promptly caught up upon my return.

I kindly request your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding of the importance of these exams for my academic progress. If there are any specific procedures or forms required for formalizing this request, please let me know, and I will promptly complete them.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

[Your Student ID or Roll Number]

[Your Signature, if submitting a physical letter]

Feel free to customize this leave letter template according to your specific requirements and details.

Example- Leave Letter for Exam

This example leave letter requests time off for exams, specifying dates and expressing commitment to focused study. It conveys appreciation for understanding and assures catching up on missed coursework.

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[School/College/University Name] [Institution Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name or Designation],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to my upcoming exams.

The exam schedule demands focused preparation, and I believe taking this leave will allow me to dedicate sufficient time to study and perform well. I assure you that I will make every effort to cover any missed lectures or assignments during this period.

I understand the importance of maintaining academic responsibilities, and I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to the ongoing coursework.

If there are any specific procedures or forms required for formalizing this leave request, please let me know, and I will promptly complete them.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to your approval of this leave application.

[Your Full Name] [Your Student ID or Roll Number]

Letter for Exam Leave for Teacher by Parent

Here is the Leave Letter for Exam to teacher by Parent:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

[Teacher’s Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Respected [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing this letter on behalf of my child [Student’s Name] to request leave from school on [Date] to attend an important exam. My child will be appearing for the [Name of Exam] exam, and it is necessary for him/her to take the day off to prepare and travel to the exam center.

I apologize for any inconvenience that my child’s absence may cause, and I assure you that he/she will make every effort to catch up on the missed classwork, homework, and assignments. Please let me know if there are any additional tasks or assignments that my child can complete during his/her absence to keep up with the syllabus.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my child’s absence. We look forward to his/her returning to school and continuing his/her studies.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave Letter for Exam by Student – School/College

Here is the Leave Letter for Exam by Student:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request leave from school/college on [Date] to attend an important exam. I will be appearing for the [Name of Exam] exam, and it is essential for me to take the day off to prepare and travel to the exam center.

I apologize for any inconvenience that my absence may cause, and I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on the missed lectures, notes, and assignments. Please let me know if there are any additional tasks or assignments that I can complete during my absence to keep up with the course.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I look forward to returning to college and continuing my studies.

Leave Letter for Exam – Template

This template is a leave letter for exams, stating the request for a specific period and expressing the need for concentrated study. It acknowledges the understanding and support from the recipient.

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to upcoming exams.

The rigorous exam schedule demands concentrated preparation, and I believe taking this leave will allow me to focus entirely on my studies, ensuring optimal performance. I assure you that I will diligently cover any missed lectures or assignments during this period.

I am aware of the academic responsibilities, and I am committed to minimizing any disruption to the ongoing coursework. If there are specific procedures or forms required for the formalization of this leave request, please guide me accordingly, and I will promptly comply.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Your approval of this leave application will contribute significantly to my preparation for the exams.

Thank you for your consideration.

Feel free to customize this leave letter template according to your specific situation and details.

Exam leave application format

This exam leave application format is a formal request for time off during exams, expressing the need for focused preparation and a commitment to covering any missed responsibilities.

[Recipient’s Name or Designation] [Institution/Company Name] [Institution/Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to upcoming exams.

The demanding exam schedule requires focused preparation, and I believe taking this leave will allow me to dedicate sufficient time to study and perform well. I assure you that I will make every effort to cover any missed responsibilities during this period.

I am aware of the importance of maintaining continuity in [work/studies], and I am committed to minimizing any impact on [work/project/academic responsibilities]. If there are specific procedures or forms required for the formalization of this leave request, please guide me accordingly, and I will promptly comply.

I appreciate your understanding and support during this crucial time. Your approval of this leave application is crucial for my successful preparation for the exams.

[Your Full Name] [Your Student ID or Employee ID, if applicable]

Feel free to customize this exam leave application format according to your specific situation and details.

Exam Leave Application Format

Simple leave letter for exams

This simple leave letter requests time off for exams, expressing the need for a leave of absence during the examination period. It conveys appreciation for understanding during this crucial time.

[Recipient’s Name or Designation] [School/College/University Name] [Institution Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be requiring a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to my upcoming exams.

The intensive exam preparation demands dedicated focus, and I believe taking this leave will contribute to my performance. I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on any missed coursework during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If there are any specific procedures or forms needed for processing this leave, please let me know, and I will promptly complete them.

Thank you for your support.

Simple Leave Letter for Exams

Leave letter for medical exams

This leave letter requests time off for scheduled medical exams, emphasizing the need for a health check-up during the specified dates.

Subject: Leave Application for Medical Exams

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have scheduled medical exams on [Specify Dates], and I will require a leave of absence during this period.

The medical examinations are essential for my health check-up, and I kindly request your approval for this leave. I assure you that I will make every effort to cover any missed coursework during my absence.

If there are any specific procedures or forms required for processing this medical leave, please let me know, and I will promptly complete them.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Leave Letter for Medical Exams

Email Format -Leave Letter for Exam

Here is an Email format of a Leave Letter for Exam:

Subject: Request for Leave Letter for Exam

Dear [Sir/Madam],

I am writing this email to request leave from [College/School] on [Date] to attend an important exam. I will be appearing for the [Name of Exam] exam, and it is necessary for me to take the day off to prepare and travel to the exam center.

I apologize for any inconvenience that my absence may cause, and I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on the missed lectures, notes, and assignments. Please let me know if there are any additional tasks or assignments that I can complete during my absence to keep up with the course/syllabus.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I look forward to returning to [College/School] and continuing my studies.

Email Format – Leave Letter for Exam

Exam leave letter for employees

This letter requests time off for employees due to upcoming exams, expressing appreciation for support during the leave period.

[Your Position]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Recipient’s Name or Designation]

Subject: Request for Exam Leave

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work due to my upcoming exams. The exam schedule requires dedicated preparation, and I believe taking this leave will allow me to focus entirely on my studies and perform well.

I understand the importance of my role at [Company Name], and I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence. I will make every effort to complete any pending work and provide necessary handovers before my departure.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. If there are any specific procedures or forms required for formalizing this leave request, please guide me accordingly, and I will promptly complete them.

[Your Full Name] [Your Employee ID]

Exam Leave Letter for Employees

Leave letter for exams to teacher

This letter informs the teacher about the student’s upcoming exams and seeks approval for a leave of absence during that period. It expresses appreciation for the teacher’s understanding and support.

[Your Class/Grade and Section]

[School Name]

[School Address]

[Teacher’s Full Name]

[Teacher’s Designation]

Subject: Leave Application for Exams

Respected [Teacher’s Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I have upcoming exams scheduled from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Considering the importance of these exams, I am seeking your approval for a leave of absence from school during this period.

I assure you that I will diligently use this time for focused exam preparation and will make every effort to catch up on any missed lessons promptly upon my return.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. If there are any specific procedures or forms required for the formalization of this leave request, please guide me, and I will ensure compliance.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number/Class and Section]

Feel free to customize this leave letter for exams to your teacher based on your specific situation and details.

Leave Letter for Exams to Teacher

FAQS for Leave Letter for Exam – Sample, How to Write, Templates

Ow should i address the recipient in a leave letter for exam.

In a leave letter for exam, address the recipient formally, using their title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., or Dr.) and last name, such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Respected Dr. Johnson.”

What information should be included in a leave letter for exam?

A leave letter for exam should include your details (name, address, and contact information), the recipient’s details (name and designation), the subject of the letter, the reason for leave (upcoming exams), the specific dates for the leave period, and any additional relevant information.

How long in advance should I submit a leave letter for exam?

It is advisable to submit a leave letter for exam well in advance, preferably a few weeks before the start of the exam period. This allows the recipient, whether it’s a teacher or employer, to plan accordingly.

Should I mention my exam schedule in the Leave Letter for Exam?

Yes, it’s essential to mention your exam schedule in the Leave Letter for Exam. Specify the start and end dates of the exams to provide a clear understanding of the duration for which you are requesting leave.

Is it necessary to mention my intention to catch up on missed work in the leave letter for exams?

While not mandatory, it is a good practice to express your commitment to catching up on any missed work or responsibilities during your absence. This demonstrates responsibility and consideration for the impact of your leave.

Writing a leave letter for an exam is an essential part of taking time off from school or college to attend an important exam. Whether it’s a college admission test, a professional certification exam, or any other crucial exam, it’s crucial to inform your teacher or college administration about your absence in advance. Writing a well-crafted leave letter can help ensure that your absence is not seen as truancy and that you can catch up on missed coursework and assignments. It’s always best to follow the proper format, be polite and professional in your tone, and provide any necessary details about the exam and your plans for catching up on missed work.

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Leave Application

Leave Application for School, College and Office

Leave Application For Exam Preparation

Post by Mita Maji

Are you for leave application samples for your exam? It’s important to request this exam leave in a professional and organized manner. In this blog post, we will provide 7+ leave application samples to help you when you need to take leave for your exams.

Leave Application For Exam

Leave Application For Exam

To The Principal, [School/College Name], [School/College Address].

Subject: Leave application for exam.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence for [length of time] starting on [start date] and ending on [end date].

I am in need of some time off to focus on my studies as I have an important exam coming up.

I understand that this absence may cause some inconvenience, and I apologize for any disruption it may cause. I assure you that I will use this time to fully prepare for my exam & I will catch up on any missed work/class upon my return.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Class], [Contact Details].

Leave Application For Exam Preparation To Principal

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for the purpose of exam preparation. As you know, my final exams are fast approaching and I want to ensure that I am fully prepared for them.

I have been working hard all semester and I believe that taking a few days off from school will allow me to focus on my studies and give me the best chance at success. I plan to use this time to review my notes, complete practice exams, and meet with my study group. I will also make sure to stay caught up on all assignments and classwork so that I do not fall behind upon my return.

I understand the importance of attendance and I do not take this request lightly. I promise to use this time effectively and make up any missed work upon my return. I hope that you will consider my request and grant me this leave of absence from ____ [start date] to _____ [end date].

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Class], [Contact Details].

Leave Application For Exam To Office Manager

To The Office Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address].

Dear [Office Manager],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for ____ [number] days, from ____ [start date] to ____ [end date] inclusive, in order to sit for a professional exam that is crucial for my career development.

I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience to the team, and I apologize in advance for any disruption that may occur. However, I want to assure you that I have made arrangements to complete all of my work responsibilities and tasks before my leave, and I will also be available to assist with any urgent matters that may arise during my absence via email or phone.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work at this company and I am committed to contributing to the team’s success. I believe that this professional exam will not only benefit me personally but also enhance my skills and knowledge, which will ultimately benefit the company as well.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to returning to work after my exam and continuing to contribute to the team.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Job Designation], [Mobile No/Email].

Leave Application For Exam By Teacher To Principal

To The Principal, [School/College Name], [Address].

Subject: Leave application for exam preparation.

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence on ______ [date of exam] in order to attend an important professional development opportunity.

As a dedicated teacher at _______ [school name], it is always my top priority to provide the best possible education to my students. In order to continue improving as an educator, I believe it is crucial that I take advantage of opportunities to grow and learn. This exam will allow me to [insert reason for exam] and will ultimately benefit both myself and my students.

I understand that my absence may cause some disruption, but I want to assure you that I have made every effort to minimize the impact on my students and colleagues.

Also, I understand the importance of my role as a teacher and the impact it has on the students and school community. I hope that you will consider my request for a leave of absence on [date of exam] so that I can take advantage of this opportunity to further develop my skills and knowledge as an educator.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to continuing to serve the students and community of _____ [school name] upon my return.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [_________ Teacher], [Mobile No].

Leave Application For CA Final Exam Preparation

To The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address].

Subject: Leave application for CA final exam.

Dear [Employer],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for the period of ____ [start date] to _____ [end date] in order to prepare for my CA Final exam.

As you may be aware, the CA Final exam is a crucial milestone in my professional development and requires extensive preparation. I have been working hard to balance my job responsibilities with my studies, but I have come to the point where I need to focus all of my time and energy on my exam preparations.

I understand that this leave may come at an inconvenient time for the team, and I will do my best to ensure that my work is fully transitioned before I leave. I will also be available via email and phone to answer any questions or provide assistance during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I hope to return to work with renewed focus and determination after I have completed my exam.

Exam Dene Ke Liye Application In English

exam dene ke liye application in english

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  • Leave Application For Urgent Work
  • Leave Application For Office For Personal Reason
  • Leave Request Mail To Manager For Vacation

FAQs On Leave Application For Exam

Ans: There are several options you could use instead of the word “exam” in a leave application:

  • Certification
  • Licensing exam
  • Graduate school exam
  • Professional development exam
  • Standardized test
  • Placement test
  • Admissions test

You could use any of these words depending on the specific type of exam you are taking and the context of your leave request.

How do I write a personal exam letter? Ans: Here are some tips for writing a personal exam letter:

  • Begin with a formal greeting and state the purpose of your letter: requesting a leave of absence to attend exams
  • Specify the dates of your exams and the reason for taking them
  • Mention any arrangements made to cover your work or responsibilities during your absence
  • Request approval for your leave and offer to provide additional information or assistance
  • End with a formal closing and your name
  • Proofread and use a professional tone.

Home Ā» Letters Ā» School Ā» Leave Application By Student To The Principal For Exam Preparation – Exam Preparation Leave Application for School Student

Leave Application By Student To The Principal For Exam Preparation – Exam Preparation Leave Application for School Student

application letter for school exam

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample leave application for preparation of exam.

To, The Principal, __________ (Name of the School), __________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Leave application for preparation of exam

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would like to state that my name is __________ (Name of the Student), studying in class __________ (Name of the Class), having roll number __________ (Roll Number Issued).

I am writing this letter to inform you that I need __________ (Number of days) leave for the preparation of my exams, starting from __________(Date) to __________(Date). As I have an emergency at my home __________ (State your emergency- mother illness, your illness, any other reason) Therefore, I have to stay at home in my day time.

Also, exams are around the corner and it is difficult for me to manage with the school in the morning. All my previous work is up to date. I will also make sure if any work is assigned between these above-mentioned dates, it will be completed on time without any extra delays.

I request you to kindly accept my application for leaves and grant me leave for __________ (Number of days) from __________ (Date) till __________ (Date).

Thanking You,

Yours Truly/Obediently/Sincerely, __________ (Name of the Student), __________ (Class)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Hereā€™s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Yes, providing a clear reason helps the principal understand the urgency and importance of the leave request.
  • Yes, assuring completion of missed work demonstrates responsibility and commitment to academic obligations.
  • It's better to provide a genuine reason for leave to increase the chances of approval.
  • Yes, mentioning previous work completion helps assure the principal that you are responsible and capable of managing your studies effectively.
  • You can express gratitude by using phrases like "Thank you for your understanding" or "I appreciate your consideration" towards the end of the letter.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample leave application for exam preparation to Principal
  • exam preparation leave application to Principal
  • application for exam leave for student format

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  6. Apology letter to school principalfor misbehavior#apologyletter #apologylettertoschool#letterformat


  1. How To Write School Applications Letter

    School application letter example Here is an example of a school application letter to further help you compose yours. Stacy Nolan 777-777-7777 [email protected] 7777 Denver Avenue 8888 Denver, Colorado 14th April 2021 Dr. Simon Morgan Sun and Shield School of Music 9999 Lights Street 8888 Denver, Colorado Dear Dr. Morgan, REF: Application for Admission to the School of Oriental Music My ...

  2. Sample Permission Letters to Take the Exam (Sit in Exam)

    Sample 01. Subject: Request for Permission to Take Final Semester Exams. Dear Dr. Smith, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is John Doe, a Junior in the College of Science, majoring in Biology. I am writing to request permission to take the final semester exams scheduled from May 15 to May 29.

  3. Examination Permission Letter: 4 Templates

    I am writing this letter to ask for your permission so that I can be allowed to take this year's final examination. My name is (mention your name), and I am a student of (mention department) in your school. I have been a regular student and also was in the top 10 of my batch in the previous year's annual examination.

  4. Request Letter for Seeking Permission for Examination

    Start by addressing the recipient respectfully, mentioning your name, department, college name, and roll number. Clearly state the reason for seeking permission, such as attendance shortage, and provide a brief explanation. Politely request the recipient to consider your request and allow you to give the examination.

  5. Exam Leave Application for School/Office (with Samples & PDFs)

    Subject: Application for Examination Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], a student/employee of [Your Class/Department] at [School/Office Name], am writing this letter to formally request your kind permission to grant me leave from [Starting Date of Leave] to [Ending Date of Leave] due to my upcoming examinations.

  6. Leave Application for Examination: Format and Samples

    Write Salutation: Use proper salutation such as Mr., Dr., etc. You can also use generic title like Sir or Madam. Mention the Reason for the Leave: Clearly write why you want the leave. Mention the name of your examination. Mention the Dates of Leaves: Include the start and end dates of your leaves.

  7. Application for Absence from Exam Due to Personal Reasons

    Mention the relevant exam details, including the subject, date, and time of the examination. Briefly explain the personal reasons for your inability to attend the exam, while maintaining a respectful and professional tone. Request for consideration and understanding from the authority, emphasizing that the absence is unavoidable and necessary.

  8. Request Letter to Principal for Retaking Exam (Sample Application)

    Date - Include the date you draft your letter. Essentially, this should be at least a week or two before the exams are scheduled to start. Subject - Add a brief phrase that captures the nature of your letter. For example, 'permission request to retake exam.'. This will help the principal know why you are writing.

  9. How to write a Letter of Application? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

    The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for letters of application. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Search Committee. To whom it may concern. Dear Human Resources Manager. Dear Sir or Madam. 2. The Introductory Paragraph. Begin by stating the job for which you are applying.

  10. How To Write A School Application Letter (With Examples)

    1. Address the concerned authorities. Foremost, address the school's principal and mention the school's name right below it. Follow these two lines with the complete address of the school. Always remember to place this section on the top left of the application letter. 2.

  11. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

    Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter: 1. Research the company and job opening. Thoroughly research the company you're applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter. Look for details like:

  12. Formal Application Letter For Exams: How To Write It?

    The Use Of Headings. Every application letter must consist of headings. Headings are usually used for providing basic information like your name, email address, phone number, the name of the college you belong to, etc. But when you write it for your exams, try to be as professional as possible. Many students could be thinking like this is some ...

  13. BPS Welcome Services / How to Apply to Exam Schools

    John D. O'Bryant School accepts a small number of new students in grade 10. The application process to the three exam schools includes an admissions test, student GPA, and Boston residency. Students must be currently enrolled in grades 5, 7, 8 and reside in the City of Boston to be eligible to apply to one of our exam schools for September 2025.

  14. How to Write an Application for Not Attending an Exam

    Application for Not Attending Exam by Parents. Sub: About my son's /daughter's absence from the exams. Respected Sir/Madam, My name is [Parent name], father of [student name] studying [class] with roll no [xx] in your school. Unfortunately, my son/daughter has had jaundice and is not in a position to attend the upcoming final exams.

  15. Format of Request Letter to Principal to Postpone Exam Date

    The Principal. (Name of the School) (Address, Phone No.) Sub.: Request for postponement of my appearing in the ensuing examination. Respected Sir/Madam, I am a student of __th standard of your school. Our ensuing quarterly examination is scheduled to be held from (Date) onwards. In this regard, I beg to state that my mother's health is in ...

  16. Application for Re-Examination Submission (with Samples & PDFs)

    Subject: Application for Re-Examination Submission. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], a student of class [Your Class] of your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to kindly request a re-examination for the subject [Name of the Subject]. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to perform to the best of my abilities in the ...

  17. Application to the Principal for Not Giving Exam in School

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

  18. Leave Application for School

    Leave Application 4 - Letter of Absence; FAQs on Leave Application for School; Format of Writing a Leave Letter for School. Leave letters come under the category of formal letters, and so the format of a leave letter is the same as any formal letter. When writing a leave letter in English, see to it that you use formal/professional English ...

  19. 30+ Leave Letter for Exam

    Leave Letter for Exam: A Leave Letter for Exam is a formal letter or email that is written by a student or their parents to request time off from school or educational institution, in order to attend an important exam.The purpose of this letter is to inform the school or college administration of the student's absence and provide information regarding the exam.

  20. Letter to School Principal for Not Attending Exam

    It depends on the school's policies. You can inquire at the school office or follow the preferred method of communication specified by the principal. Incoming Search Terms: sample letter to school principal /class teacher for not attending exam; application letter to school principal for not attending exam format

  21. Request Letter for Permission to Take Special Exam

    By letterskadmin July 28, 2021 #Permission Grant Letter, #Permission Letter for School, #Permission Letter for Student, #permission letter to principal, #Permission letter to write exams, #Permission Request Letter

  22. Leave Application For Exam Preparation (7+ Samples)

    To. The Principal, [School/College Name], [School/College Address]. Subject: Leave application for exam. Dear Sir/Madam, With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence for [length of time] starting on [start date] and ending on [end date]. I am in need of some time off to focus on my studies as I have an important exam coming up.

  23. Leave Application By Student To The Principal For Exam Preparation

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...