thesis plagiarism percentage

Plagiarism and what are acceptable similarity scores?

Dec 1, 2020 • knowledge article, information.

The Similarity Report is a flexible document that provides a summary of matching or similar text in submitted work compared against a huge database of Internet sources, journals and previously submitted work, allowing students and instructors to review matches between a submitted work and the database scanned by Turnitin. Therefore, the Turnitin Similarity Report does not define whether or not a student's work is plagiarized. The instructor responsible for the course - as a subject matter expert - has a duty to exercise academic judgement on the work that is submitted to Turnitin for their classes. The percentage that is returned on a student's submission (called similarity index or similarity score) defines how much of that material matches other material in the database, it is not a marker as to whether a student has or has not plagiarized. Matches will be displayed to material that has been correctly cited and used, which is where the instructor's academic judgement must come into play. Please find our guide links below on how to interpret the Similarity Report and its similarity score: If you are a student, click here . If you are an instructor, click here . 

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Interpreting the Similarity Report

Though we're known for scanning submissions for plagiarism, Turnitin actually does not check for plagiarism in your work. What we actually do is check your submissions against our database, and if there are instances where your writing is similar to, or matches against, one of our sources, we will flag this for your instructor to review. Our database includes billions of web pages: both current and archived content from the internet, a repository of works other students have submitted to Turnitin in the past, and a collection of documents, which comprises thousands of periodicals, journals, and publications.

thesis plagiarism percentage

It is perfectly natural for an assignment to match against some of our database. If you've used quotes and referenced correctly, there will be instances where we will find a match and that is totally OK! The similarity score simply highlights any matching areas in your paper so your instructor can use this as an investigative tool to determine if the match is or is not acceptable.

Similarity Reports provide a summary of matching or highly similar text found in a submitted paper. When a Similarity Report is available for viewing, a similarity score percentage will be made available. Similarity Reports that have not yet finished generating are represented by a grayed out icon in the Similarity column. Reports that are not available may not have generated yet, or assignment settings may be delaying the generation of the report.

thesis plagiarism percentage

Overwritten or resubmitted papers may not generate a new Similarity Report for a full 24 hours. This delay is automatic and allows resubmissions to correctly generate without matching to the previous draft.

The color of the report icon indicates the similarity score of the paper, based on the amount of matching or similar text that was uncovered. The percentage range is 0% to 100%. The possible similarity ranges are:

  • Blue: No matching text
  • Green: One word to 24% matching text
  • Yellow: 25-49% matching text
  • Orange: 50-74% matching text
  • Red: 75-100% matching text

Students, be sure to consult your instructor's syllabus, contact them directly, or review your institution's overarching policies on what counts as an acceptable similarity score before you submit a paper. Every school, instructor, or assignment could very well have a different amount of matching text that is considered acceptable.

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thesis plagiarism percentage

How much plagiarism is allowed?

How much plagiarism is allowed?

The world is constantly changing, and so are our beliefs about it. That is why we need to establish an independent mindset and critical thinking to rely on. Originality in our manifestation, including writing, is a crucial part of it. That is why educators and content creators need to check their papers for similarity to avoid plagiarism.

What percentage of plagiarism is acceptable ? The question is worth 10.3 billion search results. Well, to those looking for a simple answer: no, there’s no single benchmark. Or could zero plagiarism count? Different universities, colleges, and high schools have different standards. What is good and allowed for one, will be a red flag for another one.

Mostly, no more than 20% of text coincidence can be tolerated, while more means the text is not original. Although, even if that 20% is just a single copy-pasted piece of text, it’s considered borrowed.

What percentage of plagiarism is acceptable in university

How much plagiarism is allowed also depends on the type of the paper. The acceptable percentage varies within the limit of the mentioned 20%. Each case is individual, and the educational institution, the teacher, and the nature of the detected similarities should be taken into account. However, obviously, how much plagiarism is allowed in research paper differs when we talk about a regular essay or a dissertation.

One should keep in mind that the similarities found may be unintentional plagiarism. It happens that the students accidentally copy someone else’s ideas out of pure coincidence or based on the resources they have studied without realizing they are repeating the information.

That’s why if you notice plagiarism in your student’s work, it’s time to talk to them, figure out the reasons, and map the possible ways out. To help you do this, we’ve prepared a checklist you can share with your students. You can send it to them the way it is, or use it as an inspiration to create your own one—it’s up to you.

A Comprehensive Checklist on How to Avoid Plagiarism

The obvious answer is to produce original content. But cases might differ, so check out a few tips to polish your writing.

#1. Avoid Direct Quotes and Paraphrasing

First, say your goodbyes to copy-pasting or rephrasing someone else’s thoughts. Instead, read different sources of information on your topic, jot down key points, and then write their essence in your own words. Examples:

#2. Proper referencing

How much plagiarism is allowed? Example of a Citation Generator for citing a web page

To err is human. Spotting and fixing the mistakes (and learning from them) can make you superhuman. Double-checking the text can enable you to find those “Oh, I’ve already read it somewhere” parts. Here, I mean that sometimes you can mimic your own style, even not knowing that.  Reviewing the same content after a while can help you have a fresh look at it and find those self-plagiarized sentences or paragraphs. It can also allow you to discover tricky referencing issues when you might have missed citing something properly. In case you don’t trust yourself, ask one of your mates to review your paper.

#4. Enriching vocabulary to avoid clichés

Another common reason for plagiarism is using the same phrases you can come across on thousands of websites. It’s not about some industry-specific terms you might desperately need in your physics, nursing, marketing, or any other assignment. I mean rather generic phrases and idioms like “as easy as a pie,” “sky’s the limit,” “sad but true,” etc. Not to mention some of them might be inappropriate for academic writing, if you overuse them, they’ll drop your content originality. To avoid that, we recommend:

  • Reading more books, scientific journals, and so on to expand your general knowledge and vocabulary, as a result.
  • Jotting down new words and phrases you haven’t known before and trying to use them in your speaking or writing. If applicable, of course.
  • Using synonyms to eliminate tautology. You can find some good ones in the Thesaurus , or Power Thesaurus . Feel free to use those tools whenever you see some repeated words or idioms.

#5. Scanning texts with plagiarism checkers

To be on the safe side, I would advise checking your paper with specialized tools, like before submitting it. This will help you make sure you’ve produced an original piece of content. A huge plus of such tools is that they can define all possible types of plagiarism, including copying your own style. For example, delivers a report with highlights of the matching parts and links to the sources those pieces of text come from.

Let’s wrap it up

If we come back to our initial question: “ How much plagiarism is allowed ?”, the answer is still “None in a perfect world.” Yet, we live in reality, so up to 20% might be tolerated. We suggest minimizing even those numbers by educating your students on how to produce unique content.

Anyways, if you need to scan for plagiarism , try . We’ve built it with academic integrity in mind, so it includes AI checker GPT and can spot ghostwriting by comparing student’s writing style from previous works and the current ones. And if you have any questions—be sure to get in touch with our team.

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Acceptable Plagiarism Percentage: Turnitin or SafeAssign in College

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • January 18, 2024

acceptable plagiarism

Plagiarism is a type of academic fraud or cheating. It typically involves the use of someone’s work, whether published or unpublished, without the permission of the author or creator.

While plagiarism does not necessarily involve breaking the law, it is widely considered to be unethical and unacceptable in the academic, business, and wider communities.

A significant range of penalties exists for plagiarism, depending on the severity of the offense, the type of plagiarism, and the jurisdiction within which an offense takes place.

As much as plagiarism is wrong, sometimes it is unavoidable and thus there is an acceptable plagiarism percentage.

What Percentage of Plagiarism is Acceptable

The allowed similarity score varies from institution to institution. For instance, it may be acceptable to have a certain percentage of a college research paper deemed plagiarized, but it would be acceptable for high school essays. 

The acceptable plagiarism percentage is any score of 15% and below because this similarity shows little or low or no copying.

However, there is no widely accepted criteria on which plagiarism level is acceptable because different industries and institutions have different originality policies.

However, the plagiarism percentage you should avoid at all times is more than 15%. Any percentage above that will be enough to get you into trouble.

For instance, if you have 15% plagiarism in a research paper, then you have the risk to be reported by your tutor for academic dishonesty. In a nutshell, the acceptable plagiarism percentage is between 0 and 15% for all kinds of papers.

What Every Percentage Score Means

A summary of matching or substantially similar text detected in a submitted paper is provided in a Similarity Report. A similarity score percentage will be displayed when a Similarity Report is available for viewing.

acceptable plagiarism

A grayed-out icon in the Similarity column represents Similarity Reports that have not yet completed generating. Reports that aren’t available may not have yet been generated, or assignment settings may be preventing the report from being generated.

The report icon’s color represents the paper’s similarity score, which is calculated on the basis of matching or comparable text found. The following are some probable similarity ranges from 0% to 100%.

  • Blue: there is no matching text 
  • Green: A single word to 24% matching text.
  • Yellow: Text that matches 25-49%
  • Orage: Text matching 50-74%
  • Red: indicates that the text is 75-100 percent identical

Factors Determining Acceptable Plagiarism Score

The percentage of plagiarism is a critical issue for students, teachers, and educational institutions. In some cases, plagiarism is an accidental mistake, but in the majority of cases, it is a deliberate action.

factors determining Acceptable Plagiarism Percentage

Considering research papers are one of the most important factors that determine your grade, they must be crafted without plagiarism.

Most academic industries, faculties, and professors have developed an extensive guide on what percentage of plagiarism is acceptable in different situations.

Here will go over the factors that determine the percentage of plagiarism acceptable in research papers.

1. Your Field of Study 

In colleges or universities, there are several fields of students each with its own running and set of rules and regulations. Since these filed are independent, their acceptable plagiarism percentage varies.

For example for a law student, a plagiarism percentage of 10% is already a very serious matter whereas such a percentage may be acceptable in other fields.

It is also important to note that fields that deal with factual scientific data (sciences and maths), may accept a large plagiarism percentage than other fields.

2. The Type of Assignment

When it comes to plagiarism, different types of assignments have different acceptable plagiarism percentages

That means the acceptable plagiarism percentage varies based on the type of assignment, and this is because while some types of assignments can be completed in a short time, others take up a lot of time.

For example, while a 5% plagiarized book review will get you a failing grade, a 5% plagiarized term paper will get you a passing grade.

Additionally, there are many different types of papers, and there are many different types of assignments. Sometimes an assignment will have a different requirement than another.

For example, a term paper will have a much higher acceptable plagiarism percentage than a 500-word essay.

3. The Strictness of Your Professor

How strict your professor is, is also a factor that determines how much plagiarism percentage you are allowed. This all boils down to the choices and preferences of your instructor.

Professors with a strict grading policy will tell you to keep the plagiarism percentage as low as 1% while those with a lenient grading policy may accept even original papers with 25% similarity score. However, to be on the safer side, also ensure you keep your plagiarism as low (less than 5%)

The Strictness of Sour school Rules

school rules

Different institutions of study have different rules and policies.

For example, there are those schools that require their grading be made by the institution itself as opposed to those who task individual professors with the grading.

Again, some colleges require papers to be marked and reviewed by a panel of professors who will then award you the grade.

Other schools have a portal where you submit your paper, and the portal has strict guidelines (such as acceptable plagiarism percentage) which the professor uses to grade your paper. All these school factors determine the acceptable plagiarism percentage. 

Technically, plagiarism is wrong. However, there is an acceptable percentage of plagiarism that is allowed. The acceptable percentage of plagiarism is considered to be 10%. If you go beyond that percentage, then your thesis will be plagiarized.

If you do not want to be accused of plagiarism, then avoid copying the work of others. Either cite your sources or paraphrase the idea of others. Even when giving a speech, you can avoid patchwork plagiarism by citing your sources while speaking.

You can do this if you use quotation marks correctly. Note that you should always referee to your school guidelines to avoid severe plagiarism consequences.

What is the acceptable plagiarism percentage for Turnitin?

Turnitin does not have an acceptable percentage threshold for plagiarism. There are two elements that are assessed when you submit work to Turnitin to check for originality. The first is the text itself, and the second is the structure or design, so plagiarism is assessed by both the text and the presentation. 

However, Turnitin levels of 15% or less are widely considered appropriate. It is also important to note that there is no universally defined similarity score because plagiarism policies differ by institution.

Is 32 similarity on Turnitin bad?

32 similarity is usually the maximum similarity level the Turnitin system will determine. It means that at least 32% of your paper is plagiarized from existing sources. You should check your paper as soon as possible.

If your paper is not your own work, you may face serious consequences. The Turnitin system is used by most universities and colleges, so if your instructor catches you cheating, you will be expelled without a doubt.

What is the acceptable plagiarism percentage for a thesis?

According to various universities, students are advised to avoid plagiarism as much as possible. The acceptable level of plagiarism varies from university to university.

Some universities accept 25% or even 20% plagiarism, while others say it should not exceed 5%. To avoid your paper not being accepted, refer to your university guideline and apply the percentage of plagiarism that you are allowed to use.

What percentage of plagiarism is acceptable by Google?

The answer to this question is not yet clear. Google’s policy about duplicate content is very strict these days. You should avoid repeating the same content on your web pages. But it doesn’t mean you cannot copy the content from other websites.

The best thing is to share the knowledge with your visitors. Don’t forget, Google is a search engine that generates data from the web. You can use aggregation in your favor. You can add links to the original content when you re-share the information.

thesis plagiarism percentage

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

How to Check for Plagiarism?

  • Open Access
  • First Online: 24 October 2021

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  • Samiran Nundy 4 ,
  • Atul Kakar 5 &
  • Zulfiqar A. Bhutta 6  

42k Accesses

The word ‘Plagiarism’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘Plagiare’ which means ‘to kidnap or abduct’. In scientific literature, it means the ‘wrongful appropriation’ and ‘stealing and publication’ of another author’s ‘language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions’ and depicting it as one’s own creative work. Plagiarism amounts to academic untruthfulness and a breach of journalistic integrity [1].

Copying from one it’s plagiarism, copying from two it’s research. Wilson Mizner, American playwright, raconteur and entrepreneur (1876–1933).

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Rising from Plagiarising

Muralee Mohan, Deepthi Shetty, … Kalpa Pandya

thesis plagiarism percentage

1 What Is Plagiarism?

The word ‘Plagiarism’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘Plagiare’ which means ‘to kidnap or abduct’. In scientific literature, it means the ‘wrongful appropriation’ and ‘stealing and publication’ of another author’s ‘language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions’ and depicting it as one’s own creative work. Plagiarism amounts to academic untruthfulness and a breach of journalistic integrity [ 1 ].

figure a

2 Why Is Plagiarism So Rampant in India?

There are many reasons why plagiarism is common in India. There is the compulsory thesis before the final postgraduate examination which students need to finish in time so they find the ‘cut and paste’ technique to be a convenient shortcut to writing the manuscript or even doing the research. The other reason is that they have never attended research methodology workshops where plagiarism is discussed. They do not know that plagiarism is a serious offence that can be punished with suspension or expulsion from their institution in other countries. The unfamiliarity with the English language, lax checking by their supervisors and an absence of punishment are other reasons for this. Plagiarism reflects the poor standards of our medical publications [ 2 ]. However, it is also a global phenomenon and not unique to India [ 3 ].

3 What Action Can Be Taken Against you if your Manuscript Is Found to be Plagiarized?

All types of plagiarism can attract disciplinary action which may range from removing the published paper, legal and monetary repercussions and academic and professional damage to your reputation. All good journals and many universities check the manuscripts for this through online checking systems which are now widely available. We should have a ‘zero tolerance policy’ for such acts.

4 Does Plagiarism Apply Only to Written Text?

No, this statement is not true as plagiarism applies to text in manuscripts as well as images, clinical photographs, tables, graphs, and pictorial data.

5 Is There a Gazette of India Notification on Plagiarism?

Yes , the University Grants Commission (UGC) has a regulation, dated 31 July 2018 regarding promotion in academic institutions and on the prevention of plagiarism. It defines 20 terms like plagiarism, author, academic integrity, script, source, etc. It also describes a penalty for a plagiarized thesis and dissertation. It also mentions that all students should submit a soft copy of their theses or dissertations to some central information and library centre [ 4 ].

6 What Is the UGC’s Classification of Plagiarism?

In 2018, it classified plagiarism in educational institutions into various levels. If similarity is less than 10%, no action is taken. However, if the level of plagiarism increases above this, the action given below is recommended [ 4 , 5 ].

Level 1—10–40% similarity. No marks or credits shall be awarded for the plagiarized script. The revised manuscript should be re-submitted within 6 months.

Level 2—40–60% similarity. No marks or credits shall be awarded for the plagiarized script. The student is entitled to resubmit the revised script after 1 year but not exceeding 18 months.

Level 3—above 60% similarity. No marks or credits shall be awarded for the plagiarized script. Registration for the course itself is cancelled.

7 What Are the Sections in Articles which Are Excluded from Plagiarism Checks?

The areas which are excluded are: [ 4 ].

Quoted statements (quoted work can be reproduced with all the necessary permissions).


Table of Contents.


Standard symbols/Generic terms.

8 What Do Words Quote, Paraphrase and Similarity Mean?

A quote is using or repeating the same words as in the original text. If this is done it should appear under inverted commas. For example, Hippocrates stated ‘I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous’.

A Paraphrase is rewriting the original idea in our own words. While doing paraphrasing the central concept or the meaning of the text is not changed.

Similarity is copied text and is like the original text. The original and the text written are exactly the same.

9 What Are the Various Types of Plagiarism? [ 6 , 7 , 8 ]

Total or Complete Plagiarism

This depicts a severe form of plagiarism. In this, the investigator passes off someone else’s script or study as his own, and submits it under his own name.

Direct Plagiarism

Direct or verbatim plagiarism is a type of complete plagiarism when one section of the text is copied rather than the whole text.

Self- or Auto-plagiarism

Auto-plagiarism, also known as self-plagiarism or duplication, happens when authors reuse sizeable portions of their previously published work without attribution.

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is the most common type of plagiarism seen among students. It involves the use of the original author’s manuscript after making some minor changes in the sentences and creating a new article.

‘Cut and paste’ plagiarism

This type of plagiarism is becoming common among students because of the easy accessibility of scientific information on the internet.

Mosaic/patchwork plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism may be difficult to detect because it interposes someone else’s a few sentences or paragraphs within the text.

Accidental Plagiarism

This can be either intended or unintended. Even for this, there is no excuse and the consequences are often the same.

10 How Can we Check for Plagiarism?

Many sites are now available - free or paid. Grammarly©, Whitesmoke©, Prewriting aid©, Duplichecker©, Plagarism ©©C, Quetext ©, small SEO plagiarism checker©, copytext©, viper©,©, Wordpress Plugin©, Plagium©, etc.

11 How Does a Plagiarism Report Appear?

Once a check is done, the report looks similar to the Fig. 24.1 . The lines and sentences which have been copied are highlighted in various colours as is the source from which it has been copied.

figure 1

Review in an article with 92% plagiarism, along with the sources (published with permission editor—Current Medical Research and Practice)

12 How Much Plagiarism Is Usually Allowed for a Paper to Be Accepted?

When it is an original paper, the author should aim at zero plagiarism. However, in many journals, a similarity of up to 15% is allowed. For a chapter in a book, this limit is about 5% and in a thesis, less than 10% is accepted.

13 What Is the Difference between Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement?

Plagiarism is claiming credit for a work you did not do or using someone else’s work without proper attribution.

Copyright infringement is a broad term covered under the law. In this, an author uses someone else’s work without obtaining their permission.

14 What Are the Five Rules for Avoiding Plagiarism?

Plan to finish your project well in time before submission.

Recognize the concept behind the manuscript you need to cite.

Never do ‘copy–paste’; it seems to be a shortcut but eventually it takes double the time to correct the mistakes.

Use your own language to build up the manuscript.

Use an online plagiarism device to check before final submission.

15 Conclusions

Plagiarism is a type of research delinquency that consists of copying someone else’s work or idea without giving him proper credit.

Plagiarism extends not only to the text but also to tables, charts and pictures.

An awareness about the risks of plagiarism is low among the students and researchers in developing countries.

To avoid the copy–paste culture, students should be instructed to read articles completely and carefully and then write a paper in their own words.

Sinha R, Singh G, Kumar C. Plagiarism and unethical practices in literature. Indian J Opthal. 2009;57:481–5.

Article   Google Scholar  

Juyal D, Thawani V, Thaledi S. Rise of academic plagiarism in India: reasons, solutions and resolution. Lung India. 2015;32:542–3.

Gasparyan AY, Nurmashev B, Seksenbayev B, Trukhachev VI, Kostyukova EI, Kitas GD. Plagiarism in the context of education and evolving. J Korean Med Sci. 2017;32:1220–7.

Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018 (lasted accessed 27th March 20202). Available on .

Kadam D. Academic integrity and plagiarism: the new regulations in India. Indian J Plast Surg. 2018;51:109–10.

Fred HL, Scheid MS. Egregious plagiarism: more than misconduct. Tex Heart Inst J. 2017;44:7–8.

Winsett RP. The importance of self-plagiarism in publication. Prog Transplant. 2017;27:327–8.

Weems M. Plagiarism in review. Pediatr Rev. 2017;38:3–5.

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Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India

Samiran Nundy

Department of Internal Medicine, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India

Institute for Global Health and Development, The Aga Khan University, South Central Asia, East Africa and United Kingdom, Karachi, Pakistan

Zulfiqar A. Bhutta

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Nundy, S., Kakar, A., Bhutta, Z.A. (2022). How to Check for Plagiarism?. In: How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries?. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 24 October 2021

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Easily check your paper for missing citations and accidental plagiarism with the EasyBib plagiarism checker. The EasyBib plagiarism checker:

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What is the EasyBib plagiarism checker? 

Most basic plagiarism checkers review your work and calculate a percentage, meaning how much of your writing is indicative of original work. But, the EasyBib plagiarism checker goes way beyond a simple percentage. Any text that could be categorized as potential plagiarism is highlighted, allowing you time to review each warning and determine how to adjust it or how to cite it correctly.

You’ll even see the sources against which your writing is compared and the actual word for word breakdown. If you determine that a warning is unnecessary, you can waive the plagiarism check suggestion.

Plagiarism is unethical because it doesn’t credit those who created the original work; it violates intellectual property and serves to benefit the perpetrator. It is a severe enough academic offense, that many faculty members use their own plagiarism checking tool for their students’ work. With the EasyBib Plagiarism checker, you can stay one step ahead of your professors and catch citation mistakes and accidental plagiarism before you submit your work for grading.

thesis plagiarism percentage

Why use a plagiarism checker? 

Imagine – it’s finals week and the final research paper of the semester is due in two days. You, being quite familiar with this high-stakes situation, hit the books, and pull together a ten-page, last-minute masterpiece using articles and materials from dozens of different sources.

However, in those late, coffee-fueled hours, are you fully confident that you correctly cited all the different sources you used? Are you sure you didn’t accidentally forget any? Are you confident that your teacher’s plagiarism tool will give your paper a 0% plagiarism score?

That’s where the EasyBib plagiarism checker comes in to save the day. One quick check can help you address all the above questions and put your mind at ease.

What exactly is plagiarism? 

Plagiarism has a number of possible definitions; it involves more than just copying someone else’s work. Improper citing, patchworking, and paraphrasing could all lead to plagiarism in one of your college assignments. Below are some common examples of accidental plagiarism that commonly occur.

Quoting or paraphrasing without citations

Not including in-text citations is another common type of accidental plagiarism. Quoting is taking verbatim text from a source. Paraphrasing is when you’re using another source to take the same idea but put it in your own words. In both cases, it’s important to always cite where those ideas are coming from. The EasyBib plagiarism checker can help alert you to when you need to accurately cite the sources you used.

Patchwork plagiarism

When writing a paper, you’re often sifting through multiple sources and tabs from different search engines. It’s easy to accidentally string together pieces of sentences and phrases into your own paragraphs. You may change a few words here and there, but it’s similar to the original text. Even though it’s accidental, it is still considered plagiarism. It’s important to clearly state when you’re using someone else’s words and work.

Improper citations

Depending on the class, professor, subject, or teacher, there are multiple correct citation styles and preferences. Some examples of common style guides that are followed for citations include MLA, APA, and Chicago style. When citing resources, it’s important to cite them accurately. Incorrect citations could make it impossible for a reader to track down a source and it’s considered plagiarism. There are EasyBib citation tools to help you do this.

Don’t fall victim to plagiarism pitfalls. Most of the time, you don’t even mean to commit plagiarism; rather, you’ve read so many sources from different search engines that it gets difficult to determine an original thought or well-stated fact versus someone else’s work. Or worse, you assume a statement is common knowledge, when in fact, it should be attributed to another author.

When in doubt, cite your source!

Time for a quick plagiarism quiz! 

Which of the following requires a citation?

  • A chart or graph from another source
  • A paraphrase of an original source
  • Several sources’ ideas summarized into your own paragraph
  • A direct quote
  • All of the above

If you guessed option E than you’d be correct. Correct punctuation and citation of another individual’s ideas, quotes, and graphics are a pillar of good academic writing.

What if you copy your own previous writing?

Resubmitting your own original work for another class’s assignment is a form of self-plagiarism, so don’t cut corners in your writing. Draft an original piece for each class or ask your professor if you can incorporate your previous research.

What features are available with the EasyBib plagiarism checker? 

Along with providing warnings and sources for possible plagiarism, the EasyBib  plagiarism checker works alongside the other EasyBib tools, including a grammar checker  and a spell checker . You’ll receive personalized feedback on your thesis and writing structure too!

The  plagiarism checker compares your writing sample with billions of available sources online so that it detects plagiarism at every level. You’ll be notified of which phrases are too similar to current research and literature, prompting a possible rewrite or additional citation. You’ll also get feedback on your paper’s inconsistencies, such as changes in text, formatting, or style. These small details could suggest possible plagiarism within your assignment.

And speaking of citations, there are also  EasyBib citation tools  available. They help you quickly build your bibliography and avoid accidental plagiarism. Make sure you know which citation format your professor prefers!

Great! How do I start? 

Simply copy and paste or upload your essay into the checker at the top of this page. You’ll receive the first five grammar suggestions for free! To try the plagiarism checker for free, start your EasyBib Plus three-day free trial.* If you love the product and decide to opt for premium services, you’ll have access to unlimited writing suggestions and personalized feedback.

The EasyBib plagiarism checker is conveniently available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. You can cancel anytime.  Check your paper for free today!.

*See Terms and Conditions

Visit for more information on helpful EasyBib writing and citing tools.

For informational guides and on writing and citing, visit the EasyBib guides homepage .

thesis plagiarism percentage

Free Online Plagiarism Checker

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Possible plagiarism detected!

If you submit this paper, your institution may take disciplinary measures against you. The content requires editing and modification of parts. We know how to make it unique.

This is weighted average of all matches in your text. For example, if half of your paper is 100% plagiarized, your score would be 50%

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Text matches these sources

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How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially from Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

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Online Plagiarism Checker For Students

Writing an academic paper can be challenging when you’re not sure if it’s original enough to pass a plagiarism check. Of course, students take information from various sites before writing their own text. Sometimes, it just so happens that certain parts are very similar to your resources, making your professor think that you’ve just copied work from somewhere. That’s why it’s crucial for any modern college or university student to ensure that their work has 100% original content to maintain academic integrity.

Luckily, a free plagiarism checker online can solve this issue quickly and easily. Many professional writing services use a plagiarism checker for research paper. However, students sometimes forget that they should too. But with so many options that pop up when you ask Google to “check my paper for plagiarism”, how do you choose the right one for detection? We’ve got the solution in the form of PapersOwl’s free plagiarism checker tool! Our simple tool makes it convenient to check any writing task without having to spend a dime. It works quickly and highly accurately, ensuring that you get the top grade you deserve. So, if you want to check plagiarism online before turning your task in, head over to our website and get started!

Accurate Check for Plagiarism with Percentage

Many students wishing to produce original content aren’t quite sure how to get an exact percentage of plagiarised text in their work. This percentage is important since many universities have a certain limit of non-unique words you can have in your essay for it to be considered okay. If your plagiarism search doesn’t give you the exact percentage, you can’t be sure if your assignment will go through or not.

When using a free plagiarism tool, it’s essential to have this data provided to you. Only when you have it can you decide which parts to change and which ones to chuck out to achieve your desired results. Plagiarized content is a big issue in modern educational institutions, so getting reliable and trustworthy results is vital. This is the most essential requirement when you check plagiarism.

PapersOwl’s plagiarism detection tool gives you all the information you need to fix plagiarized content. Whether you’ve fallen victim to accidental plagiarism or have tried to make your life easier by copying some text from different sources, you’ll get an accurate percentage with our plagiarism checker online. If you’re wondering how to check paper for plagiarism, it’s nothing complicated at all! Simply visit our site, paste your whole essay into the relevant text box or upload the text file, click on Check For Plagiarism, and you’ll get accurate plagiarism results in a matter of seconds. You’ll see the problematic parts with plagiarism detected highlighted, with links to where similar content exists. Our service with plagiarism detector will also give you the option to check my paper for plagiarism and then to hire a professional writer to fix your task quickly if you’re busy with other things!

The Fastest Plagiarism Checker Online

Gaining insight into duplicate content only works if you get your results quickly. There are so many free plagiarism software online that promise to do the job for you. However, a lot of them are clunky, slow, and inaccurate. How can you produce original work without similarity detection you can trust?

PapersOwl stands out in this regard because it will detect plagiarism in seconds. This is a plagiarism scanner that’s able to perform a Swift Check to give you a uniqueness check right there and then. It also conducts a Deep Search, going through millions of sources on the internet to check for plagiarism. A document of about 1500 words takes only about 10 seconds to get processed! You get a clear plagiarism score of how much text is plagiarized and how much is original. All the sources that your essay matches are listed based on how much similarity there is in your academic writing. And on top of that, you get a handy Make It Unique button that’ll take you to an order page where you can ask our expert writers to rewrite your work and make it 100% unique.

All of this is done almost instantly, allowing students to continue working on their assignments without missing a beat. Not every plagiarism detection software works this quickly, making ours the best one you’ll ever use.

Plagiarism Checker Helps Boost Your Grade

A lot of students make the mistake of considering their papers automatically free from plagiarism. After all, they’ve written it themselves, so how could it be problematic? What they don’t realize is that it’s very easy to borrow some information mistakenly. Turning such a paper in can cause multiple problems, as your professor might think you haven’t done the work at all.

That is why you should always use a plagiarism scanner to test for plagiarized content in your college papers. Our online plagiarism checker for students is designed for this exact purpose. A simple, free plagiarism check could help you check plagiarism, fix any mistakes you see, and submit high-quality text that no one will question.

Our plagiarism detector has a lot going for it. It makes plagiarism detection easier than ever before. Unlike copying and pasting each passage individually into Google, simply upload the whole file into our plagiarism checker free for students, and you don’t have to do anything else. All the matches are highlighted so you know what to change.

The plagiarism test will give you a uniqueness percentage too. This will help you figure out where you stand and how much time you need to adjust anything if required. So, using our copyright checker online free to check your writing is essential. This way, you’ll submit the task only when you’re sure it meets the level of uniqueness required by your school. As a result, your grades will drastically improve when you check for plagiarism.

Benefits of Free Plagiarism Checker for Students

Our professional online plagiarism checker work offers too many benefits to ignore. With our plagiarism detector, you can enjoy highly accurate results as a comprehensive report. The plagiarism checker for students is designed to help you achieve 100% uniqueness without hassle. Here are the key advantages you can enjoy when you check plagiarism free with our plagiarism detection tool:

It’s completely free! We know you are on a tight budget and should be able to check your paper for plagiarism without worrying about payments, so we’ve made the best similarity checker free for all!

Our software detects plagiarism swiftly. It’ll show you detailed results in as little as 10 seconds so you can continue working immediately.

The report from our plagiarism tool gives you access to all the links from where it has detected similarities in your work. You can head to the relevant sites and see which information you must rewrite to improve your results.

Our best free plagiarism checker doesn’t require any skills and presents its services in a simple-to-use interface that anyone can use.

The plagiarism test allows you to get professional help with your work if you’re short on time. Simply ask one of our writers to rewrite the problematic parts of your text and enjoy top grades.

With PapersOwl plagiarism detector, there’s no need to search the internet for an accurate tool. We have many satisfied students worldwide who can vouch for our plagiarism-checking services. Give our online plagiarism checker free tries as often as you want and see how easy it is to produce original essays without spending a penny!

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How Does Plagiarism Checker Work?

  • If you already have a completed text, all you need is just to copy-paste the whole thing in the special box of the chosen plagiarism tool or website, choose suitable settings (if any), then press “check for plagiarism”. It is quite simple and takes just a few moments.
  • Once you have pressed “check for plagiarism”, the system will analyze your text and compare it with different sources to find similarities. As a rule, the duration depends on the text’s length. A standard free online plagiarism checker with percentage can give you the result within five minutes or less.
  • When the system finishes the work you will be transmitted to the reporting page – it contains the comprehensive report on your work, a percentage of its uniqueness, and a list of sources on which similarities were detected. Often, such tools also highlight the overlaps that were found.

As you can see, it is simple. However, for the best and reliable result you have to be careful. There are tons of programs and online tools that can be used but keep in mind that many of them work differently and not all are good for you. To be confident in the truthfulness of the received result, you need to select the best plagiarism checker because only a professional and high-quality software can detect all similarities and give you a reasoned assessment.

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Advantages Of Plagiarism Checker By PapersOwl

Why choose us? Our service offers a professional online plagiarism checker with report that will provide you with a comprehensive report to make you confident in the 100% uniqueness of your paper. Our free plagiarism checker for students guarantees the best check and here are the key advantages of using our tool that prove this:

You don’t need to pay anything to check your paper for plagiarism because we know the value of original and unique works.

One of the main benefits of our antiplagiat checker online is that it works so fast that you will not even have enough time to make yourself a cup of coffee while it analyzes your text, and it is safe!

We use the latest and the best algorithms and software in order to provide you with an advanced check and help you receive the high-quality papers.

It is simple in use and won’t take much time!

Many students have already confirmed that our free tool is a great and convenient feature that helped them detect and fix errors that could lead to a failure. With us, you will no longer need to look for a different scanner!

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thesis plagiarism percentage

Turnitin Percentage: What Is The Acceptable Percentage?

Turnitin Percentage

Perhaps you just ran your assignment through Turnitin to check for plagiarism and the result indicates a certain percentage but you don’t even know what that means, then you should read this article.

Whether you’re writing an essay or thesis, it is important to know the acceptable Turnitin percentage or similarity index. This is to avoid getting your work rejected or getting a low grade.

Turnitin percentage tells you the amount of matching or similar text present in your work on a scale of 0 to 100% (0 being the least and 100% being the highest).

In short, it detects if you copied someone’s work closely or verbatim. However, there’s more to plagiarism than matching text.

Learn what a good similarity score is as well as other factors instructors consider when determining plagiarism in this article.

What is the acceptable Turnitin percentage?

thesis plagiarism percentage

While there is no universally specified Turnitin percentage , a similarity index of 10% and below is okay and widely accepted . However, different universities and colleges have their own reference and citation guidelines.

The acceptable Turnitin percentage also varies by course of study. For instance, law students may be allowed 40% to 60% of references for certain assignments because certain legislations or case materials cannot be rephrased without changing their entire meaning.

The percentage also varies for each academic degree level. For instance, a master’s thesis may allow up to 20% plagiarism because the paper heavily depends on citing existing authorities.

Whereas a doctorate original dissertation should have less than 10% reference. In fact, Ph.D. students would be required to synthesize materials to produce 100% original content in case of dissertations.

If we also consider the type of paper, the acceptable percentage for essays like literature is 5% and below. Acceptable publication manuscripts must be within 5-7% of referencing also.

What does the Similarity Index percentage indicate?

Is plagiarism good.

Although plagiarism is unethical, having a decent amount of matching text in your work proves that it is well-researched and links to other sources. So, yes, the right amount of plagiarism is good.

Failure to have a few matching texts in your work means that you didn’t use any reference or any other source in your work which is not possible.

So, a similarity index of 1% to 10% is okay except in unavoidable cases when the names of books, government bodies, and organizations may increase the score significantly.

Difference between similarity and plagiarism

To be clear, Turnitin doesn’t scan for plagiarism, rather it scans for matching text. Plagiarism is actually determined by your instructor.

Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s work and passing them as your own and that depends on many factors of which the similarity index is one.

Having a high percentage of similarity score may not necessarily be counted as plagiarism. Instructors use the highlight of matching text in your work as an investigative tool to determine if the match is acceptable or not.

If the sources in your work are attributed and quoted rightly, then that isn’t considered plagiarism. However, you shouldn’t have too many references in your work, so your own ideas can shine through.

A good research paper shouldn’t contain more than 45 references. Systematic reviews could have as many as 49 references but a good case study doesn’t need more than 29 references.

What causes plagiarism?

Since a high Turnitin percentage doesn’t necessarily translate into plagiarism, what factors then determine plagiarism?

Here are some of the reasons why your work may be flagged for plagiarism:

1. Not crediting the source

This is the first and major cause of plagiarism. Refusing to reference other people’s ideas in your work is in fact an academic crime. It is interpreted as claiming ownership of someone else’s work.

One mistake students make is thinking that by paraphrasing they would not have to quote or acknowledge a source. Conversely, even if you put an idea from a particular source in your own words, you still have to reference it to avoid plagiarism.

2. Paraphrasing too closely

Another thing that can contribute to plagiarism is by using almost the same word as the source, even after referencing the source.

So, instead of changing a few words or the order of the original words of the author, write yours in completely different words. Better still, you could use the exact words from the source but make sure that you quote the text.

3. Using statistics without reference

If you’re using statistics, charts, and tables in your work, it is important that you credit the owner else you’d be guilty of plagiarism. By citing the source of your statistics, table, or chart you can support your claim and strengthen your argument.

Keep in mind that the most reliable statistics come from government reports, scholarly journal articles, conference papers, and the like.

4. Using images without citing the sources

As surprising as it may seem, attaching an image you got online in your work without citing the author counts as plagiarism. Any image downloaded online has a creator who deserves credit for their work.

Additionally, if you use a photograph taken by you, it is best that you cite yourself as the creator so your instructor can know where the image is coming from.

5. Copying or buying someone else’s paper

Outsourcing your research work to someone else or lifting an already published work from the net is a grievous academic crime. By hiring someone to write your research paperwork, you risk having a large part of your work plagiarized.

If you also take someone else’s work from the net or copy a large part of it, you can be sure that your work will contain a high similarity score.

The punishment for such academic misconduct could be harsh. As such, I will advise that you work hard to ensure originality in your work by all means.

6. Padding your bibliography or reference list

This means compiling a fake list of bibliography or references to show that you have researched when you haven’t. As a result, the paper will highlight a lot of bibliographies or references not related to the work.

Students could be charged with gross academic misconduct which could lead to serious consequences. So, it’s important that you painstakingly highlight a bibliography that pertains to your work.

What Turnitin percentage is too high?

If your work has a matching text that’s above 25%, that’s a really high Turnitin percentage. This could be the result of copying another person’s work word for word, a lengthy bibliography, or direct citations.

What does a Turnitin percentage of 100% mean?

A similarity score of 100% means that Turnitin found a 100% matching text to your work in its database.

What does a 50% Turnitin score mean?

A similarity score of 50% means that half of your work has a matching text to another source in the Turnitin database.

Is a 1% Turnitin score good?

Yes , it is .

However, a score of 1% may be suspectable, because it may mean that you didn’t reference all your source and a good research paper should have at least a 5% similar index.

Final Thoughts

Plagiarism is unethical and can result in disciplinary action from your institution so you want to avoid it at all costs. By running your work through Turnitin, you can get to reduce the percentage of matching texts in your work.

Although Turnitin can help with plagiarism, keep in mind that it doesn’t detect plagiarism. So, it is best that you read this article to know the factors that cause plagiarism and avoid them.

Lastly, you should read the article on the differences between an academic GPA and a total GPA .

I hope this article helped. Thanks for reading.

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plagiarism report

Prevent plagiarism, run a free plagiarism check.

  • Knowledge Base

How to Avoid Plagiarism | Tips on Citing Sources

Published on October 10, 2021 by Tegan George . Revised on November 21, 2023.

Plagiarism means using someone else’s words or ideas without properly crediting the original author. Sometimes plagiarism involves deliberately stealing someone’s work, but more often it happens accidentally, through carelessness or forgetfulness.When you write an academic paper, you build upon the work of others and use various credible sources for information and evidence. To avoid plagiarism, you need to correctly incorporate these sources into your text.

How to avoid plagiarism?

You can avoid plagiarism by :

  • Keeping track of the sources you consult in your research
  • Paraphrasing or quoting from your sources (by using a paraphrasing tool and adding your own ideas)
  • Crediting the original author in an in-text citation and in your reference list
  • Using a plagiarism checker before you submit
  • Use generative AI tools responsibly (outputs may be detected by an   AI detector )

Even accidental plagiarism can have serious consequences , so take care with how you integrate sources into your writing.

Table of contents

Keeping track of your sources, avoiding plagiarism when quoting, avoiding plagiarism when paraphrasing, citing your sources correctly, using a plagiarism checker, using ai tools responsibly, checklist: plagiarism prevention, free lecture slides, frequently asked questions.

One of the most common ways that students commit plagiarism is by simply forgetting where an idea came from and unintentionally presenting it as their own. You can easily avoid this pitfall by keeping your notes organized and compiling a list of citations as you go.

Clearly label which thoughts are yours and which aren’t in your notes, highlight statements that need citations, and carefully mark any text copied directly from a source with quotation marks.

In the example below, red indicates a claim that requires a source, blue indicates information paraphrased or summarized from a source, and green indicates a direct quotation.

Notes for my paper on global warming

  • Greenhouse gas emissions trap heat and raise global temperatures [cite details]
  • Causes more severe weather: hurricanes, fires, water scarcity [cite examples]
  • Animal habitats across the world are under threat from climate change [cite examples]
  • Just this year, 23 species have been declared extinct (BBC News 2021)
  • “Animals are changing shape… some are growing bigger wings, some are sprouting longer ears and others are growing larger bills” in order to cool off (Zeldovich 2021)

Managing sources with the Scribbr Citation Generator

To make your life easier later, make sure to write down the full details of every source you consult. That includes not only books and journal articles, but also things like websites, magazine articles, and videos. This makes it easy to go back and check where you found a phrase, fact, or idea that you want to use in your paper.

Scribbr’s Citation Generator allows you to start building and managing your reference list as you go, saving time later. When you’re ready to submit, simply download your reference list!

Generate accurate citations with Scribbr

Prevent plagiarism. run a free check..

Quoting means copying a piece of text word for word. The copied text must be introduced in your own words, enclosed in quotation marks , and correctly attributed to the original author.

In general, quote sparingly. Quotes are appropriate when:

  • You’re using an exact definition, introduced by the original author
  • It is impossible for you to rephrase the original text without losing its meaning
  • You’re analyzing the use of language in the original text
  • You want to maintain the authority and style of the author’s words

Long quotations should be formatted as block quotes . But for longer blocks of text, it’s usually better to paraphrase instead.

Paraphrasing means using your own words to explain something from a source.

Paraphrasing does not mean just switching out a few words from a copy-pasted text. To paraphrase properly, you should rewrite the author’s point in your own words to show that you have fully understood it.

Every time you quote or paraphrase, you must include an in-text or footnote citation clearly identifying the original author. Each citation must correspond to a full reference in the reference list or bibliography at the end of your paper.

This acknowledges the source of your information, avoiding plagiarism, and it helps your readers locate the source for themselves if they would like to learn more.

There are many different citation styles, each with its own rules. A few common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago . Your instructor may assign a particular style for you to use, or you may be able to choose. The most important thing is to apply one style consistently throughout the text.

The examples below follow APA Style.

Citing a single source

Citing multiple sources.

If you quote multiple sources in one sentence, make sure to cite them separately so that it’s clear which material came from which source.

To create correctly formatted source citations, you can use our free Citation Generator.

APA Citation Generator MLA Citation Generator

And if you’re citing in APA Style, consider using Scribbr’s Citation Checker , a unique tool that scans your citations for errors. It can detect inconsistencies between your in-text citations and your reference list, as well as making sure your citations are flawlessly formatted.

Most universities use plagiarism checkers like Turnitin to detect potential plagiarism. Here’s how plagiarism checkers work : they scan your document, compare it to a database of webpages and publications, and highlight passages that appear similar to other texts.

Consider using a plagiarism checker yourself before submitting your paper. This allows you to identify issues that could constitute accidental plagiarism, such as:

  • Forgotten or misplaced citations
  • Missing quotation marks
  • Paraphrased material that’s too similar to the original text

Then you can easily fix any instances of potential plagiarism.

There are differences in accuracy and safety between plagiarism checkers. To help students choose, we conducted extensive research comparing the best plagiarism checkers .

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can be helpful at different stages of the writing and research process. However, these tools can also be used to plagiarize in various ways (whether intentionally or unintentionally). When using these tools, it’s important to avoid the following:

  • AI-assisted plagiarism:   Passing off AI-generated text as your own work (e.g., research papers, homework assignments)
  • Plagiarism :   Using the tool to paraphrase content from another source and passing it off as original work
  • Self-plagiarism :   Using the tool to rewrite a paper you previously submitted

It’s important to use AI tools responsibly and to be aware that AI-generated outputs may be detected by your university’s AI detector .

When using someone else’s exact words, I have properly formatted them as a quote .

When using someone else’s ideas, I have properly paraphrased , expressing the idea completely in my own words.

I have included an in-text citation every time I use words, ideas, or information from a source.

Every source I cited is included in my reference list or bibliography .

I have consistently followed the rules of my required citation style .

I have not committed self-plagiarism by reusing any part of a previous paper.

I have used a reliable plagiarism checker as a final check.

Your document should be free from plagiarism!

Are you a teacher or professor who would like to educate your students about plagiarism? You can download our free lecture slides, available for Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Open Google Slides Download PowerPoint

Accidental plagiarism is one of the most common examples of plagiarism . Perhaps you forgot to cite a source, or paraphrased something a bit too closely. Maybe you can’t remember where you got an idea from, and aren’t totally sure if it’s original or not.

These all count as plagiarism, even though you didn’t do it on purpose. When in doubt, make sure you’re citing your sources . Also consider running your work through a plagiarism checker tool prior to submission, which work by using advanced database software to scan for matches between your text and existing texts.

Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker takes less than 10 minutes and can help you turn in your paper with confidence.

To avoid plagiarism when summarizing an article or other source, follow these two rules:

  • Write the summary entirely in your own words by paraphrasing the author’s ideas.
  • Cite the source with an in-text citation and a full reference so your reader can easily find the original text.

Plagiarism can be detected by your professor or readers if the tone, formatting, or style of your text is different in different parts of your paper, or if they’re familiar with the plagiarized source.

Many universities also use plagiarism detection software like Turnitin’s, which compares your text to a large database of other sources, flagging any similarities that come up.

It can be easier than you think to commit plagiarism by accident. Consider using a plagiarism checker prior to submitting your paper to ensure you haven’t missed any citations.

Some examples of plagiarism include:

  • Copying and pasting a Wikipedia article into the body of an assignment
  • Quoting a source without including a citation
  • Not paraphrasing a source properly, such as maintaining wording too close to the original
  • Forgetting to cite the source of an idea

The most surefire way to avoid plagiarism is to always cite your sources . When in doubt, cite!

If you’re concerned about plagiarism, consider running your work through a plagiarism checker tool prior to submission. Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker takes less than 10 minutes and can help you turn in your paper with confidence.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2023, November 21). How to Avoid Plagiarism | Tips on Citing Sources. Scribbr. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from

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Tegan George

Tegan George

Other students also liked, consequences of mild, moderate & severe plagiarism, types of plagiarism and how to recognize them, what is self-plagiarism | definition & how to avoid it, what is your plagiarism score.


Research Ethics: Turnitin

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What is Turnitin?

Student quick start guide.

The Student QuickStart Guide  will help you get started with Turnitin and will walk you through the steps for submitting your first paper. To begin, you need to first register with Turnitin and create a user profile.

Using Turnitin

This video will take a student through creating a new account in Turnitin and enrolling in a class. In order to enroll in a class the student must have the class id and enrollment password which can only be distributed by the class instructor. Students can enroll in multiple classes from the same user profile.

What percentages are safe?

As students are completing their research papers, this question comes up often…  When using TURNITIN  What percentages are safe?

Well the advice is that   There are no clear cut rules for this as all work will probably contain some words from other sources .

As a guide, a returned percentage of below 15% would probably indicate that plagiarism has not occurred. However, if the matching text is one continuous block this could still be considered plagiarism. A high percentage would probably be anything over 25% (Yellow, orange or red). Again this will depend on the students work and the requirements of the report or essay.

Source - Guidelines for staff and graduate students on plagiarism

Originality Reports

Papers submitted to Turnitin may be compared against billions of internet documents, archived internet data that is no longer available on the live web, a local repository of previously submitted papers, and subscription repository of periodicals, journals, and publications. The comparison may be against any or all of these repositories as set on a specific assignment by the instructor of the class. The comparison document is called an Originality Report . This document details the matching or similar text between a submission made on Turnitin and the documents the submission was compared against.

  • Video on how to view an Originality Check Report

For help with understanding and interpreting Originality Reports generated by Turnitin, on the page with the Originality Report, click the help button toward the upper right. There you will find Turnitin’s best information for working with and interpreting reports.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 2, 2015 9:28 PM
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UGC guidelines for plagiarism | Levels of plagiarism as per UGC regulation 2018

UGC guidelines for plagiarism

This blog post aims to provide details regarding UGC guidelines for plagiarism .

Page Contents


The following rules related to Plagiarism shall apply to the students, faculty, researchers and staff of all Higher Educational Institutions in the country.

  • To create awareness about responsible conduct of research, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and prevention of misconduct including plagiarism in academic writing among student, faculty, researcher and staff.
  • To establish institutional mechanism through education and training to facilitate responsible conduct of research, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and deterrence from plagiarism.
  • To develop systems to detect plagiarism and to set up mechanisms to prevent plagiarism and punish a student, faculty, researcher or staff of HEI committing the act of plagiarism.

Similarity checks for exclusion from Plagiarism

The similarity checks for plagiarism shall exclude the following:

  • All quoted work reproduced with all necessary permission and/or attribution.
  • All references, bibliography, table of content, preface and acknowledgements.
  • All generic terms, laws, standard symbols and standards equations.

The research work carried out by the student, faculty, researcher and staff shall be based on original ideas, which shall  include abstract, summary, hypothesis, observations, results, conclusions and recommendations only and shall not have  any similarities. It shall exclude a common knowledge or coincidental terms, up to fourteen (14) consecutive words.

  Levels of Plagiarism

Plagiarism would be quantified into following levels in ascending order of severity for the purpose of its definition:

Level 0: Similarities up to 10% – Minor similarities, no penalty

Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40%

Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60%

Level 3: Similarities above 60%

  Penalties in case of plagiarism in submission of thesis and dissertations

Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) shall impose penalty considering the severity of the Plagiarism.

i. Level 0: Similarities up to 10% – Minor Similarities, no penalty.

ii. Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40% – Such student shall be asked to submit a revised script within a stipulated time period not exceeding 6 months.

iii. Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60% – Such student shall be debarred from submitting a revised script for a period of one year.

iv. Level 3: Similarities above 60% -Such student registration for that programme shall be cancelled.

Penalties in case of plagiarism in academic and research publications

I. Level 0: Similarities up to 10% – Minor similarities, no penalty.

II. Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40%

i) Shall be asked to withdraw manuscript.

III. Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60%

ii) Shall be denied a right to one annual increment.

iii) Shall not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. Student/scholar for a period of two years.

IV. Level 3: Similarities above 60%

ii) Shall be denied a right to two successive annual increments.

iii) Shall not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. Student/scholar for a period of three years.

Detection and Handling of Plagiarism | Charges of Plagiarism

If any member of the academic community suspects with appropriate proof that a case of plagiarism has happened in any document, he or she shall report it to the Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP). Upon receipt of such a complaint or allegation the DAIP shall investigate the matter and submit its recommendations to the Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) of the HEI.

The authorities of HEI can also take suomotu notice of an act of plagiarism and initiate proceedings under these regulations. Similarly, proceedings can also be initiated by the HEI on the basis of findings of an examiner. All such cases will be investigated by the IAIP.

UGC guidelines for phd thesis format

How to  start a Ph.D. research  program in India?

UGC assistant professor eligibility/ selection criteria

Free and Paid plagiarism checkers for research papers/ thesis

Sources: UGC

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Writing services to help you avoid plagiarism.

Choose the option that suits you best and get your essay going

Let the writer edit affected pieces following your essay instructions while leaving unaffected parts intact. Order this service only if you are sure of your writing skills and the essay doesn't require a total rewrite.

The best option for all kinds of plagiarism issues includes proofreading and editing. Not only will the assigned writer eliminate plagiarism, but they will also do a complete overhaul, rewrite your essay, and restructure it up to your instructions.


Choose this option if your needs are limited to just pointing out what has to be done to fix rare plagiarism occasions. Writers are very thorough with plagiarism and will provide possible solutions that best match your essay topic.

Free Online Plagiarism Checker with Percentage for Students

When students use online professional writing services, they expect to have original pieces written from scratch and according to their instructions. One of the most critical factors in using online writing services is that the pieces of writing they deliver to students are 0% plagiarism. Most writing companies check for plagiarism percentage but do not offer a free plagiarism checker online for a student to use when he asks, “check my paper for plagiarism.”

Sometimes students have written their essays and papers and want to use a plagiarism detector. They will not find an essay plagiarism checker to use on an online writing service – at least not the majority of them. When writing companies do offer additional resources, such as a free plagiarism checker, students come to trust that they are in the business of helping them rather than just making money. While knowing your plagiarism score is good, it is best to ask professionals " write my paper ," and there will be no plagiarism issues.

Plagiarism Checker for Students

Let’s face it. It’s easy to get a bit sloppy when doing research for a paper. An author’s words are paraphrased too closely to the real thing, a unique idea is not credited to its owner, and sometimes, even a direct quote is not cited correctly. All these things open a student up for charges of plagiarism, even if they write college papers from scratch with the best of intentions. Having a free online plagiarism checker for students, such as that offered by Trust My Paper, gives a student a neutral, objective source to ensure that no instructor will find plagiarized content in what he has submitted. And having a plagiarism detector that is a unique piece of software not used by anyone else is critical. More on that later.

There is also something called “self-plagiarism.” Most students are unaware of this issue, but it is accurate. Suppose a student has written a previous original piece and run through a common plagiarism detector used by many institutions. Now, he is writing a second piece on a similar topic and has decided to use a small percentage of content from that previous piece. Using that same common plagiarism detector will result in repeated content being flagged as plagiarized. Better to catch this with the Trust My Paper plagiarism checker before turning the paper in.

The consequences of plagiarism become more severe as students move through their schooling careers. A middle school student who writes his first research paper is a beginner and may not fully understand the “rules” of plagiarism. Rather than severe consequences, his teacher will probably re-teach those rules, point out what was plagiarized, and have him rewrite those parts. By high school, things get a little more serious, and students can face severely lowered grades on writing that contains plagiarism. Once in college, a student is expected to know the rules and to produce fully original work. Consequences for plagiarism are severe and can even include expulsion. If a student has any concerns about plagiarism, he must find an online plagiarism checking tool with percentage and clear his piece before submitting it. Trust My Paper has that tool.

Benefits of Free Online Plagiarism Checker by Trust My Paper

Let’s look at probably the most common online plagiarism detector – Turnitin. Most colleges use Turnitin campus-wide so that instructors will check papers for plagiarism through this software. And it’s a free plagiarism checker with percentage. Here is a typical scenario. A student finishes a paper and runs it through Turnitin. It gives him 95% originality, which is acceptable. He then submits that essay to his professor. That professor then runs it through Turnitin, and it comes back plagiarized. The student has some explaining to do, even though he did nothing wrong.

This is probably not your biggest worry when dealing with checking for plagiarism. You just want to ensure you have not goofed and plagiarized something by mistake. Often, these are failures to cite sources correctly or to paraphrase too closely. And if you use a good plagiarism checker with percentage, these issues will be identified so you can fix them.

You will not encounter undetected plagiarism issues when you use the free plagiarism checker on the Trust My Paper website. And there are some other significant benefits when you check a paper for plagiarism through our tool:

  • We provide a 100% guarantee of the results
  • We compare your piece with over 1,500,000 pieces of content on the web
  • We support 150+ languages
  • We use the latest, most sophisticated algorithms
  • It’s super easy to use
  • Shows originality in percentage

How Does Plagiarism Detection Work?

Once you have typed in Google “ check my paper for plagiarism,” you simply access it here, on the Trust My Paper website. The rest is self-explanatory:

  • Enter the title of the piece/document.
  • Paste/upload your piece.
  • Check the box that you agree with the “terms and conditions” and then click the “check for plagiarism” box.
  • Let the software do its work and provide you with a full report. That report will include the percentage of originality and point out any and all parts with similarities, along with the sources of those similarities.
  • If you need to fix some things, you can run the piece through the checker again until you have the desired results.
  • Once you have the results you want, you can download your report and turn it in with your work.

Once you have used it, you will believe ours is the best plagiarism checker you will find.

Advantages of Plagiarism Checker by Trust My Paper

Using Trust My Paper online plagiarism checker has several advantages that make it the preferred checker of most clients. These include the following:

  • You get a full report that will let you fix any issues quickly and be confident that you can turn in your work without worry.
  • You can check your paper for plagiarism as many times as necessary.
  • Our free plagiarism checker is free, no matter how many times you want to use it.
  • Your use of our plagiarism checker is confidential, and it is fast. You will get your report, usually within minutes, unless the piece is lengthy.
  • Accuracy is guaranteed because we use the latest software and algorithms.
  • You can drag and drop any type of file you have - .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .odt.
  • Our checker is super simple to use. Once you try it, you’ll want to use it for every piece you write.

Can I check my essay for plagiarism for free online?

Yes, you can find an online plagiarism checker in a lot of places online. Quality can vary, though. Scanners that use the most current technology and algorithms will give you a good result. But there is no way to always know if those are in place when you choose a checker and to get the accuracy and completeness you really need. When you decide to use Trust My Paper’s plagiarism, you will get the accuracy and the comprehensiveness you need. You’ll have an overall percentage of originality and a highlighting of any text that is a problem.

As a student, is it free for me to use Trust My Paper plagiarism checker?

Absolutely. No matter what your grade level, no matter where your institution is located, you can access our plagiarism checker for free, as often as you need, 24 hours a day. It supports a number of foreign languages, is fast and easy, and will even scan a large number of sources to ensure accuracy. Our plagiarism checker is one of several free resources we offer to students because we are committed to your success. Helping you make sure your writing work is 100% plagiarism-free is important.

Can I scan my research paper for plagiarism for free?

Yes, of course. Our plagiarism checker will scan, analyze, and report on any piece of writing in any document format. Once the scan is complete, you can then download the full report or have it emailed to you, so you can attach it to your work when you turn it in.

Will your plagiarism report be the same as the one used by my university?

Online plagiarism checkers from different types of programs/scanners will not “look” exactly the same. But the information they all provide will be the same. There will be a percentage of originality, and for most instructors and institutions, it must be 90% or higher. It will point out pieces of content that are too similar to existing content, found on huge databases or elsewhere on the web. The “meat” of any plagiarism checker for students will be the same, just in different sequencing.

Can I be punished for plagiarism?

You bet you can. Younger students who are new to writing essays, papers, book reports, and such will not face the consequences. Their teachers will point out plagiarism and explain why it is wrong. As students get older, punishments will be in place for plagiarism. By the time students are in college, consequences can be mild to severe, depending upon the instructor and the institution’s policies. Our advice? Take no chances. Run everything you write through the Trust My Paper free checker, and submit your work with confidence.

What does a free plagiarism checker with percentage mean?

Many free plagiarism checkers only tell you if your content is original or not. That can be misleading. In truth, almost no content is 100% original. Commonly used phrases, quotes, and other similar content will count as content that isn’t completely original. Don’t forget about self-plagiarism! This is when a student uses their own previous work, but doesn’t cite it. In addition to this, different schools and organizations allow different thresholds of originality.

A free plagiarism checker with percentage doesn’t just showcase spots where there may be issues with originality. It shows you exactly how much of your paper is completely original. This lets you determine if you need to change anything.

All of these are clear reasons why you need a plagiarism checker that provides an accurate percentage. This will allow you to verify that your content is as original as it needs to be.

What percentage of plagiarism is considered bad?

That depends on the standards set by your instructor or school. It also depends on how you are presenting any information you have lifted from other sources. For example, a paragraph-long quote that is properly sourced and attributed is not plagiarism. However, it may show up as content that isn’t original. On the other hand, if you steal a shorter quote, and pass it off as your own thought, without giving credit, that is plagiarism.

In many cases, you can find out what the expectations are. Sometimes, your instructor will publish the percentage of originality they expect in the assignment rubric. In other cases, it will be with the course rules.

Don’t forget to learn what will happen if you should turn in a paper that isn’t completely original. In some cases, the consequences could be failure or expulsion. In other instances, your instructor may simply wish to review your paper to ensure that you have given proper credit.

I cited my sources, is it considered plagiarism?

In some instances, the answer is yes. For example, if you use someone’s exact words, but fail to use quotes, that may be considered to be plagiarism. You can avoid this by properly attributing words using quotes, in addition to citing your source. Sometimes, it is best to paraphrase or reword the statement.

Can you detect plagiarism without a plag checker?

There may be a few things you can do to look for plagiarism in your writing. For example, you can:

  • Do a Google search on passages of your writing to see if it finds matching content.
  • Double-check that all of your writing uses quotations and citations properly.
  • Look for visual cues in your paper. For example, a passage that uses a different font may be something you copied in, then forgot to paraphrase or quote.

You may also ask someone you trust to review your paper.

Unfortunately, while these actions may help, none of them are a decent substitute for a reliable plagiarism detector. Remember that online, plagiarism detection software can quickly access and review more than a million papers, articles, and other content. You simply cannot match that using any other tool or technique. That is why it is best to rely on a high-quality plagiarism checker that gives you an originality percentage.

Is it safe to check for plagiarism online?

Absolutely! In fact, this is the safest, most convenient method there is. Did you know your instructor or employer will likely use an online checker to ensure your work is original? It only makes sense that you would gain peace of mind by having your writing double-checked for plagiarism by a company that is established in the field of academic writing. Here are some things to consider as you look for a plag checker online:

  • Does the service have connections with reputable academic databases?
  • Have students been satisfied with their experiences with this service?
  • Is it easy to use the plagiarism checking tool?
  • Does the company that offers the service have an excellent track record in the field of academic writing?
  • Will the tool check for self-plagiarism?
  • Can the student expect to receive an accurate number that reflects their originality?
  • Is there multiple language support?
  • Is it free?
  • Can you use the plagiarism checker multiple times for a single paper?

Our plagiarism checker has all of these features. Further, you may drag and drop files, or use copy and paste. All standard file formats are supported.

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More From Forbes

Harvard honesty researcher accused of plagiarism.

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Another day, another academic researcher is being accused of dishonesty. In this case, it is Francesca Gino, recently the Tandon Family professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. The particular kind of dishonesty in question is plagiarism.

Light Bulbs Concept Shining ETHICS, RESPECT, HONESTY and INTEGRITY

Two things about this story make it especially noteworthy. The first is that Gino has for several decades been one of the leading researchers in the world on the topic of honesty . For instance, she has examined the relationship between cheating and variables like psychological closeness, creativity, and self-image. Some of her published papers include “Evil Genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity” and “Sweeping Dishonesty Under the Rug: How Unethical Actions Lead to Forgetting of Moral Rules.” Now this honesty researcher is being accused of dishonesty herself.

The other noteworthy aspect of this story is that it follows closely on the heels of other dishonesty allegations against Gino. A 2023 internal report by Harvard Business School found that Gino “committed research misconduct intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly” with respect to four of her published papers. Research investigators with Data Colada had found evidence which, in their view, suggested that data was being manipulated or falsified in Gino’s research, prompting Harvard to investigate. Subsequently, Gino reacted by filing a $25 million lawsuit against Harvard and Data Colada.

What about these new charges of plagiarism? Professor Gino’s attorney, Andrew T. Miltenberg, has replied to The Harvard Crimson that “we will continue to fiercely defend Professor Gino’s integrity against what appears to be an ongoing attempt to slander her reputation. History has shown the peril of premature judgment, particularly within the scientific community, where reputations can be irreparably tarnished. Professor Gino is steadfast in her commitment to uncovering the truth in each instance, responding decisively and correcting the record if necessary.”

Over the years, I have reached out to Professor Gino to be a part of some of the activities for the Honesty Project , which I directed (she respectfully declined). She also declined my invitation to reply directly to the concerns about plagiarism.

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As far as the substance of the plagiarism allegations is concerned, is this just a case of one sloppy citation here and there? According to investigative work by Science , one of the leading research journals, there are numerous instances of plagiarism in multiple works by Gino. This includes a co-authored book chapter with 10 unacknowledged sources for particular passages. It also includes the two books Gino has written, in which Science was able to find “at least 15 additional passages of borrowed text.” Strikingly, according to Science , the source “used most extensively” by Gino without proper acknowledgment is an undergraduate senior thesis completed in 2014 at Tilburg University by Jasper Beijneveld, who today is not even an academic.

To give one illustration of what Science found, compare a passage from an article in this very publication, Forbes , with a passage from Gino’s 2013 book, Sidetracked:

2011 Forbes Article :

“Consider Ken Olsen, the giant who pioneered the minicomputer sector as a co-founder of Digital Equipment Corporation in 1957. For the next decade, DEC dominated the scientific and engineering workstation market, especially through its leading position in universities. By the late 1970s, Olsen led the company’s development of a unified hardware architecture and operating system…”

Gino’s 2013 Book Sidetracked (p. 25):

“Or consider the story of Ken Olsen, a leader in the minicomputer sector as a cofounder of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) back in 1957. During the following two decades, DEC dominated the scientific and engineering workstation market and, by the late 1970s, was number two in the computer industry under Olsen’s leadership, thanks to the company’s development of a unified hardware architecture and operating system.”

There appears to be too much overlap here between the two texts for this to be merely coincidental. According to Science , there is no citation by Gino to the original Forbes article.

It is hard not to note some of the potential ironies here. A prominent honesty researcher has now been accused of not one, but two major forms of academic dishonesty. She in turn is alleging that her accusers are being less than honest in their claims about her alleged dishonesty in her research on dishonesty. Her accusers in turn deny this. On and on it goes.

Christian B. Miller

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Plagiarism Checker with Percentage

Scan your paper against 13 billion web pages to make sure your paper is 100% original

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Paste or upload your text.

Enter the document title in the top text box labeled, "Place your title here" Enter the body of your paper into the second box labeled, "Paste your text here"

Get Plagiarism Full Report with percentage

Any plagiarism found is highlighted red this is so that you can easily identify which parts of the text need to be changed

paste or upload icon

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Once you have input your text through the duplicate text checker, you can then see which sentences need changing. Simply look at the highlighted words and phrases, and change the wording.

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Free Online Plagiarism Checker with Percentage

Papers, reports, and essays occupy critically important part of any college student’s life. Plenty of helpful resources exist online and students actively use them to get ready for their classes. However, severe implications can occur to ones who don’t properly credit someone else’s work used to complete the assignment. At best, it can be having your paper fail, yet it can end with suspension or expulsion from the educational establishment.

The content you produce has to be original and unique in order to succeed. It is not worth to even attempt to plagiarize in a worst-case scenario and risk your reputation or a hard-earned spot in the college. All students who take their academic work in a serious way should be aware of the consequences of plagiarism and do their best to stay away from it.  In order to minimize all possible hazards,our team came up with the invaluable resource to serve varying customers’ needs across the globe. If you wonder how to check for plagiarism with percentage online, we have incredible news for you!

The Best free online plagiarism checker with percentage at

Meet StudyHippo free duplicate content checker – advanced creation of today’s technology. Not only can the tool in a precise and highly intelligent way search and analyze billions of documents all around the web, but also it is intuitive and easy to use at the same time. This particular anti-plagiarism checker was implemented based on extensive research on what the consumers expect for. Therefore, we are ready to provide the best experience available.

What do you need to do to make it work? Simply insert the piece of content you want to check on the specially designated space and let the tool do the work for you! Checking for plagiarism with percentage has never been easier. Behind closed curtains, the search mechanism carefully runs text through internal database of countless websites prior to generating the best-required plagiarism report. Every word, phrase and sentence are examined one by one and based on the received matches with compared sources, you get the reliable and accurate result of the uniqueness of the content scanned.

What is the outcome of plagiarism check with percentage?

After the test is finished, an exact percentage (on a scale from 0-100%) is displayed meaning how unique the text is. Additionally, pieces of content that already exist somewhere online are highlighted in red, which means they do not meet the anti-plagiarism requirements. Links to the actual sources are identified and provided as well, so you can follow them to get to know where the record originally is from. So, in case you want to credit the author of the citation, but you can’t recall who that was – checker comes in a good use either. However, be aware that likelihood of triggering some red flags and therefore seeing red in the results of your check is high for common phrases. If the complete sentence was marked as red, it means that it was plagiarized from the internet.

Furthermore, StudyHippo checker doesn’t create any records about the content searched in its database. Despite the fact that the software the tool operates on is expensive to develop, we made it with a thought about everyone no matter of the financial backgrounds. The anti-plagiarism checker we offer is completely free of charge, yet the reliability and quality are not compromised. So why not give it a try?

Check my paper for plagiarism with percentage

When it comes to the academic environment, the tool does the double duty – meanwhile students use it to check their papers for plagiarism with percentage  before turning the work in, the teachers are able to examine those assignments for unoriginal content. If you come up with an original piece of text, it is a good idea to ensure that it is not misused online. With the help of StudyHippo anti-plagiarism checker, you can inspect any possible cases of fraudulent use of your creations and take appropriate actions in order to re-establish the righteousness of your work.

For the time being, students and teachers are already enjoying and actively using StudyHippo checker to avoid any unpleasant situations concerning content thefts. It is also a vitally helpful tool for writers, webmasters, and SEO professionals. Thanks to it, they can be sure that all the pieces of text they post online on their websites are 100% original and fresh, so they can rank high places in the search engines and attract a broader audience.

To sum up, our team would suggest to everyone to always have a quick access to an anti-plagiarism checker with percentage . StudyHippo’s techniques and strategies were implemented with an in-depth investigation of users’ expectations and needs; hence, it is a trustworthy tool that you can rely on at any moment.

Think twice before publishing your content online or submitting papers, essays, thesis or other assignments to your teacher. It is always worth double-checking and ensuring that no possible problems can occur and you will get the desired positive outcome of the hard work done. We offer the best free plagiarism detector available online, so why not to go ahead and give it a try now?

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  • analysis of the implication/significance/impact of the evidence finished off with a critical conclusion you have drawn from the evidence.


  1. 😍 How do i check if my essay has plagiarism. How to Check for

    thesis plagiarism percentage

  2. How to reduce plagiarism percentage in a thesis

    thesis plagiarism percentage

  3. How to reduce plagiarism percentage in a thesis

    thesis plagiarism percentage

  4. Plagiarism In Universities

    thesis plagiarism percentage

  5. Plagiarism Checker

    thesis plagiarism percentage

  6. How to reduce plagiarism percentage in a thesis

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  2. Check your Plagiarism in 10 minutes#thesis for thesis#tranding reels#

  3. New Turnitin class ID

  4. How to reduce plagiarism in text in document

  5. POV: How to reduce the percentage of plagiarism while writing PhD thesis? #research #phd #phdthesis

  6. Prompts for Scientific Research using AI الذكاء الاصطناعي والابحاث


  1. What is an acceptable percentage of plagiarism?

    You can repeat this as often as you like with all your sources. With your Plagiarism Check order, you get a free pass to use the Self-Plagiarism Checker. Simply upload them to your similarity report and let us do the rest! The "Exclude Small Matches" number is set too high. By default, the plagiarism report shows similarities of 9 words or ...

  2. What Plagiarism level of master thesis is acceptable?

    I am checking plagiarism of my master thesis. It comes out 32 percent. So upto what level of plagiarism is accepted? My master thesis is on the topic of homomorphic encryption in Cloud and I uses turnitin online service for plagiarism checking. Edit: I apologize that I do not included the detail that plagiarism level comes out 32 percent when I ...

  3. what percentage of plagiarism is acceptable?

    There is a lack of consensus or clear-cut-rules on what percentage of plagiarism is acceptable in a manuscript. Going by the convention, usually a text similarity below 15% is acceptable by the journals and a similarity of >25% is considered as high percentage of plagiarism.. But even in case of 15% similarity, if the matching text is one continuous block of borrowed material, it will be ...

  4. Plagiarism and what are acceptable similarity scores?

    The percentage that is returned on a student's submission (called similarity index or similarity score) defines how much of that material matches other material in the database, it is not a marker as to whether a student has or has not plagiarized. Matches will be displayed to material that has been correctly cited and used, which is where the ...

  5. What is an acceptable percentage of plagiarism?

    Your work should not contain any plagiarism. Even if your score is 1%, you will need to review each similarity and decide whether it's necessary to revise your work. But contrary to popular belief, plagiarism checkers work by detecting not plagiarism, but similarities. Not all similarities found by the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker constitute ...

  6. Interpreting the Similarity Report

    The color of the report icon indicates the similarity score of the paper, based on the amount of matching or similar text that was uncovered. The percentage range is 0% to 100%. The possible similarity ranges are: Blue: No matching text; Green: One word to 24% matching text; Yellow: 25-49% matching text; Orange: 50-74% matching text; Red: 75 ...

  7. How to reduce plagiarism percentage in a thesis

    Plagiarism is a serious academic offence that can lead to consequences, such as expulsion from school. Therefore, it is important for researchers to take steps to ensure that their theses are plagiarism-free. One of the most important steps for reducing the plagiarism percentage in a thesis is to use credible sources for research.

  8. How much plagiarism is allowed?

    The acceptable percentage varies within the limit of the mentioned 20%. Each case is individual, and the educational institution, the teacher, and the nature of the detected similarities should be taken into account. However, obviously, how much plagiarism is allowed in research paper differs when we talk about a regular essay or a dissertation.

  9. Acceptable Plagiarism Percentage: Turnitin or SafeAssign in ...

    However, there is an acceptable percentage of plagiarism that is allowed. The acceptable percentage of plagiarism is considered to be 10%. If you go beyond that percentage, then your thesis will be plagiarized. If you do not want to be accused of plagiarism, then avoid copying the work of others. Either cite your sources or paraphrase the idea ...

  10. Plagiarism Checker

    You can check your PDF for plagiarism using the PDF plagiarism checker by Prepostseo. Click on the 'Upload' button and select a PDF from your local storage. Solve the reCAPTCHA and hit the Check Plagiarism button. Get the plagiarism report with the percentage. — Languages —.

  11. How to Check for Plagiarism?

    If similarity is less than 10%, no action is taken. However, if the level of plagiarism increases above this, the action given below is recommended [ 4, 5 ]. Level 1—10-40% similarity. No marks or credits shall be awarded for the plagiarized script. The revised manuscript should be re-submitted within 6 months.

  12. Plagiarism Checker: Free Scan for Plagiarism

    Catch accidental plagiarism and citation mistakes before you submit your work for grading. Stay ahead of the game with a check for plagiarism ... Most basic plagiarism checkers review your work and calculate a percentage, meaning how much of your writing is indicative of original work. ... You'll receive personalized feedback on your thesis ...

  13. Free Plagiarism Checker Online for Students

    Once you have pressed "check for plagiarism", the system will analyze your text and compare it with different sources to find similarities. As a rule, the duration depends on the text's length. A standard free online plagiarism checker with percentage can give you the result within five minutes or less.

  14. Turnitin Percentage: What Is The Acceptable Percentage?

    Green (1% - 24% matching text) Green signifies 1% to 24% of similar text in your work. This is within range of the acceptable Turnitin percentage. However, your work may still be plagiarized if you fail to reference rightly. Yellow (25% - 49% matching text) Yellow says that your work contains 25% to 49% of plagiarism which is definitely too ...

  15. How to Avoid Plagiarism

    To avoid plagiarism, you need to correctly incorporate these sources into your text. You can avoid plagiarism by: Keeping track of the sources you consult in your research. Paraphrasing or quoting from your sources (by using a paraphrasing tool and adding your own ideas) Crediting the original author in an in-text citation and in your reference ...

  16. Research Ethics: Turnitin

    However, if the matching text is one continuous block this could still be considered plagiarism. A high percentage would probably be anything over 25% (Yellow, orange or red). Again this will depend on the students work and the requirements of the report or essay. Source - Guidelines for staff and graduate students on plagiarism

  17. Why Plagiarism Less than 19% is allowed? Is there any ...

    All Answers (39) Plagiarism of whatever percentage is still plagiarism and should not be allowed. For an academic/scholarly work such as thesis or dissertation, universities and education ...

  18. Plagiarism in theses: A nationwide concern from the perspective of

    The findings revealed that 31 percent of theses had major referencing inaccuracies which were misleading or plagiarized. ... Regarding the importance of in-depth studies of thesis plagiarism in higher education and the scarcity of research in this area, specifically university instructors' perceptions in the Iranian context, the present study ...

  19. UGC guidelines for plagiarism

    Penalties in case of plagiarism in submission of thesis and dissertations. Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) shall impose penalty considering the severity of the Plagiarism. i. Level 0: Similarities up to 10% - Minor Similarities, no penalty. ii. Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40% - Such student shall be asked to submit a ...

  20. Free Online Plagiarism Checker with Percentage for Students

    Most colleges use Turnitin campus-wide so that instructors will check papers for plagiarism through this software. And it's a free plagiarism checker with percentage. Here is a typical scenario. A student finishes a paper and runs it through Turnitin. It gives him 95% originality, which is acceptable.

  21. One of World's Leading Honesty Researchers Accused of Plagiarism

    Strikingly, according to Science, the source "used most extensively" by Gino without proper acknowledgment is an undergraduate senior thesis completed in 2014 at Tilburg University by Jasper ...

  22. Free Online Plagiarism Checker with Percentage

    What percentage of plagiarism is acceptable? 15% - The content written with 10-15% plagiarism is acceptable. More than 20% is already not unique paper. But even in case of 15% similarity, if the matching text is one continuous block of borrowed material, it will be considered as plagiarized text of significant concern.

  23. Plagiarism scandals rock Norway as second minister quits ...

    The pressure mounted Thursday when it was leaked to the Norwegian press that a panel reviewing Kjerkol's thesis had revoked it for plagiarism. Kjerkol is the second Norwegian minister to quit this year after facing accusations of plagiarism in their academic work. In January, Sandra Borch of the Agrarian Party stepped down as minister of higher ...