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Psychology Experiment Ideas

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Psychology Experiment Ideas

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Quick Ideas | Experiment Ideas | Designing Your Experiment | Types of Research

If you are taking a psychology class, you might at some point be asked to design an imaginary experiment or perform an experiment or study. The idea you ultimately choose to use for your psychology experiment may depend upon the number of participants you can find, the time constraints of your project, and limitations in the materials available to you.

Consider these factors before deciding which psychology experiment idea might work for your project.

This article discusses some ideas you might try if you need to perform a psychology experiment or study.

A Quick List of Experiment Ideas

If you are looking for a quick experiment idea that would be easy to tackle, the following might be some research questions you want to explore:

  • How many items can people hold in short-term memory ?
  • Are people with a Type A personality more stressed than those with a Type B personality?
  • Does listening to upbeat music increase heart rate?
  • Are men or women better at detecting emotions ?
  • Are women or men more likely to experience imposter syndrome ?
  • Will students conform if others in the group all share an opinion that is different from their own?
  • Do people’s heartbeat or breathing rates change in response to certain colors?
  • How much do people rely on nonverbal communication to convey information in a conversation?
  • Do people who score higher on measures of emotional intelligence also score higher on measures of overall well-being?
  • Do more successful people share certain personality traits ?

Most of the following ideas are easily conducted with a small group of participants, who may likely be your classmates. Some of the psychology experiment or study ideas you might want to explore:

Sleep and Short-Term Memory

Does sleep deprivation have an impact on short-term memory ?

Ask participants how much sleep they got the night before and then conduct a task to test short-term memory for items on a list.

Social Media and Mental Health

Is social media usage linked to anxiety or depression?

Ask participants about how many hours a week they use social media sites and then have them complete a depression and anxiety assessment.

Procrastination and Stress

How does procrastination impact student stress levels?

Ask participants about how frequently they procrastinate on their homework and then have them complete an assessment looking at their current stress levels.

Caffeine and Cognition

How does caffeine impact performance on a Stroop test?

In the Stroop test , participants are asked to tell the color of a word, rather than just reading the word. Have a control group consume no caffeine and then complete a Stroop test, and then have an experimental group consume caffeine before completing the same test. Compare results.

Color and Memory

Does the color of text have any impact on memory?

Randomly assign participants to two groups. Have one group memorize words written in black ink for two minutes. Have the second group memorize the same words for the same amount of time, but instead written in red ink. Compare the results.

Weight Bias

How does weight bias influence how people are judged by others?

Find pictures of models in a magazine who look similar, including similar hair and clothing, but who differ in terms of weight. Have participants look at the two models and then ask them to identify which one they think is smarter, wealthier, kinder, and healthier.

Assess how each model was rated and how weight bias may have influenced how they were described by participants.

Music and Exercise

Does music have an effect on how hard people work out?

Have people listen to different styles of music while jogging on a treadmill and measure their walking speed, heart rate, and workout length.

The Halo Effect

How does the Halo Effect influence how people see others?

Show participants pictures of people and ask them to rate the photos in terms of how attractive, kind, intelligent, helpful, and successful the people in the images are.

How does the attractiveness of the person in the photo correlate to how participants rate other qualities? Are attractive people more likely to be perceived as kind, funny, and intelligent?

Eyewitness Testimony

How reliable is eyewitness testimony?

Have participants view video footage of a car crash. Ask some participants to describe how fast the cars were going when they “hit into” each other. Ask other participants to describe how fast the cars were going when they “smashed into” each other.

Give the participants a memory test a few days later and ask them to recall if they saw any broken glass at the accident scene. Compare to see if those in the “smashed into” condition were more likely to report seeing broken glass than those in the “hit into” group.

The experiment is a good illustration of how easily false memories can be triggered.

Simple Psychology Experiment Ideas

If you are looking for a relatively simple psychology experiment idea, here are a few options you might consider.

The Stroop Effect

This classic experiment involves presenting participants with words printed in different colors and asking them to name the color of the ink rather than read the word. Students can manipulate the congruency of the word and the color to test the Stroop effect.

Memory Recall

Students can design a simple experiment to test memory recall by presenting participants with a list of items to remember and then asking them to recall the items after a delay. Students can manipulate the length of the delay or the type of encoding strategy used to see the effect on recall.

Social Conformity

Students can test social conformity by presenting participants with a simple task and manipulating the responses of confederates to see if the participant conforms to the group response.

Selective Attention

Students can design an experiment to test selective attention by presenting participants with a video or audio stimulus and manipulating the presence or absence of a distracting stimulus to see the effect on attention.

Implicit Bias

Students can test implicit bias by presenting participants with a series of words or images and measuring their response time to categorize the stimuli into different categories.

The Primacy/Recency Effect

Students can test the primacy /recency effect by presenting participants with a list of items to remember and manipulating the order of the items to see the effect on recall.

Sleep Deprivation

Students can test the effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance by comparing the performance of participants who have had a full night’s sleep to those who have been deprived of sleep.

These are just a few examples of simple psychology experiment ideas for students. The specific experiment will depend on the research question and resources available.

Elements of a Good Psychology Experiment

Finding psychology experiment ideas is not necessarily difficult, but finding a good experimental or study topic that is right for your needs can be a little tough. You need to find something that meets the guidelines and, perhaps most importantly, is approved by your instructor.

Requirements may vary, but you need to ensure that your experiment, study, or survey is:

  • Easy to set up and carry out
  • Easy to find participants willing to take part
  • Free of any ethical concerns

In some cases, you may need to present your idea to your school’s institutional review board before you begin to obtain permission to work with human participants.

Consider Your Own Interests

At some point in your life, you have likely pondered why people behave in certain ways. Or wondered why certain things seem to always happen. Your own interests can be a rich source of ideas for your psychology experiments.

As you are trying to come up with a topic or hypothesis, try focusing on the subjects that fascinate you the most. If you have a particular interest in a topic, look for ideas that answer questions about the topic that you and others may have. Examples of topics you might choose to explore include:

  • Development
  • Personality
  • Social behavior

This can be a fun opportunity to investigate something that appeals to your interests.

Read About Classic Experiments

Sometimes reviewing classic psychological experiments that have been done in the past can give you great ideas for your own psychology experiments. For example, the false memory experiment above is inspired by the classic memory study conducted by Elizabeth Loftus.

Textbooks can be a great place to start looking for topics, but you might want to expand your search to research journals. When you find a study that sparks your interest, read through the discussion section. Researchers will often indicate ideas for future directions that research could take.

Ask Your Instructor

Your professor or instructor is often the best person to consult for advice right from the start.

In most cases, you will probably receive fairly detailed instructions about your assignment. This may include information about the sort of topic you can choose or perhaps the type of experiment or study on which you should focus.

If your instructor does not assign a specific subject area to explore, it is still a great idea to talk about your ideas and get feedback before you get too invested in your topic idea. You will need your teacher’s permission to proceed with your experiment anyway, so now is a great time to open a dialogue and get some good critical feedback.

Experiments vs. Other Types of Research

One thing to note, many of the ideas found here are actually examples of surveys or correlational studies .

For something to qualify as a tru e experiment, there must be manipulation of an independent variable .

For many students, conducting an actual experiment may be outside the scope of their project or may not be permitted by their instructor, school, or institutional review board.

If your assignment or project requires you to conduct a true experiment that involves controlling and manipulating an independent variable, you will need to take care to choose a topic that will work within the guidelines of your assignment.

Types of Psychology Experiments

There are many different types of psychology experiments that students could perform. Examples of psychological research methods you might use include:

Correlational Study

This type of study examines the relationship between two variables. Students could collect data on two variables of interest, such as stress and academic performance, and see if there is a correlation between the two.

Experimental Study

In an experimental study, students manipulate one variable and observe the effect on another variable. For example, students could manipulate the type of music participants listen to and observe its effect on their mood.

Observational Study

Observational studies involve observing behavior in a natural setting . Students could observe how people interact in a public space and analyze the patterns they see.

Survey Study

Students could design a survey to collect data on a specific topic, such as attitudes toward social media, and analyze the results.

A case study involves in-depth analysis of a single individual or group. Students could conduct a case study of a person with a particular disorder, such as anxiety or depression, and examine their experiences and treatment options.

Quasi-Experimental Study

Quasi-experimental studies are similar to experimental studies, but participants are not randomly assigned to groups. Students could investigate the effects of a treatment or intervention on a particular group, such as a classroom of students who receive a new teaching method.

Longitudinal Study

Longitudinal studies involve following participants over an extended period of time. Students could conduct a longitudinal study on the development of language skills in children or the effects of aging on cognitive abilities.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of psychology experiments that students could perform. The specific type of experiment will depend on the research question and the resources available.

Steps for Doing a Psychology Experiment

When conducting a psychology experiment, students should follow several important steps. Here is a general outline of the process:

Define the Research Question

Before conducting an experiment, students should define the research question they are trying to answer. This will help them to focus their study and determine the variables they need to manipulate and measure.

Develop a Hypothesis

Based on the research question, students should develop a hypothesis that predicts the experiment’s outcome. The hypothesis should be testable and measurable.

Select Participants

Students should select participants who meet the criteria for the study. Participants should be informed about the study and give informed consent to participate.

Design the Experiment

Students should design the experiment to test their hypothesis. This includes selecting the appropriate variables, creating a plan for manipulating and measuring them, and determining the appropriate control conditions.

Collect Data

Once the experiment is designed, students should collect data by following the procedures they have developed. They should record all data accurately and completely.

Analyze the Data

After collecting the data, students should analyze it to determine if their hypothesis was supported or not. They can use statistical analyses to determine if there are significant differences between groups or if there are correlations between variables.

Interpret the Results

Based on the analysis, students should interpret the results and draw conclusions about their hypothesis. They should consider the study’s limitations and their findings’ implications.

Report the Results

Finally, students should report the results of their study. This may include writing a research paper or presenting their findings in a poster or oral presentation.

Britt MA. Psych Experiments . Avon, MA: Adams Media; 2007.

Martin DW. Doing Psychology Experiments. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning; 2008.

11+ Psychology Experiment Ideas (Goals + Methods)

practical psychology logo

Have you ever wondered why some days you remember things easily, while on others you keep forgetting? Or why certain songs make you super happy and others just…meh?

Our minds are like big, mysterious puzzles, and every day we're finding new pieces to fit. One of the coolest ways to explore our brains and the way they work is through psychology experiments.

A psychology experiment is a special kind of test or activity researchers use to learn more about how our minds work and why we behave the way we do.

It's like a detective game where scientists ask questions and try out different clues to find answers about our feelings, thoughts, and actions. These experiments aren't just for scientists in white coats but can be fun activities we all try to discover more about ourselves and others.

Some of these experiments have become so famous, they’re like the celebrities of the science world! Like the Marshmallow Test, where kids had to wait to eat a yummy marshmallow, or Pavlov's Dogs, where dogs learned to drool just hearing a bell.

Let's look at a few examples of psychology experiments you can do at home.

What Are Some Classic Experiments?

Imagine a time when the mysteries of the mind were being uncovered in groundbreaking ways. During these moments, a few experiments became legendary, capturing the world's attention with their intriguing results.

testing tubes

The Marshmallow Test

One of the most talked-about experiments of the 20th century was the Marshmallow Test , conducted by Walter Mischel in the late 1960s at Stanford University.

The goal was simple but profound: to understand a child's ability to delay gratification and exercise self-control.

Children were placed in a room with a marshmallow and given a choice: eat the marshmallow now or wait 15 minutes and receive two as a reward. Many kids struggled with the wait, some devouring the treat immediately, while others demonstrated remarkable patience.

But the experiment didn’t end there. Years later, Mischel discovered something astonishing. The children who had waited for the second marshmallow were generally more successful in several areas of life, from school achievements to job satisfaction!

While this experiment highlighted the importance of teaching patience and self-control from a young age, it wasn't without its criticisms. Some argued that a child's background, upbringing, or immediate surroundings might play a significant role in their choices.

Moreover, there were concerns about the ethics of judging a child's potential success based on a brief interaction with a marshmallow.

Pavlov's Dogs

Traveling further back in time and over to Russia, another classic experiment took the world by storm. Ivan Pavlov , in the early 1900s, wasn't initially studying learning or behavior. He was exploring the digestive systems of dogs.

But during his research, Pavlov stumbled upon a fascinating discovery. He noticed that by ringing a bell every time he fed his dogs, they eventually began to associate the bell's sound with mealtime. So much so, that merely ringing the bell, even without presenting food, made the dogs drool in anticipation!

This reaction demonstrated the concept of "conditioning" - where behaviors can be learned by linking two unrelated stimuli. Pavlov's work revolutionized the world's understanding of learning and had ripple effects in various areas like animal training and therapy techniques.

Pavlov came up with the term classical conditioning , which is still used today. Other psychologists have developed more nuanced types of conditioning that help us understand how people learn to perform different behaviours.

Classical conditioning is the process by which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus , leading to the same response. In Pavlov's case, the neutral stimulus (bell) became associated with the meaningful stimulus (food), leading the dogs to salivate just by hearing the bell.

Modern thinkers often critique Pavlov's methods from an ethical standpoint. The dogs, crucial to his discovery, may not have been treated with today's standards of care and respect in research.

Both these experiments, while enlightening, also underline the importance of conducting research with empathy and consideration, especially when it involves living beings.

What is Ethical Experimentation?

The tales of Pavlov's bells and Mischel's marshmallows offer us not just insights into the human mind and behavior but also raise a significant question: At what cost do these discoveries come?

Ethical experimentation isn't just a fancy term; it's the backbone of good science. When we talk about ethics, we're referring to the moral principles that guide a researcher's decisions and actions. But why does it matter so much in the realm of psychological experimentation?

An example of an experiment that had major ethical issues is an experiment called the Monster Study . This study was conducted in 1936 and was interested in why children develop a stutter.

The major issue with it is that the psychologists treated some of the children poorly over a period of five months, telling them things like “You must try to stop yourself immediately. Don’t ever speak unless you can do it right.”

You can imagine how that made the children feel!

This study helped create guidelines for ethical treatment in experiments. The guidelines include:

Respect for Individuals: Whether it's a dog in Pavlov's lab or a child in Mischel's study room, every participant—human or animal—deserves respect. They should never be subjected to harm or undue stress. For humans, informed consent (knowing what they're signing up for) is a must. This means that if a child is participating, they, along with their guardians, should understand what the experiment entails and agree to it without being pressured.

Honesty is the Best Policy: Researchers have a responsibility to be truthful. This means not only being honest with participants about the study but also reporting findings truthfully, even if the results aren't what they hoped for. There can be exceptions if an experiment will only succeed if the participants aren't fully aware, but it has to be approved by an ethics committee .

Safety First: No discovery, no matter how groundbreaking, is worth harming a participant. The well-being and mental, emotional, and physical safety of participants is paramount. Experiments should be designed to minimize risks and discomfort.

Considering the Long-Term: Some experiments might have effects that aren't immediately obvious. For example, while a child might seem fine after participating in an experiment, they could feel stressed or anxious later on. Ethical researchers consider and plan for these possibilities, offering support and follow-up if needed.

The Rights of Animals: Just because animals can't voice their rights doesn't mean they don't have any. They should be treated with care, dignity, and respect. This means providing them with appropriate living conditions, not subjecting them to undue harm, and considering alternatives to animal testing when possible.

While the world of psychological experiments offers fascinating insights into behavior and the mind, it's essential to tread with care and compassion. The golden rule? Treat every participant, human or animal, as you'd wish to be treated. After all, the true mark of a groundbreaking experiment isn't just its findings but the ethical integrity with which it's conducted.

So, even if you're experimenting at home, please keep in mind the impact your experiments could have on the people and beings around you!

Let's get into some ideas for experiments.

1) Testing Conformity

Our primary aim with this experiment is to explore the intriguing world of social influences, specifically focusing on how much sway a group has over an individual's decisions. This social influence is called groupthink .

Humans, as social creatures, often find solace in numbers, seeking the approval and acceptance of those around them. But how deep does this need run? Does the desire to "fit in" overpower our trust in our own judgments?

This experiment not only provides insights into these questions but also touches upon the broader themes of peer pressure, societal norms, and individuality. Understanding this could shed light on various real-world situations, from why fashion trends catch on to more critical scenarios like how misinformation can spread.

Method: This idea is inspired by the classic Asch Conformity Experiments . Here's a simple way to try it:

  • Assemble a group of people (about 7-8). Only one person will be the real participant; the others will be in on the experiment.
  • Show the group a picture of three lines of different lengths and another line labeled "Test Line."
  • Ask each person to say out loud which of the three lines matches the length of the "Test Line."
  • Unknown to the real participant, the other members will intentionally choose the wrong line. This is to see if the participant goes along with the group's incorrect choice, even if they can see it's wrong.

Real-World Impacts of Groupthink

Groupthink is more than just a science term; we see it in our daily lives:

Decisions at Work or School: Imagine being in a group where everyone wants to do one thing, even if it's not the best idea. People might not speak up because they're worried about standing out or being the only one with a different opinion.

Wrong Information: Ever heard a rumor that turned out to be untrue? Sometimes, if many people believe and share something, others might believe it too, even if it's not correct. This happens a lot on the internet.

Peer Pressure: Sometimes, friends might all want to do something that's not safe or right. People might join in just because they don't want to feel left out.

Missing Out on New Ideas: When everyone thinks the same way and agrees all the time, cool new ideas might never get heard. It's like always coloring with the same crayon and missing out on all the other bright colors!

2) Testing Color and Mood

colorful room

We all have favorite colors, right? But did you ever wonder if colors can make you feel a certain way? Color psychology is the study of how colors can influence our feelings and actions.

For instance, does blue always calm us down? Does red make us feel excited or even a bit angry? By exploring this, we can learn how colors play a role in our daily lives, from the clothes we wear to the color of our bedroom walls.

  • Find a quiet room and set up different colored lights or large sheets of colored paper: blue, red, yellow, and green.
  • Invite some friends over and let each person spend a few minutes under each colored light or in front of each colored paper.
  • After each color, ask your friends to write down or talk about how they feel. Are they relaxed? Energized? Happy? Sad?

Researchers have always been curious about this. Some studies have shown that colors like blue and green can make people feel calm, while colors like red might make them feel more alert or even hungry!

Real-World Impacts of Color Psychology

Ever noticed how different places use colors?

Hospitals and doctors' clinics often use soft blues and greens. This might be to help patients feel more relaxed and calm.

Many fast food restaurants use bright reds and yellows. These colors might make us feel hungry or want to eat quickly and leave.

Classrooms might use a mix of colors to help students feel both calm and energized.

3) Testing Music and Brainpower

Think about your favorite song. Do you feel smarter or more focused when you listen to it? This experiment seeks to understand the relationship between music and our brain's ability to remember things. Some people believe that certain types of music, like classical tunes, can help us study or work better. Let's find out if it's true!

  • Prepare a list of 10-15 things to remember, like a grocery list or names of places.
  • Invite some friends over. First, let them try to memorize the list in a quiet room.
  • After a short break, play some music (try different types like pop, classical, or even nature sounds) and ask them to memorize the list again.
  • Compare the results. Was there a difference in how much they remembered with and without music?

The " Mozart Effect " is a popular idea. Some studies in the past suggested that listening to Mozart's music might make people smarter, at least for a little while. But other researchers think the effect might not be specific to Mozart; it could be that any music we enjoy boosts our mood and helps our brain work better.

Real-World Impacts of Music and Memory

Think about how we use music:

  • Study Sessions: Many students listen to music while studying, believing it helps them concentrate better.
  • Workout Playlists: Gyms play energetic music to keep people motivated and help them push through tough workouts.
  • Meditation and Relaxation: Calm, soothing sounds are often used to help people relax or meditate.

4) Testing Dreams and Food

Ever had a really wild dream and wondered where it came from? Some say that eating certain foods before bedtime can make our dreams more vivid or even a bit strange.

This experiment is all about diving into the dreamy world of sleep to see if what we eat can really change our nighttime adventures. Can a piece of chocolate or a slice of cheese transport us to a land of wacky dreams? Let's find out!

  • Ask a group of friends to keep a "dream diary" for a week. Every morning, they should write down what they remember about their dreams.
  • For the next week, ask them to eat a small snack before bed, like cheese, chocolate, or even spicy foods.
  • They should continue writing in their "dream diary" every morning.
  • At the end of the two weeks, compare the dream notes. Do the dreams seem different during the snack week?

The link between food and dreams isn't super clear, but some people have shared personal stories. For example, some say that spicy food can lead to bizarre dreams. Scientists aren't completely sure why, but it could be related to how food affects our body temperature or brain activity during sleep.

A cool idea related to this experiment is that of vivid dreams , which are very clear, detailed, and easy to remember dreams. Some people are even able to control their vivid dreams, or say that they feel as real as daily, waking life !

Real-World Impacts of Food and Dreams

Our discoveries might shed light on:

  • Bedtime Routines: Knowing which foods might affect our dreams can help us choose better snacks before bedtime, especially if we want calmer sleep.
  • Understanding Our Brain: Dreams can be mysterious, but studying them can give us clues about how our brains work at night.
  • Cultural Beliefs: Many cultures have myths or stories about foods and dreams. Our findings might add a fun twist to these age-old tales!

5) Testing Mirrors and Self-image

Stand in front of a mirror. How do you feel? Proud? Shy? Curious? Mirrors reflect more than just our appearance; they might influence how we think about ourselves.

This experiment delves into the mystery of self-perception. Do we feel more confident when we see our reflection? Or do we become more self-conscious? Let's take a closer look.

  • Set up two rooms: one with mirrors on all walls and another with no mirrors at all.
  • Invite friends over and ask them to spend some time in each room doing normal activities, like reading or talking.
  • After their time in both rooms, ask them questions like: "Did you think about how you looked more in one room? Did you feel more confident or shy?"
  • Compare the responses to see if the presence of mirrors changes how they feel about themselves.

Studies have shown that when people are in rooms with mirrors, they can become more aware of themselves. Some might stand straighter, fix their hair, or even change how they behave. The mirror acts like an audience, making us more conscious of our actions.

Real-World Impacts of Mirrors and Self-perception

Mirrors aren't just for checking our hair. Ever wonder why clothing stores have so many mirrors? They might help shoppers visualize themselves in new outfits, encouraging them to buy.

Mirrors in gyms can motivate people to work out with correct form and posture. They also help us see progress in real-time!

And sometimes, looking in a mirror can be a reminder to take care of ourselves, both inside and out.

But remember, what we look like isn't as important as how we act in the world or how healthy we are. Some people claim that having too many mirrors around can actually make us more self conscious and distract us from the good parts of ourselves.

Some studies are showing that mirrors can actually increase self-compassion , amongst other things. As any tool, it seems like mirrors can be both good and bad, depending on how we use them!

6) Testing Plants and Talking

potted plants

Have you ever seen someone talking to their plants? It might sound silly, but some people believe that plants can "feel" our vibes and that talking to them might even help them grow better.

In this experiment, we'll explore whether plants can indeed react to our voices and if they might grow taller, faster, or healthier when we chat with them.

  • Get three similar plants, placing each one in a separate room.
  • Talk to the first plant, saying positive things like "You're doing great!" or singing to it.
  • Say negative things to the second plant, like "You're not growing fast enough!"
  • Don't talk to the third plant at all; let it be your "silent" control group .
  • Water all plants equally and make sure they all get the same amount of light.
  • At the end of the month, measure the growth of each plant and note any differences in their health or size.

The idea isn't brand new. Some experiments from the past suggest plants might respond to sounds or vibrations. Some growers play music for their crops, thinking it helps them flourish.

Even if talking to our plants doesn't have an impact on their growth, it can make us feel better! Sometimes, if we are lonely, talking to our plants can help us feel less alone. Remember, they are living too!

Real-World Impacts of Talking to Plants

If plants do react to our voices, gardeners and farmers might adopt new techniques, like playing music in greenhouses or regularly talking to plants.

Taking care of plants and talking to them could become a recommended activity for reducing stress and boosting mood.

And if plants react to sound, it gives us a whole new perspective on how connected all living things might be .

7) Testing Virtual Reality and Senses

Virtual reality (VR) seems like magic, doesn't it? You put on a headset and suddenly, you're in a different world! But how does this "new world" affect our senses? This experiment wants to find out how our brains react to VR compared to the real world. Do we feel, see, or hear things differently? Let's get to the bottom of this digital mystery!

  • You'll need a VR headset and a game or experience that can be replicated in real life (like walking through a forest). If you don't have a headset yourself, there are virtual reality arcades now!
  • Invite friends to first experience the scenario in VR.
  • Afterwards, replicate the experience in the real world, like taking a walk in an actual forest.
  • Ask them questions about both experiences: Did one seem more real than the other? Which sounds were more clear? Which colors were brighter? Did they feel different emotions?

As VR becomes more popular, scientists have been curious about its effects. Some studies show that our brains can sometimes struggle to tell the difference between VR and reality. That's why some people might feel like they're really "falling" in a VR game even though they're standing still.

Real-World Impacts of VR on Our Senses

Schools might use VR to teach lessons, like taking students on a virtual trip to ancient Egypt. Understanding how our senses react in VR can also help game designers create even more exciting and realistic games.

Doctors could use VR to help patients overcome fears or to provide relaxation exercises. This is actually already a method therapists can use for helping patients who have serious phobias. This is called exposure therapy , which basically means slowly exposing someone (or yourself) to the thing you fear, starting from very far away to becoming closer.

For instance, if someone is afraid of snakes. You might show them images of snakes first. Once they are comfortable with the picture, they can know there is one in the next room. Once they are okay with that, they might use a VR headset to see the snake in the same room with them, though of course there is not an actual snake there.

8) Testing Sleep and Learning

We all know that feeling of trying to study or work when we're super tired. Our brains feel foggy, and it's hard to remember stuff. But how exactly does sleep (or lack of it) influence our ability to learn and remember things?

With this experiment, we'll uncover the mysteries of sleep and see how it can be our secret weapon for better learning.

  • Split participants into two groups.
  • Ask both groups to study the same material in the evening.
  • One group goes to bed early, while the other stays up late.
  • The next morning, give both groups a quiz on what they studied.
  • Compare the results to see which group remembered more.

Sleep and its relation to learning have been explored a lot. Scientists believe that during sleep, especially deep sleep, our brains sort and store new information. This is why sometimes, after a good night's rest, we might understand something better or remember more.

Real-World Impacts of Sleep and Learning

Understanding the power of sleep can help:

  • Students: If they know the importance of sleep, students might plan better, mixing study sessions with rest, especially before big exams.
  • Workplaces: Employers might consider more flexible hours, understanding that well-rested employees learn faster and make fewer mistakes.
  • Health: Regularly missing out on sleep can have other bad effects on our health. So, promoting good sleep is about more than just better learning.

9) Testing Social Media and Mood

Have you ever felt different after spending time on social media? Maybe happy after seeing a friend's fun photos, or a bit sad after reading someone's tough news.

Social media is a big part of our lives, but how does it really affect our mood? This experiment aims to shine a light on the emotional roller-coaster of likes, shares, and comments.

  • Ask participants to note down how they're feeling - are they happy, sad, excited, or bored?
  • Have them spend a set amount of time (like 30 minutes) on their favorite social media platforms.
  • After the session, ask them again about their mood. Did it change? Why?
  • Discuss what they saw or read that made them feel that way.

Previous research has shown mixed results. Some studies suggest that seeing positive posts can make us feel good, while others say that too much time on social media can make us feel lonely or left out.

Real-World Impacts of Social Media on Mood

Understanding the emotional impact of social media can help users understand their feelings and take breaks if needed. Knowing is half the battle! Additionally, teachers and parents can guide young users on healthy social media habits, like limiting time or following positive accounts.

And if it's shown that social media does impact mood, social media companies can design friendlier, less stressful user experiences.

But even if the social media companies don't change things, we can still change our social media habits to make ourselves feel better.

10) Testing Handwriting or Typing

Think about the last time you took notes. Did you grab a pen and paper or did you type them out on a computer or tablet?

Both ways are popular, but there's a big question: which method helps us remember and understand better? In this experiment, we'll find out if the classic art of handwriting has an edge over speedy typing.

  • Divide participants into two groups.
  • Present a short lesson or story to both groups.
  • One group will take notes by hand, while the other will type them out.
  • After some time, quiz both groups on the content of the lesson or story.
  • Compare the results to see which note-taking method led to better recall and understanding.

Studies have shown some interesting results. While typing can be faster and allows for more notes, handwriting might boost memory and comprehension because it engages the brain differently, making us process the information as we write.

Importantly, each person might find one or the other works better for them. This could be useful in understanding our learning habits and what instructional style would be best for us.

Real-World Impacts of Handwriting vs. Typing

Knowing the pros and cons of each method can:

  • Boost Study Habits: Students can pick the method that helps them learn best, especially during important study sessions or lectures.
  • Work Efficiency: In jobs where information retention is crucial, understanding the best method can increase efficiency and accuracy.
  • Tech Design: If we find out more about how handwriting benefits us, tech companies might design gadgets that mimic the feel of writing while combining the advantages of digital tools.

11) Testing Money and Happiness

game board with money

We often hear the saying, "Money can't buy happiness," but is that really true? Many dream of winning the lottery or getting a big raise, believing it would solve all problems.

In this experiment, we dig deep to see if there's a real connection between wealth and well-being.

  • Survey a range of participants, from those who earn a little to those who earn a lot, about their overall happiness. You can keep it to your friends and family, but that might not be as accurate as surveying a wider group of people.
  • Ask them to rank things that bring them joy and note if they believe more money would boost their happiness. You could try different methods, one where you include some things that they have to rank, such as gardening, spending time with friends, reading books, learning, etc. Or you could just leave a blank list that they can fill in with their own ideas.
  • Study the data to find patterns or trends about income and happiness.

Some studies have found money can boost happiness, especially when it helps people out of tough financial spots. But after reaching a certain income, extra dollars usually do not add much extra joy.

In fact, psychologists just realized that once people have an income that can comfortably support their needs (and some of their wants), they stop getting happier with more . That number is roughly $75,000, but of course that depends on the cost of living and how many members are in the family.

Real-World Impacts of Money and Happiness

If we can understand the link between money and joy, it might help folks choose jobs they love over jobs that just pay well. And instead of buying things, people might spend on experiences, like trips or classes, that make lasting memories.

Most importantly, we all might spend more time on hobbies, friends, and family, knowing they're big parts of what makes life great.

Some people are hoping that with Artificial Intelligence being able to do a lot of the less well-paying jobs, people might be able to do work they enjoy more, all while making more money and having more time to do the things that make them happy.

12) Testing Temperature and Productivity

Have you ever noticed how a cold classroom or office makes it harder to focus? Or how on hot days, all you want to do is relax? In this experiment, we're going to find out if the temperature around us really does change how well we work.

  • Find a group of participants and a room where you can change the temperature.
  • Set the room to a chilly temperature and give the participants a set of tasks to do.
  • Measure how well and quickly they do these tasks.
  • The next day, make the room comfortably warm and have them do similar tasks.
  • Compare the results to see if the warmer or cooler temperature made them work better.

Some studies have shown that people can work better when they're in a room that feels just right, not too cold or hot. Being too chilly can make fingers slow, and being too warm can make minds wander.

What temperature is "just right"? It won't be the same for everyone, but most people find it's between 70-73 degrees Fahrenheit (21-23 Celsius).

Real-World Implications of Temperature and Productivity

If we can learn more about how temperature affects our work, teachers might set classroom temperatures to help students focus and learn better, offices might adjust temperatures to get the best work out of their teams, and at home, we might find the best temperature for doing homework or chores quickly and well.

Interestingly, temperature also has an impact on our sleep quality. Most people find slightly cooler rooms to be better for good sleep. While the daytime temperature between 70-73F is good for productivity, a nighttime temperature around 65F (18C) is ideal for most people's sleep.

Psychology is like a treasure hunt, where the prize is understanding ourselves better. With every experiment, we learn a little more about why we think, feel, and act the way we do. Some of these experiments might seem simple, like seeing if colors change our mood or if being warm helps us work better. But even the simple questions can have big answers that help us in everyday life.

Remember, while doing experiments is fun, it's also important to always be kind and think about how others feel. We should never make someone uncomfortable just for a test. Instead, let's use these experiments to learn and grow, helping to make the world a brighter, more understanding place for everyone.

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Exploring Innovative Experimental Paradigms and Methods in Psychology

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In the dynamic field of psychological research, measurement plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of research outcomes. As experimental psychology evolves, researchers are constantly striving to discover innovative approaches and methodologies to study psychological phenomena and ...

Keywords : Experimental psychology, Research paradigms, Psychophysics, Methods and validity, VR and online experiments, Quantitative research approaches

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80 fascinating psychology research questions for your next project

Last updated

15 February 2024

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

Psychology research is essential for furthering our understanding of human behavior and improving the diagnosis and treatment of psychological conditions.

When psychologists know more about how different social and cultural factors influence how humans act, think, and feel, they can recommend improvements to practices in areas such as education, sport, healthcare, and law enforcement.

Below, you will find 80 research question examples across 16 branches of psychology. First, though, let’s look at some tips to help you select a suitable research topic.

  • How to choose a good psychology research topic

Psychology has many branches that break down further into topics. Choosing a topic for your psychology research paper can be daunting because there are so many to choose from. It’s an important choice, as the topic you select will open up a range of questions to explore.

The tips below can help you find a psychology research topic that suits your skills and interests.

Tip #1: Select a topic that interests you

Passion and interest should fuel every research project. A topic that fascinates you will most likely interest others as well. Think about the questions you and others might have and decide on the issues that matter most. Draw on your own interests, but also keep your research topical and relevant to others.

Don’t limit yourself to a topic that you already know about. Instead, choose one that will make you want to know more and dig deeper. This will keep you motivated and excited about your research.

Tip #2: Choose a topic with a manageable scope

If your topic is too broad, you can get overwhelmed by the amount of information available and have trouble maintaining focus. On the other hand, you may find it difficult to find enough information if you choose a topic that is too narrow.

To determine if the topic is too broad or too narrow, start researching as early as possible. If you find there’s an overwhelming amount of research material, you’ll probably need to narrow the topic down. For example, instead of researching the general population, it might be easier to focus on a specific age group. Ask yourself what area of the general topic interests you most and focus on that.

If your scope is too narrow, try to generalize or focus on a larger related topic. Expand your search criteria or select additional databases for information. Consider if the topic is too new to have much information published on it as well.

Tip #3: Select a topic that will produce useful and relevant insights

Doing some preliminary research will reveal any existing research on the topic. If there is existing research, will you be able to produce new insights? You might need to focus on a different area or see if the existing research has limitations that you can overcome.

Bear in mind that finding new information from which to draw fresh insights may be impossible if your topic has been over-researched.

You’ll also need to consider whether your topic is relevant to current trends and needs. For example, researching psychology topics related to social media use may be highly relevant today.

  • 80 psychology research topics and questions

Psychology is a broad subject with many branches and potential areas of study. Here are some of them:







Controversial topics

Below we offer some suggestions on research topics and questions that can get you started. Keep in mind that these are not all-inclusive but should be personalized to fit the theme of your paper.

Social psychology research topics and questions

Social psychology has roots as far back as the 18th century. In simple terms, it’s the study of how behavior is influenced by the presence and behavior of others. It is the science of finding out who we are, who we think we are, and how our perceptions affect ourselves and others. It looks at personalities, relationships, and group behavior.

Here are some potential research questions and paper titles for this topic:

How does social media use impact perceptions of body image in male adolescents?

2. Is childhood bullying a risk factor for social anxiety in adults?

Is homophobia in individuals caused by genetic or environmental factors?

What is the most important psychological predictor of a person’s willingness to donate to charity?

Does a person’s height impact how other people perceive them? If so, how?

Cognitive psychology research questions

Cognitive psychology is the branch that focuses on the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving. It also explores the reasons humans think the way they do.

This topic involves exploring how people think by measuring intelligence, thoughts, and cognition. 

Here are some research question ideas:

6. Is there a link between chronic stress and memory function?

7. Can certain kinds of music trigger memories in people with memory loss?

8. Do remote meetings impact the efficacy of team decision-making?

9. Do word games and puzzles slow cognitive decline in adults over the age of 80?

10. Does watching television impact a child’s reading ability?

Developmental psychology research questions

Developmental psychology is the study of how humans grow and change over their lifespan. It usually focuses on the social, emotional, and physical development of babies and children, though it can apply to people of all ages. Developmental psychology is important for understanding how we learn, mature, and adapt to changes.

Here are some questions that might inspire your research:

11. Does grief accelerate the aging process?

12. How do parent–child attachment patterns influence the development of emotion regulation in teenagers?

13. Does bilingualism affect cognitive decline in adults over the age of 70?

14. How does the transition to adulthood impact decision-making abilities

15. How does early exposure to music impact mental health and well-being in school-aged children?

Personality psychology research questions

Personality psychology studies personalities, how they develop, their structures, and the processes that define them. It looks at intelligence, disposition, moral beliefs, thoughts, and reactions.

The goal of this branch of psychology is to scientifically interpret the way personality patterns manifest into an individual’s behaviors. Here are some example research questions:

16. Nature vs. nurture: Which impacts personality development the most?

17. The role of genetics on personality: Does an adopted child take on their biological parents’ personality traits?

18. How do personality traits influence leadership styles and effectiveness in organizational settings?

19. Is there a relationship between an individual’s personality and mental health?

20. Can a chronic illness affect your personality?

Abnormal psychology research questions

As the name suggests, abnormal psychology is a branch that focuses on abnormal behavior and psychopathology (the scientific study of mental illness or disorders).

Abnormal behavior can be challenging to define. Who decides what is “normal”? As such, psychologists in this area focus on the level of distress that certain behaviors may cause, although this typically involves studying mental health conditions such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and phobias.

Here are some questions to consider:

21. How does technology impact the development of social anxiety disorder?

22. What are the factors behind the rising incidence of eating disorders in adolescents?

23. Are mindfulness-based interventions effective in the treatment of PTSD?

24. Is there a connection between depression and gambling addiction?

25. Can physical trauma cause psychopathy?

Clinical psychology research questions

Clinical psychology deals with assessing and treating mental illness or abnormal or psychiatric behaviors. It differs from abnormal psychology in that it focuses more on treatments and clinical aspects, while abnormal psychology is more behavioral focused.

This is a specialty area that provides care and treatment for complex mental health conditions. This can include treatment, not only for individuals but for couples, families, and other groups. Clinical psychology also supports communities, conducts research, and offers training to promote mental health. This category is very broad, so there are lots of topics to explore.

Below are some example research questions to consider:

26. Do criminals require more specific therapies or interventions?

27. How effective are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating mental health disorders?

28. Are there any disadvantages to humanistic therapy?

29. Can group therapy be more beneficial than one-on-one therapy sessions?

30. What are the factors to consider when selecting the right treatment plan for patients with anxiety?

Experimental psychology research questions

Experimental psychology deals with studies that can prove or disprove a hypothesis. Psychologists in this field use scientific methods to collect data on basic psychological processes such as memory, cognition, and learning. They use this data to test the whys and hows of behavior and how outside factors influence its creation.

Areas of interest in this branch relate to perception, memory, emotion, and sensation. The below are example questions that could inspire your own research:

31. Do male or female parents/carers have a more calming influence on children?

32. Will your preference for a genre of music increase the more you listen to it?

33. What are the psychological effects of posting on social media vs. not posting?

34. How is productivity affected by social connection?

35. Is cheating contagious?

Organizational psychology research questions

Organizational psychology studies human behavior in the workplace. It is most frequently used to evaluate an employee, group, or a company’s organizational dynamics. Researchers aim to isolate issues and identify solutions.

This area of study can be beneficial to both employees and employers since the goal is to improve the overall work environment and experience. Researchers apply psychological principles and findings to recommend improvements in performance, communication, job satisfaction, and safety. 

Some potential research questions include the following:

36. How do different leadership styles affect employee morale?

37. Do longer lunch breaks boost employee productivity?

38. Is gender an antecedent to workplace stress?

39. What is the most effective way to promote work–life balance among employees?

40. How do different organizational structures impact the effectiveness of communication, decision-making, and productivity?

Forensic psychology research questions

Some questions to consider exploring in this branch of psychology are:

41. How does incarceration affect mental health?

42. Is childhood trauma a driver for criminal behavior during adulthood?

43. Are people with mental health conditions more likely to be victims of crimes?

44. What are the drivers of false memories, and how do they impact the justice system?

45. Is the media responsible for copycat crimes?

Educational psychology research questions

Educational psychology studies children in an educational setting. It covers topics like teaching methods, aptitude assessment, self-motivation, technology, and parental involvement.

Research in this field of psychology is vital for understanding and optimizing learning processes. It informs educators about cognitive development, learning styles, and effective teaching strategies.

Here are some example research questions:

46. Are different teaching styles more beneficial for children at different times of the day?

47. Can listening to classical music regularly increase a student’s test scores?

48. Is there a connection between sugar consumption and knowledge retention in students?

49. Does sleep duration and quality impact academic performance?

50. Does daily meditation at school influence students’ academic performance and mental health?

Sports psychology research question examples

Sport psychology aims to optimize physical performance and well-being in athletes by using cognitive and behavioral practices and interventions. Some methods include counseling, training, and clinical interventions.

Research in this area is important because it can improve team and individual performance, resilience, motivation, confidence, and overall well-being

Here are some research question ideas for you to consider:

51. How can a famous coach affect a team’s performance?

52. How can athletes control negative emotions in violent or high-contact sports?

53. How does using social media impact an athlete’s performance and well-being?

54. Can psychological interventions help with injury rehabilitation?

55. How can mindfulness practices boost sports performance?

Cultural psychology research question examples

The premise of this branch of psychology is that mind and culture are inseparable. In other words, people are shaped by their cultures, and their cultures are shaped by them. This can be a complex interaction.

Cultural psychology is vital as it explores how cultural context shapes individuals’ thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. It provides insights into diverse perspectives, promoting cross-cultural understanding and reducing biases.

Here are some ideas that you might consider researching:

56. Are there cultural differences in how people perceive and deal with pain?

57. Are different cultures at increased risk of developing mental health conditions?

58. Are there cultural differences in coping strategies for stress?

59. Do our different cultures shape our personalities?

60. How does multi-generational culture influence family values and structure?

Health psychology research question examples

Health psychology is a crucial field of study. Understanding how psychological factors influence health behaviors, adherence to medical treatments, and overall wellness enables health experts to develop effective interventions and preventive measures, ultimately improving health outcomes.

Health psychology also aids in managing stress, promoting healthy behaviors, and optimizing mental health, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

Here are five ideas to inspire research in this field:

61. How can health psychology interventions improve lifestyle behaviors to prevent cardiovascular diseases?

62. What role do social norms play in vaping among adolescents?

63. What role do personality traits play in the development and management of chronic pain conditions?

64. How do cultural beliefs and attitudes influence health-seeking behaviors in diverse populations?

65. What are the psychological factors influencing the adherence to preventive health behaviors, such as vaccination and regular screenings?

Neuropsychology research paper question examples

Neuropsychology research explores how a person’s cognition and behavior are related to their brain and nervous system. Researchers aim to advance the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral and cognitive effects of neurological disorders.

Researchers may work with children facing learning or developmental challenges, or with adults with declining cognitive abilities. They may also focus on injuries or illnesses of the brain, such as traumatic brain injuries, to determine the effect on cognitive and behavioral functions.

Neuropsychology informs diagnosis and treatment strategies for conditions such as dementia, traumatic brain injuries, and psychiatric disorders. Understanding the neural basis of behavior enhances our ability to optimize cognitive functioning, rehabilitate people with brain injuries, and improve patient care.

Here are some example research questions to consider:

66. How do neurotransmitter imbalances in specific brain regions contribute to mood disorders such as depression?

67. How can a traumatic brain injury affect memory?

68. What neural processes underlie attention deficits in people with ADHD?

69. Do medications affect the brain differently after a traumatic brain injury?

70. What are the behavioral effects of prolonged brain swelling?

Psychology of religion research question examples

The psychology of religion is a field that studies the interplay between belief systems, spirituality, and mental well-being. It explores the application of the psychological methods and interpretive frameworks of religious traditions and how they relate to both religious and non-religious people.

Psychology of religion research contributes to a holistic understanding of human experiences. It fosters cultural competence and guides therapeutic approaches that respect diverse spiritual beliefs.

Here are some example research questions in this field:

71. What impact does a religious upbringing have on a child’s self-esteem?

72. How do religious beliefs shape decision-making and perceptions of morality?

73. What is the impact of religious indoctrination?

74. Is there correlation between religious and mindfulness practices?

75. How does religious affiliation impact attitudes towards mental health treatment and help-seeking behaviors?

Controversial topics in psychology research question examples

Some psychology topics don’t fit into any of the subcategories above, but they may still be worthwhile topics to consider. These topics are the ones that spark interest, conversation, debate, and disagreement. They are often inspired by current issues and assess the validity of older research.

Consider some of these research question examples:

76. How does the rise in on-screen violence impact behavior in adolescents.

77. Should access to social media platforms be restricted in children under the age of 12 to improve mental health?

78. Are prescription mental health medications over-prescribed in older adults? If so, what are the effects of this?

79. Cognitive biases in AI: what are the implications for decision-making?

80. What are the psychological and ethical implications of using virtual reality in exposure therapy for treating trauma-related conditions?

  • Inspiration for your next psychology research project

You can choose from a diverse range of research questions that intersect and overlap across various specialties.

From cognitive psychology to clinical studies, each inquiry contributes to a deeper understanding of the human mind and behavior. Importantly, the relevance of these questions transcends individual disciplines, as many findings offer insights applicable across multiple areas of study.

As health trends evolve and societal needs shift, new topics emerge, fueling continual exploration and discovery. Diving into this ever-changing and expanding area of study enables you to navigate the complexities of the human experience and pave the way for innovative solutions to the challenges of tomorrow.

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121+ Experimental Research Topics Across Different Disciplines

experimental research topics

Experimental research is a cornerstone of scientific inquiry, providing a systematic approach to investigating phenomena and testing hypotheses. This method allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships, contributing valuable insights to diverse fields.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of experimental research topics, exploring their significance, ethical considerations, and providing a rich array of ideas spanning psychology, biology, physics, and education.

Definition and Importance of Experimental Research

Table of Contents

At its core, experimental research involves manipulating one or more variables to observe the effects on another variable, while controlling for extraneous influences. This method is crucial in establishing causation, distinguishing it from correlational studies that merely identify relationships between variables.

Experimental research holds immense importance across various disciplines. 

  • In psychology, it helps unravel the complexities of human behavior, cognition, and social dynamics. 
  • In biology, it uncovers the mysteries of genetics, ecology, and environmental science. 
  • Physics relies on experimental research to test and refine theories, while education benefits from insights into effective teaching methods and learning environments.

General Considerations for Experimental Research Topics

Before delving into specific topics, it’s essential to consider general principles when selecting experimental research ideas:

Ethical Considerations

Ethical guidelines are paramount in experimental research. Researchers must ensure the well-being of participants, obtain informed consent, and uphold confidentiality. Ethical considerations extend to the treatment of animals in biological experiments and the responsible use of technology in various fields.

Feasibility and Resources

Selecting research topics should align with available resources, including time, funding, and access to necessary equipment. Researchers must carefully assess the feasibility of their experiments and plan accordingly.

Relevance to Current Issues or Trends

To maximize the impact of experimental research, topics should address current issues or trends within a given field. This ensures that the findings contribute meaningfully to existing knowledge and potentially address real-world challenges.

121+ Experimental Research Topics in Different Categories

  • The impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance
  • Effects of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction
  • Relationship between screen time and mental health in adolescents
  • Influence of music tempo on productivity and mood
  • Investigating the placebo effect in pain management
  • The role of nutrition in cognitive function and memory
  • Effects of color on consumer perceptions and behavior
  • Impact of social support on recovery from traumatic events
  • Examining the effectiveness of virtual reality in therapy
  • The relationship between exercise and mental well-being
  • Exploring the link between creativity and sleep patterns
  • Effects of bilingualism on cognitive abilities
  • Investigating the impact of social media on body image
  • The role of laughter in stress reduction and health
  • Effects of environmental factors on workplace productivity
  • Examining the impact of video games on attention span
  • Influence of weather on mood and emotional well-being
  • Investigating the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • The relationship between personality traits and job satisfaction
  • Effects of caffeine on cognitive performance and alertness
  • Impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health
  • The role of scent in influencing consumer behavior
  • Investigating the effects of positive affirmations on self-esteem
  • Examining the relationship between music and learning
  • Effects of social isolation on mental and physical health
  • The impact of exercise on the aging process
  • Investigating the relationship between diet and depression
  • Effects of technology use on interpersonal relationships
  • Influence of parental involvement on academic achievement
  • Examining the effects of nature exposure on stress reduction
  • The relationship between personality and response to stress
  • Impact of workplace design on employee satisfaction
  • Investigating the effectiveness of art therapy in trauma recovery
  • Effects of color in marketing and consumer behavior
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership
  • Examining the impact of gender stereotypes on career choices
  • Influence of social support on weight loss and fitness goals
  • Investigating the effects of video game violence on behavior
  • The relationship between music and exercise performance
  • Effects of mindfulness interventions on anxiety levels
  • Impact of parental involvement in early childhood education
  • Examining the effectiveness of peer mentoring programs
  • Effects of environmental noise on cognitive performance
  • Influence of social media on political opinions and beliefs
  • Investigating the relationship between gratitude and well-being
  • The role of humor in coping with stress and adversity
  • Effects of aroma therapy on sleep quality and relaxation
  • Impact of workplace diversity on team performance
  • Examining the relationship between humor and creativity
  • Influence of cultural factors on mental health stigma
  • Investigating the effects of technology on sleep patterns
  • The relationship between personality and response to pain
  • Effects of nature exposure on creativity and problem-solving
  • Impact of parental involvement on childhood development
  • Examining the effectiveness of group therapy for depression
  • Influence of social media on political polarization
  • Investigating the effects of social exclusion on behavior
  • The role of nutrition in athletic performance and recovery
  • Effects of positive reinforcement on behavior modification
  • Impact of workplace flexibility on employee satisfaction
  • Examining the relationship between gratitude and happiness
  • Influence of social support on cardiovascular health
  • Investigating the effects of aromatherapy on stress levels
  • The relationship between personality and response to medication
  • Effects of mindfulness interventions on academic performance
  • Impact of parental involvement on adolescent mental health
  • Examining the effectiveness of peer support programs
  • Influence of social media on body image dissatisfaction
  • Investigating the effects of laughter therapy on well-being
  • The role of scent in enhancing learning and memory
  • Effects of positive affirmations on athletic performance
  • Impact of workplace culture on employee mental health
  • Examining the relationship between humor and resilience
  • Influence of social support on weight management
  • Investigating the effects of technology on social skills
  • The relationship between personality and response to treatment
  • Effects of nature exposure on mood and emotional well-being
  • Impact of parental involvement on academic motivation
  • Examining the effectiveness of art therapy for stress reduction
  • Influence of social media on consumer purchasing decisions
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness on sleep quality
  • The role of scent in enhancing emotional experiences
  • Effects of positive affirmations on academic achievement
  • Impact of workplace design on employee well-being
  • Examining the relationship between humor and job satisfaction
  • Influence of social support on coping with chronic illness
  • Investigating the effects of technology on attention span
  • The relationship between personality and response to stressors
  • Effects of nature exposure on cognitive performance
  • Impact of parental involvement on child behavior
  • Examining the effectiveness of group therapy for anxiety
  • Influence of social media on social connectedness
  • Investigating the effects of social isolation on mental health
  • The role of scent in enhancing cognitive performance
  • Effects of positive affirmations on goal achievement
  • Impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance
  • Examining the relationship between humor and team dynamics
  • Influence of social support on academic success
  • Investigating the effects of technology on sleep quality
  • The relationship between personality and response to challenges
  • Effects of nature exposure on creativity and innovation
  • Impact of parental involvement on adolescent behavior
  • Examining the effectiveness of art therapy for trauma recovery
  • Influence of social media on political engagement
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness on emotional regulation
  • Effects of positive affirmations on stress resilience
  • Impact of workplace culture on employee satisfaction
  • Examining the relationship between humor and job performance
  • Influence of social support on coping with grief
  • Investigating the effects of technology on social relationships
  • The relationship between personality and response to therapy
  • Effects of nature exposure on mood and psychological well-being
  • Impact of parental involvement on academic achievement motivation
  • Influence of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The role of scent in enhancing cognitive performance and memory
  • Effects of positive affirmations on athletic performance and motivation
  • Impact of workplace design on employee mental and physical well-being
  • Examining the relationship between humor and workplace satisfaction

Tips for Selecting Experimental Research Topics

Interest and Passion

  • Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm for the subject will sustain you through the research process.
  • Consider areas of personal or professional passion, as this can drive motivation and dedication.
  • Ensure that your chosen topic is relevant to your field of study. Consider current trends, emerging issues, or gaps in existing knowledge that your research could address.


  • Assess the feasibility of your research topic in terms of time, resources, and accessibility. Ensure you have the means to conduct the experiments and gather data effectively.
  • Look for gaps or areas with limited research in your chosen field. Novelty in your research can contribute significantly to academic discussions and the advancement of knowledge.


  • Consider the practical implications of your research. Can the findings be applied in real-world situations? Practical relevance adds value to your work.
  • Ensure that your research adheres to ethical guidelines. Consider the potential impact on human subjects, animals, or the environment and address these concerns appropriately.

Collaboration Opportunities

  • Explore the possibility of collaborating with experts in related fields. Interdisciplinary research can provide a broader perspective and enhance the impact of your work.

Literature Review

  • Conduct a thorough literature review to understand existing research on the chosen topic. Identify gaps, controversies, or areas where further exploration is needed.
  • Define the scope of your research clearly. Ensure that the topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. A well-defined scope allows for focused and meaningful investigation.


  • Consider the methodologies you will use in your experiments. Ensure they are appropriate for the research question and feasible given your resources.
  • Consider the potential impact of your research. Will it contribute significantly to the field, address practical problems, or open avenues for further exploration?


  • Discuss your ideas with mentors, colleagues, or experts in the field. Their insights can help refine your topic and provide valuable perspectives.

Accessibility of Data

  • Ensure that the data required for your experiments is accessible. If your research involves data collection, make sure you can obtain the necessary information.

Peer Review

  • Share your proposed topics with peers or advisors and seek feedback. Constructive criticism can help refine your ideas and identify potential challenges.


  • Be open to adjusting your research topic based on evolving circumstances or new insights. Flexibility is crucial in the dynamic landscape of research.

Experimental research topics form the bedrock of scientific advancement, driving our understanding of the world and contributing to innovations across disciplines. As we explore the vast landscape of experimental research, it’s crucial to recognize the ethical considerations, feasibility, and relevance of chosen topics. 

Whether probing the intricacies of the human mind, unraveling the mysteries of the natural world, or enhancing educational practices, experimental research continues to push the boundaries of knowledge and shape the future of scientific inquiry. 

As researchers embark on these explorations, they contribute not only to their respective fields but also to the collective pursuit of understanding and progress.

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Articles on Experimental psychology

Displaying all articles.

psychology research topics experimental

Does competition make us less moral? New research says yes, but only a little bit

Ozan Isler , The University of Queensland

psychology research topics experimental

6 eyewitnesses misidentified a murderer – here’s what went wrong in the lineup

Laura Smalarz , Arizona State University

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Women preferred for STEM professorships – as long as they’re equal to or better than male candidates

Stephen J Ceci , Cornell University and Wendy M Williams , Cornell University

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Recreating language’s Big Bang through a game of vocal charades

Marcus Perlman , University of Wisconsin-Madison

psychology research topics experimental

Children with gender dysphoria deserve better from the law

Malcolm Smith , Queensland University of Technology

psychology research topics experimental

Virtual bodyswapping reduces bias against other races

Manos Tsakiris , Royal Holloway University of London

psychology research topics experimental

Anxiety makes us more biased to threat but exercise can change our perception

Adam Heenan , Queen's University, Ontario

psychology research topics experimental

Debt collectors are the true ancestors of Facebook’s emotions experiment

Joe Deville , Goldsmiths, University of London

psychology research topics experimental

Revisiting Milgram’s shocking obedience experiments

Nick Haslam , The University of Melbourne and Gina Perry , The University of Melbourne

psychology research topics experimental

Women act like men when they switch seats at speed dating

Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. , Monmouth University

psychology research topics experimental

Cheaters use cognitive tricks to feel good about themselves

Benjamin Le , Haverford College

psychology research topics experimental

Ethics stop dodgy experiments but there’s too much red tape

Dr Gerasimos Chatzidamianos , Lancaster University

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Top contributors

psychology research topics experimental

Professor of Psychology, The University of Melbourne

psychology research topics experimental

Lecturer in Mobile Work, Lancaster University

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Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University

psychology research topics experimental

Associate Professor of Psychology & Department Chair, Haverford College

psychology research topics experimental

Professor of Psychology, Monmouth University

psychology research topics experimental

Science historian with a specific interest in the history of social psychology., The University of Melbourne

psychology research topics experimental

PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology, Queen's University, Ontario

psychology research topics experimental

Professor of Psychology, Director of the Centre for the Politics of Feelings, Royal Holloway University of London

psychology research topics experimental

Senior Lecturer, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Queensland University of Technology

psychology research topics experimental

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

psychology research topics experimental

Professor of Human Development, Cornell University

psychology research topics experimental

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University

psychology research topics experimental

Research Fellow, School of Economics, The University of Queensland

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Research Methods In Psychology

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

Research methods in psychology are systematic procedures used to observe, describe, predict, and explain behavior and mental processes. They include experiments, surveys, case studies, and naturalistic observations, ensuring data collection is objective and reliable to understand and explain psychological phenomena.

research methods3

Hypotheses are statements about the prediction of the results, that can be verified or disproved by some investigation.

There are four types of hypotheses :
  • Null Hypotheses (H0 ) – these predict that no difference will be found in the results between the conditions. Typically these are written ‘There will be no difference…’
  • Alternative Hypotheses (Ha or H1) – these predict that there will be a significant difference in the results between the two conditions. This is also known as the experimental hypothesis.
  • One-tailed (directional) hypotheses – these state the specific direction the researcher expects the results to move in, e.g. higher, lower, more, less. In a correlation study, the predicted direction of the correlation can be either positive or negative.
  • Two-tailed (non-directional) hypotheses – these state that a difference will be found between the conditions of the independent variable but does not state the direction of a difference or relationship. Typically these are always written ‘There will be a difference ….’

All research has an alternative hypothesis (either a one-tailed or two-tailed) and a corresponding null hypothesis.

Once the research is conducted and results are found, psychologists must accept one hypothesis and reject the other. 

So, if a difference is found, the Psychologist would accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null.  The opposite applies if no difference is found.

Sampling techniques

Sampling is the process of selecting a representative group from the population under study.

Sample Target Population

A sample is the participants you select from a target population (the group you are interested in) to make generalizations about.

Representative means the extent to which a sample mirrors a researcher’s target population and reflects its characteristics.

Generalisability means the extent to which their findings can be applied to the larger population of which their sample was a part.

  • Volunteer sample : where participants pick themselves through newspaper adverts, noticeboards or online.
  • Opportunity sampling : also known as convenience sampling , uses people who are available at the time the study is carried out and willing to take part. It is based on convenience.
  • Random sampling : when every person in the target population has an equal chance of being selected. An example of random sampling would be picking names out of a hat.
  • Systematic sampling : when a system is used to select participants. Picking every Nth person from all possible participants. N = the number of people in the research population / the number of people needed for the sample.
  • Stratified sampling : when you identify the subgroups and select participants in proportion to their occurrences.
  • Snowball sampling : when researchers find a few participants, and then ask them to find participants themselves and so on.
  • Quota sampling : when researchers will be told to ensure the sample fits certain quotas, for example they might be told to find 90 participants, with 30 of them being unemployed.

Experiments always have an independent and dependent variable .

  • The independent variable is the one the experimenter manipulates (the thing that changes between the conditions the participants are placed into). It is assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable.
  • The dependent variable is the thing being measured, or the results of the experiment.


Operationalization of variables means making them measurable/quantifiable. We must use operationalization to ensure that variables are in a form that can be easily tested.

For instance, we can’t really measure ‘happiness’, but we can measure how many times a person smiles within a two-hour period. 

By operationalizing variables, we make it easy for someone else to replicate our research. Remember, this is important because we can check if our findings are reliable.

Extraneous variables are all variables which are not independent variable but could affect the results of the experiment.

It can be a natural characteristic of the participant, such as intelligence levels, gender, or age for example, or it could be a situational feature of the environment such as lighting or noise.

Demand characteristics are a type of extraneous variable that occurs if the participants work out the aims of the research study, they may begin to behave in a certain way.

For example, in Milgram’s research , critics argued that participants worked out that the shocks were not real and they administered them as they thought this was what was required of them. 

Extraneous variables must be controlled so that they do not affect (confound) the results.

Randomly allocating participants to their conditions or using a matched pairs experimental design can help to reduce participant variables. 

Situational variables are controlled by using standardized procedures, ensuring every participant in a given condition is treated in the same way

Experimental Design

Experimental design refers to how participants are allocated to each condition of the independent variable, such as a control or experimental group.
  • Independent design ( between-groups design ): each participant is selected for only one group. With the independent design, the most common way of deciding which participants go into which group is by means of randomization. 
  • Matched participants design : each participant is selected for only one group, but the participants in the two groups are matched for some relevant factor or factors (e.g. ability; sex; age).
  • Repeated measures design ( within groups) : each participant appears in both groups, so that there are exactly the same participants in each group.
  • The main problem with the repeated measures design is that there may well be order effects. Their experiences during the experiment may change the participants in various ways.
  • They may perform better when they appear in the second group because they have gained useful information about the experiment or about the task. On the other hand, they may perform less well on the second occasion because of tiredness or boredom.
  • Counterbalancing is the best way of preventing order effects from disrupting the findings of an experiment, and involves ensuring that each condition is equally likely to be used first and second by the participants.

If we wish to compare two groups with respect to a given independent variable, it is essential to make sure that the two groups do not differ in any other important way. 

Experimental Methods

All experimental methods involve an iv (independent variable) and dv (dependent variable)..

  • Field experiments are conducted in the everyday (natural) environment of the participants. The experimenter still manipulates the IV, but in a real-life setting. It may be possible to control extraneous variables, though such control is more difficult than in a lab experiment.
  • Natural experiments are when a naturally occurring IV is investigated that isn’t deliberately manipulated, it exists anyway. Participants are not randomly allocated, and the natural event may only occur rarely.

Case studies are in-depth investigations of a person, group, event, or community. It uses information from a range of sources, such as from the person concerned and also from their family and friends.

Many techniques may be used such as interviews, psychological tests, observations and experiments. Case studies are generally longitudinal: in other words, they follow the individual or group over an extended period of time. 

Case studies are widely used in psychology and among the best-known ones carried out were by Sigmund Freud . He conducted very detailed investigations into the private lives of his patients in an attempt to both understand and help them overcome their illnesses.

Case studies provide rich qualitative data and have high levels of ecological validity. However, it is difficult to generalize from individual cases as each one has unique characteristics.

Correlational Studies

Correlation means association; it is a measure of the extent to which two variables are related. One of the variables can be regarded as the predictor variable with the other one as the outcome variable.

Correlational studies typically involve obtaining two different measures from a group of participants, and then assessing the degree of association between the measures. 

The predictor variable can be seen as occurring before the outcome variable in some sense. It is called the predictor variable, because it forms the basis for predicting the value of the outcome variable.

Relationships between variables can be displayed on a graph or as a numerical score called a correlation coefficient.

types of correlation. Scatter plot. Positive negative and no correlation

  • If an increase in one variable tends to be associated with an increase in the other, then this is known as a positive correlation .
  • If an increase in one variable tends to be associated with a decrease in the other, then this is known as a negative correlation .
  • A zero correlation occurs when there is no relationship between variables.

After looking at the scattergraph, if we want to be sure that a significant relationship does exist between the two variables, a statistical test of correlation can be conducted, such as Spearman’s rho.

The test will give us a score, called a correlation coefficient . This is a value between 0 and 1, and the closer to 1 the score is, the stronger the relationship between the variables. This value can be both positive e.g. 0.63, or negative -0.63.

Types of correlation. Strong, weak, and perfect positive correlation, strong, weak, and perfect negative correlation, no correlation. Graphs or charts ...

A correlation between variables, however, does not automatically mean that the change in one variable is the cause of the change in the values of the other variable. A correlation only shows if there is a relationship between variables.

Correlation does not always prove causation, as a third variable may be involved. 

causation correlation

Interview Methods

Interviews are commonly divided into two types: structured and unstructured.

A fixed, predetermined set of questions is put to every participant in the same order and in the same way. 

Responses are recorded on a questionnaire, and the researcher presets the order and wording of questions, and sometimes the range of alternative answers.

The interviewer stays within their role and maintains social distance from the interviewee.

There are no set questions, and the participant can raise whatever topics he/she feels are relevant and ask them in their own way. Questions are posed about participants’ answers to the subject

Unstructured interviews are most useful in qualitative research to analyze attitudes and values.

Though they rarely provide a valid basis for generalization, their main advantage is that they enable the researcher to probe social actors’ subjective point of view. 

Questionnaire Method

Questionnaires can be thought of as a kind of written interview. They can be carried out face to face, by telephone, or post.

The choice of questions is important because of the need to avoid bias or ambiguity in the questions, ‘leading’ the respondent or causing offense.

  • Open questions are designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject’s own knowledge and feelings. They provide insights into feelings, opinions, and understanding. Example: “How do you feel about that situation?”
  • Closed questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” or specific information, limiting the depth of response. They are useful for gathering specific facts or confirming details. Example: “Do you feel anxious in crowds?”

Its other practical advantages are that it is cheaper than face-to-face interviews and can be used to contact many respondents scattered over a wide area relatively quickly.


There are different types of observation methods :
  • Covert observation is where the researcher doesn’t tell the participants they are being observed until after the study is complete. There could be ethical problems or deception and consent with this particular observation method.
  • Overt observation is where a researcher tells the participants they are being observed and what they are being observed for.
  • Controlled : behavior is observed under controlled laboratory conditions (e.g., Bandura’s Bobo doll study).
  • Natural : Here, spontaneous behavior is recorded in a natural setting.
  • Participant : Here, the observer has direct contact with the group of people they are observing. The researcher becomes a member of the group they are researching.  
  • Non-participant (aka “fly on the wall): The researcher does not have direct contact with the people being observed. The observation of participants’ behavior is from a distance

Pilot Study

A pilot  study is a small scale preliminary study conducted in order to evaluate the feasibility of the key s teps in a future, full-scale project.

A pilot study is an initial run-through of the procedures to be used in an investigation; it involves selecting a few people and trying out the study on them. It is possible to save time, and in some cases, money, by identifying any flaws in the procedures designed by the researcher.

A pilot study can help the researcher spot any ambiguities (i.e. unusual things) or confusion in the information given to participants or problems with the task devised.

Sometimes the task is too hard, and the researcher may get a floor effect, because none of the participants can score at all or can complete the task – all performances are low.

The opposite effect is a ceiling effect, when the task is so easy that all achieve virtually full marks or top performances and are “hitting the ceiling”.

Research Design

In cross-sectional research , a researcher compares multiple segments of the population at the same time

Sometimes, we want to see how people change over time, as in studies of human development and lifespan. Longitudinal research is a research design in which data-gathering is administered repeatedly over an extended period of time.

In cohort studies , the participants must share a common factor or characteristic such as age, demographic, or occupation. A cohort study is a type of longitudinal study in which researchers monitor and observe a chosen population over an extended period.

Triangulation means using more than one research method to improve the study’s validity.


Reliability is a measure of consistency, if a particular measurement is repeated and the same result is obtained then it is described as being reliable.

  • Test-retest reliability :  assessing the same person on two different occasions which shows the extent to which the test produces the same answers.
  • Inter-observer reliability : the extent to which there is an agreement between two or more observers.


A meta-analysis is a systematic review that involves identifying an aim and then searching for research studies that have addressed similar aims/hypotheses.

This is done by looking through various databases, and then decisions are made about what studies are to be included/excluded.

Strengths: Increases the conclusions’ validity as they’re based on a wider range.

Weaknesses: Research designs in studies can vary, so they are not truly comparable.

Peer Review

A researcher submits an article to a journal. The choice of the journal may be determined by the journal’s audience or prestige.

The journal selects two or more appropriate experts (psychologists working in a similar field) to peer review the article without payment. The peer reviewers assess: the methods and designs used, originality of the findings, the validity of the original research findings and its content, structure and language.

Feedback from the reviewer determines whether the article is accepted. The article may be: Accepted as it is, accepted with revisions, sent back to the author to revise and re-submit or rejected without the possibility of submission.

The editor makes the final decision whether to accept or reject the research report based on the reviewers comments/ recommendations.

Peer review is important because it prevent faulty data from entering the public domain, it provides a way of checking the validity of findings and the quality of the methodology and is used to assess the research rating of university departments.

Peer reviews may be an ideal, whereas in practice there are lots of problems. For example, it slows publication down and may prevent unusual, new work being published. Some reviewers might use it as an opportunity to prevent competing researchers from publishing work.

Some people doubt whether peer review can really prevent the publication of fraudulent research.

The advent of the internet means that a lot of research and academic comment is being published without official peer reviews than before, though systems are evolving on the internet where everyone really has a chance to offer their opinions and police the quality of research.

Types of Data

  • Quantitative data is numerical data e.g. reaction time or number of mistakes. It represents how much or how long, how many there are of something. A tally of behavioral categories and closed questions in a questionnaire collect quantitative data.
  • Qualitative data is virtually any type of information that can be observed and recorded that is not numerical in nature and can be in the form of written or verbal communication. Open questions in questionnaires and accounts from observational studies collect qualitative data.
  • Primary data is first-hand data collected for the purpose of the investigation.
  • Secondary data is information that has been collected by someone other than the person who is conducting the research e.g. taken from journals, books or articles.

Validity means how well a piece of research actually measures what it sets out to, or how well it reflects the reality it claims to represent.

Validity is whether the observed effect is genuine and represents what is actually out there in the world.

  • Concurrent validity is the extent to which a psychological measure relates to an existing similar measure and obtains close results. For example, a new intelligence test compared to an established test.
  • Face validity : does the test measure what it’s supposed to measure ‘on the face of it’. This is done by ‘eyeballing’ the measuring or by passing it to an expert to check.
  • Ecological validit y is the extent to which findings from a research study can be generalized to other settings / real life.
  • Temporal validity is the extent to which findings from a research study can be generalized to other historical times.

Features of Science

  • Paradigm – A set of shared assumptions and agreed methods within a scientific discipline.
  • Paradigm shift – The result of the scientific revolution: a significant change in the dominant unifying theory within a scientific discipline.
  • Objectivity – When all sources of personal bias are minimised so not to distort or influence the research process.
  • Empirical method – Scientific approaches that are based on the gathering of evidence through direct observation and experience.
  • Replicability – The extent to which scientific procedures and findings can be repeated by other researchers.
  • Falsifiability – The principle that a theory cannot be considered scientific unless it admits the possibility of being proved untrue.

Statistical Testing

A significant result is one where there is a low probability that chance factors were responsible for any observed difference, correlation, or association in the variables tested.

If our test is significant, we can reject our null hypothesis and accept our alternative hypothesis.

If our test is not significant, we can accept our null hypothesis and reject our alternative hypothesis. A null hypothesis is a statement of no effect.

In Psychology, we use p < 0.05 (as it strikes a balance between making a type I and II error) but p < 0.01 is used in tests that could cause harm like introducing a new drug.

A type I error is when the null hypothesis is rejected when it should have been accepted (happens when a lenient significance level is used, an error of optimism).

A type II error is when the null hypothesis is accepted when it should have been rejected (happens when a stringent significance level is used, an error of pessimism).

Ethical Issues

  • Informed consent is when participants are able to make an informed judgment about whether to take part. It causes them to guess the aims of the study and change their behavior.
  • To deal with it, we can gain presumptive consent or ask them to formally indicate their agreement to participate but it may invalidate the purpose of the study and it is not guaranteed that the participants would understand.
  • Deception should only be used when it is approved by an ethics committee, as it involves deliberately misleading or withholding information. Participants should be fully debriefed after the study but debriefing can’t turn the clock back.
  • All participants should be informed at the beginning that they have the right to withdraw if they ever feel distressed or uncomfortable.
  • It causes bias as the ones that stayed are obedient and some may not withdraw as they may have been given incentives or feel like they’re spoiling the study. Researchers can offer the right to withdraw data after participation.
  • Participants should all have protection from harm . The researcher should avoid risks greater than those experienced in everyday life and they should stop the study if any harm is suspected. However, the harm may not be apparent at the time of the study.
  • Confidentiality concerns the communication of personal information. The researchers should not record any names but use numbers or false names though it may not be possible as it is sometimes possible to work out who the researchers were.

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Cheat-Sheet of 100 Psychology Research Topics

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Cheat-Sheet of 100 Psychology Research Topics intro image

The field of psychology has been favored by many college students, despite its challenging and complex studying nature – the human psyche. What’s even more demanding for anyone enrolled in a psychology course is selecting the right research topic. One specific and interesting enough to encourage your thirst for knowledge and research.

Due to the nature of the complex subject studied, it’s often accompanied by extensive research and is dependent on your particular field of study. However, a good research topic can spark further analysis, and some of the more important topics can be explored further into a longer paper, such as a dissertation.

Perhaps the most challenging part of this task is getting started. Selecting an exciting psychology research topic is essential to the success of your written paper. In the article below, we’ll provide you with good psychology research topics, divided by your branch of study, so you can browse enough ideas and allow your imagination to guide you in the right direction.

In this article:

Psychology Research Paper – Definition & Purpose

How to choose a good psychology research paper topic, social psychology research topics:, developmental psychology research topics:, cognitive psychology research topics:, clinical psychology research topics:, abnormal psychology research topics:, forensic psychology research topics:, health psychology research topics:, educational psychology research topics:, experimental psychology research topics:, psychology research topics on depression:, psychology research topics about dreams:.

Psychology writing is meant to inform the reader of a new idea, theory, or experiment within the scientific field, despite significant research efforts, including academic records, literary reviews, and other research papers. The best writers can convey their complex ideas to people outside their area of expertise clearly and economically.

When writing a psychology paper, you predominantly look for facts and evidence corresponding to your topic. Therefore, you should strive to be precise, clear, and literal in your writing. It’s a common misunderstanding that psychology research papers should include heavy and descriptive language or complex sentence structure, when in fact, you should aim for the opposite.

The purpose of a psychology research paper is to demonstrate your deep understanding of your field of study and to prove your originality and successful wayfinding through correlative scientific literature. An essential part of the paper is synthesizing previous research concerning the topic while shedding new light on the subject discussed.

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It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? However, the process can be more straightforward with the right topic. We’ll help you find the best psychology paper topic in the section below.

There are some valuable strategies you should get familiar with if you aren’t sure what topic to choose:

  • Was there a topic studied or discussed recently that made an impression on you? Try to sum it up in a few words and look up the topics online. Play around with the keywords. There is a good chance someone else already wrote an academic paper on it. You might even stumble upon different points of view, which could spark up some ideas.
  • Sometimes you can correlate your favorite hobby to your research paper. For example, If you are a huge fan of tabletop role-playing games. Use this hobby to explain how role-playing games can boost confidence and creativity. Maybe there is a way to relate your hobby to your psychology practice? Once you come up with one, double-check with a tutor or mentor to see its relevance to your studies.
  • You can look up research topic lists online, like those included in the section below, which is probably how you got here in the first place. Well done. You’re obviously on the right track.
  • Have a read at an article related to a subfield of an area of interest. Check out the resources included in the Bibliography when you’re done. You’re likely to find some more topics and ideas you can explore in greater detail.
  • You can always turn to a tutor or mentor for support. If none of the above methods work for you, discussing your academic interests with a professional is always a good idea.

Psychology Research Topics

Below are 10 subcategories with examples of psychology research topics.

  • Tajfel and Turner’s Social Identity Theory
  • The Role of the Unfamiliar Environment in Milgram’s Shock Experiment
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment: Causes and Effects of Dehumanization
  • How is Society Modeling Human Behavior According to Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
  • How Group Belonging can Alter Identity and Behavior
  • Obedience and Authority and Cruelty According to Milgram’s Shock Experiment
  • Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience According to the Social Status Function
  • The Aftereffect of Bullying on Mental Development
  • Stereotypes and Gender Roles in Society
  • Child Development in an Abusive Environment
  • Postpartum Depression and Its Effect on Mental Health
  • The Effect of Sleeping Disorders on Mental Development
  • The Aftermath of Narcotics on Mental Health
  • Psychology’s Relation to Mental Health
  • Postpartum Depression: Effects on Mental Health
  • Factors Responsible for The Acceleration of the Aging Process
  • How Child Abuse Affects Mental Development
  • Can Psychology Tackle the Aftermath of Bullying
  • Memory Loss and Methods of Recovery
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity in the Child: Developmental Effects
  • Factors That Aid Problem-Solving Abilities in Children
  • Color Psychology’s Effect on Cognitive Development Studies
  • Subconsciousness’ Effect on the Decision Making Ability
  • Increasing Violence Amongst Children
  • Delay in the Mental Development of a Child: Contributing Factors
  • The Effect of Romantic Movies in the Development of a Child
  • What is Critical Thinking, and How to Measure Its Ability in Cognitive Psychology
  • Causes of Bullying Behavior in Children
  • Cognitive Psychology Experiments
  • How Cognitive Therapy Can Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Behavioral Therapy as a Cause of Treating Criminals
  • Contributing Factors to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Effective Practices in Treating Addictions
  • Effective therapy Practices in Dealing With Depression
  • Paranoias and Phobias – Treatment Through Medication and Therapy
  • Psychological Disorders and Their Clinical Treatments
  • Social Anxiety: Cause and Treatment
  • Schizophrenia: Recommended Therapies
  • Insomnia: Clinical Treatments
  • Antidepressant’s Effects in Remedial Therapy
  • Causes of Anorexia In Adults
  • How to Overcome Anxiety Disorders
  • Multiple Personality Disorder: Causes
  • How to Deal With Phobias
  • PTSD in Offices and Workplaces
  • Factors that Contribute to Eating Disorders in Adults
  • Psychology Behind Suicidal Thoughts
  • How Violent Video Games Affect Mood Disorders in Children
  • Stalking: A Psychological Disorder
  • The Effectiveness of Prison Rehabilitation and the Criminal Justice System
  • The Cause behind Mass Killings in the USA
  • Is domestic Violence Against Men Being Neglected by Society
  • Are Movie or TV Series Plot Augmenting Copycat Crimes
  • Risk Factors Behind Unreliable Evidence
  • The Цredibility of Statement From Mentally Challenged Eyewitnesses
  • Psychologist Verbally Interacting With Criminals in Court: Rules To Go By
  • The Лegitimacy of an Eyewitness’s Memory
  • Can a Better Upbringing Prevent the Making of a Serial Killer
  • How Does Participating in Law Enforcement Impact an Individual’s Life
  • Managing Eating Disorders: The Role of the Psychologist
  • Group Therapy: Efficiency and Lenitive Care
  • Meditation Techniques to Help With Chronic Pain Management
  • Practical Approaches To Aid Stress and Depression Management in Cancer Patients
  • How Are Cognitive Abilities Affected by Physical Exercise and Social Interaction
  • Most Effective Interventions To Enforce Abstinence in Drug Addicts
  • Communication Strategies That Help Encourage Patients To Attend REgular Screens (For Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Prostate Cancer, etc.)
  • How Physical Exercise Helps Reduce Stress and Mood Swings
  • Adapting Teaching and Deadlines for Dyslexic Students
  • Learning Motivation Strategies in Education
  • Does Learning Complex Musical Instruments Aid Cognitive Performance Actually Work
  • Consequences of Bullying on the Self-Perception of a Student
  • Social Reinforcement Vs. Material Rewards: Strategies to Encourage Learning in Students
  • How Operant Conditioning Works
  • Listening to Music: Effect on Cognitive Functions
  • The Importance of Showing Affection to Children
  • The Effect of Academic Success on Self-Esteem
  • The Psychological Effect of Colors
  • The Stroop Effect: What Does it Say About Our Minds
  • Comparisons Between Excessive Social Media Use and Drug Addiction
  • How do Colors Affect Learning
  • Mood Freezing: Definition and Implications
  • Double Foot-In-Door: Definitions and Implications
  • Postpartum Depression and its Effect on Children
  • How Depression Affects Productivity
  • Gut Microbiota and Major Depression
  • Depression: Differences in Males and Females
  • Ways to Ease Seasonal Depression
  • Environmental Factors as Depression Triggers
  • Electroconvulsive Therapy as a Last Resort to Treating Depression and Bipolar Disorder
  • Can Dreams Reveal Who We Are As An Individual?
  • Why Do Brains Need to Dream?
  • Why Dreaming is a Healthy Exercise For the Brain.
  • Why Men’s Dreams are Seemingly More Violent?
  • How Are Adolescent Dreams Different Than Those of College Students?
  • Can Mental Health Issues be Spotted Through Dreams?
  • Can Dreams Indicate a Person’s Future Personality?

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Psychology Research Topics

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  • Feb 23, 2022

Psychology Dissertation Topics for Inspiration!-01 (1)

Finding an interesting research topic that aligns with your area of interest can be a really tiring process. If you are a candidate looking for an interesting Psychology research topic for your next paper, you have clicked the right link. Psychology as a branch of science has a wide variety of interrelated topics and you have the option to select any from its broad reach. Usually, for general psychology topics, you get the option to select any topic but in abnormal psychology research, you have to choose a few from a list of specific psychological disorders. In this blog, we have discussed a variety of psychology research and dissertation topics that might give you an idea for your next research project.

This Blog Includes:

What is psychology research, what is a psychology dissertation , writing tips for psychology research paper , how to choose good psychology research topics, psychology research & psychology dissertation topics, research topics, dissertation topics, clinical psychology topics, organizational psychology topics, social psychology research topics, cognitive psychology research topics, developmental psychology research topics, abnormal psychology research topics, child psychology research topics, sports psychology research topics, experimental psychology research topics, forensic psychology research topics, controversial topics in psychology, other trending topics for psychology research and dissertation.

Understanding Research is essential to comprehending psychology, as it allows psychologists to assist individuals with problems or offers new phenomena to improve how we manage things like learning, parenting, or even establishing a new business. Researchers in psychology look into a wide range of issues, from newborn development to social group behaviour. The scientific method is used by psychologists to study topics in a methodical and empirical manner.

Also Read: BA Psychology: Course Details, Top Universities & Careers

The psychology dissertation is the ultimate stage of doctoral education, and it is the result of years of research on a specific topic within the discipline. They are written in a formal academic manner, with the American Psychological Association style standard as a guide, and include a review of current academic literature as well as independent research. Although dissertations or theses are most commonly linked with doctorate programs, several universities also demand them for undergraduate and graduate degree fulfilment.

Also Read: PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

The field of psychology is a complex yet an interesting area of study. Any research topic in Psychology requires extensive literature research, hence it takes a lot of effort to present an effective research paper on psychology. The aim of a Psychology Research Paper is to demonstrate deep knowledge of Psychology in students and it aims to test researching and effective writing skills of students. Some writing tips for Psychology Research Paper are as mentioned:

  • Choose an engaging and relevant topic
  • Explore different topics and select a research question that defines your content precisely
  • Use reliable sources for research, convey your argumentation clearly and avoid plagiarism
  • The writing must be inspiring yet formal. Use correct language and professional psychological terms.
  • Focus on the outline/structure of the research paper as well. Make sure that your introduction itself is capable of providing the core idea/objective of the research paper.
  • Revise the research paper on a daily basis and make changes if needed. 

To choose a good research topic is undoubtedly a difficult task but here we’ve mentioned some strategies to keep in mind while selecting a Psychology Research Topic is to Identify your genuine interest in the field of Psychology and try to look for content, you may find academic sources related to the same.Do not bound yourself to just a few ideas but allow yourself to explore more on different potential sources for Psychology Research Topic. Explore until you find the most relevant and interesting topic with more than enough primary and secondary sources.

We’ve put together a Customized List of Psychology Research & Psychology Dissertation in the tables below.

The following are the most recent and important Research topics for psychology.

The following are the most recent and topmost topics for Psychology Dissertation

The following are the most recent and topmost topics for Clinical Psychology Research

The following are the most recent and topmost topics for Organisational Psychology Dissertation

Social Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour in social and cultural environments. Social Psychology includes self concept, social cognition, attribution theory, social influence, group processes, prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal processes, aggression, attitudes and stereotypes, hence making it a diverse area of research. Listed below are some topics for Social Psychology Research:

  • How disabled women view their body image interactions with the opposite sex.
  • How does religion modify social responses between men and women- A qualitative research
  • Child bullies to Adult Bullies- Do things really change- An Analysis
  • Why is there a natural tendency in us to paste addicts as anti-social elements? – Write a dissertation on this time-ridden mindset and assess the truth behind it.
  • Why is it so hard for men to accept women bosses? – This would be enlightening on gender inequality and the changing of patterns.

Cognitive Psychology is the process of gaining knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Some topics for Cognitive Psychology Research are:

  • How is color psychology effective in cognitive development studies?
  • What is the attention span, and how to measure it?
  • Memory loss and different ways to recover itHow do memories affect the behavior of individuals?
  • What causes bullying behavior among children?
  • Factors that can contribute to delay in the mental development of a child.
  • The effect of romantic movies on a child.

In the short term, Developmental Psychology focuses on an individual’s growth and change in behaviour over the course of their lifetime.

  • Bullying and its effect on mental development.
  • The role of media and cartoons in increasing violence.How violent video games and cartoons can make children violent?
  • Stereotypes and gender roles in our society
  • Abusive Relationships with partners
  • Long term effects of Drugs on mental health.

Abnormal Psychology is concerned with mental and emotional disorders in human beings such as anxiety disorders, phobias, depression, developmental disorders and incompletely understood normal phenomena such as dreams and hypnosis. Listed below are some research topics for Abnormal Psychology Research Paper:

  • What are the causes of the increasing anorexia rate in children?
  • Causes of anorexia in adults- Causes of anxiety disorder and how to overcome it
  • Why is there an increase in eating disorders among the youth?
  • What are the factors that contribute to an eating disorder?
  • Is lying related to the psychology of a person?
  • Causes of the rise in teenage suicides
  • Is asexuality related to the psychology of a person?

Child Psychology is the field of Psychology where you study the mind and behavior of children from development through adolescence where they undergo various changes in terms of physical, speech, intellectual and cognitive development. 

Listed below are some topics to use as a base for Child Psychology Research Paper:

  • How often should a mother be close to their children in their early years?
  • Factors that facilitate mental development for children
  • How noise-induced hearing loss affects children
  • Essential nutrients for premature children
  • The role of early childhood life in shaping their adult life
  • Why play is essential during the early stages of child development
  • The implication of the COVID-19 lockdowns and quarantine on child psychology
  • Toxic events that may impact a child’s development
  • Implications of divorce on children
  • How low income affects children development
  • Effects of graphic violence through animations on child development

 Sports Psychology is where you use your psychological knowledge on exquisite performance and well-being of athletes, developmental and social aspects of sports participation, and systemic issues associated within the sports environment.

Some topics for a Sports Psychology Research Paper are:

  • How does physical activity impact treatment of depression- A literature based analysis
  • Importance of keeping normal hormone level for physical athlete- Psychologically and Physiologically
  • Understanding Parents’ Role on Adolescents’ Involvement in Organized Sports Activities
  • Overtraining, staleness, and burnout in sports
  • How does a good score change the mindset and confidence of a sportsman?

Experimental Psychology refers to a scientifically tested hypothesis to collect data to perform research and experiments to understand if there is a cause-and-effect relationship between different variables. 

Listed below are some topics for Experimental Psychology Research Paper:

  • Can colors play a role in enhancing a person’s mood? Explain how the color blue can make a person feel relaxed and calm.
  • Explain the notorious human experiments in history. What are their ethical shortcomings?
  • What is the relationship between the use of social media and the rising cases of violence in adolescents?
  • It is said that geniuses are made, not born. How true is this statement?
  • Are people really able to “feel like someone is watching” them?
  • Do people rate individuals with perfectly symmetrical faces as more beautiful than those with asymmetrical faces?
  • Can you really manipulate someone?

Forensic Psychology is a psychological research based on the psychological aspects of legal area. In simple terms, combining Psychology and Law together. Some topics for a Forensic Psychology Research Paper are as mentioned below:

  • Is society neglecting domestic violence that is aimed towards men?
  • The role of the internet, movies, and video games in augmenting copycat crimes.
  • Narcissm and Inter-Partner Violence- From a Forensic Psychological Perspective
  • Schizophrenia and Crime Challenges posed for Forensic Psychologist
  • The credibility of statements reporter by a Mentally Challenged Eye witness

The fact that Psychology is a complex field of study it is well known that Psychologists have done several psychological experiments that may seem inhumane, unethical, and controversial in nature. It is undoubtedly a daunting task to choose a controversial topic for Psychology Research but here we’ve made it easier for you to begin with your psychology research paper. Listed below are some controversial topics in Psychology:

  • Psychological characteristics of a typical perpetrator of child abuse
  • Child sexual abuse by the parent
  • Sexually and charms deviant behavior
  • Psychological impact on negative attitudes on LGBT in society
  • Psychological effects of social media on teenagers
  • How explicit social media content affect teenagers sexual orientation
  • Are some men victims, or are they perpetrators of domestic violence?
  • Is it true the longer one holds to a negative thought the less likely they will be happy?
  • Is sleep therapy important in healing traumatic brain injury?
  • Is psychological research important in helping humans prepare for the next pandemic?
  • Does lack of trust cause jealousy in relationships?
  • Can a complicated destiny justify bad character?
  • A person is created by nature, but society is responsible for their development

Other trending topics you might want to think about or look into are listed below:

Criminal Psychology Topics

  • What are the causes of the rise in psychotic behavior among children and teenagers?
  • Abusive parents’ effects on their children’s development
  • Drug misuse among teenagers and its effects on their mental health
  • The effects of media violence on children’s psyches
  • Bullying’s negative consequences on the well-being of primary pupils

Cognitive Psychology Topics

  • Attention, expectations, and emotional stress all play a role in how we perceive pain.
  • The extent to which objective measuring methods can be used to support theoretical approaches to consciousness
  • The link between poor emotion regulation, social cognition, and anxiety disorders
  • Is it true that direct and indirect models of perception are irreconcilable, or may recent inactive accounts lead to a compromise?
  • How can the degree of interaction between the representational systems for encoding a range of languages in the brain be determined by investigations of trilingualism and bilingualism in infants?

Developmental Psychology Topics

  • The function of plasticity in determining visual cognitive development and its extent
  • Understanding the changes in cognitive development: A single learning process or a variety of learning paradigms for different challenges
  • Determining if inherent factors or interaction norms between children and their human carers lead to effective learning outcomes
  • In circumstances when infants never converse with adults in a normal fashion , the influence of culture on conversational comprehension
  • Children’s action planning and scale errors: Considering the significance of DeLoache’s findings for understanding the “what/where” circuits in the human brain.

Psychology of Personality Topics

  • What is your opinion on the usefulness of personality tests? Are they still relevant in today’s environment?
  • Is there a link between asexuality and a person’s psychology?
  • What variables may contribute to the development of multiple personality disorder?
  • Is lying a habit that has something to do with a person’s psychology?
  • What effect does a person’s narcissistic persona have on the mental health of others?

Miscellaneous Psychology Topics

  • To what degree may color have an impact on athletic performance?
  • What effect does color have on a person’s psychology?
  • Is it possible for a language to alter a person’s psychological perception? Elaborate
  • Is it true that language has an impact on the way we think? A dispute about linguistic relativity
  • Number processing differences between cultures

So this was all about psychology research and dissertation Topics. If you want to pursue your Psychology degree overseas, which will undoubtedly advance your career but need assistance with the application procedure, contact Leverage Edu , we will help you gain admission to this prominent university.

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Revolutionizing the Study of Mental Disorders

March 27, 2024 • Feature Story • 75th Anniversary

At a Glance:

  • The Research Domain Criteria framework (RDoC) was created in 2010 by the National Institute of Mental Health.
  • The framework encourages researchers to examine functional processes that are implemented by the brain on a continuum from normal to abnormal.
  • This way of researching mental disorders can help overcome inherent limitations in using all-or-nothing diagnostic systems for research.
  • Researchers worldwide have taken up the principles of RDoC.
  • The framework continues to evolve and update as new information becomes available.

President George H. W. Bush proclaimed  the 1990s “ The Decade of the Brain  ,” urging the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and others to raise awareness about the benefits of brain research.

“Over the years, our understanding of the brain—how it works, what goes wrong when it is injured or diseased—has increased dramatically. However, we still have much more to learn,” read the president’s proclamation. “The need for continued study of the brain is compelling: millions of Americans are affected each year by disorders of the brain…Today, these individuals and their families are justifiably hopeful, for a new era of discovery is dawning in brain research.”

An image showing an FMRI machine with computer screens showing brain images. Credit: iStock/patrickheagney.

Still, despite the explosion of new techniques and tools for studying the brain, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), many mental health researchers were growing frustrated that their field was not progressing as quickly as they had hoped.

For decades, researchers have studied mental disorders using diagnoses based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)—a handbook that lists the symptoms of mental disorders and the criteria for diagnosing a person with a disorder. But, among many researchers, suspicion was growing that the system used to diagnose mental disorders may not be the best way to study them.

“There are many benefits to using the DSM in medical settings—it provides reliability and ease of diagnosis. It also provides a clear-cut diagnosis for patients, which can be necessary to request insurance-based coverage of healthcare or job- or school-based accommodations,” said Bruce Cuthbert, Ph.D., who headed the workgroup that developed NIMH’s Research Domain Criteria Initiative. “However, when used in research, this approach is not always ideal.”

Researchers would often test people with a specific diagnosed DSM disorder against those with a different disorder or with no disorder and see how the groups differed. However, different mental disorders can have similar symptoms, and people can be diagnosed with several different disorders simultaneously. In addition, a diagnosis using the DSM is all or none—patients either qualify for the disorder based on their number of symptoms, or they don’t. This black-and-white approach means there may be people who experience symptoms of a mental disorder but just miss the cutoff for diagnosis.

Dr. Cuthbert, who is now the senior member of the RDoC Unit which orchestrates RDoC work, stated that “Diagnostic systems are based on clinical signs and symptoms, but signs and symptoms can’t really tell us much about what is going on in the brain or the underlying causes of a disorder. With modern neuroscience, we were seeing that information on genetic, pathophysiological, and psychological causes of mental disorders did not line up well with the current diagnostic disorder categories, suggesting that there were central processes that relate to mental disorders that were not being reflected in DMS-based research.”

Road to evolution

Concerned about the limits of using the DSM for research, Dr. Cuthbert, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Minnesota at the time, approached Dr. Thomas Insel (then NIMH director) during a conference in the autumn of 2008. Dr. Cuthbert recalled saying, “I think it’s really important that we start looking at dimensions of functions related to mental disorders such as fear, working memory, and reward systems because we know that these dimensions cut across various disorders. I think NIMH really needs to think about mental disorders in this new way.”

Dr. Cuthbert didn’t know it then, but he was suggesting something similar to ideas that NIMH was considering. Just months earlier, Dr. Insel had spearheaded the inclusion of a goal in NIMH’s 2008 Strategic Plan for Research to “develop, for research purposes, new ways of classifying mental disorders based on dimensions of observable behavior and neurobiological measures.”

Unaware of the new strategic goal, Dr. Cuthbert was surprised when Dr. Insel's senior advisor, Marlene Guzman, called a few weeks later to ask if he’d be interested in taking a sabbatical to help lead this new effort. Dr. Cuthbert soon transitioned into a full-time NIMH employee, joining the Institute at an exciting time to lead the development of what became known as the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework. The effort began in 2009 with the creation of an internal working group of interdisciplinary NIMH staff who identified core functional areas that could be used as examples of what research using this new conceptual framework looked like.

The workgroup members conceived a bold change in how investigators studied mental disorders.

“We wanted researchers to transition from looking at mental disorders as all or none diagnoses based on groups of symptoms. Instead, we wanted to encourage researchers to understand how basic core functions of the brain—like fear processing and reward processing—work at a biological and behavioral level and how these core functions contribute to mental disorders,” said Dr. Cuthbert.

This approach would incorporate biological and behavioral measures of mental disorders and examine processes that cut across and apply to all mental disorders. From Dr. Cuthbert’s standpoint, this could help remedy some of the frustrations mental health researchers were experiencing.

Around the same time the workgroup was sharing its plans and organizing the first steps, Sarah Morris, Ph.D., was a researcher focusing on schizophrenia at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. When she first read these papers, she wondered what this new approach would mean for her research, her grants, and her lab.

She also remembered feeling that this new approach reflected what she was seeing in her data.

“When I grouped my participants by those with and without schizophrenia, there was a lot of overlap, and there was a lot of variability across the board, and so it felt like RDoC provided the pathway forward to dissect that and sort it out,” said Dr. Morris.

Later that year, Dr. Morris joined NIMH and the RDoC workgroup, saying, “I was bumping up against a wall every day in my own work and in the data in front of me. And the idea that someone would give the field permission to try something new—that was super exciting.”

The five original RDoC domains of functioning were introduced to the broader scientific community in a series of articles published in 2010  .

To establish the new framework, the RDoC workgroup (including Drs. Cuthbert and Morris) began a series of workshops in 2011 to collect feedback from experts in various areas from the larger scientific community. Five workshops were held over the next two years, each with a different broad domain of functioning based upon prior basic behavioral neuroscience. The five domains were called:

  • Negative valence (which included processes related to things like fear, threat, and loss)
  • Positive valence (which included processes related to working for rewards and appreciating rewards)
  • Cognitive processes
  • Social processes
  • Arousal and regulation processes (including arousal systems for the body and sleep).

At each workshop, experts defined several specific functions, termed constructs, that fell within the domain of interest. For instance, constructs in the cognitive processes domain included attention, memory, cognitive control, and others.

The result of these feedback sessions was a framework that described mental disorders as the interaction between different functional processes—processes that could occur on a continuum from normal to abnormal. Researchers could measure these functional processes in a variety of complementary ways—for example, by looking at genes associated with these processes, the brain circuits that implement these processes, tests or observations of behaviors that represent these functional processes, and what patients report about their concerns. Also included in the framework was an understanding that functional processes associated with mental disorders are impacted and altered by the environment and a person’s developmental stage.

Preserving momentum

An image depicting the RDoC Framework that includes four overlapping circles (titled: Lifespan, Domains, Units of Analysis, and Environment).

Over time, the Framework continued evolving and adapting to the changing science. In 2018, a sixth functional area called sensorimotor processes was added to the Framework, and in 2019, a workshop was held to better incorporate developmental and environmental processes into the framework.;

Since its creation, the use of RDoC principles in mental health research has spread across the U.S. and the rest of the world. For example, the Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers project (PRISM)   , which receives funding from the European Union’s Innovative Medicines Initiative, is seeking to link biological markers of social withdrawal with clinical diagnoses using RDoC-style principles. Similarly, the Roadmap for Mental Health Research in Europe (ROAMER)   project by the European Commission sought to integrate mental health research across Europe using principles similar to those in the RDoC Framework.;

Dr. Morris, who has acceded to the Head of the RDoC Unit, commented: “The fact that investigators and science funders outside the United States are also pursuing similar approaches gives me confidence that we’ve been on the right pathway. I just think that this has got to be how nature works and that we are in better alignment with the basic fundamental processes that are of interest to understanding mental disorders.”

The RDoC framework will continue to adapt and change with emerging science to remain relevant as a resource for researchers now and in the future. For instance, NIMH continues to work toward the development and optimization of tools to assess RDoC constructs and supports data-driven efforts to measure function within and across domains.

“For the millions of people impacted by mental disorders, research means hope. The RDoC framework helps us study mental disorders in a different way and has already driven considerable change in the field over the past decade,” said Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., director of NIMH. “We hope this and other innovative approaches will continue to accelerate research progress, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.”


Cuthbert, B. N., & Insel, T. R. (2013). Toward the future of psychiatric diagnosis: The seven pillars of RDoC. BMC Medicine , 11 , 126. https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7015-11-126  

Cuthbert B. N. (2014). Translating intermediate phenotypes to psychopathology: The NIMH Research Domain Criteria. Psychophysiology , 51 (12), 1205–1206. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.12342  

Cuthbert, B., & Insel, T. (2010). The data of diagnosis: New approaches to psychiatric classification. Psychiatry , 73 (4), 311–314. https://doi.org/10.1521/psyc.2010.73.4.311  

Cuthbert, B. N., & Kozak, M. J. (2013). Constructing constructs for psychopathology: The NIMH research domain criteria. Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 122 (3), 928–937. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0034028  

Garvey, M. A., & Cuthbert, B. N. (2017). Developing a motor systems domain for the NIMH RDoC program.  Schizophrenia Bulletin , 43 (5), 935–936. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbx095  

Insel, T. (2013). Transforming diagnosis . http://www.nimh.nih.gov/about/director/2013/transforming-diagnosis.shtml

Kozak, M. J., & Cuthbert, B. N. (2016). The NIMH Research Domain Criteria initiative: Background, issues, and pragmatics. Psychophysiology , 53 (3), 286–297. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.12518  

Morris, S. E., & Cuthbert, B. N. (2012). Research Domain Criteria: Cognitive systems, neural circuits, and dimensions of behavior. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience , 14 (1), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.31887/DCNS.2012.14.1/smorris  

Sanislow, C. A., Pine, D. S., Quinn, K. J., Kozak, M. J., Garvey, M. A., Heinssen, R. K., Wang, P. S., & Cuthbert, B. N. (2010). Developing constructs for psychopathology research: Research domain criteria. Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 119 (4), 631–639. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0020909  

  • Presidential Proclamation 6158 (The Decade of the Brain) 
  • Research Domain Criteria Initiative website
  • Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers (PRISM)  
  • Roadmap for Mental Health Research in Europe (ROAMER)  

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150 Best Experimental Psychology Research Topics for College Students

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of experimental psychology research topics for college students. Forget mundane lectures; it’s all about stepping backstage into the human mind’s mysteries. This introduction is your golden ticket to an adventure that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms.

Wondering why delve into experimental psychology in college? It’s not just about theories; it’s about hands-on exploration, gaining insights that stretch beyond the classroom walls, and preparing for a future where you actively shape the psychology landscape.

Think of it as your opportunity to unlock the secrets of memory, delve into social dynamics, and explore the nuances of human growth. This isn’t just about academic theory; it’s an open invitation to discover real-world applications, innovative approaches, and solutions that push the boundaries of psychological research.

As we embark on this experimental psychology adventure, we’re not delving into dry academic material. We’re diving into real-world applications, exciting approaches, and solutions that breathe life into psychology.

Get ready, future mind-explorers – the journey is about to kick off, and it’s going to be nothing short of awesome!

Table of Contents

How do I choose a psychology research topic?

Choosing a psychology research topic is exciting! Here’s a simple guide to help:

  • Follow Your Interest: Pick a topic that fascinates you, like human behavior or mental health.
  • Stay Updated: Look at recent studies to get ideas.
  • Assess Feasibility: Make sure your topic is doable with your resources.
  • Seek Guidance: Ask professors or mentors for advice.
  • Brainstorm Ideas: Write down topics you’re curious about.
  • Refine Your Focus: Narrow down to specific questions.
  • Consider Ethics: Ensure your research respects ethical guidelines.
  • Seek Feedback: Get input from peers or mentors.
  • Finalize Your Topic: Choose one that excites you and fits your goals.

Experimental Psychology Research Topics for College Students

Check out experiemental psycholgy research topics for college students:-

Cognitive Neuroscience

  • How Does Time Pressure Affect Decision-Making?
  • The Memory Power Nap: What Happens When We’re Sleep-Deprived?
  • Emotions Across Ages: Mapping the Brain’s Reaction.
  • Mindfulness Magic: Stress Reduction in Brain Waves.
  • Brain Bootcamp: Can Training Boost Memory?
  • Learning a New Skill: Brain Changes in Action.
  • Supercharging Attention in ADHD with Neurofeedback.
  • Brain Chill: Mapping Connectivity in Relaxation.
  • Resilience in Stress: Searching for Brain Clues.
  • Math Marvels: How Brain Structure Links to Math Skills.

Psychology of Decision-Making

  • Mood Swings and Choices: Risky Business.
  • Social Media’s Sway: Decision-Making Under Influence.
  • Money Matters: Unraveling Financial Decision Tricks.
  • Decisions, Decisions: Styles That Shape Our Path.
  • Peer Pressure Play: How It Guides Our Choices.
  • Cultural Choice Routes: Decisions Around the World.
  • Ethics in Action: Emotions Behind Decision-Making.
  • Personality Picks: How Traits Guide Choices.
  • Decision Dash: Does Presentation Impact Quality?
  • Deciding Smarter: Training Programs on Trial.

Social Influence and Conformity

  • Selfies and Standards: Social Media’s Beauty Influence.
  • Conforming Cultures: What Shapes Our Choices?
  • Norms & Kind Acts: Social Influence in Action.
  • Study Buddies or Distractors? Peers and Grades.
  • Gender Guiding: Social Influence on Decision-Making.
  • Online Unity: Group Conformity in Gaming.
  • Star Power: Celebs’ Effect on What We Buy.
  • Health Trends: Social Media vs. Healthy Choices.
  • Family Footprints: Career Influence on Youth.
  • Authority and Culture: Responding to Commands.

Emotional Regulation and Expression

  • Mindful Moments: Taming Emotions with Mindfulness.
  • Emotion Around the World: How Culture Colors Feelings.
  • Emotional IQ: Navigating Conflicts with Smarts.
  • Harmony in Beats: Music’s Impact on Moods.
  • Parenting Plays: Shaping How Kids Express Emotions.
  • Grades and Glee: How Emotions Impact School.
  • SOS Support: Friends and Coping in Tough Times.
  • He vs. She: Expressing Emotions Across Genders.
  • Artful Feelings: Painting Emotions Away.
  • Anti-Bullying Emotionally: Regulation in Programs.

Psychology of Learning

  • Learning Hacks: Boosting Grades with Strategies.
  • Game On: Can Gamification Make Learning Fun?
  • Feedback Flow: How Input Influences Learning.
  • Sleep and Study: How Rest Affects Memory.
  • Language Lessons: Virtual Reality as Teacher.
  • Mind-Wandering Minds: Does It Aid or Distract?
  • Class Vibes: How Room Setup Affects Learning.
  • DIY Learning: Self-Regulation’s Role in Success.
  • App Alert: Apps’ Impact on Kids’ Brainpower.
  • Peer Profs: Can Students Teach Each Other?

Visual Perception and Attention

  • Blink and Miss: How Attentional Blink Affects Sight.
  • Seeing Sounds: When Vision and Hearing Collide.
  • Juggling Tasks: Multitasking’s Impact on Attention.
  • Seeing Through Ages: How Vision Changes.
  • Faces in Focus: The Role of Attention in Expression.
  • Distracted Minds: Memory Impact of Interruptions.
  • Smile! Emotions in Faces Around the World.
  • Drive and Look: Attention Behind the Wheel.
  • Game Eyes: How Video Games Shape Vision.
  • Color Quest: Seeking and Finding with Vision.

Cross-Cultural Psychology

  • Mental Health Across Borders: Perceptions Vary.
  • Culture in Grades: Values’ Impact on Achievement.
  • Identity Clash: Acculturation and Well-being.
  • Negotiating Cultures: Conflict Across Borders.
  • Tech Tots: Devices’ Role in Kids’ Global Development.
  • Obedience Around the World: Authority’s Influence.
  • Tick-Tock Cultures: Time and Punctuality Perspectives.
  • Shame Unveiled: How Cultures Express It.
  • Beauty Biases: Cultural Influences on Perception.
  • Social Cognition: How Cultures Shape Interaction.

Developmental Psychology

  • Childhood Echoes: Early Experiences’ Impact.
  • Parental GPS: Guiding Teens to Academic Success.
  • Attachment Tales: How Parent-Child Bonds Mold Us.
  • Adulthood’s Brain Games: Cognitive Changes Revealed.
  • Tech Kids: Gadgets’ Effects on Growing Minds.
  • Sibling Stories: How Brothers and Sisters Mold Minds.
  • Social Status and Smarts: Early Development Clues.
  • Parenting Pathways: Global Insights on Child Rearing.
  • Grandparent Gold: Their Role in Kids’ Lives.
  • Adulthood Arrives: Challenges and Triumphs in Transition.

Psychology of Creativity

  • Creative Mysteries: Unraveling Problem-Solving.
  • Environment’s Nudge: How Surroundings Boost Creativity.
  • Traits and Talents: Who’s Born to Be Creative?
  • Zen and the Art of Creativity: Mindfulness and Ideas.
  • Think Divergent: Training Minds for Creative Flair.
  • Dreamy Ideas: How Sleep Sparks Creativity.
  • Artsy Emotions: Therapies’ Effect on Well-being.
  • Cultural Sparks: Exposure’s Influence on Creativity.
  • Group Magic: Collaboration’s Impact on Creative Sparks.
  • Dare to Create: Risk and Resilience in Artistic Achievement.

Human Factors and Ergonomics

  • Smartphone Age: Are Interfaces Friendly for Seniors?
  • Office Comfort: Does Workspace Design Affect Us?
  • Virtual Lessons: Training with Virtual Reality.
  • Spaceship Earth: How Design Impacts Public Places.
  • Office Talk: How Layout Boosts Teamwork.
  • Health Apps: Friend or Foe for Chronic Conditions?
  • Click and Buy: Design’s Role in Online Decisions.
  • Edu-Fun: Designing Apps for Young Learners.
  • Light and Work: The Effect on Comfort and Tasks.
  • Virtual High-Fives: Navigating Virtual Reality Interactions.


  • Heartbeats and Stress: A Harmony or Discord?
  • Flow State: When Physiological and Mind States Align.
  • Exercise and Brain Bliss: Does It Boost Mood?
  • Biofeedback Soothe: Stress Reduction Techniques.
  • VR Frights: How Virtual Fear Affects Physiology.
  • Skin and Senses: Music’s Dance with Emotions.
  • Mindful Beats: Meditation’s Impact on Physiology.
  • Sleep Signals: Quality’s Toll on Stress Markers.
  • Cortisol Chronicles: Stress Levels in Social Strain.
  • Music, Stress, and Harmony: A Psychophysiological Symphony.

Psychology of Motivation

  • Goals and Grades: Does Setting Them Matter?
  • Exercise Enigma: How Motivation Shapes Workouts.
  • Career Drivers: Determination in Decision-Making.
  • Battling Procrastination: Motivation’s Antagonist.
  • Health Hopes: Can Motivation Change Behaviors?
  • Addiction Battles: Motivational Interviewing’s Role.
  • Resilience Rising: Facing Adversity with Motivation.
  • Memory and Motivation: Does One Boost the Other?
  • Task at Hand: How Feedback Fuels Our Drive.
  • Goal Getters: Motivation’s Impact on Well-being.

Health Psychology

  • Stress and Strain: The Silent Culprit in Health.
  • Mind-Body Harmony: Interventions for Well-being.
  • Coping Chronicles: Strategies and Health Outcomes.
  • Friend and Health: The Social Support Connection.
  • Positivity’s Power: Improving Subjective Well-being.
  • Personality Rx: Traits That Shape Health Habits.
  • Zzz’s Impact: Sleep’s Role in Mental Wellness.
  • Health Talk: Persuasion’s Role in Changing Habits.
  • Exercise Empowerment: Mood and Cognitive Gains.
  • Cultural Prescriptions: How Beliefs Shape Health.

Perceptual Illusions and Distortions

  • Muller-Lyer Mystery: How Our Eyes Can Deceive.
  • Size Illusions: Context’s Power over Perception.
  • Mind Matters: Why Some Fall for Optical Tricks.
  • Ames Room: Fooling Perception with Spatial Puzzles.
  • Attention’s Mask: How Focus Shapes What We See.
  • Where Did It Go? Memory’s Role in Illusions.
  • Body Image Warps: Distortions and Well-being.
  • Motion and Time: How Perception Dictates Reality.
  • Load and Decide: Cognitive Strain in Perception.
  • Auditory Deceptions: When Context Plays Tricks.

Virtual Reality in Psychology

  • Fear Facing: Can Virtual Reality Cure Phobias?
  • Pain Play: Virtual Reality’s Impact on Perception.
  • Social VR: Battling Anxiety in Simulated Worlds.
  • VR Rehab: Motor Skill Learning in a Virtual Realm.
  • Empathy Enigma: How Virtual Reality Shifts Perspective.
  • Reality Simulations: Training in a Virtual Playground.
  • Learning Immersion: How Virtual Reality Boosts Memory.
  • Therapeutic VR: Healing Through Virtual Experiences.
  • VR Gaming: The Dance of Presence and Immersion.
  • Navigating Virtual Worlds: Spatial Cognition in Virtual Reality.

Popular Experimental Psychology Research Topics

Hey pals! Let’s hop into the awesome world of experimental psychology where scientists are basically the Sherlock Holmes of human behavior. Ready for the scoop on some mind-blowing topics? Here we go:

Imagine brainiacs donning superhero capes, armed with mind-blowing gadgets, delving into the brain’s playlist of memory and decision-making. It’s like scoring a VIP pass to the exclusive backstage party happening in our minds!

Decision Dilemma Alert! Imagine this: picking your next move is like scrolling through Netflix, totally unpredictable. Researchers are on a mission to spill the tea on why we make choices—whether we’re playing it cool with logic or just riding the wild rollercoaster of spontaneous vibes. 

Ever find yourself doing something just because everyone else is? It’s the mystery of social influence, where researchers are detectives figuring out why we catch the trend bug.

Emotions are like emojis in real life! Researchers are playing emotion detectives, digging into how we handle our feelings and why it’s like having a secret power for our mental well-being.

Learning is like leveling up in a video game. Researchers are figuring out the tricks behind it, from classic Pavlovian moves to becoming a pro just by watching others.

Eyes wide open! Researchers are on a mission to spill the beans on how we see and focus on things around us. Spoiler: our brains are basically visual rockstars.

It’s a global mind exploration! Researchers are like world travelers, checking out how different cultures shape our thoughts. It’s like a mental adventure around the world.

Growing up is like leveling up in a game! Researchers are the storytellers, spilling the secrets on our brain’s journey from tiny humans to wise wizards.

What’s the magic behind creative thinking ? Researchers are on a creative quest, uncovering how our brains pull off those genius moments and solve problems like champs.

Ever cursed at a wonky gadget? Researchers are the fixers, figuring out how the design of things—your workspace or the latest tech—can either boost your day or ruin it.

It’s like our body and mind throwing a party! Researchers are exploring how our heart rate, brainwaves, and emotions team up for the ultimate jam session. Mind and body handshake, anyone?

What gets you out of bed? Researchers are on the motivation mystery tour, uncovering what revs up our engines—whether it’s a personal goal or just the thrill of the adventure.

Stress, coping, and the mind-body tag team! Researchers are the health detectives, digging into the secrets that influence how happy and healthy we are.

Ready for brain tricks? Researchers are playing mind games, revealing how illusions and biases mess with our perceptions. Our brains are basically magicians!

Strap in, folks! Time to slap on those VR goggles! Researchers are cooking up mind-bending experiences, from facing your fears head-on to diving into totally unknown territories. It’s like stepping into your very own sci-fi saga—perfect for the science geek in you! 

And there you have it! These topics are like the coolest puzzle pieces in understanding what makes us tick. So, grab some virtual popcorn and let’s roll through the mind-bending world of experimental psychology—it’s like a carnival for your brain!

Unique and Emerging Areas of Study

Check out unique and emerging areas of study:-


Ever wondered why certain art just hits differently? Neuroaesthetics is like your brain’s personal tour guide to the magic behind beauty and art. It’s the ultimate backstage pass.


Imagine scientists on a quest to find space buddies. Astrobiology is the cool club trying to answer the big question: “Is there anyone out there?”

Quantum Psychology

Think scientists doing mind acrobatics. Quantum Psychology is like pulling mind-blowing tricks out of a hat—making your brain the star of the show.

Positive Psychology

Who needs gloom when you have Positive Psychology? It’s the study of what makes us grin from ear to ear, flex our strength, and just rock life. It’s basically the cheerleader of psychology.

Digital Anthropology

Meet the cultural adventurers in the digital wilderness. Digital Anthropology is the crew zooming in on how every click, swipe, and post changes the game of our lives.


Forget Mars, we’re talking interstellar road trips! Exoplanetology is the grand adventure, exploring planets in the cosmic neighborhood to see if we’ve got alien neighbors.


Imagine psychologists with a time-travel twist. Psychohistory is the combo of mind games and history, spillin’ the beans on the psychological drama behind historical events.


It’s like cracking the genetic code with super-smart computers. Bioinformatics is where biology and tech collide to uncover the secrets hidden in our DNA.

Synthetic Biology

Think scientists building biological LEGO. Synthetic Biology is the epic creator crafting the future of medicine, energy, and all things groundbreaking.


Welcome to the era of human-robot BFFs! Robopsychology is the exploration of how we bond with our metallic buddies, turning them into pals we never knew we needed.

Cognitive Enhancement

Ever wished for a brain turbocharge? Cognitive Enhancement is the legit way to give your brain a boost—no sci-fi drama, just pure brain power.

Environmental Psychology

It’s the love story between your mind and nature. Environmental Psychology is all about how your surroundings, from city life to the great outdoors, influence your mental vibes.


Tiny tech meets the mind! Nanopsychology explores how the tiniest stuff might be playing mind games with us. It’s like a microscopic rollercoaster for your brain.

These aren’t just topics—they’re like the coolest chapters in a sci-fi novel, turning research into a thrilling journey.

Tips for Successful Research

Check out the tips for successful research:-

Have a Clear Game Plan

Start by laying out your research goals. Think of it as plotting your adventure—knowing where you’re headed makes the journey smoother.

Dive into the Research Pool

Before diving into your own study, take a swim in the research sea. Check out what others have done—it’s like exploring a treasure map to find your own X marks the spot.

Ask a Simple, Smart Question

Your research question is like the compass guiding your quest. Make it clear, simple, and laser-focused—no need for a mysterious riddle here.

Craft a Research Blueprint

Imagine you’re building a treehouse; you need a solid plan. Map out your research with a detailed blueprint, including methods and timelines.

Ethics First, Always

Treat your participants like VIPs. Respect their rights, keep things confidential, and always get the green light from the ethics committee.

Data Quality Check

Think of your data as ingredients for a recipe. Make sure they’re top-notch. Clean, reliable data is the secret sauce to a successful dish—uh, research.

Tell a Compelling Story

Don’t just spill data—tell a story. Imagine you’re narrating an exciting movie plot. Make your findings accessible, engaging, and leave your audience wanting more.

Team Up and Get Feedback

Don’t go solo; bring in the sidekicks. Collaborate with others, seek feedback—it’s like having a superhero team ensuring your research is top-notch.

Be a Research Acrobat

Research is like a circus act. You need to be flexible. Things might not always go as planned, but being adaptable ensures you can handle the unexpected tightrope walks.

Detail Detective

Think of your research as a detective case. Pay attention to every detail. Missing a clue might mean missing the whole story.

Data Picnic Basket

Organize your data like a picnic basket. A well-prepared basket makes the picnic (or data analysis) much more enjoyable.

Stay in the Research Loop

Don’t be the hermit in the research cave. Stay in the loop. Read, attend conferences, and join the conversation. It’s like being part of a never-ending book club.

Time Juggler Extraordinaire

Research is a circus act with time juggling. Master the art of time management. Juggle wisely to avoid dropping any balls.

Tech Sidekick

Imagine having a tech-savvy sidekick. Use technology wisely. It’s like having a trusty gadget that makes your superhero job easier.

Celebrate Like a Champion

Don’t forget to celebrate. Every milestone is a victory. Imagine you just won an award for the best research—cue the confetti!

So, there you have it—experimental psychology for college students is basically like stepping into a blockbuster movie about the mind! Imagine going from snooping around the brain’s HQ in cognitive neuroscience to decoding the mysterious art of decision-making. It’s like becoming a detective of human behavior!

As you journey through this mental rollercoaster, you get to uncover the secrets of emotional acrobatics, dance through the wild world of learning, and even crack the code of creativity. Social influence, cultural adventures, and the psychology of motivation are all part of the grand plot.

But hold on, we’re not done yet! Picture yourself exploring the clash of body and mind in psychophysiology, tackling health psychology like a superhero, and getting lost in the virtual wonderland of, well, virtual reality. It’s like being the protagonist in your very own psychological saga.

And here’s the kicker—every college student diving into these topics isn’t just hitting the books; they’re contributing to the ever-evolving narrative of what makes us all wonderfully human.

So, gear up, fellow explorers! Your academic adventure is about to kick off, and who knows, you might just stumble upon the next big discovery in the captivating universe of experimental psychology. Cheers to the quest for knowledge!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any specific guidelines for ethical considerations in experimental psychology research.

Yes, ethical guidelines include informed consent, confidentiality, and minimizing potential harm to participants.

How do I approach potential challenges in my research journey?

Seeking guidance from mentors, collaborating with peers, and maintaining a flexible mindset can help overcome challenges.

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How the Experimental Method Works in Psychology

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

psychology research topics experimental

Amanda Tust is a fact-checker, researcher, and writer with a Master of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.

psychology research topics experimental

sturti/Getty Images

The Experimental Process

Types of experiments, potential pitfalls of the experimental method.

The experimental method is a type of research procedure that involves manipulating variables to determine if there is a cause-and-effect relationship. The results obtained through the experimental method are useful but do not prove with 100% certainty that a singular cause always creates a specific effect. Instead, they show the probability that a cause will or will not lead to a particular effect.

At a Glance

While there are many different research techniques available, the experimental method allows researchers to look at cause-and-effect relationships. Using the experimental method, researchers randomly assign participants to a control or experimental group and manipulate levels of an independent variable. If changes in the independent variable lead to changes in the dependent variable, it indicates there is likely a causal relationship between them.

What Is the Experimental Method in Psychology?

The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if this causes changes in another variable. This method relies on controlled research methods and random assignment of study subjects to test a hypothesis.

For example, researchers may want to learn how different visual patterns may impact our perception. Or they might wonder whether certain actions can improve memory . Experiments are conducted on many behavioral topics, including:

The scientific method forms the basis of the experimental method. This is a process used to determine the relationship between two variables—in this case, to explain human behavior .

Positivism is also important in the experimental method. It refers to factual knowledge that is obtained through observation, which is considered to be trustworthy.

When using the experimental method, researchers first identify and define key variables. Then they formulate a hypothesis, manipulate the variables, and collect data on the results. Unrelated or irrelevant variables are carefully controlled to minimize the potential impact on the experiment outcome.

History of the Experimental Method

The idea of using experiments to better understand human psychology began toward the end of the nineteenth century. Wilhelm Wundt established the first formal laboratory in 1879.

Wundt is often called the father of experimental psychology. He believed that experiments could help explain how psychology works, and used this approach to study consciousness .

Wundt coined the term "physiological psychology." This is a hybrid of physiology and psychology, or how the body affects the brain.

Other early contributors to the development and evolution of experimental psychology as we know it today include:

  • Gustav Fechner (1801-1887), who helped develop procedures for measuring sensations according to the size of the stimulus
  • Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), who analyzed philosophical assumptions through research in an attempt to arrive at scientific conclusions
  • Franz Brentano (1838-1917), who called for a combination of first-person and third-person research methods when studying psychology
  • Georg Elias Müller (1850-1934), who performed an early experiment on attitude which involved the sensory discrimination of weights and revealed how anticipation can affect this discrimination

Key Terms to Know

To understand how the experimental method works, it is important to know some key terms.

Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the effect that the experimenter is measuring. If a researcher was investigating how sleep influences test scores, for example, the test scores would be the dependent variable.

Independent Variable

The independent variable is the variable that the experimenter manipulates. In the previous example, the amount of sleep an individual gets would be the independent variable.

A hypothesis is a tentative statement or a guess about the possible relationship between two or more variables. In looking at how sleep influences test scores, the researcher might hypothesize that people who get more sleep will perform better on a math test the following day. The purpose of the experiment, then, is to either support or reject this hypothesis.

Operational definitions are necessary when performing an experiment. When we say that something is an independent or dependent variable, we must have a very clear and specific definition of the meaning and scope of that variable.

Extraneous Variables

Extraneous variables are other variables that may also affect the outcome of an experiment. Types of extraneous variables include participant variables, situational variables, demand characteristics, and experimenter effects. In some cases, researchers can take steps to control for extraneous variables.

Demand Characteristics

Demand characteristics are subtle hints that indicate what an experimenter is hoping to find in a psychology experiment. This can sometimes cause participants to alter their behavior, which can affect the results of the experiment.

Intervening Variables

Intervening variables are factors that can affect the relationship between two other variables. 

Confounding Variables

Confounding variables are variables that can affect the dependent variable, but that experimenters cannot control for. Confounding variables can make it difficult to determine if the effect was due to changes in the independent variable or if the confounding variable may have played a role.

Psychologists, like other scientists, use the scientific method when conducting an experiment. The scientific method is a set of procedures and principles that guide how scientists develop research questions, collect data, and come to conclusions.

The five basic steps of the experimental process are:

  • Identifying a problem to study
  • Devising the research protocol
  • Conducting the experiment
  • Analyzing the data collected
  • Sharing the findings (usually in writing or via presentation)

Most psychology students are expected to use the experimental method at some point in their academic careers. Learning how to conduct an experiment is important to understanding how psychologists prove and disprove theories in this field.

There are a few different types of experiments that researchers might use when studying psychology. Each has pros and cons depending on the participants being studied, the hypothesis, and the resources available to conduct the research.

Lab Experiments

Lab experiments are common in psychology because they allow experimenters more control over the variables. These experiments can also be easier for other researchers to replicate. The drawback of this research type is that what takes place in a lab is not always what takes place in the real world.

Field Experiments

Sometimes researchers opt to conduct their experiments in the field. For example, a social psychologist interested in researching prosocial behavior might have a person pretend to faint and observe how long it takes onlookers to respond.

This type of experiment can be a great way to see behavioral responses in realistic settings. But it is more difficult for researchers to control the many variables existing in these settings that could potentially influence the experiment's results.


While lab experiments are known as true experiments, researchers can also utilize a quasi-experiment. Quasi-experiments are often referred to as natural experiments because the researchers do not have true control over the independent variable.

A researcher looking at personality differences and birth order, for example, is not able to manipulate the independent variable in the situation (personality traits). Participants also cannot be randomly assigned because they naturally fall into pre-existing groups based on their birth order.

So why would a researcher use a quasi-experiment? This is a good choice in situations where scientists are interested in studying phenomena in natural, real-world settings. It's also beneficial if there are limits on research funds or time.

Field experiments can be either quasi-experiments or true experiments.

Examples of the Experimental Method in Use

The experimental method can provide insight into human thoughts and behaviors, Researchers use experiments to study many aspects of psychology.

A 2019 study investigated whether splitting attention between electronic devices and classroom lectures had an effect on college students' learning abilities. It found that dividing attention between these two mediums did not affect lecture comprehension. However, it did impact long-term retention of the lecture information, which affected students' exam performance.

An experiment used participants' eye movements and electroencephalogram (EEG) data to better understand cognitive processing differences between experts and novices. It found that experts had higher power in their theta brain waves than novices, suggesting that they also had a higher cognitive load.

A study looked at whether chatting online with a computer via a chatbot changed the positive effects of emotional disclosure often received when talking with an actual human. It found that the effects were the same in both cases.

One experimental study evaluated whether exercise timing impacts information recall. It found that engaging in exercise prior to performing a memory task helped improve participants' short-term memory abilities.

Sometimes researchers use the experimental method to get a bigger-picture view of psychological behaviors and impacts. For example, one 2018 study examined several lab experiments to learn more about the impact of various environmental factors on building occupant perceptions.

A 2020 study set out to determine the role that sensation-seeking plays in political violence. This research found that sensation-seeking individuals have a higher propensity for engaging in political violence. It also found that providing access to a more peaceful, yet still exciting political group helps reduce this effect.

While the experimental method can be a valuable tool for learning more about psychology and its impacts, it also comes with a few pitfalls.

Experiments may produce artificial results, which are difficult to apply to real-world situations. Similarly, researcher bias can impact the data collected. Results may not be able to be reproduced, meaning the results have low reliability .

Since humans are unpredictable and their behavior can be subjective, it can be hard to measure responses in an experiment. In addition, political pressure may alter the results. The subjects may not be a good representation of the population, or groups used may not be comparable.

And finally, since researchers are human too, results may be degraded due to human error.

What This Means For You

Every psychological research method has its pros and cons. The experimental method can help establish cause and effect, and it's also beneficial when research funds are limited or time is of the essence.

At the same time, it's essential to be aware of this method's pitfalls, such as how biases can affect the results or the potential for low reliability. Keeping these in mind can help you review and assess research studies more accurately, giving you a better idea of whether the results can be trusted or have limitations.

Colorado State University. Experimental and quasi-experimental research .

American Psychological Association. Experimental psychology studies human and animals .

Mayrhofer R, Kuhbandner C, Lindner C. The practice of experimental psychology: An inevitably postmodern endeavor . Front Psychol . 2021;11:612805. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.612805

Mandler G. A History of Modern Experimental Psychology .

Stanford University. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Britannica. Gustav Fechner .

Britannica. Hermann von Helmholtz .

Meyer A, Hackert B, Weger U. Franz Brentano and the beginning of experimental psychology: implications for the study of psychological phenomena today . Psychol Res . 2018;82:245-254. doi:10.1007/s00426-016-0825-7

Britannica. Georg Elias Müller .

McCambridge J, de Bruin M, Witton J.  The effects of demand characteristics on research participant behaviours in non-laboratory settings: A systematic review .  PLoS ONE . 2012;7(6):e39116. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039116

Laboratory experiments . In: The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Allen M, ed. SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:10.4135/9781483381411.n287

Schweizer M, Braun B, Milstone A. Research methods in healthcare epidemiology and antimicrobial stewardship — quasi-experimental designs . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol . 2016;37(10):1135-1140. doi:10.1017/ice.2016.117

Glass A, Kang M. Dividing attention in the classroom reduces exam performance . Educ Psychol . 2019;39(3):395-408. doi:10.1080/01443410.2018.1489046

Keskin M, Ooms K, Dogru AO, De Maeyer P. Exploring the cognitive load of expert and novice map users using EEG and eye tracking . ISPRS Int J Geo-Inf . 2020;9(7):429. doi:10.3390.ijgi9070429

Ho A, Hancock J, Miner A. Psychological, relational, and emotional effects of self-disclosure after conversations with a chatbot . J Commun . 2018;68(4):712-733. doi:10.1093/joc/jqy026

Haynes IV J, Frith E, Sng E, Loprinzi P. Experimental effects of acute exercise on episodic memory function: Considerations for the timing of exercise . Psychol Rep . 2018;122(5):1744-1754. doi:10.1177/0033294118786688

Torresin S, Pernigotto G, Cappelletti F, Gasparella A. Combined effects of environmental factors on human perception and objective performance: A review of experimental laboratory works . Indoor Air . 2018;28(4):525-538. doi:10.1111/ina.12457

Schumpe BM, Belanger JJ, Moyano M, Nisa CF. The role of sensation seeking in political violence: An extension of the significance quest theory . J Personal Social Psychol . 2020;118(4):743-761. doi:10.1037/pspp0000223

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."


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Creating a Corporate Social Responsibility Program with Real Impact

  • Emilio Marti,
  • David Risi,
  • Eva Schlindwein,
  • Andromachi Athanasopoulou

psychology research topics experimental

Lessons from multinational companies that adapted their CSR practices based on local feedback and knowledge.

Exploring the critical role of experimentation in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), research on four multinational companies reveals a stark difference in CSR effectiveness. Successful companies integrate an experimental approach, constantly adapting their CSR practices based on local feedback and knowledge. This strategy fosters genuine community engagement and responsive initiatives, as seen in a mining company’s impactful HIV/AIDS program. Conversely, companies that rely on standardized, inflexible CSR methods often fail to achieve their goals, demonstrated by a failed partnership due to local corruption in another mining company. The study recommends encouraging broad employee participation in CSR and fostering a culture that values CSR’s long-term business benefits. It also suggests that sustainable investors and ESG rating agencies should focus on assessing companies’ experimental approaches to CSR, going beyond current practices to examine the involvement of diverse employees in both developing and adapting CSR initiatives. Overall, embracing a dynamic, data-driven approach to CSR is essential for meaningful social and environmental impact.

By now, almost all large companies are engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR): they have CSR policies, employ CSR staff, engage in activities that aim to have a positive impact on the environment and society, and write CSR reports. However, the evolution of CSR has brought forth new challenges. A stark contrast to two decades ago, when the primary concern was the sheer neglect of CSR, the current issue lies in the ineffective execution of these practices. Why do some companies implement CSR in ways that create a positive impact on the environment and society, while others fail to do so? Our research reveals that experimentation is critical for impactful CSR, which has implications for both companies that implement CSR and companies that externally monitor these CSR activities, such as sustainable investors and ESG rating agencies.

  • EM Emilio Marti is an associate professor at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research focuses on corporate sustainability with a specific focus on sustainable investing.”
  • DR David Risi is a professor at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and a habilitated lecturer at the University of St. Gallen. His research focuses on how companies organize CSR and sustainability.
  • ES Eva Schlindwein is a professor at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on how organizations navigate tensions between business and society.
  • AA Andromachi Athanasopoulou is an associate professor at Queen Mary University of London and an associate fellow at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on how individuals manage their leadership careers and make ethically charged decisions.

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  1. PPT

    psychology research topics experimental

  2. Experimental Psychology: 10 Examples & Definition (2023)

    psychology research topics experimental

  3. Psychology Research Paper Topics: 50+ Great Ideas

    psychology research topics experimental

  4. PPT

    psychology research topics experimental

  5. 270+ Psychology Research Topics

    psychology research topics experimental

  6. 110+ Psychology Research Topics with Research Guideline

    psychology research topics experimental



  2. Psychology: research methods-experimental methods #studywithme #study #psychology


  4. U6 Feb 2023 Mock

  5. Dream analysis by a Clinical Psychologist

  6. Methods of Psychology Part-3 || Clinical/Case History ||Survey Method||Genetic/ Developmental method


  1. Psychology Experiment Ideas

    Finding psychology experiment ideas is not necessarily difficult, but finding a good experimental or study topic that is right for your needs can be a little tough. You need to find something that meets the guidelines and, perhaps most importantly, is approved by your instructor.

  2. 150 Best Experimental Psychology Research Topics for College Students

    Health Psychology. Stress and Strain: The Silent Culprit in Health. Mind-Body Harmony: Interventions for Well-being. Coping Chronicles: Strategies and Health Outcomes. Friend and Health: The Social Support Connection. Positivity's Power: Improving Subjective Well-being. Personality Rx: Traits That Shape Health Habits.

  3. 11+ Psychology Experiment Ideas (Goals + Methods)

    The Marshmallow Test. One of the most talked-about experiments of the 20th century was the Marshmallow Test, conducted by Walter Mischel in the late 1960s at Stanford University.. The goal was simple but profound: to understand a child's ability to delay gratification and exercise self-control.. Children were placed in a room with a marshmallow and given a choice: eat the marshmallow now or ...

  4. Great Psychology Experiment Ideas to Explore

    Study Classic Psychology Experiments . Taking a closer look at a classic psychology experiment can be an excellent way to trigger some unique and thoughtful ideas of your own. To start, you could try conducting your own version of a famous experiment or even updating a classic experiment to assess a slightly different question.

  5. 61 Interesting Psychology Research Topics (2024)

    Examples of systemic racism-related psychology research topics include: Access to mental health resources based on race. The prevalence of BIPOC mental health therapists in a chosen area. The impact of systemic racism on mental health and self-worth. Racism training for mental health workers.

  6. 50+ Research Topics for Psychology Papers

    Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Cognition. Some of the possible topics you might explore in this area include thinking, language, intelligence, and decision-making. Other ideas might include: Dreams. False memories. Attention. Perception.

  7. Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology™

    Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology™ (PeePs) is a free summary of ongoing research trends common to six APA journals that focus on experimental psychology. ... Topics in Psychology. Explore how scientific research by psychologists can inform our professional lives, family and community relationships, emotional wellness, and more ...

  8. Spotlight Articles in Basic/Experimental Psychology

    July 7, 2016. Qualitative Changes in the Processes Supporting Math Performance Across Learning. from Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. June 21, 2016. Processing Benefits for Consonance in Rats and Humans. from Journal of Comparative Psychology.

  9. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

    The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition ® publishes original experimental and theoretical research on human cognition, with a special emphasis on learning, memory, language, and higher cognition.. The journal publishes impactful articles of any length, including literature reviews, meta-analyses, replications, theoretical notes, and commentaries on previously ...

  10. Exploring Innovative Experimental Paradigms and Methods in Psychology

    Keywords: Experimental psychology, Research paradigms, Psychophysics, Methods and validity, VR and online experiments, Quantitative research approaches . Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements.

  11. How Does Experimental Psychology Study Behavior?

    The experimental method in psychology helps us learn more about how people think and why they behave the way they do. Experimental psychologists can research a variety of topics using many different experimental methods. Each one contributes to what we know about the mind and human behavior. 4 Sources.

  12. 60+ Psychology Research Topics 2024+

    When choosing a good psychology research topic, it is important to consider the practicalities of conducting your research. For example, you need to make sure that you will be able to access the necessary data or participants for your study. 6. Make sure your chosen topic is ethical. It is important to choose a topic that is ethical and ...

  13. Psychology Research Questions: 80 Ideas For Your Next Project

    Cognitive psychology is the branch that focuses on the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving. It also explores the reasons humans think the way they do. This topic involves exploring how people think by measuring intelligence, thoughts, and cognition. Here are some research question ideas: 6.

  14. 121+ Experimental Research Topics Across Disciplines

    121+ Experimental Research Topics Across Different Disciplines. Experimental research is a cornerstone of scientific inquiry, providing a systematic approach to investigating phenomena and testing hypotheses. This method allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships, contributing valuable insights to diverse fields.

  15. Experimental psychology

    Stephen J Ceci, Cornell University and Wendy M Williams, Cornell University. Previous research found a preference in academia for hiring stellar female candidates over stellar male candidates for ...

  16. Research Methods In Psychology

    Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc. Research methods in psychology are systematic procedures used to observe, describe, predict, and explain behavior and mental processes. They include experiments, surveys, case studies, and naturalistic observations, ensuring data collection is objective and reliable to understand and explain psychological phenomena.

  17. 100 Easy Psychology Research Topics for Procrastinators

    Below are 10 subcategories with examples of psychology research topics. Social Psychology Research Topics: Tajfel and Turner's Social Identity Theory. The Role of the Unfamiliar Environment in Milgram's Shock Experiment. The Stanford Prison Experiment: Causes and Effects of Dehumanization.

  18. Free APA Journal Articles

    Recently published articles from subdisciplines of psychology covered by more than 90 APA Journals™ publications. For additional free resources (such as article summaries, podcasts, and more), please visit the Highlights in Psychological Research page. Browse and read free articles from APA Journals across the field of psychology, selected by ...

  19. Psychology Research Topics

    Experimental Psychology Research Topics. Experimental Psychology refers to a scientifically tested hypothesis to collect data to perform research and experiments to understand if there is a cause-and-effect relationship between different variables. Listed below are some topics for Experimental Psychology Research Paper:

  20. Conducting an Experiment in Psychology

    When conducting an experiment, it is important to follow the seven basic steps of the scientific method: Ask a testable question. Define your variables. Conduct background research. Design your experiment. Perform the experiment. Collect and analyze the data. Draw conclusions.

  21. Revolutionizing the Study of Mental Disorders

    The Research Domain Criteria framework (RDoC) was created in 2010 by the National Institute of Mental Health. The framework encourages researchers to examine functional processes that are implemented by the brain on a continuum from normal to abnormal. This way of researching mental disorders can help overcome inherent limitations in using all ...

  22. 150 Best Experimental Psychology Research Topics for College Students

    Embark on an exciting journey into the world of experimental psychology research topics for college students. Forget mundane lectures; it's all about stepping backstage into the human mind's mysteries. This introduction is your golden ticket to an adventure that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms.

  23. How Gamification Can Boost Employee Engagement

    Adrian Camilleri is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Business School. He uses experimental and survey research methods to understand, explain, and ...

  24. Research Roundup: How the Pandemic Changed Management

    Researchers recently reviewed 69 articles focused on the management implications of the Covid-19 pandemic that were published between March 2020 and July 2023 in top journals in management and ...

  25. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General: Sample articles

    Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. ®. The Role of Political Devotion in Sharing Partisan Misinformation and Resistance to Fact-Checking (PDF, 3.3MB) June 2023. by Clara Pretus, Camila Servin-Barthet, Elizabeth A. Harris, William J. Brady, Oscar Vilarroya, and Jay J. Van Bavel. The Secret to Happiness: Feeling Good or Feeling Right?

  26. Universal brain-computer interface lets people play ...

    The research on the calibration-free interface is published in PNAS Nexus. From left to right: Satyam Kumar, Hussein Alawieh and José del R. Millán. The subjects wear a cap packed with ...

  27. How the Experimental Method Works in Psychology

    The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if this causes changes in another variable. This method relies on controlled research methods and random assignment of study subjects to test a hypothesis. For example, researchers may want to learn how different visual patterns may impact our perception.

  28. Research: Leaders Undervalue Creative Work from AI-Managed Teams

    A series of experiments that how algorithmic tools changed the consideration and resources workers were given for creative and innovative work suggest that these tools — specifically, the ...

  29. APA aims to represent the interests of all of psychology

    APA serves as the "big tent" for the field, aiming to represent the interests of all of psychology. Making this a reality requires significant effort, discipline, and intentionality. It means recognizing and promoting the breadth of our field and the range of members' world views, with the understanding that our differences do not ...

  30. Creating a Corporate Social Responsibility Program with Real Impact

    Summary. Exploring the critical role of experimentation in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), research on four multinational companies reveals a stark difference in CSR effectiveness ...