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  • Presentations
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How to Create Top SlideShare Presentations With PowerPoint

Laura Spencer

How would you like to get your professional business presentation in front of thousands, or even millions, of readers?

With a SlideShare presentation, you've got the potential to reach a large audience. SlideShare's own recent statistics show that the site has over 70 million visitors. Getting your message out to just a portion of those visitors could make a huge impact on your business.

Since SlideShare presentations can be shared publicly through social media, your information also has the potential to go viral—making the audience for your company's SlideShare presentation even larger.

Are you ready to create your presentation with PowerPoint and SlideShare

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a SlideShare presentation. We'll give you a brief overview on SlideShare. Then, we'll take you through the basics of how to make a presentation using PowerPoint. Next, we'll explain how to upload your professional presentation to SlideShare. Finally, we'll discuss how you can promote your SlideShare presentation to help it go viral.

Guide to Making Great Presentations (Free eBook Download)

Before you read on, be sure to grab our Free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It will help you master the presentation process, from: initial idea, through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Make a Great Presentation Free eBook PDF

Now, let's take a deeper look at SlideShare before learning how to create online presentations with PowerPoint that are sharable.

1. SlideShare Overview

SlideShare is an online sharing service that allows you to upload and share your PowerPoint slideshows, other types of presentations, infographics, or videos. The SlideShare platform is owned by LinkedIn.

SlideShare has millions of professional users, and the site has even more monthly visitors. A presentation or document shared on SlideShare could be seen by a large number of  viewers. This makes it an ideal tool for sharing your business message and generating traffic to your website.

SlideShare homepage

2. Choose a Presentation Topic

Before you even start to create your PowerPoint SlideShare presentation, carefully consider the topic your presentation will cover.

The best SlideShare presentation topics are:

  • Concise. If you share too much information your prospective client probably won't make it through the entire presentation. It's better to be brief and to the point.
  • Targeted. Keep your audience and the goal for your SlideShare presentation in mind. Ask: what does this audience need to know about our business? Then ask: how do I want this audience to respond?

Research is another important component of a successful PowerPoint SlideShare presentation. The most informative and useful presentations are the ones those that provide helpful and accurate information. Those are the presentations that tend to get shared. So, do your homework well.

power point presentation topic slideshare

After you've selected your presentation topic, decide how the information will be organized. Here are just a few examples of how you could organize your presentation:

  • As a tutorial-type guide
  • As an informative presentation

Once you've chosen a topic and thought about organization, it's time to pick the presentation design that works best for your goal and your information.

3. Pick a Presentation Design

First impressions are important, especially when it comes to SlideShare presentations. Remember that your presentation may be the first time that some viewers learn about your company. How your SlideShare presentation looks makes a difference. Your presentation design could make or break your presentation.

If you're a professional designer (or have one on staff), you can probably create an eye-catching PowerPoint design template if you have time. But most companies either don't have access to a designer or don't have the time to make their own template.

A professional PowerPoint template design can help. Using a pre-designed professional template can save you hours of work. For a lot of businesses, using a template is the right choice.

Envato's GraphicRiver has a wide selection professional PowerPoint templates available. You can preview a selection of some of our most popular templates in this article:  

power point presentation topic slideshare

As you can see, these  PowerPoint templates feature an eye-catching appearance with numerous unique slide designs included. Plus, you can customize them by using your own color scheme and adding graphic elements specific to your business such as your logo.

However, if you still want to design your own PowerPoint template, the tips to follow are in this helpful tutorial:

power point presentation topic slideshare

4. Write Your Presentation

Once you've selected a topic, it's time to write the presentation.

This section discusses how to go about writing an effective presentation. Here are four of the important elements of a SlideShare presentation that are often overlooked as it written:

  • Title. The title slide is the first thing a viewer sees. Your title needs to be compelling enough to make your reader want to see more of your presentation.
  • Keywords. You may think that keywords aren't important in a SlideShare presentation, but a SlideShare is considered online content. It can be found by search engines.
  • Clickable Links . Because your PowerPoint SlideShare presentation will be published online, include clickable links in your presentation. It will help bring visitors right to your website.
  • Call to Action. Your call to action tells the viewer what you want them to do next. Often, it includes a clickable link to your website or other online page.

Keep these elements in mind as you write your presentation. For more detailed instruction on writing a presentation, study these tutorials:

power point presentation topic slideshare

You can also refer to the "Plan and Write a Powerful Presentation" section in our Presentations eBook, The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations , for even more guidance on writing a powerful presentation.

Making Great Presentations eBook Free Download PDF

5. Create Your Presentation in PowerPoint

Your next task is to create your online presentation using PowerPoint.

To create your presentation, look at the basic steps below. Or, for more detailed instructions on using PowerPoint, study:

power point presentation topic slideshare

Here are the seven basic steps to creating your presentation:

Step 1. Open a Blank PowerPoint Presentation

To get started with creating a PowerPoint presentation, open a blank PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint opens with some recent presentations and template suggestions displayed:

PowerPoint Opening

We're going to use a premium PowerPoint template design, so click on the Open Other Presentations link in the lower left corner.

Step 2. Apply a Pro PowerPoint Template

The next step is to open a Premium PPT template to use with this presentation. For a more complete discussion of how to download and apply a template, refer to:

power point presentation topic slideshare

To get to where your template is stored on your computer, use the Browse icon (it looks like a folder):

Find Your PowerPoint Template

Double-click on the folder icon where your presentation template is stored. Click the .pptx template file you want to use and click the Open button.

The best slideshow size for a SlideShare presentation is the 4.3 ratio. So, we'll select the folder that contains the 4x3 templates.

Learn more about PowerPoint slide dimensions in this tutorial:

power point presentation topic slideshare

Here's what our presentation looks like so far:

Simplicity PowerPoint Template

For this example, we'll be using the Simplicity presentation template from Envato's GraphicRiver. Discover new  PowerPoint templates  available on GraphicRiver.

As you can see in the illustration above, the various slide designs available in this template display as thumbnails on the left of screen. The current slide appears to the right.

Before we go any further, rename the template to the file name you want to use to your presentation.

Step 3. Add Your Presentation Text

Now that you've got your template open, it's time to add your presentation text. Let's start with the text for the title slide.

Remember that the title slide is the first part of your presentation a viewer will see. So, take some extra time crafting the best title for your audience.

Here's the title slide for this PowerPoint SlideShare presentation:

PowerPoint Title Slide

Because you used a presentation template, you don't really need to do hefty design work here (other than resizing the title).

For a complete tutorial on how to add text to a PowerPoint presentation, study:

power point presentation topic slideshare

Step 4. Add New Slides

Once you've created the title, you're ready to create the additional slides of your presentation. Start by browsing through the pre-designed slides to see which ones you can use that matches your material best. Use the scroll bar to right of the template thumbnails to move through them.

Select any thumbnails you don't need by clicking on them. Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove them from the presentation.

Once you've decided which slide designs you want to use, you may need to rearrange the order of your slides. To move a slide, click on it and drag it to the position where you'd like it to be.

Type over the text information on each template slide with your own information. Be careful about adding too much to any one slide though. Keep each slide focused.

Step 5. Place Your Images

One way to make your presentation stand out is by adding images. For our example SlideShare presentation, I added this image:

PowerPoint Slide with Image

Note: We've used a royalty-free image from Envato's PhotoDune as an example here.

For a complete guide on working with images in PowerPoint, refer to:

power point presentation topic slideshare

Step 6. Add a Conclusion and Call to Action

Once you've added all the slides you need to your presentation, it's time to create the last slide. The last slide should include a call to action. This is a good place to add a prominant link.

Here's the call to action on my sample presentation:

Call to Action Slide

Step 7. Save Your Online SlideShare Presentation

When your presentation is complete, save it for upload to SlideShare

One of the easiest formats to upload to SlideShare is a .pdf file. To export your SlideShare presentation to PDF format, go to the File screen. Click Export and then click the Create PDF/XPS icon:

Export Your Presentation as PDF

Select the folder where you want to save your PDF file. Check that the file is named properly. Then, click the Publish button.

6. Publishing Your SlideShare Online

Now that you've created a presentation for sharing online, you're ready to upload it to SlideShare.

Step 1. Access SlideShare

To access SlideShare, type www.slideshare.net into your web browser's Address field. If you're not logged into your SlideShare account, do so now. Or, log in using LinkedIn or Facebook. The main SlideShare screen displays:

Main SlideShare Screen

As you look at the screen, notice that there's a Search field on the top left. Use search to find SlideShare slideshows on topics of interest to you.

In the bottom center, under Today's Top SlideShares , which are the SlideShares with the most views today. Use the scroll bar on the right to browse through these presentations.

Step 2. Upload Your Presentation to SlideShare

To upload your presentation, click the Upload button on the upper right. The Upload a File screen appears:

Upload a File screen in SlideShare

Click the Select files to upload button. Navigate to the folder where your presentation is stored. Select your presentation file, and click Open . The maximum size for an uploaded file is 300 MB. If your presentation file is larger than that, edit it down so it meets the requirement.

Note: You can also upload a file from Dropbox or drag and drop a file from your desktop.

The SlideShare system shows the Upload screen:

Upload Screen in SlideShare

Notice the preview of your SlideShare presentation at the top of the screen.

Step 3. Fill Out the Upload Screen

Use the scroll bars on the right of the screen to view the fields below your uploaded presentation:

Upload Screen Fields

Here are the fields on this screen and some tips for filling out each field:

  • Title . Type the title of your presentation. Be sure to include a keyword.
  • Description. The presentation description is one of the most important fields that'll allow others to find your SlideShare presentation. Make it relevant and engaging. Don't stuff this field with keywords, but do include a few.
  • Categories. Click the arrow to the right of the field to select one of SlideShare's pre-defined categories. Choose the category most relevant to your presentation.
  • Privacy . Click the arrow to the right to choose from between one of three privacy settings: Public , Limited , Private .
  • Tags. Enter up to 20 tags in this field. Your tags can include keywords for search engine optimization.
  • Discoverability Score. The system automatically calculates a value based on how discoverable your content will be. You score increases as you fill out the fields on the Upload screen.

Note: Select Public in the Privacy field to allow others to discover your presentation. The Limited option means only those with a link to the SlideShare can view it. If you choose Private , only you can see the presentation.

When you're finished, click the Publish button on lower right corner.

Step 4. Edit Your SlideShare Presentation Settings

Just because you've published your PowerPoint SlideShare presentation doesn't mean you can't change the settings.

To change the SlideShare settings for your presentation, click on the icon with your image in the upper right corner of the main SlideShare screen. Select My Uploads from the drop-down menu. The My Uploads tab displays:

My Uploads Tab in SlideShare

All of your currently published presentations are shown on this screen. Use the scroll bar on the right to find the presentation you want to edit. Click in the check box to the left of the SlideShare presentation once you find it to select it.

Click the Edit button to open the Edit Details tab:

Edit Details tab in SlideShare

Note: Although the word Edit is used here and on the previous screen, you can't actually change the contents of your presentation unless you re-upload it. Edit here refers to changing the settings of a published SlideShare.

Use the Edit Details tab to change information you entered in the Title field, the Description field, or the Tags field. You can also select a new category for your presentation.

At the bottom of the screen, you'll see some additional settings:

  • Language. Choose a wide variety of language options from the drop-down menu, ranging from Afrikaans to Vietnamese .
  • Player Background Color . The default is Black , but you can choose White .
  • Choose a license . The default is All Rights Reserved . Other drop-down menu selections include various types of Creative Commons licenses.

Click the Update button on the bottom left when you've finished making changes.

To change the privacy setting for your PowerPoint SlideShare, click the Privacy Settings tab. The Privacy Settings tab also allows you to schedule a date to make your slideshow public. And you can allow users to download your presentation and/or embed it on their website. When you've changing your privacy settings, click the Update button.

7. Promoting Your SlideShare Presentation

After you've created and published your SlideShare presentation, increase the number of people who see your presentation by promoting it. The more people who see your slideshow, the more potential customers you'll get.

Promoting your SlideShare slideshow is very much like how you would promote other items of web content online. Here are three promotion tips:

  • Share your presentation on social media. Add posts linking to your presentation on Twitter. Pin it to Pinterest. Post it on Facebook. And of course, don't forget to share it on LinkedIn.
  • Embed the presentation on your website . If someone visits your website and wants to learn more about your product or services, a link to your SlideShare presentation just might provide the information they need.
  • Email your presentation link in your newsletter . If your SlideShare contains new or updated information, you can make sure your current clients and prospects know about it by sharing a link through to your email subscribers.

For a more detailed look at how to use social media, read through this tutorial:

power point presentation topic slideshare

Download Our New eBook on Making Great Presentations (Free PDF)

We have the perfect compliment to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully. 

Download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. 

As we've discussed, SlideShare is a great opportunity for your business to reach a larger audience with your sharable online presentation.

You've just learned what you need to know to create top SlideShare presentations for your business. Now you know how to create an online presentation using PowerPoint. Plus, you know the basics of uploading your presentation to SlideShare. You also know how to promote your professional SlideShare presentation to attract a larger audience.

So, what's stopping you? Create your own professional SlideShare presentation today and get your business message in front of more people.

Laura Spencer


81+ List of PowerPoint Topics & Ideas for your Next Presentation

Last updated on August 31st, 2024

PowerPoint has emerged as an effective tool for communication with a large number of audience in one go. These presentations can be widely used by people regardless of their field. However, what makes a PowerPoint presentation worth the time of the audience and the presenter is a well-crafted set of slides with the right mix of content. That alone can be more conveniently achieved if your presentation topic is appropriate and inspiring.

Big List of PowerPoint Topics and Presentation Ideas

Let us categorize some important fields of PowerPoint presentation into separate lists and the type of topics that can be used for making awe-inspiring presentations.

Presentation Topic Ideas For Students

Students prepare presentations for multiple reasons, including some basic slides for important topic so that they can review the course content quickly at the time of examination. But the type of presentations which may get them the applause of their teacher or some extra marks are the one assigned by their teachers or the ones presented to explain an elaborate topic (e.g. to compliment an assignment).

Creative Presentation Ideas for Education & PPT topics

Below is a list of some generic topics that you might find useful for your next assignment (no particular order):

15+ Presentation Topic Suggestions For Students:

  • Global Warming
  • Academic Freedom
  • Human Capital
  • Life as a nomad
  • Green House Effect
  • Global Technology
  • Online Education
  • Classroom of the future
  • How to be a teacher of tomorrow?
  • The stress associated with being a student
  • Economic growth and the role of development
  • Should mobile phones be allowed in classrooms
  • Things you want to change about your teacher
  • What rules do students break that teachers never find out about?
  • What would you do if you switched places with your teacher for a day?

Illustration of a presenter in the class showing a chalkboard slide.

Some Visually Appealing PowerPoint Templates For Impressing Your Teacher:

  • Free Education PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated Educational PowerPoint Templates

Tip: Try to use a template which has vibrant colors, however, make sure that the colors are easy on the eyes. Moreover, presentations should never include content which may be deemed inappropriate for someone. If for educational purposes you choose a provocative topic, make sure that it opens a discussion and does not pass a verdict against a specific community.

For other visually appealing slides for presentations, you can check out the professional presentation templates provided by SlideModel.com. Read the full review from fixthephoto.com.

power point presentation topic slideshare

Convey Your Message Effectively Get Access to 50,000 PowerPoint Templates for your Presentation Topic Ideas

Subscribing to SlideModel you can get access to a huge content catalog of presentation templates. Convey your message and topic ideas with a visually appealing slide.

Presentation Topic Ideas for Businesses (+Examples)

Business is yet another important sector where PowerPoint presentations are widely used. You can use presentations for a variety of purposes, such as to convince your customers with the help of presentations, or even provide them details of your newly launched product .

Business presentations are also used by people to communicate about some new reformations in business techniques. If you get a chance to deliver a business presentation, you can choose a topic from the list given below.

Business Presentation Ideas & Presentation Topics

15+ Important Business Presentation Topics To Train And Motivate Employees: 

Here is a list of some presentation ideas for business presenters that need to convey a message effectively.

  • How to communicate an Annual Stock Report
  • Use of audio and visual signals in Business and Industry
  • How colors affect communication
  • Business writing as a management tool
  • Importance of feedback for effective business communication
  • Basic methods of research in business
  • Ideal presentation for an Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • How to make good use of statistical data in a presentation
  • Business etiquette and company policies
  • Using motivators in the process of communication
  • Improving productivity with online collaboration
  • Making effective use of email
  • Using web apps to your advantage at the work place


If you need more presentation topic ideas for your business presentations, you can browse our catalog of free PowerPoint templates design and pick one suitable for your need.

Some great Business Presentation Templates To Impress Your Audience:

  • Financial PPT Templates
  • Free Animated PowerPoint Templates
  • Free Business And Finance PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated PowerPoint Template Of Office Staff In Cubicles
  • 10 Animated PowerPoint Templates Guaranteed To Impress Your Boss

Tip: Sometimes it is also worth using an apparently unrelated PowerPoint template that is easy on the eyes and generic enough to be molded according to your topic, like this Color PowerPoint Template .

Presentation Ideas in the Field of Information Technology (IT)

This is amongst one of the fastest developing industries wherein fresh topics are being introduced each day. Technology based topics are so diverse that one may require several templates and topic ideas to cover even the most basic subjects. Below are a few technology related topics and templates that you might find useful.

Technology Presentations

14+ List of Suggested Information Technology Presentation Topics

  • Android Operating System
  • Role of Tablets in the computer world
  • Bring Your Own Device (BOYD)
  • Scope of Touch Screen Devices
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Human Cloning
  • Nuclear technology
  • Role of Mobile Phone Apps
  • 4G Wireless Technology
  • Cyber Crimes
  • Network Security
  • VoIP in Mobile Phones
  • Visualization and Virtual Servers
  • Using iPhone as more than a phone

Digital Robot Presentation Template for PowerPoint

Technology PowerPoint Templates

  • Free technology PowerPoint Templates
  • Digital Devices PowerPoint Template
  • Animated Robot PowerPoint Template
  • Animated Network PowerPoint Template
  • Information Highway PowerPoint Template

Tip: You can also download generic technology PowerPoint templates or these  IT PPT templates for your tech and business needs. These abstract technology templates can help you present your ideas in a colorful and lively manner.

Presentation Topic Ideas for Healthcare and Medical Field

If you are a medical student, then you might be well aware about the importance of an effective PowerPoint Presentation. This field is vast and covers numerous branches within. Below are some suggested medical presentation topics that can be used for academic and professional purposes.

Medical Presentation Ideas

15+ Important Medical Presentation Topics:

  • Embryology Presentation
  • Anatomy Presentation
  • Pharmacology Presentation
  • Critical body disorders
  • Diagnosing a disease
  • Deadly Pathogens
  • Brain Sucking Amoeba (Naegleria Fowleri)
  • Parts of the human brain
  • Nervous system
  • Circulatory system
  • New Medical breakthroughs
  • Curing the plague (with historical accounts)

Collection of Business Presentation Ideas with a Light Bulb photo

Some Useful Medical PowerPoint Templates:

  • Heart PowerPoint Template
  • Brain PowerPoint Template
  • Biology PowerPoint Template
  • Animated Microbes Template
  • Free Medical PowerPoint Templates

Tip: For a complete collection of medical templates, see these free medical templates for PowerPoint . This website is dedicated in the provision of medical templates and provides slide designs related to various medical topics.

Presentation Topics for About Me Presentations

If you are creating presentations about yourself, here are some possible presentation topic ideas that you can consider.

  • My strengths and weaknesses. It would be a kind of personal SWOT presentation but showing only the strenghts and weakenesses. If you want to expand it a bit, you may include the Threats and Opportunities components.
  • My journey. How I became who am I today? In this presentation, you can include a personal journey where on each slide you present a stage of your life, and important milestones. You can summarize this in a personal journey or timeline describing your life.
  • My hobby or passion for {activity}. In this presentation you can describe what are your hobbies and give information about your passion for a specific activity.
  • My personal goals and career aspirations. In this kind of presentation you can present the personal achievements, your future goals and your aspirations.
  • My travel journey around the world. In this presentation, you can present the different trips you made along your life.
  • My favorite people presentation. In this presentation you can present who are your role models, the influencers of your life, or your favorite people.

Get Presentation Ideas from ChatGPT

Need more presentation ideas? You can leverage ChatGPT and AI to get topic ideas for your next presentations. LLM and specifically ChatGPT can be a great tool to generate topic ideas for your next presentations.

An useful prompt for generating presentation topic ideas can be:

I need to prepare a presentation about [enter topic here] , provide a list of 10 potential presentation titles and ideas.

For example, let’s say we are creating a presentation about new business models raised after the hype of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence LLM models. Here we go:

I need to prepare a presentation about “New Business Models after ChatGPT”, provide a list of 10 potential presentation titles and ideas.

Here are the results after executing this prompt, and getting the output in ChatGPT.

  • Title: “ChatGPT-Powered Startups: How AI is Changing the Business Landscape” Idea: Explore how startups are leveraging ChatGPT technology to develop new products and services, disrupting traditional industries.
  • Title: “The Future of Work: AI Assistants and the Gig Economy” Idea: Discuss how AI assistants like ChatGPT are transforming the gig economy and the potential implications for freelancers and businesses.
  • Title: “AI-Driven Content Creation: Unlocking New Revenue Streams” Idea: Investigate the impact of ChatGPT on content creation, marketing, and advertising industries, and the emergence of new business opportunities.
  • Title: “Beyond Customer Support: ChatGPT’s Role in Enhancing Customer Experiences” Idea: Examine how companies are utilizing ChatGPT to provide personalized customer experiences and streamline their operations.
  • Title: “EdTech Revolution: The Role of ChatGPT in Personalized Learning” Idea: Explore how educational technology companies are leveraging ChatGPT to develop personalized learning solutions and the resulting business models.
  • Title: “AI Ethics and Regulations: Navigating the Challenges of ChatGPT Adoption” Idea: Discuss the ethical and regulatory considerations surrounding the implementation of ChatGPT and their impact on new business models.
  • Title: “The Collaborative AI: How ChatGPT is Enhancing Human Creativity” Idea: Analyze the ways in which ChatGPT is being used to augment human creativity across various industries, from design to entertainment.
  • Title: “ChatGPT in Healthcare: Transforming Diagnostics and Patient Engagement” Idea: Investigate the potential applications of ChatGPT in the healthcare sector, focusing on diagnostics, patient engagement, and the resulting business opportunities.
  • Title: “The AI-powered Newsroom: How ChatGPT is Changing Journalism” Idea: Examine the impact of ChatGPT on the media landscape, specifically its role in automating news production and the emergence of new journalism business models.
  • Title: “Investing in the AI Economy: Opportunities and Challenges with ChatGPT” Idea: Discuss the investment landscape surrounding ChatGPT-powered businesses, highlighting the opportunities and challenges faced by investors and entrepreneurs.

Then, you can make a new presentation in PowerPoint and generate the slides required to prepare the presentation for your topic. Once you have started your presentation in PowerPoint, if you use a pre-made template you can select multiple slides at once in PowerPoint and then remove the unused slides, or replace them with new slides. If you want to make your slideshow more engaging, you can apply transitions to all the slides in the presentation.

Getting Presentation Ideas From Slide Sharing Websites

You can also get PowerPoint and presentation ideas and topics from presentation sharing websites like SlideShare.com or SlideOnline.

Hope the above list of PowerPoint topics may prove to be beneficial for you while deciding for a presentation topic next time.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, selecting the right PowerPoint topic is crucial for crafting an engaging and impactful presentation. By carefully considering the needs of your audience and the purpose of your presentation, you can choose a topic that resonates with your listeners and drives your message home. As you explore our comprehensive list of PowerPoint topics, remember that the key to a successful presentation lies not only in the topic but also in the delivery, visuals, and storytelling. By combining a captivating topic with polished presentation skills, you can create a powerful and memorable experience for your audience. So, harness the potential of these PowerPoint topics and embark on your journey to becoming a more effective and inspiring communicator.

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14 Best Presentations On Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning in 2024

power point presentation topic slideshare

  • by Jeevan Biswas

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For a quick overview of a subject or a breakdown of concepts, SlideShare serves as a go-to platform for many. The recapitulations found in many of the presentations are both concise and informative.

The most popular presentations topics are the ones that have received the most number of likes and have been viewed more than the other presentations in a particular category.

AIM brings you the 14 most popular ppt topics on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning. Deep Learning and everything else in between.

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1) Artificial Intelligence and Law Overview

People who are not aware of what artificial intelligence is will find the topic presented in a very simple manner here.

Along with the explanation of what AI is, the two major approaches towards AI are discussed– logic and rules-based approach, and machine learning approach. Special emphasis on the machine learning approach can be seen in the slides devoted to its detailed examination. The examination goes beyond the rudimentary explanation of what machine learning is and presents examples of proxies that seem like machine learning but are not.

The presentation lists examples of AI in the field of law and identifies some of the limitations of AI technology.

2)  What is Artificial Intelligence – Artificial Intelligence Tutorial For Beginners

For the uninitiated, this presentation offers an ideal rundown of AI. The question of AI being a threat is raised at the very beginning. However, as the presentation progresses, it discusses the basics necessary for understanding AI. The most basic question of what is artificial intelligence is answered.

A brief history of AI and the discussion on recent advances in the field of AI is also found. The various areas where AI currently sees practical application have been listed. Fascinating uses that AI can be put to in the future are also found in the presentation. The two approaches of achieving AI, machine learning and deep learning, is touched upon.

All in all, this presentation serves as a simple introduction to AI.

3) Why Social Media Chat Bots Are the Future of Communication

An exciting application of AI can be found in chatbots. Here, the limitless scope of chatbots is explored. The various milestones reached by leading players  in bot technology such as Facebook, Skype and KIK are enumerated.

The evolution of chatbots and its absorption of more AI in the future is also looked into. E-Commerce is touted as the biggest beneficiary of the advancement in chatbots and that bot technology will owe its rise to services and commerce.

Two tech giants, Facebook and Google, have been pitted against each other based on their ongoing developments in this area and the question of who will emerge as the best is raised.

4) AI and the Future of Work

This presentation talks about the far-fetching applicability of AI and ML,and the perils of that applicability. In order to derive a better understanding of this presentation, it is advisable to first watch the original talk.

During the course of the presentation, many examples of how machines can learn and perform any human task that is repetitive in nature are cited.

Other possibilities suggested include the creation of new unheard jobs for human beings as a result of aggressive use of AI and other allied technologies. Qualities that are characteristic only of human beings, may be the basis on which these jobs will be created is also suggested.

It concludes with a message- Ride the train, don’t jump in front of it.

5) AI and Machine Learning Demystified

In this presentation, Carol Smith establishes that AI cannot replace humans. Smith conveys that AI can serve the purpose of enabling human beings in making better decisions.

The slides talk about how the actions of AI are the result of the human inputs going into its programming. An AI’s bias is not its own, but the human bias with which it has been programmed, is emphasised on.

Other issues such as the need for regulations and other considerations within it that require deliberation are also touched upon. The presentation leaves you with a message – Don’t fear AI, Explore it.

6) Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Car

Though no descriptive breakdown of topics related to AI is found, the presentation offers interesting numerical insights into many questions. Statistics on three main subjects – artificial intelligence, virtual reality and wearable technology, is provided here.

A variety of questions and the numerical representations of their responses are found under four main categories:

  • Will you  purchase a self-driving car when they become available?
  • Are you concerned with the rise of Artificial Intelligence?
  • Is wearable technology part of your daily life?
  • Do you own or intend to purchase a Virtual Reality headset in the next twelve months?

From consumer opinions to overall consensus of countries, the numbers show current trends and the possible trends in the future based on increasing development in the mentioned technologies.

7) Artificial Intelligence

There are many who have been introduced to AI only recently due to the buzz surrounding it and may not be aware of the early developments that led to its current status.

This presentation from 2009 offers a simple yet informative introduction to the rudiments of AI. AI’s history and a timeline of all the significant milestones in AI up to 2009 can be found. The presentation also provides an introduction to AI programming languages such as LISP and PROLOG.

For those who would like to have a crash course on the basics of AI in order to catch up with it current trends, this presentation serves the purpose.

8) Solve for X with AI: a VC view of the Machine Learning & AI landscape

While the concepts of  AI or ML are not spoken about, light is shed on other important aspects of it. The presentation discusses about how many known tech giants such as Google are bolstering their AI capabilities through mergers and acquisitions.

The role of venture capital(VC) in the landscape of AI and machine learning,and the involvement of VC in the firms that were acquired are mentioned.

Another point highlighted is how large companies are moving towards ML and re-configuring themselves around ML, and how it is not a US-centric phenomenon. Key points have been expressed in the form of self-explanatory graphical representations. Rounding off the presentation is the possible direction that ML can take and a few pointers on achieving success in ML.

9) Deep Learning – The Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence

This presentation provides a comprehensive insight into deep learning. Beginning with a brief history of AI and introduction to basics of machine learning such as its classification, the focus shifts towards deep learning entirely.

Various kinds of networks such as recurrent neural nets and generative adversarial networks have been discussed at length. Emphasis has been given to important aspects of these networks and other mechanisms such as natural language processing ( NLP ).

Detailed examples of practical applications and the scope of deep learning are found throughout the presentation. However, this presentation may prove difficult for first time learner’s of AI to comprehend.

10) The Future Of Work & The Work Of The Future

The subject of self-learning of robots and machines is explored here. Talking about the fictional Babel fish, it is suggested that the advancements in technology leading to improved learning and translations by machines  made the Babel fish a near-real entity.

New ‘power’ values such as speed, networked governance, collaboration and transparency, among others, have been put forth and juxtaposed against older ones that are not fully technology  driven.

Going against the popular assumption that robots and machines will replace human beings, the presentation proposes that we are on the brink of the largest job creation period in humanity.

11) Asia’s Artificial Intelligence Agenda

This presentation is a briefing paper by the MIT Technological Review and talks about how the global adoption of AI is being sped up by Asian countries. It suggests that Asia will not only benefit greatly from the rise in AI technology, but will also define it.

The data collected for the review has been summarized in the form of simple info-graphics. They are a numerical reflection of the mood surrounding the adoption of AI across different industries and how it could possibly impact human capital.  The review also suggests that while there is awareness about AI in Asia, only a small percentage of companies are investing in it.

Pointers for business leaders in Asia to capitalize on AI is offered in the end along presentation with an info-graphic timeline of the history of AI.

Download review report in pdf

12) 10 Lessons Learned from Building Machine Learning Systems

While they are two separate presentations, they talk about the same subject- machine learning. The presentations are a summary of the analysis of machine learning adopted by two platforms, Netflix and Quora.

In case of Netflix, emphasis has been given to the choice of the right metric and the type of data used for testing and training. It also emphasises the need to understand the dependence between the data used and the models employed. The advice to optimize only areas that matter is offered.

The second presentation on Quora, talks about teaching machines only what is necessary. It stresses on the need the to focus on feature engineering and being thoughtful about the ML infrastructure. Another point it highlights is the combination of supervised and unsupervised being the key in ML application.

13) Design Ethics for Artificial Intelligence

With 135 slides, this presentation provides an exhaustive insight into the creation of an ethically sound AI. An introduction to the subject of User Experience(UX) design is followed by the rules that have to be considered during the designing process.

The chronological progression of UX, beginning with experience design and ending with intelligence design, and the direction in which this process is headed is also discussed.

Supported by powerful visuals, the presentation touches upon many essential considerations such as nature of intelligence, purpose of existence, awareness of self and the need for which the AI is created.

It raises a pertinent point that while creating AI, human beings are creating something that embodies qualities that they lack.

14) Artificial Intelligence

Made for a school competition in 2009, it provides many examples of cutting-edge applications of AI at the time.

Many of the examples, such as mind controlled prosthetic limbs, Ultra Hal Assistant and Dexter- the robot provide a trip down the AI memory lane where the applications of AI seemed like a page out of a sci-fi novel. It presents a list of areas where AI can assist human beings.

It concludes with  a series of questions, some of which, are still being debated. Such as machines replacing human beings’ and human unemployment due to the use of machines.

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How to Easily Create a SlideShare Presentation

Ginny Mineo

Updated: January 06, 2021

Published: January 05, 2021

You know how hot visual content is, and you want to jump on board to enjoy the engagement, traffic, and leads that follow. But maybe you're not keen on writing a blog post, and you don't have the production resources to create videos. What to do? Create a SlideShare presentation.

marketer creating a slideshare presentation

What is a SlideShare presentation?

A SlideShare presentation is a presentation hosted on SlideShare.net, a hosting service for presentations and infographics that functions as the world's largest content sharing community. By submitting a SlideShare presentation, you have the opportunity to get your content in front of their more than 80 million monthly visitors.

I know, I know. You may have felt personally victimized by PowerPoint sometime in your career. When you open it up, you're hit with stark black Calibri font on a white background, killing any creative spark you may have felt. It's daunting enough to create a 10-slide deck to report your monthly marketing metrics -- never mind putting together slides that can be seen by the large volume of SlideShare users.

Well, there's good news: Creating a SlideShare presentation in PowerPoint doesn't have to be that daunting. With the right templates and tools at your disposal, you could easily create an engaging, visual presentation -- all without fancy design programs, huge budgets, or hiring contractors.

How to Create a Stunning  SlideShare Presentation in PowerPoint

To help you make a SlideShare of your own, we've created some free PowerPoint presentation templates for making awesome SlideShares. That way, your presentations will look great  and be a breeze to put together.

Download the free PowerPoint templates , scroll down, and we'll walk through how to use them. When we're done, you'll know exactly how to create a sexy presentation that gets featured on SlideShare's homepage. Ready? Let's dive in.

1. Get a feel for the types of presentations you can find on SlideShare. 

Just as you'd master any other medium, it helps to consume other content in that medium to get an idea of the format and what works. Go to SlideShare.net and discover SlideShares that interest you. You can view them on the platform or download them to your computer and peruse them on your local machine. 

SlideShare Presentation Download

Here's how to download a PowerPoint from SlideShare:

  • Sign up for a SlideShare account.
  • Navigate to the SlideShare presentation that you want to download.
  • Click the button labeled " Download ."
  • When asked if you want to clip the slide, click " Continue to download ."
  • Click " Save File " and then confirm by clicking " OK ."

Some may not download as a .ppt file, and some may not be available to download at all. However, this method works in all other cases.

2. Decide on fonts and a color scheme. 

Before you get too caught up in the specifics of your storyline, figure out which fonts and color scheme you want to use. (If you're using our free templates , you can skip this part.) 

When you're choosing fonts , consider two different ones to use throughout your presentation -- one for your headers and one for your body text. Your header font should be bold and eye-catching, and your body text font should be simple and easy to read. The contrast between the two will make it much easier for your SlideShare viewers to grasp your core messages. 

For your color scheme, pick a scheme that will have enough contrast between colors to make colors stand out. Whether you decide to use two, three, or four different colors in your presentation is up to you -- but certain color combinations go together better than others.

Below is an example of what certain fonts and color combinations can look like. Notice how the header fonts stand out much more than the body? You can also see what different color palettes might look like: The top is monochromatic, the middle is complementary, and the bottom is analogous. 

3 combinations of header and body fonts.

3. Outline main takeaways and crucial sub-bullets.

Next up: Creating an outline for your SlideShare's narrative. I like to treat SlideShare outlines just like I would blog posts -- you decide on the working title and main takeaways first. Then, you elaborate on those sections with a few supporting points.

For each of those components (title, section headers, and a few supporting points), create a slide. Below is an example of what those slides might look like: 

title slide using hubspot powerpoint template

Supporting Points

supporting point slide using hubspot powerpoint template

You'll also want to create slide placeholders for the call-to-action and conclusion slides (you don't need to elaborate on them just yet).

Keep in mind that these slides should not be complex -- just a title and maybe a few details that you want to remember down the road. No paragraphs. No supporting images. Nothing that's not built into your template already. 

4. Fill out the body of your presentation.

Then, fill in the meat of the content -- all the slides between the headers. Just make sure you're not relying too much on text. SlideShare is a primarily visual platform -- people are used to breezing through presentations. So if your presentation reads like an ebook, you should edit down the text and rely more heavily on visual content. 

Another thing to remember is to switch up your format from slide to slide. Try doing a checklist slide followed by, say, a quote slide -- it keeps people on their toes as they flip through your presentation.

checklist slide in hubspot powerpoint template

5. Add introduction slides. 

After you've created the majority of your SlideShare presentation, head back to the start. Wonder why we didn't begin here? It'll be much easier to tee up the bulk of your content if you already know what that content is about. In this step, just introduce what you just wrote about -- it'll be a breeze. 

6. Wrap up the conclusion.

Then, head to the end of your SlideShare and wrap it up in a slide or two. There is nothing more jarring than going from a body slide right to a CTA slide. You only need a slide or two to conclude your presentation, but it should naturally tee up the CTA that you will have next. 

7. Add a call-to-action slide.

At the verrrrrry end of your SlideShare, you want to keep your viewers engaged by providing a call-to-action. The CTA could be about downloading an ebook, attending an event, or even just visiting your website -- pretty much any CTA you'd like to include. Here are two CTA slide examples that we included in the SlideShare template:

cta slide in hubspot powerpoint template

8. Edit, edit, edit.

You're almost there! Next, you need to go through and edit your copy and design components. Try to get another coworker -- marketer or not -- to give it a once over. If you need some direction, you can use our ultimate editing checklist to make sure you're catching everything you can.

9. Add "animated slides" and clickable links.

Though it's easy to create a presentation in PowerPoint and upload it immediately to SlideShare, not all of the same features will appear in both programs. As a result, there are two things you'll need to add in: "animated slides" and clickable links. 

As far as slide animation goes, SlideShare does not support PowerPoint animations. This means that all of those smooth entrances you planned for your text boxes and objects go out the window once you upload your presentation to SlideShare. But, it's easy to manually introduce new elements on a series of slides to make it seem like it's "animated."

Once you've built in your animations, you'll also need to make sure people can actually click on the CTAs in your presentation. 

10. Upload your PDF to SlideShare.

After you're finished with your clickable links, your presentation will be in a PDF format. At this point, you're ready for the final step: uploading your PDF to SlideShare. When you do this, you have the option to add a description and tags, and even schedule the SlideShare to go live at a certain time. Once your SlideShare is live, you should spend some time promoting it on your blog and social media accounts, and to your email lists. (For more SlideShare promotion tips, check out this blog post .)

Just follow this process when you need to create a SlideShare presentation, and you won't have to fear that blank PowerPoint template ever again. 

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in August 2013 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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10 Inspiring SlideShare Presentations Every eLearning Professional Should See

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Untitled 5

Enjoy these awesome presentation, learn and get inspired...

1) Tweak Your Slides: Ten Design Principles for Educators (Version 3.0)

Learners often "buy e-learning" with their eyes and if they don't find it attractive it won't motivate them to learn. Good news is that by following some simple and practical design principles your eLearning screens can look great. Designing your material, then, has a lot to do with sticking to the essentials and arranging them properly.   We personally love how actionable tips are provided in this presentation. 

2) 5 Reasons Typography is Powerful

Everybody knows that typography can be incredibly powerful. It can change the entire look and feel of your eLearning courses. It's use will set the mood and tone of your material. 

What is the typography you’re using saying about your course? This presentation has some awesome takeaways about how to use some of the basic principles of typography not only to achieve readability but also to bring interest. Remember to call upon the 5 points when designing your eLearning courses. 

3) 16 eLearning Quotes to Inspire You

For many, the simplest ideas in the form of a short quote can help them think more clearly. That's why we've curated a list of what we think are some of the best eLearning or education quotes. You'll find thoughts from people like Elliot Massie, Dr. Michael Allen, to historical figures like Henry Ford. 

We hope you get the dosis of inspiration from these famous eLearning industry professionals: 

4) Brain Rules for Presenters

The brain is our primary tool for learning. It's seat of thought, memory,  consciousness and emotion. So it only makes sense to explore it before attempting to design our eLearning courses. By understanding how the learner’s brain functions, course developers are better able to create material that works with the brain and not contradict it. 

In 131 slides, Garr Reynols breaks down what he believes are the main takeaways and quotes from the book " Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School " . This is a must-see  presentation of how to do a brain-friendly, learning-maximised presentation or eLearning course.

5) Great Presentations Are Like Ads

Getting learners to focus on your material is difficult. Efficient course developers make focusing with the material easier by making it fun, attractive and engaging. Much like advertisements, effective eLearning designs manage to grab the learner's attention while piquing their curiosity for more information. 

Just putting words on a screen sucks! Learners get easily bored when you bombard them with numbers, heavy paragraphs, and too much factual information. Avoid this by getting more creative and experimental. Apply the 3 R's of advertising to eLearning!

6) 5 Killer Ways to Open Up Your Next Presentation

Great beginnings of the best novels or TV series or whatnot never fail at making people curious. By working on a great course introduction, you’re tapping people’s innate capability of curiosity and giving them an opportunity to learn something new.  Begin with a story, an offer, or an interesting fact as if you are meeting someone for the first time. If your opening slides are good, learners will happily read your introductory material.

Without doubt, s uccessful eLearning courses that people complete from start to finish share one crucial element: a solid introduction. Below are some indispensable tips to creating one.

7) Introduction to Slide Design: 7 Rules for Creating Effective Slides

Design is too often overlooked by course developers, or otherwise misunderstood – some eLearning designers think that as long as their course "looks good," it's enough. But design affects the way a learner takes in information, so giving a bit more thought to the visual layout of the screens of your course is an important part of eLearning best practices. Follow these simple rules and see the difference they make.

8) How To Use Colors Wisely

"Color Matters. It always has, and it always will." Every shade and stroke of color, or the lack of it, creates its own message. Colors  are powerful in that they elicit emotions, latent ones included. That means that too many colors can overwhelm the learner, making it hard to focus on the course material.  So choosing them wisely can effectively deliver the emotional reaction you expect from your audience.  

This Slideshare presentation gives us three valuable tips on how to use colors effectively in your presentations or eLearning courses: 

9) 20 Eye-Opening Stats You Probably Didn't Know About Mobile Learning

Still not sure about implementing Mobile Learning? Consider these eye-opening statistics published by different organizations such as ASTD, iPass, Towards Maturity and Ambient Insight. Data from their most recent surveys reveal some interesting facts that you might be interested in. 

SHIFT collected these facts about mobile learning to make the case for why everyone needs to take notice of the power of mobile in the learning industry.

10) Design for Usability

Jakob Nielsen defines usability as a "quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use." Basically, its a necessary condition for survival. If your eLearning course or web site is difficult to use, people leave. Is that simple.

A course that provides learners with the right content it’s useful, but if it takes a lot of effort and thinking to actually find the content doesn't work.  It should be too obvious where to click, how to search and how to navigate so that users won’t waste time and get impatient. Definitely take a second to flip through the presentation, as you'll learn a great lesson.

Share other awesome and inspiring presentations with us! 

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7 Great UX Presentations on Slideshare

7 Great UX Presentations on Slideshare

Slideshare is one of the world’s largest professional content sharing community. So it’s safe to say it’s a great place to go for presentations on any topic.

We’ve collected 7 great UX presentations from slideshare that we think do a great job explaining and illustrating UX definitions, processes, guidelines and more.

1. What is UX?  by David Carr 

Looking for a simple way to understand what UX is with real-life examples? Then look no further, learn about UX briefs and their elements, followed by UX Process examples and wireframes.

2. Content UI Design Usability User  by Jayan Narayanan  

This slideshare busts UX and UI myths, breaks down the elements of UX and explores what UI is, followed with new trends and disciplines for UX design.

3. UX 101: A quick & dirty introduction to user experience strategy & design  by Morgan McKeagney  

An excellent introduction to understanding what UX is, followed by it’s elements and processes. Overall great coverage to learn how to approach UX.

4. UI/UX Design  by Sumit Singh

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in UI Design, this is the perfect slideshare for you. It asks and answers questions with thorough examples to help set you on the right path in making your career choice.

5. Simple Steps to Great UX/UI by Koombea

Breaking down the difference between UX and UI, this slideshare explains the importance in both as well as design tools to use to create amazing products.

6. Usable Psychology for UX/UI Designers  by Maor Shabbat

No UX is complete without taking into consideration users behaviour. Understanding the psychology behind how users use your products sn one of the core foundations to designing great UX.

7. UX & Design Riyadh: Usability Guidelines for Websites & Mobile Apps  by UXBERT Labs  

A thorough presentation covering the basics of UX Design and how it’s implemented. Filled with guidance and examples on how to ensure delivering an excellent UX.

At UXBERT Labs we specialize in UX and Technology Innovation consulting to help businesses deliver world-class experiences. With offices in Dubai and Riyadh, our team of UX Researchers, Designers, and Developers deliver custom designed and built software to help businesses succeed.

Interested in working with us? Email us at [email protected]  and let us know your research, design or development needs.

Interested in UX Design? 13 Books to Get Started Today

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Speaking about Presenting

The Top 10 PowerPoint slides from Slideshare

by Olivia Mitchell | 2 comments

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Slidesharing sites like Slideshare and Slideboom are a great place to get inspiration on PowerPoint slide design. You can see different ideas and adapt them for your own presentations. Slideshare is currently running the World’s Best Presentation Contest (see footnote) which has some great examples of PowerPoint slide design. To save you time I’ve picked two sample slides from the 5 most popular entries. They’ll offer you inspiration for the design of your own slides.

(To see the whole slideshow click on the link I’ve provided for each set of slides).

1. Play with text

Non-designers (like me) tend to assume that text has to be all the same size, the same colour, left or centre-justified.

Here are examples of playing with text from Ethos3’s entry into the competition.

2. Illustrate statistics

Here’s an interesting way of showing statistics – zoom in on the trend lines. Note also the use of different coloured text to highlight the increase. This is from jbrenman :

3. Use pictures instead of words

This next example by pdharam is from the “Creative/Offbeat” category – but offers a possibility for business presentations. Use a picture that says it all – no words from you or the screen.

4. A fantastic metaphor

This slide deck by grahairs uses the metaphor of an elevator for the seven levels of love. Between each level, there’s a slide with the lift going up. What could you use this metaphor for?

5. Creative masking

This set of slides about the destruction of the Amazon by gauperes uses creative masking techniques. The mask is the semi-transparent circle underlying the text, allowing the text to stand out from the background. Normally the mask is simply a rectangle and is only there to ensure the text is legible. However, in this case, the mask also represents size:

It’s not really the World’s Best Presentation Contest, because these are slide decks not live presentations. The slide decks have been designed to be self-explanatory without any narration. It should be called the World’s Best SlideDeck Contest.

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Thanks for sharing this it really helped with my project. And i noticed u spelled stuff the non-american way xD good list though, i made my text rainbow color! 😀

Colette Westfall

Great tips. If you want to see all these in action, you need to take a peek at some of the coolest presentations on SlideShare:

Check for presentations from Sudio Sudarsan or JWT Intelligence who regularly post insightful and creative slide decks.

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  • The three things you must know BEFORE you begin to tackle your fear of public speaking
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Interactive Notebook free syllabus template.

Blog > How to structure a good PowerPoint Presentation

How to structure a good PowerPoint Presentation

08.09.21   •  #powerpoint #tips.

When creating presentations, it is particularly important that they are well organized and have a consistent structure.

A logical structure helps the audience to follow you and to remember the core information as best as possible. It is also important for the presenter, as a good presentation structure helps to keep calm, to stay on the topic and to avoid awkward pauses.

But what does such a structure actually look like? Here we show you how to best organize your presentation and what a good structure looks like.

Plan your presentation

Before you start creating your presentation, you should always brainstorm. Think about the topic and write all your ideas down. Then think about the message you want to communicate, what your goal is and what you want your audience to remember at the end.

Think about who your audience is so that you can address them in the best possible way. One possibility is to start your presentation with a few polls to get to know your audience better. Based on the results, you can then adapt your presentation a little. Use the poll function of SlideLizard and have all the answers at a glance. SlideLizard makes it possible to integrate the polls directly into your PowerPoint presentation which helps you to avoid annoying switching between presentation and interaction tool. You can keep an eye on the results while the votes come in and then decide whether you want to share them or not.

Ask your audience questions with SlideLizard

  • an informative
  • an entertaining
  • an inspiring
  • or a persuasive presentation?

Typical Presentation Structure

The basic structure of a presentation is actually always the same and should consist of:


Structure of a good presentation including introduction, main part and conclusion

Make sure that the structure of your presentation is not too complicated. The simpler it is, the better the audience can follow.

Personal Introduction

It is best to start your presentation by briefly introducing yourself which helps to build a connection with your audience right away.

Introduce the topic

Then introduce the topic, state the purpose of the presentation and provide a brief outline of the main points you will be addressing.

Mention the length

In the introduction, mention the approximate length of the talk and then also make sure you stick to it.

The introduction should be no longer than two slides and provide a good overview of the topic.

Icebreaker Polls

According to studies, people in the audience only have an average attention span of 10 minutes, which is why it is important to increase their attention right at the beginning and to arouse the audience's interest. You could make a good start with a few icebreaker polls for example. They lighten the mood right at the beginning and you can secure your audience's attention from the start.

For example, you could use SlideLizard to have all the answers at a glance and share them with your audience. In addition, the audience can try out how the polls work and already know how it works if you include more polls in the main part.

Icebreaker polls with SlideLizard

Get to know your audience

As mentioned earlier, it is always useful to think about who your audience actually is. Ask them questions at the beginning about how well they already know the topic of your presentation. Use SlideLizard for this so that you have a clear overview about the answers. You can use both single- and multiple-choice questions or also open questions and display their results as a WordCloud in your presentation, for example.

Include a quote

To make the beginning (or the end) of your presentation more exciting, it is always a good idea to include a quote. We have selected some powerful quotes for PowerPoint presentations for you.

Present your topic

The main part of a presentation should explain the topic well, state facts, justify them and give examples. Keep all the promises you made earlier in the introduction.

Length and Structure

The main part should make up about 70% of the presentation and also include a clear structure. Explain your ideas in detail and build them up logically. It should be organized chronologically, by priority or by topic. There should be a smooth transition between the individual issues. However, it is also important to use phrases that make it clear that a new topic is starting. We have listed some useful phrases for presentations here.

Visualize data and statistics and show pictures to underline facts. If you are still looking for good images, we have selected 5 sources of free images for you here.

Focus on the essentials

Focus on what is most important and summarize a bit. You don't have to say everything about a topic because your audience won’t remember everything either. Avoid complicated sentence structure, because if the audience does not understand something, they will not be able to read it again.

Make your presentation interactive

Make your presentation interactive to keep the attention of your audience. Use SlideLizard to include polls in your presentation, where your audience can vote directly from their smartphone and discuss the answers as soon as you received all votes. Here you can also find more tips for increasing audience engagement.

Make your presentation interactive by using SlideLizard

Repeat the main points

The conclusion should contain a summary of the most important key points. Repeat the main points you have made, summarize what the audience should have learned and explain how the new information can help in the future.

Include a Q&A part

Include a Q&A part at the end to make sure you don't leave any questions open. It's a good idea to use tools like SlideLizard for it. Your audience can ask anonymous questions and if there is not enough time, you can give them the answers afterwards. You can read more about the right way to do a question slide in PowerPoint here.

Get Feedback

It is also important to get feedback on your presentation at the end to keep improving. With SlideLizard you can ask your audience for anonymous feedback through star ratings, number ratings or open texts directly after your presentation. You can then export the responses and analyse them later in Excel.

Feedback function of SlideLizard

Presentation style

Depending on the type of presentation you give, the structure will always be slightly different. We have selected a few different presentation styles and their structure for you.

Short Presentation

Short presentation

If you are one of many presenters on the day, you will only have a very limited time to present your idea and to convince your audience. It is very important to stand out with your presentation.

So you need to summarize your ideas as briefly as possible and probably should not need more than 3-5 slides.

Problem Solving Presentation

Problem Solving Presentation

Start your presentation by explaining a problem and giving a short overview of it.

Then go into the problem a little more, providing both intellectual and emotional arguments for the seriousness of the problem. You should spend about the first 25% of your presentation on the problem.

After that, you should spend about 50% of your presentation proposing a solution and explaining it in detail.

In the last 25%, describe what benefits this solution will bring to your audience and ask them to take a simple but relevant action that relates to the problem being discussed.

Tell a Story

Tell a story

A great way to build an emotional connection with the audience is to structure a presentation like a story.

In the introduction, introduce a character who has to deal with a conflict. In the main part, tell how he tries to solve his problem but fails again and again. In the end, he manages to find a solution and wins.

Stories have the power to win customers, align colleagues and motivate employees. They’re the most compelling platform we have for managing imaginations. - Nancy Duarte / HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations

Make a demonstration

Make a demonstration

Use the demonstration structure to show how a product works. First talk about a need or a problem that has to be solved.

Then explain how the product will help solve the problem and try to convince your audience of the need for your product.

Spend the end clarifying where and when the product can be purchased.

Chronological structure

Chronological structure of a presentation

When you have something historical to tell, it is always good to use a chronological structure. You always have to ask yourself what happens next.

To make it more interesting and exciting, it is a good idea to start by telling the end of something and after that you explain how you got there. This way you make the audience curious and you can gain their attention faster.

Nancy Duarte TED Talk

Nancy Duarte is a speaker and presentation design expert. She gives speeches all over the world, trying to improve the power of public presentations.

In her famous TED Talk "The Secret Structure of Great Talks" she dissects famous speeches such as Steve Jobs' iPhone launch speech and Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. In doing so, she found out that each presentation is made up of 4 parts:

  • What could be
  • A moment to remember
  • Promise of “New Bliss”

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About the author.

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Helena Reitinger

Helena supports the SlideLizard team in marketing and design. She loves to express her creativity in texts and graphics.

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Open educational resources (oer).

Open Educational Resources are free learning and teaching materials provided on the web. They have an open license (e.g., Creative Commons), which allows anyone to use and benefit from these resources.

Persuasive Presentations

A persuasive presentation is made, for example, to introduce an amendment. There are usually several options to choose from. It is particularly important to provide good arguments and reasons.

Learning on Demand

Learning on Demand means that the content is available extactly when it's needed by the learner

Social Events

Social events in companys can be to celebrate an anniversary or to bond better as a team. They should address the personal interests of employees and revolve around things like entertainment and food.

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  • Surveys and Studies
  • FoodNet Data
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Diagnostic Laboratory Practices Tool Guide

At a glance.

FoodNet Fast's Diagnostic Laboratory Practices Tool lets you find out how testing practices of about 700 diagnostic laboratories in FoodNet's surveillance area have changed over time for 10 pathogens transmitted commonly through food: Campylobacter , Cryptosporidium * , Cyclospora , Listeria , norovirus , Salmonella , Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), Shigella , Vibrio , and Yersinia .

Column chart from FoodNet's lab practices tool, showing percentages of labs that tested for each of 9 pathogens.

Information about the data

Data available in the diagnostic laboratory practices tool.

This tool includes the following information:

  • Types of specimens most commonly submitted to labs
  • Detection methods most often used, including culture and culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs)
  • Reflex culture practices by pathogen, year, and geographic area in FoodNet's surveillance area

*As of January 1, 2018, FoodNet no longer collects information on laboratory practices for Cryptosporidium .

Source of the data

The data in FoodNet Fast come from diagnostic laboratories that serve FoodNet’s surveillance area. These include hospital, outpatient, and reference laboratories.

Each year, FoodNet sites contact diagnostic laboratories to collect data on testing practices. FoodNet sites also collect additional data throughout the year. Sites submit this data annually to an online database maintained at CDC.

Why FoodNet collects these data

FoodNet collects these data to better understand how changes in diagnostic practices affect:

  • Data reported through active surveillance
  • Surveillance functions, such as case investigation, assessment of trends in illness, and outbreak detection

Why data are not available for the most recent year

FoodNet sites collect and review the data throughout the year. After sites send data to CDC, CDC reviews data received for missing information and works with the sites to correct any errors. CDC updates the tool after finalizing the data for a given year.

Using the Diagnostic Laboratory Practices Tool

Understanding "detection method".

A detection method is a way of diagnosing infections. Detection methods can be traditional or non-traditional.

  • Traditional methods include culture for bacteria and microscopy for parasites.
  • Non-traditional methods include culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs) that target specific antigens or nucleic acids.

Understanding "culture following a detection by CIDT"

Culture following a detection by CIDT is when a specimen is tested using a laboratory method called microbiological culture after a positive CIDT result. This practice is often used to confirm CIDT results and to provide information not available using a CIDT alone. This information is vital to monitoring disease trends and answering important questions, such as

  • Is the organism a particularly virulent strain?
  • Is a particular antibiotic a good choice for treatment?
  • Has this particular strain recently been found in others who are sick, suggesting a common source?

Why diagnostic laboratories forward specimens to public health laboratories

The main reasons for this practice are diagnostic laboratory testing limitations and public health practice.

For many infections, it's important to obtain additional information on the organism causing illness. This information includes subtype, antimicrobial resistance , and gene sequence , which helps in outbreak detection. Yet, diagnostic laboratories often perform only limited testing based on what the clinician orders.

When public health laboratories receive specimens from diagnostic laboratories, they can perform additional tests necessary for public health practice, including surveillance and outbreak response. For these reasons, most states have regulations requiring diagnostic laboratories to forward specimens to public health laboratories. However, these regulations are not standardized across all states.

Types of CIDTs used by diagnostic laboratories

Diagnostic laboratories use various types of CIDTs. Within this tool, the types have been classified into four categories: immunoassay, syndromic panel polymerase chain reaction (PCR), laboratory-developed PCR, and immunoassay plus any PCR.

  • An immunoassay test uses enzymes linked to an antibody or antigen as a marker for the detection of a specific protein in a specimen.
  • A polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) test targets nucleic acid sequences, and a syndromic panel PCR test targets several nucleic acid sequences simultaneously.
  • A laboratory-developed PCR is a diagnostic PCR test developed and used by a single laboratory.

Seeing how many diagnostic laboratories provided data for a specific question

The tool’s graphs display quantities as percentages. If you hover over a data point on a graph, the numerator and denominator used to calculate the percentage are displayed.

For example, in Question 1, the numerator indicates the number of laboratories that test for each pathogen, and the denominator indicates the total number of laboratories that provided information, equal to the sum of laboratories that do and do not test for each pathogen. The total number of laboratories surveyed is also displayed below each pathogen.

FoodNet is a collaborative program conducting active surveillance for infections caused by eight germs spread commonly through food.

For Everyone

Public health.

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  1. Share & Discover Presentations

    Discover, Share, and Present presentations and infographics with the world's largest professional content sharing community.

  2. power point presentation

    4. Presentation: A presentation is a collection of data and information that is to be delivered to a specific audience. (means of communication which can be adapted to various speaking situation, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.) A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of electronic slides that can have text, pictures, graphics, tables, sound and video.

  3. Communication ppt

    Communication ppt. The document discusses the key aspects of communication including the definition, process, types, levels and barriers of communication. It defines communication as the exchange of information, ideas, thoughts and feelings through various channels like speech, signals, writing and behavior. The types of communication covered ...

  4. Cyber security ppt

    Apr 2, 2021 •. 50 likes • 51,400 views. In this PowerPoint presentation, you can understand the basics of cybersecurity such as how cybersecurity emerged, know about cyber threat evolution, types of cybercrime, how to take preventive measures in order to control the threats, learn various security reasons as well as methods. Read more. 1 of 36.


    Basil Achie. On September 25, 2015, 193 Heads of State at the United Nations General Assembly set up a collection of 17 goals known as The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or simply Global Goals. The SDGs and their 169 targets form the core of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations, which is a breakthrough agreement called AGENDA 2030.

  6. 18+ Best PowerPoint SlideShare Presentation Examples (For 2024)

    The Business Consulting PowerPoint Template can be used as a SlideShare presentation. This template has 1,200 total slides with 30 unique slides. Also, you can choose from five different color schemes. If you're looking for a business-themed template with infographics, this is a great choice.


    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.PPT. This document provides an introduction to artificial intelligence, including its history, applications, advantages, and future possibilities. It discusses how AI aims to help machines solve complex problems like humans by borrowing characteristics of human intelligence. The document outlines some key developments in ...

  8. Presentation on computer

    Nausad Ahamed. This document provides an overview of computers, including: 1. It classifies computers into microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers based on their processing ability and speed. 2. It describes hardware as the physical and tangible parts of a computer like motherboards, drives, and peripherals.

  9. Explore presentations

    We've updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data.

  10. Introduction to SQL

    This document provides an introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language). It defines SQL as a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases. The key points covered include: - SQL lets you perform queries against a database to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data. It can also be used to create and modify database structures.

  11. How to Create Top SlideShare Presentations With PowerPoint

    To export your SlideShare presentation to PDF format, go to the File screen. Click Export and then click the Create PDF/XPS icon: The best format for a SlideShare presentation is PDF. Select the folder where you want to save your PDF file. Check that the file is named properly. Then, click the Publish button.

  12. 81+ List of PowerPoint Topics & Ideas for your Next Presentation

    Biology PowerPoint Template. Animated Microbes Template. Free Medical PowerPoint Templates. Tip: For a complete collection of medical templates, see these free medical templates for PowerPoint. This website is dedicated in the provision of medical templates and provides slide designs related to various medical topics.

  13. How to Create the Best PowerPoint Presentations [Examples & Templates]

    1. The presentation is highly relevant to the audience. A lot goes into creating presentations that hit the mark. First, I clearly define my audience. Then, I choose topics that genuinely interest them, offer actionable advice, answer their questions, or address their pain points. But this isn't just my strategy.

  14. Free Google Slides themes and Powerpoint templates

    Download the Branded Content Minitheme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.... Multi-purpose.

  15. 14 Most Popular PPT in Artificial Intelligence on SlideShare

    The most popular presentations topics are the ones that have received the most number of likes and have been viewed more than the other presentations in a particular category. AIM brings you the 14 most popular ppt topics on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning. Deep Learning and everything else in between. Find: Top AI PPT Maker Tools

  16. 5 Pre-Designed PowerPoint Templates for Creating SlideShare Presentations

    We've created five, pre-designed PowerPoint templates to help you focus more on bringing your story to life. The download also includes an instructional template, which walks you through the basics of designing slides in PowerPoint. Here's a quick peek at some of the slide templates, along with some tips for how you can update and edit the ...

  17. SlidesCarnival: Free PowerPoint & Google Slides Templates That Stand Out

    Captivate your audience with our collection of professionally-designed PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. Boost your presentations and make a lasting impression! Back All ... Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates for your Presentations. Free for any use, no registration or download limits. Featured Slide Themes. Editor's Choice ...

  18. How to Easily Create a SlideShare Presentation

    Navigate to the SlideShare presentation that you want to download. Click the button labeled " Download." When asked if you want to clip the slide, click " Continue to download." Click " Save File " and then confirm by clicking " OK." Some may not download as a .ppt file, and some may not be available to download at all.

  19. 10 Inspiring SlideShare Presentations Every eLearning Professional

    1) Tweak Your Slides: Ten Design Principles for Educators (Version 3.0) Learners often "buy e-learning" with their eyes and if they don't find it attractive it won't motivate them to learn. Good news is that by following some simple and practical design principles your eLearning screens can look great.

  20. 7 Great UX Presentations on Slideshare

    This slideshare busts UX and UI myths, breaks down the elements of UX and explores what UI is, followed with new trends and disciplines for UX design. 3. UX 101: A quick & dirty introduction to user experience strategy & design by Morgan McKeagney. An excellent introduction to understanding what UX is, followed by it's elements and processes.


    3. Classification of leukemia The main classification is acute and chronic Are further subdivided into lymphoid and myeloid Classification and pathogenesis of acute leukemia Malignant transformation occurs in the haemopoietic stem cell or early progenitors There is an increased rate of proliferation, reduced apoptosis and a block in cellular differentiation.

  22. The Top 10 PowerPoint slides from Slideshare

    Slidesharing sites like Slideshare and Slideboom are a great place to get inspiration on PowerPoint slide design. You can see different ideas and adapt them for your own presentations. Slideshare is currently running the World's Best Presentation Contest (see footnote) which has some great examples of PowerPoint slide design. To save you time I've picked two sample slides from the 5 most ...

  23. Free PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes for presentations

    Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme for presentations about money management. Ever feel like presenting personal finance topics could be a snooze? Well this free slide theme available for both PowerPoint and Google Slides uses friendly illustrations to make financial concepts engaging. This theme is perfect for anyone who […]

  24. How to structure a good PowerPoint Presentation

    Length and Structure. The main part should make up about 70% of the presentation and also include a clear structure. Explain your ideas in detail and build them up logically. It should be organized chronologically, by priority or by topic. There should be a smooth transition between the individual issues.

  25. Diagnostic Laboratory Practices Tool Guide

    FoodNet Fast's Diagnostic Laboratory Practices Tool lets you find out how testing practices of about 700 diagnostic laboratories in FoodNet's surveillance area have changed over time for 10 pathogens transmitted commonly through food: Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium *, Cyclospora, Listeria, norovirus, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), Shigella, Vibrio, and Yersinia.

  26. Presentación Fernando Tornero 3 taller LES semaisPowerPoint 3º TALLER

    20. Y aquí volvemos a 1952 Carece de toxicidad ocular Riesgo leve de anemia aplásica (por contra es reversible) Aspectos prácticos para evitar toxicidad • No exceder la dosis de 100mg/día. • Si tras 6-8 semanas no es efectivo, suspender el tratamiento. • Realizar hemograma y bioquímica basal, mensual durante 3 meses y después cada 3 meses.

  27. Creating PowerPoint presentation from Word file via Copilot

    Thanks for your quick reply. Neither of these options are resolving the situation. What is weird is that if I ask Copilot to draft a presentation on a topic (not from a file), I do see the presentation. It's only when I ask Copilot to draft a presentation from a file that I don't see it. I will reach out to our internal IT support team.

  28. Ciclo_Comunitario_ INTERCULTURALIDAD Y SALUD UF.ppt

    11. LA INTERCULTURALIDAD Relación de intercambio de conocimientos, saberes y prácticas entre diferentes culturas, a partir de lo cual, cada cultura puede construir algo nuevo que no lo hubiese hecho de manera independiente. Interrelación y vivencia en armonía entre diversas culturas, desarrolladas en el mismo contexto, que genera respeto, reconocimiento, aceptación, inclusión, equidad ...