How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (20 Examples)

By Editorial Team on May 3, 2023 — 6 minutes to read

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: 20 Inspiring Examples

A personal mission statement is a declaration of your guiding principles, goals, and aspirations in life. It helps you articulate your purpose, clarify your values, and make better decisions, both personally and professionally.

Having a personal mission statement is important for staying grounded and focused, especially when faced with difficult choices or setbacks in your life. By clearly defining your mission, you can:

  • Gain a sense of direction
  • Set priorities
  • Align actions with core values
  • Improve decision-making
  • Motivate yourself
  • Enhance personal growth and development

Key Components

In order to craft an effective personal mission statement, it’s important to consider three key components:

  • Purpose: Reflect on your passions, what motivates you, and what you believe you were meant to do in this world.
  • Core values: What are the principles that govern your behavior and decision-making? Think about the qualities you value most, such as integrity, kindness, or perseverance. Learn more: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values
  • Goals: What do you hope to achieve in life, both personally and professionally? Determine what kind of impact you want to make in the world and set specific, measurable objectives that will help you reach that goal.

As you work on these components, be honest with yourself and choose elements that truly resonate with you, rather than adopting someone else’s beliefs or expectations. If your mission statement reflects your authentic self, it will be a far more effective tool for personal growth and fulfillment.

Creating Your Personal Mission Statement

Identifying your values.

Understanding your core values is essential in creating a personal mission statement. These values should reflect what is most important to you, and they will be the foundation of your mission statement. To help you identify your values, consider the following steps:

  • Reflect on your past experiences and the values that were demonstrated in those situations.
  • Ask yourself what values you hold most dear and which ones guide your decisions.

Learn more: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values

Once you have a list of potential values, narrow it down to the top 3-5 that resonate with you the most. These will serve as the basis for your personal mission statement.

Setting Your Goals

Now that you have identified your values, it’s time to set your personal and professional goals. These goals should align with your values and form the framework of your mission statement. Here are some steps to assist you in setting your goals:

  • Break your life into categories (such as career, relationships, and personal growth).
  • Consider both short-term and long-term goals within each category.
  • Be specific and realistic about what you want to achieve.

With clearly defined goals, you will be better equipped to create a mission statement that is focused and actionable.

Writing Your Statement

Now that you have defined your values and goals, you can begin crafting your personal mission statement. Keep the following tips in mind while writing your statement:

  • Begin with a powerful opening sentence that encapsulates your values and aspirations.
  • Be clear in expressing your goals and how they align with your values.
  • Write in the present tense and use positive language to project confidence.

Your personal mission statement should be a reflection of who you are and what you hope to achieve. Revise and refine your statement until you feel it accurately represents your values, goals, and aspirations.

Examples of Personal Mission Statements

In this section, you’ll find a variety of personal mission statement examples tailored to different roles, lifestyles, and aspirations. Take inspiration from these examples and use them as a starting point for your own unique mission statement.

Example 1: Student

As a student, your mission might be to excel academically and develop meaningful relationships. Example: “To achieve academic excellence, cultivate lifelong friendships, and make a positive impact on my university community.”

Example 2: Career Professional

Your mission as a career professional could be to advance in your industry, exemplify integrity, and balance work and personal life. Example: “To grow professionally, maintain a high level of integrity, and achieve a healthy work-life balance.”

Example 3: Parent

As a parent, your mission could be to nurture, teach, and support your children, preparing them for the future. Example: “To provide a loving, enriching environment for my children, empowering them with the tools to succeed and grow.”

Example 4: Retiree

Your mission as a retiree can be to enjoy your golden years, staying healthy, and remaining active in your community. Example: “To maintain my health, engage in fulfilling hobbies, and contribute positively to my community.”

Example 5: Entrepreneur

“To create innovative solutions and provide exceptional value to my customers and my community.”

Example 6: Freelancer

“To deliver outstanding work to my clients while maintaining flexibility and work-life balance.”

Example 7: Community Volunteer

“To dedicate my time and skills to causes that make a meaningful impact in my community.”

Example 8: Environmentalist

“To contribute to a sustainable future through conscious choices and meaningful actions.”

Example 9: Artist

“To express my creativity, tell compelling stories, and touch the lives of others through my art.”

Example 10: Innovator

“To think critically, explore new possibilities, and develop groundbreaking solutions for the future.”

Top-20 Examples of Personal Mission Statements:

  • To live a life of purpose and make a positive impact on the world around me.
  • To constantly learn and grow, both personally and professionally, and inspire others to do the same.
  • To be a compassionate and empathetic listener, and provide support to those who need it.
  • To live a life of integrity and honesty, and always act with kindness and respect towards others.
  • To use my creativity and innovation to solve problems and bring new ideas to the table.
  • To make a difference in my community and give back to those in need.
  • To be a role model for others, especially young people, and inspire them to pursue their dreams.
  • To live a life of balance, and prioritize my relationships, hobbies, and passions alongside my work.
  • To be a leader who empowers others and helps them reach their full potential.
  • To embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • To live a life of mindfulness and presence, and appreciate the beauty of the world around me.
  • To be a responsible and ethical citizen, and contribute to the betterment of society.
  • To be a lifelong advocate for social justice and equality.
  • To be a positive force in the lives of those around me, and spread joy and positivity wherever I go.
  • To be a lifelong learner and teacher, sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.
  • To be a steward of the environment, and work towards a more sustainable and equitable future.
  • To be a supportive and loving partner, parent, and friend.
  • To prioritize my physical and mental health, and encourage others to do the same.
  • To be a lifelong learner and seeker of truth, always questioning and challenging my own beliefs.
  • To be a champion for diversity and inclusion, and celebrate the unique qualities of every individual.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and reflection, it’s important to remember that a great mission statement should resonate deeply within you and help to shape your decisions and actions. Keep in mind these key points when crafting your statement:

  • Be genuine and authentic
  • Keep it concise and focused
  • Reflect your core values and purpose
  • Use clear and inspiring language

As you work on your statement, be open to revising it over time. Your life experiences and evolving goals may call for adjustments, so ensure that it remains a relevant reflection of your aspirations. With your personal mission statement in hand, you can now approach your life and decisions with a sense of purpose and direction.

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Home Blog Business How to Create a Mission Statement and Present it Effectively

How to Create a Mission Statement and Present it Effectively

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A mission statement is an action-based brief description that communicates intent, purpose, function, and strategy to other individuals, clients, partners, stakeholders, or the general public. If you want to stay focused on the goals you aspire to achieve in the future, you need to have a roadmap . And that’s the core purpose of a mission statement. 

Today’s article will explain what a mission statement is, its purpose, how to write it, and how to present a mission statement to an executive audience.

What is a Mission Statement? 

We can define a mission statement as a concise piece of text, containing no more than 100 words, that explains the company’s role, its competitive advantage, and potential market. Mostly intended for businesses, the concept behind mission statements can also be applied to personal life – in terms of career development – and also for students.

Simply put, a mission statement should be:

  • Simple, yet emotive
  • Lofty yet attainable
  • Authentic and value-driven

What Mission Statement Answers 

When an expertly created mission statement is effectively used, it can be an effective tool for individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses. It allows the unification of diverse teams & individuals to achieve organizational and personal goals. And that’s the reason why companies spend billions of dollars on creating an effective mission statement. 

For individuals/students/graduates

It provides a clear sense of purpose and direction.

For entrepreneurs

A mission statement inspires and motivates the team.

For companies/businesses

It shows the roadmap of their business. 

What is the Purpose of the Mission Statement 

The mission statement for companies .

The mission statement of a company/organization provides a summary of its goals. It’s an action-oriented statement that clearly expresses the purpose and provides a roadmap of its vision. 

a mission statement for a small company

A mission statement helps employees to stay focused to achieve their goals. Studies show that customers trust brands that are socially aware . They trust brands whom they know believe in something. And a mission statement gives the brand clarity over its purpose.  

Better engagement with the brand is a known reward, as 64% of customers find brands attractive that communicate their purpose clearly. 

Commitment is also an important point when talking about this topic. A mission statement sets the morals and guidelines of your company, and therefore, it becomes a social responsibility to stick to them. It also holds value if it is shared with existing and potential customers, stakeholders, vendors, and employers.

The mission statement for entrepreneurs 

A mission statement of entrepreneurs provides them with direction. It gives a future glimpse of your business. A great mission statement helps them refocus on attention to accomplish the goals and supports the entrepreneur’s vision. 

a mission and vision statement for an entrepreneur

The mission statement for students 

Students can use a mission statement to pursue their passion and connect with the right fellows to learn and share ideas/suggestions. It gives them a roadmap for choosing their career path and enables them to undertake study and prepare themselves for professional work. 

a student mission statement example

Identifying their professional goals and priorities is crucial for their development and learning curve. 

Does a Mission Statement Guarantee Success? 

A mission statement is an important business tool that is an intangible asset that sets the direction and the roadmap of success. However, it doesn’t guarantee success; somewhat, it improves its chances of success by encouraging individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses to stick to the goals. 

What a Great Mission Statement Covers 

A great mission statement goes from why to how to what, leading the potential customer to your mission. Thus, it becomes easier for him to see what’s in it for him. It consists of the following aspects:

Why : Explain why your business exists and what are its core beliefs

How: Explain how your business will fulfill your core belief 

What: What steps does it take to satisfy the core beliefs and achieve its goals 

example of a mission statement created by a pharmaceutical company

A great mission statement also addresses, 

  • What the company does for its customers, i.e., provides them with a better user experience.
  • What the company does for its employees, i.e., provides them with a great work environment. 
  • What the company does for its owners, i.e., improves the return on investment. 

If we take a closer look at Microsoft’s mission statement, it addresses them all:

“To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”

How to Prepare a Mission Statement 

A mission statement is not your technical document. It’s about your company’s values, beliefs, and experiences. It’s emotive instead of technical, which can become a challenge to write.

A great mission statement cultivates excellent business relations and creativity. Therefore, in the sections below, we will introduce some guidance for Mission Statements depending on the prospective user.

The mission statement for your companies 

To create a company mission statement, write a sentence or two. Ask your colleagues and company leaders to do the same. Combine them all and write the one statement that accurately defines your company’s goals: the mission statement. Write, draft, and edit it several times. Ask your company leaders to give their valuable feedback on the mission statement. 

Focus on the intent, not the wording

A mission statement has to be a reflection of what drove your company, or you as a professional, to your current set of goals. Unnecessary wording makes it harder to understand; which can make you end up with a meaningless, trivial, and overly-dramatic statement.

Instead, follow these guidelines to reflect your intent in the mission statement:

Remember your company’s early days. It is easy to fall prey to grandiose ideas, where in fact, the mission statement should remain humble, inspirational for others, and a solemn expression of the path you and your team went through.

Make it Adaptable

A mission statement can change. In fact, it can be part of the company’s growth process. For that very reason, do not let past times come to haunt you, and focus your intent in what are your core values. Do not make statements that go against your principles or what you can foresee will be the future of your company.

Make it Memorable

100 words are plenty to create a quality mission statement. Say 150 words top. It is best to stick to a statement that is easily remembered rather than a wordy paragraph no one can associate with your work.

Speak to the target audience, not the employees

Start your statement with the good things you do. Be sure it has to be more meaningful and distinguished from others. Your mission statement has to address the value it brings to its target audience rather than employees. 

Plain language is for everyone, and jargon is for experts only

Your mission statement is your business asset and should be free of fluff and jargon. Make sure your mission statement is:

  • Authentic, inspiring, mobilizing 
  • Showcase your unique selling point 
  • Write a clear & concise mission statement

It should inspire you

A mission statement for the business should be emotive and create an authentic connection with the target audience. 

Do not explain the company’s services in general

As you write your mission statement, avoid explaining your company’s services in general.

The mission statement for the entrepreneurs

The mission statement of entrepreneurs showcases the value of their venture. A mission statement for the entrepreneurs should cover the following:

  • Who are you?
  • What is your passion?
  • Why do you want to achieve this?

The mission statement for the students

A student’s mission statement is can be a helpful tool when seeking admission or getting an internship right after graduation. This kind of mission statement is no different from a business mission statement, except for it’s about an individual rather than a team/business. 

Just like a company mission statement, a mission statement for students defines personal values and goals. As you write your mission statement:

  • Keep it short
  • Showcase your passion
  • Get feedback from a professional coach

Mission Statement Examples

Mission statements of individuals/entrepreneurs.

Oprah Winfrey – “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”

Sir Richard Branson – “To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes.”

Elon Musk – “If something is important enough, you should try, even if the probable outcome is a failure.”

Walt Disney – “To make people happy.”

Mahatma Gandhi – “I shall not fear anyone on Earth. I shall fear only God. I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.”

Mission statement of companies

Virgin Atlantic Airlines – “To grow a profitable airline, that people love to fly and where people love to work.”

The Coca-Cola Company – “To refresh the world…To inspire moments of [optimism and] happiness…To make a difference.”

Ford – “Our mission is to strengthen communities and help make people’s lives better.”

Starbucks – “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”

GSK –  “To help people do more, feel better, live longer.”

TED – “Spread ideas.”

Wise – “Our mission is money without borders – instant convenient, transparent and eventually free.”

Amazon – “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.”

MSI – “MSI is dedicated to empowering global gamers, creators, and business elites with best-in-class solutions engineered to satisfy their every need.”

How to Present Your Mission Statement to an Executive Audience

Presenting business mission statement to the business stakeholders .

A mission statement is an intangible asset of your business that serves stakeholders & reassures investors for the future. 

Just like presenting your vision statement , stick to your core business values as you present your mission statement and follow these steps as you present it to an executive audience to secure your next investor.  

common questions to ask yourself when writing a Mission Statement for your company

Step #1: Include the element of storytelling

Add uncluttered and straightforward stories aligned with your narrative. Do not try to include the story in your mission statement forcefully. Add honest and stirring but short stories because most of the stories today are compiled in just a few images or 140 characters. Shorter, the better! 

Consider adding: Social impact created, solutions that emerged from your team’s efforts, and actions taken towards the company’s goals.

Step #2: Describe what your company does

Consider your mission as an action-based statement that communicates the overall purpose of your organization and supports its vision to communicate purpose and direction to the stakeholders.  

Therefore, instead of adding wordy sentences, ask yourself the very next questions:

What is our business purpose?

Why does your business exist?  

What goals does your business try to achieve?

Step #3: Describe how you do it

Know what your company does and add it to your company’s mission statement. Consider the end goal you want to achieve, be as clear and specific about this goal and remember to add your competitive advantage into the mix.

Step #4: Keep it simple 

A concise, simple, and to-the-point mission statement always wins. Here’s what the mission statement of Apple looks like!

“Bringing the best user experience to its customers through innovative hardware, software, and services.”

Step #5: Make it inspiring 

Your mission statement should be inspiring, focused, concise, and uplifting. It has to be timeless, meaning if your company’s long-term goals change, your mission statement has to remain the same.  However, they are revised to reflect the new culture. 


To conclude, a mission statement unifies teams, employees, and stakeholders into a coherent whole to accomplish long-run goals. A great mission statement reveals everyday activities that are aligned with the business’s values and goals. 

A company’s mission statement should be authentic, inspiring, mobilizing, and concise. Take your time to create an emotive and logical mission statement because people gravitate to brands with values.

Finally, discover our wide variety of Mission Statement Templates , Vision Statement Templates and Vision and Mission templates free available for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

personal mission statement presentation

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

personal mission statement presentation

By Mike Simpson

Mission statements are everywhere in business. Nearly every company has one, allowing a simple sentence or two to act as a guiding light for all of its decision-making.

But did you know that you can harness the power of the mission statement to elevate your career? It’s true. With a personal mission statement, you can define your career target and achieve your goals.

Awesome, right?

And personal mission statements aren’t that hard to nail. All you need is the right approach. If you want to make the most of this handy-dandy career-boosting tool, here’s what you need to know…

What Is a Personal Mission Statement?

Alright, before we dig into how to write personal mission statements, let’s take a step back and talk about what one even is.

In the simplest terms, a personal mission statement is a couple of sentences that define your professional capabilities, traits, values, and dreams. It outlines what you’re all about, including what you bring to the table now and what you want to achieve in your career.

How can a personal mission statement help you reach your goals? By giving you focus. It’s all about outlining what actually matters to you, giving you something to concentrate on as you make career decisions.

This is especially true if you’re launching a job search or a full-blown career change. Why? Because it helps you figure out where you should go next. You’ll be able to concentrate on opportunities that can help you get where you want to end up, instead of just skimming job boards without a clear direction in mind.

But even if you aren’t about to make a change, that doesn’t mean writing a personal mission statement isn’t a great idea. You can use one to adopt a more positive mindset, find meaning in the small tasks that don’t feel all that meaningful alone or keep you focused on what really matters to you.

In the end, everyone can benefit from one of these little declarations. When you write one, you have to really think about who you are, what you value, and what you want from your life. That’s powerful. It gives you direction, and that’s crucial for any career.

Common Mistakes When Writing a Personal Mission Statement

Yes, it is possible to make mistakes when you try to create a personal mission statement. And, if you do, the outcome is less than ideal. You end up with a point of focus that doesn’t really align with who you are and what you want, and that can send you in the wrong direction.

By understanding what the common mistakes are, you can avoid them. So, let’s dig into that.

Really, the biggest mistake you can make when writing personal mission statements is not focusing on you. If you let other people’s opinions influence what you create, the end result isn’t very personal, and it feels like an obligation weighing over your head.

Similarly, not reflecting on what you genuinely want is another massive misstep. You need to dig deep and discover what matters most to you. That way, your personal mission statement is meaningful.

Another issue is being too specific. Unlike with your career goals , where details are your ally, being a little broad when you create your personal mission statement isn’t a bad idea. This is supposed to be more of a guiding principle, so embrace the big picture instead.

Finally, hedging is a major mistake. This isn’t a place for “maybes.” Instead, it’s a place for “musts.” Think about what you’re internally compelled to do. If you can concentrate on things that you feel driven toward, your odds of hitting the mark go up dramatically.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Okay, so you’re ready to start forming your own personal mission statement. That’s awesome.

While it may seem a little difficult at first, you can smooth out the process by following the right approach. If you aren’t sure where to start, here’s a step-by-step guide for creating personal mission statements.

1. Spend Time Reflecting

Before you start writing your statement, take a moment to really reflect. Think about your boldest personal and career goals , envision where you want to be down the road, and consider what you genuinely wish to achieve.

As you reflect, you don’t have to focus entirely on your professional life. After all, your time away from work is a big chunk of your overall experience, so it’s fine to think about what you want outside of your career, too.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to think big picture. Often, core values are a bit broad, and that’s alright. The main goal is to determine what really lights your fire, whether it’s big or small.

You could also spend time reflecting on the kind of legacy you want to leave. This mindset can actually be ridiculously helpful. Consider what you want to be remembered for, and use that as a guide.

As you come up with ideas, jot them down. Create a messy running list and let the creative juices flow. This step is all about ideas, so let them fly.

2. Identify Who You Want to Help

Personal mission statements have an audience. Usually, it’s something or someone you want to help.

Not sure who your audience is? Well, it could be your employer, customers, employees, or community, for example.

Think about who you want to have benefit from your efforts. That’s probably your audience.

3. Pick Core Traits or Skills

When you’re writing a personal mission statement, you need to include the skills and traits you’ll need to put to work to make that happen. Now, these can be more technical capabilities or personal characteristics, so don’t feel like you’re limited to one or the other. You’re not.

4. Try a Personal Mission Statement Template

Now that you’ve done some brainstorming, you can use a formula to create your personal mission statement. If you aren’t sure where to begin, try this personal mission statement template:

“To [desired goal, outcome, or achievement] [target audience that will benefit] by [skills you want to use] [what those skills will let you do or how you’ll apply them].”

For example, let’s say your area doesn’t have a food bank because they can’t afford one, and that’s hurting low-income families, but you’ve got skills that can help start one in your city. Your mission statement may say:

“To launch a community food bank for low-income families by harnessing my fundraising, networking, and negotiating skills to sure the needed funding.”

Use the personal mission statement template as a starting framework, but feel free to adjust it a bit if the need arises. For example, you may tweak the order you cover each point. In fact, we do that in some of the samples below.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

While personal mission statements are, by definition, personal, that doesn’t mean a little bit of inspiration isn’t helpful. By reviewing some examples, you can learn more about what resonates with you.

Personal mission statements can vary a lot depending on the nature of your career as well as your goals, values, and preferences. Additionally, some are a bit more general, while others are more specific.

For example, Sir Richard Branson once said his was: “Have fun in your journey through life and learn from your mistakes.”

Compare that to one from Oprah : “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”

Those are two different approaches that accomplish a similar goal. In the end, either way can work, as long as it resonates with you and sends you in the proper direction.

Still looking for more help? We’ve got you. Here are ten personal mission statement examples for different kinds of professionals.

To inspire the development of today’s young people by continuously honing my skills, expanding my knowledge, and supporting them as they grow.

2. Registered Nurse

To be a guiding light during challenging times, ensuring those in crisis feel safe and supported while offering the highest quality care every moment of every day.

3. Software Developer

To build technologies that ease the burdens of others, all while focusing on personal efficiency and skill development to ensure I am always equipped to not just address the challenges of today, but the challenges of tomorrow, as well.

4. HR Manager

To ensure the success of the company as well as every employee within it, providing both with the tools, guidance, and support they need to achieve new heights while reaching their business and professional goals.

5. Paralegal

To provide exceptional support to every member of the practice, ensuring that those we serve are given the high-quality experience they deserve every step of the way.

6. Accountant

To continuously handle my responsibilities with diligence, all while ensuring that ethical codes of conduct are met and that every action is fully compliant.

7. Project Manager

To ensure that companies can achieve success by removing obstacles, finding solutions, and coordinating the efforts of diverse teams.

8. Data Analyst

To bring meaning to the mountains of information companies receive by growing and honing my skills, ensuring that business can make sound decisions every step of the way.

9. Operations Manager

To improve the efficiency and reliability of company operations while simultaneously providing exceptional results when overseeing projects, managing personnel, and updating business processes.

10. C-Suite Executive

To lead the company toward greater heights by embracing innovative thinking, always looking toward the future, and offering support to every team member to ensure they thrive in their roles.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, a personal mission statement can be an excellent tool. It lets you focus your efforts on what you really want, and that’s powerful. Use the personal mission statement examples above, as well as the step-by-step process, to get started. If you do, you’ll have an amazing one ready faster than you’d ever imagined.

personal mission statement presentation

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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personal mission statement presentation

Here's How to Write an Impressive Personal Mission Statement [Examples & Template]

Caroline Forsey

Updated: January 25, 2021

Published: January 03, 2019

Companies often need mission statements to define their values, and ensure they're remaining focused on reaching their goals without getting side-tracked.

personal mission statement illustration

At its core, a good mission statement helps a company demonstrate who they are, and how they're different from other businesses.

For instance, consider JetBlue's mission statement -- "To inspire humanity -- both in the air and on the ground."

Alternatively, take a look at IKEA's mission statement -- "To create a better everyday life for the many people."

It's obvious from these examples that a good mission statement doesn't just state what a company does -- it also represents what a company hopes to do, on a large scale.

An individual can reap similar benefits from creating a personal mission statement. A personal mission statement allows you to define your values and what success looks like to you, and articulate what matters most to you professionally. Additionally, a mission statement will help guide your professional decisions to ensure your career path aligns with your personal goals.

To ensure you're able to create a truly inspiring and accurate personal mission statement, we've created templates and cultivated examples to help get you started. 

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

What is a personal mission statement?

A personal mission statement is your chance to articulate your values, who you are, and how you define success. You can use a personal mission statement to guide your decisions, and ensure your professional career path remains aligned with your personal goals.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

Take a look at the following examples to help inspire your own personal mission statement. 

1. "To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference" -- Denise Morrison, Campbell Soup Company

2. "If something is important enough you should try, even if the probable outcome is failure" -- Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla

3. "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style" -- Maya Angelou

4. "To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net-worth of women around the world" -- Amanda Steinberg,

5. "To make people happy" -- Walt Disney, Founder of Walt Disney Productions

6. "To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be" -- Oprah Winfrey, Founder of OWN, The Oprah Winfrey Network

7. "I want to serve the people. And I want every girl, every child to be educated" -- Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Prize laureate and activist

How to write a personal mission statement

  • Begin by considering both who you are, and who you want to become
  • Write down what is most important to you, what you want your legacy to be, and what you are most passionate about. If this is difficult, visualize what you hope your life will look like at the end of your career path
  • Dream big and take time to articulate your biggest goals, rather than writing down restricting and short-term plans
  • Ask peers or mentors what they consider your biggest strengths to be, and consider what makes you exceptional compared to others of similar expertise
  • Consider what kind of mark you want to leave on the world, and how your skills can help you achieve that
  • Keep it short. If necessary, try a writing exercise in which you write down only five words that describe you and your purpose, then two, then one. Use these words as inspiration for your mission statement
  • Be true to yourself -- make sure your mission statement accurately reflects your biggest passion and what you truly believe your long-term purpose to be

Personal Mission Statement Template

Your personal mission statement will be unique to you, and doesn't need to follow any traditional format. However, the task can seem daunting, so we've created a few templates to inspire you and get you started.

Featured Resource: 5 Cover Letter Templates

1. To [what you want to do] by [how you'll do it] so that [what impact you hope to make].

Example -- "To serve as a leader by encouraging innovation and forward-thinking so that my employees can create technology that will improve the lives of those in developing countries."

2. I value [one or multiple things you value] because [why it matters to you]. To do this, I will [how your professional path will align with these values].

Example -- "I value education because I believe it can help women get involved in politics and become world leaders. To do this, I will teach women's studies on policy and law."

3. To use my [skills or expertise] to inspire/lead [group of people] so that [ultimate goal].

Example -- "To use my skills as a journalist to inspire people, so that they are educated about the world around them and are energized to make change."

Ultimately, it's critical you take time to self-reflect and truly consider what energizes you, and what type of long-term legacy you hope to leave behind. If done correctly, a personal mission statement can ensure each decision you make leads you closer to a role in which you find both fulfillment and meaning. 

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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5 Steps to Write Your Personal Mission Statement (with examples)

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Have you discovered your purpose in life yet?

Don’t worry if you haven't – most people have a hard time pinpointing the precise things that they want to get out of life. 

People change, circumstances change. It is part of what makes life exciting.  That said, it’s nice to have some direction rather than feel lost most of the time .

Fortunately, there is a simple fix for figuring this out. Writing a personal mission statement is an excellent way to generate a framework for defining what you want out of life and discovering why your goals are important to you .

Your mission statement will ultimately serve as a guideline for all of your habits , routines, decisions, and future goals. Going over this statement every now and then will keep you on track and help you understand how and why your values may change with time.

You may be wondering, “What is a personal mission statement?” Many people haven’t heard of it. If you are one of them, you have come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll define this concept, provide examples, and then show you how to write your own personal mission statement.

Let’s get to it.

Table of Contents

What Is a Personal Mission Statement?

A personal mission statement is a declaration of an individual’s purpose and path in life, emphasizing what is truly important to him or her. It lays out your core values, your expectations, your pledge to other people and your measurement of success.

What are your passions, your long-term goals, and your plans for achieving them?

Writing a personal mission statement will help condense all of this information into a succinct declaration so others can get a concrete idea of your purpose .

Personal mission statements were popularized when Stephen R. Covey suggested that people create them in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People .

Covey argued that individuals (not just companies) should have mission statements because having a mission statement helps focus what you want your character to be and what you want to contribute to society .

In Covey's mind, writing a mission statement may be the most critical activity in taking control of one's own life .

No matter what stage of life you are in, going through the process of creating a mission statement can be beneficial. Whether you are a student looking to improve your grades, or a CEO looking to live a more balanced life , a personal mission statement will give you clarity and focus .

A personal mission statement can help you in several ways. Not only will the end product benefit you, but the process you go through to develop the statement will be greatly beneficial as well.

Your statement can help define who you are as a person, and act as a representation of your purpose to other people when you are not present. It can quickly explain to other people how you aim to pursue your goals, and why they are important to you.

It is also important because it helps you make better decisions , based on your core values to get you closer to meeting your long-term goals. It will keep you accountable for heading in the right direction of where you want your life to go because it will keep you from getting off track .

For example, if you have an idea to do something but it doesn’t fit within the boundaries of your personal mission statement, you will know that you shouldn't do it.

You may come up with some neat ideas, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be worth it to follow through. Your mission statement will help you weed these ideas out .

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Once your personal mission statement is complete, it will seem simple. But if it is well done, it will involve a lot of effort. You have to give yourself enough time for self-discovery and self-reflection .

You need to be honest with yourself so that you can recognize your personality traits, your skills and abilities, core values and passions , dreams, and goals.

A lot has been written about how to write a personal mission statement. There are different ways to go about it, depending on the person.

Don’t worry if your mission statement doesn’t look exactly like someone else’s. Each statement is unique because no two people are exactly the same.

Creating a mission statement is not something that will happen in a day. It requires careful analysis and contemplative expression, which may require many drafts before you are satisfied with its final form. Even once it is finished, you will want to review it often and make slight changes as your life brings you new insights or developing circumstances.

Start by thinking about your personal principles and goals in life . Think about the reasons behind your goals, and how achieving them would improve you as a person.

Your mission statement should be clear and concise, without any unnecessary details.

While there are many methods one could emulate, I have taken them all into account so as to provide you with an actionable, step-by-step process for creating a powerful personal mission statement you will stick with!

5 Steps to Create Your Personal Mission Statement

An effective personal mission statement looks a lot like an outline at first.  You need to run through these steps in order to create a clear picture of where you are headed. 

1. Give Credit Where Credit is Due

What have you already done well? What accomplishments are you most proud of in your life?

Self-esteem and confidence in your abilities are crucial elements in seeing your mission statement come to fruition.  

Whether you believe it or not, you’ve done something right in your life… you just have to take the time to rewind and reflect. 

This should be where you list your past “wins”. They can be professional and/or personal. 

For instance:

  • I spent countless hours every weekend for a year, helping my child with their math, so that we were able to increase his score on the SATs and get into his college of choice.
  • I single-handedly put together a fundraiser for my company that enabled us to donate a record high amount to victims of domestic abuse.
  • I ran and finished the Boston marathon after having knee replacement surgery. 
  • I earned a Doctorate Degree in Business while working full-time, which led me to a sizable promotion to Senior VP of my company in less than 2 years of starting there. 

Stopping to pat yourself on the back and acknowledge your contributions to the world , be they large or small, is a great boost to point you in the right direction towards crafting an effective personal mission statement.

2. List your Core Values and Beliefs

Think of this as your “why”.   Who do you want to be a better person for?

It is perfectly ok to say yourself, but it is also ok to say you want to be better for others.  Perhaps it’s both.

Only you know who and what matters most to you . And to be honest, when you stop to think about it, the answers may surprise you.

For example, maybe you’ve been working overtime for months, only to be passed over for a promotion that you thought would improve your family’s quality of life. While the disappointment is palpable, and understandable, have you stopped to think about what sacrifices you made in order to get nowhere?

The soccer games and family dinners you missed. Your best friend’s engagement party. A special anniversary dinner with your husband. Your daughter’s first piano recital. Vacations.

The sacrifices are countless and, at the end of the day, you have nothing to show for it. What now?  You begin to question your life and what you want from it. You begin to realize that time goes by fast and not always according to plan, despite our best efforts. 

So do you start looking for a new job?

Do you even like your job?

Maybe you want to start your own business or change careers?

Does the big house and fancy car matter more than quality time with the people that you care most about?

This is where assessing your core values comes into play.   

Core values are a set of fundamental beliefs, ideals or practices that dictate how you conduct your life – both personally and professionally .

No one person will have the same core values as another, but the principal is the same.  It’s about taking action on what matters most , and living according to the principals you feel most strongly about.

Common core values include:

  • Determined and diligent
  • Family-centric
  • Compassionate

Factoring the people and things that matter most into your personal mission statement will help put you on the right track. 

It will give you the incentive you need to make a plan that you’ll not only want to stick with, but will have a much higher rate of success.

Learn How to Write a Personal Mission Statement for Your Life so you can make better decisions based on your core values to get you closer to meeting your long-term goals.

3. Ask Where and Who You Want to Be in Life

How are you going to make an impact? What areas of your life need the most attention?

These are two questions you need to ask yourself.

It can be helpful to break things down by category and list one thing you want to see happen or change .  These are goals you’d like to accomplish, whether short or long-term . 

Some categories you may want to consider include:

  • Family life
  • Social life/friendships
  • Impact on the World

The last one is a bit of a head scratcher for some, so it’s perfectly acceptable to create a timeline (i.e. within the next 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years).

Setting SMART Goals are a great way to ensure you keep your head in the game. They help to limit distractions, but also have some margin for error or setbacks.

If you make your goals too big , you do run the risk of failure as a more immediate sense of gratification is not there. 

There is a time and a place for big, long-term goals… as opposed to setting more tangible short-term goals for your personal mission statement . Sit down and think about what you are prepared to do now and you’ll have the drive and optimism to get it done.

Learn How to Write a Personal Mission Statement for Your Life by creating a personal mission statement activity.

4. Assess Your Impact on the World

This is more of an exercise than anything else, but one that can surely help round out your mission statement.

I’m sure you’ve attended a funeral at some point and heard someone deliver a eulogy. At the very least, you’ve likely come across an obituary online or in the newspaper that read like a great novel about one’s life… and those people they impacted along the way.

While nobody likes to think about their own mortality, it can be a powerful tool in helping you live in the present and make the most of each day.

Take a few moments to sit down and write what you’d like people to say about you, or remember, after you are gone. Your homage, if you will. 

Were you a pillar in your community? A loving husband and father? A compassionate and gracious employer who people enjoyed working for? Did you volunteer?

If you can’t come up with much to say, consider it a wakeup call to change things before it’s too late. This is your chance to write your own story, leave your mark and assess your impact on the world around you.

Learn How to Write a Personal Mission Statement for Your Life and check out these examples of personal mission statements for career.

5. Transform your Outline into a Concise Mission Statement

Now that you’ve completed the first 4 steps, it’s time to construct your personal mission statement. It should be all-inclusive, without being convoluted.

According to Ramsey Solutions, there are typically 3 parts to a mission statement of this type. 

  • Your skills and abilities (what you like to do)
  • Your personality traits (how you operate and your character)
  • Your values, dreams and passions (why you want to excel) believes a personal mission statement can and should read even more simply. It might go something like this:

“I will [action] for [audience] by [skills] to [desired result].”

Here’s an example of this formula being executed:

“I will work from home at least one day per week to coach my son’s basketball team, sharing my high school and collegiate playing experience with him and his teammates, in order to spend quality time with my son and improve his team’s skill set.”

This statement clearly states your plan of action and desired outcome. It doesn’t veer off course by listing all of the things you need to do in order to make it happen (ie. negotiate your work schedule with your boss, start yourself on a physical conditioning and diet regime, come up with a weekly playbook).  

Now that you know how to write a personal mission statement, let’s review five examples to give you a little inspiration. 

5 Personal Mission Statement Examples

Personal mission statements are just what they sound like… they are personal .  Thus, they will differ from person to person.

You should not be worried about other people’s mission statements, as it’s not a competition, nor is it a race .

All that matters is that you determine what is important to you and go for it!

With that in mind, here are five examples to inspire you on your journey.

Personal Mission Statement Example #1

To simplify things, Franklin Covey provides an online tool that you can use to quickly generate a personal mission statement .You can think of it as the “CliffsNotes” for creating the ultimate personal mission statement.

The personal mission statement generator is a 10-step process, taking into account the following:

  • Performance
  • Contribution
  • Imagination

Here's a Personal Mission Statement generated by Covey's Mission Statement Builder.

Learn How to Write a Personal Mission Statement for Your Life and check out this mission statement generator free.

Other original examples include (written by myself and my friends):

Personal Mission Statement Example #2

To use my maternal instincts and experiences to educate young mothers that decide to raise a child on their own.  I will provide them with the additional resources they need to be successful and feel supported.

Personal Mission Statement Example #3

To use my writing skills to create a blog directed at working mothers looking to juggle the work-life balance, without feeling guilty about their choices or losing sight of who they are as a woman first.

Personal Mission Statement Example #4

To volunteer my skills as a doctor, working in a free clinic or foreign country, where affordable and quality healthcare is not obtainable for most people. I will make sure all basic vaccinations, life saving medications and antibiotics are readily available through fundraising efforts and corporate partnerships. 

Personal Mission Statement Example #5

To improve the strained relationship with my spouse by communicating more openly and honestly, setting aside time each week to reconnect with one another. I will also be open to the idea of therapy in order to try to make the relationship work if our efforts aren’t enough.

Final Thoughts on Personal Mission Statements

Creating a personal mission statement is an important element of leadership and personal development. A proper statement will push you to ponder the purpose of your life and pinpoint what is genuinely important to you.

Personal mission statements also require you to concisely clarify your deepest values and aspirations . They emboss your purposes in your mind, making them become a part of you . Referring to your personal mission statement is also a way to keep your goals and vision in front of you at all times.

Take just 10 minutes to start writing your personal mission statement using the resources that we listed in this article. Then, think about all of your goals and habits, and consider how they line up with your mission statement.

After filtering through your habits, ask yourself if your actions align with your life’s purpose . Keep doing this exercise until you feel like your daily routine and habits are situated in a way that will ultimately give you what you want to get out of life.

Writing your personal mission statement is an activity of self-discovery that will allow you to uncover things that you may not have realized about yourself. Writing a personal mission statement will allow you to get to know yourself better and further realize your sense of purpose in life.

If you want to learn more about this concept, a good starting point to writing your own personal mission statement is A Personal Mission Statement: Your Road Map to Happiness by Michal Stawicki.

This resource will help you with your personal mission statement, no matter what your specialty in life is or what your long-term goals are.

If you want another way to actualize your long-term goals, consider crafting a life purpose statement . Or if you are more into the law of attraction, check out his post on how to manifest something by writing it down .

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals .

Discover Your Life Purpose and Learn How to Write a Personal Mission Statement for Your Life.


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Article • 8 min read

Personal Mission Statements

Defining your goals.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

personal mission statement presentation

One of the most important things that corporate leaders do is define their organization's purpose, and identify what they ultimately want it to accomplish. They communicate this information in corporate mission and vision statements . These set a clear course for the organization, tell employees how they should focus their efforts, and prevent people going "off mission."

If mission and vision statements are so important to organizations, why don't we spend any time creating them for ourselves?

In this article, we'll look at the benefits of creating personal mission and vision statements. We'll show you how to create them, and highlight how you can use them to bring clarity to your own objectives and goals.

Why Create Mission and Vision Statements?

All of us have very different ideas about success. What's important, however, is that you spend time defining your version of success. Otherwise, how will you understand what you should be working toward, and how will you know if your decisions are helping you move toward your goals?

Used as part of your personal approach to goal setting , mission and vision statements are useful for bringing sharp focus to your most important goal, and for helping you to quickly identify which opportunities you should pursue.

Shaping this goal into a mission statement helps you keep it at the front of your mind, and helps you focus your energy and resources upon it. Without this focus, you can be distracted, or you can spread your effort too thinly across multiple competing goals.

By creating a personal mission statement, you make one of your personal goals supremely important. This gives you the best possible chance of achieving it, which is essential for some types of goal. However, if you focus exclusively on one goal, you'll inevitably have to de-emphasize others. Make sure that you're happy to do this, and make sure that people who are important to you don't suffer as a consequence.

Mission Versus Vision

So, what's the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?

  • Mission statement – This defines your purpose. It's what you ultimately want to achieve in your life or career, expressed in a specific, measurable way.
  • Vision statement – This is a bit more emotional. Here, you define your core values, and how you'll apply those values to your mission.

As your career develops, your goals and objectives are likely to change too. So make sure you revisit your mission and vision statements regularly, and update them as required.

Creating Mission Statements

Follow these steps to create your mission statement:

  • Identify what you do best – Your unique strengths will likely point to what you would like to do most with your life and career. Our Bite-Sized Training session Finding Your Unique Strengths will help you discover your strengths.
  • Think about what success means to you – If you get stuck, make a list of past accomplishments that really made you feel as if you did something worthwhile. Your aim is to create a short list of measurements to help you track your progress.
  • Identify your personal goals – Take the time to explore what you might want to do with your life and career, and then narrow down to the goals you most want to pursue, across the full range of life areas. Our article on Goal Setting will help you do this.
  • Combine the first three steps – Look at your goals, your unique strengths and your idea of success, and then identify the one goal that you most want to achieve. Make sure that the goal is expressed in SMART format, and that it's expressed in as powerful and motivating a way as possible.
  • Keep refining – Edit and perfect the words until you have a clear, concise statement that identifies your ideas, and how you'll measure the results.

Mission Statement Example

Using her USP Analysis, Kara has identified several unique strengths. She's creative, a great problem solver, and always maintains a positive outlook that helps inspire her team, even on difficult projects. To her, success means working in a challenging, creative role, and receiving a salary that she feels is fair and based on her accomplishments. Her most important goal is to become a member of her company's senior management team within the next seven years.

Kara's mission statement is this:

My mission is to become a member of the company's senior executive team by December 31, 2018, by empowering internal teams, and helping them solve challenging problems in a creative and successful way. In this role, I want to feel that I'm valued, and my salary and benefits will show this.

Creating Vision Statements

Now that you've created your mission statement, move on to your vision statement:

  • Identify the humanistic side of your mission – Look carefully at the mission statement that you just created. What is most fulfilling about what you're going to do? What really impacts your emotions? And what will help other people?
  • Make a list of your core values – Our article What Are Your Values? will help with this.
  • Visualize who you'd like to become – Picture your "best self." Are you a strong leader? A compassionate friend? A mentor? Make a list of words that describe how you would like others to see you.
  • Combine the first three steps – Bring these steps together, and write your vision statement. This should be energizing and motivating, and it should fill you with energy and excitement when you read it.

Vision Statement Example

When Kara looks at writing her vision statement, she realizes that she loves solving problems because this helps people. She's very fulfilled and uplifted when she's able to solve a problem that no one else can. This isn't because she receives praise, but because she's able to help reduce stress and frustration for someone else.

She identifies her core values as integrity, compassion, creativity, and helping people.

When she defines her "best self," she pictures herself as a strong leader, who lifts her team and helps push them toward their own achievements.

Kara's vision statement is this:

I want to help others grow and succeed in their careers. I'll use my talent for problem solving to help my people grow as individuals and become more successful as a team. I'll set an example for my team by sticking to my values and maintaining my integrity, even under difficult circumstances.

There isn't a specific formula for writing your own mission and vision statements, and you can make them as specific, or as broad, as you want. Just ensure that they're punchy and motivational statements that describe what you want to achieve.

Spending time creating personal mission and vision statements is well worth the effort. These tools can help you make important career decisions, and remind you of the direction you want to take in life.

Make sure you allow yourself enough time to think deeply about each step in the process. Identify the right words, goals, and core values. Then create clear, concise statements that are motivational and fill you with purpose.

Keep refining the statements until they're exciting and meaningful, and remember to revisit your mission and vision statements as your career develops.

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How to create a Personal Mission Statement? (examples and templates)

how to create a personal mission statement

Everyone is a personal brand with a purpose, whether they realize it or not. All they need is a tool that reminds them of their inner power and guides them toward accomplishing their purpose in life. A personal mission statement is one such powerful tool that takes us into our inner journey while guiding us toward making our presence in the outer world.

Have you ever considered setting a personal mission statement for yourself? If not, this article will guide you on how to set a personal mission statement and why you must have one.

Table of Contents

What is a personal mission statement?

Most of us are familiar with the mission statements of companies. They create a lasting impact on the consumer and also explain how the brand is committed to making a difference.

Mission statements are so powerful that they help identify the brands. For instance, “To refresh the world. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. To create value and make a difference.” reminds us of Coca-Cola. Similarly, “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”, paints a vivid picture of Google.

A piece of good news is that mission statements are not limited only to big brands or companies. Every individual can set and realize their life purpose with the help of a personal mission statement.

A personal mission statement is your definition of success, irrespective of others’ approval. It is a guiding compass that ensures your professional career path aligns with your personal goals and describes:

  • Your beliefs, values, and stance (what you stand for)
  • Who you are and how you define success
  • Your life plan to put your values into action
  • The kind of mark you want to leave on the world

How does a personal mission statement help?

A personal mission statement brings together the puzzle pieces of one’s self and portrays a wholesome, satisfying picture. It prevents your focus from distractions and corrects your life and career path. A personal mission statement is a powerful tool that encourages us during times of:

  • Inner conflict
  • Imposter syndrome

It is also crucial to periodically review and revise your personal mission statement to ensure it is relevant to you and the changing times.

How to create a personal mission statement?

Before starting with setting a mission statement, dream big and look at your life’s big picture and get your “why” clear:

  • How do you measure success?
  • What makes you love to wake up every day?
  • What are your strengths, beliefs, and values?
  • What do you stand for or stand against?
  • What more positive traits should you learn and develop?

To create an authentic statement, be true to yourself. Ensure that the personal mission statement reflects your inner passion, strengths, and goals. Focus on what you want to do rather than what you don’t want to do. Take the help of peers, mentors, and your support community to identify your strengths.

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Personal mission statement templates and examples

Importantly, the personal mission statement should be short and direct. It must answer three important elements:

  • The value you intend to create
  • Whom are you creating the value for
  • The outcome/change you expect to accomplish.

For a clear understanding, consider the following templates:

Template #1:

“To use my (skills)to change/inspire (community or target group) to achieve (your ultimate goal).”

“To use my speaking skills to change and inspire uneducated people in rural areas to achieve a better literacy rate.”

“To use my learning capabilities and desire for innovation and solve business/social problems through software development.”

“To use my teaching skills to change how students learn and inspire them to become better learners and individuals.”

Template #2:

“To (what you want to achieve or become) so that I can (goal you wish to accomplish).

“To become a blood donor so that I can save more lives and spread hope and love.”

“To be a leader, add value to others’ lives through my presence, and uplift and motivate them towards achieving their dreams.”

Template #3:

“I value (your value(s)) because (the reason why you value it). To achieve this, I will (how you want to align your professional path with these values).”

“I value health because I believe that it is the primary requisite for any individual. To achieve this, I will pursue a degree in medicine and offer my contributions to helping people stay healthy.”

“I value careers because I believe a job is a primary step for the financial independence of individuals. To achieve this, I will become a recruiter and help job seekers find wider opportunities.”

Also Read: How to set and achieve SMART Goals?

Personal mission statements of prominent personalities

The concept of a personal mission statement dates back to 1989 when Stephen R. Covey put forth the idea of beginning with the end in mind as the second habit in his book  The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. Today, leaders and prominent personalities across the globe consider their personal mission statements as a powerful role in their success. Here we share some such inspiring personal mission statements of leaders:

  • “To make people happy.” – Walt Disney
  • “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “If something is important enough you should try, even if the probable outcome is failure.” – Elon Musk
  • “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou

Your personal mission statement is your guide that drives you toward success when in times of hardship. Create one and embark on a fulfilling life and career journey.

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55 Personal Mission Statement Examples

personal mission statement examples and definition, explained below

A personal mission statement defines your purpose. It explains what you want to achieve in your life, career, personal relationships, and so on.

It differs from a career or educational mission statement because it’s more holistic: it’s not just about your job or school. It’s about what you want to achieve with your life overall. and what your personal philosophy is in life .

Here is my personal mission statement:

“I will be generous with my time both with family and strangers. I will consciously and intentionally spend quality time with my parents, my wife, and my children. I will pass-on love of life and self-belief to my children by living as a positive example. I will commit my career to working on projects that are meaningful to me. And I will be responsible with my health and finances for the longevity of my life and to ensure I can care for my family for many years to come.”

When I was asked to write a personal mission statement for applying for my job as a teacher, I tweaked it to focus more on my career:

“My personal mission statement as a teacher is to inspire and support my students, help them see their own potential, and build them up each and every day. I will commit my time to letting each student know they are capable of success, and I will help show them the path to personal and academic success.”

Below is a range of ideas for a personal mission statement. As the mission statement is personal, I recommend using these ideas as inspiration, but make sure you pick and choose the sentiments that are meaningful to you, and write your own.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

The following examples can be used as stimuli for you to think about what you want to include in your own mission statement. But, as the word suggests, a personal mission statement should be personal and unique to you . So, pick and choose key ideas from below, while coming up with your own mission statement that reflects your uniqueness.

  • Live a life that aligns with my core values : “I will strive to live a life that is consistent with my own values and ethics. To achieve this, I will ensure I reflect every day on how my daily actions and interactions with others will reflect upon me, and whether they’re consistent with who I strive to be.”
  • Seek to be a catalyst for change: “I will dedicate my life to being a catalyst for change in my world. The change I want to see is change toward greater social equality, fairness, and prosperity. To achieve this, I will advocate for the disadvantaged, seek career opportunities for supporting the underprivileged, and donate generously to causes I care about.”
  • Commit to a journey of self-discovery: “My daily mission is to embark on an ongoing journey of self-improvement and self-discovery, always on track to find my deeper purpose in life.”
  • Empower myself and others: “I will always strive to empower myself and others through positive affirmation, constructive feedback, and making smart choices. I will remove barriers to self-determination and always respect people’s choices in life.”
  • Seek opportunities to give back to the community: “I am grateful first and foremost to my community for their support and nourishment, and my personal mission from here on out is to find opportunities where I can give back to my community in both my career and volunteerism.”
  • Strive for excellence in all endeavors: “ My credo is to always hold myself to a high standard. To me, this means always putting in maximum effort and trying to be the best I can be each and every day.”
  • Always have a growth mindset: “My core mission is to always maintain a growth mindset each and every day. For me, this means embracing challenges rather than shying away from them, having persistence and resilience when I face setbacks, and viewing effort as a pathway to mastery. “


  • Aim to leave a meaningful legacy: “At the end of my life, I want to be able to look back and know that I’ve left a legacy for the world and my family. To achieve this, my mission will be to always give more to the world than I take, so I leave the world better off. I will leave a legacy of kindness and a spirit of service and community.”
  • Continually redefine personal goals and aspirations: “I believe that a person is most successful when they self-reflect to achieve ongoing improvement. So, in my personal mission, I am committed to the ongoing process of personal evolution that will help me continue to refine myself over time. “
  • Seek the silver lining: “The silver lining is the positive that we can extract out of every situation, even our failures. With this in mind, my mission is to cultivate optimism and to focus on what can be learned from every situation. This approach will both enhance my personal resilience and inspire others to adopt a similar perspective.”
  • Develop resilience, adaptability, and grit in the face of adversity: “My mission is to develop and embody qualities of resilience, adaptability, and grit. I am determined to approach adversity as an opportunity for growth, learning to navigate through challenges with grace and tenacity. In doing so, I will become stronger and more capable.”
  • To be generous with my time: “I will be generous with my time because I believe my time is the greatest gift I can give to others. This means I will commit to quality time with my friends and family and make sure I maintain a work-life balance so I can commit my time to the people who deserve it.”
  • Empowering people around me: “My mission is to empower the people around me, including my colleagues at work, my friends, and my family. By empowering others, I can bring out the best in my community, and leave my community a better place.”
  • Living with gratitude: “I will commit to expressing gratitude each and every day of my life. To do this, I will commit to meditating, reflecting on what I have, and being grateful for my health, wealth, and family.”
  • Develop wisdom : “My mission is to continue to develop wisdom. To me, wisdom is knowledge, intelligence, and insight developed through experience and humbly listening to people who have knowledge and experiences beyond mine.”
  • Seek authentic self-expression: “My mission is to express myself authentically , reflecting every day on how my words, actions, and creations align with my core values. This journey towards authenticity is ongoing and evolving, helping me understand and articulate who I truly am.”
  • Change what’s in my control: “I pledge to focus my energies on what I can control in my life. I will strive to change my circumstances when possible, and adapt my attitude when it isn’t. By understanding and accepting this distinction, I will bring about the most positive outcomes for myself and those around me.”
  • Creating harmony between mind-body-soul: “I am committed to fostering harmony between my mind, body, and soul. This means balancing mental challenges with physical exercise and spiritual nourishment, nurturing every part of my being, and achieving a healthier and more balanced life.”
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence : “I am committed to nurturing my emotional intelligence. This involves understanding my own emotions, demonstrating empathy, and adapting my attitude when necessary, leading to stronger and more effective personal and professional relationships.”
  • Foster innovative thinking: “My mission is to foster innovative thinking. I will strive to always question, explore, and reimagine the world around me, aiming to leave a legacy of creativity and change.”
  • Live sustainably and promote environmental consciousness: “I pledge to live sustainably, focusing my energies on what I can control to reduce my environmental impact. Moreover, I will advocate for environmental consciousness within my community, contributing to a healthier planet.”
  • Encourage diversity and inclusivity in my surroundings: “My mission is to promote diversity and inclusivity. I will strive to empower all voices and create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued, thereby fostering a sense of community and belonging.”
  • Be a mentor and guide to others: “I will dedicate my time to mentoring and guiding others. By sharing my wisdom and experiences, I can help others navigate their own journeys, leaving a legacy of kindness and service.”
  • Lead with integrity and honesty: “I am committed to leading with integrity and honesty in all endeavors. I will hold myself to a high standard, aligning my actions with my core values and striving for transparency in every interaction.”
  • Cultivate a balanced and peaceful lifestyle: “My mission is to cultivate a lifestyle that is peaceful and balanced. I will practice mindfulness, express gratitude for my blessings, and strive to find harmony between my personal, professional, and spiritual life.”
  • Maintain physical fitness and promote healthy living: “I pledge to maintain my physical fitness and promote healthy living in my community. I will strive to make smart choices regarding diet, exercise, and self-care, thereby embodying and promoting a vision of holistic health.”
  • A lifelong learning mindset: “With a commitment to growth and a spirit of exploration, I will always seek to broaden my knowledge and perspectives. Embracing challenges and viewing effort as a pathway to mastery, I believe learning is an ongoing journey, not a destination.”
  • Advocate for social justice and equality: “I am committed to advocating for social justice and equality. I will dedicate myself to being a catalyst for change, promoting fairness, and empowering the disadvantaged, contributing to a more equitable society.”
  • Practice mindfulness and presence in daily life: “My mission is to cultivate mindfulness and presence in my daily life. By committing to this practice, I will enhance my emotional intelligence, develop resilience, and foster a deeper connection to the world around me.”
  • Enhance personal and professional relationships: “I pledge to improve and deepen my personal and professional relationships. By demonstrating empathy, respect, and honesty, I will foster meaningful connections and contribute to a vibrant, supportive community.”
  • Invest in self-care and well-being: “My mission is to invest time and energy in self-care and well-being. Through this practice, I will ensure a balanced life, promote a positive mindset, and prepare myself to better serve others.”
  • Strive for financial independence and stability: “I am dedicated to achieving financial independence and stability. By making smart and informed decisions, I aim to create a secure foundation that enables personal growth , adventure, and service to my community.”
  • Foster a spirit of exploration and adventure: “I commit to embracing a spirit of exploration and adventure. By welcoming new experiences and fostering curiosity, I will maintain a lifelong learning mindset, and continually evolve as an individual.”
  • Practice empathy towards all: “My mission is to cultivate empathy in all my interactions. By striving to understand others’ perspectives, I will empower those around me and contribute to a community rooted in kindness and mutual understanding.”
  • Embrace change and maintain flexibility: “I am dedicated to embracing change and demonstrating flexibility. I see change as an opportunity for growth, and I will cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude in the face of evolving circumstances.”
  • Nurture a positive and optimistic mindset: “My mission is to cultivate a positive and optimistic mindset. By seeking the silver lining in every situation, I aim to inspire myself and those around me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.”
  • Advocate for the welfare and rights of animals: “My mission is to advocate for the welfare and rights of animals. I will use my voice and actions to promote humane treatment of animals, contributing to a more compassionate and ethical world.”
  • Make informed and responsible choices: “I pledge to make informed and responsible choices that align with my values and the greater good. I am committed to reflecting on the implications of my decisions and acting in a way that contributes positively to my community and the environment.”
  • Create meaningful connections with people: “I strive to create meaningful connections with people. Through empathy, open-mindedness, and genuine engagement, I aim to nurture relationships that enrich my life and the lives of others.”
  • Develop and demonstrate leadership skills : “My mission is to develop and demonstrate effective leadership skills. I strive to lead with integrity, empathy, and resilience, inspiring others to achieve their best and fostering a spirit of teamwork and mutual respect.”
  • Seek to understand and respect differing perspectives: “I pledge to understand and respect differing perspectives. I believe that diversity of thought enriches our society, and I strive to promote inclusivity and mutual respect in all my interactions.”
  • Foster creativity in myself and others: “My mission is to cultivate creativity in myself and others. I will continually explore new ideas, foster an environment that encourages innovation, and inspire those around me to express their unique perspectives and talents.”
  • Commit to the pursuit of knowledge: “I commit to the continuous pursuit of knowledge. By maintaining a curious and open mind, I strive to learn from every experience, deepen my understanding, and contribute to my personal and professional growth.”
  • Seek to find joy in the everyday : “My mission is to find joy in everyday moments. I commit to practicing mindfulness, expressing gratitude for the simple things, and cherishing each day as a unique gift.”
  • Be a source of encouragement and positivity: “I strive to be a source of encouragement and positivity for those around me. By uplifting others, celebrating their achievements, and offering supportive words, I aim to foster a more compassionate and optimistic community.”
  • Pursue a path of continuous learning and development: “I am dedicated to pursuing a path of continuous learning and development. By always seeking to improve, learn, and grow, I aim to better myself and contribute more effectively to my community and the world at large.”
  • Prioritize balance in all aspects of life: “I commit to prioritizing balance in all aspects of life. This includes fostering harmony between work and personal time, mental and physical health, and personal desires and community responsibilities, to cultivate a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle.”
  • Strive to be a good listener and communicator: “I aim to be a good listener and communicator. By practicing active listening and clear, empathetic communication, I will strengthen my relationships and foster mutual understanding and respect.”
  • Cultivate and express artistic talents: “My mission is to cultivate and express my artistic talents. Through this creative exploration, I aim to express my unique perspectives, contribute to the cultural richness of my community, and inspire others to express their creativity.”
  • Strive to make a positive impact on the environment: “I am committed to making a positive impact on the environment. By living sustainably, advocating for environmental consciousness, and influencing positive change, I hope to leave a meaningful environmental legacy.”
  • Seek simplicity and contentment: “My mission is to seek simplicity and contentment in life. By valuing the essential, expressing gratitude for what I have, and finding joy in simple pleasures, I aim to cultivate a lifestyle of peace and fulfillment.”
  • Develop and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship: “I am dedicated to fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship. By embracing innovation, taking informed risks, and learning from both success and failure, I aim to contribute to economic growth and social impact.”
  • Strive for integrity in actions and communication: “I strive to uphold integrity in my actions and communication. By aligning my actions with my values, being transparent, and communicating honestly, I aim to build trust and respect in my personal and professional relationships.”
  • Embrace new technologies and innovation: “My mission is to embrace new technologies and innovation. By staying informed about technological advances and integrating them into my work and life, I aim to enhance productivity, creativity, and the quality of life for myself and my community.”
  • Cultivate and foster peace and harmony in relationships: “I am committed to fostering peace and harmony in my relationships. By promoting understanding, showing empathy, and resolving conflicts with grace, I aim to create strong, fulfilling, and respectful relationships.”
  • Advocate for responsible consumerism: “I pledge to advocate for responsible consumerism. By making informed choices, promoting sustainability, and encouraging others to do the same, I aim to contribute to a healthier planet and a more equitable economy.”
  • Care and provide for my family: “My mission is to care for and provide for my family. By being present, offering support, and ensuring their needs are met, I aim to create a nurturing and secure environment for my loved ones.”
  • Cultivate self-discipline and good habits: “I commit to cultivating self-discipline and good habits . By maintaining focus, setting realistic goals, and consistently pursuing them, I aim to achieve personal and professional growth.”
  • Influence others by my deeds: “I strive to influence others positively through my deeds. By acting with kindness, integrity, and respect, I aim to inspire others to do the same and contribute to a more compassionate and respectful community.”

See Also: How to Write a Values Statement

A personal mission statement for a resume needs to be personalized to you and your unique values and moral, goals, and life circumstances. You may also want to adjust it depending on the context in which you’re using it – i.e. if you’re asked to make a personal mission for work, then it’d likely incorporate elements of your job into it.

Also note that you’re always free to adjust your personal mission statement over time, so create one that’s true to you right now, but be willing to adjust it every few months.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Tchiki Davis, Ph.D.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Tips for writing a declaration of your unique direction or purpose..

Posted June 23, 2021 | Reviewed by Chloe Williams

  • A personal mission statement makes clear what one wants to do and how to do it, which can provide clarity on how to live a fulfilling life.
  • To gain clarity on their mission, people can ask themselves questions, such as what impact they want to have and what makes them feel alive.
  • People can also reflect on the values that drive them and their goals in the shorter and longer term, which should align with their mission.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

A personal mission statement is a written declaration of our unique direction or purpose. This statement makes it clear not just what you intend to do in this world, but how you intend to do it. It's sometimes just one sentence, but it can be as long as you want.

Each of us has our own unique core values , purpose, and desired direction, but often we don’t know exactly what they are. That’s why we can benefit from having a mission statement—something that gives us clarity about how we want to live our lives and ultimately achieve personal fulfillment and well-being. Writing a mission statement can help us get clear on our values and better understand whether we are spending our time in the best ways. It can also provide a sense of inner stability during times of change (Searight & Searight, 2011).

What’s Your Personal Mission?

Many of us have spent little time thinking about our personal mission in life. We're too busy dealing with immediate, urgent tasks to think about what we want to do in this life and where we want to end up. As a result, we might feel this low level of discontent—we know the way we are living our lives is not making us happy, but we’re not sure why. Thinking about our mission can be one way to begin to resolve this discontent.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to explore your mission:

  • What impact do you want to have in the world?
  • How do you want to make an impact?
  • Who do you want to have an impact on?
  • What makes you feel most happy and alive?

Answering these questions can help you gain more clarity on your life’s mission. ​

Tip: Think of the End and Work Backward

Another way to gain more clarity on what you want to do in life is to think about the end of your life and what you hope to have accomplished. Then, work backward. Some people have suggested that we could imagine attending our own funeral. Think about what would be said in the eulogy and whether it reflects your values and personal goals (Searight & Searight, 2011). If you find that the eulogy of today's version of you isn't what you really want, clarify for yourself what you do want and consider how your mission statement may guide you to that end goal.

What Are Your Values?

Next, ask yourself, what are your values? That is, what are the underlying personality traits , beliefs, or experiences that drive you and make you feel like you?

Some values might be love, freedom, creativity , kindness , adventure, loyalty, etc...

Make sure that your mission reflects these values so that you don’t end up pursuing a goal in ways that are not a good fit for your values. This way, you'll have a better chance of feeling more fulfilled as you strive to achieve your mission.

What Are Your Goals?

In addition to your values, it can be helpful to get even more clear on your goals. It can be easy to focus on short-term goals, but thinking about medium-term and long-term goals can help you make sure your short-term goals don’t lead you astray.

Ask yourself a few quick questions about your goals:

  • What do you want to have accomplished in one year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
  • Where do you want to be in one year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
  • How do you want to be spending your time in one year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years?

Take a moment to think about your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals like a pathway. Ask yourself, how will your current goals lead to medium-term goals, and how will those lead to your longer-term goals?

Write Your Personal Mission Statement

Sometimes a personal mission statement is just one sentence. In that case, it could be:

To do [X Action] for [Y group of people] to [have Z impact] with [optional: other details].

It’s okay to revise, rewrite, or make it longer. For most of us, creating a personal mission statement takes some work. This process doesn't have to be a "one and done." In fact, it is quite common for personal mission statements to change and evolve over time, just as we do (Li, Frohna, & Bostwick, 2017).

Adapted from an article published by The Berkeley Well-Being Institute .

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D.

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. , is a consultant, writer, and expert on well-being technology.

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How to Create a Personal Mission and Vision Statement for the Year

personal mission and vision

Setting goals and making resolutions; out with the old, in with the new—some of us get downright busy charting our ambitions for a fresh year. But have you thought about writing your own personal vision and mission statement? We asked Project Manager Coach Susanne Madsen how to create a powerful and sustainable mission and vision statement to take us into the New Year.

What is a vision and mission statement?

A vision and mission statement is a paragraph that encapsulates everything you would like to be, do, and have in your career.

It defines what success and excellence look like to you. It expresses your vision for where you want to be in the future and it reflects your values, goals, and purpose and how you want to operate.

Can you give an example of one?

Of course—here’s one:

“My vision is to be an honest, empathetic and impactful project leader and to be recognized internationally within my industry. I am committed to growing as a leader and delivering value-added projects to the end users. My mission is to create and lead a dream team where everyone is playing to their strengths.”

Everyone’s will look and sound completely different. It’s important that it encapsulates your values and aspirations, and that it makes you feel really good and inspired when you read it aloud.

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How does a vision statement differ from a mission statement?

Vision and mission statements are very similar but they have their differences. Let’s take a deeper look:

Vision statement:

  • A vision statement describes what you want to achieve in the future .
  • The vision statement answers the question “Where do I want to be?”
  • It defines the optimal desired future state—the mental picture—of what you want to achieve over time, say in five, ten or more years.
  • It inspires you to give your best and shapes your understanding of why you are doing what you do.

Example: “My vision is a world where everyone is contributing with their full potential; where each person uses their intrinsic genius and leadership to deliver outstanding value-added projects.”

Mission statement:

  • A mission statement describes what you want now and how you will achieve your long term aspiration.
  • A mission statement does not define a long term future state but is more concerned with the present state. It answers the questions of: “What do I do?”, “How do I do it?”, “Who do I do it for?”, “What makes me different”, and “What is the benefit?”
  • It talks about the present leading to the future, and how you will get to where you want to be.

Example: “My mission is to help project managers transform into impactful project leaders.”

In order to get the most value from this exercise I suggest you combine the two into a vision and mission statement. Define the overall essence of what you want to achieve and then look at what you are doing to achieve it.

What makes a good vision and mission statement?

  • A good vision and mission statement is concise and inspirational.
  • It’s easy to memorize and repeat.
  • It should be clear, engaging, and realistic, and describe a bright future.
  • It should state your intentions, summarize your values, and demonstrate your commitment to living up to these values.

Ideally, the vision and mission statement should also be aligned with the values, culture and possibilities of the organization you currently work for. If your personal values and aspirations are being matched by your employer’s, it will be much easier to progress and fulfill your dreams.

However, if your goals are far beyond what the firm can offer, you will need to be honest and assess if the job is still a good match for you. With a strong vision and mission statement, it’s easier for you to evaluate in which industry and company you should invest your time and energy.

So, how do I go about writing it? What are the steps?

When composing your own statement, find a quiet place where you feel at ease and where you will not be interrupted. Then follow the below steps and guiding questions.

Step 1: Answer the following questions as honestly as you can.

  • What personal qualities do you most want to emphasize in yourself?
  • How can you use and display these qualities in a working environment?
  • What are the most important values you want to express at work?

Step 2: Visualize yourself five years from now.

  • Imagine that you are managing and leading the project of your dreams. Envision that everything is exactly the way you want it to be: the type of project you are running, the industry it is in, its size and complexity, the people involved, and your own capabilities as a project manager and leader. Imagine that you are every bit as successful as you want to be. Feel it and see it.
  • Keep imagining yourself in the future, and be as specific as possible in your observations. Where exactly are you? Who is your client? What are you doing? Who are you interfacing with? What does the project look like? How big is it? How are you feeling? Why do you want to be exactly where you are? What is the bigger impact you are having?
  • Draw a picture of yourself and your surroundings five years from now. Draw the elements you see, feel, and hear. Use as many colors as you want and be as detailed as possible.

Step 3: Sum up your vision and mission.

  • Write to the following questions: How can you sum up your vision and mission as a project manager? What are the things you ultimately want to achieve? Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What is the impact you would like to have and how would you like to be perceived?
  • What will need to happen in order for you to feel proud of your progress as a project manager in five years’ time?

Now, take everything—the envisioning, writing, drawing, dreaming—and use the language and imagery to write your own vision and mission statement. Give yourself as many drafts as you need to refine it. Remember it should express the values that you would like to live and work by, and that above all you must feel excited and inspired by it when you read it aloud.

Review your vision and mission statement.

As your view of yourself and the future changes, it is important that you review, update and refine your vision and mission statement at least once every six months. If you feel really inspired, you may even want to expand it with more detail and turn it into a personal development plan. So get scribbling and imagine how nice it will be to start out in January with a clear roadmap for where you want to go and how to get there!

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Activity: Personal Mission Statements

Completing your own personal mission statement can be a very private yet meaningful activity.  Articulating what you care about, determining what does not matter to you, and thinking about your future can be a powerful exercise in finding direction in your work. 

Articulating what you care about, determining what does not matter to you, and thinking about your future can be a powerful exercise in finding direction in your work. It also helps mentor and mentee identify shared goals, and can lead to decisions about real-world projects that match your shared goals.

30-45 minutes (15-20 minutes for individual reflection, 15-25 minutes for sharing)

Handout: My Personal Mission Statement , writing utensil, Slides: Personal Mission Statement Presentation (optional)

Mentor and Mentee

  • Identify your core values. What are the ethics, attitudes, and characteristics that mean the most to you? See the Threads Culture website for some examples of core values.
  • Pick three of your core values. Why are these values important to you? How did you learn these values? What is your definition of each of these values?
  • How have these values been illustrated in your work or education?  Describe at least one example of a time where you acted on each of your three core values (or did not !). What was the impact of following through on your values.
  • Write a simple, short statement that describes your mission. Incorporate what your values mean to you and how you plan on following your mission in the future.
  • Share your personal mission statements with each other to provide insight into what drives your thoughts and actions. These kinds of statements answer the question, “Why do I do what I do?” and provide direction when all of the participants are trying to choose a plan of action.

For more guidance in articulating your personal mission statement, read the Forbes Coach Council’s 13 Ways You Can Craft A Strong Personal Mission Statement . 

Can be done in a large-group setting to identify shared goals across an entire team.

Download the instructions for this activity.


Handout: My Personal Mission Statement

Download the handout for this activity. 

Slides: Personal Mission Statement Presentation

Make a copy of these slides (file>make copy) to edit and use in your own presentation about personal mission statements.


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Personal Mission Statement

Published by Abraham Heath Modified over 6 years ago

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Becoming the Excellent Leader Your Staff Needs. Agenda What staff want Great leadership simplified Clear purpose and focus Trust, delegation, job expectations.

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Lesson 3 Character helps shape behavior. What values might prompt this teen to return the found wallet? Building Character.

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Developing a Marketing/Mission Statement What Do You Have To Offer?

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Army Leadership “Be, Know, Do”  .

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Health Chapter 2.

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Personal Mission Statement Education for Careers.

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Ch. 2 Building Health Skills and Character. Health Skills Life skills, specific tools and strategies that help you maintain, protect, and improve all.

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Simpson County Schools Summer Leadership Retreat 2011 Enhancing Leadership Capacity and Effectiveness to Impact Student Learning and Staff Performance.

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Lesson 3 Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what.

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Creating A Resume By Mr. Smith. Creating Objectives This is the first part of your resume.

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Woman … lives connected with God and God’s unique mission for her.

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The Work Life Balance APS Overview for Tempe Elementary School District #3 March 31, 2010.

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Chapter two Building Health Skills and Character.

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Planning for Success 1 Unlocking Your Potential. Trustworthy, Honest and Ethical  What is being trustworthy, honest and ethical?  Why is it important?

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Mission Statement Powerpoint PPT Template Bundles


  1. PPT

    personal mission statement presentation

  2. 24 Perfect Examples of Strong Mission Statement

    personal mission statement presentation

  3. What Is Mission Statement? Definition, Importance, Characteristics

    personal mission statement presentation

  4. Writing A Personal Mission Statement Examples

    personal mission statement presentation

  5. 37 Inspiring Mission Statement Templates (Business or Personal) ᐅ

    personal mission statement presentation

  6. 37 Inspiring Mission Statement Templates (Business or Personal) ᐅ

    personal mission statement presentation


  1. Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential #davidgoggins


  3. Personal Mission Statement Speech. Instructor Example

  4. #purposefulliving #personal #missionstatement #christiangrowth #integrativehealth

  5. Crafting a Personal Mission Statement for Professional Fulfillment

  6. What is your Personal Mission Statement?


  1. How To Write a Personal Mission Statement (40 Examples)

    Here are several examples of personal mission statements to help inspire you as you write your own. "To serve as a leader by encouraging innovative ideas and forward-thinking so that our team can create technology solutions that will improve the lives of others." "To use my writing skills to inspire and educate others around the world to make a ...

  2. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (20 Examples)

    Top-20 Examples of Personal Mission Statements: To live a life of purpose and make a positive impact on the world around me. To constantly learn and grow, both personally and professionally, and inspire others to do the same. To be a compassionate and empathetic listener, and provide support to those who need it.

  3. How to Create a Mission Statement and Present it Effectively

    Step #1: Include the element of storytelling. Add uncluttered and straightforward stories aligned with your narrative. Do not try to include the story in your mission statement forcefully. Add honest and stirring but short stories because most of the stories today are compiled in just a few images or 140 characters.

  4. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (Examples Included)

    3. Pick Core Traits or Skills. When you're writing a personal mission statement, you need to include the skills and traits you'll need to put to work to make that happen. Now, these can be more technical capabilities or personal characteristics, so don't feel like you're limited to one or the other. You're not.

  5. Here's How to Write an Impressive Personal Mission Statement [Examples

    Take a look at the following examples to help inspire your own personal mission statement. 1. "To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference" -- Denise Morrison, Campbell Soup Company. 2. "If something is important enough you should try, even if the probable outcome is failure" -- Elon ...

  6. How To Write A Personal Mission Statement (A Step-By-Step Guide)

    A personal mission statement is an honest review of oneself, highlighting those very areas of fabrication that manipulate our assessment of the self and ultimately harm the potential we hold to make an impact. This step will shape the way you think about yourself, ensuring your personal mission statement isn't just based on your perceived self.

  7. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

    A good formula you can use to write a personal mission statement is as follows: "I am committed to [your core values and beliefs] and strive to [your long-term goals and aspirations]. My mission is to [your mission or purpose] by [how you plan to achieve it] to [the impact or legacy you want to create] .".

  8. Personal Mission Statement

    Resume mission statement examples. "Lead by encouraging creative thinking necessary for innovative solutions.". "Use my imagination and graphic design skills to engage consumers.". "Promote safety, well-being, and self-confidence for children and young adults as a mental health counselor.".

  9. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: 40+ Examples

    1. Personal Mission Statement Examples. Let's see some great examples of personal mission statements. "To simplify the complicated". "To inspire success through teaching". "To create the best version of tomorrow". "To be kind to others and myself". "To improve lives through better healthcare".

  10. Personal Mission Statement: Examples, Definition, and Writing Tips

    Personal mission statement template To do [X Action] for [Y group of people] to [have Z impact] with [optional: other details]. Here is an example of how my mission statement might look: To create content for Internet users to help them increase their well-being more easily and effectively. Evaluating your personal mission statement

  11. 5 Steps to Write Your Personal Mission Statement (with examples)

    Kind. Family-centric. Compassionate. Rational. Factoring the people and things that matter most into your personal mission statement will help put you on the right track. It will give you the incentive you need to make a plan that you'll not only want to stick with, but will have a much higher rate of success.

  12. How To Write A Personal Mission Statement (With Examples)

    So the best advice is to just get started. Here's how to write a personal mission statement in no time. Schedule some quiet time to just write. Do this once a day for a week. Maybe this is just for 5 minutes or you get into it and find that you need 30 minutes or more. Make sure that you schedule this time for when you aren't rushed and can ...

  13. Personal Mission Statements

    By creating a personal mission statement, you make one of your personal goals supremely important. This gives you the best possible chance of achieving it, which is essential for some types of goal. However, if you focus exclusively on one goal, you'll inevitably have to de-emphasize others. Make sure that you're happy to do this, and make sure ...

  14. How to create a Personal Mission Statement? (examples and ...

    Examples: "To become a blood donor so that I can save more lives and spread hope and love.". "To be a leader, add value to others' lives through my presence, and uplift and motivate them towards achieving their dreams.". Template #3: "I value (your value (s)) because (the reason why you value it).

  15. 55 Personal Mission Statement Examples (2024)

    Here is my personal mission statement: "I will be generous with my time both with family and strangers. I will consciously and intentionally spend quality time with my parents, my wife, and my children. I will pass-on love of life and self-belief to my children by living as a positive example.

  16. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

    Write Your Personal Mission Statement. Sometimes a personal mission statement is just one sentence. In that case, it could be: To do [X Action] for [Y group of people] to [have Z impact] with ...

  17. A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating a Personal Vision Statement

    These steps can guide you through the process of writing a personal vision statement: 1. Identify your strengths. Knowing your strengths and how to apply them make you a more desirable job candidate. Perhaps your math skills have always stood out, enabling you to work out complex calculations in a matter of seconds.

  18. Creating a Personal Mission and Vision Statement in 2022

    How to Create a Personal Mission and Vision Statement for the Year. Setting goals and making resolutions; out with the old, in with the new—some of us get downright busy charting our ambitions for a fresh year. But have you thought about writing your own personal vision and mission statement?

  19. Personal Mission Statement

    7. Personal Mission Statement Guidelines • Keep it simple, clear and brief (three to five sentences) • Should touch upon what you want to focus on and who you want to become as a person (character), and specific actions that support this • Should be worded positively • Think about how your actions and character affect important relationships in your life

  20. Activity: Personal Mission Statements

    Write a simple, short statement that describes your mission. Incorporate what your values mean to you and how you plan on following your mission in the future. Share your personal mission statements with each other to provide insight into what drives your thoughts and actions. These kinds of statements answer the question, "Why do I do what I ...

  21. Personal Mission Statement

    Presentation on theme: "Personal Mission Statement"— Presentation transcript: 1 Personal Mission Statement. 2 Overview Objectives Definition Seven Steps Exercise. 3 Objectives To have a basic understanding of a personal mission statement. To build a better understanding of the person you want to become and your values. ...

  22. Personal Mission Statement

    4.5/5.0 - 2395 ratings. Personal Mission Statement found in: Mission Statement Powerpoint PPT Template Bundles, Personal Vision Statement Work In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb, Template value mission and vision statement ppt sample, Personal Mission..

  23. Personal vision and mission

    Personal vision and mission. Apr 14, 2014 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 18 likes • 13,525 views. Glessa Rose Janolino. One of the topics in Service Culture subject. Business Health & Medicine. 1 of 27. Download now. Personal vision and mission - Download as a PDF or view online for free.