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Essays About Work: 7 Examples and 8 Prompts

If you want to write well-researched essays about work, check out our guide of helpful essay examples and writing prompts for this topic.

Whether employed or self-employed, we all need to work to earn a living. Work could provide a source of purpose for some but also stress for many. The causes of stress could be an unmanageable workload, low pay, slow career development, an incompetent boss, and companies that do not care about your well-being.  Essays about work  can help us understand how to achieve a work/life balance for long-term happiness.

Work can still be a happy place to develop essential skills such as leadership and teamwork. If we adopt the right mindset, we can focus on situations we can improve and avoid stressing ourselves over situations we have no control over. We should also be free to speak up against workplace issues and abuses to defend our labor rights. Check out our  essay writing topics  for more.

5 Examples of Essays About Work

1.  when the future of work means always looking for your next job by bruce horovitz, 2. ‘quiet quitting’ isn’t the solution for burnout by rebecca vidra, 3. the science of why we burn out and don’t have to by joe robinson , 4. how to manage your career in a vuca world by murali murthy, 5. the challenges of regulating the labor market in developing countries by gordon betcherman, 6. creating the best workplace on earth by rob goffee and gareth jones, 7. employees seek personal value and purpose at work. be prepared to deliver by jordan turner, 8 writing prompts on essays about work, 1. a dream work environment, 2. how is school preparing you for work, 3. the importance of teamwork at work, 4. a guide to find work for new graduates, 5. finding happiness at work, 6. motivating people at work, 7. advantages and disadvantages of working from home, 8. critical qualities you need to thrive at work.

“For a host of reasons—some for a higher salary, others for improved benefits, and many in search of better company culture—America’s workforce is constantly looking for its next gig.”

A perennial search for a job that fulfills your sense of purpose has been an emerging trend in the work landscape in recent years. Yet, as human resource managers scramble to minimize employee turnover, some still believe there will still be workers who can exit a company through a happy retirement. You might also be interested in these  essays about unemployment .

“…[L]et’s creatively collaborate on ways to re-establish our own sense of value in our institutions while saying yes only to invitations that nourish us instead of sucking up more of our energy.”

Quiet quitting signals more profound issues underlying work, such as burnout or the bosses themselves. It is undesirable in any workplace, but to have it in school, among faculty members, spells doom as the future of the next generation is put at stake. In this essay, a teacher learns how to keep from burnout and rebuild a sense of community that drew her into the job in the first place.

“We don’t think about managing the demands that are pushing our buttons, we just keep reacting to them on autopilot on a route I call the burnout treadmill. Just keep going until the paramedics arrive.”

Studies have shown the detrimental health effects of stress on our mind, emotions and body. Yet we still willingly take on the treadmill to stress, forgetting our boundaries and wellness. It is time to normalize seeking help from our superiors to resolve burnout and refuse overtime and heavy workloads.

“As we start to emerge from the pandemic, today’s workplace demands a different kind of VUCA career growth. One that’s Versatile, Uplifting, Choice-filled and Active.”

The only thing constant in work is change. However, recent decades have witnessed greater work volatility where tech-oriented people and creative minds flourish the most. The essay provides tips for applying at work daily to survive and even thrive in the VUCA world. You might also be interested in these  essays about motivation .

“Ultimately, the biggest challenge in regulating labor markets in developing countries is what to do about the hundreds of millions of workers (or even more) who are beyond the reach of formal labor market rules and social protections.”

The challenge in regulating work is balancing the interest of employees to have dignified work conditions and for employers to operate at the most reasonable cost. But in developing countries, the difficulties loom larger, with issues going beyond equal pay to universal social protection coverage and monitoring employers’ compliance.

“Suppose you want to design the best company on earth to work for. What would it be like? For three years, we’ve been investigating this question by asking hundreds of executives in surveys and in seminars all over the world to describe their ideal organization.”

If you’ve ever wondered what would make the best workplace, you’re not alone. In this essay, Jones looks at how employers can create a better workplace for employees by using surveys and interviews. The writer found that individuality and a sense of support are key to creating positive workplace environments where employees are comfortable.

“Bottom line: People seek purpose in their lives — and that includes work. The more an employer limits those things that create this sense of purpose, the less likely employees will stay at their positions.”

In this essay, Turner looks at how employees seek value in the workplace. This essay dives into how, as humans, we all need a purpose. If we can find purpose in our work, our overall happiness increases. So, a value and purpose-driven job role can create a positive and fruitful work environment for both workers and employers.

In this essay, talk about how you envision yourself as a professional in the future. You can be as creative as to describe your workplace, your position, and your colleagues’ perception of you. Next, explain why this is the line of work you dream of and what you can contribute to society through this work. Finally, add what learning programs you’ve signed up for to prepare your skills for your dream job. For more, check out our list of simple essays topics for intermediate writers .

For your essay, look deeply into how your school prepares the young generation to be competitive in the future workforce. If you want to go the extra mile, you can interview students who have graduated from your school and are now professionals. Ask them about the programs or practices in your school that they believe have helped mold them better at their current jobs.

Essays about work: The importance of teamwork at work

In a workplace where colleagues compete against each other, leaders could find it challenging to cultivate a sense of cooperation and teamwork. So, find out what creative activities companies can undertake to encourage teamwork across teams and divisions. For example, regular team-building activities help strengthen professional bonds while assisting workers to recharge their minds.

Finding a job after receiving your undergraduate diploma can be full of stress, pressure, and hard work. Write an essay that handholds graduate students in drafting their resumes and preparing for an interview. You may also recommend the top job market platforms that match them with their dream work. You may also ask recruitment experts for tips on how graduates can make a positive impression in job interviews.

Creating a fun and happy workplace may seem impossible. But there has been a flurry of efforts in the corporate world to keep workers happy. Why? To make them more productive. So, for your essay, gather research on what practices companies and policy-makers should adopt to help workers find meaning in their jobs. For example, how often should salary increases occur? You may also focus on what drives people to quit jobs that raise money. If it’s not the financial package that makes them satisfied, what does? Discuss these questions with your readers for a compelling essay.

Motivation could scale up workers’ productivity, efficiency, and ambition for higher positions and a longer tenure in your company. Knowing which method of motivation best suits your employees requires direct managers to know their people and find their potential source of intrinsic motivation. For example, managers should be able to tell whether employees are having difficulties with their tasks to the point of discouragement or find the task too easy to boredom.

A handful of managers have been worried about working from home for fears of lowering productivity and discouraging collaborative work. Meanwhile, those who embrace work-from-home arrangements are beginning to see the greater value and benefits of giving employees greater flexibility on when and where to work. So first, draw up the pros and cons of working from home. You can also interview professionals working or currently working at home. Finally, provide a conclusion on whether working from home can harm work output or boost it.

Identifying critical skills at work could depend on the work applied. However, there are inherent values and behavioral competencies that recruiters demand highly from employees. List the top five qualities a professional should possess to contribute significantly to the workplace. For example, being proactive is a valuable skill because workers have the initiative to produce without waiting for the boss to prod them.

If you need help with grammar, our guide to  grammar and syntax  is a good start to learning more. We also recommend taking the time to  improve the readability score  of your essays before publishing or submitting them.

essay about work experience

Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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Home › University › How To Write A Personal Statement? 10 Tips + Student Questions Answered › How To Write About Work Experience In Your Personal Statement

How To Write About Work Experience In Your Personal Statement

  • Published October 25, 2021

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Table of Contents

We get it – you’re dying to include your work experience in your personal statement, but how do you write about work experience in your personal statement ? Work experience is an essential component of your personal statement . It shows that you are passionate and knowledgeable about your chosen course. Some courses require prior work experience before you can apply.

So if you’re looking for a way to showcase your work experience, this blog post is just what you need. Learn how to write about work experience effectively in your statement to help you stand out from the crowd and get into the university of your dreams.

Female writing on notebook and in front laptop

Check The Course Requirements For Work Experience

Some courses require you to have work experience before applying (e.g. medical courses.) You may need to complete a certain number of working hours before you’re eligible. It’s best to check out the course requirements before writing your work experience personal statement. If you’re thinking of applying to medicine then check out our medical personal statement advice , likewise with our how to write a law personal statement .

With that said, other courses don’t require work experience. But it does elevate your personal statement if you have relevant work experiences to share.

Examples Of Work Experience

Man and woman passing donation box

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to writing your work experience personal statement is determining whether an activity counts as “work experience” or not. Here are examples of work experience you may need to include:

  • Extracurricular Activities

These are activities that are not included within your formal curriculum. Being a member of the sports team, debate club, Red Cross, or theatre group are good examples.

  • Formal Work Placements

Formal work placements are exposures to real-world experience. These are often required as part of your curriculum.

  • Volunteer Work

There are tons of volunteer work you could’ve participated in. Maybe you helped out at animal shelters, environmental conservation activities, or feeding programs.

  • Part-Time Jobs

Part-time jobs are significant for your work experience personal statement. Working as a customer service agent, freelance writer, or salesperson at a local store demonstrates a sense of responsibility on your part. Mention what’s relevant to the course you’re applying for! Competitions. Look out for competitions in areas that interest you, for example, design, writing, maths, or business.

  • Personal Projects

Your personal projects reflect what you love doing. That’s why there’s a high probability they’re related to the course you’re applying for.

If you love coding, you may have built websites. Love writing? Maybe you’ve set up your own blog! Write them down in your work experience personal statement.

  • Leadership Positions

If you occupied leadership positions in your organisations relevant to your chosen course, mention them! Universities are on the lookout for motivated individuals willing to take responsibility.

The list of work experiences to include in your personal statement hopefully helps, but make sure to check out our what not to put in a personal statement .

Writing down your leadership positions can take your work experience personal statement up a higher notch.

State Your Work Experience

Woman talking to manager at work

You now have a solid idea of relevant work experience you need to include in your personal statement. But how will you present it? Here are questions to eliminate writer’s block:

Make good use of these starters to kick off your writing. Brainstorm all relevant details of your work experience. We’ll sort them out later. And, if you’re wondering how to start a personal statement then wonder no more!

Discuss What You Learned, And Why It’s Essential

After stating the facts about your work experience, it’s time to get to the heart of the matter. You are writing your work experience personal statement not to brag about your achievements, but showing why you’re serious about your course .

That’s why discussing what you learned is essential. Beyond your role, share what insights you’ve gained that helped shape your character.

If you’re not sure how to start, let these questions unknot your ideas:

  • How did this position impact you?
  • What are the primary skills you’ve gained that are relevant to your course?
  • How does this experience influence your decisions in pursuing your study goals?
  • How does this experience relate to your general ability to succeed in your course?
  • What are the major lessons you’ve learned that are helping you grow as an individual person ?
  • What is your biggest takeaway from this position?
  • Are there significant interactions that impacted your desire to take the course?

After answering these questions, craft a powerful paragraph that demonstrates how deep your understanding is.

The more interesting facts you share about yourself, the better. Bring your work experience personal statement to life with vivid details that convey essential ideas about who you are.

Ideas For Essential Skills

Man presenting to coworkers in office

You may be unaware of skills you possess that are relevant and essential for your course. To make sure you won’t forget to mention them, here are skill ideas common across fields:

  • The ability to communicate to higher-ups, colleagues, and clients
  • Perseverance amidst challenges
  • A sense of duty and obligation
  • Eagerness to serve the community, especially the marginalised
  • Critical thinking skills to overcome setbacks
  • Initiative to work independently
  • Knows how to work in a team setting
  • Shows energy and enthusiasm to
  • Motivation to work hard and do well

These are some of the common skills valuable across several fields of study. Among these, which describes you most? Go ahead and write about it!

Demonstrate Understanding Of The Course You’re Applying For

Your work experience should deepen your understanding of the course you’re applying for. Dig deeper and reflect on these points:

  • How is your course making a positive change in the world? If you’re eyeing health-related courses, explain how health workers significantly impact people’s lives. Do you want to apply for education-related courses? Relay a story of how significant educators in your life changed you for the better.
  • Mention the gaps and problems you see in the field. Do you see a severe lack of health facilities? Perhaps you’ve witnessed the challenges teachers and professors experience in the education system.
  • What do you plan to do about it? Demonstrate that you’re applying for your chosen course because you want to help solve the problems that you see. Convince the admissions board that you’re the person for the course by writing about your desire to be an agent of change!

Reach Out To People Who’ve Been Where You Want To Be

To enhance your work experience personal statement, reach out to people who’ve been where you want to be. University students and practising staff are the perfect individuals you can approach.

Set appointments with them and ask them about their experience. What is it like to be in their position? What are the challenges that they see? What are they doing to improve their field of study?

Best of all, solicit advice on how to write your work experience personal statement. What skills do the admissions boards search for?

Then go back to your personal statement and write about your new connections. Mention how their insights and advice shed greater light on how your work experience will help you succeed in your course.

Do this, and you’re guaranteed to show a richer work experience personal statement.

Read Up On The Current Situation Of Your Chosen Field

Soak up knowledge on the current challenges and breakthroughs of your chosen field. Read journal articles, news websites, and featured stories. You can also visit blogs written by practitioners or university students.

Make sure to cite authoritative sources and figures when discussing the status quo. Then weave the information back to your work experience.

Do you have similar experiences with the figures you’ve mentioned? Have they discussed situations you experienced yourself? How are you making a difference in the field? Will your perspective matter?

What a perfect way to build credibility for your work experience personal statement!

Check Out Work Experience Personal Statement Examples

You now have a rich draft of your work experience personal statement. But you’re unsure of how to word and structure it.

Why not check out work experience personal statement examples on the web? Examine how they presented their experiences and insights. Make sure to read as many examples as you can.

Choose your top 3 favourites and save them in your documents. If you’re short of ideas, go back to them. Don’t forget to highlight paragraphs, sentences, and words that inspire you.

Be Authentic And Vulnerable 

Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable in your work experience personal statement. The admissions board needs to know if you are genuinely passionate about this course or not, so don’t hold back!

But remember to stay authentic. Don’t overdramatise mundane events. State events as they happened, and share your realisations as they are. Authenticity is a precious factor!

Action The Above To ‘Work’ On Your Personal Statement

With the suggestions mentioned above, you’ll be able to craft a more compelling and impactful work experience personal statement. Understand that this is YOUR story. Don’t copy others’ work experience personal statements.

Make your own angle and spin, and rest assured that the admissions board will want to read about YOU in your chosen course!

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My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained Essay

When I was a child, my dream was to find the work connected with managing people and resources. The vision persisted until it became time for pursuing a college degree, where I opted for a business course in Human Resource Management (HRM). I intended to be in a position to lead people at the workplace. After graduating from school, luckily, I got an internship program with one of the renowned retail companies called Costco Retailers.

The first working experience was memorable because I finally managed to become independent and earn my first money. When I started working in the corporation, I changed my mentality to adapt to the new system. This paper will discuss the experience during my first job recruitment, skills, and knowledge gathered during this period. During the first working experience, recruits should apply the theoretical knowledge in practice to avoid difficulties in time-management, issue solving, and communication with clients and colleagues.

The time-management appeared to be a fundamental problem that I have faced during my experience. It was a requirement that all the staff report one hour before the opening of the stores. This was necessary to facilitate daily planning and arrangement of the work routine to enhance the efficiency of the operations. It was difficult for me to manage time properly and organize the activities of other people. I had to participate in various events and often failed to perform my duties correctly. There even was a period of time when I was at significant risk of being fired. I had to learn how to be time-conscious to overcome the pressure. I solved this problem thanks to applying some time-management techniques.

Besides the time factor, another issue was working under pressure. During the first few months, I was stationed at the customer care desk to attend to the clients’ queries. At this position, several problems emerged that required immediate attention from the top managers within the department. It was challenging to handle some inquiries because of the large number of customers and the nature of their needs. The intensity to meet their expectation was overwhelming, and it involved many commands from the senior staff.

Another problem that required theoretical knowledge from me was cultural diversity. Shoppers consist of people from different races, gender, culture, and profession. Communicating with customers was a nightmare, especially for those whose cultures tend to diverge at some point. Sometimes you might offend people from different cultures without noticing it. Nonetheless, thanks to their interactive nature and understanding, some clients helped me learn how to communicate appropriately.

Generally, working with customers entails fluctuating motions since they come in different moods with various expectations to be fulfilled. Meeting people from different backgrounds increased my exposure and understanding of individuals behave in relation to their culture. The race-tolerance strategies learned during my education helped me to adjust my communicational style.

I thought handling customers was the main challenge of this position, but there was another significant problem. Being a novice, young, and unfamiliar with the company’s system was another terrifying encounter. At the customer care desk, we had co-workers who had been in the institution for an extended period. These workers used to take advantage of the recruits by assigning complex tasks and overworking them. I became a victim and felt exploited since I could do twice what the other workers were doing. From one point of view, such pressure was rational, aiming to increase my working skills. From the other point, I had moral difficulties coping with a considerable amount of work while experienced colleagues did not offer me any help.

It is also essential to mention which new skills I have gained during my working experience which contribute to my professional development. Thanks to this organization, I gained valuable knowledge and skills helpful for developing in this work industry. First, I gained an understanding of how to communicate with customers and colleagues. Before joining the Costco team, I thought managing people was easy to perform and did not require any special knowledge. Thanks to this working experience, I have learned that communication and management is a whole science that requires profound knowledge and well-developed communicational skills. Therefore, I realized that it is critical to apply the behavioral analysis approach to maintain effective communication.

Moreover, the company made me develop and improve my intrapersonal skills. Working with people having different ages and cultures requires self-understanding (Horak & Matoskova, 2018). To be able to relate effectively with other staff members and even customers, I had to learn how to communicate and listen. Communication is essential in advancing the relationship amongst the business affiliates. The on-the-job experience made it easier to comprehend and apply the skills. Here I also successfully applied the gained during my education knowledge.

Surprisingly, technological knowledge was vital during my working experience. Furthermore, being at the customer care desk exposed me to using the computer system to record, search, monitor, and even communicate with the administration. I developed deep insight into technology, and my computer knowledge increased. Through the period, I could use the system to perform critical tasks like monitoring the level of inventory, tracking customers’ purchasing records, and updating new valuable information for clients. In addition, I was able to analyze the trend of buyers, which was helpful for the administration for updating the stocks.

Another critical skill that I acquired during the period was the ability to solve problems. At the customer care desk, clients came with various issues ranging from sales of defective products to poor service delivery. I have analyzed different literature on the topic of problem-solving. Multiple techniques help the manager build good relationships with the customer and colleagues (Funke et al., 2018). One of them is the culturally-tolerant attitude towards the participants of communication. I developed a profound knowledge of managing different circumstances to generate a proper solution by handling such issues. Seeing and learning how the colleagues were regulating similar situations at work was vital and prompted self-confidence. To make a decision, self-reliance is essential as it allows one to find their own answers to the problem.

Generally, obtaining a job after completing coursework in college is beneficial because you can gain valuable experience. On the job, learning makes the whole perspective different as it comes with arrays of experiences both encouraging and demoralizing. Sometimes changing and adapting to a new routine is difficult for the new employees. Furthermore, interacting with various people at the workplace advance understanding and worldview of individuals.

The exposure also makes people gain the necessary knowledge and skills that are essential for further carrier development. Joining the proper organization could impact the level of experience individual gains. If people are ready to develop their knowledge and skills, asking questions, elaborate new ideas, then the chances of attaining new skills at work are high. It is also vital to implement the theoretical concept learned through education in practice. Thus, applying theoretical concepts and constant development contributed to forming a positive working experience.

Funke, J., Fischer, A., & Holt, D. V. (2018). Competencies for complexity: Problem solving in the twenty-first century. In Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 41-53). Springer, Cham. Web.

Horak, M., & Matoskova, J. (2018). Comparison of training programmes and activities for cluster managers in Europe with respect to their focus on skills development. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge , 6 (1). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 31). My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained.

"My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." IvyPanda , 31 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained'. 31 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." October 31, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." October 31, 2023.


IvyPanda . "My First Work Experience and Knowledge I Gained." October 31, 2023.

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Essays on Work Experience

Work Experience and College Applications

Consider these tips on incorporating work experience into your college resume, essays, interviews, and recommendation letters.

Teen working at a coffee shop

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List your job experiences in reverse chronological order on your resume, putting the most recent item first and working backwards in time.

It's important to include work experience on your college application, but applicants often wonder how this should be done. Here are some actionable tips on how to discuss past and current jobs in the different components of the college application.

Your Resume

You should include your work experience on your resume because it can show that you are responsible, hardworking and able to balance multiple commitments at once. If you have had only one or two jobs, you may mention those entries under a single subsection called “Work Experience” or something similar.

However, if you have held several jobs and they span different sectors – for instance, as a salesperson, customer service representative and babysitter – you may want to categorize your work experience under more specific labels.

In any case, list your job experiences in reverse chronological order, putting the most recent item first and working backwards in time. However, if there is one entry you want to emphasize – because you worked there a long time, for instance, or it relates to your intended major – you can place it first.

Finally, consider omitting short-lived work experience that may not contribute anything meaningful to your application or that could even work against you. For example, if you worked somewhere for only a few days and then quit, it would be best to leave that information out.

Letters of Recommendation

Because letters of recommendation are composed by third parties, you cannot directly influence the information they contain. Ultimately, it is the recommender who decides what to write. However, you can and should give each of your recommenders a copy of your resume.

This gesture ends up making the task easier for recommenders, as it means they can pull from concrete data rather than basing the letter on thoughts, observations or other points they may struggle to put into words or remember.

If you are especially close to your recommenders, you may be able to meet with them and hint at which work experience you would like them to mention in the letter. However, because this may come across as imposing to some, you must use discretion.

Your college application essay is the ideal place to elaborate on the work experience that you highlight on your resume. However, most students choose not to make their entire personal statement about work experience. Instead, they find a way to cleverly weave it into their essay, perhaps devoting a few lines or even one or two paragraphs to it.

The point is that the work experience you mention should cast you in a positive light and be well-integrated into the essay. It shouldn't read as an afterthought or out-of-place point you are trying too hard to squeeze in.

College interviews also constitute a perfect opportunity to discuss any important work experience you have gained in high school.

Imagine, for example, that you worked at a hospital cafeteria one summer and from that experience you discovered a passion for nutrition . You could bring up this experience if asked about your intended major or where you see yourself in 10 years. For instance, if you get the question about your major, you could respond: “While working at the cafeteria of X Hospital, I realized I have a love for nutrition when ... Now, I’d like to pursue a major in health science or dietetics, so I can ... ”

Additionally, you can incorporate work experience if the interviewer simply says, “Tell me about yourself” or asks why you are interested in that college.

To the former question, you might respond that you are a hardworking humanitarian, as evidenced by your summer work or volunteer experience at a specific hospital. To the latter, you could mention that the university’s prestigious health science program is particularly attractive to you, explaining that you first became interested in the field due to your work experience at the hospital.

There is a tactful way to mention work experience for nearly all interview question types. Regardless of the question, though, always discuss work experience through the lens of what you learned or discovered from it, or how you grew from it as a student or person.

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College student carrying his bag and laptop in campus. Young man turning back over his shoulder and walking in college campus.

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Essay on My Work Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Work Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Work Experience

Starting my job.

My first job was at a small bookstore. I was excited and nervous. My main tasks were to arrange the books, help customers, and keep the store tidy. I learned about different types of books and authors.

Working With Others

In my job, I had to work with other employees. We shared tasks and helped each other. We also had to deal with different types of customers. Some were nice, and others were not. It taught me patience and teamwork.

Learning New Skills

My work experience helped me learn new skills. I learned how to handle money, how to talk to customers, and how to manage my time. These skills are not only useful at work but also in my daily life.

Overcoming Challenges

At work, I faced many challenges. Sometimes, the store would get very busy, and it was hard to keep up. But I learned to stay calm and focus on my tasks. This helped me to overcome difficulties.

Value of Work

My work experience taught me the value of hard work. I realized that every job is important, no matter how small it seems. It also made me appreciate the effort that people put into their work.

250 Words Essay on My Work Experience

My work journey started when I was just out of college. I got a job as a junior programmer in a small software company. I was very excited and a little scared. But I was ready to learn new things.

Learning New Things

In the beginning, I had to learn a lot. I had to understand how to solve problems using code. I also had to learn how to work with a team. This was a new experience for me. But I was eager to learn and improve.

Challenges in Work

Work was not always easy. There were times when I had to work late to meet deadlines. There were also problems that seemed too hard to solve. But I did not give up. I kept trying and learned from my mistakes.

Growth in My Job

As time went on, I became better at my job. I was able to solve problems faster and work well with my team. I even got a promotion! I was happy to see that my hard work was paying off.

Lessons from Work

Working has taught me many things. I learned that hard work and patience can help you achieve your goals. I also learned that it’s important to keep learning and improving.

In short, my work experience has been a journey of learning and growth. It has been challenging at times, but also rewarding. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the skills I have gained.

500 Words Essay on My Work Experience

Starting my career.

My work journey started as a junior assistant in a local library. I was still in high school then. This was my first job and I was very excited. My main task was to arrange books and help visitors find what they were looking for. I also had to keep the library clean and tidy. My time at the library taught me the importance of being organized and helpful to others.

Working as a Tutor

After high school, I began tutoring younger students in their studies. I taught them subjects like English, Math, and Science. This job was more challenging than my library job. I had to prepare lesson plans, grade assignments, and help students understand difficult topics. This job taught me patience and the ability to explain things in a simple way. I also learned how to manage my time well.

Internship Experience

During my college years, I got an internship at a small company. I worked in the marketing department. My job was to help create advertising campaigns for the company’s products. I learned a lot about how businesses work during this time. I also learned how to work in a team and how to present my ideas clearly. This experience was very valuable for my future career.

Starting My Professional Career

After college, I started working as a project manager in a large company. This job was much more demanding than my previous jobs. I had to manage several projects at the same time, make sure they were completed on time, and within the budget. This job taught me how to lead a team, make important decisions, and solve problems quickly.

Learning from My Work Experience

Looking back at my work journey, I can see how each job has helped me grow as a person. I learned important skills like organization, patience, teamwork, and leadership. I also learned how to handle stress and meet deadlines. Each job was a stepping stone that prepared me for the next one.

My work experience has been a journey of learning and growth. Each job I’ve had, from being a library assistant to a project manager, has taught me valuable lessons. I’ve learned to be patient, organized, and a good team player. I’ve also learned how to lead a team and make important decisions. I’m grateful for all these experiences as they have shaped me into the person I am today.

Word Count: 500.

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Essay Samples on Work Experience

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5. Personal Reflection on Work Experience: Difficulties and Conclusions

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Essay On My Work Experience

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Customer Service , Communication , Workplace , Marketing , Company , Customers , Teamwork , Business

Words: 1500

Published: 11/13/2019



I work for Silver Point Car Care Centre. This company deals mainly with servicing and repairing vehicles. I am a customer care representative with the company. My role involves handling the paperwork involved when a client brings in a vehicle. It also includes: answering phones; responding to inquiries; noting down complaints; and generally ensuring that the client is well attended to. As a customer care representative, I have been exposed to different situations. I have had to learn how to manage polite as well as rude clients. Indeed, this job has opened up my eyes to the importance of good customer service in a business. Good customer care is essential to the survival of any business. Bad service may cause the business to suffer or even fail (Collins, 2009).

My Work Experience

When I first started my job, I was first taken through a one-week training period where I was educated on the importance of treating customers well. The first thing I was taught was to listen. Over the course of my job, listening has been a key criterion for me to be effective. I discovered that listening does not only involve paying attention to the verbal communication of the client, it also involves listening being able to discern non verbal communication too (Sedlock, 2010).

It has often been difficult, because some irate customers actually begin to shout and hurl insults. In such situations, I learnt how to control my emotions and avoid getting upset. As a customer care representative, I still had to pay attention to the shouting client and to ensure that his needs are met. This meant that I developed high levels of self control and patience. The same applies when I receive complaints on the part of the company. I must then reassure the client and make sure that appropriate steps are taken to remedy the situation. This ensures that that the customer knows he or she is treasured by the company.

I also learnt about being proactive and the benefits it accorded. This was because when a client complained about something or required information, it was up to me to provide this. This meant that many times, I had to go out of my way to attend to clients’ needs. As a customer care representative, the image of the company is dependent on how well I execute my job (Collins, 2009). This pressure modeled me into a better person as I became more proactive. I was previously rather lazy and plagued by the problem of procrastination. I would keep postponing any duties or assignments I had until the last minute. Working at Silver Point Car Care Centre helped me to gain a ‘can do’ attitude. I became more motivated and since the job required immediate response from me, I adopted this into the way I operate. I am now a firm believer in not postponing any work or task, I embark on it as soon as possible without any excuses.

I also learnt the value of integrity and honesty in business. I realized this when I was dealing with a certain prospective client who called in to make inquiries. In the spirit of trying to acquire a new client for the company, I exaggerated slightly on the services we offered. The prospective client did bring her car for servicing, but became extremely angry to realize that not all the services I had told her about were actually available. I ran into a lot of trouble with my boss, as this lady was particularly aggressive. From that experience I learnt that honesty was of the utmost importance. It was self defeating to make promises which the company could not fulfill. This image was bad for the company and therefore, counterproductive.

My communication skills were also polished; both telephone and face-to-face. During telephone calls I learnt to be warm, calm and professional .This attitude would impress the client. A friendly telephone conversation communicates to the client that the company takes interest in its customer service. A cold telephone conversation creates an unfavorable image and may cause the company to lose prospective clients. I also learnt how to communicate effectively with clients face-to-face. According to Sedlock, (2010), personal encounters with the clients means that the client uses a minimum of two senses (sight and sound) to evaluate the company unlike a telephone communication which uses one (sound). In light of this I was always required to project a professional image. I was not allowed to wear jeans or sneakers to work. I also had to ensure that my personal hygiene was of the highest standards. Image is essential in the world of business. In order to be taken seriously, one needs to project an air of professionalism.

Another important lesson I learnt was to separate my personal emotions from business. I often reported to work in a foul mood due to various reasons. However, I was always required to be upbeat and professional when serving clients. Admittedly, this was not easy for me to achieve . It was hard for me to sound warm when I was upset about something or someone. However, with time, I learnt to be able to ignore my personal emotions and serve a client cheerfully. The same also applied when serving difficult and annoying clients. At first, it was a challenge for me not to react angrily to unreasonable clients, but with time, it became easier for me. I realized that offering good customer service involved being able to calm down a highly agitated client. This actually required a lot of skill, but with time I was able to master it.

Working in customer service also helped me to adopt a different perspective and led me to redefine the word ‘customer’. Before, I was of the opinion that the customer is the one who actually pays for goods or services. This was however, a rather short sighted view. A customer can include a wide variety of people including fellow support people and employees. Customers are also those who may not seem particularly interested, I learnt that anyone had the potential for conversion into customers. It was therefore important for me to be able to constantly provide good service to everyone without any discrimination.

When working at Silver Point Car Care Centre, I was not the only customer care representative. We were several of us and we worked as a team. This was a very good experience because it taught me the value of team work. We were expected to work cohesively so as to ensure that our clients were happy, which would in turn convert them into loyal customers (Collins, 2009). From this experience, I also learnt to take responsibility for any shortcomings. This is because as a team it is easy to shift blame and avoid accepting shortcomings.

Working in customer service has been an eye opening experience for me. I learnt a whole new set of skills which will undoubtedly be very useful in the future. It first sharpened my listening skills and became more aware of both verbal and non verbal communication. These skills will be essential in my future career as I will be more adept at understanding not only customers but also my fellow colleagues and bosses. By learning how to control my emotions especially in the face of irate customers, I will be able to make sober decisions with a clear head even amidst any serious misunderstandings or situations. Proactivity is a very valuable habit that I developed in the course of my job. It is very important not only in a professional capacity but also in my personal life. Professionally, this habit will help me be a highly efficient individual which will give me a competitive advantage over my competition (Sedlock, 2009).

I also learnt about the value of integrity and honesty especially in business. This basically means that one should not promise what cannot be delivered. Lack of integrity causes the business to break down as clients become increasingly disillusioned with the dishonest company. Thus a loyal client base is not established and this means that the business may fail unless changes are made. I was also educated on the importance of personal image not only as a projection of the company’s image but also as a reflection of my professionalism. Finally, I learnt the value of team work and the importance of cohesion within a team. Team work aids the growth of the company and individual members.

Collins, D. (2009). Essentials of Business Ethics: Creating an Organizational of High Integrity. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Sedlock, R.(2010). TREAT Your Customers. Quality Progress, 43(12), 80. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2245447381)


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Personal Experience Essays

Personal experiences are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. Writing a personal experience essay isn't just about storytelling; it's about finding meaning, connecting with others, and leaving your mark on the world. So, why should you write an essay about your personal experiences? Let's explore the importance together! 🌟

Personal Experience Essay Topics 📝

Selecting the right essay topic is key to crafting a compelling narrative. Here's how to pick one:

Personal Experience Argumentative Essay 🤨

Argumentative essays based on personal experiences require you to defend a viewpoint or argument. Here are ten intriguing topics:

  • 1. Argue for or against the idea that personal experiences are the most influential factors shaping an individual's personality.
  • 2. Defend your perspective on whether overcoming adversity through personal experiences builds stronger character.
  • 3. Debate the impact of personal experiences on shaping one's political beliefs and values.
  • 4. Argue for the significance of sharing personal experiences in order to promote empathy and understanding among diverse communities.
  • 5. Defend the idea that personal experiences play a crucial role in career development and decision-making.
  • 6. Debate the ethical implications of sharing deeply personal experiences in the era of social media and oversharing.
  • 7. Argue for the therapeutic benefits of writing about and reflecting on personal experiences.
  • 8. Defend your perspective on whether personal experiences should be a central part of school curricula.
  • 9. Debate the influence of personal experiences on an individual's approach to health and wellness.
  • 10. Argue for or against the notion that personal experiences can serve as catalysts for social change and activism.

Personal Experience Cause and Effect Essay 🤯

Cause and effect essays based on personal experiences explore the reasons behind events and their consequences. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Analyze the causes and effects of a life-changing personal experience on your academic or career choices.
  • 2. Examine how personal experiences can lead to personal growth, increased self-awareness, and improved well-being.
  • 3. Investigate the effects of travel experiences on personal perspectives and cultural understanding.
  • 4. Analyze the causes and consequences of sharing personal experiences with others, including its impact on relationships.
  • 5. Examine how personal experiences can influence one's hobbies, interests, and leisure activities.
  • 6. Investigate the impact of a significant personal experience on your family dynamics and relationships.
  • 7. Analyze the causes of personal transformation through exposure to diverse cultures and environments.
  • 8. Examine how personal experiences can shape one's attitude toward risk-taking and adventure.
  • 9. Investigate the effects of sharing personal experiences through writing, art, or storytelling on your personal well-being.
  • 10. Analyze the causes and consequences of personal experiences that challenge societal norms and expectations.

Personal Experience Opinion Essay 😌

Opinion essays based on personal experiences allow you to express your subjective viewpoints. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Share your opinion on the importance of documenting personal experiences for future generations.
  • 2. Discuss your perspective on whether personal experiences should be kept private or shared openly.
  • 3. Express your thoughts on how personal experiences have shaped your sense of identity and self-worth.
  • 4. Debate the significance of personal experiences in fostering empathy and compassion among individuals and communities.
  • 5. Share your views on the role of personal experiences in building resilience and coping with life's challenges.
  • 6. Discuss the impact of personal experiences on your approach to decision-making and problem-solving.
  • 7. Express your opinion on the therapeutic benefits of writing or talking about personal experiences.
  • 8. Debate the influence of personal experiences on your sense of purpose and life goals.
  • 9. Share your perspective on how personal experiences can inspire creativity and artistic expression.
  • 10. Discuss your favorite personal experience and the lessons or insights it has provided.

Personal Experience Informative Essay 🧐

Informative essays based on personal experiences aim to educate readers. Here are ten informative topics to explore:

  • 1. Provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of a specific personal experience on your career choices and aspirations.
  • 2. Explore the therapeutic benefits of journaling and writing about personal experiences for mental health and well-being.
  • 3. Investigate the history and significance of storytelling as a means of preserving personal experiences and cultural heritage.
  • 4. Analyze the connection between personal experiences and the development of emotional intelligence.
  • 5. Examine the influence of personal experiences on decision-making processes and risk assessment.
  • 6. Investigate the role of personal experiences in shaping cultural perceptions and worldviews.
  • 7. Provide insights into the art of crafting compelling narratives based on personal experiences.
  • 8. Analyze the impact of personal experiences on an individual's resilience and ability to adapt to change.
  • 9. Examine how personal experiences can serve as valuable life lessons and sources of wisdom.
  • 10. Investigate the therapeutic benefits of group discussions and support networks for individuals sharing similar personal experiences.

Personal Experience Essay Example 📄

Personal experience thesis statement examples 📜.

Here are five examples of strong thesis statements for your personal experience essay:

  • 1. "Through the lens of personal experiences, we uncover the profound impact that seemingly ordinary moments can have on our lives, reshaping our perspectives and guiding our journeys."
  • 2. "Personal experiences serve as powerful mirrors reflecting our growth, resilience, and capacity to navigate life's challenges, ultimately shaping the narratives of our existence."
  • 3. "The sharing of personal experiences is an act of vulnerability and courage, fostering connections, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the human condition."
  • 4. "Our personal experiences are the brushstrokes on the canvas of our identity, influencing our choices, values, and the stories we tell ourselves and others."
  • 5. "In exploring personal experiences, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking the untold stories that shape our uniqueness and enrich our shared human tapestry."

Personal Experience Essay Introduction Examples 🚀

Here are three captivating introduction paragraphs to kickstart your essay:

  • 1. "Amid the chaos of everyday life, our personal experiences are the constellations that guide us, the moments that define us. As we embark on this essay journey into the depths of our own stories, we unravel the threads of our existence, each tale a testament to the power of the personal."
  • 2. "Picture a canvas where the brushstrokes are the chapters of your life—a canvas waiting for you to paint your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. The personal experience essay is your opportunity to create a masterpiece that reflects the colors of your journey."
  • 3. "In a world of noise and distractions, our personal experiences are the melodies that resonate within us. As we venture into the heart of this essay, we uncover the symphony of our lives—a composition of highs, lows, and the beauty in between."

Personal Experience Conclusion Examples 🌟

Conclude your essay with impact using these examples:

  • 1. "As we close the chapter on this exploration of personal experiences, we are reminded that our stories are the threads that connect us all. The journey continues, and each experience, no matter how small, contributes to the tapestry of our shared humanity."
  • 2. "In the final brushstroke of our personal experience essay, we recognize that our stories are not finite; they are ever-evolving, ever-inspiring. The canvas of life awaits, ready for us to create new narratives and continue shaping our destinies."
  • 3. "As the echoes of our personal experiences linger, we stand at the intersection of past, present, and future. The essay's conclusion is but a pause in the symphony of our lives, with countless more notes to be played and stories to be written."

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essay about work experience

Home / Essay Samples / Life / Work / Work Experience

Work Experience Essay Examples

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Talent: Management and Theoretical Foundation

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