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75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Are you tired of seeing the same PowerPoints repeating overused and unoriginal school presentation ideas covering repeated topics in your classes?

You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all been there, and sat through yawn-worthy demonstrations, slides, or presentation videos covering everything from the solar system, someone’s favorite pet, past presidents of a country, to why E=mC squared.

school presentation ideas bored cat meme

From grade school to university, first graders to college students, we are obligated to create, perform, and observe academic presentations across a plethora of curriculums and classes, and not all of these public speaking opportunities fall into the category of an ‘interesting topic’.

Yet, have no fear! Here at Piktochart, we are here to help you and your classmates. From giving examples of creative and even interactive presentation ideas, providing presentation videos , and suggesting interactive activities to give your five minutes of fame the ‘wow’ factor that it deserves, this article is your guide!

Our massive collection of unique school and college presentation ideas and templates applies if you’re:

  • A teacher looking to make your class more engaging and fun with student presentations.
  • A student who wants to impress your teacher and the rest of the class with a thought-provoking, interesting topic.

A Curated List of Interesting Topics for School Presentations

Did you know that when it comes to presentations , the more students involved improves retention? The more you know! Yet sometimes, you need a little help to get the wheels moving in your head for your next school presentation .

The great thing about these ideas and topics is you can present them either in face-to-face classes or virtual learning sessions.

Each school presentation idea or topic below also comes with a template that you can use. Create a free Piktochart account to try our presentation maker and get access to the high-quality version of the templates. You can also check out our Piktochart for Education plan .

Want to watch this blog post in video format? The video below is for you!

The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section.

  • Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class
  • Engaging culture and history presentation ideas to draw inspiration from
  • Health class presentation topics to help students make healthy lifestyle decisions
  • Data visualization ideas to help students present an overwhelming amount of data and information into clear, engaging visuals
  • First day of school activity ideas to foster classroom camaraderie
  • Communication and media topics to teach students the importance of effective communication
  • Topics to help students prepare for life after school

We hope this list will inspire you and help you nail your next school presentation activity.

Unique Science Presentation Topics to Cultivate Curiosity in Class

Science is a broad field and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with too many topics to choose for your next presentation.

Cultivate curiosity in the science classroom with the following unique and creative presentation ideas and topics:

1. Can life survive in space?

template for can life survive in space

2. Do plants scream when they’re in pain?

template for do plants scream when they're in pain

3. What are the traits of successful inventors?

template of what are the traits of successful inventors

4. How vaccines work

template for how vaccines work

5. Massive destruction of the Koala’s habitat in Australia

template for massive destruction of the koala's habitat in australia

6. Left brain versus right brain

template for left brain vs right brain

7. What are great sources of calcium?

template for great sources of calcium infographic

8. Recycling facts you need to know

template for recycling facts you need to know

9. Do you have what it takes to be a NASA astronaut?

NASA astronaut template

10. The rise of robots and AI: Should we be afraid of them?

rise of robots template

11. How far down does the sea go?

template for how far down does the sea go

12. The stages of sleep

stages of sleep template

13. Will Mars be our home in 2028?

template for will mars be our home in 2028

14. A quick look at laboratory safety rules

template for laboratory rules

15. The first person in history to break the sound barrier

template for the first person in history to break the sound barrier

Engaging Culture and History Presentation Ideas to Draw Inspiration From

History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 

16. Women in history: A conversation through time

infographic template about women in history: a conversation through time

17. The sweet story of chocolate 

visual for sweet story of chocolate 

18. A history lesson with a twist 

template for a history lesson with a twist

19. The history of basketball 

history of basketball visual template

20. The origin of the Halloween celebration 

origin of the halloween celebration template

21. AI History 

AI history template

22. What you need to know about New Zealand 

infographic template about new zealand facts

23. 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa 

template for volcanic eruption of krakatoa 

24. Roman structures: 2000 years of strength

template for roman structures: 2000 years of strength

25. The most famous art heists in history 

template for the most famous art heists in history 

26. Elmo: The story behind a child icon 

template for elmo: the story behind a child icon 

27. 10 things you should know before you visit South Korea 

template for things you should know before you visit south korea 

28. 8 things you didn’t know about these 8 countries 

eight things you didn't know about these countries, template 

Health Class Presentation Topics to Help Students Make Healthy Lifestyle Decisions

Want to learn how to engage students with healthcare topic ideas? Then consider using these templates for your next interactive presentation.

According to the CDC , school-based health education contributes to the development of functional health knowledge among students. It also helps them adapt and maintain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. 

Not only will your presentation help with keeping students engaged, but you’ll also increase class involvement with the right slides.

The following examples of health and wellness interactive presentations include fun ideas and topics that are a good start. 

29. How to look after your mental health?

how to look after your mental health infographic template, mental health, mental health infographic, eating disorders

30. The eradication of Polio

template for the eradication of polio, healthcare infographic, healthcare infographic template

31. How to have a healthy lifestyle 

infographic template about healthy lifestyle, health infographic template

32. 10 handwashing facts 

handwashing infographic template, handwashing visual

33. Myths and facts about depression

infographic template about depression, depression infographic template, infographic on depression

34. Hacks for making fresh food last longer 

hacks for making fresh food last longer template, quarantine infographic

35. Ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus

template about how to avoid spreading the coronavirus, covid infographic

36. Mask protection in 5 simple steps 

template about mask protection, covid infographic

37. Everything you need to know about the flu

cover photo of the presentation about everything you need to know about the flu, flu infographic

38. All about stress: Prevention, tips, and how to cope 

template about stress prevention, tips, and how to cope , stress infographic

39. The importance of sleep 

template about the importance of sleep, sleep infographic

40. Is milk tea bad for you?

template about milk tea is bad for you, health infographic

41. How to boost happiness in 10 minutes

template about how to boost happiness in 10 minutes, happiness infographic

42. How dirty are debit and credit cards 

template of how dirty are debit and credit cards, credit card infographic

43. Why do you need sunscreen protection

template about sunscreen, sunscreen infographic

Data Visualization Ideas to Help Students Present Overwhelming Amounts of Data in Creative Ways

Data visualization is all about using visuals to make sense of data. Students need to pull the main points from their extensive research, and present them by story telling while being mindful of their classmates’ collective attention span.

As far as student assignments go, storytelling with data is a daunting task for students and teachers alike. To keep your audience interested, consider using a non linear presentation that presents key concepts in creative ways.

Inspire your class to be master data storytellers with the following data visualization ideas:

44. Are we slowly losing the Borneo rainforest?

deforestation infographic, template about deforestation, example of how to share about current events

45. Skateboard deck design over the years

skateboard infographic, template about skateboard deck design over the years

46. Food waste during the Super Bowl

super bowl infographic, food waste infographic, template about food waste during the super bowl

47. The weight of the tallest building in the world

building infographic, construction infographic, template about the weight of the tallest building in the world

48. Infographic about data and statistics

data infographic, statistics infographic

49. Stats about cyberbullying

template for stats about cyberbullying, cyberbullying infographic

50. How whales combat climate change

climate change infographic, template for how whales combat climate change

First Day of School Interactive Activity Ideas to Foster Whole-class-Camaraderie

Calling all teachers! Welcome your new students and start the school year with the following back-to-school creative presentation ideas and relevant templates for first-day-of-school activities.

These interactive presentations grab the attention of your students and are remarkably easy to execute (which is the main educator’s goal after all)!

51. Meet the teacher

meet the teacher template, introduction template, meet the teacher visual

52. Example: all about me

introduction infographic, about me visual template

53. Self-introduction

template about self introduction, introduction infographic, about me visual template

54. Tips on how to focus on schoolwork

template about how to productive, productivity infographic, taking notes

55. Course plan and schedule

course plan template, course plan visual, course list

Give our class schedule maker a try to access more templates for free. You can also access our presentation-maker , poster-maker , timeline-maker , and more by simply signing up .

56. Interpreting a student’s report card (for parents)

student report card template, student report card visual

57. Introduction of classroom rules

classroom rules, classroom rules template

58. Assignment schedule

course topics, assignments, course template, course infographic

59. Daily planner

daily planner template

60. Course syllabus presentation

course syllabus template

61. How to write a class presentation

template for how to create a class presentation,

Topics to Teach Students the Importance of Effective Communication

Visual media  helps students retain more of the concepts  taught in the classroom. The following media topics and infographic templates can help you showcase complex concepts in a short amount of time. 

In addition, interactive presentation activities using these templates also encourage the development of a holistic learning process in the classroom because they help focus on the  three domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. 

62. Interactive presentation do’s and don’ts 

template for presentation dos and donts, presentation infographic

63. How to create an infographic 

template about how to create an infographic 

Recommended reading : How to Make an Infographic in 30 Minutes

64. How to improve your internet security and privacy

infographic template about internet privacy

65. What is design thinking?

what is design thinking infographic template

66. What are your favorite software tools to use in the classroom? 

infographic template about educational software

Presentation Topic Ideas to Help Students Prepare for Life After School

One of the things that makes teaching a rewarding career is seeing your students take the learning and knowledge you’ve instilled in them, and become successful, productive adults.

From pitching a business idea to starting your podcast, the following topics are good starting points to prepare students for the challenges after graduation (aka adulting 101):

67. How to make a resume

resume template

68. How to start a startup

how to start a startup, startup infographic, how to temple

69. Credit card vs. debit card

infographic about credit cards and debit cards, credit card infographic

70. Pros and cons of cryptocurrency

pros and cons of cryptocurrency infographic template

71. How to save on travel

ways to save on travel infographic template

72. How to do a SWOT analysis

swot nalysis infographic

73. How to pitch a business idea

business idea pitch infographic template

74. Habits of successful people

presentation template about habits of successful people

75. Starting your own podcast: A checklist

infographic template about starting your own podcast

Find out how a high school teacher like Jamie Barkin uses Piktochart to improve learning in the classroom for her students.

Pro tip: make your presentation as interactive as possible. Students have an attention span of two to three minutes per year of age. To keep minds from wandering off, include some interactive games or activities in the lesson. For example, if you conducted a lesson on the respiratory system, you could ask them to practice breathing techniques.

Maintain eye contact with your students, and you’ll get instant feedback on how interested they are in the interactive presentation.

Make School Presentation Visuals Without the Hassle of Making Them From Scratch

School presentations, when done right, can help teachers engage their classes and improve students’ education effectively by presenting information using the right presentation topic. 

If you’re pressed for time and resources to make your school presentation visuals , choose a template from Piktochart’s template gallery . Aside from the easy customization options, you can also print and download these templates to your preferred format. 

Piktochart also professional templates to create infographics , posters , brochures , reports , and more.

Creating school-focused, engaging, and interactive presentations can be tedious at first, but with a little bit of research and Piktochart’s handy templates, you’re going to do a great job!


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Presentations for students should shed light on important issues of society. Through PPT topics for students , you can develop critical thinking skills in them. It can also help them in long-term learning and skills development. Moreover, if the presentation topics are relevant to students, they can take an interest in the subject.

Collectively, students will get engaged in learning new concepts through presentations. To help in selecting a suitable presentation topic for students , this article will guide you. In this article, we will discuss 10 meaningful presentation topics students can use. Hence, keep reading this article.

In this article

  • How to Choose a Good Presentation Topic
  • 10 Presentation Topic Ideas for Students
  • Three Tips for Students to Make Your Presentation Stand Out

Part 1. How to Choose a Good Presentation Topic

Selecting a good presentation topic can be challenging. Yet, this section will help you choose a suitable interesting presentation topic for students .

  • Know your Audience: Identifying your audience is essential for selecting a presentation topic. You should consider the demographics and knowledge level of the targeted audience.
  • Check your Interests: Research a topic that evokes your interest and motivation. This will help you in preparing your presentation with full dedication.
  • Identify your Purpose: It’s also essential to define the purpose of your presentation. You should set goals and objectives that you want to deliver. This will help in aligning the presentation with your purpose.
  • Brainstorm the Ideas: After researching, you should create a list of potential topics. Once done, narrow down the topics through brainstorming.
  • Add Relevance and Uniqueness: Ensure you choose a topic that is unique yet significant. You can select a topic to highlight its uncovered aspects. Moreover, it should be relevant to the interests of your targeted audience.

Part 2. 10 Presentation Topic Ideas for Students

Are you eager to know interesting presentation topics for students? Here are the 10 presentation ideas for students that can be informative.

Topic 1: The Impact of Social Media On Teenage Mental Health

This presentation topic has positive and negative aspects on teenagers' mental health. You can highlight how social media connects the global world. Teenagers can also build online communities to share their opinions and experiences. Yet, there are some negative aspects, such as fake beauty standards and cyberbullying. Thus, you can shed light on the pros and cons of social media in a brief manner.  

social media impact on teenagers

Topic 2: The Future of Renewable Energy

This presentation topic for students holds great importance. You can highlight the involvement of technological advancements in solar energy. Moreover, you can discuss the decentralization of renewable energy in the future. You can also highlight how the reduction of centralized power grids will affect the economy. Also, you can talk about the potential job opportunities for using renewable energy.

future of renewable energy

Topic 3: The Benefits of Volunteering in Your Community

To urge students to take part in their communities, this presentation topic can help. In this topic, you can discuss the advantages of socializing in the communities. You can talk about the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction gained from volunteering.

Furthermore, you can discuss how gaining new experiences will groom individuals. It will also help in coming out of comfort zones to meet new people. Hence, volunteering in the community can help in social cohesion.

Topic 4: The History and Significance of the Civil Rights Movement

The civil rights movement holds great historical significance. Through this presentation topic for students , you can highlight racial discrimination. At the start, you can offer the historical context of the civil rights movement. Furthermore, sheds light on its key milestones and effect on the US legislature. You can also highlight its legal precedents, cultural impact, and ongoing struggles.

Topic 5: The Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity

Climate change is one of the most common issues of this generation. This PowerPoint presentation idea for students is essential to motivate students to take necessary actions for the ecosystem. You can share real data and statistics about the damage of climate change in recent years.

Moreover, you can pay attention to the extinction of species and rising temperatures. Ocean acidification and loss of genetic diversity are also negative impacts of climate change.

effect of climate change on biodiversity

Topic 6: The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically modified foods have sparked various debates among people. To highlight its advantages, you can talk about extended shelf life. GM foods also help in increasing crop yield and reducing the use of pesticides. Yet, it would be best if you also preached to your audience about its drawbacks. Health issues are the most common problem of GM foods. Moreover, it can produce allergic reactions among some individuals.

genetically modified foods

Topic 7: The Influence of Technology on Interpersonal Relationships

Every student has experienced the usage of technology in their lives. For communication and forming relationships, technology has helped. Through this topic, you can highlight how technology has improved the quality of our communication.

Furthermore, you can discuss the rise of social media platforms among youngsters. Along with pointing out the advantages, you should also discuss the consequences of technology. The negative consequences are less face-to-face interaction and digital distraction.

Topic 8: The Changes in Lifestyle Patterns After COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes in lifestyle patterns. Through this presentation idea for students , you can explain the rise of remote work. Many companies allow their employees to work remotely after the pandemic.

Moreover, you can discuss increased hygiene practices in detail. For example, hand sanitizing, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distance. Virtual learning, training, and online gaming have also surged after the pandemic.

covid-19 effect on lifestyles

Topic 9: The Rise of Online Learning and its Implications for Traditional Education

The rise of online learning has transformed the access to education. It has excellent accessibility for less privileged people. Online learning also benefits personalized learning for students. Along with the benefits of online learning, there are many implications for traditional education. You can highlight the repercussions, like lack of collaboration and inflexible schedules.

Topic 10: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

AI technology can bring revolutionary changes in every aspect of life. In this PPT presentation topic for students , you can discuss the usage of AI in healthcare. AI technology can help in medical imaging and diagnostics. Moreover, AI can come up with personalized treatment plans by analyzing vast data. Through machine learning algorithms, AI can study datasets and optimize predictive analytics.

Part 3. Three Tips for Students to Make Your Presentation Stand Out

Here are the three essential tips that can make your presentation highlighted. Hence, check the tips listed below to make your presentation successful.

1. Data Visualization

Data visualization can help in absorbing information through visuals. To make the content relatable, you should insert images in your presentation. Moreover, this can help in making your content memorable. Instead of using text-heavy slides, you should add relevant graphs and charts.

By doing so, the audience can clearly understand your explained concepts. To highlight key points, data visualization can help. You can draw the attention of your viewers by adding captivating visuals. Thus, data visualization is one of the key factors in a presentation.

2. Interactive Ideas

To make your presentation interactive, you should incorporate quizzes. You can also make polls and surveys to get the opinions of your audience. Furthermore, you can add clickable maps to show specific locations and places relevant to your content.

You can also add interactive charts and graphs, letting the audience understand the datasets. Moreover, create virtual whiteboards to encourage the participation of your audience. It can help in collaboration and brainstorming.

3. Use Presentory – AI-Powered Presentation Maker

You can also use AI presentation makers like Presentory to produce professional presentations. This tool contains many rich templates that you can use to create presentations. It also consists of AI features that will let you generate presentations automatically. You can add text overlays and web stickers to make the presentation attractive.

Furthermore, it contains several animated effects to make the content compelling. Thus, Presentory is a must-have tool for students to create presentations. It has an intuitive interface with robust capabilities. Moreover, it enhances your productivity with its AI tools.

presentory ai presentation maker

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Key Features

  • Import Options: This tool lets you import many types of files on its interface. You can upload PPT slides, images, and videos from your PC to this AI tool.
  • Templates and Resources: With its resources, you can add many backgrounds to your presentation. The backgrounds are available in different styles and colors. Moreover, you can add stickers and text graphics through resources. It also consists of many built-in templates for many use cases.
  • Beautification Filters: To make your visuals appealing, this tool contains many beautification filters. You can add filter effects to make your skin tone perfect. Moreover, you can use AR cartoon effects to grasp viewers' attention.
  • Easy Live Streaming: Many live-streaming platforms support Presentory. The compatible platforms are Zoom, Skype, Teams, and more. You can live stream your presentations on such platforms.
  • Teleprompter: To add the notes related to your presentation, you can use its teleprompter. You can add and save the presentation notes on a teleprompter. Afterward, you can use this feature while delivering your presentation.
  • Noise Reduction: To enhance audio quality, there are noise reduction features. Through this feature, you can remove background noises from your recordings.

Tech and Pricing Details

Standards Details
Efficiency 4.95/5
Supported System Windows
Free Trial 14 Days
Pricing Quarterly: $4/month
Perpetual: $34
User Interface Modern and Elegant
Speed Highest
Cloud Storage Yes

Wrapping Up

Choosing interesting  presentation topics for students  can be difficult. Thus, after reading this article, you found 10 unique topics for presentation. The suggested topics are distinctive and engaging. Moreover, you can use Presentory to make presentations flawlessly. You can also use its AI tool to instantly create content for your presentation.

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180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

Written by: Orana Velarde

presentation topic ideas - header wide

Coming up with a presentation topic idea that's meaningful, relevant and has a creative angle can be tough. If your teacher or professor just assigned you a presentation and also asked you to pick your own topic, you're in the right place.

In this article, we've put together a list of informative and powerful presentation topic ideas for various subjects. When you're ready, head over to our presentation software to create an engaging slideshow that blows away your audience.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. Check more templates below:

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

List of Presentation Topic Ideas for Students

We know how difficult it is to come up with an interesting presentation topic idea on the fly.  That’s why we put together a list of more than 200 ideas to help you out.

We've organized these presentation topics for students by subject so you can easily browse through and find what you're looking for. Each section also comes with a bonus presentation template!

We've also included some tips on designing a presentation once you've chosen a topic. For example, a flowchart data widget can help with a historic timeline presentation .

But first, let's dive into these interesting topics for presentations.

Table of Contents

Current events presentation topic ideas, education presentation topic ideas, general culture presentation topic ideas, health presentation topic ideas, history presentation topic ideas, life skills presentation topic ideas, literature presentation topic ideas, media presentation topic ideas, science presentation topic ideas, work life presentation topic ideas.

  • Why Do Teachers Assign Student-Selected Presentations?

How to Pick the Right Presentation Topic

Presentation tips for students.

  • Teachers share presentation topic ideas with students so they can find a topic of interest, find a purpose and direction for their future lives and career plans, learn how to do research properly and improve their creative performance.
  • Some of the best presentation topic ideas for students center around topics such as current events, education, general culture, health, life skills, literature, media and science.
  • When picking presentation topics, consider these things: your hobbies, the books you read, the kind of TV shows you watch, what topics you’re good at and what you’d like to learn more about.
  • Follow these tips to create and deliver excellent presentations: Don’t present on topics you don’t understand, use data visualizations and high-quality visuals, avoid boring layouts and large walls of text,
  • Don’t read off your slides. Practice and rehearse your presentation or create index cards with speaking notes.
  • Visme’s presentation software has everything you need to create captivating presentations. Start with professionally designed presentation templates , customize them to your taste and present with style.
  • If you're racing against the clock, harness the power of Visme's AI presentation maker to whip up captivating presentations in seconds. Just explain what you want to create, select your preferred designs and watch the tool unleash its magic.

Below are Powerpoint presentation topics on current events.

  • What is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?
  • What is happening in Kashmir?
  • What is ethnic cleansing and is it still relevant in 2021?
  • Who is Malala Yousafzai?
  • What are the different stances on immigration in the US?
  • Should the death penalty be outlawed?
  • Should University be free for everyone?
  • What is racism?
  • How can non-minorities be allies to minorities?
  • What is White Privilege?
  • Can a border wall really fix the immigration crisis?
  • What is Brexit?
  • What is Pride?
  • What is gentrification?
  • What is the European Union?
  • What is Sharia Law?
  • Why is it more profitable to be a plumber than a doctor?
  • What is happening in Syria?
  • Who is Harvey Weinstein and what is he accused of?
  • What is the #metoo movement?
  • What is happening in North Korea?
  • What is the problem with guns in America?

presentation topic ideas - current events presentation slides template visme

Customize this presentation template to make it your own! Edit and Download

Here are the education topics for presentations you can choose from.

  • What are the pros and cons of online education?
  • What is dyslexia?
  • What is the Pythagorean theorem?
  • Is a college education worth it?
  • Is reading better on Kindles or paper books?
  • What is worldschooling?
  • What is unschooling?
  • Why are teachers underpaid?
  • What is sociology?
  • What is anthropology?
  • What is social archaeology?
  • Why do schools need mentorship programs?
  • What is an education in Finland like?
  • What is Montessori Education?
  • Who is Rudolf Steiner?
  • What is the most difficult language to learn?
  • What is an Ivy League school?
  • What is the SAT?
  • What is the TOEFL?
  • What is the IB program?
  • How to get into an international university
  • What is a learning disability?
  • What is a gap year?
  • Why is it important to learn a second language?
  • What is a TCK?
  • What is the foreign exchange program?
  • Why is it important to study Physics?
  • What are Coding Bootcamps ?
  • How does reading benefit the brain?
  • How to make an infographic

presentation topic ideas - worldschooling education presentation template visme

  • Is Graffiti considered art?
  • Ancient Greek myths in modern media
  • Why should students learn about different religions?
  • What are crop circles?
  • What is Area 51?
  • What are the origins of Rock and Roll?
  • What was the Woodstock Music Festival?
  • 10 memorable things about any country
  • What are the different styles of coffee?
  • What does living “off the grid” mean?
  • What is Crossfit?
  • What is cultural appropriation?
  • What is Feminism?
  • What is the difference between White Hat and Black Hat Hacking?
  • Who is the artist formerly known as Prince?
  • Why is yoga so popular?
  • What is Art Therapy?
  • What is the difference between 80’s parenting and current parenting?
  • What is a journalist?
  • What is the 'generation gap'?
  • Who is a polyglot?
  • What is the difference between a religion and a cult?

presentation topic ideas - graffiti art general culture presentation template visme

  • Everything you need to know about COVID-19
  • How does the human immune system work?
  • What is the respiratory system?
  • How are diseases spread?
  • How does the nervous system work?
  • What is skin cancer?
  • What are infectious diseases?
  • When to call 911
  • What is the placebo effect?
  • How to read a nutrition label
  • How to eat a balanced diet
  • What is CPR?
  • How to dress a wound
  • What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • What is dry drowning?
  • What are allergens?
  • Why are cigarettes bad for you?
  • How are medicines approved for human consumption?
  • Why should Marijuana be legalized?
  • What is a neurosurgeon?
  • What is an EMT?
  • How does the digestive system work?
  • What are the effects of antidepressants on the human brain?
  • What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
  • Is depression real?

presentation topic ideas - how to dress a wound health presentation template visme

  • Prehistoric timeline of dinosaurs
  • Your favorite president of the United States
  • How has the role of women changed in society?
  • Who was Alexander the Great?
  • What is the Declaration of Independence?
  • Who was Harriet Tubman?
  • What is Pangea?
  • What is Gobekli Tepe?
  • Who is Nelson Mandela?
  • What is the Berlin Wall?
  • What is the Boxing Day Tsunami?
  • Who were the Conquistadors?
  • Who were the Incas?
  • What is the story behind Thanksgiving?
  • Who is Pocahontas?
  • What is the origin of Language?
  • How were Egyptian mummies conserved?
  • What is the story of King Tut’s Curse?
  • What made up the Ottoman Empire?
  • What was the first civilization to ever emerge?
  • What are the main Native American culture tribes?

presentation topic ideas - prehistoric timeline dinosaurs history presentation template visme

Customize this presentation template to make it your own!

  • Add your own text, images, colors and more
  • Add interactive buttons and animations
  • Customize anything to fit your design and content needs
  • How to change a tire
  • What are the basic cooking skills?
  • How to do laundry
  • How to budget monthly expenses
  • What is a healthy morning routine?
  • What are the essential tools for a household?
  • How to furnish a house on the cheap
  • How to drive a car
  • How to save money
  • How to take care of a baby
  • How to take care of a plant
  • How to change the AC filters
  • How to minimize the use of plastic
  • How to live trash-free
  • How to fry an egg
  • How to clean a house fast
  • How to use the internet to find what you need
  • Why is it important to teach our grandparents how to use the internet?
  • How to get dressed for a funeral
  • How to unclog a toilet or sink
  • How to pack a first-aid kit at home
  • What is emotional intelligence?

presentation topic ideas - how to do laundry life skills presentation template visme

  • Who is William Shakespeare?
  • What is Haiku?
  • What is The Catcher in The Rye about?
  • Who is Dante Alighieri?
  • What is a sonnet?
  • What is magical realism?
  • Who is Emily Bronte?
  • How is the book 1984 relevant today?
  • What is the difference between an autobiography and a memoir?
  • What book should be made into a movie which hasn’t yet?
  • Who is Oscar Wilde?
  • Who is Orhan Pamuk?
  • Who is Isaac Asimov?
  • What is historical fiction?
  • What is a Greek Tragedy?
  • What is the hero’s journey?
  • Who is Ulysses?
  • What is the origin of science fiction literature?
  • My top 10 favorite classic novels of all time
  • Who were the Brothers Grimm?
  • The colorful life of Ernest Hemingway
  • How did the Industrial Revolution shape American literature?

presentation topic ideas - william shakespeare literature presentation template visme

Looking for engaging ppt presentation topics about media? Explore this list for ideas on the evolution of media, social media trends and influential figures in the media landscape.

  • Evolution of the projector
  • How can social media be dangerous for underage kids?
  • The history of the internet
  • What is the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
  • Who is Steve Jobs?
  • Who invented the television?
  • Which came first, MTV or VH1?
  • What is Virtual Reality?
  • What is Augmented Reality?
  • The evolution of film and cinema
  • How are TV commercials made?
  • What is the role of an art director?
  • How are minorities represented in the media?
  • How are women represented in the media?
  • What is blogging?
  • Who was Elvis Presley?
  • The history of Jazz
  • The history of Tango
  • What is a social media manager ?
  • What is content marketing?
  • What is an influencer?
  • How has binge-watching changed television?
  • The impact of TikTok on advertising
  • What is the agenda-setting theory?
  • Mass communication in the digital age

presentation topic ideas - evolution of the projector media presentation template visme

Looking for science presentation ideas? Check these topics out.

  • What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
  • What are GMOs?
  • What is organ donation and why is it important?
  • How does the respiratory system work?
  • Should human cloning be allowed?
  • What is the greenhouse effect?
  • Why do some people say climate change is a hoax ?
  • What is the water cycle?
  • What is Photosynthesis?
  • What are the different states of matter?
  • How is medicine made?
  • What is alternative medicine?
  • What is biochemistry?
  • What is quantum physics?
  • What is the Big Bang Theory?
  • 50th anniversary of the moon landing
  • What is the plant cycle?
  • How are babies born?
  • What is a particle accelerator?
  • What is a light-year?
  • Why do humans want to colonize Mars?
  • Why is Pluto no longer a planet?
  • What causes a wildfire?

presentation topic ideas - moon landing science presentation template visme

  • What is the pay gap?
  • What is an entrepreneur?
  • What is a franchise and how does it work?
  • What are the best-paid careers?
  • Why is it important to hire mothers back into the workforce?
  • Should fathers have paternity leave?
  • Are internships worth it?
  • Why are more college-age students entering the labor force through skilled labor?
  • Why is it important for high-schoolers to have summer jobs?
  • What is the glass ceiling?
  • How to live as a digital nomad
  • How to stop discrimination in the workplace
  • How to ask for sponsorship for an event
  • Is volunteering hurting the neediest?
  • What does “the 9 to 5” mean?
  • What constitutes a good work-life balance?
  • When should moms go back to work?
  • How to dress for a work interview
  • How to write a resume/CV
  • How secure is a freelance career in 2021?
  • The impact of COVID-19 on organizational culture?
  • Do employers care about cover letters?

presentation topic ideas - entrepreneur work life presentation template visme

Why Do Teachers Assign Student-Selected Presentations? [Infographic]

By now, you must have already chosen a presentation topic idea . But you might still be wondering why your teacher assigned you this task in the first place.

No, your teacher is not out to get you by assigning a presentation you have to choose the topic for. There are a few reasons why teachers and professors assign presentations this way.

Choosing a presentation topic idea inspires you to look inside themselves to find a topic of interest. Knowing about your interests helps give direction to your future life and career plans.

Selecting topics to present about in school also helps you learn how to do research properly. You get more familiar with the practice of taking notes, creating an outline and prioritizing information.

Brainstorming various topic ideas is also great for improving your creative performance. And finally, getting up on stage and presenting prepares you for public speaking in front of an audience.

Here's a quick infographic to sum it all up.

presentation topic ideas - why do teachers assign student selected presentations infographic visme

Believe it or not, assigning a presentation is one of the best ways to teach a student how to learn on their own. It’s similar to asking a student to write an essay, but a lot more fun!

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

If you're overwhelmed by all the school presentation ideas above and aren't sure which one is right for your presentation, don't worry. We have tips to help you pick the right topic in no time.

If after this process you still aren’t sure, just browse through the list above and find a specific presentation subject idea that sparks your interest most.

presentation topic ideas - choose a topic what types of books read

The first step to figuring out what your presentation should be about is to ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • What type of books do you read?
  • When you play Trivial Pursuit, which topic are you good at?
  • What kind of TV shows do you watch?
  • What would you like to learn more about?

What Are Your Hobbies?

It’s easy to find a presentation topic by looking at your hobbies. The best part of this choice is that you’ll be passionate when presenting it to your peers.

For example, if you love woodworking, create a presentation about the history of woodworking or a step-by-step look at “How to make a wooden bowl by hand.”

What Type of Books Do You Read?

When looking for innovative topics for presentation, consider the style of books you’ve been reading lately. Have any of them made an impact on your life?

If you're having a difficult time coming up with a topic idea, you can create a presentation about a book that you found really special, or about an author you’ve read a few books by.

When You Play Trivial Pursuit, Which Topic Are You Good At?

If you've ever played Trivial Pursuit or attended a Trivia Night, you must have noticed that some topics are easier for you to answer. That is your topic of interest and a great place to look for some ideas.

For example, if you always know the answer to the questions about classical music, you can create a presentation about your favorite composer.

What Kind of TV Shows Do You Watch?

What have you been binge-watching lately? Regardless if its Orange is The New Black or a documentary about the Sudanese civil war, you can find an interesting topic to work with.

It can be about history or current events. You could even do some kind of comparative analysis on how a specific show has affected you or the people who watch it.

What Would You Like to Learn More About?

Another way to find the best topics for presentation is to think of things you want to learn more about. Take the opportunity to learn something new and then share it in your presentation.

Present the facts of what you learned or turn the presentation into a journal entry of your personal experience using the new information that you just learned.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that whatever topic you choose, it must also be appropriate.

“Depending on your audience and occasion purpose, you have to steer away from topics that might bore or offend your audience.”

Once you have chosen the perfect presentation topic idea, it’s time to create your presentation. Here are some tips for putting together a great presentation that will get you a good grade.

Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

First things first, let’s talk about some presentation no-nos. You want to avoid these mistakes in any presentation you give—from a presentation for a grade in your middle school class all the way up to a business presentation.

Key presentation don’ts are:

  • Don’t create slides full of text —your presentation is not a 30-page essay. Instead, create slides with just a few bullets and some type of visual to represent your content.
  • Don’t just read off of your slides —you’ll bore your audience. Practice and rehearse your presentation or create index cards with speaking notes to make your presentation more engaging.
  • Don’t use a new design, transition, animation, etc., on each slide —you’ll clutter up your design. Choose one single design, color scheme, font pairing, transition style, animation effect, etc., and use it throughout to create a cohesive presentation design.
  • Don’t present on topics you don’t understand —you’ll sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Even if you’re choosing a “new to you” topic, you need to do enough research to have a firm grasp on the information you’re presenting.
  • Don’t ramble and go over your allotted time —you’ll sound flustered and unorganized. Again, make sure you practice your presentation so that you can smoothly transition from slide to slide and cover all information in the time given.

Regardless of the topic you're presenting, creating drafts shouldn't be a challenge. Utilize Visme's AI writer to generate high-quality content in seconds. Feel free to deploy it as a proofreading tool or an outline creator. Just describe what you want to write about and get content ideas or Power Point presentation topics and the tool will work out the details.

Use Data Visualization in Your Presentation

Regardless of which type of topic you’ve chosen, there’s likely some sort of data or information that would be better presented via visuals rather than written out numbers or text.

Make sure you choose a presentation tool that makes it easy to visualize certain information. For example, Visme allows you to create a number of data visualizations that help make information pop on your slide.

Some examples of data visualizations you can use within your presentation include:

  • Timelines for historical information
  • Charts and graphs for numerical data sets
  • Tables for organizing text
  • Maps for sharing geographic information
  • Flowcharts and diagrams for organizing information
  • Data widgets for visualizing standalone numbers

Avoid Using Boring Layouts

Don’t let your presentation look like a PowerPoint from the nineties with a blank white background and two columns of boring bullet points. Instead, take advantage of engaging presentation templates and spice up your slides.

First, start with a template that’s going to make your information stand out. You can browse a few options that Visme offers below. Use Visme’s Brand Wizard to automatically add your brand’s assets to your presentation.

Look for a unique way of presenting the information, use interesting backgrounds, apply shaped frames to the images, embed videos and use colorful shapes to create separations.

presentation topic ideas - tips for informational how to presentations

But for some specific ideas, consider pulling these design tactics into your presentation.

Slide Background Ideas:

  • Set photos as your slide background
  • Use color overlays to make sure your content is still visible on top of the photo background
  • Create a gradient background
  • Use a stock video as your background to create motion
  • Choose a color other than white as your background
  • Set a pattern as your background
  • Use an animated background

Visual Element Ideas:

  • Place photos strategically on your slide to drive your point home
  • Use colorful shapes and animated graphics
  • Try 3D graphics to make your content pop
  • Apply shaped frames to images within your slides
  • Use icons to visualize your text

Interactive Ideas:

There are so many ways to make sure your slides are engaging so you keep your audience interested throughout your entire presentation. Visme offers tons of features to make your presentation interactive .

  • Incorporate hover-overs or pop-ups that hide additional information
  • Link your slides to create a non-linear presentation
  • Embed videos that provide even more information
  • Create audio clips that activate when you click on an element

RELATED: 20 Ways to Create an Interactive Presentation That Stands Out

Prepare for Your Presentation

We already touched on how important it is to practice and rehearse your presentation. You want to appear confident and well-versed in your topic. Presenting and public speaking are also skills that you can carry into adulthood in your future career.

Although nerve-wracking, you’ll have a turn to deliver your presentation in front of the class. You’ll give your speech while simultaneously showcasing your slides.

Utilize these tips when preparing for your presentation:

  • Practice speaking while moving through your slides at least three times
  • Memorize the order of your slides and what information is on each slide
  • Create a flashcard for each slide so you have basic talking points in front of you
  • Use memorization techniques so you don’t have to fully rely on your flashcards
  • Focus on the end goal: delivering your presentation may be stressful but it will also make you feel great when you’re finished

Keep Your Audience Engaged During Your Presentation

Our last tip is to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation. This will help your fellow classmates to better retain the information you’re sharing in your slides and can even help you feel more confident as you present.

A few tips for engaging your audience include:

  • Avoid using a monotonous tone; instead, tell stories, speak conversationally, and hold your audience’s attention
  • Try not to say things like, “um,” “er,” “like” and similar terms
  • Focus on keeping good posture throughout
  • Avoid chewing gum, fidgeting or doing other things that will detract from your speech
  • Make eye contact with your audience rather than staring at your notes or your slides

Create Beautiful Presentations with Visme

Here at Visme, we love helping students create better presentations. We’ve covered presentations on different topics you can choose from.

We have resources on how to use presentation templates, how to design slides from scratch, how to maintain consistency between slides, how to present data visually and how to successfully present to an audience.

Here are some articles to help you design and deliver your presentation:

  • Presentation Success Formula: How to Start Strong and End Powerfully
  • 100+ Creative Presentation Ideas That Will Delight Your Audience
  • 7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Once you’re ready to start designing, just open up the Visme dashboard and select one of the many presentation templates. You can also create a presentation from scratch; there are lots of tools to help you out along the way. Once done, you can easily share and publish your presentation without leaving the Visme editor.

We hope you were able to find the perfect presentation topic idea for your presentation on this list! Let us know how you did and link to your presentation in the comments.

Put together powerful presentations in minutes without prior design skills

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

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best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

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Need a good presentation topic? Here are hundreds of them.

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera November 04, 2022

If you’re looking for good topics for presentations, you’ve landed on the right page. In this article, you’ll find plenty of good presentation topics, tips on choosing the most suitable presentation topic for you, and essential design elements to make your presentation a success. 

Many factors go into an excellent presentation. You need to have confident body language and engage your audience to hold their attention. You also need eye-catching visual aids like images, data visualizations, GIFs, and others (all of which you can find in Prezi ), not to mention a great opening to grab attention and a strong closing line to stay memorable. However, the most essential aspect of your presentation is the topic. It’s the core of your presentation, so it has to be strong, insightful, attention-grabbing, and appealing to yourself and your audience in order to evolve into a successful presentation everyone will love. 

good presentation topics: a woman giving a presentation in a business meeting

How to choose a good presentation topic

There are millions of topics you could create a presentation on, but what defines a good presentation topic? If you’re struggling to either come up with a good topic for a presentation or you can’t decide between multiple ones, here are a few questions you should ask yourself before choosing a topic. 

What’s the goal of your presentation? 

When you’re choosing a presentation topic, consider the meaning behind it. Ask yourself what the purpose of talking about this topic is, and what you want to say about it. Whatever topic you choose to present, the conclusion needs to provide a takeaway or lesson you want to communicate to your audience. A meaningful goal will make your presentation more memorable.  

Are you interested in the topic?

If you’re not interested in the presentation topic, others won’t be curious either. Interest, enthusiasm, and passion enrich your presentation and are noticeable when presenting. Interest shines through and inspires others to find the topic as fascinating as you do. Think about the last time you saw someone sharing something they were passionate about – their excitement drew people in to pay closer attention to what they were saying. 

When choosing a topic, you need to find it or a particular angle of it interesting for yourself. For example, perhaps you’re not a pop music enthusiast, but you’re passionate about studying cultural phenomena. In this case, you can talk about pop music’s influence on early 2000s youth culture. 

Will your audience find this topic relatable? 

While you have to find the topic you’re presenting interesting, you also have to think about your audience. When choosing a subject, consider your audience’s background in terms of demographics, interests, culture, and knowledge level about the topic. Think about what others will find fascinating and relevant, so they’re not bored or confused during your presentation.

Do you have prior experience or knowledge about this topic?

Personal experiences are always great to share in a presentation, providing your unique perspective for anyone listening. While you can easily prepare your presentation based on a quick Google search, it won’t make the same lasting impact on your audience. Choose a presentation topic you have some prior knowledge about, or have an interesting opinion you can share with others. It’ll make your presentation more engaging and memorable.

good presentation topics: a presenter on stage

Ideas for good presentation topics

It’s not easy to come up with a good presentation topic from scratch. It’s much easier to get inspired from other good presentation topics to build your topic on. Whether you’re looking for presentation ideas for work, about me presentation ideas, unique or easy presentation topics, you’ll find them all here.

Without further ado, here are some good presentation topics to choose from or get inspired by.

Presentation topics about social media

  • The role of social media in portraying gender stereotypes
  • How social media impacts our body image
  • How social media shaped Gen Z 
  • The most significant differences between the Facebook and TikTok generations
  • The negative effects of social media
  • The positive impacts of social media 
  • The effects of social media on behavior 
  • How social media impacts our physical (or mental) health
  • How social media has shaped our understanding of mass media
  • Should we teach about social media in schools?
  • The rise of social media influencers
  • How AR Instagram filters impact our self-image
  • How to go viral on social media?
  • The origins of social media echo chambers
  • Social media as a news outlet

Author: Ish Verduzco

Presentation topics about movies

  • How movies influence our understanding of good and evil
  • Beauty standards represented in movies
  • How female characters are depicted in Hollywood movies
  • How horror movies and global fears have developed through time
  • The adverse effects of romance movies
  • How movies have changed our understanding of the Western culture
  • Charlie Chaplin and the silent movie era
  • The globalization of culture: Hollywood vs. Bollywood
  • The psychology behind the music in films
  • The ethics of using animals in movies
  • Social media’s influence on the film industry
  • The history of filmmaking
  • The role of color in movies
  • The cultural impact of romance movies
  • How are gender stereotypes depicted in Hollywood movies?

Author: Cinto Marti

Presentation topics about music

  • The impact of pop music on beauty standards
  • Should digital music be free for everyone?
  • The psychology behind the music in advertisements 
  • The effectiveness of sound therapy
  • Can music inspire criminal behavior?
  • The psychological effects of metal music
  • The origins of K-pop
  • How does music influence our understanding of the world?
  • Can music help in the learning process?
  • The positive effects of classical music
  • The history of hip hop
  • Why is music education essential in schools?
  • The psychological benefits of playing piano
  • Can anyone become a famous musician?
  • The role of music in fashion

Author: Prezi Editorial

Presentation topics about health

  • The link between food and mental health
  • Inequality in the healthcare system
  • Myths about healthy practices
  • Simple practices that help you stay healthy
  • Health education in schools: Should it change?  
  • Toxic positivity and mental health
  • The impact of superfoods on our health
  • The psychology behind unhealthy eating habits
  • Sex education in schools: Why should we have it?
  • How to trick yourself into getting better: The placebo effect
  • How to strengthen your immune system
  • How to tell if someone is depressed
  • The health benefits of regular exercise
  • The impact of junk food on mental health
  • Stress-caused diseases

Author: Prezi Education Team

Presentation topics about human psychology

  • What is social depression?
  • What triggers panic attacks?
  • The impact of testosterone on aggressive behavior
  • How to overcome social anxiety
  • Differences in the functioning of the brain of a child and adult
  • The impact of violent video games on children’s brain development
  • How does the use of social media influence our attention span?
  • How to overcome childhood trauma
  • The influence of marijuana on the human brain
  • How does behavioral therapy work
  • The psychology behind fame
  • The causes of personality disorders
  • The differences in brain functioning between men and women
  • What happens in therapy sessions?
  • The psychology of substance abuse 

Presentation topics about self-development

  • The impact of exercise on productivity
  • How to deal with stress
  • How to deal with procrastination
  • The positive effects of meditation
  • Why new–year’s resolutions don’t work
  • How to overcome bad habits
  • The impact of negative thoughts
  • The negative effects of self-criticism
  • The role of creativity in self-development
  • Benefits of journaling
  • How to learn something fast
  • How to be mindful
  • The importance of curiosity 
  • How to become more self-aware
  • Why it’s essential to spend time with yourself

Author: Nir Eyal

Presentation topics about education

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of online education?
  • The positive effects of a gap year
  • Should university education be free?
  • Inequality in education access
  • How language learning benefits brain development
  • Emerging gender issues in education
  • The importance of socialization in school
  • School bullying and student development
  • The benefits of reading 
  • Is the education system broken?
  • What you don’t learn in college
  • The link between education and brain development
  • The history of schools
  • The gender gap in STEM
  • The connection between equality in education and economic growth

Presentation topics about culture

  • Is graffiti a form of art or street vandalism? 
  • Cultural diversity in the workplace
  • The impact of culture on gender roles
  • The issue with orientalism
  • Are humans the only species that has culture?
  • How do different cultures view death? 
  • The ethical issues of pop culture
  • The impact of culture on personal development
  • Sexism in different cultures
  • The impact of globalization on local cultures
  • The viral spread of the #metoo movement
  • The history of subcultures
  • The problem with romanticizing toxic relationships in movies
  • 90s pop-culture influence on fashion trends
  • The evolution of cultural psychology 

Author: Devin Banerjee

Presentation ideas for work

  • What it’s like to be a digital nomad?
  • How to deal with workplace conflicts
  • The secret to a productive day
  • How to set achievable goals
  • The importance of diversity in a workplace
  • The positive effects of creative thinking at work
  • How to give constructive feedback
  • The characteristics of a valuable team member
  • Inequality and the glass ceiling
  • Racial discrimination in the workplace
  • Work habits of different cultures
  • How is work perceived in various countries?
  • Technological development and the future of work
  • The importance of a healthy work/life balance
  • The rise of health problems in office work

Author: Charles Huang

Presentation topics about hybrid work

  • The positive effects of hybrid work on work/life balance
  • Is hybrid work the future work model? 
  • How to stay connected in a hybrid work model
  • The challenges of hybrid work nobody talks about
  • How to stay productive when working from home
  • The social effects of hybrid work
  • The economic impacts of hybrid work
  • Case study: Hybrid work model in [company]
  • What causes Zoom fatigue?
  • The problem with online meetings
  • Is hybrid work better than remote work?
  • How to develop a close relationship with colleagues in a hybrid work model
  • What kind of company culture is best for a hybrid work model?
  • Is hybrid work sustainable?
  • Cybersecurity consideration for hybrid working

Author: Barbie Brewer

Presentation topics about public speaking

  • The importance of body language in public speeches
  • How to appear confident when you’re not
  • How to become a better orator
  • The use of eye contact in public speaking
  • Breathing exercises that will calm you down before public speaking
  • The benefits of public speaking
  • Ways to improve public speaking skills
  • How to leave a great first impression on stage
  • How to engage your audience during a public speech
  • How to best structure your public speech
  • How to end your presentation speech
  • Can anyone learn to be good at public speaking?
  • How to prepare for a public speech
  • What not to do right before a public speech
  • How to address a controversial topic in a public speech  

Author: Prezi Team

Presentation topics about entrepreneurship and leadership

  • The main principles of a good leader
  • The impact of leadership skills on professional performance
  • The mistake every entrepreneur makes
  • How to successfully lead a cross-cultural team
  • How to celebrate inclusivity in a diverse team
  • What are the common personality traits of a successful entrepreneur?
  • The impact of entrepreneurship on the global economy
  • The characteristics of a leader
  • The most common challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Can anyone learn to become a successful leader? 
  • What affects new venture growth?
  • The psychology of leadership
  • What is crowdsourcing? 
  • The benefits of being an entrepreneur
  • Common mistakes leaders make

Author: Jill Sinclair

Presentation topics about technology

  • The rise of technological development
  • Is technology addictive?
  • Should we use drones for military and non-military purposes?
  • The sustainability of electric cars
  • What are deepfakes?
  • Limitations of AI machines
  • The future of programming
  • Ethical issues of AI
  • The future of AR in business
  • How VR can be used in the medical field

Author: David Vandegrift

Sales presentation topics

  • How to make a cold email intro
  • What is sales enablement?
  • How to build better relationships with customers
  • The best way to improve pipeline management
  • Coaching via verbal and written role-play
  • How to plan cold calls
  • What’s a deal-breaker for most customers? 
  • All about personalized coaching
  • How to manage objections
  • How to close more deals
  • How to keep your prospects engaged
  • Effective sales communication strategies
  • How to conduct a competitor analysis
  • The most valuable sales skills
  • What soft skills do you need to become a successful sales rep?

Author: Cindy McGovern

Easy presentation topics

  • Benefits of daily exercise and how to incorporate it into your routine
  • Simple and nutritious meal recipes
  • Tips for improving time management and productivity
  • The importance of recycling
  • The history of a local landmark or festival
  • Ways to reduce stress
  • Exploring different types of renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment
  • The basics of budgeting and saving money for future goals
  • The benefits of social media for professional use
  • Tips for overcoming stage fright
  • How to start a meditation practice
  • The impact of technology on modern society
  • The basics of personal finance
  • The health benefits of a plant-based diet
  • The history of Earth Day

Good how to presentation topics

  • How to create a successful social media marketing strategy
  • How to give a persuasive presentation
  • How to create effective and engaging content for your blog
  • How to discover your strengths and weaknesses
  • How to use project management tools to increase productivity
  • How to make the most out of boring meetings
  • How to build a personal brand
  • How to conduct effective market research
  • How to use data analytics to improve decision-making
  • How to improve your decision-making process
  • How to write a winning proposal
  • How to create a visually stunning presentation
  • How to manage stressful situations at work
  • How to make friends as an adult
  • How to network at work events

About me presentation ideas

  • My journey to becoming who I am today
  • My passion for [insert topic or activity]
  • My career aspirations and goals
  • My travels and adventures around the world
  • My hobbies and interests outside of work/school
  • My role models and influences
  • My strengths and weaknesses
  • My favorite books, movies, and TV shows
  • My proudest achievements and accomplishments
  • My favorite childhood memories
  • My family and friends
  • My education and academic background
  • My volunteer and community service experience
  • My personality traits and values
  • My vision for the future and how I plan to achieve it

Author: Adam Grant

Student presentation ideas

  • The history and evolution of video games
  • The history and cultural impact of tattoos
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The effects of globalization on local cultures and economies
  • The role of education in promoting social justice and equity
  • The ethical implications of autonomous weapons in warfare
  • The impact of mass media on society and culture
  • The causes and effects of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change
  • The history and cultural significance of dance in different parts of the world
  • The psychology of addiction and recovery
  • The impact of the gig economy on labor rights and job security
  • The history and impact of feminism on gender equality
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures and identities
  • The role of technology in promoting global connectivity and intercultural understanding

Author: Edward Quinn

Informative presentation topics

  • The science of sleep: How to get a restful night and improve your wellbeing
  • A journey through the history of the internet
  • Exploring the potential of AI in our world
  • Climate change: Understanding the challenge, seeking solutions for a sustainable future
  • How new technologies are shaping the future of food
  • Understanding the psychology of money for financial success
  • The power of a story: How storytelling captures hearts and minds
  • Mastering the art of negotiation in every interaction
  • The science of happiness: Unlocking the secrets to a more fulfilling life
  • The power of mindfulness for a more present and peaceful YOU
  • Understanding cybersecurity threats and protecting yourself online
  • Exploring the potential of virtual reality for a more immersive future

Author: Andrew Davis

How to create a good presentation 

If you know what you want to present on, it’s time to create an impactful presentation that grabs everyone’s attention. Presentation design plays a crucial role in how your presentation is received and remembered. To stand out and leave a memorable impact on your audience, create a Prezi presentation. Instead of a linear, slide-based presentation, offer an engaging and dynamic storytelling experience to your audience. Breathe life into your presentation with motion, zoom, and spatial relationships. When creating your presentation, consider the following three essential elements: 

Visuals play a significant part in presentation design. They evoke emotions, make a memorable impact, and give more context to the story. Not to mention, 65% of people are visual learners , so visual aids are helpful when explaining a complex topic. 

In your presentation, include different types of visuals, such as images, videos, GIFs, and stickers, all of which you can find in Prezi’s content library. When selecting your visuals, consider what’s relevant and brings additional value to the story. Only add what’s meaningful and necessary. A video or image at the right place and time will enrich the viewing experience and make your presentation more memorable. 

The layout of your presentation is the structure of your story. It’ll help you introduce the topic, intrigue your audience, and unfold the layers of your topic one by one until you disclose your main arguments and summarize the presentation. A good presentation layout has a hierarchical, chronological, or logical flow that leads the viewer from start to finish. 

If you’re creating a Prezi presentation, you can create a dynamic storytelling experience by experimenting with your layout. Instead of going from slide to slide, you can zoom in and out of topics and experiment with different shapes, animations, and effects that draw the viewer into your story world. Here’s an example of a Prezi presentation with a great storytelling layout:

Author: Lydia Antonatos

Data visualizations can elevate your presentation from being a good one to a great one. By providing data behind your arguments, you’ll appear more trustworthy and confident in your audience’s eyes. 

Add charts, graphs, interactive maps, and more to your presentations with Prezi Design. You can choose from a wide selection of charts and maps to illustrate your data. With interactive elements, you’ll be able to engage your audience and make a memorable impact. 

Engaging visuals, a well-structured layout, and relevant data visualizations will provide a great starting base to create a memorable presentation. Discover other tips and tricks that make your presentation effective and capture people’s attention. 

Prezi AI for presentation success

If you already have a clear presentation style in mind or plenty of time for creation, fantastic! But what if you only have a day or less or you don’t know where to start? Enter Prezi AI . It’s your assistant for streamlining the presentation creation process. Here’s how Prezi AI leverages the power of artificial intelligence to turn you into a presentation pro:

Effortless design from scratch

Ditch the blank page anxiety with the AI presentation maker . Simply provide a title or outline, and Prezi AI will generate a visually appealing draft presentation in seconds. It’s like having a built-in design assistant ready to brainstorm with you.

Smarter text, stronger impact

Prezi’s AI text-editing tool helps you perfect your message in seconds. It analyzes your content, suggesting improvements for readability and conciseness.

From bullet points to animations

Let’s face it, static bullet points can put even the most dynamic presenter to sleep. Prezi’s AI animated slides maker transforms your text into captivating visual stories. Choose from formats like flowcharts, animated lists, or zoom reveals to keep your audience engaged.

Perfect for busy presenters

We all know the struggle – a million tasks on your plate, and a looming presentation deadline. Prezi AI can help you save valuable time! With AI assistance, you can generate presentations faster, focus on refining your content, and present with the confidence that comes from knowing your presentation looks polished and professional.

Design help

Don’t worry if you don’t have an eye for design. Prezi AI provides the tools and guidance to create presentations that impress visually.

With Prezi AI, crafting presentations is easy, allowing you to focus on delivering your message with impact and leaving your audience engaged and inspired. Explore what’s possible with Prezi A I today!

Learn more on how to turn your presentation topic into a stunning presentation with AI:

Final thoughts on selecting good presentation topics

Choosing a topic for a presentation isn’t easy. When selecting a topic, think about the goal of your presentation, your interests, and knowledge about the topic, and whether or not your audience will find it relevant and interesting for them. Also, get inspired by other topics that’ll help you figure out what you want to talk about. Lastly, when creating your presentation, consider the impact of visuals, layout, and data visualizations. To simplify the creation process, try Prezi AI or follow the step-by-step process of making a presentation with helpful tips and resources.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

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  • Top Presentations
  • 50 Top High School Presentation Ideas

50 Top High School Presentation Ideas

Presenting a curated collection of 50 Top High School Presentation Ideas. You can access most of these templates for free on PoweredTemplate, opening up a world of creative possibilities for your educational journey.

From engaging slideshows to visually stunning designs, these templates are tailored to elevate your presentations, making learning a more enjoyable and immersive experience. Download them today and unlock the potential for captivating and informative presentations that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Table of Contents

Introduction, 1. high school students, 2. high school building and students, 3. students at the computer, 4. school students, 5. school stationery, 6. school basketball team, 7. school studying, 8. school bus line, 9. back to school with school supplies, 10. professional education, 11. starting school, 12. education in college, 13. welcome back to school.

  • 14. Women’s Basketball in School

15. Higher Education

16. back 2 school, 17. preparing for school, 18. school supplies border, 19. school time, 20. back to school theme, 21. back to school on chalkboard, 22. student education, 23. graduates, 24. secondary schoolboy, 25. good pupil, 26. geography class, 27. world of books, 28. students team, 29. blackboard in a classroom, 30. road to knowledge country, 31. successful student, 32. students life, 33. apple for teacher, 34. complex calculations, 35. college class, 36. graduation in blue colors, 37. book shelf, 38. academic studies, 39. speech day, 40. student in a lecture, 41. graduators with diploma, 42. student mathematics, 43. occupation choice, 44. study of geography, 45. educational system, 46. college students, 47. female hand writing by white chalk on blackboard, 48. mathematics formulas, 49. learn button, 50. masters.

We are thrilled to introduce you to a remarkable collection of 200 meticulously crafted presentation templates, each tailored for educational purposes and brought to you by PoweredTemplate . These templates have been thoughtfully sorted into four distinct categories, encompassing 50 unique designs each.

In this introduction, we are excited to present the third set of 50 templates, designed to ignite your creativity and elevate your high school presentations. These templates are carefully curated to make your high school-related presentations informative and visually captivating.

  • 50 Exceptional Kindergarten Education Presentation Templates
  • 50 Top School Education Presentation Ideas
  • 50 Top Higher Education Presentation Ideas

Regardless of whether you are an educator, student, or a professional in high school education, these resources will help you create effective presentations.

If you are a business person and high school education is the central theme of your  business management presentation , the ideas presented here will help you vividly present complex topics such as  goal setting ,  business models , and more in the context of early childhood education as a business enterprise. Furthermore, these ideas will serve as a valuable resource for creating corporate documentation, including company profiles,  FAQ Word templates , and much more.

Embrace these resources, embark on your educational journey, and witness how your ideas flourish, your audience is captivated, and your high school projects thrive. Download your preferred templates today and unleash your creative potential!

Introducing 50 exceptional kindergarten education presentation templates. The majority of them are available for free download on PoweredTemplate.

Introducing the High School Students presentation template – your perfect choice for creating engaging and informative presentations for high school education. This dynamic PowerPoint template features a backdrop of smiling young people, setting the tone for a positive and engaging learning experience. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template is tailored to capture the essence of high school life and the pursuit of knowledge.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a vibrant mix of elements that reflect the diversity and energy of high school. From classrooms filled with eager students to the latest technology in the form of laptops and monitors, it encapsulates the essence of modern education. The image of students collaborating and smiling suggests an environment of teamwork, success, and mutual support, which are crucial aspects of a fulfilling high school journey.

Whether you’re planning to give a lecture, showcase your school’s achievements, or discuss the latest advancements in education, this template is your trusted companion. With keywords like “college,” “coding,” “knowledge,” and “technology,” it covers a wide range of topics relevant to high school education.

Now, it’s your turn to make a difference in your high school presentations. Download the “High School Students Presentation Template” today and embark on a journey of effective communication and engaging learning experiences. Elevate your high school presentations to the next level and inspire your audience with this dynamic template. Download now!

Download the template

Welcome to the High School Building and Students Presentation Template – a powerful tool for conveying the essence of education. This template beautifully captures the spirit of learning, with students standing proudly beside a high school building, creating an evocative visual narrative for your presentation. Its serene light color scheme exudes authority and seriousness, making it the ideal choice for educational institutions and corporations alike.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find an array of elements that mirror the vibrant diversity and unity within a high school community. The image of students, friends, and classmates standing together under the bright blue sky symbolizes the essence of camaraderie and shared learning experiences. This template encapsulates the values of friendship, teamwork, and the pursuit of knowledge, making it the perfect choice for academic institutions looking to make an impact.

Whether you’re addressing a group of students, educators, or stakeholders, this template is your go-to option. With keywords like “education,” “diversity,” “learning,” and “university,” it covers a wide range of topics essential to the world of high school education.

Now, take your educational presentations to the next level. Download the “High School Building and Students Presentation Template” and convey the importance of education, unity, and progress. Empower your audience with this visually appealing template and inspire them to embark on their own educational journey. Download now to make a difference!

Presenting the Students At The Computer Presentation Template – a versatile tool perfect for a wide range of educational presentations. This dynamic template showcases students from diverse backgrounds working collaboratively on computers, making it an ideal choice for discussions on education, team projects, school cooperation, and college classes.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a rich mix of elements that highlight the value of diversity and teamwork in the educational setting. With students of various ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds gathered around laptops, it illustrates the power of collaboration and shared knowledge. The smiles on their faces reflect the joy of learning and the sense of achievement that comes from working together.

Whether you’re an educator, student, or professional, this template caters to your needs. With keywords such as “college,” “teamwork,” “technology,” and “learning,” it covers a broad spectrum of topics relevant to today’s educational landscape.

Now, it’s your opportunity to enhance your educational presentations. Download the “Students At The Computer Presentation Template” and captivate your audience with the importance of diversity, collaboration, and the role of technology in education. Empower your audience to embrace teamwork and inspire them to excel in their learning journey. Download now and make a difference!

Welcome to the School Students Presentation Template , a fantastic resource for presentations related to high school learning, studying in high school, and more. This visually appealing template is designed to create engaging and informative presentations that resonate with students, educators, and anyone interested in the world of high school education.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a delightful combination of elements that evoke the spirit of high school life. The image of students waiting at a school bus stop under a clear blue sky reflects the excitement of a new school day and the camaraderie among classmates. The vibrant green grass and the bright yellow school bus add a touch of youthful energy to the scene, reinforcing the idea of a dynamic learning environment.

Whether you’re addressing high school students, teachers, or parents, this template has you covered. With keywords like “education,” “friends,” “learning,” and “teenager,” it captures the essence of high school life and the importance of fostering positive learning experiences.

Now, it’s your chance to create impactful presentations. Download the “School Students Presentation Template” and convey the excitement and potential of high school education. Inspire your audience to embrace the journey of learning, and encourage them to approach each school day with enthusiasm and a smile. Download now and make a difference in the world of education

Welcome to the School Stationery Presentation Template , an excellent choice for presentations related to all things school, from stationery supplies to educational programs and school events. This engaging template is designed to capture the essence of a colorful and creative learning environment.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a vibrant array of school-related elements. From backpacks and rulers to colorful stationery supplies, it embodies the excitement of a new school year and the quest for knowledge. The rainbow of colors and shining objects represent the diverse interests and creativity that students bring to the classroom.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or school administrator, this template is versatile and well-suited for your needs. With keywords like “education,” “creative,” “knowledge,” and “university,” it encompasses a wide spectrum of school-related topics.

Now, it’s your opportunity to craft engaging presentations. Download the “School Stationery Presentation Template” and inspire your audience with the importance of creativity and learning. Encourage them to embrace the new school year with enthusiasm and to shine brightly in their educational journey. Download now and make a colorful impact in the world of education!

Welcome to the School Basketball Team Presentation Template , a fantastic choice for presentations related to school basketball teams, sports activities, and physical training in schools. This dynamic template is designed to capture the excitement and teamwork inherent in school sports.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a vibrant combination of elements that celebrate the spirit of school basketball. From energetic students in uniforms to the joy of playing the game, it embodies the essence of teamwork, physical activity, and the thrill of competition. The diverse group of students coming together to play basketball highlights the inclusivity of sports in the school environment.

Whether you’re a coach, student-athlete, or sports enthusiast, this template suits your needs perfectly. With keywords like “sports,” “team,” “education,” and “training,” it covers a broad range of topics relevant to school sports and physical education.

Now, it’s your chance to create compelling sports presentations. Download the “School Basketball Team Presentation Template” and inspire your audience with the importance of teamwork, physical fitness, and the joy of sports. Encourage them to be active participants in their school’s athletic endeavors. Download now and score big in the world of school sports and education!

Welcome to the School Studying Presentation Template , an excellent choice for presentations focusing on school lessons, homework, literature, and the importance of education. This template is designed to capture the essence of learning, exploration, and the joy of reading.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover a blend of elements that celebrate the world of books and education. From bookshelves filled with literary treasures to happy students immersed in reading, it embodies the spirit of curiosity and the quest for knowledge. The green color scheme and the image of a girl engrossed in her book create a serene and studious atmosphere.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or book lover, this template is a perfect fit for your presentations. With keywords like “education,” “learning,” “library,” and “literature,” it covers a wide range of topics relevant to the world of school studying.

Now, it’s your turn to create engaging presentations. Download the “School Studying Presentation Template” and inspire your audience with the importance of literature, learning, and the value of education. Encourage them to dive into the world of books and discover the wonders of knowledge. Download now and embark on a journey of lifelong learning!

Welcome to the School Bus Line Presentation Template , a fantastic choice for presentations related to the new school year, education, and the vital role of school buses in ensuring safe and efficient transportation for students.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll encounter a wide array of elements that symbolize the importance of school bus transportation. From the iconic yellow school bus to the dedicated drivers who ensure the safety of schoolchildren, it captures the essence of community, education, and the journey to knowledge. The yellow color scheme reflects the vibrancy and energy associated with school life.

Whether you’re an educator, school administrator, or transportation professional, this template suits your presentation needs perfectly. With keywords like “education,” “safety,” “transportation,” and “school year,” it encompasses various aspects of school bus services and their significance.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations. Download the “School Bus Line Presentation Template” and highlight the vital role that school buses play in the educational journey of students. Inspire your audience to appreciate the efforts of those who ensure safe transportation, and encourage them to embark on a successful school year. Download now and make a difference in the world of education and transportation!

Step into the world of education with the Back to School with School Supplies Presentation Template , a superb choice for presentations that celebrate the return to school, the essence of learning, and the importance of school supplies. This template’s beige background provides a clean canvas, allowing the content to take center stage and ensuring a clear and effective presentation.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this template, you’ll find a delightful assortment of school supplies, from exercise books and briefcases to calculators, textbooks, pencils, and pens. These items symbolize the dedication and hard work that goes into the learning process, and they are laid out in an organized and visually appealing manner. The inclusion of a clock reinforces the concept of time management and the importance of timely education.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or school administrator, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “education,” “school supplies,” “learning,” and “back to school,” it covers various aspects of the school experience.

Now, it’s your turn to create engaging presentations. Download the “Back to School with School Supplies Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the journey of learning with enthusiasm and preparedness. Encourage them to appreciate the value of school supplies in achieving educational goals. Download now and embark on a successful school year!

Welcome to the Professional Education Presentation Template , an excellent choice for presentations focusing on personal computer education, professional courses, and the significance of technology in the world of education. This template is designed to convey the importance of acquiring professional knowledge and skills in a modern, technology-driven world.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover a blend of elements that highlight the intersection of education and technology. From the modern computer workstation to the array of monitors and keyboards, it encapsulates the essence of a high-tech learning environment. The gray color scheme conveys professionalism and the seriousness of acquiring knowledge.

Whether you’re an educator, student, or business professional, this template is perfectly suited to your needs. With keywords like “education,” “technology,” “training,” and “professional,” it covers a wide range of topics relevant to modern education and career development.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create impactful presentations. Download the “Professional Education Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the power of technology in their educational and professional journeys. Encourage them to leverage the tools at their disposal and invest in their personal and career growth. Download now and make a difference in the world of professional education!

Step into the world of academia with the Starting School Presentation Template , a captivating choice for presentations that revolve around education, university life, and the academic journey. This template features a picturesque autumnal scene, showcasing a university building in the midst of vibrant fall foliage.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this template, you’ll be immersed in the atmosphere of higher education. The university’s classical architecture, the iconic statue, and the lush campus evoke the spirit of learning and achievement. The warm hues of autumn leaves reflect the transitional phase of starting school, where students embark on a new academic year filled with promise and opportunity.

Whether you’re a student, educator, or administrator, this template perfectly encapsulates the essence of university life. With keywords like “education,” “university,” “learning,” and “academic,” it covers a wide range of topics relevant to the world of higher education.

Now, it’s your chance to create inspiring presentations. Download the “Starting School Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to embrace the journey of learning with enthusiasm and determination. Inspire them to make the most of their university experience and the countless opportunities it offers. Download now and commence a successful academic year!

Welcome to the Education in College Presentation Template , an ideal choice for presentations that delve into the world of higher education, college life, and the pursuit of knowledge. This template features a classroom scene, where students are actively engaged in learning, making it perfect for discussions on higher education, exams, and teaching.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll immerse yourself in the academic atmosphere of a college classroom. From the blackboard filled with mathematical formulas to the students eagerly taking notes, it captures the essence of higher learning and the exchange of knowledge. The combination of orange and white elements adds vibrancy and dynamism to the scene.

Whether you’re a student, educator, or academic professional, this template suits your needs perfectly. With keywords like “education,” “college,” “learning,” and “exams,” it covers various aspects of college life and the pursuit of knowledge.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations. Download the “Education in College Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the world of higher education with enthusiasm and dedication. Encourage them to engage actively in their learning journey and strive for academic excellence. Download now and embark on a successful college experience!

Welcome to the Welcome Back to School Presentation Template , a delightful choice for presentations that celebrate the start of a new school year, the joy of learning, and the excitement of reuniting with classmates. This template features a vibrant purple silhouette background, setting the tone for a warm and inviting welcome back to school.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll be immersed in the atmosphere of learning and camaraderie. From the cheerful students with backpacks to the blackboard and chalk, it encapsulates the essence of education and the thrill of being back in the classroom. The blend of teal and purple colors adds a touch of elegance and enthusiasm to the scene.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template is the perfect fit for your back-to-school presentations. With keywords like “education,” “welcome,” “learning,” and “student,” it covers various aspects of the return to school and the pursuit of knowledge.

Now, it’s your turn to create inspiring presentations. Download the “Welcome Back to School Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to embrace the new school year with enthusiasm and a smile. Inspire them to enjoy the journey of learning and cherish the friendships that make the school experience special. Download now and welcome a successful academic year!

14. Women’s Basketball in School

Welcome to the Women’s Basketball in School Presentation Template , a perfect choice for presentations that highlight women’s sports, particularly basketball in school, and the importance of team sports for girls. This template features a dynamic blue and brown background, symbolizing the spirit of competition and teamwork.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll dive into the world of women’s basketball. From the basketball court to the players in action, it captures the essence of athleticism, teamwork, and the thrill of the game. The combination of blue and brown colors adds a sense of depth and intensity to the scene.

Whether you’re a student-athlete, coach, or sports enthusiast, this template is tailor-made for your needs. With keywords like “basketball,” “teamwork,” “sports,” and “school,” it covers various aspects of women’s sports in an educational context.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging sports presentations. Download the “Women’s Basketball in School Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to appreciate the value of team sports, physical fitness, and the spirit of competition. Encourage them to support women’s sports and the achievements of student-athletes. Download now and score big in promoting women’s basketball in schools!

Welcome to the Higher Education Presentation Template , an excellent choice for presentations that revolve around the pursuit of higher education, colleges, universities, and the academic achievements that come with it. This template features a vibrant and colorful design, symbolizing the diversity and enthusiasm found in higher education.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll be immersed in the world of academia. From the graduation cap to stacks of colorful books, it captures the essence of learning, scholarship, and the joy of earning a university degree. The dynamic and colorful design adds vibrancy and energy to the scene.

Whether you’re a student, educator, or academic professional, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “higher education,” “university,” “scholarship,” and “graduation,” it covers various aspects of the academic journey.

Now, it’s your chance to create engaging presentations. Download the “Higher Education Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to pursue higher learning with dedication and passion. Encourage them to appreciate the value of education and the scholarly achievements that come with it. Download now and embark on a successful journey toward higher education!

Welcome to the Back 2 School Presentation Template , a lively and colorful choice for presentations that mark the beginning of a new academic year, the excitement of the school season, and the anticipation of the first day of school. This template features bright and 3D letters, creating a visually engaging design.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of back-to-school season. From the colorful pencils to the 3D lettering, it encapsulates the essence of learning, fun, and the joy of embarking on a new school year. The combination of pink, orange, and yellow hues adds a sense of enthusiasm and energy to the scene.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template is the perfect fit for your back-to-school presentations. With keywords like “education,” “learning,” “school supplies,” and “new academic year,” it covers various aspects of the exciting return to school.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations. Download the “Back 2 School Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the new academic year with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. Encourage them to make the most of their learning journey and to enjoy the colorful moments of education. Download now and kickstart a successful school season!

Welcome to the Preparing for School Presentation Template , a visually captivating choice for presentations that revolve around the preparations for a new school year, the importance of stationery, and the anticipation of the first day of school. This template features a dark green background, symbolizing confidence and the significance of educational materials.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll be immersed in the world of school preparation. From the multicolored pencils representing key educational tools to the bright yellow apple symbolizing optimism and energy, it captures the essence of readiness and the joy of getting ready for school. The contrast between the green background and the colorful elements creates a visually appealing design.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template suits your needs perfectly. With keywords like “preparing for school,” “education,” “stationery,” and “back to school,” it covers various aspects of the exciting preparations for the new academic year.

Now, it’s your chance to create engaging presentations. Download the “Preparing for School Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the preparations for school with enthusiasm and eagerness. Encourage them to appreciate the value of stationery and the sense of anticipation that comes with it. Download now and embark on a successful school journey!

Welcome to the School Supplies Border Presentation Template , a visually appealing choice for presentations that revolve around the world of school supplies, preparation for school, and the importance of colorful educational tools. This template features a calming green board background, symbolizing stability and creating a sense of confidence.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find an array of vibrant school supplies, from pencils and paints to brushes, an alarm clock, a globe, and scissors. These items not only symbolize the essential tools for learning but also add a touch of creativity and fun to the presentation. The colorful elements stand out against the green backdrop, creating a visually stimulating design.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template is perfectly suited to your needs. With keywords like “school supplies,” “education,” “preparing for school,” and “back to school,” it covers various aspects of the school supply journey.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations. Download the “School Supplies Border Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to appreciate the value of colorful educational tools and the joy of preparing for school. Encourage them to embrace the creativity and excitement that school supplies bring to the learning experience. Download now and make your presentation memorable!

Welcome to the School Time Presentation Template , a dynamic choice for presentations that center around the learning process, educational issues, and the excitement of school life. This template features a beige background with a prominent blue circle, instilling confidence and representing the essence of the learning experience.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover an array of school items, from pens and pencils to a calculator, chalk, and scissors. These items symbolize the tools of learning and the various aspects of school life. The combination of colorful elements against the beige backdrop creates a visually engaging design that captures the spirit of education.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template suits your presentation needs perfectly. With keywords like “school time,” “education,” “stationery,” and “back to school,” it covers various aspects of the school journey.

Now, it’s your chance to create engaging presentations. Download the “School Time Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the joys of learning and the opportunities that school brings. Encourage them to make the most of their school time and to cherish the moments of growth and discovery. Download now and make your presentation an educational journey to remember!

Welcome to the Back to School Theme Presentation Template , an attractive and lively choice for presentations that celebrate the return to school, the joy of learning, and the excitement of a new academic year. This template features a bright background with the inscription “It’s time to back to school,” instantly grabbing your audience’s attention and infusing your report with energy.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a delightful array of school-related items, from books and pencils to an alarm clock, chalkboard, and more. These elements symbolize the tools of education and the diverse aspects of school life. The colorful design adds a sense of enthusiasm and vibrancy to the scene.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template perfectly encapsulates the essence of the back-to-school experience. With keywords like “back to school,” “education,” “stationery,” and “learning,” it covers various aspects of the exciting return to school.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations. Download the “Back to School Theme Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the new school year with joy and a sense of adventure. Encourage them to appreciate the value of education and the moments of happiness that come with it. Download now and embark on a successful school journey!

Welcome to the Back to School on Chalkboard Presentation Template , an engaging and creative choice for presentations that herald the return to school, the joy of learning, and the excitement of a new academic year. This template features a bright background with the inscription “It’s time to back to school” on a chalkboard, instantly capturing your audience’s attention and infusing your presentation with an artistic touch.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a chalkboard design with doodles and drawings, creating an atmosphere of creativity and fun. The green chalkboard symbolizes the educational environment, while the handwritten elements add a personal and artistic flair.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or involved in children’s organizations, this template is an ideal choice for presentations related to education, creativity, and activities for children. With keywords like “back to school,” “learning,” and “creativity,” it covers various aspects of the return to school and the joy of education.

Now, it’s your chance to create engaging presentations. Download the “Back to School on Chalkboard Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the new school year with enthusiasm and a sense of creativity. Encourage them to appreciate the value of education and the joy of learning through art. Download now and embark on a successful school journey filled with creativity and happiness!

Welcome to the Student Education Presentation Template , a comprehensive and engaging choice for presentations that revolve around high school education, knowledge acquisition, skill mastery, and the realization of personal potential. This template is designed to be indispensable for educational institutions and showcases the essence of high school education.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a captivating blend of elements, including books, bookshelves, students, and laptops. These elements not only symbolize the tools and resources of high school education but also create a visual narrative that immerses your audience in the world of academia.

Whether you’re an educator, student, or academic professional, this template perfectly encapsulates the essence of high school education and the pursuit of knowledge. With keywords like “high school education,” “learning,” “library,” and “books,” it covers various aspects of the educational journey.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations for high school students. Download the “Student Education Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the learning process with enthusiasm and a sense of camaraderie. Encourage them to appreciate the value of high school education and the opportunities it provides for personal and intellectual growth. Download now and embark on a successful journey of high school education!

Welcome to the Graduates Presentation Template , an educational and versatile choice for presentations that revolve around the important milestones in students’ lives, such as graduation from high school or university. This template is designed to capture the essence of academic achievements and the excitement of graduation.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a clean and professional design that complements the theme of graduation. Whether it’s college, high school, or university graduation, this template provides the perfect backdrop for celebrating students’ accomplishments.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template suits your needs perfectly. With keywords like “graduate,” “high school,” “university,” and “education,” it covers various aspects of academic achievement and the path to success.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create inspiring presentations. Download the “Graduates Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to celebrate the achievements of students. Encourage them to appreciate the value of education and the hard work that leads to graduation. Download now and commemorate the journey of graduates with pride and enthusiasm!

Welcome to the Secondary Schoolboy Presentation Template , a terrific choice for presentations that revolve around the new school year, high school education, classes, homework, and the experiences of secondary school students. This template is designed to capture the essence of the school journey for secondary schoolboys.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover a clean and student-friendly design, perfect for addressing the needs and interests of secondary school students. It incorporates elements that symbolize the educational environment and the enthusiasm of going back to school.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “secondary schoolboy,” “high school,” “education,” and “back to school,” it covers various aspects of the secondary school experience.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations. Download the “Secondary Schoolboy Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the new school year with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. Encourage them to appreciate the value of education and the opportunities it provides for personal growth. Download now and embark on a successful secondary school journey!

Welcome to the Good Pupil Presentation Template , a terrific choice for presentations that focus on improving school results, high education, examinations for school-leaving certificates, learning, studying, school life, lessons, classes, and professional education. This template is designed to inspire and support students in their educational journey.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a clean and professional design that complements the theme of academic achievement and personal growth. Whether it’s a focus on high school education or professional development, this template provides a versatile backdrop for your message.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or professional, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “good pupil,” “learning,” “school curriculum,” and “professional education,” it covers various aspects of academic success and self-improvement.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create motivating presentations. Download the “Good Pupil Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to strive for excellence in their educational journey. Encourage them to appreciate the value of learning, self-development, and continuous improvement. Download now and help your audience become exceptional pupils!

Welcome to the Geography Class Presentation Template , a beautiful choice for presentations that center around the school year, school program, education, teaching, and school subjects. This template is designed to capture the essence of the geography class and the excitement of learning about the world.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a captivating design featuring elements such as books, a globe, and a chalkboard. These elements symbolize the tools and resources used in geography education and create a visually engaging backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or involved in geography education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “geography class,” “school program,” and “education,” it covers various aspects of the geography curriculum.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations that inspire a love for geography. Download the “Geography Class Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to explore the world through the lens of geography. Inspire them to appreciate the value of geographic knowledge and its impact on understanding our planet. Download now and embark on a journey of geographical discovery!

Welcome to the World of Books Presentation Template , a versatile and informative choice for presentations that revolve around the world of literature, education, libraries, and the joy of reading. This template is designed to celebrate the value of books and the wealth of knowledge they contain.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a captivating design featuring a stack of books, a young reader, and the concept of exploration through literature. These elements symbolize the vast world of books and the opportunities they offer for learning and personal growth.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, librarian, or a literature enthusiast, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “world of books,” “education,” “library,” and “knowledge,” it covers various aspects of the literary world and the importance of reading.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations that inspire a love for books and learning. Download the “World of Books Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to embark on literary adventures and explore the vast world of knowledge that books provide. Download now and celebrate the magic of books in your presentations!

Welcome to the Students Team Presentation Template , a great choice for presentations that focus on high school students, student life, education, team projects, and collaboration in school and college. This template is designed to celebrate the spirit of teamwork and learning together.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a dynamic design featuring young people working together. The vibrant colors of green, pink, and yellow create a lively and engaging backdrop for your content, making it perfect for student-oriented presentations.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or school administrator, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “students team,” “high school,” “education,” and “teamwork,” it covers various aspects of collaborative learning and the value of working together.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create inspiring presentations that highlight the importance of teamwork in education. Download the “Students Team Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to embrace collaboration, learn from each other, and make the most of their educational journey as a team. Download now and celebrate the spirit of students working together!

Welcome to the Blackboard In A Classroom Presentation Template , a visually appealing choice for presentations that focus on education, schools, high school, and the classroom environment. This template is designed to create a classroom atmosphere that engages and informs your audience.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a classic design featuring a blackboard, an apple, and other classroom elements. This design evokes the traditional classroom setting and creates a visually rich backdrop for your content, making it perfect for educational presentations.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or involved in education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “blackboard,” “education,” “school,” and “classroom,” it covers various aspects of the educational experience.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations that transport your audience to the classroom. Download the “Blackboard In A Classroom Presentation Template” and immerse your audience in the world of education. Encourage them to appreciate the value of the classroom environment and the opportunities it offers for learning and growth. Download now and bring the classroom to your presentations!

Welcome to the Road to Knowledge Country Presentation Template , an educational and imaginative choice for presentations that celebrate the journey of learning, education, and the vast world of knowledge. This template is designed to inspire curiosity and symbolize the infinite possibilities that education offers.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover a creative design featuring a big book on a road, representing the path to knowledge and the vast perspectives that an educated person can explore. The colors of blue, green, and yellow create a visually engaging backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or a lifelong learner, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “education,” “high education,” “university,” and “college,” it covers various aspects of the educational journey and the opportunities it provides.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create inspiring presentations that emphasize the value of education and lifelong learning. Download the “Road to Knowledge Country Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to embark on their own journeys of discovery and personal growth through education. Download now and set them on the path to knowledge!

Welcome to the Successful Student Presentation Template , an excellent choice for presentations that celebrate the achievements of students and emphasize the value of education in high school, institute, and college. This template is designed to showcase the journey of a successful student.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find an inspiring design featuring a confident and successful student surrounded by textbooks. The beige and green colors create an inviting and motivational backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or educator, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “successful student,” “high school,” “institute,” and “college education,” it covers various aspects of academic success and personal growth.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create presentations that inspire and motivate students to strive for success in their educational journey. Download the “Successful Student Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to embrace education, work hard, and achieve their goals. Download now and celebrate the accomplishments of successful students!

Welcome to the Students Life Presentation Template , a vibrant choice for presentations that capture the essence of student life, campus experiences, college and high school education, and life at the institute. This template is designed to celebrate the joys and challenges of being a student.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a dynamic design featuring young students sitting on the grass, enjoying the outdoors and each other’s company. The blue sky and green grass create a refreshing and visually appealing backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or involved in education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “student life,” “campus life,” “college education,” and “high school education,” it covers various aspects of the student experience.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create engaging presentations that highlight the unique and transformative journey of students. Download the “Students Life Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to cherish their student years, make the most of their education, and create lasting memories. Download now and celebrate the vibrant world of student life!

Welcome to the Apple for Teacher Presentation Template , a charming choice for presentations that revolve around the themes of back to school, the new school year, and the appreciation of educators. This template is designed to symbolize gratitude and the beginning of a new academic journey.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a delightful design featuring a red apple, a symbol of appreciation for teachers, and an infinite scroll of education-related words. The combination of red, green, and white creates a visually appealing backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or involved in education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “back to school,” “new school year,” and “thanks to teacher,” it covers various aspects of the school experience and the significance of educators.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create heartwarming presentations that express gratitude to teachers and mark the beginning of a new academic year. Download the “Apple for Teacher Presentation Template” and encourage your audience to appreciate the knowledge and wisdom imparted by their teachers. Download now and celebrate the educators who shape our futures!

Welcome to the Complex Calculations Presentation Template , an original and mathematically inclined choice for presentations that delve into the world of education, mathematics, algebra, complex calculations, and logical reasoning. This template is designed to visualize the intricacies of mathematical thinking and problem-solving.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover a captivating design featuring formulas and mathematical symbols on a blackboard. The combination of black and white creates a clean and focused backdrop for your content, making it perfect for mathematical presentations.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, mathematician, or involved in education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “complex calculations,” “mathematics,” “algebra,” and “theorem,” it covers various aspects of mathematical thinking and problem-solving.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create presentations that unravel the beauty and logic of mathematics. Download the “Complex Calculations Presentation Template” and engage your audience in the world of formulas, equations, and mathematical reasoning. Download now and celebrate the power of mathematical thinking!

Welcome to the College Class Presentation Template , an educational and insightful choice for presentations that delve into the world of college and high school education, university studies, mathematics, and arithmetic. This template is designed to capture the essence of a dynamic classroom setting.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll encounter an engaging design featuring an auditorium with a lecturer at the blackboard, equations, and students actively participating in the learning process. The combination of green and red accents creates a visually stimulating backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or involved in education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “college education,” “study in the university,” “mathematics,” and “arithmetic,” it covers various aspects of higher education and mathematical exploration.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create presentations that bring the excitement of the college classroom to life. Download the “College Class Presentation Template” and immerse your audience in the world of equations, formulas, and mathematical discovery. Download now and celebrate the joy of learning!

Welcome to the Graduation in Blue Colors Presentation Template , a celebratory choice for presentations dedicated to the joyous occasion of university degree ceremonies, graduation, and higher education achievements. This template captures the essence of a significant milestone in the academic journey.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll find a delightful design featuring students joyfully tossing their mortarboards into the air, a tradition symbolizing the completion of their studies. The soothing blue color scheme creates a sense of calm and achievement, making it the perfect backdrop for your content.

Whether you’re a student, educator, or involved in higher education, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “university degree,” “graduation,” and “high and higher education,” it covers various aspects of academic accomplishment and the pursuit of knowledge.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create presentations that celebrate the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. Download the “Graduation in Blue Colors Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to reach for their own academic aspirations. Download now and celebrate the journey of learning and achievement!

Welcome to the Book Shelf Presentation Template , a classic and scholarly choice for presentations on libraries, education, reading, and scientific assignments. This template immerses your audience in the rich world of literature and knowledge.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll discover an impressive design featuring tall bookshelves filled with ancient volumes, complete with Latin inscriptions. The combination of black, brown, and white creates an atmosphere of timeless wisdom and intellectual exploration.

Whether you’re a librarian, educator, or simply passionate about books and learning, this template caters to your needs perfectly. With keywords like “libraries,” “education,” “reading,” and “scientific assignment,” it covers various facets of the pursuit of knowledge.

Now, it’s your opportunity to create presentations that celebrate the wealth of human wisdom stored in the pages of books. Download the “Book Shelf Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embark on a literary journey. Download now and delve into the fascinating world of books and learning!

Welcome to the Academic Studies Presentation Template , a perfect choice for presentations on education, university studies, academic achievements, and graduation. This template encapsulates the essence of scholarly pursuit and knowledge attainment.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this presentation template, you’ll encounter a compelling design featuring a stack of books crowned with a mortarboard, a symbol of academic excellence. The blend of black, white, and vibrant academic colors like red and orange creates an atmosphere of celebration and achievement.

Whether you’re an educator, a student about to graduate, or someone passionate about the pursuit of knowledge, this template is tailored to your needs. With keywords like “education,” “academic studies,” “university degree,” and “graduation,” it covers various aspects of academic success and intellectual growth.

Now, it’s your opportunity to craft presentations that highlight the journey of learning and the fulfillment of educational goals. Download the “Academic Studies Presentation Template” and inspire your audience to embrace the world of academia. Download now and celebrate the power of education and scholarship!

Introducing the Speech Day Presentation Template , a fantastic choice for presentations on high school and college graduations, academic achievements, graduation exams, and the exciting journey of choosing a profession or applying to universities and scholarships.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

This dynamic template features an array of images showcasing the essence of graduation day. From students donning caps and gowns to the proud moments of receiving diplomas, it captures the spirit of achievement. The inclusion of podiums and microphones signifies the importance of delivering speeches and sharing words of wisdom on this memorable occasion.

Whether you’re a student preparing for graduation, an educator offering guidance, or an organization supporting young talents, this template suits your needs. With keywords like “graduation,” “student,” “speech,” and “microphone,” it covers various aspects of this transformative phase in one’s life.

Seize the opportunity to create presentations that inspire, educate, and celebrate the culmination of hard work and dedication. Download the “Speech Day Presentation Template” and be a part of the journey towards success. Download now and share in the excitement of graduation day!

Introducing the Student in a Lecture Presentation Template , a powerful tool for creating engaging presentations on university life, learning, high school experiences, research papers, tests, and more.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

This versatile template features an image of a diligent student sitting at a desk, fully engaged in note-taking during a lecture. The close-up view emphasizes the importance of active learning, making it an ideal choice for educational presentations.

Whether you’re a student showcasing your dedication to learning, an educator discussing effective study techniques, or a professional offering insights into research and academia, this template has you covered. Keywords like “university,” “student,” “lecture,” and “study” cater to a wide range of educational topics.

With this template, you can inspire others to embrace the journey of knowledge acquisition and excel in their academic pursuits. Download the “Student in a Lecture Presentation Template” now and harness the power of effective visual storytelling in your educational presentations. Download today and enhance your audience’s learning experience!

Are you searching for an ideal presentation template to celebrate the remarkable achievements of high school and university graduates? Look no further! Our Graduators With Diploma presentation template is precisely what you need to capture the joyous moments of graduation ceremonies.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

This versatile template showcases three exuberant and diverse graduates, their smiles radiating the elation of reaching this significant milestone. It perfectly suits presentations centered around high school education, college graduations, university degrees, and the pivotal choices that lie ahead as students embark on their future careers.

With a harmonious blend of academic imagery, including mortarboards and certificates, along with vibrant, multicultural elements, this template emphasizes the unity and diversity of educational experiences. The backdrop of cityscapes and blue skies symbolizes the limitless possibilities awaiting these accomplished individuals.

Incorporate this template into your presentation to inspire and congratulate graduates on their academic journey. It’s a tribute to the dedication, hard work, and success of students from various backgrounds, making it an ideal choice for any graduation-related topic.

Don’t miss the chance to make your graduation presentation stand out. Download the “Graduators With Diploma” presentation template now and create a memorable and heartwarming graduation experience for your audience. Celebrate the achievements of high school and university graduates with this captivating template.

Download now and celebrate success!

Welcome to our Student Mathematics presentation template, a perfect choice for a wide range of educational presentations. Whether you’re discussing learning, studying, knowledge acquisition, or the importance of libraries, colleges, and high schools, this template has you covered.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

This dynamic template encapsulates the essence of education with its captivating visuals and design elements. It features a silhouette of a focused student surrounded by mathematical formulas, atoms, and molecules. This imagery represents the intersection of various disciplines and the interconnectedness of knowledge.

In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in education. The inclusion of a laptop and internet icon highlights the significance of technology in modern learning environments. It underscores the integration of digital tools and resources into the educational experience.

Yellow and orange accents in the template symbolize enthusiasm for learning and the vibrant energy of education. These colors convey optimism and creativity, making this template especially engaging for students and educators.

Whether you’re a teacher, lecturer, or student, this template provides a visually appealing and informative platform to deliver your content effectively. It embodies the spirit of education, innovation, and intellectual curiosity, making it an excellent choice for any presentation related to mathematics, science, or technology.

Step up your presentation game and engage your audience with the “Student Mathematics” template. Download it now and empower your educational message. Encourage understanding, critical thinking, and success in learning with this exceptional presentation tool.

Download today and elevate your educational presentations to new heights!

Are you at a crossroads in your educational journey, wondering about your future career path? Or perhaps you’re tasked with delivering a presentation on making career choices, higher education, graduation, or the challenges of final exams. Look no further than our Occupation Choice presentation template.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

This visually appealing and informative template is designed to help you convey the complexities and significance of career decisions. With a 3D character deep in thought, surrounded by academic symbols, this template captures the essence of the decision-making process involved in choosing one’s occupation.

The graduation cap and diploma represent the culmination of years of hard work and learning, symbolizing the transition from student to a professional. They remind us of the value of higher education and the sense of achievement that comes with earning a degree.

The thoughtful expression on the character’s face underscore the importance of informed decision-making. They encourage critical thinking and a thoughtful approach to career choices.

The orange color scheme exudes enthusiasm and determination, emphasizing the excitement and optimism that accompany career exploration. This template aims to inspire and motivate individuals to pursue their passions and dreams.

Whether you’re a student preparing for your next educational milestone or an educator guiding students through their career choices, this template provides an excellent platform to facilitate meaningful discussions. It encourages individuals to reflect on their aspirations, interests, and values as they embark on their journey towards a fulfilling career.

With the “Occupation Choice” template, you have the perfect tool to engage your audience and promote thoughtful consideration of career paths and educational opportunities. Empower individuals to make informed decisions and embrace the challenges and rewards that come with higher education and career development.

Download this template today and guide your audience towards informed and inspired occupation choices. Your message matters, and this template will help you deliver it effectively.

Encourage thoughtful decision-making and empower your audience to embark on a fulfilling career journey. Download now and inspire greatness!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery and exploration? Dive into the captivating world of geography with our Study of Geography presentation template. Whether you’re a student eager to delve into the mysteries of the Earth or an educator preparing to guide your students through the fascinating realms of geography, this template is your ideal companion.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Geography is more than just maps and locations; it’s about understanding the world, its diverse cultures, natural wonders, and the complex relationships that shape our planet. Our template captures the essence of this multifaceted subject, making it perfect for presentations on outlook, world exploration, curiosity-driven learning, and educational films that explore the wonders of our planet.

The image of a graduate’s cap and diploma symbolizes academic achievement and the quest for knowledge. It reflects the importance of education in fostering a deeper understanding of the world around us. Geography graduates have the unique opportunity to explore different cultures, study Earth’s ecosystems, and contribute to a sustainable future.

The blue and black color scheme evokes the vastness of the Earth and the depth of knowledge that geography encompasses. It encourages a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and inspires individuals to embark on their own geographical journeys.

The inclusion of the Earth and a globe in the background reinforces the central theme of geography. It serves as a reminder that our planet is a canvas of diverse landscapes, cultures, and stories waiting to be discovered.

With this template, you can captivate your audience, ignite their curiosity, and inspire them to explore the world with fresh eyes. It’s a powerful tool for educators, students, and anyone passionate about geography and its role in understanding our planet’s past, present, and future.

So, whether you’re creating a presentation on geography education, global exploration, or simply want to share your enthusiasm for the world’s wonders, the “Study of Geography” template will guide you on an exciting journey of discovery. Download it now and embark on a captivating exploration of our world!

Take your audience on a captivating journey of geographical exploration. Download now and inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about our planet!

Embark on an enlightening voyage through the educational system with our Educational System presentation template. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or an advocate for lifelong learning, this template is your perfect guide to understanding the intricacies of education, from kindergarten to university.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

The educational journey is a significant and transformative experience for individuals of all ages. It’s a path marked by milestones, achievements, and the pursuit of knowledge. This presentation template beautifully captures this journey, featuring a pair of children’s shoes, a graduation hat, and a university diploma set against a rich, dark blue background.

Education is a lifelong journey, and this template underscores the importance of continuous learning, from early childhood through higher education. It serves as a visual reminder of the achievements and milestones that individuals can aspire to throughout their educational careers.

Whether you’re crafting a presentation on the educational system, curriculum vitae, education levels, or the significance of educational milestones, this template will guide your audience through a captivating exploration of the educational journey.

With the “Educational System” presentation template, you have the perfect tool to convey the importance of education, inspire lifelong learning, and celebrate the achievements of students at every stage of their educational voyage.

Take your audience on an enlightening journey through the educational system. Download now and inspire a lifelong love of learning and growth!

Step into the vibrant world of college life with our College Students presentation template.

The college experience is a unique and transformative period in one’s life, marked by academic pursuits, personal growth, and the formation of lifelong friendships. This presentation template beautifully encapsulates these aspects, featuring a backdrop of smiling young people lying on lush green grass.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

College education is not just about textbooks and lectures; it’s also about teamwork, mutual aid, and building lasting connections. The diverse group of students in the template represents the inclusive and multicultural nature of college campuses, emphasizing the importance of diversity in learning environments.

The vibrant colors of pink and yellow in the template symbolize enthusiasm, energy, and the zest for life that college students often exude. These colors create a visually appealing backdrop for presentations focused on the good mood, good company, and shared successes that characterize college life.

Whether you’re delivering a presentation on college education, the value of teamwork, the significance of friendships, or the overall college experience, this template serves as a visual celebration of those memorable years.

With the “College Students” presentation template, you can transport your audience back to the days of college, where learning, laughter, and friendship went hand in hand. It’s a tribute to the transformative power of education and the enduring bonds formed during this unique period of life.

Capture the essence of college life and the joy of learning. Download the “College Students” presentation template now and share the vibrant spirit of college education with your audience!

Immerse your audience in the world of education, learning, and classroom experiences with our Female Hand Writing by White Chalk on Blackboard presentation template. This template provides a perfect backdrop for a wide range of educational presentations, whether you’re discussing school, lessons, or the art of teaching.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

The central element of the template is the image of a female hand holding white chalk, poised to write or draw on the chalkboard. This image speaks to the act of teaching, communication, and the transfer of knowledge from educator to student. It represents the human touch that makes learning a dynamic and interactive experience.

The contrast between the blackboard’s deep black surface and the white chalk used for writing creates a visually striking and attention-grabbing effect. This stark contrast emphasizes the importance of clarity and effective communication in education.

The template’s design allows for a focus on the act of writing, whether it’s an equation, a sentence, a diagram, or any other form of educational content. This makes it an ideal choice for presentations on lessons, grammar, language, or any topic related to learning and teaching.

The template’s versatility is further enhanced by its neutral color palette, making it suitable for a wide range of educational contexts and subjects. Whether you’re discussing elementary school lessons, high school grammar, or even teacher training, this template provides a visually appealing and engaging backdrop for your content.

Elevate your educational presentations, engage your audience, and emphasize the importance of learning and teaching. Download the “Female Hand Writing by White Chalk on Blackboard” presentation template now and make your educational content stand out. It’s time to inspire and educate with clarity and impact!

Welcome to the world of mathematical precision and problem-solving! Our Mathematics Formulas presentation template is designed to help you deliver impactful and informative presentations on higher mathematics, exact calculations, physics, and more. With its black-and-white theme and mathematical formulas on a blackboard background, this template is perfect for creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

The monochrome color scheme, featuring black and white, enhances the clarity and readability of the mathematical content. The stark contrast between the black background and white mathematical notations ensures that your formulas and equations are easily visible and comprehensible to your audience.

The inclusion of various mathematical symbols, such as plus signs, fractions, and geometric patterns, emphasizes the breadth and depth of mathematical knowledge. Whether you’re discussing algebra, calculus, trigonometry, or any other branch of mathematics, this template provides a versatile and visually appealing platform for your content.

This template is especially well-suited for presentations in academic settings, mathematics classes, physics lectures, and any context where mathematical precision is paramount. It invites your audience to immerse themselves in the world of numbers and equations, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

With the “Mathematics Formulas” template, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to elevate your math presentations. Engage your audience with the elegance and precision of mathematical thinking. Download this template now and make your mathematical concepts come alive with clarity and impact. It’s time to unlock the beauty of mathematics in your presentations!

Embrace the digital era of education and online learning with our Learn Button presentation template. This versatile template is the perfect choice for presentations on computer-based learning, online courses, e-learning platforms, and educational software.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

The “Learn Button” template is designed to capture the essence of online education. It features a clean and contemporary design that embodies the digital realm of learning. The central element of this template is the iconic “Learn” button, which symbolizes the gateway to knowledge in the digital age. This button serves as a visual metaphor for the ease and accessibility of online learning.

One of the key strengths of this template is its adaptability to various educational contexts. Whether you’re involved in higher education, primary and secondary schools, or corporate training, this template can be customized to suit your specific needs. Its neutral and modern design ensures that it complements a wide range of content.

The inclusion of words like “curriculum,” “research,” and “university” reflects the comprehensive nature of online education. It encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects and disciplines, from basic knowledge to advanced expertise, all of which can be accessed and explored through digital platforms.

If you’re looking to create presentations on computer-based learning, distance education, or e-learning solutions, the “Learn Button” template provides an engaging and visually appealing backdrop for your content. It encourages your audience to embark on a digital learning journey, making education more accessible and convenient than ever before.

Empower your educational message with this template’s modern design and user-friendly visuals. Download the “Learn Button” template now, and open the door to a world of online learning possibilities. It’s time to click “Learn” and discover the future of education!

The Masters presentation template is a powerful and elegant choice for commemorating academic achievements, particularly the attainment of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. This template is designed to capture the essence of success, knowledge, and personal growth that comes with completing a rigorous academic journey.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

The template’s color scheme of black, blue, and gray represents sophistication, professionalism, and trustworthiness. These qualities are highly desirable for presentations related to higher education, research papers, and graduation ceremonies. The deep blue background evokes a sense of stability and knowledge, while the black and gray elements symbolize the formal aspects of academia.

The central focus of the “Masters” template is the graduation cap and diploma, which are iconic symbols of academic accomplishment. These visuals serve as a powerful reminder of the hard work and dedication that culminate in receiving a Master’s degree, making the template suitable for graduation-related presentations.

The inclusion of words like “graduate,” “completion,” and “congratulations” reinforces the theme of success and academic achievement. These words resonate with the audience, creating a positive and celebratory atmosphere during the presentation.

The “Masters” template also features a diverse group of individuals, symbolizing the inclusive nature of education. This diversity is a testament to the fact that academic achievements are accessible to people from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Whether you’re a university faculty member, a graduate student, or a professional delivering a research paper presentation, this template provides an ideal backdrop for your content. It conveys the message that dedication, hard work, and the pursuit of knowledge can lead to academic excellence.

Incorporate this template into your next presentation to celebrate academic milestones, showcase research findings, or honor the accomplishments of graduates. Its refined design and powerful visuals will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Download the “Masters” presentation template today to create a memorable and inspiring presentation that recognizes and celebrates academic excellence. It’s time to applaud the accomplishments of those who have mastered their fields of study and embraced a future filled with opportunities.

Don’t assume that these 50 ideas about high school education are all we have to offer. PoweredTemplate’s library contains hundreds of free and premium presentation templates covering the topic of high school education.

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  • final year students
  • mortarboard

Additionally, for a nominal monthly fee , you can gain access to a multitude of premium resources related to high school education, conveniently organized in sections like Presentation Templates , Images , Graphic Templates , and Graphics .

Join us at PoweredTemplate to unlock a world of educational resources and enhance your presentations on high school education!

  • Presentation Ideas for Students: Easy and Unique Topics

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Presentations at school are not just an everyday task: they are your chance to show you are a bright student and demonstrate your vision. Adding some creativity and your personal touch to your presentations will provide an extra level of interest and help your presentation remain in people’s memories.

You don’t need to be a techie, either. Software packages such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva are easy to use and provide many colorful devices to make your ideas visually striking.

To create this article, we invited experienced presentation designers and effective presenters to share tips and original ideas for presentations that will help students succeed. So, choose an interesting topic from our list and create a presentation using the tips from our experts!

List of Topic Ideas for Different Categories

As you already know, the right topic needs to appeal to you, fit the occasion, and hold the interest of your audience. Here's a more detailed checklist of the characteristics of the best presentation topics:

  • Engaging: Captures and holds the audience’s interest throughout the presentation.
  • Relevant: Relates to trends and topics in your field of study or work.
  • Researchable: Information and resources are available to support your claims and arguments.
  • Brief and Concise: Easily understood by the target audience with no convoluted ideas or overused terminology.
  • Original: Offers a fresh perspective or approach, distinguishing it from common topics.
  • Appropriately Scoped: Well-suited for the allotted presentation time; not too broad or too narrow.

Thus, when selecting presentation topics for students, consider these factors to create an excellent presentation. You can also explore what a good essay topic looks like to get more inspiration and ideas for your presentation.

So, check out our list of 100 PowerPoint presentation topics for students, which has been thoroughly structured to make it easier for a school or university student to choose a topic!

10-Minute Presentation Ideas

You must pick your subject carefully if you have 10 minutes to make an impression. It has to be brief and compelling. Here are ten short and memorable ideas for presentation topics:

  • The Future of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Psychology Behind First Impressions
  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life
  • Minimalism: More Than Just Decluttering
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Brief History of the Internet
  • How to Start a Small Business
  • The Basics of Personal Financial Management
  • The Importance of Voting in Democratic Societies
  • The Benefits of Daily Physical Activity

If you need help creating a great topic, consider consulting expert writers. The PowerPoint presentation writing service can provide engaging presentation examples for students. Moreover, experienced authors will help you with any part of your presentation if required.

Good Higher School Presentation Ideas

School presentations for high school students can be a perfect way to introduce exciting topics and help them broaden their educational horizons. Here are ten PowerPoint presentation topics for higher school students:

  • The Effects of Global Warming on Our Planet
  • The Evolution of Pop Music
  • Understanding the Stock Market
  • The Science of Habit Formation
  • Exploring Career Options in Technology
  • The Role of the United Nations in World Peace
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • Teenage Mental Health: Understanding and Support
  • The History and Impact of Comic Books
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself Online

Business Topics for Presentation at University

Business presentations must be informative, explaining industry trends, strategies, and innovations. Here are the ten most impressive business slideshow ideas for students:

  • The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail
  • The Role of Social Media in Modern Marketing Strategies
  • Startup Culture: Evolution and Impact
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Examples and Outcomes
  • The Future of Work: Remote vs. In-Office
  • Blockchain Technology in Business
  • Global Economic Trends and Their Impact on Local Businesses
  • Customer Relationship Management: Best Practices
  • Business Ethics in the Age of Technology
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy and Outcomes

>> Find more business research paper topics  for presentation  at StateOfWriting!

Medical and Nursing Topics for Presentation

Medical and nursing presentations usually focus on today's issues, innovations, and new or best practices. This list covers ten interesting topics for presentation for healthcare professionals and students:

  • The Role of Telemedicine in Modern Healthcare
  • Advances in Robotic Surgery
  • The Impact of Mental Health on Physical Well-being
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice
  • The Importance of Patient Education in Chronic Disease Management
  • Breakthroughs in Alzheimer's Disease Research
  • Handling Medical Emergencies in Remote Areas
  • The Evolution of Nursing Roles in Healthcare
  • Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Hospitals

Unique Management Topics for Presentation

Good management is at the heart of a successful enterprise. The following ten creative presentation ideas explore leadership, strategy, and operational effectiveness:

  • Leadership Styles and Organizational Impact
  • Change Management: Strategies for Successful Implementation
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Project Management Techniques for Efficient Workflow
  • Cross-Cultural Management and Its Challenges
  • Corporate Governance and Accountability
  • Managing Remote Teams: Tools and Tips
  • Innovation Management in Companies
  • Crisis Management: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
  • Performance Management and Employee Development

Interesting Psychology Topics for Presentation

Psychology is a human science that seeks to understand the mechanics of our minds and behaviour. Here are ten topics to do a presentation on psychology that are sure to captivate and educate any audience:

  • The Psychology of Motivation and its Impact on Success
  • Cognitive Biases and Decision-Making
  • The Effects of Stress on Mental and Physical Health
  • Child Development: The Role of Nature vs. Nurture
  • The Influence of Personality on Lifestyle Choices
  • Psychological Techniques in Pain Management
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teen Self-Esteem
  • Memory Formation and the Mechanisms of Forgetting
  • The Role of Therapy in Treating Anxiety Disorders
  • The Psychological Effects of Color on Mood and Behavior

Best Biology Topics for Presentation

Life comes in many forms, and biology is the science that explores them all. Here are ten easy topics for presentation on biology:

  • The Genetic Basis of Inherited Diseases
  • The Role of Microbiomes in Human Health
  • Conservation Strategies for Endangered Species
  • The Process and Implications of CRISPR and Gene Editing
  • Plant-Animal Interactions and Their Ecological Impact
  • Marine Biology: Deep Sea Ecosystems and Their Mysteries
  • The Biology of Aging and Longevity
  • Biotechnology in Agriculture: Innovations and Ethics
  • Behavioral Ecology and Animal Communication

Good Physics Topics for Presentation

Physics helps people understand the general laws of the Universe. Here are ten unique topics for presentation in college:

  • The Theory of Relativity and Its Applications
  • Quantum Mechanics: Principles and Paradoxes
  • The Physics of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
  • Advances in Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider
  • The Role of Physics in Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Nuclear Fusion: The Future of Energy?
  • The Science of Thermodynamics and Its Modern Applications
  • Astrophysics: Exploring the Composition of the Universe
  • The Physics of Sound and Music
  • Fluid Dynamics in Nature and Technology

Chemistry-Related Topics for Presentation

Chemistry is central to many innovations around us and our daily experiences. Let’s explore ten presentation topic ideas explaining chemistry from practical applications and theoretical research:

  • The Chemistry of Everyday Life: Soaps and Detergents
  • Organic Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Development
  • Nanotechnology in Chemistry: Materials and Applications
  • The Role of Chemistry in Environmental Conservation
  • Catalysis and Its Importance in Industrial Processes
  • The Future of Materials Science with Polymers and Composites
  • Biochemistry: Proteins and Enzymes at Work
  • The Chemistry of Food and Flavor
  • Electrochemistry and Its Applications in Energy Storage
  • Chemical Safety and Toxicology in the Modern World

Tips for Creating Powerful Presentations

Shaping the perfect presentation is vital to persuade the audience to listen. Mastering the art of presentation can impact your success. Our experts have kindly provided basic advices for a successful presentation:

  • Know your Audience: Match the content to your audience's interests, level of knowledge, and expectations.
  • Lead with a Hook: The story or compelling start that helps you capture attention and achieve the tone you want for your presentation.
  • Use Visuals Wisely: Relevant visuals can support and enhance your message – but must never overshadow it.
  • Practise Makes Perfect: Rehearse your speech beforehand many times to deliver it more fluently and confidently.
  • Make Your Presentation Interactive: Add questions, interactions, and active engagement with your audience to keep them interested.

Tips for Creating Powerful Presentations

To be effective with presentations, you must know your audience, have a killer beginning, use stage-appropriate visuals, practice, and use a strong engagement hook.

Elevate Your Presentation to Leave a Lasting Impression

To sum up, picking interesting presentation ideas for students and adding a touch of creativity to them can turn school assignments into memorable experiences. You can also use visual aids or UK writing service to make your presentation eye-catching and showcase your unique perspectives and insights. Your efforts will impress and inspire those who listen.

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140 Creative PowerPoint Presentation Topics for College Students

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

November 3, 2021


When it comes to creating a good PowerPoint presentation, choosing an interesting topic can define your success. Both teachers and students get bored with dull presentation topics. To avoid losing your audience and getting a lower grade, you should start with mulling over a few cool presentation ideas to pick a perfect topic.

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Since there are so many different subjects, it might be rather difficult for you to find suitable topics for presentation assignments. Prior to getting started, go through this checklist and settle on one topic:

  • Do a Research Go online and look for interesting presentation topics. There is no guarantee that you will find a good subject to explore, but you can draw inspiration to come up with your own idea.
  • Talk to Your Teacher Your professors can provide you with some unique presentation ideas if you seek their help at once. Don’t wait until another student gets a cool topic; be the first to ask.
  • Consider Your Interests The easiest way to make an effective presentation is to tell about something you are interested in or know well. The best presentation topics ideas come from a person’s expertise or experience. So think carefully about what makes you engaged in a particular subject and use it to construct a topic.

If you are still uncertain about your presentation, read on to find a wide range of engaging presentation topics.

A List of Interesting Presentation Topics for College

To help you make your college presentations exciting, we have composed the list of universally interesting topics in various subjects. The areas of study are arranged in alphabetical order.

Agriculture Presentation Topics

  • Environmental impact of agriculture
  • Development and utilization of bio-based fuels
  • How world population growth affects global demand for commodities
  • Americans waste their food
  • Trump’s return to conventional agriculture
  • How GMO labeling works
  • Anti-pollution efforts anyone can put in
  • How is your beef treated before it ends up on your plate
  • How is permaculture different from organic gardening
  • Is there a future for sustainable agriculture?

Art Presentation Topics

  • Popular misconceptions about oil paintings
  • Is graffiti an artwork?
  • The art of digital photography
  • World weirdest museums
  • Greatest painters of all time
  • Peculiarities of Orientalism in art
  • Religious aspects of art
  • Impressions from Impressionism
  • Posters and collages: modern art
  • The art of murals

Architecture Presentation Topics

  • Modern garden architecture
  • Examples of post-modernist architecture
  • Environmentally friendly architecture
  • Architectural design
  • World’s most impressive pieces of architecture
  • Religious architecture
  • Greatest architects of all time
  • Industrial architecture
  • Best examples of landscape architecture
  • Architectural engineering

Business Presentation Topics

  • Pros and cons of family-owned business
  • Business ethics as a key factor in corporate success
  • Evolution of entrepreneurship
  • How does a franchise work
  • Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing
  • Is freelancing a career?
  • Effective management techniques
  • How to create a healthy workplace environment
  • Importance of the workplace diversity
  • Perks of e-commerce

Criminal Justice Presentation Topics

  • Hate crimes in different age groups
  • What you should know about human trafficking
  • How to deal with domestic violence
  • Danger of cybercrime
  • How to prevent crime
  • How prison system works
  • Consequences of wrongful conviction
  • Capital punishment
  • Elder/child abuse
  • Types of juvenile delinquency

Environment Presentation Topics

  • How urban ecology works
  • Notion of environmental racism
  • Size and impact of industrial pollution
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Consequences of deforestation
  • What is ecofeminism?
  • Contamination of groundwater
  • Exposure to nuclear waste
  • How bad is air pollution?
  • Management of water resources

History Presentation Topics

  • Role of the USA in Vietnam War
  • Constitutional history of the US
  • Rise and fall of the Roman Empire
  • A typical day of an ancient Egyptian
  • Interesting facts from Cleopatra’s biography
  • Ancient Greece and the origins of democracy
  • Historical aspects of Sumerian mythology
  • Famous women in world history
  • Unknown facts about Geronimo
  • Legacy of African-American folklore

Lifestyle Presentation Topics

  • Difference between consumption and consumerism
  • Role of social media in our personal life
  • Why are people obsessed with celebrities?
  • Which family values still matter?
  • Drug and alcohol substitutes
  • Social issues of dating violence
  • How efficient is online dating?
  • Spending quality time with your friends
  • Growing up in the same-gender family
  • Does sport equal health?

Literature Presentation Topics

  • Haiku: Japanese poetry at its best
  • Stendahl and his two colors of French novel
  • Literary genre of mystery and detective fiction
  • George Orwell and dystopian literature
  • Evolution of the short story genre
  • Kabuki, a traditional Japanese theater
  • Gods in Scandinavian mythology
  • Catharsis and Greek tragedy
  • Peculiarties of medieval drama
  • Origins of science fiction literature

Psychology Presentation

  • Archetypal attraction to horror movies
  • Difference between stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice
  • False memory disorder
  • Gender roles in modern society
  • What is social identity?
  • Cognitive models of decision making
  • Individual differences in reasoning
  • Nature of cognitive dissonance
  • Experimental social psychology
  • Basics of self-reflection

Science Presentation Topics

  • What determines body mass index?
  • How harmful is tobacco smoke?
  • Germ theory of disease
  • Sleep deprivation, patterns, and habits
  • Cosmology versus cosmogony
  • Marijuana use, dependence, and abuse
  • What do we know about genes and DNA?
  • Role of biotechnics
  • Greatest women in science
  • Origins of modern calculus

Sports Presentation Topics

  • Popular sports superstitions
  • Where do the fastest cars race?
  • Greatest athletes of all times
  • Little known facts about the Olympics
  • Equine therapy for autistic kids
  • History of basketball
  • Famous animal athletes
  • Origins of martial arts
  • Which sports cause most injuries?
  • Traditional sports you never heard of

Technology Presentation Topics

  • Evolution of artificial intelligence
  • Ethical hacker: Can hacking be legal?
  • Possibilities of solar energy
  • How a lie detector works
  • Prospects of green technology
  • Ethics of genetic engineering
  • Eco-friendly means of transportation
  • Networked culture of social media
  • Risks of nanotechnology development
  • SpaceX’s interplanetary spaceship

5 Minute Presentation Topics

  • Greatest discoveries of the last decade
  • Industrial impact of autonomous cars
  • Governmental control of the Internet
  • iOS versus Android
  • Gender difference in IQ
  • Reasons to stop watching horror movies
  • Busting fast food myths
  • Can an atheist have virtues?
  • Blogging as self-employment
  • Why care about politics?

help me make my powerpoint presentation

60 Extra New PowerPoint Presentation Topics

Topics on politics.

  • The global view of politics by students.
  • Is tolerance a current approach to developing new political virtues?
  • Reasons to justify liberal democracy.
  • The difference between parliamentary and presidential elections and forms of democracy.
  • Should politicians go extra mile to ensure that the community is prosperous?
  • Do you agree that coronavirus situation in the New York City can be used as a means of promoting nationalization?
  • Do you agree that the situation with the anti-coronavirus masks shortage is connected with the government mess done on purpose?
  • The situation with corruption among politicians on a global scale.
  • Compare and contrast the UK and the USA foreign policies.
  • What is the function of congressional communities?

Topics on Mass Media

  • Should social media operate according to specific rules?
  • What are the main criteria for certain YouTube videos to spread viral?
  • What was the main reason why social media platforms have become so trendy?
  • Should some celebrities be ashamed of the content they expose in the social media? Or is it a way of gaining population?
  • Is it possible to maintain safety and confidentiality on social media platforms?
  • What do you think of the popularity rates when it comes to people who still prefer watching TV to surfing the net?
  • Why are so many people interested in watching dangerous and life-threatening pranks?
  • Your opinion on Netflix series: are they changing the world of movies?
  • Recall some stories of child actors who succeeded in their future adult careers.
  • What impact do politicians have on the Academy Awards?

Topics on Medicine

  • Pros and cons of in-vitro fertilization.
  • Dangers and mysteries behind pharmaceutical companies.
  • The underlying principles of anatomy that everyone should know.
  • The fundamental criteria used in diagnosing diseases.
  • Mysteries behind the life of microbes.
  • What do you know about the latest medical breakthroughs?
  • Historical accounts about the world’s biggest pandemics.
  • Should people be alert when it comes to the threat of brain sucking amoeba?
  • What is the function of each part of the human brain?
  • Nervous system and its influence on the other bodily systems.

Topics on Education and Academic Matters

  • Benefits and drawbacks of online education.
  • Should schools put forward some severe and drastic disciplinary measures?
  • To what extent should parents be involved in their children’s education?
  • The main features and differences of the educational process in the Asian countries.
  • How convenient are gadgets for students’ learning process?
  • How to balance part-time work and college education?
  • Should education be controlled by the government?
  • How to succeed in finding a job right after college education?
  • Should college degrees be necessary for the opening position?
  • How to survive when students have to live on a shoestring because of tuition fees?

Topics on Finance

  • Advantages and disadvantages of private banking.
  • How to cut down on the business expenses and get a bigger profit of your business?
  • Neither a lender nor a borrower be: to what extent do you agree?
  • Pros and cons of saving money and spending less vs. taking loans.
  • Fundamental knowledge needed to be a financial analyst.
  • Why are so many people reluctant to share their spending to the public?
  • Pros and cons of passive income.
  • How to minimize the credit loans on your credit card?
  • How to manage your personal budget?
  • How to travel the world even if you do not have much money?

Topics on IT

  • The main features of operational systems working on Android.
  • The role of tablets in the world of computers.
  • The main principles of genetic engineering.
  • The development process of touch screen gadgets.
  • Ethicality of human cloning.
  • Role of apps in learning and work.
  • 5G technology: pros and cons.
  • Danger of cyber crimes and what can be done about it?
  • Dangers and threats of nuclear technology.
  • BOYD principles.

You can choose any of the suggested topics to make an interesting college presentation. You can also try exploring curious and controversial aspects of a subject. In such a way, you will be able to find an engaging topic for your slide show.

You should not forget to make your PowerPoint presentation effective and memorable. For this, use images of good quality and appropriate size. Remember that a successful presentation is a combination of interesting information and helpful visual aids. That is why it is crucial that you provide both for your audience.

Some Advice On How to Make an Appealing Presentation

If you want to deliver a good presentation, keep in mind that it is not merely a successful topic that is decisive for making it a winning one. Actually, one may struggle with the presentation due to the lack of experience of public speaking. If you do not feel confident when delivering a topic in front of the audience, the presentation may easily be turned into a failure. If you want to prepare an effective presentation, be sure that there are specific tips to take into account if you want to make a presentation effective and appealing to the reader. So, check out the main aspects:

Aspects for Writing Great Presentation

  • Work on the presentation design and pay attention to the visuals and info graphics. If you have slides that have only words on the big screen, be sure that such presentation will not be appealing to you audience. So, express creativity and add some uniqueness – add pictures that are relevant to what you are speaking about and also make sure that they can catch attention of your listeners. Set your inner artist free in order to make your presentation stand out of the crowd. However, strike a balance when it comes to the colors and fonts – they should distract attention of your audience from the main idea.
  • Do not use overly sophisticated words but at the same time be eloquent. Proper vocabulary choice will also attract the attention of your audience. When it comes to vocabulary choice, also please consider that you should speak in words you know what they mean and how they are pronounced. Of course, some sophistication may impress your audience but it will not be a positive impression when you are ignorant of the meanings of the words or rules of spelling or pronunciation.
  • When planning your presentation, manage your time wisely and set aside some time for answering questions from your audience. Normally, the audience is interested in some aspects and is eager to know something more about the area of research you are talking about. Therefore, express your politeness here and provide your listeners with the possibility to engage in a conversation.

Custom Presentation Services from Experts for College Students

If you are in hurry and do not have time for creating PowerPoint Presentation by your own, you may use our top-notch assistance. Place your first order and get a 15% off discount!


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With our help, the presentation process should be easy for you as we provide expert assistance in the preparatory and writing stages. We do realize how overwhelming work in college can be, so we are here to assist you. Contact us immediately should you need any help.

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Biology Research Paper Topics

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It’s very useful.thnk u

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I am from Azerbaijan.These topics are very useful for me,especially psychology topics.Thank you

Thanks, it’s very helpful for me

it is very useful thanks

thanks for this information. it’s really very interesting for presentation

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Try These 160 Insanely Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Your Next Presentation

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

Try These 160 Insanely Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Your Next Presentation

In the modern-day PowerPoint presenting, slide decks don’t just inform, but also entertain and spark joy. PowerPoint shouldn’t just be confined to the monotony of bullet points and charts, but rather offers a unique canvas where imagination can run wild!

We get it. The thought of sitting through another mundane PowerPoint presentation might make you want to run for the hills. But fear not, because we’re here to spark some fun PowerPoint ideas for your your next presentation. Whether you’re aiming to captivate colleagues during a virtual meeting, add a splash of excitement to your classroom, or simply stun your friends at your next PowerPoint game night , we’ve got you covered with ideas that blend education and entertainment seamlessly.

So, fasten your seatbelt (or loosen your tie 😉), as we embark on a complete list through categories that will transform your next PowerPoint presentation into a rollercoaster of excitement. Whatever theme you’re thinking of for your next presentation, these fun PowerPoint ideas are poised to leave your audience not just informed, but exhilarated.

Why Settle for the Ordinary? Elevate Your Presentations with Fun PowerPoint Ideas!

You might be wondering, why bother with all the extra effort to infuse fun into your PowerPoint presentations? After all, the usual routine of bullet points and graphs seems to get the job done, right? Well, allow us to unveil why taking the road less traveled and incorporating fun PowerPoint ideas can be the game-changer you never knew you needed.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

🤸🏻‍♀️  Unforgettable Engagement

Let’s face it – the human attention span isn’t exactly legendary. But when you introduce a touch of fun into your presentation, you’re not just holding attention, you’re capturing it in a delightful grip. Unconventional ideas, witty humor, and interactive elements transform passive listeners into active participants , making your message resonate and stick.

🧠  Enhanced Memorability

Ever noticed how the most memorable experiences are the ones that evoke emotion? The same principle applies to presentations. When you inject an element of fun, whether it’s a surprising twist, a clever visual, or an unexpected game , you create a mental anchor for your audience. Those who chuckle and engage are more likely to remember and recall the essence of your presentation long after it’s over.

🎨  Sparking Creativity

The world thrives on innovation, and that extends to the world of presentations too. Opting for fun PowerPoint ideas challenges you to think beyond the norm and come up with creative solutions . It encourages you to see your content from new angles, fostering a culture of innovation and resourcefulness that extends beyond the presentation room.

💬  Connection and Communication

Human beings connect through shared experiences and emotions. By introducing an element of fun, you’re forging a connection with your audience that goes beyond the screen. Laughter and engagement create a bond, facilitating better understanding and communication. In a professional setting, this can translate into improved team dynamics and a more open dialogue.

So, while the tried-and-true method might get you from point A to point B, why not embark on a journey that’s not only efficient but also exhilarating? Why settle for the ordinary when you can captivate, connect, and leave a mark with your fun PowerPoint ideas? The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. It’s time to break free from the mold and transform your presentations into extraordinary experiences that linger long after the last slide.

150+ Fun PowerPoint Ideas for All Presentation Types

Fun powerpoint ideas for social gatherings and events.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Friends

  • Emoji Charades:  Use emojis as clues for a game of charades with friends.
  • Virtual Costume Party:  Have participants dress up and share their costumes on slides.
  • Name That Tune:  Play a few seconds of a song and challenge attendees to guess the title.
  • Create Your Meme:  Provide images and have guests come up with humorous captions.
  • Bucket List Share:  Have everyone share one item from their bucket list with images and explanations.
  • Interactive Map Quest:  Share travel stories and ask attendees to guess the locations on a map.
  • Party Playlist Collaboration:  Let participants add their favorite songs to a shared playlist slide.
  • Personal Trivia:  Create a slide about yourself with facts for others to guess.
  • Two Truths and a Lie:  Participants share statements; others guess which one is false.
  • Virtual Escape Room:  Turn your slides into a virtual escape room with puzzles and clues.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Workplace

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Workplace

  • Emoji Icebreaker:  Start meetings with a slide displaying emojis representing moods.
  • Reverse Role Presentation:  Present as if you’re the audience and vice versa.
  • Meme Monday Updates:  Share weekly updates in meme format to keep things light.
  • Interactive Polls:  Add clickable options for participants to vote on decisions.
  • Choose Your Adventure:  Present a scenario with choices, letting the audience decide the outcome.
  • Team Trivia Challenge:  Test knowledge with team-based trivia using PowerPoint animations.
  • Inspirational Quote Showcase:  Share powerful quotes with visual design to motivate the team.
  • Visualize Goals:  Use animations to show progress towards team goals over time.
  • Role Play Skits:  Act out scenarios using images and text in a comic book-style layout.
  • Name the Colleague:  Share humorous hints to have attendees guess the colleague.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Classroom

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Classroom

  • Science Experiment Journey:  Present the process and results of a science experiment.
  • Historical Time Travel:  Create immersive history lessons with visuals and sound effects.
  • Math Riddle Challenge:  Share math riddles and reveal solutions with animations.
  • Language Learning Adventure:  Teach vocabulary and phrases in a foreign language interactively.
  • Literary Parodies:  Analyze literature through humorous parodies of famous stories.
  • Math Olympics:  Turn math problems into interactive challenges with medals for winners.
  • Interactive Periodic Table:  Explore chemical elements with interactive info and animations.
  • Geography Quiz:  Engage students with interactive maps and questions.
  • Scientific Pictionary:  Play a Pictionary-style game with scientific terms and concepts.
  • Art Appreciation Gallery:  Analyze famous artworks through an interactive virtual gallery.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Personal Projects & Hobbies

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Personal Projects and Hobbies

  • Hobby Exhibition:  Display your hobbies, from painting to photography, using slides.
  • Fitness Journey Timeline:  Document your fitness progress with images and data charts.
  • Digital Portfolio:  Showcase your work and skills through an interactive digital portfolio.
  • Travelogue:  Share your travel experiences with photos, anecdotes, and travel tips.
  • DIY Tutorial:  Teach a craft or DIY project through a series of animated slides.
  • Music Playlist Presentation:  Curate themed playlists and explain your song choices.
  • Language Learning Journey:  Document your progress in learning a new language.
  • Culinary Adventure:  Showcase international cuisines you’ve explored and cooked.
  • Writing Journey:  Share your writing process and excerpts from your creative pieces.
  • Art Evolution:  Display your artistic journey from early works to current creations.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Storytelling

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Storytelling

  • Virtual World Tour:  Craft a global adventure through storytelling and images.
  • Mystery Detective Story:  Unravel a mystery using clues and interactive elements.
  • Personal Evolution:  Share your life journey through milestones and anecdotes.
  • Time-Traveling Adventure:  Create an interactive story that spans different eras.
  • Fairy Tale Remix:  Reimagine classic fairy tales with a modern twist.
  • Unsolved Mysteries:  Present historical or fictional mysteries and let the audience speculate.
  • Myth vs. Fact:  Compare myths and facts through interactive scenarios.
  • Character Development Showcase:  Create profiles of fictional characters with images and backstories.
  • Epic Quest Narrative:  Craft an epic journey with challenges, choices, and consequences.
  • Alternate Endings:  Rewrite the endings of famous stories with your creative twist.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Challenges and Quizzes

Fun PowerPoint Quiz Ideas

  • Trivia Extravaganza:  Host a fun-filled trivia night with interactive questions and answers.
  • Visual Riddles:  Present visual riddles and reveal the solutions with animations.
  • Guess the Sound:  Play audio clips for attendees to guess the corresponding sounds.
  • Brain Teaser Quiz:  Challenge participants with puzzles that test logical thinking.
  • Quote Identification:  Display famous quotes and ask participants to identify the source.
  • Word Association Challenge:  Present words and have participants quickly associate related words.
  • Pop Culture Trivia:  Test knowledge of movies, music, and current events through a quiz.
  • Speed Typing Challenge:  Display words, and participants type them as fast as they can.
  • Guess the Logo:  Share partial images of logos for attendees to guess the brands.
  • Memory Game:  Reveal a series of images, then ask attendees to recall the order.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Data and Infographics

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Data

  • Data Storytelling:  Transform statistics and data into compelling visual narratives.
  • Illustrated Concepts:  Use custom illustrations to explain complex ideas and concepts.
  • Interactive Infographics:  Create clickable infographics with hidden details and insights.
  • Process Flow Comics:  Present processes as comic strips with characters navigating each step.
  • Comparative Timelines:  Compare historical events, progress, or trends side by side.
  • Interactive Charts and Graphs:  Make charts interactive for deeper exploration of data.
  • Explorable Maps:  Present geographical data with interactive maps and annotations.
  • Evolution of Technology:  Visualize the evolution of technology and its impact.
  • Visual Decision Trees:  Present decision-making processes as interactive branching scenarios.
  • Illustrated Quotes:  Combine famous quotes with custom illustrations that capture their essence.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Motivational Talks

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Motivational Talks

  • Personal Growth Journey:  Share your personal growth journey with motivational lessons.
  • Success Stories:  Present inspiring stories of individuals who overcame challenges.
  • Motivational Quotes Compilation:  Curate a collection of powerful quotes for inspiration.
  • Life Lessons Through Stories:  Convey life lessons using engaging narrative examples.
  • Overcoming Adversity:  Share stories of resilience and strategies to overcome challenges.
  • The Power of Positivity:  Explore the impact of positive thinking on personal and professional life.
  • Leadership Insights:  Present leadership principles with examples from renowned leaders.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Futuristic and Imaginative Presentations

Futuristic PowerPoint Ideas

  • Time Capsule:  Present predictions and visions of the future with a time capsule theme.
  • Virtual Reality Showcase:  Use VR-inspired visuals to immerse the audience in your content.
  • Space Exploration:  Explore the cosmos with interactive space-themed slides.
  • Inventions of Tomorrow:  Present imaginative ideas for future inventions and innovations.
  • Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios:  Craft a presentation depicting post-apocalyptic worlds and possibilities.
  • AI and Robotics:  Discuss the future of AI and robotics through speculative presentations.
  • Dystopian vs. Utopian:  Compare and contrast dystopian and utopian visions of the future.
  • Future of Education:  Visualize how education might evolve with technology and trends.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Entertainment and Pop Culture

Fun Pop Culture PowerPoint Ideas

  • Guess the Movie Scene:  Display screenshots and challenge your audience to guess the movie.
  • Pop Culture Charades:  Act out pop culture references, from movies to memes.
  • Fan Theories Discussion:  Present and analyze intriguing fan theories about popular shows or movies.
  • Celebrity Look-Alike Game:  Share images of ordinary people who resemble celebrities.
  • Music Lyrics Challenge:  Display song lyrics with missing words for attendees to complete.
  • TV Show Mashup:  Combine characters and scenes from different TV shows for humorous outcomes.
  • Pop Culture Trivia Tournament:  Host a tournament-style trivia challenge with various rounds.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Self-Care and Wellness

Fun Wellness PowerPoint Ideas

  • Mindful Moments:  Guide attendees through a short mindfulness exercise during your presentation.
  • Self-Care Bingo:  Create bingo cards with self-care activities for a wellness-themed meeting.
  • Healthy Habits Showcase:  Present effective wellness tips and habits for a balanced lifestyle.
  • Stress Relief Techniques:  Share interactive slides with stress-relief exercises and techniques.
  • Gratitude Journal:  Encourage participants to share moments of gratitude during the presentation.
  • Daily Affirmations:  Present daily affirmations to boost positivity and confidence.
  • Wellness Goal Tracker:  Create interactive slides to track personal wellness goals.
  • Mental Health Awareness:  Present insights and resources for maintaining mental well-being.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Cultural Exploration and Diversity

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Cultural Exploration

  • Global Cuisine Showcase:  Present unique dishes from various cultures with images and descriptions.
  • Folklore and Legends:  Share fascinating folktales and legends from different countries.
  • Cultural Attire Exhibition:  Display traditional clothing and explain their significance.
  • Language Showcase:  Teach fun phrases and greetings from different languages.
  • World Festivals Journey:  Explore diverse festivals and celebrations from different cultures.
  • Cultural Traditions Quiz:  Create interactive slides to test knowledge of cultural customs.

Want More? Download This Exclusive PowerPoint Ideas Book with 160 Fun PowerPoint Ideas! 👇

Best practices to maximize your fun powerpoint ideas.

Congratulations, you’re now armed with a treasure trove of fun PowerPoint ideas that are bound to leave your audience both entertained and enlightened. But before you dive headfirst into crafting your next presentation masterpiece, consider these tips to ensure your creative efforts shine:

  • Tailor your chosen fun PowerPoint idea to your audience’s preferences and expectations. What might resonate with friends at a game night could differ from what engages colleagues in a meeting.
  • While fun is essential, remember the purpose of your presentation. Make sure the chosen idea aligns with your message and doesn’t overshadow the content.
  • Familiarize yourself with the technical aspects of executing your chosen idea. Smooth transitions, animations, and interactions contribute to a polished presentation.
  • While creativity is key, don’t sacrifice clarity for novelty. Ensure your audience can follow your narrative and main points throughout.
  • Manage your time effectively. Ensure your fun elements don’t consume too much of the presentation, leaving room for your core content.
  • Maintain a consistent visual theme to tie together the fun elements and the main content. Harmonious design enhances the overall experience.
  • Before the big day, gather feedback from colleagues or friends. Their insights can help you refine your presentation and identify areas for improvement.
  • Embrace the fun you’ve planned. Confidence in your delivery will make your audience more receptive to the engaging elements you’ve integrated.
  • Sometimes, unexpected technical glitches or participant reactions can arise. Be prepared to adapt on the spot to keep the fun flowing.
  • If your fun idea involves interactive elements, make sure they work flawlessly. Test the technology and ensure everyone can participate seamlessly.

Remember, these tips aren’t meant to limit your creativity, rather, they’re tools to ensure your creative ideas are presented in the best possible light. By blending innovation, enthusiasm, and strategic planning, you’re set to deliver a presentation that’s both fun and impactful.

And there you have it – a whole bunch of exciting, innovative fun PowerPoint ideas ready to turn your next presentation into a showstopper! From parties to classrooms, meetings to personal projects, we’ve covered it all. Now, it’s your turn to run with these creative gems and make your slides come alive with laughter, engagement, and sheer enjoyment.

With over 150 ideas to choose from, you’re set to rock any occasion. So, don’t just settle for the usual slides – inject your unique style, tell stories, and keep everyone on their toes. Remember, it’s all about sparking connections, sparking ideas, and having a blast while you’re at it. Here’s to unleashing your inner presentation superstar – one fun idea at a time!

More Fun PowerPoint Ideas

Free PowerPoint Trivia Template for Different Difficulty Levels
How to Make a Jeopardy Game on PowerPoint (Playable Template)
Level Up Your Game: Free Family Feud PowerPoint Template and Step-by-Step Tutorial
Free Interactive PowerPoint Puzzle Template and Tutorial in 5 Simple Steps

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best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

PowerPoint Ideas for Students: Interactive Learning Adventure

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

How to Brainstorm a PowerPoint Presentation Idea?

List of presentation ideas for students.

Ever find yourself staring at a blank PowerPoint slide, wondering how to jazz it up for that class PowerPoint presentation or project? Well, you're not alone! In our fast-paced world, being able to communicate your ideas effectively is a game-changer, and that's where PowerPoint comes in.

In this article, we're diving into the cool and creative side of PowerPoint topics for students, showing you how to turn those snoozy slides into attention-grabbing powerhouses. Whether you're in high school, college, or somewhere in between, we've got your back with tips on design, interactive features, and storytelling hacks that will make your PowerPoint presentations a breeze. If you’re struggling with motivation, a research paper writer can help quickly and effortlessly.

Compelling presentation ideas for students start with a solid idea that engages your audience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to brainstorm and develop an idea for your next PowerPoint presentation. In addition, check out our guide on how to give a killer presentation , which is filled with practical hints and ideas to help you ace this assignment.

powerpoint presentation ideas

Define Your Purpose

  • Ask yourself: What is the goal of your PowerPoint presentation? Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining?
  • Identify the key message or takeaway you want your audience to grasp.

Know Your Audience

  • Consider who your audience is and what they are interested in.
  • Tailor your PowerPoint presentation to resonate with your audience's needs, preferences, and level of expertise.

Research Your Topic

  • Gather information on your chosen topic. Read articles, watch videos, and consult reputable sources.
  • Note down interesting facts, statistics, or anecdotes that can support your PowerPoint presentation.

Create a Mind Map

  • Use a mind map to organize your thoughts visually.
  • Write your main topic in the center and branch out with related subtopics.
  • This visual representation can help you see connections and identify potential focal points.

Consider Your Passion and Expertise

  • Choose a topic that genuinely interests you or aligns with your expertise.
  • Your enthusiasm will come through in your presentation.
  • If the topic is assigned, find aspects of it that you are genuinely curious about.

Explore Unique Angles

  • Think about different perspectives or unique angles on your topic that could captivate your audience.
  • Consider addressing common misconceptions or presenting a fresh take on a familiar subject.

Add Visual Elements

  • Envision how your information can be presented visually.
  • Consider charts, graphs, images, and multimedia that can enhance your message.
  • Visual appeal can significantly impact audience engagement.

Connect with Real-life Examples

  • Relate your topic to real-life examples or stories. Personal anecdotes or case studies can make your presentation more relatable.
  • Consider how your audience can connect emotionally with your content.

Consider the Time Limit

  • Be mindful of the time constraints for your presentation. Ensure your idea is manageable within the allotted time.
  • Prioritize key points and trim unnecessary details.

Get Feedback

  • Share your ideas with friends, colleagues, or mentors to get feedback. They may offer valuable insights or suggest improvements.
  • Adjust your concept based on the feedback received.

All professional presentation writers agree that the key to a successful PowerPoint is a clear and engaging idea. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to brainstorming and developing a presentation that captivates your audience.

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best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

In this section, we're serving a feast of PowerPoint presentation ideas specially crafted for students ready to leave a lasting impression. From eye-catching designs to interactive twists that'll have your audience on the edge of their seats, consider this your go-to resource for turning your next presentation into a showstopper.

So, buckle up because we're about to dive into a universe of creative concepts that'll not only earn you those top grades but also make you the presentation guru of your class. Let's transform your slides from 'meh' to 'wow' – are you ready to amp up your presentation game? Leave a ‘ write my PowerPoint presentation for me ’ request and one of our expert writers will take it to work. Let's roll!

powerpoint ideas

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas on Current Events

  • Cybersecurity threats in 2024.
  • Rise of electric vehicles: Market trends.
  • Mental health awareness in the workplace.
  • Blockchain technology applications.
  • Gender pay gap: Current status.
  • Artificial intelligence in healthcare.
  • Cryptocurrency regulations worldwide.
  • Global water scarcity issues.
  • Impact of social media on politics.
  • Challenges of e-learning in developing countries.
  • Advances in quantum computing.
  • Sustainable fashion practices.
  • The future of remote work.
  • Refugee crisis: Global situation.
  • Rise of NFTs: Trends and controversies.

PowerPoint Ideas on Culture

  • Cultural diversity in the workplace.
  • Traditional festivals around the world.
  • Impact of globalization on local cultures.
  • Cultural etiquette in business.
  • Evolution of pop culture trends.
  • Cultural influences in art and design.
  • Music as a universal language.
  • Cultural heritage conservation efforts.
  • Role of food in cultural identity.
  • Cultural stereotypes and misconceptions.
  • Indigenous cultural practices and traditions.
  • Cultural exchange programs: Benefits and challenges.
  • Cultural celebrations and rituals.
  • Influence of social media on cultural norms.
  • Cultural impact of technology advancements.

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas on History

  • The pyramids of Egypt.
  • The American Revolution.
  • The Renaissance artists.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Atomic bombs.
  • Ancient Greek philosophers.
  • The Silk Road: Trade and culture.
  • The Vikings: Raiders of the North.
  • The Great Wall of China.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.: Civil rights leader.
  • The Industrial Revolution.
  • The Titanic disaster.
  • The Spanish Inquisition.
  • The Berlin Wall: East vs. West.
  • The women's suffrage movement.
  • The Roaring Twenties: Jazz Age.

PowerPoint Ideas on Healthcare

  • Telehealth.
  • Patient-centric care.
  • Digital health.
  • Preventive care.
  • Wellness programs.
  • AI in healthcare.
  • Sustainable practices.
  • Mental health awareness.
  • Remote patient monitoring.
  • Integrative medicine.
  • Healthcare data security.
  • Community health initiatives.
  • Mobile health apps.
  • Aging population challenges.
  • Healthcare accessibility.

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas on Literature

  • Classic literature overview.
  • Modern literary movements.
  • Famous literary figures.
  • Impact of literature on society.
  • Literary genres exploration.
  • Symbolism in literature.
  • Evolution of storytelling.
  • Women in literature.
  • Global literary perspectives.
  • Literature and cultural identity.
  • Literary analysis techniques.
  • Digital age literature.
  • Contemporary bestsellers.
  • Influential literary periods.
  • Literature and social change.

PowerPoint Ideas on Science

  • Scientific method overview.
  • Branches of science.
  • Famous scientific discoveries.
  • The periodic table.
  • DNA and genetics.
  • Space exploration.
  • Environmental science.
  • Technology advancements.
  • Quantum physics basics.
  • Biotechnology applications.
  • Earth's climate change.
  • Neuroscience insights.
  • Energy sources and sustainability.
  • Robotics and artificial intelligence.
  • Scientific ethics in research.

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas on Social Media

  • Rise of social media platforms.
  • Social media marketing strategies.
  • Impact on communication patterns.
  • Influencer culture.
  • Privacy concerns in social media.
  • Social media and political discourse.
  • Viral content phenomenon.
  • Social media analytics.
  • User-generated content trends.
  • The role of hashtags.
  • Ephemeral content platforms.
  • Social media and mental health.
  • Corporate social media presence.
  • Online communities and fandoms.
  • Future trends in social media.

PowerPoint Ideas on Business

  • Business model innovation.
  • Market research strategies.
  • Effective team building.
  • Customer relationship management.
  • Financial management basics.
  • Digital transformation in business.
  • Global business expansion.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset.
  • E-commerce trends.
  • Branding and marketing.
  • Leadership styles.
  • Workplace diversity and inclusion.
  • Business ethics and social responsibility.
  • Strategic planning essentials.
  • Crisis management in business.

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas on Medicine

  • Advancements in medical technology.
  • Emerging infectious diseases.
  • Precision medicine.
  • Telemedicine applications.
  • Patient-centered healthcare.
  • Pharmacological innovations.
  • Organ transplantation trends.
  • Health disparities and access.
  • Personalized cancer therapies.
  • Mental health awareness in medicine.
  • Genomic medicine breakthroughs.
  • Integrative medicine approaches.
  • Vaccination strategies.
  • Artificial intelligence in diagnostics.
  • Healthcare for aging populations.

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas on Technologies

  • Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Blockchain applications.
  • Augmented Reality (AR).
  • Virtual Reality (VR).
  • 5G technology.
  • Cybersecurity trends.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Machine learning applications.
  • Quantum computing basics.
  • Automation in industry.
  • Smart cities initiatives.
  • Wearable technologies.
  • Biometric security systems.
  • Drones in various industries.
  • Sustainable technology solutions.

Need more ideas for your presentation? Try informative speech topics , which will definitely help you break through the creativity block, and, finally, pick a subject that you’re genuinely interested in.

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best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

  • Google Slides Presentation Design
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Highschool presentations: all you need to know

  • Guide & How to's

Highschool presentations: all you need to know

Presenting is not an easy task. People write books on presenting, take extended presentation training courses, and do a whole lot of other stuff just to make their speeches stand out and their visuals deliver a message clearly. And when you are a student, the complexities associated with your high school presentation can grow exponentially. Not only may you be new to presenting, but giving a speech in front of your whole class can seem like a truly terrifying experience. After all, you’ll have to go to school with those people for a couple more years.

But what if we told you that your presentation can make you a celebrity in your class (in a good way)? How could it be? Actually, there’s not much you need to know to make your presentation successful. Creating effective high school presentations involves careful planning, clear communication, and engaging delivery. Below, you’ll find five practical tips from our best experts to help you understand how to make a presentation for school that stands out.

Top Presentation Tips for Students

1. know what you’re talking about.

It may seem like obvious advice – but you need to understand the topic you present. What is important is to not only know your speech but to actually understand the subject. High school presentations are usually made either for research projects or for elaborating on some topic your class has just learned about. In each case, your knowledge of the subject is essential.

At the same time, your knowledge of the topic will allow for a more exciting presentation for students. It may allow you to put some interesting facts into your speech and offer a better explanation of your points. People like something explained in their own words much more than listening to a dull, memorized piece of information. Finally, your knowledge would demonstrate your enthusiasm about the topic, and you will undoubtedly ignite this enthusiasm in the audience!

Pro advice: Tailor your presentation to the interests and understanding of your classmates and teacher. Consider what they already know and what might capture their attention.

2. Prepare and Pre-Plan

The foundation of all the great presentation ideas for college students is a perfect plan. You have to make sure that everything works perfectly and that you know your material well. Technical difficulties happen often: the projector is not working, the presentation won’t start, or it crashes. All this is frustrating and takes time to fix. More importantly, it breaks the flow of your presentation, making it harder for you and your audience to keep track of the speech.

To avoid technical mishaps, try to check everything several times. Arrive early before the presentation and take time to make sure that everything works fine. At the same time, try to prepare for issues as well. For example, memorize your speech so that you can continue without the slides in case they won’t be working. A good idea is to have an online backup for your presentation in case the offline version won’t load for some reason.

Pro advice: Always stay within the allotted time for your presentation. Practice pacing to learn to cover all critical points without rushing.

3. Get Ready for Questions

Questions and discussions are important parts of the presentation process, especially for college presentation for high school students. The audience or the teacher may ask you to clarify something or state a viewpoint that contradicts yours. Don’t be afraid of the questions. Instead, think of them this way: you are an expert in your topic, and your answers will be valued as an expert opinion. To illustrate your point, don’t hesitate to return to the earlier slides and demonstrate your knowledge of the presentation’s structure.

Of course, there may be questions that you can’t answer exactly. What to do in such cases? Well, you can’t possibly know everything. Thank you for the question, and try to provide your opinion on the answer based on your research for the presentation. If the questioner presented a different viewpoint on your topic, acknowledge it and present arguments that would defend your stance. In other words, try to start a discussion – this move would add an interactive element to your presentation.

Pro advice: Whenever possible, relate your topic to personal experiences or examples. This can make your presentation more memorable.

4. Add Visual Appeal

A polished custom presentation design is a vital part of your presentation. Even the best school presentation ideas can be ruined by a bad PowerPoint template. The fundamental principle here is to make your visuals support your points and don’t take up too much attention. To do so, try using neutral colors and simple graphics or infographics. Add photos to illustrate your points. However, don’t overload your slides with too many images.

Text is an equally important part of what is displayed on the slides. Keep in mind that too much text on slides is one of the biggest mistakes in any presentation rubrics in college. A good decision would be to display several main points on each slide or the description for the visuals you are using. Alternatively, you can put some of the speaker notes on the slide to coordinate your speech using them. Put only the most essential information on the slides. Sometimes, the title and one image are more than enough.

Pro advice: Incorporate storytelling elements to make your presentation more engaging. People often remember stories more than dry facts.

5. Work on Your Delivery

In the school presentation, as in other presentations, how you talk is equally important as what you are talking about. Pauses, choice of words, pace of your speech – every detail is vital. There are a ton of techniques that would allow you to increase your speaking skills. However, everything starts with practice. Knowing the material well will eliminate the unnecessary pauses and “uhs” or “ahs.” Moreover, it would allow you to work on other aspects of your speech.

How fast you speak is also highly important. Speaking too fast will leave your audience little understanding of your presentation, while speaking too slow will put everyone to sleep. A general advice is to speak a little faster when you are presenting than your usual speaking speed. However, if you are a fast speaker, consider lowering your pace a little for the presentation.

Pro advice: Stand tall, make eye contact, and use a steady pace. Confidence in your delivery will help engage your audience and convey your message effectively.

Now that you are familiar with the most effective presentation tips for high school students, let’s look at some creative ideas you can use to make your presentation truly unforgettable.

3 Creative Ideas for High School Presentations

Creative presentations can captivate your college audience and make your material more engaging. Here are some creative ideas you can use to take your next presentation to a whole new level:

1. Interactive Workshops

Turn your presentation into an interactive workshop where your classmates can participate in discussions, activities, or small group exercises related to the topic.

2. Role Play or Skits

Use role-playing or skits to act out scenarios related to your presentation. This can be a fun and engaging way to illustrate key points.

3. Gamification

Incorporate game elements, such as quizzes, polls, or interactive challenges. It will help make your presentation more enjoyable.

Tailor these ideas to your assignment’s requirements and the institution’s presentation guidelines for students, and you’re halfway to success!

College and school presentations are actually meant to give you a presenting experience that you can use later in your career. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new methods while still at school. After all, practice makes perfect!

We hope these presentation guidelines for college students will help you to build a perfect presentation. Should you ever get stuck wondering how to make school presentation effective or need help with a PowerPoint makeover , reach out to our dedicated team, and we will gladly lend you a hand. We’re open 24/7/365!

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10 common mistakes in presentations most students make

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10 common mistakes in presentations most students make

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How to make a presentation interactive

How to make a presentation interactive

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220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of All Ages | Best in 2024

Astrid Tran • 31 July, 2024 • 9 min read

What are some easy topics for presentation ?

Presentation is a nightmare for some people, while others enjoy speaking out front of the masses. Understanding the essence of making a persuasive and exciting presentation is a good starting point. But all of the above, the secret of confidently presenting is simply choosing suitable topics. Bear in mind that easy topics for presentation should be your first choice. Besides, choosing interactive presentation topics is also one of the most important things that make your talk engaging and memorable.

So, let’s figure out how to make presentations interactive with these easy and engaging topics, covering various subjects such as current events, media, history, education, literature, society, science, technology, etc...

  • 👩‍💻 Technology Topics For Presentation
  • 📃 Business Presentation
  • 🏫 College presentation

easy topics for presentation

Table of Contents

  • 30++ Easy Topics for Presentation for kids
  • 30++ Easy topics for presentation for elementary school students
  • 30++ Simple and Easy topics for presentation for high school students
  • 50++ Easy topics for presentation – 15-minute presentation ideas for college students
  • 50++ Best easy topics for presentation – a 5-minute presentation
  • 30++ Easy topics for presentation – TedTalk ideas

The Bottom Line

Tips for better engagement.

Besides easy topics for presentation with AhaSlides, let's check out:

  • Technology Topics For Presentation
  • Business Presentation

Alternative Text

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30++ Easy Topics for Presentation for Kids

These are the 30 simple and interactive topics to present!

1. My favourite cartoon character

2. My favourite time of the day or week

3. The most hilarious movies I have ever watched

4. The best part of being alone

5. What are the best stores my parents told me

6. Me-time and how do I spend it effectively

7. Boardgames with my family gatherings

8. What would I suppose to do if I were a superhero

9. What do my parents keep telling me every day?

10. How much do I spend on social media and video games?

11. The most meaningful gift I have ever received.

12. What planet would you visit and why?

13. How to make a friend?

14. What do you enjoy doing with parents

15. In the head of a 5-year-old kid

16. What is the best surprise you ever had?

17. What do you think is beyond the stars?

18. What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?

19. What is the easy way to communicate with others?

20. My pet and how to persuade your parents to buy one for you.

21. Making money as a kid

22. Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

23. Smacking a child should be illegal

24. My hero in real life

25. The best summer/winter sport is...

26. Why I love dolphins

27. When to call 911

28. National Holidays

29. How to take care of a plant

30. What is your favourite author?

30++ Easy Topics for Presentation for Elementary School Students

31. Who is William Shakespeare?

32. My top 10 favourite classic novels of all time

33. Protect the Earth as soon as possible

34. We want to have our own future

35. 10 Hands-On Science Projects to Teach About Pollution.

36. How does a rainbow work?

37. How come the earth goes round and round?

38. Why is a dog often called a "man's best friend"?

39. Research strange or rare animals/birds or fish.

40. How to learn another language

41. What do the kids really want their parents to do for them

42. We love peace

43. Every child should have a chance to go to school

44. Art and kids

45. A toy is not only a toy. It is our friend

46. Hermits

47. Mermaid and myths

48. Hidden wonders of the worlds

49. A quieter world

50. How I improve my love for my hated subject in school

51. Should students have the right to choose what school they go to?

52. Uniforms are better

53. Graffiti is art

54. Winning is not as important as participating.

55. How to tell a joke

56. What made up the Ottoman Empire?

57. Who is Pocahontas?

58. What are the main Native American cultural tribes?

59. How to budget monthly expenses

60. How to pack a first-aid kit at home

30++ Simple and Easy Topics for Presentation for High School Students

61. The history of the internet

62. What is Virtual Reality, and how has it improved campus life?

63. The history of Tango

64. Hallyu and its influence on youngster style and thinking.

65. How to Avoid Being Late

66. Hookup Culture and Its Impact on Teens

67. Military Recruitment on Campus

68. When Should Teens Start to Vote

69. Could music mend a broken heart

70. Meet the flavours

71. Sleepy in South

72. Practice body language

73. Is technology harmful to young people

74. The fear of number

75. What I want to be in the future

76. 10 years after today

77. Inside the head of Elon Musk

78. Saving the wild animals

79. Food superstitions

80. Online dating – threat or blessings?

81. We care too much about the way we look rather than who we really are.

82. The loneliness generation

83. Table manner and why are importance

84. Easy topic for starting a conversation with strangers

85. How to get into an international university

86. The importance of Gap year

87. There are such things as impossible

88. 10 memorable things about any country

89. What is cultural appropriation?

90. Respect other cultures

50++ Easy topics for presentation - 15-minute presentation ideas for college students

91. Metoo and how Feminism works in reality?

92. What confidence comes from?

93. Why is yoga so popular?

94. Generation gap and how to solve it?

95. How much do you know about polyglot

96. What is the difference between a religion and a cult?

97. What is Art Therapy?

98. Should people believe in Tarot?

99. Journey to a balanced diet

100. Healthy lifestyle and Healthy food?

101. Can you understand yourself by doing a fingerprint scanning test?

102. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

103. Why should you learn a new language?

104. What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

105. Are you decidophobia?

106. Depression is not that bad

107. What is the Boxing Day Tsunami?

108. How are TV commercials made?

109. Customer relationship in business growth

110. Become an influencer?

111. Youtuber, Streamer, Tiktoker, KOL,... Become famous and earn money easier than ever

112. The impact of TikTok on advertising

113. What is the greenhouse effect?

114. Why do humans want to colonize Mars?

115. When is the best time to get married?

116. What is a franchise, and how does it work?

117. How to write a resume/CV effectively

118. How to win a scholarship

119. How does your time in university change your mindset?

120. Schooling versus Education

121. Deep-sea mining: Good and Bad

131. The importance of learning Digital skills

132. How Music Helps in Learning New Languages

133. Dealing with burnout

134. The tech-savvy generation

135. How to Fight Poverty

136. Modern Female World Leaders

137.  Greek Mythology Importance

138. Are opinion polls accurate

139. Journalism Ethics and Corruption

140. United against food

🎊 Check out: 5-minute presentation topics list

50++ Best easy topics for presentation - 5-minute presentation

141. Do emojis make the language better

142. Are you pursuing your dream?

143. Confused by modern idioms

144. The smell of coffee

145. The world of Agatha Christie

146. The benefit of boredom

147. The benefit of laughing

148. The language of wine

149. Keys of the happiness

150. Learn from Bhutanese

151. Impacts of robots on our lives

152. Explain the hibernation of animals

153. Benefits of cybersecurity

154. Will man inhabit other planets?

155. Effects of GMOs on human health

156. The intelligence of a tree

157. Loneliness

158. Explain the Big Bang Theory

159. Hacking can help?

160. Dealing with coronavirus

161. What is the point of blood types?

162. Power of books

163. Crying, why not?

164.Meditation and the brain

165. Eating bugs

166. Power of Nature

167. Is it a good idea to have a tattoo

168. Football and their dark side

169. The decluttering trend

170. How your eyes predict your personality

171. Is E-sport a sport?

172. The future of marriage

173. Tips to make a video go viral

174. It is good to talk

175. Cold War

176. Being a Vegan

177. Gun control without guns

178. Rudeness phenomenon in the city

179. Political-related easy topics for presentation

180. Easy topics for presentation as a beginner

181. Introvert inside an extrovert

182. Do you remember old tech?

183. Heritage sites

184. What are we waiting for?

185. The art of tea

186. The Ever-evolving art of Bonsai

187. Ikigai and how can it change our life

188. Minimalist life and guides for a better life

189. 10 life hacks everyone should know

190. Love at first sight

🎉 Check out 50 Unique 10-Minute Presentation Topics in 2024

easy and interactive topics for presentation

30++ Easy topics for presentation - TedTalk ideas

191. Women in Pakistan

192. Easy topics for presentation and conversation in the workplace

193. Animal phobias

194. Who do you think you are

195. Punctuation matters

197. Cities of the future

198. Preserving endangered Indigenous languages

199. Fake Love: Bad and Goo

200. The challenges of technology for the older generation

201. The art of conversation

202. Does climate change make you concern

203. Translating recipes

204. Women in the workplace

205. Quiet Quitting

206. Why are more people leaving their jobs?

207. Science and its Restoring Trust story

208. Preserving traditional recipes

209.  Post-epidemic life

210. How persuasive are you?

211. Food powder for the future

212. Welcome to Metaverse

213. How does photosynthesis work?

214. The usefulness of bacteria to human

215. Manipulation theory and practices

216. Blockchain and cryptocurrency

217. Help kids find their hobby

218. The circular economy

219. Concept of happiness

220. Dating apps and their influence on our life

🎊 Interesting topics to talk about in a presentation or in public speaking session

Engagement tips for your next presentation

  • Captivate your large audience with interactive elements! word clouds >, quizzes , live polls and interactive idea boards with scales are all proven engagement boosters.
  • Move beyond lectures - use open-ended questions to encourage feedback and get a conversation going.
  • Icebreaker games between sessions are a great way to keep the energy high, and consider having members participating in different teams on stage for some surprising fun!

🎉 Check out 180 Fun General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers [2024 Updated]

Above are some good topics for a presentation! That's the easy presentation topics! They are simple topics, easy to understand for both presenters and audience. Technology topics for presentation definitely isn't the safe choice, as you should topics based on relevancy with the audience lives!

Did you find your favourite list of easy topics for your own presentation? Now that we have offered you the best easy case for a presentation, what about tips for a successful speech? Of course, we do have. Now pick up your most desired one, choose AhaSlides presentation free templates and customize it based on your preference. You can use it with PPT or use the available one is fine.

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Astrid Tran

Astrid Tran

I've got my rhythm with words

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

The Ultimate Presentation Skills Guide for High School Students

Table of contents.

Nobody is born an excellent presenter. Even the most captivating speakers had sleepless nights before their first presentation. It's no secret that a stunning presentation can be a game-changer, especially for high school students who need to impress their teachers and secure good grades. Moreover, excellent presentation skills are essential for every career path, making it equally crucial to master this art while in school. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to provide high school students with some practical and out-of-the-box presentation hacks to work smarter, not harder.

Break The Ice:

In a nerve-racking situation like a public speaking event, the best way to begin is by breaking the ice. A little humor, a fun fact, or even a brief storytelling session can help to connect with the audience and make them more interested in what you have to say. This approach will also help to calm your nerves and pave the way for a smoother presentation.

Know Your Audience:

Before you start crafting your presentation, you need to know who will be on the receiving end. Understanding the needs, expectations, and preferences of your target audience can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your presentation. Make sure to tailor your content, tone, and delivery style to meet your audience’s needs. If you are presenting to your classmates, keep the language fun and engaging. A presentation for your teacher or a panel of judges might necessitate a more formal tone.

Plan Your Talking Points:

After researching your target audience, the next step is planning your talking points. Having a clear roadmap can guide you throughout your presentation. Aim for three to five main points to ensure your content remains digestible and easy to follow. Remember, less is more!

Utilize Visuals:

Research shows that people remember 80% of what they see compared to only 20% of what they read. Therefore, incorporating relevant visuals into your presentation can dramatically increase your audience's engagement and retention. Consider using images, infographics, diagrams, or even short videos to make your presentation more appealing.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

One of the key productivity tricks to nail your presentation is practice. The more you rehearse, the smoother your delivery will be. Also, practicing helps you to remain calm, avoid awkward pauses, and be better prepared to handle any unexpected questions.

Use Technology:

In today's digital age, technology offers a plethora of tools to spice up your presentation. Platforms like Canva, Google Slides, and PowerPoint allow you to create aesthetically pleasing presentations with a few simple clicks. You can find thousands of pre-designed templates to suit your presentation style and topic. Additionally, using a platform like Zoom for your presentation can enhance your delivery with features like 'share screen', 'annotation', and 'virtual background'.

Remember, mastering public speaking and presentation skills is a journey. Don't expect perfection on your first trials. Keep honing your skills, embrace your mistakes and learn from them. As the renowned American motivational speaker Les Brown once said, ' You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. '

Fore more resources to keep up with your high school education, explore our website .

References for Further Reading:

  • How To Speak So That People Want To Listen
  • Tips for Presenting Your Design Work
  • Christine Marrelli - Zoom November 24, 2020
  • 9 Steps to a Great Presentation

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350+ Presentation Topics That Will Appeal to Any Audience

I like building and growing simple yet powerful products for the world and the worldwide web.

Published Date : December 4, 2020

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A presentation can be nerve-wracking, may it be for first-timers or pros, as you must turn a critical issue into a dynamic, persuasive, and informative one. Before you enhance your Oratory skills <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:215"><strong>Oratory skills</strong>, also known as public speaking skills, refer to the ability to effectively communicate with an audience through spoken language. These skills encompass a range of areas, including:</p><br /><ul data-sourcepos="5:1-9:0"> <li data-sourcepos="5:1-5:140"><strong>Delivery:</strong> Clear pronunciation, strong vocal projection, appropriate volume and pacing, engaging body language, and confident presence.</li> <li data-sourcepos="6:1-6:153"><strong>Content:</strong> Well-organized and structured presentations, persuasive arguments, use of storytelling and humor, and tailoring messaging to the audience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:142"><strong>Communication:</strong> Active listening, responding to questions effectively, fostering audience engagement, and adapting to different settings.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-9:0"><strong>Emotional intelligence:</strong> Understanding and managing your own emotions, recognizing and responding to the emotions of your audience, and creating a positive and impactful connection.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="10:1-10:33"><strong>Importance of Oratory Skills:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="12:1-16:0"> <li data-sourcepos="12:1-12:148"><strong>Career advancement:</strong> Strong communication skills are crucial for success in various professions, from leadership roles to client presentations.</li> <li data-sourcepos="13:1-13:128"><strong>Building relationships:</strong> Effective communication strengthens interpersonal connections and fosters trust and understanding.</li> <li data-sourcepos="14:1-14:111"><strong>Persuasion and influence:</strong> Oratory skills allow you to present your ideas convincingly and inspire action.</li> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-16:0"><strong>Confidence and self-esteem:</strong> Mastering public speaking can boost confidence and self-belief in various situations.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="17:1-17:30"><strong>Developing Oratory Skills:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="19:1-24:0"> <li data-sourcepos="19:1-19:116"><strong>Practice and rehearsal:</strong> Regularly practice your speeches and presentations to refine your delivery and timing.</li> <li data-sourcepos="20:1-20:168"><strong>Join a public speaking course:</strong> Structured learning environments like <strong>public speaking courses</strong> provide expert guidance and opportunities for real-time feedback.</li> <li data-sourcepos="21:1-21:132"><strong>Work with a speech coach:</strong> <strong>Speech coaches</strong> offer personalized advice and tailored exercises to address specific skill areas.</li> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:112"><strong>Observe effective speakers:</strong> Analyze speeches of admired speakers to learn from their techniques and style.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-24:0"><strong>Seek feedback:</strong> Actively seek constructive feedback from trusted individuals to identify areas for improvement.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="25:1-25:38"><strong>Benefits of Strong Oratory Skills:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="27:1-32:0"> <li data-sourcepos="27:1-27:107"><strong>Increased effectiveness:</strong> Communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively, achieving desired outcomes.</li> <li data-sourcepos="28:1-28:91"><strong>Audience engagement:</strong> Capture and hold attention, leading to a more impactful message.</li> <li data-sourcepos="29:1-29:117"><strong>Greater confidence:</strong> Deliver presentations with poise and self-assurance, projecting credibility and leadership.</li> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-30:116"><strong>Enhanced career opportunities:</strong> Stand out in interviews and presentations, opening doors to career advancement.</li> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-32:0"><strong>Personal growth:</strong> Develop valuable communication skills applicable to various life situations.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="33:1-33:298"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="33:1-33:298"><strong>Oratory skills</strong> are not something you're born with but rather a set of skills that can be honed and developed through dedication and practice. By investing in your communication skills, you can unleash your inner orator and unlock numerous personal and professional opportunities.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/oratory-skills/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">oratory skills and overcome your fear of public speaking , you must brainstorm excellent, fun topics for your presentation.

When doing a presentation, you cannot start a thing without coming up with a presentation topic . It is harder to find the best subject than prepare the lecture, as you need to be specific about the topic you want to present.

Besides Oratory skills <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:215"><strong>Oratory skills</strong>, also known as public speaking skills, refer to the ability to effectively communicate with an audience through spoken language. These skills encompass a range of areas, including:</p><br /><ul data-sourcepos="5:1-9:0"> <li data-sourcepos="5:1-5:140"><strong>Delivery:</strong> Clear pronunciation, strong vocal projection, appropriate volume and pacing, engaging body language, and confident presence.</li> <li data-sourcepos="6:1-6:153"><strong>Content:</strong> Well-organized and structured presentations, persuasive arguments, use of storytelling and humor, and tailoring messaging to the audience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:142"><strong>Communication:</strong> Active listening, responding to questions effectively, fostering audience engagement, and adapting to different settings.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-9:0"><strong>Emotional intelligence:</strong> Understanding and managing your own emotions, recognizing and responding to the emotions of your audience, and creating a positive and impactful connection.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="10:1-10:33"><strong>Importance of Oratory Skills:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="12:1-16:0"> <li data-sourcepos="12:1-12:148"><strong>Career advancement:</strong> Strong communication skills are crucial for success in various professions, from leadership roles to client presentations.</li> <li data-sourcepos="13:1-13:128"><strong>Building relationships:</strong> Effective communication strengthens interpersonal connections and fosters trust and understanding.</li> <li data-sourcepos="14:1-14:111"><strong>Persuasion and influence:</strong> Oratory skills allow you to present your ideas convincingly and inspire action.</li> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-16:0"><strong>Confidence and self-esteem:</strong> Mastering public speaking can boost confidence and self-belief in various situations.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="17:1-17:30"><strong>Developing Oratory Skills:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="19:1-24:0"> <li data-sourcepos="19:1-19:116"><strong>Practice and rehearsal:</strong> Regularly practice your speeches and presentations to refine your delivery and timing.</li> <li data-sourcepos="20:1-20:168"><strong>Join a public speaking course:</strong> Structured learning environments like <strong>public speaking courses</strong> provide expert guidance and opportunities for real-time feedback.</li> <li data-sourcepos="21:1-21:132"><strong>Work with a speech coach:</strong> <strong>Speech coaches</strong> offer personalized advice and tailored exercises to address specific skill areas.</li> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:112"><strong>Observe effective speakers:</strong> Analyze speeches of admired speakers to learn from their techniques and style.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-24:0"><strong>Seek feedback:</strong> Actively seek constructive feedback from trusted individuals to identify areas for improvement.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="25:1-25:38"><strong>Benefits of Strong Oratory Skills:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="27:1-32:0"> <li data-sourcepos="27:1-27:107"><strong>Increased effectiveness:</strong> Communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively, achieving desired outcomes.</li> <li data-sourcepos="28:1-28:91"><strong>Audience engagement:</strong> Capture and hold attention, leading to a more impactful message.</li> <li data-sourcepos="29:1-29:117"><strong>Greater confidence:</strong> Deliver presentations with poise and self-assurance, projecting credibility and leadership.</li> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-30:116"><strong>Enhanced career opportunities:</strong> Stand out in interviews and presentations, opening doors to career advancement.</li> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-32:0"><strong>Personal growth:</strong> Develop valuable communication skills applicable to various life situations.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="33:1-33:298"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="33:1-33:298"><strong>Oratory skills</strong> are not something you're born with but rather a set of skills that can be honed and developed through dedication and practice. By investing in your communication skills, you can unleash your inner orator and unlock numerous personal and professional opportunities.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/oratory-skills/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">oratory skills and PowerPoint mastery, you need to have informative and fun topics for presentations that can influence the audience. Watch this and get more ideas about informative topics:

One of the best ways to nail a presentation is to choose the best presentation topics that fit your expertise and target audience. 

How to Choose a Good Topic

Choosing the best one out of informative presentation topics can be daunting and confusing if you want to create an Informative Speech <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:401">An <strong>informative speech</strong> aims to educate and enlighten an audience on a specific topic. Unlike persuasive speeches, it does not advocate for a particular opinion or belief but focuses on clearly and impartially presenting information. <strong>Professional speaking</strong> often employs informative speeches to share knowledge, explain processes, or introduce new developments within their field.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:17"><strong>Key Elements:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-12:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:112"><strong>Clear and concise information:</strong> Present complex topics in a way that is easily understood by your audience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:113"><strong>Engaging delivery:</strong> Use storytelling, humor, and multimedia elements to captivate your audience's attention.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-9:125"><strong>Credible sources:</strong> Support your claims with evidence from reliable sources like research papers, experts, or statistics.</li> <li data-sourcepos="10:1-10:122"><strong>Organized structure:</strong> Clearly define your central topic, present key points logically, and summarize your main ideas.</li> <li data-sourcepos="11:1-12:0"><strong>Tailored approach:</strong> Adapt your language and content to your audience's knowledge level and interests.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="13:1-13:37"><strong>Benefits of Informative Speeches:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="15:1-19:0"> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:120"><strong>Share knowledge and expertise:</strong> By sharing your knowledge on a specific topic, you can become a resource for others.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-16:131"><strong>Build credibility and authority:</strong> Delivering engaging and well-researched speeches establishes you as a subject matter expert.</li> <li data-sourcepos="17:1-17:148">Improve <strong>public speaking skills</strong>: Practice communicating clearly and confidently strengthens your <strong>professional speaking</strong> abilities.</li> <li data-sourcepos="18:1-19:0"><strong>Connect with your audience:</strong> You create a space for shared learning and intellectual connection by informing and engaging others.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="20:1-20:36"><strong>Developing Informative Speeches:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="22:1-27:0"> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:129"><strong>Choose a relevant and interesting topic:</strong> Select a subject that aligns with your expertise and resonates with your audience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-23:98"><strong>Thorough research:</strong> Conduct in-depth research to acquire accurate and up-to-date information.</li> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-24:133"><strong>Outline your content:</strong> Structure your speech with a clear introduction, main points, supporting details, and concluding remarks.</li> <li data-sourcepos="25:1-25:136"><strong>Craft engaging visuals:</strong> Utilize multimedia elements like slides, images, or videos to enhance audience understanding and interest.</li> <li data-sourcepos="26:1-27:0"><strong>Practice and rehearse:</strong> Deliver your speech aloud multiple times to refine your delivery and timing.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="28:1-28:60"><strong>Public speaking tips for effective informative speeches:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="30:1-35:0"> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-30:105"><strong>Vary your vocal tone and pace:</strong> Avoid monotone delivery and engage the audience with vocal dynamics.</li> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-31:126"><strong>Maintain eye contact:</strong> Connect with your audience by making eye contact with different individuals throughout the speech.</li> <li data-sourcepos="32:1-32:111"><strong>Use clear and concise language:</strong> Avoid jargon and technical terms your audience might not understand.</li> <li data-sourcepos="33:1-33:126"><strong>Encourage interaction:</strong> Use open-ended questions or polls to invite audience participation and maintain their engagement.</li> <li data-sourcepos="34:1-35:0"><strong>End with a clear call to action:</strong> Summarize your key points and suggest further exploration or reflection.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="36:1-36:303"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="36:1-36:303">An <strong>informative speech</strong> is valuable for sharing knowledge, educating others, and establishing yourself as a credible expert. By following these tips and honing your <strong>public speaking skills</strong>, you can deliver impactful and memorable speeches that inform and inspire your audience.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/informative-speech/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">informative speech or lecture. Here are some considerations that you must know.

  • Purpose. Deciding your goal determines what your audience will bring after your talk, especially for persuasive presentation topics. Here is a video on various topics about persuasion:
  • Audience. Consider your audience’s demographic profiles and common ground when choosing presentation topics and connect them with their interests, beliefs, and social and cultural backgrounds. In fact, keynote speakers will tell you that audience analysis is one of the most important aspects of effective Public Speaking <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Public speaking refers to any live presentation or speech. It can cover a variety of topics on various fields and careers (you can find out more about public speaking careers here: https://orai.com/blog/public-speaking-careers/.  Public speaking can inform, entertain, or educate an audience and sometimes has visual aids.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><br /><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Public speaking is done live, so the speakers need to consider certain factors to deliver a successful speech. No matter how good the speech is, if the audience doesn't connect with the speaker, then it may fall flat. Therefore, speakers have to use a lot more nonverbal communication techniques to deliver their message. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><br /><!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Tips for public speaking</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --><br /><!-- wp:list --> <ul> <li>Have a sense of humor.</li> <li>Tell personal stories that relate to the speech you're giving.</li> <li>Dress appropriately for the event. Formal and business casual outfits work best.</li> <li>Project a confident and expressive voice.</li> <li>Always try to use simple language that everyone can understand.</li> <li>Stick to the time given to you.</li> <li>Maintain eye contact with members of your audience and try to connect with them.</li> </ul> <!-- /wp:list --> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/public-speaking/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">public speaking .
  • Interests. Determine what presentation topic ideas you are most passionate about and what you know the most. Interesting topics for presentation give a head start upon your research phase, ensuring a well-received discussion for the audience. Get useful guides on how to keep your audience interested in this video:
  • Credibility. To convince your audience about the pieces of information that you will discuss, choosing a credible and well-backed lecture is another plus. 
  • Conciseness <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:326">In the realm of <strong>public speaking</strong>, <strong>conciseness</strong> refers to the ability to express your message clearly and effectively using the fewest possible words. It's about conveying your ideas precisely, avoiding unnecessary details and rambling while maintaining your message's essence and impact.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:33"><strong>Benefits for Public Speakers:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-11:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:137"><strong>Engaged audience:</strong> A concise speech keeps your audience focused and prevents them from losing interest due to excessive information.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:117"><strong>Increased clarity:</strong> By removing unnecessary clutter, your core message becomes clearer and easier to understand.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-9:137"><strong>Enhanced credibility:</strong> Concise communication projects professionalism and efficiency, making you appear more confident and prepared.</li> <li data-sourcepos="10:1-11:0"><strong>Reduced anxiety:</strong> Knowing you have a clear and concise message can help manage <strong>public speaking anxiety</strong> by minimizing the pressure to fill time.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="12:1-12:35"><strong>Challenges for Public Speakers:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="14:1-17:0"> <li data-sourcepos="14:1-14:126"><strong>Striking a balance:</strong> Knowing where to draw the line between conciseness and omitting important information can be tricky.</li> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:115"><strong>Avoiding oversimplification:</strong> Complex topics may require elaboration to ensure clarity and understanding.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-17:0"><strong>Overcoming natural tendencies:</strong> Some speakers naturally use more words than others, requiring a conscious effort to be concise.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="18:1-18:41"><strong>Strategies for Achieving Conciseness:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="20:1-25:0"> <li data-sourcepos="20:1-20:92"><strong>Identify your core message:</strong> What is your audience's main point to remember?</li> <li data-sourcepos="21:1-21:128"><strong>Prioritize and eliminate:</strong> Analyze your content and remove any information not directly supporting your core message.</li> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:133"><strong>Use strong verbs and active voice:</strong> This makes your sentences more impactful and avoids passive constructions that can be wordy.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-23:109"><strong>Simplify your language:</strong> Avoid jargon and technical terms unless they are essential and clearly defined.</li> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-25:0"><strong>Practice and refine:</strong> Rehearse your speech aloud and identify areas where you can tighten your wording or eliminate redundancies.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="26:1-26:20"><strong>Additional Tips:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="28:1-31:0"> <li data-sourcepos="28:1-28:93"><strong>Use storytelling:</strong> Engaging narratives can convey complex ideas concisely and memorably.</li> <li data-sourcepos="29:1-29:110"><strong>Focus on the visuals:</strong> Powerful visuals can support your message without extensive explanation.</li> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-31:0"><strong>Embrace silence:</strong> Pausing deliberately can emphasize key points and give your audience time to absorb your message.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="32:1-32:404"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="32:1-32:404"><strong>Conciseness</strong> is a powerful tool for <strong>public speakers</strong>. By eliminating unnecessary words and focusing on your core message, you can create a more engaging, impactful, and memorable presentation for your audience. This can also help manage <strong>public speaking anxiety</strong> by reducing the pressure to fill time and enabling you to focus on delivering your message with clarity and confidence.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/conciseness/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">Conciseness . From 12 seconds in 2000, humans’ average attention span decreased to eight seconds in 2017. Thus, being concise is another essential factor in choosing presentation topics, as having a wordy title can confuse or intimidate your potential audience.

Tips on Turning a Boring Topic into an Engaging Presentation

You might have been feeling dejected as you had to prepare for a talk with no fun topics for presentation. It is hard to turn psychology discussions into engaging ones, knowing that this field has jargon and cases that can make your lecture dull.

However, instead of blaming your subject for being boring, avoid being dull instead. Here are some tips on turning a boring topic into an interactive one.

What are the Good Topics to Present in a Speech?

Now that you have skimmed through the tips and ways to choose fun topics for a presentation, making a Speech <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:271">A form of communication involving spoken language, it is used to express ideas, share information, tell stories, persuade, or entertain. Public speaking is a powerful tool used in diverse contexts, ranging from casual conversations to formal presentations.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:27"><strong>Components of a Speech:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-10:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:73"><strong>Content:</strong> The information, message, or story conveyed through words.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:106"><strong>Delivery:</strong> The vocal and physical presentation, including clarity, volume, gestures, and eye contact.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-10:0"><strong>Structure:</strong> The organization of the content, typically following an introduction, body, and conclusion.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="11:1-11:21"><strong>Speech in Action:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="13:1-17:0"> <li data-sourcepos="13:1-13:88"><strong>Informing:</strong> Sharing knowledge and facts, educating an audience on a specific topic.</li> <li data-sourcepos="14:1-14:119"><strong>Persuading:</strong> Advocating for a particular viewpoint, using arguments and evidence to influence thoughts or actions.</li> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:93"><strong>Motivating:</strong> Inspiring and energizing an audience, fostering action and positive change.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-17:0"><strong>Entertaining:</strong> Engaging and delighting an audience through humor, storytelling, or creative language.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="18:1-18:32"><strong>Public Speaking and Anxiety:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="20:1-20:227">Many people experience <strong>public speaking anxiety</strong>, a fear of speaking in front of an audience. While it's common, effective preparation, practice, and breathing techniques can significantly reduce anxiety and improve delivery.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="22:1-22:32"><strong>Different Types of Speeches:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="24:1-28:0"> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-24:81"><strong>Informative speech:</strong> Focuses on conveying information clearly and concisely.</li> <li data-sourcepos="25:1-25:102"><strong>Persuasive speech:</strong> Aims to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action.</li> <li data-sourcepos="26:1-26:99"><strong>Motivational speech:</strong> Inspires and energizes the audience, building enthusiasm and commitment.</li> <li data-sourcepos="27:1-28:0"><strong>Entertaining speech:</strong> Aim to amuse and delight the audience, often using humor, storytelling, or anecdotes.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="29:1-29:33"><strong>Crafting a Compelling Speech:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="31:1-35:0"> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-31:106"><strong>Know your audience:</strong> Tailor your content and delivery to their interests, needs, and prior knowledge.</li> <li data-sourcepos="32:1-32:107"><strong>Have a clear message:</strong> Identify the main point you want to convey and structure your speech around it.</li> <li data-sourcepos="33:1-33:111"><strong>Engage your audience:</strong> Use varied vocal techniques, storytelling, and visual aids to keep them interested.</li> <li data-sourcepos="34:1-35:0"><strong>Practice, practice, practice:</strong> Rehearse your speech out loud to refine your delivery and build confidence.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="36:1-36:13"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="38:1-38:281">Speech is a powerful tool for communication, connection, and influence. By understanding its elements, addressing potential anxieties, and tailoring your delivery to different contexts, you can harness the power of speech to achieve your intended goals and captivate your audience.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/speech/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">speech on time needs a good presentation topic. Out of random presentation topics, here are some prominent ones that might give you some ideas.

Interesting Presentation Topics

  • Ancient Greek Heroes Modern Interpretation
  • Antidepressants and Their Effects on the Human Brain
  • How Bad Nutrition Affects a Person’s Appearance
  • Traces of Romanticism in Well-known English Literature
  • Influences of Music on Mental Health
  • How Religion and Politics Blend Within a State
  • Most Famous and Nerve-wracking Novels, Books, and Plays
  • How Traditional Herbs Get Approved
  • Effects of Being a Polyglot
  • Being Productive During Pandemic

Good Presentation Topics

  • Disney Films’ Most Famous Actresses
  • How Media Affects Gender Stereotypes Portrayal
  • How Beauty Contests Affects Women’s Self-esteem
  • Differences Between Religion and Cult
  • Gambling Effects on Human’s Mental Health
  • Most Authoritative Politicians and Political Parties
  • Ways to Improve the Health Systems
  • Preparation and Prevention Against Natural Disasters
  • Ways to Alleviate Insomnia
  • How to Build Good Relationships Between Children and Pets

5-Minute Presentation Topics

  • Best Apps to Improve Academic Performance
  • Airport First-timers: Step-by-step Instructions
  • Easy-to-make Breakfast Recipes
  • How to Avoid Procrastination
  • Making Money During Holidays
  • How Social Media Lowers Self-esteem
  • Working Remotely: Pros and Cons
  • Best Online Business and Professions
  • Why Trust Your Intuition
  • Reasons to Learn Foreign Languages

Fun Topics for Presentation

  • How Rock ‘n Roll Started
  • Rare and Expensive Coffee Types
  • Best Self-development Books for Teens
  • Choosing a Specialty in College
  • Secrets of a Healthy Relationship
  • Benefits of Art Therapy
  • How do Journalists and Bloggers Differ From Each Other?
  • The Origin of Languages
  • Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
  • Makeup Life Hacks and Tips

Safety Presentation Topics

  • Common Mistakes in General Safety
  • Dealing with Ergonomic and Workplace Stress
  • Coronavirus Precautionary Measures
  • How to Deal with Violence
  • Fire and Electrical Safety
  • Reportage, Prevention, and Liabilities in Workplace Accidents
  • Safety Precautions Against Heat Exhaustion
  • Common Workplace Injuries
  • Communication Issues and Safety
  • Emergency Response Efficiency

Easy Presentation Topics

  • Adverse Effects of GMOs on Health and Life
  • Effective Ways to Improve Old People’s Health System
  • Most Iconic Censorship on Social Media
  • Most Prominent Female Political Leaders of All Time
  • How to Avoid Being Late
  • Globalization and Its Effects on World Population
  • Smiling Therapy Positive Effects on Mental Health
  • Advancement of 3D Printing and Its Benefits
  • How Music Helps in Learning New Languages
  • Dealing with Child Prodigies

Controversial Speech Topics

Controversies are all around us, especially online resources. Finding a controversial topic must fit your passion and knowledge; otherwise, it might negatively impact your discussion.

Controversial Leadership Topics for Presentation

  • LGBTQ Rights
  • Abortion: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life
  • Benefits of Multiculturalism in a Society
  • Security and Privacy Concerns about Electronic Voting
  • Gun Control Laws and Limits
  • Journalism Ethics and Corruption
  • Euthanasia Vs. Right to Live
  • Death Penalty Pros and Cons
  • How Mandatory Minimum Penalties Impact Federal Sentencing
  • Torture as an Interrogation Tactic
  • Electoral College Abolishment
  • Is World Peace Possible?
  • Same-sex union
  • Lowering Criminal Liability Age
  • Banning Animal Experimentation
  • High Taxation Rates
  • Freedom of Speech <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:271">A form of communication involving spoken language, it is used to express ideas, share information, tell stories, persuade, or entertain. Public speaking is a powerful tool used in diverse contexts, ranging from casual conversations to formal presentations.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:27"><strong>Components of a Speech:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-10:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:73"><strong>Content:</strong> The information, message, or story conveyed through words.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:106"><strong>Delivery:</strong> The vocal and physical presentation, including clarity, volume, gestures, and eye contact.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-10:0"><strong>Structure:</strong> The organization of the content, typically following an introduction, body, and conclusion.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="11:1-11:21"><strong>Speech in Action:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="13:1-17:0"> <li data-sourcepos="13:1-13:88"><strong>Informing:</strong> Sharing knowledge and facts, educating an audience on a specific topic.</li> <li data-sourcepos="14:1-14:119"><strong>Persuading:</strong> Advocating for a particular viewpoint, using arguments and evidence to influence thoughts or actions.</li> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:93"><strong>Motivating:</strong> Inspiring and energizing an audience, fostering action and positive change.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-17:0"><strong>Entertaining:</strong> Engaging and delighting an audience through humor, storytelling, or creative language.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="18:1-18:32"><strong>Public Speaking and Anxiety:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="20:1-20:227">Many people experience <strong>public speaking anxiety</strong>, a fear of speaking in front of an audience. While it's common, effective preparation, practice, and breathing techniques can significantly reduce anxiety and improve delivery.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="22:1-22:32"><strong>Different Types of Speeches:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="24:1-28:0"> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-24:81"><strong>Informative speech:</strong> Focuses on conveying information clearly and concisely.</li> <li data-sourcepos="25:1-25:102"><strong>Persuasive speech:</strong> Aims to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action.</li> <li data-sourcepos="26:1-26:99"><strong>Motivational speech:</strong> Inspires and energizes the audience, building enthusiasm and commitment.</li> <li data-sourcepos="27:1-28:0"><strong>Entertaining speech:</strong> Aim to amuse and delight the audience, often using humor, storytelling, or anecdotes.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="29:1-29:33"><strong>Crafting a Compelling Speech:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="31:1-35:0"> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-31:106"><strong>Know your audience:</strong> Tailor your content and delivery to their interests, needs, and prior knowledge.</li> <li data-sourcepos="32:1-32:107"><strong>Have a clear message:</strong> Identify the main point you want to convey and structure your speech around it.</li> <li data-sourcepos="33:1-33:111"><strong>Engage your audience:</strong> Use varied vocal techniques, storytelling, and visual aids to keep them interested.</li> <li data-sourcepos="34:1-35:0"><strong>Practice, practice, practice:</strong> Rehearse your speech out loud to refine your delivery and build confidence.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="36:1-36:13"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="38:1-38:281">Speech is a powerful tool for communication, connection, and influence. By understanding its elements, addressing potential anxieties, and tailoring your delivery to different contexts, you can harness the power of speech to achieve your intended goals and captivate your audience.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/speech/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">Speech and Its Restrictions
  • Embargo and Censorship: What to be Publicize
  • Insanity Plea as an Excuse
  • Tobacco Regulation

Controversial Topics for Teenagers

  • Hookup Culture and Its Impact on Teens
  • Bullying and Cyberbullying
  • Banning Pornography in E-libraries
  • Causes of Depression and Other Mental Illness in Teens
  • Teen Suicide Liability
  • Prohibition of Gambling for Teens
  • How to Educate Teens About Drugs
  • Dealing with Eating Disorders in Teens
  • When Should Teens Start to Vote
  • How Parents Should Deal with Teens’ Romantic Relationship
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education
  • Health Impacts of Fast Food for Teens
  • How Being a Fan Impacts Teens
  • Possibility of Living on Mars
  • Why Media Literacy Important for Teenagers
  • How Teenagers Can Fight Top Environmental Problems
  • Dealing with Diversity in School
  • Military Recruitment on Campus
  • Pros and Cons of School Uniforms and Dress Code
  • Plan B Contraception Access for Minors

What are Some Presentation Ideas for School?

For school purposes, you must find informative but fun topics for presentation as students have a lesser attention span than adults. Here are the presentation topics for academic and educational causes.

Health Care System and Laws TV Commercial Impacts How to Use Social Media for School
Worldwide Free Internet Access Pros and Cons 2. How Volunteering Benefits Students 2. How to Work in a Diverse Environment
Video Games and Its Impact on Cognitive Skills 3. Virtual Reality and Its Phenomenon 3. Gentrification Phenomenon
How to Fight Poverty 4. How Glass Ceilings Impact Businesses 4. How to Pursue Free-tuition University
Social Media Influences 5. Greenhouse Effects 5. How Cinemas Evolved Through the Years
Internet Safety Insurance 6. How the Respiratory System Operates 6. Ideologies about the Global Internet
Modern Female World Leaders 7. Proper Usage of Modern Tools and Devices 7. Alternative Energy Sources and Its Benefits
The Phenomenon of Binge-watching 8. Greek Mythology Importance 8. How to Deal with First-time Job Application

Science Topics for Presentation

Science presentation topics are among the most in-demand discussions for students and teachers in technical educational institutions. Here are some ideas to help you out.

Physics Topics for Presentation

  • Is Physics Based on Theory or Practice
  • Why We Need to Study Physics
  • Newton’s Third Law as the Universal Formula
  • Why Every Student Needs to Learn Physical Formula
  • Is Physics Dependent on Math and Science or Vice Versa
  • Why Physics Necessary for Knowledge Testing
  • How to Deal with Difficulties in Physics Lesson
  • Most Important Topics in Physics

Chemistry Topics for Presentation

  • Why Alchemists Seeks Philosopher’s Stone
  • Chemists Who Are Nobel Prize Awardees
  • How Chemical Weapons Become Main Threat for War
  • How to Choose Quality Water
  • Making a Kid Interested in Chemistry
  • Hair Biochemistry and Its Process
  • Effects of Lack of Chemical Elements in a Human Body
  • Safety Precautions for Chemical Products

Biology Topics for Presentation

  • How the Future Lies in Crossroads of Biological Sciences
  • How to Avoid Harmful GMO Foods
  • Secrets of Centenarians
  • Allergic Reactions Caused by Dust
  • Can a Person Survive Without Clean Drinking Water
  • How Sports and Nutrition Determine Human Health
  • Vaccination and Its Effect on Genotype
  • Best Houseplants for Air Purification

Geology Topics for Presentation

  • Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions as Causes of Dynamic Geology
  • Geomorphology: Intersection of Geography and Geology
  • Space Geology in the Field of Cosmology and Planetology
  • Geological Timeline from Solid Formation to the Holocene Era
  • Geological Events Absolute and Relative Age
  • Methods and Principles of Geology
  • Geodynamics: The Relationship of the Earth’s Core and Crust Processes  
  • Microstructural Geology: Micro-Level Rock Deformation

Astronomy Topics for Presentation

  • Differences Between Astronomy and Astrology
  • The Possibility of Life on Mars
  • History and Discovery of the Milky Way Galaxy
  • Does Astronomy Only Study Stars?
  • Astronomy as a Separate Subject in School
  • Reasons Why Fewer Entrants ChoAstronomynomy
  • What Happens If the Sun Died?
  • Why Our Future Depends on Astronomical Studies

Technological Science Topics for Presentation

  • How Technology Improves Living Standards
  • Technology and Its Effect on Cancer Treatment
  • How Cybercriminals Use Technology
  • Benefits and Threats of Artificial Intelligence
  • Saving Time on Internet Technology Usage
  • Technological Evolution from the Middle Ages to the Present
  • Diffusion Rate of Technology in Developing Countries
  • Taking a Break from the Internet

Multimedia Science Topics for Presentation

  • Multimedia Features and Classification
  • Creating a Multimedia Presentation
  • Features of Online Multimedia
  • Benefits of Multimedia in Business
  • Usage of Multimedia in Computer Games
  • How to Create Training Courses Using Multimedia
  • Becoming a Multimedia Specialist
  • Multimedia and Its Relation to Science

Cultural and Social Presentation Topic Ideas

This aspect mostly concerns psychology and sociology students. Here are some fun topics for presentations that you can check out.

  • Culture and Traditions of Native Americans
  • How History Connects with Culture
  • How Cultural Knowledge Increases Chances of Success
  • Identifying Emigrants by Cultural Characteristics
  • Why Students Need to Learn About Culture
  • Importance of Cultural Appreciation
  • Pros and Cons of Diversified Culture
  • Best Sociology Books for Starters
  • Sociology and Its Express Research
  • Empirical Research
  • Causes of Social Phenomena
  • Mathematical Methods in Sociology
  • Social Trends Analysis and Development Patterns
  • How to Collect Sociological Information
  • Becoming a School President
  • Why a President Needs Leadership Skills
  • Ways to Raise a Child as a Leader
  • Is Leadership an Innate Skill or a Result of Experiences?
  • Responsibilities of a Leader
  • How Family Relationships Affect One’s Leadership Skills
  • Winning a Leadership Scholarship
  • How Individual Differs from Social Ethics?
  • Politics and International Relations Ethical Principles
  • Ethical Communication Rules in Social Media
  • Business Ethics and Relationships
  • Why Learn Etiquette Knowledge
  • Ethical Issues on Famous Artworks
  • Knowing About Corporate Ethics

What are Some Presentation Ideas for Healthcare?

There are many physical and mental health topics for school and other Conferences <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:279">Large gatherings are organized to bring together individuals from a specific field or industry for professional development, networking, and knowledge sharing. Conferences typically involve presentations, workshops, panel discussions, exhibitions, and social events.</p> <h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:12"><strong>Purpose:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-12:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:107"><strong>Knowledge Dissemination:</strong> Share the latest research, trends, and advancements within a specific field.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:75"><strong>Networking:</strong> Connect with peers, experts, and potential collaborators.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-9:103"><strong>Professional Development:</strong> Enhance skills and knowledge through workshops, talks, and discussions.</li> <li data-sourcepos="10:1-10:102"><strong>Community Building:</strong> Foster a sense of belonging and shared identity within a professional field.</li> <li data-sourcepos="11:1-12:0"><strong>New Product and Service Exposure:</strong> Discover innovative solutions and technologies through exhibitions and presentations.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="13:1-13:25"><strong>Types of Conferences:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="15:1-19:0"> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:102"><strong>Academic:</strong> Focused on research and scholarly presentations within a specific academic discipline.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-16:109"><strong>Industry:</strong> Catered to professionals within a specific industry, like technology, healthcare, or finance.</li> <li data-sourcepos="17:1-17:108"><strong>Trade Shows:</strong> Feature exhibitions and booths showcasing products and services relevant to the industry.</li> <li data-sourcepos="18:1-19:0"><strong>Professional Development:</strong> Primarily focused on workshops, training sessions, and skill-building activities.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="20:1-20:38"><strong>Benefits of Attending Conferences:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="22:1-27:0"> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:116"><strong>Stay informed:</strong> Learn about the latest advancements in your field through expert presentations and discussions.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-23:107"><strong>Network:</strong> Connect with key individuals and potential collaborators to build your professional network.</li> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-24:91"><strong>Develop skills:</strong> Attend workshops and sessions to enhance your knowledge and skill set.</li> <li data-sourcepos="25:1-25:101"><strong>Gain exposure:</strong> Discover new products, services, and innovative solutions relevant to your work.</li> <li data-sourcepos="26:1-27:0"><strong>Boost your career:</strong> Enhance your professional profile and marketability through networking and exposure.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="28:1-28:40"><strong>Challenges of Attending Conferences:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="30:1-34:0"> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-30:74"><strong>Cost:</strong> Registration fees, travel, and accommodation can be expensive.</li> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-31:116"><strong>Time commitment:</strong> Attending conference sessions and events requires dedicating significant time away from work.</li> <li data-sourcepos="32:1-32:112"><strong>Information overload:</strong> Navigating a large conference with numerous sessions and events can be overwhelming.</li> <li data-sourcepos="33:1-34:0"><strong>Networking anxiety:</strong> Connecting with new people can be intimidating, especially for introverts.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="35:1-35:26"><strong>Overcoming Challenges:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="37:1-43:0"> <li data-sourcepos="37:1-37:140"><strong>Research and prioritize:</strong> Choose conferences relevant to your needs and budget. Select specific sessions and events you want to attend.</li> <li data-sourcepos="38:1-38:103"><strong>Set realistic goals:</strong> Aim to connect with a few key individuals rather than overwhelming yourself.</li> <li data-sourcepos="39:1-39:104"><strong>Utilize conference resources:</strong> Leverage conference apps, maps, and schedules to optimize your time.</li> <li data-sourcepos="40:1-40:102"><strong>Practice networking skills:</strong> Prepare conversation starters and practice introductions beforehand.</li> <li data-sourcepos="41:1-41:124"><strong>Consider a speech coach:</strong> Coaching can help refine your delivery and manage anxiety when presenting at a conference.</li> <li data-sourcepos="42:1-43:0">Take <strong>Public speaking courses</strong>: Public speaking skills are important for networking and participating in discussions.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="44:1-44:281"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="44:1-44:281">Conferences offer valuable opportunities for professional development, networking, and knowledge sharing. Planning effectively, overcoming challenges, and utilizing available resources can maximize your conference experience and achieve your desired outcomes.</p> <!-- /wp:list --> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/conferences/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">conferences , but having fun topics for presentations is essential to make your lecture less complicated. Here are some of the presentation topics that might suit your interest.

Psychology Topics for Presentation

  • The Need for Psychologists in Kindergarten
  • Best Universities for Psychology
  • Choosing a Suitable Psychologist
  • Outcasts Children: Psychology Victim
  • Psychological State and Its Effects on Productivity
  • When Do You Need a Psychologist
  • Can a Person with a Mental Disorder Become a Psychologist?

Mental Health Topics for Presentation

  • Mental Fatigue: Causes of Failure
  • Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Recognizing and Avoiding the Onset of Depression
  • Causes of Mental Health Disorders
  • How Physical Affects Mental Health and Vice Versa
  • Dealing With Mental Breakdowns
  • How Music Improves Mental Health

Health Topics for Presentation

  • Why Do Pharmacies Sell Over-the-counter Medicines?
  • How Allergic Reaction Works
  • Sports that Can Improve Health in a Month
  • Signs of Bad Immunity System
  • Legalization of Marijuana
  • Centenarians’ Secret to Good Health
  • Healthy Habits Before Exams

Nutrition Topics for Presentation

  • The Necessity of Reading a Product’s Composition
  • Nutrition Effects on Skin Condition
  • Determining Necessary Ratio of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates
  • Tips for Restrictive Eating Disorders
  • How Sports Nutrition Can Be Dangerous
  • Why Being a Nutritionist a Good Career Choice
  • Why Quality Nutrition Determines One’s Success

Nursing Presentations

  • Nursing Career and Its Growth
  • Critical Moments on Painkiller Usage
  • Patient Safety During Nursing
  • Patient safety during nursing
  • Career Growth in Nursing
  • The use of painkillers: critical moments
  • Health Assessment: What to Check
  • Features of caring for patients with mental disorders
  • Postoperative patient care
  • Features internships and practices for nurses

Dental Presentations Ideas

  • Teeth Processes for Babies
  • Molar Extraction Process
  • Wisdom Tooth: Necessary or Not?
  • How Chewing Gum Affects Tooth Enamel
  • Causes and Treatment for Oral Cancer
  • Diet for Braces

Medical Presentations

  • How to Call an Ambulance
  • Dealing With Addiction
  • Highly Addictive Medical Drugs that You Don’t Realize
  • Primary Stab Wound Treatment
  • When Surgery Becomes Necessary
  • Traditional, Alternative, and Modern Medicines
  • Preventing Sport Injuries
  • Insomnia Treatment With No Pills
  • Anti-aging Pills: When to Avoid It
  • Why Go or Reject Posthumous Donation
  • Euthanasia and Its Effect on Suicide Rate
  • How to Avoid Child Obesity
  • Pros and Cons of GMOs
  • Diverse Ways to Improve Healthcare
  • The Need for Legal Framework on Plastic Surgery Regulations

What are Some Presentation Ideas for Business and Management?

Finding business presentation topics is more difficult as you must show in-depth knowledge of your chosen idea. Here are some of the presentation topics that you can check out.

SWOT AnalysisHow Corporate Ethics Boost SalesFeatures of International BusinessesCustomers DemandUnderstanding the Latest MarketWhat is Next for the DepartmentHow to Grow Your Online Business
Communicating With Controversial InformationDealing With Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceMicroaggressionsCrowd Management and SafetyResolving Workplace ConflictCross-Cultural CommunicationResponding to Negative FeedbackManaging Controversy at WorkHow to Respond to Hostile People
Managing New EmployeesHow to Be an Effective SupervisorBecoming a Better ManagerHelping Your Employees/Direct Reports GrowHow to Mentor Others in the WorkplaceProviding FeedbackBecoming a Better ManagerWhat New Managers Need to KnowManagement StylesHelping New ManagersTransitioning to Management of a New Department
Positive Stories the Company’s PastCustomer TestimonialsMaking a Difference at WorkFinding Meaning at WorkPassionate People the Company’s HistoryPositive Personal ExperiencesMaking a Difference in Your CommunityHow to Inspire OthersPositive Thinking at the WorkReaching Potential at WorkReaching Potential in LifeReaching Personal GoalsChanging Into Good Habits
Food Preparation and SafetyFundamentals CoursesCompliance CoursesLiability Prevention Courses
Recognizing New OpportunitiesWhy Every Business Needs Legal AdvisorStarting a Small BusinessProduct Idea BrainstormingHow to Market a New BusinessThinking Like an EntrepreneurFirst Employee Hiring Dos and Don’tsSecuring Finances for New BusinessAdvantages and Disadvantages of Starting Online BusinessCreating an Effective Elevator PitchStartup CultureQuestioning an Organization’s Status Quo
How to Create Effective CalendarTask Lists BenefitsEffective Time ManagementTools for Time Tracking Methods and Its Benefits to BusinessHow to Boost Productivity by Hacking the BrainTaking Efficient Breaks Dos and Don’tsGood Habits MaintenanceWays to Feel Better and More Productive in the AfternoonHow to Get More Done in Less TimeDoes Getting Enough Rest Increase Productivity? Diet for Better ProductivityPreventing Obstacles to High Productivity
Fire PreventionDealing With EmergenciesIllness PreventionSafety Precautions for Machine OperationsInjury PreventionEnvironmental SafetyHazards Effective ResponseManufacturing SafetyChemical Exposure PrecautionsOffice Worker SafetyProtecting Customer/Visitor/Shopper/ClientHealthy Habits for WorkersHow to Create a Safer WorkplaceSlip/Trip/Fall PreventionPromoting a Safe Workplace Culture

How a Good Topic Helps on Public Speaking (SECS Elements)

Having the right choice of presentation topics can help meet the Sincerity, Enthusiasm, Confidence <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:305">In the context of <strong>public speaking</strong>, <strong>confidence</strong> refers to the belief in one's ability to communicate effectively and deliver one's message with clarity and impact. It encompasses various elements, including self-belief, composure, and the ability to manage one's <strong>fear of public speaking</strong>.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:16"><strong>Key Aspects:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-12:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:108"><strong>Self-belief:</strong> A strong conviction in your knowledge, skills, and ability to connect with your audience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:95"><strong>Composure:</strong> Maintaining calmness and poise under pressure, even in challenging situations.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-9:100"><strong>Assertiveness:</strong> Expressing your ideas clearly and concisely, avoiding hesitation or self-doubt.</li> <li data-sourcepos="10:1-10:104"><strong>Positive self-talk:</strong> Countering negative thoughts with affirmations and focusing on your strengths.</li> <li data-sourcepos="11:1-12:0"><strong>Strong body language:</strong> Using gestures, posture, and eye contact that project confidence and professionalism.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="13:1-13:27"><strong>Benefits of Confidence:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="15:1-19:0"> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:99"><strong>Reduced anxiety:</strong> Feeling confident helps manage <strong>fear of public speaking</strong> and stage fright.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-16:133"><strong>Engaging delivery:</strong> Confident speakers project their voices, hold eye contact, and connect with their audience more effectively.</li> <li data-sourcepos="17:1-17:137"><strong>Increased persuasiveness:</strong> A confident presentation inspires belief and motivates your audience to listen and remember your message.</li> <li data-sourcepos="18:1-19:0"><strong>Greater impact:</strong> Confidently delivered speeches leave a lasting impression and achieve desired outcomes.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="20:1-20:15"><strong>Challenges:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="22:1-26:0"> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:112">Overcoming <strong>fear of public speaking</strong>: Many people experience some level of anxiety when speaking publicly.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-23:101"><strong>Imposter syndrome:</strong> Doubting your abilities and qualifications, even when objectively qualified.</li> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-24:92"><strong>Negative self-talk:</strong> Internalized criticism and limiting beliefs can hamper confidence.</li> <li data-sourcepos="25:1-26:0"><strong>Past negative experiences:</strong> Unsuccessful presentations or negative feedback can erode confidence.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="27:1-27:24"><strong>Building Confidence:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="29:1-36:0"> <li data-sourcepos="29:1-29:102"><strong>Practice and preparation:</strong> Thoroughly rehearse your speech to feel comfortable with the material.</li> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-30:101"><strong>Visualization:</strong> Imagine yourself delivering a successful presentation with confidence and poise.</li> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-31:100"><strong>Positive self-talk:</strong> Actively replace negative thoughts with affirmations about your abilities.</li> <li data-sourcepos="32:1-32:106"><strong>Seek feedback:</strong> Ask trusted individuals for constructive criticism and use it to improve your skills.</li> <li data-sourcepos="33:1-33:157">Consider a <strong>speaking coach</strong>: Working with a coach can provide personalized guidance and support to address specific challenges and confidence barriers.</li> <li data-sourcepos="34:1-34:114"><strong>Start small:</strong> Gradually increase the size and complexity of your speaking engagements as you gain experience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="35:1-36:0"><strong>Focus on progress:</strong> Celebrate small successes and acknowledge your improvement over time.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="37:1-37:282"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="37:1-37:282"><strong>Confidence</strong> in public speaking is a journey, not a destination. By actively practicing, embracing feedback, and focusing on your strengths, you can overcome <strong>fear of public speaking</strong> and develop the <strong>confidence</strong> to deliver impactful and memorable presentations.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/confidence/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">Confidence , and Simplicity (SECS) Public Speaking <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Public speaking refers to any live presentation or speech. It can cover a variety of topics on various fields and careers (you can find out more about public speaking careers here: https://orai.com/blog/public-speaking-careers/.  Public speaking can inform, entertain, or educate an audience and sometimes has visual aids.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><br /><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Public speaking is done live, so the speakers need to consider certain factors to deliver a successful speech. No matter how good the speech is, if the audience doesn't connect with the speaker, then it may fall flat. Therefore, speakers have to use a lot more nonverbal communication techniques to deliver their message. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><br /><!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Tips for public speaking</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --><br /><!-- wp:list --> <ul> <li>Have a sense of humor.</li> <li>Tell personal stories that relate to the speech you're giving.</li> <li>Dress appropriately for the event. Formal and business casual outfits work best.</li> <li>Project a confident and expressive voice.</li> <li>Always try to use simple language that everyone can understand.</li> <li>Stick to the time given to you.</li> <li>Maintain eye contact with members of your audience and try to connect with them.</li> </ul> <!-- /wp:list --> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/public-speaking/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">public speaking elements due to these reasons:

  • A good topic can make you sincere in communicating with your audience.
  • Fun topics for presentations can also increase the audience’s enthusiasm.
  • Fun topics for presentations also give you Confidence <p data-sourcepos="3:1-3:305">In the context of <strong>public speaking</strong>, <strong>confidence</strong> refers to the belief in one's ability to communicate effectively and deliver one's message with clarity and impact. It encompasses various elements, including self-belief, composure, and the ability to manage one's <strong>fear of public speaking</strong>.</p><br /><h2 data-sourcepos="5:1-5:16"><strong>Key Aspects:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-12:0"> <li data-sourcepos="7:1-7:108"><strong>Self-belief:</strong> A strong conviction in your knowledge, skills, and ability to connect with your audience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="8:1-8:95"><strong>Composure:</strong> Maintaining calmness and poise under pressure, even in challenging situations.</li> <li data-sourcepos="9:1-9:100"><strong>Assertiveness:</strong> Expressing your ideas clearly and concisely, avoiding hesitation or self-doubt.</li> <li data-sourcepos="10:1-10:104"><strong>Positive self-talk:</strong> Countering negative thoughts with affirmations and focusing on your strengths.</li> <li data-sourcepos="11:1-12:0"><strong>Strong body language:</strong> Using gestures, posture, and eye contact that project confidence and professionalism.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="13:1-13:27"><strong>Benefits of Confidence:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="15:1-19:0"> <li data-sourcepos="15:1-15:99"><strong>Reduced anxiety:</strong> Feeling confident helps manage <strong>fear of public speaking</strong> and stage fright.</li> <li data-sourcepos="16:1-16:133"><strong>Engaging delivery:</strong> Confident speakers project their voices, hold eye contact, and connect with their audience more effectively.</li> <li data-sourcepos="17:1-17:137"><strong>Increased persuasiveness:</strong> A confident presentation inspires belief and motivates your audience to listen and remember your message.</li> <li data-sourcepos="18:1-19:0"><strong>Greater impact:</strong> Confidently delivered speeches leave a lasting impression and achieve desired outcomes.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="20:1-20:15"><strong>Challenges:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="22:1-26:0"> <li data-sourcepos="22:1-22:112">Overcoming <strong>fear of public speaking</strong>: Many people experience some level of anxiety when speaking publicly.</li> <li data-sourcepos="23:1-23:101"><strong>Imposter syndrome:</strong> Doubting your abilities and qualifications, even when objectively qualified.</li> <li data-sourcepos="24:1-24:92"><strong>Negative self-talk:</strong> Internalized criticism and limiting beliefs can hamper confidence.</li> <li data-sourcepos="25:1-26:0"><strong>Past negative experiences:</strong> Unsuccessful presentations or negative feedback can erode confidence.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="27:1-27:24"><strong>Building Confidence:</strong></h2> <ul data-sourcepos="29:1-36:0"> <li data-sourcepos="29:1-29:102"><strong>Practice and preparation:</strong> Thoroughly rehearse your speech to feel comfortable with the material.</li> <li data-sourcepos="30:1-30:101"><strong>Visualization:</strong> Imagine yourself delivering a successful presentation with confidence and poise.</li> <li data-sourcepos="31:1-31:100"><strong>Positive self-talk:</strong> Actively replace negative thoughts with affirmations about your abilities.</li> <li data-sourcepos="32:1-32:106"><strong>Seek feedback:</strong> Ask trusted individuals for constructive criticism and use it to improve your skills.</li> <li data-sourcepos="33:1-33:157">Consider a <strong>speaking coach</strong>: Working with a coach can provide personalized guidance and support to address specific challenges and confidence barriers.</li> <li data-sourcepos="34:1-34:114"><strong>Start small:</strong> Gradually increase the size and complexity of your speaking engagements as you gain experience.</li> <li data-sourcepos="35:1-36:0"><strong>Focus on progress:</strong> Celebrate small successes and acknowledge your improvement over time.</li> </ul> <h2 data-sourcepos="37:1-37:282"><strong>Remember:</strong></h2> <p data-sourcepos="37:1-37:282"><strong>Confidence</strong> in public speaking is a journey, not a destination. By actively practicing, embracing feedback, and focusing on your strengths, you can overcome <strong>fear of public speaking</strong> and develop the <strong>confidence</strong> to deliver impactful and memorable presentations.</p> " href="https://orai.com/glossary/confidence/" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex="0" role="link">confidence as it lessens awkwardness.
  • The right topic makes your presentation concise, straightforward, and informative at the same time.

What does a perfect day with the family look like?

Imagine a day filled with laughter, shared meals, and playful adventures. Waking up refreshed, a family connects over breakfast, sharing dreams and creating plans. They explore together, be it a museum visit or a quiet picnic, finding joy in nature, or friendly competition. As the sun sets, reflections filled with gratitude paint the evening, solidifying the love and connection that makes the day perfect, not for its grandeur but for the simple treasures of being together.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

When asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” children explore a world of possibilities. Each child has unique dreams, from doctors to astronauts, artists to veterinarians. Their dreams may change as they grow, but nurturing their curiosity helps them find their true calling.

What’s one habit you want to eliminate and one you want to keep?

Aiming for personal growth, I’ll axe the time-sucking social media scroll and double down on the mood-boosting, energy-zinging exercise routine. Recognizing habits are key, I’ll actively fight for a more balanced and fulfilling life, one mindful step at a time.

Presentation topics are the key to a successful lecture, bringing more opportunities for your career. Choosing among tons of ideas out there can get confusing , but give it a serious thought as your topic impacts your overall presentation.

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Useful Links

  • Start free trial
  • The art of public speaking
  • improve public speaking
  • mastering public speaking
  • public speaking coach
  • professional speaking
  • public speaking classes - Courses
  • public speaking anxiety
  • © Orai 2023

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PowerPoint Presentation Projects for Students (Grades 4-8)

Encourage your students to undertake PowerPoint presentation projects that span across all subject areas. These PowerPoint presentation projects for students are designed not only to expand their technology skills but also to enhance their learning and engagement. By using PowerPoint as a tool, students can effectively communicate their ideas and knowledge in a visually appealing and organized manner. We provide resources that suggest a wide range of project ideas in subjects like Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.

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12 Interactive PowerPoint Activities Your Students will Love

12 Interactive PowerPoint Activities Your Students will Love

At Slides with Friends, we're all about trying to make your life as a teacher a little bit easier. We want to provide as many tools, tips, and as much support as possible. That's why we share on topics like Review Games , Student Wellness Activities , and Tools for Measuring Student Engagement .

While we usually focus on how you can use Slides with Friends specifically, we want to bring you something a little different this time. We've compiled 12 of our favorite interactive PowerPoint activities you can use with your students. All of the activities are designed to engage your students in ways they'll love. Even better, these activities let you use a tool you're probably already familiar with.

And read to the end for an exciting new announcement!

Annotated Images

Annotated images let you teach history (or literature! or geography!) using detailed annotated images from your latest lesson. We're big fans of using visuals in the classroom. And with good reason! A study released by the Journal of Education and Practice found visual information is mapped better in students' minds across multiple types of thinking skills. By introducing more visuals to a lesson plan, and using tools like PowerPoint, lessons are more likely to be remembered.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

You can introduce annotated images on PowerPoint by picking out relevant images and adding captions or labels to them and presenting them as you teach. You can add descriptions, draw arrows, or points of interest on the image.

Check out this fun example from Ditch That Textbook .

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Even better, provide a few unique images of the lesson you just presented and have the students create their own annotations. Then, as a class, have each student present their image in PowerPoint.

Photos as Story Prompts

More visual learning! Using photos as storytelling prompts can be a great way to spark your student's creativity! PowerPoint is an ideal platform to display the photos, as it provides you the flexibility and versatility to show one photo at a time in case you want the students to focus exclusively on that image.

Simply ask them to write a story based on the photo in 1-3 sentences, and compare answers afterward. Encouraging different interpretations of a single image also helps foster critical thinking skills and encourages students to use their own perspectives when expressing their ideas.

Interactive Maps

Interactive maps are a fantastic way for students to learn about their world without leaving the classroom! And one of the easiest ways to show off these maps is through PowerPoint. Plus, PowerPoint makes adding hyperlinks to specific places (like pins), so you can click through areas of interest without having to open up a separate browser page.

If you're looking for a simple tutorial on how to create a lesson-based interactive map, check out this one from eLearning Industry . For more exploratory maps, check out the tutorial below (which includes the free template!).

Battleship Review Game

We love a good game here at Slides with Friends, so it shouldn't be a surprise to see so many options on this list. However, before doing research for this article, we had no idea Battleship could be played on PowerPoint!

In the template below, you can add words and to reveal the space beneath the words, students have to:

- Conjugate the Verb

- Use the Word in a Sentence

- Define the Word

Or one of any fun combinations.

We love this idea for language classes especially, but can also be used for vocabulary in any subject.

You can check out the whole presentation here.

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzles are a timeless and popular way of testing knowledge and keeping minds alert. They can be used in the classroom to reinforce concepts and skills related to any subject, making them a great teaching tool. Crosswords can help students learn new vocabulary words, polish their grammar, understand history or science topics better, or firm up mathematics concepts.

And an easy way to do a crossword in the classroom is by using PowerPoint. You simply need to create a blank and a filled puzzle on PowerPoint and then fill it out with your class.

Check out this step-by-step guide on the best way to quickly create a crossword puzzle in PowerPoint.

Tests and quizzes are absolutely no fun, so if you can find an easy way to quiz your students in a fun way, that's a win-win! One of our favorite ways to do this is by creating a quiz show on PowerPoint.

By using those hyperlinks we mentioned above, you can easily create your own questions, assign point values, and include sound effects (or music!) to make your students feel like they're actually in a game show!

This 6 Steps to Create a Multiple Choice Quiz is a great way to start designing your next PowerPoint quiz. If you're looking for multiple ways to create a quiz show for your students, check out the detailed tutorial below .

Video Gallery

We've talked quite a bit about visuals here, not just because PowerPoint is a great tool for visuals, but because visuals are so extremely helpful in the classroom.

One way to incorporate visual activities into your classes with PowerPoint is by creating video galleries. This is especially useful if you have limited access to videos and need to play them in a certain order.

You can create a video gallery presentation by manually inserting the clips into slides or creating a series of hyperlinks to take the class through certain processes. You can also add captions, notes, and questions for further discussion.

Scavenger Hunt

A fun activity to incorporate in your classroom through the power of PowerPoint is a review scavenger hunt.

Scavenger hunts can be an engaging way to go over the material and test knowledge at the beginning or end of a unit. PowerPoint is a great tool to use when designing a scavenger hunt if you are working with students online. With the tool, you can hide clues in images, ask questions that are linked to hyperlinks, and even add video clips as hints.

Scavenger hunts also offer quite a bit of versatility in the classroom. You can have students work individually or in groups, depending on your goals for the lesson.

You can reference our Virtual Scavenger Hunt guide, which includes several hunt lists, for ideas on what to bring to your students.

Choose Your Own Adventure

PowerPoint slides can also be used to create engaging interactive experiences. PowerPoint's slide-linking feature allows you to jump between slides with the click of a button, providing users with their own “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style gaming experience. As a result, you can create an interactive story with a different ending each and every time.

While this activity will take quite a bit of upfront work, once you have it done, you can use it for countless classes.

We highly recommend this tutorial by The Training Lady on how to plan out your next PowerPoint adventure!

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Picture Reveal

Picture Reveal is a great PowerPoint activity that encourages students to think critically. In this activity, you can present an obscured picture and provides clues as to what it could be. Students must then utilize their knowledge and logic skills to work out what the picture is by eliminating incorrect answers based on the clues provided until they eventually get the correct answer.

Picture reveals are a great way to review material from previous lessons or current topics. They can also act as an introduction to a new lesson. Plus, we can't stress this enough, visuals!

Word Search

Word search games are a great way to review vocabulary and help students learn new words. Using PowerPoint, you can create custom word searches by entering the target vocabulary words in a grid. Then draw lines connecting each letter to form words! You can even add visuals that correspond with the theme of your word search for an extra challenge.

Word search games are perfect for when you have some leftover time during class or if you want to review material from earlier units. A PowerPoint word search is also great for helping students recognize spelling patterns in unfamiliar words and promoting active learning as they look for the hidden words in the puzzle.

Student Presentation

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

One of the best ways to get your students engaged in the classroom is to have them lead the show. And PowerPoint is such an awesome tool for students to present their own material.

With a little guidance, you can have older students create mini-presentations about topics they've studied in class or even on their own. Not only will this allow you to assess what they've retained from studying, but it also allows your students to practice public speaking skills and become more comfortable with online presentations - essential in today's digital world!

With PowerPoint, you can easily turn any student project into an engaging presentation everyone will enjoy.

Use Slides with Friends for Your PowerPoint Activities

PowerPoint has been a vital tool in the teacher toolbox for decades. There are so many fantastic ways to use PowerPoint to engage and interact with your classroom.

Slides with Friends is excited to announce a new feature for our slide decks - A PowerPoint upload!

Now you can create your slides in an already-known program, or use slide shows you've already made, and with a click of a button upload them to Slides with Friends!

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Slides with Friends brings classroom PowerPoint activities to the next level by enabling real-time collaborative engagement from all of your students. By combining your PowerPoint presentations with Slides with Friends live word clouds, polling, trivia, and quizzes, as well as photo sharing, you really can fully involve your students in every lesson.

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Hs electives: environmental science subject for high school - 9th grade: the scientific method.

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: August 06, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Image source

Mesmerize your audience by adding some neon colors and effects to your PowerPoint slides. Adding pops of color to your presentation will create visual interest and keep your audience engaged. 

What I like: Neon will add personality and depth to your presentation and will help the information you're providing stand out and be more memorable. 

2. Use an interesting background image.

Interesting PowerPoint

Do you have some interesting nature photos from a recent road trip? Or maybe a holiday passed, and you have gorgeous photos to share? If so, consider incorporating them into your PowerPoint. 

What I like: PowerPoints don't have to be stuffy and boring. They can be fun and a unique or interesting background will enhance the experience of your presentation.

3. Or be minimal.

Powerpoint Minimal

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? Not the band! I mean, Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. If you're worried too many colors or visuals could take attention away from the message of your presentation, consider going minimal. 

Pro tip: Stick to no more than three colors if you're going for a minimalist design in your slides. 

4. Incorporate illustrations.

PowerPoint Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to highlight or break down a point in your presentation. They can also add a bit of whimsy and fun to keep viewers engaged.

5. Use all caps.

PoiwerPoint Capital Letters

Using all capital letters can draw your audience's eyes to where you need them, helping cement your message in their minds. It can also just be aesthetically pleasing.

Pro tip: If you choose to use all capital letters, use varying fonts so readers can tell which information is important and which are supporting details.

6. Alternate slide layouts

PowerPoint alternate slides

You don't want readers to grow bored with your presentation. So, to retain visual interest, use alternating slide layouts. The example above shows PowerPoint slides alternating between vertical and horizontal layouts.

This keeps things interesting and ensures your presentation isn't monotonous.  

7. Inject a little humor.

Humor is a great way to drive a point home and help people remember the information you're presenting. People remember a good joke, so if you have a funny pun to connect to a concept in a presentation, why not use it in a slide?

Pro tip: Remember you're in a professional setting, so keep your jokes appropriate. If you're worried a joke can get you a meeting with HR, then keep it to yourself. 

8. Use duotones.

PowerPoint Duotones

Duotones (or gradience) can take the aesthetic of your PowerPoint to new levels. They can provide a calming energy to your presentation and make viewers feel relaxed and eager to stay focused. 

9. Include printed materials.

Let's say you have a PowerPoint you're proud of, but you want to go that extra mile to ensure your audience understands the material. A great way to do this would be to supplement your presentation with printed materials, as such as:

  • Pamphlets 
  • Printed slides
  • Short quizzes on the material

10. Keep it to one chart or graph per slide.

powerpoint chart

This is both a design example and a warning. Graphs and charts are an excellent way of displaying quantitative data in a digestible format.

However, you should have no more than one graph or chart per slide so your presentation doesn't get too confusing or muddled. 

11. Use a large font.

PowerPoint Large Font

Just like capital letters, a large font will help your shift your audience's focus to key points in your presentation.

Pro tip: You can combine large fonts and capital letters to boost its effectiveness. 

12. Include videos.

Embedding a video into your PowerPoint can help you expand on a point or effectively break down a complex topic. You can either embed a video from a platform like YouTube or TikTok or use HubSpot's Clip Creator to make your own.

Pro tip: Try to keep videos short, like, under a minute, and don't use more than one or two. 

13. Use GIFs.

GIFs add more visual interest, and they can be a great way to add humor or personal touch to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Use contrasting colors when comparing two ideas or arguments. 

powerpoint contrast

Contrasting colors can convey the difference between two opposing thoughts or arguments in a way that is visually appealing. 

15. Add a touch of nature.

PowerPoint nature

If you want your presentation to exude a calming energy to your audience, including images of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes can do the trick.

PowerPoint Theme Ideas

Atlas (theme).

Covering a more creative subject for a younger or more energetic audience? I’d recommend using the cover slide design below. Its vibrant red color blocks and fun lines will appeal to your audience.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

And if you want more templates and examples, you can download them here .

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]

Photo of author

Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

In this article:

High School

Middle school, elementary school, school speech topics checklists, list of school speech topics.

school speech topics

  • Girls are under more pressure in high school.
  • Schools must not sell unhealthy foods.
  • Cyberbullies should be suspended from school.
  • Peer pressure will help students grow.
  • Parents must not pay kids for good grades.
  • Students don’t spend enough time reading books.
  • Class sizes make a big difference.
  • Schools must get involved with obese students weight issues.
  • All students should join the gym.
  • Schools should offer rewards for good test scores.
  • Cheerleading isn’t a sport.
  • The media is to blame for the pressure of girls wanting perfect bodies.
  • Mass-shooting in schools can be prevented.
  • 16 is an appropriate age to start dating.
  • The in crowd is usually the most insecure group.
  • Failing is a blessing in disguise.
  • Students do not know how to live in the moment.
  • Fashion isn’t all that important.
  • The methods used to deal with bullies are not effective.
  • Private schools are not better than government schools.
  • Co-ed schools are better than single-gender schools.
  • Recess time must be extended.
  • Standardized tests are not a measure of a students ability.
  • Textbooks shouldn’t be replaced by technology in high schools.
  • Students shouldn’t be graded for gym.
  • Birth control should be available at schools.
  • Cheating at school is getting worse.
  • Sugary drinks should not be sold at school.
  • Healthy school lunches are a lost cause.
  • Boys hide their body image pressure.
  • Smoking makes students outcasts.
  • ‘Name and shame’ does not change teenage behaviour.
  • Bystanders must be held responsible for not intervening when there is trouble at school.
  • Gay students need older gay role models.
  • It should be illegal for under 21’s to buy cigarettes.
  • Grouping students by ability only benefit the smartest ones.
  • Students are less religious than their parents.
  • It is important to have a mix of friends to socialize with.
  • Kids purposely make parenting hard.
  • Helping a friend isn’t always good.
  • Not every teacher has the ability to inspire students.
  • High school kids don’t need helicopter parents.
  • High schools don’t recognize a student’s full potential.
  • Class sizes should not exceed 20 students.
  • Extra online classes are worth it.
  • School should be all year round.
  • Parents embarrass their kids too much.
  • Attractive students have an advantage over others.
  • Students have no interest in government matters.
  • Hard work is more important than talent.
  • The morning after pill shouldn’t have an age restriction.
  • Group work in class should be kept small.
  • The best way to learn is alone.
  • Teachers don’t use technology to its full potential.
  • Dropping out of high school should be an illegal offense.
  • The racial make up of a school is important.
  • Outings to museums have no educational value.
  • Creativity isn’t something that can be taught.
  • Students have too much workload.
  • Untidy handwriting is a sign of intelligence.
  • Student’s interests will change in high school.
  • It is important to take career assessment tests.
  • Students do not have to get involved with everything in high school.
  • Weekend jobs make students more responsible.
  • It is important that students volunteer in fields of interest.
  • Students must know their place in the classroom.
  • Teachers want to create leaders.
  • Tutors are necessary even with good grades.
  • Locker room talk is demeaning to female students.
  • Driving must be taught in High School.
  • Plagiarism is getting out of hand.
  • The importance of not being a follower.
  • Students should focus school work ahead of a social life.
  • Students should leave a team if they are never chosen to play.
  • Leaving high school with no clear career path isn’t a bad thing.
  • Students should always have condoms with them.
  • Never shrug off small assignments.
  • High school should be treated as if it were a job.
  • Web filters at school are not restrictive enough.
  • There is too much focus on sports in high schools.
  • All students should get involved in exchange programs.
  • Group projects only cause conflict.
  • Teachers should be allowed to refuse problem students in their classes.
  • Principals don’t help develop teachers enough.
  • Corporal punishment is abuse.
  • Robotics now and in the future – is it helpful in the daycare business?
  • Your most embarrassing moment at school and the way you saved your face, solve and fix the awkward situation.
  • Amazing discoveries or facts you have never heard of before and like to introduce to your class.
  • Adventure racing and famous heroes on motorbikes – so-called off the road movie clips could be nice video aids Such as Steppenwolf.
  • Astronomical signs and their meanings. Make it personal by asking a volunteer to give all the info you need.
  • Nursing your parents when they get older. Lots of young people do that in their spare time, and they do not often speak about it. Take a chance and show them the world of voluntary care by friends, children, and neighbors.
  • Islands in Oceania, in the tropical Pacific Ocean region. There where the date line starts.
  • Railroads and trains from 1850, and great train builders and engineers is a high school speech topic to work out.
  • How to visit and enjoy an art museum with an audio guide tour on your ears.
  • Strange experiences in a restaurant or bar and the moral lesson you draw after that.
  • Hurricanes, how they start and their international accepted standards for name giving (boys and girls names from a to z).
  • Food photography is much difficult than you think.
  • A narrow escape from trouble …
  • How to organize surprise parties.
  • Why are television soaps popular – did you know a whole team of scenarists writes the storylines – often three per edition?
  • I want a new law on … Well feel free to repair and remedy abuses.
  • What do you think about often when you enter the school?
  • What have you always wanted to do and did not have the courage to ask or really act?
  • What would you like to change and why? This one is especially good as graduation input and output.
  • Things we can’t understand.
  • What are your community activities?
  • Suggestions for a school field trip in the autumn.
  • Dream explanation, ask for dreams, explain them. Consult dream reading professional and keep away from the shabby occult business.
  • Rhetorical questions, Socratical debating techniques.
  • Great places to go in the world.
  • Hiking trails nobody knows and you want to share.
  • See Europe in seven days after high school!

Middle school speech topics for public speaking and oral writing assignments from outdoor activities to Greyhound racing and Rodeo riding to sports games. I have brought into being several themes, suggestions and easy to develop ideas for school:

  • My hobby and pet peeves.
  • Free time activities that you can recommend.
  • What brands or products are popular in this school and why?
  • Unusual experiences in the last year.
  • Outdoor activities, and indoor activities on a rainy day.
  • Why we are no longer kids but are called young adults.
  • Suggestions for fun weekends.
  • Animation characters and their voices.
  • Antarctica research of penguins.
  • Aviation pioneers.
  • Celebrities, actors, and actresses.
  • Computer games are great middle school speech topics if you have an interested audience who likes to game at home.
  • Flying discs tricks on the beach side.
  • Foreign flags and their story – perhaps you should play the anthems too for a full picture.
  • Reasons to abandon grounding rules.
  • Rodeo riding: how to survive more than 30 seconds on the riding machine 🙂
  • Strange world records set in history.
  • Skateboarding tips and tricks, safe on the sidewalks.
  • Greyhound racing and the bet systems that are used.
  • The world would be a better place if … (fill in your highest dreams)
  • Environmental problems in our community.
  • Fashion trends in the last century.
  • Pen pals or email pals; how traditional patterns have changed.
  • My favourite sports games on television.
  • My checklist for if you move to another town.
  • Kid cooking is cool – if you know how to prep recipes 🙂
  • My trip abroad to Europe or Latin-America.
  • Monitoring butterflies in the field outside and in our garden.
  • Aztec masks and their amazing stories and secrets hidden inside.
  • Mythological monsters such as the Minotaur and Nymphs.
  • How to organize a fun weekend for the whole family.
  • If I was born hundred years ago, I would be …:
  • African masks and their meaning in holy rituals.
  • Ancient Chinese emperors and their interesting uniform and dress looks.
  • The Ice Age; when, how and the causes are good K-6 subjects to come across.
  • Pollution sources in our world, and what to do about them in a cost-friendly way at home.
  • A Day In the life of a kid in Ancient Rome, compare it with your own modern life.
  • Discovering caves are cool grade 6 speech topics to tell something more and show them the work of speleologists.
  • Traditional fairy tales from around the world – remember the thick book of the Grimm Brothers?
  • Puppets and their funny looking but indeed very serious theatrical performances from Java, Indonesia.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank (book or movie) and the meaning today.
  • My penpal or better: email-pal from the other side of the world.
  • The secrets of the Egypt King Tutankhamun.
  • If I was a journalist, I should investigate …
  • If I won one million dollars, I would …
  • When I am grown up I want to become a / an …
  • Last weekend I was at …
  • The funniest thing that ever happened to me this month or year.
  • Things that make you happy right away if you have the power to buy or dictate.
  • Ways I use to relax.
  • Favorite sports moments.
  • The character I want to be in a movie the hero with heroic courage / or the villain who gets the worst of it in the end.
  • My most memorable vacation trip till now.
  • The best summer camp games I have ever played and enjoyed very much.
  • My favorite spot in the woods near our cabin.
  • Your most favorite memories are also great grade 6 speech topics too to talk about in school.
  • When you take a walk in the woods, you can see more than you might think …
  • Recipes for kids, orally like your favorite meals and food.
  • Cool home computer games I like to play, criticize, review and share in class.
  • The day I was sick and I must see the doctor.
  • Pot and care for a plant or small vegetable ishard labor and needs patience.
  • How to make a marionette puppet – a grade 8 speech topic for the artistic
  • Birds in our backyard, you’re perplexed about the miles they flew to get there.
  • Oceans of the world: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic gulf streams.
  • A ride in a truck for transporting heavy objects.
  • What is a decent dress code for a serious dinner at official moments:
  • My musical instrument and the lessons I take.
  • Why giraffes have long necks.
  • Animals I should take in Noah’s Ark – and the philosophy behind it.
  • Why I like to dance my favorite dance.
  • I cope with fear of public speaking for this grade 8 speech by … (secret tactic)
  • Magic tricks with simple playing cards for every unexpected occassion.
  • Exotic fruits and vegetables in grocery stores; look up where they come from.
  • Best 3D paper models: cars, robots, spaceships, airplanes, buildings.
  • Things to expect when your mother is pregnant.
  • Birds, bears and rabbits spend the winter by sleeping, why?
  • My first visit to a dentist: the correct way to brush and floss your teeth.
  • Family members I admire: uncles, aunts, nieces or nephews.
  • Music festivals and the big logistics puzzle of the organizing parties involved.
  • History of the Panama Canal, and the way the pilotage handle very big ships.
  • How does global warming affect the icebergs?
  • If I was my father or mother for one day.
  • My favorite era in history.
  • What’s in my room at home.
  • The school field trip I would like to make.

Elementary school speech topics on animal keeping, favorite things to do at home or the playground and specific hints that lead to innumerable variations:

  • What makes me happy.
  • Our last vacation trip.
  • Fairy tale characters you would like to talk with.
  • Magic tricks you can show.
  • Funny things my pet has done. A great quantity of this special theme is to be sorted out of animals and keeing them at home. Do consult your atending if you may bring an animal in class. In case of hesitation – do not cross this line:
  • My favorite family story.
  • Oceans in the world.
  • My neighbourhood.
  • Funny Halloween costumes, inspires to lots of funny elementary school speech topics.
  • A visit to the doctor, dentist.
  • How does it feel to wake up an being a giant?
  • Places I lived.
  • Why I want to travel in space to the interstellair universe.
  • The best paper airplanes withput less folding work.
  • How boomerangs return to their sender.
  • Circus clowns in all sorts and characters.
  • My one-day internship at the fire department.
  • Fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
  • The best fishing spots.
  • My best birthday ever.
  • I am good at …
  • This is the song I like to sing every day is: …
  • Making puzzles of thouands pieces and the tricks I have learned.
  • Police uniforms or fire department attire outfits.
  • What can you see in the zoo?
  • Musical instruments in an full orchestra.

School speech topics tips for verification and 1-2-3 step checking at the secondary middle, high and elementary public speaking homework assignments on teaching skills. In a nutshell: they are easy to answer questions to make a better choice for creating the best result.

Also on this page, you will discover tips to concrete communication issues and education resources. They lead you in the right direction; you only have to use your fantasy.

Let the imaginary juices flow in your brains!

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Read all my checks for writing subjects and after you have completed that task follow all secure education idea links to the online education lists I have shaped and modified in class education material:



More aggravated lists of themes and valuable information regarding different subjects for future generations education are below. As well as a summary of the implications and / or requirements of what you have found, and school speech topics you could analyze in class.

You can sort out any ideas you like to talk about in oral lessons, scan the possible suggestions and think about what your audience like to hear you talking about: cite short passages and quotation excerpts from well-known experts in the field of research, or refer to good knowledge illustrations and sustainable proof.

Learn to gather material from outside sources about your thread for grades 9 through 12 learning, and deliver your opinion strongly and concisely. Give plain reasons for something you believe. Foster support for your solution, theory or device.

This is principally beneficial for achieving higher education institute assertiveness when you are on stage and put two or more views together, and provide a reason for putting them together by logical reasoning. Another method is approaching the subject matter in both positive and negative lights.

Tracing how something has induced artificially from an earlier state to its current form could welcomed by higher pedagogic instructors.

Next tip: workout extensive information on indoor and outdoor recreation activities to tempt your public to explore other activities than dating, dancing and drinking in a local bar.

Sports is a candidate for finding senior graded school speech topics. E.g. sport as profession to earn a living. With a scientific twist you make it more sophisticated, and because you’re highly qualified and have an actively learning attitude you are able to get their thesis commitment.

Some moves that matter in lower classes are the so-called critize teaching skills, often described as asking and wondering through critical inquiry:

You can help your teacher and fill her or him with enthusiasm by going extracurricular in proposing a particular judgment on a certain top topicality and examen the validity of the arguments by criticizing. This has been in practice in the late seventies – when things went the old-fashioned and more severe way 🙂 – but this technique has made a terrific comeback and is now used in grades 5 through 8 homework assignments.

Many of my visitors look for sixth grade inspiration, or class 6 if you live in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Primary 5 or 6 in Singapore, and 6ГЁme in France for example. Anyway, in what country you are right now does not matter; all school speech topics are created for children in the range of eleven and twelve years old.

The same holds good for class conversations of (usually) thirteen to fourteen years old who try to cover explanations of various objects and their meaning in the accustomed world of the eight grade population.

Children speak the truth, is often said 🙂 And that saying is more than true. Give them something to chew on in public – from colouring plates to planting and caring for trees – and it is so easy, a younger persons can do it 🙂

More for girls and boys – although it depends on the specific age or progress of the pupils – can be found at this index number two. Help them to be able to get to know the material, and to make the first steps on the path of learning the rudimentary public speaking skills (that are valuable for their whole life).

I have shaped a list that also contains some reference information for nursery and primary and kindergarten material.


10 Tips to Write the Best High School Valedictorian Speech

Ceremonial Speech Topics

9 thoughts on “224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]”

The topics are 1: the worst day in my life 2: how can we take care of our elders at home. 3: good qualities about your classmates. 4: how I learnt cycling. 5: if you are alone at home and a stranger enters what would you do.

My topic ideas are: Why I hate speeches (for middle school or elementary school) My favorite type of music (for elementary school) Why parents shouldn’t spank their children and better ways to punish children (for elementary school)

The key to success is positive thinking

My favorite holiday

Wow. Just wow.

mental health is an important issue

“Prayer should be compulsory”…that’s my suggestion of a topic

At school there should be a free period where you can do anything you want

Why is the canteen so expensive?

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8 Tips to Power-Up Your Classroom Presentations

Last month, I attended a Back to School Night for parents, sitting through presentation after presentation by teachers, some with slides that helped make their presentation a delight to listen to, and others . . . well, that's why I'm writing this blog post.

The goal of a classroom presentation is to aid you in effectively conveying information in a way that allows students (or their parents) to remember what you said. Unfortunately, for some, the presentation becomes a crutch, and they begin to rely on the slides to tell their story, rather than to help them tell the story.

I've been creating presentations using software like PowerPoint and KeyNote for 20 years, and I've learned a lot about how to most effectively communicate. Here's what I've found.

1. Use as Many Slides as You Need

It's a common myth that better presentations use fewer slides. This is simply not the case. I once sent an education conference presentation to the organizers so they could preview it in advance of my speaking. They wrote back, concerned that my 45-minute presentation had 116 slides. I looked it over and realized they were right! I revised it and sent a presentation with 135 slides back to them. I finished my talk with 5 minutes to spare -- just enough time to take questions -- and the presentation was a huge success.

The number of slides in your presentation is irrelevant. What matters is how well your slides communicate and how much time you spend talking about each slide. Spending five minutes on five slides will almost always be more engaging to your students than spending five minutes on a single slide, even when the information is exactly the same.

In the movie Amadeus , the Emperor of Austria complains to Mozart that his music has "too many notes." Mozart responds, "There are just as many notes as are required. Neither more nor less." Use as many slides as you need to make your point. No more. No less.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

2. Minimize Verbosity

Your slides are there to support what you are saying, not to say it for you. Keep your word count low, and only place one main point on a slide, plus three to five sub-points if absolutely needed. Remember tip #1 above -- don't be afraid to use more slides. They're free! Also, the language in your slides doesn't need to be in complete sentences. Pare the text to as few words as possible, using what's there only to emphasize and reinforce -- not replace -- the words coming out of your mouth.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

3. Maximize Visuals

Photos, figures and icons work as visual memory triggers. They help your students remember what it is you're saying. Any time you can add a visual that helps illustrate or reinforce the points you're making in your slides, you should use it. One great way to do this on the cheap is to use public domain or creative commons photos you can find on Flickr or Google .

4. Reduce Noise

Many teachers like to add banners, headers, footers, page numbers and more noise to their slides. Unless the information needs to be on every slide for a vital reason (which is rare), you should remove it. All these redundant elements do is create distractions from the content of your slides. I find this to be especially true of page numbers. Imagine if a movie included a time code at the bottom, constantly reminding you how long you had been watching. All this does is serve to take the viewer out of the moment. Page numbers in slides really don't provide any useful information -- they just remind your students how long they've been watching.

Pursuant to tips #1 and #2, you're not going to win awards by cramming the most content on the fewest slides. Make text and visuals as large as you can. Not only does this make them easier to see and read, but larger images and text make a greater impact to aid memory. There's nothing wrong with filling an entire slide with a photo, and then placing text right on top. You may have to use a transparent background immediately behind the text so that it's clearly readable, but the overall effect is almost always more memorable than just some text beside an image.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

6. Highlight What You Are Talking About

While you are presenting, your students may be momentarily distracted taking notes, thinking about what you are saying, glancing out the window, possibly even daydreaming. When they refocus on your slides, though, they need to quickly pick back up where you are, or you risk losing them again.

  • Use contrast or call-outs to clearly show the area of the slide you are talking about.
  • Reveal bullet points or table rows one at a time so that the last one visible is the one you are talking about.
  • Use arrows, circles or other pointers to show what you are referencing in specific parts of an illustration, photo or graph.
  • Animate and reveal parts of illustrations and graphs (where possible) to build your story rather than showing everything at once.
  • Use bold type or different colors to highlight the keywords in any lengthy text.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

7. Transition Changes

Humans suffer from an affliction called change blindness -- we have a hard time seeing changes unless there is a clear transition between the states. This is especially a problem in presentations where slides may look very much alike. Most programs include transitions that can be used between slides or on elements in the slides themselves.

My favorite transition is the cross-dissolve -- where the first slide fades down while the next slide fades up -- but different transitions can help illustrate points in your presentation. Are you talking about combustion or the fire of London? Use a flame transition. Talking about photography or Hollywood movies? Use the flashbulb transition. Even "cheesy" transitions help overcome change blindness and aid student memory at the same time.

8. Repeat Yourself Redundantly

It’s OK to repeat the same slide more than once -- especially when using images -- if you are reminding students of an earlier point. Obviously, this is not a license to be monotonous. However, if you want to tie separate ideas together, emphasize a point or splash in a little comic relief, it's perfectly fine to repeat a slide.

Bonus Tip: Make it Funny!

There's little doubt that emotional responses can aid memory. While it can be difficult to apply this power in a classroom slide presentation, humor is easy enough, and adding a bit of levity to your presentations at the right points can work to give students vital memory hooks.

Remember, the point of presentation slides is not to replace you as the teacher, but to help your students understand and remember what you are teaching. Overwhelming them with too much information can be just as harmful as underwhelming them with too little.

Smiling girl sitting in classroom with other students.

How To Prepare for College: The Ultimate Guide for High School Students

You may not be a high school senior yet or feel like you have plenty of time before you graduate. But it never hurts to start preparing for college early.

Going from being a high school student to a college student is a pivotal transition that requires thoughtful preparation and strategic planning. It's not just about getting into college; it's about being ready to thrive once you're there. This guide aims to demystify the process and put you on a path to success, ensuring that when the time comes, you're not just college-bound but college-ready.

From understanding the significance of your GPA to mastering the art of time management, there are countless ways to enhance your college readiness. This guide will provide actionable steps and insider advice to navigate the college preparation landscape. Whether you're a freshman just starting to think about college or a senior amid application season, there's something here to help everyone get ready for the next big step.

College Prep Steps

Here's a college checklist to follow as you get ready for your freshman year:

Research Colleges You May Be Interested In

Researching potential colleges is the first step in the college preparation journey. Start by identifying what you're looking for in a college experience, including the size of the school, its location, available majors, and campus culture. Utilize college search tools online and visit college campuses, if possible, to get a feel for the environment. Remember, the goal is to find a college that aligns with your academic goals and personal preferences.

Understand Each College’s Admission Requirements

Each college has its own set of criteria, which can include GPA, SAT, or ACT scores, and specific course completions. Start by visiting the college's website or contacting the admissions office to gather this information. Early awareness of these requirements can guide your high school course selection and extracurricular activities.

Take Standardized Tests

Taking standardized tests like the ACT or SAT is a key component of the college application process. These exams are a requirement for many colleges and universities and measure your readiness for college-level work. Begin preparing for these tests well in advance by utilizing study guides, taking practice tests, and considering prep courses. Your scores on these tests can play a significant role in college admission decisions and scholarship opportunities.

Participate In Extracurriculars

Engaging in extracurricular activities not only enriches your high school experience but also strengthens your college applications. Colleges look for students who are well-rounded and have demonstrated commitment and leadership in activities outside of the classroom. Whether it's sports, music, volunteer work, or clubs, find activities that interest you and where you can make a meaningful contribution.

Take a Variety of High School Courses

Diversifying your high school course selection can significantly impact your college readiness. Challenge yourself with Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses if they're available. These classes can offer a taste of college-level coursework and may even earn you college credit. Balancing your course load with a mix of subjects also demonstrates your willingness to push yourself academically.

Save for College

Starting to save for college early is a practical step toward managing the financial responsibilities of higher education. Explore savings options like 529 plans or education savings accounts. Understanding the costs associated with college  early on can help you and your family plan more effectively and reduce the need for student loans.

Attend College Fairs

Attending college fairs and information sessions can provide valuable insights into the college search and application process. These events are great opportunities to meet with admissions officers, ask questions, and collect information about various colleges and universities. Make a list of questions beforehand to make the most of these events.

Talk to Your Guidance Counselor

Consulting with guidance counselors for college opportunities  can offer personalized advice tailored to your academic and career aspirations. School counselors have a wealth of knowledge about college admissions, scholarship opportunities, and other resources. They can help you navigate the college application process and make informed decisions about your future.

Round Up Application Materials

Preparing application materials and recommendation letters well in advance of deadlines is essential. Start drafting your college essays early, giving yourself plenty of time to revise and perfect them. Reach out to teachers, coaches, or mentors who know you well to request letters of recommendation, providing them with enough time to write thoughtful endorsements.

Consider Financial Aid Options

Exploring financial aid options is a critical step in the college preparation process. Research scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and federal student aid to understand what financial support you may be eligible for. Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a necessary step for accessing federal grants, loans, and work-study funds.

Visit Campus If Possible

Visiting college campuses can give you a firsthand look at what life is like on campus. These visits can help you determine if a college is the right fit for you. Take tours, attend information sessions, and if possible, talk to current students about their experiences. Observing the campus culture, academic facilities, and housing options  can provide valuable insights into your potential college life.

Tips for Preparing for College

Even with a step-by-step guide, preparing both mentally and physically for school can be a bit overwhelming. To help you feel ready for this next step, here are some tips to follow:

Stay Organized

Creating a timeline and checklist can significantly ease the college preparation process. Break down tasks by year or semester to manage your time effectively. Include key deadlines for college applications, financial aid submissions, and standardized tests. This approach ensures you stay on track and can make the journey less overwhelming. Regularly updating and referring to your checklist will help you meet your college prep milestones with confidence.

Build Good Study Habits

Establishing strong study and sleep habits early in your high school career can have a profound impact on your college readiness. Effective study techniques, such as time management and active learning, can improve your academic performance and reduce stress. Prioritizing sleep is equally important, as it affects your memory, mood, and overall health. Developing these habits now will prepare you for the rigors of college coursework and help you maintain a balanced student life  between school and personal life.

Take AP or Dual-Credit Courses

Enrolling in AP or dual-credit courses can provide a head start on earning college credits while still in high school. These courses challenge you academically and expose you to college-level material. Completing AP exams or dual-credit classes can reduce your college course load and potentially save on tuition costs. It's a smart way to get a jump on your college education and familiarize yourself with the expectations of higher education.

Practice Your Writing

Writing is a fundamental part of college coursework, from essays to research papers. High school is the perfect time to hone your writing abilities. Take advantage of English classes, writing workshops, and feedback from teachers to improve your clarity, coherence, and argumentation skills. Strong writing can also enhance your college applications, particularly your personal statement and supplemental essays.

Build Your Leadership Skills

Seeking leadership opportunities in extracurricular activities can set you apart in the college application process. Leadership roles demonstrate initiative, responsibility, and the ability to work with others. Whether it's captaining a sports team, leading a club, or organizing community service projects, these experiences can highlight your leadership skills and commitment to making a positive impact.

Ready To Start Your Education?

Discover the transformative education at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS), where students are prepared for a future in healthcare and life sciences. MCPHS offers a unique blend of rigorous academic programs and hands-on learning experiences, guided by experienced staff committed to your success. From day one, you'll be immersed in a culture of innovation and collaboration, setting the stage for a fulfilling career in the healthcare industry.

Whether it's through internships, clinical rotations, or research projects, you'll have the chance to apply what you've learned in real-world settings, guided by faculty who are leaders in their fields.

Our campus is located in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area, a hub of healthcare, research, and education. The vibrant MCPHS campus is surrounded by some of the world's leading hospitals and research institutions, offering unparalleled opportunities for professional development and networking. You'll be part of a dynamic community of scholars and healthcare professionals, all dedicated to improving lives through innovation and care.

Our supportive community and extensive resources are here to help you achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact in the world of healthcare. Start your application today  and take the first step toward a rewarding career that makes a difference.

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2 additional students arrested following gang-related shooting near McLane High School

KFSN logo

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Fresno County Sheriff's Office has arrested two more students for their involvement in a gang-related shooting near McLane High School Wednesday.

The shooting happened around 3:40 p.m. outside the AutoZone at Cedar and Clinton avenues.

Investigators say a group of students were standing outside when a fight broke out at some point.

One of the 15-year-old students pistol-whipped a person, and a 16-year-old student pulled out a gun, firing several shots.

RELATED: 16-year-old arrested after shots fired near McLane High School, deputies say

No one was hurt and only a truck and a restaurant were hit by the gunfire. Investigators say the other 15-year-old student helped dispose of their guns.

About 30 minutes after the shooting, deputies arrested the 16-year-old gunman, who was found hiding in a backyard less than half a mile away in a nearby neighborhood.

Detectives with the Multi-Agency Gang Enforcement Consortium (MAGEC) and Violent Criminal Apprehension Team (ViCAT) arrested one 15-year-old boy on Thursday and the other on Friday.

Investigators say both guns still have not been recovered.

All three boys have been booked into juvenile hall and are facing felony gun-related charges.

Both the Fresno County Sheriff's Office and Fresno Police Department hope these arrests bring a sense of relief to the McLane High School community as it heads into its next week of school.

If anyone has additional information on this shooting, you're asked to call the Fresno County Sheriff's Office at (559) 600-3111 or Valley Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-7867.

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Back to school guide: Students in Raleigh, Durham and Cumberland Counties return to the classroom

WTVD logo

RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- Students who go to schools on a traditional calendar in Wake, Durham and Cumberland counties are getting ready to begin another year.

Wake County Public School System

Bus riders should have received an email on August 16 with detailed information about stops and estimated pick-up and drop-off times. Starting this school year, parents of students can get up-to-the-minute notifications via text and/or email when their child's bus is delayed. Click here for updated bus routes.

To enhance student safety, WCPSS will begin using the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System (SS-ARS). Students, teachers, and administrators will be trained to recognize the signs of at-risk behaviors, especially with social media.

The system offers a 24/7 tip line for students, parents, and staff to report anyone who shows signs of harming themselves or others.

The school board approved a 25-cent price increase for school meals for the 2024-25 school year.

At elementary schools, full-paid breakfast will be $1.75 and lunch will be $3.50. At middle and high schools, full-paid breakfast will be $2.00 and lunch will be $3.75. The district said the price increase is necessary to cover rising costs of food, supplies, and wages and benefits for staff.

RELATED STORIES: More schools offer free breakfast and lunch in Wake county

Thousands of chromebooks being prepared for Wake County students

Durham Public Schools

DPS has their own mobile app that provides information and updates for families. To download just search Durham Public School App.

Students and parents can get information about school buses in real-time. The Edulog Parent Portal App allows parents and caregivers to track bus location and arrival times.

Grade school students in North Carolina must be up-to-date on their immunizations. An immunization record for your child must be provided within the first 30 days of school. If the immunization record is not submitted by the 30th day, your child will not be allowed to attend school until proof of immunization is provided.

Durham Public Schools unanimously passed its most expensive budget ever earlier this year.

It followed months of upheaval for DPS employees, which resulted in widespread walkouts and reckoning about pay in the district.

The $26 million budget includes some serious salary increases .

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Cumberland County Schools

School bus information can be found here . A new app called "Here Comes The Bus" is also available for families when it comes to bus transportation.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

Information on school lunches and how to apply for free or reduced lunches .

A bell schedule for all the schools is located here .

CCS has new security and mental health resources for the year ahead.

best topics for powerpoint presentation for high school students

RELATED: CCS student steps up to support her classmates dealing with food insecurity

North Carolina got new school buses for the 2024-2025 school year.

The new buses come with new technology, and that means bus drivers will need to get some updated training.

The new school buses were purchased using funding set aside in the last year by Gov. Roy Cooper.

SEE ALSO: Bus laws in NC as kids head back to the class

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Security heightened at Del Mar High School following shooting near San Gabriel campus

KABC logo

SAN GABRIEL, Calif. (KABC) -- Heightened police presence was expected at Del Mar High School on Tuesday after gunshots were fired outside the San Gabriel campus.

The shots were fired on Monday as students were being dismissed for the day.

The school was then placed on lockdown, until police could make sure everyone was safe. No injuries were reported.

No one was hurt, but it's unclear who fired the shots. The incident remains under investigation.

Anyone with relevant information was urged to contact the San Gabriel Police Department at (626) 308-2828.

In addition to extra officers on campus on Tuesday, counseling is being offered to students and staff.

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Order for 1,000 cupcakes at LA bakery exposes counterfeit check scam


  1. 75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

    75 Unique School Presentation Ideas Plus Templates. Watch on. The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section. Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class.

  2. 10 Interesting Presentation Topics for Students That Help You Shine

    Part 1. How to Choose a Good Presentation Topic. Selecting a good presentation topic can be challenging. Yet, this section will help you choose a suitable interesting presentation topic for students.. Know your Audience: Identifying your audience is essential for selecting a presentation topic. You should consider the demographics and knowledge level of the targeted audience.

  3. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

    Some of the best presentation topic ideas for students center around topics such as current events, education, general culture, health, life skills, literature, media and science. When picking presentation topics, consider these things: your hobbies, the books you read, the kind of TV shows you watch, what topics you're good at and what you ...

  4. Need a good presentation topic? Here are hundreds of them

    Data. Data visualizations can elevate your presentation from being a good one to a great one. By providing data behind your arguments, you'll appear more trustworthy and confident in your audience's eyes. Add charts, graphs, interactive maps, and more to your presentations with Prezi Design. You can choose from a wide selection of charts ...

  5. 50 Top High School Presentation Ideas

    28. Students Team. Welcome to the Students Team Presentation Template, a great choice for presentations that focus on high school students, student life, education, team projects, and collaboration in school and college. This template is designed to celebrate the spirit of teamwork and learning together.

  6. 100 Presentation Ideas for Students from Slide Designers

    Here are ten PowerPoint presentation topics for higher school students: The Effects of Global Warming on Our Planet. The Evolution of Pop Music. Understanding the Stock Market. The Science of Habit Formation. Exploring Career Options in Technology. The Role of the United Nations in World Peace.

  7. 140 Interesting Powerpoint Presentation Topics for Students

    Literature Presentation Topics. Haiku: Japanese poetry at its best. Stendahl and his two colors of French novel. Literary genre of mystery and detective fiction. George Orwell and dystopian literature. Evolution of the short story genre. Kabuki, a traditional Japanese theater. Gods in Scandinavian mythology.

  8. 160 Insanely Fun PowerPoint Ideas For Your Next Presentation

    Here are 350+ funny trivia questions and answersfor your next PowerPoint game night or session. Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Data and Infographics. Data Storytelling: Transform statistics and data into compelling visual narratives. Illustrated Concepts: Use custom illustrations to explain complex ideas and concepts.

  9. PowerPoint Ideas for Students: Practical Tips & Topic Examples

    Relate your topic to real-life examples or stories. Personal anecdotes or case studies can make your presentation more relatable. Consider how your audience can connect emotionally with your content. Consider the Time Limit. Be mindful of the time constraints for your presentation. Ensure your idea is manageable within the allotted time.

  10. Awesome Presentation Ideas for College Students

    Here are some creative ideas you can use to take your next presentation to a whole new level: 1. Interactive Workshops. Turn your presentation into an interactive workshop where your classmates can participate in discussions, activities, or small group exercises related to the topic. 2.

  11. 220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of All Ages

    30++ Easy Topics for Presentation for Kids. These are the 30 simple and interactive topics to present! 1. My favourite cartoon character. 2. My favourite time of the day or week. 3. The most hilarious movies I have ever watched.

  12. 500+ Best Presentation Topics for 2024

    500+ Best Presentation Topics to Appeal to Any Audience in 2024. ... here are unique, interesting, and fun topics for presentations across a broad range of categories for modern audiences. Presentation topics about science and technology ... From virtual to reality: the high-stakes world of video games. Extreme sports: Adrenaline-fueled ...

  13. 20 interactive PowerPoint activities to add awesome to classes

    Here are 20 interactive activities to harness the power of PowerPoint in your classroom. 1. Play Snapchat Games. When I first saw some of these Snapchat games — specifically "Would You Rather," "This or That," and "My Face When," I immediately thought of how it could be used in class!

  14. The Ultimate Presentation Skills Guide for High School Students

    9 Steps to a Great Presentation. College Tools, the ultimate LMS-integrated exam assistant that works in Top Hat, Blackboard, Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, and many more. Our software utilizes advanced AI algorithms to deliver accurate quiz and homework solutions with AI, giving you more time to focus on understanding the material and achieving ...

  15. 350+ Presentation Topics That Will Appeal to Any Audience

    Presentation Topics for College Students: Presentation Topics for High School Students: Short Presentation Topics for School: Health Care System and Laws: TV Commercial Impacts: How to Use Social Media for School: Worldwide Free Internet Access Pros and Cons: 2. How Volunteering Benefits Students: 2. How to Work in a Diverse Environment

  16. PowerPoint Presentation Projects for Students (Grades 4-8)

    For this PowerPoint project, students write alliterative sentences, type them on slides, and illustrate their work with clip art and digital images. Students create a slide show about their lives using PowerPoint. Various features of the program are explored in this printable computer activity.

  17. 169 Five-Minute Topics for a Killer Speech or Presentation

    169 Five-Minute Topics for a Killer Speech or Presentation. Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class. There are pros and cons to giving a 5-minute presentation.

  18. 12 Interactive PowerPoint Activities Your Students will Love

    Picture Reveal. Picture Reveal is a great PowerPoint activity that encourages students to think critically. In this activity, you can present an obscured picture and provides clues as to what it could be. Students must then utilize their knowledge and logic skills to work out what the picture is by eliminating incorrect answers based on the clues provided until they eventually get the correct ...

  19. High School Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Free High School Slide Templates for an Engaging Slideshow. Capture your audience's attention with a high school PowerPoint template that will make your presentations shine. Whether you're a teacher, student, or school administrator, these templates are designed to help you deliver engaging and informative presentations.

  20. Free High School Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Download the Game Development and 3D Arts Lesson for High School presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space ...

  21. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image. 2. Cohesive Color Palette.

  22. 224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School

    High school speech topics and themes for verbal speeches (such as Tropicana Speeches, writing assignments, and essays. From strange experiences in bars to Europe in seven days, we're to help. Girls are under more pressure in high school. Schools must not sell unhealthy foods. Cyberbullies should be suspended from school.

  23. 8 Tips to Power-Up Your Classroom Presentations

    Page numbers in slides really don't provide any useful information -- they just remind your students how long they've been watching. 5. Go BIG. Pursuant to tips #1 and #2, you're not going to win awards by cramming the most content on the fewest slides. Make text and visuals as large as you can.

  24. Cristo Rey Orange County High School hosts 'Draft Day' to pair students

    Cristo Rey Orange County High School partnered with more than 40 local companies for an on-the-job learning experience that will give students a leg up in the real world.

  25. How To Prepare for College: The Ultimate Guide for High School Students

    Developing these habits now will prepare you for the rigors of college coursework and help you maintain a balanced student life between school and personal life. Take AP or Dual-Credit Courses. Enrolling in AP or dual-credit courses can provide a head start on earning college credits while still in high school.

  26. Student: Getting Started with Top Hat

    AI-Powered Study Assistant (ACE). Ace, our AI-powered assistant, is ready and waiting to explain tricky concepts, help out with relevant examples, and test what you've learned so far—you can even use Ace to help prepare for midterms and finals.

  27. 2 additional students arrested following gang-related shooting near

    One of the 15-year-old students pistol-whipped a person, and a 16-year-old student pulled out a gun, firing several shots. RELATED: 16-year-old arrested after shots fired near McLane High School ...

  28. Back to school guide: Students in Raleigh, Durham and Cumberland

    RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- Students who go to schools on a traditional calendar in Wake, Durham and Cumberland counties are getting ready to begin another year. Wake County Public School System. Bus ...

  29. Del Mar High School sees heightened police presence following shooting

    Heightened police presence was expected at Del Mar High School Tuesday after gunshots were fired outside the San Gabriel campus Monday afternoon.