
Robbery essay.

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Robbery may be defined as the taking away of valuable items or goods from a victim in a potentially lethal manner, for example, purse snatchings, bank holdups, and muggings when a weapon is used. The primary difference between theft and robbery is that the latter has an inherent risk of violence, while the former does not. For instance, while both involve stealing something of value, the potential threat of physical harm is absent in theft, where the criminal places emphasis on obtaining the desired object and little else. In robbery, on the other hand, if the victim does not acquiesce to the criminal’s demands, the victim may be physically harmed, up to and including death. Thus, while both are felonies, theft is usually viewed as being less serious than robbery, with the result being a lesser prison sentence for someone convicted of grand or petit larceny.

Robbery Statistics

In 2002, there were an estimated 420,637 robberies, accounting for 3.5% of the Crime Index, as well as comprising an estimated 29.5% of violent crimes. In 1994, 21% of all U.S. households were victims of various property crimes, including burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft, whereas the rate dropped to 13% by 2003. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in 2003 that over 16 million families had at least one member who was traumatized by violent and/or property victimization. In 1994, when the United States had about 14 million fewer households, over 25 million families suffered criminal victimization. In terms of violence, roughly 3.5 million households suffered a violent act in 2003, but in 1994, more than 7 million U.S. households had a member who had experienced a violent victimization.

One essential component of robbery is the use of weapons. In 2002, the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) showed that during 42% of all robberies, the offenders used firearms, while another 40% used martial arts tactics involving hands, fists, or feet. In addition, criminals used knives or cutting instruments 8.7% of the time, with the remaining weapons being clubs, sticks, and other objects.

No data exist regarding the race, gender, age, or socioeconomic status of potential robbers; however, the research clearly indicates that most robberies are committed by men. According to the FBI, 90% of all robbery arrests are male, with 61% under the age of 25. In terms of race, 54% of robbers are Black, 44% are White, and the remaining 2% are other races. Unlike victims of other assaults, robbery victims seldom know their assailant. In addition, unlike other crimes, robbery is most likely to be committed by more than one offender.

No one specific setting dominates where robberies tend to occur. For example, in 2002, almost 43% took place on a street or highway, while 15% transpired in public settings (restaurants, taverns, hotels) and almost 14% happened in private residences. Convenience stores were the location of 6.5% of robberies, service stations 2.7%, and banks 2.3%. The remaining 17.7% of robberies occurred at other venues.

Given the severity of the crime and the lengthy prison sentences if convicted, one would expect the amount of money (or the property) stolen would be significant. However, in 2002, throughout the United States, the average monetary value of property stolen during a robbery was $1,281. On the other hand, victims’ total amount lost was estimated to be $539. For commercial robbery, banks lost an average of $4,763 for each individual crime, while other public entities (e.g., supermarkets, department stores, restaurants, taverns, finance companies, hotels, motels) lost an average of $1,676 per robbery. The estimated value of losses incurred from robberies of residences averaged $1,340, and robberies on streets or highways averaged a loss of $1,045 per robbery.

Types Of Robberies

Criminologists and various federal agencies have categorized robberies of institutions as commercial robbery (e.g., banks, stores) and robberies of individuals as street robbery. According to the UCR, approximately 75% of all robberies may be classified as street robberies, with the remaining 25% being commercial robberies.

Commercial Robbery

In essence, commercial robbery may be defined as the taking or the attempt to take anything of value from the care or custody of a commercial or financial establishment. The most famous (due to the romanticizing of Hollywood and popular culture) is bank robbery. In the United States, this type of crime is commonly called a bank heist. The single most notorious type of bank robbery is a takeover robbery, mythologized in countless Tinsel town favorites, such as Dog Day Afternoon and The Getaway. According to UCR computation summary data, in 2001, a bank robbery occurred every 52 minutes in the United States, with a total loss of approximately $70 million. During 2001, the conviction rate for bank robbers was approximately 58%, with only murderers being charged and convicted at a higher rate (62.4%). Modern security measures, such as hidden security cameras, have made robbing banks a losing proposition for many criminals.

The United States has glorified bank robbers at various moments in its history. The glory days for this type of criminal occurred during the 19th century and ever since have become a staple of American popular culture. Countless films, books, songs, and comic books have been written, with many having the bank robber cast as an antihero, an individual both warm-hearted and icy-cold. Interestingly, other countries more lax in security have fewer robberies per capita than the United States does. Many social scientists feel that a primary reason for this is the glorification of bank robbers in American culture. In terms of the law, bank robbery is penalized as a federal crime since banks are federal institutions, with deposits of up to $100,000 insured by the federal government. Thus, robbing banks is a felony in every state, and bank robbers are more likely to receive a more severe federal punishment, such as no parole, a life sentence, or even the death penalty, when compared to other criminals.

Individual Or Street Robbery

The robbery of an individual, or what is called street robbery, is the most common type of robbery, and the most common place for an attack is on the street, especially when someone is walking to or from his or her car. In fact, almost half of all robberies occur on streets and in parking lots. Other locations, such as subway and train stations and indoor ATMs, make up 14% of these robberies. When a robbery of this sort occurs, approximately 60% of the time the victim will be forced to give up his or her money or other valuables due to the presence of a deadly weapon (especially firearms). Overall, street robbery can be categorized into the following: acquaintance robberies, bike-jackings, bullyboys, carjackings, diala-victim, domestic, home invasion, homeless, pack robbery, predatory (crude), predatory (professional), and purse snatching.

Most individual robberies occur in what are commonly called fringe areas. Fringe areas is a generic term for describing places in between where one has gone and where one is going, where robbers usually operate and where victims are more likely to be attacked. Few people view these areas as being dangerous, since normally they are not inherently hazardous. In general, fringe areas are places that people pass through on their way to something else or on their way back from something; for example, walking from a shopping mall to one’s car. From the victim’s perspective, a fringe area is transitional; hence, most individuals have their minds focused on where they are headed or on something they plan to do. Regardless of the reason, most people fail to pay close attention to this area. On the other hand, from the criminals’ perspective, a fringe area is a perfect place to sit and wait for victims, since it is a safer place for them to commit their crime. One fringe area frequented by robbers is a small parking lot, since it is dark and most stores do not have security cameras watching their parking lot. Other fringe areas include elevators or stairwells, ATMs, outside an event or location, public restrooms, and apartment laundry rooms.

Several tips can effectively help an individual keep from being robbed while entering a fringe area. First, it is important to look around and observe what the normal behavior is for people in that area. For example, in parking lots, people tend to walk or drive in and out instead of loitering. In other words, in a parking lot if someone is loitering without an immediately identifiable reason, it is not a normal behavior. Second, it is essential to measure how long would it take for help to get to you (a potential victim) if someone attacked you. It takes about 30 seconds for a mugger to commit a robbery. If you are robbed and scream for help, would or could anyone hear the cries for help?


  • Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2003). Crime in the United States. Retrieved May 31, 2017, from
  • Hall, D. (1993). Survey of criminal law. Albany, NY: Delmar. Swierczynski, D. (2002). This here’s a stick-up: The big bad book of American bank robbery. New York: Alpha

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Bank Robbery - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Bank robbery refers to the act of unlawfully and forcefully stealing money, assets or valuables from a financial institution such as a bank, credit union or a similar place. It is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe punishment, including imprisonment and hefty fines. Bank robbers often use various tactics such as threatening bank employees, using weapons, or strategically planning the heist to steal large sums of money. The goal of robbery is to gain unlawful possession of the bank’s cash or assets. Even with many technological advancements today, bank robberies still occur, often resulting in loss of life or injury to those involved in the crime.

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Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery Case Study

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Chris was placed to work as a relief manager in a small suburban branch of the company. The task was challenging as he had to work with inexperienced employees and knew little about local customers and daily office routines. The accidental bank robbery took place when one of the bank tellers named Carol had an unresolved $900 shortage from her drive-in window. As a probationary employee, Carol would be fired unless the money was restored (Plath, 1991). Chris faced the dilemma of either reporting the shortage to the personnel department or finding a way to balance Carol’s window without notifying the bank’s authorities.

The core values that might be used to resolve the dilemma are honesty, reliability, and trustworthiness. The utilitarian perspective can be applied to the dilemma as it might offer ways to achieve the best possible outcome. Utilitarianism is “a theory of normative ethics that ethically evaluates actions by their consequences and their impact on overall happiness of all affected by an action” (Becker, 2019, p. 19). Additionally, the concept of virtue ethics based on favorable character traits might be used to resolve the dilemma and prevent Carol from being dismissed.

The complicating factors in the scenario are the probationary status and inexperience of Carol, the steadfast position of the customer about the money he received, and the reliance of Chris on the knowledge and experience of the local branch personnel. There might be two distinct alternate solutions to the problem. One the one hand, using the utilitarian approach, Chris might report the shortage to the bank’s personnel department, which would possibly result in Carol’s termination of employment. He would also recommend the bank to check the surveillance cameras and databases to prevent criminal prosecution against Carol. On the other hand, Chris might try to help Carol to preserve her position by applying the concept of virtue ethics. He would submit a report that confirms her status of a probationary employee and indicates the need for a short training course on her expense as a disciplinary alternative to her dismissal.

There is a specific relationship between the dilemma and societal issues, such as theft and workplace problems. Even though the money was not stolen by a thief, it went missing because of the incompetence of the bank teller. Thus, the social issue of theft can be applied to the situation as it might lead to the same result of missing money, as in the case of accidental bank robbery. Workplace problems, such as the lack of proper training for employees, might have also contributed to the given scenario and caused the loss of $900. The resolution involving a disciplinary measure for Carol include valuable managerial implications, such as the importance of employee training for money-loss prevention and the plan for the effective local management. The adverse outcomes of the proposed resolution would be the financial and temporal expenses for the bank, which in the long run, however, might contribute to the efficiency and profitability of the business.

Becker, C. U. (2019). Business ethics: Methods and application . New York, NY: Routledge.

Plath, D. (1991). The accidental bank robbery. In Ciulla, J. B., Martin, C., & Solomon, R. C. (Eds.), Honest work: A business ethics reader (pp. 132–133). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 8). Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery.

"Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery." IvyPanda , 8 Feb. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery'. 8 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery." February 8, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery." February 8, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Theft and Workplace Problems: The Accidental Bank Robbery." February 8, 2022.

Report Writing: Bank Robbery

Writing a report on a bank robbery involves careful compilation of facts, detailed analysis, and clear communication to convey the sequence of events and implications accurately. This type of report is crucial for law enforcement, security analysis, and media purposes. Here’s how to construct an effective and informative report on a bank robbery.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Incident Description

Impact assessment.

Detail the consequences of the robbery, including any injuries, casualties, and the psychological impact on those present. Provide an estimation of financial losses and any property damages. Explain the immediate actions taken by law enforcement upon notification of the robbery, including their arrival time and initial measures. Also, offer an update on the ongoing investigation, mentioning any leads, arrests, or collaborations with other agencies.

Analysis and Recommendations

Bank robbery report example #1.

The robbers were three men, all of them in their mid-20s. The first one was about 6 feet tall and had a muscular build. He was wearing a black hoodie, black pants, and a black mask. The second one was shorter, about 5’8″ and had a slim build. He was wearing a green jacket, blue jeans, and a black mask. The third one was about 5’10” and had a medium build. He was wearing a brown jacket, brown pants, and a black mask. All three of them were carrying guns, and their facial features were not visible due to the masks.

The bank was a large, modern building, with several floors and a spacious lobby. There were about 15 customers and 5 employees present during the robbery. The bank had several security measures, including CCTV cameras, alarms, and security personnel. However, the robbers managed to bypass them and enter the bank easily. They quickly took control of the situation, and the customers and employees were forced to lie on the floor while the robbers emptied the cash registers and vaults.

In conclusion, the bank robbery was a terrifying incident that highlights the need for increased security measures in public places. The robbers managed to get away with a significant amount of money, and it is imperative that they are brought to justice. The police are doing everything in their power to apprehend the robbers, and with the public’s help, they hope to solve the case soon.

Bank Robbery Report Example #2

On a sunny afternoon last week, the city of Los Angeles was shaken by a bank robbery that took place in the heart of downtown. The incident has left many residents feeling uneasy, as it serves as a reminder that no place is entirely safe from crime. In this essay, I will provide a detailed report of the events that occurred during the bank robbery, including the bank’s layout and security measures, the robbers’ actions and weapons used, and the police response and investigation of the crime scene.

According to eyewitnesses, the robbers were three men who entered the bank wearing masks and carrying firearms. They immediately ordered everyone to get on the ground and demanded that the tellers empty their cash drawers. The robbers were armed with semi-automatic weapons and appeared to be experienced criminals. They moved quickly and efficiently, keeping their faces covered and communicating with each other in low voices.

Overall, the bank robbery was a frightening and traumatic event for everyone involved. It serves as a reminder that even the most secure locations can be vulnerable to criminal activity. However, the response of the police and the cooperation of the community were crucial in bringing the situation to a peaceful resolution. The investigation of the crime scene is ongoing, and we can only hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

Bank Robbery Report Example #3

On a quiet afternoon, a bank robbery took place in our town that shocked the entire community. The incident left everyone in shock and fear. In this essay, I will describe the details of this bank robbery, including the appearance and behavior of the robbers, the layout and security measures of the bank, and the account of the robbery itself and the aftermath.

The robbery itself lasted only a few minutes, but the aftermath was chaotic. The police were called immediately, and they arrived on the scene within minutes. The bank was surrounded by law enforcement officers, and a search for the robbers began. The bank employees and customers were all shaken by the incident, and many of them required counseling to deal with the trauma. The investigation led to the arrest of the two robbers, who were later convicted and sentenced to long prison terms.

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The Accidental Bank Robbery, Coursework Example

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In this case, Chris is a relief manager, meaning he is working at a branch he is not used to. This forces him to make decisions on a variety of issues despite a lack of background knowledge on that particular branch. Usually, he leans on experienced employees for help, but he is working at a branch with a relatively inexperienced staff. This puts him into an unfavorable position. The specific case involves a new teller, Carole, who was nine hundred dollars short when she tried to reconcile her window. Chris was able to find the specific error, in which she marked a one hundred dollar check for one thousand. The customer in this transaction is a highly valued customer and when asked about it, he claimed he only received one hundred dollars. Even when the severity of the issue was explained, he did not change his story. With no way to recover the nine hundred dollars, company policy says Chris needs to report this and that will lead to Carole’s termination.

For Chris, the ethical issue is that he does not want to be responsible for Carole getting fired, but company policy dictates that he follow a course of action that will result in this for her. He must consider the possibility that Carole has lied in an attempt to embezzle the nine hundred dollars. He may feel that her story is true, meaning that the customer has the extra nine hundred, but he has no way to prove that. He cannot check to see how much the customer has taken and does not want to upset the valued customer by repeatedly questioning his honesty. If he believes the customer, Carole will be fired, but it is possible that the customer’s dishonesty is the real issue. Ultimately, Chris needs to decide who he trusts more, Carole or the customer. This is difficult since he has limited experience dealing with both.

The primary stakeholders are obviously Carole and Chris, as both of their jobs are dependent on the decision he makes. However, other stakeholders include practically all of the employees of Commerce Trust Bank. The other bank tellers and managers are forced to adhere to policies that may be violated in this case. In the same way, it affects higher level employees who set the policies in question. Finally, since the bank’s money ultimately comes from their depositors, they have a stake in what happens in regards to missing money.

Chris thought of two ways of dealing with the situation. He could debit the customer’s account by nine hundred dollars. He could also put the money in a temporary suspense account and let the problem be dealt with later. One option he did not consider is reporting it as the company policy states even if this will result in Carole being fired. Another would be to try and contact the customer again to attempt to locate the money. However, the risk here is irritating a loyal customer. Finally, he could audit the rest of her window ledger. It is possible that she gave out the correct amount on this transaction, but made several other mistakes throughout the night that totaled nine hundred dollars.

The first option is unacceptable. Chris cannot debit the customer’s account after the customer denied receiving the extra money. This would almost surely result in the loss of the customer, which is a negative for all stakeholders, especially if the customer is a large depositor. Considering that Chris already asked the customer about the money multiple times, inquiring again is unlikely to do anything but further annoy him, making this option unattractive. Dealing with the problem by placing it in a temporary suspended account is an attractive option, made more so Chris’s inexperience at this branch. Perhaps when the normal manager resumes his duties, that manager will be able to deal with it more effectively based on his experience surplus over Chris. However, doing this would breach the company policy, negatively affecting those who set it, the employees who follow it, and ultimately the bank depositors.

My recommended course of action would be for Chris to finish checking Carole’s ledger looking for other errors. As she is a new employee, it is possible that she made many errors and the money can still be located. However, if it cannot Chris should report the shortage. This is what policy dictates should be done, well serving all of the employees of the branch. Also, by dealing with it in this manner, Chris can deter other tellers from trying to embezzle money through a similar method, serving the depositors.

The unfortunate part of this action is that it hurts Carole, who may simply be the victim of a dishonest customer. However, Chris cannot eliminate the possibility that Carole tried to take advantage of a manager unfamiliar with the branch and took the money. Pending a further review of the ledger, it seems that Chris can probably trace this money to one of those two. While either decision would be difficult, a longtime customer can likely be trusted more than a new employee.

Some might say that this course of action is unfair to Carole. However, assuming a proper further audit does not reveal another possible source of the discrepancy, Chris has certainly been fair to her. Her window came up significantly short, he went through her transaction history, found one possible source of discrepancy, and looked into it. When this line of inquiry did not reveal the source of the discrepancy, there was nothing more for Chris to do for her sake. Believing her side of the affair after all of the investigation did not support it would be going beyond a required level of fairness to her. While firing an employee when there is a possibility that she does not deserve it would not be optimal, ultimately some action has to be taken. Punishing the employees or depositors who were not involved is not a good idea, meaning it must be her or the customer. Again, Carole has less of a history with the company, and therefore it is more likely that she is at fault here.

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Good Essay About Bank Robbery In A Small Town

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Social Issues , Family , Home , Crime , Banking , Evidence , DNA , Vehicles

Published: 03/13/2020


The Verdict

As a juror on this case, there is an abundance of information, testimony and evidence to take into account. I would like to begin this case analysis by first stating my verdict and then describing why. Based on the Prosecution’s testimony, I find the Defendant/suspect of the bank robbery of Small Town Bank guilty beyond reasonable doubt. My decision was formed based on the circumstances of the crime and pursuit, forensic findings, and what evidence was found useful when reaching the guilty verdict.

Circumstances of the Crime

I do believe that the suspect is the bank robber due to numerous and varying circumstances. To begin, the suspect travelled in the same direction (South) as witnesses reported when seeing him flee the bank. In addition, the suspect was also found in the same location (South) as witnesses reported him fleeing. As a juror, one of the main things I found to be puzzling in this case was the presence of the individual apprehended by Deputy Engle close to Home 1. Moreover, the fact that this individual is a relative to the suspect is ironic, yet somewhat bothersome. However, coincidences do happen, so this fact had no overall bearing on my final decision. Aside from being found in that location, there was also evidence suggesting that the suspect had abandoned the silver vehicle used to flee the scene of the crime at Small Town Bank. Since an attempt to determine who had stolen the vehicle is a separate crime, the fact that a car matching the same description as the getaway vehicle is further damaging evidence for the suspected bank robber. The most detrimental evidence I found against the suspect was the presence of clothing matching the description of the bank robber’s. The fact that this evidence was scattered along the same fence line that led investigators to the suspect in Home 2 from where the vehicle was found is nearly impossible to refute. Also, the suspect would have had ample time to hide the stolen money and his weapon since another individual had been apprehended by the closest officer on duty, causing a momentary distraction.

Forensic Findings and DNA Evidence

Regardless of circumstances, as a juror, scientific evidence speaks volumes. Unlike circumstantial evidence, forensic analysis is hard to disprove. The forensic findings and testimony presented in this case by the Prosecution aid in proving guilt in numerous ways. First, the snub-nose revolver, for example, found along the fence line of Home 2 was the same type of gun used in the robbery at Small Town Bank. This was determined through controlled testing and bullet fragment analysis. Secondly, DNA evidence is extremely reliable, and aided in provided one of the most convincing pieces of evidence in this entire case. It was disappointing that more DNA evidence was not found useful, but DNA testing demonstrated that the black gloves found along the fence line between Home 1 and Home 2 definitely proved that the suspected bank robber was not merely a homeless individual that had been squatting in the attic of Home 2. DNA testing ruled it a fact the same individual found at Home 2 had been wearing the gloves, and therefore, was most surely the person that also discarded them along the fence line. Moreover, this evidence ruled out the idea that the black gloves found near Home 2 could have been worn and discarded by the other individual apprehended at Home 1. I found this to be an important discovery because not only does this clear the first individual that was apprehended, but it serves as additional evidence suggesting the black gloves found near Home 2 were believed by scientific reason to have been worn by the suspected bank robber. Understandably, the shoeprint played an important factor in this case as well. As the Prosecution mentioned, a footprint is not the same a fingerprint, but it does aid in proving the likelihood that an individual was at the scene of the crime. Even though forensic analysis failed to determine an exact type and make of shoe from the shoeprint analysis, which is disappointing, the fact that the shoeprint left at the crime scene matched the same size and tread as the suspected bank robber is overwhelming evidence proving guilt. When we, the jury, combine all of the evidence based on the circumstances, forensic findings and DNA evidence surrounding the crime, we can collectively see that the suspect is guilty of this crime.

As we know, in the realm of criminal law, “guilty beyond reasonable doubt” does not mean that no amount of doubt exists. Rather, it is a way for jurors to ask ourselves whether or not any other conclusion presented, other than the one suggested by the presented evidence, exemplifies rational sense. In the case of the bank robbery in a Small Town Bank robbery, the suspect robbed the bank at gunpoint, fled travelling South in a stolen vehicle, abandoned the stolen vehicle, attempted to hide and dispose of evidence after deserting the stolen vehicle, successfully broke into and entered a citizen’s home, and attempted to evade police officers by hiding in the attic of Home 2 where the suspect was later found and taken into custody. For me, there is no other rational explanation of the events that occurred surrounding the robbery of Small Town Bank.


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The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation

The robbery at the U.S. Bank, 1965 Diamond Blvd, requires thorough preliminary investigations to facilitate the identification of the prime suspect, and those may have helped him in his heinous activity. The initial step would involve identifying and effectively securing the crime scene. Although some officers had arrived at the bank earlier, they had not fully secured the area, especially its front doors, allowing people to continue flowing into the bank compound. The primary objective of securing the crime scene is to preserve all the evidence that can help trace and identify the bank robbery suspect.

The step that will follow in the preliminary investigation is developing and communicating a plan to the team members. The type of crime was already identified when the bank manager reported it. Therefore, important activities that the investigating team will include in his step are identifying any threat to evidence, all resources required to gather the evidence, and signaling the team members to proceed with the investigation. The main threat to the evidence of the bank robbery is new customers accessing the building and allowing people within the crime scene to move around.

After securing the crime scene, the next step is to ensure that the investigators protect all the areas the suspect used to access and exit the bank as well as where he stood and touched. Protecting the entrance, where the suspect was waiting and standing at the counter, is instrumental in identifying any physical evidence related to the crime, such as dust particles and hair. The investigators can use these objects in forensic analysis to help identify the suspect and where he may have come from. Although the people at the bank contradicted the type of shoes the suspect was wearing, tennis shoes and boots can carry dust particles that can help the investigation. Further investigation of the protected areas would focus on the glass and the counter where the suspect might have touched his hand. Veronica Bradley, the crime’s victim teller, indicated that the suspect was not wearing gloves. Therefore, he must have left fingerprints at the counter and the glass of the main entrance. During this step, the team will capture photographs and comprehensive notes of the protected areas.

The team will then collect evidence such as fingerprints and footwear impression marks from where the areas where the suspect stood. The investigators will photograph the glass in a high resolution, where the suspect is believed to have touched, to collect fingerprints. Equally, they will dust fingerprint powder on the counter used by the suspect and capture and lift any print that may appear on the surface using adhesive tape. Footwear examination will help resolve the discrepancies about the type of shoes the suspect was wearing. The investigating team will use chemicals, powders, or alternative light sources to identify invisible shoeprints on the bank floor where the suspect was waiting and at the counter.

The investigation focus will then shift to questioning all the crime witnesses. Both bank staff and customers who were present when the suspect accessed and left the building will be investigated, and the information given will be recorded for further analysis. All the witnesses will be separated and questioned individually by different team members. This strategy of separating the witnesses will help prevent them from the possibility of sharing details about the incident with one another or working together to create a cover story. The main questions will be about what the witnesses saw and how well they can describe the suspect. The investigating will also ask the staff to give their opinion about how the suspect knew a GPS transponder was attached to the money he stole. Veronica Bradley will further be requested to produce the handwritten given by the suspect during the crime. The witnesses’ statements will be recorded manually and digitally for further analysis to help identify the suspect and if there was an insider who might have helped him.

The last phase of preliminary investigations will focus on reviewing CCTV footage. The investigators will extract footage of CCTV mounted at the bank, ATM, and other adjacent buildings and streets. The surveillance video at the bank will help the investigating team compare witnesses’ statements about the incident and culprit and what was recorded. Additionally, it will help identify whether the suspect was responding to any signal to take action. On the other hand, CCTV footages at the neighboring buildings identify whether the suspect was accompanied by someone else who might have helped him escape from the scene.

Various steps will follow in the subsequent days or weeks after the preliminary investigations to help establish the suspect’s identity. The first step will involve analyzing the witnesses’ description of the suspect’s physical appearance and sketching his picture. The extracted surveillance footage will then be reviewed to confirm what was described by the witnesses. The fingerprints collected at the crime scene will then be analyzed to help establish the DNA of the actual culprit of the back robbery because different people may have similar physical appearances.

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English Compositions

Report Writing on Bank Robbery [With PDF]

This example report is on Bank Robbery.

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A Horrendous Bank Robbery in Kalighat ICICI Bank

By Suprity Acharyya

October 18; Kalighat: Kolkata is again hit by a horrendous bank robbery in the kalighat Branch of ICICI bank. According to the branch manager, it was at around 2:30 when a gang of 4 robbers came to the branch in the disguise of customers.

As per the branch’s security guard, they entered the bank separately. One of them was enquiring about opening a new account while another one distracted the security guard. There were very few customers at that time in the bank.

According to one of them, two fellow wearing masks suddenly entered the bank, locked the main gate and showed fire weapons and gathered all the customers and bank staff at one place. Then the first one who was talking to the manager about opening an account put him in gunpoint and opened the vault.

According to the bank, they looted around 15 lakhs of rupees and some important property papers are also missing. They fired 4 rounds of bullets in the air while fleeing from the bank. Kalighat police station is investigating the whole case.

According to the chief investigating officer Sambar Dasgupta the robbery was well planned and that’s why it was neat and clean. Police are checking all the available CCTV footage and hoping to arrest those individuals and rescue the money.

Daring Attempt of Robbery in a Public Sector Bank on  Sunday Night

June 15; Chowringhee: A desperate attempt of robbery has been recorded in a public sector bank’s Chowringhee branch. It was the security guard who first noticed the main lock of the front gate was broken.

As soon as he noticed this he called the branch manager straight away. The local police station was immediately informed. As per the branch manager, an attempt at breaking the main vault has been done. But fortunately, the robbers became unable to do so.

Though one vault was broken, it was only containing coins. So, the loss is very minimal as reported by the bank. But still, the police as well as the forensic team is investigating the whole situation. The forensic team has collected samples of scratches from the broken lock area.

The police are checking the CCTV footage as well. According to the chief investigating official, some important evidence has also been rescued from the spot.

The 24*7 security guards are being interrogated. But till the time, no evident information has been recovered by the police. Local M.L.A has also visited the place and assured a high-level enquiry and future security. 

Another Notorious Bank Robbery in Kolkata: One killed, Two Injured

August 19; Bhawanipur: The people of Kolkata are flabbergasted by a vicious bank robbery in Axis Bank Bhawanipur branch that has taken one innocent life. A dangerous daring robbery broke out in the bank yesterday afternoon.

According to the branch manager, a gang of at least six robbers infiltrated the bank in masks at around 3:30 pm and took 9 customers as a hostage in front of modern fire weapons. Then they threatened to kill them if the manager did not open the main vault.

As per the bank’s report, the estimated loss is of around 1.75 crores of cash and jewellery. Some important property papers are also missing. The worst happened when the robbers tried to flee away after the robbery. Some local fellows rushed into them and the robbers openly fired 5 rounds of bullets.

One of them was captured and banged by local people. But in the firing one man was killed and two people got bullets in their hand and thigh respectively.

Three of them were immediately taken to the nearest hospital. One of them was announced as dead and the other two are admitted in ICU under observance. The captured fellow has been arrested by the police and is being interrogated.

Valuable Vintage Property Robbed From Bank Locker in Serampore

June 3rd, Serampore: A notorious bank robbery has been recorded again in a public sector bank’s Serampore branch. This time the loss is much more than money. It was some vintage historical gold coins and small gold statues.

The robbers infiltrated the bank in the midnight as recorded by the CCTV cameras. According to the branch manager, the value of the lost properties can not be measured in cash.

It was very much valuable as the historical missing link between the 18th century and present. The property exclusively belongs to the Mahamilan Math situated in the Dunlop area.

At the day’s opening of the bank, the manager himself first noticed the front gate lock as broken. The jewellery vault was badly cut most likely by gas cutters. Local police and the owner of the property were immediately informed.

Investigating the whole situation, the officer-in-charge is assuming the whole incident as a result of long term planning. As per the CCTV footage, there were 7 robbers in the scene.

The forensic team is examining all little evidence as well. The higher administration is taking this incident very seriously most likely as this is connected with a religious place.

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There you have it: Report Writing on Bank Robbery.

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  • Report On Bank Robbery

Report Writing on Bank Robbery

You must have come across multiple reports on bank robberies taking place around the country. Have you paid attention to the kind of details that have been added in such a report? These are some basic questions that bother students a lot. Well, in this article, you will get to know about everything you need to know when writing a report on bank robbery.

While reporting about a bank robbery, the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is to report when and where the bank robbery took place. Knowing how the bank robbery took place can help decide the course of action after the robbery. The report on bank robbery should also include the amount of money/things looted from the bank and also the number of people who were injured during the event. You can also talk about whether the police were able to get hold of the robbers or not.

Let us now look at the following reports on bank robbery to get a clear idea about how to write one.

Report on Bank Robbery in Orissa

On the 3rd of March, a daring bank robbery took place in a nationalized bank in Bhubaneshwar. Bank authorities complained that ten lakh rupees and important valuable assets were stolen from the lockers. It was reported that four men arrived at the bank around 12:00 p.m. pretending to be customers and went to the Manager’s chambers to talk to him about some issues and, within a few minutes, held all the people in the bank hostage. The bank’s security guards were injured in an attempt to stop the robbers. The robbers had threatened the cashier, keeping her at gunpoint, to empty the cash box and hand them the entire cash. They also wanted the keys to the locker room from the Manager, and upon refusing, the robbers injured him and tore down the office to look for the locker room keys and, in the process, destroyed many valuable documents. The robbers succeeded in finding the locker keys and cleared the lockers within a few minutes, and ran out of the bank.

The police were informed, and when they arrived, the robbers had already left. The injured guards were taken to the nearest hospital and provided treatment. The police officials took statements from the witnesses and the bank’s manager. The CCTV footage of the bank and the nearby areas were collected for investigation. The police questioned the nearby shops to help them make sketches of the robbers. However, no arrests were made regarding the matter.

Report on Bank Robbery in West Bengal

On 2nd February 2021, a bank robbery took place in West Bengal’s Tajpur SBI branch. Three men armed with guns entered the bank and injured the security guards. More than 6 lakh rupees was plundered, and important documents were destroyed. According to local people, they had seen a Maruti 800 van parked outside the bank around 10:30 in the morning. The two robbers put the cashier at gunpoint and demanded money, according to the witnesses. When the cashier resisted, the robbers injured him badly, broke the cash box, and looted the money. The robbers then rummaged through the entire bank to get the keys to the lockers. After finding the keys, the robbers ransacked several lockers and took away many valuable assets.

Locals also reported hearing multiple gunshots being fired from the bank. When the police arrived, they found no one shot; instead, they found the security guards and the cashier injured. Both were taken to the nearest hospital and provided with the necessary treatment. The police collected statements from the customers who were present in the bank during the robbing incident. CCTV footage of the bank and the nearby areas were collected for investigation by the police. The police questioned the nearby shopkeepers to help them make a sketch of the robbers. However, no arrests have been made regarding the matter at the moment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Define report writing..

A formal way of writing detailed accounts about an event is known as report writing.

How to write a report on a bank robbery?

Students can easily write a report on bank robbery once they give details about how, when and where the robbery took place and what actions the concerned authorities took after the incident.

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Serial bank robber: perplexing, elusive


Maybe he's hopping from motel to motel.

Maybe he's living outside Pinellas County.

Maybe Steven Aitken is feeding a drug habit with the thousands of dollars from his bank robberies.

"This guy, I don't know what his story is," Pinellas sheriff's Sgt. Tony Vinson said after Aitken's last heist Aug. 13. "Sometimes, it's best not to get confused with why and how. It'll keep you up at night."

Eight months into the hunt, investigators are no closer to catching the serial bank robber. Anxious to put an end to the robberies, sheriff's deputies have mistaken two men for Aitken, holding one at gunpoint.

On Friday, a task force of federal, state and local police agencies met to brainstorm and will raise the reward to $20,000, hoping money will generate more awareness and tips.

A criminal profiler from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has studied Aitken, and retired FBI agents consulted by the St. Petersburg Times said Aitken will not give up without a fight.

"This is not going to end peacefully," said William Rehder, who investigated bank robberies in Los Angeles for the FBI for 31 years. "My guess is this is going to go down in a really violent way."

As Aitken grows more brazen, some bank customers aren't making lobby transactions.

"Maybe I look around a little bit more," said Jeannie Lestini, 38, a SouthTrust customer.

Aitken, 36, does not fit the typical profile of a bank robber, experts say. He's a registered sex offender. He dresses well, and he does not arrive armed with only a holdup note.

A former St. Petersburg resident, Aitken spent 10 years in state prison after a conviction on charges of kidnapping a St. Petersburg boy and fondling himself in front of him.

When he was released in 2000, Aitken came back to St. Petersburg and worked at 7-Eleven and as a handyman for $50 a day. He had to stay out of trouble for 10 years or return to prison. Last winter, after cocaine was found in a drug test for his probation, Aitken went on a crime tear, stealing thousands of dollars from employers and an aunt.

"I think basically he's robbing banks just to get money," said Clinton Van Zandt, a retired FBI agent who worked in the agency's Behavioral Science Unit. "He saw nothing in his future that was going to take him past $50 a day."

All seven of the bank robberies, which began Jan. 14, have been in Pinellas County, five in St. Petersburg. Aitken usually steals a car, drives straight to the bank and later abandons the vehicle. During one robbery, Aitken fired rounds into a bank drawer and cabinet. After another, he shot at an officer before vanishing in a mobile home park.

"The concern is he continues to escalate his use of force _ the most recent being he took an elderly lady and pointed a gun at her head," said Bruce Bartlett, chief assistant state attorney.

Aitken's clean-shaven face is always visible, and surveillance cameras capture the pressed creases in his button-down shirt sleeves. Police do not think he is addicted to drugs.

"He's always been spiffy," said Vinson, the sheriff's sergeant. "He takes a lot of pride in his personal appearance. This is not your typical person you would suspect to be under the influence."

Rehder, the retired FBI agent, said bank robbers can become as intoxicated from robbing banks as from taking drugs. That was the case with Eddie Chambers Dodson, the most prolific individual bank robber in FBI history, Rehder said. A heroin addict, Dodson robbed 72 banks.

"It's an adrenaline rush," said Rehder, co-author of Where The Money Is. "You're putting your life on the line for the two minutes you're in the bank. There's an addiction. It's like extreme sports."

Investigators are baffled over how Aitken eludes detection.

"I just have to believe that somebody, somewhere has got someone living in the back of their property or has seen him at a motel or an apartment complex," said Bartlett, the chief assistant state attorney.

Investigators say some people who think they have seen Aitken wait to call, which is no help.

"Call 911 right then," said St. Petersburg Detective James Shakas.

Two times this month, Pinellas sheriff's deputies thought they had Aitken.

On Aug. 11, a patron of a Madeira Beach bar flagged down a deputy. He said a man in the bar looked like a photo he had seen of Aitken. Deputies went to the bar and showed the bartender and disc jockey a photo of Aitken.

"That's Steve," bartender Stacy Sansoucie told them.

"That's him," said the DJ, Kevin Morse.

Four robbery detectives converged on a beach motel, where the man was staying. It turned out to be Stephen Debenedictis, 40, a commercial fisherman.

"I had to do a double-take," said Vinson, the sheriff's sergeant.

At 11:46 a.m. Thursday, a sheriff's deputy tried to stop a motorist who did not have a license tag on his car, which fit Aitken's method of operation, said Tim Goodman, the sheriff's spokesman. The driver also had short brown hair. He sped away from the deputy, then jumped out and ran into woods. The deputy held the man at gunpoint.

Said Goodman, "It just struck him as possibly being Aitken."

How to help

A $20,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of Steven Aitken. Anyone with information about his whereabouts is asked to call CrimeStoppers at 1-800-873-8477.

An image from a videotape shows Steven Aitken holding a gun on a woman during a credit union robbery on Aug. 13.

Steven Aitken's robberies:

First Community Bank

Mercantile Bank

Bank of America

MacDill Federal Credit Union


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The Sphinxes

The two magnificent sphinxes on Unversitetskaya Naberezhnaya (University Embankment), in front of the Academy of Fine Arts , are roughly 3,500 years old and are considered among the finest examples of Ancient Egyptian colossal sculpture kept outside Egypt. They once stood on the Alley of Sphinxes in front of the tomb of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. For nearly two centuries, however, it has been the waters of the River Neva rather than the Nile that reflect in their bottomless eyes.

The sphinxes were discovered during excavations in the 1820s, and were soon written about by the great French Egyptologist Jean-Francois Champollion. At the beginning of the 1830s, they were bought in France on behalf of the Russian Emperor and shipped to St. Petersburg. Carved from pink granite, the sphinxes weigh around 23 tons each, and the great neo-classical architect Konstantin Ton designed their pedestals and the granite pier, with its bronze lamps and griffins.

The sphinxes have been restored several times during their sojourn in St. Petersburg (most recently in 2003), and the suggestion has been raised of moving them into the Hermitage to protect them from the harsh northern climate. For now, however, they remain among the greatest monuments of the city, a piece of ancient history on the banks of the River Neva.

Getting there:From the metro exit, turn right then right again onto 7-ya Liniya and walk straight down the street until you reach the river. Turn left along the embankment, and the Academy is just over 100m ahead.
What's nearby? , , , Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya (University Embankment),

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    The Accidental Bank Robbery, Coursework Example. Pages: 4. Words: 1020. Coursework. Hire a Writer for Custom Coursework. Use 10% Off Discount: "custom10" in 1 Click 👇. HIRE A WRITER! You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. In this case, Chris is a relief manager, meaning he is working at a branch he is not ...

  9. Robbery Essays: Samples & Topics

    Essay Examples. Essay Topics. Ned Kelly Injustice: A Victim of The System. ... Do I attack the bank robber? Do I stay calm? So many choices, and so many dangerous outcomes. I am telling you from... Bank; Robbery; 1302 Words | 3 Pages. Stressed out with your paper? Consider using writing assistance: 100% unique papers; 3 hrs deadline option;

  10. The Correct Order of Actions During a Bank Robbery

    I was also the dreamer type, but I set my bar way too high for my own good. My future vision and dream was to rob as many banks, to amass as much money I could before leaving for Mexico [EO1]. But I was never the fierce type. I had my own ways of robbing banks, quick in and out hits to perfection.

  11. Sample Essays On Bank Robbery In A Small Town

    First, the snub-nose revolver, for example, found along the fence line of Home 2 was the same type of gun used in the robbery at Small Town Bank. This was determined through controlled testing and bullet fragment analysis. Secondly, DNA evidence is extremely reliable, and aided in provided one of the most convincing pieces of evidence in this ...

  12. Bank robbery Essays

    Raniya Harris Christopher Gilchrist English 1102 13 April 2023 Bullet in the Brain Anders took the bank robbers as a joke. They came in demanding cash and had guns. Anders was not fearful of the robbers like the rest of the people in the bank. At the beginning, Anders was already in a bad mood. He did not want to wait in the long line and the ...

  13. The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation

    The robbery at the U.S. Bank, 1965 Diamond Blvd, requires thorough preliminary investigations to facilitate the identification of the prime suspect, and those may have helped him in his heinous activity. The initial step would involve identifying and effectively securing the crime scene. Although some officers had arrived at the bank earlier ...

  14. Report Writing on Bank Robbery [With PDF]

    Example 1. A Horrendous Bank Robbery in Kalighat ICICI Bank. By Suprity Acharyya. October 18; Kalighat: Kolkata is again hit by a horrendous bank robbery in the kalighat Branch of ICICI bank. According to the branch manager, it was at around 2:30 when a gang of 4 robbers came to the branch in the disguise of customers.

  15. Report Writing on Bank Robbery

    Report on Bank Robbery in Mumbai. On the 10th of June, a major bank robbery occurred at the ICICI Bank branch in Bandra, Mumbai. Three armed men stormed the bank, injuring the security personnel, and made off with more than 8 lakh rupees and several important documents. Witnesses reported seeing a suspicious white van parked outside the bank ...

  16. Report Writing on Bank Robbery

    Report on Bank Robbery in West Bengal. On 2nd February 2021, a bank robbery took place in West Bengal's Tajpur SBI branch. Three men armed with guns entered the bank and injured the security guards. More than 6 lakh rupees was plundered, and important documents were destroyed. According to local people, they had seen a Maruti 800 van parked ...

  17. Serial bank robber: perplexing, elusive

    Four robbery detectives converged on a beach motel, where the man was staying. It turned out to be Stephen Debenedictis, 40, a commercial fisherman. "I had to do a double-take," said Vinson, the ...

  18. Bank Robbery Essay

    Bank Robbery Essay - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the importance of contingency planning in healthcare organizations. It notes that contingency planning considers unintended events that could impact operations and helps mitigate risks. It states that contingency plans are backup plans for disasters, both natural and man-made ...

  19. Personal Narrative: Bank Robber Attack

    QUOTATION WORKSHEET: ORIGINAL: I have a gun and I am not afraid to use it if necessary! said the bank robber. REVISED: The bank robber, yelled, "I have a gun, and I am not afraid to use it if necessary.". ORIGINAL: Just a minute said Unit 17 I'm just around the corner. REVISED: Unit 17, responds with, "Just a minute, I'm just around ...

  20. Essays on a bank robbery short story

    The A bank robbery short story is one of the most popular assignments among students' documents. If you are stuck with writing or missing ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in the best samples. A bank robbery short story is quite a rare and popular topic for writing an essay, but it certainly is in our database.

  21. The Sphinxes in St. Petersburg, Russia

    The Sphinxes The two magnificent sphinxes on Unversitetskaya Naberezhnaya (University Embankment), in front of the Academy of Fine Arts, are roughly 3,500 years old and are considered among the finest examples of Ancient Egyptian colossal sculpture kept outside Egypt.They once stood on the Alley of Sphinxes in front of the tomb of Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

  22. Video shows man rob bank in St. Petersburg

    Police in St. Petersburg, Florida, say a man was caught on video robbing the Bank OZK at 6100 4th Street North. ... Robber smashes woman's window and grabs her purse ... Example video title will ...

  23. St. Petersburg police arrest man who barricaded self inside bank

    Investigators said Jose Albistur, 57, went into the bank with a gun for unknown reasons but added that he never tried to commit a robbery. Albistur allowed employees and customers to leave the ...