1. The Research Funding Toolkit: How to Plan and Write Successful Grant

    the research funding toolkit

  2. The research funding toolkit

    the research funding toolkit

  3. The Research Funding Toolkit: How to Plan and Write Successful Grant

    the research funding toolkit

  4. Developing Research Proposals

    the research funding toolkit

  5. The research funding toolkit

    the research funding toolkit

  6. Research Funding Academy

    the research funding toolkit


  1. $50M gift to expand local research

  2. Hopkins Research Seed Grant Funding Information Session on 31/1/24

  3. All Aboard How to Use GrantStationâ s Tools

  4. Empowering your Success for Postgraduates (Hons, Masters, & PhD)- Writing for Funding, 16/05/2024

  5. Crowdfunding Change: Tips and tricks for social innovators from Indiegogo

  6. My #1 piece of advice for grant writing