phd interview outfit

Make A Great First Impression With These 7 Interview Attire Tips For PhDs

phd interview outfit

Written by Catherine Sorbara, Ph.D.

In academia it is the norm to dress casually.

Sure, for special presentations or conferences you might wear a button up shirt or not wear sneakers.

This was all I thought I needed to do for an industry interview .

Just throw on a shirt with a collar and some dress shoes and done.

Thinking about that now makes me cringe.

I thought that the quality of my work and the experience that I had as a PhD made things like the way I dressed in an interview unimportant.

It shouldn’t matter what I wore to an interview anyway.

Why would an employer care about what I looked like or the clothes I wore, these things have no bearing on the quality of my work.

So I spent all my time practicing interview questions and researching the company, putting no thought into the clothes that I would wear.

Of course, I wanted to look nice at the interview, but I wasn’t overly concerned.

However, when I walked into that first industry interview I realized immediately that I was under-dressed.

My ‘dressy’ blouse just wasn’t enough.

I felt like I was still a student when I was standing in front of the hiring manager and the other interviewers.

It tainted the whole interview.

My confidence faltered.

I forgot to ask the questions I had prepared and I stumbled over my words.

Some of that nervousness was normal for an interview, but I knew that I was uncomfortable because of the way I was dressed.

Because my attire did not match the level of those people working at the company, I felt like I didn’t belong before anyone even said a word.

This was not going to happen again.

For my next interview, I put thought and effort into the clothing choice I made and it made a huge difference in the way that I felt during the interview.

I felt confident, I felt like an industry professional .

Why The First 90 Seconds Of Your Interview Are The Most Important

phd interview outfit

From the moment you enter the grounds of the company, your interview has begun.

Everything from the way you act to the way you are dressed will factor into the hiring decision.

And you don’t get a second chance.

According to an article published in Psychological Science , people decide if someone is trustworthy within 100ms.

So the way you present yourself the very first time you meet someone is of the utmost importance.

A first impression is actually an incredible opportunity.

It’s your chance to shape what someone thinks of you, and you have control over how you act and how you dress.

You just need to make good choices.

For example, Business Insider reported that pictures of men in tailored suits were seen as more successful than those men in off-the-rack suits.

Paying close attention to what you wear is one small thing you can do to boost the impression that you give to your potential employers.

7 Tips For What To Wear In Your Industry Interview

Yes, as a PhD you are talented.

You are valuable and can do great things for a company.

But none of that matters if you show up to an interview looking disheveled or even just looking mildly unprofessional.

At an interview you need to look like an industry professional, because that is what you are asking them to hire you as.

So, do the work and look the part.

Here are 7 tips to guide you in putting together the clothing that you will wear at your industry interview…

1. When in doubt call up and ask about what you should wear.

When you don’t know, ask.

If you have an upcoming interview and you feel very unsure about what to wear, find and ask someone.

If you have a connection at the company you can ask them what you should wear.

Or you can ask the human resources person that you have been in contact with leading up to your interview.

You could even call up the company’s general human resources department and ask them what you should wear to the interview.

This will give you a guide for how to proceed.

They will probably tell you to dress in business professional clothing or in business casual clothing.

You could ask for an example of what other successful job candidates have worn to interviews if you need more guidance.

But in general, business professional means that you need to wear something formal, most likely a full suit, and business casual means you need to dress professionally, but that a full suit is not required.

For business casual you might want to wear a nice blazer or button up with a nice pair of slacks or a skirt.

If they tell you to just wear casual clothing, this means that you should wear business casual clothes.

Never show up to an interview in casual clothing.

The company might have a casual dress code for employees, but at an interview you are making your first impression and your appearance is important.

So even if they say to dress casually, be sure that you have a business casual look.

2. Wear clothes that are wrinkle-free.

This might seem like an obvious point, but it is incredibly important.

The clothes that you wear to an interview need to look sharp.

They need to be clean and have zero wrinkles.

Wearing clothes that have wrinkles or stains on them makes you look unprepared and like you are not taking the position seriously.

You can iron the clothes yourself, but if you have a really important interview coming up it’s a great idea to get your clothes dry cleaned.

Choose the material of the clothes you wear carefully, as some material will wrinkle easily.

If you have to travel in order to get to the interview, your clothes could become wrinkled on the way to the interview.

Additionally, if you are driving to an interview, it’s a great idea to have a spare outfit in the car with you.

What if your coffee spills on you?

What if you get a flat tire and end up with grease on your pants?

There are many scenarios that could play out and ruin the clothes you are wearing, there is no harm in being prepared.

And if something does happen and you have a spare set of clothes to change into, this is a brilliant story to tell as a part of your STAR method answer to a behavioral interview question.

3. Pay attention to the shoes that you wear.

phd interview outfit

Don’t forget to wear appropriate shoes with your business outfit.

You should not wear a pair of Vans or sandles with your suit.

Wear a pair of appropriate dress shoes.

A few tips for choosing shoes:

  • The color of your dress shoes should match your belt
  • Wear long enough socks so that when you sit down your bare legs don’t show
  • Keep the height of your heels below 2 inches
  • Don’t wear open toed shoes
  • Don’t wear shoes that have scuff marks

If you don’t already have a nice pair of professional dress shoes, it’s a great investment and will take your interview attire to the next level.

4. Keep accessories to a minimum.

When putting together your interview outfit it’s important to not over accessorize.

Wearing a simple watch, or a minimal bracelet or necklace is fine.

But large or multiple bracelets or necklaces can be distracting.

Similarly, if you plan to wear a tie, keep it simple.

Choose a color or pattern that is not loud or distracting.

You want your clothes to support you in your interview and help you convey confidence, you don’t want your clothes to distract from what you are saying.

5. Keep your hair looking clean and tidy.

At an interview you want to put forward the best version of yourself.

This means not only should you research the company and prepare answers to interview questions, you should also prepare and put effort into your appearance.

Like it or not, your interviewer is going to make judgements based on how you look.

So take control and think through how you will look the day of your interview.

When you go into your interview you can style your hair however you normally wear it.

There is no need to change what you look like, the only thing you need to do is make sure that however you style your hair it looks neat and tidy.

If you have short hair, getting a trim before the interview is a great idea so that you look crisp.

If your hair is long, just be sure that however you style it doesn’t look messy.

The same is true if you have facial hair.

If you always have a beard and/or a mustache, it’s okay to go into the interview with that facial hair.

Just make sure that you have styled your facial hair and that it looks good.

If you are clean shaven, shave the same day as your interview to avoid any stubble which can make you appear a bit disheveled.

6. Get yourself a great suit.

If you are still uncertain about what to wear to an interview then your best bet is to just wear a suit.

For color, a navy blue suit is the best and most versatile option.

No matter what your gender, a suit is a great and very professional option to wear in an interview.

If you don’t have a suit, now is the time to go out and get one.

And, if you have the time, get the suit fitted to you by a tailor.

This is a small extra step, but it will make the suit fit you perfectly and will make it look even better.

A good suit is a great investment.

It’s something you can confidently wear to all your interviews, to networking events, and even to social gatherings like weddings.

Think about examples of powerful or successful people, what are they wearing?

So go out and get yourself a good suit that you like and that fits you well.

7. Wear something that makes you feel confident.

phd interview outfit

The final thing about your interview clothing is to wear something that makes you feel confident .

If you have a red tie or a blue blouse that you know you look fantastic in and wearing it makes you feel great, wear it to your interview.

As long as it is a professional piece of clothing.

Wearing clothing that makes you feel confident can completely change the tone of an interview and increase your chance of getting hired.

Employers want to hire confident people.

You should even wear these professional clothes if you have a phone interview.

Because the tone of your voice and the assertiveness of your answers will change if you are dressed in a way that makes you feel confident.

The moment you set foot into your industry interview, the interviewers are making judgements about whether you should be hired or not. From the quality of your interview answers to the color of your shirt, everything about you will come into play when they make a final decision. You don’t want your clothing choices to hold you back in any way. So when in doubt, call up and ask about what you should wear, wear clothes that are wrinkle-free, pay attention to the shoes that you wear, keep accessories to a minimum, keep your hair looking nice and tidy, get yourself a great suit, and wear something that makes you feel confident.

If you’re ready to start your transition into industry, you can apply to book a free Transition Call with our founder Isaiah Hankel, PhD or one of our Transition Specialists.  Apply to book a Transition Call here.

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Hi, I'm Isaiah Hankel, PhD

I am CEO of Cheeky Scientist, the world's premier career training platform for PhDs. If you want free insights on resumes, LinkedIn, interviewing, careers and more, just enter your details below.

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phd interview outfit


Cathy has a PhD in Medical Life Science and Technology and is COO of the Cheeky Scientist Association. Cathy is passionate about science communication including translating science to lay audiences and helping PhDs transition into industry positions. She is Chair of Cambridge AWiSE, a regional network for women in science, engineering and technology. She has also been selected to take part in Homeward Bound 2018, an all-female voyage to Antarctica aimed to heighten the influence of women in leadership positions and bring awareness to climate change.

Catherine Sorbara, Ph.D.

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What to Wear to a Grad School Interview

If you’re reading this post, it’s probably because you’re headed to a grad school interview soon—CONGRATULATIONS! That’s the first big step on your way to reaching your dreams of attending graduate school! There are two types of grad school interviews (more on those below), and both are a great time to share your research interests and impress your potential future program.

(In case you haven’t met me yet—Hi, I’m Kimi! I got my Master’s and PhD in atmospheric sciences, so I know a thing or two about grad school. 😉)

A great first impression starts with wearing an outfit appropriate for the situation, and to help you out, I shared tips for what to wear to a grad school interview along with 10 outfit ideas to inspire you. I bet you could build most if not all of these outfits with pieces you already own in your closet! I want you to go into your grad school interview feeling confident on the inside because you’re wearing an outfit that projects confidence on the outside.

What to Wear to a Grad School Interview | Grad School Interview Outfit Ideas | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

What To Wear To A Grad School Interview

Types of graduate school interviews.

There are two types of grad school interviews, and the outfit ideas I rounded up below will work for both! The first type of grad school interview is an admissions interview. This interview happens prior to being accepted by the school and/or program you applied to, and it’s a chance for the program to get to know you and how you and your research interests fit with theirs. You may have a more formal interview session with professors or admissions committee asking questions you need to prepare for.

The second type of grad school interview is the one I’m most familiar with: when you visit a school after being accepted to “interview” the program yourself and see how well you vibe with the professors, other students, the school, the city, the environment, etc. Of the two types of interviews, I think the latter is less nerve-wracking, because at that point you have an offer from the program you’re visiting and they’re trying to impress you .

What to Wear to Each Type of Interview

If you have the first type of grad school interview, which is likely a more typical interview, you might opt for a more formal outfit, especially on the day of your actual interview: think a structured blazer, trousers, pant suit, button-down shirt, pump, loafer, etc. (If you’re a guy or lean masculine, you could wear a tie with a shirt with a collar.) If your trip to the school is longer than just a single day to interview, it’s fine to dress a bit for the other events! I’d recommend dressing “smart casual”: dark wash denim, black ponte pants, midi skirt, wrap dress, etc.

If you’ve received an offer and are visiting your top schools to see which one is the best fit (a.k.a. you’re interviewing the program), you probably don’t need to wear formal outfits unless you attend an event that specifically calls for it (and I personally can’t think of any formal event I attended on my visits!). Instead, I’d put together a “smart casual” outfit: something slightly more dressed up than what you would think of when you think of a casual outfit.

Instead of wearing your ripped jeans, grab a pair of dark wash denim and wear it with a favorite sweater. Skip the pant suit and wear a comfy pair of trousers or ponte pants. Wear items that fit you well and that give you confidence!

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Below are 10 grad school interview outfit ideas to inspire you!

Grad School Interview Outfit Ideas

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Layer a Sweater over a Collared Shirt | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Layer a sweater over a collared shirt

Ponte pants were my go-to in grad school! They’re so comfy; they feel like leggings yet are polished enough to wear to a more important event like a grad school interview. I like wearing mine with longer tops; pick a long, sleeveless shirt with a collar and layer a slightly oversized sweater over it. The shirt instantly takes this outfit up a notch.

Original outfit here

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Dress Up a Simple Sweater + Dark Wash Jeans | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Dress up a simple sweater + dark wash jeans

Honestly, you can never go wrong with a simple cashmere sweater and a pair of dark wash denim. (If you don’t like or wear skinny jeans anymore, straight leg jeans would work perfectly!) Dress this base outfit up with a fancy pair of pumps, a coordinating belt, and fun jewelry. If it’s chilly out, I’d wear this outfit with a long wool camel coat.

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Knit Blazer + Colorful Pants + Boss Boots | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Knit blazer + colorful pants + Boss Boots

You don’t have to dress in all black (or grey… or dark blue) for your grad school interview if you don’t want to! Dress up a pair of colorful pants to inject some of your personality. I always feel more confident when I wear a blazer (a knit blazer like this one is so comfy!) and this pair of pointed black ankle boots; I call them my boss boots!

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Bodysuit Tucked into Paperbag Pants | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Bodysuit Tucked into Paperbag Pants

My loose paperbag pants are as close to trousers as I have, and either pant option works perfectly in a grad school interview outfit. For either pant option, because they’re quite voluminous, I recommend balancing the volume by wearing a slim-fitting top, like a bodysuit (you can always wear a blazer over top, too). Finish it off with a pair of flats or pumps!

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Monochrome Layers + Textures | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Monochrome Layers + Textures

This is one of my very favorite outfits from my grad school years! Even though I wore this to present at a conference, it would also work well if I was visiting a graduate school for an interview! Pick one color family and wear a full outfit made up of that color family. Mix up the textures to make it more interesting! Don’t forget the tights if it’s chilly out.

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Blazer + Stretchy Pants + Platform Sandals | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Blazer + Stretchy Pants + Platform Sandals

I build a lot of my outfits from the pants up. For a grad school interview, comfort will be key, so I recommend a pair of stretchy pants like the Everlane Dream Pant (they honestly feel like sweatpants!). They’re super easy to dress up with a basic tee, blazer, and platform sandals. I like minimal accessories but you can play around with those, too!

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Simple Silk Shell + Striped Midi Skirt | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Simple Silk Shell + Striped Midi Skirt

If you don’t already have a simple shell tank top (silk or some other fabric) in your wardrobe and anticipate lots of conferences and presentations in your future, I recommend adding one! They’re an excellent staple that work well with midi skirts (as seen here) as well as under blazers in a pant suit or faux suit. You could jazz this outfit up with a fun necklace.

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Sweater Blazer + Matching Your Shoes and Bag | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Sweater Blazer + Matching Your Shoes and Bag

The black and white striped tee and black denim are both wardrobe staples that can be easily dressed up for an interview. I love this color combination: black, white, camel, and cognac brown. You can’t ever go wrong with matching your shoes to your bag! (Be sure to bring a few necessities along with you to your interview, including snacks.)

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Linen Blazer + Striped Linen Midi Skirt | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Linen Blazer + Striped Linen Midi Skirt

Rosie says hi! This is another outfit perfect for a grad school interview in a warm location. The base outfit is a basic white v-neck tee and striped linen-blend midi skirt that I dressed up with a neutral linen blazer (wearing linen in the heat is the only way I survive it) and brown flats. You could always accessorize this outfit more if that’s your jam!

Grad School Interview Outfit Idea: Monochrome White for Warm Weather | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Monochrome White for Warm Weather

Here’s one more grad school interview outfit for warm weather! This one is perfect if you don’t want to wear a dress or skirt. Pair your white jeans (skinny, kick crop, straight leg, wide leg) with a white textured top and top it off with a similarly neutral blazer for the A/C indoors. Finish it off with a sleek pair of sandals or flats (ballet flats or loafers)!

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Academics accentuated with real life and style

7 Tried and True Tips for Your Grad School Interview Outfit

December 14, 2021

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Want to know my tried and true tips to put together your grad school interview outfit? These seven tips can help you focus on nailing your interview and not spending too much time thinking about what you are going to wear. 

grad school interview outfit

You are going to learn all about the grad school interview outfit from how to think about your grad school zoom interview outfit and what to wear to graduate school interview psychology.

After reading this post you will have a handle on what you might wear so you can focus in on interview prep!

This post is all about my tried and true  grad school interview outfit. 

My Tried and True Grad School Interview Outfit

I recommend whichever hairstyle makes you feel comfortable and is not bothering you throughout the day! You may consider style that is pulled back off of your face, or a style that contains some product that helps ensure you won’t have to mess with it throughout the day. You want to be able to focus on really important conversations with people who may be your future colleagues!

work appropriate nail polish colors

I always go for simple nails so they are a nice compliment to whatever I have on. I like to wear nude colors on my nails and I prefer a short, oval shape.

I suggest wearing shoes that you are comfortable walking in. The interview may involve a campus tour where you have to walk long distances, or you may end up walking to lunch or dinner with fellow applicants. I typically where conservative heels (about 3 inches tall). My favorite pair are this pair from from Payless ( Favorite Professional Heels ) – I have had several pairs in black and nude. Unfortunately, Payless has closed their brick and mortar stores but thankfully it looks like you can still buy online! These shoes are SO comfortable!

RELATED POST: 5 Essential Interview Tips for Graduate School

I always where a dark colored pants suit for interviews. The norms for what is interview appropriate attire may vary based on where you are interviewing.  In general, I would assume that business attire is what is to be worn on interview day (unless there are explicit instructions that say otherwise). Under the suit you can wear any color shell you would like. A shell is a simple shirt that is often worn under a suit as a base layer. Shells are a great way to add a pop of color to your look! In the photos shown at the beginning of this post I am wearing black and red shells.

I typically wear simple jewelry like pearls, simple gold chains, my standard gold rings (three on my left hand, and one one my right), stud earrings, or simple gold hoops.

I keep makeup simple and neutral. Neutral eyeshadow palette and a nude lip. I think this allows you to focus on the day and not focusing on maintaining a face of makeup that may be too involved.

I always carry my Longchamp Le Pliage Tote as my work bag. I love how light it is and how it does not add extra bulk. Typically, I carry a padfolio in my bag that has paper for taking notes, my interview schedule, and a list of questions for each interviewer that I made beforehand based on my research of their work. I also have a pen in the padfolio and my business cards. On interview day I would also keep a bottle of water in the bag and any snacks that might sustain you during the day. I would also bring powder, blush, and your chosen lip color to touch up your makeup throughout the day so you can maintain a fresh face.

I know that a lot of interviews have been held virtually over the last couple of years, and that will likely remain a part of our new normal. Overall, if you are having a Zoom interview my grad school interview outfit tips remain. the same The only thing I would recommend is to make sure your lighting is good to make sure your attire is actually seen.

This post was all about my tried and true tips for your grad school interview outfit. 

Over time you will develop go-to looks and styles that are uniquely you and easy to put together. I hope this list gets you started!

Anything you would add to this list? Comment below!

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When responding to this question, demonstrate your thought process, research skills, and the evolution of your ideas. Let's choose the subject of "Renewable Energy Integration in Urban Planning" as an example.

Sample answer:

"My proposal on 'Renewable Energy Integration in Urban Planning' originated from my undergraduate thesis on sustainable cities. Intrigued by the potential of renewable energy in urban environments, I conducted a literature review to identify gaps in current research. This review highlighted a lack of comprehensive strategies for integrating renewable technologies at a city-wide level. I then consulted with experts in urban planning and renewable energy, which provided practical insights into the challenges and opportunities in this field. I designed a methodology that combines spatial analysis with energy modeling to explore optimal renewable energy integration in urban landscapes. This proposal represents an amalgamation of academic research, expert consultation, and innovative methodology development."

This answer is effective because it mentions a literature review demonstrates the ability to conduct thorough research and identify gaps in existing knowledge.

2) Why do you wish to pursue a PhD?

For this question, it's important to articulate your passion for the subject, your long-term career goals, and how the PhD program aligns with these aspects.

Let's choose the subject of "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" for this example.

"I am passionate about leveraging technology to improve healthcare outcomes, and pursuing a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare aligns perfectly with this passion. During my Master's, I was fascinated by the potential of AI to revolutionize diagnostic processes and personalized medicine. I believe a PhD will provide me with the deep technical knowledge and research skills necessary to contribute significantly to this field. My goal is to develop AI systems that enhance medical diagnostics, ultimately improving patient care and treatment efficiency. This PhD program, known for its pioneering research in AI and strong healthcare collaborations, is the ideal environment for me to develop these innovations and achieve my career aspirations in healthcare technology."

This is a great answer because you clearly state that the PhD will provide the necessary skills and knowledge, indicating a clear understanding of the purpose of the program.

3) Why do you think you are the right candidate for this PhD program?

Discuss how your research interests align with the program's strengths and the faculty's expertise. Explain how the program's resources, courses, and research opportunities can help you achieve your academic and career goals.

"I am deeply passionate about environmental science, particularly in the area of sustainable urban development. This passion was ignited during my master's program in Environmental Studies at XYZ University, where I completed a thesis on urban green spaces and their impact on city microclimates. This research not only honed my skills in data analysis and GIS mapping but also highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to environmental issues. I am drawn to your PhD program at ABC University because of its innovative research on sustainable urban planning and the renowned work of Professor Jane Smith in this field. Her research aligns with my interest in integrating green infrastructure into urban planning to mitigate climate change effects. My perseverance, attention to detail, and ability to synthesize complex data make me an ideal candidate for this challenging program. Pursuing this PhD is integral to my goal of becoming an environmental consultant, where I plan to develop strategies for cities to reduce their environmental footprint."

This response is effective because it mentions particular aspects of your experience and the program, avoiding generic statements. It also outlines how the PhD fits into your career path.

4) What do you plan to do after you have completed your PhD?

Be specific about the type of career you aspire to, whether it's in academia, industry, research, etc. Explain how the PhD will equip you with the skills and knowledge for your chosen career path.

"After completing my PhD in Computational Neuroscience, I plan to pursue a career in academia as a university professor. My doctoral research on neural network modeling will provide a strong foundation for teaching and conducting further research in this area. I aim to develop innovative courses that bridge computer science and neuroscience, addressing the growing demand for interdisciplinary knowledge in these fields. Additionally, I intend to continue my research on applying machine learning techniques to understand brain function, which has potential implications for developing new treatments for neurological disorders. This academic pathway allows me to contribute significantly to both education and research in Computational Neuroscience."

This is a great answer because it connects the PhD research directly to future career plans.

It also articulates how your work can impact both academia and the broader field of Computational Neuroscience.

5) Why have you chosen this specific PhD program?

Mention specific aspects of the program that attracted you, such as the curriculum, research facilities, faculty expertise, or reputation.

Explain how the program aligns with your research interests or academic background.

"I chose the PhD program in Artificial Intelligence at MIT because of its cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary approach, which perfectly aligns with my academic background in computer science and my passion for machine learning. The program's emphasis on both theoretical foundations and practical applications in AI is particularly appealing. Additionally, the opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor [Name], whose work in [specific area, e.g., neural networks or AI ethics] has deeply influenced my own research interests, is a significant draw. This program is an ideal fit for me to further develop my skills and contribute to the field of AI, ultimately aiming for a career in AI research and development in the tech industry."

This answer connects your background and goals to the program's offerings.

Including a specific professor's name shows detailed knowledge about the program and faculty.

6) What impact would you like your PhD project to have?

When answering this question, convey both the academic significance and the potential real-world applications of your research. Let's choose a project focused on developing eco-friendly battery technologies for electric vehicles for this example.

"My PhD project aims to develop new eco-friendly battery technologies for electric vehicles (EVs), addressing both the environmental impact of battery production and the efficiency of energy storage. I hope my research will contribute to the academic field by advancing our understanding of sustainable materials for energy storage, potentially leading to publications and patents. Beyond academia, I envision this project significantly impacting the EV industry by providing a more sustainable and efficient battery alternative. This innovation could play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of transportation and supporting global efforts towards a greener future. Ultimately, I aspire for my work to not only advance scientific knowledge but also drive real-world changes in how we approach energy sustainability in transportation."

This is an excellent answer because it connects the project to larger environmental goals and societal benefits. It also reflects a forward-thinking approach, demonstrating your understanding of the project's potential long-term implications.

7) What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?

It's important to demonstrate awareness of potential challenges and convey a proactive mindset toward problem-solving. Let's choose a project focused on the development of a novel AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of neurological diseases for this example.

"In developing an AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of neurological diseases, I anticipate several challenges. Firstly, the accuracy and reliability of the tool depend heavily on the quality and diversity of the data used for training the AI algorithms. Obtaining a comprehensive dataset that adequately represents the population can be difficult due to privacy concerns and data availability. Secondly, ensuring the AI model's interpretability to be clinically useful while maintaining high performance is another challenge, given the complexity of neurological diseases. To address these, I plan to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, including data privacy experts and neurologists, to source and utilize data ethically and effectively. I also intend to continuously refine the AI model, focusing on both its predictive accuracy and clinical applicability. These challenges, while significant, present valuable opportunities for innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration."

This response is effective because it clearly outlines realistic challenges specific to the AI diagnostic tool project. It also presents a proactive approach to overcoming these challenges, showing problem-solving skills.

8) How will you fund this project?

When answering this question, show that you've thought about the financial aspects of your research and are aware of funding sources that are available and applicable to your project. 

"I have identified multiple funding sources to support my renewable energy research project at Stanford University. Firstly, I plan to apply for the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program, which offers substantial support for projects focusing on sustainable energy. My proposal for this grant is already in progress, highlighting how my project aligns with the DOE's priorities in advancing clean energy technologies. Additionally, I'm exploring departmental fellowships at Stanford, particularly those aimed at renewable energy research. I am also keen on establishing industry partnerships, given the project's relevance to current energy challenges and the potential for collaborative funding and technological exchange. Last but not least, I will seek conference grants to present my research findings, which can lead to further academic collaborations and additional funding opportunities."

Notice how this answer mentions funding sources that align with the renewable energy focus of the project and the resources available at Stanford University.

9) Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

Focus on a situation relevant to your academic or research experience. Let's use a real-world example where a research experiment failed due to unexpected variables.

"During my Master’s thesis on the effects of soil composition on plant growth, I faced a major setback. My initial experiments, which involved growing plants in different soil types, failed to produce consistent results due to unanticipated environmental variations in the greenhouse. This was disheartening, especially as the deadline approached. However, I responded by reassessing my experimental setup. I consulted with my supervisor and decided to control more variables, such as humidity and temperature. I also refined my data collection methods to include more frequent soil and plant measurements. These adjustments led to more reliable results, and I successfully completed my thesis. This experience taught me the importance of adaptability in research and reinforced the value of meticulous experimental design."

This is a great answer because it shows how you’ve encountered and overcame a specific problem, demonstrating resilience and adaptability.

10) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

When answering this question, it's important to present a balanced view of yourself, showing self-awareness and a commitment to personal development. Choose strengths that are relevant to a PhD program and weaknesses that you're actively working to improve.

"One of my key strengths is my analytical thinking, which I demonstrated during my Master's project where I developed a novel algorithm for data analysis. This required me to not only understand complex theories but also apply them creatively to solve real-world problems. As for weaknesses, I sometimes struggle with overcommitment, taking on too many projects at once. This occasionally led to stress during my undergraduate studies. However, I am actively working on this by improving my time management skills and learning to prioritize tasks more effectively. I've started using project management tools and setting clear boundaries, which has already shown improvements in my workflow and stress levels."

This answer maintains a good balance between strengths and weaknesses. It also shows self-awareness, demonstrating a proactive approach to personal development.

11) Why have you chosen to study for a PhD at this university?

Mention specific aspects of the PhD program that attracted you. Explain how your research interests align with the work being done at the university.

"I am drawn to the PhD program in Astrophysics at Caltech due to its outstanding reputation in space research and the unparalleled resources available at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. My research interest lies in the study of exoplanets, and Caltech's active projects in this area, such as the Zwicky Transient Facility, align perfectly with my academic goals. The opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor [Name], known for pioneering work in exoplanetary atmospheres, is particularly exciting. Additionally, Caltech's collaborative environment and emphasis on interdisciplinary research are conducive to my professional growth, providing a platform to engage with experts from various fields in astrophysics."

This response directly connects your research interests with ongoing projects and facilities at Caltech. It also shows you’ve done your research on faculty members and their work.

12) What can you bring to this research group?

Focus on your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that will contribute to the research group's success. Let's choose the field of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University for this example.

"As a prospective member of the Biomedical Engineering research group at Johns Hopkins University, I bring a unique combination of skills and experiences. My expertise in microfluidics, honed during my Master’s research, aligns well with the group’s focus on developing lab-on-a-chip devices for medical diagnostics. I have also co-authored two papers in this field, demonstrating my ability to contribute to high-impact research. Additionally, my experience in a start-up environment, where I worked on developing portable diagnostic tools, has equipped me with a practical understanding of translating research into applications. I thrive in collaborative settings, often bringing interdisciplinary insights that foster innovative problem-solving. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the group’s ongoing projects and introducing fresh perspectives to advance our understanding and application of biomedical technology."

This response shows your relevant expertise, ability to work in a team, and the unique perspectives you can offer, positioning you as a valuable addition to the research group.

13) Do you have any questions for us?

Asking good questions demonstrates your motivation. It also shows that you’ve given some genuine consideration to the project and/or program you’re applying to.

Some questions you can ask the interviewer include:

  • What will the supervision arrangements be for the project?
  • What kind of training and skills sessions are offered as part of the PhD program?
  • How many other PhD students has this supervisor seen to completion?
  • Are there any major developments or partnerships planned for the department?
  • Are there likely to be any changes to the funding arrangements for the project?
  • What opportunities will I have for presenting my research?

Remember: you’re a good student, with lots of potential. You’re considering at least three years of hard work with this university. You need to know that you’ll get on with your supervisor, that your work will be appreciated and that there are good prospects for your project.

What to wear to a PhD interview

Wear formal attire for a PhD interview. Your best bet is to wear a suit. A navy blue suit is the best and most versatile option. No matter your gender, a suit is always very professional.

For men, wear a suit with a tie, dress shirt, and dress shoes. For women, wear a suit (pantsuit or skirt suit) with a blouse, or conservative dress, and closed-toe shoes.

When in doubt, it’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. The goal is to make a professional impression and feel confident, without your attire distracting from the conversation.

What to expect from a PhD interview

At its core, a PhD interview will consist of questions that allow your potential supervisors to get to know you better and have an understanding of what you’d like to study, why you’ve chosen your field of study, and whether you’d be a good fit for the PhD program.

You should expect general questions to help the interviewer get a sense of your likes and dislikes, and your overall personality.

Next, expect questions about your personal motivations for studying a PhD. Your interviewer will also be interested in any relevant experience you have to qualify you to study this PhD.

In the next section, expect questions about your PhD project. You should be prepared to discuss your project idea in detail and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate.

Last but not least, the interviewer will discuss your future ambitions and give you an opportunity to ask questions. Remember that this interview goes both ways.

It’s important to ask the interviewer relevant questions to show your engagement and the serious consideration you are giving their program.

You are preparing to spend several years of your life at this school. Think about what is important to you and what would make or break your decision to attend this university.

Prepare a list of questions ahead of the interview.

Understanding the interviewer’s point of view

During a PhD interview, interviewers are typically looking for a range of traits that indicate whether you are well-suited for the rigors of a doctoral program and a research career.

These traits include:

Intellectual Curiosity and Passion: A strong enthusiasm for the subject area and a desire to contribute to and expand knowledge in the field.

Research Skills and Experience: Demonstrable skills in conducting research, including designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting results. Prior research experience relevant to the PhD topic is often a plus.

Resilience and Perseverance: The capacity to handle setbacks and challenges, which are common in research, and to persist in the face of difficulties.

Collaboration and Teamwork: Although PhD research can be quite independent, the ability to work well with others, including advisors, faculty, and other students, is crucial.

Self-Motivation and Independence: The drive to work independently, manage one's own project, and stay motivated over the long term.

Fit with the Program: Alignment of the candidate’s research interests and goals with the strengths and focus of the PhD program and faculty.

These traits not only indicate your readiness for a PhD program but also your potential to contribute meaningfully to their field of study and succeed in a research-oriented career.

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  • Jan 24, 2020

What to wear for Grad School Interviews

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

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You're already feeling a lot of stress about graduate school interviews. You submitted the application, you finally heard back, you accepted an interview, and now it's time to pack up and go! But wait - what are you supposed to pack ?

Most guides will tell you to "wear business casual!" - okay, this is actually correct, but what does 'business casual' look like? Turns out, this is pretty tricky, because every culture, geographic location, and even department will have its own opinions of what they find 'professional enough.'

Some people might say "whatever makes you feel confident and professional!" - I hope this is true, someday, but both sexism and other hiring biases are real concerns for interviewees.

MY OPINION: Make sure your appearance isn’t the main thing they remember.

Here are my own guidelines for grad school interview wear. Let me know how you feel in the comments!

1) Consider the weather and amount of walking 🌦️ At the very least, you don’t want to end up limping around in uncomfortable shoes, shivering without a coat, or sweating through everything because you dressed for Iowa weather for a Florida interview.

2) Wear layers 🧥 You can quickly change your look for the event and weather with layers of different levels of “fancy” - if you are wearing a button-up shirt, you can wear a comfortable sweater if you think it might be a more casual event OR you can wear a blazer/jacket if it might be more business-y.

3) Avoid blue jeans 👖 I HATE that this is a thing, but it is. You'll likely be interviewed by people who were taught jeans were never professional. Black jeans are more acceptable, as are corduroy pants or any type of slacks. Skirts and dresses are good, and aim for at least close to or below the knee.

4) Make sure you can carry everything 🎒 You will be moving from place to place and shaking hands. I don’t usually carry a purse, but I did get a messenger-style bag for these meetings. A small backpack works, or even a coat with plenty of pockets.

5) Ask someone at the university! 📃 It’s a great idea to reach out to students in the department you are targeting to ask questions anyway, and you can include “what do people wear to the interviews?” as one.

6) Be confident 🤗 At the end of the day, walk proudly and own what you’re wearing. You deserve to be there, and they are lucky you're considering joining. And honestly, nobody cares how you look nearly as much as you do. - Psst: here are some great tips about how to look and feel more confident!

Anybody else out there interviewing? 💜S

*Originally published by @SusannaLHarris on Instagram

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What to wear for a graduate interview

Confused about what to wear for an interview? As graduate recruiters, we get asked every day the question of what a graduate candidate should wear for an interview. First impressions are everything. We’ve all heard it a million times. Despite having really strong work experience or how well you answer interview questions never underestimate the importance of a put-together interview outfit. A crucial part of the interview preparation process is dressing for success and there are several things to take into consideration when choosing your interview outfit. Dressing for a graduate interview follows the same prep rules as the actual interview. You’ll need to research your outfit, be able to project confidence wearing it, have adaptable attire and pay close attention to the details.

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  • Careers Advice

What should you wear to a graduate job interview?

Dress to impress at your next graduate job interview. .

There are lots of things to think about when you're preparing for a graduate job interview. How much research you should do, what the interviewer might ask , what you should say, how to get there, and what to wear. You might think the most important part of an interview is what you say,  and arguably it is, but what you decide to wear shouldn't be overlooked either. 

First impressions count, and whether you like it or not, employers will infer a lot about you based on how you present yourself at an interview. Make sure you don't fall at the first hurdle with these top tips on how to dress to impress (and therefore get the job). 

1. Consider the company you're applying for 

The industry you're applying for a job in, the company's culture, and what their employees wear to work, should all be factors you consider when deciding what to wear. If you're interviewing at a corporate company like EY , for example, where employees wear formal attire, you should follow suit. Quite literally.

A button down shirt and tie, trousers, suit jacket and smart shoes (in a safe colour like black, grey or navy) will be expected of men. For women, a smart shirt with a pencil skirt or trousers could work, or a formal dress if you have one. With regards to shoes, it depends what you're comfortable in; you might prefer a low heel or a smart pair of flats. 

If you know that the company culture is more relaxed, like here at GradTouch  for example, a three-piece suit is probably not required. Opting for something smart-casual might be better - a shirt and blazer with some smart trousers or a skirt would work. If you're unsure whether your skirt or dress is an appropriate length, it's probably better to just wear trousers and save the worry. 

Finding something smart-casual can often be harder than wearing formal dress; just as long as you try to avoid jeans, trainers and t-shirts, you should be fine. And if you're really not sure, it's better to overdress than underdress. Just remember that employers will get a good feel for how in tune you are with their culture, and whether you'll fit in with the company, based on what you're wearing. 

2. Remember, it's all in the details 

There's more to looking well-presented than just having the right clothing. In other words, don't rock up in a pair of shoes that haven't been cleaned since 2012, or a raincoat that's been ripped to shreds by the dog. Make sure your clothes are ironed, your hair is groomed and there's no scuffs in your shoes; these small and simple details might seen unimportant, but altogether they contribute to you looking polished from head to toe. Plus, employers will notice if you're well-presented, and it'll set a good tone for the rest of the interview. 

3. Prepare for all weather eventualities 

You don't want to show up to an interview sweating because you didn't realise there was a half an hour walk from the train station to the office. Layer up with a jacket or jumper, so if it's a warm day or the interview room is hot you can remove a layer.

Likewise, bring a raincoat or umbrella in case it rains; if you show up drenched from head to toe it won't matter what you're wearing, because it's not going to be a good look either way. If you're well prepared for rain or shine, any distractions that might cause you to get flustered will be avoided and you can focus on the matter in hand. 

4. Make sure you feel comfortable 

Yes, you should find an outfit that suits the company you're applying for, but more importantly, you should feel comfortable in whatever you're wearing. The last thing you want to be worrying about in an interview is what you look like, or if you're about to have a wardrobe malfunction.

Perhaps wear something you've tried and tested, such as an outfit you've worn at Sixth Form or college, or at a previous interview. The more comfortable you feel going into the interview, the more confident you'll appear to an employer. 

Now you know how to dress for an interview, there's no reason why you shouldn't start applying for jobs. Check out our website for all the latest graduate opportunities.

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Academia Insider

Grad school dress code – outfit ideas for orientation and more

Knowing exactly what to wear during your grad school interview, Masters, PhD, or professional masters courses can cause some people anxiety. You don’t want to wear something that is inappropriate for your level of education. After all, in undergraduate you can wear whatever you want – and most people do.

The grad school dress code depends on the type of course you are doing. For many masters and PhD’s there is generally no dress code other than something sensible for your research (enclosed shoes etc). A professional masters will require you to dress in business or casual business attire.

Throughout my Masters and PhD in chemistry I only ever wore clothes that were sensible for the research that I was doing. This included enclosed footwear, long pants, and a lab coat. There was no requirement for me to dress up in casual business attire unless I was attending a conference or symposium.

As soon as I graduated from my PhD I started to wear business casual attire so that I was able to professionally represent my position as a research associate, and postdoctoral fellow.

On the other hand, if you are doing a professional masters related to a business profession it is often expected that you will wear attire that is appropriate for the professional environment. This could mean a full suit and collared shirts or blouses. Otherwise, some professional masters only require business casual attire.

The best thing to do is to enquire with the graduate office as to the appropriate attire to wear for your course, alternatively, you can ask someone who is currently in the course for their advice.

What is the dress code for graduate school?

The dress code for graduate school can vary from institution to institution.

Generally speaking, most universities expect their graduate students to adhere to a professional and sensible dress code.

Neatness and respect should be kept in mind when selecting clothing for school activities. No offensive slogans or T-shirts should be worn and all of your clothes should be clean and neat.

Shoes should always be appropriate and comfortable; open-toed shoes may not be allowed in some cases.

Depending on the university’s policies, hats may not be allowed in class or at certain events.

Graduates should also take into account the weather conditions when planning their outfits – it wouldn’t do to wear sandals or shorts if it’s snowing outside!

Overall, the dress code for graduate school is designed to ensure that all students present themselves in a professional manner that reflects positively on the university. We need to step away a little bit from the undergraduate student look.

Here are the typical dress codes I have seen for various degrees.

Masters vs PhD vs Professional Masters – grad school dress code

The grad school dress code heavily depends on the sort of course that you are doing. Some universities set a culture of dressing in more professional and formal attire than others.

phd interview outfit

Masters students

Master’s students at a university should dress professionally and modestly for all activities associated with the university. For classroom, cafeteria, student centre, and university office activities, neat and modest casual attire is expected at a minimum.

Make sure that you are clean and well-presented no matter what you decide to wear. I got away with jeans and a T-shirt for my master’s because that was the culture of the university.

PhD students

PhD students can wear whatever they want as long as it is respectful to the others in the department. A typical outfit for PhD students during my time in academia was:

  • jeans or chinos
  • shirt or T-shirt
  • clean shoes or trainers

I only ever knew one person who wore a full suit during their PhD. Apparently they had been doing it throughout their undergraduate as well.

For STEM programs, jeans and t-shirts may be permissible depending on the Occupational Health & Safety guidelines.

Graduates may want to dress up slightly more during the first week to see what other people are wearing and gauge whether they are wearing the appropriate thing.

Professional master’s degrees

Lastly, if you’re doing a professional graduate program you may be expected to wear the same attire as the profession in which you are training.

This could be a full suit with tie or less formal business casual attire.

Typically, a professional masters degree will let you know in the prospectus as to what you need to wear. Looking at the photos of students on the university’s website for your course will also tell you the level of formality your dress code should follow.

Let’s take a look at the different stages of grad school and what would be appropriate for each.

What to wear to a grad school interview?

If you have to attend an interview for grad school it is important to dress more formally than if you were going to attend classes or other university activities. Remember that first impressions count so make sure your clothes reflect the seriousness of the situation.

When I was interviewed for my masters position, I wore a very neat outfit consisting of formal pants and a collared shirt with nice shoes. I ensure that everything I wore was neat and professional giving me the best opportunity for decent first impressions.

You want to present yourself in the best possible light and it is important to dress professionally.

For women, A shirt or blouse with a collar and a skirt that falls just above the knee are good choices.

Dress codes may vary depending on the school, but wearing a suit or at least a blazer and trousers is recommended.

If you want to opt for something more casual, choose neutral colors such as dark blue or grey for your attire. You can also replace the blazer with a sweater if it’s cold outside.

Choose shorts that are not too short and flat shoes such as a pair of sandals or loafers.

Jeans are generally not appropriate for a graduate school interview, but if you think they fit the dress code of your grad school then go ahead and wear them.

Make sure that you dress appropriately for walking around the school or college as well. Some interviews also include an orientation for prospective students.

What to wear to graduate school classes?

In your graduate school classes comfort is key. You’ll be set down for many hours and plants that are too tight and uncomfortable will make it much more of a challenge.

When it comes to deciding what to wear to graduate school classes, grad students should strive for a neat yet comfortable look.

A skirt or other tailored bottoms paired with a collared top are great options that look polished and presentable while still being comfy enough for long days of studying.

If the weather permits, go for a dress that is appropriate for the classroom setting.

Make sure whatever you decide on is clean and well-fitted.

For men, slacks or khakis with a collared shirt are ideal attire for graduate school classes.

Comfort and professionalism should be the focus when dressing for class as a grad student; avoid clothing that is too tight in order to maintain an appropriate look and comfort throughout your studies.

What Exactly Is Business Casual for graduate school?

Business Casual is a dress code that falls between casual and formal wear.

It is the type of attire you would wear in the workplace, but it is more relaxed than wearing a suit.

It includes items such as slacks, khakis, blouses, skirts, blazers and even denim.

Business Casual also allows for more relaxed accessories to complete your outfit.

The dress code encourages employees to look professional while still feeling comfortable at work.

Business Casual is not as strict as other dress codes, which means you can get creative with your outfits and express yourself through clothing without going too far outside the boundaries of what’s acceptable in the office.

You don’t have to worry about wearing a suit every day or being too dressed up for grad school when you stick to this dress code; instead you can find an outfit that fits your style and is still within the guidelines of Business Casual.

What NOT wear to grad school?

Clothes are an important part of presenting yourself in a professional and polished manner when attending grad school.

While there is commonly no strict dress code for grad school, it is important to dress smart casual and avoid overly casual attire.

This means avoiding clothes like:

  • sweatpants,
  • faded t-shirts,
  • distressed jeans,
  • worn out sneakers,
  • athletic clothing and
  • flip-flop sandals.

Instead, opt for slacks, at least non-faded jeans with a collared shirt or blouse, and comfortable shoes that look professional.

Ties are not necessary but can be worn if appropriate for the occasion such as formal academic events and conferences.

It’s best to wear something more formal such as dress pants or a skirt with a nice blouse or top. Make sure that you feel comfortable and confident in what you are wearing so that you can make a positive first impression on your new classmates and professors.

Wrapping up

This article has covered everything you need to know about what to wear as a grad student. You may have to update your wardrobe a little bit so that you can attend your first day of grad school with confidence.

If in doubt remember to dress more professionally than you would in undergrad and stay away from any worn or distressed-looking clothes.

The exact thing that you will wear on a daily basis will often depend on your discipline and looking at the prospectus and photos of the current students will help guide your decision.

phd interview outfit

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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phd interview outfit

12 Best Outfit Ideas For A University Interview

It is common knowledge that people dress for success. When deciding what to wear to an academic interview, you want to adapt to that formal environment whilst looking your best and unique as well. Your choice of outfit is a major factor in the process as well, therefore it must be simple but clean and crispy. Apart from keeping your outfits as formal as possible for an academic interview, you should also consider selecting textures and subtle tones that will make you comfortable. So, the goal is to have a look between relaxed and formal; it never ceases to do the job. Discover Modest and simple outfits to make you stand out and enhance your confidence. Here are a few best outfit ideas for you to choose from.

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Button blouses/shirts

what wear university interview button

Khaki pants

what wear university interview khaki

Pleated midi skirt

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Dress pants

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Classy turtleneck tops

turtleneck what wear university interview

Formal Boots

boots what wear university interview

Leather jackets

university interview outfit leather jacket

Formal Dresses

university interview outfit formal dress

Pencil skirts

pencil skirt university interview outfit

Check out this selection of affordable pencil skirts to inspire your outfit.

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About the Author: Anne Fasehun

Anne Fasehun

I am a college student, a writer, and a finance analyst. I am passionate about utilizing resources in different ways with in-depth creativity. I have always loved putting ideas into written form, which makes it more illustrative and helpful to people. On normal days, I am a baker, writer, and lover of memoirs.

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What do I wear for a PhD interview

By LongGraduatedStudent January 27, 2011 in Interviews and Visits

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Double Shot


I have three interviews on the next two Fridays in two freezing parts of the country (New York (NYU and CUNY) and then Urbana (UIUC)).

What types of clothing would I be expected to wear.

I am emailing the graduate secretaries about this, but I thought I should get some input.

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shirt, tie, slacks, weatherproof but dressy shoes in addition to your overcoat, scarf, gloves and a hat for the cold weather. Always dress up for an interview.

I got an email back from one of the graduate secretaries, they said

"Casual attire is requested."

Espresso Shot

I got an email back from one of the graduate secretaries, they said "Casual attire is requested."


Also, if you're coming any time soon, be forewarned that we have a LOT OF SNOW right now (/facepalm), so you may want to go with darker pants.


congrats with the interviews! I will also be interviewing at UIUC (neuroscience) in ~2 weeks and they told me to dress casually and comfortably, and to expect a lot of walking. they even went into specifics that "jeans are ok, but jeans with holes are not. please, no suits". i'm thinking khakis will work well, or black denim. as for tops, you can never go wrong with a button up. i was under the impression that UIUC is probably one of the more casual schools. are you going to be staying with current grad students in the department? if so, i recommend you bring both types of attire (dress up and casual) and ask them what interviewees tend to wear.

I'd still consider business casual. No tie, button shirt, khakis/slacks. In NYC "casual" does not mean the same as some other places. My husband, for example, had to head out to Indiana for a business-casual event, and some people were in jeans and polo shirts. Also, if you're coming any time soon, be forewarned that we have a LOT OF SNOW right now (/facepalm), so you may want to go with darker pants.

I found out for NY they want business casual. It has been determined, I will be wearing dark pants, boots, a thermal undershirt, a buttoned up shirt, and then a business-y sweater over the shirt. I spent most of Saturday with my oldest sister, who used to live in DC, buying warm clothes so I do not freeze. Still debating on whether to wear a tie

congrats with the interviews! I will also be interviewing at UIUC (neuroscience) in ~2 weeks and they told me to dress casually and comfortably, and to expect a lot of walking. they even went into specifics that "jeans are ok, but jeans with holes are not. please, no suits". i'm thinking khakis will work well, or black denim. as for tops, you can never go wrong with a button up. i was under the impression that UIUC is probably one of the more casual schools. are you going to be staying with current grad students in the department? if so, i recommend you bring both types of attire (dress up and casual) and ask them what interviewees tend to wear. good luck!

They told me to dress casually and warmly and to expect to have to walk. I will be likely staying with a current student. It is a recruiting weekend. I probably will wear much more casual pants. I am wearing dressy pants for NY, but I prob won't for UIUC. The Friday is a string of interviews (at least 4) with profs in multiple depts (=multiple buildings to walk to), so that day I will wear clothes similar to NY (but no dressy pants). The Saturday is a research symposium, so I figure I ought to wear as comfortable clothes as possible.

I found out for NY they want business casual. It has been determined, I will be wearing dark pants, boots, a thermal undershirt, a buttoned up shirt, and then a business-y sweater over the shirt. I spent most of Saturday with my oldest sister, who used to live in DC, buying warm clothes so I do not freeze They told me to dress casually and warmly and to expect to have to walk. I will be likely staying with a current student. It is a recruiting weekend. I probably will wear much more casual pants. I am wearing dressy pants for NY, but I prob won't for UIUC. The Friday is a string of interviews (at least 4) with profs in multiple depts (=multiple buildings to walk to), so that day I will wear clothes similar to NY (but no dressy pants). The Saturday is a research symposium, so I figure I ought to wear as comfortable clothes as possible.

sounds good. appears that our recruitment weekends have very similar schedules (just different weekends). are they hosting yours at the beckman institute? let me know how it goes and how the weather is in illinois!

  • 2 months later...

Latte Macchiato

I have an interview for a Masters program and I was intending to go somewhere between "business casual" and "borderline formal." Luckily, I emailed the contact person and asked about dress code- she strongly suggested a suit, and at a minimum, pants and blazer. And comfortable shoes.

So I'd go ahead and email- better to send one email than to be embarrassed either way (too dressy or not dressy enough).

  • 5 months later...


I interviewed with a professor and just wore jeans and a polo shirt. I dont think they really care.

  • noodles.galaznik and spunkrag


  • 3 months later...


I have a follow-up question that may be kind of silly. I have a Bio PhD interview at Big Name East Coast U in a few weeks. I have my wardrobe together (yay!) except for one item (well, two, but I'll be able to find a nice Social Gathering Shirt somewhere).


They got me a beautiful bag - but it's *very obviously* a Designer Name Bag. Like, lots-of-logo Designer Name. I love it, but I'm worried that this might send the wrong message at an interview - I don't know exactly *what* kind of message it would send, but I'm still paranoid it would be negative.

Does anyone have an opinion/any warning stories? I don't think I can muster up the $$ to get a new professional-looking bag (something leather or leather-like that doesn't look cheap), so I think it's either this one or my old raggedy tote. Which is the lesser of two evils?

Thanks guys!

Also, maybe we could put together a sticky of Suggested Interview Garb for this forum at some point, including accessories for men and women?



Choose whichever one makes you feel more comfortable, just to have one less thing to worry about. I don't think there will be anything wrong with the old bag -- graduate students are poor and often use the same equipment for a long time. I also don't think there's anything wrong with a designer bag, except how it makes you feel. Honestly, if you are going to be judged at a certain place for how you're dressed, would you really want to go there? You're going to be using this bag for a long time if you attend this school, so if it's going to be a problem I would think it'd be good to find out early. Really, though, I think both options are fine.


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The ultimate guide to dressing for a graduate job interview

Jaymes carr.

The prospect of an interview could have you feeling a little nervous. First impressions really are lasting and, as a result, your interview performance will likely have a significant bearing on the fate of your application. In other articles, we’ve sought to help you prepare by covering topics such as common interview questions, techniques for responding to brain-teasers, and tips on making it through a group interview. Here, we’ll focus on something more fundamental but just as important: your presentation during the interview. After all, you know that you should ‘dress for success’ or ‘for the job you want’: but what does that mean? Read on to find out.

First principles

Unless you’re specifically told otherwise (or know that an office is ‘smart-casual’), you should assume that your interview will require you to wear smart-business attire. This rule can be disregarded only if you’re a candidate for employment at a hipster-led startup, a creative agency, or a themed restaurant. Otherwise, you should dress for your interview as if you’re about to appear on the cover of Forbes magazine: modern, professional, and ready to blend in at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Important tip: Many organisations, especially government entities, have a public code of conduct that includes an employee dress code. For example, employees at Accenture are ‘required to wear business-casual attire Monday to Thursday” with “smart-casual attire worn on Fridays.’ So, look up the company that’s interviewing you to see if you can find any must-know rules. Alternatively, don’t hesitate to ask your contact at the company about expected dress codes. It’s a ready-made question that helps you look engaged and considerate.

Business professional

Men should dress for their interview like a cast member from Suits (i.e. in a suit). The suit jacket may be swapped for an appropriate blazer but a button-down shirt, suit pants, a tie, a belt, and dress shoes are essential. Avoid bright colours: the corporate palette is chiefly black, white, blue, navy, and grey. For example, Blake, a graduate at Herbert Smith Freehills, wears business professional attire: a pressed shirt, a clean navy blue suit, and a matching tie.

Business casual  

Ditch the suit jacket and feel free to switch the suit pants for chinos or dress slacks. You should still wear a button-down shirt or a polo shirt, but make sure to tuck it in and wear a belt. Stick with dress shoes. You should still look presentable enough to attend meetings in a professional setting. For example, Steven, an analyst at Pitcher Partners, wears business casual attire.

You obviously have a lot more leeway if (and only if) casual attire is called for. However, you should avoid sandals, shorts, a slogan tee-shirts, and anything listed below (see ‘What not to wear’). For example, Nirvan Gelda, a graduate software engineer at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, is wearing casual clothing: a muted t-shirt with clean jeans and sneakers. As with the other dress codes, avoid clothes that are stained, dishevelled, or loud. Leave your bawdy high-school jersey in your wardrobe until you get the job. Alternatively, consider leaving it there forever.

Important tip: Your belt should match your shoes. It’s not something everybody notices, but those who do will defend the inviolability of the ‘all-leather together’ rule with something approaching zealotry, judging harshly its transgressors. Black shoes? Black belt. Brown shoes? Brown belt. White shoes? Take them off. No white shoes.   

Women should wear firm, professional-looking ballet flats or office heels, pencil skirts or slacks no shorter than the knee, a suit jacket, and a button-down shirt. Alternatively, a corporate dress with a jacket would also work well. Avoid bright colours: the corporate palette is chiefly black, white, blue, navy, and grey. Earth tones offer an appropriate choice for ‘accent’ pieces. If you’re unsure, buy classic items of the highest quality you can afford, and then keep them clean and well-maintained: you’ll get a lot of use out of them. For example, Cynthia Vaikunthan, a graduate in the Strategy Development division of Commbank is dressed in business professional clothing.

Business casual

Think the type of clothing that you would find at Portmans: a conservative dress, or a blouse with a matching skirt or dress pants, along with boots or dress shoes. You can also add more colour to your palette: blues, earth tones, reds, and other uniform colours are a good choice.

Use your judgement in selecting clothes that are casual but still chic and professional. For example, you could pair a collared shirt with pants and open shoes, or opt instead for an appropriate dress. Consider, for example, the outfit of Nicola O’Neill, a Management Consulting Analyst at Accenture.

Personal presentation  

Imagine that your interview will be conducted by people who have never seen conspicuous hair dye before and will struggle for years to integrate the knowledge of its existence. Do not make your job interview their traumatic flashpoint: natural colours only.

When it comes to hairstyles, you should avoid anything that would look out of place in a church choir. Keep your hair conservative and neat, and make sure that, on the day of your interview, it’s clean, dry, and well-groomed. If necessary, invest in bobby pins and elastics in neutral colours. A common interview hairstyle for women is the classic bun: if you’re unsure how to do it, YouTube will show you the way . Use hairspray to keep your hair looking neat throughout the day.

Men with facial hair should ensure that it’s trimmed and clean on the day of their interview. If you have a substantial beard, consider having it cut by a professional barber. You can also purchase specialised products, such as beard shampoo and wax, that will allow you to keep your facial hair looking neat and clean.

Be conservative in your application of makeup: match products to your skin tone, avoid false eyelashes (or clumpy mascara), be wary of bright colours (i.e. think twice about any fire-engine red lipstick), and steer clear of attention-grabbing eyeshadows.

Judiciously applied powder (or another mattifying product, such as a liquid foundation) can be helpful for women and men who worry about nervous perspiration (or want to avoid unflattering skin glare during a video interview).

Note that makeup isn’t (officially) obligatory, so, if you’re not a makeup person, focus instead on looking clean and tidy: eyebrows groomed, skin moisturised, lip balm applied. Similarly, if you feel overwhelmed by the idea of makeup, but there is an expectation that you’ll wear it, many makeup stores (e.g. Mecca Cosmetica, Sephora, and Myer) allow you to book a paid makeup trial during which you can discuss your situation (i.e. graduate preparing for interview) and budgetary constraints (i.e. graduate preparing for interview).  

Avoid strong fragrances altogether or apply only a very discreet amount of a subtle scent. Give prospective employers no reason to contemplate your potential flammability: this is remarkably unhelpful.  


Watches should be conservative and silent: make sure no alarms go off during the interview and, if you wear a smartwatch, mute all notifications to ensure the screen doesn’t start flashing at random intervals.

Jewellery offers a classy way to express yourself, but, like the rest of your attire, it should be conservative and inconspicuous. That’s a stern, grandmotherly ‘no’ to any visible piercings that aren’t on your earlobes: anything else should be removed temporarily or, at the very least, replaced with clear studs. Disregard these rules if you’re being interviewed by Iris Apfel or Lee Lin Chin. Disregard them also if you are Iris Apfel or Lee Lin Chin. Finally, disregard them if you’re interviewing to be the creative director of a fashion magazine, in which case if you happen to have an extravagant pashmina lying around, you should strongly consider wearing it.

Where to go if you don’t have access to corporate attire

Preparing for a job interview can be very expensive: there’s a good chance that you’ll need to buy a suit, some pricey formal shirts, and a snappy pair of dress shoes. This can be particularly difficult if you’re financially independent and just graduated from university. However, it doesn’t need to hold you back.

Various highly admirable organisations have emerged that provide young people with high-quality second-hand professional attire (including shoes) for use during a job interview. In most situations, the clothing is offered to keep either for free or at a low cost. These organisations include Wear for Success (men and women), Dress for Work (men), Dress for Success (women), Fitted for Work (women (trans and cis), including non-binary and gender non-conforming people and all those who identify as women), and Suited to Success (women).

Don’t go broke

If money is tight, consider one of the organisations above or ‘shop’ in-store but buy online (some vendors sell ‘starter wardrobes’ through websites like eBay). Alternatively, you can check for affordable clothing at op shops like St Vincent de Paul, a Salvos store, or a Goodwill shop. You can always treat yourself after you’ve secured a graduate job.

Be practical

Consider the position description and whether you’d be able to do your job in the clothes you’re planning to wear to the interview. For example, a business professional outfit might not be appropriate if you’re interviewing to be a field engineer. Remember: you can always ask somebody (such as your HR contact at the hiring organisation) for advice on how to dress for the interview or check their website.

If in doubt, overdress

It’s far better to be the sharpest person in the room than the sloppiest, so err on the side of caution by dressing up instead of down.

Get comfortable

It’s important that you still feel like yourself, and not a corporate clotheshorse. Does the skirt ride up when you sit? Do your underarms get squeezed outwards in your blazer? Are your shoes too tight for you to walk in them? Conduct a dress rehearsal at home and make sure that your outfit is going to boost your confidence on the day of your interview. After all, you need to feel comfortable to do your best, so prioritise feeling comfortable.

Looking for more interview tips? Check out our advice page for more graduate interview tips.

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Petite Dressing

Petite Dressing

16 Interview Outfits to Help you Land the Dream Job in 2024

Posted: February 6, 2024 | Last updated: February 20, 2024

<p>Got an interview coming up? Dressing for success is crucial to boost your confidence when you walk into the room. These 16 outfits will make sure you leave the best impression on your interviewer and increase your chance of landing that dream job!</p>

Got an interview coming up? Dressing for success is crucial to boost your confidence when you walk into the room. These 16 outfits will make sure you leave the best impression on your interviewer and increase your chance of landing that dream job!

<p>Effortlessly communicate your professionalism and sophistication with a black pencil skirt on a crisp white button-up shirt.</p><p>This <a href="" title="">monochrome combination</a> has always been a favorite for interviews, and you’ll absolutely rock the look.</p><p>While the pencil skirt flatters your lovely silhouette, the white button up shirt adds the necessary touch of charm that will help you walk into your interview with confidence.</p><p>This is an outfit that is great for communicating your commitment to style and success. Therefore, wear this chic business attire to show your corporate elegance.</p>

Black pencil skirt

Effortlessly communicate your professionalism and sophistication with a black pencil skirt on a crisp white button-up shirt.

This monochrome combination has always been a favorite for interviews, and you’ll absolutely rock the look.

While the pencil skirt flatters your lovely silhouette, the white button up shirt adds the necessary touch of charm that will help you walk into your interview with confidence.

This is an outfit that is great for communicating your commitment to style and success. Therefore, wear this chic business attire to show your corporate elegance.

<p>A sleek black <a href="" title="">blazer</a> with a black midi dress is another power combo that will help you command attention as you walk into your interview.</p><p>It’s a seamless blend of sophistication and style, and you can complete this look with a pair of heels that adds more to your overall professional vibe.</p><p>Of course, what you need is to leave a lasting impression with positive results and it all starts with your choice of outfit.</p><p>So embrace modern elegance and a polished finish with a black midi dress and black blazer.</p>

Black midi dress

A sleek black blazer with a black midi dress is another power combo that will help you command attention as you walk into your interview.

It’s a seamless blend of sophistication and style, and you can complete this look with a pair of heels that adds more to your overall professional vibe.

Of course, what you need is to leave a lasting impression with positive results and it all starts with your choice of outfit.

So embrace modern elegance and a polished finish with a black midi dress and black blazer.

<p><a href="" title="">Plaid</a> patterns have always been beautiful, and that makes it a top interview outfit for women.</p><p>This checkered pattern on the midi dress adds that lovely flair that shows off your unique fashion sense.</p><p>The black heels on this ensemble bring that necessary touch of sophistication, so everything works just right on your body frame.</p><p>Also another beautiful thing about this interview outfit is that it works for almost every body type. So, it flows seamlessly with your silhouette to create a curvier and classy outlook.</p>

Plaid midi dress

Plaid patterns have always been beautiful, and that makes it a top interview outfit for women.

This checkered pattern on the midi dress adds that lovely flair that shows off your unique fashion sense.

The black heels on this ensemble bring that necessary touch of sophistication, so everything works just right on your body frame.

Also another beautiful thing about this interview outfit is that it works for almost every body type. So, it flows seamlessly with your silhouette to create a curvier and classy outlook.

<p>Go all black with this mysterious yet classic trousers and button-up combination. One glance and you can tell that it exudes refinement and projects a look that speaks volumes about your professionalism and clean aesthetic.</p><p>No doubt about it, this outfit is both modern and refined, the perfect recipe for a successful interview.</p><p>This sleek corporate simplicity harnesses the power of minimalism and a sharp approach to style with a tailored fit.</p>

Black button-up

Go all black with this mysterious yet classic trousers and button-up combination. One glance and you can tell that it exudes refinement and projects a look that speaks volumes about your professionalism and clean aesthetic.

No doubt about it, this outfit is both modern and refined, the perfect recipe for a successful interview.

This sleek corporate simplicity harnesses the power of minimalism and a sharp approach to style with a tailored fit.

<p>Embrace executive elegance in an earthy tone when you wear a brown pant and a blazer set as your interview outfit of the day.</p><p>The earthy tones of this outfit exude professionalism and warmth that will show off your business acumen and style during the interview.</p><p>This is a visual representation of your sophisticated approach to style. From the sleek look of the tailored pants to the elegance of the blazer, everything works together to make a lasting impression in any interview setting.</p>

Brown pants and blazer

Embrace executive elegance in an earthy tone when you wear a brown pant and a blazer set as your interview outfit of the day.

The earthy tones of this outfit exude professionalism and warmth that will show off your business acumen and style during the interview.

This is a visual representation of your sophisticated approach to style. From the sleek look of the tailored pants to the elegance of the blazer, everything works together to make a lasting impression in any interview setting.

<p>Two words to describe this tweed skirt and blazer combo: timeless elegance. It exudes a sense of power and confidence for traditional office wear with a modern outlook.</p><p>Wearing this means you’re able to blend the classic with the current, presenting yourself as someone who’s in tune with modern fashion trends without letting go of what made the classics unique.</p><p>Looking good is serious business. With a tweed skirt and blazer, you don’t have to spend more time than necessary getting ready for your interview.</p>

Tweed skirt and blazer

Two words to describe this tweed skirt and blazer combo: timeless elegance. It exudes a sense of power and confidence for traditional office wear with a modern outlook.

Wearing this means you’re able to blend the classic with the current, presenting yourself as someone who’s in tune with modern fashion trends without letting go of what made the classics unique.

Looking good is serious business. With a tweed skirt and blazer, you don’t have to spend more time than necessary getting ready for your interview.

<p>Similar to the first one we mentioned, where you can wear a black pencil skirt with a white button-up shirt, this is the trouser version.</p><p>Instead of a black pencil skirt, you can opt for trousers which look more fitted on the body and provide a great deal of coverage for a stylish outlook.</p><p>If you’re looking to make a strong impression at your interview, this outfit will get you started in that regard. It’s a huge way to make a statement as a polished professional.</p>

Black blazer

Similar to the first one we mentioned, where you can wear a black pencil skirt with a white button-up shirt, this is the trouser version.

Instead of a black pencil skirt, you can opt for trousers which look more fitted on the body and provide a great deal of coverage for a stylish outlook.

If you’re looking to make a strong impression at your interview, this outfit will get you started in that regard. It’s a huge way to make a statement as a polished professional.

<p>Sometimes, simple is better. And you can get a simple outfit that still won’t make you look ordinary at your interview.</p><p>The matching pants and blazers show a harmonious blend of neutral colors, making you look approachable and warm.</p><p>Of course, this takes absolutely nothing from your confidence and elegance. No doubt, this is more than just a clothing choice.</p><p>It helps you present the air of a candidate who’s not just competent but also effortlessly stylish.</p>

Beige pantsuit

Sometimes, simple is better. And you can get a simple outfit that still won’t make you look ordinary at your interview.

The matching pants and blazers show a harmonious blend of neutral colors, making you look approachable and warm.

Of course, this takes absolutely nothing from your confidence and elegance. No doubt, this is more than just a clothing choice.

It helps you present the air of a candidate who’s not just competent but also effortlessly stylish.

<p>One of the best ways to stand out during any interview is to pick the right colors for your outfit.</p><p>With a deep navy blue color, you’ve made an amazing choice. The silk blouse has a natural shine that adds more radiance to your overall appearance.</p><p>This is one of the best business-ready looks out there, and you can definitely spice it up with accessories of your choice.</p><p>The pencil skirt molds easily with your silhouette while stylishly showing off your lovely legs.</p>

Navy pencil skirt

One of the best ways to stand out during any interview is to pick the right colors for your outfit.

With a deep navy blue color, you’ve made an amazing choice. The silk blouse has a natural shine that adds more radiance to your overall appearance.

This is one of the best business-ready looks out there, and you can definitely spice it up with accessories of your choice.

The pencil skirt molds easily with your silhouette while stylishly showing off your lovely legs.

<p>Embrace a different type of elegance by wearing a captivating blue blouse on black <a href="" title="">wide-leg trousers</a>.</p><p>This entire outfit gives your overall outlook a massive burst of energy that will create a long-lasting impression at your interview.</p><p>The vibrant blue blouse adds a lovely pop of personality and color, which effortlessly merges style and comfort.</p><p>The wide-leg design is a huge hit in the fashion world as it gives enough room for your legs to flourish and is quite trendy.</p>

Blue blouse

Embrace a different type of elegance by wearing a captivating blue blouse on black wide-leg trousers .

This entire outfit gives your overall outlook a massive burst of energy that will create a long-lasting impression at your interview.

The vibrant blue blouse adds a lovely pop of personality and color, which effortlessly merges style and comfort.

The wide-leg design is a huge hit in the fashion world as it gives enough room for your legs to flourish and is quite trendy.

<p>Here’s another wide-leg style, but this time paired with a black blazer set. This is the female version of a power suit featuring a perfectly tailored black blazer and black wide-leg pants.</p><p>With this set, you can show that you have mastered the art of modern monochrome elegance with a put-together and sophisticated look like this.</p><p>One of the features I always look out for in an interview outfit for women is the level of comfort. So, it’s definitely good news that this ensemble ranks high on the comfort scale.</p>

Black wide-leg pants

Here’s another wide-leg style, but this time paired with a black blazer set. This is the female version of a power suit featuring a perfectly tailored black blazer and black wide-leg pants.

With this set, you can show that you have mastered the art of modern monochrome elegance with a put-together and sophisticated look like this.

One of the features I always look out for in an interview outfit for women is the level of comfort. So, it’s definitely good news that this ensemble ranks high on the comfort scale.

<p>Embrace beauty in this blue business casual midi dress that gives a refined look and communicates professionalism with a dash of unique personal style.</p><p>This dress has a relaxed and firm fit on the body that draws more attention to flattering aspects of your frame and draws attention away from flaws.</p><p>The midi length strikes the perfect balance between laid-back and formal, so this is both appropriate for an interview setting and a fashion-forward outfit for casual events.</p><p>Opt for this for that confident interview look.</p>

Navy shift dress

Embrace beauty in this blue business casual midi dress that gives a refined look and communicates professionalism with a dash of unique personal style.

This dress has a relaxed and firm fit on the body that draws more attention to flattering aspects of your frame and draws attention away from flaws.

The midi length strikes the perfect balance between laid-back and formal, so this is both appropriate for an interview setting and a fashion-forward outfit for casual events.

Opt for this for that confident interview look.

<p>This combination gives a chic and harmonious look from head to toe.</p><p>A white button-up shirt with a black tweed pencil skirt is another monochrome outfit that absolutely bangs for an interview look.</p><p>The goal is to look as professional as possible while wearing an outfit that makes you feel more confident with every step.</p><p>Of course, your look will also project someone who understands trends, and that will be a point in your favor. So, make a timeless statement with this clothing style.</p>

Tweed pencil skirt

This combination gives a chic and harmonious look from head to toe.

A white button-up shirt with a black tweed pencil skirt is another monochrome outfit that absolutely bangs for an interview look.

The goal is to look as professional as possible while wearing an outfit that makes you feel more confident with every step.

Of course, your look will also project someone who understands trends, and that will be a point in your favor. So, make a timeless statement with this clothing style.

<p>Radiate charm and elegance in this neutral-toned sheath dress that makes that effortless switch from comfort to sophistication.</p><p>This beige dress combines simplicity with style as it flatters your figure and blends seamlessly with a professional setting.</p>

Beige sheath dress

Radiate charm and elegance in this neutral-toned sheath dress that makes that effortless switch from comfort to sophistication.

This beige dress combines simplicity with style as it flatters your figure and blends seamlessly with a professional setting.

<p>Showcase your poise and refined approach to your career with this matching suit and skirt. Definitely, this polished look reflects your attention to detail.</p><p>The matching suit and skirt gives a cohesive vibe that will suit your personality as a go-getter.</p>

Showcase your poise and refined approach to your career with this matching suit and skirt. Definitely, this polished look reflects your attention to detail.

The matching suit and skirt gives a cohesive vibe that will suit your personality as a go-getter.

<p>Walk into your next interview with this white button-up shirt and pleated skirt, ready to show off your style and capability as a professional with a difference.</p><p>The button-up shirt contrasts beautifully with the textures of the pleats on your skirt.</p><p>This definitely complements the graceful movement of your legs as you get ready to show the interviewers the stuff you’re made of.</p><p><strong>More styling tips from Petite Dressing</strong></p><ul> <li><a href="">How to Choose the Best Blazers for Women</a></li> <li><a href="">30 Chic Wide Leg Pants outfit for 2024</a></li> </ul>

Pleated midi skirt

Walk into your next interview with this white button-up shirt and pleated skirt, ready to show off your style and capability as a professional with a difference.

The button-up shirt contrasts beautifully with the textures of the pleats on your skirt.

This definitely complements the graceful movement of your legs as you get ready to show the interviewers the stuff you’re made of.

More styling tips from Petite Dressing

  • How to Choose the Best Blazers for Women
  • 30 Chic Wide Leg Pants outfit for 2024

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    Don't wear shoes that have scuff marks. If you don't already have a nice pair of professional dress shoes, it's a great investment and will take your interview attire to the next level. 4. Keep accessories to a minimum. When putting together your interview outfit it's important to not over accessorize.

  3. What to wear to a Grad School Interview #Tips- 2024+

    What to wear to a Grad School Interview? Choose a suit if you're male, or a skirt or pant-suit if you're female. Depending upon the setting, you may or may not need the suit jacket, but it's best to have it with you just in case. Play it safe with colors like black, dark brown, dark blue, or gray. Steer clear of whites, pastels, neons and ...

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  8. PhD Interview Questions and Answers (13 Questions + Answers)

    What to wear to a PhD interview. Wear formal attire for a PhD interview. Your best bet is to wear a suit. A navy blue suit is the best and most versatile option. No matter your gender, a suit is always very professional. For men, wear a suit with a tie, dress shirt, and dress shoes. For women, wear a suit (pantsuit or skirt suit) with a blouse ...

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    Black jeans are more acceptable, as are corduroy pants or any type of slacks. Skirts and dresses are good, and aim for at least close to or below the knee. 4) Make sure you can carry everything 🎒 You will be moving from place to place and shaking hands. I don't usually carry a purse, but I did get a messenger-style bag for these meetings.

  10. What to wear for a graduate interview

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  11. The PhD Interview

    What to wear. Regardless of your interview format, you should pay some attention to your appearance. Academic workplaces are fairly relaxed on a day-to-day basis, but your PhD interview isn't too dissimilar from a job application. Show that you're serious about the opportunity and dress accordingly.

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    A button down shirt and tie, trousers, suit jacket and smart shoes (in a safe colour like black, grey or navy) will be expected of men. For women, a smart shirt with a pencil skirt or trousers could work, or a formal dress if you have one. With regards to shoes, it depends what you're comfortable in; you might prefer a low heel or a smart pair ...

  13. Suit for a PhD interview? : r/AskAcademia

    There will likely be different opinions from different people, but I don't think that a suit is necessary. I think a nice sweater or button up shirt is fine. You can wear a suit jacket, but I'd recommend not additionally wearing the matching pants, so as not to feel too formal for the academic tone. 104. Reply.

  14. Dress code for a PhD interview over Zoom? : r/PhD

    You can never go wrong with a shirt and tie. You could also wear a button up shirt and a sports jacket, without a tie. Dress exactly as you would if the interview were in person. Down to the shoes. At least semi-professional, if not fully formal just like how you would dress when you walk into an actual interview.

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    Knowing exactly what to wear during your grad school interview, Masters, PhD, or professional masters courses can cause some people anxiety. You don't want to wear something that is inappropriate for your level of education. After all, in undergraduate you can wear whatever you want - and most people do.

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    For PhD interviews, I would suggest that you overdress compared to what you normally dress like. Most PhD candidates that are doing the interview will wear ...

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    Button blouses/shirts. Choosing a button shirt for that university interview gives a more formal look than regular blouses, pairing it with a pair of pants or a skirt gives your outfit a complete look. They are multi-functional and stylish. Button shirts are affordable, and you are most likely to get a good price upon purchase.

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    27. The best advice for any interview dress code is, one standard of dress higher than what you would be wearing if you got the job. eg if jeans and a t-shirt is what most people wear around the office, then business trousers and a shirt is fine for the interview.

  20. What do I wear for a PhD interview

    Program:Political Theory. Posted January 27, 2011. shirt, tie, slacks, weatherproof but dressy shoes in addition to your overcoat, scarf, gloves and a hat for the cold weather. Always dress up for an interview.

  21. The ultimate guide to dressing for a graduate job interview

    Business professional. Men should dress for their interview like a cast member from Suits (i.e. in a suit). The suit jacket may be swapped for an appropriate blazer but a button-down shirt, suit pants, a tie, a belt, and dress shoes are essential. Avoid bright colours: the corporate palette is chiefly black, white, blue, navy, and grey.

  22. Top 10 phd interview outfit ideas and inspiration

    Find and save ideas about phd interview outfit on Pinterest.

  23. What to wear for PhD interview : r/AskAcademiaUK

    In general it's always better to be a bit over dressed than under dressed - but that said, I'd say you should be fine in a pair of chinos and a button down shirt (sorry, assuming you're male). That said, it'll depend on the uni you're interviewing at and where it is. kronologically • PhD Comp Sci • 4 mo. ago. In my interview brief, it was ...

  24. 16 Interview Outfits to Help you Land the Dream Job in 2024

    Brown pants and blazer. Embrace executive elegance in an earthy tone when you wear a brown pant and a blazer set as your interview outfit of the day. The earthy tones of this outfit exude ...