12 SMART Goals Examples for Fashion Designers

Today’s fashion designers must be more creative and resourceful than ever. With the rise of independent brands, technology, and online marketing, having well-defined goals will help fashion designers succeed in a competitive market.

The SMART technique is an effective approach to ensure designers develop goals that will move them closer to their ambitions. You’d be able to create an action plan and ensure your objectives are realistic and achievable.

Table of Contents

What is a SMART Goal?

It would be amazing to use the SMART framework to set practical goals. In case you didn’t know, SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

If you need more clarity, SMART goals are:

In the world of fashion design, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. It takes a specific plan and detailed goals to succeed in this competitive industry. To do this effectively, start by looking at where you want your career in fashion design to go.

Consider what kind of designs you love creating and what type of impact you would like to make on the industry. Once these broad outlines are established, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your dreams.

Fashion designers who want to be successful must make their goals measurable. It’s an essential criterion to succeed and make a name for yourself in the industry. You’ll be able to track progress and identify areas that need improvement.

Ensure you set achievable expectations that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed or disappointed. Although big aspirations can be motivating, honing in on the steps needed to reach those ambitions is crucial.

To illustrate, if you want to “create a new clothing line in one year,” consider what skills or resources you need and ensure you have access to the expertise and supplies necessary for success.

Make your goals relevant so that you can find purpose in your work. Creating goals that align with your personal values and interests will inspire you to strive for greatness.

Creating a timeline is key to establishing accountability and staying laser-focused on your path to success. Outlining the dates for each goal will clarify what needs to be accomplished at each step.

Below you will find various examples of SMART goals for fashion designers:

1. Increase Brand Recognition

“In 6 months, I aim to have our fashion label gain 10% more recognition in the industry. This can be achieved through targeted social media campaigns and participating in fashion shows and events.”

Specific: This goal is evident as it outlines a plan to increase brand recognition .

Measurable: Track the number of followers on social media channels and measure the reach of campaigns.

Attainable: You have a realistic time frame to enhance brand recognition.

Relevant: Gaining more recognition for the fashion label is a reasonable goal for any fashion designer.

Time-based: You should anticipate goal achievement after 6 months.

2. Improve Sewing Skills

“I’ll acquire advanced skills in sewing by taking two evening classes in garment construction over the next 9 months. At the end of this period, I will be able to design and create apparel using more complex techniques.”

Specific: The goal states the objective, what will be done to achieve it, and the timeline.

Measurable: You could evaluate whether you completed two classes and improved your sewing skills.

Attainable: This SMART goal is achievable since it is realistic to improve skills by taking classes.

Relevant: This is pertinent to improving apparel design and creation.

Time-based: There is a 9-month timeline for completing this target.

3. Grow Network Connections

“I want to increase my network of industry professionals and buyers by attending two networking events every month for the following 5 months. I will also make an effort to actively engage with these contacts through attending client meetings and responding promptly to emails.”

Specific: You want to increase your network of industry professionals and buyers.

Measurable: Count how many networking events you attend monthly.

Attainable: This is a realistic goal due to the frequency and commitment of attending two networking events every month.

Relevant: The goal is relevant to your success in the fashion industry.

Time-based: The end date for this goal is 5 whole months.

4. Design New Clothing

“I will develop and design a new clothing line in 10 months targeted at an underserved demographic. I want to ensure I’m offering something different and unique to the fashion world.”

Specific: The statement is well-defined, stating the objective and how it will be met.

Measurable: You can track the sales and customer feedback of the new clothing line.

Attainable: This goal is feasible within 10 months by devoting the necessary time and resources.

Relevant: This is pertinent to fashion design since it will involve developing a new line of clothing targeted at a specific demographic.

Time-based: There is a 10-month timeline for accomplishing this goal.

5. Reduce Expenses

“My goal is to reduce spending on raw materials by 15% within the next 6 months. I will review current suppliers, negotiate prices with current vendors, and research alternative suppliers to achieve this goal.”

Specific: This goal includes what you need to do (review suppliers, negotiate prices, and research alternatives) to succeed

Measurable: You can measure the percentage of reduction in spending.

Attainable: Negotiating prices and researching alternatives are both achievable.

Relevant: Reducing expenses saves money and increases profit margins.

Time-based: Six months is a realistic time frame to meet the goal.

6. Use Feedback and Reviews

“I will use customer feedback and reviews to improve my designs by the end of two months. I’ll survey customers regularly and use their feedback to make appropriate design changes.”

feedback goal setting

Specific: This goal statement focuses on customer feedback to improve designs.

Measurable: Make sure you survey customers and receive responses within the deadline.

Attainable: Surveying customers and using their feedback is achievable.

Relevant: Using customer insight to improve designs will benefit the business.

Time-based: There is a deadline of two months for this particular goal.

7. Build a Portfolio

“By the end of 6 months, I want to have a comprehensive portfolio that showcases my best work. This will include sketches and images of my designs and a website or blog where I can post my creations and get feedback from potential customers.”

Specific: The SMART goal is explicit because it outlines the specifics of building a portfolio.

Measurable: You can count the number of designs and images in the portfolio.

Attainable: The goal is possible with enough dedication and hard work.

Relevant: Creating a portfolio will increase the online visibility of the fashion designer’s work.

Time-based: Goal attainment is expected within 6 months.

8. Stay Organized

“I’ll create a filing system that keeps all client and project information organized. By the end of the month, I will have an easy-to-use and efficient filing system that will make it easier to find relevant information quickly.”

Specific: You’ll aim to create a filing system for client and project information.

Measurable: The filing system should be easy to use and efficient, making it easier to find relevant information.

Attainable: The timeline is doable, especially if the designer already has an idea of the filing system they want to use.

Relevant: Staying organized can save you more time in the long run.

Time-based: A month is a reasonable time to reach success.​

9. Take Online Courses

“I want to stay ahead of the competition and increase my knowledge of design trends, so I’ll take 6 online courses related to the fashion industry within the next year. I’ll identify these courses and devote at least two hours each week to complete them.”

Specific: Enroll in 6 online courses related to the fashion industry.

Measurable: You will devote at least two hours per week to completing the classes.

Attainable: This is absolutely doable if given the necessary resources and time.

Relevant: This goal is appropriate for the individual’s desire to stay ahead of the competition and enhance their knowledge of design trends.

Time-based: You have one year to finish the online courses.

10. Source Supplies Responsibly

“In the 7 months ahead, I will actively research and work to responsibly source supplies from certified fair trade manufacturers. I want to ensure that my fashion line is made with ethical and sustainable materials.”

Specific: You have an apparent action item: research and source supplies from certified fair trade manufacturers.

Measurable: You can measure your progress by the time you’ve spent researching and finding certified suppliers.

Attainable: This goal is realistic, given that many certified suppliers are available.

Relevant: You’ll be able to ensure that your fashion line is made with ethical and sustainable materials.

Time-based: Goal completion is expected within 7 months.

11. Create Efficient Workflow

“I want to improve workflow efficiency by developing and implementing streamlined processes for creating, editing, and approving designs. I plan to create a system that will allow our team to create products in the most efficient way possible and reduce design time by 10% in 5 months.”

Specific: This is specific because the person will be developing a system to reduce design time by 10%.

Measurable: Track the design time before implementing the new system and compare it to the time after implementation.

Attainable: You can achieve this particular goal with the right plan and dedication.

Relevant: Creating an efficient workflow is essential to staying competitive in the fashion industry.

Time-based: There is a 5-month end date for meeting this goal.

1. Practice Self-Care

“I will take at least one day off a week to practice self-care, such as going for walks or meditating. I want to improve my mental and physical health to continue being an effective designer.”

Specific: You are explicit about different ways to practice self-care over 8 months.

Measurable: Proactively follow the listed actions (going for talks and meditation) for success.

Attainable: Anybody can strive for a better work-life balance with time and intentional effort.

Relevant: Practicing self-care will prevent burnout and negative thoughts.

Time-based: You should ideally pursue this ongoing goal every week.

Final Thoughts

Fashion designers who take the time to create SMART goals for themselves will eventually benefit from increased career success. They would gain the ability to focus on consistent progress and stay inspired even when times are tough.

The SMART framework can help designers become more efficient and organized by providing greater clarity in their design process. So begin pursuing these goals to reach your highest potential and become successful in the fashion industry.

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Fashion Designer Professional Goals

Getting started as a fashion designer.

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  • How to Become a Fashion Designer
  • Certifications
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Track Your Goals with Teal

Log your goals and career aspirations on an ongoing basis to keep career groth front of mind with Teal.

Why Every Fashion Designer Should Have Goals

Different types of career goals for fashion designers, creative mastery goals, brand development goals, networking and collaboration goals, sustainability and ethical fashion goals, personal branding and marketing goals, what makes a good career goal for a fashion designer , career goal criteria for fashion designers, creativity with commercial viability.

  • Identify Market Trends

Develop a Signature Style

  • Balance Art and Commerce

Mastery of Technical Skills and Trend Forecasting

  • Refine Pattern-Making Expertise
  • Advance 3D Design Proficiency
  • Develop Trend Analysis Skills

Network Expansion and Collaboration

  • Attend Industry Events
  • Collaborate on Capsule Collections
  • Engage with Fashion Incubators

Sustainable and Ethical Design Practices

  • Source Sustainable Fabrics
  • Implement Fair Trade Practices
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint

Log Your Wins Every Week with Teal

my goal as a fashion designer essay

12 Professional Goal Examples for Fashion Designers

Expand technical skills in garment construction, build a strong portfolio, network with industry professionals, stay ahead of fashion trends, launch a personal collection, embrace sustainable fashion practices, master digital design tools, gain international experience, teach or mentor aspiring designers, win a prestigious fashion award, establish a successful online presence, career goals for fashion designers at difference levels, setting career goals as an entry-level fashion designer, setting career goals as a mid-level fashion designer, setting career goals as a senior-level fashion designer, leverage feedback to refine your professional goals, utilizing constructive criticism to sharpen design skills, integrating customer insights into fashion innovation, leveraging performance reviews for strategic career planning, goal faqs for fashion designers, how frequently should fashion designers revisit and adjust their professional goals, can professional goals for fashion designers include soft skill development, how do fashion designers balance long-term career goals with immediate project deadlines, how can fashion designers ensure their goals align with their company's vision and objectives.

What is a Fashion Designer?

my goal as a fashion designer essay

More Professional Goals for Related Roles

Shaping visual concepts that captivate audiences, driving brand identity and innovation

Shaping visual concepts, leading creative teams to produce compelling design narratives

Leading creative vision, inspiring teams to produce innovative and compelling designs

Boosting brand visibility and customer loyalty through engaging, authentic representation


  • Jul 12, 2021

How to Set Goals as a Designer

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

They say that a life without purpose is futile. We, as Fashion Designers, couldn’t agree more. As designers, we need to have something to look forward to daily - a purpose, a mission, a goal. Today, with the increasing competitiveness in the fashion and design world, it has become all the more important to define your own goals. These have to be unique and all about you and what you want. That’s what paves the way for a meaningful and fulfilling life for you. Especially, when you belong to a creative profession like fashion designing, you need to identify your exact goals.

The next step? You need to pan out a path towards that goal. If you’re in fashion, you may end up having a simple vague goal like study and taking up a job. But, is that it? Definitely, not! You need to have a clearer goal or at least a clearer idea of one. It doesn’t have to be too specific but at the same time, it cannot be too vague as well. Say, in the next five years, you want to work at a senior position with a designer in your niche. Now, that is what a clear goal looks like. On the other hand, simply saying that you want to work as a designer is a flat goal with no substance and zero passion.

Why Do You Need Goal Setting as a Designer?

When you have a particular goal that you want to attain in a span of time, you wake up every morning with that in mind. This consistency and constant desire to reach that goal are exactly what makes you more focused. Focused towards your goals, focused towards your work, your plans, and right to your daily tasks too. With this undeterred focus, you never falter and stay on the path no matter what. As a designer, your job is mostly creative and burnouts are common in this case. But with set goals, your focus will bring you back to track every time it wanders away.

What we want today from our life or work may change a little tomorrow. However, when it shifts or changes completely, take it as a red flag. Say, as a designer you want to pursue trousseau designing but next month, you find yourself inclining towards slow western fashion. This red flag indicates that you are probably not on the right path and you lack clarity on what you want. This is exactly why goal setting is important for you. With a set goal, you know what results you are looking at and how you can get there. And, when you do carve out these goals, the process also helps you identify things and get clarity on every aspect of it.

3. Lets you cut to the chase and dive into the real thing

You studied fashion designing and now you’re wondering what the next step is. You partake in some more courses and then decide to take up an internship. Midway, you realize that kind of work is not meant for you. And, you find yourself lost with no direction as to how to proceed. Well, when you set certain goals for yourself, you also end up carving out a path with mini-goals along the way. This gives you a direction and lets you get to the real thing, the real work without wasting time and energy on things that don’t matter.

5 Ways to Get Started with Your Goal Setting

So, now that you know why goal setting is of utmost importance for you, let’s dive into how you can do so.

1. Ask Yourself These Questions

First things first, consider this as an interview with yourself. Dive within and answer these questions for yourself truthfully and mindfully. Introspect, think, and find out the answers below to get started with your goal setting.

- Why do I want to do this?

Find out the WHY behind your career as a designer. Why did you decide to pursue it in the first place? Think back to the times and moments where you realized that this was your calling. Why did you see yourself doing this? Answer the Whys to understand your goal better.

- Would I want to wake up and do this every single day?

Now that you reflected on the past and why you wanted to pursue it, think of the future now. In the next five years, do you see yourself doing this every single day? When you think of your life ahead, do you see this as your source of income and a sustainable career choice? Think that if you woke up tomorrow morning, would you be happy doing this?

- What are some principles and ethics I would not compromise on?

Everyone has some values that they consider the most important and cannot compromise on in their profession. Say, you’re a believer in body positivity, but is the industry too? Not so much. And if you’re still inclined towards this profession, well there are other doors within designing to knock on too. So, answer these questions for yourself, dive deeper into your mind and heart, and identify what it is that you cannot let go of at all.

Why are you a fit into the designing market? Why can you be a part of it? What is it about you, your passion, skills, and hard work that will set you apart from the herd? Why you? Find out that unique factor and own it.

2. Seek Clarity from an Ikigai Chart

Once you find answers to the above questions, you hop on to find your exact purpose, your reason for being, your ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese word that translates to ‘A Reason for Being.’ According to the concept, your ikigai is a combination of what you love, what you are good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs.

my goal as a fashion designer essay

Source: Singularity Hub

Again here, what you love is a combination of your passion and mission in life. What you are good at is a combination of your passion and profession. What you can be paid for is a combination of that profession and vocation, which is where your heart lies, your calling. And, what the world needs is a combination of your vocation and your mission. Now, while some of these things run on excitement, delight, wealth, comfort, and satisfaction, others lack one of those. When you combine a little of all, you get a perfectly balanced blend of everything – your purpose, your ikigai. So, go ahead and make your own ikigai chart and determine each of these areas to find your true purpose in life. Use the answers to the above questions to guide this activity.

3. Research on Courses, Colleges, or Companies

Now that you have better clarity on your purpose and goal, get started on deriving a clear and actionable path. Do you need to study next? Do you need to upgrade a little more before you get into the real world out there? Is it time to get that first fashion job or internship? We’re sure you have the answers to these questions by now, so get your notepad out and begin browsing through your options. Research on what exact course you can take or what kind of brands or fashion companies you want to learn under. Make a list, weigh the pros and cons, see if they match with your criteria, and begin with the process of applying or working towards it.

4. Form a Vision Board

You’ve got your goals, you’ve got your plans in place, and you’ve got a vision in your head. Now, it is time to materialize that vision into a board to keep reminding you of it, every step of the way. So, you never lose sight of what your end goal is, no matter how many failures or hurdles you come across. Trust us, a vision board is not just a creative piece of art, it is a constant representation of your dreams.

my goal as a fashion designer essay

Source: Source My Garments

Make a vision board and include pictures, quotes, fabrics, trimmings, or anything else that could stand for your goal or contribute to it. Be specific about these goals and what you use to represent them. Say, if sustainable fashion is your calling then using a fast-fashion piece on your board will defeat the whole purpose. Similarly, if wedding trousseau is what your goal looks like, then sticking a picture with western couture will be futile. So, be specific and make sure your vision board depicts your goal clearly.

Lastly, whether you have set your goal or are in the process, don’t underestimate the power of networking. Meet new people, engage with your industry, and network socially and online. As you learn new things and meet more people, you can attain more clarity on your goals. It is never too late to tweak those goals a little each day as you explore and grow too!

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Fashion Design and Famous Designers Essay

Fashion design is an expression of a particular character’s art and uniqueness. It is mainly based on original work, while others are borrowed and improved. It is how individuals show their creativity and talent through their productions. The designers have grown to influence the world with their products globally. They are known internationally for their products supplied globally due to their efficient expression of art in original work. This project is about fashion design because it focuses on the most exciting journeys of widely known designers and their influence in the industry. Considering the stories of the most famous individuals, the upcoming designers are inspired to keep growing. They start looking up to these influencers and admiring their brands, which are the most significant influence in society.

Martin Margiela

Martin Margiela is referred to as the silent designer whose clothes tell his story. This is because since he started his career in 1988, he had never appeared before the press or conducted an interview. This brought up the character narrative of Martin Margiela as one who would not take a bow for his achievements but let his art express him. Martin Margiela challenged all that was deemed traditional couture when he first began working in early 1980. Margiela’s designs were motivated by his mother’s reconstruction of furniture, frequently revealing the layout of the garments and intentionally exposing the linings and seams. One of the most prominent looks that Martin Margiela pulled on the runway was during their first show for his eponymous label in the fall of 1989. Against all other expectations, his collections included ripped sleeves, frayed hems, and clumpy shoes in uneven runaway and stumbling models.

Demna Gvasalia

Demna Gvasalia is a Georgian fashion designer who innovates a streetwear-savvy brand that has dominated the fashion industry. He has been the creative director of Balenciaga collections since 2015. His general approach to the design philosophy is to recreate something which dismantles the boundary between vernacular, street, and luxury wear. Some of his creations are crocs, satirical prom suits, leather Ikea bags, baggy tracksuits, subversive tailored denim, and others that made the headlines on the platforms. He dresses most celebrities, such as Kanye West and the Kardashians, which is the best platform to express his art. One of the most prominent looks that Gvasalia sent to the runway was a chic, floor-sweeping, cap-sleeved gown overlaid with an understated veil, which was contrary to what a bride would look. He is portrayed as one who fearlessly expresses his art and talent without fear of public opinion or online critics.

John Galliano

John Galliano was the founder and the creative director of his eponymous label John Galliano and French fashion houses Givenchy and Dior, respectively. His design philosophy is romantic historicism with technical skills and progressive aesthetics. He represented the garments that people wore on romantic occasions. Galliano’s designs became known for their twisted romanticism. His work was intricate, feminine, and undeniably beautiful – but also sinister, slightly frightening, and lavish to the point of showy. Galliano has always seen the runway as a storytelling medium. The designer told the story of an escaped Russian princess on a journey of self-discovery in his spring/summer 1994 collection. The fashion elite praised Galliano’s “Princess Lucretia” show for its crinolines, capes, and impossible-flowing locks. However, the most outstanding character of John Galliano came up when he was fired from Dior due to the racist utterances that he made. Regardless of the controversies, he is one of the most fabulous designers.

Virgil Abloh

Virgil Abloh has worked with different brands as a fashion designer, such as Off-white and Louis Vuitton. He was the first African American to be the artistic director of a French Luxury Fashion House when he joined Louis Vuitton in 2018. His most extensive design philosophy is based on compromising between two different options. He brought streetwear into the world’s high fashion when working with Off-white. He has proven to be a team player from his many successful collaborations. The main was his collaboration with Kanye West, which was brought about by the success of Off-white. He uses that to inspire the success of black children in the fashion world. Some of his most significant creations are Nike x Off-White™ “The Ten” Jordan 1, which was made in collaboration with Nike. The most iconic runway moment was Louis Viton’s first outing, as he demonstrated menswear for the following male celebrities.

Yohji Yamamoto

Yohji Yamamoto is a master tailor known for his avant-garde tailoring featuring Japanese design aesthetics. He has worked as a fashion designer with brands such as Adidas and Hermes. His signature aesthetic, which distinguishes his collections, is that all his collections are black. He put a new spin on tailoring and stood out among the cinched waists, shoulder pads, and bold block colors that ruled the 1980s fashion scene. His design philosophy states that he does not look for perfection because perfection is ugly. However, black is modest, and it also brings the imperfections, such as arrogance, which is what he likes to show. His narrative explains the display’s unisexual oversized apparel, which means that any gender can express fashion. The Yohji Yamamoto spring/summer show is one of the hugest demonstrations of his collections, which shows different designs of all-black apparel with other models who strive to bring back to the 1990s.

Alexander McQueen

He is the founder of a luxurious British fashion house known as Alexander McQueen. His label does not only include clothes but also shoes, perfume, and fashion accessories. McQueen is widely known for his well-tailored clothes and other controversial designs. He took classic pieces and redesigned their form to look chic and unique. His design philosophy was to make a piece that could go beyond any trend and still be relevant in a hundred years. His character narrative is about the blend of the past and the present as he tries to make his collections more relevant. The skull scarf and armadillo shoes are two of his most well-known creations. The LACMA Museum is currently displaying “Mind, Mythos, Muse,” a collection of imaginative clothing. McQueen’s most controversial runway show was the fall/winter of 1997, which was the theme of the jungle. The animalistic designs included tiger stripes, cowhide material, and horned headpieces.

Jean Paul Gaultier

Jean-Paul Gaultier was a seven-year fashion director at Hermes. He did not only sell clothes but also his fragrance and colognes. His designs are primarily costumes, which are simple and ambient. His design philosophy is for the ateliers to work hard to present the designer’s collections to the world. He believed that having different is beautiful in that representing something opposite to society’s expectations is a significant step that any designer would be willing to take. Even though the new generation has taken them over, his most outstanding designs on the runway are the naked dresses with techno dots. They have been ranked the highest viewed for the designer. He reinvented Haute Couture by using exceptional French savoir-faire to satisfy his obsession with combining different genres, cultures, and materials. His character narrative states that it is the job of the models to bring the designer’s work to the field to help them push forward.

Thierry Mugler

Thierry Mugler is a French fashion designer, creative director, and creative adviser of Mugler Fashion house. He is one of the few people who rose to dominance due to the promotion of haute culture. He was often met with racism, ageism, and critics for incorporating non-traditional models such as drag queens and transgender women. His design philosophy was to make women look beautiful and efficient with essential glamour. He is strong-willed and willing to give any woman a chance to showcase his collections with the basics of making them look gorgeous. Mugler has hosted fashion shows with over 300 exhibitions on display. When attending the Met Gala, he dressed many celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian, which was a significant step in showing his work. Pat Cleveland’s descent from the skies as a sparkling Madonna descended from the skies, pregnant and surrounded by cherubs with golden wings, was the most iconic moment.

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld was a German designer who was represented by his signature white hair, black sunglasses, and shirts with high-detachable collars. He was known as the creative director of the French fashion house Chanel and the Italian fur and leather goods fashion house Fendi. Karl Lagerfeld has a very different design philosophy, believing that ‘less is more and emphasizing objectivity, simplicity, and elegance. He emphasizes the cut and proportion of the garment and occasionally adds details. He was known to be a person who would turn anything into gold, especially after revamping Coco Chanel and making ready-to-wear garments and a huge success. His Fall 1977 collection, one of the most celebrated of the 1970s Soft Look era, featured lace trim, headwear, and thigh-high boots in 1700s styles. His Fall 1979 collection was one of the most influential of the early years of the big-shoulder era, featured millinery reminiscent of Napoleonic bicornes. It also included button-sided spats/leggings that looked somewhat like military accouterments from the same period.

Alessandro Michele

Alessandro Michele is an Italian fashion designer who, in 2015, was appointed the creative director of Gucci. He is responsible for Gucci’s brand image and collections. His design philosophy is that fashion is more than just clothes. It is like a whole universe by itself, where everything is connected to it. This tells that he showcases style not as a dependent component of human lifestyle but as the entire independent world that humans depend on. Michele created replicas of selected models’ heads to carry down the runway as accessories for the Fall/Winter 2018 season. While other models walked down the catwalk holding baby dragons in their arms, the catwalk was transformed into an operating room. Michele worked with the Italian special effects studio Makinarium to make the fiction as accurate as possible. He explained that these post-humans represented how people build identities today and how one can expose, hide, or reshape oneself through social media, fashion, and cosmetic surgery.

Phoebe Philo

Phoebe Philo is a British fashion designer who was the creative director of fashion brands Chloe, Celine, and Louis Vuitton. Her main philosophy was to redesign and revolutionize the industry with her new aesthetic, to define the new modern look of today’s generation. Her character narrative depicts using fashion to express what she is feeling at a particular moment. She was determined to push her dream in style to the highest she could achieve, regardless of taking numerous risks. It was one of the most iconic moments on the runway when she was leaving Celine. It was graced by the presence of her preteen daughter, who was propped against a pole in the center if the runway with two of her friends. Women respond to Philo’s Céline precisely because a woman runs it. Her shows are mostly graced by women models, inspiring the young generation.

Guo Pei is the most well-known designer in China. She is the first Asian designer to be invited to become a guest member of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture. She has been dressing celebrities, eminent women, royalty, and even members of the political elite for more than 20 years. Guo Pei is a dedicated artist who aims to inspire others by showcasing the best in traditional Chinese artistry while blending modern innovation and a Western flair. Her extraordinary creations are available in the Guo Pei: Couture Fantasy exhibition at the legion of honor museum in San Francisco. One of Guo Pei’s creations includes Rihanna’s famous 2015 Met Gala Yellow Empress gown. The breathtaking yellow cape took 50,000 hours of embroidery and two years to create. Two helpers were used to aid Rihanna in climbing the gala steps because the gown weighed fifty pounds. Guo Pei described her motivation as her desire to convey the “beauty of strength” of building through works that showed a conversation between the human body and space dimension.

Miuccia Prada

Miuccia Prada is an Italian fashion designer best known for serving as the Prada fashion house’s chief designer. She is famous for fusing traditional and modern styles through minimalist designs. She serves as co-CEO and head designer for the Prada handbag and clothing empire. Her company demonstrates its influence in the fashion sector. Prada has been creating and marketing exquisitely produced and creative bags, clothing, shoes, and accessories for men, women, and even kids. Miuccia co-owns most of the world’s luxury brands, including; Prada, Miu Miu, Church’s, and the historic Pasticceria Marchesi. She has won many awards, like the Glamour USA’s Women of the Year award, for her part in fashion, art, and culture in 2016.

Prada’s clothing and accessories have been characterized as traditional and unconventional, frumpy yet relaxed, and distinguished by a hazy techno-retro vibe. She once stated that she made ugly garments from terrible material, but they always looked fine. She might have been referring to looks like a Formica check pattern that looked like polyester from the 1970s.

Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood, a British fashion designer, had no intention of becoming a household name in the industry. Her creations were taken from historical texts, modernized, and changed as she thought fit. She was a significant player in the ’90s fashion movement thanks to her rebellious heart. Westwood still inspires fashion today and has successfully laid out her style visions regardless of time and trends. This has contributed to winning the title of British Designer of the Year three years consecutively. She pioneered the punk movement and the androgynous movement with the Fall/Winter 2015–2016 collection and has influenced and changed fashion for over 50 years. Westwood frequently employs heavy materials like wool, tweed, and tartan and enjoys drawing inspiration from earlier times. She even has a tartan MacAndrews’ of her own. Her gowns were distinguished by their extravagant use of fabric. The distinctive aesthetic of Westwood’s collections is characterized by lush drapery, crazy pattern and color combinations, and unexpected style adaptations.

Rei Kawakubo

Rei Kawakubo is a French and Tokyo-based fashion designer from Japan. She is the founder of Dover Street Market and Comme des Garçons (CDG). Rei Kawakubo is one of the most influential and forward-thinking designers today. For about five decades, she has defied tradition to reinvent fashion. She has twisted the shape and function of clothing and reframed perceptions of beauty through her designs. She has therefore offered a new relationship between the body and dress. Rei has had many successes and styled many celebrities who looked stunning. She styled Rihanna for the 2017 Met Gala. However, she does not believe she has completed her final form yet. She once told Elle that she had not achieved anything because every time before a collection, she expresses her desire for it not to be released, but it does. Rei argues that she designs the company and not the clothing.

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IvyPanda. (2023, September 21). Fashion Design and Famous Designers. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-design-and-famous-designers/

"Fashion Design and Famous Designers." IvyPanda , 21 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-design-and-famous-designers/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Fashion Design and Famous Designers'. 21 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Fashion Design and Famous Designers." September 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-design-and-famous-designers/.

1. IvyPanda . "Fashion Design and Famous Designers." September 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-design-and-famous-designers/.


IvyPanda . "Fashion Design and Famous Designers." September 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-design-and-famous-designers/.

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my goal as a fashion designer essay

Designing Your Dream Job: How to Become a Top Fashion Designer

Career prospects and the preparations needed to become a great fashion designer

“Soap and water.” That was the answer famously given by fashion photographer and Oscar-winning costume designer Cecil Beaton , when asked the question ‘what is elegance?’ As someone who had made a big name for himself in the fashion industry, he understood the value of keeping things simple, while also recognising the importance of a certain je nais se quois. Elegance can’t be bought or sold, but by nailing the basics, you give yourself a fighting chance of discovering a winning formula.

In this article, we answer some common questions and walk you through all the steps that lead to a career in fashion. We also go in search of a little stardust – that je nais se quois – that can be a fast track to fame and success. From drawing board to catwalk, we’re with you every step of the way!

What is the appeal of working in fashion?

For anyone with a touch of style and love of clothing, a career as a fashion designer is a dream come true. But you may be wondering: is fashion designing a good career? Well, a fashion designer career can be lucrative and highly rewarding in lots of ways.

Top designers create collections perfectly tailored to their tastes, then travel the world to promote them in glamourous destinations. They can specialise in any number of areas, from clothing and accessories to jewellery and shoes – not to mention the financial rewards, which for the top designers can be astronomical.  

Is it hard to make a career as a fashion designer?

Building a career in fashion designing is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of time, effort and determination. For every Coco Chanel who makes it to the top, there are thousands who do not. First of all, it’s important to remember that fashion is a fast-paced and highly competitive industry; its popularity makes it one of the most in-demand professions out there, so you’ll need a range of skills and capabilities to make it to the top.

Top 5 skills that are essential to the career of a fashion designer :

  • Originality
  • Versatility

So what kind of careers are actually open to budding fashion designers? Once you have some experience and a few qualifications under your belt, you can begin working your way up the ladder to management and leadership positions, gaining more responsibility as you go. You might even be able to start your own business one day. For now, and if you’re just getting started, here’s a number of fashion business careers that might be the perfect fit:

my goal as a fashion designer essay

Fashion designer:

A fashion designer career involves designing various types of clothing, accessories or footwear, including sportswear, casual wear, underwear, handbags, jewellery, maternity clothing, swimsuits, evening wear, costumes and much more besides. Fashion designers employed by others will need to work within the brand identity and style range of their employer.

Graphic designer:

A graphic designer uses a combination of computer software and their hands to create designs for fashion-related businesses. Such businesses might include ads, websites, magazines and brochures. This fashion professional must meet the needs of the client and the employer.

Fashion buyer:

A fashion buyer is in charge of the purchasing of products and services on behalf of their organisation. These products will then be used for production or resold. These fashion professionals must understand, follow and predict fashion trends. They must also work with vendors and negotiators.

What is the process of becoming a fashion designer?

To succeed as a fashion designer, you need to have a broad understanding of a wide range of skills and abilities, along with a tireless work ethic. It requires a combination of passion, creativity, self-motivation and steely determination to go that extra mile and achieve your creative goals. Here are some important first steps on the road to success:

Step 1: Get qualified

To get their foot in the door of this competitive industry, aspiring fashion designers must complete a degree or enrol in a vocational programme. Whether you choose college, online courses or self-study, mastering skills such as sketching, sewing, pattern making and fabric knowledge is essential. All these practical skills, combined with a solid base of theoretical knowledge, will pay off in the long run.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to creativity. An invitation to a collaborative space, such as Jakarta Fashion Hub (JFH) will expose you to the facilities that will allow you to discuss with young designers and specialists, as well as work on your projects.

my goal as a fashion designer essay

Step 2: Get experienced

Start your career as early as possible and get as much work and internship experience as you can. Professional experience gives you a better understanding of the garment manufacturing process, while also giving you the contacts you need to get ahead. Experience is the most effective way to build your portfolio and is the gold standard for all industry professionals. One great way to build up your experience and get your fashion career off the ground is through an internship programme with a company that provides hands-on learning.

Step 3: Networking

If you want to elevate your career in the fashion industry, one of the most important skills to master is networking. It’s virtually impossible to get exposure and grow your brand without it. You must prove yourself to be an important asset and convince potential partners. More often than not, this means starting at the bottom and working your way up.

Reaching out to anybody in the fashion business has never been faster or easier, thanks to the social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn. However, regardless of how strong your online presence is, meeting new people in person is necessary. Attending fashion seminars, workshops, and events are all excellent methods to expand your network.

Be a member of JFH to not only receive updates on forthcoming fashion events, but also gain exposure to members and experts in the fashion sector.

my goal as a fashion designer essay

Step 4: Always stay one step ahead

The fashion industry changes from season to season, so designers must stay on top of the latest trends and always have one eye on the future. You can do this by reading industry journals and magazines on a regular basis, but you should always stay innovative in your approach, develop critical thinking, explore alternatives and know how to communicate and translate your ideas into reality. Be inspired by what’s out there, but don’t be afraid to break the mould and follow your own path.

Remember, fashion careers are about 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Being creative is essential, but it also takes determination, patience, hard work and commitment to build up a career in the fashion industry. You’ll need to be prepared to start from the bottom and work your way up, working long hours and putting in the hard graft of networking. If you’re willing to go the extra mile, a fashion business career can also take you to places you never dreamed of. A world of glamour, wealth and elegance awaits. Just don’t forget to pack your soap and water.

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How to Set and Achieve Your Fashion Career Goals

An employee in a meeting, smiling and looking at someone speaking.

The BoF Careers series, Insider Advice, offers advice from leading fashion professionals, HR leaders and academics, to answer topical careers questions for today’s fashion employees, to help inform and guide you in your career. Check out the latest job opportunities with 2,500+ roles on BoF Careers today .

In the professional context, strategising your career progression can help you define and visualise success in concrete terms, as well as break down how you may achieve it, helping you see success as attainable. Indeed, neuroscience research suggests people who do so are 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to accomplish their goals, as reported by Forbes .

Nevertheless, the process might feel “overwhelming if you don’t break it down, because then you just don’t know where to start,” says Carla Isabel Carstens, former fashion PR executive turned career coach and strategic fashion communications professor at LIM College’s Graduate Studies Department. “Figuring out how am I getting from X to Y [makes it] easier to outline a strategy, understand it and communicate it, because you understand the reason you’re doing that thing and how it’s going to impact you.”

While there exist several frameworks for goal setting, most are similar in essence, dictating the goal setter first identifies their emotional drivers and motivations before creating a detailed, multi-stage roadmap of their next steps, potential obstacles and respective solutions, before finally placing it all on a timeline.


Since fashion is a notoriously competitive industry, emerging talent often does not have the luxury of choice of entry-level roles, and is urged to expand their horizons and seize opportunities that may not perfectly align with their ambitions just to get their foot in the door.

“At the start of your career, it’s more about discovery [of] what’s out there, how can you apply yourself. Sometimes you just fall into [a role] not by design, but by default — an opportunity comes along, or a [part-time] job — and you might get into your work and want more responsibility,” says Tracy Short, executive career consultant and coach, whose clients include Dr Martens, Harrods, Levi’s, Mango and Moncler, among others. “In the early days, it’s more around experience, trying new things, getting involved and understanding how things work.”

Senior executives and managers also benefit from actively encouraging employees to pursue career goals, be it through mentorship or training schemes. More than a kind act, this has a positive knock-on effect in the workplace, as shown by a study conducted by leadership training and employee engagement firm Leadership IQ. The study found that employees with access to formal training, for example, were 57 percent more engaged in their work, and those whose goals aligned with their organisation’s goals were 75 percent more engaged.

At the onset of 2023, BoF Careers sought the advice of seasoned fashion recruiters, career coaches and academic lecturers on how industry talent — junior and senior — can successfully set and achieve their professional goals.

Conduct a Personal Reflection

Perhaps counterintuitively, effective goal-setting does not start by jotting down a list of desired objectives. Rather, it begins by asking yourself why you want to achieve something in the first place.

Accomplishing your goals is not easy, and the process requires commitment and persistence, which is easier to maintain long-term if you outline your drivers and motivations from the get-go. This helps form a stronger emotional bond with the desired outcome, which in turn raises your chances of achieving it.

“Before you set goals and [how to] accomplish them, it’s important that you figure out why you want to achieve those goals, because when they are connected to a purpose or a reason, they become more meaningful, and it makes them easier to accomplish and to figure out what distractions are in your way,” says Carstens.

Short adds that “goal-setting comes from identifying gaps — what you want to do more of and what you want to do less of. Tune into yourself.”

This reflection will also come in handy later on when you are inevitably met with challenges or feelings of frustration. Re-reading a personal statement detailing your starting point and comparing it to where you are now can serve as a dopamine hit that engages your motivational systems anew. To maximise this effect, make sure your reflection uses words that evoke a growth mindset, such as “improve”, “develop”, “over time”, “progress”, “become” and “grow”.

List Your Goals, Obstacles and Solutions

Once you are clear on your “why”, reverse-engineer your ambitions to plan the necessary steps to accomplish them.

Sacha Milazzo Mercier is co-founder and director of G&M — a consultancy specialising in the recruitment and training of fashion talent. A trained clinical psychologist, Mercier has previously worked in the recruitment department at Louis Vuitton and is a guest speaker at London College of Fashion and Istituto Marangoni, among others. He advises fashion talent to start this process by being honest with themselves.

“[Identify] your skills and expertise, and look into what you want [to achieve]. You have to be aware of what you are good at, but also what you are not good at, because if you want to achieve a certain position, you have to understand what gaps you have to fill,” he says. “You also have to be objective with yourself — what are you willing to do? Fashion is a tough industry to enter and grow into, so you have to understand what you are willing to sacrifice.”

If you want to achieve a certain position, you have to understand what gaps you have to fill.

This pragmatic approach will reveal relevant focus points or changes you have to make in the short and long-term, and also help you think of your goals as realistic and attainable, further increasing the likelihood of achieving them. Remain self-aware and develop a strategy that reconciles your current positioning — your free time, skillset and experience — with objective parameters like the current job market and vocational standards.

Document all of this in writing because, according to research from the Dominican University of California, 61 percent of goals that are written down are eventually achieved, and those who write their goals down formulate action commitments and send reports about their weekly progress to their friends, achieving 76 percent of their goals.

Create a Roadmap

Having clearly defined your target and how to achieve it, build a roadmap to guide you.

Mercier believes designing the right path for yourself is done through data collection and conversations with others. He advises that you refer to outstanding professionals and their journeys for inspiration.

“With LinkedIn, you can discover what the people who have [your desired] job do, where they have been studying, what skills and tools they have learnt, what is their expertise,” he says. “In luxury production, for example, it is very important to speak French or Italian because [...] a lot of luxury products are still made in France [and] Italy. Learning a new language might take time.”

Carstens suggests creating a timeline that fits your immediate needs and schedule. “If your goal is to get your first job in fashion, I would recommend breaking [it] down step by step, whether that’s in 30 days or three-month increments [...] Think: what do [you] need to do in order to get a job? [You] need a resume, a cover letter, references — that is a month’s worth of work.”

For more senior professionals, “the first thing [to consider] is what can you achieve at your current company, any leads or ways that you can get a promotion,” says Short. Whether you wish to leave your current company or perhaps freelance, you should look for a “similar type of environment with more chance to grow. [...] Think strategically about how you are going to get somewhere.”

Be Agile and Persistent

As the past three years have illustrated, remaining agile in the face of tumultuous circumstances is the only way to get through them. In career planning, Mercier advises to “be open-minded, flexible and ready to adapt your plan.”

Whether you have only just started your fashion career or you wish to change direction, things might not immediately fall into place. “I compare your career to a ladder. Each role should guide you one step closer to the place you want to be in 10 years. Sometimes, that step might not look like you think it should, but if you are truly strategic about where your final stop is, you don’t have to worry,” says Carstens.

Put the time in to attend an event, gain insights, post it on LinkedIn and reach out. That says something about a potential candidate.

Carstens suggests, for those who did not have the opportunity to intern, to “attend industry events, whether it be virtual or in-person, and listen. [Afterwards,] get on LinkedIn — not Instagram — and write a synopsis of the event and what you learnt from it. Tag the people you would have loved to meet, and then send them that via LinkedIn. [Tell] them how much you appreciated [their insight], and that if there was ever an opportunity to have a 15-minute conversation to talk about X — be specific — that you would really appreciate it.

“That strategy has [helped] multiple of my clients [book] coffee meetings with C-level executives because of the thoughtfulness behind it. They put the time in to attend an event, gain insights, post it on LinkedIn and reach out. That says something about a potential candidate.”

Seek Out External Support

Having a support network by your side through the career planning process is an invaluable, sometimes differentiating, resource. First, it allows for a more objective reflection of yourself and your capabilities at a time when you may feel more judgemental or critical of those things, offering you a more balanced perspective.

Moreover, support from a manager or a mentor could propel your progression at your company and the industry as a whole. Leaders do not always volunteer feedback, but you should seek it out proactively.

“Schedule time with your boss to get feedback or ask them questions. Don’t wait for them to give you that opportunity, because they might not realise that you’re not getting the oversight or mentorship you need. It shows that you care, and at the end of the day, senior-level employees want employees that care,” says Carstens.

Mercier believes managers are best positioned to support employees’ development as the ones who oversee them directly, with the ability to act as a mirror to identify strengths and weaknesses. Still, he advises fashion professionals seek out external mentors to diversify the pool of opinions they receive.

“Our brain works better when we access diversity, when we get rid of stereotypes. [...] Looking outside [the company] gives you access to diversity, opens up your mind and makes you look further and discover new things,” he says.

Editor’s Note: This article was amended on 11 January 2023 to correctly state Carla Isabel Carstens’ professorial position at LIM College.

Disclaimer: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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5 Steps to Achieve Success as a Fashion Designer

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“From the first time I was very young, I had been seeing posters and ads in magazines about the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York. I had only dreamed about being accepted into their design program and once accepted, I never gave another school a thought. To me, they were the “gold standard.” Widely recognized all over the world, I knew it would be a selling feature on my resume.” Diane Mahood, Creative Technical Designer, Sweaters and Knits, White House/Black Market, Ft. Myers, Florida, USA 

Fashion designing is a popular field especially among youth. With the professionalization of how people think about fashion, people are wanting to study and research more about the latest fashion trends. To become a successful fashion designer, an eye for good design and colour is as important as knowing the right cutting and sewing techniques. The Fashion Design Job market is blooming in Paris, Tokyo and Mumbai and most enthusiasts go to these cities to land up good jobs. The above mentioned cities are tier one for fashion designing. Tier two cities include Montreal which is also considered to be the hub of fashion designing. Princess Diana, Rihanna, Serena Williams and Priyanka Chopra have different stylists representing their profession and choices. They have fashion designers who create custom made dresses for them for major events such as met galas and award functions. 

Here are 5 Steps to Achieve Success as a Fashion Designer: 

Step 1: enroll yourself in a good course and college.

While passion for this field is an important attribute towards achieving success, holding a degree helps achieving quick success. Fashion design is more than just glamorous runway shows and celebrity dressing. It requires an in-depth understanding of design construction, form, proportion, technique and knowledge of consumer behavior and operations. Most successful fashion designers did not obtain a formal fashion design education and instead started working on their innovative ideas. However, in the job market, employers look for degrees. By earning a degree, you not only make yourself marketable to hiring managers but also learn the ins and outs of the craft that will prepare you for future jobs as a fashion designer. 

Only a small percentage of fashion designers without a degree are successful in their field. Several well-known fashion designers, in fact, have combined their bachelor's degree in fashion design with a marketing or business degree. The majority of designers, in particular, have aspirations to open their own retail locations or launch their own label. As a result, a fashion designer's degree plays a critical role in his or her success. A professional school may lend legitimacy to your CV in addition to teaching you the craft.

Step 2: Find an internship

Find a fashion internship

Fashion Designing internships are among the most highly desired internships in the world. A college internship is a formal design program that lasts for a set period of time, allowing students to get practical work experience within the industry. It provides on the job training to students to become job ready. At times, it also helps students to figure out their specific field within the fashion industry that they would be interested to work in. An internship program allows students to use their fashion design knowledge from the classroom in real-world format, under the watchful eyes of a design team, learning from and being recognised by the most talented designers in the world. 

When you enter the workforce, internship counts as direct experience in the field which is highly sought out and of extreme importance. HR managers, fashion recruiter and potential employers while devising selection criteria, consider internships as a solid parameter for recruitment. While fashion internship programs vary, most are offered only to undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited college or institute. Students can get credit points for completing internship programs. While most internships are unpaid, some companies offer a stipend depending on their budget and funds. In some universities it is mandatory to complete an internship before graduating. 

In the publishing sector, you can work in the creative departments of advertising agencies, journals, and newspapers, or in the textile industry. Other alternatives include electronic media, cinema, and the theater. Art historians, art dealers, art therapists, and art educators are all possibilities. Few artists, however, have the opportunity to work as full-time painters or sculptors. Fashion Design Job gets easier to figure once you have an internship experience. 

Here is how you can convert your internship into a full time job:

  • Partner with your supervisor 
  • Wow them from the get-go
  • Over Deliver
  • Build your network
  • Take initiative
  • Dont gossip
  • Be enthusiastic 
  • Stay Positive
  • Be willing to do any task
  • Pay close attention to detail
  • Leave a lasting impression

Step 3: Create an Impactful Portfolio

Professionals in the fashion industry need to demonstrate technical acumen, a propensity for creative thinking and a business mindset. Certain important aspects about entering the fashion industry to have a beautiful resume, polished interview skills, positive energy, enthusiasm and an undying energy. There are many decisions that need to be made after finishing your internship and education. They help in determining your design specialty, create marketing materials for the job search and also learn how to approach your dream job. 

It is important to determine the segment of the fashion industry that you would like to target. Job category, product category, work environment, fashion market, type of designer etc. are things that need to be defined as you advance towards a successful career within the industry. 

In order to create a portfolio, it is beneficial to be creative and to be able to make sketches. It is a good idea to take art and craft classes to learn the same. While creating a portfolio, it is important to keep in mind that the portfolio will be eventually presented to your future employer. 

The portfolio also demonstrates your strength and aesthetic sense, as well as your sense of proportion and balance, as well as your appreciation for beauty. To be a great fashion designer, you must have excellent presentation and sales skills in order to persuade your clients to buy your designs. As a result, your portfolio should demonstrate a thorough understanding of communication and teamwork. As a result, the portfolio is critical in supporting fashion designers in obtaining a fashion design job .

  Step 4: Work towards a Strategy

Work towards a Fashion Strategy

What is your design philosophy? Which fashion label or celebrity has inspired you? It is important to ponder upon such questions in order to decide a strategy for your own fashion label. Many fashion brands target sustainable strategies that have helped them increase their client base. For instance - the methodology of Haute Couture. The following popular designs have influenced people in this industry - 

  • Haute Couture - French style including garments made of luxurious fabrics. 
  • Bespoke - British hand crafted men’s clothing.
  • Designer - Ready to wear clothing
  • Bridge - Career wear and dresses indicating bridge classification.  
  • Better - Includes sportswear, dresses etc. 
  • Contemporary - Aimed at women in their twenties and thirties
  • Secondary - Targeting lower priced segment
  • Moderate - Average priced clothing targeting everyday customers
  • Private Label - Expensive
  • Mass - Clothing on a lower end. 
  • Discount - Clothes sold on sale

People often like to specialize in one area and conduct their market research accordingly. One can select from bridal wear, daywear, to even accessories, sports wear or adventure wear. 

Step 5: Conduct Research and Keep working towards your goals

It is extremely important to conduct market research about your specialized area within fashion designing. A good way is to reach out to experts within this profession and seek their advice. If you work in a fashion house, find out in detail about the skill set they look for. If you own a fashion label, research the latest trends within your segment. 

Starting your own business requires patience. No one becomes a successful and famous fashion designer overnight. It takes an immense amount of hard work and dedication to fulfill your goals. One has to be ready to face tough competition and challenges that come their way. In Coco Chanel’s words, ‘Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is something in the air. It's the wind that blows in the new fashion; you feel it coming, you smell it, in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.’  

Celebrities who are presenters at an award show, or receive award nominations are seen wearing designer dresses made especially for that occasion. How are these dresses designed? Why are these styles so unique? What is the trend which is followed? This is where the job of fashion designers comes into place. Fashion design jobs offer opportunities to create such work and go beyond the usual form of styling. The above mentioned steps are techniques that will help fashion designers to achieve quick success and make a mark in the fashion industry, be it working for an organization or starting your own fashion label! Need more help on understanding fashion? Browse Fashinza ! 

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My goal in life essay

My goal in life essay 18 Models

My goal in life essay is one of the important and indispensable essays, and it is asked periodically from students so that they can get to know themselves more. In order to improve their level of expression and description of what they see as the life goals they wish to achieve.

This type of article is required from all educational levels, so we will provide you with several short samples, and long models about my goal in life essay, so that you can understand the topic well.

My goal in life essay

All students have dreams and desires that they strive to achieve. The largest percentage of them may be similar to one of the parents, as parents in many times are the role models for their children. Therefore, we may find that children aspire to achieve some of the goals and achievements that their parents have achieved.

In some other cases, we find some students aspire to achieve their own achievements. And there are students who may have a famous personality to imitate and want to achieve some of the great achievements he has done.

Therefore, we will provide you with a series of different models that include multiple and different cases that are suitable for all students.

My goal in life is to have good health, and practice all the wonderful hobbies that I love before I graduate, work, and start a family and a social life.

I like to practice the hobby of skydiving, diving and traveling to new and wonderful places, and I also like to work in some fun places during summer vacations, such as the beach so that I can work and enjoy and be in places that have a lot of noise and life, getting to know new friends and gaining a lot of experience.

These are the goals I’m planning at this point, they may differ in the future as I could add some serious work, but that’s just what I’m thinking about right now.

There is no doubt that planning is the way to success, we should not let our lives go in a random way. But we must define our goals and know what are the best ways to achieve these goals. Setting goals makes us achieve them in the easiest way and in the shortest time.

My dreams and goals in life essay

My dreams in life are to be a famous football player. I am very fascinated by the Egyptian player, Mohamed Salah, and the Argentine player, Lionel Messi. They have great talent, and they are always keen to develop their skills.

A football player must have high physical skills and physical fitness, because skill and talent are necessary in addition to serious training, and this is what makes a player distinct from another player.

Also, the player’s insistence on improving his level is important to his success and obtaining international awards.

Both Mohamed Salah and Lionel Messi have achieved great success with their clubs, and have won many awards such as the Golden Boot award and the Best Player award and others.

I love to be a famous football player because this game will make me rich and will make me gain people’s love too. There are millions of young people around the world watching the matches of Mohamed Salah or Messi and cheering them on with enthusiasm.

My goals in life as a student essay

My goals at this stage are related to studies. I want to always be in the first place and get the final grades in all subjects because this will give me the opportunity to get a scholarship abroad. This is my goal that I am working hard to achieve.

The opportunity to complete my education abroad is a really good opportunity that every student desires. Therefore, I study my lessons seriously and learn a lot about everything related to my field of study, including research, books and scientific journals.

Also, studying abroad will allow me a better education, as well as obtaining an internationally recognized certificate that I can work with in a prestigious job. Therefore, I do not waste my time on useless things, but focus on my studies in order to achieve my goal.

Certainly, my family has a great advantage, they always encourage me and provide me with everything I need. Also, my teachers have a great credit for my excellence, they help me a lot in my studies.

My goal in life short essay

I have a talent in drawing, since I was a child at the age of seven and I draw cartoon characters skillfully. All my family encourage me and say “You are talented at drawing”.

My teachers praise my paintings and decorate the classroom with them, and my colleagues are surprised when they see my drawings.

I draw in my spare time because drawing is my favorite hobby, but the rest of the time is devoted to studying because I want to excel in my studies as well.

My goal in life is to be a cartoonist or creator of new cartoon characters. Therefore, I am interested in my studies in order to join a prestigious university. My goal is to join the College of Fine Arts, because talent needs academic study in order to grow and develop.

I also go to many exhibitions and museums that include works of art such as paintings or photography because they are very useful for me as I gain new experiences.

Examples of goals in life of a student essay

There is no doubt that having a role model in our lives facilitates many things related to our future. My role model is my father, he is a petroleum engineer and works in one of the international companies. This job is very prestigious and provides him with a great salary. Therefore, in the future, I want to be a petroleum engineer like my father.

This function has many advantages as well as some disadvantages. One of its most important features is the high salary that the engineer receives, and this salary can provide him and his family a life in which there is a large amount of luxury. The most important disadvantage of this job is working in remote places and being away from home for a long time.

But I like to work in this job so that I can buy a beautiful house and a modern car and be able to travel on holidays to different tourist places. My goal at this stage is to study at the College of Engineering, Petroleum Department.

My goals in life paragraph

My goal in life is to be a person of high social standing and to be loved by others. Therefore, I would like to be a doctor in the future, because the doctor’s profession is a great humanitarian profession, through which he helps people and ensures himself a prestigious position and good financial income.

Although there are great risks in the doctor’s profession, as he deals with patients directly and closely, which may expose him to infection and serious diseases, this profession is highly humane because the doctor sacrifices himself in order to save others.

I love to work in this profession, so I work hard in my studies until I study in the Faculty of Medicine. Studying at the Faculty of Medicine is interesting and useful, and studying medicine requires continuous learning and being acquainted with everything new in the medical field, so that the doctor can provide the best medical service to his patients.

My personal goal in life essay

My personal goal in life is to be a fashion designer, this profession requires innovation, and this is what distinguishes me, as I design some clothes for myself or for my relatives.

In fact, all the outfits I designed were so impressive that they said they wouldn’t buy any clothes and I would be their designer.

Fashion design is a fine art and requires a sophisticated taste and information about fashion and the latest designs designed by international fashion houses, with self-reliance and not imitating others.

The fashion designer must also be familiar with the types of fabrics and be able to employ the fabric in an attractive way.

Fashion design needs to be familiar with fashion in terms of the prevailing colors at the time, whether the fabrics are suitable for the temperatures and many other details. Therefore, I am training in a fashion house and I hope to be a famous fashion designer in the future.

My ultimate goal in life essay

Undoubtedly, each of us has a goal that he is trying hard to achieve, and my goal is to be a police officer, because I believe that the job of a police officer is important for the stability and progress of society.

One of the duties of a police officer is to bring security to his community, allowing people to live in peace. Without security, people will not be able to go to work, and there will be no production.

Likewise, the peasants will not be able to cultivate their fields, and thus there will be no crops, vegetables, or fruits, and merchants will not be secure in their trade, and consequently, shops, stores, and others will be closed.

Thus, we see the importance of the police officer’s work, as he maintains the security and safety of the community, and thus everyone can work seriously to increase production and advance the country. Therefore, my goal in life is to be a distinguished police officer.

My goal in life essay for class 6

My goal in life is to be a teacher, thanks to my teacher because she is my role model. She is an excellent teacher who can explain our lessons to us in a simplified manner, in addition to that she treats us well, she listens to our problems and helps us solve them.

My teacher not only teaches me my school lessons, but also teaches me good manners, because all her behavior is good. She always advises us to be superior and to be characterized by good qualities.

I love and respect my teacher, she is just like my mother who is afraid of me and advises me and helps me understand my lessons.

The profession of a teacher is great, as she not only teaches, but also educates and instills in her students noble values. She also helps us in forming our personality and self-reliance. The teacher prepares the future generation.

Essay about goals and dreams in life

I dream of being a successful businessman in the future. Businessmen participate in the country’s development and progress, and provide many job opportunities for young people. My father is my role model in this field.

My father is a successful man, he did not depend on anyone, but he started his working life young until he became a famous businessman. It was a difficult path, but thanks to his determination, he was able to overcome all the problems he encountered.

Therefore, I consider myself more fortunate than my father, as he has a lot of experiences that I can learn from him, and my father paved the way for me, but I want to achieve better than what is expected of me.

Therefore, I’ll  study business administration because this will gain me a lot of information and experience. I am also training in one of the companies owned by my father, as this will give me practical experience.

My goals in life as a student – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a student living in the United States are to pursue a career in technology and use my skills to help my family and community.

I believe that technology is the future, and I want to be a part of it. I am passionate about using technology to solve problems and make the world a better place.

I grew up in a family that was not always able to afford the latest technology. However, my parents always encouraged me to learn about technology and how to use it. I am grateful for their support, as it has helped me to develop a strong foundation in technology.

I am now a student at a top university in the United States. I am majoring in computer science, and I am planning to pursue a career in software engineering. I want to use my skills to create innovative products and services that will make a positive impact on the world.

I also want to use my skills to help my family and community. I see how technology can be used to improve people’s lives, and I want to be a part of that. For example, I could use my skills to develop educational apps for children in developing countries, or I could create websites that provide information and resources to people in need.

I am excited about the future, and I am confident that I can achieve my goals. I am committed to using my skills to make a difference in the world.

My goal in life – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a student living in the United States are to become a creative and innovative teacher who loves children.

I have always been passionate about education. I love learning new things, and I believe that everyone has the potential to learn and grow. I am also passionate about children. I love their energy and enthusiasm, and I believe that they are the future.

I grew up in a family that valued education. My parents always encouraged me to learn and to ask questions. They also taught me the importance of helping others. I am grateful for their support, as it has helped me to develop a strong foundation in education and in service to others.

I am currently a student at a top university in the United States. I am majoring in education, and I am planning to pursue a career as a teacher. I want to use my skills to help children learn and grow. I also want to create a classroom that is fun and engaging, where children feel comfortable to take risks and to explore their own potential.

My goal is – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a middle school student living in the United States are to become a creative and innovative teacher who loves children and changes the lives of many children.

I believe that I can make a real difference in the lives of children. I am committed to using my skills to help children learn and grow, and to create a better future for them.

My goal in life is to be successful – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a student living in the United States are to achieve success, become a famous figure that others will read about one day, and be a role model and pride for my family.

I have always been ambitious and driven to succeed. I believe that I have the potential to achieve great things, and I am committed to working hard to achieve my goals.

I am also passionate about making a difference in the world. I believe that everyone has the potential to make a positive impact, and I want to use my skills and talents to make the world a better place.

I know that achieving success will not be easy. It will require hard work, dedication, and perseverance. However, I am confident that I can achieve my goals if I set my mind to it.

Here are some specific examples of how I plan to achieve my goals:

I will focus on my studies and work hard to get good grades.

I will participate in extracurricular activities and clubs to develop my skills and talents.

I will network with other people who can help me achieve my goals.

I believe that if I work hard and never give up on my dreams, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I am excited to see what the future holds for me, and I am confident that I will make my family proud.

My goals in life as a student – Model for South African students

As a student in secondary school living in South Africa, my goal in life is to achieve success in playing football and try to become a professional player in one of the English clubs. I also want to be a source of pride for my family.

I have been playing football since I was a child. I love the sport and I am passionate about it. I believe that I have the talent and the determination to achieve my goals.

I am currently training hard and I am working on improving my skills. I am also learning about the English Premier League and the clubs that I would like to play for.

I know that it will be difficult to achieve my goals, but I am determined to work hard and never give up. I believe that if I put in the effort, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

I am also committed to being a good role model for my family and friends. I want to show them that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

I am confident that I can achieve my goals and I am excited to see what the future holds.

My goals in life – Model for South African students

As a student in secondary school living in South Africa, my goal in life is to become a distinguished tour guide and establish my own company, attracting many tourists to see the beautiful side of Africa.

I have always been fascinated by history and culture, and I love sharing my knowledge with others. I believe that South Africa is a beautiful and diverse country with a rich history and culture, and I want to share it with the world.

I am currently studying hard and I am working on improving my knowledge of South African history and culture. I am also learning about the tourism industry and how to run a successful tour company.

My goal in life is to be successful – Model for South African students

I am a middle school student living in South Africa. I come from a large family with many siblings. I want to be a role model for them and achieve success in my country that makes all of my people proud.

I am currently thinking about developing technology that is tailored to South Africa. I believe that I can add something special to the future of my country.

My short-term goals:

To excel in my studies and get into a good university.

To learn more about technology and how it can be used to solve problems.

To get involved in community service and make a difference in the lives of others.

My long-term goals:

To start my own business that uses technology to help people in South Africa.

To become a leader in my community and inspire others to achieve their dreams.

I know that I have a lot of work to do to achieve my goals, but I am determined to make them a reality. I am excited to see what the future holds for me and my country.

What I Want to Achieve in Life Essay – Model for South African Students

I am a university student living in South Africa. I come from a large family with many siblings. I want to be a role model for them and achieve success in my sport that makes all of my people proud.

I am currently training hard to be a top long-distance runner. I believe that I have the potential to be a world champion.

To win the national long-distance running championship.

To be selected for the South African national team.

To compete in the World Championships.

To win an Olympic medal.

To be inducted into the South African Sports Hall of Fame.

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