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Essay on Life without Electricity

4 Best Essays on Life without Electricity-2024

This essay talks about the Electricity and its importance in our daily life, an experience a day passed without electricity. This essay is written in simple English and in easy words for children and students.

Essay on Life Without Electricity For Students

Electricity is the blessing that we cannot imagine our life without. It has become such an integral part of our lives that it is hard to think of a day passing by without electricity. Even though we take it for granted, we cannot deny the importance of electricity in our daily lives.

Life without Electricity:

It is hard to imagine life without electricity. It has become such an integral part of our lives that it is difficult to remember what life was like before its invention. Electricity has brought comfort, convenience and safety into our homes and workplaces.

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For many of us, it is hard to imagine living without electricity. We rely on it for so many things in our daily lives, from powering our homes and businesses to keeping us connected with the outside world.

Without electricity, we would be living in a very different world. There would be no lights, no computers, no refrigeration and no televisions. We would have to cook our food over open fires and travel by horse and buggy.

Blessings of Electricity in our daily Life

Electricity has changed the way we live, work and play. It has brought comfort, convenience and safety into our homes and workplaces.

Electricity has made our lives easier in many ways. For instance, it powers our lights so that we can see at night. It also runs our appliances, such as our refrigerators and air conditioners. Electricity also helps us stay connected with the outside world through our phones and computers. Electricity has also made our workplaces more efficient. With the help of electricity, we can now run machines that help us do our work faster and easier.

Electricity is also responsible for keeping us safe. It powers our smoke detectors and security systems. It also helps us see at night so that we can avoid accidents. Electricity is truly one of the greatest inventions of all time. It has made our lives easier, more efficient and safer. We cannot imagine living without it.

Short Essay on Life Without Electricity:

Life without electricity is unimaginable in today’s modern world. Almost everything we use and need in our daily lives requires access to electricity, from communication devices such as smartphones and computers to household appliances like refrigerators and washing machines.

Without electricity, these devices would be rendered useless, making life extremely difficult. In this essay, we will explore what life would be like without electricity and the impact it would have on our daily routines.

Firstly, one of the most apparent changes in our lives without electricity would be the lack of artificial light.

Before the invention of electricity, people relied on sunlight during daylight hours to complete their tasks. At night, they used candles or oil lamps for light sources. However, these were not as bright and efficient as electric lights. Without electricity, our days would become shorter as we would have to adjust our activities according to sunrise and sunset.

Moreover, reading and studying at night would become a challenge, leading to a decline in education and productivity.

Secondly, life without electricity would also mean the absence of electronic devices. Our dependence on technology has increased tremendously in recent years, and our lives have become much more convenient because of it.

We use laptops to work from home, watch TV for entertainment, and rely on the internet for communication. Without electricity, these devices would become useless piles of metal and plastic.

This would not only affect our personal lives but also have a significant impact on businesses that heavily rely on technology. In today’s digital age, it is almost impossible to imagine life without electricity and electronic devices.

Furthermore, without electricity, access to clean water would also be a challenge. Most of our water supply systems are powered by electric pumps, which distribute clean water from treatment plants to our homes. Without electricity, these pumps would not function, and the only source of water would be natural bodies like lakes and rivers.

This could lead to an increase in water-related diseases and make basic hygiene practices difficult to maintain. Additionally, without electricity, modern plumbing systems would not work, making it challenging to dispose of waste and maintain proper sanitation.

In conclusion, life without electricity would drastically alter our daily routines. Our lives have become so intertwined with this essential resource that it is almost impossible to imagine a world without it.

The absence of artificial light, electronic devices, and access to clean water are just some of the challenges we would face in a world without electricity.

What Would be Life without Electricity:

Electricity has become an integral part of our daily lives. From powering our homes, to running advanced technologies and industries, we heavily rely on electricity for almost everything. But have you ever wondered what life would be like without this modern convenience? Let’s explore what life could be like without electricity.

The Impact of No Electricity on our Daily Lives

Without electricity, our daily routines would drastically change. We wouldn’t have the luxury of turning on a light with just a flick of a switch or using electronic devices to communicate and access information.

Instead, we would have to rely on natural sources of light, such as candles or oil lamps, and traditional forms of communication like letters and telegrams. This would greatly slow down our productivity and make it difficult to stay connected with others.

The Effects on Healthcare

Electricity plays a crucial role in modern healthcare systems. Without electricity, medical equipment such as MRI machines, X-rays, and life-saving devices like ventilators and defibrillators would not function. This could lead to dire consequences for patients who rely on these technologies for treatment or monitoring of their health conditions.

Additionally, without electricity, the refrigeration of medicines and vaccines would also be impossible, making it difficult to store and distribute them. This could lead to widespread outbreaks of preventable diseases.

The Impact on Transportation and Infrastructure

Electricity is also a major source of power for transportation, including trains, subways, and electric cars. Without it, our modes of transport would be limited to human and animal-powered methods such as walking or horse-drawn carriages.

This would greatly slow down travel and make it difficult to transport goods and resources. Furthermore, without electricity to power water treatment plants, sewage systems, and other critical infrastructure, public health would be at risk due to the lack of clean water and proper sanitation.

The Effects on the Economy

The absence of electricity would have a profound impact on the economy, as most industries and businesses rely heavily on it to function. Without electricity, factories and manufacturing plants would be unable to operate, leading to massive job losses and a decline in production.

This could also affect the supply chain, making it difficult for goods to reach markets and consumers. In addition, without electricity to power electronic banking systems, financial transactions would become nearly impossible, significantly impacting global trade and commerce.

In conclusion, life without electricity would be drastically different from the modern world we know. Our daily routines, healthcare systems, transportation and infrastructure, and economy would all be greatly impacted by its absence.

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This highlights the importance of investing in sustainable and reliable sources of electricity to ensure the continued progress and development of our society. Electricity truly is an essential part of our lives that we often take for granted, but imagining a world without it can make us appreciate its value even more.

Q1: How is life without electricity?

A1: Life without electricity can be challenging, as it means no modern conveniences like lighting, appliances, and electronic devices.

Q2: What would be life without electricity essay?

A2: An essay on life without electricity would discuss the difficulties and changes in daily life, from lack of lighting to the impact on industries and technology.

Q3: How is electricity very important in our life?

A3: Electricity is vital in modern life because it powers our homes, industries, technology, and facilitates various aspects of daily living, from cooking to communication and healthcare.

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Life Without Electricity

Life without electricity

It is not all that long ago when we began using so many electrical appliances in everyday life. Japan’s first “pulsator-type” washing machine, a prototype of current models, reached the market in 1953. Its popularity exploded as it was a convenient product that considerably reduced household work loads. Full-scale television broadcasting also started in 1953. This year set a precedent for the expanding use of various home appliances; so much so that it was later referred to as “year one of electrification”.

Among these new appliances, the washing machine, refrigerator and black-and-white television set were called the “three sacred treasures” (referring to the Imperial regalia of Japan, the sword, mirror and jewel) that everyone longed for at that time. With incomes increasing as a result of rapid economic growth, consumer demand for these home appliances skyrocketed. By 1973 most households had purchased these 3 appliances.

Japan’s electricity use steadily increased starting around this time. Even after the “oil shock” of 1973, electricity use increased about 2.5 fold during the 35 years to 2008. The most substantial increases occurred in the consumer/household and transportation sectors. The increase in household use was partly due to changes in social structure, such as an increasing number of households, and also by changes in private lifestyles demanding more and more convenience and comfort. This was a time of “individual electrification” when each individual, rather than each household, came to own a set of electrical appliances.

Establishment of the Atelier Non-Electric

Despite these social trends, Yasuyuki Fujimura, a doctor of engineering and an inventor, has been advocating a “non-electric” lifestyle that intentionally avoids the use of electricity. The phrase “non-electric” may sound a little unfamiliar, but it is different from “anti-electrification” that condemns electricity on principle. The phrase is meant to communicate the idea that it should be possible to live happily and richly while enjoying a moderate level of comfort and convenience without depending on electricity.

Fujimura has a Ph.D. in physics and originally got a job at a major equipment manufacturer. He was an elite engineer involved in the development of advanced technologies including plasma processing machines, cogeneration systems and gas heat pumps. His turning point was when his newborn son was diagnosed with allergic asthma. As he found out, at that time, in the 1980s, there was a surprising increase in the number of children with allergies. As he continued his research, he learned about environmental problems. He realized that the environment was deteriorating and harming the health of children as one of the down sides of rapid economic growth fuelled by the vigorous promotion of scientific and technological advancement and the pursuit of more and more convenience and comfort.

To create a new lifestyle, Fujimura started to work on the theme of “non-electric” in 2000. In 2003, he established the Atelier Non-Electric and continues to develop many non-electric products.

Atelier Non-Electric is currently located at the foot of the Nasu Highlands, one of Japan’s major resort areas in northern Tochigi Prefecture. Transportation is convenient — Nasu is about 150 kilometers north of Tokyo and can be reached in 90 minutes by the Tohoku Bullet Train.

[quote quote=”There are many interesting home appliances that can be operated without electric power. One example is a non-electric refrigerator. It uses a phenomenon called radiational cooling together with the natural convection currents of water.” ]

The approximately 1-hectare site is a kind of exhibition space that presents a “totally non-electric life.” A non-electric house utilizes chaff, whose heat insulation performance is as good as glass wool, to the maximum. A non-electric composting toilet uses the power of microorganisms, which can decompose human waste into manure without an electric pump. The non-electric bath house uses a variety of energies such as solar power, firewood, or even garbage. These non-electric facilities are located around a pond.

Refrigerator that cools without electricity

There are many interesting home appliances that can be operated without electric power in the atelier where various trial products are made, as well as in the main house. One example is a non-electric refrigerator. How can it refrigerate food without electric power? It uses a phenomenon called radiational cooling together with the natural convection currents of water.

Radiational cooling occurs when infrared radiation is emitted from an object’s surface, causing its temperature to decrease. On a clear night, infrared rays are emitted from the ground into the atmosphere, cooling the air down. This is why the night is extremely cold in the desert. Most people have experienced water’s natural convection currents when warm water rises while cold water sinks and pools at the lowest level.

The cooling unit of the refrigerator (capacity 200 litres) is made of metal that has high thermal conductivity. A large volume of water (about 250 litres) is stored around this unit as a coolant. Radiator panels are placed on top so that the inner surface of the panel touches the coolant water. The heat of things stored in the cooling unit is conveyed to the surrounding water by the metal, and the heat goes up by natural convection. Thus it is conveyed to the radiator panel, and emitted through radiational cooling.

[quote quote=”A non-electric composting toilet uses the power of microorganisms, which can decompose human waste into manure without an electric pump.” type=”text” ]

The system is most efficient on a clear night when there is less water vapor in the air. One clear night (and sometimes even one cloudy night) every three days can keep the temperature inside the refrigerator at around 7 to 8 degrees Celsius even on a mid-summer day. This innovative refrigerator belies our present-day common sense assumption that things cannot be refrigerated without electricity.

Some values take precedence over comfort, convenience and speed

Another popular Atelier product is a handy non-electric coffee roaster. The roaster is made of aluminium and shaped like a saucepan with a handle. Raw green coffee beans are put into the pan and roasted on a gas stove for three to five minutes by shaking the pan right and left. The beans are roasted evenly and as lightly or deeply as the consumer prefers.

The process of roasting raw coffee beans, cooling them down, grinding them in a coffee mill and pouring fresh brewed coffee into a cup takes about 25 minutes. Not many people want to take such a lot of time to make a cup of coffee in today’s society, which requires speed everywhere and at all times. Fujimura did not actually expect much when he started to market the roaster.

This product, however, has sold some 8,500 units so far since it hit the market six years ago, even though it has not been widely advertised, except on the website of Atelier Non-Electric.

“I think it means there are more people enjoying the process,” Fujimura says. “So far in Japan, people have sought comfort, convenience, and speed. But we can’t always find happiness that way. I think the popularity of the roaster shows that some people have started thinking that speed is not always the best answer.”

What kind of technology does not hamper sustainability?

Although it is a very simple tool, it took six months to develop the roaster. Coffee beans need to be roasted evenly. The material used needs good thermal conductivity so that it will not take too long to roast beans. Also, the shape had to be designed so that the raw coffee beans roll around easily in the container. Furthermore, the sound of the rolling beans needs to be pretty and pleasant. “To make a good non-electric roaster, I needed to use my ingenuity. Thus it took me half a year,” Fujimura laughs.

[quote quote=”Actually, it takes more time to develop low-tech than it does to develop high-tech although we tend to think of advanced scientific technology when we say ‘technology,’ while we take low-tech lightly.” author=”Dr. Fujimura, conceptor of Atelier Non-Electric” type=”text” ]

“Actually, it takes more time to develop low-tech than it does to develop high-tech although we tend to think of advanced scientific technology when we say ‘technology,’ while we take low-tech lightly,” says Fujimura. On this misplaced assumption, we tend to desire the products of excessively advanced science and technology that promote convenience and comfort, and thus we have placed a huge burden on the environment, leading to the energy crisis and other critical situations.

On the other hand, Fujimura does not deny technology itself. His problem is with technology that hampers sustainability. He sometimes holds workshops on making non-electric refrigerators that are geared to non-scientific mothers with small children. These non-electric fridges are so simple that such mothers can easily set them up. We can fix what we make ourselves when it is broken. As science and technology advance, we need to take back technologies that anybody can build, use and repair. Fujimura thinks that is one of the keys to stopping runaway science and technology.

Rethinking affluence

The non-electric way of life that Fujimura suggests is not just a lifestyle without electricity. It also incorporates his philosophy on leading a happy and affluent life using appropriate technology without depending on energy and money.

Fujimura’s dream is to make the Non-Electric Atelier a theme park that showcases the many options we have for fun, affluence, and happiness, particularly in the area of housing. He wants to show that non-electric houses — even when they are built by non-professionals — are lovely yet strong, good for the health while consuming little or no energy, and furthermore can be built practically for free. He would like to make the atelier a kind of housing exhibit, and believes it will encourage people in the younger generation who feel they can’t afford to own a home.

Awareness of the energy crisis is growing worldwide and in Japan, where many people are re-thinking their energy supply after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In this context, on non-electric technology is becoming increasingly important.

This article appears courtesy of Japan for Sustainability .

Kazuko Kojima

Kazuko Kojima is coordinator of “Miracle Miracle” project at Japan for Sustainability (JFS). After working for a publishing company as an editor of books on cross-cultural understanding, and for the Global Environment Information Centre to promote collaboration among businesses, governments and NGOs, she joined JFS in 2006 to launch the Daiwa-JFS Sustainability College, a four year program of monthly lectures for university students on sustainability issues. In 2010 she attended the launching of “Miracle Miracle — A Place for Global Kids to Create the Future” (, a bilingual online community website to connect children around the world and is currently involved as project coordinator.

Life Without Electricity Essay in Short Words

 life without electricity.

Life Without Electricity: We cannot imagine our lives without electricity. All our functions and comforts are entirely dependent on electricity. To think of a life without electricity is almost impossible Today. We find ourselves completely helpless in a situation where there is no electricity. The Importance of this necessity of having electricity is generally felt in its absence.

Why electricity is important in our daily life?

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In case of no electricity, it would just give the feel of earlier times when people were leading their lives without electricity. Without electricity, life would be very different from what it is now.

Firstly, it will affect our normal household chores and functioning. It will be dark at night so we will have to use earthen lamps, lantern or candle-light instead of electric bulbs and tubes as it is now.

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Without electricity, it would have been difficult to keep our house cool in hot summers by fans, coolers, air-conditioners, and warm in cold winters by room heaters. The use of refrigerators, electric irons, toasters, televisions, etc. would not have been there.

Kitchen appliances such as microwaves, grinders, and mixtures would not have found a place in the kitchen as they do today. In other words, cooking would have been quite difficult.

Life Without Electricity : Essay on Life Without Electricity

Without electricity, there would have been very few sources of entertainment. Television, home theaters, cinemas, etc., would have been rendered useless. Similarly, there would have been very few sources of telecommunications Cell phones , fax, emails would not have existed at all.

Ghostwriter have made advancements simply because of electricity Had there been no electricity, the technology would not have been able to take a single step Civilization would not have been so much developed without the invention of electricity .

There would not have been so many inventions be a field of health and treatment of diseases. The medical field would not have been so rich in case there was no electricity. We would not have the facilities of x-ray, heart-surgery an electric treatment and other benefits partner Ghostwriter Agentur .

Our transportation system is also based on to a great extent. In case of electricity, we would not have enjoyed the fast journey by electric trains. Traveling by airplanes would have been just a dream. Streets would have been dark and gloomy without street lights.

Our industries are in existence only due to electricity. It was one of the prime reasons that led to industrialization. Mills, factories would have been manufacturing limited things for our use if there was no electricity. There would not have been as much variety of things as we have today. Machine-made clothes would not have been seen in shops . The markets of fashion would have been without any hustle and bustle in absence of fascinating items and Ghostwriter Schweiz .

It is needless to say that today we are so dependent on electricity that we cannot live without electricity. Right from the time, we get up and till the time we sleep and even after that, we are using electricity nonstop. Our life comes to halt in case of power failure.

Everything in this world is functioning through electricity. Without electricity, the airplanes, trains, mills, factories, etc. comes to halt.

In our country, we still find few villages where electricity has not reached yet, but people there are still living their lives comfortably. They have found out their own way. However, places, where people are used to electricity partenr Ghostwriter Schweiz , cannot be imagined without it.

Electricity is a resource that comes with a cost. It is generated through water and wind. We should value it as a resource that has to be used carefully and wisely.

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If There Is No Electricity (Essay Sample)

If there is no electricity.

It is not so long ago that we started using electrical appliances, with the evolution of technology, modern life has become easier for everyone depends on electricity. It is impossible to think of living without electricity. Despite surviving hundreds of years without electricity, people depend on electricity to complete daily routine tasks, everyday life revolves around it. It is not surprising that whenever the power goes off even for an hour we feel frustrated and curse the system, but have you ever imagined how life would be without electricity. Everything will come out a stand still.  Life will be dull, dark, boring and we will be more like living in the Stone Age.

People have become addicted to life with electricity because it provides comfort. When power fails it is only then that we realize how important electricity. It is beyond human thought to dream of life without electricity.   In this case, things would be different from what life is today.  Our homes will not be bright and well lit with electric bulbs the only lights will be from lamps and lanterns or candles.  Luxurious items like air conditioners, refrigerators, water heaters, televisions, and other kitchenware would not be exciting if electricity was not invented.   Most of the modern kitchens are equipped with electrical appliances that can only work with electricity. Not having electricity means cooking will take longer and will be a tiresome process for many.

Electricity provides us with all the comfort of life that is why we become helpless whenever power fails or if the supply is interrupted even for few hours.  Not having electricity means living a different life, which cannot be described, most of the items used to make work easier would not be invented if there was no electricity. Hospitals would not be providing adequate services like x-rays, surgeries or treatment that require electricity. People will have to bear with the heat and the cold when weather patterns change. Factories, offices will not have the glamour we see today if there were no electricity. People will be forced to work under harsh weather conditions.

Without electricity, we would not be able to watch our favorite TV channels or play video games, entertainment would mean something else because there would be no cinemas or modern entertainment spots, there would be fewer resources of entertainment. Without electricity, all we would do is sing or simply entrusting ourselves.   Communication would be limited because computers and mobile phones would not operate because they are powered by electricity.

Communication will take time and everything will be slow. Many scientific inventions cannot be utilized due to lack of electricity; therefore, adopting new technology will be slow. Not having electricity would be the end of normality because nothing will be done automatically, everything will operate manually, and hence we would witness long queues in banks, local stores and other purchasing points. There would be no lifts making life unbearable for many. There is no doubt that electricity has become part of our lives today since we all depend on it because of its numerous benefits, if taken away from us life will be extremely difficult.

It is not surprising that a typical home is connected to power supplies and other power-aided equipment to make life easier. Services like telephones and alarms are among the essential features we need in our homes. Not having these essential equipment means changing your lifestyle and going back to old dark days.  We should not take electricity for granted because it forms part of our basic need; it is not an exaggeration to say that where there is light, there will be life.

life without electricity narrative essay

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Short Essay on Life Without Technology [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF 

In today’s session, you will learn to write short essays on the topic of Life Without Technology. There will be three sets of essays covering different word limits. 

Feature image of Short Essay on Life Without Technology

Short Essay on Life Without Technology in 100 Words 

Today, technology has become an important part of our daily lives. Mobile phones, tablets and computers have made connecting with people around the world an easy task. We can send and receive pictures, videos and documents over the internet. Technologically advanced machines like automatic washing machines, dishwashers, cleaning robots, smart televisions and various smart appliances have made life very comfortable for people.

However, these appliances have also made people lazy. People today have lost the connection with nature, with real people, with their friends and families. They hardly need to do their day-to-day work by themselves and have become physically unfit. Life without technology seems impossible today, but one must make sure to strike a balance between depending on technology and doing their work themselves. 

Short Essay on Life Without Technology in 200 Words 

There is no doubt that technology has made life easier for people. A hundred years ago, people wouldn’t have imagined that today, we will have so many gadgets to help us with our daily life. 

Today, mobile phones, tablets and computers have made connecting with people around the world an easy task. We can send and receive pictures, videos and documents over the internet. Technologically advanced machines like automatic washing machines, dishwashers, cleaning robots, smart televisions and various smart appliances have made life very comfortable for people. Even students are now dependent on online platforms to learn and understand their subjects better. If we want to travel, we do not use physical maps anymore but depend on GPS. 

However, these appliances and applications have also made people lazy. People today have lost the connection with nature, with real people, with their friends and families. They hardly need to do their day-to-day work by themselves and have become physically unfit. If someone loses their mobile phone, it feels as if they have lost an organ. Life without technology seems impossible today, but one must make sure to strike a balance between depending on technology and doing their work themselves. Only then, technology will prove to be a boon and not a bane for us. 

Short Essay on Life Without Technology in 400 Words

Today, technology has changed the way we conduct our lives and it is hard to imagine getting through the day without help from one or the other type of gadget. 

Today, mobile phones, tablets and computers have made connecting with people around the world an easy task. We can send and receive pictures, videos and documents over the internet. Technologically advanced machines like automatic washing machines, dishwashers, cleaning robots, smart televisions and various smart appliances have made life very comfortable for people.

Even students are now dependent on online platforms to learn and understand their subjects better. For their research and assignments, they need the help of the internet. If we want to travel, we do not use physical maps anymore but depend on GPS. One needs so many gadgets in the office like desktops, printers, xerox machines, fax machines, et cetera. Even in the kitchen, one needs mixer-grinders, food processors, microwave ovens and refrigerators. If we want to go somewhere and need to book train, bus or flight tickets for the same, we still use the internet. 

However, these gadgets, appliances and applications have also made people lazy. People today have lost the connection with nature, with real people, with their friends and families. They are always glued to their phone screens, happy in their virtual world and dislike going out. They hardly need to do their day-to-day work by themselves and have become physically unfit. If one wants some information, instead of thoroughly reading about it and understanding the topic completely, they can just search on the internet and get a short, concise answer.

All this has slowed down our brains and made us lose our creativity. Our lives have become entirely dependent on technology and gadgets. One cannot survive without mobile phones today. Be it an office employee or a school student, everyone needs a phone to stay connected with their family, friends, work and school. If someone loses their mobile phone, it feels as if they have lost an organ. 

A hundred years ago, people wouldn’t have imagined that today, we will have so many gadgets to help us with our daily life. Life without technology seems impossible today, but one must make sure to strike a balance between depending on technology and doing their work themselves. Only when things are well-balanced, technology will prove to be a boon and not a bane for us. Otherwise, it wouldn’t take long for us to lose ourselves in gadgets and the virtual world and destroy our health and peace of mind. 

In today’s session, I have written these sample essays with a very simplistic approach for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this topic, kindly, keep me informed through some quick comments. I’ll try to answer all your queries to the best of my ability. To read more such essays on various other important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Thank you for being with us. Have a great day.

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Guest Essay

We Can Get the Electricity We Need Without Frying the Planet (or Our Pocketbooks)

life without electricity narrative essay

By Jonathan Mingle

Mr. Mingle is an independent journalist and the author of “Gaslight: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Fight for America’s Energy Future.”

Electric utilities from Georgia to Wisconsin to Virginia are predicting a dizzying surge in power demand from new industrial facilities, electric vehicles and, most of all, the data centers that store our digital photos and will enable large-language models for artificial intelligence. For months now, they have been signaling that they won’t be able to keep up.

To keep the lights on, many utility companies are proposing to build dozens of new power plants that burn natural gas. North Carolina-based Duke Energy alone wants to add 8.9 gigawatts of new gas-fired capacity — more than the entire country added in 2023. Using their own projections of soaring energy demands as justification, these companies are also pushing back on the climate targets set by their states and the Biden administration.

If state regulators sign off on these plans, they will be gambling with our country’s future. We need to electrify everything from cars to appliances to slow climate change, but we won’t be able to reach our climate goals if we power all of those machines with dirty energy.

There is a better way. But to get there, legislators will need to overhaul the incentives driving utilities to double down on natural gas, so that they can turn a profit without cooking the planet.

Companies like Duke, Dominion Energy and Georgia Power argue that they need more gas-fired plants to reliably provide power during times of peak demand — for instance, on a hot summer weekday afternoon when home cooling systems and data servers are all humming at maximum output, and the grid strains to keep up. But those peaks tend to materialize only for a few dozen hours per year, and there are ways to deal with them that don’t require a massive amount of new methane-burning infrastructure.

The real reason the utilities want to build these plants is quite simple: The more stuff they build, the more money they make. Regulators let utilities charge their customers enough money to cover what they spend on assets like combustion turbines and wires, plus a generous rate of return (up to 10 percent) for their investors. This longstanding arrangement incentivizes power providers to build expensive things whether society needs them or not, in lieu of lower-cost, cleaner options, and to invoke their duty to keep the lights on as a post hoc rationalization.

This dynamic can push some companies to extreme lengths in pursuit of gas-generated profits. Nearly a decade ago, Dominion and Duke partnered to build a 600-mile-long pipeline across West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina, largely to supply their own new power plants. Back then, the companies cited their own forecasts of rising energy demand and claimed more gas supply was needed to back up intermittent wind- and solar-generated power coming onto the grid. But it soon became clear that there wasn’t any need for those plants, and most were canceled. The pipeline’s core premise had proved to be a mirage. And in 2020 , faced with relentless grass-roots opposition, Dominion and Duke finally abandoned it.

It makes sense that Dominion and Duke executives would pursue these potentially lucrative investments; their job is to maximize returns for their shareholders. But utilities aren’t like other shareholder-owned companies. They are granted the right to be monopolies in exchange for providing essential services to society. And regulators’ job is to hold them accountable to the public interest. This century-old model is in dire need of an upgrade, so that utilities can be compensated for achieving goals — such as using clean, affordable energy and building a resilient grid — that are in everyone’s interest.

Although breathless forecasts of artificial intelligence gobbling up all of our power supply may or may not prove correct, there’s no question that after decades of remaining mostly flat, electricity demand is increasing. Fortunately, utilities have plenty of ways to meet this new need.

They include “ virtual power plants ” — when technologies such as home batteries, rooftop solar systems, smart water heaters and thermostats are linked together and managed via software to provide the same services as a conventional power plant. Utilities in Vermont, Colorado and Massachusetts are already using them, to quickly respond to rising demand at a much lower cost than operating natural gas combustion turbines. According to one estimate , virtual power plants could lower U.S. utilities’ costs by as much as $35 billion over the next decade.

Utilities could also accelerate efforts to replace outdated transmission lines with newer ones that can carry double the electric current and to bring more battery storage online. They can compensate customers for using less energy during times when demand is high and invest far more in energy efficiency, helping customers to adopt devices that use less electricity.

All of these solutions would save customers money and reduce carbon emissions. They could, according to a Department of Energy analysis , meet the entire projected growth in U.S. peak electricity demand over the next decade.

Sure, they wouldn’t provide utilities nearly as much money as building new gas-fired power plants. But that’s why public utility commissions must step in to require utilities to make investments that benefit the climate and their customers, without scaring off their shareholders. What’s needed is not more regulation, just smarter regulation.

There are promising signs that this shift is already underway. In Connecticut, where customers pay some of the highest electricity rates in the nation, the chairwoman of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority has created a program to test-drive tweaks to utilities’ incentive structure, as part of a larger initiative to build an “equitable, modern electric grid.”

More than a dozen other state legislatures have directed regulators to impose or study some kind of performance-based regulation to reward utilities based on what they do , instead of on how much they spend . This move has predictably elicited pushback from some companies, which believe that their traditional business models are under threat. But others have embraced the new opportunities: Hawaii’s approach has earned the support of the state’s biggest electric utility.

We need utilities to succeed now more than ever before. But the definition of success needs to evolve. We need them not only to shore up a grid being battered by extreme weather and wildfires fueled by climate change, but also to fully embrace the work of phasing out fossil fuels.

The United States has very little chance of reining in its emissions without investor-owned utilities putting their expertise and deep resources to work. We can’t build a carbon-free energy system without them — or without regulators and lawmakers willing to compel them to accelerate, rather than postpone, the clean energy transition.

Jonathan Mingle is an independent journalist and the author of “Gaslight: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Fight for America’s Energy Future.”

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English Essay on “A Day Without Electricity” complete Paragraph and Speech for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes.

A Day Without Electricity

Of all the inventions during the last two centuries, the invention of electricity has been the most wonderful and useful. Everywhere we find ourselves amid the. various kinds of appliances based on electricity. But seldom do we realize, how much we depend on it for the comfort of our daily life. This is because electricity is easily available to us. We realize its importance only when for a moment it stops working. I happened to realize its importance and power when in the month of July, we had to go without electricity for a full day.

It was 7.30 p.m. when there was a power break-down following a heavy thunder-storm. It not only uprooted the electric poles but damaged the transformer which supplied electricity to our locality. We had to live in dark for the whole night. We reported to the exchange but the response was more irritating than satisfying, as it would take twelve hours or so to regain the power supply.

We were to a great hardship. At night I could not study, though I tried to study in candle light but found myself unable to concentrate. There was hardly a speck of light visible. The whole colony was enveloped in “eternal gloom”. It looked like the city of the dead. There was no activity in the market too with all the shops closed.

The next morning newspaper reported several cases of accidents and incidents of robbery in various parts of our locality. As in the absence of light robbers had a golden chance to rob. In the absence of street light, the fast moving vehicles collided and led to serious accidents. All the road crossings where automatic signals were installed went out of order.

In school we could hardly concentrate on our lessons. The time seemed to drag on forever while we perspired in the humid atmosphere. On account of electricity failure, we missed our television lesson too. The power failure did not only cause inconvenience to students but to officers, factory owners and factory workers too. The house wives and cinema goers also suffered. As most of the factories had to close down and cinema halls had to postpone their shows.

When after about eighteen hours power supply was restored, I realized, how much we depend on this mysterious force of all machines and modern life.

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Paragraph on Life Without Friends

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Life Without Friends in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Life Without Friends in 100 Words

Life without friends is like a sky without stars. Friends are like special treasures. They play with us, share toys, and tell funny jokes that make us laugh. Without friends, we might feel alone and sad. Friends help us when we fall down or when we need someone to talk to. They cheer us up when we are upset and are there to enjoy the good times too. It’s like having a piece of yummy cake, but it’s no fun to eat it all by yourself. Friends make everything better, just like sprinkles on ice cream. They make life happy and full of fun.

Paragraph on Life Without Friends in 200 Words

Imagine a day where you have no one to share your secrets with, no one to laugh with, and no one to play games with. That’s what life without friends would feel like. It would be very lonely because friends are like the sunshine on a cloudy day; they make everything brighter and better. With friends, we can talk about our favorite cartoons, share snacks during lunchtime, and help each other with homework. Without friends, the playground would be silent, with no one to race to the swings or play tag with. We wouldn’t have someone to cheer us up when we fall down or to clap for us when we score a goal. Birthdays would be less fun too, as friends are the ones who sing the loudest and make wishes more special. Friends are like stars; we might not see them all the time, but we know they are always there. They are the ones we dream big dreams with and make up fun games. Without friends, we would miss out on all the laughter, the adventures, and the memories that we make together. So, having friends is super important because they fill our lives with joy and color.

Paragraph on Life Without Friends in 250 Words

Imagine living in a world where you have no friends. It’s like being in a silent room even when the outside is full of noise and chatter. Friends are like the colors in a painting—they make our lives bright and interesting. Without friends, life can feel very lonely, like you’re walking down a long road with no one to share your stories or listen to your jokes. Every time you see something funny or exciting, there’s no one to laugh with or talk to about it. Eating lunch at school might mean sitting at an empty table, and recess could be spent wandering by yourself. When school gets tough or you have a bad day, there’s no shoulder to lean on or someone to encourage you, telling you that everything will be okay. Friends help us solve problems, like figuring out a difficult math question or deciding which game to play. They also share their snacks, secrets, and sometimes even their favorite books or games. Birthdays might just be a regular day without friends to celebrate with you, no balloons, no games, and no singing. Friends teach us about sharing, caring, and being a good person—without them, we might miss learning these important things. So, having friends is really important. They fill our lives with joy, teach us how to be kind, and help us understand the world better. Life without friends would be like a sky without stars—very dark and not as beautiful.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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life without electricity narrative essay


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