How to Say “My Homework” in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

Learning how to communicate effectively can greatly enhance your language skills. When it comes to discussing your homework in Spanish, there are various ways to express this concept, depending on formality and regional variations. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and examples of both formal and informal ways to say “my homework” in Spanish.

Formal Ways

Formal language is typically used in professional settings, academic environments, or when speaking to someone in a position of authority. Here are some formal expressions for referring to your homework in Spanish:

“Mi tarea” – This is the most common and widely accepted phrase for “my homework” in Spanish. It is a general term that can be used in various contexts and regions.
Profesor: Recuerden entregar su tarea mañana. (Teacher: Remember to hand in your homework tomorrow.) Estudiante: Sí, entregaré mi tarea en la clase. (Student: Yes, I will hand in my homework in class.)

“Mi trabajo para casa” – This expression is commonly used when referring to homework assigned by a teacher or professor.

Profesora: ¿Todos completaron su trabajo para casa? (Teacher: Did everyone complete their homework?) Estudiante: Sí, terminé mi trabajo para casa anoche. (Student: Yes, I finished my homework last night.)

Informal Ways

Informal language is used among friends, family, or in casual settings. Here are some informal expressions for talking about your homework in Spanish:

“Mi tarea” or “Mis deberes” – These phrases are commonly used in casual conversations and are interchangeable. “Mis deberes” can also translate to “my duties” or “my tasks,” but in the context of homework, it is understood to mean “my homework.”
Amigo: ¿Terminaste tu tarea? (Friend: Did you finish your homework?) Estudiante: Sí, ya hice mis deberes. (Student: Yes, I already did my homework.)

“Los debercitos” – This expression is a playful way of referring to homework, often used among younger individuals or in a lighthearted context.

Hermanita: ¡No quiero hacer mis debercitos! (Little sister: I don’t want to do my homework!) Hermano mayor: Vamos, debes terminar tus debercitos para mañana. (Big brother: Come on, you have to finish your homework for tomorrow.)

Regional Variations

While the expressions mentioned above are commonly understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world, there can be slight variations based on regional dialects. Here are a few examples of regional differences:

In Spain, it is common to use the word “deberes” instead of “tarea” to refer to homework.

Example: “Terminé mis deberes” (I finished my homework)

In Latin America, it is common to hear “tarea” or “trabajo” when referring to homework.

Example: “Hice mi tarea” (I did my homework)

Remember, these regional variations are minor, and the primary phrases we discussed earlier will be understood in most Spanish-speaking countries.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to say “my homework” in Spanish, you can confidently communicate with others and navigate various language situations. Practice using these expressions, and soon you’ll feel more comfortable expressing yourself in Spanish!

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Ya, todavía or aún? Which should you use?

If you're unsure about when to use each of the adverbs "ya", "todavía" and "aún", be sure to check out this lesson. we promise you'll finally get it.

Have you ever had difficulty deciding between using any of these three adverbs? Let’s see why they are different and how to use them.

i already did my homework in spanish

  • Ellos ya llegaron. They're already here. (They weren't here before but now they are.)

"Ya no" refers to something that existed or was happening in the past, but no longer exists or is not happening anymore.

  • Ella ya no te quiere. She doesn't love you anymore . (She used to love you, but not anymore.)
  • Ya no tenemos hambre, ya comimos. We’re no longer hungry, we already ate. (We were hungry, but not anymore.)
  • Todavía / aún

"Todavía" indicates an action that began in the past and that connects or continues at another particular time. It does not consider results, "todavía" considers developing action .

  • Todavía estoy haciendo la tarea. I'm still doing my homework. (My homework is still in the process of being finished.)
  • A las 8 de la noche el concierto todavía no había empezado. At 8 pm the concert hadn’t yet begun. (Up to that moment, the concert hadn't started.)

"Aún" and "todavía" are synonyms and can be used interchangeably with the meaning of "still" and "yet".

  • Aún estoy haciendo la tarea. I'm still doing my homework.
  • A las 8 de la noche el concierto aún no había empezado. At 8 pm the concert hadn’t yet begun.

However, we could say that the use of "aún" is a bit more common in the spoken language.

  • Are we there yet?: ¿Ya llegamos? Or ¿Llegamos todavía?

In English it is common to use "yet" in interrogative phrases to indicate that the person speaking was waiting for something to happen. In Spanish, there is a difference between the type of interrogative phrase we are using.

Affirmative questions seek to deduce whether an action ended or was completed, therefore, we must use "ya" to express this.

  • ¿ Ya llegamos? Are we there yet?
  • ¿ Ya recibiste el paquete? Have you received the package yet?

The negative questions with "yet" indicate that we believe that the action has not been completed although it should have been finished by now, for this it is necessary to use "todavía" because the action has not materialized. It is also very common to use past perfect - haber + participio - with this type of phrase.

  • ¿ Todavía no ha llegado Ana? Hasn’t Anna arrived yet?
  • ¿ No has hecho el examen todavía ? Haven't you taken the exam yet?

Then, for future references, you can use "ya" in affirmative questions and "todavía/ aún" in negative questions using "yet".

Now that you've learned about the differences between these adverbs, go to our exercise section to practice and put your knowledge to the test!

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Ya he hecho los deberes. Keep in mind that some places would use "He hecho" and some others would use "Hice". Depends on regional differences, but both are ok. "He hecho" sounds closer to the present moment than 'hice". Hope it helps ✌🏻

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Cómo dice el amigo arriba, puedes decir ya "he hecho" o ya "hice" los deberes

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What is the correct way of saying "I have already done my homework" in Spanish?

1 expert answer.

i already did my homework in spanish

Elizabeth N. answered • 03/18/19

Patient, Encouraging, Highly Experienced 5-star Spanish tutor

They are both correct. The first way is more typical of Latin American Spanish, and in Spain, the present perfect tense, the second way, is more common. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it's been my observation. I hope this helps!

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How To Say Do You Have Homework in Spanish

1. Start with “¿Tienes tarea?” to ask someone if they have homework. 2. To be more formal, use “¿Tiene usted tarea?” instead. 3. “Tarea” means homework in Spanish. 4. Another way to ask is “¿Hay tarea para hoy?” which means “Is there homework for today?” 5. Use these phrases to communicate with Spanish-speaking classmates or teachers.

How To Say “Do You Have Homework” in Spanish


As a student or someone interested in learning Spanish, it’s important to know how to ask if someone has homework in order to engage in academic or educational conversations. Asking about homework can help you understand someone’s current workload or initiate discussions related to studying. In this article, we will explore different ways to say “Do you have homework?” in Spanish, allowing you to communicate effectively with Spanish speakers in educational settings.

1. “¿Tienes deberes?”

The most common and straightforward way to ask “Do you have homework?” in Spanish is by using the phrase “¿Tienes deberes?” The word “tienes” means “do you have,” and “deberes” refers to “homework” or “assignments.” This simple and widely understood question is suitable for both formal and informal situations.

Spelling: ¿Tienes deberes?

Pronunciation: tee-eh-nes deh-beh-res, 2. “¿tienes tarea”.

Another way to ask if someone has homework is by using the word “tarea,” which translates to “homework” or “task.” This question, “¿Tienes tarea?” is commonly used among students and teachers alike. It can be used interchangeably with “¿Tienes deberes?” and is equally understood.

Spelling: ¿Tienes tarea?

Pronunciation: tee-eh-nes tah-reh-ah, 3. “¿tienes trabajo para hacer”.

To express a slightly broader sense of work or assignments, you can ask “¿Tienes trabajo para hacer?” This question translates to “Do you have work to do?” and can encompass various academic tasks, including homework, projects, or assignments. It acknowledges that the person might have other types of work beyond traditional homework.

Spelling: ¿Tienes trabajo para hacer?

Pronunciation: tee-eh-nes trah-bah-ho pah-rah ah-ser, 4. “¿hay deberes”.

An alternative way to inquire about homework is by using the phrase “¿Hay deberes?” This question translates to “Is there homework?” and can be used when addressing a group or class as a whole. It’s a more general way of asking if assignments have been given.

Spelling: ¿Hay deberes?

Pronunciation: eye deh-beh-res.

Being able to ask if someone has homework in Spanish is important for effective communication in educational or academic settings. Whether you use “¿Tienes deberes?” or “¿Tienes tarea?” to ask about homework specifically or “¿Tienes trabajo para hacer?” for a broader sense of academic tasks, each question serves its purpose. Additionally, “¿Hay deberes?” allows you to inquire about homework in a more general sense. Remember to consider the context and the level of formality when choosing the appropriate phrase. With these questions in your language toolkit, you’ll be able to engage in conversations about homework and assignments in the Spanish language with confidence. How To Say Everybody in Spanish How To Say Dragonfly in Spanish

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  3. Just got home from school and I did my homework already to

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  1. I already did my homework

    Translate I already did my homework. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Learn Spanish. Translation. ... is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglé

  2. I Did My Homework in Spanish

    in English to Spanish. 1. To say "I did my homework" in Spanish, you can use the phrase "Hice mi tarea". 2. "Hice" is the past tense conjugation of the verb "hacer" which means "to do" or "to make". 3. "Mi tarea" means "my homework". 4. So, "Hice mi tarea" is a simple and common way to express that you ...

  3. What is the correct way of saying "I have already done my homework" in

    As a translation, I cannot agree that both of the answers are correct. "I have already done my homework" is in the present perfect tense, so the correct approach would be to translate it to the same tense in Spanish: [Yo] ya he hecho mi tarea (omit the pronoun to make it sound more natural). While the translation Ya hice mi tarea represents the same idea, it is in the past tense, and the ...

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    Here are some informal expressions for talking about your homework in Spanish: "Mi tarea" or "Mis deberes" - These phrases are commonly used in casual conversations and are interchangeable. "Mis deberes" can also translate to "my duties" or "my tasks," but in the context of homework, it is understood to mean "my homework ...

  5. Ya, todavía or aún? Which should you use?

    Correct usage of "ya" or "todavía". Choose correct or incorrect with the following sentences. Ellos ya comen carne. Él ya no ha visitado a su abuelo. Mi abuela ya no recuerda nada. Tú todavía no compraste el celular. Ella todavía no recuerda nada. Yo ya no sé qué hacer con mi vida. Ellos aún comen carne.

  6. i have already done homework

    cuando usted llegue a casa. Many translated example sentences containing "i have already done homework" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  7. I did my homework

    homework: Inglés: Español: do homework vtr + n (do after-hours schoolwork) hacer deberes loc verb : The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Los niños tienen que hacer deberes antes de salir a jugar. hacer la tarea loc verb : Los niños tienen que hacer la tarea antes de salir a jugar. hacer los deberes loc verb

  8. how to say " I already did my homework " in spanish?

    Ya he hecho los deberes. Keep in mind that some places would use "He hecho" and some others would use "Hice". Depends on regional differences, but both are ok. "He hecho" sounds closer to the present moment than 'hice". Hope it helps 🏻

  9. Translate "HOMEWORK" from English into Spanish

    English-Spanish translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary with over 100,000 Spanish translations. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. GAMES. SCHOOLS. BLOG. RESOURCES. ... The teacher hasn't marked my homework yet. Our maths homework was easy. Serious bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.

  10. i did my homework

    I would look for information on weekends, when I. [...] didn't have homework, after dinner, or aft er I did my homework," sh e says. Me iba en busca de información en fin de semana, [...] cuando no t enia tarea, des pués de la cena o después de haber acabado mi tarea.

  11. Translation of "i did my homework" in Spanish

    Because before you got here, I did my homework. Porque antes de que llegaras, hice mi tarea. So... I did my homework. Así que... hice mis deberes. And don't tell me that you have, because I did my homework on you. Y no me digas lo contrario, porque hice mis deberes. I'll show you I did my homework.

  12. What is the correct way of saying "I have already done my homework" in

    I am trying to say the simple sentence below in Spanish. >I have already done my homework Google translate gives me the translation below. >Ya hice mi tarea My attempt is below which after putting into Google translate gives "I have already done my homework".

  13. i finished my homework

    Many translated example sentences containing "i finished my homework" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  14. How To Say Do You Have Homework in Spanish

    The most common and straightforward way to ask "Do you have homework?" in Spanish is by using the phrase "¿Tienes deberes?". The word "tienes" means "do you have," and "deberes" refers to "homework" or "assignments.". This simple and widely understood question is suitable for both formal and informal situations.

  15. to do my homework in Spanish

    English-Spanish dictionary. hacer mi tarea. I think it's time to do my homework. Creo que es hora de que haga mi tarea. GlosbeMT_RnD. hacer mis deberes. I'm going to do my homework as soon as I get home this afternoon. Voy a hacer mis deberes tan pronto como regrese a casa esta tarde. GlosbeMT_RnD.

  16. Did you already do the homework

    Translate Did you already do the homework. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Learn Spanish. Translation. ... Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation. The world's largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb.

  17. I did do my homework translation in Spanish

    I did n't do my homework, sir. No he hecho los deberes, señor. My dad used to make me do homework just to get better, but I never did. Mi padre me hacía hacer los deberes para mejorar, pero nunca lo conseguí. I did n't do my homework either. Yo no hice mi tarea tampoco.

  18. How to say you just did something? : r/Spanish

    3. Absay • • 8 yr. ago. You nailed it. 3. profeNY • • 8 yr. ago. Yes, but keeping in mind that the me/te/se in your examples is coming from the despertarse verb and not from acabar itself. If you had chosen a non-reflexive verb like ver, you'd have acabo de ver, acabas de ver, and so on. 2.

  19. Did you do your homework yesterday? in Spanish

    Translate Did you do your homework yesterday?. See 4 authoritative translations of Did you do your homework yesterday? in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.