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The Evolution of Programming Languages

Programming Language is indeed the fundamental unit of today’s tech world. It is considered as the set of commands and instructions that we give to the machines to perform a particular task. For example, if you give some set of instructions to add two numbers then the machine will do it for you and tell you the correct answer accordingly. But do you know that Programming Languages are having a long and rich history of their evolution? And with a similar concern, here in this article, we’ll take a look at the evolution of Programming Languages over the period.

In the computer world, we have about 500+ programming languages with having their own syntax and features. And if you type who’s the father of the computer, then the search engine will show you the result as to Charles Babbage but the father of the computer didn’t write the first code. It was Ada Lovelace who has written the first-ever computer programming language and the year was 1883.

1883: The Journey starts from here…!!

  • In the early days, Charles Babbage had made the device, but he was confused about how to give instructions to the machine, and then Ada Lovelace wrote the instructions for the analytical engine.
  • The device was made by Charles Babbage and the code was written by Ada Lovelace for computing Bernoulli’s number.
  • First time in history that the capability of computer devices was judged.

1949: Assembly Language

  • It is a type of low-level language.
  • It mainly consists of instructions (kind of symbols) that only machines could understand.
  • In today’s time also assembly language is used in real-time programs such as simulation flight navigation systems and medical equipment eg – Fly-by-wire (FBW) systems.
  • It is also used to create computer viruses.

1952: Autocode

  • Developed by Alick Glennie.
  • The first compiled computer programming language.
  • COBOL and FORTRAN are the languages referred to as Autocode.


  • Developers are John Backus and IBM.
  • It was designed for numeric computation and scientific computing.
  • Software for NASA probes voyager-1 (space probe) and voyager-2 (space probe) was originally written in FORTRAN 5.

1958: ALGOL

  • ALGOL stands for ALGO rithmic L anguage.
  • The initial phase of the most popular programming languages of C, C++, and JAVA.
  • It was also the first language implementing the nested function and has a simple syntax than FORTRAN.
  • The first programming language to have a code block like “begin” that indicates that your program has started and “end” means you have ended your code.

1959: COBOL

  • It stands for CO mmon B usiness- O riented L anguage.
  • In 1997, 80% of the world’s business ran on Cobol.
  • The US internal revenue service scrambled its path to COBOL-based IMF (individual master file) in order to pay the tens of millions of payments mandated by the coronavirus aid, relief, and economic security.

1964: BASIC

  • It stands for beginners All-purpose symbolic instruction code.
  • In 1991 Microsoft released Visual Basic, an updated version of Basic
  • The first microcomputer version of Basic was co-written by Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Monte Davidoff for their newly-formed company, Microsoft.
  • It is a general-purpose, procedural programming language and the most popular programming language till now.
  • All the code that was previously written in assembly language gets replaced by the C language like operating system, kernel, and many other applications.
  • It can be used in implementing an operating system, embedded system, and also on the website using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
  • C is the mother of almost all higher-level programming languages like C#, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Limbo, LPC, Perl, PHP, Python, and Unix’s C shell.

Some other programming languages that are popular among programmers are listed below.

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A History of the History of Programming Languages

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The Beginning

The first hopl conference, los angeles, ca, 1978, hopl ii, cambridge, ma, 1993, hopl iii, san diego, ca, 2007, reflections.

As we celebrate ACM’s first 60 years, it seems appropriate to acknowledge the contributions to the historical record made by the three ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Language (HOPL) conferences. In 1978, 1993, and the upcoming third installation June 9–10 (in San Diego), the HOPL conferences capture the history of most of the important computer languages by getting individuals who were involved in the development of 40+ programming languages to tell their stories. The HOPL (I) attendees heard John Backus explain the origins of FORTRAN, the first language to be standardized; HOPL-II attendees heard Dennis Ritchie share his memories of the development of C; and HOPL-III attendees will hear Bjarne Stroustrup continue the history of C++ that he began at HOPL-II. This article traces the history of the HOPL conferences in the hope of inspiring other ACM SIGs to document the history of additional subfields.

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The prime mover for the inaugural HOPL conference was Jean E. Sammet. Long a student of programming languages, Sammet served on the CODASYL Language Structure Group in 1960 and was a charter member of the USASI X3.4 Committee on Programming Languages. In 1961, Sammet oversaw the creation of the FORMAC language for IBM. 1 Sammet was also cataloging languages and publishing numerous “rosters” of languages. 2 A major outgrowth of this research was PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: History and Fundamentals. 3 This was the first book to take a comprehensive look at programming language history and development. 4

Sammet’s activities resulted in an invitation to teach a continuing education class at the University of California at Los Angeles. While at UCLA, Michael Melchinoff, chair of the computer science department, asked Sammet about the creation of COBOL: “Why did COBOL have a COMPUTE verb in addition to ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY and DIVIDE verbs?” and “Why were COBOL data names limited to 30 characters?” 5

Some years after visiting UCLA, Sammet decided it would be interesting to have a conference in which a person who had been a key person in the creation of programming languages talked about how the language was created. Sammet sought and received the support of SIGPLAN and also served as General and Program Committee Chair; John A.N. Lee served as Administrative Chairman and designed the conference logo (as illustrated in Figure 2 ).

The purpose of HOPL was to examine the early development of selected programming languages—with an emphasis on the technical aspects of language design and creation.

The Program Committee set specific and general criteria for inclusion of a language. The specific requirements were that the language must have been created, and in use, by 1967; remain in use in 1977; and must have had considerable influence on the field of computing. All papers would be by invitation.

The general criteria—which did not have to apply to each language—were usage, influence on language design, overall impact on the computing environment, novelty, and uniqueness. After significant discussion, the committee identified the 13 languages listed in the accompanying sidebar “Rationale for the Languages Included in the first HOPL.” 6

In order to fully document the development of these languages—and believing that non-historians needed guidance to write good history—the Program Committee drafted 82 specific questions to guide authors and assist in identifying important facts and ideas. The list here shows the top-level headings for these questions. 7

  • Basic Facts about Project Organization and People
  • Costs and Schedules
  • Basic Facts about Documentation
  • Language/Systems Known at the Time
  • Intended Purposes and Users
  • Source and Motivation

Rationale of Content of the Language

  • Environment Factors
  • Functions to be Programmed
  • Language Design Principles
  • Language Definition
  • Concepts about Other Languages
  • Influence of Non-technical Factors

A Posteriori Evaluation

  • Meeting of Objectives
  • Contributions of Languages
  • Mistakes or Desired Changes

Implications for Current and Future Languages

  • Direct Influence
  • Indirect Influence

The first ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference was held on June 1–3, 1978 in Los Angeles, CA. The keynote speaker was Grace Murray Hopper, who identified herself as the third “coder” on the Bureau of Ordnance Computation Project at Harvard. Hopper used her experiences to tell the story of program language evolution: developing subroutines to be shared with her MARK I colleagues in 1944, coding in octal on the BINAC in 1949, and developing the first compiler for the A-O programming language in 1952. After relating her work to the other efforts at the time, Hopper identified two goals for programming languages: to create better programs with less effort and to allow non-specialists—such as engineers and mathematicians—to use computers to solve problems. These goals led the industry to develop numerous languages for solving a wide range of problems, and it is these languages that were the focus of HOPL.

A glance at Table 1 shows the pioneering nature of HOPL. Each speaker played an important technical role in the development of these early programming languages. Moreover, these languages served as the foundation for all subsequent programming language development.

Although there were 13 languages identified by the Program Committee, 14 papers were written and presented, with separate papers on the development of ALGOL in the U.S. and ALGOL 60 in Europe. The differing viewpoints of the U.S. and European developers resulted in some interesting exchanges during the Q&A period that followed the presentations. Attendees were treated to a rare opportunity to hear from, ask questions of, and rub elbows with, the pioneers in the field. Indeed, not all of the pioneers were speakers; many members of the audience made significant contributions to early languages and contributed to the conference by their questions and ad hoc comments. From the vantage point of 30+ years, HOPL was an incredible gift to the computer community from some of its brightest stars. Indeed, Fred Brooks commented that “The best thing about this conference (was) its character set!” 8 Readers can hear excerpts of the presentations (along with transparencies and photographs) at www.tennessee.cc.vt.edu/~hopl/, a Web site created by John A.N. Lee.

The formal papers, with the exception of the paper on JOSS, were published as preprints and available at the conference. 9 The preprints contained extensive language summaries—which the attendees were encouraged to read before the sessions. Since HOPL had only one track, all participants attended all the sessions, giving the conference a special feel. In addition to the sessions, there was a banquet hosted by Bernard Galler. Some of the more memorable comments appeared in the Annals of the History of Computing, including Grace Hopper’s famous “bug” story. 10 HOPL was captured in History of Programming Languages edited by Richard L. Wexelblat.

Several years after HOPL, Sammet and Lee began thinking about a second conference, with the intent of building on what had been learned at HOPL and expanding its scope and coverage. In 1990, SIGPLAN authorized the Second History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-II) with Lee as Conference Chairman and Sammet as Program Committee Chair.

The HOPL-II Program Committee wanted contributed as well as invited papers. In addition to the early history of specific languages, the committee wanted papers on the evolution of languages, the history of language features and concepts , and papers on classes of languages such as application-oriented and paradigm-oriented languages. Preliminary ideas had to be documented by 1982 and the language in use or being taught by 1985. Following the successful plan from HOPL, the Committee provided authors with sets of questions to guide them in developing their papers and presentations. In addition, Michael S. Mahoney, the conference historian, wrote an essay, “What Makes History?” which was sent to each author along with the reviews and comments on the first drafts. 11

As we excitedly look to the future to see what new technology will bring, we need to remember that we stand on many sets of shoulders to see that future!

HOPL-II was held Apr. 20–23, 1993, in Cambridge, MA. 12 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., provided a keynote address on “Language Design as Design.” Brooks began by observing that the goals and requirements of most projects change during the design process and thus are poorly reflected in the resulting design. The external environment also changes, with additional negative results. After examining the rationale for good language design, Brooks gave these recommendations to language designers: design a language, don’t just hack one up; study and use other people’s designs; design top-down; know the application well; and iterate the design with independent test problems.

Since it had been 15 years since HOPL, Jean E. Sammet reviewed language developments between HOPL and HOPL-II, and conference historian, Michael S. Mahoney, discussed “Making History.” 13 The proceedings were published in 1996 as History of Programming Languages, edited by Thomas J. Bergin and Richard G. Gibson. 14

The conference banquet was the first evening, and Bernard Galler again served as the Master of Ceremonies. 15 After Robert F. Rosin explained his being acknowledged in The C Programming Language, Jean Sammet told of her shock when an IBM visitor asked why her employees were discussing “sex” in the office. It seems that FORMAC routines were identified by “FMC” plus three letters to indicate the subroutine. Thus, the subroutine for Symbolic EXpression was logically referred to as “FMCSEX.” The programmers dropped FMC from their discussions of all subroutines!

HOPL-II ended on a rousing note with a panel of language designers presided over by Michael Mahoney. 16 “The History of Programming: Does Our Present Past Have a Future?” allowed the audience to see the various (and conflicting) perspectives and opinions of the panel members as well as the audience.

In 2004, Barbara Ryder and Brent Hailpern, both former SIGPLAN Chairs, started the process for planning HOPL-III, which would have an open call. Each HOPL-III paper should detail the early history or evolution of a specific programming language. Preliminary ideas should have been documented by 1996 and the language in use by 1998. HOPL-III will be co-located with FCRC 2007 (June 9–16, 2007) and is supported by SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT. (For more information about HOPL III see research.ihost. com/hopl.)

More than 8,500 programming languages have been created and used since Grace Hopper’s A-0 compiler. 17 As we excitedly look to the future to see what new technology will bring, we need to remember that we stand on many sets of shoulders to see that future! For the programming language community, the HOPL conferences provide a critical link to that past, and it is hoped that other important aspects of our discipline will be preserved—in similar fashion—before it is too late to do so.

This article is available at doi.acm.org/10.1145/1230819.1230841.


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The Digital Library is published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Copyright © 2007 ACM, Inc.

May 2007 Issue

Published: May 1, 2007

Vol. 50 No. 5

Pages: 69-74

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Evolutions, trends in programming languages

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Any digital device we use in our everyday life, depends on an algorithm developed through a computer programming language. This is simply how computers communicate with each other.  

Ever wondered how many computer programming languages are currently in existence? Varying estimates place the total number of programming languages anywhere  between 250 and 9000.

Whether coding in a client’s language of choice, or their own, today’s software and web developers benefit from an abundance of available programming  languages for any application.

Software developers, a profession in constant evolution.

In this article, we will explore the gradual evolution of some of the world’s most important programming languages, as well as discover some of today’s most crucial programming trends.

What is a Programming Language?

You can think of a programming language as a computer language used by programmers – or software developers – in order to communicate with computers and other digital devices. It is essentially a series of instructions, or algorithms, written within a specific language environment like Python or  C, with a primary goal of performing a wide range of specific tasks.   

Types of Programming Languages

Generally, all computer programming languages, whether brand new or old, can be divided into two main categories:

Low Level Languages

Low level languages are used for writing computer instructions in binary code – that is machine code made up of the numbers 0 and 1. Examples of low level languages include machine language and assembly language. Machine language is the first generation of computer programming – using instructions in binary form that can be directly interpreted by a CPU without a need for translation. Assembly language is the second generation of low level computer programming. This type of language allows programmers to write computer instructions through the use of symbolic code instead of binary code made up of just  0s and 1s. 

High Level Languages

High level languages are programming languages that enable software developers to write computer instructions by using commands that are written in human languages like English. Every high level language has its own set of rules and grammar for writing instructions to program any digital device. These unique sets of rules are generally referred to as the ‘syntax’ of a particular programming language. In contrast to low level languages, before running a program written in a high level language, the coding instructions must first be translated into machine code . Every high level programming language uses its own built-in translation program. 

The Evolution of Computer Programming Languages

In our digital age where almost anything is instantly possible with a few clicks, it’s easy to forget how far we have traveled on a journey of incredible technological advancement. Let’s have a look at some key evolutionary milestones of computer programming languages:   

1843 – Ada Lovelace programs for Charles Babbage’s analytical engine

Considered by some to be the ‘father of the computer’, in 1837, Charles Babbage proposed the analytical engine, a mechanical general-purpose computer. By 1843, Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer, was the first to recognise that the analytical engine could do much more than just calculations, and she published the first algorithm that was intended to run on it. 

1949 – Assembly becomes first widely-used programming language type

As mentioned above, this type of low level programming language is significant because it was the first to enable programmers to write code by using symbols instead of binary code. Even today, the same type of computer programming is used in real-time software like simulation flight navigation systems and medical monitoring equipment, or for creating computer viruses. 

1952 – Autocode becomes first compiled computer programming language

First developed by Alick Glennie for the Mark 1 computer, Autocode is a term used for a family of ‘simplified coding systems’ – later renamed to programming languages – which eventually came to include examples like Cobol and Fortran. Even if Fortran is not widely used in industry today, it is still used by NASA and it is still popular with science and engineering applications.

𝔻𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕒 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕀𝕋 𝕕𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕪? 𝔸𝕥 𝔹𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕒𝕪, 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕔𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕕𝕘𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕗𝕥𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕. 𝔾𝕖𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕨𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥.

1957 – Fortran is designed for numeric computation and scientific computing

Developed by John Backus and IBM, Fortran is considered the first high level language, designed to be relatively easy to learn and widely applicable. Most importantly, Fortran allowed programmers to develop software 500% faster than when writing code in Assembly or machine language. The software that ran NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft was written in Fortran 5.

1959 – Cobol established as Common Business-Oriented Language

Becoming the top-choice for business applications, and owing much of its popularity to IBM, by 1997, 80% of the world’s business was running on Cobol. As recently as 2020, the US internal revenue service scrambled its path to a Cobol-based IMF (individual master file), in order to support citizens and companies as part of the coronavirus pandemic aid and relief package.

1964 – BASIC (Beginners’ All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

Designed by John G. Kennedy and Thomas E. Kurtz, the BASIC programming language was intended to be as accessible as possible, and it is not surprising that it eventually came to dominate the home computer market that emerged in the 1970’s. By 1991, Microsoft had developed Visual Basic by combining an updated version of BASIC with a visual forms builder.

1972 – C begins to shape the future of the personal computer

C is the mother of almost all high level languages and it is still one of the world’s most popular to this day. It can be used for implementing a computer operating system, an embedded system, as well as in web environments by using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). C’s offspring programming languages include C#, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Limbo, Python and others. 

Current Trends in Programming Languages      

What is the purpose of a programming language?

As the digital transformation of our world proceeds faster than ever, and as programming skills continue to be in high demand across a wide range of industries, what are some of today’s most important and widely used computer programming languages ? 

Close to 50% of software developers use the Python programming language today. This is a high-level, readable language endorsed by Google, Pinterest, Wikipedia, Instagram and others.

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm and dynamic programming language chosen by almost 65% of today’s programmers . It is endorsed by Microsoft, Paypal, Netflix, Uber, Facebook and others.

Java, one of the most demanded and classic programming languages used today, is embraced by companies like Spotify and Amazon for enabling fast software development and cost-efficiency.  

Almost 22% of global professionals use the PHP language for scripting and web development. This is an open-source language characterized by simplicity, cost-efficiency and accessibility.  

Simplifying Javascript by making it easier to read and debug, as of 2022, TypeScript has been one of the ten most used professional programming languages for several years in a row.

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Historical Development of Programming Languages

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  • Nicholas A Damachi 4 &
  • Jagtar Chaudhry  

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This chapter provides an overview of the historical development of programming languages and explains the various software systems for different applications such as operating systems, word processors, electronic spreadsheets, graphics and computer-aided-design and manufacturing. It explains the use of each kind of application and specifies some guidelines and main considerations in selecting a software system. The overview provided is useful to computer users in developing nations to either develop their own software or select software available off-the-shelf. The term off-the-shelf refers to the software that is produced for mass-marketing and provides some standard functions. Word processors and electronic spreadsheets are some examples of these.

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BEEBY, W., ‘The Future of Integrated CAD/CAM Systems: The Boeing Perspective’, IEEE , Jan 1982.

Google Scholar  

BREDIN, H., ‘Unmanned Manufacturing’, Mechanical Engineering Feb 1982.

COLE, BERNARD, ‘A Family Tree of Computer Languages’, Popular Computing Sep 1983.

DAMACHI, N. A. and CHAUDHRY, J. 1985 ‘Future Computer Languages’, Proceedings, ISECON (Dallas, USA).

FOX, DAVID and WAITS, MITCHELL, ‘Pascal Primer’, (Howard W. Sams Co., 1982).

GATES, WILLIAM, ‘Languages Essay’, PC World Special Edition, 1983/84.

GRAY, STEPHEN, ‘Stepping up to Draft-Aide’, PC Magazine Jan 1984.

MACHRONE, BILL, ‘Micro Linguistics: Languages for the PC’, PC Magazine , Sep 1983.

MILLER, HARRY, ‘Introduction to Spreadsheets’, PC World Aug 1984.

MYERS, W., ‘CAD/CAM: The Need for a Broader Focus’, IEEE , Jan 1982.

RITCHIE, DAVID, ‘A CAD System for the People’, PC Magazine Oct 1984.

SMITH, DAVID, ‘Computer-Aided-Design’, PC World Oct 1983.

WILCOX, DAVID, ‘The Boom in Business Graphics’, PC World Aug 1984.

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University of Cincinnati, USA

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Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos, Nigeria

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Nicholas A. Damachi ( Adjunct Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering ) ( Adjunct Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering )

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© 1987 Ukandi G. Damachi, H. Ray Souder and Nicholas A. Damachi

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Damachi, N.A., Chaudhry, J. (1987). Historical Development of Programming Languages. In: Damachi, U.G., Souder, H.R., Damachi, N.A. (eds) Computers and Computer Applications in Developing Countries. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-08647-4_5

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-08647-4_5

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, London

Print ISBN : 978-0-333-41383-8

Online ISBN : 978-1-349-08647-4

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Computer Science > Programming Languages

Title: modelling the evolution of programming languages.

Abstract: Programming languages are engineered languages that allow to instruct a machine and share algorithmic information; they have a great influence on the society since they underlie almost every information technology artefact, and they are at the core of the current explosion of software technology. The history of programming languages is marked by innovations, diversifications, lateral transfers and social influences; moreover, it represents an intermediate case study between the evolution of human languages and the evolution of technology. In this paper we study the application of the Darwinian explanation to the programming languages evolution by discussing to what extent the evolutionary mechanisms distinctive of biology can be applied to this area. We show that a number of evolutionary building blocks can be recognised in the realm of computer languages, but we also identify critical issues. Far from being crystal clear, this fine-grained study shows to be a useful tool to assess recent results about programming languages phylogenies. Finally, we show that rich evolutionary patterns, such as co-evolution, macro-evolutionary trends, niche construction and exaptation, can be effectively applied to programming languages and provide for interesting explanatory tools.

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evolution of programming languages essay

The Evolution and Power of Scripting Languages: A Modern Overview

In the dynamic realm of programming, scripting languages have etched their mark as essential tools in the developer’s toolkit. From simple task automation to building robust web applications, scripting languages are undeniable. Let’s delve deep into their evolution and understand their unparalleled influence on today’s tech landscape.

A Glimpse into the Past: What Are Scripting Languages?

Scripting languages are programming languages designed to automate tasks that could be done manually. Unlike compiled languages that need an intermediary step to translate source code into machine code, scripting languages run directly, interpreting the code on the fly.

Scripting can be traced back to computing’s early days. Simple shell scripts in UNIX systems, for instance, saved many keystrokes by automating repetitive tasks.

Python: The Rise of a Scripting Giant

No conversation about scripting languages would be complete without Python. Birthed in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, Python was conceived with readability and simplicity in mind. Its popularity skyrocketed due to its versatility – from web applications with Django to AI algorithms with TensorFlow, Python is the go-to for many.

JavaScript: Powering the Web

JavaScript , a programming language created to add interactivity to web pages, has transformed the web. With frameworks like Node.js, it ventured into the server side, broadening its horizons. JavaScript’s thriving ecosystem, with libraries like React and Vue.js, showcases its adaptability and influence.

Ruby, Perl, and PHP: The Scripting Trifecta

  • Ruby is revered for its elegant syntax and powerful Rails framework, making web development easy.
  • Perl , once dubbed the “Swiss army knife” of the Internet, plays a crucial role in web development and system administration.
  • PHP powers a lot of the web, including platforms like WordPress.

Together, these three showcase the diversity and depth of scripting languages in shaping the digital world.

Modern Developments: Scripting in the Cloud Era

As the world shifts towards cloud-first models, scripting languages have adapted too. Bash scripting in Linux VMs or PowerShell scripting for Windows Azure are examples of how scripting is integral to cloud infrastructure and DevOps tasks.

Why Scripting Languages Matter More Than Ever

In the rapid development cycles of the modern world, agility is key. Scripting languages offer:

  • Speed : Quick prototyping and immediate feedback.
  • Flexibility : Adapting to different use cases, from data analysis to web development.
  • Community : Massive open-source communities drive innovation and solve common problems.

Emerging Scripting Languages: The New Kids on the Block

While Python and JavaScript have solidified their dominance, the tech world is always evolving, birthing various scripting languages tailored to niche needs and modern challenges.

Lua , for instance, has become the darling of the game development industry. Known for its lightweight nature and seamless embedding capabilities, Lua scripts power many of today’s top video games.

Kotlin , while a statically typed language, offers scripting capabilities. Kotlin scripts are becoming increasingly popular for Android development, especially with Google endorsing Kotlin as the preferred language for Android.

The Blurring Line Between Scripting and Programming

Scripting languages were distinguished from general-purpose programming languages based on their use cases. Today, however, this distinction blurs. Languages originally designed for scripting power full-fledged applications, while traditionally compiled languages adopt more ‘script-like’ features.

This convergence signifies the versatility of modern languages and developers’ adaptability to leverage the most advantageous features of both worlds.

Challenges Ahead for Scripting

While scripting languages have many advantages, they’re not without challenges.

  • Performance : Since many scripting languages are interpreted, they can be slower than their compiled counterparts.
  • Dependency Management : With the expansive ecosystem, especially around languages like JavaScript, managing dependencies can be complex.
  • Due to their widespread use, they often become targets for security vulnerabilities. Regular updates and community vigilance are paramount.

Final Thoughts

Scripting languages, with their flexibility and power, have dramatically shaped the tech landscape. Their evolutionary journey highlights the tech industry’s constant drive for innovation, efficiency, and adaptability.

As the digital landscape expands further into AI, VR, and other futuristic domains, one can only wonder: What’s the next chapter for scripting languages? Will there be an emerging language that revolutionizes the domain just as Python or JavaScript did?

Whatever the future holds, one thing is certain: scripting remains one of the most exciting, dynamic, and influential tech areas.

evolution of programming languages essay

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You can write scripts yourself or download them from the net. Many of the scripts are paid, but there are also free analogues.

A short history of programming languages

Benjamin Semah

Benjamin Semah

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Wouldn't it be nice if computers understood human language?

As computer program developers, we could tell the computer, "when the user presses the button, do this!"

Unfortunately, computers are not that sophisticated. Not yet anyway! So we rely on a text-based computer language known as a programming language.

To give you something more concrete to work with, here is an example of a language called JavaScript.

Don't worry if it doesn't make much sense at the moment:

Why do we need programming languages?

Modern computers are made up of several components, but none are more important than the central processing unit or CPU.

The CPU runs instructions such as those expressed in a programming language at rapid speed. The more powerful the CPU, the more instructions it can run per second.

Surprisingly, CPUs do not understand programming languages like JavaScript or C++ directly. Due to their primitive but powerful nature, they only understand the binary system (which stores data in 0s and 1s)

Programming languages are what bridge the gap between programmers and computers.

Each programming language has its own syntax (a set of vocabulary, symbols, and rules). They are challenging to learn, but it's certainly much easier than learning machine code.

The evoloution of programming languages

There are 3 types of programming languages you need to know about:

Assembly languages

  • Machine languages

High-level languages

Machine languages.

Also known as machine code. Machine languages are sets of binary digits (0s and 1s). A computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU) can execute it directly.

Here is how you express "Hello" in machine code:

How on earth does machine code work? Computers use transistors or small electrical switches. Through electric signals received by the computer, only two options - on (1) and off (0) - are available for these switches. A computer reads the combination of on and off signals to create the desired output.

As you can imagine, working with machine code is tedious and error-prone. As humans always look for more efficient ways of doing things, assembly languages were created.

Assembly languages changed the game for computer programmers.

Instead of 0s and 1s, they use symbols and characters to represent instructions to be executed by computers.

It uses commands such add , mov , sub , and others.

To use machine code, you need a strong understanding of how the processor and computer memory work (and work together), but there is no doubt that this is much easier to understand than machine code.

Since the CPU only understands 0 and 1 , a special translator known as an assembler is used to translate the assembly language to machine code for the computers to execute.

The following is an example of an assembly language code to print "Hello world" on screen.

It's not exactly intuitive, but we're moving in the right direction.

High-level languages are the languages most programmers today are familiar with. The syntax is more human-readable.

Similar to how an assembler translates assembly code into machine code, many high-level languages use a translator known as a compiler.

Compilers convert the whole code into machine language before execution. Examples are C, C++, Rust, and Go.

Other high-level languages are run by interpreters.

Unlike compiled languages, where the whole code gets converted before execution, interpreters run the code instruction by instruction. Examples are JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

Interpreters aren't the best for high-performance code but have some added benefits. For example, the interpreter or runtime can recover if an error happens.

Often, when we refer to programming languages, it is the HL languages that we are referring to.

The verdict

Programming languages have come a long way since Ava Lovelace wrote the first computer programs in the 1840s.

While computers fundamentally only understand 0 and 1, computer scientists kept pushing this primitive idea to the limit.

It's remarkable to think that 0 and 1 are the foundation of modern computers and all the intensive applications we run from web servers to video games. Still, we could not imaginer coding with only 0 and 1 and that is where high-level languages come in.

Oftentimes, when someone talks about a "programming language" they mean JavaSCript, Python, C#, Java or another high-level language.

While all these languages run and work in slightly different ways (and have slightly different focuses, advantages and disadvantages), they all exist to do one thing: make programmers more productive.

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Evolution of Programming Languages

Essay by review   •  February 25, 2011  •  Essay  •  435 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,460 Views

Essay Preview: Evolution of Programming Languages

The desire to use the power of information processing efficiently in problem solving has pushed the development of newer programming languages. The evolution of programming languages is typically discussed in terms of generation of languages. The first generation of Programming languages is machine language, which required the use of binary symbols (0s and 1s). Because this is the language of the CPU, text file that are translated into binary sets can be read by almost every computer system platform. Developers of programming languages attempted to overcome some of the difficulties inherent in machine language by replacing the binary digits with symbols that programmers could more easily understand. These second-generation languages use codes like A for add, MCV for move, and so on. Another term for these languages in assembly language, which comes from the programs (called assemblers) used to translate it into machine code. Systems software programs such as OSs and utility programs are often written in assembly languages.

Third-Generation languages continued the trend toward greater use of symbolic code and away from specifically instructing the computer how to complete an operation. BASIC, COBOL, C and FORTRAN are examples of third-generation languages that use English and Assembly languages because it more closely resembles everyday human communication and understanding. With third-generation and higher-level programming languages, each statement in the languages translates into several instruction in machine language. A special software program called a compiler converts the programmers’s source code into the machine-languages instructions consisting of binary digits. A compiler creates a two-stage process for program execution. First, it translates the program into a machine language; second, the CPU executes that program. Another approach is to use an interpreter, which is a language translator that converts each statement in a programming language into machine language and executes the statement, one at a time. An interpreter does not produce a complete machine-language program. After the statement executes, the machine-language statement is discarded, the process continues for the next statement, and so on.

Finally, the fourth-generation programming languages emphasize what output results are desired rather than how programming statements are to be written. As a result,

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(2011, 02). Evolution of Programming Languages. ReviewEssays.com . Retrieved 02, 2011, from https://www.reviewessays.com/essay/Evolution-of-Programming-Languages/43133.html

"Evolution of Programming Languages" ReviewEssays.com . 02 2011. 2011. 02 2011 <https://www.reviewessays.com/essay/Evolution-of-Programming-Languages/43133.html>.

"Evolution of Programming Languages." ReviewEssays.com . ReviewEssays.com, 02 2011. Web. 02 2011. <https://www.reviewessays.com/essay/Evolution-of-Programming-Languages/43133.html>.

"Evolution of Programming Languages." ReviewEssays.com. 02, 2011. Accessed 02, 2011. https://www.reviewessays.com/essay/Evolution-of-Programming-Languages/43133.html.


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    The evoloution of programming languages. There are 3 types of programming languages you need to know about: Assembly languages; Machine languages; High-level languages; Machine Languages. Also known as machine code. Machine languages are sets of binary digits (0s and 1s). A computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU) can execute it directly.

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    Read this Technology Essay and over 64,000 other research documents. Evolution of Programming Languages. The desire to use the power of information processing efficiently in problem solving has pushed the development of newer programming languages. The evolution of programming languages is typically discussed in terms of generation of languages.