
Speech on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is an issue you might not think about often. It’s unwanted or excessive sound that disturbs the environment. This type of pollution can be harmful to both your health and quality of life. It’s important to understand and control noise pollution for a healthier, quieter world.

1-minute Speech on Noise Pollution

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Noise pollution, simply put, is the loud and disturbing sounds that harm us and our environment. Let’s think about it. When a loud truck roars by, or the music at a party shakes the walls, it’s not just annoying. It’s pollution.

First, let’s talk about what noise pollution does to us, humans. Imagine trying to read a book or complete a puzzle, and then someone starts banging a drum. It’s hard to concentrate, right? That’s what noise pollution does. It affects our concentration and leads to stress. It can even hurt our ears and cause headaches.

Now, let’s move to animals. They use sound to communicate, find food, and protect themselves. Noise pollution can confuse and frighten them. As a result, they may not eat, sleep, or behave properly. This is very dangerous for their survival.

Lastly, noise pollution doesn’t just affect living beings. It also harms our environment. The loud sounds of construction, traffic, and industry can make it hard for plants to grow. They need a peaceful environment to thrive and noise pollution disrupts that peace.

In conclusion, noise pollution is a serious problem. It hurts us, the animals, and our environment. But the good news is, we can do something about it! By keeping our music at reasonable levels, using quieter machines, and creating more green spaces, we can reduce noise pollution. Remember, every small step counts and together, we can create a quieter, healthier world for us all.

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2-minute Speech on Noise Pollution

Friends, today we will talk about a problem that often goes unnoticed – noise pollution. Just like air or water pollution, noise pollution is harmful, but not many of us are aware of it. Loud sounds around us all the time, like honking cars, loudspeakers, and construction work, are all sources of noise pollution.

Firstly, let’s understand what noise pollution is. It’s when the noise in our environment becomes too loud, disturbing and harmful. Imagine trying to study or sleep and a loud sound interrupts you. That’s noise pollution. It’s harmful just like dirty air or water, but it’s harder to see because it’s not something we can touch or see.

Now, let’s talk about where noise pollution comes from. Our everyday activities are a big source. The loud noise from traffic on busy roads, the sounds of construction work in our cities, the loud music from our radios and televisions, and even the constant noise from our household appliances – all these add to noise pollution.

You might be thinking, why is noise pollution a problem? Well, it harms us in many ways. It can make it hard for us to focus on our work or studies. It can cause stress and headaches. Over time, too much noise can even lead to hearing loss. But it’s not just us humans who are affected. Noise pollution also disturbs animals, especially birds and sea creatures who rely on sound for navigation and communication.

So, what can we do about noise pollution? There are many simple steps we can take. We can choose to use quieter machines and appliances. We can limit the use of loudspeakers. We can encourage the people around us to be quieter and more mindful of the noise they make. And most importantly, we must follow the rules on noise set by our local laws and regulations.

Lastly, I want to say that it’s not just up to us as individuals to fight noise pollution. We need our schools, our local communities, and our government to help. Schools can teach about the harm of noise pollution and how to prevent it. Communities can organize events that celebrate silence and peacefulness. Our government can make and enforce laws that limit noise pollution.

In conclusion, noise pollution might be invisible, but it is very real. It harms us and the world around us. But the good news is, each one of us can do something about it. If we all work together, we can reduce noise pollution and make our world a quieter and healthier place.

Thank you for your attention. Please remember, every small step towards reducing noise pollution counts. Let’s make our world a quieter place, for us and for all the creatures that share this world with us.

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Speech on Noise Pollution [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

1, 2, 3 minutes speech on noise pollution.

Dear teachers and students!

Greetings to all. and thank you to all of you to give me chance to give a speech.

Noise pollution is a severe problem that has an impact on both our physical and emotional wellbeing. It is described as sound that is unwelcome or excessive and has the potential to harm both the environment and human health.

Transportation, including vehicles like buses, trains, and cars, is one of the biggest causes of noise pollution. Cities are filled with incessant honking and engine noise, which disturbs inhabitants’ sleep and makes them stressed. Noise pollution is also a result of industrial processes like manufacturing and building.

Long-term exposure to high noise can cause hearing loss, heart disease, and mental health problems including sadness and anxiety. It may also have an impact on animal behaviour and disturb ecosystems’ natural balance.

It is our collective duty to lessen noise pollution in our neighbourhoods. Utilizing public transit, shutting off superfluous lights and devices, and supporting laws that restrict the noise from industrial activity are all small but effective changes that may be made.

It is crucial to keep in mind that situations of peace and quiet are necessary for both our physical and mental health. Let’s take action to lessen noise pollution and make the planet a more peaceful place for everyone.

I’m grateful.

5 Minutes Speech on Noise Pollution

I want to talk to you today about a problem called noise pollution that has an impact on all of us. The excessive and undesired sound known as “noise pollution” can have a harmful effect on our health and wellbeing.

Traffic, building projects, industrial activity, and even our own personal devices can all contribute to noise pollution. Numerous detrimental health consequences, such as hearing loss, difficulty sleeping, stress, and even heart disease, can be brought on by the relentless assault of noise.

Noise pollution has an adverse effect on our environment in addition to our health. For instance, wildlife can be disturbed by excessive noise, which might interfere with their mate-finding and eating cycles. This may cause population decreases and potentially the extinction of some species.

What steps can we take to reduce noise pollution, then? We may reduce the quantity of noise we make by ourselves as a remedy. This can entail reducing the level on our personal electronics, refraining from unnecessary horn use, and paying attention to the noise we produce at home.

Supporting stronger laws against noise pollution is another option. This can entail tighter restrictions on how loud certain industrial and construction operations can be as well as improved enforcement of already-existing laws.

Finally, we may promote the employment of urban planning strategies and noise-cancelling technologies to lessen the quantity of noise in our surroundings.

In conclusion, noise pollution is a significant problem that has an impact on both our environment and our health. We can all contribute to a peaceful and healthier environment by taking measures to reduce the noise we make and campaigning for stronger rules. I’m grateful.

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Speech on Pollution for Students in English | 3 Minutes Speech

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Pollution : The presence of harmful contaminants into the environment causing damage to the air, water and land resources in our environment is called pollution. Pollutants could be naturally occurring like volcanic ash or human-made materials like smoke, chemicals and trash substances. Pollution is a global problem. Common types of pollution are – air, water, soil, noise and light pollution. Long term exposure to pollution can lead to chronic diseases, cancers and other fatal disorders.

Speech on Pollution 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Pollution Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

“Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste.” Said by Patti Smith

A warm welcome to one & all present here. Today we are here to discuss the very burning topic of the decade that is pollution. According to a report by the World Health Organization, eleven out of twelve cities with the highest levels of particulate pollution are located in India. A study says 86% of the Indian water bodies are deemed critically polluted. Land pollution has resulted in a loss of around 25 billion tons of valuable soil each year.

As per the Global Burden of Disease Report by the World Health Organization, the prevalence of hearing loss was estimated to be 6.3% in India due to noise pollution. These are the few reports which have become often in today’s media & still we are not serious about the problem. Air Pollution in India has become a severe problem. As per a study, at least 140 million people in India breathe air that is ten times over the safe limit.

57% of the total air pollution are by the industries, 27% by vehicles, 17% by crop burning & around 5% by Diwali fireworks. India, as a country, is the third-largest greenhouse gas producer after China and the United States. There is a decrease in the Air Quality Index of all the major cities of the country. All these have resulted in an increase in several airborne diseases & the premature deaths in India.

Now the second type of pollution which has impacted is water pollution. The largest source of water pollution is untreated sewage. Other factors include agricultural runoff & unregulated small scale industries, solid wastes etc. These factors have resulted in contamination of both surface water & groundwater. Lack of toilets & defecation is also adding to the cause. Many rivers water has been declared unfit for domestic use due to high pollution with organic matter.

Not only humans but also the life in water is getting adversely affected by this.Now let us briefly discuss the land degradation. Soil Contamination or land pollution is caused by xenobiotic chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil. It is due to the intensive farming, deforestation, improper disposal of wastes & industrial activities. Except for these few major pollution’s, there are several other types of pollution’s like noise pollution, light pollution, plastic pollution which has been ignored since long.

Pollution cannot be seen or felt, but its effects are evident on the earth & the biodiversity. Global warming, increase in sea level, extinction of species, scarcity of drinking water, decrease in air quality, acid rain etc. are few major impacts which are posing a threat to the existence of human life on earth. To sum it up, all types of pollution’s are detrimental to the planet & comes with terrible consequences.

All of us must take steps to bring the changes in industries to the individual level. A joint effort by the government & the citizens will curb the situation from getting worse. So let us make a stand for our mother earth & listen to its pains to save it from the upcoming global calamity.

Thank You. Have a good day.

Short Speech on Pollution 150 Words in English

Below we have provided a short speech on Pollution, suitable for class 3, 4, 5 and 6 students.

Very good morning to everyone present over here. Today the topic we will be discussing is a very well known & often heard in the news. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment, which affects it adversely. Pollution can be of several types like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, etc. Not to our surprise, human activities are the major cause of misbalanced environment & pollution.

The rise in population, industrialization, deforestation, and mining are the major contributor to the damage we have done to the environment. We have entirely exploited the natural resources & the nature around us. According to an estimation by the World Health Organization, air pollution causes premature death of around 8.8 million people worldwide which is likely to increase in coming years.

Water pollution has raised the alarming issue of the sharp decrease in domestic water for use. Land pollution has resulted in a loss of around 25 billion tons of valuable soil each year. Noise pollution has affected both behaviour & health of humans. Not only the humans but pollution has given a significant threat to the flora & fauna on the earth too.

Pollution has also led to many more serious problems like global warming , melting of polar ice, ozone layer depletion, and climatic disturbances on a global level. The reasons are many & all of us need to acknowledge that we have created a threat to life on earth. The consequences of pollution are hazardous. We must become more alert & proactive towards the situation & make every effort to turn the situation another way around.

All of us must pledge to bring a better tomorrow for the World. With an urge for everyone to give their best in the joint effort to eliminate pollution, I would like to end my speech.

Short Speech

Short Speech

Long And Short Speech For Everyone

Speech on Noise Pollution

Respected principal teachers and my dear school fellows

When you were coming to school by bus, did you must have noticed that there were so many vehicles and every one of them blowing horn without any reason. Do you know? This is what Noise pollution is.

An unseen threat is noise pollution. It exists both on land and in the ocean, despite the fact that it cannot be seen. Noise pollution is the term used to describe any unwanted or obtrusive sound that has an effect on the health and wellness of people and other living things. Any unwelcome and disagreeable sound can be characterized as noise, to put it simply. It could be anything, such as loud music that we don’t want to hear or horn blowing at traffic lights.

Noise pollution can be harmful to people and wildlife both on land and at sea. From highway noise to rock concerts, loud or unavoidable noises can cause hearing loss, stress, and elevated blood pressure.

Whales and dolphins that rely on echolocation for survival are harmed by the noise made by ships and human activities in the water. Decibels are used to measure sound. Rustling leaves can be heard at 20 to 30 dB, and a thunderclap can be heard at 120 decibels. Noises of 85 decibels or higher can cause damage to a person’s ears.

So what can cause noise pollution? Anyone? Let me tell you as u all know.

Even as the world relies on technology for comfort, it is causing us harm. Enterprises, no matter how large or small, contribute to noise pollution. They use a lot of loud machinery, such as compressors, exhaust fans, generators, and so on. Similarly, the ever-increasing use of automobiles contributes significantly to pollution. Along with automobiles, it also encompasses other modes of transportation like buses, bikes, trucks, and more. Loud music being played while driving and pointless honking in traffic can create a lot of noise. Furthermore, social events like weddings, parties, and religious services that are hosted in halls, clubs, pubs, temples, and other places create a lot of commotion in the neighborhood. Mining and the construction of flyovers, bridges, and other structures are additional noisy construction operations.

So why is it bad? And what are the impacts of it?

So Every day, millions of individuals are impacted by noise pollution. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is the health issue it most frequently causes. Stress, high blood pressure, heart disease, and sleep difficulties can all be brought on by exposure to loud noise. Even while you are asleep, the brain is constantly listening for indicators of danger. As a result, constant or loud noise might cause worry or anxiety. A person becomes more sensitive to stress as they are exposed to noise pollution on a regular basis.

Noise pollution can make people agitated, tense, frustrated, or angry. If a person feels powerless to stop the noise, the impact on their mental health is harsher. Children, in particular, but all age groups, can experience these health issues.

Animal health and welfare are also impacted by noise pollution. Animals use sound for a number of purposes, such as locating food, attracting partners, and avoiding predators. They struggle to do these duties due to noise pollution, which negatively impacts their capacity to survive.

Animals that live in the ocean are also increasingly affected by the increase in noise, in addition to those who live on land. Due to ships, oil drilling rigs, sonar equipment, and seismic testing, the previously tranquil ocean environment has become noisy and disorderly. Noise pollution has a particularly negative impact on whales and dolphins.

What actions can we then take to lessen noise pollution? So as a solution, we can control how much noise we create on our own. This may mean turning down the volume on our personal electronics, forgoing the use of horns when it is not essential, and being mindful of the noise we make at home. Another choice is to support stricter regulations against noise pollution. This may imply more stringent regulations on the volume of specific industrial and construction operations as well as better enforcement of current regulations.

Finally, to reduce the amount of noise in our surroundings, we may encourage the use of urban design techniques and noise-canceling technology.

Higher noise levels are dangerous, and it is challenging to get people to leave a closed space. The need to raise knowledge about the causes, impacts, and prevention of noise pollution is critical given the rising levels of noise pollution in the environment.

Both at home and at the office, the higher volume of noise should be decreased. The risks of noise pollution should be made known to the public.

Let’s all take responsibility for protecting the environment from noise pollution and improving the quality of life on the planet. The ecosystem has been impacted, and people have been discovered to have ear problems. It’s time for us to use the available preventive measures in order to prevent more damage.

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Amy Paturel

Are You Noise Sensitive? Here's How to Tell

A plastic ear surrounded by colorful ear plugs

As a mom of three boys, I can barely hear my thoughts against the cacophony of my brood plotting their next Minecraft moves, bartering Pokémon cards, or singing a Weird Al parody. They’re not fighting or wreaking havoc, but life with three energetic school-aged kids is, well, noisy … and I’m noise sensitive.

It turns out, I’m in good company. According to a 2023 PLOS One study conducted in the UK, nearly one in five adults have some level of noise sensitivity. And Richard J. Salvi, cofounder and director of the University at Buffalo's Center for Hearing and Deafness, tells me that at least 29 medical conditions are linked to noise sensitivity.

People with hyperacusis or misophonia , for example, find everyday sounds unbearable. Other people have a sensory sensitivity (often from sensory processing disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or autism). Still others may suffer from chronic ailments like migraine, fibromyalgia, or mental health issues, where loud sounds exacerbate symptoms.

But even without a diagnosable “condition,” repetitive exposure to loud sounds can impact your health. The good news: Once you get a full hearing evaluation to ensure your sensitivity to sound doesn’t reflect early signs of a hearing disorder, myriad tools can make the noise level in your immediate environment more tolerable, or at least block your ability to hear it.

Turn Down the Volume

In the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency treated noise just like any other environmental pollutant. Society was conscientious of the effects of sound as a form of pollution, and the government regulated it as such. Unfortunately, since the Reagan Administration phased out funding for Noise Abatement and Control in 1981, our world has grown exponentially louder . Some of these noises are being piped directly into our ears (thank you, ear pods!), but others are a product of noise pollution.

“Everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity to sound. But we know that repeated exposure to sounds above 75 to 85 decibels for more than eight hours a day can damage your auditory system,” says Deanna K. Meinke, an audiologist and audiology professor and researcher at the University of Northern Colorado and codirector of Dangerous Decibels . That’s about the noise output your lawnmower or power tool produces. But the louder the sound, the greater the risk to your hearing—even at shorter durations. In fact, listening at 100 decibels for just 15 minutes (about the sound level of a bulldozer) delivers the same hit to your hearing as seven or eight hours at 85 decibels.

“Our ears distort sound when it’s loud,” Meinke says. “So whether you’re noise sensitive or not, turning the volume down is positive for everyone”—a point I tried to drive home when I introduced my boys to my newly downloaded NIOSH Sound Level Meter (SLM), a handy app that allows you to measure your “dose” so you can monitor your progress toward creating a quieter, calmer environment.

Salvi tells me that normal speech hovers around 70 decibels. During the first week, SLM measured our mealtime conversations at 80 decibels and the boys’ roughhousing typically hits 90. When the boys were out of school, SLM alerted me that I’d reached 100 percent of my daily dose of loud sounds before 1 pm “Too loud!” I yelled, far above the 90-decibel level. Clearly, I needed more than a meter to preserve my sanity … and my hearing.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Decades of research shows that excess noise creates a host of issues from the obvious (hearing loss and sleep problems) to the insidious (heart disease, metabolic disturbances, anxiety and depression). For the 20 to 40 percent of people who are noise sensitive, sounds above a certain decibel trigger the amygdala, the reptilian part of the brain designed to protect us, to fire on all cylinders.

“The brain interprets a sound as toxic, and the nervous system reacts with the fight/flight response,” says Jennifer Brout , cofounder of the Sensory Processing and Emotion Regulation Program at Duke University, who suffers from misophonia. It’s not a psychological disorder, but rather a multidisciplinary disorder that ultimately has psychological effects because the affected person is in a constant state of stress.

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The sympathetic nervous system kicks in, boosting your heart rate, increasing your blood pressure, and triggering the body to produce inflammatory cells. Over time, these changes can lead to chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, and plaque buildup on your arterial walls.

To complicate matters, when you begin to lose your ability to hear at a particular frequency due to aging, illness, or injury, the auditory system goes into overdrive and overrecruits at another frequency. This over-recruitment is helpful in terms of allowing you to hear softer sounds, but it can also amplify unwanted noise.

Noise-Quieting Tools

You can close your eyes, avoid being touched, and even deprive your taste buds, but you can’t turn off your ears. They’re working all the time, even, or maybe especially when you’re sleeping. That’s one reason there aren’t great therapies for noise sensitivity disorders, Brout tells me. “In the face of sound that is either painful or that the brain is misinterpreting as dangerous, it’s really difficult to dampen the nervous system reactivity,” she says.

So it’s no surprise that Brout is a big believer in identifying tools and devices that can help quiet the sounds in your environment. The most obvious, of course, are earplugs , which dramatically reduce environmental noise by preventing sound waves from reaching your inner ear, the place that triggers your body to react to noise in the first place. Protective earmuffs operate the same way, and they’re typically more comfortable and user-friendly than earplugs. Though, depending on your environment, they may not be as practical as their smaller, less noticeable peers.

“Typical foam earplugs attenuate high frequencies like the upper keys on a piano. But there are specially designed earplugs called high-fidelity or “musicians’ earplugs” that attenuate (weaken) sound equally across all frequencies,” says Meinke, who uses myriad protective devices to protect her ears in different environments—regular earmuffs or foam earplugs when she mows the lawn, high fidelity filtered earplugs when she goes to noisy live music events or restaurants, and electronic shooter's earplugs or earmuffs when she does firearm impulse noise research.

A more sophisticated solution—and my birthday gift from my boys last year—are Bluetooth-enabled noise-canceling headphones , which emit sound waves that complement and cancel surrounding noise. The technology allows me to listen to the latest true crime podcast or immerse myself in Spotify’s Feel Happy playlist while blocking the sound of my boys sparring in the same room.

“These tools not only minimize the physical effects of noise pollution, but they also give you a sense of control over the sounds in your environment,” Brout says. “Just make sure to do your homework before you purchase. Some of these devices are legit, and they can be a boon for people who are sound sensitive, but others are essentially useless.”

Worried about inadvertently drowning out the sound of an approaching car during your run, your crying baby, or your pooch who needs an open door to pee? Meinke says if you fit the earplugs to match the amount of attenuation you need for the listening environment, you’ll never be in a position where you don’t hear anything.

Environmental Controls

Whether you use high-tech tools or creative furnishings, Meinke tells me it’s better to spend money upfront on effective prevention efforts than paying downstream for hearing aids and rehabilitation. “You can modify your space to plan for the sound level you want to achieve,” she says. “Soft window coverings, fabric art on the walls, absorbent floorings, acoustic ceiling tiles and wall treatments. All of these things can help mute sounds.”

I don’t have heavy draperies or sound-absorbent flooring, but I now use an air purifier and white noise machine in my home office to drown out disruptive sounds during working hours. I choose meditative soundscapes on YouTube. I also asked my husband and sons for thoughts on how we could collectively turn down the volume. My youngest had an idea from school. His teacher uses a web-based tool called Bouncy Balls , to bring awareness to rising noise levels (other options include Too Noisy Lite and Calm Counter ).

I pulled up Bouncy Balls on Google Chrome and watched, mesmerized, as a plethora of brightly colored circles bounced in concert with the ambient noise level in our kitchen. When the noise got too loud, based on my chosen sensitivity level, a noise alert from the site (not me) told the boys to quiet down. Soon I began placing my laptop in the center of the table at mealtimes. Yes, I know screens at mealtimes are not ideal, but neither is deafening conversation, and it did reduce the cacophony to a mere buzz most nights.

While there’s no surefire solution to quieting the mind-numbing decibel level in our home, I’ve discovered that when I use tech tools in tandem with self-care—getting enough sleep, taking breaks, removing myself from the chaos—the stressful sounds my beloved boys produce becomes more manageable.

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  • Earth Science
  • Noise Pollution Prevention

Noise Pollution

We know that a sound is a form of energy. Sometimes the sound can be soothing to listen to and, at times, loud to hear. Sound can travel in the air and is produced by the vibration of objects. Regular exposure to a higher sound level that impacts humans and other living organisms is known as sound pollution. This article will help us understand what noise pollution is, the types of noise and pollution, and its causes and examples.

What is Noise Pollution?

The word noise is derived from the Latin word ‘Nausea’, which means sickness in which one feels the need to vomit. Noise is the unpleasant and undesirable sound which leads to discomfort in human beings. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB) . The faintest sound that the human ear can hear is 1 Db. Due to increasing noise around the civilizations, noise pollution has become a matter of concern. Some of its major causes are vehicles, aircraft, industrial machines, loudspeakers, crackers, etc. When used at high volume, some other appliances also contribute to noise pollution, like television, transistor, radio, etc.

Types of Noise Pollution

Following are the three types of pollution:

  • Transport Noise
  • Neighbourhood Noise
  • Industrial Noise

Noise pollution

It mainly consists of traffic noise which has increased in recent years with the increase in the number of vehicles. The increase in noise pollution leads to deafening of older people, headache, hypertension, etc.

The noise from gadgets, household utensils etc. Some of the main sources are musical instruments, transistors, loudspeakers, etc.

It is the high-intensity sound which is caused by heavy industrial machines. According to many researches, industrial noise pollution damages the hearing ability to around 20%.

Causes and Sources of Noise Pollution

Following are the causes and sources of noise pollution:

  • Industrialisation: Industrialisation has led to an increase in noise pollution as the use of heavy machinery such as generators, mills, huge exhaust fans are used, resulting in the production of unwanted noise.
  • Vehicles: Increased number of vehicles on the roads are the second reason for noise pollution.
  • Events: Weddings, public gatherings involve loudspeakers to play music resulting in the production of unwanted noise in the neighbourhood.
  • Construction sites: Mining, construction of buildings, etc add to the noise pollution.

Noise Pollution Examples

Following are the examples of noise pollution:

  • Unnecessary usage of horns
  • Using loudspeakers either for religious functions or for political purposes
  • Unnecessary usage of fireworks
  • Industrial noise
  • Construction noise
  • Noise from transportation such as railway and aircraft

Effects of Noise Pollution on Human Health

Noise pollution can be hazardous to human health in the following ways:

  • Hypertension: It is a direct result of noise pollution which is caused due to elevated blood levels for a longer duration.
  • Hearing loss: Constant exposure of human ears to loud noise that are beyond the range of sound that human ears can withstand damages the eardrums, resulting in loss of hearing.
  • Sleeping disorders: Lack of sleep might result in fatigue and low energy level throughout the day affecting everyday activities. Noise pollution hampers the sleep cycles leading to irritation and an uncomfortable state of mind.
  • Cardiovascular issues: Heart-related problems such as blood pressure level, stress and cardiovascular diseases might come up in a normal person and a person suffering from any of these diseases might feel a sudden shoot up in the level.

Prevention of Noise Pollution

Some noise pollution preventive measures are provided in the points below.

  • Honking in public places like teaching institutes, hospitals, etc. should be banned.
  • In commercial, hospital, and industrial buildings, adequate soundproof systems should be installed.
  • Musical instruments’ sound should be controlled to desirable limits.
  • Dense tree cover is useful in noise pollution prevention.
  • Explosives should not be used in forest, mountainous and mining areas.

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speech on noise pollution

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How is sound measured, what is sound.

The unpleasant and undesirable sound that leads to discomfort in human beings is noise.

What are the types of noise pollution?

Types of noise pollution are:

State true or false: Mining does not contribute to noise pollution.

What are the various effects of noise pollution on human health, human effect on the environment.

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speech on noise pollution

Nice information for learning about noise pollution

It is good. It really makes the child understand the child very Clearly and the best part is the visuals. And here u can chat with academic counselors for the Clearence of the doubts

Very informative. Kudos to your effort in preparing the content.

ver nice content for project work related to this topic.

good for project information ..

Good for academic purposes

It is good for project work

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speech on noise pollution

Pedestrian squashes common misconception about noise pollution in cities: 'It's not coming from people'

S ome cities are considering banning cars because of the air pollution they cause, but one city resident called attention to another often overlooked type of pollution cars produce.

TikTok user Nathan Allebach (@nathanallebach), who shares the benefits of walkable communities on his account, shed light on a common misconception about the source of noise pollution in most cities. 

"If you've ever been in a downtown district that's closed off to cars, whether during peak lunch hours or on a Friday night, you would know the noise pollution caused by people is nothing compared to the noise pollution caused by cars," he says while walking down a quiet residential street. 

"I'm on Main Street in the suburb right now, and all the noise pollution, it's not coming from people. It's coming from cars," he adds as cars whiz by him. 

Cars make it easier to get around in large cities, but they can lower the overall quality of life and make people feel disconnected from others. On the other hand, walkable cities encourage connection and can help counteract the effects of sitting at a desk or other types of sedentary work. 

Plus, plenty of studies show that noise pollution, whether from vehicle traffic, industrial activities, or construction, can cause hearing loss, sleep disorders, mental health problems, and even cardiovascular disease, among other issues. 

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Even if you're used to the background noise of daily life in the city, it still takes a toll on your nervous system and can cause your body to overproduce stress hormones, per The New York Times . 

While cars aren't the only cause of noise pollution, they significantly contribute to the problem. Expecting people to give up driving is unreasonable, but walking or biking to stores near your home can make a big difference. 

Some cities are attempting to reduce car dependency by removing parking spots in urban areas, which makes cities safer and quieter. It also frees up space to install parks or trees, adding much-needed greenery to concrete-dominant cities, attracting pollinators , and reducing temperatures. 

One user commented, "The quietest times in the city where I live are when there's a snowstorm, and driving is reduced to a minimum."

"Let's not forget about the people mowing their f****** lawns at all hours in the suburbs," another added. 

"People think the city and Manhattan pops into their mind … most cities get quiet at night," said another.

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Pedestrian squashes common misconception about noise pollution in cities: 'It's not coming from people' first appeared on The Cool Down .

Pedestrian squashes common misconception about noise pollution in cities: 'It's not coming from people'


  1. 10 Lines on Noise Pollution for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3

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  2. Speech on Noise Pollution For Students

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  4. 10 Lines Essay on Noise Pollution

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  6. 🎉 Article on noise pollution in 150 words. Environmental Pollution

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  1. Noise pollution in Central London

  2. Noise Pollution

  3. Noise Pollution

  4. noise pollution 📢

  5. Noise pollution

  6. Noise pollution and its impact on our mental health


  1. Speech on Noise Pollution

    Noise pollution is an issue you might not think about often. It's unwanted or excessive sound that disturbs the environment. This type of pollution can be harmful to both your health and quality of life. It's important to understand and control noise pollution for a healthier, quieter world. 1-minute Speech on Noise Pollution. Ladies and ...

  2. Noise Pollution

    Noise pollution is an invisible danger. It cannot be seen, but it is present nonetheless, both on land and under the sea. Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms.Sound is measured in decibels.There are many sounds in the environment, from rustling leaves (20 to 30 . decibels) to a thunderclap (120 ...

  3. Essay on Noise Pollution: 100, 300 and 500 Words

    Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, hearing impairment, and even cardiovascular problems. Moreover, it disturbs the natural habitat of wildlife and affects the overall quality of life. In this blog, we will give you a 100, 300, and 500-word essay on noise pollution. Also Read: Essay on Global Warming.

  4. Noise pollution

    Noise pollution also impacts wildlife. A wide range of animals, including insects, frogs, birds, and bats, rely on sound for a variety of reasons.Noise pollution can interfere with an animal's ability to attract a mate, communicate, navigate, find food, or avoid predators and thus can even be an existential threat to vulnerable organisms. The problem of noise pollution is especially serious ...

  5. Speech on Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects and Measures

    ADVERTISEMENTS: Speech on Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects and Measures! There is very little demarcation of sound and noise. Sound is a normal phenomenon of life while noise is nothing but unwanted sound. Therefore, noise pollution is unwanted sound, dumped into the atmosphere without regard to the adverse effects it may have. Encyclopedia Britannica defines noise […]

  6. What are the health effects of noise pollution?

    Noise pollution is the spread of unwanted sounds into the environment. ... communication and speech development; cognitive performance; This may affect a child's behavior, their ability to form ...

  7. Clean Air Act Title IV

    Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people. Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health. Problems related to noise include stress related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity.

  8. Essay on Noise Pollution for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Noise Pollution. Essay on Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is a form of pollution which has become very deadly nowadays. This pollution is increasing only and creates an unsafe environment. Noise pollution is when the level of noise increases more than the normal level. When the amount of noise exceeds, it becomes dangerous ...

  9. Noise Pollution Essay for Students in English

    According to the WHO, noise pollution is a noise above 65db, which can severely affect both humans and animals. A noise beyond 75 dB can be painful and will affect the person severely. It is impossible to see the danger posed by noise pollution. On land and under the sea, you can't see it, but it still exists.

  10. Noise Pollution: Definition, Sources and Effects of Noise Pollution

    The physical manifestation of noise pollution is the effect on hearing ability. Repeated exposure to noise may result in temporary or permanent shifting of the hearing threshold of a person depending upon the level and duration of exposure. The immediate and acute effect of noise pollution is impairment of hearing (i.e. total deafness.)

  11. Speech on Noise Pollution [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

    Noise pollution is also a result of industrial processes like manufacturing and building. Long-term exposure to high noise can cause hearing loss, heart disease, and mental health problems including sadness and anxiety. It may also have an impact on animal behaviour and disturb ecosystems' natural balance. It is our collective duty to lessen ...

  12. Speech on Environmental Pollution

    One-Minute Speech on Environmental Pollution. The aftereffects of environmental pollution are intolerable. It results in the loss of vegetation, irregular functioning of the ecosystem, loss of biodiversity, and poses a threat to human life. Any pollution that brings undesirable changes to the environment can be listed as environmental pollution.

  13. Speech on Pollution for Students in English

    Speech on Pollution 500 Words in English. Below we have provided Pollution Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students. "Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste.". Said by Patti Smith. A warm welcome to one & all present here.

  14. Speech on Pollution: Free Samples for Students in English

    2- Minute Speech on Pollution. 'Hello and welcome to everyone present here. As a conscious human being, I am happy to present my speech on pollution. Pollution is known as the introduction of unwanted substances into the environment, which disrupts the natural environment and overall health of the planet.

  15. Speech on Pollution for Students in English

    Short Speech on Pollution. Good morning to everyone present here today. I am honored to be here and to be given the opportunity to speak about the rising problem of our generation which has been a concern for many for over a decade, that is pollution. Pollution is the contamination of the environment by the introduction of harmful pollutants in it.

  16. Speech on Noise Pollution

    As a result, constant or loud noise might cause worry or anxiety. A person becomes more sensitive to stress as they are exposed to noise pollution on a regular basis. Noise pollution can make people agitated, tense, frustrated, or angry. If a person feels powerless to stop the noise, the impact on their mental health is harsher.

  17. 1 Minute Speech on Noise Pollution In English

    Noise pollution is caused by a variety of reasons, some of them being vehicles, aircraft, industrial machines, loudspeakers, and crackers. Noise pollution raises various issues, including stress-related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. In order to prevent the dangers of ...

  18. Are You Noise Sensitive? Here's How to Tell

    Some of these noises are being piped directly into our ears (thank you, ear pods!), but others are a product of noise pollution. ... Salvi tells me that normal speech hovers around 70 decibels ...

  19. Speech on Noise Pollution (515 Words)

    Speech on Noise Pollution! Any unpleasant sound is classified as noise pollution. Sound possesses three definite properties: intensity, frequency and duration. Intensity is the loudness of a sound, or the pressure it exerts through the ear. It is measured in decibels (dB). In assessing noise, a special measure called "dB (A)" indicates ...

  20. Dutch court says the government must do more to rein in noise pollution

    The court ruling was the latest development in long-running efforts to rein in noise pollution and nuisance caused by the airport on the outskirts of Amsterdam. Late last year, the government shelved plans to rein in flights following protests from countries including the United States and warnings that the move could breach European law and ...

  21. Noise Pollution

    Noise is the unpleasant and undesirable sound which leads to discomfort in human beings. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB). The faintest sound that the human ear can hear is 1 Db. Due to increasing noise around the civilizations, noise pollution has become a matter of concern. Some of its major causes are vehicles, aircraft ...

  22. 2 Minute Speech On Noise Pollution In English

    Noise pollution is defined as noise that is over 65 dB and harms both people and animals. The unit used to measure sound is the decibel. A person's ears may become injured if they are exposed to sounds with a decibel level of 85 or greater. Animals in the water are increasingly suffering from noisy settings, in addition to injuring those on ...

  23. Pedestrian squashes common misconception about noise pollution in ...

    Plus, plenty of studies show that noise pollution, whether from vehicle traffic, industrial activities, or construction, can cause hearing loss, sleep disorders, mental health problems, and even ...

  24. The Speech on Noise Pollution

    Noise pollution has a negative impact on both health and behavior. Unwanted sound (noise) may be harmful to one's health. Noise pollution has been linked to a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular problems, hypertension, high-stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep difficulties, and other detrimental and bothersome impacts.

  25. Speech on Noise Pollution

    Speech on Noise Pollution. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On February 6, 2014 By Sanjoy Roy. In modern ecology noise or sound pollution has come for serious discussion. Formerly men did not mind persistent loud noises. It disturbed the peace of poets and thinkers, but it was not considered to be a factor that could tell upon one's health.

  26. Deep Speech Denoising with Minimal Dependence on Clean ...

    One of the most critical things of the speech enhancement scheme is to separate clean speech from noise, given the speech and noise mixture input. Recent developments in deep learning have improved the speech enhancement schemes, thereby achieving high-performance standards. Nevertheless, the performance of deep learning methods depends on the ...

  27. Lawsuits, political backlash: Dodger Stadium gondola faces more

    The studies aim to show the costs of traffic, pollution and noise that can come with projects like the gondola, where cabins will swoosh by every 20 seconds carrying up to 5,000 people an hour to ...

  28. Court orders Dutch state to do more against Schiphol airport noise

    A Dutch court on Wednesday ordered the government to do more to cut noise pollution at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, potentially limiting traffic at one of Europe's busiest hubs.

  29. Speech on Noise Pollution

    Speech on Noise Pollution. In modern ecology noise or sound pollution has come for serious discussion. Formerly men did not mind persistent loud noises. It disturbed the peace of poets and thinkers, but it was not considered to be a factor that could tell upon one's health. But today it is so.