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How to Write an Effective Manuscript Speech in 5 Steps


If your public speaking course requires you to give a manuscript speech, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. How do you put together a speech that’s effective and engaging? Not to worry – with a few simple steps, you’ll be prepared to pull off a manuscript speech that’s both impactful and polished. In this post, we’ll walk through the 5 steps you need to follow to craft an effective manuscript speech that’ll leave your audience impressed. So let’s get started!

Quick Overview of Key Question

A manuscript speech involves writing down your entire speech word-for-word and memorizing it before delivering it. To begin, start by writing down your introduction , main points, and conclusion. Once you have written your speech, practice reading it out loud to get used to the phrasing and memorize each part .

Preparing a Manuscript Speech

When preparing for your manuscript speech, it is essential to consider both the content of your speech and the format in which you will deliver the speech. It is important to identify any key points or topics that you would like to cover in order to ensure that your manuscript is properly organized and succinct. Additionally, when selecting the style of delivery, be sure to choose one that best fits with your specific message and goals . One style of delivery includes utilizing a conversational tone in order to engage with your audience and help foster an interactive environment . When using this delivery style, be sure to use clear and concise language as well as humor and anecdotes throughout your speech . In addition, select a pacing that allows for flexibility with audience responses without detracting from the overall structure or flow of your text. Alternatively, another style of delivery involves reading directly from the manuscript without deviating from the text. This method works best when coupled with visual aids or props that support the information being relayed. Additionally, it is important to remember to practice reading the manuscript aloud several times prior to its delivery in order to ensure quality content and an acceptable rate of speed. No matter which delivery style you decide upon, careful preparation and rehearsal are essential components of delivering an effective manuscript speech. After deciding on a style of delivery and organizing the content of your speech accordingly, you can move on to formatting your document correctly in order to ensure a professional presentation during its delivery.

Document Format and Outline Structure

Before you dive into the content research and development stages of crafting your manuscript speech, it is important to consider the structure that your specific delivery will take. The format of your document can be varied depending on preferences and requirements, but always remember to keep it consistent throughout. When formatting your document, choose a universal style such as APA or MLA that may be easily recognisable to readers and familiar to most academics. Not only should this ensure your work meets some basic standards, but it will also make sure any information sources are appropriately cited for future reference. Additionally, you should provide visibility for headings to break up topics when needed, whilst keeping the language succinct and easy to understand. Creating an outline is integral in effectively structuring both a written piece of work and delivering a speech from paper. Use a hierarchical system of divisional points starting with a central concept, followed by additional details divided into sub sections where necessary and ending with a conclusion. This overview will act as a roadmap during the writing process—keeping track of ideas, identifying gaps in the presentation structure, and helping ensure clarity when presenting your points live on stage. It may be best practice to include a few statements or questions at the end of each key point to challenge thought in your audience and keep them engaged in the conversation. This could prompt new ideas or encourage defined discussion or debate amongst viewers. Depending on the topic itself, introducing two sides of an argument can allow an all-encompassing view point from which all members of an audience can draw their conclusions from majority opinion. Once you’ve established a full document format and outlined its corresponding structure for delivery, you’re ready for the next step: carefully developing comprehensive content along with appropriate ideas behind each sentence, word choice , and syntax used in every phrase. With these vital pieces in place, you are one step closer to creating an effective manuscript speech!

Content, Ideas and Language

The content, ideas, and language you use in your manuscript speech should be tailored to the audience you are addressing. It is important to consider the scope of the audience’s knowledge, level of interest in the topic and any special needs or cultural sensitivities. The most obvious way of doing this is by understanding who will be listening to the speech. You can also research the subject matter thoroughly to ensure you have a well-rounded perspective on the issue and that your opinion is well-informed.

While incorporating facts and personal experiences can help make any point stronger, ensure all ideas included in the speech have a relevancy to the main argument. Finally, avoid using difficult words or jargons as they may detract from any points being made. In terms of language, it’s recommended to use an active voice and write plainly while maintaining interesting visuals. This will help keep listeners engaged and make it easy for them to understand what’s being said. Additionally, focus on using appropriate vocabulary that will sound classy and create a good impression on your audience. Use simpler terms instead of long-winded ones, as regularly as possible, so that your message integrates easier with listeners. Now that you’ve considered content ideas and language for your manuscript speech, it’s time to go forward with writing and practicing it.

Writing and Practicing a Manuscript Speech

When writing a manuscript speech, it’s important to choose a central topic and clearly define the message you want to convey. Start by doing some research to ensure that your facts are accurate and up-to-date. Take notes and begin to organize your points into a logical flow. Once the first draft of your speech is complete, read it over multiple times, checking for grammar and typos. Also consider ways to effectively utilize visuals, such as photos or diagrams, as props within your speech if they will add value to your content. It is essential to practice delivering your speech using the manuscript long before you stand in front of an audience. Time yourself during practice sessions so that you can get comfortable staying within the parameters provided for the speech. Achieving a perfect blend of speaking out loud and reading word-by-word from the script is a vague area that speakers must strike a balance between in order to engage their audience without appearing overly rehearsed or overly off-the-cuff. Finally, look for opportunities to get feedback on your manuscript speech as you progress through writing and practicing it. Ask family members or friends who are familiar with public speaking for their input, or join an organization like Toastmasters International – an organization dedicated to improving public speaking skills – for more constructive criticism from experienced professionals. Crafting a powerful story should be the next step in preparing for an effective manuscript speech. Rather than delivering cold data points, use storytelling techniques to illustrate your point: Describe how others felt when faced with a challenge, what strategies they used to overcome it, and how their lives changed as a result. Telling stories makes data memorable, entertaining and inspiring – all qualities which should be considered when writing an engaging manuscript speech.

Crafting a Powerful Story

A powerful story is one of the most important elements of a successful manuscript speech. It is the main ingredient to make your speech memorable to the audience and help it stand out from all the other speeches. When crafting a story, there are a few things you should consider: 1) Choose an Appropriate Topic: The topic of your story should be appropriate for the type of speech you will be giving. If you are giving a motivational speech , for example, ensure your story has an uplifting message or theme that listeners can take away from it. Additionally, avoid topics that are too controversial so as not to offend any members of the audience. 2) Relay Your Experience: You could also use your own experience to create powerful stories in your manuscript speech. This gives listeners an authentic perspective of the topic and makes them feel connected to you and your message. Besides personal experiences, you may also draw stories from current events and movies/books which listeners can relate to depending on their age group. 3) Be Animated: As you deliver your story, be sure to convey emotions with proper tone and gestures in order to keep the audience engaged and increase its resonance. Using props and visual aids can also complement the delivery of your story by making it more experiential for listeners. Finally, before moving on to writing the rest of the manuscript speech, ensure that you have developed a powerful story that captures the hearts of those who hear it. With a great story to start off with, listeners will become more invested in what is about to come next in this speech – some tips for delivery!

Key Points to Remember

Writing a powerful story is essential to creating a successful manuscript speech. When selecting topics and stories, it’s important to consider the type of speech, the message, and making sure it’s appropriate and isn’t offensive. Drawing from personal experience and current events can enhance the audience’s connection with the topic, while being animated with tone and gestures will make it more engaging. Visual aids and props can complement this as well. Introducing a great story will draw people to your speech and help them get invested in what comes next.

Tips for Delivery of a Manuscript Speech

Delivering a manuscript speech effectively is essential for making sure your message gets across to your audience. While it may seem daunting, by following a few simple tips, you can ensure that you present your speech in the most professional manner possible. Before you start delivering your speech, be sure to practice it several times in advance. This will help you become comfortable with your words so that they don’t come out stilted while presenting. It is also important to emphasize vocal variety by changing the tone and intensity of your voice to keep the audience’s focus; boring monotone voices are often difficult to listen to. Remember to slow down or speed up depending on the importance of what you’re saying; never read word-for-word from your script – instead, aim for an engaging, conversational delivery. When delivering a manuscript speech, hand gestures can prove particularly useful for emphasizing key points. You can use arm movements and body language to convey the emotions behind your words without them feeling forced or unnatural. Again, practice helps here as well; make yourself aware of your posture and make subtle adjustments throughout until you feel comfortable speaking while moving around confidently on stage. Eye contact is another key element of effective presentation . Make sure to look into the eyes of every member of your audience at least once during your presentation – this will help them feel like they are interacting with you directly and make them more receptive to your ideas. Feel free to break away from traditional powerpoint slides if they aren’t necessary – take advantage of the natural lighting in the room and navigate through the visible space instead. Finally, remember that how you conclude the speech is just as important as how you began it, so aim for a powerful ending that leaves those listening with a lasting impression of what was discussed and learned throughout your presentation. With these tips for delivery in mind, you’re almost ready to leave a lasting impression on your audience – something we’ll discuss further in the next section!

Making a Lasting Impression with Your Audience

When you first create your manuscript speech, it is of utmost importance to consider your audience. Each part of the speech must be tailored to the people who will be listening. If a speaker can connect with an audience and make an emotional impact, the work that went into crafting the document will pay off. Using a conversational tone, humor, storytelling, and analogies can help keep the audience engaged during your speech. These techniques give the listener something to connect with and remember after the presentation is over. However, be sure to balance any humorous anecdotes or stories with a professional demeanor as not to lose credibility with your audience. Considering each part of the message and its potential impression on the listeners can also help guide you in tailoring a manuscript speech. When introducing yourself, try to use language that connects with the background of your peers; focus on wanting to help others with what you have learned or experienced so they feel like you are truly talking directly to them. Conclude by summing up important points in an inspirational way and leave listeners motivated and determined to apply the advice given in their own lives. Through this manner of “closing out” an effective speech, the audience can carry away meaningful information that will stay with them long after you finish speaking. Now that you understand how essential it is for speakers to make a lasting impression on their audiences, let us move onto learning how to confidently handle questions from your listeners as part of your presentation.

How to Handle Questions from Your Audience

When writing a manuscript speech, there are certain things you should consider when handling questions from your audience. This is an essential part of giving a successful talk to a group of people. The best way to handle questions is to take notes and make sure you can answer them directly after the speech is completed. It is important to be prepared with responses to any potential questions that may arise during your presentation. This will show your audience that you have taken the time and effort towards understanding their concerns and addressing them accordingly.

Additionally, it is also beneficial to anticipate possible areas of criticism or disagreement among members of your audience, as this allows you to provide evidence or offer an alternate route for them to consider when questioning the points made in your presentation. It is also important to remain courteous and professional when answering questions , even if someone challenges your views or speaks unkindly about your topic. It is always best practice to remain composed and ensure everyone in the room feels respected. Furthermore, having an open discussion with your audience following a well-prepared manuscript speech can add value by expanding on topics outlined. It also presents an opportunity for further clarifications and understanding beyond just getting out the message. This can be done by asking the participants what they thought of the presentation, what points they found most interesting, and other general feedback they might offer. If handled correctly, these moments can be used as learning opportunities for both yourself and others. Ultimately, handling questions from your audience confidently and gracefully is an important component of delivering a successful manuscript speech. By taking the time to prepare a response tailored towards each inquiry, even if it involves debate, you show respect towards those who took their time out of their day to attend your talk.

Additionally, it presents an opportunity to expand on topics covered while allowing meaningful dialogue between participants. With that said, it’s now time turn our focus onto crafting an effective conclusion for our manuscripts speeches – one which can bring our ideas full circle and leave our audience with memorable words!

Conclusion and Overall Manuscript Speech Strategy

The conclusion of any speech is an important part of the process and should not be taken lightly. Regardless of the structure or content of the speech, the conclusion can help drive home the points you have made throughout your speech. It also serves to leave a lasting impression on the listener. The conclusion should not be too long or drawn-out, but it should be meaningful and relevant to your topic and overall message. When writing your conclusion, consider recapping some of the key points made in the body of your speech. This will help to reinforce those ideas that you want to stick with the listener most. Additionally, make sure to emphasize how what has been addressed in your speech translates into real-world solutions or recommendations. This can help ensure that you have conveyed an actionable and tangible impact with your speech. One way to approach crafting an effective manuscript for a speech is to take note of the overall theme or objective that you wish to convey. From there, think about how best to organize your information into manageable sections, ensuring that each one accurately reflects your main points from both a visual and verbal standpoint. Consider what visuals or other tools could be used to further illustrate or clarify any complex concepts brought up in the main body of your speech. Finally, be sure to craft an appropriate conclusion that brings together all of these points into a cohesive whole, leaving your listeners with powerful words that underscore the importance and significance of what you have said. Overall, successful manuscript speeches depend on clear and deliberate preparation. Spending time outlining, writing, and editing your speech will ensure that you are able to effectively communicate its message within a set timeframe and leave a lasting impact on those who heard it. By following this process carefully, you can craft manuscripts that will inform and inspire audiences while driving home key talking points effectively every time.

Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers

What are the benefits of giving a manuscript speech.

Giving a manuscript speech has many benefits. First, it allows the speaker to deliver a well-researched and thought-out message that is generally consistent each time. Since the speaker has prepared their speech in advance, they can use rehearsals to perfect their delivery and make sure their message is clear and concise.

Additionally, having a manuscript allows the speaker the freedom to focus on engaging the audience instead of trying to remember what to say next. Having a written script also helps remove the fear of forgetting important points or getting sidetracked on tangents during the presentation. Finally, with a manuscript, it’s possible to easily modify content from performance to performance as needed. This can help ensure that every version of the speech remains as relevant, meaningful, and effective as possible for each audience.

How does one prepare a manuscript speech?

Preparing a manuscript speech requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are the five steps to help you write a successful manuscript speech: 1. Research: Take the time to do your research and gather all the facts you need. This should be done well in advance so that you can prepare your speech carefully. 2. Outline: Lay out an outline of the major points you want to make in your speech and make sure each point builds logically on the one preceding it. 3. Draft: Once you have an outline, begin to flesh it out into a first draft of your manuscript speech. Be sure to include transitions between key points as well as fleshing out any examples or anecdotes that may help illustrate your points. 4. Edit: Once you have a first draft, edit it down multiple times. This isn’t where detailed editing comes in; this is more about making sure all the big picture elements work logically together, ensuring smooth transitions between ideas, and ensuring your words are chosen precisely to best convey their meaning. 5. Practice: The last step is perhaps the most important – practice! Rehearse your manuscript speech until you know it like the back of your hand, so that when it’s time for delivery, you can be confident of success.

What are some tips for delivering a successful manuscript speech?

1. Prepare in advance: Draft a script and practice it several times before delivering it. This will allow you to be comfortable with your material and avoid any awkward pauses when you are presenting your speech. 2. Speak clearly: Make sure that you speak loudly and clearly enough for everyone in the room to hear you. It is also important to enunciate your words properly so that your message can easily be understood by your audience. 3. Engage with the audience: Use eye contact when addressing your audience, ask questions and wait for responses, and pause to allow people time to mull over your points. These techniques help to ensure that everyone is engaged and interested in what you are saying. 4. Create visual aids: Create slides or other visuals that augment the material in your manuscript speech. This can help to keep the audience focused on what they are hearing as well as providing a reference point for them after your speech is finished. 5. Rehearse: Rehearse the delivery of your manuscript speech at least once prior to giving it so that you feel confident about how it will sound when presented in front of an audience. Identify any areas where improvements may be needed and focus on perfecting them before delivering the speech.

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Manuscript Speech: Definition, Examples, and Presentation Tips

A manuscript speech implies reading a pre-written speech word by word. Go through this SocialMettle write-up to find out its meaning, some examples, along with useful tips on how to present a manuscript speech.

Manuscript Speech: Definition and Examples

Tip! While preparing the manuscript, consider who your audience is, so as to make it effectual.

Making a speech comes to us as a ‘task’ sometimes. Be it in school, for a meeting, or at a function; unless you are at ease with public speaking, speeches may not be everyone’s cup of tea. A flawless and well-structured delivery is always welcome though. Memories of delivering and listening to a variety of speeches are refreshed when confronted with preparing for one.

Being the most effective way of communication, a speech is also a powerful medium of addressing controversial issues in a peaceful manner. There are four types of speeches: impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized. Each has its purpose, style, and utility. We have definitely heard all of them, but may not be able to easily differentiate between them. Let’s understand what the manuscript type is actually like.

Definition of Manuscript Speech

This is when a speaker reads a pre-written speech word by word to an audience.

It is when an already prepared script is read verbatim. The speaker makes the entire speech by referring to the printed document, or as seen on the teleprompter. It is basically an easy method of oral communication.

Manuscript speaking is generally employed during official meetings, conferences, and in instances where the subject matter of the speech needs to be recorded. It is used especially when there is time constraint, and the content of the talk is of prime importance. Conveying precise and succinct messages is the inherent purpose of this speech. Public officials speaking at conferences, and their speech being telecast, is a pertinent example.

There can be various occasions where this style of speech is used. It depends on the context of the address, the purpose of communication, the target audience, and the intended impact of the speech. Even if it is understood to be a verbatim, manuscript speaking requires immense effort on the part of the speaker. Precision in the delivery comes not just with exact reading of the text, but with a complete understanding of the content, and the aim of the talk. We have witnessed this through many examples of eloquence, like the ones listed below.

  • A speech given by a Congressman on a legislative bill under consideration.
  • A report read out by a Chief Engineer at an Annual General Meeting. 
  • A President’s or Prime Minister’s address to the Parliament of a foreign nation. 
  • A televised news report (given using a teleprompter) seen on television. 
  • A speech given at a wedding by a best man, or during a funeral. 
  • A religious proclamation issued by any religious leader. 
  • A speech in honor of a well-known and revered person. 
  • Oral report of a given chapter in American history, presented as a high school assignment. 

Advantages and Disadvantages

✔ Precision in the text or the speech helps catch the focus of the audience.

✔ It proves very effective when you have to put forth an important point in less time.

✔ Concise and accurate information is conveyed, especially when talking about contentious issues.

✘ If you are not clear in your speech and cannot read out well, it may not attract any attention of the audience.

✘ As compared to a direct speech, in a manuscript that is read, the natural flow of the speaker is lost. So is the relaxed, enthusiastic, interactive, and expressive tone of the speech lost.

✘ A manuscript speech can become boring if read out plainly, without any effort of non-verbal communication with the audience.

Tips for an Appealing Manuscript Speech

❶ Use a light pastel paper in place of white paper to lessen the glare from lights.

❷ Make sure that the printed or written speech is in a bigger font size than normal, so that you can comfortably see what you are reading, which would naturally keep you calm.

❸ Mark the pauses in your speech with a slash, and highlight the important points.

❹ You can even increase the spacing between words for easier reading (by double or triple spacing the text).

❺ Highlight in bold the first word of a new section or first sentence of a paragraph to help you find the correct line faster.

❻ Don’t try to memorize the text, highlights, or the pauses. Let it come in the flow of things.

❼ Practice reading it out aloud several times, or as many times as you can.

❽ Try keeping a smile on your face while reading.

❾ Keep in mind that a manuscript speech does not mean ‘mere reading out’. Maintaining frequent eye contact with the audience helps involving them into the subject matter.

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How To Write A Manuscript For A Speech

Public speaking can fill one with a sense of dread, but knowing how to write a manuscript for a speech can make the difference between a successful speaking engagement and one that is not.  Many factors should be considered when preparing a speech.

Preparing an outline is always helpful; make headings that clearly make key points and fill in the facts that are to be presented under each heading.    Consider the phrasing of the headlines as they can be directly used as  the introductory sentences to your points.

Knowing the key target audience is the most important factor in writing the manuscript.  Avoid speaking over them; a group of highschool kids will need to be addressed in a different way than a roomful of adults.  Keep the tone of the speech inline with the target audience.   Lightheartedness may not be an appropriate tone for all occassions, but this approach is perfect for a younger audience.

Knowing how to write a manuscript for a speech sounds like an overwhelming task, but backing up the outline with well researched information keeps the manuscript interesting.  When doing fact based research, try to find a new angle for the information.  A speech on the deadly effects of carbon monoxide in and of itself, for instance, could be boring to listeners who already know that this is a deadly exposure.  Liven the speech up with unusual facts as well, such as that in the 1800’s through the 1900’s carbon monoxide released through gas lamps accounted for sightings of ghosts and other hallucinations, and that Edgar Allen Poe is thought to have been suffering the effects of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning while writing his works.  These facts would be a pertinent, entertaining and unusual way to grab audience attention.  Be sure any facts offered are well researched and accurate, but do not drag the audience attention down with citing continued fact references.  Terms such as “research shows” or “it has been found that” are often a better lead up to your facts and continue to keep audience attention.

Remember when writing the speech that the amount of time taken to prepare it is often far short of the amount of time it will take to deliver it.  It is better to prepare the manuscript to be longer and pare it down than to consider it finished and have to add material.  Using the method of paring down rather than adding on allows the ideas to flow freely, whereas adding material can often result in a speech that sounds choppy.

Once the manuscript is written, preparing to deliver it can be done at first in front of a mirror and then in front of family and friends.  These practice sessions do more than boost confidence, they allow the speaker to practice inflection and emphasis.  Some ideas can be changed at this point since some things sound better in writing than they do spoken aloud.

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my tribute speech on barack obama? so for my english class we have to do a tribute speech on someone we look up to and first i chose my mom then i changed it to my dad then i changed it to obama can anyone help me write my tribute speech? or help me with some ideas this is what it has to have…

Step 1 (Investigate/Decide) – 250 words; due Thursday, January 8 Yes, you have to do this step, so stop whining. Reflect on a significant personality who has had an impact on our world, or who has personally influenced you. oWhy do you look up to this person? What do you consider worthy of tribute about him/her? oList his/her admirable traits oCreate a list of 5 to 10 interview questions that you would ask this person if given the opportunity to interview him or her. Consider using words and phrases such as: justify, explain, evaluate, “to what extent”, classify, describe, determine, implement, defend, etc. (See list of possible words to use in formulating a question) oIf you had an opportunity to thank this person, what would you thank him/her for?

Step Two: (Investigate/Research continues) – due with step 3 Now that you’ve chosen your subject, investigate and record on paper the answers to the following bulleted questions/statements

oBiography –origins (background, family life, education, etc) oTimeline – highlight accomplishments oRelevancy- just what is it that makes your subject worthy of this tribute speech? oUse library and Internet as needed (you must have at least 6 sources for this speech. If your speech is about a famous person, you must make sure they are accurate…keep track of them on work-cited page. If your speech is about a person who is not famous, then you must use interviews, old local newspaper articles, old family albums, etc.)

Step Three: Plan and Decide (Create Outline of Speech) – due Thursday, January 15 Decide which information you will use from your research. Plan the best way to organize your information into an effective speech.

Create an outline of your speech (please put details on the outline) Example of how you might organize speech: oQuote or eye-opening fact; statistic; etc…hook oBiography of Individual oAccomplishments oWhy tribute to this individual?

**Step Four: Create Full Written Draft of Speech – Due Tuesday, January 20 Create your manuscript with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Include the stylistic devices listed for objective #5. Cite sources within your manuscript as appropriate using MLA format. You will need a Work Cited page as well. Peer Edit and Revision

Step Five •Rehearse—create note cards and time yourself. •Did you remember to cite sources and create your work cited page?

Step Six: Presentation of Speeches with Peer Evaluation/Turn in Manuscript. All Speeches due Tuesday, January 20 whether it is your day to present or not! Keep a copy for yourself! Present and Evaluate Speeches (4 to 6 minutes)

and this is what i have so far:

January 21, 2009 English 10

Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961. Honolulu , Hawaii , USA . His full name is Barack Hussein Obama Jr.; which means “Blessed by God”, in Arabic He was born to a white American mother, Ann Dunham. And a black father, Barack Obama, Sr. they both were students at the University of Hawaii . His father left to Harvard while his wife and son stayed behind. His father went back to Kenya where he worked as an economist. Barack’s mother remarried an Indonesian. He worked as an oil manager. His father would write to him, but due to his business, he visited his son only once, and that was when Barack was ten. Barack managed to go to one of Hawaii ’s top prep academy, which is Punahou School . Then later on Barack attended Columbia University . He became a community organizer for a small Chicago church for three years. He helped poor south side people deal with a wave of plant closing. Then he attended Harvard Law School . In 1990 he became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Then in Chicago he practiced civil-rights law. In 2004 Barack Obama was elected to the U.S senate as a Demarcate representing Illinois . Then in November, 2008 he ran for president as a democrat and won! And now he is the 44th president of the United States and the first African- American running for president. Barack Obama’s greatest accomplishment is his family, His two daughters and wife. He is worthy of my tribute speech because he is the very brave and he is the first African- American president. And because he is Step One- investigate/design I look up to this person because he has done many good things.

It’s good. Maybe find a way to replace pathos a couple times (them) towards the beginning of your essay. On the part where you say “if the paper were to be written on…” you should take out “than” after the comma. When you list the reasons why Golding might be better, I would say “he” instead of just Golding. Change “It is understandable that some people may think that Golding is more effective in his paper than Clark. Golding is older, Golding has more education, and Golding more experience in college, than Clark does. Many people may argue that Golding has the better paper, due to the previously listed reasons, and those reasons are understandable” to “Understandably, people will argue that Golding is superior to Clark when it comes to writing effectively. They will stress that Golding has experience on his side due to age and more college education.” Change “Something that may be agreeable though, is that Golding may have the better paper when it comes to following the rules of writing, and his organization style; but that Clark’s paper is actually better because he is in college, and that this paper is directed mainly towards current college students.” To “Something that may be agreeable, though, is that Golding has the better paper when it comes to the formalities of writing and organization, yet Clark’s paper is actually more meaningful due to the fact that he can relate to his target audience – he is in college, too.”

Sorry, but I’m too tired to continue. I didn’t study your essay much, so I’m not sure how well my edits would flow, but I tried. Also, there a couple of words that you should use a thesaurus on – I advise if it appears 3 or more times to do it.

It was a great essay and you can always go back to your original if you don’t like mine (but there were a few comma, etc. problems).


ENGLISH PAPER PART 2 PLEASE PROVIDE INPUT AND HELP? How many people want to be deprived of freedoms? One could assume that the majority of the United States citizens support freedom, so one could see how this idea may anger people. Pathos is a very effective way to get people to understand a view, and Clark does a great job of using it. In Golding’s article, he still uses Pathos, but to a much lesser extent. He uses pathos in some of his examples, and it is effective when it is used. Although he uses pathos a little bit in his article, for the most part he seems to simply argue and discuss the topics. By doing this he makes the reader less willing to read on, thus making his article less effective overall. Clark also is at an advantage because he is a college student, and these writings are more directed at college students than anyone else. Golding cannot control the fact that he is a professor, but it does put him at a disadvantage. Clark was a college student when he wrote this, so he knew how students his age interpreted things, Golding was from a different generation than the intended audience, and the ways of thinking among college student changed since Golding was in college. When Clark wrote this essay, one may assume that he talked to his college aged friends about this topic, and asked them what they think; Assuming that Clark did this, it helped him to be more successful in his paper than Golding. If the paper were to be written solely on free speech among college professors, than Golding would probably have the advantage of better understanding the intended audience better. It is understandable that some people may think that Golding is more effective in his paper than Clark. Golding is older, Golding has more education, and Golding more experience in college, than Clark does. Many people may argue that Golding has the better paper, due to the previously listed reasons, and those reasons are understandable. Something that may be agreeable though, is that Golding may have the better paper when it comes to following the rules of writing, and his organization style; but that Clark’s paper is actually better because he is in college, and that this paper is directed mainly towards current college students. It is also understandable that the ways of teaching how to write papers has changed, and how students are educated has changed, so due to these reasons Clark’s paper may actually be more current and apply more to it’s intended audience than Golding’s. Clark’s paper is a well written paper, and due to his use of straightforwardness, pathos, simplicity in his writing, and his advantage due to his age, he may still have the better piece of writing, even if Golding is more educated and more intelligent.

Sources Golding, M. P. (2000). Campus Speech Issues. Manuscript in preparation. Clark, Q. Speech Codes: An Insult to Education and a Threat to Our Future.

First of all, “Sir” Isaac Newton never served in Parliament. He served in 1698 and in 1701-02, but he wasn’t knighted until 1705. If the knighthood gave him the wherewithal to hire an assistant, that helper could not have written a Parliamentary speech with him. Second, Newton never argued before the House of Lords: he represented his university, Cambridge, in the House of Commons. Third, Newton’s only recorded words in Parliament were a point of order, a request to close a drafty window. He never made a “maiden speech”, nor argued for any bill. To top it all off, his service and knighthood had nothing to do with his scientific work. James II tried to turn the universities into Catholic institutions; Newton (and Cambridge itself) staunchly opposed the idea. Newton simply voted that way at every opportunity. The Queen so appreciated his efforts in support of this and other of her political causes that she knighted him.

After explaining the problems to the embarrassed vendor, Nora bought the document for £13, just as a reminder that she doesn’t know it all. She eventually got it identified: a portion of an unfinished play by a minor author, circa 1870.

She Turned Me Into a Newton!? After identifying a suspicious fellow Yankee at the local pub, Nora Shekrie decided to take a holiday at the market in Blyth. She was escorted by her not-too-distant relatives, Sir Loine of Boef and Lady Rose Boef. Nora wanted to take home some memento of her visit, something more than the prepaid travel vouchers Sir Harold had supplied. After a morning of making nice with the locals, receiving thanks, admiration, and not a few jibes about being from “the Colonies”, Nora was quite enjoying herself. The morning tea and late lunch were taking up a serene position in her abdomen, the sun was shining, and the studied quaintness of the market enchanted her more with each passing hour. She politely examined each stall of wares, commented astutely on some aspect of almost every shop, and generally impressed the vendors as something rather better than the stereotypical American tourist. Finally, at half-past two o’clock, she found the item to take home. An youngish gentleman selling out-of-print books had an item that intrigued her.

“It’s the manuscript of an early draft of the speech,” he explained as she bent over to examine the fine penmanship. “One of my ancestors was an assistant to Sir Isaac Newton. He served in Parliament, you know.” Nora nodded. “Dodgy times, what with the Glorious Revolution and all, but my many-greats grandfather found a stable position with Sir Isaac, right after the knighthood gave him enough money to hire someone permanent-like. Sir Isaac asked G-g-g-grandfather, Thomas Hanscomb was his name, to write some for his first speech in the House of Lords. Oh, Newton supplied the ideas sure enough, but Hanscomb did the first bit of writing, not what many could write back then. “Newton took Hanscomb’s draft, did it up his own way, no surprise to either of them I warrant, and gave back the first. That’s it, there in the frame and protective glass and all, and I keep it out of the sun like you see here.” The three of them noted the shade over the one item, giving it further protection from the light. “Sir Isaac made his grand speech, both houses passed whatever bill, and Thomas Hanscomb stuffed this copy into his things. It come down to me after all this time.” Nora nodded, seeming to have reached some decision. “And it’s certainly dear enough,” she held up a hand to stop him, “but fairly, given its history. Across the pond, a representative’s first speech in Congress is considered a great event.” She considered her bank balance, held a mental argument with herself, and pulled out her billfold. “I take traveler’s cheques, VISA, and cash,” he smiled. Nora smiled in return, pulling out a small plastic card. She felt a polite tug at her sleeve: Rose. ” For a purchase this significant, I usually like to get my mind well settled before I sign the papers, just to be sure. Shall we have a cuppa, and you talk to me about this?” There was a note in Rose’s voice; Nora had learned to respect that tone over her ten days with the family. She turned to the stall-keeper. “Would a fiver hold it for an hour?” “M’lady, at this price, a scone would hold it for the day.” Nora grinned. “A scone, it is. With jam?” He nodded. They had a deal.

They chose their table and allowed Harold to seat them with their food. He trundled back to the stalls with the extra scone, leaving his wife and guest to discuss the matter. “Rose, it sounds like I got off cheaply. You certainly know your business. Care to let me in on the secret? I’m usually the one who spots these things.”

How did Rose know that Nora shouldn’t buy the manuscript?

Is this paper good? What could I do to improve it? Part 2? How many people want to be deprived of freedoms? One could assume that the majority of the United States citizens support freedom, so one could see how this idea may anger people. Pathos is a very effective way to get people to understand a view, and Clark does a great job of using it. In Golding’s article, he still uses Pathos, but to a much lesser extent. He uses pathos in some of his examples, and it is effective when it is used. Although he uses pathos a little bit in his article, for the most part he seems to simply argue and discuss the topics. By doing this he makes the reader less willing to read on, thus making his article less effective overall. Clark also is at an advantage because he is a college student, and these writings are more directed at college students than anyone else. Golding cannot control the fact that he is a professor, but it does put him at a disadvantage. Clark was a college student when he wrote this, so he knew how students his age interpreted things, Golding was from a different generation than the intended audience, and the ways of thinking among college student changed since Golding was in college. When Clark wrote this essay, one may assume that he talked to his college aged friends about this topic, and asked them what they think; Assuming that Clark did this, it helped him to be more successful in his paper than Golding. If the paper were to be written solely on free speech among college professors, than Golding would probably have the advantage of better understanding the intended audience better. It is understandable that some people may think that Golding is more effective in his paper than Clark. Golding is older, Golding has more education, and Golding more experience in college, than Clark does. Many people may argue that Golding has the better paper, due to the previously listed reasons, and those reasons are understandable. Something that may be agreeable though, is that Golding may have the better paper when it comes to following the rules of writing, and his organization style; but that Clark’s paper is actually better because he is in college, and that this paper is directed mainly towards current college students. It is also understandable that the ways of teaching how to write papers has changed, and how students are educated has changed, so due to these reasons Clark’s paper may actually be more current and apply more to it’s intended audience than Golding’s. Clark’s paper is a well written paper, and due to his use of straightforwardness, pathos, simplicity in his writing, and his advantage due to his age, he may still have the better piece of writing, even if Golding is more educated and more intelligent.

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How to Write a Manuscript for a Speech

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Being asked to deliver a speech can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Whether it's a speech for a conference, a public speaking event, or a special occasion, it's vital to have a well-written manuscript that will effectively communicate your message to your audience and leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of how to write a manuscript for a speech, from understanding the purpose of your speech to delivering a memorable conclusion.

Understanding the Purpose of a Speech Manuscript

Before you start writing your speech manuscript, it's crucial to identify the purpose of your speech. There are three primary categories of speeches:

Informative Speeches

Informative speeches aim to educate the audience about a specific topic by providing relevant information. The purpose of an informative speech manuscript is not to persuade the audience but to convey essential information.

For example, if you are giving a speech about the history of the United States, your goal is to provide factual information about the country's past. You might discuss significant events, such as the American Revolution or the Civil Rights Movement, and how they shaped the country. You might also talk about key figures in American history, such as George Washington or Martin Luther King Jr.

When writing an informative speech manuscript, it's essential to consider your audience's level of knowledge about the topic. If your audience is already familiar with the subject, you might need to delve deeper into the topic to provide new and interesting information. If your audience is relatively unfamiliar with the subject, you might need to provide more background information to help them understand the topic better.

Persuasive Speeches

Persuasive speeches, as the name suggests, aim to persuade the audience to take a specific action or adopt a particular point of view. The purpose of a persuasive speech manuscript is to convince and influence the audience.

For example, if you are giving a speech about the importance of recycling, your goal is to persuade the audience to recycle more. You might discuss the environmental benefits of recycling, such as reducing waste and conserving natural resources. You might also talk about the economic benefits of recycling, such as creating jobs in the recycling industry.

When writing a persuasive speech manuscript, it's essential to consider your audience's beliefs and values. You need to understand their perspective on the topic and tailor your arguments accordingly. You might need to address common objections to your point of view and provide counterarguments to persuade your audience to see things your way.

Special Occasion Speeches

Special occasion speeches are usually delivered at specific public events such as weddings, funerals, or award ceremonies. The purpose of a special occasion speech manuscript is to commemorate and celebrate a particular event or person.

For example, if you are giving a speech at a wedding, your goal is to celebrate the love and commitment between the couple. You might talk about how the couple met, their shared interests and values, and how they complement each other. You might also offer advice for a happy and successful marriage.

When writing a special occasion speech manuscript, it's essential to consider the tone of the event. You need to strike the right balance between humor and sentimentality, depending on the occasion. You might also want to include personal anecdotes or stories to make the speech more engaging and memorable.

Researching and Gathering Information

Once you have identified the purpose of your speech manuscript, it's time to start researching and gathering information. The success of your speech depends on the quality and relevance of the information you present to your audience. Here are some essential tips for collecting relevant data:

Identifying Your Audience

The first step in gathering information for your speech manuscript is to identify your target audience. Knowing your audience demographic can help you shape your speech to fit their needs and interests.

For example, if you are giving a speech to a group of college students, you may want to focus on topics that are relevant to their age group and academic interests. On the other hand, if you are speaking to a group of professionals, you may want to focus on topics related to their industry or field of work.

By identifying your audience, you can tailor your speech to their specific needs and interests, making it more engaging and relevant to them.

Collecting Relevant Data

Collecting relevant data is critical to the success of your speech manuscript. Use reputable sources such as academic journals, news articles, and statistical data to support your speech's main points.

When researching your topic, it's important to consider both sides of the argument. This will help you present a balanced and well-informed speech that addresses all aspects of the topic.

For example, if you are giving a speech on the benefits of renewable energy, you may want to research both the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources. This will allow you to present a more comprehensive and persuasive argument to your audience.

Citing Your Sources

When presenting information from external sources, it's essential to cite your sources correctly. Ensure that you use the appropriate citation format, such as MLA or APA, to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original author.

Citing your sources also adds credibility to your speech and shows that you have done your research. It demonstrates that you have taken the time to gather relevant information from reputable sources and have used this information to support your arguments.

Overall, researching and gathering information is a crucial step in creating a successful speech manuscript. By identifying your audience, collecting relevant data, and citing your sources, you can create a well-informed and persuasive speech that engages and informs your audience.

Organizing Your Speech

After gathering and organizing your information, it's time to start writing your speech manuscript. Here are some essential tips for organizing your speech manuscript:

Crafting a Strong Introduction

The introduction is the most critical part of your speech manuscript. It's where you capture your audience's attention and establish your credibility as a speaker. Start with a hook, such as a personal anecdote or a thought-provoking question, then introduce your topic.

Developing the Body of Your Speech

The body of your speech manuscript should contain your main points and supporting evidence. Organize your main points in a logical order, such as chronological or topical, and ensure that they flow seamlessly from one point to the next.

Writing a Memorable Conclusion

The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a memorable closing statement, such as a call to action or a quote.

Tips for Writing an Effective Manuscript

Here are some essential tips for writing an effective speech manuscript:

Using Clear and Concise Language

Avoid using complex jargon or unfamiliar words. Use clear and concise language to ensure that your audience can easily understand your message.

Incorporating Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical devices, such as repetition and metaphors, can make your speech more engaging and memorable. Use them sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Balancing Facts and Emotions

While it's essential to present factual information, don't forget to infuse emotions into your speech manuscript. Emotions can help you connect with your audience and make your message more compelling.

By following these essential steps, you can write a compelling and effective speech manuscript that will engage and inspire your audience. Remember to practice your speech delivery and refine your manuscript until you feel confident and prepared to deliver your speech.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Manuscript for a Speech

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot . Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.

Please produce a comprehensive and detailed document that will serve as the script for a speech.


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2.8: Speaking from a Manuscript- How to Read and not Look Like You Are Reading

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  • University of Arkansas

Picture of Winston Churchill's manuscript

How to Write and Use Manuscripts

There will be times when reading from a manuscript is helpful. When giving a eulogy and you are likely to experience strong emotions, having your words written out and in front of you will be very helpful. Politicians often speak from manuscripts because there will be people weighing the meaning of each word. They often have speech writers who take their ideas and make them sound professional, and they likely have several people look it over for any offensive words or questionable phrases.

The advantage to speaking with a manuscript is you have your speech in front of you giving you an opportunity to plan interesting wordplays and advanced language techniques. By managing the exact wording, you can better control the emotional tone. Another advantage to a manuscript is you can share your speech with others both for proofing and for reference. For example, many people like to have written copies of the toast given to them at a special occasion or a copy of the eulogy to the loved one. Politically speaking, a manuscript can be helpful to help keep you on track and to help you say only the things that you mean to say.

The disadvantage to a manuscript is if not done properly, your speech may feel like merely an “essay with legs.” Speaking from a manuscript is a skill. I would argue that it is one of the most difficult of all types because your goal is to read without appearing to read. It can be so tempting to lock your eyes on the page where it is safe without ever looking up at the audience. Speakers who lack the skill of manuscript reading will have very little eye contact and when they look up it will be in only short bursts–rarely long enough to lock eyes with anyone in the audience. Finally, it is very difficult for most people to gesture when reading a manuscript. Many people run their hands down the page to keep their place while others clutch the podium and never let go.

Keys to Using a Manuscript

  • Always write a manuscript in manuscript format and never in essay format.
  • Practice with your manuscript at a podium so you can work on how to change pages.
  • Learn the art of eye fixations.
  • Practice with a friend so you can master eye contact.
  • If you struggle with gestures, make a note on your manuscript to remind you to gesture.
  • Practice, practice, practice–you should actually practice more than in a typical speech since it is a harder delivery method.

Formatting a Manuscript

  • Do not start a sentence on one page and then finish it on another.
  • Do not fold the manuscript–it won’t lay flat on the podium.
  • Do not print on both sides of the page.
  • Do not staple the manuscript
  • Number your page.
  • Write it in a large font and then make it one size larger than you need.
  • It should look like poetry.
  • Have extra spaces between every main idea.
  • Bold the first word of every main section.
  • Use /// or …. to indicate pauses in your speech.
  • Bold or make the font larger when you want to emphasize a word.
  • If you have a parallel construction where you repeat the same word bold or underline the repeated word.
  • Pick an easy-to-read font.
  • Make a note (SLIDE) when you need to change your slide.
  • It is more important to write it like you will speak it than to include commas and periods.
  • It is OK to omit punctuation.
  • Do whatever formatting works best for you.

Sample manuscripts

Notice how this student formats her manuscript by making it spread out and easy to read:

Today // it is an honor for me to stand here before you at the Freedom Banquet and pay tribute to a man

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that in his lifetime …………………………………. has touched ………………….. and changed …………………………… uncountable lives across the globe

Today /// we are here to honor ……………. a president, ……………………….. a father, ……………………………… a husband ……………………………………. and a true savior in Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tribute speech by Tanica van As delivered at the University of Arkansas

Manuscripte From History


Winston Churchill’s Speech in Response to German’s Invasion of Britain and Finest Hour Speech

Sometimes referred to as the Psalms format or free verse format, the speech is written like it will be spoken.

How to Present with a Manuscript

To best read a manuscript, we need to borrow some items from speed reading. When you were first learning to read, you learned to read each letter–D–O–G. You would look at the letter “D,” then your eyes would look at the letter “O, ” and finally, your eyes would move over to look at the letter “G.” You would fixate (or rest) your eyes on three different places. Eventually, you got better at reading and better at seeing, so you would now look at DOG in one eye fixation and your brain was able to take in the information–dog. Now, you no longer read one letter at a time, that would be way too slow, now you can take in the whole word at once.

Over time, you have even learned bigger words–like “communication” (13 letters). Now, consider this… the phase “The dog ran fast” contains 13 letters. Since you can see the word “communication” as one eye fixation and understand it then, in theory, your eyes should be able to see “the dog ran fast” as one eye fixation and understand it too. We have been trained to look at each word individually with separate eye fixations …the … dog… ran… fast… is four different eye fixations. With a little practice, you can train your eyes to see the whole phrase with one look. Here are some sentences, practice looking at each of the sentences with one eye fixation.

I ate the red apple

My car is green

My cat is moody

You tried it didn’t you? You can only learn if you try them out. With practice, you can look at an entire sentence as one thing (eye fixation). Your brain can understand all those words as one thought. Now, try this. Wherever you are right now, look up at the wall nearest you and then look back down. Write down all the things you can recall about what you saw–I saw a yellow wall with brown trim, two bookcases, a clock, a printer, a bird statue. Your brain is amazing; it can look up to a wall and in one eye fixation, it can take in all that it sees.

You can take in many sentences as well, try to look down at these next two sentences in one eye fixation and then look up and say them out loud.

The boy sang a song

The girl danced along

With a little practice, most people can see chunks of five words across and three lines down. Give it a try. Once again, try to look at the three sentences as one and then look up and say them.

The happy frog leaped

off the lily pad

and into the cool water

It takes practice, but you can do it. The bonus feature of doing the practice and learning this skill is you will learn to read faster. Since a lot of college work and professional preparation relies on reading the information, it would benefit you for the rest of your life to learn this valuable skill. While researching, I came across this excellent slide presentation by Sanda Jameson on Reading for College that goes into more depth about the process. I highly recommend you review it to help you with your manuscript reading and to help you become a better reader in your college classes.


By now, you have figured out that using chunking and working on eye fixations is going to help you read your manuscript easier. Arranging your manuscript where you have only five to seven words on a line will make it easier to see as one fixation. Organizing your manuscript where you can see several lines of text at once, can help you put a lot of information in one eye fixation.

Now, let’s look at a eulogy written by one of my students, Sydney Stout. She wrote this eulogy to her grandpa who loved dancing and encouraged her to do the same. First, notice the manuscript format where it is written like it will be spoken. It is chunked into lines that are usually 5-7 words long. The list of names is written like a stair step showing the stair step in the voice when the names are spoken. Try reading this except out loud focusing on eye fixations. Try to see one whole line at a time and then read it again trying to see two lines at a time.

Dancing is a delicate art

An activity many people love and enjoy

but someone that loves dancing

more than anyone I know

is my grandfather.

You all know my grandfather

Maybe you know him as James

….. Jack

……… Dad

…………. Papa Jack

………………… or in my case………………. . just Papa.

Papa // you have led me through life

like any great dance partner should

And I’ve memorized the steps you’ve taught me

………………………………………. …. And they have allowed me to dance

…………………………………………………… gracefully

………………………………………………………….. through my own life

Tribute speech by Sydney Stout delivered at the University of Arkansas

Watch this eulogy speech to Rosa Parks by Oprah Winfrey. Notice how each word is carefully chosen and how if you notice closely, you can tell that she is using a manuscript. Notice how seamlessly she turns the pages and notice how she spends most of her time looking up at the audience.

Timing Your Manuscript

Be sure to practice using your manuscript at least 5 to 7 times. It is harder to speak with a manuscript than it is to give a speech with brief notes.

Use this chart as a reference for how long your speech will be and then time yourself on several of your run-throughs.

A Speech Saved the President's Life

Teddy Roosevelts Speech with Bullet Holes in it

Teddy Roosevelt’s life was saved when an assassin’s bullet was slowed down by his 50 paged speech manuscript. The doctor on sight determined that while the bullet didn’t his lungs, he should still go to the hospital immediately. A determined Roosevelt balked and said, “You get me to that speech.” He delivered a 50-minute speech before going to the hospital. Doctors decided it was safer to leave the bullet in his chest and that his speech had indeed saved his life.

More on this story from the history channel:

I want to hear from you.

Do you have an activity to include? Did you notice a typo that I should correct? Are you planning to use this as a resource and do you want me to know about it? Do you want to tell me something that really helped you?

Klein, C. (2019). When Teddy Roosevelt was shot in 1912, a speech may have saved his life.

Speech in minutes.(n.d.). http://www.speechinminutes.com/

Stout, S. (n.d.). Eulogy to Papa with the theme of dancing. Delivered in Lynn Meade’s Advanced Public Speaking Class at the University of Arkansas. Used with permission.

Van As, T. (n.d.) Tribute to Nelson Mandela. Delivered in Lynn Meade’s Advanced Public Speaking Class at the University of Arkansas. Used with permission.

Winfrey, O. (2010). Eulogy to Rosa Parks. [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cfhtfNfIPE Standard YouTube License.

Media Attributions

  • Winston Churchill’s Manuscript is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives) license
  • Winston Churchill’s Speech in Response to German’s Invasion of Britain
  • Winston Churchill Finest Hour Speech
  • Teddy’s speech © Janine Eden, Eden Pictures is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

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36 Speaking from a Manuscript: How to Read Without Looking Like You Are Reading

Picture of Winston Churchill's manuscript

How to Write and Use Manuscripts

There will be times when reading from a manuscript is helpful. When giving a eulogy and you are likely to experience strong emotions, having your words written out and in front of you will be very helpful. Politicians often speak from manuscripts because there will be people weighing the meaning of each word. They often have speech writers who take their ideas and make them sound professional, and they likely have several people look it over for any offensive words or questionable phrases.

The advantage to speaking with a manuscript is you have your speech in front of you. This gives you an opportunity to plan interesting wordplays and to use advanced language techniques. By managing the exact wording, you can better control the emotional tone. Another advantage to using a manuscript is you can share your speech with others both for proofing and for reference. For example, many people like to have written copies of the toast given to them at a special occasion or a copy of the eulogy to the loved one.  Politically speaking, a manuscript can be helpful to help keep you on track and to help you say only the things that you mean to say.

The disadvantage to a manuscript is if not done properly, your speech may feel like an “essay with legs.” Speaking from a manuscript is a skill; I would argue that it is one of the most difficult of all types because your goal is to read without appearing to read. It can be so tempting to lock eyes on the page where it is safe and then never look up at the audience. Finally, it is very difficult for most people to gesture when reading a manuscript. Many people run their hands down the page to keep their place while others clutch the podium and never let go. These disadvantages can be overcome with practice. You can be dynamic and engaging while using a manuscript, but it does take work.

Keys to Using a Manuscript

  • Always write a manuscript in manuscript format and never in essay format. (It should look like poetry).
  • Practice your speech at a podium so you can figure out how to change pages smoothly.
  • Learn the art of eye fixations.
  • Practice with a friend so you can master eye contact.
  • If you struggle with gestures, make a note on your manuscript to remind you to gesture.
  • Practice, practice, practice–you should actually practice more than in a typical speech since it is a harder delivery method.

Formatting a Manuscript

  • Do not start a sentence on one page and then finish it on another.
  • Do not fold the manuscript–it won’t lay flat on the podium.
  • Do not print on both sides of the page.
  • Do not staple the manuscript
  • Number your pages.
  • Use a large font and then make it one size larger than you think you need.
  • It should look like poetry.
  • Have extra spaces between every main idea.
  • Bold the first word of every main section.
  • Use /// or …. to indicate pauses in your speech.
  • Emphasize a word with a larger font or by making it bold.
  • If you have a parallel construction where you repeat the same word, bold or underline the repeated word.
  • Use an easy-to-read font.
  • Make a note (SLIDE) when you need to change your slide.
  • It is OK to omit punctuation.
  • Do whatever formatting works best for you.

Sample manuscripts

Notice how this student formats her manuscript by making it spread out and easy to read:

Today // it is an honor for me to stand here before you at the Freedom Banquet and pay tribute to a man

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that in his lifetime …………………………………. has touched ………………….. and changed …………………………… uncountable lives across the globe

Today /// we are here to honor ……………. a president, ……………………….. a father, ……………………………… a husband ……………………………………. and a true savior in Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tribute speech by Tanica van As delivered at the University of Arkansas

Manuscript From History

Picture of a manuscript from Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s Speech in Response to German’s Invasion of Britain and Finest Hour Speech

Sometimes referred to as the Psalms format or free verse format, the speech is written like it will be spoken.

How to Present with a Manuscript

To best read a manuscript, we need to borrow some items from speed reading. When you were first learning to read, you learned to read each letter–D–O–G. You would look at the letter “D,” then your eyes would look at the letter “O, ” and finally, your eyes would move over to look at the letter “G.”  You would fixate (or rest) your eyes on three different places. Eventually, you got better at reading and better at seeing, so you would now look at “dog” in one eye fixation and your brain was able to take in the information–dog.  Now, you no longer read one letter at a time, that would be way too slow. Now you look at all three letters and see it as a word.

Over time, you learned to see bigger words–like “communication” (13 letters).   Now, consider this… the phase “The dog ran fast” contains 13 letters. Since you can see the word “communication” as one eye fixation and understand it as one thing,  in theory, your eyes should be able to see “the dog ran fast” as one eye fixation and understand it too.   We have been trained to look at each word individually with separate eye fixations. For example,  …the … dog… ran… fast… is four different eye fixations. With a little practice, you can train your eyes to see the whole phrase with one look. Here are some sentences, practice looking at each of the sentences with one eye fixation.

I ate the red apple

My car is green

My cat is moody

You tried it didn’t you? You can only learn if you try them out. If you didn’t try it, go back and look at those sentences again and try to see the whole sentence with one look.  With practice, you can look at an entire sentence as one thing (eye fixation). Your brain can understand all those words as one thought. Now, try this. Wherever you are right now, look up at the wall nearest you and then look back down.  Write down all the things you can recall about what you saw–I saw a yellow wall with brown trim, two bookcases, a clock, a printer, a bird statue.  Your brain is amazing; it can look up to a wall and in one eye fixation, it can take in all that it sees.

You can take in many sentences as well. You can actually see two sentences in one look.  Try to look down at these next two sentences in one eye fixation. Test yourself by looking down and then looking up and saying what you remember out loud.

The boy sang a song

The girl danced along

With a little practice, most people can see chunks of five words across and three lines down. Give it a try.  Once again, try to look at the three sentences as one and then look up and say them.

The happy frog leaped

off the lily pad

and into the cool water

It takes practice, but you can do it. The bonus feature of doing the practice and learning this skill is you will learn to read faster. Since a lot of college work and professional preparation relies on reading the information, it would benefit you for the rest of your life to learn this valuable skill. While researching, I came across this excellent slide presentation by Sanda Jameson on Reading for College that goes into more depth about the process. I highly recommend you review it to help you with your manuscript reading and to help you become a better reader in your college classes.


By now, you have figured out that using chunking and working on eye fixations is going to help you read your manuscript easier. Arranging your manuscript where you have only five to seven words on a line will make it easier to see as one fixation.  Organizing your manuscript where you can see several lines of text at once, can help you put a lot of information in one eye fixation.

Now, let’s look at a eulogy written by one of my students, Sydney Stout. She wrote this eulogy to her grandpa who loved dancing and encouraged her to do the same.  First, notice the manuscript format where it is written like it will be spoken. It is chunked into lines that are usually 5-7 words long. The list of names is written like a stair step showing the stair step in the voice when the names are spoken. Try reading this except out loud focusing on eye fixations. Try to see one whole line at a time and then read it again trying to see two lines at a time.

Dancing is a delicate art

An activity many people love and enjoy

but someone that loves dancing

more than anyone I know

is my grandfather.

You all know my grandfather

Maybe you know him as James

….. Jack

 ……… Dad

 …………. Papa Jack

      ………………… or in my case………………. . just Papa.

Papa //   you have led me through life

like any great dance partner should

And I’ve memorized the steps you’ve taught me

………………………………………. …. And they have allowed me to dance

……………………………………………………………… gracefully

………………………………………………………….. through my own life

Tribute speech by Sydney Stout delivered at the University of Arkansas

Watch this eulogy speech to Rosa Parks by Oprah Winfrey. Notice how each word is carefully chosen and how if you notice closely, you can tell that she is using a manuscript. Notice how seamlessly she turns the pages and notice how she spends most of her time looking up at the audience. Masterfully, she uses gestures to enhance the rhythmic flow o the speech and to draw the audience’s attention.

Timing Your Manuscript

Practice your manuscript at least 5 to 7 times. Trust me when I say, It is harder to speak with a manuscript than it is to give a speech with brief notes and it requires considerable more practice to get it right.

Use this chart as a general reference for the timing of your speech to the length of your manuscript.

A Speech Saved the President’s Life

Teddy Roosevelts Speech with Bullet Holes in it

Teddy Roosevelt’s life was saved when an assassin’s bullet was slowed down by his 50 paged speech manuscript. The doctor on sight determined that although the bullet didn’t puncture his lungs, he should still go to the hospital immediately. A determined Roosevelt balked and said, “You get me to that speech.” He delivered a 50-minute speech before going to the hospital.  Doctors decided it was safer to leave the bullet in his chest and declared that his speech had indeed saved his life.

More on this story from the history channel: https://www.history.com/news/shot-in-the-chest-100-years-ago-teddy-roosevelt-kept-on-talking

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Do you have an activity to include? Did you notice a typo that I should correct? Are you planning to use this as a resource and do you want me to know about it? Do you want to tell me something that really helped you?

Click here to share your feedback. 

Klein, C. (2019). When Teddy Roosevelt was shot in 1912, a speech may have saved his life. https://www.history.com/news/shot-in-the-chest-100-years-ago-teddy-roosevelt-kept-on-talking

Speech in minutes. (n.d.).  http://www.speechinminutes.com/

Stout, S. (n.d.). Eulogy to Papa with the theme of dancing. Delivered in Lynn Meade’s Advanced Public Speaking Class at the  University of Arkansas. Used with permission.

Van As, T. (n.d.) Tribute to Nelson Mandela. Delivered in Lynn Meade’s Advanced Public Speaking Class at the  University of Arkansas. Used with permission.

Winfrey, O.  (2010). Eulogy to Rosa Parks. [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cfhtfNfIPE Standard YouTube License.

Media Attributions

  • Winston Churchill’s Manuscript is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives) license
  • Winston Churchill’s Speech in Response to German’s Invasion of Britain
  • Winston Churchill Finest Hour Speech
  • Teddy’s speech © Janine Eden, Eden Pictures is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

Advanced Public Speaking Copyright © 2021 by Lynn Meade is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to write a good speech in 7 steps

By:  Susan Dugdale  

- an easily followed format for writing a great speech

Did you know writing a speech doesn't have be an anxious, nail biting experience?

Unsure? Don't be.

You may have lived with the idea you were never good with words for a long time. Or perhaps giving speeches at school brought you out in cold sweats.

However learning how to write a speech is relatively straight forward when you learn to write out loud.

And that's the journey I am offering to take you on: step by step.

To learn quickly, go slow

Take all the time you need. This speech format has 7 steps, each building on the next.

Walk, rather than run, your way through all of them. Don't be tempted to rush. Familiarize yourself with the ideas. Try them out.

I know there are well-advertised short cuts and promises of 'write a speech in 5 minutes'. However in reality they only truly work for somebody who already has the basic foundations of speech writing in place.

The foundation of good speech writing 

These steps are the backbone of sound speech preparation. Learn and follow them well at the outset and yes, given more experience and practice you could probably flick something together quickly. Like any skill, the more it's used, the easier it gets.

In the meantime...

Step 1: Begin with a speech overview or outline

Are you in a hurry? Without time to read a whole page? Grab ... The Quick How to Write a Speech Checklist And come back to get the details later.

  • WHO you are writing your speech for (your target audience)
  • WHY you are preparing this speech. What's the main purpose of your speech? Is it to inform or tell your audience about something? To teach them a new skill or demonstrate something? To persuade or to entertain? (See 4 types of speeches: informative, demonstrative, persuasive and special occasion or entertaining for more.) What do you want them to think, feel or do as a result of listening the speech?
  • WHAT your speech is going to be about (its topic) - You'll want to have thought through your main points and have ranked them in order of importance. And have sorted the supporting research you need to make those points effectively.
  • HOW much time you have for your speech eg. 3 minutes, 5 minutes... The amount of time you've been allocated dictates how much content you need. If you're unsure check this page: how many words per minute in a speech: a quick reference guide . You'll find estimates of the number of words required for 1 - 10 minute speeches by slow, medium and fast talkers.

Use an outline

The best way to make sure you deliver a perfect speech is to start by carefully completing a speech outline covering the essentials: WHO, WHY, WHAT and HOW.

Beginning to write without thinking your speech through is a bit like heading off on a journey not knowing why you're traveling or where you're going to end up. You can find yourself lost in a deep, dark, murky muddle of ideas very quickly!

Pulling together a speech overview or outline is a much safer option. It's the map you'll follow to get where you want to go.

Get a blank speech outline template to complete

Click the link to find out a whole lot more about preparing a speech outline . ☺ You'll also find a free printable blank speech outline template.  I recommend using it!

Understanding speech construction

Before you begin to write, using your completed outline as a guide, let's briefly look at what you're aiming to prepare.

  • an opening or introduction
  • the body where the bulk of the information is given
  • and an ending (or summary).

Imagine your speech as a sandwich

Image: gourmet sandwich with labels on the top (opening) and bottom (conclusion) slices of bread and filling, (body). Text: Key ingredients for a superb speech sandwich.

If you think of a speech as a sandwich you'll get the idea.

The opening and ending are the slices of bread holding the filling (the major points or the body of your speech) together.

You can build yourself a simple sandwich with one filling (one big idea) or you could go gourmet and add up to three or, even five. The choice is yours.

But whatever you choose to serve, as a good cook, you need to consider who is going to eat it! And that's your audience.

So let's find out who they are before we do anything else. 

Step 2: Know who you are talking to

Understanding your audience.

Did you know a  good speech is never written from the speaker's point of view?  ( If you need to know more about why check out this page on  building rapport .)

Begin with the most important idea/point on your outline.

Consider HOW you can explain (show, tell) that to your audience in the most effective way for them to easily understand it.   

Writing from the audience's point of view

speech manuscript write

To help you write from an audience point of view, it's a good idea to identify either a real person or the type of person who is most likely to be listening to you.

Make sure you select someone who represents the "majority" of the people who will be in your audience. That is they are neither struggling to comprehend you at the bottom of your scale or light-years ahead at the top.

Now imagine they are sitting next to you eagerly waiting to hear what you're going to say. Give them a name, for example, Joe, to help make them real.

Ask yourself

  • How do I need to tailor my information to meet Joe's needs? For example, do you tell personal stories to illustrate your main points? Absolutely! Yes. This is a very powerful technique. (Click storytelling in speeches to find out more.)
  • What type or level of language is right for Joe as well as my topic? For example if I use jargon (activity, industry or profession specific vocabulary) will it be understood?

Step 3: Writing as you speak

Writing oral language.

Write down what you want to say about your first main point as if you were talking directly to Joe.

If it helps, say it all out loud before you write it down and/or record it.

Use the information below as a guide

Infographic: The Characteristics of Spoken Language - 7 points of difference with examples.

(Click to download The Characteristics of Spoken Language  as a pdf.) 

You do not have to write absolutely everything you're going to say down * but you do need to write down, or outline, the sequence of ideas to ensure they are logical and easily followed.

Remember too, to explain or illustrate your point with examples from your research. 

( * Tip: If this is your first speech the safety net of having everything written down could be just what you need. It's easier to recover from a patch of jitters when you have a word by word manuscript than if you have either none, or a bare outline. Your call!)

Step 4: Checking tone and language

The focus of this step is re-working what you've done in Step 2 and 3.

You identified who you were talking to (Step 2) and in Step 3, wrote up your first main point.  Is it right? Have you made yourself clear?  Check it.

Graphic:cartoon drawing of a woman sitting in front of a laptop. Text:How to write a speech: checking tone and language.

How well you complete this step depends on how well you understand the needs of the people who are going to listen to your speech.

Please do not assume because you know what you're talking about the person (Joe) you've chosen to represent your audience will too. Joe is not a mind-reader!

How to check what you've prepared

  • Check the "tone" of your language . Is it right for the occasion, subject matter and your audience?
  • Check the length of your sentences. You need short sentences. If they're too long or complicated you risk losing your listeners.

Check for jargon too. These are industry, activity or group exclusive words.

For instance take the phrase: authentic learning . This comes from teaching and refers to connecting lessons to the daily life of students. Authentic learning is learning that is relevant and meaningful for students. If you're not a teacher you may not understand the phrase.

The use of any vocabulary requiring insider knowledge needs to be thought through from the audience perspective. Jargon can close people out.

  • Read what you've written out loud. If it flows naturally, in a logical manner, continue the process with your next main idea. If it doesn't, rework.

We use whole sentences and part ones, and we mix them up with asides or appeals e.g. "Did you get that? Of course you did. Right...Let's move it along. I was saying ..."

Click for more about the differences between spoken and written language .

And now repeat the process

Repeat this process for the remainder of your main ideas.

Because you've done the first one carefully, the rest should follow fairly easily.

Step 5: Use transitions

Providing links or transitions between main ideas.

Between each of your main ideas you need to provide a bridge or pathway for your audience. The clearer the pathway or bridge, the easier it is for them to make the transition from one idea to the next.

Graphic - girl walking across a bridge. Text - Using transitions to link ideas.

If your speech contains more than three main ideas and each is building on the last, then consider using a "catch-up" or summary as part of your transitions.

Is your speech being evaluated? Find out exactly what aspects you're being assessed on using this standard speech evaluation form

Link/transition examples

A link can be as simple as:

"We've explored one scenario for the ending of Block Buster 111, but let's consider another. This time..."

What follows this transition is the introduction of Main Idea Two.

Here's a summarizing link/transition example:

"We've ended Blockbuster 111 four ways so far. In the first, everybody died. In the second, everybody died BUT their ghosts remained to haunt the area. In the third, one villain died. His partner reformed and after a fight-out with the hero, they both strode off into the sunset, friends forever. In the fourth, the hero dies in a major battle but is reborn sometime in the future.

And now what about one more? What if nobody died? The fifth possibility..."

Go back through your main ideas checking the links. Remember Joe as you go. Try each transition or link out loud and really listen to yourself. Is it obvious? Easily followed?

Keep them if they are clear and concise.

For more about transitions (with examples) see Andrew Dlugan's excellent article, Speech Transitions: Magical words and Phrases .

Step 6: The end of your speech

The ideal ending is highly memorable . You want it to live on in the minds of your listeners long after your speech is finished. Often it combines a call to action with a summary of major points.

Comic Graphic: End with a bang

Example speech endings

Example 1: The desired outcome of a speech persuading people to vote for you in an upcoming election is that they get out there on voting day and do so. You can help that outcome along by calling them to register their support by signing a prepared pledge statement as they leave.

"We're agreed we want change. You can help us give it to you by signing this pledge statement as you leave. Be part of the change you want to see!

Example 2: The desired outcome is increased sales figures. The call to action is made urgent with the introduction of time specific incentives.

"You have three weeks from the time you leave this hall to make that dream family holiday in New Zealand yours. Can you do it? Will you do it? The kids will love it. Your wife will love it. Do it now!"

How to figure out the right call to action

A clue for working out what the most appropriate call to action might be, is to go back to your original purpose for giving the speech.

  • Was it to motivate or inspire?
  • Was it to persuade to a particular point of view?
  • Was it to share specialist information?
  • Was it to celebrate a person, a place, time or event?

Ask yourself what you want people to do as a result of having listened to your speech.

For more about ending speeches

Visit this page for more about how to end a speech effectively . You'll find two additional types of speech endings with examples.

Write and test

Write your ending and test it out loud. Try it out on a friend, or two. Is it good? Does it work?

Step 7: The introduction

Once you've got the filling (main ideas) the linking and the ending in place, it's time to focus on the introduction.

The introduction comes last as it's the most important part of your speech. This is the bit that either has people sitting up alert or slumped and waiting for you to end. It's the tone setter!

What makes a great speech opening?

Ideally you want an opening that makes listening to you the only thing the 'Joes' in the audience want to do.

You want them to forget they're hungry or that their chair is hard or that their bills need paying.

The way to do that is to capture their interest straight away. You do this with a "hook".

Hooks to catch your audience's attention

Hooks come in as many forms as there are speeches and audiences. Your task is work out what specific hook is needed to catch your audience.

Graphic: shoal of fish and two hooked fishing lines. Text: Hooking and holding attention

Go back to the purpose. Why are you giving this speech?

Once you have your answer, consider your call to action. What do you want the audience to do, and, or take away, as a result of listening to you?

Next think about the imaginary or real person you wrote for when you were focusing on your main ideas.

Choosing the best hook

  • Is it humor?
  • Would shock tactics work?
  • Is it a rhetorical question?
  • Is it formality or informality?
  • Is it an outline or overview of what you're going to cover, including the call to action?
  • Or is it a mix of all these elements?

A hook example

Here's an example from a fictional political speech. The speaker is lobbying for votes. His audience are predominately workers whose future's are not secure.

"How's your imagination this morning? Good? (Pause for response from audience) Great, I'm glad. Because we're going to put it to work starting right now.

I want you to see your future. What does it look like? Are you happy? Is everything as you want it to be? No? Let's change that. We could do it. And we could do it today.

At the end of this speech you're going to be given the opportunity to change your world, for a better one ...

No, I'm not a magician. Or a simpleton with big ideas and precious little commonsense. I'm an ordinary man, just like you. And I have a plan to share!"

And then our speaker is off into his main points supported by examples. The end, which he has already foreshadowed in his opening, is the call to vote for him.

Prepare several hooks

Experiment with several openings until you've found the one that serves your audience, your subject matter and your purpose best.

For many more examples of speech openings go to: how to write a speech introduction . You'll find 12 of the very best ways to start a speech.

speech manuscript write

That completes the initial seven steps towards writing your speech. If you've followed them all the way through, congratulations, you now have the text of your speech!

Although you might have the words, you're still a couple of steps away from being ready to deliver them. Both of them are essential if you want the very best outcome possible. They are below. Please take them.

Step 8: Checking content and timing

This step pulls everything together.

Check once, check twice, check three times & then once more!

Go through your speech really carefully.

On the first read through check you've got your main points in their correct order with supporting material, plus an effective introduction and ending.

On the second read through check the linking passages or transitions making sure they are clear and easily followed.

On the third reading check your sentence structure, language use and tone.

Double, triple check the timing

Now go though once more.

This time read it aloud slowly and time yourself.

If it's too long for the time allowance you've been given make the necessary cuts.

Start by looking at your examples rather than the main ideas themselves. If you've used several examples to illustrate one principal idea, cut the least important out.

Also look to see if you've repeated yourself unnecessarily or, gone off track. If it's not relevant, cut it.

Repeat the process, condensing until your speech fits the required length, preferably coming in just under your time limit.

You can also find out how approximately long it will take you to say the words you have by using this very handy words to minutes converter . It's an excellent tool, one I frequently use. While it can't give you a precise time, it does provide a reasonable estimate.

Graphic: Click to read example speeches of all sorts.

Step 9: Rehearsing your speech

And NOW you are finished with writing the speech, and are ready for REHEARSAL .

speech manuscript write

Please don't be tempted to skip this step. It is not an extra thrown in for good measure. It's essential.

The "not-so-secret" secret of successful speeches combines good writing with practice, practice and then, practicing some more.

Go to how to practice public speaking and you'll find rehearsal techniques and suggestions to boost your speech delivery from ordinary to extraordinary.

The Quick How to Write a Speech Checklist

Before you begin writing you need:.

  • Your speech OUTLINE with your main ideas ranked in the order you're going to present them. (If you haven't done one complete this 4 step sample speech outline . It will make the writing process much easier.)
  • You also need to know WHO you're speaking to, the PURPOSE of the speech and HOW long you're speaking for

The basic format

  • the body where you present your main ideas

Split your time allowance so that you spend approximately 70% on the body and 15% each on the introduction and ending.

How to write the speech

  • Write your main ideas out incorporating your examples and research
  • Link them together making sure each flows in a smooth, logical progression
  • Write your ending, summarizing your main ideas briefly and end with a call for action
  • Write your introduction considering the 'hook' you're going to use to get your audience listening
  • An often quoted saying to explain the process is: Tell them what you're going to tell them (Introduction) Tell them (Body of your speech - the main ideas plus examples) Tell them what you told them (The ending)

TEST before presenting. Read aloud several times to check the flow of material, the suitability of language and the timing.

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Ace the Presentation


Manuscript Speech or Presentation: How to Deliver One

Not all presentations and public speeches are the same, as you may have learned already from our long series of fourteen types of speeches . What you need to know other than the different types of speeches is now the different styles or methods of speeches, and for today’s discussion, we will look at MANUSCRIPT SPEECH.

While a presentation is a process of delivering certain information to an audience by lecturing them, persuade, inform, or whatever the purpose may be. The manuscript speech is a presentation method where the speakers deliver the presentation with a paper or teleprompter that usually has been pre-written to give a piece of information.  

The entire speech has to be referred to the printed document, which means that we as the speakers don’t necessarily need to read all of it, but to have a certain domain with the subject we are presenting.

Related Article:

The 4 Types of Speech Delivery

15 Ideas to Make a Speech UNIQUE, Memorable, and Inspiring

The manuscript speech style can occur or be used in several situations, such as:

  • A Presidential Speech;
  • A televised news report (given using a teleprompter) seen on television;
  • A religious proclamation issued by any religious leader.

Since this is usually a speech method that is used to inform and let an audience acquire knowledge about a subject or problem that is going on, there is usually no space to discuss ideas with the audience because it is not a debate, so there is enough space for monotony.

Nevertheless, the manuscript speech is still a form of presentation, and to be remembered and memorable, it has to be versatile and engaging to the audience, so before we get into details about how to deliver a manuscript speech, here is a list of what to do:

  • Speak in a conversational voice tone;
  • Make it brief and easy to understand;
  • Establish eye contact with the audience;
  • Write the words in a way that facilitates reading and highlighting key points;
  • Make the content interesting.



The happiness when receiving a call marking the job interview gives rise to endless anxiety. After all, it’s only a few minutes to prove your worth, impress the recruiter and seize the opportunity. However, to do well at the job interview, you need to think about what you will say, how you will present yourself,…

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TOP 7 Core Interpersonal Skills in Leadership

At any time, a leader is seen as one who guides one or more people to fulfill something stipulated; today, however, we understand that this journey comprises the achievement of results and the evolution, in some way, of all who participate in the process. Leaders are people with high power to inspire those around them,…

An Easy Guide to All 15 Types of Speech

An Easy Guide to All 15 Types of Speech

How to Deliver a Memorable Manuscript Speech

  • Speak in a conversational tone

Since we will not have an actual conversation with the audience, which means they will not have the Q&A sessions to clear any doubts, much less ask for their opinion, it is important to use a conversational tone.

That can be done using a language that embraces a group such as “we” or “ours” and from time to caring to explain with reliable examples the impact of that information we are giving.

  • Make it brief and easy to understand

Talking non-stop for more than 15 minutes can make our audience mentally tired, and that leads them not to listen to what we have to say.

The other point is referring to the clearness of the content. Bringing up concepts that will make them struggle to understand can get frustrating to the audience, as the message will not be relatable to them.

If we are driving a presentation that will take an hour or more, we need to create ‘distractions’ that will entertain and engage our audience towards our subject. For example, give a break or pass some slideshows that have some interesting facts about life skills or issues that pertain to the topic of discussion.

  • Establish eye contact with the audience

One of the advantages of the manuscript speech is that the audience already expects us to tell them some facts from a manuscript, so although you will not have to memorize the speech, you should get familiar with the content. That, will allow you to read, and share the information while making meaningful eye contact with the audience.

Eye contact is very important for the connection we want to build with the audience because they can feel and see how authentic and concerning is the speech we are delivering.

Interesting article to read on this: 6 solid tips about how to make good eye contact

  • Write the words in a way that facilitates reading and highlighting key points

We don’t want to get lost during the speech and look like we don’t own the presentation. By simply reading and making sure we understood the message we are going to spread it is important to stand out them in a way that will avoid that.

To avoid losing ourselves when delivering a manuscript speech we could:

  • Use highlighters on the paragraphs and words we think we have to mention for sure;
  • Create a double or triple space between the paragraphs to see clearer;
  • Write notes that will function as a reminder of the things we need to dive a little more;
  • Use large print so that it will be easy to read without straining our eyes, which is going to give us the impression of losing control;
  • Make the content interesting

How receptive the audience feels towards a subject or a problem that we present, depend only on us as the speakers.

 If we are in a business meeting environment where our boss asked us to give a manuscript speech about a theme that he believes is important to everyone, we are the ones who need to show why and how.

Making the content interesting, besides knowing how to use body language that will transmit confidence, developing a connection with the audience, is also all about showing how useful that information we are giving can be for that audience in a certain stage or area of day to day life.

  • Use examples with problems that cover most of the range group that in the audience;
  • Show up with proposed solutions or tips on how the audience could be an active part of the process to reverse it if it is a problem or proceed if is good news.

Now you know that planning and delivering a manuscript speech is not just about having a paper and reading it to the audience, they can tell if we own the presentation or not, which depends on how we create and present the content.

Thank you so much for reading until this far!!

References and Further Reading

Speaking Center. Manuscript Speaking .

Social Mettle. Manuscript Speech: Definition, Examples, and Presentation Tips

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Module 6: Organizing and Outlining Your Speech

Methods of speech delivery, learning objectives.

Identify the four types of speech delivery methods and when to use them.

There are four basic methods of speech delivery: manuscript, memorized, impromptu, and extemporaneous. We’ll look at each method and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

George W. Bush’s manuscript page is lightly edited with a pen. It reads “Today our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring of strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any small way they could. Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government’s emergency response plans. Our military is powerful and prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open to business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong and the American economy will be open for business as well. The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I have directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.

A manuscript page from President George W. Bush’s address to the nation on the day of the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

A manuscript speech is when the speaker writes down every word they will speak during the speech. When they deliver the speech, they have each word planned and in front of them on the page, much like a newscaster who reads from a teleprompter.

The advantage of using a manuscript is that the speaker has access to every word they’ve prepared in advance. There is no guesswork or memorization needed. This method comforts some speakers’ nerves as they don’t have to worry about that moment where they might freeze and forget what they’ve planned to say. They also are able to make exact quotes from their source material.

When the exact wording of an idea is crucial, speakers often read from a manuscript, for instance in communicating public statements from a company.

However, the disadvantage with a manuscript is that the speakers have MANY words in front of them on the page. This prohibits one of the most important aspects of delivery, eye contact. When many words are on the page, the speakers will find themselves looking down at those words more frequently because they will need the help. If they do look up at the audience, they often cannot find their place when the eye returns to the page. Also, when nerves come into play, speakers with manuscripts often default to reading from the page and forget that they are not making eye contact or engaging their audience. Therefore, manuscript is a very difficult delivery method and not ideal.  Above all, the speakers should remember to rehearse with the script so that they practice looking up often.

Public Speaking in History

The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, owed in large part to a momentary error made by an East German government spokesperson. At a live press conference, Günter Schabowski tried to explain new rules relaxing East Germany’s severe travel restrictions. A reporter asked, “when do these new rules go into effect?” Visibly flustered, Schabowski said, “As far as I know, it takes effect immediately, without delay.” In fact, the new visa application procedure was supposed to begin the following day, and with a lot of bureaucracy and red tape. Instead, thousands of East Berliners arrived within minutes at the border crossings, demanding to pass through immediately. The rest is history.

The outcome of this particular public-relations blunder was welcomed by the vast majority of East and West German citizens, and hastened the collapse of communism in Eastern and Central Europe. It’s probably good, then, that Schabowski ran this particular press conference extemporaneously, rather than reading from a manuscript.

You can view the transcript for “The mistake that toppled the Berlin Wall” here (opens in new window) .

A memorized speech is also fully prepared in advance and one in which the speaker does not use any notes. In the case of an occasion speech like a quick toast, a brief dedication, or a short eulogy, word-for-word memorization might make sense. Usually, though, it doesn’t involve committing each and every word to memory, Memorizing a speech isn’t like memorizing a poem where you need to remember every word exactly as written. Don’t memorize a manuscript! Work with your outline instead. Practice with the outline until you can recall the content and order of your main points without effort. Then it’s just a matter of practicing until you’re able to elaborate on your key points in a natural and seamless manner. Ideally, a memorized speech will sound like an off-the-cuff statement by someone who is a really eloquent speaker and an exceptionally organized thinker!

The advantage of a memorized speech is that the speaker can fully face their audience and make lots of eye contact. The problem with a memorized speech is that speakers may get nervous and forget the parts they’ve memorized. Without any notes to lean on, the speaker may hesitate and leave lots of dead air in the room while trying to recall what was planned. Sometimes, the speaker can’t remember or find his or her place in the speech and are forced to go get the notes or go back to the PowerPoint in some capacity to try to trigger his or her memory. This can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable moment for the speaker and the audience, and is a moment which could be easily avoided by using a different speaking method.

How to: memorize a speech

There are lots of tips out there about how to memorize speeches. Here’s one that loosely follows an ancient memorization strategy called the method of loci or “memory palace,” which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of information.

You can view the transcript for “How to Memorize a Speech” here (opens in new window) .

An impromptu speech is one for which there is little to no preparation. There is often not a warning even that the person may be asked to speak. For example, your speech teacher may ask you to deliver a speech on your worst pet peeve. You may or may not be given a few minutes to organize your thoughts. What should you do? DO NOT PANIC. Even under pressure, you can create a basic speech that follows the formula of an introduction, body, and conclusion. If you have a few minutes, jot down some notes that fit into each part of the speech. (In fact, the phrase “speaking off the cuff,” which means speaking without preparation, probably refers to the idea that one would jot a few notes on one’s shirt cuff before speaking impromptu.) [1] ) An introduction should include an attention getter, introduction of the topic, speaker credibility, and forecasting of main points. The body should have two or three main points. The conclusion should have a summary, call to action, and final thought. If you can organize your thoughts into those three parts, you will sound like a polished speaker. Even if you only hit two of them, it will still help you to think about the speech in those parts. For example, if a speech is being given on a pet peeve of chewed gum being left under desks in classrooms, it might be organized like this.

  • Introduction : Speaker chews gum loudly and then puts it under a desk (attention getter, demonstration). Speaker introduces themselves and the topic and why they’re qualified to speak on it (topic introduction and credibility). “I’m Katie Smith and I’ve been a student at this school for three years and witnessed this gum problem the entire time.”
  • Body : Speaker states three main points of why we shouldn’t leave gum on desks: it’s rude, it makes custodians have to work harder, it affects the next student who gets nastiness on their seat (forecast of order). Speaker then discusses those three points
  • Conclusion : Speaker summarizes those three points (summary, part 1 of conclusion), calls on the audience to pledge to never do this again (call to action), and gives a quote from Michael Jordan about respecting property (final thought).

While an impromptu speech can be challenging, the advantage is that it can also be thrilling as the speaker thinks off the cuff and says what they’re most passionate about in the moment. A speaker should not be afraid to use notes during an impromptu speech if they were given any time to organize their thoughts.

The disadvantage is that there is no time for preparation, so finding research to support claims such as quotes or facts cannot be included. The lack of preparation makes some speakers more nervous and they may struggle to engage the audience due to their nerves.


The last method of delivery we’ll look at is extemporaneous. When speaking extemporaneously, speakers prepare some notes in advance that help trigger their memory of what they planned to say. These notes are often placed on notecards. A 4”x6” notecard or 5”x7” size card works well. This size of notecards can be purchased at any office supply store. Speakers should determine what needs to go on each card by reading through their speech notes and giving themselves phrases to say out loud. These notes are not full sentences, but help the speakers, who turn them into a full sentence when spoken aloud. Note that if a quote is being used, listing that quote verbatim is fine.

The advantage of extemporaneous speaking is that the speakers are able to speak in a more conversational tone by letting the cards guide them, but not dictate every word they say. This method allows for the speakers to make more eye contact with the audience. The shorter note forms also prevent speakers from getting lost in their words. Numbering these cards also helps if one gets out of order. Also, these notes are not ones the teacher sees or collects. While you may be required to turn in your speech outline, your extemporaneous notecards are not seen by anyone but you. Therefore, you can also write yourself notes to speak up, slow down, emphasize a point, go to the next slide, etc.

The disadvantage to extemporaneous is the speakers may forget what else was planned to say or find a card to be out of order. This problem can be avoided through rehearsal and double-checking the note order before speaking.

Many speakers consider the extemporaneous method to be the ideal speaking method because it allows them to be prepared, keeps the audience engaged, and makes the speakers more natural in their delivery. In your public speaking class, most of your speeches will probably be delivered extemporaneously.

  • As per the Oxford English Dictionary' s entry for "Off the Cuff." See an extensive discussion at Mark Liberman's Language Log here: https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=4130 ↵
  • Method of loci definition. Provided by : Wikipedia. Located at : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • The mistake that toppled the Berlin Wall. Provided by : Vox. Located at : https://youtu.be/Mn4VDwaV-oo . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • How to Memorize a Speech. Authored by : Memorize Academy. Located at : https://youtu.be/rvBw__VNrsc . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • Address to the Nation. Provided by : U.S. National Archives. Located at : https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2011/09/06/911-an-address-to-the-nation/ . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright
  • Methods of Speech Delivery. Authored by : Misti Wills with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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5 Ways of Delivering Speeches

Understanding Delivery Modes

In this chapter . . .

In this chapter, we will explore the three modes of speech delivery: impromptu, manuscript, and extemporaneous. Each offers unique advantages and potential challenges. An effective public speaker needs to be familiar with each style so they can use the most appropriate mode for any speech occasion.

In writing, there’s only one way of delivering the text: the printed word on a page. Public Speaking, however, gives you different ways to present your text. These are called the delivery modes , or simply, ways of delivering speeches. The three modes are impromptu delivery , manuscript delivery , and extemporaneous delivery . Each of these involves a different relationship between a speech text, on the one hand, and the spoken word, on the other. These are described in detail below.

speech manuscript write

Impromptu Delivery

Impromptu speaking is a short form speech given with little to no preparation. While being asked to stand in front of an audience and deliver an impromptu speech can be anxiety-producing, it’s important to remember that  impromptu speaking is something most people do without thinking in their daily lives . If you introduce yourself to a group, answer an open-ended question, express an opinion, or tell a story, you’re using impromptu speaking skills. While impromptus can be stressful, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Preparation for Impromptu Delivery

The difficulty of impromptu speaking is that there is no way to prepare, specifically, for that moment of public speaking. There are, however, some things you can do to stay ready in case you’re called upon to speak unrehearsed.

For one, make sure your speaking instruments (your voice and body) are warmed up, energized, and focused. It could be helpful to employ some of the actor warm-up techniques mentioned earlier as part of an everyday routine. If appropriate to the impromptu speaking situation, you could even ask to briefly step aside and warm yourself up so that you feel relaxed and prepared.

Furthermore, a good rule when brainstorming for an impromptu speech is that your first idea is your best. You can think about impromptu speaking like improvisation: use the “yes, and” rule and trust your instincts. You’ll likely not have time to fully map out the speech, so don’t be too hard on yourself to find the “perfect” thing to say. You should let your opinions and honest thoughts guide your speaking. While it’s easy to look back later and think of approaches you should have used, try to avoid this line of thinking and trust whatever you come up with in the moment.

Finally, as you prepare to speak, remind yourself what your purpose is for your speech. What is it that you hope to achieve by speaking? How do you hope your audience feels by the end? What information is most important to convey? Consider how you’ll end your speech. If you let your purpose guide you, and stay on topic throughout your speech, you’ll often find success.

Delivery of Impromptu Speeches

Here is a step-by-step guide that may be useful if you’re called upon to give an impromptu speech:

  • Thank the person for inviting you to speak. Don’t make comments about being unprepared, called upon at the last moment, on the spot, or uneasy.
  • Deliver your message, making your main point as briefly as you can while still covering it adequately and at a pace your listeners can follow.
  • Stay on track. If you can, use a structure, using numbers if possible: “Two main reasons . . .” or “Three parts of our plan. . .” or “Two side effects of this drug. . .” Past, present, and future or East Coast, Midwest, and West Coast are common structures.
  • Thank the person again for the opportunity to speak.
  • Stop talking when you are finished (it’s easy to “ramble on” when you don’t have something prepared). If in front of an audience, don’t keep talking as you move back to your seat. Finish clearly and strong.

Impromptu speeches are most successful when they are brief and focus on a single point.

Another helpful framing technique for impromptus is to  negate the premise.  This is the deliberate reframing of a given prompt in a way that acknowledges the original but transitions into talking about the topic in a different way than expected. Negating the premise can be an effective rhetorical technique if used carefully and can help you focus your response on a topic that you’re interested in talking about.

If you suddenly run out of things to say in the middle of your speech, be open to  pivoting . Giving another example or story is the easiest way to do this. What’s important is to not panic or allow yourself to ramble aimlessly. No matter what, remember to keep breathing.

Finally, the greatest key to success for improving impromptu speaking is practice. Practice speaking without rehearsal in low-stakes environments if you can (giving a toast at a family dinner, for example). But remember this: no one is expecting the “perfect” speech if you’re called upon to speak impromptu. It’s okay to mess up. As Steven Tyler of the rock band Aerosmith would say: dare to suck. Take a risk and make a bold choice. What is most important is to stay sure of yourself and your knowledge.

Manuscript Delivery

The opposite of an impromptu speech is the manuscript speech. This involves having the complete text of your speech written out on paper or on notecards. You may be reading the speech from a computer or a teleprompter. In some cases, the speaker memorizes this manuscript.

Manuscript delivery  is the word-for-word iteration of a written message. In a manuscript speech, the speaker maintains their attention on the printed page except when using visual aids. The advantage of reading from a manuscript is the exact repetition of original words. In some circumstances, this can be extremely important.

Advantages & Disadvantages to Manuscript Delivery

There are many advantages in speaking from a manuscript. Some people find they are less nervous when they have the whole text in front of them. If you get lost or flustered during the speech you can glance down and get back on track. For speakers who struggle with vocalized pauses, it can be easier to know exactly what you want to say so that you’re not searching for the right word. Some people prefer to carefully craft the language of their speech instead of just having a sense of the main point and expounding upon it. Particularly if there are a lot of statistics or quotations, it can be helpful to have the whole passage written out to make sure you not only convey it correctly but frame it in the right context. It’s also easier to rehearse and time a manuscript speech, thus making sure it stays within time limits and isn’t unexpectedly too short or long. For some formal occasions or events that may be emotional for the speaker, such as a funeral, using a manuscript may be the best approach.

There are some disadvantages in delivering a speech from a manuscript. Having a manuscript in front of you often encourages looking down and reading the speech instead of performing it. A lack of eye contact makes the audience feel less engaged. The speech can feel stilted and lacking energy. Some speakers may feel constrained and that they can’t deviate from their script. Furthermore, while some find it easier to find their place with a quick glance down having the full manuscript, others find it difficult to avoid losing their place. If you go off script it can be harder to recover.

Successful Manuscript Delivery

A successful manuscript delivery requires a dynamic performance that includes lots of eye contact, animated vocals, and gestures. This can only be accomplished if you’re very familiar with the manuscript. Delivering a manuscript that you have written but only spoken aloud once before delivery will most often result in stumbling over words and eyes locked to the page. You’ll be reading aloud  at  your audience, instead of speaking  to  them. Remember what it’s like in school when a teacher asks a student to stand up and read something aloud? If the student isn’t familiar with the text, it can be a struggle both for the reader and the audience.

The key to avoiding this problem is to practice your written speech as much as you can, at least five or six times. You want to get so familiar with your speech that you can take your eyes off the page and make frequent eye contact with your audience. When you’re very familiar with your speech, your tone of speaking becomes more conversational. The text flows more smoothly and you begin to sound like a speaker, not a reader. You can enjoy the presentation and your audiences will enjoy it as well.

To improve your skills at manuscript delivery, practice reading written content aloud. This allows you to focus exclusively on delivery instead of worrying about writing a speech first. In particular, reading dialogue or passages from theatre plays, film/television scripts, or books provides material that is intended to be expressive and emotive. The goal is to deliver the content in a way that is accessible, interesting, alive, and engaging for the audience.

To Memorize or Not to Memorize

One way to overcome the problem of reading from the page is to memorize your word-for-word speech. When we see TED Talks, for example, they are usually memorized.

Memorized speaking  is the delivery of a written message that the speaker has committed to memory. Actors, of course, recite from memory whenever they perform from a script. When it comes to speeches, memorization can be useful when the message needs to be exact, and the speaker doesn’t want to be confined by notes.

The advantage to memorization is that it enables the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience throughout the speech. However, there are some real and potential costs. Obviously, memorizing a seven-minute speech takes a great deal of time and effort, and if you’re not used to memorizing, it’s difficult to pull off.

For strategies on how to successfully memorize a speech, refer to the “Memorization” section in the chapter “ From Page to Stage .”

Extemporaneous Delivery

Remember the fairy tale about Goldilocks and the Three Bears? One bed is too soft, the other bed is too hard, and finally one is just right? Extemporaneous delivery combines the best of impromptu and manuscript delivery. Like a manuscript speech, the content is very carefully prepared. However, instead of a word-for-word manuscript, the speaker delivers from a carefully crafted outline. Therefore, it has elements of impromptu delivery to it. We call this type of speaking extemporaneous ( the word comes from the Latin  ex tempore,  literally “out of time”).

Extemporaneous delivery  is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes. By using notes rather than a full manuscript, the extemporaneous speaker can establish and maintain eye contact with the audience and assess how well they understand the speech as it progresses. Without all the words on the page to read, you have little choice but to look up and make eye contact with your audience.

For an extemporaneous speech, the speaker uses a carefully prepared outline. We will discuss how to create an effective outline in the chapters on speechwriting.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Extemporaneous Delivery

Speaking extemporaneously has some major advantages. As mentioned above, without having a text to be beholden to it’s much easier to make eye contact and engage with your audience. Extemporaneous speaking also allows flexibility; you’re working from the solid foundation of an outline, but if you need to delete, add, or rephrase something at the last minute or to adapt to your audience, you can do so. Therefore, the audience is more likely to pay better attention to the message. Furthermore, it promotes the likelihood that you, the speaker, will be perceived as knowledgeable and credible since you know the speech well enough that you don’t need to read it. The outline also helps you be aware of main ideas vs. subordinate ones. For many speakers, an extemporaneous approach encourages them to feel more relaxed and to have more fun while speaking. If you’re enjoying presenting your speech the audience will sense that and consequently, they will enjoy it more.

A disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that it requires substantial rehearsal to achieve the verbal and nonverbal engagement that is required for a good speech. Adequate preparation can’t be achieved the day before you’re scheduled to speak. Be aware that if you want to present an engaging and credible extemporaneous speech, you’ll need to practice many times. Your practice will need to include both the performative elements as well as having a clear sense of the content you’ll cover. As mentioned previously, an extemporaneous speech can also be harder to have consistent and predictable timing. While delivering the speech it’s more likely you’ll wander off on a tangent, struggle to find the words you want, or forget to mention crucial details. Furthermore, if you get lost it may be harder to get yourself back on track.

Successful Extemporaneous Delivery

Like other delivery modes, a dynamic performance on an extemporaneous delivery is one that includes lots of eye contact, animated vocals, and gestures. At the same time, you want a speech that is structured and focused, not disorganized and wandering.

One strategy to succeed in extemporaneous speaking is to begin by writing out a full manuscript of your speech. This allows you to map out all the information that will be covered in each main point and sub-point. This method also gives you a better sense of your timing and flow than starting from just an outline. Another approach is to write out an outline that is less complete than a manuscript but still detailed. This will be used only for preparation; once you have a clear sense of the content you can reduce it down to a streamlined performance outline which you’ll use when delivering the actual speech.

By the time of presentation, an extemporaneous speech becomes a mixture of memorization and improvisation. You’ll need to be familiar enough with your content and structure that you cover everything, and it flows with logical transitions. Simultaneously, you must be willing to make changes and adapt in the moment. Hence, thorough rehearsal is critical. While this approach takes more time, the benefits are worth the extra effort required.

When you’re asked to prepare a speech for almost any occasion except last-minute speeches, you must choose either a manuscript or extemporaneous approach. As you experiment with assorted styles of public speaking, you’ll find you prefer one style of delivery over the other. Extemporaneous speaking can be challenging, especially for beginners, but it’s the preferred method of most experienced public speakers. However, the speaking occasion may dictate which method will be most effective.

Online Delivery

Impromptu, manuscript, and extemporaneous speaking are delivery modes . They describe the relationship between the speaker and the script according to the level of preparation (minutes or weeks) and type of preparation (manuscript or outline). Until now, we have assumed that the medium for the speech is in-person before an audience. Medium means the means or channel through which something is communicated. The written word is a medium. In art, sculpture is a medium. For in-person public speaking, the medium is the stage. For online public speaking, the medium is the camera.

The Online Medium

Public speakers very often communicate via live presentation. However, we also use the medium of recordings, shared through online technology. We see online or recorded speaking in many situations. A potential employer might ask for a short video self-presentation. Perhaps you’re recording a “How-To” video for YouTube. A professor asks you to create a presentation to post to the course website. Or perhaps an organization has solicited proposals via video. Maybe a friend who lives far away is getting married and those who can’t attend send a video toast. While this textbook can’t address all these situations, below are three important elements to executing recorded speeches.

Creating Your Delivery Document

As with an in-person speech, it’s important to consider all the given circumstances of the speech occasion. Why are you speaking? What is the topic? How much time do you have to prepare? How long is this speech? In online speeches, having a sense of your audience is critical. Not only who are they, but where are they? You may be speaking live to people across the country or around the world. If they are in a different time zone it may influence their ability to listen and respond, particularly if it’s early, late, or mealtime. If you’re recording a speech for a later audience, do you know who that audience will be?

As with in-person speeches, different speech circumstances suggest one of three delivery modes: impromptu, extemporaneous, or manuscript. Whether your medium is live or camera, to prepare you must know which of the three delivery modes  you’ll be using. Just because a speech is online does not mean it doesn’t need preparation and a delivery text.

Technical Preparation

To prepare for online speaking, you’ll want to practice using your online tools. To begin, record yourself speaking so you have a sense of the way your voice sounds when mediated. Consider practicing making eye contact with your camera so that you feel comfortable with your desired focal point. In addition, consider how to best set up your speaking space. It may take some experimenting to find the best camera angle and position. Consider lighting when deciding your recording place. Make the lighting as bright as possible and ensure that the light is coming from behind the camera.

You should put some thought into what you’ll be wearing. You’ll want to look appropriate for the occasion. Make sure your outfit looks good on camera and doesn’t clash with your background. In general, keep in mind what your background will look like on-screen. You’ll want a background that isn’t overly distracting to viewers. Furthermore, ensure that there is a place just off-screen where you can have notes and anything else you may need readily at hand. Your recording location should be somewhere quiet and distraction-free.

You should test your camera and microphone to make sure they are working properly, and make sure you have a stable internet connection. But, even when you complete pre-checks of equipment, sometimes technology fails. Therefore, it’s helpful to know how to troubleshoot on the spot. Anticipate potential hiccups and have a plan for how to either fix issues that arise or continue with your presentation.

Vibrant Delivery

The tools for successful public speaking discussed in the rest of this textbook still apply to online speaking, but there are some key differences to consider before entering the virtual space. Online speaking, for example, will not have the same energy of a back-and-forth dialogue between speaker and live audience. If you’re recording without an audience, it might feel like you’re speaking into a void. You must use your power of imagination to keep in mind the audience who will eventually be watching your speech.

It’s important to utilize all your vocal tools, such as projection, enunciation, and vocal variety. Most important is having a high level of energy and enthusiasm reflected in your voice. If your voice communicates your passion for your speech topic, the audience will feel that and be more engaged. Use humor to keep your speech engaging and to raise your own energy level. Some experts recommend standing while giving an online speech because it helps raise your energy level and can better approximate the feeling of presenting in public.

If you’re presenting online to an audience, be sure to start the presentation on time. However, be aware that some participants may sign in late. Likewise, be cognizant about finishing your speech and answering any questions by the scheduled end time. If there are still questions you can direct the audience to reach out to you by your preferred means of communication. You may be able to provide the audience with a recording of the talk in case they want to go back and rewatch something.

Finally, consider ways you can enhance your performance by sharing images on the screen. Be sure you have that technology ready.

Other suggestions from experts include:

  • Your anxiety does not go away just because you can’t see everyone in your “web audience.” Be aware of the likelihood of anxiety; it might not hit until you’re “on air.”
  • During the question-and-answer period, some participants will question orally through the webcam set-up, while others will use the chat feature. It takes time to type in the chat. Be prepared for pauses.
  • Remember the power of transitions. The speaker needs to tie the messages of their slides together.
  • Verbal pauses can be helpful. Since one of the things that put audiences to sleep is the continual, non-stop flow of words, a pause can get attention.

As you begin delivering more public speeches you will likely find a preference for one or more of these delivery modes. If you are given a choice, it’s often best to lean into your strengths and to utilize the method you feel most comfortable with. However, the speech occasion may dictate your presentation style. Therefore, it’s important to practice and become comfortable with each mode. In an increasingly technological world online speaking in particular is likely going to be a required method of communication.

Media Attributions

  • Delivery Modes and Delivery Document © Mechele Leon is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license

Public Speaking as Performance Copyright © 2023 by Mechele Leon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

PRDV008: Preparing and Delivering Presentations

Speaking from a manuscript.

Read this article, which offers more insight on manuscript speaking.

Your manuscript delivery method will vary depending on whether the manuscript is your own or someone else's.

Key Takeaways

  • When provided with a manuscript, you need to deliver it exactly as written. It is the original author's ideas and not your own that you are presenting to the audience.
  • One important form of manuscript is a proclamation. When you read the proclamation, you create a distinct speech act that puts the statements into effect.
  • After the speaker reads the manuscript and understands the meaning, he or she can practice creating a conversational delivery by emphasizing important words, creating vocal phrases with the right words together, and varying the pace and emphasis.
  • If you are preparing your own manuscript for delivery, consider first the audience and write for them as if you were speaking directly to them.
  • You can now use low cost personal teleprompters to help you deliver sermons, deliver speeches, and create quality audios.
  • Teleprompter : A teleprompter is a display device that prompts the person speaking with an electronic visual text of a speech.
  • Manuscript : A single, original copy of a book, article, or composition, written by hand or even printed.
  • Proclamation : A statement which is proclaimed; a formal public announcement.

You may need to use the manuscript provided to you without adding your own thoughts or comments. However, there are other situations where you will need to prepare your own manuscript perhaps for publication in a newsletter, or to make sure you include exact wording.

When Provided with a Manuscript

You need to deliver it exactly as written. You are delivering words that were prepared by someone else; they are the original author's ideas and not your own that you are presenting to the audience. The manuscript could take many different forms. It could be a short story, a poem, or an article. You may also be provided with a special type of document, called a proclamation.

image of an old manuscript

Manuscript : A medieval Latin manuscript by Aristotle with original Greek text added in the margins.

With a proclamation, the wording is exact and must be read exactly as written, as it is a distinct speech act that puts the statements into effect. If are reading a proclamation and say, "I now declare…" when you finish you have actually made it happen.

You usually have time to prepare which will allow you to fully understand the meaning that needs to conveyed to the audience. Once you understand the meaning, then it is possible to practice reading to create a conversational delivery by emphasizing important words, create vocal phrases with the right words together, and vary the pace and emphasis to convey the meaning of the original. Since you will have the document with you, you can mark it to indicate where you want to add emphasis, pause, and change volume or pitch.


Of course, the obvious disadvantage is that you are speaking for someone else; you are delivering his or her thoughts and ideas and not your own. You do not have ownership of the ideas but you may be judged since you are delivering the manuscript.

When Preparing Your Own Manuscript

If you are preparing your own manuscript for delivery, consider first the audience and write for them as if you were speaking directly to them. You are not writing a book but a speech to be delivered. When you deliver the speech from the manuscript, you are challenged to make a connection with the audience rather than simply read words.

Preparing your own manuscript prevents you from saying anything you would not say in careful consideration of your topic. It does assure that you say everything you want to say and gives the impression that you are a calm, collected thinker. You have the opportunity to work with a teleprompter to help you speak directly to the audience, but you will still need to practice with its speed and placement.

There are disadvantages to the speaker preparing his or her own manuscript. It is a challenge, since the speaker will have difficulty maintaining eye contact with the audience to show warmth and sincerity. It may also be difficult for you to actually develop a conversation with the audience while reading. You want to sound natural and develop your own persona which is difficult if a person is just reading his or her words on a page. With the necessary practice, you can perfect and develop a speech and deliver it from a manuscript with careful rehearsal.

When Working with a Teleprompter

You may also work with a teleprompter to increase eye contact and presence with the audience.

Professional Teleprompters

A teleprompter (also called a telescript or an autocue) is a display device that prompts the person speaking with an electronic visual text of a speech or script. Using a teleprompter is similar to the practice of using cue cards. You can see the words on the screen in front of and usually below the camera lens of a professional video camera. The words on the screen are reflected to the eyes of the presenter using a sheet of clear glass or specially prepared beam splitter. Since you do not need to look down to consult written notes, you appear to be speaking spontaneously and can look directly into the camera lens or the audience.

Personal Teleprompters

Fortunately, there are inexpensive teleprompter software applications as well as free web-based teleprompter applications, which will allow you to use a teleprompter to help you deliver sermons, deliver speeches, and create quality audios. These entry-level products work on desktops, laptops, and even tablets.

Photo of a speaker who is using a teleprompter for a newscast

Teleprompter in use : This teleprompter is in use for a broadcast.

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Picture of Winston Churchill's manuscript

How to Write and Use Manuscripts

There will be times when reading from a manuscript is helpful. When giving a eulogy and you are likely to experience strong emotions, having your words written out and in front of you will be very helpful. Politicians often speak from manuscripts because there will be people weighing the meaning of each word. They often have speech writers who take their ideas and make them sound professional, and they likely have several people look it over for any offensive words or questionable phrases.

The advantage to speaking with a manuscript is you have your speech in front of you. This gives you an opportunity to plan interesting wordplays and to use advanced language techniques. By managing the exact wording, you can better control the emotional tone. Another advantage to using a manuscript is you can share your speech with others both for proofing and for reference. For example, many people like to have written copies of the toast given to them at a special occasion or a copy of the eulogy to the loved one.  Politically speaking, a manuscript can be helpful to help keep you on track and to help you say only the things that you mean to say.

The disadvantage to a manuscript is if not done properly, your speech may feel like an “essay with legs.” Speaking from a manuscript is a skill; I would argue that it is one of the most difficult of all types because your goal is to read without appearing to read. It can be so tempting to lock eyes on the page where it is safe and then never look up at the audience. Finally, it is very difficult for most people to gesture when reading a manuscript. Many people run their hands down the page to keep their place while others clutch the podium and never let go. These disadvantages can be overcome with practice. You can be dynamic and engaging while using a manuscript, but it does take work.

Keys to Using a Manuscript

  • Always write a manuscript in manuscript format and never in essay format. (It should look like poetry).
  • Practice your speech at a podium so you can figure out how to change pages smoothly.
  • Learn the art of eye fixations.
  • Practice with a friend so you can master eye contact.
  • If you struggle with gestures, make a note on your manuscript to remind you to gesture.
  • Practice, practice, practice–you should actually practice more than in a typical speech since it is a harder delivery method.

Formatting a Manuscript

  • Do not start a sentence on one page and then finish it on another.
  • Do not fold the manuscript–it won’t lay flat on the podium.
  • Do not print on both sides of the page.
  • Do not staple the manuscript
  • Number your pages.
  • Use a large font and then make it one size larger than you think you need.
  • It should look like poetry.
  • Have extra spaces between every main idea.
  • Bold the first word of every main section.
  • Use /// or …. to indicate pauses in your speech.
  • Emphasize a word with a larger font or by making it bold.
  • If you have a parallel construction where you repeat the same word, bold or underline the repeated word.
  • Use an easy-to-read font.
  • Make a note (SLIDE) when you need to change your slide.
  • It is OK to omit punctuation.
  • Do whatever formatting works best for you.

Sample manuscripts

Notice how this student formats her manuscript by making it spread out and easy to read:

Today // it is an honor for me to stand here before you at the Freedom Banquet and pay tribute to a man

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that in his lifetime …………………………………. has touched ………………….. and changed …………………………… uncountable lives across the globe

Today /// we are here to honor ……………. a president, ……………………….. a father, ……………………………… a husband ……………………………………. and a true savior in Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tribute speech by Tanica van As delivered at the University of Arkansas

Manuscript From History

Picture of a manuscript from Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s Speech in Response to German’s Invasion of Britain and Finest Hour Speech

Sometimes referred to as the Psalms format or free verse format, the speech is written like it will be spoken.

How to Present with a Manuscript

To best read a manuscript, we need to borrow some items from speed reading. When you were first learning to read, you learned to read each letter–D–O–G. You would look at the letter “D,” then your eyes would look at the letter “O, ” and finally, your eyes would move over to look at the letter “G.”  You would fixate (or rest) your eyes on three different places. Eventually, you got better at reading and better at seeing, so you would now look at “dog” in one eye fixation and your brain was able to take in the information–dog.  Now, you no longer read one letter at a time, that would be way too slow. Now you look at all three letters and see it as a word.

Over time, you learned to see bigger words–like “communication” (13 letters).   Now, consider this… the phase “The dog ran fast” contains 13 letters. Since you can see the word “communication” as one eye fixation and understand it as one thing,  in theory, your eyes should be able to see “the dog ran fast” as one eye fixation and understand it too.   We have been trained to look at each word individually with separate eye fixations. For example,  …the … dog… ran… fast… is four different eye fixations. With a little practice, you can train your eyes to see the whole phrase with one look. Here are some sentences, practice looking at each of the sentences with one eye fixation.

I ate the red apple

My car is green

My cat is moody

You tried it didn’t you? You can only learn if you try them out. If you didn’t try it, go back and look at those sentences again and try to see the whole sentence with one look.  With practice, you can look at an entire sentence as one thing (eye fixation). Your brain can understand all those words as one thought. Now, try this. Wherever you are right now, look up at the wall nearest you and then look back down.  Write down all the things you can recall about what you saw–I saw a yellow wall with brown trim, two bookcases, a clock, a printer, a bird statue.  Your brain is amazing; it can look up to a wall and in one eye fixation, it can take in all that it sees.

You can take in many sentences as well. You can actually see two sentences in one look.  Try to look down at these next two sentences in one eye fixation. Test yourself by looking down and then looking up and saying what you remember out loud.

The boy sang a song

The girl danced along

With a little practice, most people can see chunks of five words across and three lines down. Give it a try.  Once again, try to look at the three sentences as one and then look up and say them.

The happy frog leaped

off the lily pad

and into the cool water

It takes practice, but you can do it. The bonus feature of doing the practice and learning this skill is you will learn to read faster. Since a lot of college work and professional preparation relies on reading the information, it would benefit you for the rest of your life to learn this valuable skill. While researching, I came across this excellent slide presentation by Sanda Jameson on Reading for College that goes into more depth about the process. I highly recommend you review it to help you with your manuscript reading and to help you become a better reader in your college classes.


By now, you have figured out that using chunking and working on eye fixations is going to help you read your manuscript easier. Arranging your manuscript where you have only five to seven words on a line will make it easier to see as one fixation.  Organizing your manuscript where you can see several lines of text at once, can help you put a lot of information in one eye fixation.

Now, let’s look at a eulogy written by one of my students, Sydney Stout. She wrote this eulogy to her grandpa who loved dancing and encouraged her to do the same.  First, notice the manuscript format where it is written like it will be spoken. It is chunked into lines that are usually 5-7 words long. The list of names is written like a stair step showing the stair step in the voice when the names are spoken. Try reading this except out loud focusing on eye fixations. Try to see one whole line at a time and then read it again trying to see two lines at a time.

Dancing is a delicate art

An activity many people love and enjoy

but someone that loves dancing

more than anyone I know

is my grandfather.

You all know my grandfather

Maybe you know him as James

….. Jack

 ……… Dad

 …………. Papa Jack

      ………………… or in my case………………. . just Papa.

Papa //   you have led me through life

like any great dance partner should

And I’ve memorized the steps you’ve taught me

………………………………………. …. And they have allowed me to dance

……………………………………………………………… gracefully

………………………………………………………….. through my own life

Tribute speech by Sydney Stout delivered at the University of Arkansas

Watch this eulogy speech to Rosa Parks by Oprah Winfrey. Notice how each word is carefully chosen and how if you notice closely, you can tell that she is using a manuscript. Notice how seamlessly she turns the pages and notice how she spends most of her time looking up at the audience. Masterfully, she uses gestures to enhance the rhythmic flow o the speech and to draw the audience’s attention.

Timing Your Manuscript

Practice your manuscript at least 5 to 7 times. Trust me when I say, It is harder to speak with a manuscript than it is to give a speech with brief notes and it requires considerable more practice to get it right.

Use this chart as a general reference for the timing of your speech to the length of your manuscript.

A Speech Saved the President’s Life

Teddy Roosevelts Speech with Bullet Holes in it

Teddy Roosevelt’s life was saved when an assassin’s bullet was slowed down by his 50 paged speech manuscript. The doctor on sight determined that although the bullet didn’t puncture his lungs, he should still go to the hospital immediately. A determined Roosevelt balked and said, “You get me to that speech.” He delivered a 50-minute speech before going to the hospital.  Doctors decided it was safer to leave the bullet in his chest and declared that his speech had indeed saved his life.

More on this story from the history channel: https://www.history.com/news/shot-in-the-chest-100-years-ago-teddy-roosevelt-kept-on-talking

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Do you have an activity to include? Did you notice a typo that I should correct? Are you planning to use this as a resource and do you want me to know about it? Do you want to tell me something that really helped you?

Click here to share your feedback. 

Klein, C. (2019). When Teddy Roosevelt was shot in 1912, a speech may have saved his life. https://www.history.com/news/shot-in-the-chest-100-years-ago-teddy-roosevelt-kept-on-talking

Speech in minutes. (n.d.).  http://www.speechinminutes.com/

Stout, S. (n.d.). Eulogy to Papa with the theme of dancing. Delivered in Lynn Meade’s Advanced Public Speaking Class at the  University of Arkansas. Used with permission.

Van As, T. (n.d.) Tribute to Nelson Mandela. Delivered in Lynn Meade’s Advanced Public Speaking Class at the  University of Arkansas. Used with permission.

Winfrey, O.  (2010). Eulogy to Rosa Parks. [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cfhtfNfIPE Standard YouTube License.

Public Speaking by Lynn Meade is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Preparing Your Manuscript

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Preparing the Manuscript

Since UIL prose and poetry contests are reading events, a manuscript should be used for competition. Preparation of that manuscript is a vital part of the process as a whole. Rules of the contest state that “The contestant should perform the selections using manuscripts or copies of the selections that are in a binder. Students shall not read from books or magazines.” Contest rules also state the manuscript or copies of the selection should be available to the contest director, if needed at the contest, to aid in addressing question or concerns.

Most competitors use a black stiff-backed 3-ring binder, approximately 9” x 6” in size, as their manuscript folder for several reasons:

  • Black is less obtrusive than other colors. You want the focus of the audience and judge on your performance, not your binder.
  • 3-ring binders make page turning easier. Avoid binders with back-mounted rings because they make the binder unwieldy to hold open properly for performance. Rings should be mounted in the spine. Also avoid binders with plastic see-through covers.
  • 3-ring binders allow greater flexibility in arranging your manuscript.
  • 3- ring binders easily accommodate “slicks” (plastic sheet covers).
  • The 9” x 6” size is easy to handle and less obtrusive than other sizes.
  • Most binders have pockets to accommodate documentation. (Before standing in front of the audience, be sure to empty the binder of everything but the selection you are about to perform.)

speech manuscript write

Type the manuscript in Landscape format. Use a clean, plain font that is easy to read. Arial is an example of a clean font. Increase the font size to 16 or larger, and double space the lines, so there’s room to add scoring notes. Break the selection down into “beats”, which are edited units of time or thought. Print only on one side.

Many competitors have turned to the 9” x 6” binder with the plastic sheets because it facilitates the handling of the manuscript. Not only do the “slicks” keep the manuscript intact and prevent it from falling out of the folder, but they also add a stiffness that allows you to turn pages smoothly, one page at a time. Slicks and binders can be ordered from office supply stores or The Black Book Depot (www.blackbookdepot.com).Mounting your manuscript on black construction paper or black card stock before insertion into the slick is advantageous because it provides some rigidity for the page and it allows the eye to focus more readily on the page.

The binder is meant to serve as a constant visual reminder that the words you relay to the audience are not your own but those of the author of the literary work.

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The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

Iowa Writers Workshop graduate has eye for balance in ‘Green for Luck’

Byline photo of Isabelle Lubguban

Margaret Yapp is an Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduate with a Master’s in Fine Arts in poetry. Her works have appeared in The Minnesota Review , Peach Mag, Apartment Poetry, and more. She is the managing editor of Prompt Press and runs Rampage Party Press .

Her debut book, “Green for Luck,” is a poetry collection that was released on April 23. On Friday, Yapp read from her book at Prairie Lights Bookstore and Cafe in Iowa City.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

The Daily Iowan: You mention in your contributor spotlight for the Midwestern Gothic that the “Midwest makes its way into almost every piece regarding poetry.” Why do you think this is?

I think I was an undergrad or close to it. I’ve only ever lived in the Midwest — Iowa and Minnesota — so it is part of my life and part of my writing. It’s hard because it’s the only place I’ve lived to really distinguish where and how that’s showing up and how my writing may be different if I’d grown up somewhere else.

The Midwest shows up in the place the poems are set in, like the plants I might mention or parts of the landscape. A lot of my poems too are dealing with and using everyday speech as material so if I’m writing how I speak, that’s going to show up in my poems, too. I’m not setting out to write about the Midwest, but because it’s part of who I am it shows up in what I write, through language and place.

  What is the story behind the title “Green for Luck”?

I submitted this manuscript under the title “Chump.” The etymology of that word comes from a block of wood. A book, depending on what the paper is made out of, could literally be a block of wood. “Chump,” after talking with friends and teachers about that title, that was the title of my thesis when I was in the poetry program [at Iowa]. I decided that it was a little too playful and I wanted a more serious-sounding title. I decided on syllable and word count first. I knew I wanted three words, and three syllables — counting and numbers are very important in my poems. “Green for Luck” got on the list pretty early. It’s a line that repeats in the sort of central poem of the book which is a long poem called “Sea.” It felt like the right title instinctually. It sounded and felt right. Content-wise, it worked for the book. There’s a lot in the book about reckoning with one’s own brain, and the concept of luck and wishing comes up a lot and so does the color green in terms of the life cycle of nature and newness. “Green for Luck” hit on a lot of the different threads that are in the book and could work for both the older poems that are mentioned and the newer stuff that’s in there and could bring it all together.

Who inspired your book?

My friends and my family show up in my writing a lot. I always joke that half of what I write is just stuff that people say to me — a funny line or a word, I’ll just quickly type it, and that stuff makes its way into my writing, and so I’m extremely inspired by the people around me, the people that I love.

Actors rehearse for Anti-Hero: Revenge of the Swifties in the David Thayer Theatre in Iowa City on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The play was written by Derick Edgren Otero and directed by Meredith G. Healy. The production is part of the New Play Festival held by the University of Iowa Department of Theatre Arts.


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How chatgpt can make writing easier — and what to avoid.

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Close up stock photograph of a mature man studying a see-through computer monitor that’s displaying ... [+] text provided by an AI (artificial intelligence) chatbot.

The launch of ChatGPT 17 months ago is considered by many to be a technological inflection point as significant as the launch of the integrated circuit, the internet, and the iPhone. As with any such disruption, each novelty brings out legions of detractors and supporters.

To address both sides of the issue, let’s examine the positive aspects of ChatGPT and, as a cautionary tale, allay the concerns of the detractors.

Generating content

As soon as ChatGPT came out, students started using the technology to do their written assignments which led to charges of cheating as this article by Michael Nietzel indicates. Businesspeople, too, started using the technology to do their daily work—emails, reports, marketing communications, product/service descriptions—and while businesspeople are not likely to be charged with cheating, the practice does have the downside of coming across as either bland, generic, or flowery. The title and subtitle of an article in The Atlantic says it all: “ChatGPT is Dumber Than You Think: Treat it like a toy not a tool.”

Instead, set an honor code for yourself. Never use generative AI tools to generate content from scratch. First, do a rough draft of your own. Then turn to the bot as a productivity tool and prompt it for a draft. Use any ideas or phrases from the bot and work them into a second draft of your own. Be sure you keep both drafts separate to maintain the integrity of your honor code.

Editing content

Read that second draft, now focusing on the language. To heighten the accuracy and color of your description, query the bot again for synonymous words or idiomatic phrases. You can also use dictionary.com, thesaurus.com, or Google’s Power Thesaurus, but if you give ChatGPT a sense of what you’re looking for, its natural language can provide closer suggestions. Don’t just cherry-pick from the list; use your native intuition to make the choice that fits best.

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Apple s iphone 16 pro design revealed in new leak, charlotte shooting 4 officers killed while serving warrant, enriching content.

As you develop your text, look for additional information that supports and adds depth to your ideas. If the information you find is lengthy or complex, copy and paste it into the bot and prompt it to simplify. Read the simplification and then work the information into your original draft using your own words.

During the process, be sure to double check the accuracy of your research. ChatGPT is often not only inaccurate but as this New York Times article reports, can provide misinformation.

Polishing content

Continue to review your text. Remember that one of the most frequently cited adages among professional writers is “Writing is rewriting.” With each review, you should be implementing a practice known as “Spaced Learning,” or walking away from your text. It’s a human technique that predates ChatGPT. For context, the opposite of Spaced Learning is cramming—need I say more?

In using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools this way, you will be implementing “error-driven learning,” a practice drawn from technology that enables and improves human thinking. In a recent Wall Street Journal article , Professor Charan Ranganath who runs the Dynamic Memory Lab at the Center for Neuroscience at the University of California, Davis, references the work of two cognitive psychologist in 1990 who noted that “neural network models of artificial intelligence learn through trial and error.” Professor Ranganath then ran an experiment in his lab that “used neural network models to simulate what happens in the hippocampus—a critical brain area for rapid learning.” His results found “that the human brain can learn and retain far more through trial and error.”

So go ahead and use ChatGPT to help you generate, edit, enrich, and polish your content, but be sure to keep your hand on the tiller by using an equal measure of your own human capabilities.

Jerry Weissman

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  2. How to Write a Manuscript Speech

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    The word manuscript is derived from two Latin words, "manu scriptus," that mean "to write by hand.". Before the invention of the printing press, all documents were written by hand. In today's digital age, the word manuscript has come to mean the original version of any complete text. During a manuscript speech, the speaker essentially ...

  7. 4 modes of speech delivery

    memorized. impromptu. extemporaneous. 1. Manuscript. One of the most common ways to deliver a speech is to use a manuscript: a word by word document of everything you plan to say from beginning to end. This ensures, when you read it out loud, what you say is exactly what you intend, without deviation.

  8. How to Write and Use Manuscripts

    Always write a manuscript in manuscript format and never in essay format. Practice with your manuscript at a podium so you can work on how to change pages. ... Teddy Roosevelt's life was saved when an assassin's bullet was slowed down by his 50 paged speech manuscript. The doctor on sight determined that while the bullet didn't his lungs ...

  9. Speaking from a Manuscript: How to Read Without Looking Like You Are

    Keys to Using a Manuscript. Always write a manuscript in manuscript format and never in essay format. (It should look like poetry). ... Teddy Roosevelt's life was saved when an assassin's bullet was slowed down by his 50 paged speech manuscript. The doctor on sight determined that although the bullet didn't puncture his lungs, he should ...

  10. PDF Writing for the Ear: Strengthening Oral Style in Manuscript Speeches

    Prepare a typed manuscript for a 7-8 minute speech (roughly 3-4 double-spaced pages) based on a research paper or essay that you wrote recently for another class (to be submitted with the speech manuscript). Your speech manuscript should reflect all of the basic principles of public speaking and should feature, in particular, strong oral style.

  11. How to write a good speech [7 easily followed steps]

    Tell them (Body of your speech - the main ideas plus examples) Tell them what you told them (The ending) TEST before presenting. Read aloud several times to check the flow of material, the suitability of language and the timing. Return to top. A step by step guide for writing a great speech.

  12. Manuscript Speech Or Presentation: How To Deliver One

    The manuscript speech is a presentation method where the speakers deliver the presentation with a paper or teleprompter that usually has been pre-written to give a piece of information. The entire speech has to be referred to the printed document, which means that we as the speakers don't necessarily need to read all of it, but to have a ...

  13. Methods of Speech Delivery

    A manuscript speech is when the speaker writes down every word they will speak during the speech. When they deliver the speech, they have each word planned and in front of them on the page, much like a newscaster who reads from a teleprompter. ... Therefore, you can also write yourself notes to speak up, slow down, emphasize a point, go to the ...

  14. Speaking to Inspire: Ceremonial and Motivational Speeches

    There are 6 modules in this course. The most memorable speeches inspire, entertain, and praise. By blending stories and eloquence, great speeches highlight the core values motivating an audience. You might need to do this in a keynote address, a eulogy, or simply a business meeting. Inspiring audiences is a common, but difficult writing challenge.

  15. Correct Manuscript Format: Full Guide [& Examples]

    Chapter title page. #1 - Center-align justify the title of the chapter, even if it's just a chapter number. #2 - One-third to one-half way down the page. #3 - Start the chapter one double-spaced down from the title. Following that format makes a manuscript much more palatable, just like having your text double-spaced.

  16. Ways of Delivering Speeches

    In this chapter, we will explore the three modes of speech delivery: impromptu, manuscript, and extemporaneous. Each offers unique advantages and potential challenges. An effective public speaker needs to be familiar with each style so they can use the most appropriate mode for any speech occasion. In writing, there's only one way of ...

  17. Master the Art of Public Speaking: Manuscript Speech Examples 2024

    4. Write Your Manuscript. Write your speech using clear and concise language. Use short sentences and simple words to ensure maximum comprehension. Include transitions between ideas to create a smooth flow and maintain the audience's engagement. I use AtOnce's AI language generator to write fluently & grammatically correct in any language: 5.

  18. PRDV008: Speaking from a Manuscript

    Manuscript: A medieval Latin manuscript by Aristotle with original Greek text added in the margins. With a proclamation, the wording is exact and must be read exactly as written, as it is a distinct speech act that puts the statements into effect. If are reading a proclamation and say, "I now declare…". when you finish you have actually made ...

  19. Essential Guide to Manuscript Writing for Academic Dummies: An Editor's

    Abstract. Writing an effective manuscript is one of the pivotal steps in the successful closure of the research project, and getting it published in a peer-reviewed and indexed journal adds to the academic profile of a researcher. Writing and publishing a scientific paper is a tough task that researchers and academicians must endure in staying ...

  20. Manuscript Writing

    A step-by-step guide to publishing your research, the Academy provides information on selecting a journal, preparing and submitting a manuscript, what to expect in peer review, an overview of production steps, and tips to help you maximize the impact of your work. The Manuscript Preparation section provides information on writing and formatting ...

  21. How to Present with a Manuscript

    First, notice the manuscript format where it is written like it will be spoken. It is chunked into lines that are usually 5-7 words long. The list of names is written like a stair step showing the stair step in the voice when the names are spoken. Try reading this except out loud focusing on eye fixations.

  22. Preparing Your Manuscript

    Type the manuscript in Landscape format. Use a clean, plain font that is easy to read. Arial is an example of a clean font. Increase the font size to 16 or larger, and double space the lines, so there's room to add scoring notes. Break the selection down into "beats", which are edited units of time or thought. Print only on one side.

  23. Iowa Writers Workshop graduate has eye for balance in 'Green for Luck

    I submitted this manuscript under the title "Chump." The etymology of that word comes from a block of wood. A book, depending on what the paper is made out of, could literally be a block of wood. "Chump," after talking with friends and teachers about that title, that was the title of my thesis when I was in the poetry program [at Iowa].

  24. How ChatGPT Can Make Writing Easier

    Instead, set an honor code for yourself. Never use generative AI tools to generate content from scratch. First, do a rough draft of your own. Then turn to the bot as a productivity tool and prompt ...