
Essay on Hitler

Students are often asked to write an essay on Hitler in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Hitler


Adolf Hitler, born in Austria in 1889, was a significant figure in world history. He is known as the leader of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945.

Rise to Power

Hitler’s rise to power began in the early 1930s. He became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933, and later the dictator in 1934.

World War II

Under Hitler’s leadership, Germany started World War II in 1939. He aimed to establish a new order based on absolute Nazi German hegemony.

End of Hitler

Hitler’s aggressive policies and expansionist ideology are often seen as the causes of the start of World War II. He died by suicide in his bunker in Berlin on 30 April 1945.

250 Words Essay on Hitler

Early life and rise to power.

Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, in 1889, was a controversial figure who rose to power as Germany’s dictator in 1933. Hitler’s early life was marked by struggle and failure, which shaped his extremist ideologies and charismatic leadership style. His political career began post World War I, when he joined the German Workers’ Party, later rebranded as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party).

Hitler’s Ideology and the Holocaust

Hitler’s ideology was a toxic blend of anti-Semitism, Aryan racial superiority, and totalitarianism. His extremist views led to the Holocaust, the genocide of six million Jews, which stands as a stark reminder of the destructive potential of hate and bigotry. Hitler’s Mein Kampf, a manifesto outlining his political ideology and plans for Germany, became a cornerstone of the Nazi regime.

World War II and Hitler’s Downfall

Hitler’s aggressive foreign policies and expansionist ideology were significant causes of World War II. His invasion of Poland in 1939 triggered the war, and his militaristic tactics resulted in the occupation of several European countries. However, the tide turned against Hitler after the failed invasion of the Soviet Union and the entry of the United States into the war. In 1945, with Allied forces closing in, Hitler died by suicide in his bunker in Berlin.

This brief overview of Hitler’s life and impact underscores the dangers of unchecked power, extremist ideologies, and the manipulation of public sentiment, lessons that remain pertinent today.

500 Words Essay on Hitler

Adolf Hitler, a name synonymous with tyranny and destruction, was the Führer and Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. His policies precipitated World War II and the Holocaust, leading to the genocide of six million Jews. Hitler’s actions and ideology, steeped in anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and Aryan supremacy, have left an indelible scar on human history.

Early Life and Political Inception

Born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn, Austria, Hitler’s early life was marked by conflict and hardship. His father, a stern and volatile man, was often at odds with Hitler’s artistic aspirations. Hitler moved to Munich in 1913, and his life took a decisive turn with the outbreak of World War I, where he served with distinction. Post-war Germany, laden with the punitive Treaty of Versailles, was fertile ground for Hitler’s extremist views. He joined the German Workers’ Party in 1919, which later evolved into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party), and he became its leader in 1921.

Hitler’s charisma, coupled with his fervent nationalism and anti-Semitic rhetoric, resonated with the economically distressed and politically disillusioned Germans. His failed coup attempt in 1923, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, led to his imprisonment, during which he wrote ‘Mein Kampf’, outlining his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Released in 1924, Hitler methodically rebuilt the Nazi Party and by 1933, he was appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler’s Regime

Once in power, Hitler swiftly dismantled Germany’s democratic institutions, establishing a totalitarian regime. The Reichstag fire in 1933 provided him the pretext to enact the Enabling Act, granting him dictatorial powers. Hitler pursued aggressive foreign policies, defying the Treaty of Versailles, and initiated World War II with the invasion of Poland in 1939.

The Holocaust

Hitler’s most abhorrent act was the systematic genocide of six million Jews during the Holocaust. His virulent anti-Semitism, articulated in ‘Mein Kampf’, became state policy with the implementation of the “Final Solution” – the extermination of the Jewish people.

Downfall and Legacy

Hitler’s downfall began with the disastrous decision to invade the Soviet Union in 1941. By 1945, Allied forces had overrun Germany. Facing imminent defeat, Hitler died by suicide in his bunker in Berlin on April 30, 1945. His legacy, a testament to the destructive potential of totalitarian regimes and extremist ideologies, serves as a stark reminder of humanity’s darkest hour.

Adolf Hitler, a man whose name evokes images of horror and devastation, changed the course of the 20th century. His reign of terror serves as a grim reminder of the catastrophic consequences of unchecked power, racial hatred, and ideological extremism. As we reflect on Hitler’s life and actions, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten, and such atrocities are never repeated.

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Richard M. Langworth

Senior fellow, hillsdale college churchill project, writer and historian.

Hitler essays

Churchill’s Hitler Essays: He Knew the Führer from the Start

15 april 2024 comments 0 comments.

Excerpt­ed from “The Three Lives of Churchill’s Hitler Essays,” writ­ten  for the  Hills­dale Col­lege Churchill Project . For the orig­i­nal arti­cle with end­notes, click here.  To sub­scribe to week­ly arti­cles from Hills­dale-Churchill,  click here , scroll to bot­tom, and enter your email in the box “Stay in touch with us.” We nev­er dis­close or sell your email address. It remains a rid­dle wrapped in a mys­tery inside an enigma.

The Hitler Essays:

“The Truth About Hitler,” The Strand Mag­a­zine , Novem­ber 1935, Cohen C481. “Hitler and His Choice,” Great Con­tem­po­raries (Lon­don and New York, 1937), Cohen A105. “This Age of Gov­ern­ment by Great Dic­ta­tors,” News of the World , 10 Octo­ber 1937, Cohen C535.7.

“Did Churchill ever admire Hitler?”

The ques­tion, per­plex­ing on its face, is nev­er­the­less some­times asked. Crit­ics have long quot­ed selec­tive­ly from Churchill to show he was “for Hitler before he was against him.”

For Bavar­i­an politi­cian  Franz Joseph Strauss , the proof was Churchill’s writ­ing: “We may yet live to see Hitler a gen­tler fig­ure in a hap­pi­er age.”

His­to­ri­an  Robert Rhodes James  said Churchill “sym­pa­thet­i­cal­ly” described Hitler’s “long, weary­ing bat­tle for the Ger­man heart.” In fact Churchill’s word was “wear­ing” not “weary­ing,” which was rather less sympathetic.

The sub­ject of those essays didn’t think Churchill was sym­pa­thet­ic at all. After read­ing “The Truth About Hitler” in 1935, an infu­ri­at­ed Führer instruct­ed his ambas­sador in Lon­don “to lodge a strong protest against ‘the per­son­al attack on the head of the Ger­man state.’”

Hitler essays

Hitler as “Great Contemporary”

“The Truth About Hitler,” first of the Hitler essays, appeared in late 1935. Decid­ing to repub­lish it in his 1937 book  Great Con­tem­po­raries,  Churchill cour­te­ous­ly sub­mit­ted his text to  Sir Robert Van­sit­tart , Per­ma­nent Under­sec­re­tary at the For­eign Office. This was a care­ful choice, since Van­sit­tart had been some­what sup­port­ive of Churchill’s demands for rearmament.

But Van­sit­tart was on hol­i­day, so Churchill’s draft was read by  Clif­ford Nor­ton , who rec­om­mend­ed it not appear at all:

[I]t is hard­ly to be thought that this arti­cle would be at all palat­able to the pow­ers that be in Ger­many. In the present rather del­i­cate state of our rela­tions with that coun­try, when one does not know which way the cat will jump, it might there­fore be ques­tioned whether repub­li­ca­tion just now was advisable.

Churchill agreed to cer­tain dele­tions which would “take the sting out of the arti­cle,” but said he “would cut out noth­ing” that he wouldn’t say “on pub­lic plat­forms.” This did not pre­vent him from restor­ing some of his dele­tions in anoth­er news­pa­per arti­cle. (Read on.)

It has been ques­tioned why Churchill made room in his book for Hitler. Was he more opti­mistic than he should have been about the Führer?  Perhaps—or as Mar­tin Gilbert often quipped, “per­haps not.” Hitler was a pop­u­lar sub­ject for writ­ers in the mid-1930s. Germany’s rear­ma­ment and inten­tions were mount­ing con­cerns. Yet, like all three of his Hitler essays, Churchill had lit­tle to say that was positive.

Churchill’s textual changes

Hitler essays

What part of his 1935 arti­cle did Churchill alter in Great Con­tem­po­raries ? What did the For­eign Office per­suade him to “soft­en”? Bib­li­og­a­ra­pher Ronald Cohen came to my aid with a line-by-line dig­i­tal com­par­i­son of the “The Truth About Hitler” and the Great Con­tem­po­raries chap­ter. A Word doc­u­ment con­tain­ing the 1935 text, show­ing 1937 dele­tions in strike-throughs and high­lights, is avail­able to read­ers via email .

This exer­cise was worth the trou­ble because it answered many ques­tions. It shows that Churchill bare­ly changed his sen­ti­ments between 1935 and 1937. His dele­tions main­ly involve events well known in 1935 that were old news in 1937. His view of the Führer remained consistent.

Minor alterations

There was only one sig­nif­i­cant dele­tion in the ear­ly part of the  Great Con­tem­po­raries  chap­ter. That was Churchill’s 1935 asser­tion that his­to­ry would “deter­mine whether [Hitler] will rank in Val­hal­la with  Per­i­cles , with  Augus­tus  and with  Wash­ing­ton , or wel­ter in the infer­no of human scorn with  Atti­la  and  Tamer­lane .”

It is not clear what if any­thing the For­eign Office saw wrong with that. Churchill may have pulled it as a ges­ture of com­pli­ance. Or maybe, by 1937, he had decid­ed that Hitler wouldn’t rank with Washington….

Nor were those words gone for long. On 10 Octo­ber 1937, six days after pub­lish­ing  Great Con­tem­po­raries,  they reap­peared. This was in Churchill’s third Hitler arti­cle, “This Age of Gov­ern­ment by Great Dic­ta­tors,” for News of the World. For good mea­sure, he wrote of Hitler’s “guilt of blood” and “wicked” methods.

Was this third essay a defi­ance of the For­eign Office? ​Or was it sim­ply writ­ten because Churchill was too good a writer to omit a mem­o­rable line? What­ev­er the rea­son, it does not mate­ri­al­ly change ​his opin­ion of Hitler.

Oth­er ear­ly changes to the 1935 text were almost all for read­abil­i­ty or cur­ren­cy. A minor dele­tion was his ref­er­ence to  Hein­rich Brün­ing , the anti-Hitler Chan­cel­lor of Weimer Ger­many in 1930-32. In his orig­i­nal  Strand  arti­cle, Churchill wrote that the Nazis “even drove the patri­ot­ic Brün­ing, under threat of mur­der, from Ger­man soil.”

Safe in Amer­i­ca, Brün­ing became a pro­fes­sor of gov­ern­ment at Har­vard, where he con­tin­ued to warn of Ger­man and Sovi­et expan­sion­ism. In 1937 Churchill asked him to proof­read his  Great Con­tem­po­raries Hitler chap­ter. Brüning’s only com­ment was, “I admire very much your descrip­tion of the feel­ings of the Ger­man peo­ple in these four­teen years after the War and the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the British pol­i­cy at that time.”

The major deletion

Not appar­ent until Ronald Cohen’s tex­tu­al com­par­i­son was a long pas­sage at the end of the 1935 Strand  arti­cle removed from  Great Con­tem­po­raries.  It described the  “Night of the Long Knives”  in 1934, when Hitler purged  Ernst Röhm  and the  Sturmabteilung (SA). This appears in no edi­tion of the book, nor the Churchill Col­lect­ed Essays . 

This pas­sage did not appear in Churchill’s third arti­cle, “Gov­ern­ment of Great Dic­ta­tors.”  It may well have been con­sid­ered provoca­tive by the For­eign Office, albeit dat­ed. Read­ers must judge for them­selves. Since it is oth­er­wise inac­ces­si­ble, we repro­duced it in full on the Churchill Project web­site . Here are excerpts.

From “Government of Great Dictators”

[On 30 June 1934] many hun­dreds of men and some women were put to death in Ger­many with­out law, with­out accu­sa­tion, with­out tri­al. These per­sons rep­re­sent­ed many vari­eties of life and thought of Ger­many. There were Nazis and anti-Nazis. There were Gen­er­als and Com­mu­nists; there were Jews, Protes­tants, and Catholics. Some were rich and some were poor; some were young and some were old; some were famous and some were hum­ble. But all had one thing in com­mon, name­ly, that they were deemed to be obnox­ious or obstruc­tive to the Hitler regime. There­fore, they were blot­ted out.

The his­to­ry of the world is full of grue­some, squalid episodes of this kind, from the butcheries of ancient Rome and the num­ber­less mas­sacres which have stained the his­to­ry of Asia down to the “smellings out” of the Zulu and Hot­ten­tot witch doc­tors . But in all its ups and downs mankind has always recoiled in hor­ror from such events…

Adolf Hitler took upon him­self the full respon­si­bil­i­ty…. But the astound­ing thing is that the great Ger­man peo­ple, edu­cat­ed, sci­en­tif­ic, philo­soph­i­cal, roman­tic, the peo­ple of the Christ­mas tree, the peo­ple of Goethe and Schiller, of Bach and Beethoven, Heine, Leib­nitz, Kant and a hun­dred oth­er great names, have not only not resent­ed this hor­ri­ble blood-bath, but have endorsed it and acclaimed its author with the hon­ours not only of a sov­er­eign but almost of a god….

Can we real­ly believe that a hier­ar­chy and soci­ety built upon such deeds can be entrust­ed with the pos­ses­sion of the most prodi­gious mil­i­tary machin­ery yet planned among men? Can we believe that by such pow­ers the world may regain “the joy, the peace and glo­ry of mankind”? The answer, if answer there be, oth­er than the most appalling neg­a­tive, is con­tained in that mys­tery called HITLER.

The Hitler essays in retrospect

Churchill’s views plain­ly under­went no sig­nif­i­cant change dur­ing the two years span­ning his three Hitler essays. If his orig­i­nal descrip­tion of the Röhm purge dis­ap­peared, it did not affect the tenor of what he left in.

There is some­thing about those excised pas­sages that arrests the eye today. Because on 7 Octo­ber 2023, much the same thing hap­pened in Israel.

“All man­ner of peo­ple” were killed by mur­der­ers who “caught them in the streets, shot them in their beds, shot the wife who threw her­self before her hus­band…. Sin­is­ter vol­leys suc­ceed­ed each oth­er through a long morn­ing, after­noon and night.”

And again mankind recoiled in hor­ror. The only dif­fer­ence seems to be that in 1934 Ger­many, “rela­tions who ven­tured to inquire for the miss­ing father, broth­er or son received, after a con­sid­er­able inter­val, a small urn con­tain­ing cre­mat­ed ash­es.” In 2023, the bar­bar­ians didn’t both­er to do that.

Further reading

“Win­ston Churchill on Peace with Hitler,” 2023.

“Did Hitler Autho­rize the Flight of Rudolf Hess?” 2023.

“Hitler’s Sput­ter­ing Aus­tri­an Anschluss:  Oppor­tu­ni­ty Missed?” 2020.

“The Myth that Churchill Admired Hitler,” 2017.

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Winston Churchill, Myth and Reality

Adolf Hitler’s Death

This essay about the enduring mysteries surrounding Adolf Hitler’s death, examining the various theories and uncertainties that cloud historical accounts. It explores the possibility of Hitler’s escape, questions the authenticity of his remains, and delves into conspiracy theories surrounding his demise. Through weaving together historical facts and speculative threads, the essay presents a nuanced exploration of one of the most enigmatic events of the 20th century.

How it works

The demise of Adolf Hitler stands as a testament to the complexity of historical narratives, veiled in layers of uncertainty and intrigue. April 30, 1945, marked the purported end of Hitler’s life within the confines of his subterranean refuge in Berlin. Official accounts suggest that he, along with his companion Eva Braun, succumbed to suicide by ingesting cyanide and a bullet, respectively. Yet, the fog of war that enveloped Berlin in its final throes obscures the truth, inviting speculation and weaving a tapestry of theories regarding Hitler’s ultimate fate.

Among the threads of conjecture, the notion of Hitler’s potential escape casts a shadow of doubt over the accepted narrative. Some speculate that the Führer orchestrated an elaborate exit strategy, clandestinely slipping away from the heart of the Reich to evade capture. Whispers of clandestine U-boat journeys to distant shores, perhaps to the secluded havens of South America or even the icy expanses of Antarctica, linger in the annals of historical discourse. Such theories, while tantalizing, lack the substantive threads of evidence necessary to weave them into the fabric of historical fact.

The enigma of Hitler’s death extends beyond the physical realm to encompass the uncertainty surrounding his remains. Soviet forces, advancing inexorably through the rubble-strewn streets of Berlin, purportedly stumbled upon the charred remnants of Hitler’s mortal vessel. Yet, doubts persist regarding the authenticity of these remains, with skeptics questioning whether they indeed belonged to the infamous dictator. The clandestine burial of these purported remains in Magdeburg, followed by their subsequent exhumation and cremation in 1970, only serves to deepen the shadows shrouding Hitler’s final resting place.

Conspiracy theories, like tendrils of smoke swirling in the aftermath of a conflagration, intertwine with historical accounts, obscuring the truth with their tantalizing allure. Some suggest that Hitler met his end not by his own hand, but at the behest of treacherous confidants within his inner circle. Assassination plots, orchestrated by disillusioned officers seeking to extricate themselves from the maelstrom of war, find fertile ground in the fertile imaginations of theorists. Others point accusing fingers at the Soviet victors, proposing that Hitler fell into their clutches, only to meet a fate more sinister than suicide.

The passage of time has done little to quell the fervor of speculation surrounding Hitler’s demise. Each new revelation, each tantalizing scrap of evidence unearthed from the sands of history, serves only to stoke the flames of curiosity. Yet, amidst the labyrinthine maze of conjecture and supposition, one truth remains immutable: the enigma of Adolf Hitler’s death endures as a testament to the complexities of human history, a riddle wrapped in a mystery, veiled in the fog of war.


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hitler essay 1 000 words

Great Contemporaries: The Three Lives of Churchill’s Hitler Essays

  • | January 3, 2024
  • Category: Explore Great Contemporaries

Hitler essays

The Hitler Essays by Winston S. Churchill: “The Truth About Hitler,” in The Strand Magazine , November 1935, Cohen C481. “Hitler and His Choice,” in Great Contemporaries (London: Thornton Butterworth, 1937), Cohen A105. “This Age of Government by Great Dictators,” in News of the World , 10 October 1937, Cohen C535.7.

“Did Churchill ever admire Hitler?”

The question, perplexing on its face, is nevertheless sometimes asked. Critics have long quoted selectively from Churchill to show he was “for Hitler before he was against him.” For Bavarian politician Franz Joseph Strauss , the proof was Churchill’s writing: “We may yet live to see Hitler a gentler figure in a happier age.” 1 Historian Robert Rhodes James said Churchill “sympathetically” described Hitler’s “long, wearying battle for the German heart.” In fact Churchill’s word was “wearing” not “wearying,” which was rather less sympathetic. 2

Looking at Churchill’s Hitler essays in the round, the assertion is insupportable, as Professor James Muller wrote: “Despite a few statements that, quoted out of context, might seem to lend color to such a claim, no fair-minded reader of the essay could suppose that Churchill harbored illusions about Hitler. If his tone is diplomatic, his purpose is monitory and his message urgent.” 3

The subject of those essays didn’t think Churchill was diplomatic at all. After reading “The Truth About Hitler” in 1935, an infuriated Führer instructed his ambassador in London “to lodge a strong protest against ‘the personal attack on the head of the German state.’” 4

Hitler as “Great Contemporary”

“The Truth About Hitler,” first of the Hitler essays, appeared in late 1935. Deciding to republish it in his 1937 book Great Contemporaries, Churchill courteously submitted his text to Sir Robert Vansittart , Permanent Undersecretary at the Foreign Office. This was a careful choice, since Vansittart had been somewhat supportive of Churchill’s demands for rearmament.

But Vansittart was on holiday, so Churchill’s draft was read by Clifford Norton , who recommended it not appear at all: “[I]t is hardly to be thought that this article would be at all palatable to the powers that be in Germany. In the present rather delicate state of our relations with that country, when one does not know which way the cat will jump, it might therefore be questioned whether republication just now was advisable.” Churchill agreed to certain deletions which would “take the sting out of the article,” but said he “would cut out nothing” that he wouldn’t say “on public platforms.” 5 This did not prevent him from restoring some of his deletions in another newspaper article. (Read on.)

A noted scholar questioned why Churchill “made room for such a man in a book about great men…. Must we conclude, despite his reputation as an unwelcome herald of the dangers from Hitler, who warned his countrymen to the detriment of his own popularity, that Churchill was too optimistic about Hitler’s intentions?” 6 Perhaps—or as Martin Gilbert often quipped, “perhaps not.” Hitler was a popular subject for writers in the mid-1930s. Germany’s rearmament and intentions were mounting concerns. Yet, like all three of his Hitler essays, Churchill had little to say that was positive.

Churchill’s textual changes

Hitler essays

We have long wondered what in his 1935 article Churchill altered in Great Contemporaries. What did the Foreign Office persuade him to “soften”? We decided to find out—with a line-by-line digital comparison of the “The Truth About Hitler” and the Great Contemporaries chapter. A Word document containing the 1935 text, showing 1937 deletions in strike-throughs and highlights, is available to readers via email. Contact [email protected] .

This exercise was worth the trouble because it answered our questions. It shows that Churchill barely changed his sentiments between 1935 and 1937. His deletions mainly involve events well known in 1935 that were old news in 1937. His view of the Führer remained consistent.

Minor alterations

There was only one significant deletion in the early part of the Great Contemporaries chapter. That was Churchill’s 1935 assertion that history would “determine whether [Hitler] will rank in Valhalla with Pericles , with Augustus and with Washington , or welter in the inferno of human scorn with Attila and Tamerlane .” It is not clear what if anything the Foreign Office saw wrong with that. Churchill may have pulled it as a gesture of compliance—after all, the F.O. would have preferred that he drop the whole chapter.

Nor were those words gone for long. On 10 October 1937, six days after publishing Great Contemporaries, they reappeared—in Churchill’s third Hitler article, “Government of Great Dictators” for News of the World. 7 For good measure he wrote of Hitler’s “guilt of blood” and “wicked” methods.

Was this third essay a defiance of the Foreign Office? ​Or was it simply written because Churchill was too good a writer to omit a memorable line? Whatever the reason, it does not materially change ​his opinion of Hitler.

Other early changes to the 1935 text were almost all for readability or currency. A minor deletion was his reference to Heinrich Brüning , the anti-Hitler Chancellor of Weimer Germany in 1930-32. In his original Strand article, Churchill wrote that the Nazis “even drove the patriotic Brüning, under threat of murder, from German soil.”

Safe in America, Brüning became a professor of government at Harvard, where he continued to warn of German and Soviet expansionism. In 1937 Churchill asked him to proofread his Great Contemporaries Hitler chapter. Brüning’s only comment was, “I admire very much your description of the feelings of the German people in these fourteen years after the War and the characteristics of the British policy at that time.” 8

The main deletion

Not apparent until our text comparison of Hitler essays was a long passage at the end of the 1935 Strand article removed from Great Contemporaries. It described the “Night of the Long Knives” in 1934, when Hitler purged Ernst Röhm  and the  Sturmabteilung (SA). This appears in no edition of the book, nor the Churchill Collected Essays . It is not even in the Churchill Project’s digital canon of Churchill’s published words.

This passage did not appear in Churchill’s third article, “This Age of Government by Great Dictators.”  It may well have been considered provocative by the Foreign Office, but also, it was rather dated by 1937. Readers must judge for themselves. Since it is otherwise inaccessible, we reproduce it here:

In the annals of the new triumphant Germany there is a lurid anniversary. It is the 30th of June. On that night last year [1934] many hundreds of men and some women were put to death in Germany without law, without accusation, without trial. These persons represented many varieties of life and thought of Germany. There were Nazis and anti-Nazis. There were Generals and Communists; there were Jews, Protestants, and Catholics. Some were rich and some were poor; some were young and some were old; some were famous and some were humble. But all had one thing in common, namely, that they were deemed to be obnoxious or obstructive to the Hitler regime. Therefore, they were blotted out.

Armed police caught them in the streets, shot them in their beds, shot the wife who threw herself before her husband, dragged all manner of people to the different gaols—killed some on the way—sent others to face the firing parties on the outskirts of Berlin. The sinister volleys succeeded each other through a long morning, afternoon, and night. The relations who ventured to inquire for the missing father, brother or son received, after a considerable interval, a small urn containing cremated ashes.

The history of the world is full of gruesome, squalid episodes of this kind, from the butcheries of ancient Rome and the numberless massacres which have stained the history of Asia down to the “smellings out” of the Zulu and Hottentot witch doctors. But in all its ups and downs mankind has always recoiled in horror from such events; and every record which has pretended to be that of a civilized race has proclaimed its detestation of them.

Adolf Hitler took upon himself the full responsibility. It is true that he explained that many more people were murdered—for I call the slaughter of a human being in peace without trial murder—who were not on his list. Zealous lieutenants, we are assured, filled in the gaps, sometimes with public, and sometimes with their own private enemies; and some of them were executed themselves for having overstepped the mark. What a mark!

But the astounding thing is that the great German people, educated, scientific, philosophical, romantic, the people of the Christmas tree, the people of Goethe and Schiller, of Bach and Beethoven, Heine, Leibnitz, Kant and a hundred other great names, 9 have not only not resented this horrible blood-bath, but have endorsed it and acclaimed its author with the honours not only of a sovereign but almost of a god. Here is the frightful fact before which what is left of European civilization must bow its head in shame, and what is to more practical purpose, in fear.

Can we really believe that a hierarchy and society built upon such deeds can be entrusted with the possession of the most prodigious military machinery yet planned among men? Can we believe that by such powers the world may regain “the joy, the peace and glory of mankind”? The answer, if answer there be, other than the most appalling negative, is contained in that mystery called HITLER. 10

The Hitler essays in retrospect

Churchill’s views plainly underwent no significant change during the two years spanning his Hitler essays. If his original description of the Röhm purge was deleted, it did not affect the tenor of what he left in. As Professor James Muller concluded, “Hitler’s way of ensuring full employment for Germans was to put them to work making weapons. Churchill makes it clear that the only prudent course for his neighbors is to look to their defenses.” 11

There is something about those excised passages that arrests the eye today. Because on 7 October 2023, much the same thing happened in Israel.

“All manner of people” were killed by murderers who “caught them in the streets, shot them in their beds, shot the wife who threw herself before her husband…. Sinister volleys succeeded each other through a long morning, afternoon and night.” Not only did  “a civilised race” not resent “this horrible blood-bath. [They] endorsed it and acclaimed its author with the honours not only of a sovereign but almost of a God.”

And again mankind recoiled in horror. The only difference seems to be that in 1934 Germany, “relations who ventured to inquire for the missing father, brother or son received, after a considerable interval, a small urn containing cremated ashes.” In 2023, the barbarians didn’t bother to do that.

1 Martin Gilbert, In Search of Churchill: A Historian’s Journey (London: HarperCollins, 1994), 274.

2 Robert Rhodes James, Churchill: A Study in Failure 1900-1939 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970), 317.

3 James W. Muller, editor, introduction to Great Contemporaries: Churchill Reflects on FDR, Hitler, Kipling, Chaplin, Balfour, and Other Giants of His Age (Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2012), xxvii.

4 Gilbert, In Search, 275.

5 Martin Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vol. 5, Prophet of Truth 1922-1939 (Hillsdale, Mich.: Hillsdale College Press, 2009), 865.

6 James W. Muller, op. cit., xxvii.

7 Winston S. Churchill (hereinafter WSC), ​”This Age of Government by Great Dictators,” in News of the World, 10 October 1937.

8 Heinrich Brüning to Winston S. Churchill, 28 August 1937, in Martin Gilbert, The Churchill Documents, vol. 13, The Coming of War 1936-1939 (Hillsdale College Press, 2009), 752.

9 Churchill originally listed Schiller, Goethe and Beethoven as great Germans. He sent his draft to his friend Professor Lindemann , who added Bach, Heine, Leibnitz and Kant. See Violet Pearman to Reeves Shaw, 1 August 1935, in Martin Gilbert, ed., The Churchill Documents, vol. 12, The Wilderness Years 1929-1935 (Hillsdale College Press, 2009), 1227.

10 WSC, “The Truth About Hitler,” in The Strand Magazine, November 1935, 21.

11 James W. Muller, op. cit., xxviii.

Further reading

“Hitler’s American Gamble” by Simms and Laderman,” 2022.

“Facing the Dictator: Stalin, 1946, Hitler, 1938,” 2023.

“Hitler’s ‘Tet Offensive’: The Austrian Anschluss, 1938,” 2020.

Video: “ Churchill: The Wilderness Years : Meeting Hitler, 1932, ” 2016.

Churchill’s Great Contemporaries

The most complete and illuminating version of Churchill’s book is the 2012 ISI edition , edited by James W. Muller , Paul H. Courtenay and Erica L. Chenoweth . Expertly footnoted with an extensive introduction, it adds five essays that might well have been in previous editions, on H.G. Wells, Charlie Chaplin, Lord Kitchener, Edward VIII and Rudyard Kipling.

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Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements Essay

Introduction, adolf hitler’s career and leadership.

Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889; he became the ruler of Germany and one of the most reviled persons in history. When Hitler was three years old, his family relocated from Austria to Germany. Adolf constantly fought with his father; therefore, he grew alienated and reclusive. His father disapproved of his preference for fine art above business. Additionally, Hitler displayed an early passion for German nationalism, challenging the authority of Austria-Hungary, and subsequently, it became Hitler’s driving motive in life. Hitler participated in World War I; moreover, the pacification imposed on Germany after that conflict infuriated him; hence he spent the entire time attempting to restore the peace that had ridiculed his adoptive nation. Ideally, the denial of one to pursue their desired career choice can ultimately lead them to develop undesirable characters such as seclusion that will finally lure to them to be tyrants.

Hitler’s political career took shape during his participation in World War I; thence, he formed the National Socialist Workers’ Party in 1919. However, due to the catastrophic economic crisis which Hitler attributed to the Jews, and began a campaign to evacuate them from Germany. Using his movement to fuel his plan against the Jews, he further gained numerous representatives in the German parliament in 1930. Importantly, Hitler employed tactics to exercise his power effectively. For instance, simple and efficient propaganda accomplished the trick. A wide spectrum of individuals and their issues became the Nazis’ goal.

The propaganda is intended to manipulate people’s anxiety about the future. In particular, ‘Bread and Work’ targeted the middle class and the dread of joblessness, while ‘Mother and Child’ portrayed Nazi views about women. Nazi propaganda painted Jews and Communists as enemies of the German nation. Moreover, he used other personalities; Joseph Goebbels was instrumental in the Nazis’ use of propaganda. Hitler appointed Goebbels Gauleiter for Berlin in 1926. Goebbels exploited contemporary and traditional media to reach as many people as possible, including cinema and radio. Moreover, Hitler’s Nazi propaganda employed positive imagery to laud the administration’s officials and actions, creating a rosy picture of the “national community.”

Germans battled to comprehend their country’s unclear destiny in the wake of World War I. Unstable economic circumstances, soaring joblessness, political turmoil, and deep social transformation plagued the populace. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party promised easy answers to Germany’s challenges, capitalizing on fears and prejudices, frustrations, and ambitions to gain widespread support. Furthermore, Hitler was a charismatic and flamboyant leader; hence such attributes bolstered him to power. Adolf Hitler charmed his listeners with significantly convincing speeches, promising them that his empire would rule for a thousand years. Adolf Hitler did not rant against the judges until the Nazis took power in 1933. This was because the German legal system was both federal and profoundly rooted in an independent court’s western Art legal heritage.

However, Hitler’s leadership style was similar to Stalin’s; they were both dictators and killers who shared racial hate for Jews and other ethnic groups. Thus, both tyrants repressed dissent with brutal force and manipulated the press, the police, and the government to become ultimate rulers with complete control over their people. Their egotistical and psychopathic mindsets, combined with extreme paranoia, required absolute obedience from their subordinates. If there is one factor that added to their brief effectiveness as tyrants, it was the propagation of terror.

In summary, Hitler’s political agenda and ideologies, which belittled the Jewish, led to the Holocaust. Theence, it ravaged and impoverished Central, Eastern Europe, and Germany. His actions led to the death of approximately 40 million persons, including around 27 million in the Soviet State. Hitler’s downfall heralded the conclusion of a German-dominated period in European history and the triumph over fascism. Following World War II, a new theoretical global battle, the Cold War, developed.

Aslan, Mahmut Mert. “Hitler’s Way of Propaganda.” ASOS Journal 5, no. 52 (2017): 374-382.

Bailey, Helen. “Transformational Leadership: An Analysis of Adolf Hitler and His Ability to Charismatically Connect with Followers.” Graduate capstone project. Granite State College, 2020.

Graver, Hans Petter. “Why Adolf Hitler Spared the Judges: Judicial Opposition Against the Nazi State.” German Law Journal 19, no. 4 (2018): 845-878.

Husain, Mir Zohair, and Scott Liebertz. “Hitler, Stalin, and Authoritarianism: A Comparative Analysis.” Journal of Psychohistory 47, no. 1 (2019).

O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas. “How Hitler Conquered Germany.” Slate, 14 2017.

Simms, Brendan. “Against a ‘World of Enemies’: The Impact of the First World War on the Development of Hitler’s Ideology.” International Affairs 90, no. 2 (2014): 317-336.

Takala, Tuomo, and Tommi Auvinen. “The Power of Leadership Storytelling: Case of Adolf Hitler.” Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 14, no. 1 (2016).

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IvyPanda. (2023, April 15). Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements. https://ivypanda.com/essays/adolf-hitlers-biography-and-achievements/

"Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements." IvyPanda , 15 Apr. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/adolf-hitlers-biography-and-achievements/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements'. 15 April.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements." April 15, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/adolf-hitlers-biography-and-achievements/.

1. IvyPanda . "Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements." April 15, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/adolf-hitlers-biography-and-achievements/.


IvyPanda . "Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements." April 15, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/adolf-hitlers-biography-and-achievements/.

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Profile of Adolf Hitler - Essay Example

Profile of Adolf Hitler

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Spiva Center for the Arts hosts 1000 words

Posted: April 16, 2024 | Last updated: April 16, 2024

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words at Spiva Center for the Arts that statement rings true as writers are inspired by the images of the PhotoSpiva 2024 exhibit. Join us for Spiva`s annual 1000 Words event. Individuals are invited to pick one or two exhibition photos to use as springboards to create original poems or prose. The public is invited to attend the 1000 Words reading where participants will share their work. Readings will be recorded and linked to the corresponding exhibition photos via QR codes. SIGN UP 2nd floor gallery docent desk by April 13 READING Tuesday, April 16 | 6:00pm | Freeman Health System Main Gallery There is no cost to attend or participate. For questions, contact Shaun Conroy at [email protected] or 417-621-9814. Please note - poems and essays do not need to be a thousand words in length.

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