List of 50+ Music Extended Essay Topic Ideas


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  • Writing Metier

You have requested it, and here you have it – our collection of IB Music extended essay topics. Here at Writing Metier , we’ve put together a playlist of themes and research questions that are sure to inspire your next academic composition. 

From the intricate patterns of classical music to the pulsating beats of modern genres, each topic offers a unique opportunity to explore the vast universe of music. 

Like with other articles related to extended essay topic suggestions , here is how I’ll structure the following list for your ease.

Harmonic Analysis of Classical Compositions

Rhythmic Structures in World Music

The Evolution of Musical Forms across Eras

The Influence of Historical Events on Music Development

Cross-Cultural Influences in Music

The Role of Music in Social Movements

The Impact of Performance Practice on Musical Interpretation

Comparative Analysis of Different Interpretations of a Single Work

The Role of the Conductor in Orchestral Music

The Evolution of Recording Technology and Its Impact on Music

Music Production Techniques in Contemporary Pop Music

The Role of Electronic Instruments in Modern Music

Teaching Methods in Music Education

The Impact of Music Education on Cognitive Development

Music Therapy and Its Effectiveness

The Development of Jazz from Its Origins to the Present

Influence of Blues on Contemporary Music Genres

Key Figures in the History of Jazz and Blues

Traditional Music Forms of a Specific Region or Culture

The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Music

Fusion Music: Blending of Different Cultural Music Traditions

ib extended essay topic ideas on Music

These aren’t just topics; they’re starting points for you to blend your musical passion with scholarly research. 

So, let’s hit play on this exciting venture and find the rhythm for your Extended Essay.

Music Theory and Analysis

Welcome to the intricate world of Music Theory and Analysis. In this category, we’re like architects, building a foundation of understanding about the structures and patterns that make music so captivating. 

From the harmonies of classical compositions to the rhythmic complexities of world music, we’re about to dissect what makes music tick.

  • Research Question:  How do the harmonic progressions in Beethoven’s late string quartets reflect his innovative approach to classical composition?
  • Research Question:  How does Chopin’s use of chromaticism in his nocturnes enhance the emotional depth and complexity of these pieces?
  • Research Question:  How do polyrhythmic structures in traditional West African drumming create complex rhythmic patterns and what is their cultural significance?
  • Research Question:  How have Indian rhythmic cycles (Talas) influenced the rhythmic structures in contemporary jazz compositions?
  • Research Question:  How did the sonata form evolve in its structural and expressive aspects from the Classical to the Romantic era in Western music?
  • Research Question:  How have the structural forms of Electronic Dance Music evolved since the 1980s, and what factors have influenced these changes?

As we move from the technicalities of music theory, we step into the vibrant landscape of Music History and Culture.

Music History and Culture

Here, music acts as a mirror, reflecting historical events and societal changes. We’ll explore how music has been both a product and a catalyst of cultural evolution, painting a picture of the world through sound.

  • Research Question:  How did the fall of the Berlin Wall influence the themes and styles of German rock and pop music in the late 20th century?
  • Research Question:  How did the Civil Rights Movement in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s influence the development of jazz music?
  • Research Question:  How have African rhythms been integrated into Latin American music genres, and what has been their impact on the musical landscape?
  • Research Question:  How has the incorporation of traditional Asian instruments influenced the sound and composition of Western contemporary music?
  • Research Question:  How was music used as a tool for protest and social change during the Arab Spring movements?
  • Research Question:  How has hip-hop music influenced and reflected the ideals and messages of the Black Lives Matter movement?

By the way, if you are searching for expert history essay writers , we can surely assist you. Next up is the realm of Music Performance and Interpretation. 

Music Performance and Interpretation

Imagine stepping onto a stage where every note tells a story.

We’ll delve into the artistry behind musical performances, understanding how musicians bring scores to life and how conductors shape the sound of an orchestra.

  • Research Question:  How do contemporary pianists incorporate Baroque performance practices in their interpretations of J.S. Bach’s keyboard works?
  • Research Question:  How has the historically informed performance movement affected the interpretation of Mozart’s symphonies in modern orchestral performances?
  • Research Question:  How do different conductors’ interpretations of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 vary in terms of tempo, dynamics, and phrasing?
  • Research Question:  How do modern interpretations of Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ differ from traditional interpretations in terms of stylistic elements and instrumentation?
  • Research Question:  How do different conducting styles influence the performance outcomes of Romantic era symphonies?
  • Research Question:  How does a conductor’s approach to leadership and communication shape the overall sound and performance quality of a contemporary orchestra?

Now, let’s switch our focus to Music Technology and Production.

Music Technology and Production

This is where creativity meets innovation. We’re going to explore how advancements in technology have transformed the way music is created and experienced, from recording studios to the rise of electronic music.

  • Research Question:  How has the transition from analog to digital recording technologies impacted the sound quality and production values in music since the 1980s?
  • Research Question:  How has the introduction of Auto-Tune technology changed vocal recording techniques and aesthetics in popular music?
  • Research Question:  How have layering and sampling techniques influenced the sound and structure of contemporary pop music tracks?
  • Research Question:  How have Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) transformed the music production process in the pop music industry?
  • Research Question:  How have synthesizers influenced the evolution of sound and composition in Electronic Dance Music (EDM) since the 1990s?
  • Research Question:  How have electronic drum machines shaped the rhythmic and percussive elements in hip-hop music production?

Shifting our attention to Music Education and Pedagogy , we enter a world where music is not just heard but taught and learned. 

Music Education and Pedagogy

It’s a space where we understand the impact of teaching methods on musical development and the profound effects of music on cognitive and emotional growth.

  • Research Question:  How does the Suzuki Method influence musical skill development and enjoyment in children aged 4-8?
  • Research Question:  How has the integration of technology in music education classrooms affected learning outcomes for high school students?
  • Research Question:  How does participation in music education programs influence language development in elementary school children?
  • Research Question:  To what extent does sustained musical training impact mathematical problem-solving skills in adolescents?
  • Research Question:  How effective is music therapy in reducing symptoms of anxiety in adolescents with diagnosed anxiety disorders?
  • Research Question:  How does music therapy contribute to the development of social skills in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Leaving the classroom behind, we immerse ourselves in the soul-stirring genres of Jazz and Blues.

Jazz and Blues

These styles are rich with history and emotion, offering a deep dive into the evolution of music that has shaped and been shaped by cultural and social dynamics.

  • Research Question:  How has jazz evolved from the bebop era of the 1940s to the fusion styles of the 1970s, and what were the key influences in this evolution?
  • Research Question:  How has the advent of digital technology in the late 20th and early 21st century affected the production, distribution, and reception of jazz music?
  • Research Question:  How have traditional blues elements been incorporated and transformed in modern rock music since the 1960s?
  • Research Question:  In what ways have blues music and its themes influenced contemporary hip-hop and R&B genres?
  • Research Question:  How did Miles Davis’ musical innovations contribute to the evolution of jazz from the 1950s to the 1970s?
  • Research Question:  How did B.B. King’s style and technique influence the development and popularization of electric blues music?

Lastly, we embrace the diverse and expansive field of World Music and Ethnomusicology. 

World Music and Ethnomusicology

Here, we celebrate the global language of music, exploring traditional sounds from around the world and understanding how globalization has influenced local music traditions.

  • Research Question:  How has Flamenco music evolved in contemporary Spain, and what efforts are being made to preserve its traditional elements?
  • Research Question:  How does Gamelan music reflect and influence cultural and social aspects in Indonesia?
  • Research Question:  How has globalization affected the traditional practices and transmission of African drumming?
  • Research Question:  What are the challenges and strategies for preserving indigenous music traditions in the Amazon rainforest in the context of increasing globalization?
  • Research Question:  How has Afrobeat emerged as a fusion genre, and what are its impacts on the global music scene?
  • Research Question:  How have elements of Indian classical music been integrated into Western pop music, and what has been the reception of this fusion?

In this exploration of Music for your Extended Essay, we at Writing Metier are excited to assist you in weaving together your passion for music with academic research. 

Select music extended essay topic and research question wisely

As we wrap up our list of Music Extended Essay topics, I’m reminded of the unique stories and perspectives each student brings to their work. Here at Writing Metier , we’ve seen essays transform into profound expressions of musical understanding and passion. 

Whether you’re analyzing the evolution of a genre, the cultural impact of music, or the intricacies of musical technology, each topic is a window into a world of sound and meaning.

The Extended Essay is your stage to shine academically and express your enthusiasm for music. If you’re looking for a partner to help fine-tune your ideas or to bring clarity and depth to your writing, our extended essay writers team at Writing Metier is ready to assist. We’re here to support your journey from the first note to the final crescendo of your essay. 

Reach out to us, and let’s collaborate to make your exploration of music not just an assignment but a masterpiece of insight and analysis that not only follows the word count but is written according to the latest updates in the IB criteria. 

Free topic suggestions

Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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How to Write a Music Extended Essay? IB Tutors Guide

An outline serves as a roadmap for your Music extended essay.

Luke MacQuoid

Hey there, future IB scholars! If you’re reading this, you’re knee-deep in selecting a subject for your extended essay . Let’s focus on a subject close to my heart and many others. I will guide you through writing a Music extended essay in this article. From my experience, it’s an enriching venture, and I’ll give you the nitty-gritty on how to ace it according to general IB criteria.

What is a Music Extended Essay?

Hold on because we’re about to get to the point. In the IB curriculum , a Music extended essay is more than just a book report or a summary. According to the general IB curriculum, this is a research project in which you will investigate, evaluate, and argue a specific topic in Music.

The development of musical genres, for example, or the stylistic aspects of a particular time or artist, are all possible topics. Your goal is to provide new perspectives on your selected topic. For example, you may choose a topic like Beethoven’s works but approach it from a perspective that has yet to be well researched in academic literature. Essentially, your article has the potential to add to existing intellectual discussions.

Why Choose Music for Your Extended Essay?

Let’s look at why this subject is so exciting for an extended essay. To begin with, Music is much more than a collection of sounds or melodies. It serves as a reflection of a diverse spectrum of human experiences and historical events. As a result, when you write an extended essay in Music, you interact with a subject tied to various areas, including Sociology, History, and Psychology.

But don’t be deceived; this is no stroll in the park. A Music extended essay requires much investigation. It is more than just listening to your favorite songs; it also includes reading scientific papers, evaluating sheet music, and comprehending music theory.

Getting Started with Music Extended Essay

Starting your Music extended essay assignment might be intimidating, but don’t worry. On the way, you are not alone. Breaking this process into smaller, doable steps will make it more approachable. Here’s how to get started on the right foot.

Tips on Topic Selection

Choosing a topic for your Music extended essay might be like standing at a buffet with so many great selections that it’s difficult to pick just one! It is the first significant stumbling block in your writing process. The golden guideline for selecting a topic is simple but invaluable: go with what interests you. I can also give you some other helpful tips:

  • Keep in mind that you have a word restriction. Please choose a topic that is not so wide that you cannot effectively cover it, but also avoid ones that are so narrow that you will struggle to complete your essay.
  • Consult with your advisor before deciding on a topic . They can offer significant insights and guide you toward relevant resources.
  • While drawing inspiration from previously published extended essays or academic work is OK, strive to add something fresh.
  • Before settling on a topic, conduct preliminary research to ensure you have adequate material to work with.
  • The ideal themes allow you to weave in your personal experiences or viewpoints, giving the essay a distinct flavor.
  • Consider the contemporary significance of your issue. Is it anything that people are discussing? Is it connected to more prominent cultural or historical themes?

Your enthusiasm for the subject will feed your motivation during the long hours of research and writing, turning the process into an adventure rather than a work. Furthermore, a passionate tone will make your work more memorable to your readers. By the way, you can find lots of great extended essay Music topics in our blog.

Formulating Research Question

In the academic world, a well-defined research question is a beacon that guides your entire essay. From my experience, the mistake students often make is formulating either an overly broad or an extremely narrow issue. A general question could lead you into an abyss of endless information, while a very focused one might leave you scraping the barrel for content. 

Striking the right balance is essential. To do so, consult various sources — academic articles, interviews with experts, and the like — to refine your question. It’s not just about finding the correct answer; it’s also about asking the right question.

Where Can I Find Ideas for Music Extended Essays?

Ah, searching for that perfect essay topic can be a challenge. Your essay must be original, relevant, and uphold academic standards. When it comes to music essays, the opportunities are infinite. Where can you find inspiration for a captivating work? Let me offer some tips from my experience.

The best topics for a Music extended essay are ones you're already passionate about.

School Library and Online Catalogs

The old-school library, believe it or not, is a goldmine. Academic books, journal articles, and periodicals can offer excellent perspectives that spark interest. Don’t underestimate the power of a good bibliographic search; sometimes, the best ideas come from academic texts.

Academic Journals

Musicology journals and publications are packed with cutting-edge research and can be a fantastic source of ideas. Studies on everything from the role of Music in cultural movements to the evolution of specific genres could be great fodder for your extended essay.

Media Platforms and Documentaries

A well-produced documentary or an in-depth article from a reputable media outlet can provide a different angle that academic publications may not cover. Discussions about the social impact of Music, profiles of influential artists, or the science of musical tones are all excellent topics for an essay.

Talk to Your Music Teacher

Sometimes, the best resources are people, not publications. Your music teacher likely has a wealth of knowledge and could provide suggestions tailored to your interests and the course requirements. Teachers are generally keen to help students who show initiative.

Class Notes and Textbooks

Please pay attention to your class materials; they’re an invaluable resource. Previous topics discussed in class could offer avenues for more profound research. Textbooks often cover broad themes and can serve as a springboard for more specialized study.

Online Communities and Forums

Websites and online communities dedicated to music studies can be surprisingly helpful. You can find a wide range of ideas and resources shared by students and scholars alike. But do remember to cross-reference any information you gather online with credible academic sources.

Your Playlist

Lastly, don’t underestimate your taste. Sometimes, the best topics are those you’re already passionate about. Love classical Music? Research its therapeutic effects. More of a hip-hop fan? Consider researching its social and political impact.

Structuring Your Music Extended Essay

The structure helps you as a writer and lets the reader grasp your essay. Following a well-planned strategy increases your chances of meeting the IB criteria, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want that top grade? So, let’s break down the major elements of your IB music extended essay.

Introduction: The Opening Act

Your introduction should begin with a hook — a compelling sentence or fact that grabs the reader’s attention. Remember, first impressions are essential.

Summarize your paper’s central argument or point in one or two sentences. This statement should provide a glimpse into the heart of your argument and let the reader know what to expect.

Main Body: The Heart of the Matter

Begin with a strong topic sentence that outlines what this section will cover. Then, continue to support your claims with facts and arguments. It is where your research shines!

Similar to the first section, outline and support your main points. Vary your sentence structure to keep the reader engaged, and use transition words to guide them through your argument.

Again, introduce your point clearly and support it with well-researched facts and arguments. This section should also flow naturally into your closing remarks.

extended essay topics for music

Need help with your IB extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the wordcount and stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for selected IB group .

Analysis: The Composer’s Breakdown

What does the evidence point to? Here’s your chance to show how all the dots connect. Remember that for every argument, there is a counterargument. Acknowledge opposing views and refute them with your research.

Conclusion: The Final Note

Refrain from introducing new information here; summarize what has been discussed in the essay. Highlight your findings and their implications.

End with a bang! Discuss the broader implications of your findings and what future studies could focus on. It will leave your readers with something to think about. Wrap up your essay with a statement that reinforces your main points.

Bibliography: Credit Where Credit Is Due

Cite all the resources you used, following the IB citation guidelines. It adds credibility to your work and shows that your arguments are well-supported.

So there you have it, folks! A comprehensive guide to writing a top-notch Music extended essay . Remember, this is a significant undertaking that will require time, effort, and a lot of love for your subject. As someone who has been through the IB path, I can assure you it’s worth every bit of the struggle.

If you still find yourself hungry for more, our blog has many articles to quench your thirst for knowledge further. Trust me, the more informed you are, the easier the writing process becomes.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your favorite playlist, and let’s get cracking on that Music extended essay! And remember, our experienced IB writers are always ready to help you .

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Luke MacQuoid has extensive experience teaching English as a foreign language in Japan, having worked with students of all ages for over 12 years. Currently, he is teaching at the tertiary level. Luke holds a BA from the University of Sussex and an MA in TESOL from Lancaster University, both located in England. As well to his work as an IB Examiner and Master Tutor, Luke also enjoys sharing his experiences and insights with others through writing articles for various websites, including blog

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20+ Music Extended Esay Topic Ideas

If you’re passionate about music and are looking for ways to explore this topic in depth, then a music extended essay might be the perfect opportunity for you to dive deeper into this fascinating subject matter. However, sometimes the most challenging part can be finding the perfect topic to write about, as there’s so much possibility out there!

In this guide, we’ve curated a variety of music extended essay topic ideas that we hope will inspire and engage you. From analyzing the impact of hip-hop on modern society to exploring the cultural significance of music festivals, there’s a variety of ideas to choose from.

Regardless of which topic you choose, make sure it resonates with your interests because a music essay needs passion. And also make sure it meets the necessary requirements set up your course or exam.

So, let’s take a closer look at each of these topic ideas and see what they have to offer.

20+ Music Extended Esay Topic Ideas

🎓 Struggling with your IB Extended Essay? Don't worry, we've got you covered! 📝🌟 ✨ Introducing our IB Extended Essay Writing Service! ✨ Our team of extended essay writers is ready to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your success. 🔍 Need help with research, writing, proofreading, or conducting experiments? Look no further! We offer comprehensive support tailored to your unique needs. 📚✍️ Say goodbye to stress and sleepless nights. 🌙💤 Buy IB Extended Essay and let our experienced Extended Essay writers do the rest. 💡 Worried about authenticity? Rest assured, we deliver 100% original essays tailored to your requirements. Your success is our priority!
  • Exploring the impact of classical music on modern compositions
  • Analyzing the evolution of jazz and its cultural influence
  • The role of music in religious ceremonies and rituals
  • Comparative analysis of Beethoven and Mozart’s symphonies
  • Examining the influence of African music on contemporary genres
  • Analyzing the portrayal of emotions in opera compositions
  • The use of music in film soundtracks and its impact on storytelling
  • Exploring the development and significance of blues music
  • The influence of technology on the production and consumption of music
  • Analyzing the role of music in protest movements and social change
  • Examining the fusion of traditional and modern elements in world music
  • The impact of music streaming platforms on the music industry
  • Analyzing the symbolism and themes in contemporary pop music
  • Exploring the cultural significance of hip-hop and its evolution
  • The influence of Western classical music on Eastern compositions
  • Analyzing the development of music notation systems throughout history
  • Examining the role of music in therapeutic practices
  • The influence of folk music on national identity
  • Analyzing the use of music in advertising and its persuasive effects
  • Exploring the connection between music and memory
  • The role of music in the lives of marginalized communities
  • Analyzing the development and impact of electronic music genres
  • Examining the cultural appropriation of music in popular culture
  • The influence of technology on music composition and production
  • Analyzing the crossover between classical and popular music

Analyzing the Impact of Hip-Hop on Modern Society

Hip-hop is not just a music genre – it’s an entire culture. Originating in the Bronx, New York City, in the 1970s, hip-hop has now spread to every corner of the world. Today, it’s almost impossible to escape hip-hop’s influences in modern-day society. As a result, analyzing the impact of hip-hop on our lives is an intriguing topic that is well-suited for an extended essay .

From language to fashion to dance, hip-hop has left its mark on a multitude of facets of society. It has transformed how we communicate, what we wear, and how we interact with each other. Moreover, this NWA-coined term has become part of the American lexicon ever since long before the term “rapper” was even invented in the western world

However, like any cultural phenomenon, there are debates around the positive and negative aspects associated with hip-hop. Some believe it has spawned a subculture that revels in dissent, while others see it as a means for empowerment. Investigating these varying beliefs and offering an analysis of whether hip-hop has netted a positive or negative effect on society will offer you plenty of opportunities for argumentation and discussion.

  • How has hip-hop music shaped modern fashion and style?
  • In what ways has language been developed and impacted by hip-hop music and culture?
  • Does the overly charged lyrical content always come across well or have rap lyrics sometimes stepped over socio-cultural boundaries in a counter-productive way?
  • How effectively does hip-hop promote social change and challenges negative views of oppressed communities, pockets of deep conservatism, and parochial mindsets?

The effects of hip-hop on society are undoubtedly worthy of investigation so you can explore this topic in depth and use your music extended essay to provide a new point of view. Additionally, by merging the appreciation of hip-hop culture and studying the art beneath it is not just enlightening but makes other effects of its influence glaringly obvious. There is no doubt it will offer you an excellent chance to investigate social change, artistic production, and multi-society domain reform

Exploring the evolution of classical music over time

Classical music is an incredibly rich genre that has undergone a lot of development through the ages. The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato had this to say about music, “Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue”. Over the centuries, music lovers have watched as these tunes transform from religious songs to become works of poetry, theatrical paraphernalia, elegant courtesan entertainment, and finally into symphonies.

The development of classical music can be traced through the three main historical periods: the Baroque era (1600-1750), Classical era (1750-1830) and the Romantic era (1800-1914). During the Baroque era, the piano was invented and was often used by composers. The Classical era saw the orchestration of compositions and the establishment of clear formulae like rondo, sonata form, etc. The Romantics later took hold of music as an art form that raised human emotions like intense passion and sentimentalism. This achievement was influenced by cultures such as nature-based indigenous musical backgrounds across several countries.

The innovation that birthed classical music’s change happened in its time. Periods define what type of music mirrors the culture of previous days; from relaxation to pastoral scenes or grand battlefields to ceremonial regalia. Examples of Composers drive of classical music evolution are: Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

From Gamelans to harpsichords and pianos, the use of varied instruments such as brass, strings and pretty pliable materials with great heights impacts on classical music’s constant progress. Every stringed instrument or electronic quality contributes melodies alongside different rhythmic alignment.

Indeed classical music has a vast and complicated history that musical lovers can delve into further. Whether it’s Bach’s Mass in B Minor, Mozart’s music-of another time style, Tchaikovsky’s sleeping figurematic tones or Erik Satie’s gentle opulent Claude Debussy pieces, there’s never a lack of informing learning, and enjoyment! while exploring the development from baroque to the Romantic period.

The Effect of Technology on the Music Industry

With advancements in technology, the music industry has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. The way we create, distribute, and consume music has changed drastically, and this has had a ripple effect on everything from album sales to live performances.

One of the biggest changes has been the rise of digital music. Digital platforms such as iTunes and Spotify have replaced traditional record stores and allowed for easy access to millions of songs from various genres. However, this increased accessibility has led to a decline in physical album sales, as people opt for the convenience of streaming.

Technology has also given musicians the ability to produce music from their own homes, without needing access to expensive recording equipment. This has democratized the industry, allowing for new artists to gain recognition without the backing of major record labels. Social media has also provided a platform for musicians to connect directly with their fans, without the need for intermediaries.

However, with this increased democratization comes greater competition. The rise of social media influencers and the massive amounts of content on platforms such as TikTok has made it even harder for musicians to stand out from the crowd.

  • Despite all its benefits, technology has also brought about challenges for the music industry.
  • The ease of piracy has led to a loss of revenue for artists and record labels, and copyright laws are still struggling to keep up with the changing landscape of digital music.
  • Live performances have also been impacted by advances in technology, with concerts often feeling more like a visual spectacle than a musical experience.
  • The use of computer-generated sounds in place of live instruments has become increasingly common, and some argue that this threatens the authenticity of live music performances.

As technology continues to evolve, the music industry will continue to face new challenges and opportunities. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact the way we create, distribute and consume music in the future.

Investigating the Benefits of Music Therapy for Mental Health

Music has always played a vital role in our lives. Irrespective of culture, age, or status, music connects human beings on another level. Examining the proficiency of music therapy for mental health challenges suggests that it significantly reduces symptoms related to depression, anxiety, and stress-related issues that are prevalent in our society today.

For many years now, music therapists have utilized music to help children with developmental difficulties such as autism disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), emotional behavior disorders and many other diverse clinical applications that reveal favorable response results.

Studies reveal that the benefits of music therapy do not only restrict to its effects against mental health concerns but aid us with any form of unfathomable subconscious insurgence that alters different profiles of overall behavioral mechanisms of human beings. Moreover, individually developed therapeutic musical remedy can be molded in techniques that can potentiate a carrier of multifaceted cognitive and neurodevelopmental rehabilitation, promoting an amalgam of psychoeducation and counseling.

Studies have even proved that music therapy like earworms [a song stuck ringing around in the mind] or imposers administered during task performances secures up to 10% increase within IQ parameters before an exam. Recent developments propose innovative techniques of V-drums, combine cutting edges of computers-psychotechnical methods along with principles of cognitive od stimulation [Br W Beurden et el. 2020]. This benefits the swift emphasis of aptitudes across musical modules penetrating binary complexes of different left-right dominance orders until intrapersonal ingenuity performs within stabilization mechanisms overcoming some cognitive limitations in potentially training brain neural dendrites.

To conclude, we suggest that music helps its listeners to embrace their emotions has available capacity to treat multiple conditions and supporting essential health needs, showing incredible evidence within the research domain. Consequently, it provides authentic approaches for transcending behavioral modifications positively and offers an additional expressive outlet for emotional constraints such as stress or trauma when verbalizing satisfaction seems unachievable for some individuals.

An overview of protest and political music

Music has been used for centuries as a means to bring attention to societal issues. Whether it be songs of war, freedom, or rebellion, music has been an outlet for artists to express their political beliefs. Protest and political music has served as an important tool for change and activism.

Throughout history, various genres of music have served as a means for people to voice their opinions about social, political, and economic issues. Protest music gained popularity during the 1960s, where artists such as Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and Pete Seeger created songs that spoke out against the Vietnam War and civil rights injustices.

In recent years, hip-hop has taken on a major role in political music. Artists such as Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper, and J. Cole have tackled issues of police brutality, racism, and poverty in their music. Hip-hop has become a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and has sparked important conversations about social justice.

Aside from hip-hop, genres such as punk rock and folk music have also played a significant role in political music. The Clash, Green Day, and Rage Against the Machine are just a few of the many punk rock bands that have pushed back against the status quo. Folk singers such as Woody Guthrie and Phil Ochs created hymns for the working class and routinely spoke out against government oppression.

Today, protest music continues to thrive in the digital age. Social media has made it easier than ever for artists to share their message with large audiences. Music videos and lyrics can spread quickly across the internet and spark important discussions.

Protest and political music have shown us that music is more than just entertainment. When utilized correctly, it has the power to unite people, bring attention to important social issues, and create real change. As we continue to face pressing issues in society, it is important to remember the strength of music as a tool for progress.

Utilizing music in advertising: an examination of its effectiveness

Music has played a crucial role in the entertainment industry, but over the years, it has also become an essential element in modern advertising. Yes, music is used in ads and commercials, and that’s because it has been found to have some extraordinary effects on the human brain. Music makes the advertisement more attractive, interesting, and engaging.

The importance of music in advertising has grown significantly, and there are countless examples of different ads that leverage it. There are radio jingles and tv commercial soundtracks that we all know and love. There’s a good reason businesses spend millions on an ad campaign and sweated out what song to use.

Effectiveness wise – using music in advertisements bring a higher emotional impact than visual immersion solely. Advertisers know this, and they also use methods like repetitive lyrics/melodies/meaningological techniques so human brains retain the thrill of hearing or seeing something; positive emotions are connected consciously/subconsciously to specific product keywords/slogans/logos/visual material.

Research conducted shows strong ties between catchy jingles and increasing brand awareness/memorability and recommending that advertisers can take advantage of recent progress in psychology. Brands and products can utilize only a small portion of melody since users heard music hundreds of times per week in different settings such as malls, pubs, public transport.

In conclusion, music plays a vital role in advertising lines of business and is highly effective. Consumers form deep connections with advertisements that succeed presenting persuasive company concepts through basic elements that engage personally on a unique music-mind level and stimulate emotional statements. The result is not only purchase storage — responders likely endorse people nearby according to careful study responses/unprompted data perceptions, influencers fame includes responding to them oddly raised awareness in specific situations involving senses-authoritative givers such as views/reviews or recommendations.”

The cultural significance of music festivals

Music festivals have become a large part of our cultural landscape, with millions of people attending festivals each year. These festivals are now essential experiences for music fans across the world. But why exactly are these events so important to our culture?

To start, music festivals provide a space for people to come together and embrace the transformative power of music. From legendary headliners to up-and-coming artists, festivals offer a wealth of musical performance for attendees to immerse themselves in. Moreover, festivals showcase different music genres, allowing people to experience different types of music and widen their musical horizons.

Modern music festivals vary greatly in size, location and audience members, which distinguishes many of them from other events like concerts or operas. This makes them an important aspect in modern popular culture, primarily celebrated as hedonistic experiences where musical and subcultural identities meet.

Equally significant is the role that music festivals play in today’s economy as much as its cultural prominence. As such, live music events were and will always remain an important source for local authorities wherein local sale figures multiply by organizing these regional and internationally known festivities.

Moreover, festivals create an environment of communalism; we have all read about the feeling one gets at a concert that is unattainable elsewhere – the sense of oneness, if you may – well this particular side-effect that coming together brings forth puts the spot light on music festivals as a miniaturized representation of collective communitarian life: working in unison towards the same goal, making it happen with smiles on faces, cooperating, volunteering and exhibiting emotions that depict how earnest humanity can really be.

In conclusion, music festivals hold a significant impact on our world by providing chances of audible experiences with emotions from different cultures, immersing people head first, warming their hearts in harmony, opening up creative destinations and inspiring peace in our troubled times, and also a sense of peremptory collectivism This cultural and communal import, coupled with the economic significance, ensures that music festivals will continue to be vibrant fixtures of our cultural landscape.

How music can express emotions and bring people together

Music has the ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. Whether it’s a happy tune that makes us want to dance, or a melancholy melody that brings tears to our eyes, we all feel something when we listen to music. But did you know that music can also bring people together?

Music is a universal language that transcends culture, language, and even age. It has the power to unite people from all walks of life. For example, people attending a concert may come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs, but when the music starts playing they all become one. The shared experience of a live concert brings them closer together.

Music is also powerful in conveying a message. For example, songs that raise awareness about social issues or promote positivity can inspire people to band together and support a cause. Music helps us connect with others by providing a common ground. It allows us to share feelings, emotions, and ideas that we otherwise might not be able to express.

Moreover, music is used to communicate across different cultures. Different types of music often come from specific cultural roots and tell stories from specific groups of people. When we listen to these kinds of music, we get an opportunity to expand our horizons and learn more about foreign cultures. As a result, by listening to music from different parts of the world, we develop respect for other people’s’ traditions, humanity, and development.

In conclusion, music helps us bridge gaps, build bridges, and unify individuals who would have otherwise existed separately. Through its ability to evoke strong emotions, deliver powerful messages, and provide a way for diverse people to connect, music is an effective way to foment societal change and enhance our collective well-being.

A comparative analysis of folk music from different cultures

Folk music is a form of traditional music that dates back centuries. It is an important part of culture and history, as it represents the stories and traditions of different societies. Every culture has its unique style and characteristics of folk music, making it an interesting topic to analyze.

When comparing folk music from different cultures, one can identify both similarities and differences. For example, most of the world’s traditional music focuses on storytelling. However, the stories told by different cultures are highly contrasting. African folk music, for instance, highlights bravery, struggle, and human suffering, whilst European music often involves love themes or pastoral life.

Another commonality among folk music in most cultures is the use of instruments such as the guitar, the violin, the drums, and the tambourine. The way they are played may differ from one culture to another in ways like tuning and the type of wood that is used. For example, Korean musicians must master unique styles of picking and strumming that are distinctive to their country’s instruments.

Exploring folk music can present useful insights into the similarities and differences amongst different cultures. Through research, you can find different cultural appreciation elements evident throughout folk music trends and gain a better understanding of historical events correlated with various songs.

In conclusion, the amount of detail put into cultural engineering drives cultural acceptance, progress, and educational enlightenment throughout communal examination. Therefore, the comparative analysis of folk music from diverse backgrounds can open doors to various cultures leading to a better understanding of some celebrations across the world.

Music and its impact on memory recall and learning retention

Have you ever wondered why certain songs have the ability to transport you back in time and evoke vivid memories? Research has found that music can have a significant impact on memory recall and help with learning retention.

When we listen to music, it activates multiple regions of our brain, including those involved in memory, emotion, and movement. Studies have shown that music can help individuals with neurological disorders to recall memories and improve their overall cognitive function. In fact, music therapy has become a popular tool used by healthcare professionals to help improve memory recall and focus in patients with conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

But this doesn’t just apply to people with neurological conditions. Music can help anyone improve their memory and learning retention. For example, listening to calming instrumental music during study sessions can help to reduce stress and improve focus, ultimately leading to better retention and understanding of the information being studied.

So what type of music is best for memory and learning enhancement? Research indicates that classical music in particular has been linked to improved brain function, especially when it comes to memory recall and learning retention. This may be due to the complexity and structure of classical music, which engages both hemispheres of the brain.

However, it’s important to note that individual preferences for music can also play a role in the effectiveness of memory recall and learning retention. Some may find that instrumental music works best for them, while others may prefer to listen to lyrical music. Ultimately, it’s about finding the type of music that helps you focus and retain information best.

In conclusion, the role of music in memory recall and learning retention cannot be understated. Whether it’s through formal music therapy or simply playing background music during study sessions, incorporating music in daily routines can help improve cognitive function and enhance learning outcomes.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Exploring Music Extended Essay Topic Ideas

In conclusion, music is such a broad and fascinating subject that there are countless opportunities to explore when it comes to writing an extended essay . As you can see from the topics we’ve covered, music has the power to influence society, history, culture, emotions, and technology. Whether you’re interested in classical music, hip-hop, pop or folk music, there is ample material for you to delve deep and create a winning academic paper.

So, where do you begin? Firstly, choose a topic that you feel passionate about and fits into the parameters given by your teacher. Secondly, conduct thorough research using credible sources. As you study, formulate engaging research questions that shed fresh light on the subject. Once you have done your research, make sure you organize your findings effectively and stay within the guidelines for citations and referencing. And finally, don’t forget to proofread your essay for spelling and grammar errors.

The possibilities in the field of music extended essay topics are many, and the impact and importance of music on different aspects of life. Exploring the topic on music not only enhances your critical thinking but also demonstrates your skills in research, writing, and analysis. By putting in the hard work and dedication, your music extended essay could be the start of a lifelong interest in musicology.

Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

ib cp reflective project

What Is IB Reflective Project?

The Reflective Project is an in-depth study where students select an ethical issue related to their career-related studies to research and analyze through various lenses. This research is not a mere academic exercise; it is a rigorous, reflective process that encourages students to connect their findings with their own beliefs, values, and experiences.

Sources for IB EE

What’s the Ideal Number of Sources for Your IB EE?

What’s the ideal number of sources for my EE? The answer, nuanced and subject-specific, depends on striking the perfect balance between breadth and depth of research. As a seasoned IB writer, I’ve seen how this balance varies across disciplines — a History EE might thrive on many sources to construct a well-rounded argument, while a Math EE might depend on a few texts for its foundational theory.

ordering custom extended essay

How Much Does It Cost to Order a Custom Extended Essay Online?

When tackling the International Baccalaureate program, students often wonder about the cost of ordering a custom extended essay online. As an experienced IB writer, I can tell you that several factors influence this cost. These include the essay’s length, its complexity, the urgency of your deadline, and the writer’s expertise.

choosing EE topic

Pros and Pitfalls of Using Internet-Sourced EE Topics

In the ever-evolving landscape of academic research, the Internet has emerged as a significant resource for students undertaking the challenging task of the IB Extended Essay (EE). As an experienced IB writer, I’ve observed the transformative impact of Internet-sourced EE topics. This article aims to highlight both the benefits and challenges of this modern approach to research.

IB extended essay originality

How Can You Ensure Originality in Your IB Extended Essay?

Ensuring originality in your IB extended essay is a crucial step in distinguishing your work in the world of academic research. As an experienced IB essayist, I’m here to guide you in creating an essay that not only meets academic standards, but also showcases your unique intellectual contributions. Originality in the IB extended essay is about bringing your personal insights and perspectives to every aspect of your work, from the choice of topic to the final argument.

writing annotated bibliographies

What’s Your Secret Writing Weapon in EE? Annotated Bibliographies!

Imagine having a map that guides you through the labyrinth of research and enriches your understanding and appreciation of the topic. That’s what an annotated bibliography does. It allows you to keep track of your sources, critically evaluate their content, and reflect on their relevance to your research question. This process deepens your engagement with the topic, providing a clearer direction for your argument and analysis.

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International Baccalaureate (IB)


IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay, but it doesn't have to be a source of stress! In this article, I'll get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources you need to get an A on it.

If you're reading this article, I'm going to assume you're an IB student getting ready to write your Extended Essay. If you're looking at this as a potential future IB student, I recommend reading our introductory IB articles first, including our guide to what the IB program is and our full coverage of the IB curriculum .

IB Extended Essay: Why Should You Trust My Advice?

I myself am a recipient of an IB Diploma, and I happened to receive an A on my IB Extended Essay. Don't believe me? The proof is in the IBO pudding:


If you're confused by what this report means, EE is short for Extended Essay , and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman's terms, my IB Diploma was graded in May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received an A grade on it.

What Is the Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme?

The IB Extended Essay, or EE , is a mini-thesis you write under the supervision of an IB advisor (an IB teacher at your school), which counts toward your IB Diploma (learn more about the major IB Diploma requirements in our guide) . I will explain exactly how the EE affects your Diploma later in this article.

For the Extended Essay, you will choose a research question as a topic, conduct the research independently, then write an essay on your findings . The essay itself is a long one—although there's a cap of 4,000 words, most successful essays get very close to this limit.

Keep in mind that the IB requires this essay to be a "formal piece of academic writing," meaning you'll have to do outside research and cite additional sources.

The IB Extended Essay must include the following:

  • A title page
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • References and bibliography

Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories , or IB subject groups, which are as follows:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

Once you figure out your category and have identified a potential research topic, it's time to pick your advisor, who is normally an IB teacher at your school (though you can also find one online ). This person will help direct your research, and they'll conduct the reflection sessions you'll have to do as part of your Extended Essay.

As of 2018, the IB requires a "reflection process" as part of your EE supervision process. To fulfill this requirement, you have to meet at least three times with your supervisor in what the IB calls "reflection sessions." These meetings are not only mandatory but are also part of the formal assessment of the EE and your research methods.

According to the IB, the purpose of these meetings is to "provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their engagement with the research process." Basically, these meetings give your supervisor the opportunity to offer feedback, push you to think differently, and encourage you to evaluate your research process.

The final reflection session is called the viva voce, and it's a short 10- to 15-minute interview between you and your advisor. This happens at the very end of the EE process, and it's designed to help your advisor write their report, which factors into your EE grade.

Here are the topics covered in your viva voce :

  • A check on plagiarism and malpractice
  • Your reflection on your project's successes and difficulties
  • Your reflection on what you've learned during the EE process

Your completed Extended Essay, along with your supervisor's report, will then be sent to the IB to be graded. We'll cover the assessment criteria in just a moment.


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What Should You Write About in Your IB Extended Essay?

You can technically write about anything, so long as it falls within one of the approved categories listed above.

It's best to choose a topic that matches one of the IB courses , (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.), which shouldn't be difficult because there are so many class subjects.

Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay:

  • Biology: The Effect of Age and Gender on the Photoreceptor Cells in the Human Retina
  • Chemistry: How Does Reflux Time Affect the Yield and Purity of Ethyl Aminobenzoate (Benzocaine), and How Effective is Recrystallisation as a Purification Technique for This Compound?
  • English: An Exploration of Jane Austen's Use of the Outdoors in Emma
  • Geography: The Effect of Location on the Educational Attainment of Indigenous Secondary Students in Queensland, Australia
  • Math: Alhazen's Billiard Problem
  • Visual Arts: Can Luc Tuymans Be Classified as a Political Painter?

You can see from how varied the topics are that you have a lot of freedom when it comes to picking a topic . So how do you pick when the options are limitless?


How to Write a Stellar IB Extended Essay: 6 Essential Tips

Below are six key tips to keep in mind as you work on your Extended Essay for the IB DP. Follow these and you're sure to get an A!

#1: Write About Something You Enjoy

You can't expect to write a compelling essay if you're not a fan of the topic on which you're writing. For example, I just love British theatre and ended up writing my Extended Essay on a revolution in post-WWII British theatre. (Yes, I'm definitely a #TheatreNerd.)

I really encourage anyone who pursues an IB Diploma to take the Extended Essay seriously. I was fortunate enough to receive a full-tuition merit scholarship to USC's School of Dramatic Arts program. In my interview for the scholarship, I spoke passionately about my Extended Essay; thus, I genuinely think my Extended Essay helped me get my scholarship.

But how do you find a topic you're passionate about? Start by thinking about which classes you enjoy the most and why . Do you like math classes because you like to solve problems? Or do you enjoy English because you like to analyze literary texts?

Keep in mind that there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing your Extended Essay topic. You're not more likely to get high marks because you're writing about science, just like you're not doomed to failure because you've chosen to tackle the social sciences. The quality of what you produce—not the field you choose to research within—will determine your grade.

Once you've figured out your category, you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper . What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more about? I recommend spending a few hours on this type of brainstorming.

One last note: if you're truly stumped on what to research, pick a topic that will help you in your future major or career . That way you can use your Extended Essay as a talking point in your college essays (and it will prepare you for your studies to come too!).

#2: Select a Topic That Is Neither Too Broad nor Too Narrow

There's a fine line between broad and narrow. You need to write about something specific, but not so specific that you can't write 4,000 words on it.

You can't write about WWII because that would be a book's worth of material. You also don't want to write about what type of soup prisoners of war received behind enemy lines, because you probably won’t be able to come up with 4,000 words of material about it. However, you could possibly write about how the conditions in German POW camps—and the rations provided—were directly affected by the Nazis' successes and failures on the front, including the use of captured factories and prison labor in Eastern Europe to increase production. WWII military history might be a little overdone, but you get my point.

If you're really stuck trying to pinpoint a not-too-broad-or-too-narrow topic, I suggest trying to brainstorm a topic that uses a comparison. Once you begin looking through the list of sample essays below, you'll notice that many use comparisons to formulate their main arguments.

I also used a comparison in my EE, contrasting Harold Pinter's Party Time with John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in order to show a transition in British theatre. Topics with comparisons of two to three plays, books, and so on tend to be the sweet spot. You can analyze each item and then compare them with one another after doing some in-depth analysis of each individually. The ways these items compare and contrast will end up forming the thesis of your essay!

When choosing a comparative topic, the key is that the comparison should be significant. I compared two plays to illustrate the transition in British theatre, but you could compare the ways different regional dialects affect people's job prospects or how different temperatures may or may not affect the mating patterns of lightning bugs. The point here is that comparisons not only help you limit your topic, but they also help you build your argument.

Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade-A EE, though. If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison-based topic and are still unsure whether your topic is too broad or narrow, spend about 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there.

If there are more than 1,000 books, articles, or documentaries out there on that exact topic, it may be too broad. But if there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it may be too narrow. If you're still unsure, ask your advisor—it's what they're there for! Speaking of advisors...


Don't get stuck with a narrow topic!

#3: Choose an Advisor Who Is Familiar With Your Topic

If you're not certain of who you would like to be your advisor, create a list of your top three choices. Next, write down the pros and cons of each possibility (I know this sounds tedious, but it really helps!).

For example, Mr. Green is my favorite teacher and we get along really well, but he teaches English. For my EE, I want to conduct an experiment that compares the efficiency of American electric cars with foreign electric cars.

I had Ms. White a year ago. She teaches physics and enjoyed having me in her class. Unlike Mr. Green, Ms. White could help me design my experiment.

Based on my topic and what I need from my advisor, Ms. White would be a better fit for me than would Mr. Green (even though I like him a lot).

The moral of my story is this: do not just ask your favorite teacher to be your advisor . They might be a hindrance to you if they teach another subject. For example, I would not recommend asking your biology teacher to guide you in writing an English literature-based EE.

There can, of course, be exceptions to this rule. If you have a teacher who's passionate and knowledgeable about your topic (as my English teacher was about my theatre topic), you could ask that instructor. Consider all your options before you do this. There was no theatre teacher at my high school, so I couldn't find a theatre-specific advisor, but I chose the next best thing.

Before you approach a teacher to serve as your advisor, check with your high school to see what requirements they have for this process. Some IB high schools require your IB Extended Essay advisor to sign an Agreement Form , for instance.

Make sure that you ask your IB coordinator whether there is any required paperwork to fill out. If your school needs a specific form signed, bring it with you when you ask your teacher to be your EE advisor.

#4: Pick an Advisor Who Will Push You to Be Your Best

Some teachers might just take on students because they have to and aren't very passionate about reading drafts, only giving you minimal feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts of your essay and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make my Extended Essay draft better.

Ask a teacher that you have experience with through class or an extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have absolutely no connection to. If a teacher already knows you, that means they already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know what to look for, where you need to improve, and how to encourage your best work.

Also, don't forget that your supervisor's assessment is part of your overall EE score . If you're meeting with someone who pushes you to do better—and you actually take their advice—they'll have more impressive things to say about you than a supervisor who doesn't know you well and isn't heavily involved in your research process.

Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to make suggestions and give constructive criticism. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

#5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow

The IB likes structure. Your EE needs a clear introduction (which should be one to two double-spaced pages), research question/focus (i.e., what you're investigating), a body, and a conclusion (about one double-spaced page). An essay with unclear organization will be graded poorly.

The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long (again, depending on your topic). Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you were doing a comparison, you might have one third of your body as Novel A Analysis, another third as Novel B Analysis, and the final third as your comparison of Novels A and B.

If you're conducting an experiment or analyzing data, such as in this EE , your EE body should have a clear structure that aligns with the scientific method ; you should state the research question, discuss your method, present the data, analyze the data, explain any uncertainties, and draw a conclusion and/or evaluate the success of the experiment.

#6: Start Writing Sooner Rather Than Later!

You will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in just a week and get an A on it. You'll be reading many, many articles (and, depending on your topic, possibly books and plays as well!). As such, it's imperative that you start your research as soon as possible.

Each school has a slightly different deadline for the Extended Essay. Some schools want them as soon as November of your senior year; others will take them as late as February. Your school will tell you what your deadline is. If they haven't mentioned it by February of your junior year, ask your IB coordinator about it.

Some high schools will provide you with a timeline of when you need to come up with a topic, when you need to meet with your advisor, and when certain drafts are due. Not all schools do this. Ask your IB coordinator if you are unsure whether you are on a specific timeline.

Below is my recommended EE timeline. While it's earlier than most schools, it'll save you a ton of heartache (trust me, I remember how hard this process was!):

  • January/February of Junior Year: Come up with your final research topic (or at least your top three options).
  • February of Junior Year: Approach a teacher about being your EE advisor. If they decline, keep asking others until you find one. See my notes above on how to pick an EE advisor.
  • April/May of Junior Year: Submit an outline of your EE and a bibliography of potential research sources (I recommend at least seven to 10) to your EE advisor. Meet with your EE advisor to discuss your outline.
  • Summer Between Junior and Senior Year: Complete your first full draft over the summer between your junior and senior year. I know, I know—no one wants to work during the summer, but trust me—this will save you so much stress come fall when you are busy with college applications and other internal assessments for your IB classes. You will want to have this first full draft done because you will want to complete a couple of draft cycles as you likely won't be able to get everything you want to say into 4,000 articulate words on the first attempt. Try to get this first draft into the best possible shape so you don't have to work on too many revisions during the school year on top of your homework, college applications, and extracurriculars.
  • August/September of Senior Year: Turn in your first draft of your EE to your advisor and receive feedback. Work on incorporating their feedback into your essay. If they have a lot of suggestions for improvement, ask if they will read one more draft before the final draft.
  • September/October of Senior Year: Submit the second draft of your EE to your advisor (if necessary) and look at their feedback. Work on creating the best possible final draft.
  • November-February of Senior Year: Schedule your viva voce. Submit two copies of your final draft to your school to be sent off to the IB. You likely will not get your grade until after you graduate.

Remember that in the middle of these milestones, you'll need to schedule two other reflection sessions with your advisor . (Your teachers will actually take notes on these sessions on a form like this one , which then gets submitted to the IB.)

I recommend doing them when you get feedback on your drafts, but these meetings will ultimately be up to your supervisor. Just don't forget to do them!


The early bird DOES get the worm!

How Is the IB Extended Essay Graded?

Extended Essays are graded by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34 . You'll be graded on five criteria, each with its own set of points. You can learn more about how EE scoring works by reading the IB guide to extended essays .

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum)
  • Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum)
  • Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum)

How well you do on each of these criteria will determine the final letter grade you get for your EE. You must earn at least a D to be eligible to receive your IB Diploma.

Although each criterion has a point value, the IB explicitly states that graders are not converting point totals into grades; instead, they're using qualitative grade descriptors to determine the final grade of your Extended Essay . Grade descriptors are on pages 102-103 of this document .

Here's a rough estimate of how these different point values translate to letter grades based on previous scoring methods for the EE. This is just an estimate —you should read and understand the grade descriptors so you know exactly what the scorers are looking for.

Here is the breakdown of EE scores (from the May 2021 bulletin):

How Does the Extended Essay Grade Affect Your IB Diploma?

The Extended Essay grade is combined with your TOK (Theory of Knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get toward your IB Diploma.

To learn about Theory of Knowledge or how many points you need to receive an IB Diploma, read our complete guide to the IB program and our guide to the IB Diploma requirements .

This diagram shows how the two scores are combined to determine how many points you receive for your IB diploma (3 being the most, 0 being the least). In order to get your IB Diploma, you have to earn 24 points across both categories (the TOK and EE). The highest score anyone can earn is 45 points.


Let's say you get an A on your EE and a B on TOK. You will get 3 points toward your Diploma. As of 2014, a student who scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma .

Prior to the class of 2010, a Diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the Extended Essay or Theory of Knowledge and still be awarded a Diploma, but this is no longer true.

Figuring out how you're assessed can be a little tricky. Luckily, the IB breaks everything down here in this document . (The assessment information begins on page 219.)

40+ Sample Extended Essays for the IB Diploma Programme

In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an A on your EE, here are over 40 excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure. Essays are grouped by IB subject.

  • Business Management 1
  • Chemistry 1
  • Chemistry 2
  • Chemistry 3
  • Chemistry 4
  • Chemistry 5
  • Chemistry 6
  • Chemistry 7
  • Computer Science 1
  • Economics 1
  • Design Technology 1
  • Design Technology 2
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632 Music Essay Topics & Samples

The scholarly analysis of musical history, theory, and cultural aspects of music is called musicology. If you are studying this subject, our team has prepared 507 amazing topics about music for your paper.

📑 Aspects to Cover in a Music Essay

🏆 best topics about music, 👍 good music topics for research papers, 🎓 simple & easy music essay topics, 📌 unique music topics for essays, ⭐ interesting music topics to write about, 🥇 insightful music titles for essays, ❓ music essay questions.

You can write about many different types of music, ranging from classical arrangements of Mozart and Beethoven to pop compositions made via computers. Look through our music essay examples to find the best idea!

Whether you understand the subtleties of terminology or are taking a course to begin your journey, writing a music essay requires more than the knowledge of various musical pieces.

Tackling different topics, ranging from contemporary to classical music, is possible if you can explain a few cornerstone moments to your readers. To begin your essay, make sure to:

  • Research your assigned piece in different ways, from listening to reading about it;
  • Immerse yourself in the material;
  • Search for additional insights by watching live performances when possible.

These actions ensure that you have a good grasp of your material from different sources. Creating an outline before beginning to write will also save you time, as you will gain a better understanding of the topic.

Finally, you can get music essay ideas from reading examples of other’s work.

Avoid plagiarism, as this will immediately disqualify your paper from academic merit, as music essay examples should inspire your writing, rather than become the basis for it.

After your initial research and the execution of the pre-writing stages, you can start focusing on the details of your assignment. Straightway, music appreciation becomes an essential prerequisite to your essay.

You should find what elements resonate with you in your task and focus on developing them into factual statements.

For example, if you like the sound, then elaborate this feeling into a coherent thought that explains why. Conversely, if you do not find any part enjoyable, then do the same, but remember to remain academic and respectful.

Another important aspect of your essay is the history of the assigned piece, which you can address after your introduction. Doing so will help your readers be on the same level of knowledge as you, the essay’s writer.

Without a historical backdrop, jazz becomes just another funky-sounding genre, not a monument to America’s 20th-century rebellious tendencies.

Thus, explain how a particular piece came into existence or why was it created to increase its importance in your audience’s eyes. Furthermore, you may even compare it against other sample music of its time.

Understand that music essay topics need to be technical and explain any occurring background processes, from composition to execution.

Therefore, your bibliography should include a variety of book and journal titles. These have to demonstrate the level of your research and support your ideas with credible references.

This advice may be especially relevant if you are writing a highly technical or instrumental essay, as it allows explaining complicated concepts with ease and trustworthiness.

After you have covered technical, perception-related, and historical aspects of your subject as per your initial outline, you can integrate information about its impact on future compositions.

The continuous flow of history from the past to the future should help you support your work and uphold its importance in the broader context. Additionally, doing so enables you to lead your essay to a well-rounded conclusion.

Finally, from music essay titles that have to grab your readers’ attention to grouping paragraphs with a single theme under one subheading, you can begin finalizing your essay.

Remember the importance of explaining the different sides to your problem and tie them all together in your conclusion.

This action makes your work a comprehensive study on your subject, educating your readers, and correctly presenting information in an easy-to-read format.

Want to know other aspects of writing about music? Go to IvyPanda to find out more essay samples!

  • My Favorite Musical Instrument: The Guitar Inside the plate we have a series of braces which strengthen the plate and affect the vibrations of the top plate.
  • Musical Usage of Ethos, Pathos and Logos Thievery Corporation show a character of an upright fellow who stands to condemn the indifference of the richest man in Babylon.
  • The Social Impact of Reggae Music Many reggae artists criticize and oppose the prevalence of injustice and oppression in many parts of the world that arise from poor governance and unstable political systems. In addition, it is also known for the […]
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  • Hip-Hop Music Other creations of hip-hop are the components of the hip-hop lifestyle. A number of unacceptable behaviors in the society have been encouraged by hip-hop leading to a conflict between the ambassadors of hip-hop and the […]
  • Music and Its Impact on Our Lives With the development of the society the instruments and the whole music changed. The ability of music to influence human consciousness was known from the earliest stages of development of the society.
  • Different Types of Music One of the commonest types of music is Gospel music. It is a type of music where songs are written and played with the objective of praising or honoring God.
  • The Preservation of Our Cultural Heritage: Music for Entertainment and Communication Similar to how music plays a significant role in the lives of many people, it is an important aspect of history and culture.
  • Maurice Ravel: Bolero Analysis of Music Piece – Research Paper Incidentally just like the minimalist composers of today, Ravel developed the Bolero piece in a controlled form of monotony but contained within its self the capacity to sedate and capture an audience, the Bolero piece […]
  • The Concept of Pop Music Deriving from rock and roll, Pop music found its distinctiveness in the 1950s to not only become one of the world’s most listened style of popular music, but also one of the very few styles […]
  • How Music Can Influence Our Behaviour In order to understand exactly how work productivity increases as a result of music, it is essential to know the difference between mood and arousal. As one listens to a piece of music, one is […]
  • Impressionism in Music and Art The natural light appears in a variety of types which gives the impressionist artist much freedom to alter the details of the objects in the painting using the natural light in different types.
  • The Music Industry In the same vein, it is imperative for musicians to have a working knowledge of commercial aspects of the music industry to ensure that they get the most out of their work.
  • Ludwig Van Beethoven: Life, Music, & Influences Neefe was not a renowned musician; in fact, he was most influential to Beethoven in the shaping up of his ideals rather than in his music compositions. According to Beethoven’s accounts of his deafness, the […]
  • The Role of Music in the Film “Titanic” Also, it will discuss the content and themes of the movie and explain the role played by music in the movie.
  • Robert Schumann: His Life and Music Schumann was no different in taking this approach from the other composers of his time, but his subjectivity enabled him to express it in unique ways.
  • Korean Pop Music and Youth Identity Korean pop music has become a powerful genre that connects many youths to their counterparts in different parts of the world.
  • Music as a Weapon During the Vietnam War Music to the soldiers in Vietnam acted as a tool to remind all troops of the responsibility that they had taken by being on the battlefield.
  • Racism in Music: “(What Did I Do to Be So) Black and Blue” The extreme popularity of the song among the black population can be explained with references to the fact that Armstrong changed the original lyrics to accentuate the social meaning of the composition and elaborated the […]
  • Lucky Dube as the Icon in the Reggae Music Industry In addition to this, the song talks about a contemporary issue which affected and still affects the lives of millions of people globally.
  • Music Genre Influence on the Heart Rate Jazz and Classical music genres diminish the heart rate because their rhythms have a slow pace that creates a peaceful ambiance for the body and heart to relax.
  • Classical Music: Merriam’s Tripartite Model of Music Classical music is characterized by the harmony that is full of chromaticism. Music is meant to provide a meaningful interaction of the body and soul.
  • Music and the French Revolution They also wanted to do away with the Christianity as well as the old method of days of the week and naming the years from the birth of Christ.
  • Role of Music in Our Life It is of great importance to recognize a childs inclinations in order to develop them in a full manner in future.
  • Music in Saudi Arabia Music related to pearling and seafaring is part of the classical music in this region, and this is as a direct result of the sailing history of the people.
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  • Music Effects on the Brain However, listening to music has the ability to inspire the hormones and raise the levels of these elements to equilibrium, making the brain to work optimally.
  • The Impact of Korean Popular Music From the paradigms of influences, the paper discusses the implications of the K-pop on the Korean social values and foreign influences.
  • Franz Schubert: His Life and Music 1809-1812: He composed several piano pieces and songs for his mother’s death and father’s birthday. 1819-1820: Franz’s compositions and styles matured.
  • Teaching a Musical Instrument in School The drive towards musical achievement is of great inherent value to both the learner and the society. The learners are the central point with the head teacher, the leader of music service, the class teacher, […]
  • The Life and Music of Frederic Chopin Called “The boldest and the proudest poetic spirit of the age” by his musical contemporary Robert Schumann[1], Chopin embodied the essential ideas of the romantic period with his tragedy of losing his native land and […]
  • Music in Films: “The Shawshank Redemption” The movie “The Shawshank Redemption” is an outstanding work of art that has influenced the lives, actions, and goals of many people in every corner of the world.
  • Mozart: Requiem in D Minor, K. 626 This paper offers an overview of the Requiem in D minor, analyzing the musical composition, examining the orchestration’s expressive devices, and providing a historical frame.
  • Ralph Ellison and His “Living With Music” The beauty of the music is in the feelings, not in those which should be expressed according to the rules, but in those which the musician wishes to express and which arouse in the audience’s […]
  • Requiem by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Music Analysis The piece starts from the crescendo emphasizing the worries and fears of the dying person. The ascendant rhythm of this part also expresses the image of the sacral process of dying and connection with God.
  • Classical Music: Influence on Brain and Mood Considering the potential positive effects of classical music on the mood and the brain, the music can be adapted to influence people to behave in certain ways.
  • Music and Its Effects on Culture Therefore, it could be concluded that music can create some of the diversity issues such as culture, and it can directly impact a culture.
  • The History of Mambo Music Despite the fact that mambo was brought to the general American public in a bright commercial wrapping, the original mambo sound and rhythms gradually won the hearts of the devoted audiences.
  • Kirk Franklin and Gospel Music One of the most popular gospel artists of the new millennium is Kirk Franklin and his contribution to contemporary gospel music is unparalleled.
  • Rap As a Music Genre The differences heard in music depend on the genre of the piece of art that has been adapted. In my opinion rap music is justified to be classified as music as it has left up […]
  • Musical “Hamilton” by Lin-Manuel Miranda The character of Alexander Hamilton is central to the musical, as his narrative reveals some of the major historical events such as the battle of Yorktown, issuing Amendments to the US Constitution, and the evolvement […]
  • Woodstock Music Festival Even though the Woodstock Music Festival was intended to be a ticketed event, ultimately, the planners stopped collecting the tickets because the crowd started to cut away and to trample the fences which made even […]
  • Music Listening: Millennium Stage by Apollo Orchestra The musical compositions of these authors formed the basis for a concert that touched the heart and soul of every listener in the hall.
  • Comparison Between Music and Style in 1950’s and Music and Styles in 1970’s This has for example been one of the differences that are realized with respect to the music of the 1950s and the music that was realized in the 1970s.
  • The Rent Broadway Musical’s Analysis This is a musical, and the type of performance is an ensemble since the majority of songs are performed by a group of actors, although there are several solo performances as well.
  • Music Effect on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of music on blood pressure and heart rate. The hypothesis of the study is that listening to music reduces the elevation of blood pressure and […]
  • Music Sampling: Concept and History While the producer uses a sound track to establish the best music genres to combine, the sampler, which is the machine records, keeps, controls, and rewinds music.
  • Analysis of Music Pieces in Terms of Rhythm, Melody, and Texture The significance of the initial phrase is emphasized by the fact that it is repeated four times at the beginning of the piece, then in the middle of the piece, and then developed in a […]
  • French Revolution: Role of Propaganda and Music The history of propaganda is based on three interweaving fundamentals: first, the mounting need, with the growth of civilization and the rise of nation-state, to win the battle for people’s minds; second, the increasing sophistication […]
  • Louis Armstrong’s and Bix Beiderbecke’s Jazz Music When examining the reason behind Armstrong’s worldwide popularity in comparison to the relative obscurity of Beiderbecke, it is immediately obvious that the main reason behind this was due to the fact that Armstrong was willing […]
  • Serialism as a Technique of Composing Pieces of Music The paper examines the meaning of serialism in music with reference to the classical writings of early music composers such as Adorno and Dahlhaus.
  • Hillbilly vs. Race Music Impact on American Radio When speaking about hillbilly and race music in terms of their recognition in American culture, it is necessary to mention the role of the radio in the process.
  • History of Rock Music: The Influence and Importance of Bon Jovi Jon Bon Jovi is among such influencers and redefiners of the rock anthem, and the purpose of this paper is to study his career and find out why it is crucial to include Jovi in […]
  • Music Role in Memory and Learning Processes As such, the study purposed to test the differences in visuospatial abilities between men and women bearing in mind that the former is perceived to demonstrate greater memory capabilities compared to the latter As such, […]
  • Eminem’s Life and Music Career Without the father’s support, the relationship in the family was unstable, and the unfortunate financial situation led to conflicts with Mather’s relatives, thus leaving a psychological trauma in his mind.
  • Music From Around the World Music can be described as both traditional and modern where traditional music is seen as old and longstanding, while modern music is contemporary and present.
  • Baroque Music: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 by J.S. Bach and The Four Seasons by A.Vivaldi Initially, the originators of the instrumental concerto were Italians: their natural bright character favoured the development of this playful genre that involved the key idea of competition between the soloists and the accompanying orchestra.
  • Semiotic Analysis and Content Analysis to a Music Videos What are the female gender words used in the lyrics in the studied music videos? What are the themes of the lyrics and the music videos?
  • Music in “Mrs. Doubtfire” the Film by Chris Columbus Shore focused on the utilization of flute, clarinet, and vibraphone in this piece to emphasize a kind of mystery and uncertainty.
  • Music Role in Personal and Social Identities Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to answer the question ‘How does music contribute to personal and social identities?’ In answering this question, the paper will develop a comprehensive analysis of a number of […]
  • The Television Impact on the Music Industry Some bands, such as the Monkees, the American response to the Beatles, were created with the purpose of television performance as their acting and on-camera comfort as a group were initially prioritized over music.
  • Film Musical History: From the Beginning to the Rise and Fall The cinema of attractions elicits a high level of awareness of the film image, piquing the audience’s interest, and renouncing narrative cinema’s storytelling role.
  • Basic Elements of Music The rhythm defines the ratio of the duration of sounds to one another in a single composition. The first component is important from the standpoint of the formation of a particular component into a single […]
  • Music Industry & Technology: Benefits and Threats One of the advantages that technology introduced to the music industry is that it has enabled the distribution of music all over the world, thus increasing sales.
  • Influence of African-American Culture on Rock n Roll Music Rock and Roll were introduced to the mainstream in the 1950s by white musicians such as Elvis Presley. Rock and Roll was a distinct amalgamation of different genres of African-American music such as jazz, blues, […]
  • Old School Hip Hop Versus New Hip Hop Music However, although today’s hip hop music does share some similarities with old school hip hop, it is much more superficial and generic, compared to the timeless music of the old school hip hop.
  • The Role of Music in Cinematography Non-diegetic music is “background music” that communicates the psychological aspects of the story, coloring the actions that take place on the screen, showing the pace of on-screen events, and creating the atmosphere.
  • Digital Music Increasing Trend It needs to be said that most of the stores that were opened by music labels have struggled and had to be closed.
  • The Influence of Patronage on the History of Music The end of the sixteenth century became one of the most critical moments in history due to the expansion of the sources of income of composers from churches and courts, as well as wealthy lovers […]
  • Reggae, Disco, and Funk Musical Styles Reggae, funk, and disco, despite the difference in rhythm, message, and sound, were intended to unite the art of music into a global musical movement.
  • History of Pop Music in the World: Cultural and Social Changes Later, following the evolvement of industries and development of urban centers, also the lifestyle of poor people improved considerably and this lead to the improvement of music among the poor and the rich.
  • Spanish Gypsy Flamenco Music and Its History In the 1780s, all these explanations assume that the music of the indigenous Andalucians was combined with the music of the gypsies and came to be known as the flamenco music.
  • Classical and Contemporary Music Comparison Lyrical content is of great import to hip-hop and has spawned a new style of singing that has riveted the audiences’ attention to this music.
  • Arab Music and Cinema Development: Western Culture Impact Thus the title of the project work is, “Arab Music and Arab Cinema: historical development and the role of Western culture ” The project scope is dedicated to peep into the historical background of how […]
  • Technology and Music Industry The impact of file sharing technology in the music industry has been a major obstacle to its advancement. In a clearer way, the future purchase and sale of music is anticipated to be easier.
  • Strange Fruit’ Music and Social Consciousness The movie under consideration is the Strange Fruit directed by Kyle Schickner which aims to show people the social problems and their arousal by means of the appearance of one song, from the day of […]
  • History of Jazz Music Due to the unification of different states, America enjoys a diverse culture, which is the basis for the growth of jazz in the world.
  • Popular Music: Curtis Mayfield’s and Bob Marley’s Songs The most distinct feature that the songs “People Get Ready” by Curtis Mayfield and Bob Marley’s One Love”, is the message that they are trying to communicate to the audience.
  • Music in the “Pearl Harbor” Film by Michael Bay The United States of America sent the marine and aviation troops to repulse the attack of the Japanese army on the “Pearl Harbor”, the American military base on the Hawaiian Islands.
  • The Importance of Film Music The musical accompaniment significantly affects the scene’s atmosphere and how the audience will perceive it. This scene reveals the development of the protagonist’s madness, the Joker takes control of Arthur for the first time.
  • Ludovico Einaudi’s Music Analysis Ludovico Einaudi is a rebel from the world of academic music, a fan of pop music of the 60s. The choice of the composition “Fly” is determined by the fact that this kind of music […]
  • Luke Combs’ Country Music Concert in 2020 He demonstrates that it is through his music that the majority of his listeners and fans receive inspiration. Orosz indicates that the more Combs sang, the more exciting and entertaining his music became.
  • American Popular Music and Its Evolution Compared to the country blues popular in the 1900s, classic female blues combines its features with urban theater music, and “Crazy Blues” is one of the first songs of this genre.
  • Shaped by Politics: Charles Ives’s Music Ives’s music reflected his idea of political past, connected to his deep sense of responsibility within the societal political arrangements- the kind of responsibility associated with republicanism and colonial revival as the two 19th century […]
  • Pomona College Choir Classical Music Concert While in the previous performances, I perceived this song as a repenting of a sinner, when listening to the Pomona College Choir, I realized that there was a touch of childlike innocence to it.
  • The Changing Nature of the Music Industry One of the most important technological innovations of the twentieth century was the creation of the World Wide Web, a global network of servers that allows users to access information via the Internet.
  • Rock Music of the 1970s It is possible to note that the 1970s was the period when the basis of the contemporary rock music and culture was formed.
  • The Effects of Music in Advertising and Choice Behavior Therefore, consumers view the content of the commercial message through the lens of the overall mood of the advertisement that depends upon the tempo and volume of the background music.
  • Jazz Music in American Culture The origin of jazz is associated with black communities in the United States whose culture influenced the musical elements of the genre.
  • Dizzy Gillespie and Louis Armstrong: Jazz Music Louis Armstrong is described to be the man best known around the would as the founding father of Jazz while on the other hand, Dizzy Gillespie is reputed to have music that is a major […]
  • Popular Music and Thinking Errors The message in the lyrics of rock songs is mostly that life is not worth living with the lyrics filled with numerous pessimistic and angry lines.
  • The Steel Pan Music History One of the bright examples of such creative and ingenious response to the British cultural repression is the invention of steel drum, or pan.
  • How We Listen to Music by Aaron Copeland The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is the clearer view to be had of the way in which we listen In this sentence he […]
  • Music Museums: Role and Success The success of the Music Museum depends on its organization. It attracts many people and makes them come several times in regard to the customer-oriented strategy.
  • “In the Mood for Love”: Music Analysis The director of In the Mood for Love uses music throughout the film to set the mood in the film and enhance the musical background that was typical of Hong Kong in the 1960s.
  • Aubrey Drake Graham’s Music Career Statement of Central Idea: To inform my audience about Aubrey Drake Graham’s, commonly known as Drake, background, how he became famous, and where he is right now in his career.
  • The National Centre for Popular Music in Sheffield The design of the building, which has unusual features acquired a number of nicknames that are local like curling stones, drums and kettles as the drum tops that were to rotate in the wind no […]
  • Nat King Cole’s Life and Impact on Jazz Music Nat King Cole is considered one of the greatest Jazz musicians in the 20th century. As A result of that, the band’s name became the “King Cole Trio”.
  • 19th Century Music and the Cult of Virtuoso Performers Modulation of rarely used keys became a common style for the composers, and unlike the classical structure of music, listeners were less predictive of the rise and fall of the tone and volume.
  • Music Technology in Michael Jackson and Pink Floyd’ Songs When it comes to identifying the instrumental elements that make Thriller unique as not only as one of the pop songs of the 80s, but also pop songs in general, the variety of the instruments […]
  • Economic and Music Industry’ Relationship in South Africa One of the main challenges, faced by the representatives of this industry is the low level of awareness about local composers and performers.
  • Music Value and Impact Music reduces pain and unease in patients under the medication and in the dentistry field. Harmonization and teamwork in a cluster are motivated by music through the stimulation and synchronization in the movement of workers.
  • Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke Music Comparison In the beginning of the twentieth century jazz was a new and developing, and yet very important and popular style of music.
  • Music Video: ‘Anaconda’ by Nicki Minaj The main course for the controversy is that the film is decidedly raunchy, and this has resulted in its opposition by many people who feel it is both immoral and misleading, especially to younger generations.
  • How Baroque Era Influenced the Music World? It was during the Baroque era that artists manipulated the ‘opera music’: a style that employed the use of instruments and drama to perfection.
  • Arts Education: Music, Dance and Theatre They will be able to identify the role of “telephones” and “telephone” operators in their society. According to Moser and McKay, it is critical for the students to learn how to determine the type and […]
  • Influence of Heavy Metal Music on Adolescence (Behavior, Identity, Mood, Regulation, Psychology) Accepting the potent impact of music on adolescents’ behavior, identity, and psychology leads to a deeper analysis of the influences of heavy metal music on teenagers’ development.
  • Does Speeding up the Music Tempo Increase Task Performance The control group listened to the piece of music only at the original tempo. This design of this study aimed to explore the relationship between music tempo and cognitive speed.
  • Folk Music: A Tool for Culture Transmission Percy was of the opinion that there was a separate form of music for the urban setting and a different one for the rural setting describing the latter as folk music.
  • The Film “Walk the Line” and the Role of Music in It The “Walk the Line” comprises of Johnny Cash and June Carter as the main characters. The Carter family was renowned in the country music genre, and June started singing with their family at the age […]
  • Traditional Uses of Music in Christian Worship Services Christians have traditionally used music to encourage the believers to learn lessons on unity, and to challenge them to live as per the words of their songs.
  • Latin American Music The author examines Tango, Baroque and Latin Jazz as some of the old classical music in the region. The impact of Latin music in the global scene is intense and widespread.
  • Classical Music: Attending a Concert 2 is one of the most remarkable stories in the world of classical music. Le Grand Tango for violin and piano is one of the most beautiful masterpieces in classical music.
  • Country Music Legend: George Strait The professional career of George Strait as the country music performer started in 1981 with his first song that became one the hits of that time, “Unwound”.
  • Javanese Music, Its History and Aspects Specifically, the gamelan music style uses metallic idiophones and drums, which are the unique features of Javanese music. Two tuning systems are used in the Javanese music, viz.the Sandro and pelog.
  • Popular Music: Meaningful Contributions to Social and Political Change Music has different classifications depending on various factors including the period in which the music was developed, the type of instruments that the musicians use, the cultural identity of the society that subscribes to the […]
  • Music Education in Public Schools: For and Against Music education is a difficult subject to learn and, as such, it can be difficult and daunting for young children, which can lead to depression of the young children.
  • Quincy Jones, an American Music Mogul A close examination of the artist, producer, arranger, publisher, film and TV producer and composer reveals that he was and still is a force to recon in the world and American music industry.
  • The Role of Music in My Life Story: Little Words With More Meaning I am lucky to carry the power of jazz and classic through my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, believing that no words in music create better possibilities for listeners to focus, create, and deal with emotions.
  • James Brown’s Career in Soul Music Southern soul became extremely popular towards the end of the 1960s, and Brown had his first success in 1956. James Brown was one of the performers who took control of their music, as he united […]
  • African-American Music From the 1920s to 1990s African American participation in the creation of American music has affected every genre of music, contributing to the development of a distinctively American sound.
  • Patriotism in Music and Songs of America Patriotism can be defined as the attachment to a country and its core attributes, which does not always equal loyalty to the government or a sense of superiority.
  • Food, Music and Verbal Communication in China Due to the lack of distinction between languages in terms of understanding of primary and secondary language in China, there is rigid debate within the context of Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, the use of […]
  • Traditional Korean Music and Culture The most ancient type of this kind of music came up in the course of the invasion of the Japanese and it was called teuroteu. Today it is made of three holes in the front […]
  • Hogaku: Traditional Japanese Music Music is often divided into Western and Non-Western; Japanese music belongs to Non-Western music and it has a number of peculiarities all of which should be discussed in order to present an ethnographic report on […]
  • African Influence in Music of Puerto Rico The African influence to the music of Puerto Rico has gone beyond the bounders of this island to influence music in the neighboring states.
  • Music Education and Rock Music The aim of this research proposal is to explore the possibility of teaching Rock music and /or the inclusion of teaching Rock music with ensembles in the school.
  • The Salsa: Music and Dance Review In the dance perspective, it refers to a dance that tries to communicate the beats found in the salsa music. All these are in an effort to spice up the salsa dance and music.
  • Nineteenth Century Musical Nationalism: Important Milestones A great hero of Italian music and opera, Verdi is put in the front reference when it comes to music discussion, nineteenth century Italy and nationalism.
  • Afro-Latin Music and Dancing: Rumba, Chamame Genre, Salsa The current essay deals with Afro-Latin music and dancing as the reflection of unique social and cultural values and conditions of Latin American people of African origin.
  • Tupac and Gender: Sexuality in His Music He is the perfect Tupac who adores and supports women going through a crisis.”Keep yah Head Up” is another inspirational song to black women, it is a call for black women to stand firm and […]
  • Romantic Music: Frédéric Chopin and Robert Schumann Composers began to resort to the uncommon forms of the expression of their ideas that were reflected in unique melodies. One of the representatives of musical romanticism was Frederic Chopin, the creator of a piano […]
  • Creative Arts and Music Lesson Plan and Activities The focus on the listed activities is essential not only for developing skills in music but also for improving students’ knowledge and abilities in different areas because music activities provide individuals with opportunities to enhance […]
  • Music Production: History and Changes The birth of the music industry happened about a century ago during the time technological innovations started to appear allowing to capture, store of music, and replay the sound tracks within a retrieval system.
  • Music and the Construction of Personal and Social Identities Despite the relative difference between the current and the past music experience, it is clear that music has increasingly been used in the construction of the youths’ identities.
  • How Does Jazz the Music and Its Story Reflect the American Experience? The mission of Jazz in America is to integrate the teaching and learning of jazz story into every public institution in the country.
  • The Relationship Between Poetry and Music in Whitman’s Life and Work The poems “Song of Myself” and “Proud Music of the Storm” which were included into Whitman’s collection of poems Leaves of Grass demonstrate the impact of music and opera upon the poetic style, images and […]
  • Persian Music: Improvisation and Composition. Welcome to Dariush Eghbali’s Enchanted World In the case with Dariush Eghbali’s concert, the settings work exactly the way they should, introducing the audience to the world of the Persian music and making them dive into the unknown style.
  • Analysis of Music Video In this work the discussion is going to focus on a hip hop video by one of the greatest MCs in the industry by the stage name of NAS born Nasir Jones, Nas released the […]
  • Auto-Tune Technology in Music: Physics and Ethics It has the power to make an out of tune voice appear to the ear to be singing close to the correct note, but it is by no means a natural sound, as numerous amateur […]
  • “The Hurt Locker”: Music in the Movie The film presents a realistic performance of the events soldiers go through while in the line of duty. The music in that scene, therefore, enhances a reflection the dangerous environment of the war.
  • Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm and Growth in Music The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the idea of categories that assist people in listening to music. It is interesting to see how these SHMRG elements affect my perception of music and […]
  • Quincy Jones’ Biography and Career in Music He has worked with artists from Africa, Europe, and South America and has been a pivotal figure in the growth of world music. His contributions to the music world will continue to be a source […]
  • The Invention and the Power of Music This moment was the beginning of a practical study of the benefits of music therapy for the mental and physical condition of a person.
  • Classical Symphonies: Investigating Style Evolution of Western Classical Music The formative period of classical music was between the 18th and 19th centuries. Beethoven wrote music slowly and purposely with the romantics’ guidance.
  • Modernist Movement in Music: Investigating Style Evolution of Western Classical Music The modernist movement in music seems appropriate for this paper because of the unique and exciting styles of composing modern-era music, such as jazz, pop, and rock.
  • Music and Consumption: The Effects of Background Music The deconstruction of distinctive elements of music and consumption steers the proficient justification of the interdependent relationship between music and people’s well-being.
  • Expressionist Movement Art and Schoenberg Music The painting presents harmony and the presentation of the changes happening in the world in a similar way that the music does.
  • Race Represented in American and Chinese Music In order to achieve the objective, the author defines and put into practice the idea of “Blacksound” the audible and physical heritage of blackface performances as the source of all popular music, art, and culture […]
  • The Impact of Hip-Hop Music Education in Elementary School The theoretical justification of the article is the importance of music, in particular the style of hip-hop, in the formation of the system of interests and career goals of schoolchildren.
  • Race and Development of Music in America The author’s justification for the essay is the role of social history in determining the creation and evolution of music genres by African Americans.
  • The Concepts of Beauty Applied to the Music In addition to beauty, the content of each piece reflects the importance of communication, knowledge, and the underlying nature of the individual.
  • Ellison’s Living with Music: Narrative Argument Moreover, he returns to the topic of jazz, showing that this music style is particularly efficient in conveying one’s emotions through notes.
  • Public Relations Issues in the Music Industry TikTok is at the top of the funnel, and the issue with content-based marketing is that it diverts attention from the artists and interaction with their profiles.
  • Eminem’s and Kendrick Lamar’s Music Compared In essence, the audience is drawn to actively participate in the song through narration and dance as the artists have mastered the art of combining their lyrics and style in different ways to keep their […]
  • The Bulgarian Music Tradition Folk music from Bulgaria is the country’s defining trait everywhere, from the boundless planet to the rest of the universe. Bulgarian folk music is part of the Balkan musical tradition, which has its specific features.
  • Music: Genres, Instruments, and Elements The genre of music contributes to the identity of the music. Saxophones and trumpets, members of the brass family, are the primary instruments in blues music.
  • Effects of Different Music on Psychological State Therefore, it would be fascinating to delve into the historical aspects of the development and digitalization of the music industry. This is a topic where the conclusions of the existing literature are ambiguous and contradictory […]
  • Understanding The Doors’ Music: Listening Journal At the moment, researchers have the opportunity to widely apply the concept of authenticity, placing it in the context of the artist and their cultural background.
  • Roots of Contemporary Popular Music
  • Editing and Music as Tools for Guiding the Narrative
  • Survival and Memory in Music of the Ghosts by Ratner
  • The Evolution of Popular Music
  • Music Therapy as Experiential Activity
  • Music Performance Anxiety Alleviation
  • Philosophizing About Music and Its Evolution
  • The Importance of Music Universality
  • Romantic Music: Chopin’s Waltz in D-Flat Major
  • Jazz Music in New Orleans and Its Early Roots
  • Fallin’ by Alicia Keys: Music Reflection
  • “Bodies of Evidence… in Electrovocal Music” Article by Bosma
  • Stravinsky’s and Schoenberg’s Music Comparison
  • Professional Development in the Music Industry
  • “Riot Grrrl” as a Phenomenon in Protest Music
  • Comparison of Music Examples of Rhythm
  • Gender Neutrality in a Music Video: “Beneath” by Happy Little Clouds
  • The Role of Music in Personal Growth
  • Researching of Musical Romanticism
  • Music Appreciation: Marriage of Figaro
  • Classical and Rock Music Genres
  • Rock Music and Led Zeppelin’s Impact on It
  • Music Therapy for Schizophrenic Patients’ Quality of Life
  • The Late Baroque Style in Music
  • Plato’s Theory of Musical Education
  • Mozart’s Music and Its Impact on Children
  • Sex-Specific Effects of Music Listening on Couples’ Stress in Everyday Life
  • The “Alexander Hamilton” Musical by Lin Manuel Miranda
  • Art and Music Therapy Coverage by Health Insurance
  • Discussion of Jay Z Uniting Art and Music
  • The Mowtown Music Entertainment
  • “By the Beautiful Blue Danube” Music in Squid Game
  • Key Terms of the Sampling in Music
  • Effects of Lullaby Music on Quality of Sleep in Adults With Insomnia
  • Music Used to Raise MegaEvents
  • Salsa, Reggaeton, and Merengue: The Spanish Music Genres
  • Musical Museums: Traditional Canons
  • The Term of Aleatoric Music and Its Meaning
  • Musical Style of African America Gospel
  • “Making Sense of Music. Foundations for Music Education” by Durrani and Welch
  • Aesthetic Philosophy: The Ambivalence of Music
  • Analysis of “The Crimson Grail” Musical Piece
  • Michelangelo’s Sculpture and Webber’s Music Analysis
  • Variety Issues of Music Forms and Instruments
  • Media Role in Black Music
  • Music and Musicians in the Service of Social Movements
  • The Midnight Special Prison Music
  • “Hippie Aesthetic” in Relation to Musical Elements
  • Identity, Drugs and Music in Literature
  • Methods of Elementary School Music Teaching
  • Analysis of Country Break-Up Music
  • History and True Meaning of African American Slave Music
  • Music in the Service of Social Movements
  • The “Bang Bang Baby” Science Fiction Musical
  • History and Influence of Folk Music
  • The Musical Instrument Selection in the Baroque Period
  • The Influence of Music on a Person
  • The Influence of Radio on American Culture and Popular Music
  • Charles Bolden’s Influence on Jazz Music
  • The Rhythm Section in Creating Rock Music
  • Contemporary Music and Its Influence on People
  • Women and Music: In the Past and in Modern Times
  • Music Therapy in Healthcare
  • Interpretive Dance and Costume Design in Enhancing Music and Plays
  • How Wagner’s Preludes Transformed Opera Music
  • Jazz Music: Characteristics of an F7 Chord
  • The “Legally Blonde” Musical by O’Keefe and Benjamin
  • Romantic Music: French, Italian, and German Operas
  • “Peter Pan”: The Broadway Musical
  • Kenny Rodgers: Country Music Icon
  • Important Role of Music in Advertising
  • Bach and Stravinsky: The Pioneers of Musical Composition
  • Caribbean or Latin Music vs. Norteno, Conjunto, Tejano, and Banda
  • The Use of Music in the Modern World
  • Music Perception and Its Three Planes
  • Placebo: Black Market Music or Music of the Yellow Press
  • Social Commentary in Pop Music Industry
  • Technologies & Music: “Infernal Machines” by Alex Ross
  • Patriotism in Music of Lee Greenwood, Jean Sibelius, John Legend and Others
  • History of Rock Music: Aerosmith
  • Music and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Art Integration of Music Art Form
  • “Cosi Fan Tutte” Opera and “Legally Blond” Musical
  • Music and Advertising in Television
  • “Sugar” and “The Moten Swing” Musical Compositions Analysis
  • Popular Music at the Times of Racism and Segregation
  • Objective Approach to Music by Aaron Copeland
  • Aztec Music. The Aztec World Culture
  • Western Musical Timeline & Historical Development
  • Fugue: The Musical Compositional Technique
  • Medieval and Early Modern Music
  • Music and Cultural Appropriation
  • Lesson Planning for Music Class
  • Timeless Art of Jazz Music
  • Distance Learning Experiences of In-Service Music Teachers From Puerto Rico
  • Music & Education During the Pandemic of Covid-19
  • The Instrumental Music Teaching: Educational Resources
  • Age-Relatedness in Teaching Music
  • Hip-Hop Music and Its History in the 80s-90s
  • Music and Film Industries as Hallmarks of Africa’s Identity
  • Rock and Roll as a Musical Phenomenon
  • Education Through Music in the Movie “Mr. Holland’s Opus”
  • Henry Cowell: The Genius of Musical Innovations
  • The Sources of Music and Tracing Indian Music Information
  • Latino-American Music:Then and Now
  • Listening to Good Music
  • Evolving Safety and Music Venue Protocols
  • Music Therapy for Children With Learning Disabilities
  • East Asian Music in Ancient Chinese View
  • Works of Literature, Painting, and Music United by the Idea of Arabesque
  • Listening to Classical Music
  • On the Evolution of MTV and Music Videos
  • Opera as a Popular Musical Form
  • The Hippy Music as a Universal Language
  • Online Music Streaming Services in the UK
  • Music Assignment: Associative Soundtrack
  • Music Review: 20 Century Musicians
  • The Effect of Music on People With Alzheimer’s Disease
  • American National Style and Identity in Music
  • Music, Cosmology and Architecture in the Renaissance
  • The National Center for Popular Music
  • Music and Young Generation
  • The Effect of Music Videos on College Students’ Perceptions of Rape
  • Dementia: Relaxing Music at Mealtime in Nursing Homes Agitated Patients
  • This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J. Levitin
  • Musical Exposure and Its Effect on Biochemical Changes
  • Effects of Music on Muscle Performance
  • Music in Parental Participation in Pediatric Laceration
  • Jazz Music: Methodological Issues
  • The Rhetoric of Bob Fosse: Eroticism and Humor in a Musical
  • The Comparison of Prokofiev and Giovanni Music
  • Music and Extra-Musical Forces
  • Discovery of the American Music
  • Music and Memory: Discussion
  • Music in China and Some East Asian Countries
  • Music and Art Critique: Recordings and Prints
  • Popular American Music in the Mid-19th Century
  • Music and Its Political Nature
  • Flamenco Music and Dance History: Spanish Carte-De-Visite Born in Andalusia
  • Music: Orchestras Nowadays
  • The Diversity of the Baroque Music
  • Debussy’s Influence on Symphonic Music
  • The Importance of Developing Musical Skills
  • Music Styles: Difference and Similarity of Styles
  • Music as Concept Analysis
  • Music and Art As Tools to Understand Our World
  • Richness of Musical Art
  • Music of Hong Kong After 1945
  • Specifics of Jazz Music Analysis
  • Seattle Hip Hop From an Underground Genre Into Mainstream Music: Songs Examples
  • Music and Its Basic Features
  • Female Body Objectification in the Music Industry
  • Rock and Roll`s Influence on Modern Music
  • Sociology of Female Music
  • Elements Of Music: Different Tones and Rhythms
  • Music in Controversial Modern Culture
  • The History of the Music Industry and the Impact of the Advancement of Technology and Globalization
  • Music Industry in Canada
  • Canadian Women and Music Industry
  • Canadian Music and Its Spread
  • In and Around Canadian Music
  • Canadian Music Production Industry
  • George Gershwin’s Life and Jazz Music
  • Quebecois Music Distinctives from English Canada Music
  • Woodstock Music and Art Fair
  • Nineteenth Century Music: Virtuoso Performances
  • Music: Studio-Based Surround Systems
  • How Does Piracy Affect the Music Industry?
  • Aliens’ Point of View on Music
  • How Sources Inform People’s Understanding of Music
  • McDonaldization in the Music Industry
  • Music Education: Aesthetic and Paraxial Theories
  • Charles Ives and His Music
  • Charles Ives in American Music
  • Music Education: Historical Research
  • Different Styles in World Music
  • Music Teaching Style: The Effects of Choral Music Teacher Experience and Background
  • Hip Hop Culture and Music
  • Origins of Popular Music: Discussion
  • Avant-Garde as a Movement in Jazz Music
  • Music and Art in Paris in 1830-50: Frederic Chopin
  • Rap Culture and Music: Critical Thinking
  • Musical and Artistic Life in Paris in 1830-1850
  • Nationalism and 19th Century Music
  • The Relation of Music to Nationalism in the Work of Bedrich Smetana Composer
  • Music: Evolution Factors of Technology and Drugs
  • Why We Shouldn’t (Don’t) Pay for Online Music
  • The Music of the 60s and How It Became So Big
  • French Revolution and the European Music
  • Music, Its Definition and Evolution
  • New Approaches to Music Marketing
  • Music Appreciation. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Why Mozart’s Music Is So Valuable Through the Time
  • Music Appreciation: Reggae Music and Classical Music
  • Music in Different Eras Analysis
  • Music: Jazz History Since 1946 – The Change of Jazz Music to Art
  • History of Pop Music in the Early 20th Century
  • George Straight: Music Legend
  • Instrumental Scottish Music: Scottish Fiddling
  • Rock as a Part of Music Art
  • Chopin: Musician Who Had Effect Romanticism Music
  • B.Britten’s Music Impact on Composers Political Beliefs
  • Jazz Musician Miles Davis: His Life and Music
  • The Evolution of Music: Brief Review
  • Western Music: Bela Bartok, a Hungarian Composer
  • Bluegrass Music in US Immigrants
  • Gustav Theodore Holst and His Music
  • Freedom of Speech and Expression in Music
  • Music Censorship in the United States
  • Musical Expression and Sexual Selection
  • Music: A Few Canonic Variations by Joseph Kerman
  • 18th Century Music Comparative Analysis
  • Meaning of Musical Ekphrasis
  • Country Music in the Southern United States
  • Vivaldi’s Venice: Music and Theatre in 18th Century
  • Social Aspect of Music: The Flairs Band
  • Electroacoustic: Populari Music Among New-age Listeners
  • Is There Such a Thing as Impressionism in Music?
  • Art and Music: Benefits to Society
  • City Music Reflected in Urban Processes & Places
  • Music Industry-Related Issues in Economics
  • How Pop Radio Programming Defines the Music
  • Music: Motet’s Inception Through Josquin’s Works
  • The Art of Electronic Music: Live Performances
  • Fela Kuti: Music Is the Weapon
  • Film Music Evolution in the United States
  • The Effect of Music on UAEU Female Students
  • Women and the Industry of the Trap Music: Empowering or Succumbing to the Stereotype?
  • Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance Music
  • Classical Symphony and Classical Chamber Music
  • The Failure of a Large Swedish Music Event, Peace & Love
  • A Brief History of the Music Industry
  • Antonio Vivaldi: The Study of Music
  • Jazz Music Development Since 1945
  • Russian Music by Glazunov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glière
  • Jazz Music Concert and Theatrical Performance
  • MTV Channel and Music Video Genre
  • Film Music and Its Role in Perception
  • Classical Music: Cultural Consumption and Cultural Diversity
  • Women’s Contribution to Rock Music Development
  • Music Streaming Industry and Trend Analysis
  • Music in “Lady Windermere’s Fan” and “Atonement” Films
  • Psychology: Music’s Role in Life
  • Plant Growth and Development With Music
  • Spotify Music Service and Its Suggestions
  • Music in Films: Composers, Soundtracks and Themes
  • Sex in Music Compositions and Videos
  • Online Music Store’s Website Development Planning
  • Anglo-American Folk Music Revival
  • “Music and Other Provinces” Class
  • Parmalee Music Band’s Marketing in Social Networks
  • Music Intervention’s Effect on Falls in a Dementia Unit
  • Gogoyoko Music Selling Company’s Marketing Plan
  • Francois Couperin’s Baroque Music
  • Music Festivals and Chinese Students’ Attendance
  • “Baroque Music of Bologna” Compositions
  • Music Business Websites Research
  • Music and Brain Functioning
  • Music Distribution Revolution
  • Commercial Music for Listeners: Poster Discussion
  • The Studio and Pre-Recorded Music Usage
  • Classical Music Concerts: Video Report
  • Free Improvisation and Experimental Music
  • Music Concrete and Post-War Technology Development
  • American Popular Music History
  • Social Constructions and Hip Hop Music
  • Gustav Holst’s Music “The Planets”
  • Music Styles and Their Differences
  • Artists in Jazz Music and Dance Development
  • Music Perception and Cognition
  • History of Jamaican Music
  • Music of 17th/18th Century
  • Effect of Unexpected Musical Encounter
  • Musical Compositions: Sounds and Aural Experiences
  • Mystery Compositions in Church Music
  • Managerial Decisions: iTunes Music Pricing
  • Music Therapy as a Social Work Intervention
  • Special and Inclusive Music Education
  • Afro-American Influence on Western Music Development
  • Music in the Mathematics, Finance and Economics
  • The Role of Music in the Film “Lolita”
  • Music Industry: History of Technological Developments in Storage Devices
  • Rock’n’Roll: Musical Genre of the Twentieth Century
  • Music’s Role in Culture
  • Fashion in Clothing, Music, and Moods
  • Music Influence on Feeling Movie Scenes
  • Qirong Xu on Music, Culture, Musicians’ Problems
  • Music and Human Memory Connection
  • Music Concert at the Walt Disney Concert Hall
  • Enigma’s “Return to Innocence” Music Video
  • The Dynamic Between the Popular Music’ Sound and Look
  • Popular Music and Accompanying Visual Representation
  • Music in Jean-Jacques Beneix’s Film “Diva”
  • Global Music: Mass Communication
  • Piano Music, Baroque and Nationalism Influences
  • Music in “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”
  • Achille-Claude Debussy’s Music as the Best Present
  • Renaissance Music Shift From Sacred to Secular
  • Socialist Realism Limitations in Soviet Music
  • Music Programs and Monetary Barriers in Schools
  • MTV’s Revolution in the Music Industry
  • Music Curriculum, Its Elements and Difficulties
  • Duke Ellington: Life and Music Principles
  • Jazz Music Popularization in Chinese Culture
  • ITunes Music Pricing: Apple’s Managerial Decisions
  • Sight Singing: Learning Approaches and Music
  • How Music Affects the Brain?
  • BBC Radio 6 Music Company Analysis
  • Castrato in Music: History and Famous Singers
  • Personality and Music Preference
  • Lalo Guerrero: the Father of Chicano Music
  • The Role of Music Therapy as Alternative Treatment
  • The Role of Music in Films
  • Psychology: Music Role in Family Engagement
  • Music Band “Mahotella Queens”
  • Frank Zappa’s Life and Music
  • Paul Simon’s Music Style
  • Musical Compositions’ Stylistics & Social Context
  • Ableton Live Software Application in Music Performance
  • Frank Zappa and His Contribution to the Music Industry
  • Music and Society: “Eminem Is Right” by Mary Eberstadt
  • American Music Bands: Dixie Chicks and The Weavers
  • Music Video “Mockingbird” by Eminem
  • Baroque Mark in Today’s Music
  • Modern Music Development in the USA
  • Disco, Rock, Jazz and Popular Music: Comparison
  • Los Angeles and Seattle’ Music in 80-90s
  • The Ars Antiqua Music Concept
  • The Effectiveness of Music for Cancer Patients
  • Louis Armstrong’s Contribution to Jazz Music
  • Music Special Innovation for the Physical Exercise
  • Bundling and Distribution of Digitized Music Over the Internet
  • Jazz Live Music Concert in Catalina Jazz Club
  • The Wollongong Music Festival Arranging
  • The Culture of Electronic Dance Music
  • The Music Recording Industry in Canada
  • Personality and Music Preferences
  • History of the Science and Art of Music
  • Rock Music as an Unique Cultural Phenomenon
  • Indigenous Celtic Music: Preservation and Revival
  • Baroque Music Concert – Haendel: La Resurrection
  • Radiohead’s Music Influences
  • Music Industry: Apple’s iTunes and Profitability
  • Music Talent Shows and the American Dream
  • The History of Modern Chinese Music
  • Bossa Nova’ and Smooth Jazz’ Music Comparison
  • Music: The London Symphonies by Joseph Haydn
  • Hip Hop Music as Media Influence on the Youth
  • The Instrumental Music of Baroque: Forms and Evolution
  • Music, Media and Culture’ Effects on Aggressive Behavior
  • “Thank You for the Song” by Jennifer Rondeau and “Thank You for the Music” by Abba Comparison
  • Chicano Music in American-Mexican Culture
  • Music Comparison: Posse on Broadway by Sir Mix-a-Lot, Joe Metro by Blue Scholars, and The Town by Macklemore
  • Hip-Hop Music and the Role of Women in It: Fight for Women’s Rights in Society
  • Women in Hip-Hop Music: A Provocative and Objectified Gender Roles
  • Music Art: “La Cathédrale Engloutie” by Claude Debussy
  • Music in “The Oral and Written Tradition” by Edward D. Ives
  • Music and Rebellion in the Era of Commercialization
  • The Music Band’s Parmalee Promotion
  • Music Event: Eurovision Song Contest 2014
  • Music: Cape Breton Fiddling
  • Music Types in the United States
  • “Balkan Fascination: Creating an Alternative Music Culture in America” by Mirjana Lausevic
  • Diving Into the Secrets of the Korean Music
  • The Cattle Drivers’ Music
  • Benny Carter, a Life in American Music
  • Musical Education and The Laws by Plato
  • “Pop Music, Pop Culture” by Chris Rojek
  • Takeaway Listening Test: The Sounds of Music
  • Music and Dance as a Part of Our Culture
  • Music as a Relaxation Technique
  • Classic Rocks and Gangsta Rap. Music Analysis
  • An Analysis of Music Theory
  • Youth Popular Cultures and Music
  • College Students’ Satisfaction of Music Festival in China
  • Review of Peter Kivy’s Introduction to a Philosophy of Music
  • Classical and Modern Music
  • Apple Computer, Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Relation to Music in the Workplace
  • Miles Davis Contribution to African American Music
  • Gangsta Rap Music as Social Culture in the Journal of Youth Studies by Alexander Riley
  • R&B and Hip-Hop Effect Western Music
  • Internet Marketing: Use of Social Media by Artists to Market Their Music
  • Introducing Children to Music
  • Kiwi Music Cultural Event in New Zealand
  • Effects of Music in Advertising
  • Electronic Music (Within the 20th Century Art Music Tradition)
  • Themes, Content and the Power of Music in Iron Man: When the World Is Crumbling
  • Listening Log: Music in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
  • E-Commerce Website for Music Videos
  • Chicano Music and Lyrics
  • Music Industry: Michael Jackson and 50 Cent Careers
  • Canuck Rock: A History of Canadian Popular Music
  • Guitar in a Non-Western Musical Genre
  • Music Videos Effect on the Self Growth
  • Piracy: Marketing Strategies Encouraging Consumers to Purchase Music Legally
  • Compare and Contrast: “Popular Music From Vittula” and “Naïve, Super”
  • Choral Music Review
  • Choral Music History
  • Leading Cultural and Organizational Change at the Royal Conservatory of Music
  • Popular Music in Uzbekistan
  • Music Therapy Effectiveness
  • Leading Culture and Organizational Change at the Royal Conservatory of the Music
  • Verismo in Classical Music
  • “Hip Hop“ Subculture: Music, Vocabulary, and Roots
  • Music Impact on Human Mind and Body
  • The Impact of Western Society on the Music Cultures of Other Societies in the World
  • Music in the Movie “On the Beach” by Stanley Kramer
  • The Role of Music in the Sea Hawk
  • Music of the Civil Wars, Civil Rights & Freedom Movements of Europe, Africa, North & South America During the 20th Century
  • Music of “Song of Myself” or New Type of Diary Entry
  • Music Downloads and the Ethics of Piracy
  • Digitization and Convergence of Music Industry
  • Latin America Cultural Abundance: Art and Music
  • Music in Opera: Susan McClary’s “Carmen”
  • Arab Music and Arab Cinema: Historical Development and the Role of Western Culture
  • Sony BMG Music Entertainment
  • Music Harmony Studying
  • Music in Times of Conflict
  • Technology Advances and Music
  • Constructions of Authenticity in Canadian Music
  • The Influence of the Cultural Current “Modernism” on the Conception of Music in the 20th Century
  • Pieces From Early and Baroque Music E-Concert
  • Pieces From Classical and Romantic Music E-Concert
  • 20th Century Music: Prokofiev, Respighi, and Orff
  • Baroque Epoch Music: Bach and Vivaldi
  • Music in the United States Culture
  • Music as an Independent Art
  • Hip Hop Infiltrates Asian Music Industry
  • Music Industry and Technology
  • Music Industry as a Cultural Industry
  • The Music Industry Versus the Internet: MP3 and Other CyberMmusic Wars
  • “Far From Here” by The Lonesome Ones: Image and Music Quintessence
  • Reading Between the Lines, Interpreting Music
  • Revisiting New Jazz Music Concert
  • The Effects of Mozart’s Music on Middle School Age Learning
  • Music in the Ancient Greece
  • Genesis Gospel Choir at the Lehman Center Recital Hall: Pushing the Envelope of Gospel Music
  • Frank Zappa: Music Industry and American Culture
  • World Peace in Music
  • Irving Berlin: Personification of American Music of the Twentieth Century
  • Pop Music Nature and History
  • Can Music Control Teens?
  • Are Mathematics, Logic, and Music Languages?
  • Can Music Bridge the Economic Gap Education?
  • Are the Measures Taken Against Illegal Music Downloading Effective?
  • Who Manipulates the Music Industry?
  • Are Societies Ill’s the Fault of Rock Music?
  • Can the Music Industry Adapt to the Digital Future?
  • Can Music Help Recover Sick Patients Through Psychotherapy?
  • What Did Music From Late Period Influence Composers?
  • What Are Music and Music Therapy?
  • Can Music Foster Learning?
  • Are Television, Movies, and Music Responsible for Teen Violence?
  • Can Music Therapy Improve Stress Anxiety?
  • What Is Digital Music Distribution, and Why Is It Significant?
  • What Are the Characteristics of Baroque Music?
  • What Role Does Cinematic Music Play in Creating Tension?
  • Can the Music Industry Survive Despite Piracy?
  • What Better Way Spread Music Around the World?
  • Can Music Influence the World?
  • Are Electro-Acoustics and the Vernacular the Largest Developments in 20TH Century Music?
  • Why Does Bach’s Music Still Holds Its Popularity?
  • Can Preference for Background Music Mediate the Irrelevant?
  • Why Music Matters and the History of Slavery?
  • Are Current Actions Taken Effective in Reducing Online Music Piracy?
  • Are Popular and Classical Music Listeners the Same People?
  • Can Music Affect the Way We Speak?
  • What Does Modern Day Music?
  • Why the Beatles Revolutionized Music and Pop Culture?
  • Are Streaming Services Affecting the Music Industry?
  • Why Can Music Make Us Feel Happy or Sad?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 632 Music Essay Topics & Samples.

"632 Music Essay Topics & Samples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '632 Music Essay Topics & Samples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "632 Music Essay Topics & Samples." March 2, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "632 Music Essay Topics & Samples." March 2, 2024.

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267 Music Essay Topics + Writing Guide [2024 Update]

Your mood leaves a lot to be desired. Everything around you is getting on your nerves. But still, there’s one thing that may save you: music. Just think of all the times you turned on your favorite song, and it lifted your spirits!

Our specialists will write a custom essay specially for you!

So, why not write about it in a music essay? In this article, you’ll find all the information necessary for this type of assignment:

  • 267 brilliant music essay topics,
  • a sample paper,
  • a step-by-step guide and writing tips.

And don’t forget to bookmark  where you can find helpful essay tips in articles like this one.

🔝 Music Essay Topics: Top 10

  • 🎵 Music Essay Definition
  • 🎼 Essay Topics
  • ✍️ How to Write
  • 📑 Essay Sample

🔗 References

  • Compare different recording formats.
  • The purpose of music.
  • Ternary and rondo: compare and contrast.
  • Music as a lifestyle.
  • The benefits of singing.
  • Ethnomusicology as a career.
  • Evolution of the radio.
  • The importance of school musicals.
  • Music as a tool for meditation.
  • Music in sports.

🎵 Essays about Music: What Are They?

A music essay describes or analyzes a piece of music, its context, or one’s personal attitude towards it. This type of assignment requires a compelling primary argument and a clear structure.

To write well about music, you don’t have to be a professional musician. All you need is to be able to listen, understand, and evaluate it. You should also provide your interpretation and opinion on it.

Writing about Music: Assignment Types

An essay on music is a popular assignment in high school and college. However, many students find it hard to describe sounds in a written form. In this article, we will give you some tips on writing about music.

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Here are the typical tasks that you might receive:

  • Concert report. It requires describing the music you’ve heard using as many details and terms as you can.
  • Historical analysis of a piece. Your aim is to describe the historical context of a piece or its relation to the historical setting. For this type of assignment, you may need to do some research.
  • Song analysis. In this type of essay, you explore song lyrics’ meaning and show how they work together with the melody.
  • Performance or media comparison. Here you need to compare several interpretations or performances of one piece of music.

The picture shows different tasks related to writing about music.

All of these assignments require a different approach and topic. You will find topics for these types of tasks below.

How to Choose a Music Essay Topic

First things first, you need to find a suitable music essay topic. To accomplish this task, you might want to take the following steps:

  • Analyze your relationship with music . What role does it play in your life? Your topic choice will be different if you are a musician or merely a listener.
  • Think about how music influences your everyday life . For instance, you can study how listening to music affects our mental health. Impressing your readers with some historical facts from the world of music is also a great idea.
  • Try reflecting on the role of different music genres in your life . Whether you prefer rap or classical music, exploring a genre is an excellent topic idea. Topics related to musical instruments are also worth attention.
  • Narrow your topic down. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to focus your essay on just one idea.

🎼 Music Essay Topics List

The first thing you need to do is to choose your topic. We have prepared a variety of music topics perfect for research papers and short essays. You can also use them for speeches or college application essays.

Argumentative Essay about Music: Topics & Ideas

Argumentative essays about music are usually concerned with a specific music-related issue you choose to address. Just like with any other argumentative essay, you should present both sides of the topic. Also, reliable facts are a must for this type of essay.

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  • The influence of modern technologies on the music industry. Technologies allow artists to create and promote their songs independently. Because of this, record labels are less critical to musicians than before. However, the emergence of new technologies also gave rise to piracy . Do the positives outweigh the negatives?
  • What’s the effect of pop music on the modern generation? Today’s pop songs are usually commercial . Because of this, some people say that pop has ruined the current generations’ perception of music. Others argue that contemporary pop music expanded the possibilities of the genre.
  • Rock music makes people more aggressive . Some consider rock music merely an arrangement of aggressive tunes that foster violence. On the counter side, science has proven that people who prefer rock to other genres are calmer and more concentrated. Which position do you agree with?
  • Can people with hearing impairments become famous musicians ? Many believe that access to fame and fortune is limited for disabled people. The deaf may seem especially unsuited for the music business . Yet, the examples of Beethoven, Neil Young, and Chris Martin show that hearing problems don’t have to be an issue.
  • Will streaming completely substitute physical copies? Digitalization is on its way to replacing LPs and CDs. For most people, it’s simply more convenient. But their opponents claim that an MP3 file can never sound as good as a physical copy.
  • Some music genres can be a catalyst for violence. While their beats may be calm, hip-hop and rap’s lyrics are often aggressive and brutal. Does it have adverse effects on a listener?
  • Can a person become addicted to music ?
  • Censorship on the radio: why stations shouldn’t bleep out obscenities.
  • Is mandatory musical education in high schools practical?
  • The impact of Mozart’s music on toddlers.
  • Should a musician’s personal life affect people’s perception of their art?
  • How susceptible are teenagers to political messages in songs?
  • Music influences one’s mental and physical capabilities .
  • Are children who listen to music more intelligent than others?
  • Music genres are inherently dependent on musical instruments .
  • Is music as an art form more popular than cinema ?
  • Debate whether rap musicians promote a frivolous and careless lifestyle .
  • Many musicians became famous only because they’ve had connections.
  • Music festivals are the best form of entertainment.
  • Does music always sound better live than on records?
  • Is classical music better than modern genres?
  • Is it justified that some religions view music as a sin?
  • Typically, music defines a culture and its traditions: true or false?
  • Rap music has a strong connection to rebellious movements.
  • Jamaican music’s link to the stoner lifestyle is unjustified.
  • Synesthesia: how is music related to visuals?

Opinion on Music: Essay Topics

Opinion essays about music might seem similar to the argumentative type. Here, you are expected to write your personal opinion on a topic. Naturally, you can have many opinions on musical topics. Why not broadcast them? Keep in mind that you also need to provide reasons for your point of view.

  • Music therapy can help people with mental illnesses . It’s a well-known fact that music affects the human brain. This ability makes it perfect for treating mental health problems. On the one hand, psychologists established that listening to classical music increases one’s cognitive capacity . On the other hand, listening to heavy rock impacts responsiveness.
  • The questionable treatment of women in the music industry . While it may seem that both sexes are treated equally, women still earn much less than they deserve. Moreover, the extreme sexualization of girls persists as one of the most pressing problems in the industry.
  • Which musician or band impacted your worldview ? Discuss what makes your favorite artist special. Consider analyzing their lyrics, genre, and evolution. If you want to, add a review of one of their albums .
  • What are the challenges of being an independent artist? Typically, independent artists deal with all the financial, promotional, and distributional affairs by themselves. In the increasingly complex music business, this is not an easy task.
  • Is social media efficient for promotion? Almost every modern artist uses social media to promote their albums or songs. Users often check their networks for updates, which increases the musician’s visibility. But do such methods help in the long run?
  • Passion is the essential personal quality for every musician . If an artist is not eager to continually produce high-quality output, they’re unlikely to succeed. However, qualities such as responsibility, honesty, hard work, and creativity are also vital.
  • Is music good for stress relief?
  • How does music connect people ?
  • Analyze qualities that good musicians shouldn’t have.
  • Who are the most excellent musicians in the country genre ?
  • Is it possible to live without interacting with music ?
  • Choose three successful rappers and analyze their influence.
  • How can a musician become famous without having money or connections?
  • What are the difficulties of being in a band ?
  • Who impacted the development of indie music the most?
  • Is pop music losing its popularity? If so, why?
  • Three factors that affected your choice of a favorite genre .
  • Which artists are the most prominent in power metal?
  • Which record label is the most influential now?
  • Can Justin Bieber’s songs be considered legendary?
  • Did Kanye West introduce a new kind of rap?
  • Which rock bands lost their fame because of a scandal ? How did it happen?
  • Discuss Dire Straits’ impact on music history .
  • Who are currently the most successful women pop singers ?
  • Why are some music genres more popular than others?
  • What does success in the music world depend on ?

Topics for a Persuasive Essay about Music

Is there anything music-related you want to convince people of? A persuasive paper is your chance. Carefully craft your arguments to show your readers you’ve always been right about the beauty of cowbells. If it’s not your jam, consider these essay topics about music:

  • A seven-string guitar is superior to a six-string one. The additional string gives more room for creativity. It might be challenging to master, but in the end, the music has a fuller sound . Do you think it’s worth the effort?
  • The lyrics don’t matter as long as the melody is good. It’s possible to like songs from different countries, even if the listener doesn’t understand the language. The singing is simply part of the composition. Does this mean that what the vocalist says is unimportant?

The picture shows the information about the oldest surviving musical composition.

  • Most people living in big cities neglect country music. People from urban areas tend to think that country music is tasteless. For them, its tunes and lyrics sound too simple. Does the strong association with cowboys, farms, and long roads simply not appeal to the city lifestyle?
  • Should rap music be performed only by black people ? The genre hosts a large portion of African American artists . Not only that, but black rappers are widely considered the best of their craft. Do white artists do the genre justice?
  • Music that artists make merely to get money is soulless. Passion is a critical factor for every musician. If money is the primary driver for creating a song , the result is inevitably flawed. Do you agree?
  • Pop music is undergoing a transformation. Listeners acknowledge pop as the primary genre of contemporary music . Yet, new musical instruments are changing the game. Even the lyrics touch on more serious topics than before.
  • Indie is the new pop. Indie music is a relatively novel genre. Still, it continues to gain popularity. The light-hearted tunes paired with existential lyrics have captured the audience’s hearts. Is it possible to envision the future of music without bands such as Coldplay, The 1975, and the Arctic Monkeys?
  • The meaning of freedom for jazz as a musical genre .
  • Punk rock has recently witnessed a renaissance.
  • Exposing plants to classical music makes them grow faster.
  • Classical music: intellectually stimulating or relaxing ?
  • Is it justified that some countries legally prohibit artists from performing?
  • Is it easier for children to learn with music?
  • Can a person ever become a great artist without a natural talent ?
  • Should workplaces allow their employees to listen to background music ?
  • Jimi Hendrix’s guitar skills are still unmatched.
  • The impact of pop music on European culture and trends.
  • Kurt Cobain’s death should have been a wake-up call for the music industry .
  • Why is music beneficial to society?
  • Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s legacy can be felt even today.
  • Nintendocore is a legitimate genre that the industry should take more seriously.
  • Should you listen to a bands’ music even if you disagree with their opinions ?
  • Musicians should receive more government support.
  • Patriotic songs make people feel passionate and energetic about their country.
  • Depressive and sad tunes can worsen a person’s mood.
  • Doctors and therapists need to understand the importance of music .

Music Evaluation Essay Topics

Do you want to know how to evaluate music? The point is to divide your overall impression into several parts. Music evaluation requires much attention and concentration, so try to do your best to stay focused while listening.

Use these criteria for evaluating music performances:

Now all you need to do is choose a topic and get down to writing!

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  • Discuss the rise and fall of hardcore punk. Many bands that started in the hardcore punk scene softened their sound over time. Why did this genre disappear from the mainstream?
  • Copyright laws are going too far . It’s getting increasingly difficult to use somebody else’s intellectual property. Creators on YouTube have to fear lawsuits for creatively repurposing copyrighted music. Moreover, laws such as the DMCA are frequently abused to generate revenues.
  • More bands should use their influence for political purposes . Renowned artists have a broad reach. Bands like Rise Against or Anti Flag use this influence to raise political awareness among their fans. Is it a fair approach?
  • Borrowing and plagiarism in contemporary music . New artists don’t emerge without having listened to other musicians. They draw inspiration from their predecessors. Thus, songs are always a mix of already existing tracks. In your essay, discuss the difference between homage and plagiarism.
  • What are the similarities between poetry and song lyrics? Songs and poems are similar in that they deliver a message to the audience. Their creation demands extensive knowledge of rhyming, literary devices, and other components.
  • Why do some musicians ask others to write lyrics for them? It is a common practice to have a crew of songwriters who create texts for performers. Sometimes it happens due to a lack of imagination or inspiration. Does finding out that your favorite artist doesn’t write their lyrics destroy the magic of their music?
  • How can popular music diversify as a genre? Pop music reached its peak. Adding and borrowing elements from different genres can be one way to diversify a streamlined genre.
  • The history of music as political propaganda .
  • Explain the difference between high and low contemporary music culture .
  • How is contemporary music related to that from other periods?
  • What are the connections between pop music and the hip-hop genre?
  • What connects popular music and contemporary culture ?
  • How does music in the United States relate to Spanish music ?
  • Analyze the evolution of Indian music .
  • Discuss why certain albums manage to climb to the top of the charts.
  • The link between social classes and musical genres.
  • Differences and similarities of music and other art forms .
  • How does a musical instrument’s origin influence its development?
  • What is the role of traditional music today?

The picture shows a Victor Hugo quote about music.

  • What are the main processes in music production?
  • How is music theory relevant today?
  • Analyze which contemporary artists’ albums had an effect comparable to that of Queen’s A Night at the Opera .
  • Eurodance: Europe’s most extravagant genre.
  • Songs and everyday life of Michael Jackson vs. Madonna: who wins the ultimate pop crown?
  • What difficulties has Eminem faced throughout his career?
  • Over-ear headphones provide a better sound experience than on-ear ones.

Topics for an Expository Essay on Music

An expository essay explains or describes a subject. In the colorful world of music, topics can range from the physics of sound waves to artists’ social impact.

  • The importance of Blues music in the late 19 th century and now . Blues originated in the 19 th century American South. It was an outlet for African Americans to express their sorrows. Later, it exceeded by far the cultural boundaries that confined it.
  • The role of music in prison camps. Singing was an essential part of life in the Nazi concentration camps . One of the most well-known songs of that time is called Peat Bog Soldiers . In your expository essay, explore why prisoners started singing and how it developed.
  • How did Chester Bennington’s death impact the music industry? Linkin Park was a giant in the business for decades until depression made their lead singer take his own life. The event sparked debates surrounding mental health and pressure in the creative industry. What long-lasting effects did these discussions have?
  • How did Baroque music reflect the zeitgeist? Compared to the Renaissance period, Baroque was in all aspects very pompous. The artists of the Sun King’s time didn’t shy away from the extravaganza. This ideal is especially prominent in architecture. How does music fit into the picture?
  • Investigate the development of musical harmony. The Ancient Greeks already had an idea of some tones fitting together better than others. However, it wasn’t until the 1600s that tonality became a crucial part of music theory.
  • Music in commercials: an analysis. Songs and jingles are commonplace in TV commercials. But what are they good for? In your essay, you can compare the success of advertisements with and without music.
  • What causes music trends to change? It’s easy to define various eras of music . Naturally, the invention of new instruments has influenced this development. What other factors played a role in these transformations?
  • Why is 4/4 a universal beat?
  • Examine the origins of The Star-Spangled Banner .
  • The effects of dissonance on the human mind .
  • How do staccato, legato, and other forms of articulation influence the perception of a musical piece ?
  • Discuss the significance of music in video games .
  • Music drives people’s motivation.
  • Explain the calming effects of nature sounds .
  • How does music influence literature ?
  • Celtic music is known to have an extraordinary impact on the psyche. How does it work?
  • How does music impact the discharge of hormones such as dopamine?
  • Music therapy is suitable for those who have bipolar disorder .
  • What made Falco such a unique artist?
  • How does the perception of a silent film differ from that of a movie with sound?
  • A rock concert by Kansas: How the relevance of live concerts changed over time .
  • Is being able to read music important for a composer ?
  • How did Beethoven write music after losing his hearing?
  • Should all songs have proper rhythm and structure?
  • Why do so many indie artists become commercial?
  • Is it essential for song lyrics to rhyme?

History of Music: Essay Topics

If you’re interested in the evolution of music, you’ve come to the right section. Historical research reveals the significance of music throughout time. Unsurprisingly, songs and melodies have been part of human culture for centuries. Dive deeper into this exciting subject with one of the following ideas:

  • How did the Catholic Church influence music development in Europe? During the Middle Ages , religious movements had a significant impact on music. Consequently, composers used to create more sacred music. It became a way of personal expression since it often contained religious texts. 
  • The cultural meaning of Renaissance music and its influence on other styles . During the time of the Renaissance , sacred and secular music heavily impacted each other. As a result, more variety emerged. The chanson and madrigal, for example, became popular around Europe.
  • Research archaeological findings of early musicality. The search for the oldest musical instrument delivers thrilling insights. Archaeologists have excavated a flute made of ivory and bird bones, dating approximately 43,000 years ago. They found it in a cave in Germany where Neanderthals lived.
  • History of early music and appearance of musical instruments. The beginning of the human culture was the turning point of musical instruments’ appearance. They were primarily used for spiritual rites; typically, they were horns or drums for ceremonies.
  • Louis Armstrong’s contributions to the jazz world. Jazz originated in New Orleans and was a favorite among African Americans. Louis Armstrong’s improvisations forever changed the genre, making the soloist-improviser the center of the performance.
  • The phenomenon of pop music and its origins. Popular music dates back to the second half of the last century. It comes from the US and the UK. Its main peculiarity lies in the variety of tunes and lyrics .
  • Native American music before the discovery of the New World . Incas and Aztecs had particular styles of music. Findings show that these ancient civilizations used instruments for ceremonies. Researchers also discovered that various American cultures mingled, thus creating new techniques.
  • The use of string instruments in classical Greek songwriting.
  • Famous composers of 18th century Italy and their influence.
  • Mozart vs. Beethoven: comparison of techniques.
  • Deliver a thoughtful analysis of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony .
  • What role do acoustic instruments play in jazz compositions ?
  • Explore the history of the Ocarina.
  • Due to what circumstances did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart become one of the greatest musical geniuses in history?
  • Influence of the Romantic period on modern music .
  • How and why were the swing era and jazz connected?
  • Rock and roll as an international language in the 20th century.
  • Explore the rise of techno music.
  • Is there a historical connection between music and math ?
  • How did music become a staple subject in many schools?
  • The greatest musicians of World War I .
  • Industrialization and its effect on music development.
  • How did female producers such as Kate Bush impact the music industry ?
  • Analyze Frédéric Chopin’s contribution to classical music .
  • Music evolution in ancient Greece vs. the Roman Empire .
  • How does archeology help to uncover musical traditions ?
  • Tupac’s influence on modern rap music .

Classification Essay about Music: Topic Ideas

In a classification essay, you explain how a whole relates to parts or vice versa. To do it, you need to divide one broad category into several subcategories. Each classification paragraph focuses on one subcategory, so you need to find a key feature that will be your basis of division. For example, you can divide music by genre, volume, musical instruments, etc.

Here is our list of musical topics for this essay type:

  • The most popular types of alternative music among teenagers. Naturally, teens like different kinds of rock and experimental music . Try to dig deeper and ask some teenagers about their preferences to get a clear picture.
  • Types of modern dance music . Describe the tendencies and popular genres. You can also focus on a specific country.
  • The most popular types of jazz music in Europe . Although jazz emerged in the United States, this genre became recognizable all over the world. You can analyze the most popular streamed songs, or the concerts and other mass events.
  • Rock music in the ’70s. You can describe the genres, styles, or types of performers. The concerts, clothes, and lifestyles are also suitable for this topic.
  • Blues musicians of different time periods. Analyze the lyrics, the musical instruments they used, and how long their careers lasted.
  • Classification of music for children . Some of it can be for dancing, development, or just listening. Research the purposes of different kinds of music for children.
  • Types of music used in films. The soundtrack is one of the main things we remember after watching a movie. There can be popular songs or tracks composed specifically for a film .
  • Rock bands that represent different subgenres.
  • Rap subgenres in the United States.
  • Periods of classical music .
  • What motivates people to start a musical career?
  • Different kinds of music for relaxation.
  • The industries where composers work .
  • Types of opera singers and instrumental music .
  • Different professions in the music industry .
  • Unpopular genres of independent music.
  • Different types of music listeners .

College Essay about Music: Topics

When you apply to your dream college, you need to write an impressive essay. Admissions officers pay attention not only to your grades and achievements but also to your personality. Your writing can indicate your motivation, academic interests, and how well you fit into the college. Writing an essay about “music in my life” is a great way to demonstrate your passion and creativity.

Choose one of these topics related to music for your college essay:

  • The role of music in your life . Describe what music means to you, how often you listen to it, and how it helps you in life. For example, you can write about inspiration, motivation, or the sense of freedom that it gives you.
  • What are the essential aspects of music for you? Try to write down everything you like about music. It might be melodies, lyrics, vocals, or mood. You can choose several aspects if you feel that you can’t decide.
  • The time when music changed your life. In this essay, you can pick one occurrence or describe how music changed your life gradually. It’s important to indicate where you started from and where it led you.
  • How do you see the future of the music industry? Demonstrate to the admissions officer how well you know the art and the business.
  • Your role model in the music industry. You may write about the qualities of the person you admire and why you want to develop them in yourself. Remember that admission officers want to read about you, not your idol.
  • How did your musical taste change over the last ten years? Describe the evolution of your preferences. Explain why you have changed some of your past choices. Do you think your musical taste has improved?
  • Your favorite musical genre .
  • Does listening to music help to heal body and spirit?
  • What is the best music performance you have ever seen?
  • Why do people become fans of particular musicians?
  • Your favorite song lyrics .
  • Can people be judged by their musical taste?
  • Why is music an essential part of human culture?
  • Quote about music that appeals to you the most.
  • How can music education help you in the future?
  • Do you prefer listening to music or performing it?
  • How can music change your mood?
  • Why you want to become a musician.
  • Which culture has the most beautiful ethnical music ?
  • Is music more of an art or business?
  • What are the essential parts of musical education ?

Other Music Essay Topics

  • Why do supermarkets play music? Think of the reasons why marketers use music in advertising and how it impacts customer behavior.
  • An analysis of Robert Wise’s The Sound of Music . Evaluate how the director uses music to tell a story.
  • The impact of music on the human brain . Examine the latest research in the mental health field and how music therapy affects depression treatments.
  • The workings of the music industry . Assess how contemporary audio technology and touring lifestyle affect musicians.
  • The role of music in different cultures. Choose and compare two countries to analyze their perspectives on the music industry.
  • Music on television . Evaluate how the music of TV shows and movies impacts the audience’s feelings and behavior.
  • Oliver Sacks’ contribution to music psychology. Explore the theories he discusses in Musicophilia and describe its influence on music psychology.
  • Should all music be available for free download? Think about the ethical and legal aspects of this issue.
  • How did music psychology help the development of music education ? Try to find a correlation between these two fields.
  • Britney Spears and the adverse effects of teen popularity. Writing about this topic, you might want to focus on how her early fame affected her life. What happened after her famous breakdown in 2007?
  • The half-life of one-hit-wonders. Focus your paper on quantitative research. How long do one-hit-wonders stay famous on average? Why do they fail to maintain their success?
  • Journalism and the music industry. Examine the effects positive or negative press had on a musician of your choice.
  • Festivals and sponsorship. Discuss the benefits that corporate sponsors and the creators of music festivals gain from working together.
  • Rock songs and pessimistic lyrics. Why do most popular rock songs have such sad and angry lyrics?
  • Discuss the development of your music taste. Write about what pushed you to change and how it influenced your life.
  • The psychology of music. Examine what someone’s favorite music genre can tell about their personality.
  • Is ASMR music? ASMR artists make quiet sounds to soothe their audience. But can we really consider it music?
  • A historical analysis of jazz. Explore how African Americans influenced the flourishing culture of jazz that has spread worldwide.
  • The effect of classical music on children’s cognitive abilities. Supposedly, classical music is great for kids. Study this theory and make your conclusions.
  • Discuss the characteristics of modern Latin American music . Dive into its diversity and describe the reasons for its popularity.
  • How do Chinese artists make traditional music? Write about its complex creation process. Analyze the importance of articulation for composers.
  • The history of music . With this essay, explore the six periods of music history. To top it off, you can predict what music will be like in the future.
  • The music industry goes online. Discuss the importance of the internet for the industry and the challenges associated with it.
  • The magic of instrumental music. Pick your favorite orchestra pieces and find unique features in each of them.
  • Musical education: the sound of success? Does everyone need a musical background?
  • Explore the latest techniques in songwriting . Look into the song creation process of contemporary musicians. How do they get the audience to enjoy their art?
  • Compare and contrast e-pianos and keyboards . In doing so, consider their structure, sound, and features.
  • The Woodstock festival as a game-changer. How has the Woodstock Music and Art Fair influenced the current state of the music industry? Additionally, investigate how current festivals hold up to the standards set by Woodstock.
  • Music therapy for stroke patients . Find out whether incorporating elements of music therapy can support the treatment of patients who suffered a stroke.
  • How do amplifiers work? If you’re a musician, you’ve likely used an amplifier before. Now it’s time to figure out what they are actually doing.
  • The Killers’ contributions to indie rock. How would you define their style of music? What makes them a key player in indie music?
  • Analyze the music in Grease . Pick some of the most popular songs from the musical and write about their influence on American culture.
  • What’s the best way to interpret songs? Describe methods to deconstruct songs and how the music style affects this process.
  • Teufel vs. Sennheiser: the ultimate comparison. German sound equipment manufacturers are known for their cutting-edge technologies . But which brand is the best?
  • What role does harmony play in music composition? Choose several pieces of music and describe how the artists used harmony.
  • How necessary are double bass drums? Do musicians place them on stage just to impress people, or do they have actual use?
  • Compare regular festivals and free ones. Why spend hundreds of dollars on Coachella if you can go to Woodstock for free? In your essay, focus on the differences such as size, participating artists, and general entertainment .
  • A historical analysis of choral music. Singing in groups is a practice common across various cultures . You might choose one or two to work on.
  • How did The Rolling Stones influence British culture? The Rolling Stones are one of the longest-standing rock bands of all time. Naturally, this left significant marks on their home country.
  • How important are regional accents for English-language singers ? When working on this theoretical topic, include some examples and your personal opinion.
  • The world of musical instruments: medieval music . This fun essay can focus on different types of medieval instruments and their evolution.
  • Does the creative process differ for electronic and acoustic music? Look at how artists usually write songs. Do they start with the melody, the rhythm, or the lyrics? Does it depend on the medium?
  • The correlation between poems and medieval songs. Find out how composers were reinventing poetry to create songs.
  • Hip-hop and gender equality . What is the role of women in the development of this music style? Don’t forget to give examples.
  • When politics interferes with art: Eurovision. Analyze the role of the political situation in this song contest. Is there anything left of its original idea?
  • How did Vladimir Vysotsky become a beloved musical figure outside of Soviet Russia? It’s unusual for Russian-language musicians to gain fame outside of their home country. Research how Vysotsky managed to mingle in the USA and have some of his work posthumously released in Europe.
  • K-pop conquers the world . You may narrow the topic down to a specific artist. Focus on the influence of Korean music in other cultures.
  • Music school students vs. amateurs. Discuss the different experiences and outcomes of music school students and those who learn to play instruments at home.
  • Do music choices shape one’s identity , or is it the other way around? It’s an exciting question that lets you dig deep into the psychology of music.
  • The music of dissents. Energizing songs play an essential part in rebellions and revolutions. For example, analyze how protesters used music during the Arab Spring .
  • The development and popularity of electronic music . Starting from the early experiments, analyze the development of this style and its increasing influence
  • How do artists use social media to promote their music? You might want to choose one or two examples to illustrate the tools they use.
  • Organum as one of the oldest written types of music . Study the development of this music style throughout various cultures.
  • The appeal of Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters. Many people consider the song one of their favorites. Examine its structure , melody, and lyrics. What makes it unique?
  • Africa’s hidden musical gems. African music is as diverse as its people. Pick two countries and compare their style. How do they differ from Western art ?
  • Did people’s music tastes improve compared to previous decades? Here, you have the chance to express your views on the evolution of people’s music preferences.
  • Is the life of pop stars as easy as people think? Share your thoughts on whether famous musicians and singers have a leisurely lifestyle.
  • Physiological reactions to different types of music . Study how your body reacts to various beats and tones.
  • Why do people tend to listen to specific songs on certain occasions? In your essay, ponder the effects of love songs or powerful anthems on one’s mood .
  • What does someone’s ringtone say about their personality ? Think about how it affects your perception of a person.
  • The impact of music on the individual’s productivity . Studies suggest a positive effect on people’s performance when they listen to something pleasant while working. But all the noise can get overstimulating. That’s why finding the balance is central.
  • Music is natural. In the depth of nature, there is music. Rain, a bird’s song, or the tapping of a squirrel’s feet melt together to create a beautiful composition . Music is everywhere—one only needs to listen carefully.

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, you’re welcome to use our topic generator .

✍️ Music Essay: How to Write

So, you have chosen your essay title. Now it’s time to start writing! But before you begin, read the sections below and learn how to organize your work.

How to Describe Music in Writing

You might think that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Well, it is not an easy task, but we know how to cope with it.

Follow these tips while writing:

  • Make a comparison.  Explain which characteristics of a piece remind you or are identical to those of another one. It’s better to avoid comparing music from different composers in this case. Instead, evaluate and analyze two musical pieces from the same composer.
  • Describe the melody and dynamics.  You may want to use musical terms to show your knowledge and proficiency. Define the genre and what kind of instruments and tones are used.
  • Explain how it makes you feel.  You can use basic human emotions to describe the feelings of a listener. For example, it can be anger, tenderness, irritation, excitement, or nostalgia.
  • Use metaphorical language.  You may try using your imagination to create analogies. Be careful not to make your metaphors overcomplicated, as it may confuse the readers.

Essays about Music: Descriptive Words

Do you want your essay on music to be interesting and expressive? Then you may want to use descriptive vocabulary. Here are some of the terms that you can use in your essay to make it sound more professional:

  • Tempo is the “speed” of music. There are fixed expressions to define tempo—for example, largo, moderate, or presto. You can also describe how fast the music feels.
  • Timbre is the term that evaluates the “color” of music. Even if two instruments play the same note of the same volume, the sound is still different. This is how you can notice the color of the tone. For example, gentle, clear, heavy, or warm can be the adjectives to describe timbre.
  • Dynamics define the volume levels of music. The volume can be the same all the time, for example loud or soft. If the volume of music changes, you can use such expressions as “gradually gets louder” “or suddenly becomes soft.”
  • Harmony characterizes how all the notes and chords sound together. The sequence of chords—chord progression—defines how satisfying the melody is for the listener. For example, if the transitions are smooth, you can use such words as “relaxed” or “warm.”

Music Essay Outline

Like any other assignment, writing about music requires a proper essay outline that will guide you through the writing. The following sections will help you with that.

Before you start, here are some tips that will help you prepare for writing:

  • Do some prior research. Try to learn as much as possible about the piece you will be writing about. It’s also helpful to listen to the music several times with headphones to notice more details.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions. Consult your instructor if you’re unsure about your topic or the piece you have chosen.
  • Choose the topic that you like. If you’re passionate about a subject, it is always easier to write about it. Who said that homework could not be interesting?
  • Follow the recommendations that your instructor gives. It includes word limit, formatting style, deadline, and essay type.

Music Essay Introduction

The introduction is the section where you come up with a brief explanation of the topic. You may start it with a quotation, definition, or short statement that catches your reader’s attention and leads them to the essay subject.

A thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the introduction that defines the content of body paragraphs. It needs to be specific and not longer than two sentences. If you decide to shift the focus of your essay while writing, it’s crucial to change your thesis too.

Different types of essays require different thesis statements. Let’s take a closer look:

Music Essay Body

Your essay’s body is the most significant part of your writing. Here, you provide evidence and explanations of your claims.

The typical body paragraph structure includes:

  • A topic sentence explaining the argument for a particular paragraph.
  • An introduction to the evidence you gathered to support an argument.
  • Quotes and facts (don’t forget about proper citation!) and their explanation.
  • A connection between the evidence and the essay topic.
  • Paragraph transitions  leading your reader to the next section.

Topic Sentence about Music

Topic sentences can be used as a roadmap to writing your essay. Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that defines what the paragraph is about. It introduces the argument or main thought that will be explained. It’s also connected with the thesis statement.

It’s essential to make your thesis easy to understand, so it’s better not to overcomplicate it. For example, here’s an unsuccessful topic sentence with unnecessary words:

As stated above, the guitar is an essential musical instrument in rock music that defines how it sounds.

Instead, you can formulate it like this:

The guitar is the most iconic musical instrument in rock music that defines how it sounds.

Music Essay Conclusion

When writing a conclusion for your essay on music, you can use the following structure:

  • Summarize the text in a few sentences.
  • Review the key points of your paper.
  • Paraphrase the thesis.

To make your essay conclusion more effective, avoid the following:

📑 What Music Means to Me: Essay Example

Now you know all about writing an essay on music! To make it even easier for you, we’ve prepared an essay sample that you can use for inspiration. Check it out:

Now all you need is to turn the music on and get down to writing! We hope you liked this guide. If you did, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends.

Further reading:

  • How to Write a Good Critique Paper: Killer Tips + Examples
  • How to Write an Art Critique Essay: Guidelines and Examples
  • How to Write a Movie Critique Paper: Top Tips + Example
  • Modern Fairy Tale Essay: How to Write, Topics and Ideas
  • 200 Creative Topics for Opinion Essays
  • 182 Free Ideas for Argumentative or Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 180 Excellent Evaluation Essay Topics

✏️ Music Essay FAQ

Music is a vast topic. An essay might deal with anything ranging from trends in the 1950s to the best guitarists of all time. Writing an introduction to certain music styles or bands is also possible. In any case, the paper should be well-structured, logical, and cohesive.

Writing about music doesn’t necessarily require any specific skills. If you’re not familiar with the theory of music and can’t play musical instruments, you can just write about the music you like. Here are some topic ideas: favorite music band, style, or how you perceive music.

You can interpret music as a topic in various ways. If you are getting a degree in this field, you might want to write something more specific and technical. If your essay aims to merely inform and entertain, write about your favorite music style or band.

If you are writing an essay for school, a good choice would be an expository essay. It doesn’t require any specific knowledge of the music industry. Title suggestions might be: “My perception of music,” “My favorite band,” “How music can change the world.”

  • What is the Music Industry? Definition and Facts:
  • What Music Do You Write To?: Writers & Artists
  • A Music Review: British Council
  • Music: UNC Writing Center: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Sound and Sense: Writing about Music: Colorado State University
  • Music analysis Research Papers:
  • The Power of Music Therapy: Belmont University
  • Musicology: Northwestern Bienen School of Music
  • Musicology: Areas of Study: Indiana State University
  • Music Facts:
  • Music History from Primary Sources: Library of Congress
  • Music: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • A History of Classical Music: Part 1: The List
  • What Is Jazz: Smithsonian Institution
  • The 50 Greatest Composers of All Time: Classical Music
  • Musical Terms and Concepts: SUNY Potsdam
  • Ethnomusicology: University of Oxford
  • Music Research Process: Syracuse University
  • Journal of Popular Music Studies: University of California Press
  • The History of Pop Music in 5 Defining Decades: The Culture Trip
  • Music of the 20 th Century: Lumen Learning
  • Explainer: Indie Music: The Conversation
  • Your Brain on Music: University of Central Florida
  • Music and Health: Harvard University
  • The Psychological Function of Music Listening: NIH
  • Essays that Worked: Hamilton
  • Writing in Music: Writing Thesis Statements: The City University of New York
  • Academic Writing about Music: University of Denver
  • How to Write Song Lyrics: Berklee
  • Essay Introduction: University of Maryland
  • Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements: Purdue University
  • Writing Body Paragraphs: Monash University
  • Some Tips for Writing Efficient, Effective Body Paragraphs: University of California, Berkeley
  • Writing a Paper: Conclusions: Walden University
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Thank you very much for this post on music essay writing! You don’t know how long I looked for the helpful information on writing music essays!

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Music Argumentative Essay Topics: 25+ Ideas for Inspiration

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by  Antony W

April 21, 2023

music argumentative essay topics

Music is no doubt the best go-to stress buster for all of us. No wonder if you look around you, you’ll see people listening to music from all kinds of music devices you can name.

From Mp3 players and smartphones to PA systems and car stereos, the world around you is no doubt almost fully musical in form.

With news lyrics, celebrity gossips, artists, and new musical hits appearing on YouTube, Sound Cloud, and Spotify every day, there’s no limit to the number of argumentative essay topics on music.

From Robert Matthew Van Winkle fast rap to Dax hip-hop tunes, finding the right essay topic to explore just got easier. In this post, we give you a list of 30+ argumentative topics from which you can choose an appealing title to give your essay a fresh, breathtaking spin.

Music Argumentative Essay Topics

The following is a list of 30+ music argumentative essay topics that you can consider if you have no idea where to start – or if you need a title to start working on right away:

  • Is pop culture an evergreen vogue or a temporary fad?
  • Can we term fusion music as actual music?
  • White rappers are giving a bad name to the rap music genre
  • Pop music is worthy enough for our ears than rap music
  • Jazz music is dying out
  • Can we use music as treatment for mental health disorder?
  • Music influencers are a waste of time
  • People should not allow the playing of music in the realm of politics and political campaign
  • Digital music formats will completely wipe out physical copies from distribution
  • It’s impossible to enjoy music without understanding the lyrics
  • Metal music has a very bad influence on people’s behavior
  • EMD is pure noise, not music
  • One doesn’t need to have musical training to write lyrics and sing as natural talent is enough
  • Should School students should study music instead of learning how to dance
  • Is music an effective means of drawing in potential customers to a new product?
  • Music has the power to increase an individual’s level of productivity
  • Music isn’t as addictive as movies and television series
  • Children can learn music faster than adults
  • Music producers are not doing enough to promote musicians new to the industry
  • Are parental warning labels on music videos really necessary?
  • Music can’t affect a student’s ability to read and complete their homework
  • Social media presence and celebrity stays hugely contributes to the rate of an artist’s success.
  • Should companies incorporate music in their marketing campaigns?
  • Existing laws cannot stop people from realistically copying music
  • Music doesn’t help the world become a better place
  • Do music award events influence the type of music that many people listen to?
  • Music award shows create hostility among musicians more than they inspire creative art
  • Music should be a mandatory subject in literary school
  • Music producers are responsible for the moral degradation that stem from the production of explicit music
  • Can the entertainment industry prevent
  • Do certain genre of music, such as rap and hip-hop, generate violence?
  • It’s unethical to copyright traditional music
  • Can we borrow music from international artists without necessarily attributing their work?
  • Should the social controversies about a musician influence our decision to listen to their music?
  • Do musicians choose the genre of music depending on the instruments used?
  • Movie and TV production industries pay musician more for continuous use of their work.
  • Is music of the future generation will be more annoying than the current
  • Music that’s used to present bad and harmful ideologies should be banned
  • The advent of internet music has made physical music stores completely irrelevant
  • Music can help a person to mediate and find a greater purpose in life
  • Is listening to music more entertaining than watching movies or playing the 21st century video games?
  • Music genre has a limited number of tune variation
  • Is music without lyrics pure?
  • Should YouTube ban the publication of X-rated music completely?
  • Classical music is better than other music genres.
  • Companies such as Spotify and Deezer should stop charging people a monthly subscription to listen to music.
  • Offline music apps are a waste of time in the current internet-powered world.
  • Are piano music sheets relevant in the production of modern music?
  • Politicians use music as propaganda in political races.
  • Music has a positive impact on modern society.
  • Traditional old school music is better than modern music.
  • The production of explicit music videos should banned.
  • Is there a connection between different music genres?
  • Classical music doesn’t play any significant role in the production of music today
  • International music is better than local music
  • Does the ability to play piano automatically makes one an expert in writing music sheets?
  • There’s no connection between social class and music genre
  • Does music have a negative influence on society?
  • X-rated music has a negative effect on a listeners brain
  • Music is way better than other types of media
  • Music has more influence on culture than poetry does
  • Is writing music an art?
  • Writing music doesn’t reflect the way an artist thinks in their daily life
  • Do women play an important role in the production of music?
  • Women play a great role in the production of music
  • Modern pop music is badly written compared to the pop music of the 60s.
  • Celebrities who release music but have no musical talents should not be promoted to be as famous as professional musicians.
  • Violent lyrics in music plays a role in building a violent society
  • Are parental warning labels on music still relevant today?
  • Music band that have been inactive for years should not come back

Get Instant Writing Help

Your music argumentative essay doesn’t have to be difficult to write. An argumentative essay writer is available for hire to help you get the work completed in the shortest time possible.

Whether you don’t know which topic to choose or you’re already running late, Help for Assessment can help you ease the complexity of the writing process, so you can submit the essay before due date.

Our focus is purely on custom writing, which means you don’t have to worry about intellectual theft whatsoever. You can order an essay here if you need immediate help. And one of our writers will start working on your order right away.

Related Reading

  • Technology Argumentative Essay Topics
  • Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism
  • Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

100 IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas!

extended essay topics for music

One of the biggest keys to the Extended Essay is choosing which subject you want to write your work in and developing that crucial research question. Read on to find inspiration for topics across a wide range of subjects.

Extended Essay: The Love/Hate aspect of the IB

One of the biggest keys to the Extended Essay is choosing which subject you want to write your work in and developing that crucial research question. Annoyingly, coming up with that idea and research question can be the toughest part of the entire process. Writing 4,000 words about something you are interested in is a big ask and it often feels impossible to narrow down your thoughts. To make everything super clear, here are 100 Extended Essay Topics for you to draw inspiration from! Use these as a springboard to create your own research question !

Get Support from A Top Tutor Today

At Lanterna we have over 300 tutors who smashed their Extended Essay. They know exactly how to get an A in your EE and can give you tips and tricks on how you can do the same. What are you waiting for? Get your own tutor today !

How to Begin Your IB Extended Essay

To make everything super clear, here are 100 Extended Essay Topics for you to draw inspiration from! Use these as a springboard to  create your own research question !

Get Support from a Top Tutor Today

At Lanterna, we have over 300 tutors who smashed their Extended Essay. They know exactly how to get an A in your EE and can give you tips and tricks on how you can do the same. What are you waiting for? Get your own tutor today!

10 Steps to Writing an Extended Essay

Before we look at specific topics for your essay, let’s recap the 10-steps you’ll need to follow to complete your extended essay.

1. Define the Topic and Draft the Research Question

2. Create a Timeline

3. Identify and gather Sources

4. Set Deadlines

5. Plan the structure according to the total word count

6. Evaluate

7. independent Research

8. Write the extended essay draft

10. Present

By following the steps above, you should be able to produce a logical and coherent rationale to follow when writing the extended essay for your IB diploma programme.

By starting with a solid research question, you’ll be able to put an extended essay of global significance together, from the research and writing process all the way through to your final submission with a favourable extended essay grade.

Below, we’re sharing 10 topics across 10 subjects to inspire your next IB extended essay.

1. How the change of habitat affects an X organism?

2. How does climate affect the growth of X plant?

3. Can photosynthesis take place without sunlight?

4. What is the effect of age and gender on the photoreceptor cells in the human retina?

5. How is climate change impacting the appearance of coral reefs?

6. An evaluation of how  antioxidants  work in our bodies?

7. Does hand sanitizer, hand soap or antibacterial wipes have the greatest ability to inhibit the growth of E. Coli?

8. To what extent do live cultures in yogurts/milk/other dairy products reduce the concentration of lactose present over the course of a 2 hour incubation period at x°C?

9. What is the relationship between  population density  between X and population size of X?

10. What is the relationship between indoleacetic acid, a growth hormone, and the growth of X (a crop)?

11. How does human influence impact an aquatic ecosystem?

12. How can one organize a pollution check along a X canal in X?

13. What is the effect of the increased ecological footprint in the  Amazon ?

14. What are the forest and woodland restoration in Siberia, Russia and which one is most effective?

15. How does human interference cause ecological imbalances in an X city/country/continent?

16. What is the impact of urban development on the  bee population  in X city?

17. What are the differences in the conversation efforts in Yosemite National Park (California, USA) and the Lake District National Park (UK)?

18. To what extent have healthcare policies in X country influenced their human population curve?

19. How have changes in environmental systems influenced the value system of X country?

20. How has X landfill site affected the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem?

21. What is the profitability of  airline companies ?

22. How does unemployment affect the market?

23. Why did X recession occur?

24. How did the financial Policy affect the economy in X?

25. How effective are government policies in reducing overconsumption of alcohol (specifically hard liquor)?

26. To what extent are public buses and subways substitute goods in a country?

27. How did the tax reform in country x affect its growth and development? (many countries to choose from)

28. To what extent was weak government policy responsible for the Latin American financial crisis of 1997?

29. How effective is the  Big Mac Index  in measuring purchasing power parity?

30. To what extent would the UK suffer from leaving the European Customs Union if Brexit happens?

31. Is there an association between viewing violence on television and the display of violent acts?

32. What motivational climate should a coach employ in order to achieve optimal performance in athletes?

33. How does  X hormone affect human behavior ?

34. Compare theories explaining altruism in human behaviour

35. Discuss short-term and long-term consequences of exposure to violence

36. Why do relationships change or end?

37. Discuss how  social variables (poverty, parenting, educational environment) may the affect cognitive environment.

38. To what extent do mirror neurons play a role in empathy? (2014)

39. To what extent does Mindfulness help people cope with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

40. To what extent is drug therapy effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder?

41. Does the British Parliamentary reforms act of 1832 deserve its title as the great reform act?

42. To what extent are there similarities in Hitler and Mussolini’s Rise to Power?

43. To what extent did Mao’s tackle the problems which he faced?

44. Was Tsar Alexander II of Russia reforms a success or failure?

45. To what extent was the bombing of Dresden in 1945 justifiable?

46. To what extent can  Sweden be considered neutral during WWII ?

47. The impact of structural economic weakness on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

48. How were women treated differently in 1920s and 1950s Great Britain?

49. Why did Israel win the  Six Day War  of 1967?

50. What role did economics play in the unification of Germany from 1834 to 1871?

English Literature

51. What are the Compare and Contrast Jane Austen Books?

52. How does Joseph Conrad’s portray Racism in A Heart of Darkness?

53. How does Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman critique today’s capitalist society? The American Dream?

54. To what extent does Chris McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild escape familial influence?

55. What are the similarities and differences between J.K. Rowling’s characterization of Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

56. How does Yaa Gyasi use structure in her novel Homegoing to portray the evolution of time?

57. What is the impact of the social context on Holden Caufield and Huckleberry Finn?

58. How does Sylvia Path’s use of Inanimate objects in Bell Jar?

59. How is the empowerment of Feminine portrayed in the Lord of the Rings?

60. Compare the political rhetoric as used in the inaugural addresses of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

61. The design, construction and calibration of an apparatus for measuring lipid concentration in milk.

62. What is the effect of a change in the optimal lift on the horizontal gliding distance of an aircraft?

63. How does the sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?

64. How does temperature affect the viscosity of X juice/soda?

65. Is the relationship between temperature and conductivity and insulators and conductors?

66. What is the Oberth Effect?

67. What is the temperature dependence of work performed on an AA battery?

68. How can the rotational frequency of a fan driven by a flame measure distance?

69. Do wine bottles of different shapes behave as Helmholtz resonators?

70. How does the diameter of a wheel affect stability in different weather conditions?

71. What factors influence the location of industries in country/city X?

72. An investigation into the significance of preserving the quality of water in a continent/country/city?

73. An investigation into the degree to which City X can be considered a Sustainable City/Community.

74. To what extent is Biodiversity being managed successfully in city X?

75. To what extent does the education and employment of women affect Country x’s fertility rate?

76. To what extent do gender, educational attainment, and working parameters influence obesity risk?

77. To what extent has urban development affected human thermal comfort levels in Country/city x (a country/city that has developed in a rapid rate over the past decades)?

78. To what extent is the Company x corporate waste management program effective, demonstrating environmental sustainability?

79. To what extent is biodiversity being managed successfully at National Park X?

80. What types of urban design encourage high rates of vandalism in X neighbourhoods?

81. The kinetics of Enzymatic Reactions.

82. How do Iron Intake Diets differ in X country?

83. What are the different factors that affect the iodine values in cooking oils?

84. What is the effect of standing time and temperate on the acid content in X juice or soda?

85. Can caffeine in tea or coffee be reduced?

86. What is the effect of temperature on the souring of milk?

87. What are the sources of error in calorimetry?

88. Does brushing your teeth affect the pH in your mouth after eating?

89. How does changing the concentration of the reagents affect the formation and spacing between Liesehang rings in the reaction between X chloride and X when conducted in a test tube?

90. What effect does the coating of aspirin tablets have on the hydrolysis of aspirin?

Social and Cultural Anthropology

91. How clothing relates to the cultural anthropology of X culture.

92. The extent to which social media networks affect different societies.

93. The relationship between ritual, myths and faith in an X society.

94. The history of rituals in X culture.

95. How different marriage rituals inform the cultural anthropology of X culture.

96. Climate change and its impact on the evolution of different creatures on the planet.

97. Understanding the social and cultural anthropology of the supernatural in X culture.

98. An analysis of body modification in relation to social and cultural anthropology.

100. Chaste systems and social ranks in societies.

There are so many class subjects that can form the basis of your extended essay, including these popular six subjects:

– Information technology

– Computer science

– Health science

– World studies

– Visual arts

– Business management

Extended essays are a great way to improve your writing skills in academic writing. Essays of a high standard that demonstrate critical thinking and in depth analysis can be submitted to academic journals. These have the potential to reach the global society.

Start Writing Your Extended Essay Topic

We hope this gave you some great inspiration for the variation of topics available for your Extended Essay . The research question you select is what will carry you through the entire process, so be sure to choose wisely!

Remember, if you are looking for more help with your Extended Essay, make sure to check out our guide which will tell you exactly how to plan, structure, research and write your Extended Essay!

Grab Free Extended Essay Resources!

No matter the subject groups in your diploma program, we’re here to help all of our IB students. Whether you’re writing about social and cultural anthropology, business management, design technology, or scientific methods for your IB diploma, Lanterna has you covered.

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Example essays

The International Baccalaureate® (IB)  programme resource centre,  a key resource for educators at IB World Schools, includes several examples of  extended essay titles .

These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays.

Some examples are:

  • “An analysis of costume as a source for understanding the inner life of the character”
  • “A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery after a period of supervised improved nutrition.”
  • “Doing  versus  being: language and reality in the Mimamsa school of Indian philosophy.” 
  • “The effects of sugar-free chewing gum on the pH of saliva in the mouth after a meal.”
  • “To what extent has the fall in the exchange rate of the US dollar affected the tourist industry in Carmel, California?”
  •  “What level of data compression in music files is acceptable to the human ear?”

Also available in the programma resource centre , the Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures has guidance on choosing a subject for the extended essay.

The PRC is only available to existing IB World Schools.

You can also purchase examples of essays in the IB Store . These essays fulfil the requirements for an ‘A’ grade in the extended essay.

If your school is not one already, learn how to become an IB World School  in order to implement the DP.

extended essay topics for music

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629 Extended Essay Topics & Good Ideas

18 January 2024

last updated

Extended essay topics refer to a variety of subjects, each with its unique requirements and scopes. In the realm of English Literature, topics may involve analyzing themes or characters in specific texts. Science subjects, like Biology or Chemistry, may investigate hypotheses through laboratory work. In History, students may examine past events or societies. Mathematics may include proving a complex theory, while Computer Science may require developing a new algorithm. Economics topics may study market trends, while those in Arts may critique famous works. In turn, an extended essay is a comprehensive research project that demands deep engagement with the chosen topic. The key is to choose something both challenging and fascinating.

Best Extended Essay Topics

  • Interpreting Dreams: An Analysis of Freud’s Theories
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparative Study of Intervention Strategies
  • Quantum Mechanics’ Role in Advancing Computer Science
  • Shakespeare’s Influence on Contemporary Drama
  • Exploring the Role of Propaganda in World War II
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
  • Architecture’s Evolution in Post-Colonial Africa
  • Decoding Hieroglyphics: Understanding Ancient Egyptian Civilization
  • Influence of Picasso on Abstract Art
  • Origins of Blues Music: Cultural and Historical Context
  • Examination of Feminism in Virginia Woolf’s Literature
  • Cryptocurrency and Its Implications on Global Economy
  • Astrophysics and the Mystery of Black Holes
  • Cybersecurity in a Digitally Dependent Society
  • Human Genome Project: Revolutionizing Biomedical Research
  • Climate Change Policies: Comparative Study Between Europe and Asia
  • Roles of Drones in Modern Warfare
  • Implications of Veganism on Environmental Sustainability
  • Examination of Greek Mythology in Modern Cinema
  • Historical Evolution of the Olympic Games
  • Deciphering Dystopia: Analysis of Orwell’s “1984”
  • Fast Fashion Industry: Environmental Impact and Sustainability
  • Plastic Pollution: Threat to Marine Biodiversity
  • Quantum Computing: Potential Impact on Cybersecurity
  • Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Comparative Study
  • Exploring the Socio-Cultural Impact of Anime

Extended Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy Extended Essay Topics

  • Interpretation of Impressionist Paintings: Monet’s Masterpieces
  • Biotechnology in Agriculture: Advancements and Ethical Implications
  • Leonardo da Vinci: Intersect of Art and Science
  • Behavioral Patterns in Primates: A Comparative Study
  • Socio-Economic Consequences of the French Revolution
  • Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Transforming Business
  • Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle: Scientific Theories
  • Concept of Time Travel in Science Fiction Literature
  • Neurological Aspects of Deja Vu Phenomenon
  • Paranormal Phenomena: A Psychological Perspective
  • History of Alchemy: From Pseudo-Science to Chemistry
  • Climate’s Impact on the Development of Ancient Civilizations
  • Examining Social Hierarchy in Ant Colonies
  • Genetic Engineering: Evaluating Its Ethical Implications
  • Understanding Solar Flares and Their Impact on Earth
  • Role of Puppets in Traditional Japanese Theatre
  • Renaissance Architecture’s Influence on Modern Urban Planning
  • Invasive Species: Impacts on Ecosystem Diversity
  • Virtual Reality: Future of Entertainment and Education
  • Analyzing the Artistic Styles in Manga and Comic Books
  • Decoding Symbology in Da Vinci’s Artwork
  • Psychological Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
  • Roles of Probiotics in Human Gut Health
  • Machine Learning and Its Applications in Finance

Interesting Extended Essay Topics

  • Impacts of Pandemics on Global Economy: A Historical Perspective
  • Cultural Significance of Fairy Tales in Child Development
  • Examination of Bioluminescence in Deep Sea Creatures
  • Postmodern Literature: Deconstruction and Interpretation
  • Effects of Deforestation on Amazonian Indigenous Tribes
  • Analysis of Women’s Representation in Classic Literature
  • Exploring the Origins and Evolution of Jazz Music
  • Nanotechnology’s Potential in Cancer Treatment
  • Examination of Historical Accuracy in Hollywood’s War Films
  • Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on European Society
  • Understanding the Philosophical Themes in Nietzsche’s Works
  • Social Impacts of Mass Surveillance: A Global Perspective
  • Music Therapy and Its Effect on Mental Health
  • Comparative Analysis of Democratic Systems in Different Countries
  • Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Transportation
  • Evolution of Special Effects in Cinema
  • Decoding the Socio-Political Themes in Banksy’s Art
  • Effects of Genetically Modified Crops on Agricultural Practices
  • Historical Evolution of Cryptography: From Caesar Cipher to Quantum Cryptography
  • Roles of Symbiotic Relationships in Ecosystem Stability
  • Exploration of Existential Themes in Kafka’s Novels
  • Evaluating the Influence of the Spanish Conquest on Aztec Culture
  • Urbanization and Its Effect on Biodiversity in Metropolitan Cities
  • Analyzing the Concept of Heroism in Greek Mythology

International Baccalaureate (IB) Extended Essay Topics

  • Influences of Climate Change on Coral Reefs and Their Biodiversity
  • Rethinking Nuclear Energy: An Examination of Its Economic Implications
  • Roles of Women in Shaping the Renaissance Art
  • Analyzing the Impact of Digitalization on Global Marketing Strategies
  • Exploring Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering in Medicine
  • Effect of Globalization on Cultural Identity: A Case Study of Japan
  • Dynamics of Migrant Labor in the Global Economy
  • Cybersecurity Measures and Their Efficacy in Preventing Data Breaches
  • Impacts of the Spanish Flu Pandemic on Early 20th-Century Literature
  • Understanding Gender Representation in Disney Animated Movies
  • Evolution of Hip Hop: Social and Political Influences
  • Architectural Innovations in Ancient Roman Civil Engineering
  • Cryptocurrencies’ Influence on Modern Financial Systems
  • Exploration of Quantum Computing: Potential and Challenges
  • Sustainability in Fashion: Analyzing the Shift Toward Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Revolutions in Modern Robotics and Their Effect on Manufacturing Industries
  • Religious Symbolism in William Blake’s Poetry
  • Mathematical Modeling in Predicting Climate Change Impacts
  • Comparing the Democratic Transitions: South Africa and Spain
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications on Privacy
  • Jazz: Tracing Its Roots and Cultural Significance
  • Assessing Health Impacts of Air Pollution in Urban Areas
  • Understanding the Development of the English Language Over Centuries
  • Rise of eSports: Societal Impact and Future Prospects

Anthropology Extended Essay Topics

  • Impacts of Globalization on Indigenous Cultures: A Case Study
  • Evolution of Human Language: Tracing Linguistic Diversities
  • Analyzing Gender Roles in Prehistoric Societies
  • Intersection of Anthropology and Genetics: Human Variation
  • Comparative Study of Kinship Systems Across Cultures
  • Matriarchal Societies: An Exploration in Anthropological Perspectives
  • Paleolithic Art as a Window into Early Human Behavior
  • Ritualistic Practices: Investigating Their Societal Implications
  • Anthropological Insights into Urbanism and City Planning
  • Dynamics of Religion and Spirituality in Ancient Cultures
  • Traditional Medicine and Its Role in Societal Health
  • Cultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Historical Examples
  • Examination of Societal Hierarchies in Ancient Civilizations
  • Migration Patterns and Their Influence on Cultural Identity
  • Roles of Folklore in Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • Taboos and Social Norms: A Cross-Cultural Examination
  • Cultural Impacts of Colonialism: A Multi-Region Analysis
  • Symbolism in Ritualistic Artifacts Across Various Cultures
  • Analyzing the Evolution of Marriage Institutions Across Societies
  • Deciphering Power Structures through Anthropological Lenses
  • Body Modifications and Their Cultural Significance: A Comparative Study
  • Influence of Economy on the Development of Societies: An Anthropological Analysis

Biology Extended Essay Topics

  • Genetic Influence on Human Behavior: An In-Depth Study
  • Mitochondrial DNA: Unraveling Maternal Lineage
  • Impact of Environmental Changes on Coral Reefs
  • Phylogenetic Analysis: Uncovering Species Evolution
  • Ecosystem Diversity in Tropical Rainforests
  • Understanding Pathogenesis in Prion Diseases
  • Roles of Bioluminescence in Marine Creatures
  • Cross-species Viral Transmission: Factors and Risks
  • Photosynthesis Efficiency in C3 and C4 Plants
  • Epigenetics: Exploring the Effects of Lifestyle
  • Symbiotic Relationships: Unearthing Mutualism in Nature
  • Proteomics: Decoding Protein Function and Structure
  • Resilience of Mangroves to Climate Change
  • Pollinators and Floral Diversification: A Co-Evolution Study
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Evaluating Threats to Global Health
  • Cellular Senescence and Aging: A Comparative Study
  • Microbiome Impact on Human Immune Response
  • Neuroplasticity: Influence of Experience and Learning
  • Zoonotic Diseases: Investigating the Role of Wildlife Trade
  • Roles of Biotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture
  • Bioinformatics: Mining Genomic Data for Insights

Business & Management Extended Essay Topics

  • Analyzing Corporate Social Responsibility’s Impact on Brand Image
  • Exploring the Role of Leadership Styles in Organizational Efficiency
  • Effects of Digital Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior
  • Profitability Assessment of Renewable Energy Investments
  • Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Business Decisions
  • Implications of Remote Work Policies on Employee Productivity
  • Impacts of Cultural Diversity on Team Performance in Multinational Corporations
  • Case Study: Crisis Management Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Factors Influencing the Adoption of Sustainable Practices in Small Businesses
  • Assessment of the Gig Economy’s Effect on Traditional Employment Models
  • Evaluating Supply Chain Efficiency in the E-Commerce Sector
  • Influence of Government Regulations on Startup Ecosystems
  • Analysis of Gender Equality Policies in Fortune 500 Companies
  • Disruption in Retail: The Rise and Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Brands
  • Strategies for Managing Employee Turnover in High-Stress Industries
  • Privacy Concerns in Data-Driven Business Models: A Risk Analysis
  • Examination of Mergers and Acquisitions Strategies in the Tech Industry
  • Investigation Into the Success Factors of Family-Owned Businesses
  • Decoding the Psychology of Consumer Loyalty in the Digital Age
  • Ethical Considerations in Marketing: Case Studies in the Cosmetics Industry
  • The Intersection of Corporate Strategy and Environmental Sustainability

Chemistry Extended Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the Impact of Temperature Variation on Reaction Rates
  • Exploring Chiral Molecules and Their Importance in Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Investigating Quantum Mechanics and Its Role in Chemical Bonding
  • Breakdown of Petroleum: Chemical Processes and Environmental Impacts
  • Nanotechnology’s Role in Modern Chemistry: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Unraveling the Secrets of Radioactivity
  • Fingerprinting Hydrocarbons: Environmental Implications of Oil Spills
  • Synthetic Materials: Innovations in Polymer Chemistry
  • Deciphering the Complexity of Enzyme Kinetics
  • Quantum Tunneling: Its Crucial Role in Biochemical Reactions
  • Corrosion Prevention Techniques: An Electrochemical Perspective
  • Superconductors: Unveiling Their Unique Chemical Properties
  • Color Chemistry: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Pigmentation
  • Examination of Metal-Alloy Interactions in the Production of Coins
  • Roles of Catalysts in Industrial Chemical Processes
  • Green Chemistry: Its Impact on Sustainable Development
  • Influence of Solvent Polarity on Spectroscopic Measurements
  • Advanced Battery Technologies: A Chemical Analysis
  • Nature’s Chemistry: Unraveling Biochemical Processes in Plants
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells: The Chemistry Behind Clean Energy

Computer Science Extended Essay Topics

  • Quantum Computing: Exploring the Potential for Revolutionizing Computer Science
  • Ethical Considerations in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
  • Evaluating Blockchain Technology: Implications for Data Security
  • Unveiling the Complexity Behind Search Algorithms
  • Comparing Programming Languages: Performance Analysis of Python vs. Java
  • The Impact of Data Mining on E-Commerce Business Models
  • Cybersecurity: Strategies for Combating Phishing Attacks
  • Machine Learning’s Role in Predictive Analytics
  • Exploring Virtual Reality: The Future of Human-Computer Interaction
  • Cloud Computing: Assessing Risks and Benefits for Small Businesses
  • Optimization Techniques in Database Systems
  • The Role of Neural Networks in Image Recognition
  • Application of Genetic Algorithms in Problem-Solving
  • Cryptography: The Mathematics Behind Secure Communications
  • Biometrics: Exploring the Balance Between Security and Privacy
  • IoT Devices: Assessing Vulnerabilities and Security Measures
  • Deep Learning’s Influence on Natural Language Processing
  • Scalability Challenges in Distributed Systems
  • Analysis of Memory Management in Operating Systems
  • Software Engineering: The Impact of Agile Development Methods
  • Augmented Reality: Unleashing New Possibilities in Education

Economics Extended Essay Topics

  • Exploring the Economic Consequences of Aging Populations in Developed Nations
  • Income Inequality: Investigating Its Impact on Education Accessibility
  • Analyzing the Role of Technology in Reducing Unemployment Rates
  • Sustainable Development: Economic Considerations in Renewable Energy Adoption
  • Fast-Fashion Industry: Unveiling the Hidden Costs of Cheap Clothing
  • Economic Repercussions of Pandemics: A Case Study of COVID-19
  • Unraveling the Socio-Economic Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles
  • Influence of Trade Wars on International Supply Chains
  • Internet Access and Its Correlation With Economic Development
  • Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Labor Market Dynamics
  • Investigating the Interplay Between Cultural Factors and Economic Growth
  • Global Tourism: Evaluating the Economic Impact of Over-Tourism on Local Communities
  • Assessing the Economic Viability of Space Commercialization
  • Analyzing the Impact of Universal Basic Income on Poverty Reduction
  • Child Labor in Developing Economies: Long-Term Consequences and Solutions
  • Understanding the Economic Implications of Water Scarcity in Arid Regions
  • Foreign Aid Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Recipient Economies
  • Digital Divide: Its Economic Ramifications on Rural Communities
  • Interpreting the Economics of E-Waste Management and Recycling
  • Unpacking the Relationship Between Corruption and Economic Development
  • Sports Events and Their Economic Impact: A Case Study of the Olympic Games

English Extended Essay Topics

  • Exploration of Symbolism in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”
  • Societal Impacts Revealed Through Charles Dickens’ “Great Expectations”
  • Critical Examination of Gender Roles in “Pride and Prejudice”
  • Tracing Transformation in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”: From Ambition to Disillusionment
  • Imagery and Foreshadowing in William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies”
  • Empowerment and Oppression: The Dichotomy in “The Handmaid’s Tale”
  • The Influence of Romanticism on Wordsworth’s Poetry
  • Comparative Analysis of Propaganda Techniques in George Orwell’s “1984” and “Animal Farm”
  • Unveiling the Psychological Depths in Edgar Allan Poe’s Short Stories
  • Manifestation of Social Class Struggle in Jane Austen’s “Emma”
  • Linguistic Evolution: A Study of Shakespeare’s Early and Later Plays
  • Dystopian Societies: The Reflection in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”
  • Examining Racism and Prejudice in Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”
  • Stephen King’s “The Shining”: A Journey Into Human Psyche and Horror
  • Absurdism and the Search for Meaning in Albert Camus’ “The Stranger”
  • Childhood and Morality: The Innocence Lost in J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”
  • Articulating Feminism: Role and Representation in Virginia Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse”
  • Illusion vs. Reality: A Study of Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire”
  • Tracing Cultural Identity in Zora Neale Hurston’s “Their Eyes Were Watching God”
  • Analyzing Existential Themes in Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”
  • Contrasting Interpretations of Redemption in Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”

Environmental Systems & Societies Extended Essay Topics

  • Climate Change: Assessing the Shifts in Arctic Ecosystems
  • Effectiveness of Sustainable Farming Techniques in Developed Countries
  • Evaluating the Consequences of Plastic Waste on Marine Life
  • Energy Efficiency: Analysis of Solar Power Systems in Desert Climates
  • Assessing the Role of Green Infrastructure in Urban Heat Island Mitigation
  • Impacts of Deforestation: A Study on Amazon Rainforest
  • Analyzing the Ecological Footprint of Vegan Diets vs. Omnivorous Diets
  • Influence of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Systems
  • Natural Disasters: The Relationship Between Climate Change and Increasing Hurricane Frequency
  • Assessing the Sustainability of Electric Vehicles in Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Roles of Wetlands in Maintaining Ecosystem Balance
  • The Link Between Population Growth and Water Scarcity in Arid Regions
  • E-Waste Management: Strategies and Impacts on the Environment
  • Investigating the Environmental Benefits of Vertical Farming Practices
  • Biofuels: Evaluating the Feasibility as a Sustainable Energy Source
  • Oceanic Plastic Pollution: Exploring Microplastic Accumulation in Seafood
  • Impacts of Tourism on Coastal Ecosystems: A Case Study
  • Light Pollution: Effects on Nocturnal Wildlife and Possible Mitigation Strategies
  • Analysis of Air Quality Variations and Their Implications on Public Health
  • Nuclear Power: Evaluation of Risks and Benefits for the Environment
  • Sustainable Architectural Practices: Evaluating the Impact on Urban Environments

Ethics Extended Essay Topics

  • Balancing Privacy and National Security: An Ethical Perspective
  • Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering: Redefining Human Evolution
  • The Morality of Capital Punishment: An Ongoing Controversy
  • Euthanasia Debate: Assessing the Right to Die with Dignity
  • Animal Rights: Evaluating Ethical Questions in Animal Experimentation
  • Consumerism and Ethics: The Moral Implications of Overconsumption
  • Medical Ethics: Analysis of Informed Consent in Patient Care
  • The Ethical Landscape of Artificial Intelligence: Potential Risks and Rewards
  • Environmental Ethics: Interrogating the Moral Considerations in Climate Change
  • Unraveling the Ethics of War: Just War Theory in Contemporary Conflicts
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Ethics in the 21st Century
  • Ethics of Journalism: Truth, Objectivity, and the Public’s Right to Know
  • Dissecting the Ethics of Philanthropy: Altruism vs. Self-Interest
  • Technological Advances: Ethical Questions Surrounding Biohacking
  • Deconstructing the Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change Mitigation
  • Human Rights: The Moral Implications of Immigration Policies
  • Plagiarism in Academia: An Ethical Dilemma in Intellectual Property
  • Cybersecurity and Ethics: Navigating Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Societal Standards: The Ethics of Beauty and Body Image in Media
  • Globalization: Analyzing the Ethics of International Trade Practices
  • Wealth Inequality: The Moral Implications of Income Disparity
  • Racial Profiling: An Examination of Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement

Film Extended Essay Topics

  • Analyzing Visual Storytelling Techniques in Quentin Tarantino’s Cinematic Universe
  • Aestheticization of Violence in Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange”
  • Pioneering Special Effects: Evolution in “Star Wars” Franchise
  • Socio-Cultural Impact of Bollywood Cinema on Indian Society
  • Iconography of Federico Fellini: Surrealism in Italian Cinema
  • French New Wave: A Paradigm Shift in Film Aesthetics
  • Pervasive Propaganda: Politics and Cinema During the Cold War
  • Animated Storytelling: Disney’s Influence on Children’s Perception of Gender Roles
  • Documentaries as Social Commentary: An Analysis of Michael Moore’s Works
  • Realism and Romanticism: Dichotomy in Jane Austen Film Adaptations
  • Postmodernism in David Lynch’s Films: “Mulholland Drive” as a Case Study
  • Depiction of Artificial Intelligence in Sci-Fi Movies: Exploring “Ex Machina”
  • Changing Portrayal of Vampires in Cinema: From “Nosferatu” to “Twilight”
  • Influence of German Expressionism on Tim Burton’s Stylistic Approach
  • Transhumanism Explored in the “Matrix” Trilogy: A Philosophical Investigation
  • Cinematic Interpretation of Mental Illness: A Study of “A Beautiful Mind”
  • Juxtaposing Reality and Fiction: “The Truman Show” and Media’s Power
  • Music’s Role in Enhancing Narrative Drama: A Study on “Amadeus”
  • Technological Evolution in Cinema: Impact on Movie Experience
  • Superheroes and Society: A Critical Look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Bioethics Films: Dissecting “Gattaca”
  • Silence as a Narrative Device: Examining “A Quiet Place” and Its Sequel

Gender Studies Extended Essay Topics

  • Dissecting the Gender Wage Gap: Causes and Solutions
  • Queer Theory: Intersectionality and Identity Politics
  • Patriarchy and Power: Examining Their Symbiotic Relationship
  • Cyberfeminism: The Internet as a Platform for Gender Equality
  • Biological Determinism: Challenging Traditional Gender Notions
  • Implications of Single-Sex Education on Gender Development
  • Gender Stereotypes in Advertising: Impact on Society
  • Masculinity in Crisis: Modern Conceptions and Their Consequences
  • Sport’s Roles in Shaping Gender Identity
  • Influence of Parenting Styles on Gender Socialization
  • Reassessing Gender Biases in Language
  • Sexuality Education: Navigating Through a Gender Spectrum
  • Reproductive Rights: A Battle Ground of Gender Politics
  • LGBTQ+ Representation in Literature: Advancement or Stereotype?
  • Toxic Masculinity: Its Origins and Impact on Society
  • Feminist Movements: Catalysts for Global Gender Equality
  • Domestic Roles: Evolution and Gender Associations
  • Women in Leadership: Barriers and Breakthroughs
  • Fashion Industry’s Role in Reinforcing Gender Norms
  • Men’s Rights Movement: Controversial Claims and Their Validity
  • Sexual Harassment: A Perennial Issue of Gender Inequality

Geography Extended Essay Topics

  • Urbanization’s Effect on Local Biodiversity in Developed Countries
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Soil Composition and Crop Yield
  • Geopolitical Consequences of Melting Polar Ice Caps
  • Impact of Desertification on Sub-Saharan African Nations
  • Migration Patterns: Influence of Economic Inequality on Population Shifts
  • Roles of Monsoons in South Asian Agriculture
  • Spatial Analysis: Technological Advancements in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Sustainable Development: Strategies to Balance Urban Growth and Environmental Preservation
  • Geothermal Energy’s Potential: Iceland as a Case Study
  • Climate Change’s Effect on Australian Bushfires: A Detailed Investigation
  • Analysis of the Physical Features Influencing Japan’s Isolation
  • Roles of Rivers in Shaping Ancient Civilizations
  • Urban Sprawl and its Ecological Impact on American Cities
  • Depletion of the Amazon Rainforest: Causes and Consequences
  • Comparative Study on Coastal Management Techniques Around the World
  • Seismic Activity Patterns: Evaluating Earthquake-prone Zones Globally
  • Deforestation’s Impact on Indigenous Communities in the Amazon Basin
  • Hydroelectric Power and Its Environmental Impact: Canada’s Experience
  • Geographic Factors Influencing Wine Production in French Vineyards
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Traditional Farming Practices in Peru
  • Geographic Investigation into the Distribution of Rare Earth Minerals

Health & Nutrition Extended Essay Topics

  • Sugary Drinks: Consequences for Adolescent Health
  • Assessing the Nutritional Significance of Organic Foods
  • Ketogenic Diet: Evaluating Its Effects on Weight Loss
  • Childhood Obesity: An Examination of Underlying Causes
  • Iron Deficiency: Unveiling the Hidden Global Impact
  • Meditation’s Influence on Physical and Psychological Health
  • Superfoods: Understanding Their Role in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • Nutrigenomics: Decoding Personalized Nutrition for Optimal Health
  • Benefits of Hydration: Unraveling the Science Behind Water Intake
  • Sleep Quality: Its Relationship With Nutritional Factors
  • The Link Between Mental Stress and Nutrient Absorption
  • Microplastics in Seafood: Gauging the Health Implications
  • Antioxidants: A Detailed Review of Their Role in Aging
  • Gluten-Free Diets: Evaluating Benefits Beyond Celiac Disease
  • Genetically Modified Foods: Analyzing Potential Health Risks
  • Dairy Consumption: Its Impact on Bone Health
  • Dangers of Processed Foods: A Comprehensive Study
  • Phytonutrients: Uncovering Their Impact on Human Immunity
  • Salt Intake: Assessing Its Relationship With Hypertension
  • Whole Grains: Exploring Their Influence on Digestive Health

History Extended Essay Topics

  • Unveiling the Mysteries of the Mayan Civilization: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Comparing the Imperial Policies: British Empire vs. Spanish Empire
  • The Paris Commune of 1871: Catalyst for Revolutionary Movements
  • Roman Influence on Modern Western Architecture: A Comprehensive Study
  • Reformation Movements: Shaping the Modern Christian Faith
  • Influence and Legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte in European Politics
  • African Cultures: A Study on Pre-Colonial Kingdoms
  • Shogunate Rule: The Feudal System of Japan
  • Enlightenment Philosophers: Revolutionizing European Thought
  • Rise of the Ottoman Empire: Factors and Consequences
  • Evolution of Warfare: A Study From the Middle Ages to World War I
  • French Revolution: Causes, Impacts, and Lessons
  • American Civil War: Interpreting Slavery’s Role
  • Silk Road Influence on East-West Cultural Exchange
  • Decoding the Holocaust: Analyzing Its Global Repercussions
  • Mongol Empire’s Impact on Eurasian Trade and Communication
  • Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures: Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas
  • Witch Trials in Europe: A Reflection of Fear and Superstition
  • Cold War: Unraveling the Ideological Tensions Between East and West
  • Korean War: Assessing Its Long-Term Effects on the Korean Peninsula
  • Vietnam War: Evaluating the Domestic Uprisings in the United States
  • World War II: Dissecting the Causes and Global Impact

Literature Extended Essay Topics

  • Examining the Role of Femininity in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
  • Comparing the Depiction of War in Ernest Hemingway’s “Farewell to Arms” and Erich Maria Remarque’s “All Quiet on the Western Front”
  • Exploration of the Hero’s Journey in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”
  • Insights Into Absurdism Through Albert Camus’s “The Stranger”
  • Assessment of Revenge Themes in Alexandre Dumas’s “The Count of Monte Cristo”
  • Interpretation of Colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  • Gothic Elements in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”: A Thorough Investigation
  • Analyzing the American Dream Through F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  • Uncovering Identity Conflicts in Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”
  • Influences of Victorian Society on Charles Dickens’s “Great Expectations”
  • Analyzing Magical Realism in Gabriel García Márquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
  • Exploring Environmental Themes in Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring”
  • Thematic Analysis of Isolation in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
  • Examination of Satire in Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels”
  • Dissecting Themes of Racism in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”
  • Investigating Futurism in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”
  • Studying the Role of Individualism in Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”
  • Evaluating Paranoia Themes in George Orwell’s “1984”
  • Scrutinizing the Dystopian Elements in Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”
  • The Symbolism of Nature in Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights”
  • Decoding Absurdist Elements in Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”
  • Assessing the Role of Love in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mathematics Extended Essay Topics

  • Fractal Geometry: Exploring Patterns in Nature
  • Game Theory: Predictive Models in Economics and Politics
  • Evolution of Calculus: Integral Role in Scientific Developments
  • Knot Theory: Mathematical Implications for DNA Structures
  • Probability Theory: Influence on Decision-Making Processes
  • Quantum Computing: Role of Linear Algebra
  • Hyperbolic Geometry: Implications for Theoretical Physics
  • Topology: Mathematical Basis of M.C. Escher’s Artworks
  • Mathematical Logic: Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems
  • Fibonacci Sequence: Presence and Significance in Natural Phenomena
  • Graph Theory: Applications in Social Network Analysis
  • Chaos Theory: Predicting Weather Patterns
  • Number Theory: Exploring Twin Prime Conjecture
  • Complex Numbers: Quantum Mechanics Applications
  • Euler’s Formula: Linking Five Fundamental Mathematical Constants
  • Riemann Hypothesis: Consequences for Prime Number Distribution
  • Mathematical Modelling: Predicting Population Dynamics
  • Set Theory: Examining the Continuum Hypothesis
  • Lie Groups: Role in Particle Physics
  • Non-Euclidean Geometry: Revolutionizing Perception of Space
  • Algebraic Topology: Insights Into Data Analysis

Media Studies Extended Essay Topics

  • Digital Divide: Socio-Economic Impacts on Information Access
  • Deepfake Technology: The Challenge to Media Authenticity
  • Print to Digital: Evolution of Newspapers in the 21st Century
  • Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: Benefits and Pitfalls
  • Film Adaptations: Interpretation vs. Original Text
  • Cyberbullying: The Dark Side of Social Networks
  • Body Image: Media Representation and Its Impact on Adolescents
  • Fake News Phenomenon: The Influence on Public Opinion
  • Memes and Virality: The New Language of Digital Media
  • Reality Television: Exploration of Cultural Impact
  • Cinematic Representations of Historical Events: Accuracy vs. Dramatization
  • Podcasting Boom: Rise and Influence in Modern Media
  • Streaming Wars: The Impact on the Television Industry
  • Photojournalism Ethics: The Power of Images in News Media
  • Music Piracy: Effect on the Music Industry in the Digital Age
  • Animation as an Art Form: Impact and Acceptance in Mainstream Media
  • Advertising Psychology: Subliminal Messages in Modern Marketing
  • LGBTQ+ Representation in Television: Progress and Backlash
  • Roles of Women in Film: Progress in Gender Equality
  • Video Games as Storytelling Medium: Narrative and Player Interaction
  • Comic Book Culture: From Niche to Mainstream Media
  • Influence of Western Media on Global Pop Culture: The Hollywood Impact

Music Extended Essay Topics

  • Classical Compositions: Influence of Bach’s Techniques on Modern Music
  • Psychoacoustic Effects: Music’s Influence on Human Behavior
  • Sonic Landscaping: The Use of Atmospherics in Ambient Music
  • Lyrics’ Roles: Expressing Social Issues Through Hip-Hop
  • Beethoven’s Symphonies: Revolutionary Techniques and Their Influence
  • Harmonization in Jazz: Unpacking Coltrane’s Unique Approaches
  • Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Examination of Baroque Music Style
  • Sonic Influence: Music’s Role in Cinematic Narratives
  • Opera’s Evolution: Tracing the Shift From Baroque to Romantic Period
  • Cross-Cultural Influences: Examining Salsa’s African and European Roots
  • K-Pop Phenomenon: Analyzing Its Global Impact
  • Musical Iconography: Symbolism in Mozart’s Operas
  • Dissecting Punk: Deconstructing Its Socio-Political Messages
  • Rhythm Development: West African Influence on American Blues
  • Genre Fusion: Exploration of Reggae’s Influence on Hip-Hop
  • Melodic Intricacies: Debussy’s Revolutionary Approach to Music
  • Grunge Revolution: Examination of Seattle’s Music Scene in the 90s
  • Mystical Allure: The Role of Spirituality in Gospel Music
  • Compositional Innovations: Understanding Schoenberg’s Atonality”
  • Artistry Unveiled: The Impact of Visual Elements in Album Art
  • Technology’s Role: The Emergence and Impact of Electronic Dance Music

Philosophy Extended Essay Topics

  • Significance of Nietzsche’s Will to Power: A Deep Exploration
  • Descartes and the Philosophy of Mind: An Analytical Approach
  • Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics: A Modern Appraisal
  • Unveiling the Metaphysical Implications of Quantum Physics
  • Phenomenology and the Essence of Human Experience
  • Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Critical Re-Evaluation
  • Embodying Freedom: Sartre’s Existentialism and Its Relevance Today
  • Dialectics of Hegel: Deciphering Complexities
  • Simulacra and Simulation: Baudrillard’s Postmodern Reality
  • Unraveling Wittgenstein’s Language Games: A Thorough Analysis
  • Schopenhauer’s Concept of Will: An In-Depth Study
  • Quandaries of Free Will: Revisiting Determinism
  • Spinoza’s Pantheism and Its Contemporary Implications
  • Habermas’ Communicative Action: A Practical Appraisal
  • Uncovering Rawls’ Theory of Justice: A Critical Review
  • Political Power and Machiavelli’s “The Prince”: An Exploration
  • Utility and Morality: Assessing Bentham’s Utilitarianism
  • Exploring Heidegger’s Being and Time: Existentialism and Ontology
  • Stoicism in the Modern World: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Feminism Through the Lens of Simone de Beauvoir
  • Epistemology Unveiled: Understanding Locke’s Theory of Knowledge
  • Poststructuralism: Decoding Derrida’s Deconstruction

Physics Extended Essay Topics

  • Analyzing Black Holes: Their Formation, Structure, and Effects on Space-Time
  • Quantum Entanglement: Unveiling the Intricacies of Particle Relationships
  • The Higgs Boson: Its Role and Significance in the Standard Model
  • Exploration of Dark Matter: Implications for Galactic Formations
  • Light Speed Variability: Investigating Possible Factors and Consequences
  • Stellar Evolution: A Detailed Study of Star Lifecycles
  • Effects of Quantum Tunneling on Microscopic Scales
  • Thermodynamics in Isolated Systems: Deepening the Understanding
  • Relativity Theory: Delving Into Its Consequences on Space Travel
  • Solar Flares: Their Impact on Earth’s Magnetic Field
  • Neutrino Oscillations: Dissecting Their Quantum Mechanical Phenomena
  • Fusion Energy: Examining Its Feasibility and Potential Impact
  • Electromagnetism in Quantum Optics: Unraveling the Relations
  • Tidal Forces: Their Role in Celestial Body Interactions
  • Plasma Physics: Analyzing the Fourth State of Matter
  • Gravitational Waves: Their Detection and Implications
  • String Theory: Evaluating Its Contribution to Modern Physics
  • Bose-Einstein Condensate: Investigating Its Unique Properties
  • Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: Decoding the Echoes of the Big Bang
  • Nanotechnology: The Role of Physics in Its Evolution
  • Quantum Gravity: Scrutinizing the Unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

Politics Extended Essay Topics

  • Evaluating the Political Consequences of Climate Change Policies
  • Dissecting the Impact of Brexit on European Union Stability
  • Unearthing the Causes of Political Apathy Among Millennials
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Their Influence on Global Politics
  • Immigration Policies: Evaluating Their Socio-Political Impact
  • Intersectionality and Its Effect on Contemporary Political Discourse
  • Trade Wars: Unraveling Their Economic and Political Implications
  • Roles of Women Leaders in the Pursuit of Global Peace
  • Impacts of Corruption on Developing Economies’ Political Stability
  • Scrutinizing the Role of Lobbying in American Politics
  • Influence of Religion on Middle Eastern Politics
  • Investigating the Political Aftermath of Major Terrorist Attacks
  • The Nexus Between Climate Justice and Political Activism
  • Effects of Political Satire on Public Perception of Politicians
  • Decolonization and Its Long-Term Political Impact in Africa
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Military Spending and International Relations
  • Diplomacy in the Nuclear Age: Assessing Its Efficacy
  • Unpacking the Political Implications of the Rise of Artificial Intelligence
  • Evaluating the Consequences of Resource Scarcity on International Politics
  • Political Autonomy Movements: Exploring Their Causes and Effects

Psychology Extended Essay Topics

  • Perception of Reality: Influence of Social Media on Adolescents
  • Cognitive Development: The Role of Play in Early Childhood
  • Emotional Intelligence: An Examination of Its Impact on Leadership
  • Biopsychology: Understanding the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health
  • Cultural Variations: Impact on Interpersonal Communication Styles
  • Parenting Styles: Their Consequences on Child Behavior and Development
  • Depression in Adolescents: Exploring the Impact of Social Isolation
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Efficacy of Different Treatment Approaches
  • Behavior Analysis: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Applied Techniques
  • Music Therapy: Evaluating Its Effectiveness in Managing Anxiety
  • Bystander Effect: Analysis of Underlying Psychological Mechanisms
  • Psycholinguistics: The Role of Language in Cognitive Processes
  • Understanding the Psychology of Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
  • Psychotherapy Approaches: Exploring Efficacy in Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Humanistic Psychology: Examining Its Applications in Modern Psychotherapy
  • Consequences of Chronic Pain: A Study on Psychological Adaptation
  • Stereotypes and Prejudice: Exploring Their Origins and Effects
  • Memory: How Traumatic Events Influence Recall
  • Nature vs. Nurture: The Debate in Personality Development
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Unpacking Its Psychological Impact
  • Influences of Environment and Genetics on Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
  • Romantic Relationships: Understanding Attachment Styles and Their Effects

Sociology Extended Essay Topics

  • Globalization’s Influence on Traditional Cultural Practices
  • Assimilation versus Multiculturalism: An Exploration in Contemporary Societies
  • Intersectionality and Its Role in Modern Feminism
  • Educational Inequality: The Socio-Economic Factors at Play
  • Effects of Income Inequality on Community Health Outcomes
  • Cyberbullying’s Pervasiveness and Its Societal Consequences
  • Pop Culture’s Shaping of Youth Identity
  • Urbanization’s Effect on Community Structure and Social Interaction
  • Racial Stereotypes in Media: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Deviance and Crime: Sociological Perspectives on their Roots
  • Marriage Patterns Among Different Socio-Economic Classes
  • The Role of Religion in Structuring Modern Societies
  • Refugees’ Integration Into Host Societies: Barriers and Facilitators
  • Disparity in Healthcare Access: The Underlying Social Causes
  • The Digital Divide: Exploring Socio-Economic Factors and Consequences
  • LGBTQ+ Rights Movement: Progress and Remaining Challenges
  • Changing Gender Roles in the 21st Century
  • Post-Industrial Society’s Influence on the Family Structure
  • Media Representation of Marginalized Groups: Impact and Implications
  • Ethnic Identity Formation within Diaspora Communities
  • Prison System’s Effect on Social Stratification

Visual Arts Extended Essay Topics

  • Interpreting Symbolism in Renaissance Portraiture
  • Dissecting Minimalism: Impact on Contemporary Visual Art
  • Cubism’s Influence on Modern Design Aesthetics
  • Photorealism: Technique, Challenges, and Impact
  • Juxtaposing Abstract and Realism in Visual Art
  • Byzantine Mosaics: Preservation and Symbolism
  • Impressionism: Affecting Viewer Perception Through Brushwork
  • Mural Graffiti: Socio-Political Messages in Street Art
  • Surrealism’s Roles in Challenging Reality Perception
  • Ephemeral Art: Exploring Its Transience and Significance
  • Pop Art’s Reflection on Consumer Culture
  • Stained Glass: Religious Iconography and Aesthetics
  • Postmodernism’s Critique of Traditional Art Theories
  • Disruptive Power of Dadaism in the Early 20th Century
  • Pointillism’s Manipulation of Optical Mixing
  • Kinetic Sculpture: Dynamic Movement in Static Forms
  • Fauvism’s Bold Use of Color and Form
  • Romanticism’s Depiction of Nature and Emotion
  • Neoclassicism: Celebrating Antiquity Through Visual Art
  • Feminist Art: Challenging Patriarchy and Stereotypes
  • Video Art: Exploring Temporality and Narration
  • Indigenous Art: Preservation of Cultural Heritage Through Visual Expression

World Religion Studies Extended Essays Topics

  • Analyzing Confucianism’s Impact on Chinese Social and Political Structures
  • The Intersection of Spirituality and Mental Health: Perspectives From Various Religious Traditions
  • The Role of Rituals in Indigenous African Religions: An Anthropological Approach
  • Liberation Theology: Examining Christianity’s Influence on Social Justice Movements
  • Afterlife Concept in Ancient Greek and Norse Mythology
  • Exploring the Symbolism of Mandalas in Tibetan Buddhism
  • Religious Syncretism in Latin America: Blending Indigenous and Catholic Beliefs
  • Significance of Pilgrimage in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism
  • The Impact of Taoism on Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Music and Chanting in Religious Rituals: Comparative Analysis
  • Sufism: Mystical Dimensions of Islam
  • Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism: A Comparative Study
  • Religious Iconography’s Influence on Artistic Expression
  • Cultural Identity Fostered by Religious Festivals
  • Historical Development of Sikhism and Its Teachings
  • Animal Rights Ethics: Perspectives From Different Religions
  • Prophecy in Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • Rites of Passage: Comparative Analysis of Coming-of-Age Ceremonies
  • Evolution of Religious Tolerance in Western Societies
  • Influence of Zen Buddhism on Japanese Tea Ceremony
  • Divine Love in Christianity, Hinduism, and Sufism

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  1. List of 50+ Music Extended Essay Topic Ideas

    January 3rd, 2024. You have requested it, and here you have it - our collection of IB Music extended essay topics. Here at Writing Metier, we've put together a playlist of themes and research questions that are sure to inspire your next academic composition. From the intricate patterns of classical music to the pulsating beats of modern ...

  2. 20+ Music Extended Esay Topic Ideas for IBDP

    Let me give you 20+ ideasfor your Music extended essay topics. List of Interesting IB Extended Essay Topics on Music. Now, let's dive into 22 topic suggestions. Remember that these are just my general ideas. You will need to think a little and find those optionsthat will be interesting for your personal research.

  3. 20+ Music Extended Esay Topic Ideas

    An extended music essay is a comprehensive piece of writing that explores a particular aspect of music in detail. It goes beyond the surface level and delves into various components such as musical genres, historical context, cultural influences, and emotional impact. This type of essay allows students to showcase their knowledge, analytical ...

  4. Music Extended Essay

    In the IB curriculum, a Music extended essay is more than just a book report or a summary. According to the general IB curriculum, this is a research project in which you will investigate, evaluate, and argue a specific topic in Music. The development of musical genres, for example, or the stylistic aspects of a particular time or artist, are ...

  5. 20+ Music Extended Esay Topic Ideas

    Discover captivating music extended essay topics that will elevate your writing game. Start exploring now!

  6. Tanglin LibGuides: IB Extended Essay (EE): Music

    Excellent Extended Essays - Music. An analysis of Wes Montgomery's and Pat Martino's interpretations of "Impressions" by John Coltrane (2011) An investigation into the similarities and differences between Zapin Arab and Zapin Melayu (2012) What is the influence of African rhythm on early Jazz music? (2014)

  7. IB Music EE examples

    Fast track your coursework with mark schemes moderated by IB examiners. Upgrade now 🚀. Promoted. Advertise with Clastify. High scoring IB Music Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your Music EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!

  8. The Complete IB Extended Essay Guide: Examples, Topics, and Ideas

    Conclusion. References and bibliography. Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences.

  9. 431 Music Essay Topics & Ideas

    Easy Music Essay Topics. Evolution of Pop Music Genre in the 21st Century. Impact of Technology on Music Production. Influence of Classical Music on Modern Genres. Societal Relevance of Protest Songs in History. Examining the Relationship Between Music and Emotion. Significance of Traditional Music in Cultural Identity.

  10. Topics for the Music Extended Essay

    Now to recap on the best topics for a Music extended essay: 1. Harmonic innovation in the bebop style of Dizzy Gillespie" is better than "The music of Dizzy Gillespie". 2. The role of minimalist techniques in Balinese gamelan" is better than "Balinese gamelan". 3.

  11. PDF Music: Subject-specific guidance

    An extended essay (EE) in music gives students an opportunity to undertake in-depth research into a topic in music of genuine interest to them. Music—as a form of expression in diverse contexts, with intent, purpose and meaning—should be at the heart of the essay. It must focus on particular pieces of music, experienced by the student through:

  12. 632 Amazing Music Topics & Essay Examples

    632 Music Essay Topics & Samples. Updated: Mar 2nd, 2024. 35 min. The scholarly analysis of musical history, theory, and cultural aspects of music is called musicology. If you are studying this subject, our team has prepared 507 amazing topics about music for your paper. We will write.

  13. How to write a Music Extended Essay [2022 Ultimate Guideline]

    Example of Topics for the Music Extended Essay. 8. Music extended essay. A music extended essay involves an in-depth analysis of different musical components which have been used in films, movies and the different music genres. The amount of time spent researching is important because a music EE calls for in-depth musical analysis.

  14. 267 Music Essay Topics + Writing Guide [2024 Update]

    Writing an essay about "music in my life" is a great way to demonstrate your passion and creativity. Choose one of these topics related to music for your college essay: The role of music in your life. Describe what music means to you, how often you listen to it, and how it helps you in life.

  15. Tips and Guidelines for writing the Music extended essay

    A music extended essay involves an in-depth analysis of different musical components used in films, movies, and the other music genres. ... charts and tables), stick to Music topics and research extensively. Table of Contents. Tips for writing a Music Extended Essay. 1. 1. Use Current Sources. 1. 2. Contact Companies. 1. 3. Stick to the Topic ...

  16. Music Argumentative Essay Topics: 25+ Ideas for Inspiration

    From Robert Matthew Van Winkle fast rap to Dax hip-hop tunes, finding the right essay topic to explore just got easier. In this post, we give you a list of 30+ argumentative topics from which you can choose an appealing title to give your essay a fresh, breathtaking spin.

  17. Extended essay

    The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...

  18. 100 IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas!

    An analysis of body modification in relation to social and cultural anthropology. 100. Chaste systems and social ranks in societies. There are so many class subjects that can form the basis of your extended essay, including these popular six subjects: - Information technology. - Computer science. - Health science.

  19. PDF IB MUSIC: Extended Essay Assessment Criterion A: Focus and Method 6

    IB MUSIC: Extended Essay Assessment All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IBO. All extended essays are marked on a scale from 0 to ... To successfully meet this criterion, students will chose a topic that focuses on analysis, investigation, discussion and evaluation of actual music, that is, musical source ...

  20. Examples

    These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays. Some examples are: "An analysis of costume as a source for understanding the inner life of the character". "A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery ...

  21. 629 Extended Essay Topics & Good Ideas

    Literature Extended Essay Topics. Examining the Role of Femininity in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice". Comparing the Depiction of War in Ernest Hemingway's "Farewell to Arms" and Erich Maria Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front". Exploration of the Hero's Journey in J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings".

  22. 200 Extended Essay Topics for Students

    A great selection of IB extended essay topics and corresponding subjects/groups. The essay's core structure and tips for choosing a good extended essay topic. writing platform ... Group 6: Arts - Dance, Music, Theatre, Foreign Languages, Visual Arts, and Film.

  23. IB EE examples for all subjects

    EE Business and Management A. What is the Effect of Salinity Stress (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mM NaCl) Measured Through Microscopic (Stomatal Aperture) and Morphological (Leaf Area, Leaf Dry Mass, and Root Length) Characteristics on Pre-Treated Radish (Raphanus sativus) Seeds with Magnetopriming (48 hours)? EE Biology B.