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Tips menulis essay beasiswa chevening serta contohnya.

contoh essay leadership chevening

Essay Beasiswa Chevening: Contoh dan Tips Menulisnya

Essay beasiswa Chevening menjadi salah satu persyaratan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa yang diberikan pemerintah Inggris ini.Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk mendanai mahasiswa internasional untuk berkuliah jenjang S2 di Inggris. Ada beberapa persyaratan yang perlu kamu penuhi jika ingin mendapatkan beasiswa ini. Salah satu persyaratannya adalah membuat essay. Dalam essay ini mencakup 4 bagian yakni leadership and influencing, networking, study in UK, dan career plan. Buat kamu yang mau melanjutkan kuliah S2 dengan beasiswa ini, wajib banget baca tips dan contoh membuat essay beasiswa Chevening berikut ini!

BACA JUGA: Anak SMA, Mau Tau Cara Mendapatkan Beasiswa? Simak di Sini!

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Apa Itu Essay Chevening?

contoh essay leadership chevening

Saat melamar beasiswa chevening, kamu harus memenuhi persyaratannya. Selain dokumen, kamu harus menyerahkan essay. Kenapa harus membuat essay? Karena pemerintah Inggris ingin melihat potensi kepemimpinan dan keterampilan kamu dalam membangun koneksi, gambaran umum tentang tujuan pribadi, manfaat yang bisa kamu berikan pada negara, dan pemahaman kuat tentang bagaimana beasiswa Chevening membantumu dalam menimba ilmu di jenjang S2. Jadi, semakin bagus kamu membuat essaynya tentu peluang kamu terpilih menjadi lebih besar juga tentunya.

BACA JUGA: Paling Ditunggu, Pertanyaan Wawancara Beasiswa dan Jawabannya, Harus Tahu!

Tips Menulis Essay Chevening

contoh essay leadership chevening

Penting sekali membuat essay beasiswa Chevening yang bagus. Seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya, ada 4 bagian utama dalam essay ini yakni  leadership and influencing, networking, study in UK, dan career plan. Inilah beberapa tips menulis essay Chevening buat kamu!

Bagian 1: Leadership and Influencing

contoh essay leadership chevening

Pertama adalah bagian Leadership and Influence. Dalam bagian ini Chevening mencari seseorang yang ingin menjadi pemimpin atau sosok yang bisa memberikan pengaruh di negara asalnya. Untuk bagian ini, ada beberapa tips yang sebaiknya kamu lakukan:

  • Memahami karakteristik siswa yang Chevening inginkan. Bagian ini dikaitkan dengan pengalaman pelamar yang mereka jelaskan secara kronologis
  • Memberi contoh nyata jenis bidang yang dikategorikan sebagai karakteristik siswanya
  • Menjadi pemimpin nggak hanya soal gelar, tetapi mengenai bagaimana seseorang yang aktif dan berkontribusi di berbagai lini kehidupan
  • Mencantumkan hal kepemimpinan atau pengaruhnya secara spesifik, tidak perlu banyak namun berdampak dan bisa menarik perhatian penyeleksi Chevening

Bagian 2: Networking 

contoh essay leadership chevening

Selain memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, Chevening juga mencari siswa yang memiliki kemampuan dalam membangun hubungan dengan profesional dan komunitas Chevening. Tak hanya mempengaruhi di dalam komunitas, seorang Chevening awardee harus bisa memimpin dalam bidang profesi yang mereka pilih. Inilah beberapa tips untuk membuat essay bagian ini:

  • Menjelaskan proses bagaimana dalam mendapatkan koneksi, baik melalui organisasi, volunteer, internship dan sebagainya
  • Apa saja yang akan mereka dapatkan dari koneksi yang dibangun seperti perjalanan hidup, skill, pengalaman dan lain-lainnya
  • Menuturkan bagaimana koneksi tersebut berpengaruh pada karir siswa di masa yang akan datang

Bagian 3: Studying In UK 

contoh essay leadership chevening

Pada bagian studying in the UK atau belajar di Inggris, kamu akan menemukan pertanyaan “Explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future” dan “Outline why you’ve selected your chosen 3 university courses”. Artinya kamu harus menyimpulkan 3 program studi universitas yang sudah kamu pilih dan jelaskan mengapa kamu memilih program tersebut. Bagian ini juga ada trik dalam menjabarkannya:

  • Bisa memilih tiga jurusan yang sama atau serupa pada tiga universitas yang berbeda
  • Perbanyak research
  • Menganggap jurusan tujuan pelamar sebagai solusi atau jawaban dari masalah yang kelak mereka hadapi
  • Jangan menyalin informasi di website universitas untuk menjelaskan alasan dalam memilih kampus di kampus

Bagian 4: Career Plan

contoh essay leadership chevening

Seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya, membuat essay beasiswa Chevening ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dilemparkan oleh penyedia beasiswa. Pada bagian ini, kamu akan ditanyakan pertanyaan seperti “Individuals who have clear post-study career plan”, “Outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals”, “You may wish to consider how these relate to who UK government is doing in your country”.

  • Di sini kita bisa mengambil kesimpulan bahwa Chevening mencari seseorang yang sudah memiliki rencana karir yang jelas dan bisa mengeksekusi rencananya setelah mereka menyelesaikan studinya di Inggris. Pada bagian ini, kamu bisa mempraktikan tips berikut:
  • Membuat rencana jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang setelah kamu pulang ke Indonesia
  • Buatlah rencana yang realistis sehingga kamu bisa mewujudkan rencana tersebut dengan ilmu yang kamu dapatkan di universitas Inggris
  • Sertakan bukti dan langkah yang detail supaya korelasinya bisa masuk akal
  • Memastikan rencana pelamar mempunyai nilai yang sama dengan Sustain Development Goals (SGDs) dna program kerja antara pemerintah Indonesia dan Inggris

Itulah beberapa tips serta contoh untuk membuat essay beasiswa Chevening yang bagus. Semangat terus dan jangan mudah menyerah, ya!

BACA JUGA: Yuk, Intip! Cara Kuliah di Luar Negeri dengan Beasiswa

Siapkan Beasiswa Kuliah di Luar Negeri, Sekarang!

Selain menyiapkan essay beasiswa Chevening, kamu juga harus mempersiapkan dokumen-dokumen yang menjadi persyaratan. Tenang, kamu bisa serahkan pada SUN Education! Mulai dari permohonan visa pelajar, persiapan bahasa Inggris, hingga pencarian akomodasi selama kuliah di luar negeri bisa kami bantu!

Untuk informasi mengenai studi di luar negeri dan juga berbagai jurusan, kamu bisa temukan informasi aktualnya di sini . SUN Education bekerja sama dengan berbagai institusi top dunia di luar negeri seperti Amerika, Kanada, Australia, Selandia Baru, Inggris, Eropa, Jerman, dan juga Asia. Jika membutuhkan informasi terkini, follow media sosial SUN Education di Instagram , TikTok dan YouTube . Kamu juga bisa melakukan konsultasi GRATIS melalui Hotline di 0821 33 34 35 36 atau datang langsung ke kantor SUN Education yang terdekat di kotamu.

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Leadership and Influence Essay – Chevening Scholarship Application

  • Post author By JB English
  • Post date September 19, 2020

If you prefer a video, you can watch this YouTube video below:

Welcome back! Let’s look closely at the Leadership and Influence essay.

Another common question that I didn’t mention in the previous blog is “What kinds of awardees is Chevening looking for?” Here is their official answer:

“Whilst there is no ‘typical’ Chevening Scholar, we are looking for the kind of people who have the passion, ideas, and influence to provide the solutions and leadership needed to create a better future.”

I left this question to the end because this is what the essays are all about. The essays are the most important pieces of your application. That’s why I am going to focus on the essays and interview in these blog series. There are four essays in the Chevening application: Leadership and Influence, Networking, Study in the UK, and Career Plans.

In today’s post, I want to share how I answered the first essay Leadership and Influence. Here is the full instruction:

“Chevening is looking for individuals that will be  future leaders or influencers  in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.(Minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)”

When answering this question, I thought of two of my best achievements where I used my leadership and influencing skills. I then used the STAR technique to write about each achievement. The STAR approach is an effective way to structure my writing. It stands for S ituation, T ask, A ction, and R esult.

In this part, I described the general situation: what it was, what year, where it happened, and what role I took.

Then, I described what I tried to achieve.

In this section, I started to describe how I used my leadership skills to achieve the goal of my project. I tried to be specific by providing vivid examples.

Here I mentioned the improvement that happened in relation to my action.

Have a look at my paragraph example below. Pay attention to the color codes as they match with the STAR description above.

“In 2014, along with my colleagues, I started XXX project, a free English program, around the YYY School, an international school focused on sustainability education. XXX project uses English as a tool to overcome the language barrier between local and international communities so we can solve environmental problems together. At the beginning of the program, I worked with eight local schools and various teachers in the area to recruit 90 motivated students to the program. I invited the selected students and their parents to the school for interviews and scheduling. To help me teach the English classes, I recruited and trained native speaker volunteers. By 2016, XXX has grown to 264 students and 6 teachers. As a result of this project, students are not only more informed about English but also about environmental issues in their community. Most importantly, they can help solve these problems .”

In addition to following the STAR structure, I believe I did three important things in this paragraph:

  • I described the project and the organization that I worked in. This is very important because we can’t assume that readers know what we are talking about.
  • I used active sentences. Active sentences are strong and show involvement of the subject (in this case “myself”)
  • I mentioned numbers to show progress. Including numbers is also an easy way to make a paragraph more vivid.

Whenever I write an essay, I always start with the contents. Then I work on the opening and draw a conclusion based on the main contents or reiterate the opening paragraph a different words. I did exactly that for this essay. I described two of my biggest achievements using STAR technique, then continued with the opening and conclusion.


I suggest you find a native English speaker to proofread your application before submitting. I use * Preply to find native English speaker editors that suits my need and budget. I personally worked with Christopher B. He has a Ph.D. and 17 years teaching at the university level. He is awesome!

You can take free classes with other teachers to find the right teacher for you. Even better, if you have an English native speaker friend, you can ask him/her to help.

*Disclaimer: this is an affiliate link meaning I will get a commission if you purchase their services at no additional cost to you.

I hope you learn something from my Leadership and Influence essay and best of luck!

' src=

By JB English

JB English adalah lembaga kursus bahasa Inggris profesional yang berlokasi di Bali Indonesia. Guru-guru kami sudah berpengalaman dan berkualifikasi untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris. Beberapa dari mereka sempat mengenyam pendidikan di luar negeri dan mengajar di sekolah internasional di Bali. Tertarik belajar dengan kami? Kontak via WhatsApp +6287 806 000 552

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Breakdown of Chevening Essay Questions: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the Chevening scholarship application can be a rewarding yet challenging process. Among the crucial components are the essay questions, which provide an opportunity for you to showcase your aspirations, experiences, and potential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down each of the Chevening essay questions and offer insights to help you craft compelling responses.

1. Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.

Focus: Demonstrating Leadership and Influence

This question aims to gauge your leadership abilities and potential to effect positive change. To answer effectively:

  • Provide Examples: Share specific instances where you demonstrated leadership, whether in your academic, professional, or community endeavors.
  • Highlight Influence: Discuss how your actions influenced outcomes, motivated others, or brought about change.
  • Connect to Future: Explain how your leadership experiences align with your future goals and how the Chevening scholarship will further develop your leadership potential.

2. Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with demonstrable leadership potential who also have strong academic backgrounds. How do you intend to use your Chevening experience to develop your leadership skills and create a positive social change?

Focus: Linking Academic Excellence and Leadership

Here, the focus is on your academic prowess and its relationship to leadership and social impact:

  • Link Academic and Leadership Goals: Explain how your academic pursuits are intertwined with your leadership aspirations.
  • Social Impact: Discuss how your Chevening experience will enable you to contribute to positive societal changes.
  • Specific Plans: Outline tangible actions you’ll take to enhance your leadership skills during and after your studies.

3. Network with people of different nationalities and backgrounds. What can you learn from others? How will this enrich your experience as a Chevening Scholar?

Focus: Embracing Diversity and Networking

This question emphasizes cross-cultural collaboration and the value of a diverse network:

  • Learning from Diversity: Highlight the benefits of interacting with people from various backgrounds, including new perspectives and insights.
  • Enriching Chevening Experience: Explain how these interactions will contribute to your personal and academic growth as a Chevening Scholar.

4. What influence do you hope to have on your home country or region as a result of studying in the UK?

Focus: Positive Impact on Home Country

This question assesses your vision for the future and your commitment to your home country’s development:

  • Specific Goals: Outline the specific areas you aim to impact upon your return.
  • Alignment with UK Study: Explain how your UK education will equip you to address challenges in your home country.

5. Please explain why you want to study in the UK and why you have chosen your selected course(s).

Focus: UK Study and Course Choice

This question explores your motivations for studying in the UK and the relevance of your chosen course:

  • UK’s Strengths: Discuss the UK’s academic excellence, resources, and opportunities that attract you.
  • Course Relevance: Explain why your chosen course aligns with your academic and career goals.

6. Summarize all relevant leadership and service-related achievements in which you have participated.

Focus: Leadership and Service Achievements

This is an opportunity to succinctly list your notable leadership and service accomplishments:

  • Concise Presentation: List achievements in a clear and organized manner.
  • Highlight Impact: Briefly explain the significance and outcomes of each achievement.

Navigating the Chevening essay questions requires a thoughtful approach that showcases your unique qualities, aspirations, and commitment to positive change. By addressing each question’s specific focus and providing well-structured responses, you can present a compelling case for why you are an ideal candidate for the Chevening scholarship. Remember to tailor your answers to highlight your strengths and alignment with Chevening’s values and objectives.

India (Chevening Scholarship) | Chevening

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Tips Menulis Esai Beasiswa Chevening, Dijamin Ampuh!

September 6, 2022 • 5 minutes read

contoh essay leadership chevening

Salah satu persyaratan yang dibutuhkan untuk mendaftar Beasiswa Chevening adalah esai. Sebagai informasi, esai Beasiswa Chevening mencakup empat bagian utama, yakni leadership and influencing, networking, study in UK, dan career plan .

Informasi di atas penting diketahui oleh kamu, Scholarship Hunters ! Sebab, Beasiswa Chevening akan segera dibuka! Beasiswa dari pemerintah Inggris yang ditujukan untuk mendanai mahasiswa internasional ini akan dibuka pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2022 nanti. Jika ingin mendaftar, sebaiknya kamu mulai mempersiapkan dan melengkapi semua persyaratannya dari sekarang, terutama esai Beasiswa Chevening.

Namun, bagaimana, ya, cara membuat esai yang dapat meyakinkan penyelenggara beasiswa agar menerima Hunters? Untuk itu, simak tips menulis esai Beasiswa Chevening berikut ini!

Tips menulis esai Beasiswa Chevening

1. tips menulis esai beasiswa chevening b agian leadership dan influencing.

Pada bagian leadership and influencing , jangan hanya menyebutkan pengalaman-pengalaman yang Hunters punya. Kamu harus berikan contoh konkret dan jelaskan bagaimana proses yang dijalani sehingga dapat membentuk jiwa leadership dan influencing yang kuat pada diri kamu.

Misalnya, selama kamu memimpin sebuah tim, ceritakan pencapaian-pencapaian apa saja yang berhasil diraih beserta strategi yang diterapkan untuk mencapainya atau kendala-kendala yang dihadapi beserta cara kamu menyelesaikannya. Kamu juga bisa menyebutkan jumlah anggota dalam tim untuk menunjukkan jangkauan kepemimpinan kamu.

Jika tidak memiliki pengalaman menjadi leader , penyelenggara Beasiswa Chevening juga akan mempertimbangkan seorang peserta dengan kemampuan influencing yang dimilikinya. Kemampuan ini dapat ditunjukkan melalui keaktifan, inovasi, dan kontribusi kamu di suatu kegiatan.

Misalnya, bagaimana cara kamu menyampaikan ide sehingga pemikiran tersebut dapat diterima dan menjadi keputusan akhir yang berdampak besar bagi tim. Dengan begitu, esai Beasiswa Chevening yang Hunters buat bisa lebih meyakinkan penyelenggara! Selain itu, esai Beasiswa Chevening yang Hunters buat juga bisa terlihat lebih baik.

2. Tips menulis esai Beasiswa Chevening bagian Networking

Sama seperti bagian leadership and influencing , pada bagian networking, kamu juga perlu menjabarkan proses dan contoh nyata. Ceritakan bagaimana proses kamu bisa memperoleh suatu relasi, misalnya, melalui kegiatan organisasi, volunteer , dan lain-lain. Kemudian, jabarkan hal-hal yang perlu dilakukan agar tetap bisa menjaga hubungan baik dengan relasi tersebut sekalipun kegiatan sudah berakhir.

Dalam hal ini, penting untuk diingat bahwa yang perlu kamu jelaskan adalah langkah-langkahnya, bukan sekadar menyebutkan platform yang digunakan agar tetap terhubung, seperti sosial media. Selanjutnya, jelaskan juga bagaimana dampak positif dari networking tadi terhadap target-target yang kamu miliki.

Selain memaparkan networking yang sudah ada sebelumnya, pihak penyeleksi juga ingin mengetahui pandangan kamu mengenai dampak networking yang akan kamu peroleh jika berhasil menjadi penerima Beasiswa Chevening serta kontribusi yang akan kamu berikan kepada komunitas alumni Chevening nantinya.

Tertarik dengan Beasiswa Chevening dan ingin berkonsultasi lebih lanjut dengan konsultan expert ? Schoters bisa bantu kamu mulai dari persiapan memilih universitas, beasiswa, persyaratan dokumen hingga interview .

Silakan klik tombol “Konsultasi Kuliah di Luar Negeri” di bawah ini dan kamu bisa bebas tanya apa pun. 👇

[Schoters] Form Konsultasi Harvester

3. Tips menulis esai Beasiswa Chevening b agian Study in UK      

Jelaskan alasan kamu mengambil program studi yang kamu pilih. Hubungkan alasan tersebut dengan pengalaman-pengalaman yang linier di bidang terkait dan rencana kamu di masa depan. Jelaskan pula mengapa kamu memilih Inggris atau universitas yang kamu tuju sebagai tempat melanjutkan studi. Alih-alih menuliskan keunggulan dari Inggris atau kampus tujuan secara umum, pada bagian ini perlu memaparkan motivasi-motivasi yang lebih spesifik.

Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya kamu melakukan riset terlebih dahulu, ya! Misalnya, mengenai kebijakan-kebijakan yang sudah dilakukan Pemerintah Inggris berkaitan dengan bidang yang kamu pilih atau menelusuri website resmi kampus untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang profesor, penelitian, mata kuliah, kurikulum, reputasi program studi atau hal-hal relevan lain yang membuat kamu tertarik memilih kampus tersebut.

Baca Juga: Ketahui Cara Sukses Menulis Esai Beasiswa

4. Tips menulis esai Beasiswa Chevening b agian Career Plan

Rencana karier ini terbagi menjadi tiga fase, yaitu jangka pendek, jangka menengah, dan jangka panjang. Pastikan rencana pada tiga fase tersebut tetap saling berkesinambungan dan tentunya berkaitan dengan keilmuan program studi yang kamu daftar. Dalam artian, rencana pada fase berikutnya merupakan target yang lebih besar dan pengembangan dari rencana di fase sebelumnya.

Akan menjadi nilai plus jika rencana kamu memiliki korelasi dengan Sustainable Development Goals dan program-program kerja sama pemerintah Inggris-Indonesia. Yang tak kalah penting, rencana yang kamu buat harus jelas, terukur, dan achievable . Pastikan rencana tersebut memungkinkan untuk direalisasikan dengan bekal pengalaman-pengalaman yang sudah kamu paparkan pada bagian esai Beasiswa Chevening sebelumnya.

Tata penulisan esai Beasiswa Chevening

Dari segi bahasa, pastikan grammar yang kamu gunakan sudah tepat dan EYD sudah sesuai dengan kaidah Bahasa Inggris. Pihak Chevening sendiri telah menekankan hal ini melalui laman resminya. Hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah hindari pemakaian fitur bullet point dalam menulis essay.

Ceritakan saja secara mengalir, tetapi tetap dengan kalimat yang padat dan jelas. Tips lainnya, ketika menjelaskan pencapaian-pencapaian yang kamu miliki, alih-alih menyebutkan ‘ we ’ lebih baik gunakan sapaan ‘ I ’ agar lebih personal.

Tips lolos Beasiswa Chevening

Hunters, itu dia tips ampuh menulis esai Beasiswa Bhevening. Selain esai, tentunya masih banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan secara matang agar bisa lolos Beasiswa Chevening . Butuh tips-tips persiapan lainnya? Ketahui langsung tips-tipsnya dari mentor expert Schoters

Cara praktis untuk melengkapi berkas persyaratan juga bisa kamu dapatkan di berbagai layanan Schoters

Esai Beasiswa Chevening

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Ultimate Resources to Build Your 4 Chevening Essays

This is the post you should give a read and share to assist you in securing the Chevening scholarship. Simply employ the tips, check the essay examples, and submit your application. Require any assistance? Feel free to inform us, check our services .

Chevening Scholarship is one of the best scholarships out there. The Chevening Scholarship offers all aspiring students from Chevening members or eligible nations a fully-funded scholarship for a one-year master’s program in U.K. universities. Chevening is the greatest master’s scholarship for students who have a strong interest in learning about various cultures and are accepting of people of different races and nations.

Crafting a Winning Chevening Essay: Key Points to Elevate Your Submission

The Chevening Scholarship is a prestigious award that opens doors to future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers. To craft a compelling Chevening essay, applicants must present a well-rounded narrative that resonates with the programme’s ethos and demonstrates individual merit. Below, we delve into essential attributes that can enhance your essay, making it a standout piece.

  • Meticulous Language Use : Ensure your grammar is impeccable and your sentences are coherent. Pay attention to the spelling, especially of institutions and technical terms. Your language reflects your attention to detail and respect for the application.
  • Concrete Examples : Ground your skills and achievements in real-life scenarios. Illustrate your points with stories from your work or voluntary experiences, showing tangible impacts and your role in them. Merely asserting skills without evidence will not suffice.
  • Beyond Academia : Highlight experiences outside the educational realm, particularly those involving volunteer work or professional settings. These instances often provide richer insights into your capabilities and initiative.
  • Personal Triumphs : Use ‘I’ to discuss your achievements. This approach places the spotlight on your individual contributions, even if they were part of team efforts.
  • Narrative Over Lists : Avoid bullet points when discussing job roles or future aspirations. Full sentences and narratives provide a more comprehensive view of your experiences and ambitions, allowing assessors to understand your journey.
  • Originality and Relevance : Tailor your responses to each question, avoiding generic statements or recycled content from other documents. Authenticity is key in demonstrating genuine interest and thoughtfulness.
  • Strategic Course Selection : Connect your proposed study to your past experiences and future goals. Show that your chosen course is a strategic step in your career path, not a random selection.
  • Leadership in Action : Provide examples where you’ve steered initiatives—alone or in teams—towards positive outcomes. Clarify your role in these achievements to underscore your leadership qualities.
  • Quality Over Quantity : Instead of listing numerous accomplishments, delve deeper into one or two significant experiences. Discuss how these instances shaped you and influenced others.
  • Personal Definition of Leadership : Share your leadership journey instead of quoting famous definitions. Reflect on what leadership means to you, drawing from your experiences.
  • Building Networks : Discuss your proactive efforts in forging new professional relationships, particularly outside academic settings. Describe how you’ve leveraged these networks for collective benefit.
  • Utilising Networks for Future Goals : Articulate how you plan to engage with Chevening’s extensive network to further your career aspirations.
  • Contributing to Chevening : Reflect on how your endeavours will enrich the Chevening community post your scholarship.
  • Purposeful Choice of UK Study : Explain the rationale behind selecting your UK course. How does it align with your career plans? Mention specific aspects of the course that appeal to you, demonstrating thorough research and genuine interest.
  • Impact Post-Study : Discuss how your chosen course will equip you to contribute significantly to your home country’s development.
  • Clear Career Roadmap : Present a well-thought-out career plan, detailing short, mid, and long-term goals. Linking your ambitions to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals can add a global perspective.
  • Balancing Ambition with Feasibility : Your goals should be ambitious yet achievable. Outline a realistic pathway towards reaching these objectives, showing foresight and practicality.
  • Focus on Broader Impact : Outstanding candidates envision making a substantial positive impact in their home countries. Your motivation should extend beyond personal advancement, showcasing a commitment to contributing to broader societal progress.

Remember, a winning Chevening essay is more than a showcase of achievements; it’s a testament to your future potential and the impact you aspire to make on a global stage. Infuse your essay with passion, authenticity, and a clear vision, and you will undoubtedly make a compelling case for your candidacy.

There are four essay questions in the application. The essay cannot be shorter than 100 words, and the essay cannot be longer than 500 words.

Essay 1: Leadership

Essay 2: networking, essay 3: career plan, essay 4: study selection.

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Remember these handy tips:

  • Check your grammar and make sure your sentences make sense. Double-check the spelling of words and institution names.
  • Use relevant examples from your own experience to address the essay questions. Stating that you have the required skills is not enough. We need to hear examples of how you have used your skills to achieve something positive.
  • Focus your examples on your experiences with voluntary organizations or employment rather than at school or university.
  • Use ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ when discussing personal achievements.
  • Do not use bullet points to outline job responsibilities or plans in your answers. We want to know as much about your goals as possible, so write in complete sentences and share your stories!
  • Assessors know when answers are copied and pasted from a CV, personal statement, or reference letter. Make sure you tailor your answers to the question.
  • For your application to be deemed outstanding, clearly link your chosen course of study to your previous experiences and future vision.

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Essay on Chevening Scholarships – Part 2: Networking, Engagement, Influence, and Leadership

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Indonesia Mengglobal Essay Clinic  is our effort to provide tangible help for Indonesian applicants who want to study abroad. This essay clinic is not meant to showcase ‘the perfect essay’, but by analyzing other people’s essays (what works, what does not work, what’s good, what’s bad), we hope you can learn how to write an effective application essay and how to continuously improve your own essay. We also accept essay submissions. Click  here  to learn on how to participate!!

Note on the Essay

Essay prompt.

It was not a coincident that I was trusted to lead alumni division in 50th Dies Natalis of [NAME OF PROGRAM], since I was known as The Event Organizer back then. This event was aimed to celebrate [NAME OF MAJOR]’s milestone within 50 years and I was in-charge to develop strategic planning for engaging alumni and strengthening their connection with [NAME OF PROGRAM] Program. In order to engage nearly 4.000 alumni in meaningful ways, my strategy was to divide my team into smaller team based on the class of alumni, since I believed that different approach was required for older and younger alumni. Younger alumni are more likely to get involved in the digital world, thus I used social media campaign as a bridge to deliver clear, creative and impactful message. While more traditional communication was applied to outreach our older alumni, such as warm phone call and personal meeting. This strategy had resulted in attendance of 75% of contacted alumni in the main event of [NAME OF EVENT].

In this event, we would also like our alumni to give back to our program by conducting sharing session. From alumni list, I identified potential guest speaker for this session and figured out ways to access them. At first, I doubted my networking skill, but then I realized that building network is less a matter of skill than of will. Not only is it useful for learning directly from individuals I approach, but also the benefits of growing my own authority are just as powerful. My approach focused on their giving on a cause and I finally managed to set an agreement with 9 alumni, exceeding our initial target of 5 alumni.

To build mutual relationship with alumni after the event had ended, I regularly shared newsletter and sent e-mail to share relevant information and resource. No matter whom I am trying to build a relationship with, I will always treat that person as a friend rather than a business contact. However, it was still beyond my expectation that right before my graduation, my current supervisor who also happened to be one of alumni that I used to approach offered first career opportunity to me. By first-hand experience, I learned that effective networking can be achieved by developing relationships with other people and providing mutual support and encouragement.

Networking is nothing without added value. When I become a Chevening scholar, I will be advanced in many ways therefore it would be my priority to give back to Chevening and society. As a scholar, my strategy will be to engage other scholars and alumni who share similar passions in energy and environment to find global solutions that can be applied locally. Utilizing support from impactful Chevening alumni network and my network (LIST OF NETWORK), I plan to initiate Energy101 class to educate youth about energy and environment. Lastly, as a Chevening Alumni, I will actively participate in Indonesian Chevening Alumni Association to strengthen relationships among the United Kingdom, alumni and scholars.

Review from Stefa Yuwiko – University of Newcastle Australia Recipient of Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship & Juris Doctor (JD) Scholarship for International Students

  • However, please remember that you need to plan your work with the basic rule of making a paragraph (i.e. main sentence, supporting sentences and example in needed)
  • Look at the keywords that are in the prompt and deserve some highlights: Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. It would be good if you can organise your ideas coherently (e.g. strong networking skills (1st paragraph), followed by engagement, influence and leading example in the next paragraph)
  • I notice that the way you write it down isn’t an academic writing. Please make sure that it is okay for you to do that.
  • I notice that you have too many passive sentences; it is always good to have more active sentences.
  • Please check spelling errors as well with regard to single/plural noun.


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What type of leader are you? How to show leadership skills in your Chevening interview, according to current scholars

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One of the key qualities we look for in our Cheveners is strong leadership. Here’s how you can show this in your interview.

Our Chevening Alumni work all over the world in a huge range of disciplines, but they all have one thing in common: they’re great leaders.

Proving that you have great leadership skills is a sure-fire way to convince interviewers of your value to the Chevening network and put yourself in a strong position to receive a scholarship.

We’ll show you how you can do this and even give you tips from successful scholars. But first, why do we look for leadership qualities in the first place?

Why is leadership important?

The Chevening Scholarship is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that gives students from around the world the chance to advance their education and careers by taking part in the UK’s stellar higher education system.

We select our Cheveners by looking for four important qualities:

  • Leadership and influencing
  • Relationship building
  • A strong career plan
  • Enthusiasm for studying in the UK

Leadership skills are important because our goal when awarding a Chevening Scholarship is not just to fast-track individual success.

A Chevening Scholarship allows students to create a positive impact in their own communities and around the world, and we aim to select only the students who are willing and capable to enact this positive change.

Having strong leadership skills – and being able to demonstrate these at interview – is an important part of this.

What kind of leader are you?

In order to show your interviewer that you have the leadership skills we’re looking for, you first need to know what kind of leader you are .

The answer to this question will differ from person to person. Think about situations in which you have had to take a leadership role. What skills did you most employ? What are the qualities you most associate with the strong leaders in your life?

For Hui Wang, a 2021 Chevener hailing from China, resilience is the quality they most associate with strong leadership.

“For aspiring future leaders who aim to bring about positive change, there are bound to be ups and downs along their journeys. It is crucial to tell the interviewers you can get back up from failure and figure out how to improve.”

Hui chose to highlight this quality during the interview and, clearly, was successful. But how can you show that you’re a great leader when talking to a panel of interviewers?

How can you show leadership skills in your interview?

The key to showing off your leadership skills in your interview is giving strong, specific examples.

Using the insights you have gained from reflecting on what leadership means to you, prepare a few strong examples of these qualities in action.

Laith Abdin, a 2021 Chevener from Jordan, focused on highlighting his social skills.

“I mainly focused on multiple examples that revolved around social influence, two of which were about leaving a positive impact on society through my job and my voluntary experiences,” he says.

“One of my favourites is that, despite working for a for-profit organisation, I was privileged to lead a project that ultimately aimed to support the government in responding to a vital challenge that contributes to the greater good of my country.”

Sithabile Daka-Mungombe, another 2021 Chevener from Zimbabwe, chose to foreground her work empowering women in her community.

“I [showed] my ability to give back to my community through various volunteer activities with UNICA-AfroEdge and other community based organisations that are greatly impacting society through early childhood education and girl child education,” she says.

“[These are] causes which are dear to me because of the odds I had to overcome as a girl child growing in a community that valued girls less.”

By thinking deeply about your unique leadership style and demonstrating this with a specific example, you can put yourself in the best position to receive a Chevening Scholarship. Good luck in your interview!

By  Amy Hughes

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Ilustrasi tulis. Pexel

Pejuang Beasiswa Chevening, Intip Yuk Tips Bikin Esai Biar Lolos Seleksi

  • Essay 1: Leadership and Influence Question
  • Essay 2: Networking Question
  • Essay 3: Studying in the UK Question
  • Essay 4: Career Plan Question

1. Essay 1: Leadership and Influence Question

  • Cari kata kunci seperti "influence" 'leadership" "future leaders" dari pertanyaan dan lakukan brain storming
  • Coba ceritakan satu atau dua pengalaman profesional yang menunjukkan kamu bisa memimpin suatu grup atau orang lain
  • Ceritakan bagaimana kamu bisa memengaruhi orang untuk mencapai suatu tujuan atau kesuksesan atau perbaikan
  • Cari yang paling menarik dan relevan dan ada kontribusinya untuk Tanah Air (home countries)
  • Gunakan metode STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result)

2. Essay 2: Networking Question

  • Cari kata kunci seperti "networking" "lead" "Chevening community" "profession "future" dari pertanyaan dan lakukan brainstorming
  • Pilih satu atau dua pengalaman profesional yang menunjukkan kamu bisa bergaul, mempunyai interpersonal, dan networking skill
  • Ceritakan bagaimana kamu akan menggunakan kemampuan networking yang bisa kamu dapatkan jika menjadi awardee Chevening nantinya

3. Essay 3: Studying in the UK Question

  • Ceritakan program studi di UK yang mau diambil, di mana, dan apa alasannya
  • Cari keunikan dari program tersebut
  • Cari benang merah dengan pengalaman akademik/studi atau relevansi dengan pekerjaanmu yang terdahulu/sekarang
  • Cari benang merah dengan apa yang akan kamu lakukan di masa depan
  • Apa goals utama kamu kuliah di program tersebut, siapa saja yang akan mendapatkan benefitnya?

4. Essay 4. Career Plan Question

  • Karier apa yang ingin kamu raih setelah lulus S2?
  • Di mana kamu akan bekerja?
  • Pada posisi apa kamu ingin bekerja?
  • Apa rencana short-term dan long-term?
  • Siapa yang akan mendapatkan benefit dari ilmu kamu setelah lulus?

Tips mengerjakan esai

  • Kerjakan secara offline dan jangan langsung mengerjakan esai
  • di formulir online
  • Copy-paste pertanyaan ke Ms Word
  • Buat mind map atau kerangka sebelum menulis
  • Lakukan proofreading paragraf yang saling mendukung dalam satu kesatuan esai kamu
  • Jangan lupa buat esai kamu "nyambung" antara esai 1-2-3-4
  • Wajib proofread agar makin glowing dan bebas typo/error
  • Tidak boleh melebihi batas kata yang sudah ditentukan.

Ilustrasi. Pexel

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    Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. It would be good if you can organise your ideas coherently (e.g. strong networking skills (1st paragraph), followed by engagement, influence and leading example in the next ...

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    Our Chevening Alumni work all over the world in a huge range of disciplines, but they all have one thing in common: they're great leaders. Proving that you have great leadership skills is a sure-fire way to convince interviewers of your value to the Chevening network and put yourself in a strong position to receive a scholarship.. We'll show you how you can do this and even give you tips ...

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