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  • 14 January 2019

How To Write A Personal Statement For A Nursing Course Application

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Writing your personal statement will take time, effort and several revisions before you can submit it, so don’t leave it right up until the deadline to start work on it.

Putting together a high quality nursing personal statement can be difficult, but we’ve broken it down into manageable sections below to give you some ideas of how to get started., start with who you are.

Your personal statement is your chance to talk directly to the course admissions officer about who you are, what motivates you, and why you should be chosen for a place in the branch of nursing you’ve applied for.

Be specific about how your work has affected your decision to apply and why you feel suited to progressing your career in nursing.

If you've worked in healthcare previously, you can definitely give details of your experiences to back up your reasons for applying.

Be specific about how your work has affected your decision to apply and why you feel suited to progressing your career in nursing .

Give practical examples of your interactions with nurses, and how they may have influenced your decision to apply.

Check out Eniola's advice on applying to university for a student nursing degree course  - she talks about applying through UCAS and interviews!

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Relevant experience and skills

Everyone has skills and experience that can be applied in a nursing environment, even if they weren’t acquired in a healthcare setting.

Here are some examples of skills and qualities that can be applied in nursing:

1. Communication - it is a vital skill that every nurse must possess. The ability to convey information in a concise and clear manner with both colleagues, patients and their family.

You could use examples from previous work to demonstrate this; maybe a difficult situation with a customer while working in a retail job that you managed to diffuse and resolve.

2. Organisation - another essential skill is to maintain an organised routine in a very busy environment, and often under pressure. Think of another situation where you worked under pressure in a logical fashion.

Here you could maybe talk about your time management of juggling a-levels with a part-time job, or your access to nursing course with a family.

• Applying to university for a student nursing degree course

• How to get into nursing schools in the UK

• How to get into Nursing at University

3. Advocacy - this is the active support of those in your care. It’s a specific point in the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code and you should address how you will be an advocate for your patients when you become a nurse in your personal statement.

Everyone has skills and experience that can be applied in a nursing environment, even if they weren’t acquired in a healthcare setting

Your ambitions and career goals in nursing

The competition for nursing course places in every branch at every university is fierce, and consequently they want to ensure the places go to candidates who genuinely want to become a nurse, and are motivated to pursue their career in nursing.

Even if you don’t have a specific nursing role you would like to attain in your career, you should go into some detail about what sort of environment you could see yourself working in.

Most nurses I met had an idea of where they wanted to work when they started their training, and ended up going into a completely different area for their first nursing job

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Things to watch out for

Check any documentation from the university to see if there is a word limit set for a personal statement.

You don’t want to risk your application not being considered because your personal statement is too long.

If you’re applying through UCAS, they set their own character limit, so make sure you stick to it.

Send your application in before the deadline; the earlier the better. This means you need to start work on your personal statement as soon as you decide to apply.

Some courses will close applications before the given deadline if they’ve filled all their places, so you don’t want to miss out because you procrastinated.

It’s by far the most time consuming part of the application process, and it will undoubtedly require revisions prior to submission.

Don’t feel you have to write in a ‘forced’ way. It’s easy to feel insecure if you don’t feel you can write well, but it’s worse if you feel you have to write in an unfamiliar way just to sound more academic.

It’s important it comes from you and your experiences, and if you can get the reader interested in you as a person from the very beginning, you’ll be in with a better chance of getting an interview.

A personal statement should be just that - personal.

Any employer, or university in particular, could check your statement using specialist plagiarism software that detects whether or not you’ve directly lifted text from someone else.

If they discover you have copied someone else’s work, you could be rejected by that university or employer for this or any future place.

So, the message is, make it personal to you.

About the author

I qualified as a Mental Health Nurse (RMN) in August of 2018 and started as a newly qualified nurse shortly after. On top of nursing I juggle creating content for both my YouTube channel and blog.

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How to Write a Standout Nursing Personal Statement

A woman sitting in a cafe, contemplating her nursing personal statement.

According to recent data, nursing schools receive thousands of applications yearly, and admission rates are increasingly competitive. But fear not! We’ve got your back. 

This blog equips you with insider tips and expert advice to craft a standout nursing personal statement that captivates admissions committees. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or the thought of putting pen to paper sends shivers down your spine, we’ve simplified the process to make it a breeze. 

So, let’s dive in and discover how to showcase your passion for nursing, highlight your unique experiences, and create an impressive statement that makes you stand tall among the crowd. 

Let’s get you one step closer to your dream nursing programme ! 

What Is a Nursing School Personal Statement?

When applying to nursing schools, one crucial document can make or break your chances of acceptance: the nursing school personal statement. This short essay, typically limited to two pages, serves as your introduction to the admissions committee, giving them insight into your passion for nursing and what drives you to pursue this career.

Unlike your resume or CV, a personal statement allows you to delve into your journey toward nursing. Share the experiences and encounters that shaped your decision, whether it was a family member’s influence, personal health struggles, or a deep-rooted desire to help others.

Each nursing school may have specific prompts or requirements , so tailor your statement accordingly. The goal is to showcase your unique traits and demonstrate how you align with the programme’s values and mission.

Nursing School Personal Statement Format

Illustration of people analysing documents - relating to nursing personal statements.

A well-structured nursing school personal statement is key to making a lasting impression on the admissions committee. Follow this tried-and-true format to ensure your statement stands out from the crowd.

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1. Engaging Introduction: 

Capture the reader’s attention from the start. Share a compelling story, an impactful quote, or a personal anecdote that reflects your passion for nursing. Clearly state your motivations for choosing this career path and why you are applying to their programme.

2. Informative Body: 

Use the body paragraphs to showcase your experiences and achievements that align with nursing. Avoid a simple list of accomplishments ; provide context for each one. Highlight any healthcare-related work, volunteer experiences, or academic achievements demonstrating your nursing dedication and suitability.

3. Relevant Connections: 

Establish a strong connection between your experiences and the nursing program’s values. Research the programme thoroughly and mention specific courses, faculty, or opportunities that excite you and align with your goals. This demonstrates your genuine interest and commitment.

4. Showcase Skills: 

Showcase essential nursing skills such as empathy, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Provide examples of how you’ve demonstrated these skills in your past experiences and explain how they will contribute to your success as a nurse.

5. Powerful Conclusion: 

End with a memorable conclusion reinforcing your passion for nursing and commitment to making a difference in healthcare. Reiterate why you are an ideal candidate for their programme and express your eagerness to contribute to nursing.

6. Proofreading and Editing: 

Once you’ve written your statement, carefully proofread it for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Seek feedback from trusted friends, family, or mentors to ensure your statement is clear, concise, and error-free.

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Tips for Writing a Stellar Nursing Personal Statement

A top-view close-up of a hand holding a pen, depicting the process of writing a nursing personal statement.

Writing a stellar nursing personal statement requires careful thought and attention to detail. Follow these expert tips to create a compelling and authentic statement that sets you apart from other applicants:

1) Be Genuine: 

Share your authentic self in your statement. Admissions committees value honesty and want to know the real you . Reflect on your motivations for pursuing nursing and draw from personal experiences that have shaped your passion for the field.

2) Focus on Your Journey: 

Use a storytelling approach to take the reader on a journey that led you to choose nursing as your career path. Discuss significant experiences, challenges, and moments of inspiration that ignited your interest in nursing. Avoid generic statements and, instead, emphasise what makes your journey unique.

3) Showcase Your Strengths: 

Highlight your key strengths, skills, and qualities that make you a great fit for nursing. Whether it’s empathy, leadership, adaptability, or problem-solving, provide concrete example s of how you’ve demonstrated these attributes in various situations.

4) Keep it Concise: 

Adhere to the specified word limit and keep your statement concise and focused. Admissions committees read numerous applications, so a clear and well-structured personal statement will make a lasting impression.

5) Avoid Clichés: 

Steer clear of overused clichés and generalisations. Instead, provide specific and meaningful examples illustrating your unique qualities and experiences.

6) Show, Don’t Tell: 

Instead of making broad claims, back up your statements with concrete evidence and specific instances. This approach adds credibility and depth to your statement.

7) Stay Positive: 

Maintain a positive tone throughout your statement. Focus on your aspirations, accomplishments, and enthusiasm for nursing rather than dwelling on negative experiences or setbacks.

Now equipped with expert tips and a clear roadmap, it’s time to seize the opportunity and create your standout nursing personal statement. Showcase your passion, experiences, and genuine motivations for nursing. Tailor each statement to your dream nursing programmes, highlighting your unique strengths. 

Make every word count , and remember, authenticity is key. With a captivating and well-crafted personal statement, you’ll open doors to the nursing career of your dreams. Start writing now and secure your spot in your desired nursing school!

Need help and expert advice? Contact Medic Mind !

→ Q: How long should my nursing personal statement be?

A: Most nursing schools have specific word limits for personal statements, typically 500 to 1000 words. Make sure to follow the guidelines provided by each school to stay within the desired length.

→ Q: Can I use the same personal statement for multiple nursing schools?

A: While you can use a general template, you must tailor your personal statement for each nursing programme. Highlight specific reasons why you’re interested in each school and demonstrate how you align with their values.

→ Q: Should I mention my grades and academic achievements in my personal statement?

A: Your academic achievements are already listed in your application. Instead, focus on sharing experiences, skills, and personal qualities that make you a strong candidate for nursing.

→ Q: Can I use humour in my nursing personal statement?

A: While a touch of humour can be engaging, use it judiciously and ensure it aligns with the overall tone of your statement. Remember, professionalism and sincerity are essential in a nursing personal statement.

→ Q: What if I don’t have direct healthcare experience for my personal statement?

A: Even without direct healthcare experience, focus on transferable skills gained from other experiences, such as volunteer work, leadership roles, or communication abilities that can be valuable in a nursing career.

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How to Write a UCAS Personal Statement [With Examples]

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James is senior content marketing manager at BridgeU. He writes and directs content for BridgeU's university partners and our community of international schools

What are the big challenges students should be aware of before writing their UCAS Personal Statement?

  • The essential ingredients for writing a great Personal Statement
  • How to write the UCAS Personal Statement [with examples]

Final hints & tips to help your students

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The UCAS Personal Statement can sometimes be a student’s only chance to impress a UK university. Read our in-depth guide to helping your students plan & write a winning application.

There are hundreds of articles out there on how to write a UCAS Personal Statement that will grab the attention of a UK university admissions officer.  

But if you’re working with students to help them perfect their Personal Statement in time for the  relevant UCAS deadlines , we can sum up the secret to success in three words.

Planning, structure and story. 

The UCAS Personal Statement is a student’s chance to talk about why they want to study for a particular degree, course or subject discipline at a UK university. 

As they set about writing a personal statement, students need to demonstrate the drive, ambition, relevant skills and notable achievements that make them a  suitable candidate for the universities they have chosen to apply to . 

But the UCAS Personal Statement requires students to write a lot about themselves in a relatively short space of time. That’s why lots of planning, a tight structure and a compelling story are essential if a student’s Personal Statement is to truly excel. 

As important deadlines for UK university applications grow closer, we at BridgeU have put together a guide, outlining some of the strategies and techniques to help your students to write a personal statement which is both engaging and truly individual.

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As they begin to plan their Personal Statement, students may feel intimidated. It’s not easy to summarise your academic interests and personal ambitions, especially when you’re competing for a place on a course which is popular or has demanding entry requirements. In particular, students will likely come up against the following challenges.

Time pressure

Unfortunately, the Personal Statement (and other aspects of university preparation) comes during the busiest year of the student’s academic life so far.

Students, and indeed teachers and counsellors, must undertake the planning and writing of the personal statement whilst juggling other commitments, classes and deadlines, not to mention revision and open day visits!

Because there is already a lot of academic pressure on students in their final year of secondary school, finding the time and headspace for the personal statement can be hard, and can mean it gets pushed to the last minute. The risks of leaving it to the last minute are fairly obvious – the application will seem rushed and the necessary thought and planning won’t go into  making the personal statement the best it can be . 

Sticking closely to the Personal Statement format

The character limit which UCAS sets for the personal statement is very strict – up to 4,000 characters of text. This means that students have to express themselves in a clear and concise way; it’s also important that they don’t feel the need to fill the available space needlessly.  Planning and redrafting of a personal statement is essential .

Making it stand out

This is arguably the greatest challenge facing students – making sure that their statement sets them apart from everyone else who is competing for a place on any given course; in 2022 alone, UCAS received applications from 683,650 applicants (+1.6k on 2021) students. In addition, UCAS uses its own dedicated team and purpose built software to check every application for plagiarism, so it’s crucial that students craft a truly  original personal statement which is entirely their own work .

The essential ingredients for writing a great UCAS Personal Statement 

We’ve already mentioned our three watch words for writing a high quality Personal Statement.

Planning. Structure. Story. 

Let’s dig deeper into these three essential components in more detail.

Watch: How to Write a UCAS Personal Statement with University of Essex

Planning a ucas personal statement.

It might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s vital that students plan their Personal Statement before they start writing it. Specifically, the planning phase could include: 

  • Students thoroughly researching the UK university courses they plan on applying to. 
  • Deciding on what relevant material to include in their Personal Statement (we’ll cover this in more detail later on). 
  • Writing an unedited first draft where they just get their thoughts and ideas down on paper. 

Structuring a UCAS Personal Statement

As we’ve discussed, the UCAS Personal Statement requires students to be extremely disciplined – they will be required to condense a lot of information into a relatively short written statement. This means that, after they’ve written a rough first draft, they need to think carefully about how they structure the final statement. 

A stand out Personal Statement will need a tight structure, with an introduction and a conclusion that make an impact and really help to tell a story about who your student is, and why they are drawn to studying this particular degree. 

This brings us nicely to our third and final ingredient…

Telling a story with a Personal Statement

The UCAS Personal Statement is a student’s opportunity to show a university who they are and how their life experiences have shaped their academic interests and goals. 

So a good Personal Statement needs to offer a compelling narrative, and that means making sure that a student’s writing is well-structured, and that every sentence and paragraph is serving the statement’s ultimate purpose –  to convince a university that your student deserves a place on their subject of choice. 

How to help your students start their UCAS Personal Statement

In order to ensure that a personal statement is delivered on time and to an appropriate standard, it’s essential to plan thoroughly before writing it. Here are some questions you can ask your students before they start writing:

How can you demonstrate a formative interest in your subject?

It may sound obvious but, in order for any UCAS personal statement to have the necessary structure and clarity, students need to think hard about why they want to study their chosen subject. Ask them to think about their responses to the following questions:

What inspired you to study your chosen subject?

Example answer:  My desire to understand the nature of reality has inspired me to apply for Physics and Philosophy

Was there a formative moment when your perspective on this subject changed, or when you decided you wanted to study this subject in more detail?

Example answer:  My interest in philosophy was awakened when I questioned my childhood religious beliefs; reading Blackburn’s “Think”, convinced me to scrutinise my assumptions about the world, and to ensure I could justify my beliefs.

Can you point to any role models, leading thinkers, or notable literature which has in turn affected your thinking and/or inspired you?

Example answer :  The search for a theory of everything currently being conducted by physicists is of particular interest to me and in “The Grand Design” Hawking proposes a collection of string theories, dubbed M-theory, as the explanation of why the universe is the way it is.

Asking your students to think about the “why” behind their chosen subject discipline is a useful first step in helping them to organise their overall statement. Next, they need to be able to demonstrate evidence of their suitability for a course or degree. 

How have you demonstrated the skills and aptitudes necessary for your chosen course?

Encourage students to think about times where they have demonstrated the necessary skills to really stand out. It’s helpful to think about times when they have utilised these skills both inside and outside the classroom. Ask students to consider their responses to the following questions. 

Can you demonstrate critical and independent thinking around your chosen subject discipline?

Example answer :  Currently I am studying Maths and Economics in addition to Geography. Economics has been a valuable tool, providing the nuts and bolts to economic processes, and my geography has provided a spatial and temporal element.

Are you able to demonstrate skills and competencies which will be necessary for university study?

These include qualities such as teamwork, time management and the ability to organise workload responsibly.

Example answer:  This year I was selected to be captain of the 1st XV rugby team and Captain of Swimming which will allow me to further develop my leadership, teamwork and organisational skills.

How have your extracurricular activities helped prepare you for university?

Students may believe that their interests outside the classroom aren’t relevant to their university application. So encourage them to think about how their other interests can demonstrate the subject-related skills that universities are looking for in an application. Ask students to think about any of the following activities, and how they might be related back to the subject they are applying for.

  • Clubs/societies, or volunteering work which they can use to illustrate attributes such as teamwork, an interest in community service and the ability to manage their time proactively.
  • Have they been elected/nominated as a team captain, or the head of a particular club or society, which highlights leadership skills and an ability to project manage?
  • Can they point to any awards or prizes they may have won, whether it’s taking up a musical instrument, playing a sport, or participating in theatre/performing arts?
  • Have they achieved grades or qualifications as part of their extracurricular activities? These can only help to demonstrate aptitude and hard work. 

How to write the UCAS Personal Statement [with examples] 

If sufficient planning has gone into the personal statement, then your students should be ready to go!

In this next section, we’ll break down the individual components of the UCAS Personal Statement and share some useful examples.

These examples come from a Personal Statement in support of an application to study Environmental Science at a UK university. 

Watch: King’s College London explain what they’re looking for in a UCAS Personal Statement


This is the chance for an applying student to really grab an admission tutor’s attention. Students need to demonstrate both a personal passion for their subject, and explain why they have an aptitude for it .  This section is where students should begin to discuss any major influences or inspirations that have led them to this subject choice. 

Example :  My passion for the environment has perhaps come from the fact that I have lived in five different countries: France, England, Spain, Sweden and Costa Rica. Moving at the age of 15 from Sweden, a calm and organized country, to Costa Rica, a more diverse and slightly chaotic country, was a shock for me at first and took me out of my comfort zone […] Also, living in Costa Rica, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, definitely helped me realize how vulnerable the world is and how we need to take care of it in a sustainable manner. 

This opening paragraph immediately grabs the reader’s attention by giving the reader an insight into this student’s background and links their academic interests with something specific from the student’s personal backstory. 

Discussing Academic Achievements 

The next paragraph in this Personal Statement discusses the student’s academic achievements. Because this student has had an international education, they frame their academic achievements in the context of their personal background. They also cite useful examples of other curricula they have studied and the grades they have achieved. 

Example : 

Throughout my academic life I have shown myself to be a responsible student as well as a hard working one, despite the fact that I have had to move around a lot. I have achieved several other accomplishments such as a high A (286/300) in AS Spanish at age 15, and also completed a Spanish course of secondary studies for ‘MEP’(Ministerio de Educacion Publica), which is a system from Costa Rica.   

You’ll notice that this student doesn’t just list their achievements – their strong academic performance is always linked back to a wider discussion of their personal experiences. 

Showcasing Extracurricular Activities

As well as discussing academic achievements, a good Personal Statement should also discuss the student’s extracurricular activities, and how they relate back to the student’s overall university aspirations. 

By the third/fourth paragraph of the Personal Statement, students should think about incorporating their extracurricular experiences, 

Another valuable experience was when my class spent a week at a beach called ‘Pacuare’ in order to help prevent the eggs of the endangered leatherback turtle from being stolen by poachers who go on to sell them like chicken eggs. We all gained teamwork experience, which was needed in order to hide the eggs silently without scaring the mother turtles, as well as making it more difficult for the poachers to find them. 

When the poachers set fire to one of the sustainable huts where we were staying, not only did I gain self-awareness about the critical situation of the world and its ecosystems, I also matured and became even more motivated to study environmental sciences at university.

This is a particularly striking example of using extracurricular activities to showcase a student’s wider passion for the degree subject they want to study. 

Not only does this Personal Statement have a story about volunteering to save an endangered species, it also illustrates this applicants’ wider worldview, and helps to explain their motivation for wanting to study Environmental Science. 

Concluding the UCAS Personal Statement

The conclusion to a UCAS Personal Statement will have to be concise, and will need to tie all of a student’s academic and extracurricular achievements. After all, a compelling story will need a great ending. 

Remember that students need to be mindful of the character limit of a Personal Statement, so a conclusion need only be the length of a small paragraph, or even a couple of sentences. 

“ After having many varied experiences, I truly think I can contribute to university in a positive way, and would love to study in England where I believe I would gain more skills and education doing a first degree than in any other country.  “

A good Personal Statement conclusion will end with an affirmation of how the student thinks they can contribute to university life, and why they believe the institution in question should accept them. Because the student in this example has a such a rich and varied international background, they also discuss the appeal of studying at university in England. 

It’s worth taking a quick look at a few other examples of how other students have chosen to conclude their Personal Statement. 

Medicine (Imperial College, London) 

Interest in Medicine aside, other enthusiasms of mine include languages, philosophy, and mythology. It is curiously fitting that in ancient Greek lore, healing was but one of the many arts Apollo presided over, alongside archery and music.   I firmly believe that a doctor should explore the world outside the field of  Medicine, and it is with such experiences that I hope to better empathise and connect with the patients I will care for in my medical career. 

You’ll notice that this example very specifically ties the students’ academic and extracurricular activities together, and ties the Personal Statement back to their values and beliefs. 

Economic History with Economics (London School of Economics)

The highlight of my extra-curricular activities has been my visit to Shanghai with the Lord Mayor’s trade delegation in September 2012. I was selected to give a speech at this world trade conference due to my interest in economic and social history. […] I particularly enjoyed the seminar format, and look forward to experiencing more of this at university. My keen interest and desire to further my knowledge of history and economics, I believe, would make the course ideal for me.

By contrast, this conclusion ties a memorable experience back to the specifics of how the student will be taught at the London School of Economics – specifically, the appeal of learning in seminar format! 

There’s no magic formula for concluding a Personal Statement. But you’ll see that what all of these examples have in common is that they tie a student’s personal and academic experiences together – and tell a university something about their aspirations for the future.

Watch: Bournemouth University explain how to structure a UCAS Personal Statement

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Know the audience

It can be easy for students to forget that the person reading a personal statement is invariably an expert in their field. This is why an ability to convey passion and think critically about their chosen subject is essential for a personal statement to stand out. Admissions tutors will also look for students who can structure their writing (more on this below). 

Students should be themselves

Remember that many students are competing for places on a university degree against fierce competition. And don’t forget that UCAS has the means to spot plagiarism. So students need to create a truly honest and individual account of who they are, what they have achieved and, perhaps most importantly, why they are driven to study this particular subject.

Proof-read (then proof-read again!)

Time pressures mean that students can easily make mistakes with their Personal Statements. As the deadline grows closer, it’s vital that they are constantly checking and rechecking their writing and to ensure that shows them in the best possible light. 

Meanwhile, when it comes to giving feedback to students writing their Personal Statements, make sure you’re as honest and positive as possible in the days and weeks leading up to submission day. 

And make sure they remember the three key ingredients of writing a successful Personal Statement. 

Planning, structure and story! 

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Adult nursing personal statement example 10.

Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with respect. I believe that the role of a nurse can be very challenging and hectic at times, as well as rewarding and fulfilling.

In my opinion a person who is willing to become a nurse needs to have very good interpersonal skills, be a good listener, empathetic, eager to learn and strive to improve themselves.

An understanding for other people's needs without prejudice is also important. I believe I possess all of the above qualities and will endeavour to maintain and improve on them whenever possible.

My genuine interest in caring for vulnerable people resulted in my study of special needs education at the Comenius University in Slovakia.

During my five years study I gained valuable knowledge of clinical and child psychology, education for people with multiple disabilities, developmental biology, sociology and philosophy.

To complement this I also studied art, music, drama and play therapy, from which I enjoyed art therapy the most. I am aware of the healing and relaxing power of art, especially drawing, as it is something that has personally worked for me as means to relax.

My course not only involved theoretical study but also valuable practical experience.

Among the places where I have volunteered are: children's home, orphanage, home for teenage mothers, old peoples home, home for mentally ill, diagnostic centre, re-educative children's home, home for blind children, therapeutic educational sanatorium, nursery and after school art club based in a primary school. I also took part in a project for homeless people.

I realised I definitely wanted to work in health care when I registered as a student with one childcare agency and was placed with a "difficult" client. He was a lovely 12 year old with cerebral palsy. He helped me to discover my caring attitude and the desire to make a difference in somebody's life.

My first professional job was in the care field. I started off this career by completing a spinal cord injury carer training which involved: anatomy and physiology of the vertebral column and spinal cord, urinary and bowel management, first aid and maintaining dignity, privacy and self-esteem.

For two and half years I have been working for a gentleman with spinal injury and for six months for a lady with motor neurone disease. During this period I feel my interpersonal skills and my ability to understand non-verbal communication cues have greatly improved. I have become a better listener too.

Earlier this year I undertook two courses at the College of North West London. I studied counselling skills and art therapy and feel I gained useful counselling skills which will not only be beneficial to nursing but also in many other areas of my life.

I learnt that the way we respond to different life circumstances can be influenced by early childhood experiences or unsolved issues. This has helped me a lot with my personal growth.

I truly enjoy working directly with people which is one of the reasons I have decided on this career path. I realise that nursing is a profession for life.

Once you become a nurse you are a nurse for the rest of your life. It will influence the way you act and think, the way you see the world around you. I feel I am ready to embark on this profession and the way of life it entails.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by ikuscha for application in 2009.

ikuscha's Comments

Hiya this is a personal statement of a foreign and mature student. I already have a master degree in special needs education. i think this statement might be a bit different but hopefully inspirational. Any feedback will be much appreciated and good luck everyone!

Related Personal Statements

This is a very serious.

Wed, 11/02/2009 - 11:05

This is a very serious statement, I think you should study to become a doctor or something like that... all the best. You've learnt a lot and you've inspired me. Thanks.

thank u very much for ur

Wed, 11/02/2009 - 17:46

thank u very much for ur positive feedback! good luck with ur application!

Wow, that was great!

Wed, 03/06/2009 - 09:15

A great example of Personal Statement! Lots of information about your experiences and ambitions without becoming ovewhelming and sounding like a resume. Good Job. Did you get in to the program already? The problem is my school only wants 2 pages double spaced and 12 pt, which roughly adds up to 43 lines. It's simply not enough to say everything you need to say.

A star statement

Sun, 20/09/2009 - 13:25

Thanks This Was indeed

Thu, 12/11/2009 - 20:16

Thanks This Was indeed Inspirational.. Different But Did Help.. Thanks

Not perfect, but a good effort.

Sun, 26/09/2010 - 22:40

It's not bad, but I think you need less of the 'idealistic' waffle.. ("Ready for the way of life it entails", etc) it sounds a little martyr-ish. My personal statement sounded a bit like that and although I qualify in six months, (so proud!) and got on the course with no problems, I think its better to write showing you have researched - not just the 'I want to care for people' blah that everyone writes. Do some research, biology, talk about clinical proceedures, and indicate specialities you might be interested in. It makes it more original. Good luck.

this iss sooo goood its 100x

Mon, 07/10/2013 - 16:16

this iss sooo goood its 100x way better than mynn i dont think i cud do such a gud ps.

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Nursing Personal Statement

Sample Nursing Personal Statement

My ambition to become a nurse has its origins in my father’s final illness, where I observed the sort of nursing care he received in hospital and was immensely moved and inspired by the professionalism and skill of those who tended him. When I was young my elder sister was a nurse, and I had the utmost respect for her and her work. These early impressions led me to volunteer as an assistant at the hospital where my father was treated, partly out of gratitude for the care he had received, and partly out of a growing conviction that nursing is one of the finest and most important occupations in the human world. My working career has only confirmed this belief, and has given me a good grounding in basic nursing procedure and medical knowledge. I am happy in my present role as a health care assistant, but I should now like to formalise my training and go on to become a fully qualified nurse and embrace the great variety of possible nursing roles then open to me.

As an assistant in the hospital I worked alongside doctors and nurses dealing with seriously ill patients. I carried out personal care duties, bathing, helping with mobility and use of the toilet. It was challenging and sometimes harrowing work, but immensely fulfilling. I felt that I was doing something of the first importance, and the medical team were very appreciative of my work. When I came to England in 2003 I immediately sought work as a health care assistant and now work with vulnerable adults suffering from various debilitating health problems in their own homes. My work involves personal care, such as dressing, shaving, bathing and so on, arranging and escorting hospital visits, and administering medication. I liaise with other professionals, such as doctors, district nurses, police, physiotherapists and pharmacists. I have received basic training in nursing procedure, such as taking temperatures, measuring blood pressure, washing out catheters, moving patients, and advising on diet and hygiene. There is a degree of administrative work too, including writing reports and treatment plans, taking minutes in team meetings, contacting social workers and making risk assessments. All of these duties have given me a useful preparation for my planned career, and served to reaffirm my commitment to the profession.

My college course covered human biology, including the skeletal system, the lymphatic system and physiology. This knowledge has helped me to understand the diseases of the patients I care for, such as diabetes, arthritis and heart problems. I enjoyed the practical aspects of the curriculum in the laboratory, where I gained many skills which will be important in a university course. I am also fully aware of the need to work in a professional team in dealing with such problems, and very much enjoy being a part of a wide-ranging, efficient and powerful system of health care. Even at school I was made a health prefect, helping the school nurse in the sick bay, working to maintain a hygienic environment, checking the first-aid kit and even performing simple procedures such as dressing wounds. My reliability and maturity of attitude were recognised in my appointment as head prefect of my high school, involving numerous administrative duties, directing others and working in teams.

I am fully aware that my chosen career can be very challenging, and I have already encountered many of the emotional and physical problems it can involve. But I am driven by a real determination to care for others and to try to make a difference to people’s lives. A nurse deals with people at their most vulnerable, at a time when their needs are at their greatest. A proper notion of human dignity, an urgent desire to alleviate pain and an ability to remain calm in the face of human suffering are the essentials qualities of the successful carer. My dedication to these values is absolute, and I hope you will consider my application.

We hope this sample Nursing personal statement has helped give you some ideas for your own.

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  • Children’s Nursing Personal Statement Examples

If you are preparing your nursing application for university and need a good personal statement for the Children’s nursing course , below you can find two amazing examples.

Both Child Nursing personal statement examples are free to use as an inspiration to write your own. 

Children’s Nursing Personal Statement Example

As a prospective children’s nurse, I am driven by the passion to make a difference in the lives of young patients and their families. The vital role children’s nurses play in maintaining the smooth operation of wards and clinics, promoting public health, and offering compassionate care to each child, resonates deeply with me. I am confident that I possess the dedication and commitment essential to excel in Children’s Nursing and am eager to develop these qualities further throughout my nursing career.

My work experience in a local primary school has allowed me to hone my organization and communication skills. Collaborating with class teachers, I witnessed firsthand the significance of planning and organization in preparing daily lesson plans. This experience parallels the importance of devising care plans and ensuring seamless handovers in nursing. Additionally, my ability to mediate and resolve conflicts among children demonstrates my strong interpersonal skills.

My A-level studies have provided a unique perspective on my chosen career path. Sociology has enlightened me on the importance of treating individuals with respect, regardless of their background. Meanwhile, photography has heightened my awareness of how colour and arrangement can influence one’s mood and well-being. The innovative incorporation of colour, space, and light in contemporary hospital designs has piqued my curiosity and further solidified my interest in nursing.

Participating in the Cardiff Half Marathon, I discovered my ability to thrive in challenging circumstances. Volunteering with St John’s Ambulance has not only boosted my confidence but also cultivated my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. These experiences have prepared me for the demanding yet fulfilling nature of a children’s nursing career.

Through my involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme, I have successfully earned a bronze medal and plan to pursue the silver award while attending university. This accomplishment demonstrates my dedication to personal growth and my readiness to embrace new challenges. As a model school Prefect, I have developed a strong sense of teamwork and leadership, which are vital qualities in the nursing profession.

In conclusion, my work experience, academic background, and extracurricular activities have equipped me with the skills and determination necessary to excel as a children’s nurse. I am excited to embark on this noble and rewarding journey, making a meaningful impact on the lives of young patients and their families, while continuously striving to better myself as a professional in nursing.

Other Nursing personal statement examples:

  • Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement Examples
  • Nursing Personal Statement Example

Child Nursing Personal Statement

I have taken on the responsibility of caring for young family members, which has instilled in me a sense of commitment and understanding that I believe is essential for a career in Child Nursing. My inspiration to pursue this career path was sparked by a personal experience when my sibling experienced an allergic reaction to peanuts. In response, I immediately administered the correct dosage of antihistamines medication. This experience motivated me to research the field of Child Nursing and solidified my desire to pursue a career in this area.

During my A-Level studies in Psychology and English Language, I gained a deeper understanding of the functions of the brain and the stages of child development. A fundamental principle that I learned in Psychology is the importance of forming attachments. I understand that establishing a secure relationship with a child is essential in Nursing , as the Nurse must create a rapport with the patient. My study of Psychology has also allowed me to recognize the different biological, social and behavioural explanations of human functioning, which motivated me to enhance my knowledge on this topic.

My study of Sociology has enabled me to acknowledge the importance of avoiding labelling patients due to their illness or background, as this can demoralize them. I understand that the NHS strives to provide high-quality care in a safe and secure environment and that respect and dignity should be shown to improve patients’ experiences.

My work experience at Gytha Primary School has given me the skills necessary to understand the needs of young children and be responsible for their well-being. This experience has also taught me the importance of advanced planning to ensure the effective running of an organization. I understand that as a Nurse, it will be essential to plan and prepare for the different duties carried out within the Nursing departments, such as taking types of blood, managing patient health, and providing physical and emotional support to patients and their families.

Volunteering for Action on Hearing Loss has allowed me to interact with people who suffer from hearing impairment, and I have learned to communicate with hearing-impaired patients through gestures. I have also completed First Aid training with St John’s Ambulance, which allowed me to carry out CPR on another individual. These skills will be invaluable when examining patients who find it hard to breathe.

Completing the National Citizen Service has allowed me to acquire several skills that will be useful in my future career as a nurse. Throughout the programme, I built my confidence by creating, planning, and delivering a Dragons’ Den pitch to a large audience. I learned the importance of team dynamics and how to work effectively with people who hold different values. The course also taught me how to tackle challenges successfully, which is a skill that can be transferred to the role of a Nurse.

In my free time, I enjoy reading books to improve my reading and writing skills, which will be beneficial in the Nursing environment when filling out patient profiles and keeping records of their medical needs. I also enjoy walking regularly, which allows me to think and relieve stress on a challenging day.

As an individual, I am hardworking and organized, which will enable me to plan and prepare for the work I will be carrying out throughout my Nursing career. I am dedicated and capable of being industrious in a work environment. I believe that I will be an asset to the Nursing course at your esteemed institution and look forward to the opportunity to pursue my passion for Child Nursing.

To write a strong personal statement about children’s nursing, begin by explaining your interest in child nursing and develop your story with experiences that have cultivated your knowledge. Organise your experiences in a clear timeline, and conclude by discussing your programme and future goals.

Choosing a career in children’s nursing offers a multitude of benefits. As a children’s nurse, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of young patients and their families. It offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to work in a variety of settings and take on a range of responsibilities. With excellent employment prospects, a career in children’s nursing can provide a stable and rewarding career path.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement

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Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement

I am applying for a Mental Health Nursing degree because I want to help people who suffer from mental illness. With the skills I have acquired whilst working as a support worker and whilst studying a Health Professions course, I believe I will achieve my goal of going to university.

I gained some insight into a mental health career whilst working part-time as a support worker. The role includes writing care plans, interacting with the patients as well as carrying out ward rounds with a group of healthcare professionals.I would like to expand my knowledge further at a degree level and possibly higher. I’m also aware of the importance of treating people in a non-judgemental manner and to respect equality in a mental health setting such as working with employees and clients with different religious beliefs and different cultures. I feel it is important to use the Mental Health role to promote mental health illness to the public. I am convinced that mental illness is an area in which most people are uncomfortable either talking about or taking part in preventing and supporting those who suffer from mental issues. I have excellent communication skills which I have gained through working in care .For example when I am communicating with clients that have trouble speaking, I will use good body language and good eye contact. I sometimes use objects such as toys when they want to play or a spoon when it is time to eat. I learned to use documentation when working with clients as each individual client has a care plan that we use to write their daily notes such as personal care, activities and appointments with doctors. This helps the other employees during handover because they will know how to help the clients based on the documentation I have written. This has taught me the importance of communication and team work as it contributes to successfully support people who suffer from mental illness.

I have a stammer but I managed to enroll on a speech therapy program called McGuire program. The program gave me confidence and my speech has improved since then. The program made me face my fear of speaking. The program helped me to accept my speech problem and taught me to live with my stammer. One of the techniques used were, they made me speak to 100 strangers and disclosing to the strangers that “I have a stammer and I have been hiding for years but now I am happy as a stammerer and I now have gained control of my speech”. The program helped me to apply the skills I have learnt on the program and implement them directly to my mental health work for example , It taught me to empathise with people that suffer from mental illness and to always give consideration when communicating with them so that they can be comfortable communicating with me .

I was born and raised in South Africa and moved to England for career opportunities. I have had many family members who work in a mental health setting and I saw the satisfaction they receive from helping patients. I have also had family members suffer from mental health problems, but with my family member having experience with the mental health professional experience, they were able to offer advice on how they can be treated. That inspired me to pursue a career in mental health. I know that studying Mental Health Nursing at university will be challenging because health care professionals must have the ability to make decisions, show compassion and support the diverse needs of individuals in their care. The role will test my skills and abilities however I am confident that I can meet these challenges and choosing nursing will help me fulfil my ambition of supporting and treating others in a mental healthcare environment.

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    UCAS Advice Advice on navigating UCAS. Work Advice Advice for your next steps. Recommended Articles. ... Adult Nursing Personal Statement . Moving from Finland to the UK to start sixth form was a great decisio... Submitted by Kulshuma. Nursing/Midwifery Personal Statement

  4. How To Write A Personal Statement For A Nursing Course Application

    A nursing personal statement is one document that every single person applying for a nursing course needs to write. Follow our guide below for a simple way to write it. ... she talks about applying through UCAS and interviews! Find healthcare jobs. 1000s of jobs for nurses, AHPs, clinicians, care assistants, managers and more. Jobs in care ...

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    Just start by showing your enthusiasm for the subject, showcasing your knowledge and understanding, and sharing your ambitions of what you want to achieve. Avoid cliches! Remember, this opening part is simply about introducing yourself, so let the admissions tutor reading your personal statement get to know you. Keep it relevant and simple.

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    Engaging Introduction: Capture the reader's attention from the start. Share a compelling story, an impactful quote, or a personal anecdote that reflects your passion for nursing. Clearly state your motivations for choosing this career path and why you are applying to their programme. 2. Informative Body:

  8. Nursing Personal Statement Writing Guide (With Examples)

    A nursing personal statement will accompany your nursing course application. Nursing personal statements will support your application and anything contained within it such as your experience, grades or your qualifications. ... When creating your UCAS personal statement, you should follow a format to ensure that it is structured correctly. So ...

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    Adult Nursing Personal Statement. Submitted by Maryam. I have always been eager to pursue a career where it's my job to care and fend for people that are unable to care for themselves efficiently. Nursing is very challenging and demanding, however, I believe that it is also very rewarding. I have also come to understand that a career in ...

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    Adult Nursing Personal Statement. Submitted by Susan. My ambition is to study Adult Nursing in university. Since I was a young girl it has been my dream to help people in need. I have a great interest in science and I plan to extend my study and understand it as much as I can. My mum has been the main influencer for my desired course.

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  14. Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 10

    Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 10. Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with respect. I believe that the role of a nurse can be very challenging and hectic at times, as well as rewarding and fulfilling. In my opinion a person who is willing to become a nurse needs to have very good interpersonal skills, be a good listener ...

  15. sample nursing UCAS personal statement

    Sample Nursing Personal Statement. My ambition to become a nurse has its origins in my father's final illness, where I observed the sort of nursing care he received in hospital and was immensely moved and inspired by the professionalism and skill of those who tended him. When I was young my elder sister was a nurse, and I had the utmost ...

  16. Children's Nursing Personal Statement Examples For UCAS

    Children's Nursing Personal Statement Example. As a prospective children's nurse, I am driven by the passion to make a difference in the lives of young patients and their families. The vital role children's nurses play in maintaining the smooth operation of wards and clinics, promoting public health, and offering compassionate care to ...

  17. How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber

    Top tips on how to write your statement opener. We spoke to admissions tutors at unis and colleges - read on for their tips. 1. Don't begin with the overkill opening. Try not to overthink the opening sentence. You need to engage the reader with your relevant thoughts and ideas, but not go overboard. Tutors said: 'The opening is your chance ...

  18. Children's Nursing, BSc

    Nursing and Midwifery at Greenwich is number one in London for satisfaction with teaching (Guardian League Tables 2022). Nursing students may benefit from additional support of at least £5,000 a year to help with living costs. Our highly qualified staff who are both teachers and researchers, giving you access to a talented pool of educators.

  19. Adult Nursing Personal Statement 3

    Adult Nursing Personal Statement. "My mission in life in life is not merely to survive but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style" this quote was written by Maya Angelou and what I believe to be my life quote. Growing up in Nigeria and watching my mother nurse patients from poor health and ...

  20. Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement

    Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement. I am applying for a Mental Health Nursing degree because I want to help people who suffer from mental illness. With the skills I have acquired whilst working as a support worker and whilst studying a Health Professions course, I believe I will achieve my goal of going to university.

  21. Dates and deadlines for uni applications

    For courses starting in 2024 (and for deferred applications), your application should be with us at UCAS by one of these dates - depending on what courses you apply for.If your completed application - including all your personal details and your academic reference - is submitted by the deadline, it is guaranteed to be considered.. If you're applying through your school/college, please ...