Essay on Art

500 words essay on art.

Each morning we see the sunshine outside and relax while some draw it to feel relaxed. Thus, you see that art is everywhere and anywhere if we look closely. In other words, everything in life is artwork. The essay on art will help us go through the importance of art and its meaning for a better understanding.

essay on art

What is Art?

For as long as humanity has existed, art has been part of our lives. For many years, people have been creating and enjoying art.  It expresses emotions or expression of life. It is one such creation that enables interpretation of any kind.

It is a skill that applies to music, painting, poetry, dance and more. Moreover, nature is no less than art. For instance, if nature creates something unique, it is also art. Artists use their artwork for passing along their feelings.

Thus, art and artists bring value to society and have been doing so throughout history. Art gives us an innovative way to view the world or society around us. Most important thing is that it lets us interpret it on our own individual experiences and associations.

Art is similar to live which has many definitions and examples. What is constant is that art is not perfect or does not revolve around perfection. It is something that continues growing and developing to express emotions, thoughts and human capacities.

Importance of Art

Art comes in many different forms which include audios, visuals and more. Audios comprise songs, music, poems and more whereas visuals include painting, photography, movies and more.

You will notice that we consume a lot of audio art in the form of music, songs and more. It is because they help us to relax our mind. Moreover, it also has the ability to change our mood and brighten it up.

After that, it also motivates us and strengthens our emotions. Poetries are audio arts that help the author express their feelings in writings. We also have music that requires musical instruments to create a piece of art.

Other than that, visual arts help artists communicate with the viewer. It also allows the viewer to interpret the art in their own way. Thus, it invokes a variety of emotions among us. Thus, you see how essential art is for humankind.

Without art, the world would be a dull place. Take the recent pandemic, for example, it was not the sports or news which kept us entertained but the artists. Their work of arts in the form of shows, songs, music and more added meaning to our boring lives.

Therefore, art adds happiness and colours to our lives and save us from the boring monotony of daily life.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Art

All in all, art is universal and can be found everywhere. It is not only for people who exercise work art but for those who consume it. If there were no art, we wouldn’t have been able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and forget about our problems.

FAQ of Essay on Art

Question 1: How can art help us?

Answer 1: Art can help us in a lot of ways. It can stimulate the release of dopamine in your bodies. This will in turn lower the feelings of depression and increase the feeling of confidence. Moreover, it makes us feel better about ourselves.

Question 2: What is the importance of art?

Answer 2: Art is essential as it covers all the developmental domains in child development. Moreover, it helps in physical development and enhancing gross and motor skills. For example, playing with dough can fine-tune your muscle control in your fingers.

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How Art Makes Us More Human: Why Being Creative is So Important in Life

essay about art in my life

Art is an important part of life, as it helps us to explore our creativity and express ourselves in unique ways. Art is more than just a form of expression - it’s a way of understanding the world and our place in it. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the psychological, social, and cognitive benefits of creating art and how it can bring joy and purpose to our lives.

What is art?

Art is a form of expression that values creativity and self-expression. It can take many forms, from paintings and sculptures to photography and even digital art. Art has the power to move us, to make us feel something, and to tell stories. Art can be used as a way of connecting with ourselves and with each other, and its power lies in its ability to inspire, create joy, and provoke thought. Art is an expression of the human experience, and its value lies in its ability to bring people together.

The connection between art and emotion

The value of art lies in its ability to evoke emotion. Whether you’re looking at a painting, watching a performance, or listening to music, art allows us to experience a range of emotions from joy to sorrow and everything in between. Art can help us make sense of our own emotions and gain a better understanding of how other people are feeling. It can even bring us closer together as it enables us to feel connected with the artist, even if we have never met them. When we interact with art, it can often spark a dialogue, creating a feeling of understanding and empathy within us.

One way in which art can be especially powerful is when it reflects our personal experiences and values. By connecting with a piece of art that speaks to our values, we can often feel a strong emotional connection with it, enabling us to recognize ourselves in the work and appreciate its beauty and meaning.

The link between art and mental health

Art can be an incredibly powerful tool in helping us to manage our mental health and well-being. Studies have found that art can reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and improve our ability to cope with difficult emotions. Art provides a safe space for us to express our thoughts and feelings, allowing us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level.

One of the main ways that art benefits mental health is through its ability to help us process and make sense of our emotions. Art enables us to externalize our inner struggles, allowing us to make sense of them in a new way. By engaging in creative activities, we can gain insight into our own feelings, giving us the opportunity to recognize patterns and reflect on them in a non-judgmental manner. This can help us to gain a better understanding of our emotions and allow us to find healthier ways of managing them.

Art can also help to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Studies have found that engaging in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or sculpting can reduce symptoms of both depression and anxiety. It also can increase positive moods and overall life satisfaction. In addition, engaging in art can give us a sense of control over our lives, providing us with the opportunity to express ourselves without fear of judgment.

Finally, creating art can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, helping us to feel connected to something larger than ourselves. Art gives us a way to channel our energy into something meaningful, allowing us to have a tangible outcome at the end of our creative journey. The act of creation itself can be incredibly empowering, giving us the confidence to take on new challenges and set goals for ourselves.

Overall, engaging in art has been proven to have a positive impact on mental health. Through its ability to help us process emotions, decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and provide us with a sense of purpose and accomplishment, art has the power to truly transform our lives.

The benefits of creating art

Creating art can be an immensely rewarding experience that has both psychological and physical benefits. It can provide a sense of purpose, satisfaction, and accomplishment. Art can also help reduce stress, build self-confidence, and improve problem solving skills.

Art can be used to express feelings and emotions, helping to better understand and cope with difficult experiences. It can also be used to relieve anxiety, improve mental health, and enhance positive self-image. Additionally, engaging in creative activities encourages creative thinking, which can foster innovation and creativity in other areas of life.

Creating art can also improve physical well-being. It has been linked to reducing chronic pain and boosting the immune system. It can also help with motor coordination, providing relief for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Furthermore, it can help with hand-eye coordination, increasing dexterity and making everyday tasks easier.

Finally, creating art is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It can provide an outlet for pent-up emotions and help to restore a sense of balance and wellbeing. Even if your work is not immediately appreciated, it’s important to remember that art is subjective and it should be created for yourself, not for the approval of others.

The power of art in storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool for communication, and art is an important part of this process. Through art, we can express ourselves in ways that words alone cannot do justice to. Art allows us to show the emotion behind our stories, to add nuance and depth to our tales, and to create visuals that can leave a lasting impression.

Stories told through art have a special power. Whether it's through painting, drawing, sculpture, or even film, art has the potential to bring our stories to life in a way that words simply cannot do. With art, we can bring our characters and stories to life in vivid detail, making them more vivid and alive than if we were to tell the story with just words. We can also add layers of symbolism and meaning to our stories which can make them more meaningful and powerful.

Art has been used as a storytelling device for thousands of years. Ancient cultures used drawings and sculptures to tell their stories, and today, the tradition continues with all forms of visual arts. From street art to museum installations, art is used to tell stories of cultures, histories, beliefs, and emotions. By using art to tell stories, we can move people emotionally and capture their attention in a unique way.

In today's world, where we are bombarded with information from all sides, it can be hard to stand out. Art gives us the chance to do that in a powerful way. By creating art, we can tell stories that resonate with people, inspiring them and showing them something new. The power of storytelling through art is immense and should not be underestimated.

The importance of art in education

Art plays an important role in education, as it encourages creative thinking and provides a platform for students to express their feelings and ideas. It can also be used as a form of communication, allowing students to interpret and create meaning from what they observe. Additionally, the visual representation of art helps children to develop skills such as analyzing information, forming arguments, and making connections.

In the classroom, art can help to introduce new concepts, convey complex topics, and build relationships between students. By incorporating art into lesson plans, teachers are able to engage students in learning and make the material more interesting. Art also helps students to identify patterns and practice critical thinking skills by exploring how elements interact to create a bigger picture.

Furthermore, art allows for students to practice collaboration, problem-solving, and social interaction. Through group projects, students can work together to plan, organize, and execute a project from start to finish. This helps to teach kids essential teamwork skills while also giving them the opportunity to explore their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, art is an integral part of education that helps students develop important skills and encourages creative expression. It is an important tool for teaching and can be used in various ways to make learning more engaging and meaningful.

The role of art in social change

The power of art in creating social change is undeniable. It has been used throughout history as a tool to inspire, educate, and challenge the status quo. Art can be used to bring attention to injustices, advocate for different perspectives, and to create positive cultural shifts.

One example of how art has been used to inspire social change is through protest art. This type of art is often seen at protests and marches, or used to create powerful visuals for political campaigns. Protest art can be anything from signs and banners to sculptures, graffiti, or public installations. It can also take the form of music, film, theater, and literature. By combining art and activism, people are able to communicate their message in an effective way that captures the attention of the public.

Another example of how art can be used to create social change is through digital media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. These platforms allow anyone with an internet connection to share their creative works and connect with other like-minded individuals. Art has been used on these platforms to raise awareness about important issues, tell stories that inspire change, and even challenge oppressive systems.

Finally, art can be used to help those who are oppressed find strength and resilience. Art provides a platform for those who are marginalized to tell their stories and express their experiences in a safe space. Through art, people are able to connect with each other and find solidarity in the face of adversity.

Art plays an important role in social change and is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create positive impact in the world. Whether it’s used to create powerful visuals for a protest or to tell stories that inspire action, art has the power to bring people together and spark meaningful conversations about important topics.

Art is essential for all our lives

No matter who you are or where you come from, art plays a vital role in helping us make sense of our lives and the world around us. Art helps us to express our emotions, to communicate our thoughts and feelings, and to explore the depths of our imaginations. By engaging with art, we can discover more about ourselves and the world around us, and cultivate empathy and understanding.

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Hello! I really liked your article! You can be creative not only by making paintings, but you can also lead social networks in any manifestation and be an inspiration to other people. The most important manifestation of your creativity in social networks is to create content. Shoot videos, take photos, etc. To do this, I can recommend this article for the further development of your content and social networks.

Arts on the Brain

Emory undergrads experience & explore!

How does art affect us?

It’s no secret that art can impact lots of people’s lives in very meaningful and deep ways. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” can attest to this much at the very least. Whether you think art is paint on a canvas or scenes from the nature that surrounds you, what we as a society deem art has an impact on us all.

Art is actually part of what historians deem necessary for a group of people to be considered a society! Art, along with writing, cities, government, religion, and social structure, is the very basis of life as we as humans have known it for millennia. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that art has both a mental and physical effect on the human being. 

To begin, music can have a significant effect on concentration. A lot of research has gone into its ability to help people hone their concentration, and theories such as the Mozart effect suggest that this effect extends to even spatial awareness. Physically, dancing is something that most people universally feel compelled to do when hearing a catchy beat. However, there is a physical effect besides dancing that not everyone feels: goosebumps. Studies suggest that 50% of all people experience this phenomena (Salimpoor, Benovoy, Larcher, Dagher, Zatorre, 2011), and is a result of excitement from music. It was found that dopamine production was very high while participants were listening to music, and this could suggest why music has been such a large part of cultures across the ages. 

Visual art can produce a lot of the same effects that music does. General feelings of happiness and calmness can be found and utilized via art therapy. Many people use these benefits of art to quell distress and solve problems in their own lives, and part of this effect is suggested to be caused by being involved in something tangible (Malchiodi, 2012). Tangibility is something that isn’t often seen when dealing with mental issues. Most all of our mental issues stem from the chemicals within us that dictate how we view situations and the reactions we have in regards to them, and while it may be possible to visualize how these chemicals work, you cannot mold your reactions and chemical outputs like you can mold a block of clay or paint a piece of canvas. Control is something that many who are struggling with internal battles such as mental illness or grief are desiring to achieve, and art therapy and other physical-emotional therapies can help achieve a more tangible version of this.

The picture I’ve included displays the ventral striatum, which has also been shown to be activated and produce dopamine when shown art via a study at Emory (Eastman, 2011). When shown a photograph versus an artistic rendition of the subject, participants were seen to have much more activity in the ventral striatum while looking at the art. This part of your brain is very close to the midbrain and plays a role in the decision making vs reward system. So, looking at art may actually be a reward from our brain’s point of view!

Overall, art is an essential part of the human experience. Even if it doesn’t play a big role in someone’s personal life, art shapes the world around us and almost everything we experience when we interact with others. Art impacts what’s on the T.V. when you turn it on, it impacts what you see in textbooks on ancient civilizations (be it cave paintings, classical works, or folk art), it impacts what comes on on your radio and what reaches the tops of the charts on your streaming services. Art impacts us all, whether it makes you sad, happy, or anywhere in between. 

Eastman Q. 2011 Jan 6. Viewing Art Activates Brain’s Reward Circuits.

Malchiodi CA. 2012. Handbook of Art Therapy, Second Edition.

Salimpoor VN, Benovoy M, Larcher K, Dagher A, Zatorre RJ. 2011. Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nature Neuroscience 14:257–262.

3 Comments Add yours

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I love the subject of you blog post! I find it fascinating that humain beings are related by art. You do not need to speak the same language as the artist to understand his work. However, it is very personal at the same time since everyone has their own interpretation of what they see. It is also true art can become very useful for our everyday life, with Art Therapy for example. We can see the emotional impact it can have on humain beings.

' src=

Katie, fascinating ideas! I totally agree with what you explained about how art has a significant impact on our lives even if many of us don’t think about it usually. Art, as a way of expression,. should be taken more seriously as it is inseparable from our daily life. We can see art almost everywhere around us and in almost everything we do. I liked how you introduce and literate the ideas on that. I am inspired in many ways!

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I really like your post. The concept and definition of art is very broad and obscure, but it is also what makes it so interesting. Ranging from visual, to auditory, to a combo of both, or even though, art can mean a lot of things, yet they are hoping to communicate a message or feeling through the works. I think what is important, like what you mentioned in the end, is to realize the essential role of all forms of arts in our lives and appreciation the impacts they bring.

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Essays About Art: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

Essays about art inspire beauty and creativity; see our top essay picks and prompts to aid you.

Art is an umbrella term for various activities that use human imagination and talents. 

The products from these activities incite powerful feelings as artists convey their ideas, expertise, and experience through art. Examples of art include painting, sculpture, photography, literature, installations, dance, and music.

Art is also a significant part of human history. We learn a lot from the arts regarding what living in a period is like, what events influenced the elements in the artwork, and what led to art’s progress to today.

To help you create an excellent essay about art, we prepared five examples that you can look at:

1. Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? by Linda Nochlin

2. what is art by writer faith, 3. my art taught me… by christine nishiyama, 4. animals and art by ron padgett, 5. the value of art by anonymous on, 1. art that i won’t forget, 2. unconventional arts, 3. art: past and present, 4. my life as an artist, 5. art histories of different cultures, 6. comparing two art pieces, 7. create a reflection essay on a work of art, 8. conduct a visual analysis of an artwork, 9. art period or artist history.

“But in actuality, as we all know, things as they are and as they have been, in the arts as in a hundred other areas, are stultifying, oppressive, and discouraging to all those, women among them, who did not have the good fortune to be born white, preferably middle class, and above all, male. The fault lies not in our stars, our hormones, our menstrual cycles, or our empty internal spaces, but in our institutions and our education–education understood to include everything that happens to us from the moment we enter this world…”

Nochlin goes in-depth to point out women’s part in art history. She focuses on unjust opportunities presented to women compared to their male peers, labeling it the “Woman Problem.” This problem demands a reinterpretation of the situation’s nature and the need for radical change. She persuades women to see themselves as equal subjects deserving of comparable achievements men receive.

Throughout her essay, she delves into the institutional barriers that prevented women from reaching the heights of famous male art icons.

“Art is the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects that can be shared with others. It involves the arranging of elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions and acts as a means of communication with the viewer as it represents the thoughts of the artist.”

The author defines art as a medium to connect with others and an action. She focuses on Jamaican art and the feelings it invokes. She introduces Osmond Watson, whose philosophy includes uplifting the masses and making people aware of their beauty – he explains one of his works, “Peace and Love.” 

“But I’ve felt this way before, especially with my art. And my experience with artmaking has taught me how to get through periods of struggle. My art has taught me to accept where I am today… My art has taught me that whatever marks I make on the page are good enough… My art has taught me that the way through struggle is to acknowledge, accept and share my struggle.”

Nishiyama starts her essay by describing how writing makes her feel. She feels pressured to create something “great” after her maternity leave, causing her to struggle. She says she pens essays to process her experiences as an artist and human, learning alongside the reader. She ends her piece by acknowledging her feelings and using her art to accept them.

“I was saying that sometimes I feel sorry for wild animals, out there in the dark, looking for something to eat while in fear of being eaten. And they have no ballet companies or art museums. Animals of course are not aware of their lack of cultural activities, and therefore do not regret their absence.”

Padgett recounts telling his wife how he thinks it’s unfortunate for animals not to have cultural activities, therefore, can’t appreciate art. He shares the genetic mapping of humans being 99% chimpanzees and is curious about the 1% that makes him human and lets him treasure art. His essay piques readers’ minds, making them interested in how art elevates human life through summoning admiration from lines and colors.

“One of the first questions raised when talking about art is simple — why should we care? Art, especially in the contemporary era, is easy to dismiss as a selfish pastime for people who have too much time on their hands. Creating art doesn’t cure disease, build roads, or feed the poor.”

Because art can easily be dismissed as a pastime, the author lists why it’s precious. It includes exercising creativity, materials used, historical connection, and religious value. 

Check out our best essay checkers to ensure you have a top-notch essay.

9 Prompts on Essays About Art

After knowing more about art, below are easy prompts you can use for your art essay:

Essays About Art: Art that I won't forget

Is there an art piece that caught your attention because of its origin? First, talk about it and briefly summarize its backstory in your essay. Then, explain why it’s something that made an impact on you. For example, you can write about the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile – or is she smiling? You can also put theories on what could have happened while Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

Rather than focusing on mainstream arts like ballet and painting, focus your essay on unconventional art or something that defies usual pieces, such as avant-garde art. Then, share what you think of this type of art and measure it against other mediums.

How did art change over the centuries? Explain the differences between ancient and modern art and include the factors that resulted in these changes.

Are you an artist? Share your creative process and objectives if you draw, sing, dance, etc. How do you plan to be better at your craft? What is your ultimate goal?

To do this prompt, pick two countries or cultures with contrasting art styles. A great example is Chinese versus European arts. Center your essay on a category, such as landscape paintings. Tell your readers the different elements these cultures consider. What is the basis of their art? What influences their art during that specific period?

Like the previous prompt, write an essay about similar pieces, such as books, folktales, or paintings. You can also compare original and remake versions of movies, broadway musicals, etc.

Pick a piece you want to know more about, then share what you learned through your essay. What did the art make you feel? If you followed creating art, like pottery, write about the step-by-step process, from clay to glazing.

Visual analysis is a way to understand art centered around what the eyes can process. It includes elements like texture, color, line, and scale. For this prompt, find a painting or statue and describe what you see in your essay.

Since art is a broad topic, you can narrow your research by choosing only the most significant moments in art history. For instance, if you pick English art, you can divide each art period by century or by a king’s ruling time. You can also select an artist and discuss their pieces, their art’s backstory, and how it relates to their life at the time.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

essay about art in my life

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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My LIFE is art. ART is my life.

What is art? Even an art essay may struggle to fully define art. Being an artist isn’t just about putting pencil to paper, or brush to canvas & painting surfaces . Art can and does mean so much more than that, to so many people. Art is a way of seeing the world, a way manner of expression, oftentimes our need to create art feels like a compulsion. As artists,: we simply  must  create!

essay about art in my life

Art can and does mean so much more

Art may be a way to explore your world or your imagination. In this way, life is art . Art may inspire a beginning painter to take steps into learning a new medium, or an accomplished artist to experiment with a new technique. Art is teaching, art is learning. Art can be exciting, empowering, and an expression of love.

Art can be a challenge. Art can be: both frustrating and rewarding at the same time, leading to a sense of accomplishment — or a determination to do more. Art can be a message:  of politics, of peace, of brutality, or beauty. Art can be an escape, an idealization, or simply a means of play.

Art can be anything and everything you let it be!

Beyond what art is for the artist lays what art is for those who behold it. Countless art essays have been written about particular pieces of art. Interpreting and trying to understand the meaning of artwork can challenge even the most intuitive person.

Art may have as profound an effect on its audience as it does on the artist itself. Viewing certain works of art may evoke strong feelings or cause someone to consider something they previously never pondered. While an artist may have felt inspired when creating a piece, the finished piece may then inspire those who view it. 

So, pick up that art paper , that pencil, that paintbrush, that pastel, and let art take you where it will. Explore and experiment, do something different: draw a picture upside-down, paint  en plein air , try a new medium you think you hate, make a collaborative piece with a fellow artist — push your boundaries! After all, life is art and Art is a way to grow as a person, so take advantage!

Also see Why Being an Artist is the Best 25 Reasons Why Being an Artist is the Best

What does art mean to you? Is it a hobby, a business, a journey, a passion — all of the above? At Jerry’s Artarama art supplies, art is our life . Come join us!

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Art Is Life. Life Is Art.

Iranian-Dutch artist Sevdaliza on the ultimate power of art, even in fragile times.

Photography by Tré Koch/Early Morning Riot


Back in Janaury, around the release of "Oh My God," we were planning an op-ed by Iranian-Dutch artist Sevdaliza on her indentity and multi-dimensionality: she is a refugee, international businesswoman, creative director, artist, freedom fighter, CEO. That idea evolved into this piece, which couldn't be more timely as artists around the world are experiencing new creative and financial challenges.

To all artists,

Art is life, no matter how fragile the times.

Art is a testimony of the human condition. It encompasses all of our hardships, emotions, questions, decisions, perceptions. Love, hatred, life, death. Essentially the way in which we perceive our world, every aspect of humanity can be expressed through art.

These times lay bare why art can’t be dictated nor contained by anything. Creativity isn’t limited by its resources. Creation is a primal source. The authenticity in a painting or a piece of music is felt universally, because it resonates with the same essential being in the creator and the creation. The artist is often referred to as a magician, whereas her art only lays bare the heightened capacity to channel the universal truths.

The common story of life, love and death is what connects us humans.  Art is important because it functions as a holistic portal to a deeper understanding of humans and the self.


Photo by Zahra Reijs

Traditions, beliefs, values and lifestyle all shine forth through what we produce as art, whether we know it or not. Architecture, fashion, music, film, dance, paintings, prayers.  They all essentially reveal the culture of people.

Art allows us to discover and preserves the delighted mind. While creation lays bare our human fragility. The distance between our most actualized self (creation) and it’s lesser materialization (art) is a vast universe between facts and metaphors. Perhaps this is why we create and materialize art, despite the arising feeling that everything has already been said and done. 

We as a species, cannot simply conceive our lives out of art. We struggle daily to close that gap, although we feel that it might be an impossible task. Art will always be metaphorical, but ultimately, it does not matter. And that exact fact for me, is beautiful, cruel and simple.

Art does not subdue to any kind of utility or desire. Creation only aims at its own existence.

We are all artists some way, somehow. We fight our battles, love and hate, ask our questions, and of course, read the universe in our own unique way.  Art is not a wrong nor right, it is not a distraction, nor a privilege.  It is life itself. 

I hope we understand why art is life and why life is art. Why we should always strive to allow art, to stimulate art, to support art. St(art) today.


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How to Write a Good Common App Essay about Art

We received this question via email recently and we thought it was such an important question that we’re addressing it in this blog post. The question:

“I'm currently at the end of my Junior year in high school and I just read your article on writing college essays about art to look for some guidance. I noticed that the majority of the article referred to performing arts and film. I am planning on writing my college essay very soon, within this year, but I would like some insight on how to go about writing my topic on the traditional side of art without it sounding cliché. I really wanted to include art in my essay because it is a very important aspect of my life, it allows me to convey my thoughts and emotions.”

--Picas So Confused

The answer: 

Art is like, really complex. Totally. We get it. We’ve written about college essays and art , art supplements , and how to craft your college essay to reflect your creative side, and so on. But we wanted to more deeply explore the above question of how to craft an essay about more “traditional” art without it being bad. We had a few immediate reactions to this question that we’ll break down:

Art is an easy cliche

Plain and simple, writing about a piece of art, or your artistic approach, is cliche if done without careful thought (and probably a lot of bad drafts ). We can’t think of a more boring essay than one about a singular piece of art. That’s what your arts supplement is for -- to show your art. Your essay, on the other hand, is an opportunity for you to tell a story. And not a story about how much you love art, but rather a story that shows how much you have invested in and how much of your life is reflective of this creative process.

An essay about art can be good if it’s not about art

We know this might sound like a confusing, circular statement, but hear us out: a piece of writing can be thematically related to something without actually being ABOUT it. We advise our students to identify something small, and to make their essay about that small thing while invoking the larger thing, instead of making an essay about the bigger thing.

So for example, a student we had last year is an incredible artist. Their supplement was outstanding, they’d won a bunch of awards, and even sold their art for substantial amounts of money. It was certainly tempting to latch onto one of those big-ticket, flashy pieces and tell a story about it, or to discuss their “approach to the artistic process,” by exploring their process. Instead, we worked with them to find a relatively obscure story from years prior when the student came into contact, and ultimately, conflict , with someone in the world as a result of their art. It was barely about the art itself, and more about the human element of this conflict.

In short: no matter what your topic, but in this case it’s art, don’t knock the reader over the head with your views on art or approach to art, and instead work to find a creative and interesting way to highlight your passion about art by telling a story. The story should not be overwhelmed with description ( a description isn’t an essay ), but rather structured in such a way that has a clear beginning, a middle, and an end, with a narrative, individual voice weaved throughout. And on that note:

Make sure it’s personal

What made us most concerned about the direction of this question is the phrase “traditional side of art,” because it doesn’t sound very personal . It’s easy to take a subject and to intellectualize your involvement and interest in it. That’s not what’s going to force admissions officers to wake up out of their fog after reading hundreds of boring essays that end with “What I learned from this experience…” This is where we’ll challenge you to make this essay intensely personal (not saying you need to fact, please don’t ). When we say intensely personal, we mean the narrative voice that you use and the story that you tell. The events that make up who we are, why we care, and how we express that care, are likely small moments that lead up to the big moments. That’s what we challenge you to write about when it comes to writing about “art.” Do the work ( we’ve written out a step-by-step guide here ) to isolate some moments you may have forgotten about because they aren’t obvious, and explore those. They may very well be where the essay is.

Please feel free to reach out with any and all essay questions -- we love answering questions that are useful to you!

Life Imitates Art: Understanding the Powerful Influence of Art on Our Lives

The power of art, visual arts, performing arts, art and mental health, art therapy, mindfulness and creativity, self-expression, art in education, learning styles, creative projects, art appreciation, art and community, community engagement, art organizations, inspiring artists, vincent van gogh, frida kahlo.

Have you ever noticed how life imitates art? Art has a powerful influence on our lives, shaping the way we think, feel, and engage with the world around us. In this blog, we'll explore the impact that various art forms have on our lives, from visual and performing arts to literature. We'll also discuss the role of art in mental health, education, and community-building, and highlight some inspiring artists whose work continues to inspire us today.

Art plays a huge role in our everyday lives, whether we realize it or not. Let's take a closer look at how different art forms affect us and contribute to the idea that life imitates art.

Visual arts, such as paintings, sculptures, and photography, captivate our senses and spark our imagination. They can transport us to different places, evoke memories, or even challenge our perspectives. For example, the bold colors and swirling shapes of Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" can make us feel as though we're gazing at an enchanted sky, while Banksy's thought-provoking street art often prompts us to question societal norms and values.

From theater and dance to music and film, the performing arts have a unique way of bringing stories to life, often mirroring our own experiences and emotions. A powerful play or an emotional movie scene can resonate deeply with us, reminding us that we're not alone in our feelings and struggles. Take, for instance, the Broadway musical "Hamilton," which uses hip-hop and diverse casting to tell the story of America's founding fathers, making history feel relatable and relevant to modern audiences.

Books, poems, and other forms of literature can profoundly impact our thoughts and emotions. Reading a captivating novel or an insightful poem can help us see the world through someone else's eyes, fostering empathy and understanding. For example, Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" tackles themes of racism and injustice, encouraging readers to stand up for what's right and treat others with compassion—reminding us that life imitates art in the values and lessons we learn from it.

Did you know that art can have a significant impact on our mental health? Engaging with and creating art can help us manage stress, express our emotions, and improve our overall well-being. Let's explore some ways in which art supports mental health.

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses creative expression to help individuals cope with emotional and psychological challenges. By drawing, painting, sculpting, or engaging in other artistic activities, people can express their feelings, explore their thoughts, and gain new insights into their experiences. This process can be healing and empowering, especially for those who may struggle to communicate their emotions through words.

Creating or appreciating art can also promote mindfulness—a state of being fully present and engaged in the moment. When you're immersed in a creative project or admiring a beautiful painting, your mind is focused on the task at hand, allowing you to let go of stress and anxiety. By fostering mindfulness and relaxation, art can help improve our mental well-being and remind us to live in the present, just as life imitates art in its ability to capture a moment in time.

Art provides an outlet for self-expression, enabling us to communicate our emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a meaningful and personal way. Whether we're writing a heartfelt poem, painting a vivid landscape, or choreographing an expressive dance routine, art allows us to share our inner world with others and connect on a deeper level. Through this process of self-expression, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us, echoing the idea that life imitates art in our self-discovery and personal growth.

Art plays a crucial role in education, enhancing learning experiences and encouraging creativity. By incorporating art into the classroom, students can develop essential skills and foster a love for learning. Let's take a closer look at how art contributes to education.

Everyone has their unique way of learning, and art can cater to diverse learning styles. Some students are visual learners, who grasp concepts better through images and illustrations. Others may be kinesthetic learners, who prefer hands-on activities and tactile experiences. By incorporating art into lessons, teachers can create engaging and inclusive learning environments that accommodate different learning styles, much like how life imitates art in its diversity and adaptability.

Art-based projects can increase students' engagement and motivation, making learning more enjoyable and memorable. From creating dioramas to illustrate historical events to designing posters for science fairs, creative projects allow students to apply their knowledge in imaginative ways. These projects not only foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills—valuable assets in today's world.

Exposure to art and art history can open students' minds to different cultures, perspectives, and ways of thinking. By studying the works of renowned artists, students can gain an appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around them. This appreciation can inspire curiosity and creativity, encouraging students to explore their own artistic talents and develop a lifelong love of learning. As life imitates art, so does art appreciation help us understand the human experience and our shared history.

Art has the power to bring communities together and foster a sense of belonging. From public art installations to local art events, art serves as a bridge between people, cultures, and ideas. Let's explore the various ways in which art can enrich our communities and create a more connected world.

Public art, such as murals, sculptures, and installations, can transform spaces and create a sense of identity within a community. They can also serve as a reflection of the community's values, history, and aspirations. Public art can spark conversation, inspire creativity, and even promote social change. By experiencing public art, we can connect with others and gain new perspectives, just as life imitates art in its ability to inspire and provoke thought.

Art events and initiatives can bring people together and foster a sense of camaraderie. Examples include art fairs, workshops, and exhibitions that encourage participation and collaboration. These events provide opportunities for individuals to express themselves, learn from others, and contribute to their community's cultural landscape. They also promote cultural exchange and understanding, as people from diverse backgrounds come together to share their artistic talents and passions.

Local art organizations play a vital role in supporting and promoting the arts within communities. These organizations can provide resources, funding, and networking opportunities for artists and art enthusiasts. They also develop educational programs and outreach initiatives to engage the broader community in the arts. By supporting local art organizations, you can help ensure that the arts continue to thrive and enrich the lives of those around you, much like life imitates art in its ability to inspire, captivate, and bring people together.

Throughout history, there have been many artists who have inspired and influenced the world around them. These artists have created works that resonate with people on a deep level, transcending time and cultural boundaries. Let's take a look at three such inspiring artists and how their creations demonstrate the concept that life imitates art.

Though he faced numerous personal challenges, Vincent van Gogh is now considered one of the most influential artists in Western art history. His bold use of color and unique brushwork captured the essence of his subjects, often expressing deep emotions and a sense of movement. Van Gogh's paintings, such as "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers," have inspired countless artists and continue to captivate viewers today, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, life imitates art in the way it can be filled with beauty and emotion.

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist known for her striking self-portraits and her ability to convey complex emotions through her art. Despite facing numerous physical and emotional challenges, Kahlo used her art as a form of self-expression and healing. Her works often incorporated symbolism and surrealism, reflecting her experiences, her cultural identity, and her thoughts on gender, race, and class. Just like life imitates art, Kahlo's paintings allow us to connect with her unique perspective and understand the world through her eyes.

Banksy is an anonymous street artist whose thought-provoking and often controversial works have captured the attention of the world. Through his art, Banksy challenges viewers to question societal norms and consider important social issues. His use of humor, wit, and distinctive stenciling technique has made his works instantly recognizable and influential. As life imitates art, Banksy's creations remind us of the power of art to provoke thought and spark conversations that can lead to change.

If you're looking for inspiration on how to transform your personal experiences into art, don't miss the workshop ' Using Your Life For Art ' by Christina Wolfgram. This workshop will provide you with valuable insights and techniques on how to use your life as a rich source of material for your creative projects.

Kinetic Art of Yuko Mohri: Insights & Inspiration

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Beliefs — My Journey In The World of Art: Narrative


My Journey in The World of Art: Narrative

  • Categories: Personal Beliefs Personal Experience

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Words: 907 |

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 907 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited

  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. Harper Perennial.
  • Dissanayake, E. (2007). Homo Aestheticus: Where Art Comes From and Why. University of Washington Press.
  • Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. Basic Books.
  • Guilford, J. P. (1950). Creativity. American Psychologist, 5(9), 444-454.
  • Howett, C., & Pegler, M. (2015). The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising. AVA Publishing.
  • Lindauer, M. S. (Ed.). (2007). Aesthetics and the Art of Musical Composition in the German Enlightenment: Selected Writings of Johann Georg Sulzer and Heinrich Christoph Koch. Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, R. (2007). Everyday Creativity and New Views of Human Nature: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Perspectives. American Psychological Association.
  • Sawyer, R. K. (2006). Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation. Oxford University Press.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2003). Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized. Cambridge University Press.
  • Winner, E. (2000). The origins and ends of giftedness. American Psychologist, 55(1), 159-169.

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essay about art in my life

The Role of Art in My Life Essay Example

Art, "A picture says a thousand words" Ah the stereotypical saying that everyone has come to know and love. As a young junior, I envied art so much, I guess you could say it's quite grown on me. Anyways, I loved spending countless nights and school days devising what I can make and how I learned to make my art in different ways. As I've grown older, I've learned to express my passion for art in many ways. These two are game development and computer engineering. Art to me describes the salient idea spread across a picture and what the author was seeking to perceive the reader with. When I think about the expression, "A picture says a 1000 words." These two topics are the ones that come to mind because not only can design and build the way you want it to because it isn't something you can get right or wrong it just wants you to want it to be. Game development is a huge passion of mine, and I discovered that passion last year, and ever since, I have been learning the fundamentals such as lighting, textures, materials, shaders, words, and so much more. Art to me describes the salient idea spread across a picture and what the author was trying to perceive the reader with. Correspondingly, Game Development becomes the vision of the story, atmosphere, and mood they want to tell the reader. And when I teach about game development, you sort of understand how the developers produce and re-innovate their progress of the game to tell the story of art just like an artist would do with their drawings. Now you know why game development matters to me, let's move onto another form of love I call computer engineering. Computer Engineering is a form of engineering that involves software and electrical engineering. And the explanation for why this is a form of art is because creating a project opens the door for creativity and allows us to experiment and handcraft with a variety of electronic components and allow them to communicate with software. I've made many projects of computer engineering such as an infinity mirror, power supply, LED ornament, and a LED voice box. Last year, I competed in a science fair with an ultrasonic sonar that involves an Arduino with a program, ultrasonic sensor, and wires. The purpose or function of this project was to make an ultrasonic sensor to pinpoint an object within a room so it could it project this object on a display, I proud to say that it worked as intended and that I keep it as a trophy of my accomplishments as of how found a craft and to perfect my passion for art. I will be competing in science this year and in hopes of expressing my love of art in a new way. Every day, I build upon projects and projects whether it's on computer engineering or game development in hopes of expressing my affection for art via show-and-tell.

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Essay on Art Is Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Art Is Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Art Is Life

Art: a reflection of life.

Art is like a mirror that reflects life. It is a way for people to show their feelings and thoughts. Every piece of art tells a story about the artist’s life, their emotions, and their experiences. It is a way to communicate without using words.

The Beauty of Art

Art is also about beauty. It helps us see the world in a different way. Artists can take something ordinary and make it extraordinary. They show us the beauty in things we might not notice. This makes life more interesting and enjoyable.

Art as a Form of Expression

Art is a form of expression. It lets us say things we might not be able to say out loud. When we create art, we can put our feelings and thoughts into it. This can help us understand ourselves better. It can also help others understand us.

The Importance of Art in Society

Art is important in society because it brings people together. It can make us think about important issues. It can also make us feel connected to each other. Art is a part of every culture and it helps us understand different ways of life.

Art and Personal Growth

Art can help us grow as people. When we make art, we have to make choices and solve problems. This can help us become better thinkers. It can also help us become more creative and imaginative. These are important skills in life.

250 Words Essay on Art Is Life

What is art.

Art is a way of expressing feelings, thoughts, and ideas. It can be anything from painting and sculpture to music and dance. Art is not just about creating; it’s also about appreciating. When we look at a piece of art, we feel something. That feeling is a part of life.

Art and Life

Art is like life because it is full of emotions. Just like life, art can be happy, sad, exciting, or calm. When you make art, you put a piece of yourself into it. It shows who you are and what you feel. That’s why every piece of art is unique, just like every person is unique.

Art Teaches Us

Art teaches us about the world and about ourselves. It helps us to see things in a new way. For example, a painting of a sunset might make us appreciate the beauty of nature. A song about friendship might make us think about our friends and how much they mean to us. Art can make us feel more connected to the world around us.

Art is Everywhere

Art is not just in museums or galleries. It’s everywhere! From the design of your favorite book cover to the pattern on your clothes, art is all around us. Even the way you arrange your room can be a form of art.

In conclusion, art is a vital part of life. It allows us to express ourselves, to learn, and to connect with the world. So, let’s celebrate art, because art is life!

500 Words Essay on Art Is Life


Art is a beautiful way to express feelings and ideas. It is not just a hobby or a job for some people; it is a way of life. Art is everywhere around us, from the colors of a sunset to the rhythm of rain. It is a part of our everyday lives, and it brings joy and meaning to our world.

Art in Our Everyday Lives

Art is not only in museums or galleries. It is in the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, and the books we read. When we cook a meal, arrange flowers, or decorate our rooms, we are creating art. Even the words we speak and write are a form of art. They can paint pictures in our minds or make us feel happy, sad, or inspired.

Art as a Way to Express Feelings

Art is a powerful way to express feelings. When words are not enough, we can use art to show our happiness, sadness, love, or anger. Through painting, music, dance, or theater, we can share our inner world with others. We can also use art to understand our feelings better and to find peace in difficult times.

Art as a Way to Understand the World

Art can help us understand the world around us. It can show us different cultures, histories, and ideas. Through art, we can travel to faraway places, meet people from long ago, or explore new ideas. Art can also help us see things from different points of view. It can make us think, question, and learn.

Art as a Way to Connect with Others

Art can bring people together. It can create a sense of community and belonging. When we create or enjoy art with others, we share a special bond. We can understand each other better and feel less alone. Art can also inspire us to make a difference in the world. It can motivate us to be kinder, braver, or more creative.

Art is not just about colors, shapes, or sounds. It is about life itself. It is about expressing and understanding, connecting and inspiring. Art is a way to celebrate the beauty of our world and the depth of our hearts. So, let’s embrace art in all its forms and colors. Let’s make art a part of our everyday lives. Because, truly, art is life.

This essay is a reminder of how art is intertwined with our lives. It is not separate or distant from us; it is a part of us. It is a reflection of who we are and what we feel, think, and dream. Art is not just life; it is the soul of life. It is the color, the rhythm, the melody, the story of life. It is the mirror that reflects our world and the window that opens to new worlds. It is the bridge that connects us with others and the path that leads us to ourselves. Art is life, and life is art.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Art Involves Experience
  • Essay on Art Exhibition
  • Essay on Art Of Architecture

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay On Importance Of Art In Life

Human inspire ideas, create, provide renewal, and eventually create new revolution in everyday life. This proves the importance of art in shaping life. The importance of art in life has been agreed from the start of the history of human life. Julies Heller supported this opinion at a Conference, ‘Paper as Art’, 1978. This indicates that art is the foundation in the formulation of human life. Human progress in life through awareness of art. Art also gives an idea of the progress in life. With reform and change in an idea, new revolution in the production of works of art will be created. Julies Heller agreed that 'There is no controversy without revolution.. '(1978). Based on the said verse clearly states that art, along with the changes …show more content…

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Introduction Visual and performing arts tend to act as separate entities within the field of education; considerably isolated from the majority of academia, these sectors are often considered to be secondary or elective options after completing primary education. The arts are an essential part of a well-rounded education, however, when an institute begins a budgeting process, the arts are rarely considered a top priority. For example, during periods of recession many public schools within the United Stated were forced to cut visual, performing and musical arts programs, despite studies that proved the exposure to the arts to be beneficial for students both academically and in extracurricular activities. Learning in an art-infused environment

Birth Of Venus Art Analysis

“Visual Arts cultivate thinking, innovation and collaboration.” As I write this paper today, I realized how each of us analyse everything in our lives without even meaning to do so. The museum that I decided to visit virtually was the Offizi Gallery in Italy. Located in Florence, this gallery included numerous paintings, sculptures and ceramics. The art piece that I have decided to write an analysis on today is The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli.

The Importance Of Art In Communities

The painter, the photographer, and the sculptor create their joy as if they are a child with a box of crayons. Forged in creativity, their piece growing closer to their heart and the viewers. Art heals, art helps, and art teaches. Without it, we are not human but with it, we can create galaxies. Art’s beneficial impact on communities is evident through effective health treatment, adaptive education, and economic gain.

Dystopian Setting In Margaret Atwood's Oryx And Crake

1. Introduction ‘When any civilization is dust and ashes,’ [Jimmy] said, ‘art is all that’s left over. Images, words, music. Imaginative structures. Meaning – human meaning, that is – is defined by them.

Why I Want To Study Art Essay

It is important to study something in school that you enjoy but that is also useful in the real world. I have always been asked, “what's your major?”. I would answer art history and always got a response like, “what are you going to do with that?”. Most parents and students don’t feel that there is a good foundation from learning Art History. It is often heard from high school and college students (influenced by their parents) that to succeed you must major in science, technology, engineering, or business.

Importance Of Art Essay

That is to say, not everyone can relate to a specific work of art on everything but there are always plenty more of them for they to appreciate and relate to themselves. Moreover, everything in this world is related to each other and art is one of them. Which proved the point that art is essential in building a successful country. The contributions of art are huge despite what people think of it.

Essay On The Importance Of Arts In Education

“Arts education is critical for helping students develop creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving abilities” (Chernin). The arts can help people succeed. Art is a way that people can express themselves and share their beliefs. Arts in education can help people focus and attend. Fine arts are important because they make a huge impact on kids education, they make an impact on how people pursue their life careers, and it also helps with stress and anxiety.

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Why Everything in Life Is Art Seeing the World Through an Artist's Eyes

Why Everything in Life Is Art: Seeing the World Through an Artist’s Eyes

essay about art in my life

Art can take many forms and is an expression of creativity in its purest form. But have you ever considered that everything in life is a form of art?

From the way we dress , to the way we act, to even the ways in which we interact with others, art is all around us.

This article will discuss how everything in life reflects art and how it impacts us on an individual and social level.

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Why Everything in Life is Art?

Everything in life is art because art is not confined to galleries or studios, but permeates every aspect of our existence. From the way we perceive the world, to the way we interact with others, to the choices we make, art is an inherent part of our human experience, reflecting our creativity, emotions, and individuality.

I Think Everything in Life is Art Quotes

“Everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home . Or even the way you write. It’s all art.” “Every gesture, every movement, every interaction is a brushstroke on the canvas of life.” “Art is the expression of our souls, woven into the fabric of our existence.” “From the simplest act to the grandest creation, everything we do is an opportunity to make life a masterpiece.” “In every moment, in every detail, we have the power to infuse beauty and meaning into the world around us.”

How Everything in Life is Art?

The idea that everything in life is art can be seen as a way of recognizing the creative potential and beauty in all aspects of life.

By viewing the world through this lens , we are encouraged to approach even the most mundane aspects of life with a sense of curiosity and wonder, and to find joy and meaning in the smallest details.

1. Art is fundamentally about self-expression and creativity.

Whether we’re talking about a painting, a song, or a simple conversation, all of these things involve the expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a creative way.

By recognizing this creative potential in all aspects of life, we are able to see the world in a more vibrant and meaningful way.

2. Art often involves a sense of connection and community.

Whether through a shared experience of a film or a concert or through the appreciation of a beautiful sunset or a well-cooked meal, art can bring people together and create shared moments of joy and connection.

By recognizing the artistry in all aspects of life, we can cultivate a sense of connection and community with others.

3. Celebrating the diversity and richness of human experience.

Whether we’re talking about the natural beauty of the world around us or the complex emotions and experiences that make us human, all of these things can be seen as expressions of art uniquely.

We can create a more inclusive and vibrant world by recognizing and celebrating this diversity.

What is Art?

Art is a form of creative expression that is used to convey ideas, emotions, or experiences. It can take many different forms, such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, literature, or theater.

Art is often used as a means of communication, whether it is to express the artist’s personal feelings and perspectives, or to convey a message to the audience.

Art can be both decorative and functional, and it has been an important part of human culture for thousands of years.

In essence, art is a way of bringing beauty, meaning, and inspiration into our lives.

Everything in Life Is Art

Everything in Life Is Art

While some may see it as diminishing the importance of more traditional forms of artistic expression, it can also be seen as a powerful reminder of the beauty and potential for creativity that surrounds us every day.

Everything in life is art ! The art of life is about creativity , expression and imagination. It requires self- discipline to think critically in order for an artist’s work be appreciated.

When you think of art, what comes to mind? Paintings? Sculptures? maybe Music or Dance? All of those things are art, but art is so much more than that.

Art is anything that you create with passion. Cooking can be art. Gardening can be art. Even folding clothes can be art!

The important thing is to do it with love and care. So don’t ever think that your life is too ordinary to be an art form.

Every moment is a chance to express yourself creatively. Let your imagination run wild, and see where it takes you. I can’t wait to see what wonderful creations you come up with!

Life as Art

Life as Art: The Beauty of Creative Expression

Discover the beauty of creative expression , and how everything in life can be considered art. Learn how to appreciate and create your own works of art with this insightful guide!

Defining Art and Creativity:

Art and creativity are often associated with traditional forms like painting, sculpture, and music. However, art and creativity can manifest in many different ways.

Any activity that involves expressing oneself in a unique and original manner can be considered art.

From the way we dress to the way we speak, our lives are filled with opportunities to create and express ourselves in a creative way.

Creativity is the ability to imagine and generate new ideas, while art is the expression of those ideas through different mediums.

The Importance of Self-Expression:

Self-expression is a crucial aspect of our mental and emotional well-being.

The ability to express ourselves creatively allows us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and experiences to the world.

Through self-expression , we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

In a society that often values conformity, self-expression allows us to break free from societal norms and expectations and express ourselves in a unique and meaningful way.

The Benefits of Embracing Life as Art:

Embracing life as art can have a profound impact on our lives. By viewing our lives as a canvas to create and express ourselves, we can find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

Creative expression allows us to tap into our innermost thoughts and emotions and transform them into something tangible and beautiful.

Embracing creativity can also improve our mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

By engaging in creative activities , we can increase our self-esteem and confidence , develop new skills, and foster a sense of community and connection with others.

The Art of Dressing

The Art of Dressing: Creating a Personal Style

Discover the art of dressing and create your own personal style! Learn why everything in life is an art form and how to express yourself through fashion.

Dressing for Self-Expression

Dressing is a form of self-expression that allows us to communicate our personality , mood, and values to the world.

The clothes we wear can reflect our individuality and help us to stand out from the crowd.

By dressing for self-expression, we can create a sense of identity and communicate our personal style to others.

The Importance of Fashion as Art

Fashion is often considered a form of art, with designers creating unique and innovative pieces that push the boundaries of style and creativity.

Fashion can be a means of self-expression and an opportunity to showcase creativity and originality.

Fashion designers are like artists, using fabrics, textures, and colors to create unique and visually stunning designs.

Finding Your Unique Style

Finding your unique style is a process that takes time and experimentation. It involves exploring different fashion styles, trying on different outfits , and experimenting with different colors and textures.

It’s important to remember that style is personal and subjective, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Finding your own personal style is about embracing what makes you unique and finding the confidence to express yourself through your clothing choices.

The Art of Conversation

The Art of Conversation: Communicating with Intention

Discover the art of communication with intention. Learn how everything in life is an art – and why conversation is no exception.

The Power of Words

Words have the power to inspire, motivate, and connect us to one another. They can also hurt, divide, and alienate us.

The way we use words can have a significant impact on our relationships and our ability to connect with others.

By choosing our words carefully and using them with intention, we can create meaningful conversations that foster understanding and connection.

Listening as an Art Form

Listening is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of communication. It involves paying attention to what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and demonstrating empathy and understanding.

Listening allows us to connect with others on a deeper level , and it shows that we value and respect their thoughts and feelings.

By listening actively and attentively, we can create a safe and supportive space for meaningful conversation.

Creating Meaningful Connections through Conversation

Meaningful conversations allow us to connect with others on a deeper level, and they can help us to build relationships that are based on mutual understanding and respect.

By communicating with intention and listening actively, we can create conversations that are meaningful, engaging, and fulfilling.

Meaningful conversations require vulnerability and authenticity, and they can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

The Art of Cooking

The Art of Cooking: Creating Culinary Masterpieces

Explore why cooking is an art form , from the creative process to the delicious results.

Discover the power of creating culinary masterpieces and how everything in life can be seen as art.

The Art of Flavor and Presentation

Cooking is not just about nourishing our bodies; it’s also about engaging our senses and creating culinary masterpieces that delight the palate and the eyes.

The art of flavor involves combining ingredients in creative and unique ways to create dishes that are not only delicious but also visually appealing.

The art of presentation involves arranging food in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, using colors, textures, and shapes to create an experience that is not just about taste, but also about sight and touch.

Cooking as a Creative Outlet

Cooking is a form of creative expression that allows us to experiment with different ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques.

It’s an opportunity to explore our creativity and push the boundaries of what is possible in the kitchen.

Cooking can be a meditative and relaxing activity, allowing us to focus on the present moment and create something beautiful and delicious.

The Joys of Sharing Food with Others

Cooking and sharing food with others is a universal human experience that has been a part of human culture for thousands of years.

Sharing food with others allows us to connect on a deeper level, to share our cultures, and to express our love and gratitude.

Cooking for others is a way to show hospitality, generosity, and care. Sharing food can bring people together and create a sense of community and belonging.

The Art of Movement

The Art of Movement: Dancing, Sports, and Fitness

Explore the beauty and power of movement in dance, sports and fitness! Learn why physical activity is an art form that can transform your life.

Movement as Self-Expression

Movement is a form of creative expression that allows us to communicate our emotions, thoughts, and experiences through our bodies.

Dancing, sports, and fitness all involve movement and can be used as a means of self-expression.

Movement can be a way to express ourselves in a non-verbal way, and it allows us to connect with our bodies and the world around us.

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Exercise

Exercise has been shown to have numerous physical and mental health benefits.

Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health , increase strength and flexibility, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Exercise can also improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, boosting mood, and improving cognitive function.

Movement can also be used as a form of therapy to help individuals cope with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Finding Joy in Movement

Movement can bring joy and happiness into our lives. When we move, our bodies release endorphins, which are natural chemicals that promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

Movement can also be a form of play, allowing us to explore and experiment with different ways of moving our bodies.

By finding joy in movement , we can cultivate a sense of playfulness and curiosity that can add depth and richness to our lives.

The Art of Parenting

The Art of Parenting: Nurturing Creativity in Children

Nurture your child’s creativity! Learn how parenting is an art form , and discover tips and tricks to help build a creative environment for your kids.

Encouraging Creative Play

Encouraging creative play is an essential aspect of nurturing creativity in children.

Creative play involves allowing children to explore their imaginations and express themselves in a playful and imaginative way.

By providing children with open-ended toys and materials, parents can foster creativity and imagination in their children.

Creating a Nurturing Environment for Children

Creating a nurturing environment for children is important for fostering creativity and self-expression.

A nurturing environment involves providing children with emotional support, positive reinforcement, and a safe and secure space to explore their interests and talents.

Parents can create a nurturing environment by showing an interest in their children’s hobbies and passions, providing opportunities for them to explore their interests, and offering support and encouragement.

Fostering a Love of Art and Self-Expression

Fostering a love of art and self-expression is important for nurturing creativity in children.

Parents can encourage their children to express themselves through art by providing them with art supplies and materials , taking them to art museums and galleries, and encouraging them to participate in art classes and workshops.

Parents can also foster a love of self-expression by encouraging their children to express their emotions and thoughts in a safe and supportive environment.

The Art of Learning

The Art of Learning: Embracing Curiosity and Exploration

“Dive into a world of exploration and curiosity – learn why everything in life is art. Embrace the power of learning and unlock your inner genius!

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth.

It involves a commitment to ongoing education and personal development , and it can lead to new opportunities and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Lifelong learning allows us to expand our knowledge, skills, and perspectives, and it can lead to greater creativity, innovation, and problem-solving ability.

Finding Inspiration in the World Around Us

The world is a rich and varied source of inspiration for learning. From nature to art to technology, there are endless opportunities to explore and learn from the world around us.

By embracing curiosity and exploring our interests, we can find inspiration in unexpected places and discover new passions and pursuits.

The world is a classroom, and every experience offers an opportunity to learn and grow.

Learning as a Creative Endeavor

Learning is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s also a creative endeavor. Learning involves imagination, exploration, and experimentation.

It’s about discovering new ideas and perspectives and integrating them into our own unique understanding of the world.

Learning can be a means of self-expression , allowing us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a creative and meaningful way.

The Art of Living

The Art of Living: Finding Beauty in Everyday Moments

Discover the beauty in everyday moments! Learn how to find joy in the ordinary and how to make everything in life an art.

Cultivating Gratitude and Mindfulness

Cultivating gratitude and mindfulness is an essential aspect of finding beauty in everyday moments.

By practicing gratitude, we can develop a greater appreciation for the small and simple things in life, and we can cultivate a sense of contentment and joy.

Mindfulness involves being present and fully engaged in the moment, allowing us to experience the richness and beauty of everyday life.

Seeing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

The ordinary moments of our lives are often filled with extraordinary beauty and meaning.

By cultivating a sense of awareness and appreciation, we can see the beauty in the mundane and find joy and meaning in everyday life.

The art of living involves recognizing the inherent beauty and value in everyday moments and finding inspiration and joy in the ordinary.

Living a Life of Creativity and Purpose

Living a life of creativity and purpose involves embracing our passions and talents and using them to make a positive impact on the world.

By living with intention and purpose, we can create a sense of meaning and fulfillment in our lives.

The art of living involves using our creativity and talents to create a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and joyful.

Types of Art

What Are the Different Forms of Art?

Art comes in various forms including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, dance, cinema, photography, and performance art. Additionally, modern and contemporary art have introduced forms like installation art, digital art, and conceptual art.

Different Forms of Art | Types of Art

The definition of the word “art” is diversified, covering many unique forms of creative expression of human imagination, skill, creativity, and application.

Many arts are expressed in visual form but can also be enjoyed through sensory touch or audibility.

Arts were traditionally appreciated for their beauty or emotional power but are now often used for social commentary, political or self expression.

Throughout human history , specific forms and mediums of artistic expression have changed.

But for the most part, there are mainly seven forms of art. Each of these 7 forms of art affects our feelings and emotions differently. 

  • Architecture

Let’s explore its history, what each art form holds, and how it enriches human lives.

What is literature?

Literature refers to written works, such as novels, poetry, plays, and essays, that are considered to have artistic or intellectual value. Literature allows writers to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a creative and often complex way, while also allowing readers to engage with and interpret these works in their own unique way.

What is painting?

Painting is a visual art form that involves applying paint, pigment, or other materials to a surface, such as canvas, paper, or wood. Painting allows artists to express themselves through color, composition, and form, creating images that can evoke emotions, tell stories, or capture a moment in time.

What is music?

Music is a form of artistic expression that involves sound and rhythm. It can be created using a variety of instruments and techniques, and can range from simple melodies to complex compositions.

Music can evoke emotions, create a sense of atmosphere, or tell a story.

What is sculpture?

Sculpture is a three-dimensional art form that involves shaping and manipulating materials such as stone, wood, metal, or clay. Sculptures can range from small, intricate pieces to large, public installations, and can convey a range of emotions and meanings.

What is theater?

Theater is a form of performance art that involves actors, a stage, and an audience. Theater can be used to tell stories, convey emotions, or explore complex themes and ideas.

It involves a range of elements, such as set design, costumes, lighting, and sound, and allows actors to embody and portray a range of characters and emotions.

What is architecture?

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and other physical structures. It involves a range of elements, such as aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and safety, and can range from small residential structures to large, complex commercial buildings.

What is cinema?

Cinema, also known as film, is a form of visual storytelling that involves the use of moving images and sound to create a narrative. Cinema can be used to explore a range of themes and ideas, and can evoke a wide range of emotions in the audience.

It involves a range of elements, such as cinematography, editing, sound design, and visual effects, and can be used to create a wide range of genres, from drama to action to comedy.

What is not Art?

What is not Art?

Art is subjective and can be interpreted differently by different people, but generally, anything that is not created with the intention of expressing personal creativity, ideas, or emotions, or does not provoke thought or feeling in the viewer, may not be considered art. However, this definition can vary widely based on cultural, historical, and personal perspectives.

Here are some generally accepted criteria that can be used to determine whether something falls outside the realm of art:

1. Lack of creative intent

Art involves a deliberate effort to create something that has aesthetic or intellectual value. If something is not created with the intention of expressing a creative idea or emotion, it may not be considered art.

2. Lack of skill or technique

Art typically involves a certain level of technical skill or mastery. If something is created without attention to detail or lacks a basic understanding of technique, it may not be considered art.

3. Lack of originality or uniqueness

Art often involves a certain degree of originality or uniqueness. If something is a direct copy or imitation of something else without any attempt at originality, it may not be considered art.

4. Lack of cultural or historical significance

Art often reflects the cultural or historical context in which it was created. If something lacks any cultural or historical significance, it may not be considered art.

5. Lack of emotional or intellectual impact

Art is often created to evoke an emotional or intellectual response from the viewer. If something fails to connect with its audience or lacks any meaningful impact, it may not be considered art.

Everywhere I Look, All I See Is Art.

Everywhere I Look, All I See Is Art.

In summary, art is the expression of emotional power and aesthetic experience. Artists are people who are passionate about creating and exploring different forms of art , including acting, painting, music, cooking, and fashion design.

Everything in life can be considered art, from the way we look in the mirror to the technological advancements that surround us.

Science and religion can also be seen as reflections of art, with the natural world and the work of passionate individuals being considered as art in itself.

Overall, art is not limited to traditional forms of expression but can also be found in the details and passion behind tasks such as building masonry.

Why art is not everything?

While art is an important and meaningful part of life, it is not everything.

There are many other important aspects of life that are equally valuable, and reducing everything to art can be a limiting perspective. Instead, we should strive to find a balance between the aesthetic and the practical, between the emotional and the intellectual, in order to live a rich and fulfilling life.

Art is everything that induces emotions in humans

There are many different ways to define art , one way to view it is as anything that induces emotions in humans.

Whether it’s a positive or negative emotion, art has the power to connect with us on a deep level and provoke thought, introspection, and transformation.

Art relays an experience, observation, idea, etc

By definition, art is an expression of human creativity . Art needs observation as well as experience to inspire its expressions.

Because everything doesn’t come from any being, so everything is art. Often the things they do without real intent are a masterpiece of art.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Everything in Life Is Art! Look here for answers to your burning questions about the relationship between art and life.

Get answers today!

Who said I think everything in life is art?

The artist Paul Cezanne is often credited with saying “I want to make of impressionism something solid and lasting like the art in the museums,” and “I think that everything in nature is sculpture.”

However, the exact phrase “I think everything in life is art” is attributed to the artist and designer Ray Bradbury.

Did Helena Bonham Carter say I think everything in life is art?

There is no record of Helena Bonham Carter having said this quote.

What is a good quote about art?

“Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.” – Pablo Picasso

What is the meaning of art is life?

The phrase “art is life” suggests that art is an essential part of life and can be seen as a reflection of it. It implies that art can give meaning and purpose to life.

What did Albert Einstein say about art?

Albert Einstein once said, “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.”

What is Einstein’s most famous quote?

Einstein’s most famous quote is “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

What is art according to Aristotle?

According to Aristotle, art is the ability to create something according to rules or a plan, which aims at achieving a specific goal or purpose.

What did Einstein say about creativity?

Einstein once said, “Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” He also said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Describe a universe where art doesn’t exist?

In a universe where art doesn’t exist, creativity and self-expression would be greatly limited. Art allows us to communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences in unique and meaningful ways.

It enriches our lives and provides a way to explore the world around us.

What is the meaning of art?

It can be seen as a form of communication, a means of expression, a way to challenge societal norms, or a source of beauty and inspiration.

Is everything around us an art?

Everything around us can be considered art, depending on how we perceive it. Art can take many forms, from traditional paintings and sculptures to everyday objects and experiences.

Can anything be considered art?

Some people argue that anything can be considered art if it is created with the intention of being considered as such. However, there is ongoing debate and controversy over what constitutes as art.

Why art is for all?

Art is for all because it is a universal language that can be enjoyed and appreciated by people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. It can be used to express emotions, convey ideas, and evoke a variety of responses from viewers.

Why does art exist everywhere?

Art exists everywhere because it is a fundamental part of human expression and creativity. People have been creating art for thousands of years, and it continues to be an integral part of cultures and societies around the world.

Who said that art is everywhere?

The phrase “art is everywhere” has been attributed to a number of different people, including Marcel Duchamp and Bob and Roberta Smith. It reflects the idea that art can be found in everyday objects and experiences.

Can any object be art?

Some people believe that any object can be considered art if it is presented in a certain way or context. Others argue that there are certain qualities or characteristics that an object must possess in order to be considered art.

What makes something art?

This is a complex and ongoing debate in the art world.

Generally, art is created with the intention of being considered as such and often involves elements such as skill, creativity, and expression.

What do philosophers say about art?

Philosophers have long debated the nature and meaning of art, with some arguing that it is a form of representation or imitation, while others see it as a means of expressing emotion or conveying ideas.

How does philosophy define art?

Philosophy defines art as a form of human expression that is intended to stimulate the senses and provoke thought or emotion in the viewer.

What is Aristotle’s theory of art?

Aristotle believed that art is a form of imitation that allows people to learn and understand the world around them. He also believed that the purpose of art is to evoke emotion and create catharsis in the viewer.

What did Nietzsche say about art?

Nietzsche believed that art is a form of self-expression that allows people to transcend their everyday existence and connect with something greater. He saw art as a means of creating meaning in a chaotic and uncertain world.

Why is life an art?

Some people see life as an art form because it involves creativity, expression, and the constant pursuit of meaning and purpose.

Can everything be considered art?

While some argue that everything can be considered art, others believe that there are certain criteria that an object or experience must meet in order to be considered as such.

What is the saying about art and life?

The saying “art imitates life” reflects the idea that art is a reflection of the world around us, while “life imitates art” suggests that people often emulate or imitate what they see in art.

Why is art important in our life?

Art is important in our life because it provides a means of self-expression, can be used to convey important messages and ideas, and can enhance our understanding and appreciation of the world around us.

Can we consider art everywhere?

Yes, art can be found everywhere, from the natural beauty of the world around us to the man-made creations of people. Art is a fundamental part of human expression and creativity that can be found in every aspect of our lives.

Why art is important to society?

Art is important to society because it allows us to express ourselves and communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions. It can be used as a form of self-expression, allowing people to explore their creativity and find new ways to express themselves.

Art also serves as a way for people to connect with one another. Through art, we can share stories, experiences, and perspectives that may otherwise remain unheard or unseen.

Art gives us a platform to voice our opinions and values in an accessible way.

How do you define fine art?

Fine art is a broad term that can be used to describe many different types of visual artwork. Generally, fine art refers to artwork that has been created with the intention of expressing emotion or conveying an idea.

This type of artwork may include paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, prints, and mixed media pieces.

Why we love arts and crafts?


Why we love arts and crafts? We love arts and crafts because they are enjoyed by people of all ages . For kids, crafts can be a fun and creative way to spend an afternoon.

For adults crafting can be a relaxing hobby or a chance to express their creativity . Arts and crafts can also be used to DIY projects around the house or to create decor for your home.

Arts can be as simple as painting a picture or as complicated as building a piece of furniture. No matter what your skill level, there is an arts and craft project that is perfect for you.

So why not try your hand at arts and crafts today? You might just find that you have a hidden talent for artful creation!

Wrapping Up Everything in Life Is Art

The idea that everything in life is art can be a powerful way to see the world. We all use art in some way or another, whether it be for personal enjoyment or to make our lives more interesting.

At its core, art is an expression of creativity and emotion that can inspire us on a daily basis.

Although the idea may seem simple at first glance, there are many layers to this concept which we’ve covered here today.

If you like this article about Everything in Life Is Art and would like to know more, please comment below.

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College Admissions Essay: How Art Changed My Life

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Show More From the time I was able to draw, the adventure of discovering arts started. I studied art for a long time , I found that it's less easy to develop a stable career which is related to art.“Are you sure that you want to study in an art school in the future?" For many times, I asked myself whether I should change my mind until the second I realized that jobs are not my purpose in life. Indeed, I need to chase my dreams --- to be an artist. I feel more than joys because either the supports from relatives and the chance to follow my heart. I think my character is a bit strange because my hobbies are kind of contradict each other. I like Taekwondo and painting; I like Lady Gaga's pop music and Enya's soothing and gentle music. I used to be afraid of adapting new elements, but time has made me changed. For the first time I been a teacher, for the first time I joined a art competition, and even cycled around Taiwan... I found another me by trying new stuffs. For the same sake, I am not scared to keep learning art and go into an art college. Instead, I am willing to spread my art to everyone. I love the way my life goes different from others. …show more content… Since I was a little baby, my mother began to play western music for me. In her words, it was beneficial to develop "artistic cells" inside my brain. Although I wasn't a believer of her words, I still found that it may make some senses to my future interests in arts . My childhood was surrounded by traveling, drawing and playing instruments. I am not a person who has a constant interest on one thing, but I keep doing art as my interest. It accompanies with me since I was in the third grade in primary school. I think art has done the biggest part in my spare time, and it is going to make very great effects on my

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Essay On My Life In My Art Studio

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Heart , Message , Art , Asia , Nature , Life , European Union , Painting

Published: 02/18/2020


I love art. I live art. I spend all my time thinking about it, interacting with artists and art lovers on the internet or in my life. Like a poet to his words, a dancer to his moves and steps or a hunter to his arrow, so is my passion to art. I do it with my heart, giving it the best I can like a musician performing for his audience. Art is the field that gives me the freedom to do what my heart sees what I feel about my environment, the people or the government. It is simply my love. Through art, using my paint I can express my feelings towards or against a thing or social happening. In art, I have no fear because I can paint anything that expresses my feelings and keep it to myself. I can draw about nature, my family, my surrounding or even my imagination without fear. The major similarities between western and Asian art is that they both represent the culture of their origin. Over the years, art has been growing as an industry becoming large and complex. The western as well as the Asian art industries have grown similarly and differently. They both represent the history of humanity in the different worlds by showing tool, lifestyle and their leaders. The western art is focuses on the western culture of religion with an emphasis on Christian values whereas in the Asian it is diverse with various religious teachings. Asian art focuses mostly on reality and nature while technology and imagination dominates western art. I personally like using pastel colors. This is because they give my work a realistic appearance and it provides a fast speed. I do not have to wait for the color to dry. The other reason is I mix the colors on the paper and not the palette. I can paint the lighter color on top of the dark to produce a unique mix. In addition, I can stop at any time and continue later without damaging my painting. The people of Asia give little importance to art unlike the western people due to their economic condition. The Asian people are not well off like the western and the high prices of art objects make it difficult for them to access. The art objects are not gradated social importance in the Asian community as they are in the west. In the west, art paintings are used to beautify homes and offices in large numbers as the people value art and its creativity unlike it is in Asia. Art shows the problems facing a society, through a critical analysis of the painting, we can find out the causes and effects of the problem presented in the art. Art also requires a lot of research in order to come up with an appropriate painting and graphic that represents the problem of the society. These experiences will help in solving problems and find solutions. The palette knife is very important in my work because I use acrylic paint and it helps create calligraphic texts that give my painting a unique look. I love making different features with the knife, which gives my paintings new characteristics. The knowledge of the various schools of art will enable me to do paintings that are not only unique but can pass different kind of message to the public. A master of the different schools will help me in blending the thoughts to come up with a unique pant that is a hybrid and covers the across the schools. The natural scene makes the painting appear real and original. The presence of natural features in a work of art does not only show its creativity but clearly reflects its beauty. Painting a background of a lake or a mountain or hills can show the painting is setting and these attracts customers and makes the message reach home. The beauty of painting is presenting a natural environment with a message in it. Failure to reach this criterion will only show the inability to provide a quality painting that is reflective on human life. It is therefore clear that art is a self-fulfilling call that enables me to express myself. Through it, I present what my heart sees and what it wishes would be a better would for humanity. Art is my life.


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Amy Ettinger, who inspired readers with her life-affirming essays on dying, succumbs to cancer at 49

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( JTA ) — Amy Ettinger,  an author and creative writing instructor who chronicled the last months of her life in articles for the Washington Post , died March 20 from cancer at her home in Santa Cruz, California. She was 49.

Ettinger’s essays focused on the things she was able to do and cherish despite her diagnosis with a rare, incurable cancer called leiomyosarcoma : seeing a live performance of “Mamma Mia!” with her 14-year-old daughter, Julianna; eating her favorite pastry from a San Francisco bakery.

“ I’ve learned that life is all about a series of moments, and I plan to spend as much remaining time as I can savoring each one, surrounded by the beauty of nature and my family and friends,”she wrote.

Ettinger was an occasional contributor to Kveller, the Jewish family website that is a Jewish Telegraphic Agency partner. There she wrote about her mother’s kugel recipe (“light brown on its crispy top, and the color of milky coffee in the middle”) , and how she, as a “non-observant Jew,” marked Yom Kippur — which in 2013 happened to fall on her 10th wedding anniversary .

“Like Yom Kippur, a wedding anniversary is a time to take a step back from your daily life — to weigh the good and bad, to contemplate your triumphs and missteps, to make a vow to do better individually and as a couple,” she wrote.

Ettinger was born in Rochester, New York, and grew up in Cupertino, California. She discovered her calling as a journalist in high school. She majored in American literature at UC Santa Cruz and earned a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University in 1999.

Her writing appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, New York Magazine, Salon, CNN and Newsweek. In a 2021 article for AARP, she wrote how her mother’s death inspired her to learn Sheila Ettinger’s favorite game: mahjong. She taught writing classes at Stanford Continuing Studies.

In 2017,  Penguin Random House published her memoir-cum-travelogue “Sweet Spot: An Ice Cream Binge Across America.” In it she wrote how she keeps “between fifteen and thirty dollars’ worth of ice cream in my freezer at all times” — not to eat, but as an “emergency backup system” in case one of her favorite shops or stores runs out.

Her follow-up story to her Washington Post article, titled  “I Have Little Time Left. I Hope My Goodbye Inspires You,” appeared on the newspaper’s homepage less than two weeks before she died.

“I am choosing to focus my limited time and energy on doing the things I love with the people I care most about. It’s a formula that works, I think, no matter where you are in your life,” she wrote.

In an article written after she died , her husband, the writer Dan White, wrote that she had dictated her last essay to him from a reading room at UC Santa Cruz with a view of a redwood forest. He said she had gotten hundreds of personal responses: A handful “unwelcome, including missives from ultrareligious people wanting my proudly Jewish wife to get saved to spare herself from hellfire,” but the vast majority saying Ettinger had inspired them to make the most of their lives no matter the cards they’d been dealt.

“Amy had no way of predicting that the lines she composed on the spot would be calls to action for readers from all over the United States, as well as Canada, Poland, France and Greece,” White wrote.

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The physical sensations of watching a total solar eclipse

Regina Barber, photographed for NPR, 6 June 2022, in Washington DC. Photo by Farrah Skeiky for NPR.

Regina G. Barber

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Science writer David Baron witnesses his first total solar eclipse in Aruba, 1998. He says seeing one is "like you've left the solar system and are looking back from some other world." Paul Myers hide caption

Science writer David Baron witnesses his first total solar eclipse in Aruba, 1998. He says seeing one is "like you've left the solar system and are looking back from some other world."

David Baron can pinpoint the first time he got addicted to chasing total solar eclipses, when the moon completely covers up the sun. It was 1998 and he was on the Caribbean island of Aruba. "It changed my life. It was the most spectacular thing I'd ever seen," he says.

Baron, author of the 2017 book American Eclipse: A Nation's Epic Race to Catch the Shadow of the Moon and Win the Glory of the World , wants others to witness its majesty too. On April 8, millions of people across North America will get that chance — a total solar eclipse will appear in the sky. Baron promises it will be a surreal, otherworldly experience. "It's like you've left the solar system and are looking back from some other world."

Baron, who is a former NPR science reporter, talks to Life Kit about what to expect when viewing a total solar eclipse, including the sensations you may feel and the strange lighting effects in the sky. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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Baron views the beginning of a solar eclipse with friends in Western Australia in 2023. Baron says getting to see the solar corona during a total eclipse is "the most dazzling sight in the heavens." Photographs by David Baron; Bronson Arcuri, Kara Frame, CJ Riculan/NPR; Collage by Becky Harlan/NPR hide caption

Baron views the beginning of a solar eclipse with friends in Western Australia in 2023. Baron says getting to see the solar corona during a total eclipse is "the most dazzling sight in the heavens."

What does it feel like to experience a total solar eclipse — those few precious minutes when the moon completely covers up the sun?

It is beautiful and absolutely magnificent. It comes on all of a sudden. As soon as the moon blocks the last rays of the sun, you're plunged into this weird twilight in the middle of the day. You look up and the blue sky has been torn away. On any given day, the blue sky overhead acts as a screen that keeps us from seeing what's in space. And suddenly that's gone. So you can look into the middle of the solar system and see the sun and the planets together.

Can you tell me about the sounds and the emotions you're feeling?

A total solar eclipse is so much more than something you just see with your eyes. It's something you experience with your whole body. [With the drop in sunlight], birds will be going crazy. Crickets may be chirping. If you're around other people, they're going to be screaming and crying [with all their emotions from seeing the eclipse]. The air temperature drops because the sunlight suddenly turns off. And you're immersed in the moon's shadow. It doesn't feel real.

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Everything you need to know about solar eclipse glasses before April 8

In your 2017 Ted Talk , you said you felt like your eyesight was failing in the moments before totality. Can you go into that a little more?

The lighting effects are very weird. Before you get to the total eclipse, you have a progressive partial eclipse as the moon slowly covers the sun. So over the course of an hour [or so], the sunlight will be very slowly dimming. It's as if you're in a room in a house and someone is very slowly turning down the dimmer switch. For most of that time your eyes are adjusting and you don't notice it. But then there's a point at which the light's getting so dim that your eyes can't adjust, and weird things happen. Your eyes are less able to see color. It's as if the landscape is losing its color. Also there's an effect where the shadows get very strange.

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Crescent-shaped shadows cast by the solar eclipse before it reaches totality appear on a board at an eclipse-viewing event in Antelope, Ore., 2017. Kara Frame and CJ Riculan/NPR hide caption

You see these crescents on the ground.

There are two things that happen. One is if you look under a tree, the spaces between leaves or branches will act as pinhole projectors. So you'll see tiny little crescents everywhere. But there's another effect. As the sun goes from this big orb in the sky to something much smaller, shadows grow sharper. As you're nearing the total eclipse, if you have the sun behind you and you look at your shadow on the ground, you might see individual hairs on your head. It's just very odd.

Some people might say that seeing the partial eclipse is just as good. They don't need to go to the path of totality.

A partial solar eclipse is a very interesting experience. If you're in an area where you see a deep partial eclipse, the sun will become a crescent like the moon. You can only look at it with eye protection. Don't look at it with the naked eye . The light can get eerie. It's fun, but it is not a thousandth as good as a total eclipse.

A total eclipse is a fundamentally different experience, because it's only when the moon completely blocks the sun that you can actually take off the eclipse glasses and look with the naked eye at the sun.

And you will see a sun you've never seen before. That bright surface is gone. What you're actually looking at is the sun's outer atmosphere, the solar corona. It's the most dazzling sight in the heavens. It's this beautiful textured thing. It looks sort of like a wreath or a crown made out of tinsel or strands of silk. It shimmers in space. The shape is constantly changing. And you will only see that if you're in the path of the total eclipse.

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Shots - Health News

Watching a solar eclipse without the right filters can cause eye damage. here's why.

So looking at a partial eclipse is not the same?

It is not at all the same. Drive those few miles. Get into the path of totality.

This is really your chance to see a total eclipse. The next one isn't happening across the U.S. for another 20 years.

The next significant total solar eclipse in the United States won't be until 2045. That one will go from California to Florida and will cross my home state of Colorado. I've got it on my calendar.

The digital story was written by Malaka Gharib and edited by Sylvie Douglis and Meghan Keane. The visual editor is Beck Harlan. We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at [email protected].

Listen to Life Kit on Apple Podcasts and Spotify , and sign up for our newsletter .

NPR will be sharing highlights here from across the NPR Network throughout the day Monday if you're unable to get out and see it in real time.

Correction April 3, 2024

In a previous audio version of this story, we made reference to an upcoming 2025 total solar eclipse. The solar eclipse in question will take place in 2045.

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Guest Essay

José Andrés: Let People Eat

A woman wearing a head scarf sits on a cart next to a box of food marked “World Central Kitchen.”

By José Andrés

Mr. Andrés is the founder of World Central Kitchen.

In the worst conditions you can imagine — after hurricanes, earthquakes, bombs and gunfire — the best of humanity shows up. Not once or twice but always.

The seven people killed on a World Central Kitchen mission in Gaza on Monday were the best of humanity. They are not faceless or nameless. They are not generic aid workers or collateral damage in war.

Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, John Chapman, Jacob Flickinger, Zomi Frankcom, James Henderson, James Kirby and Damian Sobol risked everything for the most fundamentally human activity: to share our food with others.

These are people I served alongside in Ukraine, Turkey, Morocco, the Bahamas, Indonesia, Mexico, Gaza and Israel. They were far more than heroes.

Their work was based on the simple belief that food is a universal human right. It is not conditional on being good or bad, rich or poor, left or right. We do not ask what religion you belong to. We just ask how many meals you need.

From Day 1, we have fed Israelis as well as Palestinians. Across Israel, we have served more than 1.75 million hot meals. We have fed families displaced by Hezbollah rockets in the north. We have fed grieving families from the south. We delivered meals to the hospitals where hostages were reunited with their families. We have called consistently, repeatedly and passionately for the release of all the hostages.

All the while, we have communicated extensively with Israeli military and civilian officials. At the same time, we have worked closely with community leaders in Gaza, as well as Arab nations in the region. There is no way to bring a ship full of food to Gaza without doing so.

That’s how we served more than 43 million meals in Gaza, preparing hot food in 68 community kitchens where Palestinians are feeding Palestinians.

We know Israelis. Israelis, in their heart of hearts, know that food is not a weapon of war.

Israel is better than the way this war is being waged. It is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. It is better than killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements with the Israel Defense Forces.

The Israeli government needs to open more land routes for food and medicine today. It needs to stop killing civilians and aid workers today. It needs to start the long journey to peace today.

In the worst conditions, after the worst terrorist attack in its history, it’s time for the best of Israel to show up. You cannot save the hostages by bombing every building in Gaza. You cannot win this war by starving an entire population.

We welcome the government’s promise of an investigation into how and why members of our World Central Kitchen family were killed. That investigation needs to start at the top, not just the bottom.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said of the Israeli killings of our team, “It happens in war.” It was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the Israel Defense Forces.

It was also the direct result of a policy that squeezed humanitarian aid to desperate levels. Our team was en route from a delivery of almost 400 tons of aid by sea — our second shipment, funded by the United Arab Emirates, supported by Cyprus and with clearance from the Israel Defense Forces.

The team members put their lives at risk precisely because this food aid is so rare and desperately needed. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification global initiative, half the population of Gaza — 1.1. million people — faces the imminent risk of famine. The team would not have made the journey if there were enough food, traveling by truck across land, to feed the people of Gaza.

The peoples of the Mediterranean and Middle East, regardless of ethnicity and religion, share a culture that values food as a powerful statement of humanity and hospitality — of our shared hope for a better tomorrow.

There’s a reason, at this special time of year, Christians make Easter eggs, Muslims eat an egg at iftar dinners and an egg sits on the Seder plate. This symbol of life and hope reborn in spring extends across religions and cultures.

I have been a stranger at Seder dinners. I have heard the ancient Passover stories about being a stranger in the land of Egypt, the commandment to remember — with a feast before you — that the children of Israel were once slaves.

It is not a sign of weakness to feed strangers; it is a sign of strength. The people of Israel need to remember, at this darkest hour, what strength truly looks like.

José Andrés is a chef and the founder of World Central Kitchen.

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  16. Art Changed My Life

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  19. Essay On Importance Of Art In Life

    936 Words4 Pages. Human inspire ideas, create, provide renewal, and eventually create new revolution in everyday life. This proves the importance of art in shaping life. The importance of art in life has been agreed from the start of the history of human life. Julies Heller supported this opinion at a Conference, 'Paper as Art', 1978.

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  30. Opinion

    1025. By José Andrés. Mr. Andrés is the founder of World Central Kitchen. Leer en español. In the worst conditions you can imagine — after hurricanes, earthquakes, bombs and gunfire — the ...