
Why You Should Never Give Up In Life (No Matter What)

Why you should never give up in life (no matter what)​ table of contents, author – david wilson, further exploration – articles & media.

Picture of David Wilson - Happy Life Guru - Guest Author - Peaceful Soul

Author: David Wilson

David Wilson is the Content Manager at happylifeguru.com . They help thousands of people every day to live a happier life. They have an email list where they share daily tips to live a more conscious and happier life.

Person pushing a boulder up a hill - Why You Should Never Give Up In Life (No Matter What)

It’s easy to feel down and give up when things don’t go our way. We all experience failure at some point in our lives, but it’s how we react to that failure that determines our future. Some people give up on their dreams and aspirations, while others continue to fight no matter what. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of never giving up and believing in yourself no matter what life throws your way!

Why is it important to never give up in life?

The answer is simple: because giving up means that you are no longer trying to improve your situation. When you give up, you stop growing and learning. You become content with where you are in life, even if it’s not where you want to be. Giving up is also a sign of weakness. It shows that you’re not strong enough to handle the challenges life throws at you. It’s important to be strong and resilient, especially when things get tough.

Most importantly, giving up means that you no longer believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? You have to be your own biggest cheerleader and motivator. Nobody else is going to do it for you!

So, the next time you’re feeling down and ready to give up, remember these reasons why you should never give up in life. You are strong, capable, and most importantly, you deserve to achieve your dreams!

Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back from living your best life!

How can someone stay motivated when things get tough?

There are a few things you can do to stay motivated when things get tough. First, it’s important to remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. What are your goals and aspirations? What do you want to achieve? Keep these things in mind when times get tough and you’ll be more likely to push through.

It’s also helpful to think about all the progress you’ve made so far. Don’t focus on how far you have to go, but rather on how far you’ve come. This will help you to stay positive and motivated.

Finally, it’s important to seek out support from others when things get tough. Talk to your friends and family, or even join a support group. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you need help to stay on track!

What are some tips for never giving up on your dreams?

Here are a few tips for never giving up on your dreams:

-Set realistic goals for yourself. If your goals are too lofty, you’re more likely to get discouraged and give up.

-Create a plan of action. What steps do you need to take to achieve your goal? Write these down and refer to them when you need motivation.

-Make a commitment to yourself. This is perhaps the second most important tip of all. You have to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve your dreams. If you’re not committed, you’ll never succeed!

-Find a support system. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams. These people will help to keep you motivated and on track.

-Believe in yourself. This is the most important thing of all. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will. You have to talk positive about yourself !

What are the consequences of giving up?

The consequences of giving up can be significant. When you give up, you stop trying to improve your situation. You accept your current position in life, even if it isn’t where you want to be. Giving up is also a sign of weakness, and it shows that you’re not strong enough to handle the challenges life throws at you. Additionally, giving up means that you no longer believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? You have to be your own biggest cheerleader and motivator. Finally, giving up can lead to regret. You may look back on your life and wonder what could have been if you had only kept going.

Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from chasing your dreams. Remember, you only fail if you give up! So never give up on yourself, and never give up on your dreams.

Doing so will only lead to a life of regret.

What would happen if everyone gave up on their dreams?

If everyone gave up on their dreams, the world would be a very different place. There would be no innovation or progress. People would simply settle for whatever they have, even if it’s not what they want. Additionally, there would be no motivation for people to better themselves or their situation. Everyone would just accept mediocrity and live a life of quiet desperation.

Of course, this is not to say that everyone has to have grandiose dreams. But it is important to have dreams and goals that inspire you to better yourself and the world around you. So don’t give up on your dreams! Pursue them with passion and determination, and never let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve them.

What are the causes of giving up?

There are many causes of giving up. One cause is fear of failure . When people are afraid of failing, they often give up before they even start. This is because they don’t want to risk failing and looking foolish. another common cause of giving up is discouragement. When people become discouraged, they may feel like their goal is unattainable. They may also feel like they are not good enough or that they don’t have what it takes to succeed. Additionally, some people give up because they become overwhelmed. When people feel like the task at hand is too daunting, they may simply throw in the towel. Finally, some people give up because they don’t have a support system. If they don’t have anyone to encourage them or help them stay on track, they may give up out of sheer frustration.

Final Words:

Giving up should never be an option when it comes to chasing your dreams. You have to work for them and give it all you have. Use the tips in this blog post as a guide to help you achieve success. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day so don’t expect everything to happen overnight. Keep pushing forward and you will eventually reach your goals. What are some of your dreams? How are you going to achieve them? Let us know in the comments below!

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Addicted to success logo

Article: 5 Reasons You Can Never Give Up on Yourself Even When Others Do

5 reasons you should never give up from Addicted 2 Success including all problems have a solution, you can find other sources of help and your past does not dictate your future.

why is it important to never give up essay

Article: 10 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

Exports 10 powerful reasons to never give up including that self-doubt is common, success is always difficult and failures are important.

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Article: 3 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

Article by Tony Fahkry on Medium discussing 3 reasons why you never give up; A Relentless Desire To Succeed, Extend Yourself Each Time & Enjoy The Journey.

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Never Give Up

By Jack Handey

Illustration by Andy Rementer

If I could say one thing to the young people of today, it would be this: Never give up. Keep trying and pushing and struggling, even if you don’t know what your goal is or why you would want to achieve it.

As you march down the street not giving up, hold your head high and swing your elbows. People will recognize you as someone who won’t give up, and they will get out of your way. Some of them will even hide.

Some will try to discourage you. They’ll say that what you’re doing is “illegal,” or a “sin,” or a violation of the health code. They may cling to your legs, causing you to drag them along, or jump onto your back, pleading, “In the name of God, please stop what you’re doing!”

Keep going. Rest assured, they’re jealous.

“We’re not jealous, honestly,” they may say. “Just please stop!” Maybe you’ve struck a nerve.

“No, you haven’t struck a nerve,” they’ll say. “What you’re doing is just awful, and we’d like you to stop!”

Let that be your inspiration. Shake off the naysayers and trudge on, through the mud and the filth and the slime, knowing that you have a higher purpose. Remember, nobody liked van Gogh’s work, and if nobody likes yours it’s probably a sign that you’re a genius.

Look to the horizon. See that little dot? No, not that one—the one that’s even farther out. You can barely see it. Now don’t stop until you reach it. Take out your machete and hack a new path through the jungle, even if there is an old path just a few feet away. Fend off the monkeys of “good manners” and the sloths of “patience.”

We are born with the instinct not to give up. As babies, we cry and scream until we get what we want. But somewhere along the line we lose that ability. People talk us out of our crazy ideas—people who live in the so-called real world, where things “make sense.” They’ve never attempted the impossible. But you have, many, many times.

Keep pushing ahead—not in a way that seems pushy but in a way that says you won’t stop. Some people say you shouldn’t bang your head against a wall. Tell that to the woodpecker.

Along the way, there will be compromises—bribes and torture and “hunting accidents.” You may have to engage in unnatural sex acts. But don’t give up. With each unnatural sex act, you will be one step closer to your goal.

When you finally reach the first stage of success, congratulate yourself. But remember that there are twenty-four more stages of success.

Some people may ask, “If I take a rest, even a little one, is that the same as giving up?” Yes, it is. But if you need to pretend to give up—so that people will leave you alone—go ahead. Then keep doing what you do, but even harder.

Several years ago, there was a man who wouldn’t give up. He was just an actor, but he had bigger things in mind, in the world of politics. People tried to talk him out of his wild-eyed notions, but he wouldn’t listen. And that man was John Wilkes Booth.

Keep pushing and scraping and clawing and begging. Even in your dreams, don’t give up. If you dream that you are wearing nothing but underpants, try to make them expensive, executive underpants.

Eventually, all your determination will pay off. The same people who mocked your ideas and tackled you will now claim to love your vision. “We love it! We love it!” they’ll say. They’ll tell you that the governor is interested in your ideas and will bundle you off in a car to the governor’s mansion. But when you pass under the stone archway you’ll notice that it doesn’t say “Governor’s Mansion” but “Insane Asylum.” Jump out of the car and run into the woods. Keep running. Never give up running. ♦

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The Selfie-Stick Photographer

By Eric Lach

Student Essays

Essay on Never Give Up

Essay on Never Give Up [ Meaning, Concept & Importance ]

We all hear very often, in our life, Never Give Up! The phrase implies that in all circumstances one should never ever give up one’s struggle and aim with resilience towards success. Never Give up typically stands for not loosing efforts and hopes while striving against an odd to reach at the goal. The following essay is very helpful for children and students, to understand the meaning and importance of never giving up in life.

Essay on Never Give Up | Meaning & Concept, Never Loose Hope & Struggles Essay

Giving up is easy. It’s a natural response to feeling overwhelmed, tired, or hopeless. But it’s also a surefire recipe for failure. That’s because giving up means you stop trying, and when you stop trying, you stop making progress. The saying Never give up lays emphasis on the fact that one should never give up on his dreams. No matter how difficult the situation is, one should not lose hope but keep trying until he achieves success.

Essay on Never Give Up

Meaning & Concept of Never Giving Up

The phrase never give up on your dreams means that you should pursue your goals even when the going gets tough. It’s a reminder that anything worth achieving will require hard work and determination. Dreams don’t come true simply because you want them to; they come true because you’re willing to fight for them.

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The phrase never give up on your dreams is a reminder that anything worth achieving requires hard work and determination. The saying is a motivational message that encourages people to keep going even when times are tough.

Importance of Never Giving up

The phrase never give up on your dreams is important because it reminds us that we need to persist through difficult times in order to achieve our goals. Pursuing our dreams can be a difficult and challenging endeavor, but it is often through these challenges that we grow and learn the most about ourselves. The phrase never give up on your dreams is a reminder to keep going even when things are tough.

What Students can Learn from this Phrase?

This phrase has unique relevance in terms of struggles for academic performance for students. Quitting or giving up on academics, especially during tough semesters, can be disastrous for their career and academic future. The phrase never give up on your dreams is a reminder to keep going even when times are tough and not to succumb to the pressure of academics and other activities.

With a little perseverance and grit, students can get through any academic challenge and achieve their dreams. One should never give up easily. Success is the result of continuous efforts taken. Stopping the struggles would make a man frustrated and fill with the guilt of failure and repentance. So, it is better to keep trying with full hope and energy.

Things will always be tough, but the key is to never give up on your dreams. Pursue your goals with determination and hard work. Don’t let anything stand in your way of achieving your dreams. Remember, anything worth having is worth fighting for. So never give up and keep pushing forward until you reach your goals.

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Therefore, as per this phrase, success is impending. One never know at what moment one may achieve success. It’s always illusive and imminent. So, the best thing is to keep struggling with full energy and hope. One should never lose courage in himself/herself. He/she should keep on pushing until he/she gets success. This is what this phrase teaches us. We should never give up on our dreams.

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Essay on Never Giving Up

It is critical to never give up because you will never be able to succeed if you do so every time something becomes difficult. I think this because if you give up when things get tough, you will never be able to achieve your goals. Some of the world's most successful people worked extremely hard for what they have, and when life threw them a curveball, they overcame it. How do you know if you could have done it if you gave up the moment an obstacle was thrown in your way if you give up on what you're trying to accomplish? As a result, it is critical to keep trying because if you do not, you will never succeed.

When you want something, you put in a lot of effort to get it. For example, if you work hard every day in your sport, you will start to improve and get closer to your goal. You can never achieve what you are trying to achieve if you want to stop and give up because you are tired or bored. If you want something badly enough, I believe it is critical to keep striving for it; otherwise, you will never achieve it. That is why you can never give up because you will not find what you are looking for if you do.

How would you ever know if you would have been able to achieve your goal if you decided to give up? The point of putting in the effort to achieve your goal is to achieve it. What's the point of doing something if you're not going to follow through? You will never achieve success if you give up every time an obstacle is thrown in your way. That is why you should always strive for that goal because once you achieve it, you will be proud of what you have accomplished.

If you want to try something new, you must have a justification for doing so. So, why should you let something get in the way of that goal when you can overcome it and keep moving forward? When you finally get there, it will feel so good that everything you went through to get there will be worth it. Think about how important your goal is and why you want to accomplish it the next time you're about to give up.

When you're tempted to give up, remember how important that goal is to you and that if you give up, you'll never be able to achieve it. Remember why you set out to achieve that goal in the first place, and keep going and trying your hardest to achieve it. It's pointless to set a goal if you're going to let something trivial get in the way. Finally, it is critical to never lose sight of your goals or dreams.

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Glenn Geher Ph.D.

5 Reasons You Should Never Give Up

Research-based advice to keep going even after setbacks..

Posted March 4, 2015 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma


If you're like me, you can easily sit down at the computer in front of a blank page titled “My Failures in Life” and go to town. In my case, among the many eventual pages of this document, you would find summaries of rejections from colleges, rejections from grad schools, rejections from publications, as well as job applications. And that’s just the start. My son’s Little League team that I coached last year was immediately eliminated in the playoffs—my son’s basketball team, which I also coach, lost our only overtime game by one point; that stung. And more.

As an academic, this is the time of the year in which issues of rejection and failure are brought to the forefront. This is when students who have applied to graduate schools find out whether they have been accepted.

Every year, I support as many students as I can in an effort to help get them jobs and entry into high-quality graduate programs. As a professor, my job isn’t done when I grade a student’s final exam. My job includes any and all efforts to help our hard-working students get on a career path that will allow them to make a positive mark on this world. This is just as important to my job as grading a test, creating a syllabus, or lecturing on how to compute standard deviation. When students learn that they have been rejected by graduate programs, it affects me. It’s a tough season; even some of our best students get fully rejected. It’s simply that competitive.

Of course, I don’t ever want my students to give up. Ever. They are not allowed to. In 1993, the famed North Carolina State men’s basketball coach Jimmy Valvano looked a national ESPN audience in the eye and, his body riddled with cancerous tumors, said this: Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up .

He may not have been a research psychologist with a Ph.D., but Valvano knew what he was saying. And when I run into failure in my life (which is, as I’ve indicated, quite often), I do my best to unleash my inner "Jimmy V." And I advise you to do the same.

Why was Valvano right? Why should we stand up in the face of adversity? Is this really an effective behavioral strategy? Was it adaptive for our ancestors as they dealt with all kinds of threats on the pre-agrarian savanna? Heck, yes, Jimmy V. was right. And there is a lot of work in the field of psychology to support his message. Below are five scientifically documented reasons to endorse a Valvano approach to all aspects of life:

  • An overly optimistic take on oneself is adaptive. Much research in psychology (see Krueger, 1998) shows that people generally take a rosy-lensed approach in perceiving themselves—and that people who are more likely to show such self-enhancement in their self-perceptions are on a track for success in multiple domains.
  • Having an illusion of control is adaptive. In reality, we can only control so much of what happens in our worlds. But people vary in terms of how much they tend to think they have control—regardless of whether they actually have it (see Presson & Benassi, 1996). The kicker: People who think they have a little more control than is actually warranted are at a dramatically reduced risk for depression . And this is a must-have evolutionary-based value. Our ancestors who continued to try at some task—partly because they thought they could control the situation—had to have been our ancestors who (at least sometimes) succeeded, because they kept at it.
  • Think you can! Think you can! Self-efficacy (see Bandura et al., 1996) is a pretty straightforward but powerful psychological phenomenon. It’s a simple belief that you can accomplish some task. Suppose you need to unlock a rusty old door and, in front of you, I picked a key from a pile of hundreds of keys and said, "Try this one, it might work.” Well, you could try it, but you probably would be so doubtful that you might, unwittingly, not exactly give it your all. Imagine another scenario in which I give you a single key and I say, “This is definitely the key.” Well, you might jiggle it and such, but you’d probably try harder than in the other condition—even if the keys were identical. This is how it works: If you think you might succeed, you try harder—and such effort often begets success. Whenever possible, shoot to foster self-efficacy in all your endeavors. It’s sort of Step 1 for success.
  • Have an overly optimistic take on others in your life. Humans don’t live in vacuums. We live in specific social circles. We have others who comprise our primary support group—our spouse, family, and close friends. People often extend the self-relevant biases described above to these close individuals. For instance, people tend to over-idealize their romantic partners (see Geher et al., 2005). In fact, over-idealizing one’s romantic partner is a huge predictor of relationship success and satisfaction. Give others in your life the benefit of the doubt, and put on some rosy glasses when looking at them.
  • Life is short. Do something great. This point may not be as scientifically based, but it’s still spot-on. Resilience (see Masten, 1989) is a set of qualities that help us fend off the adverse effects of negative outcomes such as failure and rejection. We are all going to face rejection and failure; that is part of life. Our ability to effectively combat such outcomes and bounce back is resilience—and it is how we can take failures in these short lives that we have and turn them, ultimately, into successful outcomes marked by greatness.

If you are a successful human (and if you’ve read to this point in this post, then you surely qualify), you need to look failure in the eye and rise above it. The most successful people are also often the ones who have experienced the most failure. Failure and rejection hurt, but they are not show-stoppers. They are important features of life that help us grow stronger and help us succeed in the future. When Valvano had a body full of cancer and months left to live, what did he do? He started the Jimmy V. Fund to help raise a ton of money to help facilitate scientific cancer research. Some success story, actually.

So if you have run into some kind of failure or rejection lately, I say this to you: Foster your belief in yourself, foster your belief in close others who support you, and unleash your inner Jimmy Valvano: Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.

Jimmy Valvano’s famous ESPY speech of 1993

Bandura, A.; Barbaranelli, C.; Caprara, G. V.; Pastorelli, C. (1996). "Multifaceted Impact of Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Academic Functioning". Child Development 67: 1206–1222. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.1996.tb01791.x.

Geher, G. (2014). Failure as the Biggest Marker of Human Success. Psychology Today Blog.

Geher, G., Bloodworth, R., Mason, J, Downey, H.J., Renstrom, K.L., & Romero, J.F. Motivational Underpinnings of Romantic Partner Perceptions: Psychological and Physiological Evidence (2005). Journal of Personal and Social Relationships, 22, 255-281.

Krueger, J. (1998), "Enhancement Bias in Descriptions of Self and Others", Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24 (5): 505–516, doi:10.1177/0146167298245006,

Masten, A. S. (1989). "Resilience in development: Implications of the study of successful adaptation for developmental psychopathology". In D. Cicchetti (Ed.), The emergence of a discipline: Rochester symposium on developmental psychopathology (Vol. 1, pp. 261–294). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, ISBN 0805805532.

Presson; Paul K., Benassi, Victor A. (1996). "Illusion of control: A meta-analytic review". Journal of Social Behavior & Personality 11 (3)

Glenn Geher Ph.D.

Glenn Geher, Ph.D. , is professor of psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. He is founding director of the campus’ Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) program.

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Never give up is a phrase that many of us have heard throughout our lives. It has been used to encourage and motivate people during difficult times and remind them not to give in despite the struggles they may be facing. The idea behind never giving up can be applied to any situation, no matter how big or small it might seem. Whether it’s a challenge you are facing at work, school, or even in your personal life, never giving up can help you overcome adversity and reach success. First and foremost, perseverance is key when trying to achieve something worthwhile. If you don’t put in the effort and dedication necessary for success, then your chances of succeeding decrease greatly. When we face a setback or failure it’s important to remember that this is part of the process towards achieving our goals ” learning from mistakes helps us grow stronger each time we fail or make a mistake so that next time we know what not do differently. Additionally, having supportive people around us who remind us not to give up and believe in ourselves can be incredibly helpful during tough times because their motivation gives us an extra boost when needed most. Lastly, if we want something bad enough then nothing should stop us from pursuing it until we have achieved our desired outcome; this doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles along the way but with hard work comes great reward. Keeping focused on what matters most provides determination which will lead you closer towards reaching goals – always look ahead instead of dwelling on past failures as this attitude brings forth positive energy that leads towards growth rather than discouragement. With patience and resilience anything is possible so long as the belief remains strong within oneself – never give up.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Never Give Up — Never Give Up No Matter How Hard The Situation Is: ‘Believe It to Achieve It’ Review


Never Give Up No Matter How Hard The Situation Is: 'Believe It to Achieve It' Review

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Published: Aug 14, 2023

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“believe it to achieve it”: a reflection.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Real success does not happen in the blink of an eye. You can't just wish to accomplish something and expect that it will be given to you quickly.

Real success comes with pain, winning over trials, overcoming obstacles, and persevering despite various failures.

Today's most successful people have shown to us how determination and belief in ourselves can lead us to massive success. We should never develop an 'I give up' attitude.

What Happens When You Develop a Never Give Up Attitude?

There are rewards we can achieve when we decide not to give up amid our journey to success. Below are some of the reasons why you should adopt a never give up attitude.

#1 You will eliminate your fears.  Significant things such as job promotion, graduation, a new house, relationships, and overcoming pains are defining moments of your perseverance and efforts. All these are the results of yourself who chose to continue reaching for the goals instead of stopping and giving up. A never give up attitude can be used to abolish doubts and negative thinking to make you stronger in facing everything.

Your success was the sweetest when you realized what you came through and what tough times have you defeated before you reach those goals. It's all about the attitude that aids in commencing a battle. It's about the way you continue that battle with the faith of winning in life.

#2 New opportunities for creativity will open for you.  Some of us are raised in this world with the belief of conforming with the rules of society. Because of that, our mindset is also allowed with limited capabilities. Instead of thinking about how to be creative and abundantly, we then begin to live with limited skills and dreams.

When we have a never give up attitude, we then start to see our real life's worth and dare ourselves to do unlimited things. We explore our talents and showcase our capabilities to create better things for ourselves and the whole society. We begin discovering the importance of creativity, and how being creative helps you find better opportunities and fresh, new perspectives in life.

#3 You dare to try things other people are afraid to do.  When you choose never to give up, you will be taught how to put efforts on all fields of life, be it in sports, hobbies, physical health, or overall well-being. Because of that, you will be motivated to aim for more significant results of your actions towards your dreams. You will take risks of doing the things others are afraid of.

That makes you have an edge from others. You will have that high spirit and an attitude of being hungry for opportunity. You choose to become strong instead of focusing on your weak attitudes.

#4 Your desire will be ignited.  What makes us dream and start taking actions in our life? We desire to achieve something and become a person we always dream to be. As the famous author, Napoleon Hill stated, " Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything. "

The common problem for some people nowadays is that they lack the motivation and drive to push themselves to the risky paths of success. We need to have our desire to be continuously ignited. We all have dreams and goals we want to realize and achieve. We should keep moving and keep ourselves motivated – from start to finish.

#5 Your emotional intelligence is improved.  One primary key to make things work out successfully is your emotional intelligence. It is the ability to be aware of, express, and control your emotions.  There are times when we gave our 100% effort, but still, the goals we plan to achieve didn't go well as we expected.

We fail, and we may fail again. It is fine that we lose sometimes. Think this matter as a normal part of any process. What's important is how you learn from such loss, and you will use the lessons learned from those failures. When you can effectively handle your emotions in times like that, you can control the damage and become more efficient in all kinds of situations.

#6 You will believe that anything you can perceive is possible.  What is good in believing that anything is possible is that you will have the energy to power up yourself to take action. When you know that you will capable, you will overcome the things that may hinder your efforts. Often, the measure of success is on the between of your perception and getting out of your comfort zone. It's your will to take actions. Of course, the only answer to that is never to give up.

#7 You become prepared for everything.  We must put in mind that in every endeavour we have, we need to prepare ourselves for failure. Fear of other people's expectation will make you afraid of taking risks. Be bold and fearless. The more you become ready for everything, the stronger you become and fight harder for your dreams. Because on the contrary, if you give up on the midst of your struggle, then you will not be successful.

#8 You develop effective work ethics.  Your willingness to do anything for your goals will be your armour from failures. You become more motivated to persevere; thus, you give more value to the work you are doing. You will embrace the fact that there will always be a way to get things done. You learn how to prioritize the things that need to be accomplished first.

#9 Never Giving Up Leads You to Happiness.  When we achieve success, we feel in our heart how happy we are because all our efforts have paid off. We celebrate with joy because we defeated all the difficult challenges. When we decide not to give up, we can enjoy our life more because there is happiness in success and contentment.

#10 You Learn Something New.  We learn a lot when we keep going and decide not to give up. We can learn that there are hidden strength and potentials within us. We learn how to keep ourselves motivated. More importantly, we decide not to give up, and we learn how we can effectively convert our failures to success. We become an inspiration to others, and we become capable of doing greater things in the future.

Remember this: it may be challenging to start with your dreams and plans, and it may get harder as you work on your journey to achieve success. You may lose the drive and motivation in the journey, and you may think of giving up already. What you need to do is think the reason why you decided to get it started in the first place. Who will benefit from this? How significant is it for you, and why you should do this? The reason why you started and what is the significance of doing it will make you persevere and will not give up – you just have to believe.

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never ever give up

Life’s Most Important Lesson: Never Ever Give Up

An important lesson that I learned in my past is to never ever give up : Always persevere. If you fall down, then get back up and try again. It doesn’t matter if it is the first time, or the millionth time, you must always get back up again. Regardless of what challenges you are facing, you have to keep pushing forward. Life isn’t going to slow down for you, so you have to work to keep up. Each time you get up, that is more character, more strength you have developed. It is always important to set goals for yourself. Never stop reaching for the stars. Sometimes tomorrow is about learning from yesterday.

Change Can Be A Good Thing

Sometimes persevering means that you need to start over. If you are feeling depressed , you might need to make an important change in your life. For example, if you are unhappy in your career, you might need to consider a new job or business. If you are unsatisfied with your partner, you may need to make changes in your relationship, or find somebody new. If you are feeling down, it means that you have flat lined. You need to make the changes that are necessary to push your life into a positive direction.

Without Failure There Would Be No Story – Keep Going!

Another important fact to consider is that you don’t have to succeed at everything you do. Sometimes it just matters that you showed up to try. If you are unhappy with your performance, you can always try again tomorrow. People talk themselves out of trying because they are afraid of making a mistake. You can always make a mistake, and that is not an excuse to not even show up.

Some of the most famous people and companies started from humble beginnings. In their first year of business, Coca-Cola only sold 400 Cokes. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Dr. Suess’ first children’s book, “And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street”, was rejected by 27 publishers. Vanguard Press, the 28 th  publisher, sold 6 million copies of the book. The book,  Chicken Soup for the Soul  was turned down by 33 publishers before Health Communications agreed to publish it. Since then, over 7 million copies of  Chicken Soup for the Soul, A 2 nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul,  and the  Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook  have been sold worldwide, with the books translated into 20 languages.

If Michael Jordan, Dr. Suess, Coca-Cola, and the authors of  Chicken Soup for the Soul,  had given up, then they wouldn’t be the household names that they are today. These inspirational stories serve as living proof that if at first you don’t succeed, you must try and try again.

Always Grateful, But Never Settle

You must also appreciate the people who appreciate you. If somebody isn’t doing the right thing by you, then ask them to either change their ways or move on. You deserve nothing less than the best, and it is your responsibility to produce your best work for others. This is not limited to physical work, but also includes spiritual work. There is never a day when you can’t create or accomplish a new goal. Let life be a learning experience. Don’t let this year be another year of good intentions with unaccomplished goals. If you want to accomplish something, then you need to DO something about it!

To Never Ever Give Up doesn’t always mean you should keep at a useless cause. It means never ever give up on that great life you deserve. You might have to change your approach – the “how” you will get there – but just never ever give up on your dream life. There is always a way if you are willing to find a way!

14 Responses

' src=

Your video has help me and my children

' src=

A beautifully written article, it’s so true, that without failure there would be no story. It is such an amazing perspective to look at failure. To never give up and to keep motivating yourself till you achieve your goal.

Thank you so much!

' src=

Wow!it’s really meaningful,it made me stop doing what I was doing and thought of my past

I’m glad to hear that! Thank you!

' src=

A wonderful and inspiring article.

Thank you so much! I appreciate it!

' src=

Very good . I could learn a lot of thing from this speech . I really enjoyed reading this ✌✌

Good I’m glad! Thank you!

' src=

I have read the book chicken soup for the kid’s soul and the book chicken soup for the teenager’s soul they are amazing and I read one story every day right before I sleep or maybe even get drawn into the book and read it for hours so I end up reading it for 3 hours sometimes it’s so addicting I recommend this book to the whole entire world idk about everyone but I love it so much!

Yes I love the Chicken Soup for the Soul books!

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5 Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up on Your Goals

Published: Aug 19, 2022

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We’ve been talking a bit about setting goals and how to stay motivated. These tips are meant to be a point of reference for you as you move forward in your life and towards your goals; a guide to be mindful of, and a reminder that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Sadly, it can be far too easy to throw in the towel when things get tough. Today, we’re going to show you the reasons why you should never give up, even when the odds may seem stacked against you. Let’s begin.

It’s Been Done Before

Whatever your goal may be, you’ve surely seen plenty of examples of others achieving it. Let’s say you want to run a marathon, but you’re hitting a wall with your training. In fact, this is a well-known phenomenon amongst runners, and even the most accomplished athletes have had to deal with it at some point or another. In moments of frustration it can be difficult to remember that you aren’t alone in your struggles, but recognizing the shared plight of those who are also in your field will remove all doubt of whether you can achieve your goal.

The bottom line is no matter what your goal is, there is someone else who has accomplished it. We all have people that we look up to as inspiration towards our goals, and they can serve as a reminder that you (yes, you!) can also do it. It really is quite a simple notion, but it is also one that can be hard to remember when we feel especially challenged. Now then, in the spirit of track and field metaphors, let’s move on to our second point.

It’s Not a Race

Sometimes it can feel like the path towards our goal is never ending. Always remember that anything worth doing is most likely difficult, and will probably take some time. Learn to enjoy the journey, and don’t let the success of others around you bring you down. It can be tough if you’ve got a friend or a colleague that achieves a similar goal before you are able to, but that doesn’t mean it was effortless for them either. In fact, you can look at a situation like this as an advantage, since your friend can be a resource for you as you push forward.

All things worth doing are indeed a marathon, so focus on placing one foot in front of the other, stay motivated and excited, and put in the work. Keep your eyes on your next step, rather than the finish line, and before you know it, you’ll be even closer to reaching your goal.

Setbacks Are Lessons

If you haven’t yet, you’ll no doubt face multiple setbacks on your journey. Setbacks can range from being a minor nuisance, to a soul crushing event that makes you want to pack your bags, and run as far away as possible from your goal. Make no mistake, everybody on the face of the planet experiences setbacks on the way towards their goal. Realizing you are not alone in this is extremely important.

Look at setbacks as lessons learned. If you can tell that a setback was the direct result of a mistake you made, take note of it. If you’re experiencing a setback due to other outside forces, do your best to avoid similar situations in the future. We all make mistakes, so be prepared for them, and don’t beat yourself up over them. If I may, I like to think of setbacks as advice from the universe. Maybe it’s trying to say “not this way, that way.”

You’re Tougher Than You Think

We all hit a point where we think about giving up. In fact, it can happen many times over the course of a lifetime. Feelings of wanting to give up don’t equate to weakness or the inability to achieve a goal; they are totally normal. Remember what we said earlier: anything worth doing is difficult.

Look at it this way-just because you get down on yourself from time to time doesn’t mean you don’t have what it takes, it just means you’re human. You can experience the thought of wanting to give up many times over, but as long as you don’t actually give up, you’ve got what it takes and more. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, slow and steady.

Failure Does Not Exist

This one encompasses elements from every other entry on this list, in one way or another. One of the most important things you can ever know on your path towards your goal is that failure only occurs if you allow it. In other words, failure can never exist unless we create it for ourselves. Mistakes aren’t failure, detours aren’t failure, feelings of giving up aren’t failure, taking longer than others to achieve your goal isn’t failure. Failure is only when you completely give up on something that means a lot to you, and turn your back on it forever. Failure is a choice.

Once you’ve decided to commit yourself to a goal, be deliberate, take your time, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and learn from mistakes. You are strong enough to achieve whatever you want in your life, as long as you choose to do so. Erase the very idea of failure from your mind, this way it ceases to be even a choice, and you will persevere no matter what.

Now that we’ve covered how to stay motivated and the reasons why you should never give up on your goals, we’ve paved the way for another important lesson. Next time, we will talk about success, how to define it, and how you can be successful every single day, so keep your trusty internet reading machine dialed in here.

Never Give Up Essay Example

Whether big or small, everyone faces obstacles every day. What matters is how you handle the challenges, and whether or not you give up. “Never Let Go” showcases the importance of working hard and never giving up. It consists of a ladder, lion, infinity necklace, rope, and watch which represent the mindset needed to never quit. I was inspired to create this portrait based on my personal experiences and challenges.

The first symbol, the ladder, represents ascension and the realization of potential. When working towards a goal, it is natural to fail. Each mistake needs to be turned into motivation to try again. For example, in gymnastics, I was put in the same level twice. I saw this as a huge setback, but it motivated me to work hard. I learned that each setback is one step up the ladder of success. The second symbol is a lion, signifying the importance of courage. When you confront a challenge, it might be hard at first. You must be brave enough to overcome the hard part. This is why I am not afraid of trying new tasks. I learned not trying is even worse than a failure. The next symbol is the infinity necklace, which represents the idea of never giving up. To be infinite means to be endless, and you should not end until you have reached your goal. For example, I couldn’t come up with an idea for science fair. It took me a long time, but I kept trying and found a topic that took me to Regionals. I learned that even if it takes time, you should not quit. 

The fourth symbol is a rope, symbolizing the importance of persistence. If you let go of the rope while climbing, you will fall. You must persist till the end and not give up. I experienced this while climbing ropes in gymnastics. When we have to climb multiple ropes, my arms feel like letting go. But, I cannot just stop in the middle or else I will get hurt. This taught me to always begin with the end in mind and to persist. Consistency is as important as persistency, which is symbolized through the watch. To work like clockwork means to work according to plan. In order to do that, you must work consistently. For example, you cannot just relax for a long time, and then work hard at the last minute. If you do this, your work will be much harder and you will feel like giving up even more. This is why I space out my school work everyday.

All five symbols in the portrait have one common point-- positivity. The yellow and orange colors in the background symbolize the optimism and warmth needed when facing a challenge. The blue shirt represents how calm you need to be in order to succeed. You should not get easily frustrated by mistakes. The image placement also plays a key part in the portrait. The rope and ladder are the two biggest symbols because persistence and learning from mistakes are very important. The lion is near the heart because the courage to continue comes from your heart. The watch is small because it might seem insignificant, despite its importance. Similarly,  it might feel like it consistency does not matter as long as things get done in the end. Since the main message is to never quit, the infinity sign is on the neck in the center, where it is visible.

Whenever I face a tough situation, I do not give up. I learn from my mistakes and I am brave, persistent, and consistent to overcome my obstacles. I have felt like quitting many times in life, but I knew that this would lead to a greater failure. I learned that if you work hard and never give up, you can accomplish anything.

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Never Give Up Essay Example

All of us have many dreams in our minds, but hardly a few manage to get them fulfilled in the first attempt. Dreaming is the sweetest thing ever because we always dream about things we love and hope for. The best way to reach your dreams and hopes is to work to achieve them and to change them to reality and never giving up in any situation. "Never give up” means keep trying and never stop working for your goals. For many people, failure is nothing but the first step towards success. This should be our approach in life. For instance, when small babies learn to walk, they fall down many times. But they don't give up. They keep trying and when they make it, their happy faces say it all. It is rightly said, "Winners never quit, and quitters never win" I remember that one moment in the late 90s, it was half-past ten in the night, and my uncle was talking to my grandfather that he could not work more in that company because they are not paying him good according to his qualification and he wants to quit that job. My grandfather said to my uncle, "you know boy never give up is key to success”

My father was a marine soldier, so he was always strict with everyone, even me too. His decisions were always straightforward. If he commits any decision that means that’s his final decision and we have to follow them. He always told me to never give up. His words are always strong with me. I remember those days when he always pushed me to work out and he always competed with me for pushups and he always won. He doesn’t like to lose because he was a marine soldier. I remember that day when we both were competing against each other. His arms and shoulders were too strong, he would start from, ten, twelve, eighteen, twenty-five, thirty-five, and fifty.

He told me to get down on the floor and he started counting one, two and I ended at ten and then I heard my dad's voice come one you can do it two more and five more, and again two more like that I end at twenty push-ups. He would see my reddened, sweating face and pain in my body but still, he wanted me to continue. I just heard the words never give up and you can also do it and then I fell down and I said no more. Then, with his squinting eyes, he would laugh at me, a high laugh, and said do you think you can do more than me?'' I was so angry and would not answer and look at him; I just went to my next exercise. I never thought that was easy at all. That was the way I felt for so many years during my teens when I was ten years old. I still love to challenge my father. We had always been in a physical relationship with each other. We never communicate with each other in speech as well as in writing. My mother always wrote me letters and called me on the phone when I was in high school. Even my dad never helps me in my studies too, but he is always in the stands during my tennis games. He always tries to communicate with me during the game about how I have to play. He always shows me new moves for my game because he was a great athletics and tennis player. That shows how much he had a love for me. I remember that game when I was almost losing my tennis final in high school. Whereat the end of the set my father came to me and talk to me that how can I back into the game and how can I beat my rival. He told me never to give up, to fight till the end of the game which is always stuck in my mind.

I remember how happy he was when I won that final tennis game. At that moment something occurred to me, something unexpected. My feelings changed towards my dad within a second. I realized that I was feeling sorry for my dad. He was always right that if you have self-determination and confidence, you can chase and win anything in this world. That day that moment sticks in my mind and now whenever I have that kind of situation I always go back to my earlier days and solve my problems. I remember that one time, a few years ago while I was still in high school; one of my dreams was to move to the United States and to pursue a college education there. I tried and I failed with accomplishing this plenty of times. But no matter what anyone said and no matter what obstacles I came across I had made a promise to myself to never give up on that dream because I always had those three words of my father with me "never give up”.

Although it wasn’t the most far-out dream, it was still something I really, really wanted to do. I worked hard through high school, I got a job on the side to help me save up money, and I looked around for schools and places I could imagine myself living. I did this all by myself, and it eventually paid off. I am now living and studying in the United States, and loving every single day of it. I’m proud of myself for never giving up. I now know to keep motivated for my dreams, and that with work hard, fight and passion, anyone can do anything. To sum up, never giving up is the key to success in human life. If someone gets good support from their family and friend’s things will definitely work out in the end. I don’t think that I will ever give up on my life now. I am doing my majors in computer science and I am not going to stop now till I do not achieve my goals.

Never giving up is the attitude that one should carry and live his/her life with, no matter what the situation is. One should keep struggling and fighting with the odds and should wait for the day when he/she will find what he/she has actually been looking for in his/her life. Failure is not an option for anyone. Even though you have failed in any process, you should stand up and do it again, but in any case, you should never give up on your dreams. One should never give up on his/her goals, and one should never give up on a struggle that he/she is doing for attaining something which is very important in life. This attitude has great importance in our lives. To be able to never give up is a virtue that not many people possess. Keeping all the above points in mind, always make sure that no matter what the situation is, you should never ever give up on your life.

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Importance of never giving up in life

There comes that moment in all of our loves when we feel like completely giving up, when nothing seems to go the way we planned, and the future looks bleak at best. In times like these, we cannot help but feel that there cannot reason to keep on trying; after all, what is the point in working on something when you know it is going to be futile in the end? But to be fair, it is never a good idea to just give up, not until you have given of your best into the situation. Here’s why.

importance of never giving up

7 reasons why it is important to never give up

Success might take longer.

There is nothing to say that success will come to you at the very first attempt. Sometimes, you have to struggle for years before you can reach the place you aimed for. There will be multiple setbacks on the way, and if you give up every time you encounter a roadblock, it will be impossible to ever achieve anything. So, you must keep trying in order to make it in the end, and the taste of success will be even sweeter.

You are satisfied

This is perhaps the most important benefit of not giving up. Your goals may seem tough or almost impossible to reach, but you will never really know that unless you have tried. It is only by trying, and trying again, that you will finally understand whether the goal was achievable or not. If you give up without trying at all, or at the first hint of failure, you will always have the nagging thought at the back of your mind: ‘what if I tried?’ If you do try enough, and then finally step back, you will definitely know that this was not doable, or otherwise, because you gave it your best efforts.

Learn from your mistakes

If you give up after your first failure, you will know what you did wrong, but you will never learn the right way to do things. Every time you make a mistake and fail to achieve your goal, you will know one more thing that should not be done. This way, by process of elimination alone, you will keep getting closer to your goal, and finally arrive at a foolproof way to get things done.

The end of the line

If you give up even before you begin the race, or after the first lap, you will never know what is at the end of the line. You have a goal in mind, sure, but do you know what it will be like to finally be there? Persevering on your way will get you to the very top, and the view will be breathtaking. If you stop midway, that is it for you; the end of the line with no excitement.

It’s a competitive world

We live in a fairly competitive world, which means that every time we let go of our dreams, someone else makes them their own. A million people are chasing the same dream all their lives, and if you don’t keep trying, somebody else will be living your dream, and you will spend the rest of your life mired in regret and jealousy. Giving up is not an option if you have to stay ahead in the race.

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If you give up on your goal after a single try, or without trying at all, you will never know the right way of doing things. Failures tell us that we are doing something wrong, forcing us to change track and learn new things in the process. We have to stay updated if we are to hang on to our dreams, because there is no point in doing the same thing and repeating our mistakes. By working on different ways to get something done, we achieve perfection, becoming an expert in our field in the process.

More self-reliant

When we are used to working hard to succeed, we tend to become self confident and dependent on ourselves. We do not need to rely on anyone else to do the job for us, because we are quite certain that we are ourselves quote capable of handling it on our own. Since we don’t give up on our dreams, we have no regrets, and no one needs to help us out along the way.

All said and done, there is always a time to take a step back. But that does not mean you are giving up; it only means you have done all that you could and realized that there is nothing more to be done. There is an innate difference between giving up and stepping back; one is not even trying, and the other is accepting that not everything is under our control, no matter how much we try. One brings a sense of defeat and dissatisfaction, while the other brings peace in the knowledge that you tried.

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Never Give Up on Students: Schools Need ‘Grit,’ Too

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This post is by Susan Fairchild, chief knowledge officer for New Visions for Public Schools, Beverly Donohue, vice president for policy and talent development for New Visions, and Anne Mackinnon, a consultant to New Visions.

How does a school become an organization that pushes itself to the outer limits of its potential? How do you explain a school that never gives up on its students and never misses an opportunity to help them succeed? What accounts for a school that learns from its mistakes and strives to do better every day and every year?

Just as “student grit” is an intangible that is recognized by educators, and just as educators have found it useful to translate those intangible, gritty qualities into more easily observable and actionable student behaviors and habits of mind, we are attempting to translate that special aura of “school grit” into organizational behaviors and qualities that can be observed, measured, and improved upon.

From 2011 to 2014, New Visions for Public Schools participated in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -funded College Readiness Indicator System network (CRIS) , spearheaded by the Annenberg Institute for School Reform , the John W. Gardner Center at Stanford University, and the Consortium on Chicago School Research . Through this initiative, we’ve had the opportunity to work alongside colleagues from the Dallas, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and San Jose school districts to develop indicators and tools that make transparent high school students’ college readiness. Part of our charge has been to prototype, test, and disseminate tools and resources that provide early diagnostic indicators of college readiness.

An important focus of the CRIS initiative centered on student academic tenacity or grit. The inclusion of student grit was an important focal point because of the multifaceted nature of college readiness. The CRIS initiative recognized that preparing students for college is just as much about the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to access college and overcome obstacles en route to postsecondary success as a student’s academic preparation.

New Visions’ contribution to the CRIS conversation was in thinking about the role school plays in shaping the college readiness trajectories of students (what the Gardner Center calls setting-level indicators ). We developed the stock and flow tool as a way of visualizing how student performance ebbs and flows within a high school over eight semesters, and that, when aggregated, produces a unique pattern of school performance. While many of our CRIS colleagues were grappling with student grit, we were examining these unique, new school-level stock and flow patterns which prompted us to think about grit from a different vantage point - that of the school. To date, we have documented key structures that define high performing schools (for example, see our Design and Data In Balance report and see Mark Dunetz’s blog on systems that are key to school success), but we have never actually defined what we mean by school grit. In this post, we attempt to do so.

Gritty schools share three attributes: 1) they are learning organizations that produce reliable results; 2) they strive for authentic accountability; and 3) they engage in meaningful social learning experiences. In other words, school grit can be explained by three powerful theories: David Garvin’s work on learning organizations, Cynthia Coburn’s work on authentic scale, and Amy Edmondson’s work on teaming. All three matter.

A gritty school knows how to learn, adapt, and improve and it does so in ways that create reliability and efficiencies. This type of school builds structures and systems (data and instructional) that allows it to capture learnings from year-to-year so that changes in staffing do not derail progress. Garvin defines a learning organization as “an organization that is skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights.” He identifies five core attributes of learning organizations. They 1) engage in systematic problem solving, 2) experiment with new approaches, 3) learn from individual staff experiences/past history, 4) learn from best practices/experiences of others, and 5) transfer knowledge quickly and efficiently throughout the entire organization.

Those of us in education know “systematic problem solving” by another name--data-driven decision making--and we now work in an environment where we are, as Garvin says, “insisting on data, rather than assumptions as the background for decision making.” What Garvin refers to as “experimentation” we refer to as design-driven decision making . These are our interventions where we are continually working to generate gains in knowledge that shape student outcomes. Moreover, the speed with which information is transferred throughout the school, coupled with best practices and learning from past experiences, reinforces not just learning but also reliability. In fact, Gavin’s building blocks are similar to another continuous improvement process that many know well--educator-led “ inquiry .”

Take, for example, systematic problem solving. Educators who sit within different places in a school look at student data from different vantage points. Some educators, such as those in leadership positions, are often looking at aggregate indicators of student performance (e.g., semester-to-semester progress to graduation or year-to-date attendance or passage of state exit exams) and how these data reflect some measure of school performance. Grade teams often consider how students within the same grade perform on similar standards but within different subject areas. Teachers in the classroom, on the other hand, are untangling the data points that reflect a different grain size and a different time scale--the student’s day-to-day. They are constantly considering period attendance, classroom behavior, homework quality and consistency, and item-level analysis on assessments. The data the educators must take into account when making decisions span from the general to the specific. Using these different types of data, educator-led inquiry teams consider student interventions, share what has been learned, and modify the intervention based on that learning.

Research, however, suggests that the promise of data-driven decision making has yet to deliver (an excellent discussion of data-driven decision making can be found here ). One reason for this may be that inquiry cycles spin at different levels within the school and fail to interlock. (See below).

why is it important to never give up essay

School grit, then, is the effort it takes to interlock the learning/inquiry loops that connect 1) the adults to the students and 2) the adults to the adults.

We borrow this idea of “interlocking loops” from Ron Chaluisan , the vice president of New Visions’ Charter Schools, because it plays a central role in defining school grit. Inquiry cycles that do not interlock fall short of a key building block Garvin identifies if a school is to become a learning organization--transference of knowledge. While inquiry cycles deliver information to some groups within a school, unless these inquiry loops are interconnected, the information flow is fragmented. Fragmented information flow means that a school’s learning is delayed which then means adaptation is also delayed.

The ability to adapt quickly is especially crucial for schools because of the ever-shifting policy ecosystem, the high rate of teacher turnover in the profession, and the constant flow of new cohorts of students entering into the school. Schools that are able to effectively adapt are schools where the adults know how to learn and where they recognize the interdependencies of the work.

But just how deep does adult learning have to go before we see a change in student performance? Cynthia Coburn provides some parameters.

Coburn’s seminal article “Rethinking Scale” highlights the importance of authenticity in the context of reform. She articulates a continuum that helps us to distinguish between superficial changes and authentic learning. Getting to authentic requires that we consider depth, sustainability, and ownership of reforms designed to improve student outcomes. Depth refers to the “deep and consequential” change within the classroom. Changes on the surface are nothing more than modifications to structures and procedures, while deep changes reflect alterations in educators’ beliefs, teacher-student interactions, and pedagogical principles. To achieve depth, teachers must move from a cognitive understanding of any sort of reform to actual change in practice. Authentic change often represents some sort of paradigm shift.

But deep changes have to be sustained over long periods. Coburn notes how changing priorities and the “dissipation of resources” often undermine sustainability. Thus, long-term sustainability is inherently rooted in “ownership.” Ownership is achieved when the reform is no longer seen as external to the school or the educator, but is “internally understood.”

Coburn’s theory forces us to acknowledge the depths educators must travel if they are to create and sustain the authentic changes necessary for organizations to continuously learn and support students. By combining Garvin’s building blocks of a learning organization with Cynthia Coburn’s work on authentic reform, we’re attempting to highlight just how deep the adult learning has to go. In other words, school grit represents the amount of energy educators must exert to interlock the inquiry loops plus the energy required to keep them connected if a school is to move toward a more authentic state.

why is it important to never give up essay

But how do we do this?

Moving from a superficial to an authentic state is ultimately about mindset. To understand the sort of mindset it takes to move a school toward authenticity, we turn to Amy Edmondson and her work on teaming.

In her book Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy , Edmondson identifies “teaming” as the necessary new way of working. She suggests that complex organizations (e.g., schools) that exist within an increasingly unpredictable and unstable environment (the knowledge economy) adapt (or not) based on how well the small groups within that organization function. While teams are useful structures in environments where the work is known, teaming emerges when the work is complex and uncertain.

According to Edmondson, teaming is a dynamic, fluid activity, as opposed to a team, which is an organizational structure. Teaming is a mindset and “involves coordinating and collaborating without the benefit of stable team structures, because ... the constantly shifting nature of work means that many teams disband almost as soon as they’ve formed. You could be working on one team right now, but in a few days, or even a few minutes, you may be on another team.”

To be good at teaming, educators will have to 1) integrate multiple perspectives from different vantage points from within the school, 2) overcome different assumptions and mental models that accompany different areas of expertise to support thoughtful communication, and 3) navigate the conflict that inevitably arises when people work together. Edmondson writes, “Teaming is a mindset that accepts working together actively and a set of behaviors tailored to sharing and synthesizing knowledge.”

In making the case for teaming, Edmondson distinguishes between two types of work: 1) organizing to execute and 2) organizing to learn. According to Edmondson, “organizing to execute emphasizes plans, details, roles, budgets and schedules--tools of certainty and predictability. When we know a lot about what it will take to achieve the results we seek, these traditional models are superbly useful.” For instance, in New York State, we know high school students need forty-four credits and must pass Regents exams to graduate. We can look at their current schedules to identify credit gaps and systematically reschedule students to meet course requirements. We know that, if students are scheduled to take a Regents exam in June, they should be in some course that supports preparation for that exam in the spring. We know if students are absent, schools need a systematic procedure with specific adult behaviors that supports getting kids to school. At New Visions, we have invested considerable resources into making the “organizing to execute” types of work more transparent and manageable. Mark Dunetz , vice president of school support, has written an important blog post on the core systems necessary for schools if they are to successfully execute the work of managing schools.

Organizing to learn, on the other hand, is necessary when the work is unknown and unpredictable, and necessitates a different mental model for an organization to quickly adapt. Organizing to learn is ultimately about rapidly understanding what works and what doesn’t. Edmondson notes that organizing to execute and organizing to learn share similarities: “There’s the same discipline, respect for systems, and attention to detail.” Yet they are fundamentally different: "[Organizing to learn is] a radically different organizational mindset that focuses less on ensuring a process is followed than on helping it evolve.”

Educators in schools have to be able to distinguish between these two different forms of organizing and they have to be able to do both well. What is interesting about the data and systems strategy at New Visions is that our new tools are lightweight and flexible enough that they not only support organizing to execute, but by virtue of being so malleable they also support organizing to learn.

At New Visions, we have a robust network of schools with whom we work. For those of us interested in understanding how schools become high performing organizations, this presents a unique opportunity for us to observe school grit as it unfolds and figure out how we can measure it, support it, and improve it.

The opinions expressed in Learning Deeply are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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    Giving up is not an option if you have to stay ahead in the race. By the way, with a few clicks you can pay WriteMyPaperHub to have someone who will write your essay on any never give up topic. Self-improvement. If you give up on your goal after a single try, or without trying at all, you will never know the right way of doing things. Failures ...

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    In this post, we attempt to do so. Gritty schools share three attributes: 1) they are learning organizations that produce reliable results; 2) they strive for authentic accountability; and 3) they ...