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Fake Friends Paragraph

Friendship is a special kind of interpersonal relationship. Friendship is often built on mutual trust, respect, and support. However, not all friendships are equal. Some friends may be more interested in what they can get from you, rather than being supportive and trustworthy. These friends are commonly known as “fake friends.”

Fake friends are often jealous of your success and accomplishments. They may try to take credit for your work or undermine your efforts. They may also gossip about you behind your back or spread rumors that are not true.

It’s important to be able to identify fake friends so that you can protect yourself from their negative influence. If you suspect that someone may be a fake friend, pay attention to how they treat you and what they say about you when you’re not around.

If you have a friend who is always putting you down or making you feel bad about yourself, it’s time to end that friendship. You deserve to be treated with respect and should surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself.

True friends will be there for you during the good times and the bad times. They will support your dreams and be happy for your successes. They won’t try to take credit for your work or talk behind your back. If you have a friend who meets these criteria, cherish that friendship and let them know how much they mean to you.

Friends are really significant in our lives. There’s one thing we can all agree on: friends are fantastic. Family is comparable to having friends. Your greatest buddies are someone you can count on during your finest and worst moments. They’re the individuals who will always be there for you, even when things aren’t going well.

Friendship is a beautiful thing. But what happens when that friendship is no longer there? What happens when you realize that the person you thought was your friend, wasn’t really your friend at all? This is the harsh reality of fake friends.

A fake friend is someone who only pretends to be your friend. They are not really interested in you or your life, they only care about themselves. A fake friend will use you to their own benefit and they will never be there for you in your time of need. It’s easy to spot a fake friend, but it’s not always easy to end the friendship.

If you think you might have a fake friend, here are some signs to look out for:

1. They only talk to you when they need something from you

2. They are never there for you when you need them

3. They are always quick to criticize you

4. They are always trying to one-up you

5. They are always talking about themselves

6. They never have anything nice to say about anyone else

7. They are always trying to start drama

8. They never admit when they’re wrong

9. They are always jealous of your success

10. They disappears when things get tough

If you think you might have a fake friend, the best thing to do is to just end the friendship. It’s not worth your time and energy to try and fix something that’s not really there. Friendship is a two-way street and if someone is only interested in taking from you, then they are not really your friend.

True friends are hard to come by, but they are worth the effort. A true friend is someone who is interested in you and your life. They are the people who are there for you in good times and bad. True friends will never use you or try to take advantage of you. They will always have your back and they will always be honest with you.

If you’re lucky enough to have a true friend in your life, cherish them and hold on tight. Friendship is a beautiful thing and true friends are a rare and precious commodity.

Friends are someone who can help you in times of adversity and be there to enjoy and share the good parts of your life. Our friends are the individuals we can count on for emotional support and comfort, which is something we all desire in life. Knowing you have friends is a wonderful sensation, but as we get older, we learn about our two distinct types of friends.

We have our true friends, and we have our fake friends. What is the definition of a fake friend? A fake friend is someone who only pretends to be your friend when it’s convenient for them. They will be there for you when they need something from you but as soon as you need them, they are nowhere to be found. Fake friends are also the people who will gossip about you behind your back and say hurtful things to you to your face.

On the other hand, a true friend is someone who is always there for you, no matter what. They are the ones who pick you up when you’re down and help you celebrate your successes. True friends are honest with you and accept you for who you are. They also don’t gossip about you or say hurtful things to you.

So how can you tell if someone is a fake friend or a true friend? Here are some signs:

-A fake friend will only be there for you when they need something from you. A true friend will be there for you no matter what.

-A fake friend will gossip about you behind your back. A true friend will accept you for who you are.

-A fake friend will say hurtful things to you. A true friend will be honest with you.

If you’re not sure whether someone is a fake friend or a true friend, take some time to observe how they treat you and others. Do they only talk to you when they need something? Do they gossip about you behind your back? Or do they accept you for who you are and support you through thick and thin? The answers to these questions will help you figure out if someone is a fake friend or a true friend.

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10 Signs of a Fake Friend: How to Spot One From a Mile Away

Sanjana is a health writer and editor. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness.

an essay about fake friends

Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a professor at Yeshiva University’s clinical psychology doctoral program.

an essay about fake friends

Diego_cervo / Getty Images

  • How Can You Tell Who's a Fake Friend?

What Causes Someone to Be a Fake Friend?

These are the different types of fake friends, how fake friendships can take a toll on us, how to deal with fake friends, how to build authentic friendships.

Fake friends are people who pretend to care about you but don’t actually have your best interests at heart.

Also known as false friends or fair-weather friends, they tend to act like friends only when it benefits them, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD , a clinical psychologist at Clarity Clinic, Chicago.

Genuine friends can be a valuable source of emotional and practical support. In fact, research shows us that having good friends is linked to lower stress and better mental and physical health.

However, it can be tough to rely on a fake friend, because they may not show much support , empathy, or loyalty when you truly need it. “When you need something, they’re suddenly not that into it,” says Dr. Daramus.

In this article, we explore the signs, causes, impact, and types of fake friends. We also ask the expert for some tips on how to deal with a fake friend.

How Can You Tell Who's a Fake Friend?

These are some of the signs of a fake friend:

  • Inconsistency: Fake friends tend to be around when they need something, but not when you need something, says Dr. Daramus. They may disappear or make excuses during your time of need.
  • One-sidedness: Your relationship with them may feel one-sided . For example, your conversations with them might revolve only around them, their life, and their opinions. They may not show much interest in what’s going on with you.
  • Unreliability: They may be unreliable and rarely keep their promises to you, says Dr. Daramus. You may find it difficult to count on them for anything. For instance, they may make plans with you and stand you up. Or, they may promise to help you with something and flake out at the last minute, leaving you stranded.
  • Betrayal: The person may not be loyal to you. They may share your confidences with others, talk badly about you behind your back, or even spread rumors about you.
  • Disrespect: They may dismiss, belittle, ridicule, or humiliate you in front of other people.
  • Hurtful behavior: They may negate you by saying or doing things that hurt you, but claim they were trying to help you, says Dr. Daramus. For instance, they may say: “You look bad in that outfit. I’m only being honest and trying to help you.”
  • Jealousy : They may feel threatened by your successes and accomplishments. Instead of celebrating your achievements, they may try to downplay them or compete with you.
  • Conditional friendship: Their friendship is often contingent on what they can gain from you, whether it’s social status, material possessions, monetary gain, or other types of benefits. Once they achieve their goal, their interest diminishes.
  • Manipulation: They might use guilt, manipulation , or emotional blackmail to get what they want from you.
  • Ignored boundaries: They may consistently overstep or disregard your boundaries , whether it's your personal space, privacy, or emotional limits. 

Fake friends take far more than they give, while promising they’re true friends. They may tell you how much they care, but they’re only really there for the fun parts of being a friend.

These are some of the factors that might cause someone to be a fake friend:

  • Self-centeredness: A self-centered person who is primarily focused on their own needs and desires might use someone to fulfill their own goals without a thought for the other person’s well-being. Some people are brought up to think only of themselves, says Dr. Daramus.
  • Insecurity: People who struggle with low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy might use fake friendships as a way to boost their own self-worth. They may seek attention and validation from others to feel better about themselves.
  • Narcissism: Someone with narcissistic tendencies may be a fake friend, says Dr. Daramus. Narcissists tend to have an inflated sense of self, a marked lack of empathy for others, and a willingness to use others to achieve their goals.
  • Psychopathy: People with psychopathic tendencies may also be fake friends, says Dr. Daramus. Psychopathy is characterized by a lack of empathy, manipulative behavior, and a disregard for the rights and feelings of others.
  • Childhood trauma: Difficult experiences in childhood can also play a role. The person could have had a rough time as a child and never outgrown a survival mindset, says Dr. Daramus.

Regardless of the reason why the person is the way they are, it’s not your job to let yourself be used , says Dr. Daramus.

These are some of the types of fake friends:

  • The fair-weather friend: Fair-weather friends are there when times are good, but are nowhere to be found when things are tough.
  • The opportunist: Opportunists are always looking for what they can get out of the relationship. They'll be around when they need something from you, but they'll disappear when you need help or support.
  • The flatterer: Flatterers shower you with compliments and praise, but their intentions are not genuine. They use flattery to manipulate you into doing things for them.
  • The competitor: Competitors view your accomplishments as a threat to themselves. They downplay your achievements, undermine your efforts, or try to one-up you to maintain a sense of superiority .
  • The gossip: Gossips are people who thrive on drama and rumors. They might spread lies or personal business about you, which can harm your reputation and relationships.
  • The user: Users exploit your kindness and generosity. They take advantage of your resources, whether it's money, possessions, or favors, without genuine gratitude or reciprocation.
  • The validation seeker: Validation seekers need your attention, validation, and praise to boost their self-esteem. They don't care about your well-being.
  • The energy vampire: Energy vampires prey on your energy, leaving you physically and emotionally drained.
  • The drama magnet: Drama magnets thrive on chaos and conflict. They create unnecessary drama in your life or involve you in their issues for their own entertainment.
  • The manipulator: Manipulators use guilt and manipulation to control you and get what they want.
  • The gaslighter: Gaslighters lie, deny things, and confuse you until you don’t know what’s real anymore.

Deceptive relationships can develop through no fault of your own. However, having a fake friend can affect you emotionally.

These are some of the emotions you may experience as a result of having a fake friend:

  • Disappointment: You may often find yourself feeling disappointed and let down when they don’t show up for you or do what they said they would, says Dr. Daramus.
  • Betrayal: You may find yourself feeling upset and betrayed if you find out they’ve been talking behind your back, sharing your personal information with others, or spreading rumors about you.
  • Anger and hurt: You may find yourself feeling angry and hurt by their comments and actions. 
  • Self-doubt: Fake friends might gaslight you and make you doubt yourself until you can barely tell what’s real and what isn’t, says Dr. Daramus. 
  • Low self-esteem: Fake friendships can cause you to question your worth and negatively impact your self-esteem .
  • Cynicism: Experiencing a fake friendship can make you cynical about the authenticity of other relationships. You might become wary of getting close to people and have difficulty believing in the sincerity of their intentions. You might struggle to open up and let others in for fear of being hurt again.
  • Trauma: Depending on how the relationship plays out, you might find yourself feeling traumatized. The emotional scars can linger long after the relationship has ended.

Finding out someone is a fake or toxic friend is not easy. However, these are some strategies that can help you deal with them:

  • Trust your instincts: Listen to your gut. If something feels off about the friendship, don't dismiss your intuition.
  • Let them know what you need: Dr. Daramus suggests letting them know what you need from them. Give them a chance to show up for you. Don’t get your hopes up but pay attention to their words and actions.
  • Tell them what’s bothering you: If they fail to show up for you, Dr. Daramus recommends confronting them and telling you what’s bothering you about their behavior. Be prepared for defensiveness or denial .
  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with the person. Don’t help them or lend them anything unless things change, says Dr. Daramus.
  • Limit contact: Be willing to let them go if they disrespect you again, says Dr. Daramus. Understand that it's OK to prioritize your happiness and well-being.
  • Seek support: Talk to trusted friends or family members about your feelings. If you’re having trouble coping with the impact of their actions, reach out to a mental healthcare provider for support.
  • Practice self-care: Practice self-care and do things you enjoy. Focus on things that make you feel good about yourself and your life.
  • Nurture supportive relationships: Nurture the relationships that bring you joy and happiness. Spend time with friends who genuinely care about you and show up for you.

These are some strategies that can help you build authentic friendships:

  • Be yourself: Authentic friendships are based on genuine connections. Be true to yourself and let people get to know the real you.
  • Look for people with similar values: Connect with people who share your core values and beliefs. This forms a strong foundation for friendship.
  • Give it time: Dr. Daramus recommends letting friendship build slowly. Don't rush the process. Instead, allow the relationship to evolve naturally. Patterns of behavior usually emerge over time, says Dr. Daramus.
  • Make sure it’s a two-way street: Genuine friendships involve give-and-take. Make sure you’re not the only one contributing to the relationship.
  • Prioritize quality over quantity: Focus on building a few meaningful friendships based on trust and mutual support, rather than trying to amass a large number of acquaintances.
  • Be mindful of red flags: Look out for red flags such as excessive flattery, gossiping, manipulation, or consistently taking advantage of your kindness.

Lu P, Oh J, Leahy KE, Chopik WJ. Friendship importance around the world: Links to cultural factors, health, and well-being . Front Psychol . 2021;11:570839. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.570839

Ho CY. Better health with more friends: The role of social capital in producing health . Health Econ . 2016;25(1):91-100. doi:10.1002/hec.3131

O'Reilly CA, Hall N. Grandiose narcissists and decision making: Impulsive, overconfident, and skeptical of experts-but seldom in doubt . Pers Individ Dif . 2021;168:110280. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2020.110280

Anderson NE, Kiehl KA. Psychopathy: Developmental perspectives and their implications for treatment . Restor Neurol Neurosci . 2014;32(1):103-117. doi:10.3233/RNN-139001

By Sanjana Gupta Sanjana is a health writer and editor. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness.


How to spot a fake friend & what to do about it, from experts.

Sarah Regan

Ever had that feeling in your gut telling you you've got a fake friend in your midst? It can be hard to know for sure, and even harder to admit if you feel close to this person or you've been "friends" for a long time. Here's how to spot a fake friend, according to experts, plus how to walk away.

The concept of "fake" friends.

Just like people can find themselves in toxic romantic relationships , toxic friendships are very much a thing. As licensed marriage and family therapist  Tiana Leeds, M.A., LMFT, explains to mbg, "A quality friendship includes support, loyalty, and closeness—three things you cannot find in a fake friend."

Fake friends usually want something from you but give nothing back in return, explains psychotherapist  Annette Nuñez, M.S., Ph.D. "You're the one that's carrying the friendship , and the friend is not."

Rather than it being a reciprocal friendship, Leeds notes fake friends do not have your best interest at heart and "view the friendship from the perspective of what they can get from you rather than a place of genuine care for you."

15 signs of a fake friend:

They're a fair-weather friend..

Does this person find a way to be around when it could benefit them, but as soon as you truly need them, they disappear? Maybe they come to a party you're hosting so they can network, but when you're struggling, they're nowhere to be found. Leeds says this kind of behavior is indicative of a fake friend.

They aren't there for you.

Similarly, Nuñez says if a friend is virtually never there for you when you're going through a hard time, they're probably a fake friend. Being there for you and offering you emotional support, in their eyes, isn't beneficial to them in any way. And when and if they do "support" you, it feels shallow and not genuine.

They always seem to need something from you.

Fake friends tend to only reach out or get together when they want or need something from you, Leeds explains. Perhaps one day you're surprised they texted you to ask how you are, only for them to tell you the next day they applied to an opening at your job and want you to put in a good word for them.

They're competitive with you.

Leeds and Nuñez both note fake friends can be quite competitive, which stems from a place of jealousy. They may always try to one-up you in conversation , whether one on one or even in group settings, or generally want to seem better than you.

They make you feel bad about yourself.

A fake friend is not going to uplift you the way a true friend does. Leeds says that when you're around this person, "you may feel insecure, used, or judged." Sometimes, nothing even has to be explicitly said, but you can undoubtedly feel their judgment or disapproving looks.

They don't celebrate with you.

Not only will fake friends not join in celebration when it comes to your wins, accomplishments, and successes, but Nuñez explains they may even downplay them. "They may use your celebrations against you, to put you down or belittle you, saying things like, 'That's not a big deal. Anyone can do that.'"

They drain your energy.

Notice how you feel when you're with this person, and afterward. Are they draining you? Leeds says time with a fake friend will likely feel draining or disproportionately focused on them. "These are clear indicators that a big shift is needed if the friendship is to continue," she adds. (See also: energy vampires .)

They talk about you behind your back.

This one can be harder to spot, of course, depending on how careful this person is with who they talk about you to. However, if you catch wind of a supposed "friend" spreading rumors or lies about you, or just generally trash-talking, Nuñez says that is not a true friend.

They have nothing good to say about you.

Saying mean things to you also doesn't have to be reserved to behind your back. Some people will say things straight to your face with little to no remorse. Nuñez says if they generally hold you in a negative light and have nothing nice to say about you, that's a big red flag. After all, true friends should actually like each other—and show it.

They're disrespectful.

"Since a fake friend is not invested in your well-being, they are more likely to be hurtful, for example, by disrespecting your boundaries," Leeds says. Whether they are simply nasty to you or show blatant disrespect for your boundaries and needs, this shows they don't really care about you.

The friendship is one-sided.

Nuñez says fake friendships are often one-sided, with the fake friend frequently emotionally dumping on you but never offering you support when you need it. Check out our full guide to one-sided friendships for more signs of this unhealthy dynamic.

They have something to gain from you.

One of the trademarks of a fake friend is that they want something from you. "By being your friend, they use you to gain something," Nuñez says. "It may be social status gain or to get a job or to be friends with your friends—anything to benefit themselves."

They're jealous of you in some way.

"With fake friends, there's an underlying jealousy," Nuñez says. They want to be friends with you because they have something to gain from you, "but there's this underlying jealousy where they don't want you to do too well," she adds.

They try to sabotage you.

Similar to competitiveness, a fake friend may feel the need to sabotage you in certain scenarios. Say you're out at a bar with friends and flirting with a stranger. This kind of friend may come up to you and say something purposefully embarrassing about you to deter your potential suitor.

Their behavior is repetitious.

And lastly, if there's no sign of this behavior stopping, that's a big red flag. You can be sure you're dealing with a fake friend if "this person has done various things over and over that have shown they're not a good friend," Nuñez notes.

What to do about it.

In some cases, if you've been friends for a long time , and these changes are more recent, Leeds says there may be potential to course-correct with open communication. Ask yourself what your friend is like in their other relationships, she suggests. "If you have a hard time finding any solid, real friendships in their life, there's little reason to believe you'll be the exception to the rule."

If you think they have the interest and capacity to be vulnerable and generous with you, "it may be worth giving your friend the opportunity to turn things around by having an honest conversation about how you've been feeling," Leeds says.

However, if you've made it this far and firmly believe this person to be a fake friend with no hope for reconciliation, it's probably best to walk away. And even in the case of talking about it, Nuñez notes, "You have to remember with fake friends: What is their agenda? "

The best thing you can do is trust your gut and intuition. If this person consistently makes you feel bad, it's not a friendship that's serving you, and there is no need to keep entertaining that kind of relationship. "If it's not a mutually beneficial friendship, it's not worth it," Nuñez adds.

Cutting things off.

So, if you think it's time to end a friendship , how can you end it in a mature and healthy way? There are two main options: a "breakup" or distancing yourself.

an essay about fake friends

You don't necessarily have to have an explicit "breakup" conversation, Leeds says. You can prompt the relationship into ending naturally, by "matching your friend's effort put into the friendship, refraining from any favors, and holding firm to your boundaries," she explains, adding, "If this isn't enough to break your fake friendship, your friend may be more genuine than you'd realized."

And if you're looking for a firmer ending, Nuñez says you should "break up" with them just as you would with someone you're dating: by telling them the relationship is no longer serving you, and you think it would be best to go your separate ways.

Leeds adds that having the conversation can "feel empowering or give you clarity or closure," but for many people in a fake friendship, it doesn't even seem necessary because "the friendship lacked the realness and intimacy that usually warrants this type of honest dialogue."

However you decide to go about it, it's about staying true to yourself, your boundaries, and your needs.

The bottom line.

Try as we might to avoid them, fake friendships do happen. But when we recognize a relationship isn't serving us, it's on us to walk away. It may feel difficult, and you may even miss this friend, despite the knowledge that they were fake with you. But as Nuñez says, "You want to surround yourself with like-minded people who lift you up ." Anything less is simply not worth your time and effort.

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Goodbye Fake Friends

an essay about fake friends

Dear Fake Friends from My Past:

When I walked away from a successful career three years ago, you thought I was crazy. Even crazier when I said I wanted to cultivate my passion , pursue my dream: writing. It’s all right, there’s no need to deny it now: save your apologies—I’m not looking for one.

Scores of you, my ostensible friends, talked behind my back. The grapevine is not self-contained, so, yes, I heard the terrible things you said about me. You said I was dumb, out of touch, too idealistic. You gossiped, you told people I’d lost my mind. I was an idiot, you said. Lost—I’d be broke and alone in no time.

It was upsetting—gut-wrenching and heartrending—to hear the vitriol. I thought you were different. I thought we  were different. I thought we were friends .

You, my lip-service friends, told me it was impossible. If people could make a living from their passions, you said, then everyone would be doing it. I was making a mistake, a horrible decision. I’d regret giving up the money, the status, the ostensible success. My plan would never work.

It’s evident now you were projecting your own fears, hoping I would fail so your flawed idea of success would remain unblemished.

I don’t regret it, my change in lifestyle: It all worked out. And then some. My life is better now. Substantially better. Be it money , passion, health, growth, contribution—my life has improved exponentially. Even my friends are better.

My real friends—although they may’ve not fully understood my decision at the time—supported me through the transition. Real support. They encouraged me, cheered me on, offered help when I needed it. It took this radical change to recognize my real friends—and to recognize those just hanging on because I had an impressive job title or the shiny things they wanted.

Without the facade of a big paycheck or an oversized house, I made new friends: people whose interests, values, and beliefs align with mine. Wonderful people who care about me for me, not for what’s printed on my business card.

So goodbye, fake friends of old: I’m walking away for good , and you won’t be able to catch up. Before I go, though, I want to thank you for teaching me one of life’s most important lessons…

You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.

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Essays About Best Friends: 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

If you’re writing an essay and want to put your best friend in the spotlight, check out these essay examples on essays about best friends. 

Best friends are those with whom we have formed a deep and unique bond. What makes them remarkably special is that we chose them unlike with family. For this, some even consider their best friends to be extensions of themselves. 

We all trust our best friends wholeheartedly; that’s why they are the best people to confide in. And many of the lasting memories in our lives are those that we create with them. These memories could be filled with waves of boisterous laughter or even the most piercing pain when your friendship is tested.

Read on and find essay examples and prompts that could motivate you to write about best friends.

5 Essay Examples

1. how friendships change in adulthood by julie beck, 2. diamonds are not this girl’s best friend by courtney carver, 3. how to tell your best friend you’re in love with them – by those who have taken the plunge by sirin kale, 4. my best friend died: a real-life guide to coping by gabrielle applebury, 5. is it normal to not have a best friend by viktor sander, 7 helpful writing prompts on essays about best friends, 1. describe your best friend, 2. hanging out with your best friend , 3. long distance friendship, 4. cutting off toxic best friends, 5. falling in love with your best friend, 6. famous literary friendships, 7. a dog is a man’s best friend.

“Hanging out with a set of lifelong best friends can be annoying, because the years of inside jokes and references often make their communication unintelligible to outsiders. But this sort of shared language is part of what makes friendships last.”

The above essay delves into the evolution of friendship throughout the different stages of our lives, from childhood and teen years to family life and retirement. While we have all deferred a meetup with friends several times to attend to family and work, many people still treat their friendship as stable and continuous, even in long lapses in communication. 

You might also find these essays about camping trips helpful.

“My best friend is a magical, rooftop sunrise. My best friend is the ocean. My best friend is a hike in the mountains. My best friend is a peaceful afternoon. My best friend is a really good book. My best friend is laughter. My best friend is seeing the world. My best friend is time with people I love.”

This essay takes on a broader definition of a “best friend,” deriving from Marilyn Monroe’s famous quote: “Diamond are a girl’s best friend.” From having excessive material wants for every occasion, the author realizes that the greatest “friends” in life are not material things but the simple joys that nature and love can bring.

“It was supposed to go the way things do in the movies. Nora would tell her best friend that she loved him, he would feel the same way and then they would kiss – preferably in the rain. So when the 30-year-old arts manager declared her love for her best friend when they were still teenagers, she expected a happy ending.”

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The essay by Srirn Kale treats its readers to compelling stories of best friends ending up in marriage and those parting ways because of unrequited love. But, before taking the bold step of declaring your love for your best friend, a relationship guru advises lovers first to read the signs that signal any reciprocity of these deep feelings. 

“Losing a best friend may be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking experiences you have in your lifetime. If you aren’t sure how to process that your best friend died, know that there are many healthy options when it comes to coping with this type of loss.”

Coping with losing a best friend could lead to depression or even suicidal thoughts, especially if your best friend means the world to you. Some coping tips include journaling your grieving process to understand your emotions and confusion better and doing things that can relive your best friend’s memories. 

“If you are happy with the friends you currently have, there’s no need to try making a best friend for the sake of it. You might have friends but no best friend; that’s perfectly OK. It’s not necessary to have a BFF.” 

Not everyone has a best friend. Some would find this fact hard to believe, but a YouGov survey has shown that 1 in 5 of the US population claims to have no close friends. The essay, therefore, explores the reasons for this friendlessness and gives tips on building a bond with potential best friends, starting with your existing circle of acquaintances.

Check out our top writing prompts to help you celebrate and write about best friends.

Essays About Best Friends: Describe your best friend

Begin this essay by describing what your best friend looks like and what traits you like most about them. Then, given these qualities, would you consider your best friend a role model? Your essay can also answer how similar you and your best friend are and what things you both agree on. But if you have more differences than similarities, write how you deal with them or put them aside.

In this essay, describe your favorite ways to hang out with your best friend. What do you like doing together? Describe what a day spent with your best friend looks like and which part you like most about your dates. If your conversations draw your mutual admiration for each other, then talk about what topics make you talk for hours on end and their perspectives on things that you find fascinating.

Do different time zones make friends grow apart? Or does distance make the heart grow fonder? First, interview two to three people whose best friends moved to a different country or city. Next, learn how frequently they communicate with each other. Finally, compile these stories and make a smooth transition to each one such that the structure highlights the challenges of long-distance friendships and how each set of friends gets by. 

Discarding best friends is a hard decision. But it is also brave if you feel they are dragging you down. For this prompt, you can pose a list of questions readers can ask themselves to grasp the situation better. For example, is your friend doing you more harm than good? Have you set boundaries that they find hard to respect? Then, explain how reflecting on each question can help one determine when it is time to cut some ties loose.

Falling in love with your best friend can only end in two scenarios: a happy ever after or an end of a beautiful relationship. Expanding on our essay prompt above, list down more tips to know when it is best to confront your best friend about your feelings or work hard to quash your emotions for the continuity of the relationship.

Pick out best friends from novels that formed friendships that touched you the most. They could be Harry, Ron, Hermoine of Harry Potter, Frodo, Sam of the Lord Of The Rings, or even Sherlock and Watson From The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes. First, describe what it is in their friendship that you find most riveting. Then, narrate events that served as the biggest tests to their friendships and how they conquered these challenges. 

What about dogs that some people find more lovable than others? Answer this in your essay by outlining the traits that make a dog the ideal best friend. For one, their loyalty makes us confident that they will not betray us. If you have a dog, write about the qualities that make your dog a reliable and fun companion. Then, narrate events when your dog proved to be your best friend. 

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics . 

If you want to ensure that your thoughts flow smoothly in your essay, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

an essay about fake friends

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Essay on My Best Friend for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my best friend.

Friendship is one of the greatest blessings that not everyone is lucky enough to have. We meet a lot of people in the journey of life but there are only a few who leave a mark on us. My best friend is one such person who has been able to make a positive impact on my life. We have been a part of each other’s lives for the longest time and our friendship is still developing. She has been with me through all the thicks and thins. Most importantly, I feel extremely fortunate to have someone as a best friend in my life. In this essay on my best friend, I will tell you about how we became friends and about her best qualities.

Essay on my best friend

Our Friendship

Our friendship started when my best friend came in as a new admission to our class. Both of us were hesitant to talk to each other at first, but gradually we developed a bond. I remember the first time my best friend tried to talk to me; I rolled my eyes because I thought there was no use and we wouldn’t hit it off. However, to my surprise, we became best friends by the end of the session year.

We learned so many things about each other and found out that our taste in music and fashion was so similar. Since then, there was no stopping us. We spent all our time together and our friendship became the talk of the class. We used to help each other out in studies and visited each other’s homes as well. We made sure to have lunch together on Sundays. We also used to watch movies and cartoons together.

On our summer break, we even went to summer camp together and made a lot of memories. Once during the summer holidays, she also accompanied me to my maternal grandparents’ home. We had a fabulous time there. Moreover, we even invented our own handshake which only both of us knew. Through this bond, I learned that family doesn’t end with blood because my best friend was no less than my family. Friendship is one relationship that you choose, unlike all other relationships.

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Qualities of My Best Friend

I feel one of the main reasons why I formed such a bond with my best friend was because of the qualities she possesses. Her courage always inspired me to raise my voice against injustice as she always stood up to her bullies. She is also one of the smartest minds in class who doesn’t only excel academically but also in life. I have never seen a dancer as good as my best friend, the accolades she has won are proof of her talent.

Above all, I feel the quality that appeals to me the most is her compassion . Whether it’s towards humans or animals, she always keeps the same approach. For instance, there was an injured stray dog that was wailing in pain, my best friend did not only get him treated but she also adopted him.

an essay about fake friends

Similarly, she saw a poor old woman on the streets one day and she only had money for her lunch. My best friend did not hesitate once before giving all of it to the poor lady. That incident made me respect her even more and inspired me to help the underprivileged more often.

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In short, the bond I share with my best friend is one of my most prized possessions. Both of us inspire each other to become better humans. We push each other to do our best and we are always there in need. A best friend is indeed a precious gem and I am fortunate to have found that gem of my life.

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FAQs on Essay on My Best Friend

Q.1 Why is it important to have a best friend?

A.1 It is important for everyone to have a best friend as they are our well-wishers with whom one can share everything. In other words, it gets tough to share things with your parents or siblings, but with a best friend, we never hesitate. Additionally, they always support us and boost our confidence.

Q.2 What are the essential qualities of a best friend?

A.2 A best friend should be understanding. One must be able to share anything with them without the fear of being judged. They should be supportive and encouraging of one another. Subsequently, one must always look out for their best friends in times of need.

Q.3. Should you consider all your friends on various Social media as true friends?

A.3  You may have a number of friends on Social media, but they cannot be considered as true friends. Most of them are mere acquaintances. People with whom you talk only occasionally because they are in the same school, college, colony or workplace, but there is no bond of a true friend are acquaintances. A true friend is a person to whom you would go during your hard time seeking help. However, some acquaintances may become friends as time passes by. Thus, we can say that all friends on Social media are not your true friends.

Q.4. Can you have a negative influence on your life due to friends?

A.4  Friends greatly influence one’s life. It is always said that your company defines your character. Friends with good qualities have a positive influence on your life. They motivate you and guide you. Similarly, friends who have bad qualities can negatively influence your life.

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Where On Earth Is Rudy Giuliani? Arizona Prosecutors Can't Find Former NYC Mayor, Trump Ally

Rudy Giuliani took part in an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Arizona .

Prosecutors can’t find the former New York City mayor to serve him legal papers.

What Happened : A group of ex-President Donald Trump 's allies were indicted last month in Arizona. Prosecutors also charged 11 individuals who acted as fake GOP electors.

Giuliani, who went bankrupt in December , is the only defendant prosecutors have been unable to serve with a summons.

Calls to the Arizona attorney general's office were not immediately returned.

A team of prosecutors and investigators working for Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes , a Democrat, has made multiple attempts to locate Giuliani, CNN reported .

Agents working with the attorney general's office traveled to New York City to hand-deliver the notice to Giuliani. They were not allowed to service the documents at the front desk where Giuliani lives, according to the Washington Post.

Giuliani lost his radio show at New York City’s WABC affiliate last week. He quickly relaunched “The Rudy Giuliani Show” on YouTube and is believed to be livestreaming from his apartment.

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Why It Matters : Trump is not among those charged in Arizona. The indictment documents suggest he is "Unindicted Coconspirator 1."

"In Arizona, and the United States, the people elected Joseph Biden as President on November 3, 2020," the indictment reads.

"Unwilling to accept this fact, Defendants and unindicted co-conspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona's voters.

Among those charged:

  • Mark Meadows , Trump's former White House chief of staff
  • Boris Epshteyn , a longtime Trump aide who was charged with conspiracy, fraud and forgery
  • Christina Bobb , once touted as the GOP’s "election integrity" lawyer, was indicted for election subversion
  • Mike Roman , a former Trump campaign aide who oversaw Election Day operations
  • Jenna Ellis , another Trump lawyer, who already pleaded guilty in Georgia for trying to subvert the 2020 election

Several of Trump’s pals have already been sentenced for charges separate from election fraud:

  • Former Trump advisors Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro — both in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee.
  • Michael Cohen , who is testifying against Trump as part of the hush money and falsified business record trial in New York .
  • Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort was sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison for fraud related to his work in Ukraine.
  • George Papadopoulos , a former Trump campaign advisor, served 12 days in prison in 2018 for lying to investigators about Russian contacts. Trump pardoned him in December 2020.
  • Roger Stone , a Trump associate, was sentenced to more than three years in prison in 2020 for witness tampering. Trump commuted Stone’s sentence, and the two have on occasion been campaigning together .
  • Rick Gates , Trump’s deputy chairman for the 2016 campaign, spent 45 days in prison for lying to the FBI .

What’s Next : The summons — formal notice that Giuliani has been criminally charged — states he must appear before a judge on May 21.

Whether twice-impeached Trump will continue helping Giuliani with legal costs  remains to be seen . Their relationship has been reportedly  strained largely due to Giuliani's unsuccessful legal battles on Trump's behalf.

Now Read: Biden Signals Intent To Debate Trump In June — ‘Make My Day, Pal’

Image: Shutterstock .

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Where On Earth Is Rudy Giuliani? Arizona Prosecutors Can't Find Former NYC Mayor, Trump Ally

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Paul Krugman

Meat, Freedom and Ron DeSantis

Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida.

By Paul Krugman

Opinion Columnist

It’s possible to grow meat in a lab — to cultivate animal cells without an animal and turn them into something people can eat. However, that process is difficult and expensive. And at the moment, lab-grown meat isn’t commercially available and probably won’t be for a long time, if ever.

Still, if and when lab-grown meat, also sometimes referred to as cultured meat, makes it onto the market at less than outrageous prices, a significant number of people will probably buy it. Some will do so on ethical grounds, preferring not to have animals killed to grace their dinner plates. Others will do so in the belief that growing meat in labs does less damage to the environment than devoting acres and acres to animal grazing. And it’s at least possible that lab-grown meat will eventually be cheaper than meat from animals.

And if some people choose to consume lab-grown meat, why not? It’s a free country, right?

Not if the likes of Ron DeSantis have their way. Recently DeSantis, back to work as governor of Florida after the spectacular failure of his presidential campaign, signed a bill banning the production or sale of lab-grown meat in his state. Similar legislation is under consideration in several states.

On one level, this could be seen as a trivial story — a crackdown on an industry that doesn’t even exist yet. But the new Florida law is a perfect illustration of how crony capitalism, culture war, conspiracy theorizing and rejection of science have been merged — ground together, you might say — in a way that largely defines American conservatism today.

First, it puts the lie to any claim that the right is the side standing firm for limited government; government doesn’t get much more intrusive than having politicians tell you what you can and can’t eat.

Who’s behind the ban? Remember when a group of Texas ranchers sued Oprah Winfrey over a show warning about the risks of mad cow disease that they said cost them millions? It’s hard to imagine that today, meat industry fears about losing market share to lab meat aren’t playing a role. And such concerns about market share aren’t necessarily silly. Look at the rise of plant-based milk, which in 2020 accounted for 15 percent of the milk market.

But politicians who claim to worship free markets should be vehemently opposed to any attempt to suppress innovation when it might hurt established interests, which is what this amounts to. Why aren’t they?

Part of the answer, of course, is that many never truly believed in freedom — only freedom for some. Beyond that, however, meat consumption, like almost everything else, has been caught up in the culture wars.

You saw this coming years ago if you were following the most trenchant source of social observation in our times: episodes of “The Simpsons.” Way back in 1995, Lisa Simpson, having decided to become a vegetarian, was forced to sit through a classroom video titled “Meat and You: Partners in Freedom.”

Sure enough, eating or claiming to eat lots of meat has become a badge of allegiance on the right, especially among the MAGA crowd. Donald Trump Jr. once tweeted , “I’m pretty sure I ate 4 pounds of red meat yesterday,” improbable for someone who isn’t a sumo wrestler .

But even if you’re someone who insists that “real” Americans eat lots of meat, why must the meat be supplied by killing animals if an alternative becomes available? Opponents of lab-grown meat like to talk about the industrial look of cultured meat production, but what do they imagine many modern meat processing facilities look like?

And then there are the conspiracy theories. It’s a fact that getting protein from beef involves a lot more greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from other sources. It’s also a fact that under President Biden, the United States has finally been taking serious action on climate change. But in the fever swamp of the right, which these days is a pretty sizable bloc of Republican commentators and politicians, opposition to Biden’s eminently reasonable climate policy has resulted in an assortment of wild claims, including one that Biden was going to put limits on Americans’ burger consumption.

And have you heard about how global elites are going to force us to start eating insects ?

By the way, I’m not a vegetarian and have no intention of eating bugs. But I respect other people’s choices — which right-wing politicians increasingly don’t.

And aside from demonstrating that many right-wingers are actually enemies, not defenders, of freedom, the lab-meat story is yet another indicator of the decline of American conservatism as a principled movement.

Look, I’m not an admirer of Ronald Reagan, who I believe did a lot of harm as president, but at least Reaganism was about real policy issues like tax rates and regulation. The people who cast themselves as Reagan’s successors, however, seem uninterested in serious policymaking. For a lot of them, politics is a form of live-action role play. It’s not even about “owning” those they term the elites; it’s about perpetually jousting with a fantasy version of what elites supposedly want.

But while they may not care about reality, reality cares about them. Their deep unseriousness can do — and is already doing — a great deal of damage to America and the world.

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Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a distinguished professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography. @ PaulKrugman

Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Digital Communication — Making Real Friends on the Internet


Making Real Friends on The Internet

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Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 658 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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The pros of online friendships, the cons of online friendships, fostering healthy online friendships, the future of online friendships, conclusion: navigating the digital realm.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Lo Bosworth says Audrina Patridge feud on ‘The Hills’ Season 4 was fabricated: ‘We were totally friends’ 

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Here’s the Lo-down. 

Lo Bosworth says her feud with Audrina Patridge on “The Hills” Season 4 was entirely fabricated to fit a premeditated narrative she wasn’t aware of. 

“The season of ‘The Hills’ where Audrina and I were at odds, when they shot that season, I had no idea that we were at odds,” Bosworth tells Page Six’s “Virtual Reali-Tea” podcast while promoting her partnership with BIC Soleil Escape.  

“I thought we were friends,” she adds, “and then the edit came out and the edit was not a very flattering edit of me.”

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During the fourth installment of MTV’s glossy docuseries — known for its cinematic production and carefully crafted storylines — Bosworth, now 37, and Patridge, now 39, seemingly clashed after moving in with fellow friend and castmate Lauren Conrad . 

Bosworth says editors were able to create onscreen tension between the women by cutting the show “together with voiceovers” and clips of her “staring off into space” that made their friendly interactions appear contentious. 

“You don’t know going into those shows, when you’re young, that they already have the entire season mapped out on a wall with Post-It notes of the entire storyline with the arcs and this person’s going to do this and this person’s going to do that,” says Bosworth, who starred on “Laguna Beach” before graduating to Conrad’s spinoff, “The Hills,” in the mid-2000s.

Audrina Patridge and Lo Bosworth

The Love Wellness founder — who launched her feminine care brand in 2016 after retiring from the unscripted space more than a decade ago — even recalls producers setting up multiple camera angles for the same scene to capture the perfect shot to tell a certain story. 

“On our show, they would basically have us sit down for a scene, they would shoot it and then they would reposition the cameras. And they would do it five or six times and they would do it so … they would get you to say what they wanted you to say,” she says. 

“They were doing it so ultimately that they could get the cut they wanted to fit the narrative that they had planned.”

Whitney Port, Audrina Patridge and Lo Bosworth

Unfortunately, the antipathy displayed on camera infiltrated Bosworth’s dynamic with Patridge. 

“I think, unfortunately, for her, that created a sense of, ‘Oh, we must not be friends in real life,’” the entrepreneur tells us. 

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“That season, in real life, we were totally friends and the show comes out and it changes your real-life relationship.”

Bosworth says she has discussed this specific byproduct of the industry with other reality TV vets, including “Real Housewives of New York City” alum Bethenny Frankel.

Audrina Patridge and Lo Bosworth

“I hear that so often with other people who are on reality television. I was talking to Bethenny Frankel about exactly that the other day,” she says. “The edit that you get can affect your real-life relationships after the fact.”

While Bosworth’s reality TV career is behind her, she teases that a “Laguna Beach” reunion is in the works as the iconic predecessor to “The Hills” gears up for its 20th anniversary in September. 

“I think that everybody who was on the first season of ‘Laguna Beach,’ if there is a reunion, has agreed to do it, which I’m really excited by,” she raves. 

The cast of "Laguna Beach."

“I think if I had been asked a couple of years ago, I may have been more nervous to do it. But I think at this point in my life, you know, for everyone watching, it’s the 20th anniversary of the show. For me, it’s my high school 20th anniversary.”

Until then, Bosworth is happy to emphasize the importance of self-care — which, for her, includes winding down with BIC Soleil Escape’s “5 Senses Shave Kit.”

“It creates this like incredible sensory experience in the bath, which I think really elevates like your shower, bath or shaving experience,” she says of the product, which features products — such as scented razors and ingredients for a lavender mocktail — that appeal to all five senses. 

“We’re really trying to create like a very immersive spa like experience for your shave.”

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    5. They make you feel bad about yourself. A fake friend is not going to uplift you the way a true friend does. Leeds says that when you're around this person, "you may feel insecure, used, or judged." Sometimes, nothing even has to be explicitly said, but you can undoubtedly feel their judgment or disapproving looks. 6.

  9. 10 ways to spot a fake friend, according to psychology

    1) They're always around for the good times, but never the bad. One of the first telltale signs of a fake friend, according to psychology, is their availability - or lack thereof - during tough times. Real friends are there for you through thick and thin. They celebrate your victories and help you navigate your losses.

  10. 11 Differences Between Real Friends and Fake Friends

    3. Forgive you for anything. Sometimes you royally screw up. With fake friends, a mistake can cost you a friendship. Real friends will know that sometimes you'll mess up. They will forgive you because they value your friendship more than your (temporary) mistake. 4. Always have your back.

  11. Essay On Fake Friends

    Essay On Fake Friends. In today's society, choosing who is and is not your true friend can be extremely difficult. Hanging out with them on a daily basis does not mean they are always going to be there when needed. Friends are people who can support you when support is required. Consider your parents to be one of the most trustworthy friends ...

  12. Goodbye Fake Friends

    So goodbye, fake friends of old: I'm walking away for good, and you won't be able to catch up. Before I go, though, I want to thank you for teaching me one of life's most important lessons… You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you. Read this essay and 150 others in our new book, Essential.

  13. 10 ways to spot a fake friend, according to psychology

    3) They're quick to criticize. Let's be honest, no one's perfect. We all have flaws and make mistakes. But a real friend knows how to address these in a kind and constructive way. A fake friend, on the other hand, tends to be quick to criticize, often in a harsh and unkind manner.

  14. Real friends and fake friends: Research relationships in an era of

    Chapter 15 [chapter title]Real friends and fake friends: Research relationships in an era of global social media Marion Walton and Silke Hassreiter Mobile networks are making the internet and particularly social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter more easily accessible to increasing numbers of people.

  15. It's Your Friends Who Break Your Heart

    In the spring 2021 issue of The Yale Review, Jean Garnett, an editor at Little, Brown, wrote a terrific essay about envy and identical twinship that feels just as applicable to friendship. My ...

  16. How to Be a Good Friend: Building Meaningful Connections: [Essay

    A good friend is someone who can be counted on in both good times and bad. Offer your support during moments of celebration and be a source of comfort during difficult times. Be reliable by keeping your promises and showing up when your friend needs you most. Trust is the cornerstone of any friendship, and being dependable strengthens that trust.

  17. One Of My Best Friends: [Essay Example], 720 words

    Published: Jan 28, 2021. This essay in English is about my best friend. Friends are as important as relatives, we cannot live without them, and sometimes best friends could change our lives. My best friend, Steve, is one of the most important people in my life, we share our happiness, feelings, and problems with each other.

  18. Fake Friends or True Friends

    True Friends vs Fake Friends: What are the Differences Pages: 2 (531 words) Friends. Good friends - and such good friends. Pages: 5 (1435 words) Dehumanization, Peer Pressure and Fake Friends Pages: 7 (1846 words) Bilbo Baggins Fake Facebook Pages: 5 (1376 words) Survey on detection of fake news using machine learning Pages: 6 (1562 words)

  19. True Friendship Essay for Students and Children

    Answer 2: A true friend is someone who is always completely honest. Moreover, even if we don't talk to them every day, we know they will be there for us. Thus, silence never gets awkward with them. We may not talk to them or see them for a long time, but when we meet them, it will be like old times. Share with friends.

  20. How to Know If Your Friends Are Real

    Megan Garber: Andrea, growing up, did you have an imaginary friend? Andrea Valdez: I did. Yeah, I had an imaginary friend whose name I cannot believe I'm gonna tell you. Sorry. I cannot believe ...

  21. Meet My A.I. Friends

    A month ago, I decided to explore the question myself by creating a bunch of A.I. friends and enlisting them in my social life. I tested six apps in all — Nomi, Kindroid, Replika, ...

  22. Essays About Best Friends: 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

    2. Diamonds Are Not This Girl's Best Friend by Courtney Carver. "My best friend is a magical, rooftop sunrise. My best friend is the ocean. My best friend is a hike in the mountains. My best friend is a peaceful afternoon. My best friend is a really good book. My best friend is laughter.

  23. Essay on Friendship for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Friendship. Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. Lucky are those who have friends they can trust. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two individuals. They both feel immense care and love for each other. Usually, a friendship is shared by two people who have similar interests and ...

  24. Essay on My Best Friend for Students & Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Best Friend. Friendship is one of the greatest blessings that not everyone is lucky enough to have. We meet a lot of people in the journey of life but there are only a few who leave a mark on us. My best friend is one such person who has been able to make a positive impact on my life. We have been a part of each other's ...

  25. Where On Earth Is Rudy Giuliani? Arizona Prosecutors Can't Find ...

    Rudy Giuliani took part in an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Arizona. Prosecutors can't find the former New York City mayor to serve him legal papers. What ...

  26. Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures

    Fake studies have flooded the publishers of top scientific journals, leading to thousands of retractions and millions of dollars in lost revenue. The biggest hit has come to Wiley, a 217-year-old ...

  27. Opinion

    A full plate of culture war and conspiracy theories. Look, I'm not an admirer of Ronald Reagan, who I believe did a lot of harm as president, but at least Reaganism was about real policy issues ...

  28. Making Real Friends on the Internet: [Essay Example], 658 words

    The concept of making real friends online has gained traction, raising questions about the authenticity of these relationships and the potential benefits and drawbacks. This essay delves into the complexities of forming genuine friendships on the internet, examining both the positive and negative aspects to offer a comprehensive perspective.

  29. How I learned to stop worrying and love fake meat

    It's still hard to say if cultured meat will get good enough and cheap enough anytime soon to meaningfully reduce our dependence on cattle, chicken, pigs, sheep, goats, and other animals for our ...

  30. Lo Bosworth says Audrina Patridge feud on 'The Hills' was fake

    Here's the Lo-down. Lo Bosworth says her feud with Audrina Patridge on "The Hills" Season 4 was entirely fabricated to fit a premeditated narrative she wasn't aware of. "The season of ...