Christmas Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on christmas essay.

Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa Clause. The Christmas means  “Feast day of Christ”.It is a yearly celebration marking Jesus Christ’s birth; it is observed on the 25th of December as a cultural and religious celebration among a lot of people all over the world. Christmas is celebrated in all Christian countries but there are differences in the way each nation celebrates this date.

christmas essay

History Behind Christmas

The history of Christmas is one that dates back to a very long time; the first Christmas was celebrated in 336 A.D. in Rome. It played a very important role during the famed Arian controversy that took place in the 300s. During the early years of the middle age, epiphany overshadowed it.

Christmas was brought back to limelight around 800 A.D. when the emperor Charlemagne received the crown on Christmas day. During the 17th century, the Puritans had Christmas banned because it was associated with drunkenness and different other misbehavior.

It was made a proper holiday around 1660 but was still quite disreputable. Around the early 1900s, the Oxford movement of the Anglican Communion church started and this led to the revival of Christmas.

Preparations for Christmas

Christmas is a cultural festivity that entails a lot of preparations. It is a public holiday and so people get a Christmas break to celebrate it.

Preparations for Christmas start early for most people so that celebrations begin on the eve of Christmas. Preparations for Christmas involves a lot of activities. People usually buy decorations, food, and gifts mostly for children in the family and friends. Some families shop for matching Christmas outfits for everyone.

The common preparations include decorations of the place with Christmas trees, lighting. Before decorations begin, the house must be deep cleaned. The Christmas tree brings the Christmas spirit in homes.

Presents are placed under the Christmas tree in wrapped gift boxes and are not to be opened until Christmas day. The church is also decorated for the special event. Thorough cleaning of the churches is also done to usher in Christmas. Songs and skits to be performed on Christmas day.

People usually spend a lot on Christmas and so saving money for these plans should be the earliest preparation among all these. Families also plan to travel to stay together during this celebration period. Traditionally turkey is the common meal across the world in this day. Cards are also written to friends and family to wish them a happy holiday and to show love.

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Christmas Day Celebration

Christmas carols are played on radios and televisions to mark the day. Most families start by going to church where performances and songs are done. Then later, they join their families to exchange gifts and celebrate with food and music. Happiness during Christmas is like no other.

Homemade traditional plum cakes, cupcakes, and muffins are the special treats on Christmas. Kids are showered with lots of presents and new dresses. They also get to meet the ‘Santa Claus’, dressed in a fluffy red and white costume, who greets them with hugs and gifts.


Christmas reminds us of the importance of giving and sharing with friends and family. Through Christmas, we know that Jesus birth is the beginning of great things in the world. It is generally an opportunity to think about nature and the reason for our existence. Christmas is such a festival which people from all religions and faith celebrate worldwide despite it being a Christian festival. It is the essence of this festival which unites the people so much.

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Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Preparation for christmas.

The excitement began weeks before Christmas. I helped my family decorate our house with lights, ornaments, and a beautiful Christmas tree.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we attended a late-night church service. The hymns and candles created a magical atmosphere.

Christmas Day

Christmas day was filled with joy. We opened presents, enjoyed a festive meal, and spent quality time with family.

Post-Christmas Activities

After Christmas, we visited a local charity home. Giving back to the community made our celebration more meaningful.

My Christmas vacation was a mix of fun, family, and giving. It was a time I will always cherish.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation


As a college student, the Christmas vacation is a much-needed respite from the rigors of academia and an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. This past Christmas, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and learning, intertwined with the joyous festivities of the season.

Time with Family

I began my vacation by spending quality time with my family. We decorated the Christmas tree together, a tradition that always brings us closer. The twinkling lights and colorful ornaments were a reflection of our shared love and harmony. We exchanged thoughtful gifts, each one a testament to our understanding and appreciation of each other.

Volunteer Work

In the spirit of Christmas, I volunteered at a local shelter, serving meals and distributing gifts. The experience was humbling, reminding me of the privilege I often take for granted. The smiles on the faces of the less fortunate were the best gifts I received, reinforcing the true meaning of Christmas.

Exploration and Learning

I also took the opportunity to explore new interests. I delved into the world of digital art, learning about graphic design and animation. This not only broadened my horizons but also acted as a creative outlet, helping me unwind and relax.

My Christmas vacation was a blend of family time, altruistic endeavors, and personal development. It was a reminder that breaks are not just for relaxation, but also for growth and enrichment. As I look forward to the next academic semester, I carry with me the lessons and experiences of this fulfilling vacation.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

The holiday season, and particularly Christmas vacation, is a time of joy, relaxation, and reflection. It offers an opportunity to break away from the monotonous routine and indulge in activities that rejuvenate the mind and soul. This essay recounts my memorable Christmas vacation, which was a blend of tradition, exploration, and personal growth.

Reconnecting with Family

My Christmas vacation began with a journey back to my hometown. The city, decked up in festive lights, exuded warmth and nostalgia. The first few days were dedicated to family. We indulged in traditional activities like decorating the Christmas tree, baking cookies, and singing carols. Each of these activities wasn’t just about following the rituals, but about strengthening bonds, reminiscing shared memories, and creating new ones.

Exploring New Horizons

Post-Christmas, I embarked on a solo trip to a small, serene town nestled in the mountains. This was an opportunity for self-exploration and adventure. I spent my days hiking, reading, and interacting with locals. The tranquility of nature and the simplicity of rural life offered a much-needed escape from the hustle of city life and academic pressures. This experience was a reminder of the importance of slowing down, embracing solitude, and appreciating the simple pleasures of life.

Volunteering and Giving Back

A significant part of my vacation was dedicated to volunteering at a local shelter. The holiday season is a time of giving, and what better way to celebrate it than by contributing to the community? The experience was humbling and rewarding. It offered a fresh perspective on life and instilled a deeper sense of gratitude in me.

Learning and Personal Growth

The vacation also provided a chance to pursue my interests. I attended a short course on creative writing, an area I’ve always been passionate about. The course was not just about honing writing skills, but also about expressing thoughts creatively, understanding different perspectives, and appreciating the power of words. This learning experience contributed significantly to my personal and intellectual growth.

My Christmas vacation was a blend of tradition, exploration, and learning. It was about reconnecting with family, exploring new horizons, giving back to the community, and pursuing personal interests. The experiences were enriching, offering lessons beyond the confines of a classroom. They reminded me of the importance of balance – between work and leisure, solitude and companionship, giving and receiving, learning and unlearning. As I look forward to the next vacation, I hope to carry forward these lessons and experiences, making each holiday a journey of growth and discovery.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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an essay about christmas break

104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for Christmas topic ideas to write about? Being the most loved holiday in English-speaking countries, Christmas is definitely worth studying!

  • 🔝 Top 10 Essay Titles
  • 🏆 Best Essay Examples
  • 📍 Good Topic Ideas
  • 💡 Exciting Essay Topics

❓ Christmas Essay Questions

In your Christmas essay, you might want to discuss the most controversial traditions connected to the holiday, describe a Christmas decoration that you consider the most beautiful, or write a narrative about an impressive Christmas sermon you once visited. Here we’ve gathered good & funny Christmas essay titles and added some Christmas essay examples to inspire you even more.

🔝 Top 10 Christmas Essay Titles

  • Christmas: etymology of the word
  • History of Christmas
  • My favorite Christmas tradition
  • Christmas in non-Christian areas
  • Traditional Christmas decorations
  • Celebrating Christmas in different countries: compare & contrast
  • Nativity play as a part of Christmas celebration
  • Most popular Christmas songs
  • My favorite Christmas food
  • Different dates of Christmas all over the world

🏆 Best Christmas Essay Examples

  • Christian Festivals: Calendar and Events Jesus is often referred to as the light of the world and therefore the lit candles are symbolic of him as the light of the world.
  • Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays Thus the current commercialization of the two holidays in order to make it more open as a celebration to people across the board.
  • Anthropology. Eating Christmas in the Kalahari by Lee The story highlights the attitude of the particular national society of Bushmen to the arrogance and social inequality in the modern world.
  • “Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens Literary Analysis The lead character in the story is Ebenezer Scrooge; the ghosts that led Scrooge to repentance and redemption include the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come.
  • A Christmas Carol by Dickens It starts with a summary of the plot, then examines the main characters and the themes and concludes with the personal opinion on the novella.
  • A Christmas Carol of Dickens: Never Too Late for a Change of Heart Then, the second Ghost of the Christmas Present guides Scrooge to the houses of both Fred and Bob. Finally, the Ghost of the Christmas future shows Scrooge the flashforward of the next Christmas.
  • Economic Aspects in “A Christmas Carol” Movie The movie ‘A Christmas Carol’ depicts how it is critical for one to play a part in the production of goods and services.
  • “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Theodor Geisel It is important to note that the book is a story about the conflict between introversion and extroversion that results in the victory of extroverted people who are the basis of the human society.
  • The Analysis of Christmas as a Cultural Context of Consumption One of the countries in which the customs of the original winter holidays were incredibly diligently combined with the Christian holiday was Germany.
  • Performance of Retail Businesses in Christmas Season The dissertation undertakes a study that compares the sales/ marketing strategies and the performance of the retail businesses during the Christmas season in UK.
  • Christmas Celebration in New York City I was mesmerized with the arrangements and the atmosphere of the city which was full with a colorful holiday spirit as everyone enjoyed the celebrations to their fullest.
  • Applying Models to Recent Christmas Ad Campaigns It was differentiated from other companies with the presence of the best sportswear companies and the choice of activities with a number of acrobatic tricks and effective moves.
  • Christmas Celebrations in Spanish Culture The Virgin Mary is Spain’s patron saint and this is the reason behind the Christmas officially beginning in the 8th of December with the Immaculate Conception feast.
  • Views About Christmas Time Review Ted Byfield and Almas Zakiuddin share their thoughts about the celebration of Christmas and how people change during that time of year.
  • Christmas Tree Trimming Project Analysis In project management, it is important to accurately evaluate the budget earned on different steps of work proceeding to analyze the schedule variance and the stage of the project completion.
  • Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas” However, the choice of black cats in animation is a common experience with Tim in his shows and ‘Nightmare before Christmas’ is no exception.
  • “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Play: Actors Game The desire of the actors to present this play to the public is probably connected not only with the necessity to do their work but also to convey more intimate information to the audience.
  • The Play “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” The purpose of this production is to deepen the understanding of the story and its themes. The diversity of characters, an interesting and unusual plot, and the variety of settings are factors that contributed to […]
  • “Christmas in August” a Movie by Hur Jin-Ho However, the heavy-handed emotional and dramatic elements in the genre create a sort of stereotype around the films and the expectations that the audiences have.
  • “The Nightmare Before Christmas” by Tim Burton The main character is the leader of the place where he lives, and he is bored with the regular way of celebrating Halloween.
  • Vino Veritas Online Wine Shop’s Pre-Christmas Plan Understanding the external environment of Vino Veritas will make it possible to understand the forces that this firm has to deal within the market.
  • Salford Christmas Land Project and Event Management The major theme of the Christmas event will be diversity, which is a topical question in the city council as well as the community.
  • Christmas Balls Making in the Art Classes In anticipation of the holidays, it is expected that the students will be eager to create objects related to Christmas, and this eagerness will serve as the activator of the motivated behavior that will enhance […]
  • Hunting a Christmas Tree by Barbara Dean This story is an amazing combination of natural beauty, human pretentiousness, and despair that may spoil even the most beautiful events in a human life like Christmas.”Hunting a Christmas Tree” is Dean’s personal position on […]
  • The Concept of Celebrating Christmas in Kalahari This way of living was different from what the narrator was accustomed to because he rarely shared his food supplies with members of the community.
  • Impact of Technology on the Way People Celebrate Christmas Christmas in those parts of the world that celebrate it, represent a time when families and acquaintances remember one another, meet and celebrate the birth of Christ and the approaching end of a year.
  • Mechanical Solidarity in Eating Christmas in the Kalahari When discussing the concerned subject matter, I will promote the idea that it is precisely the primitive people’s endowment with the sense of a mechanical solidarity, which allows them to maintain the integrity of their […]
  • A Manmade Christmas Tree The lines used by the artist are obscure, but the shape of the work of art resembles a conventional form of a Christmas tree.
  • Washington Cathedral Classical Music Christmas Concert The pieces were performed beautifully; actually, I got a sense of satisfaction and deep rumination of the Christmas season because of the expressive execution of the pieces by the band and the choir.
  • Chicken Run and The Nightmare Before Christmas As a result of the escape, Ginger is kept in a secluded place and the only option left for the poor bird is to fly over the fence.
  • Thanksgiving vs. Christmas There are a variety of ways to understand the importance of these two but the best way perhaps is to see it from the eyes of a child.

📍 Good Christmas Topic Ideas

  • The Origin of Christmas Celebrations in Christianity
  • Character Analysis Of Scrooge In A Christmas Carol
  • The Character of The Grinch in the Movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  • The Personality of Scrooge in A Christmas Carol
  • Origin Of Christmas Traditions
  • The True Meaning of the Christmas Celebration
  • The Effective Advertising and Marketing Methods of Coca-Cola During the Christmas Season
  • A History of the Origins of Christmas Lights
  • Moravian Food and Christmas Cookies
  • Christmas Unwrapped: The History of Christmas
  • A Christmas Carol: Difference Between Muppets and Original
  • The Significance of Santa Clause in Christmas History and Culture
  • The People, Events, and Christmas in the Victorian Era
  • The Three Spirits in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol

💡 Exciting Christmas Essay Topics

  • A Childhood Belief on the Spirit of Christmas and Its Celebration
  • A Characteristic Of Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ Novel A Christmas Carol
  • The Spirit of Christmas in Family Gatherings, Radio, Movie, and the Climate
  • A Description of Christmas as a Christian Holiday That Celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ
  • The Commercialization of Christmas
  • Ebenezer Scrooge’s Emotional State in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
  • The Popularity of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  • A Comparison of the Differences in the Author’s View of Ethics in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and The Moonstone by
  • Wilkie Collins
  • The Comprehensibility of Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’
  • The Amazing Transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol
  • There Is Something Undeniably Special about Christmas
  • Celebrating Christmas in 18th Century England and China Today
  • Seasonal Altruism: How Christmas Shapes Unsolicited Charitable Giving
  • A Criticism of the Victorian Era in a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  • Consumer Behavior At Christmas Of Portsmouth : Food
  • The Importance of Christmas Celebration
  • Christmas Tree and Vegetarian Option
  • The Evolution Of Communication At Christmas
  • Has Christmas Become Too Commercialized?
  • What Was Christmas Originally Called?
  • What Effect Does All the Christmas Media Promotion Have?
  • How Do Nigerians Celebrate Christmas?
  • Should Christians Celebrate Christmas and Easter?
  • How Did Religion and Secular Practices Become Part of Christmas?
  • What Is the Effect That Christmas Has on Society?
  • Has the Meaning of Christmas Changed Over Time?
  • What Would Jesus Think of Christmas Today?
  • Why Is Christmas Celebrated on December 25?
  • When Was the First-Ever Christmas Celebration in the World?
  • What Are the Other Names for Christmas?
  • When Was Christmas Established as a Federal Holiday in the USA?
  • Should Schools Allow Students to Have Christmas Parties?
  • What Is the True Meaning of Santa Claus?
  • Can There Be Christmas Without Santa Claus?
  • What Is the Origin of Christmas?
  • How Is “Old Christmas” Celebrated?
  • Why Is Christmas Celebrated?
  • Who Celebrates Christmas First?
  • What Symbolizes Christmas?
  • Why Does Santa Wear Red?
  • What Is the Main Message of Christmas?
  • Who Named Christmas?
  • What Do Christmas Colors Mean?
  • Where Did Christmas Trees Come From?
  • What Is the Joy of Christmas?
  • Who Invented Christmas Lights?
  • What Does Word Christmas Mean?
  • Why Do We Say Merry Christmas?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 23). 104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples.

"104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 23 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples'. 23 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.


IvyPanda . "104 Christmas Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.

40 "Back From Christmas Break" Writing Prompts

For Elementary Students

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  • Assessments & Tests
  • Becoming A Teacher
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Homeschooling
  • M.S., Education, Buffalo State College
  • B.S., Education, Buffalo State College

Christmas break is over and now its time to get back into the swing of things. Your students will be very eager to talk about all that they did and received over the holiday break. A great way to give them the opportunity to discuss their adventures is to write about it.

Christmas Break Writing Prompts

  • What was the best gift that you received and why?
  • What was the best gift that you gave, and what made it so special?
  • Write about a place that you went over the Christmas break.
  • Write about something you did with your family over Christmas break.
  • How did you bring joy or happiness to someone other than your family this holiday season?
  • What are your family's holiday traditions? Describe all of them in detail.
  • What is your favorite Christmas book? Did you get to read it over break?
  • Are there any parts of the holiday that you didn't like? Describe why.
  • What are you most grateful for this holiday season?
  • What was your favorite holiday food that you had over break?
  • Who was the person you spent the most time with and why? What did you do with them?
  • What would you do if Christmas, Hannukah, or Kwanza was canceled this year?
  • What is your favorite holiday song to sing? Did you get a chance to sing it?
  • What did you miss the most about school when you were on break and why?
  • What was one new thing you did this holiday break that you didn't do last year?
  • What will you miss the most about Christmas vacation and why?
  • Did you get to see a movie over winter break? What was it and how was it? Give it a rating.
  • Think of three New Year's resolutions and describe them and how you will keep them.
  • How will you change your life this year? Describe the steps you are going to take.
  • Write about the best New Year's Eve party that you have ever attended.
  • What did you do for New Year's Eve? Describe in detail your day and night.
  • Write about something you are looking forward to doing this year and why.
  • Write about something you hope will get invented this year that will change your life.
  • This will be the best year because…
  • I hope that this year brings me….
  • Make a list of five ways your life is different this year than it was last year.
  • It's the day after Christmas and you noticed you forgot to unwrap just one gift…
  • This year I really want to learn….
  • In the next year, I would like to….
  • My least favorite thing about Christmas break was…
  • List three places you wish you could have visited over winter break and why.
  • If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it over winter break?
  • What if Christmas only lasted one hour? Describe what it would be like.
  • What if Christmas break was for one three days, how would you spend it?
  • Describe your favorite holiday food and how you can incorporate that food into every meal?
  • Write a letter to Santa thanking him for everything you received.
  • Write a letter to the toy company about a defective toy you received.
  • Write a letter to your parents thanking them for everything you received for Christmas,
  • If you were an elf how would you spend your Christmas vacation?
  • Pretend you are Santa and describe how you will spend your Christmas break.

Celebrate the Holidays with Christmas Activities

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  • 24 Journal Prompts for Creative Writing in the Elementary Classroom
  • Engaging Writing Prompts for 3rd Graders
  • January Writing Prompts
  • First Grade Writing Prompts
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  • Journal Writing Prompts for Easter
  • 50 Questions to Ask Relatives About Family History
  • Second Grade Writing Prompts
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  • Beach Ball Buzz: The Perfect Summer Icebreaker
  • November Writing and Journal Prompts
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  • Writing Prompts for Elementary School Students
  • Writing Prompts for 7th Grade

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Essays About Christmas: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the world. Discover our helpful guide that you can use to write essays about Christmas.

Christmas is known to many as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. However, the festival has become more secular over the years and is celebrated by most people regardless of religion. Every December 25, something magical happens.

To most people, Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year.” People celebrate, gather at a friend or family member’s house, feast, and open gifts. Whether or not you celebrate it as a religious holiday, the feelings of warmth, joy, and nostalgia that Christmas evokes are universal and meaningful to all.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. the magic of christmas by erin, 2. the possibility of a merry covid christmas by sarah begley, 3. my christmas experience by elliot johnson.

  • 4.  A personal reflection on Christmas by Jo Betz
  • 5. ​​Christmas traditions around the world by Becky Such

6 Prompts for Essays About Christmas

1. what is christmas to you, 2. the history of christmas, 3. a christmas tradition, 4. christmas in your home country, 5. christmas in non-christian households, 6. why is christmas the most celebrated holiday.

“Although, a few years later, I found out that he was not real, the magic of Christmas still remains. I realized that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, and this is something I hold close to my heart. With our family’s traditions and celebrating Jesus’ birth, the magic of Christmas will always be real for me.”

In this short essay, Erin reflects on her family’s Christmas traditions, particularly during her childhood. She recalls the food, music, and different practices of many Christmases ago; in particular, she remembers the magic of Santa Claus and how she wished to see him one day. She eventually found out Santa wasn’t real, but that did not take away the magic of Christmas from her. She still treasures Christmas and anticipates it yearly. 

“Maybe we will come roaring back with great excesses in the holiday season of 2021; it’s hard to imagine now, but who knows? Meanwhile, we can resolve to do something together. We can seize this unwanted opportunity to reimagine everything — to tell a new story about what the season of togetherness means for our country, our homes, and our relationships. In a time that requires distance, we can find new modes of closeness. In a year of austerity, we can rethink the purpose of wealth. And in a period of great uncertainty, we can decide what’s most meaningful about shared rituals.”

Begley discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the way we celebrate Christmas. We cannot have big family gatherings, travel, or attend big religious services as we used to, as guidelines discourage us from doing so. In addition, the declining economy is leaving more families with fewer resources to celebrate Christmas. This Christmas, it may be hard to be happy and celebrate for some, but Begley encourages us to use this time for introspection and to hope for better. 

“In the end, although every family has flaws, and always seems to have a political divide in it, the family is the most special part of Christmas, just like it is for Thanksgiving. Family is one of, if not the most important things in life, and it is very important to stay close to one’s family and all of its members, and that is what Christmas is, and always will be to me.”

In his essay, Johnson gives a brief overview of Christmas and discusses his attitude toward the celebrations in his household. He remembers how as an introvert, he had to interact with many people and how he needed to give up his room for guests to sleep in. However, Johnson greatly appreciates Christmas for being able to unite and bring together a family of very diverse views and perspectives. 

4.   A personal reflection on Christmas by Jo Betz

“My daughter and I purchase a Christmas decoration each year for my husband to put on the tree. It’s something that brings us joy as we select the decoration we think he’d love. But there are other ways you can honour your loved one too – light a candle, write them a letter, purchase them a present, share stories about them on Christmas day. Find a way to honour the person you are missing so much.”

Betz reflects on how the death of a loved one, in this case, her husband, can make it difficult to enjoy Christmas. However, being with her daughter allows her to appreciate the holidays through all the pain. She gives people in a similar situation tip on how to cope, including not keeping such a big “to-do” list, honoring your loved one, and allowing yourself to grieve. You might also be interested in these essays about autumn .

5. ​​ Christmas traditions around the world by Becky Such

“Christmas trees were decorated with candles and topped with an angel or star, to remind children of the angel that brought ‘news of great joy’ to the shepherds in the fields, or the star that guided the ‘Three Kings’ to Bethlehem. In modern times, we’ve kept the star or angel topper, but dropped the candles. Covering a dry tree in lit candles was, of course, a massive fire hazard. Pretty silly of those Victorians if you ask me.   Today, Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, fairy-lights and small, hanging ornaments – the joy and brightness of the Christmas tree is still a great reminder of Jesus as the ‘Light of the World’.” 

In her essay, Such describes some Christmas traditions from different countries, including different pastries and sweets, fireworks, lanterns, and the iconic Christmas tree. Then, she explains the differences in Christmas celebrations worldwide and how these traditions have evolved. 

Essays About Christmas: What is Christmas to you?

Christmas has a different significance for each person. First, reflect on the meaning of Christmas; think of what your family and friends have told you, what you learned in school, and your thoughts. Next, discuss any religious, cultural, or family traditions that have influenced how you view Christmas. Finally, open up to your readers about the true meaning of Christmas. Perhaps Christmas means spending time with family and friends or giving back to the community. Whatever your viewpoint, share it in this essay.

For your essay, research how Christmas originated and how the festival has changed over the decades. Explain how it came about and the differences between Christmas celebrations over time. As with all historical essays, cite credible, well-researched sources for an accurate essay. 

Essays About Christmas: A Christmas tradition

Think about a tradition you have practiced for many Christmases with family, friends, or the greater community. What does it entail? Explain your chosen tradition in detail and reflect on its significance. 

Christmas is celebrated differently from country to country, with climate, religion, culture, and demographics affecting its importance in each. Based on personal experience and research, write your essay about how Christmas is celebrated in your country. Explain the traditions, the food eaten, and the history behind the Christmas celebration.

Early Christians originally conceived Christmas as a festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but it has become more secular over the years. A large number of non-Christians celebrate it. Based on research, write about how non-Christians celebrate Christmas and why they do so. If you have personal experience with this, incorporate what you know into your essay.

Whenever the word “holiday” is mentioned, Christmas automatically comes to mind for most. In your essay, look into what makes Christmas so popular: Why do people treasure it so much, and why do more people celebrate it than other holidays? Be sure to use credible sources as the basis for your essay.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

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an essay about christmas break

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Essays on Christmas

Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, and reflection, and writing an essay on a Christmas-related topic can be an enjoyable and rewarding task. However, choosing the right topic is crucial to ensure that your essay is engaging, informative, and relevant. In this article, we will discuss the importance of the topic, provide advice on choosing a topic, and present a detailed list of recommended essay topics, divided by category.

The Importance of the Topic

Choosing the right Christmas essay topic is important for several reasons. Firstly, it determines the focus and direction of your essay, allowing you to explore a specific aspect of the holiday season in depth. Secondly, a well-chosen topic will capture the interest of your audience and make your essay more engaging to read. Finally, the topic you choose should reflect your own interests and passions, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and the final result more authentic.

When choosing a Christmas essay topic, consider your own interests and knowledge, as well as the interests of your audience. Think about what aspects of Christmas you find most compelling, whether it's the history and traditions, the cultural significance, the festive activities, or the spiritual and religious aspects. Additionally, consider the audience for your essay and what topics might resonate with them. Finally, be sure to choose a topic that is specific and focused, rather than broad and general, to ensure that your essay is well-defined and cohesive.

Recommended Christmas Essay Topics

If you're looking for inspiration for your Christmas essay, here are some great topics to consider. Whether you're writing about the history of Christmas, its traditions, or its impact on society, there's something here for everyone.

Traditions and Customs

  • The history and evolution of Christmas traditions
  • Comparison of Christmas traditions around the world
  • The significance of Christmas decorations
  • Traditional Christmas foods and their cultural significance

Festive Activities

  • The impact of Christmas shopping on the economy
  • The psychology of gift-giving during the holidays
  • Analysis of popular Christmas movies and their themes
  • The role of music in the Christmas season

Religious and Spiritual Aspects

  • The history and significance of Christmas carols
  • Comparison of Christmas and other religious winter celebrations
  • The commercialization of Christmas and its impact on spirituality
  • The portrayal of Christmas in literature and art

Modern Celebrations

  • The influence of technology on modern Christmas celebrations
  • The environmental impact of Christmas consumption and waste
  • The changing role of Santa Claus in contemporary culture
  • The rise of non-traditional Christmas celebrations

History of Christmas

  • The origins of Christmas
  • The evolution of Christmas traditions
  • The history of Christmas carols
  • The symbolism of Christmas trees
  • The role of St. Nicholas in Christmas traditions

Christmas in Society

  • The commercialization of Christmas
  • The impact of Christmas on the economy
  • The influence of Christmas on popular culture
  • The role of Christmas in promoting charity and goodwill
  • The controversy surrounding the celebration of Christmas in public spaces

Choosing the right Christmas essay topic is essential for creating a compelling and meaningful piece of writing. By considering your own interests, the interests of your audience, and the specific focus of your topic, you can ensure that your essay is engaging, informative, and enjoyable to write. With the recommended essay topics provided in this article, you can explore a wide range of Christmas-related themes and find the perfect topic for your next essay.

The Symbolism of Christmas

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Essay on Christmas in English for Students - 100, 200 and 500 Words Christmas Essay

Christmas is a time to come together with family and friends, exchange gifts, eat delectable food, and enjoy quality time. Christmas Day and New Year's Eve celebrations are typically held together in schools the week before winter break. Students and instructors organise and deliver programmes commemorating Jesus Christ's birth. Here are a few sample essays on ‘Christmas’.

100 Words Essay On Christmas

200 words essay on christmas, how christmas is celebrated, 500 words essay on christmas.

Essay on Christmas in English for Students - 100, 200 and 500 Words Christmas Essay

The world celebrates Christmas on December 25 everyday. Christmas Day is a time to come together with family and friends, exchange gifts, eat delicious food, and spend precious time cooking delicious treats to give. Families typically hang red stockings on Christmas Eve, sing joyful Christmas day carols, and set out milk and cookies by the tree or by the fireplace in the hopes that Santa Claus would visit and bring them gifts and blessings. Many people honour the birth of Jesus by decorating a Christmas tree, decking it out in lights, and exchanging gifts with loved ones. Around this time, a lot of people begin to plan their New Year's parties.

Christmas serves as a reminder of the value of sharing and giving with friends and family. It is believed that the festival of Christmas and birth of Jesus marks the beginning of wonderful things in the world. It is often a time to reflect on nature and the reason for our existence. Despite being a Christian holiday, Christmas is one of those occasions that is celebrated by people of all faiths and religions worldwide. The heart of this celebration is what brings people together so strongly.

Christmas is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Messiah. The origins of the Christmas holiday can be traced back to the mid-fourth century in Asia Minor, now known as Turkey. Christians congregated to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Christ during the celebration, and it was customary to consume bread and wine during this time. Christians began to celebrate the festival of Christmas by lighting candles and singing carols by candlelight throughout Europe. Christmas is now observed by people of many faiths in a variety of locations around the world. Many people remember the birth of Jesus by decorating a joyous Christmas tree, dressing it out in lights, and exchanging gifts with friends and family.

The festival of Christmas serves as a reminder of the value of sharing and giving with friends and family. Christmas demonstrates the value of pleasure and joy. It is also a chance for us to make amends for past behaviours that we aren't proud of. It is often a time to reflect on nature and the reason for our existence. Christmas celebrations are often followed by New Year’s celebrations. Students get a week long winter break which they spend with their family and friends. Everyone has their own Christmas rituals that they celebrate with each other—while some write down all the important events that happened over the year, others make Christmas delicacies together.

Many people believe that Christmas is solely a Christian holiday, and if contemporary evidence is to be taken into account, they would be correct. But, Christmas has its roots in the old Roman Empire, where it was first celebrated a few decades after Jesus' birth. Saturnalia, a Pagan festival, served as the inspiration for Christmas. The goal of this celebration was to mark the end of winter and the return of the sun. Christians began celebrating Christmas on the final day of Saturnalia in the fourth century. The goal was to encourage the pagans to view this time as positive. As a result, many pagans turned to Christianity on the promise that they may continue to celebrate their traditions.

My Christmas Holiday

Christmas is a time for gifting and sharing, but for me, the main focus is on having fun. I really enjoy myself at this time of year. Family is important to me, therefore I try to spend as much time with them as I can. The highlight of the holiday season is food, including candies, tamales, doughnuts, pastries, cake, rice, beans, and the gifts that we all get. Family, close friends, and holiday gatherings are some of the things that I enjoy the most.

On Christmas Eve, I get up early and get ready to clean the house. My relatives then begin to visit once the house is clean. We discuss old stories that have occurred in our lives over the course of the year during the time I spend with my family. Tamales are a significant Christmas tradition; it's a long process to make tamales, so it's the greatest time for my mother and aunts to catch up.

We assemble in the living room to open our presents at midnight. Afterwards, I tidy up the mess left by all the gifts. My friends visit the next day to wish Merry Christmas. We usually do secret Santa so no one has to buy presents for everyone, instead everyone gets one friend for whom they have to buy a gift. This year, I got a heart shaped pendant from my friend along with socks that had Santa and his reindeer printed on it. We all clicked many pictures wearing red and white Christmas sweaters and scarves. We usually end our day watching Christmas movies till late at night and eating the leftovers from dinner.

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Essay on Christmas


Christmas Essay in English for Students

Essay writing is an important part of the curriculum. Students are asked to write essays in the exam to check their imagination and how well they can weave their thoughts into words. Essays also evaluate a kid’s knowledge of language and grammar. Christmas is the favorite festival of many kids and writing an essay on this festival is often enjoyed by young kids. Refer to the free essay on Christmas at Vedantu’s site.

Vedantu offers free tutorials on many things such as courses of all the grades, it offers tested material of several competitive exams, and there are essays on the trending topics, festivals, and informational stuff available on the Vedantu website. For whichever topic we offer information on, we aim to turn it hassle-free for the students to get a complete list. Let’s get ready to read a detailed essay on the Christmas festival that is celebrated all over the world by people of varied beliefs and religions. Here you go: 

Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25 . The festival marks the celebration of the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ . Jesus Christ is worshipped as the Messiah of God in Christian Mythology. Hence, his birthday is one of the most joyous ceremonies amongst Christians. Although the festival is mainly celebrated by the followers of Christianity, it is one of the most enjoyed festivals all over the globe. Christmas symbolizes merriment and love. It is celebrated with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm by everyone, no matter what religion they follow. 

The season of Christmas that begins from Thanksgiving brings festivity and joy to everyone’s lives. Thanksgiving is the day when people thank the almighty for blessing them with harvest and also show gratitude towards all the good things and people around. On Christmas, people wish each other Merry Christmas and pray that the day takes away all the negativity and darkness from people’s life. 

Christmas is a festival full of culture and tradition. The festival entails a lot of preparations. Preparations for Christmas start early for most people. Preparations for Christmas involve a lot of things including buying decorations, food items, and gifts for family members and friends. People usually wear white or red coloured outfits on the day of Christmas. 

The celebration begins with decorating a Christmas tree . Christmas tree decoration and lighting are the most important part of Christmas. The Christmas tree is an artificial or real pine tree that people adorn with lights, artificial stars, toys, bells, flowers, gifts, etc. People also hide gifts for their loved ones. Traditionally, gifts are hidden in socks under the tree. It is an old belief that a saint named Santa Claus comes on the night of Christmas eve and hides presents for well-behaved kids. This imaginary figure brings a smile to everyone’s face. 

Young children are especially excited about Christmas as they receive gifts and great Christmas treats. The treats include chocolates, cakes, cookies, etc. People on this day visit churches with their families and friends and light candles in front of the idol of Jesus Christ. Churches are decorated with fairy lights and candles. People also create fancy Christmas cribs and adorn them with gifts, lights, etc. Children sing Christmas carols and also perform various skits marking the celebration of the auspicious day. One of the famous Christmas carols sung by all is “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle all the way”.

On this day, people tell each other stories and anecdotes related to Christmas. It is believed that Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to the Earth on this day to end people’s sufferings and miseries. His visit is symbolic of goodwill and happiness and it is depicted through the visit of the wise men and the shepherds. Christmas is, indeed, a magical festival that is all about sharing joy and happiness. For this reason, it is also my most favorite festival. 

Apart from the religious beliefs, the festival is known as sharing gifts with family as well as friends. The cute kids wait for the whole year to receive gifts from Santa. The craze of receiving gifts increases so much that they get up at midnight and start asking what they are going to get from Santa. They share their wishes with their parents and their parents try to accomplish them on the behalf of Santa. 

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Also Check: Christmas Speech for Students in English

Christmas Essay for Kids in English

Christmas is a super-duper special day filled with laughter, twinkling lights, and the warmth of love. It's like a magical adventure where everyone gets to be a part of something incredible!

Imagine waking up on Christmas morning, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of gingerbread cookies and the sound of jingle bells. It's a day when even the snowflakes seem to dance with joy. So, what makes Christmas so special?

Firstly, let's talk about Santa Claus! He's the jolly old man with a big, white beard who lives at the North Pole. Santa and his team of reindeer travel all around the world on Christmas Eve, delivering presents to good boys and girls. Can you believe he squeezes down chimneys to leave gifts under the Christmas tree? It's like a magical game of hide-and-seek with Santa!

Now, speaking of trees, have you ever seen a Christmas tree ? They are like giant, sparkling towers of happiness. Families decorate them with shiny baubles, twinkling lights, and a sparkly star on top. It's like turning your living room into a festive wonderland!

And oh, let's not forget about the delicious Christmas dinner! Families gather around the table to enjoy a feast of roast turkey, crispy potatoes, and yummy mince pies, telling stories . It's a time for sharing and caring, just like Santa does.

Christmas is not just about gifts and decorations; it's also about spending time with family and friends. Whether you're playing in the snow, singing carols , or wrapping presents, the joy of Christmas spreads like a warm, cosy blanket.

But wait, there's more! On Christmas morning, you might find stockings hanging by the fireplace. These are special socks where Santa leaves little surprises. It's like a treasure hunt right in your own home!

In the end, Christmas is a day where kindness and joy fill the air. It's a time to be grateful for the people we love and the magical moments we share. So, let's celebrate this wonderful day with laughter, love, and a sprinkle of Christmas magic!

Merry Christmas, everyone!


FAQs on Essay on Christmas

1. Why is Christmas such a special day?

Christmas is special because it's a time of joy, love, and sharing. Families come together, and there's a magical feeling in the air. It's also when Santa Claus brings gifts to children around the world.

2. What are the key things to include in an essay about Christmas?

In your essay, make sure to talk about traditions like decorating the Christmas tree, the excitement of Santa Claus, the delicious Christmas dinner, and the joy of spending time with family and friends. Share the magic of the holiday!

3. Who is Santa Claus, and why is he important on Christmas?

Santa Claus is a jolly man with a white beard who lives at the North Pole. On Christmas Eve, he travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, delivering gifts to children. He brings happiness and surprises, making Christmas a time of wonder and excitement.

4. What makes a Christmas tree special, and how do families decorate it?

A Christmas tree is special because it turns your home into a festive wonderland. Families decorate it with shiny baubles, twinkling lights, and a sparkly star on top. It's a way to create a magical atmosphere and celebrate the holiday spirit.

5. Why is spending time with family and friends important during Christmas?

Christmas is not just about decorations and gifts; it's about being together with loved ones. Whether playing in the snow, singing carols, or enjoying a delicious dinner, these moments create memories and warmth. Christmas is a time to share love and happiness with those we care about.

Essay Sample on How i Spent My Christmas Holiday

december christmas

There was nothing to worry about, however. My mom’s old friend lives there, and she helped greatly in arranging matters. She was kind to inspect the apartment offers found on the Net. Her husband, who is a civil engineer, commented then on all the pros and cons in each case, so that we could make up our minds more easily. He also recommended a reliable van line – they delivered all the breakables we decided to transport safely. Not to pay too much for transportation, we thought it wiser to buy some of the furniture and major appliances when already at the new place.

And that’s where Christmas shopping campaigns (which I usually find too hectic to my taste) came in handy. Due to numerous discount offers, bonuses and other perks, such as free delivery, we managed to furnish our new home with nicest things without it costing us an arm and a leg. Of course, touring the shops took us not one day but ten, but every minute spent was definitely worth it. I was lucky to participate in it all – thus I had the better part of December off school (well, I just had to work harder for a while at my former school).

After we bought the necessary furniture and home appliances, Mom and Dad got busy with some minor repairs and redecoration. As for Christmas ornaments, they delegated this task wholly to me. Oh, how glad I was! I can say I love festive preparations not less than the celebration itself, so I set about the task with all my heart.

For inspiration, I went window-gazing every day; those walks were magical in and of themselves thanks to light snowfalls that lasted a week. The streets were beautiful; I also visited malls. I sauntered past shop windows, took snapshots of designs I liked, and then discussed them with Mom and Dad. We brainstormed the best suggestions, and next I went to collect supplies for the DIY-able things and buy some ready-made ornaments. After that, with time free from school at my disposal, I devoted myself to creativity. It was bliss – if I’d had to attend classes, like it was every December before, I wouldn’t have even half the opportunity to indulge in all the arts and crafts that I love. I made fabric accessories, felted and papier-mâché ornaments, bunting, table decoration, greeting cards and gift wrapping.

Apart from that, I gave a hand in redecoration, too. While Mom was busy cooking, Dad and I went on pasting new wallpapers, hanging curtains and light fixtures. After a few more days of work, we made another tour to stock on groceries (which was a bargain, too due to all the special offers); then all that was left was arranging the furniture, buying a Christmas tree, decorating the place and preparing dinner.

On December, 25 we invited Mom’s friends over to our place. We presented them with a set of designer ceramic vases for their beautiful home, and they gave us a fondue pot, some fine Belgian chocolate and a pound of delicious strawberries which we relished as well as our long chat that wonderful Christmas night.

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  • 8 Ways to Enjoy Your Christmas Break (Even If Studying Is Stressing You Out)

an essay about christmas break

But how can you do that if you’re distracted by stress over your studies? Maybe it’s that you’ve got much too much to do and the thought of having to go back to it all in the New Year is exhausting. Maybe you’ve not got much work set but you don’t feel you’ve got enough of a handle on your studies overall. Or maybe you’ve no real reason to feel stressed, but you spent so much of the past term in the grip of an essay crisis that “stressed about studying” is less a mood now than the default state of your existence.

Whatever the background, it’s hard to look forward to Christmas when you’re already expecting it to consist in equal parts of turkey, mince pies and stress. Here are our top tips for how to put your stress over studying and workload to one side and make the most of the festive period.

1. Guide the conversation with your family members

A girl holds out a Christmas present.

One of the worst things about being stressed with studying over Christmas is that it’s often all your family members will talk about. You might have just managed to put that looming essay out of your mind when your great-aunt pipes up, “so, how are you getting on with your studies?” and reminds you of just how much more research and writing you have to put in before it’s done. Not wanting to respond, “I’ve handed in all my assignments late and I’m petrified of failing”, you maybe manage to mumble an “it’s OK” and escape the room. It’s not ideal for anyone.

It’s important to remember that – most of the time, at least – family members don’t want to pressure you or stress you out when they ask this kind of question. They’re just trying to make conversation, and regardless of how they express the thought, what they mean is, “I like you and I want you to know that I’m interested in your life”. You can help them out by guiding the conversation from the start, for instance by volunteering whatever you want to about your studies (“I was a bit disappointed with my latest essay mark, but my tutor’s been supportive”) and then changing the subject to something else that lets the conversation flow, e.g. “what was studying like when you were my age?”

And if you’re blindsided by an unexpected question, have an answer prepared in advance that gives the conversation a new avenue to go down: “my studies are going well, but to be honest I’d rather not think about all that when I’m on holiday. Have you heard that I’ve recently taken up painting?” Then you can talk about landscapes and the use of colour to your heart’s content

2. Make plans with friends in advance

Three students jump around in the snow.

Catching up with friends old and new is an important way to relax and de-stress. At the same time, the process of organising things over the Christmas period can be a source of stress in its own right, especially if you’re hoping to get some studying done as well. That’s doubly the case if your friends are inclined to make plans last-minute, so that you’ll have just got your notes out and found the right page in your exercise book when your phone pings with an invitation to join friends at the cinema, or for ice-skating, ruining your concentration and making you feel like you’re missing out.

The best way to deal with this is to make plans to meet up with your friends with plenty of notice – perhaps before the Christmas holidays even start. That way, you might miss out on some spontaneous outings, but you know that you’ll get to hang out with your friends at some point over the holiday period, which will make the days when you have to skip socialising in order to study feel a lot easier. Plus your friends will undoubtedly appreciate you making the effort to organise things, especially if their own studies are also getting them down.

3. Follow the principles of mindfulness

Mindfulness is a technique that many people find useful for grappling with stress. It’s often used in the context of mindfulness meditation, which is about putting aside other thoughts and focusing entirely on what you sense and feel moment by moment. But the same principle can also be applied at times when you’re trying to separate a sense of stress from an occasion when you’re hoping to enjoy yourself.

At its simplest, it’s about focusing on what you’re doing in a particular moment and trying not to let your mind wander onto other things; so when you’re eating Christmas dinner, for example, mindfulness would suggest that you focus entirely on the deliciousness of the turkey and the contrasting textures of the roast potatoes, rather than letting your mind drift to an unfinished assignment, thereby avoiding getting stressed by it. The inverse is also true: when you’re getting some work done, mindfulness suggests that you should focus wholly on that, instead of thinking about all the other more fun things that you could be doing instead. If you can focus on whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing, you’ll be able to keep stress at bay and get through your workload quicker as well. Of course, it’s more easily said than done, but the internet abounds with sites and videos that will teach you mindfulness techniques if it sounds helpful for you.

4. Tidy your desk and organise your to-do list before the festivities start

A desk piled with books and a laptop.

Christmas can be a chaotic time, especially if yours is the sort of family where dozens of relatives descend, and you end up getting turfed out of your room onto an air mattress so that a distant aunt can have your bed. That influx of chaos makes it a lot harder to get any productive work done, especially if your notes have a tendency to go astray. Feeling like you don’t even know where to start with your studies is a recipe for stress.

Instead, try to get a handle on what needs to be done before the family arrives and the festivities start. That means tidying your desk, organising your notes and putting them somewhere where they’ll be both safe and accessible for the whole festive period (if need be, that might be the quieter house of a friend who lives nearby). It can also help for some people to create a to-do list; it might be so long that you stress about how much needs to be done, but it can also help to know exactly what tasks need doing, so you know where to start and how much progress you’ve made.

5. Take time for self-care

Girl in bath with orange slices.

What do you think of, when you think about what needs doing over the holidays? You might think of the mountain of studying that you have to do; the presents that need to be bought and wrapped; the friends who you want to meet up with and who you haven’t seen in ages. Christmas is a time when we tend to focus on the needs of others, and it’s easy to forget your own needs in all of that. Yes, getting studying done is important, and seeing friends will help you de-stress. But there’s another thing you should make time for, and that’s self-care.

Self-care is the name that mental health providers typically give to the actions we take to look after ourselves. An act of self-care might be giving yourself an hour to read in the bath and relax weary muscles, or eating a delicious lunch, getting more exercise or finally doing an annoying administrative task so that you can cross it off your list. Self-care is about doing something that makes you feel better, whether that’s on a basic biological level (like getting enough sleep), a de-stressing level (like writing that to-do list) or a level of treating yourself (like getting a pedicure). Whatever form your self-care takes, don’t neglect it over the Christmas period, no matter how much else is going on.

6. Set aside a regular time to do some studying

A coffee mugs and some books near the Christmas tree.

It’s easy to get stressed about the work you need to do if you have no idea when you’re going to do it. Combat that problem by setting aside a regular time every day or every other day when you’ll get out your organised notes and your well-planned to-do list and get cracking. You can also let your family know when those regular times are, so that younger family members are discouraged from making a noise near your room and older family members won’t schedule any outings or activities for those times. If you can figure out roughly what you expect to get done in each study session, so much the better.

Routine is a great way of beating stress because you have the answers to the questions that stress makes you ask, e.g. “when am I going to get all of this done?” can be answered with “in my studying sessions between 10 and 12 every morning”. You’ll relieve yourself of the difficulty of trying to find time to do everything by giving yourself a set chunk of time when you and everyone around you know that you’re not doing anything else.

7. Only procrastinate with fun things

While it’s nice to think that your study periods will be filled solely with mindful, productive studying, the reality is that you will probably procrastinate; we all do. And Christmas provides us with extra opportunities for procrastination – there’s always going to be presents to wrap, cards to write, or, in times of real desperation, the washing up to be done. But if you’re trying to enjoy your Christmas break while stressed over studying, then you want to really enjoy it – not look back at the start of January and realise that you spent a lot of it staring at a blank screen while adding unnecessary ribbon to presents.

So, if you’re going to procrastinate, make sure you have something fun to procrastinate with, and try to enjoy your procrastination time properly. Play a game or read a book; don’t just refresh social media or tidy a part of your room that didn’t really need tidying. Either you’ll actually enjoy yourself, or the act of forcing yourself to procrastinate properly will guilt you into focusing on your work.

8. Cut yourself some slack on making Christmas perfect

A broken Christmas tree bauble.

Christmas compounds the stress of studying because, for some of us at least, Christmas is already a stressful time. You need to demonstrate to your friends how well you know them by buying them presents that are just right, while avoiding spending money that you don’t have. There might be parties where you want to look your best, or at least have the most entertaining Christmas jumper. There’s the need to impress relatives who you don’t see that often with how well you’re getting on. And if part of the cooking falls to you, then you might also be responsible for perfect roast potatoes or tender brussels sprouts. It’s exhausting, and the world of Christmas song, films and adverts tells us that our Christmas needs to be just right.

But if you’re stressing about studying and about trying to make Christmas perfect, you’re not going to have much energy left for actually achieving either of those. Instead, give yourself permission to focus on your studying and stop worrying about what kind of Christmas you’re having. Your friends will forgive you for disappointing presents; your family will forgive you for making disappointing sprouts. You might not be able to ignore the things that are stressing you out about your studies, but you can ignore the pressures around Christmas and resolve simply to enjoy yourself instead.

What have you found helpful for keeping stress about studying under control over Christmas? Let us know in the comments! Images: santa mug ;  girl with present ; three friends jumping in snow ; messy desk ; girl in bath with orange slices ; coffee mug and books near the christmas tree ; broken christmas bauble

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Do you wish it could be Christmas every day? This smashing Text Guide is the next best thing — it contains everything students need to write brilliant essays about  A Christmas Carol  by Charles Dickens, and it’s suitable for all major GCSE English exam boards!

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  • Key Stage: KS4
  • Subject: English
  • Years Covered: 10-11
  • Level: 9-1 (GCSE)
  • Media: Book
  • Colour: Full Colour
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • No of Pages: 80

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Christmas Dinner table. Christmas napkins and Christmas tree.

Christmas 3 Night Break

Package includes

  • Overnight Stay on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day
  • Christmas Eve arrival drinks and canapés
  • 3- course dinner on Christmas Eve
  • Full English breakfast on Christmas Day morning
  • 4-course dinner Christmas Day lunch
  • Evening buffet dinner on Christmas Day
  • full English breakfast on Boxing Day morning
  • Boxing Day carvery lunch
  • 3- course dinner on Boxing Day
  • Full English breakfast on the 27th of December


Have a Christmas like no other this year, and be treated like royalty with the ultimate Christmas 3-night break.

Arrive on Christmas Eve at 2 pm to check- in and settle into your new festive home. Meet us in the lounge at 6.15 pm for a glass of bubbly and canapés, followed by a scrumptious 3-course dinner in our pavilion restaurant. Continue your evening at the bar and treat yourself to a festive tipple and cheers to the beginning of your festive celebrations.

Wake up on Christmas morning to a delicious full English and continental breakfast, served between 8 am and 10.30 am. After a morning spent at your leisure, opening presents, or relaxing in our spa, join us for our 4 course Christmas Day lunch, seating at 12 pm or 2.30 pm. Continue your Christmas Day as you wish, being merry with your loved ones. If you are still hungry in the evening, we welcome you to our restaurant for a carved buffet dinner before spending the rest of your evening enjoying board games and your favourite tipple.

After a merry Christmas Day, wake up on Boxing Day morning to a delicious breakfast, served between 8 am and 10.30 am. Spend the rest of the morning exploring the grounds, working up an appetite for our Boxing Day carvery in the restaurant, sitting at 12 pm or 2.30 pm. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon with your loved ones with full use of our leisure facilities, before you enjoy a 3- course in our restaurant.

Wake up to a delicious full English and continental breakfast on the 27th of December, between 8 am and 10.30 am before departure and best wishes for a wonderful New Year.

  • Supreme Court

The Republican Party's man inside the Supreme Court

Justice Samuel Alito brings no vision  and no  unique insights to his job — other than unrelenting loyalty to the GOP.

by Ian Millhiser

Supreme Court Justice Alito Gives Talk At Georgetown Law School

Justice Samuel Alito.

Ian Millhiser

Joe Biden was about to become president, and the Alito household was in distress .

On May 16, the New York Times reported that, during the tense period between the January 6 insurrection and Biden’s inauguration, Justice Samuel Alito’s family displayed an upside-down American flag outside their home. An upside-down flag is a distress signal — a way that soldiers or ships at sea show that they are in extraordinary danger. 

Taken in isolation, it’s hard to draw sweeping conclusions from this flag. The Times reports that many supporters of the “Stop the Steal” campaign — former President Donald Trump’s failed effort to overthrow the 2020 presidential election — embraced an inverted American flag to signal their belief that the United States was in grave danger. Alito claims that the flag was raised by his wife “in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

But this flag is hardly an isolated incident. On the bench, Alito is the Supreme Court’s most unrelenting Republican partisan — a reliable vote for whatever outcome is preferred by the GOP’s right wing, regardless of whether there is any legal support for that position. Alito isn’t simply a bad judge; he is the negation of law, frequently embracing claims that even intellectual leaders within the conservative movement find risible.

SCOTUS, Explained

Get the latest developments on the US Supreme Court from senior correspondent Ian Millhiser.

The morning before the Times published its flag scoop, for example, Alito published a dissenting opinion claiming that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, was unconstitutional. The opinion was so poorly reasoned that Justice Clarence Thomas, ordinarily an ally of far-right causes , mocked Alito’s opinion for “winding its way through English, Colonial, and early American history” without ever connecting that history to anything that’s actually in the Constitution.

Off the bench, meanwhile, Alito has a long history of making partisan statements that are just ambiguous enough that he can deny he was bemoaning a Republican defeat in a recent election. A little more than a week after Democratic President Barack Obama won his 2012 reelection race, Alito spoke to the conservative Federalist Society, where, quoting from one of his least favorite law professors, he warned that America is caught in a “ moment of utmost sterility, darkest night, most extreme peril .”

Alito has long been the justice most skeptical of free speech arguments — he was the sole dissenter in two Obama-era decisions establishing that even extraordinarily offensive speech is protected by the First Amendment — but this skepticism evaporates the minute a Republican claims that they are being censored. Among other things, Alito voted to let Texas’s Republican legislature seize control over content moderation at sites like Twitter and YouTube, then tried to prohibit the Biden administration from asking those same sites to voluntarily remove content from anti-vaxxers and election deniers.

Alito frequently mocks his colleagues, even fellow Republicans, when they attribute government policies to anti-Black racism. After Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in a 2020 opinion that the states of Louisiana and Oregon allowed non-unanimous juries to convict felony defendants more than a century ago to dilute the influence of Black jurors, Alito was livid, ranting in dissent: “To add insult to injury, the Court tars Louisiana and Oregon with the charge of racism.” 

Yet while Alito denies that racism might have motivated Louisiana’s Jim Crow lawmakers in the late 19th century, he brims with empathy for white plaintiffs who claim to be victims of racism. When a white firefighter alleged that he was denied a promotion because of his race, Alito was quick to tie this decision to the local mayor’s fear that he “would incur the wrath of … influential leaders of New Haven’s African-American community ” if the city didn’t promote more non-white firefighters.

Empirical data shows that Alito is the most pro-prosecution justice on the Supreme Court, voting in favor of criminal defendants only 20 percent of the time . But he’s tripped over himself to protect one criminal defendant in particular : Donald Trump. An empirical analysis of the Court’s “standing” decisions — cases asking whether the federal courts have jurisdiction over a particular dispute — found that Alito rules in favor of conservative litigants 100 percent of the time , and against liberal litigants in every single case.

Though Alito, who turned 74 last month, is probably in the twilight of his career, his unapologetically partisan approach to judging could very well be the judiciary’s future, at least if Trump secures another term in the White House. 

Today’s headlines are peppered with names like Aileen Cannon, the judge overseeing Trump’s stolen documents trial who has also behaved like a member of Trump’s defense team , or Matthew Kacsmaryk, the former Christian right litigator who’s been willing to rubber stamp virtually any request for a court order filed by a Republican . The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the powerful federal court that oversees appeals out of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, is now a bastion of Alito-like partisans who treat laws and precedents that undermine the GOP’s policy goals as mere inconveniences to be struck down or ignored.

These are the sorts of judicial appointees who would likely appeal to a second-term Trump, as the instigator of the January 6 insurrection looks to fill the bench with judges who will not interfere with his ambitions in the same way that many judges did in his first term.

Alito — a judge with no theory of the Constitution, and no insight into how judges should read ambiguous laws, beyond his driving belief that his team should always win — is the perfect fit, in other words, for what the Republican Party has become in the age of Trump.

Samuel Alito, by the numbers

It’s probably possible to go through any long-serving judge’s record and find opinions that aren’t especially persuasive. So, rather than rely on anecdotal evidence of Alito’s partisanship, let’s start with two empirical analyses of his behavior on the Supreme Court.

Political scientist Lee Epstein examined how often each current justice votes for a defendant’s position in criminal cases. Her data, which was first reported by NBC News, shows a fairly clear partisan divide . All three of the Court’s Democrats voted with criminal defendants in over half of the cases they heard, with former public defender Ketanji Brown Jackson favoring defendants in nearly 4 out of 5 cases. All six of the Court’s Republicans, meanwhile, vote with criminal defendants less than half the time.

But there is also a great deal of variation among the Republicans. Justice Neil Gorsuch, the most libertarian of the Court’s Republican appointees, voted with criminal defendants in 45 percent of cases. Alito, who once served as the top federal prosecutor in the state of New Jersey, is the most pro-prosecution justice, voting with criminal defendants only 20 percent of the time.

Yet Alito’s distrust for criminal defense lawyers seemed to evaporate the minute the leader of his political party became a criminal defendant. At oral arguments in Trump v. United States , the case asking whether Trump is immune from prosecution for his attempt to steal the 2020 election, Alito offered a dizzying argument for why his Court should give presidents broad immunity from criminal consequences.

If an incumbent president who “loses a very close, hotly contested election” knows that they could face prosecution, Alito claimed, “will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?” Alito’s supposed concern was that a losing candidate will not “leave office peacefully” if they could be prosecuted by the incoming administration.

The problem with this argument, of course, is that Trump is a case about a president who refused to leave office peacefully. Trump even incited an insurrection at the US Capitol after he lost his reelection bid.

Similarly, in Fischer v. United States , a case asking whether January 6 insurrectionists can be charged under a statute making it a crime to obstruct an official proceeding, Alito peppered Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar with concerns that, if the January 6 defendants can be convicted under this law, that could someday lead to overly aggressive prosecutions of political protesters. At one point, Alito even took the side of a hypothetical heckler who starts screaming in the middle of a Supreme Court argument and is later charged with obstructing the proceeding.

Alito can also set aside his pro-prosecution instincts in cases involving right-wing causes such as gun rights. At oral arguments in United States v. Rahimi , for example, Alito was one of the only justices who appeared open to a lower court’s ruling that people subject to domestic violence restraining orders have a Second Amendment right to own a gun. Indeed, many of Alito’s questions echoed so-called men’s rights advocates , who complain that judges unthinkingly issue these restraining orders without investigating the facts of a particular case.

Consider, as well, a case analysis by Adam Unikowsky , a Supreme Court litigator who previously clerked for conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

In order to bring a federal lawsuit, a plaintiff must show that they were injured in some way by the defendant they wish to sue — a requirement known as “standing.” Unikowsky looked at 10 years’ worth of Supreme Court standing cases, first classifying each case as one where a “conservative” litigant brought a lawsuit, or as one where a “progressive” litigant filed suit. He then looked at how every current justice voted.

Nearly every justice sometimes voted against their political views — Thomas, for example, voted four times that a conservative litigant lacked standing and twice voted in favor of a progressive litigant. Alito, however, was the exception. In all six cases brought by a conservative, Alito voted for the suit to move forward. Meanwhile, in all 10 cases brought by a progressive, Alito voted to deny standing.

(Unikowsky also found that Justice Jackson, the Court’s newest member, has not yet crossed over in a standing case, but the data includes only one case, where she joined a 6–3 decision by Justice Brett Kavanaugh , a Trump appointee.)

Some of Alito’s standing opinions are genuinely embarrassing. The worst is his dissent in California v. Texas (2021), one of the four cases where Thomas voted to deny standing to a conservative litigant.

Texas was the third of three Supreme Court cases attempting to destroy the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature legislative accomplishment. But even many high-profile Republicans found this lawsuit humiliating. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board labeled this case the “ Texas Obamacare Blunder .” Conservative policy wonk Yuval Levin wrote in the National Review that Texas “ doesn’t even merit being called silly. It’s ridiculous. ”

As originally drafted, Obamacare required most Americans to pay higher taxes if they did not obtain health insurance. In 2017, however, Congress eliminated this tax by zeroing it out. The Texas plaintiffs claimed that this zero-dollar tax was unconstitutional , and that the proper remedy was that the Affordable Care Act must be repealed in its entirety.

No one is allowed to bring a federal lawsuit unless they can show that they’ve been injured in some way. A zero-dollar tax obviously injures no one, because it doesn’t require anyone to pay anything. And so seven justices concluded that the Texas lawsuit must be tossed out.

Alito dissented. While it is difficult to summarize his convoluted reasoning concisely, he essentially argued that, even if the zero-dollar tax did not injure these plaintiffs, they were injured by various other provisions of Obamacare and thus had standing.

This is simply not how standing works — a litigant cannot manufacture standing to challenge one provision of federal law by claiming they are injured by another, completely different provision of federal law. As Jonathan Adler, one of the architects of a different Supreme Court suit attacking Obamacare , wrote of Alito’s opinion, “standing simply cannot work the way that Justice Alito wants it to” because, if it did, “it would become child’s play to challenge every provision of every major federal law so long as some constitutional infirmity could be located somewhere within the statute’s text.”

Alito’s Texas opinion, in other words, would allow virtually anyone to challenge any major federal law, eviscerating the requirement that someone must actually be injured by a law before they can file a federal lawsuit against it. Needless to say, Alito does not take such a blasé attitude toward standing when left-leaning litigants appear in his Court. But, when handed a lawsuit that could sabotage Obama’s legacy, Alito was willing to waive one of the most well-established checks on judicial power so that he could invalidate the keystone of that legacy.

Alito’s jurisprudence of white racial innocence

In a 2005 speech explaining why he opposed Chief Justice John Roberts’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, then-Sen. Obama explained how he thinks judges actually decide difficult cases. While “95 percent” of cases can be resolved solely by looking at neutral legal principles, Obama said, “adherence to precedent and rules of construction and interpretation will only get you through the 25th mile of the marathon” in the especially challenging cases that come before the Supreme Court.

In those hardest cases, Obama argued, “that last mile can only be determined on the basis of one’s deepest values, one’s core concerns, one’s broader perspectives on how the world works, and the depth and breadth of one’s empathy .”

One might think that empathy, which means the capacity to understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of another person , would be an essential quality in anyone tasked with judging other people. But Republicans later latched onto Obama’s statement as evidence that his judicial appointees would decide cases based on feelings and vibes, instead of law. As Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said in 2016 , “the President’s idea of what’s appropriate for justices to consider is totally at odds with our constitutional system. We are a government of laws and not a government of judges.”

Alito’s jurisprudence, however, displays neither the universal empathy touted by Obama nor the kind of mechanical application of legal principles imagined by Grassley. Instead, Alito engages in selective empathy, often mocking the concerns of left-leaning litigants while simultaneously being extraordinarily protective of conservatives. And this selective empathy is most obvious in Alito’s decisions involving race .

Alito lashes out at his colleagues when they accuse white lawmakers — even, in one case, white lawmakers in the Jim Crow South — of racism. Yet he showed tremendous empathy for the firefighter who claimed to be a victim of anti-white discrimination.

Indeed, one of the unifying themes in Alito’s race cases is his desire to write a presumption of white racial innocence into the law — and especially into American voting rights law.

Consider, for example, Alito’s majority opinion in Abbott v. Perez (2018), where the Court’s Republican majority rejected a claim that Texas’s GOP-friendly congressional maps were an illegal racial gerrymander.

In 2011, the Texas legislature drew maps that never took effect, and that were eventually declared an illegal gerrymander by a federal court. Because of the legal challenges to these maps, the state legislature drew alternative maps in 2012 that were supposed to be used only in that year’s election. Though much of these interim 2012 maps closely resembled the illegal 2011 maps, a court allowed Texas to use them in the 2012 election because otherwise the state would not have been able to conduct the election at all.

Then, in 2013, the Texas legislature passed a new law converting the 2012 stopgap maps into permanent maps, meaning that they would be used until the next census in 2020. The state legislature did so, moreover, despite the fact that many of the districts in these new maps were still being challenged as unlawful racial gerrymanders.

Alito’s opinion in Perez , however, cut most of these challenges off. He reasoned that “the 2013 Legislature’s intent was legitimate” because the decision to convert the interim maps into permanent maps was not driven by racism. Rather, it was driven by a desire to “bring the litigation about the State’s districting plans to an end as expeditiously as possible.”

Alito’s argument, in other words, was that the 2013 maps were permissible because they were enacted to shut down a lawsuit challenging a racial gerrymander. It’s as if the school districts that were declared unlawfully segregated in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) had simply passed a new law re-creating the same racially segregated schools that existed before Brown was decided, and then argued that the new law should be upheld because it was enacted to end a lawsuit challenging segregation.

Consider, as well, Alito’s majority opinion in Brnovich v. DNC (2021), a case asking whether two Arizona election laws that allegedly had a disproportionate negative impact on nonwhite voters violated a 1982 amendment to the Voting Rights Act.

In rejecting this claim, Alito simply made up a bunch of new limits on the Voting Rights Act that appear nowhere in the law’s text. He declared, for example, that state laws which purport to fight voter fraud are presumptively legal. He also applied a strong presumption that any voting restriction that was commonplace in 1982 does not violate the 1982 amendment to the Voting Rights Act.

This later presumption is completely ridiculous. The only reason why Congress enacts any law is because it wants to change the status quo . If Congress enacted a new voting rights law in 1982, that means that Congress was unsatisfied with the state of voting rights in 1982 and wanted to change it — not to preserve restrictions that were commonplace at the time.

As Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her Brnovich dissent, Alito’s opinion “mostly inhabits a law-free zone.”

Alito’s selective concern about the First Amendment

Earlier this month, Alito delivered the commencement address at Franciscan University , a Catholic school in Ohio. Much of his speech echoed the sort of anti-“cancel culture” rhetoric that can be heard on any given episode of Sean Hannity’s Fox News show.

“Troubled waters are slamming against some of our most fundamental principles,” Alito told the graduates, echoing similar rhetoric that he used to describe the reelection of President Obama in 2012. “Support for freedom of speech,” Alito claimed, “is declining dangerously, especially where it should find broadest and widest acceptance.”

Alito’s concern about free speech is a little jarring, because he’s long been the justice least likely to back free speech claims by civil rights plaintiffs. In 2010 and 2011, for example, Alito was the sole dissenter in two important free speech cases reiterating the Court’s well-established view that speech is protected by the First Amendment even if it is likely to offend most people.

The justice’s more recent free speech decisions, meanwhile, largely turn on whether the party that wishes to shape public discourse is a Democrat or a Republican.

In 2021, for example, Texas’s Republican legislature enacted a law that effectively seizes control over all content moderation at major social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook. The law was an explicit effort to force these platforms to host right-wing content that they would prefer not to publish. “It is now law that conservative viewpoints in Texas cannot be banned on social media,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said when he signed the law.

The law is also comically unconstitutional. The Court held in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (2006), that “freedom of speech prohibits the government from telling people what they must say.” And it held in Miami Herald v. Tornillo (1974), a publication’s choice to publish or not publish certain content is subject only to the outlet’s “editorial control and judgment,” and “it has yet to be demonstrated how governmental regulation of this crucial process can be exercised consistent with First Amendment guarantees of a free press.”

Yet, when a majority of his colleagues voted to temporarily block this Texas law, Alito dissented , suggesting that Texas’s Republican lawmakers should have more leeway to address “the power of dominant social media corporations to shape public discussion of the important issues of the day.”

Not long after Alito wrote this dissent, however, the Court heard another case, known as Murthy v. Missouri , which involved an unusual order handed down by the far-right United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. That order effectively forbade the Biden administration from asking social media companies to voluntarily remove harmful content, such as videos seeking to recruit terrorists or tweets that promote false and potentially dangerous medical advice.

Once again, a majority of Alito’s colleagues voted to block this lower court order. Once again, Alito dissented .

It should be obvious that the First Amendment cannot simultaneously empower a Republican government to force media outlets to change their editorial policies, while also forbidding a Democratic government from asking a media outlet to change what it publishes — unless, of course, you believe that there is one First Amendment for Democrats and a different one for Republicans.

Later in his address to Francisan’s graduating class, Alito had a revealing line about why he believes that freedom of religion is threatened in the United States. “Religious liberty is also threatened,” Alito claimed. Then he warned the graduates that “when you venture out into the world, you may well find yourself in a job, or community or a social setting when you will be pressured to endorse ideas you don’t believe, or to abandon core beliefs.”

This warning blurs an important line between the kind of pressure that can plausibly violate “religious liberty,” and the kind of pressure that is just an ordinary part of living in a pluralistic society.

Alito is correct that, under some circumstances, a worker who is pressured because of their religious beliefs at work may have a viable religious liberty claim. That’s because federal law requires employers to accommodate their employee’s religious beliefs unless doing so would impose an “undue hardship on the conduct of the employer’s business.” So, for example, if a worker’s boss pressured a conservative Catholic employee to sign a statement endorsing the right to an abortion, such pressure would likely violate this worker’s civil rights.

But there is no right to be free from pressure, or even social ostracization, because people in your community or social circles find your religious beliefs abhorrent. If freedom of religion means anything, it must include both the right of a conservative evangelical to believe that gay people are sinful, and the right of everyone else to turn up their nose in disgust at anyone who expresses such a viewpoint. 

Yet Alito hasn’t simply argued that conservative Christians have a right not to be shunned for their views, he’s argued that the rights of gay Americans must be diminished in order to protect the feelings of people who oppose those rights. Hence Alito’s argument that Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), the Court’s landmark marriage equality decision, was wrongly decided because “it will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy.”

Thus, in Samuel Alito’s America, Republicans have the power to control media, while Democrats can’t even ask media outlets to change what they publish. Meanwhile, the rights of historically marginalized groups must be diminished to prevent anyone from speaking ill of those who would marginalize them.

Can Alito be defended?

A 2023 essay by attorney Adam White tries to find a larger intellectual project behind Alito’s jurisprudence, beyond an overarching command that the Republican Party should always win. Alito, White claims, is a “Burkean conservative,” a reference to the 18th-century English conservative Edmund Burke , who is wary of the “dangers of concentrating too much power [in] the hands of elites or elite institutions.”

White argues that Alito seeks to preserve traditional ways of organizing society, and to diminish the power of institutions that can cause the United States to depart from such traditions. As White writes, “when government action — especially the swift and sweeping work of agencies, executives, and courts, rather than legislatures — threatens longstanding traditions or the institutions and communities that keep and transmit them, Justice Alito’s instinct has been to begin with a presumption in favor of defending tradition.”

Alito, for what it’s worth, appears to think of himself very much as White describes him. In his Franciscan speech, for example, Alito argued that the Constitution “guards against improvident change,” both because the document itself is almost impossible to amend, and because it makes it very difficult for the federal government to make law. The framers of the Constitution, Alito claims, “knew that times would inevitably come when people would be tempted to make hurried and unwise changes,” and they believed that the “country’s well-being depended on the ability to resist these temptations.” 

Thus, at Franciscan, Alito presented himself as that most conservative of guardians — a judge who “ stands athwart history, yelling Stop .”

But if Alito imagines a country that is slow to change its laws, and one where Congress — and not swifter-moving institutions like the courts or executive branch agencies — are the drivers of policy, this vision appears to wax and wane depending on who is in the White House, and whether a new policy benefits liberals or conservatives.

Consider two cases, both of which involve court decisions that sought to shape US policy. 

In Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California (2020), a majority of Alito’s colleagues concluded that the Trump administration failed to complete the appropriate paperwork when it tried to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA, which had been in effect for eight years when the Court ruled, allows hundreds of thousands of immigrants who came to the United States as children to live and work in this country.

When a Republican administration sought to end a program created by Democrats, Alito behaved exactly as White describes him — warning about concentrating too much power in the judiciary. Shortly after Trump officials tried to end DACA, Alito wrote in dissent, “ one of the nearly 700 federal district court judges blocked this rescission , and since then, this issue has been mired in litigation.” He complained that “the federal judiciary” had effectively prevented Trump from implementing one of his policy goals “during an entire presidential term.”

Three years later, however, one of the nearly 700 federal district court judges blocked a different federal policy. Kacsmaryk, the crusader for the religious right that Trump put on the bench, attempted to ban the abortion drug mifepristone nearly a quarter century after the FDA authorized doctors to prescribe it in the United States. Even on Alito’s very conservative, anti-abortion Court , he was one of only two justices who went along with this attempt to remove a widely available medication from the market by judicial decree.

Or consider Alito’s vote in Trump v. Hawaii (2018), the challenge to Trump’s decision to ban citizens of several Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States. Trump did so, moreover, after bragging on the campaign trail about his plan to enact an unconstitutional ban on Muslims entering the United States if elected president.

Before Trump took office, Alito was often the Court’s most outspoken proponent of an expansive concept of religious freedom, especially in cases involving conservative Christians . But Alito abandoned this concern for religious liberty, as well as any concerns about the executive branch setting policy, in the Hawaii case. Instead, Alito joined an opinion claiming that federal law “ exudes deference ” to President Trump.

Under President Biden, by contrast, Alito’s been one of the Court’s strongest proponents of the so-called major questions doctrine, a judicially created doctrine that’s been used almost exclusively to strike down policies created by Democratic administrations, and that has no basis in either the Constitution’s text or in any statute . Indeed, Alito’s even wielded this doctrine to strike down Biden administration policies that were unambiguously authorized by federal law .

So let’s dispel this fiction that Alito takes a principled, Burkean approach to the law and the Constitution. Alito does often use the sort of rhetoric that is associated with traditionalist forms of conservatism, but that rhetoric only drives his actual decisions when it leads to the outcome he prefers.

Samuel Alito is one of the worst judges of his generation. He rejects the very basic idea that courts must decide cases based on the law, and not based on their partisan views. He routinely embarrasses himself in oral arguments, and in his published opinions, with legal reasoning that no sensible lawyer can take seriously. And he even tries to distort public debate and silence critics.

But most of all, Alito is one of the most uninteresting thinkers in the country. Here he is, in one of the most powerful and intellectually rigorous jobs on the planet — a philosopher king, presiding over the mightiest nation that has ever existed — and his only big idea is “Republicans should win.”

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