
Speech on Importance Of Unity

Unity is like a powerful glue that holds us together in tough times. It’s that invisible strength which helps us overcome challenges. Through unity, we can achieve things we could only dream of as individuals.

You might have experienced unity in your family, school, or community. It’s the reason why teamwork is so essential, and why standing together often leads to success. Remember, unity isn’t just a word, but a life lesson.

1-minute Speech on Importance Of Unity

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about unity today. Unity is like a bundle of sticks. Alone, each stick is weak and can break easily. But together, they become strong and unbreakable. The same is true for us, humans. Alone, we are weak. But together, we are strong.

Imagine a world where everyone works together. No fights, no wars. Just peace. We could solve big problems like hunger, poverty, and disease. We could make our world a better place. This is the power of unity.

Think about a football team. Each player has a unique role. The goalie stops the ball, the striker scores goals, the defenders protect their goal. They work together to win the game. If they don’t, they lose. This is how unity works.

Now, let’s look at our society. We are all different. We have different ideas, different beliefs, different cultures. But we all belong to the same human family. We should celebrate our differences, not fight over them. We should work together, not against each other. This is what unity is all about.

But unity is not just about big things. It starts with small steps. Helping a friend in need. Working together on a school project. Cleaning up the neighbourhood park. These small acts of unity add up and make a big difference.

So, let’s make a pledge today. Let’s work together. Let’s stand together. Let’s be strong together. Because together, we can make the world a better place. This is the importance of unity. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Importance Of Unity

Good day, everyone. Today, I want to talk about something very special. It’s about unity. Unity is like glue. It holds us together when times get tough. Unity helps us to feel safe and strong. It is so important that without it, we wouldn’t be able to reach our goals.

Think about a team of horses. One horse alone might be strong, but when several horses pull together, they can move mountains. This is unity. It shows us that when we work as a team, we can do big things.

Look at a beautiful rainbow. A rainbow has many colors. Each color is unique and bright, but alone, it’s just a color. When all colors come together, they create a stunning rainbow. This is also unity. It tells us that even though we are all different, when we come together, we can create something beautiful.

Unity is also like a piece of fabric. Each thread in the fabric is weak on its own, but when woven together, they create a strong and durable fabric. This is another example of unity. It shows us that when we join hands, we become stronger. We can face any challenge that comes our way.

Think about a flock of birds flying in the sky. When a bird flies alone, it gets tired quickly. But when birds fly together in a “V” shape, they can fly longer and farther. This is how unity helps us. It makes our journey easier and more enjoyable.

Unity also teaches us about respect and love. When we unite, we learn to respect each other’s differences. We learn to care for each other. We learn to love each other. Unity helps us to live in harmony.

To conclude, unity is not just about being together. It’s about working together for a common goal. It’s about respecting and loving each other. It’s about creating a world where everyone feels safe and loved. So, let’s unite. Let’s be like the team of horses, the colors of a rainbow, the threads in a fabric, and the birds in the sky. Let’s make our world a better place.

Remember, unity is strength. It is power. It is love. It is the key to a bright and beautiful future. So, let’s hold hands and walk together towards that future. Thank you.

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a speech on unity

Speeches > Kevin J Worthen > Persevere in Unity

Persevere in Unity

Kevin j worthen.

President of Brigham Young University

January 12, 2021

Welcome to the start of a new semester, one full of promise but also one in which we face two major challenges: (1) a global pandemic that threatens our physical health and (2) increasing divisiveness and anger that threaten the moral and spiritual fiber of our society. Basically, COVID and chaos. The good news is that there are things within our individual and collective control that we can do to address both of these challenges.

The Seventh-Inning Stretch

Let me start with the first. Even though many of the traditional educational routines continue to be altered because of the coronavirus, there is increasing light on the horizon. With the rapidly expanding availability of a vaccine, we can envision a future in which we will be able to gather more often and in larger numbers and in which in-person meetings and classes will become the norm rather than the exception.

But—and this is important—that day has not come yet, and the speed with which it comes, as well as the adverse impact the virus will have in the interim, will depend in no small part on the degree to which we continue to adhere to safety and health guidelines over these next few months. So while there is increased optimism because the end is in sight, there is a commensurate need to be more diligent than ever in wearing masks, washing our hands, maintaining social distancing, and complying with testing protocols.

As I have considered our situation in this regard, my mind has gone to a tradition that began in earnest with William Howard Taft, the twenty-seventh president of the United States and later chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court—the only person in U.S. history to serve as the head of both the executive and judicial branches.

President Taft was a large man, standing more than six feet in height and weighing well more than 300 pounds. He was also an avid fan of major-league baseball. On April 14, 1910, President Taft attended the opening game of the major-league season between the Washington Senators and the Philadelphia Athletics. According to one report:

As the face-off between the Senators and the Athletics wore on, the rotund, six-foot-two president . . . grew more and more uncomfortable in his small wooden chair. By the middle of the seventh inning he could bear it no lon­ger and stood up to stretch his aching legs—­whereupon everyone else in the stadium, thinking the president was about to leave, rose to show their respect. A few minutes later Taft returned to his seat, the crowd followed suit, and the “seventh-inning stretch” was born. 1

While most historians agree that something akin to a late-inning stretch took place sporadically at some baseball games prior to 1910, 2 its enduring popularity as one of baseball’s most deeply embedded rituals can be traced in large part to Taft’s aches and pains at that Senators-Athletics game.

Now what does President Taft’s experience at a baseball game more than a century ago have to do with us? Let me suggest that with respect to the pandemic, we are just finishing the seventh-inning stretch. Just as President Taft needed a break after sitting in an undersized seat for six and a half innings, many of us were ready for a change by the end of last fall semester. If seven innings of being confined to an uncomfortable seat can seem like a long time, nine months of social distancing, Zoom classes, and mask wearing can seem like a lifetime. Yet we persevered. We made it to the end of the fall semester, and we welcomed the chance to change positions—to stretch, so to speak. The pandemic seventh-inning stretch came just in time for many of us.

But the game was not over when President Taft took that rejuvenating break. He was reenergized, but he returned to his wooden chair, and its shape and size were no more accommodating than they were before he stood. There was more baseball to be played, and the outcome was still uncertain. 3 A lot can happen in the last two innings of a baseball game.

Similarly, the pandemic experience is not over for us. The need to adhere to the guidelines is more important than ever. Because of your good work last semester, we are ahead. And if we stay ahead—if we finish strong—we can, like the home baseball team, end the game one-half inning early. If, on the other hand, we lose focus and let down our guard, the virus may overtake us, requiring us to go extra innings—or worse, to cancel the game.

The seventh-inning stretch can, therefore, not only rejuvenate us but also remind us of the need to continue on—the need to persevere. The word persevere has a deeper meaning than we may realize. President Russell M. Nelson recently shared with us that one of the Hebrew meanings of the theologically significant name Israel is “let God prevail.” 4 Another Hebrew meaning of that name—given to Jacob after his bout of wrestling—is “persevere”: “he perseveres (with) God.” 5 This linguistic connection between persevere and Israel reminds us that difficult tasks, like persevering through a pandemic, are easier when we involve God in the process. So I urge you to persevere—to “be not weary in well-doing,” 6 as modern ­scripture puts it. We have made it to the seventh-inning stretch. We just need to finish strong.

One key to persevering comes from another aspect of the traditional seventh-inning stretch. Years after President Taft’s precedent-setting stretch in 1910, some teams began to add music to the tradition. In 1934, the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” was played for the first time in a World Series game. 7 Over the ensuing decades, that song has become standard seventh-inning fare at most major-league parks. 8 Because of its association with the seventh-inning stretch, it is now unquestionably the best-known baseball song in America—one that unifies the entire crowd at a baseball game, regardless of their team preference.

To those unfamiliar with baseball, this surely must be odd. As one reporter put it:

The seventh-inning stretch is a bit bizarre—fans suddenly standing up and singing a song about attending the very event they’re at—but it’s . . . a ritual that makes baseball baseball, with its history and share d experiences. 9

And it is that unifying element of the ritual that makes the moment so powerful and reenergizing. It doesn’t matter how well you sing or which team you are cheering for: during the seventh-inning stretch, you are united with others around you—brought together in the moment. As one Colorado Rockies fan explained:

At the ballpark it doesn’t matter if you sing alto or awful. . . .

“. . . [Baseball is] best enjoyed if you embrace . . . the chance to stand up and join in a tradition where, for one minute, we can all get along—even with the Cards fans or Dodgers fans.” 10

There is, as Joseph Smith explained, power in unity. 11 And we are in more need of that unifying power than perhaps at any time in our lifetimes, not only to weather the pandemic storm but also to address pressing issues like social justice, ­poverty, racism, and angry divisiveness and ­intolerance in political and other matters.

That We May Be as One

Unity is a concept that extends well beyond baseball, and even beyond any of the more important issues we currently face. It is an eternal gospel principle whose presence or absence determines not only the stability and prosperity of a community but also our own eternal destiny. 12 Simply put, we cannot be exalted without achieving a high level of unity.

The Lord made this clear in section 38 of the Doctrine and Covenants. He commanded the early Saints, “Be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” 13 Given the centrality of unity to our eternal destiny, it is not surprising that on the last evening of His mortal ministry, the Savior prayed to His Heavenly Father on behalf of His beloved disciples, asking “that they may be one, even as we are one . . . , that they may be made perfect in one.” 14

The positive impact of unity on individuals and society is demonstrated by scriptural examples of societies that had achieved an extraordinary level of unity. These include the descendants of Lehi in the American continent after the visitation of the Savior, 15 the members of the early Church in the Middle East shortly after the Savior’s mortal ministry there, 16 and the ancient people of Enoch. 17 In each of these situations, the members of the society had “their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another” 18 to such an extent that they could be described as being “of one heart.” 19 Speaking of those who had reached this level of unity, Mormon observed, “Surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.” 20

Unity is essential to our happiness. Some may find a call for unity strange at a time when we are working to promote more diversity on campus. But, as Elder Quentin L. Cook noted in the most recent general conference, “unity and diversity are not opposites. We can achieve greater unity as we foster an atmosphere of inclusion and respect for diversity.” 21

Some confusion on this issue comes from the ambiguity of the term unity. True unity does not require us to give up our individuality. As the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. observed, “Unity has never meant uniformity.” 22 While all human beings share a common bond as beloved spirit children of Heavenly Parents, 23 each of us is a unique individual with individual personalities, experiences, and gifts. And each of these individual characteristics can contribute to greater unity.

The apostle Paul explained how this works in his first epistle to the Saints at Corinth. After noting the different gifts that different individuals had been blessed with, Paul taught that even though the gifts were different, each contributed to the whole, just as individual parts of the body contribute to the wellness of the whole body. And each individual part is equally important. Paul said:

For the body is not one member, but many.

If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? . . .

If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? . . .

But now are they many members, yet but one body.

And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. 24

President Howard W. Hunter summarized the point and applied it to the modern-day Church when he stated:

We are truly dependent on each other, “and the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.” (1 Cor. 12:21.) Nor can the North Americans say to the Asians, nor the Europeans to the islanders of the sea, “I have no need of thee.” No, in this church we have need of every member, and we pray, as did Paul when he wrote to the church in Corinth, “that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.

“And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the ­members rejoice with it.” (1 Cor. 12:25–26.) 25

That same principle applies with full force to the university community. When we welcome and value the gifts, talents, experiences, and perspectives of all of God’s children who are engaged in our common enterprise, we will not only more fully reach our individual potential but will also be more united.

Elder Bruce C. Hafen offered a simple analogy to explain how bringing together those with diverse gifts, personalities, and experiences can produce an enhanced and enriched form of unity:

For me, the ideal metaphor is a musical one: with our many voices, we could all sing in unison, in harmony, or in dissonance. Of these three, I prefer harmony, because it enables a variety of voices to blend into a fuller, richer sound than mere unison. 26

And, as demonstrated by Marcus Roberts and the Modern Jazz Generation at a forum here last February, the analogy applies regardless of the type of music. Even in a jazz ensemble in which individual improvisation often takes center stage, there is still a need for unity, and the results of this combination of individuality and unity are sweet, as demonstrated in the following clip. [A video clip was shown. 27 ]

So if we want to achieve our full potential as individuals and as a campus community, we need to emphasize both unity and diversity—both our commonality and our individuality. Without unity, diversity becomes divisive. Without diversity, unity becomes stagnant. As Pastor Skip Heitzig put it, “If you have unity without variety, you have uniformity and that’s boring. If you have variety without unity, you have anarchy.” 28

A powerful example of what can happen when unity and diversity combine was provided by our football team this past fall. As the team gathered for summer workouts, the sporting world—and most of society—was focused on racial inequalities and inequities that were brought to the fore by a number of events. Co-captain Troy Warner explained, “We just wanted to get together . . . and just kind of talk about how we were feeling, let players express their feelings, their emotions.” 29

As described by one reporter:

Black players, Polynesian players and white players took turns. They had seen NBA players wearing social justice messages on their uniforms. . . .

The BYU players decided they wanted to send a message, too, one they hoped would be visible to the millions expected to watch broadcasts of their games. . . .

“We had an open forum about what we thought should be the message,” junior wide receiver Dax Milne said. “We really tried hard to make it a message that was not controversial . . . , and someone mentioned ‘love one another, ’ ” a teaching of Jesus Christ that resonates deeply with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 30

The team designed a T-shirt with “We Are One” on the front and “Love One Another” on the back, reflecting both the power of unity and the means by which that happens. As co-captain Isaiah Kaufusi stated, “We’ve chosen to love, and that unites us.” 31

The message was seen by millions, and sales of the T-shirts generated more than $200,000 in ­profits—all of which the players decided to contribute to scholarships for first-generation college students and others with extenuating circumstances at BYU. 32

If we strive for true unity by following the Savior’s example to love others, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, political leanings, or other distinguishing characteristics, we can truly transform both our university community and the larger world with which we interact.

Two Things We Can Do to Persevere and Be More Unified

Let me suggest two things we can do to enhance unity and diversity in ways that will help us both persevere though the pandemic and lay the foundation for a stronger, more diverse, and more unified campus.

1. We Must Avoid Contention

First, we must avoid contention. While diversity is not the opposite of unity, contention is. As the Savior Himself made clear when He was laying the foundation for a Zion society in the ancient Americas:

He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.

Behold, this is not my doctrine . . . ; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away. 33

This does not mean that we will not disagree with each other, but it does mean we will do so in a way that both focuses on issues and not on ad hominem attacks and reflects the truth that each of us, including those with whom we disagree, is a beloved spirit child of Heavenly Parents. Former academic vice president James R. Rasband explained at our annual university conference in 2017:

For us it is not unity o r diversity but both unity an d diversity. . . . Diverse perspectives and experiences will be a boon to our effort to discern how best to accomplish our Mission and Aims. We won’t always agree, but we can disagree charitably. By charitable disagreement I mean more than basic civility. Instead of mere civility, which is a baseline obligation, I hope we will listen—really listen—to each other and work to understand one another’s views and statements in a charitable light. What an oasis of learning we would be if pursuing light and truth were the goal and if inevitable disagreements were handled with true charity. 34

Oh, how we need that kind of oasis in the world today. And BYU can be that oasis.

As Dr. King put it, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” 35 As the football T-shirts remind us, if we want to be one, we must love one another, even those—especially those—with whom we disagree.

2. Perfect Unity Is Achieved Only Through God and Christ

Second, we need to recognize that perfect unity can be achieved only through God and Christ. Our efforts to become united will be fully successful only if we focus first on our relationship with Them. The Guide to the Scriptures defines unity as “to become one in thought, desire, and purpose first with our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, and then with other Saints.” 36

If we align ourselves more with God and Christ, we will become more loving, we will see others more for who they really are, and we will draw closer to both God and our fellow human beings. Elder David A. Bednar once explained this truth in a more visual way with respect to married couples. Using a triangle with Christ at the apex and a wife at the base of one corner and a husband at the base of the other, both separated from each other and from the Savior, Elder Bednar explained that as both of those in the couple focus their attention on the Savior, they are drawn upward to Him, and they naturally move closer toward one another at the same time. As Elder Bednar explained, “Because of and through the Redeemer, . . . [people] come closer together.” 37

When speaking of the Zion societies described in 4 Nephi and the New Testament book of Acts, Sister Reyna I. Aburto explained:

We can suppose that the reason why they were so united is because they knew the Lord personally. They had been close to Him, and they had been witnesses of His divine mission, of the miracles that He performed, and of His Resurrection. . . . They knew that “He is the source of all healing, peace, and eternal progress.” 38

God is the author of diversity and the source of unity. As we come closer to Him and to His Son, Jesus Christ, we will advance both powerful principles in a synergistic way. As we embrace our true primary identity as children of God and act as disciples of Christ, they will magnify our individual gifts while also making us more united.

So my message to you is simple: persevere in unity by coming closer to Heavenly Father and Christ, who never tire and who are perfectly united. 39 If we do so, we will be able to successfully meet whatever challenges we may face individually or collectively in the coming semester and year. May we do so is my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

© Brigham Young University. All rights reserved. 

1. David Emery, “The History of the Seventh-Inning Stretch,” Humor, Urban Legends, LiveAbout, 25 March 2019, liveabout.com/who-invented-the-seventh-inning-stretch-3298241. See also Wikipedia, s.v. “seventh-inning stretch.”

2. See Elizabeth Nix, “How Did Baseball’s Seventh-Inning Stretch Originate?” History Stories, History, 22 August 2018, history.com/news/how-did-baseballs-seventh-inning-stretch-originate. See also Benjamin Hochman, “Seventh Inning: The Stretch,” Extras, Denver Post, 2015, extras.denverpost.com/nine-innings/inning7.html.

3. The Senators won the game 3-0 on a one-hitter by Walter Johnson. See Stephen V. Rice, “April 14, 1910: Walter Johnson Impresses President Taft on Opening Day,” Society for American Baseball Research (SABR), sabr.org/gamesproj/game/april-14-1910-walter-johnson-impresses-president-taft-on-opening-day.

4. Russell M. Nelson, “ Let God Prevail ,” Ensign, November 2020; quoting Bible Dictionary, s.v. “Israel.”

5. Genesis 32:28 , note b. See primitive root word for Israel, s.v. “sarah” at word number 8280 on page 121 of the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, New York: Abingdon Press, 1890): “to prevail:—have power (as a prince)”; see also word number 8280 on page 975 of The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon: With an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic, ed. Francis Brown, Samuel R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1906; reprint, Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1996): “persist, exert oneself, persevere.” Also see primitive root word for Israel, s.v. “sarar” at word number 8323 on page 121 of the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary in Strong’s Concordance: “to have . . . dominion:—altogether, make self a prince, (bear) rule.”

6. D&C 64:33 .

7. See Wikipedia, s.v. “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” The original 1908 lyrics were:

Katie Casey was baseball mad,

Had the fever and had it bad.

Just to root for the home town crew,

Katie blew.

On a Saturday her young beau

Called to see if she’d like to go

To see a show, but Miss Kate said, “No,

I’ll tell you what you can do:”

Take me out to the ball game,

Take me out with the crowd;

Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,

I don’t care if I never get back.

Let me root, root, root for the home team,

If they don’t win, it’s a shame.

For it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out,

At the old ball game.

Katie Casey saw all the games,

Knew the players by their first names.

Told the umpire he was wrong,

Good and strong.

When the score was just two to two,

Katie Casey knew what to do,

Just to cheer up the boys she knew,

She made the gang sing this song:

8. Lyricist Jack Norworth

claimed that he scribbled the words on an envelope after seeing a sign on the subway that read: “Baseball Today—Polo Grounds.” . . . Norworth also maintained that he had never attended a professional baseball game before penning those sixteen lines, which were set to music by songwriter and publisher Albert von Tilzer (1878–1956), who also had never seen a baseball game. [“Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” article, Library of Congress, loc.gov/item/ihas.200153239]

9. Hochman, “Seventh Inning: The Stretch”; emphasis added.

10. Hochman, “Seventh Inning: The Stretch”; quoting Lauren Cronin.

11. “Unity is power” (Joseph Smith, “To the Saints,” Times and Seasons 4, no. 24 [1 November 1843]: 377; quoted in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007], 275).

12. Joseph Smith taught:

Unity is strength. “How pleasing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” [see Psalm 133:1 ]. Let the Saints of the Most High ever cultivate this principle, and the most glorious blessings must result, not only to them individually, but to the whole church. [“Extract from an Epistle to the Elders in England,” Times and Seasons 2, no. 5 (1 January 1841): 258; text ­modernized; quoted in Teachings of Presidents: Joseph Smith,  276]

13. D&C 38:27 .

14. John 17:22–23 .

15. See 4 Nephi 1 .

16. See Acts 4:32 .

17. See Moses 7:16–20 , 69 .

18. Mosiah 18:21 .

19. Acts 4:32 ; Moses 7:18 . See also 4 Nephi 1:15, 17 .

20. 4 Nephi 1:16 .

21. Quentin L. Cook, “ Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity ,” Ensign, November 2020.

22. Martin Luther King Jr., Why We Can’t Wait (Boston: Beacon Press, 2011), 157.

23. See “ The Family: A Proclamation to the World ” (23 September 1995).

24. 1 Corinthians 12:14–15, 17, 20–21 .

25. Howard W. Hunter, “ That We May Be One ,” Ensign, May 1976.

26. Bruce C. Hafen, “ All Those Books, and the Spirit, Too !” BYU annual university conference address, 26 August 1991.

27. See Marcus Roberts, “ Democracy Through Jazz ,” BYU forum event with the Modern Jazz Generation, 25 February 2020.

28. Skip Heitzig, “Hang Together,” Connection devotional, LightSource, 2 July 2010, lightsource.com/devotionals/the-connection-devotional-with-skip-heitzig/the-connection-devotional-week-of-july-2-11634157.html.

29. Troy Warner, in Tad Walch, “BYU: The Top 10 Football Team Spreading a Message of Healing in 2020,” Faith, Sports, Deseret News, 6 November 2020.

30. Walch, “Spreading a Message.”

31. Isaiah Kaufusi, in Walch, “Spreading a Message.”

32. See Walch, “Spreading a Message.” Note that the BYU Store also has chosen to contribute all its share of the profits to the same cause.

33. 3 Nephi 11:29–30 . It is noteworthy that when describing the Zion society that flourished after the Savior’s visit to the Americas, Mormon, who had witnessed the complete disintegration of that society, repeatedly highlighted the absence of contention as a hallmark of the Zion society (see 4 Nephi 1:2, 13, 15, 18 ).

34. James R. Rasband, “ Paired Aspirations ,” BYU university conference faculty session address, 28 August 2017; emphasis in original.

35. Martin Luther King Jr., “Loving Your Enemies” (sermon preached in Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama, 17 November 1957), in King, Strength to Love (Boston: Beacon Press, 2019), 47.

36. Guide to the Scriptures, s.v. “unity”; emphasis added.

37. David A. Bednar, “ Marriage Is Essential to His Eternal Plan ,” Ensign, June 2006.

38. Reyna I. Aburto, “ With One Accord ,” Ensign, May 2018; quoting Jean B. Bingham, “ That Your Joy Might Be Full ,” Ensign, November 2017.

39. The Prophet Joseph Smith often encouraged the Saints to persevere in unity, admonishing them to engage in what he called “a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together,” a common saying at the time (quoted by Joseph Smith, in Times and Seasons 5, no. 3 [1 February 1844]: 427; quoted in Teachings of Presidents: Joseph Smith,  273).

See the complete list of abbreviations here

Kevin J Worthen

Kevin J Worthen, president of Brigham Young University, delivered this devotional address on January 12, 2021.

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Speech About Unity [1,2,3 Minutes]

Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Whether we talk about a county, society or family, It is an important factor in maintaining peace and harmony. Alongside, it is also a symbol of strength which gives us a sense of protection.

In this article, we shared some examples of speech about “unity”. These speeches will explain to you the importance of unity and how can unity help you grow in each sphere of life.

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1 Minute Speech About Unity

Good morning and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present my views on unity.

There is a saying; “A lone gram can’t bust the cooker” which means big achievements can’t be reached without unity and teamwork. Humans are social creatures. Being social means living together with other humans. This togetherness is called unity.

Unity is needed in each sphere of life be it a sense of protection, motivation, teamwork, support, guidance or growth. Without unity, one can not get the maximum advantages. Unity requires at least two persons but it does not support a maximum number.

Even if there is unity in a group, each person is different. This enables us to explore different perspectives, ideologies, skills and talents. This variety is very helpful to unlock the full capability of a group.

In short, alone we can do so little and together we can do so much. Thank you! I hope you liked my speech.

1 Minute Speech About Unity

2-Minute Speech On unity

Welcome honourable principal, respected teacher, loved parents and dear friends. Today, we are gathered here for this special occasion of… I am here to speak a few words about unity.

If I give you a wooden stick and ask you to break it. You probably break it at once. But if I ask you to do the same with a bundle of wooden sticks, will that be possible? I think it becomes a tough task. This is the difference between being a unit and being united.

Unity is the opposite of weakness. Who loves weakness? I am sure that almost everyone hates weaknesses. Everyone appreciates strengths. That is why unity holds a special place in a family, business, society, country etc. In short, It is an important element for each aspect of life. What do you think?

Well! let me explain. Unity in the family gives you joy, unity in business helps you witness growth, unity in society helps you get a sense of protection & support, and for a country, unity is a vital factor to maintain internal peace and harmony.

Most importantly, mere standing together is not unity but it is an emotional connection between individuals. When there is unity, people stand by one another in times of need and celebrations. If we do not unite, we can’t pave the way to progress and development.

Furthermore, where there is unity, there is  so much to explore, so much to enjoy and so much to learn. By being together we will fight with each other, and adore each other but we will never let any foreign entity harm our family, group, society or country.

This is all that I wanted to say. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

3 Minute Speech On Unity & its Importance

First of all, good morning to the honourable principal, respected teachers and loving friends and all of you present here today. In your special presence, I would like to say a few words about unity and why unity is important for all of us.

We have all known the importance of unity since the stone age when we lived together to protect ourselves from wild animals. Time changed but as living beings, a sense of protection resides within us. Unity gives us a feeling of safety from foreign entities.

For example, we saw the results of not being united when the Britishers adopted the trick of  divide and rule . They got successful and ruled over the nation for decades and exploited citizens. Then it was the unity that assisted us to get freedom. Thus, unity will always hold its significance.

Let’s talk about some of the advantages of unity.

1. Safety & Security

Living alone can make us feel insecure and unsafe. Being united provides us with a sense of protection and security. Apart from safety, unity multiplies happiness and divides sorrow . We learn to celebrate each other’s joy and share each other’s pain.

Everyone is unique and everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. We can bypass our weaknesses by getting support from the ones who have strength for that matter. Also, we can strengthen others by providing support which we are good at.

3. Teamwork

Unity encourages us to work in a team. Teamwork is a vital element for the overall progress of a group. For any individual, it is hard to perform a number of various tasks. Therefore, there is a need for many people with different talents to take full advantage of everyone’s capabilities.

Growth is a mission which becomes much easier when we involve a number of people in it. Growth is the name of achieving goals one by one. When we work together as a team, we are more likely to achieve superior goals as compared to when done it alone.

To sum it up, unity has innumerable advantages. It leaves a compounded effect on a goal. That is why it is said; one and one make eleven.

This is all I think of unity. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

3 Minute Speech About Unity

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  • “We must end this uncivil war”: Biden calls for unity in inaugural address

Biden asked for harmony while speaking to the immense challenges of the moment.

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In his first speech as president, Joe Biden emphasized unity, situating his inauguration among other tense moments in American history where democracy prevailed despite the country’s divisions and crises.

Referencing the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II, Biden’s address stood in stark contrast to the “American carnage” references his predecessor used four years ago, clarifying the challenges facing the nation but asking Americans to appeal to their better natures. While calling out the toxic nature of the misinformation that has divided the country — a notable mention while speaking to dozens of Republican lawmakers who denied his electoral win — Biden affirmed his belief in a unified country.

“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire, destroying everything in its path,” Biden said. “We must reject the culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured. My fellow Americans, we have to be different than this. America has to be better than this. And I believe America is so much better than this.”

Biden’s speech is about appealing to “our better angels,” “history, faith, and reason,” “dignity,” “respect,” “unity.” It’s literally a rebuttal to Trump’s “American carnage” Inaugural address. — Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) January 20, 2021

Biden presented a harmonious, hopeful vision of the country — something of a continuation with his (perhaps overly) idealistic campaign rhetoric that painted America as a nation better than its actions under President Donald Trump. On Inauguration Day , however, he did not gloss over the country’s issues, clearly calling out white supremacy, domestic terrorism, and racial injustice as being challenges to the soul of the nation, promising his “whole soul” was in the fight to make America “once again the leading force for good.”

The solution to America’s problems and the divisions it faces, Biden said, “is not to turn inward, to retreat into competing factions, distrusting those who don’t look like you or worship the way you do or don’t get their news from the same sources you do.”

The solution, he also made clear, was not his election. Instead, it is a collective ongoing effort. “We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal,” he continued. “We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts.”

Referencing the election of Vice President Kamala Harris as an example of the possibility of change, Biden asked Americans to join together to overcome the numerous challenges facing his presidency, particularly the “dark winter” the coronavirus will bring.

“I promise you we will be judged, you and I, by how we resolve these cascading crises of our era,” Biden said. “We will rise to the occasion.”

Read a rush transcript of the president’s full speech below.

Chief Justice Roberts, Vice President Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, leader McConnell, Vice President Pence, my distinguished guests, my fellow Americans, this is America’s day. This is democracy’s day, a day of history and hope, of renewal and resolve. Through a crucible for the ages America has been tested anew, and America has risen to the challenge. Today we celebrate the triumph, not of a candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democracy. The people, the will of the people, has been heard, and the will of the people has been heeded. We’ve learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.

For now on this hallowed ground, where just a few days ago violence sought to shake the capital’s very foundation, we come together one nation under God, indivisible, to carry out the peaceful transfer of power as we have for more than two centuries. As we look ahead in our uniquely American way, restless, bold, optimistic and set our sights on the nation we know we can be and we must be. I thank my predecessors of both parties for their presence here today. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. And I know the resilience of our constitution and the strength, the strength of our nation, as does President Carter, who I spoke with last night but cannot be with us today, but whom we salute for his lifetime and service.

I’ve just taken the sacred oath each of those patriots have taken. The oath first sworn by George Washington. But the American story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us, on we the people, who seek a more perfect union. This is a great nation. We are good people. And over the centuries, through storm and strife, in peace and in war, we’ve come so far, but we still have far to go. We’ll press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and significant possibilities. Much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, and much to gain. Few people in our nation’s history have been more challenged or found a time more challenging or difficult than the time we’re in now. Once in a century virus, it silently stalks the country. It’s taken as many lives in one year as America lost in all of World War II. Millions of jobs have been lost. Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed. A cry for racial justice some 400 years in the making moves us. The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer. A cry for survival comes from planet itself. A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear, and now arise political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.

To overcome these challenges, to restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words and requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy, unity. Unity. In another January on new year’s day in 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. When he put pen to paper, the president said, and I quote, if my name ever goes down in history, it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it. My whole soul is in it. Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this, bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation. And I ask every American to join me in this cause.

Uniting to fight the foes we face. Anger, resentment and hatred, extremism, lawlessness, violence, disease, joblessness and hopelessness. With unity we can do great things, important things. We can right wrongs. We can put people to work in good jobs. We can teach our children in safe schools. We can overcome the deadly virus. We can reward work and rebuild the middle class and make health care secure for all. We can deliver racial justice and we can make America once again the leading force for good in the world. I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy these days. I know the forces that divide us are deep and they are real. But I also know they are not new. Our history has been a constant struggle between the American ideal that we are all created equal, and the harsh ugly reality that racism, nativism, fear, demonization have long torn us apart. The battle is perennial, and victory is never assured. Through Civil War, the Great Depression, World War, 9/11, struggle, sacrifices, our better angels have always prevailed. In each of these moments, enough of us — enough of us — have come together to carry all of us forward, and we can do that now.

History, faith and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other, not as adversaries, but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect. We can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury. No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge and unity is the path forward. And we must meet this moment as the United States of America. If we do that, I guarantee you we will not fail. We have never, ever, ever failed in America when we’ve acted together.

And so today, at this time and this place, let’s start afresh, all of us. Let’s begin to listen to one another again, hear one another, see one another, show respect to one another. Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire, destroying everything in its path. Every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war. And we must reject the culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.

My fellow Americans, we have to be different than this. America has to be better than this. And I believe America is so much better than this. Just look around. Here we stand in the shadow of the Capitol dome, complete as the Civil War when the union itself was literally hanging in the balance. Yet we endured. We prevailed. Here we stand looking out on the great mall where Dr. King spoke of his dream. Here we stand, where 108 years ago at another inaugural, thousands of protesters tried to block brave women marching for the right to vote. And today, we mark the swearing in of the first woman in American history elected to national office, vice president Kamala Harris. Don’t tell me things can’t change.

Here we stand across the Potomac from Arlington Cemetery, where heroes who gave the last full measure of devotion rest in eternal peace. And here we stand, just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the rule of the people, the stop democracy, to drive us from this sacred ground. It did not happen. It will never happen. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever! Not ever.

All those who supported our campaign, I’m humbled by the faith you’ve placed in us. To all those who did not support us, let me say this. Hear me out as we move forward. Take a measure of me and my heart. If you still disagree, so be it. That’s democracy. That’s America. The right to dissent peaceably within the guardrails of our republic is perhaps this nation’s greatest strength. Yet hear me clearly. Disagreement must not lead to disunion. I pledge this to you. I will be a president for all Americans, all Americans. And I promise you, I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did.

Many centuries ago, St. Augusta, a saint in my church, wrote that a people was a multitude defined by the common objects of their love, defined by the common objects of their love. What are the common objects we as Americans love, that define us as Americans? I think we know. Opportunity, security, liberty, dignity, respect, honor and, yes, the truth. Recent weeks and months have taught us a painful lesson. There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. Each of us has the duty and responsibility as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders, leaders who have pledged to honor our constitution and protect our nation, to defend the truth and defeat the lies.

I understand that many of my future with fear and trepidation. I understand they worry about their jobs. I understand, like my dad, they lay in bed at night staring at the ceiling wondering, can I keep my healthcare? Can I pay my mortgage? Thinking about their families, about what comes next. I promise you, I get it. But the answer is not to turn inward, to retreat into competing factions, distrusting those who don’t look like you or worship the way you do or don’t get their news from the same sources you do. We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal. We can do this, if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts. If we show a little tolerance and humility. And if we’re willing to stand in the other person’s shoes, as my mom would say, just for a moment, stand in their shoes. Because here’s the thing about life. There’s no counting for what fate will deal you. Some days when you need a hand, or other days when we’re called to lend a hand. That’s how it has to be. That’s what we do for one another. And if we are this way, our country will be stronger, more prosperous, more ready for the future.

We can still disagree. My fellow American, in the work ahead of us, we’re going to need each other. We need all our strength to persevere through this dark winter. We’re entering what may be the toughest and deadliest period of the virus. We must set aside politics and finally face this pandemic as one nation. One nation.

I promise you this. As the bible says, we may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. We will get through this together. Together! Look, folks, all my colleagues I serve with in the House and Senate up here, we all understand the world is watching, watching all of us today. So here’s my message to those beyond our borders. America has been tested and we’ve come out stronger for it. We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again. Not to meet yesterday’s challenges, but today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. And we’ll lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.

We will be a strong and trusted partner for peace, progress and security. Look, you all know, we’ve been through so much in this nation. My first act as President, I’d like to ask you to join me in a moment of silent prayer to remember all those who we lost this past year to the pandemic, those 400,000 fellow Americans, moms, dads, husband, wives, daughters, sons, coworkers. We will honor them by becoming the people and the nation we know we can and should be. Let’s say a silent prayer for those who lost their lives and for those left behind and for our country. Amen.

Folks, this is a time of testing. We face an attack on democracy and untruth, a raging virus, growing inequity, sting of systemic racism, a climate in crisis, America’s role in the world. Any one of these would be enough to challenge us in profound ways, but the fact is, we face them all at once presenting this nation with one of the gravest responsibilities we’ve had. Now we’re going to be tested. Are we going to step up, all of us? It’s time for boldness, for there’s so much to do. This is certain. I promise you we will be judged, you and I, by how we resolve these cascading crises of our era. We will rise to the occasion. The question, will we master this rare and difficult hour? Will we meet our obligation and pass along a new and better world to our children? I believe we must. I’m sure you do as well. I believe we will. When we do, we’ll write the next great chapter in the history of the United States of America. The American story. A story that might sound something like a song that means a lot to me. It’s called “American anthem.”

There’s one verse that stands out, at least for me. It goes like this. The work and prayers of century have brought us to this day, what shall be our legacy, what will our children say. Let me know in my heart when my days are through, America, America, I gave my best to you. Let’s add, let’s us add our own work and prayers to the unfolding story of our great nation. If we do this, then when our days are through, our children and our children’s children will say of us, they gave their best, they did their duty, they healed the broken land.

My fellow Americans, I close the day where I began, with a sacred oath, before God and all of you. I give you my word, I will always level with you. I will defend the constitution. I’ll defend our democracy. I’ll defend America. And I will give all, all of you, keep everything I do in your service, thinking not of power, but of possibility, the public good. Together, we shall write an American story of hope, not fear, of unity, not division, of light, not darkness, a story of decency and dignity, love and healing, greatness and goodness. May this be the story that guides us, the story that inspires us, and the story that tells ages yet to come that we answer the call of history. We met the moment. Democracy and hope, truth and justice did not die on our watch, but thrived. That America secured liberty at home and stood once again as a beacon to the world. That is what we owe our forebearer, one another and generations to follow. So, with purpose and resolve, we turn to those tasks of our time, sustained by faith, driven by conviction, devoted to one another and the country we love with all our hearts. May God bless America and may God protect our troops.

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a speech on unity

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  • Speech on Unity is Strength


Long and Short Speech on Unity is Strength

Unity means the state of being whole or joined as one. It doesn’t matter whether it is between 2 persons or 2 billion people. When they are on the same page, and work for the betterment of each member in that lies unity. And unity is truly a strength as our history is evidence of many such incidents. It is through unity that people work as a team, and teamwork is always more valuable as it brings people together. In this article of Speech on Unity is strength we will explore different ways to present such speech. It can be a long or a short speech on unity. 

Long Speech on Unity is Strength

This format can help students to delve deeper into the topic of Unity is Strength. And such a speech of 500 words is useful for students in grades 8-12.

Good morning everyone, I am Abc (mention your name) here to speak on the topic of Unity is Strength. In our country, there is a diversity of different kinds of people, coming from different districts, regions or states of the country. And because we fought back and rebelled against the British who had for aeons treated us as slaves in our country we could attain independence. 

We would not be living in a free nation like ours if it were not for the unity demonstrated by our freedom fighters who sacrificed so much for us. History is evident for what a revolution unity can bring. For instance, in the Battle of Saragarhi, in the year 1897 on 12th September, 21 Sikh soldiers stood united and fought against the Afghans bravely. They gave their lives for the country. 

Today abroad, wherever there are people belonging to a particular nation, invariably form a community. Unity of communities is seen where they have a history of shared experiences and relate to one another. This feeling of belongingness because of unity gives them the strength to live their lives courageously in a foreign land far away from home.

Unity is not just limited to the nation. It is a broad term that can also be associated with unity among families, students in a classroom, marriages and religion. When the students are united, they can deal with difficulties easily and also stand up for their rights when one is discriminated against or ill-treated. When in a marriage the couple is united, it is beneficial for the family as they can hold each other through the ups and downs of life.

Sadly today, there is less unity among the people and they are hell-bent on rising above one another. In the name of religion, colour and caste, many battles and wars are fought. Like in our country, the Muslim community being the minority faces so many allegations even though they are not at fault. I have come to know of many such harsh experiences because my best friend belongs to a Muslim family.

The political lens portrayed as the world view should not mislead us. The truth that crime can be committed by anybody despite their religious inclinations creates divisions and people don’t unite with others at a time of crisis. When you believe such a piece of information it robs you of many beautiful experiences as you become apprehensive and cynical of others. And that is no way to fully enjoy or live one life.  

Let’s not fall prey to any such trap of divisive opinions and prove to the world once again that unity is strength. We can do this by truly understanding and acting upon it by removing all personal biases. India is the most diverse country and we must be the flag bearers of unity.

Short Speech on Unity 

This is a 250-word speech on unity that will explain the meaning and importance of the topic. It can be extremely helpful for students in grades 4-7.

Good morning everyone, respected principal, teachers and students. I am here today to speak on the topic of unity and help understand that unity is strength. In this competitive world that we currently reside in, everyone wants to outperform one another in both the professional and personal aspects of life.

While it is important to be ambitious, one must remember that spending time with family and finding time for the things we love is even more important. Because of this driven nature, we are not spending time with one another. This lack of having quality time has made us more reserved and averse to other people. 

This aversion leads to indifference, which creates a division that is the opposite of unity. It is through unity that our country fought and won against the British for independence. And today we do not bother to acknowledge each other for anything. 

The world that we live in is also diverse and our nation alone stands at the peak of diversity. And if we don’t stand united on all fronts then who are we supposed to reach out for? All that is good, lies in unity, it is through unity that we can move mountains and face every adversity or threat. 

Unity must be an inherent part of families, marriage, communities, religions and nations regardless of our differences. Fights and misunderstandings based on our differences are baseless, our uniqueness and diversities should be our strength.

The spirit of the phrase unity is strength, fits our nation the best and we should also embrace it as individuals and live our lives in peace and harmony. 

10 Line Speech on Unity is Strength

This is a brief speech on unity helpful to make understand its meaning to the students in grades 1-3.

The famous quote ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ truly captures the essence and spirit of Unity is a strength.

Earlier we were slaves to the British empire because they divided and conquered us.

They could do that because we all lacked unity among ourselves as countrymen and an entire nation.

And once we rose to the occasion and stood together putting our united front we attained independence after 200 years of rule in 1947.

Now we are further divided because we lack empathy and tolerance for one another.

Even belonging to the same nation has divided us by so many differences that we focus on.

Instead of that, we should focus on first being a human being and find our commonality in that and not in religion or caste and colour. 

 It is our differences that make us beautiful, like no finger of a palm is the same and each has its own use. We as people also should stay united like that.

Unity also gives us the courage and strength to fight back and have faith in our support system even when a marriage becomes successful when the individuals are united. 

It is an important quality and it keeps the families and communities together. 


FAQs on Speech on Unity is Strength

1. How to write a speech?

To write and deliver a good speech, follow these steps-

Understand the Audience - Understanding the audience who'll be witnessing the speech can give one edge as then one will prepare them in a target audience-oriented way. Getting to know the audience will give insight into their thoughts, biases, and audiences. This will help to reach them fluidly. Assume what questions the audience might ask or what they'll be expecting from the speech and if one could surprise the audience by capturing their attention to the fullest. Understanding the audience can help one hack their speech for maximum and optimum output.

Focus on the Topic - When preparing for the speech, take sufficient time to understand the topic and make sure the speech is directed in an expected way and not going anywhere at any time. Start with understanding the topic and marking what all points are needed to be covered in a speech. Then prepare an outline on how the speech will go point by point. Now write the speech as practice reading it in your head and aloud. 

Control What can be Controlled - Knowing the venue and being prepared with appropriate research will minimize the chance of mistakes. Practicing by keeping the time frame given in mind and listening to the recording of practice can help one to improve in a very short period.

2. How can unity be achieved in a team?

Unity in a team is very important to work together and win the competition or complete the project. Unity can be achieved in a team by-

Define Goals - The whole team should know what they are fighting for and what they've been working towards so that they are constantly motivated.

Trust - Trust in=a very important for unity and is best when everyone in a team can trust each other. 

Practice - Practice is one of the most important and hidden secrets of unity as no team is perfect from day 1, they need to understand each other, make mistakes and trust again to make a good team. 

3. What are some important secondary tips to make a speech good?

 Speeches can be made interesting and grab more attention when you follow the following tips-

Interesting - An interesting speech should be delivered interestingly and pleasingly so that the audience is inspired to pay attention and not get distracted.

Considering the Audience - A good Speech is delivered to a specific audience considering the anticipations, interests, and nature of opinions of the audience.

Speaking Slowl y- An ideal speech is delivered slowly and in the usual tone. It helps the audience to hear and understand the message clearly.

Free from Emotions - one more thing to keep in mind is that a good speech is one that is delivered in an impartial and unemotional, unbiased way as the speaker’s emotion could lead them away from the theme.

Ensuring Participation of Audience - Great speeches guarantee the participation of the audience with the speaker which means the audience will ensure their engagement through adequate listening, expressing their opinions and viewpoints with the speaker.

4. What makes a speech, a ‘Good Speech’?

Speeches are a big part of our history and as well an important skill for one to climb up the success ladder. Speech giving is not an easy skill but can be learned with practice and the right understanding of what to do. Following are a few things that should be kept in mind to write and deliver a good speech-

Clarity - Clarity in a speech refers to a clear and precise speech that the audience can understand easily. If the speech is not clear enough to communicate its meaning and message to the audience, it will become useless. The message of the speech should be definite and appropriate to the topic.

Pointedness - Nobody wants to hear the same things again and again with different words and therefore the speech should be as concise as possible. The audience becomes intolerant with a long speech and hence, unnecessary points should be removed from the speech.

Use of Body Language - Good Speech becomes perfect with the necessary body language. Therefore, while delivering a speech, the speaker should use various nonverbal cues to engage with the audience on a subconscious level and keep their attention on the speech. This is very useful to minimize distractions for the listeners.

Speech on Unity is Strength for Students 600 and 1000 Words

Speech on Unity is Strength for Students and Children

In this article, you will read Speech on Unity is Strength for students and children. We have included two speeches in 600 and 1000 words for school and college students.

Table of Contents

Unity is strength can refer to families, marriages, countries, communities, religions, and even classrooms at school. It is also to say that we are much stronger than being alone.

As you all know that all the citizens of the country unitedly fought to make our country independent. If there is no unity among all the citizens, then we are not free today, so Unity is essential for us and everyone.

Lets go the speech part-

Speech of Unity Is Strength (600 Words)

Good morning to all of you,

I am thankful to all of you for allowing me to speak on this special occasion today. Today we are all together and discussing it together. 

Our five fingers together form a claw. The claw of the hand has creative power; it can be an artisan, a worker, a writer, a painter, a teacher , a soldier. The only failure comes when the power of the individual fingers is divided.

The development of our society is based on this spirit; our existence rests on this spirit. In ancient times, man did not live together; he lived like animals. And ever since it became a society with Unity, civilization developed. And our security increased, facilities increased.

As you are aware of all the TV and newspapers that people all over the world are victims of many kinds of violence. For example, this violence is domestic, religious, and even between countries. The main reason for this is the lack of Unity among the people; people quarrel with each other for their small benefit and are forgetting the power of Unity. 

“Unity” means work in a unified way. The term is mostly used to refer to people and communities, united in the face of adversities and threats. It refers to 2 or more people working as a unit. Between people and societies, Unity plays an important role. Our country was not free for 200 years because of a lack of Unities in the past.

The British came to our country as traders, and then they ruled over us because of a lack of mutual Unity among the people of our country. All the citizens of our country unitedly fought for freedom and proved that Unity could bring success, and this is how we got our independence on August 15, 1947.

We should still live with Unity, we should not think that we are free now, so there is no need for Unity. We should stop all the conflicts in our country – based on location, religion, and color. If we do not live together, another country will start ruling over us again, and then we do not know how many years we have to remain slaves, maybe over 200 years.

Therefore, in the end, I would like to tell you again that there is Unity, strength in prestige in the organization. There are many stories to tell about this, such as pigeons and traps ‘old father and his five sons.

And “strength of unity” and “destruction in the division” when we are relying on a group, we should unite so that we can succeed. Being divided into a group, we never get to taste success.

Thank you, who listened carefully to my speech among all of you, I hope all of you will understand the Importance of its Unity and say to others as well.

Speech for Strength of Unity (1000 words)

Good morning to the principal, all teachers and students. First of all, I want to express my gratitude to all of you because they have given me such a great opportunity to present some of my words to all of you on this great occasion. I want to discuss a very important topic with you today.

That theme is “unity is power” in today’s people, I want to ask, is this just a saying? It has been seen from the beginning of humankind that whenever there is division, only destruction has taken place. I am sure you will understand the power of Unity because you are all mature, and if you understand this, then you should also understand that the quarrel is meaningless.

It only spoils society and relationships. We can never beat big trouble by remaining isolated. I want to understand this by giving you an example. There lived a poor old man in a village who had five boys. Those five brothers were always quarreling among themselves. One day that man’s health became terrible; he felt he is going to die now.

He called all his boys and made a wooden bundle of 5 sticks and gave them to his boys and asked the boys to break the bundle. One by one, all five boys tried, but no boy could break the bundle. Then he opened the bundle and gave 1 to 1 wood to his boys and said break it.

Everyone broke easily. The man then told his sons, anyone can break a stick easily; it is very easy to destroy one person. If you choose to remain separate after my death, anyone can take advantage of the situation of you and harm you. But if you all choose to stick together like this bundle of sticks, no one of your enemies can harm you.

After this, all his sons promised to live together for a lifetime. The moral of the story is “unity is strength” Unity is an important factor even within a family and our society. Family members, who live together and support each other, have a lasting relationship. It can solve each other’s problems in a valuable manner.

Napoleon, a French leader, believed that “there are only two forces that unite men – fear and interest.” However, today, the term interest is broadly used. People can b together because of the need of their spirit, which has nothing to do with common interests. They can also be together because of a shared history or past, as with the civilians.

of a country. In our society, Factors such as trust, engagement, understanding, and love help to maintain Unity among people.

Always good ideas inspire people; they will remain united and strong for it. The moment the group doesn’t have Unity, everything collapses. So please remember to stand tall against all difficulties. Please do not forget if we are not united, and we cannot taste success. It is very important to be together to taste success.

I think you heard this famous saying? “United We Stand Divided We Fall.”

Today, people living in 29 different states and seven different union territories in our country are with faith in brotherhood. Care, love, and harmony together give it a real essence of life. It is a unity that has become the basis of a prosperous, strong, and prosperous India in the country despite terrorism, corruption, and disorder.

People in India have a high affinity for work and spirituality, which makes relationships strong, and at the same time, people respect all religions equally. Today we have discussed here and found that Unity is supreme and omnipotent in every stage of life. And I would also like to say that no unity is possible in this world without Unity.

Unity is not only for our country, but an integral part of the entire world, and many issues are seen where a country is going through a problem, and the countries of the world are united to solve this problem. This can be possible if Unity is there. So we know Unity plays an important role in every aspect of everyone’s life.

No one but only Unity has the power to change the whole world. It is fully up to us we are all united. We are celebrating Independence Day in our country on August 15 every year, which is the greatest example of the strength of Unity.

It was not possible without the feeling of the power of Unity among the people, and Unity is one reason why our country is free today. All the people in the country unitedly fought for freedom and freed the country. This would never have been possible without Unity.

This is the correct time when we are united against all difficulties such as terrorism , riots, animal cruelty, murder, corruption, etc. All these problems can be eliminated from the root only if we are united against it.

With this, I want to end my speech and special thanks to our principle, teachers who supported this speech unconditionally. I would like to give a special thanks to all the people to gather here and make this event a success. 

Thank you so much. Forgiving me this opportunity to address.

I hope you liked these speeches on Unity is Strength for students and children.

Also read: Essay on Unity in Diversity

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  • Speech on Unity In Diversity

Speech on Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity is a term used to praise the feeling of togetherness shown by people. There is a Swahili proverb that says, “Unity is strength, division is weakness.” Do you want to know more about the power of unity? Use this article for more information regarding the topic and present an enlightening speech on unity in diversity.

Table of Contents

Unity in diversity speech in english, one-minute speech on unity in diversity, speech on unity in diversity in 150 words, top quotes to use in a speech on unity in diversity, frequently asked questions on unity in diversity, sample speeches on unity in diversity.

A couple of sample speeches on unity in diversity are given below. Go through them and utilise the resource to better understand the topic.

As we all know, India is a secular country. We, in India, are diverse in language, religion, culture, etc. Despite all these differences, there exists a remarkable sense of unity among us, which is why India is presented before the world as a nation that exhibits unity in diversity.

In India, there are nearly 1.38 billion people, and all of them share different thoughts and ideologies. The freedom struggle for Indian independence is enough to highlight the unity in diversity of our nation. People belonging to different religious and cultural beliefs unitedly fought in the movements for the liberation of our nation.

India is one of the world’s largest countries and has people believing in various religions, and each of these religions has got its religious festivals. The people of India speak numerous languages like English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Bhojpuri, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil, Odia, and so on. In spite of all these diversities, everyone lives in India with a strong love for the nation. It is this love that brings people together. It is never an easy thing to bring unity among these people. Nationalism and patriotism play a vital role in uniting the people of India. Unity in diversity increases the harmony and peace of a nation, and it shows the strength of a nation.

Unity in diversity is a dream for many nations and organisations. In 2000, the European Union adopted “Unity in Diversity” as their official motto. The adoption of this motto highlighted the unity of diverse nations who were members of the European Union. This concept is integral for the betterment of human society. People have to develop faith in such uniting concepts. Then only can the world bloom in its full colours. People have to respect and love each other irrespective of their differences. With such virtues developed, people can easily eradicate civil challenges like discrimination and oppression from society. Let’s unite together and spread love for a better world.

Unity in diversity can be stated as a conceptualisation for uniting people with different characteristics. The concept of secularism and unity in diversity has been used in our nation since time immemorial to symbolise the unity of people under one title – India. The thought of unity in diversity helps individuals to accept people. People start respecting the individuality of living beings, value their uniqueness, and respect the opinions of the people. It develops a trust and connection between the people. Such coordination helps in effective decision making and aids in the growth of the nation. By improving mutual respect, solutions for various social issues, riots and other disturbances can be easily attained. It helps to reduce the hatred among the people and increases the overall contentment of the nation.

  • “Unity, to be real, must stand the severest strain without breaking.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
  • “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
  • “There is beauty and power in unity. We must be united in heart and mind. One world, one people.” – Lailah Gifty Akita.
  • “Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek.
  • “Find the good. Seek the unity. Ignore the divisions among us.” – Aristotle.
  • “There is more power in unity than division.” – Emanuel Cleaver.
  • “Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. We attain unity only through variety. Differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed.” – Mary Parker Follett.
  • “Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity will lead to peace.” – Mother Teresa.
  • “Even the weak become strong when they are united.” – Friedrich Schiller.
  • “So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.- Bahaullah.

What is the importance of unity in diversity?

Unity in diversity can be stated as a conceptualisation for uniting people with different characteristics. People can easily eradicate civil challenges like discrimination and oppression from society with such concepts. Unity in diversity increases the harmony and peace of a nation, and it shows the strength of a nation.

How is India an example of unity in diversity?

In India, people are diverse in language, religion, culture, festivals, etc. Despite all these differences, a remarkable sense of unity exists among us. That is why India is presented before the world as a nation that exhibits unity in diversity.

List some quotes to use in a speech on unity in diversity.

  • “Unity, to be real, must stand the severest strain without breaking.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
  • “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
  • “There is beauty and power in unity. We must be united in heart and mind. One world, one people.” – Lailah Gifty Akita.

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Eden AI

Posted on Jan 31 • Originally published at edenai.co

How to use Text-to-Speech in Unity

Enhance your Unity game by integrating artificial intelligence capabilities. This Unity AI tutorial will walk you through the process of using the Eden AI Unity Plugin, covering key steps from installation to implementing various AI models.

What is Unity ?

Unity Logo

Established in 2004, Unity is a gaming company offering a powerful game development engine that empowers developers to create immersive games across various platforms, including mobile devices, consoles, and PCs.

If you're aiming to elevate your gameplay, Unity allows you to integrate artificial intelligence (AI), enabling intelligent behaviors, decision-making, and advanced functionalities in your games or applications.

GitHub Unity Eden AI Plugin

Unity offers multiple paths for AI integration. Notably, the Unity Eden AI Plugin effortlessly syncs with the Eden AI API, enabling easy integration of AI tasks like text-to-speech conversion within your Unity applications.

Benefits of integrating Text to Speech into video game development

Integrating Text-to-Speech (TTS) into video game development offers a range of benefits, enhancing both the gaming experience and the overall development process:

1. Immersive Player Interaction

TTS enables characters in the game to speak, providing a more immersive and realistic interaction between players and non-player characters (NPCs).

2. Accessibility for Diverse Audiences

TTS can be utilized to cater to a diverse global audience by translating in-game text into spoken words, making the gaming experience more accessible for players with varying linguistic backgrounds.

3. Customizable Player Experience

Developers can use TTS to create personalized and adaptive gaming experiences, allowing characters to respond dynamically to player actions and choices.

4. Innovative Gameplay Mechanics

Game developers can introduce innovative gameplay mechanics by incorporating voice commands, allowing players to control in-game actions using spoken words, leading to a more interactive gaming experience.

5. Adaptive NPC Behavior

NPCs with TTS capabilities can exhibit more sophisticated and human-like behaviors, responding intelligently to player actions and creating a more challenging and exciting gaming environment.

6. Multi-Modal Gaming Experiences

TTS opens the door to multi-modal gaming experiences, combining visual elements with spoken dialogues, which can be especially beneficial for players who prefer or require alternative communication methods.

Integrating TTS into video games enhances the overall gameplay, contributing to a more inclusive, dynamic, and enjoyable gaming experience for players.

Use cases of Video Game Text-to-Speech Integration

Text-to-Speech (TTS) integration in video games introduces various use cases, enhancing player engagement, accessibility, and overall gaming experiences. Here are several applications of TTS in the context of video games:

Quest Guidance

TTS can guide players through quests by providing spoken instructions, hints, or clues, offering an additional layer of assistance in navigating game objectives.

Interactive Conversations

Enable players to engage in interactive conversations with NPCs through TTS, allowing for more realistic and dynamic exchanges within the game world.

Accessibility for Visually Impaired Players

TTS aids visually impaired players by converting in-game text into spoken words, providing crucial information about game elements, menus, and story developments.

Character AI Interaction

TTS can enhance interactions with AI-driven characters by allowing them to vocally respond to player queries, creating a more realistic and immersive gaming environment.

Interactive Learning Games

In educational or serious games, TTS can assist in delivering instructional content, quizzes, or interactive learning experiences, making the gameplay educational and engaging.

Procedural Content Generation

TTS can contribute to procedural content generation by dynamically narrating events, backstory, or lore within the game, adding depth and context to the gaming world.

‍ Integrating TTS into video games offers a versatile set of applications that go beyond traditional text presentation, providing new dimensions of interactivity, accessibility, and storytelling.

How to integrate TTS into your video game with Unity

Step 1. install the eden ai unity plugin.

Eden AI Unit Plugin

Ensure that you have a Unity project open and ready for integration. If you haven't installed the Eden AI plugin, follow these steps:

  • Open your Unity Package Manager
  • Add package from GitHub ‍

Step 2. Obtain your Eden AI API Key

To get started with the Eden AI API, you need to sign up for an account on the Eden AI platform.

Try Eden AI for FREE

Once registered, you will get an API key which you will need to use the Eden AI Unity Plugin. You can set it in your script or add a file auth.json to your user folder (path: ~/.edenai (Linux/Mac) or %USERPROFILE%/.edenai/ (Windows)) as follows:

Alternatively, you can pass the API key as a parameter when creating an instance of the EdenAIApi class. If the API key is not provided, it will attempt to read it from the auth.json file in your user folder.

Step 3. Integrate Text-to-Speech on Unity

Bring vitality to your non-player characters (NPCs) by empowering them to vocalize through the implementation of text-to-speech functionality.

Leveraging the Eden AI plugin, you can seamlessly integrate a variety of services, including Google Cloud, OpenAI, AWS, IBM Watson, LovoAI, Microsoft Azure, and ElevenLabs text-to-speech providers, into your Unity project (refer to the complete list here).

Text-to-speech on Eden AI

This capability allows you to tailor the voice model, language, and audio format to align with the desired atmosphere of your game.

Open your script file where you want to implement the text-to-speech functionality.

Import the required namespaces at the beginning of your script:

  • Create an instance of the Eden AI API class:
  • Implement the SendTextToSpeechRequest function with the necessary parameters:

Step 4: Handle the Text-to-Speech Response

The SendTextToSpeechRequest function returns a TextToSpeechResponse object.

Access the response attributes as needed. For example:

Step 5: Customize Parameters (Optional)

The SendTextToSpeechRequest function allows you to customize various parameters:

  • Rate: Adjust speaking rate.
  • Pitch: Modify speaking pitch.
  • Volume: Control audio volume.
  • VoiceModel: Specify a specific voice model.
  • Include these optional parameters based on your preferences. ‍

Step 6: Test and Debug

Run your Unity project and test the text-to-speech functionality. Monitor the console for any potential errors or exceptions, and make adjustments as necessary.

Now, your Unity project is equipped with text-to-speech functionality using the Eden AI plugin. Customize the parameters to suit your game's atmosphere, and enhance the immersive experience for your players.

TTS integration enhances immersion and opens doors for diverse gameplay experiences. Feel free to experiment with optional parameters for further fine-tuning. Explore additional AI functionalities offered by Eden AI to elevate your game development here.

About Eden AI

Eden AI is the future of AI usage in companies: our app allows you to call multiple AI APIs.

  • Centralized and fully monitored billing
  • Unified API: quick switch between AI models and providers
  • Standardized response format: the JSON output format is the same for all suppliers.
  • The best Artificial Intelligence APIs in the market are available
  • Data protection: Eden AI will not store or use any data.

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Speech on Unity in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Unity : The topic unity has always been of great importance, especially when it is to be addressed in relation with the students. The need to understand unity and its various uses, arises everywhere whether professionally or personally or even in the families. Moreover, teachers frequently assign their students to prepare a speech on unity to let them learn about what role it plays in our day to day lives. We give you both short speeches on unity as well as long speeches on unity. One can also explore slogans on unity to inspire collaboration, foster togetherness, and ignite a sense of collective purpose. The content that we provide is easy to understand and can help students to realize the importance of unity with the help of a number of examples that are provided in the speeches. We take pride in saying that our content can turn out to be a good reference point for all the students.

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Speech on Unity

Unity Speech

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Short Speech on Unity

Warm Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen!

I, Rajesh from Class 10, stand here to deliver a speech today. After listening to all my fellow classmates, I will now with the permission of all the staff members would like to speak on the most essential element of human existence, that is Unity.

A famous saying by Franklin D. Roosevelt goes like “The point in history at which we stand is full of promises and danger. The world will either move forward towards unity and widely shared prosperity or it will move apart”. The saying has always proved to be right as whenever there has been any flinch in unity, the world has observed a lot of terror and instability.

People living in India are from various castes, religion and beliefs; however they live in unity and prove the fact that unity in diversity. Unity focuses on the existence of mutual peace, love harmony, etc despite having differences in so many ways like caste, class, religion, etc. With regard to the Indian religions, its range never ends. It is the place of the reunion of various languages and religions. People from the entire world with distinctive customs are found living in our country in a very peaceful manner. Here Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Christians, Buddhist, Jains and Parsees live with love and peace with one another. All of them observe religious festivals with great zeal and enthusiasm.

When there is harmony, there is more strength in views, better communication and better understanding. The freedom fighters of Indian right from the Britishers encroachment on our land to the day when India celebrated its first independence day would not have been possible without the combined effort of all the people irrespective of different religious or cultural background. They were just driven by a single agenda and that is to win back India’s freedom. This is why the freedom struggle of India is a great example of unity in diversity.

People living in 29 different states and 7 different Union territories are bound together by one faith of brotherhood. Living together with bond, care, love and harmony provides the real essence of life. It is unity which has become the cornerstone of prosperous, strong and happy India even after a lot of terrorism, corruption and commotion countrywide. People hold karma and spirituality in high importance which deepens the bond. People respect all the religions equally. The unity not only helps people morally, but it is also a great paradigm for other countries which attract a lot of tourists to a large extent.

For instance, a family symbolizes bonding, harmony and oneness, they live together under same roof, they share a very strong bond, they even share their woes and sorrows with each other and this is the basic strength of unity. The importance of unity can never be undermined. A few drops of water make the mighty ocean and it makes the basis of unity.

From what we have discussed in our conversation today, it is found that the unity reigns and sways supreme in each and every walk of life. No achievement in this world would be possible without unity.

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students!

I am Sakshi from class 9 th , Section-A and your host for today. Today, we all have gathered here on this year’s annual function and the management committee has decided not to conduct classes as a special treatment for the students for putting their best efforts towards building the integrity of our school. Today, I would like to speak on the topic called Unity.

Unity is defined as a quality in people where they can work in groups whether big or small for the combined interest of all and without working just for the sole interest of his/her own. It is an emotion of oneness, togetherness, harmony, for a single and common goal.

Strength, pragmatically speaking, stresses on unity, and every time people act in harmony and unison with one another, their fortitude increases hundred-fold. The famous fable of the farmer and his cantankerous sons will illustrate my ideas very vividly. The farmer asked his dogmatic sons to break a bundle of sticks, and the sons failed. Later he asked them to break each stick separately and they could all break the sticks without putting any extra effort. The father thus drove home to teach them significant lesson that united they stood and divided they fall. So, it is self- evident that unity plays very important role in every phase of human life whereas hatred and standing separate is a loophole in unity which leads us to rack and ruin.

Unity also provides equal rights for all. Standing together boosts morale of people at several places to include workplaces, personal lives and various organisations. It helps in enhancing relationships and stresses on teamwork thus improving performance, quality of work done, and healthy lifestyle. It also improves healthy human relationship and protects equal human rights for all.

Unity in diversity in India specifically provides source of tourism. People from diverse customs, origin, lifestyle, religions and festivals attract more visitors and tourists from other countries of the world. Unity gives boost to the sense of national unity amongst the people even being diverse in almost all the aspects. It respects the value of rich heritage of a country, strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of the same.

The society is the basic unit of nation, and when there is unity in the organisation of a well organised society, it will without any doubt contribute to the development of the nation which is the ultimate goal. Globally, a number of problems are raising their heads up and there is needed to be united in a method to handle and tackle these crises and at specific levels. It is essential for various nations to be united and together face this situation. It is the ability of any living being which exists in this cosmos.

Unity is Strength a great quality in itself and comes with tremendous advantages. For instance, every human being can lead a secure existence till the time he/she is living in unison. On the other hand, when they are alone they can be easily deceived and overpowered. Thus, we all should follow the basic rule of being united so that no power can ever break us apart and we can strive towards development.

Now, please allow me to conclude my speech and I also request everyone to feel free to ask questions, if they have any.

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Long Speech on Unity

A Very Good Morning Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Today we all are here for the seminar organized by our school for teaching us the importance of unity and team work in our academic and personal life. We all are already aware of the role that unity plays in a team, family, company, country etc. Without unity, existence of life would not have been possible in this world.

Unity is a key to success for any team. If we have to work with other people, then it becomes quite important to cooperate with them because every person has a different thinking and a different view towards every situation. However, it is a bit difficult to live with unity with different people. There are many examples in this world where unity is maintained and where unity is endangered. So, let us take an example where both the cases exist.

As in India, we get to see a huge diversity in religions, castes, languages etc all over the country. Here, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians etc lives together with unity. In such a country like India, it becomes quite difficult to maintain unity among people because People belonging to different cultures and religions have the different ideologies. As of course, when two people of different ideologies come together then there will be a clash of different thinking, believes and ideas and hence there will be a danger for the existence of unity on this land. But still, our country is capable of maintaining peace among the people and this is only possible in the existence of unity.

We celebrate Independence Day every year in our country on 15 th August that is the biggest example of the strength of unity of all time. It would not have been possible without the power and the spirit of unity among people. Unity is the main reason for why our country is able to retain freedom in this world. Unlike this, there are still many places where unity does not exist in the country. We get to hear many news related to murders, rapes, robbery, etc daily. All these things are not in the favor of unity. All these crimes happens due the lack of security and as well as unity among people because most of the people do not take interest in helping others where these crimes takes place.

We all students are the future of this country and we have to understand the importance of unity in our life. Unity is the reason for the existence of brotherhood, fraternity and care that we have towards other people. We can also learn lessons of unity from animals too. They exist in this world due to their unity. Having unity is essential for the survival.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and extend special thanks to Principal Ma’am for organizing this event and providing us the opportunity for realizing the importance of unity in this world and also to all of you for being so patient and for paying attention towards my words.

Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Also Read: National Unity Day

A Very Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, this gathering in this area has been organized for a special social cause. For waking the spirit of unity in the heart of people, the spirit by which our country was able to achieve freedom after the years of bondage in its history. This spirit among people which is the biggest reason for the life existence on earth needs to get awake. As we know that India is a land of diversity but still people lives together with love and affection towards each other. Almost each one of us knows that we should respect each other’s religions.

I hope that you all have heard a line “united we stand and divided we fall” and it is indeed absolutely true. Unity is a pillar upon which the whole world and especially countries are dependent. If a country is going through any crises than it becomes a bit easy to tackle such problems if the people of the country are united. Those politician who normally opposes each other every time, should also stand with unity. All these things are only possible if people will have faith towards their country.

As I have said earlier that our country India is a multi-religious country and still she have a spirit of unity in her people. The biggest example of unity among country is in her history when we achieved freedom against Britishers and are still retaining it till now. It would not have been possible without unity and faith among people that they had shown at that time. Besides diversities in culture, religion, race etc we can see a unity in diversity among people through the different fusions that could be seen in their cultures, clothes, food, lifestyles etc.

Not only in a country but unity has a very important role in the world and there are many cases where there is a problem affecting the entire world and countries got united to solve the problem. This could be only possible when there is unity among people.

Hence, we know that unity plays an important role in every aspect and always has a very good impact on everyone’s life. Unity has a power to change the entire world but it totally depends on us that against what we all are getting united. It is the high time when we have to get united against all odds that are reducing peace all over the world like terrorism, riots, animal cruelty, murders, robberies, corruption etc rather than against the policies and steps taken by the government for the well being of the country. All these problems can be only tackled and finished from roots when we will unite against it.

On this note, I would like to conclude my words and extend special thanks to our managing team and supporters who unconditionally supported this event. A special thank also goes to you people for gathering here and making this event successful.

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Speech on Unity FAQ’s

How do i start a speech on unity.

Begin by acknowledging the power of togetherness, highlighting the significance of unity in achieving common goals, fostering harmony, and transcending differences.

What is unity in a speech?

Unity in a speech refers to emphasizing the collective strength found in coming together, setting aside differences, and working towards a shared purpose or common good.

What is a short note about unity?

Unity signifies solidarity among individuals or groups, showcasing strength through collaboration, understanding, and support despite differences.

What is the importance of unity in short?

Unity is crucial as it promotes strength, resilience, and progress. It unites diverse perspectives, fostering harmony and collective achievement.

What is meant by unity is strength?

Unity is strength expresses that when people unite and work together, their collective power becomes stronger than when they act individually. It signifies the combined strength achieved through collaboration and togetherness.

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Speech on Unity Is Strength for Students and Children

Speech on unity is strength.

From the dawn of humanity, we can find the evidence that strength lies in the numbers and without our inseparable belief in, “Unity is strength”. Moreover, we have always been stronger hunters and knowledge shares when united.

Speech on Unity Is Strength

Besides, the proverb “Unity is strength” is more than just that. Because our history is filled with incidents where we have achieved things that we weren’t able to achieve individually. Also, to stand up against anything we need strength which comes with unity.

What we can learn?

We can learn a lot of things from unity as it is easier to co-operate with each other to meet life’s daily challenges. It is important to realize modern world challenges that we face today are quite different from those which our ancestors faced.

Today we stand on the shoulders of our descendants who suffered to improve ways of our life. Besides, we still struggle to improve the quality of life of humankind.

The earliest example of human unity is Mesopotamia and it is the earliest developments of the Neolithic Revolution. Archeologists believe that it has inspired some of the important progressive steps in human’s history. These include the invention of the wheel the development of cursive script and planting of the first cereal crops.

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Why we need Unity?

Because we cannot exist in isolation. We are humans we need to learn and trust and depend upon others. Furthermore, we can overcome some of the challenges that we face today by being united against them.

We need to think seriously about this because due to technology we are isolating ourselves from the outside world and people around us. Tell me when was the last time that you have ever taken part in any team building activity or even attend a workshop?

Although we all have a busy life regardless of that it’s a good idea to develop team-building skills so that in times of need we can stand together rather than standing apart.

Team building skill is important because it helps us build relationships with people and build trust with those who in turn trust us so that we can remain united at times of extreme challenges and difficulty.

Besides, for students, it is an adult’s duty to show and teach them how to forge bonds in the name of unity so they can face and conquer challenges. Also, there are workshops that teach them how to build unity.

Moreover, as a society, our overall survival depends on all of us coming together to address various issues. It helps society to evolve into something better. In addition, we can teach children with some of these important lessons so that can understand the value of unity and why there is strength in unity.

How to reach Unity?

There are many games out there that teach children unity like Lego. As in the future, these games help them put their skills to good use. In addition, we all are intricately interlinked with each other that’s why it is easy for us to build strong bonds and relationships within a short space of time.

E.g. During your morning walk you see many familiar faces to those you have waved to the other day. After that, you talk to each other and find each other interesting and develop a long-lasting relationship with them.

To conclude, Unity is a strength because it helps us in a lot of ways. It helps us to make a new trustful relationship with people. Every relation that you form can only help to serve you to overcome the challenges you face in life.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

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Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

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Introducing the Unity Text-to-Speech Plugin from ReadSpeaker

Having trouble adding synthetic speech to your next video game release? Try the Unity text-to-speech plugin from ReadSpeaker AI. Learn more here.

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Introducing the Unity Text-to-Speech Plugin from ReadSpeaker

As a game developer, how will you use text to speech (TTS)?

We’ve only begun to discover what this tool can do in the hands of creators. What we do know is that TTS can solve tough development problems , that it’s a cornerstone of accessibility , and that it’s a key component of dynamic AI-enhanced characters: NPCs that carry on original conversations with players.

There have traditionally been a few technical roadblocks between TTS and the game studio: Devs find it cumbersome to create and import TTS sound files through an external TTS engine. Some TTS speech labors under perceptible latency, making it unsuitable for in-game audio. And an unintegrated TTS engine creates a whole new layer of project management, threatening already drum-tight production schedules.

What devs need is a latency-free TTS tool they can use independently, without leaving the game engine—and that’s exactly what you get with ReadSpeaker AI’s Unity text-to-speech plugin.

ReadSpeaker AI’s Unity Text-to-Speech Plugin

ReadSpeaker AI offers a market-ready TTS plugin for Unity and Unreal Engine, and will work with studios to provide APIs for other game engines. For now, though, we’ll confine our discussion to Unity, which claims nearly 65% of the game development engine market. ReadSpeaker AI’s TTS plugin is an easy-to-install tool that allows devs to create and manipulate synthetic speech directly in Unity: no file management, no swapping between interfaces, and a deep library of rich, lifelike TTS voices. ReadSpeaker AI uses deep neural networks (DNN) to create AI-powered TTS voices of the highest quality, complete with industry-leading pronunciation thanks to custom pronunciation dictionaries and linguist support.

With this neural TTS at their fingertips, developers can improve the game development process—and the player’s experience—limited only by their creativity. So far, we’ve identified four powerful uses for a TTS game engine plugin. These include:

  • User interface (UI) narration for accessibility. User interface narration is an accessibility feature that remediates barriers for players with vision impairments and other disabilities; TTS makes it easy to implement. Even before ReadSpeaker AI released the Unity plugin, The Last of Us Part 2 (released in 2018) used ReadSpeaker TTS for its UI narration feature. A triple-A studio like Naughty Dog can take the time to generate TTS files outside the game engine; those files were ultimately shipped on the game disc. That solution might not work ideally for digital games or independent studios, but a TTS game engine plugin will.
  • Prototyping dialogue at early stages of development. Don’t wait until you’ve got a voice actor in the studio to find out your script doesn’t flow perfectly. The Unity TTS plugin allows developers to draft scenes within the engine, tweaking lines and pacing to get the plan perfect before the recording studio’s clock starts running.
  • Instant audio narration for in-game text chat. Unity speech synthesis from ReadSpeaker AI renders audio instantly at runtime, through a speech engine embedded in the game files, so it’s ideal for narrating chat messages instantly. This is another powerful accessibility tool—one that’s now required for online multiplayer games in the U.S., according to the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA). But it’s also great for players who simply prefer to listen rather than read in the heat of action.
  • Lifelike speech for AI NPCs and procedurally generated text. Natural language processing allows software to understand human speech and create original, relevant responses. Only TTS can make these conversational voicebots—which is essentially what AI NPCs are—speak out loud. Besides, AI NPCs are just one use of procedurally generated speech in video games. What are the others? You decide. Game designers are artists, and dynamic, runtime TTS from ReadSpeaker AI is a whole new palette.

Text to Speech vs. Human Voice Actors for Video Game Characters

Note that our list of use cases for TTS in game development doesn’t include replacing voice talent for in-game character voices, other than AI NPCs that generate dialogue in real time. Voice actors remain the gold standard for character speech, and that’s not likely to change any time soon. In fact, every great neural TTS voice starts with a great voice actor; they provide the training data that allows the DNN technology to produce lifelike speech, with contracts that ensure fair, ethical treatment for all parties. So while there’s certainly a place for TTS in character voices, they are not a replacement for human talent. Instead, think of TTS as a tool for development, accessibility, and the growing role of AI in gaming.

ReadSpeaker AI brings more than 20 years of experience in TTS, with a focus on performance. That expertise helped us develop an embedded TTS engine that renders audio on the player’s machine, eliminating latency. We also offer more than 90 top-quality voices in over 30 languages, plus SSML support so you can control expression precisely. These capabilities set ReadSpeaker AI apart from the crowd. Curious? Keep reading for a real-world example.

ReadSpeaker AI Speech Synthesis in Action

Soft Leaf Studios used ReadSpeaker AI’s Unity text-to-speech plugin for scene prototyping and UI and story narration for its highly accessible game, in development at publication time, Stories of Blossom . Check out this video to see how it works:

“Without a TTS plugin like this, we would be left guessing what audio samples we would need to generate, and how they would play back,” Conor Bradley, Stories of Blossom lead developer, told ReadSpeaker AI. “The plugin allows us to experiment without the need to lock our decisions, which is a very powerful tool to have the privilege to use.”

This example begs the question every game developer will soon be asking themselves, a variation on the question we started with: What could a Unity text-to-speech plugin do for your next release? Reach out to start the conversation .

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ReadSpeaker’s industry-leading voice expertise leveraged by leading Italian newspaper to enhance the reader experience Milan, Italy. – 19 October, 2023 – ReadSpeaker, the most trusted,…

Accessibility Overlays: What Site Owners Need to Know

Accessibility overlays have gotten a lot of bad press, much of it deserved. So what can you do to improve web accessibility? Find out here.

Woman writing on the blackboard - making MathML accessible

STEM topics are notoriously hard to teach using most text-to-speech programs. Here’s how ReadSpeaker can help students of all abilities learn math.

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Implementation of OpenAI's Text-To-Speech in Unity. Synthesize any text and play it via any AudioSource.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, openai text-to-speech integration for unity.

a speech on unity

Implementation of OpenAI's Text-To-Speech in Unity - synthesize any text and play it via any AudioSource.

This project integrates OpenAI's Text-to-Speech API into any Unity project, allowing users to convert and synthesize text to spoken audio via any AudioSource component within seconds.

It does not use third-party libraries , making it super lightweight and easy to use cross-platform.

What's new in v.1.1.

  • Added a new custom editor script for easily setting up TTS within your Unity project (see demo videos below)

Once you've installed this project, setting up OpenAI's TTS within Unity takes seconds.

Integrate this project (either in your existing project, or in a fresh one), then open up the TTS Setup Prefab and click through the steps, as shown in this demo:

I've also added a quick UI example scene, so you can tinker around with some TTS settings easily:

  • Download the latest release .unitypackage .
  • Import it into your own project, e.g. via Assets > Import Package .
  • Either open the OpenAI-TTS-Example scene, or open up the TTS Setup Prefab and click through the installation steps.
  • Optional: Change the TTSManager Prefab settings to your liking (useful if you want to have different entities with predefined voices, speeds, etc.)
  • Reference the TTSManager and call TTSManager.SynthesizeAndPlay via script.

Using OpenAI TTS in your own scene

  • Open up the TTS Setup Prefab.
  • Add your OpenAI API key first, then click through the installation steps.
  • Reference a TTSManager and call TTSManager.SynthesizeAndPlay via script.

This project is a prototype and serves as a basic example of integrating OpenAI's TTS API with Unity. Feel free to create a PR 😊

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Voice input in Unity

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Before starting, consider using the Unity plug-in for the Cognitive Speech Services SDK. The plugin has better Speech Accuracy results and easy access to speech-to-text decode, as well as advanced speech features like dialog, intent based interaction, translation, text-to-speech synthesis, and natural language speech recognition. To get started, check out the sample and documentation .

Unity exposes three ways to add Voice input to your Unity application, the first two of which are types of PhraseRecognizer:

  • The KeywordRecognizer supplies your app with an array of string commands to listen for
  • The GrammarRecognizer gives your app an SRGS file defining a specific grammar to listen for
  • The DictationRecognizer lets your app listen for any word and provide the user with a note or other display of their speech

Dictation and phrase recognition can't be handled at the same time. If a GrammarRecognizer or KeywordRecognizer is active, a DictationRecognizer can't be active and vice versa.

Enabling the capability for Voice

The Microphone capability must be declared for an app to use Voice input.

  • In the Unity Editor, navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Player
  • Select the Windows Store tab
  • In the Publishing Settings > Capabilities section, check the Microphone capability
  • You'll be asked to do this on device startup, but if you accidentally clicked "no" you can change the permissions in the device settings

Phrase Recognition

To enable your app to listen for specific phrases spoken by the user then take some action, you need to:

  • Specify which phrases to listen for using a KeywordRecognizer or GrammarRecognizer
  • Handle the OnPhraseRecognized event and take action corresponding to the phrase recognized


Namespace: UnityEngine.Windows.Speech Types: KeywordRecognizer , PhraseRecognizedEventArgs , SpeechError , SpeechSystemStatus

We'll need a few using statements to save some keystrokes:

Then let's add a few fields to your class to store the recognizer and keyword->action dictionary:

Now add a keyword to the dictionary, for example in of a Start() method. We're adding the "activate" keyword in this example:

Create the keyword recognizer and tell it what we want to recognize:

Now register for the OnPhraseRecognized event

An example handler is:

Finally, start recognizing!


Namespace: UnityEngine.Windows.Speech Types : GrammarRecognizer , PhraseRecognizedEventArgs , SpeechError , SpeechSystemStatus

The GrammarRecognizer is used if you're specifying your recognition grammar using SRGS. This can be useful if your app has more than just a few keywords, if you want to recognize more complex phrases, or if you want to easily turn on and off sets of commands. See: Create Grammars Using SRGS XML for file format information.

Once you have your SRGS grammar, and it is in your project in a StreamingAssets folder :

Create a GrammarRecognizer and pass it the path to your SRGS file:

You'll get a callback containing information specified in your SRGS grammar, which you can handle appropriately. Most of the important information will be provided in the semanticMeanings array.

Namespace: UnityEngine.Windows.Speech Types : DictationRecognizer , SpeechError , SpeechSystemStatus

Use the DictationRecognizer to convert the user's speech to text. The DictationRecognizer exposes dictation functionality and supports registering and listening for hypothesis and phrase completed events, so you can give feedback to your user both while they speak and afterwards. Start() and Stop() methods respectively enable and disable dictation recognition. Once done with the recognizer, it should be disposed using Dispose() to release the resources it uses. It will release these resources automatically during garbage collection at an extra performance cost if they aren't released before that.

There are only a few steps needed to get started with dictation:

  • Create a new DictationRecognizer
  • Handle Dictation events
  • Start the DictationRecognizer

Enabling the capability for dictation

The Internet Client and Microphone capabilities must be declared for an app to use dictation:

  • In the Unity Editor, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player
  • Select on the Windows Store tab
  • Optionally, if you didn't already enable the microphone, check the Microphone capability


Create a DictationRecognizer like so:

There are four dictation events that can be subscribed to and handled to implement dictation behavior.





This event is fired after the user pauses, typically at the end of a sentence. The full recognized string is returned here.

First, subscribe to the DictationResult event:

Then handle the DictationResult callback:

This event is fired continuously while the user is talking. As the recognizer listens, it provides text of what it's heard so far.

First, subscribe to the DictationHypothesis event:

Then handle the DictationHypothesis callback:

This event is fired when the recognizer stops, whether from Stop() being called, a timeout occurring, or some other error.

First, subscribe to the DictationComplete event:

Then handle the DictationComplete callback:

This event is fired when an error occurs.

First, subscribe to the DictationError event:

Then handle the DictationError callback:

Once you've subscribed and handled the dictation events that you care about, start the dictation recognizer to begin receiving events.

If you no longer want to keep the DictationRecognizer around, you need to unsubscribe from the events and Dispose the DictationRecognizer.

  • Start() and Stop() methods respectively enable and disable dictation recognition.
  • Once done with the recognizer, it must be disposed using Dispose() to release the resources it uses. It will release these resources automatically during garbage collection at an extra performance cost if they aren't released before that.
  • If the recognizer starts and doesn't hear any audio for the first five seconds, it will time out.
  • If the recognizer has given a result, but then hears silence for 20 seconds, it will time out.

Using both Phrase Recognition and Dictation

If you want to use both phrase recognition and dictation in your app, you'll need to fully shut one down before you can start the other. If you have multiple KeywordRecognizers running, you can shut them all down at once with:

You can call Restart() to restore all recognizers to their previous state after the DictationRecognizer has stopped:

You could also just start a KeywordRecognizer, which will restart the PhraseRecognitionSystem as well.

Voice input in Mixed Reality Toolkit

You can find MRTK examples for voice input in the following demo scenes:

Next Development Checkpoint

If you're following the Unity development checkpoint journey we've laid out, you're next task is exploring the Mixed Reality platform capabilities and APIs:

Shared experiences

You can always go back to the Unity development checkpoints at any time.

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Media Advisory/invitation: Police to judge the Race Unity Speech Awards

News article photos, audio and videos (1 items).

Race Unity Speech Awards 2024

Home > News > Media Advisory/invitation: Police to judge the Race Unity Speech Awards

Race Unity Hui are run in conjunction with the Speech Awards to give young people a voice on race relations in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Students from a variety of secondary schools nationwide in years 11-13 take part in this yearly competition.

This year's Race Unity Speech Awards topic highlights the value of social cohesion and community collaboration as “Te Taura Tangata / The Rope of Unity”. Fostering cohesion in Aotearoa New Zealand through inclusivity, empathy, and respect for differing beliefs and diversity based on respectful relationships with each other and tangata whenua.   Media are invited to attend this year’s award finals: When:  Sunday, 5 May 2024, 10:00am – 2:30pm                                

Where:  Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae Manukau Institute of Technology Ōtara Campus

53 Ōtara Road, Ōtara, Auckland 2023 (Gate 12)

Please RSVP to [email protected] and [email protected] if you wish to attend.

The metaphor of the ‘rope of unity’ symbolises the idea when people come together from different backgrounds, they form a stronger, more resilient bond that can withstand the challenges of social division and build social cohesion. Just as the intertwining strands of a rope create a unified, cohesive whole that is stronger than each individual strand, unity among people creates a stronger unified society.

“It is an opportunity for young people of different backgrounds and ethnicities to come together, connect, share their stories and experiences. So, in the years to come they are equipped to tackle the challenges of the world with a united front,” says Police Deputy Chief Executive Iwi & Communities Pieri Munro. Mr Munro will be one of the lead judges from New Zealand Police at this year’s Race Unity Speech Finals.

About the Awards • The Baha’i Faith is a religious community concerned with promoting the oneness of humanity at the local, national, and international levels. • The Hui and Speech Awards are organised by the New Zealand Bahá’í community and are sponsored and supported by the New Zealand Police, the Human Rights Commission, the Federation of Multicultural Councils, Manukau Institute of Technology, the National Commission for UNESCO, the Office of Ethnic Communities, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, Speech New Zealand and the Hedi Moani Charitable Trust and Studio Marque.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RaceUnity Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raceunityaotearoa Instagram: @raceunityaotearoa

Media contacts: Sandra Paymani: [email protected]   027 257 7422 Police Media: [email protected]

Issued by Police Media Centre

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Race Unity Speech Awards 2024


Speech on Unity

The topic unity has always been of great importance, especially when it is to be addressed in relation with the students. The need to understand unity and its various uses, arises everywhere whether professionally or personally or even in the families. Moreover, teachers frequently assign their students to prepare a speech on unity to let them learn about what role it plays in our day to day lives. We give you both short speeches on unity as well as long speeches on unity. The content that we provide is easy to understand and can help students to realize the importance of unity with the help of a number of examples that are provided in the speeches. We take pride in saying that our content can turn out to be a good reference point for all the students.

Unity Speech

Speech on unity 1.

Warm Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen!

I, Rajesh from Class 10, stand here to deliver a speech today. After listening to all my fellow classmates, I will now with the permission of all the staff members would like to speak on the most essential element of human existence, that is Unity.

A famous saying by Franklin D. Roosevelt goes like “The point in history at which we stand is full of promises and danger. The world will either move forward towards unity and widely shared prosperity or it will move apart”. The saying has always proved to be right as whenever there has been any flinch in unity, the world has observed a lot of terror and instability.

People living in India are from various castes, religion and beliefs; however they live in unity and prove the fact that unity in diversity. Unity focuses on the existence of mutual peace, love harmony, etc despite having differences in so many ways like caste, class, religion, etc. With regard to the Indian religions, its range never ends. It is the place of the reunion of various languages and religions. People from the entire world with distinctive customs are found living in our country in a very peaceful manner. Here Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Christians, Buddhist, Jains and Parsees live with love and peace with one another. All of them observe religious festivals with great zeal and enthusiasm.

When there is harmony, there is more strength in views, better communication and better understanding. The freedom struggle of Indians right from the Britishers encroachment on our land to the day when India celebrated its first independence day would not have been possible without the combined effort of all the people irrespective of different religious or cultural background. They were just driven by a single agenda and that is to win back India’s freedom. This is why the freedom struggle of India is a great example of unity in diversity.

People living in 29 different states and 7 different Union territories are bound together by one faith of brotherhood. Living together with bond, care, love and harmony provides the real essence of life. It is unity which has become the cornerstone of prosperous, strong and happy India even after a lot of terrorism, corruption and commotion countrywide. People hold karma and spirituality in high importance which deepens the bond. People respect all the religions equally. The unity not only helps people morally, but it is also a great paradigm for other countries which attract a lot of tourists to a large extent.

For instance, a family symbolizes bonding, harmony and oneness, they live together under same roof, they share a very strong bond, they even share their woes and sorrows with each other and this is the basic strength of unity. The importance of unity can never be undermined. A few drops of water make the mighty ocean and it makes the basis of unity.

From what we have discussed in our conversation today, it is found that the unity reigns and sways supreme in each and every walk of life. No achievement in this world would be possible without unity.

Speech on Unity 2

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students!

I am Sakshi from class 9 th , Section-A and your host for today. Today, we all have gathered here on this year’s annual function and the management committee has decided not to conduct classes as a special treatment for the students for putting their best efforts towards building the integrity of our school. Today, I would like to speak on the topic called Unity.

Unity is defined as a quality in people where they can work in groups whether big or small for the combined interest of all and without working just for the sole interest of his/her own. It is an emotion of oneness, togetherness, harmony, for a single and common goal.

Strength, pragmatically speaking, stresses on unity, and every time people act in harmony and unison with one another, their fortitude increases hundred-fold. The famous fable of the farmer and his cantankerous sons will illustrate my ideas very vividly. The farmer asked his dogmatic sons to break a bundle of sticks, and the sons failed. Later he asked them to break each stick separately and they could all break the sticks without putting any extra effort. The father thus drove home to teach them significant lesson that united they stood and divided they fall. So, it is self- evident that unity plays very important role in every phase of human life whereas hatred and standing separate is a loophole in unity which leads us to rack and ruin.

Unity also provides equal rights for all. Standing together boosts morale of people at several places to include workplaces, personal lives and various organisations. It helps in enhancing relationships and stresses on teamwork thus improving performance, quality of work done, and healthy lifestyle. It also improves healthy human relationship and protects equal human rights for all.

Unity in diversity in India specifically provides source of tourism. People from diverse customs, origin, lifestyle, religions and festivals attract more visitors and tourists from other countries of the world. Unity gives boost to the sense of national unity amongst the people even being diverse in almost all the aspects. It respects the value of rich heritage of a country, strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of the same.

The society is the basic unit of nation, and when there is unity in the organisation of a well organised society, it will without any doubt contribute to the development of the nation which is the ultimate goal. Globally, a number of problems are raising their heads up and there is needed to be united in a method to handle and tackle these crises and at specific levels. It is essential for various nations to be united and together face this situation. It is the ability of any living being which exists in this cosmos.

Power of unity is a great quality in itself and comes with tremendous advantages. For instance, every human being can lead a secure existence till the time he/she is living in unison. On the other hand, when they are alone they can be easily deceived and overpowered. Thus, we all should follow the basic rule of being united so that no power can ever break us apart and we can strive towards development.

Now, please allow me to conclude my speech and I also request everyone to feel free to ask questions, if they have any.

Speech on Unity 3

A Very Good Morning Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Today we all are here for the seminar organized by our school for teaching us the importance of unity and team work in our academic and personal life. We all are already aware of the role that unity plays in a team, family, company, country etc. Without unity, existence of life would not have been possible in this world.

Unity is a key to success for any team. If we have to work with other people, then it becomes quite important to cooperate with them because every person has a different thinking and a different view towards every situation. However, it is a bit difficult to live with unity with different people. There are many examples in this world where unity is maintained and where unity is endangered. So, let us take an example where both the cases exist.

As in India, we get to see a huge diversity in religions, castes, languages etc all over the country. Here, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians etc lives together with unity. In such a country like India, it becomes quite difficult to maintain unity among people because People belonging to different cultures and religions have the different ideologies. As of course, when two people of different ideologies come together then there will be a clash of different thinking, believes and ideas and hence there will be a danger for the existence of unity on this land. But still, our country is capable of maintaining peace among the people and this is only possible in the existence of unity.

We celebrate Independence Day every year in our country on 15 th August that is the biggest example of the strength of unity of all time. It would not have been possible without the power and the spirit of unity among people. Unity is the main reason for why our country is able to retain freedom in this world. Unlike this, there are still many places where unity does not exist in the country. We get to hear many news related to murders, rapes, robbery, etc daily. All these things are not in the favor of unity. All these crimes happens due the lack of security and as well as unity among people because most of the people do not take interest in helping others where these crimes takes place.

We all students are the future of this country and we have to understand the importance of unity in our life. Unity is the reason for the existence of brotherhood, fraternity and care that we have towards other people. We can also learn lessons of unity from animals too. They exist in this world due to their unity. Having unity is essential for the survival.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and extend special thanks to our Principal Ma’am for organizing this event and providing us the opportunity for realizing the importance of unity in this world and also to all of you for being so patient and for paying attention towards my words.

Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Speech on Unity 4

A Very Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, this gathering in this area has been organized for a special social cause. For waking the spirit of unity in the heart of people, the spirit by which our country was able to achieve freedom after the years of bondage in its history. This spirit among people which is the biggest reason for the life existence on earth needs to get awake. As we know that India is a land of diversity but still people lives together with love and affection towards each other. Almost each one of us knows that we should respect each other’s religions.

I hope that you all have heard a line “united we stand and divided we fall” and it is indeed absolutely true. Unity is a pillar upon which the whole world and especially countries are dependent. If a country is going through any crises than it becomes a bit easy to tackle such problems if the people of the country are united. Those politician who normally opposes each other every time, should also stand with unity. All these things are only possible if people will have faith towards their country.

As I have said earlier that our country India is a multi-religious country and still she have a spirit of unity in her people. The biggest example of unity among country is in her history when we achieved freedom against Britishers and are still retaining it till now. It would not have been possible without unity and faith among people that they had shown at that time. Besides diversities in culture, religion, race etc we can see a unity in diversity among people through the different fusions that could be seen in their cultures, clothes, food, lifestyles etc.

Not only in a country but unity has a very important role in the world and there are many cases where there is a problem affecting the entire world and countries got united to solve the problem. This could be only possible when there is unity among people.

Hence, we know that unity plays an important role in every aspect and always has a very good impact on everyone’s life. Unity has a power to change the entire world but it totally depends on us that against what we all are getting united. It is the high time when we have to get united against all odds that are reducing peace all over the world like terrorism, riots, animal cruelty, murders, robberies, corruption etc rather than against the policies and steps taken by the government for the well being of the country. All these problems can be only tackled and finished from roots when we will unite against it.

On this note, I would like to conclude my words and extend special thanks to our managing team and supporters who unconditionally supported this event. A special thank also goes to you people for gathering here and making this event successful.

Related Information:

Essay on Unity in Diversity

Essay on Unity

Slogans on Unity in Diversity

Slogans on Unity

Speech on Unity is Strength

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Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez says he will not resign – as it happened

Sánchez announces he will stay on days after saying he was considering resigning after attacks in rightwing media on his wife

  • 4d ago Summary of the day
  • 4d ago 'Spanish citizens don’t have a prime minister who’s up to the job,' Feijóo says
  • 4d ago 'Sánchez’s decision to carry on is a reaffirmation of his coup against unity', far-right politician says
  • 4d ago Opposition criticises Sánchez after announcement
  • 4d ago Sánchez to stay on as Spain's prime minister
  • 4d ago Spanish opposition step up Sánchez attacks as PM decides on his future
  • 4d ago Welcome to the blog
  • 4d ago Why is Spain’s prime minister considering resigning from office?

Pedro Sánchez gives a speech with the Spanish and European Union flags to the left of him

Sánchez to stay on as Spain's prime minister

Pedro Sánchez , Spain’s prime minister, has announced that he staying on in his role.

His decision comes days after the Spanish leader abruptly announced he was considering resigning from office, after a Madrid court said it had opened an investigation into Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez .

The investigation followed a complaint from the pressure group Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), which is known to have had links in the past to Spain’s far right.

In a dramatic speech this morning, Sánchez said he decided to continue as prime minister and called for a collective reflection, as well as cleaning up what he described as toxic practices in public life.

He called on Spanish society to become an example and inspiration for the world.

“I have acted out of a clear conviction,” Sánchez said. “Either we say enough, or this degradation of public life will determine our future, condemning us as a country,” he added.

“Thanks to that social mobilisation, which has influenced my decision, I can tell you what I’ve already told our head of state: I’ve decided to stay and fight even harder as prime minister,” he said.

He also called for an end to political and media attacks, adding: “Let’s stop this mud-slinging by collectively rejecting it … I ask Spanish society to once again become an example and an inspiration to a wounded world.”

Read the full story .

A handout photo made available by Moncloa Palace shows Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez giving a statement to the press to communicate his decision of not resigning from his post.

We are now closing this blog but you can read our report on Pedro Sánchez vowing to stay on as leader, here.

Summary of the day

Pedro Sánchez , the Spanish prime minister, announced in a highly-anticipated televised address that he is staying on as the country’s leader.

His remarks came after he after spent five days reflecting on his future because of what he termed a “harassment and bullying operation” being waged against him and his wife by his political and media enemies.

Sánchez said he had decided to carry on as prime minister despite the attacks he and his family have had to endure.

The prime minister said that “thanks to that social mobilisation, which has influenced my decision, I can tell you what I’ve already told our head of state: I’ve decided to stay and fight even harder as prime minister.”

Sánchez’s socialist allies welcomed his decision.

Salvador Illa , a former socialist health minister and candidate for regional president for the Catalan branch of the socialist party in the upcoming 12 May Catalan election, welcomed Pedro Sánchez’s decision. “This is the best news for Catalonia,” Illa wrote.

The Socialists and Democrats group in the European parliament said: “European Social Democrats are with you, Pedro.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo , the leader of the conservative People’s party (PP), said that “if the prime minister has no problem appearing ridiculous, he can go for it. But the fact that he’s dragging the rest of my country down that road shows that Spanish citizens don’t have a prime minister who’s up to the job.”

The conservative People’s party’s Isabel Díaz Ayuso said “Sánchez has spent years using institutions to persecute political adversaries, judges, the media and journalists, as well as their family circles. His project today is a warning to us that it he will roll over any counterweight that reminds him that there are limits. In the name of impunity.”

Santiago Abascal , the leader of the far-right Vox party, said that “Sánchez’s decision to carry on is a reaffirmation of his coup against unity, against coexistence, against the rule of law, against the separation of powers, and against the freedom of the press.”

'Spanish citizens don’t have a prime minister who’s up to the job,' Feijóo says

Alberto Núñez Feijóo , the leader of the conservative People’s party (PP) who has accused Pedro Sánchez of navel-gazing, melodrama and failing to live up to his office, said the prime minister’s words and deeds were proof of the need for a change of government.

“Everything we’re living through is just the epilogue for a past that we’re going to overcome,” he said.

“If the prime minister has no problem appearing ridiculous, he can go for it. But the fact that he’s dragging the rest of my country down that road shows that Spanish citizens don’t have a prime minister who’s up to the job,” Feijóo said.

The Socialists and Democrats group in the European parliament, meanwhile, said: “European Social Democrats are with you, Pedro.”

Good news for Spain and Europe 🌹🇪🇺 Prime Minister @sanchezcastejon is an example of tireless defender of democracy and the rights of our citizens. Against the lies of the right and the extreme right. European Social Democrats are with you, Pedro. https://t.co/umRnrI4Ks6 — S&D Group (@TheProgressives) April 29, 2024

Rob Roos , a Dutch member of the European parliament and vice chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists group, called Pedro Sánchez a “joke.”

“Beautiful Spain becomes a circus under his leadership,” he said.

This man is a joke. Beautiful Spain becomes a circus under his leadership. @sanchezcastejon 🤡 Spain's Prime Minister Pedro #Sánchez will not resign after allegations against wife https://t.co/vMRTRVOCG6 — Rob Roos MEP 🇳🇱 (@Rob_Roos) April 29, 2024

'Sánchez’s decision to carry on is a reaffirmation of his coup against unity', far-right politician says

Speaking to reporters after Pedro Sánchez ’s announcement that he is staying on as prime minister, Santiago Abascal , the leader of the far-right Vox party, said that “for the past five days, Spaniards have been subjected to a crude, shocking and victim-playing piece of theatre that has shamed us internationally.”

Abascal added:

Sánchez’s decision to carry on is a reaffirmation of his coup against unity, against coexistence, against the rule of law, against the separation of powers, and against the freedom of the press.
Declaración institucional íntegra en respuesta al autócrata Pedro Sánchez. 📌 "Lo peor de Sánchez está por llegar" 📌 "Debemos trabajar para la resistencia y para la construcción de una alternativa urgente y viable" pic.twitter.com/6TZ0C98D9V — Santiago Abascal 🇪🇸 (@Santi_ABASCAL) April 29, 2024

Pepa R. de Millán , a spokesperson for the far-right Vox, has accused Sánchez of using “like-minded journalists to publish a manifesto and label all complaints that investigate his wife’s businesses as ‘attacks.’”

Quien dedica su legislatura a tomar las instituciones del Estado no lo hace para dimitir, sino para blindarse. Por eso Sánchez se ha valido de periodistas afines para publicar un manifiesto y tachar de "ataques" todas las denuncias que investiguen los negocios de su esposa. — Pepa R. de Millán 🇪🇸 (@Pepa_Millan) April 29, 2024

Opposition criticises Sánchez after announcement

The conservative People’s party’s Isabel Díaz Ayuso , the regional president of Madrid, has accused Pedro Sánchez of trying to undermine checks.

“Sánchez has spent years using institutions to persecute political adversaries, judges, the media and journalists, as well as their family circles. His project today is a warning to us that it he will roll over any counterweight that reminds him that there are limits. In the name of impunity,” she said.

Sánchez lleva años persiguiendo desde las instituciones al adversario político, jueces, medios y periodistas, así como a sus entornos familiares. Su proyecto sale hoy a avisarnos: laminará cualquier contrapeso que le recuerde donde están los límites. Por la impunidad. — Isabel Díaz Ayuso (@IdiazAyuso) April 29, 2024

Sumar’s Yolanda Díaz , who serves as Spain’s deputy prime minister, sent a message to the conservative People’s party’s Alberto Núñez Feijóo .

“Mr Feijóo, stop questioning the results that emerged legitimately from the ballot box. Mr Feijóo, respect this country. If we’ve reached a full stop, then this new phase has to be about political initiatives and measures,” she said.

🔴DIRECTO | Yolanda Díaz pide a Feijóo que "deje de cuestionar los resultados que salieron legítimamente de las urnas": "Respete este país" https://t.co/yO8TFzLYnR pic.twitter.com/eXa0M0gyH3 — elDiario.es (@eldiarioes) April 29, 2024

Here are the key lines from Pedro Sánchez’s speech this morning.

“If we don’t say, ‘Enough!’, then this degradation of public life will condemn our future as a country. It’s true that I’ve taken this step for personal reasons, but these are motives that everyone can understand and recognise because they are about the values that form the bedrock of Spain’s supportive and family-base society.”

“It is thanks to this social mobilisation that has so decisively influenced my reflections – and of which I am once again grateful – that I want to let you know what I’ve decided. As I told the head of state this very morning, I have decided to stay on as Spain’s prime minister and to stay on with even more strength than before – if that’s possible.”

“I think our country needs to embark on that collective reflection. But I actually think we’ve already begun to do that over the past five days. It’s a collective reflection that will lead to a cleaning, a regeneration, to a sense of fair play. For too long, we’ve allowed mud to colonise political and public life with impunity and to infect them with toxic actions that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago.”

“Today, I’m asking Spanish society for us once again to set an example for a convulsed and wounded world. Because the evils that afflict us are far from exclusive to Spain. They are part of a global reactionary movement that wants to impose its retrograde agenda through defamation and falsehoods, through hatred and through stirring up fears and threats that have nothing to do with science or reason.

Let’s show the world how we defend democracy. Let’s put an end to this mud in the only possible way: through a collective rejection that is calm and democratic, and which goes beyond parties and ideologies. It is something I firmly commit to leading as the prime minister of Spain.”

Iratxe García Pérez , a Spanish socialist who leads the Socialists and Democrats group in the European parliament, also welcomed Sánchez’s move to stay on.

“Good for Spain , good for Europe,” she said.

🌹Seguimos, defendiendo la democracia , defendiendo los derechos . El Presidente @sanchezcastejon sigue porque merece la pena , y no lo hace solo …… detrás tiene la mayoría social del país . Bien por España , bien por Europa — Iratxe García Pérez /❤️ (@IratxeGarper) April 29, 2024

Here are the latest images from Spain .

People watch the broadcast of Pedro Sanchez, president of the government of Spain, through a television in a bar in the center of Madrid.

The Socialists’ Patxi López said today’s decision shows “the insult does not win the argument”.

“Today democracy wins,” he said.

Qué gran noticia. Pedro sigue demostrando que: La mentira no puede con la verdad. El insulto no gana al argumento. El odio de algunos discursos no se impone a la convivencia. Los que creen que el poder es suyo no deciden por encima de la voluntad ciudadana. Hoy gana la… pic.twitter.com/W7mDY2gc0W — patxilopez (@patxilopez) April 29, 2024

Oscar Puente , Spain’s transport minister, celebrated Sánchez’s decision to stay.

Siuuuuuuuuuuu. pic.twitter.com/BlUBxDIWLz — Oscar Puente (@oscar_puente_) April 29, 2024

Santos Cerdán León , the Socialist party’s secretary, said “we are going to continue working tirelessly.”

Vamos a seguir trabajando sin descanso. Por la regeneración de la democracia. Para seguir consolidando derechos. Para que prevalezca la política limpia. Vamos a hacer frente a los desafíos que están por venir con más fuerza que nunca. — Santos Cerdán León (@santicl) April 29, 2024

Salvador Illa , a former socialist health minister and candidate for regional president for the Catalan branch of the socialist party in the upcoming 12 May Catalan election, welcomed Pedro Sánchez’s decision.

“This is the best news for Catalonia,” Illa wrote. “A brave decision to recover the dignity of politics and a commitment to stop those who try to undermine our democracy,” he added.

Esta es la mejor noticia para Cataluña. Una decisión valiente para recuperar la dignidad de la política y un compromiso para frenar a quienes intentan socavar nuestra democracia. ¡Adelante, presidente! — Salvador Illa Roca/❤️ (@salvadorilla) April 29, 2024

Spanish media outlets are highlighting that no one knows which path Pedro Sánchez will choose.

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African Leaders Unveil Bold Transformation Agenda at Summit, Backed by Powerful New Coalition

Leaders from across Africa pledge ambitious economic reforms, with the World Bank's IDA at the heart of the strategy

NAIROBI, April 29, 2024— In a historic show of unity, 19 African Heads of State assembled at a major summit committed to focusing development aspirations across the continent. This ambitious agenda, aiming to dramatically improve lives and create new opportunities, positions the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) as a cornerstone for success.

Beyond pronouncements, the summit witnessed the birth of a significant partnership—a coalition uniting civil society, foundations, the private sector, and young people. The new coalition will champion a robust and ambitious replenishment of IDA's resources, fueling Africa's development engine.

A post-summit communique detailed leaders' unwavering commitment to strengthen governance, unlock private sector potential for job creation, mobilize domestic resources, and deliver on climate change promises. Additionally, they prioritized increased energy and digital access, alongside enhanced resilience to climate change and conflict.

The Government of Kenya and the World Bank Group co-hosted the summit, and each emphasized the critical role of both IDA— the World Bank Group’s fund focused on those most in need—and the global community in supporting Africa's aspirations.

Dr. William Ruto, President of Kenya, underscored the continent's urgency for change and its desire to capitalize on this pivotal moment of opportunity. He passionately advocated for stronger donor contributions to IDA21, emphasizing its role in driving transformative change not just in Africa but around the world.

“ Our people and we, the leaders of Africa, are impatient for change and we want to transform the continent at this moment of tremendous opportunities ,”  President Ruto said. “ IDA has been and must remain a dependable development partner for Africa, and we urge stronger donor contributions to IDA21 so that together we can drive transformational impact not only for a better Africa, but also for a better world .” 

World Bank Group President Ajay Banga echoed these sentiments, stressing the need for unwavering global support, particularly from IDA, as Africa charts its course toward a prosperous and progressive future.

“We are united by a shared vision for the future of Africa—a continent rich in diversity, culture, and potential, thanks to its young people and natural resources ,” Banga said. “ These are the ingredients that can power our future. The International Development Association has been a steadfast partner in Africa's development journey, and this summit symbolizes our collective commitment to accelerating progress. This will require more from IDA, more from the World Bank Group, more from governments, and more from the private sector.”

For decades, IDA has served as a powerful engine for economic growth across Africa. It empowers progress through grants and highly concessional loans, fueling strategic investments in building a skilled and healthy workforce, and nurturing job-generating industries like agriculture. Recent efforts to streamline access have further enhanced its effectiveness.

Currently, IDA supports 75 nations, 39 of them in Africa. Over 70 percent of its resources are directed toward the continent, playing a vital role in achieving the World Bank Group's goal of bringing electricity to 250 million Africans by 2030.

The call for replenishment comes amid a multitude of interconnected hardships: pandemics, climate change, food insecurity, fragility, and conflict. Yet, Africa is also brimming with potential: vast natural resources, abundant sunshine, and the world's fastest-growing youth population.

Amplifying united support for Africa's bold vision and leveraging the strength of the newly formed coalition can help ensure an undeniably bright future for the continent.

Leaders representing a coalition of global youth, the private sector, and civil society stressed the need for a robust IDA21 replenishment and committed to work in partnership.

Ndidi Nwuneli, President and CEO of the ONE Campaign , said “ IDA21 must be different. It must be transformative. This means that we must collectively work to make sure IDA21 is robust and ambitious and is delivered with transparency and accountability for Africa’s citizens, ensuring that we build stable and resilient economies for the future.”

Sellah Bogonko, CEO of Jacob’s Ladde r, who represented a cross section of African youth, said “ True leadership is not just about those in position but each one of us doing the impossible, every day, in our own little way. We young people are not merely asking what you can do for us. We are available to co-create solutions together with you—our elected leaders—with support from IDA.”

James Mwangi, CEO of Equity Group Holdings , said " This event is a testament to our commitment to driving sustainable development and financial inclusion. Together, with IDA we are paving the way for economic empowerment and transformation in our communities, shaping a brighter future for all."

Nir Bar Dea, CEO of Bridgewater Associates , said “ Africa is expected to have the largest workforce within the next decade, and by 2075, one-third of the world’s population will be African. Yet today, there are challenges in accessing key resources that are essential to economic growth that the IDA replenishment can help secure. We are building on Bridgewater’s mission to understand the world and turn our insights and research into results by providing a deeper understanding of how IDA21 will shift the economic trajectory of African nations and global markets and economies.”

Hugh Evans, Co-Founder and CEO of Global Citizen, said “ Africa has the youngest population of any continent, and presents the world’s biggest development opportunity of the next 30 years – but only if the world’s richest nations stop cutting foreign aid and invest the financing necessary to address energy poverty. Through a fully funded and functional IDA, the continent’s young people stand to achieve their full potential.”

In Washington: Meriem Gray, +12024737870, [email protected]

In Nairobi: Vera Rosauer, +254710537030, [email protected]

Learn more online: ida.worldbank.org  #IDAworks

Despite High Potential, 75 Vulnerable Economies Face ‘Historic Reversal’

Event Replay: IDA for Africa Heads of State Summit | Live from Nairobi | International Development Association

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a speech on unity

Singaporeans cannot disavow India, China ethnic roots, says PM Lee

Singapore prime minister lee hsien loong, in his final speech before stepping down in two weeks, emphasised the importance of unity among singaporeans. he said singaporeans "cannot disavow our diverse ethnic roots and religious affinities" with india and china..

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Singapore Prime Minister Lee

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in his last speech before stepping down from the leadership in two weeks, highlighted the importance of unity among multi-faith, multi-national Singaporeans, emphasising their diverse ethnic roots with India and China, and religious affiliations.

Speaking at a May Day Rally on Wednesday, Lee emphasised the lasting importance of social unity despite the usual divides of race, language, and religion.

“We cannot disavow our diverse ethnic roots and religious affinities - Chinese Singaporeans with China, Indian Singaporeans with their various ancestral homes in India, Malay Singaporeans with the rest of our region, and with the global Muslim Ummah,” Lee said, impressing on the citizens of prosperous island state nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia.

Lee cautioned against potential divisions, including socio-economic disparities, tensions between Singaporean-born and naturalised citizens, and ideological differences.

As he prepared to hand over leadership to Deputy Lawrence Wong on May 15, Lee urged vigilance in maintaining racial and religious harmony while addressing emerging tensions.

Highlighting Singapore's system anchored on trust, Lee praised the People's Action Party (PAP) government's commitment to delivering results for Singaporeans.

“Therefore, at each (general) election, 15 times in a row, the PAP has won a renewed mandate, fair and square, and continued to deliver results for Singaporeans,” said Lee.

Lee, 72, stressed the importance of continuity in governance, urging successors to uphold the system built by former Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong.

Reflecting on his 20-year tenure, Lee expressed satisfaction with Singapore's progress and credited the collective efforts of its citizens.


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    Speech on Unity: The topic unity has always been of great importance, especially when it is to be addressed in relation with the students. The need to understand unity and its various uses, arises everywhere whether professionally or personally or even in the families. Moreover, teachers frequently assign their students to prepare a speech on ...

  14. Speech on Unity:3-5 Minutes Speech on Unity in India for Students

    Short Speech on Unity and Diversity in English. Unity is the biggest strength of a community. In today's world unity does not prevail among some countries. In order for the world's peace, all the people need to be united. The speech on unity below will talk about the necessity and power of unity. Also, the below speech will explain how India ...

  15. GitHub

    Text To Speech. The model that we use for TTS is FastSpeech. The TFLite model that we used is converted from a pre-trained model found in the TensorflowTTS repository. To prevent Unity from freezing when inferencing the TFLite model, we run the inference process in a new thread and play the audio in the main thread once it is ready.

  16. Speech on Unity Is Strength for Students and Children

    Speech on Unity Is Strength. From the dawn of humanity, we can find the evidence that strength lies in the numbers and without our inseparable belief in, "Unity is strength". Moreover, we have always been stronger hunters and knowledge shares when united. Besides, the proverb "Unity is strength" is more than just that.

  17. MLK Tribute

    A tribute video honoring the great MLK. Created for the Florida International University Student Affairs Multicultural Programs and Services 27th Annual Rev...

  18. Introducing the Unity Text-to-Speech Plugin from ReadSpeaker

    The Unity TTS plugin allows developers to draft scenes within the engine, tweaking lines and pacing to get the plan perfect before the recording studio's clock starts running. Instant audio narration for in-game text chat. Unity speech synthesis from ReadSpeaker AI renders audio instantly at runtime, through a speech engine embedded in the ...

  19. OpenAI Text-to-Speech Integration for Unity

    Download the latest release .unitypackage.; Import it into your own project, e.g. via Assets > Import Package.; Either open the OpenAI-TTS-Example scene, or open up the TTS Setup Prefab and click through the installation steps.; Optional: Change the TTSManager Prefab settings to your liking (useful if you want to have different entities with predefined voices, speeds, etc.)

  20. Voice input in Unity

    Caution. Before starting, consider using the Unity plug-in for the Cognitive Speech Services SDK. The plugin has better Speech Accuracy results and easy access to speech-to-text decode, as well as advanced speech features like dialog, intent based interaction, translation, text-to-speech synthesis, and natural language speech recognition.

  21. Media Advisory/invitation: Police to judge the Race Unity Speech Awards

    This year's Race Unity Speech Awards topic highlights the value of social cohesion and community collaboration as "Te Taura Tangata / The Rope of Unity". Fostering cohesion in Aotearoa New Zealand through inclusivity, empathy, and respect for differing beliefs and diversity based on respectful relationships with each other and tangata whenua.

  22. FULL TEXT: President Tinubu's 2024 May Day speech

    By President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR. Being a speech by His Excellency, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, on the occasion of the 2024 May Day celebration, held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at the Eagle Square, Abuja. Protocols…. My dear compatriots and fellow ...

  23. 'Europe is mortal': Macron calls for more EU unity and sovereignty

    In a 108-minute speech delivered at the Sorbonne, where seven years ago the then-newly elected leader delivered a first address on his vision for Europe, Macron repeated numerous times that "the ...

  24. Speech on Unity in simple and easy words

    Unity Speech Speech on Unity 1. Warm Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! I, Rajesh from Class 10, stand here to deliver a speech today. After listening to all my fellow classmates, I will now with the permission of all the staff members would like to speak on the most essential element of human existence, that is Unity.

  25. Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez says he will not resign

    Sánchez's decision to carry on is a reaffirmation of his coup against unity, against coexistence, against the rule of law, against the separation of powers, and against the freedom of the press ...

  26. African Leaders Unveil Bold Transformation Agenda at Summit, Backed by

    Leaders from across Africa pledge ambitious economic reforms, with the World Bank's IDA at the heart of the strategy. NAIROBI, April 29, 2024—In a historic show of unity, 19 African Heads of State assembled at a major summit committed to focusing development aspirations across the continent.This ambitious agenda, aiming to dramatically improve lives and create new opportunities, positions ...

  27. Singaporeans cannot disavow India, China ethnic roots, says PM Lee

    Published On: May 1, 2024. Watch Live TV. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in his final speech before stepping down in two weeks, emphasised the importance of unity among Singaporeans. He said Singaporeans "cannot disavow our diverse ethnic roots and religious affinities" with India and China.