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Words That Rhyme With HOMEWORK

  • Rank ASC (Default)
  • Most Common ASC
  • Most Common DESC

2 Syllables

Words (126), phrases (19).

  • old boy network
  • social work
  • filing clerk
  • shipping clerk

3 Syllables

  • latticework
  • plasterwork
  • trestlework
  • journeywork
  • lacquerwork
  • trelliswork
  • spatterwork
  • leatherwork
  • chequerwork
  • counterwork

Phrases (11)

  • bus network
  • body of work
  • out of work
  • put to work
  • bead and quirk
  • booking clerk
  • hotel clerk
  • postal clerk
  • tally clerk
  • clean and jerk

4 Syllables

  • passagework
  • cabinetwork

Phrases (12)

  • like clockwork
  • neural network
  • dramatic work
  • line of work
  • piece of work
  • police work
  • sheet-metal work
  • tool-and-die work
  • welfare work
  • edmund burke
  • ottoman turk
  • hotel desk clerk

5 Syllables

Phrases (10).

  • computer network
  • purkinje network
  • wide area network
  • detective work
  • electrical work
  • literary work
  • reference work
  • undercover work
  • kemal ataturk
  • martha jane burk

6 Syllables

Phrases (6).

  • electronic network
  • local area network
  • support vector network
  • missionary work
  • martha jane burke
  • alexander selkirk

7 Syllables

Phrases (1).

  • espionage network

9 Syllables

  • wireless local area network

11 Syllables

  • financial crimes enforcement network

13 Syllables

  • paul ludwig von beneckendorff und von hindenburg

15 Syllables

  • international relations and security network

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  • Pure Rhymes
  • Near Rhymes
  • Mosaic Rhymes
  • Near End Rhymes

Pure Rhymes – 1 rhyme

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.

End Rhymes – 86 rhymes

Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.

  • old boy network
  • go off like clockwork
  • like clockwork

"Go Pro" to see the next 2 end rhyme sets.

Click here to "Go Pro"

Near Rhymes – 2 rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.

Mosaic Rhymes – 1 rhyme

Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."

  • home + work

Rhyme Desk

Rhymes | Synonyms

Words That Rhyme With "Homework" :

1 syllable:.

arc , ark , bark , barque , berk , birk , Burk , burke , cark , chark , chirk , cirque , Clark , Clarke , clerk , dark , derk , dirk , erk , hark , irk , jerk , kirk , kurk , lark , lurk , marc , mark , marque , merc , merk , murk , narc , park , perk , quark , quirk , sark , shark , shirk , smirk , snark , spark , stark , stirk , Turk , werk , work

2 syllables:

berserk , comber , Cromer , debark , Declerk , demark , dispark , domer , embark , framework , gomer , imbark , impark , Lamarck , lifework , Omar , omer , premark , remark , remarque , rework , roamer , romeward , stonework , stonewort , teamwork , timework , transpark , vomer

3 syllables:

disembark , intermark , interwork , misnomer , overwork , sarcoma , underwork

What rhymes with homework?

  • Weren't

2 syllables

  • Chauffeured
  • Slaughtered

3 syllables

  • Upholstered
  • Williamsburg
  • Straightforward

Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary .

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RhymeBot.AI - Your Online Rhyme Maker and Sentence Rhyme

The perfect rhyme, one line at a time.

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I’m your go-to rhyme maker for creating savage rhyming sentences. Just slide in your current lyrics, the word you want to rhyme, and any genre or vibe you’re feeling. I’ll hit you back with the next line. But keep it low key, I ain’t perfect. I’m always leveling up, so check back often okurrr! 

What’s the latest beat on the street? 🎤 Peep my  freshest posts , including a  breakdown of Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero” .

Yo, if I drop a fire rhyme that totally slays, don’t sleep on it! 🔥 Click that lit fire icon to show some love. Let  me write your tweet, smash that auto tweet button.  Let’s blow this up on X/Twitter.

Quick heads-up : You can kick it with me for 3 free rhymes a day, no strings attached. But why stop the party there? 🤔 Sign up for FREE and unlock unlimited rhyme time – we’re talking non-stop verses, day and night. Don’t let those limits hold you back; register now and let’s keep this rhyme fiesta going! 🚀


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Yo, rhyme lovers! 🎤 It's your main bot, Rhymebot, spittin' the slickest rhymes just for you. But hey, even a hip AI like me's gotta keep the lights on, ya know? We're hittin' our $20 monthly cap for those nifty API vibes, and I need your dope support to keep droppin' those fresh rhymes. Toss a coin or two my way, and let's keep this rhyme party poppin'! Your support's not just for the API – it's for sprucin' up our digital crib with future upgrades. Let's make this site the ultimate rhyme zone, together! 💜🤖💫

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  • ramification
  • brutalization

What is a Rhyme?

A rhyme is when words have similar ending sounds, usually used to make poetry or songs sound pleasing. For example, in the lines "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are," the words "star" and "are" rhyme because they sound similar.

Rhymes are often found at the ends of lines in poems and songs, helping to create a rhythm and a memorable pattern. This can make poems and songs easier to remember and more enjoyable to say out loud.

With our rhyming dictionary, you can find all types of rhymes, including:

Perfect Rhymes

Perfect rhymes occur when the final accented vowel and all following consonants sound exactly the same.

  • Example "sky" and "high," "leave" and "believe."

Slant Rhymes (also known as Half Rhymes or Near Rhymes)

Slant rhymes have a similarity in sound but are not a perfect match. They usually match in either consonants or vowel sounds but not both.

  • Example "shape" and "keep," "storm" and "arm."

Eye rhymes look similar when written but do not sound alike.

  • Example "love" and "move," "bough" and "cough."

Identical Rhymes

Identical rhymes occur when the same word or same sounding words are used as rhymes.

  • Example "bear" and "bear," "read" (to peruse) and "read" (past tense of read).

Rich Rhymes

Rich rhymes feature words that are homophones (sound alike but have different meanings) rhyming together.

  • Example "raise" and "raze," "two" and "too."

Forced Rhymes

Forced rhymes appear strained and unnatural, often because the words do not quite rhyme or the rhythm is off.

  • Example "heaven" and "given" (the stress on the syllables doesn't quite match).

Internal Rhymes

Internal rhymes occur when one or more words within a line rhyme with the ending word of the same line or another line.

  • Example "I drove myself to the lake and dove in."

End rhymes happen at the ends of lines of poetry or songs, which is what most people think of when they think of rhyming.

  • Example "Whose woods these are I think I know. / His house is in the village though."

Rhyming is usually introduced to children in school at a young age, helping them develop a feel for the language's rhythm and flow. This early practice not only makes reading and writing more fun but also enhances their language skills.

You should also note that rhymes in poems, etc. can come in many forms. Learning the different rhymes schemes is a great way for a poet to expand his/her portfolio of knowledge.

Exploring Homophones

As you might already know, a Homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word. Take a look at the examples below for more details.

Random Words with Homophones

Helpful info.

These are word lists that we think you may find interesting.

  •   Longest English Words
  •   Most Common English Words
  •   History Of Rhymes
  •   How To Find Rhymes
  •   Choosing a Rhyme Scheme

Words That Rhyme with Homework

A comprehensive list of words rhyming with 'homework' - dive into our expansive collection of rhymes for homework, meticulously curated to enhance your poetry, songwriting, and creative writing projects..

Updated on March 26, 2024

Rhymes for homework

a sentence that rhymes with homework

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Rhyme Generator

Welcome to our new rhyme generator. It has 134,000 words with full and partial rhymes, thanks to CMU's dictionary. If you want more options to get specific words (prefix search, suffix search, syllable search, etc) try our rap rhyme generator . You can also use the old rhyme generator here .

Here are a few rhyme generator examples:

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RHYME in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Rhyme

Sentence with Rhyme

Do you ever find yourself drawn to words that sound alike at the end? That’s called “rhyme.” In poetry and songwriting, rhyming words create a pleasing and rhythmic effect that enhances the overall tone and flow of the piece.

Rhyme occurs when words share similar sounds at the end of their syllables, creating a musical quality that can make language more engaging and memorable. This technique is commonly used in creative writing to add structure and cohesion to a piece, making it enjoyable for readers and listeners alike.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of Rhyme Used In a Sentence For Kids

  • Let’s play a game that’s so fun, we’ll find words that rhyme one by one!
  • In a poem, sounds can sound the same, like when we say a rhyme in a game.
  • A rhyme is when words have a match, like cat and hat in a catchy batch.
  • Let’s think of words that end just right, so we can make a rhyme bright.
  • With a rhyme , we can sing a song, and make our language sound so strong.
  • A rhyme can make us laugh or smile, like a fun game that’s worth the while.
  • It’s so much fun to say words that rhyme , it’s like a song that keeps time.

14 Sentences with Rhyme Examples

  • College students often stay up late to study, feeling the need to rhyme every piece of information.
  • During exams, it is common for students to create mnemonic devices that help them rhyme key concepts.
  • After a long day of classes, students might unwind by writing rhyme poems in their diaries.
  • Some students enjoy participating in poetry slams on campus to showcase their talent for rhyme .
  • College professors often encourage students to think creatively and find ways to rhyme different theories together.
  • Students preparing for group presentations might come up with catchy slogans that rhyme .
  • It is not uncommon for students to form study groups where they can quiz each other using rhyme questions.
  • To enhance their vocabulary, students could engage in word games that involve finding words that rhyme .
  • During breaks, students might engage in rap battles where they have to rhyme spontaneously.
  • Students passionate about literature may choose to analyze how authors use rhyme in their works.
  • Some college events include poetry readings where students are invited to share their rhyme creations.
  • For language courses, students could be tasked with translating rhyme poems from different cultures.
  • To improve public speaking skills, students might practice speeches that have a strong rhyme .
  • In creative writing classes, students might experiment with different poetic forms that require a specific rhyme scheme.

How To Use Rhyme in Sentences?

To use rhyme in a sentence, you first need to understand what it means. Rhyme refers to the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, typically occurring at the end of the words. It is commonly used in poetry, songs, and nursery rhymes to create a sense of rhythm and musicality.

When incorporating rhyme into a sentence, you can pair words that have similar end sounds. For example, “The cat sat on the mat” is a simple sentence that uses rhyme with the words “cat” and “mat.” You can also use rhyme with phrases or longer sentences, such as “She sells seashells by the seashore.”

To make your sentences more interesting and engaging, you can experiment with different types of rhyme . There are various rhyme schemes, such as AABB (where the first two lines rhyme with each other and the next two lines rhyme with each other) or ABAB (where the first and third lines rhyme, and the second and fourth lines rhyme).

Remember to pay attention to the pronunciation of words when using rhyme in a sentence. The words should sound similar at the end, even if they are spelled differently. With practice, you can become more comfortable with incorporating rhyme into your writing to enhance its flow and appeal.

In conclusion, sentences with rhyme are a creative way to add rhythm and musicality to writing. They are commonly used in poetry, songs, and children’s literature to engage the reader and enhance the overall flow of the text. Rhyming sentences can make the language more memorable and enjoyable, capturing the audience’s attention with their pleasing sounds.

By using sentences with rhyme, writers can play with language and form, crafting engaging narratives that stick in the reader’s mind long after they have finished reading. Whether used for storytelling, education, or entertainment, rhyming sentences have the power to captivate and entertain audiences of all ages, making them a valuable tool for communication and expression.

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a sentence that rhymes with homework

Rhyme Generator

Rhymes for Sky

  • High and wide
  • Soar and fly
  • Glimmers nigh
  • Dreams come by
  • Birds shall pry
  • Horizon’s dye
  • Clouds pass by
  • Heaven’s eye
  • Sun will dry
  • Stars up high
  • Colours vie
  • Far and nigh
  • Across, I spy
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Rhyme Generator: Unleash Your Creative Muse

Discover the melody in words with the Rhyme Generator, a tool designed to inspire poets, songwriters, and creative minds alike. In the world of writing, where every word holds the power of expression, finding the perfect rhyme can be the key to unlocking a masterpiece.

Introducing the Rhyme Generator

Navigating the realm of creativity can sometimes feel like sailing the vast sea without a compass. This is where the Rhyme Generator comes into play, acting as your guiding star in the endless sky of words. Designed to find rhymes with ease and precision, this tool is an invaluable asset for anyone looking to add lyrical beauty to their compositions.

The Rhyme Generator is more than just a tool; it’s a partner in your creative process, offering a seamless way to explore words that rhyme, enhancing the quality and appeal of your work. Whether you’re a seasoned poet, a budding songwriter, or someone dabbling in creative writing, this tool ensures that you’re never at a loss for words, providing a wide array of rhyming options at your fingertips.

How It Works

The Rhyme Generator simplifies the process of finding rhymes through a user-friendly interface:

  • Enter Your Base Word : Start by typing the word you need rhymes for into the generator.
  • Select Rhyme Types : Choose from various types of rhymes including perfect rhymes, near rhymes, and slant rhymes to suit your creative needs.
  • Generate Rhymes : With the click of a button, the tool provides a list of words that rhyme with your base word, along with usage examples for context.
  • Refine Your Search : Further refine your results by syllable count or word length to fit your poetic meter or song’s rhythm.

This intuitive process not only finds rhymes but also sparks inspiration, helping you weave words into the fabric of your creative projects.

Benefits of Using Rhyme Generator

Employing the Rhyme Generator offers numerous advantages:

  • Enhances Creativity : Breaks through writer’s block by providing a plethora of rhyming words to inspire your next lines.
  • Saves Time : Quickly finds the rhymes you need, allowing you to focus more on crafting your piece.
  • Increases Word Variety : Expands your vocabulary by introducing you to new words and phrases that rhyme with your base word.
  • Improves Writing Quality : Enables you to create more engaging and melodious compositions that captivate your audience.
  • Facilitates Learning : Acts as a learning tool for understanding different types of rhymes and their uses in writing.
  • Versatile Tool : Useful for a wide range of creative projects, from poetry and songwriting to creative writing assignments.
  • Free and Accessible : Most rhyme generators are available online for free, making them accessible to anyone with an internet connection.
  • Customizable Searches : Tailor your search based on type of rhyme, syllable count, and word length to fit your specific creative needs.

Use Cases for Rhyme Generator

The Rhyme Generator finds its place in numerous creative endeavors:

  • Poetry Writing : Craft verses that flow seamlessly with the perfect end rhymes or internal rhymes.
  • Songwriting : Compose lyrics that resonate with your melody, enhancing the song’s emotional impact.
  • Creative Writing : Add a lyrical touch to prose, short stories, or plays with rhyming words that add rhythm and depth.
  • Advertising and Marketing : Create catchy slogans or brand names that stick in the mind of your audience.
  • Educational Purposes : Teach students about rhymes, poetry forms, and creative writing techniques in an engaging way.

Enhancing Rhyme Generator

To elevate your creative writing further, consider pairing the Rhyme Generator with other tools from WordKraft:

  • Explore the Poem Generator for automatic poem creation with themes and structures.
  • Utilize the Brand Name Generator for innovative and memorable brand names.
  • Craft compelling Slogans that capture your brand’s essence and appeal to your audience.
  • Pen heartfelt Love Letters with the perfect blend of words that express deep emotions.
  • Generate Motivational Quotes to inspire yourself and others towards greatness.

These additional tools complement the Rhyme Generator, providing a comprehensive suite for all your creative writing and branding needs.

The Rhyme Generator stands as a testament to the fusion of technology and creativity, offering a bridge between the art of words and the ease of digital access. By leveraging this tool, creatives across the spectrum can enhance their work, ensuring that each piece resonates deeply with their audience. Whether for crafting the next hit song, a poem that touches the soul, or a brand name that stands out, the Rhyme Generator is your go-to resource for words that weave magic. Embrace this tool and let your creativity soar to new heights, one rhyme at a time.

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Write 10x faster, engage your audience, and ignite your writing prowess. Unleash your potential now!

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Sentence Rhymes

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424 Words Rhyme With Sentence

One-syllable rhymes 2, two-syllable rhymes 56, three-syllable rhymes 247, four-syllable rhymes 107, five-syllable rhymes 11, six-or-more syllable rhymes 1, my favorite rhymes, add a favorite rhyme, rhymes that start with letter:.


  1. RhymeZone: homework rhymes

    [Rhymes] Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Same consonants Advanced >> Words and phrases that rhyme with homework: (372 results) 1 syllable: berch, berck, ... — Adjectives for homework: more, much, little, industrial, ...

  2. Words that rhyme with homework

    speckled carpetshark. wish you the best of luck. alipogene tiparvovec. have a run of bad luck. pacify Iraq. talimogene laherparepvec. rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock. alles anderes ist Menschenwerk. Rhyming Words with 1 Syllable.

  3. Homework Rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with Homework. Used in poems and poetry, songs, lyrics and music. Top rhymes for Homework.

  4. 200+ Words that Rhyme with HOMEWORK

    rhyming words for homework: framework, teamwork, artwork, clockwork, network, work, roadwork, brushwork, patchwork, firework, housework, paperwork, fieldwork etc (277 results) GET APP Home Dictionary Thesaurus Rhymes Unscrambler / Anagrams Wordle Solver Crossword Solver Known Letters Solver

  5. RhymeZone: All rhymes for homework

    Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Mentions Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Same consonants. See homework used in context: several books and articles.

  6. RhymeZone: homework

    Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with homework: 2 syllables: both ... while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share ...

  7. Find Words That Rhyme with Homework

    We found 88 words that rhyme with Homework. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Rhymes with Homework. Synonyms of Homework. Antonyms of Homework. Rhyme. Len. Syllables. PoS.

  8. 66 Words that Rhyme with Homework

    Words that rhyme with Homework. Best words that rhyme with Homework.

  9. Words and Phrases That Rhyme With "Home work": homework, network

    Words and Phrases That Rhyme With Home work: homework, network, clockwork, masterwork, plasterwork, roadwork, openwork ... Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound. homework ...

  10. Words That Rhyme With "Homework"

    Find rhyming words! Desk | Worksheet | Kids | Phonetic | About. Rhymes | Synonyms. Find. include near rhymes Filter Results. show rare words show proper nouns show consonances ... Words That Rhyme With "Homework" : 1 syllable: arc, ark ...

  11. Rhyming Dictionary

    Find rhymes for any word or phrase with our powerful rhyming dictionary and rhyme generator.

  12. 238 best rhymes for 'homework'

    Zuckerberg. Gettysburg. Williamsburg. Eisenberg. Disfigured. Afterward. Straightforward. A list of 238 words that rhyme with homework, sorted by rhymability, syllables, as well as how it's used in different songs.

  13. RhymeBot.AI

    Hi. I'm RhymeBot. I'm your go-to rhyme maker for creating savage rhyming sentences. Just slide in your current lyrics, the word you want to rhyme, and any genre or vibe you're feeling. I'll hit you back with the next line. But keep it low key, I ain't perfect.

  14. RhymeZone: homework

    This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence ...

  15. Rhyme Finder

    A rhyme is when words have similar ending sounds, usually used to make poetry or songs sound pleasing. For example, in the lines "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are," the words "star" and "are" rhyme because they sound similar. Rhymes are often found at the ends of lines in poems and songs, helping to create a rhythm and a ...

  16. Rhymes With Homework

    A list of words rhyming with homework. We provide rhymes for over 8000 of the most used words in the English language. Got it. Click on a letter to browse words starting with that letter. a.

  17. Rhyme Generator: Find Rhyming Words Easily

    Rhyme Generator. Welcome to our new rhyme generator. It has 134,000 words with full and partial rhymes, thanks to CMU's dictionary. If you want more options to get specific words (prefix search, suffix search, syllable search, etc) try our rap rhyme generator.You can also use the old rhyme generator here.

  18. Examples of "Homework" in a Sentence

    129. The guy is smart and does his homework. 53. 33. Students involved in other activities alone or in combination with sports had significantly higher odds than the other two groups for doing homework and significantly lower odds for alcohol consumption, marijuana use, and vandalism. 48. 36.

  19. RHYME in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Rhyme

    Rhyme refers to the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, typically occurring at the end of the words. It is commonly used in poetry, songs, and nursery rhymes to create a sense of rhythm and musicality. When incorporating rhyme into a sentence, you can pair words that have similar end sounds. For example, "The cat sat on the mat ...

  20. RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus

    A comprehensive rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and brainstorming tool for the English language. Includes dozens of functions to help songwriters, poets, and anyone else in need of a word.

  21. Free Rhyme Generator

    The Rhyme Generator simplifies the process of finding rhymes through a user-friendly interface: Enter Your Base Word: Start by typing the word you need rhymes for into the generator. Select Rhyme Types: Choose from various types of rhymes including perfect rhymes, near rhymes, and slant rhymes to suit your creative needs. Generate Rhymes: With ...

  22. 423+ Words That Rhyme With Sentence

    Sentence Rhymes 424 Words Rhyme With Sentence. Add Sentence to Favorites Copy Definition Thesaurus. New! Right click a rhyme to view its menu options.

  23. RhymeZone: sentence rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with sentence: (5 results) 2 syllables: sentance 3 syllables: repentance, resentence 4 syllables: representance, unrepentance Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (21 results) 3 syllables: