MS Word Cover Page Templates

Download, personalize & print, cover page designs for summer holiday homework.

Posted By: admin 29/06/2022

Schools are the institutes that transform pebbles into ornaments and shape raw minds to think about creativity and wonders. Children seek primary knowledge at nearby schools and are guided in a particular direction for choosing a career or field of choice. Every school follows a set of curricula that helps them stay on track.

Every school gives summer holidays of 2 to 3 months every year so that children can stay at home and avoid the heat. Students are responsible for completing assigned holiday homework so that they do not forget their course during vacations. Summer holiday homework is assigned to every student and is collected by the school when students return after the holidays. Homework is prepared by the school administration and is based on the course of upcoming classes for every student.

The cover page, also known as the title page, is the first page of any document. It provides details about the writer and the topic of the document. It is generally a part of every document and greatly influences the chances of reading that document. Summer holiday homework cover pages are bright and full of colors to draw the attention of kids and make it a fun activity for them. Homework does not only include coursework; it also includes puzzles and other fun activities for the kids.

The design of cover pages changes from grade to grade because lower-grade kids are not burdened with a lot of homework, so their task is mostly enjoyable and basic. Cover pages are designed by art teachers who take inspiration from the internet and incorporate several pieces of art to form a cover design. Many art teachers are creative and try to include designs related to homework to develop the interest of the children.

Some of the tricks for designing cover pages are given below:

  • Different designs of cover pages may include colorful images of books, pencils, and other study material to focus on studies.
  • Students in lower grades enjoy easy homework with relaxing exercises, while students in higher grades are assigned tough work.
  • As compared to the homework, cover pages are full of colors and images that attract kids.
  • Images on the cover design signify the contents of homework and allow children to enjoy it.
  • Many designs include black-and-white images and ask children to color these images with the colors of their choice, thus giving them the freedom to design them themselves.
  • Cover pages provide details about the grade and contents of the homework within the document.

Every part of an official document is crucial and should be designed with the utmost care. Cover pages are unusually designed to provide basic details about the document without opening it. Furthermore, the significance of homework cover page designs can be evaluated from the following points:

  • Diverse cover pages attract students to also remember their school tasks while enjoying vacations.
  • It helps parents engage their children with homework.
  • Creative designs of cover pages allow students to be creative and act as inspiration
  • The contents mentioned on the cover pages allow parents to decide if their children need extra help completing homework.

Summer holiday homework cover page

Various templates

  • Political Conference Paper Cover Pages
  • Economic Policy Evaluation Cover Pages
  • Economic Conference Paper Cover Pages
  • Political Analysis Report Cover Pages
  • Government Report Cover Pages
  • Political Campaign Proposal Cover Pages
  • Economic Impact Study Cover Pages
  • Grant Proposal Cover Pages
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  • Healthcare Policy/Procedure Manual Cover Pages
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  • Clinical Trial Report Cover Pages
  • Medical Articles Journal Cover Pages
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  • Medical Case Study Cover Pages

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Summer homework may start as early as elementary school, but you don’t have to do it the way it’s always been done! Veteran educators like third-grade teacher Alycia Zimmerman have spent time thinking about how to make summer homework meaningful and interesting enough that students buy in—and even want to do it.  

Read on for Zimmerman’s summer homework game plan and ideas for how to make summer assignments more fun for everyone.

1. Try a New Student Meet and Greet

If possible, meet your incoming students before summer break (even if it’s virtual!) to instill the importance of summer learning.

At the end of the school year, coordinate with the teachers of your incoming students to swap classes for a period. Introduce yourselves to your future students and build excitement for the fun and challenging learning ahead and the very “grown-up” summer homework you will assign.

“We’ve been far more successful in instilling the importance of our summer assignments when presenting about it face-to-face rather than just sending a packet of directions home cold,” says Zimmernan. “The students sit on the edges of their seats as we talk about the importance of summer reading and our certainty that they will do everything they can to 'keep their brains healthy, pink, and strong’ over the summer.”

2. Emphasize the Importance of Summer Reading

Talk about the best summer assignment of all: diving into books!

Reading should be a treat, not a menial assignment, so Zimmerman doesn’t feel guilty about making reading the bulk of her summer homework. Here are some of her most effective strategies for promoting summer reading:

Have students fill out a log  to keep track of the books and other texts they read over the summer. It isn’t necessary to require a certain number of books or specific titles. Simply ask that they find books they love and spend lots of time reading them.

Have your current students write book reviews of their favorite titles to send home with your rising students. Invite your current students to serve as reading ambassadors and speak to the younger students about the importance and joys of reading. When coming from slightly older peers, the message is very well received.

And of course: Sign your students up for the Scholastic Summer Reading Program ! From May 9 to August 19, your students can visit Scholastic Home Base to participate in the free, fun, and safe  summer reading program . As part of the program, kids can read e-books, attend author events, and keep Reading Streaks™ to help unlock a donation of 100K books from Scholastic – distributed to kids with limited or no access to books by Save the Children. 

3. Share Fun and Educational Activities

Direct your students to fun (and educational) activities.

When considering other homework, the best options are activities that students will be motivated to do because they’re entertaining. 

Give your incoming students the “everything is better in moderation” speech so they understand that they shouldn’t play hours of computer games every day this summer. If possible, send them home with printable and book-based packs to polish their skills for the year ahead (you can even pair these with your own assignments): 

4. Connect Through the Mail 

Stay connected with your students over the summer through cards.

Giving incoming students the opportunity to connect with you and with each other can motivate them to complete summer assignments. Here’s one plan for connecting via letters:

Have your incoming students mail you a letter of introduction. Explain that you want to hear about their summer activities, their hobbies, their families, and anything special they want you to know before the school year begins.

When you receive letters from your students, send a postcard back with a brief response. Tell them a bit about your summer plan, and let them know you can’t wait to see them in the fall. 

Encourage them to write again!

You can also pair up students and have them write to each other over the summer. In September, they can bring their pen pal letters to class to display on the bulletin board.

Take advantage of everyone’s increasing familiarity with virtual resources by connecting online, too! Post a short video, article, or question once a week on your classroom's online platform, and invite both incoming students and rising former students to write their thoughts in the comments section. Be sure to moderate their comments and enjoy their back-and-forth dialogues as they engage with each other.

Get started by shopping the best books for summer reading below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store .

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summer vacation homework decoration ideas

20+ creative alternative homework ideas for teachers

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

When giving homework, it must always be based on learning goals your students have to reach, just like in your lessons. But it’s sad to see that lots of teachers are using homework as extra lesson time. Of course, as a teacher, you’re on a clock. But that doesn’t mean your students have to suffer from it and keep working on those boring textbooks and worksheets at home.

Consider goals like attitudes, real-life experiences, and practice, physical exercise, social encounters, creative solutions, and philanthropy as crucial as your lesson goals. These are things students don’t just pick up in your classroom. These are things they pick up in life.

In this blog post, I’ll give you some innovative homework ideas that will engage your students more. These alternatives to traditional homework will thereby also teach your students new things that can’t be taught in the classroom. You will find a variety of homework ideas: online and offline.

I will mention homework alternatives for primary school and high school. Some of these ideas can be changed a little bit, so they are the perfect fit for the right audience.

20 Creative homework ideas

You can divide homework tasks into the following themes or categories:

  • Crafts & arts
  • Outdoor activities & outings
  • Games and activities
  • Physical activities
  • Digital or computer activities
  • Philanthropy & social work
đź’ˇ Good to know : all the ready-to-use homework activities are created with BookWidgets . You can easily create activities like these yourself or duplicate an activity below for free, edit it if needed, and share it with your students. You can do so in the examples separately, or you can find all the homework examples in the BookWidgets Blog group folder .

Crafts and arts homework

1. prepare a dish from a recipe book.

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

2. Make a board game

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

3. Create a birdhouse

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

4. Transform a fictional book character into a hand puppet

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Outdoor homework activities and outings

5. coupon game.

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Students can also go grocery shopping with their parents. Here, they have to read the ingredients of the products and help their parents choose the healthiest products for the best prices, figure out the best deal between the sizes of items, …

6. Visit the zoo

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

7. Visit the local dumping ground or container park

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

8. Build a tree house

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Games and activities as homework

9. bookwidgets games.

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

10. Minecraft

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

11. Play Cards

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

12. Play Zoo Tycoon or Rollercoaster Tycoon

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Physical homework activities

13. rope skipping.

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Many rope-skipping songs let your students do different tricks while rope-skipping. This is an excellent opportunity for homework as well. Ask your students to transform a rope skipping song into a song with lesson content. Let them count or spell or even sum up the different states or capitals. To engage their lifestyles even harder, you can additionally give them the assignment to create a TikTok in which they are jumping and singing.

Click here to see how you can get Tiktok more involved in the classroom.

14. Walking quest

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

If there aren’t any walking quests in the neighborhood, you could ask your students to create a walking quest like this for their fellow students. What a fun day it will be!

15. Obstacle Quiz

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

In order for students to answer the questions, they have to run and pass a challenging parkour. This is a fun homework exercise, and in the end, it’s a great lesson starter or lesson end.

16. Swimming games

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

After the activity, they can fill out an Exit Slip:

Swimming games

Digital or computer homework activities

17. create a picture album.

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

This teaches them to handle the online software, add pictures and write without spelling mistakes. And of course, creating memories is so much fun!

18. Video job application

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

19. Your life in 10 minutes - video

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

20. Email pen-pals

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Is it still too complicated? Read the messages from your students, before they send them, and provide them with some feedback.

Email pen-pals

Philanthropy and social homework

21. grow a community garden.

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

22. Help in a retirement home

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

23. Help at a homeless shelter

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

24. Collect litter

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Here’s another homework tip: Don’t call homework “homework”. Call it a challenge. Homework has become a negative word for students, and I bet they start rolling their eyes as you even mention the word.

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out the blog on short films and lesson activities that spice up your Google Classroom . Tip: even if you don’t use Google Classroom, there is a lot of inspiration back here.

Above you have read single assignments. But, you also have the option to involve your homework in a project. Find out more here .

So, as I mentioned earlier, there are many fun alternatives to traditional homework. Now it’s up to you to apply this in the classroom as well. In this folder , you will find all the examples you have come across.

Which idea do you or perhaps your students like the most? Let us know on Twitter . Of course, there are many more alternatives. If you have other ideas, you are always welcome to share it with other teachers in our Facebook group .

One more thing: don’t forget to say hi👋 on LikedIn .

20+ creative homework alternatives

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Creative Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science: Ideas and Exercises

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 23, 2024

Creative Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science

Here are some interesting ideas for creative holiday homework for Class 8 Science. As educators, you should understand the importance of fostering curiosity and engagement, even during vacation periods. In this blog, we have curated a diverse range of activities, exercises, projects, and frequently asked questions to make learning science not only informative but also enjoyable and interactive. So, whether you are a student seeking inspiration or a teacher looking to infuse your curriculum with creativity, join us on this journey of exploration and discovery in the fascinating world of science!

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Experiments 
  • 1.2 Creative Presentations
  • 2.1 CBSE Class 8 Short Answer Questions
  • 2.2 CBSE Class 8 MCQs
  • 2.3 CBSE Class 8 Long Answer Questions
  • 3 Creative Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science: Projects

Creative Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science: Ideas

To begin with, we have enlisted experiments and presentation ideas for creative holiday homework for class 8 science students.


  • As teachers, you can ask students to choose a scientific concept they learned in class (like acids and bases, and chemical reactions) and design a fun and safe experiment around it. Tell students to prepare a presentation explaining the science behind the experiment. 
  • In addition, you can ask Class 8 students to design a working model that demonstrates a sustainable practice (like a solar water heater or a rainwater collector). Suggest they use recycled materials whenever possible and explain the science behind how their model works, once the school reopens. 
  • Moreover, ask your students, Is there a common science myth they have heard (like sugar makes you hyper)? Based on their answers, tell them to design an experiment to test the myth and creatively present their findings, like a comic strip or a video after the summer vacation. 

Creative Presentations

  • Introduce a recent scientific breakthrough or discovery to your students. Now, ask them to create a news report (written, video, or even a mock radio broadcast) during the summer vacation. Once the classes resume, ask each one of them to explain the science behind it clearly and engagingly.
  • Furthermore, you can suggest students write a short story about a future technology based on scientific concepts they have learned recently. Tell them to explain how the technology works and its potential benefits or drawbacks in their respective stories.
  • Besides, you can ask your pupils to research the history of a scientific discovery or invention (like vaccines or electricity). Thereafter, tell them to present their findings on a timeline or create a short play or skit showing the scientists involved and their challenges.

Also Read: Class 3 Holiday Homework- Session 2024-25

Creative Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science: Exercises

Thereafter, this section introduces different types of exercises for creative holiday homework for Class 8 Science. 

CBSE Class 8 Short Answer Questions

Q1. Explain the difference between physical and chemical changes with two examples each.

Q2. Describe the three states of matter and the factors affecting their change.

Q3. List the different types of forces and give an example of each acting in everyday life.

Q4. What is the role of acids and bases in everyday products? Give an example of each.

Q5. Describe the process of photosynthesis and explain its importance for living organisms.

CBSE Class 8 MCQs

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for preparing the soil before sowing seeds?
a. To remove weeds
b. To improve water retention
c. To make soil harder
d. To allow for better root growth

Q2. The process of removing unwanted plants from a field is called: 
a. Tilling
b. Sowing
c. Weeding
d. Harvesting

Q3. The crops sown during the rainy season are called:
a. Kharif crops
b. Rabi crops
c. Zaid crops
d. None of the above

Q1. Which of the following is used in the production of bread and yogurt?
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Fungi
d. Amoeba

Q2. In the roots of leguminous plants, bacteria called ________ fix atmospheric nitrogen.
a.  Rhizobium
b. Streptococcus
c. Staphylococcus
d. E. coli

Q3. Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?
a. Tetanus
b. Common cold
c. Food poisoning
d. Tuberculosis

Q1. The first fully synthetic fibre to be developed was:
a. Nylon
b. Polyester
c. Rayon (partially synthetic)
d. Acrylic

Q2. Which of the following properties is a disadvantage of synthetic fibers?
a. Strong and durable
b. Poor insulation of heat
c. Easily wrinkles
d. Absorbs moisture well

Q3. PET is a commonly used type of plastic. It is often found in:
a. Clothing fibers
b. Food packaging
c. Building materials
d. Electrical wires

CBSE Class 8 Long Answer Questions

Q1. Explain the various steps involved in crop production, starting from land preparation to harvesting. Discuss the importance of each step and how it contributes to a successful crop yield.

Q2. Briefly describe three methods used for irrigation and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Q3. Microorganisms play a vital role in our lives, both beneficial and harmful. Discuss different types of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa) and give examples of how they can be beneficial (e.g., food production, decomposition) or harmful (e.g., causing diseases).  Explain how we can protect ourselves from harmful microorganisms and promote the growth of beneficial ones.

Q4. Compare and contrast natural fibers (e.g., cotton, wool) with synthetic fibers (e.g., nylon, polyester) based on their properties (source, comfort, durability, ease of care). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using synthetic fibres in clothing production.

Q5. Discuss the environmental impact of plastic pollution and suggest ways to reduce it.

Also Read: Exciting Holiday Homework Ideas for Class 2

Creative Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science: Projects

Finally, let us have a look at projects for creative holiday homework for class 8 science. 

Ans: Make holiday homework creative by incorporating art, multimedia, or interactive elements. Use storytelling, presentations, or hands-on projects. Collaborate with classmates or explore real-world applications for a unique touch.

Ans: During summer vacation, set aside specific times for homework to maintain consistency. Break tasks into manageable chunks, utilize effective study techniques and create a conducive environment. Reward yourself for completing tasks to stay motivated and ensure a balanced approach to learning and leisure.

Ans: Here are some interesting ideas: – Ask students to choose a scientific concept they learned in class (like acids and bases, and chemical reactions) and design a fun and safe experiment around it.  – Suggest students write a short story about a future technology based on scientific concepts they have learned recently. Tell them to explain how the technology works and its potential benefits or drawbacks in their respective stories.

Follow the school education page of Leverage Edu to discover other holiday homework and project ideas for school students. 

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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53 Summer Decor Ideas to Get Ready for Fun in the Sun

summer vacation homework decoration ideas

Design by  Robin Naylor  / Photo by  Country Floors

Summer-summer-summertime! The temperatures are rising, the beach is begging you to play hooky, and your home is ready for a seasonal refresh . This summer, with the help of a few easy decor ideas, your home can reflect the joy of the season.  The goal: incorporate lighter hues, airier textures, and coastal-inspired accents throughout your home for a summer to remember.   Read on for 53 summer decor ideas that’ll brighten your home all season long.

Want more design inspiration? Sign up for our free daily newsletter for the latest decor ideas, designer tips, and more!

Create an Indoor Gardening Hub

@carlalee / Instagram

Whether you're up to your wrists in dirt every day or have a pair of not-so-green thumbs, this indoor gardening hub is a delightful way to introduce summer to your home decor. It allows you to show off your gardening goods (no matter how much use they get) in a fun and functional way.

Make Your Own Clam Wreath

Most Lovely Things

It doesn't get much more summery than a handmade clamshell wreath. Display your love of the season with this DIY project, which was made by  Most Lovely Things  using upcycled clam shells.

It's especially fit for a coastal beach house, but even if you're a few states away from an ocean, there's no stopping you from adding this summery touch to your home.

Streamline Your Linens

@afrobohemianliving / Instagram

Come summertime, there's no need for layers of blankets on your bed. Keep your bed dressed simply, with lightweight fabrics such as cotton and linen. Bonus points for matching the bedding to your wall and curtain color for a monochromatic look that feels airy, even during the hottest of months.

Add Ocean-Inspired Tiles

Design by  PURE Design: Interior Design, Build & Shoppe  / Photo by  Janis Nicolay Photography

Looking for a summery feel in your kitchen all year long? Consider tiling your kitchen island with ocean-like shades of blue, teal, and white. This island is a creation of PURE Design , and though it isn't the easiest summer decor idea, it is one you'll appreciate for a lifetime.

Install a Canopy Bed

Kathy Kuo Home

If you could bottle up summer and release its essence in a bedroom, this would be it. This coastal home's bedroom feels especially dreamy with the soft curtains, plush decorative pillows, and beachy artwork. Plus, what's more romantic than a canopy bed?

Create the Ultimate Backyard

Ask us to describe the perfect backyard, and we'd rattle off many of the decor items in this setup. String lights, a hammock, benches, stacks of firewood, and a fire pit are all must-haves. (This slick fire pit is by Breeo ; they created the first smokeless fire pit in the world.) All together, this recipe makes for top-notch backyard hangs.

Evoke a Nautical Feel

Sand, surfing, sunsets—the seashore is full of summer decor ideas . Take the nautical theme however subtle or literal as you'd like. For a can't-miss-it theme, hang a surf board on the wall, or opt for blue and white stripes for a graphic pop.

Arrange a Floral Centerpiece

A tall, textured centerpiece is a summer decor must. Trust us, your dining table will have never looked better. Arrange fresh-picked flowers in a beautiful vessel, then keep the rest of your tablescape minimal.

Create a Vacation Feel in a Sunroom

Design by Liz MacPhail Interiors / Photo by Ryann Ford

If you're lucky enough to have a sunroom, now is your time to take full advantage of the bright space. Even if your passport isn't getting a workout this summer, you can create your own staycation with vacation-like decor. Here, Liz MacPhail Interiors topped a bamboo loveseat with patterned pillows. Add in some tropical plants and a textured rug for good measure. You just might be able to fool yourself that you are on vacation.

Stock Up a Bar Cart

Chasing Paper

If you stock a bar cart at home , now's the time to give it a summer makeover. Switch out your beverages of choice for warm weather-worthy bottles, plenty of water, and a vase full of fresh blooms.

To make the cart really pop, place it against a nature-inspired wallpaper, like this  Chasing Paper  design, which evokes the lush land of the French countryside.  

Arrange an Inviting Entryway

Interior Impressions

Does your entryway need a summer makeover? Consider the space's two most important aspects: a comfortable spot to slip on your sandals and a mirror to check if any spots of sunscreen need to be rubbed in.

This  Interior Impressions -designed space has both, creating a breezy, summery entryway that is nothing but inviting.

Display Your Dishes on Open Shelves

Design by  Burnham Design  / Photo by  Ye Rin Mok

Al fresco dinners (and lunches and breakfasts...) are around the corner, so consider rearranging your open kitchen shelves to accommodate them better.

Displaying your dishes makes entertaining easier, since you won't have guests guessing which kitchen cabinets hold what.

DIY a Starfish Wreath

Finding Silver Pennies

Dreaming of a beach getaway? Embrace a seaside feel with this homemade starfish wreath via Finding Silver Pennies . It pairs perfectly with a coastal home, whether hung on a front door, in an entryway, or above a fireplace.

Cozy Around a Portable Fire Pit

Design by Marian Louise Designs / Photo by Kaley Elaine Photo

Think "summer" and perhaps memories of roasting marshmallows around a fire pit emerge. Create more cozy memories with a portable fire pit set up, which gives you the flexibility to move the setup around your outdoor space as needed. Rearrange the seating depending on how many guests are joining and which way the wind is blowing.

Mix and Match Outdoor Furniture

Design by Studio Ten 25 / Photo by Shayna Fontana

The recipe for a cozy patio furniture arrangement: a loveseat here, two chairs there, and a few side tables on the sides. Make it all-the-more summery with colorful outdoor pillows and a fire pit. That's what  Studio Ten 25  did here, and it created a comfortable, flexible fire pit situation for all kinds of summer soirees.

Paint Your Front Door

@hannahscolourfulworld  / Instagram

Painting your front door lemon yellow is an extra bold way to welcome summer, and we're here for it. A swipe of any bright paint would instantly update your home to the season. It's simple enough to do yourself and simple enough to change too.

Fill a Windowsill With Petite Planters

Take advantage of the long days and late sunsets. One way to do that is to line your kitchen windowsill with a handful of small planters, perhaps full of herbs you can use to garnish your salads and cocktails. This is an excellent way to enliven your kitchen long after summer ends too.

Heide Hendricks Interior Design

An all-yellow kitchen isn't for everyone. This bold space by Heide Hendricks Interior Design  is serious inspiration whether or not you'd dip a brush into canary yellow paint.

It reminds us that color plays an important part to our everyday mood, so incorporate as much or as little as you'd like—even if that's simply a singular sunflower stem.

Set Your Dining Table With Soft Linens

Austin Lord  / Stocksy

Be dinner party prepared at all times. (Or, at least have your dining room table look prepared.) All you need is a breezy linen tablecloth, a floral centerpiece, and a few salad recipes at the ready.

Embrace Scandinavian-Style Minimalism

Design by  JAM  / Photo by  Gieves Anderson

One of the best ways to appreciate summer is to soak up every minute of the abundant natural light. A sleek Scandinavian-style kitchen emphasizes just that. Keep it simple with a streamlined layout, limited decor, and no shades to block out sun.

Emphasize Natural Materials

Becca Interiors

Summer decor can include bright colors and punchy patterns. Summer decor can also lean into natural materials in neutral tones, highlighting a sense of serenity. Play up natural features, like a brick fireplace and a wooden mantle, then layer light materials like wicker and linen to embrace summer.

Add a Colorful Rug To Your Bathroom

Design by  CW Interiors / Photo by Grace Laird

For a quick and easy summer decor idea, simply swap out your everyday bathroom rug for a more colorful design. Here's betting it'll give you a dose of delight every time you brush your teeth.

Go Coastal With a Rattan Floor Lamp

Lindye Galloway Studio + Shop

A little coastal and a lot summery—that's the feel this organic, handwoven rattan floor lamp from  Lindye Galloway Studio + Shop  gives off. The shade is made of natural rattan, while the base and accents are made from a warm antique brass finish. Each time you pull one of the too-cute pull chains you'll delight in your summer decor.

Add Textured Light Fixtures

Globe Electric

Lightweight materials like rattan , wicker, and twine all add a summery feel to any space. This kitchen is instantly boosted with a beachy aesthetic with these textured pendants with woven shades from  Globe Electric . They soften the light in a summer-like way. Best yet? They cost just $60 each.

Create a Reading Nook

KT2 Design Group

Picture it: you're laying back on this window seat, book in hand, nodding off in the summer sun. Sounds ideal, right? That can be your reality. If you don't have a window seat, create another reading nook in any sunny spot with a comfy chair, side table, and floor lamp.

Balance Fun With Functional

Design by  Living With Lolo / Photo by Life Created

Tap into a child-like playfulness with your summer decor. When Lauren Lerner, founder and principal designer of  Living With Lolo , couldn’t fit a reading area and two nightstands in this bedroom, she chose to skip the second nightstand and add a rattan swing chair instead. How fun!

Style a Windowsill

Velinda Hellen for Emily Henderson Design / Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp

Use each season as an opportunity to refresh your objects on display. Maybe that's on shelves or maybe that's an enviable windowsill. Pile up stacks of beach reads, cut branches from your yard, and artfully arrange other trinkets from your summer travels.

Show Off Your Colorful Glassware Collection

Casa Watkins Living

Open shelves  are a great opportunity to show off your seasonal decor. Break out your colorful glassware and put them on full display for summer soirees. Stephanie Watkins of  Casa Watkins Living did just that. She arranged her glassware, ceramics, and little trinkets by color for a pop of eclectic, summery fun.

Arrange Fruit Artfully

Alvin Wayne Interiors

Few things say "summer" more clearly than a bowl full of fresh fruit. Don't use just any (chipped, stained, or boring) bowl though. A beautiful vessel filled to the brim with lemons and grapes doubles as decor, elevating a practical part of your kitchen.

Create a Moss Wreath

Liz Marie Blog

Whether or not you consider yourself a DIY-er, this moss wreath is a breeze to recreate. Just follow  Liz Marie's simple instructions . All you need is reindeer craft moss, a grapevine wreath, some hot glue, and any other summery decorations (like flowers or a nest) you'd like. Voila! Easy summer decor that comes with the pride of knowing you made it yourself.

Keep Foraging Essentials Nearby

Marie Flanigan Interiors

Come summer, chances are your outdoor activities are going to multiply. Perhaps some of those, such as gardening, boast beautiful and practical items to decorate an entryway. In this  Marie Flanigan -designed farmhouse, rain boots and a tote perfect for a farmers market provide an aesthetic appeal that screams "summer."

Hang a Basket of Flowers on Your Front Door

@onceupona1912  / Instagram

Take a twist on the traditional wreath. This year, welcome guests to your home with a basket full of flowers hung on your front door. That's what Kay Volmar of  Once Upon a 1912  did, and it would be super simple to recreate yourself.

Hang Bold Wallpaper

Hanging wallpaper is one of the quickest ways to completely transform a room. For a summery feel, choose a design with bright hues or beachy patterns. An Earth-inspired wallpaper, like this one in a bedroom designed by Alvin Wayne Interiors , evokes summer too—and is a welcome sight during the doldrums of winter. If you're commitment-phobic, choose a peel-and-stick wallpaper , which is simple to hang (we promise!) and can swapped out easily.

Connect Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

The Green Light Lodge

Blurring the boundaries between your indoor and outdoor spaces is one of the best perks of summertime. This rentable A-frame cabin in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania boasts serious porch goals, with a gas fire table and plenty of seating, all aglow under café lights.

Bring the Outdoors In

Here's hoping you'll clock in plenty of outdoor time this summer. Whenever you're stuck indoors though, get a feel for Mother Nature with a planted tree. It blurs the lines between inside and out, which feels natural in the summer and is a welcome dose of greenery during the colder months.

Soothe With Sepia Tones

Tone-on-tone-on-tone is easy on the eyes, especially when you opt for shades of sand, taupe, and mocha. A bedroom full of sepia tones is beautiful and breezy—perfect for summer. Plus, it allows you the flexibility to mix and match linens of various (but similar) tones as the seasons evolve to switch up the look.

Embrace Pink

Design by Malcolm Simmons for  Emily Henderson Design  / Photo by Keyanna Brown

Pretty in pink, indeed! Decorating with pink —whether through paint, linens, artwork, or otherwise—adds a soft touch to your summer decor. It's warm, it's playful, and (outside of a little girl's room) it's unexpected.

Add Soft Textures in Unexpected Places

Bria Hammel Interiors

Summer is all about softness: soft tones and soft textures. This summer, transform your bathroom's pedestal sink into a softer version of itself with a sink skirt. The neutral skirt adds an easy, breezy summer feel to a bathroom that's a little bit country and  a little colonial .

Hanging Floating Shelves

Design by  Moen  / Photography by  TRG Multimedia

Give your books, plants, and passed down treasures a new home this summer. This space designed by  Moen  offers an interesting take on floating shelves , which are often utilized in kitchens and living rooms, but are equally as useful in a bathroom. You'll love the additional storage all-the-more come the colder months, when you're more likely to draw a bath.

Go Big With Greenery

Take advantage of the season with large doses of greenery. A vase filled with fresh-cut blooms from your garden is welcome in any room, but especially ones that tend to get overlooked when it comes to decor. Consider how much punch this oversized vessel added to this  Becca Interiors -designed bathroom. Try adding vases to your entryway, laundry room, and any niche that's vase-friendly.

Display Treasures from Travels

Design by  Rose & Mortar  / Photo by Amy Neunsinger

No matter where your travels have taken you, surely you've collected some treasures along the journey. This summer, show them off. Think of the special objects as not only beautiful decor, but conversation starters and a way to preserve memories too.

Opt for Light and Bright

No matter which style you consider your decor—country, contemporary, eclectic, or anything in between—you can't go wrong with white paint . It's always crisp and clean. Soft neutrals also help emphasize any architectural details and provide a neutral backdrop for all of your seasonal decor.

Lean Into Soft Textures

There's no wrong time of year to embrace soft textures, but summer embraces the light, airy, and soft textures. A side chair upholstered in a cream-color boucle checks all of those boxes.

Add Bright Decor to Bookshelves

Mixing up your decor doesn't mean you have to drop serious money on a shopping spree. Instead, browse your own home for decor items that can be easily rearranged. For instance, add bright decor items (like table lamps and vases) to bookshelves for a whole new look. Then, come autumn, give it another whole new look.

Add Art in Unexpected Places

Friendly reminder: you don't have to nail holes in your walls to hang art. Take this bathroom designed by Alvin Wayne Interiors as inspiration. Casually lean framed artwork in unexpected places, like a bathroom countertop or closet shelf. Swap them out each season for an always-fresh feel.

Color-Code Your Bookshelves

Design by Well + Wonder Artist Collective / Photo by Kelli Boyd

Forget the Dewey Decimal System. Instead of organizing your library of books by author or topic, this summer rearrange them by the color of the cover. Color blocking creates an eye-catching and energized look, perfect for the season ahead.

Create a Useful Entryway

Francois et Moi

Hooks are an easy and inexpensive trick to getting summer items organized and off the floor, a must especially for small spaces. DIY-er Erin Francois of  Francois et Moi  broke out her saw and drill to turn her dingy, eye sore of a back hall into this sweet space. Thanks to the peg rail wainscoting, sun hats, gardening shears, and watering cans have a place to call home.

Hand-Paint Wallpaper

This small entryway feels summery and special painted with a one-of-a-kind chinoiserie design. It was enhanced by  She She , a Minneapolis-based duo who creates custom hand-painted wallpaper. A similar design would make for a delightful welcome home every time you walk through the door.

Refresh a Gallery Wall

There's no gallery wall rule book that says the pieces you hang have to stay there forever. In fact, switching out the artwork seasonally creates a fresh, ever-changing feel. Maybe this summer you can display your grandparents' wedding photos, pick up a painting at your favorite vintage store, or hang your goddaughter's latest masterpiece.

Get Creative With Flowers

A vase full of flowers is a given in the summer, but there's no need to stop the floral motif there. Think outside the box (or vase?) with creative floral decor, like Alvin Wayne Interiors did here. Floral neon art tops leafy wallpaper for a touch of summer that lasts all year long.

Incorporate a Seasonal Scent

loonara / Getty Images

Good decor stimulates all of the senses. So this summer, commit to a seasonally scented candle. Maybe that's a flowery aroma or perhaps you prefer a candle that evokes the ocean breeze. Either way, adding a candle to your summer decor is just about the easiest, most affordable addition possible.

Incorporate Antique Accents

Studio McGee

Antique sales and flea markets and yard sales, oh my! Summer is peak season for shopping all kinds of second-hand stores. Use this as a prime opportunity to show off your vintage finds. Let your intuition guide what you gravitate towards, but if you're not sure what to look for, keep an eye out for treasures with floral patterns or dusty tones. Pastoral paintings are always a welcome addition, and so are sweet sconces.

Add Doses of Navy Blue

Ashley Montgomery Design

It's easy to understand why blue evokes a summery feel. It's the color of the sky and the ocean. To bring a nautical touch to your home this summer, highlight something (anything!) in a rich navy blue color. That could be upholstery, like the dining bench in this space designed by Ashley Montgomery . You could also seek out artwork, throw pillows, candles, or a rug featuring the classic shade too. Think of it as a choose-your-own navy blue adventure.

More from The Spruce

35 Simple Summer Decorating Ideas For a Stylish Staycation

Whether you have a sprawling beach house or a tiny city apartment.

counter with colorful wallpaper, cabinets, and flowers

Now that it's officially mid-May, summer is just around the corner. And while we may not be able to jet off to some faraway waterfront locale, we can still get in on the easy summertime living with the right decorating decisions. Ready to dress your home up for a summery staycation ? Ahead, discover 30 easy summer decorating ideas that'll lighten the look of your home for warm-weather months and vacation vibes.

Keep It Light With White

contemporary white bedroom with coastal decor

Paint everything white, from the walls to the furniture, and then use cream, sand, or white textiles. Here, interior designer Tamsin Johnson added some darker shades of gray with the bedding, but otherwise, everything is white or pale. The idea is to invite as much light into the room as possible.

Accessorize With Citrus

kitchen with mint green door and bowl of oranges

As simple as it may seem, decorating with a bowl of citrus fruits can do wonders to make an entire room feel brighter and more summery. Here, Anna Spiro Design opted for a bowl of eye-catching oranges.

Swap In Linen Bedding

bedroom with balcony

Swap out your heavier bedding with linen sheets and pillowcases for a breezier look and feel. This laidback bedroom designed by Kim Dempster and Erin Martin features neutral-toned linens and draws the eye out to the beautiful balcony view beyond.

Commit to a Floral Motif

cheerful green pink and white living room

Energizing colors, a mix of patterns, and flowers everywhere—real, painted, and printed—make the living room "cheerful, bright, and playful," says designer Krista Ewart of this California beach bungalow .

Organize Beach Gear

kitchen with barndoor

Designate a place to corral all your summer beach and sporting gear. In this kitchen-meets-mudroom designed by Amir Khandwala , the woven seagrass basket does the trick.

Bring a Bar Cart Outside

balcony bar cart

Since you'll be doing a lot more entertaining outside (or solo happy hours, whatever floats your booze cruise), stock a weatherproof bar cart on the patio. This slim rattan bar cart on a balcony by Gary McBournie is stocked with everything you need to get a party started.

Prep the Patio

roof patio with colorful furniture

Get your patio ready for al fresco entertaining. If your deck or garden has enough space, carve out two separate areas to double the functionality. This spacious L-shaped balcony designed by Keesha Franklin of Halden Interiors features a separate lounge and eating area for both an outdoor living room and dining room that overlook the cityscape.

Add Pops of Color

vintage kitchen stools

Swap in graphic paintings, fresh flowers, or vibrant dishes for the fastest possible makeover. "I like all colors—soft, light, shimmery, deep," designer Ruthie Sommers says of her beachy California kitchen. "If you're ever stuck, lighten your lights and darken your darks to create contrast."

Treat Your Windows

coastal family room

Heavy drapes got nixed for knotted rope in a beach house by Erin Martin. Blue slag glass and industrial-baskets-turned-coffee-tables add the finishing coastal touches.

Bring Furniture Outdoors

colorful outdoor dining table

An outdoor set-up like this shady spot by Stephen Shubel can function as a breakfast room, reading nook, or dinner table when the weather is nice.

Spotlight Coral Decor

Living room, Room, Green, Furniture, Interior design, Yellow, Property, Home, Table, Coffee table,

Thanks to the tropical colors and materials interior designer Aldous Bertram incorporated, this NYC apartment feels more like an island hideaway. We particularly love the lime green and pale coral color scheme, but if you're looking for an even subtler (and easier to steal) idea, display a piece of coral on your coffee table.

Hang Flowy Curtains

poolside gauzy curtains

This Florida home has certainly perfected the idea of outdoor living. Gauzy panels by the pool add privacy, shield the sun, and keep mosquitoes at bay.

Incorporate Shells

bathroom with bronze shell sconces

This bathroom by Anna Spiro Design is giving us serious Amalfi Coast villa vibes. For a similar effect, contrast an antique, ornate gilt-framed mirror above the sink with shell motif mirror.

Amp Up the Bar

sunroom bar

Fresh and fruity summer cocktails deserve a dedicated station. Whip up a mojito or mai tai at a well-stocked table, like the console in designer Amanda Lindroth's Bahamas house . "Every island house needs a fantastic, spilling-over bar," she says.

Paint the Furniture

kathryn m ireland cape cod beach house

Unifying a ragtag patio set is as easy as grabbing a bucket of paint. For a Florida home 's oceanfront porch, decorator Tammy Connor coated the antique sofa and assorted chairs in a matching cloudy blue.

Compare and Contrast

todd romano florida house dining room with red chairs and rattan table

Complementary shades can feel fresh—not jarring—when done correctly. The cool palette on this vacation house 's enclosed front porch keeps the Florida heat at bay. For crisp contrast, Louis XVI-style chairs are covered in bright coral Ultra­suede, and the walls are painted in Benjamin Moore's Sweet Celadon.

Balance Beachy With Subtlety

living room corner with striped blue and white chairs

Though this little living room corner designed by Tamsin Johnson feels distinctly summery, it would also hold up during the rest of the year. That's thanks to the whimsical, chic, and quirky pillow chairs. Their plush, retro design was inspired by 1960s Italian Rivera style. The jute rug, woven sconce and pale gray-green paint add a soft contrast for a balanced space.

Fill Your Fireplace

blue coastal living room

You won't be stoking the flames for another few months, so for now, stack leftover wood or position candles in your fireplace . Fans of coastal style can frame a hunk of coral like in Gregory Shano's Long Island retreat .

Install a Ceiling Fan

preppy bedroom with bamboo bedframe

In this summery bedroom designed by Amanda Lindroth, the ceiling fan blends right in with the white ceiling. If you don't already have one in your warm-weather home, make sure it's installed and ready to go before it gets super hot.

Swap Out a Lamp Shade

green wall and antique dresser with yellow lamp

Anna Spiro brightened up the moody olive green walls and dark antique dresser with a sunny pleated lampshade and an easy-going bouquet of flowers displayed in a pitcher.

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40 DIY Summer Decorating Ideas to Brighten Up Your Home

Easy and beautiful ideas for every room in the house.

summer decorating ideas

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Summertime is upon us—time to let in the sunshine! And by that, we mean updating your home both inside and out with the best summer decorating ideas. These are all easy DIY projects that you can do no matter your skill set. Think: updating throw pillows, picking some wildflowers, and refreshing your table settings. Or if you want to spend a little more time, you could craft some new artwork or add some floral wallpaper.

Maybe you want add a pretty summer wreath to your front door to greet your guests or maybe you want to repaint your chairs to fit with the rest of your patio décor . Choose one idea or use them to upgrade a whole room! That's the beauty of this list: You can mix and match or make a day of it with summer crafts . Otherwise, go all out with the patriotic decorations . After all, you've got both the 4th of July and Labor Day to celebrate, so you could lean into red, white, and blue colors all season long.

There are lots of bright colors that feel like a touch of pure sunshine, and of course, we have a few sunroom ideas to let in all the natural light. Living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms―they all deserve an update that's affordable and easy to change once fall rolls around.

Why stop there? Keep scrolling through these fun ideas:

  • Charming Farmhouse Ideas for Your Bathroom
  • DIY Kitchen Decor Ideas to Refresh Your Space
  • The Best Patio DĂ©cor Ideas for a Stylish Backyard

Swap Out Your Placemats

summer decorating ideas placemats

You don't need to swap out your dinnerware to change up your tablescape. Nope, just add a few new placemats like these jute bestsellers, and you'll have a new look in just a few minutes!


Transform Your TV

summer decorating ideas tv art

Don't you love that colorful artwork on the wall? Well, guess what? It's actually the TV. That's right, you can download artwork and have it displayed on the screen when you're not watching your favorite show.

See more at Lovely Indeed .

Step Up the Color

summer decorating ideas wallpaper stairs

Add a pop of color with a fun pattern on your stairs. The best part of this idea is that you can use removable wallpaper, so if you're tired of the look, just peel it off.

Get the tutorial at Alice and Lois .

Add Green to Your Bathroom

summer decorating ideas bathroom plants

Wait, plants in the bathroom ? Yes! You'll probably add some plants to your indoor and outdoor space this summer, so don't forget the bathrooms. It's an easy refresh, and plus, watering them will be super fast.

See more at Paper & Stitch .

Invest in an Egg Chair

summer decorating ideas egg chair

Whether you get a hanging egg chair or a freestanding one, they open construction will feel airy and yet cozy at the same time. Curl up on your porch or snuggle up with a great book in your living room. Either way, go with an egg!


Rearrange Your Furniture

summer decorating ideas rearrange furniture

Taking your existing pieces and putting them in a different spot really can do wonders. Plus, it's super affordable! Just make sure you buy whoever helps you move the furniture some dinner as a thank you.

Get more at Home Made Lovely .

Paint a Soda Crate Planter

summer decorating ideas soda crate planter

Match the energy of your plants with a colorful planter! This DIY soda crate has such vintage summer vibes and basically just requires a little paint to create.

Get the tutorial at Polkadot Chair .

Cover Your Chairs

summer decorating ideas diy chair covers

Pick a pretty summer pattern and cover your dining room or kitchen chairs. It's a relatively quick way to update your color scheme without having to replace your furniture.

Get the tutorial at The Craft Patch .

Designate a Reading Nook

summer decorating ideas reading nook

Make sure you always have a little staycation ready by creating a colorful reading nook. Add it to a patio or maybe in a spare room, giving you a place to escape even if you're at home.

Get more at Design Improvised .

Update Your Entryway

summer decorating ideas entry way

Greet your guests (and yourself!) every time you come home with a refreshed entryway. All you need is a few plants and some white touches like a lamp shade and plant holder to feel summery.

See more at Somewhat Simple .


Switch Out Your Mats

summer decorating ideas loop rug

Be it a bath mat, door mat, or kitchen mat (or all three!), swapping your existing options for something bold is a quick way to add color. You can buy one, of course, or you can have some fun and DIY a loop mat yourself.

Get the tutorial Dream a Little Bigger .

Update Thrifted Artwork

summer decorating ideas thrift art

Doesn't this piece of art remind you of those hazy hot days of summer? You can make something just like this by adding texture to an existing piece of thrifted art. You'll be amazed at the before and after!

Get the tutorial at Average But Inspired .

Bring on the Blue

summer decorating ideas blue

Coastal and lighter shades of blue add a beachy vibe even if you're landlocked. Painting the walls, swapping out an end table, and/or simply adding a throw blanket or vase are easy ideas.

Add a Porch Sign

summer decorating ideas porch sign

Hello, summer! DIY this sign and welcome the season (and all your guests!) to your home. You'll only need some wood scraps, a few stencils, and an afternoon to put it all together.

Get the tutorial at Over the Big Moon .

Put Up Some Wallpaper

summer decorating ideas wallpaper

There are so many fun, colorful wallpaper options out there these days. The hardest part of it all will be choosing which pattern goes in which room! If you're looking for an easy refresh, start with smaller space like this powder room.

See more at Design Improvised .


Add a Bold Rug

summer decorating ideas rug

Make a bold statement simply by swapping out your living rug. White walls and neutral furniture get a huge color boost with just one change. Of course, you can add more art and pillows to match, too.

See more at Studio DIY .

Plant an Indoor Herb Garden

summer decorating ideas herb garden

Take advantage of the sunshine by planting an indoor herb garden in a window. It will not only provide you with fresh flavor as you cook but add a gorgeous green display as decoration. That's a win-win!

Update Your Lampshades

summer decorating ideas lamp shade

An easy way to add a bright pop of color to your space is to update your lampshades. You could buy some or DIY them and make them as unique as you want!

Get the tutorial at The House That Lars Built .

Paint Your Door

summer decorating ideas door

Paint it on the inside, paint it on the outside, or paint it on both so you can enjoy the bright side of life all season long. Either way, painting a door a bold color will be a cheerful reminder to head outside to enjoy the sunshine!

Arrange Some Wildflowers

summer decorating ideas wildflowers

Take advantage of what's outside! Making a bouquet of wildflowers will add a summery touch to any room in your house. We love the idea of more rustic containers like metal pots and watering cans.


Headshot of AnnMarie Mattila

AnnMarie Mattila is the Commerce Editor for The Pioneer Woman, covering products ranging from home, fashion, beauty, and more. 

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    Summer holiday homework cover pages are bright and full of colors to draw the attention of kids and make it a fun activity for them. Homework does not only include coursework; it also includes puzzles and other fun activities for the kids. The design of cover pages changes from grade to grade because lower-grade kids are not burdened with a lot ...

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    Holiday Homework. Health And Physical Education. Tees Design. Subject Cover Pages Coloring Pages. Aug 14, 2020 - Explore Adishree Rai's board "Cover page for holiday homework" on Pinterest. See more ideas about cover pages, school book covers, binder covers.

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    The summer holiday is therefore a good opportunity for students to explore areas of interest to them or to discover information about new and unfamiliar topics. Summer holiday homework divides teachers, parents and students in two sides: some see the benefits, the others do not. Yet, if planned creatively, summer assignments can be really fun.

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    Ruthie Sommers. beach house. this shady spot. Aldous Bertram. This Florida home. Anna Spiro Design. summer cocktails Bahamas house. Florida home Tammy Connor. vacation house.

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    Dream a Little Bigger. Be it a bath mat, door mat, or kitchen mat (or all three!), swapping your existing options for something bold is a quick way to add color. You can buy one, of course, or you can have some fun and DIY a loop mat yourself. Get the tutorial Dream a Little Bigger. 12.