Cell Phones in School: Should Be Banned, Restricted or Allowed?

Why Cell Phones in School Should Be Banned?

The use of mobile phones in schools has attracted the attention of many individuals, state organizations, learning institutions, the media and the society at large. Different views have been raised on the positive impacts and the negative repercussion that come as a result of the use of mobile phones in schools. Although some positive aspects can be drawn from the use of mobile phones in schools, the negative impacts are saddening and the need to be looked at with great caution. Poor school performance of children and cheating in exams can be attributed to the use of mobile phones in schools.

School children with mobile phones tend to have a short span of attention in class due to various activities, as surfing the internet, playing games and texting. These children are also likely to cheat in exams by searching for answers through the internet or texting their colleagues for answers. Likewise, cases of mobile phone theft increase due to the urge of getting better phones to those who already have and the desire of having a phone to the poor children who cannot afford it. These should thus give an alarm to the school board to ban the use of mobile phones.

One of the major reasons why the use of mobile phones by school children should be banned is because it promotes cheating during exams. The mobile phones may provide good avenues for the children to cheat in exams and thus earn undeserved credits. Children use the taken pictures of class notes, videos, text messaging as well as wireless earbuds to gain access to materials that assist them during the exams. According to the National School Resource Officer Survey in 2004 by NASRO, it was estimated that more than 41 percent had reported handling cases of students using mobile phones improperly. The officers reported that among the improper ways school children had used mobile phones included cheating in exams, particularly through text messaging and the internet.

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Another reason why the school board should ban the use of mobile phones is due to the short span of attention by the children. Student’s concentration in class is distracted on various occasions in the presence of mobile phones. In certain instances, the disturbance can be carried on to the rest of the children in class if the phone rings out loud. This is more likely to happen and cause a lot of distraction, hampering the learning process if these phones are not put in silent mode. Moreover, if a phone is put in silent mode or on vibration, it distracts the owner leading to a short attention span in class. If a call or message, for instance, comes in, the student loses concentration and diverts their attention towards reading the message or answering the call. These lower the student’s understanding of things taught in class and in turn results in poor performance.

It is essential for the school board to note that the use of mobile phones by children promotes theft. The changing technology results in the production of more attractive and expensive mobile phones that not every child can afford. Theft complaints are thus not going to stop anytime soon if the use of mobile phones in schools will not be banned. Despite the fact that some of the children already own mobile phones, they will be tempted to steal the more sophisticated ones from their friends. The poor children who cannot afford a cell phone are no exemption and they are most likely to steal any type of phone for them to own one. It is best if schools ban their use to prevent such cases of theft.

It is thus justifiable to conclude that the school board has a big part to play in making the learning environment suitable for all the children. The ban on the use of mobile phones will be very beneficial to all and would lead to better performance. The children’s concentration span in class would improve, cheating in exams would be minimized and cases of mobile phone theft in schools would be forgotten. If the school board embraces the idea of making it illegal to use mobile phones, the society will benefit and the school children will all have a favorable environment to learn.

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Why Cell Phones in School Should Be Restricted?

People create different devices and machines due to the constant growth of human needs and demands. It is connected with the appropriate improvement in the quality of life. In fact, the creation of such a modern device as a cell phone refers to great wonders of the twenty-first century, even if its use at school is under great concern. Thus, the development of the cell phone and its regular use can improve the process of studying at school, but it can also destruct the way students thinking and learning.

The cell phone makes a revolution in education. It widens children’s outlook and suggests new ways and approaches for learning more information in different subjects through video use. It becomes evident that “allowing students to use cell phones in the classroom for specific, academic purposes has the power to increase student engagement and allow teachers to more effectively assess learning on a daily basis” (Giambalvo).

It means that the particular use of this device contributes to the development of creativity and interactive experience. Students can get free access to a large number of sources which can be essential in studying. In this case, juniors are motivated to set their goals and reach them observing different videos based on the learning topics. Additionally, this issue includes social and emotional aspects that show how an individual can assess himself/herself to reveal the appropriate persistence and diligence. Thus, modern teachers consider cell phones as a useful tool for learning, which makes studying easier and more interesting.

The cell phones provide new effective ways of learning for those who try to overcome the difficulties with the second language. In this case, it’s primary purpose is to improve the limits of students’ vocabulary. With the help of mobile dictionaries, students can memorize many new words including their translation and spelling. They also develop their vocabulary while writing a test after reading the assignment, which seems to be rather difficult (Lu 515). The point is that students do not have any limitation to learn more words every time they look up a new one and its various meanings. It is known that lexical information improves the intellect, and students’ speech becomes better. Therefore, the effectiveness of cell phone use is obvious, and it is necessary to further develop this approach.

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On the other hand, cell phones cause cheating and unceasing ringing that destroys classroom policies at school. Many teachers claim that “the technology is considered a serious source of distraction in the classroom” because it has a negative impact on academic performance (Campbell 280). In such a way, plagiarism becomes a common problem that exists among students. After finishing high schools, they are not ready to develop and create their own ideas. Students have boundless access to the Internet, thus they simply copy and paste the suggested information. It brings harm to the students’ studying as they do not make any considerable effort to develop their own intellectual skills and abilities in the process of learning. Additionally, teachers often complain that they cannot concentrate on the representation of new material due to the ringing in the class.

Moreover, parents notice that their children stop paying much attention to the school assignments but talk over the phone all the time. Perhaps, it is a precise result of parents’ numerous requests to allow their children to use mobile phones at school as they are against the past ban (Taylor). Thus, the cell phone becomes children’s obsession as they gradually begin to depend on this advanced technology.

In conclusion, the use of the cell phone improves the quality of studying as teachers can apply various teaching videos. Students can also learn the second foreign language via the cell phone by consulting the dictionary and memorizing new words as well as establishing communication and interacting with each other. However, the use of cell phones has several disadvantages while studying: the main one is cheating. This leads to reducing students’ own knowledge because they are out of practice. Therefore, it is necessary to restrict the use of cell phones at school in order to avoid plagiarism which is not good for students studying.

Why Cell Phones in School Should Be Allowed?

In terms of using cell phones in school, various improvements have been established at different schools, which benefited students since their privacy has been improved as well as an effective and essential means of communication was implemented. Schools are trying out various policies that allow having cell phones at schools with some permitting students to use their phones only during breaks or at lunchtime. Other schools are encouraging students to have cell phones at school in order to enhance the educational process, the main purpose of which is to improve understanding in the classroom.

This is helpful in various ways since it provides suitable platforms for enhancing educational understanding. Other policies that were implemented allow students to carry cell phones to school and use them after classes and at breaks. The phones should be kept in lockers or backpacks during classes. This is unlike the policy of some schools that allow phones and encourage students to carry them to school and use them in class for their educational advantage.

Cell phones use in high school during break times should, therefore, be allowed because of personal rights, privacy issues, and effective and essential communication. The use of cell phones during breaks prevents students from losing attention in class and allows them to maintain necessary communications with their parents as well as provides them with the advantages of e-learning tools. Allowing students to use cell phones at school gives students the right to personal life and privacy. In addition, cell phones enhance research and improve students’ understanding since they have more access to information that is available on the Internet.

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Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Schools — 11 Reasons Based on 16 Research Studies

Are You for or Against Phones at School?

However, I think that cell phones can play a very beneficial role in a classroom, especially when used effectively. I’ve stretched the ‘rules’ in the past and let my students pull out their phones for various classroom lessons and activities, and I’m definitely glad I did!

If we don’t let kids use cell phones in the classroom, how will they ever learn to use them responsibly in a workplace? Every adult I know uses their phone all day every day. Let’s prepare kids for the real world. — Matthew B. Courtney, Ed.D. (@mbcourtneyedd) August 7, 2022

You can watch this video below. It contains a brief retelling of the article.

Cell Phones in School — Teachers’ Thoughts

Many teachers and parents are on the fence about whether to let students have cell phones in school . More and more teachers are beginning to see the potential learning benefits mobile phones can offer to their students and are advocating for gadget use in the classroom. In this video, Sam from New EdTech Classroom Why we should allow students to use cell phones in schools.

”We need to embrace these changes and instead of trying to separate that reality from an outdated vision of a classroom, we need to find a way to optimize the educational experience for the connected kids of the future. We can’t disconnect them from the world between the hours of 8am – 3pm everyday. Don’t be scared. You have to leave your comfort zone and take a risk. The same thing you ask your students to do. Take a risk and see what the future may look like and then change your teaching to ensure that the technology is used as a tool and not just a distraction.” —Tim Floyd, Education Awesomeness
“I’ve also seen the value that cell phones can bring to education. Students who might not have access to computers at home can type and submit essays on their phones. Students can quickly look up some information and verify its validity. Furthermore, students can also use their cell phones to collaborate with their peers.” —Christina, The Darling English Teacher
“When students have access to technology and social media, they have access to empowerment and leadership online. As educators, we need to empower our students to use technology for good. When students are given the chance to use their cellphones in class as a learning tool, we can teach them how to positively influence and impact other people online.” —Amanda, EDTech Endeavors
“When students have access to technology and social media, they have access to empowerment and leadership online. As educators, we need to empower our students to use technology for good. When students are given the chance to use their cellphones in class as a learning tool, we can teach them how to positively influence and impact other people online.” — A.J. Juliani , the Director of Technology & Innovation for Centennial School District

Why Should Phones be Allowed in School — 11 Reasons

1. providing an additional tool for learning.

Phones are already banned. The parents are worried about these bans because of the very high chance there is a school shooting and their child is unable to call for help. https://t.co/TxpJfrUgJn — Anosognosiogenesis (@pookleblinky) June 6, 2023

While detractors may argue against the distractions phones might pose academically, the security and peace of mind they offer, especially in dire situations, make a compelling case for their presence in the school environment.

3. Improved Communication

Interestingly, a study from the School of Business highlighted another crucial dimension to this trend. Beyond the teacher-student dynamic, students are proactively forming educational bonds with their peers through their phones. They often initiate and manage class-based groups on various social platforms, allowing for an organized exchange of study materials and collaborative learning, devoid of any official oversight. Such initiatives underscore the instrumental role cell phones play in modern education, fostering a holistic and communal approach to learning.

4. Organization

5. can save schools money, 6. good for the environment, 7. prepares students for the future, 8. can create digitally responsible citizens, 9. can help students when studying.

“In my classes, I let students take pictures of the digital whiteboard, too. If an assignment description or important PowerPoint slide has been up long enough and I am ready to move on, before doing so, I invite kids to snap a picture. This allows them to refer back to the slide at home if necessary.” — Chad Donohue , National Education Association

10. Accessibility and Personalized Learning

11. boosts creativity and innovation, 7 ideas how cell phones can be used effectively in the classroom, 1. scanning qr codes, 2. using educational apps, 3. collaborating on assignment, 4. completing surveys and quizzes, 5. providing feedback to others, 6. augmented reality experiences, 7. recording and editing multimedia projects, digital etiquette for students in the classroom.

Put your phone down when someone is talking to you and make eye contact with the speaker. Don’t text while you are walking. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t get distracted from someone or something important. Silence your phone when you are in class. Remove your headphones if someone is trying to talk to you. Don’t post on social media during the school day. Be a good digital citizen and avoid getting into any digital drama. Know the cell phone policy for each of your teachers, and respect it when in their classroom. Don’t make your teacher, classmates, friends, or family secondary to your phone.

Useful Resources

Final thoughts.

My principal seems to have an old-school thought process about cell phones in school and has completely banned them from being out in the classroom. I’d like to let my students use them for instructional purposes. Any tips on how to change her thinking?

That is tough. I’d start by finding some other teachers in your building that share your opinion and come up with a plan to present to your principal together. Bringing data, like what I shared in the article, about how cell phones can benefit students in class could help you make your point.

I love the artice and am using it for an assingment if you see it your name or website will be on it.

Thanks for the article it is truly an elaborate article, thanks for sharing it.

yes, this is fab

my teacher does not allow phones

my whole state banned phones in class TvT

I feel like you should be able to use your phone at passing periods and breaks and also lunch.

this is a common question people ask me I 57 year old male once allowed my kids to have phones in class but one pranked called the police so I say no

This is a nice source for my citation C: Thank you.

I am writing a speech to present to my class to persuade the teachers to allow more phone usage in class, thank you for your point of view and the information.

You’re welcome!

thanks so much! this will help a lot with a project I’m doing

I am making a debate speech this is really helpful thank you!

I was not born with this new technology, cell phone, I had to learn it. Now, I am a teacher and honestly, it is great as a tool for students to use but it’s also a deterrent. Like my wife says, “You give a mouse a cookie and they will ask you for a glass of milk”. Students seem to confuse rights with privilege. My students honestly believe that they have the right to use a phone whenever they want, this includes during a class, versus asking permission. Unfortunately, others do not use it appropriately. I have no problems with the use of cell phones, as long as it is for academic achievement, but not as a school alternative (ignore teacher and ignore daily task).

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! We completely agree about the inappropriate use of phones.

thank you! so much i don’t know what i would do without this information!

Thank you for this essay

The essay has good information but I want more. You are telling me about the technology benefits but that’s what the Chromebooks are for. So if you could give me a stronger argument I would definitely agree.

Thanks for letting us know. We will take your wishes into consideration

Students can not handle these devices!!!!

Thank you for sharing your opinion. I still believe there are many ways to get students’ attention in the classroom rather than on the phone.

I always enjoy the creative ways technology can be used in schools. The mix of video talks, blog ideas and teacher input this post are great ways to share ideas. Thanks for the modern takes on how to use phones in the classroom, it is refreshing!

My pleasure!


I believe that cell phones in schools should be friends not enemys

thank you so much

We need our phones for SAFETY ?

This was very cool and so many good reasons why we should be able to use our phones in class!

This was very helpful imformation

I appreciate this article it is so supportive and believes in this article thanks ✌

four big guys is crazy lol four big guys and they grab on my thighs

i agree they should allow phones in school but just when were are really stuck or bored. so that is why i think that.

Hey! Thank you! I needed this for my ELA class argumentative writing prompt, this information was very useful. Since my school has a no phone-in-class rule, I can’t even have it with me in my bag! The only time I have on it during weekdays is at home and on the bus. But anyways this information was essential for my project. Thank you! 😀

You’re welcome!?

This is so helpful for argumentative essays! Thank you!

Thay can be good use for kids that walk home from school or to school or both.

In many school districts, the students borrow laptops, so they don’t need cell phones. Teachers may use software to restrict the laptops to their selected educational websites. Cell phones have disrupted learning, so they must be banned or jammed in the classroom. However, when students aren’t distracted by cell phones, they will gradually become worse at running around, yelling, and fighting, like they did before their cell phone addictions. We need consistent discipline. Disruptive students should learn with fun programs on a computer in separate rooms, instead of infecting other students with bad attitudes. After a year of learning on a computer, they can try the classroom again. We also need online video in the classrooms, so everyone, especially parents, can see the discipline problems in schools. When white schools have strict discipline and cell phone bans, but minority schools don’t, which students will get the high-paying better jobs? This is racism.

I agree with this as a student! But unfurtently my school is very old school so they banned cellphones.

Thank you for this helped me with a essay im doing for school. 🙂

i agree so much?

thank you for the info cause i have been having trouble finding an article like that and i found one so thank you!?

I forgot to put that i’m having a debate about using cell phones in class.

Im a current high school student and honestly what I’ve seen is the exact opposite of this. first period English is just a majority of people being on their phones. Unless a teacher is very strict about phones usually nothing is done about it. Honestly my parents disallowing me to bring my phone to school is what changed my grades for the better for the rest of the school year up until now. Also, some students might argue for these points but it’s usually only used as a scapegoat to make the excuse of “Oh but this article says it’s good to use phones!” Still, I’ve seen phones do so much more negatives than positives as well as the points listed here barely ever being utilized.

Yes i think they should allow it for many reasons

Coming in from Parker Middle School so I am doing a essay on why we should be able to have phones in schools and even class rooms and I was wondering if you could have your word to support having cell phones in school.

phones are what brought you into this world be thankful

I love the way you used cell phones in the classroom. Me personally-I use mine for extracurriculars.

As a High School teacher, I pretty much dislike the use of cellphones. If used for emergency, yes that’s a legitimate argument and in such case, cell phones need to be accessible to students in case of an emergency. However that would be the only reason cellphones should be allowed in classrooms. I studied high school without a cellphone and I was able to be engaged, organized and learned by using other technologies. This article doesn’t mention the pros and cons of allowing cellphones in classrooms and does not consider if the benefits weigh more than the disadvantages.

Thank you this website is amazing hope I get an A+ for my argumentative essay. Wish Me Luck!

Thanks I will use this for my topic

As a teacher at my school, I can say the cell phones are 99% more a distraction than ever as a learning tool. All the kids on the phones during class is to play video games. and look at non educational sites so that’s why cell phones are banned in my classrooms. I would say if the kids understood accountability and are responsible, then it’s a different discussion.

i can use this for my project . Almost all my classmates try to sneak there phone in class . But they always get in trouble . They don’t need a phone becuase it is can make you fail class and other things that is a proably

Very valid points. I am using you as a source for my essay. Thank you.

Thanks this helped me with my Delve Project

Hi, my name is Eli and I am an 8th grader at Indianola Middle School in Iowa. I am doing a research project about a topic of my choice and I chose to research Should phones be allowed in class. I think you would be a great person to give me more information about this topic because you gave great points and reasons why phones should be allowed in school classrooms.

Thank you so much for this article, Love your work!!!

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There are numerous reasons why high school students should not be allowed to use their cell phones, tablets, and other gadgets at school, not to mention during classes. One of them is a severe cell phone addiction that teenagers can develop if they overuse their devices. According to a study by Gaby Badre, in such cases, teenagers tend to experience “increased restlessness with more careless lifestyles, more consumption of stimulating beverages, difficulty in falling asleep and disruptive sleep, and more susceptibility to stress and fatigue.” They may also have headaches and, what is curious, experience phantom ringing sounds (when a person thinks his or her phone is ringing when it is not). This is what distracts teenagers during studying, and keeps them awake at night, when they should be sleeping. All this does not speak in favor of allowing teenagers the use of cell phones in high school, where they are not necessary (Teen Ink).

Along with the health problems caused by the excessive use of cell phones, parents should be concerned about how teenagers use cell phones. It is not a secret that the adolescent subculture is strongly based on hierarchy; those who do not manage to fit in often become bullied by their more-fortunate peers. In these terms, cell phones provide limitless opportunities for what is called cyber-bullying. For example, camera phones can be secretly used almost anywhere, including private areas (such as restrooms and locker rooms), where bullies can take embarrassing photos of their victims; then, using their cell phones, bullies can spread these photos around school in no time, upload them to YouTube, or publicly humiliate their victims in some other way. This is not to mention sexual harassment (applications like SnapChat make it easy), digital revenge for broken relationships, hacking and stalking, and so on ( Safe Search Kids ). It is impossible to control a student outside of school, but doing this during classes is not difficult.

According to British research of cell phone policies of Birmingham, London, Leicester, and Manchester schools, their effects on students’ performance has shown that schools that banned cell phones demonstrated an increase in test scores by 6.4% for 16-year-old students. These results seem to be significant for the United States as well, since about 73% of American teenagers use cell phones (compared to 90% of British students). These gains were observed among students with the lowest achievements, and among average students these results were doubled. This shows that banning cell phones has a great impact on students’ performances, and in terms of increasing the quality of education, such measures would be beneficial ( Time ).

As it can be seen, cell phones, if used improperly, can negatively affect a teenager’s life in a number of ways. In particular, an adolescent can develop restlessness and anxiety (along with a cell phone addiction), which is unacceptable at such a young age. Due to the peculiarities of school life and the way teenagers interact with each other, cell phones can be used for bullying—for example, secretly taking embarrassing photos of classmates in private areas, and so on. In addition, using cell phones in schools negatively affects performance; in schools where the use of cell phones has been banned, students’ performance increased significantly. These reasons definitely speak in favor of prohibiting teenagers using cell phones in high schools.

“Safe Search Kids.” Cell Phones in School. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 June 2015.

Murphy, Richard, and Louis-Philippe Beland. “The Science of Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phone Use.” Time. Time, n.d. Web. 22 June 2015.

“Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed in a School Setting.” Teen Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 June 2015.

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Cell Phones in School: An Argumentative Perspective

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Should Cellphones Be Allowed in School?

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Cellphone use among students has skyrocketed over the last few years. In fact, it has now become uncommon for a student to not have a cellphone. Students will write an argumentative essay detailing why they should be able allowed to utilize their cellphones in school.

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  • ( ELA-Literacy.W.6.1 ) Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
  • ( ELA-Literacy.W.6.1.b ) Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

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persuasive essay cell phones in school

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Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Cellphones: a boon or a bane in the classroom.

The use of cellphones in schools has been a topic of debate for many years. Some people believe that cellphones are a distraction and should not be allowed in the classroom, while others argue that they can be a valuable tool for learning.

The Case for Cellphones in Schools

Cellphones can be a valuable tool for learning. They can be used to access information, take notes, and collaborate with classmates. They can also be used to create presentations and projects.

The Case against Cellphones in Schools

Cellphones can be a distraction. They can tempt students to text, play games, or surf the internet during class time. They can also be used to cheat on tests or assignments.

So, should cellphones be allowed in schools? There is no easy answer to this question. There are valid arguments to be made on both sides of the issue. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to allow cellphones in schools is a complex one that must be made by each school district.

250 Words Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Positive impacts:, negative impacts:.

Distractions posed by cell phones during class hours can affect a student’s attention and focus. With social media, games, and text messages just a tap away, students might find it difficult to resist the temptation to engage in non-educational activities. This can result in poor academic performance and missed learning opportunities.

Cell Phones as Learning Tools:

Integrating cell phones into the educational process can offer various benefits. Teachers can utilize phones as interactive tools to engage students through videos, polls, quizzes, and presentations. This can make lessons more engaging and foster a more dynamic classroom environment, promoting active participation and understanding.

Responsible Use:

With proper guidance and supervision, students can learn to use cell phones responsibly in a school environment. Establishing clear rules, setting boundaries, and educating students on appropriate usage can ensure that cell phones are used for educational purposes rather than distractions. This way, students can reap the benefits of technology while minimizing its negative impacts.


Allowing students to use cell phones in schools is a complex issue with both potential advantages and disadvantages. It requires a responsible and balanced approach, encouraging appropriate usage while mitigating potential risks. By integrating cell phones into the learning process, schools can harness their potential as educational tools while minimizing distractions and promoting academic achievement. Striking the right balance is crucial to create a learning environment that maximizes the benefits of technology without compromising educational quality.

500 Words Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Introduction to cellphones in schools.

In today’s world, almost everyone has a cellphone, including students. Some people think that students should be allowed to use their cellphones in school, while others believe it’s not a good idea. This essay will look at the reasons for and against students using cellphones in school.

Reasons for Allowing Cellphones

Reasons against allowing cellphones.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why cellphones might not be allowed in school. The biggest concern is that they can distract students from their lessons. Instead of paying attention to the teacher, students might text their friends or browse social media. Cellphones can also lead to cheating during tests if students use them to look up answers. Lastly, having cellphones in school can cause social issues, like making some students feel left out if they don’t have the latest phone.

Compromise Solutions

Given the good and bad points, some schools look for middle ground. They might allow students to bring their cellphones but set strict rules on when and how they can be used. For example, cellphones could be allowed during lunch or in between classes but must be turned off or put away during lessons. This way, students can have their phones for safety and learning without letting them get in the way of education.

Teaching Responsibility

In conclusion, whether students should be allowed to use their cellphones in school is a complex issue. There are valid reasons on both sides. Allowing cellphones can offer safety and learning benefits, but it also risks causing distractions and social problems. Perhaps the best approach is a balanced one, where cellphones are allowed under certain conditions and students are taught how to use them wisely. This way, students can enjoy the benefits of technology without letting it get in the way of their education.

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persuasive essay cell phones in school

Persuasive Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Phones In School

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📌Words: 652
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 February 2022

How would you feel if one day you got to work and opened your email to find out that the school board does not want the school staff to use personal devices until they leave school grounds? Well, that is how students felt when they heard your phone ban policy through the school speakers. The student code of conduct allows students to use cell phones. Phones can also be very helpful in many ways. But if communication devices are being used inappropriately then they should be taken away from that person. The phone ban policy should not exist.

The “Student code of conduct” allows students to use mobile devices during school. “Wireless communication devices include two-way communication devices, such as cellular phones, mobile phones, MP3 players, electronic games, beepers, pagers, portable computers including but not limited to laptops, personal digital assistances (PDA), tablets, eReaders, iPads, personal organizers and similar wireless devices. Possessing a wireless communication device is not a violation of the Code of Student Conduct” (“Code of student conduct” page 39). This states that using our phones in school is allowed. “Students may only possess, display and use wireless communication devices (i.e. texting, email, telephone, etc.) before or after the instructional day” (“Code of student conduct” page 40). This explains that phones can be used before and after school but on your new phone ban policy it states students are not to use their cell phones before or after school. According to the “Code of student conduct” we should be allowed to use our phones before and after school without being penalized. 

Students can use wireless devices in an productive way. According to www.oxfordlearning.com “Cell phones give students access to tools and apps that can help them complete and stay on top of their class work. These tools can also teach students to develop better study habits, like time management and organization skills.” This explains that besides texting students can also be using their phones in productive ways. At school students also need the phones to sign out to go to the bathroom a rule made by the principal and the school. An example is that students are getting in trouble for using their phone to sign out to go to the bathroom because in some places in the school there is no internet meaning students must walk around to find a Wi-Fi spot and some are getting in trouble.

Students that use their cell phones inappropriately should be penalized. Students shall avoid classroom disruptions, by not displaying, using, or activating the data access portion of their wireless communication devices during the instructional day unless instructed to do so by the teacher and/or authorized school personnel under the Bring Your Own Device initiative outlined in Board Policy 7540.03. This includes during class, in the library, during lunch breaks, during class changes, and during any other structured activity. Unless using its data access capabilities for instructional purposes as directed by their teacher and/or authorized school personnel as outlined in Board Policy 7540.03” (“code of student conduct’’ page 40). This states that students are mot allowed to use their mobile devices during class time, in the hallway, or in lunch unless instructed to by a teacher. “The possession of a cellular telephone is not a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. However, the possession of a cellular telephone that disrupts the educational process, the use of the cellular telephone capabilities during school hours, use of a cellular phone to commit a crime, and the possession or use of a cellular telephone that disrupts or interferes with the safety-to-life issue for students being transported on a Miami-Dade County Public Schools bus, are infractions of the Code of Student Conduct” (“code of student conduct” page 40). This explains if phones are being used inappropriately then it is a violation to the ”Code of Student Conduct”. 

In conclusion, the phone ban policy should not exist. Student code of conduct allows students to use cell phones. Phones can also be very helpful in many ways. But if communication devices are being used inappropriately then they should be taken away from that person. What would you d if you found out students were getting yelled at for doing what you instructed them to do?  

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Here’s What Tech-Savvy Educators Think About Cellphone Bans in Schools

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School districts have been debating whether to completely ban student cellphones, encourage teachers to integrate them into their instruction, or something in between for about a decade.

Outright bans seem to be gathering momentum, especially at the state level . And just this month, Los Angeles, the nation’s second-largest school district, announced that it will ban the use of student cellphones, beginning in January. In explaining the decision, LAUSD Superintendent Alberto Carvalho argued that the devices distract students from their academics and that social media platforms hurt kids’ mental health.

Plenty of educators agree with him. In fact, nearly 1 of every 4 teachers support completely banning phones , according to a nationally representative survey conducted last fall by the EdWeek Research Center.

But what do educators at the International Society for Technology in Education’s annual conference here in Denver think? ISTE is one of the largest ed-tech conferences in the world. It’s hard to imagine a bigger concentration of ed-tech directors, coaches, and teachers who embrace digital tools.

Surely, the educators in this ed-tech epicenter wouldn’t favor banning a ubiquitous technology like cellphones. Right?

Not exactly. In fact, when two EdWeek reporters approached ISTE attendees to talk about school cellphone policies, we got a range of responses.

Here’s a sample of what we heard.

Why these educators support a cellphone ban

Take: Ban them. They’re a big distraction.

“I am for [bans]. I’m a parent, too, and I understand the safety concerns [of not having direct access to our kids at school], but we need to be able to trust the school. Cellphones are a distraction, and it’s too much to ask a child to pay attention when there’s a phone buzzing in their pocket or a smartwatch vibrating on their wrist .

“They can’t help themselves. It’s human nature. Even as an adult, it’s hard for us to put our phones away and pay attention to a staff meeting.”

—Rachel Lemansky, elementary library coordinator, Dudley-Charlton district, Mass.

Take: Ban them to keep students safe.

“I’m in middle school and it affects everything I do. There are so many layers to [banning cellphones]. It’s a safety issue. As a school, there’s not much we can do to monitor what students do on their personal devices, but we need to be able to know what they’re doing because it’s part of our responsibility.

“It’s also an engagement issue. I need [students] to put the phones away so I can hopefully engage them in the lesson. We’re also a 1-to-1 district now so they don’t need their phones to access learning materials.”

—Gerilyn Williams, middle school math teacher, Pinelands schools, N.J.

Take: Consider a ban, but don’t make teachers the enforcers.

“I am pro exploring [a ban]. We have enough data about social media and mental health issues. We’re stewards of kids’ well-being. If we’re not thinking about doing something [to help], it’s like, what are we doing?

“I’m convinced that you can’t just put it on the teacher. Teachers are already burned out. We already have a shortage. And we’re asking them to have these great relationships with students. But if we maintain the status quo of, ‘it’s the teachers’ decision,’ then we’re inserting a barrier [to relationship building] that doesn’t have to be there.”

—A district technology administrator from Texas who preferred not to be named because the administrator’s views run counter to the district’s policy, which leaves decisions about cellphones up to individual teachers

Why these educators oppose cellphone bans

Take: Don’t ban them because students need to learn to use them.

“As educators in high school, we need to teach students how to use cellphones and when to use them responsibly. If you just ban them, what are we really accomplishing when they go out into the workforce? How do they know when it’s appropriate, where it’s appropriate, how it’s appropriate to use them? The teenage years are the years we figure things out.”

—Candice Breaux, the career and technical education supervisor, West Baton Rouge Parish Schools, La.

Take: Don’t ban them because teachers will devote too much time to enforcing that policy.

“Teachers could spend a lot of energy and effort fighting [cellphones], but I don’t know how far they really would get. The kids, they have cellphones. They’re going to be using them. I personally feel like as educators, especially now, we need to be figuring out how do you help kids use them productively and to get the task done at hand?”

—Lauren Tavarez, director of digital learning, Ector County Independent School District, Texas

Take: They’re problematic, but don’t take them away.

“Since the pandemic, I’ve talked to a lot of teachers across the country. They’re seeing kids having issues trying to talk face-to-face or work in groups. They’re hiding behind their cellphones. It’s become a crutch. And for some of my kids, because they’ve experienced a lot of trauma, they feel safe [with their phones].

“You have to work quite a bit with them to realize, ‘oh, they’re not doing it to be rude.’ You really have to change your mindset that they’re doing it because they don’t feel safe. If I yelled at these kids [to put their phones away], they’re just going to get up and walk out.”

—Kristin Conley, teacher, Arapahoe Ridge High School, an alternative school in Colorado

The argument against all or nothing cellphone policies

Take: Limit them and teach mindfulness practices to keep kids off their phones.

“I do see how it can seem like all or nothing. But we really do need to have a blend. [Students need to understand] if you feel like you’re getting addicted to it, you’re maybe looking at your cellphone at inappropriate times, you can use mindful strategies and give [yourself] permission to put it down to the side.

"[Teachers can help by having] ‘cellphone away time,’ and then maybe the last 10 minutes of class, have it accessible. I’m never good with all or nothing. I always feel like there has to be a balance.”

—Kara Fahy, STEAM and project-based learning coach, Fort Belvoir Upper Elementary, Va.

And the official ISTE take…

Take: Don’t ban them. Teach students to use them.

“In general, banning tools that students are going to need to use in their future life is not a good idea. I do understand that if you have a school or district that has not been able to get ahead of creating a healthy culture for device use, you may need to just take a pause and reset some things to help reinforce some good, healthy habits. And so that may be a choice that some schools are taking.

“I do want to make sure it’s clear that in some way, shape, or form, we have to help young people learn how to use these tools in effective ways, if you want them to be successful in the future.”

—Richard Culatta, ISTE’s CEO

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Cell Phones in The Schools

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Published: Dec 5, 2018

Words: 989 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited

  • Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., & Haywood, K. (2010). The 2010 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition. The New Media Consortium.
  • Penuel, W. R., Briggs, D. C., Davidson, K. L., Herlihy, C., Hill, H. C., Farrell, C., ... & Gallagher, D. J. (2017). Findings from a study of research-practice partnerships in education and implications for the future. William T. Grant Foundation.
  • Kirschner, P. A., & De Bruyckere, P. (2017). The myths of the digital native and the multitasker. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 135-142.
  • Boyd, D. (2014). It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.
  • Heitner, D. (2017). Screenwise: Helping kids thrive (and survive) in their digital world. Routledge.
  • Baron, N. S. (2015). Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World. Oxford University Press.
  • Ito, M., Horst, H. A., Bittanti, M., Boyd, D., Herr-Stephenson, R., Lange, P. G., ... & Tripp, L. (2008). Living and learning with new media: Summary of findings from the digital youth project. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning.
  • Christensen, C. M., Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2013). Is K-12 blended learning disruptive? An introduction to the theory of hybrids. Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation.
  • Warschauer, M. (2018). Learning in the cloud: How (and why) to transform schools with digital media. Teachers College Press.
  • UNESCO. (2013). Mobile learning for teachers in UNESCO member states. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

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persuasive essay cell phones in school

Los Angeles school district bans use of cellphones, social media by students

persuasive essay cell phones in school

Over 429,000 students in the nation’s second-largest school district will be prohibited from using cellphones and social media platforms during the school day after the Los Angeles Unified School District board passed the ban Tuesday.

The Los Angeles Unified School District's Board of Education voted 5-2 , approving a resolution to develop within 120 days a policy that bans student use of cellphones and social media platforms during the entire school day. The policy, which will be implemented districtwide, will go into effect by January, according to the board.

"I think we're going to be on the vanguard here, and students and this entire city and country are going to benefit as a result," said board member Nick Melvoin, who proposed the resolution.

The move is an attempt by educators to curb classroom distractions and protect students' mental health. K-12 teachers in the U.S. have increasingly faced challenges over students' cellphone use with one-third saying phone distraction is a "major problem in their classroom," according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in fall 2023.

On Tuesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed his support for efforts to restrict cellphone use in schools across the state. Newsom previously signed legislation in 2019 that allowed, but did not require, districts to limit or ban smartphone use at schools.

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The governor echoed U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy's remarks published Monday in a  New York Times opinion essay . Murthy called for safety warning labels – similar to those on tobacco and alcohol products – on social media platforms, citing what he considers a mental health "emergency" among young people.

"As the Surgeon General affirmed, social media is harming the mental health of our youth," Newsom said in a statemen t Tuesday. "Building on legislation I signed in 2019, I look forward to working with the Legislature to restrict the use of smartphones during the school day. When children and teens are in school, they should be focused on their studies – not their screens."

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'Full-time job being the police of the phone'

The Los Angeles ban will expand on its existing policy that prohibits "the use of cellular phones, pagers, or any electronic signaling device by students on campus during normal school hours or school activities, excluding the students’ lunchtime or nutrition breaks." The current policy was adopted in 2011.

For the updated policy, the Los Angeles Unified School District board said school officials will have to consider options for cellphone storage, such as locked pouches or lockers during school hours. Officials will also need to consider age and grade-level appropriate guidelines, along with what exceptions should be made for students with learning or physical disabilities.

The ban has received mixed reactions from school administrators, parents, and students who have noted concerns over student ownership, safety, and communication, and enforcing the policy on a wide scale, The Los Angeles Times reported.

Board member George McKenna voted against the resolution and cited concerns that the policy would be too restrictive. Board member Scott Schmerelson also voted against the resolution saying it was unclear whether the ban would be implemented during noninstructional time and questioned who would enforce the policy.

"I think it's going to be a full-time job being the police of the phone," Schmerelson said.

Supporters of the ban said a similar policy at a district middle school has improved the campus' learning environment, according to The Times.

Board members supporting the ban wrote in their agenda that research "indicates that limiting cellphone usage and social media access during the school day increases academic performance and has positive effects on student mental health." They added that research has shown a correlation between cellphone addiction and increased rates of anxiety and cyberbullying.

School cellphone bans in other states, schools

Parents and educators across the country have expressed growing concern over the impact of cellphones on young people, including classroom distractions and potential mental health issues. As of the 2021-2022 school year, more than 76% of K-12 public schools prohibit cellphone use in non-academic settings, according to the National Center for Education Statistics .

But in recent years, lawmakers have considered legislation restricting smartphone use in schools. Last year, Florida became the first state to prohibit student phone use during class time and to block student access to social media on school Wi-Fi.

In March, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a bill prohibiting students from using phones and other wireless devices in classrooms.  Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a similar bill  in May that requires school districts to establish a policy governing cellphone usage during school hours.

As of June, lawmakers in at least eight states have considered passing similar legislation, USA TODAY previously reported .

Contributing: Sara Chernikoff and Kinsey Crowley, USA TODAY; Reuters


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    Persuasive Essay On Cell Phones ... In the article 7 Reasons Why Students Should Be Allowed To Use Cell Phones in School the writer Joe Mecca states "In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents." This is why we should be able to carry cell phones around because ...

  9. Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in School: An Argumentative Perspective

    Allowing cell phones in schools aligns with the need to prepare students for the digital age by exposing them to responsible and effective technology use. By integrating cell phones into the learning environment, educators can guide students in navigating online resources, discerning credible sources, and practicing digital citizenship ...

  10. Cell Phones in School: An Argumentative Perspective

    The debate over the presence of cell phones in schools underscores the complexities of integrating technology into education. While cell phones offer undeniable benefits in terms of learning enhancement and communication, their potential drawbacks, such as distraction and equity issues, cannot be dismissed. Striking a balance between harnessing ...

  11. Should Cellphones Be Allowed in School?

    Cellphone use among students has skyrocketed over the last few years. In fact, it has now become uncommon for a student to not have a cellphone. Students will write an argumentative essay detailing why they should be able allowed to utilize their cellphones in school.

  12. Importance Of Cell Phones In School: [Essay Example], 689 words

    Furthermore, the use of cell phones in schools can help students develop essential digital literacy skills that are increasingly important in today's technology-driven society. By using educational apps, students can learn how to navigate digital interfaces, evaluate online sources for credibility, and protect their personal information online.

  13. Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in School

    Cell phones provide an immediate connection to parents and emergency services, enabling quick responses and potentially saving lives. Beyond emergencies, cell phones play a crucial role in addressing safety concerns within schools. Students can discreetly report incidents of bullying, harassment, or other safety issues to school authorities ...

  14. Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

    First, let's talk about why students might be allowed to use their cellphones in school. One big reason is for safety. With a cellphone, students can quickly call for help in an emergency. Another reason is that cellphones can be used for learning. Many phones have apps for studying, and students can use them to look up information or ...

  15. Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In Classrooms?

    Ontario's Classroom Cell Phone Ban. Starting in September 2019, cell phones will be banned in Ontario classrooms during instructional time. The new ban means elementary and secondary school students won't be able to use their cellphones in the classroom unless it is for educational purposes, medical reasons, or as a support for students ...

  16. Using Cell Phones in School: Analysis of Pros and Cons

    With the internet readily available on their cell phones, students can quickly verify facts, explore diverse perspectives, and engage in self-directed learning. Moreover, the use of cell phones fosters improved communication within the school community. Teachers can use messaging apps to send reminders about assignments, projects, and upcoming ...

  17. Cellphones in Schools: Addiction, Distraction, or Teaching Tool?

    The popularity of phone bans has yo-yoed in the years since, from a high of 91 percent of public schools prohibiting nonacademic use of cellphones in the 2009-10 school year (the first year the ...

  18. Phones and Tablets Should Be Allowed by Students in High Schools: A

    This persuasive essay provides a better understanding of why schools should allow students to bring their phones and tablets to school, giving the reasons of research and substituting a free period while using it in an academic manner. This essay received a C by one of Kibin's paper graders.

  19. Persuasive Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Phones In School

    This states that using our phones in school is allowed. "Students may only possess, display and use wireless communication devices (i.e. texting, email, telephone, etc.) before or after the instructional day" ("Code of student conduct" page 40). This explains that phones can be used before and after school but on your new phone ban ...

  20. Persuasive Essay Cell Phones In School

    Cell phones can be very disruptive; they can invade people's privacy and can also be used as harassment or bullying. The usage of cell phones is creating a huge problem particularly when they are used in school. When a cell phone rings in a class, not only does it disrupt the class but it also breaks everyone's concentration.

  21. Argumentative Essay on the Use of Mobile Phones in Schools

    Currently use of mobile phone more concern in students and society. Various efforts have been made through research to identify increased use of mobile phone. At present, mobile phones are being used everywhere. The mobile radiations may give harmful effects, will give major problems also in males' infertility, Ear problems, Immunity system ...

  22. Should Cellphones Be Allowed In School Persuasive Essay

    Cell Phones Persuasive Essay. Cell phones have become a major part of peoples lives and in modern society. Cell phones are current in society, adults to small children have cell phones. A debate on cell phones in school is occurring more and more. Do students deserve to have their cell phones for use during instruction time or school hours?

  23. What's the best hook for an essay about school cell phone policies

    Expert Answers. You asked for a "hook" for your essay, and later mentioned that the piece should be negative (against cell phones in the classroom). A good hook would be the following title: "Your ...

  24. Here's What Tech-Savvy Educators Think About Cellphone Bans in Schools

    "It's also an engagement issue. I need [students] to put the phones away so I can hopefully engage them in the lesson. We're also a 1-to-1 district now so they don't need their phones to ...

  25. Cell Phone Persuasive Essay

    discuss why cell phone use should be allowed while in school and how allowing cell phones during school hours can Get more content on StudyHub Persuasive Essay On Cell Phones Back in 1973, Mr. Martin Cooper an American telecommunication engineer working for Motorola had a vision. He dreamed a world where people would be able to walk around with ...

  26. Petition urges Seattle Public Schools leaders to restrict ...

    A group of parents of children enrolled in Seattle Public Schools has started a petition calling on administrators to take action to restrict the use of smartphones by students during school time.

  27. Cell Phones in the schools: [Essay Example], 989 words

    Cell Phones should be Included in the school experience because the cell phone is an extremely powerful tool; along with the purpose of school being to prepare the newest generation for the future. It is the school's job to prepare us for everything we may encounter when we reach adulthood. Parents are trusting that their children are being ...

  28. Los Angeles school district approves cellphone and social media ban

    The Los Angeles Unified School District's Board of Education voted 5-2, approving a resolution to develop within 120 days a policy that bans student use of cellphones and social media platforms ...