harvard resume template doc

Harvard resume template

Harvard resume templates.

Harvard Resume Templates exemplify professionalism with clean layouts and clear headings, allowing individuals to highlight achievements effectively, aligning with Harvard’s commitment to excellence in career advancement.

free template resume example.

A bold blue header to showcase your boldness and effectiveness. A distinctive coolness to showcase while focusing on your experience.

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Harvard Resume — Tips and Templates for Success

The Harvard resume template is one of the most structured and professional template formats. It showcases your qualifications — and particularly your academic achievements — in a concise and digestible format. Below, you’ll learn how to use the Harvard resume template to structure your resume and stand out in the hiring process.

What is a Harvard resume?

A Harvard resume is a type of resume that stands out for its clean, professional layout with clearly defined sections. The Harvard resume format was created by Harvard University in order to help graduates of prestigious higher learning institutions showcase their skills and academic achievements. Typically, a Harvard resume template Word document includes the following features:

  • Header: Your name and contact information 
  • Summary: A brief professional summary highlighting key qualifications 
  • Education: Details of academic background, including degrees and institutions
  • Experience: A chronological list of work history, focusing on achievements 
  • Skills: A section dedicated to relevant skills 
  • Additional Sections: Certifications, awards, and volunteer work

There are two major differences between a Harvard resume template and a standard resume. Most notably, a Harvard resume prioritizes accomplishment statements (one-line statements that outline specific achievements). Under the Harvard resume model, each statement should be backed up with quantifiable results. 

For instance, if you say you helped your last employer improve operational efficiency, back up the statement by describing efficiency gains as a percentage or detailing the cost savings they enjoyed as a result of your efforts. 

Additionally, the Harvard resume usually puts the education section before your work experience. This is a direct contradiction to the traditional resume format. However, it demonstrates that the Harvard resume template has slightly different priorities, which include highlighting prestigious educational accomplishments. 

The education section typically includes a bulleted list under each achievement. For instance, if you list your bachelor’s degree, you may include your GPA, minor studies, and any awards/recognition you received (e.g., the dean’s list). 

Benefits of using the Harvard resume format

The Harvard resume format provides several advantages over traditional options, especially if you have significant academic achievements. Some of the key benefits include:


The format’s clean design exudes professionalism, which helps you make a strong first impression. By pairing the Harvard resume template with a crisp, clean cover letter, you can further elevate your odds of landing an interview. 


The Harvard resume template also features clearly defined sections and a logical flow to make the resume easy to read. Hiring managers can quickly scan the document to find out more about you and your credentials. 

That’s not all. The bulleted list format also helps you draw attention to the right areas of your professional and academic experience. You can use hard data to position yourself as a top candidate. 


By organizing content into distinct sections, the Harvard resume ensures that important details are not overlooked. This clarity plays an essential role in effectively communicating your qualifications. 

On that note, it’s important to not be too wordy. The Harvard format relies heavily on bulleted lists, which can promote scannability. However, if your bullet points are too long, it may make the document cumbersome and bloated. Therefore, you must be concise. 

How to structure your Harvard resume

If you want to transform your existing resume to align with the Harvard format, you’ll need to include the following sections: 

The header section is a staple of every resume format. Place your full name at the top of the resume, followed by your phone number, email address, and, if applicable, a personal website or LinkedIn profile. Carefully review your information to ensure there aren’t any typos or errors in your contact details. 

Write a concise summary that highlights your most significant qualifications and career goals. Tailor the messaging and tone to the specific job you’re applying for. Don’t get too wordy, but instead, treat the summary as a sneak peek of the information included in the subsequent sections. 

List your degrees in reverse chronological order, including the name of the institution, degree earned, and dates of attendance. As mentioned above, the Harvard resume template typically includes bullet points for each degree, such as your GPA, honors, awards, or notable coursework you completed. 

Organize your work experience in reverse chronological order. For each position, include your title, company name, location, and dates of employment. Focus on achievements and responsibilities, using bullet points to enhance readability. 

Here is your chance to add in any relevant abilities that make you a strong candidate. You can include technical skills, languages, or soft skills like communication and leadership. 

Additional Sections 

These sections are optional. If desired, include additional information that positions you as a great candidate, such as certifications, awards, volunteer experiences, or professional memberships. 

Tips for writing a Harvard resume

Simply adopting the Harvard resume template can help your application stand out. However, if you truly want to differentiate yourself, it’s important that you:

  • Use Action Verbs: Start each point with a word like “developed,” “led,” or “achieved”
  • Quantify Achievements: Use numbers to support your stated achievements 
  • Use Bullet Points: Use bullet points to make your content easy to skim 
  • Choose the Correct Formatting: Ensure consistent formatting throughout your resume 
  • Tailor Each Resume: Customize your document for each job application

Also, make sure that your Harvard resume compliments your cover letter . A common mistake involves including lots of overlapping information in these two documents. In reality, your resume should be a concise rundown of what you’ve achieved. Conversely, your cover letter gives hiring teams a glimpse into who you are as a person and employee. 

For more tips on writing a great resume, explore our resume articles . You’ll find everything from what not to do in a job application to how you can identify the best content structure for your career field.

Expert Tip:

Customize your professional summary and key sections of your resume for each job application. Tailoring your resume to the specific requirements of a position can significantly increase your odds of getting noticed. Additionally, a customized resume demonstrates you’ve familiarized yourself with the position and company.

Common Harvard resume tips to avoid

It’s easy to make a mistake when completing your resume, especially if you’re using a plug-and-play template. With that in mind, here are some common mistakes to be wary of:

  • Information Overload: Including too much information can overwhelm the reader 
  • Formatting Inconsistencies: Inconsistent fonts, bullet points, and spacing can make your resume look unprofessional 
  • Not Using Keywords: Several companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS ) to screen resumes — make sure to include relevant keywords to pass an ATS

This is not an exhaustive list of common resume mistakes. Make sure to review resume and cover letter examples for a better look at what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Remember, even seemingly small mistakes can stand out to experienced hiring teams and push your application to the bottom of the pile. 

“By organizing content into distinct sections, the Harvard resume ensures that important details are not overlooked.”

Harvard resume vs. regular resume

Let’s wrap up our Harvard resume guide with a head-to-head comparison with regular resume documents. The Harvard resume differs from traditional job application documents in its structure format and emphasis on educational achievements. Naturally, someone who has graduated from Harvard or another prestigious university will want to highlight this achievement at the very top of their resume.

Additionally, the Harvard resume template leans heavily on bullet points and a skimmable layout. While regular resumes also use bullet points, they don’t incorporate them as heavily into the achievements section of the document. 

For a better comparison of how the Harvard resume PDF compares to a regular resume, explore our resume examples . You’ll find a wide range of examples that you can use as a reference tool when filling out job applications. 

Is the Harvard resume template right for you?

The Harvard resume template can be a valuable addition to your job application tool kit. But remember that a Harvard resume, Word’s free templates, and other generic options aren’t your only choices when creating your resume. 

While the Harvard resume template is a great tool, it’s not the best choice for every job seeker. If you’d like to explore other options, check out Jobseeker’s growing library of cover letter templates and resume templates . 

Get ahead of the competition

Make your job applications stand-out from other candidates.

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Resumes: What You Need to Know

The resume is an opportunity to market yourself to a prospective employer. It should be succinct, target an employer's needs, and distinguish you from your competitors. Before you get started, think about your strengths, weaknesses, personal preferences, and motivations. You should also consider the company's needs, who your competition might be, and your unique skill set. The best way to convince employers that you will add value is to show them that you've done it before.

Alumni Resume Book

Our Alumni Resume Book connects you with organizations looking for talent. Visit 12twenty (our recruiting platform) and upload your resume to get started. You should complete your Profile in 12twenty by updating your Background tab which contains information about your career experience, skills, preferences and more. Ensuring your Background tab is complete and accurate will greatly improve your chance of being contacted by an organization. Looking to connect with fellow HBS alumni? Upload your resume to the Alumni Networking Resume Book to kick start those connections.

Resume Makeover Using VMock and Aspire  

Gain instant feedback on your resume and LinkedIn Profile

VMock is a smart career platform that provides instant personalized feedback on your resume and LinkedIn Profile to help improve aspects like presentation, language, and skills.

VMock Smart Editor tool will enable you to:

  • Receive an objective score on your resume based on recruiter criteria
  • Review line-for-line targeted feedback on your resume
  • Re-upload your resume up to 10 times to track improvement

Sign up using your HBS email address. Account requests are granted within 24 business hours. During holidays and winter break (December 24th – January 1st) turnaround time will be delayed until the CPD office reopens. Please note, we recommend you review your resume before considering it final.

Resumes: Sections, Templates & Examples

  • Contact details - Let others know who you are and how to get in touch with you. In addition to your name, you should list your mailing address, phone number, and email address. It is expected to be found at the top of the page. No need to include it on additional pages.
  • Professional history - Start with your most recent role and list in descending chronology. For each role, provide a sentence or two that describes the scope of your responsibility. Then in bullet format, provide accomplishment statements. To write an accomplishment statement, state the problem you encountered, the action you took and the result or impact of your actions. For example, "Led team in implementing a new general ledger package by providing expertise and encouragement, which contributed to a successful, on-time project completion."
  • Education - Spell out your degree so it will stand out better. It is not necessary to include your GPA or GMAT score. Do not list courses. Do list any leadership roles or study abroad experiences.
  • Summary/Profile - A great opportunity to tell the reader exactly what you want them to know. It should be 3-4 sentences in paragraph form following your contact information. Be careful not to load up on overused resume jargon and avoid listing previous jobs/education as it is redundant. Instead, focus on your branding statement, unique themes in your career path, and skills.
  • Key skills - Listing your skills is a great way for the reader to quickly evaluate your skill set. List skills that are relevant to your next position. For each skill, you will need a proof statement in the form of an accomplishment stated in the professional experience section. A good way to set up this section is in 2 or 3 columns with 3-4 skills in each column. The heading could be "Key Areas of Expertise" or "Core Competencies".
  • Personal/Interests - Only include if it helps tell your story.
  • Additional roles - If you participate in organizations outside of your professional employment, you may list these in a separate section. Headings are typically "Volunteer Leadership Roles" or "Community Service".
  • Licenses and Professional Certifications - If you possess a license or certification, these should be called out in a separate section.
  • Objective - No longer in style. Do not include in your resume.
  • References available upon request - No longer in style. Do not include in your resume.
  • Zip file of all resume templates (login required)

Chronological - This is the most commonly used layout. Recommended for a mostly consistent record of employment showing progression/growth from position to position. Not recommended for gaps in employment dates, those out of job market for some time, or changing careers.

  • Template 1 (login required)
  • Template 2 (login required)
  • Template 3 (login required)
  • Template 4 (login required)
  • Sample 1: C-Level Resume (login required)
  • Sample 2: Consulting to Operating Company Resume (login required)
  • Sample 3: VP with Long Tenure Resume (login required)
  • Sample 4: C-Level Biotech resume (login required)
  • Sample 5: Exec. Ed. with Long Tenure Resume (login required)
  • Sample 6: Financial Services Resume (login required)

Streamlined Chronological - This layout also shows progression from one job to the next, but does not include extra sections such as Summary/Profile or Areas of Expertise. Recommended for recent alumni.

  • Template: Streamlined Chronological (login required)

Chronological/Functional Hybrid Resume - In this layout, you can highlight your employment history in a straight chronological manner, but also make it immediately clear you have filled a variety of roles that use different but related skill sets. This is useful to provide a few accomplishments in the beginning to show a theme. Each role would also have specific accomplishment statements.

  • Template: Chronological/Functional Hybrid (login required)
  • Sample: Accomplishment Focus Resume (login required)

Cover Letter Writing

It is essential to send a cover letter with your resume to provide a recruiter with insight into your qualifications, experience, and motivation for seeking a position. The letter also conveys your personal communication style, tone, and professionalism. An effective employment letter should:

  • Be targeted and personalized
  • State why you are interested in the company
  • Explain how you can fill a need
  • Convey your enthusiasm about the opportunity
  • Suggest next steps for communication and action

Guidelines & Examples

Investigate your target company. What is the company's "breaking news?" What drives their business? What are their greatest challenges and opportunities? How can you contribute? eBaker can help with your research.

Outline your objectives using relevant information that attracts the attention of the reader.

  • Salutation Address the letter to a specific person. Capture the reader's attention and briefly introduce yourself. Mention the referral/company contact, if applicable. State the purpose of your letter.
  • Body Describe relevant information you discovered about the company. Discuss the position offered or the position you are looking for. Detail how your skills will benefit the company.
  • Closing Convey your enthusiasm. Anticipate response.

Pay close attention to sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation. Always print your letter to check for typographical errors. Have a friend, colleague, or family member review your letter whenever possible.

Cover letters are the place to briefly and directly address the gap in your career. For example, "I am returning to the workforce after a period of raising children." Then address your strengths, qualifications and goals. Emphasize your excitement and preparedness to re-enter the workforce now.

Response to Identified Advertisement (pdf)

Branding You

Resume writing tips  , creating visual impact.

A concise, visually appealing resume will make a stronger impression than a dense, text-laden document. Respect page margins and properly space the text. Learn to appreciate the value of "white space." Limit a resume to one or two pages but not one and ¼. Ensure content is balanced on both pages. A CV is typically longer because it includes additional sections such as publications and research.

Use Parallel Construction

Select a consistent order of information, format, and spacing. If one experience starts with a brief overview followed by bullet points, subsequent experiences should follow a similar form. Parallel construction—including the use of action verbs (pdf) (login required) to start all phrases—greatly enhances a resume's readability.

Always Proofread

Pay close attention to margin alignment, spelling, punctuation, and dates. Read your resume backward to check for typographical errors. (You will focus on individual words, rather than the meaning of the text.) Better yet, have a friend, colleague, or family member review your resume.

Use Action Verbs

Action Verbs List (login required)

Improve Your Writing

Common questions, past program resources  .

harvard resume template doc

How to Build a Resume that Stands Above the Competition

Harvard Style Resume Template

Use this free template with google docs and microsoft word.

Harvard Style Resume - free Google Docs Template - 10067898

Our Harvard Resume Template in Google Docs offers a formal and corporate design! That is an ideal match for professionals across various industries, from entry-level positions to executive roles. This sample provides ample space to show your qualifications, experience, and additional credentials within 2 pages.

Unique Features of this Google Docs Resume Template

  • Formal Corporate Design

The Harvard Style Resume Template features a sleek and professional design. It ensures that your resume makes a strong impression whether you're applying for a corporate position or seeking opportunities in a competitive industry.

  • Comprehensive First Page

The first page of the template is divided to accommodate essential sections such as "About Me", Education section, Skills, and a detailed Work Experience segment. This layout allows you to present your professional profile, academic background, core competencies, and comprehensive work history.

  • Second Page for Additional Information

The second page of the template offers space for details that complement your professional profile. Here, you can include information on awards and accolades, relevant courses or certifications, social media contacts, language proficiencies, hobbies, and other pertinent credentials. 

  • Suitable for Professionals at All Levels

Our free resume template caters to professionals at every stage of their careers. The versatility of this template allows individuals of varying experience levels to create an impactful resume tailored to their specific goals and aspirations.

  • Editable Format in Google Docs

The template is already easy to read and effective, yet it is editable within Google Docs. You can update information, tweak sections, and personalize the content easily.

Discover our wide range of professionally designed resume templates ! Access our guide on how to maximize the effectiveness of these options to improve your chances of securing the next role.

  • Free Template
  • Easily change the text, images, and more
  • Created: January 23, 2024
  • Author: Halyna Uygur
  • DPI: 300. Ready to Print at Office/Home
  • Size: 210 x 297 mm , 8.5 x 11 inch
  • Free Standard Google fonts
  • Compatible: Google Docs and Microsoft Word
  • Downloads: 981
  • Added to collections: 9


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    Word (.docx) version. Download or make a copy to edit (do not request edit access): Google Docs version. Use this bullet-point template to build out your first draft of your resume. M Monday. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

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    Create a Resume/CV or Cover Letter. A resume is a brief, informative document summarizing your abilities, education, and experience. It should highlight your strongest assets and differentiate you from other candidates. Used most frequently in academic settings, a CV (curriculum vitae) is also a summary of your experience and abilities, but a ...

  3. PDF Harvard College Guide to Resumes & Cover Letters

    Always use your @college email account and check it frequently, even if you have enabled forwarding. Resume Sample. Firstname Lastname. If an employer asks for your SAT/ ACT scores or GPA, include in your Education section. 17 Main Street • Los Angeles, CA 92720 • [email protected] • (714) 558-9857.

  4. Harvard Resume Template

    Description: Introducing our Harvard Resume Template in Google Docs, a free and user-friendly template designed specifically for Harvard students. This professional resume template features a white classic theme with red elements and a grey bottom section, making it both visually appealing and elegant. Clean and Organized Sections.


    Your Name Home Street Address • City, State Zip • [email protected] • phone number \u000BEducation HARVARD UNIVERSITY Cambridge, MA Degree, Concentration. GPA [Note: Optional] Graduation Date Thesis [Note: Optional] Relevant Coursework: [Note: Opt...

  6. How to Use the Harvard Resume Template (Guide and Examples)

    You should use the Harvard resume template when you're applying to highly formal jobs that put an emphasis on your achievements. For example, the Harvard resume template would be helpful if you're applying to any of the following roles: Management and executive. Consultants. Academic positions.

  7. PDF CVs and Cover Letters

    Harvard University • Harvard College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 54 Dunster Street • Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: (617) 495-2595 • www.ocs.fas.harvard.edu ... Unlike a resume, there is no page limit, but most graduate students' CVs are two to five pages in length. Your CV may get no more than thirty seconds of the reader ...


    Create a Strong Resume GETTING STARTED • Draft a resume using one of the. templates on . our. website. • Attend a Resume Workshop. to learn the nuts and bolts of getting started. See our events calendar for dates. • View our Recorded Resume Webinar on our website. • Get advice via drop-ins. Monday-Friday, 1:00-4:00pm - ask quick


    Resume Sample Firstname Lastname If an employer asks for your SAT/ ACT scores or GPA, include in your Education section. 17 Main Street • Los Angeles, CA 92720 • [email protected] • (714) 558-9857 Education . HARVARD UNIVERSITY . Cambridge, MA A.B. Honors degree in History. GPA 3.73. May 2022

  10. Harvard Resume Guide: Tips, Examples & Templates

    Keep a consistent format throughout your Harvard resume: Choose a professional, readable and accessible resume font. Select a resume template with stacked sections for an easier read. Keep a consistent margin of .75 inches on all sides to maintain balanced white spaces in your Harvard resume.

  11. Harvard resume template

    Structure: The structure of a resume associated with Harvard University typically follows a professional and organized format.While there's no one-size-fits-all "Harvard resume," the following is a common structure often seen in resumes from individuals affiliated with Harvard: 1. Header: Your full name, prominently displayed at the top of the page in a larger font size.

  12. Harvard Resume: Tips and Templates for Success

    Use a Harvard resume template Word document or Google Doc to get started quickly. Ask a friend or colleague to review your resume and give their honest opinion on what to add or remove. Don'ts. Never use a colorful, modern template for this style of resume. This should be reserved for creative resumes.

  13. PDF Resumes & Cover Letters for Student Master's Students Graduate

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Office of Career Services. 8/21. Office of Career Services Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: (617) 495-2595 www.ocs.fas.harvard.edu. Resumes and Cover Letters.

  14. Creating a Harvard Resume

    Typically, a Harvard resume template Word document includes the following features: Header: Your name and contact information. Summary: A brief professional summary highlighting key qualifications. Education: Details of academic background, including degrees and institutions. Experience: A chronological list of work history, focusing on ...


    Draft a resume using one of the MCS templates. Attend a Resume Workshop to learn the nuts and bolts of getting started. See the MCS events calendar for dates. View the recorded MCS Resume Webinar. Get advice via drop-ins, Monday-Friday, 1:00-4:00pm. Ask quick career-related questions and have an advisor review your resume.

  16. Harvard College Resumes & Cover Letter Guide

    Harvard College Resumes & Cover Letter Guide. A resume is a concise, informative summary of your abilities, education, and experience. It should highlight your strongest assets and skills, and differentiate you from other candidates seeking similar positions. View Resource.

  17. Free Harvard Resume Templates in Google Docs

    Harvard Resume Templates in Google Docs. Craft a standout resume with our Free Harvard Resume Templates in Google Docs and Word. Upgrade your job application with professionally designed layouts inspired by the prestigious Harvard style. Edit or download now for a practical and impactful document that sets you apart in the competitive job market.

  18. Resumes & Cover Letters

    Sample 1: C-Level Resume (login required) Sample 2: Consulting to Operating Company Resume (login required) Sample 3: VP with Long Tenure Resume (login required) ... Harvard Business School Teele Hall Soldiers Field Boston, MA 02163 Phone: 1.617.495.6890 Email: alumni+hbs.edu.

  19. Finding and Completing the Harvard Resume Template: A Detailed Guide

    The Harvard resume template for Google Docs offers a simple, affordable, and effective solution for creating such resumes. It combines the best of both worlds - the professional structure of the Harvard format and the simplicity and versatility of Google Docs. Remember, a compelling resume is the first step toward landing your dream job.


    for dates.HES Call-ins. First Monday of the month or second Monday, if the first is a holiday, Sep-May, :00-3. 45pm (10 minutes). Phone(617-496-8946) or Skype (amandacpeters. at.ocs) uring call-in hours only. Available to currently registered Extension School. students and alumni only.Car.

  21. Access Resources

    Share This: Share Harvard College Paragraph Resume Template on Facebook Share Harvard College Paragraph Resume Template on LinkedIn Share Harvard College Paragraph Resume Template on X; Copy Link; Word (.docx) version. Download or make a copy to edit (do not request edit access): Google Docs version.

  22. PDF Resumes & Cover Letters: A Harvard Extension School Resource

    Harvard Extension School on Your Resume RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS. Write an Effective Cover Letter RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS Your cover letter is a writing sample and a part of the screening process. By putting your best foot forward, you can increase your chances of being interviewed. A good way to create a response-producing cover letter is ...

  23. Priya Vajpeyi

    35 likes, 24 comments - priyavajpeyi on July 16, 2024: " Comment your Email ID for the template editable doc & Land your dream job with a resume template that actually works! Make your resume stand out and impress employers. #instagram #instadaily #instagood #studygram #resume #cv #templates #job #ilovemyjob #jobvacancy #jobopportunity #engineering #ambaniwedding #computerscience #opportunity ...

  24. PDF Resumes & Cover Letters for Student PhD Students Graduate

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Mignone Center for Career Success. 4/23. Mignone Center for Career Success Harvard University, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: (617) 495-2595 careerservices.fas.harvard.edu.

  25. Harvard Style Resume Template

    Description: Our Harvard Resume Template in Google Docs offers a formal and corporate design! That is an ideal match for professionals across various industries, from entry-level positions to executive roles. This sample provides ample space to show your qualifications, experience, and additional credentials within 2 pages.