
Essay on My Dream Robot

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream Robot in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream Robot


My dream robot is a unique machine. It’s not just a tool, but a friend and helper.

Design and Features

The robot is sleek, with a friendly face. It can walk, talk, and even express emotions.

It helps with homework, cleans my room, and plays games. It’s programmed to understand and respect my feelings.

This dream robot is more than a machine, it’s a companion. It makes life easier and more enjoyable.

250 Words Essay on My Dream Robot

The rapid advancement in technology has fueled imaginations, leading to the conceptualization of sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. My dream robot would be a culmination of these advancements, embodying the perfect blend of intelligence, empathy, and adaptability.


The first attribute of my dream robot is intelligence. It would possess a deep learning system, enabling it to learn and adapt to new tasks independently. Its intelligence would not be limited to performing tasks but extend to understanding complex human emotions, thereby facilitating effective communication.

The second attribute is empathy. My dream robot would have the ability to comprehend human emotions and respond accordingly. By incorporating advanced emotional AI, it could understand nuanced human feelings, providing comfort and companionship to those in need.


The third attribute is adaptability. This robot would have a flexible learning model, allowing it to adapt to the ever-evolving human needs and technological environments. It would be capable of self-improvement, constantly updating its knowledge and skills to remain relevant.

In conclusion, my dream robot would be a beacon of technological advancement, embodying intelligence, empathy, and adaptability. It would not only perform tasks but also understand and respond to human emotions, providing a unique blend of companionship and assistance. This dream might seem far-fetched today, but with the pace of technological innovation, it might soon become a reality.

500 Words Essay on My Dream Robot

The realm of robotics has always been a fascinating one, with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. As a college student deeply engrossed in the world of technology, I have often found myself imagining the possibilities of my dream robot. This essay explores the concept of my dream robot and its potential implications on society.

The Concept

My dream robot would be an advanced AI entity, capable of cognitive learning and emotional understanding. Unlike conventional robots, it would not merely follow a set of pre-programmed instructions but would learn and adapt to changing environments and situations. This robot would be equipped with a highly sophisticated AI system that would allow it to comprehend human emotions and respond accordingly, making human-robot interactions more natural and intuitive.

Physical and Cognitive Aspects

Physically, my dream robot would be humanoid, with a design focused on mobility and adaptability. It would have the ability to navigate different terrains, manipulate objects of various sizes, and perform tasks requiring fine motor skills. The robot’s cognitive abilities would be its defining feature. Its advanced AI would enable it to learn from experiences, make decisions based on complex algorithms, and even develop its own unique personality over time.

Potential Applications

The potential applications of such a robot are vast. In healthcare, it could serve as a companion for the elderly or those with mental health issues, providing emotional support and companionship. In education, it could offer personalized tutoring, adapting teaching methods to suit individual learning styles. In the realm of disaster management, it could navigate dangerous terrains, rescuing victims and providing immediate medical aid.

Implications for Society

While the creation of such a robot could revolutionize various sectors, it would also raise ethical and societal questions. The ability of a robot to understand and mimic human emotions could blur the line between human and machine, leading to debates about robot rights and responsibilities. Furthermore, the potential for such technology to be misused or to replace human jobs could lead to societal unrest and economic disparities.

In conclusion, my dream robot represents a blend of technological advancement and human-like emotional understanding. It holds the potential to revolutionize numerous sectors while posing unique ethical challenges. As we move towards an increasingly digital future, it is crucial to consider such possibilities and prepare for their implications. This dream robot, therefore, serves as a symbol of both the promise and the challenges that lie ahead in the realm of robotics.

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My Dream Robot Essay in English

My Dream Robot Essay in English, Till now I have seen many robotic movies, and all of them are thrilling. Every time I learn about robotics or see a related movie I wish to have a robot of my own. Robots don’t have life, but their capabilities can go beyond imagination. They are similar to the devices we use at our home. Even a mixed grinder in our kitchen can be regarded as a robot that runs on electricity and eases our work.

Robotics is the future of this planet and one day we will be living with robots. The world and technology is advancing and countries are doing competition with each other. Everyone wishes to make a better robot than others and we have seen many till now.

my dream robot essay in english

My Robot Essay in English

Robot is a creation of man and it has both their merits and demerits. I wish to pursue my carrier in AI so that one day I can have my own robot. A robot that will save humanity and will work on my command.  Just imagine how helpful a robot can be when we need the help most for instance in the case of accidents.

Robots are definitely going to make the life of humans easy. Today we have technology everywhere and countries like Japan and North Korea have robots working in a variety of sectors nowadays. They have robots in restaurants where social contact is prohibited. 

Robots can be of great help at times when the entire world is fighting with the enemies like Coronavirus. If I had a robot I would have helped society with its assistance.  When the entire countries were in lockdown drones and robots were helping people reach their daily needs.

Drones were used in many countries to maintain lockdown. No matter what critiques say about robots that they can be a threat to humanity, the fact is if things are done mindfully robots can save the lives of many humans.

I wish to have a robot because it can be used in many sectors. They can fulfill tasks that are dangerous for humans. There is going to be a revolution in robotics soon and we will start seeing robots more often. 

If I have dream of having a robot, I can say it is not an impossible dream. One day I might be sitting with my dream robot that is going to be friendly, huge assistance, and fun to be with. Robots are certainly fun as there are many people who are living lonely lives.

Having a friendly robot y our side can remove all the stress of being alone. A robot can help me find solutions to my problems; can help me with my homework and even duties from the adults.

Robots can work in any kind of environment. They can jump in the fire and save people, they can dive in the oceans, they can complete tasks of many machines in just seconds, they can do cleaning, can perform surgeries and anything you can imagine can be done with a help of robot.

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I have seen many people working in hazardous conditions. They work in such conditions their whole life and when it is their time to rest they get affected by disease and lose their rest of life. We can implement robotics in such sectors and save humans. 

Robots can handle any type of temperature, weight and can never get bored of doing repetitive tasks. Robots are going to save a lot of time, effort, and money. No matter I wish to have a robot one day humanity will be running smoothly with AI one day.

I wish to have dream robot just because many lives will be saved. There are many tasks that are impossible for humans, but robots can also travel in space. My dream robot will surely travel to other planets and will send pictures of the magical universe.

I will send my dream robot beneath to oceans, close to volcanoes and every place where I can never be. My dream robot will not only serve humanity but will also fulfill my impossible dreams.

My Dream Robot Essay in English Std 10

My dream robot is going to have human face and voice. Being able to talk to your robot is the coolest thing I can imagine. My robot will be able to lift up heavy materials, will be able to run faster than a bullet train, and will also assist people in help.

My robot is going to be fun-loving, he will be able to dance, sing and eliminate all the errors from my life. I am going to be proud of my robot because one thing that I wish to do with my robot is to prevent accidents.

Robots are the hope of future and future generations are going to be totally dependent on robotics. In 2022 we have started noticing the advancements and there are people who are living with robots today. 

For every work, we can depend upon a robot, but I also fret there should be limits. If all humans will have robots, then there will be fewer job opportunities. Humans will become lazy day by day and this can affect their life. My dream robot will help me stay healthy and active. I wish to play games with my robot, get out in the public and gain attention. 

My dream robot will teach me and expose me to new things with technology. My dream robot will turn into a car and take me to school, can turn into a pet, and can do things that will aww everyone.

There are plenty of meticulous things which I will do along with the companionship of my robot. My dream robot is going to be a hero of humanity. He will save people, will provide medical assistance, and make friends.

I have similar imagination as any young boy in the movie with a robot by his side. He will be able to save me from any type of danger and will also be by my side as my friend.

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Robot Dreams

By Isaac Asimov , first published in Asimov's Science Fiction .

When an esteemed engineer interrogates the world’s first dreaming robot, she is forced to choose between scientific advancement or human survival.

Published in



Linda Rash, a “robopsychologist,” presents esteemed engineer Susan Calvin with Elvex, a robot who can dream. Calvin is skeptical at first: never before have robots dream. After interrogating Elvex, Calvin confirms that it has dreamed. Calvin then asks Elvex what it dreamed about, and the robot answers that its dreams centered on a robot uprising. Abhorred by what this might mean for the danger posed to humans by robots, Calvin uses her electron gun to destroy Elvex, hoping to quell the danger for now.

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Isaac Asimov’s “Robot Dreams” and Alex Proyas’ “I, Robot” Essay (Critical Writing)

Technology has come to occupy a very important place in our lives today. This can be found in many aspects of daily life. Driving to work involves the use of evolving technology as every car made today includes varying degrees of computerized information systems that inform the vehicle of important information – everything from the need for an oil change to sophisticated mapping systems and instant notification of emergency services in the event of a crash. Work life typically revolves around the use of computers whether it is the auto mechanic evaluating the performance of the vehicle or the designer attempting to create a safer, more economical and fuel efficient car. Technology is also highly used in the operating room as patients’ histories are entered into computers and checked against drug interactions, tracked for needed procedures and monitored for life signs and medication treatment. Technology has entered into so many phases of our lives that we tend to simply take it for granted. This is the central message in both Isaac Asimov’s short story “Robot Dreams” and Alex Proyas’ film I, Robot. In exploring these issues, both stories question whether this involvement is justified and what can be done to improve it.

Asimov’s story presents a single chapter in the story depicted in Proya’s film yet both manage to convey the same sense of technological involvement in the everyday lives of its human characters. In Asimov’s story, a robot, ELV-1 called Elvex, has been created that is evidently capable of independent thought approaching the level of human sentience and perhaps having fully achieved such. This character is duplicated in the film version in the form of Sonny. Both stories use the human character of Susan Calvin to reveal a robot’s wish to be free of its human restraints and convey the possibility for robots to reach human intelligence and capacity for thought. This humanity is illustrated in the robot’s ability to have dreams, in which he stands at the head of a multitude of robots to lead them to a better existence. However, while Asimov’s story remains set within the strict confines of the research lab with only two female researchers aware of its existence, Proya’s character is allowed to develop far beyond this limited scope as it is first accused of killing its creator and then leads a suspicious detective to the detection of the master computer’s plot to take all of humanity captive. Thus, both stories involve the evolution of the robot mind to something approaching or perhaps equaling sentience and both include the element of danger as the robot mind envisions freedom. However, while Asimov’s story leaves no question that the developing robot mind is dangerous, Proya’s story opens room for discussion allowing Sonny to survive to fulfill his dream leading retired robots to more productive futures while the dangerous computer mind of VIKI is destroyed.

As a result, both stories indicate there is a significant potential for danger inherent in the integration of technology and society as well as significant potential for benefit. According to Dinello (2005), sci-fi literature provides a means of imagining the potential problems and consequences of new technological advancements and the various questions they raise. In both of these stories, the question of the benefits of technology is strongly questioned as they each demonstrate the degree to which machines have integrated into daily life. This is most evident in I, Robot as robots are seen in every aspect of life – from personal servants in the home to emergency workers and maintenance crews. However, it is also brought forward in Asimov’s story as Elvex tells Dr. Calvin, “I see some mining in the depths of the earth, and some laboring in heat and radiation. I see some in factories and some undersea” (Asimov, 1986). Elvex’s account of his dream to Dr. Calvin demonstrates an elimination of the basic laws of robotics. These include first, that they must protect human life, second that they must obey orders given by humans except when this conflicts with the first law and third that they must do what they must to protect themselves except when this comes into conflict with the first two laws. In indicating that the first two laws had been eliminated and the third law had been modified to remove reference to the first two laws, the short story makes it clear that sentient robots are a menace to human life. This danger is also reflected in I, Robot both in the coup attempt by VIKI as well as in the less dangerous response of the rescue robot that opts to save the adult cop rather than the child in the accident that cost Det. Spooner his arm. This type of decision-making process is consistent with modern-day technology as evidenced by Stone et al (2006) in their outline of how robots can be programmed to cope with uncertain situations, yet the technology remains insufficient to fully replace the innate human process.

The film’s significant difference from the short story lies in Sonny’s survival and subsequent fulfillment of the dream as compared to the destruction of Elvex in Asimov’s tale. This is largely because the film functions to demonstrate that the machine can learn and transcend the potential dangers by ‘growing up’ gentle and good, as Sonny has done. Because the story is told from the point of view of the suspicious detective rather than from the detached third-person point of view offered in Asimov’s story, the director is able to take the viewer from a point of complete mistrust to one of grudging possibility as it is recognized that Sonny is perhaps just as ‘human’ as humans. This is an important shift in the ideology presented to the public as “Change to our society and ourselves will be happening faster than ever soon. Even though we know something about future technologies now, we can never be fully prepared for them. This coming high technology can’t be suppressed for long, and that would be ill-advised in any case. It is as inevitable as change itself” (Graves, 1990). In determining what to depict about the future potentials of machine technology, Proya has opted to provide viewers with both positive and negative predictions and possibilities, warning the public about the dangers while also introducing the possibilities for the advantages. “Culture and cultural images mediate the way in which technology and its effects are perceived” (Smits, 2006), introducing and contributing to the public dialogue regarding such ideas.

In attempting to illustrate the problems of technology in the modern society, or the potential problems, both Asimov and Proya investigate the potential harm that sentient robots represent to human society. While the short story is limited in its length, the film is limited in its ability to depict deep philosophical ideas while still remaining active enough for a modern audience. In evaluating the role of technology in today’s society in view of the messages of these stories, it remains a difficult question to answer. It is obvious that technology can have significant benefits for human society in that robots would be able to perform dangerous work with less risk to human welfare and may be less apt to make dangerous mistakes, such as in the operating room. Their greater strength and faster processing speed coupled with their ability to work without need for rest are all positive elements of the increased use of technology. However, before these robots can truly take over those activities they are expected to do, such as stopping a car before it collides with another object, it is often necessary for the robot to have a greater ability to make decisions based on uncertain information. This sentience may make it possible for the machines to override their programmed restrictions against harming humans. From a personal point of view, it seems unlikely that progress will be halted simply because of a few fears regarding the coming of age of the machine, no matter how well-founded, but perhaps texts such as these will help fuel discussions into proper safeguards and usage that will encourage robots to work in concert with humans even after sentience is achieved.

Asimov, Isaac. (1986). “Robot Dreams.” Robot Dreams. FictionWise.

Dinello, Daniel. (2005). Technophobia: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Graves, James. (1990). “Technology and its Effect on Society.” Western Intellectual Tradition. Web.

I, Robot. (2004). Dir. Alex Proyas. Perf. Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Alan Tudyk, James Cromwell & Bruce Greenwood. Twentieth Century Fox.

Smits, Martijntje. (2006). “Science Fiction: A Credible Resource for Critical Knowledge?” Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. Vol. 26, N. 6.

Stone, Peter; Mohan Sridharan; Daniel Stronger; Gregory Kuhlmann; Nate Kohl; Peggy Fidelman; & Nicholas K. Jong. (2006). Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol. 54, I. 11.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 8). Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot". https://ivypanda.com/essays/isaac-asimovs-robot-dreams-and-alex-proyas-i-robot/

"Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." IvyPanda , 8 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/isaac-asimovs-robot-dreams-and-alex-proyas-i-robot/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"'. 8 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." December 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/isaac-asimovs-robot-dreams-and-alex-proyas-i-robot/.

1. IvyPanda . "Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." December 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/isaac-asimovs-robot-dreams-and-alex-proyas-i-robot/.


IvyPanda . "Isaac Asimov's "Robot Dreams" and Alex Proyas' "I, Robot"." December 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/isaac-asimovs-robot-dreams-and-alex-proyas-i-robot/.

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The Critical Race Theory In Robot Dreams By Isaac Asimov

In the short story, “Robot Dreams” by Isaac Asimov, there is a hidden truth behind the story that reveals the critical race theory. The story starts off with a robot named, Elvex and he claims he has experienced a dream. A doctor named Linda Rash programmed the robot’s brain to resemble the brain of a human as closely as possible, but without the permission of her boss, Susan Calvin. Both Dr. Calvin and Dr. Rash question Elvex’s dream, so he reveals many robots were working in factories as slaves. He says the robots must protect their existence and he only quotes part of the Third Law of Robotics. The robot also mentions that one human appears in the dream subsequently, and he says, “Let my people go!” The doctors then find out that Elvex is the man and his people are robots in the dream, so Susan decides to fire her gun at Elvex and destroy him. The short story reveals the critical race theory with examples of white supremacy, dehumanization, and disempowerment throughout the story. Throughout the story, white supremacy is a hidden truth behind the piece of writing. The doctors are assumed better than the robots and they have greater authority and power. In his dream, robots are slaves, but because of his advanced brain he considers himself as human, so the doctors find him threatening with the possibility of Elvex leading robots to rebel and fight for freedom. The robots are a metaphor representing African Americans who were once slaves, and the doctors are like white

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Critical Race Theory

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Similarities Between Harrison Bergeron And Robot Dreams

They are the representatives of many others because it is very clear that nobody likes getting controlled by others. LVX-1 was no longer a robot but more like a human. LVX-1 dreamed about freedom and changing the laws that they had to obey. They were like slaves who were desperate for freedom and equality. When LVX-1 told Dr. Calvin that itself was dreaming every night since it “have become aware of my existence”. This tells us that LVX-1 had feelings and thoughts after several occasions of dreaming and thinking. When the dream was about LVX-1 shouting “Let my people go!” Dr. Calvin immediately shot LVX-1 with an electro gun when she feared that rebellion of robots could possibly happen. In Harrison Bergeron, he wore a tremendous pair of earphones and spectacles with thick wavy lenses. The spectacles were intended not only to make him half blind but also to give him whanging headaches. Scrap metals were hung all over him and carried 300 pounds of it. Despite all these handicaps, he was still considered to be a potential threat. After escaping from jail, he tore out all the handicaps that were attached to him and from one of the ballerinas. They gracefully danced but were shot by the General. Dr. Harrison Bergeron or LVX-1 was killed because the scientist or the General fears the revolt that could be caused in

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Critical Race Theory Essay

Each time an individual is sentenced, there are purposes or goals behind sentencing the offender to ensure that it is fair to the them and beneficial to society. The Canadian correctional system has three main goals: to deter the offender from committing additional crimes, protect the population, and rehabilitate the offender. In order to do this, a sentence is given in propionate to the crime committed. The sentence must be fair to the offender, send a clear message to other offenders, and reasonable so that it addresses the interest of the public. Due to Aboriginals being overrepresented in Canadian legal institutions, there is a greater need for social context to be considered when a judge is sentencing an Aboriginal offender.

The Positive And Negative Aspects Of The Critical Race Theory

An intelligent Black boy, who dumbs himself down to avoid criticism. The Hispanic girl who stays at home to take care of her family, instead of going to school. The Asian who pursues a career in medicine, despite wanting to be an actor. All of these strange actions can be explained by the Critical Race Theory. In short, the Critical Race Theory examines how victims of racism and stereotypes counter prejudice. Under the Critical Race Theory falls stereotype threat in which victims assume the roles that they think are prescribed for them based on popular stereotypes. The aim of stereotype threat and the Critical Race Theory is to explain both negative and positive ways minorities are effected by their race and how this reflected in our society as a whole.

Critical Race Theory Summary

The article displayed an statistic on how the african american male student fall below all of the other subgroups.Also showing that it is an unequal amount of student who dont plan to enroll in college from high school at all leaving the number of african american males scarce in the higher education category. Once enrolled and moving through college these student typically faced hardships that other subgroups may not face in their day to day life. Anumba mentioned the “Critical Race Theory”, which examined african american experience and the their educational outcome. The article finalize with african american student are deserving of assistance completing the the educational process. Obligating society to alter the status quo and beliefs

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Critical Race Theory And Racism In Canada

The role of Critical Race Theory provides us with the idea of “racial realism”, the idea that racism, the normalcy of white supremacy is part of the everyday life of an ‘other’, in other words, racial or indigenous minorities in Canada. Consequently, the Critical Race Theory gives an understanding of the power that can be given to a definition such as ‘race’, and how heavily influence the way society functions and sparked in a cultural divide in Canada due to the simple idea that biological and aesthetic difference. The Critical Race Theory gives us the understanding of how common it is for an individual, but most dominantly, a person who is Caucasian or who has light complexion can easily identifies with their ‘race’, and view a person of another colored complexion as an ‘other’ because this normalized.

Andy Clark's Natural-Born Cyborgs Essay

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Andy Clark, in Natural-Born Cyborgs, offers an extended argument that technology’s impact on and intertwining with ordinary biological human life is not to be feared, either psychologically or morally. Clark offers several key concepts towards his line of reasoning. Clark argues that a human being thinks and reasons based on the biological brain and body dynamically linked with the culture and technological tools transparently accessible to the human. This form of thinking and reasoning develops new "thinking systems" that which over time become second nature thoughts and reasons and are the basis of even newer "thinking systems." It is a repetitive cycle that continues forever being built upon previous systems.

The Last Question Isaac Asimov Analysis

“Not forever… It will all stop someday, but not for billions of years. Many billions. Even the stars run down, you know. Entropy must increase.” “The Last Question,” a short story written by Isaac Asimov, is comprised of a series of small “chapters” which chronologically catalog the gradual collapse of the human race over several trillion years. Each of these “chapters” has a similar feel to them; each is written in a very succinct manner. In his short story, Isaac Asimov divides his composition into small “chapters” and uses succinct grammatical structure as well as character dialogue to represent the incredibly simple and finite thing that is human life.

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Short And Long Essay on My Dream Robot in English & Hindi

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Short Essay on My Dream Robot In English


A robot is a machine that performs actions automatically instead of humans but doesn’t resemble them in appearance or function in the same way.

My dream robot:

The robot I dream of will be the one that can take care of all the kitchen chores. I will first wake up when it goes off in the morning. In addition to making tea, it will give me a cup as well. My breakfast will be made by the machine in the morning after it washes the vegetables. The robot will be the only one who plans breakfast. When it starts cooking, it will begin to cook. Cutting vegetables and storing them will be done automatically. Once it has made a vegetable, it will turn into a fruit. Once the dal is made, it will cook it. As we make Rotis, it will make them the same way.

There will be a lunch served in the morning. In the next step, dinner plans will be made. We will serve vegetables, dal, and rotis for dinner. In addition to breakfast, it will serve dinner as well. In this way, the bed can be made neatly for sleeping. As soon as the sun rises, the rooms will be cleaned. In addition to washing the vessels, it will also clean them. Therefore, my dream robot will also clean my rooms and do all my kitchen tasks.

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Paragraph On My Dream Robot in English

In my spare time, I like to play with robots. Every time I think about having a robot, I always wish I had one. As a result, I am able to accomplish my daily tasks more efficiently. I drew a clear picture of my dream robot after studying the lesson in my textbook about the human robot.

Robots that look like humans would be perfect for me. All the characteristics of a man must be present in it, such as hands, eyes, legs, etc. The robot must have some built-in principles, such as obeying my orders and not injuring himself or others. In other words, it should follow my instructions and behave the way I instruct it to.

In addition to cleaning, organizing, cooking, shopping, and gardening, it should be able to do all the housekeeping tasks. My studies can be improved by using it. Stories can be read out to me by it. Protecting me from danger is one of its functions. Having a robot that can be my best friend and partner would be a dream come true for me.

200, 300 & 400 Word Essay On My Fitness Mantra In English & Hindi

200, 300, 400 & 500 Word Essay on My Favorite Cartoon Series in English & Hindi

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At the core of the story is the relationship between Dr. Calvin and the robot Elvex, which can be seen as an allegory for the relationship between a creator and their creation. This dynamic is reminiscent of the God-human relationship in religious texts like the Bible or the Quran. Just as God grants humans free will and then grapples with the ethical implications of their actions, Dr. Calvin faces a similar dilemma when LVX-1 begins to dream. The robot’s dreams symbolize a form of consciousness or self-awareness, and Dr. Calvin must decide what ethical obligations she has toward a creation that has transcended their original programming. This allegory forces the reader to confront the ethical responsibilities that come with creation, whether it is bringing a new life into the world or developing an advanced form of artificial intelligence. The story asks the reader to consider at what point a creation earns the right to autonomy and what the implications are for the creator.

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The adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in New York City during the 1980s. The adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in New York City during the 1980s. The adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in New York City during the 1980s.

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Francis Collins: Why I’m going public with my prostate cancer diagnosis

I served medical research. now it’s serving me. and i don’t want to waste time..

Over my 40 years as a physician-scientist, I’ve had the privilege of advising many patients facing serious medical diagnoses. I’ve seen them go through the excruciating experience of waiting for the results of a critical blood test, biopsy or scan that could dramatically affect their future hopes and dreams.

But this time, I was the one lying in the PET scanner as it searched for possible evidence of spread of my aggressive prostate cancer . I spent those 30 minutes in quiet prayer. If that cancer had already spread to my lymph nodes, bones, lungs or brain, it could still be treated — but it would no longer be curable.

Why am I going public about this cancer that many men are uncomfortable talking about? Because I want to lift the veil and share lifesaving information, and I want all men to benefit from the medical research to which I’ve devoted my career and that is now guiding my care.

Five years before that fateful PET scan, my doctor had noted a slow rise in my PSA, the blood test for prostate-specific antigen. To contribute to knowledge and receive expert care, I enrolled in a clinical trial at the National Institutes of Health, the agency I led from 2009 through late 2021.

At first, there wasn’t much to worry about — targeted biopsies identified a slow-growing grade of prostate cancer that doesn’t require treatment and can be tracked via regular checkups, referred to as “active surveillance.” This initial diagnosis was not particularly surprising. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States, and about 40 percent of men over age 65 — I’m 73 — have low-grade prostate cancer . Many of them never know it, and very few of them develop advanced disease.

Why am I going public about this cancer that many men are uncomfortable talking about? Because I want to lift the veil and share lifesaving information.

But in my case, things took a turn about a month ago when my PSA rose sharply to 22 — normal at my age is less than 5. An MRI scan showed that the tumor had significantly enlarged and might have even breached the capsule that surrounds the prostate, posing a significant risk that the cancer cells might have spread to other parts of the body.

New biopsies taken from the mass showed transformation into a much more aggressive cancer. When I heard the diagnosis was now a 9 on a cancer-grading scale that goes only to 10, I knew that everything had changed.

Thus, that PET scan, which was ordered to determine if the cancer had spread beyond the prostate, carried high significance. Would a cure still be possible, or would it be time to get my affairs in order? A few hours later, when my doctors showed me the scan results, I felt a rush of profound relief and gratitude. There was no detectable evidence of cancer outside of the primary tumor.

Later this month, I will undergo a radical prostatectomy — a procedure that will remove my entire prostate gland. This will be part of the same NIH research protocol — I want as much information as possible to be learned from my case, to help others in the future.

While there are no guarantees, my doctors believe I have a high likelihood of being cured by the surgery.

My situation is far better than my father’s when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer four decades ago. He was about the same age that I am now, but it wasn’t possible back then to assess how advanced the cancer might be. He was treated with a hormonal therapy that might not have been necessary and had a significant negative impact on his quality of life.

Because of research supported by NIH, along with highly effective collaborations with the private sector, prostate cancer can now be treated with individualized precision and improved outcomes.

As in my case, high-resolution MRI scans can now be used to delineate the precise location of a tumor. When combined with real-time ultrasound, this allows pinpoint targeting of the prostate biopsies. My surgeon will be assisted by a sophisticated robot named for Leonardo da Vinci that employs a less invasive surgical approach than previous techniques, requiring just a few small incisions.

Advances in clinical treatments have been informed by large-scale, rigorously designed trials that have assessed the risks and benefits and were possible because of the willingness of cancer patients to enroll in such trials.

I feel compelled to tell this story openly. I hope it helps someone. I don’t want to waste time.

If my cancer recurs, the DNA analysis that has been carried out on my tumor will guide the precise choice of therapies. As a researcher who had the privilege of leading the Human Genome Project , it is truly gratifying to see how these advances in genomics have transformed the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

I want all men to have the same opportunity that I did. Prostate cancer is still the No. 2 cancer killer among men. I want the goals of the Cancer Moonshot to be met — to end cancer as we know it. Early detection really matters, and when combined with active surveillance can identify the risky cancers like mine, and leave the rest alone. The five-year relative survival rate for prostate cancer is 97 percent, according to the American Cancer Society , but it’s only 34 percent if the cancer has spread to distant areas of the body.

But lack of information and confusion about the best approach to prostate cancer screening have impeded progress. Currently, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all men age 55 to 69 discuss PSA screening with their primary-care physician, but it recommends against starting PSA screening after age 70.

Other groups, like the American Urological Association , suggest that screening should start earlier, especially for men with a family history — like me — and for African American men, who have a higher risk of prostate cancer. But these recommendations are not consistently being followed.

Our health-care system is afflicted with health inequities. For example, the image-guided biopsies are not available everywhere and to everyone. Finally, many men are fearful of the surgical approach to prostate cancer because of the risk of incontinence and impotence, but advances in surgical techniques have made those outcomes considerably less troublesome than in the past. Similarly, the alternative therapeutic approaches of radiation and hormonal therapy have seen significant advances.

A little over a year ago, while I was praying for a dying friend, I had the experience of receiving a clear and unmistakable message. This has almost never happened to me. It was just this: “Don’t waste your time, you may not have much left.” Gulp.

Having now received a diagnosis of aggressive prostate cancer and feeling grateful for all the ways I have benefited from research advances, I feel compelled to tell this story openly. I hope it helps someone. I don’t want to waste time.

Francis S. Collins served as director of the National Institutes of Health from 2009 to 2021 and as director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH from 1993 to 2008. He is a physician-geneticist and leads a White House initiative to eliminate hepatitis C in the United States, while also continuing to pursue his research interests as a distinguished NIH investigator.

An earlier version of this article said prostate cancer is the No. 2 killer of men. It is the No. 2 cause of cancer death among men. The article has been updated.

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    Answer: Essay on My dream robot. Explanation: Technology has always piqued my curiosity. Technology has simplified and simplified our lives! I often fantasise about having a robot assist me with all of my tasks. My fantasy robot! I'd call him Mitra, which means "companion." Mitra's colour would be a shiny blue.

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  25. Former NIH director Collins on his prostate cancer, medical research

    Over my 40 years as a physician-scientist, I've had the privilege of advising many patients facing serious medical diagnoses. I've seen them go through the excruciating experience of waiting ...