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Microsoft Word for Dissertations

  • Introduction, Template, & Resources
  • Formatting for All Readers
  • Applying a Style
  • Modifying a Style
  • Setting up a Heading 1 Example
  • Images, Charts, Other Objects
  • Footnotes, Endnotes, & Citations
  • Cross-References
  • Appendix Figures & Tables
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures/Tables
  • Chapter and Section Numbering
  • Page Numbers
  • Landscape Pages
  • Combining Chapter Files
  • Commenting and Reviewing
  • Tips & Tricks
  • The Two-inch Top Margin
  • Troubleshooting
  • Finalizing Without Styles
  • Preparing Your Final Document

Help with Microsoft Word

Members of the University of Michigan community can get dissertation & thesis formatting assistance from the experts at ScholarSpace:

Please  visit this link to make an appointment , or send an email to [email protected].

We're here to solve any formatting problems you've run into, and can give you guidance about captioning figures, solving numbering issues, creating a List of Tables/Figures/Appendices, and more.

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Introduction to Word for Dissertations

Formatting your dissertation (or thesis) will likely take more time than you expect. But using the special features described in this Guide will save you a great deal of work , particularly if you use our template (available in the box below). The earlier you begin to use these tools, the more time you'll save and the less stress you'll have as your submission deadline approaches. Students at the University of Michigan are also encouraged to contact the experts at the Library's ScholarSpace anytime you run into a problem or have a question.

To meet  Rackham’s Dissertation Formatting Guidelines  you will need to modify the standard settings that Microsoft Word uses. This guide will show you how to use the tools to make the necessary modifications.  While we do follow the requirements from Rackham’s formatting guidelines to demonstrate the tools, in the end, you are responsible for verifying that your document meets the requirements that Rackham sets.

To save yourself time and effort , please consider using our Dissertation Template (link available in the box below). Many of the settings discussed in this Guide are already included in that document.

Please note that, as a University of Michigan student, you have free access to the Microsoft Office suite of tools -- including Microsoft Word. Visit this link to learn more and to download Office to your own computer.

Dissertation Template and other Resources

  • ScholarSpace Template for Dissertations This Microsoft Word document comes with many of the Rackham formatting guidelines built in, and can be used for dissertations and theses. Please note that this template doesn't follow the formatting direction of any particular Style Guide. It is your responsibility to make sure you are following the Style Guide predominant in your field, and to make any relevant formatting changes to heading styles, numbering, captions, etc... How to make many of those changes is described throughout this Guide.
  • Dissertation Formatting Workshops (online) We regularly offer free workshops throughout the school year to introduce you to the lesser-known features of Microsoft Word that will make formatting (and editing) your dissertation much easier.
  • Rackham Dissertation Handbook Rackham's Dissertation Guidelines and Handbook
  • Dissertation Formatting Checklist Rackham's list of formatting issues to watch out for in your dissertation.
  • Using Microsoft Word for Large Documents (non-dissertation specific) Handout This document was written for an older -- much older -- version of Word, but nearly all of the information is still accurate and very useful.
  • Guide to Copyright for Dissertations This guide addresses copyright questions specific to University of Michigan dissertation authors. It covers topics such as: Using Others' Content, Copyright in Your Dissertation, and Publishing Your Dissertation

A word about LaTeX

LaTeX is a markup language (sometimes accessed through the Overleaf editor) that is often used in science and engineering documents because it allows for great control in creating complex equations and formulas. ScholarSpace does not maintain a template for dissertations created with LaTeX, and we can only provide very limited support for it. That said, there is a community of U-M folks who actively maintain  this LaTeX template to keep it in line with Rackham's guidelines .

Here are some other very useful resources:

  • Video recording of a  UM Library Workshop on Dissertation Formatting with LaTeX
  • Documentation for LaTeX and Overleaf
  • Bibiliography Management with LaTeX
  • How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX
  • A huge collection of LaTeX resources

Can I use Google Docs for my dissertation?

No. Google Docs can get you pretty far down the road to something that looks like what Rackham requires, however, it's going to take a lot more work to get that far, and as you approach the finish line you will collide with obstacles that Google Docs just won't be able to get around. The issue is that Google Docs was not designed for complicated documents like a thesis or dissertation. To get it to do many of the special things that Rackham requires, you'll have to do a great deal of work that Word will just do for you . A few examples:

  • Rackham requires 1" margin on all pages, but a 2" margin at the top of each new section. You'll have to manually adjust every relevant page yourself in Docs to get this, but Word will just do it automatically.
  • Docs gives you three choices for how your Table of Contents will look, none of which are suitable by Rackham's standards. While you can adjust the format, many aspects of it (such as spacing) will revert to the original every time you update it.  With Word, you're in charge of what your ToC looks like.
  • In Docs, you'll have to manually type in your figure numbers ("Figure 3.6") and change them every time you add or move them. But Word will manage numbering and caption placement for you, it will renumber figures or tables as you add or move them, and it will create your List of Figures/Tables automatically – correct page numbers and all. 
  • With Word's figure/table numbering, you can also insert cross-references, so when you refer to "(see Figure 4.2)" but then you add some new figures before that, not only will Figure 4.2 renumber itself automatically, but anywhere you've referred to it will be updated, too. No more anxiety about whether you've updated everything accurately.
  • Page numbers: Rackham wants the first two pages to have no page numbers, the rest of the frontmatter to have small roman numerals, and the body of the document to have arabic numerals.  Docs just plain can't do that.

If you're concerned about the learning curve of using Word, please know that this Guide goes over how to do everything, AND the Word template found here has nearly everything already set up for you. We also regularly offer a workshop that serves as an introduction to the most useful features, and you can set up a meeting with a ScholarSpace expert anytime you run into something that you can't figure out. 

Writing Assistance

This Guide is all about how to properly format your dissertation -- how to make it look the way Rackham wants it to look. But what if you need help with the actual composition  of your content? Our friends at the Sweetland Writing Center offer such assistance, through their Writing Workshop program. From their website:

These are just a few quick but especially important tips to help you get started. See our more expansive Tips & Troubleshooting section for suggestions that are a little more complex.

  • Save early , save often, and create backup versions as you go along. Consider setting up Microsoft OneDrive (you have free access with your umich login credentials). With this, you can turn on "Autosave" in Word to automatically save your document at regular intervals, and have access to previous versions.

dissertation in words

  • Use our template (available above), it will save you lots of time. Nearly all of the difficult formatting stuff we discuss in this Guide is already built into the template. Consider doing all of your writing in it -- even if you're working in separate files for each chapter, you can use a copy of the template for each one of those chapters.
  • Set the margins including the two-inch margin for chapters titles  ( Setting Margins ) .
  • Define styles for Headings 1-3, Normal, Captions, and Quotes – these are most common; you may need others ( Working with Styles ).
  • If headings need to be numbered (for example, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, etc.), define a multi-level list ( Automatic Numbering ).
  • If captions need to include the chapter number, define a multi-level list ( Automatic Numbering ).
  • Share your file(s) with your advisors using Track Changes ( Commenting and Reviewing ) .
  • If you use EndNote to manage your citations and create your bibliography, use only one EndNote library for your entire dissertation (see our EndNote Basics guide).
  • Did we mention that you really ought to try out our template (available above)?

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What’s Included: The Dissertation Template

If you’re preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and theses. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your dissertation or thesis will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The dissertation template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction  (also available: in-depth introduction template )
  • Chapter 2: Literature review  (also available: in-depth LR template )
  • Chapter 3: Methodology (also available: in-depth methodology template )
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results (also available: results template )
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings (also available: discussion template )
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (also available: in-depth conclusion template )
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Dissertation Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

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What Is a Dissertation? | 5 Essential Questions to Get Started

Published on 26 March 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 5 May 2022.

A dissertation is a large research project undertaken at the end of a degree. It involves in-depth consideration of a problem or question chosen by the student. It is usually the largest (and final) piece of written work produced during a degree.

The length and structure of a dissertation vary widely depending on the level and field of study. However, there are some key questions that can help you understand the requirements and get started on your dissertation project.

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Table of contents

When and why do you have to write a dissertation, who will supervise your dissertation, what type of research will you do, how should your dissertation be structured, what formatting and referencing rules do you have to follow, frequently asked questions about dissertations.

A dissertation, sometimes called a thesis, comes at the end of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. It is a larger project than the other essays you’ve written, requiring a higher word count and a greater depth of research.

You’ll generally work on your dissertation during the final year of your degree, over a longer period than you would take for a standard essay . For example, the dissertation might be your main focus for the last six months of your degree.

Why is the dissertation important?

The dissertation is a test of your capacity for independent research. You are given a lot of autonomy in writing your dissertation: you come up with your own ideas, conduct your own research, and write and structure the text by yourself.

This means that it is an important preparation for your future, whether you continue in academia or not: it teaches you to manage your own time, generate original ideas, and work independently.

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During the planning and writing of your dissertation, you’ll work with a supervisor from your department. The supervisor’s job is to give you feedback and advice throughout the process.

The dissertation supervisor is often assigned by the department, but you might be allowed to indicate preferences or approach potential supervisors. If so, try to pick someone who is familiar with your chosen topic, whom you get along with on a personal level, and whose feedback you’ve found useful in the past.

How will your supervisor help you?

Your supervisor is there to guide you through the dissertation project, but you’re still working independently. They can give feedback on your ideas, but not come up with ideas for you.

You may need to take the initiative to request an initial meeting with your supervisor. Then you can plan out your future meetings and set reasonable deadlines for things like completion of data collection, a structure outline, a first chapter, a first draft, and so on.

Make sure to prepare in advance for your meetings. Formulate your ideas as fully as you can, and determine where exactly you’re having difficulties so you can ask your supervisor for specific advice.

Your approach to your dissertation will vary depending on your field of study. The first thing to consider is whether you will do empirical research , which involves collecting original data, or non-empirical research , which involves analysing sources.

Empirical dissertations (sciences)

An empirical dissertation focuses on collecting and analysing original data. You’ll usually write this type of dissertation if you are studying a subject in the sciences or social sciences.

  • What are airline workers’ attitudes towards the challenges posed for their industry by climate change?
  • How effective is cognitive behavioural therapy in treating depression in young adults?
  • What are the short-term health effects of switching from smoking cigarettes to e-cigarettes?

There are many different empirical research methods you can use to answer these questions – for example, experiments , observations, surveys , and interviews.

When doing empirical research, you need to consider things like the variables you will investigate, the reliability and validity of your measurements, and your sampling method . The aim is to produce robust, reproducible scientific knowledge.

Non-empirical dissertations (arts and humanities)

A non-empirical dissertation works with existing research or other texts, presenting original analysis, critique and argumentation, but no original data. This approach is typical of arts and humanities subjects.

  • What attitudes did commentators in the British press take towards the French Revolution in 1789–1792?
  • How do the themes of gender and inheritance intersect in Shakespeare’s Macbeth ?
  • How did Plato’s Republic and Thomas More’s Utopia influence nineteenth century utopian socialist thought?

The first steps in this type of dissertation are to decide on your topic and begin collecting your primary and secondary sources .

Primary sources are the direct objects of your research. They give you first-hand evidence about your subject. Examples of primary sources include novels, artworks and historical documents.

Secondary sources provide information that informs your analysis. They describe, interpret, or evaluate information from primary sources. For example, you might consider previous analyses of the novel or author you are working on, or theoretical texts that you plan to apply to your primary sources.

Dissertations are divided into chapters and sections. Empirical dissertations usually follow a standard structure, while non-empirical dissertations are more flexible.

Structure of an empirical dissertation

Empirical dissertations generally include these chapters:

  • Introduction : An explanation of your topic and the research question(s) you want to answer.
  • Literature review : A survey and evaluation of previous research on your topic.
  • Methodology : An explanation of how you collected and analysed your data.
  • Results : A brief description of what you found.
  • Discussion : Interpretation of what these results reveal.
  • Conclusion : Answers to your research question(s) and summary of what your findings contribute to knowledge in your field.

Sometimes the order or naming of chapters might be slightly different, but all of the above information must be included in order to produce thorough, valid scientific research.

Other dissertation structures

If your dissertation doesn’t involve data collection, your structure is more flexible. You can think of it like an extended essay – the text should be logically organised in a way that serves your argument:

  • Introduction: An explanation of your topic and the question(s) you want to answer.
  • Main body: The development of your analysis, usually divided into 2–4 chapters.
  • Conclusion: Answers to your research question(s) and summary of what your analysis contributes to knowledge in your field.

The chapters of the main body can be organised around different themes, time periods, or texts. Below you can see some example structures for dissertations in different subjects.

  • Political philosophy

This example, on the topic of the British press’s coverage of the French Revolution, shows how you might structure each chapter around a specific theme.

Example of a dissertation structure in history

This example, on the topic of Plato’s and More’s influences on utopian socialist thought, shows a different approach to dividing the chapters by theme.

Example of a dissertation structure in political philosophy

This example, a master’s dissertation on the topic of how writers respond to persecution, shows how you can also use section headings within each chapter. Each of the three chapters deals with a specific text, while the sections are organised thematically.

Example of a dissertation structure in literature

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Like other academic texts, it’s important that your dissertation follows the formatting guidelines set out by your university. You can lose marks unnecessarily over mistakes, so it’s worth taking the time to get all these elements right.

Formatting guidelines concern things like:

  • line spacing
  • page numbers
  • punctuation
  • title pages
  • presentation of tables and figures

If you’re unsure about the formatting requirements, check with your supervisor or department. You can lose marks unnecessarily over mistakes, so it’s worth taking the time to get all these elements right.

How will you reference your sources?

Referencing means properly listing the sources you cite and refer to in your dissertation, so that the reader can find them. This avoids plagiarism by acknowledging where you’ve used the work of others.

Keep track of everything you read as you prepare your dissertation. The key information to note down for a reference is:

  • The publication date
  • Page numbers for the parts you refer to (especially when using direct quotes)

Different referencing styles each have their own specific rules for how to reference. The most commonly used styles in UK universities are listed below.

An author–date citation in brackets in the text… …corresponding to an entry in the alphabetised reference list at the end.
A superscript or bracketed reference number in the text… …corresponding to an entry in the numbered reference list at the end.
A footnote in the text that gives full source information… …and an alphabetised bibliography at the end listing all sources.

You can use the free APA Reference Generator to automatically create and store your references.

APA Reference Generator

The words ‘ dissertation ’ and ‘thesis’ both refer to a large written research project undertaken to complete a degree, but they are used differently depending on the country:

  • In the UK, you write a dissertation at the end of a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and you write a thesis to complete a PhD.
  • In the US, it’s the other way around: you may write a thesis at the end of a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and you write a dissertation to complete a PhD.

The main difference is in terms of scale – a dissertation is usually much longer than the other essays you complete during your degree.

Another key difference is that you are given much more independence when working on a dissertation. You choose your own dissertation topic , and you have to conduct the research and write the dissertation yourself (with some assistance from your supervisor).

Dissertation word counts vary widely across different fields, institutions, and levels of education:

  • An undergraduate dissertation is typically 8,000–15,000 words
  • A master’s dissertation is typically 12,000–50,000 words
  • A PhD thesis is typically book-length: 70,000–100,000 words

However, none of these are strict guidelines – your word count may be lower or higher than the numbers stated here. Always check the guidelines provided by your university to determine how long your own dissertation should be.

At the bachelor’s and master’s levels, the dissertation is usually the main focus of your final year. You might work on it (alongside other classes) for the entirety of the final year, or for the last six months. This includes formulating an idea, doing the research, and writing up.

A PhD thesis takes a longer time, as the thesis is the main focus of the degree. A PhD thesis might be being formulated and worked on for the whole four years of the degree program. The writing process alone can take around 18 months.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2022, May 05). What Is a Dissertation? | 5 Essential Questions to Get Started. Scribbr. Retrieved 8 July 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/thesis-dissertation/what-is-a-dissertation/

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Jack Caulfield

Jack Caulfield

Other students also liked, how to choose a dissertation topic | 8 steps to follow, how to write a dissertation proposal | a step-by-step guide, what is a literature review | guide, template, & examples.

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Dissertations are a part of many degree programmes, completed in the final year of undergraduate studies or the final months of a taught masters-level degree. 

Introduction to dissertations

What is a dissertation.

A dissertation is usually a long-term project to produce a long-form piece of writing; think of it a little like an extended, structured assignment. In some subjects (typically the sciences), it might be called a project instead.

Work on an undergraduate dissertation is often spread out over the final year. For a masters dissertation, you'll start thinking about it early in your course and work on it throughout the year.

You might carry out your own original research, or base your dissertation on existing research literature or data sources - there are many possibilities.

Female student working on laptop

What's different about a dissertation?

The main thing that sets a dissertation apart from your previous work is that it's an almost entirely independent project. You'll have some support from a supervisor, but you will spend a lot more time working on your own.

You'll also be working on your own topic that's different to your coursemate; you'll all produce a dissertation, but on different topics and, potentially, in very different ways.

Dissertations are also longer than a regular assignment, both in word count and the time that they take to complete. You'll usually have  most of an academic year to work on one, and be required to produce thousands of words; that might seem like a lot, but both time and word count will disappear very quickly once you get started! 

Find out more:

Google Doc

Key dissertation tools

Digital tools.

There are lots of tools, software and apps that can help you get through the dissertation process. Before you start, make sure you collect the key tools ready to:

  • use your time efficiently
  • organise yourself and your materials
  • manage your writing
  • be less stressed

Here's an overview of some useful tools:

Digital tools for your dissertation [Google Slides]

Setting up your document

Formatting and how you set up your document is also very important for a long piece of work like a dissertation, research project or thesis. Find tips and advice on our text processing guide:

Create & communicate

University of York past Undergraduate and Masters dissertations

If you are a University of York student, you can access a selection of digitised undergraduate dissertations for certain subjects:

  • History  
  • History of Art  
  • Social Policy and Social Work  

The Library also has digitised Masters dissertations for the following subjects:

  • Archaeology
  • Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies  
  • Centre for Medieval Studies  
  • Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies  
  • Centre for Women's Studies  
  • English and Related Literature
  • Health Sciences
  • History of Art
  • Hull York Medical School
  • Language and Linguistic Science
  • School for Business and Society
  • School of Social and Political Sciences ​​​​​​​

Dissertation top tips

Many dissertations are structured into four key sections:

  • introduction & literature review

There are many different types of dissertation, which don't all use this structure, so make sure you check your dissertation guidance. However, elements of these sections are common in all dissertation types.

Dissertations that are an extended literature review do not involve data collection, thus do not have a methods or result section. Instead they have chapters that explore concepts/theories and result in a conclusion section. Check your dissertation module handbook and all information given to see what your dissertation involves. 

Introduction & literature review

The Introduction and Literature Review give the context for your dissertation:

  • What topic did you investigate?
  • What do we already know about this topic?
  • What are your research questions and hypotheses?

Sometimes these are two separate sections, and sometimes the Literature Review is integrated into the Introduction. Check your guidelines to find out what you need to do.

Literature Review Top Tips [YouTube]  |  Literature Review Top Tips transcript [Google Doc]

Google Doc

The Method section tells the reader what you did  and why.

  • Include enough detail so that someone else could replicate your study.
  • Visual elements can help present your method clearly. For example, summarise participant demographic data in a table or visualise the procedure in a diagram. 
  • Show critical analysis by justifying your choices. For example, why is your test/questionnaire/equipment appropriate for this study?
  • If your study requires ethical approval, include these details in this section.

Methodology Top Tips [YouTube]  |  Methodology Top Tips transcript [Google Doc]

More resources to help you plan and write the methodology:

dissertation in words

The Results tells us what you found out . 

It's an objective presentation of your research findings. Don’t explain the results in detail here - you’ll do that in the discussion section.

Results Top Tips [YouTube]  |  Results Top Tips transcript [Google Doc]

Google Docs

The Discussion is where you explain and interpret your results - what do your findings mean?

This section involves a lot of critical analysis. You're not just presenting your findings, but putting them together with findings from other research to build your argument about what the findings mean.

Discussion Top Tips [YouTube]  |  Discussion Top Tips transcript [Google Doc]

Conclusions are a part of many dissertations and/or research projects. Check your module information to see if you are required to write one. Some dissertations/projects have concluding remarks in their discussion section. See the slides below for more information on writing conclusions in dissertations.

Conclusions in dissertations [Google Slides]

The abstract is a short summary of the whole dissertation that goes at the start of the document. It gives an overview of your research and helps readers decide if it’s relevant to their needs.

Even though it appears at the start of the document, write the abstract last. It summarises the whole dissertation, so you need to finish the main body before you can summarise it in the abstract.

Usually the abstract follows a very similar structure to the dissertation, with one or two sentences each to show the aims, methods, key results and conclusions drawn. Some subjects use headings within the abstract. Even if you don’t use these in your final abstract, headings can help you to plan a clear structure.

Abstract Top Tips [YouTube]  |  Abstract Top Tips transcript [Google Doc]

Watch all of our Dissertation Top Tips videos in one handy playlist:

Research reports, that are often found in science subjects, follow the same structure, so the tips in this tutorial also apply to dissertations:

Interactive slides

Other support for dissertation writing

Online resources.

The general writing pages of this site offer guidance that can be applied to all types of writing, including dissertations. Also check your department guidance and VLE sites for tailored resources.

Other useful resources for dissertation writing:

dissertation in words

Appointments and workshops 

There is a lot of support available in departments for dissertation production, which includes your dissertation supervisor, academic supervisor and, when appropriate, staff teaching in the research methods modules.

You can also access central writing and skills support:

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Home » Dissertation – Format, Example and Template

Dissertation – Format, Example and Template

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Dissertation is a lengthy and detailed academic document that presents the results of original research on a specific topic or question. It is usually required as a final project for a doctoral degree or a master’s degree.

Dissertation Meaning in Research

In Research , a dissertation refers to a substantial research project that students undertake in order to obtain an advanced degree such as a Ph.D. or a Master’s degree.

Dissertation typically involves the exploration of a particular research question or topic in-depth, and it requires students to conduct original research, analyze data, and present their findings in a scholarly manner. It is often the culmination of years of study and represents a significant contribution to the academic field.

Types of Dissertation

Types of Dissertation are as follows:

Empirical Dissertation

An empirical dissertation is a research study that uses primary data collected through surveys, experiments, or observations. It typically follows a quantitative research approach and uses statistical methods to analyze the data.

Non-Empirical Dissertation

A non-empirical dissertation is based on secondary sources, such as books, articles, and online resources. It typically follows a qualitative research approach and uses methods such as content analysis or discourse analysis.

Narrative Dissertation

A narrative dissertation is a personal account of the researcher’s experience or journey. It typically follows a qualitative research approach and uses methods such as interviews, focus groups, or ethnography.

Systematic Literature Review

A systematic literature review is a comprehensive analysis of existing research on a specific topic. It typically follows a qualitative research approach and uses methods such as meta-analysis or thematic analysis.

Case Study Dissertation

A case study dissertation is an in-depth analysis of a specific individual, group, or organization. It typically follows a qualitative research approach and uses methods such as interviews, observations, or document analysis.

Mixed-Methods Dissertation

A mixed-methods dissertation combines both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to gather and analyze data. It typically uses methods such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups, as well as statistical analysis.

How to Write a Dissertation

Here are some general steps to help guide you through the process of writing a dissertation:

  • Choose a topic : Select a topic that you are passionate about and that is relevant to your field of study. It should be specific enough to allow for in-depth research but broad enough to be interesting and engaging.
  • Conduct research : Conduct thorough research on your chosen topic, utilizing a variety of sources, including books, academic journals, and online databases. Take detailed notes and organize your information in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Create an outline : Develop an outline that will serve as a roadmap for your dissertation. The outline should include the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Write the introduction: The introduction should provide a brief overview of your topic, the research questions, and the significance of the study. It should also include a clear thesis statement that states your main argument.
  • Write the literature review: The literature review should provide a comprehensive analysis of existing research on your topic. It should identify gaps in the research and explain how your study will fill those gaps.
  • Write the methodology: The methodology section should explain the research methods you used to collect and analyze data. It should also include a discussion of any limitations or weaknesses in your approach.
  • Write the results: The results section should present the findings of your research in a clear and organized manner. Use charts, graphs, and tables to help illustrate your data.
  • Write the discussion: The discussion section should interpret your results and explain their significance. It should also address any limitations of the study and suggest areas for future research.
  • Write the conclusion: The conclusion should summarize your main findings and restate your thesis statement. It should also provide recommendations for future research.
  • Edit and revise: Once you have completed a draft of your dissertation, review it carefully to ensure that it is well-organized, clear, and free of errors. Make any necessary revisions and edits before submitting it to your advisor for review.

Dissertation Format

The format of a dissertation may vary depending on the institution and field of study, but generally, it follows a similar structure:

  • Title Page: This includes the title of the dissertation, the author’s name, and the date of submission.
  • Abstract : A brief summary of the dissertation’s purpose, methods, and findings.
  • Table of Contents: A list of the main sections and subsections of the dissertation, along with their page numbers.
  • Introduction : A statement of the problem or research question, a brief overview of the literature, and an explanation of the significance of the study.
  • Literature Review : A comprehensive review of the literature relevant to the research question or problem.
  • Methodology : A description of the methods used to conduct the research, including data collection and analysis procedures.
  • Results : A presentation of the findings of the research, including tables, charts, and graphs.
  • Discussion : A discussion of the implications of the findings, their significance in the context of the literature, and limitations of the study.
  • Conclusion : A summary of the main points of the study and their implications for future research.
  • References : A list of all sources cited in the dissertation.
  • Appendices : Additional materials that support the research, such as data tables, charts, or transcripts.

Dissertation Outline

Dissertation Outline is as follows:

Title Page:

  • Title of dissertation
  • Author name
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Date of submission
  • Brief summary of the dissertation’s research problem, objectives, methods, findings, and implications
  • Usually around 250-300 words

Table of Contents:

  • List of chapters and sections in the dissertation, with page numbers for each

I. Introduction

  • Background and context of the research
  • Research problem and objectives
  • Significance of the research

II. Literature Review

  • Overview of existing literature on the research topic
  • Identification of gaps in the literature
  • Theoretical framework and concepts

III. Methodology

  • Research design and methods used
  • Data collection and analysis techniques
  • Ethical considerations

IV. Results

  • Presentation and analysis of data collected
  • Findings and outcomes of the research
  • Interpretation of the results

V. Discussion

  • Discussion of the results in relation to the research problem and objectives
  • Evaluation of the research outcomes and implications
  • Suggestions for future research

VI. Conclusion

  • Summary of the research findings and outcomes
  • Implications for the research topic and field
  • Limitations and recommendations for future research

VII. References

  • List of sources cited in the dissertation

VIII. Appendices

  • Additional materials that support the research, such as tables, figures, or questionnaires.

Example of Dissertation

Here is an example Dissertation for students:

Title : Exploring the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Academic Achievement and Well-being among College Students

This dissertation aims to investigate the impact of mindfulness meditation on the academic achievement and well-being of college students. Mindfulness meditation has gained popularity as a technique for reducing stress and enhancing mental health, but its effects on academic performance have not been extensively studied. Using a randomized controlled trial design, the study will compare the academic performance and well-being of college students who practice mindfulness meditation with those who do not. The study will also examine the moderating role of personality traits and demographic factors on the effects of mindfulness meditation.

Chapter Outline:

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Background and rationale for the study
  • Research questions and objectives
  • Significance of the study
  • Overview of the dissertation structure

Chapter 2: Literature Review

  • Definition and conceptualization of mindfulness meditation
  • Theoretical framework of mindfulness meditation
  • Empirical research on mindfulness meditation and academic achievement
  • Empirical research on mindfulness meditation and well-being
  • The role of personality and demographic factors in the effects of mindfulness meditation

Chapter 3: Methodology

  • Research design and hypothesis
  • Participants and sampling method
  • Intervention and procedure
  • Measures and instruments
  • Data analysis method

Chapter 4: Results

  • Descriptive statistics and data screening
  • Analysis of main effects
  • Analysis of moderating effects
  • Post-hoc analyses and sensitivity tests

Chapter 5: Discussion

  • Summary of findings
  • Implications for theory and practice
  • Limitations and directions for future research
  • Conclusion and contribution to the literature

Chapter 6: Conclusion

  • Recap of the research questions and objectives
  • Summary of the key findings
  • Contribution to the literature and practice
  • Implications for policy and practice
  • Final thoughts and recommendations.

References :

List of all the sources cited in the dissertation

Appendices :

Additional materials such as the survey questionnaire, interview guide, and consent forms.

Note : This is just an example and the structure of a dissertation may vary depending on the specific requirements and guidelines provided by the institution or the supervisor.

How Long is a Dissertation

The length of a dissertation can vary depending on the field of study, the level of degree being pursued, and the specific requirements of the institution. Generally, a dissertation for a doctoral degree can range from 80,000 to 100,000 words, while a dissertation for a master’s degree may be shorter, typically ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 words. However, it is important to note that these are general guidelines and the actual length of a dissertation can vary widely depending on the specific requirements of the program and the research topic being studied. It is always best to consult with your academic advisor or the guidelines provided by your institution for more specific information on dissertation length.

Applications of Dissertation

Here are some applications of a dissertation:

  • Advancing the Field: Dissertations often include new research or a new perspective on existing research, which can help to advance the field. The results of a dissertation can be used by other researchers to build upon or challenge existing knowledge, leading to further advancements in the field.
  • Career Advancement: Completing a dissertation demonstrates a high level of expertise in a particular field, which can lead to career advancement opportunities. For example, having a PhD can open doors to higher-paying jobs in academia, research institutions, or the private sector.
  • Publishing Opportunities: Dissertations can be published as books or journal articles, which can help to increase the visibility and credibility of the author’s research.
  • Personal Growth: The process of writing a dissertation involves a significant amount of research, analysis, and critical thinking. This can help students to develop important skills, such as time management, problem-solving, and communication, which can be valuable in both their personal and professional lives.
  • Policy Implications: The findings of a dissertation can have policy implications, particularly in fields such as public health, education, and social sciences. Policymakers can use the research to inform decision-making and improve outcomes for the population.

When to Write a Dissertation

Here are some situations where writing a dissertation may be necessary:

  • Pursuing a Doctoral Degree: Writing a dissertation is usually a requirement for earning a doctoral degree, so if you are interested in pursuing a doctorate, you will likely need to write a dissertation.
  • Conducting Original Research : Dissertations require students to conduct original research on a specific topic. If you are interested in conducting original research on a topic, writing a dissertation may be the best way to do so.
  • Advancing Your Career: Some professions, such as academia and research, may require individuals to have a doctoral degree. Writing a dissertation can help you advance your career by demonstrating your expertise in a particular area.
  • Contributing to Knowledge: Dissertations are often based on original research that can contribute to the knowledge base of a field. If you are passionate about advancing knowledge in a particular area, writing a dissertation can help you achieve that goal.
  • Meeting Academic Requirements : If you are a graduate student, writing a dissertation may be a requirement for completing your program. Be sure to check with your academic advisor to determine if this is the case for you.

Purpose of Dissertation

some common purposes of a dissertation include:

  • To contribute to the knowledge in a particular field : A dissertation is often the culmination of years of research and study, and it should make a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge in a particular field.
  • To demonstrate mastery of a subject: A dissertation requires extensive research, analysis, and writing, and completing one demonstrates a student’s mastery of their subject area.
  • To develop critical thinking and research skills : A dissertation requires students to think critically about their research question, analyze data, and draw conclusions based on evidence. These skills are valuable not only in academia but also in many professional fields.
  • To demonstrate academic integrity: A dissertation must be conducted and written in accordance with rigorous academic standards, including ethical considerations such as obtaining informed consent, protecting the privacy of participants, and avoiding plagiarism.
  • To prepare for an academic career: Completing a dissertation is often a requirement for obtaining a PhD and pursuing a career in academia. It can demonstrate to potential employers that the student has the necessary skills and experience to conduct original research and make meaningful contributions to their field.
  • To develop writing and communication skills: A dissertation requires a significant amount of writing and communication skills to convey complex ideas and research findings in a clear and concise manner. This skill set can be valuable in various professional fields.
  • To demonstrate independence and initiative: A dissertation requires students to work independently and take initiative in developing their research question, designing their study, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. This demonstrates to potential employers or academic institutions that the student is capable of independent research and taking initiative in their work.
  • To contribute to policy or practice: Some dissertations may have a practical application, such as informing policy decisions or improving practices in a particular field. These dissertations can have a significant impact on society, and their findings may be used to improve the lives of individuals or communities.
  • To pursue personal interests: Some students may choose to pursue a dissertation topic that aligns with their personal interests or passions, providing them with the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic that they find personally meaningful.

Advantage of Dissertation

Some advantages of writing a dissertation include:

  • Developing research and analytical skills: The process of writing a dissertation involves conducting extensive research, analyzing data, and presenting findings in a clear and coherent manner. This process can help students develop important research and analytical skills that can be useful in their future careers.
  • Demonstrating expertise in a subject: Writing a dissertation allows students to demonstrate their expertise in a particular subject area. It can help establish their credibility as a knowledgeable and competent professional in their field.
  • Contributing to the academic community: A well-written dissertation can contribute new knowledge to the academic community and potentially inform future research in the field.
  • Improving writing and communication skills : Writing a dissertation requires students to write and present their research in a clear and concise manner. This can help improve their writing and communication skills, which are essential for success in many professions.
  • Increasing job opportunities: Completing a dissertation can increase job opportunities in certain fields, particularly in academia and research-based positions.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to write a masters dissertation or thesis: top tips.

How to write a masters dissertation

It is completely normal to find the idea of writing a masters thesis or dissertation slightly daunting, even for students who have written one before at undergraduate level. Though, don’t feel put off by the idea. You’ll have plenty of time to complete it, and plenty of support from your supervisor and peers.

One of the main challenges that students face is putting their ideas and findings into words. Writing is a skill in itself, but with the right advice, you’ll find it much easier to get into the flow of writing your masters thesis or dissertation.

We’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to write a dissertation or thesis for your masters degree, with top tips to consider at each stage in the process.

1. Understand your dissertation or thesis topic

There are slight differences between theses and dissertations , although both require a high standard of writing skill and knowledge in your topic. They are also formatted very similarly.

At first, writing a masters thesis can feel like running a 100m race – the course feels very quick and like there is not as much time for thinking! However, you’ll usually have a summer semester dedicated to completing your dissertation – giving plenty of time and space to write a strong academic piece.

By comparison, writing a PhD thesis can feel like running a marathon, working on the same topic for 3-4 years can be laborious. But in many ways, the approach to both of these tasks is quite similar.

Before writing your masters dissertation, get to know your research topic inside out. Not only will understanding your topic help you conduct better research, it will also help you write better dissertation content.

Also consider the main purpose of your dissertation. You are writing to put forward a theory or unique research angle – so make your purpose clear in your writing.

Top writing tip: when researching your topic, look out for specific terms and writing patterns used by other academics. It is likely that there will be a lot of jargon and important themes across research papers in your chosen dissertation topic. 

How to write a thesis

2. Structure your dissertation or thesis

Writing a thesis is a unique experience and there is no general consensus on what the best way to structure it is. 

As a postgraduate student , you’ll probably decide what kind of structure suits your research project best after consultation with your supervisor. You’ll also have a chance to look at previous masters students’ theses in your university library.

To some extent, all postgraduate dissertations are unique. Though they almost always consist of chapters. The number of chapters you cover will vary depending on the research. 

A masters dissertation or thesis organised into chapters would typically look like this: 



Title page

The opening page includes all relevant information about the project.


A brief project summary including background, methodology and findings.


A list of chapters and figures from your project.

Chapter 1 – Background

A description of the rationale behind your project.

Chapter 2 – Literature Review

A summary and evaluation of the literature supporting your project.

Chapter 3 – Methodology

A description of the specific methodology used in your project.

Chapter 4-6 – Data analysis and Findings

An overview of the key findings and data from your research.

Chapter 7 - Discussion and Evaluation

A description of what the data means and what you can draw from the findings.

Chapter 8 - Conclusion

Main summary of your overall project and key findings.


A list of the references cited in your dissertation or thesis.


Additional materials used in your research.

Write down your structure and use these as headings that you’ll write for later on.

Top writing tip : ease each chapter together with a paragraph that links the end of a chapter to the start of a new chapter. For example, you could say something along the lines of “in the next section, these findings are evaluated in more detail”. This makes it easier for the reader to understand each chapter and helps your writing flow better.

3. Write up your literature review

One of the best places to start when writing your masters dissertation is with the literature review. This involves researching and evaluating existing academic literature in order to identify any gaps for your own research.

Many students prefer to write the literature review chapter first, as this is where several of the underpinning theories and concepts exist. This section helps set the stage for the rest of your dissertation, and will help inform the writing of your other dissertation chapters.

What to include in your literature review

The literature review chapter is more than just a summary of existing research, it is an evaluation of how this research has informed your own unique research.

Demonstrate how the different pieces of research fit together. Are there overlapping theories? Are there disagreements between researchers?

Highlight the gap in the research. This is key, as a dissertation is mostly about developing your own unique research. Is there an unexplored avenue of research? Has existing research failed to disprove a particular theory?

Back up your methodology. Demonstrate why your methodology is appropriate by discussing where it has been used successfully in other research.

4. Write up your research

Write up your thesis research

For instance, a more theoretical-based research topic might encompass more writing from a philosophical perspective. Qualitative data might require a lot more evaluation and discussion than quantitative research. 

Methodology chapter

The methodology chapter is all about how you carried out your research and which specific techniques you used to gather data. You should write about broader methodological approaches (e.g. qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods), and then go into more detail about your chosen data collection strategy. 

Data collection strategies include things like interviews, questionnaires, surveys, content analyses, discourse analyses and many more.

Data analysis and findings chapters

The data analysis or findings chapter should cover what you actually discovered during your research project. It should be detailed, specific and objective (don’t worry, you’ll have time for evaluation later on in your dissertation)

Write up your findings in a way that is easy to understand. For example, if you have a lot of numerical data, this could be easier to digest in tables.

This will make it easier for you to dive into some deeper analysis in later chapters. Remember, the reader will refer back to your data analysis section to cross-reference your later evaluations against your actual findings – so presenting your data in a simple manner is beneficial.

Think about how you can segment your data into categories. For instance, it can be useful to segment interview transcripts by interviewee. 

Top writing tip : write up notes on how you might phrase a certain part of the research. This will help bring the best out of your writing. There is nothing worse than when you think of the perfect way to phrase something and then you completely forget it.

5. Discuss and evaluate

Once you’ve presented your findings, it’s time to evaluate and discuss them.

It might feel difficult to differentiate between your findings and discussion sections, because you are essentially talking about the same data. The easiest way to remember the difference is that your findings simply present the data, whereas your discussion tells the story of this data.

Your evaluation breaks the story down, explaining the key findings, what went well and what didn’t go so well.

In your discussion chapter, you’ll have chance to expand on the results from your findings section. For example, explain what certain numbers mean and draw relationships between different pieces of data.

Top writing tip: don’t be afraid to point out the shortcomings of your research. You will receive higher marks for writing objectively. For example, if you didn’t receive as many interview responses as expected, evaluate how this has impacted your research and findings. Don’t let your ego get in the way!

6. Write your introduction

Your introduction sets the scene for the rest of your masters dissertation. You might be wondering why writing an introduction isn't at the start of our step-by-step list, and that’s because many students write this chapter last.

Here’s what your introduction chapter should cover:

Problem statement

Research question

Significance of your research

This tells the reader what you’ll be researching as well as its importance. You’ll have a good idea of what to include here from your original dissertation proposal , though it’s fairly common for research to change once it gets started.

Writing or at least revisiting this section last can be really helpful, since you’ll have a more well-rounded view of what your research actually covers once it has been completed and written up.

How to write a masters dissertation

Masters dissertation writing tips

When to start writing your thesis or dissertation.

When you should start writing your masters thesis or dissertation depends on the scope of the research project and the duration of your course. In some cases, your research project may be relatively short and you may not be able to write much of your thesis before completing the project. 

But regardless of the nature of your research project and of the scope of your course, you should start writing your thesis or at least some of its sections as early as possible, and there are a number of good reasons for this:

Academic writing is about practice, not talent. The first steps of writing your dissertation will help you get into the swing of your project. Write early to help you prepare in good time.

Write things as you do them. This is a good way to keep your dissertation full of fresh ideas and ensure that you don’t forget valuable information.

The first draft is never perfect. Give yourself time to edit and improve your dissertation. It’s likely that you’ll need to make at least one or two more drafts before your final submission.

Writing early on will help you stay motivated when writing all subsequent drafts.

Thinking and writing are very connected. As you write, new ideas and concepts will come to mind. So writing early on is a great way to generate new ideas.

How to improve your writing skills

The best way of improving your dissertation or thesis writing skills is to:

 Finish the first draft of your masters thesis as early as possible and send it to your supervisor for revision. Your supervisor will correct your draft and point out any writing errors. This process will be repeated a few times which will help you recognise and correct writing mistakes yourself as time progresses.

If you are not a native English speaker, it may be useful to ask your English friends to read a part of your thesis and warn you about any recurring writing mistakes. Read our section on English language support for more advice. 

Most universities have writing centres that offer writing courses and other kinds of support for postgraduate students. Attending these courses may help you improve your writing and meet other postgraduate students with whom you will be able to discuss what constitutes a well-written thesis.

Read academic articles and search for writing resources on the internet. This will help you adopt an academic writing style, which will eventually become effortless with practice.

Keep track of your bibliography 

Keep track of your bibliography

The easiest way to keep the track of all the articles you have read for your research is to create a database where you can summarise each article/chapter into a few most important bullet points to help you remember their content. 

Another useful tool for doing this effectively is to learn how to use specific reference management software (RMS) such as EndNote. RMS is relatively simple to use and saves a lot of time when it comes to organising your bibliography. This may come in very handy, especially if your reference section is suspiciously missing two hours before you need to submit your dissertation! 

Avoid accidental plagiarism

Plagiarism may cost you your postgraduate degree and it is important that you consciously avoid it when writing your thesis or dissertation. 

Occasionally, postgraduate students commit plagiarism unintentionally. This can happen when sections are copy and pasted from journal articles they are citing instead of simply rephrasing them. Whenever you are presenting information from another academic source, make sure you reference the source and avoid writing the statement exactly as it is written in the original paper.

What kind of format should your thesis have?

How to write a masters dissertation

Read your university’s guidelines before you actually start writing your thesis so you don’t have to waste time changing the format further down the line. However in general, most universities will require you to use 1.5-2 line spacing, font size 12 for text, and to print your thesis on A4 paper. These formatting guidelines may not necessarily result in the most aesthetically appealing thesis, however beauty is not always practical, and a nice looking thesis can be a more tiring reading experience for your postgrad examiner .

When should I submit my thesis?

The length of time it takes to complete your MSc or MA thesis will vary from student to student. This is because people work at different speeds, projects vary in difficulty, and some projects encounter more problems than others. 

Obviously, you should submit your MSc thesis or MA thesis when it is finished! Every university will say in its regulations that it is the student who must decide when it is ready to submit. 

However, your supervisor will advise you whether your work is ready and you should take their advice on this. If your supervisor says that your work is not ready, then it is probably unwise to submit it. Usually your supervisor will read your final thesis or dissertation draft and will let you know what’s required before submitting your final draft.

Set yourself a target for completion. This will help you stay on track and avoid falling behind. You may also only have funding for the year, so it is important to ensure you submit your dissertation before the deadline – and also ensure you don’t miss out on your graduation ceremony ! 

To set your target date, work backwards from the final completion and submission date, and aim to have your final draft completed at least three months before that final date.

Don’t leave your submission until the last minute – submit your work in good time before the final deadline. Consider what else you’ll have going on around that time. Are you moving back home? Do you have a holiday? Do you have other plans?

If you need to have finished by the end of June to be able to go to a graduation ceremony in July, then you should leave a suitable amount of time for this. You can build this into your dissertation project planning at the start of your research.

It is important to remember that handing in your thesis or dissertation is not the end of your masters program . There will be a period of time of one to three months between the time you submit and your final day. Some courses may even require a viva to discuss your research project, though this is more common at PhD level . 

If you have passed, you will need to make arrangements for the thesis to be properly bound and resubmitted, which will take a week or two. You may also have minor corrections to make to the work, which could take up to a month or so. This means that you need to allow a period of at least three months between submitting your thesis and the time when your program will be completely finished. Of course, it is also possible you may be asked after the viva to do more work on your thesis and resubmit it before the examiners will agree to award the degree – so there may be an even longer time period before you have finished.

How do I submit the MA or MSc dissertation?

Most universities will have a clear procedure for submitting a masters dissertation. Some universities require your ‘intention to submit’. This notifies them that you are ready to submit and allows the university to appoint an external examiner.

This normally has to be completed at least three months before the date on which you think you will be ready to submit.

When your MA or MSc dissertation is ready, you will have to print several copies and have them bound. The number of copies varies between universities, but the university usually requires three – one for each of the examiners and one for your supervisor.

However, you will need one more copy – for yourself! These copies must be softbound, not hardbound. The theses you see on the library shelves will be bound in an impressive hardback cover, but you can only get your work bound like this once you have passed. 

You should submit your dissertation or thesis for examination in soft paper or card covers, and your university will give you detailed guidance on how it should be bound. They will also recommend places where you can get the work done.

The next stage is to hand in your work, in the way and to the place that is indicated in your university’s regulations. All you can do then is sit and wait for the examination – but submitting your thesis is often a time of great relief and celebration!

Some universities only require a digital submission, where you upload your dissertation as a file through their online submission system.

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Write the Perfect Dissertation

“A dissertation or a thesis is a long piece of academic writing based on comprehensive research.”

The significance of dissertation writing in the world of academia is unparalleled. A good dissertation paper needs months of research and marks the end of your respected academic journey. It is considered the most effective form of writing in academia and perhaps the longest piece of academic writing you will ever have to complete.

This thorough step-by-step guide on how to write a dissertation will serve as a tool to help you with the task at hand, whether you are an undergraduate student or a Masters or PhD student working on your dissertation project. This guide provides detailed information about how to write the different chapters of a dissertation, such as a problem statement , conceptual framework , introduction , literature review, methodology , discussion , findings , conclusion , title page , acknowledgements , etc.

What is a Dissertation? – Definition

Before we list the stages of writing a dissertation, we should look at what a dissertation is.

The Cambridge dictionary states that a dissertation is a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done to receive a degree at college or university, but that is just the tip of the iceberg because a dissertation project has a lot more meaning and context.

To understand a dissertation’s definition, one must have the capability to understand what an essay is. A dissertation is like an extended essay that includes research and information at a much deeper level. Despite the few similarities, there are many differences between an essay and a dissertation.

Another term that people confuse with a dissertation is a thesis. Let's look at the differences between the two terms.

What is the Difference Between a Dissertation and a Thesis?

Dissertation and thesis are used interchangeably worldwide (and may vary between universities and regions), but the key difference is when they are completed. The thesis is a project that marks the end of a degree program, whereas the dissertation project can occur during the degree. Hanno Krieger (Researchgate, 2014) explained the difference between a dissertation and a thesis as follows:

“Thesis is the written form of research work to claim an academic degree, like PhD thesis, postgraduate thesis, and undergraduate thesis. On the other hand, a dissertation is only another expression of the written research work, similar to an essay. So the thesis is the more general expression.

In the end, it does not matter whether it is a bachelor's, master or PhD dissertation one is working on because the structure and the steps of conducting research are pretty much identical. However, doctoral-level dissertation papers are much more complicated and detailed.

Problems Students Face When Writing a Dissertation

You can expect to encounter some troubles if you don’t yet know the steps to write a dissertation. Even the smartest students are overwhelmed by the complexity of writing a dissertation.

A dissertation project is different from any essay paper you have ever committed to because of the details of planning, research and writing it involves. One can expect rewarding results at the end of the process if the correct guidelines are followed. Still, as indicated previously, there will be multiple challenges to deal with before reaching that milestone.

The three most significant problems students face when working on a dissertation project are the following.

Poor Project Planning

Delaying to start working on the dissertation project is the most common problem. Students think they have sufficient time to complete the paper and are finding ways to write a dissertation in a week, delaying the start to the point where they start stressing out about the looming deadline. When the planning is poor, students are always looking for ways to write their dissertations in the last few days. Although it is possible, it does have effects on the quality of the paper.

Inadequate Research Skills

The writing process becomes a huge problem if one has the required academic research experience. Professional dissertation writing goes well beyond collecting a few relevant reference resources.

You need to do both primary and secondary research for your paper. Depending on the dissertation’s topic and the academic qualification you are a candidate for, you may be required to base your dissertation paper on primary research.

In addition to secondary data, you will also need to collect data from the specified participants and test the hypothesis . The practice of primary collection is time-consuming since all the data must be analysed in detail before results can be withdrawn.

Failure to Meet the Strict Academic Writing Standards

Research is a crucial business everywhere. Failure to follow the language, style, structure, and formatting guidelines provided by your department or institution when writing the dissertation paper can worsen matters. It is recommended to read the dissertation handbook before starting the write-up thoroughly.

Steps of Writing a Dissertation

For those stressing out about developing an extensive paper capable of filling a gap in research whilst adding value to the existing academic literature—conducting exhaustive research and analysis—and professionally using the knowledge gained throughout their degree program, there is still good news in all the chaos.

We have put together a guide that will show you how to start your dissertation and complete it carefully from one stage to the next.

Find an Interesting and Manageable Dissertation Topic

A clearly defined topic is a prerequisite for any successful independent research project. An engaging yet manageable research topic can produce an original piece of research that results in a higher academic score.

Unlike essays or assignments, when working on their thesis or dissertation project, students get to choose their topic of research.

You should follow the tips to choose the correct topic for your research to avoid problems later. Your chosen dissertation topic should be narrow enough, allowing you to collect the required secondary and primary data relatively quickly.

Understandably, many people take a lot of time to search for the topic, and a significant amount of research time is spent on it. You should talk to your supervisor or check out the intriguing database of ResearchProspect’s free topics for your dissertation.

Alternatively, consider reading newspapers, academic journals, articles, course materials, and other media to identify relevant issues to your study area and find some inspiration to get going.

You should work closely with your supervisor to agree to a narrowed but clear research plan.Here is what Michelle Schneider, learning adviser at the University of Leeds, had to say about picking the research topics,

“Picking something you’re genuinely interested in will keep you motivated. Consider why it’s important to tackle your chosen topic," Michelle added.

Develop a First-Class Dissertation Proposal.

Once the research topic has been selected, you can develop a solid dissertation proposal . The research proposal allows you to convince your supervisor or the committee members of the significance of your dissertation.

Through the proposal, you will be expected to prove that your work will significantly value the academic and scientific communities by addressing complex and provocative research questions .

Dissertation proposals are much shorter but follow a similar structure to an extensive dissertation paper. If the proposal is optional in your university, you should still create one outline of the critical points that the actual dissertation paper will cover. To get a better understanding of dissertation proposals, you can also check the publicly available samples of dissertation proposals .

Typical contents of the dissertation paper are as follows;

  • A brief rationale for the problem your dissertation paper will investigate.
  • The hypothesis you will be testing.
  • Research objectives you wish to address.
  • How will you contribute to the knowledge of the scientific and academic community?
  • How will you find answers to the critical research question(s)?
  • What research approach will you adopt?
  • What kind of population of interest would you like to generalise your result(s) to (especially in the case of quantitative research)?
  • What sampling technique(s) would you employ, and why would you not use other methods?
  • What ethical considerations have you taken to gather data?
  • Who are the stakeholders in your research are/might be?
  • What are the future implications and limitations you see in your research?

Let’s review the structure of the dissertation. Keep the format of your proposal simple. Keeping it simple keeps your readers will remain engaged. The following are the fundamental focal points that must be included:

Title of your dissertation: Dissertation titles should be 12 words in length. The focus of your research should be identifiable from your research topic.

Research aim: The overall purpose of your study should be clearly stated in terms of the broad statements of the desired outcomes in the Research aim. Try and paint the picture of your research, emphasising what you wish to achieve as a researcher.

Research objectives: The key research questions you wish to address as part of the project should be listed. Narrow down the focus of your research and aim for at most four objectives. Your research objectives should be linked with the aim of the study or a hypothesis.

Literature review: Consult with your supervisor to check if you are required to use any specific academic sources as part of the literature review process. If that is not the case, find out the most relevant theories, journals, books, schools of thought, and publications that will be used to construct arguments in your literature research.Remember that the literature review is all about giving credit to other authors’ works on a similar topic

Research methods and techniques: Depending on your dissertation topic, you might be required to conduct empirical research to satisfy the study’s objectives. Empirical research uses primary data such as questionnaires, interview data, and surveys to collect.

On the other hand, if your dissertation is based on secondary (non-empirical) data, you can stick to the existing literature in your area of study. Clearly state the merits of your chosen research methods under the methodology section.

Expected results: As you explore the research topic and analyse the data in the previously published papers, you will begin to build your expectations around the study’s potential outcomes. List those expectations here.

Project timeline: Let the readers know exactly how you plan to complete all the dissertation project parts within the timeframe allowed. You should learn more about Microsoft Project and Gantt Charts to create easy-to-follow and high-level project timelines and schedules.

References: The academic sources used to gather information for the proposed paper will be listed under this section using the appropriate referencing style. Ask your supervisor which referencing style you are supposed to follow.

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Investigation, Research and Data Collection

This is the most critical stage of the dissertation writing process. One should use up-to-date and relevant academic sources that are likely to jeopardise hard work.

Finding relevant and highly authentic reference resources is the key to succeeding in the dissertation project, so it is advised to take your time with this process. Here are some of the things that should be considered when conducting research.

dissertation project, so it is advised to take your time with this process. Here are some of the things that should be considered when conducting research.

You cannot read everything related to your topic. Although the practice of reading as much material as possible during this stage is rewarding, it is also imperative to understand that it is impossible to read everything that concerns your research.

This is true, especially for undergraduate and master’s level dissertations that must be delivered within a specific timeframe. So, it is important to know when to stop! Once the previous research and the associated limitations are well understood, it is time to move on.

However, review at least the salient research and work done in your area. By salient, we mean research done by pioneers of your field. For instance, if your topic relates to linguistics and you haven’t familiarised yourself with relevant research conducted by, say, Chomsky (the father of linguistics), your readers may find your lack of knowledge disconcerting.

So, to come off as genuinely knowledgeable in your own field, at least don’t forget to read essential works in the field/topic!

Use an Authentic Research database to Find References.

Most students start the reference material-finding process with desk-based research. However, this research method has its own limitation because it is a well-known fact that the internet is full of bogus information and fake information spreads fasters on the internet than truth does .

So, it is important to pick your reference material from reliable resources such as Google Scholar , Researchgate, Ibibio and Bartleby . Wikipedia is not considered a reliable academic source in the academic world, so it is recommended to refrain from citing Wikipedia content.Never underrate the importance of the actual library. The supporting staff at a university library can be of great help when it comes to finding exciting and reliable publications.

Record as you learn

All information and impressions should be recorded as notes using online tools such as Evernote to make sure everything is clear. You want to retain an important piece of information you had planned to present as an argument in the dissertation paper.

Write a Flawless Dissertation

Start to write a fantastic dissertation immediately once your proposal has been accepted and all the necessary desk-based research has been conducted. Now we will look at the different chapters of a dissertation in detail. You can also check out the samples of dissertation chapters to fully understand the format and structures of the various chapters.

Dissertation Introduction Chapter

The introduction chapter of the dissertation paper provides the background, problem statement and research questions. Here, you will inform the readers why it was important for this research to be conducted and which key research question(s) you expect to answer at the end of the study.

Definitions of all the terms and phrases in the project are provided in this first chapter of the dissertation paper. The research aim and objectives remain unchanged from the proposal paper and are expected to be listed under this section.

Dissertation Literature Review Chapter

This chapter allows you to demonstrate to your readers that you have done sufficient research on the chosen topic and understand previous similar studies’ findings. Any research limitations that your research incorporates are expected to be discussed in this section.

And make sure to summarise the viewpoints and findings of other researchers in the dissertation literature review chapter. Show the readers that there is a research gap in the existing work and your job is relevant to it to justify your research value.

Dissertation Methodology

The methodology chapter of the dissertation provides insight into the methods employed to collect data from various resources and flows naturally from the literature review chapter.Simply put, you will be expected to explain what you did and how you did it, helping the readers understand that your research is valid and reliable. When writing the methodology chapter for the dissertation, make sure to emphasise the following points:

  • The type of research performed by the researcher
  • Methods employed to gather and filter information
  • Techniques that were chosen for analysis
  • Materials, tools and resources used to conduct research (typically for empirical research dissertations)
  • Limitations of your chosen methods
  • Reliability and validity of your measuring tools and instruments (e.g. a survey questionnaire) are also typically mentioned within the mythology section. If you used a pre-existing data collection tool, cite its reliability/validity estimates here, too.Make use of the past tense when writing the methodology chapter.

Dissertation Findings

The key results of your research are presented in the dissertation findings chapter . It gives authors the ability to validate their own intellectual and analytical skills

Dissertation Conclusion

Cap off your dissertation paper with a study summary and a brief report of the findings. In the concluding chapter , you will be expected to demonstrate how your research will provide value to other academics in your area of study and its implications.It is recommended to include a short ‘recommendations’ section that will elaborate on the purpose and need for future research to elucidate the topic further.

Follow the referencing style following the requirements of your academic degree or field of study. Make sure to list every academic source used with a proper in-text citation. It is important to give credit to other authors’ ideas and concepts.

Note: Keep in mind whether you are creating a reference list or a bibliography. The former includes information about all the various sources you referred to, read from or took inspiration from for your own study. However, the latter contains things you used and those you only read but didn’t cite in your dissertation.

Proofread, Edit and Improve – Don’t Risk Months of Hard Work.

Experts recommend completing the total dissertation before starting to proofread and edit your work. You need to refresh your focus and reboot your creative brain before returning to another critical stage.

Leave space of at least a few days between the writing and the editing steps so when you get back to the desk, you can recognise your grammar, spelling and factual errors when you get back to the desk.

It is crucial to consider this period to ensure the final work is polished, coherent, well-structured and free of any structural or factual flaws. Daniel Higginbotham from Prospects UK states that:

“Leave yourself sufficient time to engage with your writing at several levels – from reassessing the logic of the whole piece to proofreading to checking you’ve paid attention to aspects such as the correct spelling of names and theories and the required referencing format.”

What is the Difference Between Editing and Proofreading?

Editing means that you are focusing on the essence of your dissertation paper. In contrast, proofreading is the process of reviewing the final draft piece to ensure accuracy and consistency in formatting, spelling, facts, punctuation, and grammar.

Editing: Prepare your work for submission by condensing, correcting and modifying (where necessary). When reviewing the paper, make sure that there are coherence and consistency between the arguments you presented.

If an information gap has been identified, fill that with an appropriate piece of information gathered during the research process. It is easy to lose sight of the original purpose if you become over-involved when writing.

Cut out the unwanted text and refine it, so your paper’s content is to the point and concise.Proofreading: Start proofreading your paper to identify formatting, structural, grammar, punctuation and referencing flaws. Read every single sentence of the paper no matter how tired you are because a few puerile mistakes can compromise your months of hard work.

Many students struggle with the editing and proofreading stages due to their lack of attention to detail. Consult a skilled dissertation editor if you are unable to find your flaws. You may want to invest in a professional dissertation editing and proofreading service to improve the piece’s quality to First Class.

Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Communication with supervisor – get feedback.

Communicate regularly with your supervisor to produce a first-class dissertation paper. Request them to comprehensively review the contents of your dissertation paper before final submission.

Their constructive criticism and feedback concerning different study areas will help you improve your piece’s overall quality. Keep your supervisor updated about your research progress and discuss any problems that you come up against.

Organising your Time

A dissertation is a lengthy project spanning over a period of months to years, and therefore it is important to avoid procrastination. Stay focused, and manage your time efficiently. Here are some time management tips for writing your dissertation to help you make the most of your time as you research and write.

  • Don’t be discouraged by the inherently slow nature of dissertation work, particularly in the initial stages.
  • Set clear goals and work out your research and write up a plan accordingly.
  • Allow sufficient time to incorporate feedback from your supervisor.
  • Leave enough time for editing, improving, proofreading, and formatting the paper according to your school’s guidelines. This is where you break or make your grade.
  • Work a certain number of hours on your paper daily.
  • Create a worksheet for your week.
  • Work on your dissertation for time periods as brief as 45 minutes or less.
  • Stick to the strategic dissertation timeline, so you don’t have to do the catchup work.
  • Meet your goals by prioritising your dissertation work.
  • Strike a balance between being overly organised and needing to be more organised.
  • Limit activities other than dissertation writing and your most necessary obligations.
  • Keep ‘tangent’ and ‘for the book’ files.
  • Create lists to help you manage your tasks.
  • Have ‘filler’ tasks to do when you feel burned out or in need of intellectual rest.
  • Keep a dissertation journal.
  • Pretend that you are working in a more structured work world.
  • Limit your usage of email and personal electronic devices.
  • Utilise and build on your past work when you write your dissertation.
  • Break large tasks into small manageable ones.
  • Seek advice from others, and do not be afraid to ask for help.

Dissertation Examples

Here are some samples of a dissertation to inspire you to write mind-blowing dissertations and to help bring all the above-mentioned guidelines home.

DE MONTFORT University Leicester – Examples of recent dissertations

Dissertation Research in Education: Dissertations (Examples)

How Long is a Dissertation?

The entire dissertation writing process is complicated and spans over a period of months to years, depending on whether you are an undergraduate, master’s, or PhD candidate. Marcus Beck, a PhD candidate, conducted fundamental research a few years ago, research that didn’t have much to do with his research but returned answers to some niggling questions every student has about the average length of a dissertation.

A software program specifically designed for this purpose helped Beck to access the university’s electronic database to uncover facts on dissertation length.

The above illustration shows how the results of his small study were a little unsurprising. Social sciences and humanities disciplines such as anthropology, politics, and literature had the longest dissertations, with some PhD dissertations comprising 150,000 words or more.Engineering and scientific disciplines, on the other hand, were considerably shorter. PhD-level dissertations generally don’t have a predefined length as they will vary with your research topic. Ask your school about this requirement if you are unsure about it from the start.

Focus more on the quality of content rather than the number of pages.

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Phrases to Avoid

No matter the style or structure you follow, it is best to keep your language simple. Avoid the use of buzzwords and jargon.

A Word on Stealing Content (Plagiarism)

Very straightforward advice to all students, DO NOT PLAGIARISE. Plagiarism is a serious offence. You will be penalised heavily if you are caught plagiarising. Don’t risk years of hard work, as many students in the past have lost their degrees for plagiarising. Here are some tips to help you make sure you don’t get caught.

  • Copying and pasting from an academic source is an unforgivable sin. Rephrasing text retrieved from another source also falls under plagiarism; it’s called paraphrasing. Summarising another’s idea(s) word-to-word, paraphrasing, and copy-pasting are the three primary forms plagiarism can take.
  • If you must directly copy full sentences from another source because they fill the bill, always enclose them inside quotation marks and acknowledge the writer’s work with in-text citations.

Are you struggling to find inspiration to get going? Still, trying to figure out where to begin? Is the deadline getting closer? Don’t be overwhelmed! ResearchProspect dissertation writing services have helped thousands of students achieve desired outcomes. Click here to get help from writers holding either a master's or PhD degree from a reputed UK university.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a dissertation include.

A dissertation has main chapters and parts that support them. The main parts are:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Research Methodology
  • Your conclusion

Other parts are the abstract, references, appendices etc. We can supply a full dissertation or specific parts of one.

What is the difference between research and a dissertation?

A research paper is a sort of academic writing that consists of the study, source assessment, critical thinking, organisation, and composition, as opposed to a thesis or dissertation, which is a lengthy academic document that often serves as the final project for a university degree.

Can I edit and proofread my dissertation myself?

Of course, you can do proofreading and editing of your dissertation. There are certain rules to follow that have been discussed above. However, finding mistakes in something that you have written yourself can be complicated for some people. It is advisable to take professional help in the matter.

What If I only have difficulty writing a specific chapter of the dissertation?

ResearchProspect ensures customer satisfaction by addressing all relevant issues. We provide dissertation chapter-writing services to students if they need help completing a specific chapter. It could be any chapter from the introduction, literature review, and methodology to the discussion and conclusion.

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Thesis / dissertation formatting manual (2024).

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UCI Libraries maintains the following  templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. If you are formatting your manuscript using LaTex, UCI maintains a template on OverLeaf.

  • Annotated Template (Dissertation) 2024 PDF of a template with annotations of what to look out for
  • Word: Thesis Template 2024 Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting.
  • PDF Thesis Template 2024
  • Word: Dissertation Template 2024 Editable template of the PhD Dissertation formatting.
  • PDF: Dissertation Template 2024
  • Overleaf (LaTex) Template
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Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

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Using Microsoft Word to format your thesis or dissertation

[If you want to use LaTeX instead of Microsoft Word, see the Formatting in LaTeX section, below.]

UM-Dearborn Microsoft Word thesis template

Most students use Microsoft Word to write their thesis or dissertation. For previous assignments, you likely did not use some of Word's advanced features such as styles, section breaks, rotated pages, automatically generated table of contents, automatically generated list of abbreviations, etc. Some of these things are required for your document, others just make formatting and updating your document much easier, and still others may be needed for your particular document. It isn't intuitive how to do many of these things. Moreover, the University of Michigan-Dearborn has specific requirements for formatting your document and following videos or using templates from other universities may lead to more work fixing formatting issues later, after you have submitted the thesis for the final format check.

The video series on the following pages demonstrates how to use Word to make formatting your document easier while following the UM-Dearborn guidelines. While designed specifically for CECS thesis format using a modified IEEE style , much of what is covered in these tutorials also can be applied to or modified for CASL theses as well as CECS and CEHHS dissertations. Please make sure that you check the requirements for your discipline, program, department, or college regarding formatting and which style guide to follow.

Note: Different versions of Microsoft Word were used in these videos. The first slide in each video will state which version was used. Most things are done the same in different versions of Word, but finding some of the features might vary slightly.

Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Guidelines

Your Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation should be formatted according to university guidelines. See the Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Checklist for items that your format checker will look for.

Formatting in LaTeX

Some CECS students use LaTeX to write their thesis or dissertation.  There is no official or sanctioned LaTeX template. Ann Arbor's Scholar Space directs students to the LaTeX template at  https://github.com/umangv/ thesis-umich . According to Scholar Space, this template "has proven to be the most actively maintained and accurate that we've seen".

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  • Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024 2:35 PM
  • URL: https://guides.umd.umich.edu/Word_for_Theses

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“Dissertation.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dissertation. Accessed 8 Jul. 2024.

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Microsoft Word for dissertations and theses


Microsoft Word for dissertations and theses (aimed at all postgrad and researchers) Thu 25 July, 10am – 12pm – online

When crafting a lengthy academic piece like a dissertation or thesis, leveraging the most suitable features in Microsoft Word can save you significant time and effort. In this session, we will delve into methods for using Word that are crucial for efficiently producing material that meets academic standards. 


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How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements?

dissertation acknowledgements

The process of completing a dissertation is no easy task and definitely is not a solitary achievement, as many people contribute to the research project in one way or another. However, researchers often forget or overlook the acknowledgement section in their dissertations. This critical section is usually given less attention than it deserves, and this is unfortunate. While some may consider the acknowledgements section to be a mere formality, it is actually an essential piece of writing that requires careful consideration. In this article, we will discuss how to write an effective acknowledgements section, who to acknowledge, and tips to help PhD students write an effective dissertation acknowledgement section.   

Why is the acknowledgements section important ?   

The acknowledgements section is a way to show appreciation to those who have helped you complete your dissertation successfully. It is a way to recognize the efforts of those who have provided the guidance, support, resources, assistance and encouragement required throughout the often challenging dissertation process.    

Who must you include in your acknowledgements ?   

When writing the acknowledgements section, it is important to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the research project. This should not be limited to those who have provided financial support or academic guidance but must also include family, friends, colleagues, advisors, mentors, research participants, and funding agencies.    

How to structure and write the acknowledgements section    

Start writing the acknowledgement section by mentioning supervisors, mentors, committees, and other professional contacts because it is customary, to begin with the formal and then move to the more personal part. Also, remember to briefly share how their contributions have been invaluable to your work. Use full names and titles to make it professional. The second part of the acknowledgement section is where you can include family and friends. While this part can be more casual, do ensure that you do not use sarcasm or language that might be seen as critical, even in jest.    

Tips for writing an effective acknowledgements section    

Start early.

It is essential to start working on the acknowledgements section early in the dissertation process. This will give you ample time to compile a comprehensive list of everyone who has contributed to the research project. Starting early will also allow you to write the acknowledgements section more thoughtfully and reflectively.   

Be Specific

When writing the acknowledgements section, be specific about the contributions of each individual. This can include particular feedback, resources, or support that they provided. By being specific, you are showing that you have taken the time to reflect on the contributions of each individual.   

Use a Professional Tone

While the acknowledgements section can be a heartfelt thank you, it should still maintain a professional tone. Avoid using overly casual language or humour that may detract from the seriousness of the research project.   

Consider the Reader

When writing the acknowledgements section, consider the reader. This section should be accessible to both academic and non-academic readers. Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be difficult for non-academic readers to understand.   

Keep it Concise

While it is important to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the research project, the acknowledgements section should also be concise. Avoid listing every single person who has contributed. Instead, focus on the individuals who have made the most significant contributions.   

Finally, be gracious in your acknowledgements section. Remember that everyone who has contributed to the research project has done so out of a desire to help and support you. By expressing gratitude and appreciation, you are showing that you recognize and value their contributions.   

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UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Permanent URI for this collection https://hdl.handle.net/2152/11

This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. Some pre-2001 theses and dissertations have been digitized and added to this collection, but those are uncommon. The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin theses and dissertations.

Since 2010, the Office of Graduate Studies at UT Austin has required all theses and dissertations to be made publicly available in Texas ScholarWorks; however, authors are able to request an embargo of up to seven years. Embargoed ETDs will not show up in this collection. Most of the ETDs in this collection are freely accessible to all users, but some pre-2010 works require a current UT EID at point of use. Please see the FAQs for more information. If you have a question about the availability of a specific ETD, please contact [email protected].

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Recent Submissions

  • No Thumbnail Available Item Arguments and adjuncts in O’dam : language-specific realization of a cross-linguistic distinction ( 2023-12 ) Everdell, Michael, 1990- ; Beavers, John (Associate professor of linguistics) ; Garcia Salido, Gabriela ; Law, Danny ; Harley, Heidi ; Wechsler, Stephen Show more This dissertation examines the properties that distinguish argument and adjunct dependents in the O’dam language (Tepiman Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Leveraging Class I wells as an analog for Class VI in the Gulf Coast ( 2023-12 ) Luciano, Angela Kim ; Bump, Alexander P. ; Hovorka, Susan D. (Susan Davis) Show more Class VI wells under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program are designed for injection and long-term storage of CO₂ in deep geological formations. They are an important tool in mitigating carbon emissions and combating climate change. However, the recency of the development of the Class VI program means there is limited data available on their permitting, operation, and impact. To address this, analogous data from other wells under the UIC program can be used to provide insights on reservoir performance and best practices. In this study, dozens of permits from Class I wastewater injection wells are mined to extract information relevant to Class VI operations. This includes core tests, well logs, and falloff tests as well as injected volumes and pressure buildup over time. Permeability values available from the datasets are upscaled to analyze how well they are able to predict field-scale performance. Data from the total injected volumes, static pressure measurements, and fracture gradients are used to evaluate the injectivity as well as potential CO₂ injection rates. Utilizing core sample and well log data effectively predicts field-scale permeability, with a tendency to fall within the upper-half or higher range of potential values, especially for Miocene injection wells. Additionally, the injection zones in this study are capable of accepting large volumes of fluid with minimal pressure buildup, have capacity to continuously accept fluid for decades even with decreased injectivity, and have shown that some wells already accept volumes at rates equivalent to 1Mton CO₂/year and can potentially accept more. These insights will help make baseline assumptions for Class VI permits and build confidence in the program. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Platinum assisted chemical etching of single- and poly-crystalline silicon with applications to templated nanomaterials ( 2023-12 ) Barrera, Crystal ; Sreenivasan, S. V. ; Hutter, Tanya ; Cullinan, Michael ; Banerjee, Sanjay ; Li, Xiuling Show more When emerging nanofabrication techniques are explored for improved performance in semiconductor device fabrication, they need to substantially improve in their performance and/or cost relative to incumbent process technologies. These incumbent technologies align themselves to the CMOS (Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) semiconductor roadmap, which continuously strives towards reduced feature size, increased aspect ratio, and increased fabrication throughput for complex 3D architectures. Metal Assisted Chemical Etching (MacEtch) is an emerging wet etch technique with potential to outperform reactive ion etch (RIE) methods. At nanometer scale patterns, RIE methods have limitations in the quality of high aspect ratio nanoscale structures due to potential for tapered profiles and high side wall roughness. MacEtch is capable of producing anisotropic, high aspect ratio features with atomically smooth, vertical sidewalls in silicon materials with high throughput capability. MacEtch requires a catalyst that enables a reaction just underneath it, which leads to silicon being etched beneath the catalyst. The catalyst that is predominantly reported in the literature is gold (Au). However, Au is an undesirable material choice for CMOS fabrication as it leads to deep level defects in silicon. In the MacEtch research literature non-Au catalysts such as Ruthenium (Ru) and Platinum (Pt) have been recently reported. But these non-Au results could require process steps that are not CMOS friendly (e.g., requiring high temperature annealing) and do not have tunable process quality (non-porous, atomically precise high aspect ratio silicon nanostructures) equivalent to Au-based MacEtch methods. This dissertation demonstrates a MacEtch process that utilizes a Pt catalyst with process steps that do not conflict with CMOS process flows. This process is also capable of wafer-scale process quality that is comparable to Au-based MacEtch. In addition to overcoming catalyst limitations, this work demonstrates MacEtch in both liquid and gas phases with anneal-free Pt catalyst. The gas phase etching has demonstrated the ability to produce >100:1 aspect ratio in silicon. In addition to semiconductor fabrication where silicon etching is valuable, there are a number of applications in areas including medicine, optics, and energy storage that require high-quality nanofabrication methods for non-silicon materials. This work has developed a demonstrated an approach for extending nanoscale precision, high-aspect ratio, and nano-dimensional capability of MacEtch to non-silicon materials by the use of a novel approach enabled by fabrication of silicon templates. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Data- and compute-efficient visual recognition and generation ( 2023-12 ) Gong, Xinyu ; Wang, Zhangyang ; Zhu, Yuke ; Bovik, Alan Conrad ; Zhu, Hao ; Zhou, Mingyuan Show more The remarkable advancements in deep learning for visual recognition and generation have often been accompanied by a significant computational burden. As the complexity of deep learning models escalates, achieving efficiency in both architecture construction and data utilization becomes paramount. This dissertation examines two fundamental categories of efficiency: model efficiency and data efficiency. 1. Model Efficiency: This facet of the study focuses on reducing the computational cost of deep neural networks without compromising performance. Through neural architecture search (NAS), we discover highly efficient models tailored for video action recognition. Our novel approach to multi-stream multivariate search space has led to the discovery of two-stream models like Auto-TSNet, dramatically reducing FLOPs and improving accuracy over standard benchmarks. 2. Data Efficiency: Data efficiency in deep learning relates to the model’s capacity to learn effectively from a limited dataset. This characteristic is particularly valuable when gathering or labeling extensive data is either prohibitive or infeasible. Specifically, the dissertation focuses on data efficiency for the downstream task generalization of pre-trained models, recognizing their significant role in advancing the field. Our study addresses two main challenges within this domain: (a) Incremental Few-shot Learning (IFL): IFL represents a nuanced challenge in deep learning, requiring the model to learn new categories using few examples, without forgetting previously learned information. In the context of this dissertation, we investigate IFL in two essential domains: object detection and image generation. For object detection, we introduce a weakly supervised approach, WS-iFSD, that substantially augments meta-training, outperforming existing methods across key benchmarks. In image generation, we propose EI-GAN, an efficient generative model that incrementally registers new categories without revisiting extra data or experiencing catastrophic forgetting. Together, we demonstrate significant advancements in the ability to learn and generalize from limited data. (b) Multimodal Generalization (MMG): MMG is a novel focus in this dissertation, addressing how systems adapt when certain modalities are limited or absent. Specifically, we introduce two unique evaluation methods: 1) Missing Modality Evaluation, which tests the system’s ability to function without some modalities present during training, and 2) Cross-modal Zero-shot Evaluation, which evaluates performance when the training and inference modalities are entirely disjoint. Our exploration of these challenges, along with the creation of new models and a dataset, MMG-Ego4D, highlights our emphasis on the efficiency of generalization, contributing vital insights to the field of multimodal learning and adaptation. The intertwined exploration of model and data efficiency contributes new methodologies and constructs a deeper understanding of efficiency in deep learning. By bridging the gap between high performance and computational frugality, this dissertation paves the way for more sustainable and adaptable deep learning applications in the fields of visual recognition and generation. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Regularizing seismic inverse problems : transdimensional and machine learning based strategies ( 2023-12 ) Dhara, Arnab ; Sen, Mrinal K. ; Spikes, Kyle ; Zhao, Zeyu ; Fomel, Sergey Show more Seismic inversion is a well-established technique in geophysics used to generate quantitative estimates of subsurface rock properties, such as lithology, porosity, fluid content and density from seismic data. It is an iterative process where an initial model is updated based on the comparison between the observed data and the synthetic data generated by simulating the propagation of seismic waves using approximations of the wave equation. However, such inverse problems are high-dimensional and highly non-linear. These problems are mathematically ill-posed resulting in non-uniqueness.The non-uniqueness can be attributed to incomplete data coverage, inaccurate forward model and noise in the data. In this thesis, I address the problem of regularizing such inverse problems. Regularization aims to mitigate the effect of noise and incomplete data coverage by introducing addtional constraints in the inverse problems, thus improving the stability of the problem and preventing unrealistic or erratic results. I study both stochastic and deterministic inverse algorithms. Stochastic seismic inversion takes into consideration the ill-posedness and uncertainty by incorporating probabilistic methods into the inversion process. The Bayesian approach to stochastic inversion provides a natural framework for uncertainty quantification. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling is the most common Bayesian inference method. Traditional MCMC algorithms when applied to the same problem, presume and fix the model parameterization, which leads to an overfitting problem to the noise in the data. Hence, in order to reduce the overfitting, a subjective regularization is imposed on the problem. Conventional MCMC algorithms widely used for geophysical inverse problems presume and fix the number of model parameters. However, reversible jump MCMC (RJMCMC) allows the number of model parameters (model dimensionality) to vary during the inversion process and thus appropriate model complexity is directly inferred from data and the prior distribution. However, current implementation of the transdimensional RJMCMC algorithms do not take into account the multimodal distribution of elastic properties and honour the rock physics relationship among themelastic properties. To address this problem, I extend the RJMCMC method to the problem of discrete-continuous seismic inverse problem where I simultaneously invert for facies and elastic reservoir properties from pre-stack seismic data. Secondly, I looked into the application of machine learning algorithms for seismic inverse problems. Conventional machine learning algorithms designed directly to map seismic data to desired properties donot take into account physics based constraints or produce robust uncertainty estimates. Moreover, they require a large amount of training data. To overcome this issue, an Invertible Neural Network is designed to estimate elastic and petrophysical properties from seismic data. INN establishes bijective mappings between the input (physical model) and the output (observed data) and introduces an additional latent output variable to capture the information that is otherwise lost during the forward modeling process. The latent variable can be used to estimate the complete posterior distribution of model parameters. Finally, I designed workflows based on Physics Guided Machine Learning paradigm for full waveform inversion. Unlike traditional machine learning algorithms where one trains the network using labelled seismic data-velocity pairs, I use the physics of wave propagation to train the network. My physics guided network overcomes several issues faced by conventional full waveform inversion algorithms like cycle skipping and inter parameter crosstalk. Cycle skipping refers to situations where FWI fails to find the correct solution due to inadequate initial model assumptions, absence of low frequencies or the presence of highly complex subsurface features. The cycle-skipping issue is further exacerbated in case of multiparameter full waveform inversion. Interparameter crosstalk occurs due to coupling effects between different parameters. The coupling effects between different parameters impedes convergence to global minima since the misfit caused by the inaccuracy in the estimate of one model parameter are wrongly ascribed to a different model parameter. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Among the coformers and cocrystals ( 2023-12 ) Wilson, Ilham Zaky ; Maniruzzaman, Mohammed ; Cui, Zhengrong Show more Cocrystals have emerged as an exciting avenue for altering the behavior of drugs and creating new patents or intellectual properties in the pharmaceutical industry. However, the preparation of pharmaceutical cocrystals remains relatively uncommon, presenting a potential field for innovation. The advantage of cocrystals lies in their ability to preserve the molecular structures of the active pharmaceutical ingredients, thereby avoiding the need for complicated approval paperwork and clinical trials associated with new drug entities. In this study, our focus is on the development of cocrystals for Fleroxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic belonging to the quinolone antibiotic class. Fleroxacin exhibits versatility in treating various bacterial infections. Our approach involves cocrystallizing Fleroxacin with a few small molecule APIs and nutrients, namely nicotinamide, salicylamide, and acetaminophen. This combination of Fleroxacin with different coformers allows us to explore the potential for enhancing its chemical properties and therapeutic efficacy. To achieve cocrystal formation, we employed a novel catalyst, pure glacfial acetic acid, in conjunction with a ball milling machine. This methodology is particularly notable as it represents a first-time application of pure glacial acetic acid for cocrystallization and the cocrystallization of Fleroxacin. Also, prior to the synthesis, we ensured the absence of any undesirable reactions between the reactants and glacial acetic acid, thereby ensuring the integrity of the cocrystals formed (eliminating the possibilities of solvate and salt formations). Sample analysis and identification were done with physical examinations (e.g., visual appearance) and high-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis at Argonne National Laboratory in addition to standard laboratory X-ray diffraction at The University of Texas Department of Chemistry and Texas Material Institute. The findings of this study contribute to the expanding body of knowledge on cocrystallization techniques and their potential applications in pharmaceutical development. Moreover, the successful synthesis and characterization of these Fleroxacin cocrystals with salicylamide, nicotinamide, and acetaminophen open up possibilities for further investigations into their chemical properties and potential therapeutic benefits. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Political identity, persuasion, and public health : how identification to a political ideology informs the design of health communication messages ( 2023-12 ) De Luca Sologaistoa, Daniela María ; Mackert, Michael ; Donovan, Erin ; Kemp, Deena ; Coleman, Renita ; Love, Brad Show more Health communication is crucial to ensure audiences understand, process, and rely on accurate information to make health-related decisions. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the politicization of non-political matters permeated into other health-related contexts. While the processing and divulging of scientific evidence should not pertain to politics, the innate tendency for humans to let their identities influence their behavior can allow health communication experts to take advantage of political ideology identification to increase persuasion. Thus, through a 2x2 with a control group experimental design, followed by a series of in-depth interviews, this study investigated the use of politically-based cues in health-related messages and its impact on health-related message acceptance. Findings suggest that relying on political cues can increase the likelihood of persuasion if the cues are subtle and supportive of individuals’ political views. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Synthesis and characterization of modular, functionalizable polymer membranes for specific solute capture ( 2023-12 ) Rivers, Frederick William, IV ; Lynd, Nathaniel ; Freeman, B. D. (Benny D.) ; Page, Zachariah A ; Katz, Lynn E ; Sanoja, Gabriel E Show more Polymers are ubiquitous materials that are incredible synthetic tools for a myriad of applications. One specific use is the fabrication of synthetic polymer membranes, particularly for water purification. Dense membranes have been applied in processes such as reverse osmosis (RO) for desalination of wastewater in addition to ion exchange membranes for more targeted solute transport. Polyacrylates are another polymer system widely used due to their simple synthetic design in addition to having a large library available of commercial acrylate monomers. They are often applied in fields such as volatile organic detection due to their sensitivity to changes in their environment that alter their dielectric properties. In this work, two polymer systems are investigated for their efficacy in specific solute capture and detection. First, a modular membrane polymer platform was developed based on poly(allyl glycidyl ether) (PAGE) where dense polymer membranes are synthesized and functionalized simultaneously in a one-step synthesis method. A boric acid chelating ligand was attached to the polymer membrane network to study how this moiety, when grafted directly onto the membrane, affected sorption capacities in targeted removal of toxic boron from water. A crown ether ligand for the selective permeation of lithium over other ions was also functionalized into the membrane. This material provided further insight into how ion-ligand chemistry affects the transport properties observed and to what extent the moiety can be leveraged to counteract other properties that can affect ion permeation such as polymer chemistry, crosslinking extent, and water content. Finally, a series of thin film polyacrylate coatings with cannabinoid receptor functional groups within the polymer network were casted onto chemicapacitors for the specific detection of gas-phase cannabinoids. The polyacrylates were investigated for their affinity and sensitivity to THC, CBD, and select interferents. Reproducible observation of gas-phase THC and CBD sensitivity and molecular contrast at ppb levels of detection successfully established proof-of-concept for a low-cost polymer-based detection platform. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Energy production and CO₂ storage through multiphase flow experiments in hydrate systems ( 2023-12 ) Murphy, Zachary Walter ; Flemings, Peter Barry, 1960- ; DiCarlo, David Anthony, 1969- ; Waite, William ; Cardenas, Meinhard B ; Breecker, Daniel ; You, Kehua Show more Gas hydrate is a solid ice-like compound composed of water and gas. In porous media at low temperatures, high pressures, and with sufficient gas, hydrate will form. Hydrate will occupy a fraction of the pore space, which greatly impacts the petrophysical and geomechanical properties of the system. This study investigates the morphology of gas hydrate within porous media and its impact on multiphase fluid flow behavior in these systems. To explore these impacts, I develop a method for forming hydrates in porous media and then perform systematic flow experiments on the hydrate-bearing samples. I first perform two-phase (water and hydrate) and three-phase (gas, water, and hydrate) relative permeability experiments. Through these experiments, I show that in hydrate systems water will always be the wetting phase and gas and hydrate will be the non-wetting phases. I then present a modeling framework for relative permeability in the presence of hydrate that is based on the porous media's characteristics and thermodynamically preferred pore occupancy, unlike most previous models that have fixed pore and tube geometry assumptions. By using the pore occupancy and treating hydrate as a fluid phase, the relative permeability of hydrate-bearing systems can be predicted from measurements of hydrate-free sediment. Lastly, I explore the potential of CH₄ hydrate reservoirs for simultaneous energy production and CO₂ storage. Using a sand-packed 7.6-meter tube saturated with CH₄ hydrate and water, I inject flue gas (CO₂+CH₄) and observe the dissociation of CH₄ hydrate and subsequent formation of CO₂ hydrate. Chromatographic analysis of the effluent gas unveils the formation of distinct compositional zones during this reactive transport process. These experiments illuminate a solidification and dissociation process where hydrate replacement is composed of a complex series of steps that is driven by the combination of fluid flow and thermodynamics. This dissertation advances the understanding of multiphase flow dynamics that are critical to the lifecycle of hydrate systems on both geologic and production timescales. It offers enhanced modeling of multiphase fluid flow and carbon exchange within hydrate systems, which are relevant to other geologic systems like permafrost. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Lighting up the stage : ultrafast dynamics of the reverse micelle interface ( 2023-12 ) Garrett, Paul Loman ; Baiz, Carlos R. ; Lin , Yi-Chih ; Webb, Lauren ; Tabour , Daniel Show more Confined reaction environments are known to favorably impact many chemical and physical processes in biology, pharmaceutics, polymer and nanoparticle synthesis, catalysis, and separations. An ideal system for studying confined reaction environments is through utilizing reverse micelles. A reverse micelle is a type of microemulsion in surfactants aggregates containing nanoscopic pools of polar are liquid dispersed in a continuous nonpolar liquid. However, the effects of confinement on the free energy landscape of chemical and physical processes at the interface have not been fully explored. To investigate this, a combination of linear and ultrafast two-dimensional infrared spectroscopies, along with molecular dynamics simulations, are used. These techniques provide sub-picosecond temporal and atomistic structural resolution, enabling the identification of molecular interactions. By analyzing the observed interactions, dynamical information can be extracted with sub-picosecond time resolution. The surfactants at the reverse micelle interface serve as a vibrational probe, allowing for the detection of interactions between encapsulated species and the surfactant-water interface. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item The influence of ice dynamics on the habitability of ocean worlds ( 2023-12 ) Carnahan, Evan Leban ; Catania, Ginny A. ; Hesse, Marc ; Gulick, Sean ; Tisato, Nicola ; Vance, Steve Show more The habitability of Earth and other ocean worlds in our Solar System is partly dependent on the flow of ice masses on their surfaces. Climate-induced acceleration of glaciers and ice sheets on Earth causes sea-level rise, posing threats to the habitability of coastal areas. However, glacier acceleration shows significant variability, and the physical connection between climate warming and glacier dynamic change remains illusive. In our Solar System, internal oceans are enveloped by outer ice shells. The dynamics of these ice shells regulate the material transport into oceans and control the amount of heat that escapes the oceans. Importantly, the longevity of internal oceans is regulated by the thermodynamics of the outer ice shell, which may be conductive or partially convective depending on the ice shell’s properties. Uncertainties in our understanding of ice dynamics contribute to uncertainties in projected sea-level rise, the potential presence of oceans in icy worlds, and the modes of habitability-promoting material transport into those oceans. To physically model the dynamics of ice, I develop a flexible numerical framework based on the Stokes Equations to predict the dynamics of glaciers and ice shells. I apply this framework to analyze the stresses and strains in three neighboring glaciers in Greenland. Despite experiencing similar climate forcings, one glacier continuously retreated, another retreated and then stopped, while the third never retreated. I find that terminus retreat is triggered by a warming ocean, leading to large-scale changes in glacier dynamics. Glaciers with slippery beds exhibit a sustained dynamic response, resulting in continued acceleration even during a pause in ocean warming. As glaciers with slippery beds are prevalent in Greenland, glacier dynamic mass loss will likely be maintained into the future. Turning to other ocean worlds, the outer ice shells of Titan and Pluto are thick and prone to convection. Non-water-ice materials, such as methane and oxygen, are common on the surface of ice shells. Methane is produced during core degassing and forms methane clathrates within the interior of ocean worlds. I find that methane clathrates are entrained into the ice shell by convection. This entrainment slows down convection, limiting the amount of heat leaving the ocean, thus extending the longevity of internal oceans. Additionally, clathrate entrainment thickens the static conductive portion of the ice shell, constraining modes of material transport through the ice shell into oceans. This static near-surface portion of the ice shell occurs on all icy ocean worlds and presents a formidable barrier to the transport of oxygen from the surface into internal oceans. I investigate a novel process on Europa that circumvents this barrier. I model the dynamic evolution of melt chambers formed during non-breaching impacts into the ice shell. I find that impacts that penetrate halfway through the static portion of the ice shell create a melt pocket that sinks to the ocean below. Sinking melt chambers transport any materials entrained from the surface into the ocean. The foundering of impact melt chambers occurs for all ice shell thicknesses explored, suggesting that this process is active on other ocean worlds as well. This transport process provides a frequent means to oxygenate the oceans in our Solar System. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Exotic phases in condensed matter systems : space-time crystals and moiŕe superlattices ( 2023-12 ) Gao, Qiang, Ph. D. ; Khalaf, Eslam ; Niu, Qian ; De Lozanne, Alejandro L ; Giustino, Feliciano ; MacDonald, Allan H Show more This Thesis unfolds a comprehensive exploration of two distinct yet equally captivating realms within condensed matter systems. While each part stands independently, together they paint a vivid picture of the intricate and multifaceted world of solid state physics. Part I: Space-Time Crystals and Floquet-Bloch Theory– Space-time crystals have emerged as a novel and intriguing concept in quantum mechanics, uniquely distinguished by their periodicities in both space and time. We first argue that, within specific experimental setups, like that of a monoatomic crystal driven by coherent sound waves, these space-time periodic structures have shown a remarkable ability to convert energy quanta of sound waves into potential energy of DC electric fields. This energy conversion process is deeply tied to the intricate topologies of quasi-energy bands. To decode and understand these phenomena, we used the Floquet-Bloch (FB) theory which represents a significant advancement beyond the traditional Bloch theorem by adeptly incorporating time-periodic Hamiltonians, thereby revealing insights into the dynamic evolution of band structures under time-varying perturbations. Furthermore, detailed studies on DC current generation in periodically driven Bloch systems, when analyzed again under the FB framework, have unveiled two distinct types of currents: the intrinsic currents, which are in harmony with the system's quasi-equilibrium state even under continuous driving, and the extrinsic currents, which emerge from shifts between different equilibrium states. These insights not only deepen our understanding of space-time crystal dynamics but also pave the way for potential applications in energy and quantum technologies. Finally, we provide a semiclassical point of view for the electronic dynamics and responses which offers a systematic treatment of the FB systems. Part II: Moiré Superlattices and Beyond– Lattice dynamics in moiré systems, particularly in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), have been a focal point of investigation. An underlying mismatch symmetry in TBG has been identified, which exists for any twist angle, providing insight into the connection between moiré phonons and phasons. This understanding extends to twisted multilayer graphene (TMG), emphasizing its unique lattice dynamics and the emergence of specific moiré phonon modes. Moreover, a novel perspective on moiré systems has been presented through periodically strained graphene. This innovative setup mimics the dynamics of twisted moiré structures without a twist, offering a promising platform for exploring strong correlating physics such as quantum anomalous Hall states, and fractional Chern insulator phases. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Daily worry, rumination, and sleep in late life ( 2023-12 ) Zhou, Zexi, M.A. ; Fingerman, Karen L. Show more Perseverative thinking (e.g., worry/rumination) is a common response to stress, and can be detrimental to well-being in late life. Sleep may represent an important mechanism by which perseverative thinking is disrupted or amplified from day to day. Yet, limited research has investigated the implications of worry and rumination for sleep, and vice versa, in late life. This study examined the associations between older adults’ everyday worry, rumination, and sleep. Older adults (N = 270) aged 65–89 completed a baseline interview and two daily dairies each day (i.e., one morning assessment and one evening assessment) for five to six days. Every morning, they indicated how worried they were about something that might happen that day, and rated qualities of their sleep the prior night (e.g., duration, subjective perceptions of quality, disturbances). Every evening, older adults rated worry and rumination they had experienced that day. Multilevel models showed that daytime worry and rumination reported before bed were associated with self-reported sleep disturbances and hours of sleep that night. More hours of sleep, higher sleep quality, and fewer sleep disturbances were associated with less worry the next morning. Prior night’s worry predicted greater next morning’s worry, but this association was significant only when older adults reported fewer hours of sleep, not when they reported more hours of sleep. Findings suggest that worry and rumination may tend to persist in older adults’ daily life, and highlight the protective role that better sleep may play in reducing older adults’ everyday perseverative thinking. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item In-situ pre-concentration of reactor-produced radionuclides onto a carbon nanotube adsorbent via the Szilard-Chalmers effect ( 2023-12 ) Samia, Adam James ; Charlton, William S. ; Landsberger, Sheldon ; Hull, Kami ; Haas, Derek Show more Radionuclides (namely ¹⁷⁷Lu and ¹⁸⁶Re) in an aqueous solution can be preconcentrated onto highly dispersed carbon nanotubes via the Szilard-Chalmers reaction. This adsorption onto the carbon structure leads to the easier physical separation of the CNT-radionuclide complex from the aqueous target solution. This work is intended to be used in tandem with existing radiopharmaceutical production procedures to (1) enhance the specific activity attainable and (2) lower the production costs associated with the current production methods. The analytical tools (a) neutron activation analysis and (b) scanning electron microscopy were utilized for quantitative and qualitative examination, respectively. Neutron activation analysis was employed to quantitatively determine the percent extraction of nuclides onto the carbon structure, while the images produced from the scanning electron microscope allowed the morphological structure of the surfactant-CNT complex to be analyzed. This application of the Szilard-Chalmers reaction has yielded significant insights and advancements; however, it is imperative to acknowledge that the distinct enhancement of specific activity has yet to be fully achieved. While the research has showcased promising results in terms of adsorption efficiency, the effective isolation of activated vs. non-activated nuclides remains a formidable challenge. Consequently, this work underscores the need for further research and refinement of the Szilard Chalmers reaction coupled with CNT adsorbents to achieve the envisioned separation objectives. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item “I think we need some space” : an exploration of estrangement from nuclear family members ( 2023-12 ) Herschmann, Rachel Sara ; Vangelisti , Anita L. Show more Estrangement from nuclear family members is a largely under-researched phenomenon. Many studies have focused on exiting detrimental romantic relationships, social ostracism, and family ties. However, little consideration has been given when it comes to estranging from a parent, child, or sibling, due to abusive or neglectful circumstances. In these cases, it is important to understand how demolishing a relationship, specifically one that is often regarded as “eternal” (Scharp & Thomas, 2016) affects an individual as well as the family unit. Furthermore, it is vital to acknowledge how the need to estrange may alter one’s secondary relationships, views around family ties, and overall quality of life. This study was conducted through in-depth interviews of the estrangement process. The findings of this study illustrated the difficulties, factors, and overall outcomes of successful estrangement. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Exploration of models of dark matter and portals to new physics ( 2023-12 ) Desai, Niral ; Kilic, Can ; Caceres, Elena ; Onyisi, Peter ; Boylan-Kolchin, Mike Show more Although the Standard Model of particle physics has seen tremendous experimental success, there remain still unanswered questions. One such question is the nature of dark matter, which has been only observed through its gravitational effects and yet comprises about 80% of all matter in the Universe. Many models have been proposed to solve the dark matter problem and other open questions, although they can face severe experimental constraints, especially from data from particle colliders. The paradigm of probing new physics through portals, which are gauge-neutral Standard Model operators, alleviates many of these constraints. In this dissertation I explore the phenomenology of three different models of new physics. The first model proposes a setup of lepton-flavored dark matter in a 5-dimensional setup in which lepton flavor violating processes are naturally suppressed. The second model proposes that dark matter is a composite state emerging from a rich strongly-coupled beyond-Standard Model sector which also contains states coupling to neutrinos, such that the dark matter communicates to the Standard Model via a neutrino portal. In the third model, we propose a strongly-coupled beyond-Standard Model sector which interacts with the Standard Model through both a neutrino portal and a Higgs portal, resulting in collider signatures which are nontrivially different from those of either type of portal separately. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item stuff ( 2024-08 ) me, frank ; Abboud, Peter ; Adair, Jennifer Show more very Show more

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What Is a Glossary? | Definition, Templates, & Examples

Published on May 24, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation , it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader.

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If you’d prefer to cite just in case, you can follow guidance for citing dictionary entries in MLA or APA Style for citations in your glossary. Remember that direct quotes should always be accompanied by a citation.

In addition to the glossary, you can also include a list of tables and figures and a list of abbreviations in your thesis or dissertation if you choose.

Include your lists in the following order:

  • List of figures and tables
  • List of abbreviations

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A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. In contrast, dictionaries are more general collections of words.

A glossary or “glossary of terms” is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. Your glossary only needs to include terms that your reader may not be familiar with, and is intended to enhance their understanding of your work.

Glossaries are not mandatory, but if you use a lot of technical or field-specific terms, it may improve readability to add one to your thesis or dissertation. Your educational institution may also require them, so be sure to check their specific guidelines.

A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. In contrast, an index is a list of the contents of your work organized by page number.

Definitional terms often fall into the category of common knowledge , meaning that they don’t necessarily have to be cited. This guidance can apply to your thesis or dissertation glossary as well.

However, if you’d prefer to cite your sources , you can follow guidance for citing dictionary entries in MLA or APA style for your glossary.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2023, July 18). What Is a Glossary? | Definition, Templates, & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/glossary-of-a-dissertation/

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After president’s debate debacle, Jill Biden delivering the message that they’re still all in


President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden arrive at East Hampton Airport, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in East Hampton, N.Y. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden arrive at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden arrive at Francis S. Gabreski Airport, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Westhampton Beach, N.Y. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. (AP) — Jill Biden was right at her husband’s side Saturday as they exited Air Force One to head for a pair of campaign stops at luxurious vacation homes on Long Island. And she got straight to the point when it was her turn to introduce the president at a tony fundraiser.

“Joe isn’t just the right person for the job. He’s the only person for the job,” she declared.

The first lady also told donors, “Anyone can tell you what they want to do, but Joe Biden can tell you what he’s done with his judgment, his experience, and his relationships with leaders across the globe.”

The first lady is trying to rally support for her husband after a dreadful performance in Thursday’s presidential debate created fresh worries about President Joe Biden’s age and his ability to compete in November’s election and to serve another four years.

The community college professor has been by her husband’s side since he exited the debate stage as he faces what could be a defining challenge of his presidency — the president says that democracy itself is on the line in his race against former President Donald Trump.


It’s a reflection of the first lady’s influence, her love of her husband and the pressure confronting an 81-year-old candidate whom many voters worry is too old to serve another term as president. While Trump’s wife has been noticeably absent from the campaign trail, Jill Biden has taken a leading role, wearing a dress Friday decorated with the word “Vote.”

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
  • Read the latest: Follow AP’s complete coverage of this year’s election.

Less than 24 hours after her husband’s disastrous debate, she stood before a crowd in Greenwich Village and spoke glowingly about her husband without any nod to the swirling controversy over whether he is up to another term.

“Joe will never stop fighting for this country and for communities like this one,” she said at an event at the Stonewall National Monument, a symbol of LGBTQ+ pride. “That’s who Joe is. He wakes up every morning thinking about how he can make the lives of Americans better.”

She was more frank, though, later in the day at a LGBTQ fundraiser in the city, saying of her husband’s debate performance, “I know it’s on your minds.”

“As Joe said earlier today, he’s not a young man,” she allowed. “And you know, after last night’s debate, he said, ‘You know, Jill, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel that great.’ And I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president.’”

The first lady went on to deliver a spirited defense of the president’s abilities, signaling there was no stepping back from his intent — their intent, really — for him to press forward with his campaign.

“What my husband does know how to do is tell the truth,“ she said. “When Joe gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that’s what we’re doing today.”

Jill Biden, 73, has long been her husband’s chief confidant and public defender, but her role looms larger this year and is attracting increasing scrutiny from Trump supporters, some of whom question whether she’s the one doing the steering these days.

When the first lady gripped the president’s hand as he left the debate stage on Thursday night after his halting performance, Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas reposted the video on X with the question, “Who is the Commander in Chief?”

Jill Biden, early on reluctant to embrace the role of political spouse, is all in.

Earlier in the year, when voters were in denial that Biden truly would seek another term, it was Jill Biden who squashed the idea he might not go through with it.

“How many times does he have to say it for you to believe it?” the first lady told The Associated Press in a February interview during a trip to Africa. She added, “He says he’s not done. He’s not finished what he’s started. And that’s what’s important.”

As a native of the Philadelphia area, her tone has grown increasingly feisty as she has told supporters that Trump has gotten “my Philly up.” But the race with the former Republican is tight and she told the fundraising gathering on Friday that, “We have to work harder than we’ve ever worked before.”

She doesn’t just talk up her husband’s best attributes, she regularly recounts stories of their courtship and life together for supporters. During Friday’s events, she told the LGBTQ+ gatherings that Trump is a “threat” to their rights and “we can’t let him win,” a sign that she won’t shy from the gritty business of politics.

Last month, the first lady delivered a commencement address to community college students in Arizona, where she talked about ignoring the doubters and pushing forward with their goals.

“The next time someone tells you that you ‘can’t,’ you’re going to say, ‘Oh yeah? Watch me,’” she said.

It was an echo of the words her husband has used on multiple occasions when questioned about his ability to do the job for another four years: “Watch me.”



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  6. Microsoft Word for Dissertations

    A word about LaTeX. LaTeX is a markup language (sometimes accessed through the Overleaf editor) that is often used in science and engineering documents because it allows for great control in creating complex equations and formulas. ScholarSpace does not maintain a template for dissertations created with LaTeX, and we can only provide very limited support for it.

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    Overview of the structure. To help guide your reader, end your introduction with an outline of the structure of the thesis or dissertation to follow. Share a brief summary of each chapter, clearly showing how each contributes to your central aims. However, be careful to keep this overview concise: 1-2 sentences should be enough.

  8. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Example 1: Passive construction. The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise. Example: Passive construction.

  9. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. Download The Dissertation Template. Download Grad Coach's comprehensive dissertation and thesis template for free. Fully editable - includes detailed instructions and examples.

  10. How to Write a Dissertation

    Acknowledgements. The acknowledgements section is usually optional, and gives space for you to thank everyone who helped you in writing your dissertation. This might include your supervisors, participants in your research, and friends or family who supported you. Abstract. The abstract is a short summary of your dissertation, usually about 150-300 words long.

  11. What Is a Dissertation?

    An undergraduate dissertation is typically 8,000-15,000 words; A master's dissertation is typically 12,000-50,000 words; A PhD thesis is typically book-length: 70,000-100,000 words; However, none of these are strict guidelines - your word count may be lower or higher than the numbers stated here. Always check the guidelines provided ...

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  13. PDF APA Style Dissertation Guidelines: Formatting Your Dissertation

    Dissertation Content When the content of the dissertation starts, the page numbering should restart at page one using Arabic numbering (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.) and continue throughout the dissertation until the end. The Arabic page number should be aligned to the upper right margin of the page with a running head aligned to the upper left margin.

  14. Dissertation

    Usually around 250-300 words; Table of Contents: List of chapters and sections in the dissertation, with page numbers for each; I. Introduction. ... Generally, a dissertation for a doctoral degree can range from 80,000 to 100,000 words, while a dissertation for a master's degree may be shorter, typically ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 words. ...

  15. PDF Formatting your dissertation in Word

    Using Word Styles A Style is a defined set of formatting instructions that can be applied in one click. Word has many built-in styles ready to use and is an efficient and consistent method to format text. Start with a blank Word document and define all the Styles you need for formatting your dissertation by either

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  17. How to Write a Dissertation

    Work a certain number of hours on your paper daily. Create a worksheet for your week. Work on your dissertation for time periods as brief as 45 minutes or less. Stick to the strategic dissertation timeline, so you don't have to do the catchup work. Meet your goals by prioritising your dissertation work.

  18. PDF Formatting your dissertation/thesis

    Word processing a large structured document like a dissertation or thesis is a demanding task, and many find it more time consuming and stressful than they anticipated. This guide focuses on a number of . Microsoft Office Word . tools which can save you lots of time, allow you to work more effectively and reduce your anxiety levels.

  19. Templates

    If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. ... Word: Thesis Template 2024. Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting. PDF Thesis Template 2024. Word: Dissertation Template 2024 ...

  20. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    UM-Dearborn Microsoft Word thesis template. Most students use Microsoft Word to write their thesis or dissertation. For previous assignments, you likely did not use some of Word's advanced features such as styles, section breaks, rotated pages, automatically generated table of contents, automatically generated list of abbreviations, etc.

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    The meaning of DISSERTATION is an extended usually written treatment of a subject; specifically : one submitted for a doctorate. How to use dissertation in a sentence.

  22. Microsoft Word for dissertations and theses

    Microsoft Word for dissertations and theses (aimed at all postgrad and researchers) Thu 25 July, 10am - 12pm - online. When crafting a lengthy academic piece like a dissertation or thesis, leveraging the most suitable features in Microsoft Word can save you significant time and effort. In this session, we will delve into methods for using ...

  23. How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements?

    Writing effective dissertation acknowledgements can leave a lasting impression. Learn who to acknowledge, how to structure your acknowledgements, and essential tips for expressing gratitude thoughtfully and professionally. Perfect for PhD students looking to recognize the support and contributions of others in their research journey.

  24. UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    The dissertation is organized into six chapters, encompassing the connection between crystal structure and magnetic structure, an overview of spintronics and magnon band topology, detailed descriptions of experimental techniques, investigation of the spin Seebeck effect, examination of the magnon Hall effect in quantum magnets, and an in-depth ...

  25. What Is a Glossary?

    Revised on July 18, 2023. A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your thesis or dissertation, it's a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. Your glossary only needs to include terms that your reader may not be familiar with, and it's intended to enhance their ...

  26. Dissertation 12K words (docx)

    1.2 Problem Statement According to other research by Estévez-Pedraza et al. (2022), the inability of systems to adapt to user demands impacts service delivery. Also, it was noted that due to the maintenance staff's insufficient abilities, capabilities are also impaired once the product is delivered to consumers (Elias & Lubua, 2021). The present study recognizes the value of proper software ...

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    Patrick Henry's Speech Thesis; Patrick Henry's Speech Thesis. 545 Words 3 Pages. Give me liberty or give me death: Patrick Henry's famous speech is widely regarded as a significant moment in American history. The speech was delivered by Henry on March 23, 1775, during the second Virginia convention, which was a critical gathering of colonists ...

  28. After president's debate, Jill Biden delivering message that they're

    EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. (AP) — Jill Biden was right at her husband's side Saturday as they exited Air Force One to head for a pair of campaign stops at luxurious vacation homes on Long Island. And she got straight to the point when it was her turn to introduce the president at a tony fundraiser.