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  • Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

Check out our successful Oxbridge personal statement examples below.

You will find a collection of standout personal statements that have helped students gain admission to the prestigious universities of Oxford and Cambridge .

These Oxbridge personal statement examples can serve as inspiration and guidance as you begin to write your own.

Whether you are applying to study law , natural science , economics , or any other course , these examples can help you showcase your unique strengths and experiences compellingly.

Recommended reading:

  • How to Apply to Cambridge University
  • How to Apply to Oxford University
  • The Best Cambridge Colleges
  • The Best Oxford Colleges

Successful Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

Oxbridge personal statement example for economics course.

I volunteer at a local soup kitchen in Singapore, where I help distribute food and check on the well-being of lower-income families living in public housing.

One day, we encountered a family of five who were all seriously or terminally ill but were not receiving any government social support and had been relying mostly on NGOs for assistance.

This experience highlighted a social issue that concerns me – the lack of adequate social security support in Singapore despite its economic strength.

I believe more attention should be paid to addressing poverty and inequality.

I volunteered at the soup kitchen not only to help those in need but also to understand their struggles, as their interests are often overlooked.

As an economics student, I have learned how well-informed economic policy can improve lives by guiding social analysis.

This subject excites me and has motivated me to learn more through books, volunteering, and participating in economics-related competitions.

For example, I received a distinction award in the National Economics and Financial Management Quiz, which tests quick thinking, logical, and mathematical skills.

I also submitted an essay for the GlaxoSmithKline-Economic Development Board Book Prize on how Singapore can capitalize on Asian talent as a source of growth.

In addition, I participated in the local Math Olympiad received a bronze award, and completed a month-long internship at Centennial Asia Advisors, where my work contributed to the analysis of the Great Recession and the process of purchasing bonds to address the crisis.

This experience gave me a greater understanding of the importance of economic policy and its application.

I am also actively working to make a difference. Along with a group of friends and an NGO, I am committed to helping the village of Tom in Cambodia escape poverty by building schools and providing water filtration devices for villagers.

We also plan to support children with scholarships through fund-raisers. Personally helping Tom overcome poverty is one of my goals, and I believe that a strong understanding of economics will be essential in achieving this.

In addition to my academic and volunteer pursuits, I have also participated in various activities that have helped me grow as a person.

For example, I participated in The Odyssey of The Mind, a competition that challenges teams to think creatively through dramatic performances.

Our team won the World Championship after competing against teams from 60 other countries.

I am also an avid sailor, having represented my school as captain and Singapore in international competitions.

What I value most from these experiences are the relationships I formed with my teammates and the importance of dedication and perseverance in achieving success.

At school, I helped start the Young Diplomats’ Society, an interest group focused on Model United Nations Conferences (MUNC).

At Princeton University MUNC, I received an honourable mention, and at the Nanyang Technological University MUNC, I received the Dorothy Cheung Award for Best Delegate.

I also organized the annual iMUN@AC, serving as Chief of Staff in one year and Secretary General in another.

These MUNCs sparked my interest in global politics and led me to research the causes of the Rwandan Genocide for my IB Extended Essay, a 4000-word research paper that I thoroughly enjoyed and received an “A” grade for.

As John Maynard Keynes said, an economist is part philosopher, part statesman, and part mathematician.

I hope to study economics so that I can learn how to make changes on local, regional, and global levels.

Oxbridge Personal Statement Example For Law Course

I have always been drawn to the fields of law and justice. Even as a child, I was fascinated by the concepts of right and wrong and how they were applied in society.

My interest in history has also allowed me to learn about the evolution of the legal system over time.

During my school years, I took on leadership roles, including being a Senior Prefect and a member of the Student Council.

These experiences gave me a unique perspective on how a school operates and the importance of rules for both students and staff.

In my GCSE years, I had the opportunity to study Critical Thinking, which allowed me to hone my analytical and debate skills.

As part of this course, we visited Winchester Crown Court, giving us the chance to observe a court case in person and see the legal system in action.

This experience had a profound impact on me and further solidified my desire to pursue a career in law.

I also gained valuable insights into the legal profession through a two-week work placement at a local solicitor’s firm during the summer between school and college.

During this time, I was able to observe court proceedings and learn about the daily operations of a solicitor’s office.

In my free time, I enjoy reading classic fiction such as “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens and “North and South” by Elizabeth Gaskell.

I also enjoy cooking, travelling, and leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

I am confident that my personal skills, knowledge, attributes, and work ethic make me an excellent candidate for a law degree at your university.

I hope to use my time at university to develop the skills and qualifications necessary to have a successful career in law and to gain further experience in the courtroom.

Oxbridge Personal Statement Example For Natural Sciences Course

I was always fascinated by the natural world and spent hours exploring the forests and streams near my home.

This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a degree in biology at Oxford University, where I excelled academically and gained valuable experiences that have prepared me to take the next step in my education.

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I have taken a range of ecology courses and consistently earned high marks. In addition to my coursework, I have also been actively involved in several extracurricular activities that have allowed me to further explore my interests in biology and ecology.

For example, I have participated in research projects on the Forest Eco Programme and have worked as an intern at EcoBio Ltd where I gained valuable hands-on experience.

One of the things that set me apart from other applicants is my passion for biology and my dedication to making a positive impact in the world.

This drive was sparked by my achievements in school, which taught me the importance of the environment and motivated me to pursue a career in which I can make a difference.

I am excited to apply to the biology course at Oxford University because of its reputation for excellence and its commitment to providing students with a world-class education.

I believe that the University of Oxford will provide me with the knowledge and skills I need to achieve my goals and make a meaningful contribution to my field.

I am confident that my strong academic and extracurricular background, along with my passion and dedication, make me a strong fit for the course.

I am eager to join the vibrant intellectual community at Oxford and to continue pursuing my goals in biology.

Oxbridge Personal Statement Tips 

Focus on the following suggestions to write a successful personal statement for Oxbridge :

  • Start by thinking about your goals and why you want to pursue them at Oxbridge. What sparked your interest in your field of study, and how have your experiences prepared you to pursue it at a top university?
  • Reflect on your achievements and experiences. What have you accomplished that demonstrates your potential to succeed at Oxbridge? This could include academic achievements, extracurricular activities, internships, or other experiences.
  • Consider what makes you unique. What sets you apart from other applicants and makes you a strong fit for the program you’re applying to?
  • Write in a clear and concise manner, using concrete examples to illustrate your points. Avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and be sure to proofread for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Edit and proofread your personal statement carefully. It’s important to take the time to polish your statement and make sure it’s the best it can be.

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U2 Tuition

Our 10 Top Tips for Writing a Standout Oxbridge Personal Statement to Get You an Oxbridge Interview

Oxbridge personal statement 101: top tips for writing by oxbridge graduates.

You've sat your exams, chosen your top 5 Universities to apply to, you've registered with UCAS. Now what? Oh yes, you've got to write a personal statement - 4000 characters to encapsulate why YOU are suitable for your course. 

You know the standard pitfalls, you know you won't be in the 1779 candidates each year on UCAS who begin their statement with 'From a young age I have always been...', you know not to begin with a motivational quote or to include too many 'I love''s or 'passions'. You also know that the personal statement is not the be all or end all of your application - yes, admissions will look at it, and certainly it matters for some subjects and Universities more than others, but at the end of the day your exam results and interview, if you have one, will speak louder than 4000 characters can.

Still, you might as well get it right - done well, your personal statement can demonstrate what motivates your study of your given subject now and give an insight into your academic ability , which can only boost your application. U2 has curated 10 top tips, based on the advice of Oxbridge alumni in over 20 subjects, to help you overcome this often daunting task. Do also check out the abundance of articles we have published on subject-specific personal statement content creation and writing - we have written articles for an array of subjects including Dentistry , Politics , Biological Natural Sciences , English , History , Veterinary Science and more via our Free Resource Library ! These include reading and wider subject exploration recommendations, as well as information on preparing for interviews for your course of application.

1) Less is More When it Comes to Your Personal Statement

Try to be specific and DON'T waffle. Tutors hate it when you try to sound over the top of use overly-complicated words. One of the most frequent pitfalls admissions tutors see when assessing Personal Statements are students trying to fit as much as possible into their statement. LESS IS MORE. Don't write about every book you've ever read, but choose one or two to illustrate your enthusiasm for the subject. Make sure to go in-depth in your analysis of the book/ article/ experience you mention - showcase your opinion and link back to how this demonstrates your motivation for wanting to study your course of application. This also means that when it comes to interview, you have loads more to draw on than the content of your personal statement as you won’t have mentioned every single activity you have undertaken on the A4 page.

Key Stylistic Points:

Write in simple, straightforward, everyday English.

Express yourself as succinctly as possible using short sentences.

Do not get weighed down in jargon or complicated terminology – and if you do use some, make sure that you use it properly. 

2) Don’t Try to Tell a Grand Narrative

In the subject paragraphs of your personal statement, do not try to tell any form of grand narrative about either you or the subject e.g. “the first moment I realised I wanted to study Philosophy was” or even “Philosophy is the most important subject because”; these come across as pompous and insincere. Likewise, admissions tutors don’t wish to know that from the time you were a young boy, you loved playing with lego, which led to a love of engineering, they want to know what motivates you in your course of interest NOW. It is much better to simply write about the ideas, concepts and theories that have captured your attention through your work at school and how you’ve explored them in your own reading or other activities.

Personal Statement Introduction Example Structure:

‘My interest/curiosity in materials science first emerged following XYZ. This led me to pursue further research, reading, etc., including taking a biomedical engineering course at […]. These experiences have only increased my enthusiasm for the subject, and I am now keen to engage with it more deeply by studying for a MEng (or whatever the course might be…) in Materials Science at the University of XYZ’

3) Think Outside the School Curriculum

To impress Oxbridge admissions tutors, it's essential to demonstrate a genuine passion for your chosen subject beyond the school curriculum. Utilise your personal statement as an opportunity to showcase evidence of your interest, such as additional reading or relevant work experience. The best candidates often exhibit a wealth of knowledge they've gathered in their own time, reflecting their proactive approach to learning. Show resourcefulness by seeking information from various sources, including podcasts, lectures, books, critical articles, and even visits to museums. Mentioning these diverse avenues of learning highlights your intellectual curiosity and willingness to explore beyond the confines of the classroom. Additionally, participating in essay competitions can be a valuable way to showcase your dedication and self-motivation. Select a couple of reputable essay prizes, like the Keble College Essay Prize, and challenge yourself to produce well-researched and thoughtful essays within the specified word limit. Discussing your experiences with these prize essays in your personal statement reveals your commitment to academic excellence and willingness to engage deeply with your subject.

Participating in essay competitions not only demonstrates your commitment and self-motivation but also showcases your ability to engage in independent research and critical thinking. These competitions often require you to delve into specific topics, conducting your own reading and analysis. By discussing your involvement in prize essays in your personal statement, you present evidence of your intellectual curiosity and willingness to take on academic challenges. Admissions tutors will be impressed by your proactive approach to learning and your ability to synthesise complex ideas into well-structured essays. It shows that you are willing to go above and beyond what is expected and that you are well-prepared to embrace the rigorous and intellectually stimulating environment that Oxbridge has to offer.

We regularly update our co-curricular division website, Minds Underground, with top choice essay competitions to enter. We also run our own yearly Minds Underground Essay Competition (e.g. in Medicine, Politics, Law etc.) if you want to have a go!

4) Think About Your Personal Statement Structure

When crafting your university personal statement, it's essential to treat each point as a mini argument, providing evidence and meaningful connections to strengthen your case. Mere assertions like "I'm interested in X" lack substance without delving into the why and how of your interest. Instead, showcase your inquisitiveness by relating X to Y, highlighting the knowledge or experiences gained from this connection . By doing so, you demonstrate critical thinking and the ability to draw meaningful connections between subjects. For instance, if you express an interest in history, explain how exploring historical events shed light on current societal issues or how studying past political decisions can inform future policy-making. By presenting such thoughtful interconnections, you not only emphasise your passion for the subject but also showcase your intellectual curiosity and capacity for interdisciplinary learning.

A coherent structure is vital for your personal statement to have a strong impact on admissions tutors. Consider organising your statement into 3-4 main paragraphs, each focusing on a key topic area of interest . Start by introducing your primary interests and motivations, providing a clear roadmap for your readers. Subsequently, delve into the first topic area, weaving in relevant experiences and academic accomplishments that demonstrate your commitment to this subject. Then, smoothly transition to the next topic, establishing a logical flow that links the areas together. For instance, if you're passionate about environmental science, you could connect it to public policy by discussing your participation in sustainability initiatives and how this drove your interest in influencing policy decisions for a greener future.

Finally, ensure that your closing paragraph succinctly summarises your key points and highlights your enthusiasm for pursuing these areas at the university. Additionally, include a very short paragraph on extracurricular activities, demonstrating your well-roundedness and ability to balance academic pursuits with other interests, further reinforcing your suitability as a prospective student. This clear and cohesive structure will make your personal statement memorable and impactful, leaving a positive impression on the admissions committee.

5) Check and Double Check Claims of Knowledge

Crafting a compelling university personal statement is a critical step in the admissions process, allowing students to showcase their academic achievements, aspirations, and potential contributions to the academic community. However, exercise caution and diligence when including claims of knowledge in your statement . Making inaccurate or unsupported assertions can be an immediate red flag for admissions tutors, as it raises doubts about the applicant's credibility and attention to detail. Admissions professors and interviewers are well-versed in their respective fields, and they may thoroughly scrutinise a personal statement during interviews. Thus, if an applicant includes a questionable or unsupported claim, they should be prepared to provide a comprehensive explanation and back it up with evidence or examples. This scrutiny ensures that the university maintains its standards of academic integrity and selects students who possess genuine knowledge and intellectual curiosity. Therefore, double-check and verify the accuracy of any claims made in your personal statement, ensuring you present a truthful and compelling narrative that reflects your genuine capabilities and potential for academic success.

Suggested Exercise: When preparing for interview, take each sentence of your personal statement and imagine your interviewer asks you to explain what you meant by it. Brainstorm an answer, thinking about evidence you can bring in to back up any claims e.g. your analysis, further reading, statistics etc.

6) Work/ Research experience

Know when your work experience is relevant. An English tutor will be interested in your work as research assistant for a professor. They'll be less interested by your summer internship at Goldman. For some subjects, work experience is more crucial than others, namely the sciences and of course, Medicine. Don't just state it, explain what you learnt and how it's helped you.

Students with an interest in research fare well in Oxbridge applications as courses are research-heavy - you will be writing 1-2 essay each week for Humanities subjects, and science subjects require extensive independent research prior to tutorials. Therefore, demonstrating research experience is extremely beneficial to application - Back in the day, U2 Tuition’s Co-Founder, Camille (Oxford English graduate), worked as a research assistant on an Oxford professor’s project on the Oxford English Dictionary. She was asked about the experience at interview and was able to lead a fascinating discussion on the origins of language, the effect of Shakespeare in coining new terms etc.

If you would like help seeking research experience to include in your personal statement, visit our Minds Underground division’s Research & Work Experience page!

7) Subject-Specific Research/ Exploration

When composing your university personal statement, the importance of showcasing your knowledge of research in your subject cannot be overstated. While the relevance may vary across disciplines, being well-informed about past and current research papers can significantly strengthen your statement's credibility and demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence. Utilising resources like Google Scholar or JSTOR enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest theories, critical discussions, and key movements in your field. By engaging with scholarly articles, you gain valuable insights into the ongoing discourse within your chosen subject, allowing you to develop a more nuanced understanding of its complexities and challenges. When applicable, referencing these research papers in your personal statement can illustrate your engagement with the academic community and your ability to contextualise your interests within the broader scholarly landscape. This not only highlights your dedication to the subject but also reflects your potential as a future contributor to the field's advancement.

As you prepare for your university application, it is vital to cultivate breadth, depth, and independence in your reading habits . Reading widely exposes you to diverse perspectives and helps you appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of many subjects . It allows you to identify connections between seemingly unrelated topics, fostering a holistic and well-rounded approach to your studies. Simultaneously, reading closely and delving deeply into specific areas of interest allows you to develop specialised expertise and become well-versed in the nuances of your chosen field. This depth of knowledge showcases your dedication and passion for the subject, making you a more attractive candidate to university admissions. Additionally, pursuing your own interests within the subject demonstrates initiative and intellectual curiosity, indicating that you are capable of self-directed learning and are genuinely invested in your academic pursuits. By striking a balance between broad exploration and focused inquiry , you not only enrich your personal growth but also equip yourself with the necessary skills and insights to thrive in your university studies and beyond.

8) Stay Relevant

No one wants to know about your passion for your subject from before you could walk. Anything you include should be directly linked to your interest and suitability for the course, or at least connected somehow. They want to know what's motivating your study of it NOW.  

Crafting an outstanding Top UK University or Oxbridge personal statement requires staying informed and engaging with current developments in your chosen subject. Subscribing to reputable academic journals is an excellent way to keep abreast of the latest research and advancements in your field. Journals often publish cutting-edge studies and critical discussions that can inspire your own academic interests and inform your future studies. Additionally, reading articles from platforms like The Conversation , which covers diverse topics from Health & Medicine to Politics & Society, provides valuable insights into real-world applications of academic knowledge. By referencing relevant articles in your personal statement, you showcase your engagement with contemporary issues and demonstrate how your academic pursuits align with broader societal concerns. For instance, if you aspire to study environmental science, discussing the implications of recent environmental policies or breakthroughs in sustainable technologies reveals your passion for making a positive impact through your studies.

For applicants interested in Law, incorporating current legal issues and developments into your personal statement can be highly impactful. Mentioning landmark court cases, legislative changes, or emerging legal challenges demonstrates your awareness of the dynamic nature of the legal field and your ability to analyse complex issues critically. Articulating your thoughts on these matters and explaining how they have influenced your desire to study law can impress admissions tutors. On the other hand, if you're applying for a STEM subject, delving into scientific breakthroughs of the past 20, 50, or 100 years offers a glimpse into the rich history of scientific discovery. Highlight the breakthroughs that resonate with you the most and explain how they sparked your curiosity and passion for your chosen field of study. Demonstrating this connection between historical achievements and your personal motivations provides the admissions committee with valuable insights into your scientific interests and intellectual drive. By showcasing your enthusiasm for current topics or historical milestones, you present yourself as an informed and passionate applicant eager to contribute to the academic community.

9) Ensure You Can Expand…

When it comes to discussing your university personal statement during an Oxbridge interview, the approach can vary depending on the interviewer. Some tutors might use it as a starting point to delve deeper into your interests and experiences, using it as a reference to stimulate further discussion. As an applicant, it's crucial to be well-prepared and confident in the books and topics you've referenced in your statement. Have a clear understanding of these references and be ready to elaborate on them or demonstrate how they relate to other subjects. Moreover, don't shy away from expressing your own opinions on the material you've read. Whether you agree or disagree with a critic or author, be willing to voice your thoughts thoughtfully and respectfully . However, keep in mind that the tutor conducting the interview may hold a different perspective, having dedicated their career to studying the same critic or author. So, if you disagree, be prepared to justify your viewpoint with rational arguments and be open to defending your stance further during the interview.

The Oxbridge interview is an opportunity for you to showcase your intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills. Therefore, besides discussing your referenced materials, be prepared to offer your unique insights and interpretations. Demonstrate your ability to engage with academic content beyond merely summarising it. Reflect on the implications of the ideas you've encountered and consider how they might intersect with other areas of study. Your capacity to express original thoughts and connect different concepts will impress the interviewers and show them your potential as a future scholar. Just remember to back up your viewpoints with well-reasoned arguments, as interviews often involve rigorous intellectual discussions. Embrace the chance to engage in academic debates, but do so respectfully and with an open mind, as these exchanges can further reveal your suitability for the university's academic environment.

10) Extra-Curriculars

You'll be hard-pressed to find an Oxbridge tutor who cares a lot about your budding sports career. Keep extra-curriculars to 1-2 lines at the end of your statement unless they are extremely subject-relevant. The function of the extracurricular paragraph is to show that you are a real person with interests outside academia. It is not a factor in their assessment of you as a prospective applicant. Use it as an opportunity to add colour to you as an individual, rather than to brag about getting sports colours or being a prefect; make it quirky, interesting and unique. For other UK universities, more of a focus can be placed on extra-curricular where relevant.

N.B. Oxbridge interviews are very subject-specific, but that is not to mean you won’t have ample opportunity to engage in a wide array of extra-curricular opportunities once you are at Oxford or Cambridge. There is loads on offer for you to get involved in!

Looking for Support Brainstorming and Drafting your Oxbridge Personal Statement With An Oxbridge Tutor From Your Specific Course?

U2 Tuition’s team of Top Russell Group University and Oxbridge graduates offer personal statement writing support sessions and a proofreading service as part of our application support offering . Personal statement writing is an iterative process, especially if you want to create an outstanding impression! Our personal statement tutors support students all the way through from personal statement planning, to polishing the final product.

Students will be paired with a primary Oxbridge tutor in their chosen subject. An example session structure could be as follows:

Personal Statement 101-Session (1hr 30 mins): for preliminary planning and content brainstorming, and understanding how admissions tutors use the personal statement to screen candidates

1-1 Tutorial Session (1hr): strengthening evidence of further subject exploration. U2’s mentors may suggest reading/ research lists, or a Minds Underground masterclass / research project

1-1 Tutorial Session (1hr): Improving on the structure of the personal statement and creating a stand-out opening paragraph

1-1 Tutorial Session (1hr): Demonstrating motivation, ability, communication skills etc.

Offline or online help (~1hr) with polishing, reviewing and proof-reading the final product

Note: Mentors will provide students with tasks to complete between each session e.g. building on their draft personal statement, filling gaps e.g. in wider reading.

For content ideas, why not take a research project, co-curricular masterclass or subject-specific Summer School (e.g. Medicine, Law, Economics, Geography, Engineering & more!) with our Oxbridge-educated subject specialists on our co-curricular division, Minds Underground ?

And lastly, check out our Oxbridge Admissions Ultimate Guide for any extra tips and tricks!

Sessions from £70/h + VAT.

An infographic to summarise:

personal statement examples oxbridge

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Our 2024 guide to the best science co-curriculars.

How to write a great Oxbridge Personal Statement

Tips for acing the oxbridge personal statement.

How to write a great Oxbridge Personal Statement

Writing a great Personal Statement is a prime opportunity to showcase yourself and stand out from the crowd. What Oxbridge looks for is a little different from other universities, so here are some tips to help you write a standout Oxbridge Personal Statement.

1. Start Drafting Early  

The extra level of preparation that an Oxbridge application requires, combined with the mid-October deadline, means that you should try to start planning your Personal Statement towards the end of Year 12. 

It usually takes a few drafts before you have a perfectly polished Personal Statement staring back at you, so ideally your first draft should be done by the end of the summer holiday before Year 13. This means that you should try to have completed any extra reading or work experience that you want to write about in your Statement by then as well. 

Tip: If you haven’t decided which course you want to study yet, start planning a more general Personal Statement, or even two separate ones for two different subjects. Writing about your enthusiasm and experiences will probably help your decision-making process!  

2. Focus on your academic interests and achievements  

Admissions decisions at Oxford and Cambridge are solely based on academic ability and potential, so you should focus on showcasing your understanding and passion for your chosen subject. We’ve written a guide about navigating Oxbridge’s attitude towards extracurriculars which explains more about this. 

You can show your interest and ability in your subject with examples of books you’ve read, an EPQ you’ve written, a prize you’ve won, lectures you’ve attended, documentaries you’ve watched, podcasts you’ve listened to, or really anything you can think of! 


  • Instead of: “I am interested in molecular biology”
  • Try: “My interest in molecular biology led me to read X”

3. Set yourself up for an interview  

All successful Oxbridge candidates are interviewed as part of the admissions process, and interviewers often draw on things mentioned in the Personal Statement. 

To help put you in control of the interview as much as possible, you can leave ‘hooks’ for the interviewer which direct them towards topics you’ll be able to talk about confidently. For example, if you write: “I was fascinated by the similarities between Ovid’s Amores and contemporary love poetry” , you should expect to be asked what in particular you found fascinating. 

This is one reason why it's really important to be honest in your Personal Statement. You should never claim to have read a book that you haven’t (even if you plan to read it after submitting your UCAS form, because who knows what will happen!) You also shouldn’t pretend to have an interest in a something just because you think it will sound impressive. Interviewers are likely to ask you about it and it will be pretty clear if you aren’t genuinely interested. 

4. Show that you are intellectually curious and thoughtful  

Oxbridge admissions tutors are looking for thoughtful and perceptive students who are curious about their chosen subject. How much material you have consumed on your subject is not as important as how deeply you have thought about each one. For example, there’s no point listing thirteen books that you’ve read with no comments or thoughts about any of them.  

To demonstrate a thoughtful approach to your studies, you can do things like: 

  • Give an example of something you found particularly interesting in what you learned, and explain why you found it interesting.
  • For example: “Learning about A at school led me to read X. I was particularly interested by the chapter on B, because …. This led me to further research B by watching Y.”
  • For example: Did two different theorists interpret a concept differently? Is there a theme that runs through a set of books you’ve read? Did you disagree with an opinion presented at a lecture?

5. Try to be original…  

In 2019, Oxford University received more than 23,000 undergraduate applications for roughly 3,300 places. The vast majority of these applicants have really good grades, which can make it difficult to stand out from the crowd. This is where your ability to be perceptive and original comes in. Think about how the subject that you are applying for relates to your other studies, the world around you, and even your personal experiences. 

For example, almost every Classics student out there will know the plot of Medea , but how many of them will be able to demonstrate that it’s since been stolen by the screenwriters of Eastenders? Did campaigning for the most recent election remind you of a piece of propaganda from the First World War? 

Remember that the people who will read your application, and interview you, have made a career out of their chosen subject, and it really is their passion. They will genuinely be interested to have a conversation with you if you can bring an interesting or original thought to your Personal Statement and interview. 

6. …but don’t overdo it  

Don’t try to be original for the sake of it. And don’t go overboard with the thesaurus - concentrate on being clear rather than trying to be a lexical aficionado (annoying, right?) 

7. Proof-read, then proof-read again  

One thing which can negatively affect the opinion of Admissions Tutors is a typo. Even if it’s something really minor, some tutors are very strict on accuracy, and it could be the difference between receiving an offer or not.  

Proof-read your Personal Statement several times yourself, and then ask your parents, friends, or teachers to read it over, looking specifically for typos or grammatical errors. A lot of the time, it's easier for someone with fresh eyes to spot a typo than for the person writing.  

8. Don’t name drop Oxbridge  

Remember that you need your Personal Statement to be relevant to all five of the universities you are applying to. This means that you shouldn’t mention Oxford, Cambridge, or any other university by name.  

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How to craft a winning personal statement for Oxbridge

Oxford and Cambridge applicants often receive conflicting advice on how to write their personal statement. So how does one navigate those tricky waters? How does one impress an Oxbridge Professor in only 4000 characters?


Lukas Seifert

7/8/2023 4 min read

personal statement examples oxbridge

Don’t worry: the personal statement isn’t the make or break for Oxbridge applications. However, it is the only way of signaling personality and interests before the interview. In fact, it plays a large part in deciding whether or not an applicant will make it to the interview stage. Unlike predicted grades, written work or admissions tests, the personal statement tells a tutor what makes you unique.

But what makes a cutting-edge personal statement? An applicant might receive conflicting advice, with friends telling them to expand on their Grade 8 piano, while teachers suggest listing the 20 books read in the last month. So how does one navigate these tricky waters? How does one impress an Oxbridge Professor in only 4000 characters?

There is no simple formula. The personal statement is the chance to stand out and following a strict scheme is inherently counteractive.

However, there are some ways of increasing the odds of writing a powerful statement. With that, here are 10 tips for you to craft the ideal Oxbridge personal statement!

Start Early and Research Thoroughly

Beginning the personal statement writing process well in advance allows for ample time to research the chosen course. Even more crucially, it leaves time for aligning your experiences, interests, and goals with the specific course. Developing your reading repertoire is a lengthy process and curating a healthy base to work off of requires careful thought.

Show off Academic Excellence

Oxbridge seeks students who are academically exceptional and passionate about their chosen field. Highlight academic achievements, particularly in subjects relevant to the desired course. Demonstrate intellectual curiosity, independent research, and critical thinking skills. That means showcasing your ability to formulate and support arguments, drawing on relevant evidence or examples. Thinking beyond the curriculum and questioning established ideas is highly impactful. Importantly, you should show a wide range of interest; for example, an effective English personal statement would touch on multiple genres and time periods.

Structure Your Statement Logically

Organize the personal statement in a clear and coherent manner. Whether by following a narrative or by breaking down specific interest points in the course in each paragraph, structure is key. Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader and sets the tone for the rest of the statement. Follow with paragraphs that flow logically, with the concluding line of each paragraph setting up the next. Conclude with a strong summary that not only reaffirms your suitability for the course, but leaves the tutor wanting to discuss your ideas further.

Show Your Personality

Some flair can go a long way, given it’s not overdone. Admissions tutors read countless statements, and injecting your unique voice helps you stand out. Using flair in your writing captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. However, strike a balance between creativity and clarity, ensuring your message remains focused. Use a mix of vivid language, compelling anecdotes, and perhaps even a thought-provoking metaphor to bring your experiences to life. Show your intellectual curiosity and critical thinking through well-crafted arguments and insightful observations. The goal is to demonstrate your ability to think independently, communicate effectively, and contribute something substantial. In that vein, infuse the personal statement with your own distinct style. Finally, while it's important to present your best self in your personal statement, remember to stay true to your own voice and experiences. Avoid exaggerations or embellishments that may come across as inauthentic.

Pay Attention to Detail and Language

Ensure your personal statement is free from grammatical errors, typos, and awkward phrasing. Review and edit your statement multiple times, seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or family members. Use precise language to convey your ideas concisely and effectively. Avoid unnecessary jargon or clichés , opting for clear and concise sentences that demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively.

Reflect on Relevant Experiences

Reflect on any work experience, internships, or other activities that have shaped your academic development. Focus on experiences that directly relate to your chosen course and discuss the impact these had on your understanding of the subject and your commitment to pursuing it further at university. For example, if you’re applying to study History of Art at Cambridge, your internship last summer at an art gallery would be worth mentioning.

Highlight Your ‘Unrelated’ Interests and Hobbies

It can be helpful to mention your personal interests and hobbies outside of academia. Oxbridge looks for well-rounded individuals who can contribute to the wider university community. Discuss your participation in sports, arts, music, or community service, emphasizing the skills and qualities you have developed through these activities, such as discipline, creativity, or empathy. Ideally, these should be transferable skills that could be applied in university life. Word of warning: according to Oxford, only about 20% of the personal statement should revolve around activities unrelated to your choice of course. Do not let this section of the statement dilute your focus.

Redraft the Work

Allowing time for redrafting is key. Through multiple revisions, you can hone ideas, refine language, and ensure coherence and clarity. Redrafting allows for critical evaluation and improvement, enhancing the statement's impact, persuasiveness, and alignment with the rigorous standards of Oxbridge admissions. Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or advisors who can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Consider their feedback carefully and make appropriate revisions. Polish your personal statement until it is concise, engaging, and reflective of your true potential. Take the time to ensure it represents you in the best possible light.

Be Passionate

Tutors can smell passion. Bringing energy and life into your writing is hard, but can be managed by grounding yourself in facts, while simultaneously expanding the horizons of your vision. The application should explain why they find the subject fascinating and what motivates them to study it at a higher level. Illustrating enthusiasm through specific examples is central. Genuine enthusiasm shines through your words, making your statement compelling and memorable. Passion not only showcases your dedication, but demonstrates your ability to go the extra mile.

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Top 10 Tips for an Oxbridge Personal Statement

1. make it personal.

University admissions tutors go through hundreds of Personal Statements every year. Especially at Oxbridge, where there are usually over 10 applicants per place! Applications, from the university’s perspective, are a long process involving thousands of applicants so it’s important that you use your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out and be remembered. They will likely make a decision about whether you will be further considered for admission long before they’ve finished reading. Therefore, you need to make sure to capture their attention quickly.

Have you done any relevant work experience, or perhaps a research project? Put that near the top of your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out straight away.  Look online for example Oxbridge Personal Statements for your chosen course to get ideas, but make sure not to plagiarise! All UCAS Personal Statements are checked for plagiarism against all other Personal Statements.

2. Don’t talk about your A levels

Further to the last point, don’t spend a lot of time talking about your A levels. Almost everyone has done them, and you want to give Oxford or Cambridge a reason to choose YOU and not someone else. You have a limited number of characters in which to show them why, so use that space to talk about things unique to you. Keep reading for ideas about what you should put instead.

3. Read around your subject

Books you’ve read are a great way to both show your interest in the subject and stand out from everyone else on your personal statement. Remember that if you go to Oxbridge, you might even meet the person who wrote the book you read, or someone who worked with them. Make sure to discuss an idea from the book you found interesting or surprising, and why the book was important to you to show that you’ve really learnt from it.

4. Ask for feedback

A great way to improve your Oxbridge Personal Statement is to ask for feedback from your teachers and friends. It’s easy to miss spelling and grammar mistakes, and it can be very useful to get a second opinion about vocabulary and sentence structure. Your Oxbridge Personal Statement will likely have sentences that are phrased awkwardly and it will be difficult for you to notice it and think of anything else to say when it’s something you’ve written yourself.

Therefore asking someone else is an important tool, make sure to ask someone with experience in your subject to make sure all the specifics are correct, your school teacher for the chosen subject or any family/friends who studied a similar subject at University.

5. But not from too many people

Although the last point still stands, you don’t want to ask too many people for advice. How can this be? They will all have their own ideas, and although most of them will be good, hearing a lot of conflicting suggestions will confuse you and make you doubt yourself. The truth is that there is no perfect Oxbridge Personal Statement, but there are a lot of great ones. Whilst external opinions are valuable, ensure that they don’t take away from what is YOUR piece of work. Ultimately, your Oxbridge Personal Statement should capture who you are and not anyone else!

6. It will take more than one draft

It may seem like you could get your Oxbridge Personal Statement done in one night. After all, it’s only 4000 characters or about 600-800 words. However, if you think this then you’re in for a rude awakening! Take it from us, first, you’ll feel like you’ve got nothing to write, then it will start pouring out and very soon you’ll have far too much and you’ll have to get rid of whole sections. After that comes vocabulary. “If I can just rephrase this, I can make it 5 characters shorter”, you’ll think to yourself.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Then you’ll show it to your teacher and she’ll tell you to include another point in there. It can feel like it never ends, but you have to finish it at some point – again you need to find a balance. Don’t rush it – you have until October for Oxbridge/medicine applications and until January for other applications. This gives you plenty of time to make the best Personal Statement you can. If you’re really stuck for something to improve, come back the next day with a fresh set of eyes, or ask a  friend or teacher to read it.

7. Show, don’t tell

Imagine someone told you that they are the best mathematician ever. You wouldn’t believe them at first; you might ask them some maths questions, what qualifications they have etc. In the same way, universities won’t believe you if you just say how good a candidate you are; you need to show them. For example, don’t say that you’re passionate about your subject. Instead, tell them what books you’ve read about or online courses or extracurricular projects you’ve done.

Don’t just say that you’re organised, tell them about some work experience you’ve done and show them how you used your organizational skills to do it. Never say anything you can’t back up. If you don’t think you’ve got anything like this to say, it’s not too late to start. Go and do some work experience or read a book before you have to submit your Oxbridge Personal Statement . Self-reflection is key so learn how to do it effectively and efficiently.

8. Make it relevant to your chosen course

For everything you say about yourself, try to show why it will make you a good candidate for the course you are applying to. Obviously, don’t go too far with this. There are some skills, such as intelligence, that are just generally good and you don’t have to say why they’re good for a specific course. However, if you apply to something with a high workload like medicine it may be good to show how you’re good at time management, and if you apply to something with a lot of problem-solving like STEM then it may be good to show that you have problem-solving ability.

This is also a good way to plug up any gaps left by your A levels. If, for example, you are applying for a course with a creative element and your A levels don’t include a lot of creativity then talk about a hobby you do and how you use creativity to do it.

9. Get it done early

The Oxbridge Personal Statement is the first step in your application, and it will require your best work. As such, it’s vital to give yourself plenty of time to come up with all the best things about yourself to write and to make improvements. Start it with plenty of time to spare so you don’t have to rush, and don’t let it take up all your time when you have important studying to do.

10. Submit it and move on

When you’ve dotted every i and crossed every t, checked all your spelling and vocabulary, and asked your friends, your teachers, the postman and his dog to read your Oxbridge Personal Statement, you still may feel like there’s more you can improve. You have to ignore this feeling. If you’ve done all you can and followed all the tips in this article then your time will be better spent studying to ace your admissions test, and make sure you keep up with your A levels!

Getting your Oxbridge Personal Statement in nice and early also shows the university that you’re well prepared. We will admit, the waiting for a response can be the hardest part, but it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and the Personal Statement is only the first hurdle.

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12 Personal Statement FAQs and answers!

There is often a large amount of confusion surrounding how to write personal statements, especially when it comes to oxford and cambridge and other top research universities., every year, we have thousands of students ask us what qualities go into making a successful personal statement., to help, we have broken down this question into 12 of the most frequently asked questions our prospective students ask when they are trying to draft their personal statements., 1. how do i write the introduction.

Introductions are often disappointingly generic. To help you achieve more specificity and concision, the best way to write a good personal statement introduction is to complete the rest of it first. When you are getting started on the first draft, it can be overwhelming to begin at a blank page, but discussing your achievements and interests – relevant to the courses and universities you are applying to – can help you clarify what your motivation to study the subject really is. Then you can come back and explain the reasons behind your passion for Mathematics, Anglo Saxon literature or your subject of choice.

2. How many books should I talk about?

This question can be answered in various ways depending on the subject you intend to study. Clinical scientific subjects will not require many book mentions, however, Arts and Humanities personal statements for Oxbridge see a great benefit from discussing at least two books in detail, with further reading mentioned.

It’s also important to remember that academic sources shouldn’t be only limited to books. A well-rounded personal statement discusses specific theories, touches on lectures you have attended or essays and articles you have read to gain a better understanding of specific academic points rather than a general discussion. One of the biggest pitfalls students fall into when drafting Oxbridge personal statements is getting stuck waffling about general points around a subject of interest. To avoid getting stuck in general chatter, try to use only specific examples in your personal statement.

Centrally, admissions tutors want to see that you know you are getting yourself in for. Only reading a couple of books from their introductory list will therefore not tantalise them; try to follow your interests in a bit more depth and look at readings and ideas which are representative of degree level material.

3. What do I do if I have no work experience?

Referencing work experience in your personal statement is dependent on the subject you intend to study. A rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether you think an academic in the faculty you are applying to will think your work experience was relevant for the course. If you are applying to study History, for example, your two-weeks at an accounting or law firm organising files will be of little interest.

For Medicine, work experience is integral not only to the application process but will help build a strong personal statement. When applying to a vocational subject such as Medicine, where possible you should always ensure you are able to reference at least one work experience placement held. If you don’t have any work experience and your personal statement is due, make sure to arrange some and refer to this in the future tense in your personal statement when talking about your upcoming placement.

Work experience can also be useful for other more vocation-leaning subjects, such as architecture and engineering. More widely, doing work experience is extremely useful to help you begin thinking about what you might want to do with your career, and can build highly useful skills, but, unless it is relevant to the course content, it is unlikely to proffer you any credit for university admission.

4. How long should I talk about extra-curricular activities?

Leading research universities are looking for your potential to succeed on the course you are applying for. Nevertheless, two applicants who seem academically matched might be distinguished from each other by their ability to balance their time with several other things. Do include what you do outside of academia, then, but keep non-relevant activities mentioned to a minimum rather than an exhaustive list. This might mean sacrificing some of the things you do outside of your course and focus on those few things you do most often, or to the highest level. (N.B. Your reference might be able to discuss some of your extra-curricular activities too, and you don’t want to overlap this material).

What you do mention, try to link to your subject. This might be easy, as with an English literature student who has directed lots of theatre, or less easy, such as a maths applicant who plays the violin to a high level. Nevertheless, making these links convincingly can bring originality and creativity to your statement.

5. How can I tailor it for different courses?

Subjects like HSPS at Cambridge or Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Oxford might make it tricky to tailor your statement for different courses. Oxford and Cambridge are very understanding of this, and specific guidance can usually be found on faculty websites about their expectations.

However, as a rule of thumb, focus on the areas of convergence between the courses you are applying for. If these differ in title, then avoid stating the title of the course in your statement and instead refer to the disciplinary area or focus instead. This involves: a) making sure the courses you are applying for are sufficiently similar to give you a chance of doing this, and b) doing your research on the course content and options so that you are covering the appropriate material.

This research stands even if you are applying for the same titled course everywhere. English, for example, is taught very differently at Oxford to Bristol, and focusing on an interest which does not feature in either course will result in your application being put aside.

Doing this research early can also help you to direct your reading and research to build material for your personal statement which speaks to all your choices.

6. How should I talk about my other A-level subjects?

Lots of students are told to discuss the skills they have gathered from their A Level subjects, but we caution around this; your UCAS application includes a full list of A-Level subjects studied, and your school reference will discuss your A-Level abilities. Talking about the time management or analytical skills you gained from studying history, and the logical skills you gained from physics, can therefore come across as ‘fodder’ which could have already been inferred.

You can, however, talk about how other subjects provide further insight into the course or subject you’d like to study. For example, students who have taken Classics that intend to study English Literature at university can talk about translating texts, such as the Aeneid, and how this helped gain a greater understanding of classical influence in modern English Literature. As with the whole statement, the more specific you can make this, the better.

7. How long should it be?

This is an easy one. Your personal statement should be at most, 4,000 characters or 47 lines, whichever you meet first. Although it can be shorter, we strongly recommend taking full advantage of the available space. Ideally, you want your first draft to be much longer so you can cut down and edit your personal statement to be shorter, rather than using general waffle or struggling to fill the space.

Cutting it down is usually relatively easy, but it might take an outside eye to see the ‘wood from the trees’. Any non-relevant, generic material, anything which is likely to be in many other statements, and frilly, decorative language or repetition can all be chopped down.

If you find you are struggling to reach 4,000 characters or 47 lines, you probably need to revisit the body of your personal statement and discuss more subject-specific content. You may, alternatively, need to go back to the research and reading phase of writing.

8. What formatting should I use?

The final version of your personal statement will be submitted in a digital form with no formatting options, so there is no need to worry about formatting. That means you won’t have to decide what font or colour to use and there is no need for styles such as bold or italics. If you do include these, they won’t appear in the submitted version.

Your school should already have discussed best practice for writing your personal statement but as a reminder – do not write your statement draft in the real form! As with any content that is going to be submitted digitally, you should write it in a word document first (Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Pages, etc) where you can save a copy locally to your computer (and back-up regularly). This way, you can avoid the devastating loss of your best statement draft due to an accidental refresh or the internet dropping out.

9. How many paragraphs should it be?

There is no set-in-stone rule for the number of paragraphs but generally, a well-structured personal statement will be broken up into five or six paragraphs and be easy to read. Admissions tutors will need to comprehend your statement very quickly, so structure with this in mind.

A frequently-successful structure follows this pattern: an introduction, two to three course/subject-specific main paragraphs, a penultimate paragraph detailing your extracurricular activities, and then a final summary paragraph. The final two paragraphs are sometimes pushed together to form one.

10. Will they find out if I slightly…exaggerate my talents?

Yes! Your personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge should be considered a springboard for your interview and you could and should expect to be questioned about any single detail of it. At Oxbridge Applications, every year, we have students that approach us in January who are upset that their Admissions Tutor spent 20 minutes focused on a certain author when “I only mentioned that book briefly as a side note”.

However, you DON’T need to be an expert, or even particularly knowledgeable, about a particular idea or author to mention it in your statement. If you are questioned about an aspect of an author’s work you have mentioned which you are unsure about, then be intellectually honest and say so, but try your best to have a go given what you already know about them or similar authors/ideas.

This is not only the case for authors/books mentioned, but also if you put forward a highly ambitious or critical view in your statement. If you want to argue that Marx was totally wrong, then you better be ready to defend your view in a nuanced way. The bottom line is: stay intellectually honest and err on the side of modesty; academics tend to become less rather than more sure about the ‘truth’ the further they delve into their subject matter.

11. How many teachers should check my personal statement?

Preferably, you will get your drafted personal statement checked by at last two of your teachers or guidance advisers. One should be subject-specific who can check over the content of your paragraphs and the other can be from a different department to provide feedback on grammatical accuracy and quality of the statement.

Getting guidance from second and third parties can be useful ensure you retain editorial control, and that your voice and taste runs through the statement. If you try to include everyone’s different opinion, you can quickly end up with a jumbled statement that no longer reflects on you and your communication style and strengths.

Make sure you leave plenty of time between completing your first draft and the Oxbridge personal statement deadline ensuring you have time for others to check it over and you can make changes as necessary.

12. Should I start my personal statement with a quote?

‘Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.’ Oscar Wilde.

How much have you learned about me from reading Wilde’s words?

Quotes are used each year by applicants who end up getting offers from top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. It’s not necessarily going to bring your application to an end. Quotes are also awarded marks in certain A Level subjects, if you have taken the time to remember them and give them a bit of context.

However, your personal statement gives admissions tutors the chance to hear your voice, and to get a sense of what you might be like as a student on their course. By definition , using a quote – i.e. someone else’s words – is not personal. It is therefore preferable to avoid using a quote unless it’s absolutely essential. Using a quote doesn’t make YOU sound more interesting.

Before you decide to use a quote, think long and hard. If you would really like to use a quote, try to make it as pithy and concise as possible, and make sure it elevates and builds on what you are saying; that it expresses something you couldn’t have otherwise expressed on your own. (Also, by ‘quote’, we are not talking about specific concepts or theories – these are absolutely fine to include.)

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Successful Personal Statement For Psychology At Oxford

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Psychology applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Psychology Course at Oxford is a scientific discipline, involving the rigorous formulation and testing of ideas. It works through experiments and systematic observation rather than introspection.

Read on to see how this candidate demonstrates their academic interests and initiative.   

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant uses most of the 4,000 characters available):


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Oxbridge Psychology comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

With our  Oxbridge Psychology Premium Programme, your tutor will give you regular actionable feedback with insider tips on how to improve and make your Personal Statement Oxbridge quality for the best chances of success.  

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Psychology Personal Statement

How does the mind work? The mind is a mystery housed within the most complex mechanism known to man: the human brain. My innate curiosity compels me to find out more about such a mystery through the study of Psychology.

I have long been interested in how our minds differ: for example, why have I always been a strong mathematician while my brother finds it challenging? Being a musician, I found Kathryn Vaughn’s research supporting a correlation between musical and mathematical abilities particularly thought provoking, while I have also wondered whether my childhood obsession with jigsaws helped me develop problem-solving skills, which are particularly relevant in Geometry: the area with the biggest rift in our abilities. Ann Dowker’s argument, in ‘Individual Differences’, that educational methods influence such differences was also particularly compelling. Therefore, in my gap year, whilst helping struggling learners in KS3 Mathematics at a local school, and, when I help educate children in Tanzania as an International Citizen Service volunteer with the VSO charity, I will evaluate the success of different educational methods. This will give me experience of carrying out my own research, and, will develop skills such as empathy, which is important in the more sensitive areas of Psychology. Furthermore, I recently assisted a University of Oxford researcher conducting follow-up assessments with children in local primary schools. These measured reading-age, language comprehension and numeracy level, and are used to gauge and refine the Catch-Up charity’s numeracy intervention programme. As some of the children being assessed were from a control group, my involvement also enlightened me to ethical aspects of research.

Differences that occur in the criminal mind are also of great interest to me. As an elected Student Ambassador for the Holocaust Educational Trust, I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau earlier this year, where I learnt about Rudolf Hoess. Hoess exterminated thousands of families, yet lived with his own family just outside the camp. This ignited an interest in complex behaviour; therefore I read Stanley Milgram’s research into whether ‘the Germans are different’, and learnt about his Theory of Obedience. This developed an interest in Forensic Psychology, and I subsequently attended a Forensics course at Nottingham University, where I learnt about a Forensic Psychologist’s role, during Mental Health tribunals, for example.

Deterioration of the mind, and methods to counteract this, also interest me. Reading the Psychologist has given me an insight into how the effectiveness of such methods could be analysed using a high-resolution 3D brain atlas; while a presentation from Claire Rytina enlightened me to useful cognitive treatment designed to rebuild and retrieve memory following her Viral Encephalitis. I have also voluntarily worked at a Nursing Home with some Dementia sufferers, and noticed that many sufferers enjoyed me playing music from their past, and sometimes, this triggered some of their memories. This made me wonder whether the music stimulated neurones which had lain dormant for years, similarly to when neurones are used for the first time, as Hubel and Weisel’s nature/nurture research has shown. Studying this in A level Biology gave me an interest in neuroscience, while Biology also stressed the importance of controls and fair tests, which are invaluable during Psychology experiments too. My mathematical skills in statistics will also be beneficial when analysing empirical evidence; and, the deep level of analysis and evaluation used for varying sources in A level History will be useful when studying case studies, while my essay techniques will help me when writing reports, and when considering issues from different perspectives.

Overall, I feel that my broad interests and skills will enable me to thrive as a Psychology student at a demanding University, where I would also make a positive contribution to University life.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This statement is powered by a broad range of academic interests — all of which the candidate has explored to a deep and commendable level. They are able to articulate how these interests came about, why they are important and how they intersect. In so doing, the candidate clearly demonstrates their ability to think independently, undertake independent projects and foster a wide-ranging curiosity. Furthermore, they clearly illustrate how their academic interests have had a bearing on their actions outside of the classroom; activities that require a substantial amount of initiative and endeavour.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

While the consideration of a range of different areas of psychology is illustrative of a consistently curious individual, this statement would have benefited from greater cohesion as an overall piece. The candidate could have also found a less rhetorical way of opening their statement; their tone at this point is not a mode of speech that they return to elsewhere, and as such, it seems somewhat like a non-sequitur. Their prose thereafter is much more engaging, and it seems unfulfilling and irrelevant to include such mystifying text at the start.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This candidate maturely presents their academic interests and particular areas of personal pursuit. As a result of this, they are able to demonstrate moments at which they have taken impressive amounts of initiative, and have really gone out of their way in order to experience their academic interests outside of the classroom. They are thereby able to fashion themselves as a curious, energetic, academic individual, who is able to think independently and develop their own work. There are potential areas for stylistic improvement within the statement, but they do not hinder the overall impression given of a capable and committed candidate.

This Personal Statement for Psychology is a great example of demonstrating academic interest and initiative. The candidate’s interest and passion are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

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Example UCAS personal statements

This is a real example of a UCAS personal statement from a student who went on to read engineering at Cambridge

My interest in Engineering stems from a careers event at the remarkable National Physical Laboratory; here my aim to pursue a Maths and Physics related degree formed. Although they are my favourite and strongest subjects at school, I am often left keen to discover their practical applications. Engineering strikes me as the perfect way to relate exciting theories to real-world problems, giving science context.

As President of my school's Natural Sciences Society, I deliver presentations and organise talks where guest speakers discuss a wide range of topics, from 'Angular Momentum' to 'Solar Energy'. One speech on aero-engines taught me about the challenges of refining aeronautical engine efficiency. Fascinated by the notion of flight, I researched the topic in depth and wrote an article on how bumblebees fly, published in our Society Journal. Over the course of this activity, I encountered concepts such as biomechanics and aerodynamic stall, the latter of which became the subject of further personal research and another article in St Olave's Engineering Society Journal.

I enjoy problem-solving, taking an active interest in programming. I have independently completed two courses in Python, which have helped me develop the logical yet creative thought-process needed to write and debug code. They provided knowledge of Python types and structures, then moved on to object-oriented programming, algorithmic complexity and stochastic processes. The content learnt was regularly applied to the creation of games and tasks, to ensure I received a well-grounded and useful background in the language.

I was fortunate enough to gain industry experience at BAE Systems, where I led one of six teams in designing an F46 Blacksabre integrated cockpit. I gained a great appreciation for the importance of collaboration and composure as we dealt with the components' technical problems and logistical issues within the strict deadline. Following our written report and formal presentation, we were chosen as the successful contractors. I was proud to receive the prize for best individual performance during the week.

An Aerospace Headstart course furthered my teamwork skills, where we made a glider wing. Our design involved a tightly bound paper skin on a cambered aerofoil structure with a single I-beam slat, minimal ribs to lower weight and a sanded leading edge to smoothen airflow. This led us to achieve the best lift/drag ratio out of eight groups. Not only did I gain a solid foundation in aerodynamics, but I became better prepared for the intensiveness of project work, given we had just two hours to plan and make the entire model.

I have always been transfixed by the idea of reproducing science fiction; for my EPQ I explored the viability of creating the suit of Marvel superhero Falcon, including the performance of carbon nanofibre wings, the material giving them morphing and bulletproof capabilities, and how best to use turbojet engines to generate enough thrust. I also analysed the integration of these features with weapons and displays to create a fully functioning suit-system. The project cemented my impression that Engineering weaves together many areas of science to create something entirely new, a notion that greatly appeals to me.

Alongside my studies, I enjoy volunteering for the ESU, where I judge competitions at a regional level, and at a local nursing home, organising resident activities. I mentor students in KS3 Maths and am also a keen musician, obtaining Distinctions in Grade 8 piano and Grade 7 flute. Having an extensive extracurricular life both in school and out reflects my organisational talent and effective time management.

I believe my consistently high performance in A-Levels and academic competitions shows my potential to excel in this course. The world will always encounter problems, and will always require engineers to solve them. Studying Engineering at the highest level would give me the chance to help shape our future.

Graduate entry medicine UCAS form

Since graduating from xxxxx [blanked out for confidentiality] in 2003 with a 2:1 in mathematics, I have established myself as a researcher in the Institute for [xxxblanked out for confidentialyxx]. I specialise in developing mathematical models to aid our understanding of xxxxx [ blanked out for confidentiality]. When I first joined the institute I worked on a project to quantify the risk to humans from ... [xxblanked out for confidentiality xxx] and evaluate the risk reduction that could be achieved by different control strategies. I was asked to present this work to the Food Standards Agency and my findings were used to inform their policy decisions. For the past four years I have been working towards a PhD and, having recently submitted my thesis, I am now awaiting my viva. My thesis focuses on understanding how [xxxblanked out for confidentiality xx]. I have given talks on my research at four international conferences and I have published two papers. In addition, I have written a chapter for a book on [xxxblanked out for confidentiality xx] and I am a named author on two other publications.

Although I enjoy academic work, I have always felt that I would prefer a career where I can interact closely with people and where I can be of help in a more immediate way. In this sense medicine is a natural progression for me. Last year I spent a week shadowing a team of doctors and nurses who specialise in vascular medicine. I visited the ward, the outpatient clinic and the theatre. The experience was a fascinating insight into life in hospital and one that I enjoyed immensely. It has confirmed my commitment to a career in medicine. I used it as an opportunity to learn about the responsibilities of the different team members and about the high element of teamwork involved in medicine. My research involves collaboration with other scientists - including several clinicians - and I enjoy discussing ideas amongst a team and learning from others.

My time in hospital gave me a flavour of the rewards and challenges that a medical career offers. It highlighted that certain fields can be continuously stressful and that time management skills are crucial. The importance of leadership skills and a commitment to administration was also evident. I am confident that I could thrive in this environment. One of my interests is rock climbing and this has taught me how to make rational decisions whilst under pressure. In my free time I also run a badminton club and I am self-employed as a property manager. I would relish the opportunity to redirect the organisational skills that I have acquired from these experiences towards a career as a clinician.

During my placement in hospital, it gave me great pleasure to talk to patients about their experiences and to practise my bedside manner. My skills were later put to the test when I spent two weeks accompanying doctors who were treating HIV patients in The Gambia. Because of the language barrier, I quickly learned about the contribution that body language plays in portraying empathy towards patients. My involvement in charity work has also enabled me to improve my interpersonal skills. As an undergraduate, I was part of a group that took underprivileged children on summer holidays. Some of the children had special needs and the trips were often quite challenging. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the experience and I found it incredibly rewarding. Analysing my motivation to study medicine from a more personal perspective, the chance to help patients in a more direct way than would be possible from a research position is something that would be deeply fulfilling.

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Oxford University Personal Statements

We hope our collection of oxford university personal statements provides inspiration for writing your own. please do not plagiarise them in any way, or ucas will penalise your application. our  personal statement editing & review services  are availble if you feel you need a little extra help..

History Personal Statement Example 3 Recently, I found out that my grandma was gambled into slavery for seven years. She escaped her prison and made her way back to Hong Kong, 300 miles south. I was amazed at how courageous she was. This personal discovery led me to read Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans' which made me both proud and ashamed of my heritage...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 4 I find it amazing to watch as the digital revolution sculpts society at a rate that has never before been seen; there is so much to still be discovered. Quantum computing is a topic that particularly interests me, stemming from my studies and keen interest in physics...

Economics and PPE Personal Statement Example My aspiration to study economics at both advanced and degree level has stemmed from my lasting interest in current affairs and world development. These issues require an application of economics in real-life situations and can be related to many diverse subjects such as politics, philosophy and psychology...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 1 When I saw Gatz, John Collin's eight hour interpretation of The Great Gatsby, I noticed that Fitzgerald changes the colour of Daisy's hair every time he describes it. It is "like a dash of blue paint", "yellowy" like her daughters and then "dark, shining"...

Geography Personal Statement Example 2 In a dynamic world, the study of geography is increasingly important. The diversity of the subject and the interaction between the physical environment and human population is becoming even more evident with climate change and globalisation influencing our everyday lives...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 11 “If she’s smart she will study Medicine.” This is an unwritten rule in my culture - all Nigerian parents want their children to become doctors. What becomes of the aspiring psychologist in the family? I met a junior doctor, at an educational conference, who wanted to specialise in psychiatry...

History Personal Statement Example 13 Until I began my A-levels last September, I had never been to school or followed a formal syllabus. My parents homeschooled me. They guided, encouraged, and fed my interests with books, documentaries and discussions...

Natural and Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example Experiencing first-hand life as a human in the natural world, I have the authority to confirm that regardless of previous knowledge, unexplained phenomena still exist. As a scientist, I adore observing the unknown, analysing the known and making decisions accordingly...

English Personal Statement Example 22 What I enjoy above all else in a piece of literature is the feeling that it has brought about change, either in me or in some wider context. Literature which offers the opportunity for an adapted way of living or thinking, however slight, is I think a thing to be kept and treasured in our intellects...

English Literature and Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1 I once aspired to be a visual artist, a photographer or painter. However, I later discovered the unique ability of poetry and the written word to maintain its power and resonance in a world saturated with images and messages...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 45 Advances in computer and information technology over the past few decades have brought about revolution in science, medicine, education, business, and entertainment. I wish to be part of the future revolution and that is why I want to study computer science...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 16 I believe that to read English is to read the human being itself: after all, we are all writers. Even in the very act of choosing our words - thinking them, speaking them, physically writing them down - we create something meaningful...

Human Sciences Personal Statement Example Perhaps what makes me different from other University applicants is that I have ambition to understand multidimensional human life. It is not the appeal of a top qualification or the zesty student lifestyle that attracts me to this course; but it is the long-term knowledge and answers to interdisciplinary human problems, and the enigmas that I will commit a lifetime investigating with perhaps no solution, that inspires me to apply...

Engineering Personal Statement Example 19 Physics is that branch of science without which science is just like a beautiful lamp with no light. For centuries, mathematicians and physicists have made plenty of scientific contributions thus helping the world make a better place to live...

History (Ancient and Modern) Personal Statement Example 1 It is those things we don’t yet know or understand that make history a fascinating, intellectual puzzle. We know a remarkable amount about history and the development of society but new archaeological discoveries, the dedicated efforts of historians, translators and other academics and advancements in areas such as archaeometry mean that the body of historical information is still expanding...

Archaeology and Anthropology Personal Statement Example 2 As an immigrant living in Spain, I am constantly reminded of the importance social and cultural factors have on my daily life, the language I speak, and the difference between the relationships I maintain with people from my own country and those I encounter here on a daily basis...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 49 My views about computing changed considerably when I heard about Linux. In the late nineties it was a newer operating system and tasks like installing and configuring were considered to be quite challenging in India...

Law Personal Statement Example 70 Law is ever changing, whether parliament is passing new legislation, existing legislation is being rewritten or the courts are interpreting laws in different ways. In the case of Anthony Bland the distinguishing of earlier precedents was vital...

History and English Personal Statement Example Studying history and English concurrently has appealed to me ever since I recognised the inseparability of the two disciplines closest to my heart. Personally, I believe that the literary style of a piece of writing is as important as scholarly research and I try to make my essays as lively as possible whilst still grounded in solid historical or literary method, dulce et utile, following the example of writers such as Richard J Evans...

Economics and Management Personal Statement Example 2 My interest in Economics goes beyond an appreciation of statistics and profit margins. In my mind, economics represents the relationship between people and their money – a relationship that dates back to the history of mankind...

German Personal Statement Example 7 The study of language has always been appealing and is the focus of much of my time and energy, but the study of the German language is what mesmerises me most. Before understanding German I was first intrigued by its sound, and as I began to learn it, I became fascinated by its complexity...

Economics Personal Statement Example 30 The ever-changing nature of the human science intrigues me. Newton’s laws of motion will never change, from wherever ‘the ball is dropped’. However, different strategies and policies have to be framed and implemented for each economic problem...

Mathematics & Computer Science Personal Statement Example I have found mathematics a fascinating subject since my early years. I enjoy it as it is challenging and logical. I am particularly interested in decision mathematics as it is a field that is directly related to real-life applications of mathematics and can be used to solve problems, such as finding the optimal solution for transporting materials from one place to another while minimising the cost...

Physics Personal Statement Example 15 I have always been intrigued by the world of physics. From everyday experiences to the most extreme boundaries of today's knowledge, I have always voraciously searched for answers to my questions. As I grew up, the elegance of mathematical demonstrations and of physical theorems fascinated me, and I have often dreamt of making contributions to the unification theory and of improving and simplifying the Navier-Stokes equations...

Electrical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2 The defining wonder of today’s age is electricity. In just two centuries, we have come from Faraday’s crude but prophetic experiments to devices just a square inch that can calculate in seconds what the most gifted of human minds might take days...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 70 The challenge of spending my working life immersed in the fascinating, ever-evolving world of the medical sciences, and the opportunity to use this knowledge to benefit others, has drawn me to seek a career in medicine...

Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) Personal Statement Example 3 In this day and age virtually every aspect of our lives may be considered political. My passion to study Politics stems from this tenet and a belief that a comprehension of Politics is integral to understanding the current state of humanity...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example 18 Chemistry explores the properties of all matter and energy in our universe, which eventually leads to breakthroughs that benefit mankind, ranging from how to prevent food from decomposing to understanding what chemicals can help or harm you...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example (Mature Student) Since leaving education in 2006 I have always wanted to return; a great love of learning, desire for knowledge and natural curiosity throughout my life resulted in an ambition to teach. It was with this ambition in my heart that I took the plunge and returned to education, beginning my Access course last year with the intention of applying to study for a primary education degree...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 17 My decision to study engineering stems from a desire to contribute to the evolution of society through a process that does not just define our environment but our era. My personal inspiration is the Segovia aqueduct, an 800m long, 30 metre high Roman marvel which still stands today...

Ancient and Modern History Personal Statement Example 1 What makes history engaging and interesting to me is its interdisciplinary nature and its ability to take you on a journey to the discovery of humanity's past. History has been a constant source of captivation for me, from studying the mythology of Ancient Greece in primary school through to the study of the Russian Revolution at A Level...

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  1. Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

    Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2. The means of practical applications of pure sciences is at the heart of my interests in pursuing a degree in engineering. History Personal Statement Example 13. Until I began my A-levels last September, I had never been to school or followed a formal syllabus.

  2. Successful Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

    Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples. 25 Dec,2022 Alan Withworth. Check out our successful Oxbridge personal statement examples below. You will find a collection of standout personal statements that have helped students gain admission to the prestigious universities of Oxford and Cambridge. These Oxbridge personal statement examples can serve ...

  3. How to Write an Oxbridge Personal Statement (With Examples)

    So, the template below will enable you to create the perfect personal template: Paragraph 1 - Discuss why you want to study the course by including a story or reasons why. Paragraph 2 - Talk about your work experience and qualifications as well as any certifications you might have that relate to the course.

  4. Our 10 Top Tips for Writing a Standout Oxbridge Personal Statement to

    Oxbridge Personal Statement 101: Top Tips for Writing by Oxbridge Graduates. You've sat your exams, chosen your top 5 Universities to apply to, you've registered with UCAS. ... Personal Statement Introduction Example Structure: 'My interest/curiosity in materials science first emerged following XYZ. This led me to pursue further research ...

  5. How to Write the Perfect Oxbridge Personal Statement

    Strategies for Writing a Standout Oxbridge Personal Statement. Start with a Captivating Introduction: Engage the reader from the outset. Whether it's a thought-provoking quote, a personal anecdote, or a bold statement related to your chosen field, make sure your introduction is memorable and reflects your genuine enthusiasm for the subject.

  6. Oxbridge Personal Statements: A Complete Teacher's Guide

    The best way you can support your applicants in their Oxbridge Personal Statements is to provide detailed, actionable feedback to the drafts that they present to you. Therefore, we're now going to take a look at an example Personal Statement, complete with some example teacher feedback. The statement that has been written is not of the ...

  7. How To Write An Oxbridge Personal Statement

    The first draft of the personal statement should be completed by the end of summer holiday between Year 12 and 13, which means any extra reading or work experience that a student may wish to include in it must be completed before this time. 2. Focus on your academic strengths. Prove your academic strength in your subject with examples of books ...

  8. How To Write An Oxbridge Personal Statement

    At Oxbridge, you will need good organisation skills to plan your time effectively around lectures, labs and leisure. This is important, so make sure you are not just name-dropping but giving a real review of what you think. An Oxbridge Personal Statement will be put to the test at an Interview. It is very likely that Admissions Tutors will want ...

  9. How to write a brilliant personal statement

    In your personal statement, it's beneficial to include; Any subject-related work experience you have completed or intend to carry out. Any courses or lectures you have attended that advanced your knowledge. Demonstrations of your interest extending beyond the classroom environment. A relevant list of book, articles and essays you have read.

  10. How to write the PERFECT Oxbridge Personal Statement

    5) ADOPT A SENSIBLE STRUCTURE. The personal statement doesn't give you many words to play with and it demands serious clarity of thought and structure. I'd suggest four to five main paragraphs that tell the story of your interest, each focusing on a main text or idea and what reflections you've had about it.

  11. How to write a great Oxbridge Personal Statement

    It is included as standard for Unifrog partner schools. Writing a great Personal Statement is a prime opportunity to showcase yourself and stand out from the crowd. What Oxbridge looks for is a little different from other universities, so here are some tips to help you write a standout Oxbridge Personal Statement. 1. Start Drafting Early.

  12. How to craft a winning personal statement for Oxbridge

    Don't worry: the personal statement isn't the make or break for Oxbridge applications. However, it is the only way of signaling personality and interests before the interview. In fact, it plays a large part in deciding whether or not an applicant will make it to the interview stage.

  13. Successful Personal Statement Oxford English Language And Literature

    We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you'll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. Download our FREE 80-page. Personal Statement starter guide.

  14. Top 10 Tips for an Oxbridge Personal Statement

    Put that near the top of your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out straight away. Look online for example Oxbridge Personal Statements for your chosen course to get ideas, but make sure not to plagiarise! All UCAS Personal Statements are checked for plagiarism against all other Personal Statements. 2. Don't talk about your A levels

  15. Oxbridge Personal Statement Guide

    Oxbridge Personal Statement Guide - Oxbridge Applications. MapOxbridge Applications, 14 - 16 Waterloo Place, London, SW1Y 4AR. TelephoneTel: +44 (0) 20 7499 2394. EmailEmail: [email protected]

  16. 12 Personal Statement FAQs and answers!

    If you would like to speak to one of our Oxbridge-graduate advisors about your own personal statement, contact our Oxbridge advising team on +44 (0)207499 2394, email at [email protected], or request a callback to discuss your situation.

  17. History and Politics Personal Statement Example (Oxbridge)

    History Personal Statement Example 39 Fuelled by an early fascination of conflicts, people and the way our world has been shaped, history has always been the natural choice for me. The ability to study history offers the opportunity to critically analyse and question particular perceptions of the past and to form an opinion that is not only ...

  18. Oxford History and Politics Model Personal Statement Exemplar ...

    Discover expert advice from successful Oxbridge applicants to write a flawless personal statement. Learn effective techniques to incorporate History and Politics seamlessly. Master concise, persuasive writing and enhance time management skills. Increase your chances of securing a place at Oxford or

  19. Successful Personal Statement For Psychology At Oxford

    We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you'll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. Download our FREE 80-page. Personal Statement starter guide.

  20. PDF A Guide to Personal Statements

    Keep it simple. Keep it short. (Tip 1: Leave it until last) (Tip 2: Draft 5 first sentences) "My first exposure to the concept of genetic disease was whilst doing work experience at a deaf school. I found it incredible that the assortment of four bases could have such a tangible effect on health and development.

  21. Law Personal Statement Example 115 (Russell Group/Oxbridge)

    Law Personal Statement Example 115 (Russell Group/Oxbridge) With a blindfold across her eyes, Lady Justice represents the objectivity of the justice system. In a generation where the gender pay gap persists and minorities face discrimination decades after the introduction of equalities legislation, I wonder whether perhaps an all-seeing symbol ...

  22. Example UCAS personal statements

    Example UCAS personal statements. This is a real example of a UCAS personal statement from a student who went on to read engineering at Cambridge. My interest in Engineering stems from a careers event at the remarkable National Physical Laboratory; here my aim to pursue a Maths and Physics related degree formed.

  23. Oxford University Personal Statements

    Oxford University Personal Statements. We hope our collection of Oxford University personal statements provides inspiration for writing your own. Please do not plagiarise them in any way, or UCAS will penalise your application. Our Personal Statement Editing & Review Services are availble if you feel you need a little extra help.