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Assignments are the occupations of the inhabitants of the Community . Assignments are designated when a member of the Community goes through their respective Ceremony of Twelve .

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  • 1.1 The Giver

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Claire is given the Assignment of Birthmother at the Ceremony of Twelve.

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  • Assignments are made by the Elders may be appealed by contacting them, who form a committee to discuss it. Committees typically take a large amount of time to decide so an appeal is considered to be impractical.

in the giver what assignment did asher get

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What Assignment did Asher get?

Jonas's friend Asher is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation.

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7 ways The Giver movie is different than the book

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Brenton Thwaites, Odeya Rush in 'The Giver.'

Screen adaptations of books never stick to the source material completely, and the big screen version of The Giver is no exception. W hile the story is very similar to the one Lois Lowry wrote in her award-winning novel, the differences between the two versions are noticeable. Here are 7 of them.

1) The film over-delivers on explanation

It's a bit unfair to start with this one because film, by virtue of its medium, cannot be as subtle as literature (for the most part). But one of the things I appreciate about Lowry's writing is that the mystery of Jonas's world is very slow to unfold. In the film, almost an entire third of Lowry's book happens on-screen within the first few scenes. Characters are developed very quickly, and, as a result, the film loses some of the uneasy ambiguity of the book. Granted, because films are limited by time, they have to be more fast-moving than books, which can take a few pages or even chapters to hint at one minor plot point.

2) On screen, Jonas is a (hunky) young man

In the book, much is made about characters' ages. In fact, in the world of The Giver , the calendar seems to center on a Ceremony which marks the aging of children from one year to the next. When the book opens, Jonas is about to become a Twelve, which means he will be given his community Assignment. Jonas' young age makes him the prefect protagonist for a story in which he discovers the depth of human emotion as he simultaneously expands his vocabulary. By making the movie Jonas slightly older — 16 years old — the film loses some of the innocent quality of the Lowry's hero. Still, it's worth noting that Brenton Thwaites does bring a youthful naivety and charm to the role, and so Lowry's vision remains largely intact.

3) Meryl Streep's character was a much smaller part of the book

Streep is absolute gold and her character was a great addition to the movie. But you should know that the character she's based on, the Chief Elder, isn't nearly as important a character in Lowry's novel.

4) Jonas doesn't kiss Fiona in the book

Unsurprisingly, the Jonas/Fiona relationship was given the Hollywood Young Adult Movie treatment. In the book, there are hints that Jonas does have strong but unexplained feelings toward Fiona (Odeya Rush) — the book calls the feelings "Stirrings." The fact that Jonas is able to "see beyond" the gray color of Fiona's hair to its original red also suggests that the two of them share a special bond. But in the book, he doesn't really act on his Stirrings toward Fiona, probably because, well, he's only a Twelve.

5) Fiona isn't assigned to be a Nurturer in the book

This one might not seem like it changes anything about the overall story, and I mostly agree. There is, however, one small part of me that wishes Hollywood would have kept its hands off Fiona's Assignment. In the book, the job Fiona ends up getting assigned to is something much less sexy than the job of taking care of babies. In Lowry's original story, Fiona is assigned to be a Caretaker of the Old.

That means the young Twelve is tasked with caring for the elderly of her society, with bathing them and helping make them as comfortable as possible just before they are euthanized, or "released." Obviously, it would have been difficult to show Fiona and Jonas bathing naked old people, and so it makes sense that this part was written out. At the same time, Lowry's novel stands as a warning to a society that seems to have a certain disregard for its elders, an element the film loses.

6) Asher isn't a pilot, and Jonas doesn't punch him

Again, this was a strategic change made to help with the momentum of the film adaptation. In the book, Asher (Cameron Monaghan) is assigned to be the Assistant Director of Recreation. On screen, he's made a Pilot, which helps add an additional layer of drama to the end of the film when Jonas flees from the authorities, and Asher is sent to search for him.

7) The film's ending is less ambiguous than the book's

Both versions of the story end with Jonas and Gabe sledding down a snowy mountain toward a home that the Giver had showed him in a previous memory. The way that the book ends makes it uncertain as to whether or not the two children actually make it to the abode. In the film, the last shot deliberately features Jonas, babe in tow, walking up to the snow-covered home. The variation between the two endings is slight, but it's worth noting that Lowry's final paragraphs probably had less appeal to producers than the one that ended up on the big screen.

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  1. What is Asher's assignment in The Giver?

    Expert Answers. Asher is assigned to be Assistant Director of Recreation. In the community, each child is given a job for life at the Ceremony of Twelve when they turn twelve years old. Jonas is ...

  2. Asher

    The Giver (2014) In The Giver (2014), Asher is portrayed by Cameron Monaghan, and the character's age is changed from 12 to 18. Asher's assignment is Drone Pilot instead of recreation director, which was never mentioned in the book. Asher helps Jonas with his escape, though in the book Jonas did everything on his own.

  3. The Giver Chapter 7 Summary & Analysis

    The Chief Elder begins to announce the Assignments for Twelves. When it is Asher's turn, the Chief Elder laughingly mentions language mistakes Asher made. She recalls when Asher was three and confused the words "snack" and "smack." To teach him the difference, he was smacked with the "discipline wand" when he asked for a smack instead of a snack.

  4. Asher in The Giver by Lois Lowry

    What job did Asher get in The Giver? The Elders of the Community work to best match each Twelve with an Assignment, or job, after observing each of them throughout different periods of their lives ...

  5. Chapters 6-8

    Rarely are people dissatisfied with their Assignments. If people are unhappy with their Assignments, or if they feel as though they no longer fit in the community, they can apply for release. Again Lowry wants us to question anything that has to do with a release when she has Asher comment, "Here today and gone tomorrow. Never seen again."

  6. The Giver Character Analysis

    Jonas's greatest concern for Asher is that he speaks without thinking and often confuses words, which is a great shortcoming in the community. Rosemary. ... The group of elders that makes decisions for the community, like Matching Spouses, Assignments, and rules. The Giver advises the Committee. Caleb. A four-year-old boy who drowned in the ...

  7. Assignments

    Assignments are the occupations of the inhabitants of the Community. Assignments are designated when a member of the Community goes through their respective Ceremony of Twelve. All Assignments can be found here. Claire is given the Assignment of Birthmother at the Ceremony of Twelve. Coming soon... Assignments are made by the Elders may be appealed by contacting them, who form a committee to ...

  8. The Giver, Chapters 6-9 Comprehension questions Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What Assignment did Asher get?, What happened when Jonas's number should have been called? What did Jonas think?, What happened when Jonas looked out at the crowd at the ceremony? and more.

  9. The Giver Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis

    Analysis. The next day, Jonas joins Asher and their friend Fiona at the House of the Old, where they do their volunteer hours. When they become Eights, children are required to start volunteering, but they are allowed to choose where they go—one of the few choices they are allowed. Unlike other children, who usually pick a single volunteer ...

  10. What Assignment did Asher get?

    The Giver What Assignment did Asher get?. Asked by Elitsa D #1274598 on 12/20/2022 2:20 AM Last updated by Aslan on 12/20/2022 7:20 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Answered by Aslan on 12/20/2022 7:20 PM Jonas's friend Asher is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation. Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. Email.

  11. What assignment did Asher get in The Giver?

    The Giver: In The Giver, a dystopian novel by American author Lois Lowry, people are assigned careers by their community's government based on their aptitudes and the current openings available each year. The government tries its best to place people in positions which will make them happy because this will minimize the likelihood of them ...

  12. 7 ways The Giver movie is different than the book

    6) Asher isn't a pilot, and Jonas doesn't punch him Again, this was a strategic change made to help with the momentum of the film adaptation. In the book, Asher (Cameron Monaghan) is assigned to ...

  13. What does Asher's hesitation to congratulate Jonas in The Giver

    The text describes the scene as follows: "Asher smiled, his usual smile, friendly and familiar. But Jonas felt a moment of hesitation from his friend an uncertainty" (82-83). Not only does Jonas ...

  14. What are Asher's physical descriptions in The Giver

    Asher is one of Jonas's closest friends in Lois Lowry 's celebrated novel The Giver. Asher is depicted as a carefree, fun-loving child who is unique and quite different from his peers. He has a ...