Highland games


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Highland Games

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The Highland Games

Scotland is part of the British Isles, of Great Britain and of United-Kingdom.

The british isles, the uk or gb, the two most famous geographic region in scoland are: -the highlands -the lowlands., the lowlands, the highlands, highlands vs lowlands, the highland games, highland games have been a part of scotland's culture for hundreds of years. scotland's highland games are usually one-day events taking place in outdoor spaces across the country. they features traditional highland sports such as the caber toss, tug o' war and the hammer throw, highland dancing and music., an overview, watch the video and answer the questions, you should take two to three steps. then, you must flip the caber so that it lands as straight as possible. you have to aim 12 o'clock.quels sont les mots qui expriment une obligation ---, caber tossing rules.

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Les mots qui expriment une obligation sont: -S+ should + V + C= You should listen in class. -S + have to + V + C = You have to listen in class. -S + must + V +C = You must listen in class

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Highland Games, Music and Dance. The Highland Games Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries as a way of celebrating.

Published by Walter O’Neal’ Modified over 9 years ago

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History of Highland Games

Gracie McGregor

  • Highland Games and Sports

Have you ever wondered how the Highland Games came to be? Well, let’s take a journey back in time to uncover the fascinating history behind these traditional Scottish events.

From their humble beginnings as gatherings of Celtic tribes to the grand spectacles they are today, the Highland Games have a rich and storied past.

But how did they evolve over the centuries? What are the traditional events that make up these games? And why are they so significant in promoting Scottish culture?

Join me as we explore the captivating history of the Highland Games , a journey that will shed light on the origins, evolution, and enduring legacy of these remarkable festivities.

  • Highland Games have their origins in ancient Celtic traditions and have evolved from clan gatherings and military exercises.
  • The games were initially held to select the strongest warriors but declined after the Battle of Culloden in 1746 and were later revived during the Highland Romantic Movement in the 19th century.
  • Highland Games showcase Scottish heritage and cultural identity, promote physical fitness and sportsmanship, boost tourism and local economies, and provide a platform for community engagement.
  • The games have spread to other countries with Scottish diaspora and international Highland Games are held in countries like Canada and the United States, promoting cultural exchange and understanding while preserving and promoting the games.

Origins of Highland Games

The origins of the Highland Games can be traced back to Scotland, where they were established as a way to celebrate Scottish and Celtic culture through various physical competitions and displays of strength and skill. These games have a rich historical significance, serving as a reflection of Scotland’s heritage and traditions.

In their early days, the Highland Games consisted of races, feats of arms, and tests of strength and skill. One notable event that showcased the historical ties of the games to Scottish royalty was the race organized by King Malcolm III. The purpose of this race was to find the fastest runner in Scotland to serve as the king’s royal messenger.

Over time, the games spread beyond Scotland’s borders to countries with Scottish diaspora, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Today, there are over 260 annual events worldwide, highlighting the global reach and enduring popularity of the Highland Games.

Furthermore, the cultural impact and influence of the games can be seen in the revival of the Olympic Games, as Baron Pierre de Coubertin was inspired by the Highland games when planning the modern Olympic movement. Additionally, the participation of specific clans in the games is reflected in a document from 1703 that summoned the Clan Grant to compete. This demonstrates the longstanding tradition and clan-specific involvement in the Highland Games.

Evolution of Highland Games

After exploring the origins and historical significance of the Highland Games, it’s now time to delve into the evolution of these iconic Scottish competitions.

Over the years, the Highland Games have undergone significant changes, including the inclusion of women and increased international participation.

In the past, Highland Games were primarily male-dominated events, focusing on feats of strength and skill. However, in recent decades, there’s been a push for greater inclusivity, with the inclusion of women in various competitions. Today, women compete in events like hammer throwing, caber tossing, and stone putting, showcasing their strength and athletic prowess.

Furthermore, the Highland Games have gained popularity on an international scale. With the spread of Scottish diaspora, these games have found their way to countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. This international participation has brought a diverse range of competitors, enriching the games with different cultural influences and creating a global sense of camaraderie and celebration.

The international participation in the Highland Games hasn’t only expanded the diversity of competitors but has also increased the overall popularity and recognition of these events. Today, there are over 260 annual Highland Games worldwide, with over 100 events taking place in the United States alone. This global reach highlights the enduring appeal and universal appreciation for Scottish culture and traditions.

Traditional Highland Games Events

scottish traditional athletic competitions

If you’re curious about the traditional events that make up the Highland Games, you’re in for a treat. These events aren’t only a display of physical prowess but also a celebration of Scottish heritage and culture. Here are three exciting traditional Highland Games events that will leave you in awe:

  • Strength Competitions : The heavy events of the Highland Games showcase the immense strength of the competitors. From the Stone put, where athletes throw a stone as far as possible, to the Scottish hammer throw, weight throw, weight over the bar, and sheaf toss, these contests push the limits of human strength. Witnessing the sheer power and determination of these athletes is truly inspiring.
  • Traditional Attire : The Highland Games are a feast for the eyes, with participants donning traditional Scottish attire. From kilts and tartans to sporrans and Glengarry hats, the colorful and intricate outfits add a touch of elegance and grandeur to the events. The sight of competitors proudly displaying their heritage through their clothing creates a sense of pride and connection to Scottish history.
  • Music and Dance : Music forms an integral part of the Highland Games, with massed bands, piping and drumming competitions, and Highland dances filling the air with lively tunes. The World Highland Dancing Championship showcases the grace and agility of dancers, while Highland dances, performed in traditional attire, captivate the audience with their energy and precision. The combination of music and dance adds a vibrant and joyful atmosphere to the games, creating a sense of freedom and celebration.

Significance of Music and Dance

As you explore the significance of music and dance at Highland Games, you’ll discover the rich musical traditions and cultural dance forms that are deeply rooted in Scottish heritage.

The melodic sound of bagpipes and the rhythmic beat of drums create a captivating atmosphere, drawing participants and spectators from around the world.

Additionally, the mesmerizing movements of Highland dancers, adorned in traditional kilts, showcase the enduring appeal and cultural significance of these art forms.

Musical Traditions

Music and dance play a vital role in the Highland Games, enriching the atmosphere with the enchanting sounds of bagpipes, drums, and the rhythmic movements of traditional Highland dances. The musical traditions at Highland Games create a unique and captivating atmosphere, attracting participants and spectators from around the world.

Here are three reasons why music and dance are significant in the Highland Games:

  • Cultural preservation : Traditional instruments like bagpipes and drums are used to promote the significance of Scottish music and dance. They help sustain a tartaned subculture and preserve Scottish symbols.
  • Shared identity : Highland Games serve as a platform for the Scottish diaspora to celebrate their shared roots and identity. Tartan and the kilt represent a part-mythical family origin, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Engaging competitions : Notable Highland Games, such as the World Highland Dancing Championship, feature solo and group dance competitions, showcasing the talent and skill of participants. Impressive band performances also add to the excitement of the games.

Cultural Dance Forms

Cultural dance forms play a crucial role in the Highland Games, adding depth and vibrancy to the celebration of Scottish and Celtic heritage. Two prominent dance forms that are often showcased during these games are the Scottish ceilidh and Irish step dancing.

The Scottish ceilidh, pronounced ‘kay-lee,’ is a traditional social dance gathering where participants perform a variety of dances, such as the Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow. These dances are characterized by lively music played by fiddles, accordions, and bagpipes. The ceilidh provides a sense of community and allows people to come together and celebrate their culture through dance.

Irish step dancing, on the other hand, originated in Ireland but has gained popularity in Scottish Highland Games as well. This form of dance is known for its quick footwork, precision, and graceful movements. Dancers perform intricate steps while keeping their upper body still. The rhythmic beats of the music, often accompanied by the sounds of the bodhrán and tin whistle, create a mesmerizing experience for both the dancers and the audience.

These cultural dance forms not only entertain but also serve as a way to pass down traditions from one generation to the next. They showcase the rich heritage of Scotland and Ireland, allowing people to connect with their roots and celebrate their cultural identity.

Secondary Events and Attractions

additional activities and entertainment

When it comes to secondary events and attractions at Highland Games, there’s no shortage of entertainment options.

From clan tents where you can explore your Scottish heritage to vendors selling Scottish goods, there’s something for everyone.

Additionally, the inclusion of herding dog trials and armoury displays adds a unique cultural element to the games, showcasing the rich history and traditions of Scotland.

Entertainment Options

At Highland Games, you’ll find a wide array of entertainment options to immerse yourself in, from clan tents and Scottish vendors to lively music competitions and traditional attire showcases. The games offer an experience that celebrates Scottish culture and provides a platform for the community to come together and showcase their talents.

Here are three examples of the entertainment options you can expect at Highland Games:

  • Food stalls : Indulge in delicious Scottish cuisine, such as haggis, neeps and tatties, and traditional shortbread. The aroma of freshly cooked delicacies fills the air, tempting your taste buds.
  • Arts and crafts tents : Explore a variety of stalls showcasing local artisans and their unique creations. From intricate handcrafted jewelry to beautifully woven textiles, you’ll find a treasure trove of Scottish craftsmanship.
  • Music competitions : Tap your feet to the lively tunes of bagpipes, drums, and fiddles. Witness talented musicians competing in traditional Scottish music competitions, showcasing their skills and captivating the audience with their melodious performances.

These entertainment options at Highland Games provide a vibrant and immersive experience that allows you to fully embrace the rich Scottish culture while enjoying the freedom to explore and indulge in various activities.

Cultural Demonstrations

Immerse yourself further into the rich Scottish culture at Highland Games by exploring the array of cultural demonstrations and secondary events that provide a deeper understanding of Scottish history, traditions, and activities.

The Games offer a variety of attractions that showcase clan traditions and Scottish crafts. Clan tents and heritage displays offer a glimpse into Scottish history and traditions, allowing you to learn about the unique heritage of different clans.

Vendors of Scottish goods and crafts showcase traditional items like tartans and kilts, allowing you to take a piece of Scottish culture home with you.

Armoury displays and mock battles provide a historical perspective on Highland warfare, giving you a taste of the fierce spirit of the past.

Herding dog trials demonstrate the working abilities of Scottish herding dogs, highlighting the importance of these animals in Scottish rural life.

And if you’re looking for some fun and excitement, attractions like haggis hurling and hill races contribute to the festive atmosphere of the Games.

Highland Games in Literature and Popular Culture

Highland Games in literature and popular culture have captivated audiences with their portrayal of this unique Scottish tradition. From movies and television shows to fashion trends, the Highland Games have left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

  • Portrayal in movies and television : The Highland Games have been featured in numerous films and TV shows, showcasing the exhilarating competitions and vibrant atmosphere. These depictions bring the excitement of the games to life, allowing viewers to experience the thrill of events like caber tossing and Highland dancing.
  • Influence on fashion trends : The Highland Games have also influenced fashion trends, with elements of traditional Scottish attire making their way into mainstream fashion. Tartan patterns, kilts, and traditional accessories like sporrans and brooches have become popular choices for those seeking a unique and stylish look. The Highland Games haven’t only preserved Scottish heritage but also inspired fashion enthusiasts around the world.
  • Cultural celebrations : Beyond literature and fashion, the Highland Games continue to be celebrated in various locations across North America and Scotland. These events bring together communities, fostering a sense of camaraderie and pride in Scottish culture. The games serve as a platform for showcasing traditional music, dance, and food, providing a rich cultural experience for attendees.

The Highland Games have truly become a beloved part of literature and popular culture, leaving a lasting impact on entertainment and fashion while preserving the traditions of Scottish heritage.

Highland Games Conclusion

You have now learned about the rich history and evolution of Highland Games. From their origins as warrior selection events to their revival and global spread in the 19th century, the games have become a significant part of Scottish culture.

Through traditional events, music, dance , and various attractions, Highland Games continue to promote and celebrate Scottish traditions worldwide.

So, why not immerse yourself in this vibrant and timeless tradition, and experience the thrill and excitement of the Highland Games for yourself?

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highland games

Highland Games

Jul 25, 2014

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Highland Games. Student: Kostylev Denis Form: 7B Teacher : Mukhina G.I.

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  • certain aspects
  • highland games
  • small group ensembles
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  • massed bands


Presentation Transcript

Highland Games Student: Kostylev DenisForm: 7B Teacher:Mukhina G.I.

Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries as a way of celebratin Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland, such as the bagpipes, the kilt, and the heavy events, especially the caber toss. While centred on competitions in piping and drumming, dancing, and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture.

Heavy Events • Caber toss: A long tapered pine pole or log is stood upright and hoisted by the competitor who balances it vertically holding the smaller end in his hands . Then the competitor runs forward attempting to toss it in such a way that it turns end over end with the upper (larger) end striking the ground first. The smaller end that was originally held by the athlete then hits the ground in the 12 o'clock position measured relative to the direction of the run. If successful, the athlete is said to have turned the caber. Competitors are judged on how closely their throws approximate the ideal 12 o'clock toss on an imaginary clock.

Weight throw, also known as the weight for distance event. There are actually two separate events, one using a light and the other a heavy weight. The weights are made of metal and have a handle attached either directly or by means of a chain

Music • For many Highland games festival attendees, the most memorable of all the events at the games is the massing of the pipe bands. Normally held in conjunction with the opening and closing ceremonies of the games, as many as 20 or more pipe bands will march and play together. • It is, in fact, the music of the bagpipe which has come to symbolise music at the Games and, indeed, in Scotland itself. In addition to the massed bands, nearly all Highland games gatherings feature a wide range of piping and drumming competition, including solo piping and drumming, small group ensembles and, of course, the pipe bands themselves. • But the pipes and drums are not the only music which can be heard at Highland games. Music at Highland games gatherings takes on a variety of forms. Many such events offer fiddling, harp circles, Celtic bands and other forms of musical entertainment, the latter usually spiced with a healthy amount of bagpipe music.

Internet Sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highland_games http://scotlandia.ru/highland-games-scotland/

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Royal Scottish Highland Games Association

Royal Highland Games Association

The Governing Body of Traditional Highland Games in Scotland

Patron: HRH The former Duke of Rothesay KG KT GCB OM

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The Royal Scottish Highland Games Association (RSHGA) is the governing body of Traditional Highland Games in Scotland. It represents over 60 Highland Games in Scotland with several associate members overseas.

The organization was established in 1947 as the Scottish Games Association, with the general aim to further the cause of Highland Games, a goal we still work to today. We are recognised by the UK & Scottish Governments as the official sports governing body and we work at a strategic level on behalf of Highland Games. More information about the work we do is contained in the section covering work with the RSHGA.

Our Members

Members of the Royal Scottish Highland Games Association are all accredited sporting events run to a high standard, assuring visitors and competitors of a great day out with challenging competitions and quality entertainment.

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The Highland Games

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  • Découvrir un aspect de la thématique d'étude exploration et aventure
  • Découvrir un événement culturel et sportif traditionnel écossais
  • des concours de cornemuse,
  • des concours de danse traditionnelle,
  • du lancer de tronc d'arbre (caber toss) !!
  • Ces jeux seraient nés au 11me siècle, quand le roi Malcom III organisa une course pour trouver son prochain messager royal.
  • Ils furent interdits au 18me siècle, puis relancé au siècle suivant afin de contrer les politiques d'expulsion qui menaçaient la culture gaélique.
  • Les Écossais ayant émigré ont emmené cette coutume avec eux. C'est pourquoi les jeux se sont exportés dans le monde, notamment aux États-Unis.

The Highland Games take place in Scotland in spring and summer but you can also attend these games in countries where the Scots have settled. They aim at celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture , especially the Highland culture, as the name implies. Although mostly centered on heavy athletics, you can find a wide variety of activities there, such as music, dance or sales of Scottish goods.

The Games date back to the 11 th  century when there were contests of strength (running, jumping, throwing and riding) in order to find the most able men who would become soldiers and couriers. Competition was fierce between clan chieftains to have the best contestants. It is said that the Highland Games were born in 1040 when King Malcolm III asked some contestants to run up Craig Choinnich as quick as possible, and the fastest runner would become his royal messenger.

In 1746, because of the crushing of the Jacobite rebellion and the Act of Proscription, Scottish customs were banned for 40 years , and no Highland Games took place until 1782.

The modern form of the Games date back to  1856 and the period known as the Clearances , when a great number of tenants were evicted of the Highlands by the landlords who needed to increase their income. The Clearances were seen as a brutal process of evictions that attacked the Gaelic culture of the Highlands and something had to be done to maintain the traditions in that part of Scotland. Because the Clearances forced many Highlanders to migrate, the tradition traveled to other countries, notably North America.

The most important games are held at  Dunoon every August; they are called the Cowal Games or the Cowal Highland Gathering. About 3,500 people take part in the games and more than 20,000 spectators from all over the world attend the event. The contestants can compete in one of the four different types of activities:

  • the pipe band competition,
  • the solo bagpipe competition,
  • the Highland dancing competition,

Sports include:

  • the shot put,
  • weight throw,
  • hammer throw,
  • tug o’war...

But the most popular of all is probably the event called caber toss or tossing the caber . This type of event tends to show that competitors have to be stronger than fast to be the winner. Imagine yourself carrying a tree trunk or a beam measuring nearly six meters and weighing about eighty kilos! And the aim of the game is to throw away (toss) as many tree (caber) trunks as possible into the air in three minutes . The tosser must not throw the pole further than his opponents to win; he must run forward, throw it into the air and make the upper end land on the ground before the other end touches the soil. It requires strength and technique.

Originally, lumberjacks adopted this technique to carry heavy pieces of wood before throwing them into a river when they did not have trucks or machines to help them.

The record is held by a Canadian, Danny Frame who managed to perform 16 caber tosses in 2018.

Sometimes a hill race is proposed to the contestants. It consists in a very difficult race because the runners have to cover at least 1.5 kilometers up a very steep path (20 to 50%!), mostly off-road, to win. It looks very much like what King Malcolm III asked his future messengers to do, doesn’t it?

Just like bagpipes, kilts or whisky the Highland Games are part of the traditional Scottish culture. They can be considered as icons and cannot be dissociated from the vision people have of this country because they tell us a lot about the traditions of the Highlands. They are such a success that they are known all over the world and some countries, like the USA, are proud to perpetuate the tradition; indeed, about 30,000 spectators attend the games in North Carolina every year.

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Aberdeen's Lord Provost hopes to bring Highland Games to Moscow

He believes the reintroduction of the event will solidify the relationship between the Russian Capital and the North-East.

  • 16:00, 3 FEB 2022
  • Updated 16:51, 3 FEB 2022

The modern Highland games originated in the 19th century.

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Aberdeen's Lord Provost, Barney Crockett, wants to bring the Highland Games to Moscow, further strengthening Russia's relationship with the North-East.

An event has taken place in the country before, but the Lord Provost believes it is time for the games to be reintroduced to the capital.

He said: " When I was in Russia we chatted about a number possibilities, one of which was the Highland Games and reinstating it.

"They used to have one a number of years but we think it's a great thing to restart. We're still preparing a bit to get the Highland games off the ground in Moscow with strong local links in the North-East."

Along with his proposed trade portal , the Lord Provost hopes the return of the Moscow Highland Games will further strengthen the bond between Aberdeen and the Russian Capital.

He said: "People from here played a key role in Russian history.

"There's a lot of people in Russia who want to build a good relationship with the North-East. It is also for the long-term benefit of the area that continue this relationship.

"Aberdeen has always been an outgoing city, we are always making links and that'll be our future as well. Politics can come into it and make things difficult but we need cities to work together."

In terms of locations in Moscow, there are some already in mind, but the current political climate Eastern Europe may stall any future plans.

The Lord Provost said: "I visited the Glinky estate, which has close link with Scotland, we might manage to do something there.

"It's possible that we do an event in Moscow and then other places. Obviously we are looking carefully at the options, because politically things could get difficult.

"We hope to have the usual themes of a Highland Games, strength competitions, piping and some dancing too. It's at an early stage but it has great potential for the future."

It isn't only the Lord Provost that's passionate about the future event, it has been embraced by some in Moscow.

He said: "They are very enthusiastic.

"The Moscow Caledonian Society have done quite a lot in Aberdeen in the past, they are very keen to take some of our traditions to Russia. There is no issues on the Russian side, the challenge for us is getting something organised on our side."

If the Highland Games do land in the Russian capital, competitors from across Scotland will travel to represent their country.

The Lord Provost said: "I think they'll enjoy the international experience and the the Russians will enjoy seeing these athletes in action."

  • Barney Crockett
  • Aberdeen Highland Games
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Ex-Grandfather Mountain Highland Games employee sentenced on explosive device conviction

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ASHEVILLE — A former Grandfather Mountain Highland Games employee was sentenced May 30 in Asheville federal court for creating a destructive device intended to explode in the games’ office, as announced by U.S. Attorney Dena J. King of the Western District of North Carolina.

U.S. District Judge Martin Reidinger sentenced Thomas Dewey Taylor Jr., 45, of Newland, to 97 months, or about eight years, in prison and three years of supervised release. Taylor previously pleaded guilty to making a destructive device, possession of an unregistered National Firearms Act weapon and attempting to damage and destroy a building used in interstate commerce by fire and explosive.  

The Grandfather Mountain Highland Games and Gathering of Scottish Clans, one of the largest such gatherings in the United States, takes places each July in Linville, featuring four days of Scottish Highland music, food, dancing and athletic competitions.

Taylor worked for the games over the summer while in school, then started as the assistant office manager in 2014. When one of his parents retired in 2020, Taylor became the office manager, according to court records.

What happened at Grandfather Mountain?

In the early morning hours of Sept. 27, 2021, Taylor disabled the alarm system to the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games office, headquartered on Mitchell Avenue in Linville, according to court documents. Taylor then turned off the main power breaker and hid a destructive device in an office closet, according to the news release.

The device was set up in a red 48-quart cooler with hobby fuses bundled together with rubber bands. The fuses were tied to a single-coil electric burner hotplate dialed to the hottest setting, according to court records. The fuses ran to fireworks and containers of ignitable liquids, and the hotplate was plugged into an electrical receptacle via an extension cord.

The device was designed so that once someone turned on the main breaker at the circuit panel, the hot plate would heat up. The heat would then light the fuse, igniting the lengths of pyrotechnic fuse and causing each item to explode, according to court documents. A glass pitcher with rocks and a PVC pipe bomb were also inside the cooler.

More about the Highland Games: WNC runners win 'The Bear,' footrace kicking off Grandfather Mountain Highland Games

Vehicle accident at Highland Games: 1 dead, 4 injured in apparent accident at Grandfather Mountain Highland Games; man charged

The items in the red cooler were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Laboratory for chemical and print examination. Taylor’s fingerprints were found on multiple items inside the cooler, according to court records.

“The reasons behind his bizarre behavior are not completely clear, but there appear to be a combination of contributing factors: prescription medications, COVID isolation, alcoholism, and legal substance misuse all may have played a part,” Mary Coleman, Taylor’s attorney, said in a memorandum asking for the shortest mandatory sentence.

Taylor’s family, significant other and former teachers wrote multiple letters to Judge Reidinger, highlighting Taylor’s uncharacteristic behavior due to a slip in his mental health, and how they’ve noticed an improvement during his time spent in jail after his arrest nearly 3 years ago.

His mother, Sheila Taylor, wrote that Taylor started working with the games at age 14. During the Highland Games in 2021, Taylor told his superior that he was “having a mental breakdown and not able to function in his job,” his mother wrote.

The Board of Directors voted July 4, 2021, to fire Thomas, who was notified of his termination on Aug. 4, 2021, according to the mother’s letter.

As part of his sentencing, Taylor agreed to pay just over $2,600 in restitution to Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, Inc., court documents show. He remains in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service pending placement by the Bureau of Prisons, the news release said.

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Ryley Ober is the Public Safety Reporter for Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA Today Network. Email her at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @ryleyober

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French citizen arrested in moscow on charges of collecting military data.

Associated Press

MOSCOW – Russia's top state criminal investigation agency on Thursday announced the arrest of a French citizen accused of collecting information on military issues, a move that comes as relations between Russia and France have grown increasingly tense over the fighting in Ukraine.

The arrest was announced just as France hosted world leaders on the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday. Russia wasn’t invited.

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Russia's Investigative Committee said the suspect, whom it didn't identify, is accused of failing to register with authorities as a foreign agent while collecting “information about military and military-technical activities of the Russian Federation.” It added that the information could be used to the detriment of the country's security.

Russia's state news agency Tass identified the arrested French citizen as Laurent Vinatier, an employee of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), a Geneva-based nongovernment organization.

HD confirmed Vinatier's detention in a statement released to The Associated Press.

“We are aware that Laurent Vinatier, an adviser at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), has been detained in Russia,” it said. “We are working to get more details of the circumstances and to secure Laurent’s release.”

French President Emmanuel Macron told French television Thursday night that the French citizen was “in no way...working for France" and that he "works for a Swiss NGO founded by former UN chief Kofi Annan and which carries out diplomacy of working discussions.″

He is receiving consular protection, Macron said.

Vinatier's LinkedIn page, which describes him as a “conversationalist,” says he has worked for the center for over a decade and indicates that he has had a focus mostly on former Soviet republics, Turkey and the Middle East over the years.

Russia's Investigative Committee posted a video showing officers detaining the suspect at a cafe and driving him to the committee's Moscow offices for interrogation. The charges carry a penalty of up to five years in prison.

The arrest comes during a strain in Russian-French ties that followed French President Emmanuel Macron's statements about the possibility of deploying the country's troops in Ukraine .

Moscow has warned that French soldiers would be legitimate targets for Russia if they are sent to Ukraine.

The charges against the French citizen are based on a recently approved law that requires anyone who collects information on military issues to register with authorities as a foreign agent.

Human rights activists have criticized the law and other newly endorsed legislation as part of a multi-pronged Kremlin crackdown on independent media and political activists intended to muzzle criticism of its actions in Ukraine.

Arrests on charges of spying and collecting sensitive data have become increasingly frequent in Russia since it sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022.

Recent high-profile arrests include Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who was arrested on espionage charges in March 2023, and U.S.-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, who was taken into custody in October 2023 for failing to register as a “foreign agent.”

Associated Press writer Jamey Keaten in Geneva contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.


Stone Lab offers summer research webinars showcasing Great Lakes partners and Lake Erie science 

Starting Thursday, June 6, the public can join Stone Lab for its webinar presentations every Thursday from 7-8 p.m. this summer.

Connect with any of the research presentations via Zoom using this webinar link . Meeting ID: 994 7066 6160. Password: 450907. To learn more about individual presentations, visit go.osu.edu/SLresearchbriefs.

June 6: Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted:  Lessons Learned in the Recovery of the Lake Erie Watersnake Dr. Kristin Stanford Wildlife Diversity Coordinator, Ohio Division of Wildlife

June 13: Effects of PFOS on the Behavior, Growth, Emergence, and Predation Susceptibility of Larval Mosquitoes (Culex quinquefasciatus) Alessia Saul, M.S. Water Quality Research Technician, Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory

June 20: ORSANCO's Biological Monitoring on the Ohio River: Historical Methods and Future Directions Ryan Hudson Aquatic Biologist, ORSANCO (Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission)

June 27: 50+ Years of the Clean Water Act: Sustaining Its Success in a Hostile Policy Environment Chris Yoder Research Director, Midwest Biodiversity Institute

July 4: Tools in Fisheries Management: From Otolith Chemistry to Hydrologic Models Dr. Jeff Miner Professor, Bowling Green State University, Department of Biological Sciences

July 11: Women in Science Kate Bartter Executive Director Sustainability Institute, The Ohio State University

July 18: Stream-Side Rearing and Reintroduction of Maumee River Lake Sturgeon and Blandings Turtle Monitoring Using Community Science Partners Dr. Matt Cross Toledo Zoo and Aquarium.    

Ohio Sea Grant is supported by The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University Extension and NOAA Sea Grant, a network of 34 Sea Grant programs nation-wide dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources. Stone Laboratory is Ohio State’s island campus on Lake Erie and is the research, education and outreach facility of Ohio Sea Grant and part of CFAES School of Environment and Natural Resources.

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PlayStation State Of Play May 2024: All The Biggest PS5 Announcements And Games

By Jason Fanelli on May 30, 2024 at 4:08PM PDT

The latest PlayStation showcase

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The latest PlayStation showcase

After months of rumors and speculation fueled by the company's radio silence, Sony's latest State Of Play presentation took place on May 30. 14 games for PlayStation 5 and PSVR 2 were shown throughout the 30+ minute video, which included updates on Concord, Marvel Rivals, and God Of War Ragnarok on PC. Read on for a full recap of all the biggest announcements and games from the event.


The show opened with a deep dive into Concord, the upcoming 5v5 multiplayer FPS from Firewalk Studio. The 10-minute segment started with an extended trailer introducing a ragtag group of spacefarers attempting a heist, which was then followed by a first look at in-game action, revealing it to be an Overwatch-esque 5v5 shooter. A beta test will hit PS5 and PC in July, with the full launch scheduled for August 23.

New Sony Game Concord's Debut Trailer Gives Off Big Guardians Of The Galaxy Energy, Beta And Date Confirmed

God Of War Ragnarok PC

God Of War Ragnarok PC

After the Concord presentation, the scene shifted to Kratos and Atreus, as God Of War Ragnarok is officially coming to PC on September 19. The port will include support for super ultrawide screens, as well as the full Valhalla DLC.

God Of War Ragnarok Confirmed For PC, Release Date Announced

Dynasty Warriors Origins

Dynasty Warriors Origins

The State Of Play then shifted to Dynasty Warriors Origins, a new entry in Omega Force's hack-and-slash action game. The trailer mixed story elements with raw gameplay before setting a 2025 release window.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins Slashes Onto PS5 In 2025

Infinity Nikki

Infinity Nikki

The amine dress-up game Love Nikki will make its PlayStation 5 debut with Infinity Nikki. The brief trailer showed vast open worlds and our heroine dancing with local wildlife in separate biomes. The trailer ended with the announcement of a "test" in Q3 2024.

Love Nikki Heads To Consoles With Open-World Adventure Game, Infinity Nikki

Ballad Of Antara

Ballad Of Antara

Next up was Ballad of Antara, a dark fantasy ARPG from Infold Games and TipsWorks Studio. We see a man wielding a large sword accompanied by a woman with a bow, who are escorting a small child on the samurai's back. The game is scheduled for a 2025 release.

Stunning New PS5 Action Game Ballad Of Antara Revealed At State Of Play

Skydance's Behemoth

Skydance's Behemoth

Behemoth, the next game from Skydance--the studio behind The Walking Dead: Saints And Sinners--was next in the showcase, where we saw new gameplay for the VR RPG. Along with some bow and sword combat, we get a glimpse at some of the titular behemoths that will be featured throughout. The game is now available to wishlist.

Alien Rogue Incursion

Alien Rogue Incursion

The State Of Play stayed with VR for the next game: Alien Rogue Incursion from Creed: Rise To Glory developer Survios. The trailer showed a brief look of the first-person horror gameplay, where the player must quickly and quietly flee against a Xenomorph.

Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals

The showcase then moved away from VR with more gameplay of Marvel Rivals, the 5v5 hero shooter from NetEase. Along with a tease for a new space-faring hero, the trailer also highlighted a closed beta coming soon to PS5, with a PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man skin for those who participate.

Marvel Rivals Coming To Consoles, PS5 Beta And Exclusive Spidey Costume Confirmed

Where Winds Meet

Where Winds Meet

Next was the Souls-like action game Where Winds Meet, which first debuted during the previous State Of Play in January. The brief gameplay trailer showed multiple fights against a few massive boss-style enemies. No release window was confirmed, but the game can be wishlisted now.

New Trailer Announces Where Winds Meet Coming To PS5, Includes This Fight With Giant Fish

Until Dawn Remake

Until Dawn Remake

Things turned spooky with new gameplay footage for the upcoming Until Dawn remake, the 2014 interactive teen slasher movie which is being rebuilt by Ballistic Moon. A few of the intense choice-based scenes from the game are highlighted in the trailer, with a release window of Fall 2024 confirmed at the end.

Path Of Exile 2

Path Of Exile 2

The State Of Play then shifted to Path Of Exile 2, the isometric RPG from Grinding Gear Games. The trailer showed new gameplay with multiple classes--including one where the player turned into a giant rampaging bear--as well as a boss fight against Krutog, Lord Of Kin. Path Of Exile 2 will enter early access on PS5 later this year.

Path Of Exile 2 On PS5 And Xbox Will Have Couch Co-Op With Cross-Progression

Silent Hill 2 Remake

Silent Hill 2 Remake

The long-awaited Silent Hill 2 remake from Konami and Bloober Team was next on the docket with a new gameplay trailer. The video highlighted Silent Hill's updated environments and enemies, with James encountering a few demonic nurses before having a run-in with Pyramid Head itself. The segment ended with a release date confirmation, as Silent Hill 2 Remake will launch October 8.

Silent Hill 2 Release Date Revealed In New Trailer

Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds

Next up was Monster Hunter Wilds, with Capcom unveiling gameplay from the upcoming monster-hunting adventure for the first time ever. Along with a glimpse at a few of the characters along for the journey, the trailer showed many of the massive monsters we'll be hunting, as well as a desert and savannah biome with multiple paths to explore. Monster Hunter Wilds is still slated for a 2025 launch, as no specific date was announced in this segment.

Monster Hunter Wilds First Gameplay Trailer Gets Truly Wild

Astro Bot

Finally, PlayStation's platforming droid Astro Bot is returning in an all-new adventure. The trailer showed multiple new worlds to explore in 3D platforming style, along with a few other gameplay features--at one point, the plucky robot turns a PlayStation 5 console into a spaceship and uses it to battle a massive bad guy in space. Astro Bot launches September 6.

Astro Bot Sequel Announced For PS5, Coming September 6

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IHSA baseball Class 3A/4A state finals schedule and scores

All the scores from the class 3a and 4a baseball games this weekend in joliet..

Grayslake Central’s Jacob Redker (18) pitches during the IHSA 3A State Championship game against Nazareth last season.

Grayslake Central’s Jacob Redker (18) pitches during the IHSA 3A State Championship game against Nazareth last season.

Kirsten Stickney/For the Sun-Times

Friday, June 7 at Duly Health and Care Field, Joliet

Class 3A Semifinals Crystal Lake Central 5, Morris 2 Lemont 6, Highland 3

Class 4A Semifinals Providence 2, Edwardsville 1 Conant 1, York 0

Saturday, June 10 at Duly Health and Care Field, Joliet

Class 3A Crystal Lake Central vs. Lemont, 1 Morris vs. Highland, 10 a.m.

Class 4A Providence vs. Conant, 7 Edwardsville vs. York, 4


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Summer Game Fest 2024: all the news, trailers, and announcements

By Ash Parrish , a reporter who covers the business, culture, and communities of video games, with a focus on marginalized gamers and writing about the intersection of video games and sex.

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After months of teases and speculation, Summer Game Geoff is finally here kicking off a weekend full of presentations and special announcements . Even though the showcase is essentially a hype trailer for the video game industry, filling in the marketing hole E3 left behind , Summer Game Fest got its own hype trailer reminding us of what games to expect.

The main keynote took place on June 7th, and featured a handful of big reveals: Civilization 7 , Lego Horizon Adventures , a first look at the Among Us animated series , and news that Riot’s shooter Valorant is finally coming to Xbox and PlayStation . It’s followed by a number of indie-focused events, as well as big showcases from the likes of Xbox and Ubisoft.

Stay tuned right here for all of the latest trailers and announcements as they happen.

Devolver’s indie game showcase had yakuza, cults, and a creepy reality TV show

The 10 best games from the day of the devs showcase, the access-ability summer showcase featured the latest in accessible games.

  • Your guide to this year’s summer video game events

Andrew Webster


Andrew Webster

A screenshot from the video game Cult of the Lamb.

Devolver Digital’s keynote events tend to be, let’s say, unique . And the publisher’s presence at Summer Game Fest 2024 was no exception. Like last year , Devolver focused on just a handful of really interesting indie games, which ranged from a game about fighting through an interdimensional catastrophe to an expansion that somehow makes Cult of the Lamb even weirder. There was both a first-person kicker and a thirst-person shooter . If you missed it live, here are all the reveals.

A slick side-scrolling action game from the creators of Solar Ash and the Hyper Light games , Possessor looks absolutely gorgeous. It also sounds like it’ll be plenty challenging. Here’s the official setup:

Ash Parrish


Ash Parrish

Graphic for Day of the Devs Summer Game Fest 2024 edition

The Day of the Devs showcase hosted by iam8bit is, to me, far more exciting than the main Summer Game Fest presentation. While it is fun to get hyped for the big releases, Day of the Devs represents something more concrete. The games featured get their own mini-spotlights with developer commentary and gameplay videos. It gives viewers a clearer picture of what these games are about, especially compared to the seconds-long (and apparently exorbitantly expensive ) sizzle reels or teaser trailers shown during the Keigh-3 keynote. My only problem, though, is that there are a lot of games to get excited about, making it hard to narrow it down to the 10 best.

Rock climbing isn’t my thing. In fact, it looks terrifying, and that terror is what makes Cairn look so interesting. In Cairn , you must reach the summit of Mount Kami one piton at a time. You can climb anywhere, but just like in real mountain climbing, you’ll often face sheer walls and unpassable overhangs that force you to find another way up. One of the things I was immediately drawn to was the way the character’s legs shake as they climb, giving the game an air of urgency and danger that I want to experience for myself.

Just a week after revealing a fresh gameplay trailer at Sony’s State of Play , Capcom showed off some more of the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds in a much more dramatic clip. Unfortunately, MonHun fans are going to have to wait a while, as the game isn’t launching until 2025.

Emma Roth

The breakout hit is rolling out a big update on June 27th, adding new environments, pals, buildings, raids, and a new enemy oil rig. It’s also launching dedicated servers on Xbox.

Skate. No seriously. EA’s fourth entry in the Skate series was heralded by a slightly confusing skit featuring I Think You Should Leave star Tim Robinson. You could hear the audible bewilderment from the audience once the skit was over and it was only after the video did the audience sound a collective “Ohhhh” when we found out it was a Skate trailer. Lol.

Valorant is finally coming to consoles

Riot’s tactical shooter Valorant has been a PC-exclusive since it launched in 2020 — but that’s changing very soon. The developer has finally provided some details on the console version of the game, which will be available in a limited beta on the PS5 and Xbox Series X / S starting on June 14th. You can register right here . The beta will be limited to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, and Japan, and Riot says that it will be “possibly rolling out to remaining global regions shortly thereafter.” There’s no word on when a full launch might happen.

Riot says the console versions of Valorant feature “custom-built gameplay” and that crossplay between console and PC will not be available for competitive reasons. That said, the game will support cross-progression if you choose to play on both PC and console, meaning your skins and progression will carry over between platforms.

Sonic Generations was a good-ass game and I’m excited for its darker, edgier sequel Sonic x Shadow Generations . Just in time for the Sonic 3 movie , Sonic x Shadow Generations adds a gaggle of new levels to play as Shadow the Hedgehog — but let’s not get our hopes up that Keanu Reeves will make an appearance in this one . Sonic X Shadow Generations launches on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation October 25th.

Remedy is finally detailing the first add-on for Alan Wake 2 , which it has been teasing since last month . It’s called Night Springs , features three episodes, and launches tomorrow. Even better: the game is finally getting a physical edition later this fall.

Here’s our first look at the Among Us animated series

The title sequence for the Among Us animated series made its debut during the Summer Game Fest on Friday. During the sneak peek, we got a glimpse at each of the characters and their various roles aboard the Skeld.

We first heard about the Among Us series last year , which is made in collaboration with CBS Studios , Among Us developer Innersloth, and Titmouse, the animation studio behind Big Mouth and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse .

Wanderstop comes from the creators of the Stanley Parable , and its trailer makes the teamaking management game seem pretty cozy... at least at first.

I did not have a new Power Rangers game on my Summer Game Fest Bingo sheet and judging from the theater’s enthusiastic reaction, nobody else did either. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind from Digital Eclipse looks like it taps into all the goofy-ass action and comedy that made Power Rangers so cool back in the day and even now. Can’t wait to play when it comes to PC and consoles later this year.

Slitterhead — a new release from Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama, which was first announced back in 2021 — looks plenty creepy in this new gameplay trailer. But honestly, it’s the game’s title that gives me the chills. It launches on November 8th.

We knew that Blumhouse was getting into the gaming world , and this sizzle reel shows an impressive — and scary — slate of upcoming games from the new label.

Atlus showed off a new trailer for its awkwardly titled roleplaying game Metaphor: ReFantazio . Despite the strange name, there are plenty of reasons to be excited, as this RPG comes from many of the same minds behind the beloved Persona series . It launches on October 11th on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.

It features gameplay reminiscent of the Budokai Tenkaichi series — but brings it to “whole new levels.” Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is headed to PS5, Xbox Series X | S, and PC

Chinese developers Game Science debuted a new trailer for its action RPG based on the classic novel Journey to the Wes t — Black Myth: Wukong . While light on actual gameplay, the trailer did show the Monkey King pulling his iconic staff weapon out of his ear. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to put those all the way in there. Black Myth: Wukong launches August 20th on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

A month ago, we got news that a new Batman: Arkham game was in the works , this time exclusively for the Meta Quest 3. Now, we have a brief trailer detailing a very bad July 4th in Gotham City. Unfortunately, Arkham Shadow still doesn’t have a release date — only that it will arrive in fall 2024.

Civilization 7 is launching in 2025

It’s been a long wait, but the next Civilization has finally been revealed. At the main Summer Game Fest keynote, publisher 2K officially announced Civilization 7 , the first new entry in the strategy series since 2016. We didn’t get any real details or actual gameplay, but instead a very brief teaser trailer that looked a lot like, well, Civilization . But there’s one thing we do know: the game won’t be launching until 2025. And it’s coming to a number of platforms, with the launch planned for PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch.

More details will be coming in August, according to 2K, with a “full gameplay showcase.”

The game, first announced last year , will let you play solo or with friends as you race around on broomsticks to score points for your team. It’s coming to PC , PS5, Xbox Series X | S, and the Nintendo Switch for $29.99.

First revealed last year , Neva is the follow-up to the stunning adventure Gris . The new game looks just as beautiful and also adds a wolf companion. It’s launching on the Switch, PS5, Xbox, and PC.

Horizon gets playful with new Lego spinoff

One of the cuter reveals at Summer Game Fest was the Lego-ified version of Horizon ’s postapocalyptic future. The game is called Lego Horizon Adventures , and it looks like a playful action-adventure game set (obviously) in the Horizon universe. Naturally, there’s lots of building as well. And co-op play. And some very goofy jokes fitting Lego’s many video game spinoffs.

This isn’t the first collaboration between the two, as Lego released a Horizon Forbidden West set in 2022 , But it appears that Sony is intent on growing the franchise into one of its tentpoles. The original game was followed by a sequel on the PS5 ( and PS4 ), and it’s also being adapted into a show on Netflix .

Our colleague Ash is in the building, and we’ll be covering everything live right in this stream.

One of the more charming upcoming titles under Panic’s growing publishing label , Thank Goodness You’re Here is launching very soon: it’ll be out August 1st on PC, Switch, and PlayStation. There’s also a demo out on Steam so you can check it out, and a new trailer featuring none other than Matt Berry, of What We Do in the Shadows fame.

Antonio G. Di Benedetto

Antonio G. Di Benedetto

Astro’s Playroom got a stealth-dropped update today , with new trophies, collectible in-game gatchas, and secret “PS Labo” rooms.

It also features a riddle-like mystery to rescue special bots — including a Bloodborne one. Forum-goers are donning tinfoil hats ahead of potential announcements at Summer Game Fest , which starts within the hour. Team Asobi already has an upcoming Astro Bot game .

<em>A trapped </em>Bloodborne<em> bot is now in the GPU Jungle level.</em>

Geoffrey Bunting

A screenshot from the video game Videoverse, depicting a cartoon desk with a laptop and various other knick knacks.

Running concurrently with Summer Game Fest, the Access-Ability Summer Showcase redresses what gaming events leave out. Organized by accessibility consultant and critic Laura Kate Dale, it’s a reaction to events designed to build hype and how disabled gamers too often have to temper excitement with caution over whether revealed games will be accessible. A frustration, Dale told The Verge , driven by “the industry’s unwillingness to be open and transparent about gaming accessibility.” 

Now in its second year, the showcase continues to push back against a lack of inclusive gaming events as it grows — it includes a dedicated Steam page this year. Already, developers are not only viewing it as an opportunity to show off their games, Dale said, but also as encouragement to implement accessibility earlier in development to be ready for the event. “The idea that a place to proudly promote their accessibility would help push developers to have more features ready at earlier milestones makes me feel like the show is having a tangible impact,” Dale added.

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Moscow Could Target Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine, Putin Says

President Vladimir V. Putin said that since Western governments were allowing long-range missiles to be used on Russia, it could do the same.

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Vladimir V. Putin sitting at a table in front of a microphone with a wall of windows behind him.

By Neil MacFarquhar

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia warned on Wednesday that Western nations supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles and allowing them to be used to attack inside Russia was a “dangerous step” that could prompt Moscow to reciprocate against Western targets.

“If someone thinks it possible to send such weapons to a war zone to strike our territory and create problems for us,” Mr. Putin said at a news conference , “then why do we not have the right to send our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes can be made on sensitive facilities of the countries that do this against Russia?”

Mr. Putin singled out Germany, saying that its supply of battle tanks to Ukraine had been an initial blow to Russian-German relations, but its permission to use missiles in Russia was even worse.

“Now, when they say that some missiles will appear that will strike targets on Russian territory, this, of course, is ultimately destroying Russo-German relations,” he said.

Mr. Putin was speaking to senior editors from at least 15 news agencies from around the world that were invited to meet with him on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Mr. Putin had skipped the tradition since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, but this year the invitation was extended to Western outlets such as The Associated Press, Reuters and various European agencies including Agence France-Presse, DPA from Germany, ANSA from Italy and EFE from Spain.

Mr. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, told reporters that representatives from “unfriendly countries” were included because “it is very important for them to get to know Putin and understand Russia firsthand,” according to Russia’s official news agency, Tass.

Western business executives largely avoided the forum, while China had a significant presence, including a presentation of a bulletproof limousine that retails for more than $560,000 in China, Tass reported.

Mr. Putin answered questions on a wide range of topics, but many of the queries focused on the war in Ukraine. Although Russia invaded Ukraine after it had begun destabilizing the Eastern regions in 2014 by supporting separatists, Mr. Putin again portrayed the war as the fault of Ukraine and its Western allies.

Countries that are supplying weapons to Ukraine risked being dragged into a war with Russia, he said.

It was not clear where Mr. Putin possibly planned to position Russian weapons in other regions. Troops and armaments have been deployed in Belarus, possibly including nuclear missiles, during the war. Belarus borders Europe more closely than Russia, as does the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. Russia also has forces in Syria near bases where the United States operates.

In terms of relations with Washington, Mr. Putin said that he did not think the looming presidential election would change much as long as the United States continued to pursue “greatness.”

Asked about the recent conviction of the former president, Donald J. Trump, Mr. Putin said that the United States was burning itself from within. “It is obvious all over the world that the prosecution of Trump, especially in court on charges that were formed on the basis of events that happened years ago, without direct proof, is simply using the judicial system in an internal political struggle,” he said.

On the subject of Evan Gershkovich , the American reporter from The Wall Street Journal who has been imprisoned in Russia on espionage charges for more than a year, Mr. Putin said that the United States was taking “vigorous steps” toward his release. Mr. Gershkovich, The Journal and the U.S. government have all denied the charges.

Such issues “should only be resolved on the basis of reciprocity,” Mr. Putin added. “The relevant U.S. and Russian agencies are in contact with each other on this issue.”

Milana Mazaeva contributed reporting.

Neil MacFarquhar has been a Times reporter since 1995, writing about a range of topics from war to politics to the arts, both internationally and in the United States. More about Neil MacFarquhar

Artificial Intelligence Computing Leadership from NVIDIA

Press Release Details

Nvidia releases digital human microservices, paving way for future of generative ai avatars.

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- COMPUTEX  -- NVIDIA today announced the general availability of NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices to accelerate the next wave of digital humans, as well as new generative AI breakthroughs coming soon to the platform.

Companies in customer service, gaming and healthcare are the first to adopt ACE technologies to simplify creating, animating and operating lifelike digital humans across customer service, telehealth, gaming and entertainment.

The suite of NVIDIA ACE digital human generative AI technologies now generally available includes:

  • NVIDIA Riva ASR, TTS and NMT — for automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion and translation
  • NVIDIA Nemotron   LLM — for language understanding and contextual response generation
  • NVIDIA Audio2Face — for realistic facial animation based on audio tracks
  • NVIDIA Omniverse RTX — for real-time, path-traced realistic skin and hair

Newly announced technologies include:

  • NVIDIA Audio2Gesture — for generating body gestures based on audio tracks, available soon
  • NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B — a new small language model (SLM) purpose-built for low-latency, on-device RTX AI PC inference

“Digital humans will revolutionize industries,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. “Breakthroughs in multi-modal large language models and neural graphics — delivered by NVIDIA ACE to our ecosystem of developers — are bringing us closer to a future of intent-driven computing, where interacting with computers is as natural as interacting with humans.”

Digital Humans Come to 100 Million RTX AI PCs To date, NVIDIA has provided ACE as NIM microservices for developers to operate in data centers. Now NVIDIA is building ACE PC NIM microservices for deployment across the installed base of 100 million RTX AI PCs and laptops.

These include NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B, the company’s first SLM, which has been purpose-built to run on device with similar levels of precision and accuracy as large language models (LLMs) running in the cloud. Nemotron-3 4.5B SLM is now in early access. NVIDIA Audio2Face and NVIDIA Riva ASR on-device models will be available soon in early access .

The new NVIDIA AI Inference Manager software development kit simplifies the deployment of ACE to PCs. It preconfigures the PC with the necessary AI models, engines and dependencies while orchestrating AI inference seamlessly across PCs and the cloud.

An updated version of the Covert Protocol tech demo , developed in collaboration with Inworld AI , is being shown at the COMPUTEX trade show. Using Audio2Face and Riva ASR running locally on GeForce RTX PCs , the demo allows players to interact and influence digital-human non-playable characters (NPCs) with conversational language to complete their mission.

Digital Human Ecosystem Expands With Latest ACE Technologies ACE is making waves with developers building a variety of applications from companies such as Aww Inc., Dell Technologies, Gumption , Hippocratic AI, Inventec, OurPalm , Perfect World Games, Reallusion, ServiceNow, Soulbotix, SoulShell and UneeQ.

Aww Inc., a pioneering virtual human company based in Japan, launched its first virtual celebrity, Imma, in 2018. Imma has since become the face of major global brands in more than 50 countries. Now, Aww Inc. plans to leverage ACE Audio2Face microservices for real-time animation, enabling a highly interactive communication experience with its users.

Perfect World Games, a game developer and publisher, is adopting ACE in its new mythological wilderness tech demo, Legends. Players can interact with a fully interactive, realistic, multilingual, AI NPC in both English and Mandarin. Using NVIDIA Audio2Face NIM, the character’s audio responses generate realistic facial animation in real time.

Inventec, a major technology company that is investing heavily in AI, is using NVIDIA Audio2Face NIM to enhance its healthcare AI agent within the VRSTATE platform. The integration provides a more engaging, comforting virtual consultation experience. At COMPUTEX, Inventec is showcasing an AI agent that can help patients access information about their health.

ServiceNow, the AI platform for business transformation, recently showcased ACE NIM in a generative AI service agent demo for its Now Assist Gen AI Experience, highlighting the potential for digital avatars to enhance customer and employee interactions across industries including retail, travel and more.

Dell Technologies unveiled its cutting-edge Dell Generative AI Solution for Digital Assistants at Dell Technologies World last month. The offering allows businesses to leverage intelligent digital assistants that engage customers through natural conversations across various industries such as retail, healthcare and customer service.

NVIDIA Celebrates Digital Human Startups at COMPUTEX 2024 NVIDIA art teams used generative AI tools built on ACE, including Synthesia and Hour One , to produce a “digital Jensen” avatar that was generated by video from text.

The multilingual avatar featured Huang’s unique voice and style, generated by ElevenLabs’ proprietary AI speech and voice technology in Mandarin Chinese and English. NVIDIA also collaborated with Voicemod, an NVIDIA Inception member specializing in AI voice technology, to compose the ending theme song of Huang’s keynote.

ACE NIM Now Available NVIDIA ACE NIM microservices for server deployments including Riva and Audio2Face are now in production, adding NVIDIA AI Enterprise software for developers to receive enterprise-class support. Register for early access to ACE NIM microservices that run on RTX AI PCs.

Watch Huang’s COMPUTEX keynote to see the latest in ACE content.

About NVIDIA NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) is the world leader in accelerated computing.

For further information, contact: Benjamin Berraondo NVIDIA Corporation [email protected]

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, impact, performance, features, and availability of NVIDIA’s products and technologies, including NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices, NVIDIA Riva ASR, TTS and NMT, NVIDIA Nemotron LLM and SLM, NVIDIA Audio2Face, NVIDIA Audio2Gesture, NVIDIA Omniverse RTX, NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B, NVIDIA AI Inference Manager, and NVIDIA AI Enterprise software; the benefits and impact of NVIDIA’s collaborations with third parties, and the features and availability of their services and offerings; third parties’ use or adoption of NVIDIA products, technologies and platforms, and the benefits and impacts thereof; digital humans revolutionizing industries; and breakthroughs in multi-modal large language models and neural graphics — delivered by NVIDIA ACE to our ecosystem of developers — bringing us closer to a future of intent-driven computing, where interacting with computers is as natural as interacting with humans are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners' products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company's website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, Audio2Face, NVIDIA NeMo, NVIDIA Omniverse, and NVIDIA RTX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a29d20a9-e6a6-4f87-ad3c-84ef7432665d

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highland games presentation

Now in general availability, NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices will accelerate the next wave of digital humans.

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  1. The Highland Games in Scotland

    highland games presentation

  2. PPT

    highland games presentation

  3. Highland Games PowerPoint

    highland games presentation

  4. PPT

    highland games presentation

  5. PPT

    highland games presentation

  6. The Highland Games in Scotland

    highland games presentation


  1. Highland games

    Highland games. Apr 15, 2014 •. 1 like • 1,554 views. Gabriella Nyeste. My presentation titled Highland Games was a university assignment to present Scotland from a certain point of view. Besides mentioning a few datas about the Games, I thought that pictures are more talkitive in the case of the seperate events. tatyanaoleynik622.


    The Highland games start in May and finish in September, and there are lots of different competitions.More than 160 kilted athletes participated and 66 logs were successfully thrown at the appointed time. Highland balls were originally an all-male event. Women did not begin to participate until the late 19th century. fun facts the highland games.

  3. Highland games

    Highland games have been a part of Scotland's culture for hundreds of years. Scotland's Highland games are usually one-day events taking place in outdoor spaces across the country. They features traditional Highland sports such as the caber toss, tug o' war and the hammer throw, Highland dancing and music. You should take two to three steps.

  4. highland games

    The Highland games. Content. quick presentation; what can you find there ? what types of trials ? quick presentation. sport and cultural competitions; 1856 in Scotland in the Highland; all the year; celebrate scottish culture; developed in the 19th century; Victorian period; after the Clearances;

  5. Highland games

    Highland games (Scottish Gaelic: geamannan Gàidhealach) are events held in spring and summer in Scotland and other countries with a large Scottish diaspora, as a way of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture, especially that of the Scottish Highlands.Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland, such as the bagpipes, the kilt, and the heavy events ...

  6. Highland games 1

    Highland games 1 - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Submit Search. Upload. Highland games 1 ... British customs presentation . British customs presentation Carolina Huertas ...

  7. Highland Games Guide

    The Highland Games are an integral part of Scottish culture, as they're a consistent opportunity for Scots to celebrate the country's history and Scottish identity as a whole. Some aspects of the Highland Games have even become entrenched in Scottish culture over the years, such as bagpipes and kilts. The Highland Games' influence reach ...

  8. Highland Games PowerPoint

    This brilliant Highland Games PowerPoint is a simple but effective way for you to help your class learn more about the Highland Games and their history.This Highland Games PowerPoint is a fantastic resource for teaching your class about the Highland Games. Usually, when this much information is being taught to a class, it can be difficult for kids to not become disinterested or overwhelmed ...

  9. Highland Games PowerPoint

    This brilliant Highland Games PowerPoint is a simple but effective way for you to help your class learn more about the Highland Games and their history.This Highland Games PowerPoint is a fantastic resource for teaching your class about the Highland Games. Usually, when this much information is being taught to a class, it can be difficult for kids to not become disinterested or overwhelmed ...

  10. Highland Games

    Highland Games, originally, athletic meetings carried out in the Scottish Highlands.The name now denotes similar athletic competitions in any part of the world, usually conducted under the auspices of a local Caledonian society and held according to what are believed to be traditional customs. The games originated in impromptu competitions at clan assemblies summoned by the chiefs for hunting ...

  11. Highland Games, Music and Dance. The Highland Games Highland games are

    The History of the Highland Games The Origin of the Highland games was in the 11th century when King Malcolm set up a race to find the fastest runner in the land to be his Royal Messenger. Highland Scots used the Highland Games to train for combat in the Jacobite Rebellions as the English had banned them from training for war. ... Presentation ...

  12. History of Highland Games

    Highland Games have their origins in ancient Celtic traditions and have evolved from clan gatherings and military exercises. The games were initially held to select the strongest warriors but declined after the Battle of Culloden in 1746 and were later revived during the Highland Romantic Movement in the 19th century.

  13. Highland Games by Franziska Haslwimmer on Prezi

    The Highland Games History Weight throw traditional festival in Scotland with athletic matches the first were played centuries ago can be organized in all places were Scots live the most famous games are in Braemar in the presence of the Royal Family originally meeting of the ... Overcome presentation deadlines with Prezi AI: User success ...


    MAIDE LEISG. sheaf toss. DANCING. Tug-of-War. Tossing the Weight for Height at Largs. SHOT PUT. HAMMER THROW. CABER TOSS. HIGHLAND GAMES

  15. PPT

    Highland Games Student: Kostylev DenisForm: 7B Teacher:Mukhina G.I.. Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries as a way of celebratin Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland, such as the bagpipes, the kilt, and the heavy ...

  16. Royal Scottish Highland Games Association :: RSHGA

    The Royal Scottish Highland Games Association (RSHGA) is the governing body of Traditional Highland Games in Scotland. It represents over 60 Highland Games in Scotland with several associate members overseas. The organization was established in 1947 as the Scottish Games Association, with the general aim to further the cause of Highland Games ...

  17. The Highland Games

    The Games date back to the 11 th century when there were contests of strength (running, jumping, throwing and riding) in order to find the most able men who would become soldiers and couriers. Competition was fierce between clan chieftains to have the best contestants. It is said that the Highland Games were born in 1040 when King Malcolm III asked some contestants to run up Craig Choinnich as ...

  18. Russians celebrate Scottish Culture and heritage at Highland Games in

    (1 Jul 2002) 1. Scottish pipe band marching through the park 2. Men dressed in traditional kilts3. Drummer boys4. Muscovites come to watch Festival of Scott...

  19. PDF Rules and Regulations 2023-2024

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  20. Aberdeen's Lord Provost hopes to bring Highland Games to Moscow

    An event has taken place in the country before, but the Lord Provost believes it is time for the games to be reintroduced to the capital. He said: " When I was in Russia we chatted about a number possibilities, one of which was the Highland Games and reinstating it. "They used to have one a number of years but we think it's a great thing to ...

  21. Ex-Grandfather Mountain Highland Games employee sentenced in US court

    0:45. ASHEVILLE — A former Grandfather Mountain Highland Games employee was sentenced May 30 in Asheville federal court for creating a destructive device intended to explode in the games ...

  22. French citizen arrested in Moscow on charges of ...

    If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. At KPRC, we are committed to informing and delighting our audience. In our commitment to covering our communities with innovation and ...

  23. Stone Lab offers summer research webinars showcasing Great Lakes

    Starting Thursday, June 6, the public can join Stone Lab for its webinar presentations every Thursday from 7-8 p.m. this summer. Connect with any of the research presentations via Zoom using this webinar link. Meeting ID: 994 7066 6160. Password: 450907. To learn more about individual presentations, visit go.osu.edu/SLresearchbriefs.

  24. 1980 Summer Olympics

    Host city selection A Soviet stamp sheet showing the logo of the games and its mascot Misha holding the 1980 Olympic torch.The map shows the torch relay route from Olympia, Greece, the site of the ancient Olympic Games, to Moscow, Russian SFSR.It also depicts the number of gold, silver and bronze medals (80, 69, 46) won by the Soviet athletes at the Games.

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    After months of rumors and speculation fueled by the company's radio silence, Sony's latest State Of Play presentation took place on May 30. 14 games for PlayStation 5 and PSVR 2 were shown ...

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    All the scores from the Class 3A and 4A baseball games this weekend in Joliet. ... Lemont 6, Highland 3. Class 4A Semifinals Providence 2, Edwardsville 1 York vs. Conant, 7. Saturday, June 10

  27. Summer Game Fest 2024: all the news, trailers, and announcements

    Summer Game Fest 2024 kicks off on Friday, June 7th, at 5PM ET. Geoff Keighley will host a presentation showing off the latest video game gameplay videos, trailers, and announcements.

  28. Putin Says Russia Could Target Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine

    Countries that are supplying weapons to Ukraine risked being dragged into a war with Russia, he said. A Leopard 1A5 tank provided by NATO in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine in December. David ...

  29. NVIDIA Corporation

    NVIDIA ACE Now Generally Available for Cloud, in Early Access for RTX AI PCs, in Use by Companies Across Customer Service, Gaming and Healthcare, Including Dell Technologies, ServiceNow, Aww Inc., Inventec, Perfect World Games TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - COMPUTEX - NVIDIA today announced the general availability of NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices to accelerate the ...