The Educational Benefits of Travel

  • Posted March 19, 2021
  • By Gianna Cacciatore
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Global Education
  • Informal and Out-of-School Learning

Yasmine El Baggari

Master’s student Yasmine El Baggari has been to all 50 states. And she hasn’t just “been” to them in a casual, check-off-the-box way. She has been to them, for extended trips, staying in the homes of more than 250 families, riding countless Greyhound buses, and fostering thousands of genuine connections across cultures.

Originally from Morocco, El Baggari decided that she wanted to travel the United States by bus when she was 17, starting from Kansas where she was living while taking part in the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange — a state-department exchange program that seeks to dismantle stereotypes about Morocco, Africa, and the Middle East in the United States. “I told myself, if I can break down stereotypes in Kansas, I can do it in all 50 states,’’ says El Baggari. She continued her travels across the U.S. through college and beyond, visiting her final state — Alaska — in 2019.

Her commitment to the interpersonal and cross-cultural benefits of travel only grew from there, with additional visits to 50 countries. Six years ago, El Baggari founded Voyaj , an international exchange company that seeks to break down cultural stereotypes and foster a sense of global interconnectedness through travel experiences. Voyaj connects people of all ages with others in their destination country who share their interests and values, “in order to have a deeper cultural experience through their lens,” El Baggari explains.

The program, currently being piloted with select communities, has facilitated journeys for its clients to more than 40 countries, including France, Morocco, and the United States. Hosts open their homes to travelers, who then open their hearts and minds to embrace new cultures. The Voyaj process is planned to work through the Voyaj website, where travelers will be able to sign-up, arrange homestays, and share stories about their journeys.

El Baggari’s work at Voyaj, which is currently a venture at the Harvard iLab , is grounded in the belief that when humans from different backgrounds form authentic connections, our increased global understanding can help lead to a more peaceful world. Learning more about how the human mind works while at the Ed School has given her insight into the factors at play when two strangers sit down and form a deep bond, despite their different social contexts — factors she learned anecdotally from her travel experiences. This developmental knowledge, El Baggari believes, will help her understand cross-cultural connections, even when stereotypes, walls, and borders stand in the way.

“It is so important to realize that we aren’t really that different, and that we can embrace any perceived or real differences and identify our commonalities,” she explains.  

When COVID-19 restricted travel, Voyaj created remote opportunities for connection, facilitating online experiences for people around the globe. While these gatherings lack the allure of an international, in-person experience, they have addressed some of the social ills exacerbated by the pandemic like loneliness and isolation. “That’s one of the positive sides of COVID: More communities are looking to connect and to do so more deeply,” says El Baggari. “Because of the isolation, people are eager to meet. These virtual experiences have proven meaningful.”

El Baggari expects the evolution of Voyaj to continue — even as she concurrently focuses on her ultimate travel goal: becoming an astronaut through Space For Humanity’s sponsored citizen astronaut mission. With the support of her global team, she is running pilots for the upcoming Voyaj app, as well working to form partnerships with other exchange and travel organizations in the United States, New Zealand, Morocco, and elsewhere.

El Baggari believes that travel is about more than place. It is about people: the people you see, the people you meet, and the people who change you along the way. “I believe we have the opportunity to learn at every moment from every encounter,” says El Baggari. “We’re here, and alive! We’ve got to connect, to open and share our cultures, and realize who we truly are.”

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Essay on Travelling as a Part of Education

Students are often asked to write an essay on Travelling as a Part of Education in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Travelling as a Part of Education

The importance of travelling in education.

Travelling is more than just visiting new places. It’s a vital part of education. When we travel, we learn about different cultures, histories, and traditions. This broadens our perspective and enhances our understanding.

Learning Beyond Textbooks

Travelling provides practical knowledge which textbooks can’t offer. Seeing historical monuments, natural wonders, and diverse cultures firsthand leaves a lasting impression. It helps students remember and understand topics better.

Developing Essential Skills

Travelling develops skills like problem-solving, decision-making, and adaptability. It also enhances social skills as we interact with new people. These skills are crucial for personal growth and future careers.

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250 Words Essay on Travelling as a Part of Education


Travelling has always been an integral part of human life, evolving from a mere necessity to a form of education. It is an experiential learning process that transcends the four walls of a classroom, offering a global perspective and a first-hand understanding of various cultures, traditions, and geographical phenomena.

Experience-Based Learning

Travelling promotes experience-based learning. It enables students to witness the practical application of theoretical knowledge, thereby fostering a deeper understanding. For instance, observing a volcano or rainforest in person enhances comprehension beyond what textbooks offer.

Cultural Exchange

Travelling facilitates cultural exchange, promoting tolerance and understanding. It exposes students to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, broadening their horizons and promoting empathy. This cultural immersion fosters a global perspective, a valuable asset in our increasingly interconnected world.

Development of Life Skills

Travelling also contributes to the development of essential life skills. Planning and executing a trip requires problem-solving, decision-making, and time management skills. Additionally, navigating new places enhances adaptability and resilience. These skills, while not explicitly educational, are critical to personal and professional success.

In conclusion, travelling is a potent educational tool. It complements traditional education, promoting experiential learning, cultural exchange, and life skills development. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate travel experiences into the educational curriculum, enabling students to become well-rounded individuals prepared to navigate the complexities of the global landscape.

500 Words Essay on Travelling as a Part of Education

Travelling is not just a leisure activity, but also a powerful educational tool. It has long been recognized that travel broadens one’s perspective, providing an experiential form of learning that is far more impactful than traditional classroom education. This essay explores the concept of travelling as a part of education, emphasizing its importance and potential benefits.

The Role of Travel in Education

Education is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. While traditional education focuses on academic learning, travelling provides a holistic form of education. It exposes individuals to different cultures, languages, traditions, and ways of life, promoting understanding and tolerance. It also fosters adaptability and resilience, as one navigates through unfamiliar environments.

Cultural Exchange and Global Awareness

Travelling provides first-hand exposure to diverse cultures, enhancing cultural sensitivity and global awareness. It enables students to see the world from different perspectives, breaking stereotypes and fostering empathy towards people from different backgrounds. It also promotes language learning, as immersion in a foreign culture is the best way to learn its language.

Personal Development and Life Skills

Beyond academic knowledge, travelling promotes personal development and equips students with essential life skills. It fosters independence, self-reliance, and problem-solving skills, as students navigate unfamiliar environments. It also enhances communication skills and builds confidence, as students interact with diverse people.

Education Beyond the Classroom

Travelling provides an education beyond the classroom, exposing students to real-world experiences. It enables students to learn about history, geography, and culture in a practical and engaging way. It also fosters a love for nature and promotes environmental awareness, as students explore various ecosystems and understand their importance.

In conclusion, travelling is a powerful educational tool that provides a holistic form of education. It enhances cultural sensitivity, promotes personal development, and provides an education beyond the classroom. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of travel as part of education cannot be overstated. Students should be encouraged to travel, not just for leisure, but also for the rich educational experiences it offers. The journey is indeed as important as the destination, and every journey is a step towards becoming a global citizen.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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The Power of Travel for Student Success


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Educators are always talking about what happens in the classroom—from the Common Core State Standards to testing to social-emotional learning. So much of what happens inside school walls is based on results, not the journey that led to them.

But as students grow into professionals, they will need skills that many teachers have never taught, such as collaboration across digital networks and the ability to assess new information as it becomes easier to obtain. One of the most important conversations educators should be having now is how to bring our students out into the real world and teach them the skills to interact with it.

As an English teacher, I spent much of my time challenging students to find inspiration, consider multiple perspectives, and explore their passions. I know that students feel they have more to say when they root their words in their experiences, and it is those experiences that push them to create their best work.

In fact, a 2016 globally representative study by the Student & Youth Travel Association, a nonprofit that seeks to improve and increase travel among young people, found that “a travel experience triggers a process of accelerated personal development, contributes to better academic performance, and improves social interaction between young people.” The same study found that students who traveled had an increased willingness to learn and explore and more independence, curiosity, self-esteem, and confidence. I know of few school-based initiatives that have the same kind of impact on students.

A Personal Voyage

I know firsthand the lessons a journey outside of school can teach. When I was 12 years old, my uncle took me to Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass. I remember very clearly the sternness and pride in my uncle’s expression as he told me that I could very likely be standing in the same spot as a Harvard student in a few years if I put my mind to it. Even though neither of my parents had gone to college, nor were they capable of paying for it, I believed him.

My uncle had told me this many times before at home—as had my parents, grandparents, and teachers—but this moment resonated with me more than any of the others because we were sitting in Harvard Square. It’s one thing to tell a young, low-income girl that “she can do anything she puts her mind to,” but it is quite another to take her to a spot unimaginable to her and let her live the possibilities in an immersive way.

That moment opened me up to other opportunities as well. My high school art teacher planned a student trip to Europe, and when she handed me the flier for the informational meeting, I felt my face burn with desperation—I had never wanted anything more in my entire life. My parents sensed how important this opportunity was to me, so they told me if I could earn my spending money, they could muster up the rest. My mother took a job working nights at a convenient store to send me to Europe.

It is tactile experiences that transform people from merely talented into the kind of people who use their talent to make a mark on the world."

There, I met people who spoke different languages, ate foods I couldn’t pronounce the names of, walked into buildings erected during time periods I only knew from history books, and watched as my art teacher wept at the Sistine Chapel. Those experiences changed my view of what the world could be.

Looking back, I recognize that those formative experiences I had as a young person sent me on the trajectory for the success I’ve known as an adult. They were more important than college. Why? Because travel can transform us into the people we were meant to be. I felt inspired by the things I saw and the people I met, and was disturbed by my own prior lack of understanding of the bigger, grander world.

A History of Learners Changed by Travel

There are few experiences more powerful than travel for awakening passion in young learners. Take author Toni Morrison, who spent her youth in Ohio reading books by white writers. It wasn’t until her student days at Howard University in Washington that she finally encountered books about the contemporary black American experience by black authors. She was frustrated to learn that few of those books actually existed and began writing them herself. Traveling was the catalyst for her life’s work. Author Ernest Hemingway, who was born in Illinois, also found inspiration abroad in the form of mentors and friends who helped him develop his straightforward writing style.

One might imagine that these pioneers would have found their way no matter what because of their talent and skill, but I believe it is tactile experiences that transform people from merely talented into those who use their talent to make a mark on the world. And the educator in me believes that we should be cultivating this desire and providing opportunities like these for our students.

Of course, there are many financial issues that affect schools’ ability to send students on field trips, much less around the country or abroad. But prioritizing such opportunities, especially for struggling students, is not impossible. Why should middle- and upper-class students be the only ones to receive such opportunities, especially when the impact could be far greater for students who have yet to experience travel at all?

Expanding the Walls of the Classroom

In my tenure as an educator in Kentucky, I’ve advocated for experiences outside of the classroom walls for my own students. Going somewhere new or getting the chance to interact with an interesting person impacted my students in ways they couldn’t have imagined.

When I took my suburban, mostly white students to the ESL Newcomer Academy, a public school in Louisville, Ky. where all students are beginning English speakers, one of my students told me later that the experience was the most important moment of her educational career, inspiring her to study Spanish in college.

I’ve taken students to local writing conferences, where they’ve received one-of-a-kind workshops with prestigious writers such as Helen Oyeyemi and Frank X Walker. I’ve taken students to farms, museums, plays, candy factories, printing presses, universities, and other schools very different from their own. And when funds have fallen short, I’ve asked guest speakers—ranging from forensic scientists to district court judges to literary agents—to come to us.

Teachers can look beyond their content and the material limitations of their environment to give students real and unique experiences that impassion them to think outside the bounds of their neighborhood, school, or classroom. Learning from a textbook will not be the catalyst for change in a child’s life, but experiencing a world beyond their own just might be.

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6 essential ways travel promotes learning and education

Is travel the purest form of education? A trip abroad expands your worldview, connects you to your global community, and empowers you to be your most authentic, forward-thinking self.

essay on importance of travelling in education

Nov 10, 2023

travel as education

A few years back, I left my comfortable home and job in the United States for a year of international travel, country-hopping, and experiential learning.

I have always considered myself a lifetime student, and enjoy the experience of learning in a classroom and investing my time in school. Some of my greatest mentors have been school teachers and college professors, and many people from my formal student years have played major roles in shaping my character and supporting me on my path toward becoming my truest and most authentic self.

After many years of school and classroom-based learning in a top American college of education, I was surprised to discover the seemingly infinite ways that travel as a form of education is a game-changer . From volunteer projects in Central America and the Middle East to learning new languages by living in communities of native speakers, the educational impact of my experiences abroad has been unparalleled. 

So much has happened since my initial take-off — now a few years back — and aside from the countless ideas, projects, ventures and experiences, I have truly learned to live and inhabit my senses in so many new and exciting ways.  Life has never been better, or more interesting.

As someone who never thought of travel beyond vacations and short trips organized by travel agents to now living location-independent and making the world my classroom , this is why I believe in the power of travel; as education and opportunity, and a greater means to community and empowerment.

Travel promotes learning

1. It broadens your horizons through cultural immersion

Nothing compares to the experience of being fully immersed in a country and its culture. 

International travel should be about more than tourism and site-seeing. A trip abroad is an opportunity to witness and participate in life in another country; to connect with local people and learn about the ways in which they experience the world. Thus, when you travel, the world becomes about more than you or your country of origin. 

When I travel to a new country or place, I like to give myself time to truly dive into the layers that constitute history, language, belief systems, and everyday life. There is much to be learned by venturing outside the classroom.

2. It motivates you to participate on a local level

Whether visiting the great pyramids and astounding temple complexes of Egypt, strolling the streets of Paris, or adventuring in the Brazilian Amazon, a trip abroad asks you to participate . When you experience distant people and cultures firsthand, you'll naturally feel more inclined to engage.

Whether it's by practicing the local language  or simply observing your surroundings, travel leads to a more open and global-minded viewpoint where you understand how people and places are interconnected. Immersing yourself in different cultures will help you adopt a sense of empathy for others who live differently than you. 

As you learn about other political, economic, and social structures, you'll become more motivated to participate on a local level.  Opportunities for participation are boundless and range from volunteer efforts  and work exchanges  to language groups and  eco programs  and home-stays with host families. Participating in a country's daily rhythms is an educational experience rich in hands-on and active learning, and demands that you step out of your comfort zone  and  lead with curiosity and an open mind .

3. It challenges you to grow

Traveling will make you more adaptable. Leaving your comfort zone helps you become more independent, responsible and confident. You'll become better at thinking on your feet, and you'll be a better problem solver, planner, negotiator, and more. My time spent volunteering, working and living in other countries has allowed me to discover strengths, skills, and passions  that otherwise may have remained hidden. 

While traveling tends to be seen for its glamorous side, the reality is often far from. Life on the road has its own challenges and quickly breaks down the superfluous and extravagant to the essential — patience, an open mind, tolerance, resilience.

Beyond the discovery of new places and breathtaking sights and monuments is the discovery of self, of the layers and fabric you are made of, and what it means to be true to yourself and live well.

3. It helps you connect better with others

Regardless if you are in your own country or abroad, it's easy to connect when we focus on the things we share. Every country has something to offer and teach you. 

One of my guiding intentions as an international full-time traveler is to give every country a chance.  More often than not, this means being a witness to the positivity of misunderstood and negatively perceived places, and finding a way to learn and connect with people in spite of dissimilar beliefs or attitudes .  

Differences exist in lifestyle and etiquettes across cultures, and part of the experience of traveling is finding the commonalities and being humble enough to acknowledge and appreciate the differences as much as the similarities.

Connecting with people in different places around the globe provides you with a whole new perspective and insight about a culture or way of life that previously may have seemed too foreign or alien to understand. It's humbling and eye-opening to see how others live.

Nothing beats the feeling of breaking a preconceived stereotype or seeing past the influence and bias of media and connecting with a country and its people in real time. When you travel abroad, you gain a better understanding of people and their actions. It is inspiring to listen to the stories of people around the world, and this human connection can help you become a more compassionate and empathetic person. 

Over time, these cross-cultural experiences pull you out of your cultural bubble and help you empathize and connect with people from backgrounds different than your own.

4. It promotes a deeper sense of understanding

Travel not only teaches you about the world as it is today, but also about the history behind the current complexities of social, political, and economic structures.

Everyone studies history in school, but traveling brings history to life. In addition to seeing some of the world's greatest monuments and museums, you also feel the energy of the people and countries you visit. 

What was once a standard school history lesson becomes an ongoing process of experiential learning ; you become absorbed by the play of life happening in front of and all around you, and begin to understand the underlying reasons and forces behind why societies and cultures are shaped in a particular way and differ from one another. 

The more you travel and engage, your understanding of history grows, and your understanding of the world broadens . Ultimately, this understanding extends inward as well; you learn about yourself and your true potential and become better equipped to be proactive about your goals and dreams. 

You feel that you belong to many places, and your sense of "home" expands.

5. It builds community

From cultural immersion to participation to discovery to connection to understanding, travel builds and strengthens community . Whether you go somewhere as part of a university exchange program via student travel or join a volunteer effort, whether you travel solo or go on a weekend trip and end up bonding with a local over shared cuisine or an activity, your idea of community grows. 

I used to think of my community as exclusive to my home, or the place I physically inhabit, but my understanding has evolved to include my global community, the people and efforts that exist beyond my own borders. Community is greater than something physical, something tangible; it is created, sustained, and amplified by connection, participation, and understanding. 

Traveling — if done with the right intention — can lead to a deeper understanding of global dynamics and power structures, and a heightened  sense of responsibility to the greater community .

Seeing yourself as part of the global community is essential to remembering that we are all connected, we are all in so many ways more similar than we are different. The mark of a global citizen is acceptance, tolerance and appreciation, and above all, an awareness of the ways in which countries and people are interconnected and part of an emerging powerful and dynamic world community.

6. It leads to empowerment

The more you travel and expand your worldview, the more you are empowered to embody your authentic self and take action that supports sustainable global development and a collaborative world community . 

You become more independent, and cultivate a propensity for self-study and self-improvement . The skills gained through travel experiences are more than worth the effort, and have an impact that reaches beyond life and community as you once knew it .

Why travel is the best form of education

No matter how many years you study in formal school or your number of university degrees, travel has so much to offer you . 

You gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of history, and you rethink everything you once knew about how to study and understand the world today. By putting yourself in unfamiliar territory, you learn how to adapt to new environments, and in the process, discover more about yourself. 

Travel has the capacity to change your life . My travel experiences have been integral in shaping who I am — a brave, forward-thinking world citizen.  When I began my journey, leaving home for my first long trip meant letting go of everything I spent my entire life trying to gain. And while I closed the door on my perceived stability and comfort, I opened another to so many incredible opportunities, all of which would have been impossible to foresee. 

The world seems fragile and scary during these complicated times of hatred, radicalization, and conflict. Nonetheless, there is so much to learn from adventuring beyond the familiar places where we feel safe and stable . Don't hesitate to let experience be your teacher.

So, to anyone who is dreaming of traveling, I dare you to go for it. It will never seem like the "right" time or the "right" amount of savings, it will never be simple, or easy.

But, if you are dreaming of taking that leap of faith, as terrifying as it may seem: take it. You won't regret it.

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Janaína Colomba

Janaina Colomba is a writer, traveler, and creative inspired by the beauty and wisdom of people and places. Her personal mission is to bridge cultural gaps and ignite community and understanding. Janaina is currently based in Cairo, Egypt and can be found on Instagram.

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Feb 23, 2019

Excellent and informative article.

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Amazingly awesome article. It reflects perfectly crafted thoughts of a beautiful mind which is achieving enlightenment through travel.

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The Benefits of Travel in Education

Travel in education provides an opportunity for subconscious learning. every aspect of travel teaches children new skills, ones they are unlikely to gain and practice in the usual school routine. not all children get the opportunity to travel in their personal lives and it is our responsibility as educators to ensure those who want to, can., travel is not only important for education purposes but also for building character. by encouraging students to experience travel, we are allowing all students to become ‘world citizens’. here are some more benefits of travel in educating children and young adults:, teaching responsibility.

When travelling with children, no matter how organised the trip is, there is a certain level of trust placed in the group to take responsibility. 

Just from one experience, children can learn or practice multiple skills like time keeping, street safety, organisation and more. By placing your trust in the students in real-life settings, you can encourage independent and responsible behaviour.

essay on importance of travelling in education

Experiencing Different Cultures 

In the every-day routine of school, children can live relatively sheltered lives even up to the age of 18. Travel in education can prepare students for the wider world and therefore allow them to embrace more opportunities in confidence.

Exposing students to different cultures allows them to respect and understand the world as a whole, rather than in segregation or isolation. It creates ‘world citizens’ who don’t feel confined by borders or conventions, and therefore will be able to thrive in later life.

travel in education

Language Learning

We all know by now that being immersed in a language is one of the most effective ways of learning. Without travel in education, authentic bilingual conversation is near impossible. Having an opportunity to practice a language in the country can also be inspiring, and motivate the students to continue their studies.

When you are visiting or working in a different country in almost all scenarios there will be a need to learn new vocabulary of the language, therefore students can learn organically through these experiences.


Building Strong Relationships

The highs and lows of a school trip inevitably bond the students and teachers. These relationships are incredibly important in building trust and therefore creating an environment where children can learn confidently.

The shared experiences of travel create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. The happier the children, the happier the teacher and the school.

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A new survey, “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success,” explores the impact of learning-focused travel on academic performance and career growth. The findings demonstrate travel’s power to transform how students approach learning, deepen their understanding of the world and expand their career possibilities. The Wagner Group, a market research firm, conducted the study by surveying a cross-section of 400 American adults who reported taking an educational trip between the ages of 12-18.

The sample carefully balanced across considerations of gender, race and income. An educational trip was defined as any domestic trip taken when the person was between the ages of 12-18 that involved learning about the history or culture of the area visited, either as a school or family trip, and was at least 50 miles from home (one-way) or had an overnight stay regardless of mileage.


Future Success

Regardless of socioeconomic class, the positive effects of youth travel extend far beyond the classroom educational travel correlates with two of the markers most commonly seen as indicators of success: higher education and personal income.

Nine out of ten people who took educational trips during their youth say the experiences helped their education or careers. Educational travel influenced the career choices of more than half (52%) of those surveyed.

Adults who experienced educational travel as teens have a median income $5,000 higher or earn 12 percent greater personal income annually than their peers.

Educational Attainment

Increased travel is linked to higher education, regardless of gender, ethnicity or other demographic factors students who took educational trips were more likely to graduate from high school, attend college and go to graduate school.

A majority of adults (57%) who took educational trips as children and teens attained a college degree or went on to do post-graduate work, compared to those who did not (33%). With each trip, the positive effect of educational travel grew stronger. Nearly all (95%) adults who traveled five or more times were more likely to graduate from high school, and nearly two-thirds (63%) of that group went on to graduate from college.

Nine out of ten people who took educational trips say the experiences helped their education or careers.

Intellectual Curiosity

Many survey respondents noted that travel makes learning come alive, sparking an interest where none existed before. As a result, children who took educational trips had higher grades and were significantly more engaged in learning, both in and out of school.

Educational travel makes school more interesting for 8 in 10 students. Travel helped more than half (59%) achieve better grades.

86 percent say travel in their youth made them more intellectually curious not only in school, but outside the classroom, as well.

Inspired Learning

Respondents report that travel during their school years made them more interested in what they were learning in school, making information easier to remember and making complementary reading and lectures more interesting so interesting as to even spark independent learning.

Respondents said their trips were more than simply educational. Learning-focused travel was also fun (98%), engaging (87%) and inspiring (87%). The experiences provided by these types of trips were a vital part of a complete education according to 83 percent of respondents.

For 80 percent of those surveyed, educational travel sparked greater interest in what they were taught in school.

Cultural Expansion

While teachers and textbooks can introduce students to communities and cultures beyond their own, respondents recall travel experiences as opening their eyes to a world more diverse than they had previously imagined. Some respondents credit early travel as having made them “more tolerant” and having introduced them to “other people and different viewpoints.” More than half of people surveyed describe their educational travel experiences as “transformative.”

85% of adults who took educational trips in their youth say the travel made them more connected to American heritage.

Experiencing local culture and history on their trips had a lasting impact (77%).

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essay on importance of travelling in education

10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it would be dull)

10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it would be dull)

Leaving your own four corners and setting out into the world is the best decision you’ll ever make. Here’s why.

Here are the 10 most important reasons for why travel is the best education:

1. Traveling is discovering

Humans; we’re a diverse bunch, happily inhabiting practically every corner of the globe. We’ve all grown up differently and developed individual cultures and traditions, on national and local scales. Moving around the world and travelling to different places means discovering new and beautiful cultures, learning about ancient belief systems and hearing fascinating stories about life in different environments from the people who actually live there.

2. Traveling is exploring

Hike to the very top of mountains to soak in staggering views; wander slowly through winding cobbled streets in search of the best hidden coffee shops; discover ornate architecture and ancient churches. Every single place you travel to will be unique and just waiting to be explored – meaning there’s always a whole host of different memories just waiting to be made.

3. Traveling is feeling

At some point on your travels you’re likely to feel excited, anxious, exhilarated, homesick and delighted. Through the ups and the downs, travelling can be a serious emotional roller coaster – in the best way possible. But, once you’ve experienced traveling and felt that sense of wonder when you step out to explore a new city or place for the first time, your heart and soul will ache for more.

4. Traveling is independence

Travelling is real world experience. This is learning to fly the nest and look after yourself, realising that you can solve problems and survive on your own, and learning to believe that you’re ready for anything life might throw at you. You’re strong, and you’ve got this!

5. Traveling is connecting

Building connections between fellow travellers, study abroad classmates and host families whilst you travel not only enriches your experience, it grows your network. Make the effort to connect with the people around you as you never know what opportunities it might lead to. (Plus, forming ten good friendships across the globe gives you ten more reasons to travel in the future!)

6. Traveling is understanding

When you’ve tucked into tapas with locals in Barcelona, helped protect the turtles that nest on the beaches of Costa Rica or spent a month living in fast-paced New York, you become part of a special club of people who can see the world differently. You’ve experienced things outside of your home environment and you’ve seen that every country and community is unique. You understand that it’s the differences between our lives that make us interesting, but it’s the laughter, the stories and the values that we share that remind us that we’re all still a little bit the same. You get it.

7. Traveling is studying

Study abroad courses are a fantastic way to combine your travels with educational growth, especially if you’re learning a new language. Experts agree that one of the fastest ways to become fluent in a foreign tongue is to move abroad; you learn quickest whilst living immersed in the language.

8. Traveling is communication

You’re used to chatting in your native language, of course, but traveling abroad means learning to really communicate. You’ll learn a new language much faster than in your hometown if you’re speaking to locals every day and you’ll soon pick up ways of communicating using hand gestures, facial expressions, and local colloquialisms too, not just your curriculum vocabulary.

9. Traveling is challenging

It can be intimidating if you’ve not traveled often before or if you’re jetting off to a part of the world which you’ve never been to, but that makes it more rewarding. Set yourself a goal, perhaps of dancing the tango in Buenos Aires or walking underneath the cherry tree blossom in Tokyo, and do your research to figure out how to make that a reality. It’s like a big problem-solving exercise, except abroad and exciting.

10. Traveling is learning

Far from just an opportunity to make academic study an exciting experience, traveling is a fantastic way to learn more about yourself, and living abroad has been proven to create a stronger, healthier sense of self . Often travel experiences allow you to find answers to the age-old questions, ‘Who are you?’ and ‘What do you want to do with your life?’ and help you shape your perfect future.

Study abroad and discover the world

Study and Go Abroad

Five Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Education

You probably will agree that even with teachers, textbooks, and supportive fellow students, classroom education is never enough. The real stuff is learned out there. If you want to learn effectively, therefore, you will have to travel the world and discover the things that matter. Every day spent on the road or in a faraway destination is a learning opportunity. Whether you are vacationing on Miami’s sandy beaches, strolling through the streets of Cape Town, or hiking the Andes Mountains, you will always find something new to learn.

Traveling is the easiest escape route from the little spaces you are accustomed to. It is the perfect chance to leave home and see the word. It allows you to broaden your intellectual capacity, interact with new cultures, and get new spiritual education right from its custodians. Seeing and interacting with these experiences first hand will always be more valuable than studying about them in a classroom.

Take, for example, an educational trip to London. You will have a chance to visit Shakespeare’s Globe and see a live performance of a Shakespeare play. Without a doubt, retracing the footsteps of England’s greatest poet is the best way of learning about his works. And if you are on a free walking tour in London , you can always visit the museum and learn firsthand the history of Shakespeare’s lifetime.

Another reason to visit London for educational purposes is to see the British Museum. It is open every day and you won’t be charged a dime to enter. If you take a fully guided tour of the museum, you will have a chance to view special exhibitions and witness unique events that are both educational and exciting. And, speaking of exhibitions, London is home to The Crystal, the largest exhibition of city planning and how metropolitan areas will/should look in the future. If you are a design student, a visit here will give you valuable insights into how technology will affect future cities, particularly architecturally.

There are endless reasons why you should take an educational tour in London and Europe. Here are five proven educational benefits that you’ll accrue by simply traveling around the world.

1. Learning new languages

When you travel abroad, your chance of learning a new language increases significantly. The urge to interact with the locals in their mother tongue will be too compelling to ignore. If you are a linguistics student, you will be able to tap into the language potential that other traveling students bring. You will make new friends from across the world, which means that you will always have someone to help you test and practice your second language proficiency.

2. Exploring cultural differences

The social expectations of different cultures, their cuisines, their political views, and their mannerisms are in most cases different. Exploring these differences opens your mind up and helps you see education from a better perspective. Emotive topics such as racism, slavery, gender violence, civil uprisings, and colonialism are rarely taught in the classroom and when they are taught, most curriculums are biased depending on who developed them. When you listen to stories about such topics from the real victims, your knowledge broadens significantly.

3. Getting a close touch of history

As mentioned above, most curriculums are skewed towards the emphasis of the education system that developed them. At high school, you might have learned about Canadian and European history, but you might know very little about Asia and Africa. The only way of getting a close look at world history and to see it from a different perspective, is through traveling and meeting local people in their natural settings.

4. Gaining better classroom experience

If you take a short-term educational trip with your school/university, you’ll have more chance to  interact with your teachers than when confined in four-walled classrooms. The combination of interaction with your teacher, and with locals in a foreign environment makes for a really cool experiential learning experience, and paves the way for a deeper understanding of the subject when you return to the classroom.

5. Traveling is also a skill

When traveling, you will become more independent.  You’ll learn how to pack light, how to live on a budget, how to take good care of your hygiene and health away from home, and how to improvise on different comfort areas. The simple act of keeping your travel plan together is educational in and by itself.

There is no denying that traveling has a positive impact on anyone’s educational journey. If you are a student, you should always aspire to travel the world and really experience everything you have been taught in class. Why not opt to take an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at a university overseas? You won’t regret the decision.

Contributed by: Miranda Mirany

Miranda is an English student graduate. She has a big passion for traveling, and choosing to travel was one of her best decisions. She believes that she can change the world for the better. She works really hard to help people and she is always available for those in need.

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Discussion 22 comments.

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I would like to travel the whole world. Traveling is my dream. My friends if I get a chance of learning and travel. I will be the most successful man.

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I agree with all of the above points. The trip broadens the horizons, gives new impressions and new acquaintances, helps to study the history and culture of other peoples, to learn new languages. Even more important is the fact that the journey provides an opportunity to reboot and start with renewed vigor in the classroom.

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I totally agree with you if you will not come outside from your room how you will learn new things. To meet the other peoples and his to learn how they think make us sharp thank you for this it will help me a lot and encourage to travel

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I agree with this post your article is great thanks for sharing

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Nice and Informative pot thanks for sharing with us.

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No doubt in that but only very few guys follow this advice especially from South Asian region.

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No doubt, it’s the best advice and I always prefer to travel with a travel firm which is based in Seattle and this lesson should be taught to our kids at very basic level.

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Wow, this is just an awesome post about education. It will help all students. If you want to study abroad then you can visit Educational Consultancy Companies in London

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In this article, the author discusses the benefits of traveling as a form of education. She highlights how traveling can broaden your perspective, increase your cultural awareness, and enhance your communication skills.

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I absolutely loved reading this blog post on the “Reasons Why Traveling is the Best Education.” The author beautifully captured the transformative power of travel and highlighted its undeniable benefits as a form of education. I couldn’t agree more that stepping out of our comfort zones and immersing ourselves in different cultures, languages, and perspectives broadens our horizons like no textbook ever could. The personal growth, empathy, and global understanding that come from exploring new destinations and engaging with diverse communities are invaluable. This article serves as a wonderful reminder of the importance of travel in expanding our minds and fostering lifelong learning. I’m now even more inspired to embark on my next adventure and continue my own educational journey through travel. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece!

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your writing style is engaging and relatable. it makes the topic accessible to readers of all levels of expertise. to delve deeper, click here .

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Traveling is often considered the best education due to its unique ability to offer a holistic and immersive learning experience that surpasses traditional classroom settings. Unlike textbooks and lectures, travel provides the opportunity to directly engage with different cultures, languages, histories, and ways of life. It’s an experiential journey that goes beyond the theoretical realm, allowing individuals to witness the world’s complexities firsthand.

Through travel, individuals encounter historical sites, museums, and landmarks, gaining a deeper appreciation for the events that shaped civilizations. Interacting with locals and engaging in cultural traditions offers insights that books simply can’t capture. The challenges of navigating new environments and languages foster problem-solving skills and adaptability, nurturing personal growth and independence.

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To get the most value out of this important event, you should prepare for it in advance if possible, and follow up afterwards. Here are some tips on how to make the best use of your time at the Study and Go Abroad university fairs:

Before the fair:

  • See which institutions are attending by viewing the  exhibitor list
  • Read the profiles of the institutions that are of direct interest to you; also have a look at the other profiles as well – you may be surprised which university or college offers what you are looking for
  • If you are not sure of what study topic you want to pursue, start with the countries you want to study in; you can sort by country on the  exhibitor listing  (use arrow toggle over ‘country’) and see which schools are located in which countries and explore from there
  • Visit and find out more about the various countries – you will find country facts and figures under the ‘Study Overseas’ drop down menu – and read up on some articles about student experiences, fields of study, etc.
  • If you already know what you are looking for, bring along your transcripts, portfolio, résumé – whatever you have already on hand to present to the representatives. If you don’t have them, that is okay as well – you will find out what you need once you discuss your plans

During the fair:

  • Use the Fair Guide you will get when you enter to navigate your way around the room
  • Attend the free  seminars : These information sessions are for you to learn in depth about the presentation topics and to ask questions; visit the presenters afterwards at their stands for more details
  • Ask as many questions as you need to; the fair is for you to research and learn about the many institutions in attendance
  • Collect information resource materials from the schools that are of interest to you and from the other service providers
  • Don’t rush through: It is not often that you will have the chance to visit with so many representatives in your city, so take your time!

After the fair:

  • Follow up with representatives you met and keep in touch with questions and planning
  • Read through the materials you collected during the fair
  • Make up a comparison chart of important issues that you extract from the various brochures and websites of different schools of interest to you, to help you with your decisions
  • Discuss your ideas and plans with friends and family; this often helps to clarify issues
  • Study in UK/British Council:  and
  • Study in the USA:
  • Study in Germany/German Academic Exchange:
  • Universities Canada:
  • Colleges and Institutes Canada:
  • Study in Australia:
  • Study in France/Campus France: and  and higher-education/student/ campus-france/
  • Study in Holland: and
  • Study in Hungary –
  • Education Ireland:
  • Study in Korea –  www.
  • Study in New Zealand:
  • Study in Norway:
  • Study in Scotland:
  • Study in Spain:
  • Study in Sweden:

The upcoming Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder fairs are for everyone interested in looking for undergraduate or post-graduate programs in Canada overseas, or in taking a volunteer program, working or taking an internship abroad, considering a gap year or career break, or adventure travel.

The event is focused on post-secondary education, hosting top-ranking university and college recruiters from Canada and around the world. As well, there are several vocational, work experience and Gap Year/Career Break program providers.

You should attend if you are:

  • Looking for undergraduate programs in Canada or overseas
  • Looking for masters/doctoral programs in Canada or overseas
  • Considering a gap year or a career break
  • Wanting to upgrade your education or skills, or change career path
  • Looking to take advantage of Working Holiday Visas to work abroad – changed
  • Researching universities for exchange programs
  • Wanting to travel and experience the world
  • Inspired to broaden your horizons!

essay on importance of travelling in education

and we'll send you a reminder for the next Study and Go Abroad Fair as well.

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Minds of Wonder

Benefits of Travel for Kids and How it Impacts Learning

by Nicola | Jan 24, 2019 | Maths , Resilience for Learning , Tips for Parents | 0 comments

Benefits of Travel for Kids

Benefits of Travel for Kids are numerous. Our kids live in a world that has become increasingly accessible. This new era of easy travel provides them with opportunities that could only have been dreamt about not long ago. For many, the world has become their backyard, with an increasing number of parents taking their kids out of school for an extended amount of time to travel.

Taking kids travelling brings priceless benefits. Recently, I had the good fortune to take my young daughter to India. I went myself at the age of 20. It was a country that made its mark on me and I was keen for my daughter to experience the same. 

The trip was enriching beyond measure and what she learnt, immense. Let me share some of the adventure and some of the learning with you!

Learning from great historic structures

Benefits of Travel for Kids

The Taj Mahal is of course, a sight to behold, even for a young child. But it also lent itself to so much more. Not only did it provide a learning opportunity for some of the country’s history, but the love story that lies behind it, sparked and engaged my daughter’s imagination. Together, we imagined a love so strong to build something that would take approximately 20 years to make. 

Standing at Agra Fort, looking out at the Taj Mahal in the distance, we imagined the feelings and thoughts of the Mogul emperor, Shah Jahan, as he stood there looking out at the symbol of his love from his imprisonment. We also looked at its surroundings; the blue sky, the water, the trees, the birds; nature itself. It lent itself to such an array of learning – history, mathematics, language, creativity, analysis, imagination, curiosity…

Dispelling stereotypes

essay on importance of travelling in education

Taking kids travelling also brings benefits on a much deeper level. With the best will in the world, shielding our kids from stereotypes and prejudice is a battle we will inevitably lose. They’ll be exposed to it all, but as parents we have considerable say over how they deal with it and whether they choose to become open-minded, tolerant, global citizens. 

On our trip, I shone a light for my daughter to see both sides of this fascinating country. Moving around in a tuk-tuk, she witnessed the poverty that many are forced to live in. Later, she tasted the delectable cakes in a wonderful café, busy with people far wealthier than us. Being exposed to this reality would help ensure that the stereotypes, the generalisations she may have already encountered or would encounter, could be dispelled. 

Enhancing problem solving skills

essay on importance of travelling in education

As the taxi pulled up outside one of the hotels I’d booked, my heart sank! It barely bore a resemblance to the photos displayed on the booking site. Not to put my daughter off, I kept my disappointment to myself. 

Walking into our room did nothing to shift my first impressions. I was considering what to do, when my daughter spilled some water on the floor. She got some tissue and proceeded to clean it up; then thrust it under my nose. It was black with dirt. My decision was made.

With my daughter in tow, I spoke to the very friendly and very obliging manager, who offered us an upgraded room. It still wasn’t great, so I negotiated with the manager to stay for two of the three nights booked. The hotel wasn’t great, but the staff certainly made up for it.

Listening to my negotiations with the manager, my daughter took everything in and I realised just how much it had provided her with a valuable learning experience. She learnt how to deal with a situation you’re not happy with in a way that is respectful but assertive (and that humour can help too!). She learnt how to effectively solve a problem. 

And maybe above all, she learnt about the importance of resilience. Even when you come across difficulties, it helps to see the positive. We didn’t really like the upgraded room, but as my daughter explained, ‘this is an adventure, Mummy!’. We also saw the funny side and noted that we’d always remember turning up to the awful looking hotel and how we’d laughed about it. I realised too that it stood her in very good stead for when she travels and has to deal with things as an adult. She won’t be as phased by things as much as she may otherwise have been; she’ll know how to solve things when they don’t go as expected.  

Learning about great figures in history

Benefits of Travel for Kids

We can learn a lot about historical figures in our history books, from technology and the internet. But nothing is as effective for a child’s learning than being able to walk in the steps of history’s great figures. I deliberately didn’t tell my daughter about Mahatma Gandhi before the trip. She first learnt about him standing in his final home, right next to his bed. It was powerful. 

There were also several interactive rooms for kids. It was brilliantly designed, and she learnt more, understood more, remembered more than if I had told her about him. And this is true for any learning. It’s when kids are actively involved in their learning, that they truly learn and remember. I think she may be at an advantage when he’s introduced to her later on in a history lesson!

Learning the joy of giving

Benefits of Travel for Kids

Learning about the importance and joy of giving isn’t of course confined to travelling. But it does provide a great opportunity to reinforce it with our kids. Before the trip, my daughter bought a stash of pens and writing pads to give to any child she came across. Rather than hand them out and carry on, (which I half expected, as she’d never done it before), she impressed me with her actions. She got down to their level, took the time to write something in the pad and chatted to them; even when the child was too shy to say anything back. The joy of giving was obvious, but also the experience of interacting with the children, and honing social skills was priceless for all involved.

We also experienced something priceless and what sits at the very heart of Minds of Wonder. It happened the day I bought my daughter some bubbles. On the way back to our hotel, a mother with a young baby aged about one, approached us. My daughter gave the bubbles to the baby and the mum carefully blew bubbles for her child. The sheer wonder, the sheer joy and excitement on the baby’s face watching the bubbles fly from the stick, was a sight to behold. It was a powerful reminder of how learning should be for kids – something wondrous, exciting and fascinating.

Benefits of travel for kids

Above, I have shared some personal experiences of how a trip benefitted my daughter in a multitude of ways. Below are some additional learning benefits that travelling can have on kids. 

  • Helps children become more adaptable and flexible.
  • Teaches them that we may look different but we are all the same. Diversity is something to be celebrated.
  • Encourages and teaches responsibility.
  • Ignites a child’s sense of curiosity, imagination and sense of adventure.
  • Encourages appropriate risk taking.
  • Enables them to try something new.
  • Sparks an interest in the world, its geography and its people.
  • Encourages social skills, especially the art of making friends.
  • Creates a time for your family to slow down, to be mindful, to be together and make memories.

Of course, we don’t always need to travel to a different country to reap these benefits. Travel within your own country can achieve the same results. 

Related: Broadening the Definition of intelligence / How to Build Your Child’s Resilience 

Over to You…

Do you travel with your kids? Do you have any travelling stories to share? If you do, I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. And don’t forget, if you want to join our Kids Postcard Exchange, remember to sign up above, or sign up below for our free resource library!

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The Importance of Travel for Education and Student Life

People travel for many reasons, but at the core of it all is a desire to explore and discover. Traveling can bring new insights into unfamiliar cultures and uncover hidden gems in places you never knew existed. It broadens our horizons, pushing us out of our comfort zone and helping us gain perspective on life back home. Plus, it’s just plain fun! You get to experience new adventures, try delicious food and make lifelong memories with friends or family. There’s truly nothing like travelling to help you feel alive.

Finding time for traveling as a student

It’s possible to find time for traveling while you’re a student, even if it seems like an impossible task at first. One of the biggest things to consider is making use of short breaks or holidays throughout the year. Take advantage of any time off by planning a trip and seeing as much as possible within a limited amount of time. You don’t have to go far either—sometimes the best trips are close to home!

If you’re a student and don’t have the time to plan a trip, there is another option. You can pay for essay writing services to help you free up time that you can use to travel. This way, you don’t have to sacrifice your studies or your vacation plans. You can get quality essays written in a timely manner and still have the chance to explore new places. With this option, you can make the most of your time and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Why traveling is a must for students

Let’s discuss what makes traveling so essential for young people getting education.

Broadens Horizons.

Traveling gives students the chance to explore other cultures, experiences and perspectives, which will help them gain a better understanding of life outside their own comfort zones. By visiting places with different customs and beliefs, they can start to recognize how diverse our world really is. Additionally, they may become more open-minded in their attitudes towards others and learn valuable lessons about tolerance and acceptance.

Helps Develop Problem-Solving Skills.

No matter where students travel, it’s likely that at some point during the trip something unexpected will happen or go wrong. It could be as simple as getting lost or as complex as an entire flight being canceled due to weather delays. But whatever the situation, students must think quickly and come up with solutions to whatever problems arise. This teaches them how to better handle unexpected situations and gives them the confidence in their abilities to problem-solve independently.

Enhances Education.

Traveling can give students a more immersive education than what is available from textbooks or lectures in classrooms. They can gain a first-hand understanding of various cultures, languages, and history by exploring different countries and regions. Additionally, they may have opportunities to meet local experts who can provide insight into the educational topics being studied. By learning outside of the classroom, students can bring back knowledge that enriches their academic experience at home.

Increases Social Skills.

Going on trips with friends, classmates or family can help students build social skills in a pressure-free environment. While exploring together, they may have to make decisions as a group, communicate effectively, and work through any disagreements quickly. Traveling also encourages conversations about different cultures and experiences which can lead to more meaningful relationships between people on the trip.

Creates Positive Memories.

As children grow up, there’s no better way for them to remember their childhood than by going on trips with their families or classmates. When they look back at these memories years later, it will be a reminder of all the wonderful experiences they had while traveling and how far they’ve come since then.

Builds Independence.

When students travel without their family, they have to figure out how to get around and manage on their own. This can help them gain more confidence in making decisions and managing their own affairs, which is an important skill for anyone in life. Additionally, it teaches them the value of being resourceful and knowing how to make do with what’s available.

Gives Opportunities for Self-Reflection.

When traveling alone or even with a group of people, there are often times when one may find themselves with some downtime. This provides a great opportunity to reflect on their experiences so far and think about what they’ve learned from visiting different places. Being away from the usual routine can allow students to gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.

biking in Aruba

Final thoughts

In conclusion, travel can be an invaluable resource for education and student life. It provides a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures, explore new places, and challenge ourselves in ways we couldn’t do sitting at home. Travel also gives us the chance to form ongoing connections with like-minded people from around the world and to develop cross-cultural understanding that could shape our future. When we travel, we open ourselves up to learning and growth, which can only benefit us as individuals and society as a whole.

Author’s BIO

Mary Cardoza is a passionate traveler. She loves to explore different cultures and landscapes, taking in the sights and sounds wherever she goes. She has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Central and South America, Asia, and Africa.

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Student Essay: 4 Reasons Why Traveling Is So Important

essay on importance of travelling in education

This article was written by Connor Edward McGrane upon his return from Greece and Italy this spring. He writes about how his trip abroad changed his perspective and helped him gain a global perspective.

Last week I was incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to Greece and Italy. While traveling through these two beautiful countries, I learned many things. I learned the ancient city of Pompeii had a brothel, that the word “gymnasium” comes from the Greek word “gymnós” which means nude, and that the Romans used to fill up the coliseum with water in order to have naval battles. However, what I will take with me for the rest of my life from this trip did not come from a guided tour.

1. It Opens Your Mind

Traveling opens your mind because you begin to see how people do things differently than you and still get by. We become so accustomed to how we do things that we believe it is the only way, and that anyone who acts differently is inferior. Traveling changes this. From big things such as religious practices to small things such as how you order your food, traveling opens you up to all types of changes.

These changes can get frustrating at times. For example, if you ask for water in Italy you will most likely still get bottled water and be charged for it. When ordering gelato, you have to pay first before telling them what you want. You take these changes and apply them to everyday life. You realize that if someone does things differently than you, it’s ok. Maybe that kid acts differently than you, talks differently than you. Traveling makes you realize that’s alright because there are other people in the world that would think your way of doing things is “weird.”

2. You Get to Experience Different Cultures

The most fun part of traveling is experiencing different cultures. New food, new music, new language, it’s so amazing how different it can be from ours. One feature of Roman culture I found interesting was that they air dry their clothes. In the United States, we would find this as a hassle since we like to get things done fast. However, the Italians value tradition. Neither is right, neither is wrong. Another interesting thing was how superstitious the Italians are.

Our tour guide provided us with a lesson on hand gestures not to make, as the Italians will take it as if you are casting the “evil eye” on them. Anti-evil spirit jewelry and decorations were sold throughout Greece. In the United States, we aren’t that superstitious, so it was amazing to see this. Trying different food was amazing as well. In the United States, we seem to think we are accustomed to all different types of food since it’s very easy to find a Mexican, Italian, Chinese, or Greek restaurant. However, these foods are quite different when made in their home countries. The true Greek Gyro had a much different sauce than the yogurt sauce used here and Gelato made in the states tastes like ice milk.

3. You Are Able to See New Scenery

One of the most amazing aspects of traveling to Europe is how different everything looks. Cobblestone streets, narrow roads, and tiny apartment buildings are all so different from what we have here in the U.S. Especially in New York City where the roads are long and wide, it was amazing to see streets where barely one car can pass through. The cars themselves were so much smaller. In the U.S., it’s quite common to see big SUV’s or minivans…not in Europe. Even the cities themselves were so much different. In the U.S. when we think of a city we think of something like New York City, huge skyscrapers, and buildings made out of glass.

This is what I expected to see when I traveled to Europe for the first time. Rome and Athens were nothing like that. There wasn’t a skyscraper in sight, and most of the buildings were extremely old. Here in the United States, everything seems so new compared to Europe. There was a piazza in Rome literally sitting on top of an ancient stadium. Our tour guide took us into one home in Athens where a man redid his basement to find a huge pot which was over 2,000 years old. The mountain ranges were also beautiful. Coming from Long Island, I have only seen a few mountains in my lifetime. Being in Delphi, a city in the mountains of Greece, was breathtaking. The mountains and valleys looked like they went on forever. They made the 4-hour bus journeys more enjoyable.

4. How Fortunate You Are to Live in the United States

If there is one thing I will never forget from this trip, it’s something the tour guide said to us. On our last day in Rome when saying goodbye to us, she began to talk about how important traveling is and how she hopes this trip has given us an urge to want to explore the world more. At the end of her farewell, she said “Even if you decide that you never want to travel again…Remember what you saw, and that you are all so lucky to have been born in the United States of America. America truly is the land of opportunity, a meritocracy. If you work hard, you will succeed. Never forget that.” This truly stuck with me and made me realize how lucky I am. How fortunate I am to live in an economic system that rewards hard work and innovation and encourages people to succeed.

A country which believes in individual rights and fights to defend them. A country where even our poor people can afford their own apartments, unlike the Romans, where the average person can only afford to rent a room in an apartment. I loved the look on people’s faces after I told them I was American. One woman asked me to take a picture for her, and upon hearing my accent asked if I was American. I said yes, and her response was “Wow!! You’re beautiful!” Afterward, I heard her say to her daughter, “He’s from the United States!!” It made realize how fortunate I am to come from such a great country.

Traveling is truly an amazing experience. I have learned a lot from the four European countries I have traveled to, and will continue to learn more as I further explore the world. Traveling doesn’t have to mean going all over the world, however. You can learn so much just from traveling to another part of the United States. The way people live in the south can be very different and interesting compared to here in the North. Even exploring the different boroughs in New York City will open your eyes to different cultures. As Ibn Battuta once said, “Traveling—It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

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Short Essay on Importance of Travelling in Education

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Travelling plays an important role in our education. The terms ‘travelling’ and ‘education‘ cannot be alienated from each other. Our education remains incomplete without travelling.

“Travelling” means going from one place to other places. In ancient times travelling was very difficult and risky because there were no proper roads and transports. A traveler had to pass hills and forests. He had to face the fury of nature, wild beasts, robbers and many other obstacles.

With triumph of science, travelling has now become easy, cheap, quick and pleasant. Due to invention of steamships railways, electricity, motor cars and airplanes, our journey from one place to and other place even in abroad has become very easy and comfortable.

Travelling is now regarded as an important part of education. Educational Tour increases our knowledge and new thoughts and ideas grow up in us. The education of man remains incomplete if he does not visit important places of the world. Reading of books only provides man with half knowledge. But travelling with eyes wide open and mind fully gives him full knowledge.

Travelling also removes his narrowness and superstitions. It makes a traveler smart and self-reliant. Owing to the fabulous progress in the field of communication, travelling today involves less hazards. Hence, students must take part in educational tours. It is both entertaining and instructing for them.

From Kashmir valley to Kanyakumari and from Kutch to Kalimpong, in the east, our country provides hundreds of places known for architecture, climate, scenery, environment, history, development, industry, culture, music, dance, religion a fauna. Then, there are seats of learning, which one may like to visit. Educational tour exposes your mind to the diverse cultures of India. The feeling of Unity in Diversity and Communal Harmony takes birth through educational tours.

The education of a student remains incomplete without travelling. Educational institutions and tourist bureaus often arranges study tours at affordable rates. Many schools and colleges arrange visit to places that are of geographical or historical importance. Visit to historical places give students a practical insight of the past events. After visiting these historical places, when these students read about those places or events, then they are able to fully understand the subject.

It is very difficult to understand the nature  of various types of soils, forests, etc. simply by reading textbooks. Travel to places of geographical importance also helps a student to grasp the depth of the subject.

It has been observed that in cities’ students are travelling twice a year either with their respective schools/colleges or with their parents or friends, because there is no financial problem with them, whereas students of village schools are deprived of such travels for their want of money. Government should look into the matter and make arrangement for Education Tours in Village Schools.

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The Importance of Educational Tours

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Educational tours are an integral component of a well-rounded academic experience, providing students with the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. These excursions offer a myriad of benefits that enhance educational outcomes and personal development.

 Enhancing Academic Learning

Educational tours bring textbook concepts to life. For example, visiting historical sites, museums, or science centers allows students to experience history, culture, and science in a tangible way. These real-world connections deepen understanding and retention of academic material, making learning more engaging and meaningful.

Fostering Critical Thinking

Being exposed to new environments and information encourages students to think critically and ask questions. Educational tours often involve interactive elements that require problem-solving and decision-making, skills that are essential for academic success and personal growth. These experiences help students to see the practical applications of their studies, inspiring a deeper interest in the subject matter.

 Social and Emotional Development

Traveling with peers on educational tours helps build social skills and fosters a sense of community. Students learn to cooperate, communicate, and support one another in new settings. These experiences can also boost self-confidence as students navigate unfamiliar environments and situations, enhancing their emotional resilience and adaptability.

 Cultural Exposure

Educational tours provide students with exposure to different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives. This cultural immersion helps broaden their worldview, fostering empathy and understanding towards others. It encourages students to appreciate diversity and develop a more global perspective, which is increasingly important in today’s interconnected world.

 Hands-On Learning

Many educational tours include hands-on activities that cater to various learning styles. Whether it’s conducting scientific experiments, participating in historical reenactments, or engaging in cultural workshops, these interactive experiences cater to kinesthetic learners who benefit from direct engagement. Such activities reinforce theoretical knowledge through practical application.

 Inspiring Lifelong Learning

Educational tours can ignite a passion for learning and discovery. By experiencing the world outside the classroom, students are inspired to pursue knowledge and explore their interests further. These experiences can shape future career aspirations and academic pursuits, instilling a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

In conclusion, educational tours are a vital part of the educational journey, offering enriching experiences that enhance academic learning, critical thinking, social skills, cultural awareness, and personal growth. By incorporating educational tours into the curriculum, educators can provide students with invaluable opportunities that support holistic development and inspire a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

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Written by Huzefa

I am Huzefa jabar.

I am working in Foundation world school.

I am a passionate teacher. I like to work with students.

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  • Essay on Importance of Education

Importance of Education Essay

Education is one of the key components for an individual’s success. It has the ability to shape one’s life in the right direction. Education is a process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, and developing the powers of reasoning and judgement. It prepares growing children intellectually for a life with more mature understanding and sensitivity to issues surrounding them. It improves not only the personal life of the people but also their community. Thus, one cannot neglect the significance of Education in life and society. Here, we have provided an essay on the Importance of Education. Students can use this essay to prepare for their English exam or as a speech to participate in the school competition.

Importance of Education

The importance of education in life is immense. It facilitates quality learning for people throughout their life. It inculcates knowledge, belief, skill, values and moral habits. It improves the way of living and raises the social and economic status of individuals. Education makes life better and more peaceful. It transforms the personality of individuals and makes them feel confident.

Well said by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”. To elaborate, it is the foundation of the society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity and political stability. It gives power to people to put their views and showcase their real potential. It strengthens democracy by providing citizens with the tools to participate in the governance process. It acts as an integrative force to foster social cohesion and national identity.

In India, education is a constitutional right of every citizen. So, people of any age group, religion, caste, creed and region are free to receive education. An educated person is respected everywhere and well-treated in society. As a kid, every child dreams of being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, actor, sportsperson, etc. These dreams can come true through education. So, investment in education gives the best return. Well-educated people have more opportunities to get a better job which makes them feel satisfied.

In schools, education is divided into different levels, i.e., preschool, primary, secondary and senior secondary. School education comprises traditional learning which provides students with theoretical knowledge. However, now various efforts are being made to establish inbuilt application-based learning by adding numerous experiments, practicals and extracurricular activities to the school curriculum. Students learn to read, write and represent their viewpoints in front of others. Also, in this era of digital Education, anyone can easily access information online at their fingertips. They can learn new skills and enhance their knowledge.

Steps Taken By Government To Promote Education

Education is evidently an important aspect that no government can ignore in order to ensure the equitable development of a nation. Unfortunately, some children still do not have access to education. The Government has thereby taken initiatives to improve education quality and made it accessible to everyone, especially the poor people.

The Government passed the Right to Education Act 2009 (RTE Act 2009) on 4 August 2009. This Act came into effect on 1 April 2010, following which education has become the fundamental right of every child in India. It provides free and compulsory elementary education to children of the age group of 6-14 years in a neighbourhood school within 1 km, up to Class 8 in India. On similar lines, there are other schemes launched by the government, such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Mid-Day Meal , Adult Education and Skill Development Scheme, National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme, National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Education, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Minority Institutions, Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao, etc.

For our country’s growth, we require a well-educated population equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitude and skills. This can be achieved by spreading awareness about the importance of Education in rural areas. There is a famous saying that “If we feed one person, we will eliminate his hunger for only one time. But, if we educate a person, we will change his entire life”. Henceforth he will become capable of earning a livelihood by himself.

This essay on the Importance of Education must have helped students to improve their writing section for the English exam. They can also practice essays on other topics by visiting the CBSE Essay page. Keep learning and stay tuned with BYJU’S for the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Education Essay

How can the literacy rate in india be increased.

People in rural areas must be informed about the importance of providing education to their children. Also, with the COVID-19 situation, the government should take steps by providing laptops/phones for children to follow online classes.

Are girl children still denied their right to get educated?

Although awareness has now improved, there are still many villages in India where girl children are not provided with proper education or allowed to enrol themselves in schools. This mentality has to change for the betterment of the society.

Teaching subjects/academics alone is enough, or should students be introduced to other forms of educational activities too?

Extracurricular activities, moral value education, etc., are also as important as regular academic teachings.

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Essay on My Hobbies For School Students 

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  • Jun 5, 2024

essay on my hobbies

Essay on my hobbies: What is your leisure time? If you could learn any new hobby without any constraints, what would it be, and why?  Hobbies are essential for a balanced and fulfilling life, offering a break from routine and fostering personal growth. My favourite hobby, Table Tennis, has significantly impacted my life. As a state player from Uttarakhand, this sport has provided me with physical fitness, mental agility, and social connections. Engaging in hobbies like Table Tennis highlights their importance in enhancing our overall well-being.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 My Favourite Hobby
  • 1.2 Benefits of Having Hobbies
  • 1.3 Importance of Hobbies
  • 1.4 Conclusion
  • 2 Essay on My Hobbies in 200 Words

Essay on My Hobbies in 500 Words

Hobbies play a crucial role in shaping our lives by providing a necessary balance between work and leisure. They enrich our existence, offer avenues for personal growth, and foster a sense of accomplishment. Among various hobbies, my favourite is table tennis, a sport that I am deeply passionate about. As a State player of Uttarakhand, my engagement with table tennis has profoundly influenced my life in multiple ways

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My Favourite Hobby

Table tennis, often known as ping-pong, is more than just a sport to me; it’s a part of my identity. The rhythmic sound of the ball hitting the paddle, the swift movements, and the strategic gameplay are elements that draw me towards this sport every single day. My journey in table tennis began in childhood, and over the years, I have honed my skills, competing at various levels and ultimately representing Uttarakhand in state-level competitions. The thrill of the game, the adrenaline rush during matches, and the joy of victory are unparalleled experiences that keep my passion alive.

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Benefits of Having Hobbies

Hobbies, such as table tennis, offer numerous benefits. Firstly, they provide a much-needed break from the monotony of daily life, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Engaging in a hobby allows individuals to disconnect from their routine responsibilities and indulge in an activity purely for enjoyment. For me, table tennis serves as an excellent stress reliever, offering a mental escape from academic and social pressures.

Secondly, hobbies contribute to physical and mental well-being. Table tennis, in particular, enhances hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and overall physical fitness. It also sharpens mental acuity through strategic thinking and quick decision-making. Regular participation in this sport has kept me physically fit and mentally agile, enabling me to perform better in other areas of my life.

Moreover, hobbies can foster social connections. Playing table tennis has introduced me to a community of like-minded individuals who share my passion for the sport. Through tournaments and practice sessions, I have formed lasting friendships and developed a sense of camaraderie with my fellow players. These interactions have enriched my social life and provided a support system that extends beyond the confines of the sport.

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Importance of Hobbies

The importance of having hobbies cannot be overstated. They are essential for personal development, allowing individuals to explore their interests and talents. Hobbies encourage creativity, boost self-esteem, and provide a sense of purpose. For young people, in particular, hobbies can be instrumental in teaching discipline, time management, and perseverance.

In the context of table tennis, the discipline required to practice regularly and the determination to improve my skills have instilled a strong work ethic in me. These attributes have translated into other areas of my life, such as academics and personal relationships, demonstrating the far-reaching impact of a dedicated hobby.

Hobbies are vital for a well-rounded and fulfilling life. They offer a plethora of benefits, from reducing stress and enhancing physical health to fostering social connections and promoting personal growth. Table tennis, my favourite hobby, has been a cornerstone of my life, shaping me into the person I am today. As a state player representing Uttarakhand, the sport has provided me with invaluable experiences and life lessons. The joy and satisfaction I derive from playing table tennis underscore the importance of nurturing and pursuing hobbies that we are passionate about. Engaging in such activities not only enriches our lives but also contributes significantly to our overall well-being.

Essay on My Hobbies in 200 Words

A.1 Think of the one thing you really enjoy doing. What is that one activity which makes you feel like yourself and you want to forget about all your worries and totally dive in? Some of the common hobbies are playing sports, listening to music, drawing, cooking, etc.

A.2 Identify your hobby (s). Use Simple Descriptive Language.  Explain Why You Enjoy Your Hobby.  Mention How Often You Do Your Hobby.  Share Your Achievements or Progress.

A.3 A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure time. 

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Essay on Importance of Education for Students

500 words essay on importance of education.

To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.

essay on importance of education

Importance of Education in Life

First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

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Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology . Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.

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Importance of Education in Society

First of all, Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. There is a quick propagation of knowledge in an educated society. Furthermore, there is a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread. Important developments in war equipment, medicine , computers, take place due to Education.

Education is a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right of every Human on this Planet. To deny this right is evil. Uneducated youth is the worst thing for Humanity. Above all, the governments of all countries must ensure to spread Education.

FAQs on Essay on Importance of Education

Q.1 How Education helps in Employment?

A.1 Education helps in Employment by providing necessary skills. These skills are important for doing a high paying job.

Q.2 Mention one way in Education helps a society?

A.2 Education helps society by spreading knowledge. This certainly is one excellent contribution to Education.

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    Learning outcomes have been found from the travel portion of the study experience, and some research has found that out-of-class experiences were the most impactful portion of study abroad. Personal growth, increase in life skills, and knowledge also result from independent international travel, as well as "objectiveless" travel. A few ...

  7. 6 essential ways travel promotes learning and education

    6 essential ways travel promotes learning and education. 1. It broadens your horizons through cultural immersion. Nothing compares to the experience of being fully immersed in a country and its culture. International travel should be about more than tourism and site-seeing. A trip abroad is an opportunity to witness and participate in life in ...

  8. The benefits of Travel in Education

    Travel in education can prepare students for the wider world and therefore allow them to embrace more opportunities in confidence. Exposing students to different cultures allows them to respect and understand the world as a whole, rather than in segregation or isolation. It creates 'world citizens' who don't feel confined by borders or ...

  9. Travel improves educational attainment & future success

    Learning-focused travel was also fun (98%), engaging (87%) and inspiring (87%). The experiences provided by these types of trips were a vital part of a complete education according to 83 percent of respondents. For 80 percent of those surveyed, educational travel sparked greater interest in what they were taught in school. Cultural Expansion

  10. 10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it

    Here are the 10 most important reasons for why travel is the best education: 1. Traveling is discovering. Humans; we're a diverse bunch, happily inhabiting practically every corner of the globe. We've all grown up differently and developed individual cultures and traditions, on national and local scales.

  11. Travelling Essay for Students and Children

    Answer 1: Travelling is important as it teaches us a lot of things. You can learn new skills, new languages, new cultures. Moreover, you get to make new friends and try out new foods when you travel to a new place. It can be a real learning experience for all.

  12. Five Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Education

    Here are five proven educational benefits that you'll accrue by simply traveling around the world. 1. Learning new languages. When you travel abroad, your chance of learning a new language increases significantly. The urge to interact with the locals in their mother tongue will be too compelling to ignore.

  13. Benefits of Travel for Kids and How it Impacts Learning

    Encourages social skills, especially the art of making friends. Creates a time for your family to slow down, to be mindful, to be together and make memories. Of course, we don't always need to travel to a different country to reap these benefits. Travel within your own country can achieve the same results.

  14. 8 Impacts Of Traveling On Education

    Creating a Sense of Independence. Traveling helps you to become independent, as, during the process, students are forced to make decisions on their own. These decisions can be about: Time management during the trip. Planning their trip's cost. Managing the resources they have during the trip.

  15. The Importance of Travel for Education and Student Life

    Why traveling is a must for students. Let's discuss what makes traveling so essential for young people getting education. Broadens Horizons. Traveling gives students the chance to explore other cultures, experiences and perspectives, which will help them gain a better understanding of life outside their own comfort zones.

  16. Student Essay: 4 Reasons Why Traveling Is So Important

    1. It Opens Your Mind. Traveling opens your mind because you begin to see how people do things differently than you and still get by. We become so accustomed to how we do things that we believe it is the only way, and that anyone who acts differently is inferior. Traveling changes this.

  17. Short Essay on Importance of Travelling in Education

    Travelling plays an important role in our education. The terms 'travelling' and 'education' cannot be alienated from each other. Our education remains incomplete without travelling. "Travelling" means going from one place to other places. In ancient times travelling was very difficult and risky because there were no proper roads and ...

  18. Essay on Travel

    500 Words Essay On Travel. Travelling is an amazing way to learn a lot of things in life. A lot of people around the world travel every year to many places. Moreover, it is important to travel to humans. Some travel to learn more while some travel to take a break from their life.


    Travelling brings us very near to real life. So, it plays a vital role to impart man the practical experience. Travelling is an essential part of our education. It increases our knowledge, gives us practical sense of places, people and things and broadens our outlook. Without it, no man's education is complete.

  20. The Importance of Educational Tours

    The Importance of Educational Tours. Educational tours are an integral component of a well-rounded academic experience, providing students with the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. These excursions offer a myriad of benefits that enhance educational outcomes and personal development. Enhancing Academic Learning.

  21. Why Travel is Important

    It's a short essay on travel from someone who has lived on 4 continents and visited 80+ countries. Before I started travelling, I was a different person - of that, there is no question. My focus was narrower, and my worries and concerns were more confined to that which was in front of me. The minutiae of my life in Toronto seemed larger ...

  22. (English)

    This video is very important for SSC CGL,CHSLand MTS exams.MESSAGE US ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK

  23. Importance of Education Essay for Students in English

    The importance of education in life is immense. It facilitates quality learning for people throughout their life. It inculcates knowledge, belief, skill, values and moral habits. It improves the way of living and raises the social and economic status of individuals. Education makes life better and more peaceful.

  24. Essay on My Hobbies For School Students

    Essay on My Hobbies in 500 Words. Hobbies play a crucial role in shaping our lives by providing a necessary balance between work and leisure. They enrich our existence, offer avenues for personal growth, and foster a sense of accomplishment. Among various hobbies, my favourite is table tennis, a sport that I am deeply passionate about.

  25. Essay on Importance of Education in Life and Society (500+ Words)

    Education is a weapon to improve one's life. It is probably the most important tool to change one's life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual's life. Education improves one's knowledge, skills and develops the personality and ...

  26. Figures at a glance

    How many refugees are there around the world? At least 108.4 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. Among them are nearly 35.3 million refugees, around 41 per cent of whom are under the age of 18.. There are also millions of stateless people, who have been denied a nationality and lack access to basic rights such as education, health care, employment and freedom ...

  27. 8. The Evolution of Integrated Music Education From the 90's to the

    Abstract The article marks the most important aspects of the evolution of Romanian pre-university music education during the last 30 years. The education reform highlighted the positive aspects as well as the shortcomings in the field of music education in the integrated system. An analysis of the current state sheds light on what is valuable in the system and what can be improved so that ...