
Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation


India, a nation of diverse cultures and rich heritage, has been plagued by corruption. It hinders our progress, stunting our growth as a developed nation.

Corruption: A Hurdle

Corruption in India is like a disease. It affects the nation’s health and slows down development. It’s a hurdle we need to overcome for a prosperous future.

Steps Towards a Corruption Free India

To achieve a corruption-free India, we must promote transparency, accountability, and good governance. Educating the public about their rights and the law is crucial.

A corruption-free India will lead to a developed nation. It’s a dream we must strive to achieve, for a brighter and better future.

250 Words Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation

India, a nation of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, has been grappling with the issue of corruption for decades. It is a deep-rooted problem that has hindered the country’s growth and development. A corruption-free India is not only a moral imperative but a prerequisite for a developed nation.

Corruption: A Stumbling Block

Corruption is an obstruction in the path of development. It drains resources, encourages inefficiency, and breeds inequality. The funds allocated for infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other sectors often get siphoned off, resulting in substandard services and facilities. This, in turn, hampers the overall development of the nation.

The Vision of a Corruption-Free India

A corruption-free India is a vision where public resources are utilized optimally, ensuring maximum benefits for all citizens. It is a scenario where transparency, accountability, and fairness remain the guiding principles of governance. This vision encapsulates an India where every citizen has equal access to opportunities and resources, fostering an environment conducive for growth and development.

Path to a Corruption-Free India

The path to a corruption-free India lies in robust institutional reforms, stringent laws, and effective enforcement. Strengthening the judiciary, promoting transparency in public procurement, and encouraging citizen participation in governance are key steps in this direction. Additionally, fostering a culture of ethics and integrity in society, starting from schools and colleges, can play a crucial role in curbing corruption.

In conclusion, a corruption-free India is integral to the country’s development. It paves the way for efficient use of resources, promotes equality, and ensures sustainable growth. Achieving this vision requires collective effort and commitment from every citizen, thereby transforming India into a truly developed nation.

500 Words Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation

India, a nation of diversity and cultural richness, is unfortunately plagued by the menace of corruption. This corruption is corroding the very essence of our nation, hindering its progress towards becoming a developed nation. It is imperative to understand that a corruption-free India is not just a moral imperative but a necessary condition for the nation’s development.

The Impact of Corruption on Development

Corruption acts as a significant barrier to economic growth and development. It distorts market mechanisms, undermines institutions, and erodes public trust. It creates inefficiencies and inequalities, leading to the misallocation of resources and the suppression of economic potential. For instance, corruption in public procurement can lead to the use of sub-standard materials, compromising infrastructure quality and public safety.

The Role of Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are the twin pillars that can help in curbing corruption. Transparency ensures that the actions of government and public officials are open to public scrutiny, thereby discouraging corrupt practices. Accountability, on the other hand, ensures that public officials are held responsible for their actions and decisions. These two principles, when effectively implemented, can create a system that is resistant to corruption.

Technology as a Tool Against Corruption

In the digital age, technology can be leveraged to combat corruption. Digital platforms can ensure transparency in government transactions and reduce human discretion, a major source of corruption. For instance, the introduction of e-governance, digital payments, and online service delivery can minimize the scope for corruption.

Strengthening Legal and Institutional Frameworks

The legal and institutional frameworks play a crucial role in the fight against corruption. Strengthening anti-corruption laws and institutions can deter potential corrupt activities. The establishment of fast-track courts for corruption-related cases can ensure swift justice, serving as a deterrent.

The Role of Society and Education

Society and education play a significant role in creating a corruption-free India. An aware and educated society can act as a bulwark against corruption. Education can instill moral values and ethics, discouraging individuals from indulging in corrupt practices.

A corruption-free India is a prerequisite for a developed nation. It can ensure efficient use of resources, promote economic growth, and enhance public trust in the system. Achieving this goal requires concerted efforts from the government, society, and individuals. It is a challenging task, but with collective will and determination, a corruption-free India is achievable. This would pave the way for India’s transformation into a developed nation, fulfilling the aspirations of its citizens.

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Government of india.

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

PM addresses programme marking Vigilance Awareness Week in New Delhi

Launches new complaint management system portal of cvc “for a developed india, trust and credibility are critical” “earlier governments not only lost people’s confidence but they also failed to trust people” “we have been trying to change the system of scarcity and pressure for the last 8 years. the government is trying to fill the gap between supply and demand” “technology, service saturation and aatmnirbharta are three key ways of tackling corruption” “for a developed india, we have to develop such an administrative ecosystem with zero tolerance on corruption” “devise a way of ranking departments on the basis of pending corruption cases and publish the related reports on a monthly or quarterly basis” “no corrupt person should get political-social support” “many times the corrupt people are glorified in spite of being jailed even after being proven to be corrupt. this situation is not good for indian society” “institutions acting against the corrupt and corruption like the cvc have no need to be defensive” “when you take action with conviction, the whole nation stands with you”.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressed the programme marking Vigilance Awareness Week of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi today. and launched the new Complaint Management System portal of the CVC.

Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said that Vigilance Awareness Week began with the birth anniversary of Sardar Patel. “The entire life of Sardar Patel was dedicated to honesty, transparency and the building of a public service system based on these values”, he said. The Prime Minister remarked that the campaign revolving around awareness and alertness is based on these principles. He observed that the campaign of Vigilance Awareness Week is taking place to realise the dreams and aspirations of a corruption-free India and underlined its importance in the lives of every citizen. 

The Prime Minister said for a developed India, trust and credibility are critical.  that people’s trust in the government enhances people’s self-confidence. The Prime Minister lamented the fact that earlier governments not only lost people’s confidence but they also failed to trust people. The legacy from the long period of slavery of corruption, exploitation, and control over resources, unfortunately, received more strength after the independence. This severely harmed at least four generations of this country, he said. “We have to change this decades-long way fully in the Azadi ka Amrit Kaal”, the Prime Minister pointed out.

Referring to his clarion call from the ramparts of Red Fort for a decisive battle against corruption the Prime Minister pointed out two key reasons for corruption and hindering people's progress i.e. lack of amenities and unnecessary pressure from the government. He said for a very long time, this absence of amenities and opportunity was deliberately kept alive and a gap was allowed to widen leading to an unhealthy competition of a zero-sum race. This race fed the ecosystem of corruption. Corruption created by this scarcity affects the poor and middle classes the most. “If the poor and middle class spend their energy to arrange for the basic amenities, then how will the country progress?” the Prime Minister asked. “That is why”, the Prime Minister remarked “we are trying to change this system of scarcity and pressure for the last 8 years. The government is trying to fill the gap between supply and demand. The three ways adopted to achieve this are advancement in technology, taking basic services to the saturation level, and finally heading towards atmanirbharta.”

With regard to the use of technology, the Prime Minister mentioned linking PDS to technology and removing crores of fake beneficiaries and saving more than 2 lakh crore rupees from going to the wrong hands by adopting Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). Similarly, the adoption of transparent digital transactions, and transparent government procurement through GeM is making a huge difference.

Speaking on taking the basic facilities to the saturation level, The Prime Minister pointed out that reaching every eligible beneficiary of any government scheme and achieving the goals of saturation puts an end to discrimination in society while eliminating the scope of corruption. Highlighting the principle of saturation that is adopted by the government for the delivery of every scheme, the Prime Minister gave examples of water connections, pucca houses, electricity connections and gas connections.

The Prime Minister said that too much dependence on foreign goods has been a big cause of corruption. He highlighted the government’s push towards atmanirbharta in defence and underlined that the possibility of scams is ending as India would be manufacturing its own defence equipment, from rifles to fighter jets to transport aircrafts. 

Terming CVC  an institution that encourages everyone's efforts to ensure transparency, the Prime Minister recalled his request last time for ‘preventive vigilance’ and praised the efforts of CVC in that direction. He also asked the vigilance community to think about modernising their audits and inspections. “The will which the government is showing against corruption, the same will is necessary to be seen in all the departments as well. For a developed India, we have to develop such an administrative ecosystem, which has zero tolerance on corruption”, he said.

The Prime Minister asked for a system where corruption-related disciplinary proceedings are completed in time-bound mission mode. He also suggested continuous monitoring of criminal cases and asked to devise a way of ranking departments on the basis of pending corruption cases and publishing the related reports on a monthly or quarterly basis. The Prime Minister also asked for streamlining of the vigilance clearance process with the help of technology. There is a need for auditing the data of public grievances so that we can go to the root causes of corruption in the concerned department, the Prime Minister added. 

The Prime Minister stressed the need to bring in common citizens in the work of keeping a vigil over corruption. “No matter how powerful the corrupt may be, they should not be saved under any circumstances, it is the responsibility of organisations like you. No corrupt person should get political-social support, every corrupt person should be put in the dock by the society, it is also necessary to create this environment”, he said. Touching upon a worrying trend, the Prime Minister said “We have seen that many times the corrupt people are glorified in spite of being jailed even after being proven to be corrupt. This situation is not good for Indian society. Even today, some people give arguments in favour of the corrupt who have been found guilty. It is very necessary for such people, such forces to be made aware of their duty by society. In this also concrete action taken by your department has a big role.”

The Prime Minister emphasised that institutions acting against the corrupt and corruption like the CVC, have no need to be defensive in any way. He stressed that there is no requirement to work on any political agenda but to work towards making the lives of ordinary citizens simpler. “Those who have vested interests will try to obstruct the proceedings and defame individuals associated with these institutions”, the Prime Minister interjected, “But Janta Janardan is the form of God, they know and test the truth, and when the time comes, they stand with those in support of the truth”. The Prime Minister further urged everyone to walk the path of truth to fulfil their duties with dedication and emphasised, “when you take action with conviction, the whole nation stands with you.”

Concluding the address, the Prime Minister said that the responsibility is huge and the challenges keep transforming too. “I am sure that you will continue to play a vital role in building a transparent and competitive ecosystem in Amrit Kaal”, the Prime Minister said. He stressed the need for constant dynamism in the methodology to tackle this challenge. The Prime Minister also expressed delight in interacting with the winners of the essay competition and suggested the introduction of a speech competition in the future. Observing that 4 of the 5 winners who received the essay prize for the fight against corruption were girls, the Prime Minister urged the boys to take up the mantle and rally together in this journey. “The importance of cleanliness is understood only when the dirt is eliminated,” he added. “Technology is definitely leaving a paper trail of sorts when it comes to tracking those who work outside the ambit of law”, the Prime Minister observed, and concluded by stressing the need to adopt technology as much as possible in this fight against corruption.

Principal Secretary, Dr. P. K. Mishra, Minister of State for Personnel & Parliamentary Affairs,  Dr. Jitendra Singh, Cabinet Secretary, Central Vigilance Commissioner, Shri Suresh N. Patel and Vigilance Commissioners Shri  P K Srivastava and Shri Arvinda Kumar were those present on the occasion.

The portal is envisioned to provide end-to-end information to the citizens through regular updates on the status of their complaints. He will also release a series of pictorial booklets on “Ethics and Good Practices”; Compilation of best practices on “Preventive Vigilance” and a Special issue “VIGEYE-VANI” on public procurement.

CVC observes Vigilance Awareness Week every year to bring together all stakeholders in spreading the message of integrity in all spheres of life. This year, it is being observed from 31st October to 6th November with the theme of “Corruption-free India for a developed nation”. The Prime Minister also awarded prizes to five students who wrote the best essays during a nationwide essay competition conducted by CVC on the above theme of Vigilance Awareness Week.

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Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay

Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay

Essay on Corruption free India for a developed nation

Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay :


Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay

All of us are aware of the need for a nation to be free of corruption, especially in this fast progressing era of technology and online payments. The need for a corruption-free India is essential for the country to develop and progress. Let it be any field, if one digs deep enough, one can find enough corruption to talk about it for a lifetime! In this essay we will discuss about the significance of being corruption free to build a developed nation.

India has been plagued by corruption for centuries, and it has become an entrenched part of society. It is common knowledge that many government jobs can only be obtained through making payments, which are nothing but bribes. Some bribes are more than many lakhs. And when a person gives a bribe to join a job, his or her first objective would be to recover that money from someone else and that someone else is no one but the common citizens of India. Corruption only breeds more corruption and that is blatantly visible in our modern day India where one can be seen giving bribes in a corner for some reason or the other.

While there have been some efforts to combat corruption, they have been largely unsuccessful. There’s a common phrase where the criminal is always one step ahead of the police and that is true here too. Corruption has always found a way to thrive and it has done so by becoming a part of the system. It has grown like a parasite with the host being our system which is full of loopholes. The loopholes in our legal system is just one of the main reasons why corruption lives fully fledged in a developing economy such as our country. Hence, we can arrive at an inescapable conclusion – that the current system is corrupt and needs to be reformed. India needs to develop a new system that is fair and just, and that will root out corruption. For this to happen, the existing system needs to be uprooted fully – along with all its corrupt officers and people.

For corruption to not take place again, strict laws have to be framed and with that, enforcement should be done accordingly. The punishment should be merciless and when one corrupt person sees another corrupt individual being punished, they should get the fear of god in them and should abandon any further ideas of indulging in corruption. For this to happen, both the giver and taker of bribes need to be punished and punishment should be swift and decisive for both the giver and taker, so that all people who are willing to take part in corruption, get discouraged.


Only when corruption is completely abolished, India can hope to develop and progress as a country. Only then can India say proudly, that it is truly developed. Until then, we shall all strive to move forwards as one in this united struggle for a freedom of a different kind. So let us start by taking the first step and be corruption free ourselves. Once we are corruption free, we can inspire others to do the same and set in motion a revolution that speaks for itself.

FAQs on Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay :

(1) What will be the effect in corruption free developed nation?

Answer. People will experience development in every aspect of their living which will give them a positive attitude towards life.

(2) What is every citizen’s duty to build India corruption free?

Answer. All Indians must adopt the changes and improvement that are connected to make India corruption free with fresh mind.

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Corruption Free India Essay

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A “Corruption Free India” means a country where dishonest and illegal activities like bribery and embezzlement are not tolerated. It’s a place where people, businesses, and the government work together with integrity, fairness, and transparency to build a better and more just society for everyone.

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Also Check: Essay on Corruption

Achieving a corruption-free India requires strong laws, strict enforcement, and a commitment from all citizens to resist and report corrupt practices. When corruption is reduced or eliminated, it paves the way for economic growth, trust in public institutions, and a brighter future for all Indians.

Corruption is a big problem in India that affects everyone, whether they’re rich or poor. It comes in different forms like bribery, stealing money, favoring family, and misusing public things. The main reasons behind corruption in India are the absence of honesty, responsibility, and a system of laws that isn’t strong enough.

India faces the problem of corruption at various levels. This problem is eating our country internally. It is time for each of us to realize the negative impact of corruption on our country and contribute our bit to make it corruption-free. Corruption lies in every sector, and it is ruining our country.

Short Essay on Corruption in India

Corruption is a big problem that affects everyone, whether they’re rich or poor. In India, corruption shows up in many ways like bribes, stealing money, giving favors to family, and misusing public things. The main reasons for corruption are that things aren’t clear, people aren’t responsible, and the rules aren’t strong enough.

Below we have provided short and long essays on corruption-free India of varying lengths for your knowledge and information and to help students with the topic in exams. The essays have been written in simple English to make them easily memorable and presentable on need.

After going through the essays, you will know about the status of corruption in India, its impact on society and the nation’s growth, laws against corruption, and what could be done to eliminate it.

You can use these corruption-free India essays in your school/college events of essay writing , debates, or speech giving.

Essay on Corruption 200 Words

I dream of a corruption-free India. A place where everyone works hard and gets what he deserves. Place that gives equal opportunity to everyone based on their knowledge and skills, irrespective of their caste, color, creed, or religion. A place where people don’t use other people around to get accomplishes their selfish motives.

It is a common notion that those who work with honesty cannot reach anywhere. They hardly get any promotions and continue to earn meagre salaries.

It must be understood that although using corrupt ways is an easy way to make money in most cases, it does not make you happy. You may do well monetarily using such ill practices, but will you ever get peace of mind? No! You may find temporary happiness, but you will stay dissatisfied and unhappy in the long run.

Suppose each one of us must take a pledge to leave corrupt practices. This way, our life will improve, and our country will improve. Must See: Slogan On Corruption Free India

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Corruption Free India Essay 300 words

India, a country with a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and customs, has been facing the challenge of corruption for many years. This problem runs deep and has held back the nation’s progress and advancement. A corruption-free India is not just the right thing to do morally but also a necessary step towards becoming a developed nation

The government of India should Set an Example

India’s government and political parties are known for their corrupt ways. Instead of indulging in corrupt practices, they should rather work on overcoming the problem of corruption. They must set an example for the citizens and inspire them to work with honesty and dedication to reach their goals rather than using corrupt means.

Selection of Political Parties and Ministers

In India, anyone can stand for the elections and form a political party. The eligibility criterion does not include a person’s educational qualification. Some ministers haven’t even attended school and have completely zero knowledge about the political system. Some have a past criminal record. When such people govern the country, corruption is bound to happen.

A minimum educational qualification criterion must be set. Only those candidates who meet the educational criteria and have a clean record must be allowed to contest the elections. The candidates who win the elections must then be trained to handle their duties and responsibilities. An educated and well-trained person can certainly run the country better.

There must be a set protocol for everything, and the ministers’ activities must be monitored by a higher authority to see if it is being followed.

Corruption Free India Essay 400 words

Many countries around the world face the problem of corruption. India is one such country that is severely impacted by this problem. Corruption is the root cause of various other serious problems in our country.

Ways to Make India Corruption Free

We can fight corruption if we stand united and are determined to drive this evil away. Here are a few ways to rid the country of corruption:

  • Spread Education

Lack of education is one of the main reasons for the growing corruption. Many people belonging to the uneducated class use illegal and corrupt means to earn their livelihood. Spreading education can help in curbing this problem to a large extent. The government must make policies to ensure that every child in the country goes to school and secures education.

  • Give Strict Punishment

Strict laws must be made for people who indulge in corrupt practices such as taking and giving bribery, using illegal ways to expand their businesses, accumulating black money, etc. These people must be punished severely.

  • Conduct Sting Operations

The media and government should join hands to conduct sting operations to uncover corrupt people in different sectors. Such sting operations will uncover corrupt people and discourage others from indulging in such practices.

  • Follow the Right Course

We must take it as a responsibility to follow the right course of getting things done rather than giving bribes to get them done speedily or to escape fines.

  • Install Cameras and Recorders

Technology can also help in bringing down corruption. CCTV cameras must be installed in government offices, at red lights, and in other places where the cases of taking and giving bribes are high. Recorders can be installed at places where it is difficult to install cameras. People can also take the initiative to record any corrupt practice on their mobile and share it at their nearby police station.

  • Build Confidence

People in India are scared of going to the police, even for lodging a complaint against someone. They avoid going to the police station because they fear getting caught up in the nitty-gritty of the police inquiry, which may bring a bad name to them. The procedures at the police station must be such that those who wish to help the police must not face any inconvenience.

Therefore there are many ways to free India from corruption. Only the willingness to implement these ways is required.

Essay on Corruption in India 500 Words

The rate of corruption in India is quite high. Among other things, corruption impacts the growth and development of the country negatively. Most developing countries are facing this problem. The government and individuals in these countries don’t understand that corrupt practices may benefit them to some extent, but it hampers the growth of the country and is ultimately bad for them.

Causes of Corruption in India

There are several reasons why the corruption level is high in our country. Here is a brief look at these reasons:

Lack of Job Opportunities

The jobs in the market are less compared to the number of qualified youths. While many youths these days roam around without any jobs, others take up jobs that are not on par with their qualification. The dissatisfaction amongst these individuals and their quest for earning more leads them to take up corrupt means.

Lack of Strict Punishment

People in our country get away with corrupt practices such as giving and taking bribes, not paying income tax, following corrupt means to run businesses, etc. There is no strict law to monitor the activities of people. Even if people get caught, they are not punished severely for it. This is the reason why corruption is high in the country.

Lack of Education

A society filled with educated people is likely to face less corruption. When people are not educated, they use unfair and corrupt means to earn their livelihood. Our country’s lower classes undermine education’s importance, leading to increased corruption.

Greed and Growing Competition

Greed and growing competition in the market are also reasons for growing corruption. People these days have become extremely greedy. They want to earn more than their relatives and friends, and in this mad rush, they do not hesitate to employ corrupt means to realize their dreams.

Lack of Initiative

Everyone wants the country to be free of corruption and criticizes the government for not doing anything in this direction. But are we trying to curb the issue at our levels? No, we are not. Knowingly or unknowingly, we all are giving rise to corruption. Nobody is ready to take the initiative and work as a team to drive this evil away from the country.

Building a Corruption-Free India

The causes of corruption are known to all. It said that once the cause of a problem is identified, half the task is done. It is now time to look for solutions rather than discuss the problem repeatedly.

The government must take it as a responsibility to free India of corruption, as our country cannot progress if this problem prevails. Each of the issues leading to corruption must be removed from its roots. For instance, the lack of good employment opportunities leads to corruption caused due to the growing rate of population. The government must take strict measures to control the population of the country. Likewise, it must work on every aspect to build a corruption-free India.

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Corruption Free India Essay 600 words

Corruption prevails in every sector and at every level in the country. Corrupt means and unfair ways are used to accomplish several big and small tasks by people belonging to the government and the private sector. This is because people want to make big bucks without much hard work. But where are we heading by employing such ill practices? Certainly towards destruction! Each one of us must say no to any corrupt practice. This would be the first step toward building a corruption-free India.

Government’s Role in Establishing Corruption-Free India

Indian government must make strict laws to get rid of this problem. People indulging in corrupt practices must be punished severely.

The government officials in the country are known for their laid-back attitude towards work. They take bribes without any hesitation to provide various government services to people. Therefore there is no check on these malpractices. Taking bribes and favours for people in power is a common trend in government offices. This is not to say that every government official is corrupt. Some of them do their duties honestly.

But the irony is that those who use fair means earn meagrely, and those who use corrupt ways earn good and make a better living. Looking at the monetary benefits involved, even those reluctant to follow the corrupt means are drawn toward this path. The main reason is that no one can check or punish people indulging in these practices. If the government monitors the actions of these employees closely and punishes them, then only these practices can end.

Giving bribes is as bad as taking bribes. We cannot deny that we have indulged in bribes or seen our parents or relatives giving the same at one point. Offering money to the traffic police for crossing the red light or giving money to get some form submitted after the due date is a common practice.

However, we would not indulge in it if we knew that doing so could land us in trouble. If we know that we may be fined or our license may be seized or put behind bars for indulging in any such thing, we will not dare to indulge in it.

So, the government plays a huge role in it. It must take it as a responsibility to free the country from corruption.

Media’s Role in Establishing Corruption-Free India

The media in our country is quite strong. It has the right to speak and express opinions. It should make full use of this right to expose corrupt officials.

Media plays a crucial role in creating a corruption-free India. It exposes corruption scandals, educates people about their rights, and holds leaders accountable. By promoting transparency and encouraging public awareness, the media helps build a more honest and accountable society, paving the way for a corruption-free India.

It is the joint effort of the individuals, media as well as government that can help in building a corruption-free India. They must take it as a responsibility to work hand in hand to make the country a better place to live.

Corruption Free India Essay FAQs

Short note on corruption in india:.

Corruption in India refers to dishonest or unlawful behavior by people in power, misusing their position for personal gain, which harms the country's development and fairness.

Essay on Corruption in India:

Corruption in India is a complex issue where individuals in authority abuse their power for personal benefit, leading to a hindrance in the nation's progress and fairness in society.

What is corruption-free in India essay?

A corruption-free India essay discusses the importance of eliminating dishonest practices and promoting integrity in the country.

How can we free corruption in India?

To free corruption in India, we must strengthen anti-corruption measures, promote transparency, and encourage ethical behavior in both individuals and institutions.

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Corruption Free India Speech for Students and Children in English

Corruption-Free India: Corruption is not a new word for all the citizens of our country. In fact, it is the

Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 30 April 2024

Corruption-Free India : Corruption is not a new word for all the citizens of our country. In fact, it is the most common word and everyone is familiar with the problem we have faced after the corruption. Corruption is basically the use of public power, property and influence to obtain money or personal advantages. Corruption is not only a problem in India but is also a problem for the whole world. However, the difference is that in our country India it is being performed at the most extreme level due to which the growth of our country has been slowed down very much. On the other, if we talk about corruption in developed countries we will definitely find that corruption in those countries is least but not eliminated completely .

In this article, we will describe the incidents of corruption that happened in our country and its repercussions on our country as well as on society. Furthermore, we will also discuss the laws that help to eliminate corruption in our country. Eventually, we will provide a conclusion regarding the topic.

Incidents of Corruption in India

Many incidents of corruption have rocked India so far. In this section, we will present some famous incidents of corruption which undeniably led to a major blow to our economy also. The incident of corruption are as follows:

Choppergate Scam -This scam is also known by the name AugustaWestland VVIP Chopper deal. In this scam, the main accused was the UPA government which was at that time led by congress. According to the CBI, in 2006 and 2007, the UPA government paid money to the agent or the middleman and Indian officials to buy choppers for politicians. Furthermore, this scam was of Rs 3600 Crore and several politicians and military officials were involved in this scam.

Scam of Vijay Mallya In 2016 , Vijay Mallya a famous business tycoon, fled from the country and sought refuge in the United Kingdom. He allegedly took a loan of Rs 9000 Cr from various Indian banks and mainly from PNB. Furthermore, he was also accused of fraud as well as money laundering in India.

Many more scandals are on the list such as the Bofors scandal in 1980 to 1990 of Rs 64 crore, the Rafale deal scam in the same year of Rs 58,000 crores and not to forget the Coalgate scam of Rs 1.856 lakh crore. There were many scams like this that have badly impacted our country.

Impression of Corruption in our Community

Corruption-free India can not be visualized without realising the impression that corruption has made in our society. The scams mentioned above have made our country financially feeble because the same money could have been used for the development of schools, the development of roads and many projects that could have given employment to the youths of our country. Furthermore, the use of power and resources by government officials for personal gain is one of the reasons for inequality in India.

For many years, we have seen many people lose their lives in road accidents. Many people only think about the fault of the driver but do not go down to the root cause of the problem. Here also the problem is corruption. Many people get their four-wheeler or two-wheeler driving license through an agent without giving any test. They only pay money to the agent and government official and get the license. This same driver does not know how to drive on road by following the rules and does rash driving killing so many innocent people. This is the impact of corruption on our community. Like this, corruption has devoured the whole country over the years.

Reasons for India need to be Corruption Free

There are many reasons for India to be corruption free. We have tried to identify them and have also listed them below:

  • All of us have been to the villages. We must have noticed that they even do not have the basic amenities such as drinking water , roads, drainage facilities and above all most important education for the children. So, this is happening because of corruption only. Government officials receive money from the government but they simply do not provide the complete funds to the workers which result in low quality of the project build.
  • One of the major problems in our country is unemployment . Many government officials disclose the entrance exam paper and due to this many undeserving candidates get selected. It leads to the hardworking people again being left unemployed and many times the examination gets cancelled. Due to this the candidates lose their crucial time and resulting in more unemployment.

There are many reasons like this that have compelled us to think about making our nation corruption free.

Anti-Corruption Laws for Corruption-Free India

One of the most important laws against corruption-free India was passed in 2005. It is known as the ‘Right to Information Act ‘.According to this act, the employees working in government departments have to give information if a citizen requests any information from that office or from the department regarding the services they are providing.

This law has not been completely implemented in all countries. According to the reports it has been ratified in nineteen states of India. Furthermore, this act also binds government employees to provide information in a limited time period. This act has reduced corruption in the government department significantly.

The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act was also passed in parliament in 2013 and came into force in the year 2014. Under this act, the government has established an entity that will be called Lokpal and will only look into matters of corruption. In other words, it will check into the allegations which have been made against public servants.

Our government as well as the country is making many efforts to make our country corruption free. The government has passed many laws and taking action on them on short notice. Over the years, corruption has also come down, improving the economy and making the life of people easier. It will not be pragmatic to think that we can make India corruption free in 2 years or 3 years. Definitely, eliminating or reducing corruption will take time as we have to be more patient and vigilant against corruption. Eventually, we the people of India also have to take responsibility for making our country corruption free.

Pankaj Bhatt

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Essay on Corruption Free India For Developed Nation| 500-600 words

Find high quality Essay on corruption Free India for a developed nation . Today we share a long and short essay on Corruption Free India for a developed nation 500 600 words . Find below a long essay on corruption free India for developed nation with a word limit of 600. Also, we have provided a similar essay on corruption free India for a developed nation with a word limit of 1000. Both of these essays can be used by school children and college students for various purposes like essay writing, assignments, tests and project work.

Table of Contents

Essay on Corruption Free India For Developed Nation 

India faces the problem of corruption at various levels. This problem is eating our country internally. It is time each one of us must realize the negative impact of corruption on our country and contribute our bit to make our country corruption free. It is often said that Indian politicians are corrupt but that is not the only arena where corruption lies. Corruption lies in every sector and it is ruining our country.

Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation 500 600 words 

The essays have been written in simple English to make them easily memorable and presentable on need. After going through the essays you will know about the status of corruption in India; its impact on the society and nation’s growth; laws against corruption and what could be done to eliminate it.

You can use these corruption free India for a developed nation essay in your school/college events of essay writing, debates or speech giving.

Find below a 600-word long essay on corruption free India for a developed nation is helpful for students of classes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, 11th and 12th.

essay on corruption free india for a developed nation pdf

Let’s Start….

Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation Essay in English 

“Corruption is Social Evil”


In recent centuries India has earned a place among the three most corrupt Countries in the world. Corruption in India is a consequence of the nexus between Bureacacy, politics and criminals. India is now no longer Considered a soft state. India is currently far behind to become developed nation because of Corruption.

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Corruption in India :

In india, Corruption is rampant and is present in every nook and corner starting from business, education, Security and research, politics, public life and administrative. In India, there is no tradition or system to bring the corrupt persons to trial and make the person pay for the Guime. It is the principal feature of Indian Corruption.

Meaning of Corruption :

The term “corruption” is commonly used in everyday language, so most of us are familiar with it. What is the definition of corruption? In our minds, various images emerge. “Corruption is just another type of tyranny,” said Joe Bidden, America’s 47th Vice President. According to the statement, corruption is on par with cruel and tyrannical government rule. Corruption, on the other hand, is a struggle that a common man or woman encounters every day in order to maintain his or her fundamental rights and other benefits as human beings granted by the Constitution.

Causes Of Corruption In India:

Corruption is a global phenomenon and it is omnipotent. It has progressively increased and is now rampart in our society. Corruption in India has wings not wheels. As the nation grows, the corruption also grow to invent new methods of cheating the government and public. The case of corruption are many and complex. The following are some other causes of corruption:

  • Emergence of a political dite which believes in interest oriented rather than ration oriented programmes and policies. 
  • Artificial scarcity crested by people with malevolent intention wrecks the fabrics of the economy.
  • Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the charge in the value system and ethical.
  • qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of morality, services and honesty are regarded as anachuonistic. 
  • Tolerance of people towards corruption complete lack of intense public outcry against Acomption and the absence of a strong public forumto oppose comption allow comption to reign our people.
  •  Vast size of population coupled with widespread literacy and the poor economic infrastructure A lead to endemic corrption in public life.

Ways to Make Corruption Free India developed nation 

Analysing the reasons for corruption was a preliminary step, but the main step is working towards its elimination, and taking some major steps against it. These include:

1)Exercising the power of Right to Information, we have to be active citizens, ask questions about where our income taxes are utilised, what is the budget of a certain government scheme, and to what extent the scheme succeeded. The Public Information Officer (PIO) has to make sure they provide answers to all the queries when and where asked by the citizens.

2)There is a checkpoint for corruption called the Central Vigilance Commission; it keeps an eye on corruption.

3)Setting up fast track courts to speed up the judgement on important issues because it is rightly said that “justice delayed is justice denied.”

4)By maintaining transparency in every government action, selection procedures, and by maximising digitalisation and cashless transactions.

Corruption Free India for Developed Nation Essay Conclusion : 

We, the youth of this nation, have to shoulder the responsibility to eradicate corruption completely by joining politics and giving it the right direction. Every voice holds weight. Evil cannot destroy the system, but watching evil silently can definitely destroy it.

  • Speech on corruption Free India – Click Here

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