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Daycare Business Plan Template

Download our template and create a business plan for your daycare!

daycare business plan template

Updated September 22, 2023 Reviewed by Brooke Davis

When you are ready to start a daycare business, you need an effective plan outlining how to get there. High-quality child care is in high demand, but you must be prepared for the challenges of starting a new business.

A solid business plan will get you off on the right foot before you even open the doors of your new facility.

With these helpful tips, you can learn how to make a business plan for a daycare center. Whether you are looking to watch over young children or even need a dog daycare business plan, Legal Templates is here to help you get started.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Daycare Business

How to write a business plan for a daycare.

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Daycare Business Plan Sample

A business plan sets the stage for how you will operate your business and how you will get it running. A daycare is no different. Opening a daycare requires intensive planning, legal compliance, and understanding of your market.

A daycare business plan template walks you through the steps to build a proper path forward. Every successful business is planned correctly, not as you go along.

A sample daycare business plan pdf or Word document lays it out for you. You can learn how to put it together and what you must include. Many business plans help you understand what you must do to prepare.

Some are designed to recruit potential investors to your cause. Either way, you need a business plan to prepare you for the challenges and successes ahead.

Kids at daycare

Knowing how to write your daycare business plan can be tricky without some help. You may not have done this before, but a daycare business plan example can help.

Follow these writing tips in each section to create a strong business plan for your future daycare.

1. Executive Summary

The initial section of your business plan is the executive summary. This part of your plan is an introduction for whoever reads it. It is designed to offer an overview of the remaining sections. It should be concise and add only summary details—this is not the section for intensive information or data.

The executive summary will highlight what your daycare business will look like and the most crucial section of your entire plan.

This section may provide information such as:

  • A business address
  • Phone number, email address, and other contact information
  • List of owners
  • Banking information
  • Start date for the daycare
  • Client base
  • Market niche
  • Factors for success

The executive summary lets you make a case for why your particular daycare will be successful and competitive. It is also the section that helps you sell yourself and your business to potential investors who may play a critical role in starting your daycare.

Provide a mission statement that reflects your goals for the daycare and your motivation for starting your business.

2. Management Team

Your daycare business plan should include important information about your management team. The first part of this section may address ownership of the business itself. It should outline all essential ownership details, such as:

  • Legal names of every owner
  • Each owner’s proportionate share
  • The format of ownership percentage (i.e., stocks, capital investments, etc.)
  • The format of the business (Corporation, LLC, etc.)
  • Contact information for each owner

You want everyone who reads this business plan to know who has a stake and how their interests are represented. These details are a crucial part of business formation and preventing costly legal disputes in the future.

The management team section should also include the profiles of your management staff. These people will run the business daily, and they should be properly vetted before being put in charge.

Your business plan should list the management teams’:

  • Names and positions
  • Summary of responsibilities
  • Credentials and education background
  • Prior employment or experience
  • Early childhood education licensing or other credentialing
  • Management experience
  • Salary and benefits
  • Past success in a similar role

This information should demonstrate why these are the right people for the job. Not only does it help you know how your business will run, but it also shows others you have a proper plan in place for your daycare.

3. Products and Services

This section lets you talk about why you are starting this business in the first place. You will outline the services or products you intend to sell to consumers. For a daycare, it should outline the following:

  • Who is being cared for: Children, elderly adults, or pets?
  • Business hours
  • Staff costs and required credentials
  • Will you offer food, diapers, and other child-care products?
  • How will you measure sales metrics

Daycare is typically considered a service, but product sales are also often a part of this model. Your plan should adequately account for how you will handle this dual purpose and how it fits into your business model.

4. Customers and Marketing

You must identify your market and how you will get customers into your daycare. This section will focus on your area’s need for daycare services and the types of customers you expect to get.

Identification of customers is a vital part of a business plan and should include details like:

  • How many parents need childcare services?
  • What costs can families be expected to pay for your services
  • The community you will target
  • Demographic data for potential customers

With your customers in mind, you can focus on your marketing strategies. You want to differentiate yourself from competitors and ensure the community knows your new business. The daycare business plan must outline how you will achieve these goals.

A marketing strategy should combine both traditional and digital marketing methods, including:

  • Open houses
  • Word-of-mouth advertising
  • Advertisements in the paper or yellow pages
  • Billboards or other ads
  • Television, radio, or internet advertisements
  • Social media pages

5. SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis will address your daycare’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential threats. This analytical method examines your company and how it will operate.

It puts each of the four metrics into a visual matrix to help prospective business owners quickly identify favorable and unfavorable factors that may affect their business venture.

A SWOT analysis should focus on how your daycare services can perform against competitors. It may address factors like:

  • Any threats the daycare may face
  • Competitive advantages and why they would be successful
  • Areas that may be improved over time
  • Technology or resources the company may use to increase efficiency
  • Internal factors that may affect economic success

Detailed SWOT sections show investors you have done your homework and give you valuable data to make informed business choices.

6. Financials

A business plan should address the unique financial situation you face. Your daycare business plan should demonstrate your break-even amounts and expected profit margins.

It will also address the costs and the areas of revenue you expect. You will want to address the following:

  • Enrollment fees
  • Payment plans
  • Cost of supplies and materials
  • Employee costs
  • Regulatory costs
  • Additional program offerings and revenue
  • Necessary loans or capital improvements

A well-developed budget can demonstrate expected cash flows versus expected expenditures. Knowing how to handle these costs will be incredibly helpful in starting your daycare.

7. Operations

Your operational plan should outline specific procedures your business and staff will follow. It will list employees and those in management positions and their responsibilities.

As in your management section, a detailed “chain of command” is essential. Staff are an important part of your operations and should be detailed here.

One of the most important aspects of a daycare operation is its location. It would be best if you addressed the following:

  • The facility’s address
  • The type of area it is in (residential, commercial)
  • The space available and amenities
  • Why is it a prime location
  • Accessibility to the community for drop-off

You should also list your business hours and the services you will have available at different times. Child daycare centers differ in when they offer care—whether during the day, evenings, or even on weekends.

If you are doing other forms of daycare, you may even utilize late or overnight hours. You can decide how you run your business, but operations should be clearly outlined in your business plan.

8. Appendix

The appendix section allows you to include other documents that add to your business plan. They may include legal documents like licensing credentials, insurance information, and business formation documents.

Additional documents in this area are meant to support your business plan. The appendix might also include the following:

  • Reference letters
  • Photographs of the facility, locations, or general area
  • Market research data
  • Compliance Requirements

The appendix is a flexible section that lets you add supporting documents and other relevant information. Only add details that are helpful to your business plan. The appendix does not need to be lengthy or filled with fluff.

Legal Templates has the daycare business plan sample you need to construct your plan. With this sample at your disposal, you can formulate a business plan for your daycare to show to investors or for your purposes.

You may also use a business plan builder template to help you construct your daycare business plan step by step. See the sample below to help you get started.

Daycare business plan screenshot

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Child Care Business Plan

Start your own child care business plan

The Toddler Warehouse

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity.

The education of our children needs to start earlier and earlier. The school system is failing.  Those who can hire private teachers and tutors to help with their children’s education should.

The Toddler Warehouse is a full-service child care/development facility that cares for toddlers from age three to five. The Toddler Warehouse will be concentrating on the upper end of the market: double-income professional parents. These personally ambitious parents are typically eager in terms of their children’s development and will be willing to pay to have their children attend the best facilities.

The Toddler Warehouse will be offering child care/development for toddlers age three to five. The Toddler Warehouse will be targeting double income professional families who, because of work obligations, do not have the time during the day to care for their child. The Toddler Warehouse will be targeting families that are interested in something more than simple baby-sitting facilities, they would like the children to be enrolled in a program that offers development of many different skills including: socialization skills, arts and crafts, large muscle group workouts, reading, numbers, etc. Parents who are professionals, who are ambitious by nature themselves, are typically eager for their children to move ahead and are willing to pay for the best development care services for their children.


The Toddler Warehouse will be competing in the child care industry. This industry is fairly broad and populated, there are companies at all levels, from the basic baby sitter services, to competitors of The Toddler Warehouse. There are service providers that offer standard business hours as well as services that offer night and evening hours. There are scheduled services and no reservation drop off services. Price, quality, and gut feeling drives a lot of parental choices. The Toddler Warehouse believes the secret to success is to 1) concentrate on only a portion of the market, and 2) choose a portion of the market that is growing.

The Toddler Warehouse’s mission is to provide top level child care. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.


We will be profitable in the first year. By year 3 we will be able to hire more general help which focuses on care since we are all set for teachers

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

Matt will invest $85,000

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving.

The education of our children needs to start earlier and earlier. The school system is failing.  Those who can hire private teachers and tutors to help with their children’s education should.

Our Solution

The Toddler Warehouse is a full-service child care/development facility that cares for toddlers from age three to five. The Toddler Warehouse will be concentrating on the upper end of the market: double-income professional parents. These personally ambitious parents are typically eager in terms of their children’s development and will be willing to pay to have their children attend the best facilities.

Target Market

Market size & segments.

The Toddler Warehouse is targeting one specific customer group, the middle to upper class, two income professional family. This group of families have both parents working, not allowing them time to raise their child during the day. This group has the money for child care, and are willing to spend a little extra to get a higher level of care.

This customer segment has already begun teaching it’s child advanced concepts like reading, singing, socialization, etc. The Toddler Warehouse will continue to develop the children’s skills.

This customer group is typically made up of two professional parents. This would explain why the parents 1) have the money for more sophisticated child care, and 2) are ambitious in terms of their children’s learning and development.

Current Alternatives

There are many different competitors in the child care space. The Toddler Warehouse will only detail the direct, or reasonably direct competitors, and will not detail the myriad of other service providers that offer some sort of child care option. The direct competitors are:

  • Established, often franchised, child care centers. These are typically larger facilities that offer care to a wide range of ages. The number of children serviced is usually quite large. The child care is adequate, although somewhat impersonal by virtue of its large size.
  • Small, home based child care. These competitors are people that have a child care facility based out of their house. The quality of these ranges considerably, some are great, some are sub par.
  • Medium sized companies. These are typically independently owned facilities. Some of theses will handle a wide range of ages, others will specialize with a specific age group.

Our Advantages

The Toddler Warehouse’s competitive edge is two-fold:

  • Specialized training – The facility can only be as good as the teachers and assistants. With this in mind, The Toddler Warehouse has a specialized training program that all teachers and assistants are put through so they are proficient at teaching the specific programs that The Toddler Warehouse has developed for toddlers age three to five. The employees are put through an intensive week long course and only after they pass the intensive training will they be allowed to work with the children.
  • Innovative learning programs – Typical learning programs for toddlers this age focus on specific traits and only work on one trait/ skill at once. While this is successful in reinforcing the skill, it is often very difficult for the child to appreciate the interrelationships of the different skills. Consequently, the child can learn the skill, but has difficulty applying the skill when faced with multiple stimuli. When the child is unsure of what to do because of the multiple stimuli and these several skills that they have learned independently, the child tends to shut down out of confusion. Matt’s Master’s thesis was based on Intertwined Learning Systems that teaches skills not in isolation from each other, but taught together. Matt’s research strongly supports the assertion that when the skills are taught together, just as you would expect to encounter them in real life, the children are able to assimilate the new task into their skill set much quicker.

Keys to Success

Our keys to success are: 

  • To create a service based operation whose primary goal is to exceed customer’s expectations.
  • The utilization of The Toddler Warehouse by at least 40 different families in the first eight months.
  • To increase the number of client’s served by 20% each year.
  • To develop a sustainable, profitable, start-up business.

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

The Toddler Warehouse intends to concentrate on the double income working professional families because they are the segment that can most readily afford day care, are the ones who need day care because of their work obligations, appreciate the advanced learning and development The Toddler Warehouse has to offer, and lastly are a growing segment of our society.

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As America continues to be a society of people working long hours, there will always be the need for child care. The trend of longer work weeks is increasing and this drives The Toddler Warehouse’s business.

The Toddler Warehouse’s sales strategy will be targeting double income working professional families. These families have the money to spend on child care and these parents are much more likely to appreciate the advanced learning systems taught at The Toddler Warehouse based on Matt’s thesis.

The sales strategy will be based on a communication effort to explain the virtues of the program and how time at The Toddler Warehouse can speed up the children’s development considerably. In addition to one on one explanations of the program and its merits, the prospective parents will be given tours of the facilities. The tour of the facility will serve two purposes:

  • The tour will be used as a way to impress the prospect of the facilities that The Toddler Warehouse has. These facilities were custom designed to achieve very specific educational goals and The Toddler Warehouse is immensely proud of the facilities.
  • The tours typically occur during the day and this becomes a perfect opportunity for the potential customer to view the care as it is occurring. This will serve to build a trust bond between The Toddler Warehouse and the parent who naturally is cautious about leaving the child with strangers to have the child cared for and taught the entire day.

In essence, The Toddler Warehouse  is letting the facilities and teacher/student interactions speak for themselves. Because of the high level of service, this is entirely possible.

Locations & Facilities

The Toddler Warehouse, soon to be located in Salem, OR, will offer child care services for kids between the ages of three and five. The Toddler Warehouse will offer services from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. The children will be exposed to a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, socialization, large muscle group activities, and general learning. The Toddler Warehouse will be priced out of some people’s budget, but will offer a low student to teacher ratio and well trained staff. The Toddler Warehouse will be located in a recently purchased and converted home that now is solely a child care center.

Equipment & Tools

The Toddler Warehouse offers Salem an upper-end child care facility for toddlers age three to five. The Toddler Warehouse offers a low teacher to student ratio, custom facilities, and innovative learning programs. The Toddler Warehouse hours will be a bit wider rage than normal business hours to accommodate the working parents, the target customer.

The two income families have children, yet both parents work. The Toddler Warehouse is an innovative solution that acts as virtual parents, broadening the children’s skills during the day. This is not a baby sitter facility. The children are engaged throughout the day, learning new skills and reinforcing already acquired ones.

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table, key metrics.

Key metrics are: 

  • The # of families paying fees to breakeven 
  • increase the # families paying fees by 20% year over year 
  • training teachers and assistants 
  • keep on top of the educational tools 

Ownership & Structure

The Toddler Warehouse will be an Oregon Corporation, founded and owned by Matt Ernal.

Management Team

Matt Ernal, the founder and owner of The Toddler Warehouse will be running the daily operations. Matt got his undergraduate degree in English from the University of Oregon. Upon graduation, Matt was unsure of what he wanted to do so he travelled to Indonesia and taught English for three years. For the first year, Matt lived with a local family. In exchange for room and board, Matt cared for the family’s two children. Although he had never done any child care before, Matt found this very satisfying.

Upon returning to the US, Matt was contemplating pursuing something with teaching. His experience in Indonesia was quite positive, both the English classes and caring for the young children. Ultimately, it was the experience with the young children that led Matt to consider a career teaching young children. Matt entered Western Oregon University’s nationally recognized Master of Education Program to pursue toddler development. After graduation, Matt was confident of his abilities and decided that he would appreciate the autonomy of running his own business. He purchased a house for the facility has been working hard on this project ever since

Personnel Table

Financial plan investor-ready personnel plan .">, key assumptions.

Our key assumptions: 

  • Kids need to have a place that caters to the way they learn 
  • Kids need somewhere that teaches them life skills
  • Education starts at a very young age
  • Parents need somewhere safe and nurturing to leave children while they finish their workday. 

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

The Toddler Warehouse’s start-up costs include:

  • Legal: $1,000
  • Stationery etc: $100
  • Brochures: $350
  • Art supplies: $150
  • Kitchen supplies: $200
  • Cleaning supplies: $100
  • Medicine kits: $100
  • Matts and pillows: $150

Total $ 2150 

Sources of Funds

Our founder will invest $85,000 to get the operation up and running. 

Projected Profit & Loss

Projected balance sheet, projected cash flow statement.

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Daycare Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business Plan Outline

  • Daycare Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Daycare Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to easily complete your daycare business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their daycares.

How To Write a Daycare Business Plan & Example

Below are links to each section of your daycare business plan template:

  • Executive Summary – This is a brief overview of your daycare business plan. The executive summary should be no more than 2 pages long, with brief summaries of other sections of the plan.
  • Company Overview – This is where you provide a business description, including your company history, business structure, and any pertinent information about the daycare center.
  • Industry Analysis – The industry analysis describes the daycare industry, including market size and trends.
  • Customer Analysis – This section of your daycare business plan describes your target market and potential customers. You will detail the demographics, needs, and wants of your target audience and how you plan to meet those needs.
  • Competitive Analysis – The competition in your local area will be described here, along with how your daycare business will compete in the market.
  • Marketing Plan – Your marketing plan will describe your daycare’s marketing strategy, including your advertising and promotion plans.
  • Operations Plan – This section of your business plan describes how your daycare will be operated on a day-to-day basis. It may also include your long-term plans for expansion and the milestones you want to achieve to get there.
  • Management Team – The management team section of your business plan should describe the experience and qualifications of your management team including the director, teachers, and support staff.
  • Financial Plan – The financial plan section of your daycare business plan should include your financial statements, such as your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Daycare Business Plan FAQs

What is a daycare business plan.

A daycare business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your daycare business. Among other things, a good daycare business plan will outline your business concept, identify your target customers, present research about the child care industry, detail your marketing plan, and provide your financial plan.

You can  easily complete your daycare business plan using our Daycare Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Daycare Businesses?

There are different types of daycare businesses that parents can choose from for their child's needs. A traditional daycare center is most sought after by working parents since it provides child care during regular work hours. There are also in-home daycare centers that are licensed to provide child care in a home setting with fewer children. Other child care centers provide hourly care services by trusted babysitters or nannies and are operating on an as-needed basis.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenues and Expenses for a Daycare Business?

The primary source of revenue for a daycare business is its child care services.

Some key expenses for a daycare business is rent, salaries for staff, utilities and snacks expenses for the children.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Day Care Business Plan?

A daycare or child care center is typically funded through small business loans, personal savings, credit card financing and/or angel investors. This is true for a business plan for daycare or a childcare business plan.

What are the Steps To Start a Daycare Business?

Starting a daycare can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Day Care Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed child care business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include market research on the childcare industry and potential target market size, information on the services you will offer, marketing strategy, pricing strategies and detailed financial projections.

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your daycare business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your daycare business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Daycare Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your daycare business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your daycare business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Daycare Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your chlidcare business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your childcare   business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising to reach your target audience.

Learn more about how to start a successful daycare business:

  • How to Start a Daycare Business

Where Can I Get a Daycare Business Plan Example PDF?

You can download our daycare business plan PDF template here. This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

13+ SAMPLE Child Care Business Plan in PDF

Child care business plan, 13+ sample child care business plan, what is child care, what is a child care business plan, what are the types of child care, essential elements of a child care business plan, step by step process in preparing an effective child care business plan, why is having child care a necessity, at what age should the child be receiving child care, are there issues with child care.

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Daycare Business Plan

child care center business plan pdf

With the majority of parents staying out of the home throughout the day, the daycare (childcare) business has turned into an extremely bankable one in recent years.

If you have the right resources and more importantly, are good with children. If you have ever dreamt of starting a daycare business , then you are at the right place!

Though certain sections are common to all business plans, you’ll need to customize the outline as per the needs and requirements of your business.

Industry Overview

The U.S. childcare market size was valued at USD 54.3 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.9% from 2020 to 2027.

This rise in demand has come from the increasing number of working parents. Earlier parents had to quit their careers to take care of their children, but that has changed due to better daycare facilities.

Now, if you plan on entering this competitive childcare market, you must know that the daycare business is based on the foundation of trust more than anything. Hence, providing quality services and having a clean image in the market is of utmost importance.

Studies show that a lot of daycare businesses fail in their first three years due to reasons ranging from poor management to lagging finances. You can combat all of these and many more troubles if you enter the industry with a well-rounded daycare business plan.

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What is a Daycare Business Plan?

A daycare business plan is an equivalent of a roadmap in your business journey. A plan helps you understand what you’re getting yourself into.

It helps you understand the market, figure out where you stand in it, know your target audience better, and formulate better marketing and financial strategies.

Overall, it makes your decision-making process faster and more effective and prevents you from feeling clueless at any point in your business journey.

Moreover, it also helps you get investors and helps your employees and partners understand what your business stands for. It gives the people in your business a feeling that you have a vision and know what you are doing with your business.

Also, you get to set clear goals that give you a direction to work and put your efforts in.

Why is a Daycare Business Plan Important?

Everything you do for your business should add value to it. And here’s how a daycare business plan can add value to your business:

It gives you a sense of direction

There are several ways you can go with each business decision. A business plan helps you understand what would work best for your business then.

Also, it gives a set of tangible goals to look forward to when you work on your business.

It helps you understand your target audience better

Planning your business gives a better form and structure to your research. Which at the end of the day helps you understand your customers better. It also helps you analyze what it means for your business.

Making and upgrading your product or service for your customers serves the biggest purpose at the end of the day.

It helps you understand your competition better

Imagine there’s a popular daycare center in your city and several parents swear by it. Now, this could mean several things for your business.

You’ll have to pick a different location, know the daycare service’s weaknesses and offer better services by working on that area for your business.

You can also pick the things they are doing right, and inculcate the same in your strategies.

A business plan can help you do all of the above and more through a competitive analysis.

It helps you convince your investors

Though making the right prediction is difficult, having a rough idea of your business’s sales and financial potential is important to get investors on board.

Investors want to know the scalability of your business before they invest in it. A good and realistic prediction of returns makes it easier to convince investors.

And a business plan can help you make realistic financial predictions.

It keeps you updated with the latest business trends

A business plan is a living document that grows alongside your business. It also helps you have a foresight of changing trends and act on time for getting the best results for your business.

This also makes it important for you to keep updating your plan as your business grows.

What does a Daycare Business Plan Look Like?

If you are planning to start a new auto or car repair shop, the first thing you will need is a business plan. Use our sample Daycare Business Plan created using Upmetrics business plan software to start writing your business plan in no time.

Before you start writing your business plan for your new auto repairing shop, spend as much time as you can reading through some examples of Children’s & Pet business plans .

Moreover, business plans come in different forms to fit the current state of your business.

Apart from that, there are a few major sections that should be included in every business plan.

Daycare Business Plan Outline

This is the standard business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Executive Summary
  • Keys to Success
  • Company Summary
  • Timothy Bernard Kilpatrick
  • Start-up Summary
  • Locations and Facilities
  • Service Description
  • Competitive Comparison
  • Sales Literature
  • Fulfillment
  • Future Services
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Segmentation
  • Market Analysis
  • Market Needs
  • Market Trends
  • Market Growth
  • Business Participants
  • Competition and Buying Patterns
  • Main Competitors
  • Strategy and Implementation Summary
  • Value Proposition
  • Competitive Edge
  • Positioning Statement
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Promotion Strategy
  • Marketing Programs
  • Sales Forecast
  • Sales Programs
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Web Plan Summary
  • Website Marketing Strategy
  • Development Requirements
  • Management Summary
  • Organizational Structure
  • Timothy B. Kilpatrick
  • Carolyn Steverson
  • Candice Harris
  • Management Team Gaps
  • Personnel Plan
  • Projected Profit and Loss
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Projected Balance Sheet

What to Include in Your Daycare Business Plan?

A good daycare business plan consists of a certain number of well-defined sections, the following sections can help you in writing an excellent business plan.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary section is one of the most important sections of your business plan because it not only forms the first section of your business plan but also acts as a pitch for potential investors who can provide you with funds for your daycare business.

It consists of your company’s vision and mission, its USP, objectives, and also expected revenues.

Writing the executive summary section of your plan at the very end, so you can sum up your plan properly is a good tip to remember.

2. Services

In this section, you should give out a clear idea of what your services are and whom it caters to. You should define your target market, your niche, the area your services will be extended to, etc.

As a daycare center, you should have a clear idea of the age group you will cater to, what is the preferred location of your target audience, how you come off as a service to your customers, and so on.

3. Market Analysis

Market analysis can be of great help to any business, it can help you understand what you are getting yourself into, who your competitors are, what your client base expects out of you, and where you stand in the current market situation.

Hence, market analysis immensely improves your understanding of the industry you are getting into. In the case of a daycare center knowing the best practices of childcare that exist in the market can be of great help.

4. Web Plan

In today’s internet-based world, most busy parents looking for a daycare center online. Hence, having a strong and reliable web presence is crucial to the success of your daycare business. Thus, including a web strategy in your business plan is necessary.

Always remember, as a daycare service coming off as a trustworthy and reliable institution is crucial for your business to work.

5. Management and Organizational Structure

Having a well-structured management system is especially crucial for a daycare service. It not only helps your business run smoother, but it also makes you look more responsible and reliable in front of the parents or the primary caregivers.

In this section, you should include the structure of your organization, details about people on various levels in your company, a solid system for tracking everyone’s work and progress, the areas your team is excelling at, and the areas your team is lagging in.

6. Financial Plan

One of the chief reasons for several daycare services running out of business is poorly managed finances or running out of funds to keep going.

Planning your finances in the early stages of your business saves you from encountering such a problem later on.

Hence, planning your finances is mandatory while writing a business plan.

Download a sample daycare business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free daycare business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your daycare business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

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Daycare Business Plan Summary

In conclusion, apart from having a good image as an organization, a well-managed team, a clearly defined niche, thorough research of the market and an excellent financial plan is crucial to the success of a daycare business.

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this sample daycare business plan into your business plan and modify the required information and download your daycare business plan pdf or doc file.

It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

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child care center business plan pdf

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Sample Daycare Business Plan

Daycare Business Plan Template

Writing a business plan is a crucial step in starting a daycare. Not only does it provide structure and guidance for the future, but it also helps to create funding opportunities and attract potential investors. For aspiring daycare business owners, having access to a sample daycare business plan can be especially helpful in providing direction and gaining insight into how to draft their own daycare business plan.

Download our Ultimate Daycare Business Plan Template

Having a thorough business plan in place is critical for any successful daycare venture. It will serve as the foundation for your operations, setting out the goals and objectives that will help guide your decisions and actions. A well-written business plan can give you clarity on realistic financial projections and help you secure financing from lenders or investors. A daycare business plan example can be a great resource to draw upon when creating your own plan, making sure that all the key components are included in your document.

The daycare business plan sample below will give you an idea of what one should look like. It is not as comprehensive and successful in raising capital for your daycare as Growthink’s Ultimate Daycare Business Plan Template , but it can help you write a daycare business plan of your own.

Daycare Business Plan Example – TinySteps Playhouse

Table of contents, executive summary, company overview, industry analysis, customer analysis, competitive analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team, financial plan.

At TinySteps Playhouse, we are committed to providing exceptional childcare services in the vibrant city of Denver, CO. Our daycare center is designed to offer a safe, educational, and nurturing environment for children ranging from infants to pre-kindergarteners. Our comprehensive curriculum is tailored to meet the developmental needs of each age group, fostering growth and learning through play. With a passionate and experienced team at the helm, TinySteps Playhouse is dedicated to supporting the families in our community by offering flexible care options that accommodate the diverse needs of modern families. Our location in Denver positions us perfectly to serve a growing demographic of parents seeking quality childcare solutions.

Our success at TinySteps Playhouse is anchored in our commitment to providing a nurturing environment that supports the holistic development of children. We have successfully established a reputation for quality care, thanks to our experienced and passionate team, comprehensive curriculum, and flexible childcare solutions. To date, we have achieved several milestones, including the successful launch of our center, consistent positive feedback from families, and a growing enrollment. Our dedication to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment sets us apart and drives our continued success.

The childcare industry is witnessing significant growth, driven by increasing demand from working parents seeking reliable and quality daycare services. In Denver, CO, this trend is particularly pronounced, with a rising number of families requiring childcare solutions that offer both educational and emotional support. The industry’s expansion is further fueled by growing awareness of the importance of early childhood education, prompting parents to seek out establishments that provide more than just basic care. In response, daycare centers are evolving to offer comprehensive curriculums that encourage cognitive, social, and emotional development. This shift towards more holistic childcare services is reshaping the industry, making it an opportune time for TinySteps Playhouse to establish and expand its presence in Denver.

Our target customers at TinySteps Playhouse are working parents in Denver, CO, who value both the emotional and educational development of their children. These parents are looking for more than just a daycare; they seek a partner in nurturing their child’s growth. They are typically well-educated, middle to upper-middle-income earners who understand the importance of early childhood education and are willing to invest in quality childcare services. Our customer base values the flexible care options we provide, which cater to the diverse needs of modern families. By understanding and addressing the specific needs and preferences of this demographic, TinySteps Playhouse aims to become the go-to childcare solution in our community.

Top Competitors:

  • Happy Tots Daycare: Known for its large facility and wide range of extracurricular activities.
  • Little Scholars Childcare: Offers a strong educational program with certified teachers.
  • Sunshine Kids Academy: Praised for its outdoor play areas and emphasis on physical activity.

Our Competitive Advantages: TinySteps Playhouse stands out in the competitive landscape of Denver, CO, by offering a uniquely tailored curriculum that promotes holistic development. Our passionate and experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized attention to each child, ensuring their emotional, social, and educational needs are met. Furthermore, our flexible childcare solutions cater to the diverse needs of modern families, making us a preferred choice for parents in the area.

TinySteps Playhouse will implement a comprehensive promotional strategy to attract and retain customers in Denver, CO. Our approach includes a robust online marketing campaign leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with potential clients by sharing engaging content, testimonials, and educational tips. We will also employ SEO techniques and Google Ads to enhance our visibility online. Additionally, email marketing will keep us in direct contact with interested parents, sharing updates, events, and special promotions. Beyond digital efforts, we will engage in community outreach by partnering with local businesses and schools, sponsor events, and offer special promotions to establish ourselves as a trusted community member. Open houses and free trial days will allow parents and children to experience our daycare firsthand, building trust and demonstrating our high level of care. Word-of-mouth, encouraged through referral discounts, will further amplify our reach. Together, these strategies are designed to establish TinySteps Playhouse as the premier choice for daycare services in Denver.

Our operations at TinySteps Playhouse are centered around key processes that ensure the provision of high-quality childcare services. These include rigorous staff training, implementation of our comprehensive curriculum, and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for the children. We have outlined several milestones to guide our growth, such as expanding our facility to accommodate more children, achieving specific enrollment goals, and obtaining additional certifications that reflect our commitment to excellence. These operational milestones are integral to our strategy for providing exceptional childcare and education services in Denver, CO.

The leadership at TinySteps Playhouse is comprised of individuals with extensive experience in early childhood education and business management. Our team includes a Director with over a decade of experience in childcare management, an Educational Coordinator who specializes in curriculum development, and a Business Manager skilled in operations and finance. Together, our management team brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for childcare, driving TinySteps Playhouse towards achieving its mission of providing outstanding childcare services in Denver, CO.

Welcome to TinySteps Playhouse, a new Day Care/Daycare that has recently opened its doors to serve our fellow residents in Denver, CO. As a local daycare center, we are acutely aware of the lack of high-quality daycare options within our community. With this in mind, we have stepped forward to fill this crucial gap, providing a nurturing and educational environment for the children in our care.

At TinySteps Playhouse, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the needs of busy families and their children. Our offerings include childcare, early education programs, nutritious meals and snacks, and ample opportunities for outdoor play and physical activities. We understand the importance of a balanced approach to child development, and our programs are crafted to foster growth, learning, and fun in a safe and welcoming environment.

Located in the heart of Denver, CO, TinySteps Playhouse is perfectly positioned to serve the local community. We are committed to becoming a cornerstone of support for Denver families, providing peace of mind to parents and caregivers while their children are in our care.

Our ability to succeed in this competitive market is grounded in several key factors. Firstly, our founder brings a wealth of experience from previously running a successful daycare, ensuring that TinySteps Playhouse is built on a foundation of proven practices and passion for child care. Additionally, we pride ourselves on offering superior childcare services compared to our competitors, supported by a team of highly experienced staff. This unique combination of experience, passion, and quality positions us to become the preferred choice for daycare services in Denver, CO.

Since our founding on January 5, 2024, as a S Corporation, we have achieved several significant milestones. We have developed our brand identity, including designing our logo and finalizing our company name, which resonates with our mission and values. Furthermore, we have secured an ideal location for our daycare, ensuring that we are accessible and convenient for the families we serve. These accomplishments serve as the foundation for our future growth and success, as we continue to build our reputation and expand our offerings to meet the needs of our community.

The Day Care/Daycare industry in the United States is a significant and growing market. Currently, the industry generates over $56 billion in revenue annually, with an average growth rate of 3.9% over the past five years. This indicates a strong demand for daycare services across the country, making it a lucrative industry for new businesses to enter.

One of the key trends in the Day Care/Daycare industry is the increasing number of working parents in the United States. With more parents entering the workforce, the demand for reliable and high-quality daycare services is on the rise. This trend bodes well for TinySteps Playhouse, as it positions itself to cater to the needs of busy families in Denver, CO. By offering convenient and flexible daycare options, TinySteps Playhouse is well-positioned to capitalize on this growing market.

Another trend in the Day Care/Daycare industry is the focus on early childhood education and development. Parents are increasingly looking for daycare providers that offer more than just basic childcare services, but also enriching educational experiences for their children. TinySteps Playhouse can differentiate itself in the market by emphasizing its educational curriculum and dedicated staff, attracting parents who prioritize their child’s learning and development. With the industry expected to continue growing in the coming years, TinySteps Playhouse has a promising future ahead.

Below is a description of our target customers and their core needs.

Target Customers

TinySteps Playhouse will target local residents primarily, focusing on families with young children in need of daycare services. The community within Denver has a significant portion of dual-income households where both parents work full-time jobs. This demographic is in dire need of reliable and nurturing childcare solutions, making them a primary customer segment for TinySteps Playhouse.

The daycare will also cater to single-parent families seeking a supportive and engaging environment for their children during work hours. Denver’s diverse population includes a notable number of single parents who require affordable, high-quality daycare services. By offering flexible hours and a curriculum that promotes early childhood development, TinySteps Playhouse will meet the specific needs of this customer group.

Moreover, TinySteps Playhouse will tailor its services to attract parents who prioritize educational content in their childcare selection. With an emphasis on learning and development, the daycare plans to integrate educational programs into its daily schedule. This approach will appeal to parents interested in providing their children with a head start in education, further broadening the daycare’s customer base.

Customer Needs

TinySteps Playhouse steps in to meet the critical need for high-quality daycare services that Denver parents desperately seek. Parents expect a safe, nurturing environment where their children can learn, play, and grow under the supervision of caring and professional staff. This establishment ensures that every child receives personalized attention, fostering a sense of belonging and security.

Moreover, TinySteps Playhouse recognizes the importance of convenience for working parents. It offers flexible hours to accommodate the varying schedules of Denver’s diverse workforce. By doing so, parents can maintain their professional responsibilities without compromising their child’s care and well-being.

In addition to basic caregiving, TinySteps Playhouse provides an educational curriculum designed to stimulate young minds and prepare them for future academic success. Parents can rest assured that their children are not only cared for but also engaged in meaningful learning activities. This comprehensive approach to daycare fulfills a critical need for developmental support beyond mere supervision.

TinySteps Playhouse’s competitors include the following companies:

Kiddie Academy of Denver-Boulevard One offers a comprehensive child care program that focuses on early childhood education and development. Their services include infant care, toddler care, preschool, and pre-kindergarten programs. The academy emphasizes a Life Essentials® curriculum, which supports the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development of children. Price points vary based on the program and age of the child, but they generally fall within the mid to high range of daycare services in the Denver area. Kiddie Academy of Denver-Boulevard One operates primarily in the Boulevard One neighborhood of Denver, catering to families residing in or near this area. They target middle to upper-middle-class families looking for a blend of education and care for their children. A key strength of Kiddie Academy is its national reputation and standardized curriculum. However, its location-specific weakness may be its higher price point, which could be a barrier for some families.

Crestmoor Learning Center provides early childhood education with a focus on creating a nurturing and safe environment for children to learn and grow. Services include infant care, preschool programs, and after-school care for older children. The center adopts a personalized approach to learning, tailoring activities to the developmental needs of each child. Pricing information is typically customized based on the specific needs and schedule of the family, aligning with industry standards in the Denver area. Serving the Crestmoor neighborhood and surrounding areas, Crestmoor Learning Center appeals to families seeking a more intimate and personalized daycare experience. The center’s strengths lie in its community-focused approach and flexible scheduling options. However, its smaller size and limited capacity could be viewed as a weakness, potentially limiting availability for new enrollments.

The Learning Experience – Westminster operates in the broader Denver metro area, with a specific focus on the Westminster location. This center offers educational childcare programs for children ages six weeks to six years, including toddler care, preschool, and kindergarten prep. Their proprietary L.E.A.P. (Learning Experience Academic Program) curriculum is designed to promote cognitive, social, and physical development. While The Learning Experience – Westminster has a competitive pricing structure that aims to be accessible to a wide range of families, they also offer premium features such as a mobile app for parents. This center serves a diverse customer base, including families from various socioeconomic backgrounds. Their key strength is the blend of affordability and technology-enhanced services. A potential weakness is the reliance on a franchise model, which may result in variability in service quality across locations.

Competitive Advantages

At TinySteps Playhouse, we pride ourselves on offering superior child care services that set us apart from our competitors. Our commitment to providing a nurturing and educational environment ensures that every child in our care receives the attention and support they need to grow and thrive. We understand the importance of early childhood development, and our programs are designed to stimulate learning and creativity in a safe and welcoming setting. Our approach is not just about watching over children; it’s about engaging them in activities that promote their social, emotional, and intellectual development.

Another significant competitive advantage we have is our team of highly experienced staff. Each member of our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in child care, early childhood education, and child psychology. This experience allows us to create a supportive and enriching environment for the children we serve. Our staff’s dedication to continuous learning and improvement means that we are always at the forefront of best practices in child care. Parents can trust that their children are in capable and caring hands, receiving the best possible care and education. This level of service and expertise distinguishes us in the Denver area, making us a preferred choice for discerning parents.

Our marketing plan, included below, details our products/services, pricing and promotions plan.

Products and Services

TinySteps Playhouse offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the needs of busy families while providing a nurturing and educational environment for children. At the core of its offerings is Childcare, a service that ensures children are cared for in a safe, engaging, and supportive setting. Parents can expect to pay an average of $250 per week for full-time childcare, which includes a range of activities aimed at promoting the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of children.

Understanding the importance of early education, TinySteps Playhouse provides Early Education Programs tailored to different age groups. These programs are designed to lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning by incorporating elements of play, discovery, and structured learning. The cost of these programs is included in the weekly childcare fee, ensuring that every child has access to quality early education without additional financial burden on the families.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the development and well-being of children, which is why TinySteps Playhouse offers Nutritious Meals and Snacks as part of its services. These meals and snacks are prepared with children’s dietary needs in mind, ensuring they receive balanced and healthy food throughout the day. This service is also included in the weekly fee, providing peace of mind to parents that their children are not only cared for but also receive proper nutrition.

Recognizing the importance of physical activity in children’s growth, TinySteps Playhouse incorporates Outdoor Play and Physical Activities into its daily schedule. This ensures that children have ample opportunity to engage in physical exercise, enjoy fresh air, and develop their motor skills. Like the other services, this is included in the overall childcare fee, offering a comprehensive approach to child development and care.

In summary, TinySteps Playhouse stands out by offering an all-inclusive package that covers childcare, early education, nutritious meals, and physical activities. With a focus on holistic development and a commitment to providing high-quality services, TinySteps Playhouse is positioned as a premier choice for families seeking the best care and education for their children in Denver, CO.

Promotions Plan

TinySteps Playhouse will utilize a comprehensive promotional strategy to attract customers in Denver, CO. At the heart of this strategy lies a robust online marketing campaign. The daycare will leverage social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to connect with potential clients. Through these channels, TinySteps Playhouse will share engaging content, including day-to-day activities, testimonials from satisfied parents, and educational tips for children. This approach not only builds a community around the daycare but also showcases the quality and care provided. Furthermore, the daycare will implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve its visibility in search engine results. By targeting keywords related to daycare services in Denver, TinySteps Playhouse will attract parents actively searching for childcare options. Additionally, the daycare will use Google Ads to reach a wider audience, ensuring that parents searching for daycare services in the area encounter TinySteps Playhouse at the top of their search results. Email marketing will also play a crucial role in the promotional strategy. TinySteps Playhouse will collect email addresses from interested parents through its website and social media channels. The daycare will then send out regular newsletters featuring updates, events, and special promotions. This direct line of communication will keep TinySteps Playhouse top-of-mind for parents considering daycare options. Beyond online marketing, TinySteps Playhouse will engage in community outreach. The daycare will collaborate with local businesses and schools to sponsor events and offer special promotions. These partnerships will not only increase visibility but also establish TinySteps Playhouse as a trusted community member invested in the well-being of local families. To further attract customers, TinySteps Playhouse will host open houses and free trial days. These events will allow parents and children to experience the daycare firsthand, meet the staff, and see the facilities. Such experiences are invaluable in building trust and demonstrating the high level of care and education that TinySteps Playhouse provides. Word-of-mouth will also be a vital component of the promotional strategy. Satisfied parents are the best advocates for TinySteps Playhouse. The daycare will encourage referrals by offering discounts or special offers to families that bring new clients. This approach not only rewards current customers but also harnesses the power of personal recommendations. In conclusion, TinySteps Playhouse will deploy a multifaceted promotional strategy to attract customers. By combining online marketing, community outreach, and word-of-mouth, the daycare will establish a strong presence in Denver, CO. These efforts will ensure that TinySteps Playhouse becomes a preferred choice for parents seeking quality daycare services.

Our Operations Plan details:

  • The key day-to-day processes that our business performs to serve our customers
  • The key business milestones that our company expects to accomplish as we grow

Key Operational Processes

To ensure the success of TinySteps Playhouse, there are several key day-to-day operational processes that we will perform.

  • Opening Procedures: Staff arrive early to prepare the facility, ensuring that play areas are clean and safe, and that all necessary materials for the day’s activities are ready and accessible.
  • Health and Safety Checks: Conduct daily health checks of all children upon arrival to monitor for any signs of illness, and ensure that all play equipment and toys are sanitized and in good condition.
  • Attendance Tracking: Accurately record the arrival and departure times of children to maintain an up-to-date attendance log for safety and billing purposes.
  • Meal and Snack Preparation: Prepare and serve nutritious meals and snacks at scheduled times throughout the day, adhering to any dietary restrictions or allergies.
  • Educational Program Implementation: Execute planned educational activities and programs that stimulate cognitive, social, and physical development, adjusting as necessary to meet the needs of different age groups and individual children.
  • Continuous Supervision: Maintain constant supervision of children to ensure their safety and well-being, intervening as necessary to guide behavior and facilitate positive interactions among peers.
  • Communication with Parents: Provide regular updates to parents about their child’s day, including any notable achievements, behavior observations, and any incidents or accidents that occurred.
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Perform regular cleaning of the facility throughout the day, with a deep clean at the end of the day, to maintain a hygienic environment. This includes laundering of any used fabrics and sanitizing toys and equipment.
  • Staff Coordination: Conduct briefings with staff at the start and end of each day to ensure everyone is informed about the day’s schedule, any special needs of children, and to discuss any issues that may have arisen.
  • Financial Management: Process payments from parents, manage billing inquiries, and ensure accurate financial records are kept for accounting purposes.
  • Professional Development: Encourage staff to engage in ongoing professional development and training opportunities to stay current with best practices in early childhood education and care.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Ensure that all staff are trained in emergency procedures and that emergency contacts for each child are readily accessible. Conduct regular drills for different types of emergencies.

TinySteps Playhouse expects to complete the following milestones in the coming months in order to ensure its success:

  • Securing a Suitable Location : Find and lease or purchase a facility in Denver, CO, that is safe, accessible, and compliant with state and local regulations for childcare services. This location should also offer potential for growth and expansion.
  • Obtaining Licenses and Permits : Complete all necessary state and local licensing requirements for operating a daycare. This includes passing health and safety inspections and obtaining a childcare license.
  • Building and Equipping the Facility : Renovate and equip the facility to meet the needs of children of various ages, including purchasing educational toys, furniture, outdoor play equipment, and safety features. Ensure that the environment is inviting, stimulating, and secure for children.
  • Hiring and Training Staff : Recruit, hire, and train qualified childcare providers who are passionate about child development. Staff training should focus on health and safety protocols, educational strategies, and emergency procedures to ensure a high-quality care environment.
  • Developing Curriculum and Activities : Design a comprehensive, age-appropriate curriculum that promotes physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. Plan a variety of engaging activities and routines that cater to the interests and needs of children.
  • Launching Marketing and Enrollment Campaigns : Implement targeted marketing strategies to attract parents and guardians in Denver, CO. Develop an attractive website, engage in social media marketing, and host open house events to facilitate enrollment.
  • Launching Our Daycare : Officially open TinySteps Playhouse for business, welcoming children and their families. Ensure a smooth operation from the first day, with staff ready to provide high-quality care and education.
  • Monitoring and Improving Quality : Establish mechanisms for regular feedback from parents and staff to continuously monitor and improve the quality of care and education provided. Implement changes as necessary to meet the evolving needs of children and families.
  • Reaching $15,000/Month in Revenue : Through effective marketing, quality service, and word-of-mouth referrals, steadily increase enrollment to reach the milestone of $15,000 in monthly revenue. This financial stability is crucial for covering operating costs and planning for future growth.
  • Evaluating Expansion Opportunities : After establishing a successful operation in Denver, CO, assess the feasibility of expanding TinySteps Playhouse to additional locations or offering new services to meet the needs of the community and drive further growth.

TinySteps Playhouse management team, which includes the following members, has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan:

Mason Clark, President

Mason Clark, President, brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success to TinySteps Playhouse. With a strong background in early childhood education and management, Mason has previously steered a daycare center towards operational excellence and growth. His expertise lies in strategic planning, staff leadership, and implementing innovative programs that enhance the learning and development of young children. Mason’s ability to drive business success, coupled with his passion for creating nurturing and educational environments for children, positions him as a key asset in guiding TinySteps Playhouse towards achieving lasting success.

TinySteps Playhouse requires significant funding to reach our growth goals and fulfill our mission of providing top-tier childcare services in Denver, CO. Our financial plan outlines the need for investment in facility expansion, curriculum development, marketing efforts, and operational enhancements to support our increasing enrollment and ensure the highest level of care. By securing the necessary funding, we will be able to implement our strategic plan, achieve our operational milestones, and continue to serve the families in our community with excellence.

Financial Statements

Balance sheet.

[insert balance sheet]

Income Statement

[insert income statement]

Cash Flow Statement

[insert cash flow statement]

Daycare Business Plan Example PDF

Download our Daycare Business Plan PDF here. This is a free daycare business plan example to help you get started on your own daycare plan.  

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Writing a daycare or preschool business plan is a big task, but due diligence and hard work will help you understand what you’ll need to launch and run a daycare or preschool successfully.

people sitting around a table reviewing a business graph

What do daycare investors want?

Your local government will have rules and regulations you’ll need to follow as a small business owner and childcare provider. Start by reviewing the childcare licensing guidelines for your state and city. Once you’re clear on licensing guidelines, you’re ready to start writing your childcare business plan.

The purpose of a business plan is to help secure funding. You’ll likely need financing to launch your preschool or daycare, especially if you want to avoid the monthly repayment of a loan. 

Investors provide businesses with money in exchange for partial ownership. As a result, they expect a larger return on their initial investment. Because many investors work in business, they prefer to invest in an established company.

Most investors look for:

Industry background and experience

Financial performance and promise.

Investors want to make money. Therefore, they are more inclined to work with experienced entrepreneurs and business owners to guarantee a return on their investment. 

This might sound discouraging for those with little experience or without a business management background, but the opportunity doesn’t end there. You could consider bringing on a partner with a business background. Additionally, many investors act as a source of business advice. 

You need to demonstrate that your business will make money. Investors will likely want to see signs of business growth before they give you money. 

Additionally, investors will want to know about your financial stability. Questions an investor might ask are:

  • What do you plan to do with the money?
  • Has your business been up or down in recent years?
  • Is your company losing money? Are there signs of growth for the future?
  • How do you plan to repay your investment?

Of course, every investor is different, so they’ll consider various factors. While experience and financial promise are at the top of the list for most investors, they might also look for uniqueness, business readiness, an effective business model, and more.

A women using a calculating and holding cash

Writing a daycare business plan

We’ve discussed licensing and investors. Now, you’re ready to begin the framework of your business plan for daycares and preschools. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

Business description

Needs assessment, insurance policies, operating policies and procedures, marketing strategy.

Start with the basics: what does your daycare do? Detailing the service you’re offering will help you create a clear business plan. Next, you might want to write some goals or even a mission statement outlining your purpose and motivation.

Start by looking at general daycare or preschool industry trends, then narrow your scope to the preschools or daycares in your local area. Next, you’ll need to figure out who your target customers are and confirm that there is a need for a business like yours in your community. 

Are there a lot of young families in your neighborhood? Are you located somewhere convenient for commuting parents? Does your business offer a specific service that your competitors don’t, like early check-in or extended hours? 

Also, check out the competition. Research the existing daycare or preschool options in your community. Look at current preschool or daycare business plan samples. What makes your daycare or preschool unique? 

Developing detailed budgets will help you run your small business. You’ll need to compare your current cash flow and expenditures to determine whether you’ll make a profit.

Build a budget for unexpected costs. For example, how many children do you need to serve to be able to pay your bills and stay afloat? Child Care Aware of America offers some terrific budgeting resources for this process.

Depending on the type and size of your preschool, you’ll need insurance policies of several different types, including liability, property, workers’ compensation, and business insurance. Check the licensing requirements for guidance in building this part of your preschool business plan.

Create a comprehensive handbook for families and staff that includes you center's policies and procedures. For instance, you'll need to develop an emergency plan , daycare sick policy , and other safety protocols according to your local childcare licensing requirements. 

Your staff handbook will be a helpful resource your employees can reference and include all your employment policies including work and pay schedules, benefits, and information about professional growth and development. You can also include information on your center's philosophy and curriculum, classroom procedures, and expectations for working with children and families.

Your marketing strategy is the key to attracting customers. Decide what type of advertising you will use in front of potential customers. For example, list your school in local directories and participate in parenting and kid-friendly community events. Run a social media campaign focusing on your target population.

Another big part of childcare business marketing is differentiating yourself from other preschools. These days adopting daycare software is a surefire way to attract families with young children. A tool like brightwheel's center management feature will streamline your center's admission process, record keeping, and reporting, saving you up to 20 hours per month. 

You can also use brightwheel for recording and tracking daily events and activities, and sending real-time updates to families throughout the day. It also offers secure, digital check-in/check-out and a paperless billing system. This is a great way to keep your families looped in on daily activities and handle all of your administrative tasks in one place.

Your business is ready!

Writing a business plan can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Once you secure the proper licensing, use the information in this article to guide you through creating a solid daycare business plan that drives investors and financing to your business.

These are just the basics to get you started. For further information, the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website has detailed instructions on creating each necessary part of a successful business plan. 

Childcare and Preschool Supply List

A list of everything you need to start an early education program.

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9+ editable daycare business plan templates.

Infants and toddlers are fragile, little saplings who need the utmost care and affection. Being able to take care of them well positively affects their holistic growth and even their well-being when they grow up. Unfortunately, not all parents can give their children the attention they need. Some kids are left with nannies who may not have any genuine concern for them. You may also see Daycare Business Plans .

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Editable Daycare Business Plan Template

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Free Day Care Center Business Plan Template

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Starting a Daycare Center

  • M ake a needs analysis.  Identify which children in your area particularly needs.
  • Observe the market.  Do benchmarking and observe how competitors run their daycare centers.
  • Careful planning.  Create a simple business plan and identify the type of daycare center you want to start. Also, include a  Marketing Business Plan   and other financial plans .
  • Name and place.  Come up with a name and decide on the ideal location.
  • Secure all paperwork.  Acquire the needed requirements mandated by the government.
  • Secure equipment and staff.  Set up your childcare center and purcha s e all the equipment and furniture you need. Hire employees and conduct an orientation.
  • Comply with basic rules and regulation.  Make sure  the  entire premises is well-monitored and ready for inspection.
  • Advertise.  Promote your new business using your planned marketing strategy .
  • Start enrollment or registration.
  • Open your business with flare.  You can offer goodies for both children and parents.
  • Check on different aspects of the business regularly.

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Build and Maintain a Thriving Business

  • Be creative. You are establishing a center for kids. Every day should be exciting for them.
  • Be socially active. Engage in conversations with your employees, kids in their sessions, and even the parents. The more you build rapport, the more comfortable they are in your center.
  • Ask for feedback . The best way for the business to develop better is to ask for feedback survey and evaluate your business’s performance.
  • Keep focused on the goal. Set your drive geared towards the purpose you built the center in the first place.
  • Great service for every client. Treat every kid and parent with great compassion. Give them more than they expected. You can also see more on  Hotel Business Plans .

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Charlie Bear's Child Care

Our team creates a safe, nurturing learning environment..

In an environment of nurturing care, children grow in confidence and learn developmentally appropriate skills to create a life-long love of learning. Charlie Bear’s Child Care is a dynamic program that provides early-learning opportunities for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and preschool-plus children of Gritman Medical Center employees and the local community.

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Quality Education and Care

At Charlie Bear’s Child Care, we provide children warm, responsive, individualized care. We partner with parents and families to create a caring circle in which children are secure and nurtured. Our teaching staff applies curriculum and play-based learning activities. Children spend their day in a nurturing, safe and happy environment that promotes natural curiosity and desires.

Accreditation and Licensing

Charlie Bear’s Child Care is licensed and inspected annually by the City of Moscow’s Health and Welfare Department. We comply with all requirements for a licensed child care center.

We strive for excellence according to the professional standards set forth by the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale. We are committed to meeting these national standards of quality education.

In addition to following all state and federal regulations, Charlie Bear’s Child Care participates in the Idaho Stars Quality Program. Although participation is not required, this is one more way we can go above and beyond for the children that attend our daycare.

Our educational program is based on Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale guidelines. This comprehensive program includes many areas that contribute to positive child development. The curriculum includes opportunities for children to make their own choices among various learning areas in the classroom, as well as daily teacher-planned activities in language, math, science, art, music and fine motor and gross motor areas.

Importance of Family

You are encouraged to be part of your child’s day at Charlie Bear’s Child Care. Daily reports and information are provided, along with a Parent Resource Center with books, videos and community updates. Family events are held throughout the year to develop strong relationships among the staff, families and children.

Staff-to-Child Ratio

In compliance with the City of Moscow regulations, the maximum teacher-to-child ratios are as listed:

Children under 2               1:3 Children 2-3                        1:5 Children 3 and older       1:10

We have the opportunity to leverage additional staff during structured learning times so that children receive the attention they need to maximize their learning potential.

Credentials and Education

The teacher in each classroom who plans activities must reflect Idaho’s Early Learning Standards and national standards, have a degree in early childhood education or a related field or have prior experience in early childhood programs. Assistants are also qualified by education or experience to work with young children.

All staff are required to have criminal background checks, child-abuse record clearances and annual health appraisals. Staff members are licensed through the City of Moscow. They are certified in First Aid and CPR, and they receive a minimum of 12 hours in annual service training related to their duties as early childhood educators.

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Early Education & Daycare in Pennsylvania

Kindercare has partnered with pennsylvania families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in pennsylvania..

It looks like there aren't any KinderCare centers in Moscow. Please try another city or zip code.

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Children's Center

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Physical Address: 421 Sweet Avenue Moscow, ID 83844-4101

Mailing Address: 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4101 Moscow, ID 83844-4101

Phone: 208-885-6414

Fax: 208-885-2107

Email: [email protected]

Web: Strategic Plan

Children laying in a circle

Teachers & Classrooms

Our teachers are facilitators, rather than instructors, and we encourage independence by fostering self-help and decision-making in the classroom.

Children playing with toys

Interested in your child attending UICC?

The University of Idaho Children’s Center (UICC) offers a child-centered program in Moscow, Idaho. The best learning environment is one that honors each child. The feelings, thoughts, customs, and lifestyles of each child and family are validated by those that care for him or her.

Located on the Moscow campus, the Children's Center serves student, faculty, staff and community families. Children age six weeks to six years old are welcome at the Children's Center.

Choices are offered, and decisions are respected. Teachers are facilitators, rather than instructors. We encourage independence by fostering self-help and decision-making. These processes lead to positive self-esteem.

The Children's Center is accredited by The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the leading membership association for those working with and on behalf of children from birth through age eight.

To contact the Children's Center, call 208-885-6414 or email [email protected] .

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Idaho Stars


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    Your business is ready! Writing a business plan can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Once you secure the proper licensing, use the information in this article to guide you through creating a solid daycare business plan that drives investors and financing to your business. These are just the basics to get you started.

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    Size: 248 kB. Download Now. Luckily, there are sample daycare centers that offer enriching activities catering to a child's need. If you want to establish your own daycare, you can download a sample business plan Template on this page and start planning for those terrific childcare services.

  20. Charlie Bear's Child Care

    Quality Education and Care. At Charlie Bear's Child Care, we provide children warm, responsive, individualized care. We partner with parents and families to create a caring circle in which children are secure and nurtured. Our teaching staff applies curriculum and play-based learning activities. Children spend their day in a nurturing, safe ...

  21. City of Moscow Instructions for Day Care Facility License

    2. Application for Day Care Provider License (signed before notary) 3. Waiver and Authorization To Release Information (signed before notary) 4. Moscow Day Care Facility Ordinance (MCC § 9-10) 5. Moscow City Code § 4-12-2 (Day Care Facility Zoning Standards) 6. Sample Site Plan 7. Idaho Code § 16-1605 (Child Abuse) 8.

  22. Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Moscow, PA

    Check out the industry-leading health and safety measures we've put in place to protect your family and our staff. We can't wait to see you soon! KinderCare® Learning Centers in Moscow, Pennsylvania, offer year-round child care & early education programs for kids ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Find a center near you!

  23. Children's Center

    To contact the Children's Center, call 208-885-6414 or email [email protected]. 23-24 UICC Calendar. Donate to UICC. Located on the Moscow campus, the Children's Center serves students, faculty, staff, and community families seeking child-centered care on the Palouse.