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Why Hobbies Are Important?


For many of us, carving out time and energy to engage in a hobby seems like just one more thing we do not have time to do. Work, school, family, religious, and community obligations can be overwhelming, leaving little room for doing the things we enjoy. Although, a quick Google search reveals countless articles and blogs explaining the personal and professional benefits of engaging in a hobby.

Hobbies take us out of our everyday experience and give us a chance to do something we love and are passionate about. Engaging in a hobby can be a mental escape, help us hone a skill, or just provide an opportunity to socialize with others. Hobbies are a great way to disconnect from work and break away from the monotony of daily schedules. Also, even though it may seem daunting to add ONE MORE THING to your to-do list, having a hobby has been shown to be a stress reliever.

“Hobbies are often thought of as activities for people who lead quiet, relaxed lives. However, people with full, busy, even stressful lives may need hobbies more than the average person, and benefit greatly from having hobbies in their lives. Hobbies bring many benefits that usually make them more than worth the time they require” (Scott, 2018, para. 1).

Benefits of Hobbies

Different types of hobbies offer different types of benefits. Following are some examples:

Physical hobbies have clear physiological benefits because they increase both your heart rate and brain function. Other benefits include lower blood pressure, weight loss, building muscle, strengthening bones, and an overall increase in energy.

Examples: hiking, camping, swimming, yoga, or martial arts

Mental and Emotional

Carving out time for activities you enjoy is an easy way to improve your mental health and overall emotional well-being. Hobbies decrease stress by relaxing you and taking your mind off the more pressing concerns of daily life like work and paying bills. Also, hobbies can give us a sense of mastery and control. Our esteem level tends to rise as we feel ever more accomplished at a particular task. The following examples have been associated with improved mental health and depression reduction.

Examples: gardening, listening to music, painting or drawing, cooking, coloring, and photography

Social and Interpersonal

Hobbies are a great way to socialize and meet new friends. Social hobbies facilitate bonds with others and add another layer of support to your life serving to reduce stress. Meet Up is a widely used platform for people to “meet new people, learn new things, find support, get out of their comfort zones, and pursue their passions, together” (Meetup, 2019, para. 1). There are dozens of groups in every city dedicated to all kinds of group activities. It is likely that you will find others interested in the same things you are, and there will be a meetup group already established. If not, you can create your own meetup group.

Examples: exploring new restaurants, seeing movies, discussing philosophy, trying new technology, playing music, playing games, and investing in real estate

Some hobbies inspire us to tap into our creative side. This can be especially helpful for people who have no creative outlets at their work. Engaging in a creative hobby can help train your brain to be more creative in other areas of your life.

Examples: writing fiction, hand lettering or calligraphy, cake or cookie decorating, soap making, quilting, crocheting or knitting, and jewelry-making


Some people enjoy hobbies that give them the opportunity to improve their confidence level, boost their self-esteem, and improve their quality of life. If you are thinking about a hobby like this, consider whether there is something you would like to change about yourself or improve upon. For example, would you like to be a competent public speaker, lose weight, or become more heart healthy? Do you need to improve your attention to detail, or would you like to learn a new language?

Examples: traveling alone, cooking, meditation, completing puzzles, journaling, or volunteering.

Choosing a Hobby

If you are interested in devoting some time and energy to a hobby but do not yet have one, consider the things you enjoy, things that interest you, and perhaps things you would like to improve upon. If you have never had a hobby, it can be overwhelming to choose one. Considering the following questions might be helpful in narrowing your choices for a hobby:

  • Do you enjoy competition?
  • Do you prefer to enjoy a doing things alone or with others?
  • Is there a particular skill you would like to develop?
  • Are you getting enough physical activity in your daily life?
  • Are there things you enjoyed doing in your childhood that you would like to revisit?
  • In what ways do you want your hobby to challenge or change you?
  • How much time can you devote to your new hobby?
  • How much money can you invest in your new hobby?
  • With what types of people would you like to interact?
  • What kinds of benefits would you like your hobby to provide?

Some hobbies can provide a way to save or make money. For example, to save money you can refurbish items you find at a garage sale or grow your own vegetables. To make money, you can sell the photographs you take or the cakes you bake. Exercise caution though if you are planning to save or make money with your hobbies as it can easily sap the joy out of doing it and create more stress especially if you have to make business decisions about your hobby.

Hobbies are essential to having a well-rounded life. Saving some time for yourself to enjoy a hobby can provide the physical, mental, emotional, and creative benefits that make life more meaningful, relaxing, and fun!

Regardless of which hobby you choose, the benefits of engaging in that hobby will likely surprise you.

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The Importance of Having a Hobby Essay Example

Before the pandemic, I was struggling to diversify my interest and hobbies due to my demand working and studying schedules.  It was difficult for me to explore my hobbies and interests in a way that kept my mind stimulated. During the pandemic, however, I could find time to explore different interests while maintaining a balanced work schedule.

Once I got comfortable with my work, I could set my time aside to discover things that can keep me active and happy.  In the past six months, I took some Writing, Advertising, Digital Marketing classes and all, of which I had never taken to explore before the pandemic.  I am certainly glad that I did all of that because I needed to have more in my life besides working every day to keep me more occupied and continue to build up more skills and interests.

It is sad to see a lot of us have let goes of our interests and hobbies to meet the demands of our daily life activities.  We only live on earth once, so we should make the most out of it by living a happy life and do the things that we enjoy doing.  The best things can happen when you can live your hobby because it can give you with a sense of joy and pleasure as well as self-satisfaction.

I think the reason some people struggle to find a hobby or interest is that they do not know where to look or do not have enough information, or they might need more like-minded people to motivate them to explore.   My advice is to take the time to think and recognize your past interests, like childhood interests or hobbies. You can diversify your interests and take pride in what you can find yourself capable of learning certain skills, or hobbies such as playing an instrument or learning a new language in your spare time.

Spending time to do an activity that you enjoy that is not attached to your work or commitments can certainly increase your level of happiness and satisfaction in your life.  Doing this is for your benefit and not for the benefit of others.

With all the stress that our world is going through this moment like the pandemic, without having any interest or hobby, your life can become boring and demanding, and you can end up living an unhealthy life cycle.  Finding a hobby can certainly add some excitements and sparks that can increase your life satisfaction and can also improve your mental well being.

Exploring hobbies and interests should have no age limitations and restrictions if you are comfortable with them.  Everyone should have at least one hobby whether it is playing sports, watching movies, cooking, singing, writing, or reading.  You need to figure out what you like to do in your spare time and what you are good at so that you can do them for leisure.  

Do not ignore the benefits of taking time, to discover your new hobbies and interests because it can help us to disconnect and decrease the stress and anxiety level, especially during pandemic times.

The pandemic has given some people the opportunity to take on some new hobbies and interests and enhance their talents.

When you have diversified new hobbies, it can help you to learn some new skills which can increase your creativity, help you to relax, and to explore different sides of your personality.  Having more interesting hobbies can help you to become a more interesting and well-rounded person.  Having diversity in your hobbies can help you to expand your social life by making more new friends, improve the quality of your life, gain a different life perspective, build up your self-confidence and self-esteem as well as sharping your brain.

Diversifying new hobbies can be extremely rewarding and enriching to our lives.  We need to find hobbies that interest us because we can experience joy and pleasure in the process of exploring different options of hobbies.

Having multiple hobbies has proven to have many benefits to us and can change us for the better.  The following is some benefits of diversifying your hobbies and interests:

1. Hobbies can help us to distress

Having several hobbies can provide us with an opportunity to enrich our lives because they can allow us to distress.  Having hobbies can help us to improve our mental and physical health, as well as lowering our risk of having depression and critical illness.  Hobbies can increase a person’s sense of identity, self-worth and reduce self-doubt.  When you are adding a new hobby, it can be a good outlet to release stress because it allows you to take your mind off the demands of your work and life commitments.  Doing hobbies that you enjoy can restore your mind and help you to handle future life challenges in a better way.

2. Hobbies can help us to expand our social life

Having different hobbies can allow us to socialize and make new friends that can be a great benefit for our overall well-being.  We can build a connection with people who share similar interests and enjoy the same things as us.  Hanging out with like-minded people who have the same passion is a great way to expand your social life and can even help you transform your hobby into a career.  

3. Hobbies can make you an interesting person

When you have multiple interests and hobbies, it can make you a more interesting person because you would have more stories, experiences, and skills to share with people.  You can come across people who are interested in your hobbies and provide you with the opportunity to be a teacher and teach them what you have learned.

4.  Hobbies can help you to increase your self-confidence

When you have become more skilled and good at something, it would make you feel good and can increase your self-confidence.  Even though it can take time to develop your hobby, but the process can be extremely rewarding because you can be able to tell others about your skills and talents.  With the exposure to so many options of activities available nowadays, you should be able to diversify your hobbies and interests.  If your hobbies can provide you with a sense of purpose, then you can become more confident about challenging yourself to a new hobby and learning something new.

5.  Hobbies can increase your creativity

Some hobbies that can inspire us to be more creative, and this can be beneficial to people who can not be creative in their work.  When we can engage in a creative hobby, we can train our brains to be more creative in our lives.  Having creative hobbies can help us to experience new things and perspectives in our lives.  Having a new hobby can give you more exposure to diversity, new opinions as well as new views in life.

6.  Hobbies can help you to explore yourself and discover your talents

By exploring and diversifying our hobbies, we can discover our interests and what we are passionate about, and there is nothing that can stop us from becoming the best once we have put our mind to achieve them. Trying out new hobbies would allow you to learn more about yourself as well as discover some of your hidden talents.

7.  Hobbies allow you to take a break

Do you feel that all you do every day is getting up and going to work, coming home, sleeping, and going back to work the next day?  The benefit of having hobbies can help you to break the daily boring routine and add some excitements to your days as well as giving you a sense of living purpose. 

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Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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Can Hobbies Actually Make You a Better Person?

  • Kelsey Alpaio

I tried four hobbies to find out what works (and doesn’t).

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How much time do you spend on your hobbies? Odds are, it’s not as much time as you’d like. When life gets busy, our hobbies are one of the first things to go out the window. But research shows that taking part in leisure activities can actually have a positive impact on our overall happiness and health. Ascend editor, Kelsey Alpaio, puts this research to the test by trying out four new hobbies: hiking, cooking, journaling, and coloring. Follow along to find out which hobby worked best for her — and which might work for you.

the importance of hobby essay

  • KA Kelsey Alpaio is an Associate Editor at Harvard Business Review. kelseyalpaio

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Hobbies Essay: 80 Topics, 2 Examples, & My Hobby Essay Outline

The picture provides introductory information about a hobby essay.

Do you need to write a perfect leisure time essay?

It is an exciting topic – you can write about the things you are genuinely interested in! Try to think about what makes you feel inspired and share it with your readers. We will show you how to prepare a worthy paper in this article. You will find a hobbies essay writing guide, some topics on hobbies, and essay samples in the end.

  • 🗂️ Hobby Essay Writing Guide

🧙 80 Hobby Essay Topics

✅ my hobby essay outline, 📔 hobby essay examples, 🗂️ hobby essay: 3 writing rules.

Here we will give some advice and discuss common mistakes in a “My hobbies” essay.

Follow these rules to prepare your paper wisely.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#1 Choose the Topic

First of all, you need to ensure that the hobby essay title you chose is appropriate to your paper’s length. If it is a short 100-word or 150-word essay, you can pick a simple topic. The longer the paper, the more complex issue you need. It also depends on your level of studies: high school and college paper topics have different requirements.

Your paper might also require some scientific research. In this case, look for a topic on which you can find enough information. Don’t be afraid to change or adjust the focus if you can’t find sufficient materials.

Use our amazing free essay topic generator to get the best topic!

If your instructor gave a list of topics, choose the one that interests you the most. You can also make a shortlist before you pick the most suitable title.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#2 Plan before Writing

Create a list of the essential points of your hobbies essay. Planning is vital as every paper needs a structure. Otherwise, you just might end up worshiping your hobby. This is the number one mistake.

Your outline should consist of three main parts:

  • Introduction. You need to state your topic and describe what the paper is about.
  • Body. Develop your arguments or narrative and provide evidence if necessary.
  • Conclusion. Summarize the information you provided in the previous paragraphs.

Find rare aspects of your hobby. They can include equipment, locations, your achievements, and inspiration, etc.

If your hobby is rather popular, share a unique story connected with it.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#3 Filter What You Say

The first thing you should remember: be as objective as possible. No matter how much you love your hobbies, you better stick to the facts. All the information you provide should be unbiased and reliable.

How can you do it?

  • Make references. Statistics, facts, and all other data will support your statements.
  • Pay attention to vocabulary. You can use jargon and specific terminology as long as it has explanations. Avoid emotional words such as “very,” “terrible,” “awesome.”
  • Don’t use reductions. As for academic writing, it is better to choose full forms.
  • Show opposing points of view. To stay objective, indicate that your ideas have counterarguments.
  • Check English grammar and spelling . Literacy is a must-have for any academic paper.

The picture contains 5 key rules of writing an essay about hobbies.

You can discuss one of these essay topics in your paper:

  • What is the hobby you dream of taking up?
  • Are active or passive hobbies better for children to develop properly?
  • Woodstock: An important event for those who have music as their hobby.
  • How much time do you devote to your hobbies and interests?
  • Reading as a family hobby.
  • Should a hobby be affordable or require extra spending?
  • Hobbies in ancient Rome: The importance of games and baths.
  • Who or what inspired you to take up a new hobby?
  • What equipment do you need for your hobby?
  • Art as a hobby in the UK: Why it is worth supporting.
  • Is it essential for a person to have a hobby?
  • Is there a childhood hobby that you gave up?
  • Sociology of music: What music means in our life.
  • How many hobbies can a person have?
  • What is your favorite hobby that you genuinely enjoy?
  • Did your parents force you to choose your leisure time activities?
  • What hobbies should you include in your resume?
  • Folk music as a hobby.
  • What is the right age to take up drawing?
  • Gambling as a controversial hobby.
  • Is it possible for a person not to have any hobbies?
  • Sports as a hobby: Fan habits and behaviors on a game day.
  • What is the most important lesson your hobby has taught you?
  • Japanese manga and anime: A popular hobby worldwide.
  • Which hobbies can you take up with a low budget?
  • Rock music as a hobby.
  • What hobby is the most popular in the United States?
  • How can you define the word “hobby”?
  • Game of Thrones: A proof of why watching TV can be a legitimate hobby.
  • Can singing be your hobby if you are not talented?
  • When can you say that activity became your hobby?
  • Music as a hobby: Its influence on the mind.
  • Who has the most exciting hobby in your family?
  • Why do people choose extreme or dangerous hobbies?
  • What are the benefits of reading books?
  • How to help a kid to pick their hobby?
  • Yoga as a stress-reducing hobby.
  • What should you do if you are no longer interested in your hobby?
  • Is it essential to achieve something in your hobby?
  • Music technology: Effects on professional and amateur musicians.
  • Can your hobby become a profession?
  • How can you define that a hobby is not suitable for you?
  • Graffiti as a hobby and an art form.
  • How to choose your hobby if you are interested in too many things?
  • Is gardening a hobby or a duty?
  • Teenage gaming: Balancing between an innocent hobby and addiction.
  • What free time activities are the most common among high school students?
  • What is your favorite family free time activity?
  • Video games: Are they an appropriate hobby for children?
  • Why do people lose interest in their hobbies over time?
  • What are the differences between sports as a profession and as a hobby?
  • What are the benefits of team sports such as basketball?
  • What hobbies have you already tried?
  • Do you prefer participating in your hobbies alone or with other people?
  • Is gaming an appropriate hobby for the elderly?
  • What hobbies, in your opinion, are the most expensive?
  • Violent video games: A hobby causing behavior problems.
  • Did you enjoy your hobby when you first tried it?
  • Music, media, and culture: Influence on behavior.
  • How can a hobby be helpful in your career?
  • Video games as a hobby producing cognitive benefits.
  • Is volunteering an unpaid job or a hobby?
  • Music as a hobby: Personality traits and music preferences.
  • Have your hobbies ever interfered with your studies?
  • Toys and games as important activities for children’s gender socialization.
  • What hobbies are harmful to human health?
  • Online games: Are they a suitable hobby for children or adults?
  • Is taking up a new hobby stressful for you?
  • The importance of music as a hobby.
  • How much money do you spend on your hobby?
  • Video games: A hobby with controversial effects.
  • Do you want to devote more time to your hobby?
  • Hip hop music as a hobby.
  • Have you ever inspired anyone to take up your hobby?
  • Music as a popular hoppy among Americans.
  • How do your hobbies help you in life?
  • Heavy metal music as a hobby: Gender differences.
  • Who is your role model in your hobby?
  • Leisure satisfaction in school teachers in Taiwan.
  • Does sharing a hobby make people better friends?

Writing an essay about your hobby is so exciting! If you don’t know where to start or how to organize your ideas, consider the following outline we’ve prepared to guide you.

And here are some short hobby essay examples for you. Read them to find inspiration. Pay attention to the structure and use them as a reference to your paper.

Let’s start!

Free Time Activities Essay

Each person needs to change their activities. If you have a sedentary job or study a lot, it is great to do some sports. If you move too much, you can enjoy reading a book in a quiet place. People need free time activities to make their lifestyle more enjoyable, healthy and get to know themselves better. First of all, having a hobby creates new experiences for you. Any kind of free time activity develops new skills and teaches you something new. It is excellent to know that you do something for yourself just for pleasure and new emotions. You can also find new friends, visit new places, and participate in events just because you have a hobby. For example, you like running. You can do it alone or join a local community. There are also plenty of amateur competitions that take place in different locations. Hobbies are beneficial for both your mental and physical health. They help you to keep your life in balance. Lacking movement in your daily life means you can compensate for it with sports. If you work from home and don’t communicate with people, you can sign up for group classes. Also, hobbies that require effort make your character more vigorous and more resistant to difficulties. When you spend your free time the way you like it, you become more self-aware. Knowing yourself means that you discover your strengths and weaknesses and understand your preferences better. You know what you are capable of now and what you need to learn to do. It is great to have a hobby to participate in different activities and enrich your life experience with new skills, places, and people. Hobbies also keep you healthy. Free-time activities are crucial for understanding your self-worth, motivations, and strong and weak spots.

My Favorite Hobby Essay

As for a high school student, my hobby might seem untypical. I design custom clothes for my family and peers. I am a seventeen-year-old boy who knows how to sew an evening dress for my mother or to create a tailored suit for any event. I chose this hobby as I was always interested in fashion, I am good at drawing and sketching, and my progress motivates me. It was always curious looking at people on the street when I was a kid. I noticed patterns, silhouettes, and various combinations. I knew some were good, some didn’t suit people, and some were just outdated. That was the moment when I started to notice the difference between fashion and style. Later, I watched fashion shows and educational YouTube videos. It is my dream to own a fashion brand, so I also paid attention to the business part of the process. Sketching clothes is the first step to their creation. I am a good drawer, so there is no problem showing all of my design ideas on paper. You just need a lot of practice. I needed to hone my skills to make proportions and colors seem as natural as possible. I also try to memorize how people look and draw them when I have an opportunity. I own more than twenty sketchbooks full of ideas and inspiration. The more ideas I generate, the easier it becomes. When I see my old sketches or pieces of clothing that I created, I can notice how much I’ve improved. Hard work and knowledge can make your goals achievable. If I don’t know something, I just search for it on the Internet and try it. Maybe you will need to try more than once, but eventually, I can see the result I want. Fashion is one of my greatest passions. That is why I never hesitate to spend some extra money or effort to create something new. I never regretted choosing fashion over any other hobbies because I always knew I was doing what was suitable for me. I know I developed my taste, drawing skills, and persistence because of this hobby. I hope one day it becomes a profession. My dream is to use all my skills and knowledge to create something people will like to wear.

71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Need to write a hobby essay? Looking for a catchy topic? Hobby essay titles of all kinds are collected in this article!

✍️ Thesis Statement about Hobbies

🏆 best hobby topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting hobby essay topics, 👍 hobby topic ideas for research papers, ❓ hobby related questions.

In this article, we’ve collected 45 hobby topic ideas for essays and research papers. They are suitable for college as well as high school students. You will also find here plenty of samples to help kickstart your writing.

When writing a hobby essay, you need to pay particular attention to your thesis statement. A good thesis should include all the main points of your essay. To make this task easier for you, we’ve prepared some examples of thesis statements about hobbies. Have a look:

  • Dancing is an excellent hobby for college students because it helps to relieve stress and has numerous health benefits.
  • Drawing is beneficial for children because it helps them develop their creativity and fine motor skills.
  • Traveling as a hobby allows people to broaden their horizons and learn about other cultures.
  • Singing as a Hobby and Way of Self-Expression I need to have a source of relaxation and nonchalance during my studies, and singing is great for letting me do my things without any tension.
  • Writings About Hobby – Home Brewing Beer Commercially available beer is expensive to purchase as a result of various taxes and the need of profits by the beer makers.
  • Power of Hobby vs. Necessity of Commitment in Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity The ideas of “top ten” and the “top five” are not usual for describing the relations between a man and a woman, still, they prove that the character has not traditional approaches, and his standpoints […]
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  • An Analysis of Sports Memorabilia as a True Hobby
  • Turning Your Hobby Into An eBay Business
  • Woodworking For Fun And Profit Is A Great Hobby
  • How Selecting a Best Hobby For You Is Going To Change Your Life
  • Travelling Is a Good Hobby That Everyone Should Cultivate
  • Exploring The Hobby Of Photography
  • Violent Video Games: Children’s Dangerous Hobby
  • The Importance Of The Collectible Hobby Industry
  • Hobby Farms and British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve
  • An Analysis of the Baseball Sport as a Hobby
  • Is Your eBay Activity A Business Or A Hobby
  • William Golding ‘s Thinking As A Hobby
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.


IvyPanda . "71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.

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Essay Samples on Hobby

When a hobby become a career: what i chose and why.

What is hobby? A hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment, naturally during one's leisure time, it is not professionally and not get payed for doing it. Hobbies include gathering stamp and antique item, doing some painting and write lyrics, playing sports, or practicing...

  • Video Games

E-Waste Pollution: Fighting Environmental Problems as a Hobby

How my hobbies are addressing an environmental problem in the modern society today? My hobby is the collection of phones that have broken down or have stopped functioning in order to extract useful components such as IC’s, Motherboards, flex cables and Lithium batteries.  What is...

  • Environmental Protection

Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

Hobby is an activity, habit or favorite choice of a human, who regularly performs in leisure or extra time for pleasure, relaxation and enjoyment. Everyone has different hobbies that he or she would like to do to have fun or relax. They can be physical...

  • About Myself

Two Different Hobbies: Watching TV and Doing Sport Outside

Hobby is an activity that we are interested to do during our past time. We are doing this for us not to be bored and at the same time we want our time not to be wasted. In some people hobby is important part of...

  • Physical Exercise
  • Watching TV

Best topics on Hobby

1. When a Hobby Become a Career: What I Chose and Why

2. E-Waste Pollution: Fighting Environmental Problems as a Hobby

3. Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

4. Two Different Hobbies: Watching TV and Doing Sport Outside

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113 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Hobbies are an important part of our lives, as they give us a break from our daily routines and allow us to explore our interests and passions. Whether you enjoy painting, gardening, cooking, or any other activity, hobbies are a great way to relax and unwind.

If you're looking for some inspiration for a new hobby or want to explore different ideas, here are 113 hobby essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • Gardening: Why gardening is a therapeutic hobby
  • Cooking: The joy of experimenting with new recipes
  • Painting: How painting can be a form of self-expression
  • Photography: Capturing moments and memories through photography
  • Writing: The power of storytelling and writing as a hobby
  • Knitting: The benefits of knitting for mental health
  • DIY crafts: Creating handmade crafts as a hobby
  • Yoga: The physical and mental benefits of practicing yoga
  • Hiking: Exploring nature and staying active through hiking
  • Bird watching: The art of bird watching and its calming effects
  • Traveling: How traveling can be a hobby and a passion
  • Reading: The joy of getting lost in a good book
  • Playing an instrument: The benefits of learning to play an instrument
  • Scrapbooking: Preserving memories through scrapbooking
  • Pottery: The art of creating pottery and ceramics
  • Fishing: The relaxation and tranquility of fishing as a hobby
  • Baking: The joy of baking and sharing homemade treats
  • Calligraphy: The beauty and artistry of calligraphy
  • Woodworking: Creating handmade furniture and crafts from wood
  • Sewing: The satisfaction of creating your own clothes and crafts
  • Meditation: The mental and emotional benefits of meditation as a hobby
  • Horseback riding: The thrill and excitement of horseback riding
  • Collecting: The joy of collecting stamps, coins, or other items
  • Running: The physical and mental benefits of running as a hobby
  • Volunteering: Giving back to the community through volunteering
  • Model building: The precision and patience required for model building
  • Astronomy: Exploring the stars and planets through astronomy
  • Board games: The fun and social aspect of playing board games
  • Gardening: How gardening can be a sustainable and eco-friendly hobby
  • Home brewing: The art of brewing your own beer or wine
  • Beekeeping: The importance of beekeeping and its benefits
  • Martial arts: The discipline and physical fitness of practicing martial arts
  • Geocaching: The thrill of treasure hunting through geocaching
  • Stand-up comedy: The art of making people laugh through stand-up comedy
  • Painting: The therapeutic benefits of painting as a hobby
  • DIY home decor: Creating personalized home decor items
  • Photography: The art of capturing moments and memories through photography
  • Knitting: The relaxation and creativity of knitting as a hobby
  • Pottery: The satisfaction of creating handmade pottery
  • Gardening: The joy of growing your own fruits and vegetables
  • Cooking: The pleasure of cooking and trying new recipes
  • Traveling: The excitement of exploring new places and cultures
  • Playing an instrument: The satisfaction of creating music
  • Sewing: The creativity of designing and sewing your own clothes
  • Meditation: The relaxation and mindfulness of meditation
  • Astronomy: The wonder of exploring the universe through astronomy
  • Bird watching: The beauty of observing and identifying birds
  • Fishing: The tranquility and patience of fishing
  • Baking: The pleasure of baking and sharing delicious treats
  • Model building: The precision and detail of building models
  • Stand-up comedy: The humor and creativity of performing stand-up comedy
  • DIY crafts: The satisfaction of creating handmade crafts
  • Woodworking: The skill and creativity of woodworking
  • Beekeeping: The importance of bees and the art of beekeeping
  • Home brewing: The creativity and science of brewing your own beer or wine
  • Volunteering: The satisfaction of giving back to the community
  • Collecting: The joy of collecting and preserving items
  • Running: The physical

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Life of a student: the importance of having a hobby.

Benefits of having a hobby

  • Categories College Life
  • Date December 12, 2018

Hobbies help us grow as a person. The best way to have a new hobby is to try something new. All of us are unique, and this is the reason why our hobbies and interests are different. Once we find an activity we are passionate about, we can explore that activity more. When you get hooked, you will realize that your hobby has become an integral part of your life. Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and refreshes us. Hobbies help us to manage our leisure and unplanned time more productively. It also affords you the opportunity to learn new skills in your work. But these are not the only benefits of having a hobby.

Increases Confidence

It feels great to be skilled and good at something, doesn’t it? And this is what that makes you confident. It can take some time to develop your hobby so that you may be able to tell that you are skilled. But, the journey of experiencing your hobby is very rewarding in itself. With the exposure to different types of activities these days, it doesn’t matter which activity you choose. Whether you are pursuing a craft, sports, puzzles, or skill development, your hobby should be a diversion and a passion. Simultaneously, if your hobby gives you a sense of purpose, then you will be more confident about challenging yourself in your hobby and help you prepare for learning new things at work.

Allows You to De-stress

Hobbies give you an opportunity to enhance your life. Hobbies allow you to destress yourself while remaining mentally productive. Having hobbies promotes better health and may lower the risk of having high blood pressure. Enjoying a few hours of your hobby a week can also  reduce the risk of depression  and dementia.  Hobbies refocus your mind on to something that you enjoy doing. Hobbies that include physical activities create chemical changes in your body that help to reduce stress. Even if it doesn’t involve physical activities, you can still reap the benefits of having a hobby. Getting a short break from work and doing something you are passionate about can rejuvenate your mind and help prepare you to handle challenges in the future in a better way.

Helps You Socialize

Hobbies may provide an opportunity for you to socialize with people and that can be an additional benefit for your overall well-being. You can connect with people who enjoy doing the same things that you do. You can meet new people, discuss your hobby and get connected to a bigger circle that may even help you turn your hobby into your profession. The internet provides numerous groups and forums to connect with people that enjoy doing the same things that you want to do.

Enhances Your Creativity

Some hobbies require creativity and if you develop creativity through your hobby, it can be beneficial. Creativity can help you experience new things at school and work. The skill of being creative is essential in today’s world.

Hobbies create a positive impact both on your personal and professional life. You know what else does? A  good Canadian college education! Enjoy the benefits of having a hobby and a career-oriented professional course at Columbia College, and get ready to take on the world.

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Hobby Essays

Choosing hobby essay topics.

When it comes to writing an essay about hobbies, the topic you choose can make all the difference. Whether you're an avid reader, a passionate cook, or a dedicated athlete, your choice of essay topic can help you showcase your interests and personality. In this guide, we'll discuss the importance of choosing a hobby essay topic, provide advice on selecting the right topic, and offer a comprehensive list of recommended essay topics to inspire you.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Hobby Essay Topic

The topic of your essay can greatly impact the quality and effectiveness of your writing. Choosing a topic that you are passionate about can make the writing process more enjoyable and can also help you produce a more compelling and persuasive essay. Additionally, a well-chosen essay topic can help you communicate your interests and values to your readers, allowing them to get to know you better.

Advice on Choosing a Hobby Essay Topic

When selecting a hobby essay topic, consider your interests, experiences, and values. Think about the activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Reflect on the hobbies that have had a significant impact on your life and explore topics that allow you to share your passion and expertise.

It's also important to consider your audience and the purpose of your essay. Are you writing for a specific class assignment, a personal blog, or a publication? Tailoring your topic to your audience and purpose can help you create a more relevant and engaging essay.

Recommended Hobby Essay Topics

Looking for an interesting topic to write about for your hobby essay? Here are list of different hobby essay topics structured by categories:

Arts and Crafts

  • The therapeutic benefits of knitting
  • Exploring different painting techniques
  • Creating DIY home decor
  • Origami as a form of mindfulness
  • Painting and drawing as a creative outlet
  • Knitting and crocheting
  • Board games and puzzle solving

Cooking and Baking

  • Mastering the art of baking bread
  • Exploring international cuisines through cooking
  • The joy of homemade pasta
  • Healthy eating and meal prep
  • Cooking and baking as a hobby

Sports and Fitness

  • The mental benefits of yoga and meditation
  • Training for a marathon: a personal journey
  • Exploring different outdoor activities
  • The importance of staying active in daily life
  • Yoga and meditation for relaxation
  • Dancing as a form of exercise and expression
  • Rock climbing and bouldering
  • Swimming and water sports
  • Running and marathon training

Reading and Writing

  • The impact of storytelling on personal growth
  • Exploring diverse genres of literature
  • The art of journaling and self-reflection
  • How reading can broaden one's perspective
  • Reading and book collecting

Musical Instruments

  • The transformative power of learning to play an instrument
  • Exploring different styles of music through instrument practice
  • The role of music in emotional expression
  • Collaborative music-making and its benefits
  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • Singing and vocal training
  • Theater and acting as a hobby
  • DJing and music production
  • Stand-up comedy and improvisation

Gardening and Nature

  • The therapeutic benefits of tending to a garden
  • Exploring sustainable gardening practices
  • Connecting with nature through outdoor activities
  • The impact of gardening on mental well-being
  • Fishing as a hobby
  • Gardening and landscaping
  • Bird watching as a leisure activity

Collecting and Antiques

  • The art of collecting and its historical significance
  • Exploring different types of antiques and their value
  • The joy of uncovering unique collectibles
  • The preservation of history through collecting
  • Stamp collecting and philately
  • Coin collecting and numismatics
  • Antique and vintage item collecting
  • Sports memorabilia and trading cards
  • Comic book and figurine collecting

Travel and Exploration

  • Immersion in different cultures through travel
  • Exploring the beauty of solo travel
  • Adventures in sustainable and responsible travel
  • The impact of travel on personal growth and development
  • Hiking and nature exploration
  • Camping and outdoor survival skills

Technology and Gaming

  • The evolution of gaming and its cultural impact
  • Exploring virtual reality and its applications
  • The role of technology in shaping modern hobbies
  • Gaming as a form of storytelling and art

Choosing a hobby essay topic that resonates with you can make the writing process more enjoyable and can help you create a meaningful and impactful essay. Whether you're passionate about arts and crafts, cooking and baking, sports and fitness, reading and writing, musical instruments, gardening and nature, collecting and antiques, travel and exploration, or technology and gaming, there are countless essay topics to explore. By choosing a topic that reflects your interests and values, you can create an essay that truly speaks to who you are.

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