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Research Topics & Ideas: Sociology

50 Topic Ideas To Kickstart Your Research Project

Research topics and ideas about sociology

If you’re just starting out exploring sociology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of research ideas , including real-world examples from recent sociological studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . These topic ideas provided here are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to develop them further. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Sociology-Related Research Topics

  • Analyzing the social impact of income inequality on urban gentrification.
  • Investigating the effects of social media on family dynamics in the digital age.
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping dietary habits among different ethnic groups.
  • Analyzing the impact of globalization on indigenous communities.
  • Investigating the sociological factors behind the rise of populist politics in Europe.
  • The effect of neighborhood environment on adolescent development and behavior.
  • Analyzing the social implications of artificial intelligence on workforce dynamics.
  • Investigating the impact of urbanization on traditional social structures.
  • The role of religion in shaping social attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Analyzing the sociological aspects of mental health stigma in the workplace.
  • Investigating the impact of migration on family structures in immigrant communities.
  • The effect of economic recessions on social class mobility.
  • Analyzing the role of social networks in the spread of disinformation.
  • Investigating the societal response to climate change and environmental crises.
  • The role of media representation in shaping public perceptions of crime.
  • Analyzing the sociocultural factors influencing consumer behavior.
  • Investigating the social dynamics of multigenerational households.
  • The impact of educational policies on social inequality.
  • Analyzing the social determinants of health disparities in urban areas.
  • Investigating the effects of urban green spaces on community well-being.
  • The role of social movements in shaping public policy.
  • Analyzing the impact of social welfare systems on poverty alleviation.
  • Investigating the sociological aspects of aging populations in developed countries.
  • The role of community engagement in local governance.
  • Analyzing the social effects of mass surveillance technologies.

Research topic evaluator

Sociology Research Ideas (Continued)

  • Investigating the impact of gentrification on small businesses and local economies.
  • The role of cultural festivals in fostering community cohesion.
  • Analyzing the societal impacts of long-term unemployment.
  • Investigating the role of education in cultural integration processes.
  • The impact of social media on youth identity and self-expression.
  • Analyzing the sociological factors influencing drug abuse and addiction.
  • Investigating the role of urban planning in promoting social integration.
  • The impact of tourism on local communities and cultural preservation.
  • Analyzing the social dynamics of protest movements and civil unrest.
  • Investigating the role of language in cultural identity and social cohesion.
  • The impact of international trade policies on local labor markets.
  • Analyzing the role of sports in promoting social inclusion and community development.
  • Investigating the impact of housing policies on homelessness.
  • The role of public transport systems in shaping urban social life.
  • Analyzing the social consequences of technological disruption in traditional industries.
  • Investigating the sociological implications of telecommuting and remote work trends.
  • The impact of social policies on gender equality and women’s rights.
  • Analyzing the role of social entrepreneurship in addressing societal challenges.
  • Investigating the effects of urban renewal projects on community identity.
  • The role of public art in urban regeneration and social commentary.
  • Analyzing the impact of cultural diversity on education systems.
  • Investigating the sociological factors driving political apathy among young adults.
  • The role of community-based organizations in addressing urban poverty.
  • Analyzing the social impacts of large-scale sporting events on host cities.
  • Investigating the sociological dimensions of food insecurity in affluent societies.

Recent Studies & Publications: Sociology

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual sociology-related studies to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Social system learning process (Subekti et al., 2022)
  • Sociography: Writing Differently (Kilby & Gilloch, 2022)
  • The Future of ‘Digital Research’ (Cipolla, 2022).
  • A sociological approach of literature in Leo N. Tolstoy’s short story God Sees the Truth, But Waits (Larasati & Irmawati, 2022)
  • Teaching methods of sociology research and social work to students at Vietnam Trade Union University (Huu, 2022)
  • Ideology and the New Social Movements (Scott, 2023)
  • The sociological craft through the lens of theatre (Holgersson, 2022).
  • An Essay on Sociological Thinking, Sociological Thought and the Relationship of a Sociologist (Sönmez & Sucu, 2022)
  • How Can Theories Represent Social Phenomena? (Fuhse, 2022)
  • Hyperscanning and the Future of Neurosociology (TenHouten et al., 2022)
  • Sociology of Wisdom: The Present and Perspectives (Jijyan et al., 2022). Collective Memory (Halbwachs & Coser, 2022)
  • Sociology as a scientific discipline: the post-positivist conception of J. Alexander and P. Kolomi (Vorona, 2022)
  • Murder by Usury and Organised Denial: A critical realist perspective on the liberating paradigm shift from psychopathic dominance towards human civilisation (Priels, 2022)
  • Analysis of Corruption Justice In The Perspective of Legal Sociology (Hayfa & Kansil, 2023)
  • Contributions to the Study of Sociology of Education: Classical Authors (Quentin & Sophie, 2022)
  • Inequality without Groups: Contemporary Theories of Categories, Intersectional Typicality, and the Disaggregation of Difference (Monk, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Sociology Dissertation Topics For 2024

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


Sociology is the study of society, social patterns, social relationships, etc. Essentially, it studies how human society functions and operates. Sociology also examines the process of human interaction, how it is preserved and what causes it to evolve. As a sociology student, you will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding regarding human interactions and social relationships. Still, you will also learn about crime, social classes, religions, cultures, and more.

As part of your degree programme, you may have to submit a dissertation. The topic that you choose for your sociology dissertation should be trending and relevant. It should discuss an issue that is prevailing in society.

To help you get started with brainstorming for sociology topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your history dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for here.

2024 Sociology Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the sociology of new work from home employment model- an exploratory analysis determining the sociological effects of work from home during covid-19 in the uk.

Research Aim: This research aims to determine the sociological effects of the new work from home (WFH) employment model adopted by organizations during COVID-19 in the UK. It will identify how WFH affected the social and personal lives of employees. Moreover, it will see how these sociological effects translated into their work efficacy. And whether organizations are aware of these effects and what were their human resource (HR) policies to improve their employees’ social lives?

Topic 2: What are the Sociological Determinants of the Gender Pay Gap in Western Society? A Case Study of Multinational Corporations in the USA, UK, Canada, and Germany

Research Aim: This study will find the sociological determinants of the gender pay gap in western society. It will assess the individuals working in multinational organizations in the USA, UK, Canada, and Germany to see whether their cultures, norms, and traditions impact gender pay in these countries. Furthermore, how do these organizations address the issue of the gender pay gap and their findings on this issue?

Topic 3: Is it Bad to be a Transgender in South Asia? Impact of Transgender Stigmatization on the Transgender Suicide Rate in the India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

Research Aim: This research will analyze the impact of transgender stigmatization on the transgender suicide rate in South Asia. It will assess India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as case studies to find how being a transgender person there and how does it affect their lives and what social factors force them to commit suicide? Moreover, it will identify the steps taken by their local governments to make society more transgender-inclusive and what difference these policies made in the lives of transgender people.

Topic 4: Does Religion Act Differently in Rural and Urban Settings? A Study to Find the Differential Effects of Islam on the Social Fabric of Rural and Urban Societies in Pakistan

Research Aim: This study will find the differential effects of Islam on the social fabric of rural and urban societies in Pakistan. It will determine the factors such as education level, general awareness, usage of technology, etc., that make a difference in how individuals follow religion in Pakistan’s rural and urban settings. Moreover, it will show how these factors play a mediating role between religion and the social fabric of rural and urban societies in Pakistan.

Topic 5: A Critical Examination of Religious Institutions in the UK and their Influence on Social Structure

Research Aim: This research intends to critically examine the role of religious institutions in shaping the social structures in the UK. It will identify the channels through which these religious institutions affect the individuals, transforming their social networks through changes in their family structures, parenting, religious beliefs, etc. Moreover, it will identify which religion has more effect on the lives of individuals in the UK and whether it is affecting their social and professional lives as well?

Covid-19 Sociology Research Topics

Topic 1: the effects of coronavirus on sociology.

Research Aim: The sociological aspects of societies during coronavirus pandemic. The study will highlight all elements thoroughly.

Topic 2: Sociological opportunities and resources during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review the sociological opportunities and resources during COVID-19

Topic 3: Global sociology and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will highlight the challenges faced by global sociologist and their contribution to combatting COVID-19.

Topic 4: COVID-19 and the future of society

Research Aim: This study will assess the current situations and damages caused due to COVID-19 and predict society’s future after COVID-19 associating it with social distancing and fears created by the pandemic.

More Sociology Dissertation Topics for 2024

Topic 1: impacts of ethnic discrimination.

Research Aim: This research aims to study the impacts of ethnic discrimination on society

Topic 2: Types of discrimination in workplaces

Research Aim: This research aims to study discrimination in workplaces and suggest possible ways to solve them.

Topic 3: Dress codes and their impact on equality

Research Aim: This research aims to address the issues relevant to the imposition of dress codes in workplaces and institutions. It will also identify how far dress code ensures equality among the staff and what issues and challenges people face due to their religious and cultural backgrounds.

Topic 4: Oldage homes Vs. orphanages

Research Aim: This study will conduct a comparative study on old age homes and orphanages and suggest innovative solutions to improve their conditions and introduce various activities to provide them with a healthy and productive environment.

Sociology Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: the impact of race, real estate markets, and neighbourhood dynamics on evictions..

Research Aim: Using quantitative research techniques, the research looks to examine social stratification and inequality in neighbourhoods of the United States with the highest crime rates. The research will examine how various factors may impact social segregation and social mobility.

Topic 2: Is terrorism a social construct?

Research Aim: The research paper will use document analysis as the research technique to identify the extent to which terrorism is socially constructed. The paper will analyze the varying definitions of terrorism and the difficulties that surround it. It will examine events that are labelled terrorist acts based on traditional, legal, and academic definitions.

Topic 3: Analysing the perceptions and responses to female child sex offenders

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative research techniques to understand and explain the perceptions of female child sex offenders and responses to such in the criminal justice system, the media, the public, and social welfare professionals. The purpose of the research will be to bring to the forefront a different perspective by which to analyze expectations towards gender and its effect on gender’s criminological representations.

Topic 4: Stratification in labour markets of the UK after the great recession 2007-2009

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques for a research method, the study will use theories and techniques used for understanding patterns and sources of income inequality to investigate employment inequality. The Great Recession’s consequences of employment inequality will be analysed using race, ethnicity, and gender.

Topic 5: Athletic privilege & lack of conviction

Research Aim: This research will analyse the arrest and conviction of athletes in sexual assault cases between athletes and non-athletes from 200 to 2017. There is a great lack of study of sexual assault arrest and conviction rates among male collegiate and professional athletes. The study will determine if and why athletes receive privileged treatment by the criminal justice system, specifically when accused of felony sexual assault against women.

Topic 6: Predisposition of America’s law enforcement towards racial stereotyping, discrimination, and profiling.

Research Aim: The study will examine law enforcement officers in the United States and the reasons why there is rampant racial bias against African Americans. There has been a surge of police brutality against African American citizens, making it imperative to examine the reasons behind the surge to improve police and community relationships.

Topic 7: The religious perspective of the role and importance of women in modern society: Islam versus Christianity

Research Aim: The main purpose of this study will be to identify the roles and importance of women in the modern world while undertaking the religious perspective. In this study, the researcher will identify the role of women while focusing on the role of women in Islam and how it differs from the role of women in Christianity.

Topic 8: Assessing the impact of cultural differences on organisational communication in MNC’s: case study of developed countries.

Research Aim: This study will identify the importance of communication in MNCs and the influence of cultural differences that may hinder or increase the level of effective communication within multinational organisations. The researcher will identify major cultural barriers and their relationship with communication within multinational organisations of developed countries.

Topic 9: To explore the significance of having a strong association between religious teaching and academic teaching

Research Aim: The main purpose of the research will be to identify the importance of preaching academic and religious knowledge to the students while focusing on the major challenges that can be faced by teachers while combining these two approaches.

Sociology of Gender Dissertation Topics

This has become one of the most prominent areas of sociology in recent times. Over the past five to six decades, an increasing part of public discourse and academic literature has been dedicated to gender equality. However, most of the work in this area of sociology has been done with reference to underdeveloped countries where complex gender issues prevail in societies. Some interesting topics in this area of sociology are suggested below for you to base your dissertation on.

Topic 1: Investigating changing gender roles in society and the effect of media

Research Aim: This research will talk about the changing gender roles in society and evaluate the role of media.

Topic 2: To study the reasons as to why women have been historically excluded from education

Research Aim: This study will talk about the various reasons why women have been excluded from education over the past years.

Topic 3: Studying gender policies in large and diversified multinational companies in the UK with a focus on the role of those policies in eliminating gender discrimination at the workplace

Research Aim: This research will help understand the gender issues in MNCs and will also evaluate the role of gender discrimination policies at workplaces.

Topic 4: To investigate the possible social aspects that could affect societal gender relationships

Research Aim: This research will help evaluate the role of social aspects that impact societal gender relationships.

Topic 5: To study the possible reasons as to why the role of females in society is influenced by the power politics of a society

Research Aim: This research will help in understanding the reasons why power politics influence females in society.

Topic 6: Do women in developing countries have a greater role to play in income-generating business activities?

Research Aim: This research will focus on women’s work in developing countries. It will evaluate whether they have a more significant role in generating income through different business activities.

Topic 7: The impact of religion in determining the optimum role of females in a society

Research Aim: This research will help evaluate the impact of religion in determining females’ best role in society.

Topic 8: Investigating possible reasons as to why women are discriminated against at work

Research Aim: This research will help investigate the various reasons why women are discriminated against at different workplaces.

Topic 9: To study societal behaviour that shapes gender relations

Research Aim: This research will help study social behaviour, which helps develop gender relations.

Topic 10: Analysing the increasing participation of women in politics and its impact on society

Research Aim: This research will help analyse the increasing participation of women in politics and its impact on society.

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Industrial Sociology Dissertation Topics

Industrial Sociology can be defined as the study of behaviours and motivations of employees in a work environment. Most descriptions in this sociology area are anthropological as if an external observer is commenting on the office’s social environment. Some topics are suggested below if you intend to base your dissertation on this sub-field of sociology .

Topic 1: Studying the most critical aspect of modern industrial societies in the UK

Research Aim: This research will focus on the most essential and critical aspects of modern industrial societies in the UK.

Topic 2: Do societal beliefs and values really influence the role of corporate social responsibility?

Research Aim: This study will talk about various beliefs and values that impact corporate social responsibility.

Topic 3: The sociology of work: From industrial sociology to work, employment and the economy

Research Aim: This research will aim to investigate the sociology of work, i.e. industrial sociology, employment, an+d economy,

Topic 4: Organisational goals or social requirements – what should a worker-supervisor relationship bias be base on?

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand organisational goals or social requirements. The focus of the study will be to study the worker-supervisor relationship.

Topic 5: To investigate the social dimensions of communication in a large and diversified business organisation

Research Aim: This study will investigate the social dimensions of communication in a large and diversified business organisation.

Topic 6: To establish and critically analyse the relationship between work productivity and motivation

Research Aim: This research will talk about the relationship between productivity and motivation. The ties will be critically analysed.

Topic 7: How society is responding to automation in workplaces on workers?

Research Aim: This research will study the impact automation at workplaces has on employees.

Topic 8: To study strategies to ensure management of cultural diversity and cultural harmony in an organisation

Research Aim: This research will study strategies implemented to manage cultural diversity and harmony at workplaces.

Topic 9: How can the fluctuating trends influence employees' social well-being in the role of trade unions?

Research Aim: This research will investigate how employees’ social well-being is impacted by fluctuating trends in the role of trade unions.

Topic 10: To critically analyse the social structure of a multinational firm operating in the UK

Research Aim: This research will analyse the social structure of a multinational operating in the UK.

Economic Sociology Dissertation Topics

Economic sociology can precisely describe as studying the social cause and effect of various economic phenomena. This sub-field of sociology is further divided into a “contemporary” period and a “classical” one.

Economic sociology views the economy as a social institute that deals with the consumption, production, and distribution of products and services. Below are suggested some intriguing economic sociology dissertation topics for you to base your dissertation on:

Topic 1: To investigate the intra-household economic relationships of UK families with a particular focus on ethnic groups

Research Aim: This research will investigate UK families’ intra-household economic relationships. The study will base a particular focus on ethnic groups in these families.

Topic 2: To investigate the potentially detrimental effects of the recent economic slump in the social status of members from the secondary labour market

Research Aim: This study will aim to understand the detrimental impacts of the recent economic slump on secondary labourers’ social status.

Topic 3: To identify and study the most prominent sociological dimensions of socio-economic development

Research Aim: This research will identify and study the most prominent sociological dimensions of socio-economic development.

Topic 4: Can socio-economic development be ensured through an informal economy?

Research Aim: This study will explore whether socio-economic development is ensured through the informal economy

Topic 5: To determine whether the communism model can succeed in the UK society

Research Aim: This study will find out whether the communist model in the UK can succeed or not.

Topic 6: To critically review communism and capitalism economic models

Research Aim: This study will critically examine and review communism and capitalism economic models.

Topic 7: To study the extent to which international labour migration is affecting the UK’s society

Research Aim: This study will analyse the extent to which international labour migration impacts UK society.

Topic 8: To investigate the economy of the UK in terms of Marx’s criticism of capitalism

Research Aim: This study will investigate the UK economy to view Marx’s capitalism criticism.

Topic 9: Exploring the fundamental principles of economic sociology

Research Aim: This research will explore and examine economic sociology’s fundamental principles.

Topic 10: A critical analysis on the role of gender in the economy of the UK

Research Aim: This research will critically analyze gender roles in the UK economy.

Political Sociology Dissertation Topics

Political sociology primarily deals with the relationship between states and societies. This sub-field of sociology further considers power politics, political conflicts, and micro and macro components of sociology and political science. Here are some intriguing topics about political sociology.

Topic 1: A critical review of the concept of political sociology related to direct democracy

Research Aim: This research will deal with the concept of political sociology concerning direct democracy.

Topic 2: E-governance and the politics of identification: Unique identities, citizenship, and state in contemporary India

Research Aim: This research will discuss a relatively new concept, i.e. e-governance for politics of identification. The main focus of this dissertation will be exploring unique identities, states, and citizenship in India.

Topic 3: Analyzing elite theory in political sociology

Research Aim: Elite theory explores power relationships in contemporary society. This research will analyse this critical theory of political sociology.

Topic 4: Evaluating the role of social forces in power politics in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss and evaluate social forces’ role in power politics in the United Kingdom.

Topic 5: To determine the extent to which the democratic political model can influence a capitalist society

Research Aim: This research will aim to determine the extent to which a democratic political model can impact a capitalist society.

Topic 6: To study and compare rational-legal and leadership models with respect to the British society

Research Aim: This research will compare relational-legal and various leadership models about British society.

Topic 7: The importance and influence of ethnic minorities in British power politics Ethnic minorities hold huge power in British politics.

Research Aim: This research will explore the importance and influence of all such ethnic minorities in Britain.

Topic 8: Assessing modern politics and the role of globalisation

Research Aim: This research will talk about globalisation and how it impacts and influences modern politics.

Topic 9: Examining the British welfare state system: How does it impact individuals

Research Aim: This research will study and examine the British welfare state system. Furthermore, the study will also learn how this system impacts individuals.

Topic 10: A critical analysis of the Islamic welfare state system

Research Aim: This research will explore the Islamic welfare state system, how it operates, and its impact on society.

Also Read: Psychology Dissertation Topics

Sociology of Culture Dissertation Topics

Cultural sociology is an exciting area of sociology. The cultural norms, beliefs, values, and material and non-material aspects of culture are discussed in detail under this sociology sub-field. Here are some interesting cultural sociology dissertation topics you can choose from:

Topic 1: To study the validity and application of Marx’s conflict theory in British society

Research Aim: This research will discuss the conflict theory presented by Marx and examine its validity and application in British Society.

Topic 2: Investigating how the British native beliefs, norms and values have been influenced by cultural invasion from immigrants

Research Aim: This research will understand how immigrants influence British native beliefs, norms, and values.

Topic 3: Identifying and analysing the scope and dimensions of cultural shock an Asian foreigner can expect to face in the UK

Research Aim: This research will assess and examine how an Asian foreigner can sustain a cultural shock in the UK.

Topic 4: Are there any cultural lags in British society – A literature review from the past 10 years?

Research Aim: This will be an exciting study as it will explore cultural lags in British society—all the evidence from the past ten years assessed under this topic.

Topic 5: Importance of social interactions among cultures – Exploring the good and bad aspects of social interaction among sub-cultures in British society

Research Aim: This research will discuss the various social interactions among different cultures and explore the good and bad social interaction factors among subcultures in British society.

Topic 6: To critically analyse various subcultures in the UK with reference to geography

Research Aim: This research will analyse the different subcultures operating and living in the US regarding geography.

Topic 7: Evaluating the fluctuating principles of counterculture in Britain

Research Aim: This research will understand the principles of counterculture in the United States.

Topic 8: Comparing norms and values of modern British society to the culture 20 years ago

Research Aim: This will be a comparative study. The dissertation will compare and contrast the norms and values of modern British society with that of the culture prevalent 20 years ago.

Topic 9: To what extent has the popular culture of the UK transformed over the last few decades?

Research Aim: This research will understand how popular UK culture has changed over the past few years.

Topic 10: Examining culture and globalisation from the perspective of sociology

Research Aim: This research will assess and examine culture and globalisation from the perspective of sociology.

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Education Sociology Dissertation Topics

The sociology of education can be described as how individual experiences and educational institutions can affect education and its outcomes. This sociology area primarily deals with the schooling systems with a focus on adult, higher, and continuing education. Some interesting topics in this field of sociology are suggested below:

Topic 1: Examining the causes of education restriction of females in developing countries

Research Aim: This research will assess and evaluate the underlying causes that restrict females from gaining an education in developing countries.

Topic 2: To investigate the relationship between student performance and teacher behaviour – A study of the hurdles while acquiring education

Research Aim: This research will understand the relationship between student performance and teacher behaviour. The study’s primary focus will be to understand the hurdles that students come across while acquiring education.

Topic 3: A comparison of the facilities provided in private and public sector schools

Research Aim: This research will compare and contrast the facilities provided by private schools to public schools.

Topic 4: A historical review of sociology policies employed by the UK following the second world war

Research Aim: This research will be a historical review that will study the UK’s policies following the second world war.

Topic 5: Assessing the extent to which the education structure in the UK has changed due to the social exclusion of youth in educational institutes

Research Aim: This research will study the extent to which the UK’s education structure has changed due to the social exclusion of youth in educational institutes.

Topic 6: Evaluating the importance of social supervision and support in British elementary schools

Research Aim: This research will assess and evaluate the importance of social supervision and support in British elementary schools.

Topic 7: The impact of school background on how children perceive the society

Research Aim: This research will focus on a critical issue, i.e. the impact of school education and background and how it shapes a child’s perception of their society.

Topic 8: The role of British education curriculum in terms of economic and sociological result

Research Aim: This research will understand the British curriculum’s role concerning economic and sociological results.

Topic 9: Investigating the extent to which UK’s public schools and colleges have been able to establish inter-faith associations among pupils

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the extent to which UK public schools and colleges establish inter-faith associations among students.

Topic 10: Examining UK’s public school system to identify probable opportunities through which the education gap can be reduced for neglected groups

Research Aim: This research will investigate an important issue, i.e. identify gaps that can be worked on and reduced to include and provide education to neglected groups.

Sociology of Religion Dissertation Topics

Sociology of religion considers religious values and practices concerning sociological theories and methods. Issues covered by this area of sociology include but are not limited to the effect of religion on society and the impact of various social elements such as politics, media, and social interaction on religion.

Contemporary issues such as the role of stereotyping, inequality, and gender in religion will be discussed under the sociology of religion. Here are some interesting topics of this subfield of sociology

Topic 1: To establish the relationship between UK’s educational institutes and religion

Research Aim: This research will discuss the relationship between religion and educational institutes operating in the UK.

Topic 2: The role of religions in marriages in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss various religions and their relationship with marriages in the UK.

Topic 3: To determine whether religion plays a role in UK power politics

Research Aim: This research will aim to determine whether religion plays a role in UK power politics or not.

Topic 4: Exploring religious guidelines to help counsel social aspects

Research Aim: This research will outline religious guidelines and regulations that help counsel and direct social aspects in the right direction. Social aspects that will be explored include education, economics and gender.

Topic 5: Limitations that influence society as a single individual or as a whole

Research Aim: This research will aim to discuss the limitations that impact society as a whole as well as individuals.

Topic 6: Assessing the extent to which religious beliefs influence political behaviour in the UK

Research Aim: This research will examine how religious beliefs influence political behaviour in the UK.

Topic 7: Assessing the impact of religious organisations on British social culture

Research Aim: This research will understand how religious organisations impact the British social culture and how culture and religion are interrelated.

Topic 8: Examining the relationship between social change and religion

Research Aim: This research will study the relationship between religion and social change.

Topic 9: Religious diffusion results from social interaction between people from different religions – The case of the UK

Research Aim: This research will assess the various religious diffusion results from social interaction between people belonging to various religions in the UK

Topic 10: Comparing cross-religious values and theories in British society

Research Aim: This will be comparative research based on cross-religious values and theories in British society.

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Comparative Sociology Dissertation Topics

This area of sociology mainly deals with different models of civilisation, including state capitalism, welfare capitalism, socialism, capitalism, and communism. It further incorporates comparisons of social problems such as gender, ethnicity, and race and the comparisons of social institutions such as economy, religion, health, family, and education. Some interesting dissertation topics are suggested below.

Topic 1: Similarities and differences between a welfare state and a capitalist state

Research Aim: This research will explore the differences and similarities between a capitalist and a welfare state.

Topic 2: A comparison of the totalitarian system vs democracy in terms of social progress

Research Aim: This will be a comparative study between the totalitarian system and democracy concerning social progress.

Topic 3: To compare the education systems of America and Britain – How are these systems playing a key role in influencing societal standards?

Research Aim: This research will compare Britain and America’s educational systems and assess how they are influencing societal standards.

Topic 4: To identify and discuss the similarities and differences between the British and American labour markets

Research Aim: This research will assess the similarities and differences between the American and British labour markets.

Topic 5: Cultural diffusion and immigration – Has the UK been able to preserve its culture over the last few decades?

Research Aim: This research will discuss whether or not the UK has preserved its culture despite immigration and cultural diffusion.

Topic 6: A Comparison of the family structure in Indian and UK societies

Research Aim: This research will compare the family structure of India with that of the UK.

Topic 7: Comparison of the effect of religion in determining Muslim society and Jewish society in the UK

Research Aim: This research will compare religion’s impact to help determine the Muslim and Jewish society in the UK.

Topic 8: Social inequalities associated with communism and capitalism

Research Aim: This research will examine the social inequalities that are associated with capitalism and communism.

Topic 9: To identify and critically analyse the pivotal gender issues in Chinese society and Russian society

Research Aim: This research will assess the various religious diffusion results from social interaction between people belonging to different religions in the UK

Topic 10: To compare marriage as a social institution in Britain and India

Research Aim: This study will compare marriage as a social institution in the UK and India

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Sociology of Family and Marriage Dissertation Topics

Family and marriage systems of society are significant aspects of this type of sociology. The most prominent topics of discussion within the field of sociology of family and marriage systems include post-marriage social interactions, classes, and dynamics of marriage and associated rituals, marriage system, the impact of social change on families, external and internal social interaction of family, gender dynamics within a family and parent-child relationships. Here are some interesting dissertation topics related to this area:

Topic 1: Analysing the basic structure and size of the UK family from a historical perspective

Research Aim: This research will understand the basic size and structure of a UK family.

Topic 2: The Evolution of UK family structure over the years – A study of the periodic social change

Research Aim: This research will study the evolution of UK family structure and examine periodic social change.

Topic 3: Examining the extent to which domestic violence in Britain has effected children

Research Aim: This study will assess the extent to which domestic violence in Britain has impacted children.

Topic 4: To determine the causes of increasing domestic violence in UK’s society

Research Aim: This research will help determine the underlying reasons for increasing domestic violence in the UK.

Topic 5: The impact of changing UK’s residential trends on the practices and beliefs of society

Research Aim: This study will examine the impact of changing UK residential trends based on society’s beliefs and practices.

Topic 6: Examining the causes of the increasing divorce rate in the UK

Research Aim: This research will understand the reasons for the increasing divorce rate in the UK.

Topic 7: Assessing the different parenting types and the impact it has on children

Research Aim : This research will discuss and understand the different types of parenting and the impact it has on children

Topic 8: To compare marriages in different subcultures of the British society

Research Aim: This research will compare marriages in different sub-cultures of British society.

Topic 9: Assessing the gender roles in family – Have they changed over the past five years?

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand why they have caused a change in the gender roles in a family.

Topic 10: Analysing the pros and cons of an extended family system and a nuclear family system

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the benefits and drawbacks of an extended family system and a nuclear family system.

Sociology of Crimes Dissertation Topics

Sociology of criminology or crimes is another exciting area of sociology that investigates the causes, extent, and nature of crimes, focusing on control strategies at societal and individual levels. It should be noted that the term “Crime” is defined as any act that is a direct violation of state law.

Topic 1: Determining the probable causes of increasing street crimes in London

Research Aim: This research aims to understand why they have caused an increase in street crimes in London.

Topic 2: To establish the relationship between increasing domestic violence and alcohol consumption

Research Aim: This research will assess the relationship between increasing domestic violence and alcohol consumption.

Topic 3: Determining the reasons as to why stabbing crime in the UK has steadily increased and its implications for British society

Research Aim: This research will help understand the reasons behind the increasing rate of stabbing in the UK.

Topic 4: Is the UK government providing accurate crime statistics – A review of the crime data collection techniques employed in the UK?

Research Aim: This research will examine the data collection techniques employed by the UK government and will assess whether accurate crime statistics are provided or not.

Topic 5: Is there a link between street crimes and alcohol consumption?

Research Aim: This research will determine whether street crimes and alcohol consumption are related or not.

Topic 6: A Critical analysis of the evolution of criminological theories

Research Aim: This research will critically analyse the evolution of criminological theories.

Topic 7: To establish the relationship between criminal behaviour and personality type

Research Aim: This research will assess whether a relationship exists between criminal behaviour or different personality types.

Topic 8: The role of social inequality towards increasing street crimes in the UK

Research Aim: This research will help us understand the role of social inequality concerning increasing street crimes in the UK.

Topic 9: To present avenues of crime prevention with a focus on alternatives to physical punishment

Research Aim: This research will discuss crime prevention with a particular focus on physical punishment alternatives.

Topic 10: A critical review of the UK government’s crime prevention strategies and policies – Are they delivering the desired outcomes?

Research Aim: This research will present a critical review of the various crime prevention strategies and whether they are delivering desirable results or not.

Important Notes:

As a student of sociology dissertation looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing sociology dissertation theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

The sociology dissertation field is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like human rights , philosophy , religion & theology and more. That is why it is imperative to create a sociology dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your fundamental research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your case wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best sociology dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample sociology dissertation topics to get an idea for your dissertation.

How to Structure your Sociology Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic, and binding terms can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs , charts , and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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Sociology Dissertation Topics: 60+ Examples and Ideas

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by  Antony W

May 9, 2023

Sociology Dissertation Topics

Singling out the best sociology topic to explore in your dissertation assignment can be quite a challenge at first. So some ideas can go a long way to give you the inspiration you need to get started the right way.

While there are many ideas you can think of from off the top of your head, there’s a high chance some won’t be a good fit. Ideally, you need to choose a topic that allows you to explore existing studies and add current value in the field of psychology. 

There’s often the temptation to choose a psychology topic on the grounds that it’s a hot debate, but that’s a bad approach that can make the project difficult to complete. The right approach is to pick topic that matches your research aptitude and interest.

If you would like our team to help you with your dissertation, check out our custom dissertation writing service and take advantage of our professional writing help.

Sociology Dissertation Topics

Here are some of the top dissertation topics related to sociology:

Cultural Sociology Dissertation Topics

Cultural sociology is a discipline that analyzes a society’s micro and macro cultures and often focuses on non-material and material culture, values, norms, and beliefs. You’ll have to study ideas and theories of well-known sociologists to understand this area even better. Here are some topics you can explore:

  • Recognizing the good and negative elements of inter subcultural social contact
  • What are the effects of immigrant cultural invasion on indigenous values, customs, and beliefs in the United Kingdom?
  • What are the many subcultures that exist in UK society geographically?
  • Analyzing the cultural gaps in British society.
  • Considering how Max Weber’s methodological approaches might be used to express notions and principles pertinent to current cultural changes.
  • Can Durkheim’s and subsequently the Durkheim school’s views on complete groups in society be utilized to develop a perspective of modern culture?
  • Following the evolving components of counterculture in the United Kingdom.
  • Analyzing the evolving tendencies in UK high culture throughout time.

Also Read : Social Work Dissertation Topics

Topics in Sociology of Education 

  • Analyzing the structure of the education system in public schools as it relates to socially marginalized youth.
  • Analyzing the national curriculum’s emphasis on sociological results for pupils as opposed to economic outcomes?
  • Do youngsters fail school because of “individual difficulties” or “public issues”: The applicability of C Wright Mills’ theories in today’s UK education system.
  • Should Neoliberalism theory be utilized as a guiding paradigm for UK education?
  • The organization and impact of social advising and counselling in primary schools are being investigated.
  • Examining and determining the methods and changes that a school system may use to close the educational achievement gap for disadvantaged populations.
  • Investigating Marx’s Conflict Theory in Education: Is the UK’s public school system upholding the social status quo?
  • Examining the relationship between a teacher’s motivation and class performance in a public school.
  • The impact of the school environment on children’s perceptions of society at large.
  • Examine the public school environment’s readiness to foster interfaith harmony and understanding among youngsters.
  • Analyzing higher education fee/scholarship policies in relation to class inequality in UK society.

Topics on the Sociology of Religion

  • How have print and electronic media in the United Kingdom shaped public attitudes of various religions?
  • Analyzing the shared religious bases for promoting interfaith cooperation in the United Kingdom.
  • In the United Kingdom, cross-religious views and ideals are compared.
  • Religious ideals and religious standards are binding for members of UK society today in what ways?
  • How has religious spread been influenced by social interaction between persons of diverse religious backgrounds?
  • Identifying the influence of religion on weddings in the United Kingdom.
  • A critical examination of religious organizations in the United Kingdom and their influence on societal structure.
  • Investigating the connection between religion and education as a social institution.
  • Is there a connection between religion and social change?
  • Identifying the relationship between religion and political behavior in the United Kingdom.
  • Should the public realm be kept distinct from the private world, especially when the private sphere is religious for some?
  • Analyzing the relationship between gender and sexual issues as they pertain to various faiths.

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Topics on the Sociology of Marriage and Family

  • Investigating the nature and consequences of residence patterns in UK society.
  • Investigating the intra-household dynamics of child-parent interactions in a typical British home.
  • Marriages in distinct subcultures of the United Kingdom are compared.
  • Historical examination of variations in divorce rates and their underlying factors in UK society.
  • Identifying the societal causes of familial domestic violence.
  • Investigating the effects of familial violence on children.
  • Family variety and stratification: the link to societal inequality
  • Examining the effects of periodic societal change on family structure in the United Kingdom.
  • Analyzing the trend of fertility rates in the United Kingdom and the causes of any changes.

Topics on Economic Sociology

  • Is it possible to apply the communist paradigm to British society? A critical examination.
  • Identifying a UK family’s intra-household economic links.
  • The ‘Deliveroo effect’: What are the societal consequences of the expanding ‘gig economy’?
  • What societal changes resulted from the UK’s economy’s shift from the industrial revolution (capitalism) to the recent informational revolution?
  • Can the informal economy help to drive local socioeconomic development?
  • A comparison of communism and capitalism as economic paradigms, as well as their effects on social hierarchy.
  • An examination of the UK economy in relation to Marx’s criticism of capitalism.
  • A comparison of households with one working parent vs families with both working parents. What are the social consequences of dual employment?
  • What are the societal consequences of growing international labor migration in the United Kingdom?
  • Is there still a social barrier between blue collar and white collar workers in the modern UK economy?
  • What are the most important social elements of consumer spending in the United Kingdom?
  • Are you thinking about the future? Comparing young people’s spending and saving habits to those of their parents and grandparents.
  • What are the consequences of economic downturns on the social standing of secondary labor market members?

Also Read: Economics Dissertation Topics

Sociology of Criminology Topics

  • What are the primary socioeconomic causes driving the rise in knife crime in the United Kingdom?
  • Historical examination of the sociological reasons of street and gang violence in the United Kingdom.
  • Is drinking the primary social and behavioral cause of street crime in the United Kingdom?
  • Offenses ‘known’ and documented in police files: The problems with UK crime statistics.
  • Is there evidence of abuse in crime reporting?
  • How does positivism account for the criminal’s control?
  • The state’s intervention and the societal formation of individual criminal behavior
  • Is punishment the only way to deter crime? Investigating social approaches to crime prevention.
  • What are the primary aspects of deviance in contemporary British society?

Dissertation Topics in Industrial Sociology

  • Is there a connection between culturally responsive organizational policy and employee happiness and productivity?
  • What is the normal social structure of a large-scale UK organization?
  • Has a British firm’s social organization influenced macro-level cultural conventions, values, and social status?
  • What are the social dimensions of organizational communication?
  • What distinguishes industrial societies such as the United Kingdom?
  • What are the evolving trends in trade unions’ role in the social well-being of employees in the United Kingdom?
  • What is the relationship between a worker’s motivation and productivity?
  • Workplace motivation and the advantages of employee-selected reward packages

Dissertation Topics in Political Sociology

  • What kinds of democratic dangers develop in society, and how does the state respond to such threats?
  • Is democracy a viable political system in a capitalist society?
  • What are the interconnections between religion and politics as significant social institutions?
  • Is charismatic leadership or the rational-legal paradigm more appropriate in British society?
  • What role and significance do ethnic minorities have in mainstream British power politics?
  • In the British political system, what are the gender dimensions of voting?
  • Political ideology and political principles are learned through culture in what ways and in what ways?
  • How can individuals influence societal social and political events?
  • To what degree do social forces shape power politics in the United Kingdom?

Comparative Sociology Topics

  • A comparative examination of citizens’ well-being. The United Kingdom as a welfare state against Japan’s State Capitalism?
  • Taking care of elderly relatives – Western and Eastern civilizations’ views and approaches compared.
  • Marriage is a social institution in the United Kingdom and India.
  • A study of family structure in the United Kingdom and Russia.
  • Comparative analysis of labor markets and labor market trends in the United Kingdom and China.
  • Comparing the educational systems in the United Kingdom and North America as a social institute for establishing cultural norms
  • Is the United Kingdom preserving its ‘traditional’ culture? Comparing the diffusion of various civilizations inside modern British society.
  • Capitalism vs. Communism: A Comparative Study of Social Inequality
  • Gender issues in the UK and the Middle East are studied in comparison.
  • Comparing sexual equality concerns in religious and non-religious countries
  • A comparison of family units — nations that favor joint paternity/maternity leave vs maternity leave exclusively.

There you have it, a list of 50+ sociology dissertation topics from which you can choose a relevant idea to explore. As always, make sure you get in touch with your instructor for further advice if you ever get stuck.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Sociology Department Masters Theses Collection

Theses from 2024 2024.

The Racialization of Muslims , Shabia Furkan, Sociology

Theses from 2023 2023

Prevention of What? Competing Biological Citizenship Claims and the Biopolitics of Autism Prevention , Helene D. Grogan, Sociology

Moving Beyond the Gender Binary: A Critical Analysis and Review of Contemporary Scholarship on Nonbinary Gender Identities , Rie Harding, Sociology

Theses from 2022 2022

Superstar Firms and the State: Amazon in the U.S. and France during the Covid-19 Pandemic , Priscilla Hernandez, Sociology

A New Way to Get Groceries? Ride-Hail Services and Navigating Outside of Food Deserts , Kathryn Reynolds, Sociology

A Relational Investigation of Political Polarization on Twitter , Tyler Walton, Sociology

Slavery, Colonialism, and Other Ghosts: Presence and Absence in the Rise of American Sociology, 1895-1905 , Aaron Yates, Sociology

Theses from 2021 2021

Homophily, Gender-Typed Behavior, and Cultural Contexts in Adolescent Friendship Segregation , Chen-Shuo Hong, Sociology

Theses from 2020 2020

Seeing Like a State Cultural Agency: Creative Place-Making Transcripts of Local and State Actors , Jennifer Abrams, Sociology

The Welfare States: Examining U.S. State-Level Benefits For Families With Children, 1987-2015 , Anthony Huaqui, Sociology

Reproductive Journeys: Indo-Caribbean Women Challenging Gendered Norms , Tannuja Rozario, Sociology

Theses from 2019 2019

Job Mobility, Gender Composition, and Wage Growth , Youngjoon Bae, Sociology

Stigma in Class: Mental Illness, Social Status, and Tokenism in Elite College Culture , Katie R. Billings, Sociology

Discourse, Meaning-Making, and Emotion: The Pressure to have a “Feminist Abortion Experience” , Derek Siegel, Sociology

Theses from 2018 2018

Life Course Effects of Polyvictimization: Associations with Depression and Crime , Richard Carbonaro, Sociology

The Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis as a Problematic: Beyond "Falsificationism" , Paul Erb, Sociology

A Tale of Force: Examining Factors that Influence Police Officer Use of Force , Kayla Preito-Hodge, Sociology

Theses from 2017 2017

Why Class Matters: Understanding the Relationship Between Class, Family Involvement, and Asian American College Students’ Success , Blair Harrington, Sociology

Labor Union Membership and Black Political Participation , Tiamba Wilkerson, Sociology

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Boys Just Want to Have Fun? Sexual Behaviors and Romantic Intentions of Gay and Straight Men in College Hookup Culture , Randy J. Barrios, Sociology

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The Radicalism Plateau: Working Class Transformation, Housing Foreclosure and the Hegemony of the American Dream , Aaron C. Foote, Sociology

Revisiting Union Decline: An Analysis of Organized Labor's Crisis , Nathan Meyers, Sociology

Theses from 2015 2015

A "Greedy" Institution with Great Job Benefits: Family Structure and Gender Variation in Commitment to Military Employment , Karen M. Brummond, Sociology

Rejecting Reconstruction after Breast Cancer: Managing Stigmatized Selves , Marianne A. Joyce, Sociology

Cohort and Gender Differences and the Marriage Wage Premium: Findings from the NLSY79 and the NLSY97 , Misun Lim, Sociology

Black Politics of Folklore: Expanding the Sites and Forms of Politics in Colombia , Carlos Alberto Valderrama Pibe, Sociology

Theses from 2014 2014

Beauty Through Control: Forming Pro-Anorexic Identities in Digital Spaces , Kay A.S. McCurley, Sociology

Process Matters: Engaging the Productive Power of Sociological Research , Abby I. Templer, Sociology

The Subjectivity of Student Success: Instructor's Perceptions of the Ideal Student in a Compensatory Program for Minority Youth , Yolanda M. Wiggins, Sociology

Theses from 2013 2013

Same-Sex Marriage in Western Massachusetts , Ben A. Johnson, Sociology

Exploring the Effects of Friendship on Risky Sexual Behavior: A Look at Female Gang Members , Jenny C. Piquette, Sociology

Racism in a “Post-Racial” Era: Color-blind Discourse, Anti-Immigrant Racism, and White Injury Ideology in Discussions of Arizona Senate Bill 1070 , Cassaundra Rodriguez, Sociology

Theses from 2012 2012

China’s New Generation Migrant Workers , Lie Wang, Sociology

Theses from 2011 2011

Ripped from the Land, Shipped Away and Reborn: Unthinking the Conceptual and Socio-Geo-Historical Dimensions of the Massacre of Bellavista , Aurora Vergara Figueroa, Sociology

Theses from 2010 2010

Connections in Care: The Relationship Between Complementary, Alternative and Conventional Medicine , Amy Loomis, Sociology

Theses from 2009 2009

The Search for Self-Fulfillment: How Individualism Undermines Community Organizing , Rachel Rybaczuk, Sociology

Theses from 2008 2008

Race and Representation: A Case Study of Racial Diversity in Student Government , Rhys J. Livingstone, Sociology

Negotiating Discourses on Homoeroticism: The Coming Out and Other Tales by Colombian Immigrant Men in New York City , Erika Marquez, Sociology

Effects of Maternal Job Quality on Children's Reading Achievement , Ayse Yetis Bayraktar, Sociology

Theses from 2007 2007

Stealing Time and Being There: Fathers, Class and Time , Carla N. Russell, Sociology

Theses from 1975 1975

Getting 'Up' for the Meet: A Sociological Analysis of Drug Usage in the Sport of Olympic Weightlifting , Douglas C. Cooney, Sociology

Theses from 1934 1934

Methods of control of commercialized entertainment with special reference to the motion picture, in Worcester and Springfield, Mass , Robert B. Fletcher, Sociology

Theses from 1933 1933

A study of the depopulation of the small towns in Windham County, Vermont , Lauri S. Ronka, Sociology

Theses from 1932 1932

A study of children's judgements in relation to certain factors , Francis C. Pray, Sociology

Theses from 1916 1916

A study of community transitions: phases of a town's history with psychological and sociological interpretations , R. F. Lund, Sociology

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Home > Dissertations, Theses & Capstones Projects by Program > Sociology Dissertations

Sociology Dissertations

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

Turning Movements into Markets: How Corporations Co-Opt Cultural Values for Profit , Anthony J. Capote

A Dream No Longer Deferred: The Power and Limits of Conditional Integration on the Social Mobility of Undocumented Young Adults , Hyein Lee

Making and Unmaking Multiethnic Black Neighborhoods: Immigration, Race, and Gentrification in New York and Paris , Maura McGee

Understanding Tax Progressivity as a Mechanism of Gender Difference in Tax Payment Patterns and Post-Tax Income , Morgan A. Richards-Melamdir

Interracial Instagram: Depictions of Interracial Couples on Instagram , Christie Sillo

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Older Adults in the Great Recession: Labor Force Transitions, Perceived Workplace Ageism and Life Satisfaction , Duygu Başaran Şahin

Immigration Status as a Social Determinant of Health: Provider Perspectives , Elisabeth Brodbeck

Lasting Inequalities: Gender Earnings Inequality Across Generations, Periods and Countries , Juliana de Castro Galvao

Party Time: The Working Families Party and the US Political System, 1998–2018 , Luke P. Elliott-Negri

The Promise of Universalism Deferred: Political Economy of Social Policy in 21st Century Latin America , Juan C. Ferre

Somos Boricuas y Estamos Despertando: Decolonial Education, Collective Identity, and the Struggle for Puerto Rican Studies , Ricardo Gabriel

The Construction of Marijuana Possession Laws and Policies: How Policymaking and Enforcement Racialized the War on Marijuana , Edwin Grimsley

Policing the Borders of An Empire: A Political History of Tagging (1960–2008) , Maria Heyaca

Regulating the Care Boom: Labor Standards Enforcement and Paid In-Home Care Work , Isaac Jabola-Carolus

Navigating Families, Negotiating Identities: Asian-White Mixed Family Experiences , Hayden Daeshin Ju

From Prostitution to Sex Trafficking: Dilemmas of Victim Service Workers Helping Chinese Immigrant Women at the Courts , Yen-Chiao Liao

Seeing Africans in China: Defining Race and Racial Hierarchy in Contemporary China , Xuemeng Li

From Voting Rights to Voter Turnout: Three Papers on the Interplay of Racial Resentment, Racial Threat, and Politics , Kevin Morris

Frontier Precarities: Inequality and Exclusion in Tech , Spiros M. Papadantonakis

The Politics of Expertise and the Articulation of Authority in Democracy: Cognitive Style and Intelligibility in the Education of Problem-Solving and Professional Decision-Making in the Domain of Law , Michael W. Raphael

Learning to Fly while Staying Grounded: How Forcibly Displaced Individuals Develop a Sense of Belonging in Disempowered Cities , Janina L. Selzer

Pedagogies of Reform: The Role of Game-Based Learning in Recontextualizing Education , Hamad Sindhi

A Sociology of Gab: A Computational Analysis of a Far-Right Social Network , Nga Than

Colonial Geographies of Gendered Violence and Mental Health in the United States and Puerto Rico , Lorraine Lizbeth L. Torres Colon

The Rent Is Too Damn High:the Spatial and Longitudinal Dimensions of Housing Affordability , Kasey Zapatka

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Close-Quarters Antagonism: The New Left Within and Against the War on Poverty , Andrew S. Anastasi

Brave New Wombs: Hysterectomy, Gender, and Stratified Reproduction , Andréa Becker

The Moral Economy of Ordinary Belarussians and a Critical Examination and Re-Evaluation of the 2020 Post-Electoral Uprising , Geoffrey Blank

Carceral Calisthenics: Physical Culture in The Hood , Albert L. de la Tierra

Diversion: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Nonprofit Organization , Leah E. Glass

Time and Power: The Will to Temporalize in Digital Culture , Talha Issevenler

Understanding Parental Engagement at the Nexus of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexual Orientation: An Examination Through Anti-Black White Settler Colonialism , Alyssa P. Lyons

Indigenous Mexicans in New York City: Immigrant Integration, Language Use, and Identity Formation , Leslie A. Martino-Velez

Perceptions of Economic Vulnerability and Public Opinion in the United States: A Theoretical, Historical, and Quantitative Approach , Cody R. Melcher

Making the Rural Urban: Inter-Class Dynamics to Protect the Environment in the Colombian Countryside , Sebastián F. Villamizar Santamaría

"It Was Handed to Them": The Origins of Targeted Delivery and the Spirit of Nanomedicine , Marzena Woinska

Dissertations from 2021 2021

The One-Armed Viewer: Voyeurism and Masturbation in Nudist Imagery and Film Spectatorship , Benjamin Eleanor Adam

Standing Trans Before the Law , Kyla Bender-Baird

Food-as-Medicine: An Everyday Strategy of Health , Rachel Rebecca Bogan

Navigating Ocha: LGBT Practitioners' Participation and Navigation of Lucumí , Carlos M. Camacho

The Logic of the Land: The Agrarian Roots of Uneven Development in Brazil , Chris Carlson

Class Act: Symbolic Revolution and the Meaning of College in Prison , Ruth E. Delaney

The Impact of Local Demographic Change in the Contemporary United States , Christopher Maggio

Dream City: Post-Millennials and Millennials Navigate School, Work, and Housing in New York City , Omar Montana

Dating Apps, or, Ghosts in the Viral Affect Machine , Gregory Narr

Not So Black and White: How Second-Generation Nigerian Americans Decide Whom to Marry , Karen Okigbo

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Mexican Return Migration across the Life Course , Mara G. Sheftel

Varieties of Transnational Life: Brazilian Nikkeis ’ Changing Cross-border Ties with Two Homelands , Hiroyuki Shibata

Characteristics of Non-Residential (Commuter) Colleges and Factors Affecting Bachelor’s Degree Completion in a Non-Residential College , Sangdong Tak

Which Way South? A Chronicle of the Autoworkers’ Ill-Fated Quest for a Land Route from Detroit to Chattanooga (with a Brief Sojourn in Germany) , Abraham Walker

Instrumentalizing the Past: The Politics of Holocaust Memory in Contemporary Poland , Jonathan Zisook

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Grief, Care and Politics in the American Opioid Crisis , Emily B. Campbell

Goals, Power, and Culture: The Effects of School Organizational Features on Parental Involvement , Vandeen A. Campbell

Raising Haiti: The Transmission of Ethnic Culture Across Generations , Vadricka Y. Etienne

Learning to Fail? Student Experiences in Remedial Mathematics in Community Colleges , Margaret P. Fay

A Re-evaluation of the Hyper-selectivity Perspective: The Case of Second-Generation Filipinos , Brenda B. Gambol Gavigan

Migratory Timescapes: Experiences of Pausing, Waiting, and Inhabiting the Meanwhile of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Mexico , Isabel Gil Everaert

Going Viral: Youth and Sexual Assault in the Digital Age , Anna Gjika

Making Muslim Americans: Parenting Practices, Parochial Schools, and the Transmission of Faith Across Generations in Metropolitan Detroit , Rebecca Karam

The Life and Death of Mambo: Culture and Consumption in New York's Salsa Dance Scene , Carmela Muzio Dormani

Precarious Empowerments: Sexual Labor in the Coffee Shops of Santiago, Chile , Pilar Ortiz

Is the South (Still) America’s Sacrifice Zone? A Regional Analysis of Toxic Emissions, 1987–2017 , Tanesha A. Thomas

Destination Diploma: How Chinese Upper-Middle-Class Families “Outsource” Secondary Education to the United States , Siqi Tu

Paper, Places, and Familias: Tracing the Social Mobility of Mexicans in New York , Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa

Engaging Neighbors: Housing Strategies and Political Mobilization in Moscow's Renovation , Anna Zhelnina

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Nude in a Classroom: The Contemporary World of Life Modelling , Kannaki Bharali

Restoring Solidarity: "Accountability" in Radical Leftist Subcultures , Sarah M. Hanks

Same-Sex Union Formation and Dissolution in the United States and Europe , Eric Ketcham

Everyday Violence: Catcalling and LGBTQ-Directed Aggression in the Public Sphere , Simone A. Kolysh

Group Distinctiveness and Ethnic Identity Among 1.5 and Second-generation Russian-speaking Jewish Immigrants in Germany and the U.S. , Jay (Koby) Oppenheim

Illicit Psychoactive Medication Use: Experiences of Medicalization and Normalization , Mark Pawson

Independent Women? Social class and Social Policy after the Gender Revolution in the West , Berglind H. Ragnarsdóttir

Rich in Needs: The Forgotten Radical Politics of the Welfare Rights Movement , Wilson Sherwin

Defending the "Bad Immigrant": Aggravated Felonies, Deportation, and Legal Resistance at the Crimmigration Nexus , Sarah Rose Tosh

Emperor of Work: Chinese Restaurants, Worker Subjectivities, and the New Regime of Flexible Labor , Tommy Wu

Dissertations from 2018 2018

"But the Heart Stays Turkish": Identifications of Immigrants and Boundaries of Belonging in America , Zeynep Selen Bayhan

Uneven Policing: Low-Level Arrests During Gentrification, Fiscal Crisis, and Suburbanization , Brenden Beck

"I Was Not Sick and I Didn't Need to Recover": Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) as a Refuge from Criminalization , David Frank

Highly Skilled Immigration in the United States in An Age of Globalization: An Institutional and Agency Approach , Marcela F. González

Gendering Flexicurity: The Effects of Flexicurity on Gender Equality , Szu-Ying Ho

Out-Group Threat or Inter-Group Contact Theory? Out-Group Attitudes and Interaction in Times of Diversity Growth , Annette Jacoby

The Potency of Policy?: A Comparative Study of Filipino Elder Care Workers in the United States and Israel , Abigail F. Kolker

Unpacking Ostalgia: Where Biography Meets History , Melanie Lorek

There’s Nothing Here: Tenure, Attachment, and Changing Perceptions in Gentrifying Williamsburg, Brooklyn , Sara Martucci

Making It Pay to be a Fan: The Political Economy of Digital Sports Fandom and the Sports Media Industry , Andrew McKinney

The Structurally Adjusted School: School Restructuring and Youth Political Incorporation in Suburban America , Erin Michaels

The New Entrepreneur: Worker Experiences in the Sharing Economy , Alexandrea J. Ravenelle

Citizens Excepted: Limits of Belonging and Statelessness in The United States , Sara Salman

Electric Light: Automating the Carceral State During the Quantification of Everything , R. Joshua Scannell

Insecure Hegemony: The Cultural Construction of 'Righteous Retaliation' in the Hunt for Osama bin Laden , Marisa Tramontano

The Trajectory from School to Work: A Study of Life Chances of School Leavers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden , Dirk Witteveen

Caught Between the State, the Market, and Civil Society: The Divergent Paths of Chinese Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Seeking to Make Social Change in China , Wenjuan Zheng

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Pension Fund Evictions: Lessons for Housing and Labor , Marnie F. Brady

Retelling an Old Wife’s Tale: Postpartum Care of Taiwanese and Chinese Immigrant Women , Kuan-Yi Chen

"Tough on Crime, Tough on the Causes of Crime": Liberal Carceral Logics and the Reproduction of Settler Colonial Violence in Winnipeg, MB, Canada , Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land

The Value of Value-Added: Science, Technology, and Policy in Educational Evaluation , Daniel Douglas

The Queer Allure of Digital Sociality , Benjamin Parrish Haber

Medical Transnationalism: Korean Immigrants’ Medical Tourism to the Home Country , Sou Hyun Jang

The Life and Death of Urban Ethnic Enclaves: Gentrification and Ethnic Fragmentation in Brooklyn's 'Polish Town' , Aneta Kostrzewa

Trump’s “America First” Trade Policy and the Politics of U.S. International Investment Agreements , Jesse Liss

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Sociology Theses & Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

The In/visible Stockade: Sex Offender Management, Governmentality, and the Search for Normal Life , Christopher Wakefield

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Model Minority Myth and The Mental Well-Being of Academically Struggling Asian Americans , Jan Michael Roa Ballesteros

Racialized Places: Community Development within the Historic Westside of Las Vegas , Camisha Fagan

Mediating Religion in Las Vegas: An Ethnographic Exploration of Technology, Celebrity Culture, and Place Attachment in a Multisited Megachurch , Josiah Kidwell

Historical Patterns of Regional, Residential, and Socioeconomic Inequities in the Utilization of Maternal Health Care in Tanzania, East Africa , Neema Langa

Stigma Towards Sex Workers in the Clinical Setting: Sixteen Guidelines for Therapists to Improve Their Practice and Provide Ethical Mental Health Services to Sex Workers , Alessandra Lanti

Consumers of Sex, Romance and the Spectacle: An Ethnographic Study of Female Tourists in Bangkok’s Adult Entertainment Zones , Jason H. Scott

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Constructing the Perfect Girlfriend: Gender, Class, Race, & Performativity of Paid Intimacy in Nevada Brothels , Christina Parreira

Italianness on the Strip: Stereotypes, Dreams, and Nostalgia in Las Vegas Italian-Themed Attractions , Marta Soligo

Blue Lives Matter: Identity and the Internet , Jennifer M. Stevens

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

An Investigation of White-Collar Criminal Sentencing Disparities in Six Federal District Courts , Lauren Frances Elizabeth Galloway

Strategic Resistance in an African Owned Hair Salon: Intersections of Race, Gender, and Nationality in U.S. America , Nicole Jenkins

The Relationship Among Sociocultural Assimilation, Dietary Behavior, and Physical Activity in Adult Latinxs in the U.S. , Erick Lopez

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

On Muddy Banks: An Ecoethnography of a River Island Community , Nicholas Baxter

Email is Alive: How to Communicate with Graduate College Students , Valarie C. Burke

Attitudes toward Marijuana Legalization: Temporal and Thematic Trends , Daniel James Krystosek

From Deviant Symbol to Cultural Icon? Understanding Pit Bull Stigma , Genevieve Minter

In Pursuit of Social Justice at the Postmodern Turn: Intersectional Activism through the Lens of the Ecosexual Movement , Jennifer Jean Reed

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Contesting and Constructing Gender, Sexuality, and Identity in Women's Roller Derby , Suzanne Becker

School Bullying: Exploring Juvenile Victimization Trends with the NCVS School Crime Supplement (NCVS-SCS) , Matthew Morris Le Claire

Fathers’ Caregiving in Fragile Families: Variation by Family Contexts, Gender Ideology, Race and Ethnicity , Rachel Teressa Macfarlane

Fighting For Fellowship: An Ethnographic Exploration of Mixed Martial Arts Culture in Las Vegas , Brian O'hara

Assessing the Potential for a Backfire Effect on Citizen Perceptions: A Test of Hot Spot Policing in Las Vegas , Steven Andrew Pace

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Worked to Leisure: The Intersections of Volunteerism, Work, and Leisure , Denise Nicole Cook

The Role of Social Location in Coping with Caregiving , Jacqueline Ragin

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Working as Civic and Patriotic Duty for Consumption: A Critical Discourse Analysis of American Presidential Inaugural Speeches Since World War II , Michelle Leigh Casey

The Birth of an Arts Scene , William Goldberg

Schoolgirls: Embodiment Practices Among Current and Former Sex Workers in Academia , Jennifer Heineman

Globalization and the Rise of Militant Islamic Social Movement Organizations: The Case of UAMSHO (Awakening) Group in Zanzibar. , Deogratius Mshigeni

Bursting the Backpacker Bubble: Exploring Backpacking Ideology, Practices, and Contradictions , Mark J. Salvaggio

Growing Together? Community, Culture, and Gardening in Downtown Las Vegas , Tyler S. Schafer

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Electronic Dance Music: From Deviant Subculture to Culture Industry , Christopher T. Conner

Pushing for New Options in Childbirth: A Case Study in Contemporary Integrative Midwifery , Kerie Ann Francis

Analyzing Television News: Pro-Social & Anti-Social Effects of Criminal Depictions & Information Processing on Race Perceptions , Eunette Gentry

What Happens in Las Vegas? How Exhibitors Use the Tradeshow Floor and Social Venues to Facilitate Business , Chrissy L. Nanton

Gender, Employment Status, and Unpaid Household Labor: A Test of the Time Availability Perspective on Housework, Child Care, and Emotion Work Before, During, and After the 2007 U.S. Economic Recession , Allison Sahl

The Convergence of Structure and Design Between Video Games and Video Gambling , Daniel Sahl

What I Wore Today: Gender, Self, and Brand Culture in the Blogosphere , Jennifer Marie Whitmer

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Intersectionality and Labor Market Outcomes: Women's Racial and Ethnic Variations in STEM Fields and Professional Fields, 2001 to 2011 , Anna Smedley

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Our Side of the Fence: Investigating the New Nativism in the United States , Candace Griffith

Sex Worker Rights Organizing as Social Movement Unionism: Responding to the Criminalization of Work , Crystal A. Jackson

Testing Orthodox Utilitarian and Extrajudical Determinants of Incarceration in the U.S. at the State-Level, 1980-2005 , Pavel V. Vasiliev

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Community Resources and Black Social Action, F Street, A Case Study , Robert Joseph Mckee

Cooperation, Competition and the Development of Institutional Capacity: Civil Rights and Public Transportation in Southern Nevada , Bruce Erwin Turner

Formal, Bounded, and "Hyper" Rationality in Police Processing of Sexual Assualt Claims: Case Dispositions and UCR Reporting , Brooke M. Wagner

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Boys' club: An exploration into the social world of a Las Vegas casino sports book , Frederick W. Krauss

Selling knowledge: A sociological analysis of attorney advertisement in Las Vegas , Giselle Velasquez

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The sociology of scenes, the Sacramento poetry scene , Dana Nell Maher

Quest for Quotidian: A National Survey of Non-Heterosexual Attitudes Toward Marriage , Troy A. McGinnis

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

The logic of movement: Consumption logistics on the Las Vegas Strip , Robert Dean

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Sociology Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

How Unequal Access to Personal and Professional Networks Impacts Success Among Construction Apprentices , Cameron Elliot Arnold

Left Out to Dry: Understanding the Social Experiences of Ground Depletion in Washington State's Columbia River Basin , Alexis Lisandro Guizar-Diaz

"The Call is Coming from Inside the House": Tracing Experiences in the Institutionally-Centered Process of Establishing Limited Conservatorships in California , Barbara Alison Imle

The Experiences of Black Women Direct Care Workers in Long-Term Care , Nakeshia Knight-Coyle

Earthbound in the Anthropocene: Spirituality, Collective Identity, and Participation in the Direct Action Climate Movement , David Alan Osborn

Son Otros Tiempos: Generational Experiences of Male Friendships Amongst Mexican and Mexican American Men , Marisela Rodríguez Molina

"We Just Have to Trust the People in White Lab Coats": Analyzing Distrust in Vaccine Hesitant Comments on the HHS Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities Proposed Rule , Hima Bindu Lakshmi Vedantham

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Does Instructional Autonomy Matter? Exploring Job Satisfaction for Math and Non-Math Teachers in Low, Middle, and High SES Schools , Hannah Sean Ellefritz

Cultural Capital and Community Cultural Wealth: A Study of Latinx First Generation College Students , Affiong Eyo-Idahor

Leaving College Without a Degree: The Student Experience at an Urban Broad Access Institution , Andrea Marie Garrity

Treatment Disparities in Emergency Medical Services: The Influence of Race/Ethnicity, Obesity, and English Proficiency , Jamie Kennel

"Damn, man. The time that I lost": Power and the Process of Diagnosis for Women with Chronic Illnesses , Kaitlin Roquel Yeomans

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

What Does it Mean to be Deaf? Changing Meanings of Deafness, Communication Technology, and Beliefs about Normality in the US , Kathryn Elizabeth Burrows

Values of Young Adults in an Increasingly Secular World , Joseph Daniel Eichenlaub

Exploring "What Works" in Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care , Elizabeth Catherine Hulen

Decolonizing Healthcare: a Black Feminist Analysis of Sisters Informing Sisters on Topics of AIDS (SISTA) , Joy Mutare Fashu Kanu

Reducing Transphobic Attitudes: a Cross-National Investigation of College Students in Japan and the United States , Kazusa Seko

The Digital Divide and Health: Examining Digital Access as a Social Determinant of Health , Elizabeth Melissa Withers

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Outsiders Within Inequality Regimes: a Sociological Framework to Advance the Lives of Women Veterans , Sarah Louise Aktepy

The Experience of Female Caregivers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Nouf Albugami

Working From Home: Analyzing the Autonomy of App-Based Adult Content Creators , Jenna DePasquale

Smoking Behaviors in Patients Offered Lung Cancer Screening , Sara Elizabeth Golden

Transitioning into Conventional Housing: Narratives of Houseless Individuals , Joyce La Belle McNair

"Not 'Just' a Barista": the Story of Portland's College-Educated Baristas , Ned William Tilbrook

Exploring How Community College Transfer Students Experience Connection in a Commuter University , Christa Michelle Zinke

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Understanding the Politicization of Oromo Identity in the Diaspora: Re/ Locating the Bones of the Oromo , Madeline Jaye Bass

Radical Doulas Make "Caring a Political Act": Full-spectrum Birthwork as Reproductive Justice Activism , JaDee Yvonne Carathers

Concerted Cultivation, Academic Achievement, and the Mediating Role of Non-Cognitive Factors , Bryant Carlson

Convivial Clothing: Engagement with Decommodified Fashion in Portland, OR , Sarah Guldenbrein

Closure or Censure? Examining the Determinants of Disclosure of Sexual Assault Among College Students , Whitney Head-Burgess

Gender and the Voir Dire Process , Tasha Ann Lane

"What About the Men? Investigating Alcohol Consumption, Masculinities, and Risky Sex in Peri-Urban Eswatini , Aaron Jackson Levine

An Investigation of the Impact of High School Student Fine Arts Course Accumulation on Mathematics Course Achievement , Daniel Mackin Freeman

The Influence of Age at Migration on Criminal Offending Among Foreign-Born Immigrants , Omar Melchor-Ayala

Evaluating the Utility of Theories of Social Integration in Understanding Areal Suicide Rates in the United States , Nathan Finch Parsons

Reproduciendo Otros Mundos : Indigenous Women's Struggles Against Neo-Extractivism and the Bolivian State , Gisela Victoria Rodriguez Fernandez

Racial Disparities in a State Based Workers' Compensation System , Caroline Kristine Smith

Family, School, and Forms of Capital , Sonja Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Who Am I? Criminal Social Identity as a Mediator in the Relationship between Criminal Peers and Criminal Attitudes within a Sample of Probationers/Parolees , Quinton Thomas Alexander

Finding Common Ground: Relationship Building and Communication between PO and Client within a Community Supervision Setting , Carl Eugene Appleton

White Space, Black Space: Community Gardens in Portland, Oregon , David Ross Billings Jr.

Selling Protest in the News? Movement-Media Framing of Occupations: an Exploratory Study , Andrew David Butz

"Tindersluts" & "Tinderellas:" Examining Young Women's Construction and Negotiation of Modern Sexual Scripts within a Digital Hookup Culture , MacKenzie A. Christensen

The Gender Gap in Postsecondary Enrollment Intentions: the Mediating Role of Student Attitudes and Behaviors , Paul J. Deppen III

The Dispute Over the Commons: Seed and Food Sovereignty as Decommodification in Chiapas, Mexico , Carol Frances Hernández Rodríguez

Reconciling the Opportunities and Obstacles of Motherhood Following Corrections Involvement , Summer Brooke Newell

Exiters of Religious Fundamentalism: Reconstruction of Identity, Social Relationships and Support, and Meaning Related to Well-Being , Andreea Alexandra Nica

Representations of Feminist Theory and Gender Issues in Introductory-Level Sociology Textbooks , Jena Amber Zarza

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Framing Homelessness as Crisis: A Comparative Content Analysis of Local Media Reports on Portland's Tent Cities , Katrien Cokeley

Stereotype Threat and Effects of Students' Perception of Their Math Teacher's Fairness on Their Math Self-Efficacy , Alexis Jocelyn DeVigal

The Efficacy of Virtual Protest: Linking Digital Tactics to Outcomes in Activist Campaigns , Rina Lynne James

Living Between Worlds: Arrival and Adjustment Experiences of the Somali Community in Portland, Oregon , Neil A. Panchmatia

"Neither of the Boxes": Accounting for Non-Binary Gender Identities , Erin Patricia Savoia

Contexts of Reception and Constructions of Islam: Second Generation Muslim Immigrants in Post-9/11 America , Shahriyar Smith

"Are We Building Biking Solidarity": Gendered, Racial, and Spatial Barriers to Bicycling in Portland, Oregon , Kyla Jean Tompkins

When You Aren't Who Your Friends Are: the Moderating Influence of Racial Similarity on the Association Between Friendships and Mental Well-Being , Philip Tostado

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Inequality, Position, and Perception: Understanding and Addressing Workplace Harassment in Oregon's Construction Trades , Sasha Mae Bassett

Local Approaches to Regional Problems: Suburban Government Responses to Portland's Regional Housing Crisis , Emma Deppa

Examining Generational and Gender Differences in Parent-Young Adult Child Relationships During Co-residence , Lauren Elizabeth Ferguson

The Use of Anti-Bullying Policies to Protect LGBT Youth: Teacher and Administrator Perspectives on Policy Implementation , Michelle Lauren Holliday

Does the School Day Matter? The Association Between Adolescent School Attachment and Involvement and Adult Criminal Behavior , Madeline O'Neil

On Both Sides of the Tracks: Light Rail and Gentrification in Portland, Oregon , Nathan Eric Rochester

Transgender Patients' Experiences of Discrimination at Mental Health Clinics , Corrine Ann Stocking

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Does Gender Matter? Human Elephant Conflict in Sri Lanka: A Gendered Analysis of Human Elephant Conflict and Natural Resource Management in a Rural Sri Lankan Village , Katherine Eileen Griffin

Staying on Script: Sexual Scripts and Sex Education , Elizabeth Carol Hauck

Activist Doctors: Explaining Physician Activism in the Oregon Movement for Single-Payer Healthcare , Jennifer Cullen Loomis

Gender Difference in Working Parents' Perceptions of Work/Family Conflict and the Role of Occupational Prestige , Heather Kirsten McCabe

Democratizing the City Through the Colonization of Public Space: A Case Study of Portland Food Not Bombs , Trent Adam Saari

Use of Role and Power in Parent-Teacher Relationships: Perceptions from the Parent Perspective , Sonja Taylor

Therapy and the Nontraditional Transgender Narrative , Dylan Ellingson Waller

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Gender and Prescription Painkiller Misuse: Findings from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health , Robin Jo Clough

Illuminating the Experiences of Single Fathers , Heidi Rosa Esbensen

Mediating Academic Success: Race, Class, Gender and Community College Persistence , Schaylee Marie Esparza

Victimization, Separatism and Anti-intellectualism: An Empirical Analysis of John McWhorter's Theory on African American's Low Academic Performance , Marlon DeWayne Marion

Trauma-Informed Research and Planning: Understanding Government and Urban Native Community Partnerships to Addressing Substance-Exposed Pregnancies in Portland, OR , Amanda Mercier

Socio-spatial Transformation and Contested Space at the Street Level in Latin America: The Case of Cali, Colombia , Maria Janeth Mosquera Becerra

Beyond the McNair Program: A Comparative Study of McNair Scholars' Understandings of the Impacts of Program Participation on their Graduate School Experiences , Cristina Restad

The Impact of Documentation Status on the Educational Attainment Experiences of Undocumented Hispanic/Latino Students , Brittanie Alexandria Roberts

Racism, Heterosexism, Depression, and HIV Risk Behaviors of Native Men Who Have Sex With Men: Findings from the HONOR Project , Matthew Alan Town

"But There's a Black History Month": A Content Analysis of Ideological Framing and Presentation in White Nationalist Publications , Dylan Tomas Waite

Cultivating Common Ground? A Case Study of a Community Garden Organization in Northeast Portland, Oregon , Bryan James Zinschlag

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

First-Generation Latinos at Pacific Northwest University: Their Adjustment and Experience during Freshman Year , Marco Antonio Aguirre

"We don't have any of those:" Looking for leaders in the horizontal structure of Occupy Portland , Aaron Martin Bach

Queer! Narratives of Gendered Sexuality: A Journey in Identity , Kym Bradley

The Effects of Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Religion on Formal End-of-Life Planning , Tina Dawn Lillian Burdsall

I'm Not Gonna Be Like That Guy: Exploring the Montana Meth Project Through the Eyes of That Guy , Jaysen Nicole Ferestad

A New Low in Getting High: Illegal Drug Use and Crime , Erica Jean Ferrelli

The Use of Music as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education Sociology Courses: Faculty Member Perspectives and Potential Barriers , Jerry C.L. Loveless

Division of Labor within the Household: The Experience of Bosnian Immigrant Women in Portland, Oregon , Miro Paljevic

Can Cross-Race Mentoring Help Minority Students and Break Down Prejudice? Mentoring Experiences in Higher Education , Jennifer Brooke Rainer

From College to Career: Understanding First Generation and Traditional Community College Transfer Students' Major and Career Choices , Jeff Scott Shelton

Learning to Adapt: Online Social Science Instruction in Higher Education , Patrick Steven Smith

The Economic Impact of Veteran Status: The Effect of Veteran and Demographic Statuses on Household Income , Daniel Standridge

"Game Over" for the Climate: The Keystone XL Pipeline on TV News , Elisabeth Wilder

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Assessing Environmental Inequality in Portland, Oregon: An Exploration of Local Environmental Justice Struggles , Jordan Douglas Folks

Atheist Scripts in a Nation of Religiosity: Identity Politics within the Atheist Movement , Jacqueline Frost

Understanding the Role of Patient Activation in the Association between Patient Socio-Economic Demographics and Patient Experience , Katsuya Oi

Gendering Gardasil: Framing Gender and Sexuality in Media Representations of the HPV Vaccine , Maura Kathleen Pisciotta

Understanding Sand Mining on the Maha Oya: The Conflict Between Economic and Environmental Survival , Meredith Corea Talbert

Cultural Hybridization, Glocalization and American Soccer Supporters: The Case of the Timbers Army , Jesse Harold Wagner

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100 Sociology Research Topics You Can Use Right Now

Tonya Thompson

Sociology is a study of society, relationships, and culture. It can include multiple topics—ranging from class and social mobility to the Internet and marriage traditions. Research in sociology is used to inform policy makers , educators , businesses , social workers , non-profits , etc.

Below are 100 sociology research topics you can use right now, divided by general topic headings. Feel free to adapt these according to your specific interest. You'll always conduct more thorough and informed research if it's a topic you're passionate about.

Sociology is a study of society, relationships, and culture.

Art, Food, Music, and Culture

  • Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?
  • How has globalization changed local culture?
  • What role does food play in cultural identity?
  • Does technology use affect people's eating habits?
  • How has fast food affected society?
  • How can clean eating change a person's life for the better?
  • Should high-sugar drinks be banned from school campuses?
  • How can travel change a person for the better?
  • How does music affect the thoughts and actions of teenagers?
  • Should performance artists be held partially responsible if someone is inspired by their music to commit a crime?
  • What are some examples of cultural misappropriation?
  • What role does music play in cultural identity?

Social Solutions and Cultural Biases

  • What (if any) are the limits of free speech in a civil society?
  • What are some reasonable solutions to overpopulation?
  • What are some ways in which different types of media content influence society's attitudes and behaviors?
  • What is the solution to stop the rise of homegrown terrorism in the U.S.?
  • Should prescription drug companies be allowed to advertise directly to consumers?
  • Is the global warming movement a hoax? Why or why not?
  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Should more gun control laws be enacted in the U.S.?
  • What bias exists against people who are obese?
  • Should polygamy be legal in the U.S.? Why or why not?
  • Should there be a legal penalty for using racial slurs?
  • Should the legal working age of young people be raised or lowered?
  • Should the death penalty be used in all cases involving first-degree murder?
  • Should prisons be privately owned? Why or why not?
  • What is privilege? How is it defined and how can it be used to gain access to American politics and positions of power?
  • How are women discriminated against in the workplace?
  • What role does feminism play in current American politics?
  • What makes a patriot?
  • Compare/analyze the social views of Plato and Aristotle
  • How has labor migration changed America?
  • What important skills have been lost in an industrialized West?
  • Is the #MeToo movement an important one? Why or why not?
  • What conflict resolution skills would best serve us in the present times?
  • How can violence against women be dealt with to lower incidence rates?
  • Should students be allowed to take any subject they want in High School and avoid the ones they don't like?
  • How should bullies be dealt with in our country's schools?
  • Do standardized tests improve education or have the opposite effect?
  • Should school children be forced to go through metal detectors?
  • What is the best teacher/student ratio for enhanced learning in school?
  • Do school uniforms decrease teasing and bullying? If so, how?
  • Should teachers make more money?
  • Should public education be handled through private enterprises (like charter schools)?
  • Should religious education be given priority over academic knowledge?
  • How can schools help impoverished students in ways that won't embarrass them?
  • What are ethical values that should be considered in education?
  • Is it the state's role or the parents' role to educate children? Or a combination of both?
  • Should education be given more political priority than defense and war?
  • What would a perfect educational setting look like? How would it operate and what subjects would be taught?

Marriage and Family

  • How should a "family" be defined? Can it be multiple definitions?
  • What is a traditional role taken on by women that would be better handled by a man (and vice versa)?
  • How has marriage changed in the United States?
  • What are the effects of divorce on children?
  • Is there a negative effect on children who are adopted by a family whose ethnicity is different than their own?
  • Can children receive all they need from a single parent?
  • Does helicopter parenting negatively affect children?
  • Is marriage outdated?
  • Should teens have access to birth control without their parents' permission?
  • Should children be forced to show physical affection (hugs, etc.) to family members they're uncomfortable around?
  • What are the benefits (or negative impact) of maintaining traditional gender roles in a family?
  • Are social networks safe for preteens and teens? Why or why not?
  • Should the government have a say in who can get married?
  • What (if any) are the benefits of arranged marriages?
  • What are the benefits for (or negative impact on) children being adopted by LGBTQ couples?
  • How long should two people date before they marry?
  • Should children be forced to be involved in activities (such as sports, gymnastics, clubs, etc.), even when they'd rather sit at home and play video games all day?
  • Should parents be required to take a parenting class before having children?
  • What are potential benefits to being married but choosing not to have children?


  • Should communities take better care of their elderly? How?
  • What are some generational differences among Generations X, Y, and Z?
  • What benefits do elderly people get from interaction with children?
  • How has Generation Y changed the country so far?
  • What are the differences in communication styles between Generation X and Generation Y (Millennials)?
  • Why could we learn from our elders that could not be learned from books?
  • Should the elderly live with their immediate family (children and grandchildren)? How would this resolve some of our country's current problems?
  • What are some positive or negative consequences to intergenerational marriage?

Sociology explores themes of community and relationships.

Spiritualism, religion, and superstition

  • Why do some people believe in magic?
  • What is the difference between religion and spiritualism?
  • Should a government be a theocracy? Why or why not?
  • How has religion helped (or harmed) our country?
  • Should religious leaders be able to support a particular candidate from their pulpit?
  • How have religious cults shaped the nation?
  • Should students at religious schools be forced to take state tests?
  • How has our human connection with nature changed while being trapped in crowded cities?
  • Which generation from the past 200 years made the biggest impact on culture with their religious practice and beliefs? Explain your answer.

Addiction and Mental Health

  • How should our society deal with addicts?
  • What are ethical values that should be considered in mental health treatment?
  • Should mental health be required coverage on all insurance policies?
  • Is mental health treatment becoming less stigmatized?
  • How would better access to mental health change our country?
  • What are some things we're addicted to as a society that are not seen as "addiction," per se?
  • Should medicinal marijuana be made legal?
  • What are some alternative treatments for mental health and wellness instead of antidepressants?
  • Has social media helped or harmed our society?
  • Are video games addictive for young people and what should be done to curb the addiction?
  • Should all recreational drugs be made legal?
  • How has mental health treatment changed in the past 20 years?
  • Should recreational marijuana be made legal?
  • How is family counseling a good option for families going through conflict?

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70 Amazing Sociology Research Topics – Use Them Today!

Sociology Research Topics

We compiled these top sociology research paper topics to give students a comprehensive list of sociology-related issues. Read on for more.

Sociology refers to the study of people and their relationships within society. It delves into a range of subjects such as

  • Communities
  • Secularization
  • Law among others

The internet is awash with a plethora of sociology research topics. Students, therefore, find it challenging to choose the right one(s) for their assignment. However, our experts handpicked 70 of the topmost sociology research topics for college students. All you need to do is scroll down, pick an item that best suits your interests, and get your homework going! No hustle.

Getting Started With Sociology Research Topics

To start with, sociology topics for research should:

Be objective Be coherent such that they do not break cause and effect bonds Have an impetus towards the direction of the research

Therefore, having excellent sociology research proposal topics is an art one needs to master. Are you terrified because you are not good at this yet? Our interesting sociology research topics will help calm your nerves down.

So, what are some good sociology research topics? Keep on reading.

Gender and Sexuality Sociology Research Topics

The following list of sociological topics will help crank up your paper:

  • How does society treat women?
  • Are men and women the same under the law?
  • What are the gender stereotypes in the media?
  • Why are male presidents most preferred over women?
  • Discuss the rise of the Feminist Revolution and its significance
  • Do transgender people have a place in society today?
  • Why are most nurses of the female gender?
  • Social interactions: Male versus female treatment
  • Homosexuality and lesbianism: How does society view these two?
  • Is feminism overrated?

Sociology Papers Topics on Religion

Writing about spirituality presents some good sociology research questions such as:

  • How people view the phenomenon of a higher spiritual being
  • The concept of worship in traditional society
  • Why do Hindus hold the cow in high esteem?
  • The history of different Christian denominations
  • The influence of secularism on religion
  • Should women preach in churches, mosques, or temples?
  • Who do the pagans believe in as their supreme authority?
  • Effects and causes of religious affiliations
  • Why are most countries Christian dominated?
  • Discussion on how Buddhists worship

Sociology Research Questions on Food

There are endless sociology topics to research on food, including:

  • How are vegetarians treated?
  • How does genetically modified food to the natural one?
  • Are pesticides on farms killing humans instead of pests?
  • What is the role of hydroponics on food supply and availability?
  • Does the coronavirus virus spread through handling unclean food?
  • Are food packaging messages necessary?
  • What is the cause of food inequity in the world?
  • Is obesity a result of the food we eat?
  • How have eating habits changed over time?
  • Why do people prefer fast food joints over dine in restaurants?

Medical Sociology Research Topics

Use these medical ideas to write a winning sociology research paper:

  • Who caused the coronavirus? Man or nature?
  • The relationship between modern lifestyle public health
  • Discuss professional diseases and their effects
  • How aging changes the physical and mental state
  • How long does it take to discover a vaccine, and why?
  • Is society to blame for the spread of contagious diseases?
  • What is the role of Humanitarian missions in healthcare?
  • How the treatment of pregnant women is different from others
  • Are genetic engineering and cloning ethical?
  • How does society look at HIV/AIDS patients?

Environmental Sociology Research Topics

  • What is the place of agro-food systems today?
  • Exploring how environmentalism is a social movement
  • How does society perceive environmental problems?
  • What is the origin of human-induced ecological decline?
  • How population dynamics relates to health and the environment
  • The role of elites in ecological pollution
  • Dealing with the inequitable social distribution of environmental hazards
  • How do socially disadvantaged populations come to experience higher exposures?
  • Is man to blame for global warming?
  • The economic impact of environmental pollution

Sociology of the Family Research Topics

  • How do single parents manage their families?
  • Why do children emulate their parent’s behaviors?
  • Why most children prefer their mothers over fathers
  • Marriage among different races
  • The rise of teenage mothers and its implication
  • How does divorce affect the children?
  • How families with soldiers, doctors, or marines survive without them
  • The conventional family structure
  • Discuss the uniqueness of LGBT families
  • The role of nannies in parenting children

Easy Sociology Research Topics

  • Impact of social media on individuals
  • How the media portrays women and why
  • Living with transgender individuals in the neighborhood
  • The evolving social stratification
  • How social activity leads to the development of scientific knowledge.
  • Is it possible to achieve social stability?
  • Discuss the forces that influence individual behavior in society
  • The influence of face to face interactions
  • Human factors influencing site selection
  • How to improve social and living conditions

With these and more samples, you can be sure of good sociology research topics for your paper. Of course, the crucial end goal is tip-top grades. A carefully thought out sociological research question can make you stand out from your peers.

On top of the numerous examples, we also offer professional writing help for sociology research papers. Get one at an affordable rate now!

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Sociology Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

Mark Jul 27, 2020 Jul 27, 2020 Sociology No Comments

The field of sociology has fascinated and attracted students from all over the world. It involves the study of groups of people and their customs, practices, and cultures. If you are looking for sociology dissertation topics, you have visited the right site. There are many ideas related to sociology dissertation topics and projects topics on […]

sociology dissertation topics

The field of sociology has fascinated and attracted students from all over the world. It involves the study of groups of people and their customs, practices, and cultures. If you are looking for sociology dissertation topics, you have visited the right site.

There are many ideas related to projects topics on sociology, and there is so much research to do. From cultural sociology to criminology, you can select any topic from the list of sociology dissertation topics. Once you select your research topic on sociology, we can help you in getting your research done. You can also view our social work dissertation topics list to get more ideas.

List of Sociology dissertation topics

Examining the impact of society’s social structure and its rapid changes in the modern era.

How has social changes taken over the world and the role of religion in social changes.

Analysing the ways in which social interactions influence the behaviour and lifestyle of individuals.

Critical analysis of changing trends in societal norms in the UK.

Facets of determining the social development of an individual under totalitarian systems.

A comparative analysis of the family structure in the Arab and British societies.

Evaluation of the trends and dimensions of gender voting in the American and British political systems.

Impact of globalisation on the political landscape and state politics in the UK.

Evaluation of the extent to which democracy can apply in a capitalist state society.

Conduct analysis into the sociological magnitudes and proportions of consumer spending in the United States.

A critical analysis of the communist economic model according to the current UK society.

Historical background of social reasons behind the increasing street gangs in the UK.

Evaluating the social alternatives toward crime prevention arguing whether corporal punishment is the sole option for preventing crime.

Analysing the link between ethical and gender magnitudes to criminal activities in the UK.

Investigating the scope of Durkheim’s ideology on Anomie.

To study the diversified sub-cultural marriages in different cultures in the UK.

Evaluation of the familial brutality on the functions and image of the family.

An approach to pornography from a feminist empowerment perspective.

Conducting an analysis of the sociology of governance.

The impact of print and electronic media on the perceptions on different faiths.

The relationship between gender and sexual issues in the light of religion.

Examining the social impact on children belonging to gay parents.

Studying the social causes of domestic violence in a family.

Analysing the effects of an ageing population on the nation’s economy.

A sociological approach on the character building.

Investigating the diffusion and innovation in European culture.

Adoption and the consequences for an adopted child.

Examining the challenges faced by working women in today’s society.

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100 best sociology research topics for students.

sociology research topics

Are you looking for the best sociology research topics? You might have noticed that it can be very difficult to find great topics that can get you an A+ on your essay. This happens because most of your classmates are picking the same topics for their own papers. You need to learn how to find original sociology research topics. You need to make your topics interesting if want a greater chance of getting a top grade. To help you with this, we will give you 100 sociology research topics and also a couple of tips and tricks. These topics are free and you can use any of them as you see fit.

Good Sociology Paper Topics Are Very Important

Truth be told, students have a lot to gain if they learn how to find the best possible sociology papers topics. Did you notice that some of your peers manage to get very good grades without trying too much? How do they do it? Well, you may be surprised to find out that the sociology paper topics you choose have a great influence on your grade. Here is why:

  • Professors tend to award bonus points to papers that discuss interesting topics.
  • Coming up with original sociology essay topics demonstrates to your professor that you’ve dedicated ample time to the project.
  • Excellent topics in sociology are a sign that you took the essay seriously. Professors don’t expect works of art; they do, however, want to see implication on your part.

Is It Easy to Find Topics in Sociology?

Frankly, finding some great sociology research topics for college students is not easy. Even though the Internet is full of topics, tips and tricks, you will have a hard time finding the perfect topic. Moreover, your colleagues will often pick the same topics. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to find some original. Of course, the easy way to do this is to ask for help. You can easily find a team of experienced academic writers on the Internet. An academic writing company can help you with a list of good sociology topics in no time. Alternatively, you can give out list of 100 topics a try.

The List of Sociology Research Topics for College Students

We are providing this list of sociology topics to write about for free. Also, we make every effort to update the list as frequently as possible. These topics are perfect for 2023. However, we advise students to look at our sociology research topics list, pick the best topic for their needs, and then modify them. You are advised to change the wording because this list is public. Anyone can read it and use the topics contained within. Pick any one of these good sociology research topics and make it even better by making it original.

Easy Sociology Research Paper Topics

Don’t want to spend a lot of time writing the paper? Here are some researchable topics in sociology that will prove to be pretty simple for you:

  • The problems posed by domestic violence.
  • How does divorce affects a child?
  • Hurdles of low-income families.
  • Causes of family conflicts.
  • What makes a marriage successful?
  • Is single parenting difficult?
  • Problems of teenage pregnancy.
  • Frequent causes of conflicts among teenagers.

Sociology Research Topics for High School Students

If you are a high school student and you need some original research topics for sociology, here are some of the best options for you in 2023:

  • Discuss social norms in your area.
  • Discuss social sanctions in your area.
  • How to overcome personal conflicts.
  • What is political socialization?
  • Discuss gender stereotypes.
  • Does the environment impact our society?
  • What is eco-feminism?

Sociology Topics for Presentation

If you are required to create a presentation, we have a list of excellent sociology topics for presentation. Here are some of the best examples:

  • Presenting the relations between humans and nature.
  • The social views of Plato.
  • The social views of Aristotle.
  • The strike as a productivity conflict.
  • Social development and religion.
  • Leadership and efficiency at the workplace.
  • Culture as a way of socialization.

Social Media Sociology

Social media is a very interesting subject and it is closely related to sociology. Here are some of the best sociology projects topics for social media:

  • Are social networks secure?
  • Popularity of social networks in various groups.
  • What is social media addiction?
  • Effects of social media overuse.
  • Social media marketing and anorexia.
  • Sharing personal information on social networks.
  • Is blogging really a profession?

Sociology Research Proposal Topics

Need a sociology paper topic for a research proposal? These are a bit more difficult to come by, but our writers managed to put together a list of excellent examples for you:

  • Discussing gender stereotypes in sports.
  • Pakistan and the violation of women’s rights.
  • Does sexual abuse lead to eating disorders?
  • Discuss immigrant families in the UK.
  • The effect of birth control on society. (one of the best sociology topics for research)
  • Does the Internet create isolation?
  • Are we relying too much on Google?

Nationality and Race

What better way to write a sociology paper worthy of a top grade than to write on a topic related to nationality and race? Pick a sociology topic for research paper from these and start writing:

  • The sociology behind ethnic relations.
  • What is the “white supremacist” current?
  • What causes ethnic problems?
  • Analyze the genocide in Darfur.
  • Why do people immigrate?
  • Racial stereotypes affect our self-esteem.
  • Does foreign education equal a successful career?

Interesting Sociology Topics

Interesting topics are almost guaranteed to get you a top grade. Pick a sociology research paper topic from the following list and get the A+ or at least the A you need:

  • The causes of bullying.
  • The effects of bullying.
  • Why are family roles so important?
  • Analyzing the “body culture.”
  • Is shopping a sociological practice?
  • Deviant behavior or teenagers.
  • Why are teenagers so curious?

Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

If you are looking for some persuasive speech topics for college students, we have the best ones on the Internet. Here is what we are talking about:

  • What should we do with our free time?
  • What is sociological knowledge?
  • Technology is affecting the way we eat.
  • Fast food is damaging our society.
  • Social media is making us less social.
  • Musical education should be mandatory.
  • Nationalism is happening all around us.

Sociology Project Topics

Sociology projects can be very difficult to complete. However, the topic you choose can ease your workload immensely. Here are some good examples:

  • Analyze the human rights.
  • Does the capital punishment have the intended effect?
  • Who’s the father of sociology ?
  • Religion is affecting human rights.
  • Education and the Down Syndrome.
  • The effect of social media on youth.
  • Consequences of advertising to children.
  • Analyzing healthcare in NYC.

Gender Sociology

It can be difficult to write about gender sociology, we know. This is why our academic writers have put together a list of great gender sociology topics for you:

  • Problems with gender in our society.
  • What are gender stereotypes?
  • Eliminating stereotypes based on gender.
  • Gender studies for youth.
  • The link between nationality and homosexuality.
  • Should every country legalize LGBT?
  • Define gender inequality.

Sociology Survey Topics

We know you are probably having a difficult time finding interesting sociology survey topics. Don’t worry about it too much though. Just pick one of these examples:

  • Is bulimia widespread in the UK?
  • Social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • What leads to poor health?
  • Are there more unemployed women than men?
  • Does poverty decrease life expectancy?
  • How widespread is police brutality?
  • Are our youths exposed to violence?

Family and Relationships

Family and relationships topics are some of the best for sociology papers. However, not all topics you find online will impress your professor. These, however, will:

  • Social media effects on relationships.
  • Discuss the modern US family.
  • What is helicopter parenting?
  • Does adoption affect our society?
  • Divorce: Consequences for children.
  • Single parenting difficulties.

Sociology Thesis Topics

The topic you choose for your sociology thesis is extremely important. It’s the first thing the professor sees. Pick one of these and never look back:

  • Parenting in LGBT families.
  • The sociology of marriage.
  • The gender aspect of unemployment in the US.
  • Discussing social inequalities in modern society.
  • Do romantic comedies affect women emotionally?

Terrorism/War Sociology Topics for Paper

Looking for a nice terrorist or war topic in sociology? Why don’t you choose one of these topics and start writing the paper right now:

  • Effects of terrorism on society.
  • Negative effects of was on our society.
  • Social reaction to the Vietnam war.
  • Why do certain groups produce more terrorists than others?
  • What makes a terrorist become a terrorist?

Human Behavior Research Topic for Sociology

Human behavior is very complex, and so are sociology papers written on this subject. But they don’t have to be! Here are some clever examples:

  • What regulates the human behavior?
  • The history of behavior.
  • What leads to suicidal behavior?
  • What is personality resocialization?
  • The various models of behavior.

These sociology research topics are here for you. They are original at the time of writing and have been created by a team of expert academic writers . Pick any of our sociology research paper topics and start writing an exceptional essay right now. We wish you the best of luck. And remember, we are always here to help high school and college students with the best advice, information, tips and tricks.

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  • Academic skills

Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

  • Undergraduate examples
  • Taught Masters examples

What does it take to get an MFA from RISD? These thesis projects will give you some idea

The 2024 RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition opened to the public at the Rhode Island Convention Center last Wednesday and will remain open through June 1, which is RISD graduation day, and also online at risdgrad.show . Wednesday evening's reception gave a first look at the thesis work of more than 200 MFA grads in sculpture, painting, architecture, industrial design, jewelry, ceramics, graphic arts, furniture design and more.


  1. 🌷 Examples of sociological research topics. 100+ Best Sociology

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  2. Sociology Dissertation Topics: 60+ Examples and Ideas

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  3. 25 Sociology Dissertation Ideas Ripe for the Taking

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  4. Sociology undergraduate dissertation examples by kevinmsqt

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  5. Sociology photo project

    sociology dissertation projects

  6. (DOC) 3.0 How to structure a sociology dissertation

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  1. Dissertation (field work)কিভাবে লিখব??( part -1) B.A 3rd year sociology Hons

  2. How to make Dissertation in social science research , from Scratch By Dr Rajeev dubey , BHU

  3. 10 Top Tips for dissertation success: University of York, Department of Sociology

  4. sociology Project File

  5. Class 12 Sociology project on depression

  6. Research Designs: Survey


  1. Dissertations

    Projects & Grants; Dissertations; Undergraduate Research Opportunities; Affiliated Centers; Browse by Fields of interest. Africa. Aging. Applied Sociology. Big Data. ... Department of Sociology University of Washington 211 Savery Hall Box 353340 Seattle, WA 98195-3340. Main Office: (206) 543-5882 Student Services: (206) 543-5396

  2. Sociology Research Topics & Ideas (Free Webinar + Template)

    If you're just starting out exploring sociology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you've come to the right place. In this post, we'll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of research ideas, including real-world examples from recent sociological studies.. PS - This is just the start…

  3. Sociology Dissertation Topics and Titles

    Here are some interesting topics of this subfield of sociology. Topic 1: To establish the relationship between UK's educational institutes and religion. Topic 2: The role of religions in marriages in the UK. Topic 3: To determine whether religion plays a role in UK power politics.

  4. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    relevant to the project, analysis of data, either original or existing, and a written final product. The thesis should be a project that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 to 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum. Senior Sociology concentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is required

  5. Sociology Theses and Dissertations

    Off-time Illness: When Young Adults get Illnesses Associated with Old Age. Norton-Smith, Kathryn (University of Oregon, 2023-03-24) This dissertation explores the lived experiences of young adults with cancer through qualitative methods, including 40 in-depth interviews and participant observation.

  6. PDF Department of Sociology Guide to Undergraduate Dissertations

    Department of Sociology Guide to Undergraduate Dissertations Dissertation Course Organiser Dr Matthew Sparkes ([email protected]) Overview Students may choose to write a dissertation of between 6,000-10,000 words in place of a paper for Part IIB. For many students the opportunity to study a topic of their choosing in depth is the most

  7. Sociology Dissertation Topics: 60+ Examples and Ideas

    Sociology Dissertation Topics. Here are some of the top dissertation topics related to sociology: Cultural Sociology Dissertation Topics. Cultural sociology is a discipline that analyzes a society's micro and macro cultures and often focuses on non-material and material culture, values, norms, and beliefs.

  8. Sociology Department Masters Theses Collection

    Theses from 2015. PDF. A "Greedy" Institution with Great Job Benefits: Family Structure and Gender Variation in Commitment to Military Employment, Karen M. Brummond, Sociology. PDF. Rejecting Reconstruction after Breast Cancer: Managing Stigmatized Selves, Marianne A. Joyce, Sociology. PDF.

  9. 11 Smart Sociology Research Topics

    The list is organized around 11 umbrella topics, each with its own set of mini-topics. These umbrella topics include: Race, Nationality, and Ethnicity. Mass Media. Food. Youth Cultures. Gender and Sexuality. Social Movements. Cults, Clans, and Communities.

  10. Sociology Dissertations, The Graduate Center, CUNY

    Home > Dissertations, Theses & Capstones Projects by Program > Sociology Dissertations. Sociology Dissertations . As of 2014, all newly submitted Graduate Center dissertations and theses appear in Academic Works shortly after graduation. Some works are immediately available to read and download, and some become available after an embargo period ...

  11. UNLV Sociology Department Theses & Dissertations

    Theses, dissertations, professional papers, and doctoral projects from graduate students in the Sociology department at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

  12. Sociology Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2019. PDF. Understanding the Politicization of Oromo Identity in the Diaspora: Re/ Locating the Bones of the Oromo, Madeline Jaye Bass. PDF. Radical Doulas Make "Caring a Political Act": Full-spectrum Birthwork as Reproductive Justice Activism, JaDee Yvonne Carathers. PDF.

  13. 100 Sociology Research Topics You Can Use Right Now

    Sociology is a study of society, relationships, and culture. It can include multiple topics—ranging from class and social mobility to the Internet and marriage traditions. Research in sociology is used to inform policy makers, educators, businesses, social workers, non-profits, etc. Below are 100 sociology research topics you can use right now, divided by general topic headings. Feel free to ...

  14. 70 Inspiring Sociology Research Topics For Students

    Religion. Communities. Culture. Secularization. Law among others. The internet is awash with a plethora of sociology research topics. Students, therefore, find it challenging to choose the right one (s) for their assignment. However, our experts handpicked 70 of the topmost sociology research topics for college students.

  15. PDF Department of Sociology Guide to Undergraduate Dissertations

    they are good sociology, ethical and the risks involved are acceptable. The department provides research methods workshops starting in Michaelmas to help students plan their dissertations and to develop suitable methodologies. Good research projects often consist of the use of more than one research method, for instance a

  16. Sociology Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

    If you are looking for sociology dissertation topics, you have visited the right site. There are many ideas related to projects topics on sociology, and there is so much research to do. From cultural sociology to criminology, you can select any topic from the list of sociology dissertation topics. Once you select your research topic on ...

  17. Sociology and Anthropology

    Completed Dissertation Projects. 2022. Emily McDonald. Dissertation Title: Let Them Give: Philanthropic Infrastructure and Industry in the United States. Major Professor: Shannon N. Davis. Carol Petty. Dissertation Title: Belonging in Refuge: Cultural Logics of Refugee Incorporation in Contemporary Germany. Major Professor: Nancy W. Hanrahan.

  18. Sociology thesis and dissertation collection

    Sovereign debt and economic policy: a relational sociology of debt in the United Kingdom, 1960s-1980s . Labarca, José Tomás (The University of Edinburgh, 2022-01-12) This thesis studies how what I call relational fiscal practices shape government elites' (and non-government actors') understandings of economic policy options.

  19. Guide for Students

    Sociology Dissertation Guide for Students This document provides useful information about the Sociology Dissertation ... Projects, 2nd edition, Buckingham: Open University Press. • Fink, Arlene (2009), Conducting Research Literature Reviews, 3rd edition, London: Sage.

  20. 100 Sociology Research Topics You Need In 2023

    Sociology projects can be very difficult to complete. However, the topic you choose can ease your workload immensely. Here are some good examples: ... .Whether you are a student having a hard time writing your descriptive essay, an MA major trying to draft a dissertation, or a graduate looking for ways to enhance your resume - PaperWritten.com ...

  21. Dissertation examples

    Projects which attained grades of over 70 or between 60 and 69 are indicated on the lists (accessible only by students and staff registered with School of Computing, when on campus). ... School of Sociology and Social Policy. This dissertation achieved a mark of 84: Sporting Masculinities: A Comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian concepts of ...

  22. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    relevant to the project, analysis of data, either original or existing, and a written final product. The thesis should be a project that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 to 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum. Senior Sociology concentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is required

  23. What does it take to get an MFA from RISD? These thesis projects will

    The 2024 RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition opened to the public at the Rhode Island Convention Center last Wednesday and will remain open through June 1, which is RISD graduation day, and also ...