What’s the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [For 2024]

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When you’re working on your resume the font might be the last thing on your mind.

But details matter.

And something that might seem insignificant at first, like your resume font, can have a huge impact on whether you get the job or not.

Why’s that?

Consider the resume readability.

You may have the best resume in the world, but if the font is assaulting the HR manager’s eyes, well , chances are, they’re not going to give you a call back any time soon.

Similarly, if you go with the most boring font that’s almost camouflaging with the background, they just might forget about your resume by the end of the day.

Most HR managers don’t spend a whole lot of time on actually analyzing your resume. The very first they look at is the resume layout and only then do they go through the contents.

If the layout is good (e.g. 1 page, looks good, easy-to-scan, etc.) and the font looks readable - only then will they decide if it’s worth a read or not.

And remember, this is only done in a matter of seconds.

So, imagine someone glances at your resume. What first impression is your font giving off?

Do you want your resume to stand out and go in the right box?

If so, read on to find out: 

  • What's the Best Resume Font & Size

How to Format Your Resume

How to make your resume (the easy way), what’s the best resume font & size.

When it comes to font and font size, we generally recommend going with something that stands out, but not too much.

The font you go with has a direct impact on the readability, and so, it needs to look good on PDF as well as paper.

Before we dive into the best resume fonts though, let’s take a look at one font you shouldn’t ever use :

Comic Sans.

bad font for resume

Yes, you’ll stand out. No, not in the good way.

Jokes (and bashing comic sans) aside, the most common font people tend to use is Times New Roman, 12pt.

Now, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, but you should know that it’s going to be the default font for most people.

Do you want your resume to stand out among all the Times New Roman resumes?

If so, consider using:

  • Ubuntu - Ubuntu is a modern, humanist-style, typeface developed in 2010. It looks great everywhere, maximizes readability, and does not belong to any specific industry. You can use it for all job applications and your resume is guaranteed to stand out.
  • Roboto - Looks familiar? You might recognize this font because Google developed it for its Android operating system in 2011. But don’t worry, it’s free for commercial use. It has a tech look to it, but feel free to use it in any industry - tech or otherwise.
  • Overpass - Relatively newer font, developed in 2015, Overpass is a digital typeface font inspired by Highway Gothic. It looks very formal and classy, making it ideal for more conservative industries. But you can’t go wrong with using it in other industries as well because of its sleek design.

Once you’ve picked your font, you move on to:

Resume Font Size

In a resume builder , such as ours, the font sizes are pre-defined in order to create a font hierarchy across the document that will result in increased readability of your resume.

When faced with a situation where you are not relying on a resume builder and have to choose the font size yourself, as a rule of thumb, we recommend going with 10-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for section titles and headers.

This approach should save you some space and also won’t make the HR manager have to squint to read the text.

It’s important to note that once you decide on a font and font size, they should be consistent throughout the whole resume.

Basic Layout Info

When it comes to the resume layout, here’s what you need to know:

  • Line spacing - Go for 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing between text and double lines after subheadings. Feel free to adjust this accordingly based on the space of your resume
  • Bullet points - You can use bullet points in your resume experience section to make it easier to skim through. Just make sure you don’t overuse them, limit them up to 6 points within each section.
  • Resume length - Stick to one page, unless you have 5+ years of experience (2/3 pages at most, in that case).

So, once you’ve got the basic layout and the feel of your resume down, you can now move onto actually writing the main sections within your resume. Here’s how you do that:

how to write a resume

You probably already have a general idea of what you should include in your resume.

Sounds simple, right? 

Simply list your qualifications and call it a day.

Well, not quite.

The sections you list on your resume have to be relevant to the HR manager and the job you’re applying for. 

No one wants to hear your whole life and backstory.

Instead, here’s what to include and how .

Contact Information

contact information on resume

Let’s start with the basics.

Your name, professional title, email address, contact information . These are all things that go on any resume ever. 

After all, they need a way to contact you, right?

Make sure the spelling is correct, and everything is up to date.

Thinking of including your social media handles?

As long as they’re relevant - go for it.

Your LinkedIn profile is important for most HR managers.

But your Behance link might be relevant only if you work in design. Likewise, you might want to include Github only if you’re in IT.

Resume Summary or Objective?

resume objective summary

Do you have more than 2 years of work experience?

Include a resume summary that sums up your previous jobs and qualifications in 50 words or less. Don’t just repeat what’s on the resume below. Instead, offer insight that might compel the HR manager to learn more about you.

Now, if that’s not the case, feel free to include a resume objective that mentions your motivations and why you’re the perfect candidate for your job. If you don’t have a lot of experience, feel free to lean on what inspires you instead.

Work Experience

work experience for resume

This is the section most HR managers jump to in your resume.

If you want to convince them that you’re the right fit, make sure you list work experience that’s relevant to the position and offers actionable insight.

If possible, quantify the impact you made when working for each role and be very specific about your contributions.

  • Improved revenue by 20% by optimizing Facebook ads.
  • Created Facebook ads.

At the end of the day, the HR manager wants to hear about your accomplishments, not responsibilities.

skills sections on resume

Most job ads typically list the type of skills they’re looking for straight away. This is your chance to stand out and prove to the HR manager that you’ve actually read the job ad.

To perfect your skills section, get a good mix of hard and soft skills .

What’s the difference?

Well, your hard skills include specific knowledge and expertise that comes from training. For example, if you’re applying for a tech job, your hard skills should include specific knowledge needed for the job.

For example:

Your soft skills , meanwhile, are self-developed and come from experience. I.e. skills you’ve learned from life, such as communicating with people, working in a startup, and so on.

  • Communication
  • Self-Driven

When thinking about some of the skills to put on your resume , read the job ad carefully. You want to mention the skills that are relevant for the job - no one cares about your Expert knowledge of Underwater Basket Weaving.

This is fairly straightforward, yet, many people make the mistake of filling this section with unnecessary information.

When writing your education section, only include the important things, such as:

  • University name
  • Years attended
  • (Optional) GPA - Is it more than 3.5? Then you might want to include it. 
  • (Optional) Honors - Were you top of the class? Go for it.
  • (Optional) Minor program - Relevant to the job? Feel free to include.

Keep it simple, no need to waste space with the background of your university or what motivated you to choose your major.

Optional Sections

optional section for resume

Want to stand out from the crowd AND leave a good impression? Some of these optional sections might help…

  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteering Experience
  • Certifications and Awards
  • Publications

There’s a lot more to making a good resume than what we’ve covered so far. Want to learn more? We have a super-comprehensive guide for that. Give it a read, and you’ll be an expert in no time!

resume builder

Now that you know what goes in a resume, you might be wondering - “what’s the best way to make one?”

Yes, you can do the whole thing manually and hand-craft your own resume with Microsoft Word

But think about it - do you really want to go through all the hassle?

If you’re going to be hand-crafting your resume from scratch, you need to get everything right. 

You need to format it right, get the layout right, make sure it’s ATS-friendly (CV screening software HR uses), and really dive into the details.

This is extremely time-consuming.

Instead of manually knitting up a resume, you could be making better use of your time.

Work smarter, not harder, right?

If you want to make your life easier, try Novorésumé’s resume builder . It’s free (with premium options) and really simplifies the process of creating a resume.

Our templates were developed with recruiters and employers in mind, so you can rest assured that you’re always sending in your best work.

Whether you’re a college student or a senior executive - Novoresume templates have your back when it comes to best resume formatting practices.

Key Takeaways

Ready to get back into the job search with the best resume font practices that will have the HR manager grabbing your resume from a full-stack?

Make sure your resume font reflects that and that it’ll have your resume radiating with the font choice the next time you send it in.

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve learned so far:

  • Best resume fonts are: Ubuntu , Robot , Overpass . The worst one? Comic Sans
  • Best resume font sizes are: 11-12pt for normal text, 14-16pt for section titles and headers.
  • The most-used resume formatting order is: Contact information , work experience , skills , and education .

With that said, if you don’t want to worry about the specific resume formatting and getting the details right - you can always use a resume builder to make your life much easier.

There is no reason as to why you should be pouring your sweat, blood, and tears into the painstaking hours of perfecting your resume, down to the margins and fonts manually, when you can just use a resume builder (which is free) to do it for you.

If you want to learn other ways to save time and stay up to date with the latest career advice, be sure to check out our career blog .

Suggested reading:

  • How to Pick the Best Resume Format [+Examples]
  • What to Put On a Resume (To Get The Job You’ll Love)
  • 100+ Achievements to Write in Your Resume [Examples for 2024]

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  • Career Blog

The Optimal Resume Font, Size, and Format for Success

resume format letter size

In today’s competitive job market, making a great first impression is crucial. One of the most important elements of a winning job application is a well-crafted resume. Choosing the right font, size, and format for your resume can make or break your chances of landing a job interview.

The font, size, and format of your resume are critical because they affect the readability and overall presentation of your document. A poorly formatted resume can be difficult to read and can send a negative message to potential employers. On the other hand, a well-formatted resume can make you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of getting an interview.

How the design of a resume can impact job application success

In addition to the content of your resume, the design and layout are essential in creating a positive first impression. A thoughtfully designed resume can give employers a sense of your professionalism and attention to detail. Conversely, a poorly designed resume can be a red flag, making employers question your suitability for the job.

Overview of best practices for resume formatting

To ensure your resume is formatted to impress, there are several best practices to follow. These include selecting an appropriate font that is easy to read, choosing a font size that is neither too small nor too large, and using an easy-to-read format that emphasizes your skills and achievements.

In this article, we will dive deeper into each of these aspects of resume formatting to help you create an optimal resume that increases your chances of landing a job interview.

Understanding Fonts

When it comes to creating a successful resume, choosing the right font is critical to its readability and aesthetics. Here are some common resume fonts and their characteristics:

A. Common resume fonts and their characteristics

Times New Roman  – This font is a classic and highly recognizable serif font. It is widely used in the academic and publishing fields due to its legibility and traditional feel. However, it may appear old-fashioned and overused to some readers.

Arial  – This sans-serif font is simple, modern, and easy to read. It is a good choice for those who want a straightforward and clean look. However, it may not be ideal for creative fields or individuals who want to stand out from the crowd.

Calibri  – This font is a popular choice for resumes due to its stylish yet subtle look. It is a versatile font that can be used for both traditional and contemporary fields. However, it may not be suitable for individuals who want to make a bold statement with their resume.

B. How font choice can affect readability and aesthetics

Choosing the right font can significantly impact the readability and aesthetics of your resume. A font that is too small or difficult to read can make it challenging for potential employers to process the information on your resume. Additionally, a font that is too flashy or unprofessional can detract from the content of the document and give off the wrong impression.

C. Choosing a font that aligns with your personal branding

When selecting a font for your resume, it is crucial to consider your personal branding. Your resume should represent your professional identity and showcase your unique skills and qualities. Therefore, your font choice should align with your overall brand and vision.

For example, if you are applying for a creative role in a visually-focused industry, you may want to choose a font that reflects your artistic nature, such as a hand-written script or a bold and colorful font. On the other hand, if you are applying for a corporate position, you may want to opt for a more traditional and conservative font that conveys professionalism and reliability.

Ultimately, the optimal resume font, size, and format for success depends on your specific circumstances and goals. By selecting a font that aligns with your personal branding, you are taking a crucial step towards creating a successful and impactful resume.

Selecting Font Size

Choosing the right font size is crucial in creating an optimal resume that will catch the attention of hiring managers. In this section, we’ll discuss the recommended font sizes for different resume sections, the importance of consistency in font sizing, and how to balance legibility with limited space.

A. Recommended font sizes for different resume sections

  • Header and Contact Information:  14-16pt font
  • Resume Summary or Objective:  14-16pt font
  • Work Experience, Education, and Skills:  10-12pt font

These recommended font sizes ensure that the most important information such as your contact details and career summary stand out, while still providing enough space to articulate your experience, education and skills.

B. Importance of consistency in font sizing

Using inconsistent font sizes throughout the resume can be visually jarring and distracting for the reader. Consistency in font sizing can create visual harmony and help guide the reader’s eyes along the sections of the resume.

C. Balancing legibility with limited space

Balancing legibility with limited space can be a challenge, but there are a few tricks that can help. You can try reducing the margins of your resume, using a smaller font size for certain sections, or considering abbreviations for words that can easily be understood by potential employers.

Selecting the optimal font size is critical to ensuring your resume is easily read and understood by hiring managers. A clear and legible resume can communicate your strengths and capabilities, making it more likely to land you your dream job.

Formatting Guidelines

When it comes to creating a resume that is both visually appealing and easy to read, formatting is key. Here are some guidelines to follow:

A. Margins, spacing, and alignment

One of the easiest ways to make your resume look professional is to ensure that the margins, spacing, and alignment are consistent and well-proportioned. The most common margin size for a resume is one inch, but some may opt for 0.5 inches, depending on the length of their document.

Spacing is also important for readability. Use a 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing to make your resume easier on the eyes. You can also adjust the spacing between bullet points and sections to separate information and make it more digestible.

Make sure your text is aligned to the left-hand side of the document. This creates a clean and organized appearance that is easy to scan at a glance.

B. Utilizing white space effectively

White space is the empty space around and between the different sections of your resume. Proper use of white space can make your resume look more polished and professional, while also making it easier to read.

For instance, too much text-packed together can overwhelm the reader and make them tune out. Try to break up large blocks of text into smaller sections with clear headings, and utilize white space to give those areas some breathing room.

C. Tips for optimizing the overall layout

The overall layout of your resume should be consistent and visually appealing. Here are some tips to accomplish that:

Use a simple and clean font, such as Arial or Calibri, to maintain readability and an uncluttered look.

Keep your font size between 10 and 12 points, depending on the font.

Utilize bold, italics, and capitalization sparingly, using them only for section headings and important information.

Use bullet points to break up information and create visual interest.

Make sure your resume fits on one or two pages, depending on your stage in your career.

Consider using a resume template to ensure your layout stays consistent and professional.

By following these formatting guidelines, you can create a resume that is easy to read, visually appealing, and optimized for success, allowing you to stand out from the competition in your job search.

Enhancing Readability with Typography

In addition to choosing the right font, size, and format for your resume, it’s important to utilize typography in a way that enhances readability and guides the reader’s attention to key information. Here are some tips for using typography effectively:

A. Utilizing bullet points and numbering for clarity

Using bullet points and numbering can make your resume more visually appealing and easier for the reader to scan. This is especially important for job descriptions and lists of achievements or responsibilities. When using bullet points or numbering, be consistent in your formatting and use concise, clear language.

For example, instead of writing:

  • Responsible for managing a team of employees and overseeing daily operations
  • Increased revenue by 20% through implementation of new sales strategy
  • Assisted with development and execution of marketing campaigns

You could write:

  • Managed team and daily operations
  • Achieved 20% revenue increase through new sales strategy
  • Assisted with marketing campaign development and execution

B. Emphasizing key elements with bolding and italicizing

Bolding and italicizing can be effective tools for drawing the reader’s attention to important information such as job titles, company names, and key skills. However, use these formatting techniques sparingly to avoid overwhelming the reader and detracting from the overall readability of your resume.

For example, you could bold your job titles and italicize your company names:

Marketing Manager ,  XYZ Corporation

  • Increased website traffic by 30% through SEO optimization
  • Managed social media and email marketing campaigns

C. Incorporating underlining and capitalization strategically

Underlining and capitalization can also be effective ways to enhance readability, but like bolding and italicizing, they should be used sparingly and strategically. Use underlining to emphasize section headings or specific keywords, and reserve capitalization for section headings or proper nouns.

For example, you could underline your section headings and capitalize proper nouns:

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE  Marketing Manager, XYZ Corporation

Incorporating these typography tips into your resume can help make it more readable and visually appealing, which in turn can help you stand out to potential employers. Remember to be consistent in your formatting, use concise language, and focus on the key information that will demonstrate your skills and qualifications.

Dealing with ATS Software

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software programs used by employers to process and organize resumes. These systems help recruiters filter out unqualified candidates and save time by automated scanning of resumes. As a job seeker, it is essential to understand how ATS scans resumes.

A. Understanding how ATS scans resumes

ATS software typically scans a resume in two ways: parsing and keyword-search. Parsing is when the software extracts relevant information from the resume, such as employment history, education, and contact information. Keyword-search is when the software looks for relevant keywords that match the job description.

ATS scans also assign every resume a score to determine if it meets the job requirements. Therefore, it is crucial to tailor your resume according to the job description by incorporating necessary keywords and relevant experience.

B. Preparing your resume for ATS compatibility

To ensure that your resume is ATS-friendly, it should be straightforward and easy to read. Avoid gimmicks like adding graphics, images, and tables because the software may not be able to extract information from them.

Stick to a simple and standard font like Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, using a font size of 11 or 12. Also, use clear section headers and bullet points to make the document easy to read.

Formatting is also crucial to ensure ATS compliance. Save your resume as a .doc or .pdf format and avoid using special characters. It is also vital to avoid headers and footers and to use simple and straightforward language throughout your resume.

C. Avoiding common mistakes that can disqualify your application

Even if you have all the relevant qualifications and experience, if the ATS cannot interpret your resume correctly, you may get disqualified. Here are some common mistakes that can disqualify your application:

  • Not using relevant keywords that match the job description
  • Overusing keywords to the point where the resume looks spammy
  • Using unusual or fancy fonts and formatting
  • Uploading an incorrect or incomplete copy of your resume
  • Not customizing your resume for each job application

The ATS software is an essential factor in job applications. Understanding how to prepare your resume for ATS compatibility means you have a better chance of your application being accepted. Follow these tips to ensure you don’t miss out on any job opportunities.

Dos and Don’ts of Resume Formatting

When it comes to formatting your resume, there are some best practices that can help you achieve a professional and polished look. There are also some red flags to avoid and common mistakes that can be corrected to help ensure your resume stands out from the competition.

A. Best practices for achieving a professional and polished look

Here are some dos for formatting your resume to achieve a professional and polished look:

  • Use a simple and clean font such as Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman in size 10-12.
  • Use bullet points and short sentences to make your resume easy to scan and read.
  • Use bold or italicized text sparingly to highlight important information.
  • Use white space effectively to create a clean and uncluttered layout.
  • Customize your resume to the job you’re applying for by highlighting relevant skills and experience.

B. Red flags to avoid when formatting your resume

Avoid these red flags to ensure your resume is not immediately dismissed by a potential employer:

  • Using an overly decorative or cursive font that is difficult to read.
  • Using color schemes that are distracting or unprofessional.
  • Using outdated or irrelevant information that detracts from your skills and experience.
  • Omitting contact information, such as your phone number or email address.
  • Being inconsistent with formatting choices throughout your resume.

C. Common formatting mistakes and how to fix them

Here are some common formatting mistakes and how you can fix them:

  • Mistake: Including long paragraphs that are difficult to read. Solution: Break up your text into shorter, bulleted points that are easy to scan.
  • Mistake: Using too many font sizes or types. Solution: Stick to one or two fonts and sizes throughout your entire resume.
  • Mistake: Not using bold or italicized text to highlight important information. Solution: Use bold or italicized text sparingly to draw attention to relevant details.
  • Mistake: Not using white space effectively. Solution: Break up large blocks of text with strategic white space to create a cleaner, more organized look.
  • Mistake: Including irrelevant information that detracts from your qualifications. Solution: Only include information that is relevant to the position you’re applying for.

By following these dos and avoiding these red flags and common mistakes, you can optimize your resume’s font, size, and format for success!

Tailoring Your Format to Your Industry

Tailoring your resume format to your industry can greatly increase your chances of landing an interview. Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind when tailoring your resume format to fit your specific industry or field:

A. Considering your industry’s standards and expectations

It’s important to research the norms and expectations for resumes in your industry. For example, some industries may prefer a more traditional format, while others may be more open to unique designs and layouts. Additionally, certain industries may place a greater emphasis on specific sections of your resume, such as your experience or education.

By understanding your industry’s expectations, you can tailor your resume to better align with what potential employers are looking for.

B. Adapting your format to fit your specific industry or field

Once you’ve researched your industry’s standards and expectations, it’s time to adapt your resume format to best fit your field. For example, if you’re in a creative field like graphic design or advertising, you may want to consider a more visually appealing and creative format.

On the other hand, if you’re in a more traditional industry like finance or law, a simple and straightforward format may be more effective. Tailoring your format to fit your industry shows potential employers that you understand the demands and expectations of your field.

C. Addressing any unique needs or requirements

Finally, it’s important to consider any unique needs or requirements that your industry may have. For example, if you’re applying for a job in a field that requires specific technical skills, you may want to highlight those skills prominently on your resume.

Alternatively, if you’re applying for a job in a field that requires a lot of networking and relationship-building, you may want to emphasize your interpersonal skills and past successes in working with clients or customers.

By taking the time to address any unique needs or requirements of your industry, you’ll be better positioned to stand out and demonstrate your fit for the job.

Tailoring your resume format to your industry requires you to research, adapt, and address any unique needs or requirements. By doing so, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers and landing an interview.

Conveying Your Personal Brand Through Formatting

In addition to choosing the optimal resume fonts and sizes, the design and format of your resume can also play a big role in showcasing your personal brand to potential employers. Here are a few ways to use formatting to convey your personal brand effectively:

A. How Design Elements Can Reflect Your Personal Brand

The colors, fonts, and graphics you choose can all reflect your personality and values. For example, if you’re a creative professional, you may want to opt for a bold, colorful, and visually striking design that showcases your artistic flair. Alternatively, if you’re in a more conservative field, a simple and clean design may be more appropriate.

Similarly, the fonts you choose can help convey your personality. For example, if you’re an energetic and playful person, you may want to choose a font that is whimsical and fun, while a more serious person may opt for a font that is more traditional and formal.

B. Customizing Your Format to Align With Your Personality and Values

Another way to convey your personal brand through your resume is to customize the format to align with your values and interests. For example, if you’re a socially responsible person who is passionate about environmental causes, you may want to choose a format that emphasizes your community involvement or commitment to sustainability.

Similarly, if you’re a tech-savvy professional, you may want to use a format that showcases your technological skills and interests, such as using hyperlinks or interactive elements in your resume.

C. Using Color, Graphics, and Other Visual Elements to Enhance Your Branding

Finally, using color, graphics, and other visual elements can be an effective way to enhance your branding and show off your skills and accomplishments. For example, including graphs or infographics can help visually demonstrate your achievements, while using icons or images can help break up the text and make your resume more visually appealing.

When choosing colors and graphics, it’s important to keep in mind the industry and company culture you’re applying to. For example, if you’re applying to a more conservative company, using bright colors or flashy graphics may not be appropriate.

Ultimately, the design and format of your resume can be just as important as the content itself. By using design elements and formatting techniques to showcase your personal brand, you can stand out from other applicants and create a strong impression with potential employers.

Sample Resumes and Formats

A. example resumes with different font, size, and format choices.

One of the best ways to shape your resume to grab the attention of hiring managers is by experimenting with different font, size, and format choices. At their core, resumes are a form of communication, so it is important to choose the right style and format that best portrays who you are as a professional.

When searching for example resumes online, you can rely on various platforms that provide them, such as Microsoft Word, Indeed, or LinkedIn. Each platform offers different templates and styles that showcase different aspects of your skills and experience.

B. Pros and cons of each example

There are different pros and cons to each example when it comes to choosing your optimal resume font, size, and format. For instance, a traditional format with a serif font, such as Times New Roman, can make your resume look professional and classic. But if you are applying in a creative industry, such as graphic design or marketing, it may not reflect your creativity and innovation. In that case, a bold sans-serif font, like Helvetica or Arial, might be the best choice.

Similarly, the right font size can make all the difference. A resume with a smaller font size may be tricky to read, while a bigger font may seem unprofessional. A font size of 10 to 12 points is considered to be optimal, depending on the font type.

C. Tips for using samples to guide your own formatting choices

When using sample resumes to guide your own formatting choices, it’s essential to keep in mind the industry you are applying to and the position you are seeking. It can also be helpful to ask for feedback from friends, family, or professional contacts to get a fresh perspective.

Additionally, you can tailor the format and font to highlight your key selling points, such as your experience, education, and achievements. For example, using bold or italics to emphasize words or phrases can make your resume more visually appealing and easier to read.

Choosing the optimal resume font, size, and format is crucial to your success in landing a job interview. By experimenting with different styles, using samples for inspiration, and tailoring your resume to your industry and goals, you can create a compelling and professional document that will impress hiring managers.

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Best Font for Resume: Sizes, Styles, and Spacing

Choosing the right font for your resume can be agonizing - you want your resume to stand out from the crowd but still remain professional and easy to read. While of course the most important aspect of your resume is the actual content, the font(s) you choose can make the difference between a clean, professional document and a difficult-to-read resume that gets immediately rejected.

This article will cover the best fonts to use for resumes and how to properly style your resume with typographic emphasis, font pairings, font sizes, line spacing, and margins.

Best Resume Fonts

Here is a selection of some of the best resume fonts that are easy to read and professional:

  • Times New Roman
  • Trebuchet MS

While there are certainly other fonts that can work well on your resume, avoid using any fonts that include ‘thin’ or ‘light’ in their names, as these can be hard to read especially when viewed on a computer screen.

When in doubt, go for practicality and readability over style when it comes to your resume font.

Finally, consider the industry that you are applying for when you select your resume fonts. If you are applying to a position in a staid field like accounting or law, you will likely want to keep your font choices neutral and very professional.

However, if you are applying to a more creative field like graphic design or advertising, it’s acceptable to branch out more with your resume fonts and color scheme. In that case, your resume often functions as not only a summary of your experience and qualifications but also as a visual representation of your creative skills and abilities. Still, don’t go overboard - ensuring that your resume is easy to read is the top priority.

Serif vs. Sans-Serif Resume Fonts

Serifs are the small cross-pieces or ‘tails’ at the ends of each letter stroke in fonts like Garamond, Times New Roman, and Georgia. Sans-serif fonts like Arial, Helvetica, and Calibri do not include these tiny lines.

Both serif and sans-serif fonts can be easy to read and professional, although they each have their pros and cons. It’s generally accepted that serif fonts can be read slightly more quickly, but they do have a more old-fashioned, dated look. Sans-serif fonts, on the other hand, are considered to be fresh and modern, providing a clean look for a resume - but they can take fractionally longer to read.

Either type of font is acceptable for resumes so long as it’s legible.

Pairing Resume Fonts

You may wish to use two contrasting yet harmonious fonts on your resume: one for your name and section headings and another for the main content. Pairing fonts can be tricky, but it can be highly effective to create visual interest and flow. You may wish to pair a sans-serif heading font with a serif body font, or even a more flowery script heading font with a sans-serif body font. As always, ensure that both fonts are easy to read and go together well without clashing or pulling the reader’s attention away from the content.

Additionally, if you submit a cover letter with your resume, ensure that the fonts and style are the same across both documents to create a memorable personal brand and a cohesive look.

Use Typographic Emphasis

You can also use typographic emphasis like bold, italics, and capitalization to create some visual interest and help subheadings stand out without having to make the font larger which uses up more valuable space. For example, you could use italics for supporting text, such as the city and state for each past position or where your university is located.

As a general rule, bold and all-capitals can be used together, but italics should be used without any other emphasis - otherwise it can look cluttered. Steer clear of using underlines in your resume to keep it looking clean and organized.

Best Resume Font Size

The standard font size for the body text of your resume is 11 or 12 points. Headings and subheadings can be larger, but generally no bigger than 14 points. If you need to squeeze one more line onto your resume to avoid spilling onto a second page, you can go as small as 10 points. If you still can’t fit everything on one page , consider editing your content for brevity or adjusting the margins slightly rather than dropping the font size any further.

Sans-serif fonts in general are easier to read in a smaller font size than serif fonts, so if you must use a small size, select a sans-serif font so the hiring manager will still be able to read your text. Even in the same font size, a serif font like Garamond will appear much smaller and denser than a sans-serif font like Verdana.

Resume Font Colors

Of course, the standard font color for a resume is just plain black. However, you can deviate from all-black text to create some visual interest by changing your headings, subheadings, or header (with your name and contact info) to a different color that is still legible and professional, such as dark gray, navy, or forest green.

You can also change the body text of your resume to a color like dark gray if you wish, but be sure that the color scheme doesn’t take anything away from the content of your resume (e.g. no garish colors and keep the color scheme consistent throughout).

You can also add interest by creating a color-block background for your header. For example, your name and contact information could be presented in white text on a dark-colored background, or black text on a light-colored background. If you do opt for a bold header color, you could also use that color for your headings and subheadings, leaving the rest of the text black or dark gray so as to avoid visual overwhelm.

Resume Line Spacing and Margins

When it comes to resume spacing, there are a few key considerations. The recommended line spacing for resumes usually falls within the range of single to 1.5-point spacing. If you have limited experience to showcase, utilizing 1.5-point spacing can help fill the page and prevent any unnecessary white space.

If you do have a lot of information to include, single spacing allows you to fit more on the page while still being legible. 1.15-point spacing is perhaps the easiest to read, providing some white space between lines while not egregiously using space.

Typically, resumes have one-inch margins all the way around. However, if you need to adjust the margins slightly to fit all of your content onto a single page, that is acceptable. Avoid making your margins too small though, or you run the risk that some of your text will be cut off when your resume is printed out.

Submit Your Resume as a PDF to Protect Fonts and Format

The most common file formats for resumes are Word Docs and PDFs . However, a PDF is your best option when it comes to preserving your careful font selection and document formatting. A PDF will look the exact same to everyone who opens it, while a Word Doc can get altered or even completely scrambled if the person opening the document doesn’t have Microsoft Word on their computer or they have a different version of the program than you.

Also, if you use a downloaded font and the employer doesn’t have the same font downloaded, your resume font might be switched to another random font or your text might not show up at all. As such, it’s always a good idea to save and submit your resume as a PDF to avoid any potential formatting and font mishaps.

Key Takeaways

Choose a simple, professional font for your resume that is easy to read. Consider pairing it with another contrasting but complementary font, or use typographical emphasis like bold, italics, or all-capitals to provide visual interest. Use standard line spacing and one-inch margins, and be sure to save your resume as a PDF so your fonts and formatting remain intact.

Need help choosing the perfect fonts for your resume? Check out Jobseeker’s resume builder tool. There are several templates to choose from with pre-set fonts, or you can enter your information and easily switch between fonts to see which ones you like best. Then download your polished resume instantly and get started applying for jobs right away!

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The Best Font Size and Style for Resumes

resume format letter size

Resume Font Size Options

  • Why Does Font Choice Matter?

The Best Resume Font Type to Use

Be consistent, how to select a font, confirming your font choice, more resume style tips.

Theresa Chiechi / The Balance

When you’re writing your resume , your font choice does matter. It's important to opt for a basic font—choose one that both hiring managers and applicant management systems can easily read. Your resume is no place to use difficult-to-read cursive, handwriting-style, or calligraphy fonts.

Make it easy for hiring managers and potential interviewers to read through your entire resume. Choose a font size that's between 10 and 12.   This will ensure that no one has to squint to read through all the information on this important document.

It's fine to use a larger font size for your name in the heading section of your resume at the top of the page.

Hiring managers and recruiters typically spend seconds glancing at each resume before moving it to the “yes” or “no” pile.   Make your resume difficult to read, and you might wind up losing out on an opportunity that would have been perfect for you.

Keep Your Resume Font Style Simple

There are a few reasons why it's important to keep the font on your resume simple. First of all, many of them are read by applicant tracking systems and not by people. Those systems work best reading plain and simple text rather than that with fancy formatting.

It's not just the machines that benefit from easily readable text—human eyes also find it easier.

Choose a Basic Font Style

Basic bookprint fonts like Arial, Verdana, Calibri, and Times New Roman work well. However, if you are applying to a position in graphic design or advertising (where resume layout and design might be part of your assessment), employers might be open to alternative fonts.

Don't use more than two different font styles (one for the headings and another for the content) or it could be distracting to the reader.

Headings and Margins

You can make section headers a little larger or bold. And don't forget about white space, too. Keep side margins a standard width.

Make your name—which should be placed at the top of your resume—stand out. It can be in a slightly larger font.

Don't overuse capitalization, bold, italics, underlines, or other emphasizing features. Again, basic works best. Do be consistent in your formatting.

For example, if you bold one section heading, bold them all. Make sure all your bullet points are indented the same amount, and that alignment and spacing throughout is consistent.

Select a font from the dropdown list at the top of your document before you start writing your resume.

  • Type your resume.
  • Highlight the resume.
  • Either select the font from the pop-up window or select the font from the list at the top of the document.
  • Select the font size you want to use the same way.

Hiring managers may read your resume on screen, but it's also quite likely that they'll print out a copy of your resume. So after you have selected a font and font size, it is always wise to print out a copy of your resume.

Take a look at your printed resume to see if it's easy to scan through. If you have to squint to read, or find the font appears cramped, choose a different one or select a larger size.

Bottom line: You want anyone who sees your resume to be able to easily read it.

If you can read the document yourself, and you're not using a novelty font (e.g., comic sans, a handwriting font, etc.), you've probably made a good choice.

  • Be consistent. Your resume, cover letter, and other application materials should look like they’re part of the same package. Choose the same font throughout, and make consistent choices about font size, margin width, and formatting.
  • Don’t get fancy. With a few exceptions (such as graphic design or advertising jobs, as mentioned above) it’s best to keep your resume simple. Creative resumes may put off the hiring manager … or get stuck in the applicant tracking system and never reach a HR person.

Remember: the goal is to impress the reader with your skills and experience, not your resume style choices.

  • Aiming for one page? Don’t tweak your font size to meet your goal. Writing a resume isn’t like writing an essay in school. You can’t squeak in under the wire by making your font larger or smaller. Plus, resume length is less important than resume content. You can always develop a one-page version to hand out at networking events and job fairs, and keep the longer version for other job searching purposes. 

CareerOneStop. " Resume Format ." Accessed July 20, 2021.

Ladders. " You Have 7.4 Seconds to Make an Impression: How Recruiters See Your Resume ." Accessed July 20, 2021.

CareerOneStop. " Design for Easy Reading ." Accessed July 21, 2021.


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  1. What's the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [For 2024]

    It has a tech look to it, but feel free to use it in any industry - tech or otherwise. Overpass - Relatively newer font, developed in 2015, Overpass is a digital typeface font inspired by Highway Gothic. It looks very formal and classy, making it ideal for more conservative industries.

  2. Best Font for a Resume: How To Choose Type and Size

    2. Select the right resume font size. The optimal font size for your resume is anything between 10 and 12 points. The size you choose can be largely determined by how the font size impacts your resume layout. A one-page resume is appropriate for new graduates or employees new to a field.

  3. The Best Resume Font and Size (No More Agonizing!)

    Here are some general guidelines from our experts to get you started: Your Name: 20-24 point. Headings and Subheadings: 11-14 point. Body Text and Your Contact Info: 10-12 point. Ultimately, the most important component of your resume is the content.

  4. The Best Fonts for Resumes in 2024: Examples & Font Sizing

    8. Garamond. Based in Roman type, Garamond is a lighter serif font that brings a bit of formality to your resume. Garamond is a thinner font, so it's great for saving space if you need to fit a lot of information on your resume or if you're creating an academic CV. 9.

  5. Best Resume Fonts for 2024: Size, Style, List & Guide

    What size font for a resume and a cover letter works like a charm on employers. ... What is the best font size and format for a resume? For proper resume formatting, go with 11-12 pts for the main body (10 if absolutely necessary) and 14-16 pts for resume headings. Make sure your font of choice reads well with the size.

  6. The Optimal Resume Font, Size, and Format for Success

    Spacing is also important for readability. Use a 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing to make your resume easier on the eyes. You can also adjust the spacing between bullet points and sections to separate information and make it more digestible. Make sure your text is aligned to the left-hand side of the document.

  7. Resume Guidelines: 22 Formatting & Writing Rules for 2024

    Choose the best font size. Resume font size matters. Set your font size anywhere between 10.5 and 12 — whatever size best fills the page. 5. Set your margins to the ideal width ... A cover letter's paragraph format gives you more space to explain why you want the job, drop a company contact's name, and show that you've researched the ...

  8. Best Font for Resume: Tips on Size, Types, and Styles

    Cover Letter Format Choose the right Cover Letter format for your needs. ... Resume Font Size. The best font size for resume text is between 11-12pts. If you can't fit in all crucial information on one page, then 10pts is the way to go. Smaller fonts can also be useful for less consequential text, such as dates worked at a past job.

  9. How to Format Your Resume (The Right Way)

    Here are some basic formatting rules to follow when writing a resume: Resume formatting rules. Left-align the content. Use 1″ margins. Select a professional, easy-to-read font. Divide your information into clear sections. Set clear headers for each section. Use bullet points to explain your work experience.

  10. Top Resume Formats: Tips and Examples of 3 Common Resumes

    Pro tip: Left-align all the text on your resume since it's the easiest format for reviewers to read. If you prefer, you can center-align your name, contact information and headline. If you do choose to center-align any text, this is the only section that should be considered. 2. Select a professional, readable font.

  11. Best Font for Resume: Sizes, Styles, and Spacing

    Additionally, if you submit a cover letter with your resume, ensure that the fonts and style are the same across both documents to create a memorable personal brand and a cohesive look. ... Best Resume Font Size. ... Submit Your Resume as a PDF to Protect Fonts and Format. The most common file formats for resumes are Word Docs and PDFs. However ...

  12. Best Resume Fonts and Size in 2024

    The best resume font size is between 11-12 points. This size range allows for the best readability while making it easier to fit all your content onto one page. However, different types of text on your resume can vary in size: Your name (on the contact information): 18-24 points. Resume section headings: 14-16 points.

  13. The Best Resume Dimensions, Margins, and Layouts for 2022

    Resume Paper Dimensions. Your resume should be designed to be printed out on the standard paper size where you live. Be careful if you're applying for roles abroad: in most of North America, Letter (8½" x 11") is the standard paper size. Meanwhile, in Europe, A4 (210mm x 297mm) is more common.

  14. The Best Font Size and Style for Resumes

    More Resume Style Tips . Be consistent. Your resume, cover letter, and other application materials should look like they're part of the same package. Choose the same font throughout, and make consistent choices about font size, margin width, and formatting. Don't get fancy.

  15. Best Resume Font Size (With Templates and Examples)

    The best resume font size can depend on several factors, but in many situations, a font size between 10 and 12 is often standard for body text. A font size between 14 and 16 is usually suitable for a heading, unless you bold the headings, in which case, a font size between 10 and 12 may be acceptable. There are many methods for structuring a ...

  16. How to Get Resume Margins Right

    Click on the "File" drop-down menu item on the top left of the screen. Select the "Page Setup…" option. In the window that opens, you will find margin settings on the right side. Enter "1" in each of the boxes for Top, Bottom, Left and Right. Click the "Set as Default" button if you always want to use these margins.

  17. Best Resume Format for 2024 [Guide & Templates]

    Reverse-chronological resume format is the best resume format for 2024. It's the most commonly used among job seekers today. It's also the easiest to scan for the recruiters. Apply the standard resume formatting rules: one-inch margins, elegant font, 11-12pt font size, single line spacing, and additional space before and after headings.

  18. Resume Margins, Fonts, Style & Paper [Expert Tips]

    Resume margins, length & alignment. Style Elements. Resume paper: Color, weight, size & texture. 1. Best font for a resume: Style, size & color. Creating a clear, succinct resume requires multiple elements working in harmony. For this to happen, one thing is certain: don't use Comic Sans. Choosing an aesthetic font might seem daunting, but it ...

  19. Resume Formats That Help Get You Job Interviews

    Find out how to choose the best resume format to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements in the most effective way possible. ... Cover Letter Templates Free templates to get you started. ... Use a font size that is easy to read - The recommended font size is 11-12 pt for regular text and 14-16 pt for section titles.

  20. Resume Sizes

    United States. 8.5 × 11 cm. Europe. 21 × 29.7 cm. If you see the value of dressing up for an interview, it's also good to acknowledge the importance of a well-presented resume. Submitting one with the right look and size can increase your chances of getting shortlisted and scoring that interview. A resume provides a balance between your ...

  21. Resume Paper Guide: Best Size, Color & Type

    3. Best Resume Paper Size. There isn't much to say here. Always print on A4 paper, which is 8.5x11in. Too small of a resume paper will mean you will either have to increase the length of your resume or decrease the resume's font so much that it will become barely readable.

  22. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    The 3 best resume formats in 2024. Now that we've gone over some more specific ways to format your resume, here are the three most common resume formats used by job seekers today: Chronological resume format (aka the standard resume format) Functional resume format (skills-based resume) Combination resume format.

  23. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps: Choose your template in Word. To create your resume from scratch, click "File" in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac). Click "More templates" to see a selection of Word resume template layouts.

  24. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Outline and Examples)

    Use 10- and 12-point sizes for easy reading. In general, you should use the same font and font size that you used in your resume. Read more: How To Choose Cover Letter Font and Font Size Spacing within your cover letter Good spacing is essential for your cover letter.