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Reading literature helps develop critical-thinking skills

Miles Maxcer (2)

When’s the last time you read a book? The chances you didn’t read one during the last year have radically increased.

For adults it’s roughly one in four — 24 percent according to the Pew Research Center. For my peers, youth, it’s about the same — 22 percent of 13-year-olds and 27 percent of 17-year-olds versus 8 percent and 9 percent, respectively, three decades ago according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

Miles Maxcer

That’s especially unfortunate considering literature can help young adults develop important critical-thinking skills. For instance, U.S. News & World Report recently listed book clubs among five useful tools for developing critical-thinking skills before college.

“Students who read for understanding find it far easier to think critically than those who rush to finish,” writes the story’s author, Meghan Moll, a professional science, math, and ACT tutor with Varsity Tutors. “Analyzing a book requires you to delve deeper and ponder complex questions.”

My own experience with literature bears this out. In his best-selling novels “Jurassic Park” and “The Lost World,” Michael Crichton didn’t just take me on an entertaining roller-coaster ride. My favorite author reignited my childhood passion for prehistoric animals, sparked my intense interest in science, and continually fuels my own creativity.

His novels underscore the importance of critical thinking. “Jurassic Park” gave me a perspective on how humans interact with the biological world and what we can do to alter things — especially with genetic engineering. While the story line shows how people can use science to do beautiful things and change situations for the better, it also demonstrates how we can make devastating mistakes.

It’s probably no surprise that when my English teacher, Mrs. Hodgin, asked her classes at Moscow High School to participate in the Letters About Literature contest last year I wrote about the tangible, positive impact Dr. Crichton’s works have had on me. Sponsored by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, Letters About Literature encourages students in grades 4-12 to write a letter to an author — living or dead — whose book affected them personally.

I was the State of Idaho’s winner for Level 3 (grades 9-12) last year. The $100 gift card I won funded a hobby that’s kind of turning into a career — raising and researching ants. Thus, Dr. Crichton hasn’t just fueled my interest in the natural world — in a way he’s also helping fund my exploration of it.

The 2015-2016 Letters About Literature contest begins soon, and I encourage teachers and parents throughout Idaho to get their students involved. It’s an excellent project for classes and individual students.

The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress begins accepting entries Nov. 2. They must be postmarked by Dec. 4 for Level 3 (grades 9-12) or Jan. 11 for Level 2 (grades 7-8) and Level 1 (grades 4-6).

After the first two rounds of judging at the Library of Congress, the letters go through the next rounds back in their writers’ home states. The Idaho Commission for Libraries coordinates our local judging. Learn more about it online at .

Meanwhile, if you, your child, or your students haven’t found a book that’s personally affected them, I urge you to resolve that. The benefits of literature are legion. Reading improves vocabulary, organizational skills, and the ability to read, comprehend, and analyze text. Plus, it can provide people with important historical perspective, encourage sympathy for other human beings, and promote appreciation for diversity and understanding of other cultures.

Moreover, literature can help students develop the critical-thinking skills many employers think are lacking in today’s college graduates before they even get to college.

Senior Miles Maxcer is the student council president at Moscow High School. He is currently reading a lot of nonfiction about leadership and different leaders while still conducting an independent study on ants. Read Miles’ winning letter at:


Miles Maxcer

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Critical Reading and Reading Strategy

What is critical reading.

Reading critically does not, necessarily, mean being critical of what you read.

Both reading and thinking critically don’t mean being ‘ critical ’ about some idea, argument, or piece of writing - claiming that it is somehow faulty or flawed.

Critical reading means engaging in what you read by asking yourself questions such as, ‘ what is the author trying to say? ’ or ‘ what is the main argument being presented? ’

Critical reading involves presenting a reasoned argument that evaluates and analyses what you have read.  Being critical, therefore - in an academic sense - means advancing your understanding , not dismissing and therefore closing off learning.

See also: Listening Types to learn about the importance of critical listening skills.

To read critically is to exercise your judgement about what you are reading – that is, not taking anything you read at face value.

When reading academic material you will be faced with the author’s interpretation and opinion.  Different authors will, naturally, have different slants. You should always examine what you are reading critically and look for limitations, omissions, inconsistencies, oversights and arguments against what you are reading.

In academic circles, whilst you are a student, you will be expected to understand different viewpoints and make your own judgements based on what you have read.

Critical reading goes further than just being satisfied with what a text says, it also involves reflecting on what the text describes, and analysing what the text actually means, in the context of your studies.

As a critical reader you should reflect on:

  • What the text says:  after critically reading a piece you should be able to take notes, paraphrasing - in your own words - the key points.
  • What the text describes: you should be confident that you have understood the text sufficiently to be able to use your own examples and compare and contrast with other writing on the subject in hand.
  • Interpretation of the text: this means that you should be able to fully analyse the text and state a meaning for the text as a whole.

Critical reading means being able to reflect on what a text says, what it describes and what it means by scrutinising the style and structure of the writing, the language used as well as the content.

Critical Thinking is an Extension of Critical Reading

Thinking critically, in the academic sense, involves being open-minded - using judgement and discipline to process what you are learning about without letting your personal bias or opinion detract from the arguments.

Critical thinking involves being rational and aware of your own feelings on the subject – being able to reorganise your thoughts, prior knowledge and understanding to accommodate new ideas or viewpoints.

Critical reading and critical thinking are therefore the very foundations of true learning and personal development.

See our page: Critical Thinking for more.

Developing a Reading Strategy

You will, in formal learning situations, be required to read and critically think about a lot of information from different sources. 

It is important therefore, that you not only learn to read critically but also efficiently.

The first step to efficient reading is to become selective.

If you cannot read all of the books on a recommended reading list, you need to find a way of selecting the best texts for you. To start with, you need to know what you are looking for.  You can then examine the contents page and/or index of a book or journal to ascertain whether a chapter or article is worth pursuing further.

Once you have selected a suitable piece the next step is to speed-read.

Speed reading is also often referred to as skim-reading or scanning.  Once you have identified a relevant piece of text, like a chapter in a book, you should scan the first few sentences of each paragraph to gain an overall impression of subject areas it covers.  Scan-reading essentially means that you know what you are looking for, you identify the chapters or sections most relevant to you and ignore the rest.

When you speed-read you are not aiming to gain a full understanding of the arguments or topics raised in the text.  It is simply a way of determining what the text is about. 

When you find a relevant or interesting section you will need to slow your reading speed dramatically, allowing you to gain a more in-depth understanding of the arguments raised.  Even when you slow your reading down it may well be necessary to read passages several times to gain a full understanding.

See also: Speed-Reading for Professionals .

Following SQ3R

SQ3R is a well-known strategy for reading. SQ3R can be applied to a whole range of reading purposes as it is flexible and takes into account the need to change reading speeds.

SQ3R is an acronym and stands for:

This relates to speed-reading, scanning and skimming the text.  At this initial stage you will be attempting to gain the general gist of the material in question.

It is important that, before you begin to read, you have a question or set of questions that will guide you - why am I reading this?  When you have a purpose to your reading you want to learn and retain certain information.  Having questions changes reading from a passive to an active pursuit.  Examples of possible questions include:

  • What do I already know about this subject?
  • How does this chapter relate to the assignment question?
  • How can I relate what I read to my own experiences?

Now you will be ready for the main activity of reading.  This involves careful consideration of the meaning of what the author is trying to convey and involves being critical as well as active.

Regardless of how interesting an article or chapter is, unless you make a concerted effort to recall what you have just read, you will forget a lot of the important points.  Recalling from time to time allows you to focus upon the main points – which in turn aids concentration. Recalling gives you the chance to think about and assimilate what you have just read, keeping you active.  A significant element in being active is to write down, in your own words, the key points. 

The final step is to review the material that you have recalled in your notes.  Did you understand the main principles of the argument?  Did you identify all the main points?  Are there any gaps?   Do not take for granted that you have recalled everything you need correctly – review the text again to make sure and clarify.

Continue to: Effective Reading Critical Thinking

See also: Critical Analysis Writing a Dissertation Critical Thinking and Fake News

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Reading Widely to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

reading improves critical thinking

As a literature specialist, I read as much as I can, and find that I’m constantly learning about and from the texts I encounter. Reading engages our minds in ways that nothing else can, and it not only provides us with knowledge but also challenges us to think in new ways.

Significantly, reading develops the critical thinking skills that are essential to success in a wide range of areas: skills of analysis, interpretation, and of being able to create an argument and explain it. This is why it’s essential to read often and widely. Take a look at some of the ways wide reading can develop your critical thinking:

Reading improves vocabulary and language skills . You will become aware of the techniques used by good writers and learn new words and their connotations. This will help develop your own command of language both when you write and when you have to explain things verbally. You will find that you have a new ability to analyse, explain, and persuade!

Every good story has a problem.  Problem solving is at the heart of critical thinking, and when you read, you will see how characters solve the problems they face. You will also be thinking about a character’s problem, and possible solutions before you find out what the character does. When you engage with a story, you will start to make predictions based on the information you have been given. You will find yourself looking for clues and pieces of evidence you can use to solve the puzzle, and you will be able to apply these problem-solving skills to the tasks and problems you encounter at school and in your everyday life.

Use your imagination.  Reading forces you to imagine the world of the story: what the landscape and characters look like, what their thoughts are and how they interact with other characters and their world. If you read a book rather than watching the movie, you will have to form your own version of the writer’s world based on the language they use.

Grow your knowledge base and develop areas of interest . If you read widely, you can learn about new subjects or learn more within an existing area of interest. You won’t only learn facts and information, but wide reading will improve your organisational skills (you will learn how a complex text is organized and how to navigate it) and your ability to comprehend and analyse a text you haven’t seen before. You will be able to apply what you learn to other questions you face and use your new skills to understand other books you read.

To get started, why not talk to your Seven Springs Education tutor about your interests? They can help you with some reading recommendations. I often do this with my students. If you enjoy the Percy Jackson series, you might want to read further tales of mythology and fantasy, for example  Aru Shah and the End of Time  by Roshani Chokshi, or  The Jumbies  by Tracey Baptiste. Or you could try something different in a genre you wouldn’t usually read. Perhaps you could start with a mystery story such as  Chasing Vermeer  by Blue Balliett, or Robert Westall’s  The Watchtower , which is both a mystery story and a ghost story. The important thing to remember is to read what you enjoy and pursue your interests, but don’t forget to challenge yourself sometimes by trying something different.

It is important not to think of critical thinking as a natural gift that we either have or we don’t, but as an ability that we can train, develop, and improve. Reading widely will definitely help with this and will give you the skills you need to think clearly and rationally in order to solve all kinds of problems.

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Reading Skills Part 1: Set Yourself Up for Success

"While - like many of us - I enjoy reading what I want to read, I still struggle to get through a dense research article or textbook chapter. I have noticed, however, that if I take steps to prepare, I am much more likely to persist through a challenging reading. "

Reading Skills Part 2: Alternatives to Highlighting

"It starts with the best of intentions: trusty highlighter in hand or (for the tech-savvy crowd) highlighting tool hovering on-screen, you work your way through an assigned reading, marking only the most important information—or so you think."

Reading Skills Part 3: Read to Remember

"It’s happened to the best of us: on Monday evening, you congratulate yourself on making it though an especially challenging reading. What a productive start to the week!"

Reading a Research Article Assigned as Coursework

"Reading skills are vital to your success at Walden. The kind of reading you do during your degree program will vary, but most of it will involve reading journal articles based on primary research."

Critical Reading for Evaluation

"Whereas analysis involves noticing, evaluation requires the reader to make a judgment about the text’s strengths and weaknesses. Many students are not confident in their ability to assess what they are reading."

Critical Reading for Analysis and Comparison

"Critical reading generally refers to reading in a scholarly context, with an eye toward identifying a text or author’s viewpoints, arguments, evidence, potential biases, and conclusions."

Pre-Reading Strategies

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Reading & Writing Purposes

Introduction: critical thinking, reading, & writing, critical thinking.

The phrase “critical thinking” is often misunderstood. “Critical” in this case does not mean finding fault with an action or idea. Instead, it refers to the ability to understand an action or idea through reasoning. According to the website SkillsYouNeed [1]:

Critical thinking might be described as the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.

In essence, critical thinking requires you to use your ability to reason. It is about being an active learner rather than a passive recipient of information.

Critical thinkers rigorously question ideas and assumptions rather than accepting them at face value. They will always seek to determine whether the ideas, arguments, and findings represent the entire picture and are open to finding that they do not.

Critical thinkers will identify, analyze, and solve problems systematically rather than by intuition or instinct.

Someone with critical thinking skills can:

  • Understand the links between ideas.
  • Determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas.
  • Recognize, build, and appraise arguments.
  • Identify inconsistencies and errors in reasoning.
  • Approach problems in a consistent and systematic way.
  • Reflect on the justification of their own assumptions, beliefs and values.

Read more at:

reading improves critical thinking

Critical thinking—the ability to develop your own insights and meaning—is a basic college learning goal. Critical reading and writing strategies foster critical thinking, and critical thinking underlies critical reading and writing.

Critical Reading

Critical reading builds on the basic reading skills expected for college.

College Readers’ Characteristics

  • College readers are willing to spend time reflecting on the ideas presented in their reading assignments. They know the time is well-spent to enhance their understanding.
  • College readers are able to raise questions while reading. They evaluate and solve problems rather than merely compile a set of facts to be memorized.
  • College readers can think logically. They are fact-oriented and can review the facts dispassionately. They base their judgments on ideas and evidence.
  • College readers can recognize error in thought and persuasion as well as recognize good arguments.
  • College readers are skeptical. They understand that not everything in print is correct. They are diligent in seeking out the truth.

Critical Readers’ Characteristics

  • Critical readers are open-minded. They seek alternative views and are open to new ideas that may not necessarily agree with their previous thoughts on a topic. They are willing to reassess their views when new or discordant evidence is introduced and evaluated.
  • Critical readers are in touch with their own personal thoughts and ideas about a topic. Excited about learning, they are eager to express their thoughts and opinions.
  • Critical readers are able to identify arguments and issues. They are able to ask penetrating and thought-provoking questions to evaluate ideas.
  • Critical readers are creative. They see connections between topics and use knowledge from other disciplines to enhance their reading and learning experiences.
  • Critical readers develop their own ideas on issues, based on careful analysis and response to others’ ideas.

The video below, although geared toward students studying for the SAT exam (Scholastic Aptitude Test used for many colleges’ admissions), offers a good, quick overview of the concept and practice of critical reading.

Critical Reading & Writing

College reading and writing assignments often ask you to react to, apply, analyze, and synthesize information. In other words, your own informed and reasoned ideas about a subject take on more importance than someone else’s ideas, since the purpose of college reading and writing is to think critically about information.

Critical thinking involves questioning. You ask and answer questions to pursue the “careful and exact evaluation and judgment” that the word “critical” invokes (definition from The American Heritage Dictionary ). The questions simply change depending on your critical purpose. Different critical purposes are detailed in the next pages of this text.

However, here’s a brief preview of the different types of questions you’ll ask and answer in relation to different critical reading and writing purposes.

When you react to a text you ask:

  • “What do I think?” and
  • “Why do I think this way?”

e.g., If I asked and answered these “reaction” questions about the topic assimilation of immigrants to the U.S. , I might create the following main idea statement, which I could then develop in an essay:  I think that assimilation has both positive and negative effects because, while it makes life easier within the dominant culture, it also implies that the original culture is of lesser value.

When you apply text information you ask:

  • “How does this information relate to the real world?”

e.g., If I asked and answered this “application” question about the topic assimilation , I might create the following main idea statement, which I could then develop in an essay:  During the past ten years, a group of recent emigrants has assimilated into the local culture; the process of their assimilation followed certain specific stages.

When you analyze text information you ask:

  • “What is the main idea?”
  • “What do I want to ‘test’ in the text to see if the main idea is justified?” (supporting ideas, type of information, language), and
  • “What pieces of the text relate to my ‘test?'”

e.g., If I asked and answered these “analysis” questions about the topic immigrants to the United States , I might create the following main idea statement, which I could then develop in an essay: Although Lee (2009) states that “segmented assimilation theory asserts that immigrant groups may assimilate into one of many social sectors available in American society, instead of restricting all immigrant groups to adapting into one uniform host society,” other theorists have shown this not to be the case with recent immigrants in certain geographic areas.

When you synthesize information from many texts you ask:

  • “What information is similar and different in these texts?,” and
  • “What pieces of information fit together to create or support a main idea?”

e.g., If I asked and answered these “synthesis” questions about the topic immigrants to the U.S. , I might create the following main idea statement, which I could then develop by using examples and information from many text articles as evidence to support my idea: Immigrants who came to the United States during the immigration waves in the early to mid 20th century traditionally learned English as the first step toward assimilation, a process that was supported by educators. Now, both immigrant groups and educators are more focused on cultural pluralism than assimilation, as can be seen in educators’ support of bilingual education. However, although bilingual education heightens the child’s reasoning and ability to learn, it may ultimately hinder the child’s sense of security within the dominant culture if that culture does not value cultural pluralism as a whole.

reading improves critical thinking

Critical reading involves asking and answering these types of questions in order to find out how the information “works” as opposed to just accepting and presenting the information that you read in a text. Critical writing involves recording your insights into these questions and offering your own interpretation of a concept or issue, based on the meaning you create from those insights.

  • Crtical Thinking, Reading, & Writing. Authored by : Susan Oaks, includes material adapted from TheSkillsYouNeed and Reading 100; attributions below. Project : Introduction to College Reading & Writing. License : CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
  • Critical Thinking. Provided by : TheSkillsYouNeed. Located at : . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright . License Terms : Quoted from website: The use of material found at is free provided that copyright is acknowledged and a reference or link is included to the page/s where the information was found. Read more at:
  • The Reading Process. Authored by : Scottsdale Community College Reading Faculty. Provided by : Maricopa Community College. Located at : . Project : Reading 100. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • image of person thinking with light bulbs saying -idea- around her head. Authored by : Gerd Altmann. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • video What is Critical Reading? SAT Critical Reading Bootcamp #4. Provided by : Reason Prep. Located at : . License : Other . License Terms : YouTube video
  • image of man smiling and holding a lightbulb. Authored by : africaniscool. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved

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3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking

  • Helen Lee Bouygues

reading improves critical thinking

But simple doesn’t mean easy.

Too many business leaders are simply not reasoning through pressing issues, and it’s hurting their organizations.  The good news is that critical thinking is a learned behavior. There are three simple things you can do to train yourself to become a more effective critical thinker: question assumptions, reason through logic, and diversify your thought and perspectives. They may sound obvious, but deliberately cultivating these three key habits of mind go a long way in helping you become better at clear and robust reasoning.

A few years ago, a CEO assured me that his company was the market leader. “Clients will not leave for competitors,” he added. “It costs too much for them to switch.” Within weeks, the manufacturing giant Procter & Gamble elected not to renew its contract with the firm. The CEO was shocked — but he shouldn’t have been.

reading improves critical thinking

  • HB Helen Lee Bouygues is the president of the Paris-based Reboot Foundation . A former partner at McKinsey & Company, she has served as interim CEO, CFO, or COO for more than one dozen companies.

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Why is reading important? The lifelong benefits of reading 

The importance of reading can be a hot button topic. When you bring it up, it tends to cause one of two dramatic reactions in adults—both of which probably come from thoughts of their childhood experiences. What is it about reading? Some people will get a dreamy look in their eyes and tell you about the hours they can spend curled up with a book, in a different world, or with a highlighter, dog-earring pages to revisit. For others, they glaze over a bit, and you can almost see the confidence drain out of their body. “Reading was hard,” they’ll tell you. “I still don’t think I’m a good reader.”

I’m sure you can relate to one or the other, or maybe both depending on your experience. For some, reading comes easily, they receive and process sound and print associations and can move quickly into more sophisticated structure and content. For many others (more than we previously thought), their teachers did the best they could, but perhaps didn’t have the training to offer the direct instruction they needed to really understand the nuances of spoken and written language and how to decipher it. For still others, they had something standing in their way—whether they knew it or not. And sadly, maybe some gave up.

The body of research called the science of reading now helps us understand that virtually all children can learn to read with the appropriate evidence-aligned, direct instruction. And the benefits of being a fluent reader are far greater than just feeling confident in school. So why is reading important? Reading is a lifelong skill that improves memory, builds a robust vocabulary and foundation of knowledge, and adds a richness and depth of meaning to life for all those who can access true, deep comprehension.

How does reading affect the brain?

We all understand that one of the benefits of reading more is that you might know more factual information or understand something more deeply. But as it turns out, reading doesn’t just fill your head with information, it actually changes the wiring in your brain.

One of the significant ways reading affects the brain is through perspective taking. When you read and find yourself thinking about the characters in the book as if they are real people, with perspectives possibly very different than your own, it allows for growth of emotional intelligence and empathy. When your brain is deeply engaged in reading, you have a huge increase in brain activity—and not just in the language centers.

According to Maryanne Wolf, literacy scholar and professor of childhood development, deep reading literally nourishes our capacity for attention, empathy, and insight.

“At a basic brain level, we really do experience the same thing the characters do. We don’t just understand a book—on a neurological level, we live it. When we read fiction, the brain actively simulates the consciousness of another person, including those whom we would never otherwise even imagine knowing. It allows us to try on, for a few moments, what it truly means to be another person,” Wolf sums up.

Deepening of empathy is the first benefit of reading on our list. Keep reading to see the other ways in which frequent and deep reading adds so much value over the course of a lifetime!

13 Benefits of reading

1. reading helps to develop empathy and foster connection with perspective taking.

You can never fully understand what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes. But having empathy means you can feel what it might feel like to be in their situation. Or maybe you’ve experienced something similar and really do know what that particular event feels like. When we are deeply involved in a story, even if we don’t agree with many of the characters’ thoughts, actions, or words, we are called to consider their perspective. Believe it or not, this type of practice actually does transfer to real life situations. And frequently, connecting to a character’s differing beliefs can help you do just that in real life. They say you can never know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes. But here is a place where you can definitely see the importance of reading. Getting lost in a book is another excellent way to see the world from a different perspective. Even if you disagree with the author on every single page, you’re at least taking the time to hear and consider alternate points of view. And more often than not, you’ll find that reading about personal experiences can be a trigger to change your own mindset.

2. Reading improves critical thinking skills

Given the availability of all kinds of information via the internet, people might be asking, “Why is reading so important if I can just google it?” Google might give you a lot of information—sometimes factual and sometimes not, but it doesn’t tell you how to think. Building critical thinking skills is more important than ever for our children. Especially if they are using the internet. Critical thinking, or the ability to think deeply about a topic, question or idea, is a skill that needs to be practiced like any other.

When children spend a lot of time reading, they strengthen their ability to think about something from another point of view and to problem solve for someone outside of themselves. Finding solutions to a character’s problem helps children to think through other issues around them with similar discernment.

3. Reading builds vocabulary authentically and enhances conversation skills

The more time kids spend reading grade-level text, the more likely they are to authentically learn new words. This is true for both books that children read independently and those that are read aloud to them. In fact, reading aloud with children allows for exposure to sophisticated language and content that might be above their independent reading level, but not above their interest level. Not only is it a great way to bring in new vocabulary, it also keeps younger children interested in reading when they are still working towards being able to access higher level text. Additionally, engaging children in dialogic reading, or authentic conversation about the book as we read helps them to understand how to talk about reading and gives them language to be able to try out these types of conversations on their own.

4. Reading teaches social skills and allows for “rehearsal” of universal experiences

Often, informational text or nonfiction books are revered for their learning value in the classroom. But the truth is that reading fiction allows for a whole different set of skills to be developed and strengthened. When kids read about characters they love, they experience the things their characters go through almost as if it is them. Here we see a huge reason reading is important.

Research tells us that when we read about a certain experience or activity, our brain lights up in the same places as when we actually experience those things. This means children can almost practice going through feeling certain feelings or maybe even their first experiences with empathy, teaching them that they can imagine what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes.

5. Reading strengthens cognitive processes

Cognitive processes help us learn new things. Neuroscientists say that reading actually strengthens your brain, even after you’ve moved on to something else. The more you read, the more parts of your brain activate, with lasting effects. Engaging in reading consistently bolsters cognitive processes because it exercises our brains, enhancing critical thinking and analytical skills.

Thinking through complex plots or understanding character motivations helps to foster problem-solving skills, encouraging readers to make connections and draw conclusions. Over time this can lead to improved memory retention, better concentration, and overall, more capacity for in-depth reading comprehension.

6. Reading is important because it helps to build background knowledge

Decades of research has shown that when it comes to reading unfamiliar texts, or reading to learn (as children experience in the upper elementary grades), the more background knowledge they have on a subject, the easier it will be for them to anchor new information to concepts they already have some knowledge of. This is sometimes referred to as Schema Theory, the idea that “comprehending a text is an interactive process between the reader’s background knowledge and the text.” The more you know, the easier you can learn new information.

7. Reading can help reduce stress for all ages

Here’s an incredible statistic: reading for as little as six minutes can decrease stress up to 68%. When you read, you distract your brain from the problems of the day. This allows your muscles to relax, decreasing blood pressure and heart rate. Reading a book is more effective at reducing stress than listening to music or even taking a walk. Studies on brain activity while reading tells us that reading can have the same effects on our brain and body as meditation in many ways. The brain is in a focused state, very similar to a mindfulness practice, reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation. This escape into a book not only offers a break from daily stressors but also helps cognitive function and encourages mental clarity—very similar to the benefits you might get from a regular meditation practice.

8. Reading can improve sleep

Reading can improve your sleep? Seems strange, but it’s true! In this age where devices rule, picking up a book at bedtime instead of watching TV or doing something on your phone is an easy way to help your brain power down and cue your body that it’s time for sleep. When we engage on anything with a screen before bedtime the bluelight it emits can interfere with the production of melatonin which helps us to naturally become tired and fall asleep. On the other hand, ​​reading is an activity that works your brain without active physical stimulation, because you can read while lying down. It slowly relaxes your body and mind into sleep.

9. Reading helps to build and maintain memory

When you read, your brain actively encodes and stores information, creating new connections between neurons. Visualizing scenes, characters, and details from a story engages the brain’s sensory regions, enhancing memory retention through vivid mental imagery. Additionally, the act of repeatedly encountering words, phrases, and concepts while reading reinforces memory pathways, leading to improved recall and retention of information in the long term. According to research, reading strengthens the white matter in your brain, making it easier to concentrate. White matter functions as insulation, wrapping around long nerve cell wires—this serves as communication connections between brain cells.

10. Reading strengthens writing skills

Reading and writing are impossible to separate from one another. The practice of one undeniably improves the skills of the other. For children, reading offers them a window into how authors write. It offers a study in different genres, styles, tones, and use of different vocabulary words. It can also be a creative spark for children who otherwise might have difficulty coming up with their own ideas to write about.

11. Reading also strengthens language and communication skills

This one doesn’t seem as obvious, but it’s true!  Researchers note that reading and speaking involve many of the same parts of the brain. In fact, reading is one of the most effective ways of boosting word recognition and comprehension, and of learning a foreign language.

12. Reading builds sturdier problem solving skills

To solve problems in everyday life, we have to identify the issue clearly, analyze the causes, and come up with creative solutions. Reading teaches all of these skills! Reading comprehension is all about understanding what’s happening in a story, then analyzing and evaluating the events and characters’ actions. Plus, when we read, we’re exposed to new ideas constantly, which can help us innovate when we need to solve problems.

13. Reading can provide a sense of support and belonging—particularly for those who might feel “on the outside”

As connected as we are these days, it’s also easier than ever to feel alone. For kids who are going through a hard time (at school, with friends, with a teacher, or with their parents or caregivers) this is especially true. One of the things reading offers is relatability and a reminder that we are not the first or only person to feel this way. Whether fiction or nonfiction, stories help us to process our own experiences—to feel seen and understood when this is missing in our real lives.

Tips for making reading more enjoyable

By now, it’s easier to see why reading is important. But for some kids, reading is really challenging. When reading feels difficult, it’s hard to enjoy it! Help kids find their love of reading with some of these tips:

Read aloud to all kids: little or big! When you read aloud to kids, it’s sometimes easier for them to access the storyline. This is especially true for kids that are having trouble with some of the foundational reading skills. Hearing you read aloud helps them to stay interested in books at a higher level and also models for them what reading should sound like with regards to fluency, expression, and prosody (the patterns of intonation and syllable stress in spoken language).

Look for books that reflect your kids’ interests. Do you have sports fans or truck lovers? Maybe you have budding artists or animal activists. Whatever their interests, they are more likely to be excited about reading if it’s a topic they love!

Help your readers notice information as you read. Point out new words and phrases or ask them what they think a character will do next or how something makes them feel. Engaging with the story and with unfamiliar language helps kids to understand that reading is more like a conversation with the author than a one-way activity.

Get your kids a library card. There’s nothing like roaming the library looking through shelves and getting cozy to have a look at something before you check it out. Share this experience with your kids and then give them ownership over their library card!

Get them hooked into a series. Once you know what your kids are interested in reading, look for a series that involves these things. Finding a series your kids love means they will be excited to get through one so they can move on to the next! Keep reading for some ideas on great series!

Popular book series to begin reading

Finding a good series of books is like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Here are a few series to get you started:

  • Grades K-2: Magic Treehouse books, Frog and Toad books, Judy Moody, Stella Diaz Series
  • Grades 3-6: Harry Potter Series (books get more intense as the series continues so knowing your child and what they can handle is important here!), The Chronicles of Narnia, Addison Cooke series, Ranger’s Apprentice series, The Giver Quartet
  • Grades 7-12: Project Nemesis Series, Red Rising Series, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

The final word

Reading isn’t just about learning. Some of the reasons why reading is important is to foster a relaxed, inspiring, and enjoyable life filled with incredible stories, relatable characters, and the ability to broaden or deepen your knowledge just by picking up a book.

If you are looking for a comprehensive tool kit to help unlock foundational reading skills for all children, 95 Percent Group™ is your one stop shop for whole group Tier 1 Instruction, small group Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention, or the new Literacy Intervention System. We also offer strategic coaching and professional learning to help launch a change in the way kids learn and teachers teach.

Are you interested in learning about how you can bring an effective and efficient structured literacy approach, grounded in the science of reading, to your school or district? Contact us today.

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How to Encourage Critical Thinking Skills While Reading: Effective Strategies

reading improves critical thinking

Encouraging critical thinking skills while reading is essential to children’s cognitive development. Critical thinking enables them to engage deeply with a topic or a book, fostering a better understanding of the material. It is a skill that does not develop overnight but can be nurtured through various strategies and experiences.

One effective way to cultivate critical thinking in children is by sharing quality books with them and participating in discussions that facilitate an exchange of ideas and opinions. Through these conversations, children can draw on their existing knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and experiences to expand their understanding of a subject.

Parents and teachers help kids think more deeply about things. They can do this by answering questions that help kids compare different ideas, look at things from different angles, guess what might happen, and develop new solutions.

Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in Reading

Critical thinking helps us understand what we read better. It helps us ask questions and think more deeply about the text. Critical thinking skills can help us analyze, evaluate, and understand what we read.

By incorporating critical thinking, readers can differentiate between facts and opinions, forming their views based on logical reasoning and evidence. This ability is particularly crucial in today’s information abundance, where readers are often exposed to biased or unreliable content. According to Critical Thinking Secrets , using critical thinking in reading allows learners to exercise their judgment in assessing the credibility of the information.

Furthermore, critical thinking promotes creativity and problem-solving skills. Practicing critical thinking allows learners to devise new and innovative ideas to address various challenges. This skill improves academic performance and prepares young minds for future professional endeavors.

Engaging with quality books and participating in thought-provoking discussions can nurture critical thinking abilities in children. Reading Rockets emphasizes the importance of exposing children to texts that challenge their thinking and encourage them to ask questions, fostering the development of critical thinking skills over time.

Teachers also play a significant role in promoting critical thinking in the classroom. Employing various instructional strategies, such as problem-based learning, asking open-ended questions, and providing opportunities for group discussions, can help students cultivate critical thinking habits.

Developing a Reading Environment That Fosters Critical Thinking

Creating a reading environment that promotes critical thinking enables students to engage with texts more deeply and develop essential analytical skills. The following sub-sections outline strategies for choosing thought-provoking materials and encouraging open discussions.

Choosing Thought-Provoking Materials

Selecting suitable reading materials is critical to stimulating critical thinking among students. Teachers should look for texts that:

  • Are relevant and relatable to students’ lives and interests
  • Present various perspectives and diverse characters
  • Pose challenging questions and open-ended problems

By incorporating such texts into the classroom, students can be exposed to new ideas and viewpoints, promoting critical thinking and engagement with the material. For instance, in Eight Instructional Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking , teachers are advised to choose compelling topics and maintain relevance to foster critical thinking

Encouraging Open Discussions

Fostering an environment where open discussions occur is essential to promoting critical thinking skills while reading. Teachers should:

  • Create a culture of inquiry by posing open-ended questions and encouraging students to form opinions and debates
  • Facilitate discussions by asking students to explain their thinking processes and share their interpretations of the text
  • Respect all opinions and viewpoints, emphasizing that the goal is to learn from each other rather than reach a “correct” answer

Students who feel comfortable participating in discussions are more likely to develop critical thinking skills. The Reading Rockets emphasizes the importance of reading together and engaging in conversations to nurture critical thinking in children.

Active Reading Strategies

Active reading is an essential skill for encouraging critical thinking skills while reading. This involves consciously engaging with the material and connecting with what you know or have read before. This section discusses key strategies that can help you become an active reader.

Annotating and Note-Taking

Annotating the text and taking notes as you read allows you to engage with the material on a deeper level. This process of actively engaging with the text helps you to analyze and retain information more effectively. As you read, it is important to make marginal notes or comments to highlight key points and draw connections between different sections of the material.

Asking Questions While Reading

One important aspect of critical reading is questioning the material. This means not taking everything you read at face value and considering the author’s interpretation and opinion . As you read, develop the habit of asking questions throughout the process, such as:

  • What is the author’s main argument?
  • What evidence supports this argument?
  • How is the information presented in a logical manner?
  • What are the possible opposing viewpoints?

By asking questions, you can better understand the author’s viewpoint and the evidence presented, which helps to develop your critical thinking skills.

Summarizing and Paraphrasing

Summarizing and paraphrasing are essential skills for critical reading. Summarizing the material allows you to condense key points and process the information more easily. Paraphrasing, or rephrasing the ideas in your own words, not only helps you better understand the material, but also ensures that you’re accurately interpreting the author’s ideas.

Both summarizing and paraphrasing can enhance your critical thinking skills by compelling you to analyze the text and identify the main ideas and supporting evidence. This way, you can make informed judgments about the content, making your reading more purposeful and engaging.

Developing critical thinking skills while reading literature involves a comprehensive understanding of various literary devices. This section highlights three primary aspects of literary analysis: Recognizing Themes and Patterns, Analyzing Characters and Their Motivations, and Evaluating the Author’s Intent and Perspective.

Recognizing Themes and Patterns

One way to foster critical thinking is through recognizing themes and patterns in the text. Encourage students to identify recurring themes, symbols, and motifs as they read. Additionally, examining the relationships between different elements in the story can help create connections and analyze the overall meaning.

For example, in a story about the struggles of growing up, students might notice patterns in the protagonist’s journey, such as recurring conflicts or milestones. By contemplating these patterns, learners can engage in deeper analysis and interpretation of the text.

Analyzing Characters and Their Motivations

Character analysis is an essential aspect of literary analysis, as understanding characters’ motivations can lead to a thorough comprehension of the narrative. Encourage students to analyze the motives behind each character’s actions, focusing on the factors that drive their decisions.

For instance, in a novel where two characters have differing goals, have students consider why these goals differ and how the characters’ motivations impact the story’s outcome. This exploration can lead to thought-provoking discussions about human behavior, facilitating the development of critical thinking skills.

Evaluating the Author’s Intent and Perspective

Critical thinking is essential to evaluating the author’s intent and perspective. This process involves deciphering the underlying message or purpose of the text and analyzing how the author’s experiences or beliefs may have influenced their writing.

One strategy for accomplishing this is to examine the historical or cultural context in which the work was written. By considering the author’s background, students can better understand the ideas or arguments presented in the text.

For example, if reading a novel set during a significant historical period, like the Civil Rights Movement, understanding the author’s experience can help students analyze narrative elements, enhancing their critical thinking abilities.

Methods to Encourage Critical Thinking Beyond Reading

While reading is essential to developing critical thinking skills, it can be further enhanced by incorporating certain activities in daily routines that promote critical thinking.

Debates and Group Discussions

Debates and group discussions are excellent methods for encouraging critical thinking. By participating in debates or discussions, learners exchange diverse ideas, challenge each other’s reasoning, and evaluate the strength of their arguments. These activities require participants to think and respond quickly, synthesize information, and analyze multiple perspectives.

Teachers and parents can facilitate debates and group discussions by selecting topics that are relevant and related to the subject matter. Promoting respectful dialogue and modeling effective listening skills are also important aspects of setting up successful debates or discussions.

Exploring Other Media Formats

In addition to reading, exploring other media formats like documentaries, podcasts, and videos can help stimulate critical thinking in learners. Different mediums present information in unique ways, providing learners with various perspectives and fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Using diverse media formats, individuals can compare and contrast information, question what they know, and further develop their analytical skills. It is essential that educators and parents encourage learners to explore these formats critically, assessing the credibility of the sources and ensuring accuracy in the information consumed.

Assessing Progress and Providing Feedback

Developing critical thinking skills while reading requires continuous assessment and feedback. Monitoring students’ progress in this area and providing constructive feedback can help ensure development and success.

Setting Measurable Goals

Establishing clear, measurable goals for critical thinking is vital for both students and educators. These goals should be specific, achievable, and time-bound. To effectively assess progress, consider using a variety of assessments, such as:

  • Classroom discussions
  • Reflective writing assignments
  • Group projects
  • Individual presentations

These different assessment methods can help determine if students are reaching their critical thinking goals and guide educators in adjusting their instruction as needed.

Providing Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is essential for students to improve their critical thinking skills. When providing feedback, consider the following guidelines:

  • Be specific and focused on the critical thinking aspects of students’ work
  • Link feedback directly to the established goals and criteria
  • Encourage self-assessment and reflection
  • Highlight strengths and areas for improvement
  • Offer realistic suggestions for improvement

By implementing these strategies, educators can ensure that students receive the necessary support and guidance to develop their critical thinking skills while reading.

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reading improves critical thinking

Crafting Like a Pro: How Critical Thinking Improves Reading and Writing

reading improves critical thinking

By Nyla Lee

For many, it is easy to say that English classes are not the source of fun in school settings. From long readings to essays about details that would not matter to the casual reader, English has a way of bringing out controversial opinions in people. 

However, these long readings and bloated essays resulted in one of the most important components of the mind: critical thinking. Upon learning and applying critical thinking, you can use it to your great benefit, regardless of whether you are a reader or writer. But how does critical thinking improve reading and writing?

Table of Contents

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is the act of processing and analyzing content to form an opinion or judgment of the content. For example, the iconic joke regarding the symbolism of a red curtain and its ties to depression or freedom within a fictional story derives from critical thinking lessons. 

English teachers play a big role in expanding this concept when they assign a question that pertains to the symbolism behind an object or object in a novel or film to further ideas and judgments on it. I have had my fair share of over-analyzing simple things in books, such as the color red in Lois Lowry’s The Giver and how it was a metaphor for freedom and change for the protagonist, Jonas. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but as a writing student, it did benefit me greatly.

But what’s important to note is that critical thinking goes beyond entertainment mediums and bloated assignments. People use critical thinking to assess situations and information they hear on a daily basis. 

Strategies and plans derive from people using critical thinking skills to form an opinion or judgment to assess the situation better and efficiently. If you or a friend says a controversial statement, someone else may use critical thinking to question and judge the statement, based on facts or their own biases. 

Ways Critical Thinking Improves Reading and Writing - KIDPRESSROOM

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Critical thinking and reading.

Reading and critical thinking are two skills that complement one another because they are both beneficial separately, but inherently successful when you use these skills simultaneously. 

This is why Reading and English teachers adhere to many assignments that require students to assess the content they are consuming and consider symbols, themes, characters, and actions that require advanced assessment. 


How does critical thinking improve reading .

Critical thinking allows you to think realistically and from diverse perspectives when engaged in active reading sessions. For example, there are critiques of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight   that detail valid criticism regarding characterization, plot, language, and morals within the story. These criticisms include racism, age gaps, unhealthy relationships, and even predatory behavior. 

Critical thinking is a large component of such critiques because you have the ability to consider the content, form an opinion, and criticize the information presented to them. This is especially true as the mind evolves and ages over time. As you get older, your perceptions and perspectives change entirely. 

How Does Reading Improve Critical Thinking? 

With that being said, reading can also improve critical thinking. Reading is a fundamental skill, especially when it pertains to gaining insight on other skills, such as critical thinking. 

With reading, you as an author or reader have arrays of diverse perspectives on life and different morals regarding specific situations. This leads to critical thinking festering and building, as having multitudes of perspectives allows you to form opinions and judgments based on your reading exposure. 

This is why reading novels from the same author or genre is not always fundamental. Because you are used to the author’s morals and viewpoints, along with respective cliches among certain genres, it can skew the critical thinking process. 

Critical Thinking and Writing

Critical thinking and its connection to writing derive from the same conversation pertaining to reading. To write effectively, you should be reading frequently to get a feel of ideas, stories, grammar, and character interactions. 

Many writers start out reading in tremendous quantities before dipping their toes into writing and expanding on that skill. That is because when writing, your critical thinking skills require you to form judgments surrounding your literature’s content. Take for example plotting and characterization.

Critical Thinking in Plotting and Characterization

Plotting and characterization are significant portions of the writing process that require critical thinking. As a writer, it is imperative to consider the literature’s content and how individuals will react to it, and the judgments audiences will form about not only you, but also the content’s motivations.

Currently, I am in the midst of writing a fantasy novel, and I have had to do extensive research on how to properly store fish realistically in a world where refrigeration is not as modern and simple as it is now. This process is occurring because I am adhering to my critical thinking skills and considering what my audience will assume about myself and the story if I use inaccurate storing descriptions in my story, regardless of its fantasy elements.

The Critical Thinking Role in Plotting

To successfully layout a plot point, or multiple plot points, you must think critically about the content and characters’ morals regarding the consequences and effects of the plot.

Plot points require arguments to portray diverse sides of their points. For example, the protagonist and antagonist would have opposing views of a plot point because it would either benefit or negatively affect them, respectively. 

This decision requires critical thinking on your side, as it forces you to think and form judgments on the plot and apply it to real world morals. 

The Critical Thinking Role in Characterization

Characterization functions similarly, especially when it pertains to characters of color and their significance in a story. It requires you to think critically when creating characters of color and their reactions to scenarios in a story, depending on race and its factor in a plot. 

For those whose critical thinking skills are not strengthened, they may use stereotypes to fill out their character of color and apply it to the story without considering the judgments and opinions audiences could garner from such an action. This is certainly an issue. 

I am unsure of how many times I have come across a story where many characters of color fit dangerous and unhealthy stereotypes that would not only offend people of color, but cause audiences to assume that the author did not adequately research those groups of people to realistically portray them.

On the other hand, if you as an author use your critical thinking skills, you will research and consider a creative and diverse manner in which you could approach your character of color without stereotyping and using poor judgment and critical thinking skills. Cassandra Clare ( The Mortal Instruments series ) and Rick Riordan ( Percy Jackson series ) are classic examples of writers who describe people of color in YA literature well.

This is why critical thinking is such an improvement when it comes to writing. It requires you to second guess yourself and your motivations before you stick to one idea or plan. 

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Final take on critical thinking for reading and writing.

Earlier English classes surely exhausted us with bloated assignments regarding how to analyze curtains, colors, and their significance to plots and characters. But they also allowed us to think beyond a smaller bubble and apply judgments and opinions to multiple perspectives in an organized and thoughtful fashion.

With all this being said, critical thinking is crucial to reading and writing. Whether an author or a reader, it requires you to expand your thoughts beyond the surface-level ideas. 

As a reader, critical thinking allows you to hypothesize and theorize about situations and plots that you have formed strong opinions on. As a writer, critical thinking forces you all to look beyond previous judgments and consider more than your own perspective when creating literature. 

So, what do you think? Has critical thinking helped you in your reading and writing journey? If not, will you give it a try and happily over-analyze the symbolism of the apple your teacher mentioned in a chapter of required reading? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

By: Nyla Lee

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Nyla Lee is a writer and student of English Literature looking to answer those burning questions about the process of writing. She strives to find answers by applying the influence of pop culture to reach her audience in ways that interest and benefit them.


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The Happy Hollisters

How Reading Improves Critical Thinking - The Happy Hollisters

  • How Reading Improves Critical Thinking

Reading for Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an important skill for children to develop as they grow. Good critical thinking skills can be attained in a variety of ways. Reading mystery books is one way; books supply a landscape in which children can develop critical thinking skills simply by enjoying the story and then discussing and analyzing it with others.

Types of Books that Produce Critical Thinkers


Books that are best for creating critical thinkers are, surprisingly, fictional stories. Because fiction is more of an art form, it leads children down paths that they are left to invent a large part of themselves. To truly get the total feel and setting for a book of fiction, readers must consider the inferences and symbolism within the story, which involves a much deeper level of thinking than nonfiction. The Happy Hollisters by Jerry West is a fictional mystery set of 33 books for young readers. Each book guides the reader through an elaborate maze of fun characters and clues, prompting them to solve the mystery before the end of the book. They are involved in the detective process from beginning to end of each book, from uncovering the mystery to collecting the clues and coming to a solution at the end. This process of engaging readers adds to the value of these books when it comes to reading for critical thinking.

How Can Parents Add to Critical Thinking Skills

Parents can start off by choosing appropriate books for their children to read. The Happy Hollisters series is a great starting point for children who enjoy reading a great story and for parents who want to strengthen their child’s critical thinking skills. Family reading time, even if it is quiet time, is still quality time spent together. At the end of their reading sessions, parents get a feel for what their children understand from the book and guide them to think a bit more about what they have read, for example, talking about the clues that the children have found so far, what they could mean individually, and what they could all mean when pieced together. This helps a child to realize that multiple levels of thinking are possible. Taking the clues and learning to combine the reasons as to how they could be important is learning critical thinking through reading.

Reading for critical thinking is beneficial for children. The Happy Hollisters book series is a fun educational tool that the whole family can enjoy together and develop their critical thinking skills at the same time. Integrating time to read for critical thinking is important for all children, and all participating family members will benefit from it.

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    Critical Thinking is an Extension of Critical Reading. Thinking critically, in the academic sense, involves being open-minded - using judgement and discipline to process what you are learning about without letting your personal bias or opinion detract from the arguments. Critical thinking involves being rational and aware of your own feelings ...

  4. Reading Widely to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

    Significantly, reading develops the critical thinking skills that are essential to success in a wide range of areas: skills of analysis, interpretation, and of being able to create an argument and explain it. ... Take a look at some of the ways wide reading can develop your critical thinking: Reading improves vocabulary and language skills. You ...

  5. Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking is fundamentally a process of questioning information and data. You may question the information you read in a textbook, or you may question what a politician or a professor or a classmate says. You can also question a commonly-held belief or a new idea. With critical thinking, anything and everything is subject to question ...

  6. Education Sciences

    Critical thinking has been identified as an essential skill for the 21st century, yet little research has investigated its role in reading comprehension. Executive functions (EF) and critical thinking overlap, where the latter often rely on the proficient operation of EF and vice versa. Extending the simple view of reading, the active view of reading considers the contribution of language ...

  7. Academic Guides: Academic Skills Center: Critical Reading

    Use this checklist to practice critical thinking while reading an article, watching an advertisement, or making an important purchase or voting decision. Critical Reading Checklist (Word) Critical Reading Checklist (PDF) Critical Thinking Bookmark (PDF) Learn about the ways that active reading instead of passive reading is the key to growing ...

  8. Introduction: Critical Thinking, Reading, & Writing

    Critical thinkers will identify, analyze, and solve problems systematically rather than by intuition or instinct. Someone with critical thinking skills can: Understand the links between ideas. Determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas. Recognize, build, and appraise arguments. Identify inconsistencies and errors in reasoning.

  9. The Link between Critical Reading, Thinking and Writing

    Let's practice, by not just reading the statement below, but by critically reading it. Again, initiate the critical reading - and thinking - by asking the question, 'what does this mean to me?' Social media has changed language. The sentence might be read - just read - in a matter of seconds.

  10. Critical Thinking and Reading

    Abstract. Critical thinking is the identification and evaluation of evidence to guide decision making. Critical reading refers to a careful, active, reflective, analytic reading. A critical thinker and a critical reader use broad, in-depth analysis of evidence to make decisions, form ideas, and communicate beliefs clearly and accurately.

  11. 3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking

    Reading List. Reading Lists. Decision making and problem solving 3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking But simple doesn't mean easy. by . Helen Lee Bouygues; by .

  12. Why is Reading Important? 13 Benefits for Readers

    Reading improves critical thinking skills. Given the availability of all kinds of information via the internet, people might be asking, "Why is reading so important if I can just google it?" ... Critical thinking, or the ability to think deeply about a topic, question or idea, is a skill that needs to be practiced like any other.

  13. Developing Critical Thinking through Literature Reading

    Developing Critical Thinking t hrough Literature Reading 293. (1956) 20—knowledge and comprehension—as they fail to reflect and examine their. beliefs and actions. To initiate them into higher ...

  14. What Are Critical Thinking Skills and Why Are They Important?

    It makes you a well-rounded individual, one who has looked at all of their options and possible solutions before making a choice. According to the University of the People in California, having critical thinking skills is important because they are [ 1 ]: Universal. Crucial for the economy. Essential for improving language and presentation skills.

  15. How to Encourage Critical Thinking Skills While Reading: Effective

    Constructive feedback is essential for students to improve their critical thinking skills. When providing feedback, consider the following guidelines: Be specific and focused on the critical thinking aspects of students' work; Link feedback directly to the established goals and criteria; Encourage self-assessment and reflection

  16. How to Improve Critical Thinking by Using a Strategy for Critical

    It takes 5-10 minutes to get into reading. We can then read comfortably and at peak performance for about 40-60 minutes. After that, our minds start to wander and we need a break. Take a break for 5-10 minutes to rest your eyes and stretch. Shake out your body and rest your brain for a few minutes.

  17. Crafting Like a Pro: How Critical Thinking Improves Reading and Writing

    With that being said, reading can also improve critical thinking. Reading is a fundamental skill, especially when it pertains to gaining insight on other skills, such as critical thinking. With reading, you as an author or reader have arrays of diverse perspectives on life and different morals regarding specific situations.

  18. Readers' experiences of fiction and nonfiction influencing critical

    This study found that for readers, reading experiences were connected with ways of thinking critically. Reading both fiction and nonfiction was described as broadening minds and shifting modes of thinking, and prompting critical thought in a diverse range of ways. Fiction had unique associations with different ways of changes one's thinking ...

  19. PDF Reading and Critical Thinking Techniques on Understanding Reading ...

    Indonesian language subjects contain four components of language skills. Components of language skills include four aspects, namely: 1) listening skills; 2) speaking skills; 3) reading (reading skills); and 4) writing (writing skills) (Oakhill et al., 2016; Tarigan, 2008). The first language skills mastered by humans are listening and speaking ...

  20. Critical reading, critical thinking: Delicate scaffolding in English

    Many EAP students do not have a great deal of experience in critical reading and critical thinking-or at least of the kinds of critical thinking expected in tertiary education. Some come from educational backgrounds in which emphasis has been laid on rote learning and memorisation, perhaps from backgrounds where books are scarce and hence ...

  21. PDF Investigating the Effects of Critical Reading Skills on Students ...

    Keywords: critical thinking, reading skills, group work, critical reading skills, reading comprehension Cite as: Al Roomy, M. A. (2022). ... And3) How can critical reading strategies improve students' reading comprehension? Literature Review Critical Thinking Improving the critical thinking ability of students has become more than just a fad ...

  22. PDF The Effect of Performing Reading Activities with Critical Reading ...

    on Critical Thinking and Reading Skills. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 4(4): 326-335. History: interests. Received: 20 June 2018 ... It is also important to improve critical listening, reading and visual reading skills in the development of critical thinking. People should develop critical comprehension skills to critically perceive ...

  23. How Reading Improves Your Writing

    Reading more can help to improve your writing by improving your vocabulary, grammar, and writing structure skills. The act of reading can also help you to incorporate new writing styles into your work and give you fresh perspectives that can be used in your writing. Reading can improve your critical thinking skills and cognitive function, which ...

  24. How Reading Improves Critical Thinking

    How Reading Improves Critical Thinking; Reading for Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is an important skill for children to develop as they grow. Good critical thinking skills can be attained in a variety of ways. Reading mystery books is one way; books supply a landscape in which children can develop critical thinking skills simply by ...

  25. Boost Critical Reading Skills for Complex Texts

    To improve your critical reading skills for complex texts, you can use different strategies such as active reading, annotating key points, and summarizing main ideas.

  26. Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    Find information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, data, research, and free resources.