Writing an Open Cover Letter

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Writing a Cover Letter for a General Manager Position

Email format for a follow-up resume, how to sell yourself in a 60 second interview.

  • How to Make Your Cover Letter General for Career Fairs
  • How to Write a Letter to Reject an Interview

Many job seekers already know that a large percentage of jobs aren't advertised. In fact, only about one-third of available positions are even advertised, according to Business Insider. So, it is possible that your open cover letter might land on the hiring manager's desk at a time when he just happens to be looking for someone with your talents and qualifications. An open application cover letter – sometimes called a cold cover letter – may be just what you need to launch a successful job search before you even submit an online application for employment.

Research Companies

Before you write an open cover letter, research several companies, advises Indeed Career Guide . This research is best if you focus on a specific industry. Writing one open cover letter can be effective, but it makes perfect sense to send several open cover letters to increase your chances of getting an interview. Read journal articles and magazine "best of" employer lists to identify companies that rank among the100 best employers for women, diversity, working parents or another category that is important to you.

Business Letter Format

Find the mailing addresses and contact names for the companies to which you're going to send your open cover letters. Personalize your letters to the extent possible. You may have to dig deeper for the human resources contact names, and professional networking sites and search engines can be helpful. Use a standard business letter format to lend professionalism to your open cover letter. The standard business format consists of a header, inside address, subject line, greeting and block format for the text.

Introductory Paragraph

The perfect cover letter for any job starts with an impressive introduction. Therefore, compose two to three sentences to get the reader's attention. Say why you're writing, what you offer and the type of job best suited for your qualifications. For example, you could write, "I read with interest the September 2022 edition of "Fortune" magazine where your organization was listed among the top 10 employers for working parents. With 15-plus years' experience in marketing and sales and a successful track record in generating seven-figure pharmaceutical sales for the past five years, I'm looking for a company that values creativity in a consultative sales approach as well as work-life balance. I'd like the opportunity to visit with you about opportunities with ABC Pharmaceuticals. My resume is attached for your consideration."

Body of Cover Letter

In the body of your open application cover letter, highlight a few of your major achievements. Use bullet points to make your special achievements stand out from the rest of your text. Don't include an exhaustive list of accomplishments – you might be that good, but you want to leave something to talk about during the interview.

Tie in your achievements to benefits for the organization. Remember, you're trying to convince the reader to schedule a meeting with you, despite there not being a published job opening. You needn't tell him everything he wants to know about you or there wouldn't be a need for an interview.

Closing Paragraph

In your final paragraph, ask the reader for an informational interview. It's less presumptuous than asking to be interviewed for a job that may not yet exist. An informational interview can lead to an actual job, but the point is that it gets you in front of someone who can tell you more about the company and it gives you a chance to sell your qualifications.

Tell the reader that you'll follow up in the next few days. Use a professional-sounding closing salutation, such as "Kind regards," "Sincerely," or "Yours truly," followed by your signature or typewritten name. A nice touch is to insert your signature in jpeg format after the salutation so it looks like a real handwritten signature.

  • Business Insider: At Least 70% of Jobs Are not Even Listed — Here's How to up Your Chances of Getting a Great new Gig
  • Indeed Career Guide: How to Write a Cold Cover Letter (Template and Example Included)

Ruth Mayhew has been writing since the mid-1980s, and she has been an HR subject matter expert since 1995. Her work appears in "The Multi-Generational Workforce in the Health Care Industry," and she has been cited in numerous publications, including journals and textbooks that focus on human resources management practices. She holds a Master of Arts in sociology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Ruth resides in the nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

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  • 2 How to Contact Companies About Internships
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How to Start a Cover Letter - 4 Tips for the Perfect Opening

Background Image

Here you are, looking at a blank document that’s supposed to be your cover letter.

You have a general idea of what your cover letter is supposed to be about, but you’re having trouble writing those first few sentences.

We get you! Whether you’re writing your resume, an article, research paper, or a cover letter, getting started is sometimes the hardest part.

Lucky for you, though, there is a very straightforward way to get started with your cover letter, and in this article, we’re going to teach you how to do that!

Read on to learn how to effectively get started with your cover letter! 

  • What should your cover letter opening contain
  • What to include in your contact information
  • How to start a cover letter greeting
  • How to write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph
  • 6 Examples of how to start your cover letter

What Should Your Cover Letter Opening Contain

To successfully get started with writing your cover letter, you should include these 3 main elements:

  • The header with contact information. Includes your & the recipient’s contact information.
  • The greeting to the manager. This is where you address the cover letter by greeting the hiring manager, department, or company.
  • An attention-grabbing opening paragraph. The opening paragraph of your cover letter is your chance to grab the recruiters’ attention and get them to read the rest of your cover letter.

Below, we’ll teach you how to do each of them in the right way.

If you’re applying for an entry-level job and wondering what’s the best way to write your cover letter, head over to our article on entry-level cover letters . 

What to Include in Your Contact Information 

As we mentioned, the first thing to add to your cover letter opening is your contact information. 

The header’s essential information include the following: 

  • Full name and professional title (if applicable)
  • Phone number
  • Email (a professional email, that is)

In some cases, you can also add the following: 

  • Social media profiles. By this, we mean profiles that are relevant to the position. This includes websites like LinkedIn , GitHub (for developers), or Medium (for writers).
  • Personal website. If you have a personal website you’ve created for your industry (i.e. you’re a writer with a blog), then make sure to include the link to your website on your cover letter.

After you’ve added your information, you should add the date and continue with the recipient’s name and address. So:

  • Manager’s name
  • Manager’s job title
  • Company’s name
  • Company’s street address

Once you’ve done this, here’s what your cover letter will look like:

how to start a cover letter

And just like the essential DOs, there are also some things you should NOT include in your cover letter header: 

  • Unprofessional email. It’s going to be difficult for a hiring manager to take you seriously if your email address is something you coined when you were still a teenager (i.e. [email protected] ). 

How to Start a Cover Letter Greeting

After you’ve properly listed your contact information, it’s time to start writing your cover letter. 

The first thing this includes is addressing the cover letter to the hiring manager. 

Yeap, that’s right! And by greeting the hiring manager, department, or company, we don’t mean using the old-fashioned “Dear Sir/Madam,” or “To whom it may concern.”

Instead, you want to show your future employer that you’ve done your fair share of research about the job/company and that you’re not just using one cover letter template to apply for ten jobs. After all, one of the most common mistakes job seekers do (84% of them!) is not finding the hiring manager’s name and personalizing the application.

So, make sure to address the hiring manager that’s going to review your manager directly. 

Now, there are a few ways you can do that. 

The simplest - and most obvious - option is to look up the head of the department you’re applying to on LinkedIn. 

Let’s assume that you’re applying as a Communications Specialist at Novoresume. The hiring manager is probably the Head of Communications or the Chief Communications Officer. 

After a quick LinkedIn lookup, you can probably find out who that person is (that’s me!). 


And just like that, you have your hiring manager! Piece of cake!

Not a fan of LinkedIn? You can also check the company’s website and look for the “Team” or " About Us " page.

If none of these work, consider using one of the following greetings when you’re addressing the hiring manager: 

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager,
  • Dear Hiring Manager, 
  • Dear [Department] Team,
  • Dear Director of [Department],
  • Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team

How you conclude your cover letter is just as important as how you start it. To learn how to ace yours, head over to our guide on how to end a cover letter . 

job search masterclass novoresume

How to Write an Attention-Grabbing Opening Paragraph

The last, but the most important, part of your cover letter opening is your opening paragraph. 

You want your opening paragraph to be engaging and attention-grabbing to ensure that the hiring manager will continue reading the cover letter.

After all, recruiters receive hundreds of applications daily. Obviously, they can’t spend all their working hours reading cover letters, so, instead, they simply skim your cover letter in a handful of seconds, and if it catches their attention, they re-read it more thoroughly.

And the part of the cover letter that helps catch their attention is usually the opening paragraph! 

Compare these 2 cover letter openers and judge for yourself which one you’d rather read:

Dear Mr. Brown,

My name is Anna and I’d like to help your company exceed its sales target as a Sales Manager. My 5-year experience as a Sales Representative at XYZ Inc. has given me substantial skills in sales. During my last year working there, we beat KPIs by around 50%. I believe that my strong track record in sales makes me the perfect candidate for the position. 

Hello, my name is Mary and I am interested in working as a Sales Manager for your company. I have 6 years of experience working as a Sales Manager for Company X, so I think I’m a good fit for the position. 

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with the first example, it’s not all that imaginative. Chances are, every other applicant is going to use a similar opening statement.

The second example, on the other hand, is more customized and personal, helping the recruiter understand why Anna is a good candidate for the role.

In this section we’ll give you all the tips & tricks you need to ace your cover letter introduction:

Tip #1. Show Passion and Commitment

Showing the hiring manager that you’re passionate about the job will instantly boost your chances of getting hired. It’s not a secret that committed employees are more engaged and, therefore, more productive.

After all, research shows that engaged employees are 17% more productive than their peers.  

So, it’s only logical that the hiring manager will greatly appreciate a candidate who shows commitment and enthusiasm. 

As such, these are both qualities that you want to showcase right from the start of your cover letter. Here’s an example of how you can do that:

I have been immersed with human rights since I specialized in Conflict Resolution and started working with Amnesty International. During my 5 years of experience in the field, however, I haven’t seen any organization do the work that you’ve accomplished with human rights. Your dedication makes me want to work for your organization and put my skills to use for the work you do. 

Tip #2. Mention a Mutual Contact (if Applicable)

If someone referred you to the position, the opening paragraph of your cover letter is a great place to mention that. 

Referrals are key to securing an interview, but at the same time they’re not something you can mention on your resume, so take the opportunity to let the recruiter know at the start of your cover letter. 

The idea is that if someone the hiring manager knows recommended you for the position, your skills and qualifications immediately become more credible.

I was excited to learn about this job opportunity from John Doe, who has worked at your firm for five years. John and I worked on an architectural project together for over one year and he thought I’d be a good fit for the role at Company X. 

Tip #3. Prove You Have Researched The Company 

A generic cover letter will not give you many points in the eyes of your potential employers. 

The recruiter reading your cover letter wants to know that you’re excited to be applying for that particular company , and you’re not just applying to dozens of jobs randomly, hoping that one will stick. 

As such, it’s very important to do some research about the company you’re applying for, and in the cover letter, mention why you’re a good culture fit. 

I have always admired the work that your organization does with vulnerable communities. I have always been passionate about social justice and I think the mechanisms you have in place to empower those in need are really making an impact. I believe my previous experience as a social worker could bring value to your mission.

Tip #4. Lead With An Achievement

There’s no better way to grab attention than to lead with an achievement. It immediately gives you credibility and makes the hiring manager curious to read more about you. 

To make sure your achievements stand out, though, do this:

  • Whenever possible, make your achievements as quantifiable as possible. “Improved sales by 20% in 2 months” is more impressive than “improve sales.”
  • Show how your past achievement is relevant or can add value to your current position. 

As a Public Relations representative for Company XYZ, I worked with the press to improve its reputation and public image. This translated into a 40% increase in customer satisfaction and better public reception of the company’s values and identity. I am eager to yield the same results as the Head of Communications in your organization. 

Tip #5. Start With a Powerful Belief

A short and impactful belief statement that represents your work ethic and professional values is another great way to attract the recruiter’s attention. Obviously, you get bonus points if said belief statement aligns with the company’s goals and objectives. 

However, don’t just copy-paste the company’s mission statement to make a good impression. Rather, use your own words and beliefs to sound more genuine and original.

As a teacher, I believe every child should have access to quality education early on. This is the only way to ensure future generations’ equity and the best chance we have at improving our society. I admire your institution’s commitment to enabling quality education in the most remote areas of our country and I’d be honored to contribute to those efforts by becoming a teacher here. 

Tip #6. Be Direct  

Oftentimes, beating around the bush gets you nowhere. So, a great strategy to follow when you start writing your cover letter is to just be direct about the position you’re applying for and the reasons you believe make you the perfect fit for the job. 

There’s another upside to this. Recruiters receive hundreds of applications daily - sometimes, even for different positions within the same department - so it helps them to know what position you’re applying for early on, as well as what exact qualifications make you the perfect fit for the job. 

I’d like to officially apply for the marketing manager position at Company X. Over the past 7 years, I’ve worked with 6 clients, helping them drive more than $2,000,000 worth of sales. I am confident that my marketing skills and proven sales results make me a perfect match for the position. 

Match your cover letter with your resume to make a better impression on the recruiter and reinforce your personal brand !

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! 

Hopefully, you’re now more confident about how you can start your cover letter!

Now, let’s do a small recap of the most important points we covered in the article:

  • Your cover letter opening should contain a header with contact information, a greeting to the hiring manager, and an attention-grabbing opening paragraph.
  • Your header should include your contact information, such as your name, phone number, and professional email, the date, as well as the contact information of the recipient.
  • You should try to find the hiring manager’s full name in order to greet them. If you can’t find their name or title anywhere, then you should greet them using Dear Hiring Manager , Dear [Department] Team , or something similar.
  • The opening paragraph of your cover letter should grab the hiring manager’s attention and make them want to read your cover letter. Some tips to write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph include being direct, starting with a strong belief statement, or leading with a relevant achievement.

Related Readings 

  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024
  • Cover Letter Tips 
  • Cover Letter Mistakes
  • Do I Need a Cover Letter?

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General Cover Letter: 15 Cover Letter Templates to Perfect Your Next Job Application

Rachel Leist

Published: April 17, 2024

Are cover letters necessary? I'm not in HR, but I've been approached by applicants who wondered whether their cover letter would actually be read.

cover letter templates; Business person using a cover letter template

My answer isn't very popular: "Sometimes." Sometimes it will be read. Other times, you can get away with just sending in your resume — like when you network your way into applying for a position.

The truth is, you can't really predict on a case-by-case basis — and you're better safe than sorry. For the most part, having a cover letter will give you an upper hand in ways your resume doesn't.

It allows you to show off your writing skills, provide details that you couldn't fit on your resume, demonstrate your passion, and show your willingness to put in as much time and effort as possible.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

If you’ve ever rolled your eyes or balked at an application that required a cover letter, this guide is for you. I’ll go over how to write a cover letter and provide cover letter templates to help you perfect your own.

General Cover Letter

An general cover letter, sometimes called an application letter, is a written document addressed to an employer by a job applicant, explaining why they're interested in and qualified for an open position. More commonly known as a cover letter, this document can come in the form of an email, MS Word document, or similar application template offered by the employer.

Seems fairly basic, right? Cover letters can hold different levels of importance to an employer depending on your industry and the job you're applying for.

49% of recruiters say sending a cover letter along with your resume boosts your chance of landing the role.

If you do plan to write a cover letter, keep in mind there are certain qualities it should have that are not included in the definition above.

open application letter for job

5 Free Cover Letter Templates

Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

  • Standard Cover Letter Template
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Template
  • Data-Driven Cover Letter Template

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

How to Write a General Cover Letter

Job searching can be tedious and timely, so you may find yourself applying for dozens of jobs in the process.

To make this process simpler, I find that having a general cover letter that you can easily tweak to fit different job openings is a game changer. 

Here's how to write a general cover letter so that you don't to keep writing a new one from scratch with every application. 

1. Write Your Heading 

Your heading should always include your name and contact information. For years, it was also common to include your physical address and that of the recipient, but nowadays, it may not always be necessary. 

"I used to always include my physical address and that of my employer, but I stopped after realizing it takes up so much room and just feels archaic," says HubSpot blogger Erica Santiago.

She says, "I've never gotten any mail sent to my home from prospective jobs, and I've never had to mail my application. So, I just include my city and state in my heading, especially if the job posting explicitly states the company wants some based in a specific region." 

So, should you include the company's address in your cover letter?

"This is probably odd, but I always include the company's address because I like to think it shows I did my research," Santiago says. "I've sent probably over 100 cover letters in my life, and I eventually found myself at HubSpot, so I have to be doing something right (laughs)." 

If you think physical addresses are taking up too much space in your cover letter, then consider omitting them. I'll touch on contact information again later. 

2. Greet the recipient 

Avoid "To whom it may concern" if possible. I find that greeting the recipient that way gives the impression that you didn't take the time to research who you should be addressing. 

Instead, try to look up the name of the hiring manager or recruiter. Doing so shows attention to detail and care—qualities employers love to see. 

If you can't find a name, "Dear Hiring Manager" is fine. 

3. Introduce yourself and explain your intentions.

State early on who you are, what position you are applying for, and why. Often, businesses may be hiring for multiple roles, so you want to ensure whoever is reading your cover letter knows exactly why you're reaching out. 

4. Highlight your qualifications, skills, and passion for the job.

This is where things get a little tricky. Your attached resume will also include skills and qualifications, so you may think you just need to regurgitate what's in your resume, right? Wrong. 

Obviously, some information may overlap, but your cover letter is a chance to go into more detail than you could on your resume.

For example, Let's say a potential employer is looking for a self-starter and results-driven person.

This is a great opportunity to mention when you took it upon yourself to spearhead a project that generated more revenue for your previous or current company. 

Connect your skills and qualifications to your unique accomplishments. 

Finally, show that you are passionate about the opportunity. 

"I once had an interview with a pet insurance company," Santiago says. "I worked into the cover letter my love for my two cats, how pet insurance grants me peace of mind, and how I want to help give that same peace of mind to others via the job position."

She explains, "Cover letters are a chance to show your personality, your sense of humor, your motivations, and your passions. All these things can make you stand out from other other applicants."

5. Leave space for customization. 

Your general cover letter should be designed so that you can easily update it to appeal to whatever opportunity you're applying to.

So, leave a blank space for the hiring manager or company's name, and format it so you can add or remove skills and qualifications as needed.

6. End with a  "thank you" and mention how to contact you.

Santiago says she always includes a variation of the following sentence at the end of her cover letters:

"I would love to discuss this opportunity more via an interview. I can be reached via email, LinkedIn, and phone at XXX-XXX-XXXX."

She explains, "I always hyperlink my email and LinkedIn profiles, along with having them spelled out somewhere in the heading."

General Cover Letter Example

general cover letter example; perfect cover letter for any job

Notice the company's address is included but not the applicants and that there are blank spaces for the writer to change information such as the recipient, positions, and skills. 

My only critique of this example is that it could use more personality and a punchier hook (more on hooks later).

What to Include in a Cover Letter

So, what should you include? I covered a bit of this already, but I want to dive a little deeper.

Don't worry, I'll let the 11 templates below this list do most of the talking. No matter which one you download, pay attention to the following elements — all of which should shine through in the letter you send to your future manager.

Fill out this form to access your templates.

1. contact information.

Cover letters shouldn't just carry your contact information but also that of the company to which you're applying. Contact info includes your phone number, email address, and any social media accounts you're willing to share and receive connections to.

As I said earlier, home addresses aren't always required, but they can be a helpful reassurance to the employer that you already live nearby and would have no trouble coming into the office.

Avoid offering phone numbers, email addresses, or actual addresses that belong to your current employer.

Using your personal Gmail address over your work email, for example, ensures your correspondence with recruiters remains separate from all of your current work communication.

2. A Personal Address Line

For as often as you see "to whom it may concern" at the top of cover letters today, do your best to avoid writing this exhausted line.

Address lines that specify a person or company grab your reader's attention much more quickly, and show the employer that you've taken the time to tailor your application letter to them.

Don't have the name of the hiring manager? "Employers at [company name]" will do just fine.

A "hook" is a clever introduction that "hooks" your reader into wanting to learn more. Think about yourself as a job candidate — what makes you unique?

What about your career might a recruiter be intrigued by that you can package into an interesting first sentence?

4. Why You're Qualified

Again, today's best applications describe why this experience qualifies the applicant for the job they're applying for.

For example, don't just state that you spent three years writing for a company blog. Explain that this type of work lends itself to managing your new potential employer's content calendar every week.

5. General Knowledge of the Business

Grammatical errors could mean your application is thrown in the trash, but that's not the only thing that could get your letter tossed aside.

Using a generic "one-size-fits-all" cover letter — especially if you forget to change the name of the company — will also hurt your chances of landing an interview.

So, if you take the time to write a cover letter, take the time to comment on the business itself. Why are you applying to this company? What about their business stuck out to you as a professional?

Now, let's take a look at an example cover letter , what makes it effective, along with 11 templates you can download or draw inspiration from.

 Cover Letter Example

Cover letter example.

Image Source

The example above illustrates how to write a marketing cover letter using the elements I listed.

Besides the contact information and the address line, the first few paragraphs explain why the candidate is qualified for the position. This example uses specific data to show why they would be a good fit.

Additionally, in the second to last paragraph, the candidate discusses why they're interested in the specific company, demonstrating general knowledge of the business.

By combining all the elements to a cover letter, this is a great example to use for inspiration.

Featured Resource: 5 Professional Cover Letter Templates

Cover Letter Templates

14 Free Cover Letter Templates for Your Next Job Application

Template 1: basic.

Basic cover letter template with 7 qualities to learn from.

The example above is a basic (but great) cover letter. The numbered sections are explained in more detail below.

The level of formality your header has will depend on the company to which you apply. If you're applying to a formal business, it's important to use a formal header to open your cover letter, like in the sample above.

Put your address, the date, and the company's address. But if you're applying to a company that isn't as formal, you don't need to include yours and the company's addresses. You can still include the date, though.

2. Greeting

Using "To Whom It May Concern" is okay, but you may want to take the time to research the name of the recruiter or hiring manager online.

If you do your research and aren't confident you found the right name, then you should definitely use the generic greeting — but if you are sure, then it shows you put in the effort to find their name and it will catch the recruiter's eye.

If you have the recruiter's name, do you greet them by their full name, or by their courtesy title (i.e. Mr., Ms., or Mrs.)? Similar to the header, it depends on the company's level of formality.

If you're applying to a corporate business, you may want to consider using "Mr. Snaper" instead of "Jon Snaper." If you're applying to a start-up or a business with a more casual culture, you can use "Jon Snaper," as shown in the example.

3. Introduction

Your opening paragraph should, in 1-3 sentences, state why you're excited to apply and what makes you the perfect candidate. Get right to the point, and don't worry about explaining where you found the posting or who you know at the company.

This isn't a place to go into detail about why you're a great candidate — that's for the second paragraph. Here, simply list a few key reasons in one sentence to set up the rest of your letter.

Keep in mind that the recruiter may cross-reference your cover letter with your resume, so make sure the two sync up.

4. Paragraph 2: Why You're a Great Fit for the Job

Next, sell yourself and your experience by choosing one or two concrete examples that show why you're a great fit for the position. What did you do at a previous company that gave you relevant experience?

Which projects have you worked on that would benefit the new company? How will your prior experience help this company grow? Stay humble in your explanation of credentials while still showing that you would be an asset to the team.

Use this paragraph to show you're genuinely excited and interested in the position.

5. Third Paragraph: Why the Company Is a Great Fit for You

While it's certainly important you're a good fit for the job, it's also important that the company is a good fit for you.

"A cover letter typically describes why you're great for a company — but how will you benefit from getting hired?" asks former HubSpot Team Development Manager Emily MacIntyre . "We want to know why our company appeals to you, and how it will be a mutually beneficial working relationship."

In the third paragraph, show you're serious about growing and developing your career at this new company. What impresses and excites you about the company?

Is there something that you feel strongly about that aligns with the company's goals? For example, the candidate in the sample letter used this space to show his personal commitment to environmental causes aligns with the company's green initiatives.

6. Strong Closer and Signature

Don't get lazy in the final few sentences of your cover letter — it's important to finish strong.

Be straightforward about your interest and enthusiasm about the new position, and tell them you're available to talk about the opportunity at any time. Be sure to include your phone number and email address.

At this point, the ball is (rightly) in the recruiter's court to decide how to follow up.

Last but certainly not least, thank them for their time and consideration. Use a formal sign-off like "Best," "All the best," or "Sincerely," and finish by typing out your full name. You don't need to sign it with a pen.

Template 2: Data-Driven Marketing Cover Letter

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Data-driven marketing cover letter template

When applying to a data-driven position, it might be tempting to inject your cover letter with, well, the data to describe what you've done for other employers.

But in an application letter — particularly for the marketing industry — how you convey this data is just as important as the data itself.

The cover letter template above, which we created here at HubSpot, can help you present the data that's most important to you as a candidate such that it'll matter to your future employer.

Notice the three bullet points near the center of the letter above, preceded by the statement: "... I've developed a strategy that has helped the company achieve ..."

This setup is important, because while you can add as many statistics as you want to this template, your data points should describe how your current/former business benefited from your work, rather than how you, yourself, benefited.

Template 3: Straight-to-the-Point Cover Letter

cover letter template: Straight-to-the-point

Harvard Business Review contributor David Silverman hailed the above cover letter example as "The Best Cover Letter I Ever Received."

For context, Silverman believes there are only a handful of times when writing a cover letter is actually necessary:

  • When you know the name of the hiring manager.
  • When you know something about what the job requires.
  • When you've been referred to the job personally.

Under those three circumstances, a straight-to-the-point cover letter like the one above could be your best bet. Because it's so concise, however, make a point to add your own letterhead above the message itself.

It might be easy for a recruiter to sift through a short and sweet cover letter like the one above, but it's just as easy for it to get lost in the shuffle of their application list without a unique design or format.

Template 4: Referral Cover Letter

cover letter template: Referral cover letter

Just because a friend or colleague recommended you for a job doesn't mean the company is all set to hire you. Therefore, the cover letter template above is written specifically for referrals.

We made this one here at HubSpot. Download it here (it comes with four other cover letter templates , too).

As you can see in the picture above, the first paragraph of the cover letter is dedicated entirely to acknowledging the circumstances of your applying: You know someone who works there — no harm in that.

But there might be harm in not mentioning it to the hiring manager. Telling the reader about your connection at the company shows you're aware and confident of the actions you take to get the opportunities you're interested in.

Ultimately, it's better than the recruiter hearing about your employee connection from somebody else.

As for the rest of the cover letter, treat your message the same way you would if you had applied with no connection from within. Your skills and successes are no less important because of your internal referral.

Template 5: Photo Letterhead Cover Letter

Photo letterhead cover letter

The cover letter template above was designed by Microsoft Office, and as comprehensive as it looks, it's completely free to download and modify.

As it looks right now, this cover letter contains about half photo, half text. Feel free to shrink (and change) the image to give yourself more room to tell your story. Of course, a nice washed-out image that expresses who you are can be part of that story ...

Template 6: Digital Creative Cover Letter

cover letter template: digital creative letter

This sixth template is perfect for the applicant who wants to emphasize the many different digital channels they areon. This template goes well with a resume of the same format.

As you personalize this letter with your own experience, make note of the social networks and industry software included in this template.

You'll see there’s additional space along the top to add your LinkedIn and personal website to fill with your own information.

You can improve upon this template by formatting your most important highlights and accomplishments with bullet points. This will make the document easier to read for the hiring manager and emphasizes the value you provide.

Template 7: Marketing Manager Cover Letter

cover letter template: Marketing-specific cover letter

Our seventh cover letter comes from Monster.com. This cover letter, shown above, is focused specifically on a marketing role.

Notice how the writer includes references to important marketing metrics and terminology.

If you're applying to a data-driven role, you might not want to fill the page with a story of your experience in paragraph form, like Template 1 does at the beginning of this article.

Instead, consider highlighting three (or four, or five) of your successes that you believe the hiring manager would resonate most with, in bulleted form.

As a marketing professional, breaking up your letter with bulleted details like the ones above shows a respect for the hiring manager's limited time — a mentality that all marketers must understand when communicating with a brand's audience.

Template 8: Career Day Follow-Up Cover Letter

cover letter template: Career day follow-up cover letter

This is a unique kind of cover letter from Princeton University.

LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Monster, and Indeed might take the lion's share of your job searches online, but still some employment opportunities come out of a trade show, job fair, or similar networking event.

For those occurrences, you have the follow-up cover letter template above.

This cover letter has everything you need to help an employer recall a conversation you had with him/her at a career fair.

As you can see in the second paragraph, the letter is particularly useful to people who are about to graduate college.

Template 9: Logo and Watermarked Cover Letter

cover letter template: Logo and watermarked cover letter by Microsoft Office

Here's another cover letter template from Microsoft Office.

This one has a light touch of color in the design just above the letterhead, but make no mistake — the template caters to any professional looking to make a good first impression on their future employer.

Don't let the logo space on the top-right of the page confuse you. This can be the logo of the company to which you're applying — to quickly get the attention of the recruiter — or your own logo.

Perhaps you freelance on the side or simply like branding yourself. This cover letter template is meant for customization.

Template 10: Data Scientist Cover Letter

cover letter template: Princeton Data Science Cover Letter

This is our second template from Princeton University. While this is focused on a data scientist role, it is an excellent template to use for students applying to jobs prior to graduation.

The text emphasizes how the applicant’s academic research and projects makes them an ideal candidate for the position. The format is also simple enough to submit as a pdf, as text in an email message or an application text box.

Template 11: Business Cover Letter

cover letter template: Business cover letter

The cover letter template above is perfect for entry- and mid-level marketers who want to show a little extra professionalism in their opening note to a potential employer.

The multi-colored header (you can change the color if you wish) shows just the right amount of creativity and can go quite well with a resume of the same style. If you don't have enough experience to fill the entire page, don't worry.

Feel free to write to a length you think is representative of who you are and what the hiring manager wants to see.

No matter how long your final cover letter is, the above template is your opportunity to show your attention to detail — from your contact information in the top header, to the personalized address line where you can include the name of the hiring manager.

Like I said, "to whom it may concern" is pretty outdated, anyway.

Template 12: Entry-Level Cover Letter

Entry level job cover letter

The cover letter template above, written by HubSpot, is specifically designed for entry-level applicants.

When you only have a few years experience, it's important to display how you gained your skills and what you learned from your education or internships.

Additionally, it's important to mention why you want to work at the company you're applying to.

No matter your experience, the template above will help you decide what skills you want to highlight and flesh out in your cover letter.

You can download it here (it comes with four other cover letter templates , too).

Template 13: Healthcare Cover Letter

cover letter template: Healthcare cover letter

The cover letter, created by The Balance Careers, cuts down on repetition by following the "I have" statement with six bullet points that highlight the applicant's strengths, including "I have ... practical knowledge of creating and implementing care plans" and "I have ... a proven track record of compassionate, effective care".

Additionally, phrases like "I'd love to put my skills to work for your clinic" and "Please contact me at your convenience and let me know how I can help you" focus on what the business will gain as a result of hiring the applicant, rather than what the applicant is looking to gain.

Template 14: Freelance Cover Letter

cover letter template: freelance cover letter

If you're looking for freelance work, your biggest goal is to get your strengths across quickly, so busy clients won't pass by your cover letter entirely.

Additionally, if you're sending out multiple cover letters to different clients, you'll want to target each one to that client's unique goals.

For instance, if one client is looking for SEO-optimized content related to marketing, you'll want to highlight past experience writing marketing content; this will change if, for instance, the client is looking for fitness content.

For this reason, it's a good idea to structure your cover letter so you start with a) past credentials or references, and b) bullet-point information related to the client's goal, as shown in the cover letter above.

Template 15: Director Cover Letter

cover letter template: cover letter for director

In the cover letter above, the candidate does a good job outlining how she succeeded in a leadership role previously:

"For the past five years, I have successfully developed and maintained all data systems, including schedules and records for a business employing more than 100 people."

You'll want to demonstrate how your skills align with a Director position — both through organization and leadership — and, when possible, where you received recognition for your hard work (i.e. "I earned an award for Most Valuable Administrative Staff Member").

Write a Winning Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter is easier said than done. Don't hesitate to spend a lot of time writing and editing it.

Tap into the incredible potential of AI tools, such as the HubSpot paragraph rewriter , to infuse each paragraph with a flawless touch of excellence. Or, ask a friend or family member to read it over and give you feedback.

If the recruiter does end up reading it, you'll be thankful you did.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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open application letter for job

A Comprehensive Guide to the Job Application Process

I n today's competitive job market , having a thorough understanding of the job application process is essential for standing out from the crowd and securing employment opportunities.

By familiarizing yourself with each stage of the proceedings from the recruiting process through the interview process, you can approach it strategically and increase your chances of success.

Comprehending the intricacies of the application process can help you navigate it with confidence and set yourself apart from other job seekers.

Related: Building Your Brand Is How You Will Stand Out When Applying for a Job | Entrepreneur

What are the first steps to take when applying for a job?

Successfully navigating the initial stages of the job application process will significantly impact the chances of landing the job of your choice.

Here are a few of the most important steps to follow when you're first applying for a job:

Craft an effective cover letter

Crafting an effective cover letter is a critical step in the job application process. It serves as your introduction to potential employers and provides an opportunity to highlight your qualifications and enthusiasm for the specific role.

To create an impactful cover letter, experts recommend using a template as a starting point and customizing it for each application:

  • Address the hiring manager by name if possible, and clearly articulate why you are interested in the position and how your skills align with the job requirements.
  • Share specific examples of your achievements and experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the role.
  • Remember to keep the letter concise, engaging and always proofread before sending it.

Include crucial information in the application

When filling out an online job application, it's crucial to provide accurate and relevant information that showcases your qualifications:

  • Start by including your contact information, including your full name, phone number, email address and professional social media information (such as your LinkedIn profile).
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of your work history, starting with your most recent position and including relevant responsibilities and achievements.
  • Highlight any certifications or specialized training pertinent to the specific job you are applying for.
  • Take the time to tailor your responses to the job requirements, demonstrating how your skills and experiences align with the position.
  • Pay attention to any additional questions or sections in the application form, as they may provide an opportunity to showcase your unique qualifications.

Maximize the impact of your resume

Your resume is a crucial tool for making a strong first impression on potential employers.

To maximize its impact, start by tailoring your resume to the specific job you are applying for:

  • Carefully review the job description and highlight the skills, experiences and qualifications that align with the requirements of the position.
  • Use bullet points and concise language to clearly articulate your work experience, focusing on achievements and measurable results.
  • Consider using a professional template to ensure a clean and organized layout that is easy to read.
  • Emphasize any relevant certifications, training programs or professional development activities that showcase your dedication to continuous learning.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors.

Related: 6 Creative and Out There Ways People Have Applied for Jobs | Entrepreneur

Which job searching strategies work the best?

When it comes to job searching, it's essential to employ effective strategies that yield positive results.

Find and evaluate job postings

Finding and evaluating job postings is a critical step in the job search process. Start by exploring reputable job boards, company websites and professional networking platforms. Narrow down your search using keywords, location and specific job titles.

As you come across job postings, thoroughly evaluate them to determine if they align with your qualifications, career goals and values. Look for key details such as job responsibilities, required qualifications and desired skills. Take note of application deadlines, contact information and any additional instructions.

Use LinkedIn to further your search

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers, providing access to a vast network of professionals and job opportunities. To leverage LinkedIn effectively, optimize your profile to highlight your skills, experiences and career goals.

Connect with industry professionals, join relevant group and actively engage in conversations to expand your network. Use the platform's job search features to discover open positions that align with your interests and qualifications. Reach out to hiring managers or recruiters directly through LinkedIn messaging.

Additionally, consider sharing relevant articles or insights to establish your expertise and increase your visibility. LinkedIn can be a valuable resource for finding and connecting with potential employers.

Tap into your network for more opportunities

Your existing network can be a valuable source of job opportunities. Inform your friends, family, former colleagues and mentors about your job search and the type of positions you are seeking. They may have insights or connections that can lead to potential opportunities.

Attend industry events, job fairs and networking meetups to expand your professional network. Engage in conversations, exchange business cards and follow up with new contacts. Additionally, consider reaching out to alumni associations or professional organizations related to your field.

Related: 4 Ways to Make High-Quality Connections on LinkedIn | Entrepreneur

How does the hiring process work?

The hiring process involves multiple stages designed to assess candidates and select the most qualified individual for a position:

  • After submitting your application, it undergoes review by human resources professionals and hiring managers who assess candidate experience, eligibility and qualifications.
  • Shortlisted job candidates are typically invited for virtual or in-person interviews.
  • Following interviews, employers often conduct background checks to verify information provided and ensure suitability for the role.
  • Finally, a hiring decision is made, and the selected candidate becomes the new hire for the job opening.

Related: How to Separate the Champs From the Chumps in the Hiring Process | Entrepreneur

What's the secret for nailing a job interview?

The secret to nailing a job interview lies in thorough preparation, effective communication and showcasing your qualifications and fit for the role. By combining these elements and presenting yourself authentically, you can leave a lasting positive impression and increase your chances of securing the job:

Research the company and position

Researching the company and position is crucial for interview preparation. Start by visiting the company's website, exploring its mission, values, products and services. Familiarize yourself with recent news or developments related to the organization.

Review the job description in detail, understanding the specific responsibilities and requirements. Research the industry and competitors to gain a broader context. Use resources like LinkedIn and professional networks to gather insights and connections within the organization.

Handle reference checks and background investigations

Reference checks and background investigations are common steps in the hiring process. Provide a list of references with their contact information to the employer. Inform your references about the possibility of receiving a call or email from the employer.

Ensure your references are aware of your job search and can provide positive insights into your qualifications and character. Cooperate with background investigations, providing accurate information and complying with required documentation.

Answer common interview questions effectively

Interview questions are designed to assess your qualifications, skills and fit for the job.

Common interview questions may include those related to your work experience, strengths and weaknesses, problem-solving abilities and future goals. To answer them effectively, prepare concise and structured responses using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) .

Highlight specific examples that demonstrate your achievements and how you have overcome challenges. Practice your answers to ensure clarity and confidence during the interview. Additionally, research industry-specific or role-specific questions that may arise.

Make a positive impression during the interview

Making a positive impression during the interview is essential for securing the job. Here are a few tips to make the best first impression possible:

  • Dress professionally, maintain good body language and engage actively with the interviewer.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and organization through your tone and responses.
  • Show active listening skills by attentively responding to questions.
  • Ask thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest and understanding of the position. Display confidence in your abilities, but also be humble and open to feedback.

Follow up after the interview

Following up after the interview is an often overlooked but fundamental step in the job application process. Send a thank-you email or letter within 24 hours, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position. Personalize the message to reflect key points discussed during the interview.

Maintain a professional tone and attention to detail. Timeliness is crucial in showing your professionalism and continued interest in the role.

Negotiate a job offer and consider career goals

When a job offer is extended, it's essential to carefully consider your career goals and the terms of the offer. Evaluate the compensation package, benefits and opportunities for growth and advancement. Assess how the offer aligns with your long-term aspirations and consider negotiating certain aspects if needed.

Communicate your expectations and desired outcomes professionally and respectfully. Carefully weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision that supports your career goals and overall well-being.

Related: Nailing the Job Interview: 3 Leadership Skills That Are in Demand | Entrepreneur

Finding career success

Navigating the job application process requires careful attention to each stage and element. You can increase your chances of success by following best practices, conducting thorough research, preparing for interviews and effectively showcasing your qualifications.

Remember to follow up after interviews, handle reference checks with professionalism and carefully consider job offers in line with your career goals. Apply these insights and continue your journey towards career success.

By applying the insights gained from this comprehensive guide, you can enhance your job search strategies, present yourself effectively during interviews and make informed decisions about your career path.

For further guidance and resources, we invite you to explore additional insights at Entrepreneur , where you'll find a wealth of information to support your journey towards career success.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Job Application Process

First, read the job advertisement, make a note of the company's exact requirements, and compare these with your qualifications, skills, and work experience.

Underline the keywords and use the key phrases used in the job advertisement in your job application letter to make it clear to the employer that you have carefully read the job posting., while sending a paper copy of the job application letter to the employer, you must include a heading with your name, address, email, phone number, and the date., it is important to find out the name of the recruiter or the hiring manager and address the application letter to them., mention your professional title, the job position you are applying for, and where you read the job advertisement at the start of the job application letter., elaborate further on your skills and work experience to show how these will enable you to fulfill the job requirements., to further focus on your eligibility for the job position, mention personal aspects that could suit the job., thank the recruiter for taking the time to read your job application letter and express your appreciation in a professional tone., thanks for reading. up next.

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  • Career Planning
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  • Cover Letters

How To Start a Cover Letter With Examples and Tips

open application letter for job

  • How to Start a Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter Opening Sentence Examples

Personalize Your Cover Letter

  • What to Write in the Rest of Your Letter

Cover Letter Sample

More cover letter examples and templates.

Theresa Chiechi / The Balance

What's the best way to start a cover letter for a job? The first couple of sentences of your  cover letter  are the most important ones. Recruiters and hiring managers often spend mere seconds scanning your application.

If your cover letter doesn't grab their attention right away, they may never even get as far as the second paragraph. What should these all-important first sentences say? Keep in mind that you're hoping to differentiate yourself from the competition. Your goal is to explain to the reader who you are, why you're writing, and how you can contribute to the employer's success.

This might mean  highlighting a contact , providing a quick window into your relevant background and experience, or emphasizing a significant accomplishment that would make you an asset to the organization.

Think about why the hiring manager should select you, above all other candidates, for an interview, and you'll be on the right track.

How to Start a Cover Letter 

Be direct.  In these opening sentences, you want to explicitly let the reader know which position you're applying for. Hiring managers are often looking at candidates for several open jobs at any given time. Make sure it's easy for them to discover your intent. For example:

I am interested in the coordinator position at ABC company.

Mention a contact.  If someone  referred you to the position , include that information early on as well. Referrals are one of the key aspects to securing an interview, so be sure to mention yours right away. For example:

Jane Doe suggested I contact you about the job, as she feels my skills would be a good fit for the position.

State an accomplishment.  Try to state an accomplishment from your previous job. If you can, show how you added value to the last company you worked for. You might even add the job title you had if it's similar to the one you are applying for. For example:

As coordinator at XYZ Enterprises, I have increased my group's output by 37% over the past 15 months.

Express excitement.  Convey your passion for your work, and your excitement about the job and company. Your cover letter is an opportunity to sell yourself to the hiring manager, and to share why you're well qualified for the job. For example:

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss what I have to bring to the position at ABC company.

Use keywords.  If you can include any  keywords  from the job listing, do so. You can mention a skill you have that was included in the post. For example: 

My track history of successfully managing teams and delivering projects on time and on budget makes me a good fit for this role.

Examples of Cover Letter Opening Sentences 

  • As an information technology professional with high-level management experience in the IT industry, I learned that the best way to achieve success was to utilize the resources I had by employing well-defined objectives and an attitude of empowerment.
  • I am very interested in the entry-level position that is available at ABC Investment Partners. I recently graduated from XYZ college, and my courses in investments, finance, and business have equipped me with a solid base upon which I plan to build my career.
  • I am writing to express my strong interest in the international marketing position open at WellCam, Inc. My colleague Janna Doling recommended that I contact you directly about this position, owing to the years I have spent developing successful campaigns for XYZ company.
  • I'm writing to express my interest in the editorial assistant position listed on Monster.com. Given my five years of editorial experience and excellent capabilities, I would appreciate your consideration for this position.
  • I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. With experience working at both elementary and high school levels, as well as in activities outside of the traditional classroom, I have a diverse background with much to offer.
  • I have the pleasure of being acquainted with one of the counselors on your staff, Eleanor Seville. She let me know about the open position and recommended that I contact you.
  • I was excited to read about the administrative assistant job opening at XYZ company. I have several years of administrative experience in a variety of fields, including insurance and finance.
  • I understand that you have been deluged with resumes since  Computer World  released their list of the best companies to work for. Mine is one more, but I do have experience that is hard to come by.
  • My proven track record of successfully performing complex analyses on various corporations makes me an ideal candidate for the analyst opportunity that you have advertised.

When you're not sure how to get started, it can be really helpful to review  examples of cover letters . You can use these as a guide, but be sure to tailor your introduction to your personal circumstances and the job you're applying for.

The more closely you  construct your cover letter  to show that you're a  match for the job requirements , the better your chances of getting selected for an interview.

What to Write in the Rest of Your Cover Letter

Of course,  the rest of your letter  is important too. You'll need to use an  appropriate salutation , and make your  cover letter closing  polite and inviting. In the  body of your letter , you have the opportunity to pitch your qualifications for the job in more detail than you have room for in your resume.

If there are specific events or accomplishments you feel are likely to make you stand out, you can briefly mention them and explain in more detail should you secure an interview.

Make sure your  contact information  is complete as well, and format your  signature  to match the letter style you are using.

Download the cover letter template  (compatible with Google Docs or Word Online) or read the example below.

Sample Cover Letter (Text Version)

John Smith 37 Oak Street Middle Village, New York 10502 555-555-555 john.smith@email.com

March 22, 2021

Dr. Jane Doe All Smiles Dentistry 5 Main Street, Suite A Middle Village, New York 10502

Dear Dr. Doe,

My former coworker, Maria Rodriguez, suggested that I contact you to express my interest in the position of dental assistant in your office in Middle Village.

I’m a licensed dental assistant with over 10 years of experience helping dentists and hygienists make their patients smile. In my current role with ABC Dental, I have gained proficiency in the four-handed dentistry technique, as well as mastering Henry Schein Dentix software.

I also have the following skills and qualifications, as outlined in the job description on your website:

  • Experience taking and developing dental X-rays
  • Infection control expertise, including preparing and sterilizing instruments and equipment
  • Knowledge of several different types of scheduling software
  • Language skills (bilingual: English/Spanish)
  • Excellent customer service skills and attention to detail

Most importantly, I love people. I consider it a great privilege to help dentists improve their patients’ lives by providing the very best support and customer care.

I’ve enclosed my resume, and I hope you’ll contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Review cover letter examples for many different types of jobs, and get downloadable templates you can use to write your own cover letters.

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CareerOneStop. " How Do I Write a Cover Letter ."

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Research Analyst - Application Deadline of June 14th, 2024

What to expect in this position.

  • Conduct high quality open source research, monitoring and data gathering, including qualifying sources and validating information, in support of timely and high quality security intelligence and political risk analysis (specifically Dragonfly’s TerrorismTracker database and the daily Travel Risks Monitor).
  • Use, develop and maintain our resources, specifically data feeds and open source networks.
  • Develop expertise in terrorism in accordance with our working definition, enabling you to effectively identify, analyse and assess terrorism incidents, plots and trends.
  • Become proficient in assessing travel risks, allowing you to monitor, identify and report on potential disruptions and risks to professionals and businesses' travel plans and operations. 
  • Provide high quality research in support of project work and SIAS reports or briefings, within agreed timescales, seeking guidance where required.
  • Be proactive in taking on day-to-day operational tasks and ensuring team delivery demands are met. 
  • Frequently seek guidance, support and training from peers and senior colleagues where appropriate.
  • Represent and advocate for the Dragonfly brand.
  • Develop an understanding of Dragonfly client requirements through feedback, guidance and attending internal Dragonfly meetings and events.

What Sets You Apart

  • You build research and collection plans for each assignment and project.
  • You are able to do diligent research, collecting, refining and structuring information relevant to the assessment and within required timeframes. 
  • You undertake accurate verification of information and present the research that accurately communicates the information, and unambiguously parses fact from unverified information. You reliably record and cite sources. 
  • You organise intelligence and information in a format that can be shared with and understood by others in line with company guidance.
  • You articulate the main source strengths and weaknesses in the information based used in your assessments
  • You present the outcomes of your analysis honestly, even if your assessment could be contentious.
  • You understand the purpose and principles of critical thinking.
  • You can identify the assumptions relating to your hypotheses, and proactively challenge these to understand the extent to which they are supported.
  • You draft assessments following the principles of plain English with good spelling and grammar, in line with relevant company writing guides.
  • You draft clear, relevant, accurate information and concise assessment.
  • You actively learn and apply Dragonfly house writing and presentation style.
  • You are able to show progression in the understanding and use house of style in a fluent and not-formulaic manner, responding constructively to feedback and direction. 
  • You actively self reflect on your own behaviours and performance to develop an accurate understanding of your own drivers, strengths and development areas.
  • You adopt and cultivate a learning and development mindset, encouraging feedback and responding in a non-defensive manner to challenge and feedback. 
  • You build positive and trusted working relationships where you can seek honest appraisal and build self-awareness. 
  • You actively seek to collaborate and support the work of colleagues to achieve business goals. 

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General election latest: Suspended Tory MP claims she quit to back Reform - as PM defends 'bold' national service idea

Rishi Sunak has defended his national service idea after Sir Keir Starmer dismissed the proposal as a "teenage Dad's Army". Meanwhile, an outgoing Tory MP has been suspended for backing Reform to take her seat.

Monday 27 May 2024 18:05, UK

  • General Election 2024

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General election called for 4 July

  • Outgoing Tory MP suspended after backing Reform
  • PM defends 'modern' national service plan
  • 'Teenage Dad's Army': Starmer dismisses Sunak's idea
  • Labour leader tells Beth Rigby voters can 'look at my record'
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler  and (earlier)  Ben Bloch

Expert analysis

  • Beth Rigby: Starmer's message is potent - but he has to seal the deal
  • Tamara Cohen: Farage's incendiary claims a question for Reform
  • Adam Boulton: Why PM's big bet on security likely won't pay off

Election essentials

  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Subscribe to Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: What happens next? | Which MPs are standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency's changing | Sky's coverage plans

The conversation with Sir Keir Starmer then turns to broken promises, with Beth Rigby asking why he won't acknowledge some pledges he's abandoned since running to be Labour leader in 2020.

He insists most of the promises he made "are still in place".

"They're the building blocks of what we've now put in place. Some of them have changed and this is an issue that's important because the reason they've changed is because we can't afford to do them any more. 

"I said that we should abolish tuition fees," he recalls, but says "it's not possible" now because of the damage done to the economy.

"I think it's more important to stand in front of the electorate and say 'I'm sorry, I can't now afford what I said before because of the damage being done to the economy'. 

"What I'm saying to the electorate is this: I'm going to tell you in advance of the election what I don't think we can afford to do.

"I'm not going to tell you that you can have everything and then break a promise after the election. 

"I'm going to level with you now. There are some things that we now can't afford because of the damage done to the economy."

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has urged people to "look at my record" after being asked whether members of the public can trust him.

Sir Keir has been criticised for abandoning a number of pledges he made when competing for the Labour leadership, a criticism he has dismissed as being down to circumstance.

But our political editor Beth Rigby asked if there is a trust gap between the Labour leader and voters.

He said: "The most important thing is to look at the record of the individual. In my case, my record at the Crown Prosecution Service. 

"I arrived there and said we need to reform. I arrived there and said we've got to drive up conviction rates for rape and change the way we deal with violence [against women and girls]. 

"We delivered all that. I said we had to change the way we deal with victims and we delivered.

"I went to Northern Ireland and said we would change the police service in Northern Ireland to make sure that both communities had respect. 

"And I changed the Labour Party."

We've just been hearing from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is in Buckinghamshire today as the general election campaign heats up.

In a speech to party supporters, he asked the British public to answer one question: "Who do you trust?"

He repeated his attack on Labour that the party will take the country "back to square one", and put up people's taxes.

Mr Sunak claimed that the UK would have a "secure future" under the Conservatives.

"While others want to threaten the security, the integrity of our borders, we've got a bold plan with Rwanda," he said.

"To make it crystal clear that if you come to your country illegally, you won't be able to stay. You'll be returned. That's how you create a deterrent."

Attacking the Labour Party, he said it wants the voters to believe "this election is a foregone conclusion" and appeared to suggest it was taking the public "for granted".

He said the Conservatives will fight "very hard" in this election, while Sir Keir Starmer had not offered "one single new idea" in a speech of his own earlier today.

"They've had 14 years to think about what they want to do, and they've got nothing to say about the future of our country," he said.

"And that is what we are going to show."

As we mentioned earlier, the Conservative MP for Telford, Lucy Allan, had publicly backed the Reform UK candidate in her constituency.

Ms Allan confirmed last year that she would not attempt to retain her seat.

Now, the Conservatives have confirmed she has been suspended from the party.

A spokesperson said: "Lucy Allan has been suspended from the Party with immediate effect. 

"The people of Telford now have the chance to vote for a dedicated and hardworking new candidate who will put Telford first. 

"A vote for Reform is a vote for Keir Starmer."

However, Ms Allan claims she quit.

She said: "I have resigned from the Conservative Party to support Alan Adams to be Telford's next MP.

"I have known Alan for many years and he is genuinely the best person for the job. I want the best for Telford and I can't just let the Labour candidate have a walkover."

As per our ever-updating list of MPs who are standing down, Ms Allan had a majority of 10,941:

Rishi Sunak is due to deliver a speech in Buckinghamshire shortly.

Due to technical gremlins, we won't be able to bring it to you live - but we'll have the top lines here in Politics Hub as soon as we can.

Lucy Allan, the Conservative MP for Telford, confirmed previously she will not contest her seat at the general election on 4 July.

She has now thrown her support behind a Reform UK candidate...

Perhaps buoyed by his beloved Southampton securing their return to the Premier League over the weekend, Rishi Sunak has been showing off his footwork on the campaign trail today.

The prime minister had a kickabout at Chesham United FC, found in the Chesham and Amersham constituency the Tories lost to the Lib Dems in a by-election.

Gareth Southgate may have already picked his England squad for the Euros next month, but based on this footage…. well, Mr Sunak still wouldn't have made the cut.

There's been a great deal of discussion today over the prime minister's announcement that the Conservatives would reintroduce national service if they are re-elected in July.

There has been a lack of clarity over whether parents could face fines or even prison sentences if their children refuse to take part.

Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow paymaster general, described this uncertainty as "absolute chaos".

He said: "The Tory campaign is in absolute chaos, with more positions on their flagship policy than the Kama Sutra.

"Now, Tory MPs are arguing among themselves about whether they are going to arrest parents, whether it will apply to Northern Ireland and how much it will cost.

"It is a shambles, total chaos, and the country deserves so much better."

Until voters go to the polls on 4 July, the Politics Hub will be looking back at some memorable moments from previous general election campaigns.

How would you react if someone threw an egg in your face?

In the case of John Prescott, the answer was to punch them.

The former deputy prime minister threw a fist at the voter who targeted him ahead of a campaign rally in Wales.

The incident came on the day Labour launched its 2001 election manifesto, and went down in such infamy it has its own Wikipedia page.

Mr Prescott, then Tony Blair’s deputy, insisted the hefty jab was an act of self-defence - but him choosing violence divided the party leadership, with Gordon Brown more sympathetic than the prime minister was.

Two of Westminster's best-connected journalists, Sky News's Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard, guide you through their top predictions for the next seven days in British politics.

On this week's episode, Jack and Sam talk about their "epic fail" and reveal how they missed the biggest political story of the year - that Rishi Sunak would call a general election for 4 July.

Now the campaign wheels are in motion, Jack and Sam discuss what's in store over the next few weeks leading up to the vote, and whether we'll see the return of some familiar faces as candidates after a mass exodus of Conservative MPs.

Also in this episode, from campaign plane rides and party manifestos to TV debates, Jack and Sam unpack how Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer are hoping to steer the narrative of what could be the most consequential election in 14 years.

👉  Listen above then tap here to follow Politics at Jack at Sam's wherever you get your podcasts   👈

Email with your thoughts and rate how their predictions play out: [email protected] or [email protected]

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open application letter for job


  1. FREE 14+ Job Application Writing Samples & Templates in PDF

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  2. Application Letter

    open application letter for job

  3. An Example Of A Application Letter

    open application letter for job

  4. Fresh Open Job Application Letter

    open application letter for job

  5. Job Application Format

    open application letter for job

  6. Job Application Letter

    open application letter for job


  1. How To Write An Open Cover Letter (With Template and Example)

    Open cover letter example Here is an example of an open cover letter to help guide you as you prepare cold applications: Taylor Armstrong New York City, NY 555-555-5555 [email protected] August 1, 2021 Dr. Renee Sharp Head of School Greenwood Elementary School Dear Dr. Sharp, I learned about Greenwood Elementary School from a local news segment about private schools in my area, and ...

  2. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

    Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter: 1. Research the company and job opening. Thoroughly research the company you're applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter. Look for details like:

  3. How to Write a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

    Cover Letter Sample and Writing Tips for a Job That's Not Advertised. Mention your contacts. If you know someone at the organization, mention this at the beginning of the cover letter. Having a contact at the company is a great way to get your foot in the door, even if the company isn't actively hiring. Use paper or email.

  4. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Employer name. Company Name. Street address. City, State. Salutation. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], Opening Paragraph (Introduction) Your cover letter opening should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, where your expertise lies, where you found the job posting, and why you want to apply for the job.

  5. How to write an open cover letter (With a template)

    Related: Writing a professional cover letter for a job application 6. Close the cover letter Effectively closing an open cover letter is important because it's the last impression you leave on the hiring manager. Keep your closing statement polite and professional. Reiterate the benefits you can bring to the company if given a role.

  6. How to Write a Job Application Letter (With Examples)

    Tips for Writing an Effective Letter. Sample Job Application Letter. Sending an Email Application. Review More Letter Examples. Photo: Dan Dalton / Getty Images. Melissa Ling / The Balance. A job application letter is sent or uploaded with a resume when applying for jobs.

  7. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  8. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    Respectfully, Kind regards, Best regards, Yours truly, Then, make two spaces below the salutation, and type your full name. For some professional (but optional) flair, sign your cover letter either with a scan of your signature or by using software like DocuSign. 8. Check your cover letter's content and formatting.

  9. How to Start a Cover Letter [+ Introduction Examples]

    Here's a simple-but-powerful cover letter introduction template to use as an example: Dear [First Name], I was excited to come across the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. As a [Current Job Title] with [# of Years] years of experience, I have become competent in [Relevant Skills & Job-Related Abilities].

  10. Writing an Open Cover Letter

    The art of crafting an effective open cover letter is essential for navigating the complexities of the hidden job market. Distinguishing yourself through a personalized and compelling narrative is crucial. Explore additional strategies, such as developing content that captivates and employing impactful language to further enhance your open ...

  11. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Letters of application are essential in the job market, so don't risk losing to other candidates just because you didn't write one. 2. Address Your Letter of Application Properly. Addressing an application letter is simple. Firstly, include your contact information in the header of the application letter : Full name.

  12. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    The key to writing an effective cover letter is to clearly show how your professional experience fits the needs of the open role and the culture of the hiring company. ... try to find the name of the person reviewing applications for the job. Address your letter to this person with a common business greeting, such as "Dear [first and last name ...

  13. 30 Better Ways to Start a Cover Letter

    Communicate that you'll bring something to the company: You'll get more into the details after your opening, of course. But your cover letter opener should still tell the reader, "This person can do something for us ," rather than, "This job would really help them .". Stick to the point: Your opener, while creative, should still be ...

  14. Job Application Letter: Examples, What to Include & Writing Tips

    It means that you need to provide the following information: Your personal info (name, email, phone number/LinkedIn) Date written. The recipient's info (name, job title, email, company address) Example of an application letter header: Kaylee Tran. 9215 Fremontia Ave, Fontana, CA 92335.

  15. Writing an Open Cover Letter

    Sending an open cover letter is an alternative to waiting around for an opportunity to submit an online application for employment. A cold cover letter reaches out to hiring managers to tap the hidden job market. Effective letters highlight achievements and skills that could benefit the company.

  16. How to Start a Cover Letter

    Mention a Mutual Contact (if Applicable) Tip #3. Prove You Have Researched The Company Tip #4. Lead With An Achievement Tip #5. Start With a Powerful Belief Tip #6. Be Direct Key Takeaways Related Readings. Share this article. Here you are, looking at a blank document that's supposed to be your cover letter.

  17. General Cover Letter: 15 Cover Letter Templates to Perfect Your Next

    14 Free Cover Letter Templates for Your Next Job Application Template 1: Basic . Image Source. The example above is a basic (but great) cover letter. The numbered sections are explained in more detail below. 1. Header. The level of formality your header has will depend on the company to which you apply.

  18. Letter of Application: Job Example, Format & How-To Guide

    Format of an Application Letter. Create enough spacing: 1-1.15 between lines, 1-inch margins, double space between paragraphs. Choose the font: Garamond, Helvetica, or Arial in 11-12 points in a font size. Align the content to the left. Pick the file format: PDF, unless the recruiter requested a Word file specifically.

  19. How to Write an Effective Application Letter [with Example & Tips]

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Perfect Application Letter. Let's learn how to write an application letter for a job with a step-by-step guide that'll show you how to craft every part of it. #1. Research the Company. Researching the company is the first step before you even start writing your application letter.

  20. Sample Cover Letter for a Job Application

    Sample Cover Letter for a Job Application. By. Alison Doyle. Updated on April 9, 2024. In This Article. View All. Photo: Alex Dos Diaz / The Balance. Review a sample job application letter, and get tips for writing a strong cover letter that will get your application noticed.

  21. Application Letter Templates for Your Career

    Internship application. Dear [Hiring manager name], This letter is in reference to the [name of internship] opportunity at [company name], where I hope to start my career in [industry]. I'm interested in pursuing [career path] because [reasons for applying] and feel that I could contribute [list of skills] to your company during my internship.

  22. How to Write A Letter of Application For A Job + Examples

    For example: Application for [Job Title] Position - [Your Full Name]. Start with a professional salutation. If you have the recipient's name, use it (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith") or "Dear Hiring Manager" if the name is unknown. Begin the application letter's content with a brief introduction expressing your interest in the position.

  23. A Comprehensive Guide to the Job Application Process

    Crafting an effective cover letter is a critical step in the job application process. It serves as your introduction to potential employers and provides an opportunity to highlight your ...

  24. Step-By-Step Guide To Write A Job Application Letter

    Underline the keywords and use the key phrases used in the job advertisement in your job application letter to make it clear to the employer that you have carefully read the job posting. While sending a paper copy of the job application letter to the employer, you must include a heading with your name, address, email, phone number, and the date.

  25. How To Start a Cover Letter With Examples and Tips

    Personalize Your Cover Letter. What to Write in the Rest of Your Letter. Cover Letter Sample. More Cover Letter Examples and Templates. Photo: Theresa Chiechi / The Balance. Examples of opening sentences to use when writing a cover letter, with tips for how to start and what to include in each part of a cover letter for a job.

  26. Research Analyst


  27. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

    A cover letter should include the following parts: Header. Salutation. Introduction. Body paragraph. Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. The following cover letter samples and examples will show you how to write a cover letter for many employment circumstances. Browse cover letters by job title for inspiration.

  28. General election latest: Sir Keir Starmer attacks 'desperate' Tories as

    General election called for 4 July. Starmer delivering first major speech of general election campaign - watch and follow live now PM 'to double down on national service plan' as parties focus on ...