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My Hero Academia: The Complete Series

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  • Hero Essays

Everyone has a hero of whatever kind. It may be a super hero like the president, spider man, police officer or just anyone who gets them inspired. Some people consider a hero as something that helps them to overcome challenges in life and propel them to the future (Polster 2014). For some, a hero may just mean anyone who appears gentle, and who has made changes in the society. 

My hero is my cousin. My hero is intelligent, original, passionate and a lover of success. My hero is a woman of zeal, who does not stop at anything until she gets what she wants. My cousin has managed to knock all the stumbling blocks and stand tall amidst them. Perhaps that is what makes me desire to be like her, because just like her, I want to rise above my challenges, I want to prove my strength despite frustrations that I encounter in my day to day life. My cousin was diagnosed of a disease called sarcoidosis. This is an inflammatory disease which affects several organs in the body but most especially lungs (Horton & Hallowell 2012). People with Sarcoidosis are characterized by abnormal nodules consisting of tissues in several organs in the body. These tissues may affect the normal functioning of the organs. 

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I first learned of my cousin’s condition of the disease when I noticed some tender red patches on the skin. At first I thought she was having just a small skin disease which I was hoping would disappear in a short while. After some short period of time, my cousin started complaining of swollen painful joints. Then blurred vision and the complaints grew not just in numbers but in severity. I later came to realize that my cousin was suffering from a very painful disease; sarcoidosis. I learned about this with a lot of pity for my cousin. For one, she had just joined her law school and this required her to be healthy since law is a demanding course. 

Secondly, she had just met a new boyfriend and the relationship was so progressive. The extent of suffering with this condition was evident from outside. She grew pale day by day, her skin having patches all over. She went to seek medical attention to no avail. Perhaps what makes me love this woman is how she has positively accepted her condition. My cousin is a strong woman. She has not shown a small sign of giving up. Despite her condition my cousin is so hard working. She wakes up every day at five in the morning and sticks to her daily schedule. She goes to school just like any other student and operates normally just like any healthy person. 

She has patches on her skin but she wears a greater confidence with her that covers all those marks. Additionally, my cousin gives back to the society by giving motivational speech to people who are suffering from the same disease. She encourages me to look at life positively so as to achieve positive results. My cousin has not lost her self-esteem despite her skin condition. She is positive that one day she will get serious medical attention to which she will respond positively, but as for now, she has accepted herself the way she is. My cousin is going to graduate during this December graduation ceremony. 

For me, my cousin is more than a hero. When I feel like giving up I just look up to her for inspiration. With the coming graduation, I can confirm that she is a strong woman who does not bow to anything until she achieves whatever she wants. That is why she is and will continue being my hero. 


Horton, M. R., & Hallowell, R. W. (2012). Revisiting thalidomide: fighting with caution against idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.    Drugs of today (Barcelona, Spain: 1998) ,    48 (10), 661-671. 

Polster, M. F. (2014). Eve's daughters: The forbidden heroism of women. In    The Evolution Of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference   (p. 287). Routledge. 

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/

"77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.

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9 Unpopular My Hero Academia Opinions We Can't Disagree With

My Hero Academia has an engaging story and fantastic characters, but fans still have some valid yet unpopular criticisms of the shonen series.

Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia is an anime series that came around at the perfect time and takes advantage of how superhero and shonen storytelling are at an all-time high. My Hero Academia chronicles Izuku "Deku" Midoriya's growing triumphs as a budding hero who goes on to inspire his friends, society, and even the top professional heroes.

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The anime is about to enter its sixth season, which has its heroes and villains positioned for their biggest showdown yet. My Hero Academia continues to entertain audiences and there's lots of life left in its story, but there are still some valid criticisms that are hard to ignore .

9 Supporting Characters Don't Get Enough Attention

There's a natural temptation in a series like My Hero Academia to introduce a wealth of characters, all of which have uniquely helpful Quirks. My Hero Academia begins with Midoriya casting a wide net of friends, but over time, the show's perspective has gotten quite focused on a select number of heroes.

These supporting players occasionally receive singular showcase installments, but it's a serious injustice that worthwhile characters like Iida, Uraraka, or really anyone from Class 1-B are demoted to fleeting figures. Any of these characters are compelling enough to be the protagonist in a different anime, but it's hard to argue with their mismanagement here.

8 Villains Are More Interesting Than Heroes

It's quite common for the success of a superhero story to depend upon the effectiveness of its villain. My Hero Academia doesn't disappoint in this department and some of the most interesting Quirks and creative designs are reserved for the series' antagonists.

Season five of My Hero Academia spends an extended period of time on the development of its villains, many of which become more compelling characters than the heroes . Twice, Shigaraki, and Gentle Criminal are given a level of depth that's often absent when it comes to Deku's inner circle of friends.

7 MHA Spends Too Much Time On Tournament Arcs

Tournament and competition arcs are a necessary evil in many battle shonen series, but for most shows, they're a reason for excitement. Tournament arcs help distill the series down to pure combat, and it's an easy way to show off what everyone brings to the table as well as introduce plenty of odd opponents.

My Hero Academia has turned to this device on multiple occasions, whether it's the Sports Festival or the most recent Joint Training Arc . These competitions always have their share of highlights, but they also grow quite repetitive and suffer from pacing problems. An entire season shouldn't have to be devoted to a competition.

6 Deku Is Too Strong & Has Too Many Quirks

Many shonen series struggle with a protagonist who grows so strong that there's no one who can believably take them on. My Hero Academia embraces the whole underdog angle with Midoriya's journey from a Quirk-less nobody into All Might's successor.

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Midoriya slowly gains a greater level of control over his One For All Quirk, but he also connects to the vestiges of the Quirk's past users and gains access to their former abilities. A select number of characters control multiple Quirks, but it gets a little ridiculous when Midoriya has at least five Quirks at his disposal to keep him safe from whatever he encounters.

5 MHA Takes Too Long To Get Into Its Mature Material

Midoriya is only 14 years old when My Hero Academia begins and the level of danger and violence that's present in the series more or less matches the young character's maturity. Midoriya's growth is met with more vile villains and greater losses that make My Hero Academia feel like an adult story instead of something that's supposed to skew younger.

This progression is believable, especially as more unsavory aspects of hero society are revealed over time. However, it could happen at a speedier rate so that it's not three or four seasons until these more mature themes are felt.

4 Quirk-Erasing Should Be A Permanent Process

A Quirk is most characters' point of pride in My Hero Academia, so it's appropriately devastating when Quirk-erasing measures are developed by some of the series' top villains. There's more than one way to erase or steal a Quirk, but Overhaul's mass-produced bullets do lots of damage.

Mirio Togata suffers the consequences of these bullets and slowly over time learns how to fight crime and rebuild his identity without a Quirk. Togata's Quirk-less fate is eventually reversed, which is nice, but it feels like a cheat that robs this act of its weight.

3 All For One Should Have Been Taken Out For Good

A running superhero archetype that many series are criticized over is that it's ultimately inefficient to hold villains in prison if they're just going to break out and cause greater crimes. Many of the big villains in My Hero Academia are executed to guarantee that they're completely out of the picture.

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That being said, All For One, has found his way to persevere through the high-security Tartarus prison and turn Shigaraki into his powerful minion. All For One's return feels a little gratuitous and a proper finish for him makes sense. Shigaraki could dominate the final story arc on his own without the need for a puppet master.

2 Endeavor Hasn't Earned His Redemption

The tense relationship that exists between Shoto Todoroki and his father, Endeavor, is present in My Hero Academia as early as its first season. It actually takes Shoto quite a while until he's even willing to utilize the fire component of his Half-Hot Half-Cold Quirk because he doesn’t want to be indebted to his father in any way.

Endeavor puts in the work to reconnect with his family and prove to them that he's changed. It makes an emotional journey for the Todoroki family that My Hero Academia doesn't rush, yet it's still a level of forgiveness that feels premature for some fans.

1 Too Many Quirks Are Treated As Comic Relief Or Jokes

There's a natural temptation to explore as many Quirks as possible in My Hero Academia, and it's never felt like Kohei Horikoshi has held back in this department. The series covers everything from overdone mainstream superpowers to exceedingly niche abilities.

It's appreciated that there's such creativity in this area, but it also creates a frivolous quality where it doesn't matter if Quirks are disposable. Accordingly, plenty of Quirks seem to only exist for an easy visual gag or to punctuate a piece of comedy, rather than serving a practical purpose.

NEXT: 10 Worst Things About My Hero Academia We Can't Help But Love

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My Hero Academia Wiki

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List of Characters

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This page lists all the characters appearing throughout the My Hero Academia manga , anime and My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga .

  • 1.1 U.A. Staff
  • 1.2 U.A. Students
  • 1.3 U.A. Alumni
  • 2 Ketsubutsu Academy High School
  • 3 Shiketsu High School
  • 4 Isamu Academy High School
  • 5 Seijin High School
  • 6 Seiai Academy
  • 7 Masegaki Elementary
  • 8 Pro Heroes
  • 9.1 League of Villains
  • 9.2 Meta Liberation Army
  • 9.3 Paranormal Liberation Front
  • 9.4 Villain Factory
  • 10 Vigilantes
  • 11 Police Force
  • 12 Hero Public Safety Commission
  • 13 One For All Users
  • 14 Underground Masquerade
  • 15 Civilians

U.A. High School

Nezu Principal

U.A. Students

Yuga Aoyama Seat No. 1

U.A. Alumni

All Might

Ketsubutsu Academy High School

Ms. Joke

Shiketsu High School

Unnamed Shiketsu Teacher

Isamu Academy High School

Kashiko Sekigai Class Representative

Seijin High School


Seiai Academy

Saiko Intelli

Masegaki Elementary

Komari Ikoma

League of Villains

All For One Former Leader and Founder, SS-Rank Villain, Deceased

Meta Liberation Army

Re-Destro Grand Commander A-Rank Villain Arrested

Paranormal Liberation Front

Tomura Shigaraki Grand Commander S-Rank Villain

Villain Factory

All For One Leader

Police Force

Kenji Tsuragamae Chief of Police

Hero Public Safety Commission

Yokumiru Mera Acting President

One For All Users

Yoichi Formerly

Underground Masquerade

Drunk Lee

  • 1 List of Characters
  • 2 Cathleen Bate
  • 3 Tomura Shigaraki

my hero academia essay

My Hero Academia All Might connection with America’s Character

I n the anime My Hero Academia the fans were intrigued by All Mights attack references to America, like Detroit Smash and more alike. The connection of All Might with America was a question raised between fans from time to time, is the no 1 superhero All Might American?

In this anime and manga saga, the protagonist Izuku Midoriya, deeply inspired by the legendary All Might, aspires to become a hero despite lacking a Quirk (special ability).

Enduring bullying, notably from his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku’s life takes a transformative turn when he impresses All Might during a fateful encounter. Later, he is chosen as All Might’s successor and inherits the formidable Quirk, One For All.

While the story unfolds in the fictional city of Musutafu, Japan, All Might’s unique characteristics raise questions about his nationality.

Some speculate that All Might is American due to his attire and appearance heavily inspired by the United States. Moreover, many of his signature moves bear names of U.S. states, such as California Smash, Detroit Smash, Missouri Smash, Nebraska Smash, Oklahoma Smash, and Texas Smash.

However, it’s evident in My Hero Academia that All Might is Japanese, known by his alter ego, Toshinori Yagi, and his attendance at UA High School in Japan. Despite this, his character is undoubtedly influenced by the United States, shaped by his past experiences.

All Might’s connection to America originates from a tragic event: the death of his mentor, Nana Shimura, at the hands of his arch-nemesis, All For One. Seeking sanctuary, All Might fled to the U.S., where he honed his skills under the guidance of Sorahiko/Gran Torino.

His time in America not only enhanced his abilities but also forged crucial alliances, such as with Melissa and David Shield, pivotal in his battle against All For One. Ultimately, his American experiences played a vital role in his transformation into the Symbol of Peace and his ultimate triumph over All For One.

While the anime release date has already been announced to its fans worldwide, the first episode of the anime My Hero Academia (MHA) is called to motion on May 4, PT/5:30 a.m. on Crunchyroll. You can also catch all the earlier seasons of My Hero Academia on Crunchyroll.

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    The main theme in the play is sustained in the play with the sons of Willy attaining their personality from their father. Mythological and Modern-Day Heroes. Myths and other forms of literature were the tools that the community used to pass the deeds of the heroes from one generation to the other. My Hero: Bob Marley.

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    Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world's greatest hero, but greatness won't come easy. Created by Kohei Horikoshi. ⇣9-1. 1-9⇣. New chapter coming in 4 days! April 28, 2024. Ch. 421. FREE. April 14, 2024.

  20. Story Arcs

    My Hero Academia's manga and anime are broken into sagas and story arcs. The following are the saga and arc names, a description of the arc's plot, and the chapters and episodes they comprise. Note: Most sagas and story arcs are fan-made or community-made names to better organize the series. They are not official names.

  21. 9 Unpopular My Hero Academia Opinions We Can't Disagree With

    Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia is an anime series that came around at the perfect time and takes advantage of how superhero and shonen storytelling are at an all-time high. My Hero Academia chronicles Izuku "Deku" Midoriya's growing triumphs as a budding hero who goes on to inspire his friends, society, and even the top professional heroes.. RELATED: 10 Harsh Realities Of Being A My Hero ...

  22. My Hero Essays My Hero Essays

    My Hero Academia Essay The manner by which Aristotle underscores on the significance of a plot within poetry is the construction of the plot, as one will have a better accomplishment with present a tragedy with poetry. The motivation behind why I discovered this charmed is a consequence of thinking back on

  23. My Hero Academia season 7

    The seventh season of the My Hero Academia anime television series is produced by Bones and directed by Kenji Nagasaki (chief director) and Naomi Nakayama, following the story of Kōhei Horikoshi's original manga series of the same name starting from the beginning of the 34th volume. It covers the "Star and Stripe" (chapters 329-334), "U.A. Traitor" (chapters 335-342), and the "Final War ...

  24. (DOC) My Hero essay

    Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. My Hero essay . × Close Log In. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. or. Email. Password. Remember me on this computer. or reset ... My Hero essay. marioara crisan. See Full PDF Download PDF.

  25. List of Characters

    This page lists all the characters appearing throughout the My Hero Academia manga, anime and My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga.

  26. My Hero Academia All Might connection with America's Character

    In the anime My Hero Academia the fans were intrigued by All Mights attack references to America, like Detroit Smash and more alike. The connection of All Might with America was a question raised ...