15 Best Self-Esteem Worksheets and Activities (Incl. PDF)

self esteem worksheets

It’s a part of being human. However, if you find yourself having these kinds of negative thoughts frequently or letting these feelings get in the way of living a healthy and happy life, it may be time to do something about it.

Luckily, there are many ways to increase your sense of self-worth. It probably won’t be easy, but it can certainly be done.

Building self-esteem can be a difficult, though rewarding, journey in adulthood. It’s much easier to develop this characteristic at a young age and to foster it while growing up. If you are a parent, child therapist , teacher, or any other valued adult in the life of a child,  you can use these tools to begin cultivating a healthy sense of self-esteem in the children in your life.

We’ll provide several methods and activities for building self-esteem, starting with self-esteem worksheets for young children and ending with self-esteem worksheets for adults.

Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Self-Compassion Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will not only help you show more compassion and kindness towards yourself but will also give you the tools to help your children, young clients or students learn how to practice self-compassion and develop healthy self-esteem.

This Article Contains:

Self-esteem worksheets for kids in primary school, 5 self-esteem activities for teens in middle or high school, exercises for building self-esteem in college students and adults, tips for overcoming low self-esteem and low self-worth, ten days to self-esteem improvement: an action plan, a take-home message.

Primary or elementary school is a fantastic time to start helping a child develop self-esteem. A child’s mind is generally much more flexible and open than an adult’s, so it’s ideal to begin planting the seeds of healthy self-esteem at an early age.

The worksheet and activities listed below are some of the ways you can help a child develop the self-esteem that will act as a buffer against some of life’s most difficult obstacles and challenges.

How To Help Children Develop Self-Esteem

Something About Me: Self-Esteem Sentence Completion

This is an activity that both children and adults can get engaged with, although this worksheet is geared toward children. A similar worksheet for adults is included later in this article.

This “Something About Me” worksheet is intended to help children identify their own positive traits and characteristics and to recognize their accomplishments.

It’s a simple worksheet with six sentence prompts and space for a child to fill in the blanks.

Self-Esteem Exercises Worksheets

  • My friends think I’m awesome because…
  • My classmates say I’m great at…
  • I feel very happy when I…
  • Something that I’m really proud of is…
  • I make my family happy when I…
  • One unique thing about me is…

These sentences are constructed with clear and uncomplicated language that most elementary school students should understand, but it may help to go over this worksheet with your child. Encourage your child to think about each sentence and not to rush.

Completing this activity can help children build the foundations of an authentic and healthy self-esteem that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Click to see the Something About Me Worksheet .

Things I Like About Me Worksheet

This worksheet was created to help young children learn how uniqueness makes a person beautiful. This worksheet should be completed with a parent or other trusted adult to help explain the distinction between inner beauty and outer beauty.

The worksheet includes the following instructions:

“You are beautiful because you are unique, both on the inside and on the outside. Look inside and outside at your personality, what you can do, how you treat others, and who you are, then write down some things that you like about you on this mirror.”

Also included is the prompt “Things that make me beautiful” and space to write five things. It’s okay to write something external, like “my hair” or “my eyes,” but make sure your child writes at least one or two inner traits or qualities in addition to the external qualities.

It’s never too early to start combatting the extreme focus society places on external beauty, and this worksheet is a great start. Of course, it can also be used with boys to help them learn the same lesson.

Click to download the  Things I Like About Me Worksheet and give it a try.

“I’m Great Because…” Worksheet

This worksheet can be an excellent way for young children to explore what makes them good and likable people, and to help them build a foundation of healthy self-esteem. The instructions are to print it out and complete the statements—without worrying too much if the user can’t complete them all—and keeping the worksheet handy for the next time the user experiences feelings of low self-esteem.

The worksheet lists 20 sentence-completion prompts that children fill out with something positive about themselves. A reason, in other words, that they are great. These prompts include the following:

  • I like who I am because…
  • I’m super at…
  • I feel good about my…
  • My friends think I have an awesome…
  • Somewhere I feel happy is…
  • I mean a lot to…
  • Others reckon I’m a great…
  • I think I’m a pretty good…
  • Something I really enjoy is…
  • I really admire myself for…
  • My future goals are…
  • I know I can achieve them because I’m…
  • I’m naturally gifted at…
  • Others often praise my…

Completing this worksheet will give your child an opportunity to list all of the good things about himself or herself without fear of being overly proud or self-absorbed.

It’s good to be both realistic and positive about yourself, and this is a good way to begin a habit of positive realism. Children may need an adult’s help in completing this worksheet, but try to let them come up with their own ideas about the traits and characteristics they like about themselves.

Try this  I’m Great Because… Worksheet for yourself.

Friendship Ingredients

This is a great worksheet for helping children learn about what makes them good friends and what they should look for in a friend. Completing this worksheet will likely take some guidance from an adult, but it can be a positive way for children to start thinking about what kind of people they want to be.

It’s a simple activity with only one short set of instructions:

“Making friends is like making a cake. List the traits that are important for making friends”

Next, it provides spaces for the child to write down five traits—or friendship “ingredients”—and explain why they are important in a friend. The simple nature of this worksheet allows children to put their imagination to good use.

They might need some help from an adult, but they should be able to come up with several traits that they find important in a friend.

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Download 3 Free Self-Compassion Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will equip you to help others create a kinder and more nurturing relationship with themselves.

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By filling out your name and email address below.

Self-Esteem Journal For Kids

This activity is great for any age, but this template is meant specifically for young children. We’ll explore an adult version later in the article.

Keeping a self-esteem journal is a great way for children to begin thinking about the good things that they do and experience, setting them up for a positive outlook on life. This worksheet lists three-sentence completion prompts for each day of the week, starting with Monday.

The prompts include “ One thing I did great at today… ,” “ Today it was interesting when…, ” and “ I made someone smile when… ”

Completing these prompts every night for a week should help your child feel more optimistic and begin focusing on the good things that happen instead of the bad. Follow this link to download and use this  Self-Esteem Journal Worksheet with your child.

Self-Esteem Journal worksheets

While it’s best to start self-esteem building young, there is still tons of room for growth and development in this area for middle- and high-schoolers.

The activities and worksheets below can help your teenager start or continue to build a healthy sense of self-esteem.

How To Help Teens Develop Self-Esteem

Designing Affirmations Worksheet

Affirmations are a popular way to help combat low self-esteem in both adults and adolescents (Bloch & Merritt, 1993; Lynch & Graham-Bermann, 2000).

This worksheet will guide adolescents through one of the most popular, tactical approaches to designing affirmations. You’ll find instructions on how to create effective affirmations, as well as example goals, affirmations, and tips to help you.

In a nutshell:

  • Affirmations start with the words “I am…”;
  • Affirmations are positive. Never use the word “not” in an affirmation. For example, instead of writing “I am not afraid to express myself,” you could write, “I am confidently sharing my opinion”;
  • Affirmations are short;
  • Affirmations are specific. For example, instead of writing, “I am driving a new car,” you would write, “I am driving a new black Range Rover”;
  • Affirmations are in the present tense and include a word that ends in “-ing”;
  • Affirmations have a “feeling” word in them. Examples include “confidently,” “successfully,” or “gracefully”;
  • Affirmations are about yourself. They should be about your own behavior, never someone else’s.


When you have a set of affirmations ready to put to use, you can try these tips for using them:

  • Use positive self-talk;
  • Set big goals and stay mindful of your goals (write them down and place them somewhere you can see them every day);
  • Say and visualize your affirmations every day;
  • Take time to see yourself accomplishing the goals you’ve set;
  • Think about how good it will feel once you have accomplished your goals.

To get into the habit, try to start by sticking with a schedule—for example, you might try repeating your affirmations:

  • When you wake up
  • On your break at school or work
  • Before going to sleep

Visualizing and planning for success makes it much more likely that you will achieve your goals. If needed, give your child guidance and support when coming up with affirmations, but allow them to take ownership of this activity and see the amazing results of their commitment.

You can access the  Designing Affirmations Worksheet here.

Understanding Self-Confidence Worksheet

This worksheet can be completed by adolescents who wish to build up their self-esteem and self-confidence. The completed worksheet can be kept handy for the next time you’re feeling low in self-esteem and need a boost.

You can always your worksheet and be reminded of your personal power, and use it to transform situations in which you feel less confident.

The worksheet is divided into three parts:

Part A involves thinking of a situation in which you felt confident and experienced a sense of self-worth, and answering the following questions:

  • What is the situation?
  • What do you say to yourself about the situation (self-talk)? How do you feel physically?
  • What sensations and feelings do you have in your body?
  • What do you do as a result of this?

Part B involves thinking of a recent situation in which you felt lacking in self-confidence and answering the same four questions listed above.

In Part C, you are instructed to look at your answers to Parts A and B, then use that information to answer these questions:

  • What positive statement could I say to myself to be reminded of my power?
  • What could I do that would help me feel differently? (For example, create a visualization in which you remember how you felt in Part One.)
  • What could I do differently next time I am in this situation? What actions would empower me?

Completing this worksheet will help adolescents explore their feelings in two very different situations, analyze their responses to these situations, and come up with an action plan for the next time they experience low self-esteem. This exercise will help them take control of their development and give them a sense of ownership in their own wellbeing, a trait that will serve them well in the future.

Click this link to see the Understanding Self-Confidence Worksheet .

You, At Your Best Worksheet

This worksheet is a great way to help clients reflect on the personal character strengths that define them at their best. The exercise aims to use narrative and storytelling; clients are asked to identify their unique strengths by writing a story about a past experience where they were “at their best”.

It takes them through four stages:

  • Start by asking your client to recall a specific occasion during which they were at their very best. It could be a problem or difficult time that they overcame successfully, or where they accomplished something they were proud of. It should be a situation in which they felt energized, positive, and proud, and they will create a (true) story about it.
  • They then write the story, emphasizing their own character strengths and personal values in the narrative. Using descriptive language, this second step is about recounting what happened, what they brought to the situation, the emotions they felt, and/or the ways they helped others.
  • Your client’s story should be structured with a start, middle, and a powerful ending. Writing the narrative might be easier if they try to vividly reconstruct the experience in their minds while doing so.
  • This handout/homework worksheet then instructs the client to go back over their story, circling or highlighting keywords and phrases that they feel relate to their personal strengths.

This subjective, feelings-based exercise is a useful way for you or your client to reflect on their unique character strengths and qualities, helping to enhance their self-esteem.

Find the You, At Your Best Worksheet in our Positive Psychology Toolkit©.

This activity is especially great for kids and younger teens who are crafty and creative, although people of all ages and talents can take part.

The My Wins Worksheet is an artistic prompt for you or your child to draw, paint, or otherwise represent the things—their achievements and qualities—about themselves that are important to them. You may wish to use a theme for this activity or for each ‘win’, like “family,” but it’s okay to engage in this activity with no specific theme in mind as well.

This is a simple worksheet that has only the outline of different certificates. In each, your child can represent the personal qualities, achievements, and traits that they value.

For example, if your child is dealing with self-esteem issues, he or she can use the theme “What Makes Me Great” and focus on filling the frames with reasons why he or she is a good friend, a good child, a good student, and a good person in general.

Before You Die

This activity uses a very basic technique that you can build upon as needed. The point of this activity is to help your client identify meaningful goals that are connected with their personal values.

Striving toward and achieving one’s goals is an important way to build self-esteem. You build the most solid foundation of self-esteem and self-confidence with the building blocks of positive experience and success. The more individuals recognize their ability to meet the goals they set for themselves, the more likely they are to feel confident and worthy.

This ‘ Before You Die’ Bucketlist Worksheet provides more information on the theory behind goal-setting, motivation, and positive behavior change, as well as an applied framework that will guide your client through the process.

  • The first column of the table provided is for specifying the goal that your client would like to accomplish ‘before they die’. Try to make these as specific as possible, regardless of whether or not they are practical. A useful question to ask when filling out this column is, what would I like to accomplish if I had only one year to live?
  • In the second column, the client is encouraged to dig a bit deeper into the personal motivations for this particular goal. Why is it important to them? How might it enhance the meaning in their life?
  • Use the final column to rate the meaningfulness of these items on a scale of zero to ten, where 0 = not at all meaningful, and 10 is extremely meaningful.

At the end of this exercise, the user should have a list—or at least the beginnings of a list—which features meaningful life goals, a stepping stone toward confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. You can access the worksheet by subscribing to the Positive Psychology Toolkit© , with over 400 exercises.

Again, while building self-esteem is a practice best started young, it’s never too late to begin investing in your own self-worth.

Self-Esteem Sentence Stems Worksheet

This worksheet leads the reader through a sentence completion exercise for adults. This exercise is exactly what it sounds like: It includes prompts with space for you to complete the sentence in the way that feels right to you.

Completing this exercise can help you explore your thoughts and feelings, and to open up and share them with others. For users of this worksheet, this exercise will help them become more comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with others, making it easier to work through their self-esteem issues.

Next, it instructs users to set aside 5-10 minutes several times a week to complete the worksheet. After two weeks of completing the worksheet, users can review their responses to get an idea of their general outlooks on life and see how things have changed since they began.

The intended result is for the answers to become more positive over time.

After the instructions, the sentence prompts are listed, including:

  • I have always wanted to…
  • I’m secretly afraid of…
  • This week I would enjoy doing…
  • I often look forward to…
  • I feel something that the future holds for me is…
  • I get my strength from…
  • One person couldn’t live without is…
  • I would never…
  • It made me feel great when…
  • I love when…
  • I find it hard to…
  • My dream is to one day that…
  • It makes me angry when…
  • I sometimes fear that…
  • This week is going to be…
  • Something I deeply desire is…
  • I flourish when…
  • This week I hope to…
  • Something I do secretly…
  • I find it hard to admit…

Answering these questions can give you helpful insight into yourself, what makes you happy, and what you struggle with. If you’re a therapist, you can introduce this exercise to clients by filling out a few prompts together.

This allows you to communicate important messages to your client and to help them feel comfortable with the exercise. For example, you can finish the prompt “Right now, I’m happy that…” with “my favorite hockey team won last night.” This can be a good way to defuse tension and start off with an easy and relatively harmless example.

Download and work through this Self-Esteem Sentence Stems Worksheet .

Self-Esteem Journal Template

For those of you who have heard of or kept a gratitude journal, this exercise might feel familiar. Not only can journaling help you find more things in your life to be grateful for, but it can also give you the opportunity to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings, leading to discovery and understanding of the self (Kaczmarek et al., 2015).

The worksheet begins with a short paragraph about the potential benefits of journaling , including improved self-esteem and wellbeing. Users are encouraged to use this template to reflect on the meaningful moments of their days and review the changes in their emotions and general outlooks over time.

Next, there are five tables set up with prompts and space to write. The first table includes the following prompts:

  • 5 things that made me feel peaceful today:
  • I felt proud of myself when:

The prompts in the second table are:

  • My family admire me for my:
  • 5 small successes I had today were:
  • The highlight of my day was:

The third table includes:

  • My best attribute is:
  • 3 unique things about me are:
  • I feel most proud of myself when:

In the fourth table, the prompts are:

  • I’m excited for:
  • 5 things or people I feel thankful for are:
  • I am in my element when:

The final table lists these three prompts:

  • 5 ways my life is awesome:
  • My biggest success this week was:
  • I feel best about myself when:

You have probably noticed that these prompts are intended to provoke positive responses. The positive focus of this exercise is what sets it apart from ordinary journaling or writing in a diary. Even when you’ve had a rough day, these prompts can help you find the good things in your life and remind you that no matter how hard things have been, you’ve survived them.

If you are a therapist providing this worksheet to your client(s), encourage them to think critically about what their answers reveal. This exercise can be a quick and short-term mood boost, or, with commitment and effort, it can facilitate positive growth and development.

Click the link for this Self-Esteem Journal For Adults Worksheet .

Meet yourself: a user’s guide to building self-esteem – Niko Everett

Gratitude Worksheet and Journal Template

If you are not familiar with the gratitude journal technique, this worksheet is an excellent way to give it a try. Research has linked gratitude to a multitude of positive outcomes, like increasing wellbeing (Wood, Froh, & Geraghty, 2010), improving relationships (Algoe, Haidt, & Gable, 2008), increasing optimism (Dickens, 2019), and helping people find meaning in their work (Waters, 2012).

Gratitude journaling is one of the best ways to inject more gratitude into your daily life, and it can be done in just a few minutes a day. The gratitude journal worksheet opens with some tips to help you journal effectively, including recording at least five things you are grateful for each day, aiming for one new thing to be grateful for each day, and reading through old entries to see how far you have come since you began.

The template is simple, with space for the date, and two prompts below.

  • Alongside Blessings in the second row, list things that you feel thankfulness for. Examples might be an encouraging friend, particular capabilities or qualities that you possess, or even just being alive.
  • The second prompt, Reflections , encourage you to elaborate on them. Research suggests that this reflection builds on the positive impacts of simply listing things that you’re grateful for, by focusing your thoughts on them in detail. For instance, you might use this last row to consider what things might look like if you didn’t have that supportive partner or that ability to be patient.

It’s a good idea to fill in the journal once or twice a week, thinking of something that you have not yet expressed gratitude for. More examples include a teacher who profoundly affected your development whom you never thanked or something you may take for granted, like good general health. There are many ways to set up and complete a gratitude journal, but this is a great way to begin.

This Gratitude Journal is included in the Positive Psychology Toolkit© , but this simplistic PDF can also guide you.

Reframing Critical Self-Talk Worksheet

This exercise is a great way to address negative automatic thoughts and self-talk, challenges that people with low self-esteem and/or mental health issues often face. It’s not surprising that talking down to yourself will lead to and exacerbate self-esteem problems, but the good news is that it is not an unsolvable problem.

Challenging negative self-talk is a core technique in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a type of therapy that has proven effective in helping a wide range of conditions, diagnoses, and problems. CBT helps clients discover some of their most deeply held, often unconscious, beliefs, allowing them to evaluate these beliefs and challenge those that are not useful.

This reframing worksheet opens with an explanation of negative self-talk and how you can identify and confront it.

Next, the tool is described. It includes two main steps intended to help you understand where your critical thoughts are coming from and what they feel or sound like.

  • Increasing your awareness of self-critical talk: To begin tapping into your self-awareness, take some deep breaths. When you realize that your inner critic is doing the talking inside your head—perhaps when you are unsuccessful at something—pay attention to what that self-talk sounds like. Are there specific core phrases that you tend to say to yourself? How does that negative voice sound?
  • Taking action to soften your self-critical voice: Once you’ve become aware of when you’re criticizing yourself, it’s time to try self-compassion instead. In these instances, the worksheet suggests, consider what you might say to someone you care about if they were in the same scenario.Try changing the mental tone you’re using and take on a more positive one you might use when you’re feeling good about who you are. Finally, try to come to terms with what exactly it is that you’re being self-critical about. Is there something you might learn from this criticism if it were presented more constructively instead?

This tried-and-true technique will help you or your client recognize self-directed criticism and challenge it on the spot, leading to greater self-esteem and peace with oneself.

If one of your clients is having trouble coming up with positive responses to their self-critical thoughts, encourage them to consider what they would say to a dear friend or loved one who was struggling with these thoughts, as the sheet suggests. Sometimes it’s easier to be kind to others than to ourselves, but that is something that can be remedied with time and practice.

The full version of this worksheet can be downloaded from the Positive Psychology Toolkit© .

Unconditional self-acceptance and self-esteem are often confused or even considered identical. Let’s address this misconception by considering some fundamental differences in their nature and consequences.

  • Self-esteem is based on evaluating the self, rating one’s behaviors and qualities as positive or negative, which results in defining the self as worthy or non-worthy (Ellis, 1994). Self-acceptance , however, is how the individual relates to the self, in a way that allows the self to be as it is. Acceptance is neither positive nor negative; it embraces all aspects and experiences of the self (Ellis, 1976).
  • Self-esteem relies on comparisons to evaluate the self and ‘decide’ its worth. Self-acceptance , however, stems from the realization that there is no objective basis for determining the worth of a human being. So with self-acceptance, the individual affirms who she or he is without any need for comparisons.
  • Self-esteem is contingent on external factors, such as performance, appearance, or social approval, that form the basis on which the self is evaluated. On the other hand, with self-acceptance , a person feels satisfied with themselves despite external factors, as this sense of worthiness is not derived from meeting certain standards.
  • It follows that self-esteem is fragile, whereas self-acceptance provides a secure and enduring positive relationship with the self (Kernis & Lakey, 2010).
  • When it comes to the consequences on wellbeing, while self-esteem appears to be associated with some markers of wellbeing, such as high life-satisfaction (Myers & Diener, 1995) and less anxiety (Brockner, 1984), there is also a “dark side” of self-esteem, characterized by egotism and narcissism (Crocker & Park, 2003). Self-acceptance is strongly associated with numerous positive markers of general psychological well-being (MaccInes, 2006).

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Identifying and Challenging Core Beliefs

Similar to challenging negative thoughts, it can be an extremely effective therapeutic technique to discover, identify, and challenge your core beliefs. We often carry negative or false unconscious or semiconscious beliefs, never stopping to recognize the values and norms that we buy into on a daily basis.

This exercise will help you or your client explore and define deeply held beliefs that guide thoughts and behavior.

The worksheet begins with an explanation of what core beliefs are:

“Core beliefs can be defined as the very essence of how people see themselves, others, the world, and the future.”

Next, it explains how core beliefs can influence one’s thinking and emotions through an example interaction.

“Interaction: You are attending an interview for a job that you really want.”

In this situation, you must choose between three briefcases to bring along to work, each representing a different core belief:

Purple briefcase—“I’m talented”

Internal thought associated: “I am naturally adept with lots of experience in this field. I deserve this role.”

Your reaction: You feel confident as you enter the interview, and subsequently land the job.

Orange briefcase—“I’m unsure whether I’m talented.”

Internal thought associated: “I have lots of experience and I think I’m good, but someone else will probably get the job over me.”

Your reaction: You don’t feel great heading into the interview. You relatively positive feedback but don’t land the role.

Green briefcase—“I’m not talented.”

Internal thought associated: “There’s no way I’m getting this job. Other candidates are much more capable than me.”

Your reaction: You don’t get the job.

These examples show that the thoughts we carry with us, everywhere we go, can have a profound impact on our feelings, our behavior, and the associated outcomes.

Finally, the worksheet presents an opportunity to apply what you have learned from these examples to your own life. You are prompted to identify three negative core beliefs and three reasons why each belief is not true.

It can be difficult to identify the first core belief, especially if you have several very deeply held negative beliefs that you have never even considered challenging before. However, once you get the ball rolling with the first belief, it should get easier as you go.

To give this  Core Beliefs Suitcases worksheet a try, follow the link.

Assertive Communication Worksheet

Low self-esteem and poor or underdeveloped communication skills often go hand-in-hand (Blood & Blood, 2004). It can be difficult to share feelings with others if you don’t feel your feelings have value, an all-too-common symptom of low self-esteem.

Learning to communicate assertively will not only help you form better relationships and find new opportunities, but it can also facilitate a shift in the way you think about yourself (Law & Sivyer, 2003).

The word “assertive” may make people with low self-esteem hesitant. Being assertive might sound overly aggressive, pushy, or just too out of character.

The worksheet addresses this right away with an explanation about how three common communication styles differ:

  • Aggressive Communication Defined by speaking in a mean, harsh, or sarcastic manner, taking instead of compromising, maintaining glaring eye contact and speaking in loud or threatening tones, putting others down, being inappropriately honest, and bullying or trampling others.
  • Assertive Communication Defined by being firm but polite, compromising, maintaining warm and friendly eye contact and a conversational tone, building up others and oneself, being appropriately honest, and standing up for oneself.
  • Passive Communication Defined by being too nice or weak, being overly compliant, avoiding eye contact, speaking softly, putting oneself down, being emotionally dishonest, and allowing others to trample you in conversation.

When laid out in this way, it is clear that being an assertive communicator is nothing like being an aggressive communicator. Assertive communication is simply expressing yourself honestly and directly, while being polite and open.

The worksheet provides space and instructions to record three scenarios in which you communicated assertively and list the emotions you felt afterward. If you can’t think of an instance where you have communicated assertively, don’t worry! You can make that a goal for yourself in the next week.

You can see this Assertive Communication Worksheet for yourself and begin building up your communication skills.

Apart from these worksheets and activities, there are tons of tips out there for building self-esteem and self-worth.

Dr. John M. Grohol (2011) offers these six tips:

  • Take a self-esteem inventory to give yourself a baseline. This can be as simple as writing down 10 of your strengths and 10 of your weaknesses. This will help you to begin developing an honest and realistic conception of your self.
  • Set realistic expectations. It’s important to set small, attainable goals that are within your power. For example, setting an extremely high expectation or an expectation that someone else will change their behavior is virtually guaranteed to make you feel like a failure.
  • Stop being a perfectionist and acknowledge both your accomplishments and mistakes. Nobody is perfect, and trying to be will only lead to disappointment. Acknowledging your accomplishments and recognizing your mistakes is the way to keep a positive outlook while learning and growing from your mistakes.
  • Explore yourself. The importance of knowing yourself and being at peace with who you are cannot be overstated. This can take some trial and error, but it’s a lifelong journey that should be undertaken with purpose and zeal.
  • Be willing to adjust your self-image. We all change as we age and grow, and we must keep up with our ever-changing selves if we want to set and achieve meaningful goals.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparing ourselves to others is a trap that is extremely easy to fall into, especially with social media and the ability to project a polished and perfected (and false) appearance. The only person you should compare yourself to is you.

Henrik Edberg (2017) offers a similar set of tips for improving your self-esteem:

  • Say “stop” to your inner critic;
  • Use healthier motivation habits;
  • Take a two-minute self-appreciation break;
  • Each evening, write down three things that you can appreciate about yourself;
  • Do the right thing;
  • Fight against perfectionism;
  • Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive way;
  • Be kinder toward other people;
  • Try something new;
  • Stop falling into the comparison trap;
  • Spend more time with supportive people (and less time with destructive people);
  • Remember the “whys” of high self-esteem.

To read these tips in more detail, you can visit Edberg’s blog post on improving self-esteem here and read more about positive body image here.

While it can take time to build up a solid sense of self-esteem, it’s possible to kickstart the process.

ten days to self-esteem worksheets

This book helps the reader identify the causes of low self-esteem and provides activities and exercises to start increasing self-esteem. It’s written in plain English, not psychiatric jargon, and has earned an impressive four-star rating on Amazon.

If you don’t have the patience to go through an entire book, there are some simple things you can do now to jumpstart your self-esteem journey:

  • Think hard about the root cause(s) of your insecurities. The first step to defeating formidable foes is to learn about them, and this situation is no different. Identifying the events that led to a low sense of self-worth can provide valuable information for challenging these negative beliefs.
  • Use the “Negative Self-Talk” and “Identifying and Challenging Core Beliefs” worksheets (available in the adult worksheets section of this article) to help you identify negative thoughts and begin to replace them with alternative thoughts.
  • Be kind to yourself. If you find yourself being excessively negative to yourself, stop and consider how you would feel if someone said those things about a close friend or family member. Extend the same compassion you’d give a friend or family member to yourself.
  • Make a plan. Set achievable and realistic short-term goals for yourself to complete in the next week or so. Achieving something, no matter how small, can be an excellent boost to your motivation.
  • Celebrate your success. When you accomplish a goal, successfully challenge a negative thought, or catch yourself extending kindness toward yourself, mark the achievement with a celebration! Taking the time to revel in your success and enjoy the moment can give you the inspiration you need to continue your journey to self-improvement.

homework for womens

17 Exercises To Foster Self-Acceptance and Compassion

Help your clients develop a kinder, more accepting relationship with themselves using these 17 Self-Compassion Exercises [PDF] that promote self-care and self-compassion.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

We hope this piece helped you find useful ways to begin or continue improving on your self-esteem, but if you only leave with one lesson learned, we hope it is this:

You can improve. You can get better. You can reach your goals.

It may not feel like it at the moment, but know that no matter how down you might be feeling, there is always room for growth and improvement.

Which techniques have you used to improve your self-esteem? Were they effective? Please share your experience with us in the comments section.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Self Compassion Exercises for free .

  • Algoe, S. B., Haidt, J., & Gable, S. L. (2008). Beyond reciprocity: Gratitude and relationships in everyday life. Emotion , 8 (3), 425-429.
  • Bloch, D., & Merritt, J. (1993). Positive self-talk for children: Teaching self-esteem through affirmations: A guide for parents, teachers, and counselors. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
  • Blood, G. W., & Blood, I. M. (2004). Bullying in adolescents who stutter: Communicative competence and self-esteem. Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders , 31 (Spring), 69-79.
  • Brockner, J. 1984. Low self-esteem and behavioral plasticity: Some implications for personality and social psychology. In L. Wheeler (Ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology, 37 : 1732–1741.
  • Child Safety and Abuse Prevention Programs. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.keepyourchildsafe.org/
  • Crocker, J., & Park, L. E. (2003). Seeking self-esteem: Construction, maintenance, and protection of self-worth .
  • Dickens, L. R. (2019). Gratitude interventions: Meta-analytic support for numerous personal benefits, with caveats. In L. E. Van Zyl & S. Rothmann, Sr. (Eds.).  Positive Psychological Intervention Design and Protocols for Multi-Cultural Contexts (pp. 127-147). Switzerland, AG: Springer.
  • Edberg, H. (2017). How to improve your self-esteem: 12 Powerful tips. Retrieved from http://www.positivityblog.com/improve-self-esteem/
  • Ellis, A. (1994). Reason and emotion in psychotherapy . Birch Lane Press.
  • Ellis, A. (1976). RET abolishes most of the human ego. Psychotherapy: Theory, research & practice, 13(4) , 343.
  • Grohol, J. (2011). 6 tips to improve your self-esteem . Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2011/10/30/6-tips-to-improve-your-self-esteem/
  • Kaczmarek, L. D., Kashdan, T. B., Drążkowski, D., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., Szäefer, A., & Bujacz, A. (2015). Why do people prefer gratitude journaling over gratitude letters? The influence of individual differences in motivation and personality on web-based interventions. Personality and Individual Differences , 75 , 1-6.
  • Kernis, M. H., & Lakey, C. E. (2010). Fragile versus secure high self-esteem: Implications for defensiveness and insecurity. Psychology Press.
  • Law, J., & Sivyer, S. (2003). Promoting the communication skills of primary school children excluded from school or at risk of exclusion: An intervention study. Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 19 (1), 1-25.
  • Lynch, S. M., & Graham-Bermann, S. A. (2000). Woman abuse and self-affirmation: Influences on women’s self-esteem. Violence Against Women , 6 (2), 178-197.
  • MacInnes, D. L. (2006). Self‐esteem and self-acceptance: an examination into their relationship and their effect on psychological health. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13(5) , 483-489.
  • Myers, D. G., & Diener, E. (1995). Who is happy? Psychological Science, 6(1), 10-19.
  • Practical Tools and Advice to Overcome Low Self Esteem (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.self-esteem-school.com/
  • Self-Esteem Experts: Nurturing Vibrant Self-Esteem (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.self-esteem-experts.com/
  • Waters, L. (2012). Predicting job satisfaction: Contributions of individual gratitude and institutionalized gratitude. Psychology , 3 (12A special issue), 1174-1176.
  • Wood, A. M., Froh, J. J., & Geraghty, A. W. (2010). Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clinical Psychology Review , 30 (7), 890-905.

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Kristine Babera

Hi! I am a sophomore student of Psychology at Bataan Peninsula State University, Bataan, Philippines 2100. As a requirement for our course: Experimental Psychology, my group and I are interested in boosting self-esteem among female students using Positive Psychology.

Upon searching for materials we can use, I stumbled upon this article and I found it suitable to use for our study.

Now, I am writing to ask permission if we can use the worksheets above for our study. Rest assured that we will cite the author and your site as our references if you grant us our request. But if not, we humbly accept it and find another material.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Julia Poernbacher

Hi Kristine,

Glad you found the questions helpful! Yes, feel free to use these worksheets for your research.

Good luck with your research!

Warm regards, Julia | Community Manager


Thanks for sharing, these resources are useful. i have been looking for some material on self esteem to take a session for the children from difficult circumstances, and i appreciate so many ideas you have shared to build self esteem. thank you once again.

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Home » Earn Online » High Paying Work From home Jobs for Women in 2024

High Paying Work From home Jobs for Women in 2024

work from home jobs for women

Quick Summary

  • Looking for work-from-home opportunities for women? The pandemic has boosted remote work demand, and we’ve got you covered!
  • With jobs like content writing, virtual assisting, tutoring, and social media managing, you can earn from home without investment.
  • Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a recent graduate, or need part-time work, these jobs offer flexibility and decent pay. Join the trend and balance your career with personal life. Discover how to kickstart your journey with our list of top WFH jobs for women today!

Table of Contents

Are you a woman looking for work from home opportunities? You’re in the right place! The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in remote work, and with it, the demand for work from home jobs for women. We understand that flexibility is crucial for women, as 70% of woman quit their jobs due to a lack of it, according to a LinkedIn report.

Our list includes work from home jobs for female 12th pass, female freshers, and housewives, including Amazon work from home jobs. If you’re a housewife looking for work from home jobs without investment, we’ve got you covered! We also offer part-time options for those who want to balance their work and home responsibilities.

By choosing to work from home, women can balance their domestic duties while earning a stable income. Keep reading to discover the best work from home jobs for women!

facts about Work from home jobs

List of Work From Home Jobs for Women

Here’s the complete list of work from home jobs for women without investing any money. All you need is an internet connection and a smartphone or laptop. These jobs can work for women especially mothers, who find it difficult to make time for themselves out of their busy schedules.

  • Content Writing
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Online Tutor
  • Social Media Manager
  • Start your own bakery
  • Customer service representative
  • Graphic Designing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Online Reselling

1. Content Writing

One of the most popular sectors in freelance work is content writing . It is one of the most in-demand work from home jobs for women. Companies are always on the lookout for professionals willing to work as part-time writers who can create intriguing and unique content to engage their audiences.

Content writers are professional writers who create content in the form of articles, blogs, podcasts, e-books, captions, web content, and other marketing communications for brands. You will have flexible working hours so that you can manage your time at home and at work at your convenience.

With the emergence of online platforms, there is a hype of content creators in the market. Many website developers constantly need a writer who can write attractive content for their websites or web pages. You can visit LinkedIn , Internshala , Shine , Upwork , and other job boards for part-time content writing opportunities.

  • Strong Communication Skills
  • Proficiency in Language and Grammar
  • Ability to Research
  • Adaptive Writing Style
  • Knowledge of SEO

Average Income

As a freelance content writer in India, you can earn approximately Rs. 14000 per month. However, your income highly depends on your expertise and experience in the domain. You’ll find various examples of freelance content writers earning a six-figure income.

Hence, this is the most preferred work from home job option for women interested in writing.

Recommended read: Freelance Content Writing Jobs: Finding the Right Fit for Your Skills and Experience

2. Become a subject matter expert at Chegg!

In 2024, there’s a surge in work from home jobs for women like never before. With technology advancing and online learning growing, there’s a big demand for experts who can help students with their studies. These experts can also work as online tutors, which means they can work from anywhere and help students all over the world.

To do this job, you need to be really good at your subject and able to answer tricky questions from students.

Average income:

You can earn about INR 3.3 LPA (per year) doing this job.

If you’re a woman who’s just finished studying and wants to start your career, Chegg Expert is a great place to start. You can sign up now to share your knowledge and begin your career from home!

Work Anywhere, Anytime Hassle-free Earning

2. Virtual Assistant

If you have a knack for planning and managing tasks, you can find methods to use this gift to make money. A virtual assistant is a person who works remotely from home and offers many types of technical, artistic, and administrative support. This makes virtual assistant one of the best work from home jobs for women. It resembles a corporate job that is accessible from home. You simply need to handle the client’s side of their business, as they are too busy to do so.

Although each virtual assistant position differs slightly from the next, there are some common elements to look for. The majority of virtual assistants offer assistance to their company or clients in the form of email correspondence, appointment setting, taking or making calls, reading, writing, technical support, producing emails and business papers, managing client complaints, etc. are some of the duties of a virtual assistant.

  • Communication skills
  • Knowledge of social media
  • Time Management
  • Attention to detail

Average Salary

The salary of a virtual assistant in India ranges from Rs. 1.2 lakhs to Rs. 5.4 lakhs.

3. Online Tutor

You might want to consider being an online tutor if you possess the expertise in the subject and the classes or grades you like to teach. People now prefer to take online classes since COVID 19 has altered our way of life, and this is here to stay for a while at least. Now that you have the chance, you should take advantage of it. Online tutoring is one of the most convenient work-from-jobs for women.

If you have a college degree and the ability to teach and tutor kids in the areas of your choice, you are ideal for the position. A big help to online tutoring is Zoom sessions and Skype video calls.

There are websites that offer online teaching on their platforms. For instance, Chegg India is a website where you can sign up as an expert , respond to students’ questions, and get paid for each accurate response you provide. Since teaching is no longer limited to formal classroom settings, these online tutoring sessions are beneficial for a range of recent graduates and undergrads who are now having a difficult time finding jobs in India.

Earn Online with Chegg No Investment Required

  • In-depth knowledge of a particular subject/skill

Beginners can expect to make about Rs 200 per hour, which can rise to Rs 500 and above as you develop your skills and knowledge as an online tutor.

Related Articles:

  • 6 Simple Steps to Teach Online and Earn Money in India
  • Online Tuition Jobs: A Full-Time Career or Part-Time Gig for Skilled Individuals

4. Social Media Manager

The booming of the internet and the digital age has opened new avenues for businesses to interact with their customers and advertise their products and services. Now, they can easily and directly reach their existing and potential customers through social media, making social media manager a popular work from home job for women.

The role of a social media manager entails managing the social media accounts of the businesses across platforms. As a social media manager, you will be expected to manage the social media accounts and also run ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. You will also have to create content in terms of videos, reels and posts to enhance the value of your client’s business.

  • Knowledge of different social media platforms

Average salary

Based on your experience you can make somewhere around 2.5 Lakhs to 5.5 Lakhs per annum.

5. Start your own Cloud kitchen or Bakery at home

Do you like to cook or bake treats for your family and friends ? Start your own Cloud kitchen or Bakery at home and work comfortably at home and get paid for your talent! Utilise your culinary skills and passion for baking to turn your kitchen into a hub of delicious creations.

With minimal overhead costs and the flexibility of working from home, you can also start your cloud kitchen. To start a cloud kitchen as a work from home job for women, begin by identifying your niche cuisine or specialty.

Create a business plan outlining your target market, menu offerings, and operational costs. Set up your kitchen with necessary equipment and ensure compliance with health and safety regulations. Establish an online presence through social media and food delivery apps to attract customers. Focus on efficient delivery logistics and customer service to build a loyal clientele. Continuously innovate your menu and marketing strategies to stay competitive in the evolving food industry. With dedication and strategic planning, running a cloud kitchen from home can be a rewarding and empowering career choice for women.

  • Culinary knowledge
  • Financial knowledge & budgeting skills
  • People skills
  • A knack for creativity & experiment

Bakery owners can expect an average income of Rs. 5,00,000 to 6,00,000 annually.

Also, read: How to Start a Business : 11 Steps to Get Your Business Up and Running

6. Customer service representative

Since it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a customer-centric approach, customer service is a great profession to enter. Focusing on helping clients and consumers is a requirement of this position. You will need to attend to their requirements by paying attention to their concerns and insightful feedback. Customer care representatives that work remotely typically communicate with customers via email, chat, phone, or social media. You will be addressing their questions, assisting them in placing orders or resolving any problems they may be having.

Customer service is a profession like any other, and to succeed you need to have a certain set of experiences, abilities, and expertise. You will require possessing soft skills like good communication skills, empathy, and patience, a conflict resolution attitude along with hard skills like persuasive writing skills, documentation skills, and phone system experience.

Additionally, understanding the many customer service roles that are available and honing your talents to fit them is one of the best strategies to advance your career in this field. To gain experience as a customer service agent, you can work in a variety of industries. While pursuing your degree, you can even work part-time or independently. You can work as a cashier, call centre representative, customer service representative, or support specialist, for instance. Customer service is one of the ideal work from home jobs for women.

  • Persuasive speaking skills
  • Responsibility

The salary of a customer service representative in India ranges from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 4.1 Lakhs annually.

7. Graphic Designing

Graphic designing is an innovative work from home job for women with a creative mind. In this role, you would be responsible for producing the visual material that was shared on the business’s social media channels. You must use a ton of creativity in both your design and strategy. The websites you browse, the commercials you see, the movies you watch, the games you play, and the packaging and logos of the goods you purchase are all the work of graphic designers.

They are artists who create visual content for print and digital media, including logos, websites, television graphics, and magazines. They produce hand-drawn or computer-generated visual designs to convey ideas that educate and inspire customers. The general layout and production design for advertisements, brochures, publications, and corporate reports are created by graphic designers.

Majority of designers obtain bachelor’s or post-graduate degrees, which aid in their technical skill development and enable them to build portfolios of their work that can facilitate easy employment following graduation. Publishers, design firms, advertising agencies, and other industries that require skilled designers may also hire graphic designers.

  • Software knowledge
  • Design sense
  • An eye for detail

In India, graphic designers may expect to earn between Rs. 1.1 lakhs to Rs. 6.5 lakhs per year.

Also, read: The Secret to Making a Living as a Freelance Graphic Designer

8. Digital Marketing

Given that it is one of those major career options that began during the period of a rising internet, digital marketing as a career option requires incredibly professional talents and abilities. By this point, it has become the spine of every sector, regardless of genre. Building the brand you are working for and raising awareness of is what this job is all about. Digital marketing is currently the most popular type of marketing and is a massive industry in itself.

It encompasses far more than merely running advertising and social media promotions, despite the common misconception that it does. There are many different types of marketing, including email marketing, viral marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, search engine marketing, and many more. Each of these categories of digital marketing approaches was created with a specific goal in mind, and the strategies employed varied accordingly.

As a digital marketer, your day-to-day responsibilities include interacting with the target market, managing social media profiles like Instagram and Facebook to boost user engagement, and supporting marketing, advertising, campaigning, and proofreading online or print campaigns. Digital Marketing is one of the highest-paying work from home jobs for women.

  • Technical knowledge in the field
  • Data analysis

The salary of a digital marketing manager in India ranges from Rs. 3.1 lakhs to Rs. 19.4 lakhs.

9. Data entry

One of the easiest online jobs for women is data entry. In this job, you would have to update the data on the company server using data from other sources. It will be your responsibility to keep the company’s data up to date and accessible to anyone. Data entry is the simplest job that doesn’t call for specialised technological knowledge.

The hiring process favours candidates with a working grasp of several computer programmes, including Microsoft Office. A work from home job for women requires you to be proficient in word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and English. There are often no specific restrictions for educational requirements, though recruiters favour individuals who have at least completed their senior or higher secondary education. You must be an expert typist and able to type 50 to 80 words per minute in order to apply for a data entry position.

Additionally, certain data entry jobs call for a typing speed of more than 80 words per minute. While working in the field of data entry, your responsibilities include inputting data, proofreading, preparing reports, creating spreadsheets, dealing with customer queries, and more. Apart from basic technical knowledge and skills, you will also have to master soft skills like good communication skills, organisational abilities, attention to detail, etc.

  • Typing skills
  • Research skills

The salary for a typical data entry role is approximately ₹15,000 per month.

Recommended Read: Online Data Entry Jobs Without Registration

10. Online Reselling

Reselling is one of the most prevalent and lucrative work from home jobs for women in India. An individual who purchases a product from a supplier and then sells it to the ultimate customer is known as a reseller. Online reselling is popular right now because sellers may supply products directly to customers from wholesalers, earning a profit for themselves without having to keep inventory in their store or storage facility.

Online reselling is a fantastic choice today. Anyone can become a reseller; all that is needed is a basic understanding of social media and the internet for these types of part-time jobs for women. Through social media, exhibitions, and connections, a reseller must connect with the source and disseminate the commodity’s description, information, and images/videos.

Although it does take some work, working from home online has benefits over traditional retail sales. Depending on how much time you invest in your project, online reselling can be a part-time source of extra income or a full-time career. You must research to determine what would sell well in the venue, platform, or marketplace you’re using to be a successful reseller. Choose a niche or offer products that represent a certain aesthetic or lifestyle rather than selling anything you can get your hands on.

In terms of monetary benefits, it completely depends on the time and effort you put into understanding the nitty-gritty of the market and customer needs. Online reselling is one of the easy job options for ladies.

Recommended read: 20 Best Reselling Apps in India in 2023: Start Selling Online

Who are these WFH jobs best for?

Women comprise 38.8% of the global working population today. There’s no job that women can’t do. However, these work-from-jobs are best suitable for housewives and mothers who want to start or restart their careers after a maternity break.

As these online jobs for females do not require a lot of time commitment, it is comparatively easier for them to manage their personal commitments along with earning money. These jobs do not need any investment or prior experience.

The best thing about these work from home jobs for women is that you don’t need any extra qualifications, any specific degree. Hence, even students who need to earn pocket money and full-time workers who need an extra source of income can try these work-from-home jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Women can do a lot of jobs from the comfort of their homes like graphic designing, social media management, data entry, online tutoring, customer care etc. All of these jobs can help them earn well. Most women prefer working from home as it helps them maintain a work-home balance.

There are many jobs that you can do from the comfort of your home. Social media management, graphic designing and content writing are some of the most sought-after ones. You can choose a remote job in this field or can even start freelancing. All of these jobs will help you make a good amount of money and do not require investments.

You can easily start working from home. Firstly, you need to decide the field that you would like to work in like graphic designing, social media, online tutoring etc. Secondly, you need to start applying for remote jobs, you can apply for them on online portals like Naukri and LinkedIn.

Content writing, graphic designing, data entry, social media management etc. are some of the most popular yet easy jobs to do from home. You can apply for these jobs online through job portals like LinkedIn or Naukri just like how you would apply for a full-time on-site role.

Here are some useful resources:

  • 30 High-Paying Online Work-from-Home Jobs in India
  • Emerging Career Fields for Women in 2023
  • Online Reselling Business-A Low Risk, High Profit Way to Make Money
  • Top 20 Proven Business Ideas for Women
  • 20 Best Reselling Apps in India in 2023: Start Selling Online

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I believe that everyone should have the flexibility and freedom to work from home, and that's what I'm going to help you do here on The Work at Home Woman.

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15 Best Workouts for Toned Arms, According to Top Fitness Experts

Sculpt your biceps, triceps, and more with these unique moves.

best arm workouts for women

Looking to tone your upper body and sculpt toned arms? Not only do arm workouts for women help strengthen basic muscle groups like the triceps and biceps, they also work other important areas like your core and back muscles.

We've chatted with the top fitness experts and professional athletes to round up the best arm workouts for women both with and without weights. You can do all of these exercises at the gym or at home if you have a set of dumbbells.

15 Minute Arms Workout Routine:

  • Pick four moves from the list below.
  • Perform the first movement for 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for a total of three times. Then, rest one minute before progressing to the next move.
  • Perform the second movement for 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for a total of three times. Then, rest one minute before progressing to the next move.
  • Follow the same format for moves three and four of your circuit selection.

arm workouts for womentoned arms

Add a little spice to your workout with this bicep variation that is a favorite for Scott and frequently used in her Tone It Up Strength program.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. For the first 7 reps, perform half of a bicep curl where you go from the bottom of the movement to the halfway point where your arms stop at a 90 degree angle. For the second set of 7 reps, start at that halfway point where your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle and then finish the rep all the way up to your shoulder. For the third set of 7 reps, complete a full bicep curl by starting at the bottom of the movement and completing the full range of motion from top to bottom. You'll complete 21 reps in total.

Hammer Curl and Press

arm workouts for womentoned arms

Dannah Bollig, a certified personal trainer, former division one athlete and the creator of The DE Method loves this move that is a fantastic bicep and tricep workout for females.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. Perform a curl with the dumbbell and then press overhead, ensuring that the palms face towards each other for the entire time.

Tricep Overhead Extension with Dumbbells

tricep overhead extension with dumbbells

Looking for a tricep burner? Bollig loves this classic move that can be done with one or two dumbbells.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and rotate a single dumbbell horizontally to grip both sides. Alternatively, you can also select two dumbbells and hold them so they are glued together. Raise the weight up so that your biceps are by your ears and bend elbows at a 90-degree angle. From there, engage your triceps and lift the dumbbell until your arms are straight. Bend elbows again to lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.

Front Raise and Iso Hold

front raise  iso hold

Looking for a few moves to add to a beginner arm workout? Bollig loves this particular exercise for newbies and gives options for making it harder as you get stronger.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your hips with your palms facing down. Raise both arms directly in front of you until your hands are parallel to your shoulders. Hold at the top for a 2 second count, then lower back down slowly. To make things more challenging, hold the dumbbells at the top for a slow 10 second count down.

Dumbbell Thruster

arm workouts for womentoned arms

This full-body exercise gets your heart-rate up while toning the arms, legs, and glutes.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand with elbows bent so the weights are at shoulder height. Engage your core and push the booty back while keeping your chest lifted to lower down into a squat. Then, use your hips to propel your body back up and simultaneously press the weights straight overhead up to the ceiling so that your arms are fully extended. Then, lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position and repeat.

Plank Up Downs

arm workouts for womentoned arms

No dumbbells, no problem! Ashley Joi, trainer on Chris Hemsworth's health and fitness app Centr , says that this plank variation is not only great for core work, but also strengthens the arms (as well as glutes, shoulders, and wrists). This is one of our favorite arm exercises without weights.

How to: Start in a high plank position, and keep your core engaged. Lower one arm at a time into a forearm plank and then, one arm at a time, return to a high plank position.

The Perfect Push Up

arm workouts for womentoned arms

"If there is one movement, I have seen a lot of women skip, it is a push up. We have just as much to gain as men do from push-ups. Lat activation, core stability, triceps definition, are just a few of the great benefits," says c ertified personal trainer and Gold’s AMP coach Ally McKinney .

How to: Start in a plank position with hands stacked under your shoulders, abs squeezed tight, and glutes engaged. Lower your chest and quads to the ground, making sure that your elbows are tracking behind you and not flaring out wide to engage the lats and protect the shoulders from injury. Once your chest and quads touch the ground, push back up into a plank position. Modify by lowering your knees to the ground and performing a knee push up, just be sure that your hips are staying flat and still ensuring that your chest and quads touch the ground.

Row to Tricep Kickback

arm workouts for womentoned arms

McKinney swears by compound movements like this one that target multiple muscle groups and especially helps to tone triceps. Remember to move with control and avoid any swinging of your arm or shrugging of your shoulders.

How to: Start in a supported position by placing your knee and hand of one side of your body on a bench. Place your weight in your free hand, pull your shoulders back and down, and engage your core. Drive your elbow back and keep it close to your body. When your elbow is just past your back, that is the top position of this movement. Hold it there and now extend your elbow and squeeze the back side of your arm and let it fully extend. Re-bend your elbow and extend your arm back to the ground.

Weighted I, Y, T

arm workouts for womentoned arms

"Building scapular control and stability removes the traps from the equation and helps us to engage muscles we never even knew we had. This exercise does not require a lot of weight but will do wonders to build up strength in your rotator cuff as well as your back," says McKinney.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a very light dumbbell in each hand. Engage your core, and pull your shoulders back and down. Push your hips back until your chest is at a 45-degree angle from your hips, and maintain this fixed position for the entirety of the movement. Your arms should be fully extended and hanging underneath you with your weights in hand, and you'll draw these three different letters using your arms. Complete rounds of 5-6 reps through each letter.

For I’s, pull your arms up until they are framing your face in an overhead position then lower them back down.

For Y’s, pull your arms out at a 45-degree angle until your shoulder has full opened, then lower your arms back down.

For T’s, same idea here but pull your arms out completely wide to make a T with your body.

90 Degree Lateral Raise

arm workouts for womentoned arms

Build sculpted and strong shoulders with this simple but effective lateral raise variation.

How to: Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows to create a 90 degree angle and palms are facing towards the body. Keeping the 90 degree angle, raise your arms up so your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Be sure to keep your core engaged, lats activated, and shoulders down and relaxed. Lower down to starting position and repeat.

Resistance Band Bicep Tempo Curl

arm workouts for womentoned arms

Dawn says that the resistance band is the perfect training tool to amp up your at-home arm workouts. In the Tone It Up app , she and Scott give a 10-minute "Flex Fire" resistance band workout that is all about burning out the biceps, triceps, and shoulders.

How to: Stand with feet hip distance part on top of the resistance band. Grab the handles and hold them long next to your sides with your palms facing forward. Curl your hands up to your shoulders and keep your elbows in by your sides. Use a one count on the way up, and slowly lower back down to a 4 count, squeezing the biceps and engaging your muscles.

Shoulder Blade Squeezes

arm workouts for womentoned arms

We tend to focus on major muscles like the biceps and triceps, but the shoulder joint is extremely important as it operates and assists in all arm movements. This movement is a favorite for Olympian and Team USA track and field athlete Colleen Quigley .

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Without letting your shoulders rise up to your ears, squeeze your shoulder blades together as your arms drift back, bringing the weights close together behind you. Pause for a couple seconds, then release your arms and bring them back to your sides.

arm workouts for womentoned arms

Quigley says to focus on only moving your arms in this move, and keeping your core engaged and hips still to really get the most out of the exercise.

How to: Grab a medium weight with both hands (a dumbbell or a kettlebell works). Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart and a small bend in the knees. Bring the weight up to eye level, arms bent. Carry the weight around your head, staying eye level the whole time. Take it 10x each direction. If it's too easy, grab a heavier weight.

Arnold Press

arm workouts for womentoned arms

Change up the standard shoulder press with this move that adds rotation and hits all angles of the deltoids.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Start with your arm bent and palm facing towards your shoulder, like you would at the top of a bicep curl. Press your arms up overhead but twist them on the way up so that your palms are facing away from you. Make sure to reach full extension where your biceps are touching your ears, then lower back down and repeat.

Serve the Platter

arm workouts for women

This is one of our favorite moves for toning the biceps, shoulders, and even chest. It mimics serving a platter of food and requires a ton of activation and stability.

How to: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and a light dumbbell in each hand. Bend arms in a 90 degree angle by your sides with palms facing upward. Slowly extend your arms out and up on a diagonal until arms are fully extended. Lower back down with control to starting position and repeat.

Headshot of Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., NASM-CPT

Stefani (she/her) is a registered dietitian, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab, where she handles all nutrition-related content, testing and evaluation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from NYU. She is also Good Housekeeping’s on-staff fitness and exercise expert. Stefani is dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based content to encourage informed food choices and healthy living. She is an avid CrossFitter and a passionate home cook who loves spending time with her big fit Greek family.

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Use These 50 Exercises At Home To Create Countless Total-Body Workouts

No weights necessary.


Not only are equipment-free moves convenient, but doing exercises at home without weights is a great way to check in with yourself and focus on form. Because of this, bodyweight exercises are great for beginners, but they're also effective for more intermediate or advanced exercisers, too. (You can even level up by adding ankle or hand weights if you're looking for more of a challenge.)

Below, I've compiled 50 of the best at-home exercises for all fitness levels. As a personal trainer with years of experience, I use these moves all the time with my clients to help them get stronger and train their total body. You can use them to create countless combinations of total-body workouts, ensuring you never get bored while you break a sweat.

Time: 20 minutes

Equipment: None

Good for: total body

Instructions: For a full workout, choose five to six moves below. Complete the indicated number of reps, then continue immediately to the next move. Rest for one minute, then repeat the entire circuit one to three times to keep your heart rate up and burn calories while you build muscle.

Hollow Hold

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How to: Start lying on back with arms and legs extended and on the floor. Raise arms and legs leaving just bra line and lower back on mat so body looks like a banana. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds then lower back down and continue to you next move.

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How to: Start on all fours with shins and palms flat on mat. Step feet back to balance on balls of feet creating a straight line from heels through the top of head. Gaze should be slightly in front of hands. Spread shoulder blades wide on back, tighten abs, quads, glutes, and hold for 30 to 60 seconds before continuing to your next move.

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How to: Start by lying on right side with left foot on top of right, toes and heels lined up, right forearm on mat, elbow under shoulder and palm flat, fingers spread, left hand on hip. Engage obliques and lift hips up until body forms a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start lying on back with legs extended and arms by sides, both on mat. In one movement, lift upper body, arms, and legs, coming to balance on tailbone, forming a "V" shape with body. Lower body back down. That's one rep. Perform as many reps as possible in 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds and continue to your next move.

Bicycle Crunch

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How to: Start lying down on back with hands behind head, shoulder blades off mat, legs lifted and bent at 90 degrees, and gaze at thighs. Engage abs and rotate right elbow toward left knee while extending right leg to straight in air. Return to start and repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Complete 30 reps, alternating sides then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start lying on back with arms extended over chest and legs in air, bent at 90-degree angles (knees above hips). Keep low back pressed to the floor, engage abs, then slowly and simultaneously extend and lower left leg until heel nearly touches floor and right arm until hand nearly touches floor overhead. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the opposite side. That’s one rep. Complete 10 reps and then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Keep back flat, abs engaged, and a slight bend in elbows. Extend right arm out in front at shoulder height and left leg straight behind at hip height. Lower leg and arm down, then repeat on the opposite side. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start on all fours, wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, toes tucked, gaze slightly in front of hands. Push down into palms and lift knees to hover off floor keeping hips level. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds then lower back down and continue to your next move.

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How to: Start on all fours at the back of mat with wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, and gaze slightly in front of hands. Keep a slight bend in elbows, push down into palms and lift knees to hover off the floor while keeping hips level. Slowly walk hands and feet forward to the top of mat without lowering knees, then reverse the movement. That's one rep. Complete 12 reps then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start lying on back with arms extended over chest and legs raised at a 90-degree angle from the floor, toes pointed. Engage core and lift upper body off mat to tap ankles or feet with fingers without moving lower body. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 30 reps then continue to your next move.

Reverse Crunch

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How to : Start lying on back with hands by sides and feet lifted off the ground at 45-degree angle, toes pointed. Push down into arms and pull knees into chest until hips lift off mat. Slowly return to start. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps. Continue to your next move.

Mountain Climber

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How to: Start in a plank position. Drive right knee toward chest, return to a plank and quickly repeat with left knee. That's one rep. Do as many as possible in 30 seconds then continue to your next move.

Flutter Kick

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How to: Start lying on back with hands at sides and legs raised in the air at a 45-degree angle, feet flexed. Swiftly scissor legs up and down a few inches in opposite directions without lifting lower back off mat. Continue for 30 seconds then move on to your next exercise.

Seated Rotation

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How to: Start seated, upper body leaned back until abs are engaged, legs lifted and bent at 90 degrees, arms bent, hands clasped, and elbows wide, torso rotated to right side so that right elbow is hovering off mat. Keep lower body still while rotating upper body to left side. Return to start. Gaze follows hands. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps. Continue to your next move.

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How to: Start lying on back with arms on mat and hands under butt, palms down, legs raised at a 90-degree angle from the floor, feet flexed. Slowly lower legs as far down as possible without back lifting off the ground. Return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend knees, sit hips back, and lower body down until thighs are parallel with the floor. Bring arms forward as lower down to keep torso upright. Rise back up to start, squeezing glutes at the top, and bringing arms to sides. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps and then continue to your next move.

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How to: Start standing with legs wider than shoulders and turned out so inner thighs are pointed forward, knees and toes pointing in the same direction, hands by sides. Bring hands together in front of chest while bending knees and sinking tailbone toward the floor (keeping pelvis tucked and trying not to stick butt out). Continue lowering until thighs are parallel to mat. Return back to start. That's one rep. Do 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Forward Lunge

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How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips. Take a large step forward with right leg, and lower down until thigh is parallel with the floor, while bringing hands together in front of body for counter balance. Return to start. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps on each side and then continue to your next move.

Lateral Lunge

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How to: Start standing sideways at the bottom of mat with feet under hips and arms by sides. Take a large step out with right leg and sit hips back and bend right knee until right thigh is parallel to floor while left leg remains straight, toes of both feet facing forward. Push through right heel to return to start. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps on each side and then continue to your next move.

Single-Leg Deadlift

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How to: Start standing on right leg, with left leg bent, heel off the ground. Hinge at hips to drop torso forward until back leg lifts off floor and chest is parallel to mat. Keep hips square to the ground; return to stand. That's one rep. Complete 10 reps on each side and then continue to your next move.

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God's love

Christian Books and Daily Devotions

The book, The One True God - His Characteristics and Names, is available at Amazon and Walmart , and wholesale through Ingram Distributors.

The short Bible study book, God Loves You and Me (pdf format), written for the organization, Answers for Life, can be printed for personal study.

A new book is being written: God Loves You and Me Daily Devotional

Devotional Bible Lessons for Women

Some examples of devotions you may want to read are:

Mothers and fathers can be a godly influence on their children

The one true god is our loving eternal father, sacrifice - the cost of freedom, got empathy it's badly needed in our fallen world, why does god allow us to suffer - part 1, where is god when i hurt or the silence of god - part 2, index to devotions.

Each short Devotion From Gini's Heart, is a brief, down-to-earth and humorous look at life from a Biblical Christian perspective.

Some examples are:

Mothers and what normal is

There is life after this earthly existence ... even fishing, are you a good fig or a bad fig (jeremiah 24), are you intimately valued and cared for by god, or just a part of his flock, do you ever feel god has forgotten you (psalm 13), can we really ever escape the chaos of this world, index to from gini's heart, a women's free bible study on god's love, with commentary, homework, and audio devotions, revised may - july 2021.

When I first decided to do this study on God's love some years back, I was going to look up every Bible verse on love and go from there.  However the Holy Spirit made it very clear to me to write about God and what He has done for us.  This is because God’s actions scream of His love for us!

Course outline

Introduction, lesson 1 - god's love in creation, lesson 2 - god's love and our sin, lesson 3 - god's love and the death of jesus christ, lesson 4 - god's love and the holy spirit, lesson 5 - jesus christ shows us god's love, lesson 6 - god is our loving father, lesson 7 - god's love will never end, lesson 8 - god's love empowers us to love, epilogue - you can love yourself because god first loved you.

22 Work From Home Jobs That Bring in Cash

Say goodbye to your 9 to 5.

work from home jobs

The Job: Translator

work from home jobs

What It Pays: An average of $25 per hour , according to Payscale . But salaries can range depending on what language is being translated and how in-demand it is.

Perfect For: Anyone who can read, speak, and write in two languages.

What It Is: If you're already fluent in two languages, why not put your skills to use and work as a translator? Translators are often required to translate documents or audio recordings from one language into another. You can work for yourself as a freelance translator, or apply to work with companies like Welocalize that offer a wide range of remote translation services.

How to Get It: You will need to be completely fluent in two languages and some companies require that you have past translator experience. You can search for opening on sites like Indeed , Zip Recruiter , and Glassdoor , or post your own ads that say you are available for translation work.

The Job: Remote Salesperson

work from home jobs

What It Pays: According to Zip Recruiter , remote salespeople make a nationwide average of $55,600 .

Perfect For: A people person who's persistent and ambitious.

What It Is: Big companies, especially online-based companies like Amazon , hire plenty of remote salespeople to work for them. The jobs can range from selling products to selling advertising space to dozens of clients.

How to Get It: Sales jobs generally require at minimum a high school diploma with a college degree preferred. And having past experience in sales is always a plus. Search for remote sales jobs on platforms such as Indeed , Zip Recruiter , and Glassdoor .

The Job: Babbysitter

work from home jobs

What It Pays: The average hourly rate is $16.75 for one child and $19.26 for two kids, according to Today .

Perfect For: Stay-at-home parents or anyone who loves kids

What It Is: If you're usually home during the day, possibly already taking care of a child of your own, you can easily do some at-home childcare for someone else's kid. Have them drop their little one off at your house while they're at work, on vacation, or just needing to go out to run errands.

How to Get It: Let friends and family know you're looking to get into babysitting, and post ads around your neighborhood and online.

The Job: Remote Call Center Agent

work from home jobs

What It Pays: The nationwide average is $22,600 , according to Zip Recruiter.

Perfect For: People who don't mind spending their day on the phone making calls and helping customers.

What It Is: Companies like Liveops hire remote call center workers to work as agents for companies that range from travel and hospitality, to telecom, to roadside assistance, to retail and healthcare. Jobs are available on both a full-time and part-time basis.

How to Get It: There are no specific requirements across the board for call center jobs, but being a people person with excellent communication and organizational skills will put you over the top. You can search for remote call center jobs on any job search engine like Indeed , Zip Recruiter , and Glassdoor .

The Job: Virtual Travel Agent

work from home - travel agent

What It Pays: $12.50 to $50 an hour , according to Indeed listings.

Perfect For: Those looking to travel as much as their clients whose trips they're booking.

What It Is: What better way to feed your travel bug than to work as a remote travel agent or consultant? Whether part- or full-time, spend your working hours dreaming up itineraries, flight plans, hotels, and activities for clients looking to travel far and wide. Then, take advantage of your discounts (hey, perks of the job) and go wherever your heart desires, whenever your heart desires.

How to Get It: Do a search for remote travel agent or consultant jobs using a typical job listing platform like Indeed , Zip Recruiter , and Glassdoor .

The Job: Remote Social Media Manager

work from home jobs - social media manager

What It Pays: $48,964 on average per year for a full-time position , according to Indeed. Contract and part-time make about $13 to $14 an hour.

Perfect For: The Instagram influencer who can help a brand gain followers and awareness.

What It Is: S ocial media managers create, manage, and grow brands through content creation and advertising campaigns on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and more. Skills such as photography, writing and editing, research, marketing, and data collection are key.

How to Get It: You can apply directly to companies if you see a job posting, or visit hubs like Indeed , Glassdoor , and ZipRecruiter and search "remote social media manager jobs." Working Nomads also has a lengthy list of remote social media manager job listings.

The Job: Online Writer or Editor

work from home jobs - editor

What It Pays: Though it varies widely by company, you'll likely be paid per post or hourly. Factors that could increase or decrease the pay scale include word count, research, interviewing an expert, and more. Many freelancers are full-time, but if you're looking for a side-hustle to make some weekend money, this is a great option too. According to Pay Scale, the average salary for a freelance writer is about $24/hr.

Perfect For: A person who's creative with their words and has a passion for content.

What It Is: Write, copy edit, fact-check, update, and organize content in a way that's compelling to readers.

How to Get It: If you've worked in media, try reaching out to your former colleagues to see if they have any opportunities to freelance. You can also connect with editors of your favorite brand on LinkedIn or use platforms like Upwork.com or MediaBistro.com to connect with listings.

The Job: Virtual Graphic Designer

work from home jobs - graphic designer

What It Pays: $18.20 an hour , according to Indeed.

Perfect For: Designers in the graphics arts industry who produce their best work outside of a group office environment.

What It Is: Create virtual displays of art and graphics by assembling images, typographies, and motion graphics for published, printed, or digital media. This may include drafting logos, packaging, labels, and advertisements for brands. Top candidates will have skills in creativity, typography, software, web design, Adobe Photoshop, technology, and more.

How to Get It: Do a search on Indeed , Glassdoor , and ZipRecruiter for "remote graphic design jobs," and you'll find listings that you can filter for part- or full-time, contract, temporary, etc. LinkedIn also has a few (hundred) options!

The Job: Airbnb Host

work from home jobs - airbnb host

What It Pays: $2,305 per month on average .

Perfect For: Someone with enough space to share, who loves meeting new people, and who knows all the hot spots in town.

What It Is: Short-term rental sites allow you to list your property for guests vacationing in your area to book. If you keep a clean house and love to host, consider putting your guest room (or guest house!) up on the site. Just check to make sure your community allows for short-term rentals.

How to Get It: Visit Airbnb , VRBO , or HomeAway to get started.

The Job: Pet Sitter

work at home petsitting

What It Pays: Potentially $1,000 per month .

Perfect For: Dog lovers with plenty of love (and snuggles) to give.

What It Is: Watch people's pups — and get paid for it. Easier than babysitting, petsitting for out-of-town dog owners can be a fun, therapeutic way to make money on the side. Set your own rates and choose whether they come to your house or you go to theirs. Plus, you'll get a workout chasing your new four-legged friends around.

How to Get It: Sign up to become a sitter at DogVacay and Rover or a dog-walker at Wag .

The Job: Virtual Assistant

work from home jobs virtual assistant

What It Pays: Around $15 an hour , according to Pay Scale.

Perfect for: Someone who is very organized with the ability to multitask.

What It Is: Many companies hire self-employed virtual assistants to save employment costs. You will perform typical office duties from home such as replying to emails, managing calendars, entering data, and assisting with social media.

How to Get It: Start with websites like Upwork.com , FlexJobs.com , and PeoplePerHour.com to find freelance opportunities related to virtual assisting.

The Job: Transcriptionist

Work from Home Jobs Transcriptionist

What It Pays: $59,243 a year on average , according to ZipRecruiter.

Perfect For: Someone looking for a flexible job that requires little to no prior experience.

What It Is: Transcription essentially involves you listening to audio files and typing out what you hear. Easy enough, right? Companies usually hire transcriptionists without much experience, so some job postings might only require you to have a computer and keyboard to get started. Transcription jobs can vary from transcribing a college lecture to a doctor's medical dictation, while most companies allow you to make your own schedule.

How to Get It: As a beginner, you can find entry-level transcription jobs on TranscribeAnywhere.com , TranscribeMe.com , and Quicktate.com . Most employers give out a short writing test to measure your typing accuracy and attention to detail before you receive any official tasks.

The Job: Survey Taker

Work from Home Jobs Survey Taker

What It Pays: $1 to $50 per survey, depending on how much time is required to complete the survey.

Perfect For: The person who always has an opinion.

What It Is: You might take an opinion poll, answer questions about shopping habits or review a product. You're generally paid in cash (PayPal or mailed check) or with points that can be redeemed for gift cards.

How to Get It: Visit companies such as DarwinsData.com , PineconeResearch.com and PaidViewpoint.com . (Search "surveys" on RealWaystoEarnMoneyOnline.com for more options.) Then sign up with as many sites as you can. The sites will contact you when surveys that fit your demographic pop up, and you take them right away. A word to the wise: Do not register anywhere that has a membership fee, asks for your Social Security number or bank information, or is vague about payment. There are many survey services out there that are fraudulent.

The Job: Website Tester

work at home jobs - website tester

What It Pays: Starting at $10 per test , according to UserTesting.com.

Perfect For: The detail-oriented web-surfer.

What It Is: Many companies pay online testers to make sure websites are intuitive and easy to navigate. "You basically follow the instructions you're given to check out the website," says Anna Thurman, founder of RealWaysToEarnMoneyOnline.com , a site that has reviewed more than 500 online work opportunities. "It usually only takes about 15 minutes per test." Thurman recommends registering with 10 to 12 different companies since the opportunities to test these sites are doled out first come, first served. "There are people who make $100 to $200 a month by staying on top of those tests," Thurman says.

How to Get It: Begin with sites like UserTesting.com , YouEye.com and Userlytics.com . Register with multiple companies for opportunities to test as many websites as possible. Once you're in the system, you'll be emailed when testers are needed, and if you're one of the first to respond, expect to spend 15 to 20 minutes completing the test. Many sites require a microphone and/or webcam, which are built into most laptops—but if you need to buy one, they aren't expensive. The tester sites typically pay within a week or two via PayPal.

The Job: Vlogger (Film and Post How-To Videos)

Work from Home Jobs Vlogger

What It Pays: Payment depends on how many people click on your video and how many subscribers. Views on popular YouTube tutorials range from 20,000 to 300,000 and higher. You can also earn money from sponsorships , ranging from $500 to hundreds of thousands, according to Slate. In 2017, Daily Star reported that UK vlogger Zoella made £50,000 a month from her videos showing her shopping hauls, though, with over 16 million subscribers, her estimated net worth is £4m net worth.

Perfect For: The self-taught creative genius.

What It Is: Do people ask you your secret to perfect pie crust or how you made that wreath? "Everyone knows how to do something, or has a hobby they enjoy," says Kimberly Lawson, owner of OohLaLuxe.net , who has created fashion and beauty tutorial videos. "These can easily be turned into profits." Simply sign up for a free YouTube account. Then use a smartphone or digital camera to record yourself explaining and demonstrating how you work your magic. (If you're more tech-savvy or have a burgeoning teenage filmmaker in your house, you can use desktop software, such as Windows Movie Maker, to create a slicker video.) "Once you upload the video to YouTube, enroll in its partner program," Lawson says. YouTube will then place ads inside or near your video, and you will earn money from the ads themselves, video views and click-throughs. "The key is to put a unique spin on your video," says Lawson, especially if there are lots of others on the same subject.

How to Get It: You'll need to create a YouTube account and then shoot video either with your phone or a video camera, then upload it to your account. To enroll in the partner program, click on YouTube settings, check the circle next to "Allow Advertisements," then click on "View Additional Features." On the YouTube monetization page, opt in. Generally, you must earn a minimum before you get paid, and YouTube pays monthly — if you don't earn enough in one month, the balance rolls over.

The Job: Corporate English Trainer

work from home jobs - corporate english trainer

What It Pays: Around $15 to $20 an hour , according to Zip Recruiter.

Perfect For: Native English speakers with basic computer skills and an interest in other cultures who love chatting online or over the phone. Office experience is very helpful, since most students work in a corporate environment.You also need your own computer and a high-speed Internet connection. If you're bilingual, that's definitely a plus.

What It Is: Students in countries including Japan, Korea, France and Germany are looking for English speakers to practice with. Sessions focus on things like making professional small talk or running a meeting (trainers are provided with specifics on how to teach each topic, and are also trained themselves for two days before starting the job). Lessons take place either over the phone or on a live Internet video service like Skype — sometimes at night, because you're working with students in different time zones. You need to commit to a minimum of 20 hours a week at consistent times, and can work as many as 35 hours.

How to Get It: GoFluent.com is an English training company working with 12 of the world's largest corporations. There are also jobs out there for English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, which are more structured. Visit ISUS ( iSpeakUSpeak.com ), a placement and training company. While a degree in education or ESL is ideal, you are encouraged to apply if you are enthusiastic and articulate.

The Job: Search Engine Evaluator

Work from Home Jobs Search Engine Evaluator

What It Pays: Starting at about $13 an hour , according to Glassdoor.

Perfect For: English speakers who are up on movies and music, as well as those familiar with other cultures.

What It Is: Companies like Google and Yahoo give you information to search for, and you tell them how closely their results matched what you were looking for. Does a search for Lady Antebellum turn up sites about the music group or links to pre-Civil War period information? If you are Latina, for example, you might be asked to search the way a Spanish speaker might perform a search in English.

How to Get It: Most companies hire through firms like Leapforce At Home and Appen Butler Hill .

The Job: Customer Service Representative

work from home jobs - customer service

What It Pays: $9 to $19 an hour , according to Pay Scale.

Perfect For: "People" people with patience to spare who are good at talking on the phone while on the computer.

What It Is: Companies are looking for workers with excellent speaking abilities and solid computer skills to help customers find a correct size, place an order or resolve a conflict. Both full- and part-time positions are available, and you are generally required to devote a four-hour block of time.

How to Get It: Customer service is the biggest work-at-home field, with companies including Spiegel, Hilton, Best Western, HSN, 1-800-FLOWERS and many others using at-home reps. Fill out an application with staffing companies such as Arise , Alpine Access , VIPdesk , LiveOps , and Convergys , all of which vet the companies who are hiring through them. If you need benefits, search through a staffing company that will hire you as an employee (Alpine Access, VIPdesk and Convergys do this) rather than an independent contractor. If you're a contractor, you may be asked to pay a small fee (between $15 and $35) for a background check. While a fee can be a sign of a scam, independent contractors are responsible for their own expenses.

The Job: Telephone Nurse

Work from Home Jobs Telephone Nurse Job

What It Pays: A registered triage telephone nurse can make an average of $70,302 a year , according to 2017 data from RegisteredNurse.org.

Perfect For: Someone with a nursing degree.

What It Is: Health insurers or other health management companies, including Humana, Aetna and UnitedHealth Group, hire nurses remotely to perform duties like case management, treatment authorization and patient education.

How to Get It: To find the right position for you, check out the listings at major medical-job placement firms like MedicalJobsOnline.com , The Judge Group ( Judge.com ), and MedZilla ( Medzilla.com ).

The Job: Online Teacher

work from home jobs - online teacher

What It Pays: Though teachers of certain subjects may be paid more than others, Glassdoor shows listings willing to give $7.50 to $17 .

Perfect For: Teachers who don't want a typical school schedule.

What It Is: Instead of standing in a classroom, you'll teach via Skype or in a prerecorded session. There's a growing demand for teachers in all subjects, but especially core topics like English, history, and science.

How to Get It: Check out K12 ( K12.com ) and Connections Academy ( ConnectionsAcademy.com ). Both organizations offer various benefits — including health insurance, retirement savings accounts and paid time off — depending on where you live. As in any job where you work with kids, there will be a background and reference check as well as interviews. You may also need to be licensed to teach in the state where the students reside.

Headshot of Taysha Murtaugh

Taysha Murtaugh was the Lifestyle Editor at CountryLiving.com.

Headshot of Laura Hanrahan

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Eternity Timeline

1 – What Does ETERNITY Look Like For a Christian After We Die?

2 – What Will We DO for All ETERNITY?

1 – Shallow Christian. Serious Christian

2 – Seven Words That Should Change Us

3 – What Happens When Jesus is First?

4 – What God Says About Homosexuality

5 – Homosexuality and “Do Not Judge”

6 – What Scale Does God Use To Judge Us

7 – Do as I Say – Not As I Do

8 – Trying to be a good Christian is EXHAUSTING

9 – Afraid You Might Not Be a Christian?

10 – How Not To Fall Apart When You Are Suffering

1 –  Why Reading the Bible Matters

2 – Living in a Broken World

3 – Jesus Light Switch: On or Off?

4 – Being Born of God is Life Changing

5 – What Should Happen After Baptism

6 – Following Jesus and Alcohol

7 – When Jesus said “Enough is Enough

8 – Do You “BELIEVE“ In Jesus or Are You “BORN AGAIN”?

9 – Why Many Proffessing Christians Might Be Unsaved Believers

10 – If You Are Born Again, This Should Be Happening

11 – What a Born-Again Heart Looks Like

12 – What Does the Bible Say About UFO’s

13 – From Spiritual Death to Spiritual Life

14 – Why Doesn’t the Bible Make Sense to Everyone?

Turn Around

1 – God Has a Job for You

2 – When Did That Become Okay?

3 – Exchange the Lie In Your Mind for Truth

4 – Why Backsliding Breaks God’s Heart

5 – God is Patiently Waiting for You!

6 – How to Spot a False Prophet!

7 – God is the Potter, You are the Clay

8 – Radical Christians. Is That A Good Thing?

9 – Does the Bible Really Say That?

10 – When God Makes No Sense

11 – At a Crossroads. What Do I Do?

1 – The FOUNDATION of Your Faith. REAL or FAKE?

2 – The BIBLE Being TRUE Hinges On ONE EVENT

3 – How GOD Changes OUR “Wanter”

4 –  The Holy Spirit DOESN’T Do WEIRD Stuff


6 – I DON”T Know WHAT To SAY

Genesis – How It All Began

1 – In The Beginning… GOD

2 – How Can People NOT Believe In God?

3 – “Let Us Make Man…” – Who Is the Us?

4 – Costi Hinn (No Handout)

5 – Costi Hinn (No Handout)

6 – Created to Work, Created to Rest

7 – What Satan Can and Can’t Do To Us

8 – The Day That Changed The World

9 – Sin is Crouching Outside Your Door

10 – Are We a Godly or Godless Influence?

11 – Fallen Angels having sex with women? WHAT?

12 –  Do We Scoff At or Walk With God

13 – Jesus, Paul & John Never Taught a Pre-Trib Rapture

14 – Jesus on Noah’s Ark?

15 – You WILL Make It Through This

16 – Why God’s Silence Can Be A Good Thing

17 – The Narrow Road to Salvation

18 – It’s Time to Get Serious About Our Faith

19 –  Waiting, Waiting and Still Waiting

20 – Saved by Jesus for All Eternity

21 – Murder. Capital Punishment. God’s Promise

22 – Noah. Drunk? Naked? WHAT!

23 – Where Will the AntiChrist Come From?

24 – Catastrophe’s Meant for Good

25 – It All Begins With A Step Of Faith

26 – How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

27 – Looking at Life Through God’s Glasses

28 – Trusting Our Emotions or Trusting Our God

29 – How We Act Really Does Matter

30 – What Looks Good Might Just Destroy You

31 – Trusting God To Do What We Can’t

32 – When God Comes Through A Different Way

33 – Running Ahead of God is Never a Good Idea

34 – God Wants To Use Your Story

35 – Cut Out What Shouldn’t Be There

36 – Why Does God Wait Until the Last Minute

37 – Angels Show Up With an Important Message

38 – Don’t Linger, Walk Away

39 – The Return of Jesus, Sodom, Fear & Legacy!

40 – What I Want. What God Wants.

41 – Bitter, Better, Hopeless, Hopeful

42 – Why Does God Give Us Tests?

43 – God Is Not Done With You Yet!

44 – Trusting God With the Big Stuff

45 – God is in the U-Turn Business

46 – Your Best Days Are Ahead

47 – Do Something!

48 – Do Not Make Bad “Trades”

49 – FEAR Might Actually Be A GOOD THING


51 – God’s School of Hard Knocks

52 – God Can Use Dysfunctional Messes

53 – Trusting God for the Impossible

54 – How God Gets Our Attention

55 – Man in White… Is This Jesus?

56 – Someday I Will Come Back to Jesus

57 – Enough is Enough

58 – His Story, Your Story

59 – When Life Takes a Turn for the Works

60 – It’s Time To Move On

61 – We Hate Waiting

62 – FAITH Grows MOST in the DIFFICULT Days

63 – When the Past Comes Back to Haunt Us

64 – LIFE is Like a PUZZLE

65 – Reframing Your HURT

66 – Even in Egypt, God Had a Plan

Galatians – The Only True Gospel

1 – The Only True Gospel

2 – Beware of False Teaching with Melissa Dougherty

3 – When Pastors or Angels Lie…

4 – Your Own Personal Faith Story

5 – It Takes Time To Grow Up In Our Faith

6 – Distorted Faith is Dangerous

7 – Why We Stop Reading The Bible

8 – You REALLY Are Adopted!

9 – Be A Student, Not A Victim

10 – When YOU Become the ENEMY

11 – Religion Doesn’t Work

12 – Why Don’t I FEEL FREE?

13 – Am I Really Free To Do WHATEVER I WANT?

14 – Our Lives Should Change

Been There, Done That

1 – How To Push Through Tough Times

2 – Learning to Trust God

3 – Depression From High to Low

4 – Why Am I So Sad?

5 – Feeling Inadequate In Life

6 – Standing Up for Your Faith in God

7 – When Life Takes a Turn For The Worse

8 – It’s Never Too Late

9 – God Can Handle Your Unhappy Marriage!

10 – Will You Walk Away From Your Faith?

11 –  Why Telling People About Jesus Is So Important

12 – How Our Hearts Become Divided

13 – Waiting and Wondering “Why?”

14 – How Does God Feel About Me?

15 – God Wants to use YOU!

16 – Let God Handle That For You!

17 – When Everything is Stripped Away – Is God Enough For You?

18 – Letting God Rewrite Your Future

19 – What To Do When People Hurt You

20 – There Are Infiltrators In The Church

21 – What Praying “According to God’s Will’ Means

22 – Fear or Trust? – The Teeter-Totter Life

23 – You Have One Life To Make A Difference

24 – Are You Prepared If God Judges America?

25 – Settling In Right Where You Are

The Exciting End Times – Joel Richardson

Encouraging truth.

Lesson 1 God Can Use ANYTHING for Good

Lesson 2 Living a “New Normal”

Lesson 3 No Need To Be Discouraged

The Parables of Jesus

Lesson 1 What Jesus Taught Most

Lesson 2 The Sower and Your Heart

Lesson 3 Miserable? This Might be Why

Lesson 4 Think Like Royalty

Lesson 5 Does It Matter?

Lesson 6 Anxiety, Fear, Depression

Lesson 7 Denominations, Catholicism, Apocrypha

Lesson 8 Singleness, Online Dating, Divorce

Lesson 9 Who God Calls a Fool

Lesson 10 A Treasure for You

Lesson 11 God is Patiently Waiting

Lesson 12 False Religions, False Teachers

Lesson 13 Leaving the Mormon Church with Lynn Wilder

Lesson 14 How?

Lesson 15 Who ME??

Lesson 16 PLEASE Come Home

Lesson 17 Do I REALLY Want That?

Lesson 18 When Forgiving Seems Impossible

Lesson 19 Forgiveness Guest Speaker (No Handout)

Lesson 20 Forgiveness Q&A (No Handout)

Lesson 21 Parable of the Lost Sheep

Lesson 22 How to Share Christ with Someone

Lesson 23 How to Abide in Jesus Christ

Lesson 24 Helping People in Need

Lesson 25 How Can Jesus Change Your Life

Lesson 26 How To Be The Light Of The World

Lesson 27 Am I Really a Christian?

Lesson 28 How to Have Strong Faith in God

Lesson 29 How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

Lesson 30 Christians Should Be Shrewd

Lesson 31 When Life Seems Unfair

Lesson 32 A Banquet You Don’t Want to Miss

Lesson 33 What Does Jesus Say About Hell?

Lesson 34 Jesus Tells Us EXACTLY When the Rapture Will Happen

Lesson 35 Joel Richardson & the Rapture (No Handout)

Lesson 36 Am I Spiritually Prepared?

Lesson 37 Why Context Really Matters

From Heaven to Earth

Historical Questions with Historical Answers Lesson 1 Cult Handout

God controls history! Lesson 2

Mary and the “Favored Life” Lesson 3

Time for Encouragement Lesson 4

The Path of Least Resistance–when God disciplines us Lesson 5

God Reveals Himself to Lowly Shepherds Lesson 6

Goodbye Religion

Waiting on God Lesson 7

Ruined by Religion Lesson 8

The Mission of Jesus at 12 Lesson 9


Repentance – A Way of Getting Unstuck Lesson 10

Baptism – an Outward Sign of an Inward Change Lesson 11

The Ravine The Silent times Lesson 12

Nothing in our past matters to God – the Genealogy of Jesus Lesson 13

Temptations from Satan – Tests from God Lesson 14

The Game Changer

God wants your heart – not your religion Lesson 15

Religious Activity in Hopes of Making God Love You Lesson 16

Jesus: Authority over Demons and Sickness Lesson 17

Why Jesus claiming to be God should change‬ our lives. Lesson 18

Our Purpose in Life Lesson Lesson 19

Stepping out in Faith Lesson 20

How Awesome is He

Face to Face with a Leper Lesson 21

Jesus and the Leper on Prayer Lesson 22

Jesus Covers our Sins Lesson 23

Levi – Tax Collector to Follower Lesson 24

Moving Past your Past Lesson 25

Out with the Old – In with the New Lesson 26

People Like Us

What Jesus looks for in a disciple – Part 1 Lesson 27

What Jesus looks for in a disciple – Part 2 Lesson 28

Change is Inevitable Lesson 29

‪ People Like Us – Much of me…Much of Him‬ Lesson 30

Disappointed, Disillusioned Disciples‬ Lesson 31

Is Biblical Knowledge Important Lesson 32

I Hate Rules… Lesson 33

When the Storm Rolls In Lesson 34

Eyes to See Lesson 35

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… Lesson 36

Choose This Day Lesson 37

Which Way – “Insider or Outsider?” Lesson 38

God Glasses Lesson 39

God’s Heart – My Heart Lesson 40

But I Can’t… Lesson 41

When CAN I Judge? Part 1 Lesson 42

When CAN I Judge? Part 2 Lesson 43

Storage Room Lesson 44

Foundations for the Storm Lesson 45

What is Faith? Lesson 46

Temorarily Stuck on Earth Lesson 47

Pushing Through our Debt Lesson 48

The Voice That Matters Most Lesson 49

The Prostitute and the Pharisee Lesson 50

Who rules YOUR life? Lesson 51

What’s in YOUR heart? Lesson 52

Overcoming FEAR Lesson 53

Big God, Little Satan Lesson 54

Forever Changed

But I had faith… Lesson 55

Losing My AWE Lesson 56

The Highs and Lows of Life Lesson 57

Get ’em God! Lesson 58a

The word that brings peace… Lesson 58b

A Twist on the Good Samaritan Lesson 59a

But what about ME? Luke Lesson 59b

When God doesn’t seem to be listening! Luke Lesson 60a

My NEW view on prayer… Luke Lesson 60b

How to hear from God Luke Lesson 60c

How Satan influences us Luke Lesson 61a

How to Win the Battle! Luke Lesson 61b

Who Frustrates Jesus the Most Luke Lesson 62

Footsteps to Faith

FEAR – What are we so afraid of? Luke Lesson 63

WORRY – Does it REALLY help? Luke Lesson 64

Preparing for the end times? Luke Lesson 65

Fair or Unfair? Luke Lesson 66

The Very Narrow Road Luke Lesson 67

The Cost Luke Lesson 68

It’s time to come home… Luke Lesson 69A

The Same Jar Luke Lesson 69B

How begins with why? Luke Lesson 70

Chains be Broken

Chains be Broken Lesson 71

Overwhelmed by Gratitude Luke Lesson 72

Will He find us faithful? Luke Lesson 73

Self Righteous? “Not me!” Luke Lesson 74

What About ME? Luke Lesson 75

God is Not Shocked Luke Lesson 76-77

The Patience of God Luke Lesson 78-79

Two Very Different Endings Luke Lesson 80

What I want or what God wants? Luke Lesson 81

Confusion & Doubt  Luke Lesson 82

The end is really the beginning! Luke Lesson 83

The Wilderness Deception

Lesson 1 The Wilderness

Lesson 2 The Big Picture

Lesson 3 A Leap of Faith

Lesson 4 A Bad Decision Redeemed

Lesson 5 Changing Through the Wilderness

Lesson 6 WHY?

Lesson 7 FEAR

Lesson 8 Why Doubt is a Good Thing

Lesson 9 Keeping Us from God’s Best

Lesson 10 Two Life Changing Words

Lesson 11 Because God Does Care

Lesson 12 When God Does Something Different

Lesson 13 When Satan Shows Up as the Good Guy

Lesson 14 Freedom from a “Checklist” or “Do More” Christian life

Lesson 15 Protecting Our Hearts

Lesson 16 Amazed by the WHOLE story!

Lesson 17 How Could I Want More?

Lesson 18 Do You REALLY Want To Know?

Lesson 19 Intricately Involved

Lesson 20 One Encounter

Lesson 21 The Long Way Round

Lesson 22 FEAR NOT! There is always a plan

Lesson 23 Strongholds – What is keeping you from God’s best?

Lesson 24 Wilderness Deception

Lesson 25 Misinterpreting God’s Voice

Lesson 26 How God Feels About Complaining

Lesson 27 When Blessings Become Idols

Lesson 28 Ending Well

The Power That Turned the World Upsidedown

Lesson 1 Confused by the Holy Spirit?

Lesson 2 Your Place… Your Purpose

Lesson 3 Do You Have Something I Don’t?

Lesson 4 Something Worth Repeating

Lesson 5 Why Does God Feel So Distant?

Lesson 6 Getting Stuck

Lesson 7 Rejection is a Good Thing!

Lesson 8 Why Rules Don’t Work

Lesson 9 Speaking in Toungues; A Controversial Subject

Lesson 10 Looks C an Be Deceiving

Lesson 11 Why Don’t I Care?

Lesson 12 Are Miracles for Someone Else?

Lesson 13 Destructive Religion

Lesson 14 Open Handed Prayer

Lesson 15 Discouraged

Lesson 16 Make Me Feel Important

Lesson 17 Hypocritical Christian?

Lesson 18 Half the Story

Why Did God Save Me?

Lesson 19 Life Changing News

Lesson 20 The War Within

Lesson 21 Nothing Deters God

Lesson 22 Tragedy, Heartache and God

Lesson 23 Getting off the Merry-Go-Round

Lesson 24 When People Hate Your Faith

Lesson 25 You Matter

Lesson 26 God Can Save ANYONE!

Lesson 27 What True Conversion Looks Like

Lesson 28 A Roller Coaster Ride

Outrageous Faith

Lesson 29 Need a Miracle? Why?

Lesson 30 When Everything Changes

Lesson 31 Opposing God?

Lesson 32 Stuck on a Shelf

Lesson 33 The World is Groaning

Lesson 34 Why Bother Praying?

Lesson 35 Who Are You Listening To?

Lesson 36 No Matter What

Lesson 37 Religious and Godless

Lesson 38 Dealing with Conflict

Lesson 39 When God Reroutes Us

Lesson 40 Stress Filled Life

Lesson 41 Bending But Never Breaking

Lesson 42 Life Without Fear

Lesson 43 Passion for What?

Lesson 44 A Place to Hear From God

Lesson 45 Advice and Slander

Lesson 46 Made for TV

Lesson 47 Let Down By God

Lesson 48 Your Life Puzzle

Lesson 49 Through the Storm

This Is Life

Lesson 1 What God Cares About the Most!

Lesson 2 The Giants in our Life

Lesson 3 Desert Days

Lesson 4 Where Do I Go From Here?

Lesson 5 Does God REALLY speak to us?

Lesson 6 When someone hurts you

Lesson 7 Tired of It All

Lesson 8 The Past and Polygamy

Lesson 9 Waiting and More Waiting

Lesson 10 When God Says “NO!”

Lesson 11 Getting out of Your Desert Lodebar

Lesson 12 The Downward Spiral

Lesson 13 Can I REALLY do that?

Lesson 14 Dysfunction and Devastation

Lesson 15 A Lasting Legacy

What’s In Your Heart

The equation.

Lesson 1 Putting God in the Equation

Lesson 2 How God Speaks

Lesson 3 In a Box

Lesson 4 The “New Normal”

Lesson 5 God’s Timing – My Timing

Lesson 6 What someone meant for evil, God can use for good!

Live Different – Proverbs

Lesson 1 Calling from the Window

Lesson 2 Rock or Sand?

Lesson 3 Dripping Faucets

Lesson 4 What Wise People Do

Lesson 5 Spare the rod means WHAT?!

Lesson 6 Successful Fools

Lesson 7 Complacency and Anger

Lesson 8 Do I WANT to change?

Lesson 9 Wisdom and Alcohol

Lesson 10 The Right God

Lesson 11 Who are you REALLY?

Lesson 12 When the Rich are Poor


Lesson 1 My Story, God’s Story

Lesson 2 Do Something!

Lesson 3 Is God Unfair?

Lesson 4 Your Past

Lesson 5 What is My Purpose

Spiritual Gift Test

Lesson 6 Downhill to Discouragement

Lesson 7 When Your World Falls Apart

Life is a Battle – Joshua

Lesson 1 I don’t want to be here

Lesson 2 How can I make it through this?

Lesson 3 Before the Battle

Lesson 4 Difficult Past – Exciting Future

Lesson 5 Upstream out of sight

Lesson 6 Remind Me

Lesson 7 Much of me or much of HIM!

Lesson 8 God is leading the way!

Lesson 9 Set Apart

Lesson 10 Getting Unstuck

Lesson 11 Looking Up

Lesson 12 Trading my future for…?

Lesson 13 Oops, I forgot to consult God

Lesson 14 Your Purpose in Life

Puzzled By the Bible

Know for sure.

Lesson 1 Knowing How It All Ends

Lesson 2 Pre-Tribulation Rapture? Maybe NOT!

Lesson 3 Rapture Timeline

Lesson 4 Tough Questions Answered by Charles Cooper (No Handout)

Lesson 5 Revelation Begins

Lesson 6 The Right Jesus

Lesson 7 Busy but Loveless

Lesson 8 Crushed by Life

Lesson 9 The Destruction of Compromise

Lesson 10 The Tolerating Church

Lesson 11 The Walking Dead

Lesson 12 When God Says “Good Job”

Lesson 13 What Makes Jesus Sick?

Lesson 14 Heaven: Where God Rules

Lesson 15 Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb

Lesson 16 The World: Never the Same

Lesson 17 From Rapture to Wrath

Lesson 18 Too Much

Lesson 19 Satan is Furious

Lesson 20 No Handout

Lesson 21 Coming to a Close

Lesson 22 No Handout

Lesson 23 No Handout

Lesson 24 The Amazing Ending

Rethinking the Rapture

Lesson 1 Pre-Tribulation Rapture? Maybe NOT!

Lesson 2 Rapture Timeline

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For women, remote work is a blessing and a curse

Despite stress, depression, and overwork, women still want to work from home.

A woman in a yoga pose in her home with her two children and partner visible in the frame.

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Share All sharing options for: For women, remote work is a blessing and a curse

Women may be more likely to want to work from home than men. They’ve also had a harder time doing so, reporting higher rates of stress, depression , and sheer hours worked — especially if they have kids. This paradox is a result of women trying to do the best thing for their careers while also navigating an unfair role in society and at home. In other words, women need more flexible work arrangements, because women have more to do.

While the ability to work from home has been a godsend for working parents who were able to keep their children and jobs safe during the pandemic, it’s also exacerbated deeply ingrained gender inequality. Too often a crying toddler makes a cameo on a mother’s Zoom call and not a father’s. In a spare moment, women turn over the laundry while men don’t. Day-to-day scheduling, schooling, as well as decisions about their family’s health amid a global health crisis disproportionately fall to women.

And that’s only talking about women fortunate enough to be able to work from home — typically knowledge workers, whose relatively high-paying jobs have also afforded them a measure of physical safety. For many women, working from home isn’t an option at all. Women who have to work outside the home and care for children, especially without a partner at home, have to face a whole different set of challenging, and dangerous, circumstances.

Even before the pandemic, women were doing what sociologists describe as the “second shift,” where they complete an inordinate amount of household and caregiving chores after they’ve finished their paid labor. The pandemic has made things even worse, since much of the infrastructure that helps alleviate those tasks — schools, day care, elder care, cleaning services — has been off-limits. While women and men alike have worked from home, employed women are three times more likely than men to be their children’s main caregiver during this period. Additionally, telecommuting moms significantly increased the amount of housework they did while working from home ( men didn’t ).

“They literally were not having the same experience,” Alexis Krivkovich, a senior partner in McKinsey & Company’s Bay Area office and co-author of “ Women in the Workplace ,” a report about the female corporate workforce in 2020, told Recode. “The double shift turned into the double double.”

homework for womens

The result is that women are more likely to feel burned out than men, and that has negatively affected their experience working from home. Some 79 percent of men said they have had a positive work-from-home experience during the pandemic, compared with just 37 percent of women, according to McKinsey . In turn, one in four women and one in three mothers said they were thinking about downshifting their careers or stepping out of the workforce entirely. “They couldn’t juggle the added responsibility that was coming on the household front at the same time they were trying to maintain the job front,” Krivkovich said.

Indeed, women have been leaving the workforce at much higher rates than men — a move that could affect their careers and earning power if and when they return. Some fear that with the rise of remote work, these issues will continue, even after the pandemic’s most acute effects subside.

Why women are having a worse time

Despite massive strides in education and workforce participation, caregiving and household work are still considered women’s duties. That message is reinforced by a combination of cultural norms and economic structures.

A lot of American work culture is based on a “traditional,” 1950s ideal: Men work outside the house, women stay at home with the kids. But this was never the reality for many working-class families, or families of color, across American history. And today, it’s economically necessary for both parents to do paid work for a living, even in middle-class households.

The burden of domestic labor, however, is not being shared equally among heterosexual couples.

“What we see is this drastic change in women’s behavior by entering paid work,” Caitlyn Collins, an assistant professor of sociology at Washington University in St. Louis, said of women’s movement into the workforce since the mid-1900s. “But we have not seen a similar drastic change in men’s uptake of domestic labor.”

Many antiquated ideas of women’s place in society persist. Women are more likely to be held responsible for household chores and child care, while men get to prioritize their work — despite the fact that both men and women are working.

During the pandemic, mothers have been twice as likely as fathers in a dual-career couple to do an extra five hours of domestic chores per day, according to McKinsey , which looked at the issue from June to August of 2020. Yale research shows that even in cases where both parents worked from home, women have done more household and child care work .

“A lot of women, we grow up in this environment, so we internalize these kind of norms,” said Emma Zang, a Yale assistant professor in sociology who co-authored the study. “So if you have to sacrifice a little bit from family for work, then women may feel more stressed, more frustrated compared to men, because they view that taking care of family is more of their responsibility.”

Even at senior levels, the situation is inequitable. An unpublished McKinsey survey found that while two-thirds of men in top management positions had a partner who stayed at home or who didn’t work full time, two-thirds of women in those positions had a partner who was working full time. In other words, executive women are less likely to have domestic help from their spouse.

homework for womens

There’s also evidence that, since the pandemic began, US attitudes about gender roles have become more conservative. While people are now more likely to say women should make money than they were pre-pandemic, they’re also more likely to think women should parent young children and stay at home, according to research published in the American Sociological Association’s journal .

In addition to these cultural norms, women must also deal with economic precedents.

Employers don’t compensate women as highly as men — even in high-skill fields . If women make less than men, it’s easier for a couple to decide that the woman’s job is less important. That can lead to the woman cutting down or relinquishing her career to take care of domestic duties. Frequently it means taking on domestic duties in addition to paid labor.

“Many of the moms that we talked to, for example, were already earning less than their husbands or partners before the pandemic,” Jessica Calarco, an associate professor of sociology at Indiana University, told Recode. “And so when the pandemic hit, it seemed practical for them to be the ones to care for their children at home.”

Even when domestic tasks are done as paid labor, they’re dominated by women — and the pay is paltry .

“The reason we don’t pay caregivers well is because we don’t value caregiving, and think of it as an unskilled task, because it’s associated with femininity,” Collins said. “Secondly, we don’t think of it as skilled labor like construction. There is a belief in US society that caregiving is something you don’t have to learn how to do.”

As Calarco put it, “The labor that women are doing as caregivers has been undervalued in a way that systematically benefits men in the workplace, and allows men to better compete in their careers.”

In other words, both cultural and structural systems are stacked against women. And though remote work can in some ways seem detrimental to women, women ultimately view its flexibility as a positive development and a way to achieve equality at work.

Flexible work can be good for women

Even before the pandemic, women were clamoring for remote work, according to data from McKinsey. Generally they think its pros — giving them the ability to perform domestic tasks they do anyway and allowing them to sidestep an office-centric model more likely to benefit men — outweigh its cons. And as more people in general work remotely, lingering misgivings about remote work will likely dissolve.

The second shift existed before the pandemic, and it will exist after it, too. Remote work is an acquiescence to what is a reality for many women: doing more.

“If women feel disproportionately responsible for the household activities and for parenting, working remotely makes life a whole lot more flexible,” Jerry Jacobs, a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said.

Child care and other domestic work have been more obviously demanding during the pandemic, but they’ve always been demanding. Remote work just makes an untenable situation more possible.

“Remote work is central to allowing people with caregiving responsibilities the flexibility and control over their schedules that they need to provide that care,” Collins said.

It’s also important to remember that the office has never been particularly hospitable to women. That’s in part because office culture rewarded long hours as well as hours after work fraternizing with bosses while a partner helped out at home. It’s a situation that usually benefited men, not women.

“We need to reimagine that,” Krivkovich said. “Most women are not living that reality.”

Women were left out of conversations in the physical office, demeaned , or made to feel like they didn’t belong. Women in senior-level positions, especially Black women, are frequently the only person of their sex or race in the room, which can result in pressure to work more or feelings of otherness.

“Particularly women of color really want remote work, because it allows them to avoid some of the microaggressions that they would experience on a daily basis,” said Tara Van Bommel, director and statistician at Catalyst, a nonprofit advocating for women in the workplace.

That’s not to mention dangers like sexual harassment, which can be more acute in a physical setting.

Mothers, especially, have faced stigma in the office.

“Mothers are treated differently in the workplace than fathers,” Gayle Kaufman, a professor of sociology at Davidson College, said. “For fathers, my research suggests that they’re not even seen as fathers.”

When women become mothers, they’re expected to cut back on paid work, and it adversely affects perceptions of their career prospects. When men have kids, it’s a different story.

“If it affects them, it’s going to affect them in a good way, because they’re going to want to provide for their family,” Kaufman said, describing how men are perceived.

homework for womens

All in all, the office could be a bit of a boys’ club. With this in mind, women’s experience of working from home can be better than working in the office.

“We find that remote work access diminishes burnout across three different types of burnout. And it does that for everyone, not just for women,” Van Bommel said. Employees with access to remote work had lower rates of burnout in regard to work, their personal life, and Covid-19, according to her research with Catalyst.

Remote work is, at least, more likely to keep women in the workforce.

Catalyst also found that working from home could help keep women with kids in the workforce. Women with child care responsibilities who could work remotely were 32 percent less likely to say they’re going to leave their job in the next year compared to those who couldn’t work from home. A 2013 Catalyst study of people in MBA programs found that when women didn’t have access to flexible work arrangements, they were more than twice as likely as men to downsize their career aspirations.

Some fear that remote working could hinder women’s careers since bosses might equate face time with actual work, or that it could dampen women’s likelihood of promotion since working from a distance could make them seem less involved. That’s less likely to be the case as more and more people continue working remotely.

“Working from home is going to become more common, and people will be less judgmental towards men or women who work from home,” Zang said. “If you’re less likely to be judged, then we would suppose that they will be less likely to face career consequences if they want to work from home.”

All in all, it’s certainly possible that remote work could be a good thing for women. However, it might take some effort to get it there.

“Remote work absolutely can work for women,” Krivkovich said. “What we need is to make sure that the support that allows working women to equally focus on work as their male peers is there.”

How do we make working from home more fair to women?

It’s not that remote work itself is inequitable to women. Rather, the situation in which we’re performing remote work is unjust. To ameliorate it, experts say there are a number of things the government and employers can do:

  • Paid parental leave . Giving men and women paid parental leave would make it so that both sexes would learn how to care for their children, so that the burden doesn’t fall as unfairly on women. It’s also important that the amount paid parental leave compensates parents is near to all of the wages they would lose out on, to make sure both parents take it. Men, like women, have to learn how to care for children. “My research shows once they’re spending time with their kids at an early age, right off the bat, they want to be involved,” Kaufman said. “That affects how they approach their life, including work, so they start making decisions about work based on their family lives, just as mothers have done.”
  • Subsidized child care. Child care, especially for young children, exists in a patchwork fashion in the US. Affordable and accessible child care is necessary to keep women from doing a disproportionate amount of it themselves while they work.
  • Compensate women equally. If women were paid as much as men, their work would be less likely to play second fiddle to men’s.
  • Focus on productivity, not hours logged. To make sure women aren’t punished for remote work, employers must measure work by the work itself — not how long they spend doing it. “We’re still measuring productivity in terms of inputs, not outputs, meaning we’re overly fixated on ‘can you get in a car and drive and sit at this desk where I can watch you work’ as opposed to focusing on great output of work,” Krivkovich said. “What you see with women, in part because of the pressures they feel around all the other responsibilities they hold outside of the workplace, is that breaking that assumption is just hugely valuable to them.”
  • Promote people who work from home equally. Make sure there’s not a two-tier system that preferences those who can show up in the office more. As Van Bommel put it, “Tracking who’s getting advancement opportunities, who’s getting promotions, sponsorship, stretch assignments, to ensure that there’s equity regardless of people’s location, is really critical to countering that bias towards face time.”
  • Be clear about remote work expectations. If working from home is going to work for women, it’s important that there are clear boundaries around how and when employees are expected to communicate, lest the flexibility of remote work simply result in more work. “I think if it’s clear that you’re not supposed to work at night, not supposed to work on weekends, any more than you were before,” Jacobs said, “that’s going to disproportionately benefit women.”

homework for womens

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12 Step Work

For those that want to love their life.

homework for womens

This AA Morning Step Work Sheet is designed for newcomers or anyone who wants to start each day off in a way that will definitely set them up for a new & better life.

AA Morning Step Work

This Trigger List is designed for newcomers or anyone who has never written down those things that might trigger either drinking, drugging or acting out in a way that hurts them or others.

Trigger List

The Powerless List is designed for newcomers or anyone who has never written down those things that they feel powerless over but have found they have a habit of hoping or trying to change.

Powerless List

This Unmanageable List is designed for newcomers or anyone who has never written down those things that are overwhelming their life, creating situations whereby there is so much “stuff” that they can’t seem to handle it. This is where life feels unmanageable.

Unmanageable List

This is 4th Step Resentment Inventory is designed for newcomers or anyone who wishes to do a forth step out of the Big Book. The only exception to the Big Book’s instruction is a 5th column, whereby we identify what we can do differently in the future.

4th Step Resentments

This is 4th Step Harms Inventory is designed for newcomers or anyone who wishes to do a forth step out of the Big Book. The only exception to the Big Book’s instruction is a 5th column, whereby we identify what we can do differently in the future.

4th Step Harms

This is 4th Step Fears Inventory is designed for newcomers or anyone who wishes to do a forth step out of the Big Book. The only exception to the Big Book’s instruction is a 5th column, whereby we identify what we can do differently in the future.

4th Step Fears

This is 4th Step Sex Inventory is designed for newcomers or anyone who wishes to do a forth step out of the Big Book. The only exception to the Big Book’s instruction is a 5th column, whereby we identify what we can do differently in the future.

4th Step Sex

This 6th & 7th Step Worksheet is fantastic for newcomers or anyone who wishes to do formally work these steps by spotting the character defects that are affecting us each day, and then asking for our HP to help remove them from us. If working a step-a-month program, I suggest using these sheets as your primary step work for June & July, in conjunction with reading Drop the Rock (See Spiritual Backpack link).

4th Step Character Defect Checklist

This sheet was created by Chris K as an adjunct to the 4th step in order to identify the character defects that played a part in each item from our 4th step. It’s a fantastic way to easily move into steps 6 & 7.

6th & 7th Steps

This 8th Step Worksheet is fantastic for newcomers or anyone who wishes to do formally work these steps by rigorously cleaning up their side of the street, thereby eliminating feelings of shame, guilt, remorse, resentment, and self-pity. Remember, this is just the list! Writing it down does not mean you’ll be making an amends, that’s to discuss with your sponsor first. This just shows your willingness. Also, for any amends involving something that could hurt you or others if it was read by someone (cheating, lying, stealing, crimes, etc), it’s HIGHLY suggested to write in code (i.e., instead of “robbed ABC bank on 12/14/89” write “took a pen from the bank”, or instead of “slept with the neighbor”, possibly “took the pen from my neighbor”). This can save lots of heartache and pain (trust me). Included in these sheets is detailed instructions, a Blank 8th Step Sheet, a Category Sheet to trigger memories, and Assets/Gratitude Sheet. If working a step-a-month program, I suggest using these sheets as your primary step work for August, in conjunction with reading You Can’t Make Me Angry (See Spiritual Backpack link).

Step 8 Worksheets

There is no Step 9 worksheet, as this is a step that needs to be made to the person(s) we have harmed. I find that it’s VERY important to go over your Step 8 list with a sponsor or other 12 Step member that has worked all the steps – someone whom you trust for direction. I first help my sponsees determine which amends should be made, and which shouldn’t. This is determined primarily by examining the underlying motivation behind the desire (or discomfort) to make the amends.  Then when we have a solid list that we both feel right about, most of the amends should be made in person, face to face. However, there will be some that cannot, or should not, be made face-to-face. Alternatives could be by phone, email, text, letter, etc. I encourage my sponsees to attempt diligently to find those that we feel an amends should be made to, using all resources available, including the internet, Facebook, friends, etc. Again, these decisions and actions should, in my opinion, only be made with the help of someone experienced in the program. I’ve attached the Step 9 from the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, something that can benefit us all before attempting to practice this step.

12 and 12 -Step 9

Step 10 is, in my opinion, a life-long step, as many of our steps are. This is where we begin to use all the experience of having worked the prior 9 steps, as a basis for daily living. I consider daily journaling an intrinsic part of working this step. It is only by examining myself on a regular basis, that I can find what is working well in my life (and grow that), and what behaviors I’m engaging in that are perhaps not so loving towards me and others (and work on reducing those). My personal method of journaling is to first write the date, then the physical location I am at, then what has been happening in my life since my last entry (or at least in the last 24 hours of my life). During the writing I make sure that I examine my actions to see if I have harmed anyone, and write about my part. If I find that I have hurt someone, even unintentionally, I stop writing and usually pick up my cell phone and make direct amends (unless I am close to them and can do it in person). I end my daily entry with my gratitude list, followed these days, by xoxo Mom, xoxo Christopher, xoxo Grandma. Those are my three angels that only live in my heart now (mom, baby brother and g-ma). I buy journals that are comfortable, with thicker lines, and not too heavy to carry in my spiritual backpack. Initially, I offer my sponsees some 10th step worksheets to get them into the habit of the step.

10th Step AM PM

10th Step Reading 10th

Step Questions

Step 11 is so personal that I am tempted not to offer any suggestions. However, I will tell you a little about my personal quest for for a connection with a Higher Power. I didn’t grow up in a religious family. My dad essentially told me that God is love, when I asked him about a higher power.  When I was in college I took a course on religious studies. As part of the course I was to immerse myself in a couple of religions, and write reports about them. I first joined a bible study group on campus, and of course was the thorn in everyone’s side – always questioning everything, pointing out discrepancies and showing how a subtle shift in the interpretations of the words resulted in an entirely new meaning. Then I lived with at the Robertson location of Hare Krsna for two nights. I worked in the kitchen with them, prayed with them, and solicited donations with them. Those experiences left me feeling that there was definitely some good things contained in various religions, but the aspect of needing someone else to define my higher power and tell me how I should connect with God was something I wanted no part of. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of sponsees that love being part of a religious organization, and it makes their life richer because of it. But one of the greatest gifts of the 12 step programs is that it allows each of us to determine they type of faith we want in our lives. My type became a deep, personal relationship with a God of my not-understanding. And it took quite awhile. In fact, it wasn’t until around the 10th year of sobriety that I got tired of not having this thing called a Higher Power. Until that point, the program and fellowship was sort of like my Higher Power. It changed one day when, driving along the Pali in Maui, I heard a radio announcer say “Hey folks, you want to know what God is? I’ll tell you what God is. God is a make-believe friend for grownups. That’s what God is.” In the moment of hearing that I realized that I could have that. I could make-up what God is to me. When I next journaled, I wrote down “If God were real, here’s what I would want God to be like…” And that became the God I began having a friendship with. Each of us has our own path to spirituality, and I encourage you to take what I’ve said and leave the rest – it certainly won’t work for everyone. But that’s my little story of finding a Higher Power. I can tell you that, having found a Higher Power, and now having a relationship with God, has make my life both easier and more enjoyable. I talk to my HP all the time now. Here’s what the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions has to say about Step 11.

12 and 12 Step 11

Step 12 assumes that we’ve had a Spiritual Awakening. This was tough for me because, as I’ve told you, I had trouble with the concept of God for the first 10 years of sobriety. Not only that, it took quite awhile to complete all the other 11 steps (having gone to only a few meetings and having had no sponsor during my first 7 years of abstinence). As such, I was unable to do the second part of this step (practice the principles), or the third part (carry the message). However, eventually I did find a Higher Power. And though, in retrospect, it would not be until many years that I feel I really began working the program regularly in my life, I did begin carrying this message to others at around 10 years sobriety. I did it at first by sharing and being of service at meetings, and then eventually sponsoring others (which got me to start reading the Big Book regularly). I did the 12 Step work from attachment below for many years, and periodically do it again every few years. I’ve also shared it with many sponsees, who have said they found it useful. Enjoy!

12th Step Worksheets & Cards


Self-Love Affirmations

The path through recovery led me to a sponsor (who is no longer with us) that urged me to find a way to really love myself unconditionally. He suggested the standard “Look in the mirror and say ‘I love you James’ every morning, until I finally really did love myself. It took me just over a year, but I finally got it. Recently I was looking online and found some great self-love affirmation images to print and put up on my mirror to read and remind me of how much I love being me. Click on the link above and enjoy!

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67 thoughts on “ Worksheets ”

Dude your totally on fire!!!!

The only way to be!!!!!

Thank you James! Can you tell me what the 4th step “sex” inventory is? I thought that was the 13th step 😉 ILML

Hey Ryan, the 4th step inventory asks us to look at our sex relations, do we do a searching and thorough inventory on our attitudes and behavior around sex.

Ryan your welcome. It’s an honor and privilege to be in recovery with you. Love ya!

Hi i happen to come across your comments. I am in recovery and have been for some time but havent been going to meetings like i should. So i am going tonight at 8:15 and will be going to one everyday. Why i havent been going there are no excuses or valid reasons and i know i need to change that😌

I’ve been exactly where you are many times. I find it hard to get back into going to meetings when I’ve slacked off, but once I’m consistent for a bit I’m so grateful to be back in the center of the pack. It’s also the best way for me to be of service and stop trying to run the show. Congratulations for recommitting 🙂

Sorry so late on an answer. As I understand it, the 13th step is a way to hookup with very sick alcoholics. Of course, you’ll have to do a thorough job on the prior 12 before you have the privilege of this level of misery 🙂

Holy shit, man! Now THAT was f’n FUNNY! and yet still encouraging to setting down the bottle. Thanks for making me laugh! I’m on day 13 myself for the 1st X of my life & grabbin the Steps by the balls. GO BIG OR GO HOME! & I’ve always believed laughter truly is the best medicine, & I just happened to walk into the rooms and found a bigass, loud, boisterous & just god damned funnier than shit! Had I not…. I prob wouldn’tve stepped back a 2nd X.


You’re welcome! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Holy shit, man! Now THAT was f’n FUNNY! and yet still encouraging to setting down the bottle. Thanks for making me laugh! I’m on day 13 myself for the 1st X of my life & grabbin the Steps by the balls. GO BIG OR GO HOME! & I’ve always believed laughter truly is the best medicine, & I just happened to walk into the rooms and found a bigass, loud, boisterous & just god damned funnier than shit group of peeps that accepted me with open arms, hand shakes, hugs & ear to ear smiles! Had I not…. I prob wouldn’tve stepped back a 2nd X.

I found this searching the internet. Many Thanks to the creator of this!!!

Thanks for your response and sorry for the late reply. I had forgotten that I put this blog up (probably all the pot I smoked when I was younger) while enjoying the fullness of living an amazing life that I love. However, now that I have rediscovered it, I’ll keep a closer eye on it and post more often!

Hello all this looks awesome! I am looking for stuff for my sponcees. Is all of this AA approved? thanks

Aloha… no this is definitely NOT all AA or AlAnon approved. This is the way I work the steps in my life and with my sponsees. As with everything in our program, please take what you like and leave the rest. Than you for looking and I apologize for the late response.

It is strange to find out just how many drefeifnt websites there are on this subject. I don’t know if I’m ever going to need to be back here, but it’s awesome to know I stumbled upon the one that offers a little valuable stuff if this comes up for me again

Thanks for the compliment. Best wishes, James!

Hello all of this looks awesome! Is it AA approved? Im looking for paperwork for my sponcees thanks

thank you so much! this is wonderful and so well thought out. am i missing something? where are the steps 9 thru 12?…jim…balto.

Jim, yes in fact you were missing something. When I created this blog I had only posted the work sheets up until Step 8, as I was going through them with several sponsees. In the course of living the amazing life, and getting caught up with all the things I was so grateful for, I got away from the blog. I recently was reminded of it and have been catching up today – responding to comments and updating. Thank you so much for pointing out that I had failed to post the step work for these steps. I spent the last couple of hours adding them. Also, I apologize for the tardy reply – thanks again… James.

Great worksheets, Thank you for doing these. This displays service work at it’s best ;)……Mikey

Thank you and your welcome. Helping others (the opposite of what my life was all about before sobriety) helps make my life wonderful 🙂

i am working on 15 months march 4th. I’ve been in and out of the program for a decade. I have a sponsor now and this is the most honest and rewarding time its paid off. I’ve found many sites and this by far has been the most helpful. -thank you for your time

Oh wow thank you and congratulations. I just hit 32 years in January and I really have learned how to love life in sobriety – that’s my secret for staying sober, same and happy. Best wishes in your recovery. James

Thank you. My biggest leap was learning the difference between my sobriety and recovery. My sobriety is my clean count and my recovery is me being in sink with everything and enjoying life. I detached myself with the angry feeling of not being able to drink to the its okay feeling of accepting i chose not to drink. Night and day difference how I see things now. Hope to run into you in the rooms sometime. Congrats on 32yrs…

Your experience is perfectly in sync with mine. So grateful to know the difference, and even more so, to put the recovery into action. As a result I’m kinder, and more loving, to both myself and others. What a wonderful way to live life!

Very cool. Well thought out, well laid out and a huge help. I’ve been sober for some time and doing the steps again. This will be a huge help. Thanks for putting it together. You Rock!!!

Mike, thanks so much for the kudos. I’m grateful to be of service and part of the solution. It’s like the 11th step prayer “make me a channel..”. When I share my experience, strength and hope with you and others, it makes me feel good about who I am today. I’m not a religious guy per se, but I certainly understand the concept of being “born again”. The program gave me a second chance to recreate myself as a kind, loving, giving guy – the opposite of who I was in my drinking and using days. Enjoy the site and may your life continue to be one more wonderful each and every day – James 🙂

Do you happen to have free copies of this materials that you could send me. I have trouble navigate the internet on My phone. I have to get serious with my recovery as I am homebound after a life threatening illness. Thank-you. Please send to Cindy Squires. 113 1/2 N church St Hudson MI 49247.

Sure. I’ll print some up and put them in the mail. Glad to see you’re on the road to recovery (physically and emotionally) and grateful to be able to help a little. James.

Thanks so much I’m. Still not. Used to the whole. Online but I am glad to find you.

hi everyone….jennifer here., alcoholic sobriety date march 12, 2014. back from a relapse

Jennifer the longest any of us has is 24 hours at a time. Congratulations for coming back!

Way to go Jennifer!! You are back…I had one of those as well…it takes what it takes…thank God you and I came back…Much love and support….thanks James Q for these fantastic resources…Thank you for your service to others. Paige

Totally agree with you Paige, I too am grateful she came back. The record time for sobriety is one day – at a time. Thanks for your support!

thanks you guys. i received my 60 day chip tonight!!!

Yahoo!!! Jennifer that’s so awesome congratulations!!!👍👍👍

I am so glad to have met you here in Beantown, MA. I REALLY NEEDED A BOOST IN MY PROGRAM, etc… And my HP brought you here for me:-). I understand there were other reasons you were here, but am I ever glad to have met you and been put in touch with you.

Great to meet you too Christopher!

Thank you so much for posting this. I am in AA and NA and plan to use these tools for both!

Awesome. You’re welcome. Enjoy!

Just found this site today, have spent the last few hours enjoying every bit of it!!! Must say I have found the readings/writings inspiring, and think the WorkSheets are wonderful!!!

I’m so glad you enjoy it!

Was wanting na worksheet

I’m sorry Renee, though I’ve read some of the NA books and been to several NA meetings and definitely consider myself a drug addict & alcoholic in recovery my primary experience in recovery is AA and AlAnon. For those reasons I don’t have NA sheets. However, if you would like to work with me and provide suggested changes on the AA sheets to bring them more in line with the NA program, I would be happy to reformat them. Let me know. James 😉

I can’t seem to get the worksheets to download. Can you offer any suggestions?

I’m not sure what platform you’re on – mac or pc – or what the exact problem is. Can you email me at jamesquine at aol dot com?

I just started working with a very confused Sponsee who questions everything and needs guidelines. The information and worksheets you have provided on this site are the BEST I’ve ever seen. They are inspiring me to re-work the Steps! Wow! Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope! God Bless! Hermene

Awesome. Glad it all helps. If you need anything else please feel free to ask. James 🙂

Looked at several worksheets online and yours were by far my favorite. Printing up a folder now. Thanks for your service to your fellows, and helping us all stay sober one day at a time.

Glad I could share them with you and everyone else. Enjoy!

I have no way to print any of these. I Need ALL of them. Of anyone could do a HUGE Favor & Send me these worksheets. PLEASE PLEASE email me at (email blocked) for my address. Please help me SAVE MY LIFE!!!!

Got the message. Sent them to your email. Best wishes for sobriety, recovery and happiness!

I want to use the Powerless Tool Worksheet in a book I’m creating for a 12 step group do I have your permission to use it as is in the book? I’m afraid this maybe a copyright infringement.

Sure but it needs a bit of updating. Hit me up at [email protected] and I’ll send you an updated version then post it on this site. I can also give you a written permission letter. James!

Merry Christmas. Thank you for this wonderful sight. I am fresh out of rehab and was having some difficulties. Having a very hard time finding womens groups in my area and needed more for myself to learn the steps until I have a home group and sponsor.. Again thank you so very much

Congratulations Allison! You never have to drink or use again. I’m glad some of the tools here are helping. I do want to encourage you to find a sponsor, even if you’re in a remote area. You can always get a temporary phone sponsor too. If you need I can give you some references. May you have a safe and sober holiday season!

I love your worksheets! Do I have your permission to repost them on my blog? Thank you so much for your service!

Absolutely! Spread the message and love 🙂

Like Liked by 1 person

Awesome! Thank you!!

You’re welcome! 🙂

You’re welcome!!!

The are Amazing worksheets and so helpful. I’ve been looking for something that will put the step work in a clear focused manner. I think these will be perfect! Thank you so much for your generous time and loving hearts!

Awesome! So happy you like them! 🙂

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Working women's record-setting comeback

How the pandemic supercharged their careers

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2020 was a bad year for everyone, but it was especially tough for working women. The COVID-19 shutdowns led to mass layoffs in female-dominated sectors of the economy, from healthcare to hospitality, while school and daycare closings made it virtually impossible for mothers with young kids to hold on to their jobs. Millions of women were forced to drop out of the workforce. By 2021, as the economic recovery took hold, more than a million remained missing. The numbers were so alarming that commentators dubbed it a " she-cession ." The pandemic, economists warned, might wipe out a generation of progress for working women.

But instead, the opposite happened: Women came roaring back to the workforce in record numbers. By early this year, their ranks had returned to pre-pandemic levels. Today, 77.8% of women between the ages of 25 and 54 are in the labor force, surpassing the previous peak in 2000. The pandemic didn't impair women's careers. It supercharged them.

The surge has been aided by a strong economic recovery. But it isn't just that. Even during a boom time for job seekers, men have not returned to work in the same numbers as women. And the biggest gains, surprisingly, have been among women in their 30s — the age when college-educated women often start having kids, prompting them to scale back or quit their jobs. 

That points to a major reason driving the surge in female employment: the work-from-home revolution. The increased availability of remote and hybrid roles for professional women has made it possible for young mothers to hold demanding jobs while raising their kids. According to Aaron Terrazas, the chief economist at Glassdoor, work from home has been such a game changer that it may have expanded the labor force by as many as 1.3 million women. "That's on par with roughly a year's worth of immigration," Terrazas says. "This was a magic gift for labor supply." Thanks to remote work, the future of employment could turn out to be female.

During the 20th century, the share of women in the American workforce rose steadily, aided by changing gender norms, antidiscrimination laws, access to higher education, and the pill. But around 2000, that century of progress ground to a halt, and it's not entirely clear why. Some point to the growing time demands of elite positions in professions like law and banking, which shut women with children out of the most lucrative jobs. Others point to the soaring cost of childcare. But one thing is undisputed: The stall-out was unique to the United States. In other developed economies — those that mandate parental leave, access to childcare, and the right to work part time — women's share of jobs continued to rise. In 1991, female participation in the US workforce was on par with that of France, Germany, and the UK. By 2019, it was at least 5 percentage points lower.

It was on the tail end of those two decades of stagnation when COVID struck. Recessions typically hit men harder. But this time, the downturn came disproportionately for sectors that employ high shares of women. In 2020, over the course of just two months, 2.2 million women dropped out of the workforce, compared with 1.7 million men. And repeated school and daycare closings threatened to prolong their time without employment, which would make it harder for them to find a job when they finally managed to return to work. "Pandemic Could Scar a Generation of Working Mothers," The New York Times reported . The grim headlines piled up.

Then remote work transformed the job market. Workforce participation among women in their 30s was more than a percentage point higher last quarter than it was at the beginning of 2020. "The most obvious explanation is that remote work expanded possibilities for this group that would not have been there otherwise," Terrazas says. "In those core family-raising, childbearing years, prior generations of women may have felt it necessary to leave the labor force. Remote work allowed many of them to stay in the labor force." That, in turn, means they'll have a better shot at promotions as they get further into their careers, bolstering the ranks of female executives and improving women's earning potential. The flexibility provided by remote work, in other words, could pay dividends for women for years to come.

Those gains, however, could be undercut by a new development: corporate America's push to force employees to return to the office. Across the economy, the share of remote and hybrid postings on job-search sites like Indeed has declined in recent months. Without the flexibility of work from home, many women with children could be forced to give up their jobs. And those who do manage to find remote work could pay a steep penalty for shunning the office.

Companies often pay less for remote roles, and bosses tend to reward the employees they see in the office every day with more favorable assignments, raises, and promotions. That's a big problem for working mothers, because they're often forced to take on more of the childcare responsibilities than their husbands, which means they're far less able than men to accept office work. Last year, 41% of women worked from home — compared with only 28% of men. If that trend continues, we could wind up creating a two-tier workforce in which women work from home in lower-paid, dead-end roles while men come into the office for higher-paid, management-track positions.

So remote work is good for women, because it's bringing more of them into the workforce. But it could simultaneously end up being bad for women, if it winds up reinforcing the glass ceiling. "The thing that increases female labor-force participation may not be the thing that reduces the gender pay gap," says Marianne Bertrand, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago. " Being in the workforce and succeeding in the workforce aren't always the same thing."

So: What could keep remote work from becoming, in the words of the legal scholar Joan Williams, a " feminized ghetto "? For starters, the government needs to follow the lead of other developed countries and ensure access to better and more affordable day care, which would enable women to take higher-paid office jobs. And companies need to train managers to more effectively supervise remote employees, to ensure they're given the same opportunities for advancement as those who work in the office. The work-from-home revolution could prove to be one the biggest victories for gender equality since women won the right to vote a century ago — but only if we implement policies to make remote work a step forward rather than a sidetrack.

"The gains in female labor-force participation are remarkable when you think about where we were just a couple years ago," says Rose Khattar, the director of economic analysis at the Center for American Progress. "But we have to continue to fight to ensure that these gains aren't temporary."

Aki Ito is a senior correspondent at Insider. 

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We Shouldn't Be Surprised The GOATs All-Woman Alliance Failed

  • An all-woman alliance formed on The GOAT backfires due to leaks about the strategy.
  • Women's alliances have a poor track record on reality shows like Survivor and Big Brother.
  • Reality TV crossover event The GOAT showcases entertaining chaos and failed alliances.

The second episode of The GOAT celebrated the messy shows of Bravo . Through hilarious nods to some of the iconic moments in Bravo history, the players got to pretend they were Bravolebrities. While Bravo was the focus of the episode, with the Bravo Relay Race leading to a tight finish, the episode was centered around the formation of an all-woman alliance. With Grocery Store Joe Amabile from The Bachelorette and Dancing with the Stars and Justin Johnson aka Alyssa Edwards from RuPaul's Drag Race as the only men on the losing team, personal alliances and friendships took priority over the short-lived alliances when The Bachelor star Tayshia Adams spilled the beans about the alliance to her Bachelor Nation friend Joe. In the end, at the Ultimation, Bachelor Nation lost one of their own as a result. Whether it's Big Brother or Survivor , an all-woman alliance rarely ever succeeds. Guess the herd didn't do their homework!

As a love letter to reality television , Amazon Prime Video's The GOAT has launched itself into reality television history as fourteen of the genres' greatest personalities were united under one roof in GOAT Manor as they compete to become the greatest reality star of all time. Spanning an assortment of franchises under the reality television umbrella, the crossover event has become a must-see streaming. Hosted by Daniel Tosh in a tongue-in-cheek role, the herd, as they're called, compete in daily challenges for immunity before a group challenge will determine who will be up for elimination at the Ultimation. The GOAT is all fun and games as the mansion's backyard plays host to all the wacky events, but for some players, once the potential to remain safe thanks to safety in numbers became evident, a major reality show trope came to life.

The GOAT (2024)

Release Date May 9, 2024

Cast C.J. Franco, Reza Farahan, Alyssa Edwards, Tayshia Adams, Jill Zarin, Kristen Doute, Joey Sasso, Teck Holmes, Daniel Tosh

Main Genre Reality-TV

Genres Reality-TV

Streaming Service(s) Amazon Freevee

Directors Michael Shea

Showrunner Bill Dixon

The GOAT Became a Battle of the Sexes

Following the elimination of The Circle 's Joey Sasso , thirteen reality stars remained; six men and seven women. Perhaps due to the fact that the players were split into two bedrooms based on gender, The GOAT swiftly turned into a battle of the sexes. Huddled in their room, 90 Day Fiancé alum Paola Mayfield led the charge to align the women together as they had the majority in the house. Everyone seemed on board with the plan. Even Da'Vonne Rogers , star of Big Brother and The Challenge , was apprehensive of the plan. Knowing that in these types of games it's always important to agree but not commit, Da'Vonne was willing to go along until it would no longer suit her. In order to win safety, the players were tasked to get messy like they do on the Bravo shows in a wild game of reality TV-adjacent trivia in the mud. FBoy Island winner CJ Franco won and had the power to pick the teams in the next challenge. And for her, she just wanted to make sure the teams were even and everyone was having fun.

To earn safety in the Ultimation, the herd was tasked to engage in a Bravo Relay Race. First, players had to flip a table in honor of The Real Housewives of New Jersey 's iconic table flip felt around the world by Teresa Giudice . Then they had to toss utensils wrapped in napkins into a bus bin as if they were on Vanderpump Rules . Finally, two life preserver rings had to be tossed on buoys in the pool as they pay homage to Below Deck . Unfortunately, the losing team included Grocery Store Joe and RuPaul's Drag Race legend Alyssa Edwards. With the women having a plan to vote out one of the boys, not everyone was too keen on the available options. CJ had made an incredibly beautiful bond with Justin aka Alyssa earlier in the day as she learned about their life as a gay man who was a drag entertainer.

By revealing the struggles they've been through, CJ opens up in a way she rarely does. CJ revealed that she has two dads, which made her bond even further with the drag star. Informing the women that Justin aka Alyssa was off the table, the votes would have to fall to Joe, who seemed to be checked out of the game. With her pre-show friendship with Joe, Tayshia felt it would be best to alert her Bachelor Nation bestie about the women's alliance who were targeting him. Little did she know that would be the nail in her coffin. By leaking the truth about the alliance, the women turned on her, voting her out in the process. The women's alliance, less than 24 hours of being formed, cannibalized themselves. Oh, PS. This time, when Daniel Tosh collected the votes from the butt of the GOAT statue, he left a little trail, so we still don't know the authenticity of those votes. But hey, it's camp!

'The GOAT' Is Going to Unite Reality Fans as Their New Obsession

Women's alliances on reality tv have a poor track record.

The trope of forming an all-girls alliance has been executed since the dawn of time. Billed as a way to empower women and to ensure their safety, these alliances are formed with great intent. History has shown that women get targeted often on competition shows. They want to eliminate the meat shields in front of them that seem to have it easy. Satisfying the needs and desires of everyone's goal in the game is hard in any alliance, no matter the make-up, but once the sentiment of a women's alliance is uttered, they get hartially scrutinized. Just this season on Survivor 46 , the Siga Tribe women formed an instant bond, but when the time came for their tribe to vote someone out, Jem Hussain-Adams was sacrificed. That being said, Survivor is known for the greatest female alliance in history with the Black Widow Brigade on Survivor: Micronesia . Comprised of season winner Parvati Shallow , Natalie Bolton, Cirie Fields , and Amanda Kimmel , they dominated the game and became the final four. And all players since have done everything in their power to recreate this, but it's truly been capturing lighting in a bottle. It just can't happen twice. One caveat would be when Survivor initially split the tribes by gender, such as in Survivor: The Amazon , Survivor: Vanuatu , and Survivor: One World . Those alliances were formed thanks to their original tribes.

Another major reason for the lack of success is the perception of women's alliances by other players, predominantly male players. On Survivor: Island of the Idols , Kellie Kim called out one of the men on her tribe at Tribal Council for his sexiest vantage on the idea of a women's alliance, as they don't discuss an all-male alliance in the same manner. When it comes to Big Brother , they're just as prevalent. On the legendary Big Brother 6 , a mostly all-female alliance was formed not as a gender split, but simply due to the make-up of the remaining players. Houseguests winner Maggie Ausburn , Ivette Corredero , and April Lewis were aligned in "The Friendship" as they vehemently opposed the other side of the house. Now The GOAT 's Da'Vonne is quite familiar with why this strategy would not work. She attempted to do this during her time on Big Brother 17 , and it crumbled almost as soon as it began. She knows how it could look and how it could be a detriment , but as the most strategic individual in the game, she also knows that opposing the plan could have been just as bad. As someone who has had her hand in two different franchises, because of the format on The Challenge , gender-driven alliances are not quite the same as the eliminations are gender-based.

A major issue in the formation of the alliance that formed on The GOAT was the makeup of the women being from non-competitive strategy reality shows. CJ Franco, Lauren Speed-Hamilton , Tayshia Adams, and Paola Mayfield were on dating shows. Jill Zarin and Kristen Doute are from documentary-style shows on Bravo. With Da'Vonne Rogers as the sole representative from a show where the players vote one another out, she has experience with alliances. The others don't. They felt the urge to try what they'd seen, rather than understand the impact of what it could do. But leave it to Da'Vonne to drop a bomb into the game when she happens to be the rogue vote for Tayshia, causing a tizzy in the house. Once again, the women who have never partaken in a show of this nature felt betrayed by this mysterious vote. Welcome to a competition show!

The GOAT has proven that no matter the make-up of the cast, reality television will forever be entertaining. Between silly games, over-the-top personalities, and mind games to make your head spin, The GOAT has captured the essence of the genre. Watching the spectacular blunder of an alliance was pure magic . Viewers knew it was doomed the moment the women sat together on the beds. But the best part will be the lingering effects. Let's just say, these women are bound to continue to turn on one another.

The GOAT streams new episodes on Thursdays on Prime Video.

Watch on Prime Video

We Shouldn't Be Surprised The GOATs All-Woman Alliance Failed


Why are we using AI to create women with big boobs?

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AI models Hailey Lopez and Amy Everhart

It’s 2024 and I feel like defending beauty pageants.

But there’s a valid reason – reading the ridiculous news that social media platform Fanvue, a rival to OnlyFans, is preparing to judge the first Miss AI contest .

The competition will pit digital creators from across the world against each other in a bid to win the top prize of $5,000, all while promoting toxic beauty ideals in the process.

I’m lucky. I’m old enough that I didn’t grow up constantly bombarded with images of what women should look like. Just in weekly and monthly magazines, and some adverts, rather than all day every day, staring at me through my phone .

But for young women growing up today, social media means it is relentless, with proven and damaging mental health and body image effects . An AI beauty contest will surely only turbocharge that.

And aside from the damaging mental wellbeing effects of drawing perfect women and making them compete with one another, it offers another example for detractors of AI to cite.

Artificial intelligence has so much potential – it can literally save lives – yet here we are, using it to create unrealistic women with huge boobs.

AI Model Hailey Lopez

It’s true that the winners have yet to be decided, and we might be pleasantly surprised should the organisers decide to promote body positivity and diversity, but the evidence so far isn’t encouraging.

If you’ve seen an AI-generated woman – and you almost certainly will have, even if you didn’t realise – chances are they looked very similar to all the other AI-generated women.

A beautiful, symmetrical face, glowing skin, perfect brows and lips. Thin. Mostly white. Often with large breasts, scantily clad and in ‘sexy’ poses.

They are the 100% pure embodiment of the Western male gaze, and a completely unrealistic ideal for young girls and women to match.

And (here’s my brief defence of traditional pageants) unlike in real-life, where contestants get the opportunity to showcase often incredible talents – past winners have been highly-accomplished ballet dancers, musicians and scientists – these hopefuls really have little to offer but their looks.

In addition, two of the ‘judges’ will also be AI-generated women and, you guessed it, they’re strikingly beautiful, thin and have large breasts.

One, Aitana Lopez, is Spain’s ‘first AI model’ and reportedly earns her creator Rubén Cruz up to $10,000 a month by modelling clothes for her army of Instagram followers.


The other, Emily Pellegrini, is so realistic – and, obviously, incredibly attractive – that footballers, billionaires and tennis players have reportedly slid into her DMs.

Her creator said: ‘The goal was to make her likeable and attractive. I wanted to keep her as real as possible.’

Irony is truly dead.

Thankfully, according to reports, Aitana and Emily won’t actually be doing the judging, but rather their creators.

That could save the organisers potential embarrassment, given AI judges have been accused of racism in the past.

When asked to judge 6,000 real contestants from 100 countries for a beauty contest in 2016, of 44 winners, the AI judges selected only one winner with dark skin.

AI has come a long way since those days, but it continues to display issues of bias, especially when it comes to race.

AI-influencer Emily Pellegrini

This isn’t only a problem when it comes to beauty contests – it has already been seen time and again in facial recognition software, and must be tackled head-on before AI is deployed more widely in public life, such as in the justice system.

But back to beauty, and the growing army of clones taking over the internet – especially on social media.

While many companies are doing little to stop it, others are actively promoting it. One well-known platform is reportedly considering launching its own army of AI influencers to hoover up some of the lucrative advertising dollars currently going to real-life humans.

But my main issue is the impact that social media, and the proliferation of AI characters that lurk there, is having on young women.

It was to little surprise that a recent study found that taking a break from social media for as little as one week has a positive effect on teenage girl’s self-esteem and body image .

We’re never going to stop teenagers using social media, but surely seeing a never ending stream of 100% fake women and ‘thinspiration’ will do the opposite.

And while the children and young women faced with these AI ideals will grow up with a warped sense of beauty, the AI models themselves will, of course, never grow old.

In an industry where youth is often cherished above all else, brands need never again worry about the face of their product ageing.

Meanwhile, children on social media are becoming increasingly obsessed with expensive anti-ageing products they don’t need in an attempt to slow down something that is an inescapable fact of life – and a privilege.

Of course, this isn’t all the fault of a single AI beauty contest, there are much wider issues at play.

It is also hard to say whose responsibility it is to stop the spread of fake women online.

While social media platforms should absolutely ensure AI content is labelled clearly, most users already know that many ‘real’ photos they see have been tweaked, airbrushed or Photoshopped in some way.

That knowledge doesn’t stop the gradual erosion of young girls’ confidence, and it’s hard to imagine AI-generated content won’t have the same effect.

Likewise, there is no reason to stop individuals creating AI-generated women, they’re perfectly entitled to.

But, perhaps, we could not offer thousands of dollars in return.

Because it is not only a significant milestone on the internet’s race to the bottom – it is a reminder that still, in 2024, judging women on their looks is not only routine, it is rewarded.

So in this ‘beauty’ competition, there may be a handful of winners, but I’m certain there will be many more losers.

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Women at Work, and With Their Families Too

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A black-and-white photo of three people hiking through a densely lush jungle, taken from behind.

To the Editor:

Re “ An Act of Defiance Can Improve Things for Working Moms ,” by Toby Kiers (Opinion guest essay, May 4):

I am a woman nearing the completion of my B.A. in philosophy, and I have the absurd hopes of going on to get my Ph.D. and work in academia and also have a family.

Dr. Kiers’s essay both shed light on the frustrating reality of the discrimination that mothers face in the world of academic research, and provided a shining beacon of hope to counteract it.

The false binary that women are presented and that so many people (including Dr. Kiers’s own child, she noted) assume is that we must decide: our research, our careers, our academic endeavors, or our children. One or the other.

Dr. Kiers has called this out; this is not actually a choice we have to make. Motherhood is not a detriment to our academic abilities and research contributions; it actually strengthens it in new and unexpected ways.

Dr. Kiers, in her refusal to choose between her research pursuits and her family, is helping to forge an exciting path forward. It is a path to a world where women can be celebrated, respected and supported with all that they are and all that they contribute, including their children.

That is the academic world I hope to enter into someday.

Megan Clancy Washington

Kudos to Dr. Toby Kiers! Her story is shared not only by fellow scientists, but by women at large. I admire her courage in bringing her 3-week-old son to work, and in pondering the advice of an older woman who discouraged her from being self-deprecating.

“What can feel like an inconvenience is often a blessing in disguise,” she writes. Amen to that! As far as detachment and vulnerability creating meaning? I now see vulnerability being valued and detachment being questioned in health care, via narrative prose and poetry by nurses and physicians.

I am a seasoned nurse. This article brought me back to the AIDS epidemic. In terms of science, we really had no idea what we were dealing with. I was on maternity leave and had come to know “brain fog” intimately. I received a call asking if I would open a new department for AIDS. After a day thinking about it, I accepted. My two boys went with me into the wilderness of men dying of a virus we knew little about.

My sons are now 40 and 50. The older one still recounts stories of things he learned and joy he felt at a party that those dying men held for us nurses on Mother’s Day. Vulnerability informing the work? You bet!

Pamela Mitchell Bend, Ore.

Since I am a woman who walked across the medical school graduation stage holding my toddler, while eight months pregnant with No. 2, I can certainly identify with Toby Kiers’s essay about managing a career as a scientist while parenting.

It was extremely trying for me to charge into residency with very small children at home. But I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who loved fathering, and was able to take a sabbatical for some of my residency.

As a result, our two daughters, now young adults, are very close to their father. I think that this is the real win in how things are evolving for women in the workplace. Partners get to join in on the nitty-gritty as well as the glorious moments of parenting.

I do believe I missed out on the sort of lovely parenting my mother gave me as a stay-at-home mom. But I was also able to show our daughters what commitment to an intellectual and humanistic goal looks like.

I certainly think medical residency programs are over the top in terms of workload and emotional toll; this needs to evolve. But I think enjoying the participation of both parents in the up-close-and-personal part of child-rearing makes all of our children stronger.

Susan Ferguson Berkeley, Calif.

Re “ Trump Embraces Lawlessness in the Name of a Higher Law ,” by Matthew Schmitz (Opinion guest essay, April 4):

Mythologizing Donald Trump — either Mr. Schmitz fancifully comparing him to outlaws like Robin Hood, Billy the Kid and Jesse James, who titillated people with their challenges to authority, or Christian evangelicals’ even more far-fetched casting of Mr. Trump as King Cyrus or even Jesus — fails because most of us see him for what he is, a narcissist with no positive agenda and no respect for the law.

If we must make comparisons, it’s to David Duke, the Klansman who ran for president, or Gov. George Wallace, standing in the schoolhouse door to block integration. The only people who saw them as rebels with a cause were themselves defending a lost cause, much like those who flock to MAGA now.

Steve Horwitz Moraga, Calif.

Re “ Inmate’s Death Highlights Failures in Mental Health ” (front page, May 6), about the troubled life and death of a prisoner, Markus Johnson:

As a social worker who has worked in the field of mental health for more than 50 years, I read with interest and sadness yet another article about a mentally ill individual who was not provided with adequate treatment and subsequently died in prison.

This article highlights the failure of deinstitutionalization. It demonstrates how our prisons have become the institutions replacing those that formerly housed the mentally ill. Not only are the mentally ill being ill served, but so too is the public, which is at risk of harm from those hallucinating on the streets.

Our shelter system is also not in a position to manage needed services and supervision. The last resort is a cell. I believe that providing long-term residential programs with highly supervised step-down programs would provide a solution to the tragedies we currently read about daily. Certainly the cost would be less than incarceration.

Let’s look to providing real help rather than punishment for our mentally ill population.

Helen Rubel Irvington, N.Y.

“ Offshore Oil Production Expands as Companies Cite Energy Needs ” (Business, May 10) lays out Big Oil’s plan for the Gulf of Mexico. Let’s be real: We’re in a global climate crisis. The last thing we need is for the fossil fuel industry to expand offshore drilling.

If climate change, rising ocean temperatures and the risk of horrific events like the Deepwater Horizon disaster weren’t enough reason to stop offshore oil expansion, we also know that this industry cannot be counted on to clean up its mess when the wells have run dry.

There is a huge backlog when it comes to plugging defunct or abandoned wells, removing old oil platforms and remediating the seafloor damaged by drilling operations. Oil and gas companies have already littered the Gulf of Mexico with more than 18,000 miles of disused pipeline and over 14,000 unplugged wells , which can leak chemicals like methane into the ocean.

It also comes with financial risks: If offshore oil and gas operators file for bankruptcy (as 37 have done since 2009 ), U.S. taxpayers could be forced to foot the bill for cleanup.

Enough is enough: We cannot afford more offshore drilling.

Andrew Hartsig Anchorage The writer is senior director, Arctic conservation, for Ocean Conservancy.


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  1. 99 Work at Home Career Ideas for Women

    23. Fashion Designer. Take your love of fashion and design and create one-of-a-kind designs and either sell them online, in specialty boutiques or take your product line the direct sales route. You can also apply for work at home designer jobs at clothing and apparel companies.

  2. 15 Best Home Workouts for Women, According to Personal Trainers

    Try air squats, side step squats, sumo squats, jump squats, and even weighted squats. You can even try holding a large bottle of detergent to get some added resistance with your squats, just make ...

  3. PDF Women healing from trauma: A facilitator's guide

    and concise lesson plan that can be utilized with women in a group setting. Each session has a clear objective, a psychoeducational component or learning opportunity, a skill development activity, and homework. The group environment will provide an opportunity for women to connect with others while building skills, self-esteem, and empowerment.

  4. 18 Best Self-Esteem Worksheets and Activities (Incl. PDF)

    This handout/homework worksheet then instructs the client to go back over their story, circling or highlighting keywords and phrases that they feel relate to their personal strengths. ... Lynch, S. M., & Graham-Bermann, S. A. (2000). Woman abuse and self-affirmation: Influences on women's self-esteem. Violence Against Women, 6(2), 178-197 ...

  5. 10 High-Paying Work From Home Jobs for Women

    1. Content Writing. One of the most popular sectors in freelance work is content writing. It is one of the most in-demand work from home jobs for women. Companies are always on the lookout for professionals willing to work as part-time writers who can create intriguing and unique content to engage their audiences.

  6. The 8 Best at Home Workouts (No-Equipment!)

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  7. The Work at Home Woman

    26 Best Work at Home Jobs for Teens in 2024. If you're looking for a remote job for your teen, keep reading! We have a massive list of ways for your teenager to make money from home. I remember my first job like it was yesterday. Every Tuesday after school, I delivered a weekly community newspaper to approximately 100 homes in my neighborhood.


    Homework is highly gendered - although data on homework are scarce, there is a strong consensus in the literature that the majority of homeworkers are women.4 Existing data from Southern Asia5 show that homework accounts for a larger share of employment for women workers outside of agriculture than for men in the region. Many women take on ...

  9. 15 Best Arm Workouts for Women

    Bend your elbows to create a 90 degree angle and palms are facing towards the body. Keeping the 90 degree angle, raise your arms up so your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Be sure to keep ...

  10. 17 Best Beginner Workouts Women Can Do When Exercising At Home

    Clasp your hands in front of your chest. Take a big step to the right, then bend your knees, sit back, and lower until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Engage your glutes and press back up ...

  11. 50 Best At-Home Workouts

    Time: 20 minutes. Equipment: None. Good for: total body. Instructions: For a full workout, choose five to six moves below. Complete the indicated number of reps, then continue immediately to the ...

  12. Work From Home Women Jobs, Employment

    Pay: From $15.00 per hour. Expected hours: No less than 20 per week. Benefits: Schedule: Work setting: Work Location: Remote. 25,696 Work From Home Women jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Customer Service Representative, Shop Agent, Outbound Call Center Representative and more!

  13. Because of God Ministries

    A women's free Bible study on God's love with commentary, homework, and audio devotions revised May - July 2021. When I first decided to do this study on God's love some years back, I was going to look up every Bible verse on love and go from there. However the Holy Spirit made it very clear to me to write about God and what He has done for us.

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    Women's Shoes Specialist - Full Time. New. Bloomingdale's 3.6. McLean, VA 22102. $15.75 - $20.48 an hour. Full-time. Day shift +4. Directly schedule interview. 401(k) plan options available. Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to work across functional lines and at many levels.

  15. Self-Esteem Worksheets

    worksheet. People who know their strengths and use them frequently tend to have higher self-esteem, better moods, and less stress. Learning to use strengths is something anyone can achieve. The Strengths Use Plan is a two-page worksheet designed to help people identify the strengths they would like to use more, and make plans for doing so...

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    The Job: Website Tester. What It Pays: Starting at $10 per test, according to UserTesting.com. Perfect For: The detail-oriented web-surfer. What It Is: Many companies pay online testers to make ...

  17. Bible Study Handouts

    30 - What Looks Good Might Just Destroy You. 31 - Trusting God To Do What We Can't. 32 - When God Comes Through A Different Way. 33 - Running Ahead of God is Never a Good Idea. 34 - God Wants To Use Your Story. 35 - Cut Out What Shouldn't Be There. 36 - Why Does God Wait Until the Last Minute.

  18. What working from home means for women

    For women, remote work is a blessing and a curse. Despite stress, depression, and overwork, women still want to work from home. Paulina Mansz, a group fitness instructor, records a workout session ...

  19. Worksheets

    Worksheets. This AA Morning Step Work Sheet is designed for newcomers or anyone who wants to start each day off in a way that will definitely set them up for a new & better life. AA Morning Step Work. This Trigger List is designed for newcomers or anyone who has never written down those things that might trigger either drinking, drugging or ...

  20. How the Work-From-Home Revolution Supercharged Women's Careers

    Last year, 41% of women worked from home — compared with only 28% of men. If that trend continues, we could wind up creating a two-tier workforce in which women work from home in lower-paid ...

  21. Theology and Bible study classes for women

    Womenary provides classes and resources for Christian women who desire to live out a biblical worldview, by gaining a deeper understanding of God and His ways. Courses are available as live classes in local communities, online self study, and seminars, and do not have required weekly homework. Womenary courses present and explain:

  22. Workout for Women: Fit at Home

    Keep Fit & Weight Loss at Home! The women workout app for female fitness.

  23. The No-Homework Women's Bible Study: Group Hug

    Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2023-03-07 19:42:20 Autocrop_version ..14_books-20220331-.2 Bookplateleaf

  24. We Shouldn't Be Surprised The GOATs All-Woman Alliance Failed

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    Artificial intelligence has so much potential - it can literally save lives - yet here we are, using it to create unrealistic women with huge boobs. It's true that the winners have yet to be ...

  26. Opinion

    Re " An Act of Defiance Can Improve Things for Working Moms ," by Toby Kiers (Opinion guest essay, May 4): I am a woman nearing the completion of my B.A. in philosophy, and I have the absurd ...