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  • Speech on Save Environment


Save Environment Speech For Students

Speech on Save Environment is an important topic for students. Students can avail a well-written speech on the topic ‘save environment speech’ and learn how to write the speech that will impress the audience.

Long Speech

Good morning to one and all present here. I am glad to be given the opportunity to present a speech on Save Environment. Our environment is where we live. There must be harmony between the environment and living beings. In the present scenario, due to overpopulation, the environment is under distress. The situation is alarming as our natural environment is overexploited to meet human needs. It is because of many human activities that we are not able to maintain a healthy balance with nature.

The threat we are facing includes manmade disasters and global warming. These threats are real and have raised an alarming situation. We need to come together to save our environment. This speech on saving nature throws light on why it is needed by mankind to protect and preserve the environment. Our environment offers everything from clothing, water, food to shelter. All living beings are a part of the ecosystem. Hence, it becomes our responsibility to take care of the natural habitat.

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest issues that the modern world faces today. To meet the wants of society, we are putting too much pressure on the natural environment. This leads to damage to nature. The soil is losing its fertility, and in most places, soil pollution makes it difficult to grow crops. Even air and water pollution is the effect of mass urbanization and industrialisation. Controlling the pollution is a need of the hour, however, this still gets neglected by us. I am delivering the speech to save the earth to make you aware of what can be done by each one of us sitting here. We can make our earth a better place to live by taking simple steps like planting a tree, throwing waste in proper bins, saying no to plastic bags, etc. Rather than complaining about pollution, such small steps must be taken to make our environment sustainable.

Environmental problems are also the result of vast technological advancements in the last few years. The overuse of resources to build IT infrastructure is responsible for the loss of the natural environment. Government and international organizations must take proper steps to control pollution and save our mother earth. Environmental protection policies must be strictly enforced. Everyone has to come together to save our mother nature. 

Saving our environment is much more important today than ever before. The degrading quality of earth life is what we all are familiar with. However, the early signs of the upcoming destruction are visible. The harsh weather conditions, increased carbon dioxide emissions, melting of glaciers, etc. are the major concerns that needed immediate attention. Let us all do what we can to save our environment and preserve our resources for future generations.

Short Speech

Good morning to all. Today, I am going to give a short speech on saving the environment. We are all aware of how the environment is important to us. We cannot afford to harm the environment any longer. In today’s modern world, our planet earth is affected significantly. However, if we want to live in harmony with nature, we cannot put the entire pressure on the environment. Living beings, for their survival, depend completely on the natural and manmade environment. It is impossible to live without the resources that the atmosphere provides. In such a situation, it becomes critical to save mother nature from getting over-exploited due to the increasing population. 

We all know that factors like overpopulation, deforestation, etc. are responsible for environmental destruction. Small steps taken by us can go a long way. We must try to use as much public transport as possible to protect the air we breathe. We must throw garbage in the right bins so that proper disposal of waste and waste management can be done. We need to make efforts in the right direction to conserve our natural resources and habitat. Some of the ways by which we can achieve this are to use renewable energy, avoid plastic bags, plant more trees etc. 

Mother nature offers so much to us. We must protect the environment and nature and be a part of sustainable development programmes.

10 Lines Speech

A heartfelt welcome to each one present here. I am here to deliver a speech on saving the environment and saving a life. It is no hidden fact that our environment is affected largely due to human activities. It is facing a threat at an alarming rate. We have over-exploited nature due to our greed. This has caused a natural imbalance. However, we can still do something and protect our environment from all the damages. We must plant more and more trees, throw garbage in the dustbins, avoid using plastic bags, etc. It cannot be denied that our natural environment is such an important part of our ecosystem. It is important to educate people about how the environment is getting damaged. Then only we can have green earth to live in.

Main Causes of Environmental Degradation

Pollution, in any form, is destructive to the environment, whether it be in the form of air, water, land, or noise.

Rapid population increase limits natural resources, resulting in environmental degradation.

Increasing population equals more need for food, clothing, and housing. More land is needed to grow food and provide housing for people. Deforestation occurs, as a result, contributing to environmental degradation.

Deforestation is also caused by using forest areas for agriculture, livestock grazing, fuelwood harvesting, and logging. When forest size decreases, deforestation contributes to global warming by releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

The exhaust gas released by industries is one of the primary sources of pollution. Lead is found in large concentrations in the environment due to a range of substances such as gasoline, paints, ceramics, and batteries.

In recent years, there has been a massive increase in the number of private vehicles. The higher the number of cars, the higher the rate of pollution that causes smog. Lower-level ozone, which is detrimental, is caused by hydrocarbons emitted by engines.

Speech on plant trees, saving mother earth is important for students as it will make them aware of how to use natural resources and how a healthy balance can be maintained between the environment and human life.


FAQs on Speech on Save Environment

1. What is the best way to prepare a speech?

Giving a speech in class pushes students to step outside of their comfort zone, especially if they are required to take a stand on a social issue. Students gain courage, conviction, and fluency when they learn to face their insecurities and reply articulately to opposition with practice. The following tips will help students in delivering a great speech:

The size of the audience is one of the most primary considerations when giving a speech. High school students should consider the audience and the context for the speech before digging into stacks of research resources.

Students should slim down their attention and write a clear thesis statement that will act as a road map for the rest of the presentation. The speakers should then choose two or three major topics that they can address in the time allocated.

Decide the basic goal of your speech or presentation if you're informing, presenting, or entertaining.

When practising, keep track of your time from beginning to end and read the complete speech numerous times.

It can be beneficial to incorporate hand gestures to explain points in your speech. Hand gestures will not only help you communicate with the audience, but they will also assist you to remember important points.

A few people in the audience will have questions about your speech. Consider some of the products you might receive. Then jot down your responses and practice expressing them aloud.

2. How to create awareness about environmental pollution among people?

You must first ensure that you have a good understanding of environmental-related issues before you can begin promoting environmental consciousness in your community. Do some online research to learn about the root of pollution in your neighbourhood. Share your information with as many people as possible so that they are aware of the effects of pollution and how to avoid them. Creating an environmental group is another way to raise awareness. Various social media platforms can be used as tools to assist you in educating more people. The number of environmental challenges appears to be infinite, and while they are all crucial, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Choose one subject to concentrate on at a time.

3. What are the most important methods to conserve the environment?

Reduce the amount of waste you generate. Conserve natural resources and landfill space by following the three "R's" that are – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Deforestation must be controlled or, ultimately, stopped.

The less water you consume, the less drainage and wastewater end up in the ocean.

Afforestation must be fostered, and public awareness must be promoted.

Energy-efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas release. Also, flip the light switch off when you leave the room.

Fuelwood and timber wood should be used wisely.

In your house and office, use non-toxic materials.

We should maintain grazing lands and produce cover crops to keep soils from blowing away.

Using public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are all preferable options that assist the environment, save money, and provide exercise.

4. What is the importance of the environment for Human life?

The environment offers us a variety of producing resources, both renewable and non-renewable. It offers food, shelter, and air, as well as meeting all human needs.

Agriculture and the growing of crops and vegetables are facilitated by the ecosystem. Our waste products were thrown away and composted for use in agriculture.

Human life would not survive without the sun, water, air, and soil that make up the environment. It helps to keep life going by ensuring genetic variation and biodiversity.

Mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, and a plethora of other amazing natural components are only beautiful because the environment exists.

The environment offers us fertile land, clean water, fresh air, animals, and a variety of other necessities for survival.

5. Where can I get the Essays/Speeches on important topics for school?

Students can access the important materials to write a speech/essay for their school competition from Vedantu. Both online and offline study resources include a free download option that students can use to meet their specific needs. Students can also get various sample papers and revision notes for all the subjects from Vedantu. These study materials are designed by subject matter experts to help students enhance their academic performance. The PDF is also prepared with the understanding of crucial concepts in mind, as our focus is on the student's overall growth.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

104 Environmental Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Environmental speech topics and essay writing on angles of view regarding different aspects of our ecology for public speaking. Hope these helpful ideas will sparkle your fantasy!

In this article:



environmental speech topics

  • The danger of ocean oil spills.
  • Recycling should be mandatory.
  • Why oil needs to be conserved.
  • Why we should use reusable bags.
  • Why palm oil should be banned.
  • Ban mining in environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Disposable diapers are hazardous to the environment.
  • The environment is more important than genetics in determining how a person will turn out.
  • The danger of oil drilling in Alaska.
  • Fishing regulations are necessary to preserve the environment.
  • Endangered species need protection.
  • We need to invest more in alternative fuels.
  • Endangered oceans deserve protection.
  • We should strive for a paperless society.
  • Conserve our global resources.
  • Rain forests need to be protected.
  • The principal threats of land degradation in Asia / Africa / South America (choose one continent for your thesis focus).
  • Ocean acidification (a decline in the pH degree of ocean waters) endangers marine organisms.
  • The main causes of massive coral bleaching (the whitening of corals).
  • The advantages of an intercropping system for sustainable plant production.
  • Environmentalists are misusing the term sustainable development.
  • Why we should be concerned about ozone depletion in Earth’s stratosphere.
  • Bottom trawling (dragging huge nets along the sea floor) is killing for the benthic ecological organisms.
  • The benefits of microbes to humans.
  • Make you own Carbon Footprint and realize how polluting you are.
  • Why the carbon tax should be the next stage in our capitalist world.
  • How to manage E-waste streams in modern India.
  • Emissions trading or exchangeable emission permits work contra-productive in the urgency to blow back global warming.
  • Debt-for-nature swaps are natural friendly policies.
  • Renewable energy technologies like wind energy, hydroelectricity, biomass and solar power should be stimulated by the government.
  • How to apply green ecological sustainable computing (or green IT) at your home PC or Mac.
  • The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the worst man-made mishap in American history. Environmental persuasive speech topics can also be found after that big crash at sea – e.g. in Nigeria.
  • We should handle with care the dangers and risks of exhausting our fossil fuel resources on earth, and protect the innocent sea life.
  • Global warming demands more joined global action than Kopenhagen did.
  • Encourage livestock owners to adopt sustainable grazing systems.
  • Environmental damage of energy consumption force us to use energy alternatives.
  • Mankind is responsible for the large loss of biodiversity in nature.
  • Avoid using plastic bags.
  • Buy natural and organic produced, and fair trade products.
  • Our ever-expanding consumerism has killed the earth.
  • Sacrifice a little bit of the economic growth for the good of the environment.
  • Give tax cuts to companies to develop solar, wind and forms of hydrogen energy.
  • There should be a green tax on aviation fuel.
  • Why stores need to stop supplying plastic bags
  • Are green jobs really green and environmentally friendly?
  • TV news program weather forecasts are not accurate at all.
  • The only effective litter prevention method is to force recycling.
  • Recycling helps with green house effects.
  • Only energy efficient household appliances should be sold.
  • Nuclear power is a good alternative energy source.
  • Keep your thermostat at 68 F in Winter and 72 F in Summer.
  • Hunting sports harm the biodiversity.
  • Hundreds of thousands of species will go extinct by 2060.
  • Buying durable goods will save the world.
  • We are wasting the opportunity to waste less.
  • Water pollution will be the world’s biggest problem in the next years.
  • Natural disasters stimulate economic growth.
  • We are killing the rainforest, our planet’s lungs.
  • The change of our climate pattern is not natural.
  • The effects of global warming are not overestimated by scientists and green activists.
  • Restrict every household to 50 gallon can on trash and yard waste a week.
  • Rural development is the main cause of wildfires and extensive damage in the past years.
  • Energy alternatives are the only solution to the environmental damage.
  • Paying higher energy prices is a sacrifice we have to make for cleaner fuels.
  • Construction plans must include an environment-section.
  • Promote earthfriendly cars by tax benefits.

Why can’t the discussion about nuclear energy just be about the sole bare facts instead of political bias all the time?

6 additional persuasive environmental speech topics

Persuasive environmental speech topics to increase the quality of your persuasive communication skills, detailed layouts on Natural Resources, Radio Active Waste Management, and Intensive Farming  are even applicable on essay writing goals.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Examine the opportunities I offer, and assemble you own speaking text based on the sample series of reasons below.

That logic reasoning process in the end will result in a nice and substantial blueprint, and a sample argumentation scheme for a debate on good persuasive environmental speech topics.

Excessive Use of Natural Resources Leads to Depletion In The End.

Radioactive materials are – without exception I would state – firm persuasive environmental speech topics and essay discourse themes for students. E.g.:

Radio Active Waste Management.

Intensive farming has many pros and cons. In the next example I deal with the cons. Note that each of them could be used as single persuasive environmental speech topics for a debate or essay:

The Disadvantages of Intensive Farming.

You also could take the opposite side and defend the pro-intensive farming arguments by attacking and replacing them for reasons in favor of the supporters of intensive farming. That will provoke immediate discussion among your listeners. Furthermore I would like to share alternative options for persuasive environmental speech topics:

  • Endangered species;
  • Marine debris and microplastics;
  • The sea level rise.

Endangered species – The international list of protected animals. E.g. the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN. Sharpen your persuasive communication skills and judge the conditions for protection.

Marine debris and microplastics – More and more are our ocean, seas, lakes and rivers polluted. Littering: plastic bottles, bags, and so on. Persuade your audience to act. Let them support coastal volunteer operations to remove and prevent debris.

The sea level rise – What is bad about it? What are the predictions of meteorologists regarding the reported weather and climate changes? What should we do to stop it? Is it possible to stop the rise of the sea level anyway?

  • The fundamentals of logistics for oil and gas exploration.
  • Wildlife protection programs.
  • Plants, animals and organisms that live in the ocean.
  • The greatest rainforests in the world.
  • Facts and figures of littering in our community
  • Domestic water waste treatment plans.
  • Safety issues of nuclear power plants.
  • Local communities can contribute to maintenance of fragile ecosystems.
  • Global concern about climate change rose dramatically after Al Gore made his documentary.
  • The importance of sustainable development for future generations.
  • What is at stake with greenhouse carbon gas emissions?
  • Water is the upcoming hot issue in the Middle East.
  • Availability and purity of water.
  • The Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai – the smart innovative energy reuser.
  • South-American tropical forests.
  • Global climate change is not only caused by humans.
  • We need a healthy environment.
  • The effects of global warming.
  • Why conserving energy is important.
  • The negative aspects of a polluted environment.
  • The great Pacific garbage patch.
  • The ways that water pollution is harmful.
  • The effects of industrial and household waste.
  • What is global warming?
  • The benefits of organic farming.
  • Why drought is a serious problem.
  • The pollution of today’s world.
  • The importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.
  • The effects of environmental degradation.
  • Why should we save birds.
  • Why we should save the Ganges.
  • How to recycle different materials.

212 Speech Topics For College Students [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu]

414 Funny and Humorous Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu]

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Speech On Environment - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Speech on environment.

The environment is made up of biotic and abiotic components. For the survival of humanity in peace and health, the environment must be kept clean. Environmental damage like the extinction of animals, global warming, and pollution etc is caused by human activity.

10 Line Speech On Environment

The existence and growth of all living organisms on earth, and especially in the daily lives of humans, depend critically on the environment.

Speech On Environment - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

We rely on the environment for our fundamental requirements.

The relationship between the environment and all living things are maintained in a healthy natural cycle.

The well-being of the environment, which supports the survival of humans, marine life, and mammals, is significantly impacted by human societies.

The world we live in is affected by deforestation, pollution, the extinction of many species, and rising temperatures.

Uncontrolled environmental exploitation is a result of an ecological disaster.

Everyone must prioritise keeping the environment clean.

One must propagate information about the value of a clean, green environment and plant more trees.

Utilising products from recycled sources is one of the finest methods to keep our environment clean.

Oil, natural gas, coal, and other resources must not be used. Instead of using finite resources, we can employ renewable resources like wind, biomass, and sunlight.

Short Speech On Environment

Our natural surroundings are referred to as our environment; life originates there. Environment has an impact on every aspect of our lives. It determines how to live and grow and develop in the right ways. Our social lives can be good or awful depending on how well our natural environment is maintained. The atmosphere in which we live has an impact on the needs that humans have for food, water, shelter, and other necessities. Between the environment and the life of people, plants, and animals, there is a balanced natural cycle. The degradation of the natural environment, which harms life on our planet, is due primarily to human society. Every human action directly impacts modern society's entire ecosystem.

Issues like urbanization, deforestation, etc., cause environmental damage. We can make a big difference with our small actions. To conserve the air we breathe, we must make an effort to use public transportation as much as feasible. We must take the proper steps to preserve our natural resources and habitat. Using renewable energy, avoiding plastic bags, planting more trees, and other measures are a few ways we may do this. Nature has so much to offer us. We must participate in programmes for sustainable development while preserving the environment and nature.

Long Speech On Environment

All living things and the habitat in which they live make up our environment. Long-lasting sustainability is a sign of a healthy environment. Everybody's life comes from it. It sets everyone's course in life and dictates how they should develop and flourish. Our environment comprises the five elements of air, water, land, fire, and sky. We have harmed the ecosystem by cutting down the massive number of trees essential to maintaining the environmental cycle, putting up huge polluting industries, hunting and poaching animals that put them in danger, and other things.

Environmental Issues

These include rapid population expansion, decreasing natural resources, disappearing species, salinization in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, shrinking wetlands and forests, soil erosion, and coral reef destruction. Other problems include a decline in biodiversity, the quick extinction of some significant animal species, the collapse of fisheries, an increase in air and water pollution, an increase in global temperature, a thinning of the ozone layer, and the degradation of rivers, seas, and underground resources.

The dangerous chemical emissions and hazardous waste discharge into primary water resources like the Yamuna, Ganga, and other rivers are two of the many adverse effects that increasing industry has on the environment. The issue of an environment that is constantly changing (in a negative way) affects all nations and all levels of government because we are all to blame for this environment's negative decline. Moreover, we are all responsible for preserving our natural environment to ensure life's continued health. Protecting the environment is of utmost importance for today's and tomorrow's generations of humans.

We still need to adapt to our surroundings, despite the profound changes brought about by science and technology regarding how we interact with the natural world. Environment is a part of human society. In an ecosystem where they are interdependent, it is essential to remember that humans are, first and foremost, animals who share a habitat with other animal species. It is up to us to protect the planet and our ecosystem so that people can live here in peace and health.

Our Contribution

The best way to preserve the environment is to educate people about the benefits of the ecosystem and the effects that environmental deterioration will have on us. A significant cause for concern is the earth's warming due to human activity. As the world grows hotter, ice melts, and water levels rise, diseases, famine, and flooding will become serious issues this century if nothing is done. Significant portions of agricultural land will be flooded.

On an individual level, we can stop using plastic straws and bags. We can carry fabric bags and other reusable bags with us while we go shopping. Using palm oil, we can use less merchandise that contributes to extensive deforestation. As large-scale farming produces massive CO2 from livestock emissions and maintenance, consuming less meat will help us leave a smaller carbon footprint. If we all decide to protect the environment, we can leave behind a healthy environment for the next generation.

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Environment Conservation Speech: Class 5th to 10th

writing environment speech

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 18, 2023

writing environment speech

We all learned in Geography that about 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. But did you know only 3% of this total water is fresh water and around 1% is drinkable? In recent years, there have been several global events, from COP Summits to regional Environmental Conservation conferences, where mitigation strategies are discussed to achieve sustainable development. Our father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘There is sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed .’ School students are active participants when it comes to saving the environment and promoting environmentally friendly practices. Below we have given samples for environment conservation speech for school students.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Environment Conservation for Class 5th
  • 1.2 Environment Conservation for Class 8th
  • 1.3 Environment Conservation for Class 10th

Also Read: Speech Writing, Format, Samples, Examples

Environment Conservation Speech for School Students

The natural environment has always faced the burden of harmful human activities. The burning of fossil fuels for energy, clearing of forest cover for agricultural activities, industrial activities, discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere, etc. have put a huge strain on the environment. Environment conservation is a global conservation effort and is divided into different types.

  • Environmental Conservation
  • Animal Conservation
  • Marine Conservation
  • Human Conservation

It is high time, we humans take full responsibility for our actions and take active measures towards environment conservation. Here are some short speeches on environmental conservation for school students.

Environment Conservation for Class 5th

Also read: Short and Long National Unity Day Speech in English

Environment Conservation for Class 8th

Environment conservation for class 10th.

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Environmental Conservation Animal Conservation Marine Conservation Human Conservation

Here are some popular and effective environmental conservation measures: Practice the 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle); Save Water; Plant more and more trees; volunteer in community programs; educate yourself about the environment, etc.

Gandhi once said, ‘There is sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.’ Later on, this became a popular quote.

For more information on such interesting topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Shiva Tyagi

With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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10 Great Speeches on Saving the Environment

It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living. – David Attenborough

Sometimes all you need is a good leader.

Someone to rally the troops and give you a whisper of hope that what you believe is true and is indeed tied to your very soul.  For me that is the sustainability of our environment and being as green as possible during my time on Planet Earth.

Unfortunately not everyone has the ability nor the access to become a leader but ever so often a a gem manages to shine through and put into words everything the rest of us have so often thought but could never say so well.

A speech is often the mouth piece for the rest of us, something to refer to when we feel sad or alone in our quest for a better place or time.

Of course I’m already talking to the converted over here.  We already know how important our environment is, the effort we put into growing our own crops, using less plastic, recycling more or just deciding not to own a car make us the troops that put our fragile environment on the top of our lists.

However I was wondering (apart from the famous Al Gore speech), whether there were any more great speeches I was missing out on?  So I went and had a look and found these really inspiring talks and speeches from people who are as passionate as we are about the environment.

Hope you like them.

Ten Speeches and Talks about Saving the Environment

  • President Obama’s Climate Change Speech: Full Text
  • Okay, not many people like this next man but I am a big fan.  No other member of the Royal Family has done so much to highlight environmental issues, and bring it to the forefront of national media, and I thank him for that.  He’s an advocate for organic produce as well.  And while many see him in a position of great privilege (which of course he is), I always think that he could have spoken and supported anything but he chose something he is clearly very passionate about – the natural world. Prince Charles’ full speech on deforestation and climate change
  • Leonardo DiCaprio at the UN: ‘Climate change is not hysteria – it’s a fact’
  • Dalai Lama – Caring for the Earth

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2 responses to “ 10 Great Speeches on Saving the Environment ”

Thank you for these! Wonderful…

awesome, truly inspirational

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Speech on World Environment Day for Students and Children

Short speech on world environment day.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 globally. It is a day on which we spread awareness about the environment and the need to conserve it. Moreover, it is essential to advocate for a greener environment and conservation of nature. It is quite simple as when we conserve the environment today, the future generations will be able to lead a healthier life. We cannot be so selfish and use up all the resources for ourselves. World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity to make people aware of the issues we are facing and how one can contribute to saving it. Thus, it is quite important in its own way.

speech on world environment day

Importance of World Environment Day

World Environment Day reminds us to strengthen the world and ensure that nature is preserved at all costs. It throws light on the causes which are causing serious harm to our environment. For instance, industries and factories are contributing largely to pollution. They are deteriorating the quality of air that we breathe and the water we consume.

Thus, this day serves as an eye-opener for many citizens who aren’t aware of all this. In other words, it spreads awareness amongst the common people which the environment is facing right now. Moreover, it also encourages the public from different societies and communities to take active participation in celebrating the day.

Further, it also urges them to become active agents in developing environmental safety methods. Not just that, it also encourages everyone to keep their nearby surroundings safe and clean so that everyone can have a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future.

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Every Little Deed Matters

On the occasion of World Environment Day, it is essential for all to realize that every little deed matters when it comes to saving the environment. No matter how small a step you are taking to lead a greener lifestyle, it does make a difference. Because, if everyone starts doing little deeds one by one, it will turn into something big. As the saying goes every drop makes an ocean, it is true in this case as well.

As there are a lot of diseases that originate due to unhygienic living conditions and dirty water, we must begin there. For instance, when water remains stagnant or unclean for long, various insects and bacteria start growing there. This results in deadly diseases like Malaria, Dengue and more. So, we must make sure to cover the tanks, pots, coolers and more which may become a breeding ground for such insects and diseases.

Similarly, we have to talk about the issues of garbage disposal. Especially in our country, people litter around everywhere. It is essential to firstly dispose of waste properly and also segregate the wet and dry waste accordingly.

These little deeds will make you realize how wholesome your life will become. It is not always about the money and luxury, the little fulfilling things and change in habits can also prove to be very effective.

Thus, we have the World Environment Day which serves as a reminder to protect the environment at all costs. All the resources of nature from forests to oceans and soil to air, we must conserve.

To sum it up, always remember that the gifts and blessings which nature endows on us are priceless. It is rather essential to conserve them all for a better future and life for all. Always remember that small steps will help you reach your goal.

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Speech for Students

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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Anchoring Script for World Environment Day [With PDF]

In this season, you will learn how you can write an anchoring script on Environment Day . So, let’s get started. 

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Welcome Speech for World Environment Day (For school/ Educational Institutions)

The environment is the biggest treasure of our life. It is not only just plants and animals but also human beings, the neighborhood, and the institutions which make up our character. Good morning to our respected principal sir/ma’am ( his/ her name), teachers, non-teaching staff, and all our students present here. Today is 5th June, World Environment Day, when the whole world rejoices to celebrate the environment where we are so intrinsic.

The environment is something that cannot be denied. Even the denial of the same will result in tremendous destruction. Recently the statistics show how pollution has increased. Because of this torture and negligence towards the environment that has resulted in our destruction. We are the children of nature and our first and foremost duty lies in the protection of mother nature. Without her air, sunlight, water, flora, and fauna it would have been impossible for us to thrive. Today’s celebration of this blessing of nature which we can never completely pay our debts. 

So let’s begin with our journey today. At first, we would begin with an inaugural song by the students of class (standard of the choir), who will dedicate this song to the essential duties of nature and how she is constantly fulfilling it. I would like to call them on the stage. 

Welcome Speech (For non-Educational Institutions)

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening to our honorable chief guest/ minister/ secretary ( his/her name), our important society members, and all are the participants present here. Today is 5th June, World Environment Day, which we specifically celebrate to honour the beauty that nature is. Every day when we wake up we see how nature plays a vital role in our life. From the wood that we use to make our bed to the water that we drink at the end of our night all belong to nature.

All are gifts of nature including human beings. The plants, animals, insects, and our neighbours, the climate, weather, and the landmass all are natural resources. The coal and petroleum beneath the soil, the strong water current that runs the turbine for electricity, and the pure air that we breathe in our parts of nature. So to celebrate nature we have gathered here today. We will begin our journey today with an inaugural song by (his/her name). 

After the Welcome Song (For School or Educational Institution)

Thank you so much for this wonderful song. It describes so beautifully the essence of nature and how constantly she is at our help. We can never forget how nature is constantly serving us the purpose of our lives. I will thank the choir for this wonderful composition.

And now I will request our respected principal sir/ma’am ( his/ her name) share with us the importance of 5th June and how she feels to share her birthday on such a wonderful occasion. Sir/ ma’am, the stage is all yours.

After the Welcome Song (For Non-Educational Institutions)

It was a lovely song that describes how important nature is in our lives. I thank you heartily for this amazing presentation, ( his/ her name). 

Now I would request our chief guest/ minister/ secretary of ( the name of the institution), ( his/her name) to deliver a speech on this auspicious day. Before he/she comes upon the stage I would like to make a small introduction. ( His/her name) has been long associated with UNO organizations regarding natural care and ecosystem maintenance. He/she has done several campaigns and seminars regarding the preservation and conservation of natural wealth. He/she has even worked in the Sundarbans tiger conservation areas for the protection and preservation of wildlife. It is an honor to have him/ her between us today. I will request him/ her to come on the stage. 

After the Chief Guest’s Speech (For Schools or Educational Institutions)

Thank you so much sir/ma’am for this energetic speech. You can have your seat and enjoy the rest of the program with us. What sir/ ma’am said is so perfectly true. We always say that we need to respect nature. Yet in our practical life we hardly ever do so. How often do we plant a tree or protect one from being cut down? If we think deeply then we never actually do so and end up complaining that nature is getting polluted. It is our duty like all other national duties to look after our environment. 

And now we will proceed with our next performance. A semi-classical dance stage by (his/her name). A big round of applause for him/her.

After the Chief Guest’s Speech (For Non-educational Institutions)

Thank you so much sir/ma’am for this boosting speech. It is always an honor to have you within us. Sadly enough sir/ma’am will not be able to continue this program with us because of his extremely busy schedule. We would honor him with a memento, sash, and a bouquet. I will request our head to hand over the honor to him/ her

And now we will move on with our next performance. It is a solo dance performance on semi-classical steps by one of our talented members (his/her name). A big round of applause for him/ her. 

After the Dance Performance (For Schools or Educational Institutions)

Thank you so much, (his/her name) for such a lovely performance. It’s truly magnificent to have you on different occasions. Your performance is quite blissful to lift our moods. 

When I was a child I remember my school organizing a specific event on 5th June. That was planting a seed or a sapling. Throughout the year we have to practice plantations. There were several classes where we learned the preservation and cleaning of a seed, how to properly sow the seed, and how to properly displace one sapling from one pot to another.

It was a meticulous and entertaining task to learn to care for nature. One such event has been organized today as well.  All of you will be given a packet of seeds, soil, and a pot. All you will have to do is to carefully plant the seed and write your name on the paper provided and stick it on the pot. These sports will be preserved in our school gallery and will be given back to the students once they have bloomed. So let’s start. 

After the Dance Performance (For Non-educational Institutions)

The dance was beautiful and quite charming in the way it showcased the beauty of nature. Thank you so much for this performance. You can have your seat. 

Now we will give a break to the continuous row of performances and move on to some activity. We have all been aware of how several places planting saplings and seeds are considered a noble profession. In European countries, in fact, due to the lack of greenery, many people encourage young children to participate in such planting programs. It not only increases our natural wealth but also makes green preservation a good habit among children.

So today for the children of our society we have arranged something similar. All of you will receive a pot filled with soil, a seed, water, and a piece of paper. All you will do is plant the seed into the soil and water it adequately and then write your name on the paper and stick it on your pot. Once the sapling grows it will be returned to you for its care. So come on everyone, let’s do some quick planting. 

After the Planting Session (For Both Educational and Non-educational Institutions)

Now tell me everyone did you not enjoy this entire procedure? This has been the happiest experience of my life. Planting a small seed with the wish that it will one day grow into a plant is the biggest satisfaction of life. I hope all of you will enjoy this more once the plants start growing. 

For 5th June we organized a drawing competition a month ago with the theme “environment- our protector”. Many children have participated in it and all of them have drawn wonderfully. It was difficult to choose only some of them as winners. But it has to be done. Yet I will say do not be sad because your pictures will be on full display in our gallery for the next week. After that, it will be preserved with us or returned to you if you wish. So now I will declare the winners. The second runner-up is (his/her name), the first runner-up is (his/ her name), and the winner is (his/ her name). Congratulations to all of you. 

Ending Speech

Finally, we have arrived at the end of today’s program. It was wonderful to see so many of you participate and gather in the planting session and live by the idea that nature is our life. I wish that those who are here today will definitely take with themselves this moral of taking care of the green. With this note, I wish you all a good day. 

Note: This is a demo anchoring script on Environment day from which you can derive a basic idea of writing such scripts for any annual function. Feel free to customize this anchoring script as per your specific requirements. 

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Speech on Environment for Students in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Environment for Students: We have provided various speeches on the environment for the students. World Environment Day speech brings out the urgency and importance of collective action in safeguarding our planet, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and the need for sustainable solutions. All the environment speech is written using very simple and easy words. Speeches are written in various words according to the student’s needs and requirements. You can select any of the speeches given below according to the time limit of 3 mins, 5 mins, etc.

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Long and Short Speech on Environment in English

Environment speech 1.

Good Morning Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As of today, the whole school has been assembled here for this beautiful occasion of World Environment Day, which is celebrated on 5 th June every year; I would like to say a few words dedicated to the environment.

The environment is the surroundings made from five elements: Air, Water, Land, Sky, and Fire for us to flourish. It has always been said that only earth has the most favorable climatic conditions to help us survive. We should be very grateful to the earth that we have been provided with such a great environment with everything in its nature that helps us thrive. But day by day, we are ruining it on the highest pitch that will eventually lead us towards our destruction.

We should understand the importance of the natural environment, try to deduce our non-eco-friendly activities, and imperatively plant as many trees as possible and save water, which are the two biggest issues.

Thank you, and have a nice day!

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Environment Speech 2

Hon’ble Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As this special assembly has been called to address the biggest issue these days regarding our environment, I would like to express my views on it. The world has recognized that our environment is not as it was before. Drastic changes have occurred in a few years, such as climatic changes, increment in natural disasters, etc., all due to our changing lifestyle.

Our environment consists of 5 elements- Air, Water, Land, Fire, and Sky and we have disturbed the process of the entire ecosystem by cutting the vast amount of trees that contribute the most to balancing the environmental cycle, installment of large polluting industries, hunting/poaching of animals leading towards their endangerment, etc.

Out of this, the question arises what kind of future we want or what kind of future we will hand over to our next generations? Is this the kind of development we all have dreamt about? Walking with a mask on our faces, struggling in floods and earthquakes, destruction of animals who aren’t even aware of what’s happening.

Now, this is high time we need to recognize the importance of our natural environment and try every possible action towards saving it, from saving water to planting trees.

Environment Speech 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers, and my dear friends. The topic of my speech is Environment. The environment is the surrounding in which we live. It is the source of life. Our whole life is dependent on the environment. It directs our life and determines our proper growth and development.

The good or bad quality of social life depends on our natural environment. Human beings need food, water, shelter, and other things depending on their environment. A balanced natural cycle exists between the environment and the lives of humans, plants, and animals. Human society plays a vital role in degenerating the natural environment, negatively affecting this planet’s lives. All the human actions in this modern world directly impact the whole ecosystem.

All the actions have brought a big change to this planet, resulting in many environmental problems. The increasing demand for technologies and industries in modern times impacts nature. The growing invention for new technologies has changed the interaction of people with an environment, which permits more populations to grow.

Modern technologies have immense power and have altered the whole environment in an unimagined way. The indiscriminate use of the environment is the root of the ecological crisis. Such continuous increases in technologies and human behavior are correspondingly very serious. Such amazing technologies became the reason for economic growth in the 20 th century; however, they dramatically affected natural resources.

Environmental problems include rapid growth in world population, deteriorating natural resources, diminishing forests and wetlands, erosion of soil and coral reefs, depleting underground water, regular shortage of fresh drinking water, vanishing plants, and salinization in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Some other issues are loss of biodiversity, rapid extinction of some important animal species, collapse of fisheries, rising air and water pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, thinning of ozone layer, spoiling rivers, seas and underground resources.

Even though science and technology have radically altered the terms of adaptation to the nature, we still need to adapt to the environment. Human society is embedded in an environment. We must not forget that the human being is first and foremost an animal, sharing living space with other animal species in an environment on which they are mutually dependent. It is our responsibility to save our environment and earth and make the possibility of healthy and happy life here.

Environment Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers, and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech over Environment. To run life in a healthy, happy way, we all need a healthy and natural environment. Continuously increasing the human population adversely affects the forests. Human beings are cutting forests to a great extent to make their home live securely; however, they do not think of the problems arising from the lack of forests.

It completely disturbs the natural cycle between the environment and life on the earth. Because of the over-population, the number of various chemical elements is increasing in the atmosphere which ultimately causes irregular rainfall and global warming. We cannot imagine the negative effects of global warming on the climate and the lives of human beings and other living species.

According to the research, it is found that the perennial snow mountains of Tibet were covered by thick snow in the past; however, those thick snows are getting very thin day by day over the last few decades because of global warming. Such a condition is a very dangerous situation and an indication of the end of life on earth, which needs to be taken very seriously by all countries worldwide. It is very true that climate change goes very slow; the however, slow continuous process is very dangerous.

Because of the regular changes in the environment physical structure of human beings and other living species has been changed from generation to generation. Increasing human population needs more land for agricultural cultivation and living purpose, which force them to cut more trees and forests, so deforestation has its dangerous side effects.

The increasing the level of industrialization has countless harmful effects on the atmosphere because of the poisonous chemical emissions and dangerous waste drainage in the big water resources such as the Yamuna, Ganga, and other rivers. The ever-changing (negatively) environment is not the issue of only some countries or government; it is the issue of whole human fraternity because we all are the reason of this negatively declining environment, so we all are responsible to save our natural environment for the healthy survival of life on the earth.

Protecting the atmosphere is a matter of high importance for all the present and future generations of mankind. The main purpose of my speech today over the environment is only to increase the public awareness among common people about the reasons of declining environment as well as need of healthy and natural environment for the life on earth. So, it is my humble request to all of you that you please contribute to saving your environment.

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Environment Speech 5

Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to give a speech on the Environment to increase awareness among the public about the negatively changing environment. An environment is the natural surrounding which covers and protects us from the natural disasters.

However, our healthy and natural environment is getting worse daily and taking the form of demons affecting everything from non-living to living being we know is two types of environ: natural environment and built environment. The natural environment is one that exists naturally, and the one for which man is responsible such as cities etc., is called the built environment. There are many natural and unnatural factors polluting the whole natural atmosphere.

Some of the natural factors like volcanoes, floods, etc. are the reasons for the declining environment. However, manmade reasons are more rampant caused due to reckless and caustic human nature are highly responsible for the environmental pollution. Self centred human activities are highly responsible for the destruction of the environment. Other environmental threats like forest degradation, global warming, pollution, etc. are the reasons for environmental degradation. Continuous increasing temperature of the earth’s surface in the atmosphere because of the many human-made and natural means calls to the various natural calamities causing disturbance to a great extent to the healthy and common life of human and all other living beings.

Our natural environment has become hugely changed in the last few decades and has taken the form of a big and powerful demon affecting the lives of people every single moment. Nature has made everything to run in balance with the natural cycle however many factors causes environmental corrosion. The factors like population growth and economic advancement are considered as the major factors giving rise to many other secondary factors.

We must understand the importance of ecological balance and try our best to run it naturally to prevent the effects of environmental disasters and promote a a healthy environment. We should promote common public in our surroundings for a clean and green environment to prove the meaning of proverbs life “won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.”

Environment Speech 6

Hi all, I would like to say good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers, and my dear friends. As we all know that we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to speak over the environment of our continuously declining environment so that we all together can be successful in saving our environment by taking some effective steps. As we know that we live on the planet of the earth, having different types of surroundings called environments within which we can eat healthily, breathe freshly, and live safely.

However, what happens to our lives if any means of natural or manmade causes of environment degradation occurs? We cannot imagine the extent of loss to the human and other living beings’ existence. The ecology balance and natural cycles has become disturbed which is very hard to bring back and give it a natural shape. However, there is a common “saying that “prevention is better than cure,” so we never get tired of trying our best to save the environment.

The physical environment on this planet provides all of us a favorable required condition and supports the existence and growth of various forms of life The nature provides natural or physical environment however all forms of the living beings together constitute another environment called biological environment. Both environments are closely connected and make a unique natural system for the life survival. If the biological environment gets disturbed, the physical environment automatically gets disturbed, and both hugely affect human lives together.

Another environment that is completely dependent on human is the socio-cultural environment made by human beings. Whatever environment is, it must be healthy, safe and secure to continue the evergreen life on the earth in present and future.

We should realize our mistakes and concern about the environment in order to keep it clean, safe and secure for a healthy life. Many human activities like deforestation, industrialization, technological improvements, and so many others are leading our environment towards danger and keeping lives at risk by influencing the growth, development, and survival of all organisms.

Various types of environmental pollution, such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, etc., are disturbing the ecosystem and causing a variety of health hazards to human beings and animals. Environmental pollution damages the ecosystem and destroying the delicate balance of the natural ecosystem. So, nowadays environmental pollution is a matter of great concern and consideration for which we all together follow some effective steps and carry on until problems get solved completely.

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FAQs about Speech on the Environment

What is environment 10 lines.

The environment refers to the surroundings in which organisms live and interact. It includes the air, water, land, and all living organisms. It plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth. Human activities, such as pollution and deforestation, have a significant impact on the environment. Conservation and protection of the environment are essential for the well-being of current and future generations. Biodiversity is a key aspect of the environment, encompassing various species and ecosystems. Climate change is a pressing environmental concern caused by the release of greenhouse gases. Sustainable practices aim to balance human needs with environmental preservation. Environmental education and awareness are crucial for responsible stewardship. International efforts and agreements, like the Paris Agreement, address global environmental challenges.

How do you start an English speech on environment Day?

To start an English speech on Environment Day, you can begin with a powerful quote, a thought-provoking statistic, or a personal anecdote related to the environment. For example, 'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Imagine a world where clean air and pure water are luxuries, where lush green forests are disappearing, and species are vanishing at an alarming rate. Today, I stand before you on World Environment Day to shed light on the critical issues our planet faces and the urgent need for collective action.'

What is the theme for Environment Day?

The theme for Environment Day varies each year, promoting different environmental issues.

Why is 5th June celebrated as World Environment Day?

June 5th is celebrated as World Environment Day because it marks the day when the United Nations established it in 1972. The purpose of this day is to raise global awareness about environmental issues and encourage people, governments, and organizations to take positive actions to protect and preserve the environment. Each year, a different theme is chosen to focus on specific environmental challenges, making it a day of reflection and action for the planet.

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Environment Speech

We have provided various speech on environment for the students. All the environment speech are written using very simple and easy words. Speeches are written in wide range of words capacity according to the students need and requirement. You can select any of the speeches given below according to the time limit of 3 mins, 5 mins, etc.

Long and Short Speech on Environment in English

Environment speech 1.

Good Morning Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As today, the whole school has been assembled here for this beautiful occasion of World Environment Day that is celebrated on 5 th June every year; I would like to say a few words dedicated to the environment.

The environment is the surroundings made from five elements namely- Air, Water, Land, Sky, and Fire for us to flourish. It has been always said that only earth has the most favourable climatic conditions that help us to survive. We should be very grateful towards the earth that we have been provided with such a great environment that has everything in its nature which helps us to thrive. But day by day we are ruining it on the highest pitch that will eventually lead us towards our destruction.

We should understand the importance of the natural environment and try to deduce our non-eco-friendly activities and imperatively plant as many trees as we can and save water that is the two biggest issues.

Thank you and have a nice day!


Environment Speech 2

Hon’ble Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As this special assembly has been called for addressing the biggest issue these days regarding our environment, I would like to express my views on it. It has been recognized by the entire world that our environment is not as it was before. There are drastic changes that have been occurred since few years such as climatic changes, increment in natural disasters, etc all due to our changing lifestyle.

Our environment consists of 5 elements- Air, Water, Land, Fire and Sky and we have disturbed the process of entire ecosystem by cutting the vast amount of trees who contributes the most in balancing the environmental cycle, installment of large polluting industries, hunting/poaching of animals leading towards their endangerment, etc.

Out of this, the question arises is that what kind of future we want or what kind of future we are going to hand over to our next generations? Is this the kind of development we all have dreamt about? Walking with a mask on our faces, struggle in floods and earthquakes, destruction of animals who aren’t even aware of what’s happening around.

Now this is the high time where we need to recognize the importance of our natural environment and try every possible action towards saving it from saving water to planting trees.

Environment Speech 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. The topic of my speech is Environment. Environment is the surrounding in which we live. It is the source of life. Our whole life is dependent to the environment. It directs our life and determines our proper growth and development.

Good or bad quality of social life depends on the quality of our natural environment. The need of human beings for food, water, shelter and other things depends on the environment around us. There is a balanced natural cycle exists between environment and lives of human beings, plants and animals. Human society is playing vital role in degenerating the natural environment which in turn negatively affects the lives on this planet. All the human actions in this modern world directly impact the whole ecosystem.

All the actions have brought a big change in this planet which resulted in many environmental problems. Increasing demand of technologies and industries in the modern time impacts the nature. The increasing invention of new technologies has changed the interaction of people with environment which permits more population to grow.

The modern technologies have immense power which has altered the whole environment in an unimagined way. The indiscriminate use of environment is the root of ecological crisis. Such continuous increase in the technologies and human behaviour are correspondingly very serious. Such amazing technologies have become the reason of economic growth in 20 th century however it had dramatically affected the natural resources.

Some of the environmental problems are rapid growth in world population, deteriorating natural resources, diminishing forests and wetlands, erosion of soil and coral reefs, depleting underground water, regular shortage of fresh drinking water, vanishing plants, salinization in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East. Some other issues are loss of biodiversity, rapid extinction of some important animal species, collapse of fisheries, rising air and water pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, thinning of ozone layer, spoiling rivers, seas and underground resources.

Even though science and technology have radically altered the terms of adaptation to the nature, we still need to adapt to the environment. Human society is embedded in an environment. We must not forget that the human being is first and foremost an animal, sharing living space with other animal species in an environment on which they are mutually dependent. It is our responsibility to save our environment and earth and make the possibility of healthy and happy life here.

Environment Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech over Environment. To run the life in healthy happy way, we all need a healthy and natural environment. Continuously increasing human population adversely affects the forests. Human beings are cutting forests to a great extent for making their home to live securely however they do not think of the problems arises due to the lack of forests.

It completely disturbs the natural cycle between environment and life on the earth. Because of the over-population, the number of various chemical elements is increasing in the atmosphere which ultimately causes irregular rainfall and global warming. We cannot imagine the negative effects of global warming over the climate and lives of human beings and other living species.

According to the research it is found that the perennial snow mountains of the Tibet were totally covered by the thick snow in the past however those thick snows are getting very thin day by day over last few decades because of the global warming. Such condition is very dangerous situation and indication of end of life on earth which needs to be taken very seriously by all countries worldwide. It is very true that climate change goes very slow however slow continuous process is very dangerous.

Because of the regular changes in the environment physical structure of the human beings and other living species has been changed from generation to generation. Increasing human population needs more land for agricultural cultivation and living purpose which force them to cut more trees and forests so the deforestation has its own dangerous side effects.

Increasing level of industrialization has countless harmful effects on the atmosphere because of the poisonous chemical emissions and dangerous wastes drainage in the big water resources such as Yamuna, Ganga, and other rivers. The ever changing (negatively) environment is not the issue of only some countries or government; it is the issue of whole human fraternity because we all are the reason of this negatively declining environment so we all are responsible to save our natural environment for the healthy survival of life on the earth.

Protecting the atmosphere is the matter of high importance for all the present and future generations of mankind. The main purpose of my speech today over the environment is only to increase the public awareness among common people about the reasons of declining environment as well as need of healthy and natural environment for the life on earth. So, it is my humble request to all of you that please contribute to save your environment.

Environment Speech 5

Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech on the Environment to increase awareness among public about the negatively changing environment. An environment is the natural surrounding which covers and protects us from the natural disasters.

However, our healthy and natural environment is getting worse day by day and taking the form of demon affecting everything from non-living to living beings. What we know is two types of environment called natural environment and built environment. The natural environment is one which exists naturally and the one for which man is responsible such as cities etc is called built environment. There are many natural and unnatural factors polluting the whole natural atmosphere.

Some of the natural factors like volcanoes, flood, etc are the reasons of declining environment. However, manmade reasons are more rampant caused due to the reckless and the caustic human nature are highly responsible for the environmental pollution. Self centred human activities are highly responsible for the destruction of the environment. Other environmental threats like forests degradation, global warming, pollution, etc are the reasons of environment degradation. Continuous increasing temperature of the earth surface in the atmosphere because of the many human made and natural means calls to the various natural calamities causing disturbance to a great extent to the healthy and common life of human and all other living beings.

Our natural environment has become hugely changed in the last few decades and has taken form of big and powerful demon affecting the lives of people every single moment. Nature has made everything to run in balance with the natural cycle however many factors causes environmental corrosion. The factors like population growth and economic advancement are considered as the major factors giving rise to many other secondary factors.

We must understand the importance of ecological balance and try our best to run it naturally in order to prevent the effects of environmental disasters and promote the existence of healthy environment. We should promote common public in our surroundings for the clean and green environment to prove the meaning of proverb like “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment”.

Environment Speech 6

First of all I would like to say good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers, and my dear friends. As we all know that we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech over the environment in order to make you aware of our continuously declining environment so that we all together can be successful in saving our environment by taking some effective steps. As we know that we live on the planet of earth having different types of surroundings called environment within which we can eat healthy, breathe freshly, and live safely.

However, what happens to our lives if any means of natural or manmade causes of environment degradation takes place, we cannot imagine the extent of loss to the human and other living beings existence. The ecology balance and natural cycles has become disturbed which is very hard to bring back and give it a natural shape. However, there is a common saying that “prevention is better than cure”, so we never gets tired of trying our best to save the environment.

Physical environment on this planet provides all of us a favourable required condition and supports the existence and growth of various forms of life here. Natural or physical environment is provided by the nature however all forms of the living beings together constitute another environment called biological environment. Both of the environments are closely connected to each other and make a unique natural system for the life survival. If the biological environment gets disturbed, physical environment automatically gets disturbed and both hugely affect the human lives together.

Another environment which is completely depending on the human is socio-cultural environment made by the human beings. Whatever environment is, it must be healthy, safe and secure to continue the evergreen life on the earth in present and future.

We should realize our mistakes and concern about the environment in order to keep it clean, safe and secure for the healthy life. Many of the human activities like deforestation, industrialization, technological improvements and so many are leading our environment towards danger and keeping lives at risk by influencing the growth, development and survival of all organisms.

Various types of environmental pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, etc are disturbing the ecosystem and causing variety of health hazards to the human beings and animals. Environmental pollution is damaging the ecosystem and destroying the delicate balance of the natural ecosystem. So, now-a-days environmental pollution is the matter of great concern and consideration for which we all together follow some effective steps and carry on until problems gets solved completely.

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  • Speech On Environmental Pollution

Speech on Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is an issue of grave concern. Day by day, the condition is getting worse, and it’s high time to take action. Read the following article, collect maximum ideas, and develop a comprehensive speech about pollution in our environment – one of the interesting speech topics for kids .

Table of Contents

Environmental pollution speech in english, two-minute speech on environmental pollution, one-minute speech on environmental pollution, top quotes to use in a speech on environmental pollution, frequently asked questions on environmental pollution, sample speeches on environmental pollution.

A couple of sample speeches are given below. Go through them and utilise the resource to prepare a short speech on pollution.

What is pollution? Pollution can be defined as the introduction of unwanted harmful substances into the earth that brings adverse effects on the environment and living organisms. It destroys the ecological balance. There are mainly six types of environmental pollution and they are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, and radioactive pollution.

Air pollution can be defined as the mixing of external harmful gases and particles in the atmosphere. It is caused by the release of contaminants like toxic gases, chemicals, and other particulate matter. The impact of air pollution can be severe; it varies from person to person. Air pollution impoverishes our lives by causing global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion and increasing the risk of cancer, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, etc.

Water pollution is caused by the illogical waste management of human beings. Contaminants are introduced into the water bodies by human activities like disposing of untreated industrial sewages, agricultural runoffs with fertilisers and pesticides, dumping of solid wastes, etc. Water pollution is a great threat to marine life. Disrupting marine life affects our food cycle and damages our ecosystem.

The contamination of soil due to the presence of chemicals or other harmful particles is called soil pollution. It, directly and indirectly, affects our lives. Excessive use of chemicals like pesticides and fertilisers for agricultural production, mining, improper waste disposal, and acid rain are some of the major causes of soil pollution. As a result of soil pollution, the soil loses its fertility and deteriorates natural vegetation. It adversely affects the organisms residing in the soil, degrades agricultural productivity, and even results in famine.

Noise pollution is caused by the excessive amounts of noise in our environment. Noise pollution is generally man-made, and it badly affects the natural balance of our ecosystem. Any sound which is over 85 decibels is harmful to human health. Due to globalisation and industrialisation, the level of noise pollution in our environment has increased drastically. Some of the main contributors to noise pollution are machinery used in industries, noise emitted by vehicles, sounds produced during construction work, noise during public festivals and social events, etc. Noise pollution has become a major issue for many developed and developing nations. As a consequence, people are facing sleeping disorders, hearing loss, hypertension, stress-related illnesses, etc.

Thermal pollution is caused by the sudden increase or decrease of the temperature of a natural body of water. Industrial machinery and power plants are the major contributors to thermal pollution. For the process of cooling machinery, water from nature is collected and used. But after this mechanism, the temperature of the water gets altered. By pumping back the water, the thermal balance of the natural source of water becomes affected and results in thermal pollution. It changes the oxygen level and destroys ecosystems.

The pollution caused by the release of radioactive substances into the environment during nuclear explosions, nuclear weapon production and decommissioning, mining of radioactive ores, and disposal of radioactive wastes are called radioactive pollution.

All this pollution has had a great impact on our lives. Many environmental catastrophes like global warming, acid rain, famine, drought, earthquakes, etc., are the returns given to us by earth for our greed. If we continue to pollute, then be ready to face the end.

Environmental pollution is one of the most troubling global issues. It is caused by the harmful effect of pollutants that are discharged into the environment by the irrational actions of human beings. The actions of such pollutants badly affect our environment and transform it into an unhealthy place to live. Environmental pollution can be stated as the unfavourable alteration of our environment with severe long term consequences. Improper waste management, exploitation of natural resources, and urban-industrial technological revolutions are considered some of the main causes for environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution is a global issue, and it is not at all a new term to any of us. The phenomenon has been here for many decades, but the solution still remains obscure. The wheel of time is spinning over human beings and nature. Nature will always find its way to survive, and it’s our only hope. Like the words of John James Audubon, “A true conservationist is a man who knows that his fathers do not give the world, but borrowed from his children”, let’s realise that the conservation of our environment is never a choice but an urgency for our future.

The aftereffects of environmental pollution are intolerable. It results in the loss of vegetation, irregular functioning of the ecosystem, loss of biodiversity, and poses a threat to human life. Any pollution that brings undesirable changes to the environment can be listed as environmental pollution. The types of pollution vary depending on the nature and the component on which the pollutant marks its effect.

Nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, mercury, CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds are some of the harmful pollutants that cause environmental pollution.

  • “Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.” – Barry Commoner.
  • “Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.” – Evo Morales.
  • “Where the quality of life goes down for the environment, the quality of life goes down for humans.” – George Holland.
  • “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
  • “The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.” – Richard Rogers.
  • “Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.” – Jacques Yves Cousteau.
  • “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to be dispersed because we’ve been ignorant of their value.” – R. Buckminster Fuller.
  • “Pollution is a serious one: water pollution, air pollution, and then solid hazardous waste pollution. And then, beyond that, we also have the resources issue. Not just water resources but other natural resources, the mining resources being consumed, and the destruction of our ecosystem.” – Ma Jun.
  • “We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” – Aldo Leopold.
  • “The ecological crisis is doing what no other crisis in history has ever done — challenging us to a realisation of a new humanity.” – Jean Houston.

What is environmental pollution, and what are the main pollutants?

Environmental pollution can be stated as the unfavourable alteration of our environment with severe long term consequences. It is caused by the harmful effect of pollutants that are discharged into the environment by the irrational actions of human beings. Any pollution that brings undesirable changes to the environment can be listed as environmental pollution. Nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, mercury, CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds are some of the harmful pollutants that cause environmental pollution.

What is pollution?

Pollution can be defined as the introduction of unwanted harmful substances into the earth that brings adverse effects on the environment and living organisms. It destroys the ecological balance. There are mainly six types of environmental pollution and they are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, and radioactive pollution.

What is soil pollution?

The contamination of soil due to the presence of chemicals or other harmful particles is called soil pollution. It, directly and indirectly, affects our lives. Excessive use of chemicals like pesticides and fertilisers for agricultural production, mining, improper waste disposal, and acid rain are some of the major causes of soil pollution.

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Commencement 2024

Honorary degree recipient Ken Burns gives the Commencement address during the Undergraduate Commencement ceremony

Honorary degree recipient Ken Burns delivers the Undergraduate Commencement speech at Brandeis University's 73rd Commencement Exercises on May 19, 2024.

Brandeisian, love it.

President Liebowitz, Ron, Chair Lisa Kranc, and other members of the board of trustees, Provost Carol Fierke, fellow honorees, distinguished faculty and staff, proud and relieved parents, calm and serene grandparents, distracted but secretly pleased siblings, ladies and gentlemen, graduating students of the class of 2024, good morning.

I am deeply honored and privileged that you have asked me here to say a few words at such a momentous occasion that you might find what I have to say worthy of your attention on so important a day in all of your lives. Thank you for this honor.

Listen, I am in the business of history. It is not always a happy subject on college campuses these days, particularly when forces seem determined to eliminate or water down difficult parts of our past, particularly when the subject may seem to sum an anachronistic and irrelevant pursuit, and particularly with the ferocious urgency this moment seems to exert on us. It is my job, however, to remind people of the power our past also exerts, to help us better understand what's going on now with compelling story, memory, and anecdote. It is my job to try to discern patterns and themes from history to enable us to interpret our dizzying and sometimes dismaying present.

For nearly 50 years now, I have diligently practiced and rigorously tried to maintain a conscious neutrality in my work, avoiding advocacy if I could, trying to speak to all of my fellow citizens. Over those many decades I've come to understand a significant fact, that we are not condemned to repeat, as the saying goes, what we don't remember. That is a beautiful, even poetic phrase, but not true. Nor are there cycles of history as the academic community periodically promotes. The Old Testament, Ecclesiastes to be specific, got it right, I think. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. What those lines suggest is that human nature never changes or almost never changes. We continually superimpose that complex and contradictory human nature over the seemingly random chaos of events, all of our inherent strengths and weaknesses, our greed and generosity, our puritanism and our prurience, our virtue, and our venality parade before our eyes, generation after generation after generation. This often gives us the impression that history repeats itself. It does not. "No event has ever happened twice, it just rhymes," Mark Twain is supposed to have said. I have spent all of my professional life on the lookout for those rhymes, drawn inexorably to that power of history. I am interested in listening to the many varied voices of a true, honest, complicated past that is unafraid of controversy and tragedy, but equally drawn to those stories and moments that suggest an abiding faith in the human spirit, and particularly the unique role this remarkable and sometimes also dysfunctional republic seems to play in the positive progress of mankind.

During the course of my work, I have become acquainted with hundreds if not thousands of those voices. They have inspired, haunted, and followed me over the years. Some of them may be helpful to you as you try to imagine and make sense of the trajectory of your lives today.

Listen, listen. In January of 1838, shortly before his 29th birthday, a tall, thin lawyer prone to bouts of debilitating depression addressed the young men's lyceum in Springfield, Illinois. "At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?" He asked his audience, "Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic military giant to step the earth and crush us at a blow?" Then he answered his own question. "Never. All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time or die by suicide." It is a stunning, remarkable statement, one that has animated my own understanding of the American experience since I first read it more than 40 years ago. That young man was of course Abraham Lincoln, and he would go on to preside over the closest this country has ever come to near national suicide, our civil war, and yet embedded in his extraordinary, disturbing, and prescient words is also a fundamental optimism that implicitly acknowledges the geographical forcefield two mighty oceans east and west and two relatively benign neighbors north and south have provided for us since the British burned the White House in the War of 1812 and inspired Francis Scott Key.

Lincoln's words that day suggest what is so great and so good about the people who happen to inhabit this lucky and exquisite country of ours. That's the world you now inherit: our work ethic and our restlessness, our innovation and our improvisation, our communities and our institutions of higher learning, our suspicion of power. The fact that we seem resolutely dedicated to parsing the meaning between individual and collective freedom; What I want versus what we need. That we are all so dedicated to understanding what Thomas Jefferson really meant when he wrote that mysterious phrase, "The pursuit of happiness". Hint, it happens right here in the lifelong learning and perpetual improvement this university is committed to.

But the isolation of those two oceans has also helped to incubate habits and patterns less beneficial to us: our devotion to money and guns and conspiracies, our certainty about everything, our stubborn insistence on our own exceptionalism blinding us to that which needs repair, especially with regard to race and ethnicity. Our preoccupation with always making the other wrong at an individual as well as a global level. I am reminded of what the journalist I.F. Stone once said to a young acolyte who was profoundly disappointed in his mentor's admiration for Thomas Jefferson. "It's because history is tragedy," Stone admonished him, "Not melodrama." It's the perfect response. In melodrama all villains are perfectly villainous and all heroes are perfectly virtuous, but life is not like that. You know that in your guts and nor is our history like that. The novelist, Richard Powers recently wrote that, "The best arguments in the world," — and ladies and gentlemen, that's all we do is argue — "the best arguments in the world," he said, "Won't change a single person's point of view. The only thing that can do that is a good story." I've been struggling for most of my life to do that, to try to tell good, complex, sometimes contradictory stories, appreciating nuance and subtlety and undertow, sharing the confusion and consternation of unreconciled opposites.

But it's clear as individuals and as a nation we are dialectically preoccupied. Everything is either right or wrong, red state or blue state, young or old, gay or straight, rich or poor, Palestinian or Israeli, my way or the highway. Everywhere we are trapped by these old, tired, binary reactions, assumptions, and certainties. For filmmakers and faculty, students and citizens, that preoccupation is imprisoning. Still, we know and we hear and we express only arguments, and by so doing, we forget the inconvenient complexities of history and of human nature. That, for example, three great religions, their believers, all children of Abraham, each professing at the heart of their teaching, a respect for all human life, each with a central connection to and legitimate claim to the same holy ground, violate their own dictates of conduct and make this perpetually contested land a shameful graveyard. God does not distinguish between the dead. "Could you?"

[Audience applauding]

"Could you?" A very wise person I know with years of experience with the Middle East recently challenged me, "Could you hold the idea that there could be two wrongs and two rights?"

Listen, listen. In a filmed interview I conducted with the writer James Baldwin, more than 40 years ago, he said, "No one was ever born who agreed to be a slave, who accepted it. That is, slavery is a condition imposed from without. Of course, the moment I say that," Baldwin continued, "I realize that multitudes and multitudes of people for various reasons of their own enslave themselves every hour of every day to this or that doctrine, this or that delusion of safety, this or that lie. Anti-Semites, for example," he went on, "are slaves to a delusion. People who hate Negroes are slaves. People who love money are slaves. We are living in a universe really of willing slaves, which makes the concept of liberty and the concept of freedom so dangerous," he finished. Baldwin is making a profoundly psychological and even spiritual statement, not just a political or racial or social one. He knew, just as Lincoln knew, that the enemy is often us. We continue to shackle ourselves with chains we mistakenly think is freedom.

Another voice, Mercy Otis Warren, a philosopher and historian during our revolution put it this way, "The study of the human character at once opens a beautiful and a deformed picture of the soul. We there find a noble principle implanted in the nature of people, but when the checks of conscience are thrown aside, humanity is obscured." I have had the privilege for nearly half a century of making films about the US, but I have also made films about us. That is to say the two letter, lowercase, plural pronoun. All of the intimacy of "us" and also "we" and "our" and all of the majesty, complexity, contradiction, and even controversy of the US. And if I have learned anything over those years, it's that there's only us. There is no them. And whenever someone suggests to you, whomever it may be in your life that there's a them, run away. Othering is the simplistic binary way to make and identify enemies, but it is also the surest way to your own self imprisonment, which brings me to a moment I've dreaded and forces me to suspend my longstanding attempt at neutrality.

There is no real choice this November. There is only the perpetuation, however flawed and feeble you might perceive it, of our fragile 249-year-old experiment or the entropy that will engulf and destroy us if we take the other route. When, as Mercy Otis Warren would say, "The checks of conscience are thrown aside and a deformed picture of the soul is revealed." The presumptive Republican nominee is the opioid of all opioids, an easy cure for what some believe is the solution to our myriad pains and problems. When in fact with him, you end up re-enslaved with an even bigger problem, a worse affliction and addiction, "a bigger delusion", James Baldwin would say, the author and finisher of our national existence, our national suicide as Mr. Lincoln prophesies. Do not be seduced by easy equalization. There is nothing equal about this equation. We are at an existential crossroads in our political and civic lives. This is a choice that could not be clearer.

Listen, listen. 33 years ago, the world lost a towering literary figure. The novelist and storyteller, not arguer, Isaac Bashevis Singer. For decades he wrote about God and myth and punishment, fate and sexuality, family and history. He wrote in Yiddish a marvelously expressive language, sad and happy all at the same time. Sometimes maddeningly all knowing, yet resigned to God's seemingly capricious will. It is also a language without a country, a dying language in a world more interested in the extermination or isolation of its long suffering speakers. Singer, writing in the pages of the Jewish Daily Forward help to keep Yiddish alive. Now our own wonderfully mongrel American language is punctuated with dozens of Yiddish words and phrases, parables and wise sayings, and so many of those words are perfect onomatopoeias of disgust and despair, hubris and humor. If you've ever met a schmuck, you know what I'm talking about. [audience laughs] Toward the end of his long and prolific life, Singer expressed wonder at why so many of his books written in this obscure and some said useless language would be so widely translated, something like 56 countries all around the world. "Why," he would wonder with his characteristic playfulness, "Why would the Japanese care about his simple stories of life in the shtetls of Eastern Europe 1,000 years ago?" "Unless," Singer paused, twinkle in his eye, "Unless the story spoke of the kinship of the soul." I think what Singer was talking about was that indefinable something that connects all of us together, that which we all share as part of organic life on this planet, the kinship of the soul. I love that.

Okay, let me speak directly to the graduating class. Watch out, here comes the advice. Listen. Be curious, not cool. Insecurity makes liars of us all. Remember, none of us get out of here alive. The inevitable vicissitudes of life, no matter how well gated our communities, will visit us all. Grief is a part of life, and if you explore its painful precincts, it will make you stronger. Do good things, help others. Leadership is humility and generosity squared. Remember the opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty. The kinship of the soul begins with your own at times withering self-examination. Try to change that unchangeable human nature of Ecclesiastes, but start with you. "Nothing so needs reforming," Mark Twain once chided us, "As other people's habits." [audience laughs]

Don't confuse success with excellence. Do not descend too deeply into specialism. Educate all of your parts, you will be healthier. Do not get stuck in one place. "Travel is fatal to prejudice," Twain also said. Be in nature, which is always perfect and where nothing is binary. Its sheer majesty may remind you of your own atomic insignificance, as one observer put it, but in the inscrutable and paradoxical ways of wild places, you will feel larger, inspirited, just as the egotist in our midst is diminished by his or her self regard.

At some point, make babies, one of the greatest things that will happen to you, I mean it, one of the greatest things that will happen to you is that you will have to worry, I mean really worry, about someone other than yourself. It is liberating and exhilarating, I promise. Ask your parents.

[Audience laughs]

Choose honor over hypocrisy, virtue over vulgarity, discipline over dissipation, character over cleverness, sacrifice over self-indulgence. Do not lose your enthusiasm, in its Greek etymology the word enthusiasm means simply, "god in us". Serve your country. Insist that we fight the right wars. Denounce oppression everywhere.

Convince your government, as Lincoln understood that the real threat always and still comes from within this favored land. Insist that we support science and the arts, especially the arts.

[Audience cheering]

They have nothing to do with the actual defense of our country; They just make our country worth defending.

Remember what Louis Brandeis said, "The most important political office is that of the private citizen." Vote. You indelibly... [audience applauding] Please, vote. You indelibly underscore your citizenship, and most important, our kinship with each other when you do. Good luck and godspeed.

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Richard Dreyfuss' remarks about women and diversity prompt Massachusetts venue to apologize

Updated on: May 28, 2024 / 3:55 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Actor Richard Dreyfuss is facing backlash for allegedly sharing remarks that audience members found sexist, homophobic and generally offensive at a Q&A event over the weekend tied to a Massachusetts theater's screening of "Jaws." Dreyfuss starred in the 1975 blockbuster that was filmed in Massachusetts and screened Saturday night at The Cabot, a performing arts center in the coastal community of Beverly.

Dreyfuss wore a dress to the "Jaws"-themed event, where he proceeded to make demeaning remarks about women, LGBTQ+ people and diversity. The venue issued an apology after the event, which it had billed as "An evening with Richard Dreyfuss"  to accompany the movie screening.

The 76-year-old actor, who played a marine biologist in "Jaws," walked onstage wearing a blue, floral-patterned dress that stage workers helped him remove before he put on a sport coat. A YouTube video of his entrance shows Dreyfuss perform a sort of improvised dance in the dress as he takes the stage, while the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift plays in the background.

During what was supposed to be a lighthearted question-and-answer session, some people in the audience walked out over his remarks about women in film and the #MeToo movement, transgender youths and LGBTQ+ rights, and the Academy Awards' efforts to foster inclusivity. Dreyfuss has previously said the academy's diversity efforts "make me vomit."

"We walked out of his interview tonight along with hundred [sic] of others because of his racist homophobic misogynistic rant," one user commented on  The Cabot's Facebook page .

Dreyfuss received applause when he ended the discussion by referencing his book, "One Thought Scares Me..." and his opinion that civics is no longer being taught in classrooms, to the country's detriment. The lack of a foundation in civics means "we have no knowledge of who the hell we are," he is heard saying in another video shared online from that portion of the Q&A.

"And if we don't get it back soon, we're all going to die," Dreyfuss continued. "Make sure your kids are not the last generation of Americans. And you know exactly what I'm talking about."

The Cabot sent an email apology in which it said it didn't endorse the opinions of the actor, who also starred in "Close Encounters of The Third Kind," "American Graffiti" and "The Goodbye Girl," a performance for which he received an Oscar. The venue's executive director didn't respond immediately to emails Tuesday, and a representative for Dreyfuss could not be reached.

"We deeply regret that Mr. Dreyfuss's comments during the event were not in line with the values of inclusivity and respect that we uphold at The Cabot. We understand that his remarks were distressing and offensive to many of our community members, and for that, we sincerely apologize," The Cabot's statement said. 

The venue shared an additional statement Tuesday  on social media .

"We are aware of, and share serious concerns, following the recent event with Richard Dreyfuss prior to a screening of the film 'Jaws' at The Cabot," that statement read in part. "We regret that an event that was meant to be a conversation to celebrate an iconic movie instead became a platform for political views. We take full responsibility for the oversight in not anticipating the direction of the conversation and for the discomfort it caused to many patrons."

The Cabot said that it is in "active dialogue with our patrons" to hear their experiences and is "committed to learning from this event how to better enact our mission of entertaining, educating, and inspiring our community."

Dreyfuss was subject to criticism last year over his comments in an interview on the PBS program "Firing Line with Margaret Hoover," where he discussed new inclusion initiatives for the Academy Awards. Initially announced in 2020 and implemented for the Oscars this year, the Academy said it was creating a set of eligibility standards for Best Picture contenders "to encourage more equitable representation on and off screen." 

"They make me vomit," Dreyfuss said when asked what he thought of the eligibility requirements. "Because this is an art form. It's also a form of commerce, and it makes money. But it's an art. And no one should be telling me as an artist that I have to give in to the latest, most current idea of what morality is. And what are we risking? Are we really risking hurting people's feelings? You can't legislate that."

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Are electric cars better for the environment than fuel-powered cars? Here's the verdict

An illustration indicating a verdict of emissions between petrol cars and electric vehicles

Whether you drive an electric car or are considering making the switch, you've probably been drawn into a discussion about whether they are really better for the climate.

Electric cars are key to the world reducing emissions, with transport accounting for almost 20 per cent and rising, so you probably haven't had that debate for the last time.

To save you from your next barbecue encounter, we have turned to the EV Council, which has crunched the numbers for you.

We're comparing an electric car and a traditional petrol one and looking at the life-cycle emissions — that is, all the emissions produced from cradle to grave.

For both types of car, these are the key stages where emissions are produced:

  • manufacturing of the car,
  • production of the battery, especially for electric cars
  • running the cars over their life-cycle, either on petrol or electricity
  • disposal and recycling of the vehicle at the end of its life, including batteries

We'll also compare electric cars in different states because each state uses different amounts of fossil fuels for electricity, which affects how "clean" the car is.

To compare cars, we've chosen an average medium SUV, the sort of car you commonly see on Australian roads.

Some examples of a medium SUV are the electric Tesla Model Y, Toyota's RAV4 and the Mazda CX-5 on the petrol side.

So, buckle up and let's go.

Let's start at when the car is made

An illustration of a car being made with robot arms assembling parts.

Manufacturing covers the production of the raw materials in the car's metal body, interiors, tyres, seating, the whole bundle. At this first stage, all these cars come out with similar emissions profiles.

… adding batteries for EVs

Battery production is the stage where we start to see a split between petrol and electric cars.

Electric vehicles (EV) are powered by batteries, so their batteries are significantly larger and heavier, and use more critical minerals. Our electric SUV also needs a bigger battery than a small hatchback.

It's important to note that this is about life-cycle emissions, so we aren't evaluating other environmental or human rights impacts from battery production for EVs, and we're also not critiquing the oil industry in those areas for petrol cars. That barbecue debate is for another day.

Batteries produced in China have higher emissions than those produced in Europe, and as most Australian electric cars currently have Chinese-made batteries, that's what's used here.

Climate experts and even the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change expect these figures to drop as more renewable energy is used in the coming years to make the batteries.

"So the energy needed to produce batteries is decarbonised, and therefore has lower emissions," according to University of Technology Sydney transport researcher, Robin Smit.

So at this point, before the cars hit the road, electric cars have more embedded emissions.

But that all changes when you start driving …

Taking our cars on the road

An illustration of an electric car being charged and a fuel car getting petrol at the bowser.

It won't shock you to find out that most of a car's lifetime emissions come from powering it to drive.

"The fuel energy cycle is normally the most important part of the life-cycle assessment [and] that includes on-road driving, the maintenance, and of course, the production of the energy," Professor Smit said.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates the average Australian car drives about 12,600 kilometres a year, or 189,000 over its lifetime, so that is what's used in this modelling.

Petrol cars are dirty. That's a fact. Combustion cars are powered by burning petrol, which releases emissions into the atmosphere and is — pardon the pun — a major climate change driver. These are referred to as "tailpipe emissions".

The petrol SUV here is up against an electric SUV charged on the national grid, which has a mix of fossil fuels and renewables.

Our petrol SUV produces almost 46 tonnes of carbon over its lifetime on the road.

These figures also factor in the emissions coming from refining and transporting the fuel.

"When you look at fossil fuels, they need to be extracted, processed, and then transported to service stations, for example, to make them available. So there's a greenhouse gas emission costs associated with that," Professor Smit said.

The estimated petrol used here is 8.3 litres for 100km and comes from the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). These figures are almost always lower than real-world petrol use.

So, a lot of energy is burnt to move petrol cars, but most of it is wasted.

"They are not efficient, about 70 to 80 per cent of the energy is wasted in heat. So you only use 20 to 30 per cent of the energy into fuels for actually driving around," Professor Smit said.

What's more, Australians typically drive heavier cars than other countries, especially in Europe. Heavier cars require more fuel to move them, resulting in higher emissions.

This all means that petrol cars start producing significantly more emissions during their use, leaving electric cars in the dust.

Let's look at a different view of our two cars as we drive them for 15 years or 189,000km. Petrol cars are displayed in the blue line, and electric cars in red .

Electric cars are powered by electricity (obviously!) but how that electricity is created makes a huge difference to the overall emissions profile of EVs.

You can see emissions for the petrol car   rise while the electric car's life-cycle emissions curve is flattening. That's because the composition of our electricity grid is rapidly changing and more renewables are coming online.

To account for that, this modelling from the EV Council uses the scenario mapped out by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) which predicts the rate of new renewables coming into the grid and fossil fuel plants being decommissioned. That is, by 2030, the same electric car will be producing lower emissions because it will be charged with more renewable power.

So this is for Australia as a whole, but where you live can also have a big impact on how much cleaner an EV is.

Some Australian states already have mostly renewable energy powering their grids, while others still have lots of fossil fuels.

An illustration of a map of Australia with an electricity symbol.

A car that's charged off a grid with lots of fossil fuels produces much higher emissions than a car charged somewhere with mostly renewable energy.

Let's look at our electric SUV in Western Australia, where in 2022 more than 83 per cent of electricity came from fossil fuels, mostly gas.

Now this is what our SUV's emissions look like in Tasmania (shown in the green line) , which powers almost its entire electricity network on hydro.

It's the same in South Australia, which has lots of wind and solar energy in the grid. You can see here that no matter where the EV is, it saves tonnes of emissions overall compared to a petrol SUV.

This highlights the huge opportunity to reduce transport emissions with electric cars.

The cleaner the grid, the cleaner the electric car.

What about cars charged on rooftop solar?

An illustration of an electric car charged with rooftop solar. The car is parked next to the house.

More than 3 million Australian homes have rooftop solar and, according to a 2021 survey, most EV owners plug into their own set-up.

A car that's charged with rooftop solar produces even lower emissions over its lifetime.

"When you use solar panels, they basically have very small-to-negligible emissions," Professor Smit noted.

Less than a tonne of carbon over all those kilometres!

Now, it's time to say goodbye to our cars and send them to the car afterlife …

Getting rid of our cars

An illustration of a car being disposed onto a scrap heap.

According to Professor Smit, the greenhouse gas emissions from taking cars off the road are small compared to the overall driving life of a car.

What's more, most of the materials in a car can be recycled, so this offsets some of the emissions from the production of the car at the start of the cycle.

To complete our emission profile, let's add the emissions for the disposal of our cars.

There's a lot of potential for improvements here too.

It takes a lot of grunt to power a car, and when a battery can no longer do that and comes out of an electric car, it still holds a lot of value and charging potential.

It can be used as a backup household battery, for example. Some car companies like Tesla are already using old car batteries to power their factories.

It's estimated this second life for EV batteries could cut the carbon footprint of battery production by half.

At the finish line

An illustration indicating a verdict of emissions between petrol cars and electric vehicles

Overall, every electric car will produce fewer emissions than its petrol equivalent, no matter where they are charged.

Even with an electricity grid that still uses some fossil fuels, electric cars have much lower overall carbon emissions, and that will continue to drop as the electricity gets greener.

And remember, this example uses SUVs, so lighter electric cars like hatchbacks have even lower emissions.

Hang on, what about hybrids?

Put simply, hybrids are complicated.

Plug-in hybrids can be run off either petrol or from a battery that's plugged in and charged. Therefore, the life-cycle emissions from a plug-in hybrid depend on the region where it gets charged but also on how diligent the driver is with charging. Remember, it can also run on petrol.

The European Union's Environment Agency recently found that emissions from plug-in hybrids were 3.5 times higher than reported.

It concluded that hybrids "are charged and driven in electric mode much less than how they were expected to be used".

Where we get our figures from

These figures come from the Electric Vehicle Council, which based its life-cycle emissions calculator on modelling from the European organisation Transport & Environment .

We got Professor Smit to look over the EV Council's modelling and he said while it was generous to petrol cars, it provided a good way to compare life-cycle emissions.

The inputs for petrol use are based on the WLTP . As mentioned in the story, this is likely to underestimate real-world petrol usage.

The modelling uses data for a Nickel-Mangenese-Cobalt NMC li-ion battery produced in China, as that's the most common type of battery in the Australian EV market.

It calculates 105kg CO2/KWh  for the carbon produced from battery production .

This same study found that "producing batteries with photovoltaic electricity instead of Chinese coal-based electricity decreases climate impacts of battery production by 69 per cent". Considering this estimate would reduce the emissions calculation in the point we make about battery production.

For a medium electric SUV, the energy used is 17.3 KWh/100km and a battery size of 70.2 KWh average for cars available in that category.

The emissions factors for energy sources are based on data from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change  here. 

To model the rate of renewables coming into the grid, the EV Council used the step-change scenario from the AEMO .

Statements about the composition of the electricity grids in different states come from 2022 numbers from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

The estimate of recycling emissions comes from a study by Transport & Environment .

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writing environment speech

EEOC Republicans Force Pause on Picket-Line Harassment Memo

By Riddhi Setty

Riddhi Setty

A joint memorandum from two federal labor agencies on navigating racially charged picket-line speech that risks violating anti-discrimination laws is on hold due to an internal push from EEOC Republicans for a public hearing.

The memo by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the National Labor Relations Board is intended to help employers in situations where workers’ offensive language against others crossing the picket line raises harassment concerns, while also potentially qualifying as protected activity under federal labor law.

The memo is expected to address a legal gray area that has persisted for employers. The NLRB has ruled in the past that federal labor law protects a union member from being fired for shouting racial slurs at a replacement, a behavior that arguably would violate Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which the commission enforces.

Republican Commissioners Keith Sonderling and Andrea Lucas voted on April 3 to pause the joint memo until a public hearing can be held on the draft, while the commission’s three Democrats voted to finalize it, Lucas and Sonderling told Bloomberg Law.

The Republicans’ request to “agenda” the memo has prevented its finalization by the five-member panel until Democratic Chair Charlotte Burrows agrees a public hearing can be held. The EEOC chair’s office has not put out official notice of a hearing, which is required a week before the session takes place.

The chair exclusively decides when public hearings are set for items that have been moved to agenda, Lucas told Bloomberg Law in an interview. “The ball has been in the chair’s court these past two months.”

Lucas said Republican commissioners pushed to “agenda” the memo and asked for a public hearing because they believe the document should be subject to public review and comment to be able to address legal ambiguities through examples provided by stakeholders with direct experience on both sides.

“I don’t think this should be a partisan issue that there should be public comment,” she said.

Sonderling said he voted to pause the memo “for the public to have a say in shaping this requested document.”

Stakeholders can’t comment during the EEOC’s hearings, only members of the commission itself, leaving a lack of opportunity for public feedback.

If the EEOC publishes the memo for public comment, Lucas and Sonderling will consider withdrawing their request to agenda, a source close to the commission said.

The source said the document has raised fears that the EEOC may be “taking a backseat” to the NLRB on several of the issues it tackles, and that the memo leans towards protection of union activity even when it risks violating anti-discrimination statutes.

The EEOC said in a statement that it cannot confirm or deny whether an issue is undergoing deliberation.

“Protecting the deliberative process is a cornerstone of the bipartisan Commission’s ability to have productive and honest conversations,” the statement said.

NLRB spokesperson Kayla Blado declined to comment on the joint memorandum, but said the two agencies are working on a separate memorandum of understanding “as part of the NLRB General Counsel’s interagency coordination initiative to take a whole of government approach to enforcement.”

The decision to prepare the joint memo follows two 2023 decisions from the NLRB’s Democratic majority that overturned pro-employer precedents set during the Trump administration.

The NLRB’s decision in Lion Elastomers reversed a 2020 ruling by the board in General Motors LLC when it was controlled by a Republican majority. General Motors had given employers latitude to discipline or fire workers for using racist, sexist, or derogatory language while engaging in protected concerted activity relating to unions.

Critics of Lion Elastomers said it forces employers to open themselves up to unfair labor practice charges if they discipline workers for profane speech, or risk facing a Title VII harassment and discrimination lawsuit if they permit that speech.

The EEOC and NLRB scrapped their original plans to put out joint guidance on what qualifies as harassment in 2018 following a decision involving Boeing Co. that loosened restrictions on general workplace civility rules. That decision was overturned last year in Stericycle Inc. , through which the NLRB adopted a new standard for evaluating employer work rules challenged as facially unlawful.

“Obviously we are very concerned about hostile work environment and racial slurs, so we want to help get it right,” Burrows said of the tension between Title VII and the National Labor Relations Act at a conference in March .

In separate April finalized guidance on workplace harassment, the EEOC declined to address public comments asking the agency to clarify interplay between an employer’s obligation to address harassment and the obligation to comply with the NLRA under which certain employee actions qualify as protected concerted activity.

The US Chamber of Commerce submitted comments on the harassment guidance that urged the EEOC to weigh in. “The EEOC’s authority and voice should not be compromised or subjugated to the NLRB,” the Chamber wrote.

The EEOC said in its workplace harassment guidance that the agency coordinates as needed with the general counsel of the NLRB on the issue. At the time, Burrows said the harassment guidance wouldn’t be the commission’s final say on the matter.

Robert Iafolla in Washington and Parker Purifoy in Washington also contributed to this story.

To contact the reporter on this story: Riddhi Setty in Washington at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Rebekah Mintzer at [email protected] ; Jay-Anne B. Casuga at [email protected]

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    1-Minute Speech on Environmental Awareness. 'Good morning to everyone present her. Today, I stand before you to present my speech on environmental awareness. Environment refers to the world around us. If we have to keep ourselves safe, we must keep our environment safe. Therefore, environmental awareness is an important topic and we must take ...

  7. PDF Sample Speech on the Environment

    Environmental depletion, a term we take so lightly, has been increasing with each year passing by. This year (2020 as of writing), Earth Overshoot Day was observed on August 22, exhausting nature's budget for the year in just seven months. Even as I speak and you listen to this speech,

  8. Environment Day Speech

    Speech about Environment Day in 300 Words. As human beings, the environment we exist in plays a very important role in the well-being of every life possible on this Earth, and it is our duty to preserve and keep everything in check. Throughout the years, there have been many movements and awareness campaigns around the world that have been put ...

  9. Speech On Environment

    The existence and growth of all living organisms on earth, and especially in the daily lives of humans, depend critically on the environment. Speech On Environment - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech. We rely on the environment for our fundamental requirements. The relationship between the environment and all living things are maintained in a ...

  10. World Environment Day Speech for Students

    Feel free to use them in your speech or writing topics. World Environment Day raises awareness about environmental conservation. The United Nations is the governing body for all activities related to the World Environment Day. Some of the major environmental challenges are Climate Change, Global Warming, Water Pollution, Ozone Layer Depletion ...

  11. Save Environment Speech for Students and Children

    Ways to Save Environment. We need to start with the proper handling of waste materials. To do so, one must begin with recycling and proper disposal of waste items. The use of coal must be reduced and we must switch to reusable power like hydro or solar power. This way, we can adopt a healthy and greener lifestyle.

  12. Best Speech on How to Save The Environment

    To spread more awareness, we are celebrating world environment day on 5th June of every year since 1974. A clean environment leads to a healthy life. We all love a fresh environment filled with greenery, but we have no time to take a step for it. (Don't make your introduction lengthy, keep it simple and engaging.)

  13. 3 Unique World Earth Day Speech In English

    World Earth Day Speech In English. January 21, 2024. Introduction: World Earth Day Speech. April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to bring attention to how important it is to protect and preserve the environment. It's a day to think about our impact on the planet and get involved in creating a sustainable future. With over 193 countries participating ...

  14. Environment Conservation Speech: Class 5th to 10th

    Environment Conservation Speech for School Students. The natural environment has always faced the burden of harmful human activities. The burning of fossil fuels for energy, clearing of forest cover for agricultural activities, industrial activities, discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere, etc. have put a huge strain on the environment.

  15. Speech on Environment

    Short Speech on Environment 200 Words in English. Environment Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. The environment is the natural world that comprises of air, water, land, animals, plants, etc. as our surrounding. This Environment is a legacy given to us by the universe in a perfect condition with abundant natural resources.

  16. 10 Great Speeches on Saving the Environment

    Ten Speeches and Talks about Saving the Environment. Al Gore - After 'The Inconvenient Truth' - Averting the Climate Crisis. Michael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable. Alex Steffen - The route to a sustainable future. President Obama's Climate Change Speech: Full Text.

  17. How to Write a Structured Speech in 5 Steps

    See why leading organizations rely on MasterClass for learning & development. Learning how to write a speech requires a keen awareness of how to tailor your rhetoric to a given issue and specific audience. Check out our essential speech-writing guidelines to learn how to craft an effective message that resonates with your audience.

  18. Speech on World Environment Day

    10 Points Speech on World Environment Day. Get educated about the history, background and the reason to practice this day every year. Read through the United Nations description of why they practice international day to save the environment. Start the speech by introducing yourself to the audience.

  19. Speech on World Environment Day for Students and Children

    World Environment Day reminds us to strengthen the world and ensure that nature is preserved at all costs. It throws light on the causes which are causing serious harm to our environment. For instance, industries and factories are contributing largely to pollution. They are deteriorating the quality of air that we breathe and the water we consume.

  20. Anchoring Script for World Environment Day [With PDF]

    Welcome Speech for World Environment Day (For school/ Educational Institutions) The environment is the biggest treasure of our life. It is not only just plants and animals but also human beings, the neighborhood, and the institutions which make up our character. Good morning to our respected principal sir/ma'am ( his/ her name), teachers, non ...

  21. Speech on Environment for Students in English

    Speech on Environment for Students: We have provided various speeches on the environment for the students.World Environment Day speech brings out the urgency and importance of collective action in safeguarding our planet, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and the need for sustainable solutions. All the environment speech is written using very simple and easy words.

  22. Speech on Environment for Students in simple and easy words

    Environment Speech 1. Good Morning Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends! As today, the whole school has been assembled here for this beautiful occasion of World Environment Day that is celebrated on 5 th June every year; I would like to say a few words dedicated to the environment.. The environment is the surroundings made from five elements namely- Air, Water, Land, Sky, and Fire for us ...

  23. Speech on Environmental Pollution

    Two-Minute Speech on Environmental Pollution. Environmental pollution is one of the most troubling global issues. It is caused by the harmful effect of pollutants that are discharged into the environment by the irrational actions of human beings. The actions of such pollutants badly affect our environment and transform it into an unhealthy ...

  24. If you think Labour will win the election, start saving

    I have an important public service announcement for the British people. If you think Labour will win the election, start saving.. We're just over a week into the election campaign, and the ...

  25. Undergraduate Commencement Address by Ken Burns

    Honorary degree recipient Ken Burns delivers the Undergraduate Commencement speech at Brandeis University's 73rd Commencement Exercises on May 19, 2024.. Transcript. Brandeisian, love it. President Liebowitz, Ron, Chair Lisa Kranc, and other members of the board of trustees, Provost Carol Fierke, fellow honorees, distinguished faculty and staff, proud and relieved parents, calm and serene ...

  26. Richard Dreyfuss' remarks about women and diversity prompt

    The venue shared an additional statement Tuesday on social media. "We are aware of, and share serious concerns, following the recent event with Richard Dreyfuss prior to a screening of the film ...

  27. Insights on Literacy From Stroke Survivors With Aphasia: A Mixed

    Reading and writing test scores were correlated with self-rated abilities but not with importance, enjoyment, or frequency of reading and writing. The thematic analysis process identified four main themes: Feelings about literacy , Literacy challenges , Literacy supports , and Literacy goals .

  28. Judge, DA, Sheriff Still Can't Slip Police Captain's Speech Suit

    Personal interest in speech didn't undercut public concern. Form, content, context of affidavit back free-speech claims. Four government officials in Texas will face trial on whether they conspired to fire a police captain over an affidavit he filed in a criminal case stating that a friend wouldn't get a fair trial.

  29. Are electric cars better for the environment than fuel-powered cars

    The estimate of recycling emissions comes from a study by Transport & Environment. Posted 26 May 2024 26 May 2024 Sun 26 May 2024 at 6:40pm , updated 28 May 2024 28 May 2024 Tue 28 May 2024 at 3:06am

  30. EEOC Republicans Force Pause on Picket-Line Harassment Memo

    Republican commissioners are pushing for public comment. A joint memorandum from two federal labor agencies on navigating racially charged picket-line speech that risks violating anti-discrimination laws is on hold due to an internal push from EEOC Republicans for a public hearing. The memo by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and ...