• • Developed a comprehensive educational curriculum for children aged 1-5, enhancing cognitive and language skills by 20%
  • • Implemented a weekly outdoor exploration program, which increased children's physical activity participation by 30%
  • • Trained 5 new staff members in childcare best practices, ensuring consistent quality of care across the team
  • • Coordinated with local health professionals to provide regular developmental screenings, identifying early intervention needs for 15 children
  • • Raised parent satisfaction scores by 25% through continuous communication and personalizing childcare strategies
  • • Led a successful transition to a digital reporting system, cutting administrative time by 40% and allowing more time for child engagement
  • • Supervised a group of 10 children, focusing on social skill development resulting in a noticeable improvement in peer interactions
  • • Initiated a bilingual language program, contributing to a 15% increase in early language acquisition among participants
  • • Managed the meal planning and preparation process, ensuring a 100% compliance with nutritional guidelines
  • • Conducted quarterly safety drills, maintaining a 100% safety record during tenure
  • • Organized parent-teacher conferences, which fostered stronger partnerships between the center and families
  • • Assisted in the development of age-appropriate activities, increasing child engagement by 50%
  • • Helped establish a policy for resolving conflicts among children, reducing incidents by 40%
  • • Participated in the creation of an after-school program, attended by 80% of the eligible children
  • • Maintained an exemplary record of child safety and supervision throughout all activities

5 Au Pair Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your au pair resume must clearly demonstrate your childcare experience. Highlight any formal qualifications or relevant courses you've completed. Show your ability to adapt to a new family and environment. Provide examples of previous work where flexibility and cultural sensitivity were key.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for au pair


sample resume for au pair

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Au Pair resume example

As an au pair, articulating your diverse skill set to fit non-childcare roles may pose a significant challenge on your resume. Our guide provides strategic insights and tailored examples to help you translate your unique experiences into relevant qualifications that resonate with a broad range of employers.

  • Incorporate au pair job advert keywords into key sections of your resume, such as the summary, header, and experience sections;
  • Quantify your experience using achievements, certificates, and more in various au pair resume sections;
  • Apply practical insights from real-life au pair resume examples to enhance your own profile;
  • Choose the most effective au pair resume format to succeed in any evaluation process.
  • Agency Nurse Resume Example
  • Dietary Aide Resume Example
  • Patient Service Representative Resume Example
  • Clinical Nurse Manager Resume Example
  • Therapist Resume Example
  • Front Office Medical Assistant Resume Example
  • Dermatology Medical Assistant Resume Example
  • Home Health Aide Resume Example
  • Clinical Research Nurse Resume Example
  • Hospital Volunteer Resume Example

Designing your au pair resume format to catch recruiters' eyes

Your au pair resume will be assessed on a couple of criteria, one of which is the actual presentation.

Is your resume legible and organized? Does it follow a smooth flow?

Or have you presented recruiters with a chaotic document that includes everything you've ever done in your career?

Unless specified otherwise, there are four best practices to help maintain your resume format consistency.

  • The top one third of your au pair resume should definitely include a header, so that recruiters can easily contact you and scan your professional portfolio (or LinkedIn profile).
  • Within the experience section, list your most recent (and relevant) role first, followed up with the rest of your career history in a reverse-chronological resume format .
  • Always submit your resume as a PDF file to sustain its layout. There are some rare exceptions where companies may ask you to forward your resume in Word or another format.
  • If you are applying for a more senior role and have over a decade of applicable work experience (that will impress recruiters), then your au pair resume can be two pages long. Otherwise, your resume shouldn't be longer than a single page.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order.

Don't forget to include these six sections on your au pair resume:

  • Header and summary for your contact details and to highlight your alignment with the au pair job you're applying for
  • Experience section to get into specific technologies you're apt at using and personal skills to deliver successful results
  • Skills section to further highlight how your profile matches the job requirements
  • Education section to provide your academic background
  • Achievements to mention any career highlights that may be impressive, or that you might have missed so far in other resume sections

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Experience in childcare or previous au pair positions, including specifics like age groups cared for and responsibilities held.
  • Language skills, particularly fluency in the host family’s language and any additional languages that could benefit the children's learning.
  • Cultural exchange interest and adaptability, showing enthusiasm for learning and participating in the host family's culture.
  • First aid and child safety certifications indicating the candidate's preparedness for emergency situations.
  • References or testimonials from previous families or childcare-related employment.

The au pair resume experience section: a roadmap to your expertise

The resume experience section provides you with an opportunity to tell your professional narrative.

Recruiters, reading between the lines of your resume, use the experience section to better understand your unique skill set, accomplishments, and what unique value you bring about.

Discover five quick steps on how to write your experience section:

  • Curate only relevant experience items to the role and include the company, description, and dates; all followed by up to six bullets per experience item;
  • Each experience item should feature tangible results of your actions - if you can include a number or percent, this will further highlight your aptitude;
  • If you've received any managerial or customer feedback, use short excerpts of it as further social proof of your technical or people skills;
  • Make sure you're using the appropriate verb tense when listing your responsibilities;
  • Within the description for each role, you could summarize your most noteworthy and relevant achievements.

Now, take note of how a real-world au pair professional received opportunities at industry leaders with these resume experience sections:

  • Facilitated the intellectual and emotional development of three children, aged 2 to 7, by designing and implementing a successful educational playtime routine, contributing to a 50% improvement in their academic assessments.
  • Managed the coordination of all extracurricular activities, resulting in punctual attendance and a 30% increase in children's active engagement with their interests.
  • Developed a multicultural learning environment by integrating language lessons, which included French and Spanish, enhancing children's linguistic skills and cultural awareness.
  • Increased family time efficiency by 25% through the implementation of an organized schedule for meal preparation, homework assistance, and bedtime routines for two school-aged children.
  • Initiated a digital system for tracking children's daily activities, health records, and developmental progress, streamlining parent communication and boosting transparency.
  • Championed a summer educational program that incorporated fun learning activities, outdoor play, and field trips, enriching the children's vacation period with diverse knowledge and experiences.
  • Led a personal project to teach a 4-year-old child with language delays to improve communication skills, achieving a 60% increase in vocabulary within one year.
  • Orchestrated a seamless daily routine for twins, streamlining naptime, playtime, and learning activities, significantly reducing instances of behavioral issues.
  • Cultivated a passion for the arts in children by integrating weekly music and crafts sessions, leading to the development of a strong sense of creativity and self-expression.
  • Managed the safe transportation of children to and from school and various activities, maintaining a perfect record of punctuality and safety over three years.
  • Implemented a structured homework assistance program that helped improve children's grades by an average of one letter grade in core subjects.
  • Fostered an environment of inclusivity and respect, guiding children to understand and celebrate cultural differences, which enhanced their social development.
  • Masterminded a dietary plan for a child with specific food allergies, ensuring safe and nutritious meal options that complied with dietary restrictions.
  • Leveraged advanced behavioral techniques to support a child with ADHD, resulting in a more focused approach to tasks and a decrease in disruptive episodes.
  • Cultivated a technology-assisted learning environment by incorporating educational apps into the children’s routine, which broadened their digital literacy and learning capacity.
  • Directed the daily schedule of four children in a high-profile household, ensuring each child received personalized attention to their developmental needs.
  • Devised a summer fitness challenge for the children, incorporating various sports and activities that improved their physical health and team-building skills.
  • Collaborated with parents to establish and enforce effective discipline techniques, fostering an environment of mutual respect and positive reinforcement.
  • Navigated a complex family calendar with multiple children engaged in competitive sports leagues, ensuring consistent attendance and preparation for practices and games.
  • Achieved a comprehensive understanding of developmental psychology to tailor my approach to each child, resulting in enhanced behavioral outcomes and emotional intelligence.
  • Instituted a 'Family Olympics' event that became an annual tradition, fostering family bonding and encouraging a healthy, competitive spirit among the children.
  • Crafted an environmentally-focused educational program, teaching children the importance of sustainability practices while incorporating eco-friendly activities into their daily routine.
  • Instituted a family-wide recycling initiative that reduced household waste by 40% within the first six months, educating children on environmental stewardship.
  • Assisted in improving children's performances at school by providing supplemental educational materials and exercises, gaining recognition from teachers for their notable progress.
  • Pioneered a language exchange program within the family unit, allowing the children under my care to become conversational in Mandarin and fostering an appreciation for global cultures.
  • Instrumental in negotiating and organizing international travel plans for the family, ensuring smooth and stress-free vacations while handling the children's needs.
  • Curated a personal development plan for each child that balanced academic work, leisure, and personal interests, helping them to achieve a well-rounded lifestyle.
  • Empowered children with special dietary requirements through personalized meal planning and cooking, seeing a remarkable improvement in their overall health and energy levels.
  • Succeeded in teaching non-native English-speaking children fluency in English, dramatically improving their communication skills and confidence.
  • Launched a local community engagement project with the children, involving them in charity work and social contribution, which instilled a lifelong sense of social responsibility.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Highlight the number of children you have cared for simultaneously to demonstrate your multitasking and child management skills.
  • Specify the age range of the children you looked after to show your adaptability to various developmental stages.
  • Mention the total months or years of experience you have as an au pair to emphasize your commitment and expertise in childcare.
  • Quantify any language improvement in the children, for instance, by stating the number of children you taught a second language to illustrate your educational impact.
  • Include the number of countries you've worked in as an au pair to highlight your cultural adaptability and international experience.
  • Detail the percentage of time spent engaging children in educational activities to show your dedication to their intellectual development.
  • List the number of hours spent per week on household responsibilities to provide a clear scope of your organizational and time-management capabilities.
  • Describe any measurable improvements in child behavior or academic performance under your supervision to convey the positive influence you've had on their development.

Action verbs for your au pair resume

Target Illustration

Remember these four tips when writing your au pair resume with no experience

You've done the work - auditing the job requirements for keywords and have a pretty good idea of the skill set the ideal candidate must possess.

Yet, your professional experience amounts to a summer internship .

Even if you have limited or no professional expertise that matches the role you're applying for, you can use the resume experience section to:

  • List extracurricular activities that are relevant to the job requirements. Let's say you were editor-in-chief of your college newspaper or part of the engineering society. Both activities have taught you invaluable, transferrable skills (e.g. communication or leadership) that can be crucial for the job;
  • Substitute jobs with volunteer experience. Participating in charity projects has probably helped you develop an array of soft skills (e.g. meeting deadlines and interpersonal communications). On the other hand, volunteering shows potential employers more about you: who you are and what are the causes you care about;
  • Align job applications with your projects. Even your final-year thesis work could be seen as relevant experience, if it's in the same industry as the job you're applying for. Ensure you've listed the key skills your project has taught you, alongside tangible outcomes or your project success;
  • Shift the focus to your transferrable skills. We've said it before, but recruiters will assess your profile upon both job requirements and the skills you possess. Consider what your current experience - both academic and life - has taught you and how you've been able to develop your talents.

Recommended reads:

  • Should I Put In An Incomplete Degree On A Resume?
  • How to List Expected Graduation Date on Your Resume

Bold the names of educational institutions and certifying bodies for emphasis.

Bringing your au pair hard skills and soft skills to the forefront of recruiters' attention

Hard skills are used to define the technological (and software) capacities you have in the industry. Technical skills are easily defined via your certification and expertise.

Soft skills have more to do with your at-work personality and how you prosper within new environments. People skills can be obtained thanks to your whole life experience and are thus a bit more difficult to define.

Why do recruiters care about both types of skills?

Hard skills have more to do with job alignment and the time your new potential employers would have to invest in training you.

Soft skills hint at how well you'd adapt to your new environment, company culture, and task organization.

Fine-tune your resume to reflect on your skills capacities and talents:

  • Avoid listing basic requirements (e.g. "Excel"), instead substitute with the specifics of the technology (e.g. "Excel Macros").
  • Feature your workplace values and ethics as soft skills to hint at what matters most to you in a new environment.
  • Build a separate skills section for your language capabilities, only if it makes sense to the role you're applying for.
  • The best way to balance au pair hard and soft skills is by building a strengths or achievements section, where you define your outcomes via both types of skills.

There are plenty of skills that could make the cut on your resume.

That's why we've compiled for you some of the most wanted skills by recruiters, so make sure to include the technologies and soft skills that make the most sense to you (and the company you're applying for):

Top skills for your au pair resume:

First Aid and CPR

Cooking and Meal Preparation

Light Housekeeping

Educational Activities Planning

Behavioral Management

Language Skills

Swimming Supervision

Homework Assistance

Driver's License (in some cases)



Problem Solving

Interpersonal Skills



Active Listening

Listing your education and certifications on your au pair resume

Don't underestimate the importance of your resume education section . As it may hint at various skills (and experience) that are relevant to the job. When writing your education section:

  • Include only higher education degrees with information about the institution and start/end dates
  • If you're in the process of obtaining your degree, include your expected graduation date
  • Consider leaving off degrees that aren't relevant to the job or industry
  • Write a description of your education if it presents you with an opportunity to further showcase your achievements in a more research-focused environment

When describing your certifications on your resume, always consider their relevancy to the role. Use the same format to describe them as you would for your education. If you're wondering what the best certificates out there are for au pair roles, check out the list below.

The top 5 certifications for your au pair resume:

  • Au Pair Training Certificate (No formal abbreviation) - International Au Pair Association (IAPA)
  • First Aid and CPR Certification (CPR) - American Red Cross or American Heart Association
  • Child Care Provider Certificate (CCPC) - Council for Professional Recognition
  • Early Childhood Education Certificate (ECE) - Various accredited institutions
  • Water Safety Instructor Certification (WSI) - American Red Cross

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

  • How to Put Cum Laude on Your Resume

Professional summary or objective for your au pair resume

au pair candidates sometimes get confused between the difference of a resume summary and a resume objective.

Which one should you be using?

Remember that the:

  • Resume objective has more to do with your dreams and goals for your career. Within it, you have the opportunity to showcase to recruiters why your application is an important one and, at the same time, help them imagine what your impact on the role, team, and company would be.
  • Resume summary should recount key achievements, tailored for the role, through your career. Allowing recruiters to quickly scan and understand the breadth of your au pair expertise.

The resume objectives are always an excellent choice for candidates starting off their career, while the resume summary is more fitting for experienced candidates.

No matter if you chose a summary or objective, get some extra inspiration from real-world professional au pair resumes:

Resume summaries for a au pair job

  • With over 6 years of nurturing and developing young minds in the educational sector, I am eager to leverage my extensive experience in child development, behavioral management techniques, and educational activity planning in a loving family setting. My track record includes boosting language skills among preschoolers by 20% within a single school year.
  • Seasoned caregiver with 8 years of experience in pediatric healthcare, I bring a wealth of knowledge in child psychology, first aid, and dietary oversight. I am adept at creating safe and stimulating environments for children to explore and grow. Successfully managed care for children with special needs, improving their daily living skills by 30%.
  • As a professional with 5 years of experience in the hospitality industry, I am excited to transition to child care, bringing top-tier organizational skills, language fluency in French and English, and an aptitude for cultural exchange. My contribution to a major hotel chain included a guest satisfaction increase of 15% through personalized service.
  • An enthusiastic educator with a background in environmental science, I am making a move to become an au pair where I can infuse sustainability awareness into daily activities. Having led successful conservation projects, my approach combines academic knowledge with practical life skills aimed at instilling a love for the environment in the next generation.
  • Seeking to embark on a fulfilling journey as an au pair, I am armed with an unwavering commitment to child welfare, extensive volunteer experience with children’s charities, and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. My goal is to foster a nurturing and educational environment that promotes a child's social, emotional, and intellectual growth.
  • Eager to delve into the caring profession as an au pair, I bring boundless energy, a recent degree in Childhood Education, and hands-on experience from student teaching roles. I aim to create a dynamic and supportive atmosphere for children, helping them to unlock their potential and develop a lifelong love of learning.

Other relevant sections for your au pair resume

Apart from the standard au pair resume sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative with building your profile. Select additional resume sections that you deem align with the role, department, or company culture. Good choices for your au pair resume include:

  • Language skills - always ensure that you have qualified each language you speak according to relevant frameworks;
  • Hobbies - you could share more about your favorite books, how you spend your time, etc. ;
  • Volunteering - to highlight the causes you care about;
  • Awards - for your most prominent au pair professional accolades and achievements.

Make sure that these sections don't take too much away from your experience, but instead build up your au pair professional profile.

Key takeaways

  • The logic of your resume presentation should follow your career highlights and alignment with the role;
  • Curate information within different sections (e.g. summary, experience, etc.) that helps highlight your strengths;
  • Exclude from your resume irrelevant experience items - that way you'd ensure it stays no longer than two pages and is easy to read;
  • Dedicate space within the summary, experience, and/or achievements to highlight precisely why you're the best candidate for the role via your previous success;
  • Both your technical and people capabilities should also play a crucial role in building up your au pair application. Prove your skill set in various resume sections.

au pair resume example

Looking to build your own Au Pair resume?

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3 Au pair Resume Examples for 2024

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  • • Created a structured and stimulating environment resulting in improved behavior and academic performance.
  • • Implemented a reward system that increased child cooperation and reduced tantrums by 50%.
  • • Collaborated with parents to establish consistent routines and discipline strategies, resulting in overall better child development.

Modern Au pair Resume Example

Modern Au pair Resume Example

Creative Au pair Resume Example

Creative Au pair Resume Example

When creating a resume for an au pair position in 2024, there are a few important factors to consider in terms of formatting. These include the length, design, and format of your resume.

Au pair resumes should ideally be one to two pages long. Keep in mind that hiring managers typically spend only a few seconds skimming through each resume, so it's important to keep yours concise and focused on the most relevant information.

Opt for a clean and professional design that is visually appealing but not overly distracting. Use a legible font and make sure to leave enough white space to enhance readability. Additionally, consider using bullet points to highlight key information and make it easier for hiring managers to scan your resume.

When it comes to the format of your au pair resume, consider using a chronological or functional format. The chronological format is ideal if you have a consistent work history in the field, as it focuses on your experience in a linear timeline. On the other hand, the functional format is more suitable if you have gaps in your work history or if your experience is diverse and not directly related to being an au pair.

Now let's take a look at the sections you should include in your au pair resume:

1. Contact Information

  • Include your full name, phone number, email address, and professional social media profiles if relevant.

2. Objective Statement (Optional)

  • An objective statement can be used to briefly highlight your career goals and why you are a good fit for the au pair position.

3. Education

  • List your educational background, including relevant degrees, certifications, and any specialized training related to childcare or language instruction.

4. Experience

  • This section should include your previous au pair experience, including the families you worked for, the ages of the children you cared for, and any specific responsibilities or duties you had.
  • Highlight any skills that are relevant to being an au pair, such as proficiency in different languages, knowledge of child development, or specific activities you can engage children in.

6. References

  • List any references who can vouch for your skills and experience as an au pair, including previous employers or families you have worked for.

Remember that while these sections are popular and highly recommended, you can also include additional sections that are relevant to you, such as volunteer work or extracurricular activities.

One effective way to showcase your experience on an au pair resume is by using the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework for your bullet points. Here are a few examples:

  • Context: Cared for two children, aged 4 and 6, in a full-time au pair role.
  • Action: Organized and facilitated educational and recreational activities, including English language lessons and arts and crafts.
  • Result: Improved the children's language skills and creativity while fostering a positive and fun learning environment.
  • Context: Assisted with household chores and meal preparation for a single-parent family with three children, aged 2, 5, and 8.
  • Action: Managed the children's daily routines and oversaw homework completion, ensuring they were well-fed and in a clean environment.
  • Result: Helped the family maintain a smooth running household, allowing the parent to focus on work and reducing their stress levels.

To summarize, here are some key takeaways when creating your au pair resume:

  • Keep your resume concise, ideally one to two pages.
  • Use a clean and professional design.
  • Include relevant sections such as contact information, education, experience, skills, and references.
  • Utilize the CAR framework to highlight your experience in a concise and impactful way.
  • Customize your resume for each application to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences.

By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the specific requirements of the au pair position you are applying for, you can greatly increase your chances of standing out and securing your dream job as an au pair.

Top 7 Soft Skills for Au pair Resume

  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Responsibility
  • Organizational Skills
  • Problem-Solving
  • Cultural Sensitivity

Top 7 Hard Skills for Au pair Resume

  • First Aid/CPR
  • Meal Planning
  • Household Management
  • Time Management
  • Foreign Language Proficiency

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an au pair resume.

An au pair resume is a document that showcases the skills, experience, and qualifications of an au pair seeking employment. It provides a summary of their caregiving experience, language skills, educational background, and more.

What should be included in an au pair resume?

An au pair resume should include personal information, such as name and contact details, a professional summary, a list of skills and abilities relevant to childcare, details of previous au pair or childcare experience, education and language proficiencies, and any additional certifications or training.

What format should I use for an au pair resume?

When creating an au pair resume, it is recommended to use a reverse-chronological format, starting with the most recent experience and working backward. This format allows potential employers to quickly identify relevant skills and experience.

How do I highlight my language skills on an au pair resume?

To highlight language skills on an au pair resume, create a separate section specifying the languages you speak, write, and understand fluently. Additionally, mention any certifications or official language proficiency tests you have completed.

Should I include a photo on my au pair resume?

Including a photo on an au pair resume is generally not recommended unless specifically requested by the employer or agency. Focus on providing relevant information about your qualifications and skills instead.

How can I make my au pair resume stand out?

To make your au pair resume stand out, tailor it to the specific position you are applying for. Highlight relevant skills and experience related to childcare and emphasize any additional qualifications you possess, such as CPR or First Aid certifications.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Clinical Dietitian resume example

Clinical Dietitian

When it comes to formatting your clinical dietitian resume in 2024, there are a few important factors to keep in mind. First and foremost, your resume should be concise and to the point. Aim for a one to two-page document that highlights your most relevant qualifications and experiences. Additionally, pay attention to the design and format of your resume to ensure it is visually appealing and easy to read. Length: As mentioned earlier, keeping your resume concise is crucial. Employers don't have time to read through lengthy documents, so focus on including your most impactful information. Two pages should be sufficient to showcase your skills and experiences without overwhelming the reader. Design: While a clean and professional design is always a safe bet, you can also add a touch of creativity to make your resume stand out. Consider using a modern template with a splash of color or a unique font that reflects your personal brand. Just be sure not to go overboard, as readability is key. Format: When it comes to the format, the chronological resume is typically the best choice for clinical dietitian positions. This format allows you to highlight your work experience, education, and certifications in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. Use clear headings and bullet points to make your information easy to navigate. While the specific sections you include on your clinical dietitian resume may vary depending on your individual experiences and qualifications, there are a few that are particularly important for this role. Here are the must-have sections: Contact Information: Make it easy for employers to reach you by including your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Summary or Objective Statement: Use a brief paragraph to summarize your qualifications and career goals. This section should provide a snapshot of your skills and set the tone for the rest of your resume. Education: List your academic achievements, including any relevant degrees, certifications, or coursework. Be sure to include the name of the institution, dates attended, and any honors or awards received. Work Experience: This section is crucial for showcasing your practical experience as a clinical dietitian. Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements in each role. *Remember to use the Context-Action-Result framework when writing about your experience (more on that later). Skills: Highlight your technical and interpersonal skills that are relevant to the clinical dietitian role. Include both hard skills (e.g., medical nutrition therapy, meal planning) and soft skills (e.g., communication, problem-solving). Certifications and Licenses: As a clinical dietitian, employers will expect you to hold certain certifications and licenses. Include any relevant credentials, such as Registered Dietitian (RD) or Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist (CDN). Professional Affiliations: If you are a member of any professional organizations, such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, be sure to include them in this section. While not mandatory, adding sections such as "Publications," "Presentations," or "Volunteer Work" can also add value to your resume, especially if they are relevant to the clinical dietitian position you're applying for. One effective way to showcase your experience as a clinical dietitian is by using the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework in your bullet points. This framework allows you to provide specific examples of your accomplishments and the impact you made in previous roles. Here are some examples of how to effectively use the CAR framework: Context: Created customized meal plans and provided nutrition counseling to over 50 patients with diabetes. Action: Collaborated with the medical team to develop individualized nutrition plans based on patients' medical history, dietary preferences, and lifestyle. Result: Improved patients' glycemic control and overall well-being, leading to a 15% decrease in HbA1c levels on average. Context: Conducted nutrition assessments for pediatric patients with food allergies and developed appropriate dietary modifications. Action: Collaborated with parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to create personalized meal plans that met the child's nutritional needs and addressed their allergies. Result: Helped improve the quality of life for children with food allergies, reducing the frequency and severity of allergic reactions by 30% on average. Using the CAR framework not only demonstrates your ability to take initiative and make a difference but also provides concrete evidence of your skills and impact as a clinical dietitian. As you craft your clinical dietitian resume in 2024, remember the following key takeaways: Keep it concise: Aim for a one to two-page resume that focuses on your most relevant qualifications and experiences. Pay attention to design: Choose a visually appealing and professional design that reflects your personal brand. Use the chronological format: Highlight your work experience, education, and certifications in reverse chronological order. Include essential sections: Include contact information, a summary or objective statement, education, work experience (using the CAR framework), skills, certifications and licenses, and professional affiliations. Utilize the CAR framework: When describing your experience, provide specific examples using the Context-Action-Result framework. By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the clinical dietitian role, you'll enhance your chances of landing your dream job in the nutrition field. Good luck!

Pediatric Medical Assistant resume example

Pediatric Medical Assistant

When it comes to creating a resume for a pediatric medical assistant position in 2024, there are certain formatting guidelines and considerations you need to be aware of. A well-formatted resume can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of landing an interview. Length, Design, and Format Length: A pediatric medical assistant resume should ideally be one to two pages long. Keep in mind that recruiters often spend only a few seconds scanning each resume, so it's important to be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. Design: When it comes to design, simplicity is key. Choose a clean and professional-looking font, such as Arial or Calibri, and use a font size between 10 and 12 points. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize your information and make it easy to skim through. Format: Your resume should be in a standard chronological format, with your most recent experience listed first. Include your contact information at the top of the resume, followed by a summary or objective statement, your work experience, education, skills, and any relevant certifications or licenses. Sections to Add to Your Resume When creating a resume for a pediatric medical assistant position, there are several sections you should consider adding: Summary or Objective Statement: A brief statement at the top of your resume that highlights your relevant skills and experience. Work Experience: List your professional experience, including job titles, employer names, dates of employment, and a description of your responsibilities and achievements. Education: Include your educational background, including the name of the institution, degree or certification obtained, and dates of attendance. Skills: Highlight your relevant skills, such as patient care, medical terminology knowledge, and proficiency in electronic health record systems. Certifications and Licenses: If you have any certifications or licenses, such as Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) or Basic Life Support (BLS), be sure to include them. Note: While these sections are commonly included in a pediatric medical assistant resume, you have the flexibility to customize your resume based on your individual experience and qualifications. How to Write About Your Experience When writing about your experience as a pediatric medical assistant, it's important to use the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework to effectively communicate your achievements and contributions. Here are some examples of bullet points using this framework: Context: Assisted pediatricians in providing comprehensive care to pediatric patients. Action: Triaged patients, took vitals, and prepared examination rooms. Result: Ensured smooth patient flow and timely delivery of care. Context: Managed the administration of childhood vaccinations. Action: Prepared vaccines, scheduled appointments, and educated parents on vaccine schedules and benefits. Result: Contributed to high vaccination compliance rates and improved public health outcomes. Key Takeaways To summarize, when creating a resume for a pediatric medical assistant position in 2024: Maintain a concise and well-organized format, keeping your resume to one to two pages. Include sections such as a summary or objective statement, work experience, education, skills, and certifications or licenses. Use the CAR framework to effectively communicate your experience and achievements. By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the specific requirements of the pediatric medical assistant role, you can increase your chances of standing out to potential employers and securing an interview.

Stage Manager resume example

Stage Manager

When creating a resume for a stage manager position in 2024, there are a few key formatting considerations to keep in mind: Length: Aim to keep your resume to one page, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience. Recruiters don't have time to read lengthy resumes, so prioritize concise and relevant information. Design: While it's important to stand out, avoid overly flashy or creative designs that may distract from your qualifications. Stick to a clean and professional layout with clear headings and sections. Format: Use a chronological format to highlight your most recent experience first. Include relevant headings such as "Education," "Experience," "Skills," and "Achievements" to structure your resume effectively. When crafting your stage manager resume, there are several sections that are essential to include: Objective Statement: Clearly state your career goals and intentions in a concise and impactful manner. Tailor this section to each specific role you apply for. Experience: Highlight your relevant work experience, including the productions you've managed, the venues you've worked in, and any notable achievements or challenges you've overcome. Education: Include your educational background, such as your degree in theater production or related fields. Also mention any relevant certifications or workshops you've attended. Skills: List the technical, organizational, and problem-solving skills that make you an effective stage manager. This may include proficiency in stage management software, team coordination, and multitasking abilities. Achievements: Showcase any awards or recognition you've received for your contributions to successful productions or exceptional stage management. Optional sections that can further enhance your stage manager resume include: Professional affiliations: Mention any memberships in relevant industry organizations, such as the Stage Managers' Association or local theater communities. Additional training: If you've completed any specialized training programs, workshops, or courses in stage management, this section can demonstrate your commitment to professional development. References: While it's generally not necessary to include references on your resume, you can mention that they are available upon request. The Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework is highly effective in conveying your experience as a stage manager. Here are a few examples of bullet points using this framework: Context: Managed a team of 10 crew members for a Broadway production of "Hamlet." Action: Coordinated crew schedules, oversaw set construction, and resolved technical issues during rehearsals and performances. Result: Successfully delivered seamless productions with minimal disruptions, leading to positive reviews and increased audience attendance. Context: Oversaw the stage management of a regional theater production of "The Wizard of Oz." Action: Managed rehearsals, communicated effectively with the cast and crew, and ensured smooth transitions between scenes. Result: Received accolades for exceptional stage management, contributing to sold-out shows and extended run dates. As a stage manager, crafting a strong resume is crucial to showcasing your skills and experience. Here are some key takeaways: Keep your resume concise and to the point, ideally one page in length. Focus on relevant sections such as objective statement, experience, education, skills, and achievements. Utilize the CAR framework to highlight the impact of your actions in previous roles. Consider optional sections like professional affiliations and additional training to further differentiate yourself. Proofread carefully and ensure your resume is visually appealing with a professional design. By following these guidelines and customizing your resume to each specific stage manager position, you'll increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams in the dynamic world of theater production.

Au Pair Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Au Pair resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Au Pair resume.

Au Pair Resume Sample and Template

What Do Hiring Managers Look for in a

How to Write a Au Pair Resume?

To write a professional Au Pair resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Au Pair resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Au Pair’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Au Pair resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as {a/an} Au Pair.
  • List your top Au Pair skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Au Pair Resume Header?

Write the perfect Au Pair resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Au Pair to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Au Pair resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.
  • Bad Au Pair Resume Example - Header Section

Eve 308 E. Homewood Lane Westford, MA 01886 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

  • Good Au Pair Resume Example - Header Section

Eve Beltran, Westford, MA, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a Au Pair email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional Au Pair Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best Au Pair resume summary: Au Pair with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].

How to Write a Au Pair Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning Au Pair resume experience section:

  • Write your Au Pair work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your Au Pair work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a Au Pair).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Au Pair Resume Example

  • Monitored and supervised children
  • Organised child's stuff Educated children
  • Cared for needs of children, enforcing rules governing safety and conduct of children
  • Planned age-appropriate activities and outings to promote physical and academicdevelopment.
  • Administered CPR, first aid, and other interventions to address medical emergenciesand assessed need for advanced treatment.
  • Responsibilities:
  • All processes involved with childcare
  • Prepared meals, assisted with homework and all other Au Pair duties.

Live in Au Pair / Book Keeper Resume Example

Live in Au Pair / Book Keeper

  • Located in Mereweather and later Gresford, I was tasked with looking after 5 children with a lovely local family. I also lived on the same property in a seperate residence. Being a new resident to Australia and at this stage having young children of my own, this was the perfect job to begin putting down my roots in the Hunter Valley area. The family also owned a local recruitment company in which I provided assistance with various bookkeeping tasks.
  • My general Au Pair duties were:
  • Meal preparation
  • Transportation to school, sports and extra circular activities
  • Assistance with Homework
  • Housekeeping duties
  • My General Book keeping duties were:
  • Accounts payable and receivable (MYOB)
  • Receptionist & Administration duties
  • Kinderbetreuung: spielen, basteln, rausgehen, Hol
  • und Bringdienste, Empfang der Kinder nach Schule und Kindergarten, einfache Mahlzeiten zubereiten, gemeinsam Kinderzimmer und Spielorte aufräumen, Kinder anziehen und bei der Körperpflege helfen.Hausarbeit: leichte Aufräum
  • und Putzarbeiten (Küche und Esszimmer), Hausmüll rausbringen, Tisch decken, Spülmaschine ausräumen und kleinere Einkäufe.

‣ Responsible for taking care of 2-years old twins and 4-year-old boyPerform housework related to childcare, such as laundry, cleaning up after meals, tidying play areas, and assisting with bathingMeal preps - breakfast, snacks lunch and dinner for the childrenDiaper changing and potty trainingPlayed with children, both indoors and outdoors, when weather was permissibleCreated age-appropriate activities (craft and art projects, painting, drawing, face painting, baking, going on walks or playing at the park, etc.)Taught children safe behavior skills and social manners, such as engaging with other children at the playground, approaching animals and pets.

Au pair Resume Example

‣ Responsible for taking care of 4- and 6-years old boysPerform housework related to childcare, such as laundry, cleaning up after meals, tidying play areas, and assisting with bathingCook healthy, well-balanced meals for children 5 days of the weekCreated age-appropriate activities (craft and art projects, science activities, painting, drawing, baking, playing with Legos or board games, playing at the park, etc.)Taught children safe behavior skills and social mannersHelped with homework while encouraging independenceRead stories to the children before bedtime

‣ Carolina do Norte, Estados UnidosEasily adapted to a different culture living with an American family in NorthCarolina, caring for 4 children.Reliable and flexible, depending on various daily circumstancesOrganize and manage logistics of two different schedulesCoordinate various activities, resolve any problematic issues, and assist kids in development of fundamental learning skills

Au Pair Duties Resume Example

Au Pair Duties

‣ Au Pair,Schedule and organise weekly with Host parents children's daily activitiesResponsible for both Children Monday to friday 6:00am till 7;00PM and alternate Sundays 1:00pm till 8:00pmorganising my schedule of extra curriculum activities, budgeting, studying and enforcingcultural exchange while working as an Au Pair and adapting to a new, foreign environment.MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, Wordpress, HTML, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop,Email marketing apps: Everlytics & Mailchimp

‣ I assisted a mother and father with childcare responsibilities. They have three daughters, and it was my responsibility to pick them up from school in the afternoons, help them with their homework, take them to their extra-mural activities and appointments, prepare meals for them and do grocery shopping for the family.

Au Pair Childminder Resume Example

Au Pair Childminder

  • Provide customized and personalized childcare for a child since he was a baby
  • Contribute to a safe, caring, nurturing environment in which the child develops
  • Administer one-on-one care with the child night and day
  • Attend to all of the physical and emotional needs of the child
  • Maintain the child living area organized and does the child's laundry
  • When required supports the transport of the child to and from activities
  • Prepare all of the meals for the child that are appropriate for his age and health
  • Perform any other duties related to the caring for the child and the household

Live-In Nanny/Au Pair Resume Example

Live-In Nanny/Au Pair

  • Childcare in support of parents’ work and personal schedules
  • Daily housekeeping and maintenance
  • Managed two children's daily schedules including transportation
  • Planned, prepared and served balanced meals for the whole family
  • Reorganised and decluttered house and garage
  • Established an open and safe communication environment while providing mentorship & guidance
  • Encouraged and supported daily learning and exploration
  • Developed bilingual abilities in English through immersive conversation and activities
  • Set up a small business, logo design, social media management, photography, product production, customer relations, budgeting
  • Family business assistance, market research, data compilation and presentation, proofreading, emailing and social media posts
  • Bodde sammen med en kinesisk familie i Hangzhou og Beijing og underviste engelsk til sønnen.
  • Tilegnet meg et innsideperspektiv på det kinesiske samfunnet og erfaring med å navigere det.
  • Studerte moderne kinesisk både på språkskole og for meg selv; brukte språket i hverdagen.
  • Mainly responsible for teaching the children English
  • Responsible for the welfare of three children daily, including taking them to and from school, preparing lunch and dinner for the family and accompanying the children on outings
  • Gained a working knowledge of Italian while living there on own initiative

AU PAIR-PART TIME Resume Example


  • Prepare meals and snacks for children
  • Assist with getting children ready for the day
  • Assist with homework and studying
  • Arts and crafts activities for children

Au pair experience program Resume Example

Au pair experience program

  • Intercambio cultural con una familia anfitriona (Canadiense-Americana), en California , U.S.A.
  • A cargo de 3 niños ( transporte desde y hacia la escuela y diferentes actividades , preparación de almuerzos y cenas , organizacion y limpieza general de la casa ).
  • Nominado AuPair ( niñero) del año por mi familia anfitriona .

Au Pair /PA Resume Example

Au Pair /PA

  • Location: Welgemoed
  • Main Duties:
  • Looking after the children.
  • Driving to school and activities.
  • Making of meals.
  • Zoom classes.

Private Au Pair for UHNW clients Resume Example

Private Au Pair for UHNW clients

  • Preparing meals for children and family and cleaning up afterwards.
  • Seeing to the children's needs and reassuring safety and security.
  • Making school lunches, helping with bath time, driving kids to school and activities.
  • Helping with homework and tutoring
  • Doing laundry and keeping kids' rooms tidy and organized
  • Other specific duties, related to caring for the children.

Au pair Dublin Irlanda Resume Example

Au pair Dublin Irlanda

  • Niñera interna en una familia irlandesa con dos niñas de 7 y 10 años.
  • Ayudante doméstica
  • Intercambio para mejorar mi inglés

Top Au Pair Resume Skills for 2023

  • Problem-solving
  • Project Management
  • Cooking and Food: Cooking
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Communication Skills
  • Research Skills

How Long Should my Au Pair Resume be?

Your Au Pair resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Au Pair, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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sample resume for au pair

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Au Pair Resume Examples

These expertly written resume examples and resume writing tips will help you to create an exceptional au pair resume

RC Team

Au Pair Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking au pair job

Personable and reliable au pair with a proven track record for achieving excellence in providing care for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and adolescents left in my care. Have remarkable communication skills are fluent in French and German.

  • Maintained household cleanliness to provide a safe and comfortable play and learning environment for children
  • Assisted children in developing basic hygiene, coping, and social skills
  • Helped two teens coordinate their activities to include schoolwork and co-curricular activities.

2. Candidate seeking au pair position

Efficient and passionate au pair with ten years of experience in offering high-quality care to children in varying cultural backgrounds. Have worked with dozens of children to inculcate positive behavior and general well being as well as taught English and French-speaking skills.

  • Read stories and played games to expand children’s English and French vocabulary
  • Accompanied children to the park, music and art festivals, and other beneficial activities
  • Guided children to solve conflicts among friends and siblings to reinforce positive behavior
  • Administered first aid and medication to children as required.

Au pair Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

While writing your resume when looking for an au pair position, you need to take care to use the right  resume action verbs  and vocabulary related to the role. These ‘ resume power words ‘ will make you appear better versed in your field than your competition, and will make each section more impressive to read.

Below is a list of keywords specifically chosen for the role of au pair.

Words to Use

  • Kindergarten
  • Safe environment
  • Early childhood development
  • Emotional care
  • Coping skills

Action Verbs

  • Participate

Au pair Resume Tips and Ideas

Au pairs have plenty of opportunities to learn about a new culture and earn a wage by offering care to children. As an au pair, your responsibilities will involve:

  • Interacting with children and teaching them your culture
  • Preparing meals and cleaning up afterwards
  • Bathing and dressing the kids as part of the early morning routine or otherwise
  • Packing lunches and seeing children off to school
  • Taking children to the park, zoo, or any other place
  • Light duties associated with children, like their laundry and helping them keep their rooms tidy

An au pair’s job can be highly fulfilling , and to get a position as one, you need to w rite a compelling au pair resume to convince the family that you are capable of handling your tasks effectively.

With our  online resume builders , you will not have to design a resume from scratch but can get yours put together with only a few clicks.

  • Reverse chronological.
  • You can use online  resume templates  to avail more information on the  chronological resume format
  • Neat, appealing, and formal resume design
  • Margins and white space
  • Resume fonts types and size
  • Subheadings and bullets
  • Minimalist colors
  • Contact information
  • Resume professional summary
  • Work history
  • Education background
  • Additional skills and certifications
  • Volunteer work
  • Hobbies and interests

Resume Length

The format of your resume is essentially the order in which the information will follow . As a professional au pair with plenty of experience, you need a resume format that will highlight your work experience , as the hiring family will want someone with a strong background in childcare.

The  reverse-chronological resume format  is, therefore, your best bet for a highly effective application. In this format, you add your work experience starting with the most recent and working backward . This work experience must come right after your resume summary statement to ensure that it is easy to spot and read through.

This resume format is also universally recognized as the standard for outstanding resumes, which means most recruiters will understand it more easily than other formats.

Your  resume design  is critical, as it determines the recruiters’ first impression of you. It will indicate your organizational skills and attention to detail, which is why y ou need a flawless, appealing, and error-free resume design. Your resume should be legible and easy to skim through as well.

Balancing out white space with the amount of text is a key component of making an easy-to-read resume; it ensures the document does not look stuffed and hard to read. You can increase white space by having a margin all around your resume and reducing the use of underlining and bold formatting.

As you write your details, use one font throughout your document for consistency . Formal  resume fonts  you can use include Arial, Georgia, and Calibri, in legible sizes like 12.

Use  subheadings  at the beginning of each section and bullet points to make your resume easier to skim through .

You can use a dark color like navy blue or maroon as a column background color to enhance your resume’s appearance. Finally, p roofread your resume and save it as a PDF to conserve its design across various reading devices.

Having a photo on your resume is highly advised against as it may predispose you to hiring bias.

Sections of a Au pair Resume

Each  section of your resume  is important in determining your suitability for the job you are applying for. Dividing your information into sections also enables you to organize your professional details in a manner that is universally accepted by HR professionals. Below are the sections that you must include in your au pair resume:

  • Resume title: your profession, i.e., Au Pair
  • Contact information: Include your name without any title and current work contacts for the panel to contact you (email and mailing address, and phone number). A LinkedIn profile is optional.
  • Resume professional summary:  A summary of your professional abilities , specialization, positive qualities, and the period spent in the workforce. If you have little experience, use this section to show off your valuable skills and knowledge.
  • Professional background
  • Academic background
  • Additional skills and certifications : any extra competencies that you possess and are relevant to the job requirements such as first aid and cooking skills

Your volunteerism can be helpful if you  have little experience  as an au pair. Your hobbies and interests are optional, though they can also add more points if they coincide with your career.

An au pair resume should be about one page long. Be as brief as you can while including your important details, especially any achievements you can demonstrate . You do not want to overwhelm the recruiter with excessive information. Again, do not go below font 11 as the resume will become illegible.

Au pair Resume Section Headings

Work experience.

The most vital part of your au pair resume is the work experience section. This is because this section illustrates the various duties you have fulfilled previously in childcare and will reveal your ability to handle new roles.

As you write this section, make sure that you include all the responsibilities indicated in the job description to ensure that you come across as a perfect match for the position.

A high school diploma is essential to get a position as an au pair. However, some clients will prefer that you have a post-secondary diploma in early childhood development or any other relevant position. This section is also important in proving  your academic qualifications .

Here, indicate your highest achievement first, followed by the college or school name, and location, and years of study. If you have little experience, indicate any courses or programs you have attended that are relevant to the job.

Some states may require you to pass a background check and show a record of immunizations to get an au pair job. Others may require that you have CPR and first aid certifications or even the Child Development Associate certification.

If you have any of these, write them in order of the most recently received, the organization that offered it, and the date of receipt. Other than licenses and certifications, include all other helpful skills that you have, such as creative skills or speaking a foreign language .

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Au Pair Resume Sample

Land your next job more easily & find inspiration for your next resume with our free, editable Au Pair resume sample. Make a copy of this resume sample free of charge or rewrite it directly in our sleek resume creator.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Au Pair Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Leontina argo.

Dedicated and proactive Au Pair with a proven track record of delivering compassionate physical and emotional support to children. Skilled in ensuring a secure and organized environment, orchestrating engaging activities, and fostering a positive rapport with families. Demonstrates meticulous attention to safety protocols and exceptional communication abilities. Adept at thriving in both autonomous and collaborative settings.

Work experience

  • Provided exceptional physical and emotional care to three children, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment
  • Prepared and served daily meals, maintained cleanliness in household and children's rooms
  • Engaged in active play with children, facilitated transportation to and from school, assisted with homework
  • Collaborated with parents to address any needs or concerns, maintained open communication
  • Organized and led various activities, supported children in developing fundamental learning skills
  • Completed additional responsibilities as requested by parents
  • Achieved a Graduation with Distinction, receiving Grade 1 (equivalent to A/excellent) in all 4 subjects.
  • Participated actively in various Clubs and Societies, including the Biology Society, Dance Club, and Fitness Club.



Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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StandOut CV

Au Pair CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

From childcare to housework, walking the dog and helping the kids with their homework, you love every part of being an au pair.

If you’re ready to join a new family, you need to prove you’ve got what it takes to support them, and this requires a strong CV.

Find out how to write an interview-winning job application using our handy guide and au pair CV example below.

CV templates 

Au Pair CV example

Au Pair CV 1

This example CV demonstrates how to structure and format your own Au Pair CV, so that it can be easily digested by busy hiring managers, and quickly prove why you are suitable for the jobs you are applying to.

It also gives you a good idea of the type of skills, experience and qualifications that you need to be highlighting in your CV.

CV builder

Au Pair CV format and structure

Hiring managers and recruiters are frequently overloaded with applications, and if they can’t identify the relevant information in your CV within a few seconds, your application may be overlooked.

To avoid this, it’s essential to format and structure your CV in a manner that makes it simple to pick out the most important information, even if the reader is in a rush.

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Au Pair CV

  • Length: Two sides of A4 makes for the perfect CV length , though one page is okay for less experienced applicants. This forces you to make sure that every single sentence adds value to your CV and ensures you avoid unnecessary  info.
  • Readability : By clearly formatting your section headings (bold, or a different colour font, do the trick) and breaking up big chunks of text into snappy bullet points, time-strapped recruiters will be able to skim through your CV with ease.
  • Design & format: While it’s okay to add your own spin to your CV, avoid overdoing the design. If you go for something elaborate, you might end up frustrating recruiters who, above anything, value simplicity and clarity.
  • Photos: Profile photos or aren’t a requirement for most industries, so you don’t need to add one in the UK – but if you do, just make sure it looks professional

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

When writing your CV , break up the content into the following key sections, to ensure it can be easily digested by busy recruiters and hiring managers:

  • Contact details – Always list these at the very top of your CV – you don’t want them to be missed!
  • Profile – An introductory paragraph, intended to grab recruiters attention and summarise your offering.
  • Work experience / career history – Working from your current role and working backwards, list your relevant work experience.
  • Education – Create a snappy summary of your education and qualifications.
  • Interest and hobbies – An optional section to document any hobbies that demonstrate transferable skills.

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Tuck your contact details into the corner of your CV, so that they don’t take up too much space. Stick to the basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, such as your full name.
  • Location -Just write your rough location, rather than your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – If you include these, ensure they’re sleek, professional and up-to-date.

Au Pair CV Profile

Your CV profile is the first thing recruiters will read – so your goal is to give them a reason to read onto the end of the document!

Create a short and snappy paragraph that showcases your key skills, relevant experience and impressive accomplishments.

Ultimately, it should prove to the reader that you’ve got what it takes to carry out the job.

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: Aim for a short, snappy paragraph of 3-5 lines. This is just enough room to showcase why you’d make the perfect hire, without going into excessive detail and overwhelming busy recruiters.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your CV, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your CV profile, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Avoid discussing your career goals in your CV profile – if you think they’re necessary, briefly mention them in your cover letter instead.
  • Avoid generic phrases: Clichés like “ blue-sky thinker with a go-getter attitude” might sound impressive to you, but they don’t actually tell the recruiter much about you. Concentrate on highlighting hard facts and skills, as recruiters are more likely to take these on board.

Example CV profile for Au Pair

What to include in your au pair cv profile.

  • Experience overview: Demonstrate your suitability for your target jobs by giving a high level summary of your previous work work experience , including the industries you have worked in, types of employer, and the type of roles you have previous experience of.
  • Targeted skills: Make your most relevant Au Pair key skills clear in your profile. These should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for – so make sure to check the job description first, and aim to match their requirements as closely as you can.
  • Important qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, write a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Au Pair CV

Childcare Expertise – Providing quality childcare services, including supervising children’s activities, ensuring their safety, and meeting their physical and emotional needs.

Communication – Interacting effectively with children, parents, and other family members, including active listening and clear expression.

Scheduling and Routine Management – Organising daily schedules, coordinating activities, and ensuring punctuality in meeting children’s routines and commitments.

Adaptability and Flexibility – Adapting to different family dynamics, cultural contexts, and household routines, and being flexible in accommodating changing needs and schedules.

Problem Resolution – Handling unexpected situations, conflicts, and challenges that may arise while caring for children.

Multitasking – Handling multiple responsibilities simultaneously, such as managing household tasks, assisting with homework, and engaging in recreational activities with children.

Home Organisation – Maintaining cleanliness, order, and safety in children’s living and play areas, and keeping track of children’s schedules and belongings.

Patience and Empathy – Understanding children’s emotions, responding sensitively to their needs, and supporting their growth and development.

Cultural Awareness – Maintaining sensitivity and openness to different cultural backgrounds, customs, and traditions, promoting a diverse and inclusive environment for children.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

Next up is your work experience section, which is normally the longest part of your CV.

Start with your current (or most recent) job and work your way backwards through your experience.

Can’t fit all your roles? Allow more space for your recent career history and shorten down descriptions for your older roles.

Work experience

Structuring each job

The structure of your work experience section can seriously affect its impact.

This is generally the biggest section of a CV, and with no thought to structure, it can look bulky and important information can get lost.

Use my 3-step structure below to allow for easy navigation, so employers can find what they are looking for:

Role descriptions

Firstly, give the reader some context by creating a punchy summary of the job as a whole.

You should mention what the purpose or goal of your role was, what team you were part of and who you reported to.

Key responsibilities

Using easy-to-read bullet points, note down your day-to-day responsibilities in the role.

Make sure to showcase how you used your hard sector skills and knowledge.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

Sample job description for Au Pair CV

Provide in-home childcare for a family with two children aged 6 and 8 in Alresford, including transportation, meal preparation, and light housekeeping.

Key Responsibilities

  • Plan and prepare meals, taking into consideration allergies and preferences
  • Assist children with homework, ensuring that they complete their tasks on time
  • Provide transportation to and from school and extra-curricular activities, ensuring that the children arrive on time and safely with the correct equipment
  • Maintain a clean and organised home environment, completing light housekeeping duties such as laundry, dishes, and vacuuming

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Au Pair qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Hobbies and interests

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

A strong, compelling CV is essential to get noticed and land interviews with the best employers.

To ensure your CV stands out from the competition, make sure to tailor it to your target role and pack it with sector-specific skills and results.

Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send.

Good luck with the job search!

Top 16 Au Pair Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 13, 2023 12 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that outlines your career goals and objectives, and should be tailored specifically for an au pair position. When writing a resume objective for an au pair role, it’s important to highlight your qualifications and experience that make you the ideal candidate. Focus on your unique skills and abilities, such as being bilingual or having childcare experience. Additionally, include any certifications or special training that may be relevant to the job.

For example, a resume objective for an au pair position might read: “Experienced childcare professional with six years of experience in providing exceptional care to children of all ages. Certified in CPR and First Aid, I am looking to bring my enthusiasm and dedication to the role of Au Pair at ABC Family.” Another example could be: “Bilingual Spanish/English speaker with three years of au pair experience seeking to provide compassionate care for children at XYZ Family. Skilled in creating engaging activities and fostering positive relationships with families."

Au Pair Resume Example

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Top 16 Au Pair Resume Objective Samples

  • To secure an Au Pair position with a family that will allow me to utilize my childcare and organizational skills.
  • To obtain an Au Pair position in which I can provide quality care for children while gaining invaluable experience.
  • Seeking an Au Pair role with a family that values responsibility, trust, and dedication.
  • To use my knowledge of child development and education to provide the best possible care for children as an Au Pair.
  • To gain experience as an Au Pair while providing a safe, nurturing environment for children.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as an Au Pair where I can use my skills in communication and problem solving to create positive relationships with families.
  • To become part of a loving family as their Au Pair and provide exceptional childcare services.
  • Seeking an Au Pair role within a family that is committed to creating a positive learning environment for their children.
  • Aiming to join a reputable family as their full-time au pair and offer excellent childcare services.
  • To contribute my extensive knowledge of child development in order to provide the best possible care for children as an au pair.
  • Aiming to work as an au pair with a family that values trust, respect, and commitment to excellence in childcare services.
  • Looking for an opportunity to serve as an au pair where I can bring enthusiasm, energy, and compassion into the lives of children every day.
  • Pursuing a position as an au pair where I can combine my love of working with children with my organizational skills in order to create a safe, nurturing environment for them.
  • Searching for a position as an au pair where I can use my ability to multitask effectively while providing quality care for the children under my supervision.
  • Hoping to find employment with a family who is looking for someone reliable and dedicated enough to take on the role of their au pair.

How to Write an Au Pair Resume Objective

Writing an effective au pair resume objective is key to getting your foot in the door and securing an interview. An au pair is a live-in childcare provider, so having a well-crafted resume objective can make all the difference in your job search. Here are some tips on how to write an effective au pair resume objective:

1. Highlight relevant skills and experience: Start by listing any relevant skills or experience you have that would make you a great candidate for the role of an au pair. This could include previous childcare experience, certifications, and any other qualifications that set you apart from other applicants. Be sure to emphasize any specialties or unique qualities that might be attractive to potential employers.

2. Focus on the job requirements: When writing your resume objective, be sure to focus on the specific requirements of the position. For example, if the family is looking for someone who speaks Spanish fluently, mention this in your objective. Similarly, if they are looking for someone with strong organizational skills, emphasize this in your objective as well.

3. Show enthusiasm: It’s important to show that you are excited about being an au pair and have a genuine interest in working with children. Your resume objective should reflect this enthusiasm and demonstrate why you would be a great fit for the job.

By following these tips, you can create an effective au pair resume objective that will help you stand out from other applicants and give potential employers a good reason to consider hiring you. Good luck!

Related : What does an Au Pair do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Au Pair Resume Objective

In the competitive field of childcare, having a well-crafted resume is crucial for aspiring au pairs. One essential part of your resume is the objective, where you have the opportunity to immediately grab the attention of potential families or agencies. This section should not only clarify your career goals but also highlight your key skills that make you an excellent fit for the role. In this section, we will discuss some of the most important skills to emphasize in your au pair resume objective to help you stand out from other candidates.

1. Childcare

An Au Pair is primarily responsible for taking care of children in a household. This includes tasks such as feeding, bathing, and entertaining the children, as well as helping with their development and education. Therefore, having childcare skills is essential for this job role. It demonstrates that the applicant has experience and knowledge in child development and can ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children they are entrusted with. This skill also shows that the candidate is capable of managing any potential issues or emergencies related to the children's care.

An Au Pair is often responsible for preparing meals for the children they are taking care of. Having cooking skills ensures that they can provide nutritious and balanced meals. This skill also demonstrates their ability to take on household responsibilities, showcasing their independence and reliability. It's a practical skill that adds value to their service, making them more appealing to potential families.

3. First Aid

An Au Pair is responsible for taking care of children in a household, which often includes tasks like feeding, bathing, and transporting them to various activities. Having First Aid skills is crucial because it ensures the safety and well-being of the children under their care. It enables the Au Pair to respond effectively to any emergencies or accidents that may occur, providing immediate care until professional medical help arrives. This skill can also reassure parents that their children are in capable and competent hands.

4. Language Proficiency

An Au Pair is typically responsible for providing childcare services in a foreign country, therefore language proficiency is crucial. This skill is needed for a resume objective to demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with both the children and the host family. It also shows that the candidate can easily adapt to a new cultural environment, help children with their language homework, and manage day-to-day tasks such as grocery shopping or liaising with local services.

5. Tutoring

An Au Pair is often responsible for assisting children with their homework and educational development. Having tutoring skills indicates that the candidate can effectively help children understand and learn their school material, which is a key part of the role. It also shows that the candidate has patience, communication skills, and the ability to simplify complex concepts - all of which are important in managing and educating children.

6. Housekeeping

An Au Pair is often responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of their host family's home, especially areas used by the children they care for. Having housekeeping skills ensures that they can effectively carry out these tasks. This skill is also a reflection of an individual's ability to manage time, multitask, and pay attention to detail. Including this in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of creating a clean, organized, and healthy environment for the family they will be working with.

7. Time Management

An Au Pair is responsible for taking care of children, managing their daily activities, and ensuring their safety. Effective time management skills are crucial as they need to balance various tasks such as preparing meals, assisting with homework, arranging playdates and activities, and maintaining the cleanliness of the children's areas. This skill also ensures that all tasks are completed within the stipulated time frame and any emergencies or unexpected situations can be handled efficiently.

8. Conflict Resolution

An Au Pair often works in a family setting, taking care of children and assisting with household duties. Conflict resolution is an essential skill for this job as it involves interacting with different personalities and managing various situations that may arise within the household. This could include disputes between siblings, disagreements over tasks or rules, or misunderstandings with parents. Being able to effectively resolve conflicts demonstrates strong communication skills, patience, understanding, and the ability to maintain a harmonious environment - all of which are desirable traits in an Au Pair.

9. Cultural Adaptability

An Au Pair is often required to live with a host family in a foreign country, hence cultural adaptability is crucial. This skill ensures that the Au Pair can quickly and effectively adjust to new environments, customs, and practices. It also enables them to communicate effectively with the host family, understand their values and traditions, and provide appropriate care for the children within that cultural context. In the resume objective, highlighting this skill can demonstrate an applicant's readiness and capability to handle the unique challenges of this role.

10. Emotional Intelligence

An Au Pair is responsible for taking care of children in a domestic setting, often in a different country. Emotional intelligence is crucial as they need to understand and respond appropriately to the emotional needs and development of the children they are caring for. They also need to manage their own emotions effectively in potentially stressful situations or when dealing with homesickness or cultural differences. This skill can help them build strong relationships with both the children and their parents, ensuring a harmonious living environment.

Top 10 Au Pair Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your Au Pair resume objective should effectively showcase a range of key skills that demonstrate your ability to excel in this role. These skills should not only highlight your competence in child care but also your capacity to adapt to new environments and cultures, communicate effectively, and manage various tasks. Remember, the objective is the first thing potential employers read; hence it needs to be compelling and indicative of your value proposition. Tailoring these skills to meet the specific demands of each family will significantly increase your chances of securing an Au Pair position.

Related : Au Pair Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing an Au Pair Resume Objective

Au pair resume objectives are an important part of the application process. They provide employers with a brief overview of your qualifications and goals, as well as giving them an idea of what you can bring to the role. Unfortunately, mistakes in writing au pair resume objectives are common. Here are some tips on how to avoid these mistakes and ensure that your resume objective makes a great first impression.

Firstly, it is important to keep your au pair resume objective concise and clear. Many applicants make the mistake of including too much information or making their objective too long-winded. Employers want a quick snapshot of who you are and what you can do for them, so make sure to keep your objective short and sweet. Additionally, focus on the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for, rather than providing a lengthy list of all your qualifications and background information.

Another common mistake when writing au pair resume objectives is not tailoring it specifically enough to the job at hand. It’s important to demonstrate why you are particularly suited for this particular position, rather than simply listing generic reasons why you would be a good fit for any role in childcare or childcare-related fields. Showcase specific experiences or skills that have prepared you for working as an au pair, such as having previous experience caring for children or being certified in CPR or first aid.

Finally, make sure that your au pair resume objective is free from typos and grammatical errors. This may seem obvious but many people still overlook this crucial detail when submitting their resumes! Poor grammar will give employers the impression that you don’t take care with details or lack attention to detail - both qualities which are essential for successful work as an au pair!

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing an au pair resume objective, you can ensure that employers get a great first impression of your qualifications and abilities - setting yourself up for success in the application process!

Related : Au Pair Resume Examples

Au Pair Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for an Au Pair should focus on how the applicant's qualifications, experience, and skills make them an ideal candidate for the role, while a wrong objective would simply state that the applicant is looking for a job as an Au Pair.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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AU Pair skills for your resume and career

An au pair's hard skills are crucial for success in the role. These include providing quality childcare, assisting with homework, and preparing nutritious meals. It's also important to have some medical knowledge, such as CPR and first aid. Additionally, an au pair must be able to navigate cultural differences and be flexible and adaptable in their approach.

Soft skills are equally important for an au pair. They must have excellent communication and organizational skills, as they will be interacting with the host family and managing various household responsibilities. They must also be able to provide individualized care and attention to the children in their care, and assist with their social and educational development.

15 au pair skills for your resume and career

1. quality childcare.

Quality childcare is defined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children as a "program that is emotionally and physically safe, developmentally appropriate, and focused on individual children's needs." Au pairs use quality childcare by developing relationships with children while utilizing childhood development concepts and practices. They also ensure children are safe and provided quality childcare on a full-time basis.

  • Provide quality childcare and develop relationship utilizing childhood development concepts and practices.
  • Provided high quality childcare while exchanging cultural differences.

2. Household Chores

Household chores are routine tasks that need to be done in a home. Au pairs use household chores by helping children practice the English language, assisting in childcare activities, and maintaining a prompt level of house management. They also help with laundry, ironing, and daily household cleaning. They even assist with shopping, meal preparation, and provide transportation.

  • Helped the children practice the English Language, helped with household chores, cleaning and provided transportation.
  • Assisted in childcare activities including tutoring, preparing meals, and scheduling household chores and responsibilities.

3. Child Care

Child care is the responsibility of supervising and caring for children. Au pairs use child care to provide personalized care to children, including tutoring, homework supervision, and recreational activities. They also manage aspects of language development for children in both English and Spanish, while ensuring their physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth.

  • Provided flexible and personalized child care, individual tutoring, homework supervision, and developmentally appropriate recreational activities.
  • Provided child care to an American family for 18 months, while studying English and other courses in the US

4. Meal Preparation

Meal preparation is the process of planning and creating meals. Au pairs use meal preparation by supervising children and assisting with household responsibilities, including housework and organization of weekly schedules. They also perform additional duties like housekeeping chores and helping with homework. As an au pair, they may also facilitate cultural exchanges with a specialty in holiday meal preparation.

  • Supervised toddler-aged twin boys and assisted with household responsibilities including housework, meal preparation, and organization of weekly schedule.
  • Facilitated cultural exchanges with a specialty in holiday meal preparation

5. Educational Development

Educational development refers to the process of improving learning and knowledge. Au pairs use educational development by providing high-quality care for children while encouraging their social and educational development. They also help to promote the mental, social, and educational development of children, both within a busy household and through organized activities. For example, they might assist with the social and educational development of two children in a busy home, or help to promote the mental, social, and educational development of a recently adopted child.

  • Provided high quality care for two toddlers while encouraging their social and educational development.
  • Provided childcare while promoting cultural, linguistic and educational development

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a life-saving technique used to restore breathing and blood circulation in case of a cardiac arrest. Au pairs use CPR to ensure the safety of children in their care. They receive training in CPR and keep their certification up to date. They also maintain current health immunizations and CPR certification to be prepared for any emergency.

  • Received training in CPR, First Aid, and early childhood education.
  • Provided childcare for various families and maintained child safety through CPR certification

Choose from 10+ customizable au pair resume templates

7. mathematics.

Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes. Au pairs use mathematics to tutor children in math and other subjects. They also use it to manage appointments and transportation.

  • Provided one-on-one instruction to children aged 6 and 8 in reading, writing, vocabulary, and mathematics.
  • Tutored children in Reading and Writing in Spanish, and Mathematics in English.

8. American Culture

American culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts of the United States. Au pairs use American culture by immersing themselves in it and learning about its traditions. They also help children learn about it and improve their English language skills. They expose children to different aspects of American culture and coordinate diverse activities to do so.

  • Submerged in the American culture while dealing with day-to-day household responsibilities.
  • Exposed to the American culture, traveled in the US, and worked on improving my English skills.

9. Medical Appointments

Medical appointments is when a person visits a doctor or healthcare professional. Au pairs use medical appointments by transporting children to and from school, extramural activities, play dates or parties, and to medical appointments. They also assist with adolescent's homework, extracurricular activities like sports, dental, and medical appointments. They manage household responsibilities, schedule and accompany the child to medical appointments, and administer medications as prescribed.

  • Transport children to and from school, to extramural activities, to play dates or parties, and to medical appointments.
  • Assisted with adolescent's homework, extracurricular activities such as sports, dental, and medical appointments.

10. Social Development

Social development is the process by which individuals learn how to interact with others, understand their emotions, and build relationships. Au pairs use social development to model positive behaviors, provide enrichment activities, and support children's emotional and social developmental needs. They encourage positive interactions with others, both in and outside of the classroom, to help children build their social skills and develop a positive self-concept.

  • Served as a role model and provided enrichment to the social development of the children.
  • Support children's emotional and social development, including the development of positive self-concepts.

11. Language Development

Language development is the process of learning and improving one's ability to communicate. Au pairs use language development in their daily tasks by promoting language skills through reading, storytelling, crafts, and outdoor activities. They also assist children with small chores, and help them develop good behavior. By doing so, au pairs help children improve their language abilities, leading to better communication skills.

  • Promoted English and French language development skills through reading, storytelling, crafts, and outdoor adventures.
  • Promoted English language development skills through reading, grammar lessons, and games.

12. Nutritious Meals

Nutritious meals are meals that provide the body with the necessary nutrients for optimal health. Au pairs use nutritious meals by preparing them for the children and family, ensuring a safe and clean environment for mealtime, and introducing projects that focus on fun and developmentally appropriate learning opportunities. They also supervise the children while preparing and serving nutritious meals.

  • Cooked nutritious meals, snacks and refreshments for the child and family and provided appropriate clean-up.
  • Core tasks included preparing nutritious meals, planning after-school activities and assisting with homework.

13. Spanish Language

Spanish language is a Romance language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula. Au pairs use Spanish to communicate with their host families. They design new areas for children to play and develop their skills in art and Spanish. They also provide private Spanish lessons and assist with school studies.

  • Adapted to different cultures and lifestyle -Strengthened Spanish language skills
  • Design of a new area for the kids to play and develop their skills in art and Spanish language.

14. Cultural Differences

Cultural differences refer to variations in how people from different cultures communicate, behave, and think. Au pairs use cultural differences by navigating and exploring them to create a close bond with their host family. They also help children understand and appreciate these differences, which helps them become more open-minded and globally aware. Additionally, au pairs must be able to recognize and effectively deal with cross-cultural differences in order to successfully assimilate into a new culture.

  • Fostered the ability to recognize, acknowledge, and effectively deal with cross cultural differences.
  • Researched extensively to overcome cultural differences and assimilate as necessary to life in the U.S.

15. Host Family

A host family is a family that a domestic worker lives with and works for, providing childcare and other domestic services in exchange for room and board. Au pairs use host families to gain cultural immersion and language skills. They provide childcare, tutoring, and assistance with domestic housework, and in return, they get to experience a new culture and language. They also serve as mediators in case of disputes between host families and au pairs.

  • Lived and worked for an American host family providing a cultural immersion and skills-developing experience.
  • Provided host family with loving childcare; educated and tutored children in the English language; and assisted in domestic housework.

12 AU Pair Resume Examples

Build a professional au pair resume in minutes. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume. Then choose from 12 + resume templates to create your au pair resume.

What skills help AU Pairs find jobs?

Tell us what job you are looking for, we’ll show you what skills employers want. Get Started

List of au pair skills to add to your resume

AU Pair Skills

The most important skills for an au pair resume and required skills for an au pair to have include:

  • Quality Childcare
  • Household Chores
  • Meal Preparation
  • Educational Development
  • Mathematics
  • American Culture
  • Medical Appointments
  • Social Development
  • Language Development
  • Nutritious Meals
  • Spanish Language
  • Cultural Differences
  • Host Family
  • Homework Assignments
  • American Family
  • Child Development
  • Healthy Meals
  • Household Management
  • Light Housework
  • Household Tasks
  • Cooking Meals
  • Foreign Country

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

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  • In-Home Nanny
  • Live-Out Nanny
  • Nanny/Household Manager
  • Nanny/Housekeeper
  • Personal Nanny
  • Professional Nanny
  • Summer Nanny

AU Pair Related Jobs

  • Family Nanny Jobs
  • Governess Jobs
  • In-Home Nanny Jobs
  • Live-Out Nanny Jobs
  • Nanny/Household Manager Jobs
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Au Pair Resume Examples - Australian Format and Tips

Your au pair journey is more than a job; it's a cultural adventure. Craft your resume with care, showcasing not only your childcare skills but also your commitment to cultural exchange and personal growth.

Resume examples for top Au Pair jobs

Use the following guidelines and resume examples to choose the best resume format.

Au Pair Resume Sample

Au Pair Resume Examples - Australian Format and Tips


Embark on a cultural adventure as an Au Pair, where your journey involves not just childcare but also cultural exchange. At BookMyResume, we recognize the blend of caregiving and cultural immersion that defines the role of an Au Pair. Let's delve into the key elements that will make your au pair resume stand out and capture the essence of this enriching experience.

Salary Details:

In the world of being an au pair, compensation often extends beyond monetary values. Au pairs typically receive room and board, meals, and a weekly stipend. The non-monetary benefits, such as cultural exchange and language learning, add significant value to the overall experience.

Key Points in Job Role:

  • Childcare Responsibilities: Provide personalized and caring support for the children in your host family, fostering a nurturing environment.
  • Cultural Exchange: Engage in cultural exchange by sharing your own traditions and customs while embracing those of your host family.
  • Language Development: Contribute to the language development of the children by conversing with them in your native language, promoting a bilingual environment.
  • Household Support: Assist with light household duties related to the children, creating a harmonious balance between childcare and household responsibilities.
  • Adaptability: Showcase your ability to adapt to a new cultural environment, highlighting your openness to new experiences and your eagerness to learn.

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out:

  • Highlight Cultural Exchange: Emphasize your commitment to cultural exchange by showcasing experiences where you've actively participated in cultural activities or shared aspects of your own culture.
  • Language Skills: Highlight your language proficiency and its impact on the language development of the children under your care, showcasing your ability to create a bilingual environment.
  • Childcare Experience: Detail your previous childcare experiences, emphasizing your skills in creating a nurturing and supportive atmosphere for children.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Showcase instances where you've demonstrated adaptability and flexibility in adjusting to new environments, schedules, and cultural norms.
  • Educational Background: Highlight any relevant educational background, especially in early childhood education or related fields, to underscore your qualifications for the role.
  • Personalized Approach: Illustrate your personalized approach to childcare, emphasizing how you tailor your caregiving style to the individual needs and preferences of each child.

FAQs with Answers:

  • Q: How can I showcase my commitment to cultural exchange on my au pair resume?

A: Highlight specific instances where you actively engaged in cultural activities or shared aspects of your own culture with the host family.

  • Q: What impact does language development have on my au pair experience, and how can I convey this on my resume?

A: Language development is crucial. Showcase experiences where your language proficiency contributed to creating a bilingual environment, positively impacting the children's language skills.

  • Q: Is it beneficial to include household support responsibilities on my au pair resume?

A: Yes, showcasing your willingness to assist with light household duties related to the children demonstrates your commitment to creating a balanced and harmonious environment.

  • Q: How can I emphasize my adaptability and flexibility on my au pair resume?

A: Detail experiences where you've successfully adapted to new environments, schedules, and cultural norms, showcasing your openness to diverse experiences.

  • Q: Does my educational background matter in being an au pair, and if so, how can I highlight it on my resume?

A: While not mandatory, relevant educational background, especially in early childhood education, can enhance your au pair resume. Highlight any relevant degrees or certifications you possess.

Interview Preparation Tips:

  • Discuss Cultural Experiences: Be prepared to discuss specific cultural experiences you've had, emphasizing how these experiences have shaped your perspective and enriched your ability to engage in cultural exchange.
  • Language Proficiency: Showcase your language proficiency during the interview, discussing how you plan to contribute to the language development of the children in a bilingual environment.
  • Childcare Approach: Discuss your personalized approach to childcare, emphasizing how you tailor your caregiving style to meet the individual needs and preferences of each child.
  • Adaptability Scenarios: Be ready to share scenarios where you've demonstrated adaptability and flexibility, especially in adjusting to new environments and cultural norms.
  • Household Support: Discuss your willingness to assist with household duties related to the children, showcasing your commitment to creating a balanced and harmonious environment for the host family.

More Resume Examples for the Next Step in Your Au Pair Resume Career jobs

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  • Au Pair Resume
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  • Playground Supervisor Resume
  • Child Care Center Administrator Resume
  • Provider Resume
  • Day Care Center Administrator Resume

More Cover Examples for the Next Step in Your Au Pair Cover Career jobs

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  • Daycare Worker Cover Letter
  • Au Pair Cover Letter
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  • Babysitter Cover Letter
  • Playground Supervisor Cover Letter
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  • Provider Cover Letter
  • Day Care Center Administrator Cover Letter

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sample resume for au pair

In 1940, Uncle Sam saw storm clouds on the horizon. Germany was steamrolling European countries at a horrifying pace. Japan was collecting island nations like Boy Scout badges all over the Pacific. Italy and the Soviet Union weren’t exactly on their best behavior, either. The U.S. military’s lax attitude since World War I suddenly looked like it might be a fatal mistake. Hell, even the Army ’s garage looked bleak.

Necessity is the mother of all invention, as the saying goes, and the U.S. military had plenty of needs. In addition to replacing the pitiful Grumman F3F with something that could survive more than five seconds with Mitsubishis and Messerschmitts, soldiers needed a quick, nimble combat vehicle that wouldn’t get stuck or fall apart on the battlefield.

A now-defunct company named Willys answered the call. What rolled out of the research and development shop a few weeks later was one of the four vehicles Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower credited with winning World War II, according to the automotive historians at Hagerty . The Willys Jeep is an automotive legend to this day, and this is its origin story.

Born for Combat

Willys won the military’s business with the Quad prototype vehicle that evolved into the now-famous Jeep.

There were three contenders for the military’s business when the Army asked for a lightweight reconnaissance vehicle. Willys won the contract over Bantam and Ford, although some design elements from Ford’s prototype made it onto the final production vehicle and the company would get in on the action soon enough. According to the car publication Autoweek , the famous T-latches on the hood and seven-slot grille came from the Ford Pygmy rather than the Willys Quad.

After beating the competition, Willys sent the Army a production model called the MA. It was a step in the right direction, but it failed to meet the Army’s restrictive weight requirement. According to historians at Jeep , the company sent its MAs to the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union under a lend-lease program. Engineers then went back to the drawing board and got serious about shedding weight. They trimmed body panels and even cut fractions of an inch off bolts to save every possible ounce.

The result of all this obsessive refinement was the Willys MB, or Jeep. The vehicle satisfied the Army’s weight limit of 2,160 pounds. Each one cost $738.74, according to Jeep.

Willys’ Detroit factory cranked out MB Jeeps as fast as possible, but that wasn’t enough to meet wartime demand. According to the automotive site Hemmings , Willys produced 362,000 MB Jeeps, and Ford built another 280,000 GPW Jeeps .

Willys MB: A Heavyweight Fighter in a Featherweight’s Body

The Willys MB could go where other vehicles couldn’t –- and live to tell the tale.

On paper, the Willys MB didn’t look like much. It was the size of a golf cart with 60 horsepower. It had a three-speed transmission and tires just six inches wide, according to Kaiser Willys , the source for Willys restoration parts and information.

That’s only half the story, though, because it also had a low-range transfer case for crawling over rough terrain. The reliable 2.2-liter “Go-Devil” engine could achieve a top speed of 65 mph and stretch 15 gallons of gas 285 miles -- perfect for scouting battlefields where stopping to fill up wasn’t an option.

When the Willys MB’s windshield folds down, it rests on two blocks of wood; that’s 'military grade' at its finest.

Part of the MB’s magic was its simplicity. It was reliable and easy to work on. It was almost impossible to get stuck. If service members managed to get bogged down, they could lift the Jeep out of trouble with body-mounted handles. They could even disassemble and rebuild the entire vehicle in the blink of an eye.

The Willys MB and subsequent evolutions were everything American GIs needed, and nothing more. The lightweight 4x4 didn’t offer any creature comforts and it didn't have a lot of room, but it would get them where they needed to go without fail.

Everyone from frontline soldiers to stateside Navy Shore Patrol sailors loved the Jeep. Senior officers and war correspondents agreed.

According to Jeep , Gen. George C. Marshall called the MB “America’s greatest contribution to modern warfare” (I wouldn’t go that far, but I appreciate the sentiment), and reporter Ernie Pyle said, "It did everything. It went everywhere. Was as faithful as a dog, as strong as a mule and as agile as a goat. It constantly carried twice what it was designed for and still kept going."

That’s what we call a good piece of gear.

Ready to Rumble. Anytime, Anywhere

The tiny Willys MB could fit into aircraft to support soldiers anywhere, even behind enemy lines. (Library of Congress photo)

When you have a vehicle as competent as the Willys MB Jeep, it only makes sense to get it into as many roles as possible. According to the automotive history site Truck Encyclopedia , the Army shipped Jeeps with a huge array of kits for specialized uses.

The base configuration was a stripped-down personnel carrier with room for four, including the driver. The most common adaptation was a reconnaissance kit that added radios, an M1919 .30-caliber machine gun and cans of extra gasoline.

More niche adaptations included an anti-tank kit with a pair of bazookas; a light armor kit for protection against small arms fire; a field ambulance kit with three stretchers; a communication kit with radios, batteries and a generator; a weather-station kit with instruments for measuring wind, barometric pressure and humidity; and a towing package with a hitch and small trailer.

The most unique Jeep of World War II was an amphibious twist on the Ford GPW. According to the Henry Ford Museum , Ford built 12,781 of these aquatic Jeeps between 1942 and 1943.

Willys and Ford built many variations of the Jeep, including the amphibious Ford GPW.

The military sold off huge numbers of surplus Jeeps after World War II, but it wasn’t ready to move on altogether. In 1950, it replaced the MB with the M38 , known internally to Willys as the MC. It was stronger in general, and could even drive underwater (don’t try that at home). This was the Jeep Radar tried to mail home, piece by piece, in the long-running sitcom “M*A*S*H.”

For more than four decades, the Jeep served as a reconnaissance vehicle, a gun truck, a delivery vehicle and an ambulance. It served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam and countless other operations. Willys’ design -- one that came to life in just 75 days, according to Hagerty -- remained the U.S. military’s go-to workhorse until the Humvee replaced it in 1984.

The Jeep Is the Greatest Civilian Variant Ever Imagined

After World War II, the Jeep found new homes on farms, ranches and job sites across America.

When World War II ended, veterans couldn’t get their hands on surplus Jeeps fast enough. They had spent years watching the incredible little vehicle tackle battlefields around the world, and they knew it was worth every heavily discounted penny. When my grandfather left the Army Air Corps, his next ranch truck wasn’t a Ford or Chevy; it was a Willys Jeep.

Look at those seats! The civilian-market CJ-2A that launched in 1945 was practically dripping with luxury features. (Jeep)

He wasn’t the only one. According to Jeep , the brand started building a civilian version called the CJ-2A as soon as the war ended in 1945. The company pitched the CJ to farmers and ranchers by promising that it could pull as much weight as two draft horses (about 80% of American farmers didn’t own a truck or a tractor at the time) for 10 hours a day without overheating.

The love affair didn’t end with the silent generation, either. Willys updated the Jeep with the CJ-3A in 1949 by giving it a redesigned windshield and stronger drivetrain. Throughout the following decades came the CJ-5, CJ-6 and CJ-7. There were trendy appearance packages and new engine options, but the rough-and-tumble spirit of the Willys MB remained.

As the Jeep gained popularity, Willys developed spinoff variants such as this FJ-150 flat-nosed truck.

The civilian market even got some weird and wonderful spinoffs of the basic Jeep, such as the FJ-3 Fleetvan, the FJ-150 flat-nosed cargo truck and the most epic Zamboni ever built.

Yes, I remember the brief period during the ’90s when we thought the H1, a civilian-spec Humvee, would catch on. There’s a surprisingly active community of people who buy and drive old military trucks . But when it comes to military-to-civilian crossovers, there’s no greater success story than the tale of the Jeep.

Is This a Cult or Just Jeep Culture?

More than 75 years later, the old war horse is still going strong. (Jeep)

In case you haven’t noticed, Americans love Jeeps as much today as they ever have. The Wrangler, the direct descendant of the Willys MB, has changed less than perhaps any other vehicle over the years, and it’s still a fan favorite.

Don’t believe me? According to PR Newswire , Jeep sold 181,409 Wranglers in 2022 and the Wrangler 4xe was America’s best-selling, plug-in hybrid of 2023. Road & Track reported that the hot, new Ford Bronco increased sales by more than 37% from 2022 to 2023, and it still wasn’t enough to surpass the Wrangler.

All told, PR Newswire reports that Jeep has sold more than five million Wranglers since 1987. Keep in mind, that’s just vehicles under the Wrangler name; it doesn’t include the Jeep CJ or military surplus vehicles sold during the 40 years after World War II.

Some of that popularity is due to the Jeep’s incredible off-road capability, even if most of them never leave the pavement. Decades of aftermarket support make it easy to build your dream Jeep, and they’re simple enough that you can handle a lot of the work yourself with basic tools (yep, we can help with that, too ).

The rest of the Jeep’s aura comes from its legendary exploits. This is the vehicle that outran a T-Rex in “Jurassic Park” and helped Daisy Duke outrun Hazzard County’s finest . It conquered the Rubicon Trail and partied on more beaches than the Beach Boys sang about in “Surfin’ USA.”

And before all of that, it helped win World War II. Not bad for a little 4x4 with canvas seats and no doors.

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Scott Murdock

sample resume for au pair

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Estranged Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen reveals regret at lying for him in hush money trial

A sketch of Michael Cohen testifying in court. He is wearing a blue suit. He has short, grey hair.

Donald Trump's lawyers have tried to use Michael Cohen's words against him, grilling him about insulting social media posts and television appearances to try to undermine his testimony that the former president authorised a hush money payment to a porn star.

Under aggressive questioning from Mr Trump's lawyer on Tuesday, Todd Blanche, Cohen acknowledged calling the former president a "dictator douchebag" on TikTok and said he had persisted in commenting on the case even after prosecutors expressed frustration about it.

Cohen, who is Mr Trump's former fixer and now the prosecution's star witness, spent about nine hours on the witness stand on Monday and Tuesday answering prosecutors' questions.

A photo of Michael Cohen on his way to court. He's wearing a blue tie and navy suit. He has short grey hair.

In detail, he testified that Mr Trump ordered him to pay adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 to stay quiet about an alleged 2006 sexual encounter, lest it torpedo his presidential campaign.

But Cohen's checkered history — he served time in federal prison for various crimes, including the hush money payment, and has admittedly lied under oath — is a prime target for Mr Trump's lawyers, who have cast him as a liar with an axe to grind.

Cross-examination by Mr Trump's lawyers began after a break for lunch.

The defence showed jurors pictures of Trump-themed merchandise for sale on Cohen's website, including shirts with an illustration of Mr Trump behind bars and mugs reading, "Send him to the big house, not the White House."

A sketch of two men sitting side-by-side in suits looking at a cheque

As Mr Blanche peppered Cohen with questions, Mr Trump occasionally exchanged notes with his lawyers before assuming his customary posture, leaning back with his eyes closed. At one point, his mouth appeared to hang slack for a moment.

Cohen's $US130,000 ($196,188) payment to Ms Daniels in October 2016 is at the heart of Mr Trump's historic trial, now in its fifth week.

Prosecutors say Mr Trump paid Cohen back after the election by creating false records indicating they were for legal fees.

Those disguised reimbursements provide the basis for the 34 counts of falsifying business records that Mr Trump faces.

Mr Trump, 77, the 2024 Republican presidential candidate, has pleaded not guilty and denies any sexual encounter with Ms Daniels.

He has characterised the case as a partisan attempt to interfere with his campaign to take back the White House he lost in 2020 to Democratic President Joe Biden.

Cohen regrets lying for Trump

Earlier on Tuesday, Cohen described an Oval Office meeting in February 2017 where Mr Trump told him that he would soon receive the first monthly instalments of a bonus package, which included reimbursements for Ms Daniels' payment.

Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger walked Cohen through a series of invoices and cheques — some signed by Mr Trump himself — that Cohen said were falsely marked as paying to retain him for legal services.

"There was no retainer agreement, was there?" Ms Hoffinger asked.

"No, ma'am," Cohen replied.

Cohen, 57, said he lied multiple times to Congress during an investigation into Mr Trump's Russia ties, eventually pleading guilty to perjury.

He also told jurors he lied repeatedly about the payment to Ms Daniels, telling journalists Mr Trump had no involvement.

Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, arrives for the 49th Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.

In 2018, after the Justice Department began investigating Ms Daniels' payment, FBI agents raided Cohen's home. He said he called Mr Trump in a panic.

"He said to me, 'Don't worry, I'm the president of the United States … you're going to be OK,'" Cohen said.

That was the last time they spoke directly, Cohen added.

Instead, Cohen testified, a lawyer named Robert Costello who was close to Mr Trump's adviser Rudy Giuliani offered a "back channel" to Mr Trump.

In emails shown to jurors, Mr Costello passed along Mr Giuliani's assurances that he had "friends in high places".

Meanwhile, Mr Trump was defending Cohen on social media and decrying the idea that he might "flip" and cooperate with prosecutors.

It all added up to a "pressure campaign" to keep Cohen in line, he said. But he eventually decided to cooperate after speaking with his family.

Cohen pleaded guilty to federal crimes in 2018, including offences related to Ms Daniels' payment, and said he was acting at the behest of Mr Trump, who was not charged.

"I regret doing things for him that I should not have," Cohen said on Tuesday when asked to reflect on his many years working for Mr Trump.

"To keep the loyalty and to do the things that he asked me to do, I violated my moral compass. And I suffered the penalty — as has my family."

'A total disaster'

A day after several Republican lawmakers attended the trial in support of Mr Trump, US House Speaker Mike Johnson joined him and later criticised the case outside the court.

While Cohen testified on Tuesday, a mid-level appeals court denied Mr Trump's latest effort to throw out a gag order that Mr Trump asserted violated his right to free speech.

The judge imposed the order to prevent Mr Trump from interfering with the case.

On Monday, Cohen said Mr Trump approved multiple payments to keep damaging sex-scandal stories out of the public eye.

"Everything required Mr Trump's sign-off," Cohen said.

A man in a blue suit and yellow tie speaks with his hand up

In October 2016, Cohen said, he learned Ms Daniels was shopping her story to tabloids. At the time, Trump's campaign was in crisis mode after the release of an audio recording in which he bragged about grabbing women's genitals.

"He said to me, 'This is a disaster, a total disaster. Women are going to hate me,'" Cohen told jurors Mr Trump had said.

Cohen testified that Mr Trump was solely concerned about the impact Ms Daniels' story could have on his White House bid — and not, as Mr Trump's lawyers have suggested, about the effect on his wife and family.

That distinction is crucial to the prosecution's case.

Under New York law, falsifying business records can be elevated from a misdemeanour to a felony if the crime helped conceal another offence.

In Mr Trump's case, prosecutors have argued the payment was effectively a secret contribution to his campaign, violating federal and state laws.

The Manhattan trial is considered less consequential than three other criminal prosecutions Mr Trump faces, all of which are mired in delays.

The other cases charge Mr Trump with trying to overturn his 2020 presidential defeat and mishandling classified documents after leaving office.

Mr Trump pleaded not guilty to all three.

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    Check Out one of our best au pair resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for au pair or similar profession. LiveCareer-Resume. ... Search for resumes by industry, job title or keyword. search. au pair resume example with 2+ years of experience.

  23. Au Pair Resume Sample

    Check Out one of our best au pair resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for au pair or similar profession. LiveCareer-Resume. ... Search for resumes by industry, job title or keyword. search. au pair resume example with 4+ years of experience. Jessica. Claire. [email protected]

  24. Willys Jeep: How the US Army Created the Greatest Military Vehicle of

    The result of all this obsessive refinement was the Willys MB, or Jeep. The vehicle satisfied the Army's weight limit of 2,160 pounds. Each one cost $738.74, according to Jeep. Willys' Detroit ...

  25. It's Never Looked Hotter to Work in the Mines

    Every week or two you fly away from your home to work in or around a mine for 12-and-a-half hour days, enduring 40+ degree heat while swatting away flies, or sometimes spiders the size of a ...

  26. Estranged Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen reveals regret at lying for

    In short: Donald Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, has told the court he regrets lying for the former president on his second day of testimony. He claims Mr Trump falsified business records ...