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Business Manager Resume Examples for 2024

resume sample of business manager

As a business manager, your resume is your ticket to getting the job you want. It’s your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and accomplishments, and convince potential employers why you’re the best candidate for the job. But with so many candidates vying for the same positions, how do you make your resume stand out from the rest?

That’s where this article comes in. In this piece, we’ll take a deep dive into Business Manager Resume Examples and explore the various elements that make them effective. We’ll discuss everything from the right format and structure to the essential skills and achievements you need to highlight.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to create a compelling and relevant Business Manager Resume that can get you hired.

So, let’s get started!

Key Components of a Business Manager Resume

When it comes to creating a successful Business Manager Resume, there are several key components that should be included. These components not only describe the candidate’s experience and qualifications but also provide a clear understanding of why the candidate is the right fit for the position.

Overview of What a Resume Should Include and Why

A resume is a marketing tool that showcases one’s professional experience, skills, and achievements. It helps recruiters and hiring managers to quickly and easily identify whether an individual possesses the qualifications and experience required for the particular job they are hiring for.

The Business Manager Resume should include the following information:

  • Contact information, including name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL
  • A professional summary that highlights the candidate’s key achievements and objectives
  • Work experience in chronological order with the most recent job first
  • Education, including degrees, certifications, and any relevant training or coursework
  • Skills and qualities relevant to the job, such as leadership, teamwork, and analytical skills
  • Any relevant awards, honors or recognition received

Identification of the Crucial Elements of a Business Manager Resume

Some of the key elements that should be included in a Business Manager Resume are:

Professional Summary: A clear and concise summary that highlights the candidate’s key achievements and objectives is essential to grab the recruiter’s attention.

Work Experience: This section should include the candidate’s work history, job title, responsibilities, achievements in each role, and the dates of employment. It should be organized in reverse chronological order.

Education: This section should include the candidate’s degrees, certifications, relevant coursework or training.

Skills: Highlighting the candidate’s technical and interpersonal skills will help to provide a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities relevant to the position.

Discussion of Targeted Objectives and Desired Outcomes

When creating a Business Manager Resume, it is important to have a clear understanding of the targeted objectives and desired outcomes. The objective of the Business Manager Resume should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The candidate should tailor the objectives to the specific job they are applying for.

The desired outcomes vary from job to job but generally, they include meeting business objectives, driving revenue growth, enhancing team performance, and delivering cost savings. A candidate should identify their relevant achievements that demonstrate their ability to deliver the desired outcomes in their past positions.

A well-crafted Business Manager Resume can help a candidate stand out from the competition and land their dream job. By including the essential components discussed above and tailoring the objectives to the position, the Business Manager Resume can showcase one’s qualifications and achievements, helping to secure that interview.

Resume Formatting and Design

When it comes to crafting a standout Business Manager resume, the importance of the right formatting and design cannot be overstated. Not only does this play a significant role in catching the eye of a hiring manager, but it also effectively communicates your professionalism, attention to detail, and overall brand.

One key decision you’ll have to make is whether to go with a traditional or more creative approach. While a traditional format is always safe, it may not be the most effective approach to showcase your unique talents and experiences. On the other hand, a more creative design can help communicate your versatility and ability to think outside the box, but beware of overdoing it and sacrificing readability.

To make your Business Manager Resume visually appealing and effective, use the following tips and recommended tools and software:

1. Choose a clean, readable font

A clear and readable font is crucial to making your resume visually appealing, and it should be easy to skim for a hiring manager. Recommended fonts include Arial, Calibri, and Helvetica.

2. Use bullet points and white space

Bullet points and ample white space will help break up text and make it easier for the hiring manager to digest important information. Avoid large paragraphs and aim for lists of 3-5 bullet points per section.

3. Incorporate visual elements

Visual elements such as icons, charts, and graphs can help elevate your resume and make it stand out. However, use these elements sparingly and only when they add value to the document.

4. Keep it simple and concise

While visuals can add appeal, it’s important to remember that your resume should not be cluttered or difficult to read. Keep it simple, but ensure that all key information is included.

5. Use professional design tools

To create a polished and professional resume, consider using design software such as Canva or Adobe InDesign. These tools can help you create a stunning resume with little to no design experience.

The right formatting and design can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of your resume. Remember to strike a balance between creativity and readability, and use the right tools to achieve a visually appealing and professional document.

Business Manager Resume Examples: Skills and Qualifications

A Business Manager’s role encompasses multiple responsibilities, from overseeing day-to-day operations to developing and executing long-term business strategies. To stand out among applicants, a candidate must showcase a combination of soft and hard skills.

What Skills and Qualifications Make for an Attractive Business Manager Resume?

An attractive Business Manager Resume should reflect a candidate’s proficiency in managing financial resources, problem-solving abilities, and leadership capacity. Additionally, the candidate should possess excellent communication skills and a team-building mindset.

Highlighting these skills and qualifications will help the resume rank higher in the recruiter’s list.

In-Depth Discussion of the Skills Required for a Business Manager

Soft skills.

Communication Skills: A Business Manager must be able to convey messages efficiently and concisely, both verbally and in writing. Effective communication skills can help them establish trust and maintain good relationships with clients, employees, and stakeholders.

Team Building: A Business Manager should have the skills to create a cohesive team and foster a collaborative work environment. Hence, encouraging teamwork, identifying individual strengths, and weaknesses, and enhancing team members’ skills can foster a positive work culture.

Leadership: An effective Business Manager should inspire, guide and lead by example. They should instill a clear vision and set targets, delegate appropriately, and manage time and resources for the team to succeed.

Hard Skills

Financial Management: A Business Manager’s task includes managing financial resources effectively. Therefore, they should have financial management skills, including budgeting, financial forecasting, cash flow management, and financial reporting.

Problem-Solving: A Business Manager should have the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems quickly and effectively. Thus, they must have excellent analytical and critical thinking skills to make sound decisions, even under pressure.

Process Improvement: A Business Manager should possess a methodical approach to improve processes, identify inefficiencies, and make improvements. Therefore, they should have the skill to evaluate business processes, implement changes, and monitor effectiveness.

How to Highlight these Skills and Qualifications in a Resume

Here are some tips on how to showcase a Business Manager’s skills and qualifications in their resume:

Emphasize Results: A candidate should highlight the outcome of their work, including achievements, cost savings, and productivity improvements.

Tailor the Resume: A Business Manager should customize their resume for each job application. A tailored resume that aligns with the job description and showcases the relevant skills and experience can increase their chances of being invited for an interview.

Use Keywords: A candidate should use relevant industry keywords in their resume. Hiring managers scan resumes for specific skills and qualifications and may use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter job applications.

Use Quantifiable Data: Using quantifiable data helps to make the accomplishments more tangible.

Business Manager Resume Examples: Work Experience

When it comes to crafting a winning resume as a Business Manager, there is no doubt that highlighting your professional work experience is crucial. Employers want to see evidence that you have a track record of success in managing teams, developing strategic initiatives, and driving business growth.

To make the most of your work experience section, start by tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for. Carefully review the job description and identify the key skills and experiences required. Then, highlight relevant achievements from your previous roles that demonstrate your ability to meet those requirements. Use bullet points to make your accomplishments stand out, and quantify your results wherever possible (e.g. “increased sales by 25% in Q2 by implementing new marketing strategy”).

Another tip is to focus on your most recent roles and avoid going into too much detail about positions that are not directly relevant to the job you are applying for. Employers are most interested in your most recent experiences, so try to keep your work experience section concise and targeted.

Here are a few key elements of a well-crafted work experience section for a Business Manager resume:

  • Clear job titles and dates of employment
  • Brief summary of key responsibilities for each role
  • Detailed descriptions of your accomplishments and successes, highlighting your most impressive and relevant achievements
  • Use of active verbs to demonstrate your leadership skills and achievements (e.g. “Developed and implemented new sales strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in revenue”)

To give you a better sense of what an effective work experience section might look like, here are a few examples of job descriptions for Business Managers:

Business Manager Job Description 1: Oversee sales and marketing teams for national consumer goods company. Develop and implement strategic marketing campaigns and new product launches. Achievements include increasing sales by 15% in Q4 and achieving 97% customer satisfaction ratings.

Business Manager Job Description 2: Manage day-to-day operations for regional retail chain with 10 locations. Responsibilities include staff management, financial reporting and analysis, and inventory control. Achievements include reducing inventory costs by 20% and improving employee retention rates by 25%.

Business Manager Job Description 3: Lead business development efforts for technology start-up, working closely with founders to secure funding and establish strategic partnerships. Achievements include securing $500,000 in funding from venture capital investors and negotiating strategic partnerships with three leading software companies.

By following these tips and tailoring your work experience section to the job you are applying for, you can make a strong impression on potential employers as a Business Manager.

Business Manager Resume Examples: Achievements

As you build your business manager resume, including your achievements is essential. Business managers should portray themselves as problem solvers, and achievements are one convincing piece of evidence that you can do just that. Your accomplishments illustrate your ability to drive results and create positive impacts within your organization.

When highlighting your achievements on your business manager resume, focus on quantifiable results. Emphasize how you have contributed to the growth of the company, either in terms of revenue, cost savings, or market share. Use numbers, percentages, and other concrete metrics to ensure the hiring manager understands the impact your achievements have made.

Here are some tips on how to highlight key achievements and quantifiable results:

  • Use bullet points to draw attention to your accomplishments
  • Begin each achievement statement with an action verb
  • Highlight achievements related to key job responsibilities
  • Prioritize achievements that offer quantitative measurements

Here are some examples of relevant achievements that can be presented on a business manager’s resume:

  • Increased Revenue: Developed and implemented a new sales strategy that increased monthly revenue by 20%.
  • Improved Profitability: Streamlined procurement costs to save the company $100K annually.
  • Expanded Market Share: Launched new product lines that resulted in a 15% increase in market share within two years.
  • Led Successful Projects: Managed cross-functional teams to deliver large-scale projects on time and under budget.
  • Boosted Employee Retention: Implemented employee engagement programs that led to a 25% reduction in attrition rates.

Business Manager Resume Examples: Education and Certifications

One important section of a Business Manager resume that should not be overlooked is the education and certifications section. This section can provide insight into the candidate’s qualifications and potential for success in the role.

Including education and certifications on a Business Manager resume is important because it demonstrates to potential employers that the candidate not only has the necessary knowledge and skills but is also committed to continuing their education and professional development. It also provides a way to differentiate oneself from other candidates who may not have the same level of education and training.

When it comes to relevant degrees, a Business Manager should have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business administration or a related field. Other degrees that could be applicable include finance, accounting, marketing, or economics. Certifications such as Certified Manager (CM), Project Management Professional (PMP), and Six Sigma can also be beneficial for a Business Manager to have.

In addition to traditional degrees and certifications, courses in leadership, management, and communication can also be relevant for a Business Manager resume. This can demonstrate to potential employers that the candidate has developed crucial soft skills that are necessary for success in a management role.

When formatting the education section of a Business Manager resume, it’s important to list information in reverse chronological order, with the most recent degree or certification listed first. Each entry should include the name of the institution, the type of degree or certification earned, and the date of graduation or certification.

To maximize the impact of the education section, it’s important to highlight any honors or awards received, such as being on the Dean’s List or receiving a scholarship. Additionally, any relevant coursework or dissertation topics should be noted. It’s important to be concise and only include information that is relevant to the position.

The education and certification section of a Business Manager resume can be a critical component of the document. With the right formatting and inclusion of relevant degrees, certifications, and courses, candidates can showcase their unique qualifications and potential for success in the role.

Tips for Writing a Business Manager Resume

When it comes to creating an effective Business Manager Resume, there are certain do’s and don’ts that you need to keep in mind. In this section, we will go through some of the guidelines and best practices that can help you craft a unique and impactful resume.

Do’s of Resume Writing

The following are some of the best practices that you should follow while creating your Business Manager Resume:

  • Customize your resume : Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experiences that make you the best fit for the position.
  • Use bullet points : Use bullet points to highlight your achievements and responsibilities in each job, making it easier for recruiters to scan through your resume.
  • Quantify your success : Use numbers and metrics to showcase your achievements and impact in previous roles, such as revenue growth, cost savings, or team performance.
  • Include relevant keywords : Use relevant industry-specific keywords throughout your resume to make sure that your application gets through automated screening tools and reaches human reviewers.
  • Keep it concise : Keep your resume succinct and to the point, ideally fitting it on one or two pages.

Don’ts of Resume Writing

On the flip side, there are also some common mistakes that you should avoid when creating your Business Manager Resume:

  • Don’t include irrelevant information : Avoid sharing personal details, hobbies or interests, or other information that does not add value to your application.
  • Don’t exaggerate or lie : Stay truthful and honest throughout your resume, and make sure that you can back up all of your claims and achievements.
  • Don’t use generic language : Avoid using cliches, buzzwords, or generic phrases that do not showcase your unique skills and experiences.
  • Don’t forget to proofread : Make sure that your resume is free of spelling, grammar, or formatting errors, as they can reflect poorly on your attention to detail and professionalism.

Best Practices for Creating a Unique and Effective Business Manager Resume

To stand out from the crowd and capture the recruiter’s attention, here are some best practices that you can follow while creating your Business Manager Resume:

  • Use a professional summary : Add a concise and compelling summary at the top of your resume that highlights your main skills, experiences, and value proposition.
  • Focus on achievements : Instead of just listing your job duties, focus on your achievements and impact in each role, using quantifiable metrics and results.
  • Tailor your skills : Customize your skills section to showcase the ones that are most relevant to the job, and back them up with examples and achievements.
  • Include relevant certifications : If you have any relevant certifications or training programs, make sure to feature them in your resume to showcase your expertise and qualifications.
  • Use white space effectively : Make sure that your resume looks clean, organized, and easy to read, using white space, headings, and bullet points.

Business Manager Resume Examples: Review and Analysis

If you’re a business manager, a well-crafted resume can help you stand out in a crowded job market. In this section, we’ll review examples of successful business manager resumes, analyze what makes them effective, and provide tips and insights for adapting these examples to your own unique background.

Analysis of Effective Business Manager Resumes

What makes these resumes effective? Here are a few key takeaways:

Clarity: Each resume is easy to read and understand, with clear headings and bullet points that break up the information.

Relevant information: Each candidate puts the most relevant information front and center, whether it’s their key achievements, educational background, or work experience.

Accomplishments: Each resume includes quantifiable accomplishments that demonstrate the candidate’s impact on previous roles.

Tips for Adapting Business Manager Resume Examples

Here are a few tips and insights for adapting these examples to your own unique background:

Highlight your accomplishments: Hiring managers want to know what impact you’ve made in previous roles, so make sure to include specific, quantifiable accomplishments.

Tailor your resume to the job: Customize your resume for each job you apply to, using keywords from the job description and highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the role.

Keep it concise: Aim for a one- or two-page resume that is easy to skim. Use bullet points to break up dense blocks of text, and focus on the most important information.

A strong business manager resume can set you apart from the competition. By reviewing successful examples and analyzing what makes them stand out, you can create a resume that highlights your own unique strengths and accomplishments.

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Business Manager Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the business manager job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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  • Supporting MD in the overall development of Networks business strategy for Consumer Networks and assist MD in the preparation of AOP
  • Driving performance management, cost management and sales metrics management across PCM Globally
  • 7 to 10 years of finance or business management (e.g. Location Management, Headcount Management, Project Management)
  • Partners with Selling Manager on training, development and performance management of specialists
  • Assist COO team in expense management efforts, including providing expense summary reports to management team, participating in annual budget process, etc
  • Provide strategic support to senior management – including preparing senior management presentations, business analysis and meetings/workshops
  • Support PIs by facilitating the conduct of workshops, creation of educational tools and working with ORSP, SPA and the Dean to improve work processes
  • Working in conjunction with the Regional Director and Business Development Manager formulate, agree and manage the business development strategy
  • Provide the Performance Managers and Performance Unit Leaders with operational performance insights when dealing with commercial counterparties
  • Work cooperatively with manager and peers in adhering to ADW’s business goals, development and account management protocols
  • Provide support to UBSF General Manager on overall management and business development
  • Working with COG PMO and businesss managers to provide a consistent business management environment
  • Works closely with Project Management to provide guidance and assistance with project charter creation and review
  • Work closely with finance on monetization of organizational cost and assisting Line Managers in creating workforce strategy to meet set budgets
  • Strong project management skills and able to lead multiple high-profile projects forward and effectively leverage available resources to drive results
  • CERTIFICATIONS: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification is highly desirable. Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is desirable
  • Ensure financial profitability by managing contribution reporting and working with regions/markets as necessary to increase/maintain profitability
  • Manage profitability of product offering; develop monthly product P&Ls and product profitability analysis
  • Excellent follow-up skills with attention to detail, ability to multi-task and to work independently and effectively in a complex environment
  • Excellent organisational and prioritisation skills with a proven ability to handle multiple tasks at once and keep attention to detail at all times
  • Strong presentation skills. Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
  • Strong organizational, planning and time management skills including ability to function effectively within a fast-paced environment and ability to multitask
  • Have strong knowledge of Excel, including Pivot tables and PowerPoint. SAP Fixed Asset experience
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage a diverse and challenging workload effectively in an highly demanding environment

15 Business Manager resume templates

Business Manager Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Bachelor's degree in Finance, Economics or related field
  • At least 5-8years of experience in a financial services or consulting organization
  • Excellent written/oral communication and presentation skills
  • Proven ability to “connect the dots” in order to provide insightful commentaries on key trends
  • Advanced skills in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint; Database skills a plus
  • Support the development and delivery of Global operating plans, budgets, forecasts & metrics for the real estate platform
  • Assist in the collection and validation of data from the various real estate groups for completion of co-investment reporting, seed capital, incentive fee projections, and monthly/quarterly reforecast
  • Support all RE financial and senior management reporting and assist in creation of presentation materials for Executive Committee (ExCo), Operational Committees (OpCo)
  • Coordinate meetings calendar for ExCo, OpCo
  • Assist with information management/technology initiatives across the Real Estate platform
  • Assist in the collation and production of risk management reports for the real estate platform
  • Special projects to support various Global RE strategic and operational initiatives
  • BA/BS in related field (finance, accounting or economics)
  • Previous experience in real estate principal investing (public / private, debt / equity), is a plus, but not required
  • Must be proficient and have demonstrated experience working in all Microsoft Office applications, particularly Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint
  • Analytical ability to synthesize information and summarize issues
  • Effective team player, able to work with people of all levels
  • Highly self-motivated, with strong integrity and ethics
  • A high degree of professionalism
  • Prior experience working with senior management a plus
  • Ideal candidate will have a combination of strong written/verbal communication skills and a demonstrated attention to detail
  • Must be able to effectively prioritize multiple tasks and have the willingness to take on additional responsibility
  • Project management experience a plus
  • Financial Management: Lead the annual/continual financial planning activities; provide business rational and decisions for all month-end financial performance and forecasting
  • Business Performance: Define the key performance indicators, drive data quality initiatives across the product area, define future needs of the product area
  • Investment Portfolio Mgmt: Drive the engagement of the product area with the GTI Investment Portfolio Prioritization and management
  • Resource/People/Location Mgmt: Define and drive the resource and location strategy for the product area
  • Organize financial review and approval process for the Product Area , organize and execute Regulatory sign-off
  • Provide business explanation for all monthly, YTD performance and commentary on outlook
  • Organize and coordinate the personnel review and approval processes for the Product Area or Regional Executive
  • Represent the product area during the annual Product Pricing Guide change management process and monthly billing issue review meetings
  • Minimum of 5 years relevant industry experience
  • Policy & Process Development
  • MIS Development & Production
  • Accounting Rules & Practical Application
  • Develop cross functional strategies and drive implementation intoday to day operations
  • Strong technology, industry toolset experience
  • Strong operational skills and able to prioritize
  • Strong global exposure and operation experience
  • Managing their calculation of Total Cost of Ownership and product profitability through the Costing Model
  • Delivering the annual PPG product change cycle
  • Enabling Product Strategy development
  • Manage the Costing Model to accurately deliver linkage between GTI Product Owners and GTI Finance data in order to enable accurate monthly reporting
  • Analyze costing and recovery information to present and discuss monthly commentary to the senior Product Area management
  • Deliver improved accuracy in the profitability measurement through actions delivering increased productivity, recoveries and changes to the costing model
  • Engage with Product Owners from each business unit to identify key causes behind profitability trends/irregularities
  • Document and validate the requests for changes to the PPG product set
  • Model the costs for the creation of new products and providing annual pricing guidance for all products in the Product Area
  • Analyze the impact of product changes to customers (LOBs)
  • Collaboratewith multiple teams to ensure accurate implementation of product changes
  • Provide actionable data to the GTI Product Area senior management to enable them to make business decisions around investments and product strategy
  • Work with the B&FM Product Area Lead, GTI Management and Product Owners to develop the business and financial aspects of product strategy
  • Minimum 5 yearsexperience in business and/or financial management
  • Minimum 3 years experience with data mining/gathering and manipulation
  • Minimum 3 yearsadvanced to expert proficiency in Microsoft Excel
  • Minimum 3 years of Allocation minimum
  • Minimum 5 years financial planning, forecasting and investment planning & management
  • Essbase experience
  • Strong communication and teamwork ability
  • Strong listening, presentation, communication and influencing skills
  • Strong operational skills and ability to prioritize
  • Background supporting key management decisions with clear and concise data analysis
  • Knowledge of Apptio tool preferred
  • Experience of benchmarking technology costs across industry competitors
  • Finance and accounting experience
  • Strong analytical and project management skills
  • College degree; MBA a plus
  • Minimum 5 to 7 years of relevant experience
  • Collaborate with the various units within IPBCMA for implementing strategic planning and policy development for the department
  • Plan and participate in people and communications agenda including town halls, extended management team meetings, and driving people initiatives
  • Track all key action items and deliverables associated with metrics and the business management agenda
  • Develop and implement budgets, prepare reports for senior management and ensure the department complies with company policies
  • Prepare essential management Information for decision support
  • Create and implement large/targeted scope projects in support of internal client and employee needs
  • Working closely with management team, program and project managers in supporting Finance and Risk Technology programs of various sizes and complexity
  • Bachelors degree with significant previous work related experience
  • Conceptual and practical understanding of Software Development Life Cycle
  • Excellent data mining/data analysis skills
  • Highly motivated, self-starter
  • Ability to work across all levels of the organization
  • Partner with Service Owners to manage the Costing Model to accurately calculate effective rates for each product
  • Represent the product area during the annual PPG change management process and monthly billing issue review meetings
  • Implemented enterprise wide performance management systems
  • Strong network and able to attract/retain strong talent
  • Develop and implement a coverage strategy for I&TS’ onshore and offshore custody, asset servicing and trade finance/cash management activities alongside the Global Coverage Heads
  • Prepare, and regularly update, a detailed analysis of competitors’ strategies. Communicate the analysis to management and Client Coverage teams
  • Utilize a cross segment and cross geography approach to ensure key initiatives are being co-ordinated and communicated with clients / coverage teams, including regulatory initiatives, new business and key client responses
  • Prepare business plans, strategy and forecast documents alongside other I&TS Business Management teams and in partnership with Global Coverage Heads
  • Actively participate in Coverage-related Business Management initiatives
  • MBA or Business degree or equivalent working experience in Business Management
  • In-depth knowledge and experience of Investor & Treasury Services products and business processes, preferably with a sales and distribution background
  • Experience with competitive analysis, performance metrics and development of client and segment plans
  • Experience in relationship-building, facilitation and team-building skills across all management levels
  • 7-10 years of Business Management experience in a large enterprise environment
  • Skilled in summarizing large amount of metrics into meaningful graphs and reports
  • Experience with thedevelopment of continual process improvements
  • Demonstrated strong problem-solving abilities and multitasking capabilities
  • Demonstrated ability to understand and document business processes
  • Leadership, communication, inter-personal, and organizational skills
  • Proficiency in creating strategic and visual PowerPoint presentations for executive management review
  • Detail oriented with proven organization and project management skills
  • Ability to successfully work in a team setting and build effective partnerships
  • Perform intensive data analysis and be able to develop complex extract/transform/load routines, plan and conduct integrated testing of ETL and Reporting withQuality Assurance
  • BA/BS degree and a minimum of 5 years experience in data warehousing and business intelligence project work
  • Portfolio Management: Provide guidance and insight to the members of the EC leadership on management of the portfolio, resource availability, reporting
  • Provide specific EC products with full business management coverage which includes resource management, workforce strategy, annual budget / quarterly forecast cycles (manpower and IP&C), real estate and expense management
  • Central oversight of financial spend – understand trends in resource and impact on dollars
  • Oversee implementation around tighter controls and process across the business management function
  • Special projects directed from EC management as needed
  • Production of ad-hoc presentations for senior management
  • Expert in understanding of technology concepts and terminology (aptitude and working
  • Work with the Head of Analytics and his key leaders to support day-to-day responsibilities in such areas as business planning and reporting, team oversight, hiring and recruiting, and internal communications / presentations
  • Support preparation of strategic plans, metrics and reporting, cross-business initiatives and process redesign
  • Own the project management of certain ongoing processes such as new product development/implementation, model risk management, and strategic initiatives
  • Proactively identify opportunities and implementing solutions for governance, process, control and infrastructure improvements across the business
  • Build relationships with business management functions within BRS and with our key stakeholders
  • 2+ years of relevant experience in the financial industry
  • Interest in the investment and risk management process
  • Excellent verbal, written, visual/presentation, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Organized, diligent and high energy individual, committed to excellence
  • Demonstrated ability to work well as part of a team and across groups in a fast-paced environment
  • Familiarity with BlackRock Aladdin preferred, but not essential
  • Development of the business plan for various services within the unit
  • Ensure financials are reliable and risks/opportunities are understood, validated and clearly communicated
  • Support and help to develop/present and maintain the Service line strategy in conjunction with the Operations Business Partner for Global Asset Management
  • Financial support in benchmark analyses of services and cost per product views
  • Support the change portfolio of the service line including cost and benefits validation and tracking
  • Driving, supporting and tracking agreed activities required to hit financial targets
  • Support and elaborate further sourcing opportunities
  • Play a key role in defining and implementing the service line MIS framework/reporting
  • Liaise with various supporting units/stakeholders, e.g. Finance, HR and COO Group Operations
  • Financial Forecast and headcount planning of the service line function
  • Responsible for/coordinating the service based framework for internal charges (globally) and ensure consistent and timely availability of all relevant information to all stakeholders regarding those SLAs
  • Prepare ad-hoc analysis and reports for management
  • Support projects with financial and/or process excellence know-how
  • Acting as a coordination point into Group Ops organisations for cross-functional initiatives such as Target Operating Model, Capacity Metrics and Volume Reporting
  • Regular review and update of IAD Roles and Responsibilities
  • Understand IAD contribution to the Consumer Bill (allocations/shreds/GCAP/Perfromance Units) and act as contact and coordination point for any questions relating to the allocations/shreds
  •  Higher degree of education (e.g. university or college of higher education) or commercial education
  •  Financial background
  •  Is used to work in a dynamic, international and fast paced environment
  •  Very proactive, driven and committed team player
  •  Strong analytical and conceptual skills
  •  Ability to cope well under pressure with attention to detail
  •  Very good communication and interpersonal skills to interact with staff, senior management and other stakeholders
  •  Excellent command of English (plus German is preferred)
  •  Proficient user of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and MS Sharepoint
  • Suport and help to develop/present and maintain the Service line strategy in conjunction with the Operations Business Partner for Global Asset Management
  • Financial support in benchmark analyses of services and cost per product views, Financial Forecast and headcount planning of the service line function
  • Support the change portfolio of the service line including cost and benefits validation and tracking and Liaise with various supporting units/stakeholders, e.g. Finance, HR and COO Group Operations
  • Assist the Head, GO APAC CCF & CTR in the development and implementation of the GO APAC business strategy and business model for CCF and CTR, including Run-the-Bank (RtB) and Change-the-Bank (CtB) activities
  • Assist the Head, GO APAC CCF & CTR in developing and managing relationships internally in UBS, and externally with regulators and third party vendors / strategic partners
  • Ensure CCF and CTR financials (TDC, TCO, Revenue) are understood and transparency is provided to senior management through effective planning, forecasting and management reporting. This also includes
  • Contributing to the formulation and disemmination of business as usual and business demand plans (with a 1-3 planning horizon)
  • Proactive workforce planning and optimization through stakeholder engagement to ensure timely execution of business as usual and business demand plans
  • Monitoring and tracking of functional performance against business plans and targets through defined KPIs (dashboards) covering service delivery, capacity, risk & regulatory, etc
  • Co-ordinating with Global Service Line Business Management to prepare regional allocation drivers and keys to ensure accurate shredding of allocated costs
  • Manage the effective and efficient servicing of the GO APAC CCF & CTR Management Committee, GO Wealth Management APAC Operating Committee, Risk Governance Committee, and other associated groups. This includes co-ordination with action owners to ensure effective outcome in line with agreed strategy
  • Supporting Line Management in the recruitment, management, training, development and appraisal of staff is undertaken effectively within the areas of responsibility. This includes ensuring UBS principles and behaviours, policies and standards, and best practices are applied consistently
  • Preparing staff communication, organizational announcements, newsletters in liaison with the regional and global functional business management. This includes the production of townhall and other public materials
  • Minimum 5 years of experience with banking operations management
  • Demonstrated UBS behaviors on integrity, collaboration and challenge
  • Superior people skills – be able to work in a multi-cultural environment with ability to remotely co-ordinate with various locations and time-zones, and the ability to build harmonious, effective and responsive relationships with cross functional partners at the working level
  • Strong co-ordination, communication (oral and written) as well as facilitation / negotiation skills. Willingness to challenge and escalate
  • Highly organised and able to manage multiple tasks and projects at the same time
  • Experience in consulting and/or financial controls will be beneficial
  • Self-motivated, resilient, energetic, positive working attitude and willing to take up greater responsibilities when required
  • Build strategic relationships with exchanges and clients
  • Handle contractual negotiation with Exchanges
  • Provide customer support to internal and external parties
  • Identify any new engagement opportunities between the Exchange and Bloomberg to enhance our product offering
  • Manage projects in conjunction with R&D and Sales
  • A bachelor's degree in Accounting/Finance/ Business
  • At least 5 years experience working for an Exchange or in the Market Data industry preferred
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving and negotiating skills
  • Strong relationship management skills is required
  • Excellent communication, writing, presentation & organizational skills
  • Assist in the overall coordination of operational and administrative support to the CAPS team within Wealth Management
  • Assist in agenda and material preparation for Wealth Management meetings and conferences; ensure follow-up of all outstanding items
  • Maintain and reconcile monthly headcount planning reports; participate in year-end headcount planning
  • Assist Tech partners in expense management efforts, including implementing monthly review meetings to review P&L and other expenses; provide expense summary reports to management team, participate in annual budget process, etc
  • Active participation in office space planning, management, and forecasting
  • Prepare senior management level quality project plans, business updates, correspondence, reports, materials and presentations as required
  • Work with and communicate effectively with Product, Tech, Home Office, and Sales/Field partners
  • Provide daily support to CAPS Management regarding various inquiries, issues, troubleshooting, etc
  • Produce on-going and ad hoc analytics in support of CAPS Management
  • Perform other duties and special projects as assigned
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience as a business analyst or project manager at an investment bank, commercial bank, private bank or consulting firm with financial institutions emphasis (e.g. wealth management)
  • BA degree required
  • Expert level knowledge of MS Office with emphasis on PowerPoint, Word and Excel
  • Strong organizational, project management and analytical skills
  • Strong interpersonal collaboration and team skills including working with cross-functional teams – proven flexibility, adaptability and reliability
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects, manage expectations and complete deliverables in a timely manner with exceptional attention to detail
  • Operational Risk: help ensure our risk framework, controls and event handling is managed efficiently and successfully. Highlight changes that will help reduce operational risk and liaise with all relevant stakeholders
  • Regulatory Change: Understand key regulatory changes as they relate to Global AM and GIS and be able to represent GIS on all relevant committees and working parties. There is also a specific focus on Derivatives and ISDAs and some interaction with counterparties
  • IT infrastructure & platform: Support GIS teams in their day to day use of the investment platform through coordination with IT, Ops, Legal, Compliance as well as tracking and resolution of key issues
  • Projects and other business management: Support the liaison and coordination with all Corporate Centre and COO functions as well as project management and analysis that supports the above activities and other projects that support the smooth running of GIS
  • Oversee scope, effectiveness, and quality of the services provided by Logistics & Control functions
  • Provide overall support for run-the-bank activities
  • Identify, mitigate and resolve operational risks for GED
  • Support the regional COO in regulatory compliance and response for GED
  • Coordinate business and Logistics & Control functions
  • Oversee Securities Supervisory Controls Framework compliance and monitoring for GED
  • Oversee adherence to ICAP / ORF2 framework of controls and standards as well as SOX 404
  • Manage and coordinate Product involvement in NBI, ORI and Audit
  • Financial forecast, financial planning - 3YOP/ SP, budget control, financial analysis, cost control and cost reduction initiatives, HC tracking, Metrics/ KPI production, enhancement and analysis
  • Contribution to the development of the Securities business strategy and business plan
  • Ensuring the financial processes, deliverables and responsibilities are fully aligned with strategic priorities
  • Evaluates and mitigates risks, adhering to financial targets
  • Writing management presentations for the Global Head Securities and the Head of Business Management to assist in representing Securities to the respective committee meetings. Support the Head of Business Management in reviewing and evaluating organisational effectiveness
  • Develop and maintain strong business and technology relationships, becoming a trusted partner
  • Support the development and management of the project/application's business case
  • Comfortable developing budget and tracking to financial targets
  • Track open staff requisitions and seating requests
  • Support new requisition posting
  • Track location strategy implementation
  • Develop relationships with management team to facilitate objectives
  • Administer the Clarity system for our team...adding users, forecasting, budget process, adding projects
  • Experience with tools: Phoenix, SPARC, Clarity, Job Connect ePurchase, and Beeline would be a plus
  • Maintain team SharePoint site
  • Facilitate management team meetings
  • Work on special projects as and when required
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience required
  • Experience in financial services business management
  • Experience in financial services IT Risk a plus
  • Excellent Reporting Skills
  • Knowledge of Corporate Risks, IT Controls and other regulations
  • Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Project and Power Point)
  • Ability to function in a matrix management arrangement
  • Handle and assist in delivery of multiple projects and initiatives to support the operations of the department
  • Tracking and reporting on issues and management action plans from Internal Audit and Regulators related to the group
  • Self-starter with high energy and focus
  • Be able to take the lead and proactively push forward across their areas of responsibilities
  • Be able to effectively represent the group at internal meetings with business partners
  • Excellent Excel and Powerpoint skills and knowledge of all Microsoft Office products
  • A seasoned BMO Personal & Commercial banker, with extensive line and or line supporting expertise & experience. (I.e. Branch Management, NACC Leadership, Ops Effectiveness; Headquarters; Operations etc.)
  • Ideally possesses a university degree/college diploma in Business or 10 years relevant leadership experience
  • Track record as a proven leader, effective communicator and problem solver & coach
  • Thorough understanding of the range of products & services offered through our branch network and Demonstrates advanced knowledge of branch operations
  • In depth understanding of the risk and regulatory issues related to the branch environment
  • Demonstrates solid knowledge of tools & technology used on the front line
  • Exhibits solid knowledge of BMO management organization and processes
  • Relevant industry and/or BMO accreditations (i.e. ADL/UDL, BCO, RISR, IFIC/CSC) experience in Contact Centre or Help Desk environment would be an asset
  • Superior customer experience skills and effective relationship management
  • Advanced communication skills, including facilitation and conflict management and negotiation,
  • Up to 5 years direct Front Office experience and 5 years operational/project management in a Financial institution preferably servicing a trading desk for at least one of the following US sub-asset classes
  • Equities Derivatives
  • Prime Finance
  • Cash Equities
  • Experience in Equities Markets across the Americas (Brazil/ Mexico/ Canada) would be a differential
  • Basic technical capabilities with Excel (macros)/ filters/ Pivot Table/ graphics/ power point presentations/ world documents and Microsoft Visio
  • Experience on design business process flow and business architecture
  • Strong decision making, hands-on, problem solving and project management skills
  • BA degree in a related field
  • Support the PBG COO group in providing overall day-to-day operational and administrative support for the Private Banking Group
  • Prepare senior management level quality project plans, business updates, reports, and presentations to the Board of Directors, management committee and regulators, as required
  • Work with HR, Learning and Development, and other partners to design and implement programs and events to support internal mobility, employee development, morale, and employee recognition
  • Responsible for office space planning, management, and forecasting
  • Compile and maintain PBG procedures and/or documentation for compliance, vendor management, etc
  • Maintain and reconcile monthly headcount planning, recruiting, and hiring reports; participate in year-end headcount planning
  • Assist in agenda and material preparation for Private Banking Group and Wealth Management meetings and conference calls including Town Halls, Board Meetings, and Operating Committee meetings; ensure follow-up of all outstanding items
  • Work with and communicate effectively with PBG Senior Management, Compliance, Risk, Finance, Sales and Product partners. Perform other duties and special projects as assigned
  • Minimum of 7 years of experience as a business manager, business analyst or project manager at an investment bank, commercial bank, private bank or consulting firm with financial institutions emphasis (e.g., retail/commercial deposits, loans, wealth management)
  • Preparation of monthly headcount and financial forecasts, working closely with the GAC Chief of Staff team
  • Review, investigation and confirmation of monthly actual costs
  • Preparation of the annual Operating Plan and other administrative tasks and ad hoc requests received by the team
  • Responsibility for Operational Risk components of the entity P&L and balance sheet close process including coordination of issue identification and resolution
  • Maintenance of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans as well as Input to the completion of broader strategic deliverables
  • Experience of working in an Investment banking environment would be preferable
  • Previous experience of managing the headcount and financials for a large and complex business area would be advantageous
  • Strong interpersonal skills, with the ability to quickly build effective networks and communicate confidently with senior management. Challenging and probing mindset
  • Ability to work independently, and to balance multiple tasks and priorities at any given point in time
  • Strong analytical skills, with proven ability to work under pressure
  • Organizational skills - work with a vast array of information from solicitation to analysis and to cope with rapidly changing information, able to manage multiple tasks as well as multiple clients, ability to work independently and be highly organized
  • Strong communication / interpersonal skills to be able to interact at all levels & be effective as part of a broader team of business managers
  • Project management background useful but not required
  • Excellent working knowledge of MS Office, particularly Excel and Powerpoint
  • Strategize and convert strategy and plans into financial plans and budgets, develop KPIs and SLAs
  • Structure and coordinate, plans
  • Communicate plans and other important messages (set up towhnalls, letters, etc.)
  • Monitor and control versus plans, KPIs and SLAs, providing insights and recommendations based on facts
  • Support with administrative issues, like preparing and coordinating planning and business review off-sites, townhalls
  • Energetic, self-motivate person with initative, ready to work with little supervision
  • Strategic mind and able to articulate in simple terms, adapting to the audience
  • Very good understanding and control of the numbers (To be on top of budgets, headcount)
  • Good negotiation and communications skills (powerpoint/excell)
  • Ability to establish good working collaboration with people in and outside the department
  • Fast lerner and adaptable
  • Good understanding of dynamic operations and activity based management
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly Manpower reporting
  • Quarterly and Annual Forecasting and Budgeting process and governance
  • Support of the Run the Bank Manpower resource management in partnership and collaboration with Human Resources including
  • Support of the resource management toolset including suggested enhancements (PPM)
  • Report and support the managing of the Firmwide FTE ceiling requirements
  • Develop month-end reporting and analytics
  • Support of Divisional Management?s budgeting and forecasting process, including the development of variance analysis and commentaries, planning calendars and reviews
  • Work with Business Managers in processing Ceiling and Budget transfers
  • Support of the MER process
  • Support of BoD and Senior Management presentations for the Operations Division
  • Support Operation?s Monthly Balance Score Card process
  • Work with Risk, and Business Managers in managing Operation?s Mandatory Vacation Policy (MVP), including tracking and issues resolution
  • Work with Reengineering & Expense Management (REM) team, and Business Managers in managing the Furlough Process
  • Support the global Operation?s business management initiative to create common standards of tools and reporting, as well as promote and develop best practices across Global Operations
  • Review and enhance Operations Mobility Reporting and Tracking
  • 3 to 5 years of relevant financial planning and analysis experience, specifically managing expenses
  • Finance or accounting degree is preferred
  • Strategic thinking and influencing skills
  • Strong excel skills and proficient with MS Powerpoint and Access
  • Ability to partner with senior management
  • Sharp analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Communication and networking skills
  • Strong Organization skills
  • Advanced proficiency with Excel and PowerPoint
  • Integrity and Flexibility
  • Senior financial professional with at least 7-10 years of experience in financial analysis and reporting, preferably in a technology or software development organization
  • Candidate should be experienced in program budgeting, expense tracking and vendor financial management. Strong Project Management skills
  • Strong leadership, interpersonal and relationship-building skills are required
  • Excellent Microsoft Office skills in particular Excel
  • Candidate is expected to be a strong team player and work effectively in cross-organization situations
  • Highly effective written and oral communication skills; excellent organizational skills
  • Able to adapt quickly to internal financial tools and processes. - Internal Citi experience with PTSW and JADE would be beneficial
  • Monthly & Quarterly Financial Management Reporting and Analysis for assigned Towers in EI
  • Monthly EI cost analysis various BU
  • Financial analysis and spend management for new and existing Technology Funding Request (TFRs) for assigned Towers
  • Annual Budget and Quarterly Forecast Analysis & Reporting
  • Resource tracking (FTE/Consultants), on-boarding and reporting for Assigned Towers
  • Develop presentations and capital expenditure requests for funding
  • Adhoc business projects/requests/Analysis
  • Liaise with IT FCG and other IT Departments
  • Develop and produce KPI
  • Experience in the Financial Industry preferred
  • Significant experience with management accounting for a technology organization
  • Strong Analytical and data mining skills/experience
  • Strong Client management skills
  • Be able to work under high pressure and deliver in very short period of time on ad hoc management requests
  • Must be a team player and be able to coach others and be coached
  • Excellent oral, written, communication and presentation skills
  • Expert with Excel and Powerpoint
  • Experience with MS Sharepoint a plus
  • Execution & deliverable focused
  • Sales Management – Work with the GMM to ensure appropriate sales management oversight procedures are in place. Support GMMs on market regional planning; banker hiring plans, client level account planning; banker client coverage reviews; client segmentation and prioritisation mapping, and other key sales management initiatives. Ensure pricing discipline is in place to manage discounting across product and service offering.. Routinely monitor sales force effectiveness and ensure plans are in place to drive performance levels of the business. Embed new sales support tools (e.g., CRM)
  • Business / Financial Reviews: Interface with Finance for MIS and support the GMM in preparation of Business reviews with Bankers, Market Leaders, and Business Head. Analyse business financials for trends and use analysis as a management tool to support GMMs to improved business performance
  • Business Support/Coordination: Provide day-to-day oversight and resolution of business and client specific issues. Attend appropriate EMEA governance forums and steering committees
  • Business Risk and Control: Ensure that the business is in a full alignment with applicable policies guidelines and procedures. Ensure that Banker teams are meeting all control and risk guidelines, all business Key Risk Indicators are managed below defined threshold levels. Co-ordinate multiple risk control assessments including audit checks, self-testing, information security assessment. Coordinate and support Audit and other reviews been conducted across the region
  • Business Procedures: Maintaining up-to-date sales processes and procedures. Ensure that all regional staff fulfils all mandatory training requirements. Initiate and implement new procedures relating to new sales and system roll-outs
  • Interface with Control Functions: Be the single point interface for the GMMs with all control functions - compliance, risk, legal, tax, operations and technology. Communicate key client specific issues and lead and coordinate efforts with Infrastructure teams to address them
  • Change Management: Implement key change initiatives across the region. Provide leadership and support in driving change programs by working closely with bankers and cross functional product and infrastructure teams
  • Special initiatives: Support the GMM, COO and senior management in driving through global/regional business initiatives. Coordinate all required aspects of initiative/project roll-out
  • Extensive experience of business management, sales management support & controls oversight
  • Banker/Sales experience a preference – working with front line staff in helping drive performance improvement
  • Strong product knowledge in Risk Management, Product Control and Middle Office is beneficial
  • Proven Project / change Management and Business Process Improvement experience is essential
  • Strong understanding of legal and regulatory framework essential
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to develop strong working relationships across functional and geographical lines
  • Professional outlook with the ability to use initiative, manage deadlines, coordinate multiple tasks and work to deadlines and targets
  • Strong analytical / business evaluation and problem solving skills
  • Good written skills and ability to review complex product and legal documentation
  • Good initiative & Creativity - ability to present alternatives and constructive new ideas
  • Accuracy & Attention to detail
  • Preferably Degree educated, however, exceptional candidates who do not meet this criteria may be considered provided they have the necessary skills and experience
  • Excellent analytical skills and ideally a Finance background
  • Strong communication skills and good team worker; ability to work independently
  • Fluency in English required, German would be beneficial
  • Evolving and enhancing the client and credit facilitation strategy and target operating model to accommodate changing business needs
  • Partnering with finance to articulate the 1YOP /3YSP
  • Developing a suite of KPI's that will track progress towards objectives
  • Work closely with the head of business management, head off change and service owners to coordinate the financial plan
  • Managing the business administration activities of client and credit facilitation
  • Support projects with financial or process excellence know-how
  • Experience of working across multiple teams and functions to ensure alignment
  • Ability to adapt quickly to new processes and standard, with a strong commitment to providing exceptional customer service
  • Experience of operations functions, processes and technology related principles in a capital markets environment
  • Strong influence and change management skills at a global level
  • Excellent presentation, writing and communication skills
  • Able to build trust and respect at high-level
  • Support Product Manager on product implementation process
  • Manage the process for on-going Product Reviews
  • Manage all marketing material on all investment products in conjunction with the Prod Manager
  • Develop monthly product P&Ls and product profitability analysis in conjunction with our Reporting BM
  • Ensure accuracy and credibility of New Product Calendar and New Product Pipeline
  • Develop and provide appropriate training at all levels/functions
  • Identify/communicate issues or limitations related to platform, operations, systems or finance
  • Ensure integrity of product offering and compliance with all HSBC and regulatory policies
  • Follow a disciplined approach to product and project management
  • Identify/evaluate internal partners and external vendors to determine best provider in conjunction with Prod Mgr
  • Develop/maintain in-depth knowledge of competitors’ product offering and pricing policies
  • Work with the Reg W team and Risk BM to establish appropriate IGSA & PLA
  • Work with legal and compliance to ensure product is appropriate for both domestic and offshore private banking clients
  • Determine needs within the business in terms of knowledge, marketing material, reporting, etc
  • Extensive knowledge and experience with Investment products
  • In-depth knowledge of the regulatory and competitive environment
  • Strong relationship building, analytical and process skills
  • Ability to establish/maintain collaborative partnerships across organization and with external vendors
  • Good negotiation and problem resolution skills
  • Sound judgment and keen sense of urgency – able to achieve results quickly
  • Strong communication and presentation skills (written and oral)
  • Coordinate with the regional financial management regarding financial and operational information. Liaise between station and regional/corporate office regarding business issues involving personnel, legal, FCC regulations, etc
  • Manage local business office
  • Process payroll including new hire paperwork, commission calculations, and talent fee allocation. Responsible for gathering employee personnel records
  • Maintain local trade files per policy
  • Update and review weekly revenue forecasts, cash flows, weekly pacing and annual budget
  • Manage local accounts receivable process including billing, invoice generation, cash in advance processing, and assist sales with collection issues. Assists customers, approves orders
  • Update and maintain accounting journals, ledgers and other records detailing financial business transactions (e.g., disbursements, expense vouchers, receipts, accounts payable, trade). Conducts variance analysis and account analysis to identify discrepancies
  • Compile data and prepare a variety of reports. Submit payroll and financial data to corporate offices. Recommends actions to resolve discrepancies
  • May provide special project support
  • Bachelor’s in accounting or finance preferred
  • Minimum of 3-5 years of accounting experience preferred
  • Familiarity with accounting software highly preferred
  • Knowledge of FCC rules highly preferred
  • Possess and demonstrate excellent organizational, interpersonal, facilitation, oral and written communication skill
  • Ability to work under minimal supervision, independently and/or as a member of a project team
  • Ability to multitask and to prioritize workload under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment – must escalate appropriate issues to management in a timely fashion
  • Ability to work in a matrix organizational structure
  • Ability to be able to travel
  • Bachelor’s in accounting experience required
  • Possess and demonstrate excellent organizational, interpersonal, facilitation, oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to multi-task and to prioritize workload under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment – must escalate appropriate issues to management in a timely manner
  • Must be detailed oriented – with a strong attention to accuracy and problem solving. “Following up until resolved” skills are a must
  • Skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
  • Coordinate with the regional financial management regarding financial and operational information
  • Liaise between station and regional/corporate office regarding business issues involving personnel, legal, FCC regulations, etc
  • Process payroll including new hire paperwork, commission calculations, and talent fee allocation
  • Responsible for gathering employee personnel records
  • Update and maintain accounting journals, ledgers and other records detailing financial business transactions (e.g., disbursements, expense vouchers, receipts, accounts payable, trade)
  • Conducts variance analysis and account analysis to identify discrepancies
  • Compile data and prepare a variety of reports
  • Submit payroll and financial data to corporate offices
  • Recommends actions to resolve discrepancies
  • Bachelor's in accounting or finance required
  • Must be detailed oriented – with strong attention to accuracy and problem solving. "Following-up until resolved" skills are a must
  • 5+ years of related business management experience
  • BA/BBA in Accounting
  • Experience with High Net Worth and Partnership Tax compliance as well as the preparation of financial and day to day accounting
  • Hands-on experience with Tax (Compliance; Individual; Partnership)
  • Excel proficient
  • Master's of Business Administration
  • Demonstrated strong leadership and team building skills
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel
  • Experience with high level reporting, building reports and professional presentations
  • Able to resolve conflicts in a timely manner
  • Ability to handle stressful situations and multiple tasks
  • Experience in the medical field $
  • WM and R&C IT Coordinator / Stream manager for Application Simplification Governance (Demand Review, Quality Assurance, Funding Decisions)
  • Process Manager / SME for "Demand Management", "Portfolio Management", "Program Management", incl. continuous improvement / interaction with other IT process managers
  • Lead SME to ensure documentation and training of Program/Portfolio Management Standards & Guidelines (e.g. process, workflows, quality requirements, PMF compliance, change management)
  • Maintenance and improvement of Portfolio Management collaboration platforms (SharePoint, DocWeb, Connections)
  • Organizing and facilitating of various steering and working groups related to Demand and Portfolio Management
  • Generate selected Management Reports and Presentations, containing a large share of ad hoc input & special data representation
  • Coordination / Interface to extended team (resources in UBS Krakow)
  • Min. 3-5 years of relevant work experience
  • Project Portfolio Management (PPM) experience
  • Understanding of business management controls and/or IT controlling
  • Experience in handling management information
  • Talent for organizing and planning
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and German are a must (especially English)
  • Advanced MS Excel skills and MS PowerPoint required
  • Knowledge of relevant UBS Tools (eXtract, SAP GCT, MDA, SAT, etc…) is benficial
  • Proactive stakeholder manager, hands-on and service oriented, independent and proactive working style
  • Diplomatic, quick learner
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, target oriented and reliable
  • Stress resilient
  • Strong communication and organizational skills, to interact comfortably with senior levels of management
  • Capability to handle large amounts of data, listen, interpret & suggest best practice for presentation, data organisation & new processes
  • Able to deal with and drive change
  • Lead the integration of planning, budgeting, goal setting, performance management and communications to successfully drive the key business results
  • Work collaboratively with the IAS Leadership Team to create functional strategy, including development of objectives and metrics that are tied to and support the company's strategic objectives
  • In concert with the head of SPMA, drive a culture of continuous improvement throughout the organization
  • Coordinate and facilitate all strategic and operational meetings for the IAS Leadership team and key business owners aimed at
  • Refining the existing IAS strategy ( if appropriate), including the development of objectives, metrics and goals tied to programs/projects and in support corporate strategic objectives
  • Synthesizing internal and external data/information to convey a story on the point in time progress of the execution of the IAS strategy
  • Determine the most effective medium in which to provide industry, market, and competitive information so it’s timely and appropriate
  • Partner with the IAS Change & Portfolio Management Office (CPMO) team to turn the annual strategy refresh into an executable portfolio. This includes preparing business cases and conducting prioritization meetings with the IAS leadership team
  • Partner with the IAS Communications team to ensure alignment with all messaging related to the IAS strategy and status on the execution of the strategy
  • Partner with the Individual Business (IB) in the development of all executive deliverables required for the combined Individual Financial Services (IFS) organization. This includes, but is not limited to, deliverables for the Board, Office of the CEO (OCEO), Office of the COO (OCOO), annual Strategy Refresh and quarterly Operating Reviews
  • Support the head of IAS with other deliverables required for the executive management cadence. This includes, but is not limited to, monthly reviews with the president of Retirement & Individual (R&I) Financial Services, bi-weekly IAS Field Leadership meetings, and quarterly Quality & Execution Meetings
  • Support the head of SPMA to coordinate SPMA Town Halls and leadership offsites/retreats
  • 10 -15+ years of business experience in the Financial Services industry, BS/BA degree
  • Ability to think strategically in order to define/refine, implement, measure, and report progress against strategic plans
  • Proven ability to motivate and influence a leadership team
  • Proven ability to lead, plan and manage change, and to balance competing priorities
  • Ability to interact with senior level management across the organization
  • Excellent written, oral communication and presentation skills and collaborative management style
  • Highly organized, process oriented individual with a strong analytical skills and attention to detail and accuracy
  • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines (at times)
  • Proven results orientated, demonstrated through a strong bias towards action, a track record of achievement, being clearly energized by challenges and having exploited opportunities to exceed goals and work towards them, even under difficult circumstances
  • Acting as a delegate for and deputy to the Finance Delivery Manager in their absence
  • Providing project management support for various projects & initiatives
  • Ensuring that all actions related to the employees development has been executed (objectives setting, training plans, succession planning)
  • Coordinating and monitoring budget, cost control and financial reporting
  • Coordinating monthly reporting and deliverables including SLA, KPI, Risk reporting and Monthly client packs
  • Department overview in regards to completion of Mandatory Trainings
  • Ownership of Business Continuity Plans
  • Coordinating and taking part in Finance Delivery Management meetings (preparation of the meeting, writing meeting minutes, assigning tasks)
  • Exemplary interpersonal and communication skills, with evidence of successful interaction with senior management stakeholders
  • Excellent time management skills, ability to efficiently prioritize and multitask, and work under pressure to meet deadlines and team objectives
  • Proven ability to influence and challenge status-quo, improve processes and drive results
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, comfortable working with large amounts of data
  • Strong team spirit and relationship management skills, customer focused
  • Previous exposure to core forecast, budget and financial reporting processes
  • Financial Management: work with the CFO to lead the annual financial planning process, provide insight and reporting on financial performance and reporting, run the CTO approval process, management of invoice payments
  • Business Performance: define and develop the key performance indicators, drive data quality initiatives across the organization, coordinate monthly, quarterly and annual reporting to inform the technology leaders on performance
  • Demand Management: work closely with the Commerce Solutions Business team and the Commerce Solutions IT team to prioritize business demand through the project intake process, secure business signoff and slot projects into appropriate releases based on available capacity of resources and funding
  • Resource/People/Location Strategy: develop a comprehensive Resource Strategy that balances location risk, cost, people development and mobility with our use of contract or consultant resources, at a global level
  • Communications and Training: coordinate staff meetings, town hall events, business reviews with business and technology leadership as well as develop training plans for the group as needed
  • Vendor Management: work with Sourcing to ensure effective use of vendors within the IT organization; focused on aligning with our preferred policies and apply competitive bidding processes to ensure cost-effective and timely use of vendors
  • Tool Support: ensure appropriate level of support is given to the IT team with respect to the common tools used for day-to-day administration; such as time tracking and collaboration tools
  • HR Partnership: work with the HR team to coordinate the talent review and inter-ranking/calibration process
  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant industry experience (experience within the Payments Industry a plus)
  • Financial planning, forecasting and investment planning and management
  • Policy and procedure development
  • MIS development and production
  • Shared service operating model experience
  • Ability to drive cross-functional strategies and improvements
  • Team leadership and coaching
  • Strong operational skills and able to prioritize complex set of initiatives
  • Ability to influence and collaborate with others to achieve objectives
  • Headcount and Resource Management
  • Performance Management and Metrics
  • Audit Risks and Controls
  • Resource Management & Headcount Controls and Audit Risks & Controls including
  • At least 5 years of project management level or managerial experience
  • 8 to 10 years of client facing service experience
  • Successful track record of leading change at an organizational level
  • Series 7, 65 and 24 FINRA licenses preferred
  • Proficient in MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access
  • Strong written, spoke and presentation communication skills
  • Detailed oriented, self-motivated, able to work independently and take initiative to solve problems and meet deadlines
  • Manage a global team of Project Managers and ensure delivery of the portfolio of select X-EC&RR Ops. initiatives
  • Managerial oversight of Regional Business Managers (in EMEA & APAC) and provision of Business Management support for EC&RR Operations in NAMR across a variety of organization disciplines, as follows
  • 10+ years experience as a Project/Program, Business Manager within Operations/Compliance in the Financial Services Industry, with a demonstrated track record of successful delivery and strong managerial experience
  • Advanced in the areas of multi-tasking, meeting deadlines, and pressure-packed environments
  • Strong interpersonal and verbal/written communication skills, especially proficient with MS Excel and PowerPoint
  • Must possess a strong control mindset and problem solving ability
  • Understanding of NAMR Markets and Regulatory policies with the ability to apply and explain regulatory concepts
  • Strong familiarity with the firm's internal systems and processes
  • Proactively manage risks in the investment process and operational process– both inside SAE and across the broader operating platform
  • Help progress SAE’s technical objectives toward a world class investment and research platform
  • Serve as a key member of the SAE, dedicated to solidifying BlackRock's client relationships by providing the highest level of service and product experience as well as client service for which the firm is known
  • Help build an industrial strength business and client support infrastructure that will service our clients and client business partners around the world with speed and accuracy
  • Manage SAE’s broker engagement model toward alpha and diversifying new research insights and services
  • Demonstrate a full understanding of BlackRock’s scientifically-driven strategies
  • Participate in investment strategy meetings with portfolio managers and strategists and maintain an up to date knowledge base on investment team activities and outlook
  • Act as the liaison between the investment team and all other areas of BlackRock (compliance, legal, operations, marketing, sales) to help resolve any issues and ensure the team’s message is consistent, accurate and up to date
  • Works collegially within the broader group and firm, help cross fertilize insights and opportunities, and provide thought leadership in the engagement with team members inside and outside SAE
  • Strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills to clearly articulate sophisticated concepts, ideas, and processes
  • Presence, maturity and credibility to present effectively
  • Understanding of finance and investments
  • Collaborative and cooperative approach to tasks
  • Disciplined organizational and project management skills
  • Ambitious work ethic and professional disposition
  • Strong academic background in a variety of analytical, financial, and technical degrees a plus
  • Statistics/econometrics and programming skills a plus
  • Partner with Service Owners and Finance to manage the Costing Model to accurately calculate effective rates for each product
  • Minimum of 5-7 years relevant industry experience
  • Solid understanding of the Business management activities
  • Enabling CEO, Regional Managers and Desk Heads to focus on client and team management responsibilities
  • Actively support the Regional Managers and the relationship management function in any appropriate and required manner
  • Cost centre monitoring and management
  • Advise RMs on completion of visitation reports, client profiling, outstanding account documentation, outstanding Receipts, Compliance, Risk Management, Training and Operations requests as needed. Business Unit representative on new projects and initiatives
  • Point of contact for management of remediation of audit issues related to front Office
  • Represent the front office in the risk assessment, control identification and control framework regarding all applicable regulations. Ensure appropriate procedures are documented and training is provided to the front office
  • Responsible for representing and managing risk/regulatory initiatives including but not limited to Conduct Management implementation, Regulation W governance (including chairing the monthly PB Working Group), PLA Inventory management and coordination, Significant Controls Items (SCI) support, Regulatory Controls Review governance and oversight, etc
  • Maintain Front Office desk procedures and monitor compliance
  • Ad-hoc projects and tasks
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in Private Banking and/or other related financial services role
  • Minimum of a BA/BS degree in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, or related field
  • Regulatory Compliance experience highly desired
  • Audit, Risk or Compliance professional designation preferred
  • The individual should be a mid to senior level experienced financial service executive
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment in decision making practices
  • A strong understanding of securities, and credit products and FINRA/SEC rules and regulations beneficial
  • Must possess effective presentation, interpersonal, negotiation, communication and analytical skills
  • Understand and ensure compliance with all relevant internal and external rules, regulations and procedures that apply to the conduct of the business in which the jobholder is involved
  • Ability to work professionally with all levels of staff and management
  • Excellent written & oral communication and presentation skills including the ability to deliver accurate messages to senior management
  • Creates and executes comprehensive eBusiness operational strategies aligned to Strategic objectives within the organization
  • Creates performance metrics to measure success and conducts analysis to determine effectiveness, implementing change where needed based on the data
  • Reviews and provides input to optimizes the eBusiness customer experience on the site (e.g. landing pages, simple menu options, navigation etc.) and the end-to-end ordering process (e.g. add-to-cart, check out, donation option, promo codes etc.)
  • Works with all regional and global eCommerce and IT to accomplish the eBusiness mission
  • Works closely with the management team to implement eBusiness strategies into the strategic and tactically planning and to insure that eBusiness efforts are optimized
  • Insures that the online store maintains a high quality by reviewing website content, identifying errors, making changes, and guiding the marketing team to improve their product listings as necessary, developing and maintaining a key quality metric to the page and the support teams
  • Works closely with the IT teams to ensure interfaces to legacy systems are designed, implemented and operating efficiently to ensure propagations, execution, etc
  • Works closely with the various cross functional teams to ensure the backend order fulfillment processes are defined, implemented and operating in an efficient and sustainable manner – maintaining frictionless metrics
  • Where applicable -- Assesses the competitive landscape by examining the merchandising strategies of key competitors and online retailers, identifying market trends, and best practices that can be applied to our eBusiness site
  • 3-5 years’ experience leading Operations of eBusiness, preferred
  • EBusiness merchandising experience
  • Extensive knowledge and familiarity with the B2B platforms and processes
  • Effective project and time management skills, with the ability to balance multiple projects and management simultaneously
  • Excellent Communications – written, verbal and presentation skills
  • Mastery in English required
  • Local language as well as other languages are nice but not required
  • Demonstrated ability to quickly grasp different technologies and overcome technical issues - Problem solving and analytical skills
  • Broad knowledge of the end to end process of sales operations
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills—able to build up teams and employee engagement, including negotiation and influencing skills
  • Proven success managing relationships with external vendors and cross functional organizations
  • Ability to work on tight deadlines in a fast-paced, team environment
  • Extremely detailed oriented and superior communication skills
  • Experience with website content management & analytics
  • Comfortable working with dispersed teams
  • NA Catalog Tool
  • OIS (Order Integration Suite)
  • OSS (Order Status Suite) (Sandy)
  • UGT (User Group Tool)
  • Punch out systems
  • EComCat (eCC)
  • EPrime/eLite (Offline - Online)
  • Easy Config
  • Build relationships with functional teams within Cisco in order to enable close interactions for deal reviews and approvals, including active executive engagement
  • Manage all non-standard deals for their account or geographical responsibility
  • Act as single Finance approver, for area of responsibility, on deals that fall within theatre approval matrix
  • Work with the Sales Team to optimize deals, mitigate risks for Cisco and prevent potential channel or country/theatre conflicts
  • Facilitate deal reviews and approvals by Sales and Finance by managing the communication and structuring of non-standard business opportunities
  • Participate on any Complex Deal review process related to deals in area of responsibility
  • Work closely with field sales to implement pricing and deal packaging guidelines
  • Deliver ongoing education to ensure Sales understanding and compliance with the non standard deals approval process
  • Deal structuring and/or packaging guidance to Sales, incorporating macro perspective into deal guidance in order to ensure that deals make overall business sense (precedent setting, pricing/discounts across segments/geographies and product family)
  • Performs scenario analysis, what if comparisons, sensitivity analysis, NPVs & IRRs on key deal during deal structuring cycle
  • Risk assessment and exposure management
  • General understanding of revenue recognition issues, identifying non-standard terms and revenue recognition issues in coordination and collaboration with the corporate revenue accounting team
  • Understanding of global commerce and business capabilities and policies for global deals
  • Engages Market Segment and Sales & Services Finance teams based on deal conditions and approval delegation matrix
  • Partners with Legal to perform contract reviews and assessments within VAP- ensuring that MDM and VAP terms and conditions match
  • Builds and manages cross functional relationships with Sales Account Teams, Legal, Segment Finance, Sales & Services Finance, Treasury, Cisco Capital, Tax, Corporate Revenue, etc
  • Maintains extensive knowledge of product and service offerings, including new offerings
  • Finance related degree (MBA preferred) with a minimum of 10+ years of proven commercial environment preferably in a high technology company or banking industry
  • Experience in large multi-national company with exposure to various financial and/or commercial disciplines
  • Prior Bid, Deal, or Pricing Management experience
  • Business experience in international markets
  • Experience working with and supporting Sales Organizations
  • Experience managing global deals and cross cultural teams
  • Strong Time Management and Planning skills
  • Need to be very structured and organized in his/hers approach with ability to plan work and prioritize effectively
  • Fluency in English with excellent written and oral communication skills along with excellent interpersonal skills
  • Budgeting, analytical, modeling and forecasting experience including attention to details and ability to work effectively under time pressure
  • Results driven carrier oriented individual
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in financial and accounting field
  • Deep understanding of Cisco internal policies, processes and procedures
  • Proficiency in Excel, Word, Power Point and Data base management programs
  • Ensuring the GBM local Emergency management procedures are updated and are in line with with and in accordance with Group and Regional requirements
  • Performing BRCM (Business Risk Control Management) activities for GBM Canada IT
  • Working closely with the Front Office, Operations, Finance and other supporting departments to deliver a comprehensive
  • Working closely with stakeholders, developers, architects and a variety of end users to ensure technical compatibility and user satisfaction
  • Possess problem solving skills – will be required to develop with GBM business units a ‘Risk Mitigation approach’ to business continuity yet ensure the business can recover consistent with a Business Continuity strategy- Testing and Recovery methodology acceptable to businesses
  • Analytical ability to comprehend Front to Back Office business flow of information and relevant system requirements
  • Evaluating, Tracking, updating and reporting of initiatives within the book of work
  • Develop expert-level understanding of major local systems
  • Ensuring compliance with all relevant internal instructions (FIMs, GSMs, circulars), internal control standards and external regulatory requirements, including the management of operational risk and adherence to the Group’s standards of ethical behavior
  • Working with developers and/or Vendors to ensure successful resolution of problem systems
  • Maintain knowledge base documentation - Service level documentation, general approvals and miscellaneous administrative duties
  • Must have a proven ability to work to deadlines
  • Impeccable written and verbal communication skills, with strong interpersonal and relationship management skills
  • Good business sense and knowledge accounting and finance
  • Has working knowledge of BRCM (Business Risk and Control Management) framework
  • Good planning, organisation and time management skills
  • Communication, influencing and interpersonal skills
  • Good analytical, problem solving and time management skills
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks and follow them through to resolution accurately and in a timely manner
  • Proficient knowledge and experience with project lifecycle
  • A good level of analysis experience and knowledge of structured techniques
  • Good technical knowledge of IT systems supporting the Customer Group business and Treasury product processing applications
  • University degree in Computer Science or equivalent
  • Advanced knowledge of standard desktop tools (e.g., MS Office, MS Project, Visio)
  • Responsibilities will include day-to-day oversight, effective delivery of time sensitive projects, coaching, prioritization of tasks, allocation of work, time management, task guidance, etc
  • Managerial responsibility for the CPM team analysts (2 going to 3), associate, and team administrative assistant
  • Extensive proficiency with financial markets, industry dynamics and product knowledge in order to manage coverage assignments across hundreds of requests annually across all sales channels and product lines based on sophistication of clients, complexity of sales or product defense opportunity, experience of CPM, additional sales growth opportunities, and client situation
  • Aggregate CPM positioning and viewpoints across the national team to represent the group across the firm to Product, Marketing, RFP Team, Compliance, Investment Services, Retirement & Individual Financial Services, Trust Company, Individual Advisory Services, etc. as they call on the team and ask for our involvement across various facets of the business
  • Manage the development of materials for client facing presentations including the coordination of data gathering, confirming facts, editing and formatting
  • Proactively guide and provide project management support to the development of intellectual and client-specific capital from our team in coordination with CPM’s Research & Analysis and Editorial team
  • Work with Global Investment Strategist to manage both additional opportunities to leverage talent as well as manage demands on his time
  • Work with various Asset Management business partners and key. stakeholders across the firm (Retirement & Institutional, Wealth Advisory, etc.) to drive promotional activities for Asset Management relating to Global Investment Strategist, CPM, and Portfolio Management speaking and engagements. Suggest additional meetings. Expand upon travel requests to best leverage resources
  • Collaborate with meeting requestor regarding additional regional opportunities to showcase speaker across distribution channels
  • Develop formal program outlining steps and outreach requirements to obtain AM speakers. Work to best leverage resource time, including prerequisite promotional activities and building meeting schedule
  • Ability to resolve conflicts and prioritize competing requests
  • Provide Project Management guidance to the CPM team on ad hoc projects (Board materials, Trust Company materials, presentations and/or analysis to senior management, information for Nuveen, etc.)
  • Represent the team in handling and responding to various inquires and liaison with other offices, individuals, and external agencies on a wide range of specified issues
  • Proven ability to create, compose, format and edit written materials; demonstrated excellent attention to detail
  • Highly Advanced PC skills required (Must be fluent in MS Office, Word, Excel (well versed in Pivot Tables, V/H Lookup, etc.), Outlook, PowerPoint and the Internet with no training needed)
  • Proven ability to create, compose, and edit written materials
  • Superior management and execution skills dealing with multiple stakeholders in a complex, faced paced environment
  • Excellent interpersonal and verbal & written communication skills
  • Ability to analyze and solve problems
  • Experience managing people preferred
  • Establish and communicate internal controls and Sarbanes-Oxley documentation requirements to all facility personnel
  • Strategic business unit planning for upper level management including facility manager, business unit manager, and Vice President
  • Legal entity reporting for the business unit, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial results
  • Involvement in demonstrating values and Positive Management Initiative guidelines
  • Participating in development of financial and non-financial facility measurements
  • Bachelor's level degree, preferably in accounting
  • Minimum of 18 hours of college level accounting for non-accounting degrees
  • Demonstrate initiative, leadership, good judgment and superior communication skills
  • Strong analytical, problem solving and human relations skills
  • 7 to 10 years of varied accounting experience and a demonstrated ability to learn complex accounting methodologies
  • Analysis of accounts and client information according to prescribed internal control policies and procedures
  • Communication with HSBC Officers and other employees involved in the maintenance of internal control standards
  • Ensure robust compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, policies and procedures and strict adherence to HSBC internal control standards
  • Background in business and finance, preferably including experience with accounting and Private Banking
  • Knowledge of AML, regulatory, tax compliance and controls within the banking and financial services industry
  • Strong business analysis background within the banking and financial services industry
  • Strong knowledge of Business Objects Software; Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access Databases and Microsoft Word
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work professionally with all levels of staff and management
  • Strong teamwork, organizational, complex problem resolution and initiative
  • Time management skills with the ability to prioritize workload and multi-task
  • Minimum of a B.A. degree
  • Fluent in Spanish, Portuguese will be a plus
  • Provides various office and market financial support activities
  • Ensures the correct functioning of Traffic, facilities, office and/or business support services
  • Supervises accounting and Traffic functions and staff, or maintains accounting records
  • Responsible for preparation of payrolls and application of various benefit programs for employees
  • Completion of various business reports
  • Payment of invoices and other expense vouchers
  • Partners with other groups on issues that may have a financial impact or require a financial perspective (i.e. commissions support)
  • Reporting directly to the Managing Director of CSIS Global Security, Safety & Crisis Management, assist in the management of Citi's efforts to mitigate and respond to crisis events and to ensure the security and safety of its physical locations
  • Focus on projects of varying degree of risk, complexity and visibility
  • Execute project plans and revise as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements
  • Identify and communicate resources needed to complete projects on plan and in accordance with objectives
  • Track progress on deliverables prepared by team members according to established deadlines and present for management review
  • Facilitate HR actions as needed in a confidential manner
  • Assist with program scheduling and calendar management as needed
  • Assist in the preparation of memos and reports and other communications for management as required
  • Communicate with CSIS Staff as necessary to advance program objectives
  • Conduct ad hoc research and assist with special projects as needed
  • Ensure project and program documents are complete, current and stored appropriately
  • Assist with all phases of a project lifecycle
  • 3-5 years Project Management experience, preferably in the financial industry
  • Experience in Executive Support
  • Experience with written global communications at the Executive level
  • Experience in Crisis Management or Security a plus
  • MS Office Suite
  • 5-10 years of years experience
  • Extremely proficient in excel (data analysis, advanced formula)
  • Ability to multi task and operate independently under strict time lines
  • Support reporting and analysis of key business metrics
  • Strong power point skills and strong communication skills
  • Consulting experienced preferred
  • Strong project management skills excellent written and verbal communications skills
  • Ability to manage through influence – up, across and down
  • Independent worker and problem solver
  • Ability to manage change in a highly dynamic environment
  • Ability to manage multiple priorities/ projects and meet tight deadlines
  • Strong computer skills, ability to understand metrics, and process map
  • Strong ability to story board based on metrics. Strong strategic agility
  • Working with the Delivery and operational risk teams to capture, track and report accurate project and portfolio status reporting and forecasting
  • Management of the budgeting, timesheeting and financial processes
  • Developing effective activity/portfolio management tools that enable a dispersed team to address diverse demands in a well governed manner
  • Support divisional leadership in execution of the CORSS Strategy
  • Working with CORSS leadership on ad hoc reviews and analysis
  • There is opportunity to get involved in key initiatives implementing change through across the group
  • Good understanding and experience in business management including finance, reporting, governance processes, portfolio management and project oversight
  • Good communication skills with strong senior stakeholder engagement experience
  • Strong management reporting / analytical skills and the understanding of financial implications
  • Good analysis skills and ability to present complex ideas in a simple, structured way
  • Strong Project background
  • Able to develop and maintain models and reports
  • Strong client service focus and willingness to respond to queries and provide deliverables within prompt time-frames
  • String achievement drive and ability to work on your own and part of diverse teams
  • Commercial acumen to interpret discussions to financial/people impact
  • Experience with process development and implementation
  • Oversight of support and risk management issues within the business
  • Management reporting and administration including producing and monitoring of reports
  • Financial management including PnL, Cost base and Balance Sheet reporting
  • Be part of the Australian Management Committee within MSG
  • Strong business analysis and project management skills and previous delivery experience
  • Fantastic written and verbal communications experience
  • The ability to work autonomously as well as within a team environment
  • The ability to manage multiple initiatives and priorities in parallel
  • Support the regional management team in preparing regular management information and reports for key regional IT and Business forums and processes; gather and consolidate information, complete analysis, manage quality and consistency, coordinate management reviews and approvals. e.g. APAC CIO MC, APEC (APAC Executive Committee), APAC Operating Committee (APOC), APAC Risk & Governance Committee (APRGC)
  • Provide support for regional GT cross divisional governance forums and processes; plan and coordinate key regional management meetings and events, manage governance control processes and maintain the central governance repository. e.g. APAC CIO MC, APAC IT Risk & Security Board, Finance Board, Sourcing Board, People Board, Location Board, etc
  • Support, coordinate and manage regional, cross functional and location business management activities and processes; reporting and MIS, business continuity planning and execution, workforce planning, premises / space planning and allocation, coordinate with BCM, CREAS, HR, Finance, etc
  • Provide support and analysis for key global and regional initiatives; gather data, complete analysis, prepare management information / summaries, coordinate multiple groups .e.g. GT Workforce Strategy (China, India), regional consumer / producer financials, regulatory initiatives (RRP, HKMA self-assessments, MAS audits, regional risk and supervision, production statistics, project support)
  • Delivery of regional communication activities and processes; coordinate and publish the APAC Monthly Flash Newsletter, general communication messages (e.g. organizational and general management announcements (e.g. PMM, Core Cycles, Surveys), coordinate and manage logistics for key regional and location based events (e.g. Town Halls, Coffee Corners)
  • Maintain regional SharePoint and intranet sites (e.g. APAC People Board, APAC IT intranet, APAC CIO Central SharePoint and provide support for regional business groups to leverage online communication platforms (e.g. HK Engage, AusWeb) and partner with regional communications and branding teams to drive initiatives and best practices across the region
  • Drive key regional People Board and IT community activities and events; plan and coordinate events, manage communications (invitations, reminders, registrations), manage logistics (budgets, facilities, transport), coordinate with partner organizations / functions (Community Affairs, Charities, etc) e.g. Community Affairs, Knowledge Share Program, Mentoring Program, Recognition Program, Campus Recruitment, GT Social Events
  • Act as the regional IT communication lead for APAC Region and APAC People Board, in partnership with the Global IT Communications and the Global People Board committee; define and manage the regional communication plan, manage content pipeline and timelines, coordinate and execute plan, source & consolidate content, manage quality in line with global communications guidelines, coordinate review & sign off of content, publish / submit content. e.g. GT Quarterly Highlights, Monthly IT Highlights, GT Mobility Series, Town Halls, Coffee Corners, intranet news articles, People Board events
  • An interest in, and understanding of, audiences and future media, and how new technologies can satisfy audience needs and contribute to the BBC delivering on itspurposes
  • Ability to grasp new ideas quickly, engage in complex thinking and work comfortably withambiguity
  • Proven track record of successfully managing a wide range of stakeholders, including negotiation, influencing and facilitation skills
  • Able to monitor, analyse and forecast various data sources accurately
  • Ability to manage senior relationships with internal and external stakeholders particularly where they have differing requirements, demands and measures of success
  • Able to demonstrate a high level of political and business awareness
  • Ability to ‘make things happen’ in an uncertain and increasingly complex world
  • Experienced in writing investment/business cases for senior stakeholders
  • Excellent report writing skills and the ability to make proper sense of financial information and act accordingly
  • Extremely numerate; able to interpret figures, understand implications and use data skilfully to support effective decision making
  • Expert organisation, facilitation and co-ordination skills, especially at senior level enabling clear and balanced decision making
  • Advanced problem solving and analysis skills
  • Absolute discretion when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential information
  • Ability to take initiative and shape/make decisions for areas of accountability
  • Financial and Management Reporting
  • General interaction with Finance team on reporting, financial management, tax and MIS issues
  • Preparation of annual business plans, budgets and periodic forecasts
  • Monitoring business performance, trends and variances and reporting these to management
  • Preparing ad-hoc reports on market and client performance and related issues
  • Assist with project plans, cost/benefit analysis and proposals for new business initiatives and products
  • Review and approve travel, entertainment and other business related expenses
  • Identify and execute on cost saving initiatives
  • Risk, Control and Education
  • Work with the various risk and control functions, including Legal, Compliance & Operational Risk Control ("C&ORC"), Group Internal Audit and Risk teams to ensure the effective implementation of internal controls and procedures, and compliance with regulations, to protect the business
  • Coordinate training for the team, and monitor professional requirements
  • Manage queries from internal compliance and external regulators
  • Monitor transactional approvals process and be part of committee calls
  • Personnel, and Others
  • Handle day-to-day business issues
  • Assist with strategic business planning and other plans
  • Perform ad hoc analyses and presentations for management and business
  • Manage secretarial pool and administrative matters
  • Project Management from a business management perspective
  • Establish criteria for product selection to ensure best-in-class product offering (including 3rd party products)
  • Establish “voice of the client” practice for assessment of client need, demand and feedback
  • Develop product suites and positioning appropriate to client segmentation
  • Assess/enhance existing products to ensure competitiveness, profitability, appropriateness and efficiency
  • Deliver fully-approved, market competitive new products for US and IPB clients by targeted date
  • Coordinate with global counterparts to ensure product consistency and understanding of local demand
  • Manage profitability of product offering; develop monthly product P&Ls and product profitability analysis
  • Follow a disciplined approach to product management
  • Identify/evaluate internal partners and external vendors to determine best provider
  • Manage, develop and ensure effectiveness of direct reports
  • Appropriateness of investment products/service to client need
  • Extensive knowledge and experience with alternative investment products including discretionary investments, wrap investment products, hedge funds, commodity products, real estate and advisory product offerings
  • Proven track record in product management, strategic planning and business analysis
  • Minimum of 10 years experience in a top-tier global bank with US/international client base
  • Extensive knowledge of the private banking business – both US and off-shore international
  • Client-focused, with strong relationship building, analytical and process skills
  • Minimum of a BA/BS degree in business, finance or engineering
  • Manage Global Projects for PBIG: specifically those projects that relate to Global Standards
  • Assist in the oversight and management of local projects for PBIG US
  • Provide coordination on the Investment Outlook Roadshows in conjunction with Marketing, Strategy, PBIG and Sales
  • Determine reporting needs for the Investment Strategy Group
  • Support ISG head in the further roll out of the Investment Councellor global sales initiative
  • Provide day-to-day Business Management support to the ISG team
  • Determine needs within the business in terms of knowledge, reporting, etc
  • Knowledge and experience with Investment products
  • Project Management and working on ad hoc requests
  • Generating, managing and providing content for our CRMs and capability managers across different sales channels
  • Structuring and driving team wide processes
  • Support in developing new products and driving new product development processes
  • Analysing and improving gaps in current working processes, including development of key documents and working practices
  • Understand & interpret the business strategy, goals & priorities across Global Wealth Management and Asset Management and how the technology agenda aligns to drive and support those goals
  • Orchestrate and drive the Technology strategic roadmap on a 3-year time horizon
  • Work closely with the CTOs and Finance on Budget planning activities
  • Work closely with Risk, Regulatory & Control groups, to ensure the necessary focus and adoption in the Technology organization
  • Provide regular performance and status reports to the required stakeholders
  • Manage the overall IT portfolio, including monitoring work plans, analyzing issues, and implementing improvement activities
  • Prepare and host governance meetings to decision new projects, present status updates, key strategic initiatives, review IT financials, and report realized project benefits
  • Monitor and review strategic projects across the portfolio
  • Lead and facilitate the development, implementation and continuous improvement for critical IT processes including portfolio planning, management, and reporting. Drive adoption of the processes across GWM Technology
  • Work with IT leadership to define IT performance metrics, dashboards and reports across the organization
  • Formulate and execute on resource strategies
  • Partner closely with other key stakeholders e.g. HR, Training, Communications to support the technology people agenda & key initiatives
  • Develop senior executive relationships with major 3rd party vendors
  • Proven ability to build relationships at all levels
  • Ability to handle multi-tasking environment, meet deadlines, and work with a wide range of sensitive and confidential issues
  • Must have leadership and strong influencing skills to drive change and be able to direct work prioritization. Relevant experience managing a portfolio of global technology projects ideally within a large, global organization
  • Strong business acumen and negotiation skills required to drive decisions across multiple stakeholders
  • Ability to interact effectively with executive level management
  • Deep experience with solutions delivery life cycle, process frameworks, methodologies, tools and practices
  • Strong ownership and high level of quality commitment
  • Ability to travel as necessary
  • We will achieve this by aligning our distribution directly with our principal customer groups, and ensuring co-ordinated, multi-channel, delivery within a highly focussed environment, which recognises the customer, and regulatory demand for increased specialism and continually increasing levels of professional competence: becoming the best place to bank for our customers, and the best place to work for our staff
  • In achieving these aims, and retaining a strong culture of operational integrity and cost control, we will deliver revenue streams that expand at a faster rate than costs, and meet shareholder demands for positive jaws performance
  • Minimum of 7 years experience
  • Detailed knowledge of the Commercial Banking market globally
  • Sound understanding of Global CMB strategy, its relevance for Business Banking and its place within the wider competitive environment
  • Strong knowledge of competitor products / offerings and their positioning within the marketplace
  • Experience of winning valuable switchers
  • Proven experience of working effectively with, and a detailed knowledge of the bank’s IT systems, including RBPM, Excel, Powerpoint, Word, Browser Main Menu, Global Links, Group Intranet, etc
  • Some credit background with appraisal and analysis experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree (BA)
  • Proven ability, with a successful record of accomplishment in
  • Leadership and coaching of a team
  • Commercial Management
  • Ability to think strategically and laterally
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills, with a particular emphasis upon inspiring, influencing and negotiating
  • Highly developed planning and organisational skills
  • Code Of Conduct Operations
  • Customer Complaints Operations
  • Licensing & Registrations Operations
  • Personal Account Dealing Operations
  • Disclosure Of Interest Operations
  • Electronic Blue Sheets Operations
  • Organization Performance
  • Development of annual & multi-year Strategic Plans, Objectives & Success Measures
  • Strategic Messaging (e.g. Steering Committee/Operating Committee updates)
  • ‘Solutioning’/Targeted Business Analysis
  • Monitoring Location Strategy efforts
  • Organization Design/Taxonomy/Competency Model
  • Conducting strategic process/business reviews
  • Content Strategy – Development & Coordination
  • Cross team people planning
  • Management Team meetings, Town Halls & Off-sites
  • Communications e.g. organization announcements, executive messages
  • Headcount, Expense (Financial) Management & Real Estate
  • Headcount management processes & reporting (including regular reviews with Finance)
  • Financial analysis & planning (including regular reviews with Finance)
  • Cross team budget planning & coordination with Finance
  • Recruiting strategy/oversight
  • Other Business Management Support
  • Executive/Business Management routines (e.g. monthly organization chart updates, Executive Management Reporting, Business Control Committee updates)
  • Training & People Agenda – tracking, analysis & supporting roll-out of initiatives
  • Relationship management (e.g. with site leads, vendors, compliance)
  • Controls – tracking, analysis & Audit, RCSA, Quality Management
  • Reviews of/updates to Business Resiliency plans
  • Build relationships and define an effective engagement model with the LOBs, Technology, Compliance, and other Operations areas/stakeholder groups and effectively communicate and transfer information needed for program/ project delivery
  • Function as a key contributor with demonstrated knowledge of Operational/PMO ‘Best Practices’ as well as broader functional knowledge
  • Change champion - responsible for leading/implementing change initiatives within team and ensure teams understand reasoning behind changes and connection to supporting business objectives and maximizing client experience
  • Promotes and maintain a positive working environment that builds employee attitudes, knowledge and skills we desire
  • Establishes & manages activities to maximize employee satisfaction through coaching, performance and career management
  • Accountable for efficient & effective functional team operation through regular, client focused service routines & performance management
  • Utilizes the R&R program to reinforce client focused behaviours & achievements
  • Business Other Not Ready, Post Call Processing & Compliance goals
  • Business Talk Time goal
  • True Calls per hour
  • Proven leadership skills including coaching and developing employees
  • Client centric and service mindset
  • Strong partnership skills - the ability to build key relationships with the Client
  • Knowledge of RBC products & services
  • Solid sales management skills
  • Change Leadership
  • Bachelors degree – preferably in Business, Finance, or related area
  • Prefer 2+ years business management, financial, operational and/or project management experience in a Financial Institution, preferably including experience in a corporate client relationship management role
  • Strong written & verbal communication skills. Must possess excellent follow-up skills and ability to develop strong rapport across the organization
  • Strong decision making, problem solving and project management skills
  • Must have strong Word, Excel, and PowerPoint skills
  • Language requirement: Fluent English and Spanish verbal/written communication. Portuguese language skills preferred
  • Provide Super Department level full business management coverage which includes resource management, workforce strategy, annual budget / quarterly forecast cycles for manpower and IP&C (hardware/software/communication/market data), real estate and expense management for supervised departments
  • Interact with Legal/Sourcing to understand commercial terms of project agreements and be able to identify proper/adequate milestones and deliverables
  • Central oversight of financial spend - understand trends in resource and impact on dollars, ensure timing of wallet / TFR spend is accurate for overall division
  • Manage WMT division IP&C - wallet / TFRs through coordination with IT Finance on IP&C related activities / asks, variance analysis, budget/Forecast validation
  • Special projects directed from WMT management as needed
  • A minimum 7+ years of experience in a technology financial reporting, or similar capacity
  • Ability to analyze, adapt, and follow defined processes
  • Technology project and business management experience
  • A proven ability to prioritize competing demands
  • Absolute attention to details
  • Strong Excel, Powerpoint, and Sharepoint skill set
  • Ensuring an efficient and effective reward team process through strong project management
  • Supporting key strategic initiatives and process in Reward including coordination across business segment reward, regional reward and executive compensation, regulatory and governance
  • Plan and organize events, workshops, town halls and regular management meetings for the Global Reward team
  • Prepare and deliver materials for management meetings, senior management presentations and business reviews including preparation for HR Compensation Committee meetings with senior leadership, board members and external stakeholders/regulators
  • Responsible for writing talking points and managing the action log during and after management meetings
  • Develop, produce and analyze operations reports and dashboards, highlighting key trends / issues and identifying opportunities to increase effectiveness and improve efficiencies
  • Prepare internal and external communication to Reward clients and the HR organization
  • Support escalation management by gathering information and preparing communications
  • Ensure appropriate risk management and governance process and KPI / SLA reporting for the regions
  • Ensure Reward functions operate within cost / headcount targets and resource forecast
  • Collaborate and exchange with other management support functions globally within HR to foster one HR approach
  • Strong organizational, communication and leadership skills
  • Ability to identify problems, find solutions and prioritize
  • Experience in project and risk management as well as reward knowledge and expertise
  • Strong analytical instincts and sound business judgment and you're able to multi-task under pressure
  • Ability to consider strategic implications of reward challenges from multiple perspectives including internal and external stakeholders
  • Proficient Microsoft Office Excel and PowerPoint skills
  • Business Risk and Control: Lead the business’s MCA process (defining, reviewing and testing of relevant controls) . Support with the execution of Internal reviews and exams (e., Internal Audit)
  • Business Procedures: Assist in the development and maintenance of the various teams’ procedure documents (e.g., Trading Desk Procedures), identifying and addressing areas requiring process improvement
  • Business / Financial Reviews: Interface with Finance and Operations for MIS and support the business in preparation of Business reviews with business seniors. Analyse business financials for trends and use analysis as a management tool to support improved business performance
  • Business Management Support – Work with the business management team ensure appropriate product management and distribution oversight procedures are in place. Manage key business processes (e.g. COB, Mandatory Absence Policy and business compliance with various CPB policies)
  • Business Support/Coordination: Provide day-to-day oversight and resolution of business and client specific issues
  • Interface with Control Functions: Interface with all control functions - compliance, risk, legal, tax, operations and technology. Communicate key specific issues and assist and coordinate efforts with relevant teams to address them
  • Product Management: Support Capital Markets Product initiatives and management of the Product Programs
  • Strong Product Knowledge across Capital Markets; Managed Investment and Private Banking
  • Experience of business management, product management, sales management support and controls
  • Experience of working with front line staff in helping drive performance improvement
  • Strong knowledge of procedures, processes and systems in the Citi Private Bank
  • Strong knowledge of CPB systems and processes (Front, Middle Office or Operations) would be advantageous
  • Very experienced in the use of Microsoft office (particularly excel and powerpoint)
  • Accuracy and Attention to detail
  • Good initiative and Creativity - ability to present alternatives and constructive new ideas
  • Serve as primary point of contact for Sales and Sales Development on content-based programs
  • Manage and keep track of T Brand Studio’s development of ideas, briefs and mockups for RFP materials
  • Ensure program ideation is properly budgeted, in scope and on target with advertiser objectives
  • Serve as a studio representative in pre-sale client meetings to explain and provide guidance on studio capabilities and offerings, including but not limited to: editorial services, pricing, production workflow and audience development
  • Support client relationships directly and indirectly, including joining calls and meetings to discuss concepts, strategy, capabilities and scope
  • Work closely with Finance and Legal to maintain healthy business practices
  • Maintain broad overview of all ongoing T Brand Studio programs
  • Serve as the final check/gatekeeper for all deliverables, including writing and editing communications as needed
  • BA or BS degree required
  • 4+ years of account management or sales/business development experience in an agency (digital or advertising) or publishing environment
  • Familiarity with collaborative sales processes strongly preferred
  • Experience juggling and prioritizing competing deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work across different teams/departments
  • Demonstrated ability to work face-to-face with client teams
  • Strong track record of problem solving and ability to adapt
  • Avid consumer of media, all types
  • Thick skin and a top-notch sense of humor
  • Agreeing and implementing Capital Financing best practice regionally
  • Supporting the efficient and smooth running of the day to day business activity of the regional product teams - including active issue management and resolution
  • Monitoring the execution of the Global and regional business strategy
  • Ensuring consistency of product delivery across all local sites and business lines
  • Identifying and resolving any new aspects of operational risk impacting the business
  • Formulating and delivering local contingency procedures
  • Management and successful execution of all developments and enhancements (both business and procedures) that are undertaken by Capital Financing
  • Proactive identification of process and resourcing improvements, including offshoring opportunities, which contribute to Capital Financing’s cost challenge for the region
  • Helping to design and implement Capital Financing’s People Strategy for the Americas
  • Interacting with the various functions (both internal and external) that interface with and support Capital Financing regionally and globally
  • Knowledge of Capital Financing products – functionally, operationally and financially
  • Ideally to have had front office experience within an investment banking or markets environment
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of the external environment within the Region - regulatory, political, competitor and market
  • Experience of operating within a complex matrix environment
  • Experience working across cultures
  • Audit Risks and Controls (Audit / Sox)
  • Management Support / Communications
  • Providing guidance and support to Enterprise Services Management Committee members on Financial Management, Workforce Management, Headcount Controls, Audit & Risk Controls. The role facilitates managing a sub department with a commercial mindset
  • Sub-department aligned Business Management
  • Support several senior sub department managers in managing their headcount vs regional and global targets
  • Ownership and publication of Resource Management and headcount report for Monthly Business Review (MBR) Meetings
  • Manage Time Booking / VIPS related issues
  • Monitoring time compliance (OnePPM) of resources booking time and ensuring the correct effort is booked to RTB & CTB lines, and projects and portfolios
  • Coordinating and developing key MI globally, managing the completion of dashboards and contributing to the development of Operating Plans
  • Producing high quality presentations and analysis for the various management forums (e.g.EXCO, Town Halls)
  • Leading the standardisation of core business management processes and coordinating with finance to drive efficient service enhancements in delivery of performance management for PCM Globally
  • Knowledge of the PCM business and broader construct of HSBC’s Global Businesses
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize a range of requests / actions to best support the Global Head of PCM
  • Display a high level of objectivity and ability to challenge senior management on various aspects of their business
  • Understanding of Liquidity and payments and receivables products
  • Acts as primary TMS point of contact for the functions in Europe and Asia
  • Ensures appropriate risk and control frameworks are in place to support TMS businesses
  • Assists in new product development, competitive analysis, and supports sales teams
  • Enables change through business-as-usual or formal projects
  • Drives business-as-usual initiatives focusing on enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the business, through enhanced capabilities or cost management
  • Accountable to act as a SME and for ensuring successful delivery of both BAU change and large/cross platform projects managed by the I&TS PMO
  • Accountable for ensuring the effective design and execution of appropriate controls related to: front office activities; operational risk items; compliance programs; adherence to standing orders etc
  • Assists in the preparation of strategic business reviews, financial forecasts and plans
  • Acts as central point of contact for I&TS and its functional partners
  • Prepares NBC, Risk Committee and I&TS Operating Committee submissions
  • 5+ years of proven Financial Analysis and/or Project Management experience
  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics or related fields
  • Solid managerial skills
  • Advanced spreadsheet and database knowledge
  • There is a key focus on revenue growth
  • Strategic planning and other key processes are as efficient and streamlined as possible
  • Practices are both integrated with the firm's strategy and adjusting to market and economic events
  • The various key dimensions of people, product, knowledge, clients and finance are being exploited and combined effectively in support of the practice
  • Business plans and budgets are developed, implemented and measured
  • The practices have effective business management support
  • Candidates from various professional services sectors could be of interest
  • The possession of an accountancy qualification and/or an MBA would be a plus
  • The ability to challenge Partners and senior stakeholders and drive change
  • The role will entail interactions with BM teams, Snr Mgmt, FCG, Capco HR and REM
  • The role includes reconciliation vs Budget and developing analysis to explain variances
  • Review allocations models for CTB by running Cognos reports
  • Remediate lagging issues in monthly allocations submissions
  • Maintain cost center hygiene that reflects the current organization roll-up and support
  • This will require liaising with BM teams and FCG
  • Cost management and budgeting experience a must
  • Able to manage competing priorities
  • Proficient Excel skills
  • Understanding of financial accounting concepts
  • Leads development of seasonal plans by Planners based upon history, sales forecasts, merchandise idea trends and sales growth opportunities. Partners with Divisionals to ensure that sales, gross margin, and inventory turnover objectives are met/exceeded as plans are developed, monitored and updated dynamically. Identifies opportunities to grow or eliminate categories of business and/or vendors based upon performance and company strategy and make appropriate recommendations
  • Leads the analytic process for one or more divisions. Drives sales and profitability using key performance metrics (e.g., rankings, brand analysis, by store category sales) to support Divisional decision-making in driving sales and profitability
  • Leads the open-to-buy process by evaluating sales and inventory levels relative to current plan and providing specific recommendations based upon performance trends weekly and monthly
  • Directs monthly markdown forecasting and allocation in partnership with Divisional/Buyers to drive sales, improve clearance sell-thru and eliminate slow moving merchandise on a timely basis
  • Leads DA team to optimize sales in total and by store through hands-on training, supervision of allocation detail and ensuring that sales opportunities are a constant dialogue between DA’s/Buyers/Location Planners
  • Leads the DA team in managing the model/replenishment programs to maximize sales
  • Coaches and develops DA’s and Planners for individual growth and succession management
  • Undertakes special projects designed to drive sales and/or improve profitability as assigned by SVP Planning and Allocation, CMO or Divisional as needed
  • Responsible for supporting one or more divisions
  • Interacts with Officers and Directors to manage the business
  • Supervises Distribution Analysts and Merchandise Planners
  • Must be at work on a regular and predictable basis or as scheduled
  • Responsible for managing all monthly financial deliverables for several complex, global technology programs
  • Interface with the TTS Financial Control staff on a day to day basis
  • Manage relationships with the senior technology managers and PMOs associated with these technology programs; build and sustain strong relationships with these managers
  • Candidate should be experienced in program budgeting, expense tracking and vendor financial management
  • Support the Head of Regional Portfolio Managers in all areas by ensuring timely delivery and quality execution of all tasks and responsibilities
  • Develop a robust understanding of the Private Investors value proposition and work closely with internal strategic business partners to help drive broad investment and commercial success across the platform
  • Drive a culture of investment excellence by compiling and analyzing data focused on portfolio construction parameters and asset allocation guidelines, and developing useful business metrics to uncover trends, identify issues and ensure accuracy
  • Gather and synthesize various streams of data focused on revenue and sales growth, targeted new business opportunities, and client interaction
  • Contribute to the development and growth of the platform through new business initiatives, product launches, and strategic opportunities
  • Provide support to a team of six regional investment Team Leaders by assuming responsibility for Legal, Compliance and HR issues
  • Ad hoc support – support the Private Investors Management Team on ad hoc projects as required
  • Coordinating and preparing FSG Management Committee meetings and topic-specific deep-dives for the management team
  • Running FSG-internal controlling and compliance functions, including cross-border travel and costs management
  • Preparing and driving internal training events
  • Operating and maintaining the MS Access-based FSG reporting database
  • Producing the monthly FSG-reporting for senior management
  • Supporting the annual planning and budgeting process
  • Supporting selected projects to scale-up the business from a risk-reward angle
  • Financial analysis and spend management for new and existing technology projects & Technology Funding Requests (TFRs)
  • Financial tracking of project, support activities and product financials
  • Track and manage the monthly product inventory and cost allocation process
  • Monthly & Quarterly financial management reporting and analysis
  • Handling ad-hoc business projects/requests to support the global organization
  • Experience with financial reporting for a technology organization
  • Expert with Excel (using formulas and pivot tables) and creating management presentations in Powerpoint
  • Accounting or controllership experience in an international environment
  • Understanding of IT infrastructure technologies (operating systems, servers, storage, networking) is a plus
  • Provide financial advice and expertise to the brands, focusing on being a value added partner to help them achieve their business objectives. This includes advice not just on financial issues, but operational issues affecting the Brand as well. This is especially important as our distribution is via Lachen (in Switzerland). The Business Manager is expected to be innovative and proactive in offering suggestions and advice to all levels of the Brand. (15%)
  • Bachelor’s degree, MBA degree preferable. CPA a Plus
  • 5+ years’ related financial and/or accounting experience
  • Independent and able to work under pressure
  • Proficient in Excel and Hyperion database
  • Experience in SAP preferred
  • Strong communicator - Clearly communicates expectations
  • Works cooperatively with peers, management, subordinates and other departments
  • Minimum 8+ years' experience in business management, financial management or business consulting
  • Experience in budgeting and managing IT expenditure (including cost allocations) is highly preferred
  • Should be creative and have thorough hands-on experience with data analysis & reporting
  • Team player with good presentation skills, oral and written communication skills. Prior experience in dealing with senior executives of the firm a must
  • Finance industry knowledge plus, but not required
  • Matured self-starter; self-motivated
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced, time constrained environment
  • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office products, especially Excel and PowerPoint
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written) essential; fluent in Chinese (verbal and written) preferred
  • Graduated from a reputable University (MBA would be an asset)
  • Minimum of 5 years sales experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of procurement procedures
  • Experienced & Succesful negotiator with excellent influencing skills
  • Demonstrate maturity and exceptional levels of personal responsiblitly
  • Strong team leadership skills with the ability to develop and coach
  • Be fluent in both Arabic & English
  •  Analyze, summarize, prepare data and presentation for AA segment, support the execution of the business strategy by preparing material, meetings, events, administrative and ad-hoc tasks
  •  Work closely within AA and with units such as IPS CA COO and Sales Management, IPS AP PDM team in terms of product management and development, Business Management in other sectors, Controlling, Marketing, etc. ensuring timely delivery of required information
  •  Participate in the AA management committee (MC), organize venue, prepare agenda and material, facilitate preparation, decision making, record and track minutes, foster timely follow-up on action points
  •  Coordinate, drive, progress the initiatives assigned, reach out to the appropriate resource holders, review key figures, reports, metrics
  • Weekly and monthly tracking and synthesis of internal Chase data and metrics
  • Modeling of the financial impact of potential new business opportunities, including new product constructs
  • Performing qualitative and quantitative research on market developments
  • Supporting financial analysis of changes in Network business models and providing impact statements for senior management reporting
  • Supporting ad hoc reporting for all lines of business relative to Network data
  • Tracking and providing information on meetings and interactions between Chase and the networks
  • 3+ years experience in payment industry
  • 3+ years experience in data analytics and econometric modeling skills preferably in a strategic environment
  • 3+ years experience managing large data sets, including proficiency with Excel and Access
  • 3+ years experience creating documents and presentations in Word and Powerpoint
  • Demonstrated experience in financial modeling
  • Demonstrated experience in synthesis and presentation developments
  • Experience in interacting and communicating recommendations to peers and Senior Management
  • Strong presentation (oral and written) skills. Ability to articulate complex problems and solutions in a concise and relevant manner to all staff levels
  • Strong personal time management skills with demonstrated ability to effectively organize tasks and motivate individuals (internal and external) around initiatives
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills, with ability to communicate at all levels
  • Excellent time management skills, ability to work to tight deadlines
  • Expert knowledge of Excel
  • Good MS PowerPoint and SharePoint skills
  • Highly motivated and independent working attitude
  • Ability to manage senior people across diverse regions and in diverse working cultures
  • Highly-developed interpersonal skills
  • Ability to communicate at all levels of the organisation
  • Demonstrate integrity in carrying out responsibilities
  • Ability to drive out unacceptable global inconsistencies and drive towards harmonisation
  • Ability to challenge, influence and guide
  • Provides comprehensive end to end analytical support to Collections National Office and the Collection Departments through ongoing data and workflow requirements
  • Utilizes effective tools and resources to dive deep into identified collections system efficiency/effectiveness gaps. Completes cause and effect analysis and recommends sound operational/fulfilment process resolution for the assigned initiative
  • Proactively identifies innovative opportunities to enhance business systems’ efficiency and effectiveness. Understands full impact of end to end business process and balances converging forces of superior client experience and business results accordingly
  • Supports Collection strategies to increase efficiency, decrease cost, and reduce complexity
  • Prioritize sequencing and implementation of key strategic initiatives and lead all aspects of implementation; end to end from idea creation, requirements, business partner engagement, and change management to documentation, testing and release
  • Validates/tests functionality and interdependencies of the end to end process with stakeholders and the overall client experience. Acts immediately on change requirements to ensure initiative is on time, on budget and within scope
  • Actively participates in the quality implementation of the transformational initiative. Collaborates effectively with all Collections functions and business partners
  • Strong concern for accuracy and attention to detail
  • Working knowledge of RBC IT processes and procedures
  • Relationship building across teams and roles, internal and external
  • Information seeking, continually looking to improve and keep RBC at forefront on technical solutions
  • Research, IT testing and Project Management Framework knowledge, able to lead small projects from idea creation to implementation
  • Expense management, including identification and execution of cost saving opportunities
  • Involvement in forecasting and budgeting for the business
  • Produce and monitor key management reports, user access reviews, operational and user reviews
  • Develop collaborative relationships with internal teams supporting the business
  • Contribute to business initiatives and strategic change projects
  • Understand, and assist in the enhancement of, key controls governing business processes
  • Identify and evaluate capital and funding efficiency opportunities to reduce cost and support business growth
  • Manage foreign currency exposure include analysing cost of hedging, executing spot and forward FX hedges, coordinating settlements and reporting
  • 2-5 years of experience in an equities related role
  • Demonstrated ability to work autonomously as well as within a team environment
  • Track record of managing multiple initiatives and priorities in parallel
  • Strong problem solving skills and a can-do, entrepreneurial attitude
  • Understanding of financial markets, particularly equity markets and related instruments. Work experience in Equities preferred
  • Understanding of front-to-back trade / booking flows and best practices
  • Understanding of legal, compliance and regulatory requirements for financial institutions is advantageous
  • Financial background (P&L, Balance Sheet, Capital etc) preferred
  • Strong numerical and excel skills
  • Programme management across APAC GPS projects
  • Project management for initiatives impacting across GPS APAC teams, including New Business, where appropriate
  • Facilitate demand management exercises
  • Represent GPS APAC business in project working groups, steering groups, programme boards, as appropriate
  • Support business reviews and realisation of efficiency gains and synergies
  • Keep abreast of regulatory change topics impacting GPS APAC and participate in projects, as appropriate
  • A strong track record of working responsively, flexibly and adaptably
  • Sound business and financial management skills, able to monitor, analyse and forecast accurately
  • Ability to interpret figures, understand implications and use spread sheets and office systems skilfully
  • Excellent organisation, facilitation and co-ordination skills
  • Demonstrate a strong aptitude for planning ahead
  • Advanced data analysis and manipulation skills
  • Highly experienced in using Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Highly experienced to use and ability to analyse output from ERP systems e.g. SAP
  • Knowledge of, or ability to learn, web editing tools and other online information tools, such as document repositories, blogs and wikis
  • Ability to work unsupervised, use initiative and make decisions for areas of individual accountability
  • Experience of working with business management tools and systems is desirable
  • Experience of client management in a professional services organisation would be desirable
  • Broad understanding of current and emerging internet and digital media technologies, products and services
  • Appreciation of the regulatory and strategic context of the BBC
  • Mining and analyzing data related to clients, revenues, costs and profitability as well as identifying trends, gaps, and opportunities & actionable insights
  • Coordinate and provide programming support for the regional Distribution Committee as well as work on select projects and support tasks as requested by senior EQ Distribution heads
  • Support and help drive regional Distribution processes such as client campaigns, alpha cards, revenue attribution & related processes, budgets, segmentation and client profitability
  • Support GED Distribution business global RTB & CTB activities including the revenue reporting process, framework and data quality
  • Gather and provide regional input on global projects / processes involving clients, data MI and our in-house CRM system
  • Maintain and liaise with offshore staff in tasks / projects that support the overall client strategy and relationship management efforts
  • Other ad-hoc projects and presentations as necessary across all EQ business lines
  • This role will be given the responsibility of helping various GTRF business heads in delivering the strategic imperatives and in managing the day to day running of the business as its doubles its size over next three years
  • Exposure to GTRF and other commercial banking products
  • 5 years of experience in managing a P&L or a management role in CMB/ GB/ GTRF/ PCM
  • Demonstrates sound commercial judgment and strategic
  • Strong independent contributor, who is comfortable working in a self-directed mode, on multiple assignments, where the teams will often be distributed across the globe and culturally diverse
  • Bachelor’s Degree in engineering, computer science, mathematics, accounting or equivalent experience
  • Experience in financial services / banking industry and good understanding of technology
  • Robust strategic analysis, problem solving, and issue resolution
  • High level critical thinking abilities
  • Attentive to detail and quality
  • Comfortable with ambiguity
  • Advanced skills in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, SharePoint, InfoPath)
  • Familiarity with data visualization tools (e.g., Visokio Omniscop, Tableua) is a plus
  • Understanding of infrastructure components: servers, databases, operating systems, web assets, etc
  • Familiarity with the following Credit Suisse systems is a plus
  • Product and Client Strategy design
  • Margin Improvement/Productivity
  • Productivity measurement and resource allocation
  • Partner with Equities management to ensure the efficient administration of the sales function
  • Oversee and enhance key sales processes
  • Develop sales strategy and response to regulatory change
  • Oversee and coordinate with technology team to ensure continued development of system to support sales processes, including data quality and analytics, client facing technology and productivity metrics
  • Demonstrated experience in and understanding of Equities products, clients and services
  • Understand the key financial drivers of the business from top line revenues and expenses and balance sheet impact as well as down to the product, region and client level economics
  • Keen analytical skills to link our financial drivers and how to improve our margin through identifying key revenue and expense opportunities as well as balance sheet optimization
  • Demonstrated ability to operate with all levels of management within Equities and Markets more broadly
  • Strong Analytical and statistical knowledge/skills
  • CRM/ Client Analytics
  • Internal systems
  • An experienced person who has performed a similar support or business management role for a large organization
  • Experience with Equities cash and derivatives products is a requirement, or similar Market product knowledge
  • Experience with sales CAO or Sales function is required
  • Results/task orientated with excellent attention to detail
  • Excellent MS Office skills including Excel, PowerPoint and Access
  • Educated to a degree level (minimum 2:1)
  • Finance, business, economic or mathematical degree discipline would be advantageous
  • University degree or equivalent
  • Ability to manage a broad portfolio of tasks effectively and efficiently
  • Independent and pro-active working style
  • S&GTrack & report S&G on a month on month basis and reconciliation of Headcount as necessary
  • India BookTo consolidate and prepare India Book on a monthly basis
  • ORM Activities & Projects
  • The individual needs to possess good communication skills as he/she would be constantly required to communicate with management and stakeholder
  • Individual needs to exhibit greater project management skills to execute various local and global initiatives
  • Individual needs to have an eye for detail and good analytical skills to analyze the financials
  • Individual should be good to grasp and be proactive in understanding and anticipating management requirements
  • Should be good at preparing presentations & also public speaking
  • Develop the ICAP framework within Fixed Income to manage operational risk as well as evidence controls, and act as a key coordinator for audits done in the department, partnering with business area participants
  • Act as the Fixed Income Functional Risk Manager in reviewing errors, identifying areas for closing gaps and improving controls
  • Partner with the regional heads to develop a quarterly oversight process for Liquidity, Valuations, Best Execution and Broker Evaluation, as well as partner with Credit Risk to develop the appropriate framework for the department
  • Develop global and regional policies and procedures documents as well as training for the department, and represent the Fixed Income department on key oversight committees including the Global Valuation Committee and the Best Execution Committee
  • Work with the CAO and regional Business Managers to develop best practices and a robust global operating model for the department
  • Maintain financial reporting and analysis for the Global Banking Technology and Private Banking Group (PBG) Books of Work (BoWs), including MSPBNA, and MS Bank, NA (MSBNA) legal entity views
  • Reconciliation of non-manpower wallet and Technology Funding Request (TFR) data to BoW programs and projects
  • Produce monthly BoW financial variance reporting for Product Silos
  • Support client (Business Unit) and internal (IT) billing inquiries, including research and analysis
  • Maintain multi-year software capitalization and depreciation schedules for PBG and MSPBNA businesses
  • Coordinate project and system cost allocation reviews
  • Coordination, analysis and reporting of manpower budgets and oversight of budgeting and forecasting process
  • Produce periodic program financial reporting for BU sponsors
  • Minimum of 5 years financial services industry experience
  • Minimum of 3+ years serving in a Business Manager capacity, involved with large-scale enterprise projects
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to develop and maintain effective relationships with users and colleagues globally
  • Solid grasp of cost accounting in a business management capacity
  • Strong organizational skills, including the ability to coordinate, prioritize, and manage multiple activities
  • Team player preferably with experience working within a global team or with colleagues based in remote locations
  • Results-oriented focus and a highly disciplined approach to meeting objectives
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing needs and requirements
  • Ability to prioritize, coordinate and complete tasks to meet deadlines
  • Proficient with MS Office applications: Excel (eg. Pivot Tables, v-lookups and indexing), MS Project, Visio, Word, PowerPoint, and SharePoint
  • Familiarity with the personal wealth management industry and products
  • Experience with Business Objects or similar business intelligence tools
  • Business Management experience in a financial services capacity
  • Assisting Business Heads in the development and implementation of the GED Distribution business strategy
  • Building a framework that delivers GED client MIS to key stakeholders
  • Coordination of client initiatives, collaborating across Equities Distribution teams as appropriate
  • Managing GED distribution management meetings & client review programs
  • Good understanding of Equity Derivatives
  • A background in COO, Operations, Finance or Technology within a major banking institute
  • Highly organised with experience of delivering against milestones on a timely basis and to a high standard without management intervention
  • Operating independently, acting as a self-starter and problem solver
  • Strong communication and presentation skills (including a high standard of PowerPoint)
  • Data Analysis and an ability to identify key patterns and conclusions (strong Excel)
  • Networking and influencing across the front to back organisation to deliver key business objectives
  • Project / Process Management experience desirable
  • You are the primary interface between our coverage teams and all supporting departments (e.g. Business Development, Projects, Finance, Business Risk Management, HR, General Counsel, Front Services, etc.)
  • Steering, Monitoring and Reporting: You support the Head of Transportation & Global Finance APAC in planning and steering the business, by preparing and structuring meetings, preparing, reviewing and commenting reports and tracking the business against strategic and financial plans
  • Initiatives and projects: You lead and support initiatives and projects in regard to business growth, efficiency improvements and regulatory changes
  • Sales support: Support our sales teams with internal marketing activities and efficient procedures
  • Opportunity to work in an international setting in a growing and dynamic business environment
  • 2+ years experience in Health System Pharmacy
  • PGY1 Pharmacy practice residency completion preferred
  • MBA, MHA, or 2+ years experience in health system business, or management experience preferred
  • Management expertise in financial analysis
  • Personnel, project management, and performance improvement experience
  • Excellent facilitation and team skills
  • Outstanding written and verbal skills
  • High degree of initiative, organization and perceptiveness skills
  • Compliance skills
  • Evidence of outstanding computer and database skills, including but, not limited to, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet and pharmacy computer systems
  • Proven analytic skills, independent problem solving, and self-directed work experience
  • Registration with California State Board of Pharmacy with no disciplinary actions taken
  • BLS for Healthcare Provider from American Heart Association Certification
  • ACLS from American Heart Association Certification
  • A strong track record of working responsively, flexibly and adaptably sound business management skills, able to monitor, analyse and forecast accurately
  • Ability to interpret figures, understand implications and use spreadsheets and systems skilfully
  • Evidence of business improvement delivered using business improvement tools and techniques
  • Sound judgement and the flexibility of thought and approach to produce effective results in a matrix environment
  • Ability to ‘make things happen’ in an experimental, complex environment
  • Excellent quality of judgement, an understanding of ‘what’s important’ and the ability to facilitate key decisions quickly and clearly. Ability to trade risks and benefits to achieve effective outcomes
  • Highly experienced to use and ability to analyse output from SAP & MyBusiness
  • Professional Services, Maintenance and Operational Services sales
  • Manage AMC renewals with a focus on profitable multi‐year agreements, clearly defined deliverables and a price book to capture upgrade related revenue
  • Align service proposals to specific customer requirements
  • Close working relationship with sales and the services teams, specifically the Service Engagement Managers and consulting teams
  • Increase revenue from existing customers
  • Building new revenue streams from Systems Integrators / Service Providers channel partners
  • Increase services value proposition to customers and sales teams
  • Ensure new opportunities have the appropriate maintenance value proposition and multi‐year agreements with clearly defined deliverables and price book for future growth
  • Transformation of the sales engagement model to be strategy lead and capable of moving up the “food chain” to allow for an earlier and business level engagement of the services team, specifically the consulting team
  • Develop opportunity specific “Service Solutions” to address non‐standard engagement models, such as Service Provider or Systems Integrator led sales engagements
  • High Renewal rate of annuity contracts
  • Increase of all services attachment to product sales
  • Demonstrable up‐selling products and service offers
  • Exceeding deal margins, using full P&L calculations
  • Channel offer management focus and engagement
  • At least 5 years experience in Manage AMC renewals with a focus on profitable multi‐year agreements
  • Challenge the status quo
  • Further development of performance measurement and reporting framework for analysts/strategists
  • Business process analysis and implementation of improvements
  • Manage business model impact of changes to regulations and UBS policies
  • Successful delivery of Business Development projects and Business Intelligence projects (within scope, time and budget)
  • Proactive stakeholder management on business side, coordination and close collaboration with CIO related partners (HR, Controlling, Compliance & Operational Risk Control)
  • Lead and/or support various segment specific projects and processes
  • Monitor the performance of the Affluent segment across a variety of financial, sales and other indicators
  • Handle day-to-day business issues and perform ad-hoc analyses to support management decisions
  • Liaise with markets and desks to coordinate and ensure delivery of required information/activities on an accurate and timely basis
  • Run change initiatives that drive the business forward, aligned with segment strategy
  • Contributes to the strategic direction of Franchise Audit, partnering with the Franchise Chief Auditors in maintaining the Franchise plan of work, including reporting methodologies, organizational design and effective positioning of the function to ensure provision of independent assurance
  • Directs and owns the resourcing strategy for the Global IA FA team, establishing relationships with both IA and non-IA partners and talent development programs and by interacting with senior IA and other colleagues at Managing Director and Director level, maintains a structured program for IA and guest reviewer participation in franchise audits
  • Leads the continuous improvement of the guest auditor programme. Establishes a mechanism to collect guest reviewer feedback to identify opportunities for improvement, and implements improvement initiatives to ensure that the FA Guest Audit programme delivers on its development objectives for IA and business guests
  • Works with the Regional Franchise Chief Auditors and Audit Lead Directors to organise and provide logistical support for guest auditors assigned to each franchise audit
  • Responsible for co-ordinating audit planning including entity structure development, risk assessment, and quarterly and annual planning across the Franchise Audit team
  • Responsible with the Regional Franchise Chief Auditors for capacity planning and resource scheduling for Franchise Audit globally
  • Partners and supports the Franchise Audit Chief Auditors in driving Franchise performance and effectively managing the function. Works closely with the global MIS team to develop and cascade relevant performance reporting including (but not limited to) audit plan status, issue validation, business monitoring and time reporting
  • Supports the Franchise Audit Chief Auditors in their interaction with Regulators and coordinates information deliverables to Regulators and Business stakeholders to ensure consistency across the regions
  • Coordinates and oversees the Franchise Audit budget, working closely with IA Operations to develop the annual budget and allocation of Franchise Audit costs to the business. Ensures full transparency of Franchise Audit expenses, thereby promoting ownership and accountability by the Franchise Audit Chief Auditors. Leads productivity and efficiency initiatives within Franchise Audit in support of Execution 2.0
  • Prepares Franchise Audit board level/audit committee reporting regarding issues, trends, root causes and impacts, working closely with the global MIS and Quality Assurance teams
  • Responsible for maintaining and evolving Franchise Audit Methodology Training materials and ensures the Franchise Audit global team fully complies with mandatory training requirements
  • In consultation with the Franchise Audit Chief Auditors, assesses IA Franchise learning requirements and skills gaps, and works closely with the IA L&andD team to leverage Citi and Internal Audit learning programmes and/or develop bespoke training to meet these requirements
  • Degree level education (or equivalent)
  • Professional qualification (Chartered Accountant or equivalent certification) preferred
  • Significant experience and management responsibility in Internal Audit and large scale Financial Services companies. Previous experience in an operational or management reporting role would be an advantage
  • Employs subject matter expertise of diversified financial services industry products and delivery channels, organization design and operating models
  • Possesses strong data analysis and/or technical skills to analyze complex business data utilizing automated tools and help identify potential control issues and emerging risks
  • Sound judgement and decision making skills - able to analyze complex situations and problems, and to provide creative, value-added advice in areas of expertise and audit coverage
  • Strong communication skills, both verbal and written, to be able to interact confidently with IA peers, stakeholders and regulators; active listening skills
  • Ability to manage conflict, work under time pressure, and work proactively without close supervision
  • Strong team leader and player, able to build and leverage relationships across the organization
  • Project and results management skills – able to define and execute on goals in accordance with IA quality, time and budgetary standards
  • Strong presentation (MS Powerpoint) skills
  • Experience working in a global, matrixed environment; sensitivity to cultural differences
  • Experience/knowledge of working in a control function in financial services is a plus
  • Problem solving and root cause analysis skills
  • Strong analytical and decision making abilities
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to influence by adopting a range of styles and techniques appropriate to the audience and objective
  • Ability to build and maintain effective working relationships with people at all levels of seniority
  • Intermediate skills in Excel and Powerpoint
  • Leadership experience with proven ability to motivate team members in a service capacity
  • Must be fluent in Danish (or Scandinavian language) and English
  • Ability to travel on a regular basis (10-15%)
  • Verifying daily financial reporting which in turn is used to create the weekly flash and explanations of variances
  • Assuring that all Company, Operating, Administrative and Business Conduct Policies, and normal business ethical standards are closely followed by all employees within their local Commissary
  • Maintain compliance with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulation that affect Commissary operations. Comply with Federal Regulations and company safety policies and practices to promote safety awareness in the Commissary
  • Superior interpersonal and written/oral communication skills with the ability to relate well and cooperate with others to effectively coordinate activities and accomplish goals
  • Ability to communicate and work with cross-functional teams and all levels in the organization
  • Ability to handle multiple priorities from many levels of management
  • Results-oriented to ensure delivery of financial reports and services in an accurate, complete, and timely fashion
  • Demonstrated intermediate skills with the standard features of various personal computer word processing and spreadsheet software
  • Excellent presentation skills before both small and large groups
  • Strong self-directed organizational skills to organize time effectively on daily and weekly basis
  • Ability to maintain and upgrade individual skills set through continuous learning and market awareness
  • Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting or related field
  • Five or more years of experience in accounting or finance where managing a team of billing, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll was the focus
  • Three or more years of experience managing, developing and coaching a team of professionals in an office environment
  • Three or more years of experience in inventory control
  • Bachelor's degree in Accounting or related field
  • Five years of experience in related accounting field; non-profit experience is a plus
  • Strong MS Word and Excel skills required
  • Knowledge of Campminder and/or Campbrain is a plus
  • Ensure financial performance indicators are being met
  • Recruit, train, supervise, and evaluate all business staff and department staff on budgeting, payroll & HR procedures, purchasing, and any other day to day business transactions
  • Develop, track, and control the branch budget in accordance with Association Office guidelines
  • Ensure Association Office policies with regards to internal controls for purchasing and governmental billing are timely and accurately submitted
  • Perform regular analysis of branch performance, by department, to identify cost savings and/or untapped revenue opportunities
  • Prepare weekly reports for the tracking and forecasting of revenue and expenses
  • Conduct reviews of branch audit requirements and compliance procedures
  • Enforce revenue collection policies in accordance with the policies and guidelines of theAssociation Office
  • Perform related duties as assigned: Strategic Planning, Branch Leadership Team, Business Cabinet, and Competitive Market Analysis
  • Participate as an active member of the Senior Management and Management Staff Teams of the New York YMCA Camp
  • Assist in providing leadership to Branch wide efforts including the Annual Support/Capital Campaigns
  • Staff liaison to the Finance Committee
  • Manage IT services, both internally and with the Association Office
  • Keep accurate and updated inventory of all IT equipment
  • Responsible for the preparation of information needed for the monthly financial close and submission of information to the Corporate office by stated deadlines
  • Responsible for assisting in the preparation of the annual budget
  • Responsible for the day-to-day vendor relationship management,
  • Obtaining approvals for expense reports, vendor invoices, general ledger coding, and processing functions related to Accounts Payable
  • Responsible for the management, training, and supervision of the Traffic Department staff, Receptionist, and any other general back office staff
  • Responsible for ensuring adherence to the various components of the Company’s internal controls and policies
  • Monitor and administer trade accounting functions
  • Preparation of all commissions related to billing and collections for both the national rep firm and the local sales staff
  • Basic HR/Payroll responsibilities
  • Assist Market Manager and other department heads with station and/or personnel issues
  • Strong computer skills and working knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Proficient in all aspects of accounting
  • Great team player
  • Assessment of operational risks including development of risk mitigating activities based on cost-benefit analysis
  • Expressing delivery focused approach to issue-resolution
  • Gathering data and preparing reports for various stakeholders including Senior Management
  • Challenging clients / stakeholders in order to make a difference and ensure the development of innovative solution, initiating change initiatives
  • Ensuring efficient use of technology in portfolio and project management
  • Evaluating and mitigating risks, adhering to financial targets
  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or related field with 1-3 years of related accounting and automated record keeping systems
  • Excellent PC skills, spreadsheet and word processing skills
  • Exhibit strong leadership skills; possess a passion for member service, building and maintaining a culture of member service excellence
  • Working with the Deputy COO on development and implementation of the division’s technology and data strategy as part of the COO area business management group
  • Support AM internal communication on technology and data strategy and other relevant topics
  • Prepare decision making materials for the Deputy COO on a broad range of strategic, risk, regulatory or operations related topics - includes analyzing and formulating concepts, drafting and preparing reports and proposals as well as presentations to management
  • Support the Deputy COO in establishing and managing strategic plans of the product control and logistics function and the COO area in general
  • Manage NBI/TRPA process approvals on behalf of Deputy COO
  • Participate, where needed, in projects and change initiatives which relate to the Transformation Strategy of Asset Management
  • Assist with HR activities including hiring, talent planning, succession planning, promotion cycles and compensation
  • Manage expenses for the department
  • Drive annual strategic and financial planning process with Deputy COO
  • Support COO area governance
  • Manage platform steering committee preparation (scheduling, agenda setting together with head of demand mgmt., collect materials, minutes and action logs)
  • Manage additional management and project committees – includes scheduling, agenda setting, minutes and action logs
  • Update COO area SharePoint site with respective materials
  • Support activities
  • Support the Deputy COO (and selectively Senior Management) in their daily management tasks
  • Represent Deputy COO in selected meetings
  • Formulate and drive the strategic agenda for management meetings and events
  • Supervise the Business Continuity Management process for to the COO area in the Americas
  • Support organization and setup of management committee meetings
  • Complies and analyzes financial information to prepare entries to general ledger, fixed assets, financial statements, etc
  • Preparation of month end journal entries, financial statements, forecast, reports, variance analysis, etc
  • Reviews balance sheet, profit, loss statements, and other reports to summarize and interpret current and projected financial position of organization for managers
  • Manages and prepares payroll process
  • Assists in other daily projects as assigned by the Regional Controller
  • Ensures recruiting and hiring compliance in accordance with FCC/EEO regulations
  • Prepares offer letters and initiates background checks
  • Conducts new hire orientations and exit interviews
  • Participates in employee relations matters, which may include preparation of disciplinary documents and investigating complaints
  • Maintains personnel files and other HR records
  • Reports/responds to workers’ compensation and unemployment claims
  • Assist in documenting policies and procedures and preparing presentation materials
  • This role will also support business unit change and communication strategies. Liaising with the other infrastructure areas such as human resources, legal & compliance, finance and operations, will also be an integral part of the role
  • Bachelor's degree required; Master’s Degree preferred
  • Previous reporting, financial oversight and project coordination experience is required; 5 plus years’ experience is preferred
  • Excel, PowerPoint experience is required
  • Travel between the three offices will be required: Miami, West Palm Beach and Boca Raton - primary office to be designated
  • Direct report to the Eastern Region Business Manager
  • Licenses required – 7 and 66 or 63/65
  • Ability to work in an environment that can be ambiguous and constantly changing
  • Strong ability to multitask and meet tight deadlines in a stressful environment
  • Strong skills in Excel, Microsoft Dynamics, PowerPoint and Business Intelligence
  • Associate’s degree in Accounting or related field; Bachelor’s preferred
  • Five years of experience in Business Financial Management; non-profit experience is a plus
  • Strong MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) skills required; experience using Oracle and Hyperion is a plus
  • Excellent hospitality skills
  • Recruit, train, supervise, and evaluate the HR Administrative Assistant
  • Develop, track, and control the branch budget, in accordance with Association Office guidelines
  • Ensure timely and accurate submission of purchasing and governmental billing, in accordance with Association guidelines, by developing and implementing internal controls
  • Provide support with strategic planning activities and competitive market analysis
  • Participate as an active member of the Senior Management Team
  • Serve as staff liaison to the Finance Committee, Branch Leadership Team and Business Cabinet
  • Supervise the Human Resources functions at Long Island City YMCA
  • Actively participate in training sessions, designated meetings and special events
  • Hospitality skills
  • Assist with business and product development strategies and presentations
  • Initiate changes and improvements to streamline the process and system flows within the business
  • Monitor and manage the implementation of global and regional business and compliance policies in Korea
  • Strategic Planning & Financial Execution: Orchestrate the process of creating strategy with the Asia Leadership Team. Organize and drive strategy, business and financial planning, organizational priorities, related team activities and related internal communications (e.g. MYR, Business/Strategy reviews, LT/BM meetings. FY budget planning and forecast execution). Track progress against org priorities, decisions, and action plans
  • Organization Business Results & ROB: Orchestrate process for collaboration and driving efficiencies to achieve business results. Create and execute the Leadership Team and Organizational ROB - driving decision making, continual awareness of critical issues and business results in partnership with Delivery Leaders, Offerings/Go-To-Market, Finance, HR - through a well-organized and productive series of meetings and reviews
  • Stakeholder Relationships: Orchestrate approach and process for strategically managing LT key stakeholder relationships. Help identify org stakeholders and enable LT to manage relationships
  • Leader Support: Develop and execute the Asia Field and Internal engagement plan - developing a rhythm of internal org/field/customer visits and calls, preparing clear agendas and briefing materials and ensuring that follow-up actions are documented, completed and results recorded. Collect background information, intelligence, supporting data, package them and present to leader to maximize his/her impact at internal/external engagements
  • Management of the team’s budget and forecasts for all OPEX and CAPEX spend
  • Reconciliation of all costs and subsequent reporting associated with store capitalization projects, new construction and retrofitting,
  • Creation of accurate, timely and insightful financial management reporting and analysis
  • Refine, monitor and ensure compliance with Retail specific and Microsoft Corporate compliance policies
  • Perform quarter-end and month-end financial close and compliance activities
  • Collaborate across multiple finance teams when budgets and processes span multiple business units
  • Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships
  • Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing
  • Ability to present information to senior leaders
  • Ability to influence without authority vertically and horizontality throughout the organization and with cross-functional teams
  • Advanced Excel, statistical analysis and financial modeling skills
  • Business analysis skills, with the ability to see implications and provide consultative solutions and recommendations
  • Ability to set priorities, meet deadlines and manage projects
  • Ability to quickly identify the information needed to evaluate new business situations and to collect and organize appropriate quantitative and qualitative information
  • Progressive experience in financial analysis, modeling, budgeting and business planning (7 years)
  • Minimum of four years’ experience in retail, construction and/or real estate finance
  • Be a self-starter with the ability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • Build effective business partnerships and be an excellent team player
  • Have strong knowledge of Excel, including Pivot tables and PowerPoint. SAP Fixed Asset experience a plus
  • Five years of experience in business/financial management; non-profit experience is a plus
  • Ensure financial performance indicators are met
  • Recruit, train, supervise, and evaluate all Business Office staff members
  • Develop, track, and control the Branch budget, in accordance with Association Office guidelines
  • Enforce organizational policies to ensure internal controls are maintained
  • Ensure timely and accurate submission of governmental billing to various agencies
  • Develop and implement effective revenue collection procedures, in accordance with the policies and guidelines of theAssociation Office
  • Supervise the Human Resources functions at Coney Island YMCA
  • Serve as Branch liaison for IT and Risk Management reporting
  • Compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to general ledger, fixed assets, financial statements, etc
  • Prepare month-end journal entries, financial statements, forecasts, reports, variance analysis, etc
  • Review balance sheet, profit, loss statements, and other reports to summarize and interpret current and projected financial position of organization for managers
  • Coordinate implementation of accounting systems and accounting control procedures
  • Interact with other organizational managers in preparing budgets, forecasts and financial information
  • Assist in other daily projects as assigned by the Regional Controller
  • Supervise all Human Resources & Payroll activities including
  • Minimum 3 years relevant work experience with strong organizational skills and self- motivated. Excellent analytical, problem solving and multi-tasking skills
  • Working knowledge of human resources, payroll, internal control procedures and general ledger
  • Must be results oriented with strong accounting and financial skills
  • Proficient in Excel. Experience with Oracle preferred
  • Ability to work in a team environment with various levels of staff
  • Experience in the broadcast industry a plus
  • Serves as primary aide to the respective business and coordinates the supporting units, i.e. manages the interfaces to HR, Legal, Compliance, Finance and Controlling
  • Aligns projects or manages a portfolio of projects, ensures efficient use of technology
  • Instigates change initiatives that drive the business forward, aligned with global strategy
  • Prepare month-end journal entries, financial statements, forecasts, reports, variance analyses, etc
  • Assist in all Human Resources & Payroll activities
  • Minimum 5 years relevant work experience with strong organizational skills and self- motivated. Excellent analytical, problem solving and multi-tasking skills
  • Manage relationships with the senior technology managers and PMOs associated with these technology programs; build and sustain strong relationships with these managers, as well as those on the business side
  • Manage the following Financial activities
  • Global P&L responsibility including North America, Europe and Asia
  • Program and Project level forecasting and analysis
  • Monthly forecasting and client chargeback process
  • Monthly Expense Variance Analysis – actuals vs. budget/forecast
  • Amortization schedules and analysis
  • Annual Budget Process
  • Communication of financial policies and procedures
  • Monthly Accruals
  • Monthly Client Reporting and Analysis for Business Partners
  • Other Responsibilities
  • Manage the Headcount / Resource Process
  • Monthly Resource forecast
  • Interface with Resource and Strategy Team on all new deals and SOWs
  • Coordinate with procurement
  • Interface with Compliance to ensure all mandatory employee training requirements, etc. are being met
  • Point person for group to ensure all program/project controls being performed and on a timely basis
  • Point person for Ad hoc requests
  • Excellent Microsoft Office skills, particularly in Excel and Access
  • Able to adapt quickly to internal financial tools and processes. - Internal Citi experience with PTSW and PowerPivot would be beneficial
  • Responsible for completing all monthly reports as requested by the corporate office as well as providing additional information to the corporate office as requested
  • Responsible for the day-to-day vendor relationship management, obtaining approvals for all vendor invoices, general ledger coding, and processing functions related to Accounts Payable
  • Responsible for submitting all expense accruals
  • Responsible for ensuring adherence to the various components of the Company’s internal accounting controls and policies, including but not limited to; revenue recognition, cash control, credit and collections, and employee compensation
  • Responsible for daily cash deposit management and reporting, using the Company’s centralized lockbox banking system and web-based reporting tool. Also responsible for processing credit card payments
  • Responsible for providing information to comply with Sales & Use Tax reporting per corporate instruction
  • Maintenance of files related to leases and contracts for the market
  • Oversee the weekly and monthly billing functions along with the end-of-month Accounts Receivable close. Also responsible for Accounts Receivable maintenance and credit & collections analysis
  • Responsible for preparation and submission of payroll for processing
  • Responsible for administration and control of employee records
  • Assisting market employees with the administration of the Company’s employee benefit plans, including but not limited to 401(k), medical insurance, and dental insurance
  • Responds to employee complaints and keeps documentation on issues that are potentially litigious. Communicates issues and concerns to the corporate HR/Legal department
  • Maintenance of the EEO program, FCC related reports and hiring procedures. Oversee or act as EEO Administrator for the market
  • Responsible for posting of all HR related required notices at station location and working with market to insure that station websites are updated with required notices
  • Assist department heads in new employee orientation. Reviews all new hire packages for completeness and appropriate signatures
  • All other duties as deemed necessary by corporate or local market management
  • Strong computer skills and working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word
  • Work accurately under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Multi-task, organize and prioritize
  • Use standard office equipment (i.e., copier and fax machine)
  • Work some evening and weekend hours when necessary
  • Business Risk and Control: Lead the business’s MCA process (defining, reviewing and testing of relevant controls)
  • Business Procedures: Assist in the development and maintenance of the various teams’ procedure documents, identifying and addressing areas requiring process improvement
  • Regulatory: Implementation and monitoring of controls related to regulations that impact the business
  • CAPs: Oversight and tracking of CAPS related to and owned by the business
  • Experience of MCA and CAP management / oversight
  • Proactively monitors and ensures deadlines met and issues resolved relative to
  • Basic awareness of relevant technology and related issues
  • Knowledge of PLC, CMM and related project governance standards
  • Strong understanding of financial planning and reporting concepts and specific policies and procedures within GTO Finance
  • Participate in preparation of GRC People Development Committee, GRC Education Committee and other senior management meetings
  • Support in various people development related initiatives (Organizational Health initiatives, global GRC Mentoring program, Risk Speaker Series, risk training, etc.)
  • Preparation and distribution of memos, announcements and event invitations
  • Business management support
  • Liaison with internal groups to address ad-hoc issues
  • Business Platform and Infrastructure: Overall lead for platform and systems enhancements / development and associated projects (e.g. CVA, migration of trading platforms etc.), coordinating with technology and other relevant stakeholders
  • Regulatory: Implementation of systems changes related to regulations that impact the business
  • Product Governance: Will lead end-to-end review of all Investment products
  • Background in Operations would be advantageous
  • Strong knowledge of CPB systems and processes (i.e. Front Office) would be advantageous
  • Very experienced in the use of Microsoft office (particularly excel and PowerPoint)
  • Good initiative and Creativity - ability to present alternatives and constructive new idea
  • Drive strategic projects assigned to you in order to foster growth and business transformation
  • Interface between Front Staff and control functions; coordination between different business management functions within the bank
  • Business Management tasks with regard to training, risk, regulatory changes, growth initiatives and respective implementation with front units
  • Stakeholder communication – ensure efficient and transparent communication within CAS, including offices in the region (Panama, Colombia, Chile) and Booking Centers (CH, US, Germany)
  • Support Global Market Head CAS and Chief of Staff in fulfilling his business and risk management tasks
  • Manage day to day tasks of the CAS region; perform ad hoc tasks assigned by management and resolve ad-hoc issues
  • Preparation of financial analysis and reporting
  • Oversight on headcount management
  • Supporting operational risk related topics - including management of risk items
  • Maintenance of the departmental governance framework
  • Organization of management meetings and events
  • Supporting the Chief of Staff GC WM in ad-hoc tasks
  • 3-7 years business management experience in financial services industry
  • Experience in technology and/or operations – operating procedures, accounting, control policies
  • Strong collaboration and relationship management skills to effectively work across a wide range of stakeholders to gain buy-in and drive progress
  • Working knowledge of reference data is a plus
  • Strong working knowledge of JPMC financial structure & allocation process required
  • Ability to work independently, taking a leadership role on specific efforts
  • Ability to multi-task, moving easily between strategy and execution
  • Ability to organize tasks and activities in an efficient/effective manner
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills – must be able to synthesize data into concise messages for leadership
  • Outstanding attention to detail, follow-up skills and results-orientation
  • Travel – less than 25%
  • Support the divisional recruiting functions in operational and daily business matters
  • Create presentations (based on metrics and key figures) for senior stakeholders in the business
  • Provide divisional hiring data and trends analysis and support update of divisional hire plans
  • Monitor and report KPI and performance measures to make sure that divisional recruiting functions meet their objectives
  • Manage monthly cost reporting for the divisional recruiting functions in close collaboration with the global recruiting support team
  • Update organizational changes in processes and systems
  • Offer organizational services and support related to working infrastructure and equipment
  • Tertiary and / or post graduate qualification in a business or management related discipline
  • Ability to build effective working relationships with senior management
  • Able to operate with independence in an ambiguous environment
  • Relationship management experience and expertise – internal or external consulting
  • Development of key initiatives for the GRR&SI Chief of Staff function and contribution to relevant efforts across GRR&SI teams
  • Assume oversight of the GRR&SI Risk Portfolio, including, maintenance of GRR&SI's Operational Risk Framework (ORF) and completion of Internal Control Assessment Process (ICAP) as well as coordination of relevant Risk Management processes, e.g., Records Management, Information Security, Audit Remediation, working in close collaboration with Compliance & Operational Risk Control (C&ORC) and establishing regular updates to the GRR&SI Management Committee
  • Coordination of Communication activities within GRR&SI, including, contribution to ad-hoc management communication and development as well as implementation of internal communication plan, working in close collaboration with Group Internal Communications
  • Contribution to relevant Human Resources activities, including, development and implementation of GRR&SI talent program and support of regular core cycle activities across GRR&SI
  • Managing the reporting and metrics for all key program components
  • A minimum of 3 years analytics and reporting or Human Resource experience
  • Excellent data and business analysis skills
  • Excellent Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint skills
  • Strong project management skills, ability to manage and lead multiple projects simultaneously
  • Experience in budget planning and budget management
  • Strong skills in written and verbal communications
  • Ability to self-start and work cross-functionally/cross-organizationally
  • Lead or assist in special projects for the Leadership Team as appropriate
  • Implementation of organization’s strategic imperatives
  • New hub design, launch and scale
  • Integrated business incubation
  • Lead by influence across the organization to drive alignment
  • 5+ years’ experience in business management, communications or a related field. Results driven; strategic thinker; negotiation skills; strong cross group collaboration; strong writing skills, project management skills; BG experience; High level of executive maturity; BA required; MBA preferred
  • Delivering revenue, operational risk management and control projects, whilst tracking actions and outcomes to ensure timely and high-quality execution
  • Working with MSG Trading colleagues to understand and establish business priorities and strategy
  • Engaging and building relationships with front office staff and internal stakeholders across the Operations, Technology, Compliance, Risk and Accounting functions
  • Streamlining processes, eliminating operational and/or entity inefficiencies
  • Responding to ad-hoc queries and completing various tasks that range in frequency (daily, monthly, quarterly)
  • Strong tertiary qualifications in either Commerce, Business, Finance, Economics, Accounting or Engineering
  • 1-3 years of relevant experience in a financial institution, or financial services consultancy
  • An understanding of financial markets, particularly equity markets and related instruments including listed and OTC derivatives
  • Previous exposure to equity market operational support processes (e.g. settlement, margining, collateral, clearing and corporate actions) and market participants (brokers, custodians, counterparties)
  • An understanding of the investment banking regulatory environment, in addition to previous exposure to one or more of the following disciplines: legal documentation, securities law, accounting, regulatory capital and/or tax
  • Ability to manage small projects independently whilst also productively engaging with internal stakeholders, such as Operations, Technology, Compliance, Risk and Accounting
  • Ability to operate autonomously in a role that requires managing the completion of several tasks of varying priorities concurrently
  • Strong numerical and excel skills, including experience analysing and interpreting raw data to derive meaningful conclusions and management information
  • Achievement drive, initiative, natural curiosity, tenacity and quality focus
  • Engage with Cross-Line of Business AML and Sanctions policy teams where potential changes to policy are identified
  • Coordinate impact assessment of policy changes. (The impact assessment will actually be performed by the impacted business area)
  • Coordinate policy review / consultation and feedback process between the GBM business lines and liaise with other business lines (e.g. CMB, PCM) and functions (e.g. Service Delivery) to ensure continued alignment in procedures and controls
  • Coordinate agreement of actions and approach to implementing policy changes
  • Monitor implementation progress and consistency of delivery across the applicable functions making procedural updates
  • Work with key stakeholders (the business and FCC) to ensure that challenges in deployment are escalated and appropriate solutions developed. Engage stakeholders and identify / agree a clear path for successful delivery / deployment. Manage (and / or track) to completion
  • Report progress to relevant forums
  • Work with the business, GBM FCC and FCC to develop appropriate risk based solutions towards ongoing refinement of policy, procedures and underlying operational guidance, and manage through to completion
  • Provide guidance to management in the interpretation and practical implementation policy and procedures
  • Review lessons learnt from deployment experience to identify opportunities for future clarification of policy requirements
  • Review of Management Information to identify potential road-blocks and policy challenges holding up deployment. Provide recommendations for ongoing improvement of MI
  • Ensure sponsors receive the right information at the right time regarding Regional Deployment performance
  • Collaborate with Training and Communications teams to ensure that materials are appropriate to GBM’s employees and client base. Ensure that lessons learnt through deployment are fed back to Training and Communications teams to allow for ongoing evolution of materials
  • Collaborate and foster good working relationships with business and FCC colleagues
  • Continually reassess the operational risks associated with the role and inherent in the business, taking account of changing economic or market conditions, legal and regulatory requirements, operating procedures and practices, management restructurings, and the impact of new technology and services. This will be achieved by ensuring all actions take account of the likelihood of operational risk occurring and by owning and managing any areas of concern
  • Minimize the Group’s exposure to compliance risk, reputational risk
  • Be aware of the operational and reputational risks associated with the role and acts in a manner that takes account of these risks
  • Subject matter expert in financial crime risk
  • Knowledge of the GBM global business and an appreciation of its financial crime risk policies, processes and systems
  • Proven ability to clearly articulate business and regulatory implications of analysis and findings both to Business Management and Compliance colleagues
  • Strong appreciation of the relevant regulatory environment (s)
  • Ability to manage multiple, competing deliverables and adapt to shifting priorities
  • Ability to think strategically, but maintain attention to detail
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with particular emphasis on succinct drafting
  • Proven analytical and problem solving skills, together with the ability to support decisions with sound commercial reasoning
  • Experience of interacting confidently with senior stakeholders
  • Strong planning, control and effective reporting capability
  • Ability to work in a global context while recognizing variations in context
  • Open and approachable manner, working well as part of a wider team
  • Can work to demanding deadlines under pressure
  • Coordinates with regional financial management regarding financial and operational information
  • Liaises between station and regional/corporate office regarding business issues involving personnel, legal, FCC regulations, etc
  • Processes payroll including new hire paperwork, commission calculations, and talent fee allocation
  • Gathers and maintains employee personnel records
  • Maintains local trade files according to policy
  • Manages local accounts receivable processes, including billing, invoice generation and cash advance processing, and assists sales with collection issues
  • Updates and maintains accounting journals, ledgers and other records detailing financial business transactions (e.g., disbursements, expense vouchers, receipts, accounts payable, trade)
  • Conducts variance and account analysis to identify discrepancies; recommends actions to resolve discrepancies
  • Compiles data and prepares a variety of reports; submits payroll and financial data to corporate office
  • Partners with other groups on issues that may have a financial impact or require a financial perspective (eg., commissions support), and may provide special project support
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office suite; advanced skills in Excel
  • Familiarity with accounting software and ability to learn new systems quickly
  • Knowledge of FCC rules
  • Can work under minimal supervision, independently and/or as a member of a project team
  • Highly detailed oriented, with strong attention to accuracy
  • Excellent planning and organization skills; can multitask and prioritize workload under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • High degree of analysis and decision-making skills; knows when to escalate appropriate issues to management in a timely fashion
  • Proven problem-solving ability, following-up until resolved
  • Stress tolerance; can maintain composure when faced with difficult situations/personalities
  • 3-5 years’ experience in Accounting or Finance
  • Manages local accounts receivable processes, including billing, invoice generation and cash advance processing, and oversees the collection process
  • Updates and maintains accounting records detailing financial business transactions (e.g., disbursements, expense vouchers, receipts, accounts payable, trade)
  • Ensures the correct functioning of business support services
  • Experience using IBM COGNOS and Café preferred
  • Aligns projects or manages a portfolio of projects, ensures efficient use of resources & technology
  • Headcount support (e.g. replacement hires/approvals, tracking, transfers, OU (Organizational Unit) administration)
  • Financial support (e.g. forecasting, actuals review, adherence to financial targets)
  • Coordination & tracking of business strategy and business plan execution
  • Ad-hoc project managements (e.g. investigating efficient use of technology across Americas Service Delivery operations)
  • Oversee all costs hitting business area and the payment of outstanding invoices
  • Oversee all Offshore & Outsourcing plans to ensure in line with financial plans
  • The role will have interaction with Human Resources / Finance / Transition Management / Operations Americas Business Management groups within the region
  • Other support (e.g. ad hoc management requests, space planning, transition plans, and metrics)
  • Strategy: supporting the STG leadership to develop successful strategies to achieve our divisional goals, conducting long-term planning and monitoring progress against our objectives
  • Business Solutions: helping deliver the strategy and tackle new opportunities and challenges; aanalyze ad-hoc business issues and provide effective solutions
  • Help to expand Wealth Management Capital Markets Trading in terms of reach and revenues
  • Regulatory Affairs: working with partners to analyze regulatory changes and impact for STG; establishing resources and projects to be about to implement at solutions to ensure the business is operationally ready
  • Operations and Technology: Key contact for engagement with local GTO; ensuring that CTB projects are appropriately prioritized and well managed; process management and support of the teams in all operational issues; optimization of processes and system landscape and adaptation to changing market conditions, customer requirements and strategies
  • Risk: Ensure appropriate Control framework; Further fine tune and maintain all processes and procedures to ensure a seamless and compliant
  • Support marketing and communication
  • Prepare presentations for senior management
  • Constant networking and relationship building within all stakeholders
  • Highly motivated, self sufficient, with a strong willingness to take on new challenges
  • Good ability to cope with pressure and tight timelines
  • Driving and helping to identify opportunities, to achieve full adherence to allocated budget & head count targets, including the adherence to the Operational Excellence (OpEx) targets of Debt Operations
  • Being accountable for the execution and management of core business management control tasks, including non performing assets, net tangible assets, Business Information Secruity Office (BISO) responsibilities, vendor relationship management and audit tracking
  • Managing and tracking Change the Bank (CtB) programme initiatives, ensuring accurate and timely benefit realisation and planning forecasting
  • Ensuring standardisation and co-ordination where possible within a cross-asset team
  • Identifying issues, mapping ideas around the cost impact and value drivers of proposed solutions, along-side supporting and leading the preparation of feasibility studies and estimates
  • Implementing timely cost, risk, performance and capacity reviews at regional, inter and cross product level
  • Performing data analysis to support tasks as required
  • Liaising with programme/project managers, clients, function analysts and developers as appropriate to ensure solution design and implementation is in line with the business requirements
  • Building single change Book of Work (BoW) views within product lines, across Debt Operations and mapping out their inter-dependencies, cost and benefit views
  • Interacting with all key stakeholders for GWC&DS, including the immediate engagement of the product leads and their management teams
  • Developing relationships between Debt Operations and the Front Office business heads
  • Supporting the Global Chief Operating Office (COO) on delivering the strategic requirements of the GPF business globally
  • Focusing on key regulatory business transformation requirements
  • Controlling implementation and co-ordination across the platform globally
  • Interfacing with regional COO teams of the GPF business and working directly for the Global COO
  • Managing the on-going strategic demands and control risks that the business faces for the COO
  • Personal drive and impact: a desire to “roll up your sleeves” and make things happen
  • Strong critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Collaborative attitude, coupled with ability to work toward customer and business goals rather than personal goals
  • Strong communication skills and ability to flex communication style
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to consolidate and integrate a wide range of inputs
  • Assist in the definition of strategic plans relating to Structuring and coordinate their roll out
  • Be the Structuring contact point for internal stakeholders, within Global Markets and within Functions
  • Coordinate initiatives relating to GM Structuring and represent the Global Head of GM Structuring in internal forums
  • Assist SCM Management in the definition of strategic plans and participate to their roll out
  • Proven experience in Global Markets, either at a major Investment Bank or for a leading Consulting firm (Strategy/Management)
  • Comfortable in dealing with complex and technical projects
  • Excel and PowerPoint knowledge mandatory (VBA is a plus)
  • Knowledge of FO systems (STAR/Focus/MAD/Martini/Kondor+) and MO architecture system is a plus
  • Provide monitoring, reporting, governance and assurance of the bank-wide risk & control assessment (R&CA) rollout
  • Develop and deliver required training & communications approach, processes and tools to support the R&CA rollout
  • Operationalise and provide governance for new methodology, systems and data changes within business divisions and infrastructure functions
  • Translation of R&CA concepts and methodology into appropriate formats for syndication and communication purposes
  • Create materials appropriate for presentation to and discussion with external regulators globally
  • Work with subject matter experts and facilitate frequent communications to ensure that a consistent approach is taken to articulating and presenting concepts relating to R&CA and related Risk Management Enablers
  • Develop clear, concise & innovative communication solutions that support the strategic objectives of the division
  • Own and ensure quality control for presentation materials including proofing, reviewing and approval stages
  • Documentation and Presentation Management: Create, maintain and update relevant materials and PowerPoint presentations to support the R&CA Methodology
  • As part of effective communications ensure key messages are transcribed and effectively uploaded through the appropriate channels i.e. integration with the Training and Comms. Stream
  • Maintain and administer the process for capturing all relevant changes, change control and updates for published content (internal & external)
  • Facilitate CTO-level, proactive monitoring of headcount, budget, financialsto highlight variances and reforecast plans to stay on target
  • Partner with the CBB BMO Leads to drive consistent business management practices, development of KPI’s, setting logical key performance measures and reporting driving towards continuous improvement in accuracy and control
  • Core Competencies
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to build relationships across all levels and influence key, senior stakeholders
  • Strong program/project management, persuasion & data analytical skills with oral and written communication aptitude
  • Innovative thinker with the ability to derive, formulate, and develop new concepts, systems, processes and initiatives; Self-starter with the ability to think creatively and laterally
  • Process-oriented with strong organization and critical problem solving skills
  • Deep execution experience with a demonstrated ability to meet and enforce deadlines
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to effectively communicate at executive levels including CIO/CFO/CEO levels
  • Education: Bachelors or Masters Degree in Business Process/Finance/Process/Analytics or a related field
  • Utilize strong project management skills to develop consistent tools and templates that can be utilized by TMLT members for the delivery of human capital projects in their respective areas
  • Manage end-to-end TM budget, including driving discussions related to prioritization, workforce planning, and forecasting
  • Take a lead role in the development and coordination of talent planning efforts for the TM organization
  • Utilize a combination of analysis, judgment and insights to provide metrics that can be used to help drive objectives and goals. This will require consolidating data from several sources
  • Contribute to various work products and projects across TM team based coverage
  • Establish relationships across all of human resources that are based on respect. Ability to appropriately influence
  • Partners to drive for consistency and uniformity in the resolution of complex company-wide challenges
  • Manage multiple projects, commitments and assignments
  • Develop agendas for TMLT and all TM employee meetings and coordinating activities
  • Synthesize information from multiple sources to contribute to the solution of a problem across multiple areas
  • Collaborate with the culture survey liaisons to ensure appropriate resources and uniformity in approach is present in the delivery of action items related to culture survey results
  • Strong project management and budgeting skills
  • 6+ years of human resources experience
  • Role models strong presentation, planning and facilitation skills
  • Partner with the General Manager and other organizational department heads to manage operating expenses in-line with budget and forecast
  • Leads periodic financial closing inclusive of quarterly and annual certification of the financial statements
  • Reviews balance sheet, profit and loss statements, and other reports to summarize
  • Prepares the annual budget and quarterly forecast for the Market
  • Analyzes current and projected financial position to provide insight to necessary stakeholders
  • Oversees operating units to ensure compliance with approved accounting policies and procedures
  • Performs payroll review
  • Manages, directs and develops the Staff Accountant for the Market
  • Minimum 5 years relevant work experience with strong organizational skills and self- motivated
  • Prior employee management experience
  • Working knowledge of payroll, internal control procedures and general ledger
  • Taking primarily responsibility alongside the team, for a variety of financial management, Investment Governance (IG), resourcing and other business management tasks to ensure the efficient operational performance of the global COO CIB Technology organisation
  • Providing business management services for the CIB CIOs, Global Transaction Banking (GTB) Business COO and GTB Product Management teams
  • Managing and co-coordinating the budgeting process for change the bank (CTB) and run the bank (RTB) spend
  • Conducting monthly forecast reviews, deep dive’s of variances and exceptions
  • Supporting the weekly and monthly IG process for the CTB book of work
  • Owning and reviewing the intercompany allocation methodology for the CTB portfolio
  • Producing management information systems for senior management, while liaising with the India Reporting team and Finance partners
  • Providing co-ordination and tracking for the implementation of the Target Operating Model (TOM)
  • Partnering with the India team to define a reporting road map, implement a change control and prioritisation process for new reporting requests
  • Conducting ad hoc analysis as required
  • Drives business management support for Global Network Services through metrics and other reporting, and coordination activities to improve, refine and guide the quality and financial management processes for the business
  • Maintains an advanced comprehensive knowledge of IT service pricing, business case development, and account management for the assigned business as well as the overall IT processes and operating environment to recognize and position improvement opportunities in the services provided within IT by the aligned vendors or internal operating of Global Network Services
  • Incorporates a working knowledge of effective vendor and supplier management disciplines as appropriate and aligned to procurement and other services in use by the business unit
  • Manifests a strong financial understanding of IT Services budgets and cost elements with the ability to perform market or competitor analysis and business domain or operations analytics
  • Develops an in depth and continuous understanding of EY’s business, the interconnectivity the assigned business unit has to the firm’s overall operating model and well as the risk and compliance directives and regulations governing same. Recommends or identifies the appropriate services and solutions as part of knowledge sharing and platform and services positioning
  • Manage projects by delegating work effectively and using appropriate resources. Utilizes the proper people, time and project management disciplines across a diverse culture and multiple time zones. Resolves team conflicts across the business with a proven ability to implement & communicate difficult decisions as well as provide individual, assigned team and peer mentoring as appropriate
  • Producing reporting for corporate wide initiatives
  • Ensuring appropriate SLAs are in place with internal providers and measurement thereof to ensure conformance
  • Chairing control meetings and team meetings
  • Ensuring appropriate Management Information is available to the Head of C&IS Product
  • Representing ETS & TTF Product at key meetings and committees
  • Resource allocation and forecasting across the groups
  • Vendor management of external suppliers
  • In-depth functional / industry knowledge
  • Experience of consultancy or strategic analysis
  • A high degree of personal motivation and the ability to self-manage
  • Experience in managing successful outcomes across virtual teams
  • Flexibility and adaptability to change
  • Structured communication skills
  • Providing briefings to the Head of Global Markets, in support of his responsibilities as a Management Board member
  • Structuring and coordinating presentations for the Head of Global Markets
  • Representing the Office of the Head of Global Markets and liaising with the offices of other Management Board members on governance matters and issues requiring cross-divisional and cross-functional coordination
  • Supporting the Global Markets Chief of Staff in managing Global Markets governance forums, including the Global Markets Executive Committee
  • Providing ad-hoc project management support on strategic issues
  • Partner with the CVP to maximize the effectiveness of that role
  • Manage interactions for the office of the CVP and serve as the proxy for the CVP, as needed
  • Ensure success of CVP meetings, speaking engagements, field visits and customer interactions
  • Maintain partnerships with engineering stakeholders
  • Work on special strategic projects assigned by the CVP related to our key focus areas
  • Global and inclusive growth mindset
  • Strong interpersonal skills, cross-boundary collaboration skills, open and honest feedback and interaction
  • Always proactive, thinking ahead, foreshadowing
  • Highly self-motivated with a drive, initiative and capacity for hard work
  • Highest ethical standards and strong sense of responsibility and understanding of the critical impact of meeting commitments
  • Seasoned senior business professional with demonstrated skills to influence and impact groups across the company related to our vision. This person must have a blend of outstanding strategic, technical, communications, and business skills
  • 10+ years of proven engineering and/or management experience and results in a technology organization, with experience across multiple disciplines
  • Demonstrated experience leading efforts to design, build, evaluate, support, and continuously improve global programs
  • Experience in global roles and overseas experience beneficial
  • 10+ years demonstrated project/program management experience including scope, schedule, budget, quality, risk, communications, etc
  • Proven competency in strategic leadership, organizational agility, cross-team collaboration, drive for results, and written and verbal communications
  • Ability to do domestic and international travel 20-30% of time
  • Working with the CRE Senior Business Manager to ensure the execution of functional priorities and strategic initiatives, with first priority being the Owner Occupied Real Estate (OORE) business startup and nationwide rollout
  • Supporting the sales teams in obtaining/maintaining client accounts
  • Providing insight on the competitive landscape
  • Providing business intelligence, insight and analytics on portfolio, pipeline and production
  • Budgeting/forecasting and setting production goals
  • Staffing and productivity analysis and reporting
  • Supporting hiring and recruiting efforts
  • Supporting marketing efforts
  • Bachelor’s degree (Business Administration, Finance or Marketing desired)
  • 5-10 years professional experience in a commercial real estate lending environment
  • Excellent oral/written communication skills
  • Strong team player with influencing skills
  • Ability to handle multiple priorities, prioritize, multi-task and produce successful results
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills and excellent attention to detail
  • Strong Excel and PowerPoint skills
  • Very organized with ability to “sweat the details,” foresee implications/needs and get in front of potential issues
  • Thoughtful and strategic – will need to evaluate competitive forces and program ROI, and create comprehensive strategic plan for talent programs
  • Ability to effectively coordinate with and influence senior leaders and managers to advocate for development program priorities and best practices across groups
  • Capable of serving as SME (subject matter expert) on behalf of CIB’s talent and development needs with partners, using inputs from front line managers and teammates, but without heavy reliance on front line to drive decisions and execution
  • Responsible and trustworthy as manager of program budget with voice in investment decisions
  • Executive presence that includes a collaborative approach; strong consensus and engagement building skills across a diverse array of teammate seniority levels
  • Willingness to roll-up-sleeves to ensure the job gets done and done well
  • Management experience and skills that include effective coaching and development
  • Oversees administrative deliverables for assigned Technology Operational team(s). Functions as a liaison between Technology administrative groups and operational teams
  • Manages the annual budget process and plays a lead role in coordination with IT Finance
  • Works closely with IT Finance to produce and present monthly expense and staffing review packages
  • Partners with the resource management team for new staffing requests, onboarding, and time tracking purposes
  • Assumes leadership role in purchasing requests (i.e. working with procurement, vendor requirements, navigating the approval process)
  • Partners with assigned Operational groups to create and manage specific business metrics
  • Minimum of B.S. in Finance, Business, Accounting or related degree and three (3) years of related experience or combination of education, training and experience
  • Knowledge of the following highly preferred
  • Analysis, data and metrics
  • Financial planning and analysis Information Technology
  • Prior Technology experience
  • Time tracking systems (specifically PWA)
  • Leads periodic financial closing inclusive of quarterly and annual certification of the financial statement
  • Performs payroll and payables review
  • Minimum 5 years’ relevant work experience with strong organizational skills and self-motivated
  • Bachelor’s degree (B. A.) from a four-year college or university in business, finance or related field preferred
  • Must have experience in recruiting, training and motivating people and must understand the importance of retention
  • Strong supervisory and leadership skills must have been obtained and demonstrated through past job experiences
  • Must possess the skills to operate standard office and computer equipment
  • Must possess effective communication, organizational and budgeting skills
  • Must be familiar with the basic operations of Microsoft Office Suite, Power Point and Excel
  • May be required to sit for extended periods of time while demonstrating manual dexterity in order to accurately work on the phone, computer keyboard, and other equipment
  • Must possess auditory, verbal and visual capabilities in order to adequately communicate via phone and in person
  • Must be willing to interact with members and program participants
  • Preparation of daily, weekly, monthly, and annual financial information for the assigned family center
  • Detailed tracking and analysis of family center’s financial position and all relevant data
  • Assist in preparation of internal and external financial reporting
  • Assist in daily monitoring of the annual operating budget
  • Assist in membership, program and other operational data analysis
  • Oversee and/or perform cash receipt process at the family center
  • Responsible for pledges and accounts receivable billings and collections
  • Initiates, tracks, and manages purchase orders
  • Responsible for accurate and timely processing of the family center bills, payroll and contract administration
  • Assist in staff training on policies and procedures
  • Enter information into LabCorp for drug screening
  • Assist with new hire paperwork and delivery to local human resources
  • Act as the HR/Payroll liaison for the Branch
  • Works closely with HR for effectiveness and efficiencies
  • Ensure data integrity, safeguarding of physical assets and keeping confidential information secure
  • Providing staff support to all YMCA special events
  • Provide leadership and support to annual campaign, including donor recruitment
  • All other duties as assigned by Management
  • Minimum age of 21
  • Bachelor’s degree in related field with minimum of 6 months full time experience or AA/AS degree with three to five years full time experience
  • Previous hiring and supervisory experience and development of staff
  • Experience with computers including word processing, database software and spreadsheets
  • ALL YMCA staff positions require certifications in CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid and Oxygen Administration. Preferred candidates will have current certifications upon hiring however training is available
  • Recruits, hires, and trains assigned volunteer positions. Ensures supervision, time keeping and evaluations for volunteer’s requirements
  • Responsible for new hire paperwork, payroll and maintains personnel records for center employees
  • Manages the preparation of billings and receipting for all accounts receivable and accounts payable payments
  • Understands and assists Branch staff with all Financial Programs including monthly income and expense reports, preparing daily cash reports, and ensuring adherence to all financial guidelines
  • Responsible for the administration of the center’s Annual Support Campaign
  • Bachelor’s degree preferably in business, finance or communications and 10-15 years relevant work experience
  • Candidate must be very highly organized can work in a dynamic environment and respond to changes with flexibility
  • Candidate must have highly effective written and oral communication skills; excellent organizational and management skills
  • Strong project management and time management skills
  • Proficient in MS Office Suite and SharePoint administration and maintenance
  • Set and achieve personal sales goals while supporting the goals of the team
  • Greet customers in a timely, professional and engaging manner
  • Provide honest and confident feedback to customers regarding products
  • Build lasting relationships with customers by contacting them to follow up on purchases, suggest new products and invite them to upcoming events
  • Consistently seek new trend and product knowledge to act as an expert for the customer
  • Open new Nordstrom RewardsTM accounts as a means of building customer relationships
  • Build and maintain strong vendor relationships to maximize business results
  • Manage the scheduling and execution of vendor events and promotions
  • Communicate business opportunities that include line performance, stock levels and team motivation/recognition
  • Perform daily department maintenance tasks including stock work, re-merchandising, display, price markdowns, merchandise transfers and light cleaning
  • Competitive drive and entrepreneurial confidence to succeed in a commission-based environment
  • Demonstrated ability to develop relationships with customers and coworkers
  • Knowledgeable and enthusiastic about cosmetic trends
  • Ability to positively and proactively handle customer concerns and prioritize multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to quickly learn new procedures and processes
  • High level of ownership, accountability and initiative
  • Cosmetic experience and licensing is not required; we will provide training to all employees in cosmetics
  • Coordinate communication and collaboration among teams within the Customer Experience team, as well as, within the IFS business
  • Contribute to various projects and assignments across Customer Experience Team
  • Proficiency with MS Office, especially PowerPoint and Excel
  • Boston, Northeast location or Charlotte preferred
  • Shape the execution of global and regional initiatives, tailored to the PB APAC context
  • Define, analyse, rollout and control performance of cost efficiency initiatives
  • Manage, monitor and control headcount and budgets
  • Facilitate collaboration with other COO departments to achieve alignment, synergies and effective cooperation on location, regional and global levels
  • Work on a broad array of topics of management interest, e.g. real estate, human capital, etc
  • Business Strategy: Develop, jointly with the Service Owner, the business strategy for service area
  • Financial Management: In partnership with Finance, lead the annual/continual financial planning activities; provide business rational and decisions for all month-end financial performance and forecasting
  • Business Performance: Define the key performance indicators, drive data quality initiatives across the service area, define future needs of the service area
  • Investment Portfolio Mgmt: Drive the engagement of the service area with the GTI Investment Portfolio Prioritization and management
  • Resource/People/Location Mgmt: Define and drive the resource and location strategy for the service area
  • Efficiency: Drive the service productivity program
  • Organize financial review and investment approval process for the Service Area
  • Drive the monthly Business Review process for the Service Area
  • Represent the service area on the GTI Investment Committee
  • Organize and coordinate the personnel review and approval processes for the Service Area
  • Represent the service area during the annual PPG change management process and monthly billing issue review meetings
  • Minimum of 7-10 years relevant industry experience
  • Segment strategy, planning and execution
  • Policies & controls
  • Team communications
  • Assist in defining the strategy for Infrastructure Operations and support management to drive and motivate the organization
  • Serve as trusted advisor and challenging partner for the Infrastructure Operations senior executive
  • Maintain strong operational policies and controls covering finance, governance, group strategy, expense management and group performance against objectives
  • Develop and maintain the Infrastructure ‘portfolio’ of resource profiling, major initiatives, financial reporting and cost management
  • Implement an internal Infrastructure Operations communications strategy to guide all levels of the segment through the integration, optimization and implementation
  • Continue to develop and support the implementation of our people strategy within Infrastructure Operations; be the coordinator to all levels of the organization as they align to the strategy
  • Continuously monitor for rationalization and efficiencies throughout Infrastructure Operations
  • Embed a culture of excellence and innovation throughout Infrastructure Operations
  • Drive team to meet all deadlines and deliverables for all areas in the aligned segment
  • Analyse data and distil the data into information that can be shared
  • Strong leadership and management working as part of a high achieving management team
  • · 7+ years of management consulting or strategy experience
  • · Deputy / right-hand support to a high performing management team
  • · Track record of driving and operationalizing management agendas
  • · Communications leadership in large organizations
  • · Experience in resource planning and reporting
  • · Experience in developing and running governance frameworks and leading committee / management team meetings
  • · Strong leadership and decision making skills
  • · Ability to challenge, influence and guide a group of managers in support of agreed cross team objectives
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.S/ B.A.) (MBA preferred) within Business Administration, Business Management, Operations Research, Finance Engineering, Information Systems Management, and/or equivalent experience
  • Strong customer service mindset and emphasis on satisfaction of the leadership team (servant leadership)
  • Must understand the full scope of the Enterprise Services business – from Enterprise Strategy to Consulting to Premier Support, and understand the business models and value drivers for each both for Microsoft and our customers
  • Must be able to effectively collaborate with senior leaders in sales, offerings, marketing, and delivery teams in addition to field-based account aligned leaders and establish strong working relationships and rhythms in a matrixed environment
  • Ability to resolve ambiguity or conflict situations to bring global teams and business groups into alignment
  • Strong analytical skills, combined with a strategic orientation, as well as an aptitude for solving complex business problems are also critical for success in this role
  • Systems thinker able to manage a high degree of complexity and to distill information into simple messages, able to think both strategically at a global level as well as to effectively develop key processes
  • Strong Project/Program Management experiences
  • Must have at least 3-5 years experience of working within a business management environment, supporting a technology team is required
  • Financial planning and analysis experience is preferred
  • Experience managing personnel preferred
  • Financial industry experience preferred
  • Good working knowledge of MS Excel — Pivot tables, application of financial formulas, macros and PowerPoint
  • Working knowledge of SharePoint a plus
  • Must have core knowledge of the following systems
  • Lead the quote process and activities on specific business
  • Prepare peer review and quote review presentation
  • Develop timing for all quote programs to meet customer
  • Drive all related competencies to provide quote data for financial
  • Providing strategic, analytical and structuring project management and co-ordination skills to support the Divisional Control Office to facilitate and track execution against the regulatory / risk management / mitigation special projects within Wealth Management
  • Working with key management in designing, structuring, executing and monitoring the special projects Leading the optimisation, structure/governance, business and operating models
  • Serving as a point of contact working with various business areas and shared business functions such as Compliance, Legal etc
  • Leading a variety of tactical and strategic tasks as well as providing day to day business support
  • Preparing review meeting documents for Senior Management and external meetings
  • Communicating any changes to processes and project related enhancements to the relevant Stakeholders
  • Creating Management Information, producing accurate and independent, regular and ad-hoc reporting for a wide audience
  • Completing Quality Assurance assessments in preparation for all data requests
  • Performing independent reviews to identify, highlight and document issues and ensuring prompt escalation
  • Supporting tough people decisions and addressing issues
  • Driving business and delivery teams to meet the timeline requirements and additionally managing inter-dependencies between all participants
  • Actively managing project risks, assumptions, issues and decisions
  • Providing a point of escalation for Project Stakeholders and regular status reporting to the Stakeholder community
  • In depth knowledge of compliance and controls within financial services, including KYC and AML
  • Independent, self-starter
  • Strong ability to multitask and meet tight deadlines
  • Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) from a four-year college or university in Nonprofit Management, Business Management, Finance/Accounting or related field preferred
  • Strong team work skills must have been obtained and demonstrated through past job experiences
  • To perform this position successfully, an individual must have strong knowledge of the Internet, Database Software, spreadsheet software, CRM databases and Microsoft products. The candidate must be computer savvy
  • Must possess superb communication skills (written, social media and verbal) and problem solving skills
  • Must possess financial, organizational and budgeting skills
  • Ability to work with mathematical concepts necessary to work within budget constraints and to perform statistical analysis
  • Grant/Contract accounting experience a plus
  • Bilingual English/Spanish/Creole is a definite plus
  • Serves as functional lead working with Finance and Human Resources team in the development/revision, implementation, training and enforcement of policies and procedures
  • Monitors and analyzes department work to develop more efficient procedures and use of resources while maintaining a high level of accuracy and enforcement of policies and procedures
  • Reports to and works with Branch Executive Director on a regular basis regarding financial performance, operational trends, and deliverables related to grants and contracts
  • Makes recommendations on emerging issues and strategies
  • Assists with annual forecasts and budgets
  • Works with Center personnel in preparing financial projections to support project requests
  • Maintains accurate constituent information
  • Communicates effectively with sites and constituents to ensure optimal customer service
  • Provides excellent customer service to both internal and external constituents to include
  • Provides senior management with business-related services and supports of administrative, logistical, analytical or quality control nature
  • Planning, organizing, analyzing and researching to address synthesized specific business solutions with problem description, findings, conclusions and recommendations
  • Works on multiple products and/or processes of medium to high complexity
  • Assists decision-making by: evaluating risks, adhering to financial targets and budget monitoring, collecting data inputs from wide range of stakeholders
  • Ensures smooth day to day business operation, the implementation and development of business-wide action plans and key initiatives
  • Preparation of key presentations and results for senior executives
  • Delivering any ad-hoc requests from the business
  • Proven track record in achieving and maintaining high customer satisfaction
  • Develop solid revenue and profit growth through existing and new client relationships
  • Owning business results for the region including all relevant business metrics & forecasting, ensuring timely & accurate reporting to senior management
  • Effectively team with other parts of IBM to ensure IGF’s and IBM’s objectives are met
  • Establish client relationships & sell to CFO and other executive level
  • Maintain high level of customer satisfaction with Clients and Business Partners
  • Assisting CFM businesses with new business initiatives including facilitating required internal approvals, developing operating models and implementing business set-up
  • Providing analytic support to cost management and other initiatives at a business and group level
  • Providing project management support to ensure the effective implementation and reporting of a range projects. This will include constructing and maintaining project plans, co-ordinating project management meetings and managing a wide range of stakeholders
  • Arranging meetings, managing agendas and liaising with stakeholders of various Bank- and CFM-wide committees and forums
  • Business Management: Provide central management and execution of key processes impacting the BSC-Shanghai organization, supporting headcount, cost management and headcount /recruiting reporting
  • MIS & Reporting: Compilation and analysis of key management data, including ability to process & prepare senior management reports, monthly, quarterly and on ad hoc basis
  • Communications: Support the development and delivery of communications (electronic, town halls, etc.)
  • PMO: Driving coordination of preparation of materials / updates for various senior management forums as required
  • Project Management: Ensure milestones, budgets, meeting minutes, and project schedules are consistent and timely with appropriate escalation of risks and issues
  • Administration: Corporate admin of CMS, as well as onsite licenses & chops safekeeping, chopping on external documents issued or submitted in a company's name
  • University Degree qualified with a distinguished academic record
  • Master's degree
  • Finance/accounting/legal certifications an advantage
  • Highest standard of fluency in spoken and written business English as well as Chinese
  • High organization and coordination skills
  • Effective communication and assertiveness
  • Highly credible presence with clients (including formal presentation skills)
  • Manage a wide set of objectives with conflicting priorities that require one to organize the effective use of resources, usiness and time zones
  • Analytical, prompt and commercially-attuned approach to decision making
  • Strong team working mentality, intellectual curiosity, high emotional intelligence and a thought leader
  • Prepare business financials along with KPI tracking, oversight, reporting, analysis and recommendations
  • Manage cost tracking, analysis and recommendations
  • Track, monitor and prepare analysis on HR topics
  • Coordinate transactions requiring prior approval and business continuity activities
  • Deliver on ad hoc projects (specifically aspects of our Investment Solutions implementation project) and MIS production on the above topics
  • Coordinate and cooperate across functions on the above topics, help implement related AM projects and ensure a smooth running and well managed investment function
  • Build strong & positive relationships with team, store management, RBM & Head Office
  • Closely monitor stock holding levels, raise & rectify stock issues following retailer guidelines
  • Follow & implement company merchandising guidelines
  • Ensure all Account paperwork is produced neatly, accurately & to deadlines
  • 3-5 years of experience in business management, business support, financials/accounting and/or project management
  • Strong communication and presentation writing skills; ability to write documents in a clear and concise manner to senior management
  • Generalist experience in a number of business disciplines: finance, HR, reporting, projects
  • Strong analytical skills, business management capabilities and strategic problem solving abilities
  • Attention to detail and quality mindset is a must
  • Ability to work under pressure, with tight deadlines in a fast-paced and dynamic environment, and take decisions in accordance with established procedures
  • Strong English language proficiency required (native speaker or bilingual); other languages are a plus
  • Responsible for assisting as needed for the monthly financial close and submission of information to the Corporate office by stated deadlines
  • Supporting the Business Manager with Corporate requests, audit requests & budget preparation
  • Processing Accounts Payable as it relates to the day-to-day vendor relationship management, obtaining approvals for all vendor invoices, general ledger coding, and processing functions
  • Work closely with Business Manager to ensure adherence to the various components of the Company’s internal accounting controls and policies, including but not limited to; revenue recognition, cash control, credit and collections, and employee compensation
  • Prepare daily cash deposits, using the Company’s centralized lockbox banking system and web-based reporting tool. As well as the processing of credit card payments
  • Submit monthly Sales & Use Tax report and documentation per corporate instruction
  • Monitor and administer trade accounting functions for corporate reporting as well as in Stratus traffic/billing system
  • Learn Workday payroll program in order to assist with data entry
  • Assist with administration of employee benefit plans, including but not limited to 401(k), medical insurance, and dental insurance as necessary
  • Support Business Manager with maintenance of the EEO program, FCC related reports and hiring procedures
  • Ability to multi-task, handle pressure and deadlines
  • Available for occasional evening or weekend hours
  • Manage Operational Risks
  • Any Adhoc projects
  • Minimum 3 year Business Manager experience with Corporate Bank based in Japan
  • Provides senior management business-related services and supports of administrative, logistical, analytical or quality control nature
  • Planning, organizing, analysing and researching to address synthesized specific business solutions with problem description, findings, conclusions and recommendations
  • Assists decision-making by: evaluating risks, collecting data inputs from wide range of stakeholders
  • 4+ of relevant experience in banking
  • Treasury Management industry experience preferred but not necessary
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively; develop strong partnership with multiple levels of employees
  • Strong project planning and management abilities in combination with proven teamwork and influential skills
  • Ability to handle multiple priorities and produce successful results in a fast paced environment
  • Mature, independent, highly organized, self-motivated and a team player
  • Strong PowerPoint and Excel skills required
  • Gain level of visibility into South Middle Market, MMBSI, CB Business Management and CB as a whole
  • Be exposed to and influence the agendas of the leadership team
  • Develop expertise in a variety of functions and businesses across CB
  • Advance to other roles in the MMBSI, CB, Global Finance or elsewhere in the organization
  • Development, organization and execution of strategic and tactical initiatives to grow and manage the business
  • Support the MMBSI Executive Committee, regional leadership, segment business managers on various initiatives related to business strategy, reporting, data quality, communications, technology, real estate and more
  • Help drive banker and salesforce engagement in MMBSI initiatives
  • Represent and advocate for MMBSI in various Commercial Banking and cross LOB projects
  • Drive and operationalize key initiatives
  • Assist in identifying the right resources, content experts and decision makers to complete projects and meet goals
  • Develop and manage overall project plans including, tasks, milestones, staffing and deliverables
  • Provide value-added support of ongoing business-specific requirements, such as sales enablement, as needed
  • Ensure projects are completed in accordance with risk, compliance and legal standards
  • Drive continuous process improvement throughout all aspects of the business
  • Leverage broad understanding of the business to identify opportunities for process improvement and enhanced efficiencies
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of best practices, project standards and procedures for MMBSI Business Management team
  • Ensure complex and evolving business runs smoothly
  • Develop a strong understanding of systems, tools, data and reporting leveraged by the business
  • Partner with business managers to create, implement and continuously improve key business reporting and also monitor data quality and consistency
  • Work with MMBSI senior management to communicate business updates and organizational announcements within MMBSI
  • Prepare presentations and materials for senior management meetings, including Business Reviews and Town Halls
  • Help drive overall CB Business Management agenda
  • Enhance the quality of our sales and client data
  • Deliver analytics and insight by leveraging best in class business intelligence, reporting resources and technology
  • Contribute to the development of the junior talent program
  • 8+ years of relevant experience in banking, finance, strategy development, program management and/or business management or other similar role, preferably with knowledge of wholesale banking
  • Knowledge of Commercial Banking, Treasury Services and/or Investment Banking
  • Familiarity with internal J.P. Morgan wholesale banking systems (e.g. iBanker, Client Central, CKC)
  • Familiarity with key 3rd party data tools (e.g. Dealogic, FactSet)
  • Demonstrated high level of performance evidenced through annual reviews and recommendations
  • Execution and project management skills – Well-developed organizational skills to manage multiple projects and priorities. Scope projects and create workable project plans. Must be self-directed with the ability to explore innovative ways to perform tasks in an efficient and timely manner. Must be proactive, high energy, detail and results-oriented, and willing to drive change. Strong organizational and time management skills; flexibility, ability to prioritize requests and multi-task
  • Communications skills – Must possess strong verbal and written communications skills, including the ability to synthesize “the story” for executive-level audiences and adjust messages and style based on different audiences and agendas
  • Problem solving skills – Strong analytical capabilities coupled with the ability to identify issues, gather and manipulate data, obtain consensus and implement change
  • Technical and analytical skills – Able to produce accurate, error-free analysis. Understand business drivers and ensure that the team’s analyses are sound
  • Leadership and interpersonal skills – Must be able to interact and influence colleagues at all levels in the business. Able to collaborate with peer team members across business and staff areas at all levels, and achieve goals without direct control over all resources. Must have flexible work style and be able to develop junior colleagues within the team
  • Managing administration and analytics to support the execution of strategic business objectives and sales across the group nationally
  • Supporting the Head of US Commercial Client and Head of Business Management as required
  • Coordinating key MI nationally and the completion of dashboards and contributing to the development of Operating Plans
  • Facilitating of high quality communication between Regions, Global Businesses, and Functions
  • Producing high quality materials and information to incorporate in management briefings and presentations
  • Standardizing core business management processes
  • Support Head of US Commercial Client Coverage
  • Support Commercial Client strategy and monthly creation of RM Portfolio Reports
  • Assist in monitoring and tracking national sales metrics
  • Provide materials/content for Senior Management internal and external presentations to ensure optimal representation of Commercial Client
  • Monitor the output of the implementation and effectiveness of MTO/ Strategic initiatives to deliver long term objectives
  • Lead Commercial Client business input and contribution to relevant MTOs, ROP, AOP, ATPs and strategic reviews
  • Support the development of key initiatives and related business cases
  • Assist in managing the business
  • Ensure best practices sharing between Regional/country teams
  • Management of Scope Process: Coordinate overall SOW effort for Analytics including templates for different functional areas, represent Analytics in process meetings, track FTEs and funding sources and manage the Ad Hoc process
  • Work with Analytics Leadership relative to Job Code Tracking, billability, and forecasting
  • Time tracking: Job tracking, proper employee time-code usage, requesting new time-codes as needed, manage accurate list of current billing codes
  • Forecast project burn rates, based on functional team input
  • Budget: Management of overall Analytics budget, oversee - CPARS approval, Procurement and Invoice approval
  • Work with Account/Engagement managers to open/revise/close jobs
  • Pull actuals vs. estimates for budget meetings
  • Update budget worksheet and participate in monthly client budget meetings
  • Escalate budgetary issues to functional managers (to avoid pre-commit and unreasonable under/over situations)
  • Staffing: including maintain Capabilities Matrix, Job Descriptions/Titles, Org Structure, Open Reqs (RoRs, tracking)
  • Assist in onboarding new employees
  • Work closely with HR Analytics to assess Analytics performance
  • Track incremental project funding and work with HR to engage Contractors, Vendors, and temporary resources
  • Process: Have a base knowledge of overall agency process and provide direction/process support to the team as needed. Understand agency compliance (Clinet, ISO, WPP) requirements and ensure that they are cascaded to the team
  • Communications: Work with Analytics management to draft and send out communications to the team – new hires, promotions, key project launches, operational items (timecodes, employee evaluation (GPS) deadlines, etc.),etc
  • Liaison with Facilities for seating and moves
  • Compiling weekly status reports
  • Supports/facilitates the mandatory adherence to ISO9001 requirements, processes and procedures
  • Excellent finance knowledge and skills
  • Project management skills (knowledge of project management tools)
  • Troubleshooting and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with ability to communicate to agency senior management, Analytics leadership, other departments in the agency, and the Analytics teams they support
  • Ability to work across functional teams and establish collaborative working relationships
  • Ability to address difficult issues and to solve problems quickly with attention to detail in the face of challenges
  • Strong organizational skills and an ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project, Access)
  • Minimum of three years working in a business operational role
  • Financial Acumen
  • Analytics or Digital experience preferred
  • Agency or OEM experience preferred
  • 6 years of relevant experience with background in accounting and audit. Previous financial analysis experience in an MNC
  • Hands-on experience in Hyperion, SAP, Business Objects/Warehouse and Cognos an advantage
  • High level of proficiency in Excel and Powerpoint
  • Be equally effective working with high volume of detail as well as providing high level summaries
  • Ability to engage and manage relationships across all levels of stakeholders (from selling floor to senior management)
  • Ability to work in a matrix environment and perform under pressure
  • Maintain compliance with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulation that affect Commissary operations
  • Comply with all safety policies and practices to promote safety awareness
  • Strong interpersonal and written/oral communication skills with the ability to relate well and cooperate with others to effectively coordinate activities and accomplish goals
  • Defining and Driving Platform Management: develop and execute action plans for key business objectives and focus areas, bridging current and future state
  • Technology: collaborate with internal business partners to identify and facilitate technology enhancements which address the evolving needs of the business
  • Strategic Initiatives & New Products: work closely with senior management on key projects, strategic initiatives and new product development and launches
  • Project Management: act as lead on projects for the platform that relate to portfolio management, trade and post trade operations, investment and business process analyses
  • Operational Risk: drive discussions around operating events and process improvements to help mitigate operational risk and promote a culture of compliance
  • Policy & Process: promote and provide necessary training on firm, business and regulatory policies and procedures
  • Financials: support the management of budget and headcount
  • Ad hoc Requests: assist team with data requests, trainings and demos, business continuity efforts, etc
  • Presentations and Meetings: aid management in organizing and preparing presentations
  • 5+ years of experience in financial services with knowledge of equities, derivatives, product development, and / or corporate strategy functions
  • Strong academic background with a degree in Finance, Economics or related field; MBA a plus
  • Advanced skills in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint; programming skills or database knowledge a plus
  • A strong understanding of equity capital markets; fixed income and commodities knowledge a plus
  • Strong organizational, planning and time management skills including the ability to multitask
  • Strong financial, quantitative and data analysis abilities
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including ability to deliver presentations and coordinate across a large firm
  • Sound judgment, maturity, professionalism and discretion
  • Attention to detail and the ability to function effectively in a fast-paced environment and under tight deadlines
  • Performs financials analysis - Prepare financial and operational analyses and identify emerging trends. May include cost analysis, financial and expense performance comparisons, calculations of rate of return, cash flows, and forecasting/budgeting. Additional ad-hoc analysis based on customer need
  • Performs data analysis - Gathers and compiles data used for identifying business trends/dynamic and develops, reviews and/or presents recommendations. Develop construct to access and manipulate data from company data systems and sources
  • Performs modeling - Conceptualizes, prepares and presents advanced economic models, analyses and recommendations
  • Performs reporting - Develop and modify financial reports and statements. Creates advanced visualizations of extracted data
  • Provide financial and operational consultative services through collaborative partnerships - Recommend and facilitate changes; analyze and review data and resolve questions and/or problems. Assist in policy development to support change initiatives. Ability to influence with frequent support from their leader
  • Monitor and optimize business processes - Provide and review data to ensure both compliance and effectiveness of operational and financial processes, identifying anomalies and making recommendations. Understands upstream and downstream impacts to their department
  • Project Management – Lead cross functional team to define, assign, monitor and complete project objectives. Leads cross-functional teams by example demonstrating financial expertise to address non-routine issues, optimize work flows and/or significantly contribute to improvements to internal organization and processes
  • Ability to work independently and manage simultaneous activities in a fast-paced business environment
  • Must have strong verbal and written business communication skills. Ability to communicate in a clear and effective manner at a senior level
  • A demonstrated interest and aptitude in core business problems and challenges, especially those unique to the journalism and media industries
  • Experience working in senior administration/executive support function(s)
  • Flexible schedule; available for international/domestic travel, occasionally at the last minute
  • Management of annual Investment Governance, planning and budget load process for Debt Technology sub domains
  • Production and review of monthly and ad hoc team financials for Debt Technology domain leads
  • Prepare and present monthly technology finance reviews to GM Business Managers, COOs and Finance partners
  • Review and revise technology financial allocations being made into the GM Debt business domains
  • Regular audit of Debt Technology headcount and identification and resolution of headcount vs target issues
  • Management of hiring requests through complex internal hiring processes and acting as the ‘gateway’ into for all hiring requests
  • Production and review of monthly headcount statistics in preparation for analysis and review with Debt Technology management team
  • Regular audit of Debt Technology headcount
  • Communication of upcoming COO initiatives to wider Debt Technology team
  • Day to day contact with wide range of technology staff acting as conduit for a wide range of queries, problems and resolutions surrounding budgeting, planning, people and the organisation in general
  • Interaction and information exchange with our central COO team and the wider Business Management community
  • Assisting Debt Technology COO and Technology Domain leads with ad hoc requests, tasks, reporting etc
  • High integrity and a professional attitude – Debt Technology Business Managers will be privy to Financial, People, HR and other sensitive data that must be treated confidentially and protected appropriately
  • An appreciation for what is “client ready” – Taking pride in the completion of a set of numbers, ensuring correctness and providing clear, unambiguous presentation
  • Financial Control – An appreciation for budgeting principles and cycles, what controls and measures are needed and the macro impacts that can swing run rates, forecasts and budgets
  • Happy to roll up sleeves – often the team receive ‘fire drills’ which we must respond to promptly and accurately, these can be manual and the individual will often be the single point of failure
  • Ability to challenge appropriately and effectively – Identify what is not optimised and must be fixed vs what is not optimised but we have limited ability to influence and may need escalation from a suitable source (“bring me solutions – not problems”)
  • Understanding and appreciation for organisational complexity – Able to operate and build a network within a large complex organisation and be able to plan and deliver despite the problems this may present
  • Understand multiyear workforce strategies and plans of the organization including headcount and spend targets
  • Work closely with project portfolio team to translate project demand into systems while managing against workforce strategy constraints (headcount, spend, location distribution etc)
  • Facilitate recruiting effort by liaising with hiring managers, HR, recruiters and vendors as required to ensure timely hiring
  • Experience in business analysis, with focus on business case development
  • Conversant with data and ability to detect underlying trends and messages
  • Ability to interact with senior management, convey actionable information in a clear, concise manner
  • High attention to detail and prioritization
  • Producing headcount projections for budgeting and reporting
  • Modelling expense forecasts using large quantities of data in direct cooperation with CIB Head of Finance
  • Analysing, interpreting and presenting data for decision making related to team pyramids, restructuring and strategic initiatives
  • Preparing specific budgets (Headcount, Training, Client Entertainment, etc.)
  • Working on initiatives around staff satisfaction, staff retention and training and development
  • Liaising with business managers and HR partners across EMEA in order to monitor headcount trends across the year, and to manage to the budget
  • Working closely with senior management, HR and Finance teams in order to successfully achieve business aims
  • Participating in business reviews, headcount budgeting and forecasting
  • Associate's degree in accounting or equivalent. Bachelor's degree preferred
  • Two or more years of related experience in accounting
  • Accounting experience in a non-profit organization preferred
  • Knowledge of, and expertise with, computerized accounting systems and standard business software
  • Work with each YMCA's CEO to establish a single set of financial and payroll protocols
  • Manages all functions of accounting and business operations, ensuring that legal and audit requirements are met and that best practices and maximum efficiency are obtained
  • Manages the annual independent audit/review, the preparation of financial statements and the IRS 990 tax form. Prepares or oversees the preparation of required audit/review schedules; maintains records; acts as liaison with audit team and YMCA Finance Committee
  • Oversees and provides leadership to the annual budget process including: developing in coordination with each Y's CEO budget guidelines and procedures; training staff, auditing budgets, overseeing data input and preparing reports
  • Implements appropriate systems and internal controls to adequately safeguard the YMCA's financial resources and to provide a solid basis for accurately reporting financial data
  • Prepares or supervises the preparation of outside reports and filings
  • Oversees the month-end and year-end closings and the preparation of statements and reports
  • Implement, manage and oversee personnel and payroll administration including maintaining records and related systems
  • Accurately and timely filing of reports for the State of Indiana, federal, Retirement Fund, YUSA Annual Report, payroll, and other reports
  • Collects and maintains data on government contracts and grants
  • Remains current with employment laws and regulations, and maintains protocols around new hires
  • Keep personnel records current. Documents to keep in file are to include, but not limited to, Employment Application/resume, Background Check, 13. Represents the YMCA with key community organizations and events as required
  • All other duties deemed necessary for satisfactory completion of the job
  • Bachelors degree in Commerce preferable or in an equivalent field
  • Minimum 10 years of work experience
  • Minimum of five years of Business Management experience
  • Demonstrated experience in being results driven and skilled at influencing key stakeholders and peers
  • Maintain relationships with digital advertising technology partners
  • Maintain and cultivate deep relations with Microsoft publishers
  • Establish and evaluate key technology partnerships to support the Advertising business
  • Deliver one service management solution (tool) supporting for change management and incident management for publisher, sales partner and technology partnerships
  • Review and optimize process and technology while providing actionable feedback across sales, support and engineering work streams focused on partnership improvements
  • Demonstrate excellent leadership, communication, problem solving and decision making skills. Demonstrate strong prioritization, time management and organizational skills
  • Provide technical leadership to cross-functional teams and sound judgment based upon priority, criticality, and severity as it aligns to business needs
  • Build community of dedicated escalations & live site support teams across publisher & partner organizations
  • Develop or Procure tools to manage & enable the Display Advertising business
  • Deep understanding of Microsoft’s rhythm and processes including key SMSG operating mechanism (financials, scorecard, market share)
  • Customer-, Market-, Field-focused - a strong desire to serve and make others successful
  • Excellent skills in all aspects of planning, cross-group collaboration, communications, analytical capabilities and attention to detail
  • Passion and proven record for execution with measurable results; focus on delivering impact
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills, innovation, and the ability to motivate, inspire, and lead cross group/functional teams with a high degree of independence and success
  • Ability to work successfully across a complex, highly-matrixed environment
  • Ability to deal with ambiguity, navigate uncertain situations, and drive for clarity
  • Demonstrated strong capability in verbal and written communications skills across a geographically dispersed audience
  • Excellence and experience in managing OPEX and all aspects of budget planning
  • The ideal candidate is a seasoned business professional with multi-disciplinary experience, who has the aspiration and potential to grow as a broad business leader
  • Bachelor’s degree in a Business or Science discipline or equivalent experience, with MBA/Masters preferred
  • 7+ years of business management, marketing or consulting experience
  • Responsible for the country operation plan execution and accomplishment
  • Manage the acquisition and allocation of business resources in support of business objectives
  • Responsible for negotiations with venture partners, cost containment efforts, and / or negotiation and administration of externally funded programs
  • Responsible for resolving business issues, assuring neutral and equable resolutions
  • Prepare business plans to identify required resources and develop strategies for acquiring the same including non-traditional approaches, suppliers, or partners
  • Execute approved resource acquisition plans with partners or other sources of supply
  • Coordinate and manage acquisition plans with internal contributors (Sourcing, Manufacturing, Engineering)
  • Develop and initiate strategies for resource acquisition and coordinate cost containment efforts
  • Deploy resource agreements to affected functions and assure effective implementation
  • Deploy flow-down of customer contractual requirements to functional organizations
  • Responsible for operating practices, establishing procedures and guidelines
  • Minimum of 10+ years of experience in developing broad-scoped business relationships involving complex interactions or new partners
  • Ability to develop, layout, and follow through on detailed business plans and programs
  • Strong negotiating ability
  • This role is centred on the leadership and delivery of a profitable market share within Asda by creating, selling and executing joint business plans within Asda
  • Full management and accountability of the customer P&L, including Revenue, Spend, Market Share and Profit targets
  • Ensure Nestle Purina Category and Marketing Initiative Plan is executed in store and at correct time
  • Alongside Category and Activation team's, ensure all new product development (NPD) successfully launched into customers
  • To work towards ensuring appropriate amount of time is spend directly within the client, 35% client facing and 65% internally focussed
  • Asda is a key and influential account for Purina, therefore
  • Experience of operating at a senior level within the top 4 grocery accounts
  • Customer marketing and or category management experience would be highly beneficial
  • Demonstrable experience of managing and influencing large trade spend is critical
  • As this role has 2 direct reports man management experience is required
  • This is a classic FMCG business manager so the successful applicant will have full P&L responsibility
  • Ability to manage relationships externally and influence cross functional conversations internally
  • Manage the reception area and answer telephones for the office
  • Answer general inquiries relative to client services and training programs, and answer basic business information questions
  • Maintain a listing of public and private sector resources for client access to include the CPA and attorney referral lists
  • Maintain the volunteer schedule of appointment times and contact information
  • Order all office and kitchen supplies
  • In the absence of the Business Incubation Center (BIC) Director, schedule conference and training room rentals, collect payments, and send reminders as appropriate
  • Process all incoming and outgoing mail, sign and provide notices of packages, and assist with weekly mailings to mail forwarding clients
  • Work with BIC Director to ensure listings of virtual clients are up-to-date and are accessible to other staff
  • Enter client information into a management information system as required
  • Provide basic accounting and bookkeeping support functions such as Intuit QuickBooks data entry or check writing
  • Help maintain and update phones and computer
  • Coordinate with IT consultant to resolve issues; and
  • Serve on internal teams and task forces as assigned
  • Provide support for counseling, training and other program activities
  • Assist with class registrations, as required, to include occasional early morning or evening hours
  • Assist in the development and publication of training schedules and flyers
  • Responsible for in-house production of all marketing materials and brochures
  • Assist CEO with set up of e-mail and computer accounts for all staff
  • Participate in professional growth activities associated with local, state and federal grant programs; and
  • Assist the CEO in organizing and coordinating Board of Directors and other committee meetings, prepare minutes of meetings, and maintain corporate records
  • Perform general bookkeeping/records management duties using QuickBooks Pro software to include preparation of check requests
  • Serve as the backup to the Training Coordinator to write checks, make deposits, process credit card payments, and perform other accounting duties
  • Keep accurate records of all checks and cash as received
  • Record and maintain accurate records of all in-kind contributions; and
  • Assist the CEO and Training Coordinator during annual and program audits as required
  • Demonstrated office management experience, preferably in a nonprofit organization
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office, including PowerPoint and Publisher
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills, and organization and interpersonal skills, are critical
  • Abilities to work independently and across a broad cultural spectrum are also required
  • Graphics experience is preferred; and
  • Bachelor’s degree and entrepreneurial experience are a plus
  • Updated 9/8/16*
  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Management, or related field
  • Excellent planning, leadership, budgeting, financial analysis, problem-solving, organizational, project management and customer service skills
  • Ability to analyze, interpret and implement University policies and procedures
  • Ability to foster a participative supervisory style and teamwork to successfully guide the work of others
  • Learning orientation toward changing technology impacting business processes
  • Personal computer and related software skills (word processing, spreadsheet, database, internet, etc.)
  • One year of business administration, financial management, or related experience
  • In lieu of degree, consideration may be given to an equivalent combination of education and additional experience
  • In lieu of experience, consideration will be given to completion of the Business Management/Sponsored Program Services Staff Development Program
  • Stays informed of university and UA Foundation policies and procedures and ensures departmental compliance
  • Prepares budget (working with director); Monitors, revises department budgets; Monitors revenue and expense activity in accounts, ensures accuracy, resolves problems, makes corrections as needed. Manages fiscal year process as required
  • Prepares department’s internal and external financial and advertising reports, cost projections, analyses. Presents information to director or appropriate staff
  • Controls expenditures within set guidelines, reviews and authorizes purchase of supplies, services and equipment within limits set by director; evaluates and recommends or implements improvements in cost control practices
  • Participates in audits, oversees PCI compliance
  • Initiates or approves day to day business transactions (working with advertising accountant) including payroll, new hires, purchasing, p-card, accounts payable, cash handling & bank deposits, supplies, travel, keyless access, inventory, etc
  • Cross-trains with advertising accounting staff
  • Responds to student requests, monitors and anticipates their operational needs
  • Prepares UA Foundation Raisers Edge deposits, disbursements and transfers and monitors accounts
  • Assists the director of Student Media in variety of tasks
  • Represents the department at Student Affairs and other university business/budget meetings
  • Knowledge of UA systems, polices and procedures, including UAccess Financials, Analytics and Employee
  • Experience working with college-age students; ability to work alongside, in a support role, with students
  • Effective organizational skills with demonstrated ability to prioritize and manage critical tasks under deadline pressure
  • Ability to independently solve problems
  • Skill in developing and maintaining good working relationships
  • 3+ years experience using Microsoft Excel and Word in professional setting
  • 5yrs + commercial selling skills, negotiation & commercial problem solving
  • Tertiary qualified in an area such as Commerce or Marketing
  • Demonstrable broad track record in Commercial with experience leading strategic planning
  • Strong understanding of retail execution across On and Off Premise
  • Ability to bring customer/consumer insights to life with a commercially effective approach
  • Balances short and long term performance goals in planning and execution
  • Category knowledge across Spirits & TLA
  • Understand where and how to target trade investment while delivering for our customers
  • Strategic sales management – build and grow sales pipeline as part of the sales team
  • Close dialogue with customers to ensure good understanding of customers projects in their pipeline
  • Ensure targets for revenue, margins, and customer satisfaction are met
  • Gathering knowledge such as competitor activity, support systems for wind energy and customers international activities
  • Coordinate and facilitate tenders and negotiations
  • Project and manage the sales process throughout the bidding process, ensuring timely passage through the stages of the sales process
  • Mobilize and manage the sales team according to team selling principles
  • Ensure involvement of internal stakeholders during execution of the sales strategy
  • Ensure timely submission of proposals in accordance with the sales strategy
  • Provide contract closing and negotiation support to the Sales Manager
  • Investigate and document outcome of sales project
  • 2-3 years of relevant Investment banking or consulting experience – understanding a corporate matrix structure
  • Strong educational background within a relevant business, engineering or finance degree at Master level, supplemented by an MBA from an esteemed university
  • BA or BS Degree
  • At least 20 years of experience in Business and Finance Management
  • Experience with large Nuclear projects
  • EDUCATION: BS or BA in accounting and finance and/or business administration from a four (4) year, accredited institution is required. Masters in Business Administration (MBA) is required
  • ABILITIES: The candidate must be a self-starter capable of working in a fast paced multi-discipline team environment with the ability to manage competing priorities to achieve team goals. Proven management skills to include effective planning, organizing, directing and controlling with strong decision making capabilities. Excellent analytical skills – data driven, fact based, root cause focused. Strong negotiation and conflict resolution skills to lead a team to consensus. Understanding of litigation and claims processes and experience with legal communities. Excellent communication skills – verbal, written and listening. Ability to interact with staff at all levels from craftpersons to senior executives. Knowledge base to successfully diagnosis issues that cover multiple areas of interaction
  • Be the SPOC for Admin, IT Security and Physical Security along with restricted area premises and logistics attached to Compliance CoE seating plans
  • Ad hoc administrative responsibilities as and when they arise
  • Preferred experience in the world of projects, preferably in the financial services industry
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral and a demonstrated ability to interact with all people within an organization
  • Strong comfort with data and analysis; rigorous follow up and a keen eye for detail
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite of tools in particular Excel and Powerpoint. Experience of Microsoft Access is also desirable
  • Knowledge of the role of Finance and financial reporting is also an advantage
  • Sense of precision and attention to detail in maintaining documentation and audit trails
  • Strong Focus on Meeting Deadlines
  • Experience of working in international banking business structure
  • Provide reports to the Business Heads for various regulatory meetings, board and internal meetings, and town halls
  • Assist in any project related activities as required for the Business Management team
  • Proactively work with the Business in securing information / responses on requested items
  • Ensure all exemptions to policies / requirements are in place and tracked
  • Maintain HSBC internal control standards, including timely implementation of internal and external audit points together with any issues raised by external regulators. Any failures to comply with the above should be reflected in year end performance assessments
  • Experience in Banking, compliance, risk management and / or internal audit
  • Ad hoc financial analysis and reporting
  • Strong analytical and quantitative skill with the ability to interpret data analysis and modeling results into actionable recommendations
  • Full understanding of rates, products, inventory, sales packages, and how they all tie into the financials
  • 5-7 years’ experience in finance or business management
  • Bachelor’s degree required; MBA preferred
  • Prior Management experience preferred
  • Demonstrated ability to thrive in a fast paced environment while managing multiple projects and tight deadlines
  • Manage end-to-end Integrated Release
  • Drive release change control board to achieve the decision
  • Ownership of business validation, release reporting, risk and issue resolution
  • Overall accountability for Operational Readiness and Business Normalization
  • Champion Agile Transformation to drive release consistency and standardization
  • Lead Cross-Program workshops to help to resolve complex business requirements
  • Ongoing collaboration with change management, portfolio, IT and business readiness teams
  • Minimum 15 years’ software platform release, delivery management experience
  • Strong business process knowledge
  • Keen understanding of end-to-end business solutions
  • Ability to influence and manage stakeholder relationships
  • Strong program and delivery management skills
  • Ability to work cross-functionally and across multiple (often global) geographies
  • Strong knowledge of Agile methodology and principles (scaled Agile) is must
  • Understanding of Cisco's business is preferred
  • Bachelor’s degree (MBA preferred)
  • Set priorities for the team to ensure task completion and performance goals are met, such as: Quality, Adherence, ASA/Service Level, UES, AHT, and Employee Engagement
  • Coordinate work activities with other supervisors, managers, departments, etc
  • Identify and resolve operational problems using defined processes, expertise and judgment
  • Provide coaching and feedback to team members, including formal corrective action
  • Conduct annual performance reviews for team members
  • Manage and accountable for professional employees and/or supervisors development and growth
  • Positions in this function are responsible for providing expertise and customer service support to members, customers, and/or providers
  • Direct phone-based customer interaction to answer and resolve a wide variety of inquiries
  • 3+ years of customer service/call center experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree (or higher)
  • Experience with relational databases, complex queries, macros, switchboards and integration with other Microsoft Office applications within Microsoft Access
  • Knowledge of Call Center systems such as CMS, IEX, and CTI
  • 1+ year of experience in a client facing role
  • Understanding of call center performance metrics and measurements
  • 2+ years experience as a professional leader/supervisory role within an organization
  • Prior experience leading personnel towards the attainment of exceptional performance results
  • Conducts a deep analysis into the business and expense drivers in order to provide guidance to management on how the expense culture and behavior should be modified. Identify, develop, and maintain efficient, cost effective processes, controls and data management
  • Generates labor and burden reports. Ensures that disbursements of company funds are for valid services performed
  • Ensures payroll calculations are based on authorized and accurate transactions (to include timesheet review)
  • Ensure proper review and reconciliation of the general ledger
  • Supervises the proper safeguarding of petty cash monies entrusted to other departments and ensures cash and receipts for unreimbursed expenditures are kept in a locked container such as a fire-proof file cabinet, safe, or other suitable device to which unauthorized access is difficult
  • Reviews and approves all supporting schedules and associated journal entries prior to posting
  • Implements all SOP’s for general ledger accounting
  • Creates increasingly complex financial and/or operational monthly and ad-hoc reports regarding expenses, including the analysis of key financial metrics, financial modeling, and any supporting activities. Factor in historical information and current trends into analysis as needed, taking into account the different structures, cost centers, hierarchies, and account –level detail to retrieve info from various sources. Present findings and recommendations to management, which may include process gaps and proposed solutions around expenses and budgeting
  • Performs headcount/FTE reporting and analysis. Conducts analysis of varied compensation bonus models as related to expenses, including accruals and analysis of payout, etc
  • Collaborates and partners with other team members to develop automated reports and analytic tools
  • May support the development of strategic plans, annual financial and operational planning, projections, and budgeting and quarterly forecasts. Identifies, recommends, and executes to resolve issues as they arise, presents financial results and analyses to management
  • May actively participate in cross-functional projects of moderate to complex scope as well as partner with cross-functional teams to improve processes, set targets, develop plans, and conduct analyses and measure results
  • Monitors and approves A/P, P/R, and GL oversight functions before sending to corporate
  • Prepares financial reports on the status of the project; i.e., income statements, budget comparisons, budget analysis, labor cost report, and project cost analysis
  • Provides constant, accurate data and financial information with dotted-line responsibilities to the CFSI management
  • Acts as a technical advisor to the Project Manager relating to financial matters
  • Works closely and harmoniously with fellow workers
  • Five years of experience as a Business/Finance Manager
  • In lieu of direct business/finance management experience, 7 to 10 years of experience in a financial/business operational setting
  • Must be strong in Accounting/Budgeting/Cost-Revenue Forecasting/Pricing/Business Administration
  • Experience in the Armed Services, preferably the United States Air Force
  • Three years minimum experience in dealing with an organized Labor Union Education
  • Competent in Microsoft Excel/Word/Power Point
  • Master’s Degree is required in a technical or business field
  • 15+ years experience in Excess Ballistic Missile planning, programming, and budgeting support
  • Experience in managing the programming/budget for a weapon system
  • Experience in performing budget analysis trade studies
  • Significant experience in preparing budget analysis reports and documentation
  • Demonstrated experience working with team leadership, and program/project management
  • Demonstrated experience working with Air Force and DoD contractors in a development environment
  • Experience writing and delivering technical documents and briefings
  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills as well as organizational skill
  • Demonstrated interpersonal skills to enable working, interfacing, and interrelating with diverse personnel and dynamic teams
  • Prior Air Force SMC program experience on the ORS and/or RSLP programs
  • Compile and manage annual budget for designated business unit. Track financial information using Oracle Global Financial System
  • Create and maintain tracking mechanisms for sales activity (key prospects, core client tracking, win plans, etc)
  • Serve as liaison between the Operations team and job sites on financial performance related issues
  • Manage other special projects as assigned
  • 8+ years of operations, accounting and/or business management experience in the EPC industry
  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, business focus preferred
  • Passion for and commitment to safety
  • Previous field experience working on construction and maintenance sites
  • Must be computer savvy, particularly with all Microsoft Office software
  • Thrives on a challenge and willing to step out of comfort zone
  • Willing to think outside the box
  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree Required
  • 15 + years experience in Project Controls
  • At least 4 years in a Business Manager level role is required
  • Must be legally authorized to work in the USA for any employer other than your current employer
  • Responsible for the development and execution of the Discount channel strategy
  • The Business Manager will Identify opportunities and recommend actions to enhance margin and grow volume of both Nestle branded and customer branded cereals
  • Day to day management of Lidl UK & Ireland and Aldi UK & Ireland
  • Manage customer plans to secure maximum range distribution and positive margin growth
  • Line Manager Account responsibility for: Iceland, B&M bargains, TJ Morris, Poundland, Crown Crest and other value retail accounts
  • Line management for 1 direct report
  • Conduct regular top 2 top business reviews with senior customer contacts
  • Work closely within a cross-functional team that includes finance, supply chain, customer brands, marketing and commercial planning
  • Internally and externally be the face of Nestle cereals and CPUK customer brands within the Discount channel
  • Significant commercial experience, preferably within a Business Manager role, but may consider a mixture of Business Manager and other sales experience if matches all other requirements
  • Mandatory experience of the UK discount channel
  • Preferably experience of both Lidl UK and Aldi UK account management
  • Track record of sales success within a large branded FMCG company or a proactive PL company
  • Ambitious, positive, “can do” attitude
  • Good IT skills, including excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Assisting CFM management to coordinate significant change initiatives/projects. This includes project management/coordination, preparing necessary documentation and facilitating internal stakeholder approvals, developing operational processes and working with other areas to implement business set up
  • Working with CFM businesses, and support areas, such as Finance, Operations, Technology and Risk Management to provide support to cost management and other initiatives at a business group level
  • Preparing presentation and other management information for various Bank wide and CFM governance forums
  • Support Beckman to win all managed service tenders and deliver positive sales figures
  • Manage 3rd party content in Pan-Pathology tenders
  • Obtain the best commercial offer for all sales opportunities by engaging with third parties and building up a network of key influencers to support you
  • Drive our differentiation in our 3rd party product offering and make Beckman the partner of choice for both our customers and our suppliers
  • Ensure your third party product knowledge is always current and ensure Beckman has the latest 3rd party product information to support our managed service bids
  • Cross discipline laboratory account management
  • Ability to work in a changing environment to retain business and create opportunities for new business in established Beckman managed service accounts
  • Manage the third party supply to our managed service customers and escalate any issues to conclusion with those third parties
  • Experience of complex pathology sales
  • Good working knowledge outside of Blood Sciences – ideally one or more from Histopathology, Microbiology, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunology
  • Knowledge of Managed Services in a diagnostics market place with managed service account management experience
  • Excellent customer service, business management techniques and negotiation principles experience
  • Experience working in a team handling complex projects with management of multiple stakeholders with varying agendas
  • An understanding of public procurement and supplier management in a laboratory setting
  • Attain individual and team assigned monthly, quarterly and yearly sales and profit goals
  • Leads all aspects of the sales process, while collaborating with other company resources to develop solutions and services which he/she delivers and implements as needed or as directed by his manager
  • To achieve the desired market penetration with in targeted accounts
  • Ensures effective cross-functional working with: pricing, finance, marketing, supply chain, customer service to achieve set objectives
  • Role models leadership behaviours and be a change advocate
  • Manage and service key personnel within the wholesale, multiple independents to grow the Sandoz business in line with company requirements
  • Demonstrate leadership to ensure liaison between internal colleagues, sales teams, customers and suppliers through effective and professional communication
  • Demonstrate business management skills to ensure adequate planning and timely administration
  • Monitor and feedback to line manager market and competitor activity as required, including accurate forecasting where appropriate
  • Define and implement a programme of self-improvement, (utilising the TMS system) by delivering the values and behaviours expected within a Business Managers Role
  • To proactively maintain up to date knowledge of products and therapy areas
  • Establish an effective ‘Key Account Management’ approach with all key customers
  • Comply with all legal and code of conduct requirements of the company
  • Assuring that all Company, Operating, Administrative and Business Conduct Policies, and normal business ethical standards are closely followed by all
  • Employees within their local Commissary
  • Maintain compliance with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulation that affect Commissary operations. Comply with Federal Regulations and
  • Company safety policies and practices to promote safety awareness in the Commissary
  • Financial planning, analysis and reporting
  • Work with Human Resources to manage the annual employee compensation review process
  • Supporting the Group Vice President’s quarterly financial certification
  • Developing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reporting information for management
  • Accounts receivable collections and billing oversight
  • Implementation and monitoring various financial policies and procedures
  • Occasional travel will be required
  • B.S./B.A. degree (MBA is preferred)
  • Strong interpersonal skills necessary to work effectively across multiple functions, regions and with varied levels of management
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced team environment where critical and very tight deadlines are common
  • Must be analytical, assertive, and creative and must have effective problem-solving skills
  • Strong computer skills (Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint as well as accounting or project management software)
  • Ability to prioritize workload and work independently
  • Past experience in a professional services company is desirable
  • Experience with Deltek Vision software a plus
  • Map the market and work with distributors to, understand local trends and competitive landscape, to tailor global and regional strategies for the local industry segments to be able to focus on high value targets, with the aim to achieve and exceed annual sales targets
  • Execute the developed local strategy with the help of your Country Manager and the distributors
  • Monitor sales and marketing activities, sales results, selling prices and product margin on bioMerieux and distributor level
  • Managing accounts, customer activities and distributors in Indonesia
  • Developing new business opportunities and strategies as part of key account management
  • Identify, engage and develop local KOLs in Food and Pharmaceutical/Cosmetic segments
  • Lead and manage a dedicated Product Manager
  • Launching of new products and ensuring sustainable growth for core business
  • Establishing long term customer relationships through consultative selling
  • Build bioMérieux Industry as the market leader in microbiological controls
  • Identify and organize promotional congress and event activities
  • A degree in the biological sciences, preferably in the field of microbiology, food technology or biopharma
  • Minimum 5 year’ experience in leading a QC laboratory team for the microbiological control of food and/or biopharma of a leading production company in Indonesia or 10 years experience as Product Manager or Business Manager in Indonesia with a company being active in the same market niche
  • Strong leadership personality, good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proven ability to build relationships, influence at all levels, initiation and management of changes (e.g. successful introduction of a new technology within the QC laboratory)
  • Willingness to travel within Indonesia and international
  • Willingness to work in a result orientated business environment
  • Work closely with the Channel Head to develop and implement sales and engagement strategies to achieve optimum channel coverage and growth in the mid-market business in each country
  • Manage and develop top M&E/Structural Cabling contractors and Mid-Market Value-Added Distributors (VAD)
  • Responsible to increase the participation and wins for Emerson in the dynamic market of Mid-Market Power and Thermal Management solutions; Products covered includes: Mid-size 3-phase UPS and Cooling offerings, Rack Solutions, Rack/Row Monitoring and similar products
  • Meet and exceed the monthly and quarterly sales plans with contractors and engineering resellers related to opportunities/funnels, sales-out and availability
  • Plan and execute channel motivation and enable programs to grow the active engineering resellers base and sales per reseller through the distributors
  • Work closely with the Programs and Marketing resources to drive regular reseller marketing programs
  • Identify and win recurring business opportunities through specific engineering resellers engaged in high potential verticals like Manufacturing, Retails, IT/Telecoms, Banking and Finance
  • Manage all qualified leads and deals through strong discipline around business reviews, sales forecasting and sell-out/sales-through programs
  • Undertake initiatives to make it easy for contractors and engineering resellers to do business with Emerson Network Power
  • 3-5 years of channel sales experience, preferably in Engineering and related industries
  • Ability to work independently with strong advocacy and motivation to drive results
  • Excellent relationship management, communications and interpersonal skills
  • Strong influencing and negotiations behaviors
  • Excellent business ethics and integrity
  • Create an excellent customer experience for Ariba Suppliers through demonstration of value and efficiently guiding them to create connections with their customers on the Ariba Network
  • Ensure a strong focus on increasing the number of transacting relationships in order to achieve the customers’ business case and drive revenue growth
  • Provide accurate, meaningful reports that aid in strategic program decisions, identify risk, and track progress towards business case
  • The BM will work closely with Delivery Management in SDC to ensure the overall success of the project delivery of SAP solutions and business processes, and is expected to be a significant contributor to the overall success of SDC
  • The BM will provide direction and thought leadership in Technology Transformation areas. She/he will build required competencies as per the business demand and SAP product strategy
  • University education required with preference for post graduate business and/or engineering degrees
  • 15+ years of delivery experience with consulting or software organizations
  • Ability to work and communicate in a high performance team, and recommend solutions to internal and external issues
  • This role will take responsibility for tracking all Network spend (RTB) and for Nucleus and other CTB programs
  • Develop forecasting and lead 2017 budget planning
  • Manage and track actual spend throughout 2017 incl. budget transfer and recovery of money from other areas
  • Develop all financial impact analysis models to support the RTB and CTB teams
  • Track and report on the monthly spend and accumulated RTB impact
  • Ensuring that a transparent picture exists of all costs incurred by RTB and program activities within Networks
  • Track and report on the actions required to hit the saves targets
  • Investigate breaks in dbBuyer
  • Work collaboratively with the GNS teams across all cost categories (IT Depreciation for HW, Maintenance, Premises etc.)
  • Develop strategies to implement saves based on exposure to the Nucleus program and in understanding the activities of the Network team and engage in ongoing cost reduction analyses in all areas of Network spend
  • Presenting executive level overviews of RTB and CTB spend impact to Infra Services/Global Network Services
  • Interaction with the Nucleus Program, Global Networks and Finance will be required to fulfill the responsibilities of the role
  • Strong financial management and analysis skills
  • Excellent ability to model financial views· 5+ years of general Financial Management/ Accounting experience
  • 5+ years in leadership position
  • Proven operational and process experience
  • Program Management skills
  • Minimum of 5 years of total relevant experience
  • Fundamental knowledge of the relevant market segment
  • Demonstrated excellent interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Proven to have a strong work ethic
  • Able to navigate complex organization, streamline, summarize multiple information points
  • Graduate degree or equivalent experience in Financial Management / Accounting
  • Excellent English written and communications skills
  • Ability to juggle multiple priorities and demands
  • Ability to work with all levels of staff and liaise with PPMDs and senior managers, discretion
  • Understanding of the Public Sector business model
  • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in related field
  • U.S. citizenship may be required
  • Ability to work in the United States indefinitely required
  • Ability to work overtime required on occasion
  • Ability to obtain and maintain firm independence and abide by firm ethics requirements
  • Under the direction of Program Management, the Business Manager will develop, implement and manage strategic business plans and strategies to support the operations at Sheppard AFB
  • Support PAE’s business and contract management function and act as the liaison between the site and corporate on issues including Contract Management, Human Resources, Timekeeping and Payroll administration, EBIT, financial analysis, assistance in proposal development and pricing, cost control processes, government funds management, billing, and month-end closing
  • Work with Program Management to maintain programs for continuous monitoring and monthly reporting of all program costs
  • Participates in and/or conducts accounting operations, budgeting, cost statement preparation, project code management, contract financial management and reporting, contract order proposal preparation, contract negotiation, contract administration, and customer contact activities to provide for proper contract execution in accordance with company policies, legal requirements, and customer specifications
  • Aid in the coordination of human resources activities for the site to include the administration and coordination of staffing, compensation, benefits, etc
  • Performs and oversees minor financial duties for the site to include department and site budgets
  • Assists Program Management with labor relations
  • Monitors performance for conformance to original proposal, maintains continual reviews to ensure that all terms and conditions are met and that the contract is in accordance with legal requirements, customer specifications, and government regulations
  • Reviews project costs and expenditures; Executes cost tracking and reconciliations
  • Completes contract deliverables IAW the contract for review and submission; Primary reviewer of all billing detail to ensure invoices are accurate and complete
  • Completes supporting schedule for applicable CLINs
  • Performs necessary cost transfers and cleanup of all billing issues
  • Liaise with other functions/departments to understand all necessary company needs
  • Contributes to the development of policies and procedures
  • Assists with tracking of all relevant Key Performance Indicators
  • Helps organize data for Proposals, Contract Status Reports, and Budgets
  • Develops positive customer relationships between USAF and PAE to achieve contract objectives
  • Maintains close contact with Program Management
  • Provides guidance and direction to the PAE management staff concerning contract reporting requirements
  • Ensures proper administration and dissemination of information on new hire paperwork, employee benefits including healthcare, 401k, retirement planning, etc. Ensures accurate processing of all documents necessary for implementation of the various benefits programs and maintenance of records as required for compliance with all applicable regulations
  • Oversees site Payroll and Timekeeping processes
  • Ensures that management practices comply with corporate policies and state and federal employment law
  • Administrates Human Resources policies and procedures to support business unit and company philosophy, culture and strategic goals. Advises and consults with all levels of management and employees regarding interpretation and application of policies, programs and issues
  • Coordinates the recruitment and hiring practices to ensure compliance with applicable laws and
  • Policies. Assists in the selection of new employees
  • Monitors/assists with development and operation of departmental budgets as approved and monitors spending for adherence to budget; recommends corrective action. Advises Program Management
  • Assists in the development and implementation of customer billing practices consistent with contract and customers billing policies and operations
  • Maintains confidential information and records
  • Responds to requests and inquiries from the government
  • Establishes and maintains cooperative working relationships
  • Reviews project costs and expenditures
  • Analyzes cost and revenue trends to support site management decisions
  • Advises Program Management of the CDRL and CLIN requirements of the contract
  • Ensures all CDRLs are correct IAW the contract prior to submission to the government
  • Liaise with other functional/departmental managers so as to understand all necessary aspects and needs of HR development, and to ensure they are fully informed of HR objectives, purposes and achievements
  • Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary HR development theory and methods and provide suitable interpretation to directors, managers and staff within the organization
  • Contribute to the evaluation and development of HR strategy and performance in co-operation with Program Management
  • Execute the responsibilities of the company according to lawful and ethical standards
  • Plan, develop and implement strategy for HR management and development (including recruitment and selection policy/practices, discipline, grievance, counseling, pay and conditions, contracts, training and development, succession planning, morale and motivation, culture and attitudinal development, performance appraisals and quality management issues)
  • Establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects of HR development
  • Ensure activities meet and integrate with organizational requirements for quality management, health and safety, legal stipulations, environmental policies and general duty of care
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited college in accounting, business management, human resources, finance, or a related discipline with 5 years or more of professional experience; or 3 years of related experience with Master’s degree
  • Five or more years of supervisory experience preferred
  • Broad background of experience in all aspects of accounting, contracting and finance including Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS), and Service Contract Act
  • Strong understanding of MS Office Suite with an emphasis on Excel and PowerPoint required
  • Knowledge of government fixed price/cost reimbursable contract, FAR, SCA, Deltek-Costpoint a plus
  • Experience working with human resources principles, practices and procedures
  • Experience working with human resources laws and regulations
  • Strong interpersonal skills for interacting with management and employees on various human resources issues
  • Strong comprehension skills for understanding needs and concerns and developing and applying solutions
  • Must be customer oriented and have strong human relations skills
  • Must have a strong attention to detail approach to all assigned duties
  • Strong personal, computer, and human resources system skills
  • Strong ability to prioritize and meet deadlines
  • Ability to maintain high level of confidentiality regarding employee information
  • Ability to identify, understand, and apply federal, state and local changes to and/or new regulations/laws pertaining to human resources
  • Office-based working environment and occasional business travel required
  • Must possess excellent oral, written, and communication skills
  • Have the ability to address a wide variety of audiences
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to execute on multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment
  • Must have the ability to deal with the customer and company employees in a courteous, professional, and effective manner
  • Must have the ability to work extended periods of times on a computer. Must read, write, speak, and understand English
  • Full management and accountability of the customer P&L, including Sales Revenue, Trade Spend, Market Share and Profit targets
  • Lead Customer Joint Business Plan (JBP) and ongoing negotiations
  • Alongside Category and Activation team's, ensure all New Product Development (NPD) is successfully launched into customers
  • Full Return on Investment (ROI) analysis of all customer initiatives i.e. promotions to ensure trade spend budget is spent in most effective way possible
  • This opportunity is seen as a key and influential role within Purina therefore
  • At least 18 months experience of operating with full P&L responsibility across either Convenience, Discounter or Grocery accounts
  • Demonstrable experience of forecasting, managing and influencing trade spend is critical
  • Forecasting and structured negotiation experience would be a distinct advantage for this role
  • Customer Marketing and or Category Management experience would be beneficial
  • Man management experience would be beneficial as this opportunity has responsibility for one support function
  • This is a classic FMCG Business Manager so the successful applicant will have full P&L responsibility
  • Key member of the CCB Operations program management office. Work closely with the Program Manager in driving consistent management and people practices in the GSC’s
  • Ensure strong tracking and follow ups on the key efforts with stakeholders in the GSC’s
  • Project management framework, documentation and reporting of plans and outcomes
  • Drive meeting agenda, logistics and minutes
  • Facilitate branch out sub initiatives guiding them to timely closures in partnership with stakeholders
  • Strong MS power point and exel management skills
  • Documentation skills and detail oriented
  • Maintain ESCO affordability by validating appropriate inputs and allocations throughout the year to ensure compliant, affordable rates are supplied to the Sector
  • Maintain the ESCO charter
  • Maintain the ESCO Disclosure Statement
  • Create effective working relationships with DCMA and DCAA
  • Oversee the preparation, negotiation, and audit of current and out-year rates
  • Oversee the preparation, negotiation, and audit of Incurred Cost Submissions
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, or related fields with 10 years of experience in Finance, Accounting and/or related fields
  • 5 years experience leading a program, project, or personnel
  • Prior experience with budget management
  • Understanding of the FAR/DFAR and Cost Accounting Standards (CAS)
  • US Citizenship is required
  • Manage the setting up of UBS AM (Shanghai) Ltd entity and assist to support the UBS AM (China) Ltd, Beijing entity
  • Provide business related logistical and administrative services and support to ensure smooth day to day business operations
  • Serve as a primary interface with other functional and support units such as CREAS, Legal, Operations, Finance & Controlling
  • Partner Marketing & Communication to support the business in marketing and other client related events
  • Work closely with BRM and C&ORC functions to recommend appropriate control measures for the operation of the business
  • Ensure regulatory reports are filed on a timely basis and UBS compliances policies are effectively implemented and monitored
  • Establish all requisite local policies and procedures, ensuring they are prepared, properly documented and signed-off by the respective functions
  • Work with functional teams and APAC business management for all internal reporting for regional/global consolidation
  • Contribute to the implementation of business strategy and plan for onshore China business build-up
  • At least 5 years of business management experience ideally in Asset Management or Financial Services with local China business experience
  • Project management experience, strong communication skills, including English and Mandarin both verbally and in writing
  • A university degree in Business Administration, Finance or similar
  • Proactive with strong attention to detail
  • Able to deal with multi-task with excellent follow-up and organization skills
  • Having a can-do attitude with excellent people and team building skills
  • Capable of working under pressure and coping with difficult and changing scenarios
  • Being the point of contact for escalation of any exceptional or overdue items
  • Acts as facilitator and collaborates with all business partners for all matters pertaining to OPC including working closely with Operational Risk Management Unit and Regulatory Compliance Unit for all risk and regulatory related matters
  • Assist to manage the financials & business performance reviews, maintenance of front office processes, RM/client feedback and issues management and participate in adhoc projects from time to time
  • OPC Business Manager will be directed by the key performance indicators as set out by the Bank and may change from time to time
  • University degree or the equivalent in professional qualification
  • At least 7 years in the banking industry and at least 3-4 years must be compliance and/or business management in a Private Banking environment
  • Able to initiate improved processes, products and services so as to increase the profitability of the business
  • Possess excellent analytical and communication skills
  • Good people leadership skills and able to motivate team members to challenge the norm and look for improvement opportunity to meet/exceed expectations and manage team efficiency
  • Possess an excellent understanding of the regulatory requirements and legal framework for serving HNW customers
  • Possess excellent knowledge of wealth management products and processes, credit products/documentation, settlement and operational processes
  • Responsibility for a dedicated geographic area of the UK, promoting our products & services to our customers
  • To fully understand the product offering and how to best position with Cargill’s customers
  • Liaise with other functions within the business to best serve our customers; Customer Service, Supply Chain, Production, Pricing and Technical
  • Able to advice on technical matters and Swine production best practice
  • Able to work on own initiative and as part of a team
  • To fully participate in Swine team meetings and training
  • University degree (or equivalent) preferably in a related subject (Animal Nutrition Science or Business Administration) or substantial relevant experience
  • Proven Pig production knowledge
  • Demonstrated technical understanding of Swine nutrition products
  • Knowledge of the UK Swine industry
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team and on own initiative
  • Detail-oriented with strong organisational skills and the ability to handle multiple priorities
  • The ability to engage and communicate with internal and external stakeholders
  • Able to travel within the UK (up to 80%)
  • Accountable for sales growth , vendor rebates and attainment of profit goals, owns and develops go to market strategy. (20%)
  • Responsible for conducting a specific number of daily outbound calls to reseller base as determined by management Demonstrates effective utilization of available corporate resources to maximize opportunities within the territory and overall business Assists LA team on any vendor-related activities or issues. (20%)
  • Serves as interface with customer/prospect base in regards to vendor's product line and remains available to meet with customers from Latin America at TD office in Miami or travel within the Latin America region to actively promote and sell the product line in order to meet assigned quarterly sales quotas. (10%)
  • Works with Marketing Services department to develop promotional programs supported by vendor co-op funding resulting in product line growth and profitability. (10%)
  • Drives sales goals/rebates/milestones through sales organization and direct customer contact. (5%)
  • Forecasting in order to identify new opportunities that will increase market share. (10%)
  • Plans and executes presentations/product demonstrations of vendor's product lines at trade shows, road shows, and seminars throughout the Latin America region. Serves as an active interface between Tech Data Latin America Sales and Clearwater-based product management team. Works with Clearwater-based Product Marketing and the vendor to develop reseller and sales programs specific to Latin America. (5%)
  • Tracks vendor rebate performance and communicates relevant facts to management and sales. (5%)
  • Serves as a liaison between TD sales and vendor and provides support to sales. (5%)
  • Performs additional duties as assigned. (5%)
  • Meets attendance and punctuality standard
  • 3 to 5 Years of relevant work experience
  • Able to recognize and attend to important details with accuracy and efficiency
  • Able to converse and write effectively in English and Spanish
  • Able to negotiate skillfully, promote/sell ideas persuasively, and close transactions with mutually beneficial results
  • Able to constructively work under stress and pressure when faced with high workloads and deadlines
  • Able to maintain and promote social, ethical, and organizational standards in conducting internal and external business activities
  • Able to use relevant computer system applications at an intermediate level

Related Job Titles

resume sample of business manager

Samples › Business Manager

Business Manager Sample

Download and customize our resume template to land more interviews. Review our writing tips to learn everything you need to know for putting together the perfect resume.

Resume Example Business Manager 1

Not sure how to format your resume? Download our free guide and template .

Career advice featured in – Forbes, Glassdoor, Reader's Digest, MarketWatch, The CheatSheet

Business Managers are the leaders of others and their resumes must make an impact. A great way to gain attention as a Business Manager is to list your measurable accomplishments and show how you've made a difference in your company. Below, you'll see an example of how to make an impactful resume that stands out to recruiters.

You should never use a creative resume

Many job seekers think that an eye-catching resume template will help them stand out to hiring managers and increase their chances of landing an interview. This is a myth put out by resume builders that value design over content.

The truth is that most hiring managers prefer a traditional resume format.

Creative resume templates, like the one pictured here, can actually hurt your chances of landing an interview. Instead, you should use a basic resume format that quickly communicates your basic information and qualifications–like the one included below.

Business Manager resume (text format)

How confident are you feeling about your resume? If you need more help, you can always refer to the following resume sample for a position.

City, State or Country if international

Phone | Email

LinkedIn URL


Results-producing Business leader spanning 20+ years showcasing year-over-year improvements in office productivity, operational efficiency, customer service ratings and team collaboration/retention. Strong and decisive Business leader with excellent analytical, organizational, team building and planning skills. Maintains uncompromising focus on high quality standards and bottom-line profit improvement. Effective technical and communication abilities. Excels at turning under-producing individuals into teams that work efficiently and exceed all expectations. Customer service orientated and excellent at performing crisis management and ensuring customer loyalty and increasing bottom line revenues.


Office Administration

Customer Service

Project Management

Staff Supervision

Crisis Management

Operations Management

Training and Development

Time Management

Team Leadership

Budget Management


Business Manager

Castle Management Company Inc | San Ramon, CA | 03/2012 to Present


Own & manage all facets of organization from conception (startup operations), to the incredible success of the property management business. Key driver in development of an organization-wide strategic planning, vision process, and startup operations of the property management business. Drive sales efforts and shoulder responsibilities of site supervisions, accounting, and project management. Monitor all aspects of the business operations including strategic planning, research, finance, HR, and marketing.

Analyzed problems, formulated options, and presented solutions offering win-win outcomes.

Led efforts to resolve issues with tenants, home repairs, and managed over 200 single family homes.

Aided business development efforts, developed processes, and played a key role in driving revenue growth.

Revenue Growth: $20k/yr → $385k/yr (6+ years) // Property Numbers: 11 → 225 / yr (7+ years).

Business Leader

Carmel Realty Company | Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA | 07/2000 to 03/2012

Provided ongoing management, annual performance reviews, objective-setting and training planning for all direct reports.

Worked with regional business services and finance organizations to develop processes to ensure country level allocation of sales.

Executed on account management processes and tools to expand long-term relationships for J&J that deliver growth opportunities for both parties.

Assisted each affiliate on their marketing and business plans development and implementation.

Provided regional business perspectives to Sales & Market senior leaders.

Cooperated & led other functions to develop business strategies that optimally balance margin with selling effectiveness.

Established and maintained excellent customer relationships within assigned territory.

Complete School Name, City, St/Country: List Graduation Years If Within the Last Ten Years Complete Degree Name (Candidate) – Major (GPA: List if over 3.3)

Relevant Coursework: List coursework taken (even include those you are planning on taking)

Awards/Honors: List any awards, honors or big achievements

Clubs/Activities: List clubs and activities in which you participated

Relevant Projects: List 2-3 projects you have worked on

Everything you need to write your business manager resume

 Now that you’ve seen an example of a job winning Business Manager resume, here are some tips to help you write your own. You should always begin with a summary section. Remember to use basic formatting with clear section headings and a traditional layout. Finally, be sure to include top skills throughout your resume. We’ve included several examples common for Business Manager below.

Let’s start with your resume summary section.

 The resume summary replaces the out-of-date resume objective. A summary outlines the most impressive parts of your resume for easy recall by your potential employer, while also serving to fill in personal qualities that may not appear elsewhere on the page. Remember that summaries are short and consist of pithy sentence fragments! You can check out the Business Manager resume example for more information!

Always start with your most recent positions at the top of your resume. This is called  reverse-chronological format , and keeps your most relevant information easy for hiring managers to review.

2. Formatting

Our experts recommend you start your resume with a resume summary, like the one above. Other common sections are Work Experience, Education, and either Skills or Core Competencies. Here are some guides from our blog to help you write these sections:

How To Write Your Resume’s Work Experience Section

How To Write Your Resume’s Education Section

Good Skills To Put On Your Resume

Some resumes will include other sections, such as  Volunteer Experience  or  Technical Skills . When it comes to what sections you need to include on your resume, you will know best!

Other sections for you to consider including are foreign language skills, awards and honors, certifications, and speaking engagements. These could all be relevant sections for your resume.

2 women looking at a laptop

Join more than 1 million people who have already received our complimentary resume review.

In 48 hours, you will know how your resume compares. We’ll show you what’s working--and what you should fix.

3. Appropriate skills

Process Improvement

Operational Excellence

Staff Retention


Departmental Oversight



4. Experience section

Your Work Experience section should make up the bulk of your resume. This section should include your relevant job titles, companies that employed you, and the dates you were employed.

The bulk of your Business Management resume should be the Work Experience section. While this section should include your relevant job titles, company, and the dates you were employed, it should also include your accomplishments and key skills. For example, let's dissect a bullet point from the resume sample above: • Analyzed problems, formulated options, and presented solutions offering win-win outcomes. This is an effective statement because it demonstrates the practical use of skills such as analysis and problem solving in the context of the job. Soft skills are hard to measure, so providing context is a great way to describe your competency.

Let’s wrap it up!

Standout resumes will include a resume summary, a traditional reverse-chronological layout, and the skills and experience relevant to your job target. This resume example shows how to include those elements on a page. It’s up to you to insert your personal compelling qualifications.

Keep your resume format easy to scan by both humans and computers; our resume template is designed by our experts to satisfy both audiences. And be sure to include your own skills, achievements, and experiences. Job-winning resumes are resumes that successfully market you, leading recruiters and hiring managers to want to learn more!

Finally, emphasize your interest with a customized cover letter. When writing, remember that the resume and cover letter should support each other. Check out our  cover letter tips and examples  for more advice.

Didn’t get the specific answers you were looking for on this page? Hire a professional resume writer to get the advice you need to land your next job. 

Related posts:

ATS Resume Test: Free ATS Checker & Formatting Examples

What Does Relevant Experience on a Resume Mean?

How to Tailor Your Resume to Different Positions

Illustration of a marked up resume

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  • • Directed regional sales operations, achieving a 20% increase in annual sales volume by implementing effective sales strategies and customer engagement practices.
  • • Spearheaded the training of 50+ sales staff, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and customer excellence.
  • • Negotiated and secured favorable terms with vendors and strategic partners, reducing operational costs by 15%.
  • • Expanded the customer portfolio by 25% through targeted business development and relationship management tactics.
  • • Orchestrated the launch of a new vehicle line that captured an additional 10% market share within the first six months.
  • • Successfully managed and optimized the sales pipeline, resulting in a 30% enhancement in sales cycle efficiency.
  • • Led a team of 15 account managers to drive sales growth and exceed quarterly targets by an average of 18%.
  • • Developed and maintained relationships with key corporate clients, contributing to a high client retention rate of 95%.
  • • Identified and capitalized on emerging market opportunities, leading to a 40% increase in new account acquisitions.
  • • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to optimize customer journeys and enhance client satisfaction scores by 20%.
  • • Implemented a new CRM system that improved lead tracking and conversion rates by 25%.
  • • Developed and executed sales plans that increased monthly sales targets by 10% on average.
  • • Cultivated strong client relations, which contributed to a 15% growth in customer lifetime value.
  • • Engaged in business intelligence activities to inform product portfolio expansions, resulting in a 5% market penetration increment.
  • • Played a pivotal role in regional sales meetings, leading to the adoption of new performance metrics.

5 Small Business Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your small business manager resume must highlight your ability to multitask effectively. Show that you have a comprehensive understanding of business operations from the ground up. In your resume, demonstrate a track record of successful team leadership and problem-solving. Ensure it reflects your competence in driving sales and managing finances.

All resume examples in this guide

resume sample of business manager

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Small Business Manager resume example

As a small business manager, crafting a resume that adequately showcases your versatility and hands-on experience across diverse business functions can be a complex challenge. Our comprehensive guide provides targeted strategies to help you effectively highlight your multifaceted skill set and demonstrate your value proposition to prospective employers.

  • The most straightforward and effective resume format, ensuring your small business manager resume stands out among numerous candidate profiles;
  • The significance of the top one-third of your resume, including the header, summary or objective, and skills section, and its impact on recruiters;
  • Frameworks and structures used by real small business manager professionals, offering insights on how to enhance your resume with industry-specific expertise;
  • A variety of small business manager resume sections that bolster your profile, showcasing your comprehensive capabilities and distinctiveness.

Gaining insights from the best has never been easier. Explore more small business manager resume examples below:

  • Junior Business Analyst Resume Example
  • Investment Manager Resume Example
  • Senior Business Analyst Resume Example
  • Construction General Manager Resume Example
  • Asset Manager Resume Example
  • Business Operations Manager Resume Example
  • Solution Manager Resume Example
  • Director of Business Development Resume Example
  • Warehouse Operations Manager Resume Example
  • Floor Manager Resume Example

Tips and tricks for your small business manager resume format

Before you start writing your resume, you must first consider its look-and-feel - or resume format . Your professional presentation hence should:

  • Follow the reverse-chronological resume format , which incroporates the simple logic of listing your latest experience items first. The reverse-chronological format is the perfect choice for candidates who have plenty of relevant (and recent) experience.
  • State your intention from the get-go with a clear and concise headline - making it easy for recruiters to allocate your contact details, check out your portfolio, or discover your latest job title.
  • Be precise and simple - your resume should be no more than two pages long, representing your experience and skills that are applicable to the small business manager job.
  • Ensure your layout is intact by submitting it as a PDF. Thus, your resume sections would stay in place, even when assessed by the Applicant Tracker System (ATS).

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Always remember that your small business manager certifications can be quantified across different resume sections, like your experience, summary, or objective. For example, you could include concise details within the expertise bullets of how the specific certificate has improved your on-the-job performance.

Traditional sections, appreciated by recruiters, for your small business manager resume:

  • Clear and concise header with relevant links and contact details
  • Summary or objective with precise snapshot of our career highlights and why you're a suitable candidate for the small business manager role
  • Experience that goes into the nuts and bolts of your professional qualifications and success
  • Skills section(-s) for more in-depth talent-alignment between job keywords and your own profile
  • Education and certifications sections to further show your commitment for growth in the specific niche

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven ability to manage budgets, including cost controls and revenue growth
  • Demonstrable experience with small business operations, including staff management, inventory control, and vendor relations
  • Strong leadership skills, with capacities in team building, motivation, and conflict resolution
  • Expertise in strategic planning and execution to drive business success
  • Hands-on experience with customer relationship management and ability to improve customer satisfaction

Five dos for building your small business manager resume experience section

The best strategic approach to your small business manager resume experience section is to support your particular responsibilities with actions and achievements.

For example, you could list:

  • Up to six responsibilities in your day-to-day work, supported by why they're important for your role, department, or organization;
  • Experience items that have helped you sustain and enhance your technical knowledge within the field, or, perhaps, have helped you grow as a professional;
  • Any metrics that pinpoint your success within your past roles;
  • How you've solved specific problems in your day-to-day work;
  • Strategies and solutions you've implemented for growth - and how that growth was measured.

The small business manager resume experience is your best shot at making a good first impression on recruiters. That's why we've included some real-world professional examples to get you thinking about how you present your experience:

  • Implemented a data-driven inventory management system that reduced overstock by 40%, enhancing overall cash flow for the business.
  • Led a staff training initiative that increased customer service satisfaction scores by 25%, fostering a more inviting atmosphere and repeat patronage.
  • Negotiated with suppliers to secure volume discounts, slashing product costs by 15%, which then allowed for more competitive pricing and market expansion.
  • Revamped the company's digital marketing strategy which led to a 35% increase in online sales and significantly expanded the customer base.
  • Streamlined business operations by introducing cloud-based collaboration tools, resulting in a 20% increase in operational efficiency.
  • Developed and executed a local market penetration plan that resulted in a revenue increase of 50% within the targeted geographic area.
  • Spearheaded a customer loyalty program that contributed to a 30% uptick in repeat customers, solidifying the brand's presence in the local market.
  • Orchestrated a financial restructuring campaign to streamline expenses, saving the company an estimated $10,000 monthly in unnecessary costs.
  • Collaborated on the creation and launch of three new product lines that collectively added an additional 20% to the company's annual turnover.
  • Oversaw the expansion and renovation of the business premises, leading to a 45% increase in store capacity and customer throughput.
  • Pioneered a sustainability initiative that reduced waste by 60%, reinforcing the company's commitment to environmental responsibility and community values.
  • Enhanced the company's ecommerce capabilities, which led to tripling online revenue streams within two years.
  • Played a pivotal role in navigating the business through the economic downturn by revamping the product lineup to better meet consumer needs, thereby reducing losses by 30%.
  • Established a cross-trained team, which improved flexibility in staff allocation and reduced dependence on individual team members.
  • Designed a comprehensive social media strategy that boosted brand awareness and led to a 20% growth in the company's digital following.
  • Directed a strategic partnership with a renowned marketing firm that increased brand visibility and resulted in a 40% rise in sales volume within six months.
  • Introduced a financial analysis protocol that accurately identified underperforming areas, leading to informed decision-making and a 25% increase in profitability.
  • Managed a complete brand overhaul that modernized the company's image, attracted a younger demographic, and carved out a new niche in the market.
  • Coordinated the opening of two additional retail locations, an initiative that doubled the company's market presence and increased revenue by 100% over three years.
  • Implemented an employee performance review system that linked KPIs with bonuses, driving a 20% improvement in staff productivity.
  • Introduced a bespoke customer relationship management (CRM) tool to better track sales leads and customer interactions, improving conversion rates by 25%.
  • Championed a complete digital transformation of the business infrastructure, leading to a 30% reduction in operational redundancies and streamlining customer engagement.
  • Performed competitive analysis and adjusted pricing structures to ensure maximum market competitiveness, which expanded the customer base by 15%.
  • Developed and executed a new employee training program that heightened staff expertise and efficiency across all departments.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the percentage growth in revenue or profit margins you contributed to during your tenure, as this showcases your direct impact on the company's financial success.
  • List the specific number of new clients or accounts you onboarded, emphasizing your role in business development and customer acquisition.
  • Detail the exact dollar amount of cost savings achieved through process improvements or negotiations, demonstrating your fiscal responsibility and strategic thinking.
  • Mention the exact number of employees you managed, indicating your leadership capabilities and scalability of management experience.
  • Quantify the efficiency improvements in operations by stating the percentage reduction in project completion times, highlighting your operational management skills.
  • Describe the size of budgets you have handled, giving insight into your financial management skills and trustworthiness with significant sums.
  • Report the scale of projects you've led, including budget, scope, and stakeholder count, to illustrate your project management competence.
  • State the customer satisfaction or net promoter scores you've influenced, proving your dedication to customer service and retention.

Action verbs for your small business manager resume

Target Illustration

Remember these four tips when writing your small business manager resume with no experience

You've done the work - auditing the job requirements for keywords and have a pretty good idea of the skill set the ideal candidate must possess.

Yet, your professional experience amounts to a summer internship .

Even if you have limited or no professional expertise that matches the role you're applying for, you can use the resume experience section to:

  • List extracurricular activities that are relevant to the job requirements. Let's say you were editor-in-chief of your college newspaper or part of the engineering society. Both activities have taught you invaluable, transferrable skills (e.g. communication or leadership) that can be crucial for the job;
  • Substitute jobs with volunteer experience. Participating in charity projects has probably helped you develop an array of soft skills (e.g. meeting deadlines and interpersonal communications). On the other hand, volunteering shows potential employers more about you: who you are and what are the causes you care about;
  • Align job applications with your projects. Even your final-year thesis work could be seen as relevant experience, if it's in the same industry as the job you're applying for. Ensure you've listed the key skills your project has taught you, alongside tangible outcomes or your project success;
  • Shift the focus to your transferrable skills. We've said it before, but recruiters will assess your profile upon both job requirements and the skills you possess. Consider what your current experience - both academic and life - has taught you and how you've been able to develop your talents.

Recommended reads:

  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume
  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)

Listing your relevant degrees or certificates on your small business manager resume is a win-win situation. Not only does it hint at your technical capabilities in the industry, but an array of soft skills, like perseverance, adaptability, and motivation.

Key hard skills and soft skills for your small business manager resume

At the top of any recruiter small business manager checklist, you'd discover a list of technical competencies, balanced with personal skills.

Hard or technical skills are your opportunity to show how you meet the essential responsibilities of the role. The ability to use a particular job-crucial technology or software would also hint to recruiters whether you'd need a prolonged period of on-the-job training - or you'd fit right in the job.

But to land your dream role, you'd also need to demonstrate a variety of soft or people resume skills . Employers care about soft skills as they show how each candidate would fit into the team and company culture.

Both types of skills are specific and to best curate them on your resume, you'd need to:

  • Create a skill section within which you showcase your hard and soft skills and present how they help you succeed.
  • List specific examples of projects, tasks, or competitions, within which your skill set has assisted your results.
  • Soft skills are harder to measure, so think about situations in which they've helped you thrive. Describe those situations concisely, focusing on how the outcome has helped you grow as a professional.
  • Metrics of success - like positive ROI or optimized workplace processes - are the best way to prove your technical and people skills.

Take a look at some of small business manager industry leaders' favorite hard skills and soft skills, as listed on their resumes.

Top skills for your small business manager resume:

Financial Management

Sales and Marketing

Business Planning

Inventory Management

Basic Accounting

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Human Resources Management

Project Management

Compliance and Legal Knowledge

Digital Literacy and Technology Use


Time Management




Critical Thinking

Conflict Resolution

Motivational Skills

If you're in the process of obtaining your certificate or degree, list the expected date you're supposed to graduate or be certified.

Certifications and education: in-demand sections for your small business manager resume

Your academic background in the form of certifications on your resume and your higher degree education is important to your application.

The certifications and education sections pinpoint a variety of hard and soft skills you possess, as well as your dedication to the industry.

Add relevant certificates to your small business manager resume by:

  • Add special achievements or recognitions you've received during your education or certification, only if they're really noteworthy and/or applicable to the role
  • Be concise - don't list every and any certificate you've obtained through your career, but instead, select the ones that would be most impressive to the role
  • Include the name of the certificate or degree, institution, graduation dates, and certificate license numbers (if possible)
  • Organize your education in reverse chronological format, starting with the latest degree you have that's most applicable for the role

Think of the education and certification sections as the further credibility your small business manager resume needs to pinpoint your success.

Now, if you're stuck on these resume sections, we've curated a list of the most popular technical certificates across the industry.

Have a look, below:

The top 5 certifications for your small business manager resume:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP) - Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) - Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Certified Business Manager (CBM) - The Association of Professionals in Business Management (APBM)
  • Certified Small Business Manager (CSBM) - The National Association of Small Business Managers (NASBM)
  • Professional in Human Resources (PHR) - HR Certification Institute (HRCI)

If you happen to have plenty of certificates, select the ones that are most applicable and sought-after across the industry. Organize them by relevance to the role you're applying for.

  • How to List Continuing Education on Your Resume

Which one to use: a resume summary or a resume objective?

The small business manager resume summary or objective serves as a good introduction to your experience for recruiters.

Have you ever wondered which one (the summary or objective) will be more appropriate for your small business manager resume?

  • If you are a less experienced professional, write a resume objective statement. The objective is about three sentences long and provides recruiters with information about your career goals, strengths, and achievements . It should basically denote how you see yourself in this particular role, and what is your relevant experience and/or know-how;
  • If you happen to have plenty of relevant experience, select your most impressive achievements for your resume summary. The summary is no longer than five sentences and serves as a storytelling instrument - highlighting your greatest career wins . Don't forget to align your summary with the job requirements to ensure your resume stays relevant to the role.

Read on for more information and examples of resume summaries and objectives from real world professionals.

Resume summaries for a small business manager job

  • With over 10 years of dynamic retail management experience, adept at streamlining operations to enhance productivity for small businesses in Vancouver. Excelled at cutting costs by 30% without compromising on quality, possess expert knowledge in inventory control systems and customer relationship management.
  • Former IT project manager with a 15-year tenure seeking to translate extensive experience managing complex projects into a growth-focused management venture for a boutique marketing firm. Demonstrated leadership in successful cross-functional team coordination and project delivery in tech environments.
  • As a seasoned manager in the hospitality sector with over 8 years overseeing staff and operations at high-end boutique hotels in New York, developed a knack for elevating guest experiences while managing budgets effectively, achieving 20% year-over-year revenue growth.
  • Transitioning from a 12-year career in public education, bringing in-depth knowledge of organizational management and community engagement to the realm of small business administration. Eager to apply problem-solving and strategic planning abilities to drive improvements in client-focused services.
  • Recently graduated with a Master's in Business Administration, eager to apply the principles of organizational effectiveness and strategic management to a fledgling small business setting, aiming to contribute fresh ideas and dedication to helping an emerging company cultivate its market presence.
  • Enthusiastic about beginning a management career in the craft brewing industry, bringing academic knowledge in small business finance and marketing as well as a deep passion for craft beer culture. Aiming to leverage strong communication skills and eagerness to learn from industry veterans to drive business success.

Extra sections to include in your small business manager resume

What should you do if you happen to have some space left on your resume, and want to highlight other aspects of your profile that you deem are relevant to the role? Add to your small business manager resume some of these personal and professional sections:

  • Passions/Interests - to detail how you spend both your personal and professional time, invested in various hobbies;
  • Awards - to present those niche accolades that make your experience unique;
  • Publications - an excellent choice for professionals, who have just graduated from university or are used to a more academic setting;
  • Volunteering - your footprint within your local (or national/international) community.

Key takeaways

  • Invest in a concise small business manager professional presentation with key resume sections (e.g. header, experience, summary) and a simple layout;
  • Ensure that the details you decide to include in your resume are always relevant to the job, as you have limited space;
  • Back up your achievements with the hard and soft skills they've helped you build;
  • Your experience could help you either pinpoint your professional growth or focus on your niche expertise in the industry;
  • Curate the most sought-after certifications across the industry for credibility and to prove your involvement in the field.

small business manager resume example

Looking to build your own Small Business Manager resume?

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Business Manager resume examples for 2024

A business manager's resume should highlight their ability to work well in a team environment, meet deadlines, and demonstrate accuracy. They should also possess technical skills relevant to their field, such as data analytics, market research, and professional selling skills for marketing positions, and intermediate financial accounting and knowledge of ERP systems for accounting and supply chain management positions. Certifications in areas such as project management and accounting can also enhance a candidate's resume. According to Andreas Udbye Ph.D. , an Associate Professor at the University Of Puget Sound, "Collaboration and teamwork skills are crucial, as well as the ability to focus and meet deadlines."


Business Manager resume example

How to format your business manager resume:.

  • Align the job title on your resume with the applied position for a business manager role,
  • Highlight achievements rather than responsibilities in your work experience section,
  • Aim to fit your resume on one page, focusing on relevant information for business manager positions.

Choose from 10+ customizable business manager resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use business manager resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your business manager resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Business Manager Resume

Entry level business manager resume example

Professional business manager resume example, resume tips to land the job:.

  • Choose work experience over an objective on your business manager resume, especially if you're a senior level accountant. Recruiters prefer bullet points that are short and succinct, allowing them to quickly understand your key accomplishments in 30 seconds or less. Lead each bullet point with a verb such as 'Grew', 'Increased', or 'Developed' to showcase your impact in various roles
  • According to Dr. Kim Roberts , Professor of Operations Management, 'Overall employment in business and financial occupations is projected to grow faster than the average for all occupations from 2022 to 2032'. As a business manager, focusing on leadership, digital literacy, and emotional intelligence can help increase your earning potential and stay relevant in the ever-evolving business landscape
  • Jaunelle Celaire , Chair and Professor of Voice, emphasizes that 'the world needs more leaders' and that 'digital literacy' and 'emotional intelligence' are essential skills for business managers. By developing these skills, you can position yourself as a strong candidate for various business management roles and help organizations navigate the challenges of the modern business world

Business Manager resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your business manager resume.

Business Manager Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Hank Rutherford Hill

St. Arlen, Texas | 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your business manager resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Business Manager Education

Business Manager Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

High School Diploma 1997 - 1999

Business Manager Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Doctoral Degree In Accounting 2003 - 2006

Monroe College Bronxville, NY

3. Next, create a business manager skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an business manager resume

Customer service is the process of offering assistance to all the current and potential customers -- answering questions, fixing problems, and providing excellent service. The main goal of customer service is to build a strong relationship with the customers so that they keep coming back for more business.

Human resources is a set of people in a business or a corporation that are designated to locate, interview, and recruit new employees into the company. They are also responsible to maintain the integrity of the employees and help them sort their problems out. They try to introduce and manage employee-benefit programs.

Business management refers to a subject where coordination of all spheres of an organization's operations by planning comes into existence. It majorly concerns with issues about income and other factors such as the profitability of the business.

Business development is the ideas or initiatives that work to make business work better. Selling, advertising, product development, supply chain management, and vendor management are only a few of the divisions involved with it. There is still a lot of networking, negotiating, forming alliances, and trying to save money. The goals set for business development guide and coordinate with all of these various operations and sectors.

The operations that carry out the inner working of an organization are called business operations. From creating products, to marketing them, business operations play a vital role in every step.

Product knowledge is the skill of having better information and knowledge about the product you are selling. Product knowledge is essential for the employees of the companies so they can communicate and inform the customers about the product. Having great product knowledge is essential for a better sales pitch and to give the customer a better and complete idea of the product that will influence him to buy the product eventually.

POS is an abbreviation of "Point of Sale" which is the time and place where a customer completes a transaction. It can either be a physical shop that consists of POS terminals or a virtual shop. A POS system helps simplify the retail functions and track important sales data.

Top Skills for a Business Manager

  • Customer Service , 20.5%
  • PowerPoint , 7.2%
  • Project Management , 6.5%
  • Human Resources , 6.1%
  • Other Skills , 59.7%

4. List your business manager experience

The most important part of any resume for a business manager is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of business managers" and "Managed a team of 6 business managers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Completed weekly schedules according to payroll policies.
  • Improved productivity by 10%.
  • Inspired customers by establishing rapport, and demonstrating products and techniques to create a lasting positive impression.
  • Used CVS for version controlling.
  • Embraced compliance with company's focused diversity recruitment plan.
  • Conducted annual Performance Evaluations for Associates and Coordinators.
  • Calculated Sharpe ratios of each portfolio including fifteen Stocks or ETFs selected from the asset pool to identify new investment opportunities.
  • Developed and revised processes for continuous improvement to ensure team members maintained compliance with established institutional and regulatory policies and procedures.
  • Demonstrated success in leading team to achieve departmental and industry productivity and performance goals.
  • Structured optimal portfolio with the highest Sharpe ratio and proposed buy/sell recommendations for investors.

5. Highlight business manager certifications on your resume

Specific business manager certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your business manager resume:

  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
  • Certified Professional - Human Resource (IPMA-CP)
  • Certified Manager Certification (CM)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • International Accredited Business Accountant (IABA)
  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
  • Program Management Professional (PgMP)
  • Certified Professional, Life and Health Insurance Program (CPLHI)
  • Certified in Financial Management
  • Sales Management

6. Finally, add an business manager resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your business manager resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common business manager resume skills

  • Customer Service
  • Project Management
  • Human Resources
  • Payroll Taxes
  • Business Plan
  • Business Management
  • Business Development
  • Financial Performance
  • Business Operations
  • Product Knowledge
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Analysis
  • Direct Reports
  • Financial Data
  • General Ledger
  • Office Equipment
  • Internal Controls
  • Expense Reports
  • Inventory Control
  • Accounts Receivables
  • Cost Accounting Standards
  • Develop Rapport
  • Journal Entries
  • Accounts Payables
  • Sales Associates
  • Administrative Functions
  • Bank Deposits
  • Office Management
  • Event Planning
  • Inventory Management
  • Financial Operations
  • Fixed Assets
  • Discounted Cash Flow
  • Bank Reconciliations
  • Office Operations
  • Telemedicine
  • Contract Negotiations
  • Financial Transactions
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Financial Aspects

Entry level business manager resume templates

Assistant Business Manager Resume

Professional business manager resume templates

Senior Business Manager Resume

Business Manager Jobs

Links to help optimize your business manager resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Business Manager resume FAQs

How do i describe my manager's job on my resume, how do i write a resume for a business manager job, what is the role of a business manager, what should be included in a business management resume, search for business manager jobs.

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Business Manager Related Resumes

  • Business Account Manager Resume
  • Business Leader Resume
  • Business Manager-Finance Manager Resume
  • Business Office Manager Resume
  • Business Operations Manager Resume
  • Business Owner Resume
  • Business Partner Resume
  • Business Relationship Manager Resume
  • Business To Business Sales Manager Resume
  • Business Unit Manager Resume
  • Manager Resume
  • Manager Of Business Services Resume
  • New Business Manager Resume
  • Regional Business Manager Resume

Business Manager Related Careers

  • Assistant Business Manager
  • Business Account Manager
  • Business Leader
  • Business Manager-Finance Manager
  • Business Office Manager
  • Business Operations Manager
  • Business Owner
  • Business Partner
  • Business Relationship Manager
  • Business To Business Sales Manager
  • Business Unit Manager
  • Manager Of Business Services
  • New Business Manager
  • Office And Operations Manager

Business Manager Related Jobs

Business manager jobs by location.

  • Business Manager Clinton
  • Business Manager Colonie
  • Business Manager Doylestown
  • Business Manager Fort Wayne
  • Business Manager Lubbock
  • Business Manager North Branford
  • Business Manager Portland
  • Business Manager Racine
  • Business Manager Saint Paul
  • Business Manager Salt Lake City
  • Business Manager San Carlos
  • Business Manager San Jose
  • Business Manager South Whittier
  • Business Manager Urbandale
  • Business Manager West Columbia
  • Zippia Careers
  • Executive Management Industry
  • Business Manager
  • Business Manager Resume

Browse executive management jobs

Business Manager Resume Samples

Business Managers take the responsibility to oversee and supervise the business activities and employees. These professionals shoulder diverse roles and responsibilities which include developing goals and objectives for the company’s growth , designing and implementing  business plans , organizing and coordinating operations, supervising employees, training and recruiting staff, maintaining relationship with vendors/supplier/partners, assessing overall performance of company , representing the company at conferences or events, gathering reports and implementing budgets.

A well drafted Business Manager Resume showcases business acumen, excellent knowledge of MS Office, a solid understanding of research methods, familiarity with Information systems and data analysis techniques and excellent leadership and organizational skills. Business managers normally embrace a degree in the field of Administration, accounting, finance, business management or the related. However, a Master’s education in the resume gains better prospects.

Business Manager Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Business Manager

Business Manager Resume

Summary : Highly-motivated, detail-focused Business and Accounting professional. Solution-oriented, expert researcher and innovative problem solver, able to utilize proprietary industry technologies to quickly track down and resolve discrepancies. Self-directed, perform efficiently in busy environment handling many tasks simultaneously. Collaborative team leader, with strong client facing talents, guiding and mentoring the delivery of excellent customer service.

Skills : Contracts, Budget Management, Administrative Management, Customer Relationship Management, Financial Management

Business Manager Resume Template

Description :

  • Responsible for all aspects of the acquisition of major equipment, regular supplier and vendor contracts; including research, solicitation, negotiation, pre and post-award, and verification of compliance.
  • Prepare annual operation and administrative budgets for the fiscal year; process payroll and ar/ap while monitoring and tracking financials for each expense account administers the buildings & grounds budget, including utilities, renovation and contract services.
  • Oversee human resources related issues and determine the nature of issues and assigned task(s) to appropriate staff for resolution.
  • Process new recruits, personnel benefits, leave and retirement benefits; remain current on basic hr laws.
  • Communicate with members of the executive board and ministry directors regarding hr policies.
  • Conduct the leasing of space and provide on-site event management to clients needs.
  • Developed and monitored up to 10 federal, state, and private foundation awards and contracts budgets and incorporated them into a consolidated annual corporate budget in excess of $3. 5m.

Assistant Business Manager Resume

Headline : To build bridges of connection through art and relationship. As a change agent to positively impact the quality of life and health of individuals by supporting, maintaining, and improving psychosocial, physical, cognitive, and spiritual health.

Skills : Database Management, Financial Analysis, General Accounting, Human Resources, IT Management, Facilities Management, Healthcare, Office Management

Assistant Business Manager Resume Format

  • Managed and led a team of beauty advisors trained and developed beauty artists in temporary, pt/ft positions.
  • Mentored macy's impulse coordinator, new and account executives, and new counter managers in business strategies, selling techniques, and overall execution of daily business and growth.
  • Provided daily and weekly one on one coaching for each ba to develop areas of opportunities and recap of week's performance.
  • Created two new permanent positions as a result of high volume increase which led to the largest team in the midwest and south central accounts.
  • Maintained close and professional relationship with macy's partners, especially cosmetic managers and district merchant, to achieve successful partnership and growth in business.
  • Worked side by side with impulse beauty manager to design business plans to achieve designated goal contributions.
  • Conducted monthly meetings to create business plans and workshops to drive successful monthly business.

Accounting/Business Manager Resume

Summary : Executive administrative support working in fast paced environments demanding strong organization, technical and interpersonal skills. Trustworthy, ethical, discreet and committed to superior customer service. Highly motivated, dependable, energetic, creative, analytical, detail oriented with the ability to multi-task. Resourceful in completing projects with a team or independently.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Electronic Medical Records, General Office Equipment

Accounting/Business Manager Resume Model

  • Worked directly under the principals of the firm and am responsible for managing all financial activities for the firm with a budget.
  • Direct and administer financial management functions/systems including development and analysis of monthly financial statements, forecasts, and budgets.
  • Oversee general accounting functions including accounts payable/accounts receivable, account reconciliation, and cash management.
  • Create a monthly report for the principals that gives a snapshot of working capital and cash flow.
  • Effectively oversee all client billing in a timely manner and ensure that each client is invoiced monthly for services rendered and record and track sub-consultant expenditures.
  • Review and approve semi-monthly payroll reports for salary and hourly positions verifying all payroll information and deductions are accurate.
  • Oversee the facility, coordinate with vendors and clients, and maintain an organized and accurate filing system of confidential information.

Customer Business Manager Resume

Headline : Exceptional energetic Business Administration professional with over ten years of business management practices. A talented administrator focused on building key relationships that supports business growth and meeting organizational objectives.

Skills : POS, Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, Inventory, Typing, Filing, Data Entry, Sales, Networking, Customer Service

Customer Business Manager Resume Format

  • Administrative operations of a small business entity providing quality commercial janitorial and sanitation services.
  • Developing and implementing operational standards, policies, and procedures.
  • Administer bookkeeping functions that include generating invoices, purchase orders, accounts payables, and receivables.
  • Analyze quarterly financials to determine the business operating capacity.
  • Recruit and coordinate on-boarding task to include collection, processing and maintaining employee's paperwork.
  • Enter time and attendance logs for in preparation for payroll administration with a high level of accuracy.
  • Ensures the company is compliant with regulatory agencies and contracted service providers.

Retail Business Manager Resume

Headline : Motivated Sales Management professional with experience in effectively leading sales/management teams. Customer-focused with strong relationship building and complex decision-making skills. Key competencies include: Leadership / Team Building Training / Development Strategic Planning Superior Execution.

Skills : Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Project Management, Inventory Management

Retail Business Manager Resume Model

  • Execution of lease contracts, ensuring closing goals are met, and marketing efforts are made.
  • Schedule vendor work orders, seeking bids and proposals for work by new vendors, entering purchase orders and processing invoices for payment.
  • Responsible for final review and qualification of resident application paperwork, client communication and preparing for the move in.
  • Complete all marketing means through outreach and on-site, online, social media, and within local businesses.
  • Build and maintain rapport with businesses and realtors in the community that may contribute to resident events and property marketing efforts.
  • Conduct weekly staff meetings, apartment walk-throughs, property inspections and employee performance.
  • Ensure the property maintains curb appeal and cleanliness throughout, ensuring all amenities are fully operational.
  • Drove all efforts to amplify revenues by providing exceptional service that generate referrals and new business opportunities.
  • Maintained frequent interaction with senior management to measure goal achievement and determine areas of improvement.

Lead Business Manager Resume

Summary : Business Manager provides the support for the Sales and Marketing departments, managing all aspects of the business. This includes forecasting, budgeting, billing, hiring/training/leading salespeople, marketing campaigns and events, as well as managing the company's finances.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Typing, Organizational, Computer, Communication

Lead Business Manager Resume Format

  • Implemented standards and methods to measure the effectiveness of agency activities.
  • Provided thorough supervision for day-to-day operations of the facility in accordance with set policies and guidelines.
  • Developed and managed budget and revenue expectations while actively seeking ways to eliminate or reduce expenses.
  • Consultant for hr department conducting investigations and giving direction to the department.
  • Minimized staff turnover through appropriate selection, orientation, training, staff education, and development.
  • Managed the day-to-day tactical and long-term strategic activities within the business.
  • Maximized company revenue by implementing productivity benchmarks across all departments.
  • Provided direct supervision, staff orientation and performance appraisals for employees after probationary period and annually.

Business Manager/Controller Resume

Headline : To be an integral part of your business, with goals to increase the bottom line and reputation in the community. Ability Summary I have years of front line customer service skills. Which include direct sales, customer service, add on sales, customer complaint resolution.

Skills : Experienced User Of Microsoft Office Suite, Google Docs Skilled In Peachtree Accounting, Sugar CRM. QuickBooks, Quicken. Ability To Perform Complex Research And Analysis Using Online Resources

Business Manager/Controller Resume Template

  • Consulted with social and corporate clients and developed special event menus and preparations for on and off-site catered functions and teambuilding programs that included beo's, contracts, and p&l.
  • Developed and executed the media, e-blast and public relations campaigns.
  • Assist the CEO in the development and implementation of a strategic business plan.
  • Implemented new structure to the office to improve cash flow and increase production levels to ensure accurate postings in which lowered a/r days dramatically.
  • Gained commendation for developing a system that optimizes the process of gas pricing and inventory control.
  • Ensured each department complies with company policies and assessed the performance of the company against goals and plans.
  • Directed company in reaching goals and objectives related to sales, productivity, profitability, and industry penetration, among other areas.

Summary : More than 8 years successful experience in customer service and support with recognized strengths in account maintenance, problem-solving and trouble-shooting, staff support, from the beginning. 20+ years Management experience Possess solid computer skills /10 key.

Skills : QuickBooks, Deltek GCS, WordPerfect, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office Suite

Business Manager Resume Sample

  • Responsible for corporate office management, including all facets of business reporting directly to the CEO.
  • Assist in negotiating client contracts, oversee revenue collection, monitor cash flow, and prepare monthly and annual financial reports to the CEO.
  • Perform human resource (hr) functions including timesheet processing and resolution of employee concerns related to job placement and company benefits.
  • Offer accounting support in areas of accounts payable and receivable, payroll, and cash disbursements.
  • Address and resolve client inquiries to ensure superior standards of service.
  • Improved organizational efficiency by designing and implementing new filing systems.
  • Entrusted to serve as office manager with responsibility for smooth and productive daily operations.
  • Executed month-end closing, including journal entries for revenue distribution, bank reconciliations and account analysis.

Table of Contents

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Business Management Resume Sample

The resume builder.

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Work Experience

  • Provide day to day support and direction to the Front office and its support groups
  • Ensure support agendas (Finance, Tech, Ops, Legal, HR) are aligned with business priorities
  • Understand and be involved in the business planning process, partnering with finance and the business to help budget and track our expenses and revenues
  • Ensure alignment of direct and indirect expense allocations with the current business environment
  • Identify and work to mitigate business risks
  • Validate control environment and ensure the business's compliance with policy
  • Provide leadership to this team and collaborate across PBG and all other key partners to establish and achieve our business goals
  • Managing all of the regional business relationships
  • Serving as the internal client advocate while balancing Patheon’s requirements and priorities
  • Maintaining accurate short and long term customer forecasts
  • Developing the competency of the site business managers and coordinators
  • Building and maintaining strong relationships with other Patheon functions – specifically enhancing the strength of the relationships with Quotations and Technical Transfer Team
  • Sr. Director, Business Management Cincinnati & High Point, Global Vice President, Business Management, Vice President North America Operations, Executive Director and General Manager, North American Business Development, Site Leadership Team members
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft (MS) Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Share point)
  • Identify static and dynamic training groups (mandatory training assignment lists) for eLMS and course sponsors
  • Act as liaison for AM Risk when firmwide or Corporate Risk training requires LOB partnership
  • Field Leadership Engagement-implement an improved approach to engage WM COO organization to drive continued focus and rigor around loan book pricing and targeted opportunities to improve and maintain revenue
  • Lead all aspects of the business and budget planning activity and tracking business performance
  • Develop effective strategies to execute numerous simultaneous projects across a number of functional disciplines ensuring budgets, timelines, and project goals are met
  • Direct responsibility for driving partnerships with our Finance, PBG Management, and Wealth Management Partners ensuring that Business Targets are collaboratively established and tracked for success
  • Lead the development and management of all of the SBL Pricing Policies including Field Engagement and enhanced revenue capture
  • Lead and develop continuous improvement programs focused on Field and Client experience excellence by actively seeking feedback from Bankers, Advisors, and Field Leadership
  • Lead efforts to define and enhance metrics and business reporting that better enables our ability to monitor and improve performance against goals
  • Sponsor projects that improve automation and reduce process risk of all mission critical manual processes required to support key business processes

Professional Skills

  • Excellent time management skills and ability to prioritize. Attention to detail. Strong ability to multitask and take initiative
  • Excellent communications skills with a demonstrated ability to interact effectively with senior management, business partners and line of business managers
  • Experience in technology mediated learning (e.g., online teaching experience); demonstrated ability to teach effectively online
  • Exceptional communication skills, in particular writing skills to support and coordinate various business leader communications
  • Expert Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint skills essential, and Access skills an advantage
  • Demonstrated excellent analytical, problem resolution and judgement/decision-making skills; ability to see the big picture and deep dive where needed
  • + Strong analytical and critical thinking skills with demonstrated ability to resolve complex business issues

How to write Business Management Resume

Business Management role is responsible for business, analytical, interpersonal, organization, leadership, powerpoint, excel, organizational, financial, customer. To write great resume for business management job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Business Management Resume

The section contact information is important in your business management resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Business Management Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your business management resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous business management responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular business management position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Business Management resume experience can include:

  • Proven experience in effectively communicating and positively influencing diverse stakeholders and team members
  • Demonstrate strong influencing skills, a “can-do” attitude
  • Strong communication skills demonstrated both in writing and verbally; ability to communicate on behalf of senior management
  • Excellent facilitation and communication skills with experience in managing stakeholders
  • Strong project management, influencing and interpersonal skills, and possess strong ability to achieve goals without direct control over resources
  • Strong attention to detail, excellent organization skills, and ability to handle multiple projects/responsibilities

Education on a Business Management Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your business management resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your business management experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Business Management Resume

When listing skills on your business management resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical business management skills:

  • Excellent communications skills & organizational skills
  • Clearly prioritize and effectively manage multiple tasks and projects in parallel and effectively achieve results
  • Excellent analytical and organization skills and the ability to approach work with a process orientation while exercising good judgment
  • Evidence of strong instructional and computer skills
  • + Effective and demonstrated negotiation skills
  • Strong MS Suite skillset including PowerPoint, Excel & SharePoint proficiency

List of Typical Experience For a Business Management Resume

Experience for business / management resume.

  • Strong analytical and facilitation skills to ensure business needs and effective solutions can be quickly and clearly defined
  • Excellent organizational, negotiation, and prioritization skills
  • Strong strategic planning and execution skills, including business case development and oversight of benefits realisation
  • Excellent communication, problem-solving, and customer skills
  • Strong business acumen, writing and communications skills, and analytical abilities
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to listen and judge people / read situations
  • Strong organization skills, able to manage multiple workstreams simultaneously
  • Strong computer skills (Windows based programs as well as AS/400)

Experience For Director, Business Management Resume

  • Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills. In
  • Highly effective interpersonal skills with an ability to partner
  • Multi-task in a fast-paced, results oriented work environment with excellent time management skills
  • Self-starter and self-motivated with strong leadership skills, able to lead develop and motivate team
  • Proactive and able to work under pressure, strong problem-solving skills and positive “can do” attitude
  • Demonstrated experience proposing, debating and managing executive level proposals and presentations
  • Data management, auditing, and reporting skills
  • Strong industry experience in marketing

Experience For Head of Business Management Resume

  • Demonstrated record of teaching, research, and industry experience in Management Information Systems
  • Work Experience: Accounting professional work experience that is substantial in terms of duration and level of responsibility
  • Work Experience: Accounting and/or information systems professional work experience that is substantial in terms of duration and level of responsibility
  • Effectively trains partner’s sales force to become experts on delivering the SAP value proposition (overall and by solution)
  • Work effectively with customers, support groups and technical staff at all levels

Experience For Business Management Intern Resume

  • Automotive RF & Mixed Signal experience and background strongly desired
  • Communicates effectively with individuals at all levels
  • Excellent attention to detail, while self-managing priorities and commitments
  • Proven ability to work autonomously to establish and maintain effective working relationships with managers and employees
  • Solid experience of defining strategic roadmap and/or value proposition for HNWIs
  • Interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate with colleagues
  • Proven experience in Operations management, preferably in an investment bank or similar financial services organisation

Experience For Director of Business Management Resume

  • Strong numerate, analytical and project management experience
  • Excellent organizational and planning skill desirable
  • Regional language skills advantageous
  • Evidence of effective teaching, if available (i.e. student evaluations)
  • CFA designation, financial industry experience, and/or teaching experience in Corporate Finance, Derivatives, or Behavioral Finance are desirable
  • Audit and project management skills

Experience For Director Business Management Resume

  • Automotive USB experience and background strongly desired
  • Relevant experience in a Capital Markets distribution role and/or FinTech sales experience
  • Demonstrated potential as a strong teacher-scholar by
  • Demonstrated potential to be an effective teacher of graduate and undergraduate courses based on the department’s needs
  • Experience of financial analysis, operations, or IT business management related experience
  • Work effectively with a culturally diverse range of students, faculty, staff, and external audiences

Experience For VP, Business Management Resume

  • Experience as a tenured professor, tenure-track, or comparable professional experience
  • Superior written and oral presentation / communication skills – the ability to convey complex information simply and clearly to senior leadership
  • Advanced MS Office skills: Excel
  • Present effectively and structure presentations in PowerPoint
  • 2)Evidence of Healthcare industry experience
  • A commitment to interact effectively with the business community in Silicon Valley
  • Translate strategy, priorities and initiatives in an effective management presentation
  • Prior business experience is desirable
  • Proven Microsoft Office experience; able to prepare professional standard presentations on PowerPoint and perform data manipulation in Excel

Experience For Business Management Professional Resume

  • Guides partner to work effectively within SAP’s Go-to-Market strategy
  • Working knowledge of pharmaceutical manufacturing and outsourcing including familiarity with Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Developing an effective curriculum, benchmarking the best teaching practices of information systems and analytics in higher education
  • Using your academic training and experience to serve the profession and the public and to contribute to the CSUMB Vision
  • Helping with prioritization and setting cadence of appearances for the GM at team events (e.g. all hands, leadership team meetings)

Experience For Business Management Internship Resume

  • Managing engagements for the Head of business (helping to organize time/engagements/diary/projects/priorities)
  • Teaching experience at the university level
  • Using academic training and experience to serve the profession and the public and to contribute to the CSUMB Vision
  • Developing an effective curriculum that implements best teaching practices of finance in higher education
  • Accounting or finance controller experience in an international environment
  • Experience in and commitment to on-going program assessment of teaching and learning
  • Commitment to and/or experience in promoting and fostering a learning environment that is supportive of individuals from diverse backgrounds

Experience For Senior Director, Business Management Resume

  • Experience in institutional financial services, professional services and/or consulting/coaching
  • Business experience working in technology Sales, Marketing or Services
  • Proven track record in leading and influencing senior IT leaders
  • Experience leading divisional or department-wide strategic planning and execution
  • Experience in an analytical and metric reporting environment working with data
  • Experience in asset management, consulting or investment banking
  • Experience in current practices & digital platforms involving data-driven marketing and ability to develop courses and collaborate in research
  • Effective teaching in a variety of undergraduate and graduate accounting courses

List of Typical Skills For a Business Management Resume

Skills for business / management resume.

  • Proven ability to prioritize, lead, and manage multiple projects and tasks to successful completion; strong project management experience required
  • Strong organizational and analytical skills, strong business acumen required
  • Proven strong negotiation skills and the ability to influence business partners, identify issues and provide value added solutions
  • Strong communication skills including engaging senior management on strategic plans, and status updates
  • Previous experience in managing and effectively influencing large matrixed teams in a hyper-competitive industry
  • + Ability to interact effectively with all levels of internal and external personnel, including the ability to build effective working relationships
  • Strong PM skills, sound judgment, growth hacking, and ability to wade through complex situations

Skills For Director, Business Management Resume

  • + Good relationship building skills
  • Excellent collaboration and team-working skills
  • Highly motivated and a self-starter, and a strong communicator with prior experience working with senior management stakeholders
  • Practical experience working in the industry in related skills / areas
  • + Effective analytical and problem solving skills\
  • Advanced PowerPoint skills including experience with creation of diagrams to succinctly summarize information
  • Proficient speaking and presentation skills. In particular, excellent Microsoft (MS) PowerPoint and MS Excel

Skills For Head of Business Management Resume

  • 5) Evidence of commitment to working effectively with colleagues and university students from diverse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds
  • + Effective analytical and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated analytical skills and the ability to think through problems and recommend solutions
  • Possesses a strong client service orientation and exceptional relationship skills
  • Strong long term relationship management skills desirable
  • Excellent PC skills, highly proficient in all Microsoft Office tools including Word and PowerPoint

Skills For Business Management Intern Resume

  • Demonstrated management and leadership skills preferably in a large company
  • Superior organization and prioritization skills; ability to consistently meet deadlines
  • Strong written and verbal communications skills; fluency in English
  • Proven time management skills' ability to multitask
  • Strong collaborative skills 'a team player

Skills For Director of Business Management Resume

  • Proven time management skills-ability to multitask
  • Strong collaborative skills-a team player
  • Good communication skills spoken and written both in English and Chinese
  • Strong process/program management skills
  • + Ability to interact effectively with all levels of internal and external personnel, including the ability to build effective working relationships\
  • + Effective communication skills in both oral and written formats\

Skills For Director Business Management Resume

  • Strong technical skills in Excel and PowerPoint
  • Excellent organization, analytical and time management skills to manage multiple responsibilities and deliverables
  • Possession of excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • + Excellent oral, written, and customer service skills
  • Effective multi-task skills
  • Strong oral and written communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills
  • Strong organization, planning and time-management skills
  • Strong time-management, planning and problem-solving skills

Skills For VP, Business Management Resume

  • Demonstrated ability to teach effectively in a wide range of courses
  • Practical experience working in the industry in related skills/areas
  • Careful attention to detail, excellent numerical skills, and ability to respond quickly under pressure for extended periods
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively partner with multiple groups / departments within a large organization
  • Detail oriented with strong financial analysis and MS Excel skills
  • Accomplished project/program management leader, able to operate effectively in a highly matrixed environment
  • + Effective communication skills in both oral and written formats

Skills For Business Management Professional Resume

  • Outstanding meeting management skills
  • Demonstrated experience in financial management, including budgeting, forecasting and financial planning activities
  • Demonstrated experience in developing and sustaining industry relationships
  • Senior level intellect, problem solving, judgment, and decision-making skills
  • Proven experience of working with other areas of the company such as Finance, Sales, Marketing and Executive Management
  • Extensive experience operating at a senior level within a commercial environment, with demonstrable evidence of an impact on P&L

Skills For Business Management Internship Resume

  • Exceptional leadership, influencing and negotiation skills
  • Exceptional relationship management & coaching skills
  • Proven experience in delivering value-added services through structure and relationships
  • Evidence of teaching effectiveness (student evaluations)
  • Collaborate with the existing group of faculty and interact effectively with a culturally diverse population of students and colleagues
  • Prior experience in marketing, finance, project management or business management

Skills For Senior Director, Business Management Resume

  • Prior experience working in a wealth management and/or asset management organization
  • Evidence of excellence in teaching as demonstrated by student evaluations
  • Highly refined planning, project management, communications, analytical leadership, and management skills
  • Experience in transactional legal practice (including contract formation) or equivalent business management experience
  • Significant experience (10+ years) in transactional legal practice (including contract formation) or equivalent business management experience
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to summarize information for senior management
  • + Ability to interact effectively and build working relationships with all levels of internal and external personnel

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Business Management Resume

Responsibilities for business / management resume.

  • Strong organizational and time management skills with the ability to multi-task and balance competing priorities in a fast paced work environment
  • Good interpersonal skills in interfacing with all levels of associates
  • Strong management consultancy, program/project management and data analytical skills with oral and written communication aptitude
  • Teaching evaluations, with summary of results, along with any other evidence of teaching effectiveness
  • Proven experience of facilitating consensus, obtaining buy-in from key stakeholders and expedition of decision making processes at the senior level
  • Exceptional communication, critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills are required
  • Proven success and experience in collaborating and influencing multiple functions and groups to achieve desired sales/financial goals

Responsibilities For Director, Business Management Resume

  • Technological proficiency: Demonstrated mastery of advanced features in Excel in the practice of accounting, as well as experience working with data analytics
  • A proven leader with the ability to use independent and sound judgment and forge strong working relationships with regional and business counterparts
  • Implement principles, policies, procedures and controls to effectively manage suppliers
  • Developing an effective curriculum that implements best teaching practices in accounting education
  • Teaching experience in accounting
  • Teaching Effectiveness in the form of teaching evaluations, if available
  • Experience developing, leading and managing across multiple business areas such as sales, operations, business planning, and management/business reporting

Responsibilities For Head of Business Management Resume

  • Strong track record of driving results and influencing senior executives
  • Experienced in conducting and leading audit engagements
  • An ability to balance excellent teaching with outstanding scholarship and professional service
  • Team player with partnering and influencing skill
  • Experience advising and mentoring graduate students
  • Management of leadership process; ensuring good corporate governance, reporting and execution of assigned tasks

Responsibilities For Business Management Intern Resume

  • Experience of project workstream budgeting/funding control would be an advantage
  • Experience of managing Business Process Outsourcing service providers
  • 3) Experience teaching/working in diverse multicultural and multilingual contexts
  • Proven record of raising external funds and writing grants
  • Experience in teaching Business Writing and use of classroom technology
  • Experience in client management, sales or marketing and in developing long-term business relationships
  • Experience with financial controlling and/or reporting
  • Recent experience in Technology recruiting / sourcing on the local labour market
  • Good understanding of various businesses and roles of the bank in the wholesale banking side

Responsibilities For Director of Business Management Resume

  • Experience with planning & analysis, such as budget/forecast and headcount reporting
  • Highly skilled with using Microsoft products including PowerPoint, Excel and Word
  • Experience partnering with Global teams and participating in transformational initiatives
  • A proven track record of participating in multiple areas of manufacturing and innovation
  • + Experience planning and coordinating international meetings, conferences, program events
  • + Experience planning and coordinating international meetings, conferences, program events\
  • Cover letter describing teaching and research experiences and interest
  • Extensive experience in managing P&L budgets in excess of £50m and ability to co-ordinate challenges, clarity of understanding impacts against budget

Responsibilities For Director Business Management Resume

  • Represent Capital Markets Solutions’ interests and priorities in key decision making forums
  • Represent Managed Solutions & Strategy’s interests and priorities in key decision making forums
  • Work directly with senior leaders in WBTRMT to prioritize work and determine approaches to managing through multiple demands on resources
  • 1) Evidence of successful teaching at the undergraduate level
  • Able to work in fast paced environments and able to prioritise to move work forward, while juggling urgent requests
  • Experience trade planning and the elasticity of categories at multiple retail levels. Utilize company reports to analyze inventory activity and gross profit
  • Strong problem solving, analytical, judgment and change implementation capabilities
  • Manage deadlines while balancing multiple complex priorities

Responsibilities For VP, Business Management Resume

  • Comprehends how goods are purchased, invoices are received and paid, and maintains purchasing workflow internal controls
  • Proven track record in managing broad-based analog product lines for profitable revenue growth
  • Demonstrated teaching excellence at the undergraduate level and the potential to teach at the graduate level
  • Experience working with Multi-asset class investments and investment vehicles
  • Strong understanding of project management methodology and the EDF Framework
  • Experience using CIBC tools employed within Technology (PRF, MAP, ICR, etc.)
  • Excellent analytical and intellectual capabilities; ability to draft comprehensive proposals using advanced frameworks in PowerPoint, Excel and Word
  • Good understanding of Korea financial markets and products

Responsibilities For Business Management Professional Resume

  • Work experience and/or professional certification(s) in accounting
  • Knowledge and/or experience working with agribusiness, hospitality, and small business entities (which characterize CSUMB’s regional business community)
  • Financial services experience that includes advising senior business leaders on a wide range of business issues
  • Financial services industry or FS / HR consulting experience
  • Advanced knowledge and experience working with Microsoft Office products

Responsibilities For Business Management Internship Resume

  • Front Office environment experience; dynamic, high pressured, pragmatic, demanding
  • Professional experience in either public or private accounting
  • Experience within a banking environment and knowledge of LIQ and Fi-Tek
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, including SharePoint and Visio
  • Experience working with real estate industry
  • Previous experience managing a team of project and/or business managers
  • Evidence of exemplary teaching at the university level – where appropriate - through student evaluations
  • Experience providing professional development to K-12 administrators

Responsibilities For Senior Director, Business Management Resume

  • Experience working collaboratively to deliver masters level curricula
  • Experience in coordinating K-12 administrative credential or graduate education programs at the university level
  • Recent experience in a similar position supporting senior management
  • Significant teaching experience at the undergraduate level
  • Strong partnership with Clarity Manager and CTO’s driving forecasting requirements and analysis
  • Lead and motivate the team to maximize effectiveness, providing vision and clear direction
  • Project management related work experience

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5 Retail Manager Resume Examples for 2024

Creating a resume for retail management requires focus on your experience and skills. This article will show you effective resume examples and provide strategic advice. You'll learn how to highlight your achievements, key responsibilities, and use of industry-specific terms. By following these guidelines, you can improve your resume to better meet hiring managers' expectations.

Portrait of Marie-Caroline Pereira

  • 31 May 2024 - 4 new sections, including 'Position education properly', added
  • 31 May 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Retail Manager, added
  • 29 May 2024 - Article published
  • 26 May 2024 - Resumes approved
  • 24 May 2024 - First draft complete

  Next update scheduled for 08 Jun 2024

Here's what we see in top retail manager resumes:

Impact Shown By Numbers : Show metrics like increased sales by 20% , reduced costs by 15% , boosted customer satisfaction by 30% , and cut employee turnover by 10% to show value.

Include Relevant Skills : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are inventory management , point of sale systems , merchandising , data analysis , and loss prevention . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Tailor For Junior Vs Senior : Junior resumes may show team support while senior ones show strategic planning . Adjust based on your experience.

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widget 2: red / but not serious Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve after 1 day, go to a lower altitude if you can. Try to go around 300 to 1,000 metres lower.

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Retail Manager Resume Sample

Position education properly.

If you have been working for some time, place your education section after your work experience. Employers in retail want to see your job history first.

If you have recently finished an important course or degree, list your education first. This shows why you might have been out of work.

Emphasize customer service

In retail, customer service skills are important. Highlight any roles where you improved or maintained high levels of customer satisfaction.

Also, mention any awards or recognitions you received for your customer service skills.

Keep resume concise

Aim for a one-page resume if you have less than ten years of retail experience. This keeps your resume easy to read.

For more seasoned professionals, two pages is okay. Make sure every part of your resume is important and useful.

Junior Retail Manager Resume Sample

Quantify achievements.

Use numbers to show your impact. For example, mention how you increased sales by a certain percentage or how many team members you managed.

Retail employers appreciate these clear, quantifiable achievements because they show your effectiveness.

Aspiring Retail Manager Resume Sample

  •   Security Manager Resume Examples
  •   Maintenance Manager Resume Examples
  •   Campaign Manager Resume Examples
  •   Customer Success Manager Resume Examples
  •   Process Improvement Manager Resume Examples
  •   Business Manager Resume Examples
  •   IT Project Manager Resume Examples
  •   Portfolio Manager Resume Examples

Quick links

Retail manager, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, resume sample #3, junior retail manager, resume sample #4, aspiring retail manager, resume sample #5, additional resources, questions get in touch.

resume sample of business manager

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5 Salesforce Business Analyst Resume Examples That Work

Stephen Greet

  • Salesforce Business Analyst (BA) Resume
  • Salesforce BA 2 Re sume
  • Salesforce BA 3 Resume
  • Salesforce BA 4 Resume
  • Salesforce BA 5 Resume
  • Salesforce Business Analyst Resume Writing 101

You thrive when it comes to optimizing business processes. You complete audits, enhance the use of Salesforce programs, and provide data-driven solutions to achieve company goals.

Have you checked if your resume is optimized to help you achieve your career goals?

Every company hiring an analyst will seek applicants who provide great results. Our Salesforce business analyst resume examples and online cover letter generator will help you display your job skills effectively to show how you’ll succeed in the role.

Salesforce Business Analyst Resume

or download as PDF

Salesforce business analyst resume example with 8+ years experience

Salesforce Business Analyst 2 Resume

Salesforce business analyst 2 resume example with 6 years of experience

Salesforce Business Analyst 3 Resume

Salesforce business analyst 3 resume example with 6 years of experience

Salesforce Business Analyst 4 Resume

Salesforce business analyst 4 resume example with marketing coordination experience

Salesforce Business Analyst 5 Resume

Salesforce business analyst 5 resume example with 5 years of experience

Related resume examples

  • IT Business Analyst
  • Entry-Level Business Analyst
  • Senior Business Analyst
  • Agile Business Analyst
  • Business Analyst

What Matters Most: Your Salesforce Business Analyst Skills & Work Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Every company looking for a Salesforce analyst will have varying needs. For example, one may be seeking a financial modeling expert, whereas another may need help improving data accessibility and accuracy. It’ll be essential for you to customize your resume to specific needs.

The best way to ensure you stand out is to review the job description to understand each company’s needs. That way, whether they want you to be skilled in SQL or Apex Data Loader, you can tailor your resume for success.

Here are some highly sought-after Salesforce business analyst skills in today’s job market.

9 top Salesforce business analyst skills

  • Financial Modeling
  • Apex Data Loader
  • Data Analysis
  • Agile Methodology
  • Process Improvement
  • Visualforce Pages

Sample Salesforce business analyst work experience bullet points

While your top-notch Salesforce skills and ability to boost data visibility with Visualforce Pages will stand out to hiring managers, there’s still more work that’ll need to be done to ensure you land an interview. 

The next step is showcasing some excellent achievements from your previous work experience . A great way to optimize these will be by using your expert knowledge of top business metrics like productive efficiency, ROI, and end-of-funnel conversion rates.  

It’s also a good idea to make these examples engaging by using action words like “introduced” or “developed.” That way, rather than just saying you “know how to use agile methodologies,” you can say you “introduced agile systems that increased productive efficiency by 55%.”

Here are a few samples:

  • Implemented 5 new Salesforce apps that tracked tailored consumer experience scores, saving 300 employee hours monthly in web optimization planning. 
  • Facilitated the use of blockchain technology in Salesforce programs, boosting data management efficiency by 43%. 
  • Used Visualforce Pages to present actionable insights from Salesforce data that facilitated planning and reduced monthly operational costs by $43,000. 
  • Optimized automated data charts in SQL that increased data accessibility by 47%. 

Top 5 Tips for Your Salesforce Business Analyst Resume

  • Every business runs at a fast pace, and hiring managers make quick decisions. You can optimize to grab attention with short and actionable one-sentence descriptions, like how you enhanced internal Salesforce practices to reduce analytical errors by 33%. 
  • In your data-driven field, your technical skills are what will stand out on resumes. Therefore, you should focus on highly technical processes like using Rubicon or performing financial modeling. 
  • Salesforce programs are constantly being updated with new apps and strategies to succeed. Therefore, listing your most recent job skills first will help emphasize the most relevant abilities for today’s Salesforce data modeling needs.
  • If you were to write up your findings from Salesforce analysis of backend performance data, you’d want to outline to ensure you present your conclusions effectively. The same is true for your resume. An outline or structured resume template will help you keep it organized so your data analysis skills stand out. 
  • Just like using the wrong data will lead to poor implementation of a new CRO strategy, a resume that is inaccurate or full of grammatical errors also lowers your chances of success. Always proofread before you submit it. 

Aim for a one-page resume . To narrow down what you include, focus on the primary needs of each company. For instance, if a company wants to create visual data displays, your abilities in Visualforce Pages or Tableau may be essential to include. 

If you’ve worked at many previous jobs, you don’t have to include all of them. Limit it to three or four that are most recent and relevant to your skills in Salesforce and process improvement. 

Resume summaries can work well for Salesforce analysts with ten or more years of experience. It’ll help you emphasize some key skills and achievements right away, like how you’ve managed 27 Salesforce accounts and streamlined data management using Apex Data Loader to boost efficiency by an average of 56%. 

Create my free resume now


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  2. Business Manager Resume

    Business Manager. Primal Intelligence - Chesapeake, VA. September 2020- Present. Increase revenue from $170K to $5M in 2 years by implementing a new business strategy. Identify areas of improvement and propose corrective actions that reduce compliance issues by 35%. Negotiate with vendors to create a mutually beneficial agreement, resulting ...

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    VP of Student Business Leaders Group. That shows you have deep-rooted leadership, accounting, and budgeting skills. 5. Put Additional Info in Your Business Manager Resume. To get the BoD to look your way put extras in your business management resume. You have to go beyond just work history and schooling.

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    Profile Example 1. Business Manager with 4+ years of experience in startups and small businesses. Service-oriented professional focused on providing top-quality support to internal and external stakeholders. Highly adaptable to new roles, duties, and industry conditions.

  5. Business Manager Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    2. Draft a professional summary. Your professional summary is a brief snapshot of your qualifications that can include your most relevant achievements and skills for a position. You can include the years you've worked as a business manager and share how you contributed to the success of your previous jobs.

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    Use action verbs to describe your management duties. Hiring managers see the same tired phrases and words on resumes again and again. For example: Responsible for. Tasked with. Entrusted with. Passive words like these are dull, and tell the hiring manager nothing about what you've actually achieved as a manager.

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  8. Business Manager Resume Example & Guide

    Add achievements for your resume bullets. Example: "slashed costs 18%.". Select achievements carefully. If the online ad wants product development, list a product development accomplishment. Use numbers like "250,000" or "$2.4M" to impress. Pro Tip: Sprinkle your bullets with resume action verbs like increased, slashed, and developed.

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    For example, if the position involves managing e-commerce operations, your abilities in website management and increasing organic traffic would be key areas to focus on. Create My Resume Now. Our modern Business Manager resume templates updated for 2024 make it easy for you to start applying for your next job today.

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    Key takeaways. Format your business manager resume for clarity and coherence, ensuring it aligns with the role. Highlight key sections (header, summary/objective, experience, skills, certifications) within your business manager resume. Quantify achievements and align them with skills and job requirements. Feature both technical and personal ...

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    Business Manager Job Description 2: Manage day-to-day operations for regional retail chain with 10 locations. Responsibilities include staff management, financial reporting and analysis, and inventory control. Achievements include reducing inventory costs by 20% and improving employee retention rates by 25%.

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  15. 11 Business Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Business ManagerResume Sample. Pioneered a cross-functional team initiative that led to a 30% increase in operation efficiency within six months. Managed $2M budget, reducing costs by 15% per year by employing lean management principles. Implemented a CRM system that improved customer retention by 20%.

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    Download our free guide and template. Business Managers are the leaders of others and their resumes must make an impact. A great way to gain attention as a Business Manager is to list your measurable accomplishments and show how you've made a difference in your company. Below, you'll see an example of how to make an impactful resume that stands ...

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    1. Defining your scope of responsibility. Business Management Professionals are responsible for formulating policies and implementing strategic initiatives as set out by the executive board of the organization they work for. In this section, you should also mention the scope of your position pertaining to the reporting structure, for example ...

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    Business Manager resume format and sections. 1. 1. Add contact information to your business manager resume. Your nameshould be the biggest text on the page and be at or near the top of the document. Your addressdoesn't need to include your street name or house number - listing your city and state works just fine.

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    Resume WordedJanuary 2022 - Present. Retail Manager. Increased store sales by 25% annually by implementing an advanced merchandising strategy and optimizing product placement. Reduced inventory overhead by 15% through effective stock management and supplier negotiations. Enhanced customer satisfaction scores by 20% by introducing robust staff ...

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  26. Resume Formats That Help Get You Job Interviews

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    Here are a few samples: Implemented 5 new Salesforce apps that tracked tailored consumer experience scores, saving 300 employee hours monthly in web optimization planning. Facilitated the use of blockchain technology in Salesforce programs, boosting data management efficiency by 43%. Used Visualforce Pages to present actionable insights from ...

  29. Local Business News

    Top management. The Business Journals features local business news from 40-plus cities across the nation. We also provide tools to help businesses grow, network and hire.

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